> Something Different > by James Pwyll > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Something Different > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Um, Miss? Would you like to order?" Applejack had been staring at her phone for such a long time now that she hadn't actually noticed the waitress roll up to her and speak. But after a moment, her brain finally registered it, and a hurried smile came to her. "Oh! Right! Er...I'll just have the milkshake of the day, thanks." The waitress smiled back, rolling off to both collect other orders and to get around to Applejack's own. Meanwhile, the latter sighed. She'd arrived here at the Sweet Snacks Café some time ago, yet the one who was supposed to be with her here was nowhere in sight. Everyone else was with friends or with some date or other, but her opposing seat remained empty. A sad look came to her, but then her eyes widened, for her phone finally buzzed. Whipping it out, Applejack looked to it with an expectant smile, only to have that smile vanish when she read the new message aloud. "Sorry. Can't make it. Somethin' came up. Will meet ya later...Rarity." Applejack groaned, putting her phone away and leaning back into her chair. She buried her face into her hands and grumbled. She knew Rarity had a busy schedule, so there was always a chance this would happen. But even so, it still annoyed her to be alone here now. "Applejack?" The familiar, yet unexpected voice caught the girl off-guard, but when she lowered her hands, she nevertheless offered a smile to the blue-haired boy whom she now saw standing just outside her booth. "Howdy, Flash. Y'all doin' okay?" The boy chuckled. "I was actually gonna ask you that." In spite of her somewhat disappointed mood, Applejack still managed a quick laugh. "Well, changin' plans an' all. Ya know the story." Flash nodded, his eyes softening in understanding. Then, after a quick glance around the area, he looked back to her rather nervously. "Um...is it okay if I sit here? There's not really anywhere else." Applejack looked around herself, and saw that he wasn't exaggerating. Everywhere else really was packed up right now, leaving the seat opposite her the only place he could really sit. Knowing that nobody else was going to be joining her this afternoon, the young farmer gave a shrug. "Sure thing. The more the merrier, as Pinkie would say." Flash smiled to her in gratitude, and promptly got himself comfortable in the other seat, and it was right around this moment that the waitress came back, carrying the tall and refreshing milkshake Applejack had asked for. The latter smiled and nodded in silent thanks, accepting the drink, while the waitress looked over to the newly-arrived Flash. The boy thought for a moment, then simply pointed to the drink currently being slurped by his afternoon companion. Understanding, the waitress nodded back to him before again rolling off. In the silence that followed, Flash looked around, then developed a curious look about him. "Say...where is Pinkie today? Doesn't she normally work here?" Applejack shrugged. "Day off. She's with Sunset doin' some homework today." Flash nodded. Then, after stopping to think for a moment, he smiled to her. "You know...it's funny. When I stop and think about it, I don't think you and I really spend that much time together." Putting down her shake, Applejack considered that point, then chuckled. "Yer not wrong. We've known each other fer some years now, an' we've spoken, what, about three times in total?" Flash began to speak, only to be stopped when the waitress returned, this time with his drink. He thankfully accepted it, and watched as she went to other patrons, before getting back to Applejack. "Well...at least we're spending time together now, right?" Another laugh from Applejack. "Eyup. Could be nice. Hey, maybe we could order some lunch together?" Flash smiled. "Sounds good. What, a sandwich?" Another quick Applejack shrug. "Sounds good ta me." Flash smiled wider, but before he could give a proper response, he was suddenly struck with a somewhat embarrassed look. His eyes darted left to right, much to Applejack's confusion, but then she looked on as the boy suddenly got up from the booth, nervously gesturing to the nearby bathroom door. Understanding immediately, Applejack looked to him with some amusement before giving a consenting nod. Flash clasped his hands together, almost like a prayer, towards her, then darted off. Applejack chortled and shook her head as she watched him rush off to the little boys' room, before getting back to her milkshake. However, barely had she taken two slurps of the thing when, all of a sudden, the bell of the café door rang, alerting her to a newly-arrived patron. But when Applejack looked up to this newcomer, her eyes widened with delight. "Rarity!" Her fashion-loving friend looked quite tired, panting like she'd just run a marathon, but she still had enough energy to walk over to the booth and sit down in the now-vacant chair, smiling to her friend as she did so. "I do apologise, darling. Things sort of got out of hand at the workshop." Applejack pulled out her phone again, pointing to the message that had been sent earlier. "Yeah, ya said somethin' came up?" Rarity smiled again, though somewhat nervously this time, before explaining herself. "Turns out there was a change of plans for my customer. Their order wasn't needed as urgently as they thought, so they gave us more time. So, looked like I could make it after all, and here I am." Applejack was understandably grateful that her day was actually going to go like she'd wanted it to. But then, as she thought on that, her eyes drifted over to the bathroom door, and she started to look a little bit more uncertain. "Oh...might need ta tell Flash about this." Confused, Rarity too looked to the side. "Flash? He's here too?" Applejack sighed, nodding. "Yeah, after y'all sent yer message, he showed up. We got ta talkin' an' we said we'd have lunch together. Guess I'll have to tell him things have changed." Rarity looked to her, blank-faced, blinking a few times, before tapping her chin. She focused on Applejack, then on the bathroom door, and suddenly, it was as if some light-bulb had gone off in her mind, and she started to develop an expression that was more than a little mischievous. "Oh...ohohohohoho! While the cat's away, the mouse will play!" Applejack, naturally, had no idea what she was going on about. "...Huh?" Rarity rolled her eyes. "Applejack...dear, sweet Applejack. Do you not realise what is transpiring here?" A blank look from Applejack was her answer, and Rarity shook her head. "Oh dear. I mean to say that it appears Mr Sentry wishes to make a date out of this chance encounter with you!" Instantly, Applejack's eyes widened with shock. "What?! No! That...that can't be it!" Rarity smirked. "You think not? An overly-polite young man, constantly unlucky in love, finds a lonely young lady all by herself and, in a moment of shared experience, decides to try for some tender companionship!" Slowly, Applejack frowned. "Y'all have been readin' way too many o' those novellas!" Rarity giggled, and then Applejack sighed. "Well, if that is what he intended, ah didn't pick up on it. Guess I'll have ta turn him down." But Rarity seemed utterly aghast at that notion. "Turn him down?! Heavens, Applejack, whatever for?!" A frown from Applejack followed that question. "Rarity, ah don't want ta date Flash! An' ah really don't wanna make him think ah'm interested in datin' him when ah'm not! Besides, in case y'all have forgotten, there's...ya know..." She looked around, as if worried someone else will overhear them. "...what about us? Ya know...y'all an' me?" Rarity smiled sweetly to her, reaching forward and gently placing her hand over hers. "You and I haven't really made it official, Applejack. It's not the sort of thing you announce after all." Applejack nodded. "No...but we ain't exactly been subtle about it either!" To emphasise her point, she looked down to her hand, which was currently still being held by Rarity's. The latter, understanding her point, cleared her throat with slight embarrassment, before looking back to her with genuine affection. "Applejack, darling, make no mistake, I'm not ending what we have for the world." Applejack smiled but then was taken aback by the suddenly serious look Rarity was giving her. "But I am also a monumental shipper at heart and I will see how this pairing plays out!" Applejack didn't know whether to be scared or not, and so just stared at her blankly. Rarity, perhaps unaware of how terrifying she'd been a moment ago, smiled again. "Anyhow, I think I'll depart before the young lad returns. Enjoy your date, darling. Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" She giggled again. "And be sure to give me details when we see each other next!" Rarity finished that with a wink, and promptly got out of the booth and started walking off. Applejack, now left behind, started calling things like "come back" through gritted teeth, never wanting to be heard by the other customers here. But alas, Rarity's apparent need to see this date happen were too strong, and before long, she was out, leaving Applejack to watch as Flash finally returned. The boy got himself comfortable, looking to the girl with a genuinely happy look. "Sorry it took so long." Applejack, now knowing her friend had just dropped her into a completely unexpected date, forced a smile. "Hey...no problem. It's, er...good ta see ya again." Of course, flash was a little confused by her sudden change of tone, but still carried on. "So...how's Winona? Last I saw she was looking pretty stoked at that pet show." Grateful that the conversation had turned to something she was interested in, Applejack's smile became more natural. "She's doin' jus' fine, Flash. A little let down that she didn't win, but hey, it was all fun." She smirked to him. "Ah'm bettin' yer little fella felt the same?" Leaning back into his chair, Flash gave a chuckle of his own. "Yep. Banana had a lot of fun. I knew we probably wouldn't win, but getting out with him is always great for me." The two shared a laugh together. "Ya, know, it's great havin' a pet. They're so good an' loyal," Applejack remarked. Flash, taking another sip of his milkshake, nodded in agreement. "I'll say. I've had Banana since I was five. Whenever I'm out of school, there he is, right along with me." He paused, thinking on that. "...Except here...and on the yacht because he's scared of water...and actually a bunch of other places too." Applejack stifled a laugh, and Flash blushed over it, scratching the back of his head. "So...any weird magical stuff happen lately?" Applejack circled the rim of her milkshake glass with one finger, staring out of the adjacent window. "Nah, not lately. An' trust me, ah'm grateful fer it. Magic's all well an' good, but ya know, ah think ah prefer a nice quiet moment. No stress." Flash looked to her, dwelling on her words, then smiled. "...Like this?" Applejack looked back to him, then offered a similar smile. "Yeah...kinda like this." The two sat in silence for a time, watching as that same waitress from the last few visits rolled on in again to offer them their sandwiches. They accepted them, with Applejack giving a tip of her hat, and as she left, Flash took a single hearty bite of his lunch. But as he did this, Applejack looked to him, and started to feel a touch guilty. Eventually, she sighed, looking to him earnestly. "Flash...ah'm sorry." The boy, still munching on his first bite, raised an eyebrow, prompting Applejack to explain herself. "Don't get me wrong, ah'm flattered y'all wanted this, especially since yer tastes have included literal magical Princesses an' all. An' ah have had fun with ya here, but..." She winced slightly. "...ah don't think this is gonna work out. Yer a fine fella...but it ain't ta be." Flash, his cheeks still puffed up with sandwich, blinked a couple of times, and after a moment or two, he swallowed, finally enabling him to speak. "...Pardon?" Applejack gestured to herself, and then back to him. "Ah'm not sayin' it weren't possible, but...ah can't keep this goin' if ah know there ain't a future in it. Ah'm sorry." She smiled, reaching forward and giving him a pat on the hand. "But ah know yer gonna make a girl very happy one day." Flash, for his part, looked like a deer in headlights, with absolutely no idea what to do or say. He looked left, then right, then back to Applejack. "Applejack, no offence, but...I have no idea what you're talking about right now." To that, Applejack released a long sigh. "Ya know...us? This date?" The color drained from Flash's cheeks. "Wha...what?!" Applejack blinked. "Y...ya know...the date?" Right now, Flash seemed like someone had told him the most shocking thing possible, and his tone well reflected that when he spoke again. "Applejack...this isn't a date!" This time, it was Applejack's turn to look bewildered. "...What?" Flash, in a mirror to the girl's movements a few moments ago, pointed to the two of them. "This isn't a date!" Again, Applejack was confused. "Then...what is it?" Flash shrugged. "You know...it's two friends having lunch together. Like what you'd do with Rainbow or Fluttershy? What made you think this was a date?" Applejack's cheeks started to turn red with an oncoming blush, and she hurriedly looked away, if only to avoid having the boy see that. "Well...um...ah jus' thought...ya know...the way we kinda met up here an'...stuff?" Flash, now finally relaxing from his earlier shock, actually managed to get out a brief laugh, though it was the sort of laugh one only let out after coming down from a massively unexpected moment. "Don't get me wrong, you're a great girl. I'd consider myself pretty lucky if this was a date. But this really is just two friends having lunch." Applejack, now thoroughly embarrassed, buried her face in her hands. "Uuuuuuugggggghhhhh!" Flash, thinking harder, decided to add an even more appropriate response to all this. "Besides, I'm not really in the business of taking other people's girlfriends." Applejack's hands shot down, and she snapped her head to him, eyes wide. "Beg pardon now?!" Flash shrugged again, pointing to her. "Well...you are with Rarity right now, right?" At first, Applejack was at a loss for words, but then she recalled what Rarity had said to her at the start of all this. "Um...we ain't exactly made it official. Ya know, announced it an' stuff?" Flash, leaning back into his chair, folded his arms and gave a brief nod. "Sure...but you haven't exactly been subtle about it either." Applejack's eyes widened again, and here, in a moment that took Flash completely off-guard, she stood up, pointed straight to him, then spoke aloud as if finally unleashing ages and ages of pent-up frustration. "THANK YOU!!!" Unfortunately, moments after she did this, she realised that she'd gained the attention of everybody else in the café, who were now looking at her in the way one usually did when someone randomly started shouting for no reason. Blushing again, Applejack coughed deliberately, sitting herself back down in the booth. Only when the eyes of the other customers were no longer on her did she finally speak again to Flash. "So...not a date?" Flash, who was understandably amused at what had just happened, gave a slow nod. "Nope...not a date." The embarrassment remained for Applejack, and she tried pulling her hat down over her face, her voice muffled as she did so. "Ugh! Ah can't believe ah let Rarity talk me into this!" Flash had a brief guffaw over the situation. "Hey, it's no problem. We cleared the air and got things straight. It was a bit of a surprise for me, sure, but hey, this is still a fun lunch at least." Pulling her hat back up, Applejack raised an eyebrow to him. "Nothin' bothers ya, does it?" A silence passed, but it was one tinted with relief and calm rather than awkward embarrassment. The two teens looked to one another, thinking on all that had transpired between them in the preceding minutes, when Flash suddenly started smiling. "Well, if nothing else, at east we can say it was an eventful lunch." They shared a laugh, and Applejack reached forward and took her now-empty milkshake glass, before giving Flash a softer look. "Ya know...fer what it's worth...it could have worked out." Flash looked back to her in kind, taking his own glass. "Good to know." He raised it slightly. "Well then...here's to the relationship that never was but maybe could have been good if it did happen." Applejack chuckled, rolling her eyes again before mimicking his movements. "Ah'll drink ta that!" They clinked their glasses together, then simultaneously looked at them. "...Jus' as soon as we get some new drinks," she remarked. Flash laughed, followed shortly afterwards by Applejack, and when the laughter ended, Flash looked to her with a knowing smirk. "You're not gonna let Rarity hear the end of this, are you?" Applejack matched his smirk. "Hehe...nnnnnnnnnnnope!"