Enter if you Dare-ing Do

by MrDankEngine

First published

A thrilling chapter book featuring Rainbow Dash riding the roller coaster of her dreams with her friends, as they go on an epic jungle adventure as well as braving the volcano!

There's a new attraction coming to Equestria Land - a Daring Do themed roller coaster! Rainbow Dash was really looking forward to riding the new roller coaster of her dreams. But one night, Rainbow Dash had a terrible nightmare! With her friends calming her down, and stopping her from getting stressful, Rainbow Dash decides to pluck up courage in order to ride the new attraction before its official opening. Can Rainbow Dash survive the new roller coaster with her friends, or will they end up going into the lava?

The New Attraction

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The Humane 7 often travel to different places around their hometown in Equestria City. But one of the most fun places they go to is a theme park called "Equestria Land". Rainbow Dash can tackle any thrill ride in the park, except for the tall roller coaster she took Fluttershy to face her fears and ended up getting scared. When she looked through the park map one day, she noticed there was something missing.

"This is a big theme park, but it needs to have a Daring Do themed attraction!" Said Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash is a huge Daring Do fan, but ever since Equestria Land opened to the public, the park didn't include a Daring Do attraction which really disappoints her.

"I wish they could build one." She thought. "Perhaps they could build a new roller coaster, which could be a Daring Do roller coaster!"

As she walked around the park, she noticed a billboard poster with a volcano that was about to erupt. The poster said: The volcano's erupting, and it's gonna be a blast! New attraction opening next summer. Rainbow Dash could hardly believe her eyes.

"That volcano must mean there's a Daring Do attraction coming next summer!" She said excitedly. "When was this poster been put up?" She asked a park worker.

"Oh, that volcano picture?" Asked the worker. "It's to tell the park guests about the Daring Do attraction opening next summer."

Rainbow Dash gasped, she was so thrilled that she couldn't wait to go on the new attraction when it opens.

"Oh yes!" She shouted. "I can't believe it's finally happening for real! They're actually building a Daring Do attraction! I hope it's a roller coaster where you go up the volcano, and you drop down into the boiling hot lava!"

"If you wanna know more about this attraction, why don't you ask Vignette." Said the park worker. "She's the lady in charge of this place."

Rainbow Dash sped off running to Vignette's office, and saw her open the door. She couldn't wait to tell her about the Daring Do attraction.

"Vignette, is there a Daring Do attraction opening next summer?" She asked excitedly.

"Why yes there is." Said Vignette. "Haven't you had a read through the poster that's been put up yesterday?"

"Yes, but is it a roller coaster?" Asked Rainbow Dash hopefully.

"Yes, it will be a new roller coaster." Said Vignette.

Rainbow Dash couldn't believe her eyes, the Daring Do attraction is going to be a new roller coaster ride.

"That's awesome!" She shouted. "But there's one thing I wanted to ask, can you make the roller coaster 200 feet tall? Because the tallest one is 400 feet tall, and I don't really like that roller coaster, to be honest. I once took Fluttershy onto that roller coaster and I got scared when we were about to go down."

"Don't worry, Rainbow." Said Vignette calming her down. "I'm sure the volcano won't be as tall as the Rainbow Rocket coaster."

"Phew, that sounds good." Said Rainbow Dash in relief. "I better go and tell my friends the exciting news!"

And with that, she ran off to tell her friends about the new attraction that's going to open next summer. Rainbow Dash gathered her friends at her house and inside her bedroom to have an important meeting.

"Why are we in Rainbow Dash's bedroom?" Asked Fluttershy nervously.

"I think she's got something important to say." Said Twilight Sparkle suspiciously.

"Good evening, my friends." Said Rainbow Dash. "Thanks for coming to this important meeting I planned for."

"What is it that you have to tell us?" Asked Rarity.

"Well, today I went to Equestria Land, and I stumbled upon this billboard poster and it had a volcano on it!" Said Rainbow Dash.

Fluttershy gasped in horror. "A volcano?!?" She cried.

"Yes, Fluttershy." Said Rainbow Dash. "This volcano is going to be part of a new attraction that's going to open in Equestria Land next summer!" She continued. "And not just that, it's gonna be the best ride yet!"

"What ride is it?" Her friends asked.

"A Daring Do roller coaster!" Answered Rainbow Dash.

The girls couldn't believe what they heard from Rainbow Dash. But Fluttershy and Rarity weren't so sure.

"I don't like the sound of this!" Said Fluttershy.

"Me too!" Cried Rarity.

Both Fluttershy and Rarity were scared, they didn't like the idea of a volcano being added to the theme park.

"What if the volcano has real lava?" Asked Fluttershy.

"What if we go off the tracks and we go into the lava?" Asked Rarity.

"Not to worry, I'm sure everything will be just fine when this attraction opens." Said Rainbow Dash. "Besides, the lava won't be real. They'll use some special effects on the ground to make it look like the floor is lava."

"When does the new roller coaster open?" Asked Pinkie Pie.

"It says on the billboard that it's opening next summer." Said Rainbow Dash.

"When can we see this poster?" Asked Sunset Shimmer.

"I'll take you girls tomorrow and you should see what it looks like." Said Rainbow Dash.

The girls went back to their homes while Rainbow Dash went to sleep dreaming about her hero. The next day, Rainbow Dash took her friends to the theme park and to the billboard poster that had the volcano. The girls were amazed, whilst some were worried.

"Is that new attraction opening next summer?" Asked Twilight.

"Yes it is!" Said Rainbow Dash. "Vignette told me it's gonna be a Daring Do roller coaster!"

"Why yes I have." Said a voice from behind.

It was Vignette, she saw the girls and told them about the Daring Do attraction.

"This volcano attraction will be based off the latest Daring Do film." Said Vignette.

"We were stars in the last film!" Said Pinkie Pie.

"Will you let us be the first ones to ride the roller coaster on its opening day next summer?" Asked Rainbow Dash.

"I'll decide on that as soon as the construction is almost complete by next spring." Said Vignette. "Right now, I have to guide guests round Equestria Land, BYBB!"

"How long do we have to wait?" Asked Pinkie Pie.

"About a year." Said Rainbow Dash. "It takes a really long time to build one gigantic roller coaster."

"In fact, it also took a few years to build this entire park." Said Twilight.

The girls had to prepare for the Daring Do roller coaster to open next summer, as they had to wait for a year long.

Another Wild Adventure

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That night, Rainbow Dash was getting ready to go to bed. She looked through her Daring Do books to see if they have anything to do with the new roller coaster that's going to open next summer.

"I hope this new roller coaster will be a lot more thrilling than any other coaster I've been on." She thought.

As she fell asleep, she began to dream about going on another jungle adventure. In the dream, Rainbow Dash was with her friends as they drove into a jungle in a jeep. Rainbow Dash drove the jeep with Fluttershy sitting beside her looking worried. Twilight and Rarity sat behind them whilst Pinkie Pie, Sunset Shimmer and Applejack sat in the back. The girls were wearing their safari outfits as they were going on a mission to bring back some stolen emeralds as they were hidden inside the volcano fortress.

"Uhh, Rainbow?" Asked Twilight. "Do you have to make us come on your wild adventure?"

"Yes because you're my friends." Said Rainbow Dash driving the jeep. "Friends always have to stick together."

"She does have a point, Twilight." Said Applejack who was sitting behind.

"I hope I can find some animals in trouble." Said Fluttershy nervously.

"We're not going off looking for animals, Fluttershy!" Said Rainbow Dash. "We're going to hunt for some stolen emeralds from the volcano fortress and it's up to us to bring them back to the museum!"

Just then, Rarity noticed something big and blocking the way up ahead.

"Rainbow Dash, stop the jeep!" Cried Rarity.

Rainbow Dash saw a large tree blocking the way, and she hits the brakes and stops the jeep just in time. The bumper was just a few inches between the fallen tree, the girls got off the jeep to investigate the large tree that was blocking their way to the volcano fortress.

"I can't move that tall thick tree!" Said Applejack.

"Then how are we gonna get to the volcano fortress to bring back the lost emeralds?" Asked Sunset Shimmer.

Just then, Pinkie Pie noticed a small river when she looked to her right.

"Hey, what's that down the river?" She asked.

"Pinkie Pie, where are you going?" Asked Rainbow Dash.

"Come back, Pinkie!" Cried Twilight.

But Pinkie Pie didn't listen, she was too busy wondering what distracted her by the river.

"I'll stop her, you girls stay here by the fallen tree." Said Rainbow Dash.

And with that, Rainbow Dash ran off after Pinkie Pie leaving the rest of her friends behind.

"Should we catch up to them in case something bad happens to them?" Fluttershy asked her friends.

As Pinkie Pie got closer to the river, she saw a red and yellow lifeboat with a blue windscreen in front, and there were 8 seats inside. The seats looked like the boat was from an amusement park ride, as there were safety bars to hold on.

"Oooh! That looks like fun!" Said Pinkie Pie. "I can't wait to tell the others."

"Pinkie Pie, there you are!" Said Rainbow Dash. "What are you doing by the river?"

"I found this red and yellow boat and it's got seats for us to sit in!" Said Pinkie Pie.

"Pinkie Pie, you're a genius!" Said Twilight Sparkle as she arrived with the others.

"Am I?" Asked Pinkie.

"With this lifeboat, I'm sure it'll take us to the volcano fortress quicker than travelling by jeep!" Explained Twilight.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Said Rainbow Dash. "Let's all hop into the boat and we can travel to the volcano fortress much quicker!"

"I'll go back to the jeep to fetch our gear." Said Applejack.

"I'll come too, in case if you need a helping hand." Said Sunset Shimmer.

A little while later, the girls hopped into the boat as soon as Applejack and Sunset returned with all the things they brought on their journey. There weren't any life jackets though, but the girls didn't mind. They sat in the same spots as they were when they were in the jeep, but Sunset sat with Applejack and Pinkie Pie sat on her own with the gear at the back.

"Is everyone on board?" Asked Rainbow Dash when she turned her face back to her friends.

"Yes, that's everyone!" Said Twilight.

Then all of a sudden, the boat started to move. It drifted slowly forward along the river, due to the weight inside.

"I can't see the volcano!" Said Rainbow Dash.

"Because the trees are too tall which makes it hard to see the sky." Said Fluttershy.

"Why are we going so slow?" Complained Pinkie Pie. "There should a river that's going really fast!"

"Relax, Pinkie." Said Sunset. "There should be a river that'll take us straight to the volcano fortress."

Later, the girls came to a two-way river but the boat didn't stop. The left way led to danger, but the right way led to who knows where.

"Which way should we go?" Asked Fluttershy.

But of course, the boat wouldn't stop. As it turned left, the girls didn't realize they heading for trouble.

"Why are we going left?" Asked Rarity nervously.

"I think the boat just drifted left without stopping!" Said Twilight.

The girls didn't know the boat was taking them to a rapid river with rocks sticking out of the water.

"Oh, no!" Cried Rainbow Dash. "Hold on, girls! Prepare to get wet!"

As the girls grab hold onto the bars in front of them, the boat went straight down a small waterfall and onto the raging river. The girls screamed as they kept getting splashed as the boat dodged the rocks. Somehow Pinkie Pie seemed to enjoy getting wet as she cheered while her friends were screaming in fear. After they dodged the rocks, they went into a cave as there were bats everywhere. After the cave, the boat went faster and faster still. Suddenly, the girls were about to go down a giant waterfall!

"Aaahh! We're doomed!" Cried Rarity.

"Everyone hold on!" Twilight cried.

And with that, the girls went straight down the waterfall and landed in the bottom with a mighty splash. After a wild river ride, the boat stopped moving as it ran aground. The girls were completely soaked from head to toe. Their safari gear fell off the boat while going down the waterfall, but luckily they were in boxes as they floated along shore.

"I will NEVER go down a waterfall again!" Complained Rarity.

"Don't worry, Rarity." Said Rainbow Dash. "We'll camp out here tonight and I promise we should get to the volcano fortress by tomorrow morning."

"Where's our camping equipment?" Asked Twilight.

"I've got them, Twilight." Said Applejack.

She had set up a tent and lit up a campfire, so that way the girls would be dry immediately.

"Excellent! A campfire is what we need to make ourselves dry!" Said Twilight.

That night, the girls gathered around by the campfire as they snuggled nice and warm.

"Why do we have to camp out here tonight?" Asked Fluttershy.

"Because the water from the river makes us feel cold." Said Rainbow Dash. "It's best if we rest here tonight and continue our adventure tomorrow."

"Does anyone have any marshmallows?" Asked Pinkie Pie.

"Here, have some." Said Sunset.

The second she gave some of her marshmallows to Pinkie, she gobbled them up straight away.

"Does this look like we're in Camp Everfree?" Asked Applejack.

"Yes, but we're near a tall waterfall!" Said Twilight.

"And we're in the middle of an actual jungle!" Said Rainbow Dash.

And so, the girls told each other stories about brave rescues and heroic missions from their past adventures for the rest of the night until they fell asleep in the tents.

Into the Volcano Fortress

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The next morning, the girls woke up as they got out of their tents. However, they slept in their safari outfits because they were on a wild jungle adventure.

"Is everyone awake?" Asked Rainbow Dash.

"Not quite." Said Twilight Sparkle as she yawned.

"Are we going to the volcano fortress today?" Asked Sunset Shimmer.

"Yes, to bring back the emeralds!" Said Rainbow Dash.

After when the girls packed up the tents and gear, they put on their shoes and their safari hats so they can continue their jungle adventure.

"I'll carry the gear." Said Applejack.

"How are we gonna get to the volcano fortress from here?" Asked Pinkie Pie.

"Oh well, we tried!" Said Rarity.

But just as she was about to walk away, Rainbow Dash grabbed her arm.

"We'll have to run." Said Rainbow Dash.

"But there isn't anyone attacking us." Said Fluttershy.

"Relax, the volcano fortress is only half a kilometer from here." Said Rainbow Dash.

"Well girls, what should we do?" Asked Twilight.

But of course, the girls chose Rainbow Dash's idea. Later, they ran through the jungle as fast as they could. Applejack carried all gear with her might. They ran through mud, jumped over small gaps and fallen branches from tall trees. Then there was trouble, Rarity ran through a spiderweb and she tripped over.

"RARITY!!" Cried the girls.

Their beauty friend was covered in cobwebs and some mud splats.

"Aaahh!! Help me, somebody!" She cried. "I ran through a spiderweb! Get it off me!"

"Don't worry, I'll help you." Said Twilight.

But as she did, her magic accidentally caused a carnivorous plant to grow into a giant man-eating plant. The girls screamed in horror, so did Twilight and Rarity.

"Hold on girls!" Cried Sunset. "I'm coming!"

She pushed Rarity out of the way, but the giant plant ate Twilight and Sunset alive. Rarity survived though, but she had to get back.

"That plant's eaten Twilight and Sunset alive!" She gasped.

Twilight and Sunset were still alive, but they were trapped inside the carnivorous plant.

"This isn't good, Twilight!" Cried Sunset. "We're trapped in a monstrous plant!"

"I think some of my magic must've spilled onto the little plants which causes them to grow into a giant eating plant!" Said Twilight.

The plant slowly sinks into the ground squeezing the two trapped friends tightly and very nearly digesting them.

"I've got an idea!" Said Rainbow Dash. "Applejack, I need your jungle knife to cut the plant open."

"But be careful." Warned Applejack. "The knife is really long and sharp."

"I know what I'm doing!" Called Rainbow Dash. "Stay back everyone!"

Applejack protected Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rarity as they watched Rainbow Dash try to rescue Twilight and Sunset who are still trapped in the plant.

"Twilight, I think we're sinking!" Cried Sunset.

"The plant is squeezing us tightly!" Groaned Twilight.

Rainbow Dash ran towards the plant, she jumped over a rock and used the knife to cut the plant's roots out.

"Uh, oh." She said. "Everyone take cover!"

The plant grew bigger, and bigger and suddenly it exploded! Twilight and Sunset were shot into the air, and they fell down just as Applejack and Rainbow Dash grabbed them before their bones break. The girls all cheered as Twilight and Sunset were free from the plant.

"We're free!" Cheered Sunset as she got her feet back onto the ground.

"Eww, you're both sticky!" Exclaimed Rarity.

"Never mind." Said Twilight. "At least we survived from the plant."

"How many wrong things happened on our adventure?" Complained Rarity as she went on from what happened yesterday. "First, we were driving in a jeep but a thick tree was blocking our way. Second, we had to take a boat that took us down a dangerous river and plunged down the waterfall. Third, we had to stop our adventure just to camp overnight by the bottom of the waterfall. And now, we almost got attacked by a giant man-eating plant!"

"Relax, Rarity." Said Applejack calming her friend down. "None of this, isn't your fault. These things happen all the time if we go on a wild jungle adventure."

"That's the point!" Said Rainbow Dash. "Every jungle adventure is always exciting and dangerous! Now let's continue our journey, and this time we'll walk slowly just to watch out for some strange things that could happen."

And so, the girls continued their journey through the jungle. When they arrived at the volcano fortress, the gates were locked.

"How are we going to get in?" Asked Sunset Shimmer.

"We'll hide behind some rocks, and wait for the gates to open." Said Twilight

As the girls hid behind the rocks, they saw a person running out of the jungle, just as the gates opened.

"Quick, now it's our chance!" Whispered Rainbow Dash.

The girls quietly went through the gates but as they were inside the fortress walls, the gates immediately closed.

"We're trapped!" Shouted Pinkie Pie just as her friends shushed her. "Sorry."

Luckily, the friends were the only ones standing in front of the volcano as there was no one else to hear Pinkie's scream.

"There's no way out!" Whimpered Fluttershy.

"Don't worry." Said Twilight. "We will find a way out after we retrieve the emeralds."

"Who was that person running from the jungle?" Asked Sunset.

"I think that person was Stalwart Stallion!" Said Rainbow Dash. "He's the thief who stole the emeralds!"

"I'll go inside to look for the emeralds." Said Sunset. "Rainbow Dash, you stay here to watch your friends."

"But, I'm supposed to find the emeralds!" Said Rainbow Dash.

But Sunset Shimmer had already gone inside the volcano itself.

"This is just great!" Complained Rainbow Dash. "Why do I have to keep an eye on my friends while Sunset goes to find the emeralds? That would've been me that's doing the hero work!"

"I think she wants you to protect us from swarm enemies that are in the fortress." Said Applejack.

"Hey, what are those henchmen doing back there?" Asked Pinkie Pie.

When the girls looked over the fence, they saw the henchmen shooting poison arrows around the trees as they were hunting for the girls.

"Oh, no! It's the henchmen with the poison arrows!" Cried Rainbow Dash. "Quick, we have to find a hiding spot so they don't see us!"

"Ooh, I know a hiding spot!" Said Pinkie Pie.

She took her friends to a cart, that was shaped like a wildebeest. It was sitting on some rails and it had seats inside.

"Pinkie Pie, do we have to sit down in this wildebeest cart?" Asked Rainbow Dash.

"Yes, it looks like fun!" Said Pinkie Pie cheerfully.

"Ugh, fine." Moaned Rainbow Dash. "But we're not going anywhere, we'll just sit in the cart and wait for Sunset to come back with the emeralds."

The girls sat in the cart: Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash are in the front, Twilight Sparkle and Rarity sat in the middle and Pinkie Pie and Applejack sat in the back.

"Does this look like we're on an amusement ride?" Asked Twilight.

"Yeah, I agree!" Said Rainbow Dash. "It does look like we're on a roller coaster. But where do these rails go to?"

The rails went through some thick bushes, but the cart wasn't moving though so the girls had to wait. Meanwhile, Sunset Shimmer was inside the volcano holding a torch. She looked around to find the emeralds, but then she saw them up ahead.

"The emeralds!" She cried.

But when she ran to get the emeralds, she was caught by Stalwart Stallion.

"Well, well. Are you trying to take your precious emeralds back?" He asked. "Looks like I caught you right where I want you."

"Oh, no." Cried Sunset. "I'm really in trouble now!"

Sunset Shimmer had been captured by Stalwart Stallion, and was taken to the edge of a lava pit.

"As soon as your friends drop down into the lava, get ready to say goodbye to your loved ones!" Teased Stalwart.

"No! What did you do to my friends?" Cried Sunset. "Let me go!"

"Oh they'll be alright." Said Stalwart. "As long as they'll have to survive the ride of doom!"

He laughs evilly, then he pulled a lever. Meanwhile, Sunset's friends were still waiting in the cart when suddenly, the cart began to move.

"We're moving!" Cried Twilight. "But how?"

"I don't know how that happened, Twi." Said Rainbow. "But you have to hold on, we'll might be in for a bumpy ride!"

The lever had caused the ride cart to move, as the girls went through the bushes. When they got out of the bushes, they were going up the volcano!

"Oh no, this is bad!" Cried Rainbow. "Hold on girls, get ready for the big drop!"

The girls were terrified, but Pinkie Pie didn't seem to care.

"What's with all the scaredy faces, girls?" She asked.

"It's the volcano!" Said Applejack. "The second we go down, we're doomed!"

"I'm scared! I want to get off!" Cried Fluttershy as she shook in fear.

Rainbow Dash tried to hug her, but it was no use. The girls were going in for trouble as they got higher, and higher! Then some lava shot out the volcano.

"Aaahh!! Real lava!!" Cried Rarity.

"Don't worry, Rarity." Said Twilight. "Everything will be okay, you just have to brace yourself!"

When the girls reached the very top, they were in for the dangerous ride of their lives.

"HOLD ON!" Shouted Rainbow Dash.

Then, the girls dropped down into the volcano as they were screaming their heads off while going down into the boiling hot lava. Sunset heard their screams, she saw them go down a twisty track that went around, up and over the lava pit.

"NO!!!" She cried.

Just then the girls saw their friend, she was trapped by Stalwart.

"Say goodbye to your friends!" He said evilly.

The second the girls reached the final drop, they went straight down into the lava pit!

"GAAAHH!!" Screamed Rainbow Dash when she woke up in her bedroom.

Rainbow Dash had a terrible nightmare, she was suffocating in great shock as she realized what had happened.

"I've got such a bad dream!" She said sadly and went back to sleep.

Construction Time Lapse

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The next day, Rainbow Dash went to the CHS lunchroom to tell her friends about her nightmare.

"And then, we dropped down into the volcano and then we splashed into the lava!" She went on.

"Don't be upset." Said Twilight, calming her down. "None of this is real."

"Even if it was, we would've died!" Said Rainbow Dash.

"There, there. It's all right." Said Fluttershy padding her. "You can try to forget your bad dreams throughout the day."

"When does the new ride open?" Asked Pinkie Pie.

"Not until next summer." Said Applejack. "Please be patient!"

"Oh my, what you said about lava really makes me have butterflies in my stomach." Said Rarity.

"Everything will be okay, Rainbow." Said Sunset Shimmer. "You've still got almost a whole year to wait until the Daring Do ride opens."

Rainbow Dash heard what her friends said, and then she thought for a moment.

"I guess I could wait for the Daring Do ride to open next summer." She said. "But that doesn't mean I'm too scared, I'm still looking forward to the new attraction but I'll try get my bad dream outta my head throughout the day."

The girls were glad to hear Rainbow Dash speak up, and so she carried on doing her normal school stuff for the rest of the day. A few weeks later on a Sunday morning, Twilight came to Rainbow Dash's house to tell her some news.

"Construction has started on the new summer attraction!" She told her friend.

"Has it, really?" Asked Rainbow Dash.

"Yes!" Said Twilight.

And so, the two friends went to Equestria Land to see that the construction had already begun on the new roller coaster. Fences were put up to keep the park guests away from the construction as there was a lot of digging to do.

"How long will the digging take?" Rainbow Dash asked Vignette.

"The machines in the site are digging 100 feet down." Said Vignette. "It could take at least a fortnight."

"Has the track layout been designed?" Asked Rainbow.

"Yes it has, it's in my office." Said Vignette, as she took Twilight and Rainbow to her office.

When they went inside, Twilight and Rainbow were amazed.

"The track layout looks so ginormous!" Said Twilight

"Indeed it is." Said Vignette. "This roller coaster is going to have the biggest track layout ever!"

"How tall will the lift hill be?" Asked Rainbow Dash.

"The volcano is going to be 200 feet high, with a 300 feet drop straight down into the lava cave." Said Vignette.

Rainbow Dash looked in the track layout, and saw the ride entrance as a wooden shelter, jungle trees surrounding the volcano, and the track layout that's going to be inside the lava cave.

"This will also be the world's first ever roller coaster to go underground!" Continued Vignette. "That's why the machines are digging 100 feet deep to add some tracks in the coming months."

"WOW!" Said Rainbow Dash. "An underground roller coaster? No way! But how are the riders gonna get out?"

"All will be revealed when the new attraction opens." Said Vignette. "A construction camera has been added to record the time lapse of the progress."

"Are you happy now?" Twilight asked Rainbow Dash.

"Oh yeah, I'm thrilled!" Answered Rainbow Dash.

Once a week, Rainbow Dash goes to Equestria Land to check the process of the new attraction as the construction took a long time. A month later, the machines have reached 100 feet in the bottom. Then, tall long poles to hold the track have added in the massive hole once the concrete was dry enough. Some fake molten rocks were used to cover the bases of the support beams and then a few months later, construction had started on the volcano. It was getting cold because winter was on its way, Rainbow Dash told her friends about the volcano getting made.

"The volcano is going to be 200 feet tall with a 300 feet drop straight down!" She said.

Flutteshy and Rarity were still feeling scared, they didn't like that idea at all.

"I don't want to go down a volcano!" Cried Fluttershy. "It sounds too scary!"

"I still don't want my makeup to be ruined!" Cried Rarity.

"For the 50th time, Rarity! The volcano isn't real, it's just a ride." Said Rainbow Dash.

"Why do I feel so cold?" Asked Sunset.

"Winter is coming, apparently." Said Applejack.

"That's right, Applejack." Said Twilight with agreement. "We have to keep ourselves snuggled and warm when it gets cold in this time of the year."

Twilight was right, it did started to snow a few days later. Rainbow Dash was worried when she looked outside.

"If the snow gets too heavy, then the construction for the new ride will be delayed. That means the Daring Do ride won't open in time for the summer!" She thought. "I can't go out in the snow, I have to wait when the weather gets warmer."

A few months later, winter had stopped and the snow began to melt. Once all of the snow was melted, construction resumed on the new ride. The underground track layout was complete, but not the volcano. It was still covered in scaffolding, and there was a bit of ice all over it from the winter. Rainbow Dash who was wearing her Daring Do costume, snuck in a bush and used her binoculars to have a better look at the volcano.

"It looks like the volcano is almost done!" She said. "But there's a bit of ice melting on the scaffolding though."

A week later, Rainbow Dash drove her motorbike to the mall. But on the way, she went pass a factory and stopped. She parked her motorbike and ran to the window to see what was inside. When she peered through the window, she saw some ride carts being made. They were shaped like wildebeests, and they had six seats in each of them as there was just enough room for the humane 6 to sit in.

"Those ride carts look just like the one in my dream!" Said Rainbow Dash. "I can't wait to sit in one of those carts!"

In the middle of spring, Twilight went back to Rainbow Dash's house to tell her more exciting news.

"The track layout is finished!" Said Twilight.

"Already? I thought the ride won't open until summer arrives." Said Rainbow Dash.

"The track is complete, but they're still adding some trees and special effects to the ride so it isn't quite ready yet." Said Twilight.

"Oh that's okay." Said Rainbow Dash. "It's not long now, I can't wait to try out the coaster of my dreams!"

When spring was almost over and summer getting closer, the ride carts were being delivered to the park, to be added to the track layout of the new ride. The construction camera stopped recording as soon as the ride was complete. The volcano looked big, and there were lots of jungle trees surrounding it. Vignette showed the humane 7 the time lapse of the construction in her office.

"It must've took a long time to build that volcano." Said Sunset Shimmer.

"It sure did!" Said Rainbow Dash. "Can't you believe it only took 6 months to make a volcano?"

"The construction did slow down when it snowed in the winter." Said Applejack. "At least it's all complete so we can test ride it."

"Ooh! I can't wait to go on the ride!" Said Pinkie Pie. "But when do we go on the new ride?"

"You girls will be test riding the attraction on the week before its official opening." Said Vignette.

"You mean we're gonna be the first ones ever to ride the Daring Do coaster?" Asked Rainbow Dash.

"Yep, I've organized all of that when I checked the latest Daring Do film." Said Vignette. "It appears that you girls were truly famous stars of the film. So I thought I should let you all test ride Equestria Land's latest thrilling attraction!"

"YES!!" Shouted Rainbow Dash. "Thank you so much, Vignette! I can't wait to test ride the new attraction! But, does it have a name?"

"Yes, the name of the attraction is shown if you go to the main entrance." Said Vignette.

When the girls went to the ride's entrance, it was called "Daring Do: Volcano Dash". There was an image of Daring Do swinging on a vine away from the erupting volcano. Rainbow Dash was very excited, but her friends were and weren't impressed.

"So when do we go on the Daring Do ride?" Asked Rainbow Dash hopefully.

"You will be test riding it next week." Said Vignette. "It's gonna be a blast, I can guarantee you."

That night, Rainbow Dash was in her bedroom. She was still excited about riding the new roller coaster, so she texted her friends to bring their safari outfits along with them.

"I hope this new ride will be the biggest and best one yet!" She thought.

After putting on her PJ's, Rainbow Dash started to fell asleep and dreams about the new attraction and this time, it wasn't a nightmare.

Test Riding the Beast

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A week had passed, and the Humane 6 went to Equestria Land to meet up with Rainbow Dash. She left early before her other friends did, as she wanted to be the first person to ride the new roller coaster.

"Why do we have to take our safari outfits?" Asked Fluttershy.

"Because Rainbow Dash wants this to look like we're on a jungle adventure." Said Twilight.

"Has anyone seen her?" Asked Applejack. "She said she'd meet us here at the main street of the park."

"What if Rainbow Dash was waiting for you all at the volcano?" Suggested Spike.

So the girls went over to the new attraction to find their friend. But when they arrived at the main entrance to the Daring Do ride, there was Rainbow Dash all dressed up in her Daring Do costume.

"I'm ready to ride!" She said. "But, you guys aren't ready yet. You're supposed to go to the change rooms and put on your safari outfits."

"Sorry about that, Rainbow." Said Twilight. "We just didn't have time to change our clothes immediately."

"Well now it's the time to be ready!" Said Rainbow Dash. "Go to the change rooms now!"

Rainbow Dash sent her friends to get changed into their safari outfits, but Sunset Shimmer didn't go because she was holding Spike.

"I hope Fluttershy doesn't mind if I look after Spike while she goes on the ride." Said Sunset Shimmer.

"Of course she wouldn't mind, but she must understand." Said Spike.

By the time the girls got out of the change rooms, they were all ready to ride.

"I look ridiculous wearing these clothes!" Complained Rarity.

"I'm sure we'll get changed back to our normal clothes once we complete the test ride." Said Applejack.

"I wish I was looking after Spike." Said Fluttershy.

"You'll be okay, Fluttershy." Said Sunset Shimmer cheering her up. "The Daring Do attraction isn't a real volcano, it's just a ride."

"Enough talking!" Said Pinkie Pie. "Let's go on the new ride!"

"Alright girls, are we all ready to ride?" Twilight asked her friends.

"Yes we are!" Said Applejack.

"I'm ready! I'm super-dooper ready!" Said Pinkie Pie.

"Great! Then we've got a volcano to conquer!" Said Twilight with encouragement.

"Come on girls, let's ride this beast!" Shouted Rainbow Dash.

And with that, Rainbow Dash took off before her friends would catch up with her.

"Do you think your friends will be safe?" Spike said to Sunset. "Because the volcano looks kinda dangerous when lava comes out of it."

"Don't worry Spike, I'm sure they'll be just fine." Said Sunset Shimmer.

Vignette was waiting in the control panel in the ride station, then she saw Rainbow Dash waiting for her friends to catch up.

"Rainbow Dash, where are your friends?" Asked Vignette.

"They're taking their time." Said Rainbow Dash.

And soon enough, the other girls caught up with Rainbow Dash. They saw Vignette waiting in the control panel.

"Alright girls, the first ride cart is now in the station waiting for you all to hop in." She announced.

Rainbow Dash couldn't wait to sit in the cart, so she grabbed Fluttershy's arm and took her to sit in the front seat. Fluttershy tried to get off, but Rainbow Dash wouldn't let her leave. Twilight Sparkle took Rarity to sit in the middle seat whilst Pinkie Pie and Applejack sat in the backseat.

"You're not going anywhere, Fluttershy!" Said Rainbow Dash.

Flutterhsy was frightened, she didn't want to ride the Daring Do coaster.

"But I want to get off!" She cried.

But of course, Rainbow Dash wouldn't allow her to go.

"Don't be scared, Fluttershy." Said Twilight sitting behind her. "This ride won't be going too fast."

"Yes it will!" Said Rainbow Dash. "But that's when we go down into the lava cave."

"Okay girls, are you ready to survive the volcano fortress?" Vignette went on.

"Oh, yeah! I'm born ready!" Said Rainbow Dash. "Start the ride!"

"Good, now please make sure you keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times." Said Vignette. "Heads back, face forward, hold on and remember, BYBB!"

Vignette pressed the green button, and the girls took off into the fake jungle. It wasn't bad at first, they went slowly forward in the jungle. Then Fluttershy saw a flock of birds in the sky.

"Those poor birds are flying away from the volcano." She thought.

Then some arrows were shot out of nowhere giving the girls a fright.

"They're not real poison arrows." Said Rainbow Dash. "They used strings to attach the ends so they can get pulled back to their original positions."

Then the girls went passed the giant man-eating plant, but it was an animatronic. The mouth didn't move though, but it made awful noises.

"That plant looks just like the one in my dream." Said Rainbow Dash.

"What dream was it?" Asked Twilight.

"Uhhh... nothing!" Said Rainbow Dash.

As the girls went into a mine shack, they realized they were starting to go up the volcano once they got out.

"Okay girls, this is it!" Said Rainbow Dash as she turned to her friends. "We're going up the big volcano, it's gonna be awesome!"

Fluttershy was even more terrified than she was before, she wouldn't stop shaking in fear.

"Don't be scared, Fluttershy." Said Rainbow Dash padding her shoulder. "I'm sure you'll be safe after the ride ends."

But Fluttershy didn't say a single word. Suddenly, Rarity noticed some smoke coming out of the volcano.

"GAAAHH!" She screamed. "Please don't tell me that's REAL LAVA!?!?"

"Relax, the lava isn't real." Said Twilight. "It is just a ride."

"Even if it was real, we're doomed!" Cried Rarity. "Does anyone have a paper bag?"

"Here, take one." Said Pinkie Pie.

But when she handed a paper bag to Rarity, she snatched it off her and was breathing heavily and fast.

"Where did you get that paper bag?" Asked Applejack.

"I brought some paper bags with me in case anyone gets sick while we go on the Daring Do ride." Pinkie explained.

When the girls got higher and higher, the wind blew the paper bag off Rarity's hands.

"Get ready to brace yourselves, girls!" Shouted Rainbow Dash. "Remember what Vignette said: heads back, face forward and HOLD ON!!"

And with that, the girls dropped down into the volcano screaming their heads off. The screams were so loud, they echoed the volcano's hole. They went straight down 300 feet into the lava cave below, and then they turned away from the lava just in time. They went into a tunnel that took them over a 360 degree loop, now the girls were really in for the ride of their lives. There were a bunch of twists, turns, sudden drops, smaller 360 loops, and even a few corkscrews.

"FLUTTERSHY, ISN'T THIS GREAT?!?!?" Shouted Rainbow Dash.

"NO, IT IS NOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!" Screamed Fluttershy.

Just then, they went into a lava tube and the girls ended up in the lava tunnel corkscrew as they went upside-down three times.

"WHEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" Shouted Pinkie Pie.

She and Rainbow Dash were the only ones who enjoy riding the Daring Do coaster, then there was trouble. Rarity was about to throw up as they went up an airtime hill, Fluttershy saw Rarity when her cheeks turned green. So she pulled Rainbow Dash over to her side just as Rarity threw up. Her vomit was shot forward into the air and hit a stalagmite on the top.

"Fluttershy, why did you pull me over?" Asked Rainbow Dash.

Then Rainbow Dash saw the vomit coming back towards her, so she ducked inside the cart and the vomit splattered all over Rarity's face when they went down the airtime hill.

"Rarity, what happened to you?" Asked Twilight.

Rarity couldn't answer, her face was all covered in vomit. Eventually, the vomit wiped off her face when they continued going really fast. They went into another lava tube, but this time they had to face large tight curves. Then the girls were going to the third large tight curve which formed a loop on the ground. Suddenly, the cart hit a trigger point on the track as the straight track went up and turned into a diagonal drop! Then the loop on the ground got lifted as well and turned into a giant 360 vertical loop! The girls went down the hill and up and over the biggest vertical loop they had ever rode! Fluttershy screamed, Rainbow Dash cheered, Twilight and Rarity both squealed while hugging each other, Pinkie Pie cheered and Applejack nearly fell off. After the giant loop, they went up and reached the ceiling as they went into another dark tunnel that was at the very top.

The Dooming Drop

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Outside the volcano, Sunset Shimmer and Spike waited for the girls to finish the ride but it took longer then they expected.

"How long are your friends taking?" Asked Spike. "It feels like they've been gone for ages!"

"Spike, it's only been a few minutes ago since they went down the volcano." Said Sunset Shimmer.

"But what if they might get hurt?" Asked Spike.

"Don't worry, I'm sure they'll be just fine." Said Sunset.

Meanwhile, the girls continued their journey through the dark tunnel, but they didn't realize they were going up and reached the ground but they were still inside the volcano.

"I can't take it anymore!" Cried Fluttershy.

"How long is this tunnel?" Called Rarity.

"I think we're slowing down!" Said Rainbow Dash.

And she was right, the ride cart was slowing down. And then, it finally came to a stop. But the girls weren't back in the ride station.

"Where are the doors?" Asked Pinkie Pie.

"Relax, Pinkie." Said Applejack. "I'm sure we'll be out of the volcano soon."

"I don't think we are." Said Twilight Sparkle

Just then, a shadow appeared out of nowhere and it revealed to be Stalwart Stallion. The girls screamed after he laughed evilly, but not Rainbow Dash. Even though he wasn't real, a camera recorder hidden in the ceiling was used to show footage of the actor playing the villain seen in the Daring Do films on a special green screen effect.

"You leave my friends alone!" Said Rainbow Dash. But of course, Stalwart wasn't real.

"You shall all enter your doom!" Said Stalwart in the footage, then he started laughing.

After he was done laughing, the girls felt something inside the cart.

"What's happening?" Gasped Twilight.

"Are we moving again?" Asked Pinkie.

The girls were starting to realize the ride cart was going backwards.

"I think were going backwards!" Said Rainbow Dash. "Hold on!"

The girls gripped the handlebars just as they went down another steep drop backwards. This time, they went out of the volcano and back into the jungle. The girls wouldn't stop screaming again as the cart went over hills, around tight curves and up and over a 360 loop that was hidden behind some trees.

"I think I'm gonna be sick!" Cried Rarity.

And with that, Rarity snatched the last paper bag off Pinkie Pie and vomited inside it. When she was done, she dropped the bag and it landed on the ground. The girls didn't know that they were behind the volcano and away from the entire theme park. Finally, they stopped going backwards as they went inside a mine shack. They were really far away from the volcano, and the theme park.

"How did we end up here?" Asked Twilight.

"I think we're lost!" Cried Fluttershy.

"No we're not lost, there should be a navigator screen somewhere that tells us where we are." Explained Rainbow Dash.

The navigator screen turned on and it showed the park map of Equestria Land, and the new attraction. Then the navigator moved northwest into the jungle and then northeast, finally it stopped where the girls are. The girls were shocked that they went far away from the theme park.

"How did we travel that far?" Asked Rarity.

"It's okay, girls." Said Rainbow Dash. "I'm sure there's a way back to the ride station, just be patient and enjoy the ride."

"But we're not going anywhere." Said Applejack. "Surely Vignette is up to something... again."

"How are we gonna back home?" Asked Pinkie Pie.

"There's no way out!" Cried Rarity. "We're never gonna get back to Equestria Land!"

Just then, the girls realized they were in a turntable as the cart span around facing the opposite way. Then some mysterious doors opened from above, the girls looked up and saw a blue circle at the top.

"That blue circle must mean it's the sky!" Thought Rarity.

Just then, the girls didn't realize the turntable turned into an elevator as they were going up.

"I don't like the sound of this." Said Applejack. "I hope we don't crash into anything."

"What's at the top?" Asked Pinkie Pie.

"I don't know Pinkie, but whatever's up there, you'll never know what it could be." Said Twilight.

"It's okay, Fluttershy." Said Rainbow Dash. "I'll protect you."

"I want to get off!" Whimpered Fluttershy.

When the girls reached the very top, they realized they were in for trouble. When Fluttershy looked down, she screamed so loud, that her voiced echoed causing a flock of birds to fly away. The girls were at the top of a really high rock which looks exactly like Pride Rock from the Lion King.

"How did we end up here?" Cried Rarity.

"I think the elevator must've took us to the top of this tall rock!" Explained Twilight.

"Is there any explanation of why this rock exists?" Asked Applejack suspiciously.

"I think I recognize this rock in one of the Daring Do films." Said Rainbow Dash. "In the film, Daring Do tries to escape from some hyenas that were chasing after her. She climbs up a high rock so that way the hyenas wouldn't catch up with her. But when she was safe at the top, the hyenas climbed up the rock and caught her. But then suddenly, Daring Do jumps off the rock falling down and grabs a vine that was dangling on the rock. She swings around the rock nearing the ground and landed to safety, and then she got away from the Hyenas."

The girls weren't interested in Rainbow Dash's story, but they were worried about going down the big rock.

"How high are we?" Twilight asked Applejack.

"According to my calculations, we're approximately 300 feet high!" Responded Applejack.

"We're a hundred feet higher than the volcano?" Cried Rarity. "Oh no, we're doomed!"

"Everything's going to be okay, Rarity." Said Rainbow Dash. "Once we go down this enormous drop, I'm sure we'll go over the pointy bit on the edge of the bottom that's heading north."

But then, the cart slowly tilted forward and suddenly there was a hole at the bottom of the rock.

"Hold on girls, prepare to SCREAM!!" Shouted Rainbow Dash.

And when the cart started to go straight down, the girls screamed really loud and long. They went down into a tunnel over 600 feet. And when they got to the bottom, they landed in water with a mighty splash. The girls were now going down an underground river as they were getting splashed all over. The cart went faster than a speedboat, and did a corkscrew in a U-turn. The girls were still screaming as they went faster, and faster still. Suddenly, they crashed through a stone wall and into a hidden cave as they splashed into the water and went underneath it. The cart floated out of the water and the girls were all soaked. They went up a small ramp and into a small part of the cave as the doors shut behind them. They went up another elevator and went out of a shack and with surprise, they returned back to where they started in the ride station. A drying machine inside the shack made the girls dry in no time, Vignette was in the ride station when she saw the girls return.

"Hey girls." Said Vignette. "How was the ride?"

"That... was... AWESOME!!!" Shouted Rainbow Dash. "I had a great time riding this beast, who else enjoyed it?"

When Rainbow Dash turned around, her friends stood silent. Then Rarity bursts into tears when Twilight and Applejack looked at her.

"You can stop shaking now, Fluttershy." Said Rainbow Dash. "We're not even moving anymore, we're back where we started!"

But Fluttershy was still shaking in fear, then Rainbow Dash looked at Pinkie Pie who was still silent.

"Uhhh, Pinkie Pie?" She said. "Pinkie, hello?"

"Hold on, I got this." Said Applejack as she flicked her fingers to distract Pinkie Pie.

"THAT WAS THE BEST RIDE EVER!!!" Shouted Pinkie Pie as she jumped in the air.

"I'm glad you girls enjoyed new attraction." Said Vignette. "Your ride photo is just near the exit where the photo stall is."

"Thanks Vignette!" Said Rainbow Dash. "I can't wait to show our photo to Sunset."

When the girls got off the cart, they went to get their ride photo from the booth and they met up with Sunset and Spike. Sunset Shimmer was happy to have her friends back.

"Hey girls!" Said Sunset Shimmer. "How did the Daring Do ride go?"

"Oh it was HORRIBLE!!" Complained Rarity as she stomped her way to the change room. "I'm never going on that ride again!"

"Don't listen to Rarity." Said Twilight. "That's just her thoughts on the Daring Do ride."

"I loved it, and so did Pinkie!" Said Rainbow Dash. "She doesn't care what ride she goes on."

"Can we go to the change room now?" Asked Applejack.

"Not just yet, Applejack." Said Rainbow Dash. "I'm not done talking with Sunset just yet."

"I'm so glad you girls rode the new attraction." Said Sunset Shimmer. "Poor Fluttershy, is she frightened?"

"I don't want to go on the Daring Do ride ever again!" Said Fluttershy. "I'm going!"

And with that, Fluttershy went to the change room to put her normal clothes back on.

"You should've seen the looks on our faces when we went down the volcano!" Said Rainbow Dash. "Luckily I have the ride photo in my hands."

When Rainbow Dash showed Sunset Shimmer the ride photo, she couldn't help herself laughing.

"You girls do know how to make these funny photo faces!" She laughed.

That night, Rainbow Dash returned to her bedroom from a long day at the park. She placed the ride photo on her bedside table and smiled.

"I'm so happy I'm the first one to ride the Daring Do coaster." She thought. "I hope I can be the first person to ride it on its opening day."

And with that, Rainbow Dash went to sleep and dreamed about further adventures of Daring Do, the new attraction, and of course, her friends going with her on her jungle journeys.