> Wind Sprint Goes to the Movies > by LilSlipsy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Time for the show! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This family coupon Quibble Pants got in the mail to go visit the local movie theater was a great idea! It would be the perfect night out with both Clear Sky and Wind Sprint; something they could all enjoy that didn’t require any amount of athleticism. They had planned this a week in advance; right on a Friday night when the all were free. Quibble had been excited the entire time… well… right up until last night. Wind Sprint was complaining about feeling hot all day and had been sweaty all over… especially in certain places. Quibble Pants thought she was coming down with something, but when Clear Sky took one look at her, he knew it was much, much different. Wind Sprint softly groaned under her breath as she trailed behind the two on the way to the theater. “Are you sure we should be taking her while she’s in such… condition?” Quibble whispered over to Clear Sky. “And what condition is that? The one that every mare and filly goes through on a normal basis?” she asked with an arched eyebrow and a look that made him feel like he just set off a trap. “It will be fine. It’s not like everypony hasn’t already seen a mare like this before. Really, it’s nothing new.” She leaned over to whisper back to Quibble as he held the door, “and you know what I said about being able to help her later.” Wind Sprint tugged on her mother’s fur. “Dad said he was going to help me when I went into heat.” “Don’t worry,” Clear Sky said as she softly stroked Wind’s mane, “Quibble will be able to help you later tonight, after the movies.” Quibble Pants gave a hesitant smile, watching Wind Sprint roll her eyes the moment Sky said that. “Y-yea… Clear Sky, about that…” he started to say, but their gazes immediately snapped to him. He could see Wind Sprint’s hindlegs shivering ever so slightly and her soaked tail trying to wag itself. Clear Sky looked at him quizzically, but Wind Sprint’s eyes softened to that of a puppy begging for a treat as she eyed him from top to bottom. “I’d… love to help,” he finished, scratching the back of his head and giving Clear Sky a sheepish smile as they made their way to the ticket booth. Wind Sprint quickly shook her head to clear it before huffing out and trotting ahead to go check out the movie posters to see what was playing. It was hard for him to imagine what her first heat was like to go through, but it must have been pretty hard on her right now; her flanks looked slick with a dampness that glistened from the overhead lights. He wasn’t too sure what Wind normally looked like back there – he never purposely glanced there before last night – but the way those dark-purple lips were puffed out, even he could tell that wasn’t her normal look. He could catch a faint scent as she walked by, smelling like a soft breeze coming off a lake; the same scent that he had smelled for the past day while in Clear Sky’s house. It was pretty refreshing to have that lingering around, but it was a little unnerving whenever Clear Sky looked at him slyly and made a small comment here and there. “You’re breathing too deeply,” Clear Sky teased as she flicked him on the chin with her tail, snapping his gaze back up and away from Wind Sprints purple flanks. The caramel colour on Quibble’s face started to turn red, knowing he had been caught accidently glancing… again. With the way Clear Sky had talked about him helping later on, he was pretty sure that she had been teasing most of the time. Still… it did feel a little uncomfortable sometimes. He glanced around the theater, looking at other ponies standing around, buying snacks, or already heading in for the show; who else in here had to help the filly in their care with these kinds of problems? Just how many others were in a similar situation? He trotted on over to the two looking at the movies. “So, which one are we going to watch? Ooo! How about this one? It’s supposed to be a spooky, horror film about the ghosts and wereponies of Ghastly Hills that’s hidden somewhere in Equestria.” He smirked a little. “And it’s based on a true story.” “Not that one,” Wind Sprint said simply and pointed to another poster. “This one!” That one was supposed to be an action comedy following a squad of foals running the police department in the busy streets of Manehatten. Quibble remembered seeing part of the trailer for that and Wind Sprint mentioning it once to her mom. It probably wasn’t going to have the cinematic charm of a good, old fashion, horror film, but it did look entertaining. “Yea, that’s a good choice. Foal Force,” he said, squinting at the bottom text to see who played in it, but not recognizing anypony. Most of the actors were probably fillies and colts anyways. After it was decided, they made their way over to the counters and waited in line. The staff behind there looked pretty happy, running around, stocking the displays with candies and treats, and packing bags of fluffy popcorn. The smell of butter in the air was a nice distraction from… well… Wind’s scent. Sky said it was just going to last a week or two, but he would just focus on the days as they came and getting her through this today; a film was a good distraction for a short while at least. He idly glanced at the posters again. An entire police force filled with foals did seem like an interesting concept to hit the theaters, and Wind Sprint mentioned it at home, so she must have liked it. He gave a small chuckle. “Maybe you’ll be a police officer when you grow up and get to join their squad.” Wind Sprint tilted her head a little. “If I grow up, I can’t be on the Foal Force. It’s the ‘Foal’ Force,” she said, making sure to emphasize that one word. “Heh… right,” he said awkwardly, and tried ejecting from this conversation before it truly crashed and burned. Conveniently, they came up to the front of the line and he greeted the pony at the register before flashing his coupon to get the entire thing at a discount. Three tickets, popcorn bags and drinks: only two bits! He was practically robbing the place with that deal! He passed Clear Sky a bag and drink, and placed Wind Sprint’s stuff on her back to carry. He could see her eyes close tightly her visibly shudder as soon as they made contact. “Oh, sorry!” he squeaked out, trying to grab the drink and snack as soon as he realized his mistake. She glared right at him before shaking her head and letting out a long sigh. “N-no… it’s fine.” Her tail flicked out into the air, almost like it was trying to swat something away. Sky couldn’t help but give the filly a small nuzzle. “Come on, let’s go sit down. I think you’ll feel a lot better in there.” “Ok, Mom!” she said, perking up a little at the idea of her feeling better and slowly walked with them to the theater room. It didn’t take long for them to find their seats, sitting in the center of one of the middle rows in this dimly lit room. Wind Sprint sat in between the two, and started taking sips of her drink as soon as she had the chance. Quibble looked around as the lights in the room started to dim and the speakers came to life; it wasn’t all that crowded in here, so that was a plus. Wind Sprint let out a few sighs and squirmed around in her seat. He couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed that he couldn’t just whisk her ills away. At least the movie was starting and that would take her mind off things he hoped. The sounds of sirens started blaring as a cop car busted out of a nearby building and sped along the busy Manehatten roads. Ponies were jumping out of the way, carts were being smashed, and the one filly driving was yelling at the colt pressing the pedals to go even faster. They zipped and zoomed around corners, chasing the perp who was trotting away as fast as he could. Desperately, he dove down into the underground train station, but that certainly wasn’t going to stop the pursuit. He breathed a sigh of relief when he got down to the station’s platform, appearing to have lost them for good. It wasn’t until the sounds of sirens started up again that his eyes widened in a panic; they were getting closer. He looked around the corner to see the banged up car sliding full speed down the escalator, landing on the platform, and white smoke pouring from the tires as they accelerated as fast as they could. He tried to run but the car was too fast and suddenly sailed by as two foals jumped from the window and tackled him to the ground. A bright flash of orange shot out as the car erupted into a big ball of flame on the far wall. The two gave each other a solid hoof bump before cuffing the pony up; another job well done! A few chuckles came from all around and Quibble couldn’t help but smirk too at the absurdity and fast action; even if the explosions didn’t look completely real. The dynamic duo were able to take back a stolen purse from the downed criminal and give it to an elderly mare; she was grateful and thanked them profusely, pinching their cheeks – much to their dismay – while going off on how she’d been so scared since a recent string of purse snatching had been going on, but with cops like them she had nothing to fear. Another soft chuckle came over the audience as they panned over to the burning wreckage. The Foal Fire Department was trying to put it out but one colt was being tossed around in the air by a hose, hanging on for dear life as the others tried to wrangle the pressurized beast. Quibble munched down on some popcorn as they ended up right in the Chief’s office, getting berated by the colt in charge. He was going to throw every rule in the book at them, threatening them to hand in their gun and badge if they didn’t shape up. Their uniforms were pretty cute: a cap, pair of large aviator sunglasses, and severely oversized clothes. He couldn’t help but chuckle when Chief was still giving them grief and all three of them had to readjust their caps every time it flopped down in front of their faces. Despite the constant wardrobe malfunctions, the colt made his case to Chief about a series of purse snatchers running rampant in the city and that they needed to be found. The Chief grumbled, sounding like a pony would after being at the job for probably twice as long as the colt on screen had been alive. “Well you both are totting on thin ice. One more stunt like that and it’ll be both our flanks!” This movie was actually getting pretty good! Quibble smiled and looked over to the others to see if they were enjoying it as much as he was. Wind Sprint was still moving around uncomfortably and sucking on her now finished drink. He could hear her sucking air through the straw, desperately hoping to get a few more drops from the melting ice. Clear Sky was biting her lip with concern, hearing Wind’s quiet moans echo into the cup every time she panted out. He looked back to the movie, wondering if it was a good idea to go grab another drink for her… or she could even share his if she was that desperate. His train of thought ended as Clear Sky tapped on his shoulder, leaning over to whisper, “you need to take care of this.” “She can have mine,” he said as he picked up his drink. She shook her head and pointed with her eyes down at Wind Sprint. A drink wasn’t going to take care of this; the only thing that would help is… He could feel the colour draining from his face. “H-here?!” he blurted out as loud as he dared. Clear Sky nodded curtly. Wind Sprint looked up at him with a flurry of emotions showing on her features. It was a small grimace to start, but she couldn’t help but twitch and arch her back when it got too much. Her eyes widened and she bit her lip, practically begging for help with that adorable look. He gulped and felt a twinge of anxiety in his chest, hoping that no pony would be able to see what was going on in this dark room. He could barely see a couple up front, so he at least had a chance. The girls wanted him to do this – that was clear enough – and he would do it… he had to. He leaned over as discretely as he could and nonchalantly moved his hoof over to her. Just reaching for some popcorn that they were all sharing… no pony would be the wiser… just got to get this popcorn between her legs. As soon as he touched the fur on her thigh, she tensed and twitched like he had just zapped her with a lightning bolt. She huffed again and he questioned whether to pull back or not, however, her legs started to spread wide open as he inched closer, inviting him in. He couldn’t help but feel like every eye was on him, staring and judging what he was doing with his new daughter. That thought had to be thrown away. It was relatively dark here and the movie was pretty good; there was no way that anypony would actually glance over in this direction and see his hoof there. He could just do this super quickly and quietly, and nopony would know. Quibble looked down there with a bit more determination, knowing this was what the girls wanted. He wanted Wind to be happy, to feel better, and this was one way to do it. It was just like any other medicine given to a foal where they weren’t feeling well… just… this was a little more hooves-on. His hoof inched further up, her fur had a slight dampness to it the more he went and he could already feel the heat radiating out like a furnace from between her legs; even Sky hadn’t gotten like this before; Wind must really need this. In the dark, he could only make out basic outlines down there and he could faintly see her wetness whenever the screen got really bright. He shifted in his seat, feeling his own subconscious excitement getting the better of him and brining his attention the pulsing between his legs; good thing that was another thing that nopony would be able to see in the dark. Wind sharply gasped and instantly tried closing her legs the moment he made contact, pressing his hoof even tighter against her squishy mound. She writhed in her seat, desperately bucking against his hoof like it was the only chance at she had at release. His hoof was big enough that even as she clamped on, he was still able to move it around. The dampness helped avoid being trapped too. He couldn’t see it exactly, but she was so wet; it was like a waterfall around his hoof, instantly soaking it in her warmth. Her fillyhood felt so much smaller too, way smaller than Sky’s, like half her size and probably would have been even smaller if it wasn’t that time of the season for her. Those puffed lips wetly kissed against his hoof, rubbing side to side as the filly moved her hips. He could feel the small tapping of her clit bumping up against his hoof, begging to be touched… and he obliged. She grunted out as he started to rub into her, spreading her folds open with the tip of his hoof for a moment before focusing right on that dot. Her legs tightened around his hoof immediately and another sharp hiss of air came rushing out as she tried to hold back from loudly squeaking. He tried going faster, getting her there as soon as he could so they could all go back to the movie, but her squeaks started to grow into not-so-quiet moans and they weren’t stopping anytime soon. He’d be able to finish her, but not without half the theater knowing about the lewdness happening right under their noses. Though, they might be able to catch them with just their noses; her enticing scent was really starting to perfume out, pushing away any hint of popcorn. Wind squeaked out loud, sending a shiver down his spine; this was getting too much! “S-Sky!” he whispered loudly at her, hoping for some magical solution to help to get Wind Sprint quieted down to some degree. Though, she had the biggest smirk on her face as she just shrugged and sank into her seat even more, staring at the two of them. Quibble Pants could hardly believe it, but at this point, it was his responsibility; Wind Sprint was in need and that was the only thing that mattered right now. Sky’s face suddenly lit up, and a faint flicker of hope blessed him as she leaned over to speak into the filly’s ear. He practically felt a wave of relief flow over him, knowing that she had just the right words to say; she’d get her to stop moaning and to keep it down for a little bit longer. Her grin was even larger as she pulled away and leaned in her chair, placing her hoof right between her own legs and… Quibble’s jaw went slack in disbelief. Was she getting off to this too?! Wind Sprint placed her hoof on his and he paused and pulled away as she started to sit up. He could smell her on his hoof, that relaxing aroma that reminded him of being next to a lake during a gentle breeze. He automatically got a quick taste of the gooeyness covering his hoof, making his mouth water. Her taste was heavy and almost felt needy, mixed in with a sweet tang that made his own loins twitch. He probably would have cleaned off the entire thing if he didn’t realize exactly what he was doing and where it came from. He felt his cheeks heat up as he put his hoof down, far away from his mouth. What would Clear Sky think if she saw him? He paused for a second… with the way she was hoofing herself right now, it wouldn’t be too surprising if she’d try getting him to taste it even more in the future… or even tonight. He wasn’t sure if he was supposed to bring his hoof back or not, but Wind Sprint already seemed to have plans of her own as she shakily made her way over. She slid over the armrest and onto his chest. Casually, he helped her up but didn’t see the full extent of her plan until she started to sink down onto his tip, but she could only press it into her rear cheek. His eyes widened in surprise. “S-Sky! N-not here!” he whispered out again, but her eyes just pointed down to Wind Sprint with even more intensity. He gulped, he had to do this. His hooves went to Wind Sprint’s sides to help, but she just kept poking herself on her cheeks. He could feel his heart beating hard in his chest, practically wanting to sink and disappear into the seat to avoid everpony from watching this. This outcome was expected to happen tonight at some time with the way Sky had been going on about mares in heat. But here? Right in the movie theater!? After a few more failed attempts on her rump, his hoof went down under the filly’s tail, helping adjust himself a little better until his tip lined up with her fiery fillyhood. The heat practically made his eye twitch and his hind hooves curl a little. As her fillyhood gave his tip a wet kiss, he gulped again at the gravity of this situation; he was helping her get another milestone in her life; he was going to be her first. Her eyes opened wide as she pressed herself back, spreading her nether lips open on his tip and slowly sinking deeper. He didn’t think she’d be able to take something like this normally, but with the way she was leaking all over him, she could probably fit anything in there if they tried hard enough. Her fillyhood wrapped around him like a tight hug, squeezing his member from all sides and desperately trying to get what it wanted. She could only get down so far before it was too much and she let out a little squeak. Good thing though, because if his entire length was inside that inferno like cavern, he didn’t think he’d be able to hold it back at all; here he could just hang on. He sat down as low as he could in the seat as she started to slide up and down his length, stretching her virgin walls out for the first time. The wet slipping noises from down below caught his attention and he felt blessed that the movie was louder than them during another car chase. However, her pants were getting heavier every time she sunk down. Hoping to keep her somewhat quiet, he tried pushing her head into his chest, muffling some of her moans with his fur. His other hoof held against her back, pressing right up against the base of her tail. Half of him wanted to just stop this right now and hope he sated her enough before anyone found out, the other part of him – the part subconsciously moving his hoof, guiding her rump up and down – was saying otherwise. His breaths were getting heavy the longer this went on. Her vice like grip was hard to ignore, especially when she took a breather ever few seconds and he could feel her walls massaging around his length, trying to milk and coax a big finish from him. He placed his head on the top of hers as he tried to watch the movie again, hoping to last as long as she needed. He had no idea what happened previously, but it looked like those two foals had just tried to make a big bust and completely failed when it all went terribly wrong. More cars were exploded and they still didn’t even know who the bad guy was. He put his head back and closed his eyes when she sunk deeper, much deeper than she had before; he swore he tapped against something inside of her, and he was probably right with the way she squeaked and curled tighter into his chest. When he opened his eyes again, the two foals were handing in their guns and badges before the screen cut to them making a plan to prove themselves by going out on their own, against all odds. Quibble tried to keep up with the plot, but with the estrus filled filly trying to ride him, there was no real hope of that. Someone coughed from behind and a shiver ran down his spine. It was probably nothing… “Hey, we’re trying to watch the movie,” he heard from a few seats behind and his heart sank. There was no doubt about it being directed at him. Another voice chimed in, sounding pretty close to the first pony. “Hey, can you not? I’m trying to watch the show.” He closed his eyes tight. At least the second voice wasn’t directed at him, but still… ponies were watching. He looked over to Clear Sky for help, but she was already staring at them, one hoof on her teats and the other firmly rubbing into her own marehood. Her half-lidded eyes finally squeezed closed as her hips bucked forward and her hindleg twitched and tapped the seat in front of her. Thankfully nopony was there to notice. Her pants were getting heavier, her moans were getting louder, and her tunnel was gripping on even tighter as she kept riding him. His hoof slipped a few times, accidently letter her lewdly moan out; he didn’t think even the muffle would help on that one, but it was all he could do. He glanced back to the movie, listening to it and hoping to carry on like normal, like this was just a normal day and nothing out of the ordinary was happening in front of a crowd of ponies. The two foals on screen busted into a building and had the ring leader back up against a wall. A flash of light on his face showed… it was Chief all along! “Wow!” he blurted out loud in surprise. He expected gasps, noise, anything from others in here at that reveal, but the entire theater was dead silent. Was everpony in here just watching him? As soon as he spoke, Wind Sprint glanced up at him and smiled as she pressed down hard. Who cares if they were watching! For the first time since he got in here, he started to move his hips, hitting against her farthest depths when she plummeted down on him. She stared at him with those half-lidded eyes and her mouth half open each time she squeaked out. Her breathing was ragged and her hooves squeezed against his torso; she was getting close. He was getting close. He looked down at her again like he was seeing her for the first time: a picture of adorable beauty holding him tightly. His eyes glance down and a pleasure filled decision was made; he had to go for it. He leaned down and pressed his lips tightly against Wind’s, she tried to kiss back but her lips didn’t work when she squealed out. With one last thrust he sunk himself as deep as he could. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as her tunnel clamped down and a torrent of filly juice came gushing out onto his lap. It didn’t take long for his tip to flare up inside her and a rush of sticky warmth painted her inner core. She squealed out again and squirmed in his grip with renewed vigor, as even more of her feminine liquid came pouring from her in a second burst. Her head fell right into his chest and she sunk all the way down on him, leaving him there as she struggled to catch her breath. He leaned back in his chair, hugging onto her with as much love as he had for Sky. His eyes slowly looked at the screen and he could see the credits already playing. He closed his eyes to catch his breath as well; the movie and this family were all finished. Quibble wanted to get out of here as soon as possible. Once the credits were finished and they got relatively cleaned up with a spare napkin or two that they had, they headed off to the lobby to make their stealthy escape. Luckily enough, it looked like other movies had finished around the same time and the lobby was pretty packed as ponies made their way out of the theater. With his family in tow, they made their way through the groups of ponies still sticking around and having a chat over whatever movies they saw. “It was really good, but I think I might come back to actually watch the movie this time,” he heard somepony say from a group off to the side. They all started chuckling. He didn’t see who, nor was he going to dare to look, but he could already feel the entire group glancing over in his direction every chance they got; he just knew it. When the ponies thinned out a little, Clear Sky came up to his side and Wind Sprint trotted over too, looking much better and back to her normal self. She quickly nuzzled his shoulder before snuggling her mother too. “Well it looks like you took care of that,” she said with a seductive wink. He was about to say something else before she continued, “Let’s see if that was enough, or if you might have to help her a little bit more tonight. Remember, heats usually go on for a week or two.” She flicked her tail, tapping him on the chin and letting him get a whiff of her scent as she walked by, reminding him of a sunny day just after a rainstorm. Wind Sprint followed her mother, looking back and giving him the biggest grin he thought he had ever saw on her face, and it only got brighter the longer she looked. He stood there dumbfounded as the two walked away. He could see Sky glistening under her tail in this light, and his own handiwork on Wind Sprint’s flanks. The subtle creaminess was already starting to drip down her leg and fall onto the floor below. He had a bit more skip to his step as he caught up. If this is what it would take to make Wind and Sky happy, he’d be happy doing it for them.