Twilight’s Backstage Pass

by Lonely Fanboy48

First published

Human Twilight takes her Princess Counterpart to the Starswirl Festival for the whole weekend.

Months after her yacht vacation, Princess Twilight wanted to see more in the Mirror World when she has the time. To her, she wanted to make up the times she was away for so long since she developing relationships in her teenage human body. Luckily for her, her human counterpart gave her an offer to spend the weekend in the Starswirl Festival. A place where it has tons of activities involving music that will make the Princess Of Friendship more pleased to be amazed especially the bands who are preforming.

Thanks to Daniyel099 for editing this.

Starswirl Excitement!

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Summer had never been this great for the Rainbooms. With tons of activities coming their way, they’d never miss it, especially the schedule they have planned for the weekend. The Starswirl Festival.

Sunset wanted to go there because of PostCrush, one of the best bands in the festival. But when it comes to Human Twilight, she has less plans, other than hanging out with her friends. She may worship the bands, but not in the way Sunset does.

Both Sunset and Twilight are walking by the statue in the courtyard of Canterlot High. They have everything planned out, when they’re going to ride in Rarity’s RV tonight and Sunset wants to remind Princess Twilight that she’s leaving for the weekend.

“So are you packed up for tonight?” Sunset asked to her best friend.

“Yes, I’m all set for the trip.” Twilight replied, despite feeling a bit bored at the moment.

“Is there something wrong?” Sunset stopped before she steps through the portal.

“Well…” Twilight paused until she changed the subject. “Why are you going to Equestria, instead of writing a message?”

“Because after our yacht vacation, when I was taking her home, I told her I was going to come over to Twilight’s castle and remind her.”

“Is it because the statue is farther from anywhere we go?”

Sunset sighed from Twilight’s next question. She may remember the quicksand portal from the island months ago, but she doubts there will be another one in a different location.

“The thing is, I want Twilight to know where I’m going. Back during our trip in Camp Everfree, I forgot to bring my journal and it didn’t make things easier when she didn’t find out about the situation.”

With everything she needed to explain, Twilight felt puzzled. If her counterpart actually been with Sunset all this time, she would have found something that was the opposite of what her counterpart really is.

“And do you think she’s still busy?” Twilight asked.

“Obviously. Why? Are you thinking you want her to hang out with you like before?”

The bookworm nodded with an awkward smile but Sunset rolled her eyes. It was a lucky shot a month ago but as of now, the Princess Of Friendship has a lot to do in Equestria.

“Do you remember when she talked to you about princess duties?” Sunset recalled.

“Yeah but I never did any research about Princesses, I’m more of a sci-fi fan during my free time. Didn’t think my counterpart’s life was more complicated than me.” Twilight then made her way to the steps of the entrance and sat down. As for Sunset, she didn’t want to bother Princess Twilight’s schedule but her friend deserves more in the Starswirl Festival. However it’s still a questionable chance to help her at the moment.

Sunset takes out her journal which surprises Twilight. “What are you doing?”

“I’m going to send a message to Twilight about this.”

“Wait, you can’t do that, I don’t want her to feel irritated.”

Just when Sunset was about to write her first words, she stood in place. It made her surprised that Twilight is starting to understand the life of what Princesses do. Twilight got back up and came to Sunset.

“I understand your trying to help, but I have to respect her princess life.” Twilight looking at Sunset’s page of her journal still blanked. Sunset on the other hand thinks otherwise.

“Twilight.” She closed her journal. “I do respect her life, but I respect you too. You and her had a great time back on the cruise. And since we’re going somewhere that’s on land, she might meet some friends she made last year.”

“But how are we going to resolve her being occupied in the festival?”

“We can give her a tour, she was part of the Rainbooms before you came along, so she will enjoy the music.”

As much Twilight agrees with Sunset’s point, especially the idea the princess has her friends to help her duties when she’s away, she’s still biased on the possibility. There’s going to be a lot going on in the Starswirl Festival and Twilight has little plans there. There’s only one element that will keep her happy for the entire weekend and it will keep her in the festival for the rest of the weekend.

“Okay, but I think you should remind her of what the festival is going to be like. And maybe have her bring Starlight Glimmer, just to make sure she can help.”

Sunset felt relief that her friend gave her the idea about her counterpart bringing Starlight to make things easier. She reopened her journal and write down her message to the Princess Of Friendship.

“Dear Twilight Sparkle,

I was going to meet you face to face but I changed my mind, me and my friends are going to the Starswirl Festival this weekend, but your counterpart doesn’t have a lot planned there. This isn’t an emergency, she’s just going to be a bit bored.

We’ve been thinking you might want to come over to keep her occupied for the weekend. You don’t have to say yes, it’s just an offer. The festival is going to be a music festival where PostCrush and other bands perform on stage. We have backstage passes and also spares for you.

Speaking of that, your counterpart wants you to bring Starlight Glimmer in case we need her help. Like if your feeling unhappy in the festival, she could cheer you up. Not saying this to offend you, we just know your busy.

We’re going to be leaving tonight, take the time you need to make your decision. Again, it’s your decision if you want to come.

Your friend,
Sunset Shimmer”

After she wrote down the message, she closes her book as the magic vibrates it.

“This will take time for her to answer, so we just gonna have to wait.” Sunset said.

“Yeah I know, this is like texting.” Twilight replied. “I’m still unsure if she’s going to have her friends back her up like before.”

Then they heard the portal from the statue reacting which caught their attention. In less than five seconds, The Princess Of Friendship came out in the open with a huge excited smile on her face. She rushed up to her two friends which caused them to flinch.

“Your going on a trip that involves STARSWIRL!!?” Princess Twilight’s reaction was so unexpected, it made her counterpart speechless, especially it wasn’t even a minute when she read Sunset’s message.

“Yeah...and you didn’t respond to my message?” Sunset asked.

Just when the princess was about to squeal, she completely forgot about it. “Oh sorry, I want you to know that I do have plans, I just got home a few minutes ago.” Princess Twilight blushed.

“So you want to come?” Human Twilight added.

“Sure.” Princess Twilight answered while giving her counterpart a hug. “You may gave me the best cruise vacation but that doesn’t me it’s going to be a one time thing between us.”

“What do you mean?”

After the princess broke the hug, she tells her counterpart another thing about her. “When I came back to Equestria after we went back, I realized you showed me what this world has so much to show. Kind of like what my friends did last year when I was on the beach. Camp Everfree, Crystal Prep, the mall, I miss those places a lot and there’s more I haven’t went to.”

Sunset can see what Princess Twilight is talking about. Places like Equestrialand and the Planetarium were the ones the princess had never been to. It’s really hard to think she was away for so long that other people decided to fill her in. And if she misses the Starswirl Festival, it would make her disappointed.

As for Human Twilight, she was more than happy to have her counterpart hanging out with her during the weekend. Not to mention she might see old faces she met last year which could give her a chance to know what she did with them, giving her more of an opportunity to know more about her.

“I’ll make sure yours and Starlight’s backstage passes will be ready for ya.” Human Twilight smirked.

“And I’ll remind the others that the Princess Of Friendship will be the guest of honor during the trip.” Sunset smiled.

“Thank you and sorry I surprised you without messaging you by journal.” Princess Twilight scratched on the back of her head.

“It’s okay, Pinkie Pie does that in some occasions.”

The three girls laughed with each other as they have everything planned out for their Starswirl Festival. Princess Twilight returned to Equestria and remind Starlight that they’re going to the Mirror World for the weekend. They will pack everything they need while their friends will take care of everything when they’re gone.

Human Twilight couldn’t think of a better way to make her experience in the festival any more fun. She may have less days with her counterpart from before, but they will make their weekend a long weekend.

The Princess’s Expectations

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Princess Twilight went back to Sunset’s world with Starlight Glimmer by her side. By the time they arrived, Rarity has her RV ready with all the other Rainbooms inside. As Twilight and Starlight enter inside the fashionista’s vehicle, they leave Canterlot High and making their way to their destination. Unlike Camp Everfree that’s only ten to twenty minutes away, the Starswirl Festival is almost an hour away.

With the sun setting over the hills, the stars appear in the darkening sky. Both Twilight and Starlight looked out the window, wondering what awaits them in the festival itself tomorrow. Meanwhile Sunset and the others watch their two new guests. For this being the second time hanging out with Twilight and Starlight after for so long.

“I can’t believe we’re going to hang out with Twilight again.” Applejack commented.

“Not to mention we have Starlight Glimmer this time.” Rainbow added.

“Okay, before we get ahead of ourselves, we only have two days. Tomorrow and the next day.” Sunset reminded.

“And we also need to know that the reason they’re here is because of me.” Human Twilight replied.

“But Twilight darling, we understand.” Rarity chimed while still paying attention on the road. “We still had a great time back at the cruise a few months ago.”

“We showed her everything, I’m pretty sure we will get our chance.” Fluttershy added.

Human Twilight remembered everything that happened during her time on the cruise, minus the Rainbow Dashes. She was with her Princess counterpart the whole time and did a lot of activities with her. All of her friends had a great time, even when they weren’t hanging out with the Princess Of Friendship.

In order to make things simpler, she walks up to her two pony friends. “Twilight, Starlight?”

“Yes?” The two turned around.

“Can we have a talk for a second?” As Human Twilight went back to where she was sitting, she begins the conversation. “What type of activities your looking forward to at the Starswirl Festival?”

Princess Twilight thought about it ever since she headed back to her world. She was too excited to think the festival would have something to do with Starswirl himself.

“Well...for it being all about music, I think it would be an interesting experience. Other then my singing and dancing performance back on the cruise and watching all of you perform, I didn’t know there was going to be a festival dedicated to other bands.”

“Oh trust me, you’re going to love it.” Sunset smirked as she gives Twilight and Starlight a flyer about the festival and the bands. “You will be able to meet these bands and listen to their music on stage. There’s going to be a lot more going on than you’d think.”

“Why, is there going to be surprises?” Starlight asked.

“We never know until we see it for ourselves.” Pinkie smiled.

Twilight and Starlight looked at the flyer to see all the bands who are performing. Not to mention there's going to be stands for food and activities. Out of all the places she went to last year, Everfree Forest, Crystal Prep and the beach, the festival is a mystery to her. Instead of being on a boat for one week, she’s on land for the whole weekend, meeting old and new faces for the first time since forever.

“Sunset,” Twilight responded. “Who is PostCrush?”

This made Sunset mesmerized about the band PostCrush. “One of the best bands in the festival. They’re only doing another reunion for this occasion and I’m so excited to hear them after all this time.”

This made Twilight and Starlight look at each other. “So it’s basically like your girls, the Rainbooms?” Starlight guessed.

“Hey! We’re still in high school!” Rainbow retorted.

“Sorry, I never listen to any of your songs.”

Twilight found Sunset’s interest into PostCrush something she never expect from her. “You really love them?” She asked.

“Big time! I think you’re going to love them too once your watch their performance.” Sunset smiled.

“And the fact that Dirk Thistleweed and his band are going to be there. It would be great if you give them a chance.” Applejack added.

Then Rarity remembered something. “Oh, and when we get there, I would be happy to have you meet one of my personal friends, Vignette Valencia.”

The expectations in the Princess Of Friendship have grown bigger with more names coming out from their friends. She wonders what awaits her once she enters the festival. “I’ll try to keep that in mind.” She smiled with her eyes closed.

It took time for Rarity to get to the festival after driving for almost an hour. The girls looked at their window and saw the entrance where they need their backstage passes in order to get in. While Twilight only gets a few seconds to look at the festival itself, she found it really unique. During her time in Camp Everfree with Timber and Gloriosa, she always knew that camping in the woods is all about nature. Now she realizes that anything that sometimes don’t go together can happen out of the ordinary.

“This looks promising.” Starlight commented.

“And my expectations might exceed.” Twilight added.

Rarity found a spot by the trees to park, she drove her RV off the road and parked a few yards where the festival is at. The Rainbooms got out and saw that other people just arrived.

“Tomorrow’s gonna be sweet!” Rainbow cheered.

Twilight and Starlight look at the tens of people preparing themselves for bed after arriving. “Are you going to remember anyone you come across?” Starlight asked.

“Maybe, it’s been a year since I went to the beach.” Twilight replied.

“I’m sure you will come across someone you met last year.” Sunset wrapping her arm around Twilight.

With only little time tonight, the only thing they need to do is sleep until the morning. They headed back in their RV as they tuck themselves inside their sleeping bags. While most of them get close to slumber, Princess Twilight’s expectations will be put to the test once she sees the festival itself. Behind the entrance is where all the music is taking place amon so many talented bands. She will find out what her friends are talking about, not to mention she will keep her counterpart occupied during the whole weekend.

The First Reunion

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The sun rises on the first morning of the festival. The festival is open for people with backstage passes to come in. The Rainbooms, including Starlight Glimmer wake up early enough to get in some of the lines. However they decided to let Princess Twilight sleep in since Human Twilight wants to have quality time with her. It’s been almost thirty minutes that the Princess Of Friendship is sleeping inside Rarity’s RV until one of her friends came inside.

“Twilight!” Sunset called as she makes her way to Twilight. “Twilight, it’s time to wake up.”

The princess’s eyes slowly open but her body is still in a tired scenario. “Where is everyone?” She asked.

“They head to the festival half an hour ago.”

This made Twilight opened her eyes in surprise. “You mean they left without us?”

“No. We agreed to go into groups of three since the festival is big.” Sunset grabbed the princess’s arm, lifting her on her feet while still in her pajamas. “The other Twilight is waiting outside for you, when you get dressed, we can get something to eat at the Starswirl Festival for breakfast.”

Princess Twilight is at least happy that her counterpart is willing to spend time with her. And what awaits her in the Starswirl Festival could make her weekend in this world the best she’ll ever have.

After Princess Twilight put on her usual clothes, she and Sunset came out of the RV. The Twilights and Sunset make their way to the entrance of the festival. Luckily for them, one of the lines aren’t as long as the others.

“Wow, looks like the third line has less people then last time.” Sunset commented.

“Guess that thirty minutes I slept was probably for the best.” Princess Twilight smiled.

“Not to mention you didn’t over-sleep.” Human Twilight added.

The three girls giggled as they waste no time and made their way to the third line of the entrance. There are only three people in front of Twilight and her friends but they’re not just ordinary people with backstage passes. Princess Twilight recognizes two of them while Human Twilight and Sunset Shimmer recognizes the girl with the green hair.

“Wallflower Blush?” Princess Twilight guessed. “Derpy Hooves?”

After the three girls from the front heard some of their names, they turned around to the Twilights and Sunset. “Twilights!? Sunset!?” Wallflower reacted in happiness.

“Princess Of Friendship!” Derpy smiled as she gives Twilight a hug.

“I can’t believe you’re here to hang out in the festival.” Sunset replied with her eyes wide.

“Derpy had a spare backstage pass and she offered me to come along.” Wallflower showing off her backstage pass around her neck.

“That’s really thoughtful.” Human Twilight looking at Derpy.

“Yeah, I didn’t want one friend to be left behind.” Derpy scratched at the back of her head.

As the six girls show their backstage passes to the security guard and one of the employees, they’re allowed to walk around in the festival do whatever they want as long as they follow the rules. Princess Twilight looked in her surroundings and saw so many stands not to mention the activities waiting for her. She remembered how big it was when she saw bits of it last night but now, it’s larger than she thought.

Sunset and the others went to one of the stands where most of the food is at. They order hot dogs with buns and hash browns since they’re only available in the morning. They made their way to one of the wooden tables and sat down to eat their breakfast.

“Wallflower Blush, who’s your friend?” Princess Twilight pointed at the girl with the alicorn pony shirt.

“I’m Snow Flower.” The girl answered. “I’m a huge fan of all the bands in this festival.”

“We’re going to find PostCrush after we’re done eating. Wanna join?” Wallflower offered as she eats one of her hash browns.

“Actually, me and the Twilights are going to save that for later.” Sunset replied.

“She wants to save the best for last, just for today.” Human Twilight rolled her eyes smiling. “And I’m sure other me wants to experience some of the Festival’s qualities.”

“It is true.” Princess Twilight taking a bite of her hot dog.

Wallflower Blush felt disappointed that she won’t get another chance to hang out with Princess Twilight like last year when they we’re on the beach. “So when are we going to see you?” Wallflower asked.

“Maybe tonight when Vinyl Scratch is performing her music on stage.” Princess Twilight answered.

“Ohhhh...tonight, that would easily make me happy.”

The Princess Of Friendship found the tone from Wallflower really rough until Sunset fills her in. “Twilight, I think we might need to consider giving your friends a chance.”

Princess Twilight remember the message Sunset wrote to her about the whole Memory Stone situation. Last year on the beach, the only things she did with Wallflower was finding turtles on the beach and seeing her garden behind the high school. She had the best time with her, even with the amount of time she had, going to places and knowing everything that happened when she was gone.

“Okay, how about we do one activity before we split up?” Princess Twilight offered. “To be fair, it’s going to be a long day for all of us. Sunset, other me-”

Just when Twilight was about to finish, Sunset placed her hand on the Princess’s thigh. “I’m still going to wait to see PostCrush tonight, and so should you.” She retorted until Human Twilight pulled her hand away from the Princess.

“Just allow her to be with Wallflower and her friends, they will text us back, we’re staying far away from PostCrush, okay?”

Sunset, despite most of her plans being changed, agrees since she wants to make her friends happy. “Okay.” She answered.

“Look at the bright side Sunset, at least I’m enjoying my first time here.” Princess Twilight wrapped her arm around Sunset.

“Expect this isn’t our first time here.” Sunset said.

“You girls never hang out so much.” Snow Flower commented.

“Oh, you have no idea. From where Twilight lives in her world, you would understand like I have.” Derpy replied. For the next five minutes, the six girls finished their breakfast and threw their plates and cutlery in the garbage. Wallflower and her friends take the Princess Of Friendship to find PostCrush, while Human Twilight and Sunset Shimmer go to a different place in the festival. While Princess Twilight is excited to see talented bands, she doesn't understand that other bands aren’t the same, when it comes to bad attitudes.

A girl from a band of three girls is buying a taco from a stand. “Here’s your money. Your tacos are the best!” She cheered as she takes her taco from the seller.

“You say that every time you buy a taco from my stand Sonata Dusk, will you please let it go?” The seller rolled her eyes but instead Sonata walked away while eating her taco. “Just like every time.”

When Sonata sits down and is about to eat her taco, she looked around with the amount of people. “Adagio and Aria is going to love this! So many people are going to watch us perform!” She grinned with confidence. Just when she’s about to take a bite of her taco, she saw a girl with purple hair with the same outfit she wore during the Battle of the Bands a few years ago. She dropped her taco on her plate in disbelief and when the girl turned around, it was Twilight Sparkle!

While the Princess didn’t recognize one of her rivals, Sonata definitely recognized her, big time! As Wallflower continue to take Twilight, Sonata immediately took out her phone and begins texting Adagio. “Adagio and Aria is going to hate this!” Sonata said in frustration.

Musical Glimmers

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Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash took Starlight Glimmer to one of the musical stages in the Starswirl Festival. Rainbow Dash made the choice to watch the bands in the morning, to which her friends agreed. They arrived where Dirt Thistleweed and his talented musicians are preparing their music.

“Trust me Starlight, you are going to enjoy what this festival has to offer.” Rainbow smiled as she and the others get into the crowd of fans.

“I wouldn’t say you’re wrong. Seeing so many posters since coming in at the entrance, made this more interesting.” Starlight replied until Pinkie Pie popped up from behind.

“Interesting? Don’t you mean AWESOME AND EXCITING!” Pinkie cheered.

“Yeah kind of.” Starlight backing away from Pinkie’s complement. “But it won’t hurt to give them a chance.”

“I’m sure your going to love the bands in the Starswirl Festival. Just wait until what’s in store tonight.” Fluttershy added while placing her hands behind her back.

For the next five minutes, Dirt Thistleweed and his two members are holding their instruments and begin their performance. As their song begins to grow, the crowd starts to cheer from the vocals and instrumentals, Starlight’s attention continues to pique her interest. From Dirt’s guitar playing skills and his amazing voice on the microphone, not to mention Dakota’s instrumentals from her violin and Violet with her instrument.

As his band continues, it gets better and better. Starlight may see ponies do music back in her but they never did so many unique ways. Back at her time when she met Sunset Shimmer, she found her hands creepy with the fact she doesn’t have hooves anymore. She forgot most of the things of what her body can do after the times she left Sunset’s world, which gave her an idea.

After Dirt Thistleweed and his group are finished to go for a ten minute break, they decide to come down to the crowd to give them their autographs in the time being. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash are squealing from the performance while Fluttershy and Starlight sits on the ground together.

“Hey, aren’t you going to met Dirt?” Fluttershy asked while placing her hand on Starlight’s shoulder.

“I would, but they said they’re going to have another ten minute break after their done with three songs. Besides, their fans deserve autographs since they’ve known them for so long.” Starlight looking at Dirt’s band getting surrounding by his fans.

“I’m curious, do you want something from Dirt?”


“What is it?”

Starlight took a deep breath while trying to avoid the possibility of getting banned from the festival. “I was going to ask Dirt of how he’s good at playing his guitar but…” She stopped herself while her friend is still listening.

“But what?” Fluttershy responded.

Starlight continued to keep her words to herself until she saw three people walking up to her. When she looked up, she saw Dirt, Dakota and Violet staring at her.

“Can I help you?” Dirt asked.

“Yeah, you seem really depressed.” Dakota asked.

“Did you enjoy our performance?” Violet added.

This made Starlight blush in embarrassment. “Yes I did!” She stands up. “All of you are really good at your instruments!”

While Dirt and his members found the excitement from Starlight respectful, that didn’t stop them from watching Starlight sitting on the grass seconds ago. “Did you have a question?” Dakota wondered.

“No, besides if I told you what my question is, you would hear that from one of your fans.”

“Come on, it doesn’t bother us.” Violet repiled.

Starlight signed again as Dirt and his members are still waiting for her question. With most of the fans including her friends putting their attention on her, Starlight had no other option. “Okay, how is it possible that you’re great at playing instruments with your hands and not…” She blushed even harder. “...with hooves?”

This made Dirt and his members give a confused look. They never heard anyone in their fanbase to say a question so bizarre.

“You mean, like pony or horse hooves?” Dirt guessed.

“Yes but mainly pony hooves.” Starlight staying on topic. “I never played an instrument in my life that involves using your hands.” She showed her hands to Dirt and his band members.

Meanwhile Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie who’s behind the band are giving awkward looks after they heard their friend’s question to Dirt’s band.

“She’s definitely embarrassed herself!” Rainbow Dash placing her hands on her face.

“Not to mention ponybarrassed!” Pinkie added.

However nothing bad happened to Starlight whatsoever. Instead, Dirt Thistleweed grabbed both of Starlight’s arms so he can look at them closely. Starlight Glimmer blushed even more at the fact that one of the most famous singers of the Starswirl Festival is looking at her hands. Even Fluttershy is surprised and has nothing to help in this moment.

After Dirt looked at Starlight’s hands, she looked into Starlight’s eyes. “Do you and your friends want to come with us backstage?”

This made Starlight, her friends and the crowd gasp in shock. “Seriously!?” Rainbow reacted.

“Why do you want us?” Starlight blinked.

“I have a spare guitar in one of my tents. I can teach you how to play the guitar with your hands. Besides, anyone who watches our band after all theses years who wants to be like us, should get some lessons.”

Starlight had no idea whatsoever in the offer she just received. To think she almost embarrassed herself or got herself banned, she along with her friends gets an opportunity to go backstage to one of the most famous bands. Starlight saw Rainbow and Pinkie pleading her to say yes to Dirt’s band from behind. Not willing to disappoint her friends, Starlight made her decision.

“Yes.” She replied.

“Good choice. I will take you back there after we’re done with our performances.” Dirt replied as he headed back to the stage.

“We’re going to be looking forward to what you have in musical talent.” Dakota padding on Starlight’s shoulder.

“And remember if you don’t succeed, at least you gave music a chance.” Violet shaking Starlight’s hand. The two girls also return back on stage while Starlight’s friends gave her a group hug.

“That, was, awesome!” Rainbow jumping in joy.”

“We’re going to be in backstage with Dirt’s band later!” Pinkie smiled.

“Girls, you need to understand that Dirt is going to teach Starlight how to use a guitar.” Fluttershy chimed in.

“Oh right.” Rainbow backed away almost getting ahead of herself.

“Girls I still have a problem. I don’t know how to use my hands!” Starlight reacted.

Then Pinkie Pie gets an idea before Dirt takes them backstage. “Wait I can show you how to hold a guitar.” Pinkie takes out a wooden guitar from her pocket and gives it to Starlight. “I’ll make sure you can use your fingers.” She takes Starlight away from the stage as she teaches her how to hold a guitar.

“Fluttershy, please tell me we’re not going to get banned if Starlight ruins Dirt’s guitar.” Rainbow biting her lip in stress.

“You should at least respect her for allowing this to happen. She didn’t know what would happen.” Fluttershy giving a frown to her friend.

“...we can hope she’s an amateur?”

“Please don’t push your luck.”

Sparkle Surprise

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Wallflower Blush along with her friends take Princess Twilight to the Backstage Lounge where most of the bands and fans get a beverage while relaxing.

“Are you sure PostCrush is here?” The Princess Of Friendship asked.

“I’m sure. Usually PostCrush spend their time here whenever they get a break.” Snow Flower replied.

“We haven’t seen them in ten minutes.” Derpy added.

“Well it’s the only option to find PostCrush in the festival.” Wallflower finished.

The four girls looked at each other before they enter the lounge itself. While it didn’t took them the whole day to find where the most famous band is located, it doesn’t change the fact that they might not be in the lounge. In order to find out, Twilight along with her friends enter the lounge.

Then Sonata Dusk along with Aria Blaze rushed up on the stage and saw Twilight from behind.

“Oh great! She’s back!” Aria clenching her fist in rage until Sonata covered her mouth.

“Shhh! Don’t let us see us!” Sonata repiled. “We don’t want her to see us!”

Aria tried to calm herself despite that fact one of her rivals ruined her life years ago. “Then what are we going to do?” Aria retorted.

Then a sound came from Aria and Sonata’s phone. When they looked at their phone, they got a tweet from Adagio to head back to their truck immediately. They decided to make their way since they all know their leader always has a plan whenever something is coming in their way.

Meanwhile Twilight and the others enter the Backstage Lounge and they saw PostCrust sitting in one of the seats by the tables. While Kiwi Lollipop is taking a drink while listening to one of her songs from her phone, Supernova Zap is taking care of her dog she calls, Princess Thunder Guts.

“She’s here!” Derpy pointed.

“Well, that didn’t take as long as I thought.” Twilight smiled.

“What are you going to say to them?” Wallflower asked.

“Not sure. I know Sunset Shimmer is going to be shaking once she finds out about my encounter but I don’t know what to ask them. If they came to the beach last year, I would feel the same way.”

Just when Twilight is about to think about her choice, Snow Flower placed her hand on the Princess’s shoulder. “Just say it’s a pleasure to meet you. It’s not that hard to give them your introduction.”

This immediately gave Twilight the understanding of her next move. She did get Sunset’s message of what happened with the time loop situation, but it still didn’t give her the interest in PostCrush. However when she remembered when her friends told her about who’s here for the weekend, the only way to get the interest into others in this world is to see their impression for the first time.

The Princess Of Friendship took her steps while her friends from behind follow her. She stands in front of PostCrush as she makes her first impression.

“Excuse me.” Twilight spoke which caught the attention from Supernova Zap. She poked on Kiwi which caused her to take off her earmuffs. When the two members of PostCrush put their attention on Twilight in silence, Twilight made her next move. “One of my friends told me about you and I was interested. She’s a huge fan and she told me I was going to love your band once you perform.”

Kiwi and Supernova looked at each other after hearing Twilight. “Who’s your friend?” Kiwi asked.

“Sunset Shimmer.” Twilight answered.

Then another silence came from PostCrush when they heard the name Sunset Shimmer. In their last reunion, they’ve remembered she and Pinkie Pie was the reason why they made the choice to do another reunion after they helped them. They stand up and looked closely to Twilight’s eyes which causes the princess to feel uncomfortable.

“Are of her friends?” Supernova asked which made Twilight nodded.

“But you’re not wearing glasses.” Kiwi added.

“This is not looking good.” Wallflower whispered to her friends.

“Sunset’s not going to like this!” Derpy whispered back.

Twilight just put herself in a predicament she’s been through last year back on the beach. She didn’t want to make the same mistakes that happened in Crystal Prep when she encountered Principal Cinch.

“Okay, the thing is, I’m a counterpart from Equestria who’s a princess and the Twilight you saw before lives in this world.” She lowered her tone to make sure no one in the lounge can’t hear her. “I just want my friends to feel a whole lot better when I meet bands like you...I never met you girls yet.”

After the princess finished her honestly, this made PostCrush laughed which surprises Twilight and her friends. “Why are you two laughing?” Snow Flower wondered.

“Don’t be concerned, we understand what is going on.” Kiwi said.

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked.

“Sunset told us everything about not being perfect while also something about Equestrian magic.” Supernova recalled.

“Equestrian magic?” Wallflower blinked.

“We have something she called the Time Twirler that allowed us to do a time loop.”

Princess Twilight couldn’t believe that PostCrush, the band Sunset is talking about caused the whole time loop situation. Even if she's aware of it, it was hard for her to process that a band found something that came from Equestria. But then when she realized that the Memory Stone and the Storm King’s magic came into Sunset’s world from different places, she can only think if another group or person would do the same thing in the future.

“PostCrush.” Princess Twilight responded. “I understand where you're coming from but my friend went through three long weeks because of you. Granted you gave her chances to see you perform but still.” While PostCrush are stunned from what they’re hearing, Wallflower and her friends let the princess do the talking. “While what you did isn’t as bad as what Sunset experienced, perfection takes so much time and effort. Yes, I know I didn’t see you perform yet but when I was part of…Sunset’s band years ago, we had so many problems.”

“Wait, Sunset and her friend Pinkie Pie has a band of their own?” Kiwi asked.

“Yes. I may never got caught up from their band since I left, but I’m sure they’ve went through so many stops to make their band perfect. When I see you two, you’re desperate for perfection to make your comeback, an actual comeback for your whole reunion.”

When Twilight finally stopped herself, Kiwi and Supernova didn’t except Twilight, who’s not the same Twilight they saw from before, giving them a lesson about bands. Not to mention they’re talking to a princess.

“Twilight, thanks for being kind. You have no idea how we felt before Sunset went through everything we put her through.” Supernova placing her dog on the chair.

“Also it’s a pleasure to meet you in person. If we meet someone who lives in a different world, we would respect them nonetheless.” Kiwi added. “I’m curious, are you going to watch us tonight?”

“Yes, it’s something Sunset wants me to do when she gave me this backstage pass.” The princess showing her pass around her neck. “Don’t worry, perfection isn’t what I’m expecting.”

“Well that’s a relief.”

“Trust me, your going to enjoy it, especially when we're going to perform again tomorrow.” Supernova added.

Twilight received a hug from PostCrush while her friends from behind are happy to see their princess friend made more friends like before. After the Princess broke the hug, she turned around to her friends.

“Wallflower, can you go text Sunset now, I want to find her. I want you to spend your time with PostCrush.” The Princess closing her eyes with a smile on her face.

“That’s fine by us.” Wallflower taking out her phone.

“When Sunset responds back, I’ll take you. I know where to go in this place.” Snow Flower offered.

As Twilight and her friends take a seat in the lounge by the band PostCrush, Wallflower texts Sunset that one of her friends are going to send Twilight to her as soon as possible.

B.Y.B.B Makeover! (ARV Style)

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After Sunset texted back where she’s staying in the Starswirl Festival along with Human Twilight, Snow Flower took Princess Twilight to one of the tents for people to relax in. Sunset and Human Twilight are sitting together on the ground by a really small table. When Snow Flower found her destination, she waved goodbye to the princess as she heads back to Wallflower and Derpy.

“Twilight!” Both Sunset and Human Twilight standing up from the ground.

“Did you talk to PostCrush?” Human Twilight asked.

“Yes I did.” Princess Twilight answered.

“Please tell me they know they’re going to see you in the crowd.” Sunset holding her excitement in herself.

“Yes and by the way, they know about the whole Twilight and other Twilight situation so we’re fine.”

Sunset and Human Twilight sighed in relief that they’re still out of the whole misunderstanding they’ve kept for so long. While they’re happy their secret hasn’t gone out in the open, they still need to keep it to themselves.

“So where do you want to go?”

“I have no idea.” Sunset replied. “There’s so many stands in this festival, it would take me ages to pick a stand.”

The Twilights and Sunset looked in their surroundings, with the amount of stands available. Even for the Princess Of Friendship, she won't be able to experience all the qualities of the Starswirl Festival. Reunions is one thing, but she wanted more involving music. Music she never witnessed after she left Canterlot High after the Battle Of The Bands.

“Wait!” Human Twilight coming up with an idea. “Microchips is going to do his MC Dex FX performance on stage! You gotta watch that!”

“You mean one of your friends in science class?” The princess asked.

“Yes. I’m sure you saw him before I transferred to Canterlot High.”

“Oh, I saw him when he helped in the school play and selling caramel apples in Equestria Land.” Sunset remembered. “I’m sure your might recognize him.”

Princess Twilight didn’t know what to expect from the offer her friends are giving her, but her plans are few and far between. Then again, she’s easier at making friends no matter if she didn’t talk to the person yet.

“Okay, we can go to Microchip’s MC Dex FX performance...what ever MC Dex FX means.” The princess made her decision. “So can you take me where he is?”

“Sure but his performance isn’t going to start for the next hour and a half.” Human Twilight said.

Just when Sunset and Princess Twilight is about to head to their next destination, they’re now back to rethinking their next activity in the festival.

Meanwhile, Applejack and Rarity are spending time together as the third group splitting up this morning. Thirty minutes ago, they’ve encountered their friend and Rarity's boss from Equestria Land, Vignette Valencia. Even since the aftermath of the parade, she’s been really respectful to her friends she’s been making and made big changes in Equestria Land after hearing the criticism she caused.

Just when their about to do more activities, they saw the Twilights and Sunset Shimmer in the distance. As for Vignette Valencia, her eyes didn’t lie when she sees two Twilights instead of one. Her jaw dropped to see a much prettier Twilight then the other with the glasses.

“Girls!” Rarity and Applejack rushing up to Sunset and the Twilights.

“Applejack, Rarity, I haven’t seen you this morning.” The Princess giving Applejack a hug.

“Well we don’t have all the time in the festival darlings.” Rarity moving her hair out of her view.

“Guess that explains why you’re in a group of two.” Sunset crossing her arms smiling.

“Always.” Human Twilight rolling her eyes.

When the princess is still hugging her cowgirl friend, she noticed a girl with two mistletoes attached in her hair. From the way she’s looking at her made her confused. Out of all the people she missed when she was gone, no one, not even Sunset Shimmer told her about Rarity’s boss until last night.

“Applejack.” Princess Twilight breaking the hug while also pointing at Vignette. “Who’s that?”

“That’s Vignette Valencia, Rarity’s boss.” Applejack answered.

“She’s…still staring at me.”

When the girls put their attention on Vignette, they notice she’s not moving a muscle. Rarity, out of all the people who knew Vignette personally, can see what is going on. In order to keep Princess Twilight out of total exposure, she decides to fill in for her boss.

“Vignette,” Rarity wrapping her arm around the Princess’s shoulder. “This is Twilight Sparkle, the Princess Of Friendship.”

Princess Twilight looked at Rarity in confusion after she told her boss that she’s a princess. Then a sudden squeal came from Vignette as she rushes up to the Rainbooms.

“Oh my gosh!” She squeal again while her eyes are glued to Princess Twilight. “You look perfect, just like a princess in a fabulous fairytale movie!”

“Well...if you put it that're right.” Princess Twilight making an awkward giggle. “It’s nice to meet you.” She lifted her hand for a handshake but due to Vignette’s high interest, she gave the Princess Of Friendship a hug.

“Come on! How about a selfie princess?” Vignette took out her phone while she poses with Twilight by her side. She pressed the button on her phone which causes a flash, taking a picture much to Twilight and her friends surprised while Rarity is making a smirk.

Princess Twilight is blinded from the flash from Vignette’s phone, once Rarity’s boss let go of her, Human Twilight and Sunset Shimmer stopped her from falling to the ground. “Rarity, what is going on?” She asked.

“Sorry darling.” Rarity laugh. “My boss always feel this way when she meets a famous celebrity.”

“But I’m not a-” Rarity covered Princess Twilight’s mouth just when Vignette almost became suspicious.

“Just go with it. Vignette isn’t like the other people you met.”

“She’s not wrong, you know.” Sunset whispered.

Princess Twilight never had an encounter so weird and so unexpected. Even from last year, she knew one of the girls she met wouldn’t do something like this. She walked up to Vignette and tried to be a bit serious with her.

“Vignette, I know you’re...really in to me but me and my friends are going to Microchips MC Dex FX in the next hour.” Twilight trying to be nice.

“Oh, don’t mention it.” Vignette said in her sassy attitude. “Even celebrities like us need some time for ourselves.”

“Yyyeeeaaahhh…celebrities like us...sort of.”

Applejack remain silent during the whole ordeal. After agreeing with her friend to spend some time with Vignette a few days after the parade, she is slowly getting used to it, but this isn’t the first time she saw Rarity’s boss doing this.

“So, what are you three going to do?” Human Twilight wondered.

“Not really, we’re on the same boat.” Rarity answered.

“Looks like we’re all on a stop here.” Applejack added.

“<sigh> If only we all had something to do right now.” Princess Twilight lowered her head in disappointment.

The six girls didn’t know what to do next. Performances being prepared, so many options to choose from, and the fact it will take them forever to find their friends. Then Rarity remembered something she was going to do before she and the Rainbooms arrived.

“Twilight.” Rarity replied which got the attention from the Princess. “I was going to make an outfit for you but when Sunset texted me when I was packing up, it was too late.”

Princess Twilight saw her friends and others in their festival outfits. “Rarity, I appreciate the offer but there’s not going to be a lot of time. Sorry for not being in the spirit of this festival.”

Then Vignette came up with an idea as she wraps her arm around Princess Twilight’s shoulder. “Actually there is time for that. I’m also a good fashion designer and a make up artist. Don’t worry Rarity, I’ll help you and still do it your way.”

Rarity agreed with Vignette that she’s making the right choice. However Rarity isn’t going to leave because she’s missing one person. She turned to Applejack while lifting her hand up.

“And you’re going to join us.” Rarity smirked. “I’m sure Twilight needs more help with a country talented cowgirl like you.”

“It’s true, since you gave me lessons in fashion clothing.” Applejack rolled her eyes smiling. The cowgirl, the Fashionista and her boss take the Princess Of Friendship to the girls bathroom to give her a full makeover in their combined styles. Princess Twilight felt off with the idea of getting an outfit and a makeover from the Rainbooms and especially Vignette. With so little time she has, she can only hope her friends get her done before Microchips performance happens.

“Is it me or does Rarity has a fashion supply emergency kit with her?” Human Twilight asked.

“Pretty much, she always has a mobile hobby. Typical Rarity.” Sunset smiled as she crossed her arms.

Sunset Shimmer and Human Twilight are waiting outside of the girl’s restroom where Rarity and her friends are helping Princess Twilight with her outfit and makeup. It’s been an hour and Microchips MC Dex FX performance is going to happen in the next fifteen minutes.

“Rarity…” Sunset opened the restroom until Rarity rushed to the door.

“Hey! Stay out! Your ruining the surprise!” Rarity pushed her away.

“But we don’t have much time left!” Human Twilight retorted.

“We’re almost done!” Applejack yelled. “Vignette is putting the makeup on Twilight and she’s almost finished!”

Rarity closed the door, leaving Sunset Shimmer and Human Twilight waiting again. After another minute has passed, Rarity, Applejack and Vignette came out of the restroom while Princess Twilight is waiting inside after what her friends did.

“No offense, but don’t tell us you put too much makeup on her.” Sunset biting her lip until Vignette gets into her face.

“Hey, we all know the difference between too much and the proper amount!” Vignette retorted until Rarity placed her hand on her boss’s shoulder.

“Our Princess is not going to be embarrassed.” Rarity replied. “You’ll see it yourself.”

“Twilight, come out!” Applejack called. As the three girls got out of the way, Princess Twilight opened the restroom door to expose herself.

When she came out, Human Twilight and Sunset Shimmer couldn’t believe what they were seeing from their princess friend. Twilight is wearing a purple shining shirt with stars on the front and back. She has black gloves with her cutie mark behind the palms. Applejack was in charge of doing the skirt as what Twilight is wearing a long golden but not sparking skirt with pockets.

Then finally is the makeup Vignette put on. Twilight has pink eyeshadow on her eyelids just like Fluttershy and Rarity have. It’s the only thing she has on because Vignette’s vision of the Princess Of Friendship says that she doesn't need lipstick in any color. When she looked at her for the first time, she learns her decision making so much more than before. The eyeshadow she put on Twilight is one of the most expensive tools she used during her auditions as a famous actress. She only kept the make up to herself since she never had any friends whatsoever. And to make things better, after the Princess Of Friendship saw her reflection in the mirror, she approved of it.

“Oh my gosh!” Human Twilight said with her eyes wide.

“You look like someone who can fit in like the rest of us in this festival.” Sunset placing her hand on her hip, being impressed.

“Trust me girls, even if it took us an hour, I’m like everyone here.” Princess Twilight giggled as she turned to Rarity, Applejack and Vignette. “Thanks for helping me, I’ll think of something to owning you back.”

“Take the time you need, we have today and tomorrow sugarcube.” Applejack replied.

Just when the princess is about to leave, she didn’t forget the third girl who put on her pink eyeshadow. “Vignette, that includes you. I’m owing too.”

“Thank you very much Twilight.” Vignette blinked with a smile. “After all, that’s how me, Rarity and Applejack do it, ARV Style.”

“ARV Style?” The girls responded.

“That stands for Applejack, Rarity and Vignette B.Y.B.B teamwork. I decide to put Applejack in the front.” She gave Applejack a wink which made the cowgirl took notice.

“Well, looks like you two darlings are really getting along fast.” Rarity smiled.

This made Applejack blushed while scratching on the back of her head. “Well shucks, my cheeks are turning into tomatoes.”

“That’s what I love to see from you.” Rarity pinching on Applejack’s cheek.

The Twilights, Sunset and Vignette are adoring yet another moment between Applejack and Rarity. “Did these two became close to each other when I was gone?” Princess Twilight asked.

“Pretty much, you missed one of the best friendships in recent times too.” Sunset replied.

“Come on girls, we don’t want to be late to see Microchips.” Human Twilight grabbing both Sunset and her princess counterpart’s arm to get to their destination. They’ve wave goodbye to Applejack, Rarity and Vignette as they go to a different place in the Starswirl Festival.

Hidden In the Grassy Hedge Maze

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Starlight Glimmer, along her friends continue to enjoy the Starswirl Festival. Rainbow Dash was really happy that she got the chance to hang out with Dirt Thistleweed even it wasn’t Starlight’s intention.

“Girls, I did what I could to use my hands on an instrument. I didn’t mean to annoy your favorite band.” Starlight looking at her hands in disappointment.

“Don’t feel that way.” Fluttershy replied. “At least Dirt and his band didn’t ban us from the festival.”

Rainbow Dash hadn’t spoken a word since she refused to overwhelm the Princess’s friend. After the last hour, she decides to have Pinkie Pie or Fluttershy show Starlight more of the festival’s activities.

“Sooo...what do you want to do next?” Pinkie wrapping her arm around Starlight.

“I don’t really know. Should we find where Twilight and the others are at?”

Rainbow and Fluttershy mostly agree with Starlight, but Pinkie Pie has so many ideas she and her friends can do together. “How about we play a game, then we can go get some ice cream?”

“Sure. What game do you want to play?”

Pinkie Pie grabbed Starlight’s arm as she pulls her to where she wants to play. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy catch up Pinkie from behind. When Pinkie and Starlight went past so many people and stands, they’ve stopped while Pinkie pointed at the Hedge Maze.

“Hide and Seek in the Hedge Maze!”

Starlight and the others looked at the Hedge Maze. Like the last Starswirl Festival not long ago, the maze itself remain the same as it is, but anyone who hasn’t stepped inside the maze would get lost.

“Hey, that’s the maze Sunset went to.” Rainbow smiled.

“It doesn’t look too big.” Starlight said as she saw two entrances from the left and right. “Sure, we can play hide and seek. You can go hide in the maze and I’ll count to twenty to find you.” She’s about to offer Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash to join but when she turned around, they immediately fill her in.

“Sorry Starlight.” Fluttershy placing her hands behind her back. “I have to use the bathroom.”

“So do I, I drank a soda this morning and it travels so fast.” Rainbow added.

“It’s okay girls.” Pinkie Pie cheered. “By the time you all get back, It will be Starlight’s turn to hide.”

After Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash made their way to the restrooms, Pinkie Pie shows Starlight the map of the hedge maze in the higher view so she can see where she’s going.

Then Aria popped her head behind the trees with her leader by her side. She thought the Princess Of Friendship or Sunset Shimmer is hanging out by the maze but as it turns out, she was wrong.

“It’s that pink doofus again!” Aria whispered.

“Wait a minute.” Adagio staring at the purple girl. “Why does that girl seem familiar?”

“What’s your point?”

Adagio and Aria reportedly looked at each other until they turned their attention back to Pinkie and her friend.

“Okay, in case you can’t see in the dark, here’s a flashlight!” Pinkie Pie lifting out a flashlight from her pocket.

“Pinkie, why would I need a flashlight? There’s lights in the maze.” Starlight pointing at one of the entrances.

“Come on, think of being in a dark tunnel while trying to save your best friend from getting lost forever. That’s what happened to one of the characters in the Daring Do movies.”

Starlight did watch the premiere of the Daring Do movies and remembered the scene where Daring Do’s friends are being rescued in the dark with Daring Do holding a fire torch in her hand.

“Okay but I’m not like Daring Do.” Starlight giggled. When her friend handed her the flashlight, She tries to hold it but she ended up dropping it due to her hand disabilities, which actually took Aria and Adagio’s attention without blinking.

“She’s just like the princess.” Aria commented.

Adagio had no words at all with only a smirk of confidence on her face. “Well, even without our magic, we can still take somewhat of an advantage.”

Starlight covered her eyes and counts to twenty while Pinkie Pie heads to the Hedge Maze. “Twenty, Nineteen, Eighteen.”

“Let’s get inside the maze!” Adagio forcing Aria. “Now!”

“Thirteen, Twelve, Eleven, Ten.” As Starlight is halfway done counting, Adagio and Aria rushed there way into the left entrance of the maze to put their new plan in motion.

“Five, Four, Three, Two, One!” Starlight finished her counting and uncovered her eyes. She enters the right entrance of the maze and turns on her flashlight. She couldn’t believe how amazing the inside of the hedge looks with the lights decorated on the top and sides. While the maze itself is small, the effort inside explains everything.

Starlight Glimmer went to every direction in the hedge to find Pinkie Pie but it became much more challenging. When she went to three of the four open spots in the maze, Pinkie was nowhere to be found. “Geez, Pinkie knows how to hide.” After going through all the spots and hedge ways of the maze, Starlight arrived to the last open spot but unfortunately, she didn’t find her.

In the lower right open spot, there’s a photobooth for anyone or with their friends to take four pictures. Inside, both Adagio and Aria are inside, spying on Twilight’s friend. Luckily for them, none of her friends are anywhere to be seen which gives them more of an opportunity to further their plan. They left the photobooth as they placed their hands on their hips.

“Hello…” Adagio spoke for her attention.

Starlight Glimmer turned around as she saw two girls she hasn’t met in her life. Not to mention that Rockhoof didn’t specifically told Starlight the enemies he faced during his past. “Oh...hello…” Starlight waved which made Adagio laughed. “I’m Starlight Glimmer.”

“I’m Adagio Dazzle and this is Aria Blaze.”

“We’re the Dazzlings.” Aria introduced herself. “We’re a band of three girls just to show off our musical vocal cords.”

“Really?” Starlight responded. “Who’s the other third member in your band?”

“Sonata Dusk.” Both Aria and Adagio looked at each other. “Let’s just say she’s the least smart of the group.”

“Not to mention she has an appetite of tacos.” Adagio rolled her eyes while also crossing her arms.

Starlight Glimmer couldn’t believe that her friends didn’t show her this band in the festival yet. The outfits the Dazzlings are wearing looking promising, not to mention their looks make them feel like a band.

“Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you two.” She lifted her hand for a handshake to which Adagio shook it. “Are you performing your band today?”

“As a matter of fact, we are until sunset.” Adagio replied.

“Same goes to tomorrow.” Aria added. “Are you willing to watch us perform?”

“Of course, what songs are you going to sing?” Starlight asked.

This made Adagio and Aria flinched a bit. Since the first day they become one of the bands in the Starswirl Festival, they had limited songs in their new lives.

“Actually, we only have one song. We’re still trying to think more in the meantime.” Adagio said while breaking the handshake.

This made Starlight slightly disappointed that the Dazzlings only can sing one song for later. “Well, your band must be new right?”

“You can say that, for the most part we’ve been a band before we came to this festival.” Aria glaring.

“We do have other songs, but the festival won’t accept our old ideas.” Adagio signed.

“Man, you had old songs and you have no other choice, but to make new ones just so you can be a part of this festival?” Starlight asked.

“That’s just how the business works.”

Out of all the bands Starlight’s friends have been talking about, the Dazzlings feel like the least popular in the festival. Starlight felt depressed to see Adagio and Aria’s group being swallowed in the predicament they’re still in.

“Wait, I got an idea!” Starlight shouted which surprises the Dazzlings. “My friends are also in a band. Do you want me to have them watch your performance?”

Aria is furious as her nerves have been pinched yet again until Adagio hit her arm with her elbow. “Sure! Besides it would be delightful to meet your friends in person.”

“Wait, you would actually do that?”

“Yes.” Aria rubbing her arm. “We’re going to be performing at the other side of the festival.”

“Don’t be late, believe me, we are watching while performing.” Adagio smirking while placing her hands on her hips again. She and Aria left the open spot as they make their way back to their RV until Adagio stopped when she enter the maze. “And one more thing, keep our band a secret from your friends. You don’t want to spoil the surprise to your closeted friends right?”

“Oh! I will, good call!” Starlight smiled.

Adagio leaves as Starlight has something that will make her friends really excited, or at least surprised. Then Rainbow and Fluttershy enter the open spot after they both went to the bathroom.

“Hey Starlight.” Fluttershy replied.

“We’re back.” Rainbow added.

“Girls, there’s a band performing at sunset. You are going to enjoy them!” Starlight reacted in happiness.

“Really, who are they?” Fluttershy wondered.

“I’m not going to tell you, it’s a surprise.”

“A surprise huh? I like surprises.” Rainbow grinned.

With two of her friends knowing what they’re going to do later, it’s only a matter of time to get Twilight and the others to know what’s coming in their way.

“Wait, did you found where Pinkie is hiding?” Fluttershy asked.

This caused Starlight to remember the game she’s playing with Pinkie. “Oh I almost forgot!” She wasted little time as she rushed back to the hedgeways. “I couldn’t find where Pinkie is hiding.” She made her way to the left side of the maze with Rainbow and Fluttershy following from behind.

“Did you look in every spot?” Rainbow recalled.

“Yes, it shouldn’t be this hard to find where sh-”

Then Pinkie Pie popped her head out of the bush from the top. “Here’s Bushie Pie!”

This caused Starlight to collapsed on her back from the jumpscare. “Pinkie!”

“What? I wanted to make this game interesting!”

“Is hiding in the bushes is considered cheating?” Rainbow asked.

“And scaring your friends?” Fluttershy added.

“Come on, one of you would the same thing during our time in middle school.” Pinkie getting out from the top of the hedgeway.

“I’m pretty sure anyone in middle school would still play plain old hide and seek.” Starlight retorted while getting back on her feet.

The Long and Bizarre Time Coming

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Sunset and Human Twilight take the Princess Of Friendship to where Microchips is performing. There’s about five stages in the whole festival separating from each other. With the amount of bands and solo players available, everyone who has their musical talent deserves their time to shine on stage. The girls arrived with people waiting to see the MC Dex FX to happen. They saw Microchips setting up his helmet that he’s going to be wearing soon.

“You know, I really think Microchips looks really unique.” Princess Twilight commented while looking at Microchips.

“What, is it because he’s interested in technology like I do?” Human Twilight asked.

“It’s not that, it’s just surprising to see one of your classmates performing music. It’s really bizarre.”

This made both Sunset and Human Twilight looked at the Princess, blinking with dumbfounded looks. “Bizzare? Why do you think that?” Sunset replied.

This caused the princess to blush in embarrassment. “It’s not what you think, I just never understood music in this festival before.”

Human Twilight remembered the time her counterpart preferred magic spells over science. While she was mad, it took her time to understand her princess friend lives in a world where there’s not a lot of advanced equipment whatsoever.

“Twilight, unlike your world, there are so many alternatives when it comes to music.” Human Twilight taking it normally. “When you were gone, Sunset and her friends showed me so many genres of music since they have different tastes. For Microchips, he picked MC Dex FX because he probably grow up with that kind of music.”

When Sunset can see what her friend is talking about, she decides to chime in. “She does make a point.” She placed her hand on Princess Twilight’s shoulder. “For me, I do have taste when it comes to music genres. I suggest you should talk to Microchips on what he feels.”

Princess Twilight took the advice from her friends slowly so she can process. Microchips is one of the people she hasn’t met personally when she was away for so long. If she did meet him last year on the beach or back on the cruise, she might keep up on the societies of what this world contracted.

She makes her way to Microchips who just finished working on his helmet. “Excuse me?” She called which caught Microchips attention. When he looked at her, he’s not really surprised to see two Twilight counterparts.

“Hey, aren’t you Twilight’s princess friend from the cruise?” He asked.

Princess Twilight made an awkward smile while her friends are behind her. “Yes, I assume you were on the cruise months ago right?”

“Of course I was.” Microchips getting off the stage to meet the girls face to face. “Didn’t actually expect you to be around.”

“Speaking of keeping up, your classmate is on the same road like your friend.” Sunset crossing her arms while raising her eyebrow, smiling.

“Why am I not surprised?” Human Twilight smiling as well.

Princess Twilight didn’t know where to say next since Microchips did remember what happened at the last two cruise vacations, although she still has a question for him.

“Okay, I am curious…” She spoke in a respectful tone. “My friends told me that your doing your MC Dex FX performance.”

“Yeah.” Microchips responded.

“What do you feel about that?”

Microchips never expected a question like that, especially from a princess and not his classmate from science class. “What do I feel? I feel more appreciated. Ever since I’ve heard of it, I did so many modifications on the helmet. The employees would pay me to not only work on my helmet, but also allow me to perform since they need a MC Dex FX player.”

Princess Twilight became speechless with the idea of Microchips becoming a solo instrumental player. Not for too long, her human counterpart walked up by her side.

“Yeah, I didn’t believe it either.” She replied.

“So, you’re here to watch me perform?”

“It was your classmate's offer she gave to us. Besides after you helped me during the school play last year, I think it’s fair to give you a chance.” Sunset smiled.

Twilight’s classmate had never felt this happy to have one of her friends to watch him perform. “Thanks girls, you have no idea how much this means to me.”

“Trust us, that’s what friendship needs.” Human Twilight giggled.

Before Microchips gets on stage, he has something to say to the Princess Of Friendship. “By the way, maybe sometime tomorrow, can we do something together?”

“Like what?” Princess Twilight blinked.

“Like showing you what I designed? I brought some equipment just in case something bad happens.”

“In case something bad happens?”

“You know in case one of the bands or solo artists gets into a serious situation that they need help?”

Sunset and Human Twilight didn’t know what to expect from one of their classmates. While they did went through a Time Loop thanks to PostCrush, they didn’t know anyone like Microchips to keep the festival’s schedule undamaged, which actually impressed Princess Twilight.

“You mean like checking everywhere? That’s what I do back in Equestria.” She commented.

“Is that what you do as a princess?” Microchips asked.

“Actually it was before that. Please don’t let me explain what I do, Lyra and the others did that when they came over.”

“Okaaaay!” Sunset breaking the conversation. “I think for the sake of our time, we should not cause another misunderstanding in Equestria, if you know what I’m talking about.”

“It’s okay, I understand. Besides I have to get on stage now.” Microchips waste little time as he made his way to the back while grabbing his helmet.

Sunset turned to Princess Twilight with an unamused expression on her face. “You know, you really need to keep your profile as a pony to yourself even if Microchips sneaked in Equestria.”

“Sorry, I didn’t know what to say.” Princess Twilight scratched on the back of her head.

“Then again, Microchips is always interested to the stuff he knows aren’t unlimited.” Human Twilight added. “At least you're going to know him more tomorrow. Nothing is going to ruin our day.”

Princess Twilight would take those as compliments but at the same time, she doesn’t have a schedule for herself and she’s doing anything she can to keep her counterpart occupied.

For the next two minutes, Microchips went on stage with his MC Dex FX helmet on. With tens of people watching him, he wasted little time as he waves his arms with sounds coming out from the speakers. His helmet showed sound beats which made his fans really excited. As for Princess Twilight, she was more than impressed. For this being the first time she’s listening to music in the Starswirl Festival, she really adores it for what kind of genre that’s coming out in the open. Even if it’s nothing but instrumental, she can’t wait what PostCrush has to deliver tonight and so does the other bands.

Human Twilight and Sunset Shimmer are banging their heads at the beat of Microchips music and soon, Princess Twilight is slowly doing the same. Meanwhile, three grown adults arrive to join in on the MC Dex FX performance. Just before they bang their heads at the best of the music, they saw Twilight and Sunset in the crowd.

“Hey Celestia and Luna, our students are over there.” Cranky Doodle pointed at the two girls.

“Well what do you know, even our beloved students are joining in on the fun.” Luna smiled. “Right sister?”

Her sister didn’t make a response whatsoever because what she’s seeing that’s in the middle of Twilight and Sunset, her eyes don’t lie. She saw another Twilight she remembered a long time ago before she transferred Twilight to Canterlot High. At first she thought that Twilight was a twin sister but ever since then, she never saw or heard of her. She was going to be serious, but today she had a great time with her sister and Cranky Doodle. A long time coming isn’t always bad in her book.

“Sister?” Luna spoke again.

Celestia didn’t respond again as she makes her way to the Twilights and Sunset from behind. She slowly walked up to the Princess Of Friendship as she placed both of her hands on her head.

“Huh?” Princess Twilight opened his eyes when someone stopped her from enjoying the music.

“Twilight Sparkle?” Celestia smiled. “It’s been a long time right?”

Then Human Twilight and Sunset saw what’s going on as they stop dancing. They completely forgot that their princess friend didn’t talk to their principals after she left Canterlot High a while back.

Princess Twilight became even more surprised since she remembered that Celestria and Luna also has their other selfs in this world. She turned around and saw Principal Celestia who giggled from her reaction.

“You miss me?”


Princess Twilight paused that she and her counterpart are in front of an adult, who’s too smart to be fooled.

“I can’t believe this is happening.” Sunset frowned.

“What, are you two looking at a ghost?” Luna giggled.

“No, but I didn’t think you would be at the next Starswirl Festival.” Human Twilight making an awkward smile.

“Hey, adults like us deserve to have some freedom from work.” Cranky retorted.

Principal Celestia is still smiling while Princess Twilight is speechless. “Don’t worry, you’re not in trouble. It’s just a relief that I finally meet you after all this time.”

“Yeah, I remember you gave me my crown during the Fall Formal.” Princess Twilight replied. “Annnnd…..That was the last time we met until I headed home.”

“It didn’t bother me, I can't remember all the students in Canterlot High.”

“Okay but, you still recognize me after all this time?”

“I thought you were Twilight’s twin sister.”

This made not only Princess Twilight, but also Human Twilight blushed with the idea of being twins since they’re more than similar. “You don’t say?” Sunset grinned. “If I became a new student in Canterlot High and I saw two Twilights, I would think the same thing.”

“Uh huh.” Both Human and Princess Twilight spoke with their faces turning red.

This made Celestia, Luna and Cranky adore the reaction from the Twilights. “Well, if you really live in the neighborhood, it would be adorable to see what you two do together.”

This caused the Twilights to smile while still blushing like crazy. “Can we please skip that topic!” Human Twilight screamed a little.

“Yeah!” Princess Twilight added.

“Okay okay, chillax.” Celestia said. “We’re only here just to enjoy the music and I can tell you want to enjoy yourselves as well. But I want a favor from you.” She pointed at the Princess Of Friendship.

“What is it?”

“Sometime tomorrow, can we have a conversation on the hills? Trust me, I won’t tell anyone about what's going on with you.”

“Except us.” Luna rolling her eyes.

Princess Twilight didn’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow. First Microchips wants to hang out with her and now Principal Celestia wants to talk to her. She’s relieved her profile in this world isn’t going viral, but now she has two things she has to do tomorrow. The pressure she’s dealing with is beginning to increase but at the same time, it’s not too much.

“Celestia.” Princess Twilight spoke as her blush goes away. “If your really curious, I will do everything in my knowledge to fill you in. Your right, it’s been a long time since we talk to each other and…”

“I assigned you as a student?” Celestia guessed.

“OH! I forgot about that!” The princess reacted.

Sunset doesn’t want Princess Twilight to go through more pressure as she steps in. “I think maybe you should give us some space. She needs to think about your conversation for the next twenty-four hours.”

“No problem. Enjoy the festival.” Principal Celestia smiled as she, her sister and Cranky Doodle went to the other side of the crowd to enjoy the MC Dex FX music.

“Are you feeling alright Twilight?” Human Twilight plating on her counterpart’s back.

“Just a little.” Princess Twilight retorted. “I should’ve remind Rarity and her friends to give me a hood at least.”

Friendship Stand Against The Siren’s Leader

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After Princess Twilight and her friends left Microchips musical performance, she ran into her friends with Starlight mentioning about a band is going to be performing in the next hour. During the time being, they took a snack break as the sun begins to set over the hills. Starlight Glimmer is eager to make her friends really excited to listen to a band she told to keep secret, or at least surprised.

Starlight is leading the whole Rainbooms to the other side of the festival while she’s holding the map to get to her destination. “Starlight.” Applejack said. “I understand this is supposed to be a surprise but can you give us hints on what band we’re going to see?”

“You might spoil it. Besides they really want me to keep it a surprise.” Starlight replied.

“But can you at least give us a small hint?” Rarity added.

“Girls, you should at least respect the fact that Starlight isn’t good at making surprises.” Sunset recalled. “She's Twilight’s student back at Equestria.”

“Your right.” Princess Twilight chimed in. “It’s been years and I’m sure Starlight knows what she’s doing.”

Starlight and her friends arrived to another stage that’s in front of a road. There’s an RV parked and that’s where the band is putting on their makeup. Like every other stage, there’s tens of people waiting for them to perform their music. As for the Rainbooms, while they still didn’t like that Starlight is keeping the band anonymous, they will still enjoy the performance nonetheless.

After five more minutes, the spotlights turned on which caused the crowd to cheer. “This is going to be perfect!” Starlight thought to herself.

The music came out from the speakers, it was soft and quiet which impresses the Rainbooms. Then the band came out from the bottom of the stage as it’s revealed to be the Dazzlings.

The Rainbooms eyes shot wide open in complete shook. Princess Twilight never forgot the Sirens even when she returned back to Equestria. “Starlight!” She whispered to her student. “This is the band you talked too!?”

“Yes! Isn’t this great?”

“ it’s not!” Rainbow retorted.

“These girls were our enemies!” Fluttershy added.

“What?” Starlight said with a confused look. Princess Twilight didn’t know what to expect now that she encounters three girls she fought with in the past.

Adagio, Sonata, and Aria begin singing their song, Find The Magic. While singing, they’ve noticed the Princess Of Friendship is here along with her friends. Adagio made a grin that her manipulation on Starlight work. She notices that Princess Twilight is crossing her arms with a serious look but that only made her more happy.

As they continue to sing, Twilight isn’t enjoying it. Even with the music being nice and calm, she knows for a fact that the Sirens can’t sing after they lost their powers. “Something’s not right.” She whispered again.

“What do you mean?” Applejack asked.

Out of all the girls, Sunset Shimmer isn’t really surprised seeing The Dazzlings again. After three long weeks of being in a time loop, she thought Adagio was responsible, but she wasn’t. Even after she stopped, she knew that The Dazzlings have moved on even if they never changed. She can only imagine that after she and her friends defeated them, they’ve had to face the consequences of what they’ve done at Canterlot High.

“Sunset.” Human Twilight whispered. “Are you feeling alright?”

“Not much.” Sunset answered back while feeling exhausted.

The Dazzlings finished their song as tons of their fans expect the Rainbooms are cheering in delight. “Thank you so much for all of your approval.” Adagio smiled. “We will be back tomorrow to sing our song again. I know most of you are coming back because we can all agree, that your always here to adore us.”

She noticed that the Princess Of Friendship shook her head, unamused. Which doesn’t even bother her at all since this is still part of her plan. Adagio and her band left the stage as their crowd of fans leave, having thoughts about coming back. However the Rainbooms didn’t move at all. They know something is up since they are the reason Starlight took them to their performance.

“So...what are we going to do now?” Pinkie Pie wondered.

“I’m going to talk to them.” Princess Twilight placing her hands on her hips.

“Seriously darling?” Rarity reacted. “We can’t just go behind that stage!”

“There’s a security guard behind there!” Rainbow added.

“Why do you want to talk to them?” Fluttershy added.

The Princess Of Friendship took a deep breath to calm herself down at least. “Starlight, you should’ve told us that the Sirens are here.”

“Okay I’m sorry but how am I supposed to know?” Starlight replied.

“They’re the ones Rockhoof talked about.”

“Yes but they said they were The Dazzlings.”

“Yeah, their BAND name!” Applejack shouted.

“Look it’s been a long time since we defeated them and I know there’s something wrong with their voices when they sing.” The princess pointed at the stage.

“So your thinking that their autotuned?” Pinkie wondered.

Princess Twilight, despite having never heard of autotune in her life, might think it could be the reason. “If you put it that way, they must be. Come on!” She makes her way to the back along with her friends from behind.

However the only ones who didn’t come along are Human Twilight and Sunset Shimmer, which caught Princess Twilight’s attention. “Sunset, Twilight?” She stopped herself. “Aren’t you coming along?”

“No…” Sunset responded. “I think it’s better off that we should just leave the Sirens alone.”

“Excuse me!?”

Human Twilight decides to fill in for her best friend. “Twilight, I know I didn’t meet these girls personally, but I’m sure they’re not going to seek revenge on us.”

“You actually think that?”

Sunset placed her hand on her face still thinking this isn’t a good idea. “Believe me, I’m sure they just here just to get a job. At this point I would rather let them do whatever they want even if they’re autotuned.”

The Princess Of Friendship couldn’t believe two of her friends decide to not be part of this. To think years after the battle, this was something she never expect her friends to do. “You don’t understand. These girls can be reformed. It happened to me back in Equestria.”

“Queen Chrysalis is an example.” Starlight added.

“And if they find magic, they might go back to becoming monsters!”

Sunset and Human Twilight didn’t know what to say since they never went through reformed situations when their enemies strike back. Human Twilight didn’t knew that her counterpart went through the wrath of her enemies back in her world, but she’s still unsure on what she’s going to do with the Dazzlings.

“Hey girls!” Rainbow shouted to the girls attention. “There’s no security guard back here! The gate is even wide open!”

The Rainbooms made their way and notice that Rainbow is right. The gate is always closed when the Dazzlings are performing, but now it's somehow open. “They really want to see us, do they?” Princess Twilight said. She wasted little time and went through the open gate with the Rainbooms from behind. Sunset and Human Twilight had no other choice but to see what’s really going on.

The girls stop as they saw The Dazzlings small RV parked. Princess Twilight knows that they’re inside the vehicle and she’s not going anywhere. Most of the girls are either being impatient or not letting this slide, since they manipulated their friend who’s barely around in their world.

Then the slide door from the RV is open, revealing Adagio, Sotana and Aria coming out. “So, you’re back Rainbooms.” She replied. “It’s been a long time, Princess Of Friendship.”

Princess Twilight didn’t make a response since she’s still giving the Sirens her disgusted expression. “What’s the matter? You didn’t like our performance?” Aria asked with her sassy attitude.

“What do you want?” Rarity retorted while moving her hair.

“Shouldn’t you be working on your careers?” Applejack added.

“Actually, we only need your princess friend.” Sotana recalled as she walks up to Twilight. “Since she decides to come over to this world just to hang out with her friends.”

“Alright, first of all! She’s here because she wants to keep her other self occupied!” Rainbow pointing her finger to Sotana. “Second of all, we’re not here for another battle, you don’t have your powers anymore.”

Adagio pushed the athletic girl with her hand. “We know! We just want to set things clear with your friend.” She looked at the princess who’s still unflinched.

“If you actually expect that I brought magic to this world, don’t push your luck. You don’t deserve it.” Princess Twilight said in her serious tone. “Also, I did not enjoy your performance even if your song was interesting.”

This again didn’t made Adagio changed her expression. “It’s fine. I can care less about that.” She noticed that Human Twilight and Sunset Shimmer are right behind the group. “And I can tell your friends aren’t liking your choice.”

This caused Aria to walk up to Twilight and Sunset. “Especially how your other friend can’t handle her schedule without you.” She leans to Twilight which made Twilight took a few steps back.

“Hey, don’t thank me.” Human Twilight raising her hands in front of her.

“Please leave her alone…” Sunset rolled her eyes which made Aria turn to her immediately.

“Please? That is what you expect us to do?” Aria taunted.

“Just as I thought.” Adagio replied. “Just like Sunset Shimmer, all of you girls never change. As far as I’m aware, your friend is so gullible to not see the real us.”

This made Starlight Glimmer placed both of her hands in her mouth, ashamed of herself for putting her friends into this. Fluttershy placed her hand on Starlight’s shoulder, trying to cheer her up, but it wasn’t enough.

“You’re wrong.” Princess Twilight flinching both of her fists which made the Dazzlings took notice. “You seriously think that friendship has considered us to not change at all?”

“Oh please.” Adagio moved her hair. “At least we have jobs to keep our lives going.”

“Tell me, do you and your band autotune your voices?”

This caused Adagio to lean her face closer to Twilight. “Oh, this is gonna turn ugly.” Pinkie Pie commented.

“Do you even know what autotune means?” Adagio being in her bad side.

“No I don’t but I know it involves something with our voices.” Princess Twilight recalled.

“Oh really? Tell us how bad our singing is?”

“Eighty percent.”

The leader of the band just shot her eyes open in shook and so does the other girls. Sunset Shimmer was even surprised from her princess friend’s way of being in her serious side.

“What did you just say!?” Adagio reacted in anger.

“You heard me. Eighty percent!” The princess shouted back. “You really expect me to run away like a student in Canterlot High? Or be intimated from you? Not a chance in Tartarus.”

Adagio became speechless from what she’s witnessing from the Princess Of Friendship. Aria and Sonata didn’t know what to expect from what's going on right now. The Rainbooms are taking a few steps back, avoiding another possible predicament.

“The fact you manipulate my student still didn’t surprise me. Because after watching you and your band sing on stage, I can tell there’s no reason for you three to change. If any one of your fans see what you really sound like while singing, your careers would be short lived. Unlike you, the Dazzlings. The Rainbooms don’t need autotuneing because they can still without their own magic.”

Princess Twilight pointed at her friends until she pointed back at Adagio. “The only thing you can do is have anyone be under your spell, go against each other while they adore you so you can be the only ones standing. But let me tell you this, when you cause fights, eventually all of that will go against you!”

“Against us!?” Adagio reacted.

“If you ever come back to Canterlot High, people won’t consider giving you forgiveness even if you earned it. You have done terrible things to us, we would rather keep you away from our surroundings. When Starswirl, and you know what I’m referring to, forced you to stay in this world, it was because he knew you were unstable. And after we defeated you, you still remain the same as before. Well let me tell you this, you don’t get passes just because you’re bad. Same goes to where you’re at right now. Your becoming harmless teenage girls and need your voices autotuned just so you can at least get back to what you really need. You ignore being ignored, completely missing the whole picture. You’re even lucky you didn’t turn to stone because that’s the last thing all of us would do. And if your fans see your true colors, it’s only a matter of time before you reach your end. A punishment you let yourselves get into is only going to come back, no matter what. If you can’t handle that, you deserve to be in stone and remain in it until the end of time.”

After Princess Twilight took out everything she needed to say, everyone, even the Dazzlings were impressed. The Princess Of Friendship had enough from what’s going on between her and the Rainbooms lately. She’s not going to back down from anyone who interferes her weekend off.

However this made Adagio boil in rage, with both of her fists clenching. She had never been this furious in a long time and the fact her plan failed makes it worse. “Aria! Sonata! Get back in the RV!” She shouted which caused her sisters to head back. She still continues to stare at Twilight while slowly walking backwards. “You need to understand one thing Twilight Sparkle!” She stopped when she’s just behind her band. “What goes around, comes around even without our magic. And you know it!”

Adagio enters the vehicle while Aria and Sonata gave their glares to the princess until they enter as well. Aria took out her keys, started the RV and drove away leaving the Rainbooms alone. Princess Twilight stepped on the middle of the road as she saw the Sirens leaving the place, still keeping the same face the whole time.

“Did we just saw Princess Twilight making a stand for us?” Fluttershy asked.

“That’s really saying something, since this is the first time she ever talked face to face to the Dazzlings.” Rarity added.

Human Twilight is still concerned from what just happened. While she’s relieved nothing bad has happened, she walked up to her counterpart. “Twilight? Are you feeling alright?” She asked.

Princess Twilight panted in her own past. “Just a little, it’s just...I went through a lot today and I almost had it here from those girls.”

Sunset can see the stress from her princess friend, while she noticing that it’s getting pitch black outside. “I think we should all head to where PostCrush is performing. I’m pretty sure their performance will keep our minds off of this.”

“You’re right. Let’s go.” Princess Twilight replied as Sunset leads the group. Sunset’s favorite band along with a very popular girl at school, will definitely make tonight much more better. And it will also make the Princess Of Friendship the opposite of angry.

Beat Drops By Unreal Fantasies

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The darkened sky above the Starswirl Festival has shooting stars streaking across the night sky. People brought glow-sticks along so they can lift them in the air to watch their favorite band perform. It’s one of the best things that can come out of the festival when the moon rises.

PostCrush is about to start their performance in front of their fans on their stage with a titantron behind them. Princess Twilight and Sunset Shimmer are waiting in the front row while their friends are on the other side of the crowd.

Princess Twilight is slowly calming down after the stand she made against The Sirens thirty minutes ago. While she isn’t taking back anything she said to them, she’s happy that they’re away from the festival.

“Twilight.” Sunset replied. “I know today was pretty rough, but believe me. When you see PostCrush play their music, it will be better than your first impressions.’

The princess took a few seconds to process the details about what’s coming in minutes. “I really hope you’re right. When I talked to them earlier today, they seem so...ordinary.”

This made Sunset stunted. “Is everyone you see for the first time ordinary? That’s what your counterpart felt when we went to Camp Everfree.”

“Hey, Timber and Gloriosa showed me that last year and I found it more than ordinary. I just think Supernova and Kiwi are lucky their careers are popular.”

Sunset would easily take Twilight’s opinions as complaints, but after so long being apart before her second yacht vacation, she can see Twilight being a Princess in Equestria properly the more she hangs out with her. “You just wait and see.”

The spotlights from the stage in pink color have turned on, one by one, which causes the crowd to cheer. The titantron show off pink hearts, going forward towards the screen, while the speakers burst out the instrumentals of PostCrush’s song.

But before Supernova and Kiwi come out from the bottom of the stage, a girl comes out first. She’s right in front of the titantron, being the DJ of PostCrush. And her name is Vinyl Scratch.
Princess Twilight didn’t forget about her when she took her to Equestria months ago. She knew she would see her again since she has a strong passion for music when she’s a DJ at school or anywhere.

Vinyl notices that the Princess Of Friendship is attended in the crowd. She’s more than happy that she’s here in the festival because she had a conversation with PostCrush on allowing her to use her idea when their song is over.

With Vinyl doing her talent, Supernova and Kiwi came out from the bottom, doing their pose together in front of their fans. Their fans scream in joy to see them on stage yet again. As for Sunset Shimmer, her arms and legs shake in excitement which caught Princess Twilight’s notice.

“You feeling alright?” Twilight asked.

“Like I said, wait and see.” Sunset squealed.

PostCrush’s instruments appear from the ground up of the stage. Kiwi’s guitar with her guitar pick attracted and Supernova’s drum set. They make their way, grab their instruments with microphones in front of them.

“Fans of PostCrush!” Kiwi shouted. “This song is for all your support and love!”

Supernova and Kiwi begin singing their song, True Original in front of their fans as they played their instruments. As for Vinyl Scratch, she moves the records on her set to give the song her style of remix. With remixes becoming popular in the genre, a combination would make people more then happy to listen in occasions.

It made everyone, including Sunset Shimmer way into the remix. Princess Twilight didn’t like the idea of a song being remix, but it didn’t ruin anything for her. The lyrics she heard from Kiwi and Supernova are amazing. And when she hears her instruments, it made her appreciate the song itself. During the conversation she had with them, she can tell she doesn’t expect perfection as long as she’s impressed and entertained.

PostCrush noticed that Twilight and Sunset are watching in the front. They’re happy that Twilight kelp her promise especially on what’s to come after their song is over.

After singing the final lyrics of True Original, PostCrush’s fans cheer again while raising their glow-sticks. Vinyl Scratch did the best in her talent to make her remix with True Original amazing and luckily, her goal succeeded when she saw a sign from a fan with her face on it. As for Kiwi Lollipop and Supernova Zap, they love it when they earn the support from their fans. They’ve become better when they decide to reunite as a full time band.

“Thank you everyone!” Supernova shouted.

“We wouldn’t be here right now without all of you lovely fans.” Kiwi added as she pointed at Vinyl. “And don’t forget to give our DJ, Vinyl Scratch an applause for adding her remix into our song.”

The fans cheered at PostCrush’s DJ which made Vinyl accept the approval from the crowd. She also saw Sunset and Twilight giving her a thumbs up, it made her heart warm when anyone gives her a thumbs up because it shows she never messes anything up.

“Now before we leave, we’re going to sing True Original again but we and Vinyl made an agreement.” Kiwi replied.

“We allowed to have three people along with their best friends to dance on stage at the beat of our music. This is what we called Beat Drops.” Supernova added. The fans became shocked with an opportunity to dance with PostCrush while performing. It’s rare for them to have their dreams come true like this. “Vinyl, come up and pick the people to dance with us.”

Vinyl came up at the edge of the stage and looked closely through her pink shades, putting her attention on the crowd who deserve to be on stage. Sunset Shimmer is shaking in excitement, hoping that Vinyl picks her to be on stage. She may sing with PostCrush before but it’s one of her moments she wants to relive in her life.

For the next minute, Vinyl picked two teens along with their best friends to come on stage. She only has one more person to join in the experience and thanks to her strong knowledge, her friendship always stays in herself and knows how to use it at the right moments. She turned her attention to Twilight with a smile on her face, she pointed at the princess as one of her friends she made are now in the spotlight.

Princess Twilight is surprised that she's the last person to be invited on stage which made the crowd looked at. “Twilight, she’s allowing you on stage!” Sunset cheered. The princess felt way better than she was almost an hour ago. She enjoyed the music from PostCrush and after the talk she had with them, she decides to have Sunset join in the fun.

“Then what are we waiting for? Let’s go!” Princess Twilight grabbed Sunset’s arm as they went to the other side of the stage where there’s an entrance to be on stage. They get in between the other picks Vinyl chose as they see the crowd of PostCrush fans. They also saw the Rainbooms from the back, cheering loudly when they notice their best friends are on stage with the best band in the Starswirl Festival.

Twilight made the right choice to take her friend who took time to earn redemption, on stage with her favorite band of all time. It’s the only thing she can do to make Sunset happy from her passion of friendship. PostCrush and Vinyl went back to their places as they do their remix of True Original again. The six teens, after mesmerizing the song and the beats of the music, begin to dance.

Vinyl Scratch always think ahead to make any performance way better than the last if she’s part of the music. She pressed a button on her equipment, the titantrons behind her shows three of her choices to dance on stage. It will give her friends the chance to be in the spotlight more with the band by their side.

Twilight and Sunset are enjoying themselves, dancing at the beat of PostCrush’s music. Sunset can feel the energy inside her body. Unlike the times she was on stage with her friends as the Rainbooms, this was bigger in the music genre she’s into. Twilight found this better than her cruise vacation months ago. Even if she did great things like the wave race and meeting new and old friends but getting a makeover, meeting more old friends and dancing on stage are better. While she made promises with Microchips and Principal Celestia, she can’t wait what’s waiting for her tomorrow in the festival.

PostCrush and Vinyl Scratch have finished their song again with their fans cheering again. Princess Twilight felt so satisfied while Sunset Shimmer is feeling the dream all over again. Her eyes are lid with a smile on her face along her cheeks glowing a small red color.

“Oh Twilight, that was amazing!” Sunset giving her princess friend a hug. “I knew taking you would make you feel the experience like I did.”

“You don’t have to mention it. After all, it's been a long time coming to give you my friendship.” Twilight hugging back. She also saw PostCrush giving her a thumbs up. Today was Twilight’s first day but tomorrow will be her second and last day of the festival. She can only hope she and Sunset can meet PostCrush again, hanging out so she can know them more like how they became a band. Right now, she has a schedule in her mind, two people she’s going to meet while meeting more bands she hasn’t met yet. While today was the best she’d had in this world, tomorrow will be a day she’ll never forget.

Midnight Plan

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After the Rainbooms head back to their spot in the parking lot, they immediately went to sleep to save their energy for the morning. It was a long night for them especially how tired the Princess Of Friendship is.

With everyone sleeping in their sleeping bags during the night, Human Twilight opened her eyes. She put on her glasses and checked her phone, it’s twelve AM,midnight. She looked at her friends, realized that Starlight isn’t in her sleeping bag. She looked out the window and notice Starlight is laying on the grass.

She came out of Rarity’s RV and met Starlight. “Starlight,” Twilight said. “You can’t sleep?”

“Not even close.” Starlight answered with depression in her voice. “I don’t know if Twilight can forgive me for what I did.”

Human Twilight remembered what happened yesterday, but at the same time, she felt sympathy for Starlight. She sat by her, trying her best to cheer her up. “What made you think other me won’t forgive you?”

“Did you see the way she acted towards the Sirens? I’ve seen her mad before but it was nothing like this.” Starlight looked at the stars while she tries to continue the topic. “Adagio and her band felt so promising and when I finally saw their true colors, I’m afraid of what they’re going to do.”

Twilight didn’t like the way The Dazzlings made the warning towards her friends, but at the same time, she knew she wasn’t the only one getting manipulated. “Starlight, before I transferred to Canterlot High, my principal told me to do everything to make her school victorious in the Friendship Games. And that’s when I discovered Equestrian Magic...let’s just say the consequences were ugly.” She bit her lip. “The thing is, forgiveness took time for me and considering for how long Twilight spends in Equestria, she would easily respect you, even with the mistakes.”

Starlight thought about it and during her experiences living with Twilight and Spike, she finally understands. “So...what do you think I should do?”

“Maybe hang out with us tomorrow? It will make Twilight more happy at least.”

“That’s a good idea.” Just when they’re about to head back inside the RV, Starlight saw someone going in the festival on the other side of the entrance. “Wait a minute?” Starlight looked closely and saw that a girl is carrying a bag. “Do you see someone?”

Twilight looked closely and noticed someone walking in the festival where there’s no security during the night. “Yeah, I do.” She took out her phone and used her telescope app to see a much closer look. She couldn’t believe what she witness once she saw her screen on her defiance. “It’s Aria!”

“What!” Starlight reacted in shock. “I thought they left the festival!”

“So do I!” Twilight looked at her screen again as she saw Aria making her way in the hedge maze. “I have a bad feeling about this.”

“What are we going to do?”

Twilight didn’t expect anyone to stay up in the middle of the night. She can understand the stress Starlight is dealing with due to her lack of sleep but not someone like Aria from The Dazzlings. “We got to see what their up to. Follow me.”

Twilight and Starlight sneak into the festival, hiding while spying Aria coming in and out of the hedge maze. It’s been about ten minutes and they still didn’t see what’s inside of the bags Aria is carrying.

“I have no idea what she’s doing right now.” Twilight commented.

“Yeah, why is she up so late?” Starlight added.

“I don’t know, this is not looking good.”

“Of course you're right.”

Starlight and Twilight moved forward after they heard a voice behind them. “Who said that?” Twilight hiding behind Starlight.

“It was me…” She came out of the dark and revealed herself. Starlight and Twilight saw Adagio backing them away with a grin on her face. And to make matters worse, Aria and Sonata witness them as well, making it an intervention they set up. “Didn’t expect you two to stay up this late.”

“Funny, because...we were thinking the same thing when we saw you.” Starlight making an awkward grin.

“Shut your mouth!” Aria retorted. The Dazzlings surround Starlight and Twilight as they’re by the hedge maze. For this and tomorrow night, the lights from the inside glow, but it’s only for the bands performing in the festival. With no one spotting, Adagio is no longer furious since her new plan is coming to play.

“What’s going on!?” Twilight asked while being terrified.

“Taking matters into our own hands.” Sonata replied.

“And you know what we mean.” Adagio added. “What goes around, comes around!”

Aria went by the leader with the bag still in her hands, she opened it and it’s revealed to be instruments from the other bands in the festival. Twilight and Starlight couldn’t believe what The Dazzlings are doing.

“Are those the same instruments Dirt and his band used yesterday?” Starlight pointed.

“And is that Microchip’s helmet?” Twilight added.

“Yes and this is one of many bags we have in our RV.” Aria crossing her arms.

“Wait, are your going to-”

“Hijack the Starswirl Festival!”

Twilight and Starlight didn’t expect The Dazzlings do to something very devastating. It’s one thing to takeover Canterlot High under their spell but hijacking is unacceptable in the Starswirl Festival rules.

“Don’t you think your going to get in serious trouble if someone finds out about this?” Starlight replied.

“They’re not going to because bands like us always know how respectful we are backstage.” Adagio smiled. “We’re going to make sure we’re the only band performing while everyone else gets set aside.”

“It will make your best friend’s weekend ruined.” Sonata added.

“Ruined?!” Twilight shouted.

“Oh please, just because you never thought with us doesn’t mean we’re taking it easy on you.” Aria placing her hand on her hip.

Twilight never met the Dazzlings before but after what she saw yesterday, it’s not going to turn out well for her. “What are you going to do with us?”

“You should’ve stayed asleep with your friends instead of sneaking into the festival. Your not going anywhere.” Sonata commented.

“But why are you doing this!? You should at least think about doing this.” Starlight backing away but this only made Adagio annoyed.

“It’s not going to happen. I will never let go of the fact the Princess Of Friendship ruined our old plans from taking over this world.” Adagio retorted. “Not to mention another ruined plan I had.”

“Adagio, other me only came here to enjoy herself in the festival. What makes you think she’s going to accept what’s going to happen in the morning?” Twilight wondered.

“She isn’t going to accept it because we know full well she and the Rainbooms will leave the festival. We know she doesn’t like our band and wants nothing to do with us.”

“But what about us?”

“We would take our revenge on you but then we remembered, you did nothing to us, so we decided to give you less of a punishment.” Aria replied.
The Dazzlings got closer to Twilight and Starlight, unable for them to head back to Rarity’s RV. “For so many years after losing our powers from the ones I hate the most, I rather have them feel my wrath with or without my spells. Your so called other self should’ve stayed in Equestria where she belongs. As for any band or solo playing in this festival, they’re better off leaving while The Dazzlings take all the spotlight. And this time, Princess Twilight will never stopped us like they did before, especially Sunset Shimmer!”

Aria and Sonata grabbed Twilight and Starlight’s arms. Aria even took Twilight’s geode off, preventing her from using it. They take them to their RV as they got everything they needed from the Starswirl Festival to put their new plan into play. As Aria drove away from the festival, Twilight and Starlight are defenseless. Not only the Rainbooms aren’t going to find them but the surprise they’re going to endure won’t be any better.

Ghost Town Vengeance

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“Twilight! Wake up!” Sunset shaking the Princess Of Friendship.

“Sunset, what time is it?” Princess Twilight slowing opened her eyes while trying to get up.

“Twilight, this is really important!”

After Princess Twilight change into her festival outfit, she and Sunset came out of the RV and saw that the rest of Rainbooms are outside. Pinkie Pie is rolling on the ground, depressed, Fluttershy and Rarity are pasting together, and Rainbow Dash and Applejack are sitting down, barling eating their pancakes they made for breakfast.

“Where’s Starlight and other me?” Twilight asked until Pinkie Pie gets into the princess’s face.

“We don’t know! They’ve disappeared into the unknown! The unknown where they’re lost without us!” Pinkie shouted.

“Wait, so all of you don’t know where they are!?”

All the Rainbooms did is shook their head from Twilight’s question. For the second day of the festival, they didn’t expect anything like this to happen. However that’s only the least of their problems.

“Girls.” Fluttershy called to her attention. “There’s something wrong at the festival.”

The girls followed Fluttershy from behind as they enter the entrance of the Starswirl Festival. They saw there was no one in their surroundings in the festival. Usually there's tons of people hanging out to enjoy the music but there’s nothing but silence. Not only that, the concessions are gone, making the festival more empty. The only concession that’s available is the taco stand.

The Rainbooms couldn’t believe what’s going on. “What happened here!?” Twilight reacted.

“The bands and solo players of the Starswirl Festival are gone!” Rarity replied.

“This doesn't make any sense, They wouldn’t cancel the festival if they didn’t remind us.” Sunset said while looking at every direction.

Then Applejack saw a poster hanging on a tree. “What in tarnation is this?” She question as pulls the poster off. She shows it to her friends and it reveals that a puppy is missing. Fluttershy couldn’t believe it, Supernova Zap’s puppy, Princess Thunder Guts is missing again.

“Isn’t that the same puppy I saw yesterday?” Twilight pointed.

“It is!” Fluttershy added.

“It said, my partner Supernova is too depressed to either practice or perform because her puppy, Princess Thunder Guts is missing! We really encourage our fans to find her puppy as quickly as possible!” Applejack read.

“This has to be the reason why most of the people are gone! This festival is a ghost town now!” Pinkie reacted.

“What are we going to do?” Rainbow asked.

“I don’t know.” Applejack replied.

Princess Twilight never thought anything like this would ever happen. While she didn’t see Dirt’s band, her schedule in her mind has officially been hijacked. Her plans of hanging out with PostCrush, Microchips and Principal Celestia won’t happen because of the crisis she’s dealing with. Her choice would return back to Equestria but she still needs to find Starlight and her counterpart.

Just when she’s about to return to Rarity’s RV, a thought came to her. She didn’t forget what happened with her yesterday during the sunset. The words she remembered the most was what goes around, comes around even without our magic, which causes her eyes to turn wide. “Oh no!” She spoke as she rushes to her destination.

The girls also took notice from their princess friend’s suspiciousness. They follow her from behind until they saw Twilight running. The Princess Of Friendship can easily see what is truly going on. The festival becoming a ghost town while PostCrush’s performance is cancelled can only be one thing only. Once she and her friends arrived at their destination, they saw a security guard blocking anyone from entering.

“There's still a band available?” Pinkie called from behind.

Sunset then see what is going on, her anger has return when she saw the same stage from yesterday.

“Sorry to bother you but, is the festival is supposed to be canceled?” Twilight asked.

“No.” Max Steele answered. “However it’s going to end in the next two hours.”

“The next two hours?” Rarity blinked.

“The band on stage has the rest of the audience so they can sing their songs. The others decide to find PostCrush’s puppy.”

“ that explains why most of the vehicles are gone.” Rainbow added.

Twilight only had one question for the security guard. “Who’s the band who’s performing?”

Max moved out of the way and showed the Rainbooms the stage with screaming fans. “The Dazzlings.” He pointed at the band who’s in the middle of their song. Adagio, Sonata, and Aria sing with green smoke surrounding them. The fans are happy that the Starswirl Festival isn’t canceled but at the same time, they have no idea what is really going on behind closed doors.

Princess Twilight and her friends had no words whatsoever from what they’re witnessing. As for Sunset Shimmer, she is more furious that her weekend has been hijacked. They have no idea how the Sirens did all of this in the span of twenty-four hours.

The Rainbooms return back to the RV while trying to finish the pancakes but they’re too depressed to eat. Sunset Shimmer continues to clinched her fist, pacing from left to right.

“Sunset, can you please calm down?” Twilight asked.

“I can’t!” Sunset shouted. “Adagio and her band hijacked the Starswirl Festival, HOW can I calm down to this!”

“Anger isn’t the answer to everything!” Rainbow Dash retorted.

“Especially that poor puppy is all by herself.” Fluttershy being scared.

“Well we can’t just sit here eating pancakes while being defeated.” Rarity added.

“But what are we going to do?” Applejack added.

Princess Twilight tried to think of a way to fix this but the odds are against her. Her two friends missing unable to help and almost all the bands are nowhere to be seen. Not to mention she’s running out of time before the festival ends in less than two hours.

“I’m sure the bands didn’t leave the festival because The Dazzlings are the only ones available.” She took a bite of her pancake. “They’re maybe finding Princess Thunder Guts but I don’t think it will cause their performances to be cancelled.”

“Your right, the security guard did say there are other people trying to find her.” Pinkie added.

Fluttershy remembered she brought along her geode in case of animal emergencies. While others are searching, it’s still not going to stop. She uses her powers and saw that Princess Thunder Guts is hiding inside of a vehicle.

“She must’ve been kidnapped!” She cried.

“That’s even worse!” Rarity added.

“Great, not only Adagio hijacked the festival but also caused thievery on animals.” Rainbow said.

Sunset refuse to let this side, she brought her princess friend just so Human Twilight can enjoy herself. “Okay, here’s the plan.” She spoke. “Me, Pinkie and Twilight will find the bands and solo plays in the festival. Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, check the remaining vehicles if you can find where Thunder Guts is hiding. We don’t have much time though.”

The Rainbooms had no other choice. Even if they try to find everyone who left to find Supernova’s puppy outside of the festival, it will take them hours.

“You’re right.” Applejack replied as she finished eating her pancakes. “Come girls, we have a puppy to save.”

“You’re right.” Rarity added. The other girls finished their breakfast as they follow Applejack.

“Come on Twilight, we need to fix this!” Sunset replied.

“Yeah, there’s still a chance.” Pinkie added.

“But how are we going to show proof that the Dazzlings caused all of this?” Twilight asked.

“We’re deal with that later. We should check everywhere to find PostCrush. I’m sure they might help us.” Sunset grabbed on Twilight’s hand as they head back to the Starswirl Festival.

Recancelling PostCrush

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Twilight, Sunset and Pinkie made their way to the stage Postcrush always perform. After walking through the festival, The Dazzlings have completely taken over the place. Anyone who’s watching their performance makes the other bands invisible due to their disastrous plan ruining them.

The three Rainbooms saw the stage completely abandoned but not yet deconstructed. They’re happy nothing is being torn down but it won’t last long. “This is the most depressing thing I have ever seen.” Pinkie commented.

“Tell me about.” Sunset looking around. “I have never seen anything like this before.”

Twilight had no words from what she’s seeing. Last night, it was one of the funnest nights she had but in the span of twelve hours, it feels like the Sirens just snap everything away with just three fingers. And to think she’s about to hang out with them today will never happen.

“Do you know where PostCrush is at?” Twilight asked.

“They have a understage room where most of their equipment is at.” Sunset answered. “Me and Pinkie went under there once when we’re trying to get the Time Twirler from them.”

Sunset takes her two friends on the other side of the stage. Usually there’s people working on the lights and smoke while PostCrush performs their music but like everywhere else, all the employees are at The Dazzlings stage. They opened the door and went down the steps that leads to the understage room.

When they came down, they’re surprised that Kiwi Lollipop and Supernova Zap are still here however Supernova has her head laying on her desk while Kiwi notices that they have unexpected visitors. There was too much silence from two girls who have a passion of loving music and performing in front of their fans.

“Sunset Shimmer?” Kiwi replied. “I thought you and your friends are finding Supernova’s pet.”

“Our friends have taken care of that. But we’re also surprised you two are still here.” Sunset walking into the room.

“We would but my friend is too depressed to even go to our bus. This is worse than the last time.”

They all looked at Supernova Zap crying, not even trying to practice on her drumming skills. “She really cares about her puppy huh?” Pinkie added which offended Kiwi.

“Hey! You need to understand that real life situations are more important than concerts!”

“We know, we totally respect that.” Princess Twilight added. “But the thing is, her puppy isn’t really lost.”

This caused Supernova to lift her head up from her desk. “She isn’t?” She reacted in surprise.

“She was stolen.”

“STOLEN!!!?” Both Kiwi and Supernova shouted. “WHO DID THAT?”

“The Dazzlings.” Sunset, Twilight and Pinkie both answered. The famous band in the festival couldn’t believe that the other bands was the cause of this.

“So, you’re telling us that Princess Thunder Guts is still here in the festival?” Supernova asked.

“Yes but we still don’t know where she’s at.” Sunset replied.

While Supernova is disappointed, she’s still relief that her puppy is still safe and sound. “But why would Adagio and her band would do such a thing?”

“Wow, even they weren’t too good to hide their true colors.” Pinkie whispered to her friends.

“You don’t say.” Sunset whispered back.

Twilight on the other hand might see the reason why The Dazzlings stayed out of trouble from their consequences. “Have you met them at least once?” She asked.

“Actually, more than once.” Kiwi said. “We did had lunch before this festival and we enjoyed their song.”

“But the other times, they’re more shallow backstage.” Supernova added.

“That’s because they don’t need offer friendship from anyone.” Twilight crossing her arms. “All they ever want is admiration.”

“She’s right.” Sunset also crossing her arms. “Do you ever see them talking to the other bands and solo players at some point before they perform?”

Kiwi and Supernova both looked at each other. They did come across The Dazzlings from time to time but they never saw them making any contact with others. “Not really.” Supernova answered. “At the end of the day, they left like we were nothing to them.”

“Why doesn’t that bother you?” Pinkie asked.

“That’s something bands do when we have multiple stages.” Kiwi placing her hands on her hips.

The Princess Of Friendship may not know how long The Dazzlings kept their true colors when they began their new careers, but as far as she’s concerned, they’ve picked the best job. “They really want to be shallow so they can show you they never caused anything bad in this festival.” As PostCrush and her friends turned their attention on Twilight, the princess continues her theory. “After we defeated them, they know how to stay out of trouble while still continuing their goals.”

“Wait what do you mean, defeated them?”

“They’re actually The Sirens in Equestria who has spell powers.” Pinkie popped in between PostCrush.

“Even when they lost everything they had, they still never change. I don’t want to discuss everything but I know we can make your band and the others reconcile their performances.” Twilight added.

PostCrush may not understand the history of The Dazzlings, but after knowing they’re the reasons Thunder Guts isn’t around, they don’t deserve to be on stage performing. “I can not believe we’ve been duped!” Kiwi being furious.

“Don’t blow a gasket.” Sunset recalled. “We still don’t have any evidence to prove that they caused all of this.”

“Not to mention we need to know where the other bands and solo artists are at. They’re probably still looking for your puppy.” Twilight replied.

“Not exactly.” Supernova wrapping her tears from her face. “Dirt and others came to me to apologize for what just happened. They’re by the stands where you can buy bikes.”

“You mean they’re not finding your puppy right now?” Pinkie asked.

“I’m pretty sure.”

“Then let’s go find them! They might help us.” Twilight rushing up on the stairs. Sunset, Pinkie and PostCrush follow from behind, they leave from understage and the location itself.

The Musical Intervention

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The Rainbooms and PostCrush went through the empty festival and saw ten people by the bike stand. They were the only ones who didn’t bother to watch The Dazzlings perform or leave to find Princess Thunder Guts. Microchips is sitting on the ground, looking at his iPad while his fan, Space Camp sits by him. Two grown women who have their own separate food stands are standing together completely in the bad mood. Dirk Thistleweed’s band are by a tree frowning that they don’t have their instruments. Vignette Valencia is the only one who’s bored now that the Starswirl Festival is a ghost town with nothing to offer.

“Looks like they’re not the only ones staying.” Sunset commented.

“Adagio is really desperate for admiration and revenge.” Twilight retorted.

As they walk up to the group, Microchips took notice. “Twilight?” He stands up. “Have you seen your other self lately?”


“Nether did I. It makes no sense for her to leave today.”

“I don’t think she left.” Supernova replied. “If she did, she would find my puppy.”

With almost thirty minutes after the princess woke up from Rarity’s RV, Twilight might understand the suspicious disappearance of her counterpart and Starlight Glimmer. “Or she’s missing just like Thunder Guts.” She said with realization.

“Great.” Sunset rolled her eyes. “The Sirens just get better and better even without anyone under their spell.”

“Hey, why is Dirk’s band also not performing? And Microchips with his soundbeat helmet thingy?” Pinkie wondered.

“We’ve been robbed.” Thistleweed commented.

“When we head to our locker room, all of our instruments are gone.” Dakota added.

“We looked everywhere and we couldn’t find them.” Violet finished.

The Rainbooms and PostCrush can finally see the big picture. The Dazzlings committed robbery on Supernova’s puppy, both Human Twilight and Starlight and now the instruments.

“This can not get any worse.” Kiwi replied.

“Never speak of it!” Puffed Pastry shouted.

“Hey, isn’t that the same chef from the cruise?” Twilight pointed.

“Puffed Pastry?” Pinkie noticed. “What’s the matter.”

Puffed took a deep breath while trying to express her situation. “I was told I had to cancel my stand because...because…” She began to shake with her temper coming back.

“Because of what?” Sunset said.

“Because The Dazzlings, being the one and only band available, only wants the Taco Stand and nothing else.” Summer Solstice finished which made Puffed panted.

The girls had no words from what they heard. While they know full well festivals should have qualities of food but Tacos being the only thing for people to eat didn’t faze them.

“I’m going to assume Sonata came up with that idea.” Sunset guessed.

“But there’s one thing I need to know.” Twilight making her way to Vignette. When Vignette notice that there’s a shadow blocking her way, she looked at Twilight. She isn’t that surprised after what she accomplished with the makeup she, Rarity and Applejack did. “Is there something wrong?”

“Yes. The fact that everyone is either watching The Dazzlings or finding a small dog, the Starswirl Festival is nothing to me.” Vignette being upset. “Don’t even bother to own me today, this isn’t the time.”

Twilight felt sad to see her new friend in such a boring state. “Okay.” She headed back to her friends who are still trying to find a way to help everyone.

“Dirk.” Supernova walking up to him. “Have you ever consider who stole your equipment?”

“Well I know full well The Dazzlings won’t do that since they’re always shallow.” Dirk replied.

Sunset and Kiwi both facepalm themselves. “We really need to check all the bands twenty four seven in case something bad has happened.” Sunset retorted.

“It was The Dazzlings who stole your equipment!” Kiwi shouted.

“They’re the ones who made all of this happen! They stole our two best friends, they stole an innocent puppy, they stole instruments AND THEY WIPED OUT ALL OUR FAVORITE FOODS!” Pinkie shouted which cause everyone around her taken a back from the outburst. Pinkie slowly calmed down as she notices the attention she caused. “Sorry...I just miss churros.”

“What we’re trying to do is fixing all of our problems.” Twilight being the voice of reason. “At this point, all of you should know that The Dazzlings is causing all of this.”

Microchips then remembered something he did when he got here. He looked at his iPad and scrolled to the app he’s looking for. The others have finally caught onto the masterminds behind this entire situation.

“But is there anything to convince their fans on what’s really going on?” Space Camp asked.

“That’s the issue we have. We don’t have any evidence.” Supernova said.

“Even if we tell anyone, they won’t believe us.” Sunset added.

“Well we can all agree, we’re all in the club of hating The Dazzlings.” Vignette commented.

“The only thing I can think of is if we had cameras all over the festival so security can see everything last night.” Summer replied.

Microchips managed to connect to the cameras he set up around the festival. Even during the night, he can activate the night vision so anyone can be spotted. “Guys, I think we do have evidence.” Everyone went behind him to see what happened last night. The first footage from last night shows Aria in Dirk’s room, stealing the instruments while taking them to her vehicle. Another footage is shown with Adagio slowing breaking and entering PostCrush’s bus, after thirty seconds she came out with Princess Thunder Guts in her arms while putting her in a dog cage. Then finally, they saw the footage where Human Twilight and Starlight Glimmer getting their arms tied with their mouths covered up.

Everyone is completely shocked that The Dazzlings did all of this last night but they at least got the evidence for proof. The Rainbooms and PostCrush won’t let The Dazzlings hog the spotlight anymore.

“Microchips, you’re hanging out with us.” Princess Twilight being serious.

“What am I going to do?” Microchips asked.

“Can you try connecting your iPad to one of the two big screens by the stage?” Sunset asked.

“I think I can but I need help with the cords.”

“I can help!” Space Camp chimed in.

“Perfect!” Pinkie smiled.

“What about us?” Dirk wondered.

This gave PostCrush an idea. Since they’re all been the victim of robbery, it will convince everyone more on the true colors of The Dazzlings. “How about we all get on stage to expose The Dazzlings before they get kicked out of the festival?” Supernova offered.

“You we can have our payback?” Kiwi smirked.

“Works better for us.” Violet smiled.

“They deserve to be kicked out. They will never come back.” Dakota added.

“And deserving consequences properly this time.” Twilight finished. Puffed Pastry and Summer Solstice are going to be more happy when they’re back in business with their food stands. The Rainbooms and others leave as they prepare their plan to not only save their friends but also the Starswirl Festival.

Just before Princess Twilight follow her friends, she stopped and looked at Summer Solstice. Sunset Shimmer took notice as she walked up behind her princess friend. “Is there something wrong Twilight?” she asked.

“Yeah. Is it me or is she looks too similar to Principal Celestia expect she’s younger?” Twilight wondered. Sunset rolled her eyes smiling, she did come across Summer before and it gave her the same reaction.

“You know. People who aren’t in the family can still be related to others, even if it’s weird and out of the ordinary.” Sunset grabbed Twilight’s hand as they catch up to their friends.

“Do people always mistaken you from that?” Puffed asked.

“Sometimes...if Celestia wasn’t around.” Summer answered while being mostly offended.

Adagio’s Downfall

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There’s only thirty minutes left until the festival closes. The Rainbooms and PostCrush took the time they need to prepare their plan. They told Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash everything that happened. While they don’t need their help, they can’t wait to see the look on their enemies faces for hijacking their weekend.

Back at The Dazzlings stage, everyone are slowly moving their heads at the sound of the music. Find The Magic has become a hit from The Dazzlings to the point their fans adore it for being quiet and soft. Adagio is real proud of herself to get the attention she stole and so does Aria and Sonata. With nothing coming in their way, they’re definitely going to be coming back next year, or at least what they think.

Behind the stage, The Rainbooms along with Microchips and Space Camp are sneaking under the fence to prevent getting caught from the audience and security. “We are so going to be banned!” Rainbow Dash whispered.

“We’re not, our plan is still working out fine.” Applejack whispered back.

“Is PostCrush and Dirk’s band by the gate?” Rarity asked.

“They should be, I’ll text them once we get to The Dazzlings truck.” Sunset replied. When they’re behind the stage, they also notice that Max Steele is in front of the back gate by the stage. They slowly got up and made their way at The Dazzlings truck. Princess Twilight is feeling paranoid of getting this close of being caught, but she’s not going to leave her friends.

Sunset opened the door quietly as she and Twilight head inside. Her friends closed the door behind while they get to the other side of the truck from getting caught. Sunset turned on the lights and she’s surprised to see Human Twilight and Starlight tied up with duct tape.

“Twilight!” Princess Twilight shouted happy until Sunset covered her mouth.

“Shhh! Quiet!” She whispered loudly.

“Mmmm!! MMMMM!!!!” Both Human Twilight and Starlight moving constantly. Sunset and Princess Twilight untied their friends while taking the duct tape off.

“I know you would find us.” Starlight hugging Sunset.

“We’ll explain all of this later.” Human Twilight hugging her counterpart. “What are we going to do?”

“We’re going to end the careers of The Dazzlings.” Sunset answered as she takes out her phone. She texted Microchips for his cue to put into play. He and Space Camp went behind the stage where most of the cords are connected to the two big screens by the stage. Microchips took out his iPad and tries to connect his videos on the screens.

“There’s still one thing we haven’t found yet.” Princess Twilight staying on topic. “Where’s Supernova’s puppy?”

Starlight and Human Twilight had been in The Dazzlings truck for the majority of the day, they did remember Adagio putting a pet in one of the cabinets. Human Twilight opened the cabinet that’s under the sink and it’s revealed to be Supernova’s pet, Princess Thunder Guts but she’s crying, being in a cage in the dark. Twilight took out the cage under the sink as the girls see Thunder Guts terrified.

“Adagio really isn’t a pet person, is she?” Sunset commented.

“I really don’t want to know what she was going to do with her.” Starlight added.

“Wait, there’s still more.” Human Twilight gave the cage to Starlight to check the other cabinets. She not only saw her geode but also the instruments Dirk used with his band. “Adagio really thinks we’re gonna let this slide huh?”

“Not even close.” Princess Twilight crossing her arms.

Back at the stage, The Dazzlings are almost done with their performance. Microchips and Space Camp manage to disconnect the two big screens which causes technical difficulties. Microchips is scared that he’s going to be in serious trouble but he’s not going to mess the plan up.

The crowd notices that the two screens aren’t working but not long as The Dazzlings are finished. They cap at the performance as Adagio takes her microphone and begins her speech.

“It’s been a delight to have so many of our lovely fans to be attended here.” She smiled.

Aria takes her microphone and begins her speech. “We’re only doing this just to help this festival stay in business...for the next two hours.”

Sonata pretends to act sad while she speaks through her microphone. “I know, it’s very devastating that all of this happened today.”

The crowd felt disappointed that their favorite bands in the Starswirl Festival have canceled their performances. “But don’t worry, we’re always here to keep you satisfied.” Adagio replied.

Behind the stage, the Twilights, Sunset and Starlight quietly moved out of the truck with Thunder Guts in her cage still in their possession. While they get by their friends who are still hiding, they’re listening to The Dazzlings making their speech.

“When we first heard about this festival, we want to spread our vocal cords to all of you. It’s our style to make the music community magnificent.”

Rainbow Dash opened her mouth in disgust from hearing Adagio’s lies which made her friends giggled. Microchips is getting close to finishing with the cords he’s trying to connect. Space Camp also noticed three small black cords that are hanging. Her friends told her to unplug the microphones to have the crowd put their attention more on their evidence. She pulls the cords one by one while Adagio is still talking.

“And one more thing, we’re going to be here for a long time to sing our musical talents in front of all-” Just when she’s about to finish her sentence, her microphone has shut off. She cut herself off in frustration just when she’s at her next step of her plan.

“Adagio my microphone is dead.” Aria patting on her microphone. Microchips manage to connect the wires as his video is on the big screens. With the crowd putting their attention away from Adagio, they all looked at the video. The Dazzlings realized their fans aren’t watching but when they saw themselves on the big screen from last night, their jaw dropped with their eyes shot open.

Everyone of their fans couldn’t believe it. They saw Adagio stealing Princess Thunder Guts from PostCrush’s bus, Aria stealing the instruments from Dirk’s band, not to mention surrounding the two girls, tying their arms together with duct tape and taping over their mouths. They all put their attention back on The Dazzlings, mad that they’re the reasons they cause the festival to cancel the other bands and solo players.

“Adagio,” Sonata whispered. “What are we going to do?”

Adagio had no words at all from the predicament she’s in. The crowd put all their heat on The Dazzlings, even more than the students from Canterlot High. They throw the tacos they’ve been eating at the band, which caused The Dazzlings to run off the stage but stopped when Max Steele prevents them from leaving.

“You’re not going anywhere!” He shouted. “You girls are in serious trouble!” He forces them to be back on stage with no escape as the fans continue the heat. Adagio had never felt the opposite of admiration with her powers gone. After all of these years of having people under her spell, she’s now in their spell.

Then an air horn was heard, causing the crowd to stop while covering their ears. When the air horn has stopped, everyone turned around and saw Kiwi causing that noise. “Let us in!” She demanded.

The security guard opened the gate, allowing PostCrush and Dirk’s band to enter as the crowd got out of their way. The five most popular musicians of the Starswirl Festival glare at The Dazzlings now that the truth has been exposed. They got on stage while The Dazzlings are surrounded with Adagio paranoid with her fist clenching.

“Don’t even try to fool us!” Supernova crossing her arms. “Everything we saw won’t be swept under the rug!”

“You canceled our performances, stole our property, hijacked the Starswirl Festival and committed burglary!” Dirk Thistleweed replied.

“To think hiring you three was a good idea, but boy were we wrong.” Dakota placing her hand on her hip.

“But come on, it’s showbiz right?” Sonata making an awkward smile until Aria hit her with her elbow.

“Showbiz snowbiz!” Supernova rolled her eyes. “We don’t do that kind of stuff here!”

“Especially girls who need auto-tune to sing!” Violet added.

When the Rainbooms saw that the security guard is nowhere by the gate, they continue their plan in action. They went back inside The Dazzlings truck to take out the stolen instruments. Princess Twilight is more then happy her plan has saved the festival from ending earlier.

Adagio Dazzle’s eye has twitched so many times, she is this close to losing it. “You better think...rethink about firing us because...because…”

“Because you’re relentless!” Sunset called as she and her friends place the stolen instruments on the ground. Fluttershy unlocked and opened the cage to take Princess Thunder Guts out. With her care towards animals, she nuzzle to cheer her up which made the puppy smile. She gets on stage while giving a glare at The Dazzlings until she sweetly hands the puppy to Supernova.

“Thank you so much!” She hugged her pet.

“You’re welcome.” Fluttershy responded.

Not only that, the other Rainbooms got on stage after they’re done unloading the truck. Princess Twilight along with her counterpart smirked at their enemies in defeat. “What’s the matter, you can’t handle the heat?” Princess Twilight mocking.

“Maybe you should get medical help instead of staying as a band.” Human Twilight added which caused Adagio to rage. Max Steele blocked The Dazzlings from causing any fights.

“You are not only done in this festival, but also getting arrested for robbery!” Kiwi pointed at The Dazzlings until she smiling turned to the crowd. “As for all of you, we’re going to call everyone who left the festival to come back!”

“We’re back in business!” Supernova cheered. The fans screamed in happiness with the Starswirl Festival continuing until at the end of the night. The Dazzlings are forced to leave the festival since they’re now banned from returning. Before they headed out, Adagio gave the Rainbooms the dirty look. Even she, Aria and Sonata are being sent to jail, they’re still remain the same, no matter what happens to them.

“So much for calling me the one who doesn’t change.” Sunset replied.

“Don’t worry Sunset,” Princess Twilight wrapping her arms around her friend’s shoulder. “At least you're respectful, unlike them.”

“That is...if they can ever handle the true consequences.” Rarity being sassy.

PostCrush then hugs Twilight and Sunset from behind. “Thank you for saving the Starswirl Festival!” Kiwi smiled.

“We definitely owe you big time!” Supernova breaking the hug. “But...since we’re not going to see each for awhile after this festival is over, it has to be today.”

Princess Twilight knows by the time PostCrush’s performance is done, Rarity is driving back to Canterlot High to drop her off. With only eight more hours left, she needs more time to think of something. “Okay, I’ll remind you an hour before you two perform.”

“Works for us.” Kiwi smiled.

Reopening Of Rejoice

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The Rainbooms headed back to Rarity’s RV to have their lunch. After succeeding their mission of reopening the Starswirl Festival, they all take a break from the stress they went through from The Dazzlings hijacking. Applejack makes french toast for her friends with syrup while her brother Big Mac helps.

During their lunch break, they saw tens of vehicles driving in the parking lot after their search of Supernova’s puppy had gone to waste. They’re happy they’re back, but also felt bad they’ve been lied to. “I can’t believe Adagio fooled almost half of the people to find Thunder Guts.” Applejack looking at the vehicles.

“At least they’re getting refunds for their gas bill.” Rainbow replied. “All of The Dazzlings paychecks they lost will make up everyone’s problems.”

“Not to mention, churros are back on sale!” Pinkie cheered with a bag of churros in her hand.

The Twilights are sitting together while Starlight and Sunset are sitting at the other side of the picnic table. “So, were you two up last night?” Sunset asked.

“Yes. I notice Starlight wasn’t sleeping with us so I saw her outside.” Human Twilight said while eating her french toast.

“The thing is, I wanted to apologize for dragging you to The Dazzlings stage.” Starlight being ashamed. “I just wanted to surprise you.”

Twilight didn’t forget about that but she wasn’t mad at Starlight. “It’s fine, you didn’t know what you we’re doing.” The Princess Of Friendship smiled. “After what I’ve seen lately, I’m sure you won’t make the same mistake again.”

Starlight felt a little better and the fact Human Twilight was right about her counterpart. They continue to eat their food as more people enter the re-opening Festival. Out of all the Rainbooms, Fluttershy had something in mind. She and her friends know that their princess friend is heading back to Equestria once they return. She stands up from her stoll, made her way to Princess Twilight for a question.

“Twilight?” Fluttershy spoked which made Princess Twilight turned around. “I was wondering…”

“Yes?” Twilight wondered.

“When you go back to Equestria, even when you’re not busy and hanging out with are we going to deal with the fact that others will see you and...other you.” Fluttershy blushed as she pointed at Human Twilight.

The Rainbooms completely forgot all about that before thinking about bringing the Princess Of Friendship to the Starswirl Festival. Even Human Twilight didn’t consider that when she has nothing to do before arriving.

However Princess Twilight wasn’t afraid like she was back at the cruise. “Actually Fluttershy, even if I did come across people who we’re on the cruise, there were people who didn’t mind seeing the presence of me and other me out in the open.”

“That is true darling.” Rarity said. “But what if a stranger sees you coming out from the portal. He or she might have reported it to the government.”

“Ohhh...I guess that makes sense.”

Sunset didn’t even thought about that when she messaged Twilight days ago. But as far as she’s concerned, they’re were so many magical situations from Everfree Forest to a deserted island in the ocean, she knows anyone isn’t too crazy about what happens next.

Meanwhile, Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna have returned when they got the message. They saw the Rainbooms and Princess Twilight hanging out together which is the right time for them to have that talk.

“So!” Celestia called the Rainbooms attention. “All of you yet again fixed another situation like before right?”

“Not to mention bringing justice to The Dazzlings.” Luna added as she sits by Starlight while Celestia sits by the Princess Of Friendship.

“Yes, it was a risky task but at least we didn’t get banned.” Sunset rolled her eyes smiling.

“Let me guess, you want a talk on the hills, don’t you?” Princess Twilight looking at the principal.

“We can have a talk here, I don’t mind.” Celestia giggled. “And don’t worry about Canterlot High, you’re off the hook for being absent princess.”

“So, you do know my friend is a princess in Equestria?” Starlight blinked.

“Actually, she knew what was happening know what with Sunset Shimmer.” Rainbow explained.

“That’s besides the point.” Celestia getting back on topic. “I’m still going to be principal for the next few years and it’s only a matter of time all of you are becoming seniors.”

“Why are you asking us that?” Princess Twilight wondered.

The principal gave Twilight a sweet and respectful look, thanks to her good mood. “I may not be an expert on princesses, but I do know that your not going to have a lot of free time for yourself. So I was wondering, maybe this year or next year, can you be a student in Canterlot High for one whole day?”

The Rainbooms stunted in silence while the Princess Of Friendship’s eyes turned wide. “You seriously want her to do that?” Human Twilight asked. “Why?”

“Because she was not only the reason Sunset Shimmer changed, but also changed Canterlot High’s society thanks to friendship. And from what I heard, you were on the beach last year. Making so many friends while giving them lessons. Dean Cadence, the principal of Crystal Prep told me everything that happened between you and the Shadowbolts. And it really makes me depressed you never got the chance to be a student for one day. It was rare to think someone like you, who does extraordinary things to make my students come together for friendship. As long as you make a deal with me, you can wait until you’re ready,”

Princess Twilight found the offer from Celestia hard to decide but she does make a point. She hardly talked to anyone when she came to Canterlot High twice before she was away for so long. She remembered the cafeteria and the gym since they were the places she went to the most and she had nice memories. While it is a good idea to think about, she’s still having an issue resolving that.

“Celestia, I would love to accept your offer, but there’s one problem.” Twilight replied. “We were just talking about the possibilities...of getting reported to the government.”

This gave Celestia and Luna confused looks. “I thought about that.” Rarity being truthful.

“And I live in Equestria so I don’t think other people will accept me for being a twin sister of other me. I could try, but I don’t think it will work out.”

Celestia and Luna felt disappointed their offer won’t happen but Sunset came up with an idea. “Wait a second. I know this is crazy but...why can’t you go on stage before PostCrush performs?”

“What!? You mean…”

“Yes. It’s hard to convince everyone but you were with us during our plan. AND you and Twilight were on stage thirty minutes ago. It will be best to give everyone a speech about you and this whole Equestria situation. If they’re going to tell people of how bad The Dazzlings are, they will do the same thing to you. Only difference is, they respect you and that’s also friendship.”

The biggest option made Twilight paranoid of the risk of being more exposed however it’s the only thing she can do. With only seven hours left, she has to pick the right choice for her friends and others.

“I'll...tell PostCrush about that, but I’m not sure if it’s going to work.” Twilight begin concerned.

Human Twilight actually agreed with her friend’s advice. “Don’t worry, if this doesn’t work, we’ll still have your back.” She smiled.

“We will be there too. I’m sure everything will turn out alright.” Celestia closed her eyes while smiling. The Rainbooms finished their lunch as they head back to the Starswirl Festival. With the mindset that Twilight is dealing with right now, it’s going to take a long time for her to make her decision tonight.

The Princess Of Starswirl

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After six long hours enjoying the Starswirl Festival, Princess Twilight made up her mind to talk to PostCrush about making a speech in front of the crowd to which they accepted. Almost everyone is in attendance at the final PostCrush performance before they head back home. At the last minute, they were told that one of the girls who saved the festival from cancellation is going to be making a speech. After what they saw earlier, they’re more than pleased to listen to anything from the speaker.

The Rainbooms are in the front row while they wait for their princess friend to come on stage. Most of their fingers are crossed, hoping what happens afterwards doesn’t backfire. Celestia and Luna are in the way back of the crowd, looking forward to the speech they’re going to hear.

Under the stage itself, Princess Twilight is taking deep breaths while Sunset Shimmer is right by her side and PostCrush on the other.

“Relax. Everything is going to be fine.” Sunset said.

“Sorry Sunset, This feels way serious then the speeches I did back at Equestria.” Twilight responded back.

“Twilight, I can guarantee you’re going to be free from trouble.” Kiwi being honest.

“And the fact we owe you for this.” Supernova added.

“Also, even if you’re going to be busy, think about the places we'll take you.” Sunset placing her hand on her friend’s shoulder. “And if you meet anyone who hasn’t seen you, keep an open mind and think of the positives. I’m sure the crowd will make you happy once we leave.”

Twilight took the time she had left to process Sunset’s advice. Sunset is always right at times like this and if is true, she wouldn’t have to deal with this problem anymore.

“I have to get back to my friends, you’re about to be on stage in a minute. Good luck!” Sunset went up the staircase and left the understage room leaving Twilight and PostCrush.

The princess took a deep breath as she’s standing at the platform where she comes out. As for Kiwi and Supernova, they press their buttons of the stage. The platform under Twilight rises up with a hole above the ceiling. She can already hear screaming fans coming from the hole. Kiwi picks up a functional microphone as she begins the intro of the performance.

“Ladies and gentlemen! Please welcome one of the heroes of the Starswirl Festival, Twilight Sparkle!” Kiwi shouted.

Once the Princess Of Friendship came out from the ground, she sees hundreds of people cheering, thanking her for saving the festival and the music it offers. She saw the Rainbooms right at front, waving in excitement to see their princess friend on stage yet again. Even with the amount of people, Twilight can still recognize familiar faces. Wallflower Blush, Microchips and even Dirk’s band in different spots.

With a turned on microphone in front of her, she took one last deep breath as she grabs the microphone. “Hey everyone.” She spoke as the crowd became quiet. “This may take a while so please be patient.” The princess stopped herself to take another deep breath. Her heart is pounding while the crowd remain silent. The Rainbooms starting to become worried from watching Twilight taking her time.

“Come on Twilight, you can do this.” Human Twilight whispered to herself.

Princess Twilight found the words as she gets back to her speech. “For what we did today by stopping The Dazzlings from hijacking the Starswirl Festival is the right thing for not only all of you, but the musicians as well.” She then pointed at Dirk Thistleweed and his band. “I’ve listened to their music and even if they’re not perfect, they are great in their own style from their vocals and instrumental talents.”

Dirk and his band approved from Twilight’s opinion as they make an applause with a smile on their faces.

“But as much as I want to give my approval to the bands, that’s not what I’m here for.” The Princess closed her eyes and slowly makes her next move. Both Kiwi and Supernova looked at their laptop as they feel nervous when Twilight is shaking.

“Do you think we should help her?” Supernova said in concerned.

“She’s not going to faint, we’re still good.” Kiwi replied.

The princess moved her arm and pointed at her counterpart in the crowd. The spotlight has turned to Human Twilight with the crowd turning their attention on. “You see that girl who looks just like me minus the glasses and ponytail?” She lifted her arm down. “You may say we’re twins but...we’re really not.”

Celestia made it awkward when she mistaken Human Twilight with the other back at the Friendship Games.

“The truth is...I don’t live in this world.” The crowd made a gasped from the Princess’s honestly. “If any of you live closer to Canterlot High, there's a statue with a portal leading to a different world. That world is Equestria.”

“Equestria?” Dirk wondered as he looked at Dakota and Violet.

“I came to this world to take back the crown that belongs to me. Then when I came back, me and my friends try to defeat The Dazzlings. Long story. And not only that...I’m also a princess.”

Then the crowd made a louder gasped to think this version of Twilight is a princess. “Looks like Rarity’s princess friend is going to be well known when she’s around.” Vignette commented.

Twilight tried to find the right words she can say next but the fact the word princess has come out, there’s no turning back. The only thing she can address is her last two returns and this weekend off.

“If you wanna know why I keep coming’s because I was interested in things I missed. The Rainbooms went through so many situations, I mostly felt disappointed for not helping them. Granted they didn’t need my help but still.”

She stopped herself again as she looked at her friends. They felt a little ashamed for going on adventures without the Princess Of Friendship. Even if they have to handle the setbacks, they missed the good, but limited days with Princess Twilight. As for Human Twilight, it took her this long to see the motivations from her counterpart. It took a day off on the beach with tens of friends, a week on the second cruise vacation and now a weekend off in the Starswirl Festival just to catch up on everything.

“When me and the Rainbooms leave, you’re not going to see me anytime soon. As much as I wanted to know all of you personally, I don’t want to over pressure myself. But whenever something happens in the future of this world that catches my interest, I might come back. I don’t know when the time is but who knows. I’ve been thinking about this all day but please, if you tell your friends and family about this, please don’t encourage them to go to Canterlot High and go through the portal. My friends went through an incident and it was a pain for them to gather their classmates from getting caught. That’s the only thing I want from all of you. And that’s all I have to say.”

Princess Twilight placed her microphone back at the stand as she’s finally finished with her speech. The fans stood in silence for the next ten seconds, every word they heard from Twilight made them understand one hundred percent. Suddenly, the crowd cheered while giving an applause to the princess of Equestria. Twilight opened her eyes in surprise from the ovation she made. The Rainbooms are excited that they’re not in another situation between two worlds. A smile came to the princess that her speech has succeed with nothing worse at all.

Then Kiwi and Supernova came out from the left as they both clap at Twilight’s speech. “We may not going to see you anytime soon but for sure in the near future.” Supernova smiled.

“Now if you excuse us, we have a performance to give to our fans.” Kiwi added. They gave her a hug as their instruments came from the ground up. The princess made her way to the Rainbooms in the front row of the crowd. PostCrush begins their final performance in the Starswirl Festival while their fans wave their glow sticks in the air.

“I got to say Twilight,” Starlight spoke while licking her ice cream. “I got a feeling there’s going to be a lot of moments between you and friends.”

“We’re just see what happens.” Twilight giggled. For the next hour of enjoying PostCrush, the Starswirl Festival has finally come to an end. The music has rest until the next festival returns next year. The Rainbooms say goodbye to their classmates and friends as they head back to Rarity’s RV. They pack up everything while Rarity started up her RV. Unlike her, the Rainbooms feel exhausted after everything they went through this weekend. It was a weekend they’re never forget for a long time to come.

Rarity dropped off Princess Twilight and Starlight Glimmer by Canterlot High where the statue is located. They say goodbye as the two ponies went through the portal, heading back home to Equestria. Twilight felt proud of herself today. With the citizens knowing who she really is, she’s no longer afraid of being out in the open in Sunset’s world. With others spreading the information respectfully, things will work out more smoothly once she comes back. And Twilight’s possible interest in the world she made tons of friends on the beach, on a cruise and in a musical festival, is only the beginning.