> Blowing Glass > by WhatDidIJustRead > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Apples and Coca Cola go together like apples and Coca Cola > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Glass hooves clinked against stray rocks as Coke Pony trotted over the dirt road that ran along the Apples' orchard. She hummed a bubbly tune that was frequently interrupted by small belches, her clear body vibrating pleasantly with each one. Having just polished off several liters of cool, refreshing Coca Cola, she was presently about three quarters full of the dark brown carbonated happiness that sloshed around inside her, fizzing and foaming aggressively. A loud thwack! grabbed her attention, and she swiftly turned her head toward the sound. That must be him! she thought excitedly as she turned off the road and into the orchard. Her mane (lighter in color than the cola inside her, and more like a puddle of it on a white tile floor) bobbed about as she crossed uneven grassy terrain, burping excess gas as more built up in her, a consequence of all the physical activity. Thwack! This one was close. Coke Pony shivered with anticipation, and as she crested a knoll and skirted an apple tree, she saw him. Red as a barn, and almost as big. Thwack! He bucked a tree, his powerful muscles visible under his shiny coat, and a hundred apples fell neatly into three strategically-placed buckets. With a sigh, he wiped sweat from his brow before moving to the next tree. "Big Mac! Yoohoo, Big Mac!" Coke Pony cried. Big Mac turned toward her with a smile. "Cousin Coke Pony!" he said. "Ya made it! How ya been?" "Good, good," she replied, then burped. "'Scuse me." Big Mac chuckled softly. "Guess some things never change." She giggled, ending with another soft belch that sent small bubbles floating up past her glass face. "You look beat," she said, noting his wilted stance that suggested he'd like nothing more than to lie down and nap. "Nah, I'm fine. Mighty thirsty, but otherwise I reckon I can clear this here field before sunset." Coke Pony gasped. "The whole field? My, my, you're even more impressive than I remember! You want me to grab you something to drink?" Big Mac smirked. "I reckon you might already have somethin' I can drink," he said, taking a step toward her. "O-oh? And what, uh, what might that be?" she asked, her cheeks taking on a light brown hue. "I think you know exactly what," he replied, and with his next step, he was muzzle-to-muzzle with his clear cousin. "I, uh... I suppose I–mmfffh." She didn't pull back as he pressed forward and kissed her sensually. His tongue pushed out and filled her mouth, squeaking as it rubbed against her glass teeth and tongue. He could see a distorted image of the pink muscle through her snout, exploring her smooth and hard surfaces, and seeing himself so intimately deep inside her stirred something within him. Big Mac moaned as his cock, mottled pink and dark red, slid from his sheath. He pulled away, gasping. Coke Pony's eyes were wide, and her mouth opened and closed as she rolled her tongue about, tasting his lingering flavor. "B... Big Mac..." "Heh," he said simply, smiling before he continued. "Remember when we used to do that all the time when we was young'uns?" "It has been a while, hasn't it?" Her blush deepened. "Eeyup. Hey, and now that we're older, we can... maybe... try some of the things we didn't know about as foals," he said with a shy smile. "Like a blowjob?" she asked. A wet, fleshy slap came from under Big Mac as his stallionhood became fully erect. She giggled, and her own cock grew between her legs as it filled with cola. "I'll take that as a yes..." "Eeyup." The large, usually shy stallion pressed his lips to Coke Pony's again, pushing her back toward a tree as he kissed her. When her butt thumped against the wood, he reached a hoof forward, to her lower back, and wordlessly coaxed her into a sitting position at the base of the apple tree. He parted from her and, breathing heavily, leaned down to kiss and lick her smooth neck and chest, earning shy little squeaks and belches from her as he found his way below the coke line. Then, using his powerful forehoof, he pushed her slowly until her back slid down the tree trunk, her rear end slipping neatly under him. He licked his lips as he looked down at her gorgeous cock, medium-sized and glinting in the sunlight. "You're so beautiful," Big Mac said. "Aww, thank you," she replied, followed by a cute little burp. She felt so small compared to him. So powerless under him, belly-up. So... aroused. Lowering his head, he placed a dainty kiss on the hard tip of her marecock, still full of cola and throbbing with anticipation. She shivered and belched, and fizz formed inside her as she became more excited. Then he took her wide head into his maw, feeling like he was sucking on a bottle, and slowly worked his way down, the smooth glass making it easy to take her full length into his throat. Sweet feminine moans and excess gas came from her sweet lips, and she said his name with a needy quiver in her voice. "Mmmh, B-Bi-hig Mac, that feels... nnh, s-so good," she managed, stroking his mane with a hoof. As he hummed in answer and his throat vibrated pleasantly around her sensitive member, she thrust upward slightly, causing her medial ring to bump his teeth painfully, and he pulled off of her. "Ah, ya got my tooth good there," he said as he winced. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" she said, frowning. "It's okay, just try to keep still and I think we'll both like this." He immediately got back to work on her, taking her deep into his wide throat. Coke Pony's guilt was quickly eroded by the pleasure her cousin was giving her, and her glass balls writhed and churned as they prepared to empty. "Mmmh, j-just like that, Big Mac. Don't stop," she said with a lilt. As he increased his speed, bobbing eagerly on her length, she belched and moaned as her tip flared and her balls tightened. Big Mac moaned as he felt her climax begin, and his parched throat thirsted for what she was about to give him. Thick, warm ropes of salty marecum splashed against his tongue. He coughed. He pulled his head back just as a new white spurt of pony semen gushed forth, drawing a line on his muzzle. He coughed again, spitting out the rancid substance. "Eugh! You cum cum?!" he asked, grimacing at the awful flavor. "Wha... duh! What the hay did you expect?" "Coke! I was thirsty!" "That's why you blew me? For a drink?" "Well... I did say that I–" "I don't wanna hear it," Coke Pony said, climbing to her feet. "I'll... I'll be back at the house." "Aww, come on now, Coke Pony," he said as she began to leave. "Don't be like that." She didn't turn back as she walked away. Not because she was ignoring him, but because she didn't want him to see her cry. As she made her way through the blurred orchard, she left behind a sugary trail of cola tears.