My first day in a Equestria and I decided to head to the gym

by riicky83

First published

I've recently moved to Equestria and the first thing I decided to do was hit the gym. Little did I know how different my experience there would be

I'm new to Equestria and I don't really know anybody here, or should I say anypony.
Due to that, I decided to go to the gym.
There's a good chance I might meet a few of the inhabitants there and even get to know a few of them.
I wasn't expecting much to happen.

The main problem is, the Ponies don't seem to have a law for wearing clothes.
Thankfully the laws don't seem to apply to us Humans.
At least until I got to the gym.

Just a regular gym, or is it?

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My name is Kevin, Kevin Kinniku. I used to live on the Earth part of this planet. Not many humans cross over to the other part of this world, mostly due to not knowing much about the other world as well as potential trust issues. Likewise, the inhabitants of the other world don't cross over to our world mostly with respect to our wishes and cultures.

The inhabitants of the other world?. Colourful anthropomorphic ponies.

I've never seen one before let alone had a chance to meet one but things were going to change.

I was part of an experiment. Our higher-ups had met up with those that rule the other world and decided to try a little test. We were going to send a small group of people to their world to see how things would go, kinda like a cultural exchange. They decided on just allowing humans to cross over, for now, to see if they want to carry on with developing relationships with each other.

That's where I come in. I was part of a small group, well was a part of a group.

The other nine people, four guys and five girls, all went partying one night and never came back. Alive that is. Apparently, some random jerk decided to use the bar they were at as his final stand as he gunned down several people, cops included, before he was finally taken down by a sniper that was stationed outside as backup.

Initially, they were gonna delay the exchange but due to our military worrying about what the ponies might do if we cancel our plans. After all, they can fly, use magic and have varying degrees of strength that we might not be able to deal with. So I was sent on my own.

You can imagine my surprise when I got off the train, seeing the inhabitants for the first time was certainly eye-catching. On average, their heights were around on par with humans, their figures were pretty much similar to ours too if you exclude the wings, horns and tails. The colours, oh the colours, it was like walking into a cartoon world. Various pastel shades and even some bold coloured ponies walked and flew around as I walked from the station to a place called Ponyville. But it wasn't just the colours that caught my eyes, no it was the fact that all the ponies were nude.

The pony that worked at the station gave me a small heads up. Apparently, they don't mind us staring at them, they know that we're not used to their culture. They also don't mind us staring for obvious reasons, on the flip side, they actually enjoy it. Apparently, it's something to do with the feeling of being desired, feeling appreciated, wanted even. They still do it on occasions but from what the station guard said, it only happens behind closed doors during intimate moments. Since they've stopped eyeing up each other's bodies in public many moons ago, well I guess it's safe to say that they enjoy having eyes on them again, even if it's from another species.

As I entered Ponyville, a grey Pegasus mare flew over to me. Judging from her shoulder bag, she must be a postal mare.
Her breasts dangled in my face as she reached into her bag. I quickly managed to advert my look so I can look at her face as she gave me a letter, I got a good look at her face, cute even with her unique cross-eyes. Once she flew off I opened the letter.

It was a welcome note from the Princesses as well as a map of Ponyville, it also had a circle indicating my new home plus the keys to it. The letter gave me a small rundown on the various ponies that I'd might see, from Earth Ponies to Unicorns and Pegasus, there was also the potential to see an Alicorn. The map briefly kept my eyes from wandering but eventually, I couldn't help but stare at the ponies again. Breasts of various sizes bouncing about as they walked. Butts that jiggled with every step. Pubes styled to match the marks on their hips, tattoos?. Plus they also matched their hair colours. I even got more of an eyeful on a few occasions, some mares would actually catch my attention, either by accident or by design. Some would bend over to pick something up and others would invite me to watch them as they willingly display themselves. Heck, some of them even done things such as fondling their breasts or even spreading their holes open.

Thankfully it was easy to avoid looking at the stallions. Cocks fully sheathed and none of them felt like showing off their goods, thank god since I'm the only human here so they don't have anyone to show off to. But I can appreciate their physical forms. Some of them were toned and even sporting a few muscles. I was used to sights like that as I've often gone to the gym back home.

I gave my home a quick look over once I've gotten there. It appears to be built into a tree. A quick look inside reveals that my things had been safely transported here, just needs unpacking. A nice soft bed was upstairs and someone or somepony had even gone to the trouble of making it up for me. However, the dead silence of the house, with the occasional echo, it reminded me of how alone here I was. I knew none of the ponies here. Thankfully I had brought my gym bag with me on the train, if I was gonna get to know any of the ponies, then it might as well be in a place I'm comfortable with. Granted the gym would be a new place for me but a gym is a gym right?.

Keeping my bag with me, I headed to the local gym. The map proved helpful as it led me to the gym. The accompanying note mentioned about the ponies not needing clothes, it also specifies that clothes are only for special occasions. But it did say that I was exempt from that as they didn't want to put us humans off for being naked in public due to our upbringings being different from theirs.

However, things went a bit differently once I was at the gym. Apparently, they were strict on a "no clothing" rule, according to them, clothing can be dangerous if caught on the equipment. This meant I had to go nude if I wanted to work out here. It wouldn't be a problem if it weren't for two things, I was used to changing in the rooms back home amongst other males. Here is different as the changing room and even the showers were unisex and I'd have to work out nude amongst other nude ponies.

"Oh well, when in Rome" I muttered to myself as I entered the gym. I was in for an eyeful once I've entered the changing rooms. Granted the ponies didn't need to change, they did, however, need to store their belongings somewhere. I counted around six mares, two Pegasus, two Earth Ponies, One Unicorn and wait is the last one an Alicorn?. I remember the letter mentioning that only Princesses are Alicorns. All six of them turned to look at me as I placed my bag on the bench. I felt nervous as I was about to undress in front of six mares, one of them being a princess no doubt. As I removed my clothes, I could feel their eyes eating me up. A satisfactory "Mmm!" filled the air as I removed my shirt to reveal my upper torso.
I wasn't muscular but I did have the start of a six-pack and some muscles on my frame. As I started to undo my jeans I heard "Mm yeah take it off slowly partner, give us a real show". By this point, all six of them had formed a circle around me.

The one that spoke was on my right. An orange Earth Pony with blonde hair and tail, the only clothing she wore was a Stetson hat. Her hand slowly stroked my stomach. "Nice body," she said in a sexy southern accent, "I can tell you've been working out". Her hand started moving slowly down my body. As her fingers started disappearing underneath my clothes, I felt them being pulled down by the pony behind me.

The pony behind me was a blue Pegasus with rainbow hair and tail. "That's a nice looking flank you've got there," she said slowly pulling my bottoms down, "I hope you don't mind if I get a better look?". As she pulled my bottoms down, the orange Earth Pony gently grabbed my cock. "Nice," the blue Pegasus said as my bottoms were now around my knees, "I can see myself kissing and eating that. That's a plot any of us can worship".

A sweet smell entered my nostrils as a white Unicorn with purple hair and tail started stroking my chest, the smell combined with the sight of these sexy naked mares started making my cock harden rapidly. "Such a handsome thing you are," she said in a sultry voice as she slowly lowered herself to her knees, "mm and such a nice looking appendage you have too". As she said that, the orange pony slowly started stroking me off, not to make me cum but in a way to make me enjoy it whilst showing off my member to the others.

I looked around at the other mares. The yellow Pegasus hid her face behind her hands and wings, I could make out a bit of redness to her cheeks. Clearly, she was somewhat shy and embarrassed but it also looks like she was interested in what she saw I did like how her pink hair and tail complemented her yellow skin. The pink Earth Pony with a deeper shade of pink hair and tail was sat down to the left of me, she was clearly interested in making my balls jiggle in her hands. The Purple Alicorn with dark purple hair and a two-toned violet and magenta striped hair and tail appears eager in examining my cock, taking notes on its shape and even smell. She snapped out of her curious trance before she took my hand in hers.

"Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship and these are my friends.
Rainbow Dash.
Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie".
She listed them in the order that I noticed them.

"Kevin Kinniku," I said introducing myself as I tried to steady my breath, the orange Pony, no Applejack's hands felt too good on my cock. But eventually, the feeling went away as her hands left my dick whilst Rarity helped me to step out of my bottoms. Once I've placed my clothes in my bag and then into a locker, the girls led me into the main working room.

It was empty except the seven of us.

I looked at the available equipment's. There were a few I didn't recognise, chances are they are pony exclusives.
My cock twitched to remind me that not only was I naked but I'd be working out with a raging hard-on. I decided on the leg extension machine as it meant I could sit down for a bit and try to encourage my boner to die down as I work on my legs.

As I sat down on the machine, both Applejack and Twilight walked over to me. Applejack had a Barbell with some impressive looking weights on them. "Mind if we work out with you?" Applejack asked.
I nodded as I hooked my legs underneath the padded bar. Applejack then caught me off guard by stepping over me as she rested the barbell on her shoulders. She squatted down until her pussy rested just above my dick, her lips barely kissing the tip. Applejack then fully squatted down as she took my entire length inside of her.

Twilight looked with interest, "so how does he feel?" she asked curiously.

Applejack smiled, "pretty good. The shape is different but it still feels good, in fact, I think it's hitting spots that a stallion couldn't. The dome tip is kissing my cervix in a way that it feels like it could even enter it if I tried to push down further". She then started moving up and down slowly to gauge how good it felt sliding in and out of her. "Oh yeah," she said as she started lifting her weights with her squats, "hitting all the right spots there partner".

Twilight watched for a bit before she spoke up, "would you help me out a bit?". She stepped over my chest as she pushed her pussy toward my face, her pubes tickling my nose as her lower lips met my lips. She used her fingers to open her pussy as some of her juices started to flow into my mouth.

I grabbed Twilight's flank as I stuck my tongue into her pussy. I started lapping away at her tasty juices as I attempted to focus on my reps. Not easy when my mind is preoccupied with eating out one pony as another was fucking me, dam she felt good. Every time I raised my legs, she lowered her body until my dick kissed her cervix. When I lowered my legs, she raised her body until only the head remained inside of her. Applejack kept this up, picking up speed after a set number of repetitions.

Twilight grabbed my hair as she frantically rubbed her crotch into my face, judging from her reaction, I'd say she was getting close to cumming. Her wings opened up as I felt her weight starting to press down onto my hands as she let out a small squeal. The flood gates have opened as I was rewarded with a steady stream of tasty fluids.

A loud clang could be heard as Applejack dropped the weights to one side and placed her hands onto my stomach. She was no longer concerned with working out, only on the pleasure she was feeling deep inside of her. Her hips began to rapidly ascend and descend as a steady slapping sound started to ring out. Even I stopped working out as the pleasure built up until a familiar feeling started burning in my loins. I wanted to let Applejack know I was getting close but I still had a face full of Twilight's pussy. Applejack then slammed her hips down as I felt her tighten around my shaft, the motion even caused the tip of my cock to slip past her cervix allowing my dick access to her most private spot, her inner muscles pulsated around my meat. This, in turn, helped coax the cum out of my dick as I fired thick ropes after ropes of jizz into her womb.

Applejack sat there for a bit as she rubbed her stomach. "You should try this Twily," she said as she ground her hips against mine. As Applejack stood up I was confused, I felt some moisture on my groin but not as much as I expected.

Twilight noticed my confusion. "Oh," she said as she moved her crotch from my face, "us ponies have a unique magic that allows their bodies to absorb sexual fluids when we're not ready to bear young". As Applejack moved over to one side, Twilight then placed her hips over mine. She held my still hard cock upright as she slipped it deep inside her hot nether regions. Her horn glowed as she brought her lips close to mine, "Just a little stamina spell. We don't want to exhaust you now", she started moving her hips as she listened to my pained grunts. "Oh, sorry, you must still be sensitive, here". Her horn glowed again, "a little something to help ease your sensitivity".

As Twilight rode me, Applejack stood next to me as she rubbed her pussy. "Mm," she moaned as I listened to how wet she'd become, "I think I could get addicted to your cock. I definitely know that sex will not feel the same again, no stallion could make me this tingly inside".

Thankfully with me and Twilight cumming not so long ago, Twilight on my tongue and me inside Applejack. We were getting close to another orgasm. I think Twilight was also speeding it up as I noticed her horn was still glowing. All I could focus on was the sensation of blasting my next load directly into the Princess's pussy. I fired even more into her than I did with Applejack, was it due to the knowledge that I was screwing a Princess?, or the result of her magic?. Twilight looked like she was in heaven as her eyes rolled up in her head whilst her back arched, as her body twitched, I could feel the sloppy mess inside her disappearing just like with Applejack.

We sat there for a bit as we got our breaths back. Twilight gave me a small kiss. "Thanks," she said, "I hope I made a good first impression on you?. I know our races are trying to improve relations with each other and I want to hmp!".

I broke her off with a kiss of my own. Her face relaxed during the kiss, just enough for her mouth to open so I could slip my tongue inside to give her tongue a little battle. Once I was sure she was fully relaxed I broke the kiss. "If this is the welcome I get, then I might get used to living here".

She slowly stood up as she flashed a smile at me. "Well, I don't know how many humans that might transfer over but", she bent over to give my dick a kiss. "You'll always be my human to mate with, in fact, I think the next humans might have another group meeting them. Applejack is right, a human's penis leaves quite an impression on us and I don't think we'd want to mate with even another human". She slowly stroked me off, "you don't mind if we do this again sometime?". She looked at me with a certain sweetness in her face, "maybe be my special somebody so we can be your special somepony?".

"We?" I asked.

Twilight looked around to the other girls, "We made a promise to share whoever we greeted and since there's only one of you that means you get to have us as your own special herd". She kissed my dick again, "just think it over whilst you sample what the other girls have to offer".

As I stood up I noticed Rarity beckoning me over to the running machine. Her hands were resting upon the padded handrails. Once I was stood in front of her she placed her weight onto her hands as her hooves came off the floor, her legs opened wide before she brought them up as she locked her hooves behind my neck whilst pulling my face closer to hers.
Her pussy hovered in front of my dick. I grabbed my member and pushed the tip inside before grabbing her butt, once I had a good hold on her soft derriere I slipped my entire shaft into her. She kissed me as she savoured the feeling of my dick inside of her.

Pinkie was next to the controls for the machine. She waiting for me to place my hands on the padded handrails before she activated the machine. She started it off slow so I was walking, each step made my dick slip a little into and out of Rarity. Pinkie let out a little giggle as she sped the machine up to a brisk jog, the movement now meant I was simultaneously jogging and fucking Rarity.

I felt like I was jogging double the amount I was used to, the jog alone took some of my stamina but screwing Rarity was doubling my stamina drainage. That and the building pleasure in my loins was making it increasingly difficult to focus on the jog. Once the feeling became too much to bear, I hopped up as my feet landed on the frames that are either side of the running belt so I could focus on the task at hand. That meant being able to slam my hips into Rarity as I poured orgasm number three into her.

She let out a satisfactory "Ooh!" as I filled her womb with my cum. Her legs opened as they rested on either side of the padded handrails. Thankfully Applejack came over to help Rarity after Rarity said, "Don't worry about me, go and give Pinkie some of that wonderful meat".

I walked over to Pinkie who had an excited look on her face. Since I didn't have the energy in my legs to do much, I layed down and got her to sit on my hips. My cock easily entered her as I buried my face in her breasts.

Pinkie bounced her hips enthusiastically, "Wow" she exclaimed, "I love your party cannon, I can't wait until you fire it inside of me".

My hands found her soft, jiggly ass as I dug my fingers in them. I couldn't help myself as I released her ass and raised a hand up before giving her meaty pillow a slap. This made her tighten up and she excitedly yelped. The next slap had more impact as the sound rung out in the room, a firey red handprint started to appear on her butt.

"More" Pinkie squealed, "spank me until I come".

My hand spanked her a few more time in succession, each hit only made her bounce with more speed and force. I placed my arm behind her back and placed her on the floor. I pulled out of her and held her legs up with one hand, this gave me a good view of her holes before I resumed the spanking. Before she could get used to this, I flipped her onto her hands and knees. I placed one hand on the back of her neck to hold her head near the ground as I lifted her ass up. I reinserted myself into her and started fucking her hard and fast, as I did, I started spanking her with my spare hand.

By this point, Pinkie was a drooling mess on the floor. A blathering mess of illegible noises came out of her mouth, the only legible word that came out was "cumming" as she tightens up around me. At that point, I landed one final and hard smack as I came deep inside of her.

"Wow!" Rainbow said as she approached us, "I've never seen anypony do that to her. She often lays the lucky mare or stallion on their birthday parties but none have ever fucked her into a right good mess". As I pulled out Rainbow eagerly pulled me to the side, "I hope you can make me feel as good as she did" she said.

I encouraged her to lie face down on the mat with her ass in the air. With her rear in the air, I knelt down behind her before slipping my cock into her pussy. I then layed over her as I placed my hands on the floor on either side of her shoulders. At this point, I started doing push-ups, using the momentum to both work on my arms and to screw Rainbow. I was able to control the speed and depth like this, at least until my arms started to wear out. Once my arms were tired I rested my body on top of her's as I rapidly thrusted into her. Thankfully, Rainbow had just started to cum as I felt myself about to explode inside of her. Once I felt the first rope of cum leaving my knob, I stopped moving my body as Rainbow's body twitched underneath me. Each twitch helped out as she slowly milked my dick dry.

"Nice one pal," she said as she turned her head to look at me, "that was awesome".

As we caught our breaths, the other girls picked us up.

Only Fluttershy was left. She took me by the hand and led me into the shower room, as we stepped inside I could hear the showers running as steam filled the air. The other girls followed us inside. Once under the water, I carefully took Fluttershy into my arm as my hand grabbed her bottom, my other hand started playing with her breast as I kissed her. I felt her leg coiling around my waist as my member rubbed up against her hot and moist slit. Even though I was still as hard as a rock, it wasn't as vigorous as before.

"Aw!" Rarity said as she massaged my shoulders, "My perfume is starting to wash off. Oh well, we got some good use out of it and I don't think we'll need it anymore seeing as you're having a good time". As I looked at her she smiled, "Just a little concoction Twilight made. A little bit of an aphrodisiac for humans and judging from your reactions, I'd say it worked out ok".

I blushed. A part of me wanted to have a go at them but the other part of me was saying "was it really that bad?". Granted I wasn't expecting to screw any of the mares as part of my first introductions. But it certainly was a good icebreaker in this case. I started moving my hips as my cock finally found its next home inside of Fluttershy. Before I could start moving my hips to fuck Fluttershy, I felt Rainbow's hands on my ass.

She had knelt down behind me and had spread my cheeks apart and buried her muzzle between my butt, her tongue started making laps around my anus before she slowly started tongue fucking my rear.

At this point, Fluttershy started moving her hips. She wrapped her arms around my neck before she hopped up and wrapped her other leg around my waist. Thankfully Applejack stopped us from falling over from the shift in weight. Applejack took hold of one of Fluttershy's butt while Rarity grabbed the other, the two of them started moving Fluttershy's hips as they helped support her weight. Since Applejack had hold of Flutterhsy's butt, I moved my hand to grab Applejack's butt. My other hand moved over to grab Rarity's rear, my fingers sneaking down and underneath their tails until I found their plot holes. I felt no resistance as I slipped a finger into each of them.

As I felt my sixth orgasm starting to build up, I heard Twilight and Pinkie behind me. "So what do you say?" Twilight asked, "are you willing to be a part of our herd?". She rubbed her soap covered breasts against my back in tandem with Pinkie as they both rubbed my chest and stomach.

All I could do was nod as I felt myself releasing my next load, My fingers were squeezed as Applejack and Rarity came. Even Fluttershy came as she stopped my nodding with a kiss.

Thankfully we were able to finish washing up after I finished cumming inside Fluttershy. As we dried ourselves off in the changing room Twilight spoke up, "while there might be some exceptions. Such as if I'm doing any royal duties, for example, don't be afraid to approach us for sex". She knelt down between my legs as I sat down on the bench, she grabbed my now semi-erect cock. "If it's in public then we can take you to an appropriate spot otherwise feel free to fuck us anytime you want".

"I'll keep that in mind," I said as she slowly kissed my cock. Her horn glowed as I felt my cock slowly return to its flaccid state. "There we go," she said as she stood up, "don't want to overdo it on your first day".

Once dry I was able to redress myself. I followed the girls out of the gym. During our shower, the girls offered to help me unpack my stuff, I even told them where I lived. I allowed them to walk ahead of me so I can stare at their rears.
I thought about simply unpacking but my mind wandered. I thought about taking one of the girls to another room to have sex with them.

I think they were thinking the exact same thing as I often notice them looking back at me with a small giggle as they shook their hips at me. Now getting home can't seem to happen fast enough.