> An Innocent Glow:A New Semester > by CozyGlow57 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1:The First Day Of School Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The summer holidays were over and the School of Friendship had opened its doors once again. Students old and new were gathered around Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship and Headmare of the School of Friendship, who was addressing them. "Hello students and welcome to the School of Friendship. And if this is your second year at this school, then welcome back" Headmare Twilight Sparkle said "I hope you all enjoy your time here and I hope that this year is even better then last year. Please follow Guidance Counselor Starlight Glimmer to sign in and get your schedules. Then we can show you your living quarters" The students followed Counselor Starlight Glimmer to sign in and get their schedules then they were shown their living quarters. Two hours later, classes had officially begun. Cozy Glow was flying towards her first class for the day when she accidentally bumped into Smolder and they both fell to the ground. "I'm so sorry!" Cozy Glow said "Are you okay, Smolder?" "I'm fine. I was flying towards Headmare Twilight's class" Smolder said "Me too!" Cozy Glow said "Do you want to fly there together?" "Sure, why not?" Smolder said and they started flying towards Twilight Sparkle's class. A few minutes later, they flew into the classroom and sat down. Cozy Glow and Smolder talked to each other while they were waiting for their fellow students to arrive since they had a few minutes before the lesson began. A few minutes later, everyone had arrived. "Hello , students and welcome to my class. As you all know, my name is Twilight Sparkle. But you can call me Professor Twilight or Professor Sparkle" Twilight Sparkle said "Today I would like to tell you all the story of how I learned that when you're with a good friend, even the most chaotic day can end up being a great experience. Shall we begin?" "Yes, Professor Sparkle" The students said in unison. "It all started when my sister in law,Princess Cadance,sent me a letter that said that…" Twilight Sparkle started telling the story and the students stopped talking amongst themselves so that they could listen to her "... and that is the story of how I learned that when you're with a good friend, even the most chaotic day can end up being a great experience." The students started talking amongst each other about the story then the bell rang signifying that the lesson was over too. Twilight Sparkle smiled to herself as she watched her students leave the classroom. > Chapter 2:The First Day Of School Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Later, the Young 6 and Cozy Glow were walking towards Fluttershy's kindness class since it was their last class for the day. A few minutes later they entered the classroom and sat down. The Young 6 and Cozy Glow sat down and started talking aamongst each other and their fellow students. A few minutes later,all of the students had arrived. Fluttershy, seeing that all of the students had arrived, began addressing the students. "Hello, class. I'm Professor Fluttershy and I hope you all had a fantastic day! I want to tell you all the story of how I learned that sometimes being too kind can keep a friend from doing what they need to do." Fluttershy said "Pushing them away may seem cruel, but it is sometimes the kindest thing you can do. Are you all ready to hear the story?" "We are ready, Professor Fluttershy" The class exclaimed in unison, including the Young 6 and Cozy Glow. "Well, I had informed my friends that…" Fluttershy started telling the story as the students stopped talking and started listening to her "...then I went through the portal right before it closed. And that is why sometimes being too kind can keep a friend from doing what they need to do. Pushing them away may seem cruel, but it is sometimes the kindest thing you can do" "That was an amazing story, Professor Fluttershy" Cozy Glow said. "And an amazing lesson" Ocellus added. The other students nodded in agreement. Then the bell rang, signifying that the lesson was over. Fluttershy smiled to herself as all of the students exited the classroom. Cozy Glow talked to Silverstream for a while then she started flying towards Counselor Starlight Glimmer's Office while the Young 6 started walking towards the library. Starlight Glimmer had just finished organizing her books when she noticed Cozy Glow had entered her office. "Hi Counselor Starlight!" Cozy Glow exclaimed. "Hi Cozy!" Starlight Glimmer said "How was your day?" "It was amazing. I'm so glad I'm back" Cozy Glow said "How was your day,Councelor Starlight?" "It was great" Starlight Glimmer said "I'm glad to hear that your day was amazing, Cozy" "Thanks, Counselor Starlight" Cozy Glow said. "Your welcome, Cozy" Starlight Glimmer said "Do you want some empathy cocoa?" "I would love to have some empathy cocoa but I need to go to the library" Cozy Glow said,looking at the clook on the wall. "Why do you need to go to the library?" Starlight Glimmer asked Cozy Glow, a bit curious about why Cozy Glow needed to go to the library. "Bevause I am going to meet up with Silverstream and her friends in the library" Cozy Glow replied "Silverstream said that they would wait for me when I told her I was going to visit you but I don't want to keep them waiting for too long" "I understand , Cozy. I hope you all have fun" Starlight Glimmer said "Tell them I said hi!" "Don't worry , I will" Cozy Glow reassured her "See you later,Counselor Starlight!" "See you later, Cozy!" Starlight Glimmer said. Cozy Glow hugged Starlight Glimmer then flew out of Starlight Glimmer's Office and flew towards the library. Starlight Glimmer watched as Cozy Glow flew towards the library. When Cozy Glow was out of her sight , Starlight Glimmer closed the doors of her office, sat down in her chair and started reading the second chapter of the book she had been reading before she had decided to organize her books. > Chapter 3: The Summoning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been four days since the School of Friendship had opened its door again and things couldn't be better. The students of Twilight Sparkle's class were learning about the Alicorn Amulet. "The Alicorn Amulet is a magical amulet that blesses the user with untold powers. The Alicorn Amulet corrupts its user although how much it corrupts the user depends on how much the wearer wears it. " Twilight Sparkle said "The only creature capable of taking off the Alicorn Amulet is its user" "Why is its user the only creature capable of taking off the Alicorn Amulet?" Cozy Glow asked. "Beacuse the Alicorn Amulet has a built in magical lock that prevents any creature other than its user from taking it off. The Alicorn Amulet has its limits, as it cannot perform spells that are considered simply impossible. " Twilight Sparkle said. Some of the students, including Ocellus and Cozy Glow, had been writing down the things she said about the Alicorn Amulet in their notebooks. When the bell rang, signifying that the lesson was over, the students ran out of the classroom. Somewhere in a forest, Queen Chrysalis was talking to herself. "One day, you'll see! I will defeat Twilight Sparkle and her friends! And they will pay for stealing my kingdom!" Queen Crhysalis exclaimed, then cackled. Queen Chrysalis suddenly vanished with a puff of black smoke. Meanwhile in Tartarus , Patty Peppermint was trying to be friends with Lord Tirek. "Psst, Tirek!" Patty Peppermint said. "It is Lord Tirek" Tirek said "And what is it now?" "I just wanna make sure you can see my best friends rock sculpture from over there!" Patty Peppermint said, pointing to it with her hoof. Lord Tirek groaned. Lord Tirek suddenly vanished with a puff of black smoke then Patty Peppermint vanished a few seconds later.Queen Chrysalis, Lord Tirek and Patty Peppermint were sent to a remote part of Equestria. "Lord Tirek!" Queen Chrysalis exclaimed. "A changeling?" Lord Tirek asked,then he turned towards Patty Peppermint "See? She gets it." "Chrysalis, queen of the changelings!" Queen Chrysalis said "Or at least I will be, when I'm restored to my rightful place! Why did you summon me? What do you want?!" "We didn't bring you!" Patty Peppermint said "I thought you freed us from Tartarus!" "Tartarus? Whoever pulled you from there must have been somepony very powerful indeed" Queen Chrysalis said. Then , King Sombra arrived. "King Sombra! You have returned?" Queen Chrysalis said "Why did you bring us here?" He didn't. It was I. You may call me... Grogar" Grogar said. Queen Chrysalis and Lord Tirek gasped. "The Grogar?" Queen Chrysalis asked. "I thought that you were a legend!" Lord Tirek exclaimed. "I've heard of you" King Sombra said. "Who?" Patty Peppermint asked. "I assure you, I am very real. And you have all been brought here as part of my plan to rid Equestria of Twilight Sparkle and her friends once and for all" Grogar said, then laughed. > Chapter 4:The Deal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I am so sorry, but the name 'Grofar'? It just doesn't ring any bells" Patty Peppermint said. "Grogar! I have been away too long if my name no longer strikes fear into the heart of a pony. Perhaps a demonstration of power is in order?" Grogar said, then he fed Tirek with a sample of magic that turned him into his second form. Tirek kissed his bisceps. "Grogar is ancient and extremely powerful. The land that would become Equestria was a mere collection of farms and pastures until he declared himself emperor of all he saw." Tirek said "I remember hearing tales of his tyranny when I was young" "I have also heard of the first Emperor of Equestria. The "Father of Monsters"." King Sombra said. "I gave life to the foulest of creatures and allowed them to run wild, taking what they wanted and destroying the rest. My reign was a glorious, fear-soaked epoch of darkness in Equestria" Grogar said. "Ha! Until Gusty the Great rose up and banished you" Queen Chrysalis said. "That fool believed taking my bell would defeat me!" Grogar said "But she only weakened me temporarily." "Um, Tirek is really old" Patty Peppermint said,then she turned towards Tirek "no offense, you look great" Then she continued talking to Grogar "but if he knew about you when he was young, we have super different ideas about what "temporarily" means." "Silence! I've spent millennia gathering power, biding my time, waiting for the perfect opportunity to seize control of Equestria!" Grogar said "And watching all of you. I've seen each of your humiliating defeats at the hooves of six puny ponies. And do you know why they've always bested you?" "Because they cheat!" Queen Chrysalis exclaimed. "Because they are annoyingly lucky" Lord Tirek said. "They weren't the ones who defeated me, so…" Patty Peppermint said. "It is because they work together" Grogar said "Where one is weak, another is strong, and thus unified, they are a formidable force! But we shall use their own strategy to defeat them" "What are you suggesting?" Queen Chrysalis asked. "I suggest nothing" Grogar said "I demand that you join me, and together, Equestria will be ours!" "I don't do "ours". I only do mine." King Sombra said "I will take back the Crystal Empire on my own, and I will destroy any pony who gets in my way!" "Such confidence. Go! Try to take back your kingdom" Grogar said "I shall send you there myself. If you prevail, you may keep it. But when you fail, you will submit to me!" "And if I refuse this deal?" King Sombra asked. "Then I shall return you to the darkness from which you were summoned" Grogar said. "Fine! But this is a waste of time, as I will crush those who defy me. I will defeat all who get in my way! I'm— " King Sombra said but he was sent away by Grogar before he could finish his sentenceç "I advise the rest of you to prepare to work together!" Grogar exclaimed. "Well, working together sounds an awful lot like making friends, so... you two are in luck, because I know all about that!" Patty Peppermint said. > Chapter 5:The Emergency Message > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the School of Friendship Cozy Glow was in Counselor Starlight Glimmer's Office. "Hi Counselor Starlight!"Cozy Glow exclaimed. "Hi Cozy!" Starlight Glimmer said. "How was your day, Counselor Starlight?" Cozy Glow asked. "It was great. How was your day, Cozy?" Starlight Glimmer asked. Then she took a sip from her bug of empathy cocoa as Cozy Glow started telling her about her day. Meanwhile, at the Crystal Empire things weren't so great. "The guard says Sombra's breached the castle!" Shining Armor exclaimed , entering the throne room. "Hurry, Twilight! We need you!" Princess Cadance said , then she sent a letter to Twilight Sparkle using her horn "Do you have Flurry Heart?" "I thought you had her" Shining Armor said. Then , Shining Armor and Princess Cadance raced toward her nursery. When they entered the nursery they saw that King Sombra was holding Flurry Heart hostage. "Mama!" Flurry Heart exclaimed. Princess Cadance gasped. "You won't get away with this!" Princess Cadance said. "Oh, but I already have" King Sombra said. Then he laughed as Flurry Heart made angry noises. Later , King Sombra was sitting on the throne. "With the Crystal Heart now in my possession, there is nothing to stop me from ruling the Crystal Empire!" King Sombra exclaimed. Then a shackled Princess Cadance, Shining Armor ,Flurry Heart and two mind controlled guards entered the throne room "Kneel before Sombra!" King Sombra said, then sighed "Long live the king" Meanwhile , at the School of Friendship Twilight Sparkle and her friends were having a meeting in her office. "Cadance sent an emergency message. Sombra's back, and he's taking over the Crystal Empire." Twilight Sparkle said. "But... But how is that possible?!" Rarity exclaimed "I thought the Crystal Heart had dispelled him into the ether!" "I have no idea! But he's back, and it's up to us to save the Empire and my family!" Twilight Sparkle said , then she turned towards Starlight "Starlight , can you stay here and-" "Take care of the school?" Starlight Glimmer asked, cutting her off "I've got you covered" > Chapter 6:The Elements Are Destroyed > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Twilight Sparkle and her friends had arrived at the Crystal Empire, Sombra had used his magic to make them suffer their worst fears. However, they had overcome Sombra's dark magic with the Elements of Harmony, and while Sombra was distracted, Spike had helped Cadance regain control of the Crystal Heart. The Crystal Ponies had been freed from Sombra's mind control, and Twilight Sparkle and her friends had used the Elements to vaporize Sombra into smoke. With Sombra defeated, Twilight Sparkle and her friends were celebrating their surprisingly easy victory. "Yeah! Whoo-hoo-hoo!" Spike exclaimed. "We totally just wiped the castle with that guy!" Rainbow Dash said. "Thanks, Twily." Shining Armor said. "That was fun!"Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "And easy." Applejack added. "As magical battles go, that was a cakewalk." Rarity said. "Mmm... Cakewalk…" Pinkie Pie said. Then she danced with cake on her hooves as her friends giggled. "Twilight, what will we do if Sombra returns? Again?" Rarity asked. "I have you guys, and we have the Elements." Twilight Sparkle said "And together, we've never failed. We'll be okay." Later, Twilight Sparkle and her friends were returning the Elements of Harmony to the Tree of Harmony "Once again, Equestria is safe." Twilight Sparkle said. "What should we do to celebrate?" Fluttershy asked. "I vote for a cakewalk!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. Then Twilight Sparkle and her friends had started leaving but blacke smoke filled the cave and then the cave started to rumble. "What's goin' on?" Applejack asked. "I don't know!" Twilight Sparkle said. Then a giant black crystal poped out of the ground beneath the tree, destroying it and shattering the Elements of Harmony to pieces. The Mane 6 gasped as King Sombra laughed evilly. > Chapter 7:The Mane 6 Are Imprisoned By King Sombra > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- King Sombra was laughing manically while the Mane 6 were in shock. "What. Just. Happened?!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "The Tree of Harmony can't really be gone, can it?!" Fluttershy exclaimed. "It can't be!" Twilight Sparkle said. "But it is! You thought you defeated me, but you led me right to the source of your power." King Sombra said "Now that it's destroyed, nothing can stop me!" "He's right... With the Elements gone, I don't know how we can defeat him!" Twilight Sparkle said. "Then we'll just have to beat him the old-fashioned way!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. The Mane 5 charged towards Sombra while Twilight looked at the shards of the elements,very sad. king Sombra used his magic to trap all of them inside a crystal cage. Twilight Sparkle tried to use her magic to get out of the crystal many times,but failed. "Ha! You're no match for me! I will finally rule the Crystal Empire!" King Sombra said, then gasped "Wait... With you out of the way, I will rule all of Equestria!" "No!" Twilight Sparkle exclaimed. "Oh, yes. And I think I know exactly where I'll start." King Sombra said. "Don't you dare say it!" Applejack exclaimed. "Your sweet, little hometown." King Sombra said. "You leave Ponyville alone!" Rarity exclaimed. "Or what? Without your Elements, it would be so easy to control you." King Sombra said. "But there's no point. My conquering Ponyville is already your greatest fear!" Then he left the cave,laughing maniacally. "No!" The Mane Six exclaimed in unison. "What do we do?!" Fluttershy exclaimed. "I don't know! The Tree of Harmony grew the Elements!"Twilight Sparkle said "It kept the Everfree Forest under control! And now it's gone. Sombra will take over Equestria, and it's all my fault! I never thought I'd mess up this badly!" "What are you looking at me for?" Pinkie Pie asked, after a few seconds of awkward silence. "This is usually when you say something funny to lift our spirits." Rainbow Dash said. "Sorry. Nothing about this is funny to me." Pnkie Pie said. "I'm sorry. I'm trying to be strong, but I just can't bear to think about poor Sweetie Belle under the spell of that monster!" Rarity said, tearing up. "Or those sweet little Cake twins…" Pinkie Pie said. Or Spike, or Starlight,or the students... Rainbow Dash said. "Or Angel... or anypony forced to do that monster's bidding!" Fluttershy said. Then Applejack got covered in dirt. "What the—? Twilight, what are you doin'?" Applejack asked. "We can't just stay here.,I don't have a plan, and I don't know what I'm gonna do once we get out." Twilight Sparkle said "But we can't sit here and let Sombra make slaves of everypony we love!" "Let me help! I'm faster!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, then she started digging next to Twilight. "I like digging!" Pinkie Pie said. Then she fixed her mane to become a drill and started drilling next to them. "I've been known to get my hooves dirty!" Fluttershy said and joined them. "Move over, y'all!" Applejack exclaimed,then she joined them too. "Normally, I wouldn't dream of digging, but right now, show me the muddy!" Rarity said, then she joined them as well. A few seconds later, the Mane 6 dug themselves out of the cage. [digging] [whirring] > Chapter 8:The Lord Of Chaos Appears > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Mane Six gasped as they saw what had happened to Ponyville "Apple Bloom! It's me! Look at me, sugarcube! Twilight, you gotta free her! Please!" said Applejack. Twilight tried to use her magic to free Apple Bloom from Sombra's mind control but failed. "I... I can't! Without the Elements, my magic isn't strong enough to stop Sombra's!" Twilight Sparkle said "Spike! Spike, where are you going? Starlight? Our students?" "We must lay siege to Canterlot." Starlight Glimmer said in a monotone voice. The students of the School of Friendship were following her. "No! Snap out of it, you guys!" Twilight Sparkle said "You're stronger than his magic!" "Sweetie Belle, please stop!" Rarity said "I can't get her to stop! I can't get her—!" "None of us can. We can't reach them!" Twilight Sparkle said. Then they heard Pinkie Pie scream from the distance and ran towards her. "He made them bake a black licorice fruitcake that says "Congratulations to Our Favorite Supreme Emperor King Sombra" in green frosting!" Pnkie Pie said, sobbing "It's the ugliest cake I've ever seen!" "Twilight, this is bad! Like, really bad!" said Rainbow Dash. "I've never been so sad in my whole life!" Fluttershy said, sobbing. "I don't know what to do! I don't know how to free them, but I don't know how to stop Sombra!" Twilight Sparkle said "We were so sure that we could win! Well, this is exactly what I was afraid of! Could anything else possibly go wrong?!" "Well... With the Tree of Harmony gone, the Everfree Forest could grow out of control and threaten the town!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "Darling, that's oddly specific." said Rarity. Then Pinkie Pie turned Raritys head towards the Everfree Forest. The Mane Sİx gasped as they saw that the Everfree Forest had gotten out of control. "Even if we figure out how to defeat Sombra and bring everypony back to Ponyville, if we don't stop the forest, there won't be a Ponyville to come back to!" Twilight Sparkle said. Rainbow Dash flied towards a stand,grabbed some gardening tools and flied back to her friends. "Ahem." Rainbow Dash said. "For our friends!" Fluttershy exclaimed. "For our families!" Applejack and Rarity exlaimed. "For our home!" Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "For Equestria!" Twilight Sparkle exclaimed. "Equestria!" The Mane Six exclaimed as they ran towards the Everfree Forest with gardening tools. With his army of mind-controlled ponies, King Sombra layed siege upon Canterlot. "You two! Break it down!" King Sombra said to Big Macintosh and Yona. A few minutes later, King Sombra had entered the throne rook but Princess Celestia and Princess Luna weren't there. "They've fled! Celestia and Luna are too cowardly to even stand against me! Equestria is mine!" King Sombra said, laughing maniacally. Back in Ponyville, the Mane Six continued to hold off the Everfree Forest's invading vines, but the vines were growing faster than they could keep up with. All of a sudden, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna arrived to help them with their efforts. "I know we're used to handling things on our own, but I've never been happier to see two ponies in my whole life!" Applejack exclaimed. Star Swirl teleported next to her. "Nopony is meant to handle this on their own!" Star Swirl said. "Star Swirl! The Tree of Harmony, it's—!" said Twilight Sparkle. "I know. I alerted the princesses as soon as I could." Star Siwrl said I felt it when it happened. Like part of my essence just ceased to be." "I know what you mean." Twilight Sparkle said "I'm sorry." "Don't be. I've more than enough magic in me to keep the Everfree Forest under control." Star Swirl said. "You can do that?" Twilight Sparkle asked. "The Pillars and I planted the Tree of Harmony.Who do you think kept the Forest under control before it did?" Star Swirl said "It will take time, but with the princesses' help, I can keep it at bay!" "Aw, yeah!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed "Go get 'em, beardy!" "Sombra's back, and he's taken control of all of our friends!" Twilight exclaimed "We've left Canterlot defenseless!" Princess Luna exclaimed. "Twilight, you must go! Defend Equestria, and we shall contain the forest." Princess Celestia said. "At least now we're back to just one problem!" Pinkie Pie said. Then Twilight had teleported herself and her friends to Canterlot's city limits, where their mind-controlled friends,families and students had been blocking their entry into the city. The ponies couldn't bring themselves to fight back against their loved ones, instead trapping them in nets and turning their force on each other. Then Twilight had teleported them into Canterlot Castle. "I'm sorry we couldn't help our friends, but I didn't know what else to do." said Twilight Sparkle. "At least we're inside." Applejack said. "Yeah! All we have to do now is defeat King Sombra!" Pinkie said,then she nervously laughed. "I... We..." Twilight Sparkle said. "Oh, my. No Elements? No princesses?" Discord said "Seems like you're in a bit of a pickle! Or are you in... ...more of a jam? Mmm!" "Discord! I'm so glad to see you!" Twilight Sparkle said "We could really use some all-powerful Lord of Chaos help right now!" "Moi? Oh, I couldn't possibly." Discord said. "Oh, poodles!" Pinkie Pie said as she looked at the mind controlled guards guarding the door to the throne room. "Discord, please!" Twilight exclaimed. "Oh, fine. Just to be clear, I was really rooting for you to do this on your own and parlay that confidence boost into being the best protectors of Equestria you can be." said Discord. "A little less talking and a little more helping?!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. Discord snapped his fingers and took care of the guards. "Thank you, Discord!" Fluttershy said. "I don't know what we'd do without you!" Twilight Sparkle said. Then they started walking towards the throne room. > Chapter 9:The Defeat Of Sombra > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The mane Six and Discord entered the throne room. "Okay, "King" Sombra!" Rainbow Dash said "Time to give up the crown!" "Here to fight the good fight with nothing but your wits?Admirable, but foolish!" said King Sombra. "Well, I guess it's on me to be the MVP today. I was betting on you, and I do hate being wrong.Although if you think about it, I am your friend, so maybe you win because friendship wins? Although Fluttershy should get most of the credit for that. She's my favorite." Discord said. Sombra aimed his magic directly at her, and Discord jumped in the way, taking the full brunt of the blast and falling. The Mane Six gasped and ran over to him "Discord!" Fluttershy exclaimed. "Not even the Lord of Chaos can stand against me! I am truly the most powerful creature in Equestria!" King Sombra exclaimed. Then he covered the thrones in crystals. "Discord!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "We need you!" Twilight Sparkle said. "Oh, please wake up, please wake up…" Fluttershy said,then gasped "Discord!" "I'm so glad you're okay!" Twilight Sparkle said "We can't beat him without you!" "You couldn't beat me with him, either" King Sombra said. "It would appear that you're on your own." Discord said "I have nothing left to give." "That's it, then? We're doomed?" said Applejack. "Of course you are." King Sombra said "I can't believe it's taken you this long to realize it. Now, how shall I eliminate all this clutter in my throne room?" "Listen to me. You don't need me. You don't need the princesses, and you certainly don't need the Elements." Discord said "Fluttershy, you will always be kind. Applejack, you will always be honest. Rarity, you'll always be generous. And Rainbow Dash will be loyal as can be. Pinkie will always bring laughter wherever she goes. And Twilight… you are and always will be the embodiment of magic. You lost sight of what's in front of you. You're here, together, willing to give everything you've got for Equestria. Nothing and nopony can ever take that away from you, because that's who you are." "It's going to take more than a sentimental speech to save you." King Sombra said. "Discord's right. We've proven time and time again that the real magic is the six of us working together!" Twilight Sparkle said "With these girls by my side, I'm not afraid of you! I'm not afraid of what you can do or how much power you have!" "You should be." King Sombra said. Then he blasted her with magic but Twilight blocked it. "You may knock us down, but we're gonna get back up again! And again! And again! As long as we're together, we will never stop trying to defeat you!" Twilight Sparkle said. Twilight joined hooves with her friends, and the magic within them ignited similarly to the Elements of Harmony from their resolve to protect Equestria. With a declaration of "friendship is magic!", the Mane Six's magic eradicated Sombra to dust, dispeled his black crystals around the land, and freed the mind-controlled ponies (and creatures) from his spell. "What are we doing here?" Cozy Glow asked. Two hours later, at the School of Friendship Cozy Glow was hanging out with the Cutie Mark Crusaders. "I can't believe King Sombra returned. Again." Cozy Glow said. "I'm just glad eveything is alright again." Sweetie Belle said. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Cozy Glow nodded in agreement. Then the four of them continued talking. Meanwhile,at Grogar's lair… "Now I'll say something nice about centaurs. Tirek, you say something nice about changelings. And Chrysalis, you say something nice about ponies!" Patty Peppermint said. "Never!" Chrysalis exclaimed. "Let us hope the three of you will be enough for my plans." Grogar said. "And what of King Sombra?" Chrysalis asked. "Did he succeed?" Tirek asked. "Hah!" Grogar said. Then he showed them the moment of Sombra's defeat with his crystal ball "I'd say he gambled and lost! But at least he can serve as a warning to those who doubt continuing with my plans. Unless any of you have doubts." "Uh, not I." Tirek said. "Nope!" Chrysalis said. "I'm good!" Patty Peppermint exclaimed. "Then we shall join forces and work together to bring Equestria to its knees!" Grogar said. The he started laughing evilly. Patty,Tirek and Chrysalis nervously joined him.