Royal Indulgence

by Jest

First published

Shining Armor is going away for the weekend, and Cadence has no royal duties left. Which means the princess of love has a whole weekend to indulge in whatever she desires.

Shining Armor is going away for the weekend, and Cadence has no royal duties left. Which means the princess of love has a whole weekend to indulge in whatever she desires.

Commission for a patron. If you want to be able to commission me or get other great rewards, head over there.

Contains feeding, breast growth, multiple penetration (Like alot), tentacles, toys, solo female, sleep sex, weight gain, and probably more that I cant think of.

A Well Earned Break

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Cadence trundled down the stairs and into the kitchen, all while her large pink belly swung under her. The long, thin and regal form that most ponies had gotten used to seeing on Cadence was gone, replaced by the large, rotund one the princess of love had grown into over the last few months. After reaching the bottom of the stairs the alicorn stopped and smiled, wiping a stray bit of sweat from her brow. Though she made a note of going back to the gym, she doubted she would actually follow up on such a promise, as there were more important things to do. Namely an entire plate of donuts with her name on it waiting nearby for her.

Licking her lips, the heavyset mare trotted into her kitchen and made her way to the table where the plate of delicious treats were waiting and grabbed the first one. Without looking at what kind it was, the pony threw back the entire thing and chewing loudly. “Mmm double chocolate.” She muttered to herself.

As she stood there she couldn't help but sway her hips back and forth, the delicious taste of sugar dancing across her tongue and prompting her to do the same in a more literal sense. Though there was no one around currently, if there was they would have been given quite a show as the alicorn’s large breasts swung and slapped against one another, unnoticed by the mare herself who was in chocolate heaven. As she ate she considered the possibility that she may have gone a little overboard recently, only to dismiss such a thought with little more then a shrug.

She was a princess now, not only in title but in actuality, with her own kingdom, her own guard and her own prince charming which meant she could do whatever she wanted. Thinking of the stallion made the alicorn grin as she threw back another donut and moaned aloud, her mind conjuring up memories of all the things they had done together since Cadence had started putting on weight. Which was quite a lot of things, as Shining Armor’s already considerable libido had been strangely heightened by her weight gain. A fact that didn't help the royal dressmaker who had to work overtime since she started packing on the pounds.

With a sigh of pleasure, the mare sat down on a nearby pillow and patted her stomach, a serene expression crossing her face. The plate that had a dozen donuts on it mere minutes ago was now empty, it's contents now resting in Cadence’s massive stomach. A stomach that groaned under the sudden pressure of having a dozen donuts stuffed inside it.

“Maybe you should trim down to only ten donuts every morning.” Shining Armor offered, the stallion having apparently snuck up on the mare at some point.

Cadence smiled and leaned towards her husband, prompting the stallion to nuzzle her gently. “Sorry about that dear, you know how I get before I have my morning donut.” Cadence replied.

“Don't worry about it Cadey, but don't you think you might be overdoing it a little?” Shining Armor pressed nervously. “I mean, you have been putting on a lot of weight.”

The mare chuckled, looking at her husband with an amused expression. “You say that like you haven't jumped my bones every single opportunity you got since I started getting heavier.”

Shining Armor blushed and tugged awkwardly at the collar of his uniform. “Yes, well, what can I say. I’m a tit man.”

“I’m surprised you didn't just slide inside me instead of saying hello.” Cadence shot back, the mare pressing her neck against Shining’s and nipping his ear. “Or did you get caught staring at my tits again?”

The stallion coughed and took an awkward step away. “Normally I would, but today I’m starting blizzard training with the guard, remember?”

Cadence sighed. “I remember. I just hoped you had a little time to ourselves before you have to go.”

“I’m afraid not Cadey.” Shining Armor replied, planting a kiss on the mare’s nose. “You know how captain Bright Lance is.”

“I still don't know why you can't be a prince and captain of the guard, we make all the rules you know.” Cadence pointed out.

“I know dear.” Shining Armor replied, grabbing his ceremonial sword and helmet from the table next to the door. “But you know what Celestia said, delegation is key to a functional country.”

“I know I know.” Cadence admitted. “But there is still a part of me who just wants my Shining home all the time.”

“Well after I help oversee this last training course I’ll be all yours dear.” Shining Armor vowed, flashing the mare a wink. “Now I better get out of here before Brighty sends another runner to check on me.”

“Take care, I love you!” Cadence yelled after him.

“I love you too candy flanks!” Shining Armor yelled back, a smirk on his lips.

The mare blushed and watched as her stallion exited the door to their private residence and entered the castle proper, only to be ushered away by a trio of waiting guard ponies. “My flanks aren't that big, are they?” She muttered.

Turning around and giving her flanks a prod with her hoof made them jiggle and for the pony to frown. “Darn.” Her frown slowly disappeared when she noticed that despite them being as big as they were, they still did fit her quite well. “Am I what the children call thick, now?” She asked nooone.

Only to chuckle at her own silliness and shake her head. “Shining Armor is barely out the door and already your talking to yourself. Get it together Cadence, we have to check in with the regent before she starts freaking out as well.”

The large mare trotted confidently from their private residence, gave a smile and a nod to the guards waiting outside and turned left, in the direction of the throne room. Though Cadence was tempted to turn right around and walk in the opposite direction as it was the direction Shining Armor had headed, she knew better than to try it. Plus she wasn't even sure if she could get her newly enlarged body to even catch up with her husband at this point.

Humming softly to herself, the alicorn trotted into the throne room, pausing only briefly to smile and nod to the guards who opened the large double doors for her. As she passed, Cadence noticed the distinct blush on both stallion’s faces and decided to give her hips a little shake as she passed them by.

Once inside, the mare smiled at the tall crystal pony who sat off to the side of the room, her nose in a book, completely oblivious to the mountain of paperwork that covered the rest of her desk. Cadence chuckled and shook her head, silently amazed that the other pony could even stand reading the dusty old law tome.

“You know miss Red Tape, if you push your nose any closer I may have to insist that you get those glasses you claim to not need.” Cadence quipped.

The book instantly tumbled to the desk, revealing the wide pink eyes of a terrified pony. “Oh p-p-princess Cadence! I was just…” The mare caught herself mid apology and sighed. “I may have to take you up on that offer.”

“Good, because if you didn't need glasses before, you certainly did after you started reading those dusty old things.” Cadence remarked.

“Your telling me. I can't wait for the day that all our laws have caught up with Equestria and I don't have to look at the things anymore.” Groused the other mare.

“True enough.” Cadence smiled and leaned on the desk, ignoring the slight groan that came from the wood when she did that. “Are we still set for the regent to take over for the weekend?”

Red tape nodded vigorously, pushing her glasses up teal nose. “Oh yes, miss Iron Hoof is getting briefed about her responsibilities right now, would you like to speak to her?”

Cadence shook her head. “No. I’m sure it's fine I just came by to check if everything is going well.”

“It seems so your highness.” Red Tape replied.

“Excellent, I can't even tell you how much I’ve been looking forward to this little vacation.” Cadence gushed, leaning a little more on the desk. “With Shining Armor gone I wasn't sure what I was going to do at first but after some thought I’m really looking forward to the time off.”

Red Tape gulped, the mare only barely able to tear her gaze from her princess’ curvaceous form. “W-what exactly do you have planned anyway?”

Cadence tapped her nose and flashed the mare a wink. “It's a secret.”

“Oh. Well I hope you have fun your highness.” Red Tape stuttered, the mare barely able to keep her gaze on the alicorn’s eyes.

“Thank you Tapey, don't work too hard now!” Cadence replied, pushing off the desk and trotting towards the door.

Behind her, the crystal pony sat bolt upright in her seat, unable to tear her gaze from her sovereign's luxurious curves. “Stars above. Maybe I am gay.” She muttered, tugging nervously on her collar.

Cadence smirked to herself. I still got it.

Now Thoroughly Enjoyed

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Cadence trotted hastily down the stairs, a smile on her face and a bounce in every one of her steps. Her body jiggled and shook as she made her way down to the main floor, the mare hardly caring about this fact as there was no one around to see her acting like a filly that had been let out of school early. The stairs stopped suddenly, ending with a door, which she threw open after pausing just long enough for the door to read her magic and discover that she truly was Cadence. After that she opened up into a large circular room with a long staircase that hugged the right wall and went all the way to the bottom.

The room itself had been a little creepy at first, seeing as how it had been created by Sombra, or as Cadence liked to call him, old smokey pants. Since she had ascended to the throne and this room had been discovered, things had changed and the gloomy interior had been replaced with plenty of blue and pink, bringing it's color scheme in line with the rest of the castle. Add to that a few more light sources placed here and there so it wasn't quite as shadow infested as before and the formerly creepy secret room was now more of a quiet, private princess retreat.

The alicorn opened her wings, only to think better of it, as it was a long way down, and she wasn't confident in her wing power anymore, especially considering just how much weight she had gained. With that in mind, she tucked her wings back against her spine and began the long trot to the bottom, while making a note to finally let Twilight teach her teleportation magic. As something told her she was going to need it, especially considering she had no intention of losing the weight she had put on.

As she trotted down the long steps, the alicorn couldn't help but think about her husband, and all the responsibilities she had as princess and co ruler of a nation. Those thoughts would normally bother her endlessly, making her stressed, worried, and oddly enough, hungry. Now though? Now they were like water off a duck’s back, and disappeared as quickly as they came.

Cadence had a plan, and everything was ready for her. She had made sure to stock her secret getaway room well, and had ensured that all of her responsibilities had been handled until monday came around and her stallion returned. Choosing not to think about that, Cadence instead focused on all the things she had planned for the weekend, and more importantly all the toys and food she had yet to try.

So enamored was the mare with the idea of indulging fully in her more recently acquired fetishes, she hardly even noticed or cared that she was winded by the time she hit the bottom of the steps. Normally being winded after only a short jaunt like that would annoy her, but with her prize so close, not even the slight sheen of sweat she felt dripping down her forehead bothered her.

The alicorn trotted hastily up to a seemingly random wall, and after glancing up to ensure she wasn't followed, lit her horn and cast the unlocking spell she had learned. When the spell was completed, the wall glowed faintly, her magic seeping into it and revealing a door big enough to admit a giant three times her height and width. At the center of the door was the same large heart shaped peice of paper she had left behind the last time she had come down here, the warning she had written still plastered to the magical portal.

Snickering to herself, Cadence trotted up to the door and gripped the surprisingly plain handle and tugged open the crystal door, which floated open with little prompting. Revealing Cadence’s secret relaxation zone, or fungeon, she hadn't really landed on a name quite yet.

The area itself had likely been a dungeon at one point, of that Cadence was certain, but now all remnants of the room’s sordid past had been erased and replaced by things that Cadence actually liked. Such as posters of her favorite bands, a few centerfolds she had removed from magazines when she was young, as well as the odd movie poster, in addition to a few paintings she had bought at charity auctions which were too ugly to actually hang anywhere visible to the public. Other than art, the walls were also home to a few shelves of books that were either too personal to show anyone save Shining Armor, or simply had no other place to go.

The ceiling was tall, nearly forty feet or more, Cadence had never bothered to measure, or had a reason to care after she had a trio of enormous crystals inlaid in the ceiling, allowing her to bathe the room in whatever color light she felt like. For now she stuck with the standard light that illuminated most of the castle, her magic turning on the three massive crystals and a dozen other smaller ones that ringed the room in a single flash.

With that done, the princess trotted over to a nearby pile of pillows and plopped down into them, sighing contentedly. The majority of her massive pillow collection still lay across the room and was for now, untouched, though something told Cadence that would change soon enough. Especially considering she had an extra large fridge absolutely stocked with goodies, nevermind a teleporter pad that she had connected with the kitchens in case she needed emergency snacks.

Other then that there was a bathroom hidden behind a fake bookshelf, completing the pseudo bachelor pad perfectly. All it was missing was a few empty beer cans, and the stink of cheap perfume, and it would be exactly like Cadence’s first apartment.

The alicorn shook her head and dismissed the strange thought before pulling a twinkie from the fridge. “What to do first hmm?” She muttered, before popping the sweet treat into her mouth and chewing loudly.

She glanced over at her toy box which was tucked away next to her ‘forbidden’ shelf of spell books she deemed too risque to keep in the castle proper. A few were genuinely dangerous, and had been recovered from Sombra’s private library, while most were spell books that Cadence had collected over the years which dealt with a different kind of subject altogether.

Namely, sex magic.

Sex magic itself wasn't exactly frowned upon in Equestrian society, but it was largely misunderstood. The popular opinion was that this type of magic was almost exclusively used to manipulate ponies into having sex, or giving a mare the extra equipment she needed to knock up her same sex partner. Though both of those things were possible with sex magic, it was in actuality, used mainly for more simple things like increasing pleasure, and enabling ponies a range of motion they didn't normally have.

Which made sex magic spells rare, and much sought after, as well as one of Cadence’s less then secret passions.

She wasn't interested in that quite yet though, as she didn't need magic to help her get off. At least not yet anyway, the weekend was long, and the day was young after all and she had yet to truly get into things.

The mare bit her lip, her mind having conjured images of all the times she had broken out one of those books images which served to make her quite aroused. Memories of the times Shining had let her use the extra equipment spell on him, and when they had both used the contortionist spells and did every position in the ponysutra flew through her mind. There were more memories that threatened to bubble up, but Cadence put a lid on them quickly, already turned on enough without indulging herself too much in that regard.

Reaching a hoof back between her legs revealed that her body had reacted like she thought it would, and the mare pulled back a glistening hoof absolutely covered in her juices. “Well I guess I could start this little staycation with a little fun.” Muttered the mare.

“But first, music.” She declared, trotting next to where her toy box was, and a more mundane crate sat.

Pulling it open, Cadence began to sift through her collection of records before settling on something mood setting. “John Ponner, Touch. Perfect.” Proclaimed the mare.

After retrieving the record, Cadence turned and levitated it onto a nearby record player and gently started the machine. Within seconds she was floating through a veritable sea of dulcet tones, and delicious notes, her worries and cares swiftly melting and left forgotten. For a while she simply stood there, swaying to the music, until finally her very last worry was naught but dust and she was left with only lust in her heart.

“This is going to be great.” Vowed Cadance.

Turning back to her toybox, the alicorn trotted excitedly over to it, her magic popping the top of the ornate crystal chest and revealing the treasures within. Or at least it would, had the chest not been enchanted to serve as a portal to a pocket dimension, meaning the only thing a casual observer would see is a swirling mass of purple, pink and white that flowed endlessly into one another like the world’s weirdest lava lamp.

To Cadence though, it was a sea of opportunity, and in her mind’s eye she could see every last toy she had squirreled away in her special chest.

Dildos, strap ons, riding crops, sexy clothes, on and on the list of toys went, covering just about every possible fetish out there. She had it all, and though the alicorn was tempted to try something new, or perhaps test out her latest bondage equipment, she knew the moment the chest opened that there was only one toy for her.

Reaching inside, Cadence dug deep, picturing the toy in her mind and allowing her limb to find just what she was looking for. When her hoof connected to something cold, the alicorn knew she had found what she was searching for.

“Aha, there you are.” She remarked, reaching down with her other hoof and grabbing the heavy toy in both hooves.

With a grunt of exterion, the mare pulled the toy from the depths, and hefted it out of the toy box fully, it's metal exterior clunking when it hit the crystal floor. Wiping a bead of sweat from her forehead, Cadence took a step back and gave her newest toy a look over.

Though unusual when compared to most of her toys, as it had both a motor, and a variety of attachable ends it was still basically just a dildo on a stick. A stick which was then attached to said motor, allowing the machine to piston back and forth according to a variety of settings which could be changed with a handy remote that was attached to the top.

With a giddy smile on her face the alicorn used her magic to levitate the machine across the room and over towards her pile of pillows, setting the bulky machine down behind her. After retrieving the remote, the alicorn trotted back to her box and stopped, contemplating just which toy she would attach to the end of it.

She wanted to start small, as she wanted this to be a long session, but she also knew that she would want something bigger after a few minutes. With that in mind, the alicorn retreived half dozen different dildos of various sizes and lengths, each one chosen to fulfill a different need of hers. With that done, she closed the box once more and all but pranced back across the room, her gaze lingering on the sex machine.

“Come on Shining Junior, let's get you ready for a long day.” Cadence whispered huskily as she attached the first toy, which was a small, and surprisingly normally shaped fake stallion cock.

With that done, she settled into her pillows, and angled the sex machine so it aimed directly at her cunt, only to stop. “Something is missing… Ah, I know!” Cadence exclaimed before hopping out of her bed of pillows and retrieving a cake from the fridge. “There, perfect.”

Grinning from ear to ear, the alicorn lined up her toy once more, and eagerly got back into position, her chocolate forest cake resting a few feet away to insure she didn't accidentally ruin it by throwing a pillow or something. After giving her butt a wiggle, the alicorn grabbed the remote, and after a moment of contemplation, turned it onto the first setting, not wanting to push things too quickly with such a new toy.

Slowly, the plastic cock pressed against her sopping wet lips and slipped inside, making the mare sigh contently. Though methodical, and downright slow in it's penetration, Cadence was more than happy with it's progress, and merely lay there as the small toy penetrated her. It took only a few seconds for the toy to slide all the way inside, but they were seconds spent in absolute bliss. The princess had time to burn after all, and she was here to enjoy herself, not get a quick fuck between meetings like how she usually used it.

When it bottomed out and began to slip back out of her Cadence smiled, and sliced herself a peice of cake, using her magic as both plate, knife, and fork. A feat that was relatively easy given just how much raw power an alicorn could bring to bear, never mind all the training her aunt had drilled into her head over the years. Using some of that vast reserve, Cadence picked off a small part of the chocolate cake and placed it in her mouth.

The flavor all but exploded across her tongue at the same time as the toy began to push inside her once more, somehow making the cake taste even better. Chewing and swallowing, Cadence repeated the motion several times, the mare timing her bites in such a way that each new chunk entered her mouth at the same time the toy entered another one of her holes. It was a silly thing to do, Cadence realized, but it was also fun, and kind of sexy in a weird way that she couldn't explain.

With no one else around to judge her, the princess was eager to indulge in that silly side, and slowly consumed the first slice of cake before moving onto the next. When she did, she also turned up the speed slightly, the small toy not doing a lot for her now that she had adapted to it's girth. As she consumed slice after slice, the speed slowly increased as her belly was filled with cake, and her pussy was stuffed with fake dick.

When the cake ran out and she was let out a small, dainty belch before giggling to herself, a hoof rubbing her belly. Though it hadn't physically grown much with the addition of an entire cake, it felt a lot better, and Cadence turned off the toy, intent on grabbing something else from the fridge. That was until she realized she might actually have to get up in order to do that, and so with a shrug, she opened the door with her magic and retreived a small mountain of donuts she had set aside. At the same time she used her multitasking abilities to pull back the machine, and place a new fake cock on the head, replacing the small toy with something much, much larger.

This toy was much thicker, longer, and even had fake veins along it's length, adding a bit of realism to it that made it feel that much better. With an eager grin, Cadence retreived a proper platter from atop the fridge, and plopped the donuts onto it, allowing her to easily reach out and grab one without having to move far. With a smile now firmly on her face, Cadence turned on the machine, and readily accepted the much larger fake cock head into her pussy.

At the same time that she felt the head slip inside her, and begin to press deeper, she tossed a donut into her maw and chewed audibly, greedily consuming the entire thing in a single mouthful. The triple chocolate donut was just what she wanted, and between the wonderful taste of her treat, and the wonderful sensation of stretching, that came from her pussy, she wasn't sure which was better. In the end she didn't care, and happily moaned through the mouthful of tasty food, relishing in the gluttonous nature of the act.

This continued for several minutes, with the toy being increased in speed every two or three donuts. Until by the halfway point of the platter it was going as fast as possible, while still hardly putting a dent in Cadence’s lust. Sure it felt good, and she came already, but as she stuffed herself full of tasty treats, she grew less and less satisfied. She needed more, to be bigger, to be fucked by more, and what she had right now simply wasn't enough.

With a grunt of annoyance the mare yanked back the machine, and ripped off the fake dick, replacing it with another far larger one. With a shove, the toy was put back into place, and she was penetrated by a toy roughly five times as big as the first one to enter her. This one was nearly a foot and a half long and as thick as a stallion’s hoof was wide, the result being in a pleasant stretching sensation that sent shivers down her spine.

To celebrate she tossed back two donuts at once, only partially aware of the fact that her gut had now distended slightly from the time she got here. Alicorn physiology was amazing though, and already she could feel the rest of her body begin to gain a little more cushion. Weight shifted around, and by the time of her third orgasm, and donut number thirty two, she was already a good bit larger than when she had first walked into the room.

“Thish is sho fucking good.” She muttered, mouth filled with eclairs.

The toy clapped audibly against her massive backside, it's fake balls impacting her ass with a distinct plap sound. The air was thick with the scent of arousal, and sugary goodness, and Cadence loved every second of it. Her mouth hung open, her tongue lolling from her maw as she felt another orgasm arrive, the toy relentlessly pounding her pussy at a pace no normal creature could ever match.

Marecum dribbled down from her swollen lips and creeped down her legs, pooling on the pillows, and being largely ignored by the oblivious mare. She was here to enjoy herself, not worry about her pillows, and she did just that as she shoveled the last donuts into her mouth. She chewed audibly, uncaring to any sense of decorum while alone, and away from judging eyes. Here she could be her own gluttonous, lusty self, and toss aside the mask of civility she wore for most of the day.

By the time she looked down at her plate and noticed that it was devoid of food, she had also begun to tire of the larger toy. Though it was long, and thick at first, now that her body had grown enough that it almost felt a little loose, and she craved more. She wanted the same feeling of stretching she got when she shoveled her stomach full of food, her body growing as she forced more and more sugary sweets past her lips.

With a grunt, she retreived an enormous bowl of puppy chow, a sort of sugar and chocolate covered breakfast cereal that her mother used to make for her during hearth's warming. With the massive bowl of food resting before her, she turned off the machine, pulled off the toy and tossed it aside before grabbing the biggest toy she had. This one was easily the longest, thickest, and most impressive toy she owned, one so big that the only thing in real life that could compare to it was maybe a dragon.

Even still, it was designed after a stallion’s cock, one that was already flared, with an enormous head capable of even making the gaping mare’s titanic pussy feel full. This time she didn't bother easing the toy into her, and pushed the dial all the way to it's second highest setting right off the bat. Giving her mere milliseconds before the head of the toy all but slammed inside her, almost unable to pass the mare’s lips before sliding inside her.

The feeling was immediate, and immense, the mare moaning whorishly for anyone to hear. This is what she loved, this was why she was here. Her lewd moaning grew louder when the toy bottomed out mere millimeters from the entrance to her womb. Though that also came with a bit of pain, it wasn't close enough to actually touch that part of her body, and thus gave far more pleasure, then it did pain. As if in a blur, Cadence grabbed a great helping of the comfort food and stuffed it in her mouth, chewing loudly, and quickly as she felt the toy slam into her.

Over and over she felt the massive fake appendage spread her wide, fucking her deeper, and faster then any real pony ever had or could. All fear she had when she first purchased the toy was now gone, replaced by a love that made the three hundred bit price tag easier to swallow. Every bump and ridge of the fake cock could be felt as it slammed into her, it's fake balls clapping her enormous ass cheeks with each thrust.

A wiggle ensured that the toy hardly pulled out before pushing right back inside her, and a turn of the dial maxxed out it's settings and ensured she was getting the most possible pleasure. While this happened she heaped load after load of food into her maw, where it was chewed and swallowed at a breakneck pace. Weight settled into her belly at an alarming rate, and letting Cadance feel her body grow steadily larger.

She didn't care that she no longer fit into anything she owned, neither did she care that most doors would struggle to let her pass, she was enjoying herself, and nothing would stop her from continuing to do just that. The toy pounded away as her magic worked continually to feed more and more food into her hungry mouth. All while pleasure coursed through her in surges powerful enough to make her enormous body shudder in ecstasy.

When the next orgasm came her hooves gripped the floor as she let out a low, deep moan, her stomach churning as more food landed within. “Stars above.” She cried, face contorting as she came against the massive cock, even as it pounded her hole with a ruthlessness that only a machine was capable of.

Then it was over, and she was left wanting more, a feeling that was satisfied when she filled her mouth with more sweet treats. On and on this continued, one hole being stuffed with food while another was stuffed full with fake dick. Until finally the bowl was empty, and her body had ballooned ever larger still.

Her flanks which were already enormous, had grown even bigger, giving them a jiggle that would make anyone stop and stare. Her stomach had grown similarly, and was now so large that it had gained a few rolls on top of just being plain huge. The rest of her body had grown similarly, unfortunately for her, as the toy was no longer able to satisfy her insatiable hunger for pleasure, and with a groan, she turned it off.

“How hard is it to get a toy that can satisfy me?” Cadence mused as she pulled the entire machine back with her magic before detaching the toy and looking down. “Now then, what else do we have here hmm?”

Gazing down, the mare was quick to realize that she was out of options, as the toy in her grip was easily the largest out of all the ones she owned. With a frown now plastered to her face, the alicorn considered melting them down or gluing them together only to shrug off such an idea as ridiculous. “Don't tell me I’ve outgrown everything.” She muttered.

Waddling over to her toy box she opened the chest and focused on her toy collection and reaching inside. Hoof load after hoof load of dildos landed in a heap next to her, yet she was no closer to her goal, as none could rival the size of the one that had just been inside her. With a groan, she threw all the toys back into the box, and glared angrily at the thing.

Sure, she could just go out and buy one, but the point of her little staycation had been that she didn't have to leave this room for pretty much any reason. She loved her ponies, and was by no means antisocial, but after all the socializing, and general being around ponies that she had done recently, she didn't have the patience to deal with anyone right now. Biting her bottom lip, the princess gazed over to the forbidden section of her little personal library, namely towards a book she knew would intrigue her.

Trotting over to the book shelf, Cadence’s gaze instantly rested on the prize possession of her collection, a gift from Twilight Sparkle, who had found the book at a rare book dealer. The spine was devoid of writing or any identifying mark other then a simple pink cartoon heart near the top of the book. Other then that it had a simple black and pink binding and cover, and the words Love, printed in bold letters across the front.

Withdrawing the book, Cadence quickly began to flip through it, brushing past most of the slips of note paper she had interspersed throughout, searching for something in specific. After a few seconds of what may have seemed like aimless flitting, the alicorn found what she was looking for. A large pink heart surrounded by question marks was doodled on a small note paper stuck just out the top, making her grin both giddily, and with a hint of anxiousness.

Tossing the note aside, Cadence quickly looked down the spell, barely able to contain her excitement. Only to stop herself and look over the warning label emboldened in the corner of the spell.

Do not use if pregnant. Ensure that you have a counterspell at the ready as the spell’s duration of twelve hours cannot be changed. Spell will adapt to your kinks, and what nets it the largest output of lust. Be aware that the creature summoned is semi sentient, and although it cannot feel pain or think, will try to please the user as best as possible. Use in a contained area. Do not mix with other spells. Also do not-

“Yadda yadda yadda.” Cadence muttered, ignoring the rest of the text.

Her horn lit up, and she began to cast the spell only to stop herself for a moment and really consider what she was about to do. It was a very new spell, one that may not be right for her, but it was also one of the few spells in the book that didn't need a partner, and accomplished exactly what she wanted it to. With that in mind, she nodded confidently, and lit her horn once more, intent on casting the spell and acquiring what she so craved.

“Here goes nothing.” She whispered.

As Much As Possible

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The alicorn’s horn glowed brightly, as she pushed more and more magic into the summoning spell. Slowly the light built until it was easily able to outshine any of the other comparatively meagre lighting that her crystals provided her. Holding the spell there, Cadence gave one last glance down at the spell book, and after discerning that she had done everything properly, released the spell in a titanic flash of light and magic.

That light exploded from her horn and began to focus on a point directly before, about a foot off the ground, growing brighter and larger until finally all the light had been collected at a single, central point. When that happened the light flashed a second time, blinding the pony and making her cover her eyes for a moment. Pulling back her hoof revealed a small creature roughly two feet across by two feet tall, and made entirely of writhing tentacles.

“Huh, I thought it would be bigger.” Cadence muttered, looking down on the small creature with confusion. “Let's see what the book says.”

Glancing over to the spell book, Cadence ignored the creature who seemed to be groping around in the dark, it's limbs stretching and controrting randomly. “It says here I have to present myself to the creature, and assume the position I desire. After that the creature should be able to learn what I like and adapt.” Cadence read aloud. “Huh, I thought there would be more to it then that, oh well.”

With a shrug, the mare placed aside the book, lifted up the creature, and quickly found that it was heavier than it looked. “Your a chunky little guy, aintcha?” Cadence remarked with a snicker.

The creature itself seemed to turn slightly, and the pony got the intention that it was confused, making her giggle a little louder. “Don't worry, I’m just moving you to a better spot. See?”

As she said that, she moved the creature to it's resting spot a good foot behind her, and directly between her legs. “There we go.” Purred the alicorn, who stretched her wings wide, and used her magic to pull apart the lips of her pussy. “Go on little one, give mommy all you got.”

The creature moved slowly at first, it's small, and completely alien body making locomotion difficult. When it did finally reach her, a small tentacle extended from it's main body and caressed the pony’s gaping pussy. Though it did so tentatively at first, that same hesitation vanished when Cadence gave a low, deep moan. It didn't feel particularly great when compared to the last toy she had used, but it also had a unique texture, and feel to it that nothing else came close to.

After she let out that throaty moan, the creature lurched forward, and pressed deeper inside of her, a second and third tentacle joining the first inside her pussy. They werent enough to truly stuff the mare, or give her anywhere close to the same pleasure that the giant plastic dick did, but it was getting there. With a smile on her face, the mare sighed contentedly, and gently rocked her hips back against the creature, trying to make it go a little faster, and succeding when it pushed all three tentacles as deep as possible.

After that it seemed to get a better handle on what she could, and could not handle, and slipped deep inside her. Pushing far enough that it nearly tickled the mare’s womb before retracting, not wanting to harm the pony, and reacting the instinct it detected a small amount of pain. With a sigh, Cadence frowned, and tried to remind herself that this was all part of the process, though that didn't mean she had to like it. She wanted to get stuffed absolutely silly with tentacle dicks, and this slow, and tentative pace was not helping her reach that goal.

Not yet anyway.

With that in mind, the alicorn reached out with her magic, and opened the refrigerator before pulling out a large apple pie before using a quick heating spell on it and adding a few scoops of ice cream. Snack now secured, Cadence brought the pie over to her, and began to dig in, making sure to throw in a few moans whenever the tentacles did what she wanted. When that happened, she made sure to push back against them, and squeeze with her pussy, two things that worked even better than the odd moan.

Prompting the tentacle creature to begin pistoning the three thin tentacles in and out of her while adding a fourth beside the rest. With four inside her, it was about as filling as the second toy, but felt twice as good as that toy had as the creature had far more going for it. For one they all moved indepentadly, as if seeking out her every pleasure center inside her pussy, while still filling her nicely, and fucking her hard. It still wasn't where she wanted it to be, but it was good enough for now, and she pushed that thought from her mind and focused on her snack.

Cadence moaned loudly as her mouth was filled with apple pie, and soft serve ice cream fresh from the kitchens. It was almost the exact same recipe that Celestia herself used to make when Cadence had been good, and deserved a treat. A thought that brought on a small flood of nostalgic memories that the alicorn hadn't thought of in a long while. Floating amidst a wave of memories, Cadence felt surprisingly good and she ate peice after peice one after another, hardly noticing where one ended and the next began.

Only when she neared the final peice of pie did she notice that she was nearly out and she sighed, looking down at the lonely peice with sadness. Behind her the tentacles continued to fuck her, growing larger, and faster, but the pleasure they gave her was still not enough to dismiss the disappointment that came with running out of her favorite snack. As if noticing this, a small tentacle peeked over her shoulder and poked the alicorn in the cheek, alerting her to the fact that a purple tentacle was looking at her in confusion.

“Oh it's nothing, I just ran out of pie.” Cadence murmured. “Well, almost anyway.”

The tentacle looked at her a moment longer, before gazing down at the pie itself, and before the pony had a chance to do anything, it lurched forward and absorbed a small chunk of it. Cadence was about to ask what it was doing, only to realize that it wasn't even fully sentient, and lacked a mouth or any manner of speech. With a sigh, she looked down at the slightly thicker tentacle with a tired irritation.

“I don't suppose you can just tell my why you did that huh?” Cadence asked.

The tentacle cocked it's body again, before seemingly shrugging, leaving the alicorn even more irritated then before. “Augh fine, I hope you liked it.” She deadpanned, before turning back to the last bit of her pie and stuffing it into her mouth.

Behind her, the tentacles had slowly grown in width, slowly increasing their size until it was beginning to feel akin to her last toy. Which made Cadence moan through the load of food in her mouth, as it was definitely getting closer to becoming what she wanted it to be. It had a while to go before she felt truly stretched like the toy had done at first, but it was getting better. At that time it also began to move in a different manner, the sections of each tentacle moving slightly more independently and pressing harder against Cadence’s pleasure points.

“Oooh there we go.” Murmured the alicorn, who closed her eyes and focused on the pleasure she felt from her pussy.

So oblivious was the mare that she hardly even noticed that the small tentacle near her face had grown much, much thicker and was inching closer to her lips. When it reached it's target, Cadence gasped in shock, so caught up in the half a dozen tentacles pounding her pussy with all the force that her machine had. An act that inadvertently gave the tentacle the opening it was looking for, and it slid forward, past her teeth and and onto her tongue, where it stopped suddenly.

The alicorn was too confused to react at first, and though a small part of her wanted to pull the tentacle from her mouth, she hesitated just long enough to allow the creature time to complete it's goal. Namely ejecting a small burst of what felt like pie filling directly onto her tongue, lighting up the pony’s eyes and making her realize why it had stolen a bite of her food. You were recreating it you little keener! Cadence thought to herself as she rolled the flavored goo around her mouth before swallowing contentedly.

A second after that happened another blob of goop landed on her tongue, this one tasting the same as last. Swallowing that load down, as well as the next, and the next after that, Cadence could feel the heavy liquid begin to settle in her gut where it was slowly absorbed. Which was somehow enough to make her flanks begin to quake, and her stomach to rumble, her body growing slightly as it absorbed the oddly rich, and calorie dense gel like substance.

When they said it adapted quickly, I never would have guessed it could do this. Cadence thought, only to be shocked out of her thoughts when a thick, mucus covered tentacle press against her asshole. Her confusion didn't last long though, as the tentacle easily slipped past her tight entrance and slid deep inside her. Although not the thickest of possible appendages, it didn't seem to be meant to bring her pleasure in that way, and slid deeper then anything had before.

So deep did the tentacle go that Cadence’s eyes went wide and she began to wonder what the creature’s intention was. That was until she received another blob of gel, and the tentacles inside her pussy began to pound her once more. Then, all such worries fled, and she merely laid there and paid only a modicum of attention to the tentacle as it wound it's way through her intestines. This continued until she felt as though the thing had penetrated nearly to the point of reaching her stomach before stopping.

She would have asked the question of what it was doing, but her mouth was repeatedly filled with gel, and all her attention was diverted to merely swallowing the delicious loads of gel. Her unspoken question was answered shortly after when she felt a bulge originate from the entrance to her ass. That bulge quickly traveled deeper and deeper until it exploded at the very tip of the appendage, filling her with an enormous load of heavy gel. Gel that she knew was identical to the stuff she was being forced to swallow in large loads, her body stretching as it struggled to contain the enormous load.

The mare moaned loudly as she gulped down a particularly large load, her body filling quickly, and growing just as fast. Her flanks shook, as her stomach rumbled, the writhing mass of tentacles filling her holes moving faster, spurned on by her lusty moans and her coming orgasm. Which came faster than she thought, the creature’s ability to pleasure her rapidly increasing, until she came so hard her entire body shook.

The alicorn’s eyes rolled into the back of her head, and she trembled as her orgasm rocked her body and left the mare unable to do anything but lay there and take it. Something she was completely fine doing, even accepting the tentacle down her throat so it could deposit another load of gel directly into her gut. When she felt the next mass of gel pass her lips and all but drop into her belly, her orgasm reached new heights, and the already powerful experience became so great, she wondered if she might black out.

A few seconds later and her question was answered when her orgasm died, and she was still conscious, though she was still on cloud nine. The tentacles in her pussy had grown thicker, and had been joined by another half dozen of the squirming appendages. It was only then that she realized just how many of the things were inside her, as they were incredibly numerous, and all moved independently of one another. They all seemed trained to hit a different pleasure center without over stimulating any one part of her, leaving the mare squirming as she struggled to ride out the waves of pleasure.

Waves that grew ever larger when a trio of tentacles slipped inside her asshole, going deep, but not as deep as the first one had. These were not there to fill her with more gel, as the first tentacle was doing a great job of just that, but rather to fuck the other hole as hard as her pussy was. Something they started to slowly do, only to realize that Cadence’s other hole was just as accepting as her cunt was. The alicorn was no stranger in that regard either, and would have smirked when the tentacles seemed to stop for a half second before adapting, and sliding another group into her butt.

By then she had what felt like ten or maybe even twelve thick tentacles plunging in and out of her pussy at varied intervals. At least six inside her ass, including the deep one which was continuing to pump load after load inside her, filling her guts with gel. The one that had descended down her throat was somehow careful enough to never cut off her oxygen, while it dumped ever larger loads of gel into her stomach. It even pulled back and forth slightly, making Cadence feel as though she was getting throat fucked by the worlds most flexible stallion. Who was also cumming continually straight into her stomach, and stuffing her absolutely full of strange seed.

While this was happening, she could feel her body grow larger by the second, her already bloated form growing larger still. Cheeks puffed out, her stomach swelled, her flanks became so large that they now jiggled constantly. So large was her stomach at this point that her hooves no longer touched the ground, and the mare was baffled to realize she had gotten so big in such a short time. Her relatively rotund frame was now so big there was no way her wings would be able to lift her, and looked downright pitiful when compared to her absolutely titanic body.

There was no doubt that she had more chins than when she had started, and on top of that her back legs were now so bloated that her flanks were growing slightly overtop of them. The result was a realization that she wasn't going to walk out of here, and she doubted she could fly, or drag herself out. Panic began to rise in her breast, only to be snuffed out when she came suddenly, pleasure surging to the forefront of her mind and assuging any worry that plagued her still.

As she twisted and writhed, her body jiggling and shaking, the pony felt pleasure the likes of which she had never experienced before. For a moment, time seemed to lose all meaning and she entered a state of bliss that made all negative feelings fall away. Here she was becoming bigger then a small house, her ass so huge she might be able to fuck an adult dragon, yet she wasn't concerned. Her body was now filled with more tentacles than she could count, some as big as her hoof, yet still, she wasn't bothered.

It was as if worry was beyond her, and all she felt was the distinct pleasure of being filled to the absolute brim and then somehow still having room left for more. It was a similar feeling to getting fucked by a bigger cock than usual, but on a scale that she had never felt before. Her entire body was being twisted, molded, and filled with hot gel, remaking and stretching every last part of her. It was amazing, and it was at that moment that Cadence knew this wouldn't be the last time she would be down here, doing this exact thing with her new, and slimy tentacle partner.

Then, she was back in reality once more, her body continuing to grow and stretch as it grew bigger still. Worry came back with a vengeance, and the mare tapped the tentacle in her throat, trying to grab the creature’s attention while it continued to fill every last one of her holes. She wondered if even her immortal heart could take this level of growth, as her tail had straight up disappeared between her massive butt cheeks.

Thankfully it didn't take long until the creature stopped, the tentacle pulling out of her throat as the rest grew still, stopping in place. A second later and the thing emerged from her lips, leaving behind a trail of spit and gel which Cadence quickly slurped up. Now out in the open air, the creature’s tentacle cocked itself to the side slightly, as if wondering why it had been stopped.

“Oh uh, I was just wondering if you wouldn't mind not putting any more gel inside me? I’m pretty big.” Cadence muttered, the mare’s attention turning to her now incredibly bloated form.

Her hooves had lifted off the ground a few feet, her stomach so huge that it rendered her limbs all but useless. Flanks that had been considered generous already, were now so huge and ballooned that her cutie mark was easily four times as big as the actual crystal heart. Her everything jiggled and sloshed, her belly making strange noises as it broke down the last of the gell inside of her. Her holes were now so stretched, that they would have hung open, were they not filled with tentacles at this very moment.

The tentacle in front of her nodded, and Cadence could feel the mass of appendages inside her begin to pull out. Eyes wide, Cadence reached out and grabbed the tentacle with her magic, making it stop it's movement and ‘look’ up at her. “I said you can stop with the gel, but you don't have to stop fucking me, we could probably go for a few more hours before I have to pass out.” Cadence reassured.

The creature seemed to think about it for a second before bobbing eagerly and suddenly bulging and reforming until it was now the exact shape and size as a massive, throbbing equine penis. With eyes wide, the dick wiggled towards her, Cadence quickly understanding it's intention and opening her mouth wide, ready to get throat fucked by the huge appendage. Sure enough, it did just that, slipping past her lips, and down her throat before pistoning back and forth.

Like a switch geting flipped, the creature came to life once more, and began to move all of it's many tentacles at once, fucking Cadence just like she wanted it to. Though the loss of the gel did a lot to hamper the alicorn’s enjoyment, she chose to revel in the sheer enormity of her shape instead and focused on that. In a few minutes, she no longer even considered the loss of the gel as a bad thing, as she could explore a whole new fetish, one she had could spend all night enjoying.

A fetish she instantly fell in love with, and though she wasn't sure what Shining Armor would think, right now, that wasn't her concern.

Hours passed, and the tentacles continued their work, pounding and stretching the mare until she could take more. The many limbs of the great creature had done their jobs dutifully and well, filling the alicorn until she felt as though she were more tentacle then pony. Her insides were alive with movement as every last orifice was invaded by the slippery appendages. Four of tentacles had managed to slide down her throat and had continually fucked the mare’s face for several hours at this point.

While that was happening over a dozen thick tentacles had managed to wedge their inside her ass and slide deep inside her. Her pussy was similarly occupied by the slimy limbs, thirteen of which had filled her cunt to the point of bursting. All of the limbs, no matter what hole they found themselves in continued to move and thrust in a strange, desynchronous unison. Though Cadence found this odd at first, she quickly came to love the odd way in which the many slimy appendages pounded her holes.

They always seemed to work in such a way that she was perpetually stuffed full of the things, while they also continued to caress and rub against her pleasure centers. They also alternated between slower periods, and faster, more intense times, allowing her small breaks while also not pulling out of her. The result was a near constant stream of orgasms punctuated by slower, more relaxing times where she could catch her breath. Something that was easy to do as the tentacles that were continually fucking her throat always seemed to move in such a way that breathing was surprisingly easy despite how stuffed that particular hole was.

It was only after the many hours had passed and the mare began to tire did she begin to wind down, slowly getting the tentacle monster to ease up until finally coming to a stop. When that happened, she gently tapped the tentacle in her throat, prompting it to pull out and slip away, allowing her the ability to speak for the first time in a long time. Before that could happen though, the alicorn had to clear her throat and get a drink of water, returning the orifice back to how it normally felt.

“Wow, that was… something else.” She muttered, slowly shaking her head, until her eyes went wide. “I didn't say pull out.”

The over two dozen tentacles occupying both her pussy and ass stopped suddenly and slid back inside.

“I may need a break, but I don't think I could fall asleep without being full.” Remarked the alicorn with a slight nervous giggle at the end. “Wow that is weird to say out loud.”

“Just the thought of you pulling out makes me feel… strange to say the least.” She explained, only to shrug. “I guess it's fine for now, after all I did learn that kegel spell for just such an occasion.”

With a smile on her face, the mare yawned and wiggled her bloated body into a slightly more comfortable position. “Thanks for all the fun Slippy, I’m actually pretty tired all of a sudden though so I think I’m gonna have a nap here.” She moved her hoof in order to slap herself in the face, only to find that the limb didn't reach very far. “What am I talking about? I don't even know what time it is.”

The alicorn lit her horn and cast a quick spell, only to chuckle nervously when it finished. “Oh wow, nearly midnight already. We must have been fucking for like eight hours.”

The tentacles inside her wiggled with what Cadence assumed was pride.

“You did great Slippy, and don't worry, when I wake back up later, me and you are going to keep having some fun. I just-” The mare suddenly stopped and yawned long and hard. “Oh wow, I was more tired than I thought. I guess I’ll just lay right here then.”

The alicorn’s head slumped, her chin resting against another chin, and her body falling slack. The tentacle creature extended a limb towards the pony’s face and wiggled before her, as if trying to prompt a response from the alicorn. When nothing happened, it seemed to shrug, and retracted the limb, and remained motionless, waiting patiently for something to happen.

Yet it wasn't dismissed, the magic that bound it and created it continuing to flow strong even after all this time. Though it wasn't capable of knowing what magic was, or how it worked, the creature was sentient enough to know that it should have started disolvign at about now. In fact, it probably should have stopped existing over an hour ago now that it considered everything.

It's brain, though small, was able to ponder why it was still here over the course of an hour. At the end of which, it concluded that since it wasn't dismissed, it was obvious that it's caster desired additional pleasure, and had kept him around for such a purpose.

The creature focused it's sensory organs out over the pony, studying the slumbering being as it continued to snore loudly. But wait, it thought, how would he be able to pleasure the mare while she's sleeping? Another few minutes of contemplation later and the creature decided that she must be capable of sleep orgasms, it was the only logical conclusion it could conceive of.

With the hardest amount of thinking it had ever done now completed, it considered how best to complete it's task and quickly decided to continue what it was already doing. Though the pony had told it to stop pumping her full of goo, now was different, it decided.

Nodding a single tentacle confidently, the creature began to slowly work it's tentacles in and out of the mare’s holes. It was attempting to resume the same pace it had established before the mare had fallen asleep, but it had decided to do so gradually as to not jar the pony into wakefulness. With that in mind, it began to think of other ways to pleasure it's caster so as to not wake her while also doing a good job.

Thinking quickly for it's speed, the creature chose to begin to do something different, namely wrapping a few tentacles around each of the mare’s breasts and gently squeezing them. The creature was rewarded with a pleasure filled moan coming from the mare, who seemed to enjoy the slightly rough treatment her breasts were receiving. Emboldened by this, the creature used two new tentacles to tease her nipples, rubbing and otherwise playing with the delicate nubs.

Throughout ti all Cadence continued to snore loudly, the alicorn so tired that not even the movement of over two dozen tentacles fucking her and another five playing with her tits was enough to wake her. That didn't stop her body from reacting though, and the mare moaned loudly every few seconds, her pussy clenching down on the slippery appendages inside her. Her legs twitched as well, pleasure making the slumbering pony continue to twitch and move as if she were actually awake.

To the creature this was all the affirmation it needed for it to continue, and continue it did.

The tentacles inside her pussy and ass had resumed their previous pace, pistoning in and out of her constantly at a near blinding speed. The wet shlicking sound as slime covered appendages pounded into her holes dominated the room and the smell of sex that had somewhat died down over the last hour became more prominent then ever. All these things were irrelevant to the creature, who neither cared, nor even had the necessary sensory organs to even discover these facts.

The tentacles around her breasts squeezed a little harder and the ones playing with her nipples began to pinch and squeeze the delicate nubs. Her breasts which had grown larger over the course of her forced intake of the strange gel like substance had also grown significantly more sensitive. A fact that the pony would not discover until later, but the creature knew already as her delicate, half muttered moans proved.

The creature was proud of it's work, and after a few minutes of this brutal fucking, was rewarded with a strangely muted orgasm from it's caster. An orgasm that saw the slumbering pony’s body shudder for only a few seconds before falling still once more. A strange, and altogether unexpected outcome in the creature’s mind, as it was doing everything right. But if that was true, then why wouldn't she cum as hard as she did before?

It deduced that she needed to be filled with more gel, as evidently that had worked before, and would work now. After that realization was reached, the creature felt all lingering doubt plaguing it's small, facsimile of a mind leave immediately, and it readied it's body to create much, much more of the gel like substance. This was, after all, it's primary purpose and it refused to fail, no matter what.

Tentacles pounded both holes at a rapid, and brutal pace, redoubling their speed, strength and girth in order to better pleasure the pony. A tentacle was added to each hole in order better maximize this pleasure, only for this to only partly work. Undeterred, the creature also redoubled it's efforts on her nipples, the tentacles wrapped around the twin mounds undulating in a strange motion not unlike a massage. The tentacles teasing her nipples stopped all movement and clamped down over top of the delicate nubs, wrapping tightly around them and forming a seal that allowed it to suck and pinch them whenever and however, it wanted.

With that done, it moved onto the next phase of it's plans, and the tentacles that had occupied her throat before, began to move back into position. When that was done, two of the things gently pried open her lips and began to slink past her gums and down her throat. The creature wasn't sure why it was more difficult to fully penetrate the mare’s throat this time around, but with a little delicate maneuvering it was still possible.

Though it also had the strange effect of making her snoring change and sound much, much stranger. Shrugging that particular bit of strangeness off, the creature continued it's work diligently.

Moving onto the next order of business, the creature first ensured that the tentacles in the pony’s throat were back at the same pace they had taken before. After that, it readied the first load of gel, and when it determined the pony was still slumbering soundly, unleashed the wave. A great bulge traveled from it's central form and slipped into the mare’s ass and mouth at about the same time, continuing to get pumped deeper and deeper into her body and stretching the two holes more then ever before.

With a wet splat, the two blobs of gel landed deep inside of her, adding a small, but noticble bulge to her already titanic stomach. The creature used it's senses to study the mare closely, and after determining that she had indeed had a small burst of pleasure after the loads had fully entered her, readied another wave. Then it readied a few dozen more, just in case, it's form bulging obscenely as a massive sack inflated with green goo near the back of the creature.

Load after load after load were pushed into the mare’s holes and deposited in her belly, which continued to ripple and grow larger with each passing second. Her flanks rippled, growing larger still, her ass now so massive that her cutie mark was now bigger than the average alicorn. Her legs became so small in compared to her body that they merely poked out from her sides, somehow becoming even more innefective than before.

And throughout it all, she came and came hard, the changes hitting her exactly how the creature wanted. Pleasure now flooded her system in great tiddle waves, making her orgasms come faster and harder then before, returning to the same level that they had been at before she had fallen asleep. With that victory firmly in mind, the creature would have smiled if it were capable of doing so, but without a face, it could only wiggle excitedly at succeeding despite the odds.

It had won, and now all it had to do was keep doing what it was doing, something that was easily done, the creature decided.

More tentacles were added to both her ass and pussy as she grew, keeping up with the growth of her body and ensuring that no matter how big she got, she always felt full. Tentacle after tentacle was added to both of her holes, each one only inserted after it was determined that she had grown large enough to take it. Her mouth and throat did not grow larger however, and did not need additional tentacles, though that didn't stop the creature from considering it for a few minutes.

With the orgasms now coming steadily, and her growth also as steady, the creature allowed itself to feel a small sense of satisfaction. Satisfaction that was increased when it noticed that the alicorn’s breasts were now large enough that just one was capable of crushing a carriage, or feeding a small village if she were lactating. Pride and accomplishment were both keenly felt by the creature, who simply continued to do it's duty, even while she slept.

A duty that it continued to do throughout the night.

Cadence yawned, or at least tried to, only to realize that the tentacles were now back in her mouth and throat. Rolling her eyes, she was about to ask them to pull out, only to stop when she realized she could feel more of the gel getting pumped inside her. More than that, her body also felt much much larger, and there were now so many tentacles in her holes that she couldn't even count them all.

Eyes wide, the alicorn grabbed the first tentacle it could feel and tugged at it, prompting the entire creature to suddenly stop just as she was orgasming. Something that surprised the startled mare and make her wonder what the hell had happened while she slept.

With that in mind, she tugged twice at the tentacle, prompting it, and it's brothers to pull out of her throat and mouth before slinking off to the side, as if wounded. Brushing the slick tentacles with a hoof, the alicorn conjured a glass of water and after a few swallows, was able to speak once more.

“Alright then, what the hay happened here?” She asked, slowly looking around.

When she did, she was surprised to notice that she was much, much higher in the air, her belly having grown to the point that she was now several meters off the ground. Thinking quickly, the pony summoned a mirror, which she used to see her new, and utterly massive form with.

“Woah.” She muttered, staring in disbelief at her ginormous body.

She now had more akin to a giant water balloon then an alicorn, as her legs were so tiny that they were little more than pinpricks when compared to her bloated body. Her back end had also grown to the point that her tail was no longer even visible, and her holes gaped so large she was certain an adult dragon or three could fuck her without issue, or lube. Rather then be annoyed, the alicorn merely whistled.

“You really did a number on me.” She remarked.

The tentacles nearer her face fell limp, ashamed and confused by this recent turn of events.

“It's not your fault though. I should have been more specific before I passed out so unceremoniously back there.” Cadence added.

The tentacles perked back up, turning their ends in a manner akin to how a dog would cock it's head.

“For the rest of the weekend you are not allowed to pump any more gel into me, got it?” Cadence declared, pointing a hoof at the tentacle.

Which nodded enthusiastically, bobbing up and down and launching spit all over the place.

“Alright then, let's start working some of this off, I got all weekend to fit back through that door.” Cadence announced.

The creature cocked it's tentacle slightly.

“Hey, it is so possible, now come on, we got a ton of exercising to do and your going to help me!” Cadence replied.

The creature bobbed excitedly once more, it's massive body beginning to move once more as it fucked her holes with renewed vigor.

“Now that's what I’m talking about. Maybe I should exercise more often.” The mare murmured as she felt the numerous tentacles in her holes writhe away in a great mass of excited movement.

It's good to be a princess. She thought.

Before Finally Ending.

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“Holy crap.” Shining Armor muttered, the stallion having just opened the door to his wife’s secret lair and beheld the mare herself.

To call her huge would be an understatement, as she was absolutely massive, and easily larger than any other pony he had ever seen in his entire life. She held a towel in one tiny hoof, and was using it to finish toweling off her chest, which still had a small amount of water clinging to it. That wasn't the only part of her that needed to be toweled off however, as her gargantuan flanks seemed untouched.

The stallion stood there in awe at her flanks which were now so big that even if he spread his hooves as far as possible, he could no longer grip them all at once. In fact he was fairly certain that he wouldn't even be able to grab all of one flank doing that.

“Oh hello dear.” Cadence remarked idly, her hoof extending and offering the male the towel. “Would you mind getting my back? I don't think I can reach anymore.”

Shining Armor nodded dumbly, the stallion taking the towel and using his hooves to dry the pony without the use of magic. So mesmerized by his wifes jiggling flanks that he didn't even catch what she said after having asked for help. “I’m sorry what was that?” Shining Armor muttered, tearing his gaze from the alicorn’s ass.

“I asked how your weekend was.” The mare giggled suddenly. “Is my butt really that remarkable?”

“It's…. Amazing.” He whispered, his hoof continuing to dry her already quite dry fur.

“I’m glad.” Remarked the mare proudly.

After a long silence wherein the only sound was the alicorn princesses’ content humming, the male spoke suddenly. “You know, your lucky your an alicorn.” He murmured. “I doubt anyone other then a princess could survive becoming so big.”

“I know dear, but rest assured I asked Celestia about it and she told me that not even this could harm me.” Cadence giggled demurely, covering her mouth with a hoof. “Though your worry is sweet.”

Shining Armor nodded and switched hooves, his attention drifting to her gaping holes which were now easily large enough that he could probably crawl inside. “Oh dear, I could really use a belly rub right now.” Cadence requested sweetly.

“Alright.” Shining Armor replied robotically.

The stallion made his way over to the mare’s side where he began to slowly rub her huge belly as much as he could. Prompting the larger pony to hum contentedly, her eyes flickering closed as she enjoyed the attention. After another few minutes of silence, Cadence cracked open an eyelid and smirked down at her husband. “You know, there is a spell that could make you big enough to pleasure me.”

He shook his head hastily. “I wasn't worried about that.”

“There is even one that can temporarily turn you into the creature that did this to me.” Cadence added with a grin.

“What kind of creature?” Shining answered slowly.

“Normally it's a sort of mindelss sex toy, but with you at the helm, I’m sure it would feel even more pleasurable.” Cadence whispered huskily, catching the male’s gaze. “Very, very pleasurable.”

“I don't know…” He whispered, hooves continuing to rub her belly as he looked down.

“You’ll love it.” Cadence smirked. “I just know it.”