> The Ever-Shifting Tides Of Life > by DougtheLoremaster > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1- The Arrogant Pegasus and the Prissy Unicorn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Mom are we really moving in with them?” Up in her cloud house, Rainbow Dash had been bent over a box, as she loaded it with some personalized items. Upon hearing her daughter talking to her, the cyan blue pegasus mare stood up and responded to her. “Scootaloo, we’ve been over this. Rarity and I are getting married, that means we should live together, after all, she can’t very well be your mom if she isn’t around you, silly filly.” Turning back around, Rainbow Dash began packing the box once more. “Besides, aren’t you excited about having a new sister?” “Step sister. Besides, she’s a unicorn. We have nothing in common!” Hearing this, Rainbow Dash stopped what she was doing, and stood up and dusted herself off. Turning around she gestured for Scootaloo to come closer for a hug. As she did so, Rainbow scooped her up in her wings and gently nuzzled her. “Scootaloo, years ago, you and I met at the Ponyville Orphanage, do you remember?” “Yes.” Continuing calmly with uncharacteristic patience, Rainbow spoke finishing her thoughts. “You captured my heart, and I just had to raise you. You and Sweetie Belle may not both be pegasi or unicorns, however, did you know Rarity is actually Sweetie Belle’s sister?” “Really, she isn’t her mother?” Shaking her head with a sad smile, Rainbow replied. “Not by blood. You see, when Sweetie Belle was just a foal, Rarity at the age of 23, received word that her parents while on a vacation cruise were lost at sea. Sweetie Belle was too young to understand, but she and Rarity became orphans on that day.” Scootaloo looked up into her mother’s eyes. “You mean she’s just like…” Her mother leaned down and gently nuzzled her proudest decision; her daughter. “That’s right sweetie, Rarity pleaded with the Ponyville courts to allow her to adopt her sister. To this day, Sweetie Belle has no idea. However, you both have a lot in common. Perhaps you can still find some magic to be had with friendship between you.” “Wow, I never knew…” “Sweetie Belle has profusely told me how excited she is to have a sister as well. Isn’t that exciting?” “I suppose…but is she gonna be all girly?” Laughing and patting Scootaloo on the head with her hoof, Rainbow told her of Sweetie Belle. “Possibly, I mean Rarity is all dainty, but then again, I would pick Rarity in a military op in a heartbeat. Frilly but fierce to protect those she cares about in an instant. I have no doubt Sweetie Belle is the same as her mother.” Scootaloo didn’t respond, instead she just eyed her mother’s artificial wing. Commander Rainbow “Danger” Dash of the 93rd Wonderbolts had been known as a dervish on the battlefields against the Sombra Regime. Her heroism resonated in every creature’s ears for the past decade. Her fierce strikes and deadly precision were known Equestria over; The pegasus that had slain Sombra, freeing the world from his tyranny. For her to make that statement… “Mom, you never told me how you and Rarity met.” Rainbow Dash froze for a moment and as the memories flashed back, she told Scootaloo about her first encounter with Rarity and how they ended up dating. “We originally met at boot camp. I was young, arrogant and brash at the time. She struck me initially as a prissy unicorn; always fussing about everything, from mud on her hooves to wrinkles on her bedsheets…” *** “Hey there, the name’s Rainbow Dash, everypony will know it one day!” The alabaster furred unicorn glanced disdainfully at her before giving a half-hearted “Ugh” in response. Turning away she began fussing with her bed sheets, trying to make them wrinkle free. Rainbow tried again. “I said my name, now you say yours.” The unicorn ignored her and now that the sheets were done began shining her horseshoes to standard. Rainbow looked annoyed and gently tapped the unicorn on the shoulder, causing the mare to turn around. “What do you want?” “It’s custom for a pony to say their name when being greeted for the first time, especially by somepony as awesome as me!” “I have no interest in being greeted by a macho pegasus who is compensating for her talent trying to get with a pretty damsel of a unicorn.” “Hold on a moment I didn’t mean to-” “Leave me be Miss Dash. I don’t need a hero.” *** “Wow mom did you really say that?” Rarity laughed as she and Sweetie Belle unboxed their possessions at a new beach home. “Oh my, yes. Dash and I really didn’t get along at first. She was far too arrogant for my liking.” Sweetie Belle watched the waves rolling in the nearby surf before asking. “Mom, what was it then that caused you to take notice of her?” Rarity placed a hoof to her muzzle in deep as though thinking about it. She broke a grin after a moment and announced. “It was during our first deployment. Dash and I had just gotten our wet ears through twelve weeks of bootcamp hell, when we were assigned to the same team. Oh how we hated each other…" *** The Commander eyed the newly geared members of her squad with venom. “Listen up, because I do not like repeating myself. Look at the pony to the right of you. I don’t give a flying feather whether you are an earthpony, pegasus or unicorn. As Celestia's memory is my witness, you WILL set aside your biases. If you think you are better than that pony have I got great news for you worthless lot.” Rainbow Dash found herself staring into the eyes of Rarity who grimaced at her. Dash returned the glare. It was then that Commander Spitfire announced. “That is your new partner. You will stay by her side for the rest of this worthless war. Come hell or high water you will respect that partner. Trust me, they will probably save your life.” Rarity turned up her nose as Rainbow rolled her eyes. Spitfire, however, wasn’t having it. “Is there a problem with these arrangements, Private?” “No disrespect sir, but I don’t like her.” “Is that so? You listen to me, Dash. We are the best of the best. Your prowess in combat has been gauged and pushed to the limits. We are the Nightmare squad. You do not make this team; we do. We are the earthponies, unicorns and pegasi of Equestria and we are the last resistance, not you. We are sisters in arms and all of us, not one alone, are going to take back our world. Have I made myself clear, Private?” “Yes, Commander Spitfire!” “And you! Medical Staff Sergeant Rarity. I saw you snicker. You think it’s funny? This isn’t a game! You are no longer in bootcamp. I frankly don’t give two flying bucks what bias you have towards each other! You are responsible for her health. Go ahead. Tell me how her attitude ticks you off, how you don’t care about her when you are holding her lifeless corpse!” Spitfire roared to everypony in the transport. “We are all that is left. Mares of Equestria, we cannot fail! There is no one else left to carry on this fight. We must work together. Especially if we are to rescue our friends and family.” Turning to face Dash and Rarity, she said in an uncharacteristically soft voice. “So with that in mind, I want you to take your concerns and dislikes-” Commander Spitfire’s roar was heard ringing through the ears of everypony present for the next minute. “AND SHOVE THEM UP YOUR PLOT!” Shakingly, Dash and Rarity saluted. “Y-yes C-commander Spitfire!” *** “Wow, mom. Commander Spitfire sounds like she was scary.” Pausing for a moment to laugh as a tear fell down her cheek, Rainbow Dash nodded. “She was. A true spitfire pegasus, but a sweetheart who cared for her squad.” “Why have I never heard of her?” Her mother gave a wan smile. “Perhaps one day we can visit Ponyville Cemetery, and I’ll introduce her to you.” “You mean she…” “She was a hero, Scootaloo. A mother to her squad and a fierce warrior to liberate Equestria. She is not gone, she is immortalized in our hearts... Now where was I? Oh yes, Rarity and I ended up on the battlefield side by side. It was going well, and we even seemed to tolerate each other when…” *** “MEDIC!” The ground erupted in a spray of dirt, as blasts from the enslaved unicorns pelted the special ops squad. They were pinned down. Rainbow turned and watched as an earthpony fell, The mare’s hoof severed from her foreleg. “Rarity! Cauterize her wound, and I’ll cover you!” Rainbow felt sick, her eyes narrowed in rage. Her commander was dead. Her squad was outnumbered, wounded, scarred. They had suffered heavy casualties; ambushed by the enemy. Now survival seemed non-existent. When the magic shield had gone up over the enemy forces; powered by the once proud Shining Armor, the unicorns were the first to fall. The sniper squadron was picked off one by one unable to retaliate.The earthponies, with their heavy armor, were too slow to storm the opposition. Now they stood acting as a shield in their anti-magic armor; protecting the remainder of the Nightmares. We’ve lost so many. “Rarity, report!” “Rainbow, she bled out, I can’t keep up! Ohh!” In slow motion, Rarity fell to the ground, her horn beside her; severed by dark magic. Rainbow watched in shock as Rarity hit the ground writhing in pain. And that's when she snapped. > Chapter 2- Forging Her Chain > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “The second I collapsed in pain, she was by my side. I looked up with tears in my eyes as her face contorted in rage. I had never seen Rainbow care about anything except herself. In that moment, she became terrifying, yet alluring. She became a passionately wild beast. With a roar she charged the enemy.” Sweetie Belle watched as her mom’s face took on an expression of admiration. Then she glanced at her mom’s unicorn horn; like Rainbow’s wing, it too had been formed from alchemy. However, it was merely for aesthetics; Rarity could no longer use magic. “Wow mom, that sounds amazing.” Rarity continued unpacking a box labeled: ‘Sweetie’s Room.’ Her voice was filled with passion as she continued her tale. “Oh, it was. She took off and at first was flying normally, but then she went faster and faster still. Suddenly…” *** A blast of color erupted from behind Rainbow Dash as, unsheathing her sword, Rainbow Dash flew at insane speeds towards the enemy. Her blade flashed in the light of the rainbow blast radiating from behind her. Everywhere at once she no longer cared. Enslaved after Enslaved fell to her now crimson coated blade. Tears streamed from her face as her rage took her and she cut down her former friends. Those that did survive her onslaught, saw their mind controlling masks fall from their eyes. Rarity watched in stunned awe as the proud pegasus tore through the enemy; a bright trail of colors following closely behind. *** Scootaloo was breathing heavily, the story was so descriptively intense she could almost see it. Mom must have been wild back then, way different than now. Giving her mom a big hug, Scootaloo looked up into Rainbow’s comforting gaze. The mature pegasus nuzzled her daughter, lovingly. “The next thing I remember, the remainder of our squad were back in a tavern and everypony was celebrating; including the 45 we managed to free. Rarity was in a medical tent, and I went to see her. It was then that she told me what had happened. And it was then we made a real connection.” *** Rarity lay asleep in the military cot, her bandaged skull minus her unicorn horn sadly on display for all to see. Next to her sat Rainbow Dash, as she had, for the past 17 hours. The head of the exhausted pegasus was drooping and her eyesight was fuzzy. She hadn’t eaten or slept the entire time. Her eyes were hooded as she brooded over what had happened. Again and again, Rainbow went over her actions, her smile was long gone. I wasn’t fast enough. Some protector I am, couldn’t even react fast enough to protect anypony; let alone her. As she sat there, Rainbow ruffled her wings in annoyance. “Wh-who’s there darling?” Rainbow glanced at her, startled. Now sitting up in the cot, Rarity was wildly turning her head, as if looking for something. She doesn’t know it’s me, maybe I should stay quiet. Don’t want her angry at me. These somber thoughts went through Rainbow Dash’s mind as Rarity spoke up. “Rainbow, I would know the sound of those wings anywhere. How long have you been there?” Rainbow stared at Rarity in disbelief. The unicorn’s entire skull had been wrapped in a bandage after a skin graft was used to cover the spot where her horn had been. There was no way she could have known or seen that the pegasus was there. And yet, a slight rustle of her feathers had been identified instantly. Caught off guard Rainbow, fatigued and starving, muttered. “N-nosh lorng.” *** “Her words were slurred and almost incoherent. Rainbow had been sitting there without any thought to herself watching over me.” Sweetie Belle looked at her mom in disbelief. “You couldn’t see her, but you identified her by the rustling of her wings?” Rarity laughed. “Before she sported her metallic feathers, Rainbow had the most adorable nervous habit. Whenever she grew nervous or scared, she would rustle her feathers and it had a unique sound to it. I would liken it to the sounds of leaves during a soft breeze. I first noticed it at basic training.” “I thought you didn’t like her?” “You are right I didn’t, but I will admit it was a rather guilty pleasure seeing her nervous. Though that day I saw a side of her, I never knew.” Rarity pulled out a death metal poster and smiling at Sweetie Belle, asked her. “Sweetie, where would you like me to hang this?” Pointing at a spot above the bed, Sweetie Belle, spoke excitedly. “There!” Rarity was no longer a young mare, but as her daughter watched, it was evident that her training had never left her. Without the ability to use her horn to levitate objects, Rarity had undergone training to allow her to hold and move things like an Earthpony. The agility she had once displayed in combat clearly evident as with a swift forward flip, Rarity stood on the bed calmly hanging the poster up. Once done she backflipped off to stand beside her clearly impressed daughter. “There you go.” “Do you think my new sister will like it?” Rarity chuckled thinking of what Rainbow had told her of Scootaloo. “I have no doubt she’ll love it.” “Hooray! So mom, what happened with Commander Dash?” Rarity laughed. “Oh yes, where was I...Ah right. She wasn’t doing too well, having not eaten or slept since sitting there and I was not happy about that…much to her chagrin.” *** “You sound horrible, when was the last time you’ve eaten?” Rarity’s tone was one of concern. Rainbow’s reply was completely nonsensical.“Mhrf.. like…” Like a mother chiding an infant for stealing a cookie, Rarity brought the brunt of her medical expertise to bear on the incoherent pegasus. “Food, now.” Apparently this caused Rainbow to find her voice as she stated. “I’m fine, Rarity.” Rarity was having none of it. “You listen to me, Dash. You WILL go to the mess tent, and you will get some blasted food. You WILL make sure it has sugar in it, and you WILL bring it back here to eat in my presence or Celestia’s memory preserve me, I WILL BEAT YOUR FLANK!” A look of shock appeared on Rainbow’s face. Rarity had never spoken like that to her before. So commanding, so absolute. Her way or the skyway. And surprisingly, Rainbow for once, didn’t mind being ordered around. “-Have I made myself clear, soldier?” Normally she would have told Rarity to shove it, to stop ordering her around. This time however, Rainbow felt a desire to do as she said; no arguing, just submission to her command. “Yes ma’am!” Rarity took pause for a moment, her thoughts going wild. Did she just agree to do what I said? Is it really Rainbow? The sound of movement, followed by the tent flap lifting, let Rarity know Rainbow had left her presence. What’s gotten into her? Rainbow Dash stood in line at the mess hall, wondering the exact same thing. Sure she was sleep-deprived, probably had low blood sugar, but still. What made me obey her? It wasn’t magic and even more so, it felt natural; like I should, like I knew I should. “What’ll it be Dash?” Rainbow wasn’t paying attention and said compulsively. “Don’t worry Rar; I’m getting the bucking food.” “Huh? Dash, snap out of it! What do ya want to eat?” Rainbow blinked and finally noticed the irate cook pointing and gesturing at two dishes; one a bowl of powdered shredded wheat. The other was a delicious looking salad, made with hay bacon and sunflower petals; a rare delicacy in these times. Rainbow hated shredded wheat grains, but the salad didn’t contain sugar. Sighing, she replied. “The wheat, Soarin.” “Really? But I saved you the salad ‘cause it’s your favorite.” Laughing wanly and looking disgustedly at her bowl of sugar coated shredded wheat grains, Rainbow nodded. “It is, and I hate shredded wheat.” “Then why did you-” Turning her back to the mess cook, Rainbow replied nonchalantly. “I don’t know why, Soarin. I just know I promised her I would, gotta go.” “Her? Rainbow what are you-” Soarin watched as the formerly depleted Rainbow Dash seemed to have a slight spring in her hoof steps as she made her way back to the medical tent; her bowl of wheat grains careful held so as not to spill them. *** “Why would you do something you didn’t want to, mom?” Rainbow Dash paused and blinked. Finally, she laughed and explained it all to Scootaloo. “Right now, I’m your mother, but 20 years ago, I was quite the wild mare. In my prime and very...active, so to speak. An alpha, I was cocky, I was the best and then I met Rarity. Rarity, the prissy unicorn who refused to let me give the orders. At that time, I had no clue, but secretly I adored that commanding nature. Do you understand?” “Um...Not at all mom.” Rainbow Dash grinned and gave her daughter a noogie with her hoof. “One day Scoots, you’ll realize that love is truly the easiest way to make a mare or stallion brain dead and unable to willingly use logic. Even I had no clue what I was thinking.” Loading the box of valuables onto the cargo helicopter; designed by the now retired Tech Sergeant Twilight sole survivor of the luckless Unicorn Recon Squad, Rainbow Dash continued speaking. “Let’s see where was I? Oh yes…” *** “Rainbow is that you?” As Rainbow Dash lifted the tent flap and stepped carefully inside, attempting to avoid spilling her wheat grains, Rarity’s voice greeted her. The cyan pegasus’s wings stood upright in excitement upon hearing the almost demanding tone of her voice. What’s wrong with me? Blushing, Rainbow folded her wings quickly. “Yeah, it’s me.” Rarity sat in the darkness of her face cast, eyes closed and listening. She heard a slight flutter and then it was followed by a whoosh. She smirked. How cute, Rainbow is excited to see me. I wonder why. “Don’t you address me in that tone, Dash. You’re late! What took so long and what have you brought back?” Her voice came back to the ears of the annoyed unicorn. “I-uh-I’m not late! You didn’t even give me a time limit! I got your damned food with sugar and I-” Rarity listened, thinking to herself as Rainbow’s voice broke during her rant. She’s crying, I guess I pushed too far. Let’s try another approach. "Hush now and listen to me.” Immediately, Dash’s voice ceased, and the sound of her wings unfolding could be heard once more. Continuing in her gentle and now silky-toned voice, Rarity quelled Rainbow’s outburst. “You are right, I didn’t give you a time limit. From now on, however, I want you to perform my expectations within 5 minutes. Can you do that for me, Rainbow?” As expected, the Private answered her in a hushed tone, and Rarity noticed her wing had not been retracted. “Yeah, I suppose I could…” Alright, while she is calmer, let’s push a little- “Wait a minute! Why should I listen to you? You have no right to command-” “Rainbow Dash, sit down and shush, NOW!” A sudden flurry of movement graced Rarity’s ears. The scraping of a chair as the pegasus rushed to sit down made Rarity smile. Alright, perhaps now I can understand her better. Let’s see, what should I ask her...Think quickly before she decides to do as she wants again! The words of Rarity flowed with a silky, gentle tone once more.“Tell me, why are you so prideful, Rainbow? Why is it so hard on you if I ask a small favor of you, such as doing as I say?” There was no sound for a moment, but then Rarity heard the most somber, terse voice ever to come from a normally chipper mare. “My parents. I-It’s a promise I made to them. Back in Cloudsdale.” Rarity froze. Cloudsdale. The name of that ruined city hadn’t been uttered in over 8 years. “You lived in Cloudsdale?” There was the familiar sound of rustling wings, but it had a different ring to it; one of pain. “Yeah, I mean yes. I was there that day. Just a stupid, weak teen. Unable to do anything as Sombra brought Cloudsdale to fall from the sky...with his dragon slaves.” *** As Rarity spoke these words, she stared at her daughter with an expression of sorrow on her face. Though Sweetie Belle could tell; it wasn’t her that her mom was looking at, it was the Rainbow of the past as she spilled her heart out. She gave her mom a hug and spoke up. “We learned about that place in school. The city in the clouds. I thought for sure Mrs. Cherilee was telling mares tales but it really existed huh?” Rarity shook herself out of her reverie and stared at her daughter, thinking. That’s right, she wasn’t alive back then. She didn’t see it. The Fall of Cloudsdale. Considered the most devastating event in the history of Equestria, Sombra’s invasion of Cloudsdale had ended in the almost complete annihilation of the Pegasus race. Speculation of why no prisoners had been taken had flown fast and furious between the historians of the world for the past two decades. It was widely believed that the pegasi; being winged warriors of immense pride in their freedom of the skies, had refused to be taken alive...Or rather, let those Sombra enslaved leave alive. The battle cry had been heard across Equestria that day: “Fly Free or Die Free!” The sky had erupted in fire and blood as the cloudy city had been engulfed in dragon’s fire. That’s when the war started. “Yes Sweetie, it did. Only seven pegasi were known to survive the invasion. Five of them had been captured successfully only to be slain by Rainbow’s sword. Only one was freed during the war, only to fall one fight later. Of the two that had fought for vengeance, only one survived the war. Her name; Rainbow Dash.” Sweetie Belle froze. But that would mean she...was the last of the Pegasi. Wait, but she had a pegasus daughter...Didn’t she? “Mom what about her daughter, Scootaloo?” “After Sombra fell, Rainbow found herself being followed by a little orange ‘fledgling’ as the children of pegasi are known as. An orphan, with clipped wings, this little pegasus had seen her family perish when Sombra invaded Ponyville. Rainbow took her in. Scootaloo was never able to live in Cloudsdale, sadly, but Rainbow did make sure she got to live in a cloud house eventually.” Oh wow, that must have hurt so much having no other fillies or colts to talk to. And being the last, that...I can’t even imagine. Sweetie Belle then watched as her mom pulled out a treasured possession from a box she had been unpacking; an old, torn and tattered stetson. She looked at it sadly for a moment before putting it on and smiling, continuing her tale. “You see, at the time, Spitfire was believed to have been the only survivor of the Fall of Cloudsdale. But there Dash sat telling me something she had been hiding and a promise she had made. One she had never told anypony. ” *** “Rainbow Dah-ling, you have a brother?” “Had...I...I had a brother, Rarity.” “What was his name?” “Rainbow Dash.” Rarity sat frozen in the medical cot with trepidation. For some reason she hesitated asking her next question. “Isn’t your name Rainbow Dash?” “It is..Now, anyways, but you see it...It wasn’t always.” > Chapter 3- Picking Her Lock of Doubt > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity wanted to ask, but her own instincts warned her about pushing the issue. Instead, she tried a less direct approach. Listening to the crunching of the wheat grains, Rarity saw her avenue. “How are they?” Rainbow stopped chewing and looked over at the bandaged head of Rarity in slight annoyance, though she was just as confused at the indifference to her name slip. What’s going on? Does she really not care? “They're horrible. Almost done though, as promised.” Rarity’s ears caught the tremble in her voice. Good. She is wondering why I didn’t ask about her name. Perhaps I don’t care, I can hear it in her voice. The truth is I do; I just don’t have her trust in me enough to tell me, without doubt. Though perhaps there is another way. Her words were instinctively measured her tone deliberately calm as she spoke to Rainbow. “Do you know why I’m a medic and a ranked officer at my age, as well?” Rarity sat there listening to the silence, silently praying. This is the only way. If I reveal my own heart, perhaps she will volunteer hers willingly. *** “Mom, not to interrupt, but why didn’t you just ask? Surely, it would have been simpler to do so.” Rarity smiled at her daughter, but to Sweetie Belle’s surprise, Rarity shook her head. “You may not understand this quite yet. The truth is, Rainbow and I are forged of the same metal but into different roles. Her willingness to obey, my ability to command; we are not the average ponies on the streets. Back then, neither of us had a clue, but our instincts guided us. I could see it, the chain around her soul.” “Like a magic spell?” Giggling, Rarity continued. “No, my daughter, it was forged of grief and despair. It locked her away from my words and formed an impenetrable barrier around her being. Her past bound her, and to set her free would take a magic, not even an alicorn could simply cast. Only a bond of trust could unlock her shackles.” Tilting her head in confusion, Sweetie Belle tried to process the info out loud. “Shackles wait if she had shackles why didn’t you mention them on her? And wasn’t your head completely encased in bandages? How did you see this strange soul chain? Mom I don’t understand.” Rarity’s voice was gentle as the sunshine, but strong as a crashing waterfall. “That’s wonderful, Sweetie. One day, you’ll understand it fully. Until that day, don’t be in such a hurry to know everything. Stay innocent to the ways of the world. Now as I was saying. There I sat, telling her my own secret so as to forge a bond…” *** Rainbow sat there in stunned silence for a moment before blurting out. “Five? You were five?” Pausing in her narrative, Rarity heard herself give Rainbow an admonishing sting. “Don’t interrupt Rainbow, be a good filly.” “I’m not a child, don’t talk down to-” “Don’t act like one then. Now sit there and shush, mommy is talking.” Opening her muzzle to argue, Rainbow instead bit her tongue and sat still, listening to what Rarity had to say. Rarity’s voice was once again warm and praising; causing Rainbow to feel inexplicably happy. “That’s a good mare, Rainbow. Yes, I was five when the mask fell from my face. It was one year since my family and myself were captured. I was little more than a foal but I would end up growing up sooner than I thought." The sharp inhale of a deep breath could be heard from the unicorn before she continued. "During a raid on the compound, the rebel forces captured me and my mask was split. I found myself staring into the eyes of my guardian for the next twelve years. You know who I mean; Commander Spitfire leader of the rebellion. She raised me to avoid the use of a blade, stating a filly should never have to spill blood. Instead, I was immediately thrust into the role being a medic. I learned the craft rather quickly." Rainbow stared at the ground in the expectant silence that followed. Rainbow Dash’s voice was slightly cracked as she asked what was now on her mind. “That must have been...Did you...You know them? I mean...Did you know who your real parents were?” Rarity stiffened for a moment before her voice took on a happier tone. “No..Well not the ones who bore me. Growing up, Spitfire was my mom.” “What was it like?” “Growing up or having Spitfire as a mom?” “Argh why you...I am not a child!” “Rainbow, I’m shocked! Do you really want to yell at me like that when I’m trying to be nice?” Rainbow Dash looked down and scuffed her hoof against the dirt as she sat there. “I-I-No, I’m sorry, please don’t be mad. I meant having the Commander as your mom.” Rarity stayed silent for a moment. When she spoke again, it was a sort of pleasant sorrowful tone, Rainbow simply couldn’t explain. “She was warm, as warm as the sun that used to shine before Sombra. She would stop at nothing to make sure I was safe, taken care of; she even went without food when times were hard. Other times she was a so-called typical pegasus: Brutal in combat an expert hunter and a rage that could freeze even a wendigo's blood. Everyone saw her as just a hunter, a brute to kill everything that moved. I never understood why.” Rainbow laughed humorously. “Yeah that’s us. The brutes of the skies. Need a target taken down? Call a pegasus. We’ll hunt it to the ends of Equestria for you, leaving the flames of Tartarus in our wake.” Her tone was rife with scorn and...Is that guilt? Rarity’s ears had picked up the pain in Rainbow’s voice as the pegasus continued; her voice becoming sorrowful as she did. “At least that..That was us. Now it’s just Soren and me. My brother was an amazing hunter. You should have seen him; the pride of our tribe. Mom and Dad were so proud of him...I was proud to call him my..Big brother. Erm- Sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt.” *** “I’ve never understood that mom, I get called ‘Hunter’ at school a lot. Why are pegasi referred to as Hunters?” Rainbow paused in telling her tale. She quickly scooped Scootaloo up in her wings and sat her on her lap. “Were. A race of warriors, the Pegasi were proud to display their strength. From slaying hydrae in the Everfree to going bare wing and hoof against a Changeling; ours was a race of conquerors.” Seeing the adoring look in her daughter’s eyes, Rainbow continued explaining about the Pegasi. “Originally, we were Nomads. Making our homes on random clouds or treetops as we pleased. We listened to the wind and navigated by the stars as our kind would soar through the air. And then the Wendigos appeared. We had many dealings beforehoof with the Unicorns and Earthponies of Equestria. To make ends meet, we would often sell our blades to the citizens of Ponyville. As Sellswords we were able to purchase amenities for our brethren, and so the tribe flourished. Shortly after the Treaty of Hearthswarming, our ways changed. Instead of listening to the wind, we had gained magical insight from the Unicorns on how to tame it. It wasn’t long until we harnessed clouds and the weather itself to our will. Cloudsdale arose; the home of the Pegasi. The one thing that didn’t change, however, was our desire to hunt. For those of Non-Pegasi descent, that term was used to mock us. But only the truly ignorant would dare call a Pegasi a Hunter as an insult… Oh! I almost forgot, go upstairs and bring me your stuffed dragon toy, Scootaloo.” “Aw, but I wanna hear more about Mrs. Rarity!” Smiling, Rainbow nodded. “I promise I’ll tell you more about how I met your soon-to-be stepmom as soon as you return. Now be a good girl and do as I requested.” “Alright, mommy.” Rainbow Dash smiled as she watched her daughter; the second to last Pegasi left, rushed to grab the stuffed animal. That’s my daughter. It wasn’t long before the fledgling was eagerly begging her to continue once more as she placed the stuffed animal into the box. As promised, Rainbow Dash continued her tale once more. "It was then that..." *** Medical Staff Sergeant Rarity sat silently in the cot for a few seconds, thinking. Did she just let her guard down? Perhaps now the lock would come undone if I asked. What if it’s too early? That’ll make it harder to set her free from her prison. I’m going for it. Keeping her voice even, Rarity replied to the interruption. “No, no it’s quite alright. Rainbow, you’ve mentioned your brother before. Would you be comfortable explaining what you meant earlier when you said your name wasn’t always Rainbow Dash?” Dead silence greeted her ears as she sat there. Dammit. Was I too quick? Did I scare her? I was too forward, wasn’t I? Curse my- “I don’t mind. I’m not sure why, but I-I'm willing to tell you.” Behind the bandages, Rarity smiled. She could almost hear the key being turned as the lock of the shackles opened. CLICK > Chapter 4- The Name Upon Her Collar > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash sounded distant. Rarity was sure that Rainbow could see her, yet the voice seemed to be directed at some pony the Pegasus was unable to reach. “Pegasi take or rather, took great pride in who they were. Your name will be the foundation on which your legends are carved.” Rarity listened intently as she heard the private take a moment to chew some more shredded wheat grain and smiled. The sound of a disgusted grunt was then heard afterwards. She may not enjoy it, but she is still willing to do as I've requested. Interesting. Rainbow once more continued. “That's what they taught us in school, anyway." The sound of a hoof smashing down on the bedside table, caught Rarity’s attention, and she frowned. Is she mad? No wait, it isn’t me she is mad at? Rainbow’s voice continued. “I hated school! I never wanted to hunt like my brethren, and for that I was cast aside. A pegasus that can’t hunt is useless to the tribe they would say. Hard to believe youre the sister of Rainbow Dash.” *** “I could hear it, Sweetie, I could hear her heart crying out in anguish. With every word she spoke I could hear the ghosts of thousands of tears. I wasn’t sure what to do. I wanted to know, but her pain seemed to rip my own heart to shreds. I wanted to know, but I didn’t want to hurt her further.” Rarity paused to adjust a picture frame, in which sat Rainbow Dash next to Rarity in a restaurant booth. Sweetie Belle who had been eagerly listening as her mom hung pictures up, spoke up. “What did you do mom?” “As painful as it was, I had a feeling that if I didn’t ask at that moment, she would never tell me. She would never feel a connection; she would never let go of her pain. Terrified at pushing her away and my heart pounding in my chest, I asked her about her brother.” *** “You’ve mentioned that your name isn’t Rainbow Dash, but rather your brother’s. Could-Would you please tell me more about him?” Rainbow sat there, frozen for a moment her eyes wide with trepidation. What do I say? Tell her the truth! But what if she, what if she gets angry or worse; she is disappointed...Wait why do I care what that prissy unicorn thinks. Tell her. Why should I? TELL HER! Her mind running rampant with contradicting thoughts, she forced the words from her lips. “He was the pride of our tribe; a legend by the time I came to be born. You name it, he slew it. The perfect hunter. Every filly, every colt they desired nothing more than to aspire to his greatness. He was everything...I...Wasn’t,” Rairty’s voice seemed gentle and welcoming as Rainbow listened to her response. “That sounds like it was quite a stressful scenario. Trying to live in such a wide shadow. Is that why you took his name? To be like him?” Rainbow’s muscles tensed in agitation. She snapped back as if on impulse. “No, it isn’t!” “Rainbow dah-ling, watch the tone! I’m just asking.” Rainbow Dash cringed. Rarity’s admonishing tone was like a whip across her flank. It hurt her. Why does it hurt so much? The disappointment in Rarity’s voice hurt worse than any kind of injury she had ever sustained. *** Scootaloo stared at her mom. “Did it really hurt that much?” Rainbow Dash laughed. “Remember when you stubbed your hoof earlier?” “Yeah.” “It hurt a lot right?” Scootaloo winced, remembering earlier, when she banged her hoof against a wooden chest. Only Rainbow’s kiss on her boo-boo, had been able to stop the flow of her tears.“Yeah it hurt a lot and is still sore.” As Rainbow gave the hoof another motherly kiss, she replied. “Imagine that, only a million times worse.” “Wow, did you cry too, mom?” Laughing, Rainbow Dash answered her. “Only on the inside. The pain, however, was one of the greatest blessings I ever got.” “It hurt but it...Was a good thing? Mom I don’t understand.” Rainbow stared at her daughter for a moment, unsure how to tell the child what it meant. Finally, she explained. “Sometimes, when a Pegasus flies too close to the sun, singeing her wings can bring her back down to Equestria.” “What?” “Being knocked down a peg when you are too full of yourself, can open your eyes that somepony cares and isn’t just attacking you.” Scootaloo sat still for a moment to ponder what was said. Her reply was accompanied by a slight shrug of her tiny wings.“Oh. I...Don’t get it.” Smiling knowingly, Rainbow laughed. “You will one day. Though at the time it was a mystery to me, it gave me a clarity I didn’t have before. I had a desire to make up for my behavior. That desire to gain her approval spurred me on and bolstered my resolve to tell her…Everything.” *** Rarity sat frozen in disbelief. There was no way she had heard that correctly. What did she just say? Composing herself, she spoke calmly and slowly, as if piecing it together. “Rainbow, Dah-ling, did you jusy say...That you were celebrating your birthday, when Sombra attacked Cloudsdale?” “That’s what I-” Rarity cleared her throat. Immediately Rainbow stopped and backtracked. “I mean- Yes, that’s right...um...Rarity.” I’m not sure why her listening to me makes me smile. I’ve never viewed another like this. Do I...Am I falling for her- No that’s silly, I am just worried about her that’s...all. Right? “It’s alright, just don’t do it again, Rainbow. Explain Dah-ling.” As Rarity sat there waiting for the inevitable outburst, she instead found herself pleasantly surprised. It didn’t come. Instead, Rainbow Dash spoke in a measured voice, intentionally keeping her tone respectful. “Yes ma’am. You see, it wasn’t jealousy that drove me to take this name. It was something more. I was never like my brother, much to my parents disappointment. The tribe, my parents...Everyone rejected me, except one; my brother. He learned of my desire to join the tribal skydancers; the Wonderbolts. The acrobatic aerial maneuvers were so eye-catching and it was my goal in life to fly with them. It was strange, my brother would take time each week to help me practice my routine maneuvers. Even though it was against the will of the tribe, he told me he was proud of my ambitions. He encouraged me to do my best and when no one else cared, he was somepony I could depend on.” *** Rarity was now sitting on the couch next to Sweetie Belle, having finished unpacking the boxes. Just like Rainbow Dash she had avoided explaining the specifics of the conversation, choosing to focus instead on the tone and own thoughts of the memories. “I could hear it in her voice, Sweetie. She enjoyed approval from others, and she was searching for mine as well. But it wasn’t the actual approval she sought, it was the thrill of working to get it.” Sweetie Belle sat on the couch listening and placed a hoof to her chin deep in thought. The young filly began piecing together her thoughts out loud. “So...She wanted you happy...Because that would make her happy. But what made her happier was the pursuit of trying to make you happy...Like a carrot on a stick?” Rarity booped her on the nose. “Exactly. The thrill of the chase is more rewarding than the end result. I know that now mind you, but at the time it was such a baffling concept to me. She was so confusing to understand and yet it felt naturally awkward. Like it was meant to happen. Like...Like she needed me.” *** “My brother had come to visit, bringing his wife and their son; just to celebrate my birthday. It was amazing. His wife; Cloudy Sunburst had baked a cake for the occasion. His son actually showed me respect. My parents begrudgingly attended but...For the most part it was perfect. The candles were lit, and the sun had been lowered by Queen Luna. In the glow of the candlelight, the entire tribe sang a traditional of age song. And that’s when the town hall burst into flames, engulfed in a massive fireball.” Rainbow stopped to look at Rarity for some sign of what the unicorn thought. Her posture gave nothing away and her breathing stayed calm. Her voice, however, was quiet as if in thought. “That must have been quite the shock to see.” Rainbow ruffled her wings in distress, but immediately responded. “I never saw it, I heard the roar of the inferno, and then felt the pain as the spire fell on top of me; pinning me to the ground. Unable to move, I watched the entire scene, as my tribe was completely overwhelmed. The blazing houses, the unconscious Pegasi; stallions, mares, and fledglings, just sprawled everywhere. Then he showed up amidst the flames.” “Your brother, Dah-ling?” “No, it was-" Rainbow’s face narrowed in intense hatred as she spoke the name of the one she would never forgive. “Sombra. That stupid grin on his muzzle, those masks, my brother, my family! Green eyes...No...You can’t!” Rainbow? Dah-ling are you alright?” “ You won’t take them like this! Live free or Die free! I’ll kill you. You scum!” “Rainbow calm down!” Placing her head in her hooves, Rainbow Dash began to shake, the fires of that night roaring before her eyes once more. “Mom, Dad...Brother please, forgive me. Forgive me, I won’t- I won’t let him take you! L-Live free or Die Free! "Rainbow you have to calm down!” “Please-Just sleep. Close your eyes, and I’ll see you again one day-” “RAINBOW!” Her muzzle was soaked with her tears as her head snapped up to look at Rarity. “WHAT?!” The Pegasus cringed as she heard her words leave her muzzle. She waited for the inevitable snapback from Rarity. I shouldn’t have yelled. I couldn’t stop myself. Oh feathers! Instead of a harsh reprimand however, her eyes beheld something she had never considered from the judgemental unicorn. *** “Mom are you alright?” Scootaloo, who had been listening to her mom’s recount of the vague details, had just heard Rainbow Dash say. “I yelled at Rarity as her voice snapped me from my memories.” Now her mom had tears dripping down her face, and the tiny Pegasus wanted to give her a hug. Blinking, Rainbow Dash gave a weak laugh and brushed away her tears with her hoof. “Sorry about that kiddo, sometimes it’s painful to look back.” Grabbing scootaloo in a fierce hug, Rainbow Dash grinned. “Don’t you worry, I’m alright. It’s about time we start heading out. Time to say goodbye to the cloudy house. In a few hours, we can finally put the past behind us. Grab your box. The trek begins.” Together with a single box apiece, Rainbow Dash and her daughter carefully drifted down to Equestria; Scootaloo on her mother’s back. As they touched down, Rainbow gave the cloudy house she and Scoots had called home, one last glance. Her eyes hardened as she surveyed their surroundings, ever-alert. The land was far from safe, and a moments notice, she would draw her fabled blade to ward off any threat. Her voice gave nothing about the situation away as her eyes roamed the landscape before and to the side of them. “The backlash never came, though. No, what I got was far more painful, if not more welcomed…” *** Rarity couldn’t see Rainbow, but she had heard it; the unmistakable break in the Pegasus’s voice, the wild flutter of her wings being extended. The hatred in her words. Calling out Rainbow’s name had resulted in an outraged reply: “WHAT?” She understood Rainbow was in pain. I can’t push her further. The time has come for finesse. She needs support, not discipline. Rarity pat her lap with her hooves. Am I insane? What, am I calling a dog? Ugh I am such a- Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted as she felt the mane of Rainbow Dash against her hooves; the Pegasus having lain her head upon her lap. That...Was unexpected. Alright, now what? Maybe I should comfort her? For bucks sake, breathe. Trust your instincts; you got this! Rarity closed her eyes and let her emotions guide her. Running her hoof gingerly through the mane of Rainbow Dash she spoke in a warm, flowing manner. “Shhh, It’s alright. I’m here. I got you.” From her lap she heard the sobs. “I had no choice! They were going to be taken, their lives stolen by those...Those masks...I-” Continuing her steady strokes of the mane, Rarity ran her hoof slowly down the back of Rainbow’s neck. Her voice never wavering as she sought to console the distraught Pegasus. “Take your time, breathe. Shhhh, no more tears Dah-ling. I’m here for you.” After a few moments of silence broken only by the sniffling of Rainbow, she heard a loud deep breath followed by: “I was the reason the Pegasi didn’t leave Cloudsdale that night, Rarity.” Sudden silence. No sound was heard. Rarity sat there in silence. She’s waiting for some kind of acknowledgement; a validation that I’m listening. Answer her you idiot! Trying her hardest to keep the surprise out of her voice, she forced her tone to remain neutral. “I see, would you mind elaborating for me?” Bloody Tartarus, what are you some bucking snob? Relax your tone and don’t talk down to her you- “Yes, Rarity.” Or maybe she wants that? “I lay pinned beneath the rubble. I watched as they were-” Taking the opportunity to pat her on the head, Rarity gave her some encouragement. “It’s alright. Take your time.” The change in Rainbow’s voice was noticeable. Her tone rose, as if being said through a smile. This did not escape Rarity’s ears as she continued to listen. “They were captured, laid out; unconscious, by the might of the dragons. I felt my blood boil seeing them tossed about. Then that-that thing! Sombra...He put those masks on them. And I..I broke. My rage allowed me to break free of the rubble. I picked up a nearby sword and-” Her voice broke once more. Rarity murmured gently to the Pegasus as she drew the side of her hoof slowly down the cheek of Rainbow Dash. “You are doing wonderfully, Rainbow, don’t stop now. Tell me what happened.” The reinvigorated tone of Rainbow reaching her eas told her she had succeeded in encouraging her Pegasus friend. Spurred on by the gentle words Rainbow Dash finally spilled the last details. “All I could think of was the pride of the Pegasi, the freedom we had to soar the skies. It would be gone. All gone. In school we were taught: Live free or Die free. If anything would take that freedom away...I couldn’t let him take them. I-I struck, enraged against my former family, my former tribemates. I...I gave them eternal freedom, so he couldn’t use them.” No wonder she was all choked up. Oh the poor dear, and on her birthday too. Such a burden to bear and at such an age too. Patting her gently, Rarity nodded and the words Rainbow had wanted to hear somepony, anypony tell her came forth. “I’m proud of you Rainbow. You did what you felt was best for your kind. You did your best to protect your tribe.” *** Sweetie Belle sat opened mouth beside her mother, unable to find any words. Rarity however, looked at her daughter as she explained a bit more about the vague situation she had described. So far, all Sweetie Belle heard was a rather bad scenario had caused Rainbow Dash to break down, and that her mom had her own mental battle to fight on the situation. Sweetie Belle was more surprised than anything that her mom had trouble finding the words. “Naturally I was...A tad disturbed by her actions. Though in hind-sight, I suppose there is always a better option. As I sat there listening to her, I couldn’t help but be supportive. Doing what she felt was right in a spur of the moment catastrophe; I couldn’t fault her for adhering to the Pegasi principles she had grown up with and-” Rarity paused. A steely glint appeared in her eye as she slowly reached beside her. Her tone was measured, but Sweetie Belle knew it well. “Sweetie, Dah-ling can you do mommy a favor?” “Mom what’s-” Rarity calmly cut her off as she drew forth her combat knife and her eyes flicked to the window. Sweetie Belle understood as her mom continued. “No interruptions go upstairs and play by yourself for awhile. Mommy has some...Special guests to entertain.” As Sweetie Belle bolted upstairs, Rarity calmly trotted to the front door, wearing the holsters for her knives; one on each foreleg. It was nothing new, for the past eighteen years, the world had been controlled by anarchy. There was no order; no law, the princesses having perished in the Sombra Regime. Ponies, among other creatures would gladly attack any they came across in hopes of getting supplies. Supplies were few and far between as crops weren’t grown as frequently, and the only drinking water came from the unruly storm clouds that crossed the skies; free of the Pegasi’s control. Smiling warmly at the four Unicorns before her, each decked out in a ragtag ensemble of scraps and armed to the teeth. Rarity spoke flowerly. “Dah-lings, you should have told me you were coming. I would’ve set an extra place.” “Quick grab her!” “Don’t worry I got her!” Laughing scornfully Rarity drew forth her twin blades “Dah-ling the only thing you've got concerning me-” Rarity charged the bandits. “Is a punishment, the likes of which pain you could not fathom!” *** Grunting, Rainbow Dash tugged her sword free of the giant, now shattered crystal eye. “wretched creature.” Staring at the giant form of rocks and crystals that had attacked them in a rage, Scootaloo shivered. Seeing it’s blood slowly drain from the wound her mom had inflicted, she was in disbelief. She had never seen such a creature. “Mom what is that?” Having sat down to wipe the crimson smear from her blade, Rainbow Dash glanced up to look at her daughter. “A crystal golem.” “A what?” Rainbow Dash had gone back to cleaning her sword and was taken unawares by the comment. Forgetting momentarily to censor herself, she blurted out: “During the Rebellion, Sombra used alchemy and necromancy to fuse the blood and souls of my fallen comrades into monstrous crystal bodies he himself had formed. They would then attack those left-” Looking up she froze. Her daughter was staring at her in absolute horror. Thinking quickly, she changed the subject. “I mean that’s so boring. Wouldn’t you rather hear more about the story about how Rarity and I fell for each other?” A look of sheer relief appeared on Scootaloo’s face, whom had turned many shades of green, staring at the giant corpse of the crystal golem. “Y-Yes tell me, mom!” Gesturing to Scootaloo, Rainbow smiled through her pain. Unbeknownst to her daughter, her only good wing had begun turning red as the dark crimson color of blood flowed down the inside of her wing; issuing forth from her now severed tendon. “Come here. Let’s sit a while. That fight took a bit out of me. Not as young as I used to be, I’m afraid.” The two sat on the hulking giant of black crystal as Rainbow hugged her daughter tightly and her vision slowly going blurry, told Scootaloo more about that evening. “I lay my head upon her lap, unable to believe it…” *** “You-You’re proud of me?” Rainbow had heard the words, but she couldn’t believe that she had heard right. “I-I-” Rarity’s voice was firm, yet as warm as a nice hug. “You did what you felt was right. You did your best. How could I ever fault you for doing your best at that moment in time?” There was a moment of silence between the two. So what now? I told her my past, and she praised me. Is she happy? Why do I care? Do I care? Rarity’s voice cut through her thoughts. “Rainbow, did you take your brother’s name to remind you of how accepting of you somepony was?” She really does understand. Answer her you stupid Pegasus! “Yes, I...He was the only one who cared and-” “While I can understand that, I don’t think I want to call you Rainbow Dash anymore. At least not one-on-one.” “What why not?” “I don’t feel it represents the real you. I want to know the real you, talk to the real you; not your brother’s shadow. Your brother’s memory is precious, and I don’t want to take that from you, but I need a name only I can call you. One no one else can ever know, one that represents the real you.” The real me? Rainbow Dash’s mind raced. Never once had she considered the thought. If my name isn’t Rainbow Dash then what is it? What would she call me? Rarity then asked her a question she thought she would never hear anypony say again. “Would you be willing to tell me what your original name was?I promise it would be our secret.” The rainbow-maned Pegasus smiled. She really does care. Not some silly nickname but she genuinely wants to know me. “Yes! It’s...” Rarity sat there, eyes closed in the darkness of her bandages, listening as Rainbow Dash shared with her something precious for just the two of them. The connection had truly began as she smiled upon hearing it. “Alright then, from now on, when you and I are alone that is the name I will call you, Dah-ling” As Rainbow and Rarity fell asleep; the Pegasus on her lap still, the two wore smiles neither could see. The world had grown just a smidgen brighter and now Rainbow had a new name; one that she could truly call her own. > Chapter 5- Hers For Eternity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweetie Belle sat on her bed, listening with satisfaction to the agonized screams of the trespassers. Get ‘em mom! She knew her mom wanted to protect her from having a role in such activities, but she desperately wanted to assist her. Why can’t I be tough like mom? Her ears perked up; the screams had stopped. Instead Rarity’s voice, loud and commanding was heard. “Sweetie Belle, I need your help. Hurry up now, downstairs, Sweetie. Time is of the essence!” Without another thought, Sweetie Belle bolted down the stairs and out the front door, stopping in shock at the sight that awaited her. Rarity sat there, calm as could be, lacerations covering her hide as she draped one of the corpses over her lap; a pinprick hole in the neck. Looking up she spoke warmly. “Upstairs in my room, plastic bags and tubes. Get them, now. Let’s go, chop chop!” Racing upstairs, Sweetie Belle frantically bolted into Rarity’s room and quickly found what her mom requested. Why does she need these? Using levitation to carry all nine of the bags and tubes she quickly rushed to her mom’s side. “Got 'em Mo-” Rarity sat grim-faced. Her voice though warm, clearly stated she hated doing this. “Thank you, Sweetie.” Without another word she slid one tube into a bag and quickly pinched it sealed. Only as Rarity took the other tube and jammed it into the dead bandit’s neck, did Sweetie Belle, read the following on the bag: TRANSFUSION FLUIDS. For use of blood transfusions only. She watched in a horrified fascination as the blood flowed from the bandit into the bag, filling it with the dark red of blood. “Mom what’s transfusion?” Rarity pointed at the tube. “A transfusion is when you take blood or plasma from one source and transfer it to another source that is in need of it.” “Oh but why are you-” Sighing, Rarity looked at her daughter. As much as she wanted to protect her from this world, she knew it was no use. Sweetie Belle watched as her mom’s disheartened eyes stared into her own in silence for a moment before she heard. “I guess you can’t stay innocent forever can you? It’s funny; I see you, and all I can think of is an adorable filly who should never know darkness. I can’t shelter you forever, though I would...If able. The world is not a fun place. The rainbows that graced our skies have long since faded, and any means to survive must be exploited.” A tear slowly slid down Rarity’s cheek as she continued. “Much like on the battlefield, fighting against Sombra, the blood of the fallen can still be utilized and put to better use than dirtying our entryway. Loss of blood can be a nail in anypony’s coffin. The tubes are imbued with a magical vacuum on one end and a flow valve in the other. By turning the tube one way, it will draw the blood and turning it the other way will allow extraction. Having some blood prepped in advance could be the reason they pull through...” Her next words seemed directed at another. Sweetie Belle saw her mom give a wan smile. “Isn’t that right, Rainbow?” “Mom who are you-” “There’s no time to explain. Sweetie Belle I want you to use your magic to help detoxify the blood stores as I seal them...Pay attention to what I tell you. We’ll do it together. Today you become a medical assistant.” ***2 Days Later*** Scootaloo staggered. Can’t stop. Her tiny form was bruised and her blood dripped down holes ripped in her flank. Her mane and tail showed her lack of grooming, while her muzzle gripped the hilt of the sword of her mother. The sight of the giant blade looking almost comical in her grip but the little filly’s eyes were hardened by determination. Keep going. Her eyes showed her lack of sleep. Don’t give up! Rainbow Dash’s limp body was draped over her daughter’s back; having lost consciousness shortly after finishing her tale. Scootaloo had reacted purely on instinct; ripping apart her own cloak to form strips and bandage the wing as she discovered the wound. After staunching the blood flow, she grabbed a nearby branch and braced the wing against it; making a splint for the damaged wing. Making a snap decision, and with tears streaming down her face with the sounds of predators closing in on them, Scootaloo slung her mother’s heavy frame over her back and began trotting towards their destination. I won’t let you down! Meanwhile in her stupor, Rainbow Dash’s mind replayed the battle in which she had lost her other wing. *** “Dah-ling what did you do?” Rainbow Dash lay on a stretcher as it was brought into the medical tent, her left wing completely missing. “Hey Rar, I...I think I..I may have bucked up this-” A white hoof pressed firmly against her lips. “Not another word Rainbow. Let me fix you up.” It had been a year since the heart-to-heart that caused the two to connect. Rainbow had become the forward commander for what was left of the rebellion while Rarity had been by her side; encouraging her the entire way. Rainbow had been injured many times but this, this was the most severe Rarity had even seen. A tear threatened to roll down Rarity’s cheek as she wiped it from her eye with her hoof. With the amount of blood loss and lack of medical supplies; she wasn’t sure she could save her Rainbow Dash. Her Rainbow Dash. There was no doubt; Rainbow was hers and she was not going to let anyone have her. Get your claws off her, Death, she’s mine! *** “Yours?” Rarity glanced up as Sweetie Belle interrupted her. The two sat in front of their new home, scavenging the organs from newly slain attackers; Rarity removing them intact, and Sweetie Belle removing all bacteria and disease based organisms from them. “Yes Sweetie. Mine. Don’t get me wrong, she was no toy to me, no object to own. No, She was mine to guide, to love, to cherish. She had given me her heart, and I would rather suffer Tartarus than see her in the icy clasp of Death. Now as I was saying…” *** As Rainbow Dash’s eyelids closed Rarity took a deep breath. This is for you. Spinning around to face her assistants she barked out. “Get me Engineer Twilight. Now, please.” “Ma’am if we go out to where she is, we’ll probably be killed.” Rarity’s tone and expression took on that of a denizen of Tartarus. “Listen here, Dah-ling. I got a pony who's bleeding to death and may die if we don't help her. I am TRYING to help her, and that can only happen if you bring me Engineer Twilight! I swear, if she dies because of your disobedience...” The unicorn drew forth two medical scalpels and pressed them against the terrified assistants throats within a heartbeat. "She will NOT be the only pony who bleeds to death in this room. HAVE I MADE MYSELF CLEAR?" *** Scootaloo limped down the path; completely at her physical limit. As she crested the hill, her heart sang with excitement. There just over the next rise, was the place where her mom had told her of; the new house. Finally made it! Don’t worry Mom we’ll be fine now. As she breathed a sigh of relief, she heard it. A harsh roar behind her. Slowly turning around, Scootaloo’s eyes beheld the giant lumbering form of a Risen-Bear. The undead behemoth slowly advanced towards her; the decaying rotted flesh slow dripping from the grisly skeletal form of what had once been a Grizzly Bear. Scootaloo stared at the abomination as it grew closer and smiled. It wasn’t a normal smile, no, it was full of intent to kill. As she placed her mom’s unconscious form gently to the side, Scootaloo grasped the sword in her maw. Her blood began to boil with excitement, and her tired form surged with new energy and life. Like those that had come before her, she was a Pegasus; a Hunter. The desire to take down this creature was welling in her. Her eyes burned with a fire, as had her mother’s; the night Cloudsdale fell. Unlike her mother though, she reveled in it. Scootaloo had encountered a few nightmarish remnants of Sombra’s power along the way here. She could not deny her heritage as she charged the Risen; a blood-curdling warcry tearing itself loose from her throat. *** “ROOORRRRGHHHHH!” Sweetie Belle’s ears perked up as she heard the howl of a wild creature. Quickly she ran to her mom. “Mom did you hear that?” Rarity glanced up as her tale was interrupted again, and looked towards the area the scream came from. “I did.” She then turned back to ripping garments to make make-shift gauze strips. Sweetie Belle didn’t understand why her mom was so calm as she spoke gently. “We’ll be having proper company soon. Do me a favor, take those three herbs by my hooves and dry them out. We will be needing a numbing agent.” Sweetie Belle then heard a nightmarish shriek, unlike anything her ears had ever beheld. “MOM! WHAT WAS THAT?” Glancing up again, Rarity eyed Sweetie Belle and smiled. “A hunter sharpening her fangs, quickly now, prepare that numbing agent. Particularly if you want your new sister and my wife-to-be to live past greetings, Sweetie.” As Sweetie Belle’s horn lit up with magic, Rarity was lost in swirling memories. It feels like before. And like before it will end the same way. She smiled and directed a single heartfelt thoughtful command to her lover. Stormy Crescendo! I command you to fight Death, hoof and wing. I can feel you fading. Don’t you dare give up! I’m waiting for you, come to me. The words left her lips as barely a whisper. "That's an order...Dah-ling." > Chapter 6: Like Mothers Like Daughters- Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scootaloo’s head dropped forward as the sword fell from her muzzle; her eyesight growing dimmer with each passing second. Where her right wing had been was a twisted mess of blood and flesh. Her hide had been absolutely gutted by the creatures bony claws. I...Win. One hoof lay grasping her gaping stomach wound as she fell forward and slammed into the dirt landing beside the blade. In front of her lay the completely dismembered skeleton of the Risen-Bear; it’s eyes staring devoid of any life back into her own, slowly closing, eyes. What a strange...Mask. As she closed her eyes to welcome the sweet embrace of Death, Scootaloo saw what looked like the prettiest white unicorn she had ever seen. The mane was a pink and purple and swayed mesmerizingly to and fro as she ran towards the fallen Pegasi. Her eyes snapped closed as she heard the tiny unicorn yell at her. “Darn it! Don’t you dare die on me! You’ll be alright hold…” *** Sweetie Belle’s horn glowed brightly as she inspected the wounds of Scootaloo. Not good, the neurotoxin has begun to spread. Neurotoxin; days ago it would have been a meaningless word to Sweetie Belle. For two days, Sweetie Belle had done nothing but detoxify blood, under the relentless instruction of her mother. ***2 days ago*** “No more whining! You wanted to help; you’ve gotten your wish. Now focus!” Sweetie Belle stared wide-eyed and whimpering at the entrails of the bandit now draped across her lap. Behind her, Rarity sat giving instructions: “Allow your magic to flow through the flesh, feel for the toxin.” Feel the toxin? “It, like every other thing, has its own feeling. Its own intent.” Is it...Alive? “Mom what do you mean by its ‘own intent’?” Smiling, Rarity’s icy cool tone responded. “My mom; Spitfire, was quite deep in her roots as a Pegasi. She would often tell of life and how all things were imbued with intent. Every creature, every object, she would say, has its own purpose; a reason to exist.” I don’t understand! “Close your eyes and see with your magic, focus on what should be there, focus on the blood itself; when you find the familiar, the unfamiliar will become more clear. You should know the feeling and warmth of blood by now.” That’s an understatement. Sweetie Belle had been holding back the urge to vomit as the acrid scent of blood permeated her nostrils. For the last five hours, she had sat with her mom amidst the aftermath of the carnage, Rarity had left behind. Her hooves were dyed red, from sorting the remains to be scavenged. How does she do this so calmly? Her mom was currently using her teeth to break open a tibia to take the marrow within. How can she do this without being nauseous? It was finally too much for the young filly to bear. Tears streaming from her eyes, Sweetie Belle yelled her frustration at Rarity. “HOW CAN YOU BE SO HEARTLESS?” Ignoring the emotional outburst as she slowly separated the marrow from the bone using a pick, Rarity responded with a patient tone. “Listen here, young lady, there is no need to be so melodramatic. If it is too difficult for you to do, that’s fine. Go play while mommy takes care of-” “I meant how can you do this?” “Sweetie Belle, I showed you how I do this. Are you asking for help?” “NO! HOW CAN YOU DISMEMBER ONCE LIVING BEINGS SO CALMLY WITHOUT ANY CONCERN?” Rarity put down the fractured bone and pick she was working with and said softly. “Because I was trained to save others...By any means necessary.” Sweetie Belle turned around to look at her mom. Rarity was sitting there, head to hooves dripping crimson. Her eyes were directed down at the ground as she spoke. “Sawbones. That was our nickname; a proud group of five unicorns who practiced medicine in the resistance. We were monsters, because we had to be; because it would allow others to live. The bodies of the fallen; friend or foe...It didn’t matter. We would utilize everything with our magic; removing a limb from a corpse to attach it to our wounded, just so they could walk again.” Glancing up, she locked eyes with her daughter. “As you know, mommy lost her ability to use such means. Like an Earthpony, to remove a limb...Well, my teeth were just as effective as any magic. The taste of blood dulled in my mouth over time and now...I can’t taste it at all. Using my muzzle to sew up my patients became second nature. Scavenging these corpses; for organs and blood, bone and other supplies, is second nature to me. I know that by doing so, I can prevent far more deaths in the future for those I care about.” Sweetie Belle stared at her mom, wide-eyed in disbelieving shock. Rarity smiled; the nearly permanent crimson stain evident on her once pearly white teeth. “Before you judge me too harshly Sweetie, take a look over there.” The unicorn filly turned to look where her mom was indicating. A bunch of strange looking masks were piled up near the trash pile. A strange feeling seemed to emanate from within; causing Sweetie Belle to shake. “M-mom what are t-those?” Getting slowly to her feet, Rarity walked over to the masks and picked one up. A really sinister chill filled Sweetie Belle as she watched. “These are all that’s left of Sombra-” Snorting derisively, she continued. “Emperor Sombra, that is.” Her eyes narrowed in anger as she explained further. “That scum, though long gone still lives on in these wretched masks. Crafted from the darkness itself, these masks steal the senses and force the wearer to succumb to hopelessness. Their darkest fears are brought before their eyes to terrorize them-” Slamming a hoof down onto a nearby mask shattering it into thousands of shards, Rarity finished her thoughts. “Until they break. When the wearer gives up any hope of light, they cease to be anything more than machines controlled by their own darkness. Fear and despair, anger and hatred, with no recollection of who they are. Many creatures; Ponies, Dragons, Griffons...Even the animals of the land still wear these cursed masks.” “But if you remove them-” Rarity nodded as if in thought. “They’ll return to normal, right? It’s a logical thought, but that’s where the true evil of these masks comes into play. Once the wearer succumbs, they are gone; utterly, completely. They may as well be zombies, driven by the darkness within. They kill, steal and ravage without a single thought. They no longer exist.” Sweetie Belle thought about it in silence while staring down at the ground. Slowly raising her head, her ears were pinned back in fear as she asked a question she was sure she would regret. “Where did those masks come from?” Rarity smiled her bloody smile once more as she dropped the mask back on the pile. “Our late attackers, Sweetie Belle. Those four unfortunate souls who decided to threaten our lives. Now then, do you understand?” *** As Sweetie Belle observed Scootaloo’s wound, a small smile crossed her lips. I understand Mom. The wound’s entry had become putrified as the poison slowly spread. Taking a small strip of gauze and tying it around Scootaloo’s front-right knee, Sweetie Belle’s horn glowed brightly, a magical barrier blocked all blood flow to that leg. I finally get it. Using her magic, Sweetie Belle scanned the now gaping cavity of Sootaloo’s rib cage. The bones were broken, jagged and splintered; most likely from a blunt impact. Past the shattered rib cage, Sweetie Belle saw the shredded form of her lungs; once the cage was broken, it extended its claws. That heart is barely functioning, I should start there. Sitting down, Sweetie Belle’s horn glowed brightly as she carefully reformed a vein and reconnected it to the heart. Fifteen minutes passed as she finally sealed the chest cavity completely reconstructed. Wiping a bloody rag across her brow to stop the sweat from blinding her, Sweetie Belle gave Scootaloo’s heart a small jolt with her magic. She turned to a bag of items beside her as she heard the Pegasus speak. “Wha...are you an angel?” Turning to look in Scootaloo’s eyes, Sweetie Belle responded. “Oh good, you’re awake.” “I’m not dead?” Sweetie Belle let out a giggle. “No. You are not dead and I am no angel...My name’s Sweetie Belle and I’ll be saving your life today.” As she leaned into her bag to get something, she heard Scootaloo speak once more. “Sweetie Belle...I have a sister named...Sweetie Belle.” Turning back to Scootaloo holding a white cloth, Sweetie Belle smiled. “That's me! You must be Scootaloo. Nice to meet you. I’m your younger sister, now open your mouth.” “What are you gonna -Mmmmph!” As Sweetie Belle jammed the cloth into Scootaloo’s mouth, she smiled. “There’s no time to explain, but you’ll be needing this.” Her horn began to glow as she thought about everything her mom had told her. I get it Mom. To save lives in this world… The beam from her horn burned with an intense heat as she aimed it. We must become monsters! The intense beam of magical heat sliced right through Scootaloo’s leg just below the tied cloth. “MMMMMPHRGG!” Scootaloo bit down hard on the cloth, screaming into the gag in pain. As her leg fell away from her body, Sweetie Belle pat her on the head, as she spoke to her in a forced calm manner. If I show any emotion, she’ll start thrashing. I’m sorry new sis, I know it hurts, but this is for your own good! Using levitation she pulled a leg, originally belonging to one of the bandits from the bag. “If you don’t want to die, hold still.” Scootaloo didn’t understand why, but she felt compelled to do as she was told; staring into those warm eyes. Staring on in shock, Scootaloo watched as Sweetie Belle slowly and deliberately connected the leg to Scootaloo’s stump. After about fifteen minutes she smiled. “Go on, bend it.” Scootaloo stared at the leg. It made her want to retch. Easy for her to say, it looks nothing like my other legs. It’s hideous. Out of disgust, Scootaloo kicked out with the pale green foreleg. “What have you done to me!” Sweetie Belle narrowed her eyes. She wanted to yell but almost as if on instinct she kept her tone balanced. “I saved your life. Show a bit more gratitude.” “I-” As Sweetie Belle locked eyes and glared into hers, Scootaloo froze and hung her head. Sweetie Belle placed a hoof on the chest of the pegasus. “You listen here! Thank me, or I’ll cut it off again!” Scootaloo just stared at her and grumbled. “Thanks, but now I look like a monster.” Sweetie Belle grinned happily and her ears perked up as she gave Scootaloo a hug. “Yup, you do. But that’s okay. You may be a monster, but I’m the Dr. Frankenpony who caused it. Now then up on your hooves.” As she spoke, she playfully smacked the newly attached leg. “ARRRRGH!” Rolling her eyes, Sweetie Belle snorted. “Oh c’mon you big baby. I didn’t hit you that hard.” “N-no it’s-It’s my back! It burns!” “Your-” Sweetie Belle froze in mid-sentence. She saw the putrefied, rotted flesh; the gaping wound of where the pegasus’s wing had been. That...Is not good. I can’t cut that off...Hmm maybe instead, I could...Sweetie Belle looked swiftly around and as her eyes settled on Rainbow Dash’s sword, she smiled. Thinking quickly, Sweetie Belle conjured a glass with some water. “Here drink this, it’ll help!” Scootaloo grabbed the glass thankfully and downed it. “That water tasted fun-” And with that, Scootaloo fell back completely oblivious to the world; unconscious. Sorry sis, but if you stayed awake, this pain might actually kill you. Sweetie Belle took a deep breath and turned towards the sword once more. > Chapter 7: Like Mothers Like Daughters- Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity sat in front of the gates to their house, observing the entire scene. She could see the wound on Scootaloo’s back and as Sweetie Belle picked up the sword, against her own will; smiled. It’s just like before. The wing, the sword; it takes me back to that day. The day she lost hers. *** Engineer Twilight stared at Rarity in disbelief. “You want me to do WHAT with my magic?” Rarity stamped her hoof in frustration. “Listen, I know it’s a long shot but she…” Twilight stared at her for a moment. “No you listen to me. I was there when you lost your horn, I helped you train yourself to not use magic, and am glad to help out whenever possible but this might kill her!” Rarity pointed to the wound as tears filled her eyes. “Do you see that? The blackened flesh? Twilight she’s been infected. Her flesh is corrupted by shadow magic! The neurotoxin has paralyzed her. Please, I'm begging you...She’ll die if we don’t! She’ll be his puppet...Please Twilight!” Twilight sighed. “I guess you’ve forced my hoof haven’t you. Fine, I’ll do it. Where is the blade?” Rarity produced her own beloved medical knife. Twilight raised an eyebrow. “She means that much, huh?” Rarity smiled warmly at the unconscious Pegasus. “More than you could ever know.” Twilight’s horn glowed a bright purple causing the knife to levitate. “So be it. Just don’t be mad at me if it goes poorly. Now then...Let’s play Celestia!” With those words, Twilight plunged the blade into the infected wound of Rainbow Dash. *** “ARRRRGGGH!” Scootaloo’s screams resounded across the valley as the unconscious pegasus had the sword blade plunged into her wound. Sweetie Belle focused intently on the blade; after having broken it in half, it had been coated with her magical energy. Sweat began to drip down her face as she concentrated on it. Don’t waver, focus! Focus! Slowly now, steady. Sweetie Belle resisted the urge to wipe her brow as the blade was slowly forced into the wound, turning a bright crimson red. The blade was absorbing the blood, and it was almost completely red after five horrific minutes of screaming and wailing from Scootaloo. *** Rarity watched in morbid fascination as Twilight watched the blade turning red before her eyes. She isn’t even blinking! Rainbow Dash lay screaming in agony as the pain wracked her unconscious form. Rarity looked at her with tears in her soft eyes. I know it hurts, but we need the nerves to be active otherwise it won’t work. Forgive me Dah-ling, no anesthesia for you this time.“NOW!” Twilight’s shout snapped her out of her thoughts. As Rarity watched, the blade dissolved into a metallic puddle of goo. The goo then began to move on it’s own. *** Sweetie Belle observed as the liquified blade began to flow within the wound as it formed a connection to the infected area, entirely consuming it. The ooze then began to stretch and mold until it was a perfect representation of Scootaloo’s other wing. Smiling, she gently tugged on the new wing with her hoof. It didn’t feel like metal; the texture resembling the down of actual feathers, though it did look like metal. It’s sheen and color resembled steel. After tugging on it, she watched as it folded in to lay against Scootaloo’s back like a regular wing would. Scootaloo lay peacefully, breathing slowly and steadily. Laying her ear down upon the newly reconstructed chest, Sweetie Belle listened to the steady heart rate. Oh thank the stars above! Her heart and pulse are holding steadily, and the wing has been accepted by her body as well. Phew! Nodding, she then turned to look at Rainbow Dash and gawked in shock as she saw that the once unconscious pegasus was suddenly sitting upright and watching her. When...How...Wasn’t she- Stretching her cyan and metal wings with a flourish, Rainbow Dash grinned and waved at her, as she turned her head to stare at Rarity who was sitting in the gateway to their house watching them and waving at Rainbow Dash. There was no longer any sign of fatigue or even injury on the Pegasus, as she waved back. Turning to look at Sweetie Belle, she spoke in her normal raspiness, though it carried an urgency. “Hey kiddo, mind patching up my wing?” The unicorn filly couldn’t believe it; the wing clearly had a hole in it. The flesh was shredded. Yet, here the Pegasus was moving about freely. “How are you-” Laughing, Rainbow’s voice had a slight tremor of pain to it, as she grinned towards Rarity who was now walking towards them. “She wanted me to wake up. So I did.” “Wha-” As Rarity trotted towards them, she called out. “Sweetie Belle dah-ling, take Scootaloo inside; she needs rest. I’ll take care of Rainbow.” Rainbow and Rarity watched as Sweetie Belle levitated Scootaloo onto a stretcher and carried the sleeping Pegasus with her into the house. After the two fillies had vanished from sight Rainbow looked sheepishly at Rarity. “I’m sorry Rar, guess I messed up ag-” Rarity threw her hooves around Rainbow in a warm embrace. “Oh shut up, Stormy!” A slow blush appeared on Rainbow’s face as Rarity kissed her fiercely on the muzzle. “You have no idea how much I’ve missed you! Now shut up while I fix your wing. You did just fine Dah-ling.” As Rarity pulled her supplies out of the bag on her side, Rainbow extended her wing in silence. “I’ve been worried sick Dah-ling, it took everything I had not to burst into tears seeing you there on the ground. Oh my, you’ve lost a lot of blood, haven’t you? Not too worry I’ve got some fresh made transfusions ready, just for you.” Smiling sadly as she looked into Rainbow’s eyes, her voice was filled with warmth. “Stormy, this will hurt, bear with me, Dah-ling.” With those words and an understanding grin from Rainbow Dash, Rarity jammed the tube into Rainbow’s thigh, beginning the transfer. “Talk to me, what did you discover?” “Ugh- Las Pegasus is gone, as is Appleloosa. The Risen made short work of the survivors, long before our arrival; judging by the decaying of the flesh.” As Rarity carefully pulled the needle expertly through Rainbow’s wing, she asked her about another that was on her mind. “What about...Twilight? Stop moving, Stormy!” Rainbow twitched her wing in pain. “Twilight is holding steady near the border. Last time we saw her was a week ago. She was housing two fillies of the Earthpony race; Applebloom and Babs Seed...I think their names were.” Rarity tugged the binding closed as she listened. Biting off the excess string, she said softly. “Was?” Rainbow looked down in dismay. “They...We…” Rarity lifted up Rainbow’s muzzle to stare her in the eyes. “Tell me.” Rustling her wings, the cyan Pegasus’s eyes began to tear up. “Twilight thought they would be better off traveling with Scootaloo and me. We were attacked upon arriving at the safety of the cloud house; they didn’t make it. I’m so sorr-” Rarity spoke in a gentle tone. “Don’t apologize. You did your best; at least you and Scootaloo made it here safely. I’m afraid I’ve some bad news as well; Ponyville and Canterlot are lost to us as well. Sweetie Belle and I barely escaped ourselves; thanks to Cherilee’s sacrifice. No other survivors.” Rainbow looked towards the mountains and whispered softly. “We've lost so many and don’t have many options for survival left in Equestria. Perhaps…” Rarity nodded, giving her a tender kiss. “I agree. We can take the next week to prepare. The kids will need some survival training as well. For now let’s enjoy time together as a regular family, while we still have a place to call home, Dah-ling.” “Mom! I made some dinner! Scootaloo is still asleep, though.” Both mares turned to see Sweetie Belle barreling down the path towards them with a big grin on her face. Rarity whispered to Rainbow. “No matter how bad it is, say you like it. She’s been working on her cooking for a while.” Rainbow winked at her in understanding as the three trotted up to the house. Putting a practiced smile on her face, she spoke to Sweetie Belle. “I can’t wait.” As Rarity and Rainbow entered the house, Rarity turned and gave Rainbow a loving kiss. “Welcome back home, Dah-ling.” Rainbow froze as the fearsome roars and barks of the Risen could be heard off in the distance. An ice cold shiver ran down her spine. They’re coming, won’t be long now. Quickly shutting and barring the door behind her, Rainbow replied warmly. “Good to be home, where I belong, Rar.” > Chapter 8- The Marks of Destiny > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A single bead of sweat trickled down the side of Scootaloo’s face. Ignoring it, she focused on the target in front of her; her new sword gripped in her maw. She crouched low; waiting. Remembering what she had been taught. Observe your enemy; track their movements. Wait for a moment of weakness in their defense. Her eyes widened as her target stumbled. Now! She broke into a charge. She neared her prone adversary feeling victorious when… “Oof!” Scootaloo fell to the dusty ground as she felt the kick connect to her forelegs. Glancing up she saw her mom approach. Her voice conveyed her disappointment; taunting as well. “Again. Remember never attack your enemy head on. You may have gotten lucky with the Risen-Bear, but there are far scarier creatures out there. Always attack from your enemies blindspot, never charge recklessly. Up on your hooves. Pick up your sword, and this time give me all you got.” As Scootaloo slowly got up from the ground a crisp popping sound was heard as Sweetie Belle appeared between the two of them. She seemed extremely pleased with herself. “Yay! I did it.” Rainbow Dash gently patted her on the head. “Nice work kiddo! You finally managed to teleport. Well done!” Scootaloo gave her a quick hug. “Awesome job, Sweetie!” Sweetie Belle giggled happily before giving a small gasp. “Thanks. Oh wait, that’s right! Mom said it is time for lunch.” Rainbow Dash smiled gratefully. “Thanks for the heads up, alright let’s-” “Aw c’mon I was just getting the hang of-” Scootaloo began interrupting her mom before falling silent mid-sentence with a glare from Sweetie Belle. Rainbow watched amused with a knowing smile as the following scene played out: Sweetie Belle glared at Scootaloo, who immediately froze mid-sentence. “Are you saying you aren’t going to listen to what mom wants?” Scootaloo looked nervous and scuffed the ground with a hoof. “N-no that’s not-” Sweetie Belle was clearly not having any of it. Stamping a hoof to emphasize her point, she simply stated. “Two minutes.” Staring at her with a dumbfounded expression, Scootaloo asked her. “What do you mean two minutes?” Smiling sweetly, Sweetie Belle spoke in a matter-of-fact manner. “That’s how long you have to get your orange hide to the table, ready to eat lunch, before I get angry.” Scootaloo just stared at her. “What do you mean ‘before you get angry’?” Sweetie Belle just silently tapped her hoof for a few silent moments until she declared. “One minute, thirty seconds.” “Hey wait a minute that’s not-” Staring at her friend, Sweetie Belle spoke up. “One minute, twenty seconds.” Her wings making a metallic ruffling sound out of frustration, Scootaloo bolted for the house. Sweetie Belle watched her silent for a moment before breaking out into a wide grin and trotting after her. Watching the two, Rainbow Dash gave a small chuckle. Some things never change. She then hurried off in the direction of the house as well. *** After lunch, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo were out in the field again; honing Scootaloo’s ability to wield a sword. Her movements were sloppy, her focus most certainly wasn’t on the task at hand. Her blade is angled wrong, that won’t deflect anything. A mistake like that could mean her death. What is she doing? Rainbow stared at her, trying to figure it out when Scootaloo dropped her sword. “Mom, can we talk? Something is bothering me.” Lowering her blade, Rainbow walked over to, and wrapped a wing around her daughter in a gentle hug. “What is it, Scoots?” Hanging her head, Scootaloo’s voice conveyed her embarrassment. “Lately, Sweetie Belle’s been extremely bossy and no matter how I try to argue, I always end up doing what she says.” As her eyes twinkled knowingly, Rainbow asked her daughter in a soft voice. “Would you like me to tell her to stop, since it is bothering you?” Shaking her head quickly, Scootaloo blurted out. “No that’s not it. I- I just don’t understand why I feel so compelled to listen to her. Am I going crazy?” Rainbow grinned down at her daughter. “Tell me, Scootaloo, what do you know of our kind?” Looking up into her mother’s eyes, Scootaloo grew curious. “You mean the Pegasi?” “Yes, What do you know of the Pegasi?” Scootaloo closed her eyes and recited what Cherilee had taught her. “Fierce warriors of unparalleled strength and drive to track down and slay the most dangerous of beasts in Equestria.” Chuckling, Rainbow nodded. “Nicely put. We Pegasi pride ourselves on our strength and stamina. Though prideful of our physical prowess; power without guidance is simply a wildfire in a dry forest.” “I don’t understand.” Rainbow flared her wings wide. “We the mares of the Pegasi are able to take down anything once we have set our sights on it. Our speed is unmatched, our will unrivaled. As you yourself have experienced; we can be eviscerated and still we will continue to fight, until our prey lies dead at our hooves.” “Yeah, now that you mention it, I couldn’t stop fighting. Once the bear lay slain, my energy left me, however.” Rainbow nodded and smiled; pleased her daughter understood. “However, though we possess the bloodlust and the strength, we naturally lack the focus to maintain such passion at all times. I’m sure you felt it as well, that desire to attack with reckless abandon, while training earlier.” Scootaloo thought about it. She’s right. Earlier today when I attacked her head-on, I was filled with a desire to strike; I just stopped thinking and attacked. But why? That question was answered moments later by her mom, as she folded her wings. “Scootaloo, the mares of the Pegasi were gifted with strength but not control. The stallions on the other hoof are the opposite; lacking physical ability but making up for it in cunning and command.” “Huh?” “Mares were the hunters, but the stallions were the guides. The stallions would lay out the strategy, which the mare would implement.” “Really?” “Yes. As the old proverb states: Beneath every mare’s wings, is the stallion who gives her the lift to soar.” Scootaloo looked confused. “But what does this have to do with Sweetie Belle being bossy?” Laughing her mom wrapped her in her wings and gently nuzzled her. “Think about it; you have strength, she has control. She’s your stallion.” *** “I’m her...What?” Rarity gave a small chuckle. “Her stallion, Sweetie.” Sweetie Belle looked at her mom as though Rarity had suggested the moon and sun were still in the sky; instead of sheer darkness. “Mom...I’m a girl. I’m not a stallion!” Shaking her head with a smile, Rarity explained to her daughter the intricacies of Stallions among the Pegasi. Fifteen minutes went by as Sweetie Belle listened to her mom, while watching Scootaloo as she talked to Rainbow Dash. “And that is why, to her at least subconsciously, you are her Stallion. Do you understand?” Sweetie Belle turned to look at Rarity with her ears pinned back. “So the only reason she listens to me is...Her nature forces it. She...doesn’t want to? That sounds horrible.” Rarity stared back as her eyes twinkled knowingly. “Is it?” Sweetie Belle couldn’t believe her mother was being so heartless. “Forcing her against her will...Of course it is! How could it possibly be a good thing?” Rarity turned to a pan of sugar cookies that had been cooling. “I wonder. Do me a favor, go get Rainbow and Scootaloo for snack time. Their blood sugar is probably dangerously low. Oh and don’t tell Rainbow or Scootaloo I said to come.” “Oh...Um okay mom.” Sweetie Belle teleported and told the two that it was time for a snack. Rarity closed her eyes and listened as expectedly Rainbow refused, while Scootaloo reluctantly agreed. Opening her eyes, she saw Rainbow still out there staring, while Scootaloo was currently sitting beside Sweetie Belle munching a sugar cookie with a huge grin on her muzzle. “Rainbow Dah-ling, come get some sugar cookies!” Sweetie Belle watched in amazement as less than a second later, Rainbow was sitting next to Rarity happily munching on a sugar cookie. Why- Her thoughts were interrupted as Rarity whispered to her as the two left to go train some more; energy replenished once more. “Think of it like this. Not just any Stallion will do. Just as Rainbow listens to me, Scootaloo resonates with you.” “Resonates?” “She feels something when you tell her what to do, something she doesn’t feel from any other. It’s a special bond only you and her can have.” Sweetie Belle shook her head angrily as her mom watched her; Rarity’s expression retaining a gentle smile. “Mom, what if I don’t want that? What if I don’t want to control her; I mean she really doesn’t like it, so what if I just decide not to?” Rarity laughed and closed her eyes, her voice filled with relief. “Then that’s just wonderful. Sweetie.” “Really?” Rarity kept her eyes closed, and seemed to be almost afraid to open them; scrunching them even tighter. “Yes really, after all, you’ve only known each other for a year and at your age-” “Scootaloo what are you...Hold that thought mom. I need to…” It was silent. Rarity dreaded opening her eyes; she knew what she would see. If she kept her eyes shut it would remain as it always had been. Sweetie Belle once her baby sister, now a teenage daughter, would be by her side listening to her wisdom. Nothing would change. A tear welled in her eyes as she opened them to reveal what she knew was coming. She smiled, a bittersweet smile. Sweetie Belle could be seen by Scootaloo’s side, telling her what to do during her combat training. She’s growing up so fast. “Hard to believe it’s only been a year since we left it all behind, huh Rar?” Rarity blinked and turned to observe Rainbow Dash sitting by her side, wing wrapped around Rarity in a loving embrace. “They’re growing up fast aren’t they?” Has it really been a year? Rarity turned back to watch the two out in the clearing chatting and discussing strategy. She’s all grown up. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo both sported a newly acquired cutiemark. Sweetie Belle’s was a beveled cross; resembling a ruby having been cut into a medic’s cross wearing a nurses hat. Scootaloo’s was her mother’s sword, which she clenched proudly in her muzzle during a fight. The two were now considered what ponies would call ‘of age’; both were now mares and it was killing Rarity. They don’t need us anymore; she doesn’t need me anymore. A tear began to trickle down her cheek. “Are you alright Rar?” Turning back to Rainbow Dash, Rarity spoke in a bittersweet tone of voice. “I was just thinking about how it was; raising Sweetie Belle.” Her companion spoke wistfully, surprising Rarity with her rarely displayed words of wisdom. “I hear you there; Scootaloo was so excited about her cutiemark; we even threw a party. Her and I spent the night celebrating the Pegasi way; getting drunk and clashing steel with fury. She was so happy and even though there was a smile on my own face; I was dying inside. My little girl is about to take the new day as a mare. That was all I could think of, and it was all I could do not to cry.” It’s not just me. Rainbow had been Rarity’s partner for almost thirty-five years now. The two had faced hell and highwater side by side. Rarity gave a small silent laugh about how silly she had been; thinking it hadn’t been bothering Rainbow as well. The two mares sat side by side at the picnic table, both engulfed by their memories of six months ago; when the two fillies were granted their cutiemarks. Meanwhile, in the clearing, Scootaloo sat getting lectured by Sweetie Belle. **Six Months Ago** The four had been traveling for months. They were exhausted, filthy and in Rainbow’s case, fur dye a dull red; muddied by dried blood. Scootaloo’s jaw was numb from how tightly she was clutching a small sword made for her by her mom out of the broken hilt of her own blade. Rainbow carried no weapon. Rarity and Sweetie Belle both carried saddlebags of medical supplies; both looked fatigued and unable to go further. The Arisen had been relentlessly hounding them. About to completely, collapse the group finally arrived at Twilight’s cabin. She had stood there, welcoming them with open hooves; though something seemed slightly off about it. Twilight seemed different. She smiled and seemed to be very pleasant at dinner, but something about it was bothering Rarity and Rainbow; they just couldn’t put their hoof on it. That was, until they lay in bed side by side after some passionate alone time. “She hasn’t said a word.” Rainbow turned to look at Rarity. “Wha-?” Brushing Rarity’s mane away from her eyes, Rainbow looked into them as Rarity explained. “Twilight, she hasn’t spoken since we got here! Not a single word. I knew something was different about her.” Rainbow whispered to her, as she kissed Rarity’s neck lovingly. “Can you blame her? Not much sunshine to discuss for her since Celestia perished that day.” “Perhaps but-” A sudden shouting from the fillies room caught the mare’s attention. “Scootaloo do it, NOW!” Quick as a flash, Rarity had bolted down the hall before Rainbow could blink. “Girls I’m coming!” Bursting through the door, a gruesome scene greeted the unicorn’s eyes. Twilight lay at her hooves, her forward right and back left legs were severed from her body. Scootaloo stood panting from extreme exertion, the sword in her maw, hissing as if melting. Rarity screamed. “What have you-?” Sweetie Belle yelled at her in desperation. “Mom, she’s an Arisen!” “What are you talking about-” Sweetie Belle began to cry. “She isn’t bleeding! She’s already...Mom look out!” Twilight’s corpse reared up and tried to bite her, as Rainbow came out of nowhere and in less time it took for Scootaloo to blink, Had carved Twilight into hundreds of chunks of flesh. Tears streamed from her eyes as she silently stood looking at the remains of their last friend. There was no blood, yet her flesh glistened as if it had been preserved against the decay. Rarity locked eyes with Rainbow as they shared a sickening, knowing glance between them. “Stay here, I’ll investigate the cellar.” Rarity stood there stone-faced, even knowing her friend was dead she felt nothing; far too long had she witnessed her fellow fighters die in her sights. And now there’s just us. Rest in peace, Twilight. May you find yourself in a better world. We’ll meet again. The sound of sobbing wrenched Rarity from her thoughts; Scootaloo was crying. Opening her muzzle to comfort her, Rarity stopped and stared in admiration as Sweetie Belle rushed forward and gave the fledgling Pegasus a warm hug. The young Unicorn could be heard by Rarity as she stood there, transfixed by the touching sight. “You did wonderfully. I’m proud of you.” Rarity begrudgingly felt a smile creep onto her face as she observed her daughter wipe away the tears of the distraught Pegasus with a hoof. “You did good, Scootaloo.” Even in this nightmare, there is still some beauty left in this world. The veil of beauty the scene presented however, was quickly lifted; Rainbow had returned and her face was grim. Grabbing Rarity she quickly pulled her into the hallway. Her voice was a hissed whisper, urgent and forceful; completely unlike Rainbow. “We need to leave now!” “Rainbow Dah-ling what are you-” “Rar listen, the cellar is filled with mountains of fresh and rotted carcasses!” Her eyes narrowed. “She was performing research on the toxin. Her notes say it’s a bacterium that corrupts the flesh and replaces it with its own kind. The bacterium then controls the host as it is eaten alive within it’s own body.” Rarity spoke calmly though she was being engulfed in fear. “An antidote. That’s why she was an Arisen. She wanted to control it, so she injected herself with the toxic bacterium! It would seem she was able at least for a short while to mitigate the urges of the toxin. And the meat…” “Yeah that’s why her body looked so normal.” Rarity processed the current situation. It wasn’t known why, but Arisen were able to eat meat to prevent their own flesh rotting. It seemed to meld into their body after consumption. Flesh both rotted and fresh was prized by the Arisen... and the amount Rainbow is referring to would…A horrible thought had just occurred to her as she felt the ground quake. “Rainbow, where is the cellar?” “The stairs leading to it are down the hall. The room is directly below...The...Guest bedroom- GIRLS GET OUT OF THERE!” As the words tore themselves from the Pegasus’s throat, Rarity smashed through the door; slamming into it with her powerful hooves. The two fillies just stared as their moms entered the room in such a brutal fashion. Rarity saw them and sighed in relief. “Thank goodness you’re -” At that moment, the ground shook more violently as the entire cabin rocked on its foundation and the wall exploded inwards. Scootaloo stood there frozen as a shower of durasteel and wooden debris cascaded on them. There, larger than any other snake, slithered a massive sickly-green serpent, it’s giant yellow eyes nearly hidden behind the glowing mask upon its face. It stood taller than any of the nearby trees and the odor of it’s rotting body leaked from beneath its putrid-looking scales. Glancing down in disbelief at what had been reinforced steel plating, Sweetie Belle saw that it has been corroded away with some kind of acid. With pure adrenaline in their systems, Rarity and Rainbow didn’t hesitate to hurl themselves at the massive Arisen. Rainbow began to batter it from the sky with her hooves; every blow could be heard as it impacted the thick scales. Rarity meanwhile had begun trying to pierce key points with her medical dagger only to watch it be repelled again and again. Sweetie Belle blinked as she watched the futile efforts of the two mares. Suddenly she saw the snake’s tail twitch. “Look out!” Acting quickly she knocked Scootaloo out of harm’s way as the annoyed serpent lashed out. The smashing blow slammed into Rainbow Dash knocking her from the air to slam head first into the nearby wall with an audible CRACK! Before she slumped to the ground, completely still. Rarity was caught in her midriff and ended up being tossed backwards into a deeper part of the cabin. She wasn’t moving, but her strained gasps for desperate breath could be heard; likely owing to her exposed ribs and shattered limbs. Sweetie Belle was never quite sure what caused her to do it, but she raced over to the terrified Scootaloo and grabbed her muzzle in her hooves. “You need to fly.” The Pegasus shivered as though struck by a sudden chill. “I-I can’t-” Looking down Scootaloo finished her words with a sorrowful tone as she stamped a hoof. “I can’t fly, Sweetie Belle!” Scootaloo had been born with misaligned wing muscles; causing her wings to be stunted in growth. Theoretically she could use them, but the pain was excruciating just moving them, let alone attempting flight. Ever since her wing was replaced with an alchemical substitute, that pain had only doubled. Sweetie Belle stared into Scootaloo’s eyes with absolute conviction. Her words left no room for argument. “I don’t think you understand Scootaloo. I don’t care if you can or can’t fly, I said you are going to. Now shut your muzzle and fly your pretty flank up there and distract the big bad snake while I heal mom and Rainbow.” With those words, she gave a kiss to the lips of Scootaloo. “Go get ‘em, Hunter. I believe in you.” Hunter. The slang for Pegasi for some, but for the two fillies it carried a special meaning. Much like Stormy with Rainbow, Hunter was Sweetie Belle’s secret name for Scootaloo. Hunter. The word echoed in the mind of Scootaloo as she slowly began to flap her wings, slowly. She wasn’t thinking about the serpent before her, nor the shattered remains of the cabin; where their moms lay, barely breathing. Scootaloo mind had only one thing on it as the excruciating sensation of pain coursed through her; I won’t let her down! Her flapping grew frantic, her muscles feeling like they were on fire. It tore through her; it hurt like Tartarus, still she didn’t care. I won’t let her down! Lifting off the ground as the tears stung her eyes, Scootaloo launched herself at the Arisen monstrosity with her sword clenched tightly in her teeth. Her eyes were filled with a sparkling, crackling wildfire as she flew towards the snake. As the fiend reared back to strike at her, Scootaloo swung her blade with all her might. The blade clanged deftly against its seemingly impervious scales. I need to be stronger! The snake had turned its attention to the unicorn mending her mom’s ribcage with a soft blue-ish glow. No, I will protect her! I am a Pegasus! The slithering devil found itself screeching, as Scootaloo plunged her blade deep into its neck; driven by her natural instinct. Her body was reaching it’s pain threshold as the massive beast roared and flailed about. I don’t care what it costs me, I will protect her! With a roar that came from the most primal of her being, she pulled her blade with all of her might. The Arisen’s head was ripped from the flailing body to land beside Sweetie Belle; who was in the process of mending Rarity’s punctured lungs. The lidless eyes of the snake stared into the merciless gaze of Scootaloo who landed in front of it, glaring; and panting from exertion. “DIE YOU ABOMINATION!” For only one brief instant the snake’s eyes displayed it’s fear; as though it were still alive. “It’s because of scum like you my aunts died! You won’t take her from me! I won’t let you take her!” With those words, Scootaloo repeatedly smashed the pommel of her sword into the mask upon its face, shattering it and causing the enormous creature’s body to cease flailing. The rage in Scootaloo’s eyes died down as tears began to course down her muzzle. Her tears fell as the pain overtook her; both physical and psychologically, it was simply too much. Scootaloo blacked out. As she fell to the ground oblivious to the world, she was caught by Sweetie Belle who nuzzled her. Behind her lay the unconscious Rainbow Dash and Rarity with her partially closed chest; heart pounding away healthily. Sweetie Belle whispered softly to the sleeping Pegasus. “Good girl. I’m proud of you.” Gently laying the sleeping Scootaloo to the side, Sweetie Belle noticed something had appeared on her orange flank; a shield with none other than her mother’s sword on it. She was excited for Scootaloo but forced herself to turn away and focus on fixing both Rainbow and Rarity. There will be time to celebrate later, besides she has earned some rest. As she sat there gingerly using her magic to finish stitching up the remaining puncture wounds in Rarity’s lungs, Sweetie Belle hummed a soft lullaby Rarity used to whistle for her. “Hm Hm Hm Hm Hm, Hm Hm Hm Hm Hm, hmmm hm hmm hm hm hm hmmm hm hm hm.~” The melody was honey-laced, the words long forgotten to the winds of time, but it gave her comfort and allowed her to focus on her work. Rarity though conscious had been hit with a spell to numb her pain receptors and now listened to and watched with complete ease. She was quietly observing the meticulous precision when Sweetie Belle began to sing to herself; seemingly unaware that Rarity could hear her: “One day, when the sun rises yet again, And the moon appears in the star-ry sky. We’ll be able to settle down, In the Twilight glen, And watch the world pass by. The pain we endure is fleeting, And the anger is felt on the land. Still we push on, While writing our song. One no other, Could understand.~” While she sang, Sweetie Belle finished her stitching and applied a gauze to soak up any residual fluids. Wiping her brow, Sweetie Belle gently used her magic to place a blanket on Rarity. “Get some rest, doctor’s orders.” She laughed quietly to herself as she moved to where Rainbow Dash lay. Her spine was bent at an odd angle, and a quick magical x-ray revealed her thoracic vertebrae had been damaged; leaving her limbs complete paralyzed. Well, that’s not good, we don’t have any prepared for a transplant. How can I… Glancing over at the deceased reptile, she noticed that each bone in it’s spine was the size of a pony. Not much help there. Unless… The young unicorn was struck with a spark of inspiration and quickly she began purifying the slain Arisen’s bones. I don’t have much time. Going have to trust my instincts. It had never been done before, still Sweetie Belle continued her plan. After about fifteen minutes of prep work in, Sweetie Belle made a precision slice with a heat spell narrowed into a fine point; severing the bone from the spine on two sides. Then taking a deep breath, she began carving it. Using her own magic to see what she was copying, she slowly cut away the excess. Making sure to bore a hole into her design, she sang more of her strangely haunting tune as Rarity watched propped up on her hooves: I hear your pain, And I take it as mine. From ashes you’ll raise, Justice divine. Your flesh, bone, blood, I will heal, And from your grateful lips, A smile, I shall yield. One day, when the sun rises yet again, And the moon appears in the star-ry sky. We’ll be able to settle down, In the Twilight glen, And watch the world pass by. The pain we endure is fleeting, And the anger is felt on the land. Still we push on, While writing our song. One no other, would understand.~” Taking a deep breath, she carefully covered Rainbow’s nerves and muscles with her numbing spell. Just in case. With that, she cast her heat spell to completely remove the thoracic vertebrae of Rainbow Dash, quickly swapping it with her own uncrushed copy. As she sealed up the endings, she noticed a twitch in the only good wing of Rainbow. Smiling, Sweetie Belle quickly stitched up the opening and wiped her brow of all sweat. Taking a moment to admire her handiwork, she took a deep breath. If all goes well, she won’t notice a difference...Or scream in pain. Here’s the moment of truth. Wasting no more time, Sweetie Belle lifted the numbing spell and observed Rainbow’s reaction. The sleeping Rainbow Dash kicked out her leg and fidgeted a bit as she continued snoring; completely oblivious to the entire situation. Patient seems stable. Phew! Taking a moment to place a blanket on Rainbow Dash. Sweetie Belle walked over to and began cuddling the sleeping Scootaloo, completely unaware that on her flank was a brand new beveled ruby in the shape of a cross wearing a nurses hat; Sweetie Belle had finally gotten her cutiemark. ***Present Day*** "...And that's why you need to keep your guard up when she dodges. Any questions?" Out in the field, Sweetie Belle had just finished her lecture towards Scootaloo, who hung her head in shame. "Sorry Sweetie." Back on the bench, Rarity and Rainbow looked at each other and laughed. "They've come so far since then haven't they?" "Yeah, reminds me of when we got our cutie marks." Sweetie Belle gave Scootaloo a kiss on her cheek. "Now go get 'em, my Hunter." > Chapter 9- The Scars That Never Fade > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thirteen years have passed since that summer, Rarity and Sweetie Belle had been scouring the journals of Twilight; hoping to find a way to cure the neurotoxin created by Sombra. Rainbow was sparring less now; in her early fifties, she simply didn’t move as fast as she used to. Scootaloo was now a fully grown mare and proud mate of Sweetie Belle, carried her mother’s sword with pride. The scars on her back and legs; battle scars she touted with honor. Every day she would practice her swordsmanship in front of her mother. Today was no different. That is, until Sweetie Belle’s scream of excitement pierced the air… “I GOT IT!” Scootaloo had been lost in her focus as she swung the blade, only to stop it a hair’s-breadth from slicing the approaching Sweetie Belle’s horn off. Sweetie Belle stopped and stood there simply staring at Scootaloo with a raised eyebrow until the Pegasus lowered her blade. “Sorry, Belle.” Grinning, Sweetie Belle laughed. “It’s alright sweetie! Your control has gotten so much better.” Lovingly nuzzling Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle grinned as the Pegasus blushed and ruffled her wings in embarrassment. “Anyway, we finally found what was missing from the serum. We just need to go get it…” Her voice fell and the tone shifted. “In the Royal Canterlot Greenhouse on the second basement floor.- Scootaloo froze. She can’t be serious. Canterlot...Then that means… “-In Canterlot Castle.” Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle turned to face Rainbow Dash, the look on her face truly terrifying. Canterlot Castle. The site where Rainbow Dash and Rarity witnessed two of the most powerful ponies to ever set hoof in Equestria, slaughtered thirty-five years ago. “What could you possibly want in that Alicorn-forsaken castle?” “The Gem Hydrangea” “The...What?” Sweetie Belle smiled and explained to Rainbow Dash what she meant. “It’s a flower, originally it grew in the Everfree Swamp, with blood-red petals. Sadly though it’s, means of growth, caused the Princesses to hide it from the public and so it was stowed away in the second basement floor of the Castle in the Royal Greenhouse.” “Means of growth?” “Erm...Well, the plant’s petals are blood-red, because they, well, the plants are carnivorous. They need to eat the flesh of...Well...Let’s just say the dungeons were never completely full.” Scootaloo looked aghast. “You are saying they grew pony-eating flowers in the castle? Surely no princess would be so evil.” Rainbow seemed lost in thought as Sweetie Belle shook her head. “A necessary evil. Those flowers have a unique cellular structure.” “What could possibly justify-” “All medicine in Equestria is based on the healing and purifying properties of that plant.” Scootaloo scuffed at the ground. “But the loss of life. Wouldn’t that-” Sweetie Belle laughed. “Oh no, Scoots, I guess I didn’t explain it very well. Each individual plant eats only once in the twenty years it is alive. The plant only eats to bloom and it only opens it’s blooms once. The petals don’t wilt for the entirety of its life; sustained by the victim’s body.” “How did you learn about this...flower?” Rainbow seemed more alert now. Sweetie Belle didn’t notice as she explained. “A journal found in Twilight’s cabin. It was written using biochem symbols but it tells of how she was on a special squad of ponies assigned to Princess Celestia and Luna, to construct and gain insight into the medical potential of that flower. Apparently there were six ponies involved-” Rainbow crooked an eyebrow. “Did it list the names of these six?” Shaking her head, Sweetie Belle spoke wistfully. “No sadly. Just that it contained two Earthponies; Pegasi, and Unicorns; including Twilight. It did however describe three of them: A cupcake lover, a real ‘down home’ farm pony and an animal lover. Oh and that the other unicorn; ‘Diamond Heart’ and a strange pegasus referred to as ‘Stormcloud’ were in charge of criminal executions to grow the flower.” Rainbow Dash seemed unimpressed. Well. Sweetie Belle thought to herself. To be honest she probably heard worse daily. Still it’s a bit chilling. “What did your mom think about this information?” “I haven’t told her yet.” “Do yourself a favor and don’t mention anything but needing the flower.” “Why do you say that?” Rainbow’s eyes seemed almost hooded as she whispered. “We prefer our skeletons stay buried. Anyway, let Rar know...It won’t be an easy mission. Scootaloo let’s work on some supplies.” *** A few hours later, the four arrived on the road just outside Canterlot’s ruins, braced for a fight; armed to the teeth. Strangely enough though, there were no Arisen to greet them. In fact, it appeared as though the town had been empty for decades. Empty shops, with rotted floorboards and decaying wares still on the shelf, greeted the travelers. Rainbow Dash and Rarity shared a look. Sweetie Belle felt a cold shiver go down her spine. “Spooky.” Scootaloo stared into a dusty window, where a dish of exceedingly moldy something could be seen on a table layered by dust. “Y-Yeah, no kidding-” Searching her brain for a change of topic, Scootaloo continued. “Hey why don’t you tell me more about this flower, for instance, how did it get its name?” Slowly walking past empty, broken houses, Sweetie Belle gladly explained. “The seeds resemble sharp purple crystals and they grow into massive rock-like trees littered with blood red flowers.” “Rock-like trees? Sounds weird.” Sweetie Belle gestured with her hoof in excitement. “It is! Apparently the trees resemble giant amethyst growths that branch out. The trunks are so hard they might as well be actual rock!” Scootaloo shook her head, trying to picture it. “That’s wild.” Shaking her head Sweetie Belle continued in earnest. “That’s nothing! According to Twilight’s writings, that pales in comparison to how it eats. Thick tendril like briars snake out and grab the victim pulling them in and locking them tight against the trunk; as if hugging them.” “Well that sounds adorab-” “The creature is then absorbed into the trunk, leaving no trace behind over the course of seconds.” “I take it back, that sounds horrifying.” “Here’s the real shocker, though; it chooses what it eats!” Scootaloo stopped and looked at Sweetie Belle, convinced she hadn’t heard that right. “It what?” Sweetie Belle giggled at the sight of her mate’s face. “It chooses. Twilight has detailed scenarios in which victims were simply left untouched. Apparently the consensus between the six is only those with a tainted soul, actually criminal with no remorse, would be devoured by it. They even thought that-” Sweetie Belle froze as a massive shadow fell upon the group of four; the castle towered over them. Rarity spoke softly as she turned to watch tears well up in Rainbow’s eyes. “We’re here, girls.” Wiping a hoof across her eyes, Rainbow ran a hoof down the center of the iron gates that made the front entrance. She felt the smoothness of a weld beneath them. Still here. Rarity’s eyes widened as she heard them. It started as a whisper. “Let us out!” It rose slowly in volume until the screams echoed in her ears. “LET US OUT!” Suddenly she found herself thirty-five years ago. *** Rarity strapped on her medical knife as Rainbow came into the room looking frustrated. “Hey Mrs. Prissy, Luna wants you.” Rarity froze. What could the Lunar Princess possibly want with a blank-flanked teenager? “What?” Rainbow Dash flopped onto her mattress waving a wing. “I said Mrs. Nighttime herself wants you.” “But why?” “No clue. Wake me when it’s go time.” Ugh, Rolling her eyes in disgust at Rainbow’s laziness, Rarity started down the hallway towards the chambers of Princess Luna; her mind going wild with conspiracy theories. Why does she want me? Did I do something wrong? Does she want me to heal someone? What if the plant died? Oh sweet Luna, what if… Raising her hoof to knock on the door she heard a solemn voice on the other side address her. “Come in, daughter of Spitfire.” As Rarity slowly crossed the threshold into the room behind the giant ornate silver doors, the tone grew strangely lighter. “Relax young one, thou art not in mine sights.” Seeing the confused look on Rarity’s face, Luna laughed. “Sorry, force of habit. You are not in trouble, little one. I am in need of your services.” “My services? Your majesty there must be some mistake.” “Are you not Rarity, daughter of Commander Spitfire, Captain of the Bonesaws of Squad C?” Rarity stood at attention. “Ma’am yes ma’am” Luna smiled. “Then I have not made such a mistake. I need your help, you see, I’ve encountered an enemy I cannot defeat.” Rarity could scarcely believe it. Princess Luna was legendary for the terror she bestowed on the battlefield in the past. Her weapon of choice was a massive scythe, conjured and constructed of her own magic; with which she would cut wide swathes of the enemy ranks with a single swipe. Princess Luna, the Reaper herself, wants my help? It was then that Rarity noticed the abnormal amount of sweat upon the Alicorn’s brow. Blinking, Rarity realized Luna had been shaking and her eyes were less their usual moonglow and more a sickly acidic green. Voicing her concerns out loud, Rarity spoke in a concerned voice. “Princess Luna, are you sick?” “Yes, I am.” A chill raced down Rarity’s spine causing her to shiver slightly. For any other pony she would think nothing of it, but Alicorns were touted for their resilience. Celestia and Luna had never been sick a day in the thousands of years they had ruled side-by-side. What could possibly infect her? Luna’s voice was sad and slightly dissonant as though she was fighting back her emotions. “I’m in pain, the likes of which my joints have never felt. On fire-” Smashing a hoof down, Luna roared. “ABLAZE IN RAGE!” Rarity froze in fear, her ears pinned back as she witnessed the sheer might of the Alicorn. Shaking her head rapidly, Luna’s eyes flickered rapidly as she screamed. “NO-No-I won’t!” Rarity found her voice and called to her. “Princess Luna! Your majesty what’s wrong?” Luna swung her head to face Rarity an evil look in her eye, moments before turning around and smashing her muzzle against the nearby stone wall. She spoke frantically. “I can hear it! A voice inside my head! Get out. GET OUT OF MY HEAD!” Again and again she slammed her head against the wall until blood began dripping from her now-fractured muzzle. Rarity watched in horror as Luna went berserk. It was then that she noticed the bloodstains on other areas of the wall. She’s been doing this to cope. The blood was dried, indicating this had been going on a while. “It whispers to me. Tells me to hurt and kill all that I love!” The sickening crunch made Rarity flinch as she noticed something far more horrifying. What happened to her hoof? Her left hind hoof appeared to be rotting, the flesh barely hanging on, and the bone showing around the knee. It’s not infected, it’s rotten, putrid...dead. What could do this to her? At that moment agonizing screams were heard echoing down the halls. “Your majesty stop!” “I WILL REDUCE YOU ALL TO SMOLDERING ASHES!” The sound of a massive fireball exploded. The bedroom doors groaned under the impact as the ornate silver buckled and began to glow red with smouldering heat. Rarity stared at the door for a moment as her brain began to process what was going on. I have to get out of here! Luna’s horn glowed a light blue and a massive scythe appeared. Her voice was dripping with malice and slowly rose, echoing in Rarity’s ears, as she raised the scythe. “Now...You will...KNOW A TRUE NIGHTMARE!” Rarity reacted on instinct, throwing herself to the ground as the scythe whizzed overhead; slicing the silver doors in half. The doors fell outward. Rarity seized the moment to bolt out the opening as a blast of intense heat flew past her ear. Turning, Rarity found herself face to face not with the majesty of what was Princess Celestia, but with the nightmarish reality of her walking corpse. The princess’s midriff had open spots in the flesh, through which the acidic green and putrid grey of rot could be seen. The face of Celestia had one single glowing green eye and an empty eye socket where her other eye should have been. Her brain could be viewed through the eye socket, inactive; festering...Dead. She’s dead. Sombra! It finally clicked in Rarity’s mind as she managed to avoid being seared alive by a radiating blast of heat from the Sun Princess’s horn. Arisen. I have to get the others. We have to escape! As she turned to run, she heard the taunting voice calling out cruelly from behind her. “That’s right, run. Fear the sun, FEAR MY WRATH!” Racing down the stairwell, amidst screams and pleas from the royal guard in the level above as they were massacred by the two former rulers of Equestria, Rarity ran. As fast as her hooves could carry her, she ran, straight down to the basement dormitories where Rarity and Rainbow called home. “RAINBOW!” The scream tore itself from her throat as she crashed through the entrance. “IT’S GO TIME! HURRY UP WE GOTTA GET GOING!” “Ugh… My head… Stop yelling! Sheesh drama queen. I’m going I’m-” Rarity shot her a look, and Rainbow felt the blood drain from her face. “Now Rainbow. We have to go. Now!” “What’s going-” Rarity rushed around packing her and Rainbow’s things. “Princesses. Lost to us. Arisen. Let’s go!” Rainbow froze. “Mom?” Rarity felt as though she had been shot. She had forgotten. Two years ago, shortly after Cloudsdale fell, a bedraggled Pegasus named Rainbow Dash had collapsed on the front steps of the castle. Her wounds indicated she had been in some kind of fight. Rips in her shoulders and a broken hoof; both of which Rarity had been tasked to tend, had been prevalent on the poor Pegasus. Princess Celestia must have seen a kindred spirit in the hunter, and proudly announced her adoption of Rainbow Dash as her daughter. The solar princess had been doting and loving on Rainbow. Rarity saw the tears in her comrade’s eyes. I need to do something. Remembering their time in the tent during a mission. I hate doing this. “I’m sorry Rainbow. I have no choice.” The Pegasus had already began to frantically call out to Celestia; ignoring the blood-curdling screams of Luna’s victims nearby. The air was becoming uncomfortably hot, Rarity’s fur began to singe from the heat; indicating the solar Alicorn was approaching. “Mom, you have to stop! This isn’t you. MOM!” Rarity took a deep breath. Her voice flooded the entire castle causing even the newly Arisen-Alicorns paused. It couldn’t be helped. “STORMY CRESCENDO GRAB YOUR SWORD AND GET YOUR FLANK IN GEAR!” The effect was instantaneous; Rainbow quickly grabbed her sword, strapping it across her chest, as the tears fell down her face. This sucks. Rarity’s thoughts raced, as she and Rainbow made a dash for the massive front doors. That’s when Rainbow cried out. “What about the oth-” Rainbow’s words died in her throat as the hellish screams of her friends echoed up the stairwell to the basement. Her ears pinned back in sorrow as Rarity whispered. “Rainbow, I- I don’t think helping them is an option anymore.” Rainbow stood frozen staring, heartbroken at the undead Celestia; who was now raining fire down upon all on the first floor from the banister, laughing insanely. “RUN YOU FOOLS, ENTERTAIN ME SOME MORE!” Rainbow’s blood ran cold as she stood there, unable to move. As Celestia trained her unseeing eye to lock with those of Rainbow Dash, she gave pause. Her horn aglow and ready to incinerate her adopted daughter, Celestia simply stopped. Perhaps it was a trick of the fiery blaze raging all around them, but Rainbow was sure she saw that lifeless eye glow brightly if only for a mere instant. The head of the Princess turned and the blast instead was fired at an empty stairwell. As the stairwell exploded in flames, the light shined in Rainbow’s eyes as once more she turned and ran towards the screaming form of Rarity; Celestia had taken control. She didn’t know how but the spirit of the real Celestia had prevented her Arisen corpse from obliterating her adopted and beloved daughter giving Rainbow the chance to escape. Turning to Rarity she called out “Let’s go.” Rarity meanwhile had been staring at the stairs where three familiar faces, now distorted and disfigured, had trotted out from the basement. Fluttershy, her eyes both gone and her lower jaw missing, hovered facing the hornless unicorn. Beside her, missing an ear stood what had been sweet, innocent Pinkie Pie; her middle had been gouged open and a chunk of her thigh was missing. Applejack, well what was left of her, stood there with a large slice in her neck; her hat still on her head though her snout had been ripped off. They stood there, Arisen, facing her strangely though the three made no movement towards her. Behind them stood Princess Luna. A snarl on her muzzle, but standing still, just watching. A tear slowly rolled down her cheek, before she turned to eviscerate a guard running by the stairs with her conjured scythe. “FEAR THE NIGHT, PEASANTS!” Rarity’s voice was loud, hurt, and angry. “C’mon Rainbow!” As Rainbow and Rarity turned and ran through the door, they heard a familiar sound. Bursting through just before the doors slammed shut behind them, the two witnessed Twilight Sparkle, Lead Engineer of the Unicorn Squadron, horn aglow. The tears streaming down her face were nothing compared to the pain in her normally shining eyes. It was no secret how much Celestia had meant to Twilight. In fact, the two had been openly proud of each other, taking pride in being by each other's side. To see her standing there horn glowing as she held the doors shut against the fierce sounds of pounding on them, Rarity could practically hear her heart breaking. “LET US OUT! LET US DEVOUR YOU!” Twilight shook her head. Her tone was low and hopeless. “No, Celestia I’m...I’M SORRY-” Her voice echoed throughout the kingdom and even the birds fell silent. With her eyes screwed shut, Twilight fired a beam of superheated magic. The door, struck with this beam, began to glow with intense heat. A bead of welding appeared as the two sides fused together. Encased in an anti-magic seal and welded shut, the door groaned against the force of the alicorns but held tight. Rainbow listened to her last words to her princess. “I can’t let you hurt anyone else, but I promise I will find a cure. And I will return to you.” *** The visions of the past flashed by in an instant, and Rarity and Rainbow glanced at each other in silent agreement. Turning to their children, Rainbow smiled brokenly as Rarity told them. “Girls, when we get inside, we want you to head down to the basement immediately.” Sweetie Belle looked confused. The plan had been to go together. Why would they want to split up? “What about you and Rainbow, mom?” Rarity smiled sorrowfully, her voice carrying her sadness. “We have some old friends and family to take care of.” Sweetie Belle was about to argue when Rarity shouted. “Stormy! Break it down!” Rainbow may have been past her prime, but as Scootaloo watched, her mom’s powerful blows tore the door off its hinges; the seal gone since Twilight’s demise. As the doors fell inward and slammed onto the ground, Rarity flipped her mane with a shake of her head. “Let’s go." > Chapter 10- The Hunter's Greatest Honor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The musky odor of decay and rot assaulted the nostrils of Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle; both doing their best not to retch, as they stepped through the doorway. The pristine beauty of the outside of the castle was wiped from their minds as the dim and grungy interior of the desecrated gatehouse graced their eyes. Bones were scattered about, mold and dust coated the walls and floors. Most noticeable however, was how empty it was. There was no sound, not even the chirp of a cricket. The walls were cracked from heavy impact. Much of the hewn stone had dark crimson streaked across the face; as though some creature or perhaps creatures had been smashing against them until they bled. The only light filtered in through the hole where the doors had stood. Rarity and Rainbow simply trotted forward, seemingly unaffected by the surroundings. A skull gave a sickening crunch as Rarity calmly stepped down on it, shattering it to pieces and causing Scootaloo to flinch. The sound echoed down the empty hall. Rarity listened; a slight scuffing of hooves could be heard. The light scuffling had grown steadily louder. They are coming for us. Looking at Sweetie Belle as they approached the stairs down to the basement, Rarity spoke softly and almost regretfully. “Be careful down there, stay alert. Get the flower and get-” Sweetie Belle gave her mom a hug, as she saw a tear slide down her mother’s face. “Don’t worry mom we won’t be long.” Rainbow chimed in. “We’ll buy you as much time as possible. And Scootaloo-” Ruffling her wings, Scootaloo responded nervously. “Yeah, mom?” Raising her hoof Rainbow smiled. “Take care of her.” Scootaloo saw the look in her eyes and understood. Her mom was going hunting one more time. Giving her mom a hoof bump with tears welling in her eyes and smiling said. “Will do-” Rainbow smiled as her daughter gave the time honored Pegasus luck blessing. “Fly straight and slay fast, mom.” Responding in kind, the fire in her mom’s eyes blazed. “It’s in my blood.” Rarity had her knife out and stood at the ready. She too seemed to have a renewed vigor. “Let’s go Stormy. Let’s give them blood and vinegar.” Rainbow laughed with a chilling excitement in her voice as she drew her sword; her joints cracking as she did so. Even though it hurt, she bore it proudly as she spread her wings and tensed her legs. “Tis death on the wind!” Springing forth, she tore through the air as she bolted down the hallway; her blade clenched in her maw. Her eyes burned with an intense fire. Her pain immeasurable and still, she didn’t care. “You won’t stop us.” Slicing and slashing through what was the former royal guards, Rainbow’s hide was ripped open and still she pushed forward. “Mom is waiting!” *** Scootaloo was quietly thinking about the spark in her mom’s eyes as she and Sweetie Belle descended the stairs; the sounds of combat echoing down from above. She seemed so happy; happiest I’ve seen her in a long time. Lost in thought, Scootaloo failed to notice that Sweetie Belle had stopped on the stairwell; bumping lightly into her. “Unf, Sweetie what giv-” Looking up, Scootaloo suddenly knew why. There on the stairway in front of them stood an eerily similar-looking pony to Twilight. It was a mare, with lilac fur rather than lavender. On her mauled flank was a cutiemark resembling a fallen star. Her eyes were acidic green and her body was missing chunks of flesh in the thigh, back and left forehoof. A long scar ran from her eye to the top of her muzzle; a sign of having been sliced open. The undead mare made no movement towards them, standing there and staring. Scootaloo whispered. “It’s an Arisen but why isn’t it attacking?” *** Sitting in front of two massive ornate gold and silver doors, Rarity and Rainbow had pulled out their flasks and were chatting. Behind them the dismembered remains of what were once proud Royal Guards, now just Arisen, lay. Ripping the fabric from a nearby standard, Rainbow took great care in using the royal insignia to wipe the entrails from Rarity’s and her blades; immediately pulling out a small stone to hone the edges afterwards. “My aching back! That was some welcome party, wasn’t it? How are you holding up Rar?” Rarity took a shaky sip of her flask, nearly spilling it on herself. “I-I’m faring well, though, I’ll b-be honest; I don’t think w-we can win this next one Dah-ling.” Rainbow paused in sharpening her blade. There could be no mistaking it; their age was rapidly catching up to them. Looking into her reflection in her blade, she noticed her mane was frayed and slightly overgrown; The colors dull and greying with the passage of time. Scars almost covered half of her face; from burns to cuts. She had been through a lot. And to tell the truth, she was tired. The agonizing pain when she moved, the fatigue and chill that she felt more and more. It wouldn’t be long until it was time for her to take the final journey. She smiled and replied gently to her partner. “Of course not Rar. We don’t stand a chance. Then again, we were always told we never did. That didn’t stop us from doing the impossible then, and it won’t stop us now.” Rarity’s hoof trembled as she struggled to grasp her medic knife. Giving a shaky laugh, she nodded. “It’s strange i-isn’t it? How our life has turned out? Heroes, villians, life and death; we’ve d-done fairly well for ourselves.” Rainbow grinned, her smile missing four of her teeth. “We raised two of the best kids any parent would die to have. Together we overthrew Sombra. We even lived in peace for a good decade...But-” Groaning, Rarity struggled to her hooves; adding her two cents. “That life isn’t for us, Stormy. We were born two seasons too late to live out our days in peace.” Failing to align the cap to her flask, Rainbow let it fall to the ground; she wouldn’t be needing it after today. Grunting she slowly rose to her hooves, her blade clenched firmly in her weary maw. Taking it in her hooves, she gave a chilling laugh. “Two old fuddy duddies playing hero on the battlefield, that’s us. Raised in combat, born in conflict; that’s us. Still-” She took Rarity’s trembling hoof and kissed it before continuing. “I can think of no place I’d rather be than with you, in this fight.” Rarity chuckled with a renewed vigor in her eyes. “Well then. Maybe it’s time you introduce me formally to your mom, eh, Stormy?” Hoof in hoof, the two surviving veterans of the War for Equestria, slowly pushed the giant doors apart. Stepping through the ancient doorway they saw the Arisen forms of Celestia and Luna; sitting on their respective thrones in silence. Rainbow Dash winked roguishly at Rarity before calling out in a loud voice. “Mom, sorry for dropping in unannounced but this is Rarity; my fiance!” The rotted Alicorn did not seem amused as her horn glowed and the massive, rusty castle doors slammed shut behind the two. Rainbow’s eyes ignited with a spark as Rarity called out. “H-hey Stormy, l-looks like t-the girls want to congratulate us.” In front of Rainbow three familiar forms, twisted and corrupted stood; Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. They slowly advanced on Rainbow and Rarity as the latter shakily drew their blades. Rainbow smiled as Rarity attempted a joke. “Hey g-girls, l-long time no-no see.” The two stood back to back on two hooves, trembling, as the Arisen charged towards them; snarling and gnashing their blood-smeared teeth. *** The Arisen stood there, silently watching them. Scootaloo whispered to Sweetie Belle. “That’s an Arisen right? Why hasn’t that thing attacked us yet?” The undead mare in front of them blinked, startling Sweetie and Scootaloo as she opened her muzzle and began to speak perfect Ponish. “This thing has a name, you know.” The voice was indignant and hurt. Sweetie Belle blinked. An Arisen, talking? “What in the-” “My name is Starlight; or rather it was, I’m what’s left of the Royal Advisor to the former princesses of Canterlot.” “Was…” Scootaloo blurted out. “So are you dead then?” Starlight appeared to think for a moment before responding. “I suppose that is one way to see it, though-” Turning around to trot down the stairs, her words echoed up to them as she descended. “The dead don’t usually talk. Follow me. I can guess why you are here.” “Wait a minute! The dead may not talk but neither do Arisen! Just what the heck are you?” There was silence for a solid minute as the two stood there listening for a response. The words that reached their ears, turned their blood to ice. Spoken with an innocent sadness, Starlight responded. “I’m nothing. Neither alive nor dead, torn to pieces and put back together; brought back only to convey the will of the tree.” “The will of the- Hold on a moment!” Rushing down the spiraling stairwell Sweetie Belle reached out and took hold of the seemingly sentient Arisen. As her hooves made contact, she gasped. Her hooves stopped inches from Starlights ribcage. What is this? The air. It’s solid, it feels like- Skin. There was nothing there and yet she was sure the feeling was that of living skin. Starlight turned at her touch and spoke in an almost amused voice. “Satisfied, yet?” Quickly, out of embarrassment Sweetie Belle pulled back her hooves. “I-I’m sorry, it’s just- I am so confused. Will of the tree? What does that even mean?” Starlight paused again. Why does she keep doing that? Her answer came soon after this thought occured. “I exist. And yes, I am Starlight. The same Starlight that advised the sisters. My senses of touch, taste and unfortunately-” Gesturing a hoof at herself, Starlight concluded. “Smell, are all functioning. My thought are my own, but my ability to do anything, is given to the tree that revived me; binding my soul to my own corpse.” “Are you referring to the Gem Hydrangea? No, that can’t be right, a plant can’t-” Scootaloo had finally caught up and stood behind Sweetie Belle as Starlight stamped a hoof. “It’s not a plant.” Scootaloo chimed in. “but you just called it a tree!” “I did but-” Sweetie Belle had a sudden revelation. “It’s sentient isn’t it?” Starlight smiled; her teeth showing through the gaping hole in the side of her muzzle. “Yes. It is. And it is waiting. Please follow me.” As far as Sweetie Belle could tell, this Arisen form of Starlight was warm and comforting, not cold and vicious; no danger emanated from the mare. With a nod of her head towards Scootaloo, the two followed behind her. The staircase wound down into the depths where the second floor of the Canterlot basement awaited. *** “Is this because I missed your birthday party?” Rainbow Dash narrowly avoided the snarling maw of Pinkie Pie, as the latter tried to bite her. Laughing, Rainbow turned towards Rarity as she used her sword to slice off Pinkie’s head. “You ever wonder what the future will be like for them?” The headless corpse of Pinkie fell to the ground, unmoving. Moving quickly Rainbow swiftly separated all the Arisen’s limbs from her torso. A single tear rolled down her cheek, but she ignored it. So long, Pinkie. Set the party up. We’ll be attending soon. I promise. Rarity grinned as she knocked the hat off Applejack’s head with a deft swipe of her knife. “I never had the guts to tell you this but-ARRGH!” Fluttershy had snuck up behind Rarity and bit into her leg hard, ripping a massive chunk of flesh from her thigh. Rainbow Dash immediately kicked out and sent her flying into the wall. “T-thank you Darling.” Turning to face Applejack; with the blood from her thigh dripping down her hind leg, Rarity forced a pained grin. “That hat always looked ridiculous!” With those words, ignoring her wounds, Rarity quickly sliced across Applejack’s forelegs causing the once proud farm mare to stumble. As she lost her footing, Rainbow plunged her sword into the torso of the Arisen Earthpony, immobilizing her. As Rarity broke her ribcage and deftly cut out her heart, she turned towards Rainbow; her vision going slightly blurry and shivering from the infected wound. Rarity gave a raspy cough responding to the earlier question. “Pro-probably something peaceful a-and civil, St-Stormy.” Turning her attention to what was once a peaceful animal-lover of a Pegasus, Rainbow laughed. “Y-you and I, we could never live in such a world, but for them-” The two were covered by lacerations and bite wounds, as Fluttershy fell unmoving to the ground. “I wish nothing more than just that.” Panting from the pain of their infected wounds, the two turned towards the sound of hoofsteps coming closer; Celestia and Luna. Rainbow grimaced; she was on her last legs. Beside her, Rarity stumbled as the infection from her bites slowly began to creep across her flesh. Despite it all, Rainbow's voice was cheerful as she shivered from a clammy chill spreading through her body. “H-hey mom, c-come to, come to congratulate us too?” Celestia stayed silent as her horn glowed with a blazing inferno, and Luna summoned forth her scythe. The two advanced as Rainbow’s vision began to dim and she fell to the ground; unable to stand anymore. “Awful nice of y-you.” *** “We are curious, how did you come to learn of the tree?” Starlight gestured between herself and the giant crystalline formation before them at the word ‘we’, Sweetie Belle noticed. The lilac unicorn’s disturbing smile seemed to indicate her contentment with her role as the tree’s voice. It’s so strange. Her very life force is controlled and her actions directed by the tree and yet, she seems so happy. Perhaps mom wasn’t wrong. Maybe there is something to being a “stallion”. “Our moms worked alongside a unicorn known as Twilight-” As she explained Starlight’s eyes lit up with excitement at the mention of Twilight. “How is she? It’s been so long since I- Oh, oh right, forgive my interruption. Please continue.” Sweetie Belle observed that as she was interrupting, the massive crystal tree in front of her pulsed with a glowing light. It was talking to her. “Erm- Yes, anyway, her notebooks explained her personal findings and work conserving the mythical Gem Hydrangea also known as the Tree of Harmony.” Scootaloo looked confused. “Tree of Harmony? What’s that?” Starlight’s eyes glowed in time with the tree of crystal behind her as the two seemed to relay information to each other. It’s almost like a relationship. “May I? Oh wonderful- The Tree of Harmony is what Pony Mythos would in the past refer to as the World Tree. The tree balances the equation of light and darkness within all living beings. Shadow cannot exist without the light, and the light cannot exist without the casting of shadows.” “And this...Thing is that tree?” Sweetie Belle spoke up, her voice in slight awe as she explained. “Remember the six? Well during observation they noticed the tree generated a faint aura of intense magic, after extensive studies they came to a consensus; that the tree was none other than the very Tree of Harmony Sombra had shattered during his rule. The seeds were believed to be the remaining shards from that event. It purifies the evil and darkness to balance it with the light it stems from.” Scootaloo stepped forward crying out in dismay. “The world is filled with darkness! Why doesn’t the tree fix it then?” Starlight crooked her head to stare at the tree for a moment as it pulsated. “I see. Alright, I’ll tell them.” Scootaloo looked at her. “Tell us what?” Gingerly raising her forehoof, Starlight drew a number in the dust of the floor: 4. “This-” Starlight pointed at the number. “Is the number of living creatures left in this world. Of those four, the shadow and light within the minds of each are truly balanced. The tree says it cannot intervene except against the living- Oh, wait a moment- I...I see. It seems I was mistaken. There are only two living creatures left in this world.” “Wait...Two? What about mom and Rainbow?” Starlight scuffed at the dirt and winced as the tree pulsed with light. “Alright I’ll tell them. I’m afraid you are the only living creatures left in this world. No other lifeforms can be detected.” Sweetie Belle felt the tears well in her eyes as she snapped at Starlight. “That can’t be you-you’re lying! Mom, Rainbow...Everyone we ever knew...No! No, it can’t be!” *** Rainbow coughed violently, spitting out blood as the horn of Celestia pierced her torso. Her strength was fading fast as her life-force was fading. Celestia swung her head throwing Rainbow next to the collapsed form of Rarity. Neither could stand, both having just enough energy to raise their blades one last time. “R-Rar?” Rainbow’s voice was choked and raspy, her breathing labored as her partner responded. “St-Stormy?” Rarity slowly raised her head to stare at Rainbow Dash. Her voice was forced and heavily weighted as she tried to breathe. Rainbow smiled lovingly. They would not be going home, this time. They had known from the start this would be their last fight. “W-We don’t h-have..have long-” Celestia’s hoof came crashing down on her hindlegs, shattering them. “URGHHHH...I-don-don’t.. Huff Huff...Wan-want to be Arisen.” Rarity pulled herself painfully towards Rainbow, in her trembling hooves was the medical knife she cherished. “M-Me neither.” Now side by side, bodies completely drained of almost all energy. Only their forehooves were moveable and sword and dagger in hoof, they wrapped them around each others neck in a loving embrace. As one the two spoke their last words tenderly to each other. “I love you.” As those words were spoken the two in perfect unison, drew their blades across the back of each others throats with all the strength they could muster; removing their partner’s head from their body. As their headless corpses hit the dust-covered stone floor, the two survivors in a world of nightmares went on to join the many friends they had lost upon the way. *** “No more!” The shrill scream tore from Sweetie Belle’s throat, who startled Starlight causing her horn to stop glowing. The image of Luna biting into Rarity’s leg, faded from sight. “Your moms fought well, my condolences.” Starlight’s words were comforting but her tone stayed neutral as she continued. “And now there is you; the last life upon this world.” Sweetie Belle fell to her knees in anguish, tears streaming down her face as Starlight stared at her; passively. Scootaloo rushed forward to support her mate and glared at Starlight. “What is wrong with you? Why would you show us that?” Starlight stayed silent for a moment a single tear welling in her eye. “You asked what happened. I was told to show you, so I did. That is all.” Scootaloo stared at her in disbelief. How can she be so soulless, so heartl-. It was then staring into Starlight’s eyes she saw her pain. She is hurt. Then Scootaloo heard something that finally made everything click. “So long Stormcloud, I guess you finally quenched your thirst for battle.” Hearing those words made her blood run cold as she had past conversations with her mom fly through her mind: “Pegasi live to hunt” “Being a hunter is an honored term to Pegasi” I’m tired, peace is exhausting.” “The Pegasi believe the greatest honor is to die in combat…” To die in combat...Die in combat...Die in combat. Scootaloo’s eyes widened in realization as those words echoed in her mind. She gave a small wry smile, fighting back her own tears, as she gently pat Sweetie Belle on her back. “It’s alright Sweetie, they said goodbye on their own terms.” Sweetie Belle kept sobbing uncontrollably as Scootaloo stared at Starlight for a moment before asking her. “Did you know our parents?” Starlight stared, motionless, at the Tree of Harmony; a pleading look in her eyes. After a short pulsing light emitted from the tree, Starlight turned back to them and smiled. “I did. I was assigned to teach them in the ways of combat, survival and conduct in war.” “But you don’t look a day older than mom!” Starlight gave a slight chuckle. “Well yes, that would be because I was their age now, when I died. Arisen don’t age Scootaloo; they just rot unless they consume. Thus is their cursed existence.” “You know my name?” Nodding Starlight answered once more. “I know both of your names; Scootaloo and-” Looking at the sobbing unicorn before her as she continued. “Sweetie Belle. The children of Rainbow Dash and Rarity adopted after the fall of Ponyville. Yes, I know who you are. I am also aware of what it took for you to get here. I’ve witnessed your take down of Twilight, as regrettable as it was, and have even observed Sweetie Belle incessantly pouring over the journals to learn of the tree. I knew you would come here, and I have been waiting for you.” > Chapter 11- Fallen Majesty > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scootaloo shook her head in disbelief as Sweetie Belle looked up. “How could you have possibly known about us?” “The tree contains great wisdom and knowledge which it shares with me. The knowledge to see anything in the present, the wisdom to witness past events. When I was alive, I would have slain for such things, now I possess the ability and can do nothing but observe it.” Sweetie Belle spoke accusingly. “You knew they would die and did nothing to warn us!” “I did not. I cannot see the future.” Sweetie Belle rose, enraged, smashing her hoof down on the cobblestone as she roared at Starlight. “You just said you knew we were coming!” Starlight nodded. “Because I saw you in the present walking here.” Glaring at the unicorn, Sweetie Belle snapped at her. “You could have warned us!” “What was, cannot be changed. What is, can be affected. And what will be, is never set in stone. I can view the past, as you too, saw.” Starlight’s horn glowed a soothing amethyst once more and images appeared, showing the war, Rainbow killing Sombra, and Rarity and Rainbow escaping from Canterlot. “The past is forever as it is. It cannot be changed because somepony so wills it; no, it is forever as it was.” The images faded as new ones appeared of Celestia and Luna eating Rarity and Rainbow’s headless bodies, as well as the ocean where waves surged to and fro. “The present is occuring in a fluid motion and actions during it, can affect what will be. The future, however, is always in motion. It cannot be viewed only predicted. I did not know what would happen to your moms; I just knew when it happened and became the past.” Scootaloo grabbed Sweetie Belle in a warm hug. “It’s not her fault. Don’t you see? What they did was to give a chance to change the future. Their sacrifice can be our means of salvation. We can’t change what happened, but we can change what will.” Sweetie Belle sniffed, her eyes puffy and red. “I-I know she didn’t, couldn’t, I just-” Scootaloo hugged her against her body, tightly. “It’s alright, shhh. We still have each other. Though I am curious about something.” Starlight’s eyes flashed as an amused look appeared in her eyes. “Yes?” “You keep saying you aren’t alive, that we are the only living creatures in this world. Yet here you stand talking to us, even thinking. Doesn’t that make you alive or at least living?” Starlight shook her head and a smile appeared on her face. “I do not breathe, I do not eat. I do not sleep.” Walking over to them as her eyes flashed with a strange light, she continued. “ I am no more alive than the walking corpses known as Arisen. My limbs are not my own to control, instead I’m a simple puppet; to do as the tree wills of me. My life has no meaning; though my soul is tethered to my body, it is no longer my body to control of my own volition.” Stopping she pointed at them as she finished her thoughts. “Though I think and I see, touch and feel, I possess no ability to do so out of my own desire. I exist as Starlight, however, I am not alive, nor am I living. You are alive and living. Which bring us to why you are here.” She paused and stared at them expectantly. It was Scootaloo who explained the reason behind their visit. “We came for the flowers of the tree, to purify the plague Sombra set in motion.” Starlight frowned. “I...See.” Lowering her head as if saddened, she continued. “What then is your offering?” “Offering? Oh, you mean food...Why can’t we use those flowers?” Scootaloo pointed at two flowers growing on the tree. Starlight followed her gaze and shook her head once more. “I’m afraid that unless you only wish to cure the sniffles, those will be useless.” “But the flowers-” Starlight nodded. “Possess powerful restorative magic. However, the potency is based on the corruption purified.” “I-I don’t follow. You mean eaten right?” “Eaten?” “Doesn’t that tree eat ponies?” “Oh, I see you thought...No, it would seem you’ve misunderstood the purpose of the purification. The tree eats corruption; the evil within. It repurposes that corruption into the exact same potency of restoration; purity, which then blooms on it’s boughs. This balances the harmony within the world. An equivalent exchange. Understand?” “I get it now, but something doesn’t make sense.” Sweetie Belle looked at Scootaloo. Her partner wasn’t known for her great insight, though now looking up at her, Sweetie Belle saw another side to her she had never known. Scootaloo was standing over her, protecting her and taking charge of the situation. Sweetie Belle had never seen Scootaloo so commanding so in charge; she liked it. “There is something I need you to explain.” Starlight’s eyes flashed and she nodded. “You understand don’t you; how refreshing. You are correct, Scootaloo. The tree is the balance of harmony, both the good and the evil. Just as purity is born of corruption, corruption, in turn, is born of purity.” Her horn glowed brightly and an image of Princess Cadence of what was the Crystal Empire appeared. “This is Cadence, the Princess of Love. Many years ago, she ruled the Crystal Empire. That is-” The image changed. Now it showed Sombra arriving at the castle of Cadence. “Until Sombra attacked.” Suddenly, the two were engaged in a fierce battle. As Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle watched thunderstruck, Cadence was slain. The alicorn’s corpse crashed into the Everfree forest, above which the two had been fighting. To avoid killing her subjects, Cadence had teleported both to the forest. The body of Cadence landed at the base of the Tree of Harmony. “Her purity had to be preserved. And so the tree did the only thing it could.” The tendrils snaked out of the trunk and wrapping around the corpse, pulled it into an eternal hugging embrace as it was absorbed into the tree itself. “However, just as corruption is purified, purity is corrupted.” A small flower bloomed on the tree. The flower was black and emitting a dark aura, as Sombra, who had gone to confirm her demise picked the flower from the tree. “The corruption was immense as Cadence’s purity was immeasurable. Once mixed with Sombra’s necromancy-” The image now showed the Arisen corpse of Cadence attacking the crystal empire. “The Arisen were born from the ensuing plague with Cadence as the first.” The image faded once more. “Now that you understand how it was born, know it would take a corruption stronger than the purity of Cadence to cleans the world of that toxin.” Starlight froze as her eyes flashed once more and she nodded. “I’ll tell them.” “Tell us what?” Starlight paused as though searching for the words, before speaking. “The amount of corruption needed would have to transcend physical boundries but also the mental and...magical. In this world there exist two that fit the criteria you desire.” “The Sisters.” Sweetie Belle stared in disbelief as Scootaloo mentioned Celestia and Luna. Starlight nodded. “That is correct. Their magic as well as they themselves have become corrupted to the point of no return.” Her horn glowed brightly, and more images of what the Princesses used to be appeared. Celestia and Luna sat at the royal banquet table chatting amicably about day and night, when a royal messenger handed them a letter. “They used to be so loving and fond of this world. That was before Sombra slew Cadence in cold blood.” The image of Cadence laying there, at the base of the tree; unmoving and lifeless, rose unbidden in Sweetie Belle’s mind. She shivered. Cold blood is an understatement. Sweetie Belle felt a slight pang in her heart as the images shifted to show them in combat at the Crystal Empire. Luna had manifested her scythe and was reaping the unfortunate slaves of Sombra. Celestia meanwhile had used her magic to enhance her own physical prowess; shielding from blows and viciously delivering her own. One thing stood out in particular though, both were screaming out in rage: “GIVE HER BACK! GIVE OUR NIECE BACK!” Starlight paused in her explanation as though choked up and continued. “They got their wish.” The images changed once more and Scootaloo felt sick. Cadence had begun fighting her former aunts. Dead and risen up from the nether, she attacked with vigor. “The two were unable to stay focused and though they won the fight, they lost to their own despair.” Neither was willing to kill Cadence a second time. Which Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle observed, as Luna and Celestia were grievously injured before summoning everything they had to forever lay Cadence to rest. “They had won, if you can call it that, and returned home.” The images now showed the princesses in their respective rooms, fighting back the plague as it consumed their thoughts and ever-slowly corrupted their body. They resorted to anything they could to distract themselves, even going so far as to inflict self-harm to suffer pain of a different kind. Starlight concluded. “Alicorns possess quite the resilience to corruption. The two should and would have been able to overcome the plague by sheer will alone but alas, their own anguish and despair consumed them. Twisting their minds and desires until they too, let go of who they were; becoming Arisen.” Sweetie Belle could stand it no more. “Why are you telling us this? Do you want me to feel sorry for them, to show pity for the creatures that killed our parents?” Shivering and doing her best not to cry again, Sweetie Belle had struggled to her hooves, helped by Scootaloo’s gentle nudging. Starlight smiled at them, her eyes no longer glowing as her tone shifted to one of empathy. “You’ve been through so much; born into a world of chaos, losing your biological family as well as your adopted one. It must be painful to bear.” Starlight’s eyes began to glow once more as she started walking over. Stopping next to them, her eyes returned to normal. “Life can be truly unforgiving, can’t it? Believe it or not; death can be even worse. The Sisters aren’t simply Arisen as you know them. They are aware of everything they’ve done, even controlling Arisen in the world via their magic. They still rule the kingdom.” Starlight gave Sweetie Belle a hug. “I’m telling you this, so you can prepare, the Sisters are in full control of their actions; the immortal never die so simply.” “Then aren’t they...Alive?” Starlight seemed to consider this as the crystalline structure behind her glowed feverently in response. Her response seemed to hang in the air, carrying the tone of defeat. “Their soul exists in probably the most primal sense of the word. Their bodies are dead though like me, they exist forever as they are. Only in their case, they exist purely with their instinct intact. Their minds don’t function, and their awareness is simply doing what Celestia and Luna did for centuries. Nothing more, nothing less.” “If all they are is instincts, then we should have no trouble with-” Scootaloo’s words were interrupted by Starlight. “I’m afraid it’s not so simple. Those instincts are what allowed the Sisters to conquer the entirety of Equestria, after all.” “Conquer?” Her horn glowed showing vicious and horrific images of Celestia and Luna beheading the leaders of the Dragonlands and Griffonstone. Scootaloo couldn’t hold it back and vomited as Celestia and Luna encased Discord in stone, while still living and enchanting the stone to be unbreakable. “The Sisters may have been benevolent rulers, but they were merciless in combat; bringing all of Equestria to kneel at their hooves.” The images changed. “However, what was truly terrifying was that they did it all without any army or reinforcements. Alicorns possess the innate power of command; they lead, and others fall into line at their whim.” The images showed nations bowing in submission at their approach: the Dragonlands, Saddlearabia, Griffonstone and countless others. “Dominant and strong willed, as well as gifted with the most arcane of powers, alicorns are born conqueorers. Even Sombra, with his power of Necromancy, refused to confront them directly.” “But he eventually won right?” Starlight shook her head. “He may have briefly controlled the world, but he never raised a hoof against this castle nor did he ever stop the princesses from controlling the Arisen.” Sweetie Belle seemed to ponder this as her partner continued retching at the ghastly images of the Sister’s deeds. It was then a lightbulb lit up within the mare’s mind. “Starlight, you are saying their nature is a dominating one...Correct?” Starlight’s eyes flashed with the tree’s magic once more. She looked rather amused for a moment as the tree and her own eyes stopped glowing. “Yes, that’s right.” “They can see and hear but cannot deviate from instinct, right?” “Again that’s right...What are you driving at?” Ignoring the question, Sweetie Belle seemed deep in thought for just a moment before asking one more question. “Just to clarify, do they know Scoots, and I are here?” “To my knowledge, no. From What I can see, they believe the invasion quelled and are sitting once more on their thrones.” Sweetie Belle turned and stared at Scootaloo with a wicked grin on her face. “I just got the craziest idea. And I think it just might work. Hunter, would you mind helping me gather some mud and clay?” > Chapter 12- Schrodinger's Pony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Sisters sat, stolid; unmoving in the darkness. The chamber reeked of carrion and decay; the walls smeared with a rusted, murky red. The bones of Rainbow and Rarity lay before the throne; stripped of all flesh; the sisters sporting glistening and gleaming hides. Neither had a need to sleep, breathe or eat. Both sat there, muzzles pointed down, silent. Suddenly, Celestia’s horn lit up, as Luna’s eyes glowed a sickly green. “A pony approaches, sister.” “I see that.” Luna turned as if looking at her. “Did you summon them?” Celestia shook her head. “I didn’t.” Luna smiled, her fangs dripping with saliva in anticipation. Her eyes beheld the figure coming down the hallway with earnest. “How interesting.” “Indeed. I wonder what brings them here. I can hear the heartbeat. It’s definitely not one of ours.” Luna’s horn glowed, manifesting her scythe and laid it behind her with a wicked grin. “Mind if I have some fun?” Celestia placed her hooves beneath her muzzle as if in thought, her rotted form glistening from her earlier meal. Finally, she leaned back in her throne. “Always playing with your food aren’t you? Alright then, I do enjoy watching your tortures. Have your fun; I need the amusement, our last guests-” Looking disdainfully at the remains of Rainbow Dash, as though it disgusted her, Celestia continued. “Weren’t very entertaining. I’ll leave this to you, Luna. Make them scream.” Her horn stopped glowing, as Luna grinned and spoke teasingly. “Careful sister, one would almost think you enjoy my methods more than my results.” A rare smile crossed Celestia’s muzzle; her teeth showing through the holes in her snout, as her one eye twinkled. Her voice was soft as she spoke. “That’s because I do.” *** The figure walked down the hallway, it’s hide ripped and marred with slashes. One of the eyes had been gouged and one wing was missing. The hoofsteps were staggered as one of the hindlegs was sliced open; revealing the tender muscle within. Its fur was a dark rusty color in some areas and a light orange in others. The feathers on the one remaining wing were tweaked and disorderly. As the door to the throne room slowly opened with a groan, Luna’s eyes lit up as she raised her head; her exposed lower jaw slowly forming a wicked grin. The sight amused her. Whoever this pony is, they really made an effort to resemble one of ours. If it wasn’t for that wretched heartbeat, they might have been able to fool us. Now the question my sister wants answered; Why. Within an instant, as her sister’s horn glowed, the figure stopped and Luna made her move. Like lightning, Luna had magically grabbed her scythe and rocketed towards the mysterious figure as they stopped in sync with Celestia’s magic.The eyes of the strange figure widened in disbelief at the speed of the alicorn, before narrowing once more. Luna had stopped her swing midway to rest the sharpened blade against its throat. Smiling inwardly, the imposter Arisen remembered the details of the plan. *** Hours ago, Sweetie Belle stood, holding her medical knife with a comforting smile towards Scootaloo. “Hold still Love; this might hurt.” “ARrrGH!” Sweetie Belle drew her blade across the base of Scootaloo’s wing; severing the muscle tissue. Scootaloo remained still as her alchemical wing crashed to the floor. Doing her best to bear the pain, Scootaloo responded through gritted teeth. “Do...Wh-WHAT..YOU HAVE TO!” Sweetie Belle’s soft voice echoed in the small room as she explained her plan to the impassive form of Starlight. “We need an Arisen. So, thanks to my studies in anatomy-” Scootaloo bit her lip to avoid screeching as Sweetie Belle drew her keen edge swiftly across her hide, slicing it open, though only just. “We are gonna make one.” Flinching as a trickle of blood was pressed upon with rags until it stopped, Scootaloo winced; her hind leg now slit open. Sweetie Belle gave her a gentle kiss. “Doing alright love?” Starlight’s eyes flashed a sliver of amethyst. “Why not use an illusion?” Sweetie Belle halted with her knife inches from Scootaloo’s left eye. “Because they can sense magic and would view it as an instant deception. Scootaloo, take a deep breath.” Doing as she was bade, Scootaloo closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She felt a strange sensation and tried to open her eyes only to find one was...gone. She began to panic. Sweetie Belle gave her another gentle kiss and whispered softly. “It’s alright, I’ll return it later.” Seeing her eye on nearby rock in a magical container, Scootaloo slowed her breathing once more. Her mate’s soothing words reached her and filled her brain. “Trust me. I promise it’ll be alright.” Starlight’s voice was filled with curiosity as she approached the two; eyes aglow. “I don’t understand, what is the purpose of this? Surely they will know she is still alive.” Nodding, Sweetie Belle responded. “True they won’t be fooled in the least. Then again we aren’t trying to convince them she is a true Arisen.” “Then what is the point?” Sweetie Belle grinned. “Schrodinger’s Pony.” Starlight looked amused. “You can’t be serious.” The unicorn, delicately continued her surgical alteration of Scootaloo as she responded in an absolute tone. “Oh, but I am. I watched what they did, but it’s like mom always said: It isn’t what you can see, it’s what you can’t that matters.” Scootaloo thought about these words as the pain radiated across her torso. It provided an ample distraction from the agony her mate was causing. Schrodinger's Pony. An ancient concept of philosophy; from a more archaic age. Long ago, a brilliant Pony named Schrodinger locked a box in which he placed a magical toy pony. She shivered and was wrenched out of her thoughts, shivering as the cool, clammy touch of mud graced her flank. Desperately, Scootaloo tried to regain her train of thought. The toy had been brought to life by an animation spell. Next to the pony, he placed a vial of corrosive acid; the top uncapped. “Scootaloo?” After eight hours the sounds of distress from the box stopped, and Schrodinger wanted to open it and see if the pony had been corroded. “Hey Scootaloo?” He wanted to but he didn’t; for as long as the box remained closed, it was both alive and it was corroded. He knew once that box was opened, the answer would be absolute. What does this have to do with the Princesses, though? “Answer me darn you!’ “ArrrrGH!” Scootaloo screamed as Sweetie Belle shook her from her thoughts with a sharp smack to her flank. “I asked can you move your limbs still?” “Oh sorry Sweetie, let me try.” Scootaloo took a deep breath and attempted to move her wounded leg. Surprisingly, the leg moved freely despite being lacerated. “W-what? How is it-” Sweetie Belle grinned. “I know your body inside and out, love-” Scootaloo shivered as Sweetie Belle slow dragged her hoof over the now scarred flank of the pegasus. “Your every nerve, muscle fiber as well as arteries and veins. Where you are sensitive-” The one-winged Pegasus profusely blushed letting out an unintentional moan. “And where you aren’t. Do you really think I would cripple you in such a way; to where you couldn’t function?” “It’s not that it’s just-” Sweetie Belle gave a sharp smack to Scootaloo’s flank. “When this is over, you and I are going to work on these trust issues of yours my little Pegasus.” Standing off to the side, Starlight had been observing passively. Now she spoke up, her eyes glowing once more. “You seem to have great faith in this plan of yours. To state so boldly there would be a later, what has you so confident?” Turning to her, while tickling Scootaloo’s chin playfully, Sweetie Belle nodded. “I am confident; while watching those scenes of the Arisen, I noticed a severe lack of rash impulse.” “Lack of impulse? Why should that matter?” Sweetie Belle stared at Starlight as she explained; her eyes twinkling. “Doesn’t it seem strange that the Arisen; mindless, rage and fear controlled creatures, are working together as one?” “Well they are being controlled by Celestia and Luna, after all.” “Yes, but the princesses refuse to act immediately when confronted by an unknown.” The crystalline tree behind Starlight flashed and glowed rapidly as Starlight nodded. “No, I agree. I don’t understand either.” “The princess are Arisen themselves, even driven by instincts they would be unable to command an army unless those instincts were more than a simple command and conquer. In other words, Celestia and Luna possess the innate desire to adapt and overcome.” “How does that-” “See for yourself, replay the Ponyville takeover, from the Princesses' sides.” Starlight’s horn began glowing as the tree pulsed with color. The scene appeared showing the Arisen Celestia and Luna on their throne observing the fight with their magic. As the residents fought back, Celestia and Luna would bark, growl and snarl at each other, before turning back to the battle. As these strange conversations took place, the Arisen in combat would create torches to burn dwellings. Carrying timber to use as weapons to block and retaliate against those wielding farm implements. “I don’t believe it… You noticed this just from the movement of the Arisen?” Shaking her head, the unicorn explained. “No, Celestia and Luna in combat, when they were alive, showed very clear behavior patterns. Celestia would consider the options, while Luna would use her analysis to ravage the battlefield. I just noticed the Arisen in combat each time would use similar patterns, and once you mentioned Celestia and Luna still controlled them it made me realize their one weakness-” Sweetie Belle hugged Scootaloo tightly as she grinned. “In order to adapt a certain nature must be prevalent; curiosity. They analyze every aspect before attempting anything. That’s our key to beating them; their own curiosity.” Sweetie continued with a happy tone. “The question why. The ultimate paradox. Before it is answered it either is or isn’t but both can be true because its answer isn’t known. We are going to force them to question Scootaloo’s presence. Once that happens however-” Grabbing the Pegasus’s head and turning it to face her, Sweetie stared into her lover’s eyes. “Hunter I need you to listen to me and do exactly as I say.” With Scootaloo paying unwavering attention, Sweetie Belle explained exactly what she wanted from both her and Starlight. *** Luna is going to attack you. Her patterns are one of action. If when you walk in, you see Celestia sitting back in her throne, hold still; do not move even a muscle. Do not tremble, do not breathe heavily. Scootaloo stood still the instant she saw Celestia sitting there, observing her. Freezing in place as Luna flew forward, Scootaloo continued breathing normally. Trust me, they will know you are still alive. Do not show resistance. Do not draw your blade; it is a test. Luna has a habit of analyzing her foes while teasing them physically. Like a cat with a mouse, she will toy with you before striking a fatal blow. The first strike will be a feint. The blade of the Arisen Alicorn bit into her neck, causing a trickle of blood. Still, Scootaloo remained motionless, maintaining her breath and heartbeat. The words of Sweetie Belle resonating in her mind: Ignore your instincts to fight back and instead think of me. Think of how you love the look on my face and me when you make me smile. Luna scanned the imposter Arisen, searching for any sign of fear. A slight tremor, a slight rise in heartbeat; anything. Instead, she found no sign of panic or fear. Puzzled, she put her rotted face close to Scootaloo’s own scarred muzzle. “You’ve not drawn your blade, young one. Are you not afraid, pony?” What Scootaloo heard were a series of growls to which meant nothing to her. However, she wasn’t alone. Starlight stood in the basement, eyes aglow and seeing and listening through Scootaloo’s own. Her horn aglow with the spell she was casting, Starlight translated the strange language to Ponish. “She is asking why you haven’t drawn your blade. She wants to know if you are afraid of her. Also, she is calling you Pony; no doubt to denote how she knows you are not Arisen.” Sweetie Belle stood beside her and replied. “Tell Scootaloo to say the following…” I will make her proud. Scootaloo paused listening, as a small smile played on her lips before replying to Luna in Ponish; blood trickling down her neck. “Why would I be afraid of you, Princess Luna?” The smirking face of Luna contorted into a terrifyingly deformed snarl. Within the blink of an eye, she drew back and brought the scythe slicing through the air. This time however, it was met with the steel of Scootaloo’s own blade; preventing it from slicing her head from her body. The blow had been thrown with murderous intent and the force of it causing Scootaloo to slide back three feet as the blow connected with her own sword. She will grow enraged. Luna hated being mocked, and her own pride would easily overcome her when in combat against Sombra. Draw your sword the second she glares at you. Otherwise, you will die. At that moment Celestia should take notice. Sitting on her throne, Celestia spoke in a nearly amused tone. It sounded like an almost barking laughter to Scootaloo who listened as Starlight translated it. “How fascinating. You blocked that one; meant to remove your head from that pathetic body. You however, did not block her first strike. Explain, now.” Her command is absolute. Celestia’s nature is to be in control. Do not resist or lie. She will prevent Luna from continuing if you do as she wants. If she says sit, sit. If she tells you to jump, do it. And whatever you do, do not stand solid as you did against Luna. Luna obeys her sister; Celestia pulls the strings. “I have not yet finished with this one Celestia!” Luna had drawn back her scythe to strike once more as she shouted angrily in the language of the Arisen. Celestia’s smile faded as within the span of a blink, Scootaloo watched Luna rise off the ground and slam with a sickening crunch into the stone wall. Celestia let loose a terrifying roar and snapped at her sister. “Know your place Luna; I am talking. Now shut up and sit there, like a good girl!” Scootaloo trembled, as Luna immediately scrambled to sit on her haunches. Celestia smiled and stared down at Scootaloo with her single, soulless eye. “Now then, answer me, pony.” Immediately Scootaloo explained exactly what she had been asked. “Your majesty, I felt no reason to block the first one because I sensed no murderous intent.” Looking over at Luna, Scootaloo continued. “It was more like a filly playing with a new toy.” Turning back to Celestia, she finished her thoughts. “The second time, I felt the anger behind her strike.” As Celestia stood there staring at her in silence, the next few minutes were of agonizing anxiety for the young Pegasus. Unless she commands it, say nothing and do nothing. She is going to consider every aspect of your words. Just lower your gaze to the ground and show her, she is in control. Lowering her eyes to the ground, Scootaloo heard a strange grating sound; an almost choking raspy sound. Starlight explained. “She is laughing.” No matter what do not be taken in if she should seem friendly. The instant she determines you are easily dominated, she will kill you. Celestia’s horn glowed brightly. If her horn glows, she will be casting a spell to force your unconditional enslavement to her will. If she succeeds, you will die. Scootaloo readied herself as she felt a presence attempt to steal her will. Sweetie Belle is counting on me! Smiling, Scootaloo spoke up.“I will do as you say-” The air around them grew cold as her single eye radiated her hatred. “However, I will do so of my own desire, your majesty.” The Arisen Alicorn’s horn stopped glowing as she seemed to stare straight through Scootaloo. Finally, she grinned; her mouth full of red stained teeth. Her eye no longer shining with rage. Turning her back to the trembling Pegasus, Celestia started to walk back to her throne. “I like this one. Come mare, follow. Now.” As Scootaloo started after her, Celestia paused for a moment to give some advice. “If you aren’t planning to attack me, I suggest sheathing that blade before I turn back around, little one.” Continuing on towards her throne, Celestia finished her statement. “Lest you face my wrath and all the Tartarus it will wrought.” Scootaloo shivered as she felt the chill from Starlight’s translations. Quickly she placed her sword back in its scabbard on her back. Continuing forward, she arrived before the throne as Celestia sat back upon it. Celestia sat on her throne, turning to look at Luna. “Get over here, NOW!” Pointing to the undead Nightmare’s throne, Celestia barked at her. “Sit, stay!” Celestia is a narcissist in her current state. She is better than all; those who fail to listen, perish. Scootaloo watched as Luna rushed to do as she was bade. Luna’s obedience to Celestia is infallible. Celestia will only allow you to live if you entertain her; her sister is no exception. Turning her disfigured muzzle to Scootaloo, Celestia’s voice lost all warmth. “You seem to understand whom you are addressing. Why have you appeared before my sister and I?” Scootaloo listened as Sweetie Belle’s answers were conveyed to her via Starlight. Speak with fear, otherwise you may die. Celestia refuses to see others as equals, make sure your voice has a respectful tone as well as a slight tremor. Display a certain uneasiness. Making sure her voice sounded slightly shaken, Scootaloo lowered her eyes to the floor in a submissive motion. “Your majesty, I was sent by the tree.” Sitting in her throne, Luna scoffed. “A tree sent you?” The orange Pegasus flinched as she heard the loud grating, choking sound of what could only be Luna’s laughter. Looking up at the Nightmare, Scootaloo began to explain. “The tree is-” Amid the derisive laughter, Celestia held up a hoof towards Scootaloo, as her eye narrowed. Scootaloo saw the gesture and immediately halted her words. If she indicates an action, do it. Don’t tempt fate, her rage was such that she refused to use anything other than shields in combat; as when she did attack, it destroyed friend and foe alike with no survivors. Celestia turned and began to softly hiss and growl, which grew louder and louder still. Her snarling and barking grew to fearsome volume as Luna visibly sat shaking in her throne. Scootaloo couldn’t help but shake as well; the very air seemed to explode in unbearable heat, singeing her fur. Arrrgh! It took everything she had not to cry out in pain. In her ear she heard Starlight speak in a visibly shaken voice. “You don’t want me to translate that.” Beside Starlight, Sweetie Belle felt her hide under her fur, prickle with goosebumps. Hang in there love, I believe in you! Scootaloo continued shaking as the heat raced under her fur; her very blood felt like it was beginning to boil. It was becoming unbearable and just when she felt like she would lose consciousness, it stopped. Celestia calmly now sat staring at her quaking form as she growled at her. Starlight quickly explained her words and so the conversation began once more; Celestia’s one eye glaring down from on high at her. “She says to continue your explanation and that she assures there will be no more interruptions.” Scootaloo felt a sudden chill. The heat was gone as the air grew cold. Staring into that eye caused her joints to ache as a bone-chilling sensation seemed to radiate throughout her. She found it hard to speak; as though her voice had been ripped from her throat before she could reply. Her breath felt heavy, as the Arisen Princess stared into her own eyes; observing, scrutinizing her every move. Am I going to die? She had never once feared her own death; since picking up her mother’s blade, Scootaloo had known it was her against the world. She would die, or she would survive; there was no medium. Now however, she was shaking as she felt it; the icy cold that seemed inevitable. Her thoughts were racing, anxiety gripped her very soul. That’s when she heard it; Sweetie Belle’s advice before hand. If you doubt your survival at any moment, if you feel you are alone, think of me. I am there with you; I won’t abandon you. She may do her worst, but you are not alone. Focus on me, Hunter; my love for you will be your shield. I will be your shield...Your shield...I am your shield. These words echoed throughout Scootaloo's mind. Yes… Scootaloo felt her heartbeat quicken; the air around her grew warmer. Your love… The feeling of a gentle, rolling wave of warmth encompassed her body. Shall shield me from all hate! Scootaloo felt a surge of strength, and as she stared into Celestia’s eye, she no longer felt paralyzed. Opening her muzzle once more she began to explain. “The tree is known as the Tree of Harmony, your majesty. It possesses sentience and keeps the balance between the living, of good and evil.” Celestia’s eye twitched for a moment as though she had been stricken. In the silence that followed, Celestia stared at Scootaloo as Luna watched onward with an eager gleam in her eyes. It was apparent Luna wanted to see her decimate Scootaloo with her hatred. Celestia however, sat there in silence as though contemplating what had been said. When she finally spoke, her words surprised Scootaloo as they were translated by Starlight. “I am not alive. Not as you are, in any case. I am interested in your words, as I can feel no deception in them. I am however curious, if such a being does exist, what purpose would they have for seeking myself or to a lesser extent my sister out?” Scootaloo lowered her head to the ground in a bowing gesture. Her voice seemed to quiver as she responded using Sweetie Belle’s words. “Y-your majesty, I am but a lowly messenger, I would never presume to understand the motives of those stronger than I; such as you...Or the tree.” The single eye of the Arisen widened in disbelief. “You would dare to equate me to this tree, pony?” Before Sweetie Belle could say anything, Scootaloo answered the translated snarls and growls issuing from the throne before her. “Your majesty, I speak with nothing but reverence for your power; the tree’s power is not of this realm. Before it, no creature alive or dead, can hold a candle.” “How dare you do this you worthless- um...I’m not going to translate that.” Luna’s ranting was cut short however, as Celestia turned horn aglow and uttering a series of unintelligible rage. Luna's flesh began to issue forth smoke and the smell of burnt meat reached Scootaloo’s nose. Struggling to prevent herself from retching, Scootaloo noticed the horn stopped glowing as Luna nodded and lowered her head silently in shame. The flames died down as Celestia returned her gaze to Scootaloo; her eyes ablaze in anger. Closing her eyes, Scootaloo waited for her inevitable punishment, but it never came. Slowly, she opened her eyes and stared, uncontrollably shaking in fear, at the Alicorn’s animated corpse. A series of soft growls and one sharp bark greeted her. Starlight’s voice filled her ears. “She says, you think rather highly of this tree of yours, tell me, does it go by any other name than Tree of Harmony?” Scootaloo nodded. “Yes, its proper name in our world is the Gem Hydrangea, your majesty.” The words of the Princess had been civil, but her decaying body sat quivering and shaking before Scootaloo conveying another story. It told of her unbridled rage as she kept her instincts to obliterate the upstart before her in check. She wanted nothing more than to annihilate the Pegasus that dared to assume there was a stronger power than her. However, something seemed to clearly be weighing on her; what if such a being existed? It would avail the twisted, corrupted Princess more to learn more about the situation; not to reduce the Pegasus to ashes on her throne room floor. Her eye quivered in its socket as she appeared to consider this. Her hooves trembled as she repressed her instincts and pointed it at Scootaloo. Her teeth were gritted as she forcibly growled out the words Sweetie Belle had been waiting on: “Take us to this Gem Hydrangea, let us see it’s so-called higher power.”     > Chapter 13- The Eldest Royal Sister > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The stairway seemed to be longer than before. Perhaps it was the tense atmosphere as Scootaloo and the two Arisen Alicorns slowly made their way down it’s winding passage. Or perhaps it was the fact that Luna had brandished her scythe once more to rest against Scootaloo’s neck; looking for any excuse to decapitate the Pegasus that had humiliated her. Scootaloo wasn’t sure, but she knew she had to do whatever it took, to toe the line and survive the trip down. Sweetie Belle’s words surfaced in her mind as the dim torchlight illuminated the deathly silent stone well. The hard part begins once you get them to the stairwell. After that there will be no going back and no way to prevent an attack. Trust your instincts and lead them to us. Luna silently fumed as the three made their way down the stairs. Her eyes were trained on the imposter that had the nerve to enter her sister’s throne room; waiting for just any moment to justify striking down the Pegasus. Her razor-sharp scythe was placed flush against Scootaloo’s throat. Any reluctance or display of deception would result in Luna gleefully removing her head from her torso. Celestia was silent as she took point, on the way down. Her hoofsteps were regal though each and every step she took echoed within the stairwell. Her fury was evident as the stone stairs cracked each time she lowered her hoof to make her way down the stairs. Scootaloo watched her as the Arisen’s form shook before her. She knew at any moment the Alicorn could turn and end her life should the mood strike her. However, surprisingly the Arisen seemed to be deliberately forcing herself to contain her rage. Why, though? It didn’t make any sense. If her rage was such that even she couldn’t control it when fighting, why would this undead form of the once proud Royal Sister be trying to keep herself in check? What can she be thinking? Why is it she is seeming so reluctant to destroy me? The same question was running through Celestia’s own mind. Her body was decrepit and decayed to where the bones protecting her heart shown clear as day amidst the remaining flesh of her hide. By all sense of the word, her body was dead. Even the Arisen were unable to think aside instincts; Sweetie Belle had been right. However, Sweetie Belle had been wrong about one thing; Celestia and Luna were still conscious. The Alicorn’s life force may have been extinguished, but her consciousness was eternally tied to her form. Immortal and undying, the Alicorn’s will would forever inhabit the walking corpse of her body. She was still in there; her thoughts twisted by her own corruption. Many years of doubt, grief and fear had distorted her warm and inviting nature, molding it into hatred for all things. Alive, dead, good or bad; it mattered not to her. The magic within her raged like an inferno; the light of the sun bestowed upon her now replaced with the flames of Tartarus. The world was hers to burn. Or at least that normally would be how she felt, if not for Scootaloo’s words awakening a memory from long ago, from deep inside her. As she slowly made her way down the stairwell, Celestia found herself trapped unwillingly within her own memories. *** “Sister! Are you alright? I heard you screaming.” Princess Luna stood in the doorway of her sister’s bedroom, on her back sat a young unicorn; laughing from the sudden gallop. Celestia lay in her bed and upon seeing them, smiled; her fears from her dream were quelled in a heartbeat. For the last thousand years, her sister and her had ruled side by side. “I just-” The tiny unicorn began to cry and whine. Luna gently nuzzled her and returned her gaze to her sister; her voice was warm and caring, almost motherly. “Oh my, someone is hungry. Sorry sis, Cadence needs her bottle, let’s discuss this tomorrow at breakfast.” Celestia nodded; the sight of the unicorn bringing her great joy. The pride of the two sisters; Cadence, the unicorn foal was the heir to the Crystal Empire. Her mother, Amore tragically sacrificed herself to prevent Sombra from taking over and used her own blood to seal the necromancer away. The sisters of Amore; Celestia and Luna had adopted the little one to honor her memory. Celestia just gave a soft chuckle as she laid her head back down on her pillow. “That will be fine, Luna. Better hurry, she sounds rather hungry.” The solar mare slowly closed her eyes as her sister took the crying bundle of joy away to give her a midnight bottle; a faint smile upon her lips. The discussion could wait until sunrise. It wasn’t long before Celestia’s eyes opened, and she slowly rose from her bed. Taking a few moments to stand by the windowsill her horn glowed a golden sheen and the sun rose up as the moon went down. Humming quietly to herself she made her way to Luna’s bedroom. Walking over to the baby crib, Celestia gingerly scooped her up and placed a hoof to her lips. “Shhh, don’t wake up Aunt Luna. She had a long night, Sweetie.” A few hours later, Celestia exited the kitchen carrying a tray of two stacks of pancakes and one bottle of warm milk, as Luna staggered into the dining room. Cadence giggled and reached for her Aunt Luna as she approached the table; causing Luna to smile. “Hey there, moonglow, ready for breakfast?” Sitting down at the table Luna graciously accepted the tray of pancakes with a laugh. “Indeed sister.” As she leaned over to tickle the chin of Cadence, Luna asked Celestia about the night before. “By the way Tia, what happened last night?” Celestia froze as she raised a steaming bite of warm pancake to her muzzle. “Luna I saw it.” “Saw what?” Celestia’s eyes widened in fear as the images of Sombra rising again filled her mind. “Our kingdom’s destruction. A war. A war we won’t be able to weather. One you and I won’t be able to stop.” Lowering her hoof, Luna’s expression was deadpan; her sister was well known for her foresight. “Tell me sister, what did you see?” “Many events; including Cloudsdale falling from the sky, set aflame. Ponyville attacked by a horde of undead creatures. Many ponies I do not know falling victim on a battlefield. So many nations annihilated…” Her voice broke, her expression appeared quite shaken. Luna felt a shiver as she bade her sister finish her sentence. “Annihilated by who Tia?” Locking eyes with her sister, Celestia spoke in a broken voice; as though the very soul of the Princess had left her body. “By us, Luna.” The look of absolute terror flashing across Luna’s face for just a moment was recognized by Celestia as her sister blurted out. “Sister surely not! You know that I would never-I- mean-” While it was true Luna had nearly executed her older sister a thousand years ago, Celestia had quelled the rebellion with her that same night. As her sister was being consumed by her psychosis following Celestia’s seemingly enforced isolation of her, Celestia had not only admitted to ignoring her sister. She had also taken her rage full-force. That night, as her sister attacked, Celestia broke through her veil of anger and worked out a plan for her to receive her due respect. After all she had said, neither she nor Luna had conquered Equestria alone; both had worked hoof in hoof to take the throne from Discord. From that day forward the two had worked in harmony to rule and manage Equestria. Celestia nodded. “I know Luna.” Looking down Celestia continued. “This isn’t just you. No, I saw myself as well. Infected by a mysterious plague, you and I go on a rampage.” “A plague, but Tia, Alicorns don’t get sick.” Shaking her head, Celestia explained; her tone conveyed defeat. “I know. This plague centers around the necromantic magic of Sombra; it amplifies the victims pain and suffering, anger and fears. I do not know what events will transpire to cause this, but it will happen.” “Sombra? But Amore’s sacrifice-” Luna froze as Celestia glared at her. Amore had been the elder sister of the two; treasured by both and admired by all. Sombra’s attack on the Crystal Empire had ended with Celestia and Luna captured. Seeing no way out, their sister used her own blood to draw a seal; the Seal of Love, saving her sisters at the cost of her own life. Her death had struck the sisters hard; Luna wasn’t fully old enough to understand at the time, but Celestia was devastated. It was best not to mention it. Besides, Celestia wasn’t one to speak unless she was absolutely certain about something. Instead, Luna asked a different question. “How long do we have?” “I don’t know. Months, years, decades, maybe even centuries.” Luna paused for a moment. “What should we do?” “We need to visit the tree.” *** Celestia felt the faintest shadow of a smile play across her marred face. That stupid tree our sister planted. As she slowly walked down the immense spiral staircase, she mused over long lost memories, as they resurfaced in her mind. We went to visit it; deep in the Everfree where our sister along with six champions planted it countless centuries ago. The air around Celestia grew warm as she remembered that moment. Scootaloo walked in step behind Celestia and noticed a significant change in the Arisen’s stature. The steps no longer broke with each step she took and the air felt warm; not like that of her inferno, but like a mother’s hug. Staring in disbelief as the comforting warmth surrounded her, Scootaloo could help but wonder. Is this what the sun felt like when mom was growing up? No, it’s something more; something intimate. What is this? It almost feels like a lover’s embrace? Behind Scootaloo, Luna’s concentration wavered and her scythe trembled. It can’t be. There’s no way! The warmth wasn’t coming from Celestia, but was growing stronger as the trio made their way down the stairs. They were mere steps from entering the second basement and now Celestia could feel it clearly. I see, just like she promised. So be it. Stepping down the stairs into the second basement, Celestia’s eye twinkled, and a genuine smile covered her muzzle; as she beheld before the shining smile of the Arisen known as Starlight. “Long time no see...Amore.” *** With a calm demeanor and an almost playful growl towards Starlight, the nightmarish form of Celestia came through the doorway. Sweetie Belle watched wide-eyed as the Arisen walked mere inches in front of her, sending shivers down her spine.Celestia only looked at her for only a moment, before turning back to Starlight and growling gently. In that one moment, Sweetie Belle felt it. What is this? Sweetie Belle began to sweat, her breathing felt heavy, and she fought the urge to flee. I- How did Scootaloo withstand this? Hate radiated from the walking corpse. Pure hate, as though Tartarus itself had manifested before her. She was terrified. It was overpowering, she had to run. I have to get away; I have to- That’s when she felt it, seeping into her very soul; anger. Sweetie Belle’s blood began to boil as thoughts of murder, self-loathing and absolute hate for all things welled up in her mind. She felt herself drifting away; caught in the maelstrom of swirling darkness through the recesses of her very core. Just when she felt herself about to give in, a new sensation filled her; one of compassion, love and understanding. Soothingly, she found herself encompassed within a sweet blissful sensation; chasing the darkness from all recesses of her soul. It was almost like a hug from… Mom, is that you? No, it was a bit different, though it truly felt as warm if not warmer than a mother’s comforting embrace. She blinked and noticed Starlight shooting her a sidelong glance as she faced Celestia. It was then she heard the voice of Starlight. “You’ve fallen so far, Celly. Have I been gone so long that the Princesses would forget their purpose?” Celestia’s angry bark only served to confuse Sweetie Belle even more. What is she saying, what does Starlight mean? To her Celestia’s words were just angry growling. She couldn’t begin to fathom what was happening, what Starlight was referring to. However, while Sweetie Belle was lost, her partner listened with great interest. As she stood there, blood trickling down her neck from the scythe’s edge, Scootaloo understood it all; Starlight’s translation spell still active. *** Scootaloo stood there as she felt the blade dig into her flesh, and as the blood began to slowly trickle from the stinging wound, she ignored it. Instead, her focus was on Celestia and Starlight; the whispers of the translation spell still resonating in her ears. “Hello...Amore.” “You’ve fallen so far, Celly. Have I been gone so long that the Princesses would forget their purpose?” Celestia angrily growled back. “How dare you?” Starlight’s smile never faded, but her form began to glow; the gashes in her flesh becoming whole. Her cuts faded away, her eyes took on an amethyst hue and her body grew. Scootaloo heard her partner gasp in shock as the unicorn that had been known as Starlight became an Alicorn; standing as tall as Celestia herself with a shooting star cutiemark, and that same unwavering smile. Her voice changed and carried an air of wisdom to it. “Sweet Celly and Little Lulu. My sisters why have you strayed?” Scootaloo wasn’t sure why the new Alicorn spoke in the same growls as Celestia and Luna, nor why she could still understand it. Then she noticed a secretive wink towards her from the one Celestia called Amore. She wants me to know, but why? Amore spoke in a measured voice; the words were one of giving a lecture, but the tone showed her sadness. “Little sisters have you forgotten all that I taught you? About our duty to the citizens of this world?” Celestia snapped angrily at her elder sister. “Who are you to judge us? You went and sacrificed yourself for a seal that didn’t even keep!” Amore’s wings flared open; an impressive array of lilac and pink feathers. She replied with an absolute authority that even caused Celestia to flinch. “I did what my position as Princess of Love required of me. I gave my life so my daughter, and my sisters would see another day. Or have you forgotten how your alabaster flank got captured by Sombra?” Celestia paused and looked away, narrowing her eyes. “That’s not-” Amore’s voice rose, seeming to shake the very stone room the group stood in. “You’ve forgotten what it means to be a Ruler. Our duty is not to ourselves Celly! And it never was. Our job demands we give our all so that our citizens can flourish, even should it mean our very lives!” “I-” “SILENCE! Infected by a plague, that never should have affected you, consumed by rage at a memory that was intentional from the start-” Celestia’s eye glowed with a fiery rage. “No! Don’t you dare talk about her like that! She never wanted to-” Amore looked down on her sisters as her eyes narrowed. “You mean my daughter? The one YOU raised and the one that sacrificed herself? Are you so blind? She knew it would happen!” As Luna and Celestia stood trembling, Scootaloo listened to Amore’s explanation. “Cadence knew she had no chance against Sombra! She also knew she could delay his attack and told the guard to evacuate as she did so! She lured him away to save her kingdom you fool! Celestia, you are not a child anymore! You are tens of thousands of years old Celestia! GROW UP AND ACT YOUR AGE!” Scootaloo winced as she watched Celestia cringe under the harsh words. Amore closed her wingsand raised a hoof at Scootaloo. “And you, little one. Why don’t you tell Celestia the truth? That you are humoring her?” Celestia growled in anger. “Humoring me? What could a stupid pony do against me?” Scootaloo answered softly as she stood firm, her tremble gone. “Because, your majesty, I feel no threat from either her or her sister.” No threat? Every fiber of my being is screaming to run and save myself. How can she be so calm? Sweetie Belle’s mind raced in disbelief as the answer came sooner than she expected. Luna snarled at Scootaloo. “You insolent lower life-form! Show respect!” It was then that it happened. Luna swung her executioner scythe with full intent to remove the head of her captive. Seconds before it struck, it simply halted in the air and then shattered into fragments. As the fragments of solidified magic vanished, Scootaloo slowly turned to look at Luna and spoke in a soft whisper that seemed to echo in Sweetie Belle’s mind. “You should listen to your sister. I don’t hunt helpless prey.” > Chapter 14- Achieving the Impossible > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scootaloo’s stance had changed, she seemed different; she looked stronger. Turning her head, she smiled at her partner. Sweetie Belle stared at Scootaloo and she felt stronger as well. Her shaking stopped. Her heart felt like it had received a supercharge; pounding in her chest at a rapidly increasing rate. She no longer felt any fear and now she stared at her, the one who had been with her throughout her life, her sword; her lover. Sweetie Belle had found her resolve again. It had only been for a minute but, as the fear had washed over her, she had forgotten. Forgotten the bond she had forged, the intimacy between her and Scootaloo no other could ever comprehend. Now as she stared at Scootaloo; standing there with absolute conviction, she remembered. Mom was such a bucking liar Sweetie Belle thought as a smile graced her muzzle. She told me I would understand what it was that made me so attracted to that Pegasus. Thirty years together and I still don’t understand it. I don’t understand how she can chase my fears away with a single glance or how I feel safe by her side. But I don’t care. We can do this; we can do anything...Together. She spoke in the commanding voice that sent a tingle down Scootaloo’s spine every time. “You tell her, Hunter.” This seemed to infuriate Celestia to the breaking point as letting out a roar, her horn glowed with light. A massive fireball issued forth straight at Sweetie Belle, as the mare stood there; a deer-in-the-headlights stare on her face. “Nooooooooo!” Without a second thought, Scootaloo leapt in front of Sweetie Belle, knocking her to the ground and placing her one good wing over her mate; shielding her from the blast. Closing her eyes, Scootaloo took the full brunt of the blast as Sweetie Belle felt the intense heat singe her fur. After the resulting flash of light from the blast, Sweetie Belle opened her eyes to reveal a horrifying scene. Scootaloo still stood rooted to the spot; her alchemical wing prosthetic, dripping. The magically infused metal had been struck full force by the inferno and been melted leaving a jagged edge as it dripped down onto the floor. That wasn’t the worse part, though. As scootaloo turned to smile painfully at her, Sweetie Belle gasped. Scootaloo’s face was burned with 3rd degree burns; the fur was gone. Her muscles were exposed on the half of her face that been struck. The cauterized blood was a dark, sickly black. It was clear however, that there was only one thing on her mind: “Are you alright, love?” Her voice was strained, her pain immeasurable, yet she didn’t care. She didn’t care if she died, she was now past her breaking point. As Scootaloo let out a scream of rage, she turned to face Celestia. “WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?” Stamping her hoof, Celestia snarled back. “I’m Princess Celestia you-” “No you aren’t!” Staring into her single eye as her face pulsed with a stinging agony, Scootaloo stumbled but braced her now burned forelegs. “You aren’t Celestia! I have no idea who you are but, my mom told me about Celestia, and you aren’t her!” “How dare-” “Shut up! Celestia was kind, Celestia would give anything to ensure her ponies safety! The Celestia I was told about would never act this way! YOU AREN”T HER!” Celestia froze as she just stared at Scootaloo as she unsheathed her sword; Her pain echoing in her words. “ I grew up in darkness, where was the sun princess to raise the sun? Where was the warmth and love that I heard so much about?” Taking a moment to stare at the blade, she narrowed the only eye she had left. A tremor in her voice as she ignored the pain from her wounds. “No, there was no sun princess was there? All our life, we fought just to live against your Arisen. Fine, you know what I’ve had enough.” Raising her blade into position, she rushed towards the Arisen form of Celestia. “You want to lead the dead, princess? Fine. I”LL SEND YOU BOTH TO TARTARUS SO YOU CAN, YOU ABOMINATION!” *** ...As Amore stood there amidst the remains of her two sisters, she turned to Scootaloo and a tear slowly fell down her face. As the tendrils of the tree slowly wrapped around the pieces she spoke in a warm voice tinged with sorrow. “The throne can never be empty. My sisters fell but now you have a chance to rebuild. Their magic must be preserved, please step forward, both you.” *** Sitting in the chair before the fillies and colts in the library, the Alicorn princess read from the book on her lap. She looked up to survey the crowd as she closed her book. “...And that’s how the sun and moon returned to Equestria, centuries ago.” Giving a warm, sunny smile, the Princess spoke in the gentle voice she had used for centuries amidst the cheering and applause from the nearby parents. “Any questions?” A young pony; a colt asked with stars in his eyes as he stared at the Princess’s artificial wing. “Did that really happen, Princess Scootaloo?” With a cheerful laugh, the Alicorn replied with a wink to her nearby wife; who was nursing a small foal in her lap. “Who can say? Though love has a way of making the impossible things a reality. I hope you all enjoyed storytime. Thank you for having me.” Standing up, the Princess walked over to the white unicorn who was her wife. “Did you have a good day, Sweetie?” “The nurse’s office was incredibly busy today. So many patients! Little Stormy Diamond here was so fussy...Oh and wait until I tell you what Carol said to me…” Sweetie Belle was still dressed in her nurse uniform, the hat on her head slightly askew as she breast fed her child. Scootaloo smiled and shot a glance at her son in Sweetie Belle’s lap. He had the white fur of his mom and the magenta mane of herself; A pegasus. She was so happy; never had she thought she would be where she was now. Outside, the sun shone brightly over Canterlot’s vast expanse as they walked past the Rainbow Memorial Library; chatting and laughing. The shadows were growing longer as they headed home. It’s almost time, I better get going. One last thing to do before we can go home. Turning to face Sweetie Belle once more, Scootaloo gave her a gentle kiss. “I’ll meet you at home love; it’s time to lower the sun.” *** Standing alone on the archway of her castle, Scootaloo’s horn glowed a bright yellow as the sun slowly sank below the horizon of the nearby forest. The glow of the alicorn’s magic changed to a soft blue as, with a grin on her muzzle, the moon slowly made it’s way into the night sky. The glow faded as she just stared into the star-filled sky and as she had for centuries since becoming the Ruler of Equestria, began talking to the heavens. “Hey mom! Hey Rarity, today was amazing. Wait until I tell you both how the reading at the Library went…” For hours she sat there chatting to them. “And that’s when….I know right?...Can’t wait to teach him to hunt. Well, look at the time. I got to go. I can’t keep Sweetie Belle waiting, You know, I finally get it: beneath every mare’s wings is the stallion who gives her the lift. Right mom?” As she turned and trotted away, two clouds took shape in the otherwise clear night sky; oddly resembling the form of a Pegasus and a Unicorn, smiling down upon the Alicorn, as they hugged each other.