> Bound For Glory > by Damaged > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > What Lies Inside Rhymes With Corn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steaming water ran down Rainbow Dash's legs. It ran down the rest of her as well, of course, but Spitfire was focused on Rainbow's legs. She wanted to kick them out from under Rainbow so the other mare would retaliate. There were legends about Rainbow Dash skirmishing with some of Equestria's biggest monsters, and in her current mental state, Spitfire wanted something specific to get angry at. "Hey, what's up, cap?" Rainbow might be a little dense about the feelings of others sometimes, but her time spent hanging around with her friends had taught her when somepony (or somecreature) was sizing her up for a fight. The desire to beat up (or get beat up by) her wingpony left Spitfire at hearing her speak. "Wound up a bit tight at the moment, Crash. I think I need to spend a few hours on a heavy bag to work everything out." "Weren't you just on the heavy bag before our fly?" Spitfire clenched her eyes closed as she remembered attacking the poor inanimate bag. "Yeah." "And it didn't help?" Rainbow was nothing if not loyal, and seeing a pony—a pony she considered her friend—obviously hurting was like an itch she had to scratch. "No, Crash, it didn't f—" Spitfire always worked to keep herself professional, but this issue was making her facade slip. "I have no idea what will." "'The mare who brought the Wonderbolts to the modern age,' or so that biography said. You need an outlet for somethin'?" "You're quoting that back at me? Crash, I might just give you a good talkin' too after all." As she lifted her forehoof, Spitfire sent it casually at Rainbow. The blow would have been easy for any but the most incompetent ponies to dodge, and Rainbow was not an incompetent pony. Spitfire hadn't prepared for Rainbow reacting with a counter. Her leg was grabbed, pulled, and when Spitfire started falling forward, she landed with her chest pressed to the wet floor and her butt in the air. "Not to put too finer point on it, cap, but you aren't really gonna win a fight with a telegraphed swing like that." Rainbow stepped back to look at how Spitfire reacted. It wasn't often Spitfire had been truly tested in combat alone, but that one swing at Rainbow Dash had proved what she'd long suspected—she was soft. "Buck you, Crash." What she hadn't expected was a leap in excitement at being handled. "You couldn't do that if I was serious about it." "Spitfire, don't take this the wrong way, but you need to get fucked. Preferably by—" The kiss had been a surprise. Rainbow Dash froze at the touch of Spitfire's lips on hers, but it didn't take her more than a second to regain her composure and start to enjoy it. Before things could go too far, however, she pushed Spitfire back with her wings. "Cap?" "You're right, Crash." "Yeah, not that I'm not interested, but last time I told you about the kind of fun I get into, you made me fly a hundred laps." Safe in her assumption that Spitfire would back off at the reminder of Rainbow's preferred games, Rainbow instead saw a hardened expression on her commander's face. "I don't know if I'm into all that, but I need some outlet, Crash. I've tried getting with others, but could you name me one interested pony who wouldn't fold like a uniform when I walk into the room?" Rainbow Dash snorted. "So you come to the only domme you know, hoping she won't say yes so you can go back to your sycophants?" Jerking her head up in surprise, Spitfire narrowed her eyes through the hot, wet air at Rainbow. "How much have you been reading?" "Enough to learn some new words here and there. It kinda helps I have the biggest nerd in Equestria as a best friend." Despite being shorter than Spitfire, Rainbow Dash knew one thing very well—presence was everything. She walked around Spitfire, eyes tracing over a body that had spent a lifetime working hard. When she got to her commander's rump, she reached out with a single primary feather and flicked Spitfire's tail up. "Crash!" A blush ran through Spitfire from the tip of her hooves to the top of her ears. "What are—" "Yeah. Look, if you want to have some fun, cap, I'm up for it. But you know what games I'll play." Rainbow walked around to beside Spitfire and looked up into her eyes. "Just so you know, if you want to ride the Crash, you have to be this tied up." Spitfire barely saw Rainbow move—she was fast in a way that defied anything a pony should be capable of, and was closer to a striking snake. One foreleg, then a back leg, was kicked out from under her and Spitfire flailed as she was flipped to her side and then back on the shower floor. Staring up, she realized Rainbow was standing over her. "H-Here?" "Not here. If you want, meet me at my place in half an hour. I'll get some things ready for you, but just so you know, the second you step into my house—looking to get fucked—I'll be in control. If you don't like something, shout honey. Got it? Honey is your safe word." Her heart pounding, Spitfire found herself nodding up at the smaller mare. It was insane, but she had already made her choice. "H-Honey. Got it, m—" She'd almost slipped and called Rainbow ma'am. She'd never had this side of Rainbow directed at her before, but it made the tight spring inside ease just a little. "Good." Stepping off Spitfire, Rainbow left the showers—making plans. "This is insane. She's a nutcase in the bedroom—even Soarin said so. Why am I doing this?" Spitfire didn't have answers to her questions, but what she did have was a wound up spring of tension that only one thing had relieved. The image and feeling of Rainbow Dash standing over her—having so easily shoved her down—still made life just a little easier to deal with. Each time she had thought back to that in the last half an hour had been better than all the sex she'd ever had with stallions or mares. Lifting her hoof, Spitfire knocked on the door to the Cloudesdale home of Rainbow Dash. Despite all her bravery and feelings, she wanted to just run away back to— Opening the door, Rainbow cocked a half smile. "You decided to show up? You remember what I told you? The word?" "Honey?" "Perfect. That'll be mine, too. Don't think I'm into everything, and just because I'm kinda in control doesn't mean I won't get a little freaked out at times." Rainbow gave Spitfire a moment. She'd been with enough ponies for their first time to know that this is when Spitfire might just run. "If you're cool with having some fun, get your fuzzy butt inside so I can get started on you." Spitfire's eyes widened and her ears folded back. Every sexual encounter of her life had gone completely different to this. Normally it was Spitfire who'd talk up her game and take charge of things. Her hooves carried her inside and she found herself closing the door behind her. "Okay. Some rules. The big one—" Rainbow smiled a little wider, "—have some fun. I'm gonna fuck you senseless at some point, but I want you in the mood for that. Relax, let me do the talking, and fight if you want. Whatever you need to do, you do. But if you don't say that word, expect me to fight back twice as hard, got it?" The rule actually relaxed Spitfire a little. From her times with ponies, she enjoyed being the one to receive and give pleasure, but it was always that way in her mind. Relying on a partner for more the fun was new and exciting. "Yeah." "Rule two. My name is ma'am, mistress, or master. Take your pick or try them all. My name for you is whatever I think works in the moment. If it doesn't work for you, you know what to say. Got it?" She'd almost said it earlier. Spitfire focused on her throat and lungs, bringing the sound up from deep inside and unleashing it with her tongue and lips. "Yes, ma'am." "Rule three is I am not a harsh bitch. You're a good girl for calling me ma'am, and I reward good girls." As she spoke, Rainbow watched Spitfire's body language, and the slight response to good girl made her latch onto it and use it again. "Rule four is, if you are unable to use your word, and need to, you have my permission to hurt me. Got that? Your safety and consent is required for this." "Is there a rule five?" Spitfire asked, and quickly tacked on, "Ma'am." "There isn't. I don't care about anything else, and while you're in my house with my rules, you don't either. Now, head to the spare bedroom. Second on your right." Snapping out her wing, Rainbow revealed the riding crop she was holding. When Spitfire didn't move fast enough, the crop found itself striking the flame-colored croup just forward of Spitfire's dock. Jumping, Spitfire felt her heart-rate soaring as she did as she was told. When she reached the room, she stopped dead a few steps inside it. There was a bed, some kind of wooden frame that looked like a fancy bed without the actual bed part, and cupboards around the walls of the room. "Get on the bed and on your belly. I think you're a kicker, and I want to head that off before it starts." When Spitfire didn't move, Rainbow brought the crop down again—on exactly the same spot. "Yes ma'am!" Spitfire's time in the military had taught her to respond to authority. Lately, however, that side had been lacking in any true authority. She had a moment to ponder this before her legs were moving on their own. "Rope, straps, or cuffs?" Rainbow asked rhetorically. "Always such a hard decision, but I've broken-in enough fillies to know they respond best to rope on their first time." She kept an eye on Spitfire as she approached one of her cabinets. Opening the door, she lifted out several lengths of soft, hemp rope, a little bundle of ribbons, and a string-ball. The first Spitfire knew of Rainbow's return was the feel of a wing brushing over her thigh. Firm, the touch guided her leg as it worked along, and Spitfire extended the limb backward. She started to turn her head, only to get a kiss on the cheek. It was surprisingly warm, and she felt her arousal start to build. "You be a good girl, you get rewards. The best girls even get orgasms." Rainbow, her wings more dexterous than any three hands put together, quickly began to weave the end of one rope into a loose loop. Stretching it over Spitfire's leg, she worked it up further until it reached the top of her cannon. The rope was far softer than Spitfire would have thought. She felt Rainbow coiling more and more of it around her leg before giving it a tug. Rather than bite into her flesh, the weight of the pull seemed spread over a wide area. "Wh-Where'd you learn that?" A sharp strike to her dock this time made Spitfire tense and bark out, "Ma'am!" "Better. I'll have you breathing that word at the end of everything you say by the end of today. I learned this from a bat pony, who is twice as good at it as I'll ever be. Fruity as his lunch, though. Shame, I'd have sucked him dry for his secrets with tail-wraps." Rainbow selected another length of rope and swapped to Spitfire's other leg. Being tied up was wrong on so many levels for a trained fighter. Spitfire couldn't stop herself from struggling a little at the addition of the second rope, but to her surprise, Rainbow Dash had put one foreleg just forward of her croup and bore down on her. A smaller mare shouldn't have been able to hold her down so easily, but squirm and struggle as Spitfire did, she couldn't do more than kick her leg in annoyance. "Are you done?" Rainbow Dash asked. "I know this'll be hard to accept, but that's why I called it breaking-in. You need to be trained, your body needs to be trained, and that means sometimes I am going to make you do things you wouldn't normally." "Yes ma'am." Even as she spoke, Spitfire tried to will her leg muscle from spasming. "It's hard." "Well duh. Everything's hard the first time. It gets easier to relax, trust me. I've had mares way more flighty than this calm into the most wonderful submissive things. But, if you ever want to keep fighting, just go for it." Rainbow finished tying the second set of loops around Spitfire's thigh with her wings and then tugged that rope to the corner of the bed. There were two different tie-offs on the bed. Rainbow looped the rope through the ring of the sprung one and started pulling. "Going to be a little tugging now. Just relax and I'll get you bound and helpless so we can really start." The idea that this was merely foreplay surprised Spitfire. She felt Rainbow tugging on her leg, and couldn't stop her own struggling—but no matter what she tried, Rainbow won. There was a feeling of constant tugging on her leg now, even as she felt Rainbow swap back to the first and start tugging on it. When Rainbow had both back legs properly restrained and under tension, she ran her wing up the nearest one. Strong muscles were bunched under her touch, and it made her sigh in dominant glee. Having a newbie at her mercy was just about Rainbow's favorite thing in the world—apart from flying. "You've been a good girl so far. Next bit is your forelegs. You know I'm going to have you completely helpless here, right? Nothing will move that I don't want to move." Spitfire's first thought was that nopony could be that good at tying somepony up. She'd fought enough times to know that tying somepony up was a delaying action only. The part of her that'd walked into Rainbow's house—that was feeling aroused at every word the smaller mare had said—believed it hook, line, and sinker. A wing pressed to her shoulder, then Spitfire felt movement on the bed and, when she looked, Rainbow was climbing up and laying on top of her. "What are—" Her words choked off as strong wings pressed to her shoulders and began to massage her. "Fffff…" "My good girls always get the best rewards." Rainbow wasn't an expert masseuse, but she knew how to find tight muscles and work at them with her feathers. She found Spitfire's shoulders to be extra tight, and with what she wanted to do to the mare they needed to be loose. "Are you my good girl?" Rainbow Dash's wings were turning Spitfire's shoulders and resistance into gooey jello. She barely heard the question, and it took her several tries to think of how to do anything but sigh happily. "Yessss ma'am…" Leaning her head down, Rainbow nuzzled at Spitfire's neck and gave it a little kiss before bucking her hips. "My good girl." The emphasis didn't escape Spitfire's notice, she was just too relaxed to challenge it. Every few strokes of Rainbow's wings, the mare would give another little hump. Slowly the sensations seemed to blend together for Spitfire, relaxation and having a mare playing with her. "Now I want you to stay like this. Relaxed and calm, happy and horny. You got that?" Spitfire's ears twitched and she nodded, only remembering to reply properly a little later. "Yes, ma'am." "Good girl." Rainbow inched her way forward, pulling two more coils of rope with her. First she took Spitfire's right leg in her wings and started to wrap it up in precise coils of hemp. "You get to watch this time. Notice how I add this little pinch here? That puts the strain back on the rope and not your leg. When I pull this tight, you'll feel stretched, but your leg won't be strangled." Watching, Spitfire waited for Rainbow to tug on the rope. She was right, of course, the rope was as expertly tied around her foreleg as the others were about her back legs. "Yes, ma'am." Her back legs. Spitfire had forgotten they were even bound. There was a little tension from the springs, but it was easy to ignore with how good she felt. "Good girl. Let me do the other and you can have your first reward. You remember what rewards I give good girls?" Rainbow started work as she spoke. "O-Orgasms? Uh, Ma'am." "You learn quick for such a wild filly. Yes. Good girls get orgasms." Rainbow climbed off Spitfire and drew both ropes up to the head of the bed. One at a time she secured the ropes to rings at the corners, then she gave each a little more tension. For the first time Spitfire felt actually restrained. Her forelegs stretched out forward and to the sides, and now the springs on her back legs took up some tension and strained to hold her back legs out and apart. Her eyes widened, and she started to struggle despite herself. All Spitfire's motion stopped, however, when she felt a feather run along her vulva. It wasn't a gentle touch, as one might expect—Rainbow Dash's flight feathers were strong enough to hold her bodyweight, and were more than strong enough to press in at the cleft of Spitfire's labia and part them. A shiver ran all the way from Spitfire's back lips to her front ones, then back again. She let out a soft whine and resumed her squirming—but now she was trying to get more of Rainbow's touch. Her freedom was forgotten. "I think my good girl likes being touched. But we're not quite ready for her rewards yet. Why don't we do something with those wings?" Rainbow walked over to a cabinet—leaving Spitfire to squirm and struggle against the ropes—and selected two piton clips. "You might not be familiar with these, but I promise you they won't mess your wings up." Curiosity ate at Spitfire. She turned her head to look at Rainbow walking back to her, but she couldn't see what she was carrying. Opening her mouth, she was about to ask when Rainbow revealed the first of the clips. It look about the size of a foal's hoof and seemed like a spring. She watched as Rainbow positioned it on the inside-edge of her right wing and then pushed it down over the joint. The pressure was intense for a second. Spitfire tossed and turned, and she finally couldn't hold it back any longer. "Honey!" The pressure stopped—was gone. "Too much?" Rainbow asked. "It didn't hurt, I just—I've never had anything like that on my wings." It was surreal to Spitfire. The way Rainbow spoke was without any of the earlier possessive tones—she was just Rainbow Dash. "Does it really not do anything? Why do you put them on?" "You'll find out what it does in about twenty seconds after having it on. I promise you, I wore them for a day to test them out. They won't damage your wings." Biting her lip, Spitfire had to be honest with herself. She was enjoying this far more than she ever thought she would. Rainbow knew things about her body that Spitfire, in all her years, had never learned. "Put them on. I'll tell you after a minute if I want them off." Rainbow stroked Spitfire's mane with her wing. "Dammit, cap, but you're brave. Your wings are your life, just like mine. I'd never ruin that. Are you ready?" Spitfire nodded, and didn't even finish it before she felt the clip grip down on her joint again. She started struggling, squirming, fighting against the bonds and flapping her wings. For nearly twenty seconds she struggled when something on her pinched wing just seemed to go numb, and her feathers stopped catching air properly. "W-What?!" "There. The nerve that controls your feathers just needs a little pinch and it'll have them all relaxed. Try curling your primaries." Rainbow was walking around the bed to the other side, and she watched Spitfire struggle and strain to no avail. "I—I can't move them. H-How—You said it doesn't do any damage?" Using her own wings to tease at Spitfire's other wing, Rainbow shook her head. "Nope. Perfectly safe so long as your wing is given plenty of exercise for a few days after. As if that would be a problem." Spitfire stared at her disabled wing in wonder. All her life she'd had her wings to get her in and out of trouble. Rainbow Dash had stolen her very wings. An ache went through her, focusing on her rump. Spitfire let out a little moan and stretched her neck out. "Do the other one, ma'am." "I'll do it, but that sounded awfully like a command." Rainbow clipped the other of Spitfire's wings and jumped onto her back again. As Spitfire bucked and squirmed under her, Rainbow massaged her shoulders and breast muscles with her wings. She let her good girl fight against her bonds and struggle with every ounce of her strength to get free. Eventually, after what felt like an eternity of fighting, Spitfire slumped limply against her bonds. Her wings were extended to each side and lay still, her head lay on the covers of the bed—her thoughts were still. What woke her from that state was a little humping motion from the mare above her. She let out a whine, but the hump came again. "What do you want, Spitfire? This is what I want. I love making ponies my squirming little pets. I break down their resistance until they'll give me everything—then I fuck them. What do you want?" The humping, more than anything, drove home how helpless Spitfire was. She could no more stop Rainbow than she could use her wings. "I want—" Words failed her. She let her mind float a little more, accepting Rainbow's humping for the reminder it was. "I want a pony who will make me feel—feel beautiful." The words stunned her. She'd never spoken this way before, never thought these thoughts were inside her. "I'm a butch monster of a mare. Nopony can—" "I can." Rainbow humped hard, driving a grunt from Spitfire. There was no toy and no penis to connect them, but the act was simply to prove to Spitfire that Rainbow could do whatever she wished. "I know other tricks. I can make you a pretty mare, but it goes so much further than this." Rainbow Dash started humping more rhythmically. Spitfire's mind was so distracted she barely noticed as Rainbow shifted her weight a little. "Please?" Stopping humping, Rainbow kissed Spitfire's neck as she lifted her hips from Spitfire's rump and started doing the straps of a toy up around her. The weight of the toy hanging under Rainbow's belly filled her with more confidence than ever. "Honey." Spitfire moaned at the sound of the word. "What?" "I need your permission for a lot more. You agreed to be tied up and fucked, but what you need is more. I can't break you enough in one night to make you feel like a pretty mare, Spitfire. I need to use something stronger—hypnosis." "I trust you." The words left Spitfire's mouth before she'd even fully thought them. "Yeah, I know that. Not many ponies let me put pitons on them in the first session. You trusting me isn't the problem, I need to trust you that you'll break out if I fuck something up that isn't your pussy." Rainbow lowered her hips to Spitfire's back, letting the mare feel the strap-on toy. "Do you promise me you'll break out of whatever I do to you if something feels remotely wrong?" It was an insane question. Spitfire would have quickly replied any other time that she wouldn't let anypony boss her around against her will. But, as she'd just had proven to her, a friend could do all kinds of things and Spitfire would allow it. She closed her eyes and searched herself. "If you truly hurt me, I'll tell you." Spitfire was in no way ready for Rainbow's reaction. The mare atop her brought her hips back and then shoved forward. The pressure against Spitfire's wet entrance swelled and gave way in one fluid motion. Rainbow shoved the toy into her, stretching her vagina a little, and Spitfire got her answer. The humping and massage were completely different now. Rainbow Dash murmured words to her, words that she barely heard at first but finally started to actually hear. "Relax. You are relaxing more and more with each thrust. You can't help but feel your body sink deeper and deeper into the bed. This is your first induction by me, but you hear echoes of my words reaching back years." Rainbow hadn't used the techniques often, but she was experienced in this nonetheless. "Each stroke, each stretching thrust fills you with calm. Each empty withdrawal draws more of your thoughts away. In. Relaxation. Out. Calm." It shouldn't have worked. Spitfire had had training against mind control tricks—especially changeling ones—but Rainbow's words slid into her mind like a warm blanket on a cool night. She drew them up around her mind and let them crowd out her thoughts. The steady rocking slowed, but Spitfire didn't mind—she was so warm. At last Rainbow slowed her thrusting to a halt. "Your mind is calm. You are relaxed. Everything around you feels warm and soft. All except my voice. It fills you—each word—and gives you purpose. "In a moment I will finish you off, and when you climax you will become Feisty Flame. You're a mare barely out of flight school. You're so excited because your coltfriend has finally agreed that he can't resist your beauty any longer, and he's going to come to your house and ravage you. Don't worry, your best friend is here to help you get ready for him." Rainbow slowly pushed in again. "You're having a fantasy about him right now. He's such a handsome stallion, and he wouldn't have anypony but the most beautiful and feminine mare at his side." Spitfire's body built in pressure. Lightning gathered behind her back legs, and when her boyfriend's ghost shoved in one more time, Feisty Flame climaxed. Squealing out in girlish excitement, Feisty shivered and fought weakly against the ropes that bound her. Rainbow had to move fast. She took the strap-on off and quickly unbound Spitfire. Each bond had a single piece that needed pulling and its intricate knots turned into so much limp rope again. "Hey, Feisty, you okay?" Feisty shook her head and lifted herself up from the bed. Her wings felt a little odd, but she giggled at how wonderful everything else was. "Rainbow! He's coming around in—" "In an hour. Come on, Feisty, let me help you get ready for him." Rainbow gestured to the door with her wing and watched Spitfire jump off the bed. "Something's wrong with my wings…" Holding one limb out, Feisty examined the clip on it. "What do you mean? Your wings have never worked quite right. That's why I'm here to help you, silly." Matter of factly, Rainbow used her own strong wing to fold Spitfire's up. "Come on, I've got the perfect makeup." Feisty completely forgot about her wings. Of course they were like that. "Will there be time to dye my mane?" "Of course there will." Rainbow had nothing planned for the evening—she'd made sure her commander's time would be uninterrupted. A short—shared—shower later, and Feisty Flame was standing in front of the mirror and looking at her pink mane and tail. The color was vivid—bright—and she loved it. "I need makeup." "Yeah you do. Something lighter. Rarity taught me some of this—you're lucky I'm here." Rainbow pulled a stool over and selected a soft pink eyes-hadow. "Close your eyes, Feisty." Standing calmly, letting her best friend put her makeup on, Feisty Flame couldn't have been happier if she'd tried. The more that was done, the more feminine she felt. Every lash was attended to with mascara, and she felt Rainbow draw along the edge of her lashes with eyeliner. Looking her best hadn't come naturally to Rainbow, but her friend had trained her in the fine art of applying makeup. Of course, Rarity had insisted on teaching Rainbow every facet of the art, so when it came to making up Spitfire, she actually knew what she was doing. "No, keep your eyes closed until I'm done." Feisty did as told. She tingled with every stroke of a pencil or kiss of a brush. It always surprised her how long mares spent getting made up. Everything shook, from her dainty hooves to her weak wings. "What about now?" "Open your eyes, Feisty Flame." The mare in the mirror looked amazing—gorgeous. Something inside Feisty unwound completely and a smile split her face. "Oh my goodness! Is that me?" "I gotta thank Rarity big time," Rainbow Dash muttered under her breath. "Yeah, Feisty, that's the real you. Now, let me get your hooves done before he gets here." Not actually able to remember the last time she'd had her anything done, Feisty Flame sat still and watched as Rainbow Dash painted her hooves in a slightly brighter gold than her coat. One. Two, Three. Four. "Now let me get your tail and mane done. Hold still, Feisty." The fake name, Rainbow knew, would reinforce things, but the excitement and raw delight on her commander's face made all this work worth it. Beating up a heavy bag, fucking some mare or stallion, or even going for a fly didn't come close to this. That Spitfire hadn't even flinched from her role once told Rainbow it was something Spitfire had wanted deeply. Hypnosis, she knew too well, was easily broken by distrust or disbelief. With each ribbon Rainbow Dash wove into her tail and mane, Feisty Flame felt more excitement. The pretty mare in the mirror laughed and giggled, and watched as her best friend made her over into the picture of femininity. Something in her mind twitched and squirmed, then went calm again. She figured it was nerves. "When's he coming?" "Feisty, he's in the living room. Hold on, I'll go and tell him to come through. The next pony that comes through that door is your boyfriend, right?" Rainbow used her monotone from the induction to lead Spitfire toward the command. Shaking her head a little, Feisty nodded and almost nibbled a hoof in excitement. "Okay!" Ducking out of the room and counting to ten, Rainbow Dash cleared her throat and said in a deeper tone—through the closed door—"Are you decent, Feisty? It's me, Blitz." "Blitz?" Feisty's mind struggled a little, but then Rainbow's words came back. "Oh! Blitz! Come in!" Rainbow tried to swagger a little as she walked into the room. She looked at Spitfire and let her eyes roam all over the mare. "Fuck you look hot, Feisty." The mind game caused a moment of rebellion in Feisty's head, but her underlying desire for the scenario held her in character. "Blitz!" She rushed over to her stallion and wrapped her weak wings around his neck. "Blitzy! What do you think?" Stepping out of the hug after kissing Spitfire, Rainbow looked at her as thoroughly as she could. "You look like the prettiest mare I've ever seen, Feisty." She stepped closer again and used a wing to nudge at her shoulder. "Turn around and let me show you." Feisty's eyes went wide. She shivered with joy at the words her darling had said, enough so that she almost forgot to turn around. With a jerk and a giggle, she turned and fluttered her useless wings. Her coltfriend was on her back in a flash. Feisty let out a girlish squeak and stepped forward, but he pushed up on her again. She barely got out another gasp and he was in her. Feisty's mind melted into joy. She was the prettiest mare her stallion had ever seen, and he was proving it to her. Each thrust was rapid, jolting, reinforcing in her mind the fantasy that was built around her. She rocked back into his thrusts and felt bliss at each swelling penetration. This wasn't a fast ride, though. She felt Blitz seem to gain a second wind and start bucking harder and faster. It was a testament, she figured, to how perfect they both were. Determined to let him finish first, Feisty realized she could see them both in the mirror. Her eyes widened at the sight. Feisty had the most gorgeous mane and makeup. Her coat was pristine and yellow and her beribboned tail was cocked to the side under Blitz's body. He was so handsome and masculine that she almost fainted at what he was doing to her. Sex, Feisty felt, was just about the best thing ever when it was being paid as a compliment. But Feisty's focus was lost. Blitz had leaned forward and was giving deeper strokes. Each drive of his stallionhood made her shiver, and when he shoved far enough that it kissed her cervix, she lost her composure. Rainbow Dash grabbed at Spitfire's shoulders with her wings and yanked back as hard as she could to impale the mare on the strap-on. Her own desire was as yet unfulfilled, but Rainbow could have forsaken a hundred orgasms to witness the look of pure bliss on Spitfire's face. With the climax came reality. Spitfire's eyes widened as lightning struck and thunder rolled around her nethers. She opened her mouth—not knowing what to say—and heard a high-pitched moan rail against the walls from her own throat. The mare in the mirror was just as pretty as Feisty had thought, but now it was Spitfire feeling it. The spring inside her let go completely and she was forced into a second orgasm, then a third, and finally her legs gave out. Spitfire folded to the floor with Rainbow still atop her. Spitfire was still unsure how she'd wound up back on the bed, tied up once more, but she didn't care. She trusted Rainbow Dash enough to not hurt her. "Lick." Opening her mouth, Spitfire didn't have to stretch her tongue far to run it along Rainbow's labia. The two thick folds of flesh parted, and a small nub exposed itself to her attention. Spitfire didn't care much about anything else right then but doing what she was told. Another lick. "Yes, ma'am." "Good girl," Rainbow Dash said. "Very good girl."