"Shh, Don't Speak, Darling."

by chokingchicksandsodomy

First published

Nothing stops Twilighting like a healthy mouthful of cock. Twilight just doesn't know it yet.

Rarity has a theory that Twilighting can be treated by having Twilight focus on a single, simple task - one of repeated, engrossing motions. Twilight will soon discover the accuracy of the theory, and how generous Rarity is in providing equipment for testing it.

Started before learning of Monochromatic's RariTwi Bomb, but lining up nicely with it, and finished in time for it to be officially listed.

Contains: Rarity in leather pants. And then Rarity out of leather pants, so Twilight can reach her big tasty cock.

Unorthodox But Effective

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Twilight was a mess. That was plain for anyone to see, and not just from the garish cyan dress shirt she wore, or how ill-suited it was to the long white skirt she’d paired it with. People were rightly attached to their clothes, of course, and the chiffon no doubt felt wonderful against her fur, but still, Rarity dearly wished Twilight had taken her up on that royal wardrobe offer. Oh, the ways Rarity would have framed that form, accenting curves with an applique or a necklace chosen just so, and bringing out the lustrous purple of that fur.

Rarity sighed. What might have been!

Anyway, the point was that Twilight was a mess at that moment, and one didn’t need Rarity’s trained eye for detail to spot it. It was evident in her hair being so in need of a good brushing that Rarity would never have left the house in that state. In how her right eye was tensing, clearly only a couple of minutes from the twitching phase. And in how she paced back and forth across the map room, hooves ringing on the crystal flooring as she babbled to herself, hardly hearing her friends’ reassurances from their chairs around the table.

This approach wasn’t working, and more drastic action was required. Usually they’d thought it best to just let Twilight tire herself out from the walking and worrying, but today Rarity found herself brimming with just the right balance of concern and boldness, with just a touch of good-mannered impatience.

There was also a stirring in her loins, which, while intimately familiar, wasn’t usually something she noticed when the six of them were sitting around the map on Friendship Business. But now it whispered, goading her on.

“Girls,” she said, turning to face inwards, looking at each of the others in turn across the table, “why don’t you head down to the Ponyville Cafe for a spot of tea? I’ll get Twilight settled, you might as well do something relaxing in the meantime.”

The looks she received faded from doubtful into resigned, with Pinkie blowing out her lips and Applejack shrugging. Without too much further ado, Rarity’s friends filed out, parting with weak smiles at her and a few fretting looks at Twilight.

“And if you wouldn’t mind terribly,” she called after them, “could I trouble you to bring me back a skinny latte, please?”

Pinkie saluted in acknowledgement, last out, before zipping after the others, slamming the door shut behind her in the process.

Much as Rarity had expected, Twilight hardly seemed to have noticed the other four leaving. She was still frowning at the floor as she paced, muttering to herself and shaking her head from time to time.

Pursing her lips, Rarity stood up from her chair. Her hands found themselves on her hips as she surveyed Twilight, idly delighting in how it pressed the divine mauve silk of her top against her immaculate fur. Then she tugged the neckline a bit lower – quite a bit, as low as she dared – when Twilight was facing the other way.

She would have to pitch this just right.

The bulge between her legs reasserted itself after the brief distraction of standing up, making its presence known both physically and in her psyche, spurring her onto the next step.

“Twilight, Darling,” she said, putting one foot in front of the other until she was committed enough to her course to cover the distance without needing to think about it, “why don’t we come and sit down?” She slipped an arm around Twilight’s shoulders, guiding rather than pushing Twilight’s pacing in a new direction, back towards the table. “I don’t know how I’d ever design an outfit for you again if your legs fell off from all this walking.”

Pliable Twilight might have been in her meanderings, but she kept talking all the while, listing all the things that could go wrong with the choice of silverware for the banquet or somesuch. Even when Rarity managed to back her into her chair she continued unabated. And though Twilight now looked up at Rarity standing over her while talking, the impression was that she was seeing someone different.

There was nothing else for it, then. Part of her had hoped Twilight wouldn’t require such direct intervention – the poor dear deserved to be self-sufficient in that respect, especially as a princess. But a bigger, throbbing part of her was struggling to restrain itself in its glee.

Rarity leaned back against the map table, just the right height under the tops of her thighs to half sit on while also remaining upright. She smoothed her hands over her tight black leather trousers, subtly shifting them so the crotch didn’t feel quite so restrictive.

Those trousers had caused quite the stir on their debut, with a worried gasp (Fluttershy), some covert admiring of how they shaped her rear (Applejack), and a lot of not-at-all-subtle ogling (Rainbow Dash – who else?). And Rarity did have to concede that they were far from her usual sort of affair.

But official Friendship Business – such as last year’s urgent no-time-to-pack excursion to the Crystal Empire, where it was still snowing, and she had been wearing a sundress – had taught her to be prepared for any eventuality. And leather was hard-wearing, warm and practically waterproof, while also not too bulky to move in. Also timeless, as a statement, and a bold one for her to pull out of left field. Fleur-de-Lis would always look better than her in a dress. That was Fleur’s job, after all. But trousers showed range.

Rarity smiled. If anyone could distract themselves from base thoughts of sexual desire with extended musings on fashion, it was her. She truly did love her life.

Enough of that for now, though. Now was the time for action.

She lifted her hands to her belt, unthreading the amethyst-encrusted tip from the belt loops, and then unbuckled it and released the ends to hang loose in front of her. She slowly, precisely undid the button on her trousers, then reached for the zip. The rigidness of the material gave the zip a deep, resonant sound as she slid it down as far as it would go.

Twilight didn’t seem to have noticed. After a weighing look, Rarity continued.

She curled her thumbs over the waistband, then pushed herself forwards from the table just enough to smoothly slip the trousers down over her behind. She looked down as she settled back, pleased at the sight of her alabaster legs bordered by black leather below and mauve silk above, with focus drawn to the lacy violet thong she wore. Any eventuality, darling.

Still Twilight paid her no heed. Rarity might have been offended, if she hadn’t expected as much.

So Rarity pushed herself off the table a second time, this time neatly slipping her thong down her legs to follow her trousers. Such a smooth, minimal movement, and such enticing – daring, but still tasteful – underwear, all completely undone by the monster which flopped free.

The brisk air around her member, the cold stone of the table beneath her ass cheeks as she made herself comfortable again – those stimuli barely registered in comparison to the tingle that ran through her when she curled her dainty fingers around her cock and pumped it a couple of times.

Then she looked up and–

Twilight had reached the eye-twitching phase. Still burbling about ambassadorial etiquette, but now with eye twitches. Rarity sighed.

Still, there was no time like the present, and Twilight needed the help more now than ever.

“Oh dear, Twilight,” she said, adopting something of a motherly air, “why don’t you come over here and focus on this for a bit instead?”

No response. Rarity wasn’t going to get to sit down and relax her legs, was she? Twilight was going to make her work for it. Suppressing another sigh, Rarity stood upright.

No one has ever managed dignity when trying to walk with trousers around their ankles before. Rarity was keenly aware of this, and, in that moment, grateful for Twilight’s attention being elsewhere. Thankfully Rarity didn’t have much distance to cover, and so managed the waddle without blushing so furiously she risked losing her erection.

Now standing beside Twilight’s chair facing it and its occupant, Rarity grasped her meaty cock at the base. She might have been tempted to waggle it at Twilight, if that hadn’t been something she’d have expected of Rainbow Dash rather than a pony with even an ounce of refinement.

Instead she said, “There now, Darling, try seeing to this for a while to take your mind off things.” The fingers of her other hand wove their way into Twilight’s hair, stroking and gently coaxing her closer, pushing her head in a suggestive way rather than a forceful one.

Perhaps training for a medal in obliviousness, Twilight still mumbled aloud, which made it easy for Rarity to slip the tip of her cock between Twilight’s lips as they opened, shuddering at the hot breath on her bell-end a split-second before Twilight’s mouth closed around it and Rarity felt completeness in life.

“I know, I know, Darling,” she cooed, leaning her hips forwards to slide more of her eager white cock into that Celestia-blessed purple mouth, “being Princess of Friendship can be so stressful. So try just being the Princess of Cocksucking for a while, and everything will seem easier to handle.”

Watching closely, Rarity was reasonably confident Twilight’s eyes widened in surprise and bafflement, rather than the horror or outrage sticking a cock in somepony’s mouth did tend to risk. Twilight certainly made no move to pull away, staying still without completely locking up, which Rarity took as an encouraging sign.

“You’re doing a wonderful job already,” she said, gently patting Twilight’s head, rocking back and forth on her hooves to glide an inch or so of her shaft in and out each time. Such restraint took some effort, but she knew how great the reward could be if she started gently and let Twilight acclimatise. Still, though, she was itching to wrap a fist around Twilight’s horn.

Patience, Rarity. All in good time.

And Twilight’s tongue did make the softest and warmest bed for Rarity’s cock, curving around the underside of the flesh pressing down onto it. Maybe all Twilight’s practice talking made her tongue muscles more supple…?

Rarity smiled down at Twilight like she was some form of treasure. For all her love of sapphires, emeralds, rubies, diamonds, garnets, topaz, and dozens of other precious stones, Rarity did have to admit that cocksucking treasure was among the best kind.

It was during that loving gaze that Twilight finally appeared to catch up with her surroundings, looking up at Rarity and making proper eye-contact, her face framing the beautiful centerpiece of Rarity’s swollen white cock half-disappearing beyond Twilight’s delectable purple lips.

A noise came from Twilight’s throat, most likely an attempt at talking. Of course, Rarity was plugging up her mouth, so all that came out were muffled ‘mmm’s and some very pleasing vibrations.

“Shh, don’t speak, Darling,” Rarity soothed, cupping Twilight’s cheek and caressing it with a thumb, then angled her hips a little more forward so a new inch or two slipped inside. “We saw where talking got us before, didn’t we? So now we need some quiet time to calm down.”

More noises followed, because Twilight, bless her, wasn’t the best at taking direction.

“Hm? Yes, it is quite large, isn’t it?” Twilight had gone cross-eyed looking down her nose at the cock she was being fed. Rarity was reminded of the time she’d made a ‘free’ custom gown for the mailmare.

Another vocalisation from below, on top of the quiet, wet sounds of a mouth being put to good use.

“Why thank you, Twilight,” Rarity beamed. “I must say I’m rather proud of it too.” She rested a hand at the base of her shaft, thumb curled over the top, and fondly patted her balls a couple of times.

Far too much dry, unattended length, all veins and uncompromising hardness, lay between Twilight’s lips and Rarity’s hand. A lot of ground left to cover. Rarity’s other hand found itself cupping the back of Twilight’s head beneath her hair, encouraging her to strive with her endeavour and push herself further. In this case literally, which prompted another noise from Twilight, this one almost petulant.

“Oh, nonsense,” Rarity chided, “I’m sure you’ll be able to fit it all in after a bit of warming up.” To prove her point, she actively pulled Twilight’s head towards her, helping her to fit more in her mouth than she’d obviously thought possible.

Twilight’s eyes went wide as the tip reached the back of her mouth, and then wider still when a brief moment of necessary force from Rarity helped it breach into the top of her throat.

“There we go, see? A princess shouldn’t doubt herself.” Satisfied Twilight would stay where she’d been put, Rarity moved her hand from Twilight’s head to weave patterns through her hair, reassuringly. “I’m confident that when there’s a cock that needs sucking, the Princess of Cocksucking will do whatever she needs to to get the job done. Including letting it into her lovely throat.”

And it certainly was a lovely throat, with how it cradled Rarity’s sensitive tip, squeezing it from all sides. Rarity simply held herself there for a few moments, girth throbbing amongst the hot flesh pressing in on all sides. This had definitely been one of her better ideas.

After a short while, Twilight started being all melodramatic again, making some protesting noises, and then spluttering when Rarity relented and pulled her shining length back out, leaving just the tip in Twilight’s mouth. Rarity was all for giving her friend air, of course, but letting her speak, and risk going back into that panic state from earlier, why, that would just be irresponsible!

Speaking of irresponsible… Twilight was about to deepthroat her. Rarity knew this. Even Twilight probably knew it, too. Rarity was going to hilt her cock in Twilight’s throat and then fuck it ever-more-vigorously until she came. She hadn’t quite decided where she’d bequeath her seed to, yet, but, even without that, the sweat and saliva would make it a messy process.

And Twilight, as previously observed, could only have chosen the hideous dress shirt she wore if she loved it. Which meant Rarity had a responsibility not to ruin it during Twilight’s ‘treatment.’ However much it might have improved Twilight’s image.

“Come on then, dear,” she resigned herself, “let’s get you out of that shirt.”

Twilight’s hands didn’t move fast enough, what with how preoccupied she no doubt was with the cock holding all her attention. That was the idea of the exercise, after all, to leave her unable to focus on anything else for the duration. But it did mean Rarity would have to take care of practicalities herself.

She tsked, thrusting hard into Twilight’s throat, and trying to ignore the incredible enveloping sensation and overwhelmed squeaking noises so she herself could concentrate enough to reach her hands down and unbutton Twilight’s shirt.

One did not achieve boutique-owning levels of Fashionista without being able to strip a shirt’s buttons open in no time at all, and even the tender mouth of a princess and close friend couldn’t hamper that skill. Twilight’s shirt found itself swiftly unbuttoned, but removing it from the rather leaden lump of alicorn inside proved a slightly longer task, with Rarity having to manually position Twilight’s arms to slide it down them.

She discarded the shirt – with an open sneer, now Twilight was extracted from it and the wretched garment was plain to see alone – with a toss onto the map table, and turned back to her main task.

Bulging veins on a thick white shaft slipped effortlessly in and out of Twilight’s luscious lips, almost disappearing entirely at the full extent of pushing in, leaving only a pretty purple face with earnest eyes, dedicated to the job at hand, above the last inch or two protruding from Rarity’s groin.

Below that face, now prominently displayed, were the sublime curves of Twilight’s breasts, rich lavender fur over plump mounds like rolling hills, all bordered and shaped by a shiny black bra. And– hmmm, it was quite a nice bra, actually? Silk, unless Rarity’s guess missed its mark (it didn’t), with a charming little black bow where the cups met, and another on each side.

Rarity found her hips moving just a little faster, the sight before her encouraging them that that was the right thing to do. Especially with how each thrust sent little tremors across those breasts, like they shuddered with excitement every time.

Although, those ripples could travel further if they weren’t marshalled and restricted by such firm underwear. Twilight would go from a spectacle of pleasant vibrations to a full-on bouncing chest. Again, hips moved faster, unprompted.

Well. Twilight’s nice little bra might become bedraggled with bodily fluids if it stayed on, and Rarity simply couldn’t call herself a good pony if she allowed that, could she?

One pinch of a clasp and two sweeps of shoulder straps later, Rarity’s jailbreak succeeded, and Twilight’s breasts were free. And they did indeed bounce in their ecstasy! With a contented hum, Rarity reached down and groped them, supple flesh and fur filling her palm and squeezing just perfectly beneath her fingers.

Perhaps the moan around Rarity’s cock was Twilight expressing her appreciation for being touched so, or perhaps it was a reaction to how that cock was now lodged in her mouth and throat right down to the base, thanks to Rarity’s other hand on the back of her head. There was just no way to tell, and so the world would never know.

All Rarity knew was that the perfect accompaniment to a handful of Twilight’s breast was those lips around the base of her shaft, and she had both. Lips so plush against her balls, and just begging to be roughly fucked.

And so she might have to, with all the vocalisations Twilight was insisting on attempting. Even compliments had their time and place! “Yes, Darling, thank you, I know my breasts are excellent too. And, yes, I suppose it is a little unfair that yours are out and mine aren’t, but we’re sort of in the middle of something here, don’t you think?”

Experimentally, Rarity drew all but the last inch of her length out, and then slammed the whole lot back in. If it also reminded Twilight of what should have been her primary concern for the time being, well, so much the better.

The angle wasn’t quite right, though. Twilight’s throat put up more resistance to the swift reentry than was polite.

Twilight’s personal contribution was a muffled squeak.

“Yes,” Rarity frowned, looking behind her to judge the distance to the map table, “I fear you’re right. We will have to relocate.” With a sigh and a roll of her eyes, Rarity started slowly backing up, angling towards the table. A firm hand kept Twilight’s head in place, as it simply wouldn’t do for her to end up empty-mouthed and able to resume her earlier panic session.

Still sluggish to respond, Twilight nearly fell off her chair, only getting her knees under her at the last minute. “Try not to dawdle, Darling,” Rarity advised, pumping her cock in and out of Twilight’s mouth a couple of times for good measure. Oh, but the way Twilight’s breasts wobbled as she walked on her knees was something to see!

Rarity reached the spot she’d been in when she’d removed her trousers earlier, settling back against the table, half sitting on it and again feeling the cool stone beneath her. But this time around, she had an alicorn princess kneeling in front of her, swallowing her cock, and needing for her own health the load Rarity was brewing up.

Another sigh escaped her, but this one was contented, knowing she was doing her good deed for the day. Her hand on Twilight’s head closed around a fistful of hair, with which she, with unwavering grip but gentle movements, pulled the pony’s head in her lap off most of the length of her cock, and then pushed it back down again, repeating the process picking up speed each time.

And the long whine that escaped Twilight… coming from a princess, it seemed almost petulant. Just when Rarity had been relaxing into the proceedings, too. “Fine,” she huffed down at the purple blur of motion between her legs, “if it matters to you that much, I will ‘get my tits out.’”

Rather than dealing with pulling her top over her head one-handed, Rarity instead opted to slip out of her sleeves, feeling effortlessly sensual as the silk slid down her arms. Then she rolled the neckline down over her breasts, leaving the whole garment bunched around her stomach.

And luck had had it that she’d chosen her violet lace bra that morning, which was front-fastening, so unhooking it with only one hand was an easy matter. She did grin at how her breasts sprang free, round and full and poised in their perkiness, like they were cheering how she tossed the bra behind her on the table.

Maybe Twilight had had a point; few things made Rarity feel sexy like going topless did. She squashed Twilight’s head into her stomach to say thank you, feeding her all the length as deep as it would go. A moan was the answer, with wide eyes looking up at her. Rarity tittered, revelling in the open admiration of her form, and noticed how that laugh sent tiny waves across her own breasts, just as she’d been enjoying in Twilight’s earlier.

But she wasn’t there to be ogled, flattering though it was in that instant. She was there to help Twilight with a problem, to provide a distraction which would cure an ailment, and, ultimately, to fill Twilight’s mouth, throat and stomach with as much potent-tasting cum as she possibly could, just the visceral memory of which might stave off future Twilighting episodes.

Yes, she’d have to deliver her whole load into Twilight internally, however much she’d like to spend it painting that pretty face white instead. A noble sacrifice, but one she made willingly for the sake of helping her friend’s well-being.

And, with that in mind, she needed to get her act together. The others would no doubt be back from coffee soon, and Rarity didn’t want their return interrupting and distracting from the facefucking Twilight needed.

With Rarity having bared her chest at Twilight’s insistence, she felt it completely fair turnabout to release her hold on the back of Twilight’s head and instead wrap her fingers around Twilight’s horn, forming a fist around it. The ideal handle with which to lever Twilight’s head up and down just so, moving at the right speed and taking in the right amount of cock Rarity decided on each time.

Which meant Twilight moving fast, and swallowing all of it, because cum was needed and that throat was simply the perfect tool for the job, a sleeve gripping Rarity’s entire length, squeezing it on every entry.

Rarity bit her lip as she watched, though she noticed Twilight’s own eyes were closed. Probably not a bad idea, with the flecks of saliva flying everywhere from each strike of Rarity’s plunderous assault on Twilight’s mouth. It ran down Twilight’s chin, too, and caked her breasts, lavender fur becoming a sodden, irresistible mess crying out for a pearl necklace to complete the look.

...Twilight really had better appreciate having Rarity’s cum to swallow, with the anguish of not using it to decorate Twilight’s heaving bosom. Maybe Rarity would just have to cum on Twilight’s tits another time.

In her frustration, Rarity hammered Twilight’s head up and down on her groin all the more fiercely, her cock always urging her to go just a little faster, a little harder, never satisfied. Twilight and her hot little mouth could take it, it assured her. Alicorns were practically unbreakable. And that throat was divine to fuck, but the whole thing was still too slow, and Rarity needed to be able to move faster and faster still to get it just right.

She could feel it building inside her, that warmth of honey and tension slowly spreading down her shaft. So achingly slowly, however hard she worked – or pushed Twilight to work – to coax it out into the world. Her cock was a great white glacier on the brink of the ocean, and ‘very nearly almost’ seemed tattooed on her soul.

It was coming, coming, if only she could just…

All the muscles in her legs locked up as she neared her climax, but she had to keep going, frantically slamming Twilight’s head onto her cock again and again and again. Then the paralysis reached her lungs, Rarity holding her breath and eking out the air for fear of disturbing the building release by taking another.

She was seconds away, fractions of a second, teetering on the precipice. And then the burning rush of the actual, physical release surging upwards through her, bringing light to all it touched. Her muscles clamped up all the tighter, locking Twilight’s head in place all by themselves, treating that throat like a permanent residence.

Into which Rarity unleashed a raging torrent, spurt after searing spurt pumped as directly as she could into Twilight’s waiting stomach, a potion to cure a medical affliction as surely as anything Zecora could whip up. Twilight’s attempts to swallow it all also pressed tight muscles to Rarity’s shaft, undulating along its length and squeezing out every last drop.

Rarity cried out as the orgasm hit her, a noise that might have been embarrassing if she hadn’t been totally lost in the moment. She was home, she was safe, she was loved, she was beautiful, she was everything she’d ever wished to be.

She slumped backwards as her muscles relaxed, both hands flying out to support herself on the table. That left Twilight unchaperoned for the first time since the whole thing began, but Rarity had done all she could. Either Twilight was cured, or the next treatment would have to wait for a few minutes.

Or a few hours, actually. Rarity found she was struggling to keep her eyes open, and the thought of standing up or getting dressed sounded like far more effort than she could muster that minute.

Slowly, as if it were almost stuck, Twilight pulled herself off Rarity’s cock, which was no longer rigid but still just as thick and heavy. Inch after inch, all shiny with spit, emerged, finally with the tip plopping free of Twilight’s lips and the whole length slapping down onto Rarity’s balls with a wet smack.

Twilight said nothing, still kneeling in place, drawing in huge breaths through her mouth. But they were calm breaths, Rarity noted with pride. Well, calm-ish. Not panicked, at least.

“So, Darling, next time you get all worked up about something,” Rarity said, taking longer between phrases than usual for some heavy breathing of her own, “I do hope you’ll remember this, and appreciate the benefits of taking some time out from it all.”

Rarity ran a hand down her face, grimacing at how sticky her fur was. Twilight still knelt wordlessly, working her jaw this way and that, still just as topless and covered in spit and sweat.

“Oh dear,” Rarity said, studying her, “you need fucking now, don’t you?”

Twilight met her eyes.

“I’m afraid I’m a little worn out,” Rarity admitted, sheepishly. “But maybe if you’re lucky – and make no move whatsoever to clean up – some of the others will come back horny?”

And maybe, if Rarity was really lucky, they wouldn’t have forgotten her coffee, either.