> Wherever the Light Shines > by MLPSolarDash1907 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Introduction > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Waking Up Her eyes blearily opened to meet a sky painted orange with a slight purple. "Uuhh..." she groaned, blinking several times. Suddenly, her head throbbed and veins pulsed through her cranium. "Yah!" she cried. Instinctively, she reached up to grab her temple, but her joints ached that caused her to wince. However, she pushed past the pain and grasped her head to ease her headache. What is going on?! she thought, dread and uneasiness building up in her chest. She heaved and her heart thudded. "What the hay?" she whispered. Tears welled up in her eyes before she closed them. A few whimpers escaped her throat. Seconds seemed to stretch into minutes as she waited for the pain to subside. Cracking open her eyes, she saw snow blanketing around her in the middle of a worn-down brick road with worn down, poorly kept buildings. It looked eerie and unwelcoming and as cold as the atmosphere around her. In the midst of her murky, scared mind, she let out another groan and managed to sit up. The terrain ahead was bumpy and uneven as the street stretched further into the unwelcoming town. Ragged filthy ponies trudged through the brown muck while a setting sun covered them in red. The filly wanted to cover her nose, the stench was so bad. Unfortunately, her hooves were in the same morass, and the idea of putting that dirt near her nose made her empty stomach churn... As her migraine subsided, her mind began to wander. A shudder snaked up her spine as cold sweat trickled down her forehead. Her mind wandered again. How did she get here? And who is... Her eyes widened in horror. Wait, who is she?! Where had she come from? How did she get here?! She let out a panicked yelp and stood up on her wobbly legs. “Where the heck am I?!” she cried. Her heart pounded and her breath shortened. Was anypony looking for her?! Did they know where she is?! Why is she, a ten-year-old filly all alone in the middle of nowhere?! She paused. Wait. Ten years old? She held a hoof to her temple and stroked it. Where had that come from? Is it something she remembers? Was she trying to do something and she had failed? Or did she appear out of thin air? Did somepony try to save her and end up here by accident? Or did she not exist until now? Where is she now? Darn murky mind! Forget about the questions. What does she need to do?! Feeling the migraine beginning to return, the filly reached up and rubbed her temple again. "Think, think, think," she whispered. How is she going to get a way out of this? She can't go at it alone! Suddenly it clicked. She needs to find help! With her objective in mind, she walked forward. Her stomach churned again. Her steps were as if she were making a huge effort to keep moving. Her eyes landed on the ponies working their way through the street. Her mouth opened to call out to them but held back as she shivered. They look mean. Rounding a corner, she came upon where the street split into a crossroad. Her gaze landed on more ponies. However, they were either wrapped in dirty clothing sitting out or lying on the cold ground. She shuddered at the sight of them. This place looks awful. Not willing to back down, the filly continued onwards. It’s time to figure out how she’d gotten here. “Come on, Mystic!” her voice slightly panicked. “As scary as this is you can figure it out!” Suddenly she paused. Mystic. She shook her head vigorously. Mystic? What about it? Is it something mystical? What is it? Another thought that came to her mind. Like a bolt of lightning, it suddenly made sense. It’s her name. “Seriously?” she asked herself. “Who names their child ‘Mystic’?” Mystic thought through this undaunting situation some more and realized something else. Maybe if she thinks about what she’s forgotten she’ll be able to remember! Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. She closed her eyes, thinking back on anything she might’ve seen, done, or if she had anypony she knew. Her mind felt murky and all she could remember was darkness. Her eyes snapped open as her blood turned to ice. Was she born at ten years old?! Her legs began to feel wobbly. “That can’t be true!” she whispered, she began shivering, not from the cold but because of the epiphany. As much as it was scary, it was strange. She’s able to recognize a street, ponies, curbs, roads. The smell of smoke in the air. Even make her own choices that seem applicable to her. Even the feelings of dread and horror. They came almost out of nowhere. But why can’t she remember anything about herself?! Where did she come from? How did she get here? And who is she? Why does she have to be in the dark? All alone in this neighborhood? Her legs quivered as she wobbled forward. Her heart throbbed against her ribcage. After trudging through the filthy streets for a few minutes the sound of laughter pierced her ears. Perking up, she gazed to her right and spotted a few unkempt earth pony fillies dressed in rags and kicking a dirty ball. “Fillies! Supper is almost ready!” an older voice cried. The fillies groaned. “Mom, why can’t we have more than scraps of bean buns for dinner?” one complained. “We’re starving!” another complained. “We’re not the higher ponies,” the voice replied. “We have to deal with it.” “Listen to your mother!” a voice from across the street taunted. Mystic tensed and her heart skipped a beat as she gazed to her left and spotted a laughing silhouette retreating down an alley. The fillies gasped and scrambled closer to their worn-down home, mumbling and whispering to each other. They tightly hugged each other. Mystic felt sorry for them. She can identify with the poor little ponies and being trapped in a place with no way out. As much as they seemed on edge, Mystic knew she needed help. These ponies look friendly enough and they could be welcoming. Right? “Hey,” she called out. They didn’t hear her. “Hey!” The fillies gasped and locked eyes with Mystic. The older filly did her best to smile and look friendly. “Mom!” one of the fillies cried. Mystic kept walking. An earth pony mare dressed in tattered clothing stepped out. When she saw Mystic, her eyes widened and her face turned into a scowl. “Get out of here!” she shouted, causing Mystic to stop abruptly. “We don’t accept rogues in our home!” “But I’m lost!” Mystic cried, her heart hammering. “I need help!” “Yeah right, unicorn!” the mare hissed. “I know a con when I see one! Get back to your parents!” “I woke up and I don’t know where I am!” Mystic insisted, her eyes welling up. “Please! I need help!” “Go!” the mare screeched. “Fillies! Get inside now!” The fillies scurried into the house. The mare reached behind the door and pulled out a rod. “Leave now!” she cried. “This is private property!” “But I’m starving, and I have no idea who I am and where I came from!” Mystic insisted. She didn’t understand what’s going on. Mystic outstretched her clutched hooves and pleadingly dropped to her stomach. “I don’t care who you are!” The mare began stomping forward. “In this holy-forsaken town, filly, colt, or adult, you’re with family or on your own!” Mystic stood up as a whimper escaped her tightening throat amidst her teary vision. Her mouth opened to explain. “Get out of here!” the mare roared. Mystic screamed when the mare charged. She bolted down the street focusing on the path ahead of her. She galloped further into the night, not daring to look back. It felt like hours as her legs carried her as fast as they could. Whimpers and sobs poured from her throat. Her legs gave out and suddenly she was flat on her face. She screamed, pain shooting up her left foreleg. Immediately, Mystic sat up and examined her limb. Just above the knee, blood oozed out of a scrape. She gulped. It needed to be treated, and soon! Deciding to examine herself for additional injuries, she ran a hoof along her orange coat. Suddenly, she felt something metal wrapped around her neck. She looked down at her chest to see she was wearing a golden necklace with a medallion. Where did this come from? So many questions about herself and the society she was in. Putting her discovery aside, she decided to think positively, maybe those ponies were the wrong ponies and she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Yeah. That could be it. Right? “I need help,” she croaked, “and I won’t give up...” Desperate and frightened, she decided to go around the neighborhood to ask for help. The neighborhood wasn’t as friendly as Mystic hoped. She saw ponies fighting over scraps. Several laid in heaps to keep themselves warm. She turned into a part of the neighborhood that had fewer ponies. It looked safer despite the houses looking as if they were made of rusty sheets of metal. While she passed, she looked in a window of one of the houses to see a stallion with his two kids. They looked on edge but content with their conditions. Some ponies are more fortunate than others, she thought disdainfully. She shifted her attention back onto the street. Then something caught her eye. On a laundry line, a couple of yards over were some shirts and pieces of cloth draped over it. Without thinking, she ran over and snatched one of them to help with her wound. “Thief!” she heard an elder voice shout. Oh snap! Mystic thought. Her legs carried her as fast as she could go. As she rounded a corner, she swore she heard barking that came from the house. A few minutes passed before she stopped in a secluded spot. Mystic splashed some water onto her wound. It slightly stung but she gritted her teeth to take it. She lightly scrubbed it and wrapped the cloth around it. She tightened it slightly, the wound still stung but felt better. The door slammed in her face. Mystic let out a whimper as she sulked and walked back onto the cold street. She felt tears well up in her eyes again. Nopony bothered to help her. Not even help heal her wound. Her gaze landed on some abandoned and burnt down buildings close by. A hunch told her that she won't find help there. She sighed. Time to turn around. A few minutes passed and she found one house that seemed sturdier than most of the slums she had seen. It looked somewhat worn down and with paint partly chipped away from the walls. Desperate, out of a moment of bravery or stupidity, she entered the house. The den is fairly put together, but it still looked worn down and a bit unkempt. Several cobwebs decorated the corners and a dresser nearby. Just a couple of chairs and a table in front of a fireplace. Wait, a fireplace?! Fire is burned in it, too! Her heart soared. Without a second thought, the filly made her way over and-- She froze. A cup and a book on a table. Her blood turned to ice as she gazed to her right. A sleeping earth pony in a chair. Uh oh. The thought of asking for help came to mind. However, she recalled the mare saying that without family she’s on her own. If that was true, then this pony wouldn’t be willing to help. An instinct began to ignite within her. One she never thought she had. It felt bold. Determined. A glare took form on her features. She needed to get warm. She will not freeze to death. The unicorn gazed around the somewhat empty den and spotted a ragged green jacket hanging on a door hook. Jackpot. She made her way over, not caring how loud she was, grabbed it and pulled it off the handle, causing it to tumble off the door it was connected to. The pony stirred in his sleep. Mystic put on the jacket. She nestled into it and felt warmer than before. “Hey!” a voice shouted. Mystic froze. “Give that back!” Staying by the fire didn’t matter anymore. Mystic turned and glared at him. “No! You’re on your own!” she stated boldly, but inwardly couldn’t believe her words. “Just like I am!” Mystic ran through the den as the stallion let out a cry of anger. She didn’t care, she needed this more than he did! The unicorn ran down a short hall and leaped out a window as the stallion called out to her. Never looking back, she bolted down the street. As she sat behind some rubble, she had been relishing in her received jacket. She opened it up, put it on her cold body and hugged herself to keep it on. She felt proud, but she also wondered to herself if that really happened. The fact that she not only broke into a home but did tell that pony he was on his own. She shuddered at the thought of becoming just like him. Cold. Alone. A scream pierced through the air. Her heart nearly jumped out of its chest. Immediately, she looked to her left, and in the dwindling light, she saw silhouettes moving in the shadows. She pulled off the jacket and shot to her hooves. Several ponies came into view and Mystic saw that they were carrying jewelry, cash, and sacks over their shoulders. Mystic got down on her belly to keep an eye on them. She watched them as they tried to stay close to the shadows. The one in front seemed to be the leader. “Looters…” she said in a dire tone. She watched them slink into the shadows and make their way to an alley. When they disappeared, Mystic breathed a sigh of relief. She cannot stay here. It’s far too dangerous. Maybe if she were in more populated areas she would be safer. Or at least feel safer. She stood up and began walking west, following the sunlight. The slums were larger than she had expected. The streets were mostly empty. The only ponies she saw had been scavenging for whatever little scraps they could find. Some were gnarled and had twisted smirks when they laid their eyes on her like a predator that stalks its prey. Mystic shuddered as she recalled the vivid image. Her legs slightly ached so she plopped by some barrels to get a moment’s rest. She gazed down the street and noticed something just above the horizon. Against the fading sunlight, Mystic spotted some taller buildings. They looked pristine with their wide eaves that marked a new floor. Her eyes widened. The spark of hope returned. “A city?” she asked herself, her breath carried out like a ghost. “How did I not see this before?” The filly figured that she couldn’t have seen the skyscrapers way back from where she had woken up. “Maybe it actually has decent ponies,” she said to nopony in particular. Great. Now she’s talking to herself. Or has she always? She shook her head. Did she just notice this? It took her only fifteen minutes to notice. Mystic let out a groan, snapping out of her thoughts. Maybe she could find help there! Surely there were-- “Run! Run, you fools!” she heard a male voice cry. Her blood turned to ice. The clip-clops of hoofsteps began approaching her. Without a second to lose, Mystic ducked behind a barrel and lightly peeked out. She almost hid again when she saw another group of homeless ponies running from the city. Her hair stood on end as she spotted well-groomed unicorns chasing them. Time seemed to slow down a bit before one of the well-groomed ponies shot out a burst of magic, knocking the homeless ponies to the street. “Please don’t!” one pleaded as he turned over onto his back. “We’re just hungry!” “Give us back our food!” one of the unicorns demanded. “You worms should go back in the dirt where you belong and leave us alone!” “We’re all ponies here!” a second homeless pony, only to receive a punch in the face. “No, you’re not!” the second unicorn shouted. “We hated chasing you worms from our fine establishments! You should know you have no purpose in life and know who truly matters! Now, get lost before we decide to end the lot of you!” The three homeless ponies cried out and gave the food back to the unicorns. Mystic couldn’t help but watch in horror as the homeless ponies received more beating and distaste from the other ponies before they scurried off into the cold neighborhood. “Good riddance,” said the first unicorn. “Scavengers,” said the second. Mystic watched them go. When they were gone, she realized she had been holding her breath this whole time. She snapped out of her state and began hyperventilating. “My gosh, my gosh, my gosh,” she wheezed and gasped for air. For the umpteenth time, Mystic bolted off. The worn-down buildings passed by her in a blur, the smell of urine hit her nostrils as her surroundings never seemed to change. A little later, she stopped to catch her breath. “Why fate?!” she cried. “Why do I have to be in this place?!” Her eyes welled up and she shivered again. Harder this time but not from the cold. She slammed her hoof onto the ground. She felt her hope continue to fall as she picked herself up and examined her surroundings. The buildings weren’t as worn down, but they still looked daunting and gave her an eerie vibe. Even if everything happened for a reason, why did she, a pony with no memory of herself, have to be here in this place?! Was it a mistake?! Was fate really this cruel to little fillies?! Looking down at the cloth around her leg, she noticed it came a little loose. She sat down. Her jacket slightly loosened, but still shielded her from the cold. Relief washed over her as she tightened her bandage “I need to get some shelter,” she said, shifting back into the jacket. “It’s getting dark.” She stood up again and examined her surroundings. There was no place where she could take cover. Deciding to walk, she took to the streets one more time. The sun has been gone for a while. The last streams of its golden light were barely hanging on as the night crept closer. I don’t know if I’ll ever be truly safe, she thought with a whimper. Who knows what else could be out there? The filly knew she couldn’t stay here. She looked to her right and she spotted a burnt-down building. It was the first she’d seen in a while. With one final look around, there wasn’t anywhere else that could serve as shelter. She made her way over and saw it used to be a residence. There was a piece of wall still standing. Perfect. Just enough to keep her shielded and hidden. When she arrived, the filly laid down on the floor. The musty jacket gave her some cushioning. She turned to face what was in front of her. She could see the skyscrapers in the distance and what looked to be suburbs. Their lights glowed as the sun’s light continued to fade. Maybe she could head into the city and find some decent ponies. Yeah, that sounded like a good idea. First, she must figure out how to equip herself to survive. In addition, she must find food and water. She’d already taken a jacket, who’s to say she can’t take more? “I will make it,” she vowed, “I won’t die in this place!” Settling further into the jacket, a thought came to her. She tried again to remember where she’d come from. Her mind felt as if it were a bunch of murky sludge that churned. But it all it churned was darkness, waking up, what she’s seen through the whole time she’s been awake, and her own accursed name. Mystic. What kind of name is that? Then there’s the necklace and-- She paused. Looking down at the necklace again, she brought the golden medallion closer. A sun is engraved on the front. Mystic squinted her eyes, sharpening her focus on the peculiar object. Where had this come from? Curious, she turned it over to reveal a six-pointed star engraved, too. She scoffed. “Does this necklace mean ‘starry sun?” It was a joke. How ridiculous! However, looking at the necklace-- It felt as if it belonged to her. She was unable to determine why that is, but her heart warmed a little despite the coldness around her. She smiled a bit for the first time. Starry Sun… It didn’t seem to imply anything else. Her brows furrowed. Could it truly mean that? The more she thought about it… “It seems to stick,” she said, almost automatically. It sounded right. Despite fate seeming so cruel, whatever has led her here must’ve happened for a reason. Surely, there must be a reason why she knows herself as Mystic and wears this necklace that feels special to her. “I’ll take whatever comfort I can get,” she said, letting the necklace hang loose again. Tucking in with what little cover she had, she made herself as comfortable as she could within the burnt wood. As the wind blew through like a ghost, her eyes met the skyscrapers' silhouettes as the last bits of the sun faded away. Wherever the Light Shines > Chapter 1 - The Past Hurts > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Year 16 – Day 364 A match lit up the final candle. She gazed around at the three candles that illuminated her abode. The rain pattered against the roof. It’d been raining for the past few days. She sat up from the rough-hewn chair and surveyed her lonely abode. She had some buckets in place to catch the rain leaking through her damaged roof. There were few furnishings in the den aside from the table at which she sat. Her machete leaned awkwardly next to the doorway where she'd dropped it earlier in her haste to remove her rain cloak. It leaned dripping next to the large boulder. Not the prettiest entryway, but it kept the local wildlife outside. In front of the machete lay her satchel, filled with scrolls she’d found in a small, well-hidden, abandoned hideout. Being a unicorn who could move things with magic had its advantages. Gazing to her left, she spotted her soaked sleeveless shirt and long pants hanging on a line to dry. They were as black as sin. “I'm getting sloppy,” she said. Living alone and traveling to locations across the globe, she'd fallen into the habit of talking to herself. Her horn glowed with a bluish aura that matched the color of her eyes as she levitated the machete. She placed it into its sheath, and onto one of the crowded shelves that lined her home. It rose to join all her other equipment that lay there: books and scrolls, potions, pouch belts, and knives of varying sizes and shapes. Relaxing in her chair again, she caught a glimpse of her reflection in a mirror hanging on the wall. With her hardened, tired look, her orange coat had grown decidedly shaggy. Her charcoal mane now fell in an unkempt, dripping tangle two-thirds of the way down her neck. She blanched at the sight. “I'm starting to look sloppy, too.” Proper grooming wasn't a huge priority in her current circumstances. Her only real attempt at it lately had been to keep her tail cut at half length, although that was mainly to keep it from getting tangled in the brush when she ventured out into the various wildernesses. Tomorrow was her birthday. But nothing to celebrate. She’s been traveling for so long to her planted shelters across different lands as she discovered the world and lore around her. But every year on her birthday, she promised herself she’d come back to this particular hut. It’s become a sacred tradition of hers to do so. She heard the rain beginning to drip faster into the buckets around her hut. She sighed. “I just got here, now I have to fix the darn roof,” she said, annoyed. The unicorn rose to her hooves, levitated the rain cloak over and slipped it on. Her horn alit, she rolled the boulder aside and stepped into the blinding rain. Year 10 – Day 4 Mystic settled into her jacket on the cold slab. Glancing at her makeshift shelter of sheeted metal and timber, she let out a sad sigh. “It’s better than nothing,” she said with a shiver as snow began to fall from the cloudy skies. The day after she’d woken up, she made her way to the city only to find a tall impenetrable wall that kept anypony from entering it. She’d seen soldiers guarding the entrances, keeping her from finding a way in. She even tried circling around, but found out all of the areas east of the city were sealed off. Why would they do such a thing? Why let ponies suffer outside their borders? For the past three days, she’s been wandering the neighborhood for any supplies to survive in this hostile environment. She hasn’t found much other than scraps and a pole to use as a weapon. In addition, her scrape slightly stung from the day she'd tripped, but has been getting better. She hoped, anyway. Her stomach rumbled. She looked at a couple of cans of food she’d taken. Not much to eat.  As she stared at them, her thoughts began to wander. With no memory of how she’d gotten here, how does she know how to survive and avoid danger? Did the universe program her this way? Did she travel through time with no memory of what happened? Does she have… family or friends? Do they… miss her? Mystic shivered not from the cold, but at how unnerving the thoughts were. She blinked her tears away. She glanced to her right and spotted several tools she’d stolen from some family. She hated stealing, but she’s been pushed to the brink. She further nestled into the jacket. Once in a while, she had been thinking about her reaction and outburst to that stallion. Mystic never thought she’d have it in her to do that or take it from him when he would freeze. No point in trying to go back to him now, because she’d seen him looking around the neighborhood. Obviously out for her. In addition, she has seen more gangs rummaging through the neighborhood and soldiers chasing them. Soldiers were her first idea to get into the city. She tried explaining her situation to them, not being wise about her word choice. They thought she was lying and called her a rogue telling her to take a hike and go back to her con family. Mystic sniffled. Family? What family? She’s probably an orphan. Despite her tears, the soldiers weren't convinced. In addition, they commented on how terrible she looked and placed her inside a building to keep her warm. Their comments were rude and saddened her but at least they didn’t leave her in the cold. The unicorn gazed out to the blackening neighborhood. “Is there anypony out there who knows who I am?” she asked herself. She must find out, but how could she do that? Everypony she’s seen was either scared, cruel, or a part of some gang.  She’d heard more violent crimes being committed in this place like mutilation and kidnapping-- And something about the neighborhood needing “Twenty-four-hour and seven-day monitoring.” Mystic settled in for another hard night and felt the bags under her eyes. “Found you!” a voice roared. Mystic screamed and before she knew it large hooves punched through her pathetic shelter and sent her falling onto the ground. “You thought you could get away with taking my jacket?!” a familiar voice shouted. Heart hammering, Mystic turned over onto her flank and saw the brown stallion she had stolen from. Behind him stood three gnarly, disgusting-looking stallions. All had knives in their hooves. The lead stallion held up his hoof, stomped up to Mystic and snatched his jacket right off her. “No! Please!” Mystic pleaded “I’ll freeze out here!” “And you didn’t think I’d do the same, you little thief?!” the stallion roared. A blunt impact struck Mystic in the cheek, knocking her to the ground. She landed with a thud and pain shot up her back. “You little brats should know better than to take from me!” he continued as Mystic felt her pulsing cheek “I’ve been on the hunt for you for days!” Mystic coughed. “I noticed!” Another blunt impact to her cheek. “You little cretin!” “What shall we do with her?” a second stallion asked. “Shall we have some fun with her?” a third suggested. Mystic froze. Fun? What kind of fun? “I’m making the choice here!” the lead stallion stated. He chuckled. “Although, fun does sound quite interesting.” “Mister...” Mystic croaked. She sat up and looked at him as her eyes welled up. “I...I’m so sorry about stealing your jacket...” “Not as sorry as you’ll soon be!” “Really! I am!” Mystic pleaded. “Look, I’ve been alone for so long, I didn’t know how else I was going to survive!” Word your way right, Mystic. Don’t let them know the entire story, she thought. “And I know this place isn’t the friendliest, but I don’t know anypony out here!” “That’s your first flaw!” said the lead stallion. “You can’t be alone out here!” “I know! But I’m freezing, hungry, and without family or friends!” Keep going, Mystic. “And I feel ashamed for stealing your jacket and causing you to chase after me, but if I went back, I was scared that something like this might happen!” “You got that right!” “But can you please possibly find it in your heart to help a lost, ten-year-old filly and bring her to a safer place?” Mystic pleaded, getting down on her hooves in submission. “I don’t want to cause any more trouble than I’ve already had...” She sniffed and felt tears rolling down her cheeks. “I-I’m really sorry, mister. It’s an awful neighborhood… please, help me...” She shielded her eyes and began to weep. Nopony responded to her apology and her pleas. A pit of dread and anxiety formed in her stomach, nauseating her. “Wow, how touching,” came a voice. “Seems as if she does need help,” said the second. Mystic felt a hoof brush her mane. Looking up, she saw the stallion looking down at her with a softer look. Had she convinced him? “I’ve had a lot of victims in my run. But I’ve never had one beg us for help,” he said. Wait. Victims? “And there’s something else you should know,” he continued. He glared hard at her. “You’re a talentless pony without a cutie mark and a real amateur at robbing and surviving on your own!” he stated. A cold piece of metal was suddenly at her cheek. Mystic froze and eyes widened with terror. “Take her stuff!” he said to his minions. “And let’s take her back to the hideout!” He chuckled sinisterly and stared right into her terrified eyes. “We’re going to have so much fun with her however we please.” “And a filly no less,” one of the stallions chuckled. Mystic gasped in horror. Her instinct from where she’d taken from this monster kicked in again. She moved aside, grabbed his forelegs and kicked him to the ground. “Hey!” the second cried. Mystic gawked at her actions. Where had that come from? “Don’t just stand there!” the leader ordered. “Get her!” Mystic let out a gasp and the three lunged at her. She rolled to the side, grabbed a few of her tools and fired a beam of magic at them. She didn't bother seeing if it hit anypony as bolted off. She couldn’t believe her action. First, she steals and now fights?! Some kind of fire began burning inside her. She inwardly wished she could take them on as a stronger pony. The thought surprised her, yet it seemed ideal for the moment. “Don’t let her escape!” the leader shouted. He was right behind her. Three more pairs of hooves joined him. Mystic knew she’s going to be caught if-- The leader tackled her to the ground. The impact knocked the wind out of her. She tried to get out of his grip but the stallion was too strong. “You little fool!” he growled. “Now we’re going to give you a real reason to scream!” Several blunt impacts began kicking her and smacking her. She screamed and tried to escape, but the barrage of punches kept coming. Suddenly, she felt her horn humming. “What in the?!” somepony cried. Mystic opened her eyes and on instinct let the magic fly out. It impacted the leader in the face, knocked him off her and his minions backed off. Despite her aching body and face Mystic stood up and took off not daring to look back. She heard them clamoring to get her once again. Sometime later after running through the labyrinth of the poverty neighborhood, Mystic had managed to escape her pursuers. She walked through the ghost quiet streets. Aching, limbs pinching, jacketless and out of supplies! How could they do that to a filly?! Mystic caught a glimpse of her reflection in a window. She paused and saw her face was bruised. Her mane unkempt. She looked like any other poor pony in this neighborhood. A word the stallion said came to her mind. Talentless. Suddenly, she realized what he probably meant. She’s seen marks on ponies’ flanks. All of them were different. She turned to see her flank in the reflection. It was blank. Her eyes slightly widened. A blank flank? Is this what he meant? Her stomach rumbled again. Darn it. Her lips trembled. It didn’t matter if it was from her situation or her pain. Mystic sniffed and began weeping again. “Mom, Dad...” she whimpered, “Are you even out there?” She looked up at the ever-cloudy sky as the snow fell harder. “Am I really talentless?” She sank down onto the ground as her heart sank even further. If her situation could sink any lower, it would be down to the center of the earth. She sat down. Lost. Confused. Abandoned. Talentless. Was this struggle even worth it? Why continue if she was talentless? It seemed pointless. She was a mistake. She shouldn’t be here! The unicorn looked at her scraped foreleg. How could she continue? Maybe she could give up and never bother to enter anypony’s life. “Yeah… sounds preferable...” she said. The unicorn laid next to the sidewalk. Pointless. Nopony out there for her. ... So pointless... ... ... No! Mystic stood up and felt determination rise in her chest. She will find the answers! She will find ponies who will help her find out how and when she’d gotten here! “I will not be discouraged so easily!” she stated. “I won’t give up! I will find a way!” Taking all of what she’s been through and hoping for a better place. There was only one place she could go that seemed better. The city. But how could she get in? There had to be a way in through which she could slip without anypony noticing.  Right?  With a rumble from her stomach, she was convinced that if she were going to survive… then she better continue to push. She would not slowly rot like these low lives! ... Wow. What a thought. With newfound determination, Mystic trotted onwards. Sometime later she arrived at a gate guarded by two soldiers. The surrounding wall looked as impenetrable as ever. The unicorn took in her surroundings. No roofs could reach the top and it looked as if there were crossbows on top of the wall. “Hmmm,” she said. “Maybe I should get closer.” She ducked into the shadows, stealthily made her way over and reached a box that was about two dozen feet from the soldiers. They looked hardened and unwavering. The unicorn noticed a key on the soldier on the right. The door had a keyhole. “Great.” Hmm, what to do. What to do. Aha! She needs a distraction! Yeah! That could work but if they both leave... hmm she needs to make sure that they don’t see her. She can keep them from seeing what she looks like, grab the key, and slip in! With her plan in mind, she looked around to see if there was anything for her to throw. She spotted a stone. She levitated it up with her magic and saw several trash cans by an alley. Perfect. The unicorn chucked the stone as hard as she could.t. CRAAASSH! The trash cans tumbled into the alleyway. She looked at the soldiers. They were looking in the direction she’d thrown. “Check it out!” the soldier on the right ordered. “Cover me!” the second said. The burly ponies held out their spears and began cautiously walking over to the trash cans. Mystic picked up some more rocks. As the soldiers checked out the trash cans, Mystic stealthily made her way over. She stayed as quiet as she could. “I don’t see anypony!” the second cried. “Keep looking!” the first ordered. Mystic got her rocks ready as she stopped about ten feet away from them. She was a bit further from the gate. “Are you sure it wasn’t just kids?” the first speculated. “I don’t know, but we have protocols and--” CLANG! CLANG! Two direct hits to their helmets! Mystic leaped into action. She levitated the key away from the first soldier and bolted to the door. A gutsy move. She shook with fear as her heart thudded. Not daring to look back, she placed the key into the gate and turned it. She pulled it open ever so slightly. When she got behind the gate, she caught a glimpse of the soldiers just getting up.  With a spurt of adrenaline she shut the gate before they could see her. Mystic panted, feeling as if she’d run a marathon. “Whew, that was a big victory,” she said. Suddenly, she heard the gate rattling behind her. Shoot! Mystic bolted off and ran a short distance before ducking into a shadowy alleyway. She turned and observed the soldiers opening the gate before they ran right past her, oblivious to her entry. The unicorn let out a huge sigh of relief. She was in. She was in the city! But there was no time to celebrate. She needed to get warm. Mystic searched the dark streets. They were quiet, yet felt and looked livelier. Paved streets surrounded by nicer looking buildings. Shops, houses, apartments, and businesses surrounded Mystic as she explored. Yeah, this feels a lot safer than that neighborhood. Once in a while, she did see soldiers patrolling and hid from them. She would ask for help, but she didn’t want to take any chances. Maybe there will be some citizens that would help her. She decided to head closer to the middle of the city. After searching for a little bit, she found some scarves on a discount sale. She trotted over, grabbed one and wrapped it around her neck. “Mmmm!” She hugged herself, enjoying the scarf’s warmth. “Thank goodness.” She heard voices. Perking up, she quickly took off and got a safe distance away. As she went on, more ponies talking and carriages being pulled reached her eardrums. “Yah! Yah! Move!” a voice commanded. Mystic turned and saw some ponies pulling a carriage. But they didn’t look like regular pullers. They appeared to be miserable. Behind them were two other ponies with large whips in their hooves. Mystic hid around a corner and peeked out to see what was going on. The carriage has moved past her. She lightly gasped when she saw ponies chained up in the back. All of them looked sad. “Get these to the General!” a harsh voice commanded. “You know how he is about deliveries being late!” The ponies ahead let out affirming groans. CRACK! Neighing rose from the ponies ahead. “No more lollygagging! Get moving or no meals for a week!” The carriage continued down the street until Mystic couldn’t see it anymore. “My gosh...” she whispered, completely horrified. The filly slipped into the shadows. Though the city was in a better state than the neighborhood with paved roads, some street lights, and benches, it still felt as if it had a hostile atmosphere. The smell of freshly cooked bread hit Mystic’s nostrils. She managed to swipe a couple of them before she was noticed and later found a fruit stand and took some from there, too. Her stomach beginning to feel a little satisfied. Soon, she arrived at what she presumed was the center of the city with citizens heading home or taking their loved ones out for the night. The skyscrapers reached into the low hanging clouds and six streets met in a circle around a fountain of a proud, strong unicorn. She discovered that it’s the city’s founder and it’s in front of city hall. However, she couldn’t stay long because of eyes gazing in her direction and ponies whispering behind her back. It was turning out to be a bust. Nopony bothered to even look at or even speak to her. Typical. She’s set up a street fire to keep warm. Nestling into her scarf, she sat her freezing body next to it and placed her hooves directly over it. “It’s not the best, but I hope it’ll do the job,” she said aloud. The warmth of the fire began to seep into her coat, sending a shiver of pleasure down her spine. Ah, fire. It felt as if she’s struck gold. She stretched and cracked her neck a bit until she heard something shuffle nearby. Perking up, the filly gazed to her left to where it’d come from. “Psst,” said a voice. Mystic’s eyes widened as her heart skipped a beat. “Yeah, over here,” it said again. “...W-W-Who’s there?” Mystic hesitantly answered as she stood up. “Over here, by the barrels.” There were some barrels next to a brick wall. Besides them stood a grey pegasus with a brown mane and matching eyes. “Come on over, little one,” he said, “I want to talk with you.” Mystic took a step back. “No no no, don’t run away,” the pegasus pleaded. “My name is Chen. What’s your name?” Mystic took another step back. “M-Mystic...” “Ah, Mystic,” Chen smiled, “That’s a pretty name.” “T-Thanks?” It was a stupid name she just happened to remember. “Look, I can’t imagine what you’ve seen out there. Why not come with me to get you fed and warm?” What? The idea sounded good, but how could she trust him? He was probably just tricking her. “I don’t know...” “I won’t bite. It’s awful cold. A filly like you shouldn’t be out there.” “I’ve been through too much. I don’t know who to trust,” Mystic firmly answered, though her tone wavered slightly. “Oh, you poor thing.” Chen frowned. “I know it’s rough in places.” “You have no idea...” “Please, little one,” Chen stepped out, “I mean no harm.” Mystic took another step back. “I don’t care who you are, but I don’t want to get into any more trouble than what I have been in...” “Oh?” “Yeah, I had to get past the wall...” Mystic mumbled. “The wall?” Chen lightly gasped. “Yeah,” she said with a snort. She crossed her hooves. “I had no choice...” Chen paused for a few seconds. “You clearly need help,” he said. What? He didn’t question it? “I saw you walk by not too long ago and duck into this shelter,” he went on. “My house isn’t too far away.” He smiled sympathetically. “I’ve got plenty of room.” Mystic’s stomach rumbled again. “I can’t rely on anypony,” she said sadly. “But if you can’t survive on your own, how can you be certain you cannot rely on others to help you?” Chen reasoned. Mystic furrowed her brows. Despite her skepticism, he did have a point. Maybe there are decent ponies here after all? “Come on, there’s a warm place for you, and we can serve you some food.” Her stomach rumbled for the third time. Did they have a bed? A place to keep warm? But-- “How can I know you’re not going to do something to me?” she asked skeptically. “Because I’ve seen guilty ponies, and I’ve seen horrid things done. You’re not one of the guilty ones.” He gently stepped forward. “Come on, please, just try and rely on me to get you to safety.” “I...” “I promise on all things holy that I won’t double-cross you.” Despite her hesitance, her stomach growled again. She gave up to her natural instincts and followed the pegasus. Soon, they arrived at a modest-looking house that needed repair. Chen gently opened the door, and Mystic stepped in. She was ready to flee in case something went wrong. The interior of the house was just an average-looking home, but it definitely looked better than the awful houses in that neighborhood. Mystic was led through the living room and into the kitchen where she spotted a fruit basket. Her eyes lit up, and her stomach rumbled again. “Hey, everypony!” said the pegasus. “We’ve got a little guest!” Mystic heard two ponies scurrying in the back of the house. An orange pegasus and a red pegasus both came out. Their eyes widened. “You brought a unicorn here?” the orange mare admonished. Chen growled at her and crossed his hoof in front of his neck. The mare shut up, and the second mare nodded. “My apologies,” said the first mare, “I’m just not used to unicorns in our house.” Then she quickly added, “Not that there’s anything wrong with them!” “They just don’t come by often,” the second mare insisted. “Right,” the first nodded, “By the way, I’m Jinjing and this is Mei.” Jinjing extended her hoof. “And you are?” “Mystic,” the filly replied, taking her hoof. She began to feel a little better. These pegasi looked decent and not hard-hoofed like earth ponies or stuck-up like unicorns. “The poor thing was stranded and lost out in the streets,” Chen frowned. “She looks like she’s been through Tartarus.” “Oh, she has.” Mei followed suit, carefully touching Mystic’s face. The bruises pulsed under the touch, causing Mystic to step back. “Ouch.” Mei looked at her apologetically. “Let’s get her cleaned up,” added Jinjing. A few minutes passed and Mystic was feeling a little better, plus they’ve given her a fresh bandage over her scraped leg. “That necklace is pretty,” said Jinjing, “Where did you get it?” Mystic almost answered casually but she stopped herself. Some other time they will know about me. Some time, she thought. “Somepony very close gave it to me,” she said as she gently pawed at the golden necklace. “A friend of mine..." “Really?” “Yeah. They’re somewhere in the city,” it was a lie and it hurt her, “I’ve gotten lost...” “Any family?” “Probably. I have a guardian but... I’m not really looked after much...” “Oh, my...” Jinjing frowned. “Did you run off from him?” “Yes!” Mystic answered quickly, “I did because he’s awful!” Suddenly, her stomach rumbled loudly, causing her to blush. “Shall we serve you something to eat?” Mei asked from down the hall. With another rumble from her stomach, Mystic nodded vigorously. As Jinjing prepared a meal, Mystic found out that the three pegasi are siblings and have been living together for years. Soon she was presented with a warm bowl of noodle soup and a fruit basket. She chowed down on the food like a wolf, enjoying every minute of it. Hot chocolate and cookies followed. A little later she was laying on the couch completely satisfied and not starving anymore. What was she skeptical about again? Eh, it doesn’t matter anymore. The three pegasi have been talking about something for some reason concerning food and finances. “--I just hope we can work it out,” said Mei as she came over and sat down in a chair. “Trust me, this’ll send a message and give us what we need,” replied Chen. “A message about what?” Mystic asked curiously. The two siblings froze. “Oh!” Mei cried. “Sorry, grown-ups talking!” “Yeah, we’re going to send a message!” Chen said awkwardly. “To the post office!” came Jinjing’s voice. “Yeah, what she said!” Chen quickly added. “Not helping, Chen,” Jinjing muttered under her breath. Mystic curiously tilted her head at them. Jinjing gave her a sweet smile. The unicorn shrugged, deciding to let it slide. “Do you know of any place I can stay?” she asked. “Oh, but you can stay here!” Mei smiled. “But I should be going out and finding a proper place.” “But you can stay with us!” Mystic blinked. “Huh?” “Yeah!” said Jinjing, walking around the couch to face her. “Look, I know you might not trust us completely, but we can at least keep you until you’re ready.” She frowned. “That is if you want to leave.” “A-and we can totally help you find a place tomorrow!” said Chen. Mei shot him a glare. “What he means,” said Jinjing, stepping in front of her siblings,“is that we’re wanting to help you with your needs.” That sounds wonderful! Finally, some decent ponies! Mystic smiled and let out a pleased sigh. “Okay,” she said, “I’ll stay here and get back on my hooves.” “Oh, that sounds fantastic!” Jinjing cheered. “We’re just going to have so much fun!” “And give you as many cookies and hot chocolate as you can drink!” Mei laughed. “Don’t forget to wash your hooves before dinner!” added Chen. “Shut up, Chen!” “All right,” said Jinjing, stepping over to Mystic, “let’s get you cleaned up.” The unicorn got up from the couch and caught a glimpse of her reflection. She turned to look into the mirror and saw she was still dirty and bruised. “Yeah, I agree,” she nodded. “I’ll get the water started!” said Mei. Chen stood up and walked off into another room. Mystic tilted her head curiously. “Don’t worry about him,” said Jinjing. “Sometimes he can have long days.” “Or just wanting to laze about,” Mystic suggested. Jinjing giggled. “Or that.” Soon, Mystic was bathed, scrubbed, and groomed by the two sisters. They were very warm in their remarks and did a great job fixing up her mane, tail, and coat. Afterward, they sat her down on the couch and left to speak with Chen. After waiting on the siblings for about 20 minutes they came out with some devious smirks on their faces. Huh? However, they were smiling when they were right on her. A trick of the light perhaps. “Hey, little one,” said Chen, “do you mind if we ask you a favor?” “Chen!” Mei scolded. “I know she’s just gotten here, but come on!” “Hey, you told me to ask her!” Eager to at least do something nice for her caretakers, Mystic spoke up, “What kind of favor?” “Do you think, if it’s not too much trouble, you could help us out with a job?” Jinjing asked as she turned back to Mystic. “A job?” “Just a small job,” said Chen. “It can only be done tonight.” “It’ll just be a job of gathering supplies like canned food, clothing, and bits,” said Mei. “What kind of job is this?” “You see, we’re traders with some ponies in the city,” said Chen. “We give to them and they give to us, so we can know we rely on one another.” “And we also give to charities to help poor ponies that can’t help themselves,” Jinjing explained. “Wow!” Mystic marveled. “That sounds interesting!” “Oh, it is!” Mei smiled. “But we need you for a special job, because this is going to be our biggest one yet!” “Me?” “Yeah, you little filly. And it’s not a hard job!” Chen wrapped a foreleg around her. “All you need to do is grab whatever you can from the Resort, bits, goods, anything! We’ll give them their due and take it all to ponies in need!” “That sounds odd, but it sounds so cool!” “Yes! Yes! So, are you going to help us out?” “Oh, yeah! I’m in!” “Excellent!” Chen pumped a hoof high into the air. “You wait in the back yard and we’ll get everything ready for the job,” said Mei, “but we need to be quick. Grab your scarf and go.” “Okay!” She stood out on the porch gazing at the snow-covered streets. She didn’t shiver anymore, happiness and warmth filled her soul. The door creaked open and her friends emerged from the house. Jinjing and Mei are wearing all black covering their entire heads (except their eyes) and Chen is wearing a noble suit. “Why are you dressed up like that?” Mystic asked curiously. “Oh, it’ll spoil the surprise if we’re revealed to some particular ponies,” said Chen. “We just want to put on a little party to get some ponies excited.” “Meanwhile, we’ll let you into the shop and we’ll be just outside to get whatever you find,” Mei explained. “Oh, and you need one of these too!” said Jinjing, bringing up a black tarp just big enough for her. “You don’t want too much attention drawn to yourself, so stay quiet. Or,” she leaned forward with big pleading eyes, “you don’t want the surprise to be ruined, do you?” Mystic shook her head vigorously and put the tarp over her back and Jinjing tied it on. Later she’d noticed Chen had put some fake sideburns and goatee on. Jinjing gave her a drink to keep her energy up and began to tell her stories as they made their way to a wagon. It was filled with drinks that looked like alcohol. Mei kept her from looking at it too much, telling her it’s ‘inappropriate for fillies her age’. The quadrio made their way into a shopping district and there were some snooty unicorns having a party in a building nearby. “Where is this place we’re going to?” Mystic asked. “Just beyond the party,” said Chen, “I’ll sell the drinks to these ponies while you three make your way to our destination.” "Come on, little one," said Jinjing. Mystic nodded and followed the two mares. She looked over at Chen with his wagon. He stopped on the yard's edge. “Hey everypony!” Chen cried. This gained the attention of everypony else in the yard. “The drinks are just five bits a glass! Please don’t hesitate to come and get some!” The unicorns looked at each other, confused. But a few seconds later some went up to check it out. Jinjing nudged Mystic along and the filly turned her attention back to the job at hoof. “See that building up ahead?” Mei asked. The filly gazed ahead to see a white marble building with statues of the Founder out in front. “That’s where we’re going?” Mystic asked, slightly taken aback. “Yes. But we need to move quickly as we have a certain amount of time for our trades.” Drinks as trade and ponies paying for them? That’s not giving. Mystic shrugged and assumed they’ll be giving them to the poor ponies down the alleyway they passed by. Without any more doubts, she followed her friends to a hidden side entrance. Jinjing placed something against the door and forced it open. “Gosh!” she grunted. “I thought I told that pony to leave the door unlocked!” “You’ll deal with it, won’t you?” Mystic asked. “Certainly,” said Jinjing, “now get in there.” She stepped through the door and she was led down a hallway to the back of the building. It seemed further than what she thought traders would be in. A curious look formed on her face. This is so peculiar, she thought. At the end of the hall, Jinjing forced another door open and let everypony in. When Mystic saw the inside of the room, she gasped. There were a bunch of valuables in there. There are necklaces, chalices, jewelry, and many other things that looked priceless. “Whoooooaaaaa.” “Impressive, isn’t it?” Mei giggled. “But no time to foal around.” She gave the big sack to her. “Start filling that thing to the brim until it’s full!” “It looks as if we need to make a second trip!” Mystic jumped excitedly. “We’ll see! Now get to collecting for charities!” “We’ll be collecting the main portion, our little friend.,” Jinjing smiled. Mystic nodded vigorously, lit up her horn and began sweeping the valuables in. “That’s it!” said Mei. “Good filly!” Mystic saw Jinjing had opened a door down the wall a ways and revealed a safe. “Oh, my!” Mystic gasped. “This is going to help so many ponies!” “Get going! Chop! Chop!” Mei ordered. As Jinjing and Mei began to fool around with the safe Mystic began levitating valuables into the sack. Everything here looked expensive! Are these ponies always trading such valuables away for charity? How generous! Mystic hummed little tunes as she took valuables. She began to feel a little off about this whole thing but pushed the thought aside as she continued towards the register, forcefully opened it, pulled out the bits, and placed them into the sack. A clicking sound pierced through the room. She gazed over to the mares and saw they’d opened the safe. She nearly flipped when she saw an endless supply of bits. Mystic began working faster to fill the sack. They probably don’t have enough time to gawk around. Scooping things back and forth seemed to take longer than what she’d felt like but before she knew it that sack was filled to the brim with valuables. She smiled brightly and saw Jinjing had been watching her. “Are you finished?” she asked. “Hay yeah!” Mystic said happily. “Shhh!” Jinjing shushed. “Quiet!” “Sorry!” Mystic meeped. The mare trotted over to her and opened the sack. Her eyes lit up. “How did I do?” Mystic asked excitedly. Jinjing smiled brightly at her. “Perfect, my dear.” Mystic giggled loudly and Jinjing motioned her to follow. She skipped down the hallway and out into the lobby. When she came by a window, something caught her eye. Turning her attention outside, she gasped when she saw something horrifying. The ponies in the courtyard were unconscious! And Chen wasn’t giving the bits in his sack away! Her blood turned to ice as her excitement turned to horror. Chen made his way over with his wagon as his sisters lifted the loot up. “The Luxury Resort’s being robbed!” cried a distant voice. “Darn it!” cried Jinjing. “We gotta get out of here!” “Move! Move! Move!” Mei cried as she helped Jinjing load the loot into the wagon. “Wait! What have we been doing?!” Mystic cried. They didn’t listen as they shut the wagon. Mystic ran over to them, completely confused and scared. “Have we just robbed a store?! What about the charities?!” Jinjing, the one who was the warmest with her, smiled sweetly. “Oh, dearie, it’s been a lot of fun. But we’ve got to go.” She kissed her on the forehead. “I almost liked you. Good luck.” Mystic’s heart dropped to her stomach as her pupils dilated. Jinjing took off as Chen pushed the wagon away with great force. His sisters followed. “Did you get our message across?” Mei asked. “Hay yeah I did!” Chen laughed. “Ha! Ha! Another perfect robbery!” She heard Jinjing laugh. “Now to move onto the next target!” Mystic gawked at the fleeing pegasi. They used me?! There was no charity?! “We have one in sight!” came a voice. Her gaze darted around looking for a way out. “Hey! She’s the one who broke through the wall!” came another. They knew? Did somepony see me get through?! She whirled around to see several soldiers galloping towards her. “You there! Halt!” one of them shouted. She spotted a window and bolted towards it. The unicorn spotted a suitcase close by. She grabbed it and chucked it at the window, shattering it. She leapt out onto the street and heard hoofsteps close by. “Get her!” she heard. The unicorn turned to the right and came face to face with the city’s marketplace.! She swerved around ponies, jumped over some boxes, and accidentally knocked over a barrel of pickles. She didn’t bother looking back. How could she have been so stupid? How could she have trusted those ponies? “Over here!” came another voice. She swerved to the right and avoided several stallions. Mystic spotted more soldiers heading her way.  Is the entire army looking for me?! she thought. Her legs picked up speed. The unicorn bolted into an alleyway as she heard the sounds of hooves right behind her! “Leave me alone!” Mystic cried. “I’m just lost and hungry!” A lie but it was true before. She gasped when she saw she was heading towards a dead end. Screeching to a stop, she began looking for a way out only for a chain to wrap around her body and pull her to the ground. “Aa! No!” she cried. “Got her!” a soldier shouted. “No! Please!!” Mystic wailed as she shook the chains. “Detain her!” Another chain wrapped around her body as she felt something placed on her horn. She felt her inner magic being dampened. What did they do to me?! Mystic thought. She squirmed against the chains as a tall unicorn silhouette emerged from behind the soldiers.  “Is this their accomplice?” he asked, his cold blue eyes staring into her soul. “Yes,” said a soldier, “she’s been seen around the city and has stolen food, clothes, and helped the Triple Trio.” “I see,” the pony said. He glared at Mystic and bared his teeth. “Filly, you’re in a true heap of trouble,” he said. Mystic gulped her entire heart down her throat. > Chapter 2 - Into the Fire > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Year 10 - Day 4 She panted and wheezed in fear, panic, and hopelessness as the soldiers kept an eye on her. The dungeon cell smelt musty and like urine that nearly made her gag for the umpteenth time. She dared not get close to the mushy contents in the corner of the cell. Vomit threatened to escape her throat. She looked at her hooves, lightly rattling the chains between the hoofcuffs and the wall. She’d already tried begging the soldiers and explaining about what she thought she was doing with those ponies but they wouldn’t hear any of it. They told her to save her breath for the General. He’s been gone for a while to a place she isn’t sure of. “What did I do to deserve this?” she whispered. “I haven’t done anything wrong! I just woke up with no memory of myself!” “You have the right to remain silent!” a soldier boomed. She jumped. “Do not let me tell you again!” Mystic nodded vigorously. “Sorry.” “No more talking!” “Sorry!” “Why are you still talking?!” Mystic shut up and looked down at the rocky floor. She began to hear creaks descending down the stairs. She looked up and saw the soldiers straighten up. “Any problems?” a voice asked. “Other than speaking she’s not been a problem, General,” said the first soldier. “I’ve submitted my report to the Leader of our...” the General cleared his throat, “Fair City.” He finished with a bitter low growl. “And?” “Now I’m going to interrogate the prisoner. Bring her to a more suitable environment. I can’t stand this place much longer.” “Yes, sir.” The soldiers opened the door to the cell. Mystic tensed up at their hard faces. “Do not resist,” one of them threatened. Mystic didn’t respond, standing still. They undid her chains and began pushing her forward. Mystic kept her eyes to the floor. What was the point of looking where she’s going? This is horrible! She was wrong! This is a lot worse than being on your own! She was led out of the dungeons and through some hallways. Mystic kept whimpering and letting out small cries. Soon, they entered a room and one of the soldiers sat Mystic down in a chair. She heard the soldiers depart and the door close. “Look up at me,” a voice commanded. Reluctantly, Mystic looked up to meet the General’s cold eyes. She blinked, looking over his dark orange coat, black mane, mustache, and goatee. “What is your name?” “M-M-M...” “Speak up!” “Mystic!” she cried. “My name is Mystic!” “Very well, Mystic,” he said, shifting in his seat. “My name is Hong. I am the General of this city, and I keep it in order. Do you know what that means?” “I… do… ” “Elaborate.” Mystic gulped. “You… command soldiers and keep the law?” “Exactly!” Hong growled. “You broke the law little missy by robbing the Luxury Resort and you broke through the wall on the east side, didn’t you?!” So, they did know. Mystic winced. “You should know how grave of an impact you helped those three get away with a crime!” “I didn’t know that they were robbing a place!” Mystic cried. “You didn’t know?!” Hong growled incredulously. “They took care of me and used me!” The stallion rubbed his temples and began breathing in and out. “You look just like those ponies on the east side,” he growled, “all bruised up and filled with poverty.” Mystic looked up at him. “I-I know...I was just trying to survive.” “That’s what they all say!” Mystic gulped as her heart throbbed. “Wh-why is there a wall up?” Hong looked at her incredulously. “Seriously?! Everypony in this city knows why that wall is up.” “I-I don’t...” Hong slammed his hoofs onto the table, causing Mystic to jump and let out a scared squeak. “Horseapples, filly!” Hong shouted, his lips curled into a snarl. “You know darn well why it’s up!” “I don’t!” Mystic cried. Hong facehoofed and snorted. “You need a refresher, huh?” He leaned back in his chair and stared at her again. “That wall is to keep out the troublemakers and those who deserve punishment. Not enough for prison, but enough to be kicked out.” “But… that’s awful.” “Not as awful as they are! They’re distasteful for our city, and it’s my job to keep this place together and our stupid incompetent leader in order!” Mystic couldn’t speak. This stallion is hard and quick to the point. “Now,” he said, “what do you have to say to theft, resisting arrest, helping rob the Luxury Resort and violating the law of getting through the wall?!” Her body filled with chills as he bared his teeth again. This is so unfair! So scary! “I...” “Speak! Don’t whimper now! Speak! About where you came from!” “I don’t know!” Mystic cried. She felt tears rolling down her face. “What do you mean you don’t know?!” Hong demanded, his brow furrowing out of confusion. “I woke up without any memory of where I’ve come from or how I got here!” Mystic cried. “All I can remember is my own name and recognize things like a table, spoon, and other objects! Honest!” Hong let out a harsh laugh. “In all my time as General have I never heard a more ridiculous statement from a prisoner!” “It’s true! Honestly!” Mystic cried. “You don’t understand what it’s like to wake up in an unknown location!” She wiped a tear away, “On top of that, without knowing who you are or where you came from!” “And I can’t understand how you could’ve come up with such a tall tale. How old are you? Seven?” “Ten!” Hong paused. “Wow. And I was seriously lying about the seven.” The filly sank into her seat, trying to make herself look as small as possible. “I didn’t mean to cause any trouble. Just please, listen to me and--” “You’re in my domain, filly!” Hong shouted. “You listen to me and me alone! I make the calls around here!” He leaned across his desk. “Understand?!” “Yes! Yes! But please!” “Shut it! Maybe I should put you under the jail!” “No!” “Oh, yeah, and the Leader won’t be too pleased about your antics once it all comes forward!” He clamped down on her left foreleg, “Then I can carry out my threat!” “AHHH! Mean stallion!” Mystic squealed, “Get away from me!” The door opened. Both ponies froze as a soldier entered. “General, the Leader wants to see you,” he said. “Already?!” Hong shouted. “Can’t he understand I’m dealing with a pony in custody now?” “He does, that’s why he wants to speak with you. Now.” Hong let out a loud groan, released Mystic, and began stomping out. “He also said to bring her with you.” Hong froze. “Seriously?” “Yes. His orders. He wants to confirm himself whether she’s truly a threat or not.” Her eyes locked eyes with his cold gaze. She shuddered again. She saw a bit of a deranged look in them. “You’re lucky, filly,” he growled. “Not many get to see him face to face.” The soldier helped Mystic out of the chair and nudged her forward. Hong stomped off and Mystic followed suit. Mystic is filled to the brim with dread and the queasy feeling that caused her stomach to swirl grew. She did glance around at the artifacts aligning the polished jade walls and hardwood floors in the various hallways they passed through towards the center of the palace. The large jade doors crept open, revealing a throne room. With a large gulp, the filly’s eyes locked onto a somewhat overweight, nonchalant green unicorn. His yellow eyes looked at Mystic as he brushed his black mane. “You will only refer to him as the Leader,” Hong whispered to Mystic. “Y-Yes, sir…” she whimpered. The Leader looked down at her as she came to a stop. Hong pushed her down into a very awkward bow. “Is this the one that had robbed the Resort?” the Leader asked. “An accomplice,” said a soldier. “She also claims she wasn’t aware that they were robbing the Resort and that she has no memory of who she is.” The Leader raised an eyebrow. “Does she now?” He cleared his throat. “Let her rise.” Mystic felt a hoof clutch her back and force her up to her hooves. She let out an involuntary whimper. “What do you have to say to the charges and your story?” the Leader asked. Mystic gulped. “N-Nice to make your… acquaintance. I am… truly sorry about what happened...” “Start speaking faster!” Hong growled. “He doesn’t have all day!” “I don’t know where I am! I don’t know what’s going on here!” she cried. “I’m just a poor lost soul that hasn’t the slightest idea of this city or about herself! Please,” she lowered her head in shame, “I just want to go home...” She glanced up at him. His features had softened a little bit. “See how ridiculous this sounds?” Hong asked. “I’ve never heard such crap in my entire life.” “She appears genuine to me,” said the Leader. “I’ve read the report and what she'd stated when she was seized.” “Seriously?! We don’t know where she came from or what she’s doing here! She’s gotten past the wall in a crafty way and helped a wanted group of criminals in the region!” “I told you I didn’t know that they were!” Mystic cried. “They took care of me and used me!” “On top of everything, she’s a totally uncooperative prisoner,” Hong explained. “And the ponies she helped drug are going to be out for a few days.” “I see.” “She’s just a little brat as far as I’m concerned.” The Leader sighed, brushing his cheek. “Any idea where she came from?” “No.” “Any relatives? Parents? Cousins? Friends?” “None of the above.” “Does she really not know who she is or where she is?” “You tell me.” Out of uneasiness, Mystic’s stomach swirled. The Leader gazed back down at her. “I just want to confirm this. You don’t know what this place is or where you’ve come from?” “No...” Mystic whispered. “I just… want to know why… I’m scared...” She sat down on the floor, but Hong forced her back onto her hooves. The Leader sighed. “You’re in Imperial City. A proud city of unicorns that thrives on pride, passion, and order.” “Order?” “We’ve had a lot of problems lately. But we’ve been trying to get everything back together.” “We?!” Hong scoffed. “You haven’t done much other than bathe and eat all day!” The Leader growled at him and looked back at Mystic with a softer look. “And I’ll ask you again; you didn’t think in the slightest you were helping rob the Resort?” “No! Honest!” “This is just a waste of time,” Hong muttered. “I think she should be thrown in prison.” “Hong!” the Leader roared. “Remain silent until I speak to you!!” The general growled. “Sir.” “Now, filly,” said the Leader, “answer me.” “I didn’t mean to rob the Luxury Resort!” Mystic insisted. “Those ponies brought me in, fed me, cared for me, and got me feeling better! Then they used me!” “Smart enough to get through the wall, and yet you let yourself be fooled by the Triple Trio?” the Leader asked. “I was desperate! I was hungry and wanted out of the cold!” “And about drugging the ponies in the courtyard?” “I didn’t know they were drugged!” Mystic cried, tears rolling down her face. The Leader has turned from looking nonchalant to sympathetic. “I believe you’re a fine Leader...” Mystic whimpered. “Please, just hear my voice and judge rightly...” She took a backward glance at Hong, and saw he was just as hard as ever. The unicorn looked back at the Leader as he appeared to be processing. The atmosphere made her shiver as she felt as if she’s going to pass out. “You know,” said the Leader, “despite what you’ve done, you appear to be remorseful of your actions.” Mystic didn’t say anything as he continued, “We do allow prisoners to be rehabilitated in some cases.” “Sir, please think of what you’re suggesting,” said Hong. “Be quiet, Hong!” “She’s talking crazy, sire!” “Hong!” The general shut up, but his hard gaze focused right on Mystic. “Here’s what I’ve decided,” said the Leader, “because of her remorse and genuine emotions, there’s no evidence to confirm whether she’s a threat or not. While she did commit some crimes, I advise you’ll make her a worker in the city. To help her adapt to society, she is open to making a friend of her choosing, but she’s to stick to the schedule until her period is over.” He glared at Hong. “You will be watching over her. And because of your hostile actions to an amnesiac filly, you will be taking care of her and raising her as if she were your own.” “What?!” Hong gasped. “I’m to be saddled with this worthless maggot?!” “And if you have any problems with it,” the Leader shouted, “you will answer to me! We can be better than this, and your behavior has lately greatly deteriorated.” “But sir! We don’t know if she’s telling the truth!” Hong insisted. “I have to deal with all the wrongdoings in this city! Murderers! Junkies! Looters! Gypsies! The Liberators! You name it!” “And she doesn’t fit any of those categories! She’s just lost and scared! Just look at her!” Hong scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Sir! Please!” “You will not only raise her, but you will rehabilitate her so she lives a proper life here in the city! I don’t care how long it takes, but she is in your care!” “I can’t believe this! And you put this on me?! Why can’t you take care of her?!” “Because I have responsibilities of my own!” “Responsibilities?!” Hong barked. “You barely have lifted a hoof to help this city!” The Leader stood up from his throne, furious. “I want you to shut up and listen!” He pointed at Mystic. “I want you to get her washed, fed, hydrated, and well-rested! She will begin in a day or two!” “But sir!” “This discussion is over! Hong, you will raise her as your own! No more questions or so help the gods and goddesses above!” Mystic let out a loud whimper as Hong slammed his hoof on the floor. Neither of them spoke a word to each other. Mystic is very tense and while grateful that she’s out of chains, she has to be in this stallion’s care?! While the Leader seems like he might have a good heart his judgment could’ve used some revision! She did take note of his behavior of being nonchalant and a little distant but when he was accused by Hong he got all defensive. They were heading down towards the west part of the Palace. A few minutes passed before they stopped at a door. Mystic saw it had a label nailed to it; “For Workers only”. Hong opened the door to reveal plain stone walls and a wooden floor. The resumed walking, passing by Several doors lined up on both sides of the hallway. “He might have saved your skin,” Hong spoke up, venom clearly behind it, “but let me make several things clear. He never said that you were to speak up, and if you do speak up against me, you will suffer dire consequences. He’s not your friend.” Mystic wanted to speak up, but she didn’t out of fear of this shrewd General. “Regardless, you’re to do what I say when I say it! I am in control of you. No questions asked. Do you understand?” Mystic solemnly nodded. “You’re my slave. Not my daughter. But I will be known as your adoptive uncle. You’re to call me ‘Uncle Hong’ and nothing else.” “I… understand…” Mystic muttered. “Good.” Hong opened a door they came upon and revealed a modest-looking bathroom that had a medium-sized tub. It didn’t feel warm like the previous tub she’d seen and been in. “Bathe,” he said spitefully, “then we’ll get you to your room.” Mystic nodded and closed the door behind her. The unicorn hesitantly walked over to the tub and turned the water on. She spotted a bar of soap that looked crusty and hard. During her time in the bath, her mind wouldn't let her fully process her situation. The feeling of needing to vomit never faded either. She could feel chunks of the soap in her mane. She didn’t feel clean at all.Soon, she finished bathing and that bar of soap wasn’t pleasant to use. She can feel some chunks of it in her mane and doesn’t feel clean. A harsh knock pounded on the door. “Are you finished?” Hong demanded. “Y-Yes!” Mystic meeped. “I’m just drying myself off!” She immediately levitated a towel over and began drying herself vigorously. Within a minute she finished and opened the door. “You look a tad better,” he said gruffly. He motioned for her to follow him. They began walking down the hall again. “I… why?” she muttered. “Why what?” Hong demanded. Mystic yiped. “I mean, what’s with you and the Leader?” Hong sighed. “That fool thinks I don’t have what I used to when I first became General. But for the past decade or so, this city has been going through a really rough time. I try to keep this place in order while he just lounges around on his chair all day.” “He… he seems fair...” “Fair?!” Hong snapped. Mystic yelped. “That wasn’t a fair trial he gave you! He’s just a lazy fool that doesn’t know or do the first thing to help our city!” Mystic noticed a bit of a crazed look in the General’s eyes. He looked a little deranged. He seemed a little fidgety and on edge. Mystic wondered if the Leader is the only reason for the city’s collapse. Soon, the duo arrived at a door in the basement. The basement is cold and a bit wet in places (due to the snow outside). Hong opened the door and revealed a room with a desk, a mirror, some books on a shelf, a mattress for a bed with an itchy blanket folded on it and a table to have meals. Mystic shuddered at the sight of it. “Now,” said Hong, “this is where you’ll be staying. We’ll deliver you some food, so you can recover.” “S-sure...” “Very well. Now get used to your new place,” he placed a hoof under Mystic’s chin and harshly jerked her to look at him, “because you will begin your work soon.” Mystic weakly nodded as a whimper escaped her throat. “Good,” Hong pulled away, “I’ll see you soon. There are some books over there if you’re into history.” He shrugged. “I don’t know what kids like.” He walked towards the door and shut it behind him. The mare took a look around the room. She felt her eyes welling up. She ran towards the mattress and buried her face into it, suppressing her cries. Now, she was being forced to call the awful General her uncle?! The need to vomit caught up with her and she let out her materials into the corner. She had little hope for thinking things would get much better after that. She was grateful to get a real meal of sandwiches and drinks. She never left the room (other than to use the restroom) as the next few days rolled on. The scrape on her leg has almost healed and she can use the leg normally now. Hong came by once in a while to ask for updates on how ‘ready’ she is but she lied a few times to make it look like she wasn’t quite ready to work for him. She’s buying time. Trying to think of another way and to stay out of work. Soon, it became apparent that she had more energy than she’d let on. Hong lectured her to never lie to him and to always be on track for the City. “I’ll have to discipline you if you ever do something like this again, Mystic,” he had said, “Get me?” What had he meant by discipline? Some kind of torture? Spanking to keep a child in order? Not that she can recall having any. Recall... She’s still unable to recall anything before she’d woken up. On top of living off scraps and now this situation. Despite her little understanding of the Leader, she had some hope that he would help her through some rough times and see how horrible Hong is. But that hope began to dwindle when she began her first day of ‘rehabilitation.’ Hong awoke her at the crack of dawn and gave her cold porridge to eat. It tasted awful, but she had to get moving. The jobs he gave her were “nothing” compared to some other jobs as said by him. She started out with scrubbing the bathroom floors, cleaning by hoof using water and cleaner. It was hard work and the bathrooms were smelly. It took her about an hour just to clean one section of the bathroom due to the specific instructions given to her by the ponies that usually clean them. When she finished the floor, she had to clean the sinks and then plumbing the toilets. Gross. To make things worse ponies whispered behind her back about her lack of cutie mark. Cutie mark? Is that what the stallion she’d taken the jacket from meant about being “talentless”? When she asked about a cutie mark the ponies laughed her off. “She doesn’t know what a cutie mark is?!” one had laughed. “How old are you, three?!” “Everypony from a toddler knows what a cutie mark is!” It was embarrassing but she found out that a cutie mark represents what a pony is meant to do in life and relates to who they are. It fully clicked in her mind what the stallion meant. How insulting and rude! But...is she really not special? She spent a few minutes crying after they’d left. Some time passed and she finished the restroom. Hong eventually came in. “Good enough. For a first timer.” Mystic stupidly thanked him and he told her never to thank him on an “average job” and if she wanted to impress him, she’ll “Have to do the real hard work efficiently and without complaint.” The next job involved clearing out the chimneys and after that, she’ll have to go around the Palace and take out the trash. She wasn’t allowed to speak to anypony who mattered of “great importance” and “builds their pride on the city.” It seemed like a bit of a warning (or that was her hopeful thinking) because she stupidly went to talk to some of those ponies. “Oh, my dear, what an abomination,” one scoffed. “She looks like she belongs in a mud pen,” said another. They were posh and snooty. Hong heard about this and he scolded her, for it calling her “foolish” and “naïve.” She had to clean two other restrooms and they were even worse than the first one. She asked why they weren’t so maintained as a Palace would have them but found out from an amused Hong that they were for ponies like her. Servants. Workers. They can be quite messy. When the day was over, Mystic had a few apples for supper and hit the bed, falling asleep within seconds. This continued for the next couple of weeks. She had to clean the same restrooms and chimneys and deal with those snooty ponies. She was growing stronger as the days went on. The work became a little easier, but the environment never did. Sometimes she did extra chores such as washing the dishes and helping move furniture. Nopony was friendly to her or seemed to have any real relationship with one another except when it comes to how important that they and the city is. She knew she had a limited point of view on things but she just kept hoping somepony was decent and knew that the city needs improvement. During the evenings, Hong stuck around to see how well she’s coming but that was the worst part of the day. Whenever he didn’t like how something was being done, he would make her do entire work over again. “You need discipline, young filly!” he had said, “Discipline is a key factor in becoming a mature pony!” He told her that every time he didn’t like how she was doing her chores. After the fifteenth day of her job with nothing but work and below average food to eat, she collapsed onto the bed, completely exhausted. She began to whimper and felt tears stain her cheeks. When will it ever end? Just when she was about to drift off, a soldier entered the room. She straightened up. “I wanted you to know something,” he said. “Y-yes?” Mystic asked with trepidation as she wiped her cheeks. “The Leader wants me to send ponies to give you proper education from time to time,” he said. “He felt pity for you apparently and thought he’d have ponies teach you. He didn’t say how though.” “I… understand...” “Good.” He pushed the door aside and revealed a large dinner filled with sandwiches, fruit, and vegetables. Mystic’s eyes lit up at the sight. “He also told me to bring this down here to keep your strength up,” he said. “I'm not allowed to think much of workers, but you do need to carry out your jobs.” He looked her in the eye. “Work as if you deserve this. Do you understand?” Half-listening, Mystic nodded. The soldier levitated several plates of fruit and vegetables over and sat them down in front of her. He left with the rest. Minorly disappointed it wasn’t all for her, she brushed the thought aside and began wolfing the food down. The next week passed and despite her hardships, Mystic is almost completely used to her bearable daily routine. However, she was told by some soldiers that her routine is being changed. What?! She’s no longer cleaning the sinks or scrubbing the restroom floors. Now she’s going to be helping with some restoration projects (which involved some heavy lifting, moving furniture, painting, and holding heavy wood in place.) One day, Mystic is quivering underneath the weight of a massive beam. She’s trying to keep it held up as part of a ‘renovations’ project for the Palace. The leader is currently present as he monitors the project. The wind tore at Mystic’s coat as she stood on her hind legs. “Keep that beam up!” Hong ordered. “Do not drop it!” “I’m trying!” Mystic cried. She’s been holding it for the past 10 minutes and feels as if it’s about to slip out of her hooves! “She’s shaping up!” she heard Hong say. “She might be weak now, but these heavy lifting jobs will begin to get her stronger!” “Keep that beam up!” the Leader shouted. Mystic grunted as she shut her eyes tight. Her forelegs felt like noodles and her entire body burned and ached. She has to keep this up! She has to keep this up! She-- “Gah!” Her hooves gave out from underneath her, sending her towards the ground. The beam crashed next to her.! She heard ponies screaming and looked up to see the beam she’d failed to hold up caused a section of the upper floor to fracture. “Great!” somepony shouted. “Now we have to replace that!” Mystic heard the Leader and Hong talking to one another as she pulled herself up. The unicorn hid her blush as some ponies ridiculed her for failing to keep the beam up. Hong stomped over. “I think it’s time for you to be disciplined, Mystic!” he shouted. Mystic’s blood turned ice cold. “What?! Wait!!” *CRACK!* Her entire back stung as the whip hit her. She felt as if her flesh began to tear from her body. Her screams echoed through the halls of the Palace. *CRACK!* *CRACK!* Mystic felt onto the ground. *CRACK!* Mystic wailed. “Enough!” the Leader shouted. “Let her recover from the pain and get back to work! Then we’ll worry about getting her back in top shape!” She felt her heart drop to her pit. Get back to work? After that?! Her situation was hopeless now. It was brutal. It was torture. Her back continued to sting like a thousand hornets as she felt something trickling across her back while Hong stood over and yelled at her. As the seasons went on, the situation never seemed to let up. Hong was just as awful, if not worse, as when he first “adopted” her. He did have some soldiers go in and teach Mystic about the world and history of the City. The pain Mystic felt every day, physical and emotional, never let up either. Mystic is scared, having to labor, and nopony bothers to even look at her to see how she’s suffering. She has thought about ending her own life to end all of this but for some reason, she can never find herself to do such a deed. Day by day she had to keep going in order to keep herself from Hong’s wrath as much as possible. But no matter what, he seemed to want to punish her within the legal boundaries of her “rehabilitation” program. He hated her. He hated how he had to raise her. But even then, he insists that he “Keeps her, teaches her, and feeds her.” When he doesn’t do any more than 10 percent of it. He’s likely assuring his dominance over her. She figures that’s why she’s being forced to call him “Uncle” in the first place. The only thing that seemed to keep her situation from getting any worse was the Leader. He was the “nicest” pony Mystic knew of. If there were any nicer ponies, then they were surely avoiding this place to keep themselves safe. Or was that just wishful thinking on her part? Was the world really this cruel? She has heard of criminal activity in and out of the city wall bordering the East off (the wall’s been more secured because of her breach) and the soldiers have been trying to keep it under control. The main part of the city was safer and had less criminal activity. It’s the Eastside and the outskirts that saw the most. So, she’s at least not in danger from them. Yay? Year 11 Mystic grew stronger day by day. Her work has gotten easier, mostly because of her efficiency. Hong still whipped her whenever he could, but it barely even fazed her. Sure, the scars kept coming along her back, torso, and even some of her face. But she was not the same scared wimpy pony she was when she was taken in. Her attitude has changed and yet there was always some glimmer of hope within her that things would get better. She couldn't explain it. She’d learned a secret. Instead of resisting the pain and being scared, she decided to embrace it. She learned to live with the pain and belittling rather than let it hold her back. One day, she volunteered for heavier work to get stronger and build her stamina. Those jobs included working in the coal and gold mines, moving boulders, and pulling carriages either full of prisoners or materials to deliver all across the city. Year 11 – Day 50 “Keep going everypony!” Hong ordered. With a loud grunt, everypony shoved the final beam into place. Nearby, Mystic loaded the packages into a wagon and they took off with them. All of the deliveries have been sent out. “Heave!” she heard Hong shout. Ignoring them, she drank a small glass of water and looked over at the ponies building the foundation of an apartment complex. I hope I don’t get into that, she thought, Getting all those deliveries out was hard enough, and that’s not including the organizing. Does the General do anything else other than commanding his soldiers and going around tormenting ponies? Her blood has been boiling against his unfair treatment and abuse of her. To top it off, she recently found out the Leader isn’t as into helping the city more than he lets on. Both of these ponies aren’t good for the city. “Unicorn!” came a voice. Mystic turned to face the pegasus in charge of the deliveries. “Yes? Anything else, Your Majesty?” Mystic gave a mocking bow. “I’m not going to dignify that with a response,” he said, “but you didn’t do bad. I appreciate it.” He ran a hoof down his face. “Most of these losers don’t move as fast as I hope.” “I hoped I didn’t disappoint.” A lie, but the blunt and up-front attitude worked best in this environment. The pegasus cleared his throat. “I need to get back in there. I suggest you do as soon as you can.” “Why not now?” Mystic asked, pushing herself past the pegasus. The pegasus didn’t reply, and she looked back to see him following her. “You might want to get something to cover those scars,” he said. “You don’t look decent.” “Thanks,” Mystic remarked sarcastically. Suddenly, she bumped into somepony. She stepped back to see a troubled-looking earth pony. “This is bad!” he cried. “This is really bad!” “What’s wrong?” the pegasus asked. “Some of the locations got the wrong deliveries!” “What?!” Mystic and the pegasus cried. “You’re sure?” the pegasus asked. “I triple checked to be sure!” said the earth pony, looking through his sheets. The pegasus gave Mystic a hard look. “Did you label and organize the deliveries wrong?” “No!” Mystic insisted. “I clearly followed the directions you gave me!” Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Hong has his attention turned towards them. The pegasus’ eyes softened and examined Mystic. He sighed and looked at his employee. “Maybe there was a mix-up in the system,” he said. “We need to find out who got what and get back on track.” “I’ll help too,” said Mystic. “Good.” “What’s going on here?” Hong asked. Mystic held back a growl. “We had some mix-ups with the deliveries,” said the pegasus. “Oh? You did?” Hong glared at Mystic. The unicorn’s blood began to boil. “Yeah, it won’t be a problem to get back on track.” “But your organizer failed utterly to ensure everything got where it was supposed to go!” Hong hissed at Mystic. “I did not!” Mystic cried, “I did everything I could!” “Well, obviously you didn’t! As soon as you’re finished with this I want you to meet me for your next added assignments!” “Sir,” said the pegasus, “it’s not that big of a deal.” “But she’s not learned!” Hong snapped, “Get moving, Mystic!” With a suppressed growl and hard look, the unicorn turned around. “And while I’m at it, I might add a few whippings too!” Hong finished. Finally having enough of Hong’s unnecessary punishments, she turned around and snapped at him, “You know what, General?! I think you are standing over the line!” "Get to work!" Hong ordered. Mystic levitated the whip out of his grasp and threw it aside, causing everypony to gasp at her actions. “You dare fight back against your uncle?!” Hong barked. “Your own master?!” “I don’t care who you are. You cannot treat me like this anymore!” “I can have you thrown in prison or executed!” Hong warned. “I don’t think so!” “You’d better listen to me!” “No!” Mystic roared. “You listen to me!” “How dare you!” “How dare I?! How dare you!” Her outburst caused Hong to take a step back. Her frustrations over the past year finally spilled over. “I’ve realized that underneath all this fear and uncertainty is that I deserve better!” She stomped up to him, “I am not your slave! I was meant to be a worker for this city! You do not give me as much food as the others. And you treat me like you owe me! And I am certain that you aren’t being the General you were signed onto be, you heartless brute! I was put here to be rehabilitated and yet you treat me as if I’m the lowest of the low in the whole darn city!” “Lower your voice!!” Hong commanded. Mystic glanced to her left and noticed that everypony was watching in bewilderment. “I don’t need to listen to you!” she shouted and prodded him in the chest. “I don’t have anything to lose at this point! I am just a blank flank that is being abused by a know it all General whose name isn’t so great to the city anymore!” Hong growled, but she kept going. “And if you should know, I’ve gotten used to the whip, the pain, the belittling, and the suffering, all because of you!” Her loud and sharp voice caused him to take another step back. “And I’ve been too ashamed and scared to make friends! You abuse me and continue to do so when this was a rehabilitation program! And I think I get it now! You hate raising me and you want to keep your stupid ego alive and abuse ponies to get what you want! You mad idiot!!” Hong shoved her to the ground. Mystic looked up at him, not fazed at all. “What are you going to do, huh? Punish me?! Kill me?!” she shouted. “I don’t even care anymore! But you should know...” She stood up. “I deserve better than this!” He gawked at her as if he’d never expected anypony to speak to him in a tone like this before. She glanced over at the ponies and saw they were whispering and marveling at her gutsy actions. Mystic felt some excitement come to her. She hasn’t felt such a thrill in a long time. A chuckle almost escaped her throat. She felt foolish, yet alive! “You think you can just tell me off like that?” Hong asked in a rumbly tone. His eyes widened in fury. “The very pony who took you in? The very pony who feeds and...” “The very pony who never wanted anything to do with me?” Mystic countered with a snarl. “I think you’re just building yourself up on nothing.” Hong growled. “You little...” “You little what?” said a voice. Hong froze and stood straight up. Mystic’s heart soared as the Leader’s advisor showed himself with a glare on his face. “The Leader wanted to see you for an important matter, General,” he told Hong. “But now there’s something else that’s come to my attention that the pony under rehabilitation is receiving punishments while under good behavior.” “That’s not what’s happening here!” Hong insisted. “Oh, spare me the talk!” the advisor barked. “I saw what happened in the last few minutes! Get to the throne room now!” This is sweet! Mystic thought happily. “I’ll gladly come along,” she said. She joined the Advisor's side and gave a small smug smile at the gawking General. Soon they arrived in the throne room. There were several other ponies in the room to judge the situation between these two ponies. Mystic made sure they could clearly see the many scars along her back and neck. She could’ve sworn she saw one of them cringe. Hong gave his side of the story that Mystic is “talking crazy” and “just upset” that she has to be disciplined. Mystic did try to object but she was shut up so he could speak. Mystic, while feeling excited, did feel some nervousness come to her. “--and that’s why she must be rehabilitated this way,” Hong said. “Like I said, she’s crafty, probably evil and waiting to get at us.” “And you’re going by your gut on this?” the Leader asked. “No. I’ve observed her and seen that she’s trying to find a way out. I didn’t want to bring it to your attention at first, because I know you wouldn’t believe me.” Mystic noticed he was slightly tense. She lightly smirked. She’s totally got him in his place. “Very well, Hong,” said the Leader. He turned to Mystic. “Now, for you.” Mystic nodded and frowned. “Well, you know how I was brought in after foolishly entering the wall when I wasn’t supposed to. You know how I’d woken up and can’t remember how I’d gotten here.” “And you’re still not able to remember anything?” the Leader asked. “Yes, and believe me, I want to remember.” Mystic sat down on the floor. “I just… can’t. And things have gotten a lot worse and because of this abusive stuck-up, mad idiot!” she pointed at Hong. The Leader’s look hardened at him. “Sir, please just don’t think she’s right,” Hong insisted. “And I’ve been pushing my flank harder and harder day by day!” Mystic cried. “But no matter what, I just can’t get anypony to appreciate it! I’ve nearly broken bones, I’ve bled, sweated, and worked myself almost to the grave because of the audacious schedule the General has put on me! I’ve been a good pony!” She stood up. “And to top it off, he tries to ‘discipline’ me whenever something isn’t exactly the way he wants it!” She turned around and showed the scars on her back. “Look at these! These came from him because he just wants to get to me whenever he can! I’ve been so blinded by fear I didn’t think to speak up.” She turned around, tears in her eyes., “This city is lovely, but I don’t like the way I’ve been treated. Let alone, much worse than the others I work with.” She sulked onto the floor again. She left out the parts about everypony being awful and lied about the city being “lovely” but she hates it. “Is this true, Hong?” the Leader asked. “No!” Hong bellowed. “She’s talking crazy! I’m telling you, she’s a crafty pony! Would you believe her over somepony who’s been loyal to the city for over thirty years?!” “Only for you to deteriorate and not be the General you should’ve been!” the Leader scolded. “The city is a disaster! You’ve broken more protocols than you care to admit!” “The city requires an iron grip! I’ve been trying to keep it together!” “And I haven’t?! You’re not the only one concerned about it!” “Then why did we waste money on the wall?! Why did we have to do our best to ensure ponies should have trust with one another?! We had that until you came!” “I don’t know what you’re implying,” the Leader said, a furious quiver in his tone, “but I don’t think you just supported your case.” He leaned forward. “You’re so blind to get what you want that you don’t use your brain.” “He’s impulsive!” Mystic spoke up. “I’ve always seen a crazed look in his eyes! He’s demented!” “I see.” “Sir, try and think about what’s best for the city!” “Best for the city? Or best for you?” the Leader asked. Suddenly something came to Mystic’s mind. This could be the final nail in the coffin! “I’ve been considering making a friend lately!” she said. It was a lie but it’s necessary. “You have?” the Leader asked, raising an eyebrow. “Yeah!” Mystic bowed. “I have seen how lovely this place is, and I’m sure there’s probably somepony out there for me.” She looked up and the Leader examined her. Searching her for any kind of dishonesty. Mystic had a desperate look on her face, yet she appeared as honest as she could be. “I promise I’ll make a friend that’s suitable for both me and that’ll meet your approval,” she said. The unicorn gave a smirk to the general, trying to let him know who’s really in charge. “She still has her duties to do for the rest of the week,” said Hong. “He’s trying to get at me!” Mystic cried. “But you do,” said the Leader, “and I’ll make sure that you’re not treated poorly from now on.” He looked at Hong. Mystic sighed. “All right. I’ll do whatever needs to be done...” She gave him pleading eyes. “Just don’t let me suffer anymore from this monster.” The Leader looked down at her and behind her a few times before he spoke, “Fine. Mystic, you will continue your duties for a little while longer, then you’ll be free to explore the city. You’ll find a friend and see just how life can be outside of breaking the rules.” He looked at Hong. “How dare you abuse her in violation of the rehabilitation program! I should suspend you right here and now!” “But there’s nopony better than me keeping the city together! It’ll throw itself into chaos without me whipping my soldiers into shape!” Hong protested. “You’re on the brink now, Hong!” the Leader snapped. “And if you break protocol anytime soon, I will revoke your General status and put you in the same program she’s been put in! Understood?!” Hong slightly wilted, a defeated look in his eyes. “Yes, sir...” The look on his face made Mystic’s heart soar. A small victory! “Now,” said the Leader, “Will you get Mystic cleaned up and a proper meal before tomorrow’s work? When she’s finished once the week’s over, she may go into the city.” Hong begrudgingly nodded. “Good. Dismissed!” Hong stomped away. Mystic looked up at the Leader. “Thank you...” she said. The Leader gave her a serious expression., “Don’t push your luck.” Mystic nodded and left the throne room. She felt proud of herself. She managed to keep him off her. She might’ve squeezed in a bit of false info here and there, but it worked! She did continue her hard work for the city and decided to be on “good behavior” throughout her work. She has some time to get through this program but she’s determined to push through. While Hong did stick around, he didn’t abuse her as much as he used to. He barked as ever but he never raised his whip at her again. Every time his wrath wilted, she felt it was a small victory and it felt good. The day before she was going out to the city, she heard Hong was going to discipline her again but she grabbed the whip with her magic and tossed it aside. Hong scolded her but she didn’t listen and she finished her work. The next day – Mystic’s room She has already washed and groomed herself to at least look somewhat appealing to ponies out in the street. She glanced down at her golden necklace on the nightstand, smiled, and decided to wear it for the day. Looking down at it, she’s grown used to being attached to it. It’s beautiful. Starry Sun, huh? she thought. A smile spread across her muzzle. She grabbed a brush and combed her mane. When she had finished, she happily trotted outside. Finally! Free from the Palace for a day! Outside He never gave her some clothes to hide her blank flank and he is tough but he is letting her do as much as she is now. Why take this for granted? The unicorn didn’t pay attention to anypony other than going out and taking in the city. It’s not a bad city but one that could use improvement. Some ponies seemed bearable when they gave her a nod and a wave. While she was having lunch at a food stand, some fillies were playing around with a tetherball. She wanted to go join them, yet she kept back and observed as the ball vainly dangled from the air and not getting anywhere with their light punches and hits. It was quite amusing to watch. At least things were looking up for one day. “Hey there!” somepony called. Confused and a little surprised, she turned to see a few unicorn teens dressed up in fine clothes walking over. “Yeah, you!” Mystic looked around at ponies surrounding her and back at trio approaching her. “Are you...” she placed a hoof on her chest, “talking to me?” “Yeah!” the first colt spoke. “Name's Crescent! And these are my friends Hazel and Blakey!” “Uhhh....” The trio came to a stop and smiled at her. “Don't be shy,” said Hazel, “it's always a pleasure to meet ponies.” Mystic didn't reply. “Well, are you going to speak?” Crescent asked. “Why are you talking to me?” Mystic cautiously asked. The teens chuckled. “What, we can’t make a new friend?” Blakey asked. Mystic arched an eyebrow. The idea sounded wonderful. Maybe there are decent ponies in this city? “Besides, we unicorns need to stick together,” Crescent added. “And you look pretty bad,” said Hazel. “We could freshen you up.” “Last time I let ponies treat me, they framed me for a crime I didn’t know I was committing,” Mystic admitted. “Oh, gosh! That’s not cool!” Blakey cried and his friends agreed. “It isn’t.” Mystic finished her sandwich. “So pardon my cautious ways.” The three ponies looked at each other. “This wasn’t what we anticipated,” said Hazel. “Yeah, it won’t be as fun,” said Crescent. Suddenly, Blakey lunged forward, grabbed Mystic’s necklace and snatched it right off. “Got it!” Blakey cried as he and his friends ran off. “Hey!” Mystic cried. “Give that back!” She began chasing them. Laughter erupted from the trio. “Come and get it!” Crescent cried. Mystic growled and picked up speed. Those foolish ponies were really going to get it now. She followed them around a curve and saw that there were multiple ponies carrying or moving boxes. Mystic did her best to weave and jump around the boxes. “Sorry!” Mystic cried. “Excuse me!” She bumped into somepony. “Pardon me!” She saw several others with stacked boxes. “Coming through!” She zipped past them. The thieves were faster than her. She heard more laughter come from them as they knocked over several boxes, spilling their contents all over the street. “That’s just fantastic!” she cried as she leaped over the mess. She chased them to a more active street and the trio leaped onto a moving wagon. With a frustrated shout, Mystic picked up speed. Her limbs ached and pinched, and her lungs burned. Adrenaline pumping through her system, Mystic leaped onto another moving wagon, climbed on top and saw her targets going down an alleyway. She jumped down, ran down to it and burst through to catch them. A strong unpleasant smell hit Mystic’s nose. It was putrid and caused her to cough and feel nauseated to her stomach and cheeks. She kept going. With one final turn, she came to a stop and saw the unicorns cornered by a pit. They turned around and looked surprised, horrified, and sickened. “Way to pick the route, Blakey!” Crescent coughed. “I didn’t know it led to the pits!” Blakey hacked. “Regardless of where it led you,” Mystic heaved, “give me back my necklace!” “Why should we?” Hazel asked. “It looks like any other old necklace.” “You know darn well that it isn’t! That thing is solid gold and is truly precious to me!” “And why is that?!” Mystic opened her mouth to answer, but her words died on her lips. She noticed the thieves have taken notice. “Oh, you don’t know, huh?” Crescent asked. “It’s… a long story,” Mystic answered. “Then elaborate!” he stepped closer to the pit. “Or we’ll drop it!” “No!” Mystic shrieked, “Don’t drop it!” “Then why is this precious to you? Why?!” “Because it was given to me by somepony precious!” “Who’s that?!” Mystic paused again. Darn it!” “Answer me!” “I don’t know!” Mystic cried desperately, “But it’s the one thing that truly matters in this holy forsaken city! Please, give it back!” “I don’t think so,” said Crescent, “You haven’t elaborated why it’s so precious!” “If I did, you wouldn’t believe me!” The trio chuckled and Crescent through it down the pit into the ‘dirt’! “No!” Mystic wailed, running up to the edge and seeing it down there. “It didn’t matter much so it belongs in that dirt! You belong down there too!” Crescent pushed Mystic into the pit and she landed with a sploosh! Mystic wailed as the bullies howled with laughter. It was like being in a very smelly gunk that never would relent from clinging to her coat! She had to hold her breath as she climbed out of the slick slope and fell back in a few times before she finally got out. When she got out, her offenders were gone. Cowards! She took to the streets and found a water hole to wash and did so thoroughly but never felt completely clean. Later she found a cape and draped it over her back to keep her flank and back hidden. Mystic decided to avoid being seen. Did Hong and the Leader know she’d be ridiculed? Is this some kind of discipline lesson? As she walked down the streets she’d wandered away from the city’s center and sat down next to the road. Most ponies weren’t around. “I’ll just stay quiet until my time is up for being out here...” she whimpered. She closed her eyes tight. She’d thought the city would be better than the palace, but she was clearly mistaken. This world is cruel! This place is just awful! Why...? Her eyes welled up. Maybe nopony would bother to track her. Mystic kicked a stone and let out a cry. She buried her face into her hooves. Would nopony care if she hurt herself? Died? Or...? She shuddered at the implied thought before it entered her mind. It seemed scary, but preferable. Mystic sniffed, not caring about what she might do next. “Hello?” said a soft small voice. Mystic gasped and sat straight up. She snapped her head to the right and saw a filly unicorn with a yellow coat and yellow-brownish eyes. Her mane was a mix of yellow and gold, and horn seemed curly instead of straight. “Where did you come from?!” Mystic asked, almost shouting. The filly cringed. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.” “Yeah, well, you need to think before you interrupt somepony in deep thought,” Mystic stated as she composed herself. The filly nodded. “I understand.” She cracked a small smile. “Can I join you?” Mystic froze. Her gaze darted to the left and right. Is she with anypony? Before she realized it, the filly sat down next to her. “I didn’t say you could join me,” Mystic told her. “No, but you look lonely, and I wanted to see if you’re okay.” The filly smiled. What’s this filly’s game? Is there somepony out there watching the two of them? There can’t be any more things going wrong for her today! “I’m… fine,” Mystic tried to affirm. “Well, I believe you,” said the filly. “It’s quite a day, isn’t it?” “It’s always cloudy and gloomy in these streets, as far as I can tell.” “Is it?” The filly giggled. Mystic blinked. Why did she just giggle? “Sure, I hadn’t noticed because I think the clouds had lightly parted and it is a little warmer today than a couple of days ago.” “Where did you get that? A weather report?” Mystic scoffed. The filly laughed. Mystic shook her head, not able to believe hearing such a joyful laugh. “I was kidding,” the filly giggled, “it might be gloomy most of the time, but that doesn’t mean you can’t consider it a good day.” “Uh huh?” Mystic looked around again. “Never hurts to spread a little cheer and smiles.” The filly smiled. She reached into her bag and pulled out a few sunflowers. They were withering, but Mystic’s eyes slightly widened at them. “You ever wonder about sunflowers?” the filly asked. “They just remind me of how bright things can be and make me smile.” She looked into Mystic’s eyes. “And I think they can help you smile, too.” She held up a sunflower to Mystic. Okay, this is enough, she thought. “All right,” she said, standing up. “What’s your game?” “A game?” the filly’s eyes lit up. “Are we going to play a game?” She stood up as well. “Oh! Oh! How about tag? Hide and seek? Or-or!” “No not that kind of game!” Mystic snapped. “What are you up to?” The filly just kept smiling. “What am I up to? I was coming to see you.” “No!” Mystic groaned. “Look, are you with anypony?” “I’m with you, silly.” “Gah! That’s not what I meant!” Mystic sat down on the ground again. The filly followed suit. “Look, I don’t know what you’re doing here,” Mystic went on, “but somepony like you shouldn’t be wandering around.” The filly tilted her head. “But weren’t you doing that?” “Well, yes, but...” Mystic paused. “Wait a minute! How old are you?!” “Six.” “Why would a six-year-old be wandering around in the city?!” “Because you can walk almost anywhere.” “I mean, do you have a home?” Mystic looked into her eyes. “Do you want some money? Do you want to get somewhere? Do you have a family?” The filly stared into Mystic’s eyes with an unreadable expression. “Do you have a family?” the filly innocently asked. The question pierced her heart like an arrow. Mystic felt her eyes welling up again. She looked away and held back her whimpers. “Are you okay?” “I’m fine,” replied Mystic, “I’m worn out and want to get back home.” She felt a hoof gently touch her cape and back. Mystic tensed and glanced behind her to see the filly stroking her. She’s never been so gently touched before. “What’re you doing?” she asked, feeling uneasy. “Comforting you.” “There’s no reason for you to,” Mystic stood up, she looked down at the filly. Why would a stranger be coming to comfort her? “Look, kid, you might want to get back home. There are dangerous ponies out here.” “They hadn’t touched me yet,” said the filly. She stood up and slipped, falling flat onto her face. Mystic watched as she wobbly picked herself back up. “Sorry,” the filly smiled sheepishly, “I’m a little klutzy.” “I see.” “How about we accompany each other for a bit?” the filly suggested. “Just go home. Where do you live?” “I live just a few blocks that way,” the filly pointed to the east. “I live there with other fillies and colts but...” she frowned, “I just got out, and I want to get away from there.” “Won’t the ponies there miss you?” “They don’t care. They mostly send us to bed so they won’t have to take care of us.” Mystic’s eyes bulged. “Seriously?! What kind of parents do that?!” “Well...” the filly frowned. “They’re not my parents...” “What is over there, anyway?” Mystic asked, feeling unnerved by the answer. “It’s an orphanage...” Mystic couldn’t help but take in a light gasp of air. Her blood froze at this revelation. How is she going to figure out this filly’s game? She’s not like any of the other ponies she’s encountered. “Buuuutt,” the filly smiled, “that doesn’t mean I can’t learn to just be happy and hopeful in the midst of an environment that isn’t the best.” That was interesting. How? How is she so optimistic? How long had she been living there? How was she made an orphan? How could she be so happy in such hostile conditions? And... “What’s your name?” Mystic asked aloud. The filly’s smile grew. “I’m Sunshine. Sunshine Smiles.” Mystic couldn’t help but crack a smirk. The way the filly talked and acted seem to fit that name. “I’m… Mystic,” said the older mare. “Nice to meet you, Mystic,” said Sunshine. Mystic furrowed her brows and began thinking. Did she really care about her? How could she when she has her own problems to deal with? “How about we walk a little bit and get to a better place to hang out?” Sunshine offered. “Uh...” Mystic still felt a little uneasy talking to a filly five years younger than her. “What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?” Sunshine asked. Did she just tease me? “No, no. Let’s do that.” Mystic quickly nodded. Time to put myself on guard. Just in case, she thought. She shuddered at recent events and could still smell the contents within her coat. “Yay!” Sunshine squeaked. She began skipping. Mystic stood there for a few seconds before she followed. The questions kept coming to Mystic. She doesn’t care how she looks? About her lack of a cutie mark? About the scars? About...how she smells? “Ever wondered about love, Mystic?” the filly asked. “What?” “About love,” said Sunshine, “I didn’t know it existed until I took a shot and learned that it does exist.” Mystic remained silent as the filly went on. “It’s the most beautiful thing in the universe! Almost like eating candy that’s sweeter than a candy cane!” Candy canes what are those? Is it a metaphor? If that’s the case it sounds silly. Mystic thought incredulously. “I just imagine myself eating as much candy canes and sweets as I can, because of how sweet love is!” Sunshine laughed. “It’s not just sweet, it’s also powerful! And--oof!” She tripped over her own hooves again. Mystic froze. “Whoops!” Sunshine bounced back to her hooves. “How embarrassing!” “Sunshine...” “I might be a little wobbly, but I get through it!” Mystic sighed. She took her surroundings in, but saw nopony else around. The alleyways looked empty and the sounds of ponies bustling around were a couple blocks away. “Anywho!” Sunshine chirped. “What’re you doing these days, Mystic?” “Well...” Mystic trailed off. How could she tell her of the program she was in? “Busy playing? Writing a journal? Thinking about your life and what it could be?” Sunshine asked enthusiastically. “I… don’t really play,” Mystic answered, “I never thought about keeping a journal… and not really.” “Oh, that’s sad,” Sunshine frowned but then she smiled, “but hey, at least I can give you some pointers!” “Maybe some other time.” “Okay!” Sunshine giggled. Mystic rubbed her temple. This isn’t cringy at all. “I know I intruded on you, and I am sorry about that. I just thought you could use a little chat with somepony!” “Yes, Sunshine, I was there when you told me.” “But the importance of it cannot be overstated enough! Hey, where did you get the cape?” “Some fillies came along and things got a little messy. I had to put it on to cover it up,” Mystic retorted. “Oooh! Sounds interesting!” Mystic sighed again. “What about you?” she asked. “Why’re you so positive?” “Oh, that.” Sunshine held a bit of a sad smile on her face. “Such a shame she had to leave and go off… but one of my former caretakers taught me to be happy and not frown so much.” “Oh?” “Yeah.” Sunshine looked up at the sky as if she were remembering something. “She taught me so much about love and how ponies can come together. But you don’t see it so much these days.” She smiled. “Which is why I dream of going to a land called Equestria.” Mystic paused. “Equestria?” “Yeah, it’s supposed to be a very wonderful place! I’ve been trying to find details about it!” Of course, it's that land where the Mare in the Moon stuff originated a while back. “Do you dream of a wonderful place, Mystic?” Sunshine asked. “Kid,” said Mystic, “while you are a dreamer and seem interested in me… I just don’t know how this whole thing will work out between you and me.” “Oh? Why not?” Sunshine asked curiously. “Because...” Mystic paused, choosing her words carefully. Keep it together, Mystic! You haven’t been around kids much! “Because you don’t understand the real world,” she finally said. “You just don’t know who you can rely on.” “I see...” replied Sunshine. She placed a hoof on Mystic’s side. “I’m glad I came along then.” Mystic kept looking at the filly. That sincere smile and bright eyes seemed to have so much life behind them. Should she share what’s been going on with her? How she’s suffered so much? Her gut told her to do so, but she held back. “Hey! Catch!” she heard Sunshine shout. She turned and gasped when a ball came flying towards her. She caught it with her magic and looked at Sunshine with a bit of a wide-eyed expression. “Nice reflexes!” Sunshine giggled. “You could’ve hurt me!” She would’ve handled it, but she didn’t want to put up with too many antics from her. “You’re a big pony! You’re able to handle things!” It was almost as if she’d read her mind. “Come on! Throw it!” Sunshine clapped her hooves. Mystic glanced down at the dirty ball. She looked at Sunshine again, the filly waiting in anticipation. She softly tossed the ball at Sunshine, who easily caught it. “Oh, you need to step up your game!” the filly stated. “Sunshine, I don’t know about this,” replied Mystic. “Just get in the spirit, Misty!” Misty? “We can have fun!” Well, there doesn’t seem to be getting out of this one. “Okay...” she said hesitantly. “But I need to be back soon...” “Where?” Sunshine asked curiously. “An...” Mystic inwardly cringed, “... important place. I can’t be late.” “Then let’s burst our tails and get to playing!” Sunshine threw the ball at Mystic much harder than she did the first time. It was caught once again. Mystic tossed the ball back to Sunshine, and soon they began playing with the ball, even kicking it back and forth to one another. Despite feeling uncomfortable with this interaction and little game she considered childish, Mystic was glad the little one seemed to be having a good time. “So, you run and when I touch you, you’re it and you have to get me,” Sunshine explained. “I can run faster than you,” said Mystic. She’d never played ‘tag’ before. “Then run slower!” “How will that make the game any fairer?” Sunshine laughed. “Silly! I am making it fairer! You’re the one with the longer legs here!” Mystic cracked a smirk. “Or maybe you’re faster than what you look.” “Is that a challenge?!” Sunshine smiled deviously. “Because I like challenges!” “Then try to catch me!” Mystic cried. She took off and Sunshine let out a small cry before she bolted after the older unicorn. A giggle almost erupted from Mystic’s throat as she ran. For about ten seconds Sunshine did her best to catch up, and though she did pick up speed, she couldn’t catch up with Mystic. Mystic kept running for a moment longer before she stopped. Sunshine rounded the corner and had to come to a screeching stop. “Hah!” Mystic cried. “I win!” “No,” Sunshine smiled, then touched Mystic, “you’re it!” “What?!” Mystic gasped as Sunshine ran off. “But we were having a race!” “Never said that we were!” Sunshine laughed. With a groan, Mystic chased the filly down. Both ponies lay on their backs as they cooled down. The clouds were clearing up and starting to reveal the blackening sky. Mystic couldn’t believe she’d gotten into the spirit of playing games. How did she get roped into that? She supposed she still hoped there was something out there that’d tell her these ponies can be better. That hope was dwindling for everypony… except one. “Look, Mystic,” said Sunshine, “the stars are coming out.” Mystic looked up and saw the clouds have parted. She could see the twinkling stars that began taking up the sky. “Beautiful, aren’t they?” Sunshine asked. “I suppose,” replied Mystic. “Whenever I get a chance, I always come outside to look at the endless beauty the stars provide,” Sunshine explained, “I only imagine what else is out there in the vastness of space.” She smiled. “So much to the imagination. They also help me relax and reflect on the good in my life.” She glanced over at Mystic, “Maybe they can do the same for you.” “I don’t know if I have any good in my life,” replied Mystic, feeling a pang of sadness come to her heart. “Everypony sometimes has goodness in their life,” said Sunshine. “I’m not so sure about that...” She turned over on her side. “I...” She sighed. “No… Sunshine...” “No what?” “I don’t have a...” she held back her tears, “I don’t have a family.” Sunshine lightly gasped and sat up. “You’re… an orphan?” Mystic slowly nodded. “If I do have any family… they probably don’t know who I am...” “Oh, Mystic...” Sunshine whispered. “I’m so sorry...” “Don’t worry,” said Mystic, “I’ve grown used to it.” Partially true. Mystic thought as she flicked her mane. “I guess… we’re two peas in a pod, huh?” “Huh?” Sunshine cleared her throat. “I mean, we’re alike, right?” She smiled sadly. “Yeah...” For a moment frozen in time, Mystic felt more comfortable hanging out with somepony else. It seemed… special, in a sense. Suddenly, she got her usual demeanor back and shook her head. “I’ve… had fun today...” Mystic said, almost automatically. She glanced up at a clock tower. It was about five minutes before she had to get back to the palace. She frowned at the thought of it. “I had fun too, Mystic,” said Sunshine. “You and I could use some brightness in our lives.” She smiled again. Mystic took another look at her. There was no denying it. This filly was just being herself. Something Mystic’s not seen in the other ponies she’d seen out on the streets. For one little moment, Mystic felt warm. It was an incredible feeling almost as if the world had been made brighter. “Time’s up for me,” said Mystic, “I found our time… interesting.” She couldn’t understand this feeling. She hadn’t felt it during her time with Chen or his siblings. “Oh, I understand,” Sunshine smiled, “it was a real treat speaking to you!” “Yeah, well,” she spoke, unsure how to respond. “See you around?” Sunshine asked, hope present in her eyes. Mystic gave an uncertain look. “No promises but… maybe?” “Yay!” Mystic began walking back to the palace. She didn’t want to leave the feeling behind, but she needed to avoid getting into trouble. Before she left the area, she turned around and saw Sunshine waving at her. Mystic couldn’t help but smile a little before turning the corner. Year 16 – Day 364 The rain continued to fall and the wind began to howl. “Shoot!” Mystic cried. “Stupid rain, won’t you go away?!” Undeterred, she knelt down and picked up the weaved hay before stepping back to look at the three of them. “Okay, I think that should be enough,” she said. The rain fell harder in the darkening forest. Lighting up her horn, she levitated a ladder and placed it up against the abode to fix the roof. Meanwhile, in her dimly lit headmare's office, Twilight Sparkle let out a yawn. She's stayed up until the middle of the night, planning new school activities, grading students, and studying up on topics she has planned for them to learn about. She closed the curriculum book and smiled. The alicorn knew she would be tired the next morning. But nothing a fresh pot of tea can’t fix. “I know I shouldn’t be up so late,” she said to nopony in particular, “but I just love teaching my students with my friends by my side.” She’s very proud of how far they’ve all come. This school is a monument to that and she won’t change anything about coming to Ponyville and the journeys they’d been on. In addition, there’s a very special event coming up for Equestria in nine days. She can’t wait. Provided it goes well. “Twilight, you need to go to bed,” she said, almost mimicking Spike’s voice. She giggled and stood up. Before she could leave, she noticed that some of her students’ files were out of place. Sighing, she walked over. Rainbow must not have organized them as she told her to. She levitated three of them out and paused when she saw the names “Starry” and “Lucky.” She frowned. Those two haven’t been on their best behavior and haven’t improved any in the past few months. She was reminded of the businesspony that had gotten his sons into the school. And well-- She shook her head, daring not to think of his sons or him again. She’ll make sure their behavior changes! She’s got her friends by her side and everything will be all right! She organized her files and stepped out of the office, heading back to her castle, in order to get sleep so she could teach again the next day. End of Volume 1 > Chapter 3 - A Small Ray of Sunshine > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRESENT DAY – Year 16 – Day 364 Pound. Pound! POUND! “Gah! There!” she cried. She put one section of weaved straw onto the roof. Despite being soaked to the bone, the rain did not deter her from keeping her abode from flooding. Not today! Not ever! “Only two more places to go,” she said. She stepped over to the other side of the roof grabbed a rope with her magic and pulled up some more weaved straw. “Typical living, typical living,” she said as she placed the straw down and pounded it in. “Great! Now one more to go!” she said, proud of herself. She levitated the final rope to finally finish this quick chore. She has to go out and pick some sunflowers before the forest blackens. She never backed down from having her fresh flowers a day before she- The wind blew harder, causing Mystic to shut her eyes as the rain pelted her face and blew her hood back. She groaned loudly. When she reached for it, she heard something shifting. She turned and an old piece of the roof blew off and tumbled onto the ground. “Aw, give me a BREAK!” she cried. “I literally just had one left!” The wind didn’t take a hint and blew hard again, nearly knocking her off the straw roof. “I only hope I don’t go rain blind!” she growled. Flashback – YEAR 11 “Mystic! You’re lagging behind again!” the Boss cried. “Sorry, sir!” Mystic cried, resuming her work. “Are you feeling okay?! You’d better not be feeling sick!” “No, sir! My mind was wandering!” “Lag behind again and you’ll be doing the rest of the worker’s jobs for the rest of the month!” “Okay, sir!” Internally shaking her head, her forelegs moved her forward with the job, cursing herself as she tried to keep it from wandering and to focus. Sometime after finishing her job for the day (and thankfully keeping up), her mind was focused on getting back to the Palace, take a bath and go to bed. “You did it again, Mystic,” she scolded herself, “That’s the fifth time this week! No more!” Almost as if fate wanted to mess with her, she had a memory of Sunshine smiling at her. She groaned loudly. Ever since meeting that filly, Mystic berated herself for opening up to her. How could she have been so stupid and weak? She can’t trust anypony! She did her best to forget about it but every time a thought about her would come she would be taken off guard. Almost as if it were something floating around her that never wanted to leave. It was irritating. Sunshine was always smiling and happy despite being an orphan. Sighing, Mystic headed back to the Palace to clear her mind and have a bath. The walk back she began thinking of how much stronger she’s been getting. Her tightened muscles made her smirk. However, whenever she tried to think of something else, her mind wandered back to that filly. Sunshine Smiles. Sunshine Smiles. An accursed...yet wonderful name, yet... “GAH!” Mystic cried. She stomped faster down the hall. The bath didn’t help with her thoughts either. That smile and bright spirit brought a warm feeling to her heart. She cannot deny that there’s something new about this one filly out of thousands of ponies out there. Is this fate playing with her? Testing her wills? Trolling her? The questions bounced around her head like ping pong balls as the warm feeling returned. It seemed...real? What was this? It felt as if it were calling to her and Mystic wanted to follow. Should she? No! Everywhere she’s gone she’s only landed in more trouble! Her horn lit and she pulled the covers over herself as the conflict within her went on. The rain continued to pour hard as she potted for gold in the shallow river. She shook the bowl several times to find several pieces of the shiny mineral only for the torrential downpour to wash them away. A loud groan muffled by the storm escaped from her mouth as ber gaze glanced upwards to see the landlord surveying the area. She hoped he hadn’t seen her drop those pieces of gold. Gold... Sunshine’s coat. Mystic slapped herself. There you go again! she scolded herself, What’s wrong with me?! The day went on and thankfully she filled up her quarry which was considered “adequate” and she moved onto shoveling a foundation for a new building while ponies behind her did their best to keep the place up. It was next to impossible to keep the mud from getting all over herself and the rain sliding the mud into the pits being dug. Why they had to do this in the rain was beyond her. It seemed like an effort just to make the workers suffer despite the claims of a “tight schedule.” “NOOO!” she heard ponies scream. When she turned around she was only met with a wave of recently fallen rain that washed over her and caused her to fall. She screamed under the water and immediately broke for air. She climbed out of the pit to see that a small flash flood had come through washing most of the work away! “You’ve got to be kidding me!” she said in disbelief. “Pull out! Pull out!” the landlord ordered, “Weather is getting worse! Bigger floods on the way!” Mystic gulped and trembled. Ponies began heading out of the area and she followed without hesitation. She screeched to a stop when she nearly stepped into a pool of water. “No, no, no!” she whispered to herself as her body trembled and her legs felt like noodles. She made her way around the pool which seemed to lap at her hooves, trying to pull her in which caused her to whimper in fear. “Stay out of the water,” she whispered. Sometime later, Mystic stomped through the wet streets. The chores scheduled for the day were canceled because of flooding. Alone time is needed and there won’t be much time being out here. Ponies glanced at her but she paid them no mind. As her mind wandered to her circumstances, her teeth grit and let out snorts of hot air. All day of doing work and with little to no regard for her efforts! It’s humiliating! It’s distasteful! Her mind turned towards the Leader, he might be the “nicest” pony she knows of but he does next to nothing other than keeping his name intact at very appropriate moments! He’s been a little beneficial but she hates to admit that Hong is likely right about him. That name...that abysmal name makes her blood boil and want to beat him until he went to Tartarus! Yeah! He’ll be sorry for humiliating her! She glanced over and spotted a unicorn selling some products. Mystic walked over and gave him the few bits she had. “I don’t sell to low lives,” he scowled. Mystic growled. “I have no business in being called a low life from a hot-headed loser!” “What?!” the unicorn snapped. “Just give me the products now!” Mystic growled. “I don’t care what you do!” She waited for the loser to give her the products. “More bits then,” he said. “Are you kidding?!” “No.” Fed up with this loser, Mystic pushed up against the stand and shook it violently before she took her bits back. “I’ll find somepony else that sells real quality food!” she snapped, “Thanks for nothing!” She heard the unicorn yelling at her but she kept stomping forward not caring where she’s going. Miserable city. Miserable life. She was being told from all corners to give up and accept her fate. However, there is something within her that kept her from surrendering. It’s almost like a blessing. Hay, it’s impressive she’s gotten this far. But...can things ever get better? A few minutes passed and she heard some kids laughing and playing. She perked up and looked to her left. Next to her is a yard surrounded by a wooden fence with poorly maintained playground equipment. Colts and fillies played all sorts of games. Mystic just kept walking until she got a glimpse of a sign that had the word ‘orphanage’ as part of the title. She lightly gasped. Sunshine? Was she here? The unicorn wanted to continue onwards but is she really here? A tug at her heartstrings. Almost feeling as if longing for her ideals and bright personality. Without too much debate, she made her choice. The mare spotted a boulder near the fence, crouched behind it, and peered into the yard. She had to shift her position a bit to see around the metal pole in front of her though. Where is she? Where is she? Her gaze scanned the playground and she spotted Sunshine in the middle of the playground. Mystic considered calling out to her until she saw the filly turn a bit and noticed a distraught look on her face with three other fillies near her. “Just let me play!” Sunshine cried. “Oh, come on,” said the first filly, “We just want to talk!” “I think you’ve talked enough!” This isn’t looking good. What’re they doing? Curious, Mystic leaned forward to listen in. “Oh, look at the weirdo with the unnatural horn and funny ears!” the second teased. “Hey!” Sunshine hid her ears, “My ears are unique!” “Unique?! Talk about ridiculous!” the fillies began laughing menacingly. Mystic felt her heart drop as she saw Sunshine began to tear up. Why is she beginning to see herself in this filly? Somepony who doesn’t deserve the cruelty directed at them? “Please! I don’t want to be teased anymore!” Sunshine cried. The third filly spitefully laughed, “What? Like the past few months? Or ponies before us? You’re also talentless and can’t do basic levitation right!” Mystic began to snarl. “Face it Sunshine!” the first scolded, prodding her in the chest, “You’re a freak! Nopony here has adopted you for all your worthless life!” Mystic’s blood began to boil. “Your parents never wanted you! Face it, Sunshine, you’re worthless! And that’s all you’ll ever BE!” the filly shoved Sunshine right into a puddle of mud. Mystic gasped loudly. “HEY!” she roared and shot up to her hooves, “Leave her ALONE!” Everypony’s attention snapped to her as she grabbed the metal pole and began running right at the fillies! Full of rage, she screamed causing the fillies to shriek in terror before they bolted off into the orphanage. “That’s right you little stuck up brats! Get your hides in there before I tan them all for you!” Mystic cried. She kicked a stone. Huffing, she turned to the whimpering Sunshine. Her anger faded and Mystic made her way over. “Are you okay, Sunshine?” she asked, levitating her out of the mud. “I-I’ve been better...” Sunshine whimpered. Mystic’s eyes widened at the sight of her tears. The unicorn scanned her environment, spotted some towels, levitated them over and began scrubbing Sunshine. “They’ll come for you...” said Sunshine. “Who? The orphanage caretakers?” “What is going on out here?!” a voice demanded. “Speak of the devil,” Mystic turned around with a glare. “Why are you terrorizing our orphanage?!” an overweight mare demanded. “Oh, maybe I’m spicing things up because you don’t bother to take care of the fillies and colts!” Mystic antagonized. “That doesn’t give you the right to do what you did!” “And you dare not take care of kids? You’re crazy you fool!” The mare gasped, offended. “You watch your mouth, blank flank!” “I’m used to the scrutiny! Even worse than you!” “Mystic, what’re you doing?” Sunshine asked, concerned. “You’re going to get in trouble!” “I’m already in enough trouble,” Mystic answered, “Have been since I got in.” “What do you mean?” Mystic gave her a light sympathetic smirk before turning back to the mare with a glare. “I’m getting the authorities for this!” said the mare. Mystic remembered she had her rights and that the Leader (as much of a fool he is) did say she could make a friend of her choosing. Sunshine is going to be that pony. “Go ahead,” Mystic challenged, “Just don’t let it go to your big head.” The mare growled in deep offense but she left to get the authorities. Mystic turned around to face a flabbergasted Sunshine. “I...” Sunshine trailed off, “I can’t believe you!” “I’ve got this,” Mystic assured her, “I might receive some yelling and more chores but it won’t be the worst I’ve been through.” She sat down and turned to reveal her scars along her back to Sunshine. She heard the filly gasp. “What...happened?” Sunshine whimpered. Mystic turned to her with a sad smile. “It’s a long story, my friend.” Sunshine’s eyes widened, “F-Friend?” Mystic nodded. “If you want to be.” She gently reached out a hoof. Sunshine trailed off. Mystic saw in her face that she’s processing what had just happened. The poor filly likely hasn’t had anypony stand up for her the way she did. Soon, Mystic heard some larger hoofsteps approaching. She turned to face the soldiers stopping in front of her. “So, let me get this straight,” Hong rubbed his temples, “You went out and straight-up attacked an orphanage?!” “I more or less defended a pony being bullied,” Mystic growled, “And a pony that I decided to be my friend!” “And if this pony supposedly got bullied and you supposedly made friends with her, did she agree and why in Imperial City did you attack colts and fillies?” They’d been going at this for about 20 minutes and Hong hasn’t been letting up on his views he’s suspecting her of! “She did agree, you mad idiot,” Mystic hissed. She ignored the loud SLAM on the table and cut in before he could say anything, “And I didn’t attack anypony. I was just scaring them so they’d get away from my friend.” She leaned back into the chair, “I shared my story.” Hong let out a low growl and turned to his soldier at the door. “What do you think?” he asked. “I think she’s telling the truth,” he said. “One witness did mention she was just waving the pole around and never did appear to want to hurt anypony once she’d helped her friend.” “Are you serious?” Hong sighed. “Affirmative, sir.” “Your lessons are proceeding you, General,” said Mystic, “I’ve been learning a lot from...” she leaned forward with a coy smirk, “The very best.” She could see the rage build up behind Hong’s eyes but he did not lash out at her. He sighed and nodded at the soldier. The soldier opened the door and gave the message to a servant. Mystic faced Hong. She knows she needs to keep up the sassiness and her attitude to show him that he has no control over her. She’s a part of the worker program and under rehabilitation! The Leader may not be much of a leader but he does take priority into keeping his system up so he can keep himself in power. Or, that’s what she hopes. Soon, the servant returned and whispered something into Hong’s ear. He stood up and motioned Mystic to follow him. Let it be good news, let it be good news, Mystic thought. Hong growled at her. Success. Mystic let a smug grin grow on her face. “The filly has stated to want to be friends with Mystic,” said the Leader as Mystic’s heart soared but kept her eyes on him. She heard Hong let out a deep sigh. “I know you did get out and bother those fillies and the owners were constantly complaining about your actions, Mystic,” the Leader went on. “So to appease them, I will give you some form of punishment. Figures. Not fair! She was defending her! “Yes, your Majesty,” Mystic spoke in a respectful tone, cringing inwardly. “And you do formally agree, Mystic, that this filly should be your friend?” the Leader asked. Typical formalities. “Yes, I hereby formally agree that Sunshine Smiles should be my first friend in this city,” Mystic looked up at him with ‘Bambi eyes.’ “Sir, this filly is crafty,” Hong advised. “Hush now, General,” the Leader growled, “You always tell how crafty and wicked she is when I see she’s changing for the better.” “How do you know that?!” Hong demanded, “You barely lift a hoof to help this city!” “I do everything I can!” the Leader snapped defensively, “Now, General, you’re dismissed! Get back to work!” Hong growled. Mystic felt another victory as he walked off in defeat. When he was gone, the Leader spoke again. “And what’s this about a unicorn not selling you anything?” Mystic sighed, “I, unfortunately, wasn’t able to eat and I tried to get myself and Sunshine something to eat but that unicorn wasn’t willing to sell to ‘low lives’ and I’d just finished my work! Workers always get food with whatever bits they get as I understand from my time here, right?” Mystic explained. She’d twisted the details some but it’s very necessary. “Very well, I will get her something to eat and for your first step into a better life, I shall give you some food as well,” said the Leader. Mystic bowed before him, “Thank you, your Greatness.” Yes. This is working. The Leader yawned, “Okay, Mystic. You may go. And as for me, I’ve got my weekly ‘Me session’ coming up in an hour.” Weekly? More like daily, Mystic thought incredulously. She noticed a slight tremble in his left foreleg. He clutched it and swore she saw a small grimace on his face. The Leader coughed, “Apologies. Leave me be.” Mystic bowed and began leaving the throne room, taking a last glance behind her to see the Leader examining his foreleg. That was a little weird. The Leader doesn’t usually act like that. The unicorn continued down the hall towards a soldier that began escorting her to meet... Mystic nearly stopped walking. She had a real friend?! As she realized what had just been done, Mystic began to inwardly panic. She doesn’t know the first thing about being friends with anypony! All her life she’s been untrustworthy to anypony! Play it cool, Mystic. Play it cool. she thought. After walking a short distance to one of the smaller rooms of the Palace a chef came up from behind her carrying a couple of trays in his magic. He opened the door revealing Sunshine sitting at a table. Her eyes locked onto Mystic. The older mare froze. “Here you are,” said the soldier placing the two trays down, “Some provisions for both of you.” He looked at Mystic, “I hope you were telling the truth to the Leader.” Mystic snapped out of her daze, “Of course! I wouldn’t dare lie to his face!” Oh, great choice of words! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! The soldier nodded and left. Mystic’s eyes locked with Sunshine and her admiring gaze. Both seemed to stare at each other for eternity until Sunshine patted the seat beside her. Her heart skipped a beat as she began to breathe deeply to calm her nerves before she sat down next to her. Mystic didn’t say anything to her. Sunshine began leaned back a bit and Mystic realized that she was gazing at her scars. She inwardly cringed, feeling the lashes from the past year go by. “My gosh...” Sunshine whispered. Mystic cleared her throat, “Yeah...I know...” “I can’t believe you’re a worker for the city,” Sunshine admonished. “You took a great risk for me...” “I know...” replied Mystic. She paused and thought of something else to say, “I could say you did something similar.” “How?” “Come on, a little filly like you talking to me a hardened pony?” “You don’t look like you’re hardened...” Mystic froze, aghast at her words. “Wh-what do you mean? Of course, I am. Look!” She showed off her tense muscles and pointed out more scars on her neck. “I’m growing to be a brutal pony with all I’ve been through. You wouldn’t know some of the thoughts I have had,” Mystic tried to reason. Sunshine shook her head, “You look like you’re hurting.” Mystic couldn’t stop herself from freezing a bit. How did she know that? Is she some psychic?! She didn’t see any reaction from her new friend, she supposed. Her words died within her mouth before she could answer. Sunshine opened up her tray and began eating the sandwich within as Mystic’s thoughts continued to wander. Things were beginning to get awkward, so she tried saying something, “I...don’t know the first thing about making friends or even being a friend.” Sunshine giggled, “I know a little. We can try and learn from one another!” “A little? More like a lot,” Mystic muttered. “Why I’m flattered,” Sunshine lightly teased. Mystic couldn’t help but crack a smirk in return. “Soooo,” Sunshine said, “Are we going to be friends?” Without much hesitation anymore, Mystic nodded. “Yes. Only if you want to be.” “Are you kidding?!” Sunshine laughed, “Of course!” She outstretched a hoof. Mystic momentarily gazed at it before taking it and her new friend shook it. Mystic watched as Sunshine skipped down the street. “So Mystic!” she cried, “Now that we’re friends should we have some secret hoofshake? Some place where nopony knows about?!” “I think there’s a bunch of places like that here,” Mystic muttered, feeling awkward. “Or-or we could pretend we’re different characters and act out our own scenes!” Sunshine paused and posed, “I can pretend to be a robot!” She didn’t look or sound anything like a robot. “Sounds delightful...” Mystic muttered sarcastically. “Ooh! Awesome!” And she didn’t pick up on her sarcasm. “Hey Mystic, hey!” “What?” “What do you call a-whoops!” Sunshine tripped again. “Sunshine! Are you okay?” Mystic asked, startled. “Just peachy!” replied Sunshine bouncing back onto her hooves, “The seas are rocking me a little bit today!” Clumsy and an orphan on top of all of this. She knows the filly needs friends but how could she be so happy? “Speaking of which,” Sunshine continued, “There’s a pool we could go swim in and...” “I don’t do pools,” Mystic interrupted. “Oh, that’s okay! We have tons of games to play on different streets for all ages!” Mystic sighed, “Sunshine-” “And-and! Maybe we’ll be hanging out so much that we’ll become like sisters and one day become official sisters adopted!” Mystic blinked. “Who knows what the future holds? I’m certainly looking to it being much brighter!” Only if that were true. “Sunshine,” Mystic interjected. “Yes?” “I apologize...I just...” she sighed, “I’m not comfortable with this even though...” She trailed off. Sunshine is a bright spirited pony, who’s to say that the two of them would make good friends? “Hey,” Sunshine spoke. Mystic gazed over at her. “Whenever you’re open to somepony to talk to, please don’t hesitate to ask or say,” said Sunshine. “Okay?” It was almost as if she’d read her mind again. But her hesitancy to trust anypony won over her again. “Come on!” Sunshine cried, taking Mystic’s hoof, “Let’s go have some fun! You have the whole day off!” Mystic cracked a smirk again. A whole day off something that happens once in a blue moon. “All right,” she said, “Show me what you got.” “Challenge accepted!” Sunshine grinned. Throughout the day, Sunshine took Mystic down the streets. She showed the older mare how to play some soccer, hopscotch, and jumping in puddles! She laughed as she began jumping from puddle to puddle enjoying herself. She accidentally splashed Mystic (which the mare stood still with her neutral expression) before smirking at her again. The next thing they played was hide and seek where Sunshine told Mystic to go hide. Mystic didn’t hide too well at first (behind a pole) and Sunshine told her that she needs to go hide good or she can’t seek her. A silly game but it could be fun. While playing, Sunshine found some sunflowers and picked them. She kept what she was doing hidden from Mystic for a little bit until she revealed a necklace made from the picked flowers. “For you,” she said. “Uh, thanks,” replied awkwardly. “Now make me one!” Sunshine said happily. “Make you one?” Mystic tilted her head. “Oh, it’ll be fun! Friendship necklaces!” Sunshine laughed. It took a while but Mystic was able to make Sunshine her necklace. As the day went on, Mystic began to get more comfortable with playing. Smiles broke out on her face and a laugh escaped her throat when she’d won a game of horseshoe toss (much to Sunshine’s delight). Soon, the day began to come to a close, much to their chagrin. “Sunshine, I don’t want today to end...” said Mystic, “I had...fun today.” She smiled a little. “I did too,” replied Sunshine, “But we have to return to our places.” “But this isn’t fair! We should share the same room or section!” Sunshine smiled sympathetically, “I don’t think it’ll work that way.” “It needs to!” Sunshine giggled, “I see you are growing more attached to me.” “Because I...!” Mystic’s words died on her mouth causing her to curse herself again. She longed for something like this. Something she didn’t want to lose after so much hardship. Sunshine wrapped her forelegs around Mystic’s legs. It was a warm hug. Mystic patted her head before they went their ways. As time went on, Mystic worked harder just to hang out with her new friend. All she could think about was Sunshine. Every day she finished her work it felt as if it was almost worth it. Almost. Because of standing up to Hong and recognizing her rights, she felt as if she’d bound him a bit. He saw her hanging out with Sunshine but didn’t bother them. However, she could still feel his bitterness towards her. Fool. She thought, Who does he think he is to get at me? Despite that, her spirits began brightening up, she feels like the weight of the world is lifting from her shoulders. Year 11 – Day 170 During their fun times together, conversations began to arise with them. Sunshine opened up about her life at the orphanage and Mystic tried to say something to lighten up her spirits and offered to convince the Leader to allow her to live in the Palace. Unfortunately, it wasn’t meant to be. Because of the laws concerning workers and other hogwash, she wasn’t allowed to come into the Palace. That’s completely stupid. One day, Mystic is walking down the street after a hard day’s work. But when she saw Sunshine, she couldn’t help but break out a smile. It felt good. Everything is feeling better. “Hey, Sunshine!” Mystic called. On cue, Sunshine turned and smiled brightly again. I’ll never get tired of that, Mystic thought. She stopped and watched as Sunshine began running over to her. Suddenly, she bumped into a pony in front of a couple of others. She fell to the ground and Mystic let out a light gasp. “Hey! Out of the way you rogue!” one of them rudely snapped. “I’m sorry! It was an accident!” replied Sunshine. “Get off the street!” Mystic snarled, stomped her way over and tapped on the pony’s shoulder. “What now?” he asked, annoyed. “Hey, you leave her alone!” Mystic growled. She lit her horn and levitated Sunshine to her side. “And who are you to talk to us like that?!” “Somepony who’s looking out for an actual decent pony!” “Excuse me?!” “You heard me!” Mystic prodded him in the chest. “Keep your hooves off me you filth!” “At least this city actually has decent ponies and I don’t reckon it’s the one with the egos too big for their britches!” mocked Mystic. “Why I never!” a mare with them gasped. “Never what? Think that there might be some decent ponies being snubbed by the fake decent ones?” She flicked the pony’s bowtie, “Give me a break.” She turned to Sunshine and began walking forward, “Come on, Sunshine. I’m fed up. Let’s get out of here.” Not bothering to turn around, she slowed down a little until she heard the sound of little hoofsteps following her. “Mystic, thank you,” she said. “No big deal,” said Mystic, “They’re all just full of hot air.” “I still think we need to be careful.” “Careful? When can we truly be sure we’re ever safe?” “By not being foolish.” Mystic stopped. She turned and gave her an incredulous look. “Foolish?” “I know you’re angry and upset. But try not to let it out on the wrong ponies.” “Sunshine...” “I’m still here if you ever want to talk,” Sunshine said softly, “I’m all ears whenever you need me.” Mystic sighed, “We can’t be treated like that. Something must be done about ponies treating us like outcasts.” “We might be outcasts to the rest,” Sunshine said, “But we’ll be outcasts together.” A smile broke out on her face. “That way we’ll be linked stronger than ever before!” An amused grin broke out on Mystic’s face. How could this filly be clumsy, somewhat naïve and have tidbits of wisdom at the same time? It’s a puzzle that is getting harder and harder to solve. “Okay you win,” she said, “How about I suggest what we play next?” “I was waiting for you to ask that!” Sunshine laughed. Year 11 - Day 183 “So how did you get that necklace?” Sunshine asked pointing to the golden necklace. Mystic took a bite of her sandwich, “I crafted it out of the finest gold in the nation.” “Really?!” Sunshine gasped. “Yep!” Mystic smirked, “Said to be created by the sun goddess!” Sunshine marveled at Mystic, she looked speechless as Mystic’s smirk grew. “You can tell that it’s quite a tale, can’t you?” she asked in a teasing tone. Sunshine blinked and shook her head. “Wait a minute!” she cried, “Were you teasing me?!” Mystic shrugged, “I never said that.” “You were telling the truth?!” “I never said that either.” “Mystic!” Mystic laughed and wrapped her foreleg around the confused filly. “You silly Sunshine! I was joking!” Sunshine let out a laugh, “Are you kidding?!” She smacked Mystic on the shoulder, “You got me!” “Good joke, huh?” “No! It was devious!” “Just like me!” Mystic winked. “Oh, you’re better than this!” “Or am I?” Sunshine let out another laugh and hugged Mystic tight. The older mare’s heart warmed and felt as if she were about to shed tears of joy. She felt like dancing the night away as if nopony were watching with this filly by her side. A thought came to her that caused her to frown. “You know...” she said, “I’ve...never really trusted anypony before...” Sunshine looked up at her, “Really?” Mystic nodded, feeling the painful memories return, “It’s too difficult out there to find somepony out there...” “Just because you don’t trust anypony, doesn’t mean you can’t trust anypony,” Sunshine reasoned. “It’s not that simple,” replied Mystic, “I’ve had nopony to rely upon and those I did trust turned on me.” She rubbed her temples, “I’m not trying to discourage you, I just want you to understand.” “I will do my best to. But can’t you try to understand my perspective, too?” Mystic glanced at Sunshine and saw her sympathetic eyes again. “You’re not the only one who’s been suffering,” she said. Her mind began processing what she’d been told. Had she not considered others who were suffering? Had she been focused on her own self? Maybe, but how could she have thought of others? “Well, what do you think?” she finally asked. “I think ponies need to come together, care for each other, and learn the best of all that’s good in the world,” replied Sunshine. Mystic inwardly held in a snort. Good? What good is out there besides this? “That sounds like a bit of a long shot, Sunshine,” she said, “At least for here.” “You can’t deny you’ve been wanting something better,” said Sunshine. “But there are ponies out there that aren’t in much better shape than you.” Suddenly, she beamed, “Hey! Maybe you can go around and help those in need!” Mystic scoffed, “I’m no hero, Sunshine.” “You could be!” “I doubt it.” “You neeeeveeerrr knooowwww!” Sunshine rested on Mystic’s lap. Mystic playfully rolled her eyes, “Okay then. Let’s suppose there is other good out there, what could I do to fight?” “Well, you could be a good help and maybe an inspiration for getting as far as you have,” Sunshine explained, “Anypony would’ve given up but you keep going! It’s incredible!” “Yeah...” Mystic hadn’t completely thought about it, but that is true. “Maybe you could be a beacon of hope or light and help those who need it most.” Hmmm. That does sound interesting, Mystic thought. “Who knows what could happen? It sounds exciting,” said Sunshine. Mystic smiled, “What about you?” “Huh?” “What do you think you would be?” “I don’t know. Maybe just continue to spread smiles and cheer,” Sunshine sat up, “I was thinking more of you because of your hardships.” Mystic sighed, “I can imagine why.” Both of them were silent for a little while. Being an inspiration and never giving up are great qualities of ponies. Maybe there is more out there that could be helped. Looking down an alley, Mystic thought she saw a glimpse of purple and blue hair retreat into the shadows. She blinked several times before dismissing it as her imagination. “Mystic,” Sunshine suddenly spoke. “Yes?” “I want you to promise me something.” She looked at Sunshine, “Promise?” “Yes,” Sunshine said in a firm tone, “I want you to promise me. Swear on all that is holy that you won’t hurt yourself or worse. Promise me that you’ll stand up and fight for all that is good and those who deserve saving! Promise me you’ll never give up!” She leaned closer into the mare’s face, “Don’t ever give up and salvage all that is good before it’s choked out.” The older mare gawked at her friend’s boldness. “Do you promise me, Mystic?” A tug at her heartstrings. Something in her told her to make this promise, no, she needed to make this promise and live it out! For her friend and herself! “I promise,” she said. That wasn’t enough. “No,” she pulled back and cupped Sunshine’s cheek, “I swear, on my own life and by the sun goddess above and all that is holy that I will never hurt myself and I’ll fight for all that is good and those who deserve saving!” Sunshine began to smile again. “I promise and I’ll be sure never to break it,” Mystic concluded. And she meant it. She will try and see those who need saving and do her best to fight! Her friend broke into her signature bright smile. “Thank you, Mystic,” she said. The first real promise she’d made to anypony or herself. There won’t be any stopping her from keeping such a promise even if it’s the last darn thing she does! This here is worth fighting for! This here is worth all of her struggles! She needs these ideals and values in life so she can get the hay out of this Tartarus hole! One night, while hanging out with her, Mystic would come to a choice she’s not made before. “Can you just imagine what all is out there?” Sunshine asked, finishing her observation of the stars, “The universe is very vast. Almost as if somepony took their time to spread the stars in beautiful positions.” Mystic smiled a bit, “Yeah. I agree.” Looking at the stars was something they always tried to do every night. Sunshine had a vast explanation and knowledge of the constellations, galaxies, and planets. Sure she’d learned about them some but Sunshine makes them sound much more interesting. “A little off-topic, Mystic,” said Sunshine. “What?” Mystic asked. “Have you heard of Equestria before?” Mystic thought for a second and nodded, “Yes. I’ve heard about it some. Not much I guess.” “There’s scarce information about it, but I have heard there’s a lot of whispers and rumors about it lately. It’s making me curious.” “Don’t bite into something that could be a false lead, Sunshine,” Mystic warned. “I won’t, it’s just interesting how so many ponies are whispering about it.” Mystic shrugged, she hadn’t considered Equestria since the Mare in the Moon incident. “Ponies talk. That’s all,” she said. Sunshine didn’t say anything else. Mystic glanced over to see her thinking. Probably what they were just talking about. Suddenly, Mystic felt a tug at her heartstrings. She inwardly sighed. She’s been keeping herself closed off from Sunshine for a long time and every day she’s been feeling the need, whether small or large, to bare her soul. Who else would listen? Nopony would. She closed her eyes, feeling the tears building up. She blinked them away. “Sunshine...” she said, “Can I tell you something?” “Sure, Mystic, anything,” the filly grinned. Mystic sighed. Wondering if this was a good idea or not. But that smile and soft look in her eyes almost made her feel...safe and free from judgment. It was a trait she’s admired from her. With much trepidation Mystic spoke, “I want to open up...about everything about myself...” Sunshine’s eyes widened, yet Mystic could see relief behind them. “I...” Mystic tried to start, “I...” She facepalmed, “Oh, I’m so stupid...” She squeezed her eyes shut. Only to open them when she felt a small off stroking her back. She turned to see Sunshine closer and with a soft, understanding look. “Take your time,” she said. Mystic thought she might melt. Her heart slowed and the warm feeling returned along with her sting. She closed her eyes. “I...don’t...” she inwardly cursed herself, “I woke up at 10 years old!” She practically blurted it out. “What?” Sunshine asked curiously. Mystic sighed, “I’m sorry...this is ridiculous...I’ve never opened up to anypony before...” She tried to think of something else. “It’s just...I’m eleven years old...and I don’t have a cutie mark...” Mystic solemnly explained. “Unicorns like you and I need to have them at our ages.” Sunshine laughed. Mystic’s eyes widened. Why was she laughing?! “Oh, Mystic!” the filly giggled, “Don’t let some high-stuck up pony tell you when you should have a cutie mark! Just keep looking! You’ll get it!” A question that she’s had forever finally came out, “How can you be so optimistic?” “Well, somepony has to be!” Sunshine laughed. No reason other than she has to? Did she learn from somepony to be optimistic? A caretaker? “I mean Sunshine, how could anypony like you be in this place? It’s awful!” “Awful it is, but we make the most of it you and I!” Mystic groaned and facehoofed. “Is there anything else?” Sunshine asked. Yes. Mystic thought. She cleared her throat, and pushed past her nervousness, “I just...it’s complicated...” “How so?” Sunshine gently caressed Mystic’s hoof. “I don’t know how to put it...” replied Mystic, scared of how Sunshine would take it. “Please, try me. Speak.” Mystic glanced at her friend’s eager face. Seeing that almost made her melt on the spot. Finally, after a few seconds, she nodded. “My past may not be as simple as you think it is...” she said. Sunshine didn’t reply but waited for her to continue. “I woke up in the city. As a ten-year-old.” “Huh?” “I don’t know what happened!” Mystic cried, the emotions being thrust out all at once, “I just woke up all of a sudden in the middle of a wintry road and had no memory of anything before!” “You’re kidding!” Sunshine cried. “No!” Tears began stinging Mystic’s cheeks, “I just woke up with no explanation in a cruel world that thrust me into the iron hooves of Hong!” She looked at Sunshine, feeling completely distraught in front of her friend. “I don’t know who I am or where I came from! Not knowing what my past is or who I knew before!” Sunshine blinked several times, completely taken aback by what she’s hearing. “And everything you know about with what I’ve been through is added to that and it’s terrifying!!” Mystic began weeping and shuddering, collapsing onto the rocky road. She choked, she sobbed, “Nopony else knows...I-I’m scared, Sunshine...” All of her pain, sadness, and loneliness poured out, letting out sobs as tears flowed down her cheeks like rivers. It’s out now. Sunshine knows her core issue and she doesn’t even care at this moment what she might say. She can reject her and she’d be all alone in this. It felt like she'd been sobbing forever until... She felt forelegs wrap around her. Surprised, the unicorn lifted her head to see Sunshine hugging her barrel. “Shhhhhh,” Sunshine whispered, “You’re going to be okay, Mystic. You’re going to be okay.” More tears fell rolled down her cheeks, “I’ve got practically nothing in my life...” “That’s not true, you’ve got me,” Sunshine whispered, “You’re strong, able to withstand the hardships. You made it this far.” Mystic choked, feeling as if the darkness of the world is closing around her and making her feel small. “Regardless of what happened, try to not think about that anymore,” Sunshine spoke. “It’s hard not to...” “Maybe, but you can try to stop thinking about that and start thinking about now. The present.” “Yes. Stop worrying about your past and that darkness. Who do you want to be? What do you love? Ask yourself questions like that.” Tears began welling up again. She’d never considered that. “I...don’t know what I want...” she said. “Oh?” “I don’t know if I am special...” “I think you are.” “How can you be certain?” “It doesn’t matter if you’re a bat, minotaur, one of those pegasuses, or standing on the moon. I believe everypony’s special in their own way,” Sunshine smiled. As disjointed as the sentence was to make a point, she did make it quite clear. Mystic began wiping her face free of tears and gazed into her friend’s eyes. “Just keep trying, Mystic,” Sunshine encouraged, “Be who you want to be. Be the best you can be.” As emotional as she is, Mystic managed to form a smile. The weight of the world rolled off her shoulder and she felt lighter than she ever had in her life. It was an incredible feeling! “Thank you,” she whispered. “No, thank you for sharing,” replied Sunshine. Mystic sat up and wrapped her forelegs around her, not wanting to let go. “Because of you, Sunshine,” she choked, “I’ve been able to open up to somepony I can truly trust and call...” She wiped her tears away, “A friend.” “I am happy to have you too,” replied Sunshine, “Ever since meeting you, I feel like I can be on top of the world with you. Promise me you’ll stay by my side.” “I swear on my life,” Mystic whispered. Mystic looked up at the shining moon as she felt hope rise in her chest. Present day - Year 16 – Day 364 “Finally!” Mystic cried. She’s fixed her roof and the abode is safe from the downpour. “In your face, nature!” she cried, pumping a hoof into the air. Lightning flashed and thunder rumbled loudly. “Ha! You don’t scare me!” Mystic hopped down from the roof and noted that the rain is slowing down a little bit. Now to focus on what she’s come here to do. She entered her abode, walked over to her satchel and pulled out a plastic bag. It will be getting dark soon, so she needs to move to find what she’s looking for. Fortunately, it shouldn’t be too far of a walk. After trudging through the soggy ground and slick mud, Mystic found where most of the wind and rain were blocked by the trees. Mystic felt a tug at her heartstrings. She closed her eyes and fought off the urge. She needs to focus on this. It’s a sacred tradition. No matter how many times she does this she can’t help but have a heavy heart. She doesn’t allow herself to cry or have many emotions. She needs a clear mind to focus on her objectives. It’s been very beneficial. She stepped into a field and spotted her objective. Sunflowers. One step closer. The sky continues to darken as she made her way over. She lit up her horn, casting the closing darkness aside. She gazed at the flowers being pelted by the rain. “Pick the biggest and best ones,” she told herself. She stepped past the beaten and bent sunflowers. The unicorn searched for a few minutes before finding some that stood strong and beautiful. They waved at her in the wind. Satisfied, she picked them, levitated them over and carefully wrapped the plastic bag around them. As Mystic turned around to go back her lips trembled and blinked several times. Meanwhile, at Twilight’s castle She yawned. Twilight groggily walked through the cavernous hall of her castle. She made herself a late-night supper and is now going to bed. She needs to have her energy if she wants to be the Headmare and Princess she’s grown into! Nopony likes to be sleepy on such a job! But she has a nice pot of hot coffee to look forward to along with a warm breakfast cooked by her number one assistant! Her lips slightly watered. She turned a corner and paused when she spotted, leaning against the wall, a purple suitcase with a glimmering cutie mark imprinted on the front. Oh yeah. She’d forgotten about Starlight leaving for a trip to the Crystal Empire. But it wasn’t supposed to be until tomorrow morning. Curious, she headed over to her door-- *PAP!* Only for the door to hit her right in the face. “Ouch!” “What?! Hello?!” came a startled voice. The door opened to reveal a pinkish unicorn with a purple mane and tail with a cyan streak in either of them. “Oh, Twilight!” the unicorn cried, “I’m so sorry!” Twilight rubbed her aching muzzle, “It’s okay, Starlight. I’ve done that more than I’d love to admit.” Starlight relaxed some and pushed past Twilight, carrying a smaller bag with her. “I’m sorry, Twilight, but I can’t stay to chat, tonight I’m having a little detour to Canterlot to meet Trixie,” she said as she placed the little bag down. “Trixie?” Twilight tilted her head. Now this sudden departure made sense. “Yeah,” Starlight spun around with a bright smile, “Apparently she’s received a very special invitation to the Crystal Empire! Since I’m going up there, we both thought it’d be perfect for both of us to catch up and travel together the next morning.” “We?” Twilight cracked a knowing smirk. Starlight smiled sheepishly, “Okay, it was mostly Trix, but we did come to that agreement!” Twilight giggled, “I know. I was just messing around.” Starlight rolled her eyes. Twilight noticed a scroll peeping out of the barely zipped bag Starlight just brought in. “Anyway,” said Starlight. She scooped up her bags in a sweep of turquoise magic. “I’ve got to get to Canterlot so I can visit Sunburst again tomorrow!” She laughed, a very excited look on her features. Suddenly, she paused. “You did get a substitute guidance counselor for the school while I’m gone, right?” “Of course, I did!” Twilight smiled, “It only took three hours until I settled on Maud!” Starlight giggled, “Oh, Twilight.” “Hey, she told me her schedule wasn’t free until she found me having nearly given up!” “Okay, I believe you.” Twilight looked at the scrolls again. She raised an eyebrow at the sight of them. “Starlight, what spells are you bringing?” she asked. “Oh!” Starlight perked up, she looked at her bag, “You saw those, huh?” She zipped it up and looked at Twilight with an almost too bright of a grin. “It’s those couple of hypotheses we both went over a while back and I was going to get Sunburst’s opinion, too!” Of course. Starlight had found those recently and due to the School taking both of their time, they hadn’t looked at them as much as they’d want to. Starlight mentioned she’d wanted to catch up with Sunburst, it’s why she’s going. Twilight nodded, “Just be careful. New magic can be unpredictable.” “Psh!” Starlight scoffed, “You, Sunburst, and I, are experts at magic! You’ve seen the contents of them, they should be fine with a little Starlight and Sunburst monitoring them.” Starlight had once been careless with magic; however, this magic hypothesis Twilight has seen her looking into does seem challenging but not dangerous. Plus, she’s seen how much her former pupil’s grown over the years. “Okay,” said Twilight, “Just remember, you’re there to visit Sunburst.” “Oh, I know!” Starlight giggled, “It’s been so long!” “It’s only been two weeks.” Starlight paused and blushed a bit, “Uh, well…uhm…” “Enjoy your trip,” Twilight winked, knowing something about their relationship, “Just try not to go too head over hooves.” “Twilight!” Starlight squeaked, blushing madly, “Has Trixie been talking to you?!” Twilight smirked. “No.” “Are you insinuating something?!” Starlight blushed harder. “Am I, Starlight?” Twilight teased. “Twilight!” She turned around, “Enjoy your trip. Get back in time for the special event in about a week.” “I-I will!” Starlight stammered, Twilight looked back to see her scurrying to head out, “I wouldn’t miss it for the world!” She watched Starlight go. She’s obviously hiding something. At least something that’s not too well kept with all those recent, bunched together visits to the Crystal Empire. > Chapter 4 - Times Are Changing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRESENT DAY: Year 17 – Day: 1 She woke with a start. Sitting up from the mothball mattress Mystic gazed around to find herself in her hut. Another nightmare. Another blasted nightmare that came out like a shadow in the dark. Sleep is always required but she always hopes for a dreamless sleep. Rubbing her temples, she remembered something about today. It’s her birthday. A cursed day. It’s also part of the reason why she’s here. She closed her eyes and let out a sigh. The mare opened her eyes and looked around her messy hut. This place needs cleaning up. Might as well do a quick clean up before heading out. Her ear twitched to the sound of rain pattering outside. Fitting. It felt natural. Lighting her horn, Mystic began picking up various different items scattered and littered on the floor. She either threw them in the trash or placed them on distant shelves. The mare straightened up some books on a shelf and caught a glimpse of a map of Equestria. She paused when she saw it. A thought crept upon her as if it arose from the darkness. She shook her head and continued to work. Her magic was working fine, but her mind was occupied with what she’s here for. She cleared her throat and stretched a bit. Her stomach rumbled. “Hold on, hold on,” she told her stomach as if talking to somepony. The unicorn finished cleaning mostly everything before her eyes landed on her machete on the crowded bookshelf. Memories came flooding back to her when she’d first used one. It’s become almost like a treasure, yet an item that brought some pain as well. She can’t ever be without it. However, she can’t keep thinking. First breakfast and then to her destination. Year 11 – Day 175 Mystic grunted as she examined her stronger muscles. She put on her best face to her friend sitting across from her. “Don’t worry,” she said, “I’m managing.” Sunshine didn’t reply, but gave her an uncertain look that told her that she has recent events running through her head. “Hong thinks he can change my schedule,” said Mystic, trying to make light of the situation, “But I’ve been able to show him that I’m capable of being my own mare and in line with the program.” “The Leader hasn’t been doing well?” Sunshine suddenly asked. Figures. Mystic let out a sigh and massaged her left foreleg. “I don’t know much, but I hear it’s not looking good,” replied Mystic. “Gosh...” Sunshine marveled. “I know,” Mystic took a sip of her coffee, “It came out of nowhere. Everypony other than trained professionals are allowed to see him.” “You’re not worried?” “No,” another sip from her coffee, “As passive and dull the Leader is, he’s been going on for this long.” She gazed at Sunshine softly, “Plus the doctors brought in are the best in the city so I believe they’ll do whatever they can to save his flank.” Sunshine went silent, her breakfast of pancakes untouched since the conversation began. Mystic let out a sigh and stroked her cheek gently. “Look, I didn’t want to start this kind of conversation on our day out. I answered for you,” she said. Sunshine sighed, “I know. I’m sorry to know that.” The table went silent again. Mystic seeing Sunshine’s concern behind her eyes. That dastardly General is not only changing things, he’s also been giving her silent devious smiles (something she probably should’ve kept to herself) but they keep no secrets from each other. “Let’s talk about something different,” Mystic suggested, “Anything you’ve heard recently?” Some of Sunshine’s spark returned to her eyes. Is she thinking about it again? Mystic thought incredulously. “I have heard of several stories of ponies and a place,” she said. “Really?” another sip, “Who and where?” “Six ponies saving the world from a moon goddess.” Mystic held in an annoyed grunt. She seriously looked into those rumors?! She couldn’t believe it! The land of Equestria sounds like it could be nice. But... “Sunshine, you know I love you,” Mystic started, “But that, six little ponies saving the world from an eternal night against a moon goddess sounds far-fetched.” “Oh, that’s not the only thing!” Sunshine said happily, “They also saved the world from eternal chaos, changelings, and a shadowy king!” Mystic scoffed. Did Sunshine fall for such ridiculous fantasies? “I don’t think they’re just rumors, Mystic,” Sunshine continued, “Who knows how powerful those six ponies really are? What in the world could be going on there?” Mystic didn’t reply. “Maybe you and I can get out of this place when your program is over and we can be like sisters!” Mystic blinked. Did she hear that right? “And-and we’ll find a nice family that’ll welcome us with open arms and we’ll have a happy life together!” Sunshine laughed, “It sounds like a magical place!” “Sunshine...” “And-and there are rainbows that fly through the sky and bring peace to all! Clouds that are cities and a castle of gold on the tallest peak!” Mystic sighed. This is getting tedious and nonsensical. “Could you just stop and think for a minute, please?” Mystic spoke up. “Huh?” Sunshine asked. Mystic took in a deep breath, “Sunshine, life isn’t all about magical rainbows, friendship and being fantastic.” Sunshine’s smile began to fade. “I’ve spent all of my free time looking into the world out there and around me and that’s not how things work.” She leaned forward, “Work hard. Get through your day. Hope you’re approved to whatever life you can have and continue it.” She leaned back into her seat, “Those are worthy goals for anypony.” “But Mystic, it’ll certainly bring you happiness and joy! Just like we both talked about getting!” Sunshine smiled again. “I agree that we both need them. But who have you gotten this information from?” Mystic asked, “Ponies that are just talking. And ponies talk and info gets mixed up between groups.” Sunshine’s smile dropped again, “You don’t know that for sure!” “And the same could be said about you,” replied Mystic. Sunshine blinked, surprised. “Just because there are supposedly ponies that shoot rainbows and mountains of gold don’t mean that it makes our lives any better. Who knows how exaggerated the details have gotten?” “I think you need to be a little more open-minded!” Sunshine insisted, “Just because you had a rough life doesn’t mean you can’t hope!” Mystic slightly winced. Sunshine formed a small glare, “And I’m in the same boat as you! You’re not the only one who’s had a hard life!” Mystic looked down at her coffee, not replying to her friend. “I want what’s good for us, and I’m sure we can find good things for us, my friend,” “I don’t deny that there is good out there. It’s not like you hope or expect it to be. Just try and keep your ideas and fantasies about what you’ve shared to yourself, okay?” “Fantasies?!” Sunshine scolded. Mystic perked up, surprised at her outburst. “The only fantasies I have are those of us having a good life!” Sunshine let out a sigh and Mystic frowned in response. “I don’t mean to be rude, Mystic,” she continued, “But I’m tired of what we’ve been going through.” “And I haven’t been?” Mystic asked, “I could’ve just not let you stay by me when we first met.” They both paused at what she’d said. Did I just say that? Mystic thought. Way to go, Mystic! “Sunshine...I didn’t mean that,” she insisted. “I’m sorry.” Sunshine didn’t speak, her head hanging lower than what it was before. A pang of guilt jabbed at Mystic’s heart; the poor thing obviously wants to dream of a better place. “It’s okay...” came a small, soft reply. Relieved, Mystic took another sip of her coffee. The clouds above began to gather above Mystic as she walked back to the accursed arena (the Palace) to get ready for another day of work. Her mind wandered back to the Leader. Is he really okay? She can’t believe she’s concerned about somepony who isn’t her friend. She let out a sigh. Sunshine seemed rather upset about her observations. She’s become her best friend and her ideals have been inspiring but the ideas presented earlier are ridiculous. A place like that can’t exist. There are times for optimism and knowing when something sounds too good to be true. Maybe tomorrow she’ll reinstate what she meant and give a proper apology, too. A sting of guilt emerged at the thought of simple miscommunication. Some shouts came from down the street. She took a quick glance and saw muddied pegasi trying to escape some soldiers but they were shot with a bolt of magic and collapsed onto the ground. Mystic shook her head, getting her attention back to the Palace. Things seem a bit different around here, she thought. It seems as if there are more criminals every day. The thought of those criminals attacking the orphanage for no good reason came to her mind. She could almost hear the screams of the children and her little ray of sunshine as knives and ropes swung around. The picture was bloodcurdling. She shuddered and arrived at the worn-down entrance to the back of the Palace to get her assignments. Several other ponies were already out. All of them began to lash out at her but she paid them no mind. Same thing every day. Soon after receiving her assignments, Mystic began scrubbing the hallways with a sponge. This will all be worth it to see Sunshine, she repeated in her mind. It motivated her to work. As she continued to work, she couldn’t help but hear some voices going around the hallways. They were quiet, but always present. Some were a little urgent. At one point she could’ve sworn she heard ponies shouting orders. Her mind grew curious as to what is going on. However, she had to stick to the routine. “Palace servants, I swear,” she muttered. Mystic continued down the halls and for most of the morning she could see ponies dressed in all black going to and fro. It frustrated her. Most ponies would be staying out of the halls as she cleaned them. What could possibly be so important? Finally, after more ponies came down a hall she’d worked on, she’s finally had it. “Okay!” she groaned and stomped up to the ponies. “What is going on here?! I am trying to work here!” She paused when she saw they had sad looks on their faces. They didn’t say anything to her and just kept walking, letting out silent weeps. “Huh?” Mystic tilted her head curiously. “There you are!” came a hard voice. Here we go again, Mystic thought. She turned to see Hong having some of the same black clothing on. He was also wearing a black hat, too. This further confused her. “I’ve been looking for you,” he said, “Where have you been?!” “Cleaning the halls as part of my routine?” Mystic replied, confused. “The Leader has passed away!” Hong growled. Mystic’s blood turned into ice. “What?” “He’s passed away!” Hong snapped, “They’re just swearing in a new Leader right now!” Wait...ponies going to and fro. For most of the morning. And all dressed in black. Mystic examined Hong and could see he’s serious. No, this cannot be happening! It can’t be true! If he’s passed away then things might be different for her! “You lie!” Mystic growled, her shock turning into anger. “He’s fine!” “No, I am not!” Hong began pulling her along, “Come on, you’ll soon see!” Mystic tried pulling away, but Hong kept a firm grip on her foreleg. “I’m behaving! I am following the program! I should be out in a few weeks!” Mystic protested. “Oh, we’ll see about that!” Hong snapped. As Hong dragged her down to the throne room, more ponies dressed in the same black attire came down the hall. Mystic’s eyes nearly bulged out of her skull when she saw several soldiers carrying a casket decorated with white and red flowers. Hong moved himself and Mystic out of the way and let them pass. Mystic’s heart raced as she followed where the casket is heading. She felt another yank on her foreleg before she was brought into the throne room where she saw two ponies standing in front of the stage. She took notice that the brown unicorn had his right foreleg held up. She glanced around to see that there weren’t many ponies in the room. She looked around for one more pony to give her a sense of security. “Where’s the Advisor?” she asked. “He had to leave,” said Hong, “The law is that the Royal Advisor is to be replaced by the pony by the next in line for the throne.” That sounded fishy. “Is that even a thing?” “Who do you think you’re talking to?! I am the General! I uphold the law!” Yeah right! Mystic thought. She noticed that her heart is racing faster as her body shuddered. The unicorn looked up to see the brown leader nod his head. “Then I hereby appoint you, the new Leader of our fair city!” said the stallion beside him. He bowed followed by the rest, including Mystic. She had to bow. She stood up straight and looked into his blue eyes. He seemed nervous yet sincere. On edge, but ready. “Your Majesty,” said Hong, “It is my honor to welcome you into the position of power that’ll help change this city for the better!” The new leader nodded, “And we shall.” Hong’s tone seemed happier. Chipper, even. That caused Mystic’s blood to turn into ice as she felt sweat pouring down her face. “Things will be corrected and put on fair trials,” Hong continued, “And we will make this city prosper and criminals will flee in mortal terror!” Mystic began to realize that the new Leader isn’t saying any of these things. Something is definitely wrong. “And finally, our previous leader, though he was in this throne for the longest time, we can finally move on past his dullness and have the Leader we truly deserve!” “And we shall.” “But first, before we begin anything,” Hong shoved Mystic in front of him, “I present to you the pony I spoke about!” The new Leader looked down at her, “So, you’re Mystic.” “Yes?” Mystic asked uncertainly. “As Hong has brought to my attention, you received an unfair trial and sentence after you, a tween, broke through the wall.” “What ever he told you, I’ve made up almost everything that has been charged! I’ve worked my flank off and nearly broken some bones just to satisfy him! I had great respect for the-” “But you are crafty!” Hong shouted, causing the new Leader to flinch. “A-And,” the new Leader spoke in a shaky tone “I hereby sentence you to five to ten years more servitude! And with harder work to boot!” Mystic took in a sharp breath of air. She wanted to scream, but Hong placed a hoof on her shoulder that shut her up. “And may I see fit on how she’s to be punished?” Hong asked. The new Leader nodded. “But sire!” Mystic cried, “With all due respect-” Hong shoved her to the ground, silencing her. She pulled herself up and saw that the new Leader had a nervous look in his eyes. “You will listen to everything I say,” Hong spoke in a low tone. “And this time, things will be as they should’ve been.” This cannot be happening! Mystic thought, her breath quickening. Her mind and heart are racing. This cannot be happening! Mystic thought, her breath quickening. Hong must’ve done something to the Leader! Yeah, that makes sense! She managed to stand up. “Sire, please!” Mystic pleaded, “You’re the next in line! You should know about the regulations our previous Leader set up!” He just sat there without another word, almost seeming ice cold on that throne. Nopony moved for what seemed like forever. Her fear began to turn into anger. The foolish leader! How could he not stand up against Hong?! He’s allowing that monster to violate the rehabilitation protocols and get at her when he wants! “I think we’re done here,” came the dreaded voice. She turned around with a glare on her face. “Why do you hate me so much?” she demanded. Hong leaned forward and got right into Mystic's face, “You think you're really something, don't you? I won't be responsible for somepony who just happened to show up and broke through our highly secure wall.” The atmosphere seemed to get darker around him, “I know what you really are.” Mystic couldn't help but gulp. Does he? Does he know more about her? The General's presence is a lot more intimidating than before. She wanted to ask more questions about what he meant by that but nothing came out of her choked up throat. “And the new Leader and I will be working very closely to ensure the city’s restoration and prosperity,” Hong spoke. Mystic nearly collapsed. The old fear of being trapped in this cruel world beginning to encase her again. “And you won’t be talking to this Leader anytime soon except in your trial depending on your behavior.” Why won’t the new Leader speak up?! “And one more thing,” Hong’s smile grew into a devilish grin. “You will never see Sunshine Smiles again.” Year 12 – Day 10 *CLANG!* *CLANG!* *CLANG!* Another sheet of metal perfected. Her hoofs stung as she began lifting it up. She winced as she began walking along the rocky ground. A cough escaped her esophagus as her nervous eyes glanced around at the metal walls that encased her like a tomb. Clanging came from various different rooms as the warehouse came into view. The heat from the melted metal hit her like a tidal wave that caused her to fight hard not to pass out again. She glanced around to see hot, plump, overweight earth ponies pushing and pulling various carts with reinforced steel. The trepidatious unicorn turned to the right and saw the liquid metal being poured into a mold to make a larger sheet of metal. Mystic bumped into somepony, causing her to yelp. She quickly pushed by the pony before she could see his reaction. Every part of her body seemed to hurt. She stepped on something sharp, causing massive pain to shoot up her bandaged hooves, “Ow!” Before she could stop herself, she fell onto the floor. Pure adrenaline kicked in and she picked herself up and the sheet of metal. Her eyes darted around, looking for anypony who had a whip in their hooves that could whip her at any moment. Nopony seemed to notice, but she can’t ever be too careful... When nothing came, she let out a small sigh and continued to her destination, watching her back at every corner. Every time she saw somepony, her heart skipped a beat. The icky, covered in oil ponies terrified her ever since she began working here. It did not help that everypony in this metal factory were all stallions. Some have even tried to make moves on her and force her into being with them. She couldn’t imagine what they would’ve done to her if they managed to corner her on her first day. The mental images were unspeakable horrors that haunted her every day. After what seemed like forever, the unicorn placed her sheet on the table. The skinny earth pony behind the table squinted his eyes and examined it. Almost microscopically. “You’re sure you got it corrected this time?” he asked. Mystic coughed again, “Y-Yes sir. I swear.” “You’d better!” the pony snapped at her, nearly causing her to topple, “Otherwise you’ll be subject to getting hot hooves!” Mystic gulped loudly. The pony examined the sheet again. Mystic was tense, uncertain of how he’d take it. “It’s adequate,” he said. Mystic almost let out a sigh of relief. “You get back to your station, we’ve got more metal that needs melting!” he snapped. Mystic nodded vigorously. She began walking away. He always scared her, as skinny as he is. Her stomach rumbled again and she ran one of her hooves along her shrunken torso. She had to keep working. Lunch isn’t for another two hours. After making her way back to her station, Mystic felt a little cooler but could still feel the heat emitting from the warehouse. She looked down at her hooves and the bandages were coming undone. Knowing she doesn’t have much time, Mystic went to her small table and pulled out a box of bandages. She sat down on the floor and took off the old ones. She cringed and blinked her tears when she saw how red and swollen they’ve become with cuts and bruises. I need a doctor, she thought. But they rarely look at workers with her degree of punishment, except when they’re really sick. She yawned. When she did, the unicorn shuddered and squeezed her eyes shut. The feeling of falling asleep during the night terrified her. “Stay awake. I’ve got to push on. I’ve got to push on. For Sunshine’s sake,” she told herself as she began wrapping her fresh bandages around her forelegs. She told herself that every day and always hoped to see her friend again. Things are different in Imperial City and it’s not looking up for her. However... There is a silver lining she’s hoping that will work. With some newfound agenda, Mystic stood up and saw her filthy body covered in scars. Some fairly recent along her torso and neck. She formed a determined look as the door opened behind her and she felt a wave of heat hit her. Mystic collapsed onto her mattress. Her body is worn out and is shaking due to the adrenaline wearing off. “Dang, dang, dang,” she muttered. Despite having no energy, Mystic sat up and examined her bandages coming loose again. She felt them aching once again. However, she levitated a glass of water, chugged it and levitated another one over. She undid her bandages and gently poured water on them. She hissed in pain but pushed through. When she finished, she levitated another box over and began wrapping more around her forelegs. She looked down at her hindlegs and noticed the ones down there have come off. She let out a sigh, knowing she’ll have to wait for the next delivery. But she doesn’t have that on her mind. After fixing herself up a bit, Mystic spotted a large box. The unicorn gently levitated it to the side to reveal a hole big enough for her to squeeze through. “Almost there,” she said to herself. She needed to finish this. She hopes it’ll reach to the outside world. Sunshine is just within reach. Adrenaline flowed through her body once again as she grabbed a rusty spoon to continue her heinous project. Mystic broke the surface and gasped for air! She looked around and saw she’s outside! Her heart leaped for joy! She’s done it! She made sure that the box was covering the hole and she placed the dirt she’d dug up back over the hole so it’d stay hidden. Don’t worry Sunshine, she thought as she took off into the night, I am coming. ... Everywhere in the streets seemed to have an ominous atmosphere. Ponies weren’t going around the streets as they were when she’d first arrived. The thought of ponies being persecuted by the government terrified her, let alone what could’ve happened for being unable to interact with ponies outside her captors and bosses. Soldiers patrolled the city, looking for any suspicious activities. Mystic hid behind a wall as a couple of them passed by. When they were gone, she bolted in the direction of the orphanage. She has so much to tell her. After what felt like an hour, she finally arrived at her destination. The unicorn stealthily worked her way around the building to find Sunshine’s window. When she turned a corner, she stopped. Looking down an alleyway, she saw a pony with a cloak on with the same purple and blue mane she’s seen before. The mare reached up and rubbed her eyes, only to see that she was gone. At that moment, she yawned. “I must be seeing things,” she muttered. Focusing her attention back on the orphanage, she spotted several windows. Third one from the left, she thought. The unicorn made her way over, spotted some pebbles and levitated them to her side. Taking aim she tossed one forward. *tink* Nothing. *tink* *tink* She waited. Nothing. Growing desperate, she spotted a larger pebble and tossed it over. *TONK* She cringed and ducked behind a fence post and examined her surroundings vigorously. Her eyes landed back on the window and she spotted a filly retreat back into the shadows. Her heart skipped a beat. She decided to wait and soon, hoofsteps scampered in her direction. Looking to her left, she nearly broke into tears when she saw the familiar yellow coat and twirly horn break into the moonlight. Her heart soared. “Mystic!” Sunshine whispered/shouted. “Sunshine!” Mystic cried, almost too loud. The filly jumped at her and clomped her hooves around her neck. Mystic couldn’t take it anymore; she began to weep as if she hadn’t seen her in years. She must’ve looked silly, but she didn’t care. When she heard Sunshine softly weeping, the mare pulled back and looked into her pleading, adorable face. “Don’t you dare cry,” Mystic spoke, wiping her friend’s face, “You know I love seeing you smile.” Sunshine managed to form a smile, “And I thought you were the tearless one.” Mystic actually chuckled before they embraced again. Both ponies hid in the little shed outside the orphanage. Both began talking with one another and caught up a little bit. Mystic could tell Sunshine was obviously looking at her bandaged hooves, but the filly didn’t say anything. Probably not to push her into uncomfortable territory. “Things haven’t been too much different for me,” said Sunshine, “Only...before I met you that is.” Her heart sank, remembering how much she’s been bullied by the unfortunate occupants. “Things...” Mystic knew she had to say something, “Haven’t been too good for me. Worse even.” She lit her horn and revealed some new scars and the ruddiness of her forelegs, Sunshine softly gasped. Sunshine's jaw dropped, “Oh...my gosh...” she whispered her, “Mystic...you look...” “Like Tartarus?” “Terrible...” “The first Leader died and things changed for me...” Mystic explained, “I wasn’t...” she choked, “Allowed to see you again...” “What?” Sunshine asked, horrified. Mystic nodded and felt tears welling up again, “I thought...” She trailed off. Sunshine placed a gentle hoof on Mystic’s shoulder, “You thought?” Mystic let out a sob, “I thought he might’ve killed you...” Sunshine let out a horrified gasp. Mystic let out some more sobs as she examined her hooves again, “Things are horrid, Sunshine. The worst part was those thoughts...” “But I’m here,” Sunshine said as her eyes glistened, “I’m alive and well.” Mystic just let out some more sobs as Sunshine held her close. She returned the gesture and held her tight. It was a moment frozen in time, two friends in a cold, cruel world reunited as if things would be okay and they could run away together and build a better life. However, there is one more thing on her mind. “S-Sunshine...I-I have...n-night...” she tried to get it out. “What?” the filly asked. Mystic pulled back, her chest feeling heavy as if it’d weighed a ton. “Sunshine...there’s something you need to know...” said Mystic, feeling trepidatious. “What is it?” Sunshine asked softly. “I...” Mystic looked around, her eyes filled with nervousness and her heart raced. I need to tell her, I need to tell her, she thought. She turned to her friend, took a breath in and breathed out. “I’ve been having...nightmares...” Sunshine’s eyes widened. “Yes...nightmares...” “Oh my...what are they about?” Mystic shuddered and shut her eyes tight. How can she tell her about what she’s been dreaming about? They felt so real. Not like normal nightmares. “They’re...not good ones...” “There are good nightmares?” Sunshine tilted her head. “No no,” said Mystic. “Are they about your...” Sunshine lowered her voice to a whisper, “About your whippings? Hong?” She leaned forward. “Did you remember anything before you woke up?” Mystic shook her head vigorously. “No to that last question.” “Then...what are they about?” Mystic gulped. “They’re dark...vicious...vivid...” Her hairs on her coat stood on end as chills ran up and down her spine. She leaned forward and began to describe her nightmares to the filly. As time went on, Sunshine’s eyes widened in horror as Mystic told her. Mystic shook and held back tears. When she finished, Sunshine pulled back and almost looked as white as a ghost. “My...gosh...” she whispered, almost like a ghost. Mystic solemnly nodded, remembering their vivid details as a soft breeze blew through the cracks of the hut. Mystic felt as if she’d won a huge victory for the first time since the first Leader’s death. She managed to sneak back into her room without being detected and knew she had to make her visits every few days so she and Sunshine wouldn’t be discovered. It was hard but it needed to be this way for now. There was one thing Mystic couldn’t get out of her mind. The mysterious cloaked pony. Year 12 – Day 24 Mystic couldn’t believe what she had just heard. “You’re planning to leave the city?!” she asked. Sunshine nodded with a bright smile. “Yes! I am! Mystic did a double-take. “H-How?!” “There’s a pony who’s thought to come from the land of Equestria and save from the city who so desire to leave it!” Sunshine explained. “Really?” “Yes! He especially saves fillies, colts, and their parents,” Sunshine took a sip of her water, “He believes this city is too far gone and can’t be saved. And I think he’s correct.” “Sunshine, that land isn’t what you think it is,” she said. Sunshine lightly frowned causing some guilt to return to the older mare. “Even if it isn’t. I would prefer it over this place,” she said. “I didn’t mean to upset you that one time.” “I know...” Sunshine trailed off. Mystic felt a frown tugging at her features as she gazed at her saddened friend. “I might be your ray of sunshine, Mystic,” Sunshine spoke up, “But I think sometimes when things are too dark, you need to save the innocent.” That’s true. And the city appears to be declining as the years go on. She doesn’t understand why they just won’t accept help from Equestria. “I was thinking that you would go with me.” Mystic’s eyes widened. “Yeah,” it’s as if Sunshine read her mind, “I know it’s a bold decision and who knows what could happen on the trip there?” “Exactly,” said Mystic, “What could happen?” Lost in the wilderness? Attacked by a carnivore or monster? Seized by soldiers? “I need to try,” Sunshine spoke desperately, “I don’t want to be here anymore.” She held Mystic’s hoof in both of her own, “And I know you don’t want to be here anymore.” Mystic thought about it a little bit but quickly noticed that there wasn’t much need to think about it. “When is he supposed to be coming?” she asked. Sunshine looked into her eyes and Mystic formed a smile. Sunshine returned it, “In about a week. We’ll be out of here before we know it!” *KER-THUNK!!* The door was kicked down causing both ponies to fly back to the edge of the shed! Blinding lights landed on them as they heard voices thundering outside. “There she is!” came a voice. “There’s the little escapee!” “Seize her! Get her back!” Mystic and Sunshine’s eyes were wide and their pupils shrunk to pebbles. An old instinct began to resurface beneath Mystic’s chest. She leaped in front of Sunshine and crouched down protectively of her. “I WON’T let you hurt her!” she bellowed. “Grab her!” came the first voice. Mystic looked at the wall and at the door being blocked. She let out a shout before she landed a solid kick on the wall, shattering it to pieces! “She’s trying to get away!” Mystic levitated a bucket up and hurled it at the lights, hearing it clang against a helmet. The unicorn grabbed Sunshine and leaped outside. However, some soldiers were outside and one grabbed Sunshine from Mystic’s magical grasp! “NO!!” Mystic wailed. She saw the orphanage owner and she took Sunshine from the soldiers. Mystic felt strong hooves wrap around her torso. Her forelegs began flailing around trying to escape! “Take her back to the Palace!” No! Mystic thought, trying to fight her way out. *CLANG!* Mystic felt her hoof impact something metal. Opening her eyes, she saw that she’d knocked a soldier aside. He looked at her with fury in his eyes. “Take her away!” he ordered, “Minor incident but no problems!” Mystic tried breaking free as she was being taken away and felt a magic dampener placed on her horn. “SUNSHINE!” she screeched. “MYSTIC!” The mare tried again to break free and spotted the same cloaked pony from before. She didn’t imagine her?! Who is she?! “You’re going to be clogging out the Pits again, Mystic!” one of the soldiers scolded. Snapped out of her thoughts, Mystic nearly vomited, the memory of being shoved into the gross contents of the sewage on the day she...Sunshine! “SUNSHINE NOOOOOO!!!” Mystic wailed, her vision obscured by tears. “MYYYSSSTIIIIICCCCC!!!” > Chapter 5 - The Ringleader > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Year 12 – Day 25 Her lonely hoofsteps clip-clopped along the newly paved road. Mystic quietly let out her tears before seeing her reflection in a puddle. A magic dampener is on her horn, and she’s covered in tar, bruises, and cuts. The pain didn’t matter to her. Ever since she and Sunshine were caught, she’s been processing on how to get to her and both of them to that stallion that’ll take them to Equestria (she hoped) but she hasn’t been too successful. “Maybe I can escape during the transfer, or during the time we’re being called back to the Palace late this evening,” she told herself, “I can find Sunshine, lay low for a few days and make our way to the destination to meet him.” She smirked, feeling a boost of confidence return. However, her thoughts betrayed her and told her that even if she did get to the orphanage, the place could be surrounded by soldiers. It may or may not be. But who knows? She instinctively kicked a stone down the road, growing frustrated and knowing that Hong will be returning this evening. She let out a sigh and sat down on a bench, looking up at the ever so cloudy sky. “I have to try,” she told herself. “No point in not doing anything.” With her plan put in motion, it has to be today and there’s no doubt that when Hong returns, she’ll receive worse punishment. Maybe even prison for all she knew. No, definitely prison. The sound of hoofsteps made her stop. She inhaled and then exhaled, exhaled and exhaled. “Did you kick that stone?!” one voice boomed. At the end of her rope, Mystic turned around with a deadpan look to face four unicorn workers. “Yeah, I did that you stuck up toads,” she said. “Toads?!” “Oh, yeah,” Mystic rolled her eyes before eyeing some barrels nearby, “Repeat the insults I called you and bound up against me. It’s standard for ponies like you.” The first unicorn growled as Mystic examined her bandages. They still stung but she knows she’ll have to throw some punches. “And before you know it, I’ll be punished worse than you could ever punish me.” “Oh, we’ll teach you a lesson peasant!” Mystic sighed tired of this already. The first unicorn stepped forward, and despite her stinging forelegs she threw it out and *SMACK!* Punched the worker straight to the ground! She heard some gasps but wasn’t intimidated and eyed the three remaining ponies. “You want a taste?!” she growled. One of them charged but she avoided him, grabbed a barrel and slammed it right onto the unicorn! He groaned as he laid down in pain. In a fighting stance, she turned to face the other unicorns but he looked at her with a look of fear and took off. “Good riddance,” she spat. Whatever might come next doesn’t matter. She’s leaving! The schedule has her and several others being transferred to the farms, she’ll make her escape there! “You want a taste? Seriously?!” she berated herself. Stomping down the road did make her feel a little better. This injustice has to end! Two years of Tartarus! What kind of mistress is Fate?! Suddenly she felt a sharp pain shoot up her left foreleg. She nearly collapsed as she let out a hiss. The unicorn looked down to see the bandages have come loose a bit and began to bleed. “Shoot...” she grumbled. The unicorn began to sit down. “Psst,” came a voice. She paused. “Over here.” Turning to her right to face an alleyway, Mystic gasped as she spotted the cloaked figure emerging from the shadows and immediately recognized the purple and blue mane within the cloak. “Don’t speak a word,” she said in a neutral tone. Mystic immediately shut her mouth. “I know things are hard,” the figure said, “But don’t give up and continue to go after the one you truly care about.” She stopped next to her and held out a glass filled with some liquid, “Drink this. It tastes awful, but it will help keep your strength up.” The figure shoved it right up to her lips and Mystic obliged with drinking it. When she finished, she gagged as the figure stood up. “I can’t stay much longer,” she said, “Things are changing around here.” She reached into her cloak gave Mystic a container with blue liquid, “Drip this onto your forelegs. It’ll help with the pain.” She began to leave. Mystic shifted a bit to look where she’s going. “Who are you?” she asked in a scratchy tone. “Me?” the figure replied, slinking back into the shadows, “I’m just a bird.” “Wait!” Mystic cried. To her amazement, she began to feel her strength recovering. She went after the figure but she is no longer there. Confused, Mystic processed at what happened and sat down to fully recover. She took the cork off the container and gently dripped the contents onto both of her forelegs and some on her hindlegs. Suddenly, she heard something crinkle underneath her hooves that caused her to look at her hindlegs. There’s a small piece of paper. She levitated it up, unrolled it and began reading. I noticed you try to fight off those soldiers and the hole you’d dug up to escape. You look like a pony who is capable of standing up for herself. I have very personal matters to discuss with you, Mystic. Mystic gasped. That pony knew her name?! With trepidation, she continued to read. Yes. I know your name, little pony. But I am offering you an opportunity. Do you want to deal with those who did you wrong? Do you want to get sweet justice to this crumbling city and reform it the way it should be? Then accept this invitation. Please, by all means, when you finish your work at the farms, meet me at 7pm near the edge of downtown by a café with a green roof and I will explain everything. DO NOT BE LATE! There’s a map attached to the note. DO NOT SHOW IT TO ANYPONY! Sincerely, the Liberators Mystic gasped again. The Liberators?! The group Hong and the city are trying to capture?! They’re criminals! ... Aren’t they? The mare gazed to the unconscious ponies in the distance. She would’ve been toast if it weren’t for that pony. Maybe...they’re not so bad? Then again, she doesn’t have too much to lose. Only...don’t let them hurt Sunshine. Gazing back to the note, she noticed a small bit on the bottom she’d missed. P.S. Oh, and don’t worry about your little friend. She’s in no danger from us. The question is, Mystic, will you be willing to stand up and bring justice to Imperial City? If not the city, do it for yourself and her. Oh, but if she goes she might not be able to act on her plan. However, the fire in her chest began rising again. She grit her teeth and snorted at the thought of what’s been done to her. To Sunshine. But then again, they could simply run away and never return. Sunshine did tell her to save the innocent, but could this group be the way to save more ponies that need help? Are she and Sunshine not the only two? The thought of standing up against the General seems interesting. “Mystic!” came a voice, “It’s time for your last jobs for the day!” Figures. She’ll need more time to process this. Of course, I have to go find out about this, she thought, walking towards the edge where the suburbs began. She saw several ponies talking and some eating at various restaurants. Mystic looked over her shoulder to ensure she wasn’t being followed. A clock on a street post told her that it’s about 6:59pm. Continuing further into the suburbs she spotted a building with a green roof that read “Café” on the front. Making her way over, she glanced around for her target. By the café, huh? She thought looking around warily. The unicorn didn’t spot anypony of any interest. Wasn’t she going to already be here? With a sigh, she leaned up against the wall. “Psst,” came a voice. “Young mare.” Mystic perked up. “Yes, over here to the left and behind you.” She turned around and came face to face with the same cloaked figure she’d- A hoof placed itself on her lips and dragged her into the shadowy alley. With a yelp, the figure sat her down on the ground. “Keep quiet!” the figure hushed as she took in her surroundings. “Nopony followed you, right?” she asked. “Uhm...no?” Mystic answered with trepidation. The figure sighed. “Good.” She removed her hood revealing herself to be a purple earth pony with bluish eyes. She looked to be in her mid-20s and with a sparkle in her eye that told Mystic she meant business. The younger mare involuntary gulped. “You’re Mystic,” she said. “My name is Cierra. I am the ringleader of the Liberators.” A purple hoof reached out to Mystic, causing her to blink several times. Her gaze went back and forth between the hoof and Cierra’s face before shakily grabbing a hold of it. The ringleader’s grip was nice and firm as she shook hooves. “I assume you have questions,” said Cierra as she pulled her hoof away. Mystic nodded, still processing the mare in front of her. “There will be plenty of time to answer them,” said Cierra, “But do you know anything of the Liberators?” Mystic shook her head. “Come on, you should’ve heard somepony blether about us.” Her look hardened. What did she hear? What did she- “You’re...some kind of group, right?” Mystic guessed. Cierra nodded. “And?” “Th-that you’re some kind of reclusive, hard to find?” Another nod. “And that you’re criminals?” “No!” Cierra scolded, causing Mystic to jump. “We are NOT criminals!” “Then why-” “Because we simply don’t play by their rules!” Mystic trailed off as she shuddered and her heart pounded. “The Liberators thrive of fair and just treatment to everypony. We all desire peace and prosperity!” she glared at Mystic, “Have you failed to realize just how important that is?” Mystic didn’t answer as sweat began pouring down her face. “Speak, Mystic! Speak!” “I...haven’t...” Mystic replied weakly. Why is this happening? Why can’t I speak like I want?! Cierra snorted, “I don’t know why I even considered having you meet me.” Mystic nervously looked into her eyes, “Looks like you’re just not capable of standing up for anypony or yourself for that matter.” Mystic grit her teeth as she began to feel a burning instinct rise within her chest. “I don’t know why I bothered wasting my time here,” Cierra stood up, “Good day, Mystic.” The earth pony put her cloak back on and began to leave. No! I won’t be denied this! Mystic thought. “Listen to me!” she growled as she stood up. Cierra turned around. “I have been bullied, whipped, abused by that so-called uncle, kept from seeing my friend as much as I should and my work has gotten a LOT worse since the first leader perished!” Mystic snarled baring her teeth, “So you tell me why the hay I would even consider that they deserve what’s coming to them!” As soon as the words left her lips, her heart began to race again. A sense of foolishness entered her and felt like she’d done something she shouldn’t have as the mare stood there staring at her. Cierra smirked and slowly clapped her hooves. “Now that’s what I wanted to hear,” she said, “You’re an independent pony and knows there can be something better for yourself.” “Wait...” Mystic realized, “Were you intentionally getting me riled up?” “I never said I was or wasn’t.” Mystic plopped back down on the ground and rubbed her temples. She heard the older mare sit back down and remove her cloak’s hood. “So, Mystic,” said Cierra. The younger mare’s eyes met hers, “I want you to know that there’s nothing to be scared of and that I won’t do anything to hurt you or your little friend.” She gently grabbed Mystic’s bandaged hoof in both of her own, “I swear to you.” She gave a smile. At this, Mystic began to relax some. The mare seemed welcoming and understanding. For what reason, Mystic knew she had to find out. “How many Liberators are there?” she asked. Cierra giggled, “A lot. I need to check the list again.” Mystic cleared her throat, “And...are they spread out throughout the whole city?” Cierra shook her head, “It’s...complicated. We do have other Liberator gangs out there that aren’t the...friendliest.” Mystic slightly perked up, “Other Liberators?” “There will be time to answer that later,” Cierra smiled again, “But first, I want to know more about you.” Mystic tensed and she knew Cierra saw that she did. How was she going to tell a second pony? Telling Sunshine was easy after a while, but telling somepony she’d just met? “You can trust me, little one,” Cierra said softly, brushing Mystic’s cheek, “I’m all ears.” Mystic almost collapsed at the warm hoof touching her cheek. Suddenly, it felt as if this mare was making her feel safe, warm and that she can trust her. Mystic closed her eyes and pondered. “Are you...sure?” she asked, “It’s...not your usual story.” “For a filly like yourself looking as battered as you, I believe anything could be possible.” Mystic sighed, “Do you promise not to scoff or make fun of me?” “I promise.” Mystic opened her eyes. “And you promise to listen with an open mind?” “Sure. None of this will leave this conversation. Even to other Liberators.” Without anything to lose, Mystic told Cierra everything from waking up at ten years old and not having any memory of herself, to the vicious Hong, to the bright Sunshine and this current year. When she’d arrived at this year, Mystic could tell that the mare suspected she was omitting some details. She was thankful that she didn’t question it. “-—and that leads me to about the time the first leader died and meeting you,” Mystic concluded. Cierra’s eyes were wide and her jaw slightly agape having taken every word in. The seconds that ticked by seemed to go on forever. “My gosh, Mystic,” the older mare marveled, “You have been more than enough what any filly should be going through...” “I know...” Mystic whimpered, tears beginning to form. “I don’t mean to be cynical but normally fillies or colts your age wouldn’t be going on like this...they would either perish, not want to live anymore, and be completely hopeless...” Mystic sniffed, “I guess so...” “And would’ve just given up completely.” Mystic blinked away her tears and did her best to compose herself, “Your point?” “I mean, you haven’t backed down from standing up for yourself at times. You’re still holding on no matter what.” Cierra’s eyes widened with amazement, “Mystic...you...you’re a strong-willed pony. I don’t know if anypony else could stand up after going through so much...” “I did get close to hurting myself or worse...” Mystic cringed. “Yet you didn’t,” Cierra leaned forward, “You know why I think that is?” “Why?” “Because you’re a fighter.” Mystic paused. “I...guess?” “Look at what you’ve been through and all you managed to conjure for yourself. A friend and have more rights than some of the other ponies,” Cierra smirked. “I see the potential within you, Mystic. I’ve watched you in your struggles.” “You watched me?” Mystic asked wide-eyed. “I know it was probably not the best way but I needed to know more about you and see if you were trustworthy to our group,” she smiled, “And I believe you would be an interesting new addition.” Mystic’s eyes widened in fascination and awe. Is this happening?! “If you can stand up for yourself and withstand all of your pain and problems imagine what you could do if you were a fighter. A pony who wouldn’t ever give up no matter what.” She whispered into Mystic’s ear, “A Liberator.” “A Liberator?” Mystic’s eyes lit up. “Yes.” “But why me?” “Because,” Cierra smirked, “I like to think I see things in ponies.” She patted Mystic’s head, “I believe I see something in you.” “But...” Mystic frowned. She remembered something important and how much she wanted to go there. “Sunshine mentioned this stallion that’ll be coming to take us to a land called Equestria.” “Oh?” Cierra tilted her head. “Yeah, she thinks this city is too far gone and we need to preserve the good and innocent,” Mystic sighed, “I just don’t want to let her down and think I’ve left her behind when she’s done so much for me.” Mystic just sat there, remembering how excited the filly was and how much she’d love for both of them to be happy. The need for happiness is greatly desired. “I see,” Cierra looked cold, “You seem connected to your friend and seem to want to do what she wants instead of thinking for yourself.” Mystic blinked, “Wait, it’s not like that.” “I didn’t say it was but let me ask you something,” she leaned forward, the atmosphere becoming colder, “Do you just want to sit idly by and not do something about what’s been done to you?” Mystic rose her hoof to answer but paused. “Why don’t you just want to do something about all the injustice that’s tearing this city apart?” Cierra asked, “That’s what the Liberators are for. We don’t want others to suffer. We are trying to reform this society to a kinder, truer, and better way. So, if you want to pack up and leave instead of doing something about the injustice here, then I won’t stop you.” She looked away, “It just...seems kind of selfish and foolish to stand idly by and not lift the suffering from these poor civilians.” Mystic began to feel tugs at her heartstrings and began to feel guilty about the thought of doing such a thing. “I don’t mean to be selfish...” she said. “Then,” Cierra looked at her, “I know you want to be thankful towards your friend but have you considered this to be a way to repay her?” “Well, no...” “She deserves all that’s good in life, Mystic. How can you be an effective duo of friends if you can’t protect and repay her?” Cierra stood up, making Mystic heart skip a beat. “I won’t force you to do anything. But just think about it,” she finished. “Give me a second...” Mystic muttered. “I won’t rush you.” The idea of bringing justice to the city sounds like a fantastic idea but it sounds as if it’ll be a lot of work, planning, and consequences. She can live with that. However, Sunshine’s plans for them both would be ruined and to get away from this place. It would probably hurt her feelings and how she hated to see her cheerful friend sad. But Cierra did have a point how could they just not do anything about this? Can’t Sunshine be in a safer location while she fights for both of them? That could work. Her anger boiled against Hong and the city. How sick she is of everything going wrong for her! Yet, what about her friend? Sunshine is a wonderful soul and has brought her out of her darkest moments but she’s not flawless. Both can be safe and bring justice! With a determined look, she nodded at Cierra. However, before she could respond they heard distant voices getting closer. Both ponies looked over like two deer caught in the headlights. “Oh no...” Mystic whispered as a beam of light came into view, “They’re coming for me!” “I’ve got to get out of here,” Cierra whispered. Oh, she won’t leave before she gets her affirmation into the group! “I accept!” Mystic whispered as the lights got closer. “I accept membership!” “Good!” replied Cierra putting on her hood, “We have plans we’ve laid out and we’ll get you and your friend to our base tonight! You have our word!” The mare bolted off into the shadows as the lights hit Mystic. Mucking out the livestock’s gunk isn’t too fun. She wasn’t getting much to eat tonight due to her staying out longer than what she should have. She pushed through and got back to her room. She laid back on the lumpy mattress and pulled up the mothball pillow to rest. As she rested, she recalled Cierra’s words about getting her tonight. Will they be able to get her and Sunshine to safety? There is a bunch of security to her room and around the Palace, too. She hopes Sunshine would be reached first. That filly deserves safety above all else. Even if they never arrived and left her to her fate! She’ll take Hong’s wrath as long as Sunshine was safe and alive! Gazing out to the moon behind the parting clouds she began to feel a little relaxed with looking at the night sky again. How much is truly out there? That question keeps her wondering about the world and beyond. It’s truly- *knock* *knock* Great. Now what? With a loud groan Mystic called, “Look, I took care of your stupid chores and what do you want me to do? Shove myself until my bones break?!” *knock* *knock* “UGH!” She got up and opened the door to reveal a black hooded figure accompanied by two others. “Are you Mystic?” the first asked urgently. Mystic’s stomach knitted, “Y-Yes?” “Excellent,” said the figure removing her hood revealing herself to be a black earth pony with a blue mane, “I am Meng sent by Cierra.” “Cierra?” Mystic almost gasped. She came through?! “Yes,” Meng gave her an identical hooded robe, “Put this on. You’re going to need it when we get started.” “Started?” Mystic took the clothing. “Just get dressed now.” The unicorn slipped it on and Meng ensured it was put on properly. She nodded at Mystic. “We’re going to need you to move quickly. No questions asked, understand?” “O-Okay!” “Say yes ma’am!” “Y-Yes ma’am!” “Now move!” She began to follow her rescuer out of the dingy dorms and noticed several unconscious soldiers. Her eyes widened. “Sedatives,” said Meng, “Keep moving.” “Yes ma’am!” She was escorted out of the dorms and they emerged into one of the Palace’s wide, open hallways. Her rescuer took one glance out there to see several troops walking around. “Soldiers,” she said. She shut the door and looked at Mystic, “When they give the signal, we’ll head down the halls and out one of the entrances to the Palace’s west side towards the wall where we’ll meet our pickup.” “Got it, ma’am. What about Sunshine?” Mystic asked nervously. “My only concern is getting you out. There’s another team en-route to her now.” “Okay then...” Mystic’s heart raced. They’re about to make a run for it. Why is she feeling a sense of excitement? The adrenaline? The anticipation of escape? Suddenly, outside the Palace walls, loud trumpets echoed that sent the soldiers in the hallway running off in a frenzy. Mystic knew what that meant! “A prison escape?!” she cried. “Yes! It’s our distraction while we meet the others!” said Meng. She nodded to the others, “Now, move Mystic!” Without a moment to waste she and her escorts bolted down the hall and stopped at a corner to see the rest of the soldiers moving in the direction of the trumpets to seize the prisoners. Meng directed their attention down a smaller hallway. “Go! Go!” she ordered. They bolted again. Turning to and fro in the long hallways. Mystic saw that Meng had her eyes wide open and looking for danger. The unicorn glanced around and saw they were passing by all kinds of artifacts, weapons, and decorations. She needs a weapon! Another turn into a hallway and time they passed by the armor. Mystic slowed down levitated a sword from one of the knights. “Put that down!” Meng hissed, “We need to be quick and not fool around!” Mystic put it down and uttered an apology as they continued. Suddenly, Meng came to a stop, causing Mystic’s heart to almost leap out of her chest. All of them hid behind a large suit of armor as a train of soldiers charged down the hall, the trumpets still sounding off. Mystic’s heart fluttered, she felt tingly and alive! This is an amazing plan! “Move!” Meng ordered pulling out a crossbow, “We’re probably going to fight our way out in the courtyard!” “Sweet weapon!” Mystic commented as they bolted again. With one more hallway down, they arrived at a door that Meng kicked down and ushered Mystic through it. When Mystic was outside, she heard the sounds of soldiers shouting orders and prisoners trying to escape. Looking at the wall she saw the ponies up top are scanning the area with giant floodlights! “Avoid the light!” Meng warned, “We don’t need any more ponies to deal with!” Heart racing, sweat coming down her face and adrenaline pulsing through her system, the mare continued as fast as she could. However, such feelings began to feel wonderful! She’s never been so excited before! She began breaking out into a smile as she picked up speed. Nervousness, excitement, and anticipation all swirled through Mystic’s emotions as the Palace wall got closer and closer. “Oh my gosh...” she marveled, “I feel...good!” The noises began to fade as the wall came closer. “Look out!” Meng cried. A floodlight swept right towards them and hit Mystic catching her right in it! A trumpet sounded off! “Crap!” Meng cried. They heard soldiers coming closer! No! Not now! “MOVE!” Meng ordered. The party picked up speed but instead of feeling scared determination rose in Mystic on top of her excitement! She glanced to her right and spotted several barrels. She bolted off in their direction. “Mystic! Where are you going?!” Meng cried. “Just taking care of business!” Mystic called back. She noticed several soldiers almost upon her rescuers. “I’m NOT going back, Hong!” she cried as she levitated the barrels and charged right at them. With a loud bellow, she chucked them right at the soldiers! *CRAAASH!!* Mystic laughed as they cried out in pain. She rejoined the others. *THWIPP!* Something went right by them! “Arrows!” one of the escorts shouted. Mystic looked up and saw several ponies on the top of the wall shooting arrows at them. That won’t stop her from getting out of here! She grabbed another barrel and placed it in front of and above them. With loud clunks, the arrows hit the barrel and failed to pierce through! “We’re almost there!” Meng cried. Mystic watched as she leaped out, placing a clip of glowing bolts into the weapon! She aimed for the top of the wall and shot a glowing blue bolt that soared fast right into a target! He cried out in immense pain before plummeting off the wall! The shouting got louder around them as the wall neared. Mystic heard Meng firing more bolts as she continued forward! BOOM! An explosion ripped a hole into the wall’s foundation! “Perfect timing!” Meng cried happily. “Get them!” a very familiar voice barked, “They’ve got Mystic! BRING HER TO ME!” “Not on my watch!” Meng cried, “I’ve not failed a heist yet!” Mystic looked back as Meng pulled out a large potion and with a shout, threw it right at the soldiers behind them. It exploded with a huge puff of electric smoke! The soldiers cried out in pain as the daunting figure of Hong emerged with a sword and a shield in his magical grasp! “MYSTIC!!” he roared, “This crosses the line! BIG TIME!!” “I am NOT going back!” she cried, fear impacting her like a bullet. Hong shot a beam of his magic right at her! Mystic yelped as she barely dodged it! Meng growled, turned, and fired three bolts at the General but he deflected them with his sword! “Mystic! RUN!” Meng ordered. Without hesitation, Mystic began making a beeline towards the hole in the wall! “NO!!” Hong roared. An explosion cut Mystic off and that blew her backward! “Not on my WATCH!” Meng roared. Dazed, Mystic began to pull herself up, only for somepony to grab her! Fortunately, it was one of her escorts and both made a run for it! Mystic heard Meng screaming and blades clashing as another bolt fired from her crossbow! Soon, Mystic arrived at the wall, but she stopped. She looked back at Meng fighting her adoptive uncle. The mare seemed to be struggling against him! “We need to go!” the escort shouted. Mystic didn’t move but watched with wide eyes at Meng skillfully fighting, but Hong has magic and she doesn’t! “Look out!” the escort shouted. Mystic turned and gasped when a soldier leaped at her with a machete! Mystic ducked as the soldier sailed overhead! Picking herself up, she lunged at the soldier and pinned him! He growled in anger and tried to push Mystic off him, but the mare’s strength kept him down! Mystic spotted the machete and immediately levitated it to her side! She lifted it to strike him down but he pushed her off him! Dazed, Mystic tried to pull herself up but several ponies tackled the soldier! “Run Mystic! Get to safety!” another escort ordered. More arrows sailed through the air as Mystic looked over at Meng continuing to fight Hong. She fired more bolts but he managed to deflect those too! Her burning anger returned and with a loud bellow, she charged right at him! He was turned around and Meng nearly froze when she saw Mystic! The unicorn lifted her machete high and sliced into Hong’s back and neck! “AAAAAGGHHHH!!” Hong roared, he nearly toppled over but kept his hoofing! Unfortunately, his armor kept the machete from damaging him even further! Meng punched him in the face and kicked his sword away and Mystic swiped her machete and cut him across his left foreleg! Meng grabbed Mystic by the hoof and took off with her. The younger mare felt incredible! She saw enemy bleeding from his upper back and neck! When Hong saw her, she saw a look of complete hatred and anger behind those crazed eyes. “MYYYYYYYYYYYYYYSSSSSSSSTIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICCCCCCCCCC!!!!” he howled louder than she’d ever heard before! Meng escorted her to the newly made hole and they emerged onto the other side! More Liberators joined their side, forming a protective circle around their target and Meng. “Get into the catacombs! That’s our only way out of here!” Meng cried. Keeping the machete close, Mystic took one final look back and noticed the soldiers beginning to come after them. Meng took the lead of the escort and after sticking to the shadows and alleyways, they managed to avoid being spotted by the soldiers. A while later they came to a stop along the city’s edge and Meng bent down and removed a stone slab to reveal a secret passageway to below the surface. She motioned everypony to go through. Mystic entered first and waited at the bottom of the stairs until everypony rejoined her and Meng slid the slab back into place. “Is everypony okay?” she asked, coming down the stairs. Everypony gave their responses that they’re okay. Satisfied, Meng approached Mystic. “And you’re okay I hope?” she asked. Mystic giggled. “What’s so funny?” “Sorry sorry,” she giggled, glancing at her new machete, “I just...” She let out a laugh, “That was awesome! I hadn’t gotten a rush like that before!” Meng sighed and smirked, “You did well. No wonder Cierra thinks you can be an interesting addition to our group.” “You could’ve not gotten spotted,” said a Liberator. Mystic slightly wilted and Meng glared at him. “Sorry about that,” she lightly blushed. “Okay,” said Meng, “Cierra is going to meet us at a checkpoint before we get to the Base. Let’s get to her.” With a nod, everypony got on their way. Mystic told Meng a little about herself as the catacombs got longer and wider. She wanted to gloat about how she hurt Hong but Meng wanted to keep everything quiet until they got to safety. They’re surrounded by skulls of ponies and water beginning to show its face on the floor. The unicorn looked at the skulls and shuddered. “Gosh...” she whispered. “Don’t look at them too much,” said Meng. “We’re not held up in the catacombs.” Mystic went silent for the rest of the journey and soon a flash of purple hair caught her eye. “Cierra?” she called. The mare in question stepped out and brightly smiled at her. “Oh, you’re here!” she said walking forward, “I told you we’d follow through, didn’t I?” “Hay yeah you did!” Mystic smiled, taking a glance at a belt around her sister’s waist that held a concealed weapon. Cierra approached and wrapped a foreleg around her, “Welcome to the Liberators, my sister.” Mystic awkwardly chuckled and patted Cierra’s back in return. “What about Sunshine?” she asked. “She should be at the Base,” replied Cierra pulling back, “Let’s get there and when we do, we’ll be swearing you in as a Liberator.” She glanced at Mystic’s machete but didn’t comment. “I’m looking forward to it,” said Mystic. Despite her excitement, she wondered how Sunshine would be taking this development and how she’d feel about her plans being ruined. Nonsense! This is the best way! She knows it is! “And that’s why I never want to be around fashionable ponies again,” said Mystic, trying to keep her mind off the catacombs. “Pfft!” Cierra snorted, “Good reason not to!” “Oh, you wouldn’t believe it!” Mystic groaned. She perked up, “Oh! And you won’t believe what I did on the battlefield!” “Mystic,” said Meng, “I told you to wait until we got back and give a report.” Mystic bit her tongue, inwardly cursing the mare for not wanting her to tell her everything. A circular room came into view, four pillars supported the bones and concrete above. Mystic shuddered becoming timid once again. She began watching where she was going from now on. “You okay newbie?” Meng asked. “I-I’m fine,” Mystic stuttered, glancing at her. “Oh?” “I’m just trying not to step on bones,” said Mystic as the ground clattered and crunched. “You just stepped on some,” said Meng. “EEWWW!” Mystic practically fell backward before being caught by Cierra. “Relax, Mystic,” she said, “I’ll-” PAF! A puff of smoke and electrical charge suddenly spread through the room narrowly missing the party! “What the?!” Mystic yiped as Cierra and her gang got into fighting positions. “What was that?!” a Liberator cried. PAF! Another puff of smoke and electricity! “Ambush!” Cierra shouted. “Get behind cover!” Everypony was quick to duck behind a post that held up the bones in the form of a ceiling. “Cierra! You’ve crossed us yet again!” came a voice. Mystic felt her stomach twist into a knot as her eyes bulged to see the shadows of several ponies. Meng aimed at them and fired off her crossbow. She ducked behind the pole again, reloaded and quickly shot another. “You two! Find a way around them!” Cierra ordered. “Right away ma’am!” the two Liberators answered. “Everypony else, follow my lead!” Cierra pulled out dual blades that began to glow red. Mystic’s eyes bulged even more. More ponies began to pour in as her companions began to make their way towards them! What is going on?! Did Hong’s soldiers...no! These ponies aren’t dressed like soldiers! They looked like regular ponies coming in! Mystic almost hid further behind the pillar but began to feel the need to fight and stand up for her leader! PAF! Mystic jumped as some of the Liberators were partially blinded! She glanced at her leader and saw she was ready to pounce. “Meng! Get Mystic to safety!” Cierra ordered. “I can help!” Mystic cried. “Not right now, Mystic! We need you safe! Meng! Take her!” Cierra leaped out onto the battlefield and began swiping her blades at the opposing ponies. A couple were hit by them that knocked them aside. A pony came charging, but Cierra did a side flip and landed firmly on her hooves before she bucked him right in the face! Mystic gasped in amazement but she wasn’t finished! Cierra threw a blade right at a couple more ponies, they managed to dodge but Cierra slid along the ground, kicked them down and did an uppercut punch upon a third! PAF! Smoke and electrical charges began to fill the catacombs as Meng grabbed Mystic and took her away. As she looked back in amazement and horror, the cries from the Liberators and orders from Cierra faded. After traveling for a few minutes, Meng ducked behind a slab of concrete and took a position to aim her crossbow in the direction they’d come from. “What in the world was that about?!” Mystic cried. “SHH!” Meng smacked the back of Mystic’s head, “Keep quiet!” Despite her stinging head, Mystic asked, “Who were those ponies?” Meng groaned, “They were other Liberators, okay?” “What?” Mystic gasped. “But why were they attacking?” “Cierra might not have mentioned this,” Meng shifted a bit into a firmer aiming position. “Even though there are other groups of Liberators, we all have our different territories, ideals, and codes. They’re blinded by their own judgments. It’s practically a war beneath the real war with the government.” “But...” Mystic frowned, “That’s not fair...” Meng sighed, “Life isn’t fair, Mystic. You must know that, right?” Mystic inwardly cringed as she nodded. This is awful! This changes almost everything! “Meng...I...” “Hush,” Meng shushed her, “Somepony’s coming.” Her mouth immediately closed as she began to hear hoofsteps making their way over. She squinted her eyes down the darkened catacombs as several lights approached, casting several shadows along the walls. “Justice for all!” Cierra’s voice called. Meng visibly relaxed and put her crossbow down. Relief came to Mystic as Cierra and her party reunited with them. “Sorry about the hold-up,” said Cierra, “They put up a little fight.” Meng nodded, “Good thing you’re still in one piece.” “Cierra,” Mystic smiled, “Thank goodness!” Cierra patted her on the head, “I’m sorry you had to find out about them like that. I would’ve told you sooner.” Did she know? Are she and Meng really that close? A smirk grew on the mare’s face and she gave a nod. I guess that confirms it. She thought. “Come on,” Cierra moved forward, “We need to take a different route so we’re not followed directly to the Base.” “Will Sunshine be there?” Mystic followed, her concerns growing, “What if...” “She’ll be fine, Mystic,” Cierra assured her. “Please, let’s get to the Base.” With a nod, the party continued down the long pathway of the catacombs. The pathway almost seemed like a labyrinth. Soon, the catacombs turned into an area with solid concrete walls and floors. Cierra mentioned that they’re almost there. The party came to a stop at a seemingly dead-end but Meng pulled a hidden lever within the stone a secret door opened. Mystic’s eyes widened in amazement as Cierra nudged her forward. Mystic walked down a flight of stairs and came upon an archway that led directly into a settling. “We’re here,” said Cierra. The moment she said that Mystic’s eyes were met with colors of all kinds. Makeshift houses were lined up with one another and there are some tents with ponies in them as well as a stage in the middle of it all with a pulpit decorated with gold trimmings. It seemed to stretch on in the huge underground town. Above the town are stalactites. They’re in a cave?! Mystic gawked at her surroundings. It looks amazing down here! “There are more than what it seems like here,” said Cierra. Mystic looked at her, “There are smaller houses and more tents behind these here. We’re growing every day with supporters and to be Liberators.” “How do you find enough room for ponies down here?” Mystic marveled. “We have to make room,” said Cierra, “We’ve been working down here for years and its slowly growing until we reach the hilltops.” “Whoa...” “Yeah, I know,” Cierra smiled. “You’ll be staying in a house that belongs to me. Which is the biggest one just over there.” She pointed and Mystic spotted a somewhat larger makeshift house that looked five feet taller than the others. “Cool,” she said. Then she shook her head, “Wait, where’s Sunshine?” “Ah, here comes the two that were...” Cierra paused. Mystic looked over and saw two nervous-looking ponies. “Where is the target?” Cierra asked in a dark tone. The two ponies shuddered. A feeling of dread and panic settled into Mystic “Where is my friend?!” “Yeah,” Cierra growled. “Where. Is. She?” The two ponies gulped as sweat poured down their faces. “Did. You. Not. Retrieve her?!” “We tried to get her!” one cried. Mystic’s heart sank. They didn’t get Sunshine?! How could they not?! As she dropped her machete, a wave of burning anger began building as she felt a couple of tears roll down her face. “WHAT?!” Cierra barked. “We had to retreat! Honest!” “You mean you idiots didn’t get her friend out of the orphanage?!” Cierra cried. “There were too many ponies! We couldn’t get to her!” “That doesn’t MATTER!!” Cierra roared. Her troops took some steps back, “When I give orders, you’re to ALWAYS obey them no matter how long it takes!” She stomped hard on the ground, “Especially when they come to the innocent and the helpless and you FAILED to fulfill my orders!” “W-We’re sorry ma’am!” “Please forgive us!” “Forgive you?!” Cierra grabbed both of them by the collars and brought them within a few inches of her face, “I won’t be doing ANY forgiving until you imbeciles get your sorry flanks back out there and BRING her friend back here!” she motioned to Mystic, “And because of you two she is WORRIED SICK!” She threw the scared ponies to the ground, “Get out there and retrieve her! I don’t care how long it takes!! Bring more ponies with you!!” The sounds around seemed to fade into mumbling nonsense as she gazed towards the ground. Her legs gave out as she plopped down next to her new machete and she buried her distraught face in her hooves from her new colleagues. Present day – Year 17 – Day 1 The boulder was alit in a blue aura. It slightly moved to the side revealing the orange unicorn wrapped in a cloak. The blue eyes gazed up to the darkening clouds as the rain continued to pelt the forest around her. It feels like it’s been an eternity since she’s seen the sun. How much she misses its rays soaking into her coat giving her great pleasure whenever she has a few moments before she moves on to her next destination. Her first step met cold mud that caused her to shiver. The rain won’t be slowing down. It’s now or never. She stepped out of her hut, gently brought out a bouquet of sunflowers wrapped around with plastic, and rolled the boulder back into place. Amid the wind shaking the branches and swaying the tops of the trees, the forest around her seemed devoid of any life almost as if she’s the only one around. It’s perfect... Her forelegs began to move and soon she was on her way. She can practically find it in her sleep by now. Suddenly, a large gust of wind began to blow through the forest. With a loud yelp, Mystic saw that her the plastic rattling against the bouquet and it’s about to blow out of her aura. “No!” she cried. Thinking quick, Mystic brought the bouquet to her and shielded it with her cloak as she laid on the ground to protect it! She growled and looked up at the wind blowing the trees like strands of straw in the grass. “Not today!” she hissed, “Not ever!” The wind continued to howl. Meanwhile, in her headmare’s office, Twilight Sparkle finished writing in a journal with a peculiar sun on it. “Hee hee!” she giggled, “I’m so looking forward to the Gala next week!” As she stood up from her desk, she began thinking about what is going on in nine days. The Grand Galloping Gala, Equestria biggest event is set to start once again for the nation to enjoy. This year, she’d arranged with Celestia for more than one extra guest to go. Now three guests can accompany the ticket buyer. Many ponies are going to attend and Twilight’s friends decided to chip in to make it a more exciting year for everypony. “Twilight! Twilight!” a voice called. Twilight looked at her office entrance and the doors opened, revealing a small purple dragon with green scales on his head. “Spike?” Twilight asked, setting the journal aside, “What’s wrong?” “The sinks in the bathroom burst!” Spike cried, flying up to the desk. “Again?!” Twilight facehoofed, “That’s the second time this week!” “I know! I thought we’d gotten those handled!” Twilight sighed, “I’ll call the plumbers.” Being a princess has its perks, but she hates spending bits on plumbing issues at the school. Even though the incidents have been small and mostly contained, she can’t help but be concerned for her students’ safety. Reasons such as this are why she’s been focused on thinking positively and trying to teach friendship. > Chapter 6 - The Liberators > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Present day – Year 17: Day 1 She’s been walking for an hour. The rain, not wanting to slow down, kept pelting at her cloak. She didn’t bother putting on her fighting attire because it’s just finished drying. Normally, birds would be chirping, frogs would croak, and animals moving around. Today didn’t match that picture. It felt gloomy. Grey. Devoid of any kind of light that the creatures enjoyed. The mare kept walking, trying to keep herself peaceful as she tried to clear her mind. She had one thing on her mind. It’s the hardest thing she does after arriving but she’s practically embraced the pain that came with it. Stepping to the edge of the woods, a clearing came into view which told her she’s getting close to her destination. Images of her past came to her mind. She shuddered and dared not to go back to that city or anywhere close to it. She’s been safe for years and plans to keep it that way. The edge of the field soon came into view and her gaze landed on a rock made to be a gravestone. With her heart slightly thudding and every step feeling as if a dead stallion were on her back a brief choke escaped her throat her composure was maintained. When she stopped in front of the stone her eyes shut and she softly counted to five. After a few seconds, she opened them, carefully placed the sunflowers in front of the stone and settled down in front of it. The unicorn placed a tender hoof on it and solemnly bowed her head. Flashback – Year 12 – Day 25 Every second, every minute, felt like it’d slowed to a crawl. Gazing down at the mattress she’s sitting on, Mystic’s thoughts wandered. Sunshine, that filly cannot defend herself as she could. What if Hong has done something to her? Hurt her? Killed her? She’ll never forgive herself! She didn’t want to cry in front of Cierra or the Liberators. It wouldn’t make her look good! Would it? Doesn’t Cierra expect things from her? The unicorn choked, feeling the conflict within her continuing to eat her away. The door creaked. Mystic immediately perked up only to wilt at Cierra’s sympathetic face. “I brought you some food,” she said holding some apples, “You haven’t eaten in over twelve hours.” “Hours? Might as well be days,” said Mystic, crossing her forelegs over her chest. “You need to eat something,” Cierra asserted in a commanding tone, causing Mystic to flinch, “Keep your strength up.” Annoyed, Mystic levitated the apples over and took a chomp out of one and chewed it hard. “Happy?” she asked in between bites. “Not until you get your friend back,” replied Cierra as she shut the door and sat down next to Mystic. Despite feeling unnerved, seeing Cierra giving her a reassuring look made her feel better. The earth pony’s presence gave a sense of security and that things would be okay. But since she’s a leader shouldn’t she be a little more- no- a lot more intimidating than she is being now? Isn’t that what leaders in charge of gangs are like? “Mystic...” said Cierra, “Are you...scared of me?” Mystic’s eyes widened. It was as if she had read her mind. No reply came from the unicorn as she slightly turned away. She felt a hoof lightly stroke her shoulder. “There’s nothing to be scared of here,” said Cierra, “You’re my sister. And you will be to all of them.” Another tug to her heart. She felt lonesome and as if the world were a bit less bright as her nerves pulsed through her body. “I assure you; we are doing everything we can to bring her back to you,” she heard Cierra say, “You need to believe that and remain strong.” “If she doesn’t get to safety...” Mystic trailed off, blinking the tears away, “I won’t ever forgive myself if anything happened to her...” “Nothing is going to happen to her. Those foolish soldiers would be heartless if they laid one hoof on her. They don’t harm kids her age.” Sure, they don’t. Might as well be harsh to infants at this point. Mystic cringed but dared not to speak it. “And if they did, we will walk up to that Palace, tear it down to Tartarus and go straight down after them until we retrieve her!” Mystic almost smiled as a sense of delight rose within her. Imagine seeing Hong pay for his crimes. It was a picture she longed for. “But for now, we need to wait for those idiots to get back and bring her alive because if they don’t-” Cierra “humphed.” Mystic looked at her. She’s never had somepony talk about helping her no matter what even if it meant going into danger. Could she be a role model? She’s already saved her life and giving her a new outlook on life like a very familiar filly. A small grateful smile formed on her muzzle. “Stay strong, Mystic,” said Cierra, “Stay with me.” Before Mystic could respond the door flew open. Both ponies turned their attention to it. “Mystic?!” cried a familiar voice. As if a boulder had rolled off her shoulders, her heart soared as she shot up from the mattress and saw the familiar gold mane emerge from the shadows. “Sunshine!” Mystic cried happily. Sunshine ran up to and tackled Mystic into a hug. Both hugged each other tightly as the older unicorn let out some light cries. She has her best friend back and everything in the world feels as if it’s much brighter and that everything is going to be okay! “Oh, Sunshine!” cried Mystic, “I’m so thankful you’re safe!” “I’m so glad to see you too!” Sunshine pulled back with a bewildered (yet relieved look) “What in the world is going on?! Who are all these ponies?!” “They saved us!” Mystic laughed. “We’re going to be okay, Sunshine!” “I know they saved us and how can you be sure we will be?” “It’s a long story!” Mystic sat up and beamed down at her. “A long story it is,” said Cierra. Mystic looked up at her. She lightly froze and blushed at her childish excitement. “Who are you, fine mare?” Sunshine asked curiously. “Fine mare?” Cierra smiled. “That’s a first.” She cleared her throat, “I’m the one in charge of the gang that had you and Mystic retrieved.” “Really?” Sunshine marveled, “Cool!” “Yes, it is.” Cierra helped Mystic up to her hooves, “There will be plenty of time for details later but for now we need to get your friend sworn in.” Sunshine tilted her head, “Sworn in?” Cierra’s smile grew. “Do you, Mystic, swear to stand with all of us as we liberate the city from the corrupt officials?” Cierra asked. “I do,” Mystic nodded. “Do you swear to work hard, fight, help those in need, and to never give up on ponies that matter to us?” “I do.” “Then, I hereby appoint you, our new sister, Mystic-” Cierra turned her around as they faced the crowd of one hundred ponies below, “To the Liberators!” Everypony broke out into cheers chanting Mystic’s name and embracing her as a true sister. This is so awesome! She was once alone but now she has a whole family of ponies! Mystic waved to everypony and it caused them to cheer louder. With a quick glance over at Sunshine, the filly had a look of surprise and amazement of what’s going on. “Also!” Meng stepped onto the stage. Everypony stopped cheering and turned their attention towards her, “Doesn’t our Cierra have anything else to announce?” Cierra broke out into a large smile. “Mystic, our new sister,” she began placing her hooves onto Mystic’s shoulders, “Has saved our second in command, Meng!” The cheers broke out once again when they did Mystic remembered what she had done in their escape from the Palace. Her heart began to soar. “And not only that!” Cierra spoke happily, “She saved her from Hong!” Everypony gasped in amazement. “How did she and Meng get away?” a Liberator asked. “She not only got Meng to safety-” Cierra paused. Mystic saw the eager crowd had leaned forward to hear what their leader had to say. “She injured the General!” At this announcement, everypony gasped again before they erupted into cheers again! “She’s truly a sister all of you!” Cierra announced, “And we will have a party in her name!” The cheers got louder, as they did, Mystic looked at Sunshine whose jaw was agape at what she’d done. “This is for you, my friend!” Mystic proclaimed before she was led off the stage into the crowd of ponies below. Mystic sat in a chair, having been overwhelmed by speaking to everypony, their love, hugs, and congratulations. Speaking to everypony that came her way was exhausting but rewarding. Mystic looked out onto the square that contained a crowd of ponies. It was as if the whole clan of Liberators has attended. Musicians performed, ponies played various games, drank, and danced. Seeing them dance caused Mystic to cringe and remember how she tried dancing but kept tripping over her hooves and bumping into somepony or something. Despite that, Mystic couldn’t shake off feeling on cloud nine and her eternal gratitude for this group. What had she been missing all along this must be it! Everypony here loves her! Tears formed again but she didn’t bother brushing them away. She felt alive and like her heart was about to explode! Suddenly, a glimpse of purple and blue caught Mystic’s eye. Immediately, she turned to see Cierra speaking with several ponies. This mare, if she hadn’t gotten her and Sunshine out and found her when she did...who knows what would have happened? This is a pony that could be trusted and she will be loyal to her! Nothing will cause her to let her sister down! Suddenly, she realized something and almost smacked herself. “I must thank her!” she told herself. Mystic got up and began trotting forward with confidence. However, she began to feel somewhat nervous. How was she going to approach this? What will she say? But her legs kept moving her forward as she got closer to her target. Her heart pounded as she saw Cierra finish speaking with the others, she turned around and locked eyes with Mystic. “Oh, hey, my sister!” she said, “How’re you-oomph!” Mystic practically threw herself onto the mare with forelegs wrapped around her. “Goodness!” Cierra laughed, “You’re becoming a party animal!” Mystic pulled back, tears still flowing, “Oh, Cierra! Thank you so much!” She choked as she smiled, “I’ve never...I’ve...” She hugged her sister and gently wept onto her shoulder. At that moment, Mystic felt awkward and silly but she couldn’t stop the tears from flowing. Nice one, Mystic! Nice one! she inwardly scolded herself. She felt the earth pony awkwardly pat her back, “Hey, it’s okay. I understand.” Cierra pulled back from Mystic with a gentle smile, “You’re feeling something you have missed your entire life. This is where you belong now, and mark my words, you will prosper into a better life.” Mystic grinned from ear to ear, “I am counting on it!” Cierra nodded and pulled back, “Get back to partying. We’ll take tomorrow to begin your training.” “Right away, sister!” Cierra chuckled as she turned around to leave. As she took her step to leave, Mystic saw Meng standing at the opposite end of the square looking at Cierra. It was obvious that the purple pony had seen her. The former waved her foreleg for her leader to come over with a disappointed stare on her face. Mystic raised a curious eyebrow at this until, out of the corner of her eye, spotted a familiar yellow filly. She turned to see Sunshine sitting in a chair with a glass of water in her hooves. A smile broke onto Mystic’s face before she trotted over and sat down next to her. “Hey Sunshine!” she greeted, “You enjoying yourself?” Sunshine took a sip from her glass, “Sure? I guess?” “You guess?” Mystic asked curiously. “Yeah, I don’t really know how to hit it up like you I suppose...” Sunshine took another sip. “Sunshine, what’s wrong?” Sunshine looked at her, disappointed, “I don’t know, I guess we just were to set out and venture to Equestria like we said we would and now we’re staying here,” another sip. Mystic sighed, she knew this was going to come up. “Look Sunshine, I was making plans to get us out but there came this opportunity to rise up and deliver justice into our enemies’ hooves.” “We both agreed on going to Equestria!” Sunshine cried putting her glass aside. “I know! I know! But how could we just not do anything about what’s been done to us?” “It’s terrible! But I’m not so sure if we should be fighting back against a powerful government!” “We’ll figure out how to handle them!” “You attacked Hong! You escaped from him! He’ll be after you!” Sunshine grasped Mystic’s foreleg with a concerned look on her face. “Our sisters helped me and you both escape from captivity, Sunshine,” Mystic asserted, “Without them, I don’t think I would’ve been able to do what I did. I would’ve been locked up tonight if I had been caught!” “You’re a clever mare, Mystic. You would have-” “What if I’d gotten caught on my way to the orphanage? It would’ve been the end for me! And you too!” “We can leave now! Convince them to lead us to Equestria! You can make that choice!” Mystic sighed, she hates going back and forth like this. She took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, “Sunshine,” she gently stroked the filly’s mane, “I love you so much and without you, I wouldn’t have persevered in the awful lifestyle I’d been thrust into. I find it only fair that justice should be delivered and that we have a happier life together.” “What if things get worse for you? I don’t want you to get hurt,” Sunshine spoke softly, her gaze becoming downcast. “It won’t,” Mystic assured her confidently, “Please Sunshine, I know this is a huge change for us, but I promise it will be a good change.” Sunshine didn’t reply. Mystic frowned and continued stroking the filly’s mane. “I’m glad you’re happy,” a soft voice replied, “And I’m willing to support you...I just...” Mystic gently made Sunshine look up at her, “Look if things don’t go well for the first few weeks of us staying here, we’ll leave for Equestria.” Sunshine’s eyes slightly lit up. “Really?” Mystic nodded, “And once we defeat Hong and all of his reinforcements, maybe I can convince Cierra for us to begin a life there.” She smiled a little and outstretched her hoof, “Deal?” Sunshine broke into a small smile, “Deal.” They hoofbumped. The unicorn gazed at the filly, still seeing the worry and hurt behind her eyes. She needs a plan right now. Without much thinking, she stood up and pulled Sunshine to her hooves, “Come on, there are a bunch of sweets and games that we haven’t played together before.” Sunshine’s smile grew a little bit, “Okay.” A loud trumpet caused Mystic to jerk awake. “Gah!” she cried, covering her ears. “Keep it down!” The trumpet blew again. Mystic groaned, got up from her mothball mattress and began rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She heard a light groan and spotted a sleepy-eyed Sunshine just getting up. “Can you please tell them to quit blowing that thing?” she asked. A yawn escaped from her before she laid back down. Mystic approached her bedroom door and opened it, only to meet Cierra’s eyes. “Ah!” she yelped. “Oh, look! You’re finally awake!” “What do you mean?” Mystic grumbled, trying to wake up. Cierra giggled, “Oh, you don’t know do you?” “I know I’m supposed to do some training today, right?” “Oh, you mean two days ago?” Almost as if she’d been slapped, Mystic’s eyes shot wide open. “I...what?!” She cried. “Maybe you had a little too much to drink, sister,” Cierra chuckled, “Are you sure you’re up for it?” “I am totally up for it!” Mystic frantically cried, “Oh my gosh! I’m sorry, Cierra!” The older mare held up a hoof, “Don’t worry, Mystic. I’ll let you off for now.” Mystic relaxed a little bit, but she kept her guard up. “But from now on, I expect you to be up when the wake-up call goes off, you hear?” “Yes ma’am!” “Don’t call me ma’am, Mystic. I’m your sister. And you’re to address me as Cierra, understood?” Cierra smiled. Mystic nodded, “Yes ma’am! I mean, ma’am! I mean! Ugh!” She facehoofed. Cierra giggled, “Come on, let’s get you some breakfast and then we’ll train.” “Yes ma’am!” Cierra rolled her eyes. Sometime later, Mystic trotted down the street to a wooden building with a couple of open windows and a bamboo roof. She spotted Meng standing outside with her hard look. Mystic stopped in front of her. “Have a good meal?” Meng asked. “Yes, I did,” replied Mystic, her taste buds still tingling from the tasty custard and pancakes she had. “Good,” Meng nodded, “Because now, you’re going to need all of your energy to begin your training!” “I’m ready!” Mystic trotted in place a bit, “I’m eager to get out there and kick some flank!” Meng nodded and opened the door, “Good. Now, please follow me.” As Meng entered the building, Mystic followed and the sight of some weights and punching bags. “Welcome to the training hall,” Meng began with a disinterested tone, “We’ll begin your training here in this section with the weights and punching bags to build your muscles up and then we’ll move onto the more advanced training when you become more accustomed.” “Of course,” replied Mystic. Meng continued to speak and motioned to a running track and a pull-up bar. Mystic continued to nod as Meng’s words kind of faded into the background. The unicorn saw that she didn’t seem enthusiastic about having her. Did she damage her pride when she saved her life? “And now we’re moving into the room where we’ll have your more advanced training,” Meng’s voice came again. Mystic snapped out of her thoughts and focused on her guide. Another door flew open and Mystic’s eyes widened. The first thing she saw were other Liberators sparring against one another. Some were using swords and cleavers to practice their skills, and behind them is a massive area with various obstacles she tried not to focus on. A little peer pressure? Probably. She couldn’t escape from getting a look as fire shot up in the back of the room. Her eye twitched. “We’ll be training you, and training you hard,” said Meng, “We’ll be building your agility, skill, strength, and stamina as you can probably tell.” She looked Mystic in the eye, “As you can probably tell.” “Uh...maybe?” “Don’t you ever ‘maybe’ me, Mystic!” Meng scolded. “Sorry!” Meng sighed, “Anyway, this might seem a little daunting to you, but I will assure you that we’ll put our best trainers to help you with whatever you need to improve upon.” Meng turned her attention to the sparring ponies. “Song! Juan! Over here now!” The two ponies quit sparring and began trotting over. One was a navy-blue earth pony with icy blue eyes wearing a bandana around her head that held a long black mane. The other was brown and had a blonde mane that matched her eyes. “You called?” they stopped and stood straight. “I’m sure the two of you are aware of the new trainee arriving,” Meng stepped aside, presenting Mystic, “This is Mystic. She’s to be trained by the two of you.” Mystic smiled sheepishly and tenderly waved at them. The brown earth pony seemed to have a small look of disgust. “This is Song,” Meng pointed to the navy-blue pony, “And this is Juan,” she pointed to the brown pony, “They’re majors in our line of work, but they also train those who need it most.” “Nice to meet you two,” Mystic outreached a hoof. Song grinned and grasped Mystic’s hoof, “Nice to meet you too, trainee!” Mystic inwardly yiped at the sheer strength of the hoofshake. “So, you’re the unicorn, huh?” Juan spoke with slight disgust. “Juan, please be nice,” Song gave her a warning look. “Look, I am loyal to our fair leader but this has got to be a joke,” Juan sighed. Mystic slightly slumped, feeling this is similar to being mistreated as a unicorn without a cutie mark. “You two,” Meng spoke up, gaining their attention, “You’ve gotten Cierra’s orders. So, I expect the best from both of you.” “Oh, come on,” Juan rolled her eyes, “How is this unicorn capable of doing something we cannot?” “Juan! Enough of that!” Song scolded, “Remember the cabbage incident?!” “How come I am always called the fool and the idiot whenever I suggest something or get in trouble?!” Juan complained. “Silence!” Meng barked, causing them to shut up. “You two are to train her and train her hard. Cierra apparently sees potential within this unicorn.” She leaned forward, “Do your best. Get me?” “Yes ma’am!” the two trainees beat their chests and outstretched a hoof to her. “Now, if you excuse me,” Meng began walking away, “I need to go recon with some of our other sisters.” Mystic looked up at her trainers and they both gave her devious smiles. “You better bring your A-game little pony! You’re in our house now!” Song declared. Despite Juan’s apparent dislike of her, excitement and nervousness tingled up Mystic’s spine. “Let’s do it!” she cried. “Then move to the weights to build those muscles! Go! Go! Go!” Mystic bolted off to the other room with her trainers right behind her. Mystic pulled her head out of the water barrel, flinging water from her soaked mane. “Whew!” she cried, her heart racing as her muscles ached. It had been a tough day of training but she came to enjoy it. Song and Juan were very precise and good coaches on what she needed to do. They seemed okay, but maybe they could be better friends outside of the rigorous procedures. Mystic sat down on the floor, stretching her forelegs, relieved for them to be free of the bandages she had for so long. They had some scrapes on but that doesn't matter. She gazed out a window to see the black sky with twinkling stars. “Did we train until midnight or something?” she asked herself with a small laugh. “Maybe you did,” said a new voice. Mystic jumped and whirled around to see Cierra holding a few books in her hooves. “Gee, do you always creep upon your new trainees?” she asked. “I get that a lot,” replied Cierra and took a seat next to Mystic. “How was your first day of training?” “Tiresome...” Mystic let out a huff, “But...” She smiled, “I’m looking forward to what’s next.” “That’s excellent to hear,” Cierra lightly patted Mystic’s back. Mystic suddenly remembered something, or rather, somepony. “How is Sunshine?” she asked, “I know she wasn’t completely happy when we came here and I want this to work out for both of us.” “Sunshine is doing just fine,” replied Cierra, placing the books into her lap, “We had her hang out with the foals in a neighboring village and she looked as if she were having fun.” “I think I need to check on her every night or hang out with her to keep her happy.” Cierra smiled, “I admire that about you, Mystic. You sound like somepony who would be committed to make those closest to her happy and to carry out what needs to be done.” Mystic lightly blushed, “Thanks. But it just feels like common sense to do such things.” “Well, regardless, I still admire you for that,” said Cierra and she hoofed the books over to Mystic. “What’re these for?” Mystic asked curiously, the books looked worn down and without any title to figure out what they are. “These are spellbooks some of our spotters found,” Cierra explained. Mystic gasped, “Really?!” Cierra nodded, “Yes. For unicorns such as yourself. You and I could figure out how to help you cast stronger magic and assist in our plans against the government.” She slightly shifted, “Consider it a small gift from me to you.” Mystic grinned from ear to ear, “I love it. But I’ve gotten the best gift of you rescuing me and my friend.” She placed a hoof on Cierra’s shoulder, “I promise that I’ll be loyal and faithful to your causes!” “That’s great to hear, Mystic!” Cierra beamed. Before she could say anymore, Mystic hugged her once again. Mystic felt her slightly tense before she awkwardly patted her back. Mystic has gotten used to her aching muscles as she walked through the labyrinth of tents and weathered buildings. She sighed, looking for the neighboring village’s entrance. “I really need a map for this place,” she muttered. She gazed around seeing a four-way street. It’s completely empty that gave her a bit of an eerie feeling. The training just had to last to where everypony was in bed. She continued and found some barracks and an armory. Where is this place? About five minutes later, she spotted an arrow that pointed to the right. Curious, she looked at it and it read ‘To the neighboring village.’ She perked up and turned to the right and saw a tunnel leading to what looked like more tents. A grin broke out on her features. The place wasn’t as large as the area she’s staying in, but it still required some walking around. She had asked for directions and he told her exactly where she needed to go. She reached the center of the village and spotted a yellow brick building with poorly painted rainbows, flowers, and a sun. That must be it, she thought. She made her way over and entered. “Can I help you?” came a hushed voice. Mystic turned to find a middle-aged mare sitting in a chair. “Uh, yes,” she said, “My friend Sunshine Smiles is here I believe?” “Oh, right, the sleepless one,” said the mare, “You must be Mystic.” “Yes.” “Go on in. Down the hall and to the left.” “Thanks.” Mystic began walking down the hall and spotted several foals sleeping in various makeshift sleeping bags. A small smile broke out on her features. When she reached the end of the hall, she turned left and saw a room right in front of her and saw a familiar golden mane. Mystic tip-hoofed down the hallway to keep herself from waking up her friend, a small part of her regretted not being here earlier. Her heart slightly soared when she got closer to her sleeping friend. She gently sat down next to her and tenderly stroked her mane. “Hello,” she gently whispered, “I’m sorry I couldn’t be here sooner, but...” She chuckled, “Training was hectic but a lot of fun.” She heard a small yawn, causing her to tense. “I was hoping you’d show up,” came a small voice. Sunshine sat up, causing Mystic’s eyes to widen, not expecting her to still be awake. “Golly, Sunshine,” she said. “I didn’t expect you...” “I wanted to hang out but you never showed so I kept hoping you would.” Mystic shook off her shock and questions that lingered in her mind. “I’m here now,” she said and gently stroked her friend’s mane. “Are you doing okay?” “Better,” replied Sunshine as she sat up, “I got to play with a lot of foals and make some new friends.” “Great,” Mystic smiled. “I also showed them how to hopscotch and make noodle crafts.” “That’s wonderful, Sunshine. I’m glad you’re doing well.” “But...” Sunshine frowned, “I really missed being with you. I miss when we hung out like we used to.” “Oh, I know,” replied Mystic, “But Cierra will help me get stronger and we’ll be able to hang out how much we want to when everything’s done and over with.” “You sound so confident...I’m not so sure...I’m worried about you, my friend.” “I promise that I won’t let myself get hurt or worse,” Mystic said in an assuring tone, “I won’t let anypony stop me from getting justice on those who wronged both of us.” Sunshine sighed and just continued looking at her friend with her concerned eyes. They caused Mystic to feel a jab at her chest and frown a bit. Then an idea came to her. “I promise we’ll hang out every night or whenever we can, my friend,” she assured her. “I love you, my little friend. Thanks for showing me a better way in life.” Sunshine smiled, “And thank you for being a wonderful friend. I’m glad you’re happier now, Mystic.” Mystic smiled and they embraced. Year 12 – Day 30 “Now where was Cierra’s headquarters again?” Mystic asked herself. The makeshift houses and tents that contained everypony were almost like a labyrinth. Certainly, she’s bound to get used to this place. She didn’t feel as if asking for somepony’s directions, that sounded silly! However, most ponies she had into contact with she either got a smile or a wave that made her feel connected to them as a sisterhood. So, it wasn’t all frustrating! Soon, she eventually found where she believes Cierra’s headquarters are. The building had polished wood and was substantially larger than any other place she's seen. The unicorn looked at the wooden door’s arch she saw it read “Captain’s headquarters.” With a sigh of relief, Mystic opened the door. She entered a den and saw a table with a presumed map of the city unrolled on it. The place is made of plaster walls and ceilings with a door leading into a room with a couch and various books. Before she could begin her way to the next room, she began to hear voices. Curious, Mystic walked forward and leaned up against the wall to listen. “The search for us has been amped up,” came Meng’s voice, “It’s not been like this before.” “She’s a unicorn. She can be very beneficial to our cause,” came Cierra’s voice, “She just needs the right training and strategic planning like we do.” “Have you lost your mind, Cierra?” Meng asked, “She was in the Palace! I warned you against it! This-” “Meng! Enough!” Cierra shouted, “You’ve been doubting me and you know how much I hate that! Have some faith, already!” “I do! I’m just worried!” “Quit worrying and look on the bright side of things!” Meng went quiet and Cierra sighed. “Look, Meng, you and I have been through thick and thin, but we’ve always made it through. So please, try and calm down and relax with a bottle of whiskey or something.” “I...okay, Cierra...” replied Meng, “I hope you have it all under control.” “We have it under control, Meng. We do.” She heard some hoofsteps depart and a door open and close. Mystic perked up when she heard hoofsteps beginning to approach. Before she could move, Cierra came around the corner. “Yah!” “Yah!” both ponies yelped. “Mystic?!” Cierra cried. “Cierra! Fancy running into you here!” Mystic hastily answered. Cierra calmed down and took in a deep breath, “What did you want?” She knelt and whispered, “How much did you hear?” Mystic sighed, seeing no point of lying. “I was coming to give you a status report from one of the scouts but I didn’t interrupt,” she said. “I guess I shouldn’t have listened in...I’m sorry.” Cierra rubbed Mystic’s mane, “It’s okay.” She sat down. “Don’t worry about Meng. She’s just a little on edge with things being different.” “How so?” “It’s a long story, but I’ll tell you sometime later. Now, the status report?” “Oh,” Mystic remembered what she needed to say, “The scouting party says the Palace walls are reinforced and there’s no easy way of getting in or out. But they’re working on it.” Cierra nodded, “Good. Tell the captain that we’re to avoid that area indefinitely until I say we go there.” “Right away.” Mystic stood up and left. She tried to forget about the little conversation she’d heard but the words kept bouncing around in her mind. Year 12 – Day 54 Having to clean the weapons wasn’t the most fun thing in the world, but somepony had to do it. Mystic laid a towel aside and sat down on a stool. “All morning doing this...” she muttered, looking around at the armory, “Couldn’t those rival gangs just leave us alone?!” She recalled that the rival liberator gangs have been targeting smaller base camps to draw Cierra and most of the gang out, but fortunately they had been pushed back. But not without a lot of weapons that needed cleaning. Mystic stood up and gazed at the various swords, spears, and shields aligned along the wall. “Mystic?” came a small tone. Mystic’s blood turned to ice. Shoot! “Hey Sunshine,” she said, turning to face her frowning friend. “Hello,” she said and walked up to Mystic. Her eyes seemed to shimmer along with her disappointed look. “You promised you’d come to breakfast this morning but you never showed.” Mystic facehoofed as she lit up her horn, “I was coming to meet you but Meng told me to clean these weapons so they’d be in pristine condition.” “I understand, but...” Sunshine sighed, “I don’t mean to make you feel bad, Mystic.” Mystic sighed, “I know.” She turned and placed some recently cleaned spears in their place. She did promise to hang out with Sunshine every night but lately, things have gotten hectic and going on an escort mission a few days ago didn’t make things easier. Because of the developments she had missed her hangouts. “So, are things getting better for you and the others?” Sunshine asked. Mystic turned to face her and sat down in the stool again. “They seem like it. Cierra believes we’re getting back on track despite some setbacks,” she said. “Good,” said Sunshine. She smiled a bit, “I always want you safe.” “And I want you safe,” Mystic smiled back. Sunshine jumped up and sat in Mystic’s lap, causing the older unicorn to slightly tense. “What? Can’t handle a little filly coming up close and personal?” Sunshine teased. “Maybe I’m claustrophobic,” Mystic slightly teased. “Oh, no you’re not! Just try and be a little snuggly!” Sunshine nestled herself a little more into Mystic’s lap. “Gah,” Mystic groaned. “Anywho, Mr. Reegle and Mr. Bone conquered the castle ground and are moving up to the throne!” Mystic blinked a couple of times. Oh yeah, she thought, remembering Sunshine roleplaying with some friends. “Oh, did they?” Mystic asked, playing along, “Did they slay the dragon that is being mind-controlled by the king?” “No, the dragon was the one who guided them to the kingdom to slay the wyvern being controlled by the king!” Sunshine laughed. “I could’ve sworn it was the dragon that needed to be slain.” “No, but Mr. Fluffle will be freed by his allies to save the kingdom from the tyranny of the evil king!” Sunshine pumped her hoof into the air. Mystic laughed, “And a good looking twelve-year-old could jump in and save the day!” She gave Sunshine a knowing look. “Oh, cool! We’ll use that idea!” Sunshine giggled. Mystic paused and blinked. “Yeah, sure,” she deadpanned. Mystic gazed at her friend and suddenly something came to her mind. “Were some of the foals bullying you?” she asked. “I heard Cierra saw some of them shoving you around and calling you names.” “No, no, we were just playing around,” Sunshine assured her and smiled at her. But Mystic noticed it looked a little sad. How could she have not been there sooner? Been there for her friend? She didn’t want to say it but she almost felt like weeping for her irresponsibility. “Sunshine,” she said with a sigh, “I am so sorry...” She hugged the little filly, “I promise we’ll hang out later today and tonight. How about that?” Her eyes lit up. She always loved that and seeing her smile. “I look forward to it,” she said. Mystic patted Sunshine’s head and held her closer. “Oh, so now you’re becoming snuggly?” she heard teasingly. “Shut up, please,” Mystic awkwardly spoke. “Oh, Mystic.” “Ponies could creep up on you, you know,” came a new voice. “Gah!” Mystic jumped and shot to her hooves, levitating Sunshine beside her as she came face to face with Meng’s deadpan look. “I think you just crept upon us,” said Sunshine as Mystic gently put her down. “I know. I was making a point.” “Anything I need to worry about, ma’am?” Mystic asked, trying to save some embarrassment. “Not really. But I do have a little mission for you.” “Really?” Mystic smiled, “I’ve been eager to kick some flank!” “There will be plenty of time for that.” “Oh...” Mystic slightly slumped, “But what do you have for me?” “I have a box that needs to be delivered on this map,” Meng unrolled a map of the southern part of the city with an ‘X’ on the Eastern wall, “There is food, paper, clothing, and resources to keep up the fight.” “Really?” Mystic took the map from Meng. “Who is this for?” “You have a lot to learn,” said Meng. “We have connections to ponies indirectly and some directly.” “How so?” “We have peaceful protests against the government and ponies get anonymous tips and knowledge of the corruption going around. Some ponies are messengers, work as double agents in plain sight and warn us if we need to move out of a certain area. We’re smart in our planning.” “Wow,” Mystic marveled. They’re more organized than she’d expected! “I’ll tell you more once we get to the box,” Meng began walking forward, “It needs to be delivered quick but discreetly.” She looked at Mystic, “Can you handle that?” Mystic chuckled, “Yes. I went on missions before, remember?” “I know, I’m just seeing if you’re paying attention.” She looked down at Sunshine and immediately thought about something. “How long do you think this will take?” she asked. “Why? Do you have a train to catch?” “No, it’s just I promised Sunshine we would hang out and I wanted to...” “Bring her with you,” said Meng. Mystic shook her head, “What?” “It’ll take about an hour to get there on hoof. And if we are quiet, we’ll be able to get there with no issues.” “But what about the government? Rival gangs?” Mystic asked, full of concern. “The government is busy handling the situation with the rival gangs to the north and we managed to drive them back,” Meng explained, “Plus we take these supplies out weekly and we haven’t had any problems yet.” Mystic looked at Sunshine, “What do you think?” Sunshine shrugged, “I’d love hanging out with you, Mystic.” The unicorn sighed and began thinking. They’re already in a significant amount of danger due to being busted out of the Palace. But Cierra and Meng are experts in their fields of work. Maybe one trip wouldn’t be so bad, plus they would be showing Sunshine what their work does for ponies. “Okay,” she said. She looked at Sunshine, “But if things begin going bad, we’re heading back.” “I agree,” said Sunshine. “We might make a Liberator out of her sometime in the future,” said Meng. Mystic looked at her, “Really?” “That depends on her.” “I think I’ll stick to role-playing with Mr. Fluffle until then,” Sunshine awkwardly spoke. Meng raised an eyebrow as Mystic facehoofed. “Let’s get going,” she said. About an hour later, Mystic’s gaze landed upon a modest village with worn-down buildings, tin roofs. Within 500 feet of the town’s edge is the tall, foreboding Wall. Mystic saw ponies that were covered in dirt, their manes were ragged and hooves were bandaged. It reminded her of when she’d awoken. Her legs moved forward as she pulled the wagon forward, taking a glance at Meng. “It feels good to be outside,” came Sunshine’s voice. Mystic sighed and looked up at the ever-gloomy sky. When was the last time she’d seen the sun? “Hey! The supplies are here!” came a voice. Suddenly, cheers erupted from the village and a crowd of earth ponies began stampeding towards them. Mystic cringed as they got closer but out of the corner of her eye, she saw Meng hold up a hoof. They immediately stopped running but maintained their excitement. “Ponies please give one of our newest members some space! You’ll get your supplies momentarily!” “A new member?!” somepony cried. Everypony began exciting clamoring about Mystic. Some colts and fillies emerged from the crowd. They looked dirty and hungry. Mystic immediately frowned and felt her heart sink for them. “Wow,” she heard Sunshine’s voice, “I’ve not seen anything like this.” As Mystic gazed at everypony. None of them looked angry or malicious. They looked desperate and worn down. Mystic’s heart sank again. All of these ponies in these conditions. Had she been blind to what was around her before she joined the Liberators? Memories of looters and cruel ponies she’d encountered flashed through her mind. She had assumed all of them were like that! Mystic felt liquid beginning to roll down her cheeks for them. A hoof touched her shoulders. Oh, snap! She thought. She wiped her face and tried to look strong for Meng. What she saw wasn’t what she expected. Meng had a look of sympathy and with the softest look she’d ever seen so far. “Let’s get these ponies their supplies,” she said. Mystic nodded as she felt more tears threatening to build up. Soon, everypony was eating and had gotten all of the supplies they needed. Mystic watched as Meng comforted ponies and spent time with the foals. Not too many ponies came to see her but that didn’t matter. The Liberators are doing exactly what Cierra had said. Mystic grit her teeth and clenched her jaw. These ponies’ lives have been ruined by Hong and his evil ways. They’ve lost everything! Mystic saw Sunshine talking with some of the foals and they were being friendly to her. She seems to have made some new friends. Her eyes widened when, out of the corner of her eye, she saw Meng hug a couple of foals. Her attention turned to the sight and she was handing out letters. A smile has broken out on her face. This isn’t the pony she’d grown used to seeing her entire time being here. But now saw a compassionate pony with a good heart. Mystic couldn’t help but smile in admiration of the mare. “Hey Mystic!” came Sunshine’s voice. Mystic turned to see her walking up with about ten or so foals. “Goodness!” Mystic chuckled. “Did you make friends with everypony?” “Practically!” Sunshine slightly boasted, “But they all wanted to see you!” Mystic looked down at the dirty, yet adorable looking fillies and colts looking up with eyes of admiration. “You’re a unicorn!” one of them cried. “We haven’t seen a unicorn Liberator before!” another cried. Mystic smirked, “Well, you have now. I’m honored to be the first.” “Will there be pegasi and more unicorns?” a third spoke up. “Maybe?” They all got closer, causing the older mare to feel uncomfortable but she did her best to keep a strong look on her face. “We’d love to hear how you’re liking the Liberators!” “Tell us some awesome magic stories!” “Play with us!” They all began speaking at once and Mystic awkwardly stepped back. “Uhhh...” She heard Sunshine giggle. Darn, that filly. “Hey kids!” Meng called. All of their heads snapped to her attention. “Free ice cream is being offered in the square! Why don’t you go get some?” “Yay!” they all cheered. Mystic watched as they all took off down the street. She breathed a sigh of relief. “Thanks, Meng,” she said, “I didn’t know what to do.” “They just want to feed their curiosity,” replied Meng. “They’ve not seen a unicorn before.” “They haven’t?” Sunshine asked, her eyes wide. “Not many have,” Meng clarified. “That’s why they seemed to really like you too, Sunshine.” Sunshine giggled, “I noticed.” “Meng,” said Mystic, “I couldn’t help but notice a new demeanor for you.” She smiled. Instead of growling or huffing as Mystic expected, Meng actually smiled back. “There’s always a time to put up your mean, assertive act and a time to lower it, Mystic,” she said. “I always save this for the last part of the day.” She paused and looked onto the village, “It’s all worth our efforts to know we’re helping the neediest ponies to survive or rise up against the corruption.” “Wow,” Mystic marveled, “Are all of these ponies going to rise up?” “Some will. But some will stay behind to take care of their little ones,” Meng paused and gently grasped her chest. “We’re constantly fighting. Not just through heists and missions, we’re a group to reform society.” Now the mission to be a part of this group is more important than ever! Mystic thought as she saw Sunshine’s amazed look. I knew I made the right choice in staying to fight! “Oh, excuse me,” Meng spoke up. “Somepony needs my help.” “Oh, that’s okay,” replied Mystic as Meng walked to a nearby hut. Mystic stood there, thanking herself and fate for bringing her here. The citizens need her! The real down to earth citizens, not these stuck up corrupting supporters! She felt it was time to mention why she’d come to the Liberators. “Sunshine,” she said. “Yes?” Sunshine looked up with curious eyes. “This is why I’ve joined the Liberators.” “You did?” Sunshine tilted her head. “I’m simply just trying to save the innocent and those I can save,” Mystic explained, “You taught me that.” Sunshine shook her head in astonishment, “I what?” “You told me to promise you that I was in the name of all things holy to save those who were suffering and to protect and preserve what is good.” Mystic smiled and knelt to Sunshine’s height, “I believe you can see that now, right?” Sunshine blinked owlishly at Mystic. The older mare sensed that she’s processing what she’s been told. “I...” Sunshine trailed off. Mystic brought her in for a hug, “Don’t worry. How about we go play some ball like we always do?” “Uh...okay?” Sunshine replied, uncertainly. Mystic frowned and looked her in the eye, “What’s wrong? Can I make it up to you?” “No, no, it’s not that,” Sunshine furrowed her brows. “What is it?” Mystic eagerly tuned in to listen. “I’m wondering about something...” “You’re wondering what?” “I mean, if they’re all here, why not just escort them out of here to have a better life?” Sunshine asked curiously. *CLANG!* *CRASH!* Both ponies jumped and whirled around to see an astonished looking Meng, having accidentally dropped several metal buckets. She stood wide-eyed and unblinking. She didn’t respond to the mess she had made. “Meng?” Mystic asked warily. Meng’s jaw flapped uselessly as she tried to form a response. “Are you okay?” Sunshine asked. “I...” Meng tried to reply, “I need...” She looked around, “Sorry, I had something else to help somepony with! Gotta go!” Meng trotted off while Mystic and Sunshine watched, totally confused at her actions. > Chapter 7 - The Heat is Rising > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Year 12 – Day 59 Mystic breathed in and out. She allowed herself to relax as she meditated. Come on, she thought. Remember what came before you woke up. The unicorn lightly twitched and shuddered at the damp atmosphere. All she could still remember was complete darkness. Discouraged, the unicorn opened her eyes to see the woods surrounding the small patch of grass she sat on. The trees were covered in moss. The sound of morning dew gently dripped onto the leaves above onto the forest floor. The unicorn choked and let out a whimper. “Mystic?” a voice called. The unicorn sat up straight and sighed. “Over here, Cierra.” She heard hoofsteps get closer. Soon, Cierra emerged from the tree line and smiled at her. “There you are,” she said. “I was wondering where you were.” “Sorry, I had an early start.” “I see,” Cierra sat down next to her. “I should’ve known you’d be here.” Mystic nodded as she recalled her leader bringing her to this place to clear her mind. The unicorn rubbed her eyes as she gently shook the morning dew off her coat. She tried remembering again, but nothing came up. “Are you okay?” Cierra asked. Mystic shook her head. “No. I’ve tried for almost two years to remember where I came from.” Cierra gave a sympathetic smile. “I’ve been hoping every day you’d get them back.” Mystic frowned, “What if… I never get my memories back? It’s kind of scary…” Cierra gently looped a foreleg around Mystic. “Do you want to know what I think?” “What?” “Answer my questions as fast as possible.” “Okay?” “Do you love Sunshine?” “Yes.” “Do you love all of us?” “Of course.” “Do you believe you have a better place or purpose?” “No.” Cierra’s smile grew. “Well, if those are your answers, then I believe you shouldn’t concern yourself over those lost memories.” Mystic blinked. “Huh?” “I mean they might come back or maybe they won’t,” Cierra explained. “But as far as I’m concerned, you should be who you want to be now rather than worry about what was before.” Mystic rubbed her chin in consideration, “I’d never thought about that.” “Take it from me, I had things I would’ve love to have done with my life. But I ended up being here to lead the Liberators.” Mystic thought about what she’d said. “That does make sense.” She smiled at Cierra. “I’ll try to do that.” Cierra nodded in approval. “Good.” Both ponies sat there for a few minutes, each enjoying one another’s company and the quietness of the forest. “By the way,” Cierra spoke up. “I’ve got a mission I need somepony to go on.” “Really?” Mystic asked excitedly. “Are you considering me?” “I was thinking I would have you be the pony to go,” Cierra giggled. Mystic’s eyes lit up. Year 12 – Day 60 Her steps clip-clopped down the beaten concrete path as she locked eyes with Cierra’s headquarters. With an exhausted sigh, she gazed down at the various recent cuts along her sweaty coat. The mission had been successful, but not without tough security in either traps or burly guards. The unicorn looked at the tattered satchel and her mind wandered. Why does Cierra need this? The mission sounded exciting but what she had been assigned to retrieve confused her. Usually, Cierra is clearer about their objectives. Mystic decided to take a quick rest out of exhaustion. She sat down on a bench and began to fan herself with a hoof. She looked down at her body and inwardly cringed at the scars of her lashes her former “uncle” had inflicted upon her. But underneath that painful reminder, she took note that her physique was bulkier and she could see muscles had taken shape along her torso and forelegs. A smirk broke across her muzzle and a sense of pride welled that the rigorous training has been paying off. Knowing Cierra needs what she asked of her, Mystic stood up, walked the remaining way to her headquarters, and opened the door. “Mystic!” came a voice. The unicorn grinned when she spotted her sister sitting on the couch with a cup of her favorite coffee. “Hey there, Cierra,” Mystic greeted. “I made it back in mostly one piece.” “My sister! My main pony!” Cierra put the cup aside and motioned her over. “Come and sit, please! You must be tired from your mission!” Mystic chuckled as she sat down. “No, Cierra. My missions never truly exhaust me.” Cierra got up and walked over to the nearby table. “That they don’t.” She began pouring another cup of coffee. “I knew you had it in you.” She finished pouring the coffee and brought it over. Mystic levitated it over and took a sip. “The satchel please?” Cierra asked. “Oh! Right,” said Mystic. She hoofed the satchel over and Cierra peeked inside. After she scanned it for a few seconds, she grinned at the unicorn. “Major success, my sister. Not a scratch on it,” she said. She patted Mystic’s shoulder, “I say you deserve some well time off with the rest of us tonight. But not before we get your wounds cleaned up a bit.” “I agree,” Mystic examined her wounds again. “Now, as for this, I need to lock it away.” She heard hoofsteps recede to the back of the headquarters before she focused back on her coffee. She brought the cup to her lips and took another sip. Sunshine came to her mind again. The unicorn smiled at the little filly having friends to keep her occupied when she was out and couldn’t make it. Of course, that meant she got to know Sunshine’s friends and they have been doing great meeting up whenever they could. “Daydreaming, Mystic?” Cierra’s voice came again. The unicorn snapped out of her thoughts and looked at her sister heading over to sit. “No. I’m just reflecting a bit,” she answered. “Oh?” Cierra sat down. “Yeah,” Mystic smiled wider. “Sunshine and I are definitely happier now. She’s got a lot going on for her and I’ve been doing my part on getting justice.” “I’m glad you both feel that way. I believe the both of you would make an efficient duo together in life,” Cierra returned the smile. Mystic lightly blushed. “I believe so. Though, with you, we would be an unstoppable triple duo! I mean, you’re such a great pony, Cierra! I’ve not learned so much from anypony else!” Cierra giggled. “That means a lot to me, Mystic. Thanks.” “I owe you my life! We both do!” Both ponies shared another laugh. They sat and talked for a few minutes. While they did, a question on Mystic’s mind finally broke through. “Cierra, I hope you don’t mind my asking,” she said, slightly nervous. “What was that book you needed for, anyway?” Instead of a stern look like she had expected, Cierra smiled. “I’ll tell you all about that soon,” she replied. “I need to work out some kinks and I want to be sure the time and conditions are right.” She gently patted Mystic’s shoulder, “Trust me, my sister. We’re going to make this corrupt government remember our victory for generations to come!” That answer wasn’t satisfactory. However, the unicorn knows Cierra has a clear big picture of how they’re going to win. “Well, I trust you,” she smiled. “You’ve totally got this.” “Indeed, I do!” Cierra boasted, puffing her chest out. She stood up again. “Come on! Enough lollygagging! Let’s go have a small party!” Mystic began to feel excited, she always loved it when ponies got together in things like that. “Let’s go!” Year 12 – Day 140 The ropes along the ceiling swung the targets faster. Her eyes are locked onto the smallest one. She had been getting better and won’t let herself or her team down. Almost like a predator, she waited for the perfect moment. Then she let out a blast from her horn— BAM! Success! “Booyah!” Mystic said happily. She looked at the splinters scattered across the floor as she heard the swinging stop. Satisfied, she walked over to a nearby table and drank a cup of water. “Excellent job today!” Song called out. Mystic turned to her with a smirk, “I’m always doing an excellent job!” “Debatable!” Juan teased. “Juan!” Song chastised. Mystic playfully rolled her eyes. She drank another cup of water and stretched a bit. With a couple cracks of her neck, she walked out of the training room. The unicorn closed the door behind her and smiled to herself. She felt warm as if everything in the world was perfect. But there’s always work to be done and-- A sharp pain arose in her cranium. “Agh!” she grunted and knelt. She ran her hoof along her temple to ease the pain. It had come out of nowhere. The pain began to spread. She grasped her head as she gritted her teeth. More confused than in pain, Mystic managed to stand up and traced the pain close to her horn. This is the second time... she thought. Of course, she told Cierra but she was led to believe she might’ve overdone herself yesterday. She couldn’t have done that with lighter training today, could she have? The pain began to subside. She wiped the sweat from her brow and pulled herself up. She looked around at a couple of her sisters passing through with smiles on their faces. Several others played a board game in a red tent. Nopony seemed to notice that she had been in pain. She doesn’t need to hang around here anymore. The unicorn walked off and rubbed her temple again. If this keeps happening, I may need to see somepony about this, she thought. Hating the thought of being unable to help her gang. As she passed by aisles of tents containing her sisters, to her left she caught a glimpse of her fair leader by a table. “Mystic! A word please!” Cierra called. Without hesitation, Mystic trotted over, trying to vanquish her uneasy feeling. “Yes ma’am?” “What did I say about calling me ‘ma’am’, Mystic?” Cierra smiled. Mystic shook her head, the remnants of the headache faded, “Yes, Cierra?” “Are you okay?” Cierra tilted her head, frowning a bit. “Yeah,” Mystic stuttered. “I... weird dream again.” Mystic lightly froze when she saw Cierra frown and raise an unconvinced eyebrow. Dang it, she knew I was training! she scolded herself. She knew the mare is very perceptive when it comes to examining ponies. “Oh, good thing it’s over,” Cierra spoke. Mystic nodded vigorously, “Yes. You were saying?” “We have a new mission that we’re going to be doing tonight,” Cierra smiled again. “And you’re going to be leading your own team.” “Me?” Mystic asked, taken aback. “Leading a team?” “Yes! I’ll be there to help but we need to get this mission done to push our movement forward.” Thrilled that she’s got a new challenge to meet, Mystic smiled. “What’s the dig?” Cierra’s smile grew wider, “Now that’s the attitude I love from you.” She motioned Mystic to follow. They arrived at a table that had a map of the city and the surrounding area. On it were pins to mark where the teams would be during the mission. Cierra pointed to a bridge connecting to the land to the north. “I’ve gotten reports that Hong has begun a new alliance with a large town to the north,” she explained, “Because of how much the boundaries of the law, way things get around, and new stations being built, they’ve decided to work together after the international incident.” “Pfft,” Mystic scoffed. “Never knew Hong would want to do that.” “He’s done it for himself. Not of any interest to the others,” Cierra shook her head. “The northern town and Imperial City send supplies to whatever they need to build themselves up. You and I are going to lead our own two teams to ensure they never get there and not for a while.” “Really?” Mystic smiled deviously. “Sounds delightful.” “Oh, it is,” Cierra returned the smile. “And based on intel I’ve got the shipment should be a large one.” “Any soldiers?” “Oh, sure. But it’s nothing we can’t handle if we play our cards right.” Mystic deterred that some extra pins deterred an escape route. She smirked. “When do we begin?” Cierra chuckled and patted Mystic’s shoulder, “You’re shaping up to be like I thought you would be! We’ll begin getting the others ready right now and leave this evening.” She stepped up to Mystic and whispered into her ear, “What pain you experienced is just in your mind. As are the nightmares you told me about.” Mystic gulped as Cierra gave her a smug smile, “Come on, you can’t fool your own big sister, Mystic.” “O-Of course not,” Mystic forced a smile. Yeah, she thought, feeling better despite her embarrassment. The headaches and nightmares are only in my mind. Sunshine thought so, too. She noticed Cierra had walked off. To save face, she trotted on after her. The sky is dark. The only source of light are the lanterns aligned on the street. It had been a while since she had been to a part of the suburbs. A tingly feeling came over her as her hair began to stand up. Mystic gazed around at the large herd of Liberators around and behind her as they trotted down the street. “And hold!” Cierra ordered. Everypony immediately stopped and faced their leader. “Okay, everypony! Let’s make sure what we are doing!” Meng announced. Cierra stood up straight and spoke, “Mystic, you, Song, and your team will take the front. Meng and her team will shoot the bolas to confuse them and my team and I will come around from the back.” “This is a big delivery but with all of us we should get the job done pretty efficiently,” Meng added. “We need to move and we need to move fast. We do not want to have any more encounters with other traitorous Liberators while we’re out here.” Mystic inwardly cringed. She recalled several missions where they got into scuffles with them, how they keep harassing her team’s gang and each other. “But we should be okay,” said Meng. “We carefully laid these plans out and this should be a certain victory for all of us.” “That’s right! Now, everypony, all of you, get into your teams and get to your positions! We begin now!” Cierra announced. “Yes ma’am!” everypony cried. They beat their chests twice and pointed their hooves at Cierra, who returned the gesture. Without any time to lose, Mystic trotted over to her team. Song joined her and gave her a small smirk. That gave her more confidence in herself. Fueled with adrenaline, Mystic behind a concrete slab. She peeked out to where the wagons will be crossing. But what she didn’t count on was two bridges linked across a small island onto her team’s side. Her legs began to shake a bit at the sight of the river. “Our wagon will be across,” she whispered to herself, “Our wagon will be across.” At the corner of the block, were buildings being restored with various boardwalks held up by thick bamboo sticks. The unicorn crouched down and held the handle of her machete. She planned on staying the hay away from the water. She began to feel more confident. But anything could happen in a battle as Meng told her. It was safe to say, Mystic now felt nervous about the mission once again. “When this darn delivery getting here?” Song asked. “Any moment,” replied Mystic, focused on the bridges. “The others should be in position.” They continued to wait. Soon, the sound of wheels rolling across the pavement began to approach her position. The sounds of hooves accompanied them as the top of wagons came into view. “Easy everypony,” said Mystic, “Wait for the signal.” She heard her allies shift a bit and that told her that they were ready for action. The first wagon had large boxes on it. Her heart began racing at the sight of about twenty unicorn soldiers surrounding it. They had armor that protected their chests and torsos. Their red helmets glistened in the lantern lights as they held their spears close. Behind the first wagon were three more. Pegasi surrounded them. “The patrol’s larger than what we thought it was going to be,” Mystic spoke. “Don’t worry,” said Song. “That’s a good thing. We’ll show everypony here who really owns this place.” Mystic remembered her training and how much confidence she’d gained over the time she’s been with them. She won’t trade it for anything else. Fueled once again by her wits and fighting spirit, Mystic positioned herself, ready to pounce. The first wagon passed over the bridge in front of Mystic’s team. The second was close behind it. Mystic’s heart raced as she tried to calm herself. Then she heard a noise that caused her to look up at the nearby roofs. The bolas shot up at several pegasi soldiers. When they hit their targets, they immediately wrapped around them. They screamed as they plummeted to the ground with loud thuds. The surrounding soldiers began looking around vigorously for who fired the weapons. “Now!” Mystic ordered her team. On cue, Mystic and her team charged out onto the road towards the soldiers. The soldiers turned their attention to them. “They’re after the deliveries!” one of them cried. Mystic picked up her speed as she caught a glimpse of more bolas in the air. She pulled out her machete and locked eyes with the driver of the first wagon. “Song!” she cried, “You take the soldiers on the left! Everypony else, stay on me!” “As you wish!” Song cried, pulling out her battleaxe and charged into the fray. “Keep them off of us!” the driver cried. He looked to the ponies pulling the wagon, “Move now!” The four ponies began to pull faster as the soldiers advanced upon the Liberators. Mystic’s heart raced as her allies attacked the soldiers. A couple of them began running at her with their swords at the ready. “Always attack an armored enemy at the legs!” Cierra’s voice echoed. Mystic dived towards the first soldier. She slid along the ground, slit his legs and kicked him in the gut. She heard him trip before slicing the second’s legs and grabbed his sword. “Over here!” a Liberator cried. Mystic saw her struggling against one of their enemies. She immediately tossed the sword over. She breathed a sigh of relief when her ally caught it and began holding her own SHING! A spear landed right beside her. The unicorn whirled around to face two more soldiers. Mystic jumped into the air and kicked one’s helmet. The unicorn landed on the other’s back and allowed herself to fall onto him. They both went down. But Mystic landed on her hooves and kicked him in the muzzle, knocking him out. She saw the first wagon moving out fast. With a crack of her neck, she charged after it. The unicorn picked up speed and jumped on it. She began climbing across the boxes to get to the driver. Suddenly a soldier appeared in front of her. He tried to strike her but she dodged it. Then she threw a punch of her own that dazed him and she took that moment to shove him off the wagon. She reached the driver and tapped his shoulder. He gasped loudly and turned to see her smug smile. “Hey.” “Get away from me!” Mystic shoved him off the wagon and pulled the reigns, forcing the ponies pulling it to stop. She hopped off and faced them. Mystic levitated her machete in front of them, “So, who wants a shave? The front or the back?” “Get her!” one of them cried nervously. “Kind of tied up!” a second tried to get his harness off. “You know what? I’m bored of this,” said Mystic. Using her machete, Mystic sliced the forelegs of the two ponies in front. They collapsed and took the other two down with them. She stepped up to them and gave a wink. “Don’t go anywhere,” she spoke in a devious tone. The unicorn looked up to see a couple of Liberators making their way over. “Secure the first wagon,” she ordered. “Right away!” “I’ve got to ensure the others are doing well.” Her objective in mind, Mystic bolted off in the opposite direction. When she arrived, she saw that the soldiers are being pushed back by her allies. Behind the second wagon, she saw that the third and fourth weren’t held anymore. Mystic spotted Meng firing her crossbow and she joined her side. “Any problems?” Mystic asked her. “Hardly. You?” “Runaway wagon, but I got it.” Mystic fired a bolt of magic at a soldier. “It’s her!” somepony shouted. Her hair nearly stood on end. She whirled around to see pegasus soldier diving towards her. With a grunt, Mystic did a backward somersault and chucked her machete right at him. The weapon clipped his wing and he crashed into a window. “Bring her back to Hong!” came another voice. “You’re not taking her anywhere!” Meng cried as she turned her attention towards a trio of soldiers. Mystic spotted a couple of Liberators pinned by more of the idiots. She charged and blasted them off. The two stood up and thanked her before resuming the battle. Then she turned to see several pegasi charging with battleaxes. “More of them!” Song cried. “I see them!” Suddenly, somepony passed in front of Mystic. She stepped back as Juan charged through with a large shield, knocking aside soldiers like a bull. “Oh, yeah! Go Juan!” she cheered. Mystic sensed something behind her. But before she could react, two strong forelegs grasped around her torso. The wind was knocked out of her lungs as she realized she was seized. The unicorn tried to thrash out of his grip but could barely move. “I’ve got you!” the soldier boldly stated. He began dragging her away. Rather quick too. No! No! No! Mystic began to panic and thrashed harder. She managed to hit him with the back of her head but he barely flinched. “You’re coming back to Hong as a prisoner!” he declared. She saw that she’s being drug alongside the river and that her allies are getting further away. Mystic almost felt the whip slash across her back and flanks. The memories began to flood back in. Not like this! “Not...in my lifetime!” Mystic tried to elbow her adversary but his grip was too strong. “Cierra!” she cried. “Somepony!” Almost on cue, her leader showed up about ten yards away. She growled and bared her teeth at the soldier. “Let her go!” “Never!” “Fine! I’ll make you!” She pulled out her daggers and gave Mystic a knowing look. The unicorn got the hint. She remembered her training, shifted a bit in his grasp and ducked out of it. As she pulled herself up, she heard Cierra stab him in the neck. Mystic turned to see him bleeding before he collapsed and tumbled into the river. “Thanks sister!” she said. “No problem!” replied Cierra. Mystic saw her take off towards the wagons and noticed that most of the soldiers have been pushed back. The unicorn followed her back onto the battlefield. “Somepony help!” she heard Juan cry. Mystic turned to see Juan on a bridge struggling against a larger unicorn. Not the bridge! she thought, the unicorn’s legs began to shake like leaves. Knowing she has to have a clear mind Mystic began to try to breathe to calm herself. Her eyes widened in horror as the soldier raised a sword to strike Juan. Juan’s scared eyes bore into her soul. I know I told myself I wouldn’t get on the bridge, she thought. Making a split decision, Mystic charged. “Get off her!” she bellowed. She kicked and punched the soldier. The impacts caused him to get off Juan. He growled and swiped his sword at the unicorn. She held up her machete sideways and blocked the impact. His great strength began to push her down. She knew she was close to the water. Her hooves slightly shifted under her. Mystic sweated and grunted as she tried to hold her ground. “Give up!” the soldier ordered. “Tell your General to stick his laws up his flank!” Mystic spat. This provoked the soldier and he pushed harder. Mystic nearly collapsed onto her knees. “Yah!” he shouted. He briefly let go and shoved her with a strong hoof. She fell off the bridge. Time seemed to slow down when she saw the water getting closer Her heart nearly leapt out of her chest as her eyes widened. But, thinking quick, Mystic managed to grasp the lowest part of the bridge. She nearly meeped in fear as she dangled a few feet above the water. She blinked her scared tears away and tried to pull herself up. The soldier peeked over. An involuntary yelp escaped her throat. What is she going to do now? Suddenly, the soldier cried out as he was pulled back onto the bridge. Before she could wonder what happened, Meng peeked over and reached down to her. “Need a hoof?” she asked. “Yes!” cried Mystic as she grasped the extended hoof. Immediately, she was pulled up. She almost gave Meng a hug right there, but she was able to hold back. “Keep your head on!” Meng advised. Oh, thank the stars for Meng! Mystic thought. She almost screamed it but she kept a firm look and nodded. She saw her enemy lying unconscious along the bridge. Enraged, she spat on him and climbed off the bridge. Most of the soldiers have been defeated. Then, she saw the same soldier that had attempted to seize her trying to crawl away. She growled and stomped over. “Hey, you!” she bellowed. Before the soldier could turn around, Mystic punched him to the ground. He turned over and faced her with a nervous look. Grasping the bulk of his armor, she got right into his face. “Tell Hong that I will never surrender! And that his time is coming!” She punched the soldier in the face three times, bloodying his muzzle. With a loud cry of determination, she pulled him up and tore off his armor. The soldier screamed as he flew back into a wall. Mystic watched as he landed on his stomach and looked at her with fear in his eyes. A warm satisfaction filled Mystic’s core. “What’re you waiting for, you scared little boy?” she asked calmly. She stomped her hoof, “Shoo!!” The soldier stood up and bolted off. Mystic looked at the armor she’d gotten before she turned around back to the battlefield. “Mystic!” Juan shouted. The unicorn turned to face her only for a soldier to tackle her to the ground. Mystic let out a cry and tried to punch him. She couldn’t get free no matter how much she tried to struggle. “Get off her!” Song cried. Mystic saw her fellow sister punch the soldier and knock him off his hooves. The unicorn pulled herself up. “Are you okay?” Juan asked. Mystic turned to her. “Yeah.” “You’ve got to watch your back, little pony.” Juan bolted off to help more of her sisters. Mystic turned back to Song. She had managed to shove him off into the water. Mystic turned to find another soldier to fight, but she saw the Liberators cheering. She saw the soldiers running off in defeat. Her heart soared and Mystic proudly held the armor she’d torn off. Suddenly, Mystic began to hear cheering. Looking at the road, she saw the Liberators cheering as every one of their rivals ran off in defeat. Mystic’s heart swelled as a joyful smile broke across her face. She looked down at Cierra and she had a large smile on her face. The earth pony beat her chest with a hoof and pointed at Mystic. Mystic returned the gesture and Cierra joyfully laughed. Ten of their allies marched ahead of their wagon. The road wasn’t the biggest but it was the safest route. It wouldn’t be much longer until they reach their base. “The bridge to the north is out?” Mystic asked Meng as she drove the wagon. “Yes,” replied Meng, focusing on the road ahead. “We didn’t need to get large explosions. We just needed to use our own earth pony strength to disable it.” Mystic giggled. “I wonder what it must be like using that kind of strength.” “Cierra learned how to use that.” Mystic lightly gasped. “Really?!” Meng nodded. “I’m not sure how she did but I see the great efficiency of it.” Mystic briefly thought about the book she’d given her. But if other ponies knew of it, sure it couldn’t have been her that taught them. “I can’t wait to see what we’ve gotten,” Meng smirked. “This is a huge take.” The wagon continued along the bumpy road. Mystic happened to look up on a rooftop she saw the silhouette of a unicorn. “Boulder! Twelve o’ clock!” somepony shouted. “Boulder?!” Meng and Mystic cried. Before they could see it, it crashed in front of them! “Everypony! Attack!” came a voice from above. Three catapults came into view with more boulders in their baskets. “Aw crap! Now we’re being robbed!” Cierra cried. When she scanned the houses, Mystic’s eyes widened when a herd of about thirty ponies revealed themselves from the shadows. All of them were mixed with unicorns and earth ponies. Rival gang?! Not now! Mystic growled. The catapults launched and flung the boulders directly at the wagons. “Darn it! They’re aiming for the wheels!” Meng hollered, “Everypony! Push them back!” Meng pulled her wagon off to the side a bit as a boulder crashed onto the road. Mystic heard the other boulders crash along the roofs. She heard the Liberators charging. Mystic pulled out her machete and hopped off the wagon. The unicorn saw her allies fighting their rivals with various weapons or their own hooves. But her biggest concern were the catapults up on the roofs. Another boulder came flying through the air. BOOM! It landed close to the third wagon. “Dang it!” Mystic cried. She charged up her magic and shot a bolt of magic at a catapult but it missed its target. Mystic’s mind had begun to run. What should I do? What should I do?! She thought. She looked between the ponies fighting on the streets and the roofs. “I need to get up there,” she said. She charged onto the battlefield and tackled a rival off an ally. She grabbed her hooves and chucked her into a couple more adversaries. “Mystic!” Cierra cried. “You try and take out the boulders before they hit the wagons!” She bolted past, “We’ll make our way up to the roofs to destroy the catapults!” Mystic lightly gulped. Can she really do that? But an order is an order. “Yes ma’am!” The unicorn turned and began making her way back to the wagons. Several rival Liberators were in the way. She lifted her machete and sliced a pony’s leg, wounding her and causing her to topple over. A pony leapt at her but she ducked and slid along the ground. She got to her hooves and shot a beam of magic off a fellow Liberator. “Get the unicorn!” she heard somepony order. She heard ponies advancing on her. Thinking quick, she did a forward somersault onto the top of the wagon. She turned and let out another shot of magic. It landed near, causing the force to blow them back! The unicorn levitated a shield from the wagon and threw it like a Frisbee at her advisors. They were knocked aside and the shield landed up against a wall. “Save the supplies! Don’t use them!” somepony shouted. Mystic cringed, realizing her mistake. “Sorry! Heat of the moment!” “Boulders being loaded!” Meng shouted. Immediately, Mystic locked onto the three catapults. All of them were loaded and ready to fire. I can do this! I can do this! She thought. Her confidence began to build again. Mystic charged her horn. She took aim on the catapult on the right and fired. She cringed for a split second and the bucket containing the boulder shattered into pieces. “Boulder in the air!” It caught her eye. She turned and charged her horn again— And shot took her shot. BAM! It was obliterated. “Great shot, Mystic!” she heard Meng shout. Inwardly thanking Meng, Mystic focused on another bolder and shot more blasts of magic. She hit it and pieces of it went everywhere. BOOM! Mystic whirled around to see that a larger boulder had landed right behind her, damaging the second wagon. “Dang it! The food!” she cried. She searched for where the boulder could’ve come from. “Mystic! The boulders!” More boulders came flying out. Mystic fired upon one and destroyed it, but the second landed directly next to her wagon, knocking aside several of her allies. “What the hay is wrong, Mystic?!” Meng cried. “There was a larger boulder shot from somewhere else!” Mystic cried. “Are you kidding me?!” “Negative!” Mystic turned to focus on the smaller catapults. She saw that Cierra and Song had reached their target. They’ve begun to take down their rivals and several others had begun to shove the catapult off the roof. The unicorn turned to the last known catapult and shot one final blast of magic, only for it to have come too late as it launched another boulder. Thinking fast, she shot another blast from her horn. BAM! “The other team got to that catapult!” Meng shouted. Thankful for her team, Mystic looked around the area to find the unknown catapult. Her heart raced and sweat poured down her face. “Mystic!!” Juan screamed. The unicorn looked up to see a large boulder hurling right toward her! She jumped off the wagon and it sailed just above it. SMASH! “No! The food wagon!” Juan cried. I was so looking forward to more exotic food! Mystic inwardly complained. “Did anypony see where that thing came from?!” Meng bellowed. “Somepony tell me!” Mystic searched the area. But she couldn’t see any other catapults that could’ve launched it. “Cierra is trying to get our attention!” somepony shouted. Mystic looked over to where she’d seen the mare in question. On top of the roof, she saw her waving her forelegs vigorously. She pointed to the group’s right. When she turned, there, on top of a wide flat building was another catapult that was twice the size of the others. She narrowed her eyes to adjust to the lack of light. Her eyes adjusted to see that they were in the middle of loading a boulder into the basket. Immediately, Mystic jumped down and began running down the street. “Everypony! On me!” she cried. Meng, Juan and everypony else began to follow her. “You saw it?!” Meng asked. “And it’s about to fire another!” “Shoot! Let’s get there and destroy it!” The herd of ponies continued down the street. Mystic took a right and then a left before coming face to face with the catapult now fully loaded. “Uh oh!” Meng cried. “What?!” replied Mystic. “They’re aiming it at us now!” The catapult launched the boulder. “Everypony scatter!” Mystic jumped to the right and the boulder hurled right at them. CRASH!! Dazed and her lungs filled with dust, Mystic pulled herself up. She coughed and tried to find the target. She hoped that Meng and the others were okay. Nopony treats them that way! To her right, she saw Juan picking herself up. Using her determination, Mystic stepped forward and the dust settled to reveal the catapult being loaded once again. Mystic watched as the large catapult took aim. Once it fired, she knew the supplies would be destroyed. She looked around at the road that turned into a battlefield. Some of her allies were running up to try and destroy it. Cierra and a bunch of her sisters were too far away to get there in time. What can she do? The mission is about to fail. No! Not today! Suddenly, an idea came to her. There is a spell that I have tried but I don’t know if I can do it now... Mystic bleakly thought. The unicorn’s eyes widened as a larger boulder was loaded on the catapult. I might as well try! This is the only plan I’ve got! With her mind made up. Mystic gazed at her machete. She needed to move fast. She lit her horn and began focusing her magic around it. The spell needs to move it fast and efficiently. She grunted as she charged her magic up even more. “Come on. Don’t fail me now,” she said as her blue magic gathered around her weapon. She didn’t bother looking up at the catapult. Nervous and shaking, Mystic tried even harder. Then, she finished charging up as much as she could. She aimed the machete at the arm of the catapult. With a great bellow of hope and determination, shout she magically threw the machete. It flew at the catapult like a bullet and sliced directly through the arm. It was partially destroyed. Her enemies were startled as the boulder shook inside the bucket. Remembering the next part of the spell, Mystic’s horn glowed brighter and she began pulling the machete back from the other direction at the same speed. It sliced through the arm again, causing it and the bucket to collapse and crash on top of their enemies, burying them under wood and rock. “All right!” she heard Cierra cry. “Get the rest on the ground!” Meng ordered. Mystic saw her machete return to her. She grabbed and proudly smirked at it. Looking down, she watched as her allies advanced upon their enemies, but took her attention to the roofs. To her left, she spotted two more ponies. Her horn lit up again and she fired a couple of beams at them. They scattered and tumbled down to the ground. “Mystic! Three o’ clock!” Meng cried. Mystic turned and saw another enemy aiming a crossbow at her. They fired, but she jumped, did a sideward somersault, grabbed the bolt and shot a beam of magic at the crossbow, destroying it. Mystic landed firmly on her hooves and gave a smug smirk to her astonished adversary. “Do you want to try that again?!” she mocked. Her adversary began backing up. Then, she turned and ran off. “Look at those cowards running off!” Cierra cried. All of the rival gang had retreated and everypony was relieved to have dealt with them. Cierra faced Mystic. “Let’s get back now!” she said. “Okay, sister.” The rest of the trip went by without incident. Mystic stood with Cierra and Meng as they hoofed out weapons, equipment, shields, and what was left of the food. But there weren’t any casualties. The unicorn giggled. “Well, that was an eventful trip.” “We could’ve saved the food,” Juan mumbled. “What? You don’t like noodles and rice every day?” Mystic teased. “Oh, come on, Mystic! You know that you would’ve loved to have more than just that!” Mystic shrugged. It was true. “Touché.” Sunshine joined her side, smiled a bit, and hugged her forelegs. The older unicorn chuckled and rubbed the filly’s mane. It was as if things were getting better. Year 12 – Day 150 In the streets of Imperial City, Mystic yelped as she ducked behind several boxes. BOOM! “Agh! Run you fools!” Meng cried. Mystic saw her comrades scramble from the discharged energy. Several more blasts of icy blue magic landed close by, scattering them further. Her hair stood on end as she realized they wouldn’t be able to get back to them. She caught a glimpse of a black pony to her right. Without a second thought, she levitated Meng to her side the rest of their posse disappeared from view. BOOM! Another blast landed close by. Both ponies bolted from the barrels and took off down the street. “Doggone it!” Meng cried. “Mystic! Where in the world did they come from?!” “I don’t know!” Mystic cried as she took a sharp right down the street. “I’d never seen any kind of creature like that before!” “We cannot go back to regroup! We need to get the hay out of here!” BOOM! One landed behind them. “Shoot!” Mystic cried. “Quick! Over there!” Meng took a left and went between two buildings close together. Mystic followed suit as loud booming hoofsteps got closer. She squeezed between the tight space and joined Meng. “I’ve got you, my sister!” said Meng. She took her hoof and pulled her along. The space between the buildings got tighter as the two ponies began to shimmy to escape their pursuers. “They’re getting away! Find a way around and cut them off!” a deep, guttural voice ordered. Mystic heard the hoofsteps beginning to fade away. Dang those things were huge! Fast too! she thought, were they about ten feet tall? The unicorn wiped the sweat from her brow and removed her hood. “That’s the third camp taken!” Meng kicked a stone. Mystic could hear the anguish in her harsh tone, “What the hay has happened?!” “I don’t know! They don’t look like they’re from around here!” said Mystic as she stepped over a pipe. “Dang it all! What a mess everything is turning out to be!” Mystic felt a sharp pain come to her head. She let out a pained groan as she fought the urge to hold it. No, not again! she thought, holding back a grunt. “Are you okay, Mystic?” Meng asked, now a bit further ahead. “I’m okay!” Mystic insisted. “Let’s not dawdle here!” said Meng as she came to a stop. Confused, Mystic stopped close by. “What’re we going to do, Meng?” she asked, a little frantic. “Give me a second!” Meng began searching the tight space they were in. “We’ve been losing a lot of our supporters, now we’re losing camps, and now we’re being chased by...whatever those things are!” cried Mystic, her heart throbbed and her breath quickened. “Shut it, Mystic!” Meng shushed as she continued along the wall. “What’re you searching for?! We’re going to be caught on the other side! And--” KER-CLUNK! Mystic stopped and saw that Meng had lifted a hidden grate from its place. “What the hay?” Mystic whispered, taken aback. “You find all kinds of passages that were previously sealed up from the older layouts of the city,” Meng explained. “It’s tight, but it should lead us closer to camp.” “What if they find it, too?” Mystic gulped. “We’ll worry about that later,” Meng placed a hoof on the unicorn’s shoulder, “But we need to get back to our leader and tell her about what we heard!” Mystic nodded. “And if Hong is looking for something with those creatures?” Mystic asked. “We’ll worry about it after we tell Cierra,” Meng assured her. Mystic felt better being reminded of her big sister’s plans and how they always found a way out. “Shall I go first, or should you?” Meng asked. Mystic snapped out of her thoughts as she looked down at the tight space under their hooves. Mystic let out a sigh of relief as the camp came into view. Her eyes widened as she spotted a group of ponies clamoring and scurrying around. “It looks like word got around,” Meng muttered as she shook her head. The two ponies made their way down the beaten path towards the tents. “Hey! Mystic and Meng are back!” came a voice. Everypony turned their heads in their direction and began moving over to them. “What’s going on?” a pony asked. “Are we okay?” “Are there tall creatures out in the streets?” “Mystic!” came a smaller voice. Mystic’s heart soared as she locked eyes with Sunshine who had managed to poke her head out of the crowd. “Everypony hang back!” came Cierra’s voice. Everypony but Sunshine stopped. Mystic knelt and allowed Sunshine to come up and hug her. “There you are!” said Meng. Mystic looked down at Sunshine’s concerned eyes. “I know things are going wrong,” the filly said softly. Mystic sighed. “We’ll work it out. Just stay with the other colts and fillies, you hear?” Sunshine nodded, a frown overtaking her features. Mystic felt a hoof tap her shoulder. She turned to meet Meng’s blue eyes. “Come now. We need to have a meeting,” said Meng. “Of course,” replied Mystic. She let Sunshine go and followed Meng to Cierra’s headquarters. Cierra finished pouring the coffee and placed the pot on the table. She gazed at both Mystic and Meng with a downcast look. Mystic wanted to spurt out apologies but she knew Meng would tell her it wasn’t her fault. Still, she should have been prepared for those… things. “The Northerners ambushed you,” said Cierra. “The what?” Mystic asked. “The Northerners,” Cierra gave her a grave look, “I’ve received reports from a few of our lucky survivors that they’re around now.” “But why?” Meng asked. “I thought the city and the northern town had made a treaty.” Mystic mentally slapped herself. She had forgotten all about that town. She assumed that the town contained ponies. She was wrong. “Apparently, there was more to it than that,” Cierra explained. “They managed to find a way to work together and help each other.” Mystic’s eyes widened. “Against ponies like us?” She lightly shuddered. Cierra nodded. “I believe so.” “And we heard rumors about Hong and some of those Northerners looking for something powerful up there,” said Meng. “Huh?” Cierra’s eyes widened slightly. “I’m concerned there’s something out there,” Meng assured her. “The ponies we spoke to are not sure what it is, but the story of it and what it could be circled up there for hundreds maybe thousands of years.” Mystic lifted her coffee cup and took a sip to hide her gulp. “Okay, okay,” Cierra muttered as she took a breath. “Keep looking into that, send our best stealthy ponies when the time comes.” Mystic thought about what could be up there in the North, and she didn’t want there to have been any mention of such a thing but those ponies who they spoke to before they were ambushed were convinced. Maybe Hong was trying to gain the trust of the Northerners to find it. It could just be a myth, Mystic thought and Meng spoke up again. “So, to our knowledge on our Liberators,” Meng started, “we lost our peaceful protesters. All of the villagers who support us have been exiled or taken prisoner, and to top it off, we’re losing our grounds!” “I know, Meng. Just let me think for a minute or two,” Cierra insisted, slightly on edge. “Well, we need to think fast.” Cierra didn’t respond. Her eyes told Mystic that she was worried. The sight surprised her since she was so calm and collected. The poor mare’s going through a lot. Eager to help out, Mystic began to think about what they could do. She gazed between her two mentors. They didn’t mention it, but they do have those other rival gangs they have to deal with. This seems impossible to get around. It’s becoming a war zone. Think, Mystic, think, she thought desperately. The unicorn began to tap her forehead to get whatever she could out of it. She took one more look at her mentors and then recalled words Cierra had told her when she first began her training. “Teamwork is a valuable asset in our group. Never go without it.” There are a lot of ponies in those groups. Numbers do matter to Hong. So why shouldn’t they matter to them? The idea sounded crazy. How would they even take it? Either out of bravery or a little stupidity, she spoke. “I wonder if...” She shook her head. “Nah... forget it.” “What is it?” Meng asked. “It’s nothing,” Mystic quickly answered, “dumb idea.” “Mystic,” said Cierra. Mystic inwardly cursed herself. Mystic turned to look at her. “What did you want to say?” “What if...” Mystic gulped. “What if try and get the leaders of the different groups to join us and build our numbers up against our enemies?” Dead silence. The unicorn did her best to keep her strong look in front of her two closest comrades. Cierra had an unreadable expression while Meng slowly contorted to a skeptical look. Mystic sank back into the sofa and tried to make herself look as small as possible. “Mystic,” said Meng, “that isn’t such a good idea...” The unicorn hung her head, ashamed. “I mean, we’ve got a lot piling up on us. How the hay are we to know that they’ll even help us?” “I...” Mystic trailed off. “Even if we were to convince their leaders to join us, how can we be sure they won’t turn against us? Let alone would they even be loyal to Cierra?” “I was just trying to help out,” Mystic reasoned. “And I love that you are. But--” “But who’s to say we can’t try?” asked Cierra. Mystic’s eyes bulged as she locked eyes with her leader. She caught a glimpse of Meng’s aghast look. “What?” both ponies asked in unison. “I mean, Mystic here does have a point,” said Cierra. She stood up, “We are losing a lot of ground. With these Northerners and the government hot on our tails, we need to consider options we have never considered before.” “I’m all about having numbers, Cierra. But I just don’t see how this could work,” said Meng. Cierra gave her a stern look. “I know you’re nervous, Meng. I am too. But we need to gain our ground and territory back. We’ve been doing good, but we’re being pushed back to where we were before we met Mystic.” “We need to consider alternatives, Cierra! Who knows what kind of nonsense we’ll put up with and moral ethics they’d make us cross?!” “And what alternatives are those, Meng?” Cierra snapped. “What else can help us gain our grounds back?” “We saw how powerful those blasts were from those things,” Mystic added, “I don’t know how we could survive with just a few of us.” “I think there is another way!” Meng insisted. Worry had taken over her features. “Even if the leaders hypothetically joined us, I don’t know how we could survive long enough to get as many ponies on our side. What about you and Kang, Cierra?” Cierra growled, stepping forward and growling at Meng. Mystic was slightly surprised at this. Meng did not waver. “What you need to be concerned about is just how we’re going to survive and win this city. You know what we’ve been through. There is no other way,” Cierra stated, “ Meng didn’t reply. Mystic could see the defeat behind the black pony’s eyes. She and Cierra got along so well together but to see them at odds was practically alien. Certainly, this is the way to help. Cierra sees that. She always knows the way. “Meng,” Mystic spoke up. The pony in question glanced at her. “We would really benefit from this. Just think of having us all truly united as a formidable force against great evil!” “And ponies are so different that they fail to see past their own egos and own perspectives to achieve a common goal, Mystic,” Meng declared. “But we have ponies here with differences!” “And all with one common goal! Ponies aren’t changed so easily. Let alone different kinds of ponies. Creatures even less so.” The young unicorn involuntarily curled her lip up at Meng for her harsh words. “Meng,” Cierra growled. “What?” Meng asked, not looking at her. “What do we do here at the Liberators?” “We try and bring justice?” “No. About eating and what ponies need?” “We take down ponies that need taking down, save ponies that need saving, feed them as need feeding,” Meng recited. “Exactly,” said Cierra. “Which is why we’re going to work, no matter how long it takes, to get the leaders of the other liberators and ponies on our side and find out what they need to make everything work out for all of us. And we’ll use whatever force necessary to get rid of those leaders if they refuse to join us.” She leaned forward, getting right into Meng’s face. “Do you understand?” Meng didn’t respond. Mystic watched in anticipation of what was going to happen. “You’re getting unhinged, Cierra,” said Meng. She stood up and began walking off. The young unicorn glanced at her leader and saw a disappointed look on her face. “Getting rid of those leaders?” Mystic repeated. “It isn’t nice, I know, but I’m willing to do what I must to preserve our ponies and the world we need to spread throughout the city,” Cierra sighed. “Are you with me, Mystic?” “I am,” replied Mystic, feeling a little uneasy about the situation. Year 12 – Day 340 Mystic held back an annoyed snarl as she looked back at Sunshine. The older unicorn had just gotten back from another talk with Meng and failed to convince the mare to help her see that the way to proceed was to fuse all of the Liberator gangs. “I’m still not understanding what you’re saying, Sunshine,” said Mystic before levitating another sword to herself. “When you first brought us here to do justice against your captors, we both agreed that we were to both make time for one another and for me to give this place a chance,” Sunshine stepped up to Mystic. “But now we barely have any time for each other because of missions, training and just practically not spending much time with me at all!” “Things are constantly changing, Sunshine.” Mystic placed the cleaned swords into their sheaths. “I’m sorry that we haven’t been spending much time together.” “Another apology!” Sunshine scolded. “I’ve bent over backward trying not to think about what we could’ve done and gotten out!” She sighed and frowned. “It’s almost as if you’d forgotten about me.” “I’ve not forgotten about you!” Mystic cried. “Then please try and keep your word to me!” “I’ve been doing this for you!” Mystic insisted. “All I do is for us!” “Then start acting like it!” Sunshine cried. “Try being a friend to me again!” She cupped Mystic’s face., “I miss you, Mystic! I missed when we always had our talks and made each other’s worlds brighter!” “It’s a war zone between us, the government, and the Northerners! I’ve got to stay on top of things!” “You told me something before, remember?” Sunshine pulled back. “To give this a chance and to leave when it won’t work out.” She gave Mystic a saddened look., “It isn’t working out, Mystic. We can leave now.” Mystic’s cheeks flushed and her lips curled into a snarl. Sunshine’s eyes widened. “Leave now? Abandon ponies when they’re not getting the justice they deserve?!” she stomped hard on the ground. “Are you really that selfish?!” “I’m selfish?!” Sunshine cried. “We can save them and get out!” “Where to?! Equestria?!” “We can find out where to send them and be in stronger hooves than this!” “We’re getting where we’re supposed to be!” “Are we in Equestria and far from danger? And where do we need to be for both of our lives? No, no we are not,” Sunshine chastised. “We missed our chance of getting out of here!” “We’re going to get justice over what’s happened to us, Sunshine!” Mystic assured her, “I can’t just let ponies go unpunished for what they did to all of us!” “You could’ve gotten somepony else to do justice.” “Sunshine,” Mystic admonished as she pulled back. “Are you saying you don’t want justice done?” “No that’s not it at all!” “Then please, just let me do this for you. For everypony else here and all those who were done wrong.” Sunshine shook her head. “You and the Liberators are good ponies, Mystic. But you can’t win this fight.” “We can!” Mystic refrained from kneeling to the filly’s level. “I love you, Mystic.” Sunshine gently stroked Mystic’s cheek. “You’re more than just an honorary sister to me.” She began walking away. “Sunshine, please...” Mystic frowned. “You know something, Mystic.” Sunshine looked back at her with a soft look. “Some fights you just need to let go for a while. There will be justice to deliver one day against Hong.” Mystic wanted to speak up again, but her words died before they escaped her throat. Sunshine left and Mystic began pondering on her words. All that mattered to her was loyalty. Mystic sat by the pool, gazing at her own conflicted reflection. The water was only knee-deep, but it gave a calming sensation. She hasn’t been able to get Sunshine’s words out of her head. As if fate were mocking her, a small part of her wished that they did leave together. A nice, easier life sounded wonderful. However, the attachment she felt with the other ponies was fantastic. Her relationship with Sunshine was even more so, and even Meng at times despite their differences. The little conflict irritated the mare. She growled softly and mentally cursed herself as a snort escaped from her nostrils. “I wondered if I would find you here,” said Cierra. Mystic shifted to see the mare giving her a soft grin. “This place is special, isn’t it?” she asked. Mystic nodded. “Yeah. It’s peaceful.” She looked up at the cyan tint the water cast upon the trees that surrounded the pool. The unicorn closed her eyes, inhaled, and exhaled slowly. “Something is bothering you, isn’t there, Mystic?” Cierra placed a gentle hoof on her shoulder. “You can read me like an open book,” replied Mystic. “Well, what is it?” “Not ‘what’, but ‘who.’” She sighed. “Sunshine believes that we should’ve run away and lived easier lives in Equestria.” She didn’t hear any response from the pony next to her. She continued, “And that… that there are fights you need to let go of. I keep hearing this is a fight we can’t win, and the city will one day face justice...” she paused for a second, “but not from us.” Now finished with what she needed to say, she waited for Cierra’s response. “Mystic, who would come and save us?” she asked. Mystic shrugged. “The city’s been closed off to most civilizations for its entire history. It had thrived, but now their greed and thirst for power drove them to where they are now.” “And Sunshine once in a while mentions those tall tales of six ponies saving Equestria from great evils.” “Ponies make up all kinds of things to try and make the world brighter, Mystic.” Cierra wrapped a foreleg around the unicorn. “What if Hong one day decided to expand his borders?” “Terrible things.” “Sunshine is a brilliant and sweet filly. But there won’t be anypony else to face Hong. We know the city better than anypony outside it. We know the issues.” Mystic inwardly agreed. If Equestria were such a great place, then why wouldn’t they come and help them out? “Remember that I told you that the way to stand against your enemy is to stand up and fight instead of being weak and not fight.” “I know, I just wonder if we can...” “You don’t want to abandon us, do you? You don’t want to abandon me with what I’d shared with you about myself, right Mystic?” Cierra’s lip trembled and her eyes began to glisten. Mystic’s heart dropped at seeing her leader’s saddened look. “In addition, please don’t look away from those who--” Cierra’s words seemed to fade into the background as the memory of Meng’s questioning actions resurfaced. She remembered the astonished look on her face at Sunshine’s simple question. Mystic blinked a couple of times. It was almost as if her mind shoved something up front without her knowledge. “--Mystic, are you listening?” Cierra’s voice came again. Out of instinct, Mystic nodded and prayed that she wasn’t sweating. “Good.” “I get it, Cierra,” Mystic affirmed. “She’s scared, Mystic,” Cierra went on. “Little fillies just don’t understand the big picture of what we’re dealing with.” She sighed and frowned. “Believe me, I know with some of those fillies we keep.” “What about getting any of them to safety?” Mystic asked. Cierra huffed. “I wish. Do you know how many of them there are and how many parents would want to go with them? No way we could move them all safely and out of sight.” “Do you think maybe...” Mystic gulped, knowing how her leader was going to react, “you didn’t consider alternative ways hard enough?” Cierra looked at Mystic as if she’d been slapped. “Are you kidding me, Mystic?!” she scolded. The unicorn flinched. “How many times have I wished on my bed at night to consider a way out for those fillies and colts! It’s too dangerous! If they were found, who knows what monstrosity Hong would do?!” “Okay! Okay! I’m sorry!” Mystic’s ears wilted. Cierra shook her head. “Mystic, I get Sunshine wanted to leave for Equestria. It sounded like a dream I’d love to live in.” She looked at her with a distressed look. “But I can’t. Neither of us can.” She sighed. “It’s too late.” “Okay. Cierra,” said Mystic. She locked eyes with her. Cierra nodded in approval. “That’s my girl.” Year 12 – Day 345 Her mind was numb. She felt distant and alone in the cold. Her stomach swirled, almost feeling as if she were going to vomit. She heard the door creak open behind her as if death were close. “Hey,” said Cierra. She felt the earth pony sit beside her. Mystic didn’t reply. Both ponies remained silent as Mystic sulked and looked at her hooves. Almost ashamed of having them for what she’d done. “How are you holding up?” Cierra asked softly. Mystic shook her head. “About as you expect...” “There… was nothing more you could have done...” A choked sob escaped her throat. “There should’ve been...” “She would be thanking you now if she were still here, my sister.” Cierra wrapped a foreleg around the shaking mare. “I hate how it needed to be done… but we sisters always honor requests...” She nuzzled Mystic. “Even when they’re hard...” Her mind flashbacked to grabbing the boulder for one of her ‘sisters’ and looking at her pleading face knowing that she wouldn’t get out from underneath the rubble. “I tried… I should’ve been strong enough...” Mystic muttered. “You’re as strong as anypony could be,” Cierra stated. “If you couldn’t have saved her, then nopony could have...” Mystic looked at Cierra. “Then why do I still feel as if I could’ve saved her?” “It’s guilt, Mystic,” replied Cierra, “I know the feeling. I’ve done and said things I wish I could take back and do better.” Somepony knocked on the door. “Who is it?” Cierra asked. “It’s Sunshine,” said a small voice. “Can I see my friend now?” “In a little bit.” “Fine.” “Mystic,” said Cierra, “we all need you strong. There will be a memorial service tonight if you want to join.” “I don’t think so...” Mystic whispered. “I don’t think I belong there...” “Every sister does, Mystic.” “I’ll probably do something afterward… Please, honor my request,” she looked at Cierra again, “sister.” Cierra sighed, frowning. “Very well. We’ll miss you there.” “I know...” “Just remember,” Cierra stood up and gently made Mystic look at her, “we have lofty goals, Mystic. Now, of course, there are going to be casualties. We are trying to reform this city in a kinder, truer, better way. Ponies just need to understand what true society should look like. And how justice should be done.” “I understand...” said Mystic. “Do you wish to see Sunshine now?” “Maybe later,” replied Mystic. I need to deal with this myself. “Okay.” Her comrade gave her a light sympathetic smile before she opened the door and left. Mystic returned to her thoughts and began mentally repeating the codes of the Liberators, their goals, and their ideals. However, it’s truly sunk into her that on teams and in war there must be tough choices and sacrifices made. She needs to be strong emotionally and physically. No matter what. > Chapter 8 - A New Development > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Year 13 – Day 31 Mystic gazed around at the small cave that she and the Liberators have settled in. It seemed somewhat claustrophobic and felt as if the walls were closing in. With a deep exhale of frustration, the orange unicorn looked at the tents below her. They were small, large, and medium, all clumped together with barely any walking space between them. Mystic heard some hoofsteps behind her, and they came to a stop a few feet away. “Has everypony finally settled in?” she asked. “After a long time of disputing and resolving the space they all need, yes,” replied the pony, whose voice was a stallion. “Good. Any problems with the ponies we’d recently taken in?” “A few, but Cierra managed to convince them to follow her to our common goal.” Of course, she did, Mystic thought with a slight smirk. “And Cierra wants to speak with you about an important matter in about half an hour,” the pony finished. “All right,” replied Mystic, taking a step towards the camp. “Tell her I’ll be there.” “Yes, ma’am.” A small sense of satisfaction crept into Mystic’s chest. When she reached the camp, she had to shimmy a bit between some tent stilts. She got past and saw that some ponies had looked up at her with a nervous look in their eyes. Mystic continued on. As she walked, she saw that some ponies were tense and angry in their various tents. In a tent close by, Mystic recognized a few Liberators in the original gang who seemed shaky and on edge. No matter where she looked, the unicorn didn’t see the warm, welcoming atmosphere she’d remembered. We’ve got to defeat the government, she thought with a frown. I don’t know how much longer we can pull through like this. She did have confidence in Cierra, but being a pony, she couldn’t help but worry. Then she felt somepony pull on her satchel. “Hey!” she cried, pulling her satchel away and turning to face a glaring unicorn. “What is with me stays with me!” she scolded. The unicorn didn’t reply. He slinked back into the shadows of his tent. Mystic moved away, checking her satchel to ensure nothing was lost. She lightly froze at the sight of a couple of glowing syringes. Mystic immediately closed the satchel and continued on her way. As she turned a corner, she felt as if her head were struck by a blunt object. “Oh no!” she grunted, almost collapsing onto her knees. Sweat poured down her forehead. She clutched the base of her horn. “Not again,” she mumbled. I have to keep this under control! Her legs quivered as she tried to stand up straight. Her nervous eyes looked around the surrounding tents. Her heart began throbbing, and her breathing quickened. Pain killers, she thought. Pain killers. With a slight surge of adrenaline, Mystic made her way to her tent. She spotted her red tent in the distance. It was larger than most of the tents in the camp. Another pulse of pain came to her head. The unicorn inwardly cursed but pushed herself onward. As she continued, her migraine subsided. She paused when she heard some voices. “--I’m telling you, she’s just not the same anymore,” said a small voice. Mystic immediately determined it was Sunshine. “I understand,” replied a second voice. Meng. “Mystic is tangled up with everything going on.” “I would love my friend back, but...” “You don’t need to say anymore, Sunshine,” said Meng. “The Liberators have to be hardened to fight. I’m sure deep down she knows of her behavior.” Mystic shook her head and stepped away. She furrowed her brows and facehoofed. I need to stay strong, she thought. A frown broke out on her face. A small twinge of guilt pecked at her heart, but she was quick to harden her heart. In her tent, Mystic opened a medical box to find the pain killers. She lightly cringed at a sudden pulse of pain in her cranium. She can’t help but wonder if they’ll get worse. “Mystic?” a voice called. The unicorn stopped looking and stood up, facing the exit. “Yes, Meng?” she called, rubbing her forehead. “I need to speak with you. May I enter?” Mystic held back a sigh. “Fine.” A pair of black hooves pulled the flap of the tent back, and Meng stepped in with a soft look. “First, how is everypony settling in?” Mystic shrugged. “Okay, I suppose. This place isn’t exactly comfortable.” “I know,” said Meng, lightly rubbing her foreleg. “What did you want to speak about?” “Straight to the point as always, Mystic,” said Meng. She took a couple of steps closer. “It’s about Sunshine.” Mystic ran a hoof down her face. “I kind of thought so.” “So, you do know?” Meng asked, tilting her head. Mystic shrugged. “I have a feeling you want to tell me, anyway.” Meng nodded. “Yes.” She placed a hoof on Mystic’s shoulder. “You haven’t been keeping the promises you’d made to her when you first joined our gang.” “I’m ashamed of it,” replied Mystic. “But... that will not get me kicked out, will it?” “Of course not.” Meng’s look slightly hardened. “You just need to realize that this filly is upset.” “I know, I just...” “I get it, Mystic,” Meng’s look softened again., “but please try to work things out. Just take the first few baby steps.” Mystic paused and closed her eyes. She thought for a moment before opening them again. “Sunshine is a wonderful filly, but I just have little time for childish games anymore,” said Mystic. Meng shook her head. “They’re not childish. They’re ways to help you brighten your days.” Mystic looked away. “I’m telling you, Mystic,” Meng continued softly, “that filly loves you. Don’t throw her away for something like gang codes.” Mystic sighed, unsure how to respond. “Just try to set things right,” Meng encouraged. “As for me, I need to go help some of the others settle in.” As Meng walked off, Mystic sat down on the cave floor. She began rubbing her temples, thinking about what she’d heard. The unicorn slowly walked through the aisle between the tents. The cave floor beneath her hooves felt damp. “I’m not trying to throw Sunshine aside,” she told herself. “Doesn’t she know I have responsibilities?” She briefly thought when she’d begun talking to herself, but quickly brushed it aside. “I don’t have much time for anything else,” she reasoned. The unicorn glanced at her satchel. Memories flashed before her eyes as another jolt of pain pulsed through her head. Mystic grunted and gritted her teeth to fight it off. When it cleared, she remembered an argument she and Sunshine had just before they’d transferred. “These are wrongs you cannot right, Mystic!” Sunshine’s voice echoed. “You, Cierra, and this group you’re in are wanted ponies! There’s no way you can hope to save the city at this point!” “Cierra was right! You’ve grown doubtful! Soft!” Mystic could practically see the horror in the filly’s eyes, the astonishment at her saying something like that. “Sunshine, I’m...” “Save it, Mystic. I don’t want to talk right now... I just want to be alone for now...” “I’m sorry,” Mystic whispered aloud, just as she did back then. The unicorn allowed herself to slump and just reflect. She remembered trying to find Sunshine and make amends, but she wasn’t able to until they’d gotten everypony moved. “What if I lash out at Sunshine even worse than that?” Mystic asked herself. “I felt as if I weren’t myself.” Then she heard some ponies clamoring a few tents over. The unicorn groaned, stood up and began trotting over. She saw several earth ponies arguing among themselves. “I’m telling you! This cave is awful!” one of them complained. “I just feel like I should be rolling around in victory instead of in the dumps!” complained another. “With all of you!” a pegasus added, stepping out of her tent. “Save it!” a unicorn approached. “We should never have agreed to--” “Enough!” Mystic shouted. They all stopped arguing and glared at her. “Not more than twenty-four hours here, and all of you are acting like you’re fixing to rebel!” Mystic bellowed. “Cierra’s leadership has failed us!” the first earth pony complained. “Yeah!” came two others. They all shouted their complaints. Mystic snarled, lit up her horn and wrapped magical ropes around each of their forelegs. She slammed them to the ground. “You mister!” Mystic snapped at the first pony. “How dare you speak against the leader you’ve been loyal to for ten years!” She turned to the others. “All of you don’t know the big picture as she does, and she needs you to work together! No fighting! Understood?!” Everypony but the first one nodded in agreement with wide, fearful eyes. “Good,” Mystic continued. She knelt towards the first pony. “Because if I hear you talk about Cierra like that again... you and I are going to have a true problem.” The earth pony sighed begrudgingly in defeat. “Yes, ma’am...” Mystic saw the hatred in his eyes directed at her. Mystic lit her horn and took the ropes off them. “Go make sure that everypony has food and water,” she said. “And work together!” “Yes, ma’am!” they said as they got up. Mystic let out a huff and stomped away. “What is with everypony?” she asked herself., “This... this isn’t the Liberators I remember...” Mystic rubbed her aching head again., “Our ponies aren’t willing to follow Cierra either...” Suddenly, she perked up and almost slapped herself. “Dang it!” she cried. “She asked me to attend a meeting!” She broke out into a trot, catching a glimpse of the back of the cave. She knew Cierra would be in that area. The unicorn focused on the road ahead of her, turned a corner... … and screeched to a stop. She nearly told the pony to move until she saw it was Sunshine. “Oh my gosh!” Sunshine cried. “I’m sorry!” Mystic stepped back and cleared her throat. “It’s okay.” Both ponies paused. Mystic felt a little awkward as she rubbed the back of her neck. She slightly gazed away from Sunshine and gently rubbed her forehead. In the corner of her eye, she saw Sunshine tilt her head curiously. “So... uhm... how’re you doing?” Sunshine asked. Mystic noted the slight nervousness in her tone. She rubbed her temple again to ease the pain., “Stressed.” “Stressed?” Sunshine repeated. “Are you okay?” Mystic cracked a smirk. “Always concerned, aren’t you?” She meant it as a little joke. But Sunshine didn’t find it humorous. “Yes.” “Can you walk and talk? I kind of need to be somewhere,” replied Mystic. “Sure.” Mystic began walking again and heard the filly’s smaller hoofsteps behind her. “Look,” said Mystic, “I’m sorry about our argument... I didn’t mean what I said.” “I’ve already forgiven you,” replied Sunshine. Mystic couldn’t help but feel some pride and regret towards the filly. “Thank you,” replied Mystic. “I know you’re just trying to help. But I worry about what could happen to you and your friends.” “Sisters.” “Yeah... sisters...” Sunshine murmured. Mystic took a left turn and weaved around a couple of ponies. “Did you get settled in?” Mystic asked. Sunshine caught up with her. “Yes, I did.” “Good.” “Are you doing okay?” Sunshine asked. “Huh?” Mystic looked back at her. Sunshine pointed to the satchel. Mystic’s eyes flew wide open, the mare ignoring another pulse of pain in her cranium. “Yes,” Mystic assured her. A lie. “Thank you again for alerting Meng.” Mystic nodded. She wanted to change the subject. “Hey, Sunshine,” replied Mystic, coming to a stop. “For what it’s worth...” She reached out to the filly and brought her in for a hug. Mystic almost gasped. The hug didn’t feel as warm as their other hugs. She felt Sunshine hug her back, whose hug felt warmer than the one she’d given her. The filly pulled back and smiled. Mystic could tell it was mostly forced. “Anyway,” said Mystic, “I... do still want to be friends. I’ll try to make it up to you.” Sunshine didn’t reply. Mystic sighed. I hate it when she gives the silent treatment, she thought. “I need to ask you something,” Sunshine finally said. Or, she was thinking of what she wanted to say, she thought, slightly relieved. Mystic smiled. “Sure, Sunshine.” Sunshine brought Mystic in and whispered, “And you’re sure your headaches and nightmares have gone away?” Mystic’s eyes flew wide open as she felt the question pierce her heart. “Sunshine...” she harshly whispered, “you know I don’t want to talk about those!” “I am scared about you, Mystic! Both physically and mentally! Don’t dig yourself in too deep before it’s too late!” Sunshine pleaded. “I won’t! I’ve got it under control! You and Meng assured me of that!” A slight lie. But she hoped it was true. “I don’t want you to do something foolish!” “I...” Mystic couldn’t bring herself to speak anymore. The unicorn stood up. “I gotta go.” “We’re far from finishing this conversation!” Sunshine called, her tone full of concern. Mystic gulped as she reached the back of the cave. She spotted Cierra’s yellow and red tent. It was nearly six feet tall, secured by thick wooden stilts at its corners. The unicorn cleared her throat, straightened herself up, and pushed past the tent’s flap. She saw the tent didn’t have much in it, just a bed, a table, and a couple of chairs. A far cry from her leader’s old home. “Ah, Mystic!” Cierra stepped from behind a curtain with a recently dried mane. “You’re early!” “Maybe by two minutes,” replied Mystic, putting on her more professional attitude. She felt another pulse of pain shoot through her head and up to her horn. The unicorn clenched her jaw and stood at attention. “Well, might as well tell you what’s going on,” said Cierra. “Indeed,” said Mystic as she watched her leader head to the back of the tent. “Come on,” said Cierra, opening the back entrance to the tent, “I need to get out of this musty tent. Let’s take a walk.” “Very well.” Mystic joined her side and both ponies went outside. Cierra led her to the rim of the cave so they’d stay out of everypony’s way. “Hey, Cierra,” said Mystic, “I’ve been meaning to ask you about something.” “Yes?” Cierra looked at her. “What happened with the last few missions?” She noticed Cierra’s eyes slightly widen before she composed herself. “We missed you. That’s what happened.” “I just can’t keep thinking some stuff could’ve been avoided. And...” she motioned to the camp, “Here we are.” Cierra sighed. “Some ponies just got unfortunate, and I might’ve made a couple of mistakes that indirectly led to this.” She looked Mystic in the eye., “But believe me, everything I do, I try to do for everypony here.” Mystic noticed Cierra’s pace had slightly quickened and the edge of her mouth twitched. Nerves, maybe? Mystic thought. “I’m sorry, Cierra,” she spoke, “I guess I’m just a little on edge. Maybe the atmosphere’s rubbing off on me.” “I know, I heard about what’s been going on,” replied Cierra. “But that brings me to the point I wanted to speak about.” Mystic suddenly felt a large jolt of pain near her horn. She grunted, but Cierra didn’t seem to take notice. “I’m thinking about us heading up north to take our fight there,” Cierra spoke. “What?” Mystic asked, eyes widening. “Yep. I’ve sent Song and Juan with a scouting party to give us the best path up there. Quick, and invisible.” Another jolt of pain. Mystic felt sweat beginning to run down her face. “Is that so?” her tone was firm, but inside she was shaking. Her heart raced as she felt the walls closing in. “Yes,” said Cierra. Mystic felt light-headed. “The Northerners have been rumored to supply Hong and his army with what they need to push us back. If we’re right, we’ll be able to get up there, take a stand, and fight Hong back.” Mystic nodded vigorously. “Sounds delightful.” “Are you okay?” Cierra asked, stopping in her tracks. “Uh, yeah!” Mystic hastily said, her tone high. Cierra raised an eyebrow. Mystic grinned, showing off her teeth. Her leader just stood there. “Anyway,” Cierra said, unmoving, “I have plans, Mystic. You just need to trust me.” “Of course!” Mystic nodded as she felt a surge of magic within her horn. Cierra narrowed her eyes at Mystic, causing the unicorn’s heart to skip a beat. I can’t fool her! I can’t fool her! Mystic thought, scared. And her breathing quickened a bit. “Let’s continue,” Cierra began walking forward. Mystic let out a small sigh of relief and followed. Calm yourself, calm yourself, she thought. Her legs wobbled slightly, and she felt as if something was building in her horn. The unicorn glanced at her bag, almost opening it. She closed her eyes, trying to calm herself. “So, the rumors are true, Mystic,” Cierra said again and Mystic refocused on her, “Hong has been seeking out what we’ve feared.” … “What?” Mystic gulped. “That’s another reason why we need to go up North.” Cierra turned to Mystic with a grave expression on her face, Mystic paused in her walk, her heart thudding, staring into Cierra’s eyes. “Hong is indeed in search of that dark magic that’s said to give him immense power.” “But that’s just a myth!” Mystic protested. “Not anymore. Hong is actively having his soldiers search for it. It could be dark magic, it could be an artifact that has no concept of good or evil, regardless of what it is, it would mean he has hold of Imperial City.” “And the end of the Liberators…” Mystic gulped. She stared into Cierra’s eyes for three heartbeats and shuddered. “True,” Cierra nodded, “We’ll be leaving in a few days to gather everypony up and move.” Mystic nodded in understanding, so the two of them began walking again. She heard Cierra talking again, but her words passed by her ears in a blur. Her stomach knotted as she forced her legs to keep moving. She glanced at the camp nervously. It was somewhat close, but out of the way. Then she caught a glimpse of a familiar yellow filly. Mystic went ice cold, her nerves threatening to explode. She practiced her breathing technique again and focused again back on Cierra. “So, what do you think?” Cierra’s words came through. Mystic mentally slapped herself for not listening to her. “I guess... it’s doable?” she weakly said. Rats, Mystic! she thought as Cierra raised an eyebrow. “Mystic, have you lost faith in me?” she asked. “N-No!” Mystic stammered, “I’m just...” She groaned. “Dah, I’m just nervous, I guess!” Cierra nodded with an understanding look. “You’re a pony, Mystic. Nopony can’t ever be nervous, but you can’t let fear stop you from acting.” “Y-Yeah, you told me every day,” Mystic slightly teased. Cierra’s smirk grew. “The more you hear something, the more important it is.” Mystic nodded vigorously. Magic surged within her horn. “Okay, Mystic,” said Cierra, “do you need some air?” She stopped in front of her with slightly narrowed eyes. Mystic’s heart nearly jumped out of her chest. “Yes!” she said, almost too loudly. “Okay,” said Cierra with a suspicious tone. She began moving again with Mystic behind her. Either she knows and is keeping quiet, or I’ve gotten that good, Mystic thought, trying to comfort herself. She reached for her pulsing horn again. “I hope it’s the first one.” “What was that, Mystic?” Cierra asked. Shoot! Did I say that out loud?! Mystic thought. “Just thinking about a strategy Meng and I talked about earlier!” she replied. “I hope we can go with the first option.” Cierra didn’t reply. Mystic glimpsed at her satchel again. But her pain was subsiding. “Things are working out, Mystic,” Cierra spoke, “We have more allies, and I am confident enough that we can deal with the Northerners and whatever Hong is looking for up there.” If we don’t kill each other first, Mystic thought. “I know you’re itching for a challenge, aren’t you?” “You bet,” Mystic nodded. “We’ve got a few things to take care of before Song and Juan get back. We’re getting there, my sister.” She turned and smiled at her. “We are! I am very proud of you, Mystic. Very proud.” The pain has nearly subsided and Mystic felt normal again. She relaxed and smiled at Cierra. “Let’s get started and...” She suddenly felt as if her temple was stabbed with a red-hot blade. Mystic let out a small scream and collapsed to her knees. She heard Cierra gasp lightly. Oh no! Mystic thought. The magic within her threatened to spill out. Her horn felt like it was burning. She shut her eyes. “Mystic?” Cierra spoke. “Are you...” Mystic painfully opened her eyes to see the scared eyes of her fellow sisters nearby. “Just stay back!” Mystic cried. “I don’t... Ugh!” She held her head with both her hooves. The unicorn spotted the exit to the cave. “I gotta get out of here!” she cried, standing up and galloping off. She heard Cierra call out for her. She didn’t dare look back. Her head throbbed, and she swore she saw red smoke out of the corner of her eye. “I thought I had this under control! I should have!” she cried. Panic built up within her chest as she glanced down at her satchel. “No! No! No! No!” She heard hoofsteps behind her and felt as if a great surge of power was about to escape her horn. “Mystic!” she heard Sunshine shout. “No!” Mystic cried. The unicorn tripped and fell flat on her stomach. She shook violently and nearly vomited. The world felt as if it would end. SCHOOOM! Mystic felt something eject from her horn. She immediately looked up as a beam of red magic headed towards the exit of the cave. The beam shot out of the cave and hit a tree. It exploded into chunks of wood, bark, and branches. Some of it even came back into the cave. Mystic heard gasps all around her. The unicorn meeped and covered her head. The pain was gone. The silence was deafening. Ghostly. Mystic curled into a fetal position, trying to make herself as small as possible. She didn’t dare look back at the witnesses. I didn’t have it under control! she thought as she hyperventilated. It’s all over for me! The silence dragged on. It seemed every second was an hour. Tears had begun to roll down her cheeks as she bit the bottom of her lip. Then she felt a hoof on her shoulder. She jumped. “Mystic...” said Cierra, “sit up.” The unicorn shook her head vigorously. Instead of scolding her, she felt gentle hooves sit her up. She tensed up as she felt Cierra wrap her forelegs around her in an almost motherly embrace. It was warm, she’d never felt this from the purple pony. “Why?” Mystic asked as Cierra wiped her cheeks. “You need your sisters,” Cierra whispered. I don’t think they’ll want me anymore... Mystic thought. Beads of sweat poured down her face as Cierra waited for an answer. “I...” Mystic saw concerned Sunshine standing close by. Mystic looked up at Cierra again. “Mystic...” said Cierra, “tell me how you know such a spell.” “I... I...” Oh, how do I say it?! Mystic thought desperately. I need to say something! Her heart throbbed as she felt the eyes of the gang on her. “I-I’ve been studying dark magic for a while!” Mystic blurted out. Everypony gasped in response while Cierra and Sunshine’s eyes widened. Despite her trepidation, Mystic continued to speak, “I-I didn’t want to alarm anypony because I’d been doing it before I joined the Liberators.” She inwardly cringed at the lie. “During your time with the General?” a Liberator asked. “Yes!” Mystic quickly answered. “I secretly infiltrated the forbidden section of the library and I found some spells that could help me defend myself or even escape from his clutches!” She glanced at an astonished Sunshine and continued, “I memorized and wrote them down in case I needed them! Believe me, I know dark magic is extreme, but I was desperate! Can you blame me?” She hung her head in shame and covered her face. “I feared if I told you that I wouldn’t be able to be a part of this group anymore... not after bonding with so many ponies and fighting back. I...” she choked up, “I didn’t want to feel like an outcast again...” She heard murmurs amongst the crowd as she wiped her tears away. “Please...” she whispered. “Don’t think of me any less because of what I’d been studying and tried to control...” The old feeling of being left out in the cold returned. Surely this meant the end of her run and ponies seeing her as a monster. A day that she hoped would never approach. She thought about her friendships and how they’re likely ruined because of this revelation. The unicorn hugged herself to comfort her. After what felt like hours, Cierra placed a hoof under Mystic’s chin to make her look up. The nervous mare locked eyes with her. “Mystic,” said Cierra, “I won’t think any less of you.” Mystic’s eyes widened as she felt a burden lift off her shoulders. “I just wish you’d told me sooner, so we could discuss options.” “Options?” Mystic asked, confused. “More on that later. But for now, I need to think about how we can work together to handle this.” Cierra smiled. “You’re still a part of the group, my sister.” Mystic’s heart swelled as she felt grateful tears come to her eyes. “Thank you,” Mystic whispered. She sat up and lightly gasped when Cierra gave her a full-fledged hug. Mystic returned it as she treasured this exceedingly rare moment. She didn’t focus on the crowd behind her. However, she opened her eyes to see that Sunshine had a disappointed glare on her face. “We need to talk,” said Sunshine. Like a switch that had been flipped, Mystic instantly felt cold and gulped. Year 13 – Day 40 Stay calm, Mystic. Stay calm. The unicorn had her eyes shut. The new magic swirled in her horn. She took in several deep breaths and focused. She lightly grunted as she charged her horn. It felt heavy. A little painful. But full of power. Mystic opened her eyes to see three boxes surrounded with a red aura. She levitated them and made them spin around one another for a few seconds before she turned them right side up to make them look like they were circling like a Ferris wheel. Come on. Come on, Mystic thought as she turned around. Her gaze met a pool of water. Her horn glowed brighter as a red aura glowed around it. Then, the water levitated upwards into a sphere. Mystic grunted as she let the boxes and the water sphere orbit around her. I’ve almost got it! She strained as she felt as if she were being weighed down by the magic. She pushed past the pain. No! I will not let this stuff beat me! Not after several days of training! She slightly turned to see about twenty cannonballs. The unicorn growled at the accursed objects. With a loud grunt, she focused her magic on them. Her horned glowed brighter than before, the enclosure of the tent turning a bright red. One by one, the cannonballs levitated into the air, and Mystic let them orbit around her. Just a few more, she grunted. Her neck ached. Her knees knocked against one another. She let out a small scream. Then, she levitated the final three cannonballs. Sweat poured down her scalp and onto her face as she straightened herself. She looked up to see that she had completed the exercise. Yes! She thought excitedly as a smile broke out onto her face. I did it! With a loud huff, she tossed the items she had into the pool. They landed with a splash. The water covered the cannonballs and boxes as Mystic sat down. The headaches didn’t stay this time. Despite her body feeling weak and a little sore, Mystic felt good. She entered Cierra’s tent and held her head high. “Ah!” Cierra yelped. Mystic paused when she saw Cierra sitting in a chair with the black book she had retrieved. “Mystic, get out!” “Sorry!” Mystic immediately retreated outside. After a few minutes of waiting, she heard the tent flap open. “Enter,” said Cierra. Mystic turned around and entered, not looking her in the eye. “I’m sorry, okay?” Mystic started. “A-And--” “We’ll never speak of that again, okay?” Cierra cut in. “I'm still trying to figure everything out in that book.” “Right!” Mystic agreed. Cierra cleared her throat. “Have you been able to get your magic under control?” Cierra asked. Mystic nodded. “Yes. I’ve been doing the exercises you told me to do.” “Excellent,” replied Cierra. A slight thought came to Mystic as she sat down on a chair, wondering how Cierra knew how to deal with this situation. “I had some slight pain, but I’ve been able to mostly get past it,” Mystic explained. “But...” She sighed. “But what?” Cierra sat down across from her. “I’m wondering how much I must use them...” “Has Sunshine been talking to you recently?” “A little bit, but not recently,” she said. “I see.” Cierra leaned forward and put her hooves together. “Dark magic isn’t essentially bad, Mystic,” she explained. “What is bad is how it can be used. I believe it is the pony who uses dark magic, whether good or bad, can use it for their benefit.” “Really?” Cierra nodded and placed a hoof on Mystic’s shoulder, “You are a good pony with a very special gift. Sometimes it might be needed to lean toward using such magic. And sometimes leaning towards the darkness to do the greater good.” Mystic allowed her gaze to meet the floor and furrowed her brows. “I know, my sister. I know you. Trust me.” Why do I doubt?! she thought, angry at herself. Cierra knows what’s she’s... Mystic thought of a few incidents in which could’ve been prevented before they moved, and that stupid traitorous mare that somehow weaseled her way into the Liberators and-- “Cierra...” she spoke, cutting off her thoughts. The mare looked up at her. “Do you promise we’ll do our best and not make any more mistakes?” Mystic saw a little astonishment in Cierra’s eyes. “Of course,” replied the leader, bringing Mystic in for half a hug. “No more mistakes. We’re waking up.” I hope so, Mystic thought. “Come on,” said Cierra as she stood up and went to the exit of the tent. “Where’re we going?” Mystic asked, following her. “A place to truly test you.” Both ponies pushed past the bushes and stepped out onto the edge of a lush green valley. Mystic’s eyes slightly widened at the sight. “What is this place?” she asked. “A place where nopony will bother us,” replied Cierra. I guessed that, Mystic thought incredulously. “Here we are,” said Cierra, coming to a stop. About fifty yards away was a steep hill with large boulders the size of a house. “Have I told you about the anger that I dealt with?” Cierra suddenly asked as she stretched. “Only a few times,” replied Mystic. “Yes. And I directed my anger at those who deserved it. But before then,” Cierra turned to face Mystic, “I tried to hide from my anger. But my pain only grew and it festered.” She motioned to the boulders. “Until I confronted it and motivated myself to help ponies through the process. Something you will do now.” Mystic pursed her lips. “I’ll... try...” “Good. Now, draw one of those boulders halfway to us. Then destroy it.” “Okay.” Mystic lit her horn and focused on the boulders. She pushed past her regular magic, causing her horn to ache slightly. A red aura surrounded the boulder on the left. It wiggled and moved slightly. Mystic entirely concentrated on it, but her magic fizzled. She strained and pushed harder but her magic ended up giving out. Mystic solemnly looked at her fellow sister and shook her head. “Find your anger,” said Cierra. “Focus on that. Not how big or heavy something is.” She stomped. “I know you’ve got a lot of things that anger you.” Mystic almost felt the whippings Hong had given her. His voice echoed as her muscles ached. She clenched her jaw and focused back on the boulder. She used her magic again. “Now channel your anger and hatred towards those who deserve it.” The cruel mother who didn’t take her in. The scoundrels that threatened her life. Mystic’s horn glowed brighter and the boulder shifted. “Dig deeper!” Cierra ordered. Mystic’s cheeks flushed as anger burned at her core. The Triple Trio were so friendly to her, only for them to get her arrested, and one of them had-- “Somepony has mistreated you your entire life!!” Cierra cried. Sparks of red emerged from her horn. The boulder came closer as the aura turned deep red. “Imprisoned!” Her horn glowed like a red beacon. She remembered the whippings. The bone-crushing work. “By all of those who deserve to pay for their sins!” Mystic screamed and began dragging the boulder closer. She focused on the other boulders and began dragging them closer. Mystic’s body shook, it quaked but she felt as if she were on fire. “That’s it, Mystic! Use your anger and your hatred!” Cierra cried. There was so much injustice was caused upon her. “Against Hong! The cowardly new leader!” They threw me into that mine! Mystic thought as the boulders got ever closer. Jinjing was such a sow! “Those soldiers who wouldn’t let you see Sunshine!” How long it took her to get to her and only to be taken away again. “They stole your life! They stole what you could have been!” All of the images of her anger flashed before Mystic’s eyes. The pain. The heartache. With a loud scream and magic pouring from her horn, Mystic forced the boulders even closer. Their weight didn’t matter anymore. All there was in Mystic was pure rage. The unicorn barely noticed she was still screaming. Smoke came out from the corners of Mystic’s eyes as the boulders got within twenty-five yards. With one huge charge of magic, she unleashed a huge wave of red upon the boulders. BOOM! All of them exploded into pebbles. Mystic watched as the debris flew everywhere. She let out deep heaves. Her lungs felt as if they would collapse. But she felt wonderful. A hoof gently touched her shoulder. “How do you feel?” Cierra asked in a soft tone. Mystic looked up at her. “Good.” While that was mostly true, she couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy. She felt another surge of magic within her horn as Cierra helped her up. Mystic levitated a sandwich to her lips as she looked out upon the valley. Her body has mostly recovered but she couldn’t help but be in shock of what sheer power she has within her. To take her mind off it a bit, Mystic took in the sight of the trees and some white flowers in the distance. But the sky above was still as grey and gloomy as ever. Her eyes longed to see the sun. “Mystic,” said Cierra. “Yes?” replied the unicorn, taking another bite. “I’ll cut right to the chase.” Cierra scooted ahead of Mystic so she could look at her. “I’ve noticed that you’re hesitant. Care to share?” Mystic finished her sandwich. “You can read me like an open book,” replied Mystic. Cierra nodded. “It’s one of my gifts.” Mystic cleared her throat. “Because of my ‘new magic’ as you call it... when I do use it, I’m just worried civilians would get caught in the crossfire.” “Look,” Cierra said in an assuring tone, “I promise you that we’ll take whatever we need to help you, my sister.” Mystic blinked a couple of times and her right foreleg twitched. “You mentioned you’ve been studying, and we made sure you could get this stuff under control. If it gets complicated, we’ll back off.” Mystic’s eyes slightly narrowed. Cierra hasn’t mentioned or tried to correct her reason for studying dark magic. Cierra placed a comforting hoof on Mystic’s shoulder. “You have what you need to help, don’t you?” She motioned to Mystic’s satchel. “I don’t know if we need my spells,” said Mystic, rubbing her neck. “Mystic,” Cierra said in a firm tone. “In case you’ve forgotten, things have gotten a lot stricter in security, the Imperial Army is breathing down our necks, and Hong has taken the city under his grasp.” “Maybe we should’ve had better plans and leads that led up to this...” Mystic muttered. “I heard that!” Cierra snapped. “We have lofty goals, Mystic.” She cupped the mare’s face, forcing her to look at her. “The fact of the matter is doesn’t matter how the city has gotten as bad as it has for us, this is where we are and we’re going to fix it!” Mystic’s ears flattened against her skull. She felt Cierra is the best leader she’s ever known... But now she knew that she had doubts. “I know this is going to be new ground for a lot of us,” Cierra continued, “But remember that I found you. I believe you can do great things. And not to mention getting justice against those who did you wrong!” Past events flashed through Mystic’s mind, but no matter what they seemed to do, with every job with being in the Liberator’s they weren’t as successful or a failure that drove them from carrying out their plans. The city was practically a war zone. “I know, Cierra, it’s just... things haven’t been going well for us,” replied Mystic. “Things are getting tougher, but that’s all the more to keep fighting!” Cierra reasoned. “Then why did we have to flee from our home base? Why were there events happening that could’ve been prevented?” “Because of the incompetence of some of our sisters!” Cierra growled. “The traitors!” “And probably because of her as well! And I just feel like since I came in that--” Mystic clapped her hooves over her mouth, but it was too late. Cierra’s jaw was agape and her eyes were wide. “C-Cierra, I...” “Mystic, have you begun to lose faith in me?!” Cierra demanded, practically yelling in her face. “I got you out because of you having the potential of being a new powerful member and a true sister!” “I’m sorry, Cierra!” Mystic pulled back and sank a bit. “I was just getting worked up!” “You’re strong, Mystic,” Cierra continued. “You can make everything right. And we’ve been over and over concerning the pony you hate so much joining our group. But the question is, can I count on you to do whatever it takes to get justice?” Her leader seemed to know how to talk her into things. She was reminded of the whole reason she’d gotten into this group. “I’ll be with you,” she said. “If things go awry, then we’ll pull back and think of a new strategy.” She began stroking Mystic’s cheek. “Are you in?” Mystic could practically feel Sunshine’s disapproving stare, but she brushed it off. She knew the filly’s concerns. But Mystic knows she’s a big pony and that she can handle it. She hoped. As if an old friend from a distant past resurfaced, Mystic felt the dark magic surge within her horn, almost compelling her to grab a syringe to keep it in check. “Yes,” replied Mystic. “Good,” said Cierra, her demeanor softening. “We’ll need some time to study and practice before we move forward.” She stood up, “And to stop Hong from reaching whatever powerful thing he needs to wipe us out.” > Chapter 9 - The Heat is Up - Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Year 13 – Day 90 The cloudy sky began to get darker. She didn’t have much time to reunite with her gang. How much she longed to see them again. She ensured the hood kept her head covered, her weighty hooves moving along the jagged road. The streets were ghost silent and the tin-cans houses of the slums were pitch black. Despite the toughest of times, she will ensure that they will survive. Everything was a mess. The gang’s assault on the North was only partially successful, but not without consequences, traitors, and the rat. The rat… Mystic thought, her mind sizzling with hate, remembering the despicable mare that fed information to the Northerners and Army, betraying their gang for her own benefit, good thing Cierra saw through her before things got really bad. Even though she was dead, the city was full of soldiers and looking for Mystic and the remains of the Liberators. They found whatever Hong was looking for but even that was a battle of itself until it was finally destroyed by a friendly comrade and his plans were foiled. No need for band-aid solutions. Only permanent ones, she thought with a slight choke. Cold breath escaped her nostrils and escaped into a mist. Her heart slightly ached to see her comrades. It’s been a few days since she’d seen them. “Remember to find me at the western part of the slums,” Cierra’s voice echoed, “I’ll be at the crossroads.” The crossroads. It almost felt as if she were being taken back to where she’d woken up. But this is a different part from there. But being in the slums always reminded her of that. It was as if it were a long time ago. She clutched her satchel close and made sure the machete she always watched over like a hawk was secure. Suddenly she heard some clattering. She paused. Her sharp eyes gazed around at her surroundings. Nothing other than a beaten bench and buildings barely held together by sheets of metal and wooden beams. The unicorn gently continued forward. She almost pulled out her machete as she adjusted her cloak and threw her hood on. Her eyes took one more scan before continuing. Danger is close, she thought. Suddenly, she heard hooves clattering around her. A group of five ponies surrounded her. Their leader, a large brown earth pony approached her. “Gotcha!” the leader cried, holding up a large knife. Danger is immediate, she thought. But it felt like a chore. The unicorn stood stoic and unimpressed by his gesture as his minions pulled out their own. She caught a glimpse of one holding a magical spear. “Now, little filly,” the leader went on. Mystic gazed at him with a deadpan look,. “Be a good girl and hand over every--” “I’m not doing crap!” Mystic shouted. She ducked and kicked his hooves out from under him that knocked him to the ground. One of his henchponies charged but Mystic grabbed his hoof and chucked him at another. The one with the magical spear fired but she put up a shield and deflected it. More magic came from the spear. Mystic jumped, dodged the bolt of magic and landed on his back. The spear tumbled into the alley nearby. She levitated it to her and swung it around at the surrounding ponies. A couple of them cried out in pain. They fell to the ground. A snort escaped her nostrils. Mystic gazed at the spear and nonchalantly tossed it aside. A shout came from close by. She slightly turned and delivered a spin-kick. POW! “Oomph!” The weakling immediately fell. Settling onto her hooves, small exhales escaped from her nostrils as she watched her opponents weakly attempt to pull themselves up. Pathetic. They never stood a chance. She heard a rustle behind her.— Without turning around, the mare lifted her left forehoof and punched somepony directly behind her. “Agh!” he cried. He landed with a thud. Mystic glanced at him and watched as he scrambled away. “Come on!” he cried to the others. He ran past Mystic and his minions. They followed him and left the area. “Hmph,” Mystic grunted. “Weak.” Normally, she would’ve gotten a little excitement out of a small fight. But it was a nuisance. Time wasted. She won’t get it back. Mystic continued on her way at a brisker pace to meet her sisters. It began to snow. Mystic reached the crossroads and looked up at the flickering lanterns along the street. She sighed. Anticipation built up within her. She brushed her cheek and ran a hoof down her face. Her right ear twitched. Some slight uneasiness and tension built up within her. The unicorn inwardly snarled, hating herself for getting worked up. She took in a deep breath. “Hello again, Cierra,” she said. “How did you know it was me?” asked a voice. Brushing off her uneasiness, Mystic turned and faced her robed mentor. “You can’t sneak up on me anymore, remember?” she said. Cierra lightly chuckled. “That I can’t. I’ve taught you too much.” She and Mystic embraced for a second. The older mare motioned for Mystic to follow. Mystic removed her hood, catching a glimpse of the grey pants and shirt she wore to hide her scars. “What about the others?” she asked. “They’re okay,” replied Cierra. “But some have been taken captive by the government.” Mystic facehoofed., “Oh, brother.” “We know where they’re being held. But first, we need to deal with another obstacle in our way.” “What?” “Kang.” Mystic froze. Cierra took notice, she stopped and turned around. “Kang?” Mystic wondered. “Didn’t we get on good terms with him?” Cierra scoffed. “Those good terms were then. But now a traitor has used them for his advantage.” “What’re you talking about?” Cierra shook her head. “Keep moving. Walk and talk.” She began walking again. Mystic caught up with her. “Kang’s helped us on various missions. Why would he be a traitor?” “With all the chaos going around, it seems as if his minions were not targeted, and some that were got out unharmed.” “And?” “And his little fillyfriend, the demon, managed to slip out multiple times while the government figured out every little move in the chaos before and during the trip up north.” “Can you please stop being cryptic, Cierra? That traitorous mare is gone along with Kang’s fillyfriend” “What I’m saying is that we’ve got a plan to deal with things in our way.” She looked at Mystic, giving her a look not to speak about the first mare mentioned, “Now, please be with me. I had to deal with getting everypony settled by myself after everything that happened!” Mystic nodded. “Of course. I just... I don’t want to do anything to draw more attention to us.” “We won’t, Mystic. I’ve got plans,” Cierra assured her. That’s kind of what I’m afraid of, Mystic thought, but shook her head and focused on getting reunited. The two ponies reached a wide street. Mystic lightly cringed and hoped they wouldn’t be seen. As they trotted across, Mystic’s gaze landed on what was left of the Wall. There were a couple of massive holes from top to bottom that gave a clear view of the suburbs on the other side. Mystic cringed, recalling the report of magical explosives surging through the stone. “Cierra...” said Mystic, looking at her. “Not now, Mystic,” replied Cierra. “We’re close.” “Are you doing okay?” Cierra sighed and formed a light glare at her, “Of course I am. I’m as strong and capable as I’ve ever been!” She slapped Mystic’s back. “I will not rest until we get where we need to be!” Images came to Mystic’s mind, as she recalled the events while they were up north. It wasn’t like her to lose herself up there, she thought. Not just once. Multiple times. “Look, enough talk,” said Cierra, a tired breath escaping her throat “We’re nearly there.” Mystic saw that they’d exited the suburbs and were now heading to the woods where what was left of their camp was said to be. ... The snow began to cover the ground. Mystic trailed behind Cierra and gazed at the cold, wet trees that surrounded them. Their branches were gnarled and seemed as if they were reaching out for her. They lightly swayed in the wind as Mystic shivered from the damp snow building on her back. They walked along the trail for a few minutes. Mystic could tell it was made by ponies traveling through it. Mystic saw they came upon some thicker trees. When they passed them, she saw that there were a bunch of ponies underneath tarps held up by measly sticks. Some were roped onto trees and threatened to collapse. Her throat formed a lump as her breath slightly quaked. This is it? she thought. “Before you ask anything,” Cierra spoke up,. “Yes, this is it. And yes, Sunshine is fine.” Mystic sighed. “Of course, Cierra.” “But she was tired from her journey here. She and the younger ponies are sleeping in a warm tent.” “Okay.” “Hey, they’re here!” came Song’s voice. She, Juan, and a herd of about forty Liberators emerged from the shadows. Mystic saw that they were a mix of mares and stallions. Some were unicorns and pegasi. “Is this the toughest of the gang?” Cierra asked. “Yes. And all of them volunteered,” replied Song. “Excellent.” She cleared her throat. “Listen to me, all of you!” Cierra cried, gaining the ponies in their shelters' attention. “We had grown in numbers. But... we had the toughest of times. We lost a lot of good brothers and sisters..." Cierra slightly sulked. Mystic's ears drooped as she remembered the ones lost. "But we managed to find a new place to hide! There isn’t any way they’re going to find us here in these woods!” Cierra continued She looked over at a couple of unicorns lying in their tent. “You two! I need you to make sure everypony’s accounted for! We’ll also need to find some food!” She turned back to the others. “The rest of us, we’ll head out and confront Kang. Now, all of you, please stay together. Get yourselves warm. Stay with me!” Cierra finished. “All right, let’s move out!” Song announced to the herd behind her. Everypony cheered before Cierra began leading them. Despite some nervousness and tiredness from her journey, Mystic followed and swore she felt her horn ache again. Mystic got behind a fallen log as Cierra joined her side. She gazed down towards the edge of the woods that was about one hundred yards from the western suburbs. She felt a surge of dark magic within her horn again. “Don’t use it unless you have to,” she told herself with a grunt. “All right,” said Cierra. “Some of our troops will head forward before we go. Once we’re in, we’ll be catching them off guard.” “Got it,” replied Mystic. Cierra looked to her right and signaled a few ponies to move forward. She turned left and did the same. They waited until they’d entered the woods. Cierra signaled everypony to move forward, all of them remained crouched. Mystic levitated her machete out and held it at the ready. The snow began to fall a little faster as the black trees got ever closer. Soon they entered the woods and Mystic heard one of her allies hit an enemy before their body slumped to the ground. Cierra gently went ahead of Mystic as she signaled the ponies around her to split up. She motioned for Mystic to continue following her forward as the woods got thicker. As they continued, Mystic wondered if they truly should be focusing on Kang. Her concerns only grew since the events up North. An orange glow began illuminating from behind the trees. They’re close. Mystic heard some of her allies delivering blows to their enemies and their bodies hitting the ground. She saw a couple of ponies sitting on a log. They were gazing into the woods. Cierra kept moving. When they got about twenty yards away, a couple of throwing knives hit them in the neck, causing them to slump over. “That should do it for us,” Cierra whispered. Soon, wagons filled with supplies could be seen along the edges of the camp. Mystic felt enviousness rise within her chest as she took in the sight. Sturdy tents were close from what Mystic could tell that the area was rather large. “Kang must’ve gotten a lot more luck than we did,” she murmured. “Oh, his luck’s about to change,” Cierra asserted. “Intruders!” somepony from within the camp shouted. Mystic and Cierra froze. Instead of heading towards them, some henchponies bolted to the right. Mystic saw that some of their allies charged onto the battlefield. “Dang it!” she cried as Cierra groaned. “There goes the element of surprise!” Cierra shouted. She stood up straight and charged with Mystic right behind her. “It’s on, everypony!” Mystic shouted at the top of her lungs. As fire bottles were thrown at the tents, Mystic made a beeline towards a couple of her enemies. She kicked one down and gave the other an uppercut punch. “Kang! We’re here for you!” she heard Cierra cry. Mystic noticed that the rest of the herd had joined them and had scattered across the campground. The unicorn shot a beam of magic at a large wagon, destroying its wheels and causing it to fall on top of two enemies. Mystic galloped further into the camp. It was large and tents were lined up. All of the occupants came out with their swords, cleavers, and spears at the ready. The unicorn barreled straight into three enemies, lit her horn and then jumped into the air. She did a backflip before firing upside down at enemies close to a burning tent. Mystic landed firmly on the hooves and spotted a small wagon. She got an idea. The unicorn leaped into the wagon, charged her magic and gave it momentum. Mystic held out her machete as the wagon charged through the campground. She sliced into ponies left and right. Beams of magic escaped from her horn, protecting her allies from getting hurt. With another push, Mystic spotted five ponies coming right at her. She grinned deviously. She formed a magical rope and magically allowed it to wrap its way around their forelegs. They landed in a heap. BAM! A burly earth pony crashed into the wagon, sending Mystic flying off. Mystic, on instinct, allowed herself to roll before she managed to get to her hooves. Before she could do anything, Juan, with her shield, charged from the left, knocking him into a burning tent. Mystic winced at his agonizing screams as he caught fire. “You still need saving?” Juan asked. “I totally had that!” replied Mystic. “I know!” Juan smirked and galloped off. With a brief eye roll, Mystic followed her. She saw that the campground continued to extend. But on the very edge, she could make out the outline of a larger tent. The unicorn immediately turned around and sliced an enemy’s throat with her machete. She winced at the blood splattering onto her face. With a hoof, she wiped it off. “Attack!” she heard somepony yell. BOOM! Mystic immediately ducked to the ground. She whirled to see a group of about twenty ponies with three cannons inside a small fort. BOOM! “Scatter!” Cierra ordered. Mystic immediately hid behind some rocks. She heard somepony get right beside her. Mystic tensed and lifted her machete. “Don’t attack me!” cried Song. Mystic grunted. “Don’t sneak up on me like that!” “Intense action, Mystic! Little time for talk!” Mystic looked to see Cierra ahead of her and behind some boxes and sacks. Several ponies joined her side. BOOM! A cannon fired at them. “Cierra?!” Mystic cried as dust flew into the air. “Song! Mystic! Go take out that stronghold!” Cierra ordered. Relieved, Mystic let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding in. “Yes, boss!” cried Song. Mystic saw Cierra and the ponies with her beginning to circle around the stronghold before they disappeared behind some trees. “Let’s go!” said Song as she took off. Mystic nodded and bolted to her side. “Take this!” she heard Song shout. Mystic looked over to the stronghold and a thrown fire bottle went careening towards them— Only for a rock fired from a slingshot to shatter it. “Move! Move!” Mystic ordered. “Do you have a plan?!” Song cried. “I’ve almost got one!” Liar! Mystic scolded herself. Mystic saw that more rocks were being fired from the slingshots. She ducked underneath one and fired upon another, shattering it. “Let’s get to those dirt mounds!” said Song. Mystic saw the dirt mounds to the stronghold’s left and they looked thick. Immediately, she and Song bolted over and ducked behind them. More rocks sailed above them as shouts of ponies emerged from the fort. “I’ve got something!” Mystic announced. Soon, the rocks quit flying. Mystic could only hear the fighting in the distance. She smirked. “All right!” said Mystic, “Song let’s get out there and take them out!” “Right!” The two ponies confidently leaped out of their hiding place-- Only to freeze when they saw a cannon pointing at them. “Okay!” Mystic cried. They both jumped back behind the dirt mounds. BOOM! They shielded themselves as branches rained down. Mystic briefly glanced to see that the trees behind them had been destroyed. “Do you suppose you can use your special spells or whatever that stuff you know?” Song desperately asked. “It takes me time to charge it up and we’re a little pinned right now!” Mystic reasoned as she tried to think of a plan. “Well, do something! I got nothing!” “Really not the time to pressure me, Song!” Mystic’s mind continued to run on how to get out of there. The rocks continued to fly. Then, to her right, about fifteen yards away Mystic saw a large tree still intact. She looked up and saw it was very tall. Perfect, she thought. “Song!” she shouted, “Cover me!” “Okay!” Mystic got to her hooves and crouched along the mounds of dirt. “Hey! Over here!” she heard Song scream. Mystic glanced back to see her standing up, “Fresh meat over here!” A second cannon fired. It narrowly missed Song. Darn it Song! Mystic thought as the blue pony bolted in the opposite direction. Without any time to lose, Mystic slid along the ground. She intended to use her regular magic but saw the tree was thicker than what she’d expected. Oh, no! she thought. “Where’s the unicorn?!” she heard somepony shout. Mystic cursed herself again., “Why do I always have to use this?” She channeled her magic and focused on her anger. Her horn ached as her red magic sparked from it. “Get that blue pony!” “No, you don’t!” Mystic shouted as she shot to her hooves. Her enemies turned to face her. “I’ve got you where I want you! And I say to you...” she turned to the tree and shot her dark magic at its trunk. “Timber!” Mystic shouted as she bolted away. She ducked behind another mound of dirt and watched as the behemoth tree leaned. Ponies cried out in horror. Most of them bolted out of the fort as a few scuttled to aim the third cannon at it. KER-CRASH! The tree collapsed on top of the fort, crushing it and the few ponies in it. Branches scattered and a portion of the campsite was destroyed. Mystic heard fighting still going on in the distance. Song reunited with her with a proud look. “Woo! You did it!” she cried. “You got what you wanted with the ‘special’ magic!” replied Mystic as she galloped off to help the others. A second later, she heard Song behind her. Now closer to the end of the campsite, Mystic saw the remainder of Kang’s henchponies trying to fight off her allies. But they weren’t doing too well. Some were falling back to the larger tent. Then, Mystic saw Cierra fighting her way towards the tent. A small sense of relief washed over the unicorn again. “Song! Juan! With me!” Mystic ordered. She glanced to see that they’d joined her. Mystic bolted to join Cierra, but suddenly she was tackled by an enemy. “Mystic!” Song cried. The stallion began punching Mystic in the face. Fed up, Mystic charged her dark magic and fired. He went flying off into the distance. She stood up and joined Cierra’s side. “Tough getting here?” she asked Cierra. “What do you think?!” Cierra grunted as she stabbed both of her blades into a pony. “Kang’s a coward!” Juan rushed forward. “Kang is mine!” Cierra barked. Mystic turned to her right and saw several Liberators pinned by several earth ponies. With a growl, she levitated several sacks of rice and chucked them right at them. They were knocked off their hooves. Mystic turned back to the tent. It was less than thirty yards away. “Almost there!” Cierra cried, killing another enemy. “Cierra! Cierra!” cried a voice. The purple pony in question snarled and faced a pony walking to them with a hoof held high. In his grasp was a white flag. Mystic recognized the green earth pony with a yellow mane and a pinkish streak in it. He stopped with a smile. “Can’t we all just calm down here and talk this out?” he suggested. “No more suggestions, Kang!” Cierra barked. “Tell your henchponies to back off!” “Oh, please, dear Cierra.” Kang lowered his lids at her. “Call off your ponies first, and we’ll discuss this over a nice cup of tea.” Mystic heard Cierra growl as she held her machete close. “Fine.” Cierra held up a hoof, signaling everypony to stand down. Mystic put her machete away and observed them. She swore she saw a glint in Cierra’s eye. “Now,” said Kang with a charming smile, “let’s all head in and...” “Let’s discuss it out here,” Cierra spoke. Kang’s smile didn’t waver. “Very well.” He took a breath in. “Why are you attacking my hideout?” “We want answers, Kang,” replied Cierra. “We want to know why there’s been so much stuff going wrong on carefully laid out missions.” Kang chuckled. “Oh, Cierra. Are you in trouble again?” “We both are if you don’t talk.” “Well, you were always the feisty one.” Cierra growled. “And during our trips up North, we always had things planned out, but somehow, someway, they always figured out what we were up to. And your little fillyfriend seemed to get away scot-free.” Kang laughed. “Oh, are you jealous?” “Just cut the slack, Kang, and answer Cierra!” Song demanded. Mystic inwardly agreed, but mostly to get this over with. “Now, now, Cierra,” Kang held up a hoof, “I assure you, whatever you’re thinking, you’re just coming up with excuses and accusations.” “Then deny that you were involved with them!” Cierra bellowed. Kang blinked a few times before he gave his signature smile again. “What is there to deny?” Cierra growled and Mystic clenched her teeth. “Quit with your games, Kang!” Juan scolded. “You can’t talk Cierra over anymore!” Kang sighed, “No, maybe not. But I want to assure you, this is all a big mistake.” He held up the flag again. “It looks as if you need to take a load off,” Kang said smoothly. “Why don’t you come up here and let ol’ Kang help you out?” Cierra didn’t reply. Mystic glanced at her hardened look. What does she have planned? Then, Cierra softened her look and let out a deep sigh. “Oh, my,” she said. “What have things come to?” “Exactly.,” Kang’s smile grew. “I-I’ve just been so stressed and trying to make a difference.,” Cierra put her blades away. Mystic watched in anticipation. “Come on, sweetie pie,” Kang took his first steps towards her. “Let’s just put all of this behind us and move on.” Cierra nodded and gently reached out to Kang. Almost longingly. He reached out for her... In a blink of an eye, Cierra punched Kang in the face, grabbed from behind his neck and shoved him to the ground, knocking him out. Mystic’s eyes widened in shock. He had a white flag! she thought, almost shouting it as Cierra held a knife to Kang’s throat. “Everypony!” Cierra snapped. “Make a move and your ringleader’s dead!” Mystic gazed around at Kang’s henchponies with their weapons in hoof. She shot a threatening look in support. A few seconds passed before they begrudgingly stood down. “Mystic,” said Cierra, “Grab Kang.” She turned to the others, “All of you! Round up this traitor’s henchponies!” Mystic levitated Kang’s unconscious form. “All of you!” Cierra shouted at the henchponies. “Either you’re with me, or you’ll be left for the government!” Everypony but Song, Juan and Mystic began rounding up the henchponies. “As for you majors--” Cierra turned to her sisters. “Follow me. We need to have a little chat with our friend.” Mystic placed Kang down on the boardwalk as Cierra stood next to her. The unicorn stepped back as Song and Juan joined her side. Cierra splashed some icy water onto his face. He didn’t move. She slapped him. “Gah!” he grunted, snapping awake. “Huh?” “Finally up, sleeping beauty?” Cierra taunted. “Wh-what?! Cierra?!” Kang saw that they were on the boardwalk. “Wh-what are you doing?!” “If I were you,” Cierra said in a rumbly tone, forming a glare, “I’d watch your mouth carefully.” “B-But I wanted to talk things over!” Kang insisted. “Like you were when you partnered with the government and their allies?” Cierra hissed. “This city is being reformed and you need to join it! You can’t win!” Kang spoke desperately. “You should’ve denied that you were involved with them,” Juan spoke. “So, that was it then.,” Cierra said, eyes narrowing., “If you can’t beat them, then join them?” “I didn’t want any of this to happen between us, sweetie!” “Shut up!” “You’re tearing up the place from Imperial City to up North!” Kang cried. He looked at Mystic, “And with a pony who possesses such evil magic!” “Mystic is more than you ever will be!” Cierra slapped him. Kang barely flinched. “Cierra, let’s just be reasonable about this!” he pleaded. “I can help you!” He looked at the others. “Please see reason! I want to live like all of you!” Mystic raised an eyebrow at his behavior. “You’re weak, Kang.,” Cierra ominously leaned forward., “You’re corrupted, just like them.” “I wanted to live! All of you are fools to continue down this path!” “Can it, Kang!” Song snapped. “You-you are nothing for them! They’re the reason why you’ll meet your end!” Cierra gave him an ominous look. “You have no idea what I’m capable of.” “Foolish pony!” Kang bellowed, “You’re the exact thing regular ponies flee from! They’ll send the dogs to get rid of filth like you!” “Oh,” Cierra dryly chuckled. “You’re right. You’re so right.” Mystic slightly tensed as Cierra reached forward and grabbed the back of Kang’s head. “They're good at smelling filth, aren't they?” Cierra coldly said as she knelt by the water. “Well, filth should be disposed of!” She dunked Kang’s head into the water. Mystic let out a gasp as her colleagues’ eyes widened in shock. Mystic watched, frozen to the boardwalk as Kang writhed and thrashed as Cierra pushed him deeper into the water. “Are your friends the Northerners and the government going to save you now?!” Cierra bellowed with full-on fury. “You repulsive little maggot!” Mystic reached out a hoof, but she couldn’t open her mouth to stop Cierra. “Call them! You call them, now!” Cierra shrieked. Cierra heaved and huffed as she kept his head under the water. Mystic didn’t know what to do other than watch. Soon, Kang stopped thrashing and he went limp. Cierra breathed heavily through her nostrils before she shoved his corpse into the water. “Gosh, Cierra, what part of your philosophy covers drowning a pony in cold blood?” Mystic asked, a surprised look on her face. Cierra faced her with a look that could kill. “The part that covers weakness,” she heaved. “It isn't nice and it's brutal, but it was either us or him!” The purple pony stood up. “I figured it might as well be him.” Still flabbergasted, Mystic looked back at the corpse of Kang as it floated further along the icy depths. Year 13 – Day 91 Mystic sat on the cold wet ground, thinking. Part of her mind couldn’t believe Cierra just drowned Kang. But on the other hoof, he did seem as if he were trouble. But... Suddenly the ground began to shake, causing the unicorn to perk up. She looked up at the trees as they swayed. An earthquake? she thought, alarmed. Almost as soon as it began, it stopped. “Huh...” Mystic mumbled. She looked back at the camp to see that it wasn’t damaged and nopony was hurt. All looked to be confused, too. She sighed and resumed her thinking. “Mystic?” said a small voice. The unicorn looked to her left to see Sunshine beginning to sit beside her. She wore a pink jacket with white winter pants. Mystic smirked. “I’m glad you’re okay.” “Likewise.” Sunshine cracked a small smile. The older unicorn lightly patted Sunshine’s back before resuming her previous position. “I waited for you last night,” the filly continued. “Huh?” Mystic asked, looking at her again. “I thought you were asleep.” “I waited until after you’d gotten back from last night’s mission.” Mystic’s eyes widened. “What?” “You didn’t check on me?” “Well, I wanted to, but Cierra told me you were asleep, and I started thinking about things and...” she groaned and buried her face in her hooves. “Dah, I feel like an idiot. I’m sorry.” Sunshine sighed. “It’s okay. I’m just glad you’re back from the North.” Mystic nodded. “Me too.” They both quit talking and just kept sitting there. Mystic resumed her thinking of Cierra and what happened since they’d left. Suddenly, she felt a surge of dark magic within her horn. The unicorn held back a gasp, stuck in a syringe, and injected some of its contents into her side. “Why have you been sitting outside of camp?” Sunshine asked. Mystic shook her head. “Just thinking, Sunshine. A lot to think back on.” “Do you want to talk about it?” Mystic paused. She knew she hadn’t spoken to Sunshine much even before the trip up North. As she did, she recalled something Meng told her. “Promise me you’ll reconnect with Sunshine! Promise me you’ll help out our sisters to not dig themselves into something they can’t get out of!” She ran a hoof along her shoulder and side, feeling the fresh scars underneath her shirt. The unicorn didn’t know exactly how. But she had to start somewhere. “Actually...” she said and looked at Sunshine, “I do.” Mystic noticed relief washing over Sunshine’s face. “I’ve been thinking because...” Mystic began, “because Meng told me that I needed to.” “About what?” Sunshine asked. “About this,” Mystic motioned to the camp behind her, “about our sisters and where it all ends.” “How do you think it will end?” “I’m not sure, Sunshine,” Mystic looked at the ground and traced her hoof along it. “But heading up to the Northerners seemed like a crazy idea even if there was a rumored powerful artifact. But after we’d gotten there, it seemed to make sense and we found and destroyed the artifact. We even helped the villagers with some issues they were facing.” “But what happened?” Mystic shook her head. “A lot. Cierra seemed strong, but even before then, her choices were a little off and some definitely were then.” She looked at Sunshine with a frown. “I wondered if she had gone off the deep end but Song and I managed to convince her to pull back and correct her errors, especially concerning...” Mystic growled, and Sunshine’s eyes widened before placing a comforting hoof on Mystic’s side. “That mare…” Mystic hissed. Sunshine nodded sympathetically and waited for Mystic to continue. “But...” Mystic sighed again. “She just doesn’t seem like the same pony she was when she took us in. With her killing Kang, I just don’t...” “Wait, wait, she killed Kang?” Sunshine’s eyes widened. “Yes,” Mystic affirmed. “I’m just not sure...” Both ponies went quiet. “The mission was partly successful,” Mystic spoke up again. “But not before those charges unleashed a massive amount of magic on the Wall.” “I see...” Mystic rubbed her temples, continuing to think. “Cierra thinks the Wall could be a distraction. Which makes some sense with ponies getting through, but I worry about the criminals that would hurt civilians.” “This sounds like a tough situation,” Sunshine said with a frown. “I’m so sorry, Mystic.” “Cierra was the best pony I’ve known,” Mystic continued. “She did so much for all of us... I’m just worried about her. If she’ll push herself too far and a lot of ponies would get caught in the crossfire.” “I’m worried about her too,” Sunshine said softly. “I’ve respected her for so long...” Mystic nodded in agreement. “What can we do then?” Sunshine asked. “I don’t know, Sunshine.” Mystic lightly tapped the ground. “I guess I keep thinking there might be a way to save the situation and give ponies a chance to not be complete fools.” Sunshine smiled. “Then why don’t you try?” “What?” Mystic asked, slightly surprised. “Why don’t you try and find another way?” “I don’t know how...” “I think you do, my friend.,” Sunshine placed a hoof on Mystic’s shoulder. “You just need to find out what.” Mystic ran a hoof down her face, trying to get the tiredness out of her eyes. “I just hope I can help them change their minds...” She caught a glimpse of Sunshine nodding. The unicorn lightly patted the filly’s head before turning away again. She snarled at herself as regret began building in her heart. Her eyes shut tightly as she clenched her hooves and jaw. She felt ashamed of herself, feelings she’d tried fighting off, but now... “I haven’t seen Meng since you’d gotten back. Where is she?” Mystic’s eyes flew open. Her anger and regret were replaced with sadness. As she sat there, her lips slightly trembled. She didn’t move for what felt like hours. The snow around her made her shiver hard. “Mystic?” She knew she couldn’t keep it hidden. Without a word, she turned to Sunshine with a deep frown. She felt tears beginning to well up as her lip trembled. Sunshine’s face began to fall. “Mystic... where is Meng?” she asked. The unicorn held back the tears as her lip trembled hard. She shut her eyes, unable to speak. When she opened them, she saw Sunshine had a horrified and saddened look on her face. “She saved me...” Mystic murmured. Tears began rolling down Sunshine’s cheeks. The filly covered her face and began weeping into her hooves. Mystic brought her in for an embrace and began comforting the filly. As she held her close, Mystic felt a small tear beginning to roll down her cheek. > Chapter 10 - The Heat is Up - Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Year 13 – Day 92 Mystic stirred in her sleep. She twitched and groaned as it got worse. Sweat poured down her face as she laid covered in a cold sweat. “No! No! No!” she said within her sleep. She screamed, sitting straight up. Immediately, she felt as if somepony drilled into her head. The unicorn felt her legs tingling. Horrified, she removed her blanket to see them glowing red. She let out a loud yelp and saw she’d awoken her friend. Sunshine’s eyes were wide and full of concern. “It’s happening again!” Mystic cried. Sunshine immediately got up from her mattress as Mystic held her horn in pain. She gritted her teeth as her head pulsed and her legs glowed brighter. “Here!” said Sunshine. Mystic immediately levitated a syringe and jammed it into her side. As she injected its contents into her side, her migraine subsided, the red glow faded, and her breathing slowing to normal. She didn’t bother looking at Sunshine right away, feeling the gaze that told her... “Mystic, we really need to talk about this,” said the filly, pointing at her horn. “No! We don’t!” Mystic yelped, shutting her eyes and hugged her sheets close. Due to opening up to Sunshine last night, Mystic felt like a bit of a hypocrite as she tried to make herself as small as possible. Mystic finished putting on her brown long-sleeved shirt and tightened the belt around her pants that had been made from a sack. The unicorn gazed at the ponies cuddled together in their tarps, trying to keep warm. The weather was getting colder. If we’re going to move, we need to move fast, Mystic thought. But at the same time, she needed to speak with multiple Liberators about what’s been going on. Her horn lit up as she levitated an apple to her mouth and took a bite. As her gaze went to the ground, she saw her reflection in a puddle. The unicorn looked at it and saw a glimpse of red magic within her regular blue. No, she thought. I won’t use it. She chomped the rest of the apple down and began thinking about who she needed to speak to about the situation. After a couple of hours of trying to talk to ponies, Mystic hadn’t been very successful. Most had either told her to leave or just weren’t listening. The unicorn approached another part of the Liberators’ camp and several ponies were playing cards around a table. “Hello,” said Mystic, trying to speak softly. They all turned to face her. “Anything we need to worry about?” one of them asked. “Well, not really, but I wanted to speak with you,” Mystic lightly rubbed her foreleg. “What is it?” another asked. “Well, I love helping ponies and I want the best for all of us,” Mystic began, “I’ve been one of the quick thinkers of the gang.” “Get on with it and don’t boast,” the first said. Mystic mentally slapped herself. “Okay. Well, Cierra just hasn’t been on her best behavior and I’ve been trying to reason with ponies to help them see the situation before us.” “The situation is bad, ponies’ behaviors change a little,” said a third as she looked at her cards again. “Yeah, Cierra means well,” added the fourth, trying to sneak a peek at the third’s cards. “I don’t know,” Mystic shook her head. “You were there up north. You saw how it went down.” “Come on, Mystic, you know better than this,” the third warned. “You’ve been loyal to Cierra longer than most of us!” the first complained. “Who else do we have to lead us out of the darkness?!” another added. “Somepony who can help you at least see things clearly!” Mystic shouted, having run out of patience. “Well, it’s not working, little missy!” a burly earth pony stood up from nearby. Mystic’s heart leaped as she got flashbacks to working in the iron mine. “You’re one of the most powerful and loyal ponies in this group,” he went on, “And if you’re doubting, unlike us, then maybe you think you’ve been living a lie!” Mystic’s words died on her lips. Not because she was afraid to speak, but wondered if she has been living a lie with this gang. That can’t be true! Mystic tried to assure herself, Cierra did so much for all of us! She felt like a fool. How was she going to convince ponies if she’s wrong? “That’s what I thought,” said the stallion. “You’re entitled to this life, Mystic. It’s not a lie, and you know it.” The unicorn realized that there was no convincing these ponies. There’s nopony else to cling to for leadership. No! Mystic thought, I won’t give up! There must be a way to save the situation! Before she could say anything else, the camp began rumbling again. Everypony began to slightly panic as the trees shook. “Everypony, stay calm!” Song ordered from nearby. Mystic immediately left and pushed past several ponies before finding Song in the middle of the camp. “Come on, stay strong!” she ordered. “Song!” Mystic called. Song turned around. “Mystic!” “What’s going on?” Mystic asked. Suddenly, the earthquake stopped, causing Mystic to be relieved yet confused. That was the second earthquake in two days! she thought. “It’s okay everypony!” Song shouted. Mystic looked at her. “Song, was that an earthquake?” Mystic asked, concerned. Song looked at her. “I doubt it. There have been no earthquakes recorded here in the past few hundred years.” “It sure seemed a lot like it.” “Maybe it was a group of enemies looking for us,” Song hissed. “Look, I don’t have time to talk about this.” After she’d finished saying that, some snow and branches fell on top of a large tarp, causing it to collapse. Ponies screamed. “Dang it!” Song cried, “Why did it have to be that one?!” Song went over to help as Mystic pondered on Song’s unusual response to her. Year 13 – Day 95 Outside of the camp, Mystic flinched as Juan threw her shield to the ground. “I’m telling you, Mystic! You’re just doubtful!” Juan scolded. “I’m just trying to help ponies!” Mystic reasoned. “This situation with us, ponies going hungry, and the government is really messed up right now!” “Cierra will find a way! You’re growing nervy in your age!” “I’m thirteen! And Cierra hasn’t been at her best for quite some time!” “Agh!” Juan groaned, “You’re just losing it, Mystic! I’m done having this conversation with you!” She leaned forward with a growl and held up a pen. “Have some respect or I’ll stick this pen into your windpipe and nail your tongue to the roof of your mouth!” Mystic froze as her eyes widened. She was speechless. Juan left with a deep glare on her face. She wished she knew where Cierra went because she hasn’t been seen much since Kang’s death. Probably making more plans. That part made sense, but... Mystic sighed. I’m glad I dealt with the newer ponies, she thought. There’re only two more ponies to speak with. Song and Cierra. As she began walking over to where Song’s stationed, Mystic remembered trying to convince the foals out of the campsite but they didn’t want to leave. She closed her eyes, blinking the tears back. She came upon the western part of the campsite where she saw Song keeping an eye out with a sword in her grasp. “Hey Song,” said Mystic. “Did you want to try to convince me?” Song asked with a hard look. Mystic froze. “That’s what I thought,” said Song. A slight blush broke out onto Mystic’s face. “I... guess you’ve been hearing about it?” “Indeed,” Song looked back into the woods. “I know what you’re saying.” “Then can you--” “You want my opinion?” Song suddenly asked, “Maybe ponies should stop looking to Cierra and start looking at themselves to see how they could’ve done better.” “I suppose you’re right about that but...” “Come on, Mystic,” Song reasoned. “What happened to loyalty?” “Yeah,” Mystic spoke, “What did?” Song just rolled her eyes and walked off. Mystic facehoofed. “Mystic! Come here!” Cierra called. Speak of the devil, Mystic thought. She turned to see Cierra trotting over with a group of about twenty ponies. “What’s going on?” Mystic asked. “We’re going on a mission to retrieve those ponies captured by the government,” Cierra explained. “I got word they’re transferring them to a more secure prison on the city’s south side.” “A more secure prison?” Mystic asked eyes widened. “Should we bring Song and Juan?” “We can handle it,” Cierra reasoned. “Come on.” She began leaving with the herd. Mystic followed and caught up with her. “Cierra, can we talk?” Mystic asked. “Not the time, Mystic,” replied Cierra, “We have to get those ponies back.” “I’ve not been properly informed about what we’ll be doing.” “We’re just going to stop a transfer and get ponies back. That plain and simple. All you need to do is your part.” “Can you tell me what that is?” “Disabling the lead of the transfer so we can strike them down.” Mystic shook her head. “Will we be able to get out quick and easy?” Cierra looked at the ground. “You’re sounding a lot like Meng,” she murmured with a shaky tone. “I miss... her...” “I miss her, too,” Mystic breathed. “But look at what’s happened to you.” She motioned to the camp. “Look at them. Would she want this?” “Do you want her death to be in vain?” Cierra hissed. “What?” Mystic blinked. “No!” “She saved your life! She knew you’d be of use!” “Cierra, she saved me because she knows I have a life that I could live!” “Exactly!” Cierra prodded Mystic in the chest. “You can still live that life! What would happen if we don’t succeed?!” Mystic trailed off, unsure of how to respond to that. “Mystic,” Cierra growled. “There just simply isn’t a world where we do nothing and get everything.” “I know, but...” “Enough!” Mystic shut up. She cringed when she felt her horn ache again. Mystic, Cierra and their allies hid behind some barrels. Across the street are houses that had worn down concrete and chipped roofs. Further to the street’s right, some apartment buildings didn’t look in much better shape. “Okay,” said Cierra, “The transportation should come any minute now.” “I’ve got a bad feeling about this,” Mystic murmured. “Either we do this and free our allies or we don’t,” Cierra reproached. Mystic sighed in defeat. “Here they come,” said a Liberator. Mystic pulled out her machete as a surge of dark magic emerged from her horn. In front of four wagons were two ponies with spears surging with ice blue magic. On the wagons’ sides were unicorn soldiers with shields and swords in their sheaths. Mystic’s eyes widened when she saw pegasi flying above with ice blue ropes. Magic. “Cierra...” Mystic whispered, she looked at her, “I think we’re going to need a bigger rescue party.” Cierra facehoofed, “I can’t believe this!” “Should we get the bolas ready?” another Liberator asked, “We’re ready to fight on your command.” “Just let me think for a second here,” replied Cierra. She turned to Mystic, “Any ideas? Can you use your dark magic?” “What?” Mystic gasped as the transport got closer, “I don’t want to have to use it too much!” “It can be used for the best!” Cierra insisted. Mystic gulped as Cierra turned back to their objective. “How am I going to free them without my dark magic?!” Mystic desperately asked. “Figure something out!” Cierra hissed. “We don’t have all day!” “All right, give me a second!” Mystic began thinking about how she can free them. Nothing nearby she could use as a distraction or-- The ground rumbled. Mystic and the patrol froze in place. “Huh?” Mystic wondered. Suddenly, a column of the earth shot up from under the street, sending the front of the patrol flying into the air and crashing onto the soldiers behind them. “What in the?!” a pony and Mystic cried in unison. Knowing her mistake, Mystic clapped her hooves over her mouth. “Who was that?!” a very familiar voice rang out, causing the unicorn’s blood to run cold. Out from behind the last wagon, stepped out a very familiar orange unicorn. He had on white and red shiny armor that had a silver shimmer to it. It looked impenetrable. Hong, Mystic thought, horrified. “Move!” Cierra ordered. “It’s the Liberators! Destroy them!” Hong ordered, pulling out a long, curved sword. Several Liberators jumped out with their enchanted swords at the ready. “No! Wait!” Mystic cried. “Stop!” Cierra ordered. But it was too late. The bolas fired at the pegasi. Some of them dodge but at least three were taken out. All of their allies had rushed out to save the prisoners. Mystic looked at a horrified Cierra before they both jumped out to try to save them. Mystic fired several beams of magic as the soldiers but they held up their shields, deflecting them. “You!” Hong roared at Mystic. “Drat!” Mystic cried. The unicorn saw her allies trying to hold back the soldiers but they were getting overrun. She shot a blast of magic at a wagon, knocking it over. “Kill them all!” Mystic heard Hong shout, “I’ll get Mystic!” “Cierra!” Mystic cried as Hong charged. “Run Mystic!” Cierra cried as she opened broke the lock to the first wagon. Mystic broke into a gallop, trying to escape. But she came to a screeching stop. Hong stabbed and then sliced through a couple of Liberators as he barreled towards her. Her anger grew. No! she thought as she gritted her teeth. She looked at Cierra. The Liberators. This cannot happen! She thought. With a great bellow, Mystic charged her dark magic. I am so going to regret this! she thought as her horn ignited red. Mystic saw Hong had stopped with wide eyes. The unicorn grunted as she focused. Most of the Liberators were dead. Cierra and four prisoners freed from the wagon are cornered. Mystic screamed as she let out a surge of magic. Her allies turned and saw the surge. They ducked as Hong held up his shield and crouched behind it. The dark magic struck the soldiers both in the air and on the ground, sending a magical surge through their bodies. Mystic let out another scream as another surge came from her horn. Then it blew the soldiers away, causing them to crash into various buildings along the street. After she finished casting her spell, Hong emerged from behind his shield. Time seemed to slow as Mystic gulped at his aghast look. “Demon!” Hong suddenly bellowed. “Dark magic wielder!” Mystic tensed up. “Bring her head to me!” Hong roared. Suddenly, a lot more soldiers came charging down the street. Mystic looked at the nervous Cierra. “Fall back!” Cierra ordered, “Move it!” “There are still some prisoners!” a freed prisoner cried. Cierra and Mystic began galloping off with the other three prisoners. “There’s nothing we can do!” Cierra cried. Mystic stopped galloping and motioned for the others to follow. Four of them were ahead of the other two, but a unicorn levitated them up. “No!” Mystic cried, she shot a beam of magic, but it narrowly missed them. “Mystic! Come on!” Cierra called. The unicorn cringed and shouted an apology before galloping off. In no time at all, Mystic caught up with Cierra as they ran up the street. “Help me look for a hiding place or an escape route!” Cierra ordered. “I’ve been on it!” replied Mystic. “After them!” Hong’s voice echoed, “Bring them to me dead or alive!” He knows! He knows! He knows! Mystic thought frantically. Adrenaline kept her going as everypony made a sharp left. They crossed a bridge. Mystic immediately turned and shot it, obliterating it. “Find another way around!” Hong ordered. Mystic looked back to see him standing on the other side of the bridge and his soldiers running in either direction to get to her. “This way!” Cierra cried. Mystic pushed as hard as she could. Her legs ached and muscles were getting sore. They came to a four-way intersection and Cierra took a right and then another left towards the clustered neighborhoods. “Not that way!” Cierra declared. Mystic saw soldiers patrolling that area. They saw them and charged. Cierra took a right and then another left. “Over here!” Cierra shouted. She led them over to a large grate that led to the city’s drainage system. Mystic grabbed one side and Cierra the other. It easily came off. “Get in,” Cierra whispered. Mystic allowed the four former prisoners to get in. It would be a tight squeeze. Mystic went in next, followed by Cierra. The unicorn placed the grate back in place. Mystic pressed herself against the slimy wall as hoofsteps clattered along the pavement outside. “They’ve disappeared, sir!” the lieutenant shouted. “For now!” Hong stated. Mystic shifted in her position as the four Liberators struggled to stay hidden. “Good ponies of Imperial City and all who uphold the law it’s time to take our city back!” Hong announced. “We’ll save our city! Expunge these Liberators! Before we’re overrun, we must attack!!” “Yeeaaahhhh!!” everypony cheered. “Expunge them!” “Take them out!” “Bring down the demon!” everypony cried. The soldiers and Hong’s footsteps faded until they were gone. But the alarms began blaring throughout the city. Everypony in the drainage looked at each other with uncertainty. “Wh-what are we going to do?” one of the Liberators asked nervously. Mystic saw the drainage was too narrow for them to squeeze through. “I’ve got something,” said a Liberator. “Oh, yeah? What’s that?” Cierra asked as Mystic looked outside. “We could make our way over to those alleys over there,” she pointed to the other side of the street, “There could be a ladder or something if we can’t escape through the streets.” “And if there isn’t? Cierra asked. “We have to try,” said Mystic. “Either we are eventually found here or we’re not.” Cierra nodded. Mystic watched as she examined the streets. The unicorn felt sick because of her nervousness. Things have only gotten worse. “Let’s go. But quietly,” said Cierra, slightly startling Mystic. The four prisoners went first, followed by Cierra, then Mystic. Cierra began leading them again and soon they reached the edge of their destination. “Check over there!” a voice shouted. “Crap!” Cierra whispered. She looked around vigorously as Mystic caught a glimpse of some soldiers. “Quick! Up to the rooftops!” she said. Mystic saw her and the other Liberators began climbing a ladder to the roofs. With a final shot of magic, Mystic climbed up and joined them on the roof. They galloped and Mystic allowed the others to go ahead of her. She and the others leaped onto another rooftop and then across another. Shouts of soldiers echoed through the streets as the atmosphere caused Mystic to shudder. The final roof they reached had metal slants that were flat between them. Cierra crouched and everypony followed suit. “All right,” she said in a dire tone, “We’ve got to keep quiet and keep moving or we’ll be dead in the next few minutes.” She climbed the slanted the roof, “Mystic, you follow me. The rest will follow.” Mystic did so and stayed crouch as she snuck across a long stretch of the roof. Soon, she jumped to a lower one and kept moving. A glance behind her, and she saw the others close by. “Mystic! You will not hide from me! I will find and kill you!! Hong’s voice echoed. That was her cue to move fast. Looking ahead, she saw a part of a building that seemed abandoned. Motioning the others to follow, using her skilled hooves, Mystic climbed up next to a boarded window and everypony joined her side. “Everypony, get in,” Cierra whispered as she lifted one of the boards slightly. Mystic was the first to squeeze in. She saw that the room has been abandoned and the walls were cracked, exposing some insulation. Mystic walked over to a window and looked out to only be met with a brick building. “What’re we going to do now?” a panicked Liberator asked. Mystic turned around and saw the prisoners they’d freed have entered and Cierra followed suit. “We’re going to try and calm down,” said Cierra. “We don’t need to lose any more lives.” She frowned deeply. Mystic frowned in response, feeling bad for her and her allies. “We’re just glad you got us out,” said a second. “I wish it could be said about...” “Enough,” Mystic spoke up. “We don’t need to panic right now.” She sat down on the floor. “Either we stay here, or die out there right now.” “Exactly!” Cierra nodded, sitting in a chair, “So, please. Remain calm, everypony.” Mystic saw the moon barely breaking through the clouds. “They’re all still looking for us,” said Cierra. “Of course, they are,” said the first Liberator. “I was hoping we’d be able to find a way through,” said Cierra, “But it appears they have patrols everywhere.” “You’re out of ideas?” the second asked, slightly panicked. “No. I’m working to figure it out.” “Uh, guys?” said the third Liberator, “You... might want to come to see this.” Mystic looked to the right and saw that her comrade was looking out of the window that gave a better view of the streets below. Trepidation built in her chest as she and Cierra walked over. The purple pony moved the board aside and peered out. She lightly gasped. “Oh... my...” “What? What is it?” Mystic asked. “I’ve never seen so many...” Cierra turned to Mystic with wide eyes, “Take a look.” Mystic carefully looked out the window. Her eyes nearly flew out of her sockets. On the streets below, she could see soldiers marching down the perpendicular street. There seemed to be a countless amount of them. In the street heading to where she and the others are situated, there were even more waiting for the others to pass. The line seemed to go on beyond the horizon. Mystic nearly froze when she saw pegasi patrol flying around the skyscrapers and flew low among the suburbs. “I even saw some of them holding reinforced weapons like Hong did,” Cierra whispered. “Gee, thanks for the info...” Mystic whispered, unable to take her eyes off the soldiers. A few seconds passed before she backed away from the window and Cierra put the board back in place. Mystic sat down on the floor, processing what she had seen. “I have an idea,” said Cierra. “Oh, thank the stars above!” the first said. Cierra turned to Mystic with a frown. “I hate to ask you, Mystic,” she said. Mystic’s eyes widened, knowing where this is going. “I must ask you to use your new magic so you can get us all out,” she said, kneeling with a soft look. “I know you can also fly with it. Can you try to use it?” Mystic shook her head vigorously. “It took a lot out of me to even pull off that trick. I don’t know if I can fly and hold all of you at the same time. “Mystic, if we don’t get out of here, they will find us. What will everything we’ve been through mean then?” Cierra asked. For a moment, it felt as if Mystic were listening to the old Cierra who didn’t seem so... out of it. “Remember your training,” Cierra advised. “Focus on what you need to. It doesn’t matter the size or how many ponies you have.” Mystic let out a long exhale from her nostrils. “Okay.” “You’d better have a great plan for all of this,” Mystic grunted as she charged her magic. “It’s the best!” Cierra asserted. Whatever, Mystic thought, and she wondered what exactly she has planned. Mystic grunted and focused on her anger and determination. Come on, come on, she thought. The unicorn strained and her muscles clenched. She grit her teeth as a red glow formed around her body. The glow got brighter and Mystic swore she saw some wisps of purple magic. “Almost there!” she grunted. Then, she levitated, the red glow still around her body. Her horn glowed brightly, and she levitated the others by her side. “This is freaky!” one of the Liberators said, amazed. “Freaky indeed!” said Mystic, facing the left barricaded window. Then, she flew across the room and crashed through it. Mystic almost immediately saw more patrols. Instead of flying across, she flew straight up into the clouds. “Got to keep them from seeing me!” she grunted as she strained to keep the others held in her grasp. Soon, Mystic broke into the clouds, almost soaking her to the bone. She heard the others yelp because of the coldness, but she kept going. Then, she managed to get above them and immediately saw the stars and glowing moon very clearly. But she had no time to take in the beauty. Her time was limited with this power. The unicorn began flying northeast to keep Hong from finding their camp. “Hold on!” Mystic cried. “Obviously!” Cierra shouted, obviously nervous. “The rest of us aren’t pegasi or flying unicorns!” Mystic ignored them as she flew faster, hoping that she wouldn’t be seen by the pegasi patrol. Get to the woods and wait for the heat to die down a bit, she thought Soon, she descended back down into the clouds as one more thought crossed her mind. I hope my dark magic doesn’t consume me. About an hour later, Mystic and the others emerged from the woods. “Do you think that was a trap?” Mystic asked as she took the syringe out of her side. “Obviously it was!” Cierra stomped a hoof. “They think they can make a fool out of me?!” “Did you double-check your intel?” “Yes! They assured me that it was a transfer!” Mystic ran a hoof down her face. “It seems maybe some info got mishandled.” Cierra growled. “Now Hong knows about my dark magic!” “I didn’t tell you to use your dark magic! I told you to figure something out!” Mystic didn’t believe her but she had another question on her mind. “I would have if the earth didn’t rip apart! What was that?” “The hay if I know!” Cierra walked off in a huff. Mystic’s legs felt like jelly before she collapsed onto her stomach, exhausted. Year 13 – Day 101 Just outside of the woods leading to the camp, Mystic levitated up a small lantern and wiped the blood off her blade with a disgruntled look. Yet another failed rescue mission. It was ridiculous out there. She had never seen the city in such chaos before. Her mind flashed back to the soldiers at about every corner. The civilians being shoved around and mistreated. She put out her lantern and shoved it into her bag. As she made her way into the woods, she looked around for any torches illuminating the night, and prayed that her dark magic was maintained. They’re closing in hard and fast, she thought as her heart throbbed. She didn’t know what would happen to the Liberators. But she’s scared to think about that. That is it! Mystic thought, anger replacing her fer, I am going to talk to Cierra if she wants to or not! She had already asked Song, Juan, and other Liberators where Cierra goes every day, all day but nopony could give her an answer. The searches for her always turned up nothing. As she came upon the pathetic campsite, she came up with the idea to wait for Cierra at her tent no matter how long it took. She glanced around at ponies practicing with their weapons nearby, some were exercising, and some were simply talking. Tears threatened to well up. I tried to help them see reason, Sunshine, she thought disdainfully, I just don’t have what you have. If only Meng were still here. But, knowing she cannot let her emotions cloud her judgment to reason with Cierra, Mystic broke into a trot. Play it cool, Mystic she thought as she approached Cierra’s “tent.” She ducked under the tarp, sat down on the ground and levitated one of Cierra’s books to read as she waited for the purple pony. Then, the earth began to rumble. Mystic shot to her hooves as ponies panicked. What is with these earthquakes?! Mystic thought, almost shouting. Branches came tumbling down from the trees. Mystic lit her horn and stopped several from hitting a few ponies. “Song! Juan!” Mystic cried, “Is everypony okay?!” Nopony immediately replied to her as the ground continued to rumble. Then, as soon as it began, it stopped. A growl escaped Mystic’s throat. “Mystic!” Song called, “Are you all right?” “Oh, thank goodness!” Mystic called, “I’m fine! Are you?” “I am! I’ll make sure we’re all okay!” Mystic looked around the camp at the fallen branches. At the edge of it, she saw that several trees were cracked. She rolled her eyes and began walking over to remove them. Then she swore she saw movement within the trees. Immediately, she stooped and pulled out her machete. Her eyes narrowed, trying to make out if she had seen anything. With a few hesitant steps forward, Mystic focused on the blackened woods. That’s when she saw it. She swore she saw the top of an outline of a bi-pedal animalistic creature. Her blood ran cold. She could make out its pointy ears and its fur. “Hostile in the area!” Mystic roared. She kept her eyes trained on the creature as Song and Juan joined her side, weapons drawn. “Where is it?!” Song demanded. “Twelve o clock!” Mystic pointed ahead. She could still see it. “Look closely!” Juan and Song stepped forward with their weapons but they stopped. Mystic could barely see the figure now. “I don’t see anything!” said Juan. “It’s there!” Mystic cried. Song stepped into the woods until she went in far enough that Mystic saw her standing right in front of it. “It’s in front of you!” Mystic cried, very nervous. Instead of attacking, Song looked around, turned back and came out of the woods with a confused look. “I didn’t see anything,” she said. Mystic’s eyes flew open. “What?” “There wasn’t anything there.” “I think she might be seeing things,” said Juan. Mystic looked at the ground, slightly embarrassed. She was sure she saw something. When she looked up, it was gone. “Just try and get some sleep, Mystic,” said Juan. “Don’t do anything foolish, okay?” Song gave Mystic a hard, disappointed look before they both left her. Mystic made her way back to Cierra’s tarp and sat down again. As if it were a nightmare, she tried to forget about it. Year 13 – Day 102 Mystic opened her droopy eyes. Then she snapped them open. Oh, nuts! She thought. The unicorn took in her surroundings, finding herself leaned up against the tree under Cierra’s tarp. She hadn’t returned. Is it morning? She thought. The sky was still dark. If it were, it was very early. She decided to eat something as she waited for Cierra. Her horn lit up and pulled out a couple of pears from her satchel. Almost an hour passed and the sky was turning a light grey color. Mystic slowly exhaled from her nostrils. “I guess I could read the book for the third time,” she said. She grabbed it from the nearby table and brought opened it to the first chapter. Then, out of the corner of her eye, she saw four hooves walking over. She perked up and saw it was Cierra in her beaten brown robe. Mystic’s heart leaped for joy. “Mystic?” Cierra asked, “What’re you doing in my tent?” As much as of a tent it could be, Mystic thought. “I was waiting for you,” she said aloud. “Well, I’m here,” Cierra sat down on blankets formed into some kind of mattress. Mystic took in Cierra. She looked tired, yet determined. Stressed, but happy about making progress. “Where have you been?” Mystic asked, “I’ve been wondering that for days and Song acted strange when I asked.” “I’ve been arranging the final plan, Mystic,” Cierra gave a weak smile. “It’s tough and lengthy, but I’ve been managing.” “Without us?” Mystic asked curiously. “It’s a long story and only I could do it,” Cierra explained. “Juan and Song didn’t question me.” “I’m just concerned about you and how far you’re pushing yourself.” Cierra let out an annoyed grunt. “Just don’t get into that kind of talk, Mystic. I’m tired.” “Can we please have a little chat?” Mystic asked. Cierra rubbed her tired eyelids. “Are you sure this can’t wait until tomorrow?” she asked. “No offense or disrespect, but I’ve been wanting to talk to you for days about this,” replied Mystic. Cierra groaned. “Fine. No way I can talk you out of it.” “Exactly.” Both ponies faced each other. “Cierra,” Mystic said, trying to sound soft, “You’ve done so much for me and everypony here. You sheltered, provided, and treated us fairly.” Mystic frowned, “But what happened up North and what’s happening now in the city... it’s just not the way we used to do things and you know that.” Cierra narrowed her eyes. “I don’t want to discredit any of the work you’d done--” “Any of the work?” Cierra asked incredulously, “What do you call what I’m trying to do now?” “Plans that needed better coordination and a pony who’s being reckless,” Mystic stated. Cierra looked at her as if she’d been slapped. “Not just for us, but what happened up north--” “What happened up north was about surviving Mystic,” Cierra asserted. “Then why did you use their problems instead of helping them?” Mystic asked, “You went out of your league up there.” “I was trying to make sure we defeated the General and his army!” “That got a lot of ponies and Northerners killed and for what?” SLAP! Mystic was suddenly looking away and felt her cheek beginning to burn. Her eyes went wide as she held it. “Did you just hit me?” she asked with a shaky voice, trying to blink her tears back. “You need to learn not to question my motives!” Cierra leaned forward, “Everything I do, I do for us! You of all ponies should understand that! This is our moment! We will rebuild the society from the ground up!” Mystic blinked the tears away, trying to force her trembling lips to stop. She knew she had to continue. “Cierra,” she said, holding back tears. “I don’t know about myself. But if things are going to go wrong, everypony else here should leave and live their own lives.” “Nopony can live their lives right now,” Cierra growled. “They’ll hunt us down one by one.” “They’re after me and you!” Mystic reasoned, “They tried making a couple of deals with us!” “Deals are nothing to them!” Mystic could tell this wasn’t getting anywhere. “Okay, Cierra,” Mystic sighed, “Maybe you’re right about that. We just need to try and be reasonable while thinking of the outcome.” “That’s what she said...” Cierra murmured. “Who?” “Don’t you dare talk about Meng!” Cierra shouted. Mystic almost flew backward, aghast, “I wasn’t! I wasn’t even trying to bring her up!” “Why exactly are you still talking about her?!” “Gah!” “Their deaths will not be in vain!” Cierra cried, “I will make sure of that!” Mystic nearly froze at those last words. Is she still helping herself? she thought, horrified if that’s the case. “Cierra, I love you, but what will the plan cost us? How many more lives? This isn’t just about us anymore!” Mystic cried desperately. “You’re not talking any real common sense!” Cierra barked. “I’m not talking common sense?!” “Enough!” Cierra bellowed, “This talk has gone on for long enough!” She stood up. “I need to get out of here and later assure our plans will go on tomorrow.” “What?” Mystic asked, wide-eyed. “You heard me you fool!” Cierra glared. “Tomorrow is our big day to win!” “R-Really?” Cierra nodded. “You will stay at the camp. When we begin our mission, you will do everything I say. Understand?” Mystic couldn’t help but still be worried about the other Liberators. How can they win? She has dark magic she doesn’t want to use and Cierra has no magic. What is this plan? Mystic thought. “What do you mean about assuring our plans going on tomorrow?” “That I’ll continue with the final phase as some teams deal with the army!” “What are you talking about?” Mystic asked. “Several parties went out to ward the army off for me to carry out our plans.” “What?! When did this happen?!” Mystic gasped. “They volunteered!” Cierra threw up a hoof. “I tried to make them see differently!” “Did you though?” came Sunshine’s voice. Mystic and Cierra turned to see the filly had entered. “Oh, what do you want?” Cierra demanded. “I want to help both of you,” Sunshine answered, “But Cierra, Mystic is just trying to help you see reason. And I heard enough to know--” “Were you listening in?!” Cierra cried. Sunshine didn’t flinch as she glared. “You were yelling for half of the camp to hear.” “Cierra, just listen!” Mystic pleaded, growing even more upset. “We’re losing ourselves! I’m losing you!” “No, we are not! And I don’t need to hear any more from you two!” How could this be happening?! Mystic thought, I tried reasoning like Sunshine does with me! “No, I think you do,” Sunshine pointed at Cierra. “Oh?” Cierra growled. “Your plans have gone off the rails, Cierra!” Sunshine cried. “What has happened to the honorable pony I once respected?” “You watch your mouth, little missy!” Cierra scolded. “I have a right to speak out on behalf of my friend! Ponies have lost their lives and now you’re probably pushing a reckless plan!” “The plan will succeed! I made sure of that!” “Is this about winning the fight for everypony? Or is it for you?” Cierra stepped up to Sunshine, towering over her. “I don’t want to hurt you or disrespect your spirit, Sunshine,” she said. “But just stay out of this.” “I think we should just all calm down and reason!” “Oh, you think you’re so high and mighty?! Well--” “Stop it! Just stop it!” Mystic cried. Both ponies turned to face her. “Mystic! Tell your friend that you’ve done so much! For us!” Cierra cried. “Mystic! Please tell Cierra that we cannot afford to fight and possibly lose more lives! We need to leave!” Sunshine pleaded. She looked between Cierra and Sunshine’s both pleading looks. The unicorn squeezed her eyes shut and let some tears fall. “This cannot be happening to me!” she shouted, pushed over her limit. The distraught pony stood up and bolted, ignoring the calls from the two ponies that meant so much to her. Another rock hit the pool. Mystic took around at the cyan glowing edges of the water that were accompanied by trees. It was quiet. Peaceful. Unlike everything else. Mystic examined her reflection, and by the look on her face, she noticed that the last eleven months haven’t been much better for her. The unicorn looked at her red cheek and sniffed. The feeling of dark energy briefly returned to her horn that caused her to inwardly curse herself. “If only they hadn’t known about my dark magic...” she said. “I should’ve...” She wiped her eyes. “I should’ve kept it better hidden...” What is life? What is she meant to do? The conflict within her raged on. She hates it. She is angry at herself for being at a loss. Angry that she failed to get ponies to see clearly. Angry for being caught between two ponies she loves. Love? What is that anymore? She has ponies... had ponies in the Liberators that loved her and each other. But... “It’s starting to feel like a lie...” she muttered. She slapped herself. “No! It cannot be a lie!” she told herself. “We almost have this!” She sulked again. “Don’t we?” She felt her eyes beginning to well up. Her thoughts continued to run. The relationships with the Liberators came to her mind. The good times. The awkward times. Even the embarrassing ones. If all of this... all of these relationships and the love were a lie... is love a lie? She thought. No...it can’t be...Sunshine showed me love. She choked and buried her face into her hooves. One last thought came to her. If this is all a lie... then what did we truly accomplish? Year 13 - Day 103 This is it. The big day for the all mighty Cierra’s plan to fall through. Cierra arranged a meeting for her in a few minutes. Maybe she’ll get a bit of sense into her. As futile as that might be at this point. The camp surrounding her was mostly empty aside from ponies too weak to fight. She assured them they had enough food, but she still felt awful for them. She saw the spark in their eyes. The spark of rebellion. A small sense of pride couldn’t help but make its way to Mystic’s chest. Darn mixed feelings, she thought. She turned and began walking to where she needed to be. The thought of wondering where everypony was never left her mind. Sure, she’s bound to get answers. As continued on her way, the pathway seemed to stretch. Her hooves felt weighty as she felt a surge of dark magic within her horn. The unicorn cursed herself until she remembered a conversation she and Meng had. “I know you’re wanting to remain loyal. But I’ve begun to see things differently when you first came in.” How so? Mystic thought as if talking to her. “Things in this gang weren’t as they seemed when you first joined it. You, Sunshine, and even Song and Juan began to show me that there’s more to just moral codes.” Mystic wanted to ask her what she had meant. But it wasn’t before... Meng was lost. The unicorn heard hoofsteps approaching. She turned and her eyes widened when she saw it was Sunshine dressed up in her winter clothes. “Sunshine?!” Mystic cried. “Aren’t you supposed to be on the escort?!” Sunshine nodded. “They agreed to let me come speak with you for a few minutes.” “Does Cierra know?” “Yes. I believe so.” Mystic noticed a slight waver in Sunshine’s voice. She raised a skeptical eyebrow. “I wanted to say something to you,” the filly stepped forward. “All right, what is it?” Mystic asked. “First,” Sunshine said, levitating a small box. “I wanted to give you this.” She placed it into Mystic’s hoof. “You don’t have to open it now. Just hear me out, please.” Mystic nodded for her to continue. “Despite what may happen,” Sunshine took another step forward. “Is that I’ve always loved you.” Sunshine smiled. “Even after everything.” “What?” Mystic asked. “Yes,” Sunshine smiled, placing a gentle hoof on her friend’s shoulder. “I’ve always forgiven you even when you weren’t there or had broken your promises.” “B-But why?” Mystic asked, a slight choke in her throat. “Because I love you, my friend,” replied Sunshine. “I know, deep down you still love me too. You’ve just been sidetracked.” Mystic couldn’t reply, she just stood there, amazed at Sunshine’s being able to forgive and be strong for her. “I know you have to go on this mission, Mystic,” Sunshine said softly, “But just know that you can make your own choices rather than let somepony else rule over your life. Just follow what you believe is truly right and not be pressured about the choices you make.” She felt Sunshine’s hoof stroke her shoulder, “You taught me how to stand up for myself and never give up. I just want you to know when there’s a time to fight and a time where you know you can’t win.” Mystic didn’t reply as Sunshine paused, almost waiting for a reaction of some kind. She looked at the ground, almost wanting to go with her. “I love you, Mystic. You’re the most wonderful pony I’ve ever met. I just have one more piece of advice to give you.” Out of habit, or by guilt, Mystic’s blue eyes met Sunshine’s yellow eyes. “You do what you think is right. Is what you’re doing truly right? Ask yourself.” Mystic almost sulked but found no other way forward. Before she could even think to say anything, Sunshine stood up and gave her a solemn smile. “I wish you the best. Come back to me, my sister,” she whispered. Mystic could’ve sworn she saw a glisten in her eyes. She departed from her and Mystic’s mind and heart began racing. Mystic looked down at the box Sunshine had given her. With a curious eyebrow, she opened it to find... The golden necklace she’d woken up with. Mystic’s eyes widened. She hadn’t seen this in a couple of years. I remember... she thought. I gave this to Sunshine... To give a piece of herself to a friend. She narrowed her eyes and began thinking again. As Mystic walked to Cierra’s tarp, the unicorn looked down at the medallion of the necklace again. Where and how did I get this? she thought. She shivered, not from the cold, but the thought. Once she’d been thrust into the lifestyles she’d had, she didn’t have time to think of finding her memories. But... Mystic shook her head, disregarding the thoughts. No matter what happens, she thought, I’ll need to come up with my own destiny of who I am. The unicorn placed the medallion within her shirt and saw Cierra reading a book on the opposite end of her shelter. She sat down across from her. “Mystic,” said Cierra. “Yes, Cierra?” Mystic asked, feeling her ears beginning to droop. “I believe it’s time I told you something about something I had you retrieve in your early days.” Without a word, Cierra revealed the ominous black book. Mystic’s eyes widened, recognizing it. “Is that...” she asked, taken aback. “Yes,” Cierra nodded as she sat down and placed the book between the two of them. “It’s a spell book. One that contains ancient magic and forbidden spells.” “F-Forbidden?” Mystic gulped. “Yes, but I have no interest in those spells. Just spells that will help us out,” Cierra explained and opened the book to a page she’d marked, “I’ve learned that there are spells ponies like me can do if we channel our earth pony magic right.” Mystic gazed at the contents, spotting one page with a magical detonator and another page that has an earth pony channeling her magic into containers and sprinkling it along chains and various equipment. “Whoa...” Mystic marveled, “Earth ponies can do this?” “It’s very rare any earth pony throughout history knows these kinds of spells for them,” Cierra explained, closing the book. “There are other spells like helping us being able to bend the earth, being able to stand firm in an avalanche, and much more.” “What’re you going to do with these spells?” “Like I said, to help us. I’ve been studying the spells during my free time and skimming what else could be in the book, and let me tell you, it’s a real treasure trove,” Cierra broke out into a smile and looked down at the book, pawing it, “Who knows what could be done if we had more unicorns and pegasi in our gang?” Mystic looked at Cierra eying her book. Her nerves pulsed through her body as her throat tightened. She mentally cursed herself as she tried to keep an interested look on her features. Meng’s concerns and wisdom began running through her mind as did questions. What are that book’s spells truly capable of? Will Cierra go mad with power? How many ponies would be hurt if that did happen? “It’s time to start thinking, Mystic,” Meng’s voice echoed again. “About all of this and where it all ends.” I need to speak up! I need to speak up! Mystic thought, but her tongue was tied. Cierra looked up at Mystic with a smile. “My sister, thank you for being the strongest among us even when there is so much doubt around me.” I haven’t been the strongest or faithful recently... Mystic thought. Why is she telling me this? Cierra placed a gentle hoof on Mystic’s shoulder, “It means the world to me and that you’ve become perhaps my greatest asset.” Mystic eyed the ominous spell book once again. The way Cierra was talking didn’t seem like her anymore. It was almost as if she were a stranger. “The soldiers should be here any minute now,” Cierra smiled determinedly. “What?!” Mystic cried. “How would they know we’re here?!” “I revealed where we were.” Mystic gasped and her eyes flew wide open. “You did what?!” she screamed. “You heard me!” “What about everypony else?! Sunshine?! Your sisters?!” “Everypony has gone down to where I assigned them to! They have been in the tunnels I made since this morning! And your precious friend is down in a bunker hidden where nopony will find her!” “This is insane, Cierra!” Cierra laughed spitefully. “Hong is the insane one! Besides...” Suddenly, there was an eerie green glow. “Where’s that coming from?” Mystic asked nervously. “Only from the pony who’s been practicing her techniques,” Cierra snickered. Chills ran up Mystic’s spine as her blood turned to ice. She looked up and down Cierra. The earth pony’s hooves were glowing green with rings circling her lower legs. “Wh-what in the...” Mystic whispered. It was otherworldly. Alien. “I might have inadvertently caused some small earthquakes as I practiced. But...” Cierra chuckled. “I have gotten full control over the spells.” “The earthquakes were because of you?!” Mystic cried. To Mystic’s horror, Cierra laughed. “Busted!” Cierra giggled. “Well, nopony was hurt. Plus, I’ve made the plans we need to succeed.” Mystic gazed at the glowing green rings around Cierra’s forelegs. She couldn’t believe that things have gone this far. “I have you to thank for this,” Cierra added. Mystic’s eyes widened. “M-Me?” “Yes. You, Mystic,” Cierra beamed. “That spell book helped me gain a power that I thought I wouldn’t need. Only a few ponies could learn and apply it. But now we have the chance to win once and for all!” “Cierra... this is...” “Amazing! I know!” she laughed. “And thanks to your new magic, you and I will reform this city into the way it was always meant to be!” She grasped Mystic’s shoulders, “Oh, this is a glorious day! We’re nearly there, Mystic!” The unicorn shook her head, “You’ve gone insane...” “Enough with the doubting, Mystic!” Cierra scolded with a fierce glare. But then she became cheerful again, “This is our moment! Our time has arrived!” “Cierra!” “No more talk!” Cierra cried as she stood up. “The fools are beginning to approach!” As Mystic felt goosebumps rise underneath her coat, Cierra put on her belt and placed her double blades into their sheaths. “Move! Now!” she ordered. She leaped out their shelter. Mystic stood up and went after her. The ominous picture of torches and the sound of ponies’ hooves clattering along the ground emerged from the wilderness. “Get your dark magic ready,” Cierra ordered. Mystic gulped, she wanted to tell her off but the soldiers got closer. Then she heard cracking sounds. Nervous, Mystic looked around and saw that trees were rising out of the ground. She nearly squeaked. “There’s the camp!” one soldier in the front cried. “Seize them! Bring’em back dead or alive!” cried a second. “The only ones who’ll be dead or alive after I’m done,” Cierra pulled up more trees, causing the soldiers to freeze. “Is you!” Mystic watched in amazement and horror as columns of the earth rose. She saw the devious spark in her leader’s eyes and then she chucked the earth directly at their enemies. They tried to scatter but they were almost immediately buried under dirt and rock. “Take that, you corrupt scum!” Cierra cried. Then she tossed the second and buried the others underneath the rock. She turned to Mystic. “Let’s move it out!” Almost as if she were on a leash, she followed the mare. Cierra looked back at the Liberators in the camp, “Kill all of them who are alive!” “Yes ma’am!” everypony saluted as they tried to get up. “Cierra, they can barely fight!” Mystic reasoned. “They have the spirit. That’s their real strength!” Cierra stated. Mystic noticed that trees were following them as they galloped through the forest. Before she could ask Cierra, the earth pony jumped into the air. She landed with a shockwave of magic going out from underneath her hooves. The magic traveled throughout the woods and ended in an explosion, destroying the trees to reveal the open space. Whoa... Mystic thought with a gulp. “Come on, my sister!” Cierra said with a smile, “This is the endgame for the army!” “A-All right!” Mystic stammered. Suddenly, Cierra came to a stop in the opening. Then, the ground underneath them began to rumble. Mystic saw that a ring of green magic had formed around them. Before she could say anything, the earth lifted and began carrying them towards the city. “Whoa! Whoa!” Mystic cried, trying to keep her footing. “As I’ve said, I’ve been practicing!” Cierra said proudly. She looked at Mystic with a determined look. “This is incredible, Cierra!” she admitted. Cierra nodded, “Indeed! Get your magic focused as I focus on the army below!” “Okay! And-and then what?” “We just need to ravage the army and get to the plunger!” Cierra cried. “What?!” Mystic cried, surprised about that last part. “There are magical charges set up throughout the city and once we get to the plunger and set it off, it’ll set off a chain reaction that will disable the entire city and destroy the governments' ways!” Wait, the entire city?! Mystic thought, taken aback once again. “You didn’t tell me about this!” she cried. “Because I wanted to surprise you, my sister!” “But there will be a lot of civilians caught in the crossfires! Children! Babies!” “Civilians?! What civilians?! All of them are supporters of the corrupt government! And they all will see true justice reign!” Mystic nearly vomited. “We’ll be blowing the city to kingdom come!” she cried desperately. “We will see the old ways die but the new ways will rise from the ashes! All of the civilians will become Liberators and we’ll keep things from getting so bad again!” “Cierra! This sounds too dangerous and--” “Have you gone soft, my sister?!” Cierra bellowed. “What happened to the old Mystic who was all ready to go at a moment’s notice?! After all, I did for you and all you did for these ponies?!” “I didn’t think we’d come to this!” “Hong has brought us to this! He is the reason why we have to do this!” “Do we really?!” “You don’t like the plan?! This is the plan!!” Cierra roared. “This will be the end of him and his corrupting ways and the Liberators shall rule!” “Cierra!” Mystic tried to reason with her. “You owe me, Mystic! We all owe each other something! I saved your neck and you saved my neck! This is how it’s going to end!” “I just...” “Just?! Just?! But?! But?! But?! I am tired of all the doubting and the skepticism from all sides! Move your sorry flank and get moving to do justice to all those who did you wrong!!” Once again, Cierra used her guilt and how much she’d owned her. Out of instinct, Mystic kept going. Cierra... Mystic thought, Why? Mystic saw that they were along the edges of the slums. Cierra growled when she saw the soldiers. They went down lower to the slums and Cierra threw the first tree. It crashed onto the soldiers and damaged a couple of tin houses. Cierra let out a yell and then threw another. It hit its target. Mystic saw that they were beginning to aim enchanted spears at them. “Shoot them, Mystic!” Cierra ordered. Mystic shot a blast of regular magic. It stunned them, but the spear still fired the icy blue magic. “With your new magic!” Cierra threw another tree and took out the target Mystic had only stunned. The unicorn knew she had to try and save Cierra’s life regardless of what she may do. I think I can use it sparingly, Mystic thought. She glanced at Cierra. But I need to try to save the other Liberators out of this mess. With her plan in motion, she focused. Her horn ached and felt as if she had to strain herself even more to get it going. You know what you really are, she thought. She nearly paused. Where had that come from? It almost came out of nowhere. She shook her head and saw red sparks emerge from her horn. The unicorn spotted several pegasi flying right towards them. She took the shot and they immediately fell. The platform was nearly hit, almost knocking Mystic off her hooves. “Get them, Mystic!” Cierra ordered as she threw another tree. She spotted several unicorn soldiers who had fired the icy blue magic. Mystic let out another blast and they were knocked off their hooves. What about the others? How bad is it in the city? She thought desperately. Mystic shot at another posse and took them out. “Good! We’re getting close to the suburbs!” said Cierra. Mystic slightly ducked as she threw another tree at soldiers on top of the damaged wall. “We’re going to go through the streets!” Cierra announced. “Seriously?!” As an answer to her question, the platform took a nosedive towards the suburbs. Mystic held onto the piece of earth as Cierra stood tall and focused. “Jump!” Cierra ordered. Mystic immediately sprang to her hooves and jumped. When she did, the platform exploded and both ponies galloped through the street. Mystic’s nerves pulsed as she galloped faster. Down at the end of the road, there was a whole line of soldiers with shields and magic enchanted swords. “Not on my watch!” Cierra cried. “Both of us! Together!” The earth pony’s hooves glowed brightly once again and chunks of the earth rose from beside her. Mystic leaped over some debris and felt the dark magic surge within her horn again. She nearly cried out in pain. “Focus Mystic!” she told herself. The magic within her horn charged again. “Now!” Cierra ordered. On cue, Mystic fired her dark magic and the earth Cierra threw went right at the soldiers. KER-BOOM! They destroyed the whole line of defense. Mystic felt a little satisfaction, but not for long. Cierra let out a grunt and let another shockwave of magic surge beneath the street. Before Mystic knew it, they were both riding on a wave made of rock and dirt. She didn’t have much time to be impressed as they went through the suburbs fast. Mystic saw the skyscrapers growing ever closer. “Where is this detonator?!” she asked over the noise. “Near midtown! It’s at the heart of the city!” replied Cierra. Oh, snap! Mystic thought. She looked to her right to see pegasi approaching. “Look out!” Mystic cried. Cierra ducked and Mystic fired before they could use their enchanted whips. The wave of earth seemed to get faster, and Mystic noticed behind her that it has completely uprooted the earth and heavily damaged the suburbs. She could barely breathe. “Mystic! Ahead!” Cierra cried. A group of about twenty pegasi were approaching and ahead were unicorns on the rooftops. “Oh, no they don’t!” Cierra shouted. Mystic saw more chunks of the earth uprooted and Cierra moved them in front of her and “clapped” the chunks, squishing the unicorns. Mystic took out the pegasi as they got closer to the heart of the city. “We’re nearly there!” said Cierra. Get ready, Mystic, the unicorn thought. The wave slowed down. Mystic saw more blocks of earth rise. Then, a beam of icy blue magic shot right by her head. Cierra groaned and pulled up a wall of earth to act as a shield. “Take this!” she roared. The chunks of earth went sailing again and Mystic heard them crash on top of the buildings. “All right! Hop off!” Cierra ordered. Mystic felt a larger surge within her horn. She jumped off and landed firmly on her hooves. With a glance at her satchel and machete, she nearly grabbed them, but soldiers began running right at them. “Take them out!” Cierra ordered again. Almost on instinct, Mystic let out a surge of red magic. It sent the soldiers in front flying. Another surge escaped from Mystic’s horn and took out more. She wanted to stop, but then a third surge went out. “What in the?!” she cried as it took out the final few soldiers. “Woo hoo!” Cierra cheered, “Darn, you’re getting much more powerful!” Mystic didn’t reply but she couldn’t dwell on it. Cierra jumped off the wave and began galloping. Mystic joined her side. “You go on straight ahead!” Cierra ordered, “I’ll join you soon!” “Where’re you going?!” Mystic asked. Cierra veered off to the right, “To make a statement!” Mystic shuddered as she continued. Her aching legs and muscles were wearing on her, but she had to keep moving. Then, when she saw the city fountain with the road circling it, she knew she’d reached... Mystic’s eyes widened when she saw the heart of the city. Liberators and soldiers were scattered all across the streets. Scorch marks scarred the ground as small fires burned on top of oil. Blasts of magic came from the soldiers’ spears as the Liberators continued to fight their way through. Oh my... she thought as her face fell. Mystic saw cannons coming down from the north road. Immediately, she recognized that the Northerners had reinforced them. “Oh, no they don’t!” she cried. Then she heard a vicious scream. Mystic gasped and let out a surge of dark magic. She whirled around to see Hong behind his shield. The unicorn thought she’d had a mini heart attack. “Your life is at an end, Mystic!” Hong shouted, revealing himself in his reinforced armor. “Not before I save lives!” Mystic stated before doing a backward somersault and a side flip in the air. She shot another beam of dark magic at the cannons, taking them out. “You’re only delaying the destruction of the Liberators!” Hong cried. “We shall see!” Mystic landed on her hooves. Suddenly the earth rumbled greatly beneath Mystic’s hooves. She and Hong did their best to stay on their hooves but Mystic ended up falling flat on her face. “Oh no!” Hong cried. Mystic stood up and saw he was looking to his right. Mystic looked in the direction he’s looking and she gasped. The city’s tallest skyscraper is leaning. It began to fall. Mystic’s eyes widened in horror the magnificent building fell over like a domino and onto the next skyscraper. The next three fell over and all of them collapsed into a massive pile of dust and debris. “Cierra, what have you done?!” she cried. Hong turned and let out a roar at Mystic. The general charged with his sword at the ready. Mystic let out a surge of dark magic, but he held up his shield. The magic deflected off. “Huh?!” she gasped. Hong leaped into the air. Mystic did a backflip as Hong landed with a loud boom. The general let out a blast of magic, but Mystic fired back and both collided, sending both flying backward a considerable distance. Mystic sat up and saw the general picking himself back up. Before she could do anything, Cierra jumped down from another floating platform. “It’s the end for your pristine corrupted city, General!” Cierra stated. “Two demons?!” Hong shouted. “The only demon here is you!” With a loud bellow, Cierra lifted another chunk of the earth and shoved it right at Hong, sending him and it skidding along the ground. “Cierra!” Mystic shrilled, “What the hay?!” Cierra didn’t answer, but she approached Song and Juan. “Why isn’t everypony below ground?” Cierra demanded. “We did follow the tunnels but the earth shifted and we got caught by the soldiers!” Juan explained. “Gah! More complications as always!” “We need to get there and stop the army!” said Song. Cierra nodded and bolted off. She stopped about twenty feet away. “How’re we going to get down there?” Mystic asked. Cierra began looking at the pavement and hopped along it. “I’m figuring something out! We’re on the edge of the area right now!” Mystic heard soldiers shouting and approaching them. “Hurry!” she cried. BOOM! Mystic turned to see that Cierra’s hoof was shining bright with green, and beside her was a hole she had punched through the ground. “Are you going to join me?” Cierra asked, glancing at her. She jumped down the hole. Mystic turned back to the soldiers, fired a beam of red magic and jumped down after her. When she landed, she heard Song shouting orders above. Then, they came upon a large cavern underneath the city. It’s about one hundred yards from one end to the other. The ceilings and the walls seemed to have a shimmer along their smooth surfaces. Within the cavern, soldiers and Liberators were fighting and, in the middle, on a sleek hill with a flat top, there is the plunger glowing icy blue. “The thing finally warmed up!” Cierra cried, “Let’s go!” The earth pony planted her hooves on the ground as she sent magic surging through it. Out of the corner of her eye, Mystic saw a soldier charging. “Cierra! Look out!” she cried as she pulled out her machete. Fortunately, Mystic’s machete clashed with the sword before it could do any harm to Cierra. “Good job, Mystic!” Cierra cried, “Now to...” She paused. Mystic blasted the soldier point-blank with her dark magic, sending him flying. “No!!” Cierra shrieked. Mystic saw that the green glow and its rings have begun to fade from her hooves. “This is so not fair!” Cierra roared. Mystic’s eyes widened as the magic around her hooves faded completely. “I guess I’ll have to do this the old-fashioned way!” Cierra took off towards the plungers, “Keep the others safe, Mystic!” “Yes, ma’am!” Mystic fully agreed with that order. She heard somepony crash behind her. Mystic turned to see Song picking herself up and some of the Liberators from above ground joined them. “Song!” Mystic cried, “You help me protect as many Liberators from the soldiers!” “On it!” replied Song. She charged into the cavern and Mystic followed suit. With a great shout, Mystic tossed her machete and sliced a couple of soldiers’ throats before bringing it back. Nearby, Mystic spotted several Liberators pinned behind a boulder as soldiers fired from their spears. The unicorn snarled. But then, suddenly, a beam of red magic shot from her horn. She gasped as it hit between the Liberators and soldiers. “What in the world?” she asked. Suddenly her chest ached, causing her to clutch it. The unicorn nearly collapsed. “What’s happening?” she cried. Detecting a presence behind her, Mystic whirled around and ended up stabbing a soldier through the chest. After kicking him away, Mystic went over to help the Liberators and let out a small surge of dark magic. It knocked the soldiers away and they crashed against the wall. “Thank you, Mystic!” one of the Liberators said. “No matter what happens, just be ready to run if things go wrong!” Mystic warned. She bolted and took in the battlefield again. Her heart sank. They’re piling in, she thought, horrified. The unicorn looked to see Cierra struggling against a couple of soldiers as Juan came to her aid. Mystic’s eyes began to sting. “Agh!” she grunted, nearly shielding them. Her chest throbbed in pain again. Dark magic spilled from her horn. I can’t give up! She thought desperately. She picked up speed and went from soldier to soldier attacking them with a machete and giving them a blast of magic for good measure. A quad towards her, but she jumped over them, levitated a small boulder and chucked it at them. She ran before she could see what happened. Another surge of dark magic escaped her horn, sending both soldiers and Liberators crashing into the wall. Mystic gasped, horrified. What in the?! She thought. “I’m so sorry!” she cried to the downed Liberators. Before she could go help them, she felt another presence behind her. It was Hong. Mystic immediately threw up a red shield and the general’s sword impacted it. The general’s pupils were dilated and his eyes were full of fury. Mystic focused her magic and made the shield stronger. Hong took several swings at it. Mystic kept it up. Her horn ached. The sides of her eyes burned. Her chest continued to throb in pain as her legs glowed a deep red. With a great yell, Mystic allowed the shield to explode outwards. Hong threw up his shield as the energy surged throughout the cave. Behind the general, she saw Cierra and Song about to be struck down with a sword. “No!” Mystic bellowed. On instinct, she let herself fly over and crash right into the soldiers. Mystic looked back and saw that they were okay. “They’re keeping us from the plunger!” Cierra cried, “None of us have gotten to it and they might disable it!” Mystic saw Juan and about ten Liberators fighting around the plunger, but they were so preoccupied with the soldiers they couldn’t detonate it. “Oh, no you don’t!” Hong yelled. Suddenly, a blast from his magic hit near the detonator, sending the soldiers and Liberators flying off. “Juan!” Mystic bellowed as Cierra screamed disdainfully. Mystic felt her legs beginning to tingle as her legs glowed deeper. The stinging around her eyes felt worse. “Come on stupid magic!” Cierra beat her hooves together, producing only a spark. “Work! Darn you!” Mystic pushed past her pain and saw Cierra looked drained. “The detonator’s still there!” Song cried. Before Mystic could say anything, Song had begun climbing the hill. Mystic turned to see Hong ready to fire again. She let out a yell and immediately galloped over to him. “Hong!” she roared. Another surge of magic flew at the general, but he held up his shield and he stood firm. Mystic’s aching got worse as she continued to use her dark magic. The general swiped his sword, but Mystic grabbed it with her glowing red hooves. “What?!” Hong grunted. He tried to get it loose, but Mystic held firm. Hong raised his shield to swipe Mystic, but she immediately put a small shield, blocking it. But Hong began hitting at her repeatedly with the shield. As the barrage attacks continued, Mystic’s aching body began to weaken. She felt as if she were having a heart attack. Her body felt as if it were on fire. What is happening to me?! she thought, panicking. “Cierra! Are you okay?!” a Liberator cried. “You will fail!” Hong shouted at Mystic. He jumped and his sword got loose from her grip. Mystic tried to go after him, but she collapsed onto her stomach. Hong began blasting the Liberators, levitated a couple of them and struck them down with his sword. Mystic’s anger burned against the general but felt horrible for her fallen allies. Shakily, Mystic pulled herself up and charged after the general. Hong turned to face her with his sword raised and shield up. A great surge of magic escaped from Mystic’s horn. To her astonishment, it turned from red to purple. KA-BOOM! Hong’s shield broke right in two. The general roared and lunged at Mystic. The unicorn grabbed an enchanted sword and clashed against Hong. Both ponies glared hatefully at each other “The devil dwells within you!” Hong hissed as he struggled against Mystic. “You’re nothing but a yapping dog, General!” Mystic spat, ignoring the growing pain. “Mystic! We need you!” Song shouted. Out of the corner of her eye, Song was barely holding up against the lieutenant. “This is where your story ends!” Hong declared. Mystic caught glimpse of a dagger. She pulled her neck and head back, but he struck her in the side. The unicorn let out a scream of anger and pain. With one final surge of magic, Hong was thrown up onto the ceiling, shattering parts of his armor. Mystic watched as he fell with a crash, bits and pieces of metal went everywhere. “Mystic!” The unicorn turned back to where the detonator is. She practically lunged and began climbing up the hill to help Song. Her legs ached even more. She reached what was left of the top of the hill. The detonator was still barely connected to what seemed like magical wires. “Mystic! Help!” Song cried. Almost instantly, Mystic shot a beam of dark magic, saving Song from the soldier. Song stood up, but her right foreleg had been injured. Mystic’s eyes widened. “Song!” she cried, “You need to run!” “What?” Song asked. “Just run!” She collapsed onto her stomach again. As she picked herself up, she saw something golden around her neck. Mystic looked at the necklace Sunshine had returned to her. She remembered her words and frowned. Mystic looked back at the detonator and more soldiers had managed to climb onto the hill. They had magical whips. With a great bellow, Mystic lunged and let out a surge of dark magic, knocking them down. The detonator began to fall. Mystic lunged for it. She managed to grab it but she only held onto the top of the hill with the detonator. With a massive grunt, Mystic placed the device back on stable ground. “Detonate the charges!” Cierra cried from below as she kicked a soldier away. “Come on, Mystic, detonate the charges and bring the city to salvation!” More soldiers came charging at her. On instinct, she shot a beam of magic under their hooves, causing them to tumble down back down the hill! Her horn felt as if it were going to let out even more shots of now purple magic. It feels as if I’m being consumed and possessed by the dark magic! Mystic thought, horrified. “Come on, Mystic! Detonate the charges!!” Cierra screeched. The good times with the Liberators, Meng and the decline of the hospitality and morals of the Liberators flashed through her mind. Is this what my life has been leading to? She thought. Mystic looked around at the soldiers desperately fighting towards her. These ponies are just trying to protect their home, aren’t they? Loved ones? She thought of the thousands of lives that will be ruined if she does this. “You do what you think is right,” Sunshine’s voice echoed, “Is this what is truly right? Ask yourself.” Is this truly right? Mystic thought, looking at the necklace again. What cost would our victory have on the environment? “Dang it to heck, Mystic! Detonate!” Is it? “Detonate!” With a massive choice made, Mystic painfully reached into her satchel and pulled three glowing syringes. Her grip loosened. Her movements seemed to protest against her. Then she stabbed and injected all of their contents into her chest. She lost her grip as she fell onto the floor. “Nooooooooooooo!” Cierra roared disdainfully. “Oomph!” Mystic landed hard on her back. Her body twitched, pulsed, and ached as the syringe worked its magic. Her mind returned. The dark aura around her faded as her painful body returned to normal. “You fool!” Cierra roared again. “Disarm that detonator!” came a voice. Dazed, Mystic sat up to see several soldiers disabling it and the wires that spread across the city. Some relief came to Mystic knowing that ponies’ lives would be spared, but horror knowing that the dictatorship of Hong will continue. Would it have been worth countless lives killed? Mystic thought, her mind about numb. Suddenly, she felt a hoof pull her up. It was Song and she had a soldier’s enchanted sword. “Come with me!” she cried. Mystic galloped with her. “I told you to run, Song!” Mystic cried. “And not save your flank?!” replied Song. The earth pony charged at a soldier, jumped over his spear and sliced his throat. “Cierra!” Song waved her over. Mystic saw the horrified look on Cierra’s face. She looked at Mystic and it contorted into anger. “We need to leave now!” Song cried. Mystic broke into a trot as Song shoved her forward. Cierra joined them and the trio headed to the entrance Cierra had made. “Stop them!” Hong’s voice roared. “Move!” Song ordered. All three ponies made it to the exit and climbed up the debris. All of them emerged onto the street. There weren’t as many soldiers out there. But some spotted the trio. Mystic tried to use her regular magic, but it fizzled out. She gulped. “Run!” Song ordered, “I’ll hold them off!” “No Song!” Mystic cried, tears coming to her eyes, “I won’t lose you too!” “Don’t get sappy now! Just go!” The earth pony shoved Mystic. She turned to face a few soldiers running right at her. Mystic groaned loudly before she galloped off. She heard somepony right beside her and saw it was Cierra. “Why did you disobey me?!” Cierra bellowed. “I couldn’t do that to those ponies!” Mystic cried. “This is all your fault, Mystic!” Cierra shouted. “All of this for nothing!” “The dark magic was consuming me! You know what I told you about myself!” Before Mystic could say anything else, more soldiers met them around the corner. Cierra and Mystic took a hard left and took off down the street. Mystic could see soldiers trying to make their way to them. However, due to the debris, they could not get to them so fast. “You honestly didn’t think I knew exactly where to put the charges so they wouldn’t hurt as many ponies as possible?!” Cierra shouted. “You haven’t been clear on things lately, Cierra!” Mystic spitefully shot back, “That could’ve been a magical nuke for all I knew!” “A magical nuke?! What has happened to you?!” “I could ask you the same thing!” “What?!” Cierra shrieked. “Maybe I should have handled things differently!” Mystic cried. “Oh, what so we could run away and not do anything?” “Well, regardless, this whole thing is over!” Mystic cried, tears rolling down her face, “The Liberators...” She choked. “Are over!” “Not as long as I’m alive!” Cierra declared as they jumped over some debris. “I’ll rebuild and...” “Cierra look out!” Mystic cried, seeing a damaged building beginning to collapse. “What?!” Cierra demanded. Mystic screeched to a stop and Cierra kept going. “Cierra! No!” Mystic wailed, tears rolling down her face. She tried lighting her horn but to no avail. Cierra screeched to a stop, seeing the building beginning to collapse. “Nooooooo!” Mystic ran forward but ended up tripping. She looked up. The building collapsed and crashed onto the ground. Time slowed down for Mystic. Her jaw dropped as her horrified eyes widened. No! No! No! No! No! Mystic thought disdainfully. Mystic wept as she reached out for where she had been. “Cieeerrrraaaaaaaa!” she shrieked, unable to see because of the tears. Heartbroken, Mystic allowed her head to hit the pavement, silently weeping. I had failed to help her... she thought. She didn’t know how long she had stayed there, but it felt like hours. The world seemed to fade around her into a blur. Cierra... Meng... Song... Juan... everypony else... Gone. Why do I have to be alive? Mystic thought. She laid there for what seemed like an eternity. Until she heard the city alarms again. Immediately, she stood up and bolted off. She didn’t know where she was going but wherever it was, she didn’t have any hope of escape. > Chapter 11 - Darkness falls > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Year 13 – Day 103 As the snow began to fall, Mystic parted the tiny gate. She got a view of the cramped streets carving through the slums. The alarms continued to blare throughout the night. Soldiers could be heard shouting orders. Mystic looked up and spotted several pegasi patrolling the area. Blinking her tears back, her cheeks flushed as she gritted her teeth. As quietly as she could, she closed the gate. Mystic looked to her left to see the small garden that was filled with wilted and dried up plants. It smelled musty and the pots containing the plants were chipped and worn with age. The unicorn spotted some large pots in the far right corner, walked over, and hid behind them again. She rubbed her hooves together, and then her forelegs as she shivered. The unicorn hugged herself. Hot heaves of air escaped her nostrils. Her veins pulsed. Her throat tightened as her eyes formed an icy glare. We were so close! she thought, levitating a pot and tossing it over a building. We could’ve defeated Hong right then! Why didn’t I just end him when I had the chance?! The same questions and conflict have been eating away at her for hours. All of this work, all of this build-up to having a better life, lost! she thought of the ponies that couldn’t make it out. The injustice that plagued the city’s system. Her mind flashed back to the skyscrapers that Cierra had destroyed. A burning sensation rose within her chest. How could she?! Mystic thought angrily, yet heartbroken. She felt a tear beginning to roll down her cheek. She tried to figure out why Cierra would do such a thing. And if she remembered if her mentor said anything that would give her a reason to do that. Remember... Mystic placed her hooves over her muzzle and let out a scream. Why did I just wake up like I did?! Mystic thought. She punched the wall. Did Fate just drop me in with no memories and set me up to fail miserably?! If she could find Fate, she would choke her to death and burn her body many times over. This was so unfair. She felt her hatred towards Hong grow along with her anger towards Cierra. There was one option with her mentor that would’ve disrupted the entire population and one with the general where the population would’ve been in strict living conditions. Both didn’t weren’t good for the city or herself. But she couldn’t help as if she were missing something on Cierra’s side. Her mind continued to swirl with emotions along with ‘what might have been’ if they had succeeded. If they did complete their mission, what would have been the impact on the citizens’ lives? “You honestly didn’t think I knew exactly where to put the charges so they wouldn’t hurt as many ponies as possible?!” Cierra’s voice echoed. Was she sure about that? Mystic thought with another shiver. Cierra might not have been clear about a lot, but did she have the right ideas? The unicorn immediately perked up, remembering a conversation in her earlier years. “Midtown is filled with Hong’s highest supporters,” Cierra’s voice echoed, “I would love to see their slice of paradise destroyed.” Her heart throbbed. If that is true… she thought, horrified at the implications of her actions. The conflict continued within her. But a growl escaped her throat. That might be true. More tears rolled down her cheeks and recalled how Cierra wouldn’t listen. One of her biggest role models turned and became a shadow of who she was... far from... Mystic briefly choked. “The pony I once knew...” She placed a hoof on her cheek, feeling it was still swollen. She buried her face into her hooves as she shivered harder. When she got to know the Liberators, they were some of the most special ponies she’d met. Recently, Mystic didn’t admit it much because of her pride and warrior image, but they were like... family. Ponies that couldn’t ever be replaced. Mystic imagined all of their smiling faces as she tried to force them into reality. She’d do whatever she could to have that life back. The unicorn’s mind went back to that defining moment of her split-second choice. The dark magic might’ve almost consumed her, but she could’ve just lunged for the plunger and detonated... then the thought of innocent ponies being caught in the crossfire crossed her mind again. Mystic screamed into her hooves again. It was a heat of the moment thing, it happened so fast. Mystic’s muscles tightened as she heaved. Mystic thought back to everypony who had both abused and used her. The Triple Trio, who were nice but framed her. The citizens weren’t any better, and Hong was worse. The Liberators and their ideals were nothing but covers to what they really were. And Sunshine. A growl rumbled from her throat. The filly meant well, but her little ideas she’s received knowing the filly weren’t enough. They were never enough to change anything. Or anypony halfway as decent as the Liberators. Mystic gasped. Her anger immediately faded as her blood turned to ice. Oh, no! Sunshine! she thought. The kids! She knew that there were tons of soldiers patrolling the city. The unicorn stood up, stepped out onto the street, and turned left to the south. She immediately hugged the wall of a house and slipped into the shadows. “How do I get to them?” she asked herself, beginning to come up with a plan. The cobblestone path merged onto a dirt road. Mystic looked back at the scarce houses at the edge of the city limits. The alarms were now nothing more than a low pitch as snow fell from the blackened clouds. Mystic turned and galloped down the road, the crooked branches of the trees speeding by her as the moon’s rays scarcely streamed onto the earth below. Oh, Sunshine! Mystic thought, her muscles almost cramping as the pit in her stomach grew. The kids! I hope they’re okay! Maybe there was still a chance to get what was left of the Liberators out. Mystic’s ears wilted as she thought of how she’d break the terrible news to them all. The snow fell harder as the dirt road got thinner and the terrain rougher. Mystic picked up her speed as if Hong were right on her tail. She cringed as the biting wind hit her coat. The unicorn wasn’t deterred and forbade her mind to think of the worse. Keep your mind clear, she thought. The forest seemed to get thicker. She wondered why in the world the cabin they used as a last resort was built here and... Mystic’s forelegs suddenly collided with something hard. A scream of surprise and pain escaped her throat before she was flat on the ground. Peeved, she stood up and shook off the pain. She nearly froze when she saw the worn-down cabin at the end of the path. A ray of moonlight shone on it and revealed that the door was barged open. Her heart sank. Oh no! She nearly called out for Sunshine but clapped a hoof over her lips. The unicorn levitated her machete out, crouched, and scurried over to the porch of the cabin. Mystic pressed her back up against the wall and carefully peeked inside. She nearly yelped when she saw the corpse of the pony that escorted the kids. Mystic made her way over to the corpse and placed a hoof on his neck and nearly pulled back when she touched the ice-cold flesh. Mystic swallowed her uneasiness as ragged breaths escaped her muzzle into a frosty mist. She stood up, listening for any scrambling or scurrying around the cabin. It was ghost quiet. Unnerved, she lit her horn to look at the room she was in. Her face dropped, devastated at what she saw. A couch, a couple of chairs, a table, plates, and utensils were thrown aside as if a tornado hit the place. Mystic carefully walked past the wreckage. Close by, the beds were tossed onto their sides. “K-Kids?” she called, trying to stay strong. The floorboards creaked underneath her hooves as the wind whistled through the room. Mystic saw a small kitchen on the other side of the room and the bathroom on the far right. The cabin wasn’t much bigger than that. Did Hong do this? she thought, horrified. Then she stepped on something metal. The unicorn looked down to see a knife along with a piece of cloth. She levitated it and her eyes widened. It was a black bandana. No, it wasn’t Hong, Mystic thought. She looked down at the blade on the floor and back at the room. Then, to her right, she saw a sheet of paper taped on the wall. Immediately, she stepped up to it and her eyes widened when she read, “Liberators, this is the price you pay for crossing us. - The Skull Bandits” Almost immediately, Mystic scurried around the cabin. She looked around and let out a few calls, but there wasn’t any sign of the kids. Her breaths quickened. Stressed, Mystic kicked the floor. When she did, a surprised squeak escaped her when she made contact with something metal. The unicorn looked down and saw it was a latch for a trapdoor. The spark of hope returned. With no time to lose, Mystic opened the trapdoor and descended the creaking stairs. “Kids?!” she cried. The spark of hope dropped. The barely lit up basement was empty. No! No! No! No! she shook her head. “This can’t be happening!” She lit up her horn, illuminating the area. Shattered crates were scattered along the floor. Mystic immediately deterred there was a struggle. Her nerves pulsed as she processed what she’s seeing. Soon, her breathing quickened. No! That can’t be the case! she thought. She turned, stomped up the stairs and out of the cabin. I will find those kids and Sunshine! she thought, blinking her tears back. Year 13 – Day 106 As she galloped through the dark forest, Mystic’s insides were as cold as the outside around her. “Sunshine?! Sunshine?!” she cried, tears rolling down her distraught face. I’ve searched for far too long! I must find... She yelped when she saw she was heading right towards a rushing river. Immediately, she took a right. “Sunshine?!” she wailed. The unicorn came to an opening where the moon’s soft glow streamed onto the snow. With a gasp, she stopped. She nearly vomited. A small corpse was in the middle of the clearing. Her legs became like noodles. Her eyes glossed. The trees seemed to close in around Mystic. “No...” she whispered. With hesitant, heavy steps, Mystic stepped forward. As she got closer, she saw a familiar gold mane. Mystic’s eyes widened, horrified as a tear rolled down her cheek. Her legs were stiff as she forced her way forward. She reached the corpse and overturned it to see the frost-covered face of Sunshine. Mystic nearly collapsed. Her lip trembled as former happier memories flowed through her mind. Her legs gave out and she landed on her stomach. “No...” she breathed, tenderly reaching for her friend. She gently touched the corpse. The unicorn nearly retracted from how cold the filly was. “Sunshine...” she breathed. Almost like ghosts, memories of laughter, and their heart-to-heart moments echoed through her mind. Tears of regret rolled down her cheeks. She gently sat Sunshine’s body up and pulled herself up to sit. Then she began to sob, knowing the reality in front of her. Sobbing hard, she hugged Sunshine, holding her close. The unicorn wanted to feel the filly’s warmth. But the coldness of the body and surrounding atmosphere caused her to shiver harder. Not caring much about anything, Mystic allowed herself to fall onto her side. She hugged Sunshine as tight as she could. She whispered Sunshine’s name repeatedly. She prayed. She hoped that Sunshine would still be alive and tap her on the shoulder that everything would be okay. But no such gesture came. She imagined her smile. Her warm heart. Everything. She wanted to bawl. Cry her heart out. But with how much pain she’s endured, it hurt too much to focus on it. Mystic didn’t know how long she’d stayed there. It felt like an eternity. A hundred thoughts of regret and anger flowed through her mind. Memories of Cierra, Meng, Song, and Juan emerged. All of her family... gone. She opened her eyes and imagined Sunshine beside her with a solemn grin, despite the filly’s body pressed against her. The unicorn continued to sob. You’ll be okay... she almost heard. With the hardened, frozen body, Mystic could almost feel her friend’s soft mane, her tender warm hooves. Her breaths along her neck. The unicorn opened her eyes to see her imaginary Sunshine, but then… she vanished like smoke. Mystic could hear her heart break again as she looked at the reality in front of her. She longed to smile again. The unicorn remembered that Sunshine loved a very peculiar flower. “If only I could have a sunflower...” she whispered. She let her icy tears continue to roll down her cheeks. After a few more minutes, Mystic realized she was still in the middle of the woods and she’s freezing. She felt her eyes drooping as a yawn escaped her muzzle. I can’t fall asleep, she thought with a shiver. The unicorn sat up and kept Sunshine close. Mystic stood up. More tears ran down her face as she took her first step. She slipped and nearly fell. Year 13 – Day 108 With Sunshine secured on her back, Mystic’s forelegs continued trudging through the snow. The blackened forest around her felt as if it were a blur. Her mind wandered. Her body on autopilot. “We can’t change what’s done,” Mystic’s own voice echoed. “We can only move on.” How can I move on from this? Mystic thought as tears drenched her cheeks. “If we don’t stop soon, we’ll all be dying,” came Meng’s voice. I feel as if I might die now. More shivers. “We are reformers of society,” Cierra’s voice echoed. “We must succeed no matter the cost.” Mystic squeezed her eyes shut. “Don’t make me beg you, Mystic,” Sunshine’s voice pleaded. Regret flowed through her body, causing her to feel sick. How could I have been so blind? she thought, wiping her cheeks again. I had a true friend, and I didn’t give her the love she deserved... She just wanted to die and not cause any more damage. It sounded so easy. The unicorn looked up, seeing the stars twinkling in the black sky. It made her choke up. Sunshine loved looking at the stars. I’m so sorry, she thought. unable to help feel responsible for the filly’s demise. The chilliness of the body on her back seeped into her coat. She closed her eyes and continued forward. Then, she remembered her promise to Sunshine again. “I swear on my own life and by the sky above and all that is holy that I will never hurt myself, and I’ll fight for all that is good and those who deserve saving!” Or whatever good was left in the world... she thought. If there still is any... With a sense of unease, Mystic glanced at her worn satchel. With her blurred vision, she saw several glowing syringes she’d recently stolen. Guilt washed over her at the thought of what she’d done. But she shook her head. A lot of ponies need them, but I need them even more, she thought. Who knows when my dark magic might come back? Mystic stepped over a small crack in the ground. I only hope there are more around the world, she thought, looking over her to make sure Sunshine was still secure. As much as it hurt, Mystic forced her aching limbs to move. Her lips trembled as she felt the world close in around her. The snow fell harder as Mystic continued to an unknown future. > Chapter 12 - Coming full circle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Year 13 – Day 110 When a creature’s heart breaks, it can grow back twisted, gnarled, and hard. Like a broken record, Mystic continued to recall and torture herself over what happened. She looked at the ground as a fire crackled nearby. Mystic has been wanting to bawl her heart out for losing her true sister. But no such notion would come out. All she could do was just silently sit there and let the tears roll down her cheeks. Mystic looked up to see a gravestone she had made and a pile of rocks over where she’d buried her friend. She squeezed her eyes shut and looked away. When she opened them her gaze met the fire. It hurt too much to wail. It hurt too much to not reflect on what could’ve been if the Liberators did succeed. She imagined them celebrating their victory over Hong with ponies being freed and Cierra announcing a better future for them all. It was a picture she had longed for. But one that would never meet reality. She wished and prayed to whatever holy being was out there. But no matter what, she knew there was no way she could free the city. It was all for nothing, she thought as more tears rolled down her cheeks. All she could do now was move and hope she’ll never be found and that the past’s scars will fade over time. Maybe, she thought, I can still make it. The red glow of the fire seemed like hope had reemerged. Mystic began to think about how she could create a fresh life from the ashes of her old one. Year 13 – Day 289 Sitting at a table of an outdoor restaurant, Mystic stared at her untouched bowl of porridge. It was moderately prepared, and it barely looked appetizing. The unicorn looked down at her bandaged, dusty hooves. They hardly hurt. She looked up to see the taiga she’d come from. Underneath the building clouds, the wind blew and swirled through the claustrophobic street hugged by buildings whose walls and roofs were built out of spruce logs. Mystic sighed and focused back on the porridge. She’s just been wandering unfamiliar lands for ages. Her droopy eyes, that were devoid of life, owlishly blinked. The never-ending depression hovered over her like a heavy black cloud. Mystic winced, recalling that everywhere she had gone had suffering, poverty, greed, and strict rules that kept the world filled with darkness and malice. Though she had seen unique creatures, they were all the same at their cores. Foolish beings have their values but are criminally selfish and self-centered, she thought. All of their values are nothing but masks to hide such atrocities within them. That was a fact. Mystic huffed. Nopony will abuse or push her again. She’s become her own pony. No more letting ponies tell me how I should view the world, she thought. Mystic clenched her hooves. And I will not be told I am wrong. The unicorn levitated her spoon and took a bite of the porridge. Not the worst I’ve had, she thought, chewing the sludge. Suddenly, she heard somebody settle at a table close by. She looked up and saw that it was a moderate-sized antelope with curved black horns, brown eyes, and an orange and white coat. He had a bit of a tired expression as he took a sip from his cup. He had placed a bag full of books on the table, and a sword connected to his belt. “A Mangalian gazelle,” she murmured. The unicorn observed as he reached into his blue robe and pulled out a scroll. Mystic noticed that there were several other scrolls in the pocket he’d grabbed it from. Curiosity overcame the teenager. Maybe, despite what she knew what creatures are at their cores, maybe she could figure out what he knows. She stood up and levitated her bowl of porridge. She brushed her mane and cleared her throat. “Excuse me,” she said, trying to sound as friendly as possible. The antelope perked up and turned to face her. “Are you talking to me?” he asked with slightly wide eyes. “I don’t mean to intrude,” said Mystic, placing her porridge on his table “But I couldn’t help but wonder about all of your equipment and books there.” The antelope looked at his stuff and the scroll he’d been reading. “Oh,” he said, looking at her, a little more relaxed, “I’ve been traveling to meet my family about a hundred miles from here. They told me to take in the sights as I passed through.” “I see,” replied Mystic. “Look, I don’t want to talk much,” said the antelope, placing his foreleg in front of his stuff. “Oh, but I think you can spare a few,” Mystic forced a smirk. The antelope narrowed his eyes. “Why?” “Because I’m somepony...” she sighed, “that needs to get herself straightened out. I’ve tried to start over. But no matter what...” “Nothing stood out to you?” the antelope cautiously asked. Mystic frowned and nodded. “I understand,” said the antelope. “Are you sure you want to know? Even if it sounds crazy?” “Dude, I’ve been through more than enough to not ask questions,” Mystic asserted. The antelope furrowed his brow. Mystic waited for his response. “Well, have you heard of the Death Worms?” he suddenly asked. Mystic shook her head. “My family heard a rumor of them, and they’ve asked me to at least come to check out the reports,” the antelope explained. Mystic tapped her chin. “Exploring and creatures?” For a long time, she has been walking across unique lands. A smile broke out on her face. Truly taking the time in exploring the world seemed like a splendid idea.  “Can you tell me more about this?” she asked. Despite his hesitation, he answered, “Sure.” The antelope motioned Mystic to sit across from him. She did so and leaned forward to listen. “Let me start by letting you know this,” he began, reaching into his robe, “there are more legendary and unknown creatures than you’d think.” He gave her a serious look, but Mystic saw the intrigue in his eyes. “The stuff whispered in the darkest corners of the world.” He unrolled the scrolls, revealing their contents. For the first time in a long while, Mystic’s eyes lightly sparkled. Year 15 – Day 12 Her horn alit, Mystic straightened her long black pants as she tightened her belt around her waist. Suddenly, she heard paper rustling. The unicorn looked in front of her to see the wind had unrolled her map. Slightly annoyed, she rolled it up. She sat down and took in the view of the meadow of emerald grass washed with purple flowers. It stretched into woodlands with thick trees. “Cierra was right about one thing,” Mystic told herself. “I might never get my memories back, but I must decide who I want to be and shape my future.” A code she’d recited to herself and learned it as a fact of the world. Her eyes hardened. Nopony will push me around anymore! she thought, filled with determination. Mystic looked over her back at her long tail. She levitated a pair of sharp scissors, and with one quick swoop, cut off her tail to one third its regular length. She looked in a mirror to see her long black mane. Levitating the scissors up to it, she cut it to where it reached just below her cheekbone. The unicorn leaned forward and noticed that her coat on her face had grown, causing it to look a little shaggy. She looked down at her forelegs, and the hair was poking out from her knees. Despite all that, Mystic nodded in approval. The unicorn put the scissors into her new satchel and took out a pack of oats. “Okay,” she said, popping a hoofful into her mouth, “the Far East and the Twisted Labyrinth were worth it.” She giggled. The thrill of running from dangerous creatures in a deep jungle and fighting some giant anacondas emerged in her mind. She remembered single hoofedly fighting off a pack of wolves and taking down a tatzlwurm with her bare hooves and potions she had created. A shudder of excitement traveled down her spine. Mystic looked down to see a couple of oats had stuck to her black sleeveless shirt. “Now,” she said, brushing them off.  Mystic unrolled the map, revealing the world’s continents and different lands. The unicorn looked away from the center of the map to the right side, looking at the various markers she’d placed and X’s in places she’d visited. “So much to see and discover!” she said happily as she ate more oats. “The world is an amazing place!” The unicorn gazed over to the map’s left side to see more circles she’d written. Not one of them had an X on them. Another giggle escaped her muzzle until she landed at the center of the map. It was Equestria, completely blacked out by a marker. The unicorn’s excitement died. She squeezed her eyes shut. She never went to Equestria, having convinced herself that it was “largely explored” and not “unknown” like the rest known to ponykind. But every time she thought of it, she could not help but feel guilt. A certain filly with a yellow mane crossed her mind whenever she saw the accursed land on the map. But she was quick to form a glare, harden her heart, and move on. She considered the conflict within her resolved. Some ponies and creatures mean well, she thought. But with the growing darkness of the world, those views are folly. It was a sad but bearable picture for her. Mystic sighed, letting reality sink in again. I can help those with those ideas have something to believe in, she thought with a slight frown. Before the inevitable happens... She’d finally figured out what she was meant to do. It made her life bearable. There were next to no complications, and she liked that. Soon, she finished plotting where she wanted to visit next. After packing up her gear, Mystic made her way across the meadow and woods to reach the farthest corner of the Earth. Mystic suddenly cringed, almost feeling pain come to her horn. She activated her magic and pulled out a syringe, but paused. “It’s only in your mind,” she said. In front of her were several boulders. The terrain ahead was treacherous. With dexterous hooves, she began climbing them and focused on the task ahead. With a last push over the rocks, Mystic came face to face with rolling fields with jagged mountains in the distance. With a smile, she expected new and exciting adventures to push herself. Year 17 – Day 1 Mystic opened her eyes to see the makeshift gravestone she visited every year. The rain continued to pelt all around her as she kept her eyes on the object in front of her. A sigh escaped her muzzle, not knowing or caring how long she’d stayed here. This was a once in a year thing, and she wanted to feel close to Sunshine again. The filly was always precious to her. The unicorn clenched her chest. She remembered that the filly was precious and did so much for her.  But after the destruction of her previous life... she couldn’t remember why. Her horn lit up to reveal the carved names on the stone. Underneath the large name ‘Sunshine Smiles’ she spotted the carved names of Meng, Song, Juan, and Cierra. Her eyes squeezed shut. Cierra might’ve been insane or just pushing herself beyond her limits, but she couldn’t help but have some respect for the mare. “I don’t know what to say whenever I come here,” she spoke aloud as if talking to the four ponies. “I’m not one for emotions or reliving past pains. But I have discovered more legendary creatures and even traveled to... Oogundaa again.” She lightly smirked in admiration and fascination. “That hostile and unstable continent is... something else. I don’t know why creatures still live there with centuries of grim history. But I plan on taking a steer from it to the unexplored southern Ice Lands.” She wanted to make a small joke of how it’ll chill her out, but it came out as another sigh. She pushed back the tears threatening to well up. “I don’t know if you four can hear me,” she spoke again. “But I wanted you to know I’m still well and stronger than I was then.” She placed a tender hoof on the stone. “I treasure the times we all had.” The unicorn’s horn quit glowing as she bowed her head again. The rain fell harder around her. Wherever the Light Shines: Part 1