> Nightmare Fight > by Lets Do This > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Nightmare Fight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mirror, mirror, on the wall... who's the scariest one of all...? It was a crisp fall morning in Ponyville, and the day was going as usual: ponies arose, washed up, had fortifying breakfasts of haycakes and toasted oats, and then looked out their windows... ... at the army jogging by. No one could fault Tempest Shadow for her dedication. The maroon, plume-maned pony was usually up with the dawn, doing calisthenics in the meadow behind Princess Twilight's castle. Then, dressed in full kit of black armor, she took her eldritch army of looming, scarlet-furred, ape-like soldiers -- or at least, a representative squad of them -- on a brisk jog round the perimeter of town and along its major streets. It wasn't quite a parade, wasn't quite a patrol. But everyone definitely knew she was there. It was a little unnerving, being invaded so early in the morning. But Tempest and her soldiers had been there, on call, so often over the past few weeks: fighting fires, beating back incursions of timberwolves and other creatures from the Everfree Forest, and even trivial things like getting a cat out of a tree... and the tree was still standing afterwards. Tempest Shadow might nominally be Princess Twilight's bodyguard, but she and her soldiers had in the process become Ponyville's de facto standing army as well. So, Ponyville being the kind of town it was, its inhabitants took it in stride. They even joked among themselves about setting their clocks by the regular occurrence of tramping feet. Assuming there was nothing else on her calendar, Tempest would next return to the meadow beyond the Friendship Castle, for battle drills. This was often centered on Tempest herself: she alone summoned and commanded her army, and was honest enough to see herself as a potential weak point. So Tempest would position herself at the center of a group of her soldiers and then, on cue, have them attack her in various ways, relentlessly and methodically, to help keep her agile and alert. Her white-maned hedgehog assistant Grubber stood on a crate nearby, holding a clipboard in one paw and a stopwatch in the other. "Annnd... projectiles!" he called out. The soldiers hurled balls, stones, heavy weights, and larger objects in Tempest's direction. And she became a living dynamo of flying hooves and gymnastic flips, dodging, bucking, and punching them back, and occasionally bracing herself to take a particularly well-timed hit against her armor. Grubber checked his watch, then gave a nod to Strife, the commander's liaison soldier, standing beside him. "Yo, boss!" Grubber called. "Incoming!" Strife tossed an iron staff. Tempest fielded it with her forehooves, then swung it about her as the soldiers closed with their own spears and shields. She danced about, swatting spear-points aside, blocking blows, leaping swings, and jabbing at the soldiers' shields to force them back whenever they got too close. Grubber counted down the seconds, and then yelled "Hoof-to-hoof!" Casting aside the staff, Tempest squared off as pairs and trios of her soldiers attempted to rush her. She dodged them, tripped them, occasionally grabbed one and flung him into the others. And now and again she lashed out at one of them in a flurry of swinging hooves, blow after blow, which the soldier would parry and block as well as it could manage. Occasionally she landed a particularly solid blow that sent the soldier sprawling -- whereupon it would disappear and rematerialize before her again, ready to continue. It wasn't about winning. There was no way to win, alone against her arcane army like this. It was about staying on her hooves -- calm, aware, and strategizing -- for as long as possible. And building up a working trust with the bizarre fighting force that had been left to her by the Storm King's defeat. Grubber counted off the last item on his list, clicked the stopwatch. "Annndd... that's it! Great job, boss! As usual!" "Excellent work, Commander!" Strife added, clapping his paws. And behind Grubber and Strife, a rousing cheer went up. As usual, Tempest's workout had attracted a small audience of local fillies and colts. Their hooves clapped and they shouted with glee. "Yay, Tempest! Yeah! That was awesome! More! More!" Accepting a towel from one of her soldiers, Tempest dried her face. And then she casually trotted over to her young audience. They fell silent as she approached. Her eyes were narrowed. She scowled darkly. The children shuddered in glee, the tension building to a peak... "Boo!" she whispered suddenly, glaring at them. The children shrieked, leapt up and scurried away, laughing and cheering. And Tempest smiled. It was nice discovering, after all that had happened to her in life, that she could be so good with children... ------------------------------ Later, still dressed in her duty armor, Tempest set out around the shops in town looking for decorations and other supplies that Twilight had asked her to find for the castle for Nightmare Night. This close to the holiday, the costume shop was a crush of ponies, all hunting for one last item to add to their costumes, or one last finishing touch for a home display. Yet they all fell silent and quickly made way for Tempest, as she strode in and up to the counter. "Uh... morning, Commander!" said the shopkeeper. "Good morning, Mister Buttons," Tempest replied evenly. "Princess Twilight placed an order for some cobwebs and lantern lights I believe?" "Ah, yes! I have them in the storeroom. Err, there's a lot of boxes. Would... you like some help bringing it all back?" "No need," Tempest replied. Her horn flared, her forehoof stamped thrice. A line of scarlet-furred soldiers materialized behind her. "We can manage." Afterward, strolling along Haymarket Street with her package-laden soldiers accompanying her, she became aware there were three small additions to her entourage: a yellow earth pony, a white unicorn, and an orange pegasus. "Something I can do for you?" she asked casually, glancing briefly at the yellow filly with the red bow on her mane. "Apple Bloom, isn't it?" "Yes, ma'am!" Apple Bloom said. "We were just wonderin'... well, if you maybe give lessons in soldiering, commanding armies, that kind of thing?" "Uh, just in case we're helping any ponies," Scootaloo added hurriedly, "who look like that might be their special talent?" Tempest was silent for a while, her face solemn. "I'm not someone you want to be like," she said finally. "My life hasn't been all that great. I was just fortunate it turned out well. I wouldn't recommend myself as a role-model to anypony." "Are you kidding us?" Scootaloo replied. "Yeah!" Sweetie Belle said. "You're amazing! You get to command your own army, you keep Princess Twilight safe..." "... and you're always in charge," Apple Bloom finished. "You don't take guff from nopony! You're so cool and calm all the time... and scary, too! Like nothin' better mess with ya!" Tempest looked around at them, mildly pleased. "You really think I'm scary?" "Every kid in town thinks you're scary!" Sweetie Belle agreed. Apple Bloom nodded. "Like, if you went out for Nightmare Night, you wouldn't even have to wear a costume! Just march around town, the way ya always do." She demonstrated with an exaggerated swaggering strut. "You'd have every kid in town shakin' like a leaf!" "A lot of the grownups, too, I bet!" Sweetie Belle whispered. "And... that's a good thing, right?" Tempest asked, concerned. "Sure it is!" said Scootaloo. "It's loads of fun being scared on Nightmare Night! Ponies dress up in scary costumes, and play pranks on each other. And no one minds much. It's all in good fun. You can be scared as anything and laugh about it too, because you know it won't hurt ya!" "Are you gonna do something a little scary for Nightmare Night?" Apple Bloom asked. "You don't have to tell us what! But... it'd be really awesome if you did!" "Something a little scary, eh?" Tempest mused quietly. "Well, I hadn't thought about it," she finally said. "But I'll definitely give it serious consideration. Thanks, you three!" "Not a problem, ma'am!" Scootaloo replied. "And..." Tempest continued with a mischievous smile, "if you did want lessons in soldiering... I'd probably have time after my morning drills to give you at least a few pointers..." "All right!" the trio chorused, high-hoofing each other. Leaving Tempest and her army to continue their march back to Twilight's castle, the Cutie Mark Crusaders hurried back to their own clubhouse, to continue working on their master list of potential cutie-mark talents for their clients. And then Sweetie Belle suddenly looked worried. "Hey, did we mention how much Princess Luna likes doing scary stuff on Nightmare Night?" "Yeah!" Scootaloo said. "Rainbow was telling me it's kinda her big night, the same way the Summer Sun Celebration is for Princess Celestia." The three of them considered it. Then Apple Bloom shrugged. "Ah'm sure it'll be okay," she said. "Princess Luna won't mind. She prob'ly feels the more scary stuff that happens on Nightmare Night, the better..." ------------------------------ Tempest sat stiffly at attention, on a cushion to the left of Twilight's chair at the conference table, and tried to keep the nervousness off her face. It wasn't merely that she was attending a high-level planning meeting, in her capacity as the Commander of Princess Twilight's armed forces. It was the other two Princesses seated at the table that made her uncomfortable. Tempest might have redeemed herself in Twilight's eyes, and those of the citizens of Ponyville, and to a lesser extent Canterlot and the other cities and towns of Equestria. Yet she was never quite certain about its rulers. And Tempest had a feeling the regal alicorns liked it that way. "So, transportation!" Twilight was saying. "I think it makes sense to employ Tempest's airships. They can get us to Saddle Arabia and back at top speed." The lavender alicorn tapped a route-map with her hoof. "The cruise liner we were thinking of using might be more comfortable for the delegation, but it would also take forever, and be at the mercy of prevailing wind currents... and we did say promptness was important here." "Indeed it is," said the shining white Princess of the Sun. "For a high-level conference of this magnitude, we should avoid any hint of delay. And personally?" Celestia waved a hoof dismissively. "I'm not fussy -- I'd have no problem with the accommodations being a little spartan. That is, provided our safety is assured?" She eyed Tempest. Feeling a response was expected of her, Tempest cleared her throat. "Princess Twilight will be going, Your Highness," she said quietly. "And I would consider your security to be no less a priority than hers." Celestia nodded in return, with just a hint of a smile. Yet the dark-blue Princess of the Night still looked doubtful. "These are warships," Luna pointed out. "Would this not send the wrong message, to the King and his court?" "Former warships," Twilight gently corrected. "Technically, captured in battle. And if what I've read is correct, the Saddle Arabians respect a show of strength, even if it's merely symbolic." "That is true," Luna allowed. "Although... with the Commander aboard, could it ever be merely symbolic?" She gave Tempest a doubtful look. Twilight looked from one of the Princesses to the other. "I trust Tempest," she said flatly. "She hasn't yet given me reason not to." After a pause, Luna nodded. "Then so do we," she said. "Let us move on, and review the official greeting ceremony..." When the meeting was finally concluded, and the clerks and scribes were busying themselves gathering and organizing the various lists and planning documents, the three Princesses strode out of the conference room together, chatting pleasantly. Tempest followed Twilight, a few paces behind in silence, as she deemed was her place. Until Luna suddenly turned to look at her, speaking almost casually. "We hear, Commander, that you might be interested in taking part in our celebration of Nightmare Night in Ponyville?" Surprised, Tempest nodded. "If Twilight has no other tasks for me that evening, yes. Actually, I've been looking forward to it. It's been a while since I've been able to celebrate any holiday, really." "No doubt. And is it also true that you're planning something 'a little scary' for the evening?" Luna asked, with a hint of an indulgent smile. Tempest wasn't certain where Luna had heard that, as she'd only spoken of it with the Crusaders and Grubber so far. But no doubt Luna had her sources, so it wasn't all that surprising. The only problem was, Tempest hadn't been able to come up with anything truly inspired for the evening. She'd considered asking Twilight what might be appropriate, but hadn't had an opportunity yet. Not wanting to overcommit herself, she waved a hoof airily. "I... might do something... simple, uncomplicated. I don't want to overdo. And it shouldn't be too hard. The children in Ponyville are frightened enough of me as it is. It's no big deal, really." Luna came to a halt, and stared at her in astonishment. "No big deal?" There was an edge in her tone. "Thou are that confident?" Taken aback, Tempest glanced at Twilight. "Princess Luna, I only meant --" "Thou thinks to challenge us?" Luna overrode her. "In our own celebration? And thou feels it would be... simple?" Luna sniffed. "We were going to wish thee luck... perhaps thou feels luck is not needed!" So this is what stepping on a landmine feels like, thought Tempest. "I... meant no disrespect," she said cautiously. "If you'd prefer I not participate, then of course I..." "Oh no!" Luna snapped. "Challenge has been given! And is accepted! We shall face each other on the Night... and then we shall see which of the two of us the children fear the most!" She leaned closer, eyes narrowed. "And thou had best bring one's A-game! For we certainly shall!" Whirling about, Luna stalked away, muttering to herself crossly, escorted by her nightmare guard ponies. Celestia gave Twilight and Tempest a bemused smile. "I'd better go after her," she said gently. "To dissuade her from gnawing on her throne. We'll see both of you at the festivities, if not sooner!" Celestia turned and set off after her high-strung sibling, accompanied by her own guards. Leaving Twilight and Tempest staring at each other, in worried befuddlement. Tempest sighed. "I don't plan these things, you know..." ------------------------------ "Tempest did what?" Trixie nearly fell out of her chair laughing. "She actually challenged Princess Luna? To a scare competition? On Nightmare Night? Oh! Trixie only wishes she'd been there to see that go down!" Tempest glanced at Twilight and Starlight Glimmer. Together with Trixie, the four ponies were seated at the map table in Twilight's Friendship Castle, with mugs of fresh fall cider in front of them. "I didn't exactly challenge her," Tempest said. "For some reason she seemed to take it personally. And now it's on, for better or worse." "Nightmare Night is pretty important to Luna," Twilight observed. "It's her night to personally reconnect with her subjects, and celebrate the fact that she's not Nightmare Moon any more." "By dressing up as Nightmare Moon?" Starlight said. "And scaring the children into giving up their candy as a peace offering? Uh huh, good plan! Sounds like something I might have come up with, actually..." Twilight frowned at her. "It's just Luna's way of reconnecting with her subjects, especially the children. It's a way of showing that she's approachable, that she has a sense of humor and knows how to have a good time. Though she does seem to take it a little too seriously sometimes." Twilight shook her head. "But enough about that. Let's get down to the main order of business here: welcoming the newest member of the Reformed Villains Society!" She lifted her mug in a toast to Tempest. The others did likewise. "Thanks," Tempest said. "Though I'm a little confused -- I know what I did, but why are you three here?" "The Grrreat and Powerful Trrrixie once magically enslaved an entire town!" she said, with a grand wave of her hoof. Starlight sniffed. "Puh-lease! I built an entire town from scratch. And then brainwashed them into a single-minded cult of equality! Which," she added quickly, glancing around, "I completely regret now, of course..." Twilight looked solemn. "And I was almost overwhelmed by a misguided desire to force friendship on everyone in the world... whether they wanted it or not!" (*) Trixie smirked. "Only under the influence of a soul-sucking evil amulet. Which you were totally able to free yourself from... with Trixie's help, of course!" She sighed. "You're just too nice for real villainy, Twilight!" She grinned at Tempest. "We only let her in the group out of pity, you see!" Tempest bristled a little at that. Then she forced herself to relax. The point of this gathering, as Twilight had said, was to spend time with friends who shared a common bond... however regrettable it might be. Taking up her mug, Tempest returned their toast, then sipped companionably for a bit. Then she put the mug down, with a sigh. "I'm sorry. I just can't get this contest with Luna out of my head. Nightmare Night is tomorrow, and I'm still not certain what I'm going to do. Look, I know I've only just joined this little group," she said. "But could I ask you three for your help? Particularly since you're all unicorns? If it were only a physical conflict, a test of strength or agility, I and my soldiers could handle that in our sleep. But Princess Luna is one of the strongest alicorns in the land. And my magic..." she tapped her broken horn. "It's powerful, but a little limited in application." Twilight looked uneasy. "I'm... not sure I should be taking sides in this," she said. "After all, I'm a Princess myself." "And while I love a good prank as much as the next pony," Starlight said. "I'm not sure we can come up with something in so short a time that could top Luna's performance every year..." Trixie slammed her mug down. "Am I hearing correctly? Backing down on a comrade in time of need? Shame on the both of you!" Trixie jumped up on her chair and posed grandly. "The Grrreat and Powerful Trrrixie does not shirk when called upon! Especially for something that sounds like it'll be such fun!" She giggled and rubbed her hooves. "Oooh, I am all over this! What wonderfully devious prank are we gonna pull?" Twilight and Starlight looked at each other. Then they bowed to the inevitable, and turned to Tempest as well. Tempest smiled craftily. "I think I may have an idea... just follow my lead..." ------------------------------ Word got around town quickly. "Have you heard? Princess Luna and Commander Tempest are going to go head to head on Nightmare Night!" "Are you kidding me? It won't even be a contest! Luna will banish her to the Moon as her opening move!" "Oh, I wouldn't count out the Commander -- you know how unpredictable she is. I bet she's got something really creative planned!" "Yeah! My money's on Tempest to win!" "You're crazy! My bits are on the Princess!" "Tempest! ... Luna! ... Tempest! ... Luna! ..." "Uh, can I get through please? I just wanted to buy these chips..." Over the next few hours, throughout Ponyville, sacks of bits changed hooves as wagers of all sorts were staked on the outcome of the contest... even though no one was really certain what form it would take. And strangely enough, many of the wagers were not on either of the two champions. Rather, they were on more prosaic questions, such as: Will either of them be standing afterward? Will Ponyville still be standing afterward? Should I even worry about setting my alarm clock for the morning after...? ------------------------------ Nightmare Night finally arrived. The town was decorated, the streets were thronged with costumed party-goers. Trick-or-treaters were scurrying from house to house, and in the distance music could be heard coming from the stage that had been built in Ponyville Square, near the Town Hall. And in the foyer of her Friendship Castle, Princess Twilight inspected the troops, so to speak. Twilight herself was dressed as a period-accurate recreation of Stygian, the Pony of Shadows... which basically amounted to a gunny-sack tunic and an illusion spell giving her a gray coat and blue mane. Beside her was Spike, dressed as Gung-Ho, the mustachioed, dashingly tailored evil twin of Humdrum from the Power Ponies comics. Or so Twilight gathered, from Spike's breathless recitation of the villain's evil stats. Starlight was dressed as the Sphinx from the Legend of Somnambula, which involved a lot of dark red makeup plus some costume jewelry. She kept nervously comparing her coloration with Tempest's, worried they looked too much alike. Trixie wore a replica of the Alicorn Amulet, as well as the black cloak she'd worn during the "Conquest of Ponyville" as she dramatically put it, at every opportunity. The illusion spell that made her eyes glow red was disturbingly realistic, especially when Trixie just sat there, wordlessly, head tilted slightly, staring at you with a demented smile on her face... Grubber was dressed as a miniature, gray-furred Storm Soldier, complete with a pint-sized shield and spear. Which he immediately dropped when Spike handed him a sack for trick-or-treating. It was his first Nightmare Night, and he wasn't about to miss out on "the good stuff", as he put it. And Tempest... went as herself, in full battle armor, as the Crusaders had recommended. She'd briefly considered dressing up as the Storm King, but wasn't sure she could pull off being that cluelessly arrogant. Best to stick to what she knew, she decided. Twilight was standing before Tempest, staring up at her bodyguard with a concerned look on her face. "I know you and Luna have this grudge-match to settle," Twilight said. "And we'll all back you up, don't worry. But don't let it stop you from joining in and celebrating with everyone. Nightmare Night only comes once a year, and I really don't want you to miss out on all the fun tonight!" Tempest nodded. "I'll remember, Your Highness." "Oh, it's gonna be fun, alright!" Trixie said eagerly. "Right, bestie?" "Riiighht," Starlight said uneasily. "So, we do trick-or-treats and the games? And then meet up at the stage for the dedication speech, right?" "Can we get going already?" Spike asked, anxiously. "Evil masterminds need candy!" He twirled his mustache with a crafty look. "You said it, Spike!" Grubber beamed. "Er, that is... if you don't need me right away, boss?" He peered up at her, worried. Tempest nodded indulgently. "Go on and have some fun. I'll meet the two of you at the statue for the candy offering. We should at least see what we're up against, before we make our move." "You got it, boss!" "All right, everycreature!" Twilight swung open the doors with her magic. "Let's do this!" She led the way outside, heading for the Town Hall and the celebration area. Spike and Grubber hurried after her, excitedly discussing strategies for hitting every porch in town. Starlight and Trixie followed at a more sedate pace, planning out their evening together at the games area. And Tempest stood where she was, on the steps of the Castle. And sighed. It would be nice, she thought, if I actually had a plan yet. Then she shrugged, and turned to pull the doors closed behind her. Not to worry. If there's one thing I know how to do, it's improvise... ------------------------------ Tempest strolled through the center of town, under the warm purple glow of the night sky, admiring all the decorations: skulls and pumpkins, spiders and bats, cobwebs and bones. Ponyville always did its celebrations proud. The varied displays made Tempest a little melancholy, recalling similar decorations in a similar village... so many years ago. Yet it was also impossible to ignore the one constant in all the displays. From lampposts and shutters, from eaves and awnings and spires, the green, glowing, reptilian eye of Nightmare Moon gazed balefully down upon the costumed partygoers... unblinking... watchful... and intimidating. Tempest finally spotted Princess Luna herself in the games area, at the spider-toss. The Princess was blindfolded, lobbing the plush spiders casually over her shoulder with a forehoof... and scoring bulls-eyes on the web nearly every time. She didn't even have to look to know that she was winning. Then Luna abruptly lifted the blindfold and stared straight across at Tempest, a thin, knowing smile on her face. Tempest returned her gaze levelly, revealing nothing. The two of them began casually circling the games and refreshment tables, eyeing each other, like gunslingers sizing each other up. And Tempest had to admit, Luna held all the cards. This was her home turf, she knew the ponies here. Whereas Tempest was the invader, the interloper, the pony from out of town. Which merely meant she needed to up the ante a bit... She glanced casually around, finally spotting Trixie and Starlight over by the apple-bobbing tub. Catching Trixie's eye, Tempest nodded significantly. And the showpony helpfully obliged with a conspiratorial wink and a pointed hoof. Looking the other way, Tempest spotted Twilight, helping settle a dispute between two colts over a candy-apple. Tempest nodded at Twilight, and Twilight nodded back -- a little uncertainly, but it was enough. Tempest looked back at Luna again. And smiled. I have you outnumbered, her smile said. Bring it on. Luna's eyes narrowed. Oh, I shall! Over by the punch table stood Princess Celestia, dressed as a storybook shepherdess in frock and bonnet, her gilded crook hovering beside her in her magic. She watched the circling combatants in mounting disquiet. "They're both taking this... rather seriously, don't you think?" Twilight, who had just joined her, waved a hoof nonchalantly. "Oh, it's all in good fun. Tempest is just learning to fit in. And Nightmare Night is a pretty important custom around here. It's a great opportunity for her to mingle and meet new friends." "If you say so, Twilight..." Celestia said uneasily. Soon enough, Mayor Mare called for the partygoers to assemble at the performance stage for the annual welcome and dedication speech. Following which, the children all trotted excitedly behind Zecora, the zebra herbalist, down the path to the clearing on the outskirts of the Everfree Forest, to hear her recitation of the Tale of Nightmare Moon. At the tail end of the group were Spike and Grubber, each clutching a sackful of candy. And following them, a few paces behind, was Tempest herself. In the shadowy clearing stood the ancient, chiseled granite statue of the evening's namesake: The Mare in the Moon, the Dark Mare, the Evil One, Mistress of Nightmares, Queen of the Night... Nightmare Moon. Tempest stared up at the fanged, rearing shape, which loomed threateningly above the crowd of shivering children. Even from Tempest's considerable adult height the statue was massive and intimidating. So she could only imagine what it must look like from the children's point of view. I took down three of the four Princesses of Equestria, in less than twenty seconds, she thought. And I'm just glad I didn't have to face this when I invaded Canterlot... She felt nervous, uncertain. I'm taking on the thing in the closet, the monster under the bed, the terror your parents tell you about to make you behave... The old parental warnings played over in her head: say your prayers to Celestia, or Nightmare Moon will come and give you bad dreams ... she sees you when you're sleeping, she knows when you're awake ... you know what happens to bad little fillies and colts? Neither do we, for we never see them again... The old anger, the old resentment suddenly boiled up in Tempest's thoughts, as she stared up at the looming, threatening monstrosity. I am not weak, she thought. I am not powerless! I am not a cripple! I am Tempest Shadow! And threatening me will be your last regret! Gritting her teeth, she forced herself to calm down. We don't think like that any more, she reminded herself. We're not alone here. We have friends now. She settled into a comfortable, parade-rest stance, and looked on as Zecora steadily rhyme-chanted her way through the Tale. The zebra clearly relished her role as Luna's opening act, so to speak. She was wearing a white-haired wig decorated with spiders, and smiling her whimsical, knowing smile as she cast puffs of green smoke and magical animated illusions of the Nightmare herself. And she gave every turn of phrase, every flick of her robe, every puff of green, glowing mist an extra flourish, an extra edge of foreboding. The crowd of children shivered and trembled, their teeth chattering... and loving every minute of it. The tension reached a peak, as Zecora came to the end... \ An offering of candy, you must extend! \ \ For Nightmare Moon, you must not offend! \ \ Fill her belly with a treat or two, \ \ so she won't return, to feast... on... YOU! \ A stiff, chill breeze rushed through the clearing. Overhead, stormclouds swirled, steadily blocking out the light from the Moon. Darkness fell in the clearing. Thunder rumbled and crashed. Lightning flickered... And then all at once, without warning or preamble, a bolt arced down from the skies. It skewered the statue, momentarily limning it in blue electric fire... And the statue exploded, granite shards flying everywhere. The children shouted in startled fright. Even Zecora looked astonished. Blue, rippling shadows arose from the still-smoking granite plinth, shadows that swirled and arced, and tightened in on themselves. Suddenly, an armored black alicorn was standing there, her eyes blazing with power, her fangs bared, her wings spread. The Nightmare reared and laughed, boomingly and manaically. "You think to placate me with simple sweets? You think to hide from me, behind costumes and greasepaint? You foals! I will not be subdued! I will not be deceived!" Her forehooves slammed down, fracturing the granite plinth with a concussive, thundering blast. "I am Nightmare Moon! And you, foolish children -- you are my PREY!" She bared her teeth, and hissed, loudly and hungrily. The children shrieked, and turned and bolted for the path leading out of the clearing... ... and nearly collided with Tempest Shadow, who was standing there, still trying to work out whether all this was part of the performance. At the head of the group of children was Apple Bloom. She skidded to a halt, staring up at Tempest's fierce scowl. The other children piled up fearfully behind her. "Look, y'all!" Apple Bloom shouted. "It's Commander Tempest! She'll save us! She'll keep Nightmare Moon from gobbling us up!" The children all looked up at Tempest, anxiously, fearfully... ... and hopefully. Tempest smirked. Of course, she thought to herself. Why didn't I think of that? With curt flicks of a forehoof she cleared a path for herself. Then she stalked forward through the crowd of children, advancing on the ruined stone plinth and the dark armored figure crouched atop it. Nightmare Moon grinned down at her, haughty and superior. "Dost thou think to challenge us?" She sneered. "To do battle with us?" "Not at all," Tempest replied evenly. "I'm just here to drop off my candy offering. Grubber!" Grubber worriedly trotted over to her. Tempest eyed his overloaded candy sack. Her gaze landed on a large multicolored lollipop sticking out of the top of it. "Aw gee, boss!" Grubber said, wincing. "Not the lollipop! I was looking forward to that!" Tempest reached out a hoof... and scooped up a small wrapped caramel. Which she flicked onto the bare ground before the plinth. And then she turned away, nodding to the astonished children. "Come along, little ones, we should be getting back to the games. It's getting late..." She deliberately didn't look back, not even once. The sound behind her, very much like furious armored hooves pulverizing the remnants of the statue's plinth, told her everything she needed to know... ------------------------------ Tempest was amazed that she got all the way back to the celebration area before Luna caught up with her. A rush of blue-tinged shadows rippled past Tempest and the children, and descended upon the stage, where it re-formed into the massive, fanged Nightmare. Her eyes glared balefully down at the astonished audience. "You scorn the traditional candy offering?" she roared. "Then we must take what is ours by right! We are Nightmare Moon!" The assembled ponies gasped in shock and fright. They drew back from the stage and the raging alicorn before them. "We have suffered in silence for far too long," Nightmare Moon went on, "beneath the weak, simpering form of Princess Luna! We have returned at long last, to claim what is ours... Equestria! Our rightful dominion, to rule under Night everlasting... Night eternal! Our reign, and our Night, shall last forever!" Commander Tempest merely raised an eyebrow. "Oh really?" she replied dryly. "What makes you think it's yours to take?" The Nightmare stared back, affronted. But Tempest didn't give her a chance to reply. Stalking forward through the astonished crowd, Tempest took up a position in the clear area directly in front of the stage. Her broken horn was crackling and fizzing with electric-blue energy. The crimson double-bolt emblems on the flank plates of her armor blazed infernally. She waited until she heard Grubber cautiously patter up to stand behind her, peering around her. Then she lifted her head proudly, and spoke, as much to the nervously silent crowd as to the alicorn in front of her. "Canterlot," she sternly announced, "and by extension all of Equestria, are mine, by right of conquest! Don't forget, I had you Princesses at my mercy! If anyone's going to rule here, it'll be me!" Nightmare Moon's eyes narrowed. She snorted dismissively. "Thou, rule Equestria? Thou are but a common soldier! Meager and unworthy of such dominion!" "Well, that's rich," Tempest shot back. "Coming from you... a misguided monster from a storybook! A figment of forgotten dreams! An object lesson in knowing when you've outstayed your welcome!" "Boss..." Grubber whispered anxiously, his eyes like saucers. Nightmare Moon's gaze was livid. Her wings spread, her horn charged... "It is unwise to test our wrath, weak and foolish mortal!" Tempest set her hooves firmly. She stared back, unflinching. "Bring it." Enraged, the alicorn's horn blazed. A roaring, searing beam of magic tore through the air, lancing down towards Tempest... ... and was deflected, spreading out in a shimmering dome over the armored unicorn and the hedgehog cowering behind her. Near-blinding, searing radiance raged all about them, yet could not touch them. The nightmare's horn silenced. She eyed Tempest appraisingly. Tempest smirked. She lifted a hoof to tap its metal shoe against her chestplate. "The Armor of Secanas," she said smugly. "What, you thought it was just for show?" "Uhhp..." Grubber whispered. And tumbled heavily onto his back. Tempest glanced at him. "Oh, get up, Grubber. You're not fooling anyone." "Yeah, well," he muttered, hauling himself back to his feet. "Next time, a little warning might be nice, boss." "Then cover your eyes," Tempest said. Lowering her head, she charged her horn and launched an explosive blast, straight at the alicorn on the stage... Which Nightmare Moon easily deflected with a shield of her own, although the backwash of the blast quickly set the wooden stage around her ablaze. Stalking forward through the flames, completely unharmed, the dark mare scowled down at Tempest. "Thy magic pales in comparison with ours, small one!" she growled. "Thou shall be brought to heel under our rule!" "True, control of magic isn't my strong suit," Tempest said. She glanced around significantly. "That's why I brought... friends." From the crowd of ponies, Twilight, Starlight, and Trixie stepped forward. The three of them took up positions around Tempest, within the sphere of protection afforded by her armor: a gray pony, a sphinx, and a black-cloaked mage. Trixie coughed importantly, then adopted her stage voice. "The Reformed Villains Society," she intoned grandly, "stands with our newest member -- as mages in Commander Tempest's army!" She huffed on a hoof and polished it on her cloak. "I imagine we can provide an interesting challenge for Nightmare Moon... and her so-called magic!" "Don't overdo it, Trixie," Starlight whispered urgently. "Relax, Starlight!" Trixie whispered back, "Tempest has totally got this!" Nightmare Moon's gaze swept from each of them to the next... and finally to Twilight. "Even you, Princess?" she said, archly. "You would set yourself against us?" Twilight's expression was grim. "I stand with my friends, Nightmare Moon! And I took you down once before... so don't make me do it again!" "All right, that is it! This has gone far enough!" Princess Celestia stalked forward through the crowd, head held high and glaring reprovingly. Which might have actually been intimidating... were it not for the shepherdess costume she was still wearing. "Sister! Commander Tempest! I think this little joke has run its course. Shall we get back to the celebration --" She paused, surprised. Twilight Sparkle had swung round to face her. "Please, don't interfere, Princess," the lavender alicorn said quietly, her horn shimmering brightly. "Twilight!" Twilight gulped nervously, then set her face in a firm scowl, staring up at her mentor. "Don't Twilight me! You know how many times I've been called upon to defend Equestria? It's kinda my second job now! And if the safety of Equestria is best served by assisting my bodyguard in taking over and running the place, then that's just fine by me! I might actually be able to take the holidays off this year!" She swung round again, and looked at Starlight, Trixie, and Tempest. "On three, everypony... one, two, three!" Twilight and Starlight joined Tempest in casting blasts of magic at the astonished Nightmare Moon, who put up ward after ward to block them. At the same time, Trixie tossed down a magician's smoke-bomb and disappeared... only to re-emerge through the curtain at the back of the stage, with two of Tempest's soldiers flanking her. Together, they took hold of the remnant of stage carpeting that hadn't been consumed by flames, and yanked it, hard. With a startled yelp, Nightmare Moon went down in a crash of armor, plunging through the stage flooring itself. Trixie laughed merrily and high-fived the soldiers with her hooves. Nightmare Moon sprang up into the air. She was beyond rage. Her wings spread, her horn blazed with icy luminance. The Royal Canterlot Voice rang out, echoing back from the mountains around Ponyville: YOU CHOOSE OPEN HOSTILITIES? THEN SO BE IT! WE MUST TAKE... HOSTAGES! Her magic swiftly plucked three small fillies from the crowd, drawing them forward to hang in the air around her. "Hey look, y'all!" Apple Bloom crowed to her friends. "We're hostages now!" "Cool!" Scootaloo agreed. "You think we'll get tortured and everything?" Sweetie Belle cringed. "I'm not sure I want to be tortured!" "Aw, don't be such a wimp!" Apple Bloom chided her. "It'll be fun! And it don't really hurt... much..." Below them, Tempest Shadow lifted a forehoof for silence. "If we are to descend to hostage-taking," she sneered, "there's plenty more where that came from!" She gestured with the hoof, curtly. Three of her soldiers approached, each dangling a pony by the collar of her costume: Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash. Applejack was dressed as a tin woodsman, and Rarity had recreated her Vanity Mare cover-pony "punk" look, with particolored mane and studded jacket. Both of them hung helplessly in their respective soldiers' grip, like wide-eyed kittens. Rainbow, on the other hoof, was dressed as a gold-armored Canterlot guard pony. She was twisting about furiously, trying to land a hoof on her soldier, who held her at arm's length like an enraged hornet. The Cutie Mark Crusaders collectively gasped. "Not mah sister!" Apple Bloom cried. "Not my sister!" Sweetie Belle shouted. "Not my..." Scootaloo thought quickly. "... really awesome, almost-like-a-big-sister, role model and mentor!" The other two stared at her, and she shrugged. "What? We really need a word for that, ya know?" Nightmare Moon's eyes narrowed. She scowled at Tempest. "You care so little?" she challenged. "For the lives of these subjects, whose lands you claim?" Tempest shrugged. "Easy come, easy go. If you're going to conquer an entire nation, you can't get too attached to anyone." "Then we must summon our reinforcements!" Nightmare Moon's horn blazed. To either side of her, clouds of dark, whirling smoke appeared, snuffing out the flames still burning on the stage flooring. The clouds drew in on themselves, and from each stepped a tufted-eared, heavily-jawed, dragon-winged nightmare. Their eyes gleamed like lanterns as they took in the assembled crowds, then focused on Tempest. "Nacht! Skaad! To us!" Nightmare Moon called to them. "The battle is joined!" The nightmares nodded. Their dragon-like wings snapped out and they rose into the air to hover beside her. Their formidable jaws were set firmly, ready for combat. Tempest snorted. "That's the best you've got?" Her horn flared, and her hoof stamped twice. "Fred! Strife! Front and center!" Twilight's two liaison soldiers materialized to either side of her. "The troops are in readiness, Commander!" Strife reported. And Fred merely saluted. He still wasn't much for conversation. "So are ours!" Nightmare Moon called out grandly. She gestured with a hoof at the night skies above. Looking up, everyone could see, descending through the air towards Ponyville from Canterlot Mountain, a vast horde of nightmares. Their eyes gleamed, their teeth were bared. And at the head of the phalanx, leading the charge, was a pink-maned yellow pegasus with bat-like wings and gleaming red eyes. She shrieked a vicious battle-cry as the army descended. "Oh, lordy," Applejack muttered, staring up at her. "You had to go and wake up Flutterbat, didn't ya? Gonna be hours getting her de-programmed again!" Tempest sighed, as if bored. "How quickly they forget..." Her broken horn flared. Her forehoof stamped the ground: one, two, three... then four times. All around the stage, all around the performance area, and at strategic points throughout Ponyville itself, her army materialized, in full force, ready for battle. The scarlet-furred soldiers carried shields and spears, and took up fighting stances. The deep-set eyes in their black masks glared hostilely. Many of them were in winged form, and stood poised, waiting for the signal to take to the skies, and engage the approaching nightmares. There was a long, tense moment as the alicorn and the broken-horned unicorn stared at one another -- each waiting for the other to blink. Suddenly, a loud horn blared from behind the onlooking crowd. Everyone turned to look. Approaching the celebration area was a huge, red-and-blue, star-spangled tank, rumbling along on heavy treads. The tank ground to a halt, its massive cannon leveled at the stage and the two opposing leaders. Then its top hatch flipped open, and up popped two helmeted ponies. "Awright, nobody move!" Pinkie Pie growled around the corn-cob pipe held in her teeth. "We got you covered!" Then she beamed at the curly-haired pony next to her. "Thanks for loaning me your party tank on such short notice, Cheese!" "Not a problem, Pinkie!" Cheese Sandwich replied. "Anything for a fellow party pony!" Pinkie swung back to the crowd and glared fiercely, chewing on the stem of her pipe. Everyone waited, tense and silent, to find out whose side she was going to take in the conflict. Pinkie reached up, removed the pipe from her mouth. And grinned. "Dibs on fighting the winner!" she shouted merrily. In the silence that followed, Nightmare Moon's shout was a crash of thunder. DO NOT BE SO FOOLISHLY RASH, PINK ONE! WE DO NOT EVEN NEED OUR ARMY TO DEFEAT THEE! WE ALONE ARE A FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH! FOR WE ARE THE NIGHT ITSELF! She reared, cackling madly, as lightning flashed and thunder rolled. In response, Princess Twilight took a step forward. AND WE... she shouted back, ... ARE THE SHADOW... THE PONY OF SHADOWS! Black ichor gushed from her eyes, swirling about her as she lifted into the air. She shrieked as it encased her in a looming shell of swirling darkness, in the shape of a massive, dark gray alicorn with brilliantly glowing eyes. "Twilight!" Princess Celestia shouted, beside herself with anxiety. The Pony of Shadows landed on the ground with an earthquake-like thump. HUAH HAH HAH HAH! the dark pony laughed thunderously. YOU THINK TO CHALLENGE US? THE NIGHT IS POWERLESS AGAINST THE DAY! BUT WE... WE ARE THE SHADOW... WE DRAW OUR STRENGTH, OUR VERY ESSENCE FROM THE LIGHT ITSELF! YOU DARE NOT OPPOSE US! "And," Trixie called out, "if that's not enough for ya, then maybe Nightmare Moon would think twice about tackling... this!" She threw down another smoke bomb. From the fulminating ashen clouds arose a towering, gleaming dark-purple, pony-shaped form, like a neon-limned portal to an infinite star-dusted void. "The Tantabus!" Trixie's voice boomed across the crowd. "Created by Luna herself to inhabit her dreams, to allow her no peace, no respite -- and no quarter!" Then the Tantabus looked down at itself, appraisingly. "Hey, this is a pretty good look for me, ya know? Might want to use this in my act..." "Focus, Trixie!" Starlight called up her, her horn singing. "One performance at a time!" "Hmph! Fine! And speaking of which, Starlight... isn't it your turn now?" The maroon sphinx stared up at her. With a wide, crafty grin on her face. When she spoke, it was in a familiar unhinged, cackling, insectile voice: "You actually thought this was Starlight Glimmer? Ha! I replaced that simpering little pony months ago! I've had you fooled all this time!" A swirl of green magic, and an immense, long-legged, spike-horned, winged changeling stood before them. "Queen Chrysalis has returned! To seek revenge on all of you!" She laughed insanely. "But before we have that pleasure, we must deal with this threat to the very land that we intend to conquer for the Hive!" Together, the Tantabus, the Changeling Queen, and the Pony of Shadows fell into line behind Tempest. Who took a step forward, glaring up at the hovering Nightmare. Nightmare Moon looked about at each of them, calculatingly -- and for just a moment, she seemed hesitant. "Still time to back down, you know..." Tempest warned, her smile placidly confident. Nightmare Moon's jaw set firmly. NEVER! she retorted angrily. WE SHALL PURSUE THIS TO THE VERY END! Tempest's smile broadened. "To the death?" The Nightmare seethed, completely unhinged. TO... THE... DEATH! Tempest glanced around at her friends, somberly, as if for the last time. "All right, then," she said, chin held high. "Let's --" All at once, she halted, and fell silent. She glanced backward, at the astonished crowd. In the sudden silence, they could all hear it: A small colt crying. It was Pipsqueak, the dappled colt from Trottingham. He'd chosen to dress as a Wonderbolt this year, and he was sitting on the ground at the front of the crowd, staring up at Tempest and Nightmare Moon. And there were tears running down his face. Tempest looked up at Nightmare Moon. "Truce?" Nightmare Moon nodded. "Truce." Tempest stepped over to Pipsqueak. Shaking a forehoof free of its armored shoe, she put the hoof comfortingly around the colt's shoulders. "What, is it too much?" she asked gently. "Is it too scary?" "No!" Pipsqueak shook his head. "It's been loads of fun, actually. But..." Nightmare Moon descended to the ground, and joined them. "But what, dear one?" she asked gently. Pipsqueak looked up at them. "Well... now one of you is gonna have to take the other down. Either Nightmare Moon will destroy Tempest, or Tempest will take out Nightmare Moon. And I don't want either of you to lose! I like you both! You're both really scary -- the best, most scariest ponies I know!" Pipsqueak looked around sadly at the crowd of ponies. "And no matter which way it goes," he went on, "after a fight like this... well, no one will ever want to celebrate Nightmare Night again... will they?" Tempest and the Nightmare looked around at the gathered ponies -- in particular at the other children in the audience. From the looks on their faces, they felt much the same as Pipsqueak. The dark mare and the unicorn regarded each other silently. And came to an unspoken agreement. With a toss of her head, Nightmare Moon re-transformed to Princess Luna. Behind her, Twilight, Starlight and Trixie also resumed their normal pony forms. "My dear little Pip," Luna said to him. "We did not mean to worry you. This was only a friendly competition... though it did have a deeper purpose, actually." "Really?" Pipsqueak asked. Luna nodded. "The Commander and I, each of us, have been feeling a little too feared lately, each in our own way. Especially me... Nightmare Night has long been a celebration of the terror, of the evil of Nightmare Moon. And while this sentiment is not wrong in itself, I have long wished to change the tone of this evening a little, make it a little less about me, a little less about a part of my past I was glad to put behind me, and a little more about all of you." Luna gazed around at the audience of shocked ponies. "But I could not reasonably do this, without sending the old ways off with a bit of a bang, so to speak." She looked at Tempest, with a proud smile. "The Commander has been kind enough to oblige me in this... whether she realized it or not. I wished to provide you all with one last Nightmare fright, as it were, to close out this chapter of the holiday's history." "But.. will we still do tricks-or-treats?" Pipsqueak asked. "And wear scary costumes? And have the games and all, like before?" "Of course you will," Luna reassured him. "Who am I to take that from you? It is your celebration, after all. But our part in all this, I think, needs to change. And with the Commander's aid, I should like to put that into effect this very night. That is, if I may call upon your able assistance, Commander?" Tempest bowed her head respectfully. "I am at Your Highness's service. Always." Luna nodded gratefully. "Well said." Between Tempest's soldiers and Luna's nightmares, they were able to quickly put out the burning stage and clean up most of the damage and disarray. In the meantime Luna and Tempest stood together off to the side, in whispered discussion. Then Tempest snapped out orders to her soldiers, who departed swiftly. "Attention everyone!" Tempest called out to the crowd. "If you'll follow me please? The next part of the festivities is about to get under way." The bemused ponies were led over to the meadow beyond Twilight's Friendship Castle, where two of Tempest's airships had come in for a landing, with others holding station nearby. "All aboard everyone," Tempest called. "Pick a ship, any ship, and make your way up to the main deck. Smartly please!" The townsponies boarded the ships, and one after another the airships lifted off into the night skies. The Princesses, including Twilight, and Twilight's friends, boarded last, following Tempest, Grubber, and her soldiers up the landing ramp into her own flagship. With Grubber at the wheel, the flagship rose to join the other ships, which had taken up station in a large circle centered over Ponyville. From their height, one could see all of the warmly-lit town, from the orchards and vegetable patches of Sweet Apple Acres, to the brightly lit shops on Diamond Avenue. And above, below, and all around the ships, Luna's nightmares kept watch, their glowing eyes like fireflies in the night sky. Luna glanced around, making sure all was in readiness. "Now," she said, "for our part of the performance. Princess Twilight, may I borrow the Commander for a short while?" Twilight had taken the opportunity to divest herself of her Stygian costume, and was once more her familiar lavender self. "Absolutely!" she replied, beaming happily. Luna turned to Tempest. "Will you trust me, Commander?" Tempest looked at her for a moment in silence. Then she shut her eyes, her horn flaring. The glowing double-bolt emblems on the flank-plates of her armor dimmed. There was a noticeable stillness, a sudden quiet in the air all around her, as her armor's projected shields faded away. Then she opened her eyes, and faced Luna again. And smiled. "When have I not, Your Highness?" Luna's horn sang, and the bright nimbus of her magic enclosed Tempest. The Princess spread her wings and gently lifted both of them from the deck, then out into the air above Ponyville, to arrive finally in the center of the circle of ships. CITIZENS OF PONYVILLE, Luna announced. WE SHOULD LIKE TO PRESENT TO YOU, A SPECTACLE APPROPRIATE TO THIS, THAT MOST AUSPICIOUS OF NIGHTS! Her horn sang, gleaming with power. All around her and Tempest, hundreds of jack-o-lanterns flashed into being, glowing with candle-light, each with its own unique face -- many of which the town's citizens recognized as being their own. The lanterns gently spun, in great circles, rank on rank of them, a whirling tower of leers and grins and frightful scowls. And then the jack-o-lanterns began to sing. They sang sprightly and rousing chants, they sang familiar standards of the season, they sang gloomy and dolorous incantations and arias... and also they sang soft, rolling melodies and odes expressing the passing of the seasons and the closing of the farming year. And the townsponies on the various airships willingly joined in, singing along as best they could, applauding after each one. And in between songs, at Luna's nod, Tempest Shadow obliged the Princess with her own contribution to the performance: using her broken horn to launch a grand display of fall-tinted fireworks: oranges, reds, and deep purples, which exploded in the sky and only gradually faded away. And all the while, Tempest's soldiers circulated among the watching ponies on the airships, serving out hot cider, cold punch, and treats of all kinds: cakes, pies, and of course candy, for those who simply could never get enough. At the conclusion of the performance, Luna once again called out to the watching citizens. "Nightmare Night," she said, "is and always shall be a night of frights, of dark legends and omens, a taste of the gallows and of the grave. We would never change that. But let it, henceforth, be known also as a celebration of togetherness, of companionship, a time for the settling of quarrels, for the renewing of our shared allegiances... against the darkness, the distrust and petty jealousies, that would otherwise happily divide us." She smiled at Tempest, who returned the smile with a nod. "On this night, of our deepest, darkest fears," Luna concluded, "let it also be a night to celebrate that which we no longer fear... "Ourselves!" As one, the jack-o-lanterns snuffed out, and then vanished. As did Luna and Tempest. Leaving the ponies on the ships applauding and cheering the performance at length. Twilight looked down at Pipsqueak, seated beside her. "What do you think? Is this Nightmare Night or what?" Pipsqueak looked thoughtful. "Can we do it again next year?" "Oh, I feel sure Princess Luna -- and my Commander as well -- would be happy to oblige us." Pipsqueak nodded. "Then Nightmare Night it is!" ------------------------------ Another day, another planning meeting... At Princess Luna's request, Tempest spent several hours with the Princess, working through the details and specifics of transportation for the forthcoming Saddle Arabia summit: for the Princesses, for the diplomats, for their staff and their guests, and a thousand other things, on a list that seemed to grow ever longer, never shorter. At the end Luna relievedly set aside the paperwork, and nodded with some pride at the Commander. "We have been so busy," she said, "that I have not yet had a proper opportunity to compliment you on your skill with both organization, and quick thinking. You handled our competition on Nightmare Night with a firm, unrelenting hoof, but one tempered also with commendable restraint and courage. Princess Twilight is fortunate indeed to have you as her guard, and I could not have wished for a more worthy opponent." Tempest nodded. "I'm just glad I didn't spoil the evening for everyone. I really only wanted to do something a little frightening for the children." "You have a knack for it, take it from me," Luna said. "You can frighten them... and at the same time inspire them. By helping them face their fears, you help them find their true selves, and seek out that which is best in them." Tempest grimaced. "Sometimes I feel I'm just making up for what I missed, growing up. But it is nice, being able to make them smile and laugh a bit." Luna nodded. "It is agreeable you have such skills, Commander," she said. "Because one day I may need to pass on the mantle of Queen of Nightmare Night to another, and retire from the field. And for that role, I can think of no one better suited than yourself." Tempest looked at her, at length. Then knelt in respect. "I can only endeavour to be worthy of it... Your Majesty." The End My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, its characters and indicia are the property of Hasbro. No infringement is intended. This story is a work of fan fiction, written by fans for fans of the series.