> Grounded > by RainbowDashington > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Heya Scoots!” yelled Sweetie Belle as Scootaloo zoomed past her on her scooter, sending her chasing after her. “Not now Sweetie Belle” Scootaloo yelled already many yards in front of the curly maned filly, “I have to be somewhere, right now, talk to you later?” Sweetie Belle paused panting “Ok Scoots! talk to you later!” Watching Scootaloo rolling over the hills Sweetie Belle turned around and headed back to Rarity who was waiting for her at Carousel Boutique. The wheels of Scootaloos scooter rotated furiously under the speed that she was making it go. In her mind she was the filly equivalent of Equestrias most awesome pony, her idol, Rainbow Dash. She wanted to be just like her, she wanted that sleek cyan body, the polychromatic mane, the perfectly preened wings that could provide 16.5 wingpower, and the sparkling magenta eyes that were just too awesome to put into words. Scootaloos magenta mane flew out of her face and the muscles in her tangerine wings strained to propel the scooter around the meandering road. Scootaloo focused through narrowed eyes at the upcoming bridge over a small creek. Only a few feet away she sped up and angled the wheels of the vehicle and towards the bank of the gap, when her wheels were only inches away for the edge she pulled back hard on the handle and leaned her weight back as Scootaloo soared over the creek. She was flying, just like Rainbow Dash, but one thing, Scootaloo will never be able to fly. - - - - - - - - Scootaloo was born with a condition that makes it so that the muscles of her wings would never be strong enough to hold her weight in the air which means that she is permanently grounded. This disability has caused much verbal abuse from Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon and the fairly often injures from Scootaloos many and failed attempts of take off. The one big drag though was the fact that Scootaloo could never be a like Rainbow Dash, for you can't be the head weather pony if you can't fly. When she is not crusading for her cutie mark with Sweetie Belle and Applebloom she spends much of her time longing for wings while the other young pegasi around her are lifting off the ground and Rainbow Dash is practicing her tricks for her audition to get into the Wonderbolts. Even though she acts perfectly okay around Sweetie Belle and Applebloom and everyone else in her life, she was being torn apart by her desires to fly. Every year on her birthday and when she is surrounded by her friends and family Scootaloo wishes on her birthday candles for her to be able to fly like all the other pegasi around her. That wish has never come true. - - - - - - - - - The scooter landed with a loud thunk and Scootaloo rolled past the eyes of the ponies who had just observed her do her amazing leap across the creek, the eyes glued to the dare devil filly as she sped up the upcoming hill and out of their view. When she was at the top of the hill her wing muscles ached from the ride up, too exhausted to propel and farther Scootaloo paused, and gazed across the view from her perch, the edge of the Everfree forest crept into her view and Fluttershys cabin sat at the edge of it. She had to get to her destination and back before sunset, who knows what could happen when you’re riding home in the dark. Celestias sun dipped low in the sky, Scootaloo estimated that she had about 3 hours or so, and not to waste a minute of it she took off towards the Everfree. - - - - - - - - The trees of the Everfree forest thickened and the lack of light rapidly became more of an issue as Scootaloo ventured onward. Following Appleblooms very vague directions she was supposed to walk until the path forked and then make a left, “but there is no fork” Scootaloo thought out loud, “there’s only turns right!” Through her frustration she continued on her walk, “Maybe I really should’ve brought my scooter with me if I’m going to go on at this pace.” she grumbled. Her wings ached and now her hooves were starting to get sore, but she carried on braving the dark and the claustrophobia. “YES! FINALLY!” the impatient filly exclaimed when she reached the fork, made a quick left and began to trot down the overgrown path. An exotic tree hut came into view and Scootaloo quickly recognized it as Zecoras hut, based on Appleblooms descriptions she Raised her trot to a full gallop and raced towards the earthy home. “Hello?” Scootaloo questioned as she knocked on the front door, “anybody home?” I have a visitor what is it you seek? I have potions and more all in this tree!” Rhymed the zebra through a thick accent peering down from the circular window in the door. “I have a special request” Scootaloo replied, her eyebrow raised, “but it’s kinda specific” “Elixirs in stock-25 bits, but double that for a custom mix,” Zecora said. “But please, come in, lets see if what you need is somewhere in a bin.” “Ok Zecora!” Scootaloo replied as she walked past the Zebra holding the door and into the modest one roomed house. She was now looking right up at the tall equine, her stripes frames her face and raced across her muscular body, a black and white mane stood straight up along the back of her head and gold rings stacked up her neck, a treasure from her native land. “What are you looking for little one?, What is your budget? some products cost a ton” Zecora asked. “Um, I’m looking for something that would give me wings, and I have about 70 bits on me” Scootaloo replied “Wings? why you already have a pair you can use!, the only time I’ve given wings to a pegasus he came down with a bad case of the pony flu!” the Zebra exclaimed. “In case you didn’t know I can not nor will I ever be able to fly” Scootaloo began, a sharp pain struck her in the stomach and she was swallowed the tears. “I was born with a disability that made my wing muscles not strong enough to hold my body weight in the air. I try so hard to fly and be like Rainbow Dash, but it just leads to me breaking an arm, I’ve come here for a potion to make me fly” Zecora sighed, “I don’t know, some ponies have tried the required potion, but this ailment has a mind of it’s own, if it doesn’t take to your soul, it could cause a commotion” “Listen, to fly has been my lifetime dream, every year on my birthday I wish on my birthday candles that I be granted flight, but yesterday I was talking to Applebloom and she pointed me to you,” Scootaloo said through held back tears. “Ahh, well yes, Applebloom that funny kid, please give my wishes to her and her kin,” “So you will make the potion for me!” Scootaloo jumped “Fine, I’ll do it, but if it doesn’t take to you then please don’t throw it” Zecora agreed. “Yes! Thank you so so so sooooo much!” Scootaloo pleaded, “this might actually work and I might actually be able to fly!” Zecora rolled her eyes, “and it probably won’t work” she thought to her self.