> The Labyrinth > by Alvaxerox > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The power is mine > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There was a girl name Wallflower Blush, she was someone who wanted to be noticed. She felt invisible to the world, like she doesn't exist. Until one day... She found a magical item called the memory stone, she used it to erase tiny bits of memories and because Sunset Shimmer was popular since she reformed, she grew jealous and erased all of the good memories of Sunset Shimmer from her friends, making them only remember the bad memories of her, leaving them to believe their not friends cause she's evil. Until Sunset figured out the memory stone, and tried to convince Wallflower to give the memory stone to her, until Wallflower decided to teach Sunset's lesson even harder by erasing her friends memories of their friendship, which would recycle their memories like if they were children, Sunset sacrifice herself to save her friends memories. Wallflower took all of Sunset's memories of her time as a human. She has no memories of earth. She was reverted to a pony personality. Wallflower saw what she has done and planned to run away until the mane 6 helped Sunset after they saw how she saved them from Wallflower and combined the magic of friendship to destroyed the memory stone, and freed all the memories she had erased. She was embarrassed of what evil deed she's done, she felt like she can never be forgiven for erasing memories. Sunset, Twilight and the others have forgiven Wallflower and gave her gardening club in the year book. Since then... Sunset and Wallflower became good friends. But little did everyone know about people who harness magic... The power will always be a part of them forever. Once you dealt with Equestria magic in your hands, you won't be yourself again. After the events of Spiders and Magic Equestria Girls... Its been a week since Twilight Sparkle and her friends left, Wallflower stayed in Canterlot City to become its protector. She wanted to make up for causing Sunset Shimmer a lot of trouble even stealing her memories. She remembers how she first discovered her superpowers. Two months ago... Wallflower Blush was enjoying her flower club, she still felt nervous after the incident she cause Sunset cause of her jealously. But even worse... She still has nightmares. "Why can't I shake off this fear!?" She said as she bashes an old tree trunk. The trunk of the tree timbered down in half. She was in shock at what she witnessed. She looked down at her hands. She sees a pinch of energy flowing through her vains. She felt it before, it's the power of the memory stone. But the question is why. She ended today's club activities and ran to find Sunset Shimmer. "Sunset!" Wallflower yelled. She found Sunset in the music room. "Sunset. Thank goodness I found you. And Twilight as well." "What's wrong Wallflower?" Sunset asked. "You are not going to believe this. You know how Applejack now has superstrength thanks to those color crystals you both have?" Wallflower asked. "Yeah? Their called geos." Twilight said. "Believe me or not it doesn't matter. I have super strength too." Wallflower said. She lifted a heavy piano. Then she found took Sunset and Twilight outside and she showed them that she can lift a car. "Holy..." Sunset said. "You do have super powers." "Yes. And I'm scared. I can even do this." Wallflower shot light blue energy from her hand. It's color looks like from the memory stone. "It's the same like Gloriosa Daisy's power and Juniper's." Twilight said. Sunset figures it out. "Of course. The memory stone is a magic Equestrian relic. And humans are very different then ponies. If someone has touches magic from Equestria, rather it be a relic or someone from Equestria spreading it, a bit of its power stays in someone forever. I've figured it out after me and Twilight and the others stopped Gloriosa when she became Gaia Everfree." "And I had the memory stone.and you said it's a magic relic from Equestria." Wallflower said. "So that means?" "It means you have superpowers just like us now. To humans. Equestrian magic is different. For ponies, it's different. But for us human beings, it changes our lives forever. I was once scared to use my midnight powers. Until I got over it." Twilight said. "So I could have the power to be really strong and erased memories?" Wallflower asked in fear. "Not really. You were able to shoot energy like lighting." Sunset said. "The magic from Equestria must've altered your genes thus giving you new types of powers." "But what if I accidentally stole memories again." Wallflower said. "That's strange. I can see memories too. But it seems you have the power to restore memories to make up for abusing your memory stealing powers." Sunset said. "So I just need to control them. That shouldn't be a problem." Wallflower said. "I guess I'm gonna be a superhero like all of you now." Twilight and Sunset nodded. "Well, thanks. And I promise, I will use my powers to help others and not take advantage of erasing my screw ups." Present Day Wallflower Blush walked out the room and wondered at the hallway. "If I'm going to be a superhero, I'll need to get use to my new superpowers. I should start with my superstrength, maybe I should go ask Bulk Biceps for help." Later... Bulk had just finished an exam and is waiting for the results. He later sees Wallflower Blush walking to him. "Hey Bulk." She said. "Oh, hi Wallflower. How you've been?" Bulk said. "I've been good. I've discovered something today and I want your help to control it." Wallflower said. "Uh... What do you mean?" Bulk asked. "I'll show you. Hold still and don't freak out." Wallflower grabbed Bulk by the waist. And Bulk was about to freak out. "AHHHHH!!! WHAT'S HAPPENING?" He screamed. "SINCE WHEN ARE YOU STRONG LIKE ME?" "That's kinda my point Bulk." Wallflower said as she put Bulk down. "I have super powers. And superstrength is one of them." "Oh that explains. Your way more stronger then me if it's superpowers." Bulk said. "Really?" "YEAH! Your super strong like the Hulk or the Thing." Bulk said. "Yeah but I'll need to get in shape if I wanna be a superhero." Wallflower said. "I might need some training with my physical body. Can you couch me?" "Sure. I never trained a super power person before. And if your gonna be a crime fighter, you need training." Bulk said. Wallflower jumped in the air with joy. "Yay!" "YEAH!!!" Bulk said joining the cheer. "Meet me at the gym after lunch. That's when we begin." "I'll see you there... Couch." Wallflower said. To be continued... > Hero of Memories part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Later after lunch... Wallflower met Bulk at the gym. "Ah, Wallflower Blush, you made it." He said. "I'm ready to start my training couch." Wallflower said feeling punched. "YEAH!!! That's what I want to hear!" Bulk said. "Now before start with your fists, we must start with your body. Your body may be use to your strength, but we need to get it on the same the same level. I want you to lift yourself on that pole over there." So Wallflower went to the pole and did 10 lifts. She felt like it wasn't no sweat. "Wow, that's good. Now let's try that again. Give me 8 more." Bulk said. Wallflower had a different suggestion. "How about I do 15?" She asked. "Are you sure?" Bulk asked. "Yeah. Felt something when I was doing that. It must be the stone's shock energy." Wallflower said. "You said your powers came from that stone thingy right?" Bulk asked. "Yeah." Wallflower said. "Okay. 15 lifts and we'll get to the dumbbells." Bulk said. "GO! GO! GO! As Wallflower Blush lifted herself up and down from the pole, she felt energy flowing through her body, she saw it the energy was helping her by giving her body a physique little by little. She later went to the dumbbells and lifted 10 kilo. Bulk noticed her muscles were start to show. Wallflower insisted on lifting 50 kilo. "Um... Wallflower, I think we should move on from dumbbells for a little while." He suggested. "Okay." Wallflower said. So Bulk continued training Wallflower and Derpy out down a boombox for a montage moment. Bulk made Wallflower do some push ups, sit ups, jumping jacks, and ran a few laps. Later they went to the field. Bulk finally taught Wallflower how to fight. He showed her a punches in the air, as well as some kicks, but Wallflower seems to be training to be a brawler. So she will rely mostly on her fists, but she keeps her legs firm. Bulk asked some of his friends to help Wallflower with fighting an opponent. She managed to take down 2 of them. So Bulk told her to try not to hold back against him as he charges at Wallflower. Wallflower tried to hold him back, and Bulk can see the muscles she developed through the montage. He also noticed electrical surge of energy flowing to Wallflower's hands. Wallflower roared as she struggled to hold off Bulk, until she let out the light blue energy, and it hit Bulk and made him flew over the field. Derpy turned off the radio. "Oh my gosh! Bulk! I'm so sorry." Wallflower said in a panic. "That's okay, I'm use to magic being unleashed." Bulk said. "Not bad Wallflower. The blue stuff must've help boost your strength like He-Man. You have proven that your more stronger then me. "Really? Thanks couch." Wallflower said. "I got nothing more to teach you. You passed." Bulk said. "Your ready." "My body yes." Wallflower said admiring her physique. "But now I need to learn how to control my power. Thanks for the help Bulk." "No problem. I gotta get going. I promise Derpy I take her to Burger King." Bulk said as he waved goodbye. Wallflower waved goodbye back. "Now how can I control my power?" She wondered. She thinks who could help her. Gloriosa was in Everfree. Juniper was with Midnight Wolf on vacation. Twilight went to New York. And the only one left around was Applejack, but she has titan like strength. "I know. Sunset. She can help me." To be continued... > Hero of Memories part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- So Wallflower went to Sunset Shimmer to help her how to harness her power. She explained how she got ripped thanks to Bulk Biceps training. But it was time for her to learn about her magic. So Sunset explained everything about what Princess Twilight told her about the memory stone and how it got to Equestria. Then later Sunset decided to train Wallflower how to use her powers. "So, there was a blast do energy when you attacked Bulk Biceps right?" Sunset asked. "Yes. I know I was stronger then him but I hold off my strength a little so I don't hurt him. I didn't know the stone's energy can help support my super strength. I only question how?" Wallflower explained. "Equestrian magic is very dangerous on Earth. When I put on Princess Twilight's crown back when I was evil, I transformed into a she demon and could control my dark powers." "I can shoot dark energy, and control it. Heck I even used it to destroy Twilight and the others." Sunset said with a gleem in her eye. "Uh hello?!" Wallflower said snapping her fingers. "Oh right sorry." Sunset said, snapping back to reality. "I think the crown, despite being an element of harmony, must've known my desire and when I transformed, I knew how to control my powers." Sunset said. "What about the friendship games when Twilight turned into Midnight Sparkle. You turned into an angel." Wallflower said. "That's true. I did turned into a good version of my demon form. Daydream Shimmer. I had to stop Twilight before she destroys reality. When I transformed into Daydream Shimmer, even in that form I knew how to control my powers." "I guess, when we desire something, we know how to control our powers. Twilight desired to understand Equestrian magic, Gloriosa Daisy desired to protect her camp by force. Juniper Montage desired to become famous, rather the world likes it or not, and make sure no one stops her." "I did learn how to use the memory stone when I found it. And I desired to make to everyone forget you when you were good, and I lost control of myself because I went out of my mind and tried to erase your friends's highschool memories, and instead I erased your memories of being human." Wallflower said. "But that's all in the past now. Twilight went through the same PTSD like you are now. Your obsessive desire is what made you control your power." Sunset said. "Tell me something Wallflower, what do you desire now?" Wallflower thought long and hard, until she came up with an answer. "I don't desire anyhting. I just to do what's right. I want to do the right thing and take down bad people that desire to harm others. I want to protect innocent people." "Then I'll teach you how to use your powers." Sunset said. "First, shoot at that broken shed over there." Wallflower focused her powers and shot the shed with her hand. The light blue energy blasted out of her hand and into the shed and it made a hole. "Good work." Sunset said. Now follow me." Sunset took Wallflower to an a field. "Now I want you to use your powers on the ground." "Why?" Wallflower asked. "Trust me. Your gonna love it." Sunset said. So Wallflower focused her energy and blasted the ground and out can swirls of rock combined with energy. "Holy cow!" She said in awe. "The memory stone must've inherited my body with rocks. With my energy combining with rocks and stones and can make then into massive attacks. Awesome!" Wallflower said. "I know right." Sunset said. So Sunset kept giving Wallflower a few tricks about her electric rock powers. Combining them with water, electric rock waves. And shooting mini rocks from her hands with the light blue energy, she even tried to use the power to help her fly. She can also use the energy rocks to give her a super jump. "Good job Wallflower. You did good." Sunset said. "Thanks. I can't believe I can control my powers of electricity and earth. It's amazing. I think I'm now ready to become a superhero." Wallflower said. "That's cool. So your gonna wear a mask?" Sunset asked. Wallflower shook her head. "Even better." Later she went home and got to work on her costume. She went to a dumpster and found a black unitard and a light brown onesie, she ripped off the top part and sprayed a green stripe on the chest and upper arms. And sewed in two red patches with an "L" on them. She found some white shoes she sprayed green. Except for the bottom. She put on the costume and used her powers to make a rock like fabric to make rock gloves and a mask with glowing light blue eyes. With energy flowing through the rock parts. "Perfect." Later... A normal woman was enjoy her tea, until some guy with a knife stole her purse. She screamed for help as she runs to get it back. "Not so fast senorita!" The theif said. "Come any closer then I cut you!" "If wanna someone, you got to go through me first." A voice said. "Who are you? Show yourself!" The theif said. "If you insist." A shadowy dropped down from the roof. With her messy beautiful hair and her rock hands were in a fighting position. "Ha ha ha. What in the world are you supposed to be, some knock off of a rock giant from Frozen 2?" The theif sarcastically asked as he laughed. "Fine, I'll cut you up first, and then the tramp!" The theif charged at the rock girl and tried to stab her with his knife, but she put her arm out, and the knife hit the rock glove, but the rock girl wasn't bleeding, the rock glove felt real. "What are you supposed to be, some kind of rock version of Supergirl?" "Ever heard of a minontaur?" The rock girl asked. "What about about it?" The theif asked he as he tries to punch her. The rock girl grabs the theif by the hand, and uses grips onto it with her super strength. "I... Am... The Labyrinth...!" She said as she unleashes an electric rock punch that knocked the theif out. "Here's your purse back." Labyrinth said. "Thank you so much. So what was your name again?" The girl said as she got her phone out. "You can call me, the Labyrinth, Hero of Memories. And I will protect this city with my life." Labyrinth said as she took the theif to the police and jumped away. "The Labyrinth eh... I kinda like it." The girl said. "Maybe someday I'll see you again." She posted her reaction to a new hero in Canterlot City. "Hey everyone. It's me again, Vignette Valencia. And do I have a special to share with you." To be continued... > Welcoming the Labyrinth to Canterlot City > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day, Wallflower woke up from her bed, and went to go turn on the news. Apparently everyone in Canterlot City have been talking about the city's newest hero the Labyrinth. Her eyes widened. Did she became popular? The news reporter said it was thanks to the famous internet star Vignette Valencia for discovering the new superhero. Wallflower didn't know she saved a famous celebrity. "So tell your viewers Ms. Valencia, what do you plan to do for Equestria Land opening next week after having your stolen item retrieved by the Labyrinth?" The new reporter asked. "I plan to honor the Labyrinth at Equestria Land in the hopes I can talk to her about protecting the city and my way of saying thank you." Vignette said. "Vignette Valencia wants me to be at Equestria Land next week as a guest of honor to say thank you?" Wallflower said to herself out loud. "Ahhhhhh!!!" She screamed with joy. This is too much. "This is such a big honor." Just then she got a knock on the door. "Hi Wallflower." It was Derpy. "Oh hi Derpy. What brings you to my house?" Wallflower asked. "Bulk wanted to tell you about what you did the other day but he's sick, and Sunset's gone for the next 2 weeks. So I came her to tell you that Bulk and Sunset said you did a good job especially when saving Vignette Valencia, the greatest celebrity on SnapGab." Derpy shows Wallflower her phone with a short video of the internet celebrity. "Hashtag... Bangs..." "Wow... that is awesome." Wallflower said. "And you know what's even more awesome?" "She wants the Labyrinth aka you to appear at the Grand opening of Equestria Land?" Derpy guessed. "Uh... Yeah." Wallflower said. "By the way, does the whole school know I'm Labyrinth?" "There's a 50% yes." Derpy replied. "You see. Ever since Sunset Shimmer came to CHS, magic from her world are being dragged her." "Oh yeah I remembered." Wallflower said. "Like that time Sunset was evil and transformed into a demon, that other time with the Dazzlings, Midnight Sparkle before she became Spider-Girl, Gloriosa Daisy who turned into Gaia Everfree." "And Juniper Montage turning into a crazed giant evil star, you with that stone thingy, and Crimson Black." Derpy finished. Wallflower didn't want to remember when she erased all of Sunset's human memories. "I don't ever wanna talk about that." "Hey, who ever uses magic from another world, use it for personal game and become evil with it only to apologize and get rid of the magic, as Sunset discovered... It traces magic that you used stays with you for ever." Derpy explained. "I'm surprised you know all that." Wallflower said. "Sunset wrote down what to say." Derpy said with a squee. "Besides, magic from Sunset's home might one day got boom, and possibly the whole city will become full of superheroes and supervillains." "I don't think that would be a good idea." Wallflower said. "Like, yes I got my powers from the memory stone when it was destroyed, Juniper got her powers when her mirror got destroyed, and Twilight stilled kept her magic powers when she sucked all of her friends magic auras. But if a nuclear magic explosion effects everyone in Canterlot City, they will be freaking out. I mean Twilight and her friend just like their normal lives and use magic like it's normal. Sometimes I have a feeling Canterlot City will become like Sunset's world." "That is so deep." Derpy said. "Well I better get ready, I got some patrolling to do." Wallflower said. "Okay. I'll see you later." Derpy said. "Oh and Derpy?" Wallflower asked as she was getting her suit ready. "Tell Bulk that I said get well soon." "Will do, bye." Derpy said as she left the front door. On top of a rooftop, the Labyrinth looks around to see if there's any crimes. Then she noticed a massive road crack trail on the road. "That's strange." She leaped down and went to go see. The trail seems to be leading to a parking lot, where she sees Pinkie Pie's sister. "That must be Pinkie Pie's sister Maud Pie." Labyrinth said. "He he he, Mud Pie." As she was laughing at the reference she made with Maud's name, the strange creature jumped in front of Maud. Labyrinth noticed quickly. "Oh crap!" Maud may not look scared but she really is. "I think I heard you. Your that monster from underground... What was your name again....Gigantic?" Maud asked. "Rrrrrrrrrr." The creature roared. "Oh right I remember now. Your Giganto. HELP!" Maud cried out in a quiet way. Giganto emerges more and was about to eat Maud. Until Labyrinth came as the winds blew her hair. Maud was amazed at her entrance. "Have no fear, the Labyrinth is here. To be continued... > Rock crush? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "let her go Giganto! Or else you will feel my wrath!" Labyrinth said. Giganto roar as it threw Maud Pie to a car. Labyrinth was feeling a little nervous as her heart started pumping. "Okay Wallflower, now's not the time to play chicken. Your simply fighting an underground monster. It can't be that hard." She said to herself. Giganto charged at Labyrinth and she got out of the way and blasted some blue energy beams at the monster. It stunned it, and she got to the creature's face and beats it up. Giganto started to remember something like this happened before... An orange rock creature pummeling it till it was unconscious. And it's happening again to a green hair girl with glowing rock arms. Giganto roared in anger. And grabbed Labyrinth and slammed her to the ground. Maud looks in awe, in her not showing way, as she records the fight between the Labyrinth and Giganto. She mostly looks at the Labyrinth, like she admires her. Cause her powers are pretty much rock based. "She's amazing." She said. "Alright. Time to improvise." Labyrinth said. She put the glowing blue energy of her rock arms to the ground it created an energy rock spiral wave attack and it effected Giganto. The monster screamed in pain as it fell to the underground where it belongs. "And stay out!" Labyrinth said. "Boy, now I know how the Fantastic Four feel." She walked to where Maud was. "You okay girl?" She asked. "... I'll be okay. I'm a tough girl. But k don't mind being carried to boost your heroic efforts on saving my life." Maud said. "Okay?" Labyrinth said. "Come on." Labyrinth is very strong. She held onto to Maud as she picks her up and walks out of the Giganto debris. A lot of people cheered as Labyrinth actually defeated a monster. "You know Labyrinth... You are one pretty amazing superhero. I hope to see you again sometime. Maybe without your costume." Maud said. "Why would you want that?" Labyrinth asked. "You'll see. Keep in touch." Maud said as she gives Labyrinth a kiss. Labyrinth blushed a little. "Well I should probably get going. Till next time..." She said as she leaped away. Meanwhile... Away from everyone cheering as the Labyrinth left, a man in the air in a red spandex suit with a yellow cape looks over where Giganto was. Until he received a call. "...Great work on realising Giganto, Hyperion. Your making this job all too easy." "It was easy. But it won't be for long if you keep holding off on my revenge." Hyperion said. "Your deal with Nighthawk was that me and Speed Demon would get our revenge on the one called Spider-Girl." "Spider-Girl can be the least of your problems." The voice said. "You and your squadron are going after her friends. You and Zarda take the Labyrinth, Speed Demon and Nighthawk get the rainbow speed girl, and Spectrum takes the bacon hair tease flame girl. You got it?" "Why would I listen to you?" Hyperion asked. "Because, with Nighthawk's permission... If you take out Labyrinth, I'll give you Canterlot City, then you can challenge Spider-Girl to the fight to the death. The perfect revenge. But you need to take them all out. You keep bringing villains to soften Labyrinth up. I'll inform your comrads the same thing with Sonic Rainboom and Teaserflame." The voice said. "So be it." Hyperion said as he was done talking to his anonymous partner. "Just a little more time... And soon Spider-Girl, I will have my revenge for how you defeated me back in New York City..." To be continued... > Maud knows > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "... It was crazy." Wallflower Blush said. "Giganto was intense. But I managed to pummel him back to the underground world he crawled out of." Wallflower was video chatting with Pinkie Pie at her home at night. "Everyone was so happy. And your sister is safe because of me." "That is amazing Wallflower. I owe you big time. Thanks for saving my sister. And especially since your a rock themed hero." Pinkie said. "Yeah. She was indebted to me that she kissed me." Wallflower said. "Yeah... Wait what?" Pinkie asked. "Yeah, it's in the newspaper, see?" Wallflower shows a newspaper article at the screen. Pinkie was in shock. "Whoa. That was unexpected." She said. "Don't worry. It's a one time thing. I doubt she knows I am the Labyrinth." "Well I hope your right Wallflower. Remember she knows a lot about rocks. She has a pet rock name Boulder you know." Pinkie said. "Well that's too obsessive." Wallflower said. "Well I should be getting some sleep. Nice talking to you." "Goodnight." Pinkie said as she slams her head on the table and started snoring. She must've been really tired. So Wallflower shut down her laptop and went to her room, lay down in her bed and fell asleep. And she mostly dream about Maud kissing her. Perhaps she could be developing feelings for her. But who knows. The next day... Wallflower woke up and took a shower. But she noticed something was wrong with her body. It fell like... She lifted her sweater and saw that body had some symbols from the memory stone. "Ahhhhh! What's happening to me?" Wallflower asked herself. Later... At the mall. She panics for a while. She went to a dressing room and see herself in the mirror. Her body skin turn into a faded grey with some muscles and the same logo that was on the memory stone. "This can't be happening. Can it?" She said to herself. Then she thought of something. "Sunset mentioned that stone I had was an ancient artifact from Equestria. And according to Twilight, there is a portal to Equestria. Maybe I can find the answer there. Although the Twilight that came to CHS the first time won't know me. But I'll to explain. I gotta get to Equestria." Wallflower got out of the dressing room and she noticed a familar voice. "Hi Wallflower Blush." Wallflower turned her head and sees Maud. "Uh... Hi. Do I know you?" Wallflower asked. "My name is Maud. Pinkie Pie told me about how you stole her good memories of your friends just because you felt like you didn't exist at all. It's like your a bastard child." Maud explained. "Okay... That's a little extreme but they forgive me." Wallflower said. "I know. And that memory rock is destroyed and your using it for good." Maud said. Wallflower snapped her eyes open. "Uh what?" "I'm not an idiot Wallflower. It took me a few minutes after you saved me that your the Labyrinth." Maud said. "But I do want to thank you for saving me from Giganto." Maud twirled some of her hair. Wallflower was surprised that Maud knows her secret identity. But since she is Pinkie's sister, she can trust her. "Your welcome I guess." She said. "And too be fair... I had a dream that you missed me for real without the superhero thing." "I didn't know you had feelings for me." Maud said as Wallflower's face turned red. "He he he, no wonder they call you Wallflower Blush." Maud said as she giggles. "Say, I don't have any plans this weekend. You wanna see a movie?" She asked. "Sure. A movie sounds like fun." Wallflower said. "Okay. Meet me back at the mall on Friday. I'll see you later." Maud said. As she walks away. "And Wallflower... I kinda like you too. Ever since you saved my life." Maud winked at her as she leaves. "Okay, that was unexpected. Pinkie is not going to like to hear this. But anyways. I gotta get going." Wallflower said. Later... Wallflower arrived at Canterlot High and sees where that portal was from. The statue that the other Twilight with glasses destroyed during the friendship games. She walked up to the statue and placed her hand at the edge and she sees her hand turn into a hoof. She took her hand out. It works. "Okay. I'll just introduced myself, explains that I'm a friend of Sunset and I need some advice." She said to herself. "Here I go..." She wakes in the portal and disappeared... Meanwhile... Princess Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer were were having some lunch until the portal starting acting up. They turn their heads sees someone coming out if the mirror portal. "Uh... Twilight, has Sunset come for a visit again?" Starlight asked. "Maybe, but. I thought she said she, other me and their friends were going to travel the world." Twilight said. "Maybe they changed their mind." Starlight said. The two mares see a green pony in a brown stripe sweater walking out of the mirror on her hind legs, she was wobbling until she out her two front hooves on the ground. "That's not Sunset." Wallflower looked a little shy as she sees that she turned into a pony. "Hi... Princess Twilight." She said. "My name is Wallflower Blush. I'm a friend of Sunset's I travelled here to for something." "Wait. Wallflower Blush?" Twilight asked as she may have heard that name before. "Wait are you that girl that used the memory stone to erase all of Sunset Shimmer's friends good memories of her?" "Yes. And it was the biggest mistake of my life cause I ended up erasing Sunset's memories of coming to Earth and I ended up turning into her. But the stone is destory and they forgive me." Wallflower said. But she has happened to me and I think it has something to do with that artifact." "What is it?" Starlight asked. Wallflower took her sweater and standed in her two legs. Twilight and Starlight were shocked at Wallflower's body. "I think I'm becoming the memory stone." To be continued... > Altered Anatomy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wallflower explained how ever since the memory stone was destoryed, she's been getting it's powers. So she uses it for good. Unfortunately her body becoming like the memory stone might be a side effect or a punishment. Twilight examined her body to find the answers. Starlight and Spike helped as well. "Has the same been happening to the other reformed villains on Earth?" Twilight asked. "Well according to Sunset, Juniper Montage has mirror magic now, Gloriosa Daisy has her nature branch vine powers, and the girls still have their superpowers." Wallflower said. "Well I think you don't know this but... Ever since Sunset Shimmer came to Earth, she brought Equestrian magic there and its different on Earth." Twilight said. "Whoever uses Equestrian magic, it becomes a part of them for life. And my human counterpart destoryed the statue at CHS during the friendship games, and that means the magic is being spread out." "So the memory stone is a part of me?" Wallflower asked. "Yes. But it's only changing you a little. And when you stole all of Sunset's human memories, you must've so stole some of that bad magic she had when she stole my crown years ago." Twilight said. "And some of that bad magic is a side effect of my becoming like the memory stone?" Wallflower asked. "It would seem so." Starlight said. "When Sunset stole my crown she turned into a demon." Twilight said. "the demon powers are only altering your body. Eventually you be like a colossus. Sorta." "That's gonna be strange. Cause I have developed some muscles." Wallflower said. "The memory stone's power and Sunset's demon magic is making you stronger. The process is only at 25%." Twilight said. "You'll still be yourself. You'll just have to adjust to your new magical powers." "In a way, this can't be reversed." Starlight said. "I see. Well I do like being a superhero. And so far nothing bad has happened to me. Only this body change. So I think I'll be okay." Wallflower said. "Thanks for checking me out your Highness." "Your welcome Wallflower. If you like, you can train here to get use to combat." "Maybe later. I got some hero things to do now. So I'll see ya another time." Wallflower said. "Bye." Twilight and Starlight said as Wallflower walks back into the mirror. "I hope she'll be okay." Twilight said. "She's fine. She is a superhero after all.,x Starlight said. Meanwhile... Wallflower came out of the statue and was finally back to her human form. And she's a little nervous about what Princess Twilight said about her body changing thanks to the equestrian magic that was in the memory stone. But hey if the Thing can get use to being a rock person soncan Wallflower. She later went to the girls locker room at the gym to see her body and how it's changing. She does look a little buff then usual. She does some muscle poses to make herself look strong. She was very strong. She stopped for a while and put her clothes back on. She imagines how she would look like if the process was 100%. She would look cool, maybe to an equal strength like Applejack. She decided to go train a little while doing some patrolling. She did some push ups, sit ups and beat up some punching begs. The next day... It was Friday, and Wallflower was meeting Maud at the mall like they planned. "I see you made it in time. Impressive." Maud noticed that Wallflower had been working out a little. "Please tell me your wearing a bodybuilder suit." She asked sarcastically. "No. I've been working out a little. But not too much. Bulk has shown me some cool workouts after told him my discovery." Wallflower said. "Bulk Biceps knows your the Labyrinth?" Maud asked. "He's been helping me with my powers." Wallflower said. "You mind if I feel them?" Maud asked. Her face doesn't express emotion but her face was blushing red. She out her hand on Wallflower's arm and it was pure muscle. Wallflower is packing some guns. "Wow. You might be really strong. Like a rock." She said with a minor smile. "That's kinda my discovery." Wallflower said. "The memory stone's magic is a part of me. And that means my skin is going to become stone. But I'll be able to move." Maud was shocked. "Show me." Wallflower lift her sweater a little bit as Maud sees her belly and it feels like stone and with a strange symbol. "Wow. This is amazing. Your like going to be a rock person." She said. "Well sorta. Come on. Let's go watch the movie." Wallflower said. Later... Wallflower and Maud walked out of the theaters. And they talk about their favorite part. "Man that was good movie. Who know that small girl with that magical bracelet can end up saving Neo-Tech." Wallflower said. "Especially when that evil green gremlin with wings tried so hard to kill her." Maud said. "Reminds me of Spider-Girl. Her costume, her web powers. The fact that she has other powers like Twilight has." "Yeah. I like to see that girl. She must be around Applebloom's age." Wallflower said. "The movie she was 13." Maud said. "But anyways. I had a great time Wallflower." "Yeah me too. Your sister is amazing but so are you in your own way." Wallflower said. Maud put both her hands on the sides of Wallflower's cheeks. "Your really cute you know that Wallflower. That's kinda why I like you." Maud said as she kisses her on the lips. Wallflower eyes widened as she can hear music in the air... "And I'm saying that because your body is stone, I really mean it." Maud said. "I like you." "I like you too Maud. This is gonna be strange for your sister to hear." Wallflower said. "I got two other sisters. They're not going to believe this either." Maud said. "But k don't mind dating a girl." "Me neither." Wallflower said. "Let's go to the park. I can show you my powers." "Sure thing." Maud said with a smile. Meanwhile... "Alright. You know what you got to do Zarda. I want you to cause some destruction at the park. Maybe Spider-Girl or one of her other friends will show up." "What if that inferior Labyrinth tries to stop me like she did to that monster?" Zarda asked. "Destory her." The voice said. "Doctor Spectrum will pick you up if you are defeated. And the views will go through the roof." "Very well. But just so you know... ... Nighthawk may have given me orders to listen to you, but Zarda will not back down from a strong mortal like the Labyrinth." To be continued... > A warrior > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Although Wallflower's body was changing little by little, she started to develop some feelings for Maud. But she wonders if Maud will only like it only for the fact her body is mutating into a rock creature. She and Maud went to the park, but as they went in, It was damaged. "What the heck?" Wallflower asked. "What happened here?" Maud asked. "I don't know." Wallflower said. "Hang on. Let me change into my costume." Wallflower ran into the bushes and put on her costume to become Labyrinth. "Maud, I need you to leave for now. Things could get dangerous." "Okay, but... Be careful Wallflower." Maud said. Then Labyrinth ran into the damaged debris of the park to see what had happened. The playgrounds were scrambled like eggs. Fire surrounded the trees. And even worse... The tall lamps were lifted off and thrown into cars. "Alright. Whoever you are, show yourself!" Labyrinth cried out. She then sees a woman emerging from the smoke. "You must be the one called the Labyrinth. A golem-like mortal." "Who are you?" Labyrinth asked. "I am the princess of a land called Utopia. I am Zarda. And you will tell me the location of your leader. The one called Spider-Girl." "That is one big fat chance Zarda." Labyrinth exclaimed. "Spider-Girl is no longer in Canterlot City. And so, I'm giving you one chance to walk away and leave my city alone." "I don't take orders from a golem like you, mortal." Zarda said. "And if the Squadron Supreme can't get their revenge on Spider-Girl... Then we'll tear this city apart to draw her out!" "Not while I'm around." Labyrinth said as she ran at Zarda. Zarda ran towards her as well, but Labyrinth was on the defensive. Labyrinth raises an arm to block. As Zarda’s fist connects, the collision sends Labyrinth through a concrete wall. Labyrinth groans in pain from that collision and already, a bit of her costume is torn up. “Now let me ask again, kid. Where is Spider-Girl”? Zarda asks the damaged heroine. “I’m not telling you crap,” Labyrinth replied. “It’s a darn shame, kid. Oh well, I still have a job to do”. Zarda charges at Labyrinth, ready to punch her. But Labyrinth moved out of the way just in time for Zarda’s fist to hit the wall. “Why is this creep after Spider-Girl so badly”? Labyrinth thought to herself. “So you won’t tell me where she is, huh?...that’s too bad…..FOR YOU”!!! Zarda charges at Labyrinth and kicks her right in the abdomen. Labyrinth hits another wall and falls to the ground, shaken. Blood began to pour all over her head. Zarda just laughs. “That’s exactly what I wanted to see. What did you promise? That everything will be okay? How’s that working out for you, huh”? Zarda shouts. “Don’t just lay there, stupid”!!!! Labyrinth tries to get up “Dammit! Her strength is incredible. She’s too powerful. I need a plan. If I worry about Spider-Girl right now, I’m as good as dead. I have to focus on the enemy in front of me”! Labyrinth thinks to herself. Labyrinth gets up, brushing off the wounds and heads in for a single massive punch. But once the punch connected to Zarda’s arm, it was nothing. “What? Is that all you got? You’re fast, but you’re not strong enough to hurt me” Zarda back hands the heroine, sending her flying. “I am from Utopia, did you forget? I have Kree genetics inside my blood. Every hit I take, I grow stronger. I know I’m bragging a bit, but I mean come on! I guess what I’m trying to say is that you’re just an inferior version of me”!!! Labyrinth jumps out of the way from Zarda hitting the ground, some of the debris hits Labyrinth in the face. “I can’t help but laugh at you, kid! You really think you’re a hero” Zarda catches up to Labyrinth and punches her in the gut, sending her flying to the ground. “How are you gonna be a hero if you can’t even save yourself? Don’t make promises you can’t keep, kid. Live up to your words or they don’t mean anything! You’re no hero, you’re just a fraud and you’ll die that way”!!! Suddenly, Zarda feels a rock hit her in the back of the head. She turns around to see Maud Pie! “Get away from her, you monster”! Maud shouted. “Seriously? The so-called super heroine has a girlfriend? Well then, this must be fate. You humans have a strange infatuation with each other” Zarda replied. “This is all your fault! Nothing in the world is right, anymore and it’s because of crazy people like you”!!!! “Children are always so quick to say it’s someone else’s fault. Don’t get the wrong idea. It’s not like I kill heroes for fun. It’s for the sake of my people. It’s as simple as that. The REAL travesty is promising to do something you aren’t able to do. And That’s why-” Labyrinth jumps behind Zarda but she catches the heroine. “Nice try with the sneak attack. But I’m ready”!! Zarda shouts. Labyrinth grabs Zarda by the shoulder. “I got you now! It doesn’t matter how quick you are”! Labyrinth shouts. “But what’s your next move? You gonna punch me with that puny fists of yours, again”? “It’s not a matter of whether or not I could do it, a hero’s job is to risk her life to turn her promises into a reality’!!!!! She charges all of the energy she has into her fist, her fist turning into more solid like a rock. It was turning black like obsidian. Zarda was a little confused. Something was different about her opponent. But before Zarda could think any further, Labyrinth’s fist connects to Zarda’s chest and then…… BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!! The entire park explodes, leaving nothing but a crater. Maud Pie goes flying and is about to fall off a cliff but Labyrinth catches her with her teeth. Her mask was completely torn to shreds and half of her face was covered in her own blood. “Gotcha! Sorry about that” Labyrinth says while trying to lift her up. As soon as they make it to the top of the cliff, Labyrinth falls over, tired. Maud turns around to see her hero with half of her costume torn up, her face covered in bruises and blood and her arm that was stone covered in cracks. Labyrinth gets up, turns around to see Zarda buried in the debris. “Let’s get out of here, Maud. That won’t hold her for very long. It’s not safe” she says. Maud runs over and picks her savior up by her shoulder, carrying her out of the park. But behind them, was the hand of Zarda not moving. But after a few seconds, it begins to twitch and then turns into a fist. "You okay?" Maud asked. "I'll be okay. That was intense. Worst then Giganto." Labyrinth said. But then she and Maud got blasted by a rainbow energy beam. "What the hell?" Labyrinth looked up as she sees a man in a multicolor suit. "Who are you?" "I am Doctor Spectrum, and I am here, to assist my teammate Zarda." Doctor Spectrum shot his energy blasts at Labyrinth, she got away with Maud quickly. "You pathetic golem, you are no match for the power of the prism." He keeps blasting his prism power at Labyrinth. She keeps dodging. "We'll be back reclaim our vengeance on Spider-Girl. And if you don't surrender her to us. The Squadron Supreme will return to destroy this city." With that warning in mind, Doctor Spectrum grabbed Zarda by her hand and flew away. "I think I'll need to call the girls back home soon." Labyrinth said. "But first, I better get Maud to the hospital." To be continued...