> Luster Dawn Friendship Successor > by SamSwordsman123 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: Nightmares of Loss and Birth At Dawn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle walked through the Canterlot Cemetery. She saw the gravestones marked with the cutie marks of a sun and moon. The graves of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, the former of which had been her mentor, secondary mother figure, and idol. She’d wanted to be exactly like Celestia, and now she was practically. She’d grown larger than almost any other pony, to the same body size and shape as Celestia had thanks to receiving her and Luna’s power and immortality during her coronation as Ruler of Equestria. She looked upon their graves for some time, then suddenly she heard a voice. “Twilight?” Twilight looked over her shoulder and saw a purple dragon. “Oh hi Spike. I was just visiting Celestia and Luna’s graves.” “I can see that,” Spike said, “But we need to visit others as well.” “Others?” Twilight asked. “You know… your best friends?” Spike asked. “What?” Twilight exclaimed. “Don’t you remember them? Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie?” Spike reminded her. “But they’re not- they can’t be!” Twilight exclaimed. “They’re dead Twilight!” Spike said before pointing. “Look there’s their graves!” Twilight looked, and her eyes widened in horror as she saw the five gravestones with cutie marks that belonged to her five best friends. Diamonds, butterflies, a lightning bolt with a rainbow coloration, balloons, apples. “No! No! No!” Twilight screamed. “They can’t be gone!” “Hey its alright princess!” another voice said. Twilight looked and saw another group of unfamiliar ponies there in the cemetery with her and Spike. “Who- who are you?” Twilight asked. “We’re your new friends,” another of the ponies said. “We’re their replacements,” a third said pointing to the five graves. “Replacements?” Twilight repeated. “No! Nopony can replace them! I belong with my best friends!” “You belong on the throne! You’re the ruler of Equestria, we need you here! We’ll always need you.” We’ll always need you We’ll always need you Twilight woke with a start. She took in her surroundings, the royal room of Canterlot Castle where she’d taken up residence in permanently. Her pet Owlouisous lay on his perch, hooting at her in concern when her saw her wake up. “It’s okay, Owlousis. I’m okay, I just had a nightmare.” “Who?” “Me,” Twilight sighed. If only owls could say somethings besides “who”. She looked down at the bed as she went over her nightmare. The life an immortal, having to watch all her best friends, the ponies who had made her the Princess she was today, die. It was too terrible. She couldn’t bare the thought of that, she belonged with them. True she could make new friends, she was the Princess of Friendship after all. But if she had to watch generations of friends pass on, she’d have to call herself the Princess of Loss instead. That was not a lovely title. Twilight sighed again, then levitated her favorite book of all over and opened it. It was the memory book Starlight and Spike had given her when she’d moved back to Canterlot. She opened it and saw the moving pictures of her and all the others laughing together. Her precious memories that she would always treasure. But that was not enough. She didn’t want to merely remember her friends even if they weren’t part of her everyday life anymore. She wanted to always be with them, even if it was in death. She was going to do what Celestia had done. She would find a successor… somepony who could take control of Equestria, the sun, moon, and the magic of friendship from her. Unlike Celestia who had stayed to get her sister Luna back, Twilight had no reason to rule for a thousand years and endure endless funerals and losses of friends. That had been Celestia’s greatest pain which she’d kept hidden so well. There was suddenly a knock on the door. “Twilight! Wake up!” a familiar voice called. “I am awake Spike!” Twilight called. Her now adolescent dragon assistant and younger brother entered her bedroom carrying a scroll. “Starlight’s gone into labor!” he told her. Twilight got to her hooves with a grin. “Then I guess we better go to Ponyville. I don’t want to miss the birth of my first pupil’s child!” They ran outside of the castle and took off on their wings. Princess and Dragon soared through the night sky across Canterlot to the small town that had been their home for the best years of their lives with five other special ponies. Ponyville. Twilight saw the many houses and familiar buildings including Sugar Cube Corner. Overlooking the town was the Castle of Friendship, the castle that had served as her second home for after the destruction of the Golden Oak Library at Tirek’s horns. Now the Castle was the home of her former student Starlight Glimmer who was now its stewardess and Headmare of the school of Friendship connected to it. But Starlight wasn’t there in the castle. Twilight flew to the Ponyville Hospital where she found Starlight’s husband Sunburst and best friend Trixie Lulamoon in the waiting room. Also present were her five best friends, all of whom looked at her and Spike as they entered the room. “Twilight, you’re here!” Applejack said in joy as she and the others raced over to embrace their friend who had become less a part of their lives. “You didn’t think I’d miss this did you?” Twilight asked with a small smile. “How are you holding up?” Applejack sighed. “Well, Rainbow’s been there for me a lot since Granny Smith died. So I’m coping. Its not like I’ll never see her again after all.” “Yeah, its just until we pass into the ether ourselves,” Twilight agreed. I just hope I don’t have to watch all of them go first. There was a ring. Everyone knew what that meant. Soon Nurse Redheart entered the room. “Excuse me, Mr. Burst? Your wife has given birth. Congratulations, you have a daughter.” Sunburst grinned and began stomping his hooves. “Yes! Yes! I’m a father! I’m a father!” “Father party!” Pinkie screamed and blew her confetti canon. “Darling, do make sure to keep it down,” Rarity told her. “Remember what happened when you wouldn’t be quiet after the Cake Twins were born?” Pinkie sighed, “Oh right.” She wore a big grin as they made their way to the room where Starlight sat in bed holding her newborn foal to her breast. “Oh, hey Twilight!” Starlight said with a grin as her former mentor entered the room with everypony else. “Hey Starlight,” Twilight said as she bent down to get a look at the baby. "Oh, come here sweetie!" Sunburst exclaimed as he picked up his daughter from his wife. It was a pink pony, brighter pink than Starlight. Her mane was orange and yellow like her father’s body. “Oh she’s beautiful,” Twilight said. “What are you going to name her?” Starlight thought for a moment, then glanced at the clock nearby. It was 6 am in the morning. “Well I- Twilight gasped as she realized something. “Oh! I need to raise the sun!” The ruler of Equestria lit up her horn and then light began to shine through as dawn occurred and the sun rose for first light. Everypony smiled at the light pouring through the window. Starlight smiled weakly as she watched. “That’s it! I’ll name her Dawn! Luster Dawn!” > Chapter 1: Luster For Magic > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter One: A Luster for Magic Starlight and Sunburst had both their hooves and horns full over the next few years. They were responsible for running the Castle and School of Friendship after Twilight had gone back to Canterlot in order to assume her position as ruler of Equestria. Their position was to teach the ways of harmony to every creature and keep the races of the land united in friendship. They also had to oversee the Cutie Map for friendship problems. Now they had another big responsibility as well. They were parents. The first couple years were spent changing diapers, cleaning up messes Luster innocently created with her magic. It was a busy life for the family. Starlight had to temporarily let Sunburst take on the role of full head stallion. Someone had to stay home at the Castle and take care of Luster. She sat in a rocking chair, holding her daughter and smiling down at her. Luster Dawn, the greatest thing that had ever happened in her life, and that was saying something. Starlight had many good things happen in her life ever since the first time she’d set hoof in this castle so long ago. It had started with her redemption here after Twilight had defeated her with words and gotten her to accept friendship. She’d then reunited with her first friend who was now the love of her life, Sunburst. She’d become a hero by saving Twilight and the rest of the important figures in Equestria from Queen Chrysalis. Now she was a mother to a wonderful little unicorn filly. Starlight could look at those cute chubby cheeks forever. “Oh Luster you are just the most adorable thing,” Starlight said. “What did I ever do to deserve to become a mother to a filly like you? Oh who am I kidding? I’ve done lots of good things right?” It was true. She had done a lot of good thanks to being redeemed and turned away from the villainous path she’d walked. Still, the memory of what she’d done haunted her and caused her to worry again. Ever since she’d found out she’d been pregnant with Luster, there had been a new fear in Starlight along with the joy of being a mother. She thought back on her past misdeeds which she’d done out of hatred for cutie marks. What if something happened to make her little Luster turn bad? Even worse than she’d been? Or what if Luster ever got in danger? Equestria had many dangers, Starlight knew that all too well. Queen Chrysalis, her worst enemy, though frozen in stone, still haunted her. Starlight saw her face every so often in her sleep. She shivered at the memory of a nightmare that had haunted her recently. Sunburst entered the room with Luster sleeping in her crib. He approached the baby, and grinned evilly before turning into Chrysalis. “The daughter of Starlight Glimmer! This is the perfect chance to get my revenge! I’ll destroy her, and Starlight shall feel the worst pain of all! The loss of a child!” Chrysalis charged up her horn to prepare a fatal spell. But then her wicked smile faded and turned to a thoughtful one. “But wait! I have a better idea! I shall take Starlight’s child away, and raise her as my own! I shall turn her child against her like she turned my hive against me!” Chrysalis laughed and took Luster in her holed hooves before flying out the window. Starlight took a breath. “That’s not going to happen Starlight,” she told herself. “Chrysalis will never return. She’s trapped in stone forever. She’s not going to take Luster away.” At that moment a foul smell entered Starlight’s nostrils. Covering her nose with a hoof, Starlight levitated Luster and removed her dirty diaper before putting on a fresh one. “PU!” Starlight said. “Your sister, Phyliss never got stinkies like this. But then she was my plant baby after all.” Still, Starlight smiled down at her daughter again. “You are never gonna become a stinker like I was though. I’m going to make sure of that. You are going to be a good filly and mare.” Things got easier when Luster didn’t require diapers anymore and learned to talk. Starlight could return to her position as headmare with Sunburst. Husband and wife came into the castle’s dining room prepared to make breakfast. Today was the first day of summer, school was out, and Luster was nearly five. “Hey, Sunburst. I’ve been thinking,” Starlight told her husband as she poured milk into the pancake mixture. “About what?” Sunburst asked as he looked up from his favorite book of all time, The Widems Guide to Magical Arcana. “About Luster. It’s about time for us to send her off to school someplace. Don’t you think?” Starlight asked. “Hmm. Yeah, I guess you’re right. You think she should go into the school of Friendship or Cheerilee’s school?” Sunburst asked before gasping. “Or maybe we could enroll in Twilight’s school for Gifted Unicorns.” Starlight chuckled. “You mean Celestia’s school. Twilight hasn’t renamed it after herself you know.” Sunburst blushed. “Right. Well, what do you think?” Starlight smiled. “Now lets not get ahead of ourselves here, we haven’t even started teaching Luster to use her magic yet.” “Well, maybe we should,” a voice said as the door to the dining room opened again. Trixie Lulamoon entered the room. “Between our great and powerful trio of skill, wit, and tricks we’re bound to make a great prospective student for the school of Gifted Unicorns!” “Morning Trixie,” Starlight said as she went back to making the pancakes. Trixie scoffed as she watched Starlight working. “You know, you could probably ask for some servants around here since we’re living in a castle. Twilight should have had those around when she was princess here.” “You know Twilight, she was never one to take her royal status with too much luxury. Heh, even Celestia made food herself. She made me a very creative pile of pancakes with fruit faces when I went to Canterlot to help her and Luna with their friendship problem,” Starlight smiled fondly at the memory of the late Princess. “I don’t mind making stuff myself. It would take all the fun out of it if I had somepony doing everything for me.” Trixie scoffed. “Well… I wouldn’t mind having somepony do all my meals and other things for me. If I’d been the Princess here I would have had it filled with servants and a royal guard as well. Maybe that would have prevented Chrysalis from abducting Twilight and the others so we wouldn’t have had to save them. Seriously, why didn’t she ever have her own guard in the castle at least?” “She just wanted to be an ordinary pony for the most part. But she can’t be that anymore since she’s ruler of Equestria now. Plus she and her friends were the bearers of the elements of harmony. They were probably equal to their own guard,” Starlight said. “Now, would you mind going to wake Luster please? I wouldn’t want her to miss breakfast.” “Sure thing, one great and powerful wake up from the best godmare in Equestria coming up.” Trixie trotted off to get Luster. Starlight continued to make the pancakes while Sunburst sat quietly at the table continuing to read The Widems Guide to Magical Arcana. Starlight put all the pancakes onto a platter and began to carry them to the table. Then a loud noise suddenly sounded, like an explosion. Starlight jumped and dropped the pancakes, Sunburst likewise dropped the book. “What was that? Are we under attack?” Sunburst asked worriedly. “Is there a new villain here to abduct us?” “I don’t know!” Starlight gulped. “But that sounded like it came from- “Luster’s room!” they said together. Both parents galloped out of the dining hall and toward their daughter’s room. They found Luster shaking in her bed with Trixie holding her. “I’m sorry little Luster! Sorry!” Trixie said. “What’s going on?” Starlight demanded. “We heard something like an explosion!” “Uh-“ Trixie blushed as she looked up. “I kinda… uh… used a little magic boom as an alarm clock!” “You what?” Sunburst asked. “Trixie! That could have been dangerous!” “We wanted you to wake her up! Not scare her!” Starlight snapped as she levitated her daughter into her hooves. “I thought you’d make a responsible god mare!” “Sorry!” Trixie said. Starlight hissed and let out a scream of fury. A powerful beam of magic shot out of her horn and flew above Trixie who fell on her stomach in a cowering manner. If not for how close a friend Trixie was to Starlight she probably would have received more than a scare back. “Well, come on. Let’s go have breakfast… after I make fresh pancakes. You can clean up the mess I dropped,” she added to Trixie. “With your hooves.” “Sure thing, Princess Starlight,” Trixie replied with dropped ears as she got up. Trixie cleaned up the mess Starlight had made because of her explosion while Starlight got another batch going. “We’ll need more flour…” Starlight noted as she poured the last of what was in the bag out. “I think it would be good to go shopping today.” “Okay, we can go into Ponyville after we’re done eating,” Sunburst said as he reading his book with Luster on his lap. “And that’s the Cerebration Transmarkification Effect.” “Cool!” Luster said as she listened to her father tell her about the magical theory. “Am I going to be able to learn magic soon?” Sunburst chuckled. “We were just discussing that before you woke up. Yes, Luster. It’s time to begin your magic training.” Luster beamed. Over the rest of the day after shopping, Starlight, Sunburst, and Trixie all helped her understand the basics of magic. “Focus, gather the magic to your horn with your mind. Now with your eyes, look at the object you want to pick up.” Luster did so. A gold aura surrounded her horn, she focused on a cup and surrounded it with her aura. The cup moved a teeny bit at first- “Its okay, you just need practice. Not everyone can- Starlight broke off as not only the cup began to rise up the air but all the other things on the table did as well. She dropped her jaw, as did Sunburst. Trixie, meanwhile, clapped her hooves. “I have one Great and Powerful Goddaughter!” Sunburst grinned. “She might make it into Celestia’s school after all!” “Well… its still too soon to say.” Starlight replied. “Let’s…. wait until summer is almost over before we make a decision.” Over the next two months Luster performed simple but extraordinary feats with magic. She did seem to have the gift with it. So Starlight, in the end conceded. A month before summer was about to end, Starlight reluctantly drafted a letter to Twilight asking if Luster could be allowed to attend the school for Gifted Unicorns. The ruler of Equestria’s reply came in the morning. Dear Starlight, My faithful former student and stewardess to my former castle. I’m happy to hear Luster is becoming good at magic. I would be happy to allow her to attend the school for Gifted Unicorns. She just needs to take the entrance exam. Love, Your Former Mentor and Friend Twilight. “Yes! Yes!” Sunburst began bouncing around. “Luster’s going to be attending the school!” “She still has to take an entrance exam,” Starlight reminded her husband. Sunburst scoffed. “Entrance exam? Please, that’s only to get a measurement of magic power. I had to take that myself back in the day. Celestia gave all of us a chance to hatch a dragon egg, but no one could… not until Twilight that is. Your magic has to be at a good enough level is all.” “You still need to have a great amount of magic power!” Trixie said. “Sure, some with good amounts are let it but it’s the great ones that are the best. Like me!” Starlight sighed. “What’s the matter Starlight, aren’t you excited?” Sunburst asked. “Our daughter is going to get enrolled in the most prestigious magic school in Equestria!” “Look, I know you’re excited because you think Luster is getting a chance to get what you never could. But I’m just worried. What if the power goes to her head?” Starlight asked. Trixie laughed. “Worried she might turn a bit like old godmare here?” “No, I mean like me. What if she becomes really gifted and then turns….bad?” Starlight asked. “I don’t want that to happen.” “Oh, come on Starlight. Luster is a hardworking filly who takes her studies seriously. She pays attention, is polite, and we’ve never had to give her a time out.” Starlight took a breath. “Maybe you’re right. Maybe I’m worrying too much. Doing some Starlighting you know? “Like mentor like student. I bet I know what will help clear your mind,” Trixie said. “A day out with your husband! When was the last time you had that?” “Um…” Starlight put a hoof to her chin. “I-don’t know! Its been so busy with being a headmare, stewardess and parent.” “Well you are in need of a one!” Trixie insisted. “Alright. Sunburst, how about we go to the café? Let’s get Luster and- “Oh no! You need to lay off your responsibilities for a while!” Trixie said. “Leave Luster in my hooves!” Starlight frowned. She was still a little upset at Trixie for scaring Luster on the first day of summer. “I don’t know.” “Hey, you named me her godmare. That means I would watch her when you couldn’t. You’ve never let me do that in all these years. I know you take your responsibility as a mother seriously, just like you did for Guidance Counselor and Headmare. But you’ve been taking it too seriously these past few years! Its time for you to take a break and let me do my responsibility as godmare.” Starlight hesitated, then sighed. “Okay, but if you let her get hurt or scare her again, I won’t be as forgiving.” Trixie gave a nervous chuckle. “Note to self, beware of the scary and strong Mama Starlight!” So Starlight and Sunburst went out into town for lunch and relaxation. They waited at a table in front of the Hayburger silently. Sunburst looked at his wife in concern. “You know, Starlight. You might have gone a little far there with threatening Trixie like that. I think you might be a little overprotective.” Starlight sighed. “Well everypony has to make sure their children are safe. I worry about Luster… that’s my job.” “Well you’re worrying too much! Luster is going to grow up to be a very gifted unicorn I know it!” Sunburst said. “With how successful you, me, and Trixie have been in teaching her magic I have no doubt she’ll become one of the greatest spell casters of her generation. Just like you.” He put a hoof on her. “Then who knows maybe she’ll become a hero of Equestria as well?” That last bit didn’t have the affect he’d hoped for. “Or she could get hurt badly!” Starlight exclaimed. “Not every hero has a happy story you know! All those times Twilight and her friends saved Equestria they were lucky none of them lost their lives. We always seem to be lucky whenever a villain pops up, but who knows how long that luck lasts? Eventually somepony could get killed you know!” “Starlight calm down!” Sunburst said. “Calm down?” she repeated. “How can I calm down when the future of my daughter could be filled with danger! That’s it, she’s not going to the school for Gifted Unicorns!” “What? No, you’re going to far. This is what Luster was born to do!” Sunburst shouted, no becoming angry as well. “Oh I see what this is about! You want her to succeed where you failed!” Starlight pointed a hoof at her husband. “You couldn’t pull through with magic school so now you think you’re getting a second chance through your daughter!” Sunburst looked at his wife with an open mouth. “I just want what’s best for her!” “So do I!” Starlight snapped. “And I think it would be best for her to remain here in Ponyville where we can watch her and keep her out of danger!” “Well I think you’re denying her the chance of a lifetime!” Sunburst said. Suddenly a waiter appeared holding a pair of hayburgers in his hooves. He set them down at their table. “Your food Sir, Madam.” The couple didn’t say another word as they ate their meal. Starlight had a half a mind to take her food and teleport back to the Castle as she thought of Luster being with Trixie. ___________________ Trixie sat on the sofa with her goddaughter on her lap. Luster listened with an eager smile as Trixie told her a “Great and Powerful” story of how she and Starlight had taken on the army of Changelings to rescue Princess Twilight Sparkle and the others from Queen Chrysalis. “The changelings were everywhere! Buzzing, buzzing! Ready to descend upon us! But I used a smoke bomb to help us escape. Than the foolish Discord got himself captured while he tried to distract more of them as we got closer to the throne room! A changeling disguised himself as Discord, but your mother and I saw right through that disguise thanks to our ingenious code word!” “Code word?” Luster asked. “Oh course! We knew that if we got separated we needed to be sure that we were who we said we were. Changelings can take on the form of anypony, or creature. So one of us would say Klutzy and the one who rejoined us when we were separated would say Draconeques. It was my way to make fun of Discord then,” Trixie chuckled. “So what happened after the changeling disguised himself as Discord?” “He tried to lead us into a trap. But I restrained him so Starlight and Thorax, the one good changeling at the time… could move on to the throne room and face Queen Chrysalis!” Trixie said. “Eventually I was captured and brought there as well, it took an entire tunnel full of changelings to take your Godmare down!” “Oh you’re so great Aunt Trixie!” Luster said. Trixie smiled. “Not as great as your mother though. She and Thorax found Queen Chrysalis. She had an entire army waiting for them! But with powerful words they convinced her army that there was another way to live! That they could share love instead of feeding off it! Thorax did that with Chrysalis, and it gave him a new bright and beautiful form!” Trixie put a hand over heart in a mock show of being in love. “Then all the other changelings saw it was true and they wiped the hive with Chrysalis! Your mother freed me and all the others, then Chrysalis ran off with her tail between her holed legs!” Luster sighed. “Wow, my mother is really amazing! I want to be just like her, a hero!” Trixie chuckled. “Well someday you might be! Come on, I think its nap time! You want to be hero you need your rest to grow!” She took her goddaughter in her hooves and carried her to her room. Luster lay on the bed without complaint and knelt her head down. Trixie than yawned. “Time for my nap as well,” she said lazily before heading off to her room in the castle. ___________________ Luster waited until Trixie’s hoof falls faded into the distance before jumping back down onto the crystal floor of the castle. She crept out into the hallways, to the front door and opened it with her magic. She saw the town of Ponyville ahead, the sun was warm on her coat as she headed not in the direction of town… but for the endless amounts of trees surrounding it. The Everfree forest. “I’m going to find a monster in there, and defeat it. Be a hero like my mother,” Luster said as she trotted off with a confident smile. > Chapter 2: A Parent's Role > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Two A Parents Role Sunburst and Starlight walked home to the castle silently with narrowed eyes, refusing to look at each other directly. Sunburst just couldn’t believe how overprotective Starlight was being! Their daughter had such potential at such a young age! She could accomplish so much with the right knowledge, and Starlight wanted to keep her from doing that. Sunburst huffed under his breath, not bothering to talk to his wife. He could only hope that once both of them got back to the castle, Trixie would be able to do her role as a guidance counselor for Starlight and make her see sense. The walk back to the castle was the least pleasant in Sunburst’s memory. Usually he and Starlight would be holding hooves or resting their heads against each other as they returned. But today they were doing neither. Even though Sunburst still held his anger at Starlight, he hoped this would only be temporary. They finally entered the castle. Sunburst didn’t know what to expect. “Trixie!” Starlight called out. “We’re back!” The shout echoed through the castle halls. But there was no reply. Starlight sighed. Her horn lit up as she activated a locator spell in order to find Trixie. The castle was huge and her friend could be anywhere inside it. Starlight had put a locator spell on everyone that lived in the castle with her for instances like this to save time having to search everyone of the hallways. She headed toward Trixie’s room, the first place she could think to look. Sunburst followed behind, watching his wife as her horn glowed brighter, meaning that they were getting close. Starlight opened the door with her magic. “Trixie?” Looking past her, Sunburst saw that Trixie was there on her bed napping. He brought a hoof to his face. There was no way this day couldn’t get any worse. Boy was he wrong. “Trixie!” Starlight yelled. The guidance counselor woke with a start. “What are you doing napping!” Starlight demanded. “You’re supposed to watching Luster.” “Oh, calm down Starlight,” Trixie said. “Luster’s asleep in her room. I put her down for a nap.” Starlight frowned. She turned back the other way and walked to Luster’s room down the hall. Sunburst reluctantly followed, expecting everything to be alright. Luster would be in her bed sleeping soundly. But when Starlight opened the door to the filly’s room, his mouth dropped open as he saw an empty bed. “She’s gone!” Starlight exclaimed. “Hey, relax. Maybe she just woke up to use the bathroom?” Sunburst suggested. Starlight’s horn lit up again as she walked in that direction, hoping her husband was right. But her horn did not glow brightly. ‘She’s not in the castle!” Starlight screamed. “What?” Sunburst was now concerned as well. The couple ran outside along with Trixie. Starlight pointed her horn in all directions, a look of desperation on her face as she hoped to get even the smallest spark to lead her in the right direction. Sunburst felt relief when there was a slight glow… they sprinted toward Ponyville. But Luster was not in town, Starlight’s horn lead them all the way to- “The Everfree Forest!” Sunburst said. “Why would Luster go in there?” Starlight turned a glare at Trixie. “What happened while we were gone?” Trixie gave a nervous expression. “I was telling her about that time we took on the changelings. Then she said she wanted to be a big hero like you.” Starlight looked at the forest. “No! She went looking for monsters! That silly little filly!” “Come on! We got to get her!” Sunburst yelled as he galloped off. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean for this to happen!” Trixie stated as she and Starlight trailed behind him. “I know,” Sunburst said. Starlight didn’t say anything, she kept her eyes focused as she ran. Sunburst allowed her to get in front of him as she was the one with the locator spell activated. Their argument was now in the back of Sunburst’s head. All that mattered now was his daughter’s safety, they had to find her and get her back home to the castle safely. Luster Dawn walked through the shadowy grounds of the Everfree forest. She’d started out being confident, shouting out in the hopes of attracting a monster to her. But now, she had no idea where she was. She didn’t know how to get back home, the forest was like a huge maze. The sun soon began to set as Luster wandered around. The confidence and determination she’d had was now gone, and replaced with worry. Luster now wanted to be back home with her mother, father, and godmare. What if she never saw them again? What if she was going to be stuck out here forever? Luster finally snapped and began to cry at that thought. “Mommy! Daddy! Please come find me!” she sobbed. Crunch. Luster shivered at the sound behind her. She looked over her shoulder and saw a huge creature resembling a wolf made of wood. It growled. Fear gripped Luster as she began to back away. All thoughts of bravado and being a famous hero like her mother were gone now. Her heart filled with the desire to run, to get away from this scary thing. She turned around to run the other way. Only to find another wolfwood creature blocking her way. Luster tried right and left, but both of those ways were blocked as well. She was completely trapped! Luster cringed as the creatures neared her with hungry mouths made of wood filled with sharp teeth. “Luster!” a familiar voice said. Starlight Glimmer appeared on a nearby hill, gazing down at the Timberwolves surrounding her daughter. She teleported directly by Luster’s side and sent out a wave of magic energy that blew all of them to pieces. Relief and admiration for her mother filled Luster. “Mom! You’re so amaz- Luster broke off. Suddenly the twigs that had fallen to the ground from the wolves were now beginning to reassemble themselves. “Luster, come on!” Starlight shouted as she levitated her daughter onto her back and took off in a gallop as the body parts came together. Luster held onto her mother’s neck as Starlight sprinted through the forest in a direction Luster hoped would lead back home. She looked over her shoulder and saw the timberwolves fully recovered and coming after them. They were coming fast, their long wooden legs covering more ground than Starlight’s shorter ones. “Come on mom, we got to get away!” Luster screamed. Starlight nodded, she closed her eyes and gathered magic to her horn to cast a spell. Luster hoped it was teleportation. Unfortunately before Starlight could perform the spell, she tripped. A rock that she was unable to see while focusing and still running caught her hoof and she fell over. Luster slid off her mother’s back and fell a few feet away. The Timberwolves were descending upon them. One placed its paw on Starlight and breathed into her face which mixed with an expression of disgust and fear. Luster could also smell the stink, it was so terrible! A growl sounded above her as she looked up and saw another Timberwolf Luster closed her eyes, not wanting to watch. There was a sound. Not the crunch of teeth sinking into flesh. A snap, like the sound of magic. Luster opened her eyes slightly, saw the Timberwolf look in another direction. Luster looked as well and saw her father and Aunt Trixie coming. “Teeth away from my wife and daughter!” Sunburst growled. “And keep away from my goddaughter!” Trixie said as she fired another magic beam at the Timberwolf near Luster. Starlight rose to her hooves, she, Sunburst and Trixie all sent out spells at the Timberwolves. They were reduced again to rubble which began to reassemble themselves again. Luster gave a frightful expression, if they kept regenerating she and her family couldn’t beat them. She hid behind them, hoping for the best. The Timberwolves reassembled, but instead of attacking they looked at the three ponies and filly with what looked a scared expression on their wooden faces. Luster couldn’t see her parents expressions but could imagine them being fierce. The wolves retreated back the way they came, seemingly afraid of the three unicorns. Starlight took a deep breath and looked at her daughter. “Oh Luster!” she said as tears appeared in her eyes and she wrapped her forelegs around Luster. “I was so worried about you!” “I’m sorry momma,” Luster said. “What were you thinking running off like that!” Starlight demanded. “I just… wanted to be like you and Aunt Trixie,” Luster said. “Like a hero.” “Luster. Being a hero doesn’t mean you go looking for trouble,” Starlight said. “You could have been eaten. I’ve told you to stay away from the Everfree forest.” “It was my fault,” Trixie said. “I told her that story and it made her do this. Starlight, I wouldn’t blame you if wanted to disown me as Godmare.” Starlight shook her head. “This was Luster’s doing, not yours Trixie. You had no way of knowing she would run off like this. But if you hadn’t come along and saved Luster just now I might feel differently. Just make sure you watch her when you put her to a nap from now on.” “I will,” Trixie promised. “No more sleeping on the job.” “Hey, Starlight. I’m sorry about earlier. Maybe I wasn’t thinking about Luster’s safety as much as I should have,” Sunburst said. Starlight sighed. “I’m sorry too. It’s a parent’s role to protect their child, but I do want Luster to succeed as well. But… we won’t always be here protect her. She needs to do that herself someday if its needed. Today was a good example of that. Besides, if there is one pony I know can guide her on the right path… its Twilight.” “So you think it would be best for her to go after all?” Sunburst asked eagerly. Starlight nodded. “We got lucky today, like we always seem to. No one loses their lives. But who knows how long until that luck runs out?” Far to the north, on the outskirts of the Crystal Empire, luck was about to run out for another family. Shining Armor, Cadence, and Flurry Heart were running for their lives. Behind them thundered an enormous beast resembling a red rhinocerous. “I crush you! I crush you ponies!” the creature said. He was gaining on them, Shining Armor knew they weren’t going to make it… unless. He closed his eyes, knowing what he had to do. “Cadence, Flurry, fly!” he said. “I’ll catch up!” But he knew he wouldn’t as he turned to face the Rhinocerous. “Shining no! Flurry you fly, I have to help your daddy!” Cadance said. The preteen natural born alicorn flapped her large wings and took off toward the city where her parents ruled. “Cadance! You keep going! Let me deal with this! It’s my job to protect you and her!” “No! I’m not leaving you!” Cadance snapped as she flew at the rhino with charged magic. The thick hide of the red rhino was strong. Cadance’s magic caused it no harm, it didn’t even slow it down. He laughed. “What is that supposed to do, hurt me?” Shining Armor growled and shot his own beam. It hit the rhino’s skin and caused no damage at first, but he maintained it. The skin was thick, but after a moment of being hit even the rhino began to feel the burn. “Arrgh!” He turned to Shining Armor who kept his focus on the beam. The rhino charged the stallion, Shining held his ground, aiming his beam at one of his foe’s legs. If he could burn one of those enough it might give him and Cadance a change to escape. “I trample you pony!” Shining Armor’s magic suddenly failed. He’d used up all he could in one beam. The rhino came upon him, he felt the strength of its weight land on him. Then it was over. Cadence’s eyes filled with tears as she saw her husband’s body fly. “Shining!” she screamed. “No!” The Princess of Love flew to her stallions side. She took him in her hooves and put her head to his chest hoping for a heartbeat. There was none. “Shining no! Please don’t leave me!” she cried. “Oh don’t worry, you’ll be with him soon enough,” The rhino said. He charged again. > Chapter 3: Entrance Exam > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The weeks rolled by until it was time for Starlight and Sunburst to take their daughter to Canterlot. They headed from the Castle of Friendship to the Ponyville Train Station. Luster looked nervous as she followed her parents, this was the beginning of a new chapter in her life. One where she would have a chance to measure up to her parents potential and be recognized. This was her chance to shine like her mother had, be a bright rising star… or sun since she had the name dawn. Starlight noticed her daughter’s worried expression and leaned down to nuzzle her. “You’re going to do fine Luster,” she said. ‘”But what if I fail? What if I don’t get in?” Luster asked. Starlight smiled. “Then I won’t love you any less, and neither will your father. Right Sunburst?” Her husband nodded. “Of course, I’ll still love you Luster. That will never change.” Luster smiled as they continued to walk with her parents looking down at her. Then- Thump! Starlight crashed into somecreature. “Oh I’m sorry I- Starlight stopped as she saw she’d bumped into a blue griffin. A blue griffin that she knew very well, for she had taught that griffin at the school. “Gallus!” “Oh, Headmare Glimmer. Vice Head Stallion Sunburst.” The griffin said. “What are you doing here? Taking the training someplace?” Sunburst asked. “No! I figured I would just fly to Canterlot,” Galus joked. “But trains are quicker.” “You’re going to Canterlot?” Starlight asked. “Us as well!” “Oh cool!” Gallus said, he then noticed Luster hiding behind Starlight. “This must be your daughter.” “Oh yes,” Starlight said. “Luster, meet Gallus. He was a student at the school of Friendship.” “Hello,” Luster said shyly. They all boarded the train. “So why are you going to Canterlot Gallus?” Starlight asked. “I want to become a royal guard,” the griffin said. “A royal guard?” Sunburst repeated. “Yeah, I figured it would be cool to wear armor and help save Equestria more when it needs it.” “Are the others planning to become guards as well?” Starlight asked. She hadn’t seen Gallus’s group of friends since summer had began, all of them had officially graduated from the school of friendship and then returned home to their own lands. “No, I don’t know what they plan on doing,” Gallus said. The train ride to Canterlot was pleasant for Starlight and Sunburst. But Luster’s stomach still seemed uneasy. When they got off the train, they walked up to the school of magic where Twilight would be present for the entrance exam. They entered a class room with a small table occupied by a panel of judges. “It’s okay Luster. Whatever their task is you don’t need to fully succeed in it,” Sunburst said, putting a hoof on her shoulder. “You just need to demonstrate a good amount of magic power. That’s all they’re looking for.” Luster took a deep breath. She wanted with all her being to make her father and mother proud. Her two great parents who were so gifted at magic. Her mother could fly with it like no pony else she’d seen, and her father knew more about its theory than any other pony. She was going to be just like them, and it would take a lot of work. She looked at the examiners. “What do I have to do?” “First the princess must arrive with the item,” one of them said. Moments later, Twilight Sparkle entered the room. “Starlight! Sunburst! So good to see you both!” she said. Starlight hugged her. “I’m sorry I had to stop attending Friendship Council meetings. Running your school of friendship is a very busy job.” “I know, and being a parent is tough too. Pinkie Pie’s going to be one soon. Well Discord’s started coming to them now since he and Fluttershy are married,” Twilight said. She hugged Sunburst and then noticed Gallus. “Oh hello Gallus!” “Your majesty,” Gallus said with a bow. “I wasn’t expecting you to be here with them,” Twilight stated with a giggle. “Well… I came to speak with you about something,” Gallus said. “I see. Well… can it please wait until after the entrance exam?” Twilight asked. “Oh course,” Gallus replied respectfully. The princess turned to Luster. The young filly had heard much of her mother’s former mentor though this was the first time she could remember meeting her. Princess Twilight was so beautiful, easily the largest pony Luster had ever seen. Her mane shined as though it had stars in it and flowed like running water or wind was being blown through it. Yet there was no breeze in the room. “Hello Luster Dawn,” Twilight said with a smile. “I remember when you were born. That was one of the last times I got to see your parents. It’s good to meet you again.” Luster bowed and nervously said “T-thank you. Y-your majesty. So… what is my test?” The princess levitated an object from out of her saddlebag. It was an amulet, one side showing rays of sunshine and the other a crescent moon. “This amulet allows other ponies besides myself to raise the sun and moon,” Princess Twilight explained. “Charge up as much magic as you can, and see how far you can get the sun to go.” Luster concentrated. She dug deep into her body, focusing with all her might on one thing. Her parents, the two ponies she looked up to who knew so much about magic. Even her Aunt Trixie was good at it, using to entertain ponies and other creatures when not working at the school. She was going to be like them, make them proud. She would put everything she had into it. Luster unleashed more magic from her horn than ever before. Her beam hit the amulet and suddenly the window outside which showed a bright day was suddenly dark for a moment. When Luster’s magic faded she looked and saw the sun was lower than it should have been. It was as though dawn had just come. “Um… did I do… well?” Luster asked. There was silence, then Princess Twilight spoke. “You did marvelous! I’ve never seen a unicorn with such raw power! And you did it without the aid of a Sonic Rainboom like I did!” Luster didn’t understand the last bit. “Huh?” “You could be the one!” Twilight said. “Huh? The one what?” “The one… to be my personal protégé!” Twilight said with a smile. Starlight and Sunburst beamed. “Yes she’s in!” Sunburst exclaimed. “Guess my daughter is my mentors new top student,” Starlight said. “Are you proud of me?” Luster asked. “Very proud!” Starlight and Sunburst said as they hugged her. Luster gave an enormous grin, happy that her parents were so proud of her, that she now had a chance to achieve great things like they did. “Well, I will see you back here very soon, Luster.” Twilight said. Starlight suddenly came forward. “Twilight, promise me you will take good care of her while she’s here.” “Oh, of course Starlight. I know its probably going to be hard knowing you’ll be so far apart,” Twilight said. “Yes. And I wouldn’t trust anypony else to teach her and keep her on the right path,” Starlight said with a smile before turning to a serious expression. “But if anything bad happens to her, your majesty, no amount of alicorn magic will save you from my wrath!” Twilight shuddered slightly, remembering their battle years ago where Starlight had defeated her countless times and sent her back in time to terrible alternate timelines. “Starlight, dear. You can’t threaten the princess!” Sunburst said. “Its fine Sunburst. A mother is protective after all,” Twilight said before turning to Gallus. “Now, you had something you wanted to speak to me about Gallus?” The griffon nodded. “I would like to become a member of your Royal Guard Princess.” This surprised Twilight. “Oh. Well… that’s a first. I don’t believe we’ve ever had a griffon as a member of the royal guard.” “There’s no rule against it is there?” Gallus asked. “Not that I know of. Perhaps I should check with my brother Shining Armor, he’d probably know as a former captain.” Suddenly the classroom door opened and Spike entered the room with Twilight Velvet, Night Light, Flash Sentry, and Flurry Heart. All of them were teary eyed. “Mom, Dad, Flurry?” Twilight questioned looking at her niece in particular. “What are you doing here?" Flurry only looked at her Aunt with watery eyes while her grandparents embraced her. Flash Sentry sighed. “I bring terrible news to you, Princess Twilight. Your brother and sister in law, Prince Shining Armor and Princess Cadence…. are dead.” > Chapter 4: Speaking To Spirits > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight couldn’t believe it. Her brother and sister in law… dead! “No! No! It can’t be!” Twilight wailed, crying tears for the first time since Celestia and Luna’s funeral. Starlight and Sunburst both put their hooves to their mouths at the news. Gallus’s eagerness at the prospect of becoming a royal guard was replaced with sadness as he watched his former headmare burst into tears. Little Luster like was saddened to hear that someone had died, and it struck her in the heart to see the beautiful princess cry with the other ponies. “Twilight,” Starlight said in concern, walking up to her former mentor as the ruler of Equestria let out sobs like a filly Luster’s age. She put her hooves around Twilight who sank, bringing Starlight down under her weight. Twilight’s family gathered around her, Flurry Heart had already cried most of her tears out but they came anew at seeing her aunt sad as well. She hugged Twilight’s neck while Velvet and Night Light also came in and joined. Sunburst, with a heavy heart, used his magic to pull Starlight out of the pile of sad ponies. They had come to Canterlot with high hopes that were fulfilled. Luster had gotten her cutie mark and was also being accepted into the school of magic. She would become Twilight’s personal student. This day would have been just perfect… if not for such tragic news. “I’m sorry Twilight,” Starlight said. Twilight sang a sad song that she had sung once before, only this time it was true. “He was my Big Brother Best Friend… Forever. And now we’ll never do anything… together.” Starlight and Sunburst eventually left with Luster to take the train back to Ponyville. Gallus remained in Canterlot, waiting to let Twilight mourn before she gave an answer about his question. He checked into a hotel near the castle where she could find him. Twilight sat in her room with Spike as well as Flurry Heart as they wallowed in sadness. Flurry Heart lay nuzzled against Twilight’s side. She’d finally managed to get to sleep, her face still wet from the tears. Twilight looked at her orphaned niece sadly as the light of the moon which had once belonged to Luna shined through the window. With Shining Armor and Cadence gone, it would be up to her as well as her parents and Spike to raise Flurry Heart. Sleep did not come for Twilight that night. Her mind was going through all the memories she’d had with her brother as well as Cadence. Those sibling supreme competitions where they would have a rivalry to find out who could do things better than the other, him teaching her to fly a kite, giving her ponyback rides, encouraging her to do her best as she first tried using her magic. Cadence pushing her on the swing, telling her she was special. Twilight waited until her clocked hit seven am before raising the sun. Light shined into the room, but it brought no joy to Twilight. She looked down at her niece. “Flurry, wake up sweetie,” she said in a soft but strained voice. The preteen Alicorn opened her blue eyes. “Aunty Twilie!” she exclaimed, holding her hooves out. Twilight picked up her niece and softly patted her back. “I want mommy and daddy back!” Flurry wailed. Twilight cringed. “They aren’t coming back Flurry!” she choked out. “Nothing can- Twilight broke off. There might be a way! “Spike!” she prodded her adoptive brother who had fallen asleep on the sofa next to her bed. The dragon woke up. “Twilight? Everything okay? Please tell me that Shining Armor and Cadence are alive and that it was just a bad dream,” he said. Twilight shook her head. “Its real, but I’ve just thought of something. Send a letter to Discord.” After a minute of writing the hardest letter he could remember, Spike blew it. They waited, expecting Discord to pop up out of thin air like he usually did. It took a while, but he did appear… and he wasn’t alone. From a loud pop that occurred emerged not only the Spirit of Chaos but all of Twilight’s Ponyville friends as well. “Twilight! Darling! Discord told us about you sent a letter saying Shining Armor and Cadence are- They all noticed Flurry Heart still sitting on the bed silently with a glum expression. That answered Rarity’s question. “Oh dear,” Fluttershy said. “Are you all okay?” Twilight shook her head. “It hurts so much. I thought I’d lost my brother once… you know, back at the wedding?” They all looked down as they recalled that awful moment where Shining Armor had kicked Twilight out of the wedding when she accused Queen Chrysalis who had been posing as Cadence of being evil. That was one of the guiltiest moments of their lives when they had been so self-centered and focused on their task for an important event rather than Twilights feelings. Much like they’d done at the time of Twilight’s coronation as the new rulers. They couldn’t afford to let Twilight down now. “We’re here for you Sugarcube. Whatever you need, we’ll do it.” “Yeah, lets go and find the creature that did this and make it pay!” Rainbow Dash suggested. Discord put a hand over the pegusas’s mouth. “You want me to hunt down this creature I presume, Twilight? I still owe you an endless series of favors for that genious plan of mine in uniting three villains against you. That’s why you called me I presume?” Twilight shook her head. “No Discord, but I do have a favor to ask that will make me completely forget about that whole incident I think.” “Name it!” Discord said. Twilight sighed. “I would like you to… resurrect Shining Armor and Cadence.” Everyone gasped. Discord looked stunned. “You want me to… bring your beloved brother… or as I recall you refer to him… your BBBFF… and his wife… from the dead?” Discord asked. In any other instance he would have used a teasing tone on her, but instead he looked sad. “You brought back Sombra? Can’t you do the same with them?” Twilight asked. "I can try," Discord said. He conjured up a stick and drew a symbol in the floor just as he had done to resurrect Sombra while posing as Grogar. But instead of growing something like a dark crystal, the symbol merely vanished. Discord tried again, but the same result happened. He shook his head. “I’m sorry, I can’t bring them back.” He said, bowing his head. “What?” Twilight exclaimed. “Why not?” Discord sighed. “Even I can’t do whatever I want all the time. I'm a spirit of chaos, my ability to control life and death is limited. I was able to bring back Sombra because he wanted to come back. He was not at peace, he wanted to rule over his empire still and acquire more power. But Shining Armor and Cadence are both at peace already. They don’t want to come back.” “But- how can they be at peace already?” Rarity exclaimed. “They have so much left to live for! They have a daughter to raise still!” “Yeah, they can still live through a lot of fun!” Pinkie said. “Well, let us ask them. I can at least get their spirits here for a short time,” Discord snapped his fingers. Two white figures appeared in the room with everypony else. Shining Armor and Cadence looked at them with smiles. “Hey, everypony.” Shining Armor said. “Mommy! Daddy!” Flurry squealed and flew off the bed, only to pass through her parents when she tried to hug them. Twilight approached them. “Why don’t you two want to come back?” Cadence gave a smile. “We’re not gone Twilight, not fully. You may not be able to see us except for instances like this… but that doesn’t mean we aren’t with you. We’re still able to watch you and all the others. And we can rest peacefully, because we know that Flurry Heart is in good hooves. Just promise me that you will take good care of her.” Twilight looked at her niece and picked her up with her magic, bringing her closer so that she could hold Flurry in her hooves. “I promise. I’ll look after her,” Twilight said. “You can trust me.” They both began to fade. Shining Armor said one last thing to his sister. “Death is a part of life Twily. We all have to accept that it happens someday. Some might live longer than others, but no one does forever. A soldiers life is filled with danger, it has been for all of us in these times of danger. We were lucky to have all lasted this long and not lose anypony else until now. I love you sis. I’ll always be your BBBFF, and I’ll always be in your heart until your time comes. We will meet again.” They both vanished. “Yes… we will,” Twilight sniffled. “Someday, but not until I do what I need to for the good of Equestria,” Twilight said. “We will be together again in the next life, Shining… Cadence. I love you both and I swear I’ll take care of Flurry!” She took her niece in her hooves as they both cried in the direction where the spirits of their family had been. Her friends gathered around her and formed a comforting group hug. “We’re here for you, Sugarcube.” “I wish I could make you smile, Twilight. But even I can’t smile knowing somepony is gone,” Pinkie said. “Death is never a happy thing.” “But it happens to all of us,” Twilight said. “Except for me!” Discord said, being the only one of them smiling. “Celestia and Luna lasted a long time, but I can never age!” “Lucky you!” Rarity pouted. “To never grow old, gray and wrinkly like I will someday!” “Yes, I am quite the handsome Draconeques. Aren’t I Fluttershy?” he asked his wife. The element of kindness spoke without a smile. “Yes you are my dear lord of chaos.” “So… what are we going to do now?” Rainbow Dash asked. “What do you mean?” Twilight asked, still looking at the spot where the spirits had been. “We gotta save Equestria again! There’s something out there that just KILLED two ponies and we need to stop it before somepony else gets hurt. Don’t you wanna make that thing pay Twilight?” Rainbow Dash asked. Twilight was very tempted to say "Yes"… to hunt down whatever had claimed the lives of her loved ones. But… she looked down at her niece. “I can’t…” Twilight said. “As much as I want revenge… I have to put my kingdom… and my families needs… before my own desires.” Just like my immortality. She thought silently. If not for the necessity of having the power to control the sun and moon to maintain balance in Equestria she would have rid herself of this accursed thing long ago. But she had to hang onto it… until there was somepony worthy to wield it in her stead. “If something happens to me, Equestria will be without leadership. I need to be here for my subjects as well as Flurry Heart… to teach her to be a good ruler for the Crystal Empire when she comes of age,” Twilight said, stroking Flurry’s mane as the filly sobbed against her foreleg. “So… what are we going to do about the murdering some creature out there?” Rainbow Dash asked. “You want me to hunt it down?” Discord asked again. Twilight shook her head. “I’ve got somepony else in mind. Or perhaps I should say some Griffon?” > Chapter 5: Gallus's Mission > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5 Gallus’s Mission With her friends in tow, Twilight headed to the hotel where Gallus was staying. She walked inside and was lucky to find the griffon in the Dining Hall. “Good morning Gallus!” Twilight said with a smile as she approached his table. Gallus looked up from his bowl, which was full of cooked worms (as Griffins were birds they sometimes ate insects as well as plants and animals). Twilight managed to prevent herself from forming a disgusted face. Though she heard Rarity make a small moan behind her. “Oh… Professor Sparkle! Your highness!” Gallus said bowing in his seat. He then noticed Twilight’s friends. “All my former teachers!” “Good to see ya Gallus!” Applejack said. “Tis indeed!” Rarity said, managing a nervous smile while keeping her eyes off the food. “Very wonderful!” Fluttershy said. “Haven’t seen ya since the graduation party! That was-“ “Two months ago,” Gallus told Pinkie. “And twenty two days!” Pinkie recalled. “Hey!” Rainbow Dash said waving a hoof. “So…” Gallus looked at Twilight. “Are you… doing okay?” Twilight sighed, looking at the ground. “It hurts a lot to lose a family member. Shining Armor and Cadence were the first friends I ever had.” “Are you going to go after the thing that killed them?” Gallus asked. Twilight shook her head. “Now that I’m ruler of Equestria, I have to rule and have others fight for my kingdom… like Celestia did. Which is why I’m here… Gallus. I want you to go after the thing that killed my brother and sister in law.” “Me?” Gallus said. “Consider it part of your initiation into the royal guard,” Twilight said. “I’ll be supplying you with a few soldiers to protect you.” Rainbow Dash scoffed. “Those royal guards never seem to really get a job done. When have they ever saved Equestria? We were always the ones doing that, kind of makes having an army look useless.” “Well… perhaps that’s another reason Gallus should join the guard. So he can share the magic of friendship with them,” Twilight suggested. “Then perhaps they wouldn’t be so useless.” “Great! Maybe one day I’ll be Captain!” Gallus said. “I’ll bring you that things head!” “That won’t be necessary,” Twilight said. “It will be enough to know that my subjects are safe. Trap the thing in Tartarus, turn it to stone, whatever must be done. But I do have a suggestion. You should do this mission with your friends from the school.” “Really? You want me to get the gang back together?” Gallus said. Twilight nodded, her strength wavering as she felt the weight in her heart intensify. “I have faith in friendship more than anything. You all helped unite the races of Equestria against the Legion of Doom and you will need your friends to defend Equestria as I need mine.” The other five ponies gathered around her as she bowed her head. “We’re here for you, Twilight. Always,” Fluttershy said. “Yes Darling, you need time to mourn for your loss,” Rarity said. “We shall deal with ruling the kingdom for a couple days as the Council of Friendship. Just tell us what you need.” “Thanks girls. I have to get everything ready for the first day at the school of magic and paper work. But… Flurry needs me… and I honestly don’t feel like I’ll be able to do anything right now.” “You can leave that to us!” Rainbow Dash said. “You just collect your thoughts.” Sighing, she choked out. “Spike, send a letter to each of Gallus’s friends in their lands. We need Equestria’s next generation of protectors on the job.” Spike wrote the letters with a heavy heart and blew out. They then returned to the Castle, leaving Gallus to wait for his friends to arrive for their mission. Across Equestria, the letters began popping up in the homes of the other members of the no quite so young anymore Six. Occellus the changeling, Smolder the dragon, Sandbar the Earth Pony, Silverstream the Hippogriffin, and Yona the Yak. All of them received the letter informing them were needed to help save Equestria alongside Gallus, and they flew or took the train to Canterlot immediately. When the (not so ) Young six were all gathered in front of the hotel, Gallus spoke to them. “Hey guys.” Under normal circumstances, this reunion would have been a happy one. “Is it true that Princess Twilight’s brother is…” Ocellus started. Gallus nodded. “Oh no!” Ocellus said. “Well, that’s why we’re here!” Smolder said, banging her fists together. “Lets find the thing that did this and make it pay! In the name of Princess Twilight Sparkle!” “Yak not afraid of fight!” Yona said. “Yona big now!” “Yeah, you certainly are. But still just as cute,” Sandbar said. This caused the young yak to giggle. She and Sandbar had become Coltfriend and Yakfriend a few years ago at the School of Friendship. “Okay lovebirds! Or lovecreatures! This is no time for jokes and flirting!” Gallus said. “The Princess gave us a mission! We have to find the evil creature and stop it before it hurts some creature else. We need to head to the artics of the Crystal Empire and find this thing.” They all nodded. With that, the newest generation of Equestria’s heroes headed back to the train station where a mixed group of Crystal Empire and Canterlot royal guards awaited them. Among their ranks was Lieutenant Flash Sentry. “Ah there you are!” Flash said as they approached. One of the Crystal Empire guards, a brown earth pony with an eye patch and sword on his back looked at the creatures sternly. “Are we really bringing them along? They’re only teenagers? What if they get hurt?” “They helped saved Equestria once before, Starcutter.” “Twice actually!” Smolder corrected. “If you count us bringing all the races together for the battle against the Legion of Doom. If we hadn’t done that Princess Twilight and her friends would have- you know.” Starcutter shrugged. “Well, if you say so. That was fortunate you did that. I will trust Princess Twilight’s decision… but I think the Royal Guard needs to become more active in protecting Equestria.” “I’ll be joining you guys soon. Princess Twilight said it would be good to have the magic of Friendship in the guard,” Gallus said. “Well… we shall see.” Starcutter said. “Best be off.” They got on the train for their mission, which sped off. > Chapter 6: Hunting A Rhino > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Star Cutter and Flash led the Young Six to the spot where a group of Crystal Ponies had found the bodies of Shining Armor and Cadence. The royal couple were now in coffins ready to be given a proper funeral sometime later. The area showed signs of damage, there were overturned trees from the path the rhino creature had torn up. “There has to be something to tell us which way this monster went,” Star Cutter said. “Lets look around.” The guards and Young Six fanned out. Gallus, along with Ocellus, Smolder, and Silverstream took to the air to see if they could spot anything. Gallus turned in the direction of the artic mountain overlooking the empire. Then an idea occurred to him. “That rhino wouldn’t be stupid enough to go to a place where he would leave tracks would he?” Gallus wondered aloud. He flew in that direction, flying low over the now. Sure enough, he found what he was looking for. A path of humongous foot prints that were unmistakably that of a rhinos. “Aha!” Gallus said, turning his front talons to fists in his excitement. “This hawk has spotted the trail of his prey!” He flew back in the direction he’d come, quickly spotting his fellow flyers in the air along with Flash and other Pegasus members of the royal guard. “Guys! I found some rhino footprints in the snow over there!” Gallus called out. “Good work kid!” Flash said with a grin. They regrouped on the ground with Starcutter, Yona, Sandbar, and the walking guards. “Captain Star Cutter! Gallus found a trail of footprints in the snow!” Flash said. Star Cutter looked at the griffin. “You sure they were rhino footprints?” “No doubt about it!” Gallus told him. “Come on and see!” They set off on foot. It took them over ten minutes to walk to the spot where Gallus had found the prints. “Hmm…” Star Cutter inspected the footprints, stepping inside. “Definitely the tracks of something very large. Good work griffin. Now, lets see if these tracks can lead us to our target.” The guards lead the Young Six up the mountain path. As they continued climbing, Ocellus began to shiver. “Its so cold,” she said. “What are you talking about? I’m not cold!” Smolder retorted. “Neither am I!” Gallus said. “Nor I!” Silverstream said enthusiastically. “Well, I don’t have fire in my body or fur like the rest of you!” Ocellus said. “Oh wait!” She transformed into a copy of Harry, Fluttershy’s bear. “Much better,” she said. They continued to follow the tracks up the mountain to a cave. Star Cutter drew his sword, then looked at one of the unicorn guards. He pointed with his hoof to the entrance. In response to his silent command, the unicorn guard lit up his horn with magic and lead the way into the cave. Star Cutter and Flash followed, with Gallus and his friends in tow. “This was a good find, Griffin. You might make a good recruit. But for now, I want you to stay back and let us handle this,” Star Cutter said. “Uh, sure…” Gallus said. “I certainly don’t mind that,” Ocellus said. The sword pony looked at her. “Actually you could be really useful up front changeling.” “Me?” Ocellus questioned. Star Cutter nodded. “We ponies can’t hope to match the strength of such a large creature, but you could if you transform into a copy of it.” “Oh, um… okay.” Ocellus said. She moved up in front of Gallus. They walked through the cave, guided by the light on the lead unicorn guard’s horn. They made it to the interior of the of the cave which turned into a large open spaced cavern. The right from the horn was not bright enough to penetrate this amount of darkness. “Ooh, its spooky,” Silverstream commented. “I like spooky!” This caused the other members of (not quite so) Young Six to laugh. Flash Sentry and some of the other guards cracked smiles. Silverstream was like their element of laughter among the younger protectors of Equestria, bringing cheer when things looked darkest. Star Cutter hadn’t smiled, but said, “Stay close. I don’t want you kids to get hurt.” “We’re not kids!” Smolder retorted. “And we’ve done more than you guards ever have! For someponies who are supposed to be an army, you never really do much. The only time you ever did anything was when Cozy Glow took over the school and you blocked her off!” “Well its high time we change that. No more relying on kids to save the day and take all the glory. Not that I care about that,” Star Cutter snapped. “You didn’t become a guard for glory?” Smolder asked. “Of course not. Glory is the prize of selfish warriors who only care about themselves. I fight to protect my kingdom and its ponies. That is my purpose in life.” “Um… Captain, I think we might want to be quiet for a while,” Flash said in a whisper. “Yes, you’re right lieutenant. We don’t want our enemy to know we are- Then suddenly something gold shined in the back, illuminating the cave. The walls lit up with markings as well, markings showing what looked like stars or planets. “So intruders come to my cave huh? Well I smash you just like I did other ponies! Gaze upon me, for I am Rhynor, and I will ram you!” Rhynor stomped the ground, scraping dirt back behind it. Ocellus shivered at the sight of it. “Come on changeling! Change!” Star Cutter ordered. Ocellus merely trembled at the sigh. She had to transform herself into such a monstrous creature that had actually taken a life? No, she couldn’t do it. It would be like turning into Chrysalis when the tree of harmony had tested her. “I can’t!” she stammered. “What?” “Didn’t you say you wanted guards to handle things without the aid of kids?” Smolder pointed out. “No time to argue!” Star Cutter snapped. He took a step forward, gazing at Rhynor with fierce eyes devoid of any fear despite of the huge difference in size. Rhynor laughed. “You think you can hurt me with puny pony blade? My hide thick! It break your sword!” “You’ll pay for what you did to the Prince and Princess!” Star Cutter said as he charged forward. Rhynor stomped the ground hard, creating a tremor that caused all of the smaller creatures to lose their footing. Star Cutter fell down, but managed to keep hold of his blade. “All Pegasi and winged creatures into the air!” Flash Sentry commanded. “He can’t knock us down if we’re airborne!” Gallus, Silverstream, and the others flapped their wings. Gallus managed to lift Sandbar up, while Smolder and Occellus struggled to lift Yona. The young Yak was heavier than she had been during their early days at the school of friendship. They could barely get her off the ground! Noticing this, Rhynor charged at them, ready to trample them like he had his previous victims. “Arrgh!” Yona screamed. “Yona scared!” Star Cutter came to the rescue. He attacked Rhynor from the side, plunging his blade into the Rhinos thick red skin. The blade was too small to do any really damage against such a large opponent, but it did cause Rhynor to bellow out in pain and miss the group as he stepped off to the side. Starcutter held onto his sword as Rhynor flailed, eventually managing to throw the brown earth pony off. He then slid his body against a wall and got the sword out. His wound, bleeding a bit, suddenly closed. “That’s not good!” Gallus said as he noticed this. “Attack!” Flash Sentry ordered. The Pegasus guards threw their javelins at Rhynor. This time the rhino jumped, creating a shock wave that caused the projectiles to rebound and nearly hit their own throwers. It also caused the pegasi and other flyers to drop from the sky. Gallus and Sandbar hit the ground with a thud. Gallus grunted as he looked up and saw Rhynor stepping toward Star Cutter, who lay on the ground apparent knocked out. The rhino raised an enormous foot to finish the swordpony off. “Hey!” Gallus shouted. The rhino gave no indication of hearing him. But he lowered his foot nonetheless. Gallus growled, he hated being ignored. “Leave that swordpony alone!” he yelled. Rhynor looked at him now. “Oh a little birdy! How cute!” Galus got to his feet and talons. “You going to try and take me down too?” Rhynor asked. “I won’t try, I will!” “Oh, are you going to use a sword like that pony did? Or spears like those others did?” Rhynor taunted. “No,” Gallus stated as he looked around. “I’m going to use something much more powerful than a sword or spear!” His friends were getting back onto their feet. Hearing his words they nodded and came to stand by him. The six of them began to glow and rise up into the air, Rhynor covered his eyes against the bright light. “The magic of friendship!” Gallus said. “Taught to me by the mare whose brother and sister in law you killed!” The not so Young Six all unleashed a powerful rainbow blast upon their enemy. “Arrgh!” Rhynor screamed. “This can’t be- Ma-“ His words were drowned out as he was destroyed. The royal guards got to their hooves slowly. Star Cutter regained consciousness. “What happened?” “These kids just did what we couldn’t, again.” Flash stated. Star Cutter looked at Gallus and his friends, before offering a small smile. “Well done, kids. You might make a good guard after all Gallus. But still, I’m going to try and make it so we don’t have to rely on kids to save the day all the time.” “Well, with the magic of friendship here to lighten things up you might have a better chance,” Gallus said, smirking. “Right, well… you best get back to Canterlot recruit. Tell the princess her family has been avenged.” “I will,” Gallus promised. With their enemy defeated, the Young Six exited the cave. Flash and the other guards began to follow. Flash looked over his shoulder and noticed that Star Cutter was not walking behind them. “You go on. I want to take a look in this cave to make there’s nothing else here,” Star Cutter said as he picked up his sword. Flash nodded and gave a salute. Star Cutter traveled to the back of the cave. Coming to a smaller that was too small for the rhino to have gone through. But there was someone there. Someone who wore a cloak to cover his body. Star Cutter approached the figure whose back was turned to him. He then sank into a bow. “Master.” The figure turned and removed his hood, revealing the face of a blue goat with red eyes. “So, they managed to defeat my first new monster?” Grogar said. “Yes,” Star Cutter stated. “And it only took a few kids to do so. We guards are so pathetic.” “Yes. Very pathetic, though you have some fight in you I know.” Grogar’s eyes glowed a brighter red as he looked into the captains eyes. “Return to your station. I will have further use for your sword later. Though it will take much more time.” > Chapter 7: Flurry of a Funeral > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back in Canterlot, Twilight awoke in her room with Flurry Heart. The larger alicorn had her niece under her wing. She lifted it and saw Flurry sleeping soundly. Twilight let Flurry sleep for a while then raised the sun with a glow of her horn. She then nuzzled Flurry’s head. “Come on Flurry, time to get up.” Flurry opened her eyes and looked around eagerly, as though hoping to see that the recent events were little more than a nightmare. But as she looked up and saw her aunt standing over her rather than her mother Cadence it was clear that this was real. Flurry looked down at the bed, her expression and stance the same as a time when Twilight had been angry and scared her when she was still an infant. “Auntie Twilie!” Flurry screamed. “I’m here Flurry,” Twilight said, nuzzling her as Flurry began to sob again. “Come on. Lets go to the dining room for a bite.” Twilight pulled herself to her hooves, picking up Flurry with her magic. She carried her niece down on her back. They went to the fancy dining room of the castle where Twilight made them pancakes. But instead of the smiley faces she usually made them with after getting royal cooking lessons from Celestia years ago, she made frowny faces to match both her and Flurry’s moods. Flurry looked at the meal and back at her aunt. “Well, they’ll taste better than they look,” Twilight said. Flurry levitated a fork and knife with her magic and began to eat the pile of pancakes. They tasted wonderful, but Flurry couldn’t manage a smile. Still, this was the only bit of joy she’d felt in days. The young alicorn gobbled her pancakes up, loading them with so much butter and syrup. “Careful Flurry, you might give yourself a stomach ache,” Twilight warned. Flurry paid her no mind. But sure enough, after she devoured all of her pancakes her tummy was hurting as though about to bulge. She clutched it with a grimace. “Told ya,” Twilight said with a sigh. “You better eat a few apples, that should help with the digestion.” She levitated a few slices of apples onto another plate. “I don’t want food! I want mommy and daddy!” Flurry said. “Flurry, I know this is difficult to accept…” Twilight said. “Why did they have to go?” Flurry asked as new tears filled her eyes. Twilight sighed. “The world can be a cruel place sometimes. There is always going to be darkness in it… I had to face a lot of evil villains before I became ruler. Sombra, Chrysalis, Tirek.” “But they never killed anypony!” Flurry snapped. “You were there to save me, mommy and daddy when Sombra had us all caged!” Twilight sighed. “Yes… we were all very lucky to not lose anypony until now. I wish I could have been there to protect them. Maybe I could have stopped it.” Twilight looked away from her niece toward the window as something occurred to her. With this new darkness that had taken form in the rhino creature… what if she was making a mistake with her desire to search for a successor? What if Equestria still needed her? Flurry Heart definitely did right now. Her parents were gone, and who knew how much longer Twilight’s own parents would be around? What if… what if something happened to Flurry someday and she had children? They would be orphaned… and if Twilight gave up her immortality as she was planning to… she would not be here to take care of them like she was for Flurry. The door to the dining room opened and the Mane 5 walked inside. “Morning Twi!” Applejack said. “Howdy Flurry!” The younger alicorn princess merely looked at the Cowgirl pony with her hooves crossed and then looked away. “We thought we’d join you both for breakfast,” Rarity said. “If you don’t mind that is,” Fluttershy added. “Not at all, in fact I think I could use your help with this,” Twilight said. “Pinkie, you think you can pull an element of laughter thing off for Flurry? She could really use it.” Pinkie looked at the pouting younger alicorn. “Oh, is little Flurry a bit sorry right now? Well lets do something about that!” Pinkie Pie took a nearby can of whipping cream and turned her back around. There was a spraying sound and Pinkie turned around to face them. She now had a whip cream beard. “Ho ho ho! Who’s been a good pony this year even though it’s a been a while since Hearth’s Warming! You need an extra special gift from Pinkie Claus!” Pinkie then pulled out a long balloon which she inflated and then turned into a bear for Flurry. “There you go!” Flurry managed a small smile at the balloon animal which she tried to take with her magic. She lifted it up. But instead of it coming off Pinkie’s hooves, Pinkie herself was lifted up with it. “Whoa! Whoa!” Pinkie exclaimed working to free her hooves. She fell to the floor with a plop. “Your magic is strong! I remember when you were just a newborn and I had to help Twilight take care of you. I couldn’t hold you still! You were able to fly even when I held you!” Flurry looked at her in amazement. “I was?” Twilight nodded. “You were amazing even back. Cadence and Shining Armor were so proud of you. They loved you from the moment you were born, they still do.” Flurry bowed her head. “But they’re gone.” Twilight shook her head. “No… Flurry. They’re still here even if we can’t see them right now. They’re watching over us. One day, we will be with them again. They said it themselves that we would.” Twilight pulled her niece into a hug. “But don’t worry. I’m going to do my best to take care of you as well as Equestria,” she said patting Flurry’s back. “Its my responsibility… as long as I live.” Twilight looked at her friends as they watched the two with smiles. “Well Sugarcube, you’ll be pleased to know we took care of the stuff you needed done for the school,” Applejack said. “Good, thank you. I can always count on your girls to help when I’m down,” Twilight said. The door opened again and Spike entered the room with a scroll in hand. “Hey Twilight, Gallus and the others got that Rhino creature! They destroyed him!” Spike said. Twilight let out a sigh of relief. “Oh thank Celestia! Its good to know that thing is no longer threatening the kingdom!” “And Shining Armor and Cadence have been avenged!” Spike said raising his fists in triumph. Twilight nodded. “Well, we best have the funeral prepared for them.” The coffins arrived in Canterlot from the Crystal Empire along with the Young Six and Flash’s party of Crystal Empire guards. The next day, Twilight stood in the Canterlot Cemetery with her family just as they had for Celestia and Luna’s funeral a few years ago. Twilight looked at the coffins in sorrow. “Shining Armor was a true soldier. He was never afraid to look death in the eyes and fight to protect what he loved. He was the best big brother a pony could ever ask for, and a true prince! I’m proud to have called him my brother and will think of him until the end of my days! And Cadance, she had so much love to share not only with him, but with all of Equestria! When I was a filly, I’d see her settle arguments with couples. I loved her as much as my brother, and I promise that even though their reign was cut short… they will not be forgotten!” Twilight vowed. “I will make sure of that!” Night Light and Twilight Velvet both came up. “Goodbye my son, I’m so proud of the soldier you grew to be in. It was a dangerous job, I was afraid this day might come,” Night Light said. “I love with all my heart Shiney! Nothing can ever change that!” Twilight Velvet said. “And I couldn’t have asked for a daughter in law more beautiful or kind than you Cadence! Where ever you both are! I hope you stay together even in that world! May not even death tear you apart!” The coffins were placed in the earth. Dirt was pushed over them. Twilight had her foreleg around Flurry as the younger alicorn watched. Someone than approached them. Twilight looked and saw it was Flash Sentry. “If you don’t mind, Princess Twilight. I have a request,” Flash said. “What is it Flash?” Twilight asked. “I’d like to transfer here to Canterlot and become Princess Flurry Heart’s personal guard,” Flash said. “Someone needs to look after her.” Twilight Velvet gazed at the Pegasus Guard. “We are her family, we are quite capable of protecting her!” “Yes, but a princess needs to have her royal guards,” Flash said. “Well, perhaps we could use the help,” Twilight said, blushing slightly at Flash. “And I appreciate your willingness to do so, Flash. Oh, and there’s one more thing I believe. Gallus!” The griffin walked up from where he stood with his friends. He’d not brought up the subject of becoming a guard so as not to bother Twilight until she was ready. Twilight wiped the tears from her eyes. “Thank you for stopping that monster before it hurt any pony else. You will make a fine addition to the royal guard, and may you bring the magic of friendship with you to make every other guard stronger.” Gallus bowed. “Thank you, princess.” “You are the first griffin to be allowed in the royal guard, congratulations kid,” came a voice. It was Starcutter. The sword wielding pony had some bandages on his side. “Captain Starcutter,” Twilight greeted. “I’m appointing you to be overseer of the Crystal Empire until Flurry Heart comes of age.” “You can count on me Princess,” Starcutter said. “They will be in good hooves.” > Chapter 8: A Bad First Impression > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After leaving Canterlot and returning to Ponyville by train that night, Starlight and Sunburst went to the Castle in a much sadder mood than they would have ever expected. Luster was fast asleep on her mothers back as Starlight carried her home. “I can’t believe Shining Armor and Cadence are gone!” Sunburst said. “Poor little Flurry.” Starlight nodded, she knew that her husband had been close to Flurry, having been her Crystaler for the first few years of her life. “I’m sure Twilight and her family will take care of her,” she said putting a hoof on Sunburst’s shoulder. They arrived at the Castle of Friendship and were greeted by Trixie. “Hello Sun and Star!” Trixie cried out as she looked at them. “Did little Luster get in? Hey!” Trixie took a look at Luster’s flank. “She got her Cutie Mark!” “Shh! Trixie!” Starlight hissed. “You’re gonna- Luster suddenly opened her eyes and yawned as the noise awoke her. “You got your Cutie Mark! Auntie Trixie is so proud!” Trixie said lifting Luster off Starlight’s back and spinning her around. Starlight meanwhile just scowled. “Did you get into the school as well?” “Y-yes Aunt Trixie,” Luster said, a little dizzy as well as drowsy. “I did.” “Great! You are going to the School for Gifted Unicorns!” Trixie exclaimed. “We need to have a party to celebrate! Lets have Pinkie throw one in the morning!” Sunburst shook his head. “Afraid we’re not in the mood for a party right now Trixie.” “What? Why not?” Trixie asked. “This is a great cause for celebration!” When they told her about Cadence and Shining Armor, Trixie put her hoof over her mouth. “Oh no! Poor Twilight! Poor Flurry!” the guidance counselor magician said. “I hope they’re going to be alright.” Starlight just sighed. “We should just get to bed. It’s been a long day.” The next day, Starlight and her family sat at the castle table silently eating their meal. Sunburst didn’t say a word or even read a book like he usually did. Starlight thought about Twilight and wondered how her former mentor was doing. Even Trixie wasn’t very cheerful. Luster was the first to finish her breakfast and then ask, “Can we practice magic?” Starlight looked at her daughter. “Not today, Luster. Mommy and Daddy don’t feel up to it.” “Aww!” Luster looked down at the table. Like Trixie, Starlight had expected to spend this day partying. If not for the news of the tragedy she would have gladly been celebrating the occasion of her daughter’s acceptance into the School for Gifted Unicorns. But still, they should at least do something for Luster. “Hey, why don’t I take you out to the Ponyville Playground?” she asked. “You never get out and play with other ponies, you spend all your time studying magic. I think you deserve to have some fun after getting into the school of magic. You haven’t had time to make friends. It isn’t good for you to be alone.” “I’m not alone,” Luster said. “I have you, Dad, and Aunt Trixie.” “Yes,” Starlight agreed. “But we’re your family. Having friends is important too. We’re not going to be with at the school of magic so you need to have other ponies to talk to. Might as well try and make some friends here before you go.” So, Starlight took Luster to the playground in Ponyville where foals were laughing and playing various games. Sliding down the slide with whoops, or playing tag with each other. Luster hesitated as she watched the other foals. Starlight gave her a little push forward. “Go on, have some fun!” Starlight said, managing to put on a soft smile, though her eyes were still sad. Luster went for the swing, her favorite thing to do on the playground. Starlight stood behind her daughter and gave her a push. Luster giggled as she flew back and forth and the air pushed against her. Then she released her hooves from the swing and allowed herself to propel forward and land on her hooves with a plop. “Luster!” Starlight exclaimed. “That is dangerous! You could get hurt! You might have landed wrong and hit your head. Don’t do that again! Do you want me to have a heart attack?” “Sorry mommy,” Luster said. Starlight sighed. She wasn’t in much of a mood to punish Luster right now. “Excuse me, Headmare Starlight?” a voice asked. Another mare approached with a young colt. The colt had a light-yellow body and orange mane as well as the cutie mark of a hayburger. “Oh hello,” Starlight said. “Do I know you?” “I’m Swifty Sandwitch. This is my son, Gallop J. Fry,” the mare said. “I’ve put him into your school of friendship.” “Oh, hello,” Starlight said looking at the colt. “I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting you yet. This is my daughter Luster Dawn.” Swifty looked at Luster. “Well aren’t you a cutie.” Luster blushed and shyly hid behind her mother. Gallop meanwhile, just grinned at her. “Hey, you want to play?” Luster looked at him for a moment. Starlight levitated her daughter out from under her. “I think it would be a good idea to play with somepony,” Starlight said. “Go on… say hello.” “H-hello,” Luster said. “So… um… you want to play?” “Yeah!” Gallop said, waving his forelegs in the air excitedly. “Alright… what do you want to do?” Luster asked. “Race!” Gallop stated. “I love to run! Bet I can beat you to the other side of the playground and back.” Luster looked to where he pointed with his hoof. “Well guess I can try.” “Alright!” He assumed a ready to run stance. “Ready set, go!” He and Luster took off. Luster did her best, but Gallop galloped with incredible speed. He reached the other end of the playground before Luster was even halfway there. He turned around and went past her. When Luster got the end and managed to turn and around finally catch up, Gallop grinned at her. “Yeah! I won!” he jumped. “You know what I’m gonna be when I grow up? The fastest pony ever! Like Rainbow Dash! But on the ground!” Luster panted hard. “Wow you must not do a lot of running if you move that slow. I’ve seen foals that are younger run faster than you,” Gallo said. “What do you do all day, sit around reading books on magic?” He’d struck a nerve. Luster frowned at him as she continued to pant. “Yes!” she said through her deep breaths. “Well you ought to get out more and move! Magic’s a cheap trick!” Gallop said. “It is not!” Luster objected. “Magic is the most amazing there is!” Gallop laughed. “For you unicorns. But you spend too much time on it you’re never gonna be a good athlete like me!” “I- don’t want to be an athelete. I want to be a spellcaster!” “Oh that’s nice. Are you gonna be a firework pony setting off sparks at parades?” Luster growled. “No! I’m going to be a hero and help save Equestria like my mother has.” “Your mother has saved Equestria?” Gallop asked looking in Starlight’s direction. “She’s not Rarity is she?” “My mother is Starlight! Starlight Glimmer, haven’t you heard of her?” Luster asked. “She saved Princess Twilight and all her friends from Queen Chrysalis!” “Doesn’t ring a bell,” Gallop said. “You sure your mother wasn’t making up Ponytales?” “She wasn’t, and it wasn’t her who told me!” Luster shouted, losing all patience now. “My mother is a great expert on magic and so are my father and Godmare.” “They can’t be that great if I haven’t heard of them!” Gallop said. “They are! My family is the greatest set of magic users in Ponyville, I bet in all of Equestria!” Luster said. “And I’m going to be just like them!” Gallop laughed. “Good luck with that! But you’ll never beat me in a race!” Luster simply huffed and walked off. Racing wasn’t something she was interested in. That was a passion of Earth Ponies. She was going to follow the path of unicorns and develop her magic skills. This whole playground thing felt like a distraction. Making friends might have been a pleasant thing but it wasn’t going to help Luster grow into a powerful spellcaster. Only devoting herself to the study of magic would do that. “I wanna go home mommy!” Luster said as she approached her mother. Starlight looked back at the young colt who was now running happily, paying no mind of Luster leaving. “Was Gallop being mean?” “He said he hadn’t heard of you and that you weren’t a hero.” “Not everypony about every hero all the time. That’s okay. Hey! Let’s go get some ice cream. You deserve a special treat for getting into the school of magic,” Starlight said. “Really?” “Of course!” “Can I have Ponyback ride?” Luster asked hopefully. “Alright.” She formed an aura on her horn and picked up her daughter with her magic. Levitating Luster onto her back before walking to SugarCube Corner. When they entered, Starlight and Luster were greeted by Pound and Pumpkin Cake. “Oh, Starlight!” they said excitedly. Starlight smiled at them. They were both much bigger than the babies they’d been for what felt like longer than they should have. “Hello!” she said. “We’d like a small ice cream Sundae please.” “Coming right up!” Pound Cake said as he flapped his wings to go to the freezer area where they kept the ice cream. Pumpkin beat him there. With a pop she teleported to the freezer. Looking at her brother she giggled. “I beat you again, Big Brother!” Luster’s mouth fell open. If she had known that spell she could have easily beaten Gallop in the race. “Can you teach me that spell?” she asked the unicorn twin. Pumpkin looked at Luster. “Sorry, kid. That’s a high level spell. I learned it at the my final year in the school of magic.” “You went to the school of magic?” Luster asked. “Yes and I learned a lot there.” “She was able to fly when she was a baby, Pinkie Pie told me.” Starlight said. “Ooh.” Luster’s eyes filled up in amazement. “But I’m glad to be back in Ponyville now. Now that me and Pound are done with Flight and Magic school we can help run the bakery! Pinkie’s pretty busy being the Party Planner for Canterlot Gala’s. She’s there right now. “She is?” Starlight said. “Yeah. Discord came by with Fluttershy and the others before teleporting off.” Starlight sighed with a little relief. Twilight’s friends were all with her. That was good. “Here’s your Sundae!” Pound Cake said. Luster, Starlight and Pumpkin had been so busy talking about magic they hadn’t noticed him make the sundae. “I was gonna do that!” Pumpkin said. “You need to keep your eye on the prize sis!” he said. Pumpkin sniggered than used her magic to pick up a cupcake nearby and throw it at her brother who flied away. The twins began a sweet fight as Starlight took the Sundae with her magic and sat with Luster at a table. Luster looked at her mother. “Don’t you want one mommy?” Starlight shook her head. “I’m alright. You just enjoy your accomplishments.” Luster smiled and stuffed her face with the ice cream topped with whipping cream, fudge, and a cherry on top. Starlight smiled at her daughter’s joy then looked out the window through which she could see Canterlot in the distance. She thought of Twilight who was hopefully being comforted by her friends there. She felt sad for not only Twilight’s loss but also for the fact that in a few days Luster would be heading back there. Her daughter wouldn’t be around as much. It wouldn’t be the same, but Starlight was proud and hoped the best for Luster’s future. > Chapter 9: Luster Leaves > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The days dragged by slowly as Luster waited for the time to come when she would go to the school of magic. Her parents wouldn’t spend those days helping her practice like they usually did. They as well as Aunt Trixie had to prepare for the reopening of the school of friendship. Seriously, friendship seemed to be getting in the way of her studies of magic a lot! The only other action besides that was Starlight sending a letter to Princess Twilight. Dear Twilight, I can only imagine the hurt you must be feeling now. I never had any siblings growing up, but I know you were very close with Shining Armor and Cadence. I’m afraid I don’t have any good news to try and cheer you up like I did when Celestia and Luna passed away. Though Luster is very much looking forward to attending the school of magic. I hope that thing is stopped soon. Love your former student, Starlight Glimmer. Starlight sent the scroll with her magic. A reply came the next morning as she and Sunburst prepared to take the train to Canterlot once again to drop Luster off for orientation. Trixie meanwhile stayed behind for the School of Friendships own orientation. Dear Starlight, Thank you for your concern. It does hurt, but I know that Shining Armor and Cadence are both at peace now. That gives me some comfort. I’m pleased to say that Gallus as well as his friends managed to stop the rhino creature. They’ve all grown much stronger with the magic of friendship under your guidance. I look forward to spending more time with your daughter and teaching her just as I taught you long ago. Love Twilight. Starlight sighed, “Well that’s some good news. At least that thing has been stopped.” “And good riddance!” Sunburst added. They got on the train and waited as it sped along the tracks. “You know, we don’t actually need to take the train,” Luster said. “What makes you say that?” Starlight asked. “We can just teleport there,” Luster said. “You’ve done that a few times. Its quicker and you don’t have to pay.” Starlight smiled. “That’s true, not every unicorn can perform a teleportation spell. But if you teleport to the place you’re going to, you don’t get to experience all the good things you can see in between. Like this tunnel coming up.” Darkness swallowed the train moments later as it sped through the tunnel. Luster watched as the outside turned dark and they passed occasional lamps. It was certainly was a cool thing to look at. “Some things its best to take slowly so you can experience them at their fullest,” Starlight told her daughter. “But teleporting sure does come in handy sometimes. Or it can be fun.” “There can be a lot to experience in life,” Sunburst put in. “So many spells to master, books to read, friends to make.” Luster shrugged at the last one opened the book in front of her. Her parents had to spend so much time with the friendship business, it distracted them from helping her with magic. Well, she wouldn’t allow it to distract her. Soon they arrived at Canterlot Station and got off the train. Starlight lead her family out and was surprised to see a group of familiar faces. Twilight was there, along with the Young Six. Gallus now wore the armor of a royal as he stood dutifully by Twilight’s side holding his javelin. “Oh Twilight,” Starlight greeted the Princess. “I wasn’t expecting you to meet us here.” “I always greet the students for orientation,” Twilight said, though not with as much as joy as she usually did when doing orientation. “And these five wanted to see you as well.” Ocellus approached Starlight. “Hello Headmare Glimmer.” “Hello Ocellus,” Starlight greeted back before looking at the others. “Silverstream, Smolder, Sandbard, Yona. I wasn’t expecting all of you to be here. Though I heard you took down the rhino creature.” “That’s right, we showed that monster what for!” Smolder said proudly. “We never could have done it without you teaching us so much about the magic of friendship!” Silverstream said. No one noticed Luster give a small frown. All these mentions of friendship were starting to annoy the young filly. It seemed to always come up around her parents. “And Yona and friends have been thinking. Thinking about our futures,” the young yak said. “Even though we’re not at the School of Frienship Its become like a home to us and- “What she’s trying to say is… we want to al come back to the school and work there!” Silverstream interrupted joyously. “Well half of us do,” Sandbar said. “Gallus has joined the Royal Guard,” he pointed to the armored griffin who was admiring his new chestplate. “And Yona and I have decided we’re going to help Rarity with her fashion business. She’s starting to look into Yak fashion, and she also needed a male pony model.” “Yeah, but Occellus, Silverstream and I all wanna help out at the school,” Smolder said. “Really?” Starlight asked. “Yes! Yes!” Silverstream told her. “There’s no place like home! And that’s what the school of friendship became for us!” “Well, I do have room in the school for a few new teachers,” Starlight said. “It will be nice to have some familiar faces around. And to know that some students eventually became teachers. You’re all hired!” The former students turned soon to be teachers grinned at the news. Meanwhile, Twilight went about gathering her own students, calling out to various foals passing by as they got of the train. “School of Magic orientation this way! School of magic!” After about five minutes a good number of foals around Lusters age gathered around Twilight. The princess looked over a list with names on it. “Alright, Luster Dawn, Silly Sun, Hour Knot, that seems to be everypony,” Twilight said. “Well, tell your parents goodbye!” Luster turned and looked at Starlight and Sunburst. “Well I guess we’ll be seeing you at Hearth’s Warming next time,” Starlight said. “We’ll make sure to write to you every day!” “Starlight, come on. There’s no need to write to her everyday,” Sunburst put a hoof on his wife. “Maybe just a couple times a week.” Starlight put her forelegs up. “Alright, alright,” she then pulled Luster into a bearcrushing hug. “We love you Luster, and we can’t wait to hear about all that happens.” “Love you too mom!” Luster choked out as Starlight squeezed her. “And you dad! I’ll send you mail when I can!” Sunburst hugged her next, much lighter than Starlight had. Luster than turned and followed Twilight as the Princess lead her new students out of the train station. The proud parents waited until their daughter vanished from sight before looking at the Young Six. “Well, guess we better head back to Ponyville and fill out the paperwork before we can officially call you three teachers,” Starlight said to Silverstream, Ocellus and Smolder. * Luster followed Princess Twilight and her classmates as they made their way to the school of magic. The princess showed them the library, cafeteria, as well as the various classrooms which she and several other magic instructors taught at. Though Twilight was in charge of the school, she like Celestia had royal duties and couldn’t always be present. Therefore, she would only teach her classes once and a while while the teachers she’d put on staff would cover most days of the week. They entered the classroom where a yellow pony with glasses and a mane style matching the one Twilight had preferred before she’d transformed to look like Celestia. It was Moondancer, the pony whose party Twilight had skipped all those years ago to research the elements of harmony just before her journey had begun. Moondancer had become reclusive as a result of Twilight, the one pony whom she actually felt close to at the school of magic since they’d both had similar study habits, not coming to her party. But Twilight had gotten her to reopen herself to the idea of friendship and now the two worked at the school of magic together. “Good morning students!” Moondancer said. “I’m Miss Moondancer. I’ll be one of your regular substitute teachers here at the school when Princess Twilight can’t be here!” “Wait Princess Twilight isn’t always going to be here?” One of the fillies asked. Moondancer giggled. “You can hardly expect the ruler of Equestria to be able to spend all her time at the school. She delegates her classes for the most part. But don’t worry, she’ll show up every now and then when she has the free time to enjoy teaching all of you little ponies!” The young ponies looked at Princess Twilight. “Do not worry fillies and colts, Miss Moondancer is a very capable teacher. She would study just as hard as I did when we were both fillies taking classes here,” Twilight said. Moondancer smiled. “Those were good times, Twilight.” Twilight nodded. They continued the tour of the rest of the school. The final stop was the dorm rooms, which served as houses for students. The school of magic was a boarding school, so the students lived on the premises. Though those who had family in Canterlot would be able to visit them on the weekends easily just as Twilight had done in her youth. Those who came from Ponyville, Manehattan, or the Crystal Empire didn’t have it so easy and would have to wait till the holidays. Twilight lead them down the halls and divided fillies and colts into pairs of the same gender as she assigned rooms. “Lets see, Sillysun and Hournot you two get this room,” Twilight pointed to a door. “Ribbon and Brightmane here. And… finally Luster Dawn.” Luster’s room was the last door on the right, and she was the only filly to not get a roommate since there was an odd number of them. But she didn’t mind. “It might be a little lonely sleeping by yourself,” Princess Twilight said as she handed Luster a key with her magic. The young filly opened the door and found in her room a simple set of furniture consisting of a bed and desk with a lamp on top of it. “That’s alright Princess,” Luster said. “I don’t mind.” “If you feel lonely you can always knock on one of the doors nearby,” Twilight said. “I think I’ll be fine,” Luster said. Being alone would allow her to focus more on studying. “Well, dinner will usually be served in the cafeteria. But I’ll occasionally take the students out to a fine restauarant in Canterlot. I’ll be doing that tonight as a welcoming present to all of you,” Twilight said. “Just make yourself comfortable and I’ll be back before nighttime.” Luster hung her saddlebag on a rack near the bed and hopped onto it for a nap. Today was the Dawn of a new life for her. She was going to focus and devote herself to the art of studying magic. Become powerful on her own and make her parents proud. > Chapter 10: Crystal Field Trip Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The years went by for Luster as she studied at the school of magic. She did many things, not only casting spells, but mixing potions as well. She got the best scores out of any of the students there, rarely missing even a single question on a test. Most of their classes were taught by Miss Moondancer, but Princess Twilight would occasionally take over when she wasn’t performing Royal Duties. A now teenaged Luster entered the classroom, and found not only Miss Moondancer or Princess Twilight, but both of them at once. Not only that, Princess Twilight’s niece Princess Flurry Heart was also present. “Good morning Luster!” Moondancer said with a friendly tone. She’d aged quite a bit from when Luster had started out at the school. Her eyes had some bags under them. Princess Twilight though, looked just the same as Luster remembered her. Yet she was the same age as Miss Moondancer. Was there a reason for that? Luster had heard rumors about the former Princesses Celestia and Luna, both of whom had been alicorns and lived for over a thousand years. But then they’d passed away a short time before Luster had been born. Luster wasn’t sure what to think? Perhaps Princess Twilight had an age spell to make herself look younger as well as keep herself alive? Luster wasn’t sure, but didn’t ask questions about that. She smiled at Miss Moondancer and Princess Twilight. “Good morning Miss Moondancer, Princess.” As Luster took a seat and waited silently as the seats around her filled up with her classmates. She got a book out from her bag and read, ignoring the small conversations from the other unicorns around. Only when Princess Twilight began to speak did Luster look up. “I have some news for all of you. As some of you may know, my niece Flurry Heart is about to come of age,” Twilight indicated Flurry Heart who was now a full grown pony. “And now that she’s turning eighteen, it means she can legally rule over the Crystal Empire. Her coronation is to take place in two days, and I thought I would invite all of you students to attend this on long field trip. Of course, you will need to get your parents to sign these permission slips.” As Princess Twilight levitated a stack of papers around to each of the students desks, Luster thought about a small dilemma. How was she going to get her parents to sign this permission slip in time. The mail pony might not make it in time. “I’ve already contacted Starlight and Sunburst and they’ve given full permission for you to visit the Crystal Empire,” Princess Twilight said. Luster sighed in relief. That would save her having to send a letter to her parents and risk being too late for the field trip. “But how are those of us with families outside of Canterlot going to get permission? Silly Sun asked. “Come to my office after school and I shall take care of that,” Princess Twilight said. After class, Luster headed back to her home away from in Canterlot. She no longer lived in the foal student dormitories since she’d grown up. Now she was in a tower of her own, the same tower Princess Twilight had lived in when she’d been the student of Princess Celestia. Luster was now grateful for the distance from the dormitories. She’d been fine living there at first, but the other fillies and colts could be a little noisy. But in this tower, Luster was free from distractions with no pony to bother her. As she made her way there Luster heard somepony call her. “Hey Luster, wait up!” Luster looked back and saw Silly Sun and two other ponies. “Hey, we were thinking of going to the donut shop after we got Princess Twilight’s help with sending the letters. You want to come? It will be fun!” Silly Sun said with a wide grin. “Sorry, I’m too busy,” Luster said. “Got a lot of studying to do.” She walked off and returned to her tower. Opening her bag, she pulled out the homework pages for tonight and took a quill with her magic. Levitating books and shifting through pages of both the class texts as well as her notebook for little more than an hour. Luster answered the questions on the parchment, though she did narrow her eyes at the ones about making friends. She knew it from the lessons but honestly it was one thing that she disliked about the classes. Sure, Princess Twilight was known as the Princess of Friendship. Luster had read a lot about her mentor’s old adventures, she and her five best friends had saved Equestria countless times before Luster had been born. But Princess Twilight ruled on her own now as far as Luster could see. Her mother was now Stewardess of the Castle where Twilight had first ruled before coming to Canterlot. Luster remembered the thrones with cutie marks on them. But Princess Twilight didn’t seem to be with her old friends anymore, Luster hadn’t seen them. Most likely their friendship had drifted apart after Twilight became ruler of Equestria. She ruled alone, aside from the Council of Friendship that helped her. Though Luster didn’t know who they were. She finished the questions relating to the friendship criteria with a slightly frown than double checked her notes and textbook to make sure she was right. Everything was one hundred percent correct. With her work done she could now focus on practicing her spells, so she made her way to the library. The friendship questions had slowed her down by around twenty minutes. Friendship always seemed to pop up everywhere. Her parents worked at a School of Friendship, lived in a Castle of Friendship. At this point Luster was kind of annoyed with it, she just needed to study, friends weren’t going to help her become a good spell caster. *** In a few days after the other students had gotten their parents permission to leave for the Crystal Empire, Twilight met them at the train station along with Flurry Heart and Moondancer. The naturally born alicorn was now fully grown and tapping her hooves nervously. “I don’t know if I’m ready for this Auntie Twilie,” Flurry said. Twilight looked at her niece. “I know how you feel Flurry. I wasn’t so sure I was ready to become Equestria’s ruler back when Celestia and Luna decided to retire,” she looked down, recalling what the Princesses had given up. “But they believed I could do it… as I believe you can.” “But what if I can’t?” Flurry asked. “I don’t have Mom and Dad around. I’m going to be alone in the Crystal Empire!” “You won’t be alone,” Twilight said. “Captain Starcutter will be there to advise you, along with Flash Sentry and the others. Starcutters done a good job taking care of everypony since I appointed him regent. He cares about helping ponies a lot. He’ll be happy to help you however he can. Come on.” Flurry nodded slowly as the train that would take them to the Crystal Empire arrived. They got onto it and soon it took them to the Crystal Empire. Once they got there, Starcutter and a full battalion of Royal Guards were there to greet them. “Welcome Princess Twilight,” Starcutter greeted with a formal bow as the ruler of Equestria approached. “Its good to have you home as well Princess Flurry Heart.” “Likewise Starcutter,” Twilight said. Starcutter hesitated, looking at the students as they disembarked from the train. He leaned in close to Twilight. “May we speak in a little more privacy? There’s a small matter of concern.” Twilight nodded. She turned over to Moondancer. “Get everypony checked into the Crystal Hotel.” Moondancer nodded. Twilight and Flurry followed Starcutter as the sword pony lead them to the castle. “What’s the matter of concern Captain?” Flurry asked. “It’s the Crystal Ponies Princess. Their spirits are all very low,” Starcutter told them, his expression grim as he looked at some of the ponies they passed with concern. As they walked through the streets of the Crystal Empire, Twilight got a look around. The Crystal ponies walking the streets sure didn’t look happy. Their eyes were sad as they walked with heavy steps as though carrying an invisible load. Flurry put a hoof to her mouth. These were her subjects, and they were hurting. She had to help them. “Excuse me!” she called to one of them. “Can you tell me what’s wrong?” The crystal pony she asked shook her head. “I’m sorry, I just feel terrible. And I can’t remember things.” She continued walking while Flurry looked after her sadly. “This is just like when my friends and I came here the first time,” Twilight said, recalling when the Empire first returned after the curse was lifted. “Ponies were sad and didn’t remember much about what happened.” “How did you solve it?” Starcutter asked earnestly. “We have to help them!” “Well we found the Crystal Heart and the Crystal Ponies used it to destroy King Sombra for the first time. Until Discord brought him,” Twilight said. “Maybe there’s something wrong with the Crystal Heart?” They arrived at the palace which in the very below its hollowed out bottom lay the pedestal holding the Crystal Heart. Twilight took a long look at the Heart and gasped. “This is a fake! The real one is missing!” > Chapter 11: Crystal Field Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “What?” Starcutter exclaimed, though he knew it was fake. “Are you sure?” Twilight nodded. “There’s no mistaking it. The real Crystal Heart would have some sort of magic. But I feel nothing emanating from this. The love from the Crystal Ponies would have kept it going.” “Well, we have to find the real one!” Starcutter said. “Yes, but where do we look?” Flurry asked. “And who would have taken it?” Twilight didn’t have an answer to that. “Lets take around, there might be a clue somewhere.” The two princesses and the captain spread out. Starcutter made a small smile as he turned his back to them and headed to a nearby patch of grass where he knew a hole was. He walked up to it. “Princesses! Over here!” he called once he came in eye contact with the hole. Twilight and Flurry Heart galloped over once they heard him. He pointed to the hole. “This wasn’t here too long ago,” he told them, which was true. Twilight stuck her head in the hole. It certainly went deep. She sent a small ball of light down to see if it would allow her to make anything out. It flew straight down slowly until it reached the bottom and disappeared. Though not before Twilight spotted something, a blue gemstone, and a set of paw prints on the ground. Pulling her head out of the hole, Twilight looked at Starcutter and Flurry Heart. “Diamond Dogs.” “Diamond Dogs?” Flurry repeated. “But I thought ponies had made peace with them. Spike is on a mission to settle things between them and some Absiddians right now!” Twilight nodded. Under her rule many of the creatures were now living more peacefully, but nothing was perfect. Every so often there were troublemakers among every race. “There are still some out there that terrorize ponies and steal,” she told her niece. Flurry gulped. “Well, we better get down there and find the Crystal Heart.” “No!” Starcutter said. “Let me go. You’re to be the Princess of the Crystal Empire, we can’t take a chance on your safety.” Flurry hesitated. “But, shouldn’t you have some other guards go down with you?” Starcutter shook his head and gave her a confident smile. “I’ll be fine. Don’t worry Princesses. I’ll have that Heart back in no time.” Without a word, he jumped down into the hole as the two Princesses looked after him. “Do you think he’ll be alright?” Flurry asked her aunt. Twilight looked into the whole, she was too big now to fit down there. If she were the same size as she’d been during the good old days she would have gladly accompanied the swordpony. And Starcutter was right about Flurry Heart needing to stay where it was safe. “Starcutter is a tough pony, Shining Armor always said he was the best fighter in the academy. But, I think we better send more guards in just in case.” Once he landed on the floor of the tunnel, Starcutter’s eyes glowed red. He reached into the pocket of his guard saddlebag and drew out a small magic stone. He tapped it with a hoof and it lit up like a unicorns horn. This was handy in the event that he had to go into dark areas such as this without the aid of a unicorn. It allowed him to see the tunnel, and follow the prints left behind by the Diamond Dogs. Frowning, he drew his sword and walked the path. After several minutes of walking there came a came a four way path in the road, tracks of the rogue Diamond dogs going both ways. But Starcutter knew which way to take. He went straight, then turned when he came to another four way. This lead him straight to the Diamond Dogs. There were three of them. They sat near a wagon load of gemstones, which they leaned over greedily. “This is good! We get the pretty heart gem, lots more gems, and that dumb ram gets the dumb energy that was in there.” “Yeah, he pretty dumb. Giving us all these jewels and getting nothing but energy!” another said. “Ehh… he gets what he wants we get what we want.” They hadn’t noticed Starcutter yet as their backs were facing away from him. He could have easily taken them by surprise, but that would have been dishonorable. Starcutter was a warrior, and he was not going to rely on methods such as dirty tricks such as stabbing one in the back. So he made his presence known to them. “Hey mutts!” he shouted. “Hand over the heart! That does not belong to you!” The diamond dogs looked in his direction. They laughed. “One little pony with a sword!” “Ooh, scary!” “Get him!” They charged at Starcutter, thinking they had the advantage no doubt because of their size and numbers. But Starcutter charged at them in turn, not fearing their size. He was a defender of Equestria, sworn to give his life for the good of it if necessary. As he approached them, Starcutter rolled and swung his sword with great accuracy, slicing the leg of one of the dogs. Not completely off, but enough to make him unable to walk. Another swung a massive paw at Starcutter, who jumped back and avoided the attack. He then threw the light stone in his free hoof, using it as a projectile to hit the second dog in the face. The dog grunted, distracted for an instant, and Starcutter seized the opportunity to charge and kick the dog between the legs. The strike to that particular part resulted in a great howl of pain. That was two down, one to go. The last dog stood stunned at the sight of a little pony beating his partners so easily. He seemed uncertain as he looked at Starcutter. The sword pony let out a mighty warcry that caused the dog to lose his nerve completely. How could one pony be so scary? It was as though he were fear itself! The dog ran in the direction Starcutter had come. But somepony else was there, Flash Sentry and a party of other guards had arrived! With a flurry of hooves they subdued the final Diamond Dog and with lengths of rope tied the three up. As the dogs were being lead away, Flash Sentry picked up the Crystal Heart and looked at it. “The energy within the heart is gone!” “Maybe it lost it because it left the pedestal?” Starcutter suggested, hoping it would cause Flash to lose his suspicion for his own good. “You don’t know much about the Crystal Heart do you Starcutter?” Flash asked. “The amount of magic the Crystal Ponies put into it with their love would last a long time even once it left the pedestal. Someone took it!” Flash looked down the tunnel. “We should follow this tunnel. Maybe we can locate the energy before whoever has it gets away and uses it for… whatever they have planned for it.” He began to walk down the tunnel. Starcutter’s expression turned to one of concern. “No! You should take the Crystal Heart back up!” Starcutter said. “I’ll look through this tunnel.” “I’ll have somepony else take it up, can’t leave you to fend for yourself.” “No pony is here now!” Starcutter pointed out. All the other guards had left escorting the Diamond dogs away. “And I can… handle myself.” Flash looked around and sighed. “Be careful.” Silently, Starcutter wished he could have told Flash, or any pony for that matter about his master. But he couldn’t. He watched Flash leave with the Crystal Heart in his hooves before taking the tunnel to where Grogar had taken residence temporarily. “Drop your sword, Starcutter.” Grogar said as he approached. The guard did as he was bid, for he had no choice but to obey Grogar’s every command. The weapon clattered to the cave floor with a metallic ring. Grogar stood there with a frown, the tiny bells around his red collar glowing. “I trust you managed to gain a great amount of power, master?’ Starcutter asked, wishing he could have said the word with the spite he felt inside. “Yes,” Grogar said simply, without looking at his subordinate. “The Princess suspects nothing?” “No,” Starcutter said while thinking, Unfortunately, if only I could get a message to her somehow. “Good. I need you for a while a longer,” Grogar said. “You will be a key link to my plan for the Crystal Empire soon enough. But for now… the time has come to call upon a new servant. One who will willingly serve me.” Starcutter said nothing in response to that. Grogar levitated a stick and drew a symbol in the ground as he channeled the power he’d gathered from the Crystal Heart and corrupted into darkness. “Where there is light there is darkness,” Grogar said. “One never drives out the other completely. I merely bring back the darkness, and with it comes…” A black crystal sprouted from the M letter he’d drawn. Then came a black tornado spinning around, a pair of green eyes and red horn. Evil laughter filled the room as a new being appeared in the cave with them. A pony with red eyes wearing armor and a red cape. His moving mane a dark mass of shadow. King Sombra had returned for a third time! Laughing, Sombra looked at Grogar. “You have resurrected me again, Grogar. I thank you,” the king said. Grogar frowned at the king. "It was not I that resurrected you the last time. That was Discord, the Lord of chaos, disguised as me." “Discord? Sombra repeated. "Hmm, well no matter. Where are we?” “Caves beneath the Crystal Empire,” Grogar informed the king. “Ah excellent. I can take back my kingdom now!” Sombra said eagerly. “No,” Grogar said, raising a hoof. “Do you already forget how easily you were overpowered the last time?” Sombra grimaced. Remembering how he had been disintegrated a second time at the hooves of Twilight Sparkle and her friends. “I assume you mean for me to team up with you again? Fine,” Sombra said looking down as he was forced to let go his pride and say, “I lost last time I refused. I don’t like the idea of working with anyone but I have no choice seeing as how I was defeated last time.” “Yes, you don’t have a choice,” Grogar agreed. “Though at least you willingly work for me and I don’t have to use this to control you as I do this other pony.” He drew levitated a small red diamond encrusted in gold out in front of him. “The Ruby of Reign,” Sombra said. “The artifact that forces any creature to do whatever the wielder commands.” Grogar nodded. The ruby glowed, as did Starcutters eyes. Sombra eyed the sword pony. “And who is this?” “This is Starcutter, current Captain of Crystal Empire’s Guard and my servant. He has been preparing things in the empire the way I want them to be. Isn’t that right, Starcutter? Speak freely!” Starcutter took a breath as part of the ruby’s control over him was released. He gave Grogar a look of anger as he spoke his true mind freely. “You won’t get away with this Grogar! Princess Twilight will stop you just as she has stopped every other villain that came before, including him!” Starcutter gazed at Sombra. Grogar laughed. “Twilight Sparkle has no idea what is coming! No idea at all! This is only the beginning.” > Chapter 12: Crystal Field Trip Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The wind was starting to pick up as Moondancer lead the students to the Crystal Hotel after Twilight left to deal with the business she had with Starcutter. Clouds seemed to be moving in rather fast. She approached the front desk where a Crystal Pony with a checkmark inside a bright crystal for a cutie mark sat. The pony didn’t shine to brightly, and he looked a bit depressed. “Hello,” Moondancer greeted. “Good afternoon, I’m Check Shine. How might I help you?” the greeter said without much enthusiasm. “I’m here with Princess Twilight,” Moondancer said. “We reserved rooms for twenty-five students.” Check Shine looked at a list of reservations. “Ah, yes. Class of Moondancer from the School for Gifted Unicorns. Let me see it’s for two nights and twenty-five students as well as a teacher. That will be two hundred and sixty bits.” Moondancer hesitated. The payment for staying at the hotel was going to be covered by the school funds. And only Twilight had access to those. When she didn’t answer right away, Check Shine frowned at her as well as the students. “I presume you all bought bits along, didn’t you?” “Of course, we did!” Silly Sun said with a giggle. “We need bits to pay for meals, sweets, and things like souvenirs here.” “Well, pay up then!” Check Shine said. Silly Sun shook her head, her usually constant smile vanishing. “We’re the class of the Princess herself! We ought to get rooms for free!” “No bits, no staying at the hotel. You pay, you get the keys.” “Princess Twilight will be covering the students,” Moondancer said. “But she had to go to the castle on urgent business before coming here. If you could just wait a while, I’m sure Princess Twilight will be along shortly,” Moondancer tried to reason. “She’ll bring those bits up in a flash.” The last part was quite literal as Twilight had put summoning spells on the chests containing the school funds so she could bring them to her whenever she needed them for her student’s needs. Check Shine shook his head with a frown. “No bits, no rooms. But if you want to wait, feel free.” He gestured to a nearby sitting area which only had four chairs. Moon Dancer frowned. “This is so unfair! Give us our rooms now!” Silly Sun demanded. “The Princess will pay you when she gets here!” The other students angered over not getting their rooms and having to be for what was promised free lodging. Luster Dawn, who had been listening slightly while also reading a book, looked up in annoyance as the agitated students shouted at the Crystal pony. “Yeah, hoof over those keys!” “We wanna drop our luggage off!” “We can just pay for the rooms ourselves,” Luster Dawn said stepping forward. All the other students looked at her in surprise. “No! That’s not fair!” Silly Sun said. “We shouldn’t have to pay for the bits ourselves!” “Princess Twilight can just reimburse us,” Luster pointed out. Moondancer thought for a moment. “I guess that would be okay. We were going to pay anyway. You’ll all get your bits back!” The students looked at each other and shrugged, happy as long as that was the case. “Hmph, I don’t care as long as you pay,” Check Shine said. Moondancer scoffed. This wasn’t her most pleasant experience from a hotel greeter. “Not exactly a friendly welcoming pony, is he?” Silly Sun whispered to her friends. “You’d think somepony would respect the Princess enough to let her class go in a hotel for free!” “No exceptions!” Check Shine said, hearing her. “Now pay up!” The students each gave him ten bits. Moondancer felt slightly guilty since they had to pay. But at least they would get new bits once Twilight arrive and her business at the castle was concluded. Moondancer went to her assigned room in the hotel to wait for Twilight * The Princess of Equestria stood by her niece as Flurry Heart walked among the halls of Crystal Castle. Flurry hadn’t been here since the deaths of her parents. Walking through the castle brought back memories of her parents. How she would have snuck into the kitchen and take cookies from where her mother hid them on the top shelf, her mother catching her eating one and then chasing her through the castle!” “Flurry you get back here!” Cadence called as she flew after her daughter who had just taken off out of the kitchen. “Drop that cookie jar right now!” “No!” Flurry said as she flew while levitating the said jar. She teleported, something that she’d somehow been able to do even as infant. Flurry was back in her room, she grined at her triumph, her mother, despite being an alicorn was not as gifted as her with magic somehow. Perhaps it was because she had been born one? Flurry grinned mischievously and prepared to eat the cookies before her mother could get in. Only to find that something very important to that plan was missing. The cookie jar! She’d left it behind when she’d teleported. Flurry sighed and teleported back to the hallway she’d been in. Only to find her mother there along with a broken jar and cookies on the floor. Cadence gave her daughter a disapproving look. Flurry Heart was forced to spend a week in her room after that. Guards would be stationed at her door to hear if she tried to teleport out. Flurry also remembered her father. Shining Armor would hold her in his hooves and keep her close. He’d tickle her and give her blow kisses to the stomach, or she’d ride on his back and feel herself bump around as he ran through the castle. Flurry and her aunt came to the throne room where her mother would sit as ruler of the Crystal Empire. Now, it was her turn to do so. Flurry had known this day was coming, but she still felt so unprepared for it. She gulped, was she truly ready to become ruler? By law she was now a full-grown pony, but did she have the wisdom to rule like her aunt did? Flurry then felt a wing wrap around her. “Still nervous huh?” Twilight asked. Flurry nodded. “Nervous, sad, and worried. I didn’t expect the Crystal Heart to be stolen when I’d just gotten back to the empire. And walking through this castle just…” “Brings back memories?” Twilight guessed. Flurry nodded. “I felt the same way when I came back to my old house in Canterlot for the first time after leaving Ponyville,” Twilight said. “It’s strange when you come back to someplace after being away for so long. You might see it in a different light. Sometimes you change into a different pony, it was like that for me. I left that tower to go to Ponyville thinking the only thing that mattered was books and studying. Then I came back years later to make amends with the friends I had in Canterlot like Moondancer.” Flurry looked from the throne back to her aunt. “Do you think Starcutter and the guards will be able to get the Crystal heart back?” Before Twilight could answer, Flash Sentry suddenly flew in with the said object in his hooves. “Princesses, I have the heart!” he said. “The diamond dogs have been dealt with.” “Excellent work, Flash,” Twilight said with a smile at the pony she’d once had a crush on. “Where is Starcutter?” “He stayed in the cave to look for whoever took the energy from the heart,” Flash told them. “Somepony took the energy inside?” Twilight inquired, a little worried. Flash nodded. “We got the heart back though, and the Diamond Dogs have been locked up.” Twilight put a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “I hope Starcutter finds whoever took the energy. I don’t want to know whatever they have planned to do with it. It can’t be good.” Flurry Heart stepped forward. “Now that we have the heart back, can we use to make every pony feel better again?” Twilight nodded. “I guess your coronation is going to have to happen a little sooner than expected.” Flurry sighed. “I don’t know what kind of ruler I’m going to be… but… if I can be one that looks after her subjects and makes them happy and safe. I guess that’s enough.” She took the Crystal Heart in her yellow magic. As she began to walk with it, Twilight continued to speak. “Shining Armor and Cadence would be proud of you for becoming a ruler just like that,” she said. “The best ruler is one… that puts the needs of her subjects before her own desires.” Flurry looked back at her aunt who smiled at her. Though she noticed Twilight’s eyes appeared sad. “Something wrong, Auntie Twilie?” Flurry asked, placing the Crystal Heart gently on the ground. “Oh, I’m fine,” Twilight said. “I was just thinking…” “About what?” Flurry asked. “Don’t worry about it, Flurry. It’s my problem,” Twilight said. “Today is all for you, and I want you to know. I’m proud of you.” Flurry blushed, “I haven’t even done anything heroic like you did.” “You will make the ponies here happy under your rule. That’s something.” Flurry smiled at her Aunt and nuzzled her. “Love you, Auntie Twilie.” “Love you too, Flurry,” Twilight said. “Now if you’ll excuse me. I need to get my students ready.” She teleported to the Crystal Hotel and walked up to the front desk and spoke with the Greeter. “Hello, could you tell me which room Moondancer is staying in?” she asked politely. “Room 236,” the greeter said. “I just gave her and all those students a bunch of keys to the second floor after they finally paid.” Twilight’s mouth fell open. Her students had had to pay for staying here? She was supposed to cover them! This was not supposed to happen! Twilight made her way up to Room 236 and knocked on the door. “Moondancer!” she called. “It’s Twilight.” The sound of magic being channeled came from inside and the door opened. Moondancer stepped outside. “I heard the students had to pay! I was supposed to cover that!” Twilight said. “You weren’t here,” Moondancer said, without anger. “But its no problem. You had royal duties.” Twilight sighed. “I need to give you access to the school funds in case something like this happens again.” “You sure you want to trust me with the school funds?” Moondancer joked. “Relax, you can just reimburse the students.” Twilight nodded. “Alright, I’ll do that. Get them rounded up.” Moondancer nodded back and pulled out a list she had made with the numbers of each of the student’s rooms on it. She and Twilight went to each one and knocked, bringing the students out into the hall. “I’m sorry to hear that everypony had to pay, I was supposed to cover the expense of all of you staying the hotel for the duration of our trip,” Twilight apologized. “But I can give you all new Bits.” She lit up her horn and summoned a large chest full of gold coins. Ordering her students into a line, Twilight gave each of them ten Bits as they came, before doing the same for Moondancer. “Now that that is taken care of, I have some good news and bad news. The bad news is the Crystal Heart was stolen sometime before we arrived.” This caused many of her students to gasp. “But the good news is that thanks to the brave members of the Crystal Empire’s Royal Guard it has been recovered. Unfortunately, the energy was drained from it. Because of this, the Crystal ponies have lost some of their joy and Flurry Heart must restore it as quickly as possible to make them happy again. So, we’re going to have the Coronation as soon as possible. Everypony, follow me.” Twilight lead her students to the front doors of the hotel. As soon as she opened them however, she received a rather unpleasant surprise. The streets of the Crystal Empire was now being covered in snow! “Where did this come from!” Silly Sun asked. “It’s nearly summer for Pony’s sake!” Realization hit Twilight. She was about to say what must have happened. But Luster did first. “Without the Crystal Heart to protect it, the Crystal Empire will be buried under ice and snow. The heart is what keeps it from freezing like the rest of the artic!” Luster said. Twilight nodded. “You’ve studied this place, Luster.” “What do we do? What do we do?” Silly Sun asked. “We’re going to be buried under snow and freeze or starve death. We got to get out of here! To the train station!” All the other students began to try and scurry out, Moondancer and Twilight had to block the doorway. “Everypony, please calm down!” Moondancer said. “Calm down?” one of them shouted. “How can we be calm when our lives are in danger?” “Because we can fix this!” Twilight said. “Everything is going to be fine! I know what to do.” The students maintained their worried expressions but hearing of their Princess saying that she knew what to do eased them out of their panic. Twilight looked at Moondancer. “You get the students to the Castle. Tell everypony, Princess Twilight and Princess Flurry need them there. We need all the Crystal Ponies present to power the Crystal Heart and get rid of this snow. I’m going to try and hold it off until Flurry Heart can get the Crystal Heart powered.” Twilight flapped her now massive alicorn wings and flew up into the blizzard. She called upon not only her own magic, but also the additional power that Celestia and Luna had given her. She shot a beam of rainbow magic (something that thanks to the sisters magic, she could perform even when her friends weren’t around now) into the immense cloud. But it had little effect aside from creating a hole. She’d been able to vanquish the Wendigos at the same time as defeating Chrysalis, Tirek, Cozy Glow during her greatest battle, but even the combined power of Celestia’s sun, Luna’s moon and Twilight’s friendship magic wasn’t enough destroy natural weather. Twilight continued to battle the blizzard. But soon her wings and face became covered in ice. She began to lose the ability to fly. Fortunately, she did accomplish her mission. Below her, she saw the Crystal Ponies make their way to the castle. Then a glow came from it and Flurry Heart came soaring up toward her frozen aunt as the streets of the Empire lit up bright blue and the snow melted. Energy flowed throughout the empire, turning all ponies to crystal. It reached Twilight as well, causing her mane change style as it had whenever she’d been affected. Her body shined just as her mane and her wings unfroze. She let out a breath of relief. She smiled at Flurry and the two Alicorns flew back down. As they landed in front of the repowered Crystal Heart, Twilight saw Starcutter beside Flash Sentry and the other guards. She then turned to the rest of the ponies. “Thank you, Princess Flurry Heart!” they screamed out in gratitude. “You saved us!” “If not for you we would have been buried under snow and forced to leave!” one pony said. They all began to crowd around Flurry and raised her up on their hooves. Twilight watched her niece proudly for a moment as she basked in the love of her subjects. Then she realized something. Looking over at Starcutter, Twilight said, “You better get Flurry’s crown wherever it is.” The coronation can’t happen without a crown, right?” Twilight asked. Starcutter hesitated. “Crown?” He hoofplanted. “I forgot to order a crown be made!” “What?” Twilight said. That was not good, they couldn’t have the coronation without a crown. Twilight began to feel the need to suddenly pace around. Fortunately, Flash came to the rescue. “I think Princess Cadence kept a few other crowns in her room! Let me go grab one!” The orange Pegasus flew off to the top tower as fast as he could. Twilight gritted her teeth nervously. Flurry Heart was set back on the ground by the Crystal Ponies and made her way back to her aunt while Twilight watched her with a nervous smile. Flurry approached her aunt. “Well, Auntie Twilie. I think I’m ready,” Flurry said. “That’s good, Flurry.” “So… where’s my crown?” Flurry asked. “It… should be here soon,” Twilight replied. Sure enough, Flash came flying down with a crown in his hooves. It was a rather large crown with four points on it and a sapphire in the center. But it was beautiful nonetheless, and Flurry could easily have a new one made for herself if she wished. Twilight took it with her magic and lifted it up as Flurry bowed her head. Her aunt set the crown atop Flurry’s head. Slowly she rose and turned to her subjects. “All Hail Princess Flurry Heart! Ruler and Savior of the Crystal Empire today!” Twilight spoke out. All the Crystal Ponies bowed to their new ruler. “You once caused a snowstorm to happen when you were a newborn foal. But today, you saved the Empire from being frozen,” Twilight said. “I think that is a major turn around.” Flurry giggled, she didn’t remember causing the Empire to almost be frozen but had heard that was the case when her crying broke the Crystal Heart. “I guess.” * Two days passed and Twilight’s students were getting on the train to go back to Canterlot. Starcutter and Flash stood by Flurry’s side as she prepared for her aunt to leave, along with her grandparents. “Can’t believe we missed your coronation, just like the Crystalling!” Night Light said. “But we’re still very proud of you, Flurry!” Twilight Velvet said. “And your parents would be too.” Both Flurry’s grandparents were now elderly, their mane had turned gray. “A pity you couldn’t find who took the energy, Starcutter,” Twilight said. “I don’t want to think about what it could be used for.” “Me neither Princess,” Starcutter said. “I just hope we’re able to stop… whoever took it.” Twilight nodded. “I’m sure if we ever find out who took it we will. Now you and Flash take care of my niece please.” “We will, Princess,” Flash said. “I swear,” Starcutter said. “I will not let any harm come to her or this Empire if I can prevent it somehow.” Twilight then got onto the train. Luster sat next to Princess Twilight on the train. “So, did you enjoy the trip to the Empire Luster?” Twilight asked. “Oh yes,” Luster said, looking up from her book. “It was amazing to see the Coronation and become like I was made of Crystal for a while.” “And what did you do yesterday?” Twilight asked. “Did you have fun with your friends seeing the sights? Buy any souvenirs?” Luster laughed. “Me, buy souvenirs? No, I was busy in the library reading as many books as I could there. They have books there you can’t find anywhere else.” This surprised Twilight. “You spent all day in the library rather than with your friends?” “Friends,” Luster scoffed. “Who needs friends?” Twilight froze up. Her top student… not interested in making friends! > Chapter 13: Luster's Problem > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight paced around her tower nervously. Luster had missed the most important lesson of all, just as she had when she was young. But how was she going to get her to learn about Friendship? Luster needed to that lesson if she was to be the one. She was Twilight’s greatest hope for breaking the curse of immortality and not outliving her friends. But in order to become the new Princess of Friendship, Luster needed to let friendship into her heart. Twilight racked her brains, not knowing what do. Luster was just like her when she’d been young, she’d considered friendship to be tedious and been more interested in books until… she’d made her own best friends in Ponyville. They had taught her friendship in the first place. None of the lessons from Celestia had done that, so maybe Twilight needed her friends to teach Luster friendship. They could maybe help her get started. It was worth a try, she decided. Walking up to her desk, she took a quill and ink. Dear Spike, I know you are very busy with your duties as Friendship Ambassador, but I have an emergency back in Canterlot and need you here. Flurry Heart’s Coronation went well, though the Crystal Heart was stolen and we had to move it up a day to prevent the empire from being buried in snow, just like when she was born. Love your big sister Twilight Twilight sent the letter, which would in seconds pop out of Spike’s mouth. Now she just had to wait until he arrived in a couple days when her next meeting of the Council of Friendship occurred. And Luster would attending that meeting as well. Spike: The purple dragon flew toward Canterlot. It had been nearly two weeks since he’d been home. He’d had to miss his adoptive niece’s coronation in the Crystal Empire. But he had his job to keep the peace as a Friendship Ambassador, flying around settling disputes really kept this dragon busy. As he landed in Canterlot he saw many different creatures in the city. Not only ponies, the city was now home to species from all over Equestria. He saw Dragons, Griffins, Kirin, and Yaks as well as ponies. Some of them were even in relationships with each other. Spike saw a larger dragon holding a flower up to his pony lover and couldn’t help but smile as he thought back to Rarity. The pony he himself had been in love with for so long when he’d been young. She had never married, being so busy with running her fashion business which had grown so much she was now the top fashion designer in all of Equestria. The business consumed so much of her time she made trips to every part of Equestria managing the stores, just like he himself was so busy as a Friendship Ambassador. Spike also spotted Twinkleshine in the crowd, one of Twilight’s old friends from Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. She sat with her hooves around the griffin she was married to as somepony else took her picture while their group of adopted children watched. Spike smiled at the happy ponies around Canterlot, things were so peaceful right now. There hadn’t been any villains appearing since Rhinor, though someone had stolen the Crystal Heart, which meant someone was out there with that energy. Well, whoever it was… if they showed their face Spike was sure Twilight would be able to kick that creature’s butt. Finally, he reached the throne room and opened the door. Twilight was inside along with one of her servants going over a list of some kind. Likely preparations for some big event coming up, then Spike remembered, it was the festival of the Two Sisters coming up in a couple weeks. “I got here as fast as I could. But being a friendship ambassador is a full-time job these days. Making peace between the Absidians and Diamond Dogs has not been easy,” he said with a shrug. “That’s why I picked you for the job,” Twilight said, looking up from behind her scroll. The servant bowed to her and took the list in his magic. She then walked up to him, “But I’m glad you could come.” They hugged for a moment then both flew up to their chairs. Twilight in her massive throne and Spike on his smaller chair which resembled the throne. The room had been greatly redecorated from how Spike remembered it when he’d been a baby dragon. After all, everything had been destroyed and needed to be rebuilt after the battle with Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow who had destroyed this place. The stain glass windows here now showed Celestia and Luna’s sun and moon cutie marks as well as Twilight’s star one, the tree of harmony “So, what’s the emergency?” Spike asked. Twilight looked at him sadly. “Ever since I took over Celestia’s school, my focus has been on teaching magic. But now it seems my top student has missed the most important lesson of all.” Spike knew what she meant, her search for a successor she could give up her immortality to. “What do you mean?” he asked. She managed a smile at him. “Let’s just say it will be good to have my royal advisor and friendship ambassador by my side.” “Your majesty!” a voice called. The ruler of Equestria and her dragon advisor looked over in the direction of the doors to see Gallus, now a grown up griffin in gold armor with his wings spread. “She’s here,” he said. “Send her in Gallus,” Twilight said. Gallus let his wings fall down and then opened the other door to the throne room. Revealing a pink pony with an orange ponytail. Spike had never met Luster face to face, not since he’d been present for her birth at least. His duties as Friendship Ambassador didn’t give him any chance to help Twilight with her teaching at the School For Gifted Unicorns so he didn’t know any of the students there. The daughter of Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst wore an expression mixed with nervousness and excitement. She slowly approached the throne, it was her first time being in this part of the castle. She usually only saw Twilight at the school. “Your majesty,” Luster said as she got closer. “Luster, I may be the ruler of Equestria. But I’m still just your teacher,” “And you’ve been wonderful,” Luster rubbed her hoof fidgetingly. “I’ve enjoyed every moment at the school of magic. But… I’m just not sure it’s the right place for me.” “I see,” Twilight said. “And its not the work,” Luster elaborated. “I could spend weeks in the library doing research. It’s just that… there’s a lot of focus on making friends.” “If that’s your problem, you’ve come to the right place.” Spike stood up and grinned. “But that’s just it. I don’t wanna make friends!” Luster said. “What?” Spike exclaimed. Twilight frowned at him, he cast a glance at her and saw her expression saying Let me handle this. He cleared his throat and looked away with a frown, folding his arms. “So you’d rather leave the School of Magic than make friends?” Twilight asked Luster. “I was hoping to set off an independent course of study,” Luster said rubbing a hoof to her chin. She’d been thinking a lot of what to say when she’d gotten the summons from Princess Twilight saying they needed a talk. “I want to accomplish as much as you have someday!” “It will be hard to do that without friends,” Spike said. “I’m not so sure,” Luster countered. “Friendship looks like more of a distraction than anything else. And ultimately a waste of time!” she smiled after expressing her belief openly. She’d kept that belief hidden so long from her parents, it felt so good to express it openly. “What?” Spike said again, grasping his head as though his mind was blown. “I know you and your friends accomplished a lot together. But that was sooo long ago,” Luster said. “And as far as I can see you rule by yourself now.” “Uh, hello!” Spike said, growing increasingly annoyed. “Royal advisor right here!” he held up the medallion around his neck. “And I don’t think there is anything wrong with that,” Luster waved her hoof in the air. “In fact, I think its better. Plus if friendship ultimately fade away, why make them in the first place?” Twilight thought for a moment on her students words. “You know what Luster Dawn? You’re right.” “What?” Spike exclaimed for a third time, dropping to his knees. “Friendship is more trouble than its worth?” He looked at Twilight and whispered to her, “This is your top student?” She merely smiled calmly and flew over to Luster. It was time to share her wisdom. “Friendships take work, and there’s no guarantee they’ll last.” She walked out of the throne room for a moment into the hall with more stain glass windows, Luster and Spike following her as she looked at them. There was one showing Twilight defeating Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow, as well as the Young Six’s battle with Rhinor, and the latest addition in the middle of Flurry Heart’s Coronation as the ruler of the Crystal Empire. “It can be complicated, they can be messy, and they never go the way you plan. Friendship is a hard thing to navigate. I remember the first time I realized it might not last forever.” “You see… when I was done packing all my things for the trip back here to start ruling… I tried to talk to all of my friends… but they were all so focused on their tasks for my coronation. It was like me leaving meant nothing to them.” Luster nodded as they walked back to the throne. “Exactly, you moved away, your friends didn’t care and that was that.” “Actually, not exactly,” Twilight corrected. “They came over to my castle and when I told them how I felt they said they were just trying to focus other things to keep their sadness locked up. Then we had to rush to the train station and my friends couldn’t get their tasks done correctly for my coronation. Applejack’s brother Big Macintosh got all the deliveries for the food wrong, Rarity got spiders on my dress, Fluttershy’s animals were out of control, Pinkie’s Pie fireworks ruined the Wonderbolts display and I nearly fell to my death jumping after my crown!” Twilight said. “Okay I get it now,” Luster said, thinking she understood at last. “Your coronation was such a disaster, you and your friends never really recovered and that’s why you all drifted apart.” “Well, you’re half right.” Luster gave a stumped look, not knowing what to think now. “So, your coronation wasn’t a disaster and your friendships just faded away over time?” “Not exactly,” Twilight said once again. The door to the throneroom opened and Pinkie Pie stepped in, now older with bags under her eyes. a bunch of party stuff in her hair, a rubber duck and candy in her larger than ever mane, as well as a teddy bear and flags on her tail. “Sorry I’m late, but it so hard to find a sitter with a sense of humor for Little Cheese.” Her son Lil Cheese (though he sure looked like a girl with those big eye lashes and pink mane) entered the room, bouncing a rubber chicken on his head. The toy made several squeaks as he played with it before letting it drop to the ground. Rarity was right behind her, she had a strand of gray hair in her mane, but Spike still thought she was breathtakingly beautiful. On her body for some reason, she wore a fur coat. “Honestly, I would have been here sooner. But you would not believe how busy Yakyakistan is these days.” They took their place by Twilight’s side as Luster looked shocked to see them in pony. Next came Applejack and Rainbow Dash. “Maybe we could get to places on time if you let me do some of the chores instead of always doing everything yourself,” the Pegasus said. Rainbow Dash now had a mohawk style mane and wore a jacket marking her as Captain of the Wonderbolts since Spitefire had retired. Whenever she wasn’t leading the latest generation of Wonderbolts, she was spending time with Applejack as the Cowgirl Pony needed someone to be there for her. With Rarity traveling around Equestria to manage her fashion empire all the time, and Pinkie constantly putting on parties both in Ponyville and planning Canterlot Galas, there wasn’t anypony else to keep Applejack company. “Maybe I would if you did them the right way,” Applejack shot back in a friendly manner with her rival. She had the same old cowgirl hat, but since Granny Smith had passed she now wore that scarf in memory. Looking at all the others, she stammered. “Oh! Heh, sorry. We’re not the last ones, are we?” The answer to that was a portal being opened beside them to the Chaos realm. Fluttershy stepped out of it, her husband Discord was right behind her. Though he merely handed her a sack which she took under wing and gave him a loving smile. The spirit of chaos closed the portal, leaving everypony to their meeting. “Discord’s heading to an O and O convention,” Fluttershy said. She had a ponytail made of blue flowers in her hair. “Or he’d be joining us.” Luster looked around at the Mane 5 for a moment, hardly able to believe her eyes. “I just assumed that since you aren’t together all the time now…” “That we aren’t friends?” Twilight finished. This caused her friends and her to all laugh. “That’s not the point of my story,” Twilight continued. “It’s true my coronation as a disaster.” “So even though everything changed, and you moved away from your friends, you didn’t grow apart? And this is the Council of Friendship? That’s what you’re all doing here? “Duh! This time every moon!” Rainbow Dash said. “Heh, what she means is this is how we’ve been ruling together!” Applejack said. “And how we continue to face every problem and threat to Equestria over the years,” Rarity added. “But mostly, its how we keep in touch!” Pinkie finished. Lil Cheese climbed on Spike’s wing and she had to pull him off. “No matter how busy life gets!” Twilight took a step closer to Luster. “Sometimes friendships can be hard, and it takes work to maintain them. But without friends, things can be a lot harder. Luster was now at a loss. “I never thought about friendship being something to work at. And I don’t mind work. I guess… if they don’t have to fade away, maybe making friends isn’t the waste of time I thought.” She sighed. “But… I’ve been so focused on my studies. I don’t know wear to start.” Twilight smiled. “That’s alright because I know exactly where to send you.” > Chapter 14: Where the Magic Happens > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight approached her student and started a song. “When I started out, I was unsure. Thought I knew all that I needed. Didn’t know what to expect.” Her friends approached her, and she put her large wings around Applejack and Rarity. “But when my walls came down, I saw the truth. All along something was missing.” Twilight leaned down, looking directly into Luster’s eyes. “And I think you’ll see it too.” With a flash, Twilight teleported all of them to the special place where she had learned everything. Ponyville. “This is where the magic happens. This is where the magic lives.” Luster looked around her in surprise. Her hometown of Ponyville, she’d known Princes Twilight had lived here for many years before becoming the ruler of Equestria. But she’d always considered it to be an ordinary place with nothing magical happening. “This is it?” she asked. “This is where I can learn friendship, back in my hometown?” “Just let your walls down like I did,” Twilight said in a normal voice. “If a pony says hello and waves to you, do the same. Just be friendly. When I first came here, I was just like you were right now. I thought that the fate of Equestria did not depend on me making friends. But then I met these five and when I let the spark of friendship into my heart, we defeated Nightmare Moon. It was then that I knew friendship was the greatest magic of all. From that moment-” She sung another line, looking at all of her friends. “Our friendships weave together stronger.” A white Earth Pony with a brown mane and roller skate cutie mark passing by stopped and waved at Luster, who waved back nervously. Then came a light purple Pegasus pony with a golden mane who also waved, seeing these simple gestures of being friendly caused Luster’s heart to be filled with a warm feeling and she managed a wide smile. “Hello, welcome to Ponyville!” the Pegasus said. “Thanks, but I’m actually from here,” Luster said. “Though it looks like I need to actually look at it.” “What have you never seen it before even though you’ve lived here?” the Earth Pony asked. “I need to look at it from a fresh perspective it seems,” Luster said. “I spent all my time here just staying at home.” She looked over in the distance where her home was. Twilight’s old castle that she had left Luster’s mother Starlight in charge of. Whenever Luster was here in Ponyville she always tended to stay there in her room studying, isolating herself from this small town and the ponies within it. “You lived there?” the Earth Pony asked. “Cool! What’s your name?” “Luster Dawn.” “I’m Sunflower Flap,” the Pegasus said shaking her hoof. “Blade Runner,” the Earth Pony with the roller skate cutie mark said. “It was nice to meet you Luster. Sorry, but we got to be going someplace. Maybe we’ll see you around.” They walked and flapped off. Luster looked down slightly. “Guess they didn’t like me,” she said. “I wouldn’t say that Luster. Everypony in town has things to do. You’ve only made an acquaintanceship with those two. That’s how a friendship can start sometimes. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t become best friends with them or somepony right away. I was annoyed with practically all my friends when I first met them,” Twilight said. “But then they became my true friends. If you find true friendship… the result is this… She sang once again. “The bonds grow deeper, lasting longer. And the Greatest Spell you’ll know is how the magic of friendship grows.” Pinkie Pie lead them to Sugarcube Corner as Little Cheese jumped on her back. Once they reached it, the Party Pony took over the song. “And no matter how much time goes by, the party will still be here with some fun new games to try.” Her son got off and ran to Pound and Pumpkin Cake who were waiting outside along with Pinkie’s husband Cheese Sandwich who was riding on Gummy. Pinkie Pie’s pet alligator was not so little anymore. He was now a massive alligator large enough for both Pinkie and her husband to mount. The cake twins ruffled Lil Cheese’s hair, and Pumpkin Cake levitated a cupcake with her magic while Pound Cake blew a party straw and Lil Cheese whistled. “But what’s the party for right now?” Luster asked. “Why… to show you a good time!” Pinkie said. “You got to have fun with friends in order for it to be a real friendship.” “Yeah!” Little Cheese said, stepping forward and taking Luster by the hoof. “Come on, lets have a one-minute party!” He gave her to Pound Cake who forced her to dance while Pinkie and Cheese Sun sang a song unrelated to the one coming in lines to Luster. “Here in Ponyville we two party lovers who also love each other, work to make every creature smile and laugh. What is life without fun? Boring! You don’t wanna spend your days all bored, because that’s not fun! So, live a little!” Luster grinned as Pound Cake spun her under his hoof. That brief moment filling her with joy just like when those other ponies had greeted her and she did something she could not recall doing very often. She laughed. “You laughed!” Pinkie said excitedly. “Well, yeah. Cause this is fun!” Luster said. “That is one of the elements of harmony. The one Pinkie represented. Laughter,” Twilight said. “I remember when we went into the Everfree forest in search of the elements of harmony and she made a bunch of scary looking trees. Now, Rainbow Dash? If you wouldn’t mind showing us to Cloudsdale?” The Pegasus grinned. “Follow me!” Twilight, Spike and Fluttershy both spread their wings, with Twilight lifting Applejack with her magic, Spike carrying Rarity. Pinkie Pie blew up a load of balloons which she took and Fluttershy took hold of. Luster, meanwhile, used a flying spell her mother had taught her a year ago when she’d been on summer break. Her pinkie body became surrounded in gold magic similar to that of Princess Celestia. They flew up to Cloudsdale where Twilight and Rarity cast cloud walking spells on everypony and Spike. “Welcome to Cloudsdale, greatest city in the sky,” Rainbow Dash said. There were places like a weather factory surrounded by storm clouds, a rainbow waterfall. Luster had never had the opportunity to see the places Pegasi lived. “Sure the weather and rainbows are amazing, but this is the best place!” Rainbow Dash said as they arrived at the Wonderbolt Academy. “Hey, Rainbow Dash!” somepony in a blue outfit and goggles shouted. Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes at him and cleared her throat. He grinned nervously. “Uhh… sorry. Captain Dash! Ma’am!” She softened her look to a smile. “You guys better not be lounging around when your captain is away on Friendship Council business!” “No ma’am!” the pegasi said. “Good, cause you guys are gonna need to stay in shape if you want to be as cool as the Wonderbolts from my generation were!” she said pointing her hoof. “And we will work hard, ma’am!” “Good. Now, assemble the others! I want to put on a little private show!” “At once!” Rainbow Dash turned to Luster. “You just watch and see what we flyers can do when we put some teamwork together!” “Teamwork?” Luster asked. “Is that another form of friendship?” Rainbow Dash nodded. “The Wonderbolts back in my day weren’t my best friends, but they were friends, nonetheless. We worked as a team for our stunts and performances just like all of us worked as a team to save Equestria.” Soon they were sitting the stands. And Rainbow Dash began to flap her wings while the others sat down and watched. “No matter whether you’re with your best friends… or a team for that matter… there can always be- She flew up into the sky and through a set of hoops while singing. “Big Adventures waiting, obviously. As long as we’re still here together. We’ll be flying happily.” She flew through the hoops at great speed, was suddenly in front of them again in the stands until the new generation of Wonderbolts flew by. Rainbow Dash then flew at top speed, leaving a trail of rainbow behind her momentarily. She caught up with them, forming a straight line before the other four broke apart and she flew up higher so that her silhouette appeared in the sun. The new Wonderbolts flew spectacularly, performing great maneuvers and aerial acrobatics. They moved so fast! Luster could hardly believe her eyes, and Rainbow Dash left a rainbow whenever she flew at top speed. Though eventually even the amazing Pegasus was left panting slightly. “Good work troops! I think that’s good enough for today! Rest your wings!” Rainbow Dash said. “Yes ma’am! Thank you! ma’am!” the four members of the Wonderbolts said as one, saluting her with their wings. As they left the Wonderbolts Academy and Cloudsdale, Luster asked Twilight, “Where to next?” “My old school of friendship,” Twilight said. “Oh, where my parents are,” Luster said with a small smile. “Yes,” Twilight said, grinning nervously just as Luster had when she’d come into the throne room. “Oh, I hope Starlight’s not gonna be mad at me for failing to teach you friendship till now.” Luster sniggered as she flew. “I doubt my mother could ever be mad at you, Princess.” They all landed in front of the walkway over the pond in front of the school, resuming their song as one. “This is where the magic happens. This is where the magic lives.” As they walked up to the door, Silverstream suddenly emerged from the pond, the fins she had turning to talons. “Hey, look who it is!” she shouted excitedly. “Welcome back, professors!” “Thank you, Silverstream,” Twilight said. “We’re here to show Luster the school.” The hipprogriff eyed the unicorn. “Luster, you’re Headmare Starlight’s daughter! How come I’ve never seen you here before?” Luster smiled. “Guess I tended to avoid anything with the name friendship in it. I just got so annoyed with it. Never actually set hoof in this school.” “Well time to change that I’d say!” Silverstream said as she opened the door. Starlight and Sunburst were inside talking. They looked in the direction of the door as it opened. Sunburst still wore his usual wizard-like garment with the stars on it. Starlight had taken to wearing an outfit as well. A black dress with burgundy sleeves and a light blue collar. As the group entered, the couple waved, and Twilight nervously stood beside Starlight as both she and Sunburst turned to their daughter who smiled. “Hi Mom, hi Dad,” she said. “Hi honey! We didn’t expect you here!” Starlight said as she approached Luster and hugged her. “What brings you back home?” Sunburst asked. “It seems I’ve… failed to teach Luster something at my school of magic,” Twilight confessed. “She needs to learn friendship more. So… I’m sending her back home so she can learn more about it. You two will help supervise her progress, and she will send letters to me as well.” “Just like you did for Princess Celestia back in the day, huh Twi?” Spike nudged her playfully. She nodded. “Yes, just like I did.” “Well, if you’re going to learn about friendship here. Why don’t you come meet some of our students?” Starlight suggested. “Come on.” Luster stayed near her parents as they lead her down the hall where she caught a glimpse of her Aunt Trixie leading a very small griffin somewhere. Trixie looked over in their direction. “Luster!” she said. “Coming to visit Auntie Trixie, are you?” “Here to learn about friendship,” Starlight said. “Seems Twilight couldn’t get the message through herself.” Trixie sniggered softly. “I heard Luster was your top student. Ah well, guess even the Princess of Friendship can’t teach everypony about friendship the right way.” Twilight scoffed back at her old rival playfully. “Well, come meet some of the students,” Starlight said as she led them into a class room past two mares, a yellow Earth Pony with a red mane and bow as well as a scarf, and a white unicorn with a purple and pink mane. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle were now grown up just like Spike. They were no longer the little fillies they’d been when Twilight had lived in Ponyville. They waved at Twilight and the Mane 6 as they approached. Inside were several ponies, as well as a larger black griffin, and a brown Kirin with red eyes and matching horn, as well as a puffy blue mane. There was also an orange Pegasus with small wings leading the class, she took role, calling out the names of the students as she pointed to them. “Riversong,” Scootaloo said, pointing to the Kirin as Luster entered the room. “Here,” the Kirin replied with a friendly smile. “Iggy!” Scootaloo pointed to the smaller griffon that had been with Trixie moments ago. “Here,” the little griffon said with a nervous smile. “Well, that’s every creature accounted for,” Scootaloo said before looking off to the side. “Oh, Headmare Starlight!” “Hello every creature,” Starlight said. “I have somepony here, I would like all of you to meet. My daughter, Luster Dawn.” Luster smiled and waved her hoof. “Hello, everypony… er creature.” “My daughter has been away in Canterlot studying magic under Princess Twilight. But it seems she has not yet learned the importance of friendship.” There was silence at this. Then the Kirin named Riversong laughed. “Hasn’t learned the importance of friendship? But you lived in a Castle of Friendship! Your mother teaches at a school of friendship, Princess Twilight is the Princess of Friendship!” Riversong said. “Yeah, that’s just it!” Luster said. “Ever since I was a filly it was always friendship this and friendship that! I just wanted to become a gifted spell caster like my mom and dad! I wanted to someday become famous like them! I thought friendship was a distraction, but now. I want to give it a try.” Riversong smiled and got up from desk and spoke in enthusiastic manner, approaching Luster. “Well look no further! I have a feeling you, Georgia, and I are gonna be great friends.” “Georgia?” Luster asked. “That’s me,” the black griffin said raising a claw. “How about you come hang out with us after our lessons are done today?” Luster blushed slightly, she looked at Princess Twilight, who nodded. Then, smiling, she said, “You really want to hang out? Okay.” “Yay, new friend! New friend!” River Song exclaimed, padding her hooves to the ground excitedly. Luster smiled. Starlight then looked at Scootaloo. “Would you mind accompanying us as we show Luster around the school? I think it would be best to have all three of the very first friendship tutors with her for this.” “Okay,” Scootaloo agreed. “But who’s gonna watch my class?” “I will!” Silverstream volunteered. They walked outside, with the two mares that had been outside the classroom, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle joining in. “Friendship has six things to it, kindness, laughter, generosity, loyalty, honesty, and of course the thing that gives it power… magic,” Sweetie Belle said. “They can be easy to do, but betray one even for a moment than it can damage friendship.” “Honesty is always important,” Applebloom said, looking at her big sister. “My big sister is the most honest mare I know! You have to always tell the truth to a friend, even if the truth might hurt. Because if you lie, even if its for some good reason, it can never lead to good things happening.” “My sister’s element is generosity!” Sweetie Belle said. “Not only is Rarity the most beautiful mare there is in Ponyville- “Was the most beautiful mare! I can hardly qualify as that anymore with this gray strand!” Rarity said, running a hoof through her mane. “You’re still very beautiful, sis!” Sweetie Belle said. “And you’re willing to give to those in need, which can also coincide with kindness.” “And you are very kind,” Rarity said, smiling at Sweetie Belle. “Compliments are an example of that.” “As are simple gestures,” Scootaloo said. “Loyalty of course means you don’t abandon your friend and stay true to them. My sister Rainbow Dash would never abandon her friends.” “Ah shucks!” Rainbow Dash said, patting Scootaloo’s head. “And last, there’s laughter! Which is the part that makes friendship fun, like I said before!” Pinkie said. “Wow, this is a lot to take in,” Luster said. “Indeed, but perhaps it would be good to actually witness one of these things in action,” Rarity suggested. They walked into the Courtyard of the School of Friendship. Just in time too. Ocellus the changeling, now full grown like the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Silversteam and Gallus, had a cup of coffee in her hoof which she flew up with to the top of a tree. On top of the tree was an orange dragon slightly smaller than Spike. Smolder had not grown much since her days starting at the school of friendship. She had a rare case of slower growth among dragons. But Smolder didn’t complain, an advantage to being a small dragon was that she wouldn’t have to worry about becoming to large to enter buildings or even crushing them for a while. She was looking through a telescope, a notepad in her lap, when Occellus brought her the coffee. “Oh, thanks. I was starting to get tired,” “You could probably use a break from studying those stars. You’ve been at it for hours,” Ocellus said. “Yeah, you’re probably right,” Smolder replied, flying off. Luster smiled. “That was nice. Just watching that makes my heart feel fuzzy.” “Those two have been friends since they first started going to school here back when I first opened this place,” Twilight said. “They another example of how- “Our friendships weave together stronger, the bonds grow deeper lasting longer. And the greatest spell there is. What the magic of friendship gives.” Next, Applejack lead Luster to her family farm. “We’re not going to be around forever. Everypony leaves this world at some point. But our mission remains, the magic of friendship that will defend Equestria. And its something true to pass on down to generations yet become.” As she approached the farm where her brother Big Macintosh and his wife Sugar Belle were working, their son Big Sugar jumped out of a barrel of apples and hugged his aunt. “We didn’t expect you to be back so soon Applejack!” Sugar Belle said. Applejack chuckled. “Turns out Twilight’s Friendship Council business had to be moved to Ponyville.” “Well, we’re having hayburgers delivered here for lunch,” Sugarbelle said. “Yep, you want to have some?” Big Macintosh asked. “The delivery pony can is fast, ah there he is!” There was a flash as a light-yellow Earth Pony with a hayburger cutie mark ran up at amazing speed. Luster’s mouth fell open as she recognized him. “Galloping Hayburgers cooked and delievered in just ten minutes no matter where you are in Ponyville!” The Earth Pony said he handed Big Macintosh a sack. “Thank you Gallop,” Big Mac said as he handed a few bits to the delivery pony who was about to run back the way he came. “Hold on, we might have another order!” Gallop looked and saw Applejack and Luster. Twilight and all her friends were approaching as well. Gallop gasped at the sight of the group approaching. Luster thought for a moment he was shocked to see Princess Twilight but instead he exclaimed. “Sweet Celestia! You’re Rainbow Dash!” he said, looking at the Pegasus. “That’s right!” Rainbow Dash said. Gallop J. Fry grinned. “I can’t believe its you! You’re the best flyer ever! Hey, if you want a hayburger or anything, I’ll run and get one right now for free.” Rainbow Dash grinned. “Aw shucks! There’s no need for that! But I think we could all use a little lunch right now, so I’ll definitely take a hayburger!” “I believe I will as well,” Rarity said. Princess Twilight and all her friends agreed. Twilight looked over at Luster. “How about you, Luster? Care for a hayburger?” Twilight asked her student. “Um… sure.” Luster said, not entirely eager as she looked at Gallop. The fast food pony looked at her. “Hey, I know you! Didn’t I beat you in a race once than rub it in your face?” Luster frowned. He remembered her. This was the pony she’d first tried to befriend at her mother’s request, and it hadn’t ended well. She merely nodded. Gallop sighed. “Your name was Luster right? Look, I’m sorry if I was a bit of a jerk to you back then. I shouldn’t have been so cocky. Let me make it up to you, you can have your hayburger for free.” “Really?” Luster asked. “Yeah!” Gallop nodded before looking around. “Okay, eight hayburgers coming up. I just got to dash over to Yelena.” “No need!” A large Yak pulling a cart full of Hayburgers behind her walked up. If Luster had not heard that the voice from the Yak was female, she would have assumed it to be male at first glance. “Oh, Yalena you finally managed to catch up!” Gallop said to the Yak. “Just in time for a break!” “You’re the speed I’m the muscle,” the Yak said. “Well glad you could catch up finally, we got eight hayburgers coming up right here!” Gallop shouted as he ran into the cart and in a flash was making the orders, putting together hay, bread, and condiments. He then put each one on plates and passed them to everypony. All of them but Luster handed him bits. They then sat on tables, with Twilight and her friends sitting at their own table, Big Macintosh, Sugar Belle, and Big Sugar at another, while Luster sat her own with Gallop and Yelena whose break time happened to be now. “So, I haven’t seen you since we kids, what you been up to?” Gallop asked Luster. “Yeah, I went to study magic at the school for Gifted Unicorns,” Luster reminded him as she levitated her hayburger. “Oh yeah, I teased you for focusing to much on magic and not enough on athleticism. Sorry about that again.” Luster paused for a moment, then sighed. It was probably best to let bygones be bygones. “Well, see how fast you moved when you arrived and how quick you made those burgers, you sure got fast like you wanted. And I’ve gotten really at magic myself just like I wanted,” Luster said. “So, are you all done at the school of magic?” Gallop asked. Luster nodded as she swallowed a bite of the hayburger. “I’m gonna be spending time here studying a new form of magic. At least… new to me. Friendship.” “Friendship?” Gallop repeated. “I’m gonna try and make friends, the Princess says it’s the greatest spell there is. Some students at her old school and I are going to meet tonight at sunset and hang out. I think their names are Griselda and Riversong.” The yak named Yelena gasped. “Georgia and Riversong! Those two Gallop and Yelena’s best friends!” Luster was stunned, and dropped the hayburger onto her plate. “Really, you two are friends with them?” Gallop nodded. “Guess if you’re hanging out with them, you’re hanging out with us. Well, we better get the rest of our deliveries done Yelena!” The fast food pony sped off with the Yak walking far behind. Luster watched them go. Once everypony had eaten their lunch, they resumed Luster’s friendship tour of Ponyville. This time Rarity lead, showing Luster to her boutique. “With every friendship we win, beautiful things come from it. Ponies and other creatures will do generous things to help each other. The friendships can blossom into something deeper as well. And we’ll never stop believing in the generosity of the friendships we’ve won.” As she approached her original home base shop and knocked, Yona, now a very large adult Yak emerged with her pony husband Sandbar. The friendship they’d had developed into true love now. Luster was surprised for a moment, seeing a pony and yak actually married. But she shrugged, it seemed love could happen between any creature, whether they were the same species, or even same gender. She’d heard of such things before. Though it seemed strange, it was not up to her to judge. The last stop was at Fluttershy’s cottage. Which was more full of animals than ever. Deer, snakes, and all other kinds. “And because the love that I feel for every single living creature, is something that is real. Friendship happens so naturally.” A bunch of bunnies jumped upon Luster as though they liked her. Then when Fluttershy approached, the bunnies went over to her. Luster lost her smile momentarily at losing her new friends, but they weren’t in any way lost forever. Just going over to somepony else. One of the bunnies remained on Fluttershy’s head, and a portal opened, showing Discord who grinned at Luster before flying off somewhere. Twilight flapped her wings and sang once more. “Oh, and how I used to wonder… what friendship could be.” Gathering together on the hill overlooking Ponyville, the Mane 6 finished their song together. “This is where the magic happens. This is where the magic lives. Our friendships weave together stronger, the bonds grow deeper lasting longer. And the greatest spell you’ll know is how the magic of friendship grows.” “How the magic of friendship grows,” Twilight concluded as she nuzzled Luster a final time. "Thank you, Princess," Luster said. "I feel like... like I might enjoy friendship after all." "Good," Twilight said. "Now go." The sun was now setting over Ponyville, and Luster’s new friends had gathered below the hill, waiting for her. Her student ran off to the four new friends she’d made. Gallop, Georgia, Yelena, and River Song. One less than Twilight had made when she’d come to Ponyville so many years ago, but that didn’t matter. Five, six, seven, friendship was strong no matter how many it was among. The Future Five than walked to Ponyville while the Mane 6 and Spike watched proudly. Today was the dawn of a new era for Luster, and the beginning of her true journey. Twilight could only hope that it would go well as she watched her student wave goodbye and walk off to spend some time getting to know her new friends. > Chapter 15: Bucking Over Luster > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 15: Bucking Over Luster From then on, Luster was back in her hometown of Ponyville. She’d been so blind before, as though her eyes had been glued shut to the magic here. But now she looked with open eyes at the magic of friendship. Everywhere she looked she saw happiness in some form or another. Her new friends would come to the Castle of Friendship where she lived almost every day. Whenever she exited the Castle doors after her mother made her breakfast, Luster would find them all waiting for her outside with a bright smile from River Song who tapped her hooves excitedly as Luster came down the short pathway from the castle to them to them. “Luster’s coming! Luster’s coming!” River Song sang. “Let’s make her bust for friendship!” She suddenly ran up and tackled Luster to the ground. The pink pony smiled up at her Kirin friend. Behind her, Starlight suddenly chuckled as she watched. “What’s so funny Mom?” Luster asked. “I remember I was tackled to the ground like that by Pinkie Pie after I… became Twilight’s student,” Starlight said. Trixie giggled. “You mean after she defeated you and turned you from being a bad pony to a great and good one!” Starlight frowned at her. “Trixie!” “What, it’s the truth!” Trixie said. “Come on. That all happened a long time ago and you’re a different pony now!” “We all are,” Sunburst agreed. “Time can really change a pony.” Luster nodded as she got up. Just a week had passed since she’d been summoned to Princess Twilight’s throneroom and gained a new perspective on friendship. She had always been annoyed with friendship since it popped everywhere since she’d been a filly. Now she saw it as a lovely thing rather than a waste of time. She looked around her at her new friends. Gallop gave her a wide grin. Yelena and Georgia small smiles. Luster smiled back. “See you later,” she said to her family and waved goodbye just like she had a few days ago for the Princess. Twilight had returned to Canterlot after Luster had made her new friends with the help of the Friendship Council. She would be expecting Luster’s first letter tonight on what she learned about friendship, and Luster wasn’t even sure where to begin. There was so much to tell it seemed. “So where are we going to go today?” Luster asked. Gallop laughed. “With how fast I can run, why not everywhere?” They all shot him strange looks and he chuckled. “Just pulling your hooves… or claws! I know we could never go everywhere in one day! At least you guys couldn’t! Afterall, I’m the three-year winner of first place for the Running of the Leaves!” “Careful there, Fry,” Georgia said, as she flew next to the rest of them. “You keep bragging like that you could bite off more than you can chew someday. But seriously, where are we going?” “How about the Buckball field?” Yelena suggested. “Works for me!” River Song said. “After that we can go swimming!” They headed to one of the Buckball fields in Ponyville Park where groups of friends played sports. Traditionally Buckball would be played with a unicorn, pegasi, and Earth Pony. But their group wasn’t made of all ponies and they were an odd number. “Uh-oh. Yelena see problem!” Yelena said. “There five of us now!” “Oh yeah, since Luster’s with us now that means we won’t have even numbers anymore,” Gallop said. “Ah, well that makes things easier for me to win with her on mine and River Song’s team!” “What do you mean your team?” Georgia said. “Yeah, you already have one magic user on your team!” Yelena said pointing to River Song. “Luster should be on our team!” “No! Luster goes with me because I’m the first to always hug her!” River Song said, putting a hoof around Luster. “Hey, does that mean you’re going against me?” Gallop asked. “Yeah! I think its time for a magic duo round! Lets see what you guys can do when you face a unicorn from the school for gifted ones and her Kirin sidekick!” River Song said. “Ha, and I just made sure Luster would take me! Because she’ll be in charge!” “Ah, come on Luster! With your magic and Yelena’s strength we’d be unstoppable!” Yelena said. “My speed is better than her strength!” Gallop objected. “I can fly!” Georgia said spreading her wings. “Luster goes with me!” “No, me!” “Yelena!” As her friends began fighting over her, Luster’s eagerness for the game suddenly turned into nervousness. The voices made her feel like the world was closing in one her. Her eyes closed as her heart began to beat rapidly. “Quiet!” she screamed. “You expect me to choose one of you? Well, how can I? You’re all my friends!” There was silence as her friends faces filled with remorse. “Sorry Luster,” River Song said. “Yeah, sorry. Didn’t mean to put pressure on you,” Gallop apologized. “Yelena sorry!” “I’m sorry, it was lame of me to try and fight friends over another friend,” Georgia said. “So, what do we do about this odd number and which team Luster plays on?” River Song asked looking around. The Future Five were silent for a moment. Luster put a hoof to her chin. Then gasped as a solution came to her. “How about we all take turns playing each other with me on each team? One of us can sit out so that its fair and the other team doesn’t outnumber the other.” “Yelena think that great idea! That way its fair for all of us!” Yelena said. Every other creature nodded. “So, who are you going to team up with first?” River Song asked. “Please be me! Please be me!” Luster grinned sheepishly. “Oh alright, since you’re the most eager!” “Yay!” River Song hugged her again. “Well if it’s a magic team first let’s go get em with speed and strength Yelena!” Gallop suggested. “Yelena with Gallop!” the yak said high hoofing the fast food pony. Georgia flew off to the side and rested on the grass to watch the first round of the magic vs. earth Buckball game. In old-style Buckball, where there were three players of earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns. But the game had evolved to fit certain other styles in recent years. Luster took the front position for offense while River Song hung back, levitating the bucket for the ball to be thrown in by the opposing team. On the other side, Gallop took the front while Yelena held the bucket in her hooves. Luster would use her magic to levitate the ball, while Gallop would try and use his hooves. While there was no other earth pony player, Luster would have to use her own hooves and not magic when the ball was in Gallops possession. She and Gallop walked up to each other to the middle of the field where they placed the ball. Luster had seen how fast Gallop moved, if he got past her there was no way she would be able to keep up. She was not athletic like the Earth Pony was. “Hey,” Gallop said. “Even if I totally knock your tail today, just try and enjoy it. That’s more important to me than winning.” She smiled at him. “Thanks.” He seemed to blush slightly. “I’ll go easy on you too, I know you aren’t as fast. It wouldn’t be fun if I won too easily.” They assumed ready stances. Gallop kicked the ball toward River Song’s side of the field. Luster dashed in that direction, Gallop hung back a moment, letting her get a few seconds head start before charging out. Luster just managed to make it, she looked back and saw him coming. Quickly taking the ball with her magic, she ran with it back in the other direction. Gallop dove for the ball, but Luster managed to get it out of his path and run past him. He turned around just as she threw it great precision into the bucket Yelena held. "One point to Luster and River Song!” Georgia called out. “Nice one, Luster!” Gallop said, giving her a high hoof which she accepted with a smile. Yelena took the ball out of the bucket and shouted, “Here ya go!” She kicked it with the strong force of a yak. It came at Luster like a meteor and hit her. Luster let out a grunt as she flew back with the ball. She hit the ground with a soft thud. “Ow!” she said. “Luster!” River Song called. All of Luster’s friends gathered around her. “Yelena sorry Luster!” Yelena said. “I didn’t mean to hit you that hard! Or at all! We yaks sometimes too strong for Pony friends.” "Are you hurt badly?” Georgia asked, putting a caring claw on Luster. Luster took a deep breath. “It’s okay, I’ll be fine!” She got up on her hooves. The pain lasted for a few minutes but soon began to fade. If that had been a harder object it might have bruised, but a rubber ball was nothing. Luster rotated between her friends as they did games seeing who could get the best three out of five. When Georgia switched with Gallop, Luster used her magic to fly just like she had during the trip to Cloudale, holding the ball in her hooves before getting close enough to throw it into the bucket. They continued to play till lunchtime. Gallop had packed them all hayburgers which they ate with pleasure. Luster’s mane was now messed up and ruffled, her body sweating and dirty along with the others. “Whoo! I could use a bit of a clean-up,” she said. “We all could!” River Song added. “How about we go swimming in the river after this?” “Sounds like a good idea!” Gallop agreed. They headed for the river that ran through Ponyville and jumped in. The summer day ensured it was a good temperature. They swam around and splashed each other, laughing. Luster soon climbed out and shook. “This was so much fun today you guys!” she said. “Thanks.” They all smiled at her. “It’s probably getting close to noon,” Gallop said. “I have to get to work at the Hayburger Delivery!” “That means Yelena got to go too!” “I think we all have to head home!” Georgia said. Luster smiled. “Well, it was fun today. I think I know what to send Princess Twilight for my first friendship report.” Her friends all hugged her before splitting. Luster made her way back to the Castle of Friendship. Starlight was in the living room with Sunburst, the two of them were kissing and holding each other lovingly. Luster smiled at her parents. Sunburst opened his eyes and broke the kiss once he saw his daughter. “Oh, how was your day Luster?” Starlight asked, with what looked like a nervous expression. “It was fun!” Luster said. “We played a game of Buckball and then went swimming!” “You enjoyed it than?” Starlight asked. Luster nodded. “And I think I’m ready to send a letter to Princess Twilight. Do you want to hear it!” “Of course,” Sunburst said. Luster took a sheet of paper and quill with her magic before beginning the letter. Dear Princess Twilight, This first week back in Ponyville has opened up my eyes to many things I was too blind to see before. Friendship used to make me so annoyed all the time, but now that I actually have four real friends… I feel my heart fill with more joy than all that time I spent reading books. We played Buckball today, all of my friends wanted me on their team. It felt good to have somepony… or creature… want me. I also learned that friendship can sometimes be a little painful, got hit by a ball thrown by my Yak friend Yelena… boy she packs a punch! But still, I see that the magic of friendship is a powerful thing and can’t wait to learn more about it. Your faithful student, Luster Dawn. “Lovely, Luster,” Sunburst said. Luster cast a spell on the paper, sending it to the Princess. In Canterlot, Twilight opened it with a smile just as Celestia had done for her back in the day. > Chapter 16: Festival of Monsters > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two cloaked figures made their way through the Everfree forest, one draped in blue, the other black. Both of them had red eyes under their hoods. The one in black carried a heavy bag on his back. “Why exactly…” Sombra grunted as he carried the bag on his back followed the former Emperor of Equestria. “Must we leave the Crystal Empire? Why not take it now? We already have Starcutter there as a puppet advisor to that usurper Flurry Heart! We could take it from her anytime!” “Patience, Sombra. We must not rush. I’ve waited millennia for the chance to take over Equestria again. With Celestia and Luna dead, two young inexperienced alicorns ruling Equestria and the Crystal Empire, I think the time is approaching fast,” Grogar said. “But in order to take over Equestria, we need numbers.” “The Crystal Guards can provide those numbers!” Sombra snapped. “I could easily brainwash them with my magic.” “Yes,” Grogar agreed. “But Princess Twilight would recognize your magic on the Crystal Guards. We must be subtle, work our plan slowly and carefully so that when we strike there will be no chance of defeat. We will recruit more to our cause. This is why we must go here to the Everfree forest where monsters… my children… thrive.” They suddenly came to a stop a clearing. “This should be good,” Grogar said. “Open the bag of monster bait!” Sombra frowned. “This servants work is beneath me! We should have brought Starcutter along to carry this!” “Starcutter is too valuable to me to risk suspicion to… yet. He advises Princes Flurry Heart and serves as my eyes to the outside world as well as a trainer for future soldiers that will belong to you,” Grogar reminded him. “Remember… aid me and I will restore you to your throne forever.” “Fine!” Sombra said. “But next time have somepony else be your beast of burden!” “If all goes well today during the festival, we shall have one. No quit stalling!” Sombra sighed. “Fine.” He levitated the bag off his back, cut it open and dumped its contents out. A foul smell stench quickly filled Sombra’s nostrils. He covered his nose with an armored hoof while Grogar grinned. For a time, they waited, then eyes began to appear throughout the bushes and in the dark areas of the forest. Grogar laughed. “My children! I have a mission for you today!” __________________________ “Luster! Wake up, honey!” Starlight called through the castle hallways. “We need to get ready for the Festival of the Two Sisters! I don’t need to remind you that Twilight’s coming to Ponyville for it this year, do I? And that you’ve been given the honor of helping me oversee everything?” “Course not mom!” Luster called as she emerged from her room. Starlight walked her daughter to the Castle doors where Sunburst and Trixie were already waiting. The family walked out into Ponyville. It was still dark outside, as the Festival of the Two Sisters would start when Twilight arrived and rose the sun. But all the ponies and other creatures had been hard at work decorating the town with banners showing the sun and moon as well as depictions of two ponies, a white one with a multicolored mane and a blue one with a blue mane. The depictions showed the two ponies with manes sparkling like Princess Twilight’s did. Luster had been born less than a year after the former Princesses had passed away at over a thousand years old. They’d left their thrones in Twilight’s hooves, gone to Silver Shoals and then aged rapidly for some reason before leaving this world. Luster wished she could have met the two princesses. She knew this festival had once been known as the Summer Sun Celebration, its original purpose being to celebrate Celestia defeating her younger sister Luna who had transformed into Nightmare Moon and tried to overthrow her elder sister. After Twilight defeated Nightmare Moon with her friends, the purpose of the festival was reworked to celebrate their reunion. Now… it served as a way for Equestria to remember them after they were gone. Starlight and Luster looked over the preparations. Luster saw Gallop and Yelena with their hayburger cart, Georgia and other flying creatures were in the sky clearing out any clouds. Rarity,Sandbar, and Yona were decorating the town with ribbons and other gorgeous accessories. River Song was in a choir singing the song of the two sisters with a number of students from the School of Friendship lead by Sweetie Belle. “Oh, once there were two Royal Sisters, the elder raised the sun, the younger the moon. Celestia and Luna, their sisterly bond could be broken. They defeated Discord that chaotic menace!” “I heard that!” Discord’s voice said as he appeared from out of a fabric of reality as a part of the song. This caused Luster and Starlight to giggle. “And Sombra that dark king. They banished him away to save the Crystal Empire, though sadly it vanished with him. Peace endured for a long time, and the two sisters were loved. But than Luna turned looney, she was jealous of her sister for being more loved. The Princess of Dreams turned into a nightmare from the moon and was sent there. Celestia missed her sister, and waited a thousand years for her return. Sending a young unicorn here to meet friends. The nightmare returned when the sun did not rise. But six ponies stood against it and brought back the light. The Nightmare ended, Luna returned and the two sisters were together again!” The crowd watching the choir clapped. “Bravo! Bravo!” Starlight said. “I believe you are more than ready tonight!” Seeing the Stewardess of the Castle of Friendship approve caused the singers to smile. River Song tapped her hooves excitedly. “I’m ready! I’m ready!” she said. “Good job, everycreature! Everything looks good to go!” Starlight said as she looked around the Festival. Luster approached River Song. “That was some good singing, River Song!” The Kirin giggled. “Well what do you expect, song in is my name after all. If I were a pony I’d probably get a cutie mark with a river and a musical note on it.” Luster smiled. “I could picture that.” “Do you think the Princess will like my singing? Do you? Do you?” River Song asked. “I hope she does! Maybe I’d be allowed to be her personal entertainer someday!” “Okay let’s not get carried away,” Luster said. “Lets just wait for her too arrive.” “Uh… hate to interrupt but something IS arriving and its not Twilight!” Trixie said pointing toward the Everfree forest. Looking in that direction. Luster’s jaw dropped as she saw not one, but a group of monsters coming their direction. Among them, Luster spotted a Manticore, Chimera, a Roc, and a group of Timberwolves, all with red eyes. They charged at Ponyville, trampling the houses and tearing things apart. “Ahh! Monster attack! Run for your lives!” somepony screamed. Many of the ponies began panicking, while more brave ones like Starlight stood their ground. “Luster, you get somewhere safe!” Starlight ordered, bringing blue magic to her horn. “But mom, I can fight!” Luster protested. “No!” Starlight said. “You’ve never been in a fight before! I have! You get somewhere safe!” She surrounded herself in blue magic and flew towards the monsters, quickly joined by Rainbow Dash and Applejack. “I don’t know where you monsters came from or why you’re working together! But you’re not gonna ruin the festival of the two sisters!” Rainbow Dash said as she flew at the Roc, hitting the giant bird hard and causing it to Squawk. Applejack ran at the Chimera. “Yehaw! You remind me of a monster that tried to eat my little sister when she was a filly! I know how to handle you bad boys!” She drew a flute and played it. Normally this would have put the tail which was the head of a snake to sleep. But instead of falling over, the tail snakehead remained up right and stuck out its tongue with a hiss. It lashed out at Applejack, narrowly missing her. The cowgirl threw a piece of ricotta at the goat head, but it simply bounced off. “This monster ain’t right!” Applejack said. "Yer snake head should go to sleep!" Fluttershy appeared, flapping her wings as she approached the manticore. “Now now, I’m sure we can find some way that doesn’t involve fighting.” The Manticore roared at her and flung its scorpion tale, which she dodged. “Please?” Starlight, flanked by Sunburst and Trixie, shot beams of magic at the Timberwolves. Seeing this reminded Luster of that time when she’d gone monster hunting in the Everfree forest and they’d all had to come and save her. But she wasn’t a little filly anymore. She charged in and shot a beam of gold magic at the manticore attacking Fluttershy. “Oh, thank you Luster!” Fluttershy said. “It seems this manticore is too mean to tame with kindness! Well let’s see how he likes this!” She flew up into the manticores face. “You stop this right now!” she screamed. The usually shy pony gave the monster her signature stare which was enough to frighten even a dragon. But for some reason it didn’t work on the manticore who simply roared back. Fluttershy whimpered and flew away. “My stare usually works!” she said as she hid behind Luster. The Manticore charged. Luster teleported herself and Fluttershy out of the way. The manticore crashed into the tables that had been prepared for the festival causing the hayburgers Gallop and Yelena had prepared to fall to the floor. The Earth Pony and Yak noticed this from their hiding place. “Our food!” Gallop said. “No monster messes with Yelena’s hayburgers!” The two of them charged out with cries of fury and began to hit the Manticore with their hooves. Luster rushed to help her two friends, as did Georgia and River Song. The Manticore raised its tall at Yelena, the yak was too slow to move out of the way, but Luster was there with magic to the rescue. She took hold of the Scorpion tale and pulled on it, grunting. The strength of the creature was too great for her to hold, until River Song added her magic to Luster’s. Together the unicorn and Kirin managed to stick the tail into the ground while Georgia scratched the Chimera’s face with her claws. “It would be uncool of me to let some monster attack my friends!” the griffin said. “Ow! Ow!” the monster suddenly spoke and stopped attacking, its red eyes turning normal looking around as though it had just realized where it was. “Arrgh! Where am I?” “You’re in Ponyville, and you ruined our festival!” Gallop said raising a hoof. “I did? I’m sorry!” the manticore said. “Why were your eyes all red?” River Song asked. “Eyes red? I don’t know,” the manticore said. “I just want to go back home.” “Well Manticore go home after Yelena done with you!” the yak said. “Wait!” Georgia said. “He said sorry for ruining our festival, and that red glow is gone. It looks like something was wrong with him.” “You’re right, Georgia,” Luster said. “Manticores eyes don’t glow red. Unless… you were under some sort of mind control?” “Well, we don’t need to hurt him anymore.” “I can go?” the manticore asked. Georgia nodded. “Yes, go. I’m sorry for scratching you up, but you were attacking my friends.” “Thank you, and sorry for that as well.” The manticore ran back to the Everfree forest. Around Luster and her friends, the other monsters were starting to gain ground. Starlight, Sunburst and Trixie were sweating, the Timberwolves somehow resistant to their magic. The beams they shot didn’t break the wolves apart. Rainbow Dash was in the talons of the roc, and Applejack in full retreat from the Chimera. “What do we do Luster?” Gallop asked. “We got to help them!” Luster gritted her teeth. “I-I don’t know!” River Song suddenly took Luster’s hoof. “Everycreature hold hooves, or claws! I think its time we see if we can use the magic of friendship!” They did as the Kirin said, putting their hooves (or claws in Georgia’s case) together. “Come on! We’re all friends!” River Song said. “And you know what they say, friendship is magic!” The Kirin’s horn lit up and she shot a beam from it. But it was just her ordinary blue magic. Not some grand rainbow laser. It hit the timberwolf, causing it to stagger, but the foul-smelling monstrosity shook it off and kept moving in on Luster’s family. Suddenly a beam of magic shot down the Roc, causing it to release Rainbow Dash. “The Princess! We’re saved!” River Song jumped up. Up in the sky, Twilight Sparkle was flying. A look of fury on her face as she looked at the monsters, her body glowing white. Rainbow Dash, Spike, Fluttershy as well as Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Applejack all levitated up to her, drawn by the magic as though they were magnetized. “No pony or monster hurts Ponyville!” She let out a wave of magic that sent all the monsters back to their home in the Everfree forest than came down. “What happened here?” “Monster attack,” Starlight said as she approached the Princess. “Afraid the festival got a little trampled.” Luster looked around and saw the damage the monsters had done. In addition to the food scattered around on the streets, the banners were torn, some of the houses bashed in, fences broken. “Sorry Princess Twilight, we tried to make the monsters go away with the magic of friendship. But it didn’t work, and the festival got ruined.” Luster said. Twilight merely chuckled. “It’s alright Luster. You can’t expect to be able to use a rainbow laser after just having friends for a couple weeks. There is still much more for you to learn. Don’t worry about the festival, I know someone who can fix all of this in a snap.” Moments later, Discord appeared and with a snap of his fingers everything was the way it was before the monsters came, Gallop’s mouth watered as he looked at the restored hayburgers. Twilight smiled at the spirit of chaos, then raised her horn and rose the sun. “Let the Festival of the Two Sisters begin!” Twilight said. The crowd cheered. Gallop and Yelena immediately began feasting on the Hayburgers. ____________________ With the monster’s clearing the road of any travelers and attacking in Canterlot as well as Ponyville to scare off or distract any who got in their way, Grogar and Sombra stepped out of the Everfree forest. The father of monsters had taken control of a good many of his children and given some of them a slight enhancement to make them more difficult to deal with. They made their way to their destination undeterred, the outskirts of Canterlot in the meadow where Twilight Sparkle had achieved her greatest victory against the three villains, Queen Chrysalis, Lord Tirek, and Cozy Glow. All of whom were now encased in stone. Grogar looked around and saw no one within sight. There were distant sounds of monsters roaring and screams. Now was the time. He lowered his hood and lit up his horns, firing a spell at the statues. The stone around them began to fade away, a few pieces falling to the pedestal they stood on. Chrysalis who had been in a lunging position, lost her balance and fell to the ground while Lord Tirek and Cozy looked at themselves for a moment and let out breaths of relief. “We are free!” Tirek said before looking at the two cloaked figures before them. He let out a gasp. “Are you…” “The REAL Grogar!” Grogar said as he grinned. "And you all serve me now!" There was a flash of light and all of the villains vanished before the newly freed trio could say a word. > Chapter 17: Dark Eyes on the Festival > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow found themselves in a familiar area. It was Grogar’s lair, or rather, the lair that Discord had summoned them too when he had pretended to be the ram. “So… you’re not Discord in disguise?” Tirek asked. “No!” Grogar stated. “I am not. I am the true father of monsters! Witness!” He raised a hoof in the direction of the cave entrance. Sure enough, dozens of monsters walked in through it. Seeing them, Cozy shivered and hid under Tirek’s hoof. The centaur showed visible fear as well. Even Chrysalis knew there were too many, she might have considered herself scarier than any of them alone but with so many monsters there even she was not arrogant enough to assume she could win in a fight. The monsters all approached Grogar, whose eyes lit up a brighter red. The monster’s eyes did the same, but he was not using the Ruby of Reign to control them like he was Star Cutter. “All monsters bow to their father’s wishes!” he said. “You briefly served that imposter Discord when he gathered all of you here under the guise of offering you a chance to crush Twilight Sparkle and her friends. I offer you the same, but I mean it truthfully! Discord merely meant to use you to help Twilight Sparkle gain confidence in herself. Join me, and I will return to you your places of power that you once held or sought to hold. Refuse, and I will have my children devour you!” The freed villainous trio looked at the monsters who all growled softly. It was certainly a display for any creature to be able to control so many monsters at once. They had come close to ruling Equestria when working as a team, if not for the arrival of nearly every creature in Equestria they would have destroyed the Mane 6 and their dragon friend that day. Cozy slowly flew out from under Tirek. “I’ll join! I don’t want to be monster food!” “Same!” Tirek said. "Anything for a chance at revenge!" Chrysalis scoffed. “Well, I suppose if the three of us came close to ruling Equestria together we would fare even better if we have an army behind us. But how do we know this isn’t you trying to pull some trick, Discord? As powerful as he is, he could likely control monsters somehow.” Grogar growled. “Watch.” He put his hoof on the Crystal ball that still remained in the lair. An image played out of what was happening in Ponyville. *** Luster sat with her friends eating the hayburgers that had been put back in place by Discord. She’d been afraid of eating them for a moment since they’d been on the ground. But the Lord of Chaos assured everypony that any damage or contamination they might have acquired due to being dropped would have been eliminated by his magic. Gallop gorged himself on the hayburgers. With help from Discord’s chaos magic, Twilight split the sky so that night appeared on one side and day on the other like that time when the tree of harmony had been dying. Several ponies were wearing fake multicolored manes to resemble Celestia, or blue ones to represent Luna. There was coat painting as well where stylists made anypony resemble whichever of the two sisters their preferred, Celestia and Luna, as well as Nightmare Moon. On the night side of the festival, Trixie and a group of unicorns put on a fireworks display, occasionally showing faces of the two sisters. Little fillies and colts would excitedly run back and forth between the two times of day. Some even recreated the battle between Celestia and Nightmare Moon. “I shall be the one pony to rule Equestria! The night shall last forever!” a filly painted black to resemble Nightmare Moon declared as she threw a soft foam tube meant to resemble a magic beam at a Celestia player. “Please sister! I don’t want to fight you!” the Celestia player said as she blocked the projectile. “Then surrender your rule!” “Never. I must maintain harmony in Equestria!” The Celestia players took up plastic elements of harmony and surrounded the Nightmare Moon ones. “I banish you to the Moon!” “NOOO!” The hours seemed to go by quickly for Luster. Time sure sped up when somepony had real fun. Princess Twilight began her farewell speech in front of Town Hall. Luster left her friends and walked over to where her mother stood at the front. “I hope you have all enjoyed today’s Festival of the Two Sisters. And as always, I would like to thank my first ever pupil and Stewardess of my old castle, Starlight Glimmer, for putting it together.” Luster looked over to her mother and saw Starlight seemed to be blushing. She wrapped a hoof around her mother. “The Princess is proud of you, Mom!” she said than grinned. “It feels good to make your mentor proud doesn’t it?” “Yes,” Starlight agreed. “You know, it’s ironic. I was Twilight’s first ever pupil, and now you’re her star pupil.” Luster smiled. “Maybe I’m her star pupil because I get it from you. You are a Star after all.” They chuckled and nuzzled each other as Twilight continued. “Though the time of Celestia and Luna has come and gone, as all of ours will someday, somehow, we will keep the memory of them alive through this festival. Celestia and Luna ruled us for a very long time and would want us to enjoy our lives everyday. They shall never be forgotten, for they have watched over Equestria for a long time, and I believe they watch us even now… even if we can’t see them.” Twilight looked up at the sky, as though imagining the spirt of her mentor and Luna were up there somewhere. Discord let out a few tears. “I miss those two. I had such fun tormenting them back in the day!” he said. “Celestia taught me so much, which I hope to be able to share with the current generation. Not only with ponies, but every creature in Equestria so that they know the magic of friendship. Even when somepony is gone, if their work remains after they are than that is what is important. I will protect Equestria in their place for as long as I have to.” *** “You see? Discord is in Ponyville with Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends,” Grogar said. “So, I see,” Tirek said with his arms crossed. “Enjoying their little festival.” “How did Celestia and Luna even die? I thought they were immortal?” Cozy asked. “Not that I’m complaining. Two less Princesses for us to worry about.” “That Cadence is gone too, thanks to me!” Grogar proudly stated. “But that sow Starlight Glimmer has a daughter now!” Chrysalis spat, seeing Starlight nuzzle the younger pink pony. It filled her with fury seeing her nemesis so happy. But the fury quickly turned to an evil look of intrigue as an idea occurred to her. “Hmm… they say a mothers love for their child is the strongest thing. I will take her daughter from her! What better way to pay her back for stealing my hive?” Cozy and Tirek looked at her in surprise, while Grogar smiled. “Patience, Chrysalis,” the ram sorcerer said. “You will have your revenge in time. In fact, I will let you take your time. Have fun with it. Enjoy it. Revenge, your hive, and more will be given to you.” The changeling Queen grinned. “I look forward to it. Nice and slow does sound pleasing. It would be too quick to simply destroy them after all they put me through. They’ll wish they had destroyed me instead of turning me to stone.” “Tirek, come forward,” Grogar said. The centaur hesitated then did as he was bid. Grogar put a hoof to one of the small bells on his red collar and drew out an orb of magic which he blew at Tirek. This was a familiar thing to Tirek as he caught the orb and devoured it. But to his absolute surprise, the amount of magic power didn’t restore him to just his second form. It went all the way to his third form which he had been in during the battle of the bell. Tirek looked at his muscles and grinned, kissing them. How he loved being strong! “Yes!” he said. “Oh, if only my pathetic father could see me now!” “You shall have the power to crush all before you,” Grogar assured him before turning to Cozy. “When Equestria falls, you shall rule over Ponykind, little filly. Under my supervision of course. When you come of age you shall be known as Queen Cozy Glow!” “Golly! I like the sound of that!” Cozy said in false sweetness. Grogar looked from Tirek to Cozy. “I can’t turn you into an alicorn without the power of my bewitching bell. But I can make you stronger in a way.” He lit up his horns and cast another spell. Cozy Glow suddenly grew from a filly to a full grown mare. “Ah!” Cozy screamed. “I’m an adult!” “You would have been one already if not for being encased in stone,” Grogar pointed out. “You’ll be more useful as a full grown pony to me. Besides, once Princess Twilight finds out you three are freed she will likely put up wanted posters. This will prevent the likeliness of you being recognized.” Cozy frowned, but Grogar had a point. She’d been encased in stone for years, if she had been allowed to grow she would be an adult now, and this might allow her to move in the open. Cozy spread her now larger wings and flapped them, finding herself able to fly at a greater speed than she could as a filly. This caused her to grin. She was a stronger Pegasus now, that alone gave her power, just what she wanted. “And I shall have my empire back?” Sombra asked, speaking for the first time since they’d entered the lair. Grogar nodded. “Yes, you shall King Sombra. The Crystal Empire will be yours once we dispose of Princess Flurry Heart. All of you shall get what you desire. Your kingdoms will be restored to you. But I shall be the supreme ruler of EVERYTHING!” The last word was followed by a flow of magic that threw all four of the other villains against the walls. “Understand?” Grogar asked. “I hold the power here! I’m aware that you three betrayed Discord when he impersonated me! But do not think I will the same foolish mistake as he did! I will be watching your every move, and no matter what you may think of I will always be one step ahead! If you betray me you shall all be left with nothing!” They struggled against the magical restraints for a moment futilely, than nodded. “Good!” Grogar grinned, then began to laugh evilly as he set his new minions down. “Now… we will begin phase one of my plan.” > Chapter 18: Terrible Discovery > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the Festival of the Two Sisters over, Twilight and Spike flew back to Canterlot, accompanied by Gallus and a group of Pegasus Royal Guards. Twilight’s heavier body made it a little more difficult for her to fly long distances than it was when she had been smaller. Of course, she could have teleported straight to Canterlot, but that would have denied her the chance to see the land in between while flying. Fortunately, she only needed to clear the Everfree forest and could land on the outskirts of Canterlot where she and her friends had fought their final big battle for Equestria years ago against Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow. They had left the trio entombed in stone for the past two decades. Twilight had zapped them all with a Rainbow laser, gathering friendship magic on her with the aid of her friends, the Young Six, and the Pillars. She had stripped them of Grogar’s power, and Discord, Celestia, and Luna had all turned them to stone for their crimes against Equestria. Now they would remain here forever, trapped on that… Twilight gasped as she saw something in the distance. She saw the pedestal which the trio had stood upon. But it seemed to be empty. “What’s wrong Twilight?” Spike asked. Looking ahead, his mouth fell open. He rubbed his eyes, as though thinking was something in them. “Are you seeing what I’m seeing?” Twilight asked, pointing to the pedestal. Gallus noticed it too and flew over. “They’re gone!” he shouted in worry. “No! No! No!” Twilight screamed. “They can’t be? How is this possible?” * Starlight and her family were too full from the festival food for much of a dinner. They did have a few apples though to hold them over till tomorrow. “So, Luster, did you enjoy the festival today?” Starlight asked. “Oh yes… but I wish I’d been able to use some friendship magic when we were fighting the monsters,” Luster said. Starlight put a hoof on her daughter. “For a long time, it took Twilight having to use the symbols of friendship like the elements of harmony or the chest that made this castle. It was a long time before she was able to use the magic of friendship without any sort of artifact. The bonds between her and her friends grew deep over the years. You’ve only had friends for a couple weeks now.” Luster sighed. “You’re right. But even so, I did something. Did you see me and River Song holding the manticore’s tail and keeping it from hurting Yelena?” Starlight shook her head. “No. Didn’t I tell you to stay where it was safe?” “The manticore was going to hurt Fluttershy!” Luster countered. “Could you expect me to just stand by?” Starlight frowned. “Alright, I guess I can’t ground you for defending my friend and a member of the Council of Friendship. But don’t take any unnecessary risks. I don’t want anything to happen to you. Besides, Equestria has Twilight and her friends to protect it.” “But she and her friends won’t be around forever,” Luster pointed out. “And Equestria’s ruler needs to lead it. She may have been its sworn defender at one point, but she can’t risk her life all the time now that she’s supreme ruler. She needs to let others do the fighting now, only intervene when it’s necessary like it was today.” “Pfft!” Trixie scoffed. “We could have handled those monsters being the Great and Powerful ponies we are! If Twilight had given us a bit more time, I’m sure we would have had them mopped up. I say bring them on next time! Any bad guys that show up we can handle ourselves!” Suddenly the door to the kitchen opened and Twilight and Spike burst in. “Starlight! I have bad news!” Twilight screamed. “Twilight? What’s wrong?” Starlight asked, she hadn’t seen Twilight this upset in years. Not since the deaths of Shining Armor and Cadence, which had been a shock for all of them. “No time to explain! I need the Council right now!” Twilight shouted. Starlight could tell it was must have been serious. Something bad was happening in Equestria by the way Twilight was reacting. Twilight lit up her horn and let out a bit of rainbow magic, summoning Discord in front of her as well as Fluttershy. The spirit of chaos and his wife were kissing. “Ahem!” Twilight cleared her throat. Discord broke the kiss and looked at Twilight. “Oh ho! A sudden summons from the ruler of Equestria,” he than changed his tone as he looked at Fluttershy. “This better be important as I was in the middle of something very important.” “Now Discord, we can always kiss later,” Fluttershy said. “Twilight would never summon you and I without good reason.” Twilight took a breath in an effort to calm herself. “Trust me, its very important. Discord could you please summon the others?” “Sure thing!” Discord said in a clearly annoyed tone as he put Fluttershy down and snapped his fingers, the other four ponies that were part of the Council of Friendship were summoned. Rarity was sopping wet as though she’d been showering. “Darlings, what’s going on?” “Are we having a surprise sleepover?” Pinkie asked. “No!” Twilight said. “We have an emergency! They are back!” Everypony was silent for a moment. Knowing that they most likely referred to three villains. “Please tell me they are not who I think?” Applejack asked. “Oh no! Not them! Anypony but them!” Rarity exclaimed. “Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow?” Rainbow Dash asked. Twilight nodded. “I was on my way back to Canterlot when I saw the statues of them were gone!” All the ponies gasped. Even Discord’s teeth chattered as he recalled how he’d been deceived by the trio whom he himself had put together while posing as Grogar. Starlight cringed, her mind wandered back to the early days when Luster had been a baby. She’d had those nightmares of Chrysalis coming back and stealing her baby. Starlight had reminded herself that Chrysalis was trapped in stone, that she was gone for good. “You’re joking!” Starlight said. “Please tell me you’re joking!” Twilight looked at her. “Starlight, I would never joke on a matter like this!” Starlight began to breath hard and pace around the room. “No, no, no, no! Chrysalis is back and she’ll be out for revenge! She’s gonna come and take Luster away!” Sunburst put his hooves on his wife. “Starlight, calm down honey!” “Calm down! Calm down!?” Starlight screamed. “My archenemy has returned, and she’ll be after our daughter, I know it!” “Hey, Star! Take it easy! There’s no way Chrysalis even knows about Luster!” Trixie said. “She’s been trapped in stone the past twenty years and it was like taking a long nap!” “That’s right!” Discord said. “She and the other two were in hibernation while they were trapped. Unlike me they didn’t hear, see, or feel a thing while in stone. I did consider making their existence like mine, but I thought it best to be merciful and not torture them. Being trapped together was probably bad enough for them. There’s no way they know about Luster… unless somepony showed them the festival that happened and that particularly affection nuzzle you two shared in a crystal ball.” Starlight frowned. “Way to make me feel assured, Discord!” She looked at her daughter. Luster’s face was full of fear and worry. Worry for her mother’s current state, and fear of what her mother feared. “You… you think Chrysalis is gonna come after me to get revenge on you?” Luster asked. Starlight nodded. “I thought she’d never return! But now she’s back! She’s wanted revenge on me ever since I convinced the changelings to change! If she finds out I have a daughter, she’ll come after you for sure!” Everyone was looking at Starlight oddly. It was like Twilight’s moments of “Twilighting” but in Starlight’s case it was “Starlighting”. Twilight approached her former pupil and put a hoof on her. “Starlight, don’t worry. I’ll put out the word for everypony to keep a look out for Chrysalis and the other two!” “You think that’s gonna solve anything!?” Starlight yelled. “Chrysalis can take any form! She can look like any creature, somepony you know or a total stranger! There’s no way we can catch her! She could be here in Ponyville right now… she could even be one of you!” This caused her friends to look at her in astonishment. “Starlight, its us!” Fluttershy said. “Yeah, sugarcube. You’re overreacting, Chrysalis can’t have been out long! You think she would know what we all look like now that we’re older?” Applejack asked. “Yes, these bags under our eyes, and I have a gray hair!” Rarity said before looking at Twilight. “While you get the flowing mane!” Twilight frowned. “And I summoned all of you here! My magic would only bring the real ones here!” Discord pointed out. Starlight took a breath. “You’re right, I am overreacting. I’m sorry. I just… had some nightmares about Chrysalis returning and taking Luster after she was born. I knew it would never happen as long as she was in stone, but now… she’s back!” “Don’t worry, Starlight. We’ll deal with her and the others. We beat those villains once we’ll do it again!” Rainbow Dash said. “They don’t have the real Grogar’s magic this time, and the Bewitching Bell is being kept in my realm so no pony can use it!” Discord said. “Those meanies are gonna wish they stayed in stone!” Pinkie Pie declared. “But… how did they get out?” Rarity asked. “There’s a simple answer to that. Somepony or some creature freed them,” Discord said. “The question is… who?” “Ooh, you think its another of our old enemies back for revenge?” Pinkie asked. “Let’s see, who could it be? Pony of Shadows, Storm King, King Sombra no they’re gone!” “Maybe it’s a new enemy?” Twilight asked. “I don’t like what’s been going on recently. The Crystal Heart was stolen at Flurry’s coronation, somepony took the energy from it, a group of monsters attack Ponyville today and now these three are missing. Something is rising, something sinister.” “Well we’re just gonna have to defeat it like we do every other bad guy!” Rainbow Dash said. “There’s nothing we can’t handle!” “Don’t be overconfident Dash, sure we’ve always won before… but things can change,” Applejack said. “We nearly lost against those three last time, and if they’re working with somepony else it could be a lot harder.” Discord but a claw to his chin. “Who would even want to team up with those three losers anyway?” “Says the draconequus who pretended to be Grogar and had his magic drained by those losers?” Rainbow Dash asked in Discord’s face. “Now Rainbow, Discord had good intentions even if they were misguided,” Fluttershy defended her husband. “Girls, that’s in the past now! We need to deal with our villains today!” Twilight said. “We’ll put up wanted posters of the three of them. Discord can you give us illustrations of Tirek in all his forms?” Discord (in a painter’s garb) immediately painted pictures of each of Tirek’s forms and handed them to Twilight. “Thank you, I’ll get a picture of Cozy Glow out. Chrysalis will be hardest to spot since she can change forms.” Starlight shook her head. “Next to impossible. Well, I don’t care what she does to me! I’m not going to let her hurt Luster!” She turned to her daughter. “Luster, I need you to leave the Castle until Chrysalis is caught. Stay with one of your friends. If you see me in Ponyville, walk past me as though we’re strangers! Same with Sunburst and Trixie!” “What? Why?” Luster asked. “If Chrysalis doesn’t know you’re my daughter, she can’t find out!” Starlight said. “I need to pretend we’re strangers until she is back in stone or sent to Tartarus!” > Chapter 19: Moving Out Into Harmony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luster tried to convince her mother to let her stay, but Starlight would have none of it. “It’s for your own good Luster!” Starlight insisted. “I’m not gonna have my daughter become a target for Chrysalis’s revenge!” “But can’t we at least meet once and a while?” “No!” Starlight said. “I’m not going to take any chances! Any time you see me in Ponyville you just pass by me like you don’t know me!” Luster’s eyes began to water up. Starlight sighed and walked up to her, putting a hoof on her daughter. “Understand me, Luster. I just want you to be safe,” Starlight said. “You mean everything to me, and I can’t bear the thought of you getting hurt.” Starlight hugged her, her eyes also welling up with tears. This was the hardest thing she’d ever done as a parent, having to let her child go. But it was for Luster’s safety. Starlight knew Chrysalis, the former Queen had sworn revenge on her. She’d said she planned to torture Starlight for “eternity” when she’d captured her, fortunately she’d never gotten the chance since Twilight had defeated her along with Cozy Glow and Tirek. Now they had another member of their team who had freed them, or perhaps it merely a minion. Maybe some rogue changelings or something? Starlight couldn’t imagine there could be anyone worse than those three out there, she hoped not at least. “Once Chrysalis is back in stone or imprisoned in Tartarus, things will go back to normal. Until then, you just spend time with your friends. This could be a good opportunity to bond with them.” Luster looked at her mother sadly. “I love you, Luster. Always,” Starlight reminded her. “I don’t know how long this will last, it could be a while.” “Can I… at least send you letters like I do Princess Twilight?” Luster asked. Starlight thought for a moment. “Alright, I guess Chrysalis probably wouldn’t bother to go through my mail if she comes here looking for revenge on me.” That gave Luster a little relief, at least she would have some contact with her parents. Sighing. She went to her room and gathered her things into a saddle bag with her sun Cutie Mark on it. She met her parents and Trixie at the door to the Castle of Friendship. Princess Twilight and her friends had left to work on a plan to deal with the returned villains as the Council. Starlight was left to oversee security around Ponyville. Since she was Stewardess of the Castle of Friendship, Ponyville looked to her now as the voice of Twilight Sparkle. It was up to her to take care of this part of Twilight’s kingdom. Starlight teleported them all to her office in the School of Friendship. She walked over to the announcement phone and flipped a switch than put her head to the speaker. “All students and staff gather in the assembly room for an emergency meeting!” Starlight said. They went to the assembly hall where Luster saw Georgia and Riversong among the students. Her Kirin friend waved at her with a wide smile. Occellus, Silverstream, Smolder, as well as the grown-up Cutie Mark Crusaders were present, they stood close to Starlight and her family. “I have an important piece of news that everycreature should know about,” Starlight said. “Somehow, Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow have returned.” There were many gasps and frantic mutterings from both students and staff. Occellus in particular looked frightened, as she had been a young changeling when Chrysalis had reigned during her final years as Queen. She remembered Chrysalis’s cruelty all too well. It was her worst nightmare to become Chrysalis. “This is terrible!” she said. “Do you think Chrysalis is going to come back here and attack the school again?” Starlight shuddered. “It’s a possibility. She might attack us, or sneak in. Which is why I’ve called you all here to discuss possible ways to protect ourselves. First, I want all of you to form codewords with all your closest friends around here. Ask each other questions that only friends would know. Do you understand?” The students and staff nodded. This was a start to forming a defense against an enemy that could change shape. Starlight than looked at Luster’s two friends that were present. “Georgia, River Song! Come forward please!” Starlight asked. The Kirin and Griffon stepped out in front of the rest of the students. Starlight looked at her daughter. “Luster, ask each of them something that only they would know,” Starlight said. “We need to make sure they are not Chrysalis.” Luster hesitated for a moment, thinking. “Which of your teams did I play on first during our Buckball game?” she asked. “Me of course!” River Song said with a smile. Luster nodded. River Song was River Song, she could tell just by her enthusiastic reaction. Chrysalis wouldn’t know to fake River Song’s personality. “Georgia, what monster did you scratch up at the festival this morning?” “A manticore!” the griffon said. “It's them!” Luster said to Starlight. “Okay, you three come with me please,” Starlight said before looking at the rest of her students. “I assure you all that I will be working on a plan to keep Chrysalis and her allies from harming this school as well as Ponyville. It’s my responsibility as Headmare and Stewardess of the Castle of Friendship! For now, all of you make sure your friends are who you think they are.” Starlight took Luster and her two friends into the other room while Sunburst and Trixie remained behind to supervise. Once they were out of earshot, Starlight turned to Georgia and River Song. “I have to have Luster leave home,” she said. “Since Chrysalis is back, she’ll be out for revenge on me. If she ever found out I had a daughter, she would definitely come after Luster! I want Luster to stay with you two from now on. To keep her safe.” Georgia looked at Luster, who was still feeling sad. After today, she wouldn’t be able to speak with her mother directly. “No problem Headmare Glimmer!” the griffon said in her usual confidence. “I’ll make Luster feel right at home!” “Yay! Yay!” River Song said. “Luster is gonna be our new roommate!” “That’s… another thing,” Starlight said. “I kind of need you to both move into a different place with Luster.” * After Starlight and her friendship staff consolidated the rest of the students at the school, she, Sunburst, and Trixie led Luster, River Song, and Georgia out of the school and along a path into the Everfree Forest. “Um… mom?” Luster asked as they moved through the trees. “You’re not planning on sending me out here to hide in a cave, right?” “That could be fun! It would be like camping all the time!” River Song said. “No, you’re not going to be living in a cave,” Starlight said. “More of a… tree. Or at least a tree house.” They came into a clearing and Luster saw the ruins of an ancient looking Castle. “Is that the Castle of the Two Sisters?” she asked. “Wow. That’s where Princess Twilight defeated Nightmare Moon at the start of her journey with her friends. Am I going to stay there?” Luster asked. Starlight nodded. “In a matter of speaking. You’ll be staying at the Treehouse of Harmony which lies in the ruins there.” “Treehouse of Harmony?” Luster repeated. “Years ago, when Discord first brought the villains together while posing as Grogar he originally brought King Sombra back with them,” Starlight explained. “Sombra refused to work with others though. He tricked Twilight and her friends into thinking that they defeated him with the elements of harmony and followed them back to the tree before destroying it. But it took a new form with the help of some of my students, who are now teachers at the school.” “Occellus, Silverstream and Smolder?” Georgia guessed. “Yes, along with Gallus, Yona, and Sandbar,” Starlight confirmed. “They used it as a treehouse back in the day, though its not used anymore. You should be safe here, Luster.” They walked up to the ruined gate of the castle and Luster’s eyes widened as she saw the Treehouse of Harmony. It shined brightly, its top blossoming with lovely pink flowers. They went inside. They went inside. It wasn’t as big as the Castle, but more than large enough to house the three friends inside. Luster saw plenty of shelves that had good space for books. Georgia flew upstairs. “New bedrooms, cool! We’ll just have to get our things from the dorms at the school.” Luster walked into the nearest room. But there was one problem. “No bed.” “We’ll just get sleeping bags!” River Song said. “It’ll be like camping in a treehouse!” “We can buy you some beds,” Starlight said. She then looked directly into Luster’s eyes. Luster knew the moment of departure was close. “I know this is gonna be hard. But I can’t bear the thought of Chrysalis coming and taking you away,” Starlight said as she went up to her daughter and gave her a final hug. “I love you mom!” Luster said, tears escaping her eyes again. Starlight broke the hug after a moment, her eyes watering as well. She turned and walked back out, her neck facing to the ground in sadness. Sunburst approached Luster now. “Your mother is being overprotective I know. But she means well, and Chrysalis probably would try to come after you… maybe even me or Trixie too. Just think of this as like being in Canterlot, but you’ll see us from time to time. And I want you to know that I’m proud of everything you’ve done, and I’m sure you’ll do much more in time.” He kissed his daughter’s forehead and gave her a final smile before following his wife. Trixie came now, she put a hoof on Luster. “Don’t you worry Luster. If Chrysalis shows her ugly black face around here your Great and Powerful Godmare will be here to protect Mommy and Daddy!” Luster knew Trixie wasn’t nearly as skilled with magic as Starlight was. But she managed a smile at her Godmare’s/Aunt’s words. She hugged Trixie as well. The magician/guidance counselor followed her friends and family figures outside. That left Luster alone. Her parents would no longer be a part of her life, not until Chrysalis was dealt with. Why did it have to be this way? Luster had spent all her life trying to please her family and make them proud. She’d devoted her entire life of magical studies to surpass her powerful mother, be knowledgeable like her father. Trixie wasn’t much of a role model, but she could put on an entertaining performance with magic. Now they were all gone from Luster’s life for the time being. She wouldn’t speak to them directly until this was over. Luster sobbed quietly. Then she felt a claw on her shoulder. “It’s okay, Luster,” Georgia said with a kind smile. “Your parents and Godmare might not be in your life for a while, but its not like they’ve kicked you out.” “We’re here for you! So just put those tears away!” River Song said pulling Luster’s lips into a smile. Luster sighed but managed to do so. “Thanks, girls. At least I’m not alone here. I have friends.” Friends, she thought. A short time ago friendship had just been a nuisance to her. But now, without her family, she would be left with nothing. At least she still had these two. “We should see if Gallop and Yelena want to crash here too!” River Song suggested. They looked outside. It was dark. “Maybe in the morning. They might be getting ready for bed now,” Luster suggested with a yawn. “I think I’m ready for it too.” “Want us to sleep in the same room tonight?” Georgia asked. “I know this is hard for you." Luster nodded. “If you were an element of harmony Georgia, I’d say it was kindness. And River Song, you’d make a good element of laughter.” The three friends hugged, while a certain spirit watched them nearby, though they could not see it. “Yes, they could make good elements of their own,” the spirit of Harmony said. “But your friendship will need to grow much stronger if you are to face what is to come. What could well destroy all harmony in Equestria.” > Chapter 20: New Beginnings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luster, River Song, and Georgia spent their first night in the Treehouse of Harmony. They woke up as Princess Twilight raised the sun in Canterlot. “Good morning girls!” River Song said. “Let’s make ourselves some breakfast!” Luster yawned and got to her hooves, wanting to do much the same. But she quickly remembered something. “We don’t have any food here!” “Oh, right! Ah well, go into town than!” River Song said. “We really should have thought about that before we came here,” Georgia said. “Race you guys there!” River Song said. “With Gallop not around I bet I could beat both of you!” Georgia smirked. “Alright, but he’d never be able to keep up with me if I used my wings!” The griffon and Kirin took off, racing each other on hooves and claws. Luster chased after them, not nearly as fast. She was probably the least athletic of all her friends. “Wait!” she called. But they continued on without her. Luster ran after them, eventually getting to Ponyville. She panted hard as she saw them in the middle of town. “What took you so long, Luster?” River Song asked as the scholarly pink pony came up to them. “Not… used… to running… long…distances!” Luster said through deep breaths. “Oh, dear. You must be thirsty after running so much. Come on, lets grab something to eat,” Georgia said. “We’ll do some shopping and get some food to take to the Treehouse too.” Luster nodded slowly, she caught sight of the Castle of Friendship in the distance. She never thought she’d be in a situation like this, where she wanted to go home but was unable to do so. They headed to The Pony Pancake House for breakfast, where Luster saw her parents in a table nearby. Starlight looked at her daughter, for a split second their eyes met, then Starlight pulled away, gazing down at the table. Luster shook, seeing her mother look away from her tore a hole in her heart. She’d spent all her life trying to measure up to both Starlight and Sunburst. Her father looked back and saw her, he gave a nervous look like he wanted to say something but turned around in his seat. Luster sighed. They were her parents, and she loved them so much. Every love filled instinct urged her to go over there and say hello, but they had forbidden her from doing so. Starlight was afraid that if Queen Chrysalis ever found out Luster was her daughter that she would come after her. Looking around at the ponies and a few other creatures that were inside, Luster wondered if there was a chance Chrysalis could actually be here in the Pancake House, waiting to attack her mother. No, she thought. There was no chance of that. Chrysalis wouldn’t be fool enough to come to Ponyville, she’d spent a long time in hiding after Luster’s mother had turned her hive against her. Not striking until she became more powerful and had allies in Lord Tirek and Cozy Glow. But then, somepony had freed all of them. There was some unknown fourth player at least, or worse it might have been a group of evil doers working together. Luster could only hope that this matter would be settled quickly. Princess Twilight would have those villains tracked down and deal with them somehow. She might even call upon Luster to help her, and Luster would help in any way she could. If Chrysalis came near her mother, Luster would not stand by and leave Starlight to fend for herself. This would all be over someday, and Luster would be able to be her family again, but for now she had to be strong. Taking a deep breath, Luster took a seat with Georgia and River Song at a table on the other side of the Pancake House. They got their breakfast and then headed over to the market for food to take back to the Treehouse. Luster and River Song levitated grocery bags with their horns while Georgia flew carrying some in her claws. They dropped off the groceries in the Treehouse than headed back to town, knocking on the door to Gallops house. Swifty Sandwich, Gallop’s mother, answered the door. “Oh, Georgia, River Song!” Swifty Sandwich said to the two ones she was familiar with before looking at Luster. “Who’s this?” Luster offered a small smile. “Luster Dawn, Mrs. Sandwich. We met when I was a filly.” The older mare gasped. “You’re Headmare Starlight’s daughter!” Luster cringed. That was yet another reminder of who she was, and what she could not go back to until this crisis was over. “Um… you might want to avoid mentioning Headmare Starlight or Vice Headmare Sunburst,” Georgia said in Swifty’s ear. “Luster was… sort of sent away from her family.” “What?” Swifty asked. “Headmare Starlight sent her daughter away? What kind of mother would do that?” “It was for her own safety,” Georgia said. “Queen Chrysalis has returned! That’s bad right? Yes, very bad! And to make it worse, Headmare Starlight thinks if Chrysalis finds out Luster is her daughter she will come after her!” River Song said. “Oh, that’s terrible!” Swifty said. “Are you alright, dear?” Luster sighed. “I don’t know. It hurts, I just saw my parents in the Pancake house, but I couldn’t go and even say hello to them! Now I have to live in the Treehouse of Harmony!” “We’re living there with to keep her company and protect her in case Chrysalis happens to come after her or something. Actually, we came to ask Gallop if he wanted to come and move in with us.” “Oh, come in then. Gallop should be upstairs in his room,” Swifty said. She led them inside the house and up the stairs to where Gallop was doing some sit-ups. Luster looked into his room and saw he had a picture of Rainbow Dash and her current generation of Wonderbolts. “Gallop, you have some visitors!” Swifty said. Gallop looked up and saw Luster and the others. “Oh, hey guys. Or… girls I should say!” Gallop said. “What are you three doing here?” “We wanted to invite you to come stay with us!” River Song told the Earth Pony in her usual enthusiasm. “Stay with you?” Gallop repeated. “Yeah! We moved into the Treehouse of Harmony with Luster to protect her!” River Song said. “The big bad trio are back! Headmare Starlight thinks Chrysalis might come after Luster so she sent Luster away from home. We’re keeping her company there! You wanna join us?” Gallop hesitated. “I’m… not sure. I kind of need to stay here. My dad’s gone and Mom needs extra support with the hayburger business. I already had to pull of the School of Friendship.” “Gallop, you can still work the Hayburger wagon. I’ll be fine,” Swifty said. “Your friend might be in danger, and she needs support more than I do now. I’ll be fine, go with your friend.” Gallop looked at Luster. “Okay, I’ll come. If it means protecting a friend. I would never abandon anypony or creature.” “Yay, yay!” River Song jumped. “Now, let’s go get Yelena!” Yelena’s Yak family lived next door. When the Yak heard what was going on, she nodded. “You can count on me Luster! If Chrysalis tries to take you, she’s gonna feel some Yak strength!” Luster managed a smile. All her friends were going to be with her at the Treehouse of Harmony. That would make it easier, but she still hoped that Princess Twilight would catch the villains soon. Word would come out of their escape, Ponyville and other places could have time to prepare. Unlike last time they had been warned at the very last minute by Discord after he’d been drained of his power. Tirek and Cozy Glow’s escape from Tartarus had been kept quiet, as had Tirek’s solo escape. Cereberus hadn’t been smart enough to tell ponies when a monster escaped. He was just a dog after all, and only guarded the prison. Sure enough, when Luster looked in a newspaper, she saw the headline, Enemies of Equestria Return! A picture of the three villains in their stone was shown on the front cover. “Well, the word’s out!” Luster said. “Hope they catch those baddies soon!” River Song said. “There’s no way Tirek or Cozy Glow is gonna be able to sneak around now with that picture in the newspaper.” “But Chrysalis can take any form!” Luster reminded them, that was when she remembered something her mother had said. “So, we better make sure we have a way to know that we’re all ourselves. My mom suggested a codeword.” “Ooh! Maybe we each say our favorite things to do!” River Song suggested. “Swim!” “Run!” Gallop said. “Smash!” Yelena said, banging her hooves on the ground. “Read!” Luster said. “Fly!” Georgia flapped her wings. “Okay, anyone who gets their part of the code wrong, friends smash!” Yelena said. “That friend is Chrysalis in disguise.” “I really doubt that its going to come to that though,” Luster said. “No way Chrysalis knows about me.” “Well let’s hope not,” Georgia said. “Come on, we’ll show you guys the tree house.” * In Canterlot, Twilight and her Council waited in the throne room. Soon Gallus entered the room. “Your majesty, Councilors, the newspapers across Equestria have spread the word!” he said. “Good,” Twilight said. “We won’t let them have time to prepare their attack this time.” “And with the Bewitching Bell in my realm safely, there’s no way they’ll all become as powerful as they were before!” Discord said. “I’ll sense whenever Tirek steals magic from a creature and then go get them.” “You sure they ain’t gonna go into that lair you used while posing as Grogar?” Applejack asked the Draconequess. Discord scoffed. “Pfft! Please, they would not be stupid enough to use a place we already know about. Look!” A crystal ball appeared in his paw. He showed them the inside of the lair he had used during that time. It looked empty. “Well, wherever they are, they can’t hide from us! We’ll kick their flanks just like last time!” Rainbow Dash said. Spike looked at Twilight. “Do you think… maybe Luster should help?” Twilight shook her head. “Going up against Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow would probably be too much to ask of her right now. She’s only just begun her journey down friendship. I’ll give her a mission less dangerous when I can. Besides, Starlight would kill me if I sent her daughter to Chrysalis.” Spike nodded, understanding. Twilight hoped to make Luster her Successor someday, but she couldn’t send Luster on an assignment too difficult. Luster was skilled with magic, but she hadn’t learned to unleash friendship yet. It would take some time before she was able to produce a rainbow laser. * In Grogar’s lair, the villains were gathered around Grogar’s table. “Are you certain that staying here is wise?” Chrysalis asked. “Discord used this lair when he posed as you. Once he gets word of our escape, he could come looking for us.” Grogar scoffed. “He thinks that this is the last place you three would hide! I’ve placed a spell on concealment here. If he or anypony else were to come here or even scry they would see this place as empty.” “Golly! That’s amazing,” Cozy Glow said. "So I could do this and they wouldn't see!" She stuck her tongue out at some imaginary spy. Grogar frowned. He may have turned her into an adult but she was still a filly, a demented psychopathic filly to be sure. “So, when are we going to attack?” Tirek asked. “I want to crush Twilight Sparkle!” “And I want to see Starlight Glimmer cry after I take her daughter!” Chrysalis said. Sombra scoffed. “Forget about your petty desires for revenge! When will I have my empire back?” Grogar grunted. “Patience, all of you! You will have your chance to get everything you desire! The first phase of my plan is already underway. Soon the Crystal Empire will fall.” > Chapter 21: Gallop Against the Gala > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luster and her friends spent the next few weeks in the Treehouse of Harmony. They had silently hoped that this would be over quickly, that Chrysalis as well as Tirek and Cozy Glow would be apprehended, and that Luster would be able to return to her family. But that was not the case. As of now, there was still no word on even a sighting of the Legion of Doom. Luster sighed as she lay her head down on their breakfast table. “Hey, it’s okay Luster, Yelena and other friends here,” Yelena said. “You really have it rough huh?” River Song asked. “I spent my entire life devoting myself to studying magic so I could make my parents proud,” Luster said. “Now I’m going to be separated from them till Chrysalis and the others are caught. Who knows how long that will be? Maybe they won’t ever come out into the open. Maybe they’ll just remain in hiding?” “Don’t worry, Luster. I’m sure that if a certain amount of time passes your parents will eventually want to see you,” Georgia said. “Your mother just wants you safe. If Chrysalis doesn’t come in around a year, I’m sure that Headmare Starlight will let you back in.” Luster sighed. “I hope so. At least I can send my mother letters like I did when I was in Canterlot.” She levitated a piece of paper and quill over. Dear Mom, Dad, and Aunt Trixie. I’m feeling better now after these past couple weeks. Having my four best friends to keep me company here in the Treehouse of Harmony has made things easier. But I miss you all. I hope that Chrysalis and the others will be caught soon and whoever freed them as well. I’ve always wanted to be a daughter that could measure up to you, and I will continue to study friendship. I want to accomplish as much as Princess Twilight someday, though that’s probably a far cry. I’ll never be able to compare to her I think. Still, we should all strive to be our best, shouldn’t we? Love Luster. Luster folded the letter and stuck it in an envelope. She and her friends made their way into town. As they walked, Luster caught sight of a hard to miss pegasus pony with crossed eyes in a mail delivery uniform. “Hey, Derpy!” she called. Derpy flew down with a grin. “Could you please deliver this to the Castle of Friendship?” Luster asked. The cross-eyed pony nodded and took Luster’s letter in her mouth and taking off toward the Castle of friendship. “Be careful you watch where you’re going!” Georgia called after her. Luster looked at the griffon curiously. “That pony has a tendency to crash into the roof on her way to the school.” “So, what are we going to do today?” River Song asked. “You still need to send a Friendship Report to Princess Twilight this week.” Luster nodded. “Yes, last week it was about having all of you guys be here to support me when I felt so alone. But I’m just not sure what to talk about right now.” “Well, maybe we can- River Song broke off as a letter from Princess Twilight appeared in a puff of smoke. Ever since Luster had moved back to Ponyville, the Princess had put her on her magical letter connection for Spike. Luster blinked. She had not expected to hear from her mentor until she sent her next report. She opened the letter, only for five small golden pieces of paper to fall out as well. The smaller pieces fell to the ground. “Ooh!” River Song whooped. “What are these?” She levitated the papers in her blue Kirin magic. “Tickets! Tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala coming up in a month!” she screamed in joy. Luster read the letter for her friends to hear. Dear Luster Dawn, my gifted student, I hope you are feeling better since last time. I know that life can be stressful occasionally, if you need to have an extension on your next friendship report I completely understand. But in the meantime, I Princess Twilight would like to invite Luster Dawn and her four friends to the upcoming Grand Galloping Gala in Canterlot taking place at the end of the month. I thought you might want to bring all your friends so I made sure to send four tickets to be safe. I remember when I was Celestia’s student and she initially only sent one ticket, my friends ended up fighting over me trying to get the ticket. Well, I hope you and your friends will come. Princess Twilight. “Wow! We all get to go to the Grand Galloping Gala!” River Song yelled. “This will so much fun!” “I agree! I’ve never been to the Gala before!” Luster said. “This could be a lot of fun! What you creatures think?” River Song grinned widely, showing that she was in. “Well, if it’s a big event it’s gotta be cool right?” Georgia said. “I’ll go." That left Yelena and Gallop. “Yelena not sure. Yelena not big on huge formal events,” the Yak said. “There will probably be lots of food there,” Georgia said with a smirk. “Food served at a Royal Event.” This caused Yelena to grin. “Yelena always like good food! Okay, Yelena go!” They all looked at the last member of their group. Gallop hesitated. “Come on, Gallop! We got to go to the gala!” River Song said. “The Princess was kind enough to send five tickets for all of us. I hear that its so much fun there with Counselor Pinkie Pie as the party planner!” Gallop looked down. “Uh- thanks… but dancing seems more like a girly thing.” “Oh come on Gallop! It’s even got your name in it!” River Song said. “You could really bring the GALLOP in the GRAND GALLOPING GALA!” Gallop cringed his teeth for a moment than shook his head wildly. “I’m not going! I’m never going to anything related to dancing again!” Gallop than ran off. “Wow, I’ve never seen him as shy before,” Luster noted. “Gallop not shy,” Yelena said. “Yelena known Gallop for long time. Gallop never been shy.” Georgia looked after Gallop. ”I think we should follow him and find out what’s bothering him.” “Yeah, we Gallop’s friends. Friends got to be there for each other,” Yelena said. They looked around town, but their athletic friend was nowhere to be found. “Where oh where did Gallop gallop off to?” River Song asked. “That pony could be anywhere with how fast he runs! He might even be in Yakistan by now!” Yelena said. Luster scoffed. “Even Gallop’s not that fast a runner! There’s got to be a way we can find him.” She looked around at her friends, all of whom were standing on the ground except for Georgia who was flapping her wings as usual. That gave Luster an idea. “Georgia lets fly up and see if we can spot from the air!” Luster suggested as she lit up her horn. “We?” the griffon asked. “But only I can-oh!” Luster’s gold magic surrounded her body and she flew up alongside her griffon friend. “Forgot you could do that, it’s pretty cool being able to fly without wings!” Georgia said. “Thanks,” Luster said as she flew up higher and Georgia flapped her wings. The unicorn and griffon gazed down at Ponyville, they saw the many houses, Luster caught sight of her parents leaving for the School of Friendship. “Uh-oh. We better find Gallop fast, River Song and I will be late for class!” Georgia exclaimed. Luster cringed. “You better go, I’ll look for Gallop with Yelena.” “You sure?” Georgia asked. “I’m sure Headmare Glimmer would want me to help Gallop.” Luster nodded. “I think I could probably use more friendship experience than you. Let me do this. You shouldn’t miss school.” “That’s generous of you Luster,” Georgia said. “Just… try and be kind with him. I know he can be cocky at times with his speed, but he wants to be somebody.” “I know the desire,” Luster said. “You want to make something for yourself. Because you want to measure up to the expectations of others… like my parents.” Georgia flew down to get River Song, the Kirin and Griffon headed to the school while Luster flew around Ponyville and Yelena followed on the ground. Several ponies looked up at Luster, seeing a unicorn flying with magic was a rare sight. Not many unicorns knew how to do this spell. Luster gave a small chuckle, unable to help feeling pleased at the attention. “Wohoo! Look at my little god-daughter!” a voice called from below. “She’s flying high!” Luster spotted Trixie down below. The blue mare waved at her, and Luster waved back. “Nice flying there Lusty!” Trixie said. “You show those ponies what you can do! You learned from the best in Ponyville and Canterlot after all! Being the daughter of-” Trixie broke off as Starlight suddenly teleported in front of her and put a hoof on her mouth to prevent her from speaking. Luster blinked in surprise before realizing Starlight must have put an alert spell on Trixie in case she spoke about Luster. In a split-second Starlight teleported them both away. Luster looked at the spot for a moment and sighed. She gazed at the passing by ponies, wondering if any of them might be Chrysalis. Trixie hadn’t gotten the chance to say she was the daughter of Starlight and Sunburst, but she had said she was Luster’s Godmare. Chrysalis might have been able to put the pieces together if she were here. Many of the ponies were still looking up at her in amazement. She hoped none of them were Chrysalis, both for her sake and her families. She continued her search. Luster looked and looked. Finally she saw Gallop sitting by himself on a log below Cloudsdale. “Hey!” she called as she approached him. Gallop looked over. “Oh, hey Luster.” “Hey, you want to tell me what’s bothering you about the Gala?” Luster asked. “No,” Gallop snorted. “What was her name?” Luster asked. “Whose name?” Gallop said. “Come on, you’d only be against going to a dance if you had some bad experience. Did you go to a dance with a girl and it didn’t work out?” Gallop hesitated. “Uh- yeah. It was at the school of friendship last year actually. I asked a pony named Glamor Shine to the Amity Ball. She was so beautiful with golden mane and pink body. I wanted to. But she said I was just a loser not worthy of her. She was rich, and I was just a simple country pony that helps run a Hayburger business.” “Hey, just because you fail to get a really pretty pony doesn’t mean you can’t ever find another mare to fall in love with,” Luster said, taking Gallop’s hoof. “If you want, we could go to the Gala together. I mean… as friends. I’ve never been to a dance before.” “Really?” Gallop asked. “Didn’t Princess Twilight hold them at the School of Magic?” “She did but I never got asked by a stallion. I was too much of a bookworm I guess,” Luster said. “If you don’t want to, it’s okay.” Gallop shrugged. “Eh… why not? We could just go as friends. Not like we’d ever fall in love right? I mean, you’re pretty and all but probably not my type.” “Yeah, I’d say the same,” Luster said, though she felt her heart skip a beat when he called her pretty. Soon Yelena caught up with them. At the end of the day they met back with River Song and Georgia. “Luster and Gallop are going to the Gala together!” River Song squealed when she heard the news. “Hey its just going to be to dance, you know like Pony Pals do. Doesn’t have to be able to all romantic,” Gallop said though he seemed to be blushing slightly. “Yeah,” Luster agreed, also blushing. “So, since we’re all going to the Gala in a month? What friends going to do now?” Yelena asked. “Well, Headmare Starlight gave us a special assignment,” Georgia said looking at Luster. “Take her daughter’s mind off being kept away. She’d giving us leave from the school to go on a little field trip and see Equestria!” “Yeah! You ever been to the Kirin village?” River Song asked. Luster shook her head. “Well you’ll love it I’m sure!” River said. “Alright, why don’t we go on a little friendship roadtrip?” Gallop said. “We can camp and stuff, see places like the Crystal Empire and the Kirin Village, Yakyakistan, and Griffonstone.” “Alright! We’re gonna go spend some time in each other’s back yards!” River Song said. “Where should we go first?” Luster thought back to her trip to the Crystal Empire, and how she had spent it all studying in her room. “I vote for the Crystal Empire, I was there for Flurry Heart’s Coronation but I didn’t really spend much time seeing the Empire itself.” It was decided. They were going to the Crystal Empire. Little did the Future Five know, there would be trouble waiting for them there. > Chapter 22: Before the Trip > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luster looked at herself in the mirror of Carousel Boutique as she tried on the outfit that she had planned to wear to the Grand Galloping Galla. Even though it was in a month, she was going on a long trip with her friends and wanted to have the dress already picked out to save a last-minute buy. The dress she had on was a flaming orange like part of her mane and suns like her cutie mark. Taking a look, Luster put a hoof to her chin. “Hmm,” she then smiled. “I think I like it!” “It’s really really pretty! Gallop will probably fall in love with you the moment he sees you in that!” River Song said from behind Luster. The Kirin had come with Luster to provide a second opinion on the dresses she tried on as well as get one for herself. “Whoa, easy River. This is just a dance for fun. I don’t expect us to fall in love or anything!” Luster said. “We’re just friends.” “For now!” River Song said with a smirk. “Don’t you want to find a special creature someday to spend the rest of your life with and have foals?” Luster hesitated. “I never really thought about getting married in my life. I’ve always been more concerned with studying and becoming a powerful spellcaster than anything else.” “Well you need to think bigger! Life isn’t all about spells and books!” River Song said. “There can be so much more to it. If you limit yourself to just a few things in your life, then you’ll get bored!” “Princess Twilight doesn’t have a husband or foal,” Luster said. “Who says you have to be exactly like Princess Twilight?” River Song said. “But I am!” Luster countered. “She said so herself, when she first started out on her journey she didn’t think friendship was important and she was a big bookworm too!” “Okay, you and her were very similar in that regard when she was your age. But that doesn’t mean you’re gonna end up some lonely princess without romance or family.” Luster sniggered. “Princess Twilight isn’t lonely! She has family, she just never married. Some of us aren’t so lucky or don’t have an interest in that. Besides, I’m probably not gonna end up a princess anyway.” “Well I think you and Gallop would be adorable together!” River Song said. “Well, for now I just want to have fun with all of you and learn everything I can about friendship.” “Friendships can always grow into something deeper. Same thing happened with Sandbar and Yona!” Yona said as she appeared pushing a row of dresses to another part of the store. “Now Yona and Sandbar married!” “Yeah,” Sandbar said as he dusted some of the shelves off with a feather duster in his mouth. Luster took another look in the mirror and smiled back at her reflection. Though she did notice something. “Hmm… if I want to impress Gallop maybe I should do something with my hair?” she asked. “So, you do want to impress him?” River Song asked. “Well… I do want to look my best at a formal event, right?” “Well, I’m sure we can find a hairstyle when we get back,” River Song said. “The dress is the important part.” “You’re right.” Luster removed the dress and took it up to the checkout stand. Sandbar immediately set his duster down and walked up behind the register. Luster handed him the bits required to buy her dress and waited until River Song picked out a dark blue dress with running water patterns before leaving the boutique. “Well, now that we got our dresses for the gala, we’ll be way ahead of the others,” Luster said as she carried the bag with their clothes inside. “Yelena and Georgia wanted to wait to get custom orders, but I think we got lucky with the dresses we found.” “I agree,” River Song said. The pony and Kirin wandered the streets toward the Everfree forest. As they walked, they saw a Pony sitting on the streets. He had a black coat, brown mane as well as blue eyes. On his flank was the cutie mark of a chalk board. “Good morning young mares. Could you spare some bits?” Luster hesitated. She tended to be weary of beggars and homeless ponies as many of them were just looking to prey on ponies that were overgenerous and eager to help those in need. But as she took a good look at this pony, she saw he was very much on the thin side with his ribs exposed. There was no mistaking that condition. She lifted her bag of bits from her saddle bag with her magic and gave him ten. “Oh, thank you very much Miss…” “Luster Dawn,” Luster said. “Well I always appreciate a generous pony Luster. The names Blank Slate.” Luster winced at the name slightly. She remembered an old donkey named Cranky Doodle from her fillyhood, and that Donkey hadn’t exactly been the cheeriest of sorts. Many ponies had names that seemed to reflect on their cutie marks, which was a reflection of who they were. That seemed a little ironic, as ponies would get their names before their cutie mark, and somehow those always ended up relating somehow. Luster had been born at Dawn, and she’d gotten a cutie mark with a sun. Her mother and father both had cutie marks of a star and sun as well as names related to those things. “Blank Slate?” she repeated. “Yep, my talent is undefined,” he grumbled. “Or that I’m simply not gonna do anything at all with my life. I don’t really plan to.” “Well that’s no fun!” River Song said. “How do you live without a plan to do anything?” Blank Slate shrugged. “Well, better than being miserable all the time so I can’t complain. Its not all bad, better to be blank than sad. Better than nothing, but I’m pretty much just stuck in a state of gray where everything is dull.” “Well, nice to meet you. I hope you find something to brighten your day,” Luster said. She and River Song neared the path to the Everfree Forest where they saw Georgia coming out. With her was the smaller Griffon Luster recalled seeing when she’d visited the School of Friendship on her move back to Ponyville. “Oh, Luster! River Song!” Georgia said as she saw her friends. “Hiya Griffons!” River Song greeted. “How ya doing Iggy?” The smaller griffon hid behind the larger one. Georgia laughed. “No need to be shy little brother. These are my friends. River Song goes to the School of Friendship remember? And Luster is Headmare Starlight’s daughter.” Slowly, Iggy stepped out from behind his sister. “Hello,” he said. “Hi,” Luster replied. “So, where you two griffs headed?” River Song asked. “Well, since we’re going to leave for our trip tomorrow, I wanted to drop Iggy off at his friends house so their family could watch over him,” the black griffon said. “Then I need to head over to Miss Fluttershy’s Sanctuary and make sure she will be okay with all the animals there while I’m gone.” “I didn’t know you worked with Fluttershy!” Luster said. “Oh, I forgot to mention it,” Georgia said. “Yeah, I work at the Animal Sanctuary as a job.” “Huh, that’ a bit of an unusual position for a griffon. Don’t most of you like to be treasure hunters?” Luster asked. Georgia frowned. “Yeah, most of my race has been about treasure for a long time. It’s given us a bit of a bad reputation. I don’t really care for treasure and wealth though, I prefer to help creatures. That’s why I left Griffonstone with Iggy and joined the School of Friendship.” “Well, we just got our dresses for the Gala!” River Song said. “Oh cool! Well I’ll see you guys at the Treehouse. I just need to head over to Sugarcube Corner.” * A few minutes later, Georgia met with Pumpkin Cake and Pound Cake who were overseeing the bakery. Pinkie Pie was once again in Canterlot, helping Princess Twilight plan the upcoming Gala. Cheese Sandwich was there with Lil Cheese though, along with Big Mcintosh and Sugar Belle’s son Big Sugar. The young colt with the pink mane immediately began bouncing up and down, throwing his rubber chicken while Big Sugar walked calmly behind. Iggy smiled lightly and flew over to play with his best friend. “Ah, Iggy! Georgia!” Cheese said as they came in. “Thanks for watching Iggy while I take a little vacation, Mr. Sandwich,” “Sure thing, I’ll make sure he has lots of fun with Lil Cheese and Big Sugar while you’re gone!” Cheese said. Georgia gave her brother a ruffle on the head with her claws, then flew to Fluttershy’s sanctuary. She found the yellow Pegasus flying around handing food to various animals such as rabbits, deer, and squirrels. Several of them ran up to Georgia as she approached and hugged her talons or jumped on her back. "Oh, good afternoon Georgia,” Fluttershy said with a kind smile. Georgia returned the smile. “Is everything alright here? I wanted to make sure you didn’t need any extra help while I was gone on my friendship field trip with Luster.” Fluttershy nodded. “No need to worry. I have the Lord of Chaos here to lend me a hoof, or paw depending on which limb it is.” Discord appeared through a portal and gave Georgia a grin. “I could do all the work around here with a mere snap of my fingers. The food would fly right up to the animals whenever they needed to eat. But my dear kind wife insists I don’t do that all the time since it would leave creatures like you with less work opportunities. But I will be for the duration of your vacation.” Georgia gave the draconequus a slight scowl but shrugged. “Well thank you very much. I appreciate you covering for me.” “Sure thing!” Discord grinned, before bringing his face eye level with hers. “You better keep a sharp eagle eye out for trouble while you’re out there with Luster. Don’t trust any creatures you don’t know. They could easily be Chrysalis in disguise.” “I’ll keep that in mind,” Georgia said before flapping her wings and flying home. Luster and River Song had already returned to the Treehouse of Harmony. Gallop and Yelena were there too. All of them had their saddlebags on their back. “Ah, we’re all here!” Luster said as Georgia entered. “Yeah, let me just grab my bag!” Georgia said flying up to her room and returning a few minutes later once she collected what she needed for the trip. “Well let’s go!” Luster said as she teleported them to Ponyville. They walked to the train station and got on board the one going to the Crystal Empire. But little did they know something bad was beginning there. * Grogar put his hoof on the Crystal Ball, and the image of Starcutter appeared. “Is everything ready?” the former Emperor asked. “Yes… my lord,” Starcutter said. “Very good,” Grogar said. “Begin the takeover of the Crystal Empire. Capture Princess Flurry Heart!” “At once,” Starcutter said and the crystal went blank. > Chapter 23: Captured in the Crystal Empire Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starcutter looked at the guards of the Crystal Empire that had been placed under his control, or rather Grogar’s control. Their helmets radiated red energy like that which shined in his eyes occasionally. They were all being controlled like he was now. Grogar had made him touch every helmet in the Empire with the Ruby of Reign. That was another way it could be used to control somepony besides having them look at it when the wielder channeled magic into it. The ruby was now in Starcutter’s possession, kept in his pocket, but since Grogar’s magic ran through it he had no power to break its control over him. Grogar commanded and Starcutter obeyed. Use the ruby to control all the guards, but do not throw it away or try to destroy it. Keep it close to you at all times. Starcutter spoke to the guards who now like him, were the pawns of the Father of Monsters. He told them what Grogar wanted him to. To act as though he himself were leading this coup. “You belong to me now!” he said. “You will remove Princess Flurry Heart from her throne tonight and make me the new Crystal King!” “As you command Captain Starcutter!” they said in unison. “Or KING!” The guards marched up the stairs of the Palace. It was nighttime, the moon shined through the windows. Most of the residents were asleep, including Princess Flurry Heart. There were servants in the palace as well, but they were no threat. They stopped a floor below, and Starcutter selected three to accompany him. One unicorn carried a magic suppressing ring with his magic while two others held rope. They walked up to Princess Flurry Heart’s chamber door and opened it to see the Princess sleeping soundly in her bed, totally unsuspecting. If she had awoken, she might have been able to put up one hell of a fight, being a powerful alicorn. “Do it!” Starcutter ordered, loud enough that it woke Flurry. He actually hoped that he would give her a chance to defeat them. But there was no such luck. She was not quick enough to wake up fully as the unicorn guard placed the ring on her horn. “Wha-“ she tried to scream but a gag was shoved into her mouth, reducing her speech to mumbles as both her wings and hooves were tied up as well. She looked around at her captors, recognizing them as her own guards. Starcutter approached. “Sorry Princess… but you’re removed from the throne.” He did mean it when he said sorry. Flurry Heart tried to squirm, but with her magic disabled and her limbs bound by the ropes she was helpless as they carried her down to the dungeons. In the morning Starcutter addressed the citizens of the Empire. “I am now your new ruler!” he declared. “Princess Flurry Heart is imprisoned in the palace!” “No!” Somepony screamed. “Traitor!” “You were her captain! You served as Overseer until she came of age!” “Silence!” Starcutter said. “You all are my subjects now!” The guards under his command raised their weapons, causing the other ponies to fall silent. “As of now, I declare marital law!” Starcutter continued. “Nopony leaves this empire. Detain any visitors that come from the train station and lock it down!” * Luster spent most of the train ride trying to read her book. River Song talked so much it was difficult to concentrate. The Kirin never stopped asking questions. “Are the buildings in the Crystal Empire as shiny as they say? Are the Crystals valuable? Do you know if Kirin can be crystalized in the same way as Ponies?” “I don’t know, how shiny do they say they are?” Luster asked. “Very!” “Well, I’d say so. As for value, not sure. But I imagine it’s not worth destroying somepony’s house over. And I didn’t know if a Kirin has ever been to a Crystalling before.” Soon the train came to a stop and Luster got off her seat. As she and her friends walked (or flew in Georgia’s case) out the doors of the train they saw an unexpected sight. A large battalion of guards were there at the train station. All around them, other ponies and creatures that were getting off the train wore surprised looks as well. “Whoa!” River exclaimed. “You think that they’re sending an army somewhere?” Before any of them could ask what was going on, the guards were after them. Earth ponies grabbed the passengers with their hooves, unicorns levitated hoof cuffs onto their legs, and Pegasi swooped down and carried them off. “Hey what’s going on?” Gallop yelled before a pair of Earth Ponies came at him. They pinned him down before he could run or otherwise react. “Get off him!” Yelena ordered. A unicorn sent a pair of hoof cuffs at her, but her Yak legs were too wide for standard pony cuffs. Luster brought up some of her gold magic to her horn, ready to fire a spell to defend herself. But before she could, a pair of Pegasi grabbed her and lifted her into the air. “Let me go!” she squealed. “Luster!” River Song screamed, her voice full of fear. Luster looked down at her only to see an Earth Pony tackle her. “Hang on!” Georgia flapped her wings and took off, dodging the hoofcuffs intended for her. The Griffon flew after the Pegasi carrying Luster over the Crystal Empire. She rammed into one of them causing him to lose his grip on Luster’s hind legs. The other one struggled to keep hold of Luster as she continued squirming. He too lost hold of her and she was released. But that victory was short lived as the pink unicorn fell the ground with a scream. “Hang on Luster!” Georgia yelled as she dived. The Griffon reached her just in time, catching Luster a split second before she would have hit the ground. As she was set down on the ground the unicorn took several breaths. “T-thanks Georgia!” she said. “No problem!” the Griffon said. “But why are they arresting any creature that got off that train? Is it illegal to travel here now? Did they think some creatures coming to steal their crystals?” “I don’t know,” Luster said before looking up. “Look out!” The two Pegasi were flying down at them. “Now, really! I’m sure we can talk about this!” Georgia tried to reason with them. The pair didn’t stop, Luster instinctively lit up her horn and the unicorn and Griffon both vanished from the area just outside the train station. They reappeared in front of the Crystal Hotel where Luster had stayed last time. Though Georgia’s feathers were singed, the griffon groaned. “Oh! Sorry!” Luster said. “I did it so quickly! I didn’t mean to burn you!” Georgia took a breath, “It’s alright.” They looked around and saw several other guards on the streets. But these ones made no effort to arrest them. It seemed they were only doing that to creatures that came from the station. “Come on, we have to get out of here,” Luster whispered. “But what about the others?” Georgia asked. Luster hesitated. “I don’t know. They’ve probably been captured by now. There were so many guards!” “We can’t just leave them to suffer through… whatever is to happen to them!” After a moment’s consideration, Luster decided it would be good to at least find out what was happening here. She approached the nearest guard. “What are you doing?” Georgia asked. “Trying to find out what’s happened here,” Luster said before turning to the guard, praying she wasn’t making a mistake. “Excuse me, can you tell me what’s going on here?” “We have a new ruler of the Crystal Empire, Captain Starcutter has taken the throne, made himself King, and imprisoned Princess Flurry Heart. We must obey him now!” “So… he just says he’s in charge and you follow him?” Georgia asked. “We have… no choice,” the guard said. His helmet emitting a slight red glow. “You should have been briefed this morning. Are you both from around here?” “Y-yes!” Luster lied. “My father lives here!” That had been true once. “Carry on then, and don’t do anything to make us arrest you.” Luster and Georgia walked a distance away. “It looks like they’re under mind control,” the unicorn said once they were out of earshot. “Can you undo the spell?” Georgia asked. Luster looked at the guard. “Maybe, but if I fail we’d end up getting caught. Best to play it safe.” They made their way back in the direction of the station. As they got closer, they saw their friends being led in chains along with all the other passengers that had been on the train. Their hooves were all cuffed together, and a pair of guards held spears at River Song. Luster noticed that all the unicorns who had been taken prisoner were forced to wear magic suppressing rings put on their horns, but Kirin horns were shaped differently so there wasn’t a pony ring that would fit on River’s. The trio spotted their other two friends. “Luster! Georgia!” River Song called, only to be pushed with the butt of a spear. “Keep moving, Kirin!” River Song gave a pleading look at her free friends. Luster turned her gaze to Gallop, who shook his head, silently seeming to ask her to save herself. Luster watched as three of her best friends were lead in the direction of the castle. In her head, she knew what the smart thing was to do. Get out of here and warn Princess Twilight of Starcutter’s takeover. But her heart told her something else. That she could not abandon those three. They were all she had left in Ponyville now since her family had sent her away. She had to save them, and anypony else she could manage to. “Don’t worry guys. I’m gonna free you!” > Chapter 24: Captured in the Crystal Empire Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gallop, River Song, and Yelena were all lead into the cells of the Crystal Empire Castle. There were many other creatures there with them, the cells were rather spacious. No doubt King Sombra had needed a lot of room for his slaves when he had been ruler. The captured trio soon found themselves behind bars in one of the cells with many other creatures. Too many for even these spacious cells, if it had only been the three of them this could have been rather cozy room. But there was also another problem, no beds. “Ah hayburgers! Nothing to sleep on!” Gallop complained. “Next time we look for hotels, remind me to cross out ones with dungeons,” River Song said. “Yelena not in mood for jokes,” the yak said before looking at the guards gazing at them by the doors. “Why you ponies lock us up? We do nothing wrong!” “King Starcutters orders. Soon you will all bow down to him. Tonight every creature in the Crystal Empire will accept his rule like it or not. Then you shall take the rest of Equestria for him.” All the creatures gasped. A few unicorns tried to do their magic desperately, but it failed thanks to the rings on its horns. Some of them tried to have other creatures pull them off with their teeth, only to receive a shock that forced them to let go. “Our magic suppression rings have been improved,” the guard said. “If anypony tries to remove them by any other means besides magic they will get a little shock. We call it the Shockingly Good Magic Suppression Rings.” River Song scoffed. “While that’s a plain name.” “And the only ones with magic her are us!” another guard said. River Song frowned at him through the bars, then her eyes widened at the last words. Only magic could undo the rings, and she still had hers since they didn’t have a magic suppressor for Kirin. She could just wait until they left and then she could take off the rings from the unicorns and help every creature escape. This idea caused her to giggle. That was a mistake, the guards looking at her noticed the lack of a ring on her horn. “If that Kirin tries to do any magic… break her horn off!” the first one said. “Yes sir!” They kept their eyes focused on River Song. At that moment, Yelena suddenly came forward, the chains connecting her to Gallop and River rattling. “You let Yelena out of here right now!” the Yak yelled. “Or Yelena break bars down. This got her heavily chained to the back of the cell. She was unattached from Gallop and River Song, with three chains attached to each leg. This prevented Yelena from moving more than a foot forward. “You ponies pay for this when Yelena get free!” River Song tried to move to the back of the cell to be with Yelena and lift her friends spirits, but the guards shouted at her. “Kirin! You stay in the front of the cell where we can see you!” River sighed. She and Gallop both remained chained together at the very front, feeling those emotionless eyes watching them. They sat there silently, the minutes seemed like hours, the hours seemed like days. They had come to the Crystal Empire hoping to see the sights, instead they were stuck in prison. “I hope Luster can find a way to help us!” River Song said. “She’s probably teleported or flying with Georgia back to Ponyville,” Gallop said. “She’ll alert Princess Twilight. That’s the smart thing a brainy pony like her would do. I mean if it were me free and she a damsel in distress with you two I’d probably charge in for the rescue. I’d never abandon my friends!” “You think Luster would abandon us?” River asked worriedly. Gallop hesitated. “I don’t know… I mean… we’ve all known each other for a long time. She’s only been part of our group for less than two months right?” River thought for a moment, then said firmly, “Long or short, Luster is our friend. She’ll stay, find some magic to help us out. I’m sure of it.” * Starcutter sat at his desk. A communication artifact lay before him. He pressed his hoof to it, and Grogar’s face appeared above him. The ram looked at him grimly as Starcutter bowed his head while feeling disdain. “My Emperor. The soldiers of the Crystal Empire are yours. We have blocked off all ways to escape and taken the tourists who have arrived prisoner.” Grogar nodded. “Good, I will come tonight. You will gather all the prisoners and the citizens of Equestria to the palace. You still have the Ruby of Reign?” Starcutter reached into the pocked of his guard saddlebag and drew out the artifact. Grogar smiled evilly. “Tonight, every creature in the Crystal Empire will be mine!” “Yes… my lord.” Starcutter bowed again. * Luster and Georgia stood outside the Castle, hiding in a pair of bushes across from the entrance. It was heavily guarded, and they were letting anyone in. It used to be that anypony could enter the castle freely to at least look around. But with the sudden coup that was no longer the cases. “How are we going to get inside?” Georgia asked. Luster put a hoof to her chin. “We can’t just walk in, but maybe I can sneak in. My mother taught me an invisibility spell last summer. Maybe I can use it to get in and free the others.” “But what about me?” Georgia asked. Luster looked at her Griffon friend. “You better stay here. If I don’t make it, you need to fly to Ponyville. Tell my mother what’s going, she’ll get a message to Princess Twilight.” Georgia nodded, unsurely. Luster lit up her horn and suddenly vanished into thin air as she cast her invisibility spell before jumping out of the bush. The unicorn made her way to the doors of the castle, crawling on her stomach so that the taps of her hooves wouldn’t alert the guards. She’d considered teleporting inside earlier but knew that it wouldn’t be a good idea. The guards would overwhelm her with sheer numbers if nothing else. Luster was forced to wait until another soldier came out to take the next watch. She managed to use the brief instant the door came open to fly up through it, but the flying spell caused a golden aura to appear around her. She herself didn’t appear, but the shine was bright enough to alert the guards. Thankfully it was so quick that they assumed it was nothing. Luster crawled a few feet forward after the door closed behind her. Once she was out of earshot she got to her hooves, grunting as she began to lose the concentration of maintaining her spell. It wasn’t going to last much longer. If she was spotted, then it would all be for nothing. But then she took a lucky turn down a hallway leading into the armory. There were at least hundreds of suits of bluish silver armor used by the guards of the Empire. It greatly contrasted Canterlot’s golden armor that Luster was used to seeing from her time there. She approached the right side which was made for mares, these suits were lighter and smaller, but no less shiny and durable. As she looked at it, an idea occurred to Luster. She looked back, seeing to her relief that no pony was around. Luster undid the invisibility spell and then placed the armor on her body. First came the hoof shoes, then the breastplate, which weighed a ton. Luster groaned, she wasn’t the most athletic unicorn, everypony required some sort of training and strength to wear this something like this. She knew this was going to slow her down, but she needed it to disguise herself. Finally, it was time to put the helmet on. She lifted it up with her magic and placed it on her head. But no sooner did she do so when she felt it grow hot as though it had just come out of the forge. “Pony feathers!” Luster exclaimed. “I didn’t think all the helmets had been enchanted to have mind control!” The bluish silver helmet radiated red energy as Luster grunted and felt it entering her mind, trying to take control of her. She grit her teeth, remembering her lessons from Princess Twilight on resisting evil enchantments. “Focus on something that makes you feel positive. Something you hold dear to yourself.” “I will not let myself be controlled by some helmet!” Luster said. “I am the daughter of Starlight and Sunburst! Student of the Princess of Friendship! I am a friend of Gallop, Yelena, and River Song. Those three need my help, and I’m going to rescue them!” Her horn lit up as her will prevailed. The guards had been caught by surprise, but she had managed to catch on quickly enough to fight. The helmet came off her head as she levitated it, then shot it with a beam of magic, it clattered to the ground, red sparks flying off it. Luster smirked. The enchantment on it had been dispelled, now she could use it to disguise herself without fear. Luster put the now harmless metal back on her head. This made her look just like a Crystal Empire guard. “Now to save my friends!” she said before turning around. Only to see two real Crystal Empire guard ponies in front of her. > Chapter 25: Captured in the Crystal Empire Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured in the Crystal Empire Part 3 The two mind-controlled Crystal guards looked at Luster. One a unicorn like her, the other a muscular Earth Pony. Luster silently hoped that they thought she was one of them. Maybe she could trick them into thinking she was. But that was not the case, for they had heard her just seconds ago. “Time to save your friends?” one of them repeated. “You’re not a pony of our guard,” the other said. The Earth Pony was on her in an instant, raising her front legs into the air and forcing her to stand up on her back ones. The unicorn stood facing her and removed the helmet from her head. “Seems you’re really skilled with magic to be able to resist the mind control spell that Starcutter put on all of those helmets and remove it.” “Should we put a magic suppression ring on her and lock her in the cells?” the one holding her asked. “No, we can make her our very first new mind-controlled recruit,” the unicorn levitated the helmet she’d disenchanted back onto the shelf. “She managed to get in here without detection until now. Must know some fancy spells, could be useful. Though by the looks of it she could use more workouts before she’s able to wear all the armor.” He then removed Luster’s breastplate and looked at her flank. “A rising sun eh? Well little Miss Infiltration pony, you’ll rise up to a high place in our guard as we take over Equestria for King Starcutter. I’m sure you can shine as bright as a sun in our ranks once we give you proper training.” “Should we interrogate her first?” The unicorn shook his head again. “She’ll tell us everything once we put a new helmet on her.” The unicorn was definitely the smarter of these two. Luster struggled against the strong Earth Pony holding her, but it was useless. She wasn’t strong enough or possessed any skill when it came to using her hooves for physical attacks. She had no knowledge of how to escape hoof grips. She watched from the corner of her eyes as the other pony set the breastplate down on the shelf with the others, then picked up a new helmet. He slowly levitated it over so that it was directly over her head. She grunted, and finally, resorted to the one thing she was really good at. Magic. She wrapped her golden magic around the helmet, now half it shined gold, the other half red. Luster tried to push it back at its levitator to strike him in the face. But he managed to stop it, trying to push it back at her. For a moment Luster did her best to keep it from getting closer, but then an idea occurred to her and she stopped pushing. Instead she pulled, having the helmet fly at her hard while ducking. The helmet hit the guard restraining her in the face. “Oh… ow!” he exclaimed. Luster seized the opportunity to free herself, pulling out of her captor’s hooves. She then aimed her horn at the unicorn and shot the same dispelling enchantment at his helmet. The unicorn stopped the spell he had been preparing to fire at her as he regained control of himself. “What’s going on?” he asked. Before Luster could tell him, the Earth Pony guard pounced on her. His eyes glowed red in anger. “What the- what are you doing to that unicorn?” the freed guard asked. “He’s being controlled by that helmet!” Luster shouted as she was pinned down, grunting as she felt the weight of the pony on top of her. The other unicorn hesitated, apparently not remembering everything that had happened. For a moment Luster feared he might not act quickly enough and she would be overpowered. The earth pony drew a magic suppressing ring from his pocket and was about to put it on her horn. If she lost her magic, she would also lose her only chance of saving her friends. But as he saw the red glow in his comrades eye he believed the unknown pony being assaulted. He pulled the Earth Pony off her and removed his helmet from his head. The Earth Pony gaped as he too looked around in confusion. “What’s happening?” he asked. Luster looked at the two of them. This could be her chance to save her friends. She picked up the helmet that she had unenchanted and put it back on her head. “Um… Miss. Only guards are allowed to use our helmets,” the Earth Pony said. “I don’t recognize you… are you a new member?” “No but- “What’s going on here?” Two new guards had appeared in the doorway to the armory. They must have been attracted by all the noise like Luster shouting. Luster cringed and thinking quickly, picked up the Earth Ponies helmet. “Just a little… uh… situation,” she said, trying to put on a fake bad guy face. “This imbecile here tripped and dropped his helmet! We’ll put it back on now!” “Excuse me?” the Earth Pony said. “Shut up!” Luster shouted, slapping the Earth Pony. “Ow! What are you- “Hmm. Fine. Carry on.” The two new guards left. Luster let out a sigh of relief. “Sorry, I had to fool them. Every guard in the Crystal Empire has been put under some kind of mind control spell that’s on their helmets,” she said to the guard. “Its true, you were pinning her down,” the unicorn said. “Your eyes were glowing red.” “Oh boy. We gotta do something. How can we help you Miss?” “My friends are in the Crystal Dungeons,” Luster explained. “I could use a hoof getting them out.” Luster removed the enchantment from the Earth Ponies helmet as well. This allowed both guards to lead her down to the Dungeons beneath the Castle. She looked just like one of them. The red glow only appeared occasionally on the helmets so it wouldn’t be too noticeable hopefully. The dungeons were spacious, Luster saw. But fortunately, her friends were in the first cell she saw when she entered. River Song sat at the very front of the crowd stuck behind the bars along with Gallop. Luster couldn’t see Yelena though. As Luster approached the cell, River’s eyes widened in recognition. “Luster!” the Kirin exclaimed in joy. This caused Luster to cringe as yet another pair of mind-controlled guards looked at her. They stood in front of River Song, watching her carefully. Luster noticed that all the unicorns had magic suppressing rings on their horns. But River Song’s horn wasn’t shaped the same way so they couldn’t fit a ring on it. For a moment Luster feared that River Song had given her away. “This mare a friend of yours, Kirin? She the one you journey here to visit? Too bad, she’s one of us.” Both River and Gallop were looking at Luster wide eyed. Luster cleared her throat. “I’ll be happy to watch over my friend here!” she said. “You guys go take a break.” They saluted her and walked off. Luster than stepped up to the bars. “I’m gonna get you creatures out of here,” she whispered. River and Gallop both let out breathes of relief as they realized Luster was not under mind control. River Song grinned widely. “I knew you would come to save us!” the Kirin said. “Where’s Yelena?” Luster asked. “Chained up in the back of the cell,” Gallop said. “We need to free her. Can’t leave without her.” The unicorn guard accompanying Luster passed a set of keys through the bars. “Free your friend, quietly.” Gallop took the keys in his mouth, and moved back to the back of the cell. River Song meanwhile began to whisper to the fellow prisoners. “We’re going to be freed. Help is here!” This caused the ponies and other creatures inside to look at Luster and her new companions hopefully. They began to chatter excitedly. “Get us out of here!” “Yeah!” “Yeah!” The sudden commotion drew the attention of other guards in the dungeons. They were lead by a black pony with a white mane and gold eyes that seemed to pierce Luster like a knife. “What’s going on? These prisoners are sounding rather joyful!” Luster grit her teeth. There was no end to this! The prisoners became silent as they realized their excitement had possibly exposed their impending chance at escape. Luster hoped that maybe she could have talked her way out of this like she had the last couple times. But her luck had run out at last. “You’re not a member of the Crystal Empire’s guards! You’re not wearing a breastplate! You don’t have the physique required for females to wear one well, and I know the face of every mare that’s joined. We don’t have any pink ones!” the unicorn who noticed the prisoners being joyful said. He used his magic to take hold of her helmet and remove it from her head. She let out a gasp of surprise. “This helmet isn’t enchanted anymore,” he said. “Looks like somepony is very gifted with magic.” “As always, you don’t miss a detail Sharp Eye,” the unicorn guard who had accompanied Luster said. The one who’d seen through Luster’s act, Sharp Eye, smirked. “Seems you’re free as well, Street Smart and Hard Hunk.” “I can free you too!” Luster said, hoping that maybe adding at least one more to her numbers might make a difference. Another golden blast shot from her horn with great accuracy. But Sharp Eye didn’t even dodge it. Luster’s spell hit his helmet. But no red light shined off it as it did so, and Sharp Eye grinned before firing a black beam of his own at her (much to her to surprise). This pony was not mind controlled like the others. This pony was fully in on Starcutter’s plan of his own free will it seemed. Luster was nearly hit by the dark beam. She had never seen a unicorn that used black magic before. But Street Smart put up a shield of blue light (which must have been his natural color when not under the helmets influence) in front of her. “Get your friends and get out of here!” he said. “We’ll hold them off!” Luster nodded, she turned to River Song. “Get the rings off the unicorns!” The Kirin nodded and at last activated the magic she hadn’t been able to call upon for fear of being harmed. But now they had a chance. She began to remove the rings from the unicorn’s horns, and one by one they did the same with the others. “Out of the way ponies!” a familiar voice yelled. The ponies in the cell scurried sideways as Yelena came charging forward. The Yak rammed the bars to the cell, her strength enough to break them down. “Yelena smash!” Yelena said. With the door down, the raw numbers of the prisoners proved too much for the handful of guards in the dungeons. They needed reinforcements. “Sound the alarm!” Sharp Eye ordered. One of the mind-controlled guards ran to a panel on the wall and pressed his hoof to it. A loud ring filled the dungeons. Soon more guards rushed into the room. The unicorns and River Song fired spells from their horns, but the Royal Guard was much better trained for combat than civilians were. They quickly began to take down the escaped prisoners and blocked their attacks. “We need somepony with a lot more magic power!” Luster said as she deflected a spell aimed at River Song. “We need Princess Flurry Heart!” Street Smart said. “She’s up there!” Luster looked up and saw a cage suspended high above the ground with a single pony inside. Surrounding herself in golden aura, she flew up and saw that it was indeed Princess Flurry Heart, the alicorn’s wings were tied to her back, a gag in her mouth and a magic suppressing ring on her horn. The rightful ruler of the Crystal Empire tried to speak through her gag. “Hold on,” Luster said before using her magic to remove the gag on her mentor’s niece. “What are you trying to say?” “Look out!” Flurry shouted. A mind-controlled Pegasus grabbed onto Luster, the contact broke her concentration and her flying spell stopped working. She instinctively kicked at the Pegasi, which caused him to lose his grip on her. With a yell she fell toward the ground. “Luster!” Gallop shouted in concern as he looked up at her shout. He leapt up at her and held out his forelegs, catching her before she could hit the floor. “Phew, thanks Gallop!” Luster said. “No problem,” he said as he set her back on her hooves. “Thanks for coming to rescue me and the others. I didn’t really know if you were going to- “Uh… smash now talk later!” Yelena said as she wrestled with several Earth Ponies. Looking around Luster saw that the guards were had nearly managed to put all the prisoners back in their cell. They wouldn’t last much longer. They needed to escape somehow, and fast. Luster looked back up at the caged Flurry Heart. Once again, she flew up there and looked at Princess Flurry Heart. “Please get this ring off my horn! I need to help!” Flurry said. Luster nodded. Using her magic once again she removed the ring on the Princess’s horn. Flurry removed the ropes on her wings and then fired a beam that split the bars of her cage. Its floor plummeted to the ground, Flurry spread her wings and flew through the dungeons, firing spells at her own guards. “I don’t know what Starcutter did to make you all turn on me! But I will see him answer for this treason!” Flurry said. The naturally born alicorn’s power was formidable, but her guards were too many. She managed to take down many of them but was soon hit by Sharp Eye and fell to the floor. Luster landed in front of the Princess, her friends coming up beside her as she put up a shield around them. “We need to get out of here!” Luster said. “No! I can’t abandon my kingdom!” Flurry said as she got back up. “Princess there no time! Yaks know when time is to fight, now is not!’ Yelena said. “Yaks regroup and fight another day!” “If we don’t get word to Princess Twilight, more of Equestria could fall! Fast!” Gallop said. “Then there won’t be anything good happening in Equestria!” River Song stated. Street Smart approached with a few ponies that he’d managed to prevent from getting recaptured. “Go, get to your Aunt Princess! We’ll hold them off!” He and Hard Hunk both charged at Sharp Eye and the remaining guards. Luster looked at the ponies that they’d be leaving behind. But they had no choice. They had to get to Princess Twilight and tell her what was going on. She looked at Princess Flurry Heart, who was tearing up. “I just started ruling this kingdom, but I’ll be back!” the alicorn shouted as she lit up her horn and teleported Luster, her friends, and the handful of other lucky escaped prisoners straight to Canterlot. Gallop, River Song, and Yelena all sighed in relief. “Yay! We’re free! We’re safe!” River leapt for joy. “Yelena glad to not be in dungeon anymore.” “Glad we’re out of there!” Gallop said, before looking around. “Hey… where’s Georgia?” Luster gasped. “She’s still back in the Empire!” ________________________***_______________________ Night came on the Crystal Empire as Grogar stood in front of the doors to the Palace with Star Cutter and Sharp Eye by his side. He was wrapped in his blue cloak to prevent anyone from recognizing him. It was doubtful that would happen of course, seeing as there were no wanted posters out for him and everypony assumed he was still in banishment, but best not to take chances. Grogar held the Ruby of Reign in front of the gathered crowd, whose eyes were all now glowing red. He had his army of ponies ready. The first phase of his plan was complete. “Princess Flurry got away your Excellency,” Sharp Eye said. “It is of no concern, I have the army, what’s one alicorn against that?” Grogar asked. “Soon I shall have full power back, and then no pony can stop me.” Neither of them noticed the shadow of a black griffon flying away in the distance. “I’ll be back for you, my friends! I’ll just head to Ponyville like Luster told me and get Headmare Starlight!” Georgia said. Since Luster hadn’t gotten back with their friends as planned, the Griffon had assumed that she’d been captured as well. Now she could only fly back to Ponyville for help. > Chapter 26: Fall of Ponyville > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gallop glared at Luster. “We got to go back now! We can’t leave her there!” Luster shook her head. “I told Georgia to fly back to Canterlot if we didn’t make it out. She might have escaped already.” “But what if she didn’t?” Gallop asked. “What if she got captured?” Luster didn’t answer right away. “I-I don’t know. But I do know that Georgia wouldn’t want us to go back there after we both worked hard to get all of you out.” “I hope she’s alright,” River Song said. “Yelena too. But Luster right, Georgia not want friends to risk freedom after we just got it.” Gallop scowled at his friends. “I hope for your friend's safety as well,” Princess Flurry Heart said. “But right now, we need to tell my Aunt about what's going on at the Crystal Empire.” They made their way to the throne room of the Canterlot Castle. Upon the throne sat Princess Twilight, sorting paperwork with Spike. “Luster? Flurry?” Twilight cocked her head in surprise. “What... what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you both be in the Crystal Empire?” “Aunt Twilight!” Flurry ran up to her aunt, tears swiftly streaming out of her eyes as the trauma of her experience finally caught up to her. “Flurry, what’s wrong?” Princess Twilight descended from her throne and pulled her distressed niece in for a hug. Flurry sniffled. “The Crystal Empire… Starcutter… it's been… sniff… taken!” “Flurry, calm down,” Twilight soothed her niece with a gentle voice. “Tell me from the beginning. What happened?” Flurry took a few deep breaths, trying to calm herself. “Starcutter, he… he overthrew me!” “What!?” Spike exclaimed, reminding Luster of when she’d last beein the throneroom. Flurry gave a weak nod. “He came to my room with a group of guards and just… tied me up and put me in… in the Crystal Dungeons!” “Oh, are you alright?" Twilight asked in concern as she nuzzled Flurry, trying to comfort her niece. "How did you escape?” Flurry sniffled and nodded. “I’m okay. But… I’m worried about my subjects… Luster… she and her friends saved me!” Twilight turned to her student. Luster blushed as the Princess looked at her with a small smile of gratitude. “Thank you, Luster. You saved my niece.” “It… it was my pleasure,” Luster said. “I was just trying to save my friends. They were all taken prisoner when we arrived in the Crystal Empire.” “But Georgia’s still there!” Gallop said. “We don’t know what happened to her! Princess Flurry Heart teleported us all here before we could get back with her!” “I told her to come here if I didn’t make it back!” Luster reminded him. Twilight looked up to her royal advisor, still seated on a chair next to her throne. “What are we going to do, Aunt Twilight?” Flurry Heart asked. “We have to stop Starcutter and take back the Empire! He’s put every pony under some sort of spell! Oh, I’ve only been the ruler of the Empire for a short time, and I’ve already lost my crown to a usurper!” Twilight turned back to her niece. “We’ll stop him, Flurry. I just… can’t believe that he betrayed you! My brother… Shining Armor, he trusted him.” Princess Twilight looked down, likely thinking of her beloved brother that had been taken from her. “Starcutter has to be stopped," Twilight said. "We will find out why he has betrayed us, and then punish him accordingly.” “What would my parents say if they saw me like this?” Flurry asked aloud. “I let them down! I let the Crystal Ponies down!” “It wasn’t your fault, Flurry,” Twilight assured. “There was no way you could have known Starcutter would betray you. Shining Armor and Cadence would never be disappointed in you. They would be happy that you just managed to escape and get back here. If there’s any pony they would be disappointed in, it's Starcutter. He served as a Captain of their Crystal Guard, and now he’s a traitor. We’ll stop him, and I think I know just the pony to handle the job.” She was silent for a moment, then looked at Luster. “Me?” the unicorn asked. Twilight nodded. “Consider it a Friendship Test.” Luster gulped. But nodded. She’d longed for a chance like this. The chance to accomplish something like Princess Twilight had back in her days of saving Equestria. “It is your generation's turn to protect Equestria from the forces of darkness that threaten it,” Twilight said. “I knew you had great potential when I saw you turn the sun back more than a full day to dawn. I don’t know what Star Cutter is planning, but if he has turned the Crystal Empire’s own guards into an army, it must be something big. He might simply want control of the Crystal Empire, or maybe he intends to try and conquer the rest of Equestria. The latter is usually the case with villains.” Flurry shivered. “All my own guards, being used to try and conquer Equestria. That’s terrible! Starcutter has made them train hard for years. In the last few years of guard competitions, the Crystal Empire has always won!” Twilight nodded with a sigh. “Perhaps Star Cutter has secretly been planning this for years! Perhaps the pony my brother was friends with was a lie! It reminds me of when I was betrayed by a student at my School of Friendship.” “You mean Cozy Glow?” River Song said. Princess Twilight nodded. “You don’t think that Cozy Glow and the other two could be involved in this, do you Aunt Twilight?” Flurry asked. “I hope not,” Twilight said. “It was hard enough to defeat them all on their own! But… somepony or creature had to free them. I couldn’t see Starcutter doing it since he’s an Earth Pony who doesn’t have magic, but… how has he managed to get the helms enchanted to have mind control?” “I don’t know,” Luster said. “I didn’t get to find out how he managed to do that. Though there was one unicorn there who wasn’t under a spell. Maybe he did it?” “Perhaps,” Twilight said. “Well, Georgia will likely be here within a couple hours like Luster said. Why don’t you all use this time for a breather? I’ll have Royal Suites assigned to you in the Castle while you wait. In the meantime, I must get the army prepared in case of an attack.” Luster and all her friends bowed, heading out to leave the throne room. But as soon as they got to the door, it bursted open with Pinkie Pie emerging. “All the planning is done for the Grand Galloping Gala, Twilight!” the party pony said. “Oh, hey, Flurry. What are you doing here?” Twilight hesitated. “Um… Pinkie, I think we may need to put the Gala planning on hold for the time being.” Luster and her friends stopped as they heard this. “Put the party planning on hold?” Pinkie exclaimed. Twilight nodded. “Starcutter has taken over the Crystal Empire and overthrown Flurry Heart. Until this crisis is dealt with, I’m afraid I have to put all other activities off.” Pinkie put her head down, but understood the seriousness of the situation and nodded. River Song, however, didn’t. “No! Princess Twilight, you can’t! We were all looking forward to going to the Gala! Yelena wanted the food, and Luster and Gallop are supposed to have a date!“ Princess Twilight looked surprised by this. She looked at Luster and Gallop. “Is that true, Luster? You and… Gallop… are going on a date at the Gala?” Luster grinned slightly while blushing, “We were planning on it.” “Hmph!” Gallop frowned. His reaction spurred anxiety in Luster as she and her friends walked out of the hall. They were escorted into the castle suites of Canterlot by a pair of guards. *** “You creatures just make yourselves at home,” the griffon captain said. Four of the Future Five went into Luster’s room. After the pink unicorn closed the door behind her, Gallop rounded on her. “Luster! I can’t believe you just left Georgia behind!” he shouted. “You don’t leave friends behind! You stick with them until the end.” “I didn’t leave her behind!” Luster said, defensively. “I told you! I didn’t know we were going to be teleported straight to Canterlot! My plan was to get you guys and get out so we could all escape! Princess Flurry Heart teleported us all out, and if she hadn’t, we would all be captured right now!” “Oh yeah… well, why didn’t you bring her along when you came to spring us?” Gallop asked. “Because… because I needed her to escape to tell Princess Twilight if I got captured,” Luster said. Gallop looked at her for a moment, then sighed. “Well, I hope she makes it.” Luster nodded, “Me too.” “It’s just terrible!” River Song said. “Yelena agree," Yelena said. "Georgia probably flying through frigid northern winds trying to get here!” River Song gave the Yak an annoyed look. “No, I mean, Luster and I already paid good bits for our dresses, and now it could be canceled thanks to that dumb Starcutter! If we wanna be able to go to the Gala, we have to beat Star Cutter first!” “You really think we can defeat him?” Yelena asked. Gallop smashed his hooves together. “No problem! He’s just an Earth Pony with a sword! We can handle him, I think. We took on that Manticore at the festival, remember?” “He could really hurt one of us, though,” Luster said. “And we weren’t able to form a rainbow laser back then. We still might not be able to now!” “I’m sure we can form one by now!” River Song said. Luster shook her head. “Maybe we could, but we need to have an alternative just in case. We need a plan.” She took a piece of paper and a pencil, drawing pictures of Starcutter and all her friends. “Okay, so let's say Georgia returns, and we can form a friendship laser. We save the day,” Luster said. She drew a rainbow around them and had it go after Starcutter. Then she crossed it out. “But let's say it doesn’t work, what then?” Luster asked. “We have to start from square one.” She took up a second piece of paper and drew the beginning scene again with them facing Starcutter. “He’ll come after us with his sword, no doubt,” Luster said. “Plus, he probably has other guards with him.” She drew some Crystal Empire guards. “We have to defeat the guards and then somehow deal with him. But how?” Luster wondered aloud. “No sweat, Yelena, and I will just give them some good hoof punches!” Gallop said. “Then, once they are dealt with, we can do the same to Starcutter!” Luster frowned. “Are you forgetting he has a sword? He could really hurt you guys! You don’t want to attack him with bare hooves!” Gallop thought for a moment, “Hey, maybe we could get some armor like what you got on!” Luster looked at the helmet that was still on her head. In all the chaos she’d forgotten she was still wearing it. “Well, that could help you guys,” Luster said. “But I don’t think it'd be much use to me. Really slowed me down when I tried the full set.” Gallop sniggered. “I ain’t a bookworm like you though.” Luster frowned at him. “If I weren’t such a magic expert, I wouldn’t have been able to sneak into the castle in the first place.” Gallop got up. “I’m gonna go to see if Princess Twilight will let me borrow a set of guards armor. You wanna come, Yelena? River?” “Yelena in!” the yak said. “I’d like to see the Canterlot Armor,” River Song said. Luster shrugged and followed her friends out. *** “You want to try wearing some armor in the battle with Starcutter?” Princess Twilight said once Gallop made the request."Well, certainly, I wouldn’t want any of you to get hurt. Though I’m afraid, we don’t have any armor for Yak guards as we have none.” “That’s okay, Yelena strong,” she replied. Princess Twilight and Gallus lead them to the Canterlot Armory. Gallop was outfitted with a set of gold armor. Once it was donned, he looked in the mirror with a smile. Luster’s eyes widened as she saw the athletic Earth Pony in the armor. Her heart beated slightly faster. “Well, do I look cool in this armor or what, girls?” Gallop asked “You certainly do,” River Song said. “I could probably sing a song about it. Maybe I’ll do that after we win.” “The armor is made to protect your core - it should work against a sword well,” Princess Twilight said. “But be careful of parts that aren’t covered by it.” “The armor looks good, though I could probably smash it,” Yelena said. Twilight nodded. “Heavy blows would definitely break through.” Gallop looked at Luster. “So, what do you think, Luster?” “Umm…” Luster rubbed her foreleg with a hoof, her cheeks turning red. “You look… nice.” “Like a knight in shining armor!” River said. Saying that in front of Princess Twilight was a mistake, as it reminded her of her lost brother. She felt it like a knife to her heart, the brother she had outlived. The brother who was no longer here. The brother she could never see or do anything with again. Tears formed in her eyes as she thought back to Shining Armor. How she would bounce around him while he flailed his hooves whenever they were both just so happy. Twilight missed him greatly, along with Celestia, Luna, and Cadence. Before her friends, Shining Armor had been the only pony friend Twilight had had. Her big brother best friend forever. She would never get another brother like him. “Princess?” Luster looked over at her mentor, noticing her freeze. “Are you alright?” Twilight shook, snapping out of her statue-like state. “I… I’m fine,” she lied. “Hey, look at this armor!” River Song said, approaching a mannequin in the middle of the armory. It was Shining Armor’s own. “Wow, it's really cool.” Using her magic, River Song lifted the helmet off of the mannequin. “Don’t touch it!” Twilight said. “That was my brother’s armor!” The force of the Princess's voice caused River to drop the helmet. It landed on the floor with a clatter. Twilight gasped as she saw it hit the ground and immediately dove for it. She took it in her hooves and held it like a child. “Oh no, no, please be okay, Helmy!” Twilight shouted. She looked over her brother’s helmet, but to her relief, it looked as though it didn’t have any dents from the small fall. “You could have broken it!” Twilight shouted. River Song looked up at the Princess with wide eyes. “I’m very sorry, Princess! I just wanted to look at it!” “Well, keep your magic and hooves off it! This armor is not to be touched! It's for display, not for any pony to use! It serves as a way for the guard to remember my brother!” Twilight said. Luster was surprised by her mentor’s sudden outburst. She had never seen the Princess get angry with anypony before. But then no one was perfect, Luster vaguely remembered that the Princess's brother and sister-in-law had been killed the day she had taken her entrance exam. “Princess, River meant no harm,” she said. Twilight looked at her student. Seeing the sad and guilty expression on Luster’s face, Twilight realized her mistake. Taking several deep breaths to calm herself, Twilight regained her composure. “I’m sorry, River Song, but this armor… it's… special to me. I’ve kept it ever since my brother passed,” Twilight said. River looked up at the Princess. “It's alright, Princess. I’m sorry, I should have noticed the sign saying do not touch.” Twilight set the helmet back on the head of the model pony. “Well, you all best get ready...” *** Luster and her friends returned to their Castle Suite. They waited for several hours until finally, Gallus entered their room and said, “Great news everycreature! A black griffon has been spotted flying in this direction!” Gallus said. The group smiled eagerly. They all ran to the front of the castle and sure enough- “Georgia!” They voiced in an unison. The black Griffon had just entered through the front door of the castle. Her beak fell open as she saw her friends had reached Canterlot before her. “How… how? I thought you’d all been captured, and I didn’t see you come out!” she flew over and hugged them one by one. “I managed to get in and free them as well as Princess Flurry Heart,” Luster said as she received her hug. “But there was a fight, and we couldn’t sneak out. Princess Flurry Heart teleported us out before we could. Georgia let out a breath of relief. “Well, I’m glad you’re okay.” “Right back at you!” Gallop said as he hugged Georgia now. “I wanted to go back for you, but we thought you might have been captured by now!” “Yeah, he got all mad with Luster for a little bit,” River said. Gallop looked at Luster with remorseful eyes. “Hey, sorry about that. Are we cool?” Luster nodded. “Of course. You were just worried about her is all. I would have blamed myself if she’d been captured because I told her to stay behind and wait for me.” Gallop approached her and offered a hoof as though to shake. But Luster hugged him. Surprised, he returned the embrace. “So… what do we do now?” Georgia asked. “Princess Twilight says we’re gonna be the ones to take down Starcutter!” River Song told her. “Isn’t that great? They might start singing songs about us! We might get a stained glass window of ourselves!” “That'd be cool!” Gallop said. “Yelena like the idea of being put into window!” Luster took a breath. “Well, I guess this might be my time to shine.” She thought back to that day she had gone into the throne room before Princess Twilight sent her on her journey. She’d wanted to accomplish as much as the Princess had, and it looked like today might be the beginning. She was going to face Starcutter just as Princess Twilight faced Nightmare Moon. Luster had thought that she could have done it all on her own, but now she saw how foolish that had been. She needed the support of friends like these if she was going to overcome obstacles. Starcutter had an army on his side, but they were likely pawns to him rather than friends. His army followed him because he’d mind-controlled them, nothing more. As Luster thought of that, she smiled. “If we work together, I’m sure we can overcome Starcutter. Rainbow laser or not, I have faith in you as my friends. These past two months have been the best of my life, aside from… you know… my parents kicking me out to protect me. But I’m glad to have made friends with all of you. It had its ups and downs, but the ups are far more than the downs.” River smiled. “We’ll show that Starcutter what for! Now we just wait for him to come.” *** Starcutter led his army through the country along the road of the train tracks. They went through Galloping Gorge and Unicorn Range. He could see Canterlot in the distance now atop the mountain, but the capital of Equestria was not his current target. “Continue on! We cross the river to the other side to take the path to Ponyville. We conquer there first!” It was a long march, but they eventually came to their target. With the moon shining in the sky, the ponies of Ponyville were all beginning to turn in for the night. Only a few wandered the streets. Starcutter turned to Sharp Eye. “Is your magic ready?” The sword-wielding Earth Pony said. The unicorn nodded. “Just a moment.” His horn lit up black and from it spread a bubble that engulfed Ponyville in seconds. There was a flash of darkness, and then the bubble vanished. Several ponies that were out walking the streets looked around in confusion. But nothing appeared out of the ordinary in their town. The event had happened so fast the residents barely had time to notice it. Sharp Eye smiled. “Now, no pony or creature at a distance shall be able to see us conquering Ponyville. They won’t be able to enter the town either. Not with the shield I learned to form with Shining Armor’s tutelage combined with the illusions I studied from a tome of dark magic left behind by King Sombra in place.” “Excellent," Starcutter said. "We shall have no outside interference. No one enters this village, and no one leaves it. Main division, attack!” The majority of Crystal Guards shouted and sprinted down upon the unsuspecting town ponies. There were screams as the ones in the streets were quickly rounded up. Starcutter smiled as he watched before turning to the other teams he’d handpicked for the other part of his plan for taking Ponyville. “The rest of you know what to do.” They nodded and moved out. The first team headed to the Castle of Friendship, second to Sugarcube Corner. The rest went to Sweet Apple Acres, Carousel Boutique, and the last went to the small cottage. One by one, the residents were all taken prisoner. With surprise on their side, Starcutter’s hard training and raw numbers, even the great magic skills of Starlight, Sunburst, and Trixie, were not enough to resist their captors. Starlight had been prepared for thieves breaking into the castle, but not an army of royal guards. All three unicorns were apprehended at the Castle. The guards broke into the rest of the smaller homes and took the ponies inside prisoner. Applejack and her family, along with Rainbow Dash, Pinkie’s husband and son, as well as the Cake family, Yona and Sandbar, as well as Fluttershy and even Discord, were captured. Each of them was chained in special metal. “Unhoof me at once, you ponies! Discord protested. "I am the spirit of chaos, and you dare seek to take me prisoner! I’ll show you!” The Spirit of Chaos snapped his fingers, yet nothing happened. “What?” Discord said, astounded. He snapped his fingers several more times, but the result was the same. His magic was useless. Starcutter looked over his prisoners and smirked. “Cuffs carved from the same type of rock that once made Queen Chrysalis’s throne, they prevent any magic besides changeling ones from being used.” He looked at Ocellus, who had been captured along with Silverstream and Smolder at the School of Friendship. “Well, it seems we have another way to suppress your magic.” He looked at Sharp Eye, who levitated a magic suppressing ring designed for use on changelings up in front of him. Recognizing it, Ocellus struggled to free herself from the restraints, but it was in vain and the ring came upon her horn. Starcutter looked at his prisoners, counting them up. “That’s all of Princess Twilight’s friends as well as the students who are friends with Gallus,” he said. “We have them separated. We’ll see what they do now… without the Magic of Friendship.” > Chapter 27: Lucky Dawn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was nearly midnight and there was still no sign of forces from the Crystal Empire. Luster and her friends watched from a window, looking down at the city. They saw no problems on the ground, no army coming from afar. Princess Twilight stood with Spike at her side on the highest tower. She looked into the distance through a telescope, but she saw nothing suspicious either. “I don’t like this,” Luster said. “Starcutter should have been here by now with his army.” River Song yawned. “Well… we can't spend all night waiting for a villain to come. I need to sleep.” Georgia nodded. “Maybe we should all go get some rest.” “No, we have to stay alert!” Luster said. “Yeah!" Yelena agreed. "Yaks not rest till enemy defeated! Yaks stay strong!” “Luster, you’re not gonna be able to defeat Starcutter if you’re sleep deprived!” Gallop said. “I have to stay awake and be ready when the attack comes! This is my chance to accomplish something like Princess Twilight did back in her day!” Luster said. “I’m not gonna let her down now!” “But Luster-“ “I pulled my share of all-nighters getting homework done at the School of Magic! Luster snapped. “I can handle this!” “I don’t think this is a good idea, Luster, rest is important!” Gallop said. “Well… I’ll see you in the morning, I’m going to bed.” “Me too,” River Song said. “Me three!” Georgia agreed. They all went to their rooms while Luster stayed up with Yelena. They watched for hours, yet no attack came. By morning their eyes had bags from the lack of sleep, and Luster began to doze off. “Got… to…” Luster started. “Be ready for attack.” Suddenly a door opened behind them. “Luster, is that you?” a voice called. Luster glanced back and saw an older yellow pony with glasses, a red and purple mane levitating a familiar amulet. “Miss Moondancer!” Moondancer walked over and gave her a hug. “I haven’t seen you since the Crystal Empire Field Trip! I heard you were sent to Ponyville!” “That’s… right,” Luster said, yawning. Noticing her heavily bagged eyes, Moondancer looked at her former student. “Are you okay?” she asked. “Yeah… just tired… I was up all night watching over Canterlot in case Starcutter… attacks.” “Oh dear! You shouldn’t push yourself, Luster!” Moon Dancer said. The older unicorn put her horn on Luster’s forehead. A magic glow emanated from Moon Dancer as she cast a spell. Luster’s tiredness vanished as she felt the magic flow through her. Though Moon Dancer stumbled a little bit. “There, that should help a little bit. It will keep your fatigue at bay for a few hours.” Luster could now focus and saw the amulet Moodancer was levitating. She thought it looked familiar. “Is that the amulet that was used in my entrance exam? The one that allows ponies besides Princess Twilight to raise the sun and moon?” Moondancer nodded. “Princess Twilight has me raise the sun and moon if she ever has royal duties to focus on or oversleeps. I did it just a moment ago.” “Oh,” Luster said. “Well, I guess I should probably get my friends to have breakfast with-” A loud snore interrupted Luster. The unicorn looked over her shoulder and saw Yelena had fallen asleep. Her Yak mane, which covered her eyes apparently, was enough to prevent the sun from waking her. “Yelena, wake up!” Luster said as she walked over and tapped the Yak on the shoulder. However, the Yak persisted in her slumber. “Yelena?” Luster tapped her again. There was still no response. “Yelena!” Luster screamed while pounding the tough yak with her hooves. That got the Yak’s attention, and not in a good way. Yelena yelled at the feeling of somecreature shaking her and thrust her hooves out. Luster was knocked into a suit of armor and fell to the floor. The armor wobbled and then joined her, crashing down on top of her. “Ow!” Yelena breathed a bit of steam out of her nostrils before realizing she’d kicked Luster. “Luster! Never wake up a sleeping Yak! We don’t take kindly to being shaken while asleep!” Yelena said, but the only response was a groan of pain. “Luster?” *** Luster was rushed to the Castle Infirmary where they gave her quick healing spells for the bruise and broken ribs caused by Yelena. Though she still had to wear a cast for a few hours till the bones healed, there was no lasting damage. She sat up on the infirmary bed as her friends all gathered around her. “I’m so sorry, Luster!” Yelena said. “But, you really shouldn’t wake up a Yak like that!” “I’ll remember that next time,” Luster grumbled before looking at her damaged body. “Great, now that I’m in a cast, Starcutter is probably gonna attack in a moment!” River Song yelped and wrapped her hooves around Georgia as though expecting that to happen. But it didn’t. Suddenly a servant entered the infirmary. “Excuse me, Luster Dawn?” he asked. “Princess Twilight requests you and your friends join her for breakfast.” Luster’s frown turned into a slight smile. She jumped up, only to cringe when she felt her ribs burn in pain. “Easy, Luster,” Georgia said, putting a claw on her. “You need to take it easy till that spell heals your ribs all the way.” Luster slowly got off her bed and walked with her friends to the dining room. They found Princess Twilight as well as Spike, Pinkie, Flurry, and Moon Dancer inside having breakfast. It was the weekend, so everyone had a little time off. Though given the current predicament, Luster imagined the time off was not going to last long. This was likely the calm before the storm. “Oh, hi, Luster!” Spike said with a wave before noticing her cast. “Oh! What happened to you?” “Yelena kicked me into a suit of armor when I woke her,” Luster told him. Spike flinched. “Ouch!” Princess Twilight looked at her student in concern. “Are you alright?” “I’ll be fine in a couple hours,” Luster assured her mentor. “The castle's healing unicorns used some bone healing spells to speed up the process.” “Oh, thank Celestia. I remember something similar happened to me years ago, I fell down a flight of stairs into Applejack’s Apple Cellar,” Twilight said. Pinkie giggled, “It was when Twilight was trying to ‘study’ my Pinkie Sense. She became obsessed with finding a logical explanation for it.” Twilight chuckled. “Yes… it was then that I learned that there are just some things in this world that can’t be explained. Well, we’re having breakfast. Would you all care to join us?” “Oh yes! Yelena hungry!” Yelena said. “We’ll need strength for the fight ahead!” Gallop said. “Dining with the ruler of Equestria sounds fun!” River Song agreed enthusiastically. “It’s an honor, Princess,” Georgia said with a bow. Luster and her friends took a seat with the Princesses, Pinkie, Moon Dancer, and Spike. “So, how is everything at the School of Magic since I left?” Luster asked. “Everything’s fine. You know, the usual, students getting good grades. A little bit of mischief. One of the students actually pulled a prank yesterday, having another one drink a shrinking potion,” Moondancer giggled. “It… was funny… but I had to give that student detention. At least no one got hurt.” “Which student was it?” Luster asked. “Silly Sun,” Moondancer said. “Oh yeah, she’s the pony that is always smiling and giggling. Reminds me of some kirin,” Luster looked at River. “She sounds fun!” “Well, there’s never a dull moment when she’s in the class.” Moondancer said. Luster thought back to her days at the School of Magic, how she had been so focused on her studies and not bothered to really make friends. Now she realized how much she’d probably missed out on while there. Maybe once this crisis with Starcutter was over, she could try and connect with Silly Sun and the others from Magic School. Soon the servants had the breakfast made and set down at their table. A large plate of fruit loaded with apples, grapes, bananas, and edible flowers, with a large pineapple in the center. “Oh, that looks delicious!” Yelena said, licking her lips. A unicorn levitating a plate full of worms and some sort of meat followed the one with the large fruit platter. That was set down in front of Georgia. “Wow, you know what griffons like,” Georgia said with a smile, looking at the meat. “We’ve kept a supply for Gallus here,” Twilight said. “Hay and fruits aren’t a griffons' favorite food as far as I’m aware of.” “Some rabbit too, that’s nice.” Georgia began pecking at the plate. The larger platter of fruit was set down in the middle of the table, right in front of Yelena. “Alright, let’s eat!” The young Yak seized the entire plate and began to gobble up all the fruits on it. This caused Luster’s mouth to fall open. “Yelena!” Luster scolded. “That was for all of us to share!” Yelena stopped eating, then grinned nervously. “Um… sorry?” For a second, she worried Princess Twilight would be offended by her friend's behavior. But the Princess merely chuckled. “I suppose I should have remembered that Yaks have a bigger appetite than ponies. Could you please get another plate brought up here going?” she asked the servants. “Right away, your highness!” they said with a bow. Soon another fruit platter was brought in, and Luster and the rest of her friends got their meal. “Well, that was good!” Luster said, patting her stomach which had a bit of bulge in it from the food. “I could get used to eating like this!” River Song said. At that moment, the door to the dining room opened, and Rarity burst in. Her purple coat was covered in twigs, and her mane messed up. “Twilight! Twilight!” “Rarity?” Twilight exclaimed. “What are you doing here? I thought from your last letter you were going to be in Ponyville today?” “I was… but there’s something wrong there!” Rarity exclaimed. “I was heading there this morning, but I found that there was a magical barrier around the town! Then these Royal Guard Ponies chased me into the Everfree Forest! I barely escaped!” Everyone gasped at this news, knowing what it likely meant. “Starcutter has taken over the Crystal Empire!” Flurry Heart said. “He overthrew me, and now he has all my own guards working to conquer Equestria for himself! He must have gone to Ponyville first.” “Oh, my, that is terrible!” Rarity said. “He likely has Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Fluttershy.” “And all my friends!” Gallus exclaimed. “My two cheesies!” Pinkie screamed, thinking of her husband and son. “And my parents too!” Luster exclaimed. Twilight looked down. “Starcutter went after all the ponies and creatures that he knew could pose a threat. He wanted to keep us separated from our friends so we couldn’t use any rainbow lasers against him.” “Oh, what do we do, darlings?” Rarity asked. “We need a new group to take on Starcutter. Fortunately, I already have someone in mind,” Twilight smiled, gesturing to Luster and her friends. *** Luster soon sat in a royal guard chariot in front of the castle with her friends. Gallop was in his set of armor for the battle ahead. He wore a stern expression as they all tried to prepare themselves mentally for what was about to happen in their own way. Yelena pounded her hooves together, Georgia nervously ran her claws on the chariot. River was simply smiling. “Ooh, this is so exciting!” the kirin said. She had no idea the danger that lay ahead. Luster, meanwhile, took several deep breaths. Her hometown was in danger, and who knew what had happened to her parents and Aunt Trixie? She silently hoped they were alright and Starcutter hadn’t done anything to them. Not too long ago she’d yearned for the chance to do something great, like Princess Twilight had. But imagining confronting a dangerous situation was one thing, actually going into it was another. And with Ponyville already occupied, the chilling realization hit her like a slap to the face. There was no guarantee they would win. All around her, other chariots were being prepared with members of the royal guards inside. The pegasi carried the unicorns and earth ponies in the chariots for the impending attack to retake Ponyville. Princess Twilight was also coming, she climbed into a larger chariot just in front of Luster. “You sure you should be coming, your majesty?” Gallus asked as he harnessed himself to Princess Twilight’s chariot. “He does have a point, you know," Rarity said as she and Pinkie climbed into their own carriage next to Luster’s. "Equestria does need you to rule it, darling. Are you sure it's wise for you to risk yourself like this?” Twilight sighed. “I didn’t hear anything from Discord. I don’t like that. If Ponyville has been conquered, I’m sure he wouldn’t simply be doing nothing. Not after what he did… he wouldn’t make a mistake like that again. If he hasn’t put a stop to Starcutter in Ponyville, I can only assume that he’s been captured too somehow. If Starcutter has him, then I have to come personally.” “Our friends will need us all,” Spike agreed, he stood beside the Princess’s chariot with Flurry Heart. “I want to come with you, Aunt Twilight!” Flurry said. Twilight shook her head. “No, Flurry. We are the only two alicorns left in Equestria. If both of us fall, Equestria will be more vulnerable than ever. I need you to stay here where it is safe. If something happens to me, you shall have to take over the throne of Canterlot.” Flurry looked at her aunt. “No! I’ve already lost my parents! I can’t lose you too!” Twilight sighed. “All of us leave this life at some point Flurry. It’s the way the world works. But we must do what’s best for Equestria while we still live… I want you to promise me that you will look after Equestria if anything should happen to me.” Flurry sniffled. “I-I don’t know if I can.” Twilight leaned out and nuzzled her niece. “You’ve been through a lot, my dear niece. It's been a heavy burden.” “Pl-please. Just come back!” Flurry begged. “I’ll do my best,” Twilight promised. There was a moment of silence, then Princess Twilight looked behind her. Her horn glowed and she spoke, her voice echoing loud enough for the entire army to hear her. “Everycreature ready!?” “Ready!” Gallus confirmed. There were murmurs of agreement among all the guards. “Fly!” she ordered. The pegasi took to the skies and flew across it. Luster felt gravity pull her back. The chariot bumped in the sky. “Yelena not sure she like flying!” Yelena said, looking a bit green. The chariots soon arrived a short distance from Ponyville. Luster and her friends jumped out of their carriage and went up to Princess Twilight. Looking ahead, Luster saw Ponyville. It seemed totally normal, but according to Rarity, there had been a shield surrounding the town. Twilight looked at the first group of unicorns that stood by her side. “Fire!” The group lit up their horns, firing beams of magic up into the sky. Sure enough, the spells caused the black shield surrounding the town to become visible. “That looks pretty strong,” Luster said. “Yes, but there are ways that shield spells can be broken. The user’s strength is greatly drained the longer they have to keep it up. That would be the safest way to deal with it. Another way would be if we somehow break through it from out here, that’s the most direct,” Twilight said. "We await your command, your majesty," Gallus said. "But I think we should decide quickly. We don't know when-" "Watch out!" Luster yelled, pushing Gallus out of the way just before a beam of magic turned his resting spot into a blazing inferno. "Where did that come from?! The town--" One of the guards shouted only to be silenced by another powerful blast. More beams of magic quickly followed, turning the day into a chaotic spectacle of light, shrapnel, and dust. "Behind me!" Luster yelled, establishing a barrier to protect herself and her friends, just before it got struck. The mighty blast was powerful enough to push her back, but her shield held. Others were not so lucky, and soon, the agonizing screams of the injured guards filled the air. Looking from the safety of her shield at the ponies writhing in pain all around her made Luster's heart skip a beat... or several. But then, she heard Twilight's voice... "We need to break through! There's no other way!" Twilight said. "Moondancer, shield!" “Right away, Twilight!” Moondancer said. “Minuette, Twinkleshine, Lemon Hearts!” Three other mares stepped by her side. During the battle of the bell, Moondancer and her group of friends had been part of the team that came and saved Twilight and the others from Chrysalis, Cozy Glow and Tirek. Since then, they had decided to act as a team that came together whenever the Royal Guard might need them. With Twilight sharing the magic of friendship at the school of magic, Moondancer was now able to channel it in the form of a shield. The Friendship Shield she and her friends used was strong enough to be equal to the shield conjured by a majority of the unicorns in Equestria. “We have to save Lyra and Bon Bon!” Minuette called. “Nopony hurts our friends and gets away with it!” Twinkleshine agreed. “Unicorns ready! Shields up!” Moondancer said. The majority of the unicorns lit up their horns and put magic up to form a shield large enough to cover their army. “Rarity, Pinkie, Spike!” Twilight called. The dragon and aging ponies both stood beside the Princess's side. “This won’t be as powerful as it is when all of us are together, but it should break the shield,” Twilight said. The ruler of Equestria glowed white as she called upon the magic of friendship and it flowed though her. She fired a powerful blast at the barrier surrounding Ponyville. The dark aura of the shield appeared in the sky and began to look as though it were being burned by fire. It faded away, pieces of the burning magic falling to the ground. Ponyville was no unprotected, it was time to take action. “Charge!” Gallus ordered. The Royal Guards of Canterlot let out a battle cry and immediately ran onto the streets of Ponyville. “Finally, we get to do something! One of them called. Luster and her friends stood back, letting the guards rush in. At the same time, the mind-controlled Crystal Guards charged at the Canterlot ones. Lances splintered and entered other ponies. Luster saw a great amount of blood spill as ponies fought each other. Twilight flew into battle, firing magic at the Crystal Empire guards. Rarity and Pinkie charged after her, with the unicorn throwing her fur coat to the ground to allow herself to move more freely. Members of the Crystal Guard came at them, but members of the Royal Guard flanked them, protecting their ruler and her friends. Rarity shot magic at them as well as used her hidden killer hoof skills to slap them silly like she had with Changelings during their invasion of Canterlot years ago. Pinkie used her confetti cannon and screamed out, “If you hurt my Cheesies, you’ll be begging for mercy!” *** Luster and River Song charged their magic and released a spell. Luster performed an invisibility spell, while River performed a magic sharing spell that stretched Luster's spell to herself and their friends. The Future Five snuck through town, hearing and seeing the battle as both sides of Royal Guards duked it out. “Everycreature here?” Luster asked, unable to see her friends due to the invisibility spell. “Me here!” River’s voice called. “I am too!” Gallop’s sounded. “Yelena here!” “I’m here!” Georgia said. “Okay, we need to find Starcutter,” Luster whispered. “Where would he be?” “Hmm… he’s the guy in charge of the army, so he’d probably be some place really important,” Gallop said. “What’s the most important building here?” “The Castle of Friendship!” River said. The castle was probably the perfect seat for a conqueror. Luster looked over at her home, the home where her parents and Aunt Trixie had raised her. Starcutter was there? Then he was likely keeping her parents as well as Princess Twilight’s friends there. “Okay, I guess it's worth a try.” She lit her horn up and teleported herself and her friends directly in front of the Castle of Friendship. In front of it stood five royal guards - Sharp Eye among them. He was the only one not wearing a mind-controlling helmet. “See if you can get the helmets off,” she whispered to her friends. “It's our best shot at taking the possessed guards down without hurting them.” “Right,” her friends said, mostly in whispers. But River Song said it rather loudly. “You got it, Luster!” A chill crept down Luster’s spine and she looked back. Sharp Eye looked around, he saw nothing. But he narrowed his eyes all the same as Luster grit her teeth fearfully. Then, his horn lit up with black magic and he let out a wave of it. Luster didn’t have time to put up a shield or defense as it washed over her. The magic caused no harm, but it disabled Luster’s own spell. She and her friends became visible to themselves and everypony in sight. Sharp Eye scowled. “Get them!” The other four officers charged at the Future Five. Two unicorns went for Luster and River Song. A pegasus flew and was intercepted by Georgia, while Gallop and Yelena got caught in a hoof fight with a crystal pony. Luster put up a shield of magic that sent her unicorn adversaries beam back at him, knocking them out cold. "Ha, gotcha!" Luster smirked. "Hmm, that was easier than I--" A sudden yell interrupted Luster's little victory speech. She glanced back to see a unicorn guard pulling a struggling River Song towards his sharp horn as though about to stab her. "Hey!" Luster yelled and gritted her teeth, this time in anger. She took hold of the kirin with her own magic. "Let her go!" Luster tried to heave her friend away, but the other unicorn would not relent. For a moment, they both struggled, levitating River like a ragdoll, but then, Luster began losing her grip. She concentrated desperately, but the river of sweat coming from her forehead was a dead giveaway it was a losing battle. There was only one obvious solution. "River! S-shoot him!" The kirin hesitated. "W-what? But I can't just--" "River, I c-can't hold it!" Luster yelled, just as her magic began to flicker. "Shoot! Do it! Do it now!" Revulsed at the thought of having to take a life, River closed her eyes, and a blue flash quickly followed. Not feeling the tight grip anymore, she opened her eyes to see the soldier's body on the floor in the puddle of blood. The kirin felt the urge to cry as she looked at it in remorse. Luster released River and turned her attention to the aerial battle between Georgia and the Pegasus. The griffon’s claws were sharp, but Georgia wasn’t using them. She knew this pegasus wasn’t trying to hurt her of his own free will; as such, she was more on the defensive. But she wasn’t trained in fighting arts and the pegasus swatted at her with his strong hooves. He managed to knock her out of the air, she landed with a grunt, and the pegasus pounced down towards her to trample her, but Luster shot him with her gold magic. Meanwhile, Gallop managed to evade his crystal pony opponent long enough for Yelena to jump down on top of him. The Crystal Pony crumbled under the Yak’s immense strength. Yelena flinched at the sight. “Ooh… Yelena sorry about this!” Luster looked around at the guards they’d all just had to take the lives of. She’d thought being a hero was something glorious, but there was nothing glorious about this. These were all mind-controlled ponies. They’d had no choice. When one's life was in danger there was so little time to think. They had to carry on and stop Starcutter, so that this slaughter could end. Sharp Eye was their last obstacle. Get past him and they would face Starcutter. But instead of engaging them he merely smiled. “Doesn’t matter if you take down Starcutter or not. He was merely a pawn in this game to return Equestria to the one who truly deserves it. You may win this battle, but soon the real war for Equestria will begin.” Luster looked at him in suspicion. “What are you-“ There was a dark flash, and Sharp Eye was gone. “He teleported away!” River Song said. “Come back here, you coward!” Gallop shouted. “Come back and fight!” “Don’t waste your breath, Gallop. He’s gone,” Luster said. “We’ll crush him later!” Yelena said. “For now, we crush Starcutter!” Walking up to the immense doors, Luster opened them with her magic. Now… came the really hard part. Starcutter was in the entry room. Starlight, Sunburst, Trixie, along with Princess Twilight’s other three friends, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack, and Pinkie’s husband and son were all caged and chained along with Gallus's friends. Discord was there as well, though he was chained to the outside of the cages. Starlight’s eyes widened as she saw her daughter enter the castle. “Luster!” she called, putting her hooves on the cage. Sunburst and Trixie both looked at Luster as well with widened eyes. Luster glared at the sword pony. “Let them go!” Starcutter sighed. “I wish I could.” The words surprised Luster. She had expected something along the lines of “Make me,” or “In your dreams.” Something a villain would actually say. “What do you mean?” she asked. “Defeat me and perhaps I can tell you.” Starcutter drew his sword. Luster cringed, was he just trying to distract her? She pointed her horn at him, her friends behind her. For a moment everycreature stood still, then Starcutter let out a great yell and charged at them. Luster fired a beam of her golden magic at him, but he raised his sword and blocked. Then to her surprise, with another swing of the sword in her direction, he flung it back at her. The unicorn was knocked off her feet as intense pain shot through her. “Luster!” River called her friend's name, looking in her direction as Luster looked up just in time to see Starcutter charging at the distracted Kirin. “River, look out!” Luster called. River looked back and let out a fearful yell as Starcutter brought his sword down to slice her. Fortunately, Gallop got in front of her. Starcutter’s blade hit the other earth ponies armor, bouncing off it uselessly. Gallop seized on the opportunity to land a hoof to the blind side of Starcutter’s face where his eyepatch blocked his vision. The brown earth pony grunted but managed to recollect himself and attack. He aimed for Gallop's forelegs, which, unlike his core, were not protected by the armor. Gallop managed to move back enough to avoid getting his front legs cut off. Starcutter brought his blade up to strike again, but River was on it this time with her magic. She took hold of the sword blade, preventing it from moving. Starcutter lost hold of his blade as he swung again. The sword fell to the ground with a clatter. Without his weapon, the soldier was much less dangerous. Georgia seized on the opportunity to go in and attack with her talons, Starcutter dodged and reached into his saddlebag, drawing a rock. He threw it up at Georgia, hitting her on the head. She fell. The simple but effective tactic had worked. That was one down. Starcutter then ran to retrieve his sword, but Yelena stomped on the ground, her immense yak strength causing Starcutter to stumble. Gallop leapt at him and delivered a sharp kick to his chest. “Georgia, you okay?” Luster asked as she ran to the griffon’s side. “Yeah!” the griffon said as Luster helped her up. Luster and her friends looked down at Starcutter as he grunted, crawling towards his sword. “Time for my first friendship victory,” Luster said with a smile, certain they were about to win. “You ready, guys?” They all nodded. Luster looked at each of her friends and recalled the times they’d had together. River, who made everyone smile and laugh. Georgia, who had comforted her when her parents had kicked her out. Gallop, who had been willing to go back to the Crystal Empire to save Georgia. And Yelena, who had been honest during the buckball game by admitting she had gone too far. Luster tried to perform the Magic of Friendship. She had studied its theory hard, but… nothing happened. Again. Starcutter looked at them, his teeth clenched as he gripped his sword. Obviously, he was expecting the magic to work as well. Luster expected him to smile as he realized it failed. But instead, he spoke in what sounded like a disappointment. “Pity, I’d hoped you could have stopped me.” “Huh?” Luster hadn’t expected to hear that. This guy made no sense. He suddenly charged at her, and Luster instinctively shot a beam of magic to defend herself. But Starcutter simply dodged, sidestepping while continuing his charge. Luster’s magic continued to where she did not have time to see before Starcutter kicked her in the chest, she collapsed on the ground and felt the cold blade of his sword press against her throat. “Surrender!” he said, looking at her friends. “Luster!” Starlight screamed in fear, pounding the cage desperately as though hoping to break through the bars. Gallop, River, Yelena, and Georgia looked in fear at their threatened friend before bowing their heads. Starcutter then drew something from his guard sash. it was a ruby outlined in gold. Luster’s eyes shot open as she recognized it from her days of studying at the School of Magic. The Ruby of Reign, an artifact that allowed the wielder to control other ponies or creatures. That was how he must have brainwashed all the guards into working for him! Now he was going to do the same thing to them! It looked like it was over. Luster had… failed. But as Starcutter held up the glowing gem, suddenly, both his sword and the Ruby of Reign vanished from his hooves in a flash of light. “Huh? What?” the sword pony looked at his empty hooves. “I think this little conquest of yours is at an end,” Discord said, dropping the sword and snapping his free hand. Starlight and all the others were suddenly teleported out of their cages. Discord looked at Starlight.“Quite a twist, isn’t it? I free you from a cage, and now your daughter frees me from chains!” Now it fell into place, Luster’s spell from before Starcutter had kicked her had missed him, but by some lucky break she had freed Discord. The spirit of chaos snapped his fingers again and a cage fell on Starcutter. Discord then looked at the artifact. His eyes widened. “Why… this is the Ruby of Reign! I attempted to use a fake version of this when I posed as Grogar.”” He looked at Starcutter. “So, this is how you controlled the entirety of the Crystal Guard... well, it's over!” Discord raised the ruby, but nothing happened. He grimaced at it. “Oh, come on! There has to be a way to disengage the spell with this thing!” “Allow me,” Sunburst said as he took the ruby from Discord with his magic. “You’ve read up on this thing and know how to stop it?” Discord asked. Sunburst shook his head. “No, but I know an artifact that should be destroyed when I see it!” He shot a beam of magic at the Ruby. Just as Cozy Glow had destroyed the fake one that Discord had used, it disintegrated instantly. Now only a pile of ashes remained. “That should free everypony!” Sunburst said. Luster got to her hooves... and unable to contain herself, ran at her freed parents. “Mom, Dad!” She wrapped her hooves around her mother. As she did so, some part of her feared Starlight would break away and tell her to leave. But slowly, her mother returned the hug. “Are you alright, mom?” Luster asked. Starlight sniffled, the memory of her daughter having a sword held at her throat still fresh in her mind. “Forget about me, are you?” Luster nodded.“I think so.” “Oh, thank Celestia!” Starlight sobbed, tightening her grip to the extent that she squeezed Luster. “I was so worried when I saw that blade against your throat!” “M-mom!” Luster choked out. “You’re crushing me!” “Oh, sorry!” Starlight said, lessening her grip. “Luster,” Sunburst came up and joined the hug, more gently than Starlight. “Dad,” Luster smiled as her father wrapped a hoof around her and her mother. For a moment, she was back where she felt she belonged. Her parents embrace comforting her after her frightening experience. Outside they found all the Crystal Ponies had been freed from the Ruby of Reign’s control. Starcutter was levitated by Discord in his cage. The sword (or now swordless) pony said nothing as they walked across Ponyville. *** Twilight watched the carnage with horror in her eyes. During her days of protecting Equestria, she had faced a similar situation, when King Sombra had brainwashed all of Ponyville and Canterlot. She and her friends had used non-lethal methods. But the Royal Guards were facing formidable, well-trained adversaries. They weren’t so lucky. They operated differently from how Twilight and her friends did being military rather than strictly protectors. Both the Crystal Empire and Canterlot guards drew blood, ending lives on each side. Some managed to subdue Crystal Empire Guards without killing and restrain them. Unfortunately, many more were forced to kill to either defend themselves or each other. It broke Twilight’s heart seeing two armies of Equestria fighting and destroying each other. This battle was not going to be a victory, even if they won. Then suddenly, the Crystal Guards suddenly stopped fighting. Princess let out a breath of relief. It was over. “Luster did it!” she exclaimed in happiness. That was one triumph for her student. Now she was one step closer to fulfilling her destiny! The good news pushed the bad away for Twilight. She eagerly flew up to her old castle where the Future Five and all her friends that had been captured stood. “Is everypony okay?” she asked, her concern for her friends winning over her joy as she saw them. “Yes, we’re all fine!” Starlight said. “Thanks to me!” Discord said putting a hand on his heart. “And your lucky little Luster Dawn!” he added before ruffling Luster’s mane while she gave him an annoyed look. The joy of Luster’s victory suddenly faded as Twilight realized what the Spirit of Chaos was talking about. And soon, Luster confirmed her fears. “I’m sorry, Princess. I only won this battle by sheer luck,” Luster said. “I tried to use the magic of friendship, but it still wouldn’t come. Starcutter had me at his mercy and nearly brainwashed me and my friends. The only thing I did was free Discord and he put Starcutter in a cage.” Twilight looked at her student sadly. Luster bowed her head. “I’ve failed you, Princess.” “No Luster, you saved Ponyville,” Starlight said. “Doesn’t matter how you it! You did it!” “Y-yes,” Twilight agreed, though half heartedly. Luster had not failed Equestria, but she had failed Twilight. This had been her first real chance to prove herself worthy as a potential successor for Twilight to give up the immortality to. Was… was Luster not the one? Would she never be able to wield the magic of friendship? Twilight turned away, that would have to wait. They had won this battle, but it was still not a victory in any way. Both armies of Equestria had suffered losses thanks to a certain pony. She now turned to that pony as he was brought up to her in a cage. It was time for him to answer for his crime. “My brother trusted you greatly, Starcutter. Is this how you repay his trust? Using his own army to overthrow his daughter and try to conquer Equestria?” Twilight snarled. “It wasn’t my fault Princess!” Starcutter said. “I was under mind control myself.” Twilight frowned at him in suspicion, “How can I trust anything you say? I will be conducting a full-scale investigation of your motives regarding this. I will find out the truth and see that you stand trial for what you’ve done. Take him away.” Starcutter shook his head. “No, Princess you have to believe me! Grogar’s back and he’s planning to take over Equestria!” The words hung in the air for a moment, Twilight felt a sudden urge to question him further. But she had trusted him to oversee the Crystal Empire until her niece came of age, and he had then overthrown Flurry Heart shortly after she came into her throne. He had betrayed her brother, she could not believe anything he said. She watched as the swordpony was levitated away by unicorn guards. > Chapter 28: Recovery > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few days after the battle, Luster was in front of the Castle of Friendship with her mother. They were lying on the grass, enjoying the sight of the sun setting on the horizon. “I’m glad you’re finally letting me see you again, Mom,” Luster said as she nuzzled her mother. Starlight smiled, returning the nuzzle. “Well… no point in being separated anymore since the Ponyville Express did a story on you and said you were my daughter.” She held up today’s edition of the mentioned newspaper. It showed Luster and her friends on the front page in front of City Hall. The paper read Luster Dawn, daughter of Starlight Glimmer, Stewardess and Headmare of the Castle and School of Friendship (respectively), has saved Ponyville with four friends. Luster Dawn studied for a time at the School for Gifted Unicorns as Princess Twilight Sparkle’s top student. Together with her friends, River Song, Gallop J. Fry, Yelena, and Georgia, they defeated Starcuter and saved the captured Ponyville. Is this the beginning of a new rising star for Equestria? “Well, you are certainly on your way to becoming a hero, Luster,” Starlight said. “I’m very proud of you.” She nuzzled her daughter again. Luster smiled, happy to finally be able to spend time with her mother again after so many weeks apart. But she pulled away from the nuzzle. “What’s wrong?” Starlight asked. Luster sighed. “I don’t know, Mom. I defeated Starcutter, I know. But… I’m just not satisfied with how I did. It didn’t feel right. I didn’t win by my skill or through the magic of friendship. I just... missed and hit the chains keeping Discord from using his magic. It just doesn’t feel like I should call myself a hero for it.” Starlight looked at her. “Do you remember how I had to save Twilight from the changelings? Due to Chrysalis' throne, I couldn’t rely on my skill in magic or rainbow lasers either.” “Yeah, but you had Aunt Trixie, Discord, and Thorax with you,” Luster said. “You were able to persuade the other changelings to see another way, thanks to Thorax.” “That's precisely my point. We were lucky that he joined us back then, or all would have failed.” Still seeing a grimace on Luster's face, Starlight smiled gently and placed a hoof on her daughter's shoulder. "Luster, you saved Ponyville, that’s good enough to call you a hero. Sometimes luck is what we have to rely on when all else fails. There is nothing wrong with that." Luster sighed. “Well, I guess a victory is better than a defeat, I just hope I didn’t disappoint Princess Twilight.” “I’m sure Twilight is very proud of you,” Starlight assured her. “She has no reason to be disappointed in you.” *** Twilight paced around her throne room. “I can’t believe Luster didn’t manage to do it! Maybe she’s not the one meant to be my successor after all! Maybe I need to stay longer for one!” “Twilight! Calm down!” Spike said as he sat on the chair next to her throne. “Calm down! How can I calm down? Luster was my biggest hope!” Twilight said. “Well, even if Luster’s not able to do a rainbow laser right now, there’s still time. Remember, you couldn’t perform one without the Elements for years!” Spike said. “Even if she doesn’t ever perform one, that doesn’t mean you can’t find another student that can.” “But years have already passed, Spike!” Twilight shrieked. “Haven’t you seen how all the other girls have aged a lot more than I?” “And here we go with the Twilighting,” Spike muttered to himself. “Yeah, that’s kind of hard to miss. Rarity’s got gray hair now. Of course, I still think she’s beautiful.” Twilight took a deep breath. “Maybe I have to stay longer for the good of Equestria! Maybe I have to live without the others!” “Okay, okay Twi, calm down!” Spike said, flying down and putting his claws on her shoulders. “Even if the others are gone… I’d still be here for you. Now, just breathe slowly and calm down, okay? In and out, in and out…” After a few slow, long breaths, Twilight's heart finally slowed down. Spike's efforts earned him a warm hug. “Thanks, Spike. I know I can always count on you when I’m losing it. I thought I’d moved past that Twilighting stuff.” “Hey, old habits die hard, huh? You haven’t done that in over twenty years, though.” “Say… you don’t think maybe I’m making a mistake, do you?” “This is your choice, Twilight. If you’re content with the lifespan of a normal pony I can’t stop you,” Spike said. “I would never force you to do anything you didn’t want to. And, like Celestia said, no pony lives forever. Just as long as you’re happy, that’s what I care about.” “Well, we should at least congratulate Luster formally in an award ceremony. She did save Ponyville after all,” Twilight said. “Wasn’t the way I’d hoped, but if not for her, we might be singing a different tune right now. She did prevent even more lives from being lost. For that, she should be awarded. Also… we need to hold funerals for the soldiers that lost their lives in the retaking of Ponyville.” “What about Starcutter?” Spike asked. “We’re still having guards investigate his office in the Crystal Empire. They’ve gone through his records but haven’t found anything yet.” “Still, it’s pretty overwhelming with witnesses. But it’s strange, isn’t it? Starcutter is an Earth Pony, yet he was able to use that Ruby of Reign to control all those ponies.” “Yes, only a unicorn could activate it,” Twilight elaborated. “Luster said there was one that was acting of his own free will, Sharp Eye. But he teleported away just before Luster defeated Starcutter.” “Do you think maybe he brainwashed Starcutter along with the others and made him act like he was the one to stage the coup?” Spike asked. “That could be, but until I get solid evidence either way, I can’t trust Starcutter,” Twilight said. “He will remain imprisoned until there’s evidence to prove his innocence or guilt in the coup.” *** River tossed and turned in her bed in the Treehouse of Harmony. She was asleep, but her dream was not a pleasant one. She kept seeing the guard trying to pull her toward him while Luster held her back. “River! Shoot him!” Luster called out. “I can’t!” River said. “You have to!” Luster shouted. “I can’t hold it!” As the unicorn’s head sweated, she lost her grip, and River was pulled onto the horn of the enemy unicorn. She woke with a start, gasping as she recalled her dream. Was that what would have happened if she hadn’t shot the guard trying to pull her in? Would she have been killed? Still, she couldn’t help but think there might have been another way. Maybe she could have simply used a weaker magic to stop the unicorn. There had just been no time to think. She had to act to save her own life. River tried to go back to sleep, but every time she closed her eyes, the image of the stallion laying there in a pool of his own blood was playing in her mind - haunting her like some slasher from a horror movie. She cringed, thinking of how he must have had loved ones. Friends, a family that was probably mourning his loss now. She could imagine them shouting at her, looks of hatred in their eyes. The Kirin had always wanted to live a life of fun and excitement. But right now, her heart was filled with nothing but guilt. Come morning, she still lay awake in bed, her eyes bagged and bloodshot from lack of sleep. Yawning, she got up when the sun rose. She walked out of her room in the Treehouse of Harmony. She made her way through the crystally structure and found Luster and the others at their table in the entryway. “Oh, hey, River!” Luster said as the kirin walked down the shining stairs. “Hey,” River replied in a glum way. “River, what’s the matter?” Luster asked as she looked at the Kirin. “Nothing!” River said. But Yelena frowned at her. “River, you not fooling friends. River always the cheerful one of us. River can be honest with friends if something is bothering.” Georgia put a claw on River. “Tell us.” River sighed, feeling the urge to cry. “I… just can’t stop thinking about how I killed that one guard.” “River, there was no choice...” Luster said. “But maybe there was!” River argued. “Maybe I could have used a sleeping spell or something!” “Do you know any sleeping spells?” Luster asked. “No,” River admitted. “But still, there had to be another way!” “It was in the middle of a battle, our lives were on the line. Sometimes, it's either kill or be killed,” Luster said. “I used to think that being a hero would be all happy, but war… that was a terrible thing. And worst of all, we weren’t fighting an enemy of Equestria, we were fighting amongst ourselves.” River nodded, as tears leaked out. “Yeah! That makes me feel even worse! The guard I killed wasn’t fighting me of his own free will! He wasn’t a bad pony! He had been forced to do those horrible things!” “Whoever mind-controlled all those ponies did this," Yelena argued. "Starcutter, Sharp Eye, whoever it really was. They’re the ones responsible for all those ponies losing their lives,” River sniffled. “Well," Gallop said. "Whoever it was, if they ever show their faces, us or Princess Twilight will take them down!” “Yeah!” Yelena agreed. Luster put a hoof on River. “I know what you did was hard, and it will likely hurt for a long time. But it wasn’t your fault. You did what you had to do to survive.” River nodded. “I just… can’t help feeling sorry for it.” “The fact that you are sorry means you’re a good creature,” Georgia said. “Somecreature who didn’t feel remorse for that would have to be heartless.” “I know this isn’t gonna go away soon,” Luster said. “But I’m here for you, River. Just like you were all there for me after I left my home for the first time.” River smiled weakly. “Are you gonna go back to your parents permanently?” Luster shook her head. “Mom wanted me to come back once the newspaper came out. But thanks to us defeating Starcutter I was able to convince her to let me stay here with you guys. After all, friends stick together.” The pony and kirin hugged each other, Georgia quickly joined, along with Yelena and Gallop. “This is what friends do, they support each other through thick and thin.” “Thanks, guys,” River said. “I know I can’t undo what I did. But you’re right, I didn’t really have time to think.” A scroll suddenly formed into Luster's grasp. She opened it and let out a joyous gasp. “Princess Twilight is coming to Ponyville again!" Luster announced. "She wants to hold an award ceremony for all of us for defeating Starcutter, as well as to conduct a rite for all the guards that died in the attack!” *** That night, Luster and her friends all stood in the Castle of Friendship before Princess Twilight. Starlight and Sunburst watched proudly as Twilight delivered her speech to the gathered ponies. “Just days ago," Twilight began. "A crisis happened both here and in the Crystal Empire. The Captain of the Guard there, Starcutter, used an artifact to mind control the guards there and force them to overthrow my niece, Princess Flurry Heart. The battle that took place in Ponyville was a sad one, which should never have happened. For this was not a battle with an enemy, but with ourselves, and one who fights themselves can never win. We may have won this battle, but it was not a victory. We lost many good soldiers here in Ponyville, both from Canterlot and the Crystal Empire. Of course, thanks to my faithful student Luster Dawn, as well as her friends River Song, Gallop J. Fry, Georgia, and Yelena, the bloodshed was stopped quickly. If not for them, there would have been more lives lost. They all worked well together during a time of danger - their teamwork and friendship helping them to defeat Starcutter. For their role in protecting Equestria, I reward them with the Equestrian Pink Hearts of Courage.” Twilight placed the medal around Luster’s neck while Starlight and Sunburst did the same with River and Gallop, then Yelena and Georgia. As soon as the awards were placed, everycreature bowed, showing respect to the new heroes. “Congratulations, Luster,” Starlight said. “I remember when I was awarded the same medal along with Discord, Thorax, and Trixie.” “You’re a great and powerful lifesaver, Luster!” Trixie said. “And don’t forget about me, as I was the one who caged Starcutter!” Discord said. “Of course, the real hero is Luster. I’m sure she would have been just fine. If they had managed to perform a rainbow laser!” “Discord!” Fluttershy snapped, giving him her stare. The spirit of chaos chuckled nervously, “You did do a good job when you were fighting! I’ll say that! Had that Starcutter off his hooves! But you still need a little more work.” Luster nodded, Discord was right about that. She looked at her mentor. “I know I didn’t manage to win by my skill in magic. But I will always strive to improve, Princess.” Twilight nodded. “Well, I look forward to seeing you do better next time! I wonder who you will face?” “Oh, please don’t be Chrysalis!” Starlight whispered fearfully. Hearing her, Sunburst put a hoof around his wife. Now that the newspaper had made it public information that Luster was their daughter, he shared their worry. “Everything’s gonna be okay, Starlight. Chrysalis doesn’t know where Luster is.” “But she could still find out just by asking a pony or other creature!” Starlight said. “Well… she’ll be with her friends. The magic of friendship always wins in the end right?” Sunburst said. Starlight sighed. “Yeah, but we don’t go without casualties.” “Well, let's get this party started!” Pinkie Pie called out. A DJ began playing music for creatures to dance along to. Pinkie and Cheese Sandwich, Big Mac and Sugarbelle, Starlight and Sunburst, Fluttershy and Discord, and many others. Luster and her friends sat at a table eating some of the party food. As they did so, a middle-aged mare approached them. “Hello, you’re Luster Dawn?” she asked in a not very pleasant tone. “Um… yes?” Luster replied as she looked at the mare. She wore a black garment and veil through which her horn was visible, a traditional mourning outfit. “I’m Morning Darkness,” the mare said. “My son… he was an officer working for the Crystal Empire. From what I heard his body was found in front of this Castle.” Luster gaped. She looked over at River, whose eyes widened at the unicorn. This had to be the mother of the guard whose life she had ended. Morning Darkness looked at Luster with a deep frown. “Was it you who did that to my son?” “Um…” “No, Miss! It wasn’t her, it was me!” River said. Morning turned to the Kirin. “I’m the one who killed your son,” River confessed. The unicorn looked at her with narrowed eyes. “Tell me what happened.” River gulped. “We… Luster, me, and all our friends… we were on our way here to fight Starcutter. Then… Sharp Eye, that bad unicorn who was not controlled, he saw us and sent the other officers on us. I was fighting your son, and he… he had me in his magic. He tried to pull me on to his… his horn. But Luster, she… she pulled me back and told me to… shoot!” River sniffled. Morning looked at her. “He was about to pull you onto his horn?” she asked. River nodded tearfully. “I wish I could have done something else…. But… there’s no excuse. I took your son from you, and that’s-“ Morning stepped toward River who closed her eyes as though expecting an attack. But instead of striking her in any way, Morning wrapped a hoof around her tearfully. River’s eyes widened as the unicorn did this. “You had no choice… well… maybe you did. But you did what you had to to save your own life. My son would understand that. I do.” River cried softly at the action of forgiveness. “Thank you!” Morning released her from the embrace. “Don’t be too hard on yourself now. We have to forgive ourselves. We will all make mistakes in our lives, but we must learn from them.” River nodded as Morning walked off. Luster smiled. “Does that make you feel better, River?” she asked the Kirin. “I’m... not sure. I mean… knowing the family forgives me makes things easier. But it still... hurts you know?” “Well… we never got to finish that vacation we planned,” Luster said. “How about we resume it tomorrow? You wanted to show us the Kirin Village, right? Maybe going back there would help you unwind.” “Maybe!” River said gloomily. “But before that… let's dance!” Luster said. Gallop instantly got up from his seat and looked at Luster with a blush. “I know we said we would dance at the Gala, but would you mind doing it now?” he asked, offering a hoof. “Oh, not at all!” Luster said, taking his hoof and allowing him to pull her from her seat. “Come on River!” With the kirin managing a smile, the Future Five all walked out onto the dancefloor to enjoy the party for their victory. *** In Grogar’s Lair, the ancient villain and his minions watched an image from a few days ago of Starcutter getting dragged off by the guards. “So Starcutter has been defeated,” Grogar said. “Excellent.” “Excellent? How is that excellent?” Tirek questioned. “He was the commander of your forces of brainwashed ponies?” “And he has stated that you are still alive!” Chrysalis pointed out. “Is this not a cause for concern?” Grogar shook his head. “Princess Twilight does not trust him," Grogar explained. "I am in the clear. And even if she were to believe him, it matters not. She cannot stop what is coming. This victory of hers is nothing of the sort. By fighting, she has lost this battle. Hundreds of ponies have been killed in a fight amongst themselves. Princess Twilight has sacrificed a relevant fraction of her military while I have lost none. Now, only two steps remain. We shall recover my bewitching bell… which is now stored in the chaos realm of Discord. That imposter draconequus took the bell after he got his magic back from it.” “And how do we get it back?” Tirek asked. “It took me, Chrysalis, and Cozy working together to retrieve it from Mount Everhoof! How do we even get into the chaos realm anyway?” “There are ways,” Grogar said. “Lately, Discord has been opening a lot of portals to the chaos realm allowing animals to come and go through them for that wife of his.” He showed an image of Discord and Fluttershy cuddling. “One way we could manage it would be if one of us were to turn into an animal that yellow mare would love.” He looked at Chrysalis with a smile. The changeling Queen’s eyes widened in surprise and disgust. “You want me to turn into an animal to get into the chaos realm?” “That would be one way,” Grogar said. “But I can think of another. One that I’m sure you’ll enjoy… for it involves the daughter of that pony you want revenge on.” The former changeling queen stepped forward, grinning evilly. “Yes, I’m ready to take Starlight Glimmer’s daughter from her!” “Then you shall go to Ponyville now!” Grogar commanded. Chrysalis shot him a slightly annoyed look for his bossy tone, but she knew better than to protest. “Very well, Grogar, but I have one request. Tirek and Cozy Glow will come with me.” Grogar looked at Chrysalis in suspicion, “Why?” Chrysalis hesitated, “Because… because… because I trust these two.” The words hung in the air for a moment while Tirek’s eyes widened, and Cozy Glow’s mouth fell open. “Hmm… very well, I suppose I have no use for them at the moment. But this will provide a slight complication. Cozy Glow is a full-grown pony now, but she could still be recognized. I think an illusion would change that. King Sombra?” Grogar looked at the dark-hearted unicorn who stood next to Sharp Eye who had managed to join them since the battle in Ponyville. Frowning, Sombra channeled his magic and cast an illusion on Tirek and Cozy Glow. Cozy’s peach-colored coat turned to a chalky white, while Tirek was made to look like a unicorn. A black unicorn with a red face. Grogar smiled. “Perfect. Now, go!” *** “Say, Chrysalis, did you mean what you said back there? About trusting us?” Cozy asked as the trio walked out of the lair. “Of course,” Chrysalis said. “You are dependable allies. I feel I can rely on you both. After all, Lord Tirek, you returned my magic the last time we retrieved the bell.” Tirek gave a small smile. “Well, I did think working together was smarter. We certainly came close to ruling Equestria the last time.” He then pounded his fists. “If not for everycreature coming back together, we would have had Twilight Sparkle and her friends for sure!” Cozy smirked. “Well… this time we have an army of our own behind us thanks to Grogar! We’ll succeed this time, for sure!” “Don’t be overconfident,” Chrysalis cautioned. “Grogar has an army, yes. But I’m not sure we can trust him. This Grogar is indeed the real one, but I still wish to be wary. I want to be the one to use him and not the other way around.” “Yes, I’m not going to be anypony… or ram’s pawn!” Tirek declared. “I always admired Grogar from the tales of his tyranny. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to let him stab me in the back if he so desires!” > Chapter 29:River On Fire > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luster levitated her saddlebag onto her back. She grinned as she looked up at her friends. “Yelena ready for vacation!” the yak said, pounding the ground of the Treehouse of Harmony. “Mean Starcutter interrupted us last time.” “And poor River has to deal with that guilt,” Georgia said. Luster nodded sadly. A week had passed since the Award Ceremony. Luster had hoped that River being forgiven by the family of the guard she’d killed would have eased things up. That had appeared to be the case at first, but River hadn’t improved. In fact, she seemed to be getting worse. Looking over at the Kirin, Luster saw her arguing with herself… again. “You’re a terrible Kirin! Killing an innocent pony!” River said. “You had no choice! Oh, come on, there’s always a choice! You should have thought of another way to deal with it! Just cast a sleeping spell on them! But you didn’t know one! Should have learned it!” River continued to mutter to herself while her friends looked at her in worry. “This is really getting to her. I’m worried,” Georgia said. “She’s kind of out of it. Never seen her act like this before.” “We can’t leave her alone. We’re her friends, and friends stick by each other!” Gallop said. “Well, we’re going to the Kirin Village. Maybe they can help River out?" Luster suggested. Yelena approached River. “Hey, you ready to go?” "Go where? To jail?" River asked. "No… to Kirin home village!" Yelena said. But instead of the smile she had expected, River swallowed hard, her breath speeding up. "I... I think... c-could we not go there?" "What? Why? Yelena thought you would be happy to visit home." River began nervously nibbling on her lower lip. "It's just... boring, you know? Why w-waste time..." she said, but judging by the stares of her friends, no one bought her excuse. Luster stepped forward. "River, you told us many times how you love it there. How you love swimming in the warm stream, and singing with your friends. It didn't sound boring. So… what's the real reason?" "I..." River started, looking for another excuse, but her mind went blank. Then, her body betrayed her, trembling gently. She glanced away. "I just don't want to go there, okay?" "But why?" "Because…" River whispered, but her throat filled with concrete. Then her eyes began to glisten. "B-because…" "Because what?!" Gallop said with a frown and annoyance in his voice. "Come on, spill it out already-" "Because I'm a murderer!" River yelled, no longer composed, tears of anguish running down her cheeks. "Don't you get it?! I can't go home! Can't tell my family what I did! I can't have them know I'm a murderer!" "River, you're not a murderer," Georgia said, extending a friendly claw. "Yes, I am!" River shouted, swatting the claw away. As she did so, Luster saw a spark light up in River's eyes and mane. "River, you're on fire!" The kirin looked at her hoof. "Oh, no! My Nirik side is coming out! No, no, no!" "W-what does that mean?" "THAT I'M GETTING REALLY ANGRY! I MIGHT HURT ONE OF YOU!" River yelled in an unnaturally deep voice. Her eyes were sparkling, her entire head looking ready to ignite at any moment. "N-no, I can't do that! I won't hurt anycreature else! Not again! Argh!" Before anyone could say anything, River burst out of the treehouse, shattering the door to pieces, and began running away… *** Luster was the first one to come to her senses. “R-River, wait!” she yelled, but the kirin ignored her. “I’ll get her!” Gallop said before taking off on his own. The earth pony ran after the kirin turning Nirik, while the unicorn, yak, and griffon all followed. Gallop spotted River Song making her way through the Everfree Forest and chased after her. As he did so, she looked back, her body turning black and burning. It occurred to him to just grab her and pin her down, but he would have gotten burned in the process. He put that idea aside for now. “Gallop, stop following me! I could start a fire in these woods!” “I’m not leaving you alone, River! You need help!” Gallop said, barely keeping up with the kirin. “W-would you stop so we can talk this out?!” “Can't! I need to get to the river, to put myself out!” River said as the flames took up her entire body. With her new form, she suddenly shot out ahead like a meteor, leaving in her wake the stunned Gallop... and a wall of flames. “Holy smoking hayburgers!” Gallop said, watching as the inferno began attacking the nearby leaves and forest. “I got to get back to the others and warn them!” He turned back in the direction he’d come. Soon he found Luster and the others on their way through the path. “Guys, River’s caused a fire!” Gallop said. “Our path home is blocked. What do we do now?” Looking up, they saw smoke from the fire. “We have to find River and warn the ponies about the fire!” Luster said. “If we act quickly, maybe we can stop it before it reaches Ponyville.” “I’ll head to Cloudsdale and tell the Pegasi to create an emergency rainstorm!” Georgia said, flying off. “Yelena and ponies search for River then!” Yelena said. “She said she was going to the river,” Gallop said. So they were going to have to go to the river to find River? That would have been funny if not for the current predicament. Luster, Gallop, and Yelena all headed for the river near the castle. When they got there, they saw a burning Nirik standing on the shore, watching the flames consume the Everfree Forest. “Arrgh!” the Nirik screamed. “I’m a monster! Now I’m destroying the forest too!” She turned to the water behind her. “River no!” Luster called. But the Nirik ignored her and jumped into the water. There was the sound of flames quenching, and River returned to normal. But she did not move to climb out of the stream, letting herself be carried by it instead. “Oh no, don’t tell Yelena River gonna try and drown herself!” Yelena said. “Got to stop her!” Luster said, surrounding herself with a magic aura. The unicorn flew out over the river to chase after River Song. Luster dove under the water as Yelena and Gallop watched from the shore. Luster then reemerged from the water, levitating a struggling Kirin in her magic. “Put me down, Luster!” River shouted. As they got to the shore, Luster did so, then immediately put her hooves on the kirin’s shoulder. “River, please stop!” Luster begged, tears appearing in her eyes. “I-I don’t want to hurt you… or anycreature else…. ever again!” River sobbed. “You just did!” Luster retorted. “If I lost you… it would really hurt! Do you want to hurt me like that?” River looked up at the tearing face of Luster Dawn. Instantly, regret filled the kirin’s heart at seeing the pain she’s caused her friends. “I’m sorry, Luster.” River said. The two friends embraced each other as Gallop and Yelena reached them and joined in the hug. “You really scared us there, River!” “Don’t ever do that again!” Yelena ordered. They stood there for a long time, and soon rain began to hit them as the emergency rainclouds were formed around Ponyville to prevent the fire. “Well, you guys should head to the train station. You don’t have much time before it leaves,” River said. “I think I better go to the hospital.” “We’re not going anywhere without you! If you’re not coming we aren’t going anywhere!”Gallop said. “You need help right now,” Luster said. “We were going to the Kirin Village to try and help you get better! Where you’re going, hospital or Kirin Village, we’re going to!” River shook her head, tears flowing down her cheeks. “Other Kirin won’t want to see me. I’m a murderer! You should go without me!” “You are not a murderer!” Georgia protested. “This is no way to treat yourself! You’re being cruel to yourself! I hate seeing this, River! I love you, and all my other friends” “Yeah, Yelena love River too! Yelena not leave friend! That a rotten thing to do!” the yak stomped the ground. River looked around at all her friends, and managed a slight smile. “Well… maybe my kind can help me. I’m sure they’ll have a doctor there.” *** They walked to Ponyville. “Hold on,” Luster said as they got close to the Castle of Friendship. “I just want to stop by and say goodbye to my parents real quick.” “Okay,” River Song choked out, looking down in sadness. They walked up to the front doors. Luster knocked and there was a popping sound inside. A second later, Starlight Glimmer opened the door with her magic. “Hey Mom, just thought I’d stop by and say goodbye before we leave,” Luster said. Starlight smiled. “Well, you enjoy your vacation with all your friends.” “Are Dad and Aunt Trixie around?” Luster asked. Starlight nodded and beckoned for them to come in. Luster led her friends to the Castle throne room where the Cutie Map was, still with Princess Twilight’s old throne and those of her friends. Trixie and Sunburst both sat at the table, eating toast and carrots. “Well, it's Luster and friends!” Trixie said. “Here to see your Great and Powerful Aunt?” “Yeah,” Luster said. "Just thought I'd say goodbye before I left." Sunburst got up and walked over to his daughter. “So, Luster, you’re going to the Kirin Village first, right?” “Right, dad,” Luster said. “Could you bring me back a Kirin vase? I hear they have really unique craftsmanship among their kind! It would be great to have one!” Sunburst said. Luster smiled. “Sure, why not?” “All of you be careful out there, okay?” Starlight said. Trixie scoffed. “Starlight, really… you need to stop worrying about Chrysalis. We haven’t heard anything about her in weeks. She, Tirek, and Cozy Glow have probably decided they should just give up.” “Don’t you remember what Chrysalis said?” Starlight snapped before saying in a deep voice, “You think friendship will save you? We will always return! Nothing will ever stop…” “Yeah, and then Pinkie Pie dropped a giant cupcake on them, and Celestia, Luna, and Discord all turned them to stone!” Trixie countered. “I bet that after that, Tirek and Cozy had convinced Chrysalis to give up. I don’t think they would want to go through the same thing again.” Starlight shook her head. “Chrysalis will never give up. She wouldn’t listen to me when I told her she didn’t have to seek revenge. She could have retained her kingdom and been a loved queen rather than a feared one. I offered her friendship, but she refused.” Trixie sighed. “Yeah, she can’t be reasoned with.” Starlight looked back at Luster. “You and your friends all be careful, and make sure you use those passwords you came up with!” Luster’s eyes widened. “Hey, we haven’t been using those ever since we all got together! What are your favorite things to do?” “Run!” “Smash!” “Fly!” Luster's friends said their word, then turned to the silent kirin, waiting. After a moment, River sighed apathetically. “Swim…” she said, but there was no usual enthusiasm in her voice. “Well, at least all of you are still the same,” Luster said. “I need to remember to check from now on.” She turned to her parents. “Well, have fun, Luster. Stay safe,” Sunburst said. Her parents hugged her, and Luster walked out of the Castle with her friends. They made their way to the Ponyville Train Station and were off to resume their vacation. The Friendship Express went on the road, Luster and her friends took it all the way to the end. The very last stop there was the Peaks of Peril, where the Kirin Village was… *** “Why do they call those the Peaks of Peril anyway? Is there any actual danger to them?” Luster said. River shrugged. “I don’t know. The ponies call them that. But they thought we Kirin were different from Nirik. That could have been why they thought that the Nirik were vengeful creatures, which is kind of true since we become Kirin when we get super angry. Though, some Kirin say that a dangerous beast lives at the top and occasionally comes down to our village and steals little Kirin to eat for supper.” “That’s scary, is it true?” River shrugged. “I’ve never seen any beast. The legend says that they only come once every hundred years or something, though.” She led them to a shortcut into the village through an opening in the cliff. They soon came to the Kirin Village, where Luster saw many Kirin. The creatures looked up and saw River as she walked forward with a nervous expression. The Kirin had expected to come home with eagerness, but this certainly wasn’t how she was feeling. “Hey! Look! River Song has returned, and she’s brought some friends!” Many of the Kirin looked in their direction and began to walk over to them with wide smiles. “River! You’re back!” one little kirin with a brown body and white mane said as she hugged River. “I missed you so much!” River managed a small smile and returned the younger kirin’s hug. “Hello, Spring Blossom. I missed you too.” Spring Blossom was a close friend of River that she had often played with and foalsat. Being around her again gave River a slight feeling of happiness to take away the hurt. As they stood there in an embrace, more of the Kirin approached them. “How is it living with ponies? You got to tell us everything!” another demanded. “Are these your friends?” River Song looked at each Kirin. “River Song.” A very large kirin with a graying blue mane came up to them. “Grandma,” River said, forcing a smile. “Welcome home,” the large kirin said. “Does the leader of every nation have to be the biggest?” Gallop whispered to Luster. “She’s as big as Princess Twilight.” Luster shrugged. She wasn’t sure how Princess Twilight or this kirin grew to be bigger than the other members of their kind. She’d assumed it might have been because Princess Twilight was royalty or an alicorn. But this Kirin wasn’t royalty, was she? The Kirin weren’t said to have any monarchy. Perhaps leaders found ways to make themselves larger? Well, it didn’t matter. “Welcome home, granddaughter,” the Kirin leader said. A middle-aged orange maned kirin stepped forward. “Its good to have you back River, we heard all about what you did recently!” “You did?” River asked in a worried tone, fearing that they would accuse her. “Yes, you saved that place you live in where we sent you!” the orange maned one said. “But I’m sure there is much much more to the story than that! You got to tell us everything! Don’t leave a detail out!” She put her hooves on River’s shoulders as she finished, grinning eagerly while River gritted her teeth nervously. “Alright, Autumn Blaze, let's not overwhelm River Song too badly. She just got back after all,” the larger Kirin said before looking at River’s friends. “Welcome to our humble village everycreature. I am Rain Shine, leader of the Kirin, and River Song’s grandmother.” “Hello, I’m Luster Dawn.” Luster bowed. Rain Shine giggled. “There is no need to bow to me, Luster Dawn. I’m the leader of the Kirin, but I’m no Princess like the leader of your nation.” Luster blushed. “Right.” River introduced all of her other friends. “This is Yelena, Gallop, and Georgia.” “It is wonderful to meet you all. We saw you with River in the last newspaper we received from the ponies just a while ago. It's an honor to have you, young heroes, here. We shall have a feast tonight!” *** That night, Luster and her friends all sat at a large table in Rain Shine’s house. River looked down at the plate that was in front of her. It was her favorite Kirin dish that she hadn’t had in a long time. Seeing it caused a smile to form on her lips, but in her heart, she still felt the sting of what she had done. Rain Shine looked at her granddaughter. “What’s wrong, River? You haven’t touched your food.” “I’m not hungry,” River said glumly, pushing her plate away. “River not eat all day!” Yelena said. “River need to eat!” “River, we’re all getting really worried about you,” Georgia said. “You turned to a Nirik earlier, tried to drown yourself in a river and-“ “She WHAT?!” Rain Shine exclaimed. “River, what could possibly compel you to do such a thing?” “I killed a pony!” River screamed as tears flowed through her eyes. “During that battle where I got labeled a hero! I had to take a life to save my own!” For a moment, Rain Shine was silent. “Oh, you poor dear.” She leaned over across the table and hugged her granddaughter. “I can’t imagine the pain of that. You need help, River Song. I think I know just the thing to do that.” “You do?” River asked. Rain Shine nodded. “You just try and get some rest, and in the morning, we will do something about this.” River managed to eat her meal but found it difficult to sleep again that night. She tossed and turned in her bed, but sleep would not come. Finally, come midnight, Luster knocked on the door. “River, you awake?” Luster whispered as she looked into the room. “Yeah,” the Kirin said. Luster yawned. “I couldn’t sleep myself. I thought I’d better check on you. Well, if you’re not gonna be able to fall asleep on your own, I think I know a way to help.” The unicorn lit up her horn and sent a little spell at River. The Kirin felt a sudden feeling of drowsiness wash over her. “S-sleeping spell?” she asked with a yawn. “Yes,” Luster said. “That should help you.” And soon, River was out like a light. Luster smiled, glad that her friend was at peace. She exited the room. Meanwhile, outside, a shadow moved. A door to one of the Kirin homes opened, and the figure entered it. It walked quietly into one of the rooms and saw the young kirin, Spring Blossom, in her bed. The figure approached and put a clawed paw over the young kirin's mouth as her eyes opened. She made a small mumble, and then both of them vanished from the house…. *** Morning came, and River awoke feeling much more refreshed after a good night's sleep. She sat up in bed and stretched her hooves. There hadn’t been a nightmare last night, so that was good. She looked around; it took her a moment to remember she was back in the Kirin Village. She got to her hooves, hoping that maybe today would be better. She could play with Spring Blossom today; that might make her feel better. She walked into the living room of her grandmother’s hut, only for a loud pounding to sound on the door. “Rain Shine! Rain Shine!” the voice was desperate, and the pounding continued. River quickly ran to the door and found a brown Kirin she recognized in it. It was Oakgrow, Spring Blossom’s mother. Rain Shine walked into her living room. At her age, she wasn’t as quick as she used to be. But as she approached, she asked, “Oakgrow? What is wrong?” “It’s Spring Blossom. She’s gone!” *** Rain Shine, along with River, Luster, and all their friends gathered outside Oakgrow’s home in the village. They examined the house. “Well, no signs of forced entry,” Luster said once she finished her inspection. “You sure she couldn’t have simply sneaked outside?” Oakgrow shook her head. “She wouldn’t leave the house before I woke up. This has to be the work of the… the Full Nirik!” Luster cocked her head. “The… what?” River Song scoffed. “That’s just an old kirin tale that’s used to scare us!” “No,” Rain Shine said. “The Full Nirik is real. While most of us Kirin have a Nirik side and only turn it when angry, this Nirik never turns back. When it was a Kirin, its heart became so full of anger that it could not be turned back. The anger had completely consumed the Kirin within them. The Kirin from generations ago were able to defeat the Full Nirik, but even after its destruction, its spirit would not rest. It lives at the top of the Peaks of Peril and every few decades come back to take a little Kirin to its den and takes over their body to turn them into a new full Nirik.” “No! No!” Oakgrow sobbed. “This can’t be happening! Not my Spring Blossom!” For a moment there was silence, River thought back to all the times she’d had with Spring when she would foalsit her, and she would stay in Rainshine’s house with the aging leader and River. Then a fire lit up in her heart and in her eyes. “No! I won’t let this happen! Not to a little kirin like Spring Blossom!” River stomped the ground. “We’re going up the mountain and we’re going to stop the Full Nirik before it makes Spring the new one!” “You must hurry,” Rain Shine said. “Spring will not last long. Now listen to me carefully - the Full Nirik lives at the top of that mountain!” She pointed upward, toward the tallest of the Peaks of Peril. “Alright, let's get up there!” Gallop said, waving his hooves. “I’m ready to run!” “Uh… I have a better idea,” Luster said. “I’ve been hoping to try out a new spell that I found recently. This is probably a good time.” She lit up her horn and pointed it at Yelena. Butterfly wings sprouted from the Yak’s back. Yelena looked back, and her mouth fell open. “Yelena has wings!” the Yak said. “Now… we can all fly up to the mountain. It will be a lot… quicker!” Luster said through pants from having to do a demanding spell. “Good luck, everycreature,” Rain Shine said. “Please, bring Spring back!” Oak begged. They took off, Georgia flying with her wings, Yelena could now do the same thanks to Luster’s spell. She carried Gallop in her hooves while Luster used her flying spell and levitated River with her. She stayed close to Yelena, as the yak was not experienced using wings and might lose her balance. Fortunately, they made it to the mountain in just a couple minutes. Landing on the cliff of the mountain, the friends saw a cave up ahead. They climbed up the steep hill, listening as they got close to the entrance. But there was no sound. “Maybe no Nirik is home,” Luster suggested. Only for a loud roar to sound from within the cave. The sound sent a chill down everycreature’s spine. “Or maybe there is a Nirik home,” Yelena said. River grit her teeth. Luster gulped. “Okay, here’s the plan. We-“ “Arrgh!” River screamed, her Nirik coming out again as she burst into flames and ran into the cave. “River, wait!” But River didn’t listen. She stormed into the cave, her Nirik form burning in rage. She saw the Full Nirik standing behind a bound and scared looking Spring Blossom. “Let Spring Blossom go, you evil spirit!” she demanded in a deep voice, her flames burning brighter. “No, I shall have a new host now,” the Full Nirik said, also in a deep voice that didn’t reveal its gender. It circled around Spring, surrounding her in a wall of fire. The young kirin flinched in terror at the sight and struggled against her binds. The two nirik, meanwhile, stared each other down with fiery eyes. Then in flashes of fire, they flew at each other like meteors, crashing into each other at high speed. Luster and the rest of her friends entered the cave saw the two flaming creatures battling. River and the Full Nirik hit each other with flaming bodies several more times until one clash sent River back to the ground. She returned to her normal Kirin form as she hit. “River!” Luster cried, putting a hoof on her friend. The Full Nirik looked at them. “Well, well... It seems non-Kirin are now frequent visitors.” Luster looked at the Full Nirik in suspicion. “You’re no ghost!” The creature grinned. “No, but I am a Full Nirik! One that stays this way forever!” It sprinted around them, moving too fast for the naked eye to see. It encircled them with a wall of fire just as it had Spring Blossom, Luster’s head flew back and forth, trying to keep up with it. Thinking quickly, Luster threw up a shield to surround herself and her friends. At that moment, the Full Nirik struck, its flames pushing against the barrier. Luster strained as she felt the pressure. Gallop, meanwhile, grinned. “You move pretty fast! But can you keep up with me?” “Gallop, wait!” Luster called worriedly as she watched her crush run out from behind her shield. The Full Nirik laughed as it saw Gallop step out from the protection of the shield. “Brave colt, aren’t ya! Or stupid?” Gallop leaped at the Nirik with a fierce cry and locked hooves with it. He then screamed as the fire on the Full Nirik’s hooves caught on his. He then received a sharp flaming kick that knocked him down. “No!” Luster screamed. River managed to open her eyes as the Full Nirik charged up a large amount of fire on its horn, aiming at Gallop. She gasped. “No, you don’t!” Blue fire shot from her horn, fueled by her anger. It hit the full Nirik in the chest, it fell over and then returned to its normal form. Everycreature gasped at who it was. “Autumn Blaze!” The orange maned kirin grinned and got up, unharmed from River’s spell due to her nirik form being immune to fire, though it’s impact brought her out of that form. “Surprise!” “But… what’s going on here?” River asked. Autumn Blaze giggled. “This was just a little thing Rain Shine decided to do to make you feel better. When she heard you had done something that was getting you down, she decided to come up with a little scenario where you could play the hero!” “Play the hero?” River repeated. “Wait, does that mean-” “Yep, Yelena and friends all in on it!” the Yak said with a wide grin. “We planned the whole thing as a way to help you get over your depression,” Luster said. Gallop nodded as he pushed himself up, cringing slightly from the pain of his wounds. “Yeah.” Luster walked over to the wounded stallion's side and began to cast a first aid spell to help his burns heal. “But this was all fake!” River said. “Yes, this was fake,” Luster said. “But imagine if it had been real? How would you feel if you actually managed to save Spring?” River looked over at the young Kirin, who was watching the proceedings with what looked like amusement in her eyes. “Well, I would probably feel pretty good,” River said. “And one day we will probably have to do it for real,” Georgia said. “We’re going to do a lot of really good someday. Of course, we might have to do things we’ll regret as well. But as long as we do more good than bad, it’s fine. What you did wasn’t good, but you didn’t have a choice when your life was on the line. You can still do a lot more good too.” River thought a moment then nodded slowly. “Maybe… maybe you’re right. We did save Ponyville and a lot of ponies, if we hadn’t stopped Starcutter more lives would have been lost. I… I can’t ever take back what I did to that one guard, but I’ll have to do it again. But, if I can save lives, I guess that’s what’s really important. ” River then got hugged by all her friends, she smiled. Feeling ready to put the bad stuff behind her and be ready for another heroic deed. Spring Blossom watched the scene fondly, then mumbled into her gag for them to untie her. > Chapter 30: River On Fire > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starlight Glimmer sat in a chair in the living room of the Castle of Friendship. She let out a relaxed sigh, grateful for just a moment of downtime. Being Headmare of the School as well as Stewardess of this Castle could be a lot of work. But at least for today, she could relax a little and spend time with her own friends. Sunburst and Trixie sat in the room with her. There was also Discord and Fluttershy, as well as the leader of the changelings, Thorax, and his mate, Criclinas. “Feels good to have a little time to relax, huh?” Starlight asked her guests. “Yes, thanks for inviting me, Starlight,” Thorax said. “It’s been so long since we’ve all gotten together.” “Yes, the old heroes who changed the changelings!” Discord said, raising a glass of wine. “And we’ve all settled down and found true love! Well, all except a certain sad blue pony!” Trixie narrowed her eyes at that remark. “The Great and Powerful Trixie is better off on her own! Trixie has all she could ever dream of and doesn't need a stallion… or a foal!” Starlight smiled. "You don't know what you’re missing." "You mean aside from sleepless nights and stinking diapers? I watched you handle that with Luster!" “There is a lot of work that goes into parenthood. Joy cannot be attained without working hard,” Cricilinas said. “Thorax and I have five little changelings, and they mean the world to us! Right Thorax?” “Of course,” Thorax agreed. “Yes, being a parent is hard work,” Sunburst said. “After Luster was born, we had our hooves full. But it's also rewarding.” “I agree," Fluttershy said. "Sometimes, I feel sad that Discord and I could never have a foal. Though, I’m not sure I would be brave enough to go through the birthing pains.” Discord looked at his wife. “It could do more than just hurt. My chaos magic might be very harmful inside you. I don’t wish to put my wife through any pain.” “Well, I have my animals. I’m content with that… and you, my chaotic sweetheart.” She flew up slightly and kissed the draconequus on the cheek. He grinned sheepishly. Starlight turned to Thorax, feeling it was time to address the other reason she had asked him to come. “So, did you have anything that might help with the Chrysalis problem?” The leader of the changelings nodded. “It so happens that we have developed a way for us to see through our own transformations.” He walked away for a moment. “I wish Chrysalis had accepted your offer of friendship back when you showed us how to share love,” Cricilinis said. “I always looked up to her back before the hive changed. I was wrong to of course!” Starlight nodded. “Many of us have done a lot of things we wish we didn’t.” Looking around she saw Trixie and Discord nod. They had both had some villainous things in their pasts. “But we’ve all changed and seen the error of our ways. Unfortunately, not every creature can be redeemed.” Thorax returned, he levitated a small chest in front of Starlight. Opening it, he revealed a black amulet with an emerald in the center. “Here we go, this amulet will allow the wearer to see through changeling transformations. Just put it on, go ahead.” Starlight took the amulet with her magic and slid it’s chain over her neck. It gave a faint glow, and Thorax transformed into Sunburst. When Starlight looked at him, she could see the transformation, but it was almost like a ghost, appearing non solid. She could see his true form beneath it. She grinned. “Chrysalis better stay away if she knows what’s good for her! If you’ll excuse me, I want to take a walk around Ponyville.” Starlight got up from her seat. Cricilinis looked up at her. “You’re not expecting to find Chrysalis, are you?” Starlight giggled slightly. “Of course not. Though I would like to be sure.” Sunburst looked at his wife. “If you see her, don’t take any unnecessary chances!” Trixie sniggered. “I’m sure Starlight can handle Chrysalis, go get her if she’s out there!” Starlight nodded. “Thanks for the vote of confidence, Trix.” She walked outside. *** Chrysalis walked with Tirek and Cozy Glow toward Ponyville through the forest. Cozy in her altered grown up state and Tirek in his pony form. Chrysalis remained in her ordinary changeling appearance. “Here’s the plan," Chrysalis said. "We get to Ponyville, buy or rent a house… and when the time is right… we shall grab Luster Dawn.” “Uh!" Tired said. "I vote we simply attack the Castle of Friendship and take her. Or we could go after that shy Pegasus. I don’t think Discord would give us the Bewitching Bell for Luster Dawn.”” “Grogar said he would.” “You only agreed to it because it gives you a shot at revenge against Starlight Glimmer!” Tirek roared. “Discord was ruined by friendship!” Chrysalis spat. “It's been twenty years since he pretended to be Grogar... no doubt he’s become even weaker by now. The fact that he uses his chaos magic to transport animals for Fluttershy is proof enough. What do they even do in his chaos realm?” “Well," Cozy spoke. "We need to work together if we are to defeat Twilight and her friends this time! So, you two better learn to get along. Listening to you is like listening to an old married couple!” “What?” they both exclaimed, looking at the young Pegasus. “We are not like an old married couple!” The pegasus growled. “You’re both really old, and you bicker a lot!” “Let us focus on the mission," Tirek said. "Get the daughter of Starlight Glimmer and trade her for the bewitching bell." “Oh, I won’t be trading her daughter back!” Chrysalis stated. “You really think I would? There are so many possibilities I could do to that Luster Dawn when I get my hooves on her!” “Oooh, I vote for complete destruction!” Cozy Glow said with a psychotic grin "Just imagine the look on Starlight’s face if you were to destroy her daughter in front of her!” “Careful you don’t do something to make Starlight too angry with you!” Tirek said. “Twilight knocked out one of my teeth in our last fight! You’re lucky she didn’t go after either of you! Guess I’m the one she hates most for destroying her library.” “Ha! You think that was a blow? I made her think that she had lost her brother forever!” Chrysalis said with a laugh. “She nearly tried to murder her old foalsitter when I sent her down to the caves beneath Canterlot.” “Ha, then why didn’t she go after you?” Tirek asked. “Maybe she just thought you were the biggest threat!” Cozy said.“I betrayed her trust! I spilled her secrets from the school! I was her friendship assistant for a little while. She even called me her right hoof pony! You should have seen her face when I told her friendship is power!” Chrysalis looked at Cozy. “Wait… what did you say?” “That she called me her right hoof pony!” Cozy repeated. “No, about power,” Chrysalis said. “That friendship is power! I was gonna make myself the Empress of Friendship!” Cozy said. “Power,” Chrysalis said."That's something I love." The three villains broke into a song. Chrysalis: Power is such a beautiful thing, So desirable. Oh, the power I held when I was Queen! The hive would bow to me, Fulfill my every wish. They would swarm across a city to conquer In my name. Tirek: It tastes so good to eat. And feel it make your muscles grow. There’s nothing quite like it, as you Become stronger and stronger Cozy: To have a horn was so much fun. That blasted my enemies with magic. Oh, how I wish it could have lasted Chrysalis: Rest assured, little one, we all want power. We have all lost it at some point. Our Power Those ponies Took it. But we shall make them pay. Our Power will return And when it does, we shall use it. Those little ponies will tremble before us. Tirek: We shall crush them under hoof! Cozy: Blast them away! Chrysalis: Our power shall light the way! We will fight friendship And destroy it! All: With our power completely and utterly! They all grinned evilly. “I like this little evil band we’ve put together,” Cozy Glow said. “Maybe we could do this every once and a while after we are done conquering Equestria.” “If we can do it,” Tirek said. “Don’t you ever doubt yourself!” Chrysalis said. “Easy to say after being defeated so many times,” Tirek said. “Something tells me that if we mess up again, there won’t be another time. You remember how Celestia and Luna were after we climbed out of that cupcake?” Chrysalis shuddered. Even though she was the one that most refused to give up, she had still felt the fear in the moments when Celestia had said there wasn’t a punishment worthy of all they had done. Of course, they had ended up putting the trio into suspended animation where they were completely unaware of all that happened. “Don’t be a coward!” Chrysalis snapped. “Sure, we have lost countless times. But a loss is a way for us to learn from past mistakes.” “So, what have you learned?” Cozy Glow asked. Chrysalis hesitated. “That… the Magic of Friendship is a formidable force to face off against. You said it yourself, it is power, and Discord said we would use their own strategy to defeat them.” “What are you suggesting?” Tirek asked. “We tried to take away friendship last time. That didn’t work for long. But maybe instead of taking it away, we could use it for ourselves,” Chrysalis said. “But you said you thought it was a disease,” Cozy reminded her. Chrysalis nodded. “Yes. But it is powerful. I can’t deny that, and as much as I hate to admit it… I’ve been infected with it ever since we scaled Mt. Everhoof. To acquire power, one must do distasteful things at times. We don’t need to become good friends. But if it makes us more powerful, then that would be a small price to pay if we can defeat our enemies.” “Agreed,” Lord Tirek said. “It feels good working with you two... sometimes.” “Well, here is to friendship and power! Perhaps we should call our friendship, fiendship! That adds an evil ring to it!” Cozy Glow said with a chuckle. They finally came out of the forest and saw Ponyville before them. Chrysalis turned into her regular pony disguise, the green unicorn photographer Crackle Cosette. Now, with all of them looking like Ponies they could pass for a family traveling together. Cozy looked at her. “Uh… hasn’t Starlight and Twilight’s other friends seen that disguise before?” “Yes, what of it?” Chrysalis asked. “Well, it’s been twenty years,” Cozy Glow reminded her. “You need to make her look older!” “Where did you get that alias anyway?” Lord Tirek asked. “Did you make it up?” Chrysalis shook her head. “No! The real one exists, or existed, I should say. I disposed of her shortly before I took her place. I heard a rumor she would be taking a photo of Twilight and her friends and found out it was true. She was a unicorn that had green magic, so she was a perfect cover for me." Tirek cocked his head. "A perfect cover? What do you mean?" "I can’t change the color of my magic like the rest of my body, so that can be a giveaway. Though I can also create entirely new ponies like I did when we infiltrated Canterlot. Well, I suppose just to be safe I can add a slightly older look.” With another flash, Crackle Cosette turned slightly older with eye bags and a gray strand. “I do hope this doesn’t look too old!” Chrysalis said. “I prefer looking young.” “You look very nice, your Highness!” Cozy Glow said. “Go on, Tirek, say something nice about her!” “Kind of… um… attractive,” Tirek said. Chrysalis blushed slightly. “Thank you… Lord Tirek.” “Well, let these fiends get on the way!” Cozy said, flapping her larger white wings as the disguised villains walked into town. They saw mostly ponies, but there were several other creatures in the streets. “We need to find a place to stay,” Cozy said. “A house would be nice.” “But to have or even rent a house we would require bits,” Tirek noted. “We do not exactly have jobs.” “Nor do we need them!” Chrysalis said. “When I was on the run, I spent all my time working for my revenge! There would be no point in getting a job. That would only be a distraction.” “You want to blend in with the other ponies, right?” Cozy asked. “Well, that would be easier if we had jobs! We don’t know how long this operation might last. We need to find Luster Dawn and-" Tirek put a hoof over Cozy’s mouth as a pair of ponies wandered close to them. They waited until they were not within hearing range. “Look,” Cozy resumed. “We could find Luster Dawn today or tomorrow, but we don’t know where she lives right now. She could be in that castle up there.” She pointed to the enormous Crystal Castle that belonged to Starlight. “Or she could be somewhere else. Ponies her age usually move out. We’ll have to find out where she is right now. Plus, she has a group of four friends.” “We can probably take care of her little friends,” Tirek said. “But I still say we should take that Fluttershy as well if the opportunity presents itself. That would give us extra leeway to make sure Discord hands over the Bewitching Bell.” Chrysalis sighed. “Well, what do you have in mind for jobs?” Cozy put a hoof to her chin. “Well, I’m a Pegasus, so I could fly up to Cloudsdale and check stuff out there.” “Lord Tirek?” Chrysalis asked. “Hmm… not sure. I’ll see what I can find. There might be something I can use for just a little while,” Tirek said. Chrysalis shrugged. “Well, it's best to be prepared. You two go and look for some jobs. I’ll ask around town and see if I can find out anything about Luster Dawn and her friends. We’ll meet back here.” They nodded and split ways. Cozy Glow flew into the sky toward Cloudsdale while Chrysalis and Tirek walked to different parts of town. But as soon as Chrysalis turned a corner, she saw her! Starlight Glimmer stood there in the streets of Ponyville. She looked directly at Chrysalis with her eyes wide open, as though she could see the Queen's real form. Chrysalis flinched in fear. For a moment she thought Starlight could see through her disguise somehow! But that was impossible. There’s no way that could be the case, right? Then, Starlight turned away and walked another direction. Chrysalis let out a breath of relief. It appeared she hadn’t seen through her disguise. “Ha! What am I thinking? There’s no way Starlight could see through my brilliant new disguise!” she cackled to herself. Then, Starlight suddenly turned around and fired a blue beam at Chrysalis, catching the changeling in the chest and knocked her to the ground. She returned to her regular form and looked up in astonishment. Starlight smirked at her. She was reminded of their previous battle in the caverns beneath Canterlot where Chrysalis had knocked her down in a similar manner. “What goes around comes around, Chrysalis!” “But... how?” Chrysalis asked, getting back up. “How are you able to see through my disguise!?” Starlight gestured to an amulet around her neck. “Thorax gave this to me, it allows me to see through Changeling disguises.” Chrysalis growled. She remembered ordering a device be made to allow her to see through the transformations of other changelings just in case they might end up attacking their own kind that were transformed by accident. Now Thorax had given Starlight that device which had been completed. That traitor! Ponies in the streets screamed and began running away in fright. The two enemies faced each other with narrowed eyes. Starlight leaped at Chrysalis like she had when the changeling had attacked the school, trying to teleport them both to a far-off place where no pony would get hurt in their battle. But Chrysalis wasn’t going to fall for that a second time. She flew up into the air and dodged Starlight’s grapple attempt. “You can’t win this time, Chrysalis!” Starlight told her as she began to fly. “I defeated you once, I’ll do it again!” Chrysalis taunted. “Ha! You only beat me last time cause you caught me off guard!” Starlight reminded her. “And you kept teleporting away, you were afraid to face me head-on!” “I knew I couldn’t beat you head-on when you had that power up! But you don’t have it this time!” Starlight retorted. “And I have gained twenty years of experience since last time!” The unicorn flew up at Chrysalis. She fired another beam at her, the former Queen countered as she always did, with her own green magic. Blue and green collided in the air, with Chrysalis’ green pushing back Starlight’s blue. The changeling grinned, hoping this would be a sign of victory. But the unicorn broke the spell lock before it could get back to her. She flew out of the path of Chrysalis' beam which soared through the air harmlessly. “Ha!” Chrysalis taunted. “Even without my power up I’m still stronger than you!” “You may have more powerful magic, but power alone is not enough! It takes skill to be a good caster!” Starlight surrounded herself in a magical shield. Chrysalis shot her green magic at it, only to have it ricochet back at her. The changeling barely managed to fly out of the way. “How do you like my reflecting shield?” Starlight asked. “Sometimes you can reflect an opponent's magic back at them if you time a shield correctly, but creating a spell that will always do that? Sunburst and I were so impressed with ourselves! And we were even more impressed when we found a way to continue it while being able to cast other spells.” She began to send blue beams at Chrysalis while still keeping her shield up. The changeling countered one spell, but was soon beset by a barrage of them. Yelping, she flew off in one direction. “Come back here, Chrysalis!” Starlight shouted. “You’re not getting away!” She flew after the changeling in a fury. Chrysalis clenched her teeth as she dodged more beams. She had to make sure she was not caught. As long as she remained free, there was always another chance. Starlight might be too powerful right now, but next time would be a different story. Chrysalis certainly hadn’t planned on fighting her nemesis today. She needed to escape, and come up with a different plan. At least she knew Starlight’s trump card right now. Glancing behind her, she saw Starlight was gaining! Any moment now, she would be close enough to fire a spell at point-blank range. That would surely bring Chrysalis down! Starlight’s horn lit up as she prepared to do that. Closing her eyes, Chrysalis transformed again. *** Starlight fired the beam she was sure would win this. But as she did so, Chrysalis was surrounded in a green aura. Starlight heard a small buzz as Chrysalis came in super close, but Starlight felt no impact. Then she vanished. “Huh? Where’d you go?” Starlight asked, looking around. “Come back here!” Had Chrysalis teleported away? She had never displayed that kind of magical skill, but who knew just how much she knew about magic? She hadn’t disguised herself. Starlight would have seen through that thanks to her amulet. Was she invisible? Starlight couldn’t tell. She lowered her shield and headed back to the ground. As she landed, several ponies approached her. “Are you alright, Headmare Glimmer?” Honey Cake asked. “Yes, I’m fine,” Starlight said. “Is everypony here alright?” “Everypony is fine,” Pumpkin Cake said. “We heard you were battling Queen Chrysalis in the sky. Did you get her?” Starlight shook her head. “She got away. But be on the lookout from now on. Anypony with a green magic aura could be Chrysalis!” “Okay, hey you got a fly on your head!” Pumpkin said. Looking up, Starlight was unable to see the fly, but she shook her head. The fly got off and Starlight looked at it… seeing Chrysalis! Then Starlight heard something, a familiar hum of magic. And just like in the snow battle, Starlight (along with Honey and Pumpkin) were knocked off their hooves as the fly grew. The changeling approached her, and with her magic, pulled the amulet off, eyeing it. Starlight opened her eyes. “No!” she exclaimed, but it was too late. The former Queen shot the amulet with her magic, and it melted away. “You won’t be able to see through my disguise next time, Starlight Glimmer! I will have my revenge on you if it is the last thing I do!” Chrysalis turned back into a fly, vanishing from sight instantly as she shrunk and flew away. *** Back in the Castle, Starlight met with Thorax, Sunburst, and Trixie. “So, Chrysalis was there?” Thorax asked. “Yes.” “Did she mention anything about Luster?” Sunburst asked. Starlight shook her head. “I didn’t really ask her anything. She just said she’d have her revenge, you know her.” “Well, I hope that means she doesn’t know,” Trixie said. Starlight sighed. “I just wish I’d been able to keep the amulet.” “We still have the blueprints for that one,” Thorax said. “Maybe we can make more.” “Could you do that, please?” Starlight asked desperately. Thorax nodded. “I can try. I should have come with you. Maybe I could have gotten through to Chrysalis.” Starlight shook her head. “No pony or changeling could probably ever get through to her. She’s just too hungry for power and revenge.” *** Chrysalis's teammates returned at sunset. “Well, I got a job in the weather factory!” Cozy said with a grin. “And I’m going to be doing some heavy lifting for a rich pony named Diamond Tiara!” Tirek said, flexing his muscular pony form. “How did things go for you Chrysalis?” “Terrible!” the former Queen said. “Starlight Glimmer chased me around Ponyville!” “What?!” Tirek exclaimed. “She had an old amulet I had designed from my hive to allow changelings to see through each other’s disguise! That traitor Thorax gave it to her!” Chrysalis cursed. “Well, I destroyed it. But no telling whether she has more of them!” “Guess you better lay low for a while,” Cozy Glow said. “If she has something to see through your changeling disguise, it won’t be easy.” “We’ll get her daughter! One way or another, and then we shall get Grogar’s bell back! And we will have our revenge!” Chrysalis stated with an evil grin. “We work as a team! And now… as friends. As friends we shall be more powerful than ever!” The three of them laughed evilly. But little did they know, Grogar was watching them within his Crystal Ball. “Yes, friendship can make you more powerful." Grogar said. "It certainly has made your enemies powerful. But it still won’t make you strong enough to conquer me! When you three are of no further use to me, I shall crush you.” > Chapter 31: Colt Campout > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Over a week went by for Luster and her friends. After their vacation from the Kirin Village they backtracked across Equestria from Griffonstone, to Yakyakistan, and then to big city of Manehattan. Letting out a deep breath, Luster couldn’t help but grin at her friends as the train made its way back to Ponyville. “This was such an adventure!” she said. “And best of all, I got to share it with all of you.” “Yeah, it was so great to go to all those places!” River Song said. “Manehattan was just amazing, the Crystaller building, the Statue of Marety, Bridleway Theater. Oh, and the food at the Cantering Cook was just to die for! I can’t believe there was so much in that place!” “Good thing you’re the student of Princess Twilight and the daughter of the Stewardess of her old Castle,” Georgia said. “We probably wouldn’t have had enough bits to do all that otherwise. I feel like we’ve seen the entire world of Equestria in just a short time! We were sure lucky to make friends with you, Luster!” Luster smiled as she looked over the photos they had taken, all of them at the top of the Statue of Marety, the Theater. She’d even at one point gotten lost in the big city and had to ask for directions back to the hotel where they were staying at. “Not as lucky as I was to make friends with all of you. I can feel that we’re getting closer to each other. I feel like-” Luster stopped before she could say the next few words that were on her mind. She’d almost said she felt like the next time they ever got into a fight with a villain that they could unleash a rainbow laser. She might be wrong, of course. But she stopped herself from voicing that out loud. She didn’t want to make it look like she was in friendship solely to learn how to use it as a weapon. Still, she did want to be able to do that someday. “Hello, earth to Luster Dawn!” “Hmm?” Luster said, but realizing that Gallop and the rest of her friends were staring at her, she blushed. “Sorry, my mind must have wandered off for a moment. You were saying?” “I said, what did you mean when you said 'I feel like...'?” Gallop asked. “Um… N-nothing,” Luster said. “Oh, come on. Luster can tell friends,” Yelena said. “It’s nothing bad, is it?” “I don’t know… it just sounded a bit selfish in my head so I didn’t want to say it,” Luster said. “Even if Luster didn’t want to hurt our feelings, Luster can tell us,” Yelena said. “Yelena say it best to tell the truth. Even if it's not something your friends might want to hear.” Luster hesitated. “I just felt like since we’ve gotten closer, maybe we could perform a rainbow laser next time. I didn’t want to say that because I was afraid you might think I was just friends with you for the chance to become powerful.” They all looked at her. For a second, Luster cringed, fearing that at that moment they might think she was selfish and using them. “Are you kidding? We’d love to be able to perform a rainbow laser!” River Song said. “That would be the coolest thing ever!” Gallop said. “I could really be a lot like Rainbow Dash was in her day. I think we’d make a pretty good team of heroes. I mean… you’re a lot like Princess Twilight was back in her day. I’d probably be loyalty, River is definitely a laughter one, Georgia is kind, and Yelena is honest.” “We’re still missing a generosity element,” Luster noted. “Maybe that’s why we haven’t been able to perform it.” “I’ve seen you be generous before,” Georgia said. “You gave that homeless pony a few bits.” “Oh, well, I guess that could be generous,” Luster said. “But Princess Twilight and her friends all represented a different element.” “So? Celestia and Luna wielded multiple elements in their day,” Georgia said. “Oh yeah,” Luster recalled. “Celestia used them all to banish Nightmare Moon.” “That was sad,” River said. “Guess every hero has something they might regret in their lifetimes even if it's for a good purpose.” Luster looked at her Kirin friend. Noticing this, River smiled. “Oh, don’t worry about me. I’m okay now. This vacation has really brought me some new joy. I… I still feel the regret in my heart. I might never be free of it, but I can still do a lot of good. Someday I might get the chance to save another creature’s life. That would probably be enough,” River said. Luster smiled. “Good. If you say so. I’m glad you’re feeling better.” *** The train finally arrived in Ponyville and Luster got up from her seat and levitated her bags beside her. They contained a few souvenirs from each place they’d gone. She’d gotten her mother and Aunt Trixie each a necklace from Manehattan, and her father the Kirin vase as he’d requested. As for herself, Luster had a book with a few new memories with her friends. She soon entered the Castle of Friendship with her friends. “Mom, Dad, Aunt Trixie! I’m home!” she called. Starlight suddenly teleported into the hallway, her horn lit up, and her eyes narrowed. She looked ready to attack! Luster took a step back for a moment. Then Starlight’s expression softened. “Oh, it's just you, Luster. I was afraid it might have been Chrysalis again!” “Mom, you seriously need to let it- wait… did you say again?” Luster asked in surprise. Starlight nodded. “Chrysalis is here in Ponyville. I fought with her just shortly after you left! But don't worry, I kicked her flank.” Luster’s mouth fell open, forcing a little smirk on Starlight's face. “What? Your old mother helped to save Equestria in the past too, you know.” “Um... I'm not saying anything, Mom. But, how did you see through her disguise?” "Ah, glad you asked that!" Starlight suddenly levitated an amulet toward Luster. “I want you to take this with you. The changelings made a few of them. It allows one to see through their disguises. I was able to find Chrysalis in the crowd thanks to it.” Luster took the amulet in her magic. It was blue with a gold chain. She put it around her neck, noticing her mother had one as well. “Never take it off,” Starlight said. “If you see Chrysalis do not engage, do you understand?” “Yes, mother,” Luster said. “And from now on, you never go anywhere alone!” Starlight said. “Don’t worry, I’ll stick by her side at all times!” Gallop said, walking up beside Luster and putting a foreleg around her. Luster turned bright red. “No changeling is gonna get near her. Give me one of those amulets!” Luster’s eyes widened. Starlight likewise looked a little uneasy. “Uh… I’m not sure that’s such a good idea… I mean… you’re a boy pony and all. Boys don’t usually wear necklaces.” An image of Gallop walking around Ponyville with the amulet on popped through the unicorn’s mind. Everypony might point and laugh at him for wearing an amulet. “This is no time to worry about looking cool!” Gallop snapped. “If it's to protect my special… friend.” “I have a better idea,” Georgia said. “Let me have one of the other amulets.” Starlight nodded and levitated the last remaining amulet toward the griffon. Luster felt her heart skip a beat. Had Gallop almost called her his special somepony? The thought began to fill her cheeks with the familiar warmth, again. She decided to change the subject before anyone could see her blush. “A-are Dad and Aunt Trixie here?” Luster asked. “I got you all something from Manehattan.” “Oh, that was sweet of you, Luster,” Starlight said. “But I’m afraid they’re out getting some supplies for lessons tomorrow. You just leave the gifts with me.” Luster dug through the bags she had. She got out the necklaces and vase. “Oh, they’re beautiful, Luster!” Starlight said as she levitated the sapphire necklace her daughter had gotten her. “You think Aunt Trixie will like yellow diamonds?” Luster asked. “Blue goes good with yellow, right?” “I think so,” Starlight said. “And your father will certainly love the vase. Thank you.” *** Luster and her friends walked out of the castle. As they did, Gallop looked at Luster. “Um… Luster, would you like to maybe… grab a bite to eat?” he asked. “We could head to the Hayburger.” “Uh…” Luster started, turning red again. “You mean… all of us?” “No… just the two of us,” Gallop said. Luster looked at her other friends. “You two go on!” River Song said. “Yelena say friends should go!” the Yak said. Luster looked at Gallop. “Okay, I guess-“ Before she could finish, a scroll from Princess Twilight appeared from out of Luster’s horn. “Oh,” she giggled. “A letter from the Princess!” Opening it, Luster read aloud: My dearest Luster Dawn, I hope you enjoyed your vacation and that you have now arrived safely back in Ponyville. I heard that Starlight fought with Queen Chrysalis there while you were gone. There still hasn’t been any word of Tirek and Cozy Glow. So please keep your eyes open. I can only hope that we will catch them quickly and no pony is hurt. I fear for your safety, as well as Starlight’s. Please be careful. But aside from that, I hope you are ready to enjoy a night of fun at the Grand Galloping Gala happening in just two days! I will see you then! Yours Sincerely, Princess Twilight Sparkle. As Luster read the second paragraph, every creature suddenly gasped. “The Grand Galloping Gala is only two days away!” “I completely forgot!” Gallop said. “We should have bought something while we were in Manehattan!” Georgia said. “There was that 'Rarity for You' shop we passed by!” “We need to get our outfits!” River Song said. Luster gave her an annoyed look. “River, you and I already got our outfits!” “Oh yeah!” River giggled. “Silly me!” “Luster and River more prepared than Yelena!” the Yak said. “We need to move fast to get our outfits!” Gallop said before looking at Luster with what looked like remorse. “I really wanted to be able to go on a date with you first.” Luster could barely find her voice. “It’s… it’s okay. We can do it later.” Gallop nodded. “Come on, let's all go to the Carousel Boutique to get our outfits!” “Uh uh ah! Luster is not coming! She can’t see you in your suit!” River Song said, but seeing Gallop's confused frown, she quickly explained. “You’re not supposed to see your date in their outfit before the actual date. It kills the surprise!” “But… we can’t leave her alone!” Gallop pointed out. “Chrysalis is around here!” “Gallop right, we need to be more careful than ever now!” Yelena said. “At least one of us has to stay with her!” “I’ll stay, I already got my outfit,” River said. *** So they split up. Gallop, Georgia, and Yelena headed for the Boutique to pick out their outfits for the Grand Galloping Gala while Luster and River Song went back to the Treehouse of Harmony to drop off their bags from the trip. They levitated not only their bags but those of their friends as well. Then they went back to Ponyville. “So how does it feel to almost be going on a date?” River asked. Luster let out a deep breath then said with an expression that matched the one she’d had when she had entered Princess Twilight’s throne room before being sent to Ponyville, “I’m a bit nervous. I meant to just go to the Gala with him as a friend, but now I’m wondering if maybe we’ll end up being more than that. Call me crazy, but I think he almost said I was his special somepony when we were in the castle.” “Well, it seems you’re really special to him,” River Song said. “I’d love to see you two end up together!” Luster could imagine it a few years from now, herself in a white dress walking down to Gallop. She let out a deep sigh of happy longing. “That’s probably a long shot though, marrying your first ever mare or colt friend is rare,” Luster said. She’d heard of other mares that had been dumped by their colt friends or vice versa. It was a hard thing, and she’d seen how Gallop had been hurt by his first crush. “It still might happen, though!” River said, putting her face close to Luster’s. “Well, since Gallop’s not around, why don’t we go and have lunch together?” Luster suggested. “Okay!” They headed to the hayburger. “Gallop and Yelena will hate to miss a trip here!” River Song said as their food was served. “Yeah, too bad!” Luster said before a thought occurred. “Maybe we should bring them all some hayburgers for when they arrive at the treehouse!” “Golly, that’s a generous thing to do!” a voice said from behind them. Luster looked and saw a chalk white-coated mare with a curly blue mane standing behind her. The cutie mark of a rook on her flank. Beside her was a red unicorn stallion with a white mane and beard. “Bringing your friends some hayburgers when they might be hungry! I’d say Princess Twilight taught you well!” the mare said. Luster would have wondered briefly how this mare knew who she was if not for the fact that many ponies in Manehattan had recognized her. This mare had likely seen her picture in the paper after the Starcutter Crisis. “Oh, I’m just doing what any friend would do!” Luster said. “Twilight must be so proud!” the red and black stallion said. Luster frowned. She found it a little disrespectful to her mentor hearing a pony not address her by her title. Though Princess Twilight might not have minded. “Do you two know Princess Twilight?” “Oh, we’re old friends of hers. She taught me a little as well,” the white mare said. “Names Pale Palace, by the way, and this is my… father, Strong Stuff!” “Nice to meet you,” Luster said, extending a hoof to shake. “You as well! That’s a pretty amulet there,” Pale Palace said, pointing to the one around Luster’s neck. “Oh, thanks,” Luster said. “My mom just gave it to me.” “Oh, I’m sure being the Stewardess of the Castle of Friendship allows Headmare Starlight to buy many valuable items. Well, have a wonderful day.” The two walked off and sat at a nearby table. Luster and River ate their burgers, then ordered five more to go. They met the others back at the Treehouse. As they saw each other, Luster was reminded of something. She needed to make sure they were all themselves. Especially now that Chrysalis had been spotted in Ponyville. “Read!” she started. “Run!” “Swim!” “Fly!” “Eat!” Luster passed the bag of hayburgers to her friends. “Eat up Yelena, and you two as well!” “Wow, thanks, Luster!” Gallop said as he picked one up. “Yelena owe you!” the yak said as she began munching down on one of her three burgers. “Oh, don’t worry about it!” Luster said. “I knew you guys would probably be hungry. Did you get your outfits?” Georgia shook her head. “Not yet, but we at least put our order in. We paid extra for them to have it ready in time for the Gala!” “Well, I got mine at least,” Gallop said. “Good,” Luster said. “Well, hope everything works out! I can’t wait for it!” “Me neither!” Gallop said. “It's gonna be so much fun!” River Song said. “I just hope they get those outfits done on time! They better for the extra bits I paid. Uggh! I’m talking like a greedy old griffon!” Georgia’s face twisted in disgust. “Well I guess-” Knock-knock. The Future Five all looked toward the entrance to the Treehouse of Harmony and saw Cheese Sandwich and Pinkie Pie standing outside it. “Surprise!” Pinkie screamed. “Oh hello, Mrs.Sandwich,” Luster said. She recalled calling Gallop’s mom that. Pinkie giggled. “Just call me Pinkie. I can’t really call myself Mrs.Sandwich as I don’t have a sandwich cutie mark. I’m not like Mrs.Cake! She had the perfect cutie mark to change her name when she got married to Mr.Cake!” “Okay, so what brings you out here, Pinkie?” Luster asked. “Well, we came to ask a favor,” Cheese Sandwich said. The couple parted and allowed three younger foals to be seen behind them. Two colts and a young griffon. Lil Cheese, Big Sugar, and- “Iggy!” Georgia exclaimed as she looked at her little brother. “Hey, sis,” the shy young griffon said as he walked up to his sister. “I missed you while you were gone.” Georgia smiled warmly and scratched his head. “Missed you too, kid,” she turned to the Cheese Family. “Thanks for taking care of him. I hope he wasn’t too much trouble?” “Oh, not nearly as much as Lil Cheese!” Pinkie Pie said. “He’s been staying with Big Mac and us ever since you and River left the dorms in the School of Friendship.” “We came to ask if Lil Cheese and Big Sugar could spend the night with you here in the Treehouse?” Cheese Sandwich said. “They weren’t quite ready to call their sleepover quits just yet. They wanted to make it last for whole month!” “Wow, a month-long sleepover, huh? Sounds fun!” River said. “Yeah, Iggy sort of missed his big sister, so we thought we’d come by!” Lil Cheese said. “It's gonna be like camping outside! We even brought sleeping bags, marshmallows, and chocolates!” He motioned to his back where he carried a backpack and a rolled-up sleeping bag. “Oh, this does sound fun!” River Song said. “So, you agree to it then?” Cheese Sandwich asked. “Well, it's been a while since I had Iggy around, so I’d love to! If Luster doesn’t mind, that is,” Georgia said. “This is her house after all. I’m just here to protect her and keep her company.” The unicorn shrugged. “It's fine with me.” “Yes! Yes! Camping time! Camping time!” Lil Cheese said. “This sounds fun, right Big Sugar?” “Yep!” Big Sugar agreed in a matter similar to how his father would. “Well, see you later, my Lil Cheese!” Pinkie said, ruffling her son’s mane. “Bye, momma!” the pink-haired colt said. “Now you make sure not to go wandering off into the forest after dark, okay?” Cheese Sandwich said. “Nope!” Big Sugar agreed with a small smirk. “No wandering in the forest!” “Okay, see you later!” Pinkie said as she and her husband walked away. *** Night came and a fire was lit in front of the Treehouse of Harmony. Luster and her friends, as well as the young trio, sat around it. “Well, this is the first time I’ve done anything camping like!” Luster said excitedly. “So, anycreature wanna hear some scary stories?” Gallop asked with a mock wicked grin. “Uh, I’m not so sure I wanna!” Iggy shivered. “I love the feeling of being scared!” Lil Cheese said. “Yep!” Big Sugar agreed. “Alright then little stallions, prepare to be scared out of your horseshoes!” Gallop said. “In a forest of Equestria, there’s legends of a headless horse…” Iggy shivered while Lil Cheese and Big Sugar looked eager. “It was once a stallion that served as an executioner. It took other ponies' heads, but the job took its head!” Gallop continued putting his hoofs on his head. “He was driven insane by all the killing he had to! He began to want more, and he came on the streets, beheading innocent ponies!” Luster and River were hugging and wearing frightened expressions as they listened. Iggy held onto his sister as well. “So the townsfolk came out, and they got him! The head-taking pony became headless! They never found his head, for it fell into a river. But after they buried him, he would not rest! He wanted his head back, and his spirit would come back every so often on full moons! Looking for a pony to take the head off… anypony who was found… was never seen again!” Iggy, Luster, and River all gasped. “Oh that is so scary! I love it!” Lil Cheese said. “Yep!” Big Sugar agreed. “Great story! It gave me chills! More!” Gallop smirked at the request. A half a dozen stories later, everypony finally had enough. They all lay on their backs and looked up at the stars. There were so many up in the night sky; Luster smiled at the sight. Then suddenly, there was the sound of bushes ruffling in the distance. They lay on their backs and looked up at the stars.Luster smiled at the sight. Then suddenly, there was the sound of bushes ruffling in the distance. “Hello?” Luster called, “Is somepony there?” There was no response. “I don’t like this forest,” Iggy said. Georgia nodded. “There’s a lot of monsters out there. I think it would be better if we don’t sleep outside.” “You’re right - everycreature get back into the treehouse,” Luster said. They made their way back inside while a certain pony watched them. *** Cozy Glow waited; she didn’t make a sound from her hiding place. But she heard their voices. She waited a while, then looked up and saw the seven figures retreating into the glowing structure. She knew that the rumors were true, that Luster Dawn was living in the Treehouse of Harmony with her friends. She flew back several rows of trees to where Tirek waited. “They’re there, alright! What do we do?” “Attack them now, I say!” Tirek said, already moving into position. But Cozy grabbed him by the shoulder. “Hold on! What if that treehouse has some sort of protection on it?” “Sombra was able to destroy it once!” Tirek pointed out. “And it grew back! Who knows what else it's capable of doing now?” Cozy Glow said. “Maybe it will form some roots of harmony or something that could attack any evildoer that comes near it?” Tirek folded his arms. “So what should we do?” Cozy put a hoof to her chin. “I think we should test it somehow.” “And who’s going to test it? You? What if it does something harmful to you?” Tirek asked. Cozy shook her head. “We need something else to test it with then. But what?” They thought for a moment. “A monster?” Tirek suggested. Cozy nodded. “That should do, if we can just find one. Oh, that shouldn’t be too hard in this forest!” She flew up above the treetops and looked down. Within a few moments, she spotted something big on the ground. It was an Ophiotaurus like the one that had attacked her and Tirek the last time they had attempted to get Grogar’s bell. Cozy Glow flew down at it. “Hey!” she called. The beast turned and roared at her. Cozy felt a familiar surge of fear. She was a bigger mare now, but inside she was still a psychopathic filly. But this time, she had a plan. She blew a raspberry at it. “Come get me, you overgrown bullsnake!” She flew through the forest with the Ophiotaurus following her. Within a few moments, Tirek came to her rescue. The large stallion (really a centaur) took the beast head-on. He’d been scared of the other one because it had been larger than him and taken him by surprise. But now that he was in his strongest form, he was able to wrestle the Ophiotaurus and subdue it with ease. He took hold of its horns as it struck at him and threw it against a nearby tree. The impact knocked it out. Cozy Glow flew to its unconscious form. “Now let's use this Ophiotaurus to see if that Treehouse has any defenses. If it doesn’t, we go in!” Cozy said. Tirek carried the Ophiotaurus back to the area of the Treehouse. He approached it at a slight distance, then swung the Ophiotaurus over his head (though thanks to the illusion hiding Tirek’s arms it appeared as though it were being levitated without magic) and threw it toward the entrance. But instead of going inside the Treehouse, the Ophiotaurus disintegrated in a flash of light just before hitting the door. Cozy and Tirek’s eyes widened at the display. Then Cozy made a fearful expression. “I think we better try and catch Luster Dawn outside the Treehouse.” “I agree!” Tirek said. They turned and walked back to Ponyville. *** In one of the houses in Ponyville, they walked in to find Queen Chrysalis lying on a couch. The changeling looked up as the ‘two’ ponies walked in. “Well, did you find her?” Chrysalis asked. “Affirmative, your majesty!” Cozy Glow said, giving her wicked grin. “We saw her in a hayburger restaurant!” “There was no opportunity to grab her without being seen, though,” Tirek informed her. “We followed her into the Everfree. As rumors said she was living in the Treehouse of Harmony,” Cozy said. “We stuck around till after dark, and they all went to bed, but we found there’s a barrier that disintegrates monsters that try to enter it. We won’t be able to take her while she’s in that treehouse.” “We will wait for the time to come then. We can either lure her here, or something else. We must be patient,” Chrysalis said. “A good evil plan always takes time to come to fruition. Did you find out if she has an amulet like Starlight did?” “It appears so,” Cozy Glow said. “She had an amulet that she said Starlight just gave to her. From what I saw, her griffon friend had one as well.” “We’ll need to figure out a way to get around that,” Chrysalis said, putting a holed leg to her chin. “Perhaps the two of us could simply nab her, and then we can come back to you.” “Silence! I shall think of something myself!” Chrysalis said. “I will have the daughter of Starlight Glimmer! Revenge will be mine!” > Chapter 32: Galloping Gala > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luster pulled her mane out of its usual ponytail and let it flow straight. Her friends were all there with her at the Ponyville Spa. They climbed into the spa, soothed by the hot water. They let out a relieved sigh, and after unwinding, they stepped out in bathrobes. Luster put her head under the mane dryer along with River and Yelena. She and her friends then went to the changing room and dressed in their outfits for the Gala. Luster was dressed in the same orange dress she’d bought before the Starcutter Crisis. She also wore red shoes and the blue amulet her mother had given to allow her to see through a changeling's disguise. Around her, she saw her female friends grinned. River was in the same dark blue dress she’d gotten with Luster. It showed patterns of running water and waves on it, and the Kirin had a pair of raindrop earrings on her ears. Georgia had taken off the crimson bell scarf around her neck and put on a bright red dress, no symbols as griffons lacked cutie marks, but she had included a gold collar from Griffonstone that was meant to be used at formal occasions. Luster looked at herself in the mirror. “How do I look?” she asked River. “You look great!” the Kirin said. “That sun hair piece and the flames on your dress just scream hot!” Luster blushed. “Well, I just hope Gallop likes it.” She opened the door to the changing room and found Gallop waiting outside. The green tuxedo he wore reminded Luster of the lettuce on a hayburger. His eyes widened as he saw Luster in her dress. “Whoa, Luster, you look… great!” Gallop said, a bit red. “Thanks,” Luster replied with a nervous smile. “You too.” They smiled at each other for a moment, then- “Luster, move please!” Yelena said as she waited behind Luster. “Sorry,” Luster said, walking forward. The Future Five made their way out of the spa. As they walked around Ponyville, the passing by ponies looked at them with wide open smiles. “So, are we just gonna take the train to Canterlot?” River asked. Luster shook her head. “My mom scheduled a couple Pegasus flown carriages to take us there. She’s coming too, so she can meet with Princess Twilight.” She led them to the Castle of Friendship. Starlight, Sunburst, and Trixie all waited for them outside in their own outfits. Starlight smiled with teary eyes as she watched Luster walking alongside Gallop. “Oh, my little filly’s all grown up and going on a date!” she said. “Mommy’s so proud!” “Mom!” Luster cried out. “That’s embarrassing!” “Sorry, honey. Well, is every creature ready?” They nodded. *** In the apartment Queen Chrysalis was hiding in, she looked at Cozy Glow. “You’re certain that Luster Dawn is going to this Gala tonight?” Cozy nodded. “It’s the biggest party in Canterlot that occurs once every year. Twilight is hosting it now; she’s got to invite her student!” “Well then, this would be a perfect opportunity to take Luster Dawn!” Chrysalis said, getting up. “Let us be off!” “Hold on! She has an amulet that can see through your disguises!” Cozy reminded her as she got in front of the former queen. “I think I better go alone!” “What about Lord Tirek?” Chrysalis asked. “He’s busy working for that rich pony!” Cozy said. Chrysalis scowled for a moment. “Fine, but you better not fail me. Follow Luster Dawn and grab her as soon as the opportunity arises! Here, you’ll need this.” The changeling Queen levitated a ring toward Cozy.It was a small silver ring with a pair of swirly patterns on it. “Stick that on her horn and it will render her magic useless,” Chrysalis said. Cozy nodded. “Right.” She turned and began to walk out of the apartment they had rented, but Chrysalis stopped her. “Cozy!” The mare stopped and looked back at the changeling. “Be careful,” Chrysalis said. “You’re worried about me then?” Cozy asked. “Well, I’ve gotten used to you,” Chrysalis said. “It’s pleasing to have others that are there for you. We are… friends, after all. Aren’t we?” “No!” Cozy said. Chrysalis’ eyes widened slightly. “We’re fiends!” Cozy grinned. “Ah, yes! Fiends!” Chrysalis said with an evil laugh. “I like that better. We, fiends, have to stick together! I just wish I could come with you.” “I know, but the amulets Luster and Starlight have detects changeling transformations. She would see through your disguise in an instant. Besides... you’re the Queen here, after all. Just relax and let this humble little pony do your dirty work!” Chrysalis glanced at the smiling pony, and after a moment smiled herself, and chuckled. *** The carriages drawn by the Royal Guards were taken directly to the Castle. Starlight tipped each Pegasus a few bits. “Thank you very much, good sirs!” Starlight said. They made their way to the castle doors where Spike was sitting at a desk in front. The dragon advisor wore a black tux with a red tie. “Tickets, please! Tickets! No creature gets in without tickets!” Spike said. They got into the line. It took a little bit of waiting, but as more and more ponies presented their tickets, the Future Five and Luster’s family got closer and closer until they were in front of Spike. “Ah, hey, Starlight!” Spike said as they approached. “I was expecting all you guys to show up!” “Thank you, Spike!” Starlight said and started walking in... only to be stopped by his muscular claw. "Tickets, please!" Starlight arched her eyebrow. "Seriously? You know who I am!" Spike's face was formal and empty. "Yes, a pony who needs to show me her ticket." Starlight began searching for her ticket, grumbling. "Somebody is enjoying his position way too much today…" "The Great and Powerful Trixie thinks that Spike is just giving everycreature an equal treatment." Trixie's lips curled into a smirk. "You of all ponies should know how that is like, Starlight." Starlight glared back coldly at the smirking mare, but a smirk of her own quickly filled her face. "Well, I guess that's better than him trying to search everycreature for a ticket with the power of some mind-altering amulet." Trixie's smile flattened. She bit on her lip and glanced at the ground. "... touché." "Anyway... Here you go, Mr. Stickler!" Starlight said, finally levitating her ticket. "Happy now?" With formal expression, Spike began scrutinizing the piece of paper. "... actually, it looks kind of forged..." "SPIKE!" Starlight's yell finally shattered Spike's mask, forcing a smile back on his face. "Okay, okay, go right in!" “Thank you!” Starlight said, but as soon as they passed him, she turned to Trixie. "Did you put him up to this?" Trixie huffed dramatically. "The Great and Powerful Trixie is appalled that you would even consider such a thing!" But then smirked back again. "But she wouldn't rule that possibility out completely." Starlight opened her mouth, but before she could utter a word, they walked into the Castle to the entrance hall. Princess Twilight stood on the balcony as creatures climbed the stairs. “Welcome,” she said to ponies making their way up. “Princess!” Luster said as she, her family, and friends all approached. “Hello, Luster. It’s good to see my top student and her family and friends here!” Twilight said. Starlight hugged Twilight. “It’s been so long since I’ve been in Canterlot for a night of fun,” she said. “I’m glad you invited us.” “Well, I figured it would probably do you some good with all that’s going on. Enjoy the Gala!” Twilight added as another pair of creatures passed her. “Twilight!” Pinkie Pie suddenly appeared from behind the Princess. “Are you gonna stand here all-night welcoming ponies? Remember it really disappointed you when you stayed by Celestia’s side all night and she was too occupied by everypony else!” Twilight giggled. “Don’t worry, Pinkie, I’ll be setting up times when any pony can approach me and others can’t. That way, I can set aside time for the ponies that matter most to me!” She led them to the banquet hall where many creatures had gathered. The rest of her friends stood in the back of the hall, including Discord. Twilight walked over and joined them before turning to face her many guests. Then she lit up her horn, and her voice could be heard through all of Canterlot. “Welcome mares, gentlecolts, and all creatures from Equestria!” she said. “I hope you are all ready for the Grand Galloping Gala!” “Yes! Yes!” River said eagerly. “We have prepared a wide variety of things here at the Gala this evening! First and foremost is, of course, dancing and partying! The parties have been planned out by none other than the best party pony in Equestria, my friend Pinkie Pie!” Pinkie grinned widely. “There will also be a food stand run by Applejack that will feature her finest apple cuisine, so don’t forget to stop there!” Twilight said. Applejack waved. “Y’all have a good time partying tonight, and if you get hungry, I have plenty of treats for y’all! Hope to see ya soon!” The cowgirl pony walked outside. Rarity meanwhile looked in wonderment at all the outfits. “Oh, such lovely dresses and fabulous tuxes everywhere I look!" Rarity said. "So many of them were made from shops I own all across Equestria!” Discord turned to Fluttershy. “Are you ready for a night of fun, my love?” “Yes,” Fluttershy said politely. “Just don’t go threatening to send some pony to another dimension. A little chaos to liven things up won’t hurt, but don’t take it too far.” “Right, perhaps I should take a vacuum cleaner to Rarity. It was absolutely hilarious the way she just covered herself when there was nothing to see!” “Well, excuse me!” Rarity scowled. “I was stripped naked in front of everypony!” “You’re about the only pony who ever worries about that!” Rainbow Dash said. “We don’t usually wear clothes!” “Well, if I had my way, everypony would wear clothes all the time!” Rarity said. Fluttershy and Discord both flew out onto the dancefloor while Pinkie began playing her many instruments set, and music filled the room. Luster looked at her friends, “Well, are you guys all ready?” “Yelena wanna go to Applejack’s applestand!” “I think I’ll stay and start dancing, or maybe I’ll see if Pinkie will let me sing a song or two!” River said. “Then maybe I can get the Princess to notice me and make me her royal entertainer!” Luster looked at Gallop. They both blushed. “Well, guess it's you and me then, Luster!” Gallop said. *** Cozy Glow noticed Spike was collecting tickets. “Uggh! I forgot I need a ticket to get in!” the disguised Pegasus said. “What do I do?” She thought for a minute, putting a hoof to her chin. Then a wicked thought occurred. Cozy Glow made her way away from the castle and hid in the tall bushes that had been shaped like a pony along the path leading up to it. If she could just ambush a lone mare that was heading in, she could steal the ticket. It took some time, many of the mares had either friends or dates, but sure enough, there was a mare on her own that came up the path to the castle. The unsuspecting mare got right in front of the bushes Cozy was hiding in, and the psychotic filly transformed into an adult seized her. There was a small yelp and a few sounds of hooves punching, then Cozy emerged from the bushes in the mare's dress which held the ticket in its pocket. Cozy got the twigs and leaves out of the dress, then made her way back to the castle entrance where Spike was. A little bit of sweat fell down her brow as she approached. Even with her body transformed to look like a different color and a grown-up, she was still worried that somepony might suspect her. Giving a small fake smile, Cozy presented her ticket to Spike. “Go right in!” the dragon said. Cozy smirked. That dragon was so easy! Now came the hard part…. *** Luster looked at Gallop. “Well?” “Well... what?” Gallop asked. “Do you want to dance?” “Yeah!” “No, you ask me!” Luster said. “Oh, uh-“ “Excuse me?” Luster turned and to her surprise, saw Princess Flurry Heart approaching her. The younger alicorn wore a sparkling blue dress for the Gala. “Oh, Princess Flurry Heart!” she said with a bow. “What are you doing here?” Flurry smiled. “I wanted to come by and see my Aunt, the Crystal Empire has a Grand Galloping usually, but we didn’t hold it since we had that recent crisis with Starcutter this year. I would like to thank you as well for defeating that traitor.” “Ah, yes, that... If you don't mind me asking, were you able to get more information out of him?” Flurry shook her head. "He’s still standing by that ridiculous story about Grogar. Though we haven’t found anything like a journal detailing his plans, there’s no denying he was the one responsible for what happened. But, I didn't come here to kill the mood, but to ask you... Would you two care to join me for a meal?” Luster looked at Gallop. “Well, I guess we can dance after we eat, right, Gallop?” “Sure, no rush!” Gallop agreed. “Who wouldn’t want to dine with a princess?” At that moment, the door to the banquet hall opened again, and a familiar pony entered. It was Pale Palace, the one that Luster had run into with River at the Hayburger. *** Cozy Glow saw the many ponies in the banquet hall - Luster Dawn was among them. She walked inside casually. She’d located her target; now she just needed to wait for the right time. Once Luster was alone, Cozy Glow could nab her. She looked around, trying to play the part as a party going pony. She spotted a table filled with a variety of drinks and looked over them. She quickly settled on fruit punch, as it was her favorite. Taking a sip of it, she glanced around the hall and saw Luster Dawn was sitting with some male earth pony and Princess Flurry Heart. There was now a kirin on the stage singing while Pinkie played her many instruments in one. “Excuse me!” a voice said. Cozy Glow turned and saw Princess Twilight looking at her. “Oh, your highness!” Cozy said, bowing her head. Though she managed to pull off a calm look, Cozy felt nervous. Twilight was much bigger now, equal to the size of Celestia. She looked at Cozy with what was unmistakably suspicion. “You remind me of somepony I used to know, somepony who recently escaped confinement,” Twilight said, her eyes narrowed. Cozy gave a fearful look. She was gonna get caught! There would be nothing she could do about it this time! She’d been able to battle royal guards last time because the bewitching bell, in addition to making her an alicorn, had also gifted her with knowledge on how to use it. Against Celestia and Luna, she’d used that bell since she’d known she wasn’t gonna be able to beat them head to head. But now, as just an ordinary pegasus filly turned into an adult, she didn’t have a chance. But when Twilight spoke, it was with a giggle. “But you can’t be her! She’s only a filly after all and hasn’t grown up since she was trapped in stone.” It was a good thing Cozy Glow’s cutie mark was covered by her dress because if Twilight had seen that, she would have probably been convinced it was her. “Well, I hope you have a wonderful time at the Gala!” Twilight said. “Thank you! Princess!” Cozy said. Thankful her voice was different as well. Twilight walked off while Cozy Glow took another sip of her punch. Watching her target, Cozy's eyes went from Luster Dawn to her cup, and an idea of how to get Luster away from the crowd struck her like lightning. “It's so simple, it might just work...” *** Luster looked at Gallop eagerly as they resumed their plan to dance now that they were done eating with Princess Flurry Heart. “Now, where were we?” she asked. Gallop chuckled nervously. “Would you like to dance?” Luster nodded. It was finally time! “Yes, Gallop!” Luster said. He reached out his hoof, and Luster extended hers to take it with a smile, blushing intensely. This was her moment! She was finally gonna have the dance that she’d been longing for more and more ever since she’d asked Gallop to the Gala. Her heart grew warm as her eagerness did as well. Suddenly, she felt an impact from her side, there was the sound of water splashing, and Luster felt her dress get soaked. She looked and saw Pale Palace had bumped into her, holding a - now empty - punch cup. “Oh! Oh, I’m so sorry!” Pale said. “I should have been watching where I was going!” A bit of anger flared up in Luster, but she repressed it. “No, no, it’s okay,” Luster said. “We all make mistakes!” Luster looked down at her dress; the punch had left a noticeable red stain on it. She’d just bought this gown, and she’d just been about to dance with Gallop, and now it was all gone. The situation made her cringe. “I’m really sorry, but… maybe we can fix that!” Pale said. “Come on, let’s head to the bathroom!” Luster looked at Gallop, who shrugged. “I’ll wait.” Their dance was certainly not coming as fast as Luster would have liked. She walked off with Pale Palace toward the bathroom, hoping they could get the stain out. Cozy, meanwhile, gave an evil grin off to the side. Soon she would have the little pony in her hooves. If she could just get her to the bathroom, knock her out and then just fly out of here, everything would be fine! They entered the bathroom and Luster removed her dress. She turned the faucet on with her magic as Pale Palace stood behind her. The silk grew wet and Luster squeezed. To her relief, the fruit punch stain came out. Cozy reached into the pocket of her own dress with a hoof, pulled out the magic suppression ring. She grinned openly now. Just put the ring on Luster’s horn, knock her out, and… Cozy raised her hoof high from behind Luster. Then the door to the bathroom opened, and Rainbow Dash and Rarity stepped in. Cozy quickly hid the ring behind her back. “Good evening, darlings! Luster, here!” Rarity said, levitating a new gold dress inside the bathroom. “I keep a few spare dresses around in case some troubled mare might need them. You cannot go on the dance floor in a wet dress!” “Oh, why thank you, Rarity!” Luster said. “I can take that one for you and return it when it's dried!” Rarity said, taking the orange dress. Luster put on the gold dress and walked outside. Cozy Glow growled.Then put on a nervous grin when Rarity and Rainbow looked at her. “Do be careful next time darling! I worked a lot on those dresses,” Rarity said. “Yeah no pony wants to have their dress ruined,” Rainbow added. “Of course!” Cozy said. Luster made her way back to Gallop. “Oh, you got a new dress?” he noticed. “Yeah, Rarity said it was better than wearing a wet one. What do you think?” Luster asked, twirling around. “Uh… it looks fine. Though I think the one with the flame patterns suited you better.” Luster nodded, then asked, “Well, think we can finally have that dance now?” “Yeah!” he said. “Great!” She immediately began to thrash her hooves about with her eyes closed and her face scrunched up. When she opened them, she saw Gallop looking at her with an awkward expression. Some other ponies were as well. “Ooh! That reminds me of Twilight at her birthday party that one time!” Pinkie said. “Speaking of parties, I think it’s time to really get this one going! Discord!” The spirit of chaos looked over from where he was dancing with Fluttershy. Then he suddenly appeared on the stage holding a guitar. “If you weren’t dancing the night away, you certainly will be now!” he shouted. The draconequus began to rock, and so did every pony else. They were moving against their will… dancing hard! Luster and Gallop along with them! Luster couldn’t stop! She went up to Gallop and he spun around so fast she instantly grew dizzy and twirled into a group of four mares. Yelena (who returned from Applejacks Applestand) jumped high in the air and landed with immense force, making a crack in the ballroom's stone floor and causing the guests to lose their footing. Georgia was flying all over. The griffon grabbed a curtain she passed with her claws tearing it to shreds. “Somecreature help me!” she screamed. Luster was suddenly dancing with ponies besides Gallop! She was on her hind legs and a random stallion had his hooves on her waist! Then she moved onto another stallion! Then a mare! Pale Palace had her hooves on Luster. The unicorn looked into the pegasus’s face and saw her grin for a second. Luster felt her hooves leaving the ground as Pale began to flap her wings and they were suddenly in the air, spinning around while Pale flew. The white pegasus looked toward the door as though hoping to get out. Given the circumstances, Luster couldn’t really blame her. No doubt all the creatures present now wanted to leave… or at least for Discord to stop making them dance like this! “If I can just get out!” Pale grunted. Luster felt the pegasus tighten her hold on her, as though she wanted to take Luster with her. Maybe she was trying to help Luster as well? But what had been with that grin? It had seemed so… victorious. Or had that merely been from feeling excited? No, if she were excited by what was going on, she wouldn’t want to leave, right? “Okay, Discord, that’s enough!” Princess Twilight’s voice called. “Oh, but this was just the good part!” the spirit of chaos said as he stopped playing the guitar. Every creature stopped dancing. Pale Palace looked at Luster, then set down on the ground. “Golly, that was wild! I was afraid I’d have to get out of here!” she said, putting a hoof behind her back and walking off. Luster nodded nervously. She looked over to Princess Twilight who approached Pinkie and Discord. “Good way to spice up the gala, just don’t give ponies too much of it! We don’t want to give every creature the worst night ever like we had in our day!” the Princess told them. “Well, I’d say we’ve made a lot of progress!” Pinkie said. “Of course, with me as the party planner, how could we not?” “Oh, come now, Twilight, you agreed with Celestia that the first gala I attended was the most fun in years!” “Yes, you did make things interesting, I admit. Celestia certainly liked it, but I want to keep the guests entertained more than myself,” Twilight said. “At least we managed to break the Gala curse here.” Luster made her way back to Gallop. “You okay?” he asked. She nodded. “Yeah, but maybe dancing isn’t really my thing.” He chuckled. “Yeah, you weren’t the best dancer there. Maybe we can try again later. You want to maybe take a walk outside?” She nodded again. “I could use some fresh air after that little crazy dance.” They walked outside the castle to the royal garden full of finely cut trees and looked up at the stars. “The night’s really pretty, huh?” he asked. “I bet it's great to be the one to lift the sun and moon. You get to see them rise each time. I’m often inside reading or still asleep when that happens,” she said. They sat on the grass for a while silently. “So, what do you think we’re going to do after this?” Gallop asked. “I’m not sure,” Luster said. “Tonight didn’t exactly go as I planned. First, I get punch spilled all over me, I tried to dance with you, but that didn’t go too well.” She looked down. “Maybe that’s a sign that we shouldn’t be together like that… I mean. We’re friends, right? If we become something deeper that could maybe upset our relationship with all the others or-” “Not true!” a voice called. Luster and Gallop looked behind them to see River, Yelena, and Georgia watching them. “We like the idea of you two!” “Yelena agree!” “You’re like a couple jewels in a crown that belong together!” Georgia said. “Did you guys follow us out here?” Gallop asked. “We’ve been watching you all night, hoping to see something happen!” River Song said. “True friends don’t let anything destroy their friendship! Even if it somehow doesn’t work out with you two as more than friends, I believe our bond can’t be broken after what we’ve been through! Because we are true friends!” Luster looked at her other friends and managed a smile. “You’re right. We’re true friends! There’s no doubt about that in my mind. We might not have been able to perform a rainbow laser yet, but I can still feel it. You guys were there for me when I was on my own without my parents. I know I can count on you guys. But… give us some privacy!” she shouted. The other three fled. Luster turned back to Gallop. “Well, they support us. But still I-“ Luster was interrupted by Gallop as he pressed his lips to hers. For a moment, Luster stood there wide-eyed. “I like you, Luster. I’ve liked you ever since you asked me to this Gala. I know it wasn’t the best first date, but there’s always another chance. I thought there was no hope left for me ever falling in love again after Glamor Shine, but you showed me otherwise. It might not work out, but I think you’re a pretty smart pony!" Realizing what he said, he stammered and blushed. "Erm… I mean pretty pony! Um... I mean, pretty and smart and... um... I mean-” Smiling, Luster silenced him with her hoof before he could embarrass himself even more. She then pressed her lips to his. They stood like that for only a few seconds, but those seconds were so precious the could have lasted an hour for both of them. Then they sat there just glancing at each other, but the silence that filled the air between them was louder than a thousand words. They barely noticed the gentle tapping of River’s hooves as she grinned widely. They looked back up at the moon, their hooves touching. Then Luster put a hoof over her heart; this meant she and Gallop were now marefriend and coltfriend. The realization caused her to smile, but as she felt her chest, she noticed something was missing. She looked down. “The amulet!” *** As she watched the two ponies, Cozy Glow smirked. “You’re really, really lucky, Luster Dawn!” she said. “But your luck won’t last forever, now I have this!” She held up the amulet Luster had worn... the one that would have allowed her to see through Chrysalis’s disguise. Without this trinket, Luster wouldn’t be as well protected the next time they try. Still smirking, Cozy turned around and flew off back to Ponyville… > Chapter 33: Target Dawn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chrysalis looked thoughtfully at the amulet Cozy had brought back from the Grand Galloping Gala. “I know it wasn’t what you were looking for," Cozy said. "But this was all I could manage. I would have had her if not for Rainbow Dash and Rarity coming into the bathroom!” “Oh please, you would still have had to get past all the partygoers,” Tirek said. “You don’t have the strength for a direct assault like me.” “Well," Chrysalis spoke. "You did get the amulet away from her at least. This presents an opportunity to get close to her myself. Though Starlight may have more of them. You said her griffon friend had one as well, right? We’ll need to get that one too, either steal it or get the griffon herself away.” Tirek put a finger (or hoof as Sombra’s illusion made it look like) to his chin. “No, I think the time for stealth is over. We need to lure them into a trap and then strike quickly to take her. And I have the perfect plan.” *** Luster woke up in her room in the Castle of Friendship. She and her friends had all decided to crash in their homes at Ponyville. Their trip at the Gala left them exhausted. She sat up in her bed and looked through her old bedroom. There was a shelf for her personal collection of books, many of which were spell-related, but some ordinary reading material was also there. Luster levitated one of her favorite books out of the shelf and opened it for a read. Buck Everlasting, the story of a family of ponies that had drunk magical water from a spring in a wood. Unknown to them however, the spring had granted them eternal life, and one of them (the eldest son) would lose their new family because of that. The eldest son’s wife left him and took their children. The Buck family came to despise their immortality, for it denied them the chance to ever enter the afterlife. In the end, Whinnie Frost, the protagonist who found the Buck family and fell in love with the younger son, chose not to drink from the spring even though she could have been with him forever. She chose to live a mortal life, experiencing the entire process rather than be trapped the way she was, forever. Luster looked over the pages in which Angus Buck spoke to the female protagonist. “It's part of the wheel. You can’t have living without dying. Don’t be afraid of death, be afraid of the unlived life.” Luster sighed and smiled. This was an important lesson that everyone should learn . Immortality might appeal to many, but Luster imagined for a moment living on after all those closest to her were gone. Gallop, River, the others… it just didn’t seem worth it. She loved life and all the things it could offer. She’d had wonderful adventures with her friends so far, but life would also be painful, like when she’d had to leave her family… or how River had felt guilty for taking the life of that pony. There were things that every creature would do they might regret for the rest of their lives. Pain that could sometimes never be escaped altogether. Princess Twilight had lost her brother, and she still missed him. Luster’s mind turned to Celestia, the former ruler before Princess Twilight, who had lived for a thousand years. She had lost many loved ones during that time, not to mention being apart from her sister for so long. How lovely their reunion must have been! Suddenly there was a knock on the door. “Luster! You there?” Starlight’s voice called out. “Yeah, mom!” Luster responded. Starlight opened the door to her daughter’s bedroom with her teeth clenched in fear. Then it turned to relief as she looked at Luster. “Whew, I was a little worried!” “Mom, you worry too much!” Luster said. “But your amulet was stolen at the Gala last night!” Starlight said. “I might have just lost it,” Luster pointed out. “It may have simply come off when I had to change dresses or something. Though maybe there was a thief at the Gala. They did find a pony that claimed to have been attacked and her dress stolen!" “Not a chance!” Starlight said. “Chrysalis has to be behind this!” “You, me, or Georgia would have seen her with our amulets if it were Chrysalis!” Luster pointed out. “Maybe it was Tirek or Cozy Glow then!” Starlight suggested. Luster shook her head. “Tirek is a centaur, there were no centaurs at the gala, and I would have remembered being close to a filly!” “I still don’t like it! I just have a feeling Chrysalis is behind this!” Starlight said. This has been on Luster’s mind too, and while she was concerned with her amulet missing and that Chrysalis might take advantage of her vulnerability, she didn’t let it get to her. She just had to try and keep calm and be careful. Panicking wouldn’t solve anything. Luster shrugged. “Maybe she is… maybe she isn’t.” “Luster, how can you be so calm!” Starlight screamed. “You are in danger right now! Aren’t you even worried?” Luster hesitated. “Well… yeah… but… I can’t let it get to me! Besides, there was a lot that happened last night, you know!” She didn’t mean to shout the last bit. It was the first time she could remember actually getting mad at her mother. It was true though, a lot had happened last night. She and Gallop had become an official couple, which had made her night truly the best night ever - aside from the little bad discovery. They had kissed under the stars, and then Luster had discovered her amulet was missing. She’d looked everywhere, asking Princess Twilight, Royal Guards, and anyone she could at the Gala, but no one had seen it. Princess Twilight had even put the guards on a patrol to see if they could find it around the castle. The only thing they found however was a pony knocked out in the bushes with her ticket and outfit stolen. This had led Twilight to believe someone had snuck into the Gala. So, Luster had drawn the conclusion that it may have been a thief. Though it was strange that only her amulet had been stolen. In the end she’d had to leave Canterlot without it. Starlight sighed. “I know you’re excited about your first coltfriend, and I’m happy for you. But this is serious. I can’t have you go without some form of protection against Chrysalis.” Starlight removed her own amulet and put it around Luster’s neck. “But mom, what if she comes after you?” Luster asked. “You were able to see her thanks to having one!” “I’ve already sent word to Thorax asking for a few new ones," Starlight said. "They should be here soon.” Luster shook her head and gave the amulet back to her mother, “I don’t like the idea of leaving you defenseless. Georgia will be with me most of the time; she can keep an eye out for Chrysalis.” “Absolutely not!” Starlight said, shoving it back. “You’re taking this one!” “Mom! I can’t take something from you that keeps you safe!” Luster said, using her magic to alter the amulet’s path and keep it off her neck. “I care more about your safety than my own!” Starlight shouted, losing her patience as she again tried to put the item on her daughter’s neck. “It’s a parent’s duty to protect their child!” “Sometimes you can just be so overprotective!” Luster snapped, angry now as well. “Take the amulet!” Starlight ordered. “Mom, I’m not a little filly anymore! I’m nearly a grown-up mare, and I can make choices for myself! I’ll take a new amulet when it comes from the changelings!” “No! You will take this one!” “I will not!” Luster gave the amulet a final push with her magic and tossed it out the window. It vanished from sight into the Everfree; both Luster and Starlight’s eyes went wide at this. “Luster, look what you did! We just lost another amulet!” Starlight said. “Now only Georgia has one!” Luster grit her teeth. This was not good! She hadn’t meant for that to happen. She’d merely reacted out of instinct and diverted the unwanted item away. Now she’d left them with one less means of defense against an enemy that might be coming. Starlight growled. “Go! Out of here now! Find Georgia, and don’t come back until I send word that new amulets have arrived!” Luster was soon outside of the Castle of Friendship. Her heart ached as she was once again not allowed with her parents. Tears started in her eyes. She walked the streets, back in the same hurtful place, except this time, her mother had actually been mad at her. It hurt a lot more than before. As she walked, Luster heard somepony call her name. “Luster?” Looking in the source, Luster saw Honeycake and Bladerunner. “Oh, hey guys!” Luster said, putting on a smile. “Hey," Honeycake greeted. "It's been a long time since we’ve seen you! How are you?” “Uh, not good right now,” Luster admitted. “My mother and I just had a fight.” “Uh-oh." Bladerunner gasped. "What happened?” Luster told them what happened. “Oh, well, I’m sure your mother will cool down soon,” Honey said. “In the meantime, why don’t we take you to breakfast. We haven’t had the chance to hang out yet!” “Alright.” Luster said. *** In the manor of Diamond Tiara, Tirek handled the lifting of the furniture inside. The once heiress to the Rich family's fortune relaxed comfortably, reading a magazine. “Ugh… I’m bored…” “Well, maybe you should invite somepony over to spend time with,” Tirek said. “But who? I do have Silver Spoon. Or perhaps I could invite the Cutie Mark… Specialists.”.” Diamond corrected herself. Even though they still helped younger ponies find their cutie marks and destiny, the trio of fillies that she had once bullied now called themselves the Cutie Mark Specialists as a way to sound more adult. “What about that... Luster Dawn?” Tirek suggested. “Luster Dawn, the latest hero of Equestria?” Diamond Tiara wondered aloud. “Hmm… I suppose she would certainly be welcome here. Helping Hoof!” Her butler, Helping Hoof, entered the room. “Miss Diamond?” “If you would please… go to the homes of my friends, the Cutie Mark… Specialists and invite them here? Oh, and please locate the pony known as Luster Dawn. I would like to invite her here as well.” *** Meanwhile, Luster and her other friends were eating in the Pony Pancake House, the same place Luster had gone to breakfast the day after Starlight had first sent her away. “So, what are you going to do after this, Luster?” Honeycake asked. “How about we go to the Skatepark?” Bladerunner suggested. “You said you wanted to try that.” Luster looked down. “Sorry, but I said I would meet everycreature at the Treehouse of Harmony soon. I might be able to go after that, though.” “Oh! We heard a rumor you were living there. Would you mind showing it to us! We’ve heard of it but never actually seen it,” Honeycake said. Luster shrugged. “Sure, why not?” She led them through the Everfree Forest with a calm expression. By now she was used to this path through the forest. Bladerunner looked eager as he grinned, though Honeycake now looked a bit nervous. “Wow, I can’t believe you’re brave enough to go in here every day,” Honeycake said, looking down at them as she flew. “I mean, there could be monsters around every corner, not to mention all the icky mud. Glad I have wings… uh!” Just as she said it, she had flown into a tree branch. It snapped and tangled in her golden mane. Bladerunner chuckled. “You were saying?” The Pegasus answered with an annoyed growl, struggling to pull the branch out of her hair. “Better watch out for the stuff above!” Bladerunner said in a teasing manner, then turned to Luster. “That's only the third time today she did that--” A loud, painful thud interrupted him. Luster and Bladerunner turned to see the Pegasus on the ground, frowning. Her cheeks were burning with a fire of embarrassment. “Not... a... word...” Honeycake said, but it was too late. Their smirking faces were louder than a giggle. Fortunately, once they arrived at the treehouse, her eyes lit up at the sight of the shining structure, washing the frown away from her face. “Ooh, beautiful!” she said. “I can’t believe you actually live here. But you lived in a castle before that! You’re lucky, Luster!” The unicorn giggled and thought, Yes, lucky, lucky me! Getting sent away by my mother twice thanks to that stupid Chrysalis. Bladerunner looked at the treehouse, “Well, not everypony can say they live in shining or crystal houses!” Luster walked inside and found all her friends inside. “Luster!” River Song squealed. The kirin ran over and tried to hug Luster, but the unicorn held up a hoof. She couldn’t take a chance now that her amulet was gone. She had forgotten to use the codewords a lot in the past, but ever since Chrysalis has arrived in Ponyville she’d taken that more seriously. “Read!” Luster started. “Run!” Gallop responded. “Swim!” “Smash!” “Fly!” Honeycake and Bladerunner looked at all of them in confusion. “What’s that about,” she whispered to him. “Don’t know,” he replied. Hearing them, Luster explained, “We have a code where we say our favorite things to do to make sure one of us isn’t Chrysalis.” River now hugged Luster. “How was your night at your parent’s house? Any word on getting a new amulet?” she asked. Luster looked down. “My mom and I had a bit of an argument.” “Uh-oh!” Yelena said. “Luster okay?” The unicorn nodded. “I handled this once, I can do it again. I don’t think it will be for long this time.” “Still, we need to be more careful now since you don’t have an amulet anymore,” Gallop said, walking up to Luster with a look of determination. “So from now on we can’t leave you alone! You hear that, guys?” “Yeah!” the others said. “From now on we can’t leave Luster alone. One of us has to be with her at all times!” Georgia nodded. “We can take turns with my amulet, so whoever remains with her will wear it!” “Well, what do we do today?” River asked. Luster looked back at the friends she’d brought along. “Well, Bladerunner invited me to go rollerskating today. Maybe we could all go?” “Sure, I’m good with skating,” Gallop said. All the others nodded in agreement. Luster looked at the other two ponies. Bladerunner shrugged. “Alright, more the merrier.” *** They headed to the skatepark. Luster had a set of four skates on her hooves. She wobbled, having never skated before. The wheels swerved uncontrollably, and she slipped. River meanwhile, performed tricks like spinning around like a ballerina. “Nice, you’re a natural, River!” Bladerunner said with a grin. “You okay, Luster?” Gallop asked his marefriend, helping her up with a hoof. “Yeah,” Luster said with a smile as he pulled her up. “Excuse me, Luster Dawn?” a voice asked. Luster looked and saw a pony in a suit coming towards her and the others. “Yes?” Luster asked. “I come on behalf of my mistress Diamond Tiara. She would like to invite you to meet her at her mansion.” “Diamond Tiara?” Luster asked. “She’s one of the wealthiest ponies in Ponyville!” Georgia said. “It wouldn’t be proper to refuse an invite from her,” Honeycake said. “Well, in that case, you can tell Diamond that I will be there shortly,” Luster said. The butler nodded. “Very good.” *** Tirek waited in a corner as Helpful Hoof came back and informed Diamond Tiara that- “She said she will be here shortly, Miss Diamond.” “Good, please have snacks prepared for my guests!” “Right away.” Tirek grinned. He then lifted a magical device he’d bought with some of the bits he’d earned. “Strong Centaur to Buzzing Bug!” he spoke in a code. “She’s on her way!” “I’m coming!” Chrysalis’s voice rang through the device. The changeling soon arrived at the back of the manor disguised in a random pony transformation. “She’ll be here soon,” Tirek said. Chrysalis grinned. “Good. I’m ready. With or without an amulet, a swift strike shall get our target.” They headed off along the house's side which was blocked by a stone wall just tall enough to hide Tirek. *** Diamond Tiara was in front of her manor, waiting for her guests to arrive. Soon they did so. First came her long-time friend Silver Spoon, a wealthy pony that Diamond had considered the closest thing she could have to an equal in her fillyhood. Then came Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Applebloom, the grown-up Cutie Mark Crusaders she had often bullied. Of course, their relationship turned for the good after their encouragement. Now Diamond strived to be a better pony than in her fillyhood; she gave charities to orphanages and other good causes and treated everypony or creature nicely no matter what sort of class they came from. “Howdy, Diamond Tiara!” Applebloom said as she approached. “Mighty kind of ya to invite us all to your house. Been a while since we could all get together.” “Sure has!” Diamond said with a grin. “I also invited Luster Dawn as well, and she’s bringing her friends.” “Oh, that’s cool!” Scootaloo said. They waited for a little bit, soon the Future Five arrived. “Welcome, new heroes of Equestria!” Diamond Tiara said. “Thank you for inviting us here, Miss Diamond Tiara!” Luster said. “Well, my mother taught me it was important to know important ponies!” Diamond said before looking at the adult crusaders. “But these three taught me to treat everypony or creature with respect. Well, I look forward to getting to know all of you!” She turned to lead them into the manor when suddenly, there was a loud thud behind them. A cloud of dust swept over them, and an immense shadow fell on them. Slowly, everypony turned to see the one who cast it. They saw a red and black centaur with a white beard. “Ah... it feels good to have hands again!” Tirek said, looking at them as he shook his fingers. Luster and her friends stood wide-eyed, caught completely by surprise. Tirek opened his mouth and before anypony could react, he absorbed their magic, and their eyes grew white. Luster, Diamond Tiara, and everycreature else collapsed. Luster lay there, helpless as another shadow drew close to her. She looked up and saw her as a shiver ran down her spine… Queen Chrysalis stood gazing down at her with a pair of hungry green eyes and an evil grin. “At last, the daughter of Starlight Glimmer!” she said. ”She’s mine!” Green slime erupted from the changeling's mouth, and she wrapped Luster in it. “Luster!” River shouted. “No!” Gallop screamed, raising a hoof at his marefriend as Chrysalis began to ascend with her. “Let's go!” Chrysalis said as she flew off on her wings. Tirek leaped after her, able to jump incredible distances. Down below, ponies saw both the villains and pointed up at them in fright. “It's Chrysalis!” “And Tirek!” “Run!” “Chrysalis has somepony!” Cozy Glow waited for her teammates at the same spot before the Everfree they had emerged from when first coming here. “You got her!” she grinned. “Now… let's get her to Grogar!” Chrysalis said. With their prisoner in the cocoon, the terrible trio vanished into the forest. > Chapter 34: The Return of Grogar > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gallop watched helplessly as Chrysalis wrapped Luster in a slimy cocoon. “Luster... got to… save her...” Gallop tried to speak, but his voice turned into a whisper. He tried to get up, but after Tirek's magic extraction he could barely even crawl. He could only watch as Chrysalis launched into the air, getting further away with Luster, every second. “N-no...” Gallop jerked his body up, but it painfully hit the ground a second later. “Luster...” Defeated, all he could do is wait for someone to find them, but in his current state, each second seemed like an hour. But then, he heard a pop, and a white flash occurred in front of him. Looking up, Gallop stared into the face of the Spirit of Chaos. Discord looked down at the Earth Pony with a look of concern. “Oh dear, it appears I was too late! Tirek got away with your magic, didn't he?" Discord said but then cocked his head. “Wait… aren't you Luster Dawn’s boyfriend?” His face paled. “Please tell me Luster Dawn was not-” “Chrysalis… took her!” Gallop choked out. “We have to help!” River managed to yell. “I have to get all of you to Starlight,” Discord said. “She can help you regain your strength.” He snapped his fingers, and suddenly Gallop, his friends, as well as Diamond Tiara and the others were inside the Castle of Friendship. They lay there on the cold crystal floor; Gallop shivered at the touch. “Starlight!” Discord called. “We need help!” His voice echoed through the castle. But instead of the unicorn in question, Trixie showed up. “Discord?” she said. “Where is Starlight?” “Sunburst and her went to Everfree to look for the changeling’s amulet.” Trixie then noticed Gallop and the others. “What’s happened to them?” “Tirek took their magic!” the draconequus said. After a short shock, Trixie nodded nervously. “Follow me!” *** Minutes later, Gallop was seated in a chair in the castle potion wing. Trixie levitated a vial in front of him. “Here, this should help regain your strength. Ever since Starlight learned Tirek had returned with Chrysalis and Cozy, she's been working on a potion to counter that sapping of his.” The liquid went down Gallop’s throat. He could immediately feel his strength returning. Trixie gave a potion to River as well. “It won’t replenish all your magic, but it will at least allow you to do a few spells.” But before River could drink it, the door to the room burst open. Starlight and Sunburst galloped inside. “We teleported back as soon as we heard what happened!” Starlight said, running towards Gallop. She took him by the shoulders. “Please please please tell me that Luster was not with you!” Gallop felt tears make their way up. “Chrysalis took her!” Starlight clenched her teeth as tears appeared in her eyes as well. Her worst nightmare… the one she’d had ever since Luster had been a baby… had come true. “No! My little filly!” Starlight sobbed. Sunburst looked at his wife in dread and walked over, wrapping his hooves around her. She buried her face in his chest. For a while the room filled with the cries of a mother. “I sent her outside when she had just lost her amulet! I knew that Chrysalis had to be behind it somehow! I thought she would have been safer with Georgia… How could I have been so blind? I should have had her stay here with me! Now Chrysalis has her!” “I’m sorry Headmare Glimmer!” Georgia said after Discord removed a strength potion from her beak. “I couldn’t do anything. Tirek… he just came out of nowhere and drained all our magic. We couldn't do anything.” Starlight looked at the griffon with wide teary eyes. Georgia looked back at her guiltily. “It’s… it’s not your fault… Chrysalis is a cunning foe. They all are,” Starlight said through her tears. “They attack suddenly and swiftly.” “We’ll get her back, Starlight," Sunburst said. "No matter what it takes. She’s our daughter.” Suddenly, Starlight clenched her teeth. A little red crackle emitted from her horn as her expression turned to one of fury. “If Chrysalis hurts her, I swear I’ll make her regret everything she’s done!” “Um… would you please give me a strength potion first?” Diamond Tiara asked. *** Chrysalis carried Luster Dawn in a cocoon as they finally arrived back at Grogar’s lair. Cozy Glow flew next to her as they landed on their hooves, and Tirek did so as well from his last great leap. Chrysalis set the cocoon on the ground with her magic. "Hey, you sure she's fine in there?" Cozy asked. "She's not moving! Grogar’s gonna kill us if you hurt her!" But Chrysalis dismissed her with her hoof. "Relax, she's fine. When you're inside a changeling's cocoon it makes you disoriented." Chrysalis grinned, licking her lips with her tongue. "It makes it easier for us to feed on you." Cozy gulped. "Um… okay? We better get her to the boss." They walked inside the lair with their catch. They found Grogar at the main table with Sombra and Sharp Eye. “We have returned, Grogar!” Chrysalis said. The ram frowned. “That is Emperor Grogar to you! Address me properly, or I shall make you suffer.” Chrysalis shivered. “Um… as you wish… Emperor Grogar. I have Starlight Glimmer’s daughter as you commanded.” She placed the cocoon holding Luster on the table. Grogar looked inside at the trapped mare and smiled. “Excellent. Now… it is time I make my move at last.” The ancient ram sorcerer lit up his horns, shooting magic into the sky. Storm clouds began to form, lightning crackled. They then began to move all across Equestria while the Legion of Doom watched with wide eyes. *** Twilight stood outside with Spike. She had just gotten the terrible news that Chrysalis had managed to take Luster. The message was like a jab to the heart, filling her with pain and concern. “Oh, I’m so worried, Spike!” Twilight said. “Celestia knows what Chrysalis will do to Luster now that she has her!” “I know Twilight!” Spike said. “She’ll probably want to torture her! Drain her of love and stuff! Or maybe… maybe she’ll just decide to destroy her outright!” “Don’t say that!” Twilight said. “I couldn’t bear the thought of my student suffering!” She looked at Ponyville within the distance from her balcony. Starlight was probably just as if not more worried than Twilight. But as she looked in that direction, Twilight saw something else. Dark clouds were forming, coming fast. “Is that a storm coming?” Twilight asked. “We aren’t due for one! Call some pegasi!” They did, but the pegasi were not able to stop it. It just pushed them back and proceeded to cover all of Equestria. Twilight watched it happen from her balcony. It reminded her of the day the Storm King’s forces had attacked. Was this another attack? She could feel the dark magic in the air. It seemed to be calling her, urging her to stay and watch. Down below, she saw Canterlot ponies coming out of their homes and looking up as well at the clouds. Then suddenly, a face emerged from the clouds, the face of a ram. “Citizens of Equestria! Hear me! I am Grogar, your rightful Emperor!” Many ponies and creatures gasped at the sight, not only in Canterlot, but in Ponyville, Manehattan, and many other locations for all of Equestria could see the image. Twilight’s mouth fell open. She had heard the tale of the dreaded Grogar. An evil ram sorcerer who had ruled the land countless millennia ago before it had been named Equestria. Discord had impersonated him when he’d united her three worst enemies against her. But she had never thought that she would ever have to face the REAL Grogar. She’d assumed he’d long been dead. Then she remembered, Starcutter had told her that he was still around and that he’d been controlling him using the Ruby of Reign. She had not believed the sword pony as he had been a criminal who had usurped her niece at the time. “I have a message for Princess Twilight!” Grogar said. “You will return my Bewitching Bell to me! If you do not… then your student will suffer.” The image of the ram vanished and was replaced with Luster Dawn trapped in a green cocoon looking as though she were sleeping. “Luster!” Twilight screamed. The image changed back to Grogar. “You have two days to agree! If you don’t deliver the bell, then I shall allow the changeling I freed to do as she pleases with her!” Grogar threatened. “I’m sure you know her… as well as her teammates that helped in the abduction.” Now Twilight saw Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow. “Is Twilight able to see us right now?” Cozy asked. “I can’t tell!” “All of Equestria can see you!” Grogar’s deep voice sounded from out of the shown image. “Hey! We’re back!” Tirek said with a wave and an evil chuckle. Chrysalis gave her a wicked grin. “I told you we would always return, Twilight! Nothing short of destruction will ever stop us!” Twilight frowned. She had harbored a deep resentment for Chrysalis ever since she’d first met her. The former Queen of the changelings had in their first meeting turned her brother and friends against her. Twilight had slightly been to blame, of course, for not gathering proper proof for her accusations towards Chrysalis when she’d been disguised as Cadence, but Chrysalis had been a master manipulator as well. Grogar returned in the image once again. “Two days, Princess! Meet them in the place where you last defeated them. If you do not, I shall consume her lifeforce!” The image in the sky vanished, though the clouds remained. This was bad. An ancient villain was back, and her student was captured. *** The Council of Friendship was gathered in Canterlot. For the first time in a long time, Starlight was among them. She had made her way to the city as soon as she’d seen Grogar’s message. “We have to give Grogar his Bell; it’s our only chance to get Luster back!” Starlight said. “I never thought that he was actually still alive!” Discord said. “When I was posing as that ram, I said he’d been waiting, biding time, waiting for the perfect opportunity! It looks like it was all true! Oh, I’m able to copy the exact personality of the creature I transform into when I choose to use that power. Sometimes I hate it when I’m right!” “This is really bad!” Fluttershy said. “We had a darn hard time taking on Chrysalis and the other two by themselves,” Applejack said. “Now we have to deal with the father of all monsters?” “Yeah, that was supposed to be our final battle for Equestria!” Rainbow Dash said. “There will always be darkness in the world,” Twilight said, repeating something she’d told the trio before defeating them. “New villains, old villains. It's always there, just as there is light to meet it.” “Maybe it won’t be too hard?” Pinkie Pie asked. Everypony frowned at her. “What? You never know!” Twilight sighed. “We faced our worst enemies long ago. But this is Grogar - we’ve all heard of him. His legend still lives today. Gusty the Great faced him thousands of years ago and only managed to defeat him by taking away the Bewitching Bell.” “And he wants it now so that he can have all his power back,” Rainbow Dash said. “But we can’t just give it to him!” Rarity said. “He’ll use its power to destroy Equestria!” “If we don’t give it to him, he’ll hurt Luster!” Starlight said. “You can’t expect me to leave my daughter to him! Who knows what she’s going through right now!” *** Luster lay chained in a cell in the villain’s lair. She opened her eyes and took in her surroundings. The rocks around her cell were orange. “Where am I? How’d I get here? Wait- it's coming back to me!” Chrysalis had abducted her! Suddenly there was the sound of hoof falls nearby. Luster cringed; it was Chrysalis coming to torture her! She closed her eyes, not wanting to look. “Luster!” a familiar voice called. Luster peeked a little bit, and to her amazement, saw her mother outside the cage. “Mom!” Luster exclaimed, walking up to the cell door. “You came!” Starlight smiled, her loving motherly smile. Then it turned an evil grin, and she opened her mouth, Luster felt what little strength she’d managed to regain slip away, and she collapsed on the stone ground of the cell. Starlight then revealed her true form. Chrysalis grinned down at her. “Oh, the love a child has for their parent is great. Though they say the love a parent holds for their child is the greatest of all!” the changeling said as she looked at Luster. “I wonder how it would taste if I were to turn into you and drain Starlight’s love?” “You… stay away from my mother!” Luster threatened. Chrysalis laughed. “You think you can stop me as you are, little pony?” Luster didn’t reply, she knew the answer. Without her magic and being unable to move at all, she stood no chance. “Perhaps if Tirek returned your magic, it would prove to be quite a show,” a deep voice said. Another creature walked into Luster’s field of vision. It was a blue ram with a red collar around his neck. Behind him walked Tirek and Cozy Glow, who had been turned back to her regular peach coat. “Who…. who are you?” Luster asked. The ram smiled at her. “I am Emperor Grogar, father of monsters!” Luster’s eyes widened. She’d heard of Grogar recently. The sword pony Starcutter had claimed to have been mind-controlled by him. Of course, she also knew him from the legends. “I’ve been watching you Luster Dawn. A daughter of two gifted unicorns and the star pupil of the Ruler of Equestria!” Grogar said. “I think I could make use of a talented unicorn like you.” “W-what?” Luster was confused. “Would you perhaps consider defecting to my side?” Grogar asked. “I have gathered many villains together to form the commanders of my army of monsters.” “Then it was you who freed these three!” Luster said, looking around at the three villains. “Yes, she and her teammates have abilities that could be useful to me,” Grogar said. “You could be as well. I lost my inside pony in Starcutter. You could be a perfect candidate to replace him being close to Princess Twilight herself!” “Not a chance,” Luster snapped. “I’ve been kicked out by my mother twice because of you! I would never serve a monster like you!” Grogar chuckled. “It won’t be as though you have a choice.” *** The next day at sunset, Twilight and her friends, as well as Starlight, Sunburst, Trixie, and Discord, stood in the meadow where the trio had been defeated years ago. Discord held the Bewitching Bell in his mismatched claws. “Are you sure about this, Twilight?” Fluttershy asked. Twilight nodded. “We can’t risk Luster’s life over the bell!” “But if we give Grogar the bell there could be a lot more lives lost!” Rainbow Dash said. “Grogar would probably do something even worse to get the bell back if we refused,” Twilight reasoned. “Yes, as old as he is, I’m sure he knows quite a few things,” Discord said. “Create enough chaos like war, gather energy from that chaos and you could use it to create a portal into my realm. That would likely be his plan if we were to refuse.” “We’ll defeat him and the others… somehow.” Finally, a dark cloud came bearing the minions of Grogar on it arrived. Somehow it was able to support Tirek, who held Luster’s limp form. Cozy Glow grinned at them. Seeing her in this grown-up form weirded all of the other ponies out as they had not been expecting it. “You have the Bewitching Bell?” Chrysalis asked. Twilight nodded. Discord stepped forward. “No funny business, Discord!” Tirek said, levitating Luster. “Or I’ll send her flying!” Discord nodded and set the bell down on the ground. Cozy Glow flew down and picked it up in her hooves before flying back up to the cloud. “Now… give me back my daughter!” Starlight said in desperation. “Please, Chrysalis, I beg you!” The changeling looked at her archnemesis. “I like you begging. Bow before me, Starlight Glimmer!” Starlight gulped and stepped forward before lowering her neck. “Please, just give me my daughter back! Don’t harm her!” Chrysalis smiled. “That is quite pleasing to see. You shall have your daughter back. Enjoy your time with her while you can! One day soon, we will fight again. And this time, only one or neither of us will walk out alive!” She took Luster in her magic and levitated her down to Starlight. The unicorn took over then and set Luster down gently. “Luster!” Starlight screamed in worry as she stood over her before glaring at Chrysalis. “What did you do?” “Me? Why, nothing! Though I can’t speak for Grogar!” Chrysalis said before turning to her teammates. “Let’s go!” They flew off on their clouds with the Bewitching Bell, leaving Starlight with her returned daughter. *** Looking at the bell, Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow knew their window of opportunity was closing fast. The cloud was moving far quicker than any of them. “We need to act fast!” Chrysalis said. “Lord Tirek!” “Right!” Tirek said, taking hold of the bell from Cozy Glow. He shot it with the spell they used to cause it to absorb magic and held it so that it sucked in the area directly above them. Though there was no creature there, it could still absorb any magic sent from a creature. Chrysalis gathered a powerful amount of green magic to her horn. It practically oozed as though it were liquid. This was her ultimate spell for eliminating an enemy when she needed to. She shot it into the suction; the bell hissed as it absorbed the spell. Chrysalis grinned. “Now, when Grogar absorbs the magic into himself, he will be poisoned by my magic.” *** Starlight looked at her daughter as Luster lay asleep in bed in the Ponyville Hospital. She stayed by her daughter’s side, keeping her hoof on Luster’s as hours seemed to roll by. Morning came, and Luster’s friends entered her room. “Oh! She’s back!” Gallop said. He tried to run over to her, but could only manage a light job. All of Luster’s friends were still weakened from Tirek draining their magic. Strength potions allowed them to stand and walk normally, but not much else. “Luster?” Gallop asked. “Is she alright?” Georgia said aloud what they all were thinking. “She’s had her magic drained, but she seems alright according to the nurses,” Starlight informed them. “We don’t know when she-” Suddenly, Luster took a deep breath and opened her eyes. “Where am I?” she asked, looking around. “Mom? Guys?” “Luster!” River Song exclaimed. “You’re awake!” Georgia said. “Luster, okay?” Yelena asked. “I think so,” Luster said as her friends gathered around her. “I’m sorry we couldn’t come for you, Luster,” Gallop said. “I wanted to go and save you but-” “There was nothing you could do in your state. Any of you,” Starlight said. “Luster! Oh, I was so worried! How do you feel? Are you sure you’re alright?” “I’m fine, mom,” Luster said before shuddering. “Grogar was… really scary.” “You saw him?” Starlight asked. “Only for a little while,” Luster said. “The last thing I remember, he shot me with a spell of some kind that was really painful.” She tried to get up out of bed but cringed and clutched her side. “You still need time to recover!” Starlight said, resting her daughter back into bed. “I’m just glad you’re back in one piece! Luster, I’m sorry for kicking you out… again! If I hadn’t done that, Chrysalis might not have taken you!” For a moment, Luster’s eyes sparkled with anger and she frowned. Seeing this, Starlight expected her to yell and tell her off, but it all went away as suddenly as it appeared. “They would have figured something out eventually regardless,” Luster said. “It’s okay mom.” Starlight smiled. “Well, I’m never going to send you away again. You and your friends are staying here until Tirek is defeated. That alone will restore your magic completely. For now, you just get some rest. Come on every creature. We need to give Luster some space.” Starlight led Luster’s friends out with a smile on her face. She had her daughter back safe and sound. Grogar, Chrysalis, and the others were out there. But as long as Luster was safe, that was all that mattered to her. Luster, meanwhile, grinned evilly. “You’ll soon feel really sorry for sending me away… mom!” > Chapter 35: Attack On Ponyville > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow all arrived back at Grogar’s lair once again. The clouds carrying them dropped to the ground and dissipated. Grogar stood in the mouth of the lair which very much resembled his own head. Sombra and Sharp Eye were watching from behind. Beneath them, Grogar addressed a gathering of monsters, assembled like an army. “My children, the time is upon us!” Grogar’s voice struck their ears. “Equestria will soon cower before its rightful Emperor!” He turned to them. “Bring the Bewitching Bell forward!” Chrysalis took the bell in her magic and walked towards him. As she drew near, Grogar’s horns glowed with his yellow magic and he took the bell from her. “Finally, I have my Bewitching Bell back!” Grogar held a wicked grin. “Twilight was wise to try and keep this out of hoof. She stripped you three of the great power I once held. But it had to go somewhere. Magic does not just disappear after all! No, it traveled with the rainbow laser she used on all of you. That went into the bell! Suffice to say… I shall have my old power as well as Twilight Sparkle’s!” “You mean… you can use the Magic of Friendship?” Cozy Glow asked. “Ah, no fair. I wanted to be able to do that!” “Oh, I can’t use it,” Grogar said. “To use the Magic of Friendship requires… friends. I do not use friendship. Only darkness!” The Bewitching Bell began to shake in his grasp. The magic suddenly sprung forth out of it, but not in the same manner as when the trio had used it. The magic inside simply emerged and hung there, swirling. A rainbow laser shot into the sky, visible for only a split second before Grogar pulled the magic into his horns like a set of magnets. His body began glowing then as if some spectacle of colors was inside of him, desperately trying to break out. He gritted his teeth as though in pain. For a moment, it was a battle of wills between the rainbow and the ram. The light expanded, blinding the other villains. They guarded their eyes. Then after just a moment, the light faded and Grogar stood there panting. Then he smiled, as dark energy began to emanate from him, his body barely able to contain his newfound power. Evil laughter filled the area. “The power, this is unlike anything I’ve ever felt before!” He looked at Chrysalis, who was now wondering if her poison was going to take effect. Had he become too powerful for it to work? “Come forward, Chrysalis! You two as well!” he said, pointing to Tirek and Cozy Glow. The trio did so. Grogar grinned, his horns glowed with dark magic, and Chrysalis was certain for a moment that it was over, that Grogar had known about the poison, and the overwhelming power he now wielded made him immune to it. He was now going to destroy them for their betrayal! But as Grogar’s magic hit them… they did not feel pain. Chrysalis felt something familiar happening to her body. Then she looked as the magic cleared and saw that her hooves were now armored like they had been after she’d taken magic from the bell the first time. Looking around, she saw Cozy Glow had returned to her child form, but she was also an alicorn again. Tirek had grown to five times his previous form like he had been when he’d first fought Twilight for all the alicorn magic. The centaur grinned as he beheld his massive form, stomping his hooves and causing the earth to tremor. “I am BACK!” Cozy likewise cackled. “I missed my horn!” she said, petting it with her hoof. Chrysalis grinned as she admired her restored armor form. Grogar meanwhile turned to Sombra, he levitated the now empty Bewitching Bell toward the King. “You can borrow that for a time,” Grogar said. “It should prove useful to you.” Sombra’s eyes widened. If he were to use the Bewitching Bell to drain creatures of their power, he could increase his own exponentially. By himself, he’d managed to nearly conquer Equestria singlehandedly, now he could acquire even more power. “The time has come!” Grogar proclaimed, looking again at his monsters. “Go forth, my children! Destroy all in your path! Bring me back ponies to enslave!” The monsters roared and immediately began to move to do their master’s bidding. Grogar watched until they were all gone from his sight. He then turned back to the trio as well as Sombra and Sharp Eye. “Now… while they are conquering Equestria, the rest of you shall-“ He suddenly stopped talking and began to gag. The ram vomited, causing the other villains to form disgusted faces. He looked at them in suspicion. “What…what have you done?” Chrysalis smiled. “Seems my poison is working after all!” Grogar’s face twisted into a look of fury. He lit up his horns, but Tirek was ready for him. The centaur fired orange energy from his own horns. The dark and orange energy collided, with the dark quickly beginning to push back the orange. But then, Grogar faltered, groaning in pain. His magic ceased, and Tirek sent Grogar flying inside the mouth of the cave. The ram fell back into his lair, which began to crumble. Tirek leaped from the mouth, Chrysalis and Cozy flew off, while Sombra and Sharp Eye teleported to the ground safely. A cloud of dust formed as Grogar’s lair collapsed upon him. The villains watched. “And so ends the father of monsters,” Sombra stated. “You really think he’s gone?” Cozy asked. “There’s no way he could have survived,” Chrysalis said. “Even if the rocks didn’t end him, my poison will.” “So, what do we do now?” Tirek asked. “What do you think?” Chrysalis scoffed. “Take over Equestria. We’re going to Ponyville!” “I’ll follow you for a while!” Sombra said as he levitated the Bewitching Bell. “I have something I think needs to be done.” *** Flashback: Chrysalis looked at Grogar.“If I may, Emperor Grogar? I have a spell that allows me to create an evil clone of a pony,” she suggested. “I only need a piece of her and a log or something to give it form.” Grogar shook his head. “No. I may have lost the ruby of reign, but I have many other ways to make a pony do as I please.” He took Luster in his magic, bringing her face directly in front of his. “Inside the heart of everypony there is a darkness that can create a monster!” Grogar said. “I now give that darkness… life!” His magic seemed to be crushing Luster; she let out a loud scream. Then a black form of energy leaped out of her body from her chest. She looked at it in horror as it flew into her mouth and down her throat. She gagged for a moment, then looked at Grogar. “What is your command?” *** Starlight woke to what started out as a beautiful day. The clock read 6 AM, and across from her, Sunburst lay in bed, snoring gently. She got on her hooves and looked out the window of Twilight’s old castle just in time to see the sun popping above the horizon. A sudden feeling of déjà vu filled Starlight and made her smile. She remembered how Luster had been born at the same time when the sun had risen just like this. How she’d endured hours of childbirth painful as Tartarus and greeted a new day with absolute joy. Starlight’s bliss was short-lived as she remembered the awful events of the last couple of days. Her worst nightmare that had haunted her since Luster’s birth had finally come true. Chrysalis had come back and taken her daughter, but they’d gotten her back. Unfortunately, Chrysalis and her teammates were still on the loose… and they were now working with the real Grogar who now had the Bewitching Bell. Soon… very soon, Starlight had a feeling that everything was about to fall apart. Boom! A loud explosion sounded in the distance. Starlight looked out again, and her eyes widened. One of the far-away houses was ablaze! “Sunburst, wake up!” she called. Her husband opened his eyes. “What is it?” “We got trouble!” Boom! Another explosion sounded outside. They galloped to Trixie’s room and found the blue pony sleeping in her bed. “Trixie, we need a great and powerful helper!” Starlight said. “Ponyville is in trouble!” Trixie rubbed her sleepy eyes. “Five more minutes, Ponyville can last-” Boom! Trixie jumped up in bed, her bloodshot eyes suddenly wide and alert. “… or not!” She joined them as they ran outside, finding that ponies were out on the streets as houses were on fire. Starlight put a hoof over her mouth in shock as she recognized the burning homes. “It’s all the houses of Twilight’s friends!” Sunburst exclaimed. "They’re burning!” “They’re all alright, though!” Trixie pointed. All of the Mane 5 and their families or fellow residents such as Big Mac, Cheese Sandwich, Big Sugar, and Lil Cheese, Fluttershy’s animals, were standing safely in the streets of Ponyville while their houses burned. “Oh, thank goodness Twilight put those emergency teleportation spells on our houses,” Fluttershy said. “They sent us all away before the explosions hit!” “But my dresses are in there!” Rarity exclaimed as she tried to run to her Boutique while Applejack and Rainbow Dash held her back. “Forget them, Rare!” Applejack said. “You can make new ones!” “But... all the orders I had to fill!” “Rare, no pony would want you to lose your life over a few dresses!” Rainbow Dash said. Rarity stopped struggling, crying as she watched her home burn. All those years she had spent there, starting her fashion empire, the time she’d shared with her beloved cat Opalescence, who had passed away long ago. It was like the very trunk of her tree of dreams had been burned away. “Oh, I’ll miss you, Boutique!” she cried. Pinkie Pie looked at the burning Sugarcube Corner with the Cake Twins, who huddled close to their elderly parents. “Oh, my beloved bakery!” Mrs. Cake exclaimed. “Who could have done this?” Sunburst asked. “You don’t think Grogar could have-” “I don’t think there’s anything the Father of Monsters wouldn’t be willing to do,” a familiar voice said from above. A figure in a blood-red cloak with flame designs hovered over Ponyville. The figure removed their cover and revealed the face of Luster Dawn. “Luster?” Trixie questioned. “What are you doing in that getup?” Luster smirked. “Oh, don’t think I’m starting to take after your old fashion sense, Aunt Trixie! I just wanted something flashy that was suited to a destroyer!” The word hung in the air as everypony took it in. “Luster, what have you done?” Starlight asked, horror-struck. “Only what Grogar commands!” Luster said with an evil grin. “What has that monster done to you?” Rarity asked. “Only gave me a chance to get what I really wanted deep down!" Luster declared. Then her fiery eyes made their way towards frightened Starlight. “To make the mother who threw me aside pay!” “Luster!” On the path to the Castle of Friendship, Luster’s friends tried to run toward her. But her horn lit up, and she put up a shield that stopped her friends in their tracks. Turning back toward her mother, Luster teleported directly behind Starlight; she took everypony else in her magic and pushed them all back at once. Then she put up another shield that kept her mother and herself inside. Starlight teleported, trying to get out. But instead, she simply appeared in the same place she was. “No getting out of here Mom!” Luster said. With her friends and all the others out of the way, Luster began her assault upon her mother with an evil grin. Her gold magic shot into the sky above her horn, creating a miniature sun above them. The sun then split into multiple smaller balls of magic that all shot at her mother. Starlight put up a shield of her blue magic to block her daughter’s attack. “No pony is in the way now!” Luster said with a cackle. “I’m about to take you down and become known as the most powerful unicorn in Equestria! “Luster, please! Snap out of it!” Starlight begged. “You know I didn’t want to send you away, but it was to protect you!” “Protect me?!” Luster sent Starlight against the solid shield. “Sending me away got me captured the second time!” Before the dazed Starlight could respond, she grabbed her and did it again. “You never loved me! You were never proud of me! You just wanted to send me away! And for that... I will destroy you!” Luster shot spell after spell at her mother. Starlight immediately went on the defensive. Her daughter’s raged fueled attacks were brutal, similar to Starlight’s own ones when she had fought Chrysalis not too long ago. Had this been anycreature else, Starlight would have gladly attacked back to save her own life, but this was her daughter. She could not harm her own child! *** Sunburst and all the others watched helplessly as Luster attacked Starlight within the sphere that was encasing them. As the onslaught continued, Starlight’s shield began to fade, crack, then it shattered completely, sending her tumbling down. Then, Luster shot her mother again, not hard enough to kill, but enough to leave a painful scorch mark. Her mother's scream made Luster smile. “Are you finally proud of me, Mom? Of my power?! Tell me how proud you are!” Her magic fired again, turning Starlight's yell into a holler. “TELL ME!” “Starlight! No!” Sunburst yelled in fear for his wife. “Luster, stop!” Trixie shouted. “I know you are great and powerful, more than I could ever be! You got to fight back!” “You don't know anything!” Luster said, glaring at her Godmare. “You were never abandoned, never chased out! You don't know how it's like!” “Oh, but I do! Do you remember the story about me and the Alicorn Amulet? I was so angry back then I swore revenge on Twilight, her friends, and everyone in Ponyville. And I got it too!” Luster cocked her head listening. Her eyes were darting from left to right and her face twitching. How could she forget about that? Seeing she has her attention, Trixie continued. “Later, I realized that it was all a mistake that only made me feel worse afterward. If Twilight didn't stop me back then, I... I don't know what would have happened...” For the first time, Luster remembered, Trixie's eyes filled with water. “Please, don't make the same mistakes I did - stop this before it's too late!” “... what if I don't want to stop?” “I don't believe that! It's Grogar talking, not you! Fight him! Because if you do this... you'll never be able to forgive yourself...” Trixie's words planted a seed of doubt in Luster's mind. Even though her horn was still glowing with power, her expression seemed to soften. “Aunt Trixie... I…” But then, it all went to Tartarus. Darkness began swirling around Luster's head, and a moment later she fell to the ground clenching her head and screaming madly. The moment of distraction gave Starlight enough time to get back on her hooves. “Luster! What's wrong? Talk to me!” Then it all died down as suddenly as it started, and Luster's narrowed eyes locked onto her mother again. “Nice try, Auntie, but it won't work!” Hissing and growling, Luster shot another spell at Starlight, blasting her against the shield like a rag-doll. Then she leaped at her, hitting Starlight with her hooves in a mad fury, delivering punch after punch, harder and harder, only to finish it with another discharge that sent Starlight rolling across the ground. When her limp body stopped, she was a battered and bruised mess with a tangled, dirty mane. Seeing her grinning daughter advancing on her again, squeezed some tears of anguish out of her swollen eyes. She resigned to her fate, waiting for the final blow. “A pity Starswirl is no longer alive! Perhaps he could provide me with a greater challenge!” Luster said. “Goodnight, mother-” “Luster, no!” River Song shouted. All of her friends, as well as Trixie and Sunburst wore expressions of horror as Luster placed her hoof upon her mother, pinning her to the ground. She directed her horn towards Starlight’s throat. The horror on Starlight’s face was evident. “Luster!” Georgia cried. “Come on! I know you’re in there! I know how your mother hurt you and you have every right to be angry! But this is going too far and you know it! This isn’t you! It’s Grogar giving the anger in your heart life. It’s him! Fight him!” “Georgia's right, Luster! Come on, shake it off!” Gallop shouted. “I love you!” “Luster strong, Luster have to fight!” Yelena said. “We know Luster in there! Hearing the voices of all of her friends awakened Luster. No, I can’t hurt my mother! Sure I was angry, but I would never want to do this! Her mind now felt like it was on fire as she struggled to regain control of herself. Luster gritted her teeth and slowly managed to get off of her mother. Then her horn lit, up and the shield keeping her friends and family out was lowered. They and the Mane five rushed toward her. Luster grunted, dark energy pulsing from her again, her horn sparkling. “We got to do something!” Applejack said. “She could turn on us any second!” “I got this!” Rainbow Dash said. And with a swift hoof strike, she knocked Luster out. The unicorn fell to the ground. “Rainbow!” Applejack scorned. “What? It’s the only way to make sure she wouldn’t harm us!” Rainbow Dash said. “Now we can just take her to Canterlot, and Twilight can fix her up!” “Um… I think we have another problem!” Fluttershy said, pointing her hoof. They all glanced in the Everfree Forest's direction and froze. An army of monsters was there, and with every second, more and more were emerging from the depths of the woods. “Oh no! Grogar must have sent monsters to attack Equestria!” Rarity said. Rainbow Dash shook her head in disbelief. "Darn, there are too many... There were only a couple of them last time, and we still barely managed to kick their flank, and only thanks to Twilight's help. How the heck are we supposed to deal with an entire army?!" "I don't know, but we better think of something before they attack!" Pinkie said, and as if on cue, the beasts charged at the houses, trampling them and shaking the ground. "Scratch that, we need a plan… And I mean RIGHT NOW!" Starlight groaned. As Stewardess of the Castle of Friendship, it was up to her to lead the defense of Ponyville. But she had not had time to even think of a plan in the event of an attack. If they’d had time to prepare, she might have been able to organize her students from the School of Friendship into teams. Maybe they could have used the Magic of Friendship… but right now… they had been caught off guard and unprepared. Luster couldn’t help being unconscious… and even though most of the (no longer) Young Six were here, Gallus was in Canterlot. They wouldn’t be able to perform any Rainbow Lasers right now. They had only one choice… “Fluttershy, where’s Discord?” Starlight asked. “He slept in the chaos realm last night,” Fluttershy said. “He said he needed some time alone after we gave the Bell away.” “Well… call him! We need his help!” Starlight said. “Oh, alright! Discord!” Fluttershy screamed at the top of her lungs, just like when her husband had been injured by Sombra. The spirit of chaos appeared in a flash. He wore a pair of matching blue pajamas and a hat. He rubbed his eyes and sat up with a smile. “Morning, my dear Fluttershy!” he said, trying to hug her, but she shook her head. “No time for that! We need your help!" Fluttershy pointed her hoof at the beasts. “Monsters are attacking!” “Again?” Discord pouted before looking up. “Oh, well that is certainly a lot of monsters!” “Discord, quit gawking and do something!” Applejack ordered. “Right!” Discord said. “You want me to cage the monsters or snap ponies to safety?” “Cage the monsters!” Rainbow Dash said. “No! Keeping ponies safe is our top priority right now!” Starlight said. “Don’t suppose I can do both at once?” Discord wondered aloud. “Oh, wait!” He snapped his fingers, and another Discord appeared wearing a knight’s helmet, holding a lance and riding a flying pig in armor. “I’ll handle the monsters!” the knight Discord said before charging out with a war cry. “And I’ll snap ponies to safety! Where do you want me to send them?” pajama-wearing Discord asked Starlight. “The Castle of the Two Sisters!” Starlight said. “Righto!” Discord snapped his fingers, and a group of ponies in Ponyville were sent there. “I can only send up to ten ponies somewhere at once!” he said. “Just keep snapping!” Starlight ordered. “Okay, okay!” *** Knight Discord flew on his mighty swine stead, his lance skewering the monsters and turning them into harmless animals like mice or rabbits, things that his beloved Fluttershy would love. Within seconds, the number of monsters was down by half. “For My Sins! For Ponyville! For Fluttershy!” he yelled. A nearby scream caught his attention, and he saw a giant purple humanoid monster with large horns grabbing a young filly. “Cherry Velvet!” the filly's mother cried out in desperation. Knight Discord charged in and with great accuracy caught the monster with his lance, turning it into a rabbit. The filly it had grabbed dropped to the ground, but Discord reached out with his free hand and caught her before she hit. He then handed her to her mother. “Do stay close to your family!” he said. “Thank you, Discord!” The ponies glanced at him with a look of admiration and hope as they watched the Spirit of Chaos protect them. Discord grinned. He now had a chance to become known as an actual hero. “Alright, which of you monsters wishes to be next?” he asked. The scary creatures were now looking scared as they stood before the Lord of Chaos. But then they saw something that caught their attention, and they grinned at the black mist looming over Knight Discord. An object was traveling with the mist. The Bewitching Bell came directly above Knight Discord and let out its yellow ray of magic drainage. Knight Discord screamed and vanished. Being made of magic, he was absorbed by it. The black mist materialized, and King Sombra appeared, grinning as he held the Bewitching Bell in his magic. “This should be enough!” Sombra said. *** On the other side of Ponyville, Discord suddenly screamed in pain and collapsed. “Discord? What’s wrong?” Fluttershy asked. “My duplicate was just absorbed by the Bewitching Bell!” Discord said. “What?” Starlight exclaimed. “Does that mean… Grogar is here?” “Can you still help?” Sunburst asked. “Half of my chaos magic is gone now!” Discord said. “I’ll only end up sending ponies halfway to the Castle!” All around them, the monsters were snatching up ponies, tearing down houses, reaching inside and picking up foals. It looked hopeless. There was only one thing to do right now. “Everycreature, retreat!” Starlight ordered. “To the Castle of the Two Sisters!” The still free ponies and a select few other creatures began to run. Starlight managed to run to the path leading to the Castle despite her injuries. Rainbow Dash carried Luster as they went into the trees. The trail soon became too narrow for the monsters to follow, and most of the citizens managed to escape. But unfortunately, not all of them did. *** As Starlight ordered a retreat, Chrysalis and the others watched from atop a hill as Sombra rejoined them. “I have Discord’s chaos magic, at least half of it!” Sombra said. “Well, with him weakened, that should give us a fighting chance to take him in battle!” Tirek said. “I’ve been waiting for the chance to do that!” “Yes, after Twilight he is the greatest threat! But with him like this, we should be able to take him!” Chrysalis said. “You do that!” Sombra said as he levitated the Bewitching Bell with Discord’s chaos magic. “I’m going to the Crystal Empire, this time, it will be mine! With half of Discord’s chaos magic, I shall not be stopped. Come, Sharp Eye!” “Yes, your Highness,” the other black unicorn said as he followed his King and teacher. *** Back at the ruins of his lair, Grogar groaned as he managed to pull himself free of the rubble at last. Chrysalis’s poison was taking its toll on him. He had all the power from the Bewitching Bell, though. That was what mattered. Chrysalis thought she was so smart, but Grogar had watched every moment of their plot. He’d known what they were going to do from the start and had devised a plan to counter it. Soon, some of the monsters he’d sent to Ponyville returned. They had several caged ponies in their clutches. “Father!” the monster said as he approached Grogar’s weak form. “We have ponies as you commanded!” “Excellent! Bring me…. a foal!” Grogar commanded. The monster holding one of the cages came forward with a young pony inside its cage. Grogar smiled as he managed to get up just enough to look at the foal who was only a few feet away. The filly shivered as she looked into the face of the Father of Monsters who opened his mouth. He did what he had for the last several millennia to stay alive. He devoured the life of the filly, her colorful red mane grew white, her skin aged in moments and her very breath left her, a white light flew from her body into Grogar’s mouth, and her lifeless body lay limp in the cage as her life was cut far too short. Grogar smiled and pulled himself up, the fillie’s lifeforce curing the poison in his body as well as restoring his youth. His white beard, hair, and tail became black. The first Emperor of Equestria was in his prime again! He’d done this for so long, draining the life of ponies to stay alive. Now his traitorous minions were about to do his bidding even after they had attempted to assassinate him. They would weaken Equestria’s forces, and then he would take on the winner. Twilight Sparkle, Queen Chrysalis, or King Sombra, he would defeat whichever one of them came out on top here. Equestria would be his again at last! > Chapter 36: Crystal Catastrophe > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Treehouse of Harmony wasn’t large enough to provide a shelter for every pony in Ponyville. However, the ruins of the Castle of the Two Sisters provided sufficient space.  Starlight stood at the entrance. She and several unicorns had put up a barrier around the ruins to keep the monsters from getting inside. The monsters pounded on the barrier, but none were able to break through. Starlight could only hope this would buy them enough time until Twilight arrived. She walked down to the dungeon where her daughter was being kept. Luster glared at her mother through the bars. “So now you’re keeping me locked up, eh, Mom?” Starlight sighed. “Luster, please. This is for your own good.” “Just like how you sent me away?” Luster asked. “You always act as though you know what’s best for me!”  Starlight’s heart pulled as she said, “Yes. Luster, but you know I regretted that… but you still have every right to be angry at me. I was such an overprotective parent at times. I just couldn’t bear the thought of Chrysalis hurting you. I wanted to make sure you were safe. I love you, Luster.” Luster’s expression softened, “Mom, I- arggh!” Luster put a hoof to her head as dark energy flowed around it. “Hang on, Luster! Twilight will be here soon, and she’ll find some way to undo that spell Grogar placed on you.” Starlight went back upstairs, ignoring the hateful words Luster spoke. “Look!” Pinkie Pie called from her watchtower. “Twilight’s coming!”  “Open the barrier for her!” Starlight called. Upon her command, a few unicorns lit up their horns and a hole opened in the barrier for the Ruler of Equestria to enter the Castle. Twilight flapped her wings, heading for the hole. Only for a large black bug to suddenly tackle her before she could reach it. The onlookers gasped as Twilight managed to pull herself free and look at her assailant. “Chrysalis!” Twilight said. The former changeling Queen grinned at her. “Hello, Twilight!” she said. “You’ve certainly grown since our last fight.” Twilight frowned. “We never fought directly!” Chrysalis chuckled.  “Oh yes, how could I forget? You know, ever since I’ve been freed, I’ve been wondering… why did you choose to go after Tirek instead of me during the Battle of the Bell? I know he destroyed your first home in Ponyville, but I turned your brother and friends against you?” Twilight shot her a glare. “Tirek was closer, and he was probably more powerful.” “That centaur is strong,” Chrysalis admitted. “But I’m stronger still!” Down on the ground, Tirek heard her and frowned. “Hey! I defeated the Pillars by myself while you had trouble subduing a single unicorn!” “Shut up!” Chrysalis snapped. “Cozy, get up here and help me!” Cozy flew up beside the changeling. Twilight shot her a look of confusion. “You were an adult before!” “Yes, and now I’m a little alicorn again! And Chrysalis and I are about to wipe the floor with you!” “I don’t think so!” Rainbow Dash suddenly zoomed through the open hole of the barrier and tackled Cozy Glow and Chrysalis, spinning their bodies awry. “Come on, Twilight!” the pegasus said. Twilight and Rainbow Dash flew through the shield's opening, which promptly closed behind them as Chrysalis and Cozy tried to follow. Chrysalis splat her face on the barrier as she was a second too late.  Cozy shot Chrysalis a dirty look. “You let her get away!” “Me?” Chrysalis asked. “You should have just stabbed her with your horn or something! But nooo, you had to torment her!” “What is the point in destroying your enemies if you don’t enjoy it?” Chrysalis asked. “As long as they don’t come back to defeat you again, that’s more important!” Twilight and Rainbow watched their two flying enemies quarrel before lowering themselves to the floor of the castle. “Is everypony alright?” Twilight asked. “We’re okay for now,” Starlight said. “Discord's been summoning fruit for us ever since we got here, so we’re halfway decent on provisions,” Trixie said. “Very funny!” Discord said as he snapped his fingers, causing half an apple to appear in front of Big Sugar, Lil Cheese, and Iggy. “Is everything okay in Canterlot?” Ocellus asked. Twilight grimaced. “Spike, Moondancer, and Gallus are doing their best to hold out there. Grogar’s monsters appeared and started attacking. We managed to defeat the first wave and erect a barrier to defend the city. I sent word across Equestria asking for reinforcements. I just hope Grogar hasn’t got enough monsters to conquer all of it at once. Where’s Luster?” Starlight led Twilight down to the dungeons where Luster was still in her cell. The Princess opened the door. “Luster-” The pink unicorn lowered her horn, which wore a magic suppressing ring. Luster ran at Twilight, who yelped. Fortunately, Starlight was ready. She took Luster in her magic and managed to push her daughter back against the wall. “Sorry, Luster!” Starlight apologized. Twilight let out a breath of relief. That was close. She had almost been done in by her student.  While Luster was restrained to the wall, Twilight approached her. Twilight harnessed light into her horn. “This is the only thing I could think of that you said you hadn’t tried,” she told Starlight. “I’ll have to absorb it into myself.” “Absorb? You mean like a centaur? I didn’t know a pony could do that.” “Officially we can’t but... let’s just say there is a spell locked in the restricted section of Canterlot’s archives. Even I didn’t know about it until recently because it’s experimental and dangerous.” “How... dangerous?” Starlight asked. Twilight sighed. “Absorbing any magic can be harmful to a pony, dark magic especially. I might end up being affected by it in a similar manner to Luster. But I’ve dealt with illusions before. I think I can handle it.” Twilight directed her horn at Luster, and absorbed the magic. Darkness flew out of her student into Twilight’s horn, the alicorn’s head felt like it was on fire for a moment, then she fired a large spell of dark lavender magic that broke through the wall of another cell. She couldn’t keep that dark magic inside her, but even though she’d gotten rid of most of it, there would still be some left in her. She let out a few deep breaths and looked at Luster, who had collapsed onto the floor of the cell. The pink unicorn then opened her eyes. “Luster?” Starlight asked. “Mom?” Luster got to her hooves, and as tears formed in her eyes, threw her hooves around her mother with a sniffle. “Oh, Mom, I’m so sorry!” *** Luster’s friends, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and Diamond Tiara were all resting on half sleeping bags summoned by Discord. They weren’t too comfortable as they only covered half of their bodies. Without strength potions, all of them could barely move now. Until Tirek was defeated, they would remain this weak. Twilight had arrived, and all they could do was hope she would free Luster. Then someone approached them, it was Rarity. “Are you alright, darlings?” she asked, taking Sweetie Belle’s hoof. “Yeah. How’s the barrier holding up around here?” Scootaloo asked. “I don’t think we’ll be able to maintain it for much longer,” Rarity said. “The unicorns are getting migraines.”   She, Lyra Heartstrings, and Pumpkin Cake had their teeth gritting and eyes spinning, as did several other unicorns who stood in formation around the castle. “I wish I could help.” Sweetie Belle said. “The only thing I ever did when it came to a villain was get locked in a closet.” “Yeah, it’s not fair,” Scootaloo complained. “Our big sisters got to do all the awesome stuff.” “There there,” Rarity said. “You just relax. Twilight will figure something out.”  At that moment, Twilight and Starlight walked back up the steps, followed by Luster Dawn, who wore a face of remorse. “Luster!” Gallop exclaimed. “Is it really you?” River Song asked. “Yes,” Luster nodded. “Oh, thank Celestia!” Sunburst said as he ran up and hugged his daughter. “I knew Luster was too great and powerful to be gone forever!” Trixie said as she joined in the hug. For a moment, Luster stayed in the embrace of her Father and Godmare. Then she looked at her friends. “Are you guys, okay?” Gallop managed a smile. “Well, we can’t move too much, but we’re glad you’re okay.” Luster walked up to her Coltfriend and nuzzled hims as he lay on the half sleeping bag. “I didn’t hurt any of you, did I?” “No, but you did give your mother a bit of a beating, though.” River Song said. “And you destroyed all our houses!” Rainbow Dash said. “Uh… sorry!” Luster said. Luster looked at Starlight, who had been bandaged up by the Ponyville Nurse once they’d gotten to the Castle. “What matters is that we have you back!” her mother said.  “Yelena happy Luster back!” the yak said. “We’re glad you’re alright,” Fluttershy said. “You’re worth more than any amount of gold, Luster,” Georgia said. Luster gave a remorseful smile. “I know I probably have some things to make up for, and-” “You won’t have the time to atone for any of it!” a familiar malevolent voice said from the doors to the castle. It was Chrysalis flanked by Cozy Glow and Tirek. They looked through the barrier at the many ponies inside who shivered at the sight of the most infamous trio of villains. “Chrysalis,” Twilight said, greeting the oldest of her worst enemies with a frown. “I was expecting Grogar here sooner or later.” “Oh, you won’t have to worry about facing him!” Chrysalis said, looking Twilight in the eye. “We took him down just like we did Discord before!” Cozy Glow said. “What?!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “I should have known you three monsters would try something like that!” Applejack pointed an accusing hoof. “You three would betray anybody to get what you want! Even each other!” “We defeated you guys once!” Rainbow Dash said. “We’ll do it again!” “This time, we have an army of monsters by our side!” Tirek reminded them. “Now we have our own massive army to keep yours at bay!” “My niece Flurry Heart will be here soon!” Twilight said. “Thanks to Starcutter, the Crystal Empire’s military has become the strongest in all of Equestria. He may have served Grogar for a time, but now he’s back in charge!”  “Oh, I don’t think we need to worry about your little niece!” Chrysalis said. “We were not the only ones Grogar brought back. He resurrected King Sombra just as Discord did. Sombra is likely preparing to take the Crystal Empire as we speak!” Twilight's eyes widened, and her throat filled with concrete. Frozen, she could only stare as the lips of the villains curled into sinister smirks of victory.  “Yes… your niece won’t be coming to save you!” Tirek said. “At least not before we’re through with you!” *** In the Crystal Empire, Flurry Heart sat on her throne as she looked down at the pony who had betrayed her a short time ago. Starcutter stood there in chains, looking upon the ruler he had sworn to protect but then betray. “Starcutter, you claimed that Grogar had returned,” Flurry Heart said. “We… my Aunt Twilight and I… did not believe you at the time since you were a criminal. But now he has returned… and while this doesn’t prove you were controlled as the Ruby of Reign was destroyed when Luster Dawn defeated you, it makes me willing to give you a chance to fight for Equestria and this Empire.” “Thank you, Princess Flurry Heart.” “If you have any information about Grogar… please speak now,” Flurry said. “It will likely help when we face him.” Starcutter looked down. “I’m afraid I don’t know much about him… aside from the fact that he is very wicked and powerful. He’s been around for many thousands of years and has plenty of magical experience. Now he has the Bewitching Bell, which will make him much more difficult to deal with. Gusty the Great managed to defeat him by stealing the bell and using it to drain much of his magic. Though he somehow managed to stay alive for so long. Eventually, as far as I know, he found Sharp Eye, who hoped to restore King Sombra’s reign. Sombra is back as well.” “What?!” Flurry exclaimed. Her memories flashed back to when she had been a foal. Most of them were hazy, but she did remember King Sombra holding her in his magic and her calling out to her mother Cadence, who had had such a look of fury on her face. Flurry felt tears starting to make their way up at the memory of her late parents. The three of them had been prisoners of Sombra until her aunt came and rescued them. “He will likely have Sharp Eye with him. Sombra said he wanted the Crystal Empire back. If Grogar has the Bewitching Bell, then it is likely he will make his move soon.” “He already has!” Flurry screamed, levitating a letter from her Aunt to the brown Earth Pony. “Monsters have attacked Ponyville and sent everypony or creature there into hiding at the Castle of the Two Sisters.” “Oh no!” Starcutter exclaimed. “Sombra is probably on his way here! We must get to the Crystal Heart and activate it to protect the Empire!” Flurry was immediately off her throne and prepared to fly out the window to get to the Crystal Heart. But she stopped, looking back at Starcutter. “Release him!” she ordered the guards. “And arm him! We need every available soldier to protect the Empire! I reinstate Starcutter as Captain of my guard!” She flew out, and Starcutter was freed of his chains then handed a sword. The other guard ponies then saluted their returned Captain. Starcutter managed a smile, glad at finally being able to fight for the right side. One good thing he’d done while possessed was training the Empire's soldiers hard… now Grogar was going to regret that decision. Unless… Starcutter shuddered as he recalled the last time King Sombra had retaken the Empire and possessed its guards to force them to do his bidding. Sombra would likely try the same thing again. “Order the citizens back to their homes! Martial law is in effect!” Starcutter ordered. “Right away, sir!” *** Flurry flew toward the Crystal Heart. If she could just activate it, they could put up a wall around the Empire that would destroy King Sombra and anyone else who sought to do it harm. Sombra had gotten past it last time thanks to having the element of surprise, but this time, thanks to Starcutter, he had lost that advantage. Flurry was almost to the Heart, her wings flapping, she reached out her hooves. But just as she was about to touch it, the Heart vanished. Flurry stopped in midair, a look of disbelief on her face.  A dark mist swirled in the sky and landed on the ground in front of her. Evil laughter echoed through the Empire as he appeared. King Sombra, the tyrant who had cursed the Empire to vanish when Celestia and Luna had defeated him in their own attempt to save it over a thousand years ago, appeared. He looked much the same in his red cape and steel armor, but his curved horn had become larger, almost like an antler. “Hello, Flurry Heart,” he said, looking at her with an evil fanged smile. “My, how you’ve grown.” Flurry frowned at him. “Your mother is not here to protect you this time,” Sombra said. “I’m not a foal anymore!” Flurry Heart said as her magic lit up on her horn. “Didn’t getting defeated by my Aunt twice last time teach you anything?” Sombra laughed. “The first time I simply pretended to be defeated by your precious Aunt! The second time, well… she used the Magic of Friendship… which I will admit is a force to be reckoned with. But now I have a new power to counter it!” He stomped his hooves and smiled. “What are you- Argh!” Flurry yelled, her body suddenly spiraling to the ground, only to impact it a moment later with a painful thud. “Aww... What have you...” Her eyes widened in shock. “My wing!” “And something else too!” Sombra said with a dark chuckle, only to see Flurry looking up and gasping at the sight of her broken horn. “Hmm… what do you call an alicorn who has one wing and half a horn?” He asked sarcastically. “A pegacorn? No, a peck of corn!” He laughed at his joke. Then suddenly, the other black unicorn, Sharp Eye, teleported to his king’s side along with several Crystal Empire citizens who wore helmets like the ones Sombra had conjured last time to control them. “I have brought you minions, my king!” Sharp Eye said. “Excellent! Soon this Empire will be mine again. The others will deal with Twilight Sparkle, and even if she manages to defeat them… if I can do this to her as well, she will not have her magic. There will be no stopping me this time!” Sombra proclaimed with an evil laugh as his horn as well as his eyes lit up. Flurry was hit by Sombra’s illusion. She no longer saw the dark king. She saw the entire Crystal Empire. It had turned dark, the Crystal Heart was under Sombra’s control and he sat on the throne. Then two other figures appeared. It was her parents, Cadence and Shining Armor, and they both looked down at her. “Flurry! You failed to protect the Empire,” her mother said. “We are very disappointed in you,” Shining Armor said. “We wish you had never been born,” they said together. Flurry recoiled at the specter’s words. Then another voice called out, “Don't worry, you’ll soon be with them! No one will threaten my claim to the throne again!” Sombra himself appeared in the illusion. His horn lighting with another spell. He was about to finish her off! But then...                                                                          “Princess!” It was Starcutter’s voice this time. There was the sound of magic shooting from a horn, and Flurry could see normally again. Her restored Captain of the guard was in front of her, blocking the green magic of King Sombra that had been intended for her with his sword. Flurry let out a breath of relief and shock. “Starcutter!” she exclaimed. The Captain didn’t reply, merely grunting and swinging his sword, trying to send Sombra’s own attack back at him. Though he missed, the spell instead hitting a nearby Crystal House. “Get them!” Sharp Eye ordered. The ponies and other creatures he’d gotten control of advanced on Starcutter and Flurry Heart. Flurry shivered as she saw her own citizens coming at her with intent to harm her. With one wing and a chipped horn, she had no special alicorn powers to defend herself with. “Protect the Princess!” Starcutter ordered. Upon the Captain's command, members of the Royal Guard placed themselves around Flurry, holding their javelins out. Sombra laughed. “All you’re doing is giving me more ponies to attack her with!” His horn and eyes lit up again. All of the guards stood there for a second, then turned around to face Flurry Heart; their eyes were now bright green. All except- “Finish her, Starcutter!” Sombra ordered as he and Sharp Eye drew close to the circle of guards. “Strike her down!” Starcutter raised his sword, acting as though he were about to do as Sombra bade him. But instead, he turned around and swung. The blade caught Sombra’s enlarged horn, severing it to almost back to its normal size. The king screamed; his horn let out sparks of unstable magic as he put a hoof to it. “My king!” Sharp Eye exclaimed. Sombra’s horn had white light coming out of it now. It hung in the air above him and then began flying away of its own accord. There was a snap, and suddenly Flurry felt something different. She looked and saw her wings and horn were back! “I’ve lost the chaos magic!” Sombra yelled. He looked after the white light which was moving at too high a speed for him to catch up with. Sombra growled, then looked at Flurry in a fury. His arrogance and overconfidence had melted away, now replaced with a look of pure rage. “I shall have to take your alicorn magic then!” he said, his severed horn lighting up as he tried to levitate the Bewitching Bell over to himself. “My king! Wait!” Sharp Eye said. Magical energy crackled around the bell as it neared them; Sombra’s magic was out of control! A small explosion filled the area, throwing Flurry, Starcutter, Sombra, and many ponies to the ground. Sharp Eye, however, was not so lucky. The explosion caught him, burning his black coat. Flurry put a hoof to her head, which she’d hit slightly during the fall. When she looked up, she saw them. Her parents were looking down on her. “Flurry?” Shining Armor said. Flurry extended her hooves. Her parents seemed to come closer and wrapped theirs around her. “Flurry, you need to get up. Save the Empire!” Shining said. “Save Equestria! Save your Aunt!” “Get up, my sweet little filly. Be the ruler I know you can be. Stop him!” Cadence spoke now. “Spread the light and love!” The images of her parents vanished. Then she saw it… the Crystal Heart had returned to its pedestal! Sombra’s use of chaos magic had taken away one of her wings and part of her horn. Now that he no longer had it, the Crystal Heart had returned as well. If she could just reach it! “It's over, Sombra!” Flurry yelled as she forced herself up. Sombra looked over at the naturally born alicorn as she struggled to make her to the returned Heart. “You do not know when to give up!” he roared. It was true. Even when she’d been a foal, she had had a fighting spirit, trying to bite his hoof when he’d held her or shooting at the crystal prison he’d kept her and her parents in. She was not going to give up now, not when the fate of her kingdom lay in the balance. Flurry’s wings carried her to the Heart, her horn lit up at the same time as Sombra’s severed one. Her back was to him as he unleashed a powerful explosion at her just as she activated the Crystal Heart. “No!” Starcutter threw himself in between the path of Sombra’s attack and Flurry Heart. Two explosions sounded, one green, the other white. The green was only by a few ponies, but the white spread across the entire Empire. Sombra let out a yell as the light and love from the Crystal Heart hit him for a second time, and this resulted in his third… final defeat. His dark body and spirit disintegrated. The hypnotized citizens of the Empire and the Royal Guards got to their hooves as Flurry gazed upon the body of the pony who’d sacrificed himself for her. The pony she had thought of as a traitor, but now she saw just how loyal he’d always been. Starcutter was still alive, breathing slowly as she walked up to him. “I should have believed you from the start!” Flurry said as tears appeared in her eyes. “Maybe we could have prevented this from happening!” “Shh… don’t cry, Princess!” Starcutter said. “I’m going to see your parents… and all those that I lost… I hope.” Flurry nodded. She knew of Starcutter’s background… he’d lost his mother at a young age and had dedicated his life to trying to help others as a soldier. He’d carried his pain with him all his life. His stern eyes closed, and his hoof fell.  “You will be remembered for this, Captain Starcutter.” Flurry said before rising to her hooves. Now was not the time to mourn, not when her Aunt still needed her. “Prepare to move out to the Everfree Forest!”    She only hoped she was not too late... > Chapter 37: Battle of the Castle of Two Sisters > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow all eyed Twilight through the unicorn shield protecting the Castle of the Two Sisters. The ponies from Ponyville were trapped, and their reinforcements had either been eliminated or delayed. This was their chance to finally crush their enemies! “You two ready?” Chrysalis asked. “I am!” Cozy said with a psychotic grin. “Let’s show these goody-goodies the power of our fiendship!” “You don’t think we’re capable of producing a dark rainbow laser-like Grogar might have been able to do?” Tirek wondered aloud. The idea intrigued Chrysalis, but she quickly brushed it aside. “Let’s not waste time with what-ifs! Let’s do the same thing as last time! Unison beam!” The trio lit their horns together in preparation for their ultimate attack. Countless times their enemies had escaped their wrath, but no more. “Brace yourselves!” Starlight ordered. The unicorns lit up their horns to strengthen the shield, but many were tired and suffering from severe migraines from the excessive use of magic. Fluttershy whimpered in fear and held Discord tightly. Applejack and Rainbow Dash walked up to stand beside Twilight and Starlight, ready to fight for their lives. The trio cast a beam that struck the unicorn shield. It cracked… and within moments it would shatter. “No!” Twilight screamed in determination, her horn lighting up. The unicorn shield broke… but was instantly replaced with another. A large lavender one that Twilight conjured up herself. Her alicorn magic, enhanced by both the Magic of Friendship and the powers of the sun and moon, kept the trio’s beam at bay. The villains soon couldn’t hold their beams for long and were left looking at Twilight through the shield. “Well, you can certainly put up a strong shield,” Chrysalis admitted. “Of course, it’s not as large as your brother’s, is it? His spell could cover all of Canterlot! Not that it helped in the end when I disguised myself as his fiancé, drained his love for her, and turned him and your friends against you!” She transformed into Cadence. Anger stirred in Twilight as that form brought back some of her saddest memories. She remembered the green fire surrounding her as ‘Cadence’ had walked up to her. How she had been sent down to the caves beneath Canterlot where Chrysalis had trapped the real Cadence, and Twilight had attacked her. Now, the same urge was filling her. She wanted to leap out at ‘Cadence’…. no Chrysalis… she wanted to pound that changeling to the ground for that, and everything else she could think of. “Did you miss me, Twilight? Oh, I’m sorry to have dumped my precious little Flurry on you ever since Grogar used that monster to assassinate me!” Twilight froze. Grogar had been behind the Rhino monster that had claimed the lives of her brother and sister-in-law? The urge to attack increased greatly and she shook with anger. Every fiber of her being wanted to let down her shield and shoot Chrysalis - even if that meant letting the monsters inside! “What’s the matter, Twilight?” ‘Cadence’ asked. “Don’t you remember what I did to you?” “Or what I did?” Tirek asked. “And I?” Cozy grinned. All of the things that not only Chrysalis but also Tirek and Cozy Glow had done welled up inside her. She remembered her friends walking away from her at the wedding rehearsal even as she reached out to them. The Golden Oaks Library burning, Cozy’s words tearing a hole in her heart as she said Friendship was Power. Shining Armor kicking her out of the wedding, Discord betraying them to Tirek, the Princesses screaming as Cozy used the bell to drain their magic.  Twilight seethed. Drawing the attention of those close to her. “Whoa, nelly!” Applejack said. “Twilight, calm down!” Pinkie Pie said. “Darling, don’t let them provoke you!” Rarity said. “What are you guys scared of?” Rainbow Dash asked. “We’ve got twenty more years of experience now! We could probably take these lame monsters down.” “I’d like to see you try!” Tirek said. “Come and get us!” Chrysalis taunted. She changed forms again, now turning into Shining Armor. He looked at Twilight. “You shouldn’t have taken Cadence out of the caves! Chrysalis and I could still be ruling over the hive!” Twilight could resist no longer. She fired a beam at Chrysalis, who in return shot her own at Twilight. Chrysalis put in all her strength, the love she’d drained from Luster, the extra power Grogar had bestowed upon her… thinking it would be enough as she was even stronger than she had been when attacking Canterlot. But to her surprise, her beam was pushed back, Chrysalis was thrown off her holed hooves. She hit a tree outside and returned to her true terrible form, much to Twilight’s satisfaction. However, Twilight’s victory was short-lived, as her shield around the castle went down. The monsters charged in.   *** Starlight was glad she had moved Luster, her friends, and the CMCs into the Treehouse of Harmony after they removed Grogar’s spell from her. She had known the Treehouse had developed defenses that would vaporize monsters that tried to enter it. Luster and the others would be safe here, at least Starlight hoped that was the case. They laid on their beds, unable to even stand now. As soon as the monsters began moving through the door or even flying in from above, Starlight began shooting magic. Sunburst, Trixie, Rarity, and all the unicorns did the same. Rainbow Dash, her generation of Wonderbolts, and many other Pegasi flew up to meet the Bearbugs and other flying monsters that came down upon them. Applejack and Big Macintosh began to pound the monsters with Earth Pony strength while Pinkie Pie threw rocks at them. “I prefer cupcakes, but rocks are harder! My family at the Rock Farm would be proud of me!” Pinkie shouted as she flailed her hooves rapidly. “Let's rock!” Discord snapped his fingers, trying to stop the monsters by putting them in cages. But they quickly got out once they saw the cages were only half made with two sides missing. As a chimera charged at Discord with its three heads roaring, Fluttershy found a burst of courage and flapped her wings. She looked the monster dead in the face with her meanest stare. “Don’t you dare hurt my husband!” she screamed in its face. The chimera stopped and whimpered. “Get them!” Fluttershy commanded. Fluttershy hated having to put her animals in danger, but there wasn’t any choice. They all had to fight to defend themselves. “Fight for your lives!”               Her many animals, deer, squirrels, and rabbits, even a bear or wolf, charged into the fray. Angel Bunny pointed his carrot like a commander raising a sword for the troops to charge forward.  The deer struck with their antlers or headbutted the monsters. Squirrels and rabbits climbed up and began nibbling the legs. The bear and wolves hurt much more in that regard - their bites caused the monsters to howl. Fluttershy’s look of determination turned to sadness as she knew there were some she might not see alive again. All of Ponyville threw everything they had at the monsters. They managed to hold them at bay for a while, but within just a few blasts of magic, many of the unicorns could not fire anymore - their magic exhausted from maintaining the shield. Rarity tried to fire another spell, but her horn ached. She screamed as a Roc took her in its talons. “Rarity!” Starlight yelled as she tried to fire a spell, only to be grabbed by another monster from behind. All around her, the monsters were pinning down the unicorns. The earth ponies were thrown to the ground. The pegasi were tossed from the air.  Twilight battled an immense Ursa Major tearing the ruins apart. Her magic shot at the large bear-like creature, causing it to roar in pain before it swatted at her. She fell to the floor of the ruins. It looked like it was all over! Starlight closed her eyes as the monster holding her raised her up to its open mouth - this was probably the end! *** Chrysalis watched the battle from atop a ruined tower with Cozy Glow and Tirek. “At last, victory is ours!” she stated. “I love having an army again!” “I love manipulating creatures to do as I want!” Cozy agreed. “You didn’t manipulate any monster!” Tirek reminded her. “They were ordered by Grogar to conquer Equestria!” “No matter. Nothing can stop us now!” Chrysalis said. For a moment they stood there with evil grins, looking down on their overwhelmed enemies. Then Cozy looked ahead. “Nothing except maybe that!” Looking in the direction the filly pointed, Chrysalis and Tirek saw two armies coming their way. Dragons and changelings flew toward the castle's ruins. Spike, Thorax, and Ember led the charge. The immense form of the former Dragon Lord Torch shadowed over the monsters.  They soon reached the castle and swooped down on the monsters, pulling them off the ponies. Torch took hold of the Ursa Major, flying off with it to get the largest threat to the ponies away.  The changelings mimicked the monsters, copying their abilities while dragons breathed fire upon them, mindful of the endangered ponies. “Great... another army!” Tirek said. Chrysalis growled. “We can’t be stopped again! We have worked too hard for this! Come on, we have to finish them quickly!” “And how do we do that?” Cozy asked. “Take out Twilight,” Chrysalis said. “Before she defeats us with a rainbow laser again!”   Chrysalis flew down, landing near Twilight, who managed to get up. The alicorn frowned at the changeling who charged at her. Twilight charged as well; she and Chrysalis butted heads, their horns crossing as they glared at each other. This reminded Chrysalis of the same incident with Celestia at the Royal Wedding.   “It’s over, Chrysalis!” Twilight said. “Yes, for you!” the changeling yelled. She flew up and back, her horn lighting up as though she were about to unleash a spell. Twilight’s horn lit up as well and she fired. Chrysalis however… didn’t… she was slow to learn from her mistakes, but she did learn. Instead of trying to overpower her foe when she knew she couldn’t… the former queen dodged the beam in midair then flew at Twilight. The princess was knocked back as she had done to Chrysalis earlier. Chrysalis landed on her hooves as her comrades came beside her. Tirek then made to stomp on Twilight with his massive hooves and crush her. However, Twilight fired a beam of magic straight into his face, his seemingly only weak spot. The centaur was knocked down as he had been in the battle for the bell. Cozy tried a beam of her own, which was deflected back at her, and she fell out of the sky. Twilight rose to her hooves, focusing on Chrysalis. The changeling had been charging up her magic ever since she’d landed. She unleashed the same type of attack which had sent Spike and Rarity flying. Twilight tried to counter with her usual beam, but even with all the magic power she had obtained in the last twenty years, she was overwhelmed. She hadn’t had time to gather the energy needed to counter a charged attack. Chrysalis’s attack sent her rolling across the floor of the castle. She lay still, her horn burned slightly much like her mentor once had. “Twilight!” Applejack yelled. The rest of the Mane 5 looked down toward their fallen friend. But the monsters they were locked in combat with prevented them from rushing to her side. Chrysalis grinned as she walked toward Twilight’s still form. She had probably done significant damage, but she had to make sure. Twilight surprised Chrysalis with a beam of her magic. Her acquired chest armor cracked and split, Chrysalis screamed. Then Twilight was on her hooves and rammed into Chrysalis, knocking her to the ground. Chrysalis looked up, dazed. She felt almost as weak as when Tirek had taken her magic. The changeling didn’t have time to recover as Twilight advanced on her with a look of pure hatred that was uncharacteristic of her. “Say goodbye, Chrysalis!” Twilight said, her horn lighting up in a color Chrysalis hadn’t seen before on the pony. It was bright red, with a bit of black lightning sparkling on it. Chrysalis shivered, her defiance melting away in the face of death. She knew then that she could not win; Twilight had twenty more years of experience. But more, there was something inside her making her more powerful and aggressive. “Twilight! What are ya doing?” Applejack asked. She’d managed to defeat her monster and ran up beside her friend. “I’m going to end this once and for all!” Twilight screamed. “Twilight, you’re not going to… kill them, are you?” Fluttershy asked as she flew over. Around them, ponies, dragons, and changelings were fighting against the monsters. Spike had gotten Rarity out of the Roc’s talons and flew down with her. The dragons surrounded the ruins with fire. It looked like the tide had shifted in their favor. But things were not so well inside of Twilight. Twilight snarled. “They are too dangerous to keep alive! We imprisoned them in stone and they came back. They always come back! We can’t let them terrorize Equestria anymore!” “Twi- I know you hate each and every one of them!” Rainbow Dash said. “But this isn’t like you!” She looked at Twilight’s horn. “What’s up with your magic?” “Darling, you absorbed the darkness out of Luster!” Rarity said. “Now it’s making you more aggressive!”  Twilight’s glare lessened. She looked at her enemies, who lay defeated. Tirek and Cozy had regained consciousness and looked at the alicorn in fear as they saw all her friends had come by her side. They hadn’t been able to take on Twilight even in a three on one fight. Pinkie Pie came forward now. “These three are super baddies, Twilight! But if you destroy them after they are already beaten... then you’d be no better!” The party pony’s words pierced Twilight’s anger, reminding her of the wild way she had accused ‘Cadence’ back at the wedding rehearsal. If she had handled the situation better it might have worked out differently. Slowly, Twilight sheathed her magic - it went out with a hiss. She needed to make sure these three were at least detained until they dealt with the rest of the monsters. “We better just weaken their magic, at least for now,” Twilight said. “Then we’ll decide what to do with them.” Chrysalis growled. “You know, you should really just finish us off, or we will keep returning!” Twilight was about to say something in return. But then the wind suddenly seemed to pick up; she could feel it hitting her flowing mane. Then a deep voice came from above. “It seems you are not even capable of defeating Twilight with even the three of you together! I thought perhaps it would be at least a decent show.” Looking up, Twilight saw Grogar’s face in the clouds. He looked different; his previously white beard had turned black as though he’d grown younger. The ram frowned down at his pawns. “Grogar?” Cozy exclaimed. “You’re still alive?” “But… but I poisoned the magic in the bell!” Chrysalis stuttered. Grogar chuckled. “I was prepared to counter your poison. Soon you shall pay for that! But first, I shall have to deal with Twilight Sparkle and her friends myself!” A lightning bolt shot down upon the Mane 6, who all vanished. Out of all of them, only Spike was left behind. He looked upon the area around him. “Twilight? Rarity? Applejack? Where’d you guys go?” he asked in fear. “I have taken them to someplace where I can deal with them myself!” Grogar said. “Now… my children… destroy every creature there is in that ruined old castle! Pony, changeling, and centaur!” Chrysalis, Cozy Glow, and Tirek all looked around with wide eyes as the monsters that had previously been working for them now eyed them like snacks. There were so many of them, and Grogar had enhanced their strength.  All around them, ponies were fighting the monsters; several lay injured or dead.   “That blasted ram! He calculated every move, even one that nearly got us killed without meaning too!” Tirek said, punching a piece of the castle. Chrysalis hesitated; even the ruthless de-facto leader of the terrible trio was uncertain which direction to take. “There has to be some way we can come out of this on top!” she said. “I think we should worry about staying alive right now!” Cozy Glow said. The monsters began bearing down on them. *** Starlight was busy fighting an enhanced Timberwolf whose wooden body emanated magic like their eyes with Sunburst and Trixie. She shot magic at it. If it were ordinary, she would have blasted it to pieces, but thanks to Grogar’s meddling, her attack seemed to do little against the wooden monster other than slow it down. Then a dragon came flying by with a breath full of fire. The wolf whined as the dragon landed beside Starlight and then changed shape into a familiar changeling. “Thorax!” Starlight greeted in relief. “Whew, that was a great and powerful transformation there!” Trixie said. “You really saved us!” Starlight smiled. But as she looked around, she saw many ponies were being driven back while others lay in pools of blood. She would have shed tears if not for the need to focus right now. More and more ponies were falling, bleeding, screaming. This terrible war was the worst thing she had ever seen. The only event she could think of in living memory was the invasion of Canterlot during the Royal Wedding, and there hadn’t been any casualties then as the changelings were after love rather than lives. “There’s too many of them!” Starlight said. “We need Twilight! She could drive all the monsters away!” “Except Grogar took her and Fluttershy away!” Discord said as he snapped his fingers. But nothing happened that Starlight could see. “Drat! I can’t summon them all the way back here with only half of my chaos magic!” “Really, how can half of your enormous chaos magic be so useless?” Trixie asked. “Surely, with just half your magic you could get rid of all these monsters?” “With half cages and sending half of them someplace else? What good is that? I’m not used to operating at half power like this. Having half my chaos magic is strange to me!” Discord shouted. “Oh, I wish my other half of magic would come back!”  As if on cue, a popping sound occurred and suddenly, another Discord appeared. It was the knight Discord that had rode out to defend ponies when the monsters attacked.  “Your wish is my command!” the second Discord said. “You’re back?” Discord exclaimed. “But how?” “No time to explain!” knight Discord said. “We need to reconnect!” He held out his claw. Discord took hold of his own claw, white light shined between both hims and with a flash, there was only one Discord left. His chaos powers had returned! With a joyous smile, he snapped his fingers like he had last time to test his returned abilities. An evil pineapple materialized out of thin air and opened its mouth. “Now I can save the day!”   He snapped his fingers, and the trees around the ruins suddenly began to fight as well. Their branches wrapped around the monsters, crushing them. Discord kept snapping, and another group of trees came to life. They grabbed more and more monsters, immobilizing them so that the allied forces of Equestria could blast them or otherwise deal with them. The monsters were zapped with magic or bashed with hooves. Others got dragged away into the woods while some retreated. Discord snapped again, sending them on top of the Treehouse of Harmony, causing them to be vaporized upon contact. Finally, the monsters were gone, running off with their tails between their legs. Starlight stood there with a smile as all seemed well. But there was still one last problem. Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow glared at the other side consisting of Starlight, her family, the Young Six, Thorax and other changelings, Ember, Spike, and the other dragons. They were heavily outnumbered, but many ponies were down from fighting with the monsters. It would have been unclear of who would win if not for a certain somecreature.   “Give it up!” Starlight ordered. “You can’t win against all of us. Your army is gone! Discord has his powers back.” Chrysalis bared her teeth. She would not give up. She couldn’t give up. Everything, she had to have everything! She was a Queen. It was her destiny to rule! But now, her very life was in the hands of the Spirit of Chaos. Tirek and Cozy Glow looked uncertain. “Maybe we should give up,” Cozy Glow said. “We can’t!” Chrysalis said. “If we give up, they’ll send us all to Tartarus!” “Well, at least we’d be alive!” Cozy Glow said. “Maybe they’ll release me at some point. I’m still a filly after all!” “That didn’t stop them from turning you to stone for twenty years like us!” Tirek reminded her. “Which was rather unfair!” Cozy said.  “It doesn’t have to be that way!” a voice said. A changeling stepped forward out of the crowd. It was Thorax’s wife, Cricilinas. She looked at Chrysalis with pleading eyes. “Chrysalis, please, listen to me. A fellow changeling.” Chrysalis frowned, “Why should I listen to you?” “Because I want you in the hive again!” The words of her former subject stunned her. “I know that you always craved power above all else,” Cricilinas said. “But I also know that you also cared about the hive! You provided for us, nurtured us when we were hatchlings, fed us love! We were always hungry, starving! But everything you did, you did to keep us alive, and for that, many of us were grateful. But now, we don’t have to take love! We can share it with other changelings, and with each other! We’d even being willing to share some with you, if you just let us in!” Chrysalis hesitated, the words of the changeling affecting her dark heart. Starlight Glimmer suddenly came forward. She frowned at Chrysalis, “I once made you an offer to be a ruler your subjects deserved. You refused. Where did it get you? Defeat and being trapped in stone for twenty years! You could have had your hive, but instead, you turned your back on it. I… I might never be able to forgive you for kidnapping Luster… but I offer you one last chance for redemption! That goes for you two as well!” she said, pointing to Tirek and Cozy. “It might take some time, but after serving some time you could return to your hive if they are willing to take you, Chrysalis.” Chrysalis made an expression like the one that she had when Starlight first offered. Then Cricilinis walked forward, offering a hoof. Ending A: Redemption Chrysalis looked at the hoof, the words of Cricilinis and Starlight seeming to cut deeper than any blade. If she had accepted Starlight’s offer back then, she could have remained the leader of the changelings as they went through a new age. She had instead turned her back on it, just as she had accused Thorax of doing so. It had felt awful, being alone and without the hive she had done everything for. She had wanted power, and she had lost everything in her pursuit of it. She’d wanted to be Queen of the Changelings, to control all other creatures. But was the last part really necessary? Without her hive, she had just felt so incomplete… Tirek and Cozy had filled in the void even if they got on her nerves every so often. If she could just have her hive back, maybe… that would be enough? Chrysalis then felt an urge. She clutched her teeth then- Closing her eyes, she took a breath, letting go of the evil urge, and looked at Cricilinis’s hoof. Then slowly… she reached out… Starlight Glimmer also clutched her teeth nervously. Then… Chrysalis took it with tears starting to form in her eyes. “I… I missed the hive!” Chrysalis said. And with those few words, Chrysalis shared love. Her body glowed as she took on a new form. The armor around her body broke, her black skin turning white. Her eye color remained the same but seemed to shine brighter with a love to share with others rather than the usually greedy or sinister look. “Wow, you look beautiful, Chrysalis,” Cricilinas said. “Or should I say… mother?” Chrysalis looked at her. Technically she’d been the mother of all the changelings, like a colony of ants. Many of the changelings had feared her, and as such, not viewed her as a mother figure. “I don’t deserve to be called that,” she said. “Not by any changeling. I… I don’t want to even be Queen anymore.” She looked up at the tiara on her head, then slowly levitated it off and smashed it into pieces. Every creature looked at her in astonishment. Then Chrysalis turned to her former comrades. “Well, Lord Tirek? Cozy Glow?” Chrysalis asked. “What will you do?” “I’m done!” Cozy Glow said. “I’m helpless against the Magic of Friendship! I wanted to use it so I wouldn’t feel helpless like I was against my parents!” Starlight remembered Cozy Glow’s story with a sad expression. She had been abused by her parents and sent to the School of Friendship in the hopes it would help her recover through making friends. But in the end, her dark past had affected her too deeply. The world could be a cruel place. Cozy sobbed slightly. “There’s no point in fighting a lost battle!” “Agreed,” Tirek said. “We’ve tried time and time again to win against the Magic of Friendship, but it's proven futile! I wanted all the power for myself so that I could prove to my father I was not some useless runt!” “Aha! I was right!” Discord said. Tirek shot him a look of disdain but sighed. He then let out a long breath releasing the magic he had taken from the ponies and other creatures the day they’d taken Luster. He even released the magic Grogar had given him, shrinking back to his weakest form so that he could be escorted back to Tartarus to serve his sentence.  In the Treehouse of Harmony, Luster Dawn and her friends and the others smiled as they felt their strength return. Cozy Glow looked at her horn. She wasn’t sure how to get rid of it. But Discord simply snapped his fingers and it was gone. She was a filly again, a filly that was going to spend the rest of her childhood and likely teen years in Tartarus or some dungeon. “Well… I’m glad you three decided this,” Starlight said. “I will have to wait until Twilight gets back to hear her decision, but for now… take them to Tartarus.”  Escort parties took the villains to prison… but one day… they would be free and hopefully start a new life. Now, there was only one last problem. Starlight looked up at the sky where Grogar’s face had been. Right now, he was probably battling Twilight and the others somewhere. “Please be alright, you guys,” Starlight said as she, Sunburst, Spike, and Discord looked into the sky… hoping for the best. Ending B: Self Defense Chrysalis looked at the hoof, the words of Cricilinis and Starlight seeming to cut deeper than any blade. If she had accepted Starlight’s offer back then, she could have remained the leader of the changelings as they went through a new age. She had instead turned her back on it, just as she had accused Thorax of doing so. It had felt awful, being alone and without the hive she had done everything for. She had wanted power, and she had lost everything in her pursuit of it. She’d wanted to be Queen of the Changelings, to control all other creatures. But was the last part really necessary? Without her hive, she had just felt so incomplete… Tirek and Cozy had filled in the void even if they got on her nerves every so often. If she could just have her hive back, maybe… that would be enough? Chrysalis then felt an urge. She clutched her teeth then- She swatted Cricilnis’s hoof away as she had Starlight’s long ago. “Never! I’ll never settle for anything less than ruling over everything!” Chrysalis shouted. She flew back and looked at the pony who had taken everything from her. This was it… if it was the last thing Chrysalis did… she would get her revenge on Starlight Glimmer. Glaring with pure hatred, Chrysalis charged up her magic to prepare a fatal attack. She unleashed it as Starlight shot her own spell to counter. Starlight’s spell quickly began to get pushed back, and she let out a look of fear. Then Thorax added his own magic, then Sunburst and Trixie joined as well. The combined strength of three unicorns and a changeling was enough to completely overpower Chrysalis even in her enhanced form. She didn’t have time to stop it like she had against the combination of Spike and Rarity. The spells hit her, knocking her to the ground. With a growl, she got back up again. No matter what… she would never give up. Starlight looked at her archenemy with a sad frown. “You leave me no choice!” she said as her horn glowed a darker blue than usual. Her spell hit Chrysalis directly above the heart, the changeling froze, her mouth falling open. Then she fell to the side and lay still. “So ends the Queen,” Thorax said sadly as he gazed upon the lifeless body black as its heart.   “No!” Tirek screamed. Overcome with rage for the loss of his comrade, he roared and prepared to charge an attack of his own. Discord flinched and instinctively snapped his fingers. Tirek vanished in a flash. For a second, everyone wondered where he’d gone. Then a loud scream sounded from above as a massive form plummeted toward the ground. Tirek had been sent a mile into the sky… and the force he hit the ground with was enough to cause a small earthquake. “Tirek!” Cozy screamed. Her comrades were defeated. She knew she had no chance… the villainous filly bowed her head, sobbing. Discord snapped his fingers again. Her horn vanished. Starlight looked at Cozy Glow. “Take her away!” As Occellus and Silverstream took hold of her with the rest of the Young 6 staying close by, Cozy Glow shot them a look of pure hatred. It was clear to Starlight they were never going to redeem this filly now. She could only watch as the psychotic child was escorted away. Now, there was only one last problem. Starlight looked up at the sky where Grogar’s face had been. Right now, he was probably battling Twilight and the others somewhere. “Please be alright, you guys,” Starlight said as she, Sunburst, Spike, and Discord looked into the sky… hoping for the best. > Chapter 38: The Father of Monsters > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luster and her friends walked out of the Treehouse of Harmony. Behind them also came the CMC, Diamond Tiara, Honeycake, and Bladerunner. Their magic had been restored now, likely meaning that Tirek had been defeated. They looked around and saw the battle appeared to be over. But there were many wounded or even lost ponies. It was a horrible sight that made the Future Five and others tear up. Starlight spotted them. Luster was relieved to see that her family had at least managed to survive. “Mom? Are you alright?” Luster asked as she galloped over. “Yes,” Starlight said, hugging her daughter. At that moment, there was the sound of a pop! Flurry Heart appeared with them, several members of the Crystal Guard with her. “Am I too late?” she asked. “Where is the enemy?” “Flurry Heart, we managed to defeat the monsters and the villains. They’ve been taken care of.” “Oh, thank Celestia. But where is my aunt?” Flurry looked around. Starlight looked down. “Grogar, he took her and her friends. His face appeared in the sky and then a lightning bolt shot at them, and they were gone.” “Come on, Discord! Can’t you summon them now that your chaos magic is back to full power?” Spike asked the Draconques. Discord kept snapping, but nothing happened. “I can’t summon them!” “What? You’re the spirit of chaos! Nothing could be more powerful than you!” Spike said. “Except friendship!” Discord pointed out. *** Twilight looked at him… the Father of Monsters…. the First Emperor of Equestria… Grogar looked at them with a pair of blood-red, evil eyes, a wicked smile on his lips. This was it, the true final battle for Equestria. Twilight knew this was going to be more challenging than anything she had ever faced before. She could practically feel Grogar’s power, as though his magic filled the atmosphere. Dark clouds were forming above them, like when Grogar had sent them the message when he announced his return. Lightning crackled, and Twilight feared what might come. Fluttershy shuddered. “Welcome, Heroes of Equestria,” Grogar greeted them. “Prepare to meet thy doom!” Rainbow Dash laughed in her cocky manner. “Doom? Twilight took on Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow by herself! If you were hoping to be able to beat us, you should have done it twenty years ago when Discord pretended to be you!” Grogar’s smile turned upside down. “That imposter shall soon pay!” Fluttershy glared at him. “When he gets here! He’ll-“ “He won’t be able to help you!” Grogar interrupted. “I’ve put a protective enchantment around this area to prevent his chaos magic from summoning you away. I will turn him to stone as you and the Royal Sisters did long ago! But also, he shall be trapped not only by the stone, but also in his worst fears!” “No! Please don’t hurt my husband!” Fluttershy said. “I don’t think begging is going to change anything with that ram!” Rarity said, pointing to something lying on the ground. It was the body of a filly, though its hair was white like an old mare’s. “That’s right!” Grogar stated. “Do you really think the Father of Monsters grants mercy to his enemies? No! All of the pony kind… no… every species in Equestria shall bow to me! They will be my slaves and bring me wealth; I shall have all the gold, jewels, and everything! The dragons shall be left crying without their gems! I shall have ponies and other creatures fight each other to the death to entertain me! And foals shall give me their life forces as this one did!” He pointed to the body. “You… you stole that filly’s life force?” Twilight asked, horror-struck. “That’s right!” Grogar said as he ran a hoof through his hair. “I’ve stolen the life force of many foals for many millennia as I watched… waiting for the time to come to take back my kingdom. It’s how I’ve survived!” With Grogar grinning, a mix of dread and silence filled the air. It twisted pony faces into unnatural grimaces that showed everything from disbelief and shock, all the way to utter disgust. Only one face remained different. Rainbow's squinted eyes went from the body on the floor towards the smiling ram, and her teeth clenched. Her twitching cheeks were like a foretaste of the fury burning inside of her. She was a mad bull ready to smash him to pieces! “You...” Rainbow Dash hissed through her teeth. “I'm gonna make you pay!” She launched like a missile in Grogar's direction, initiating the final confrontation. “Rainbow, be careful!” Applejack called. The Pegasus flew around Grogar at blinding speed. He watched her with rotating eyes. Rainbow struck him, causing him to grunt. Frowning, he put up a shield of his yellow light. Rainbow Dash struck it with her hoof. “Hiding behind a shield already, huh?” she taunted, looking him dead in the eye. Only for him to release the shield in a burst of energy. “Whoa!” Rainbow Dash yelled as she flew back. “We gotta attack him together!” Applejack said. “Gives us better odds!” Pinkie Pie appeared in a monster costume. “You ready to party, daddy?” she asked. “Well, prepare for the main event!” Grogar frowned at the absurd act and lit up his horns again, as though about to fire. Pinkie Pie dove under the rocks littering the ruins of the lair. The ram stomped… sending out an enormous shockwave that caused most of the other Mane 6 to lose their footing and Pinkie to fly up into the air from her hole. Grogar then shot his magic at her, she screamed as it came at her, even she could not dodge in midair. “Pinkie!” Rainbow Dash yelled. She flew in and caught the party pony just in time to prevent her from getting hit by the beam. Applejack got up to her hooves and charged. She spun her lasso and managed to get it around Grogar’s neck as he shot at Rainbow Dash and Pinkie. The cowgirl pony tried to pull Grogar and distract him from using his magic. It worked - he stopped shooting at the other two. Unfortunately, even Applejack was not strong enough to take the ram down. He lifted her into the air and spun her around with her own lasso. However, Twilight and Rarity seized the opportunity to fire at him. The lavender and blue beams hit the Father of Monsters, sending him off his hooves. The Mane 6 came together as Grogar slowly got back up. “Yeah, that’s right! We rule!” Rainbow Dash said. “Let’s finish this!” Twilight said. She gathered rainbow energy from her friends. They glowed white, at the same time, Grogar glowed black as he called upon the magic of corrupted friendship he’d gotten from his Bewitching Bell. The rainbow of friendship clashed with the black beam of dark magic, rocking the entire area. For a moment it was unclear which would emerge victorious. Then Grogar’s pushed theirs down, and the Mane 6 screamed as they got hit. Twilight’s eyes widened as she got to her hooves. All of her friends were down on the ground after being struck by Grogar’s magic. The evil ram laughed. “No! Girls!” she screamed desperately as tears filled her eyes. "They couldn’t be-” “It seems all the magic of your friendship will be your undoing!” Twilight narrowed her eyes and tried to call upon all the magic she could. But without her friends, the Princess of Friendship had nowhere near as much power as before. They had been able to fight Grogar evenly together, but alone she stood no chance. Grogar sent a dark rainbow out like before; it sent Twilight’s beam back and hit her. She fell and was not able to rise again. Twilight had thought Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow were strong when they’d had this monster's magic. But it had been divided among them. This was all in one vessel, and the bell he’d stolen back had absorbed the energy from her own friendship magic when she’d hit those other three villains and stripped them of his power. Now her greatest triumph was going to result in her ultimate defeat. She could only watch helplessly as Grogar approached her, a yellow orb forming above his head as he grinned evilly. “Equestria will be mine!” *** In the Castle of the Two Sisters, Luster, her friends, and family all looked up at the sky. Dark clouds were forming again. “I hope Princess Twilight is going to be okay,” Luster said. Starlight looked at her daughter. “I’m sure she has everything under control. She’s always come out on top in the past.” “Not true,” Trixie said. “We had to save her when Chrysalis nabbed her and her friends! And it took all of Equestria to come to the rescue against the three of them.” Luster’s worry intensified. Seeing his marefriend's face drowning in doubt, Gallop walked up to her and put a foreleg around her neck. “Everything’s gonna be okay! … I hope.” Luster frowned at him. “If you want to boost my spirits, don’t stab your inspiring words in the back!” “Luster, just have faith!” Georgia said, trying to cheer her friend up. “Yelena not like the look of the sky,” the Yak said. “Well, it can’t get any worse!” River said. She had to jinx it! Lightning struck the area around the ruins of the castle. Discord was hit first, his body turning to stone as he was. The surviving ponies screamed as bolts chased them. Luster put up a shield in time to prevent herself from being hit. Her friends remained close to her as she made the force-field bigger to cover them as well. The storm raged for several seconds, then he appeared in the sky again. Grogar looked down upon Equestria, but this time it wasn’t a message in the clouds. The rams face materialized from the clouds themselves like a dark stormy shade. “Your Princess has been defeated!” he said. “Aunt Twilight?” Flurry asked in horror. “No! Impossible!” “No creature can protect you now!” Grogar stated. “She lays defeated before me! See for yourself!” The cloud Grogar opened its mouth and everycreature saw Twilight battered and on the ground alongside her friends with the physical Grogar looking smugly in their direction. She was alive and breathing, but that was a small comfort. Seeing her defeated was enough to crush any hope that remained. Their greatest hope was gone! The shade of Grogar closed his mouth and laughed. “Now… you shall feel my wrath!” The shade shot another lightning bolt down, though it didn’t hit any creatures. Instead, it fired at the Treehouse of Harmony. The shining structure lost its shine, a scorch mark visible on its crystal roof. “Now… the structure of harmony shall not trouble me in any way!” Grogar said. “Equestria will be mine!” He cackled evilly as his cloud shade flew off, sending lightning bolts down upon the land as it went. No doubt there were other shades like this one in various other parts of Equestria doing the same thing. “I guess this is it, huh?” Trixie asked. “Twilight’s defeated! Grogar just destroyed the Treehouse of Harmony! We’re doomed!" There was silence. Everycreature looked down. Luster was unable to believe this. Then she heard a voice call her. Luster... The voice was weak, but Luster could hear it. She looked around and saw that the Treehouse of Harmony appeared to be flashing. Gallop. Georgia, River Song, Yelena... Each of Luster’s friends heard their name being called and looked in the direction of the tree. Come to me... The Future Five hesitated, then walked over to their place of refuge, which was now dark. As they all set foot on the crystal structure, it shined brightly. Then the spirit of harmony appeared… not in the form of Princess Twilight like it usually had for the Young Six, but in the form of a white alicorn with a sun cutie mark. Luster recognized the pony. “Celestia?” she asked. The spirit of harmony shook its head. “I’m the spirit of the Tree of Harmony, or treehouse now. But my time has come, as Celestia and Luna’s did. My role in protecting Equestria is over. I gave the ponies of this land symbols to believe in… but now they must find the strength within to stand against evil for themselves. The sun rises, as does the moon, a star will die, but another shall be born. The sun has set on Twilight Sparkle’s time as the protector of Equestria.” “But… does that mean that… she’s going to…” Luster couldn’t finish. “She very well could,” Astral Celestia said. “But there may be hope yet. Unless Grogar is stopped, all of Equestria will suffer. He must be stopped by a new group of heroes… and that task falls to you five.” Light from the Treehouse of Harmony shined and flowed into Luster. She rose into the air, her mane sparkling and her eyes bright white. “I have given you what remains of my power, Luster Dawn,” Astral Celestia said. “With this and your friends, you may have a chance to stop Grogar. Now go!” And the five friends vanished in a flash. They reappeared in an unfamiliar place. Luster didn’t recognize the ruins of Grogar’s lair for she had been kept in the cocoon by Chrysalis. But she did recognize him even though he was younger as he watched his storm strike over Equestria. He then turned to Princess Twilight, who lay on the ground, too weak to fight back. *** Grogar sent his message across Equestria, showing Twilight and her friends defeated, Twilight’s vision was getting blurry. She could not remain conscious for much longer. Even if she could, she was in no condition to fight against the Father of Monsters. The ram looked at her. “It's time to end this!” His entire body was surrounded by darkness as he prepared to deliver the killing blow, but then… “Get away from the Princess!” a familiar voice shouted. Grogar’s attention was drawn to the side. Twilight weakly turned her head in that direction as well as her vision blurred. Luster stood there with the four best friends she’d made in Ponyville some time ago. Twilight then passed out. *** Luster and her friends stood before Grogar who looked at them in surprise. “How are you here?” he asked. “The Treehouse of Harmony’s spirit went into me after you destroyed it!” Luster explained. “It brought my friends and me here.” The ram frowned. “That harmony plant is certainly persistent. But it is a fool if it thinks a bunch of young creatures can stop me!” “Well, we’ll just see about that!” Gallop stated. “You injured Rainbow Dash! I idolized that pony, you know!” “And you’re responsible for Starcutter taking over Ponyville and the Crystal Empire, right?” River Song asked. “That’s right,” Grogar said. “What of it?” River suddenly growled. Her Kirin mane started to burn and her blue coat turned black as her Nirik form awakened, and she spoke in a deep voice. “Now I know who really deserves my rage! You made me and a lot of other creatures kill ponies! You monster!” Nirik River charged at Grogar, leaving a trail of fire behind her that narrowly missed Princess Twilight. The Father of Monsters was caught off guard by the swift and powerful attack. River managed to push him back, her fiery body causing him to yell in pain as she touched him. The sight surprised Luster and the others. But Georgia quickly spotted the danger that River’s Nirik form posed not only to Grogar but the wounded ponies laying near him. “We got to get Princess Twilight and her friends away or they might get burned!” she said. The griffon flew over and picked up Fluttershy’s unconscious form before flying away from the fire. Yelena and Gallop both ran over, with the Yak managing to put both Pinkie Pie and Applejack on her back while Gallop did the same with Rainbow Dash. Luster, meanwhile, levitated Princess Twilight and Rarity away. They put the protectors of Equestria back a safe distance from the fire just in time. Grogar’s initially difficult struggle with the Nirik was over and he coated himself in a black aura before proceeding to punch River Song with his hooves. She grunted and was thrown back, her flames vanishing as she returned to her Kirin form. Grogar suffered no new burns from his counter attack, and the ones River had inflicted on his fur healed. River got to her hooves as Luster and the others joined her. “Let’s get him!” Luster said. “Yelena ready to smash this ram!” Yelena said. “For Rainbow Dash and the others!” Gallop said. “We can’t let this monster hurt anyone else!” Georgia said. “Let’s end this once and for all!” They charged. Gallop galloped ahead to attack Grogar swiftly, closely followed by Georgia, who extended her claws. He sent them both back with a wave of magic. Yelena was next. She jumped high into the air, trying to land on Grogar with her immense Yak weight and crush him. The ram vanished, teleporting somewhere out of sight. “Where Grogar go?” Yelena asked. They looked around wildly. Then a bright yellow light shined down on them from above. For a second it seemed to be over… but Luster’s horn moved and lit up of its own accord, producing an enormous white shield that blocked the ram’s surprise attack. “What?” Luster asked. Then a voice spoke in her head. I'm here. The spirit of harmony had intervened on Luster’s behalf and protected them all. “I won’t be able to do that for more than two or three times! You have to end this quickly, Luster Dawn,” Harmony said. Grogar was in the air, floating about in an aura of his magic. He looked surprised at how the shield blocked his attack. Then River Song shot at him, hoping to take advantage of his distraction. It hit him, causing him to scream out in pain. Then his gaze lit up in a fury. “Enough!” Grogar shouted. Darkness surrounded him again and he shot it at River Song, who was thrown back. Georgia flew up at the flying ram, only to be knocked down with another attack. Grogar turned, bringing his magic upon the rest of the creatures on the ground. Yelena was hit instantly. Gallop tried to outrun it but was caught. Dust filled the air. “No!” Luster shouted as she lost sight of what was happening. Then she herself was hit! Luster fell to the ground in front of Princess Twilight and her friends. Grogar took Luster’s own friends in his magic and threw them all in that direction. He then descended to the ground while Luster looked at him with wide eyes. She knew it was hopeless; his power was too immense. There was no way she could beat him. “There may be yet a way!” Luster took a deep pained breath. Grogar began to glow in the darkness as he looked upon his foes, preparing to finish them all with one final attack. Get up Luster, this is your time. You must save your friends… but you must know… it will cost you. Cost me? Luster thought. Cost me what? Are you willing to sacrifice everything? For the sake of your friends? Luster hesitated, taking in what Harmony said. She thought back to the times she’d had with her friends, playing Buckball, them comforting her after Starlight threw her out, their trip across Equestria, fighting alongside each other against Starcutter, dancing with Gallop, him kissing her... Luster closed her eyes, and opened them again in determination as she got up, her body aching. She glared at Grogar, her horn glowing yellow. Then Harmony shared with her a secret spell, the same spell Twilight has used to absorb the dark magic from Luster. The Father of Monster’s red eyes looked into her golden ones. “Let your demise be the final word in the story of harmony!” A dark rainbow flew from Grogar toward Luster, who put up a powerful shield with Harmony's aid. The darkness pushed against it as Luster’s friends opened their eyes. “Luster,” Georgia said. River Song tried to get up. They had to help Luster, but she couldn’t. Grogar stepped closer toward them, still shooting his rainbow of darkness. “You are nothing! A mere unicorn is no match for my power! I am the Father of Monsters!” Grogar said. Luster grunted. “And I… am the daughter of Starlight and Sunburst! Student of Twilight Sparkle, and a friend to all of these creatures! I will not let you harm any of them!” Luster suddenly lowered her shield and the Rainbow of Darkness hit her in the horn, taking in a level of dark magic that was sure to claim her life. It glowed brightly, absorbing his magic. She began to levitate as Grogar watched with wide eyes, even as he continued to throw darkness at her. White light shined from Luster and her friends, who also began to levitate, then Grogar’s darkness vanished, and the light grew brighter. “This can’t be!” Grogar said. “How can you defeat me?” “Through the power of friendship!” Luster said. “I have actual friends, unlike you, Grogar! But I needed a little extra spark to be able to perform a rainbow laser. Seems you gave that to me. Well… back at you, you monster!” And Luster sent a bright rainbow laser at the Father of Monsters, who screamed. “No! No! Nooooooo!” Grogar dissolved into dark mist as the power of his corrupted and now purified rainbow was turned back on him. Dark energy exploded into the sky, hissing intensely for several seconds before extinguishing. The sky cleared as Luster and her friends dropped slowly back to the ground. She turned around and gave her friends one last smile and they rose, about to tell her good job… then she glowed white… and vanished with a snap. *** When Twilight awoke, she saw to her relief that her friends were alive. Luster’s friends were still there, but she was not. Grogar was also gone. “Princess Twilight!” Georgia exclaimed as she lay over her. “Where’s Grogar?” Twilight questioned. “We defeated him!” Georgia said. “Luster was putting everything she had into shielding you and the rest of us. Then she suddenly turned his own magic against him somehow! But now she’s… she’s gone!” Twilight felt her horn suddenly radiate magic. She let out a gasp and wide smile of relief as she realized what it meant. Luster was it! With a spell she’d learned from the forbidden archives, she entered the area filled with flowing light—the place where she herself had received her alicorn wings from Celestia all those years ago. Luster was looking around frightfully. “Luster!” Twilight called out to her student. Luster looked in her direction. “Princess!” She galloped up to Twilight. “Where are we? Are we… dead? I thought I’d defeated Grogar.” “You did,” Twilight assured her with a nuzzle. “You turned the Magic of Friendship against him. You’ve proven that you are ready.” “Ready? Ready for what?” Luster asked. Twilight smiled and sung the exact same song her mentor sang to her when she’d become an Alicorn. Then she cast the spell, and they returned to Equestria with Luster having a pair of wings. *** Once again, Twilight stood in Canterlot Cemetery. Her friends and Council of Friendship were all at her side. The battle against Grogar had claimed the lives of many ponies. Gallus had led the city's defense while she had gone to the Castle of the Two Sisters. He looked sadly at the bodies of the soldiers he’d lost. Grogar’s monsters had proven formidable, though they had managed to achieve victory, it was not without sacrifices. Twilight looked upon the bodies of her own parents. Twilight Velvet and Night Light had both been lost during the battle when a monster attacked their home. Flurry Heart looked at her grandparents as well as Starcutter. Her captain’s body had been transported here from the Crystal Empire after it was done. Cheese Sandwich was among the bodies as well; he’d been among the casualties in the Castle. Pinkie Pie wore a mourning outfit and her mane was straight, and her pink had turned grayer. Lil Cheese was by her side. Twilight took a breath. “The battle with Grogar is over, and it has easily been the most difficult and bloody one Equestria has ever seen. We’ve lost more ponies to that ram than in all the other battles before combined. Equestria has likely faced the greatest threat it ever could… and it has taken much from us. We’ve lost friends, families, and other loved ones. Many of us are lucky to be alive now.” Pinkie Pie cried out loud while every other pony made sad expressions. “If not for a certain pony, I would have been lost as well. We’ve lost many ponies in this battle, but from it, we have gained a new Princess. Luster Dawn, my top student, went to Ponyville some time ago to learn friendship, and now, she stands before us… a Princess of Equestria!” Luster stepped up on the stage in a dress of bright gold and a crown on her head. “I know we will all need time to mourn, but we must also acknowledge the good things around us as well as the bad,” Twilight said. “My heart aches for all the ponies we lost, but I must let my student know that I’m very proud of her for her heroism in the battle against Grogar. Without her, he would have conquered us! All hail Princess Luster Dawn!” “Hail!” the voices of the creatures in Equestria spoke as one and they bowed to their new Princess. Twilight smiled. Her plan was nearly complete. Luster had proven she was worthy - now she just needed to wait for the time to give Luster the throne and power.