
by Sunset Awesomness17

First published

Sunset Shimmer discovers something new.

Sunset Shimmer discovers pizza. Bunch of gooey, messy fun. Thats all it literally is. :twilightsmile:

Just something funny and random. I hope that you’ll enjoy this little story and have a great day/night! :rainbowkiss:

I don’t even know, just the one chapter.

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It was my first night spending it with.....the other five. I don’t even understand why I have to even be friends with these girls, but I ended up being assigned a science project with Rainbow Dash. That got me into the situation that I was in now. Going into my first ever sleep over.

I don’t even know what the point of sleeping over at another’s house. It sounds pretty pointless to me. How did that arrogant athlete talk me into this, I have no idea. I just know I asked her about the project and she said that she would not do it with me unless I promised to go to this slumber party with her and the other four girls, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Apple......juice? No no, Applejack? Yeah, Applejack.

Again, I thought that was ridiculous, but I wanted to get an A on the assignment, I always have and I vow to always have A’s. Straight A’s comes with many advantages, one being that you’ll be favored over the teachers even if you are a little beach ball most of the time. They treat kids with straight A’s as kings or queens, and that is what I strive for.

Right now, I am about to walk up the steps of Miss Pie. That is where Rainbow had said they would be. On a Friday night too. Ugh! Just another fantastic way to ruin my plans that I had for today. Not that they were important, but I loved going to the spa every first Friday of the month, and that happened to be today. SO SCREW MY LIFE!

Why the hell am I just standing here staring at the house? Have I suddenly turned into a freakin tree? You know what, let’s just get this thing over with! I balled up my fists as if I’m ready to just punch anybody if a needed to, kept my hands to my sides and forced myself to march up to the porch.

I could hear the music playing inside. I didn’t want to be heard, I wanted to make sure that I gave myself enough time before I jumped into crazy town. I stepped onto the steps extra careful and soft. When I got to the door, I took a deep breath and raised my hand to knock on the door.

I didn’t even get to knock on the door. Instead, Pinkie Pie just somehow seemed to know that I was already at the door. Creepy, I know. She is the one person I stayed far away from. She isn’t the type of person that you’d want to mess with. No! I’m not no pussy! B-but I just like to keep my distance. Pretty much like how I do everyone else I meet.....

Anyways! Here she is, shoving her face up into my face. “HI SUNSET! “ She was so close I could smell her disgusting hot breath. ‘Cake, frosting, eggs, chocolate, onions, and ......oh garlic?! Fucking sakes! What did that girl eat?’ I Pushed her face out of the way.

“Hi Pinkie.” I returned the hello, doing my best to resist the urge to grit my teeth. I put on a tiny fake smile. “Well what are you waiting for? Come on in, Silly!” The crazy lalaloopsy party girl grabbed a hold of my hand and yanked me inside. “Whoa!”

I don’t know how, but I find myself inside, on the second floor. Pinkie Pie pulled me up and then shoved me into the room, I little too harshly because I ended up tripping over something. Next thing I knew was that I took a tumble down to the floor and landed with a hard thud. “Shit!” I cursed out.

“Ow!” Then I realized that I didn’t trip on something, it was someone, and they were on top of me.... I opened my eyes to see two beautiful green eyes looking right back at me. The eyes of the animal caretaker. I suddenly was aware of an unusual contact on my muzzle. Apparently she was well aware of it too because she immediately pushed off of me and stood up , staring at the ground.

I could feel my face begin to burn. “I’m sorry. I....I-I......I didn’t......” I couldn’t even form a sentence. To add to my embarrassment, the rest of our friends burst into a series of reactions.

Pinkie Pie and Rarity were all like, “awwwww!” While Rainbow Dash, and Spike were like, “ugh!” Applejack seemed to just keep quiet as she held in an amused look in Sunset’s direction.

“Oh my! Is that a little blush I see?.” Rarity cooed. She brought a hand over her lips to hide her snickering.

I stared daggers at her. “What! NO! DONT YOU DARE GO THERE RARITY!” I would have gone up to go deal with Rarity myself, but then I felt a hand touch my own.

I looked back to see Fluttershy back on the ground, sitting next to me, and giving me a small little smile. She touched my left cheek and gave out a little giggle. “I think it’s cute.”

Oh fuck! I knew it was going to be hell, but I didn’t think that it was going to be like this! I turned my head away from Fluttershy and was met with a bunch more giggles from the rest of the group.

“Fine, you want to be asses, then I’ll be a little bitch myself and walk myself out.” I got up and walked toward the entrance. “How about that?” I didn’t even take a step further toward the door before Pinkie Pie was in front of me, blocking’s he entrance. She laughed in amusement. “Nope! You promised to stay the whole night.”

I would have argued further, but then a loud roaring sound coming from my stomach, causing my face to burn like fire. It was so loud that it silenced everyone in the room. I looked back at the others with a sheepish smile and looked down at the ground. “Uh.....hehe.” I chuckled nervously.

My ears were filled with the sound of uncontrolled laughter and wheezing. My anger came back. “What?! I’m hungry okay?!” I crossed my arms over my chest and gave them the death stare.

“Ahaha ha haha! Oh man! That was priceless!” Rainbow said.

“Ah am sorry Sunset. Hehehe! But that was pretty darn funny!” Applejack said.

Rarity rooked her eyes. “Darling, it is nothing to be ashamed of. We all get a little hungry.” She pulled out her phone. “Now, what do you girls want to have to eat?”

“Pizza!” All of them said at once. Well, all except Sunset.

Rarity looked at me with a questioning look. “Well?” I really was kinda uncertain about the choice of food. I have heard about Pizza before in conversation and I know that the school serves it. But I don’t eat at the cafeteria and I don’t know what it is, so I wouldn’t know what it looked like. Although images would suggest that it is flat and round. And mostly bread. But that’s all I know. I didn’t want to ruin anything for the other girls and they seem to know what they wanted. So......I smiled and gave the answer that I thought would make the others most happy. “Pizza.” I said.

Rarity smiled. “Alright then. I guess I could use a break from my diet today. I’ll go with pizza too.” She taps her thumbs on the screen of her phone for a moment. Then she put the device up to her ear. “Yes, my name is Rarity. I would like a large....” she looked at the girls. She covered the receiver. “What kind of pizzas you girls want?” She whispered.

“Pepperoni sounds gud.” Aj said.
“Same here.” Rainbow confirmed. “Oh and Supreme too!”
Everyone else nodded there heads and confirmed yes. Sunset although didn’t know what the heck that was, she nodded her head “yes” too.

Rarity uncovered the mouth piece. “Two large pepperoni pizzas, a surpreme, a Canadian Bacon with pineapple, and two large cookie pizzas please.” Rarity babbles off. “Yes. Yes. No. Ranch please. Yes, oh and bread sticks too. Yes. Uhu. No. Yes, Rarity. R as in Rare, A as in Aquamarine, R as in ruby, I as in intelligent, T as in tangerine, and Y as in you.” Rarity took in a deep breath. “Yes, okay, that’s fine, thank you.” Then she hung up.

Rarity then refocused her attention on me. “Tell me Sunset, have you ever had pizza before?”

I looked away from her looked at a nearby wall. “Of course I have.” I said.

Applejack burst out laughing. “You’re a terrible Lier Sunset. You’ve never had pizza before did you?”

I bowed my head. “N-no.”

“WHAT!!!” Rainbow shrieked. “HOW CAN YOU NOT EVER HAD PIZZA BEFORE!” She shouted. I refused to look at them. “Well I-“

“What?!” Pinkie Pie parroted Rainbow’s word. "Oh no! GIVE ME WHERE’S MY PHONE!”

She grabbed her phone and tapped on the screen a bit. “Hello? Yes I would like to have 7 large pepperoni, 7 maranara pasta, 7 cheesy alfredo, 30 packed of red pepper, 20 cups of ranch, 4 broccoli and cheese, 5 Sweet Cherry, 5 Sweet Apple, and 3 Peach. Yes. Yes. Pinkie Pie. 32 Cake street 220. Yes. Okay thank you.”

Everyone stared at her. “Do we really need that much food Pinkie?” Fluttershy asked.

“We totally need that much food! Sunset has never had pizza before. I have to make sure that she gets the all the good stuff.” Pinkie Pie said.

They waited for about 20 minutes before the food came. All of it too. It looked as if we were having a party for 30 instead of 7. Both Rainbow and Pinkie Pie got plates and started to stack them up high.

“Woah are you going to eat all of that?” Apple Jack said as the cyan pegasus mare got another plate and began piling it up too. She stopped and looked back at the country blonde head. “Oh this isn’t for me.”

“What?” Applejack responded a little bit surprised. Pinkie Pie joined in the conversation. “Yeah, these plates are for Sunset.” She said as she scooped up a giant helping of marinara pasta and cheesy alfredo.

“What?!” I said. “I can’t eat all that!”

“Sure you can.” Pinkie Pie said as she walked up to me and was about to stuff a giant pizza slice into my mouth when Rarity stopped her.

“Ugh! Absolutely not!” She said. “Do not feed her. Let her pick out what she wants!” The pink mare backed away but didn’t loose her happy, crazy, mood. “Eat!” She said.

I hesitated for a moment. I was not sure were to start off with first. “Um which one should I do first?”

“Pepperoni!” Rainbow called putting from the kitchen. She came over tot he living room and set down two plates stacked with pizza. Then she went back and grabbed a third and began to eat from it.

Pinkie picked up one of the slices and shoved it into my hand. “That’s pepperoni.” She said. It didn’t look bad. In fact I have seen something similar to this in the school cafeteria except they were square.

Wanting to get this over with, I picked up the slice of pizza, closed my eyes and took a bite out of it. I held it on my tongue for a bit, trying to taste it. Suddenly my eyes went wide and I began to shove the slice of pizza into my pizza hole. Rarity shot me a disgusted look as I woofed down the whole slice and began shoving more pepperoni slices.

After I finished them I picked up a new slice. This one was a different kind, it had bell pepper, mushrooms, and some other stuff. “What kind is this?”

“Surpreme.” Applejack said around a mouth full of pizza. I nodded and took a bite out of it. This one tasted even better than the last one. I stuffed the rest of it in. I grabbed a slice of pepperoni and surpreme and began to devour them.

“Oh my you do know that has sausage in it right? Beef.” Rainbow brought up.

I didn’t even care. Rainbow likes to tease me about it, but I actually love meat. Just as long as it’s not horse I’m fine. And living in Equimerica, it was illegal for anyone to eat such meat. They could get hanged for it. So she didn’t worry about it. I grabbed three slices of surpreme and stuffed them in my mouth. “Hmm!”

Rainbow, Applejack and Pinkie busted out laughing at that. “Oh spank my buttons and call me a biscuit! Ah didn’t know you were a savage one Sunset.” Aj laughed.

I gave out a little laugh myself before I shoved more slices into my mouth. I even grabbed a handful of pasta and stuffed that in as well.

“SUNSET!” Rarity scolded. “DO NOT EAT WITH YOUR HA-“ she was silenced as I grabbed another handful of pasta and shoved it in her mouth. Her eyes went wide and she ran into the kitchen and spat it all out in the trash. “HOW DARE YOU!

She grabbed a serving spoon, scooped out some pasta and yeeted it across the room trying to hit Sunset. Instead it hit Fluttershy. “Oh!” The meek girl said.

“Oh darling I am so s-“ Rarity tried to apologize before Fluttershy pulled some pasta out of her hair and tossed it back at Rarity. The shy girl watched as it hit Rarity in the face and she immediately ducked her head as her face began to burn. “Oops, Sorry.” She said.

“Oh! Fluttershy!” Rarity whined. Everyone else in the room began laughing hard. Rarity glared at them. She stomped her foot and growled. That only made the girls laugh harder.

Rainbow was literally rolling on the floor. “Woah there Rarity. Don’t bite off our heads.” Applejack joked. “Yeah, haha haha, we need them to survive.” Rarity stomped over to them. “You two need a little refreshments.” Little did anyone know that she had filled up to glasses full of water, and she dumped them into Rainbow Dash and Applejack.

“Hey!” Both girls jumped up and gave Rarity a glare of their own. “What the hell, Rarity!”

Rarity giggled. “Oh nothing, just a little water. That’s all.” She then went back to the kitchen and grabbed herself a slice of pizza. Fluttershy and I on the other hand couldn’t help but laugh.

We were so caught up in the moment that we didn’t realize that we had gotten so close to each other that were holding each other, trying to contain our laughter. When we did, I quickly looked away once more.

Rainbow and Applejack took the moment for granted and began to tease me about it. “Awww! Sunny and Fluttershy sitting on a tree, K-I-S-S—“ Rainbow began and Aj joined her. “-I-N-“

“IF YOU TWO FINISH THAT LINE IM GOING T-“ I started before I was silenced by the feeling of a pair of baby soft lips being pressed gently against my blushing cheeks. “You really are cute.” Said a soft voice in my ear.

Completely shocked, I turned my head around to find myself meet Fluttershy’s lips full on by accident. I immediately turned back around. “Hehe, and sweet too.” Fluttershy added.

The night went on and rainbow finally did the project with me. We got an A of course. And although I would never admit it, that was the best night of my life.