Passion's Boutique

by The Mountaineer Brony

First published

Fluttershy has heard about a certain store in Canterlot, but is too nervous to go. She asks Rarity to take her.

Fluttershy wasn't sure why she was so nervous about this. She knew it was something lots of ponies did without any stigma, but some inner part of her just felt it was too scandalous. She had seen the advertisements, though, and overheard others talking about it, so much so that she was beginning to wonder whether this place was as marvelous as it sounded. As a grown mare, she didn't know why she was so nervous, but nonetheless, she asked Rarity to take her. Surely, a savvy mare such as her would know something about this store they called an "adult boutique."

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Fluttershy trotted nervously down the cobblestone street with a hood pulled tightly over her head, eyes darting this way and that to make sure nopony caught a glimpse of her, Luna forbid somepony she knew. As the sun was going down and she was distracted, however, she found herself bumping into the tail end of her unicorn guide, who looked back and rolled her eyes.

"Fluttershy," Rarity said, exasperated "you don't have to wear a disguise when you come here. Nopony's going to judge you! You're a grown mare!"

"I-I-I know..." said mare spoke up "it's just... I'm embarrassed about this, Rarity."

"Don't be, deary." She replied, throwing a friendly hoof around her shoulder as she turned the corner. "Wanting to come here is perfectly natural! You've heard about it for so long, and--well, let's face it, Fluttershy, every mare has needs, even you. I'm honored to be the one to introduce you to a store that may just change your life!" Rarity chuckled. "I know it's changed mine."

"So, you have been here before?" asked Fluttershy.

"Only a couple of times." Rarity replied. "But I assure you, it's very clean, it's very safe, and it's very accepting. Nopony in here will judge you, my dear, and what happens in the store stays in the store."

"W-Well... alright..." Fluttershy tried her best to swallow her nerves as they approached the entrance. The building was somewhat small and squarish, with no windows and minimal exterior decoration. Above the doorway hung a neon sign of their logo, a smiling stallion and mare looking at each other amorously. Below were scrawled the words "PASSION'S ADULT BOUTIQUE".

Immediately inside the front door, the entryway turned to the left, so nopony from the outside could easily see in, and there was a sign stating that customers must be at least age 18. As Rarity opened the second door into the shop proper, a bell dinged to alert the cashier. She looked up from sorting through boxes and smiled at them; a spry green unicorn mare with a fluffy mane and sea blue eyes.

"Hi! Welcome to Passion's!" she said cheerfully. Fluttershy meekly waved at her; the yellow Pegasus shivered briefly as Rarity removed her cloak.

"Fluttershy, please, there's no need to be nervous here." She replied. "Everypony knows why you're here, and nopony is blaming you for it."

"That's right!" The cashier said with a little laugh. "Please make yourself comfortable, and don't be afraid to ask questions! Our happiness is your pleasure."

Fluttershy gulped and took a deep breath. She was determined to try her best here.

"Come on, Fluttershy," Rarity chimed in "I think I know where to find what you're looking for."

Fluttershy followed as Rarity proceeded through the aisles at a fair clip. They passed through bookshelves of various literature, some merely romance novels, others full-bore erotica, and still others "picture books." Fluttershy did like to read, and glimpsed some titles that caught her attention; she made a note to come back through here later before covering her blushing face in her wings as she spotted Lyra and Bon Bon reading intently in the corner.

"Come on, Fluttershy! This way!" Rarity called from up ahead.

Fluttershy picked up her pace to try and reunite with Rarity. She passed through a small section dedicated to dressage, something she'd only heard about yet knew she was too mild-mannered to try. Black leather saddles, reins, and crops loomed over her from the walls, and she buzzed her wings to hurry past them. She briefly bumped into a passing colt-- Thunderlane, as it turned out-- who was carrying what appeared to be an artificial marehood. They both stammered and apologized, trying awkwardly to move around each other before Fluttershy was able to awkwardly squeeze past.

Finally, she reached the section Rarity had wanted to show her.

"Here they are, dear! Exactly what you need for next summer!"

"Oh dear..."

Fluttershy flushed bright pink as she stood facing shelves upon shelves lined with assorted, multicolored dicks.

Most of them appeared to be made of rubber or silicone, though a few high-priced pieces were of smooth, polished stone or lacquered wood. They came in varying sizes and varying species; Fluttershy could recognize the pony ones, certainly, but only through labels could she ascertain such flavors as kirin, seapony, changeling, even dragon. Her eyes widened and her face grew red. She could feel a bead of sweat run down her head. She also made sure to keep her tail firmly lowered.

Rarity, meanwhile, was beaming with excitement. "Well? What do you think?"

"This... s-sure is something, Rarity..."

"Is there one that speaks to you?"


"Maybe we can look at a few up close and find one you like. Ooh, here's one like I have!" She lit her horn and levitated a rubber phallus, dark blue with a sparkling silver pattern, off the shelf for Fluttershy's inspection. "Feel that, darling! It's quite a nice texture, isn't it?"

Fluttershy slowly and awkwardly touched the dildo with her hoof, feeling its soft flesh give slightly to a firmer core. She said nothing, still awestruck by this entire experience she'd been willingly swept up into.

"This one's about six inches, dear, do you think you can handle that?" Rarity asked, before catching herself and scoffing. "I'm sorry, Fluttershy! What am I saying, any mare can handle six inches, right?"

She and Fluttershy shared an awkward laugh. Internally, though, Fluttershy didn't know how many inches she could take; she'd only ever used her hoof before, and that certainly wasn't going all the way inside her.

"Can I help you ladies find anything?" came another voice from around the corner. A reddish-orange Pegasus mare stepped up; she was about Fluttershy's age, her nametag read "Cinder Breeze", and her emerald eyes seemed to light up the room.

"Oh, we're just searching for something for my friend here." Rarity said politely. "She wanted me to bring her because she's a little insecure about her sex life, and, well, she wondered if there wasn't something in here that could help."

Fluttershy decided to speak up for herself a little, no matter how excruciatingly awkward it felt.

"I'm tired of being alone come estrus." She said. "I-I want something I can..." She hid her reddened face behind her wings, barely speaking above a whisper. "...use on myself."

"Hey, don't be shy, girl. Beating the heat is something every mare struggles with. And we're here to help." Cinder said with a friendly smile. She extended a wing to guide Fluttershy down the row of shelves closest to her.

"We've got all kinds of toys for any kind of pony that may want them. I can help you pick out what exactly you want from our collection of materials, sizes, and species, and if we don't have something in stock, we can custom order it for you."

"I'll let you and Miss Cinder handle this, Fluttershy." Rarity said with a wink. "I'm going to go look at the fabulous lingerie they've got here." As she trotted off, Fluttershy became a little less embarrassed; now, it was just her and somepony whose job it was to talk about sex.

"Well..." she began. "What kinds of options do I have?"

"First, we'll start off with material." said Cinder, hovering playfully in the air next to the wall of dicks two ponies high. "Would you prefer rubber, stone, or wood?"

"Um... rubber." Fluttershy said, in slight disbelief she was doing this. "I want something that gives and bends."

"Gotcha." said Cinder. "I assume you want it in the form of a penis, right? We also make tongues, tails, tentacles..."

"Um, yes, a... ahem a penis, please." She giggled.

"What kind of penis?" Cinder playfully responded. "I can let you look through our catalog of species. We cast all of ours based on typical males of their species, and we have a number of exotic options, depending on how interesting you want things to get."

"Just a pony, please." Fluttershy said, blushing slightly. "A Pegasus, if you can be that specific."

Cinder nodded. "There's not usually much difference between the tribes, but yes, we can. A respectable choice, miss." She gently lifted a sky blue toy off the shelf and held it lengthwise in her hooves. "This is about what yours will look like. All you need to do is specify your desired length, girth, and anything else you want."

Fluttershy scratched her chin and tried to resist the urge to hide behind her hair. She inspected the sample up and down, trying to get a good idea for what she wanted.

"Um... here's the thing..." she found herself blushing once more. "I've... never had sex before. I don't know how much... o-of that I can actually take."

Cinder gave a gentle smile and patted her shoulder. "Hey, that's alright. Everypony's new to this at some point. Most mares can handle eight inches at the max, but your marehood is pretty flexible. It all depends on what you're comfortable with using."

Fluttershy hummed in thought. "...I think I'll go ask Rarity. I have a feeling she might know something about this, too."

Cinder chuckled. "I'll wait right here."

The buttercream mare trotted back through the store to locate her friend, whom she eventually found among racks of plush, flirtatious nightclothes, talking to another mare.

"Ah, Fluttershy! I'd like you to meet Passion Sweet! This is her store!"

Passion extended a hoof to Fluttershy in greeting. She was very tall and of stocky build, a dark pinkish unicorn with a poofy mane and eyes like jewels. She was middle-aged, but only had some lines around her eyes and a few extra pounds to show for it.

"It's lovely to meet--and to serve--a friend of Rarity's." she said with a grin. "Ever since I started stocking Carousel Boutique lingerie at my store, sales have gone through the roof!"

"Wh--Rarity?" Fluttershy turned to her. "You never told me you made lingerie."

Rarity awkwardly scratched the back of her neck. "Er… yes, well... I guess we all have things we're embarrassed about at first, Fluttershy…"

Passion brought down a small camisole lined with faux fur and studded with tiny rhinestones. She floated it between the three of them. "This is one of Miss Rarity's pieces, and I quite like it myself! I think it would look good on you too... maybe paired with..." she let out a giggle as she levitated a small pair of black silken panties, lined with pink lace "...these?"

Fluttershy blushed. "Speaking of things we're embarrassed about, I think I need your advice, Rarity."

She briefly explained her predicament to the two unicorns, the elder of which nodded intently.

"It's not as big of a problem as you'd expect, Fluttershy." said Passion succinctly. "Just get what you think will work best; if you end up getting ten inches and can only fit seven, then only put in seven."

"Don't make a promise your vagina can't keep, dear." Rarity added. "I once knew a mare who got a little too adventurous with insertion; thank goodness there weren't any lasting injuries, but let's just say that orgasms aren't nearly as fun when you've got a charlie horse in the stable." Passion winced at Rarity's cautionary tale.

"Um... okay..." Fluttershy said with an awkward glance around the room. "I'll just go back and give it some thought. Thank you, Miss Passion!"

"You're very welcome, honey." the older mare replied. "And remember: I'm not happy if you aren't happy!"

Fluttershy began a slow trot across the store, hopeful that the heat would soon leave her face. Though she'd gotten a little more accustomed to the sight of everything by now, it still reddened her cheeks to discuss it with other ponies; even meandering past other customers felt a bit embarrassing.

Upon finding Cinder Breeze again, she was helping another mare pick out a toy, this one a green earth pony who appeared much younger than Fluttershy.

"...and honestly, who hasn't wondered what a changeling would be like sometimes?" Cinder said with a slight chuckle. "You enjoy that now. And happy birthday!" The green pony awkwardly slipped past Fluttershy, her face equally red but unable to hide her smile. That at least made Fluttershy feel a little more at ease, knowing she wasn't alone in her sheepishness.

"Ah, Fluttershy! Glad you're back!" Cinder replied with a friendly smile and beckoning gesture. "I got to thinking about what you might like, and wondered if you might be interested in this." The fiery Pegasus retrieved a long box from a lower shelf and opened it, extricating a cream-colored length of silicone, very flexible, with both ends shaped to resemble a stallion's member.

"Uh..." Fluttershy chuckled weakly from behind her mane. "That's nice, but... h-how would I use it?"

"Well, with your girlfriend, of course. One end in both of you." Cinder replied. "My girlfriend absolutely loves this thing."


Cinder briefly went pale. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I assumed the mare you came in with was your girlfriend." She awkwardly chuckled and scratched the back of her head. Fluttershy's eyes went wide and her cheeks invented a new shade of red.

"O-Oh no, Rarity's not... my..." Her head slowly listed towards the floor before she took a deep, composing breath.

"Anyway..." Cinder said, hiding her own embarrassment as best she could. "Let's get you set up with the stallion of your dreams!"

Flipping through a large laminated catalog, Fluttershy picked out the traits she wanted for her dildo while Cinder scribbled them down on a notepad. The demure mare felt some of the shelf models to decide on a texture and firmness she liked, and decided on a length of slightly under six inches--not flared, for ease of use, and in a rather fetching pink. Cinder went to check the storeroom, and fortunately, they had one with the desired specifications. Fluttershy couldn't help but blush a little when presented with the box containing her new 'friend.'

"I want you two to have plenty of fun." Cinder said with a smile. Fluttershy tucked the nondescript package under her wing and thanked her for her help.

"I'm sure we will."

The pink-maned pony made her way to the front of the store, where she found Rarity waiting in line behind a pair of stallions, as well as Lyra and Bon Bon, who were purchasing a large stack of books. Rarity seemed to have amassed quite a bit of merchandise, including a bathrobe, some nightgowns, and various small bottles which Fluttershy could only assume were lotions of some kind.

"I've got to stop spending so much money when I hit the shops." The mare muttered to herself before she noticed her friend approaching. "Oh, darling! I see you've made your decision."

Fluttershy nodded, her tiny smile just barely concealed by her lowered chin. "I guess you were right, Rarity: there really was no need to be embarrassed... not that I wasn't embarrassed anyway."

"I'm proud of you, Fluttershy." Rarity replied, smiling and throwing a hoof around her shoulder. "Mind if I ask what you settled on, deary?" Fluttershy slid the box out from under her wing and flipped it open to display the contents. Rarity returned a quiet giggle, blushing slightly.

"I think it suits you, darling!"

"I hope it does. I... guess I'll have to let you know..."

Eventually, the line dwindled so the two mares were at the counter. The green unicorn who'd met them when they entered turned her bright eyes towards them.

"Did you ladies find everything okay?" she asked in a chipper voice.

"Uh, yeah..." Fluttershy responded after a quick glance back at Rarity. "Yeah. We did. And I'm glad I came here."

"Good!" She replied with a smile. "Our happiness is your pleasure here at Passion's. And we hope you come again soon!" She delivered her punchline with a wink.

Her coworker, sorting boxes and papers in the office, called out to her. "That was lame, dude."

The cashier chuckled. "Well I thought it was clever!"

Fluttershy placed her purchase on the counter and started counting out bits while Rarity stifled a snort at the admittedly clever wordplay. The green mare checked the numbers on the box, wrote something down, and fiddled with the cash register before reaching beneath the counter and retrieving a small bottle of clear liquid. Fluttershy looked up, slightly confused, before the cashier turned the printing towards her.

"It's lubricant, dear. Free with your first purchase." She gave a gentle smile, and Fluttershy blushed a little more at her own naivete.

"And trust me, you're gonna want that." called the second mare from the office.

Fluttershy finished counting out her purchase, which, while pricey, was less than she'd expected to pay. The clerk wrapped it up in tissue paper and slid it into a paper bag simply reading "PB". Rarity took quite a bit longer to check out, but soon the two mares were on their way back to Rarity for You, where Rarity had agreed to put up her friend for the night.

"Well Fluttershy, that wasn't so bad, was it?" Rarity inquired, perfectly capable of carrying her own bags without a small dragon around. "You grew your confidence a little, and you acquired something to help deal with those problems we mares have."

The Pegasus allowed herself a small chuckle. "I guess so... I never thought I'd be so naughty as to get myself a... a plaything. Really makes you feel like a grown mare, in a weird way."

"Don't call it naughty, dear; this sort of thing isn't at all uncommon for ponies our age." Rarity replied, flipping her mane. "It's a solution to an inconvenience. Now, once we get back to the boutique, I'll cook us up a nice dinner, maybe open some wine, and then, I'll get my beauty sleep; if you're feeling playful, I have some nice earmuffs I can slip on while you use that thing. Ah, tonight will be such a wonderful evening!"

"Do you know what would make it an even better evening?" Fluttershy asked quietly from behind her rosy locks.

"What's that, darling?"

"I-If you used it on me..."