> Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 4 > by TDR > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Plecostomus Twilight Sparkle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Prologue, Plecostomus Twilight Sparkle Celestia's Journal wheneverly [Heavy fluttering of large wings.] Been a while since I've written here. In this instance I think I had best put my thoughts down. I'm using the 'self scribe' spell so I can simply talk and allow the quill to write itself, mostly because I can't seem to sit down. I've a good bit of nervous energy lately. [Thuds of pacing hooves] Of course this manner of spell has it's own issues as it records any sounds picked up as well. But in this case since I'm the only one who should be reading this.... and Discord. At least if that ass wants to do the same trick twice and didn't take the hint last time with the explosive runes. The reason for my nervousness is obvious really, Sunset Shimmer is back. She's been gone since she turned seventeen all those years ago. And now she's back and it's like we barely were apart. In that regard I mean she's still doing her best to test me, she just now has new material to work with. I still don't understand the 'Okay Boomer' phrase she keeps using when she responds to me sometimes, but it amuses her, so I simply ignore it. She has picked up a lot of slang from the other world she was trapped in for three years. I barely understand any of it, but neither does any pony else so I suppose that's fine. [Hooves thudding on wood floor back and forth] I have a lot to make up for with Sunset, but at the same time I'm not going to let her trot all over me because I'm sorry for hiding things from her to protect her and try and guide her properly. This is one of the reasons I'm sending her to Ponyville to stay with the Apples for a time. She can be apart from me which seems to be what she wants, but can still be close enough to visit or be visited. Granny can get to know her half sister. And most importantly Granny and the rest of the Apple family can focus Sunset's energies into something constructive, I hope. It will also keep her away from any more griffons as Ponyville doesn't have a standing population of them. With knowledge of her being my daughter a lot more common now, the nobles will be doubling down in trying to wed her to one of their sons or daughters. And after I practically kicked the entire noble caste of griffons out of Equestria, I don't want any of them to think they can get their claws back in by catching her interest. I honestly don't care if she decides she likes griffons or dragons or whatever tickles her fancy. I would just like to avoid a political shit storm dependent on who she decides to interact with in that manner. [ Snort of annoyance] Luna has pointed out that Sunset has had a tough time of it in the other world. She won't talk about it, but Luna has been watching her dreams and has seen something of her life on the street and stealing food to survive. Going from a pampered filly to a homeless bum on another world clearly changed her, there's still her underlying anger at me, but none of that is directed towards the castle staff. To be honest she was a bit of a spoiled brat to the castle staff back before she left. Now she treats them like actual ponies. Still I wish she hadn't had to go through that just to gain any empathy or respect. In thirty years time we plan to head back through the portal to retrieve what she left there. Twilight wants to study the place as well. Sunset tells me it's unlikely any one will find her things in just a year, the building she was staying in had been abandoned for years and was locked in a political stalemate on ownership of the property. Those can take decades to sort out. [ hooves falls on wood floor moving back and forth, tail whisking ] Then there's Sombra. As close as I have gotten to my nephew in the last year, I will have to say I still do not trust him completely. He is not the same stallion that was ripped from the Crystal Empire but... He has no drive, no real motivation. He studies and reads anything he can get his hooves on but he does nothing with it. He is still very standoffish about everything and seems to have no goal or direction in his life, that he still doesn't have a cutie mark may have something to do with that, at least according to his psychiatrist. Given how things are now, I almost find it hard to believe he is the same pony who killed his father as a child, then managed to hold the empire together for ten years with only a single dreadnought he didn't even have control over and a hoofful of conscripted soldiers and zealots. I know most of my focus was on Nightmare Moon at the time, but he still drove off six attempts to take the main city from him by joint forces and he actually managed to capture three of the ones selected to be the Element Bearers. When my attention finally turned to him during a lull in combat with my sister, the whole city vanished. Sombra still doesn't know why it did that, as he was caught unawares as well. I'm hoping that some time out of the castle will show some sort of positive result, and since Twilight and her brothers have agreed to keep an eye on Sombra and Sunset both, I am at ease with this decision. I made sure to tell the trio and Granny the whole plan as well, I don't need any of them to be any angrier at me. Speaking of the Sparkles... Yet again they have managed to completely astound me with what they have done. Not only has Twilight ascended, but so has Rahs, and he managed to actually hide it for several weeks. While I am quite proud of both of them, a few things about Rahs' ascension confuse both myself and Lulu. His gaining Moon Dogs and theater as his main portfolios are hardly a surprise. Given his sister has Tuesdays, him having Fridays is not much of a surprise either. I'm still waiting for all the other days of the week to show up in god portfolios, though in truth Tuesdays in Ponyville and Fridays in Canterlot are really the only two disaster heavy days I have hard data on. I have heard rumors of Sundays being a bit odd in Trotkyo, but it's been so long since I've been there, I have no idea if it would match up at the same level. I'm also not certain what a kaju is and why they come to town on Sundays there. Back to Rahs, it's his 'dreams' portfolio that have Luna and I worried. It's not shared with Luna. Rahs and Luna have stand alone lesser portfolios that list 'dreams', though by the same token they are not shared. Luna found out he was a god because his name was in her portfolio as having taken the Moon Dog portfolio, not because she was sharing dreams. Rahs claims he doesn't know what it means, but everyone is skeptical that he isn't just trying to be dramatic again. [ Long sigh] Luna even looked into it from the other side and she still cannot see the dreams of the Sparkles. She still finds it odd, particularly since, while they don't remember any of their dreams, at times each of them has noticed one of the others having what could be considered a nightmare, despite not recalling it. None of them are plagued by nightmares and Rahs certainly sleeps just fine. But it seems that when they do dream it's not connected to the Oneiroi. On another note, I believe that this is ' Magic' from the prophecy. Either the Sparkle's ascension or Sunset trying to steal magic. All that is left out of that list is greed and pride. Once those two come to pass this damn thing will be over. It was probably too much to hope that Forgescale was greed and Sunset was pride. [ Annoyed sigh ] I couldn't be so lucky. I also expect there's more than just this. Buck... we might not have even gone past madness with how vague everything is. If not for Twilight's ascension and the obviousslap in the face that she should be magic in the prophecy we wouldn't even know we passed envy. I still think Envy and Lust were not good fits for Chrysalis and Sombra. But then again they might have been dead on, prophesies suck. [ scratching sound against glass.] Hmm? What's that? [Hoof steps walking away] Did a bird smack itself against the window again? I told them to reset the wards. [Sound of doors opening and the faint whoosh of wind. Fluttering of cloth, likely the bed awning.] Odd there's nothing out... What!? What even is, GAH!! [ Sounds of struggle, flares of magic, and flame crackling. Sounds of plants being ripped, shattering glass cries of pain and muffled screaming. Cracking of stone, stone crumbling. ] [Pounding on wood ] Princess, Princess Celestia are you alright! [More pounding, louder.] “Princess this is Sergeant Blue Steel, I'm coming in!” [Sound of impacts on the door. Shattering wood and the thud of bits of broken metal and wood striking the ground.] Princess Celestia!? Corporal Fern, check the bath room, Corporal Thorn go sound the alarm. [Thudding of hooves] Sergeant, bathroom's clear. The window's broken and a chunk of the balcony is shattered here. Looks like there was a fight, there's a few piles of ash here she must have burned something. She's got a spell going over here, the pens still writing Sergeant. It's about out of page though. Don't touch it, we'll get a forensics team in here, some one go wake up Princ [page end] > Plecostomus Twilight Sparkle, Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Plecostomus Twilight Sparkle, Part 1 [Nearing Canterlot, Summer, One month after the return of Sunset Shimmer,Friday] The steady click, clack of the train riding along the rails was soothing. It was almost enough to lull Twilight into a false sense of calm. Almost. The thirty or so Guards from the Six Sixty Sixth clustered around her on the train and flying outside of it as the massive armored rail car was brought to Canterlot however, kept her from relaxing fully. Today had been a pain in the ass since early this morning. Apparently Princess Celestia had been foal napped last night with Princess Luna going missing about the same time. The Guard had behaved like a foal trying coffee for the first time. About as coherently as well. The Six Sixty Sixth had a small contingent in Canterlot at the time and their commander recalled that there was another Princess in Ponyville. The commander did forget several other things however. Though he was quickly reminded when he and his unit galloped into Ponyville with the intent on securing the newest Princess at what-the-buck-o-clock in the morning. The first was that she didn't want to be a Princess . The second was that she had warded her tree against invasion six ways from Tuesday. The warding was such, that the things that had grabbed Luna and Celestia had given up trying to grab her after a couple of minutes of prodding. But no one knew that yet. The third thing was discovered after three spell breakers finally pried the wards apart enough to open the front door for the rest of the unit to rush inside the library. The commander had been certain the wards were placed by the individual who had foal napped the other Princesses. The Six Sixty Sixth routinely faced down monsters and other horrors that could cause the hardest veteran soldiers to soil themselves in fright. And they consistently won these conflicts. This time they were up against an alicorn who had only gone to bed two hours prior from a late study session and was barely awake. A moon dog who was slightly more awake, but half deafened by the klaxon alarm his sister had set in case of some one trying to break in. And a cranky baby dragon who really wanted to go back to bed. The explosions woke the rest of the town. Thankfully for the Guards, Rahs was awake enough to realize that what Blakeney had stolen from one of the buglers was a guard badge and stopped the battle before Spike and Twilight set any one else on fire. Currently the soldiers were around the trio on the armored train. They didn't speak, they simply kept their eyes and ears open looking for anything that could be a threat. All of them were probably wondering why they bothered however and all but the spell breakers were at least a little charred. The explanation for why they showed up was quickly told and pointed out. The Sun and the Moon remaining high in the air, splitting the land into night and day was such a scientific impossibility Twilight almost went cross eyed. Still both Princesses were missing. And given the Sparkle's reputation, the strongest of the guards were sent to bring her safely back to Canterlot. The trip was uneventful except another fight breaking out when the Guards tried to stop Rahs and Spike from coming along. That led to the destruction of the ticket booth at the train station. The commander of the unit proved he wasn't completely stupid and relented without much issue leaving a promissory note to bill the crown for the damage before ordering everyone onto the train, then asking the Sparkles nicely to get on. Still the Six Sixty Sixth proved their mettle, by neither backing down, or going down easily when Spike and Rahs got into it with them. Twilight doubted they would have fared that well if the three of them were fully awake however, but she didn't say anything. The train ride had calmed most of them down and Spike and Rahs wound up managing to get a few of the guards talking. By the time the train arrived in Canterlot, Rahs had bits on another of Celestia's Exes, the guard commander had money on one of Cadence's and Spike had put money down on it being one of Luna's, because they were about due for one. Twilight also took note of a few bids on it being Sunset, and a few on Sombra as well. As the group of guards and the three Sparkles left the train they were greeted by Princess Celestia's aide, Raven Inkwell. Raven was a white unicorn with a brown mane and tail who had served as Princess Celestia's aide since Flowery Text had retired. She had a twin sister who was an earth pony in Ponyville, that worked for the mayor, the twin's name was Raven Quill. “Princess Sparkle, thank goodness you're here...” Raven began. “Not a princess. No coronation, not royalty.” Twilight cut her off. “I'm just here to figure out what happened. Given it's Tuesday I figure being in Canterlot might be safe.” “Woof.” Rahs grumbled. “What do you mean it's Friday...... shit...” Twilight dropped her head with a groan. “We were safer in Ponyville. Spike grumbled. “ Yes, well...” Raven continued as the small group climbed aboard an armored carriage. “ Last night the Princesses went missing. Princess Celestia was taken from her room. There were signs of a struggle and she had a a recording spell going so the forensics team was able to piece together what happened. She heard something at her balcony window, went out to investigate and fought something that dragged her off. We considered griffons or dragons, but there was some material burned on the balcony that was neither scales nor feathers, and it looked like she was dragged over the edge of the balcony rather than carried off into the air. There was however a caved in tunnel at the base of the wall under her balcony. So diamond dogs are on the top of the list.” “What about Princess Luna?” Twilight asked, stifling a yawn. “Much the same though there was no struggle for her. After her breakfast she retires back to her chambers for a few hours for her dream patrols before she opens the Night Court. Whatever grabbed Princess Celestia also snatched Princess Luna right out of her room. Outside of her balcony were the same collapsed tunnels.” Raven explained. “Where's Sunset?” Spike asked. “Sunset is in her room asleep. No one has tried to wake her yet. She takes after her mother in she is a very very heavy sleeper. She also tends to be the sort that if something does manage to wake her up, she explodes.” Raven sighed. “Well her mother's missing, some pony can just suck it up that Sunset will be mad and grouchy at them for a while.” Twilight frowned. “Trust me I get where she's coming from at being woken up but still.” “Umm no Princess..”. “Not a Princess.” “Errrr Twilight,.. when I say she explodes I mean she wakes up casting Lina's Flaming Burst. She warded everything in her room herself, and the only one willing to risk going in there to wake her before her alarm was Princess Celestia.” Raven sighed.”No one else has enough fire proofing to do so.” Rahs and Twilight looked at Spike. “FIIIIINE..I'll go wake her up.” Spike fussed. “Okay what about Sombra?” Twilight asked. “He's been detained, though he professes not to know what's going on. He also beat the fool out of four Guards who were a little more insistent that he had something to do with this. Luna's student has also been detained just in case and she's less than thrilled about it.” Raven explained. “I can't fault him for that.” Twilight grumbles.” At any rate you seem to have everything under control for the most part, why did I get dragged up here ?” “Well, with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna gone, the Night Court did not get held, so the petitioners for the crown were all pushed back to the Day Court...” Raven offered. Twilight, Rahs, and Spike all blinked as they stared at her. “You want... to hold court.... at a time like this?” Twilight asked very carefully. “Yes.” Raven stated flatly. The Sparkles all looked to one another. Spike stood up on the seat leaning out of the carriage window.”Hey driver, turn the wagon around we're leaving!” “What? No!" Raven protested.” Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have been pushing these sessions back for the last three weeks as they tried to get Sunset settled and spend time with her. They did the same thing with Sombra and the event was a nightmare when they finally relented. Half of Canterlot and nearly the entire noble caste will be at this court due to push backs.” “Which makes me want to leave faster. I think I can teleport us back to the train station from here even with Rahs.” Twilight stated.” Also so help me if those two went on vacation I am going to steal Dr. Choppy and do something to them that only Chrysalis would approve of.” “Woof.” Rahs pointed out. “Right. I'm not even in the line of succession!” Twilight flailed her wings. “You are fifth actually.” Raven corrected. “What?” Spike asked. “The first in line for the crown is the first born of the two sister. Prince Sombra, we all know why that is not viable. Second in line is the second born, Princess Shimmer, also not viable right now. Third in line is Prince, Prince Blue Blood of the Blueblood family. He is a direct descendant of Princess Luna's bloodline and while his father and grandfather should be in the line of succession, Princess Luna disowned the family line some time ago and only recently allowed it to be reinstated after she got to know Prince.” “Well why isn't he here?” Twilight fussed. “He's in Catcun setting up a trade deal with the Abyssinians.” Raven pointed out. “After that is Sweetiebelle Reignolds due to Princess Luna's … surprisingly legal adoption of the filly as her sister.” The Sparkles flinched thinking of what would happen if Sweetiebelle became the Princess of Equestria, along with her closest advisers Applebloom and Scootaloo. Spike nearly turned pink as he paled at the thought of the Cutie Mark Crusaders Royal Triarchy, Yay! “Well I can see I don't have to explain why THAT is a bad idea.” Raven stated. “Which leaves you.” “I still want nothing to do with this.” Twilight snapped. “We need the nobles support for a great many things. The Princesses cannot deal with everything on their own and oft need to appease the business tycoons and the like in order to keep things running smoothly.” Raven sighed. “ Not to mention the non nobles who petition the court.” “Still not interested.” Twilight huffed. “Woof.” Rahs considered. “What?!” Spike and Twilight both looked at him in horror. “Woof!” Rahs explained again. “Why would you want to agree to this?”Spike frowned. Rahs smiled a smile that was full of fangs, malice, and evil. Raven quickly reassessed the idea of Sweetiebelle. “Bork.” Rahs pointed out and both of his siblings blinked in unison, then developed grins of their own. Yep, Sweetiebelle would have been a much better idea, Raven concluded. “Fine, I'll do it, but I want the full reports on what the forensics teams found. My goal is to find the Princesses, not replace them. If Sombra and Sunset want to prove they didn't have anything to do with this they can help as well. Also send a message back to Ponyville and ask Pinkie and Fluttershy if they can ask Discord about this, Spike once you wake Sunset, send a message to Bleu and Iinii asking them about this and to watch themselves just in case.” Twilight ordered. “ Rahs you keep an eye on Sombra and Sunset once we start looking into this. I'll deal with the court.” “While I am thrilled you are helping now, might I ask why the sudden change of heart?”Raven asked with more than a little worry. “Rahs' idea.” Spike pointed out. “So don't blame me.” “What?” Raven asked. “Just because it's a Friday in Canterlot, doesn't mean we have to be the ones suffering from the effects of it.” Twilight pointed out, gesturing to Rahs. “He is the god of Fridays after all.” “What?” Raven asked again. “Fridays in Canterlot tend to be chaotic disasters, but no one ever said for whom.” The trio grin again and Raven whimpered. > Plecostomus Twilight Sparkle, Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Plecostomus Twilight Sparkle, Part 2 [Canterlot Castle, throne room] “This is all you found?” Twilight sighed looking over the report that Guards Forensics officer, Huge Guy, gave her. Despite his name the dark gray and white splotched earth pony was smaller than her. He was recently promoted after solving a serial crusher case. “I'm afraid so Princess. We have a few diamond dogs on the force that tried to follow the tunnel though they ran into some sort black thorn covered roots. That prevented them from following the tunnels. We're not willing to destroy them until we find out if they may be something important or some sort of fallout from the Mage's high energy team.” “Alright keep me or one of my brothers updated when you find out what they are.” Twilight sighed. “Of course Princess.” The guard bowed and turned heading back out the door. “You didn't seem to have a issue with him calling you Princess.” Raven snarked, having fought for a good hour to get her to accept it. “Meh.” Twilight shrugged. “No point. Is everything set up?” “Indeed, Twilight...”Raven sighed, Twilight had fought for just as long for Raven to stop calling her Princess as Raven did for her allowing others to do so.” The crowds are not happy about it, but we can send them in one pony or small group at a time.” “Good. They'll have to deal, I took a glance out side as every pony was gathering and started to freak out a little at that. I still can't deal with large crowds.” Twilight frowned. “Understood, will there be anything else?” Raven asked . Twilight sighed then looked at the two thrones in the middle of the great hall and frowned. “Yes. Send some one to grab one of the lobby chairs from the Royal Library and bring it here.” Twilight ordered. “The lobby chairs? You mean the couches? How is sitting on a couch going to show you're in charge like a throne would?” Raven flattened her ears. “They're actually recliners not couches. And it shows I'm in charge because I have a comfy seat and they have to stand.”Twilight explained.” Plus those things smell like books and are the best things ever to stretch out on to read in. I need to see if I can convince the library to get new ones so I can snag the old ones for Golden Oaks.” “That's not on today's docket.” Raven sighs. “Spoil sport.” [Canterlot Castle private quarters.] “You sure about this little dude?” The guard questioned looking down at Spike.”She's rather temperamental in the morning.” “Pfft, you don't know my sister. I can deal with it.”Spike sighed. “Still you might wanna close the door and stay back.” “Braver soul than I am.” The other guard at the door offered a salute as Spike waddled into Sunset's quarters. The drake had no real fear of a defensive fire spell, after all, when you walked though a wall of solar fire made by the goddess of the sun herself, what said goddess' daughter could do was a little less intimidating. “Hey... Sunset , wake up!” Spike said. Still he went though the usual escalation rituals that he went though with his siblings. Speaking to her to wake her up, shaking her a little, poking her with the end of a broom handle, yelling,shaking her a lot, tickling her nose, no luck. It was his patented number 17 method, also known as the 'Twilight/Rahs it's an emergency get your tail up' method, that finally worked. To the untrained outside observer this might come off as a confusing way to go about things. But Spike had the complex method distilled down to 3 easy steps. Step 1. Get a bucket Step 2. Fill bucket with cold water. Step 3. Dump bucket of cold water on to stubbornly sleeping target. Results were usually instantaneous and Sunset was no exception. Spike had gone in expecting his sisters version of Lina's Fiery Burst, not the Sunset version. While the flames themselves didn't bother him at all, they did burn his wooden bucket to ash and send him sailing across the room to impact the wall by the door, he then found he was stuck there hanging from his spines. It said a lot about the little dragons life that he was barely phased by being reduced to wall art. Sunset on the other hoof … “I'M GONNA RIP YOUR HEAD OFF AND MAKE YOU SUCK YOUR OWN DICK WITH IT!!”the mare screamed as she flailed about in the flash dried sheets fire radiating off of her. It seems her room was well warded against fire as aside from his bucket nothing seemed even slightly singed. Spike sorta felt sorry for any one she might decide to sleep with however. “Wow, that's the third.... no make that the forth most threatening and least age inappropriate threat I've heard in my life.” Spike muttered. Sunset flailed and fell off the bed with a crash tossing away the sheets while swearing. The reason for the flailing was the sudden blast of humidity from the water evaporating had curled her mane and tail into something that resembled a orange and yellow streaked version of Pinkie Pie's mane. Spike attempted to hold back his laughter, but failed to hide a snort of amusement from behind his claws. Of course watching Sunset zero in on the laugh and stomp over towards him, only to run straight into the wall made him lose it fully. “Son of a bitch.” Sunset growled pushing her fuzzy mane out of her face to glare upward expecting a soon to be deep fried pegasus, or Philomena. Seeing a little dragon stuck to the wall was new. “What?” Sunset stated eloquently. "Aren't you Spike?!” “Yep.” “What the fuck are you... why the fuck are you here?” “You want the long version or the short version?” Spike asked. “Short.” Sunset growled. “Your mom and aunt got foal napped, Twilight's been suckered to be in charge until they get found and she wants to ask you some questions because you're one of the suspects.” Spike explained. “Great.” Sunset sighed turning to stomp off towards the rooms bathroom. “Where are you going?” Spike demanded wiggling on the wall. “To fix my hair. I'm not going out there like this.” “Well get me down.” Spike flailed. “Nah you can just hang out a bit.” Sunset smirked.” Maybe you'll learn a different way to wake some one up other than a deluge.” “You didn't respond to anything else.” Spike huffed as the bathroom door closed.” And adding a force effect on a fire ball is bull crap!!” “Alright so do the guard captains have the weekly reports or did Celestia move that back to the end?” Twilight asked as she adjusted into the recliner with a small grin. Okay there were some perks to being a princess it seemed, she always loved these couches. “Errr, no we can start with that if you wish. I'm surprised you know about that.” Raven questioned. “I suppose you wouldn't know as I don't recall her doing it since you were hired. Every so often Celestia would bring her students to one of her day courts to show us how everything worked.” Twilight sighed.” Personally I think Celestia did it because if a foal poked a hole in some nobles plan that embarrassed them even further than her simply telling them no. That Celestia promised us ice cream if we successfully did so helped. I think I held the record at twenty three plans ripped apart.” “Well. I suppose that means you do have a head for this.” Raven blinked. “Not really. I just had good motivation.” Twilight shrugged. “Perhaps I should see if we have any of that white chocolate and raspberry ice cream left to add to the lunch selection.”Raven added slyly. “And just like that, a horrible day is improving.”Twilight beamed. "Okay lets hear the reports.” “I have been here a year with no issue, one would think by now they might stop considering me the culprit for every single thing that goes wrong in this castle.” Sombra growled. “The rulers have been foal napped, Sombra must have done it. Some pony broke into the kitchens and raided the cakes, must have been Sombra. I forgot my spear at home, blame Sombra.” Rahs glanced down at the pony storming along beside him and shrugged. Sombra wasn't so much talking to him as he was ranting to himself and Rahs saw no reason to interrupt him. He didn't like the guy anyway and the feeling was mutual, but he agreed to keep an eye on him for Luna when it was first brought up about moving him to Ponyville for some semblance of normalcy. So far the only thing he had learned about him personally was that he was grumpy. And that he had evidently been going at it a while as the two guards with them seemed bored of it. Still, he had gotten Sombra, like Twilight asked and Spike probably already had Sunset, all that was left was to find... “FUZZY!!” A blue furred mass hit him about chest level and flung him sideways into a store room, the door exploding inward as Rahs cried out. There was a tremendous crash as the pair impacted somethings in the storage room. More crashes and splintering was heard along with the destruction of old furniture shattering of glass. Sombra and the guards peered in after them only to be forced to dodge a rather life like griffon statue that was flung out the door along with a ton of other debris. The three ponies watched as in a strange comedic series of events that looked like it could have been scripted for a stage play, the entire room was destroyed in a Rube Goldberg style of domino cascade. In the end Rahs lay dazed on his back in a pile of rubble with Princess Luna's student, The Great and Powerful Trixie hugging him and nuzzling against his chest. “This day might turn out more interesting than I thought.” Sombra smirked. > Plecostomus Twilight Sparkle, Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Get's a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Plecostomus Twilight Sparkle, Part 3 “That's the report Princess.” The Guard Captain bowed “I'm surprised there wasn't more.” Twilight frowned looking at the few sheets she had been given. “There generally isn't Princess.” Raven offered.” Princess Celestia is only informed of any major events in the week as reported in to the Castle Guard.” “To be fair Princess, aside from a few small things of note, like the riots and fighting that sprang up in Wilmingtrot and on a Minotaur freighter in the south east there's been nothing to report. Though I fully expect that to change due to the current panic going on over the sun and moon.” the Guard Captain stated. “Thank you Captain. Might I suggest that you send a few experts in enchantment and enscrolment to investigate the ship and the port town, just to make sure it's not some cursed mcguffin washed up from a storm or something. Keep an eye out for anything similar we are still two things away from being done with the prophecy at least. I hope it's nothing, but well suspect everything.” Twilight sighed. “Already have Princess. Princess Celestia gave us similar orders in regard to the prophecy.” The Guard Captain saluted and trotted off. “Alright I guess we should get started with the first petitioner.” Twilight grumbled looking at the table Raven had brought out stacked high with papers.” Who's first?” “That is up to you Twilight. Princess Celestia tends to go with level of importance. Though we don't have time to review and sort that now.” Raven frowned. “Alright.” Twilight considered. “ Start us with a non noble petitioner, then we'll go with a noble's. Lets see, base them on the fifth and eighth numbers of the petition number as their placement, in the event of a tie use the first number and so on until a number is higher.” Twilight offered, her horn glowing as the massive stacks of papers launched into the air floating before her rapidly being sorted as she looked over the numbers printed on the corners of the page. “All the T ranked ones are nobles right?” “Yes Twilight.” Raven blinked as everything sorted and rearranged itself before settling back in neat stacks on the table. “Okay that should do it.” Twilight let out a pleased sigh. “Nothing like a bit of cataloging to take the mind off all the crap I'm gonna be dealing with. Can't I just yes or no on the forms without meeting them?” “I'm afraid not Twilight. On the plus side, your reordering will keep any pony from trying to use two petitions in a row for more time.”Raven offered. “Right any word from my brothers?” Twilight asked hopefully. “Last word was Sunset and Sombra wanted breakfast. No more delays please.”Raven frowned. Twilight groaned.” Alright send in the first one I guess.” “Okay Spike.” Sunset Shimmer asked as she munched on a piece of toast. “ I gotta ask...” “Hmm?” Spike questioned dropping a clawful of gemstones provided by kitchen into his cereal. “How was what I said when I woke up, the fourth most intimidating thing you've heard?” Sunset asked. “What was worse than that?” “Oh... well you did win the most vile cringe worthy threat I've heard, which should be impressive given I run a O&O game for a bunch of preteens.” Spike offered. “O&O?” “Ogre's and Oubliettes?” Spike offered.” You create a character and go on adventures. You never heard of it?” Sunset blinked considering.” Sounds like Dungeons and Dragons.” “That sounds more like one of Cadence's games that no one talks about in polite company.” Spike frowned. “Fair enough.” Sunset shrugged putting jam on another piece of toast. ”So what were the threats?” “Well.” Spike offered as he crunched on his gem cereal. “Rahs still has number three, and all he did was quote something about eating my liver from some story about quiet sheep or whatever, but it still freaked me out.” “Okay.” “The second was Cadence. I can't remember why I was waking her up , but she didn't even say anything she just growled at me.” “She growled?” “Yeah this low rumbling growl that sounded like it came from Tartarus itself. It shook all my teeth and scales with the vibration.” Spike shuddered. “Cadence?” Sunset asked. “Yes.” “Pink alicorn?” “Yes.” “Okay then.”Sunset sighed. “What's number one?” “Shining, when he threatened to kill my paladin.” “Your paladin? Is that a game character?” “You know how much time and effort I put into that character, and Shining was just gonna off him for a couple more minutes of sleep!?”Spike flailed. Sunset stared at Spike a moment before sighing. “I think your threat assessment skill is off.” [Case 1] The music came to a screeching halt as the two unicorn ponies stopped dead staring at the pony sitting on a couch before the throne. Twilight stared back at the two yellow unicorn brothers and smiled. The two stallions blinked. Twilight fanned her wings a little. Flim and Flam tipped their hats and sashayed right back out the door sans musical accompaniment this time. “Well.” Raven sighed. “Here's hoping they can all be that quick.” “FUZZY'S A GOD!?” Trixie shrieked. “For bucks sake mare, do you have volume control!?!” Sombra cursed, glaring at her from over his stack of pancakes. “Well excuse me if this is big news. Princess Luna has been keeping me out of the loop of most things and grilling me on magic all night, every night to try and train me.” Trixie explained. Spike sighed pouring another bowl of cereal and gems. Sunset and Rahs seemed ready to throw down as a plate of bacon was brought out. “All night every night and a ten year old foal is still further along with some of her teaching than you are.” Sunset snarked and she and Rahs started dueling with fork's over the bacon pile, neither managing to get the upper claw or hoof in order to snag more than one or two pieces at a time. “At least Trixie knows spells that do not have fire in them.”Trixie scoffed sipping her coffee. “Hey. I know spells that don't have fire in them!” Sunset protested, her horn glowing brighter as she added a second fork into the melee, forcing Rahs to duel wield forks to keep up. “Like what?!” Trixie demanded. “Espoir!” Sunset stated proudly as she added a third fork in her magic only for Rahs to knock it away with his tail sending the steel utensil soaring through the air to embed into a wall. “A blood magic healing spell that literally burns toxins and disease out of the blood stream.” Trixie pointed out. “Sketches etch...” Sunset added. Managing another piece of bacon as the dueling forks started throwing up sparks as the two fought each other off both trying for the biggest portions of bacon. “A rather artistic spell that is primarily used in wood burning artwork or searing letters into metal with extreme heat.” Trixie grinned. “Are they always like this?” Spike asked Sombra. “No, but the blue one is looking to impress your brother for some reason and my cousin is looking to be difficult.” Sombra explained as he saturated his pancakes in syrup. [Case 23] Twilight pressed both her hooves together against either side of her temples, hoping against hope that she could perhaps will her head to be squished like a grape. She let out a long sigh and opened her eyes again looking at the nondescript brown maned and lighter brown furred mare who was standing before her. “Let me get this straight Miss....” “Portland.” The mare answered. “Miss Portland. What you are trying to tell me, is that.... peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, are racist.” Twilight expressed the words like they had coated her tongue with something foul. “Yes.” “And you want the crown to fund a study. So that you can prove ...” “That peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are racist, yes.”Portland agreed. “Are you serious?” “Yes.” Portland stated. “First off the obvious question. How can a sandwich be racist?” “It's more of a pony privilege not every culture makes sandwiches some have pita or thicker bread the minotaur use I'm not sure what it's called...” “It's called bread, potato bread to be exact. Second off you do realize that peanut paste was invented by the Yaks who found that the gooey mess they made from smashing peanuts was delicious. Jelly or fruit preserves were first invented and documented as such by a Romane Griffon named Marcus Gavius Apicius. And bread has been around since wheat was domesticated and grown, and it was one of the first crops EVER to be domesticated back in the ancient pony days in what is now Saddle Arabia. Heck the only part of a sandwich that could even be considered Equestrian enough to be a pony invention is SLICED BREAD, because we only invented an automated slicer just shy of a hundred years ago.” “Well, see that is a perfectly legit reason why... “NOPE!” Twilight stated. “ No, flat out, no. Get out.” “But.” “Do you not understand no? I will not sign off on such a dumb project. I will certainly not allow it to be funded. And I am making a note to have your tenure on the board of education investigated. For some pony who is supposed to promote higher learning, that you refuse to even research your proposal before putting it forth does not fill me with any sort of confidence that you are fit for your position.” “But...” “You may go now.” Twilight stated flatly. “But...” “Guards, make sure Miss Portland can find the door.” Twilight stated. Two of the guards move from the sides of the throne ushering the still attempting to protest mare out. “Twenty three cases already Raven.....” Twilight muttered. “Well you are certainly blowing through them.” Raven nodded. “There have only been two that needed any sort of royal input.” Twilight explained. “Well yes.” “One of those was the Royal Gardener who wanted to know if Celestia wanted the sunflowers on the eastern side of the garden or the southern.” Twilight muttered. “Well it was important.” Raven sighed. “Raven... it has been over an hour. Where the buck are my idiot brothers with Sombra and Sunset?” Twilight demanded. Rahs raised an eyebrow as he looked down at the mass in the hall before him. Spike tilted his head staring in awe. Trixie and Sunset were still arguing with each other particularly since Trixie's interference allowed Rahs to get more of the bacon. Sombra just looked annoyed. Crossing in front of the group, filling the hall way as they made their way between the castle's moat and the inner castle gardens were hundreds upon hundreds of slowly waddling ducks. “What the duck?” Spike asked. “Discord pranked Celestia by filling her room with baby ducks one morning.” Sombra explained. “She didn't want to get rid of them while they were so young.... and now … they are pampered guests who get a red carpet escort between the pond and the moat rather than just be fed to a griffon ambassador or something.” “Wuff.” Rahs shook his head. “I know, just when you think you've seen everything.”Spike sighed. [Case 73]. “I'm afraid i don't have the authority to approve this as it would go against a ruling made by Princess Celestia specifically.” Twilight offered looking over the paper work before looking up at the red maned changeling stallion standing before her. “I understand Princess, but i would still like your idea on the proposal so I might alter it to be more favorable for when Princess Celestia returns.” Atta nodded lightly. “Well I don't see any issue with it myself. This just seems an assurance that if a changeling is revealed property that they can prove they own is still theirs. There are a lot of legal parts here I only half understand regarding the law in terms of a criminal or foal support case.......” Twilight continued the conversation for a bit wondering what the heck had happened to her brothers. “Woof.” Rahs frowned looking down at the pile of ash before him that used to be a collection of black roots covered in thorns. The small group had come out to have a look at the spot the Guard pointed out had been tunneled into under the Princesses' balconies. They had barely made it to the edge of the hole when the roots launched out and tried to grab Rahs. This was a mistake. Between Spike, Sunset, Trixie, Sombra, and the collection of Guards around, the roots barely managed to wiggle in Rahs' direction before being hit with a good dozen spells and a gout of dragon fire. “ Well. It seems we know what happened to Celestia.” Sombra grumbled watching one of the roots that they had missed try to wiggle up after Rahs. “ They're focused on Rahs, so it's a safe bet they are designed to capture gods. They ignored the two demi gods here to go after him specifically.” Sunset hummed to herself. “Spike is a demi god as well, but Trixie agrees, Fuzzy needs to be protected.” Trixie agreed. “I think we should check on Twilight before something like this comes after her.” Spike offered. “Ruff.” Rahs pointed out. “You can smell the Princesses' magic but it's dulled? What about the roots?” Spike asked. “Wuff.” Rahs frowned. “No scent at all? “ Spike crossed his arms. “They also drew in some of my magic, unless that was Rahs.” Sunset pointed out. “No that was the roots. The beasts draw on spells is different. This was less subtle and felt more like am attempt to drain outright before it was over loaded with power.” Sombra considered. “That would explain how they were grabbed. If these things seek gods and drain magic.” Sunset considered.” But where did the roots come from?” “Perhaps we should inform Twilight before they go after her?” Trixie offered. A massive explosion rocked the castle grounds sending a number of guards into a panic. Sombra and Sunset jerk around looking for the threat. Trixie simply follows the Sparkles lead, neither of them seem impressed. “ I think we left Twilight alone too long.” Spike sighed. [Case 117] Raven decided that if this ever happened again, she would most certainly go with Sweetiebelle. Things had been going rather well too. Even the reaction to Posh Posh of the Posh family showing up was met with surprising calm by Twilight. That she punted him out the door personally, non withstanding. Currently there was a crater in the middle of the marble floor, about two feet in front of the throne where a lilac and rose maned pony stood with a few other ponies behind her. To be fair to Twilight the blast of magic seemed a more surprised reaction than anything else. The crater used to be the pamphlet that the group had given Twilight. The pressure the alicorn had exerted on the parchment made it implode. “What did you say?” Twilight demanded. Raven wondered if this small group of ponies was brave or stupid. “We wish for a royal ban of the book To Kill a Mockingbird. Such filth does not belong any where near proper books.” The lead mare stated. Raven mentally checked off the box in her mind listing this one as 'stupid'. “You want to ban a book..... and have it royally banned. Something reserved for the most dangerous tomes there are. Things that can corrupt and defile or cause actual harm to the reader.” Twilight frowned. “ Why... do you want To Kill a Mockingbird banned?” “Because it makes ponies uncomfortable.” “THAT IS THE POINT OF THE BOOK!”Twilight screamed. “So you won't permit the ban?” the mare scoffed. “No.” Twilight shook her head. Raven blinked in surprise, she had expected Twilight to go off on this group. Yet she was dealing with this with a surprising amount of calm. “Well I suppose we shall simply need to take it on our selves to gather up these foul tomes and burn them ourselves.” the mare stated flatly. Raven didn't even wait. She flipped the table over sending paperwork flying and dove behind it casting every protection spell she knew. Twilight twitched. Rahs, Spike, Sunset, Trixie, and Sombra moved into the shattered remains of the throne room. The marble floor was destroyed, several pillars were knocked over and the twin thrones of night and day were blown against the back wall. A comfy looking recliner sat in the middle of the room untouched, though before it a trio of ponies were being loaded on to stretchers muttering incoherently about 'the horror'. Raven was sitting off to the side draped in a thick blanket and being offered some coffee by one of the guards. Twilight was smoldering still. “Woof?” Rahs asked. “They wanted to burn books...” Twilight snarled. “And you let them live? You're self control is improving.” Spike nodded. Sunset and Sombra glanced to each other, then slowly backed out of the room. It would be safer to simply remain in their rooms until the whole thing blew over. > Plecostomus Twilight Sparkle, Episode 2, Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Plecostomus Twilight Sparkle, Episode 2, Part 1 [ Canterlot throne room. ] “Whoa. What happened here?” Rainbow Dash questioned as she glided into the room from the main doors. Behind her a particular pony was flailing around with his tie pulled up over his head. The two guard on either side of the door snickered to themselves and closed the double doors behind her. “Rainbow Dash? What are you doing here?” Twilight demanded looking away from her brothers. Their explanation of things helped Twilight figure out what may have happened to the Princesses, but the 'how' and 'why' or even the possible 'who' eluded her still. Sombra and Sunset sat off to the side of the dais clearly annoyed that Twilight had pulled them both back in by their tails the moment they tried to leave. Trixie was trying to flirt with Rahs, poorly, and he was completely oblivious to it. At least he seemed oblivious to it , the moon dog looked more confused and out of sorts by Trixie than anything else. Perhaps he wasn't oblivious, just unsure what to do particularly with three others who seemed interested in him, whether Applejack would admit it directly or not. “We got trouble back in Ponyville I came up here to tell the Princesses since we couldn't find you, but here you are so, two birds and all that.” Rainbow Dash shrugged. “Anyway some weird vines are growing out of the Everfree and are eating the town. They're even infecting the clouds, my house looks like an exploded rose bush and the weights dragged it down to the ground. Applejack's going nuts trying to protect the farm, and don't get me started on Fluttershy trying to deal with her animals.” “Out of the Everfree?” Twilight considered. “The source is all the way out there? That doesn't make any sense, You two were in Ponyville why did the roots come here first to snag Celestia and Luna” Sunset questioned. “Given how Golden Oaks library is the only place in town untouched by the vines, probably all the spells Twi has on the tree.” Rainbow Dash shrugged. “You warded a library?”Sombra raised a brow. “I live there.” Twilight huffed. “I am unsurprised.” Sombra frowned. “Who lives in a library inside a tree... Twi~light ~Spar~kle. A purple and nerdy and Princess is she....” Sunset muttered to herself with a snort of amusement that no one else understood. “Alright we have a possible source for the roots that seem to have taken the Princesses. We need to head to Ponyville. Raven we need a couple of flying chariots and some pegasi guards. Heck just mobilize the Guards period to head to the towns around the Everfree and try and drive back the roots.” Twilight ordered. Raven shrugged realizing there wasn't going to be any more court today anyway and went off to summon the Guard. “Why do I get the feeling you are including us in this trip?” Sombra growled. “Because I am.” Twilight explained. “Yeah I'd rather pass. Luna's okay, but mom can go star in a La Blue Girl film with these things for all I care.” Sunset snorted. “I have no idea what you said, but it sounded insulting, so I will agree, with the names reversed.” Sombra muttered. “Trixie will not need convincing to try and help.” Trixie offered nobly as she inched closer to Rahs. “Woof. Ruff.” Rahs ticked off on his claws. “Right. One, you coming along will keep the Guard off your back because I'll be there watching you. Two, both of you are going to be living in Ponyville shortly I figure you might want to at least attempt to make good with the town by helping to try and save it. Ponyville tends to follow more what they've seen versus what they've heard... most of the time.” Twilight explained, her expression darkening. “ And three, because I'm your parole office in Ponyville, and I said so.” The air of menace Twilight was projecting with that statement came to an abrupt end as Rahs cuffed her in the back of the head with a paw. “Bork!” Rahs snapped. “I am not letting the power go to my head! I am asserting dominance over a thief and a tyrant.” Twilight frowned. “Gee thanks.” Sunset huffed. “Glad to know where we stand.” “Nah, that sounded like power tripping.” Spike added. “Don't you start.” Twilight frowned. “Of course not Princess, hey haul me a couch from the library to use as my throne.” Spike snarked. “Well I wasn't sitting in either Celestia or Luna's thrones.” Twilight fussed. “Can we go? Those things are wrecking Ponyville.” Dash huffed. [Ponyville, early afternoon] “Wow. You weren't kidding. This place is a bigger mess than when Discord first got out.”Twilight frowned looking over the edge of the chariot at Ponyville. The whole town and the surrounding area was covered in black vines that were wrapped around and through nearly all buildings. Twilight was willing to put bits on Applejack having lost another barn, but there were no takers. “Yeah this got way worse in an hour.”Rainbow Dash grumbled flying along side Twilight and Spike's chariot. Trixie and a ill looking Rahs were in another with Sunset and Sombra in the last. “ The girls are scouring the library for anything of use.” “Weird weather, creepy vines, half day half night, missing Princesses.” Spike frowned. “ Seriously doesn't this seem like Discord?” “That would mean he violated his agreement and we can blast him again.” Twilight stated. “Woof.” Rahs pointed out as the group of chariots landed, the Guard unhitching and flying off towards the next town with the rest of the squad. “He has a point.” Spike frowned. “What did he even say?” Sunset grumbled. “Discord is more theatrical, this is chaotic, but there's no gloating or riddles or any sort of thing that would pin it soly on him.”Twilight sighed.”Still we should ask Pinkie and Fluttershy, they were the last ones to see him.” “They should be in the library.” Rainbow Dash pointed out. “We already grabbed our Elements as well just in case.” “Bark.” Rahs offered tossing the crown to Twilight as he pulled it out of his light blue coat. “I've been wanting to know this, why the heck is you brother carrying the Element of Magic?” “Do my wings look like they come with pockets?” Twilight snarked as she put on the crown with a sigh and walked into the library with Dash. “Bork.” Rahs huffed turning a bit red as he glared at Sunset.. “Translation, no one expects it and he looks way more intimidating than Twilight does.”Spike sighed . “Is she always like this?” Sombra grumbled. “She's got worse and then she got the wings.” Spike sighed. “Worse?” Sunset frowned.”What did mom do?” “Quite a bit, don't worry she'll calm down once this issue is over.” Spike frowned. “Mostly.” “... And most of the critters from the woods are all in my house now and there's no room for me or any one else.” Fluttershy muttered.” The whole forest is being attacked by these things.” “Farm's overrun too. Vines ain't damaged tha trees too badly, yet, but if it continues we're gonna be more vines than apples. Axes only do so much and they grow faster'n anything else ah've seen before cept Zap apples.” Applejack explained.” Wrecked the new barn already too.” “You've seen the town darling. While my shop is fine as the wards you helped me set up there have kept the vines away thus far, the rest of the town is not as lucky.” Rarity frowned. “Those stupid clouds, have actually started chasing anything that flies and they're charged with something too. It's not lightning either, that would barely bother the weather team.” Rainbow Dash protested.” But even Thunderlane is getting shocked and that idiot is practically immune to lightning.” “I can't find my purple crayon.” Pinkie Pie exclaimed and was mostly ignored. Twilight let out a sigh as she thought. “Pinkie, Fluttershy, have either of you seen Discord?” “Nopers.” Pinkie shook her head dislodging the purple crayon from her mane. “There it is!” she cheered scooping it up. “Discord talked to us after the trip to the Crystal Empire for that gods council meeting and said that he would be gone for a few weeks dealing with some family business.” Fluttershy explained.” He seemed rather happy about it.” “That explains why he has not been around to bother Luna and Celestia since the ducks.” Sombra added with a hum. “ Applejack, you were trying to get rid of the vines on your farm right?” Twilight asked. “Of course. They cut like normal roots or vines but they keep coming.” Applejack snorted. “And you didn't change form by being near them?” Twilight asked. “Nah.... thinking on it, gitting near them seems tah make it easier tah deal with all tha ambient magic. Didn't even change with a host of tha local unicorns blasting at um. Course tha spells didn't do much to the vines neither.” Applejack explained. “They're resistant to magic and seem to drain spell energy from what we saw in Canterlot.” Sunset added. Pinkie Pie shot up right to her hooves from a prone position and started bouncing around the room with out moving.” OOH, OOH, quakey hooves, quakey hooves, you're gonna get a unexpected visitor bearing gifts” “ What?” Sombra scowled. “It's Pinkie Pie. Don't question it.” Spike added heading to the door as the first knock on the wood was heard. Spike pulled the door open to reveal a gray and white striped zebra mare, loaded down with saddle bags and with a cart full of things parked behind her. “Twilight might ah speak with you ah bit, before the whole town goes completely to shit?” Zecora asked. “Did she just rhyme in a Baystonionion accent?” Sunset blinked. “Second thing to not question.” Rainbow Dash chimed in. Twilight blinked looking at the heavy saddlebags and the cart parked outside behind the zebra mare loaded down with furniture and things she had seen in the zebra's hut. There were also a number of bandages wrapped around her legs and chest with a few visible scratches.”Are you alright Zecora?” Zecora shook her head. “ My home is a totahl loss, the vines destroyed it to the lahst strahnd of moss. “I salvahged whaht I could from there, thahnkfully my mahre friend hahs ah room she cahn share.” “Oh no.” Fluttershy whimpered.” You've been hurt too.” “Zecora waved her hoof.” It's not the first time I've needed to rebuild a home, this time at leahst I don't plahn to say buck it and continue to roahm.” “That's good, we're trying to figure out what this is to stop it. Hopefully it won't be long before you can go back.” Twilight sighed.”I don't suppose you have any insight, because thus far aside from rushing into the forest to see where they are coming from, I don't have any ideas.” “Trahveling into the forest with no goahl I cahnnot recommend, unless of course your plahn is to meet your end.” Zecora snorted holding up a bandaged limb.”But there is good news thaht I bring too, Velkorn mixed up some potions for you.” “What? The goddess who gave us the prophecy?” Spike questioned. “Oh stars, what sort of headache did she drop on us?” Twilight sighed. “Surprisingly a light one this time, besides, being cryptic is hahrdly ah crime.” Zecora frowned. “Despite what you claim her to be, she is still considered a god to me.” “Right, the zebra god, sorry. As usual I have a lot going on. So what sort of potions did she want you to give me?” Twilight asked. “Don't worry too much ahbout it, despite her stahtus I know she's ah twit.” Zecora shook her head.”If she knew ahll there is to be, ahbout this crap she could have wahrned me.” Zecora pulled three flasks out of her saddle bag, each filled with a thick white liquid and set them down on the table the girls had set up to read on. “To stahrt with she hahd four, but I tested one myself before bringing it to your door.” “So what do they do? They're radiating strong divination magic.” Twilight frowned as Sunset and Sombra looked them over curiously. “From the one I tested on me, it allows visions of history. While I sahw the vision of my tribes exodus from the plahins, I was told you would see the source of the vines that give us such pains.”Zecora pointed at the flasks her eyes darting to Rahs and Applejack as she shifted a little keeping Twilight between them and her. “So which one will show that?” Twilight asked. “Given from whaht Velkorn sahid to me, to see whaht you wahnt, you hahve to drink ahll three.” Zecora nodded. “I don't like this.” Sunset and Sombra blinked looking at Rahs in confusion. “Neither do I. I know Zecora tested it, but we've never even met this Velkorn and all this prophecy hooey is just headache inducing, now we have another problem instead of just telling us, she goes , 'here drink this.' “ Spike fussed. “Need I remind you Spike you used to do this sort of prophecy and riddle stuff all the time in O&O?” Twilight grumbled looking at the potions. “Yeah, I do, but that's a game and not exactly a life or death situation. Not a REAL one any way. No offense to Zecora, but that could be some sort of poison that doesn't work on zebra's, only on alicorns.” “It is nearly impossible to kill a god. And I don't see magic or books vanishing any time soon.” Trixie pointed out. “Yeah well if it kills me I'll have something else to have words with her about. And by words I mean turning her inside out a few times until a get a straight answer. But I don't think it will come to that.” Twilight sighed. “ Celestia seems to trust her for some reason, despite being annoyed by her.” “Right, well, here goes nothing.” Twilight frowned popping, the cork and downing the white liquid. > Plecostomus Twilight Sparkle, Episode 2, Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Plecostomus Twilight Sparkle, Episode 2, Part 2 [?] The landscape was broken. There was hardly another word for the jagged and wiggling terrain that Twilight was standing on. Looking around there were countless things wrong with this place. Trees growing out of clouds, the Maneterhorn mountain in the distance was spitting out hot chocolate and marshmallows like a volcano. The sky was pink with the moon high in the bright sky being bounced back and forth by clouds shaped like scantily clad mares playing with a beach ball. The ground itself rolled and undulated like something massive was moving underneath it without disturbing the sod, occasionally in the distance Twilight spotted a dirt spout like a whale or dolphin was swimming through the ground. “Woof?” Rahs asked. “What?” Twilight blinked looking back to see her brother looking around in confusion.” Oh... of course you got sucked into.... what ever this is too.” “Ruff.” Rahs pointed out with a shrug. “Yeah this is Discord's doing alright.... but where....” Twilight pondered. “DISCORD!” bellowed a voice. “That sounded like Celestia.” Twilight pondered and the pair rushed forward over the roiling checker board landscape coming up upon a rise that wasn't moving, but looked like a disco ball half buried in the ground. Sitting atop of it in a oddly mismatched looking throne made of plastic ninja swords sat Discord. Before him at the edge of the disco ball hill stood two figures, a much younger, or at least less plump, Celestia, and Luna. The pair of them were decked out in some sort of jewelry that Twilight recognized as the Elements of Harmony in a different form. Each of them wore three piece with Celestia wearing a crown like Twilight's Element became. “Welly welly well, I was wondering when you were going to show up.” Discord grinned.”I somehow doubt it's to try and win me back however. Even if it is, that ship has sailed.” Discord muttered the last and a model of the Enterprise D floats out of his hand drifting a little bit away from him before falling and crashing into the dirt next to his throne with a minor explosion. “Hmm, guess they let Deanna drive again.” Discord shrugged turning his attention back to the two Princesses. “You've gone too far with this Discord, return everything to how it is supposed to be.” Luna snapped. “Oh you poor foal... this IS how everything is supposed to be.” Discord gestured. “Or did you forget that I was in charge of the entirety of 'Equestria' when your little ponies arrived here?” “You gave that land to the ponies who were running from the Windigo, you have no right to take it back.” Celestia snarled. “Celestia let me level with you here. I was in a fairly bad place when you first met me and our time together was quite delightful before it all came crashing down. As such I'm still willing to let your little ponies live in MY LAND, however, I am going to amuse myself however I feel like because this place is mine. If they don't like it they can move.” Discord snarled. “ Or not, because everything IN this land is mine too.” “This is hardly the proper response to a break up.” Luna frowned. “After what you did when your last date died. You don't get to talk about proper responses.” Discord snapped. “Do not target us in this, we were not responsible for your actions in thine break up, nor our sisters. We simply stated thee was a twit, and let our sister choose her own path.”Luna growled. Discord pondered a moment and shrugged.” Fair enough. But the answer is no, I'm not stopping. Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time.” “I was trying to be reasonable Discord, but ponies cannot live like this. I will ask you one more time to stop this madness.” Celestia snapped. “Madness!?” Discord twitched standing up quickly enough that the throne flew backwards and took out a group of trees shaped like a triangle. An odd red X appeared in the air as all the trees crashed to the ground from the hit. “THIS...” Luna and Celestia frowned, the Elements starting to glow. “...IS...” A beam of rainbow light burst forth from the jewelry soaring through the air as Discord struck a dramatic pose. “CHAOS!!!” The cry reverberated around the land as the energy of the Elements wrapped around him exploding with a burst of white light leaving a statue of the draconequus mid pose like Twilight and Rahs had first seen him in the Canterlot Royal Gardens. “Woof.” Rahs sighed. “Yeah that happened pretty much exactly as I thought.” Twilight nodded as the world faded out. [Back in the present] “Right, so that's what the potion does, okay Rahs did you....... what the buck?” Twilight demanded as her head cleared from the odd fog of the potion's effects and she spotted the state of the library. Rahs was laying on his back on the floor, with Sunset sitting on his chest. Rarity, Spike, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie were all sitting on the couch with a big bucket of popcorn. Sombra was buried under a bookshelf that had fallen over. Zecora was simply gone. The rest of the room was trashed and the source was readily seen as Trixie, who had Witch-Jack in a head lock, while Witch-Jack was flipping around the room trying to dislodge the mare all while chewing on Trixie's hat. Trixie in turn was gnawing on Witch-Jack's, hat trying to return the favor while shouting muffled curses as the pair smashed through a table. “Applejack and Trixie both rushed over to check on Rahs when he fell over, completely ignoring me when I told them he probably got sucked into the potions effect.” Spike offered. “The pair of them then got upset with each other checking on Rahs and started arguing which led to shoving and magic and then the pair of them just well... whatever this is.” Rarity offered. “Sombra was in the wrong place at the wrong time and got knocked into the book shelf.” Fluttershy stated.”He's out cold.” “And I made Popcorn.” Pinkie Pie stated. “Woof?” Rahs asked from the floor. “Good point why are you sitting on Rahs?” Twilight asked. “Because those two are fighting over him, not fighting on him so this was the safest place. Besides he's comfortable.”Sunset shrugged. “I know right, great place to nap.” Dash cackled. “So anyway Twi. How was the potion, was it sticky and salty?” “It tasted like coconuts.” Twilight frowned. “So it didn't taste like, baby batter, pale marmalade, pearl jam, penis colada, pole milk, ball barf, bonk juice, cuckoo spit, crack wax, cream, daddy juice, boy foam, nut butter, dong water, fish dip...” Rainbow Dash grinned as the fighting stopped and every pony looked at her. “Flour water, fun gel, gentleman’s relish, happy trail mix, hot milk, jamba juice, chode nectar, nob slurry, throat yogurt, white honey, load, love liquor...” Fluttershy continued drawing even more stares, every ponies eyes widening. The shy mare meeped lightly and dove behind the couch after realizing what she said. “No, it didn't taste a thing like, stallion chowder, erecto plasma, population paste, protean shake, buttermilk, fructis, clam sauce, rude glue, schlong jelly, worm gob, nizzle-drizzle, high fructose porn syrup, hemulsion, or willy milk.” Twilight concluded causing everyone's jaws to drop. Twilight blinked a moment as she processed what she had just said. Rainbow Dash grinned even wider as she waited for the realization to hit. “OH BUCK!! It is a pegasus thing!! I've got wings now craaaaaaaaaaaap!” Twilight wailed. “ I'm the element of depravity!” “Calm down. Ah'm pretty sure you have some competition in that Twi.” Witch-Jack muttered. “Applejack. It is not nice to bring up a ladies private interests like that.” Rarity scoffed. “ While I'm sure that comment means nothing to Rainbow Dash, must you be so insulting to poor Fluttershy?” “Ah was talking about you.”Witch Jack snapped back. “What?!” Rarity gasped. “If ah got to explain to the Crusaders one more time about somethin they found under yer bed ah'm gonna sanitize yer whole place with some oil and matches.”Witch-Jack growled as Rarity turned bright red. “Oooo, fire from the get go, we really are related.” Sunset grinned. “Bork!” Rahs added. “What right, get off my brother I've got two more of these bottles to go through. All that one showed me was when Discord got turned to stone.” Twilight sighed trying to force down her desire to go hide in the basement for a few years. She picked up the next bottle as Rahs whimpered about the stupid connection, as she downed it. > Plecostomus Twilight Sparkle, Episode 2, Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Plecostomus Twilight Sparkle, Episode 2, Part 3 [?] Twilight Sparkle screamed out as the severed unicorn head passed through her. She flinched back peddling away as the skull smashed into the stone wall behind her, turned to a slurry of bone fragments, black mane, and gray matter upon impact. The massive witch wolf roared out as it stomped the headless carcass of the unicorn, the head less body bursting like an over ripe melon and splattering the stone hall with his innards. The massive spiky furred beast howled and lept into a group of armored guards that were approaching, claws and fangs brandished as blood ran down it's form, the remains of those it had found before this group. The armored ponies forced their magic user back, drawing simple steel weapons to face the monstrous witch wolf. Twilight shuddered stumbling back over her own hooves prancing in place as she looked around the hall. Tattered banners hung from the ceiling, the walls had chunks taken out of them, some deep enough that a dim light from outside could be seen through them. Scattered across the ground were savaged bodies, some missing body parts, others burned or blasted apart by spell fire, others still filled with arrows. The bodies numbered castle servants, guards, and a number of silver and black armored nox-cal. The clash at the end of the hall seemed to finally resolve as a large earth pony brought his ax down on the neck of the witch wolf, the beast refusing to give up and clamping it's bloodied jaws around the ponies leg as the ax fell a second time in a violent swing that removed the witch wolf's head from it's shoulders. The four remaining guards stepped back panting and checking over the fallen ones to see if any still lived the wounded guard was treated by the unicorn who stayed back from the fight. They only managed a moment of peace before the wall next to them exploded in, burying them with rubble as a the massive form of a buffalo juggernaut tore through the wall trampling them all to death, showering the area with gore and screams. The buffalo itself only lived a few moments more before a blast of magic from further down the hall burned a hole larger than Twilight through it's side, showering the wall behind it with it's smoldering guts and bones. The massive beast collapsed instantly, as another squad of guards already bloodied and battered rushed down the hall. Twilight panted in panic her eyes darting around at the mass of bodies, her wings flared as she tried to lift her hooves up from a bloody floor that she wasn't even really touching. She screamed out loudly as something grabbed her and pulled her back through one of the walls. Outside Twilight shrieked out flailing in the grip. “WOOF!!” Rahs barked as he clutched Twilight against him as she panicked. He looked around the large courtyard as his sister hyperventilated. This was not a good spot. Outside was far worse than the halls. Bodies lay strew all about as griffons, pegasi, and thestrals soared through the air tearing into each other, knocking bodies out of the sky or flying down to grab opponents off the ground dragging them screaming into the air before dropping them. Three massive armor plated dragons soared overhead, blasting the lines of Guard to ash. One of the great beasts screamed, as it's wing was ripped free by a silver griffon in steel armor, the massive hen ripping and tearing into the side of the falling dreadnought before bursting out of the bloody wound she carved with a chunk of what could only be the dragon's still beating heart. The griffoness barely paused, leaping from the creature as it slammed into a castle tower sending the stone crashing to the ground with it. The hen payed it no mind, before the last stones crashed to the ground she was already soaring up in a shower of gore after the next dreadnought. More witch wolves and juggernauts surged against the army of guard, massive nox-cal nocturnes rampaged through the guards, laying siege almost as well as the remaining juggernauts. Kirin fired blasts of spell energy that tore gouges through the guard ranks when they hit, and both sides threw up shields to protect their side as they rained down death on the other. The sounds of conflict and the scent of blood, bile, and worse things filled the air in a overwhelming assault on the senses. Rahs frowned as he looked for a way out of this with his sister, before spotting something on top of one of the walls. Tossing his sister over his shoulder he darted over scaling the brick work, wondering how the heck this potion could tell the difference between him wanting to pass through something like a ghost or touch it. Ehhh, figuring that out was more Twilight's thing. The air was a little clearer far above the battle field though the scent of blood and now fire, still filled his nose. Shaking his sister a little as she finally seemed to be calming down he pointed to what he had seen on the wall. Standing there in golden armor marked with the symbol of the sun, holding a massive claymore as large as she was, was Princess Celestia. Across from her in steel blue armor and holding a massive double sided ax in her magic was a black alicorn with glowing green eyes, Nightmare Moon. The pair were only apart for a moment before they were on each others, the impacts of the pairs hooves ripping chunks of stone from the wall as they moved. The clang of their weapons meeting threw up sparks and arcane energy that seared the air around them and turned the darkened sky bright as if the sun was sitting atop the castle walls. The pair lept apart after the brief clash, Nightmare's mane lashing out and striking a pegasus who was trying to get the drop on her. The stallions head was jerked to the side with the hit, a sickening crack sounding before his body collapsed with a lifeless thud to the wall, bouncing once and falling over the edge into the melee below. Celestia's horn glowed with brilliant power as she fired a bolt towards Nightmare. The dark alicorn tilted her head a little as the blast shot past her, hitting it's true target and melting the head of one of the remaining dreadnoughts sending the headless creature smashing into the stone wall of Whinnysor. “You need to stop this Luna.” Celestia snapped.”Solomon is dead, the Crystal Empire is gone. There has been enough war.” “You don't get it do you. This is not going to be over until I have your head on a wall and the country under my rule.” Nightmare Moon snarled. “You listened to much to those mewing fools you call nobles and have become a pathetic excuse for a ruler. Once you fall they will be ripped from their little nests like the rats they are, and made an example of to the rest of Equss as to what will happen if you cross me.” “Please Luna.... you need to give this up. Let me help you. I want my sister back.” Celestia pleaded back peddling as the massive ax nearly took her head off in a wild swing. “Sister !? All you want is a weak little patsy that you can ignore when you feel like it and pretend to care about to make yourself feel better. I came to you with my concerns, my worries and what you didn't out right ignore, you disregarded as the ramblings of a foal who knew no better.” Nightmare Moon Snarled. “ Solomon might have sped up the process but I was already going to have to rip you apart in order to be taken seriously by anyone anyway!” “Luna....” “YOUR SISTER IS DEAD CELESTIA.” Nightmare Moon snarled as Celestia shoved her back with her blade. “You already killed her.” “That is not true, I know Luna is there some where trapped by this monster. I hope she understands this.” Celestia frowned. “She understands you need to DIE!” Nightmare screamed out launching herself at Celestia. The solar princess frowned, her horn glowing bright as six points of light start shining under her armor. The golden plate suddenly exploding with brilliant light as six pieces of jewelry are seen wrapped around the mares forelegs, wings, neck and resting on her now unarmored head, as a crown. “What.. HOW DID YOU GET THOSE!?” Nightmare bellows as the Elements of Harmony glow brightly, the rainbow of light slamming into Nightmare Moon knocking the ax from her magic. The dark alicorn's horn glowed brightly, magic bursting from her pushing back the energy of the Element's as she snarled. “I WILL NOT BE BEATEN LIKE THIS!” “Stop fighting, Luna I'm trying to cure you...” Celestia winced, her fur turning black around the Element's as the power of them grew, searing into her flesh. “I WILL NOT BE A ORNAMENT IN YOUR GARDEN CELESTIA!” Nightmare Moon roared the shield of magic around her slowly being crushed as she fought to keep the power away from her. The dark alicorn's eyes widened and she glanced up to the moon, high in the sky then to the Element's burning the white alicorn's flesh, before she grinned. “You might win this round Celestia. But I will be back, and I will end you. The Element's will reject you for this and nothing will stop me.” Celestia screamed out as the crown atop of her head representing magic exploded, taking off a chunk of her horn, a large section of fur, and her ear, showing some of her skull underneath. The magic surged with the explosion, smashing through Nightmare Moon's barrier, the impact flinging her into the sky, the energy smashing into the face of the moon, burning the image of a mare in the surface. “See you soon.... sister.” a disembodied voice snarled as the magic faded. The air was quiet for several seconds as the battle was watched by the combatants in the court yard. “LUNAR REPUBLIC, FALL BACK!!” Bellowed a voice as the conflict resurged, the guard rallying to their princess as the nox-cal fell back at nightmares defeat. The remaining dreadnoughts were torn from the sky and the guards ripped apart any juggernauts and witch wolves that still pressed the attack, chasing the nox cal back towards the main bridge over the canyon around the castle. The Lunar republic forces maintained an orderly retreat, but with the victory of Celestia over Nightmare Moon the guard forces were not letting up an inch in driving the invaders back. There was a sudden massive flare of magic and a dome of light formed over the castle. The magenta glow sealing off the guard from the retreating nox-cal. Standing on the bridge was a single nox-cal kirin. The black furred and scaled creature's horn glowed brightly, sweat poured down his feature along with his own blood. Sword wounds covered his form, arrows and spears riddled his body, and burns from magic scoured away patches of his fur, but still he stood clutching a large spear with a red ribbon wrapped around the haft just under the blade, the weapon being used to prop himself up. Nox-cal rushed through the raised shield and across the bridge, though guards and griffons slammed into it clawing and attacking impotently against the barrier. One of the thestrials stopped at his side. “Lord Lionheart we can still hold them here, you need to fall back...” “I'm already dead, major.... fall back to the island, prepare for an invasion, rally everyone we can, these bastards are not going to stop here.”Lion Heart growled. “Go. That's an order. I'll hold them off. Tell.... tel my son I'm sorry...” “Sir....” swallowed the thestril before taking off shouting orders at those who had paused to ready to fight again. The kirin winced blood starting to seep from his horn as the silver griffoness slammed into the shield, the barrier even holding back the griffon god for the moment. The kirin fell to one knee panting hard, his horn still glowing brightly as the army of guards slammed against it. The attackers fell silent suddenly. “I asked Luna to stop and she refused. Will you do the same? Will you persist in this senseless killing?” Celestia offered staring down at the kirin from the other side of the shield. Her burns had healed , though her armor was gone, and the jewelry hanging from her body was lifeless and gray. “Senseless killing? What a high and mighty line of bullshit to spout.” Lionheart growled spiting at the shield, his blood passing through it and splattering on the solar Princesses cheek. Celestia didn't so much as flinch. “You killed our kind senselessly for years before all this started. Witch trials, refused us work, stole what we had, buried our foals alive or drown them to be rid of the monsters before they could grow up to be a threat. We didn't start the senseless killing, you did, you and your bucking ponies made it legal. We fled from everything and the only one who cared enough to listen to us was some pony else you ignored. We fled further, and still you pursued and murdered and killed us because we don't look like you pastel colored freaks. And when we were finally backed into a corner, when we had no where else to flee and we started fighting back, you all screamed that it was proof we were the monsters you always saw us as. It's small wonder we sided with the one seeking to destroy you, because only then would we be safe from you murderers.” The kirin coughed dropping hard to his knees in the middle of the bridge, blood splattering the ground under him as his horn sputtered and the shield faded. The guards rushed forward in a surge crossing the bridge to set out in pursuit of the fleeing nox-cal. Lion Heart forced himself back up at the surge of guards was nearly upon him. “You..” The kirin snarled. “Shall.” Gripping his spear in his fore limbs he whirled it around to his left, his horn glowing as the spear blade flared with magic. “NOT!!” The kirin slammed his spear blade down onto the railing of the bridge, the burning magic striking a spark on a fast burning fuse that ignited and raced away along it's path. “PASS!!” Everything exploded in a blast of magical fire as the casks of explosives the demo teams prepped under the bridge once they had taken it went off. Tons of rock lurched upward, thrown high into the air along with the bodies of galloping ponies, the projectile bodies and rocks smashing like a spread shot into the pegasi and griffons in the air over the bridge. The bridge itself collapsed completely, the whole mass of it along with hundreds of guards, griffons, and one nox cal kirin, fell screaming into the depths of the chasm far below. Celestia winced , her magic fanning out trying to grab as many as she could, though between the explosion and the falling rubble she could only manage to save a dozen at best. “AFTER THEM NOW!”Shouted the commander of the guard, the remaining pegasi launching themselves forward. “STAND DOWN NOW.” bellowed Celestia. “But Princess the enemy is getting away...” the commander pointed out. “Let them, if they return to their island like they were ordered we shall deal with them there. There's been enough death.... period. “ Celestia frowned. “But Princess we can still...” “SHUT UP. I WILL NOT RISK ANY MORE LIVES ON STUPID REVENGE HERE. THERE ARE ALREADY TOO MANY BODIES TO BURY ON BOTH SIDES.” Celestia snapped glaring at the commander. “ If you still have the energy to fight then get to the bottom of this chasm and see if any one survived, the rest of you search the grounds, treat any wounded you find, I don't care what side they were on, if they can be saved do it. Defend yourself as need be and make sure there are no juggernauts or witch wolves left, they cannot be reasoned with. Those of you who can start gathering the bodies of those who have fallen, I want a head count. Again of both sides. NOW GO!” The surrounding guards saluted and took off in a rush to do what they were ordered. The clear tone of their princesses voice making it certain that none would disobey her. The silver griffoness landed heavily beside the princess gesturing to her forces to do the same. “Are you sure about this?”Southern Cross asked. “No. but this has to stop some where. I cannot control them, so I need to show them we are willing to stop. It is better the nox -cal did find their own place. It will take years to calm down the populace to where they would even be accepted at all. Ponies still have a herd mentality, they are distrustful of anything not the norm. It is not an excuse, not a valid one for how the nox-cal were treated, but this war likely pushed back any chances of peace by decades if not centuries.” Celestia sighed. “And if the Nightmare comes back?” Southern Cross frowned. “ Leaving them will give her a ready made army to oppose you.” “She won't be back for a long time. More than enough time to sway them away from her violent teachings and alleviate all their concerns.” Celestia frowned looking up at the moon and the new face on it. “ I can simply wait out any dissenters. We have that option.” “You have that option. I'm tired of this living forever shit.” Southern Cross sighed. “ These wars cost me my daughter and my grandson, and any other I might be related to. I'm done. Thunderbolt was my choice for this, but with him gone I've got to look for other candidates to take my place.” “I understand, and I am sorry about Thunderbolt.... I still don't know what happened to the Empire.” Celestia sighed. “Don't worry about it. He knew the risks, Sombra just pulled a last trick before we ended it for him.” Southern Cross frowned. “ So what now?” Celestia let out a long sigh holding up a hoof to look at the grayed out Element wrapped around it. “I need to talk to Harmony about this.” Celestia admitted. [Present] Those watching Twilight and her brother were greeted to the sight of Twilight coming to and immediately vanishing in a flash of light. Seconds later the loud sound of retching could be heard from the upstairs bathroom as Twilight revisited her breakfast. Rahs sat up quickly pushing Sunset off of his chest, the moon dog looking a little green as well. “Rahs what's wrong?” Spike asked looking up at his brother as the taller sibling stood up shakily. “Rrrrrrrrrrrr.” Rahs growled as Spike, Pinkie, Fluttershy and Witch-Jack's eyes widen. “ Translation?” Sunset asked. “I'm curious myself.” Grumbled Sombra with an ice pack on his head. “They saw the battle of Whinnysor castle, the last conflict of the Equestrian civil war when Celestia banished Nightmare Moon and drove off the Lunar republic. Historically it's considered on of the bloodiest battles in Equestrian history. Thousands were killed on both sides in the space of hours, and thousands more were crippled for life. “ Spike explained. “It was the primary reason that the capitol was moved out of Whinnysor and to the newly built Canterlot. And Rahs and Twilight got front row seats for the thick of it.” “Wuff.” Rahs grumbled as they all heard the shower turn on upstairs. “And there's still one more vial to drink.” Fluttershy added. “ Who knew she had such a weak stomach.” Sombra stated. “Bork!” Rahs snapped. “He said he shouldn't expect you to be upset by the carnage they saw.” Spike offered a bit of anger in his voice as well. “Remind me to not tell any of you about some of the human movies I've seen then.” Sunset shrugged. > Plecostomus Twilight Sparkle, Episode 2, Part 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Plecostomus Twilight Sparkle, Episode 2, Part 4 [?] Twilight flinched as the world solidified around her, her body tensed up as she forced herself to open her eyes. After the last vision she was reluctant to try this again. Her friends managed to convince her to give it a go and Rahs was going to be there so she finally went for it. Still she was going to have words with Velkorn if she ever saw her, and Rahs had already stated he was planning to eat the zebra gods face for this, so she might not even have to get violent herself. Which worked out because she wasn't really feeling that violent at the moment. The place they arrived this time was the mouth of a large cave. Looking around outside they seemed to be in some sort of chasm, far above at the top of the cliff face she could see trees, likely a forest of some sort. Still it was what was in the cave that caught and held her attention. A great crystal tree, reminiscent of a weeping willow, dominated the center of the cave casting a sparkling light around its little niche. The tree itself was what seemed to give off the glow that caught it's leaves lighting them up like prisms. Etched on the tree trunk itself were two symbols one depicting the moon, the other the sun. Their placement on the trunk seemed almost natural as if they had been put there when the tree was younger and had grown with the tree itself. The air felt charged with energy, a magic that Twilight could taste despite this only being a vision. Rahs stood nearby walking around the tree as it hummed softly. As he drew nearer to it, the lights flickered brighter towards him as if the tree knew he was there despite this simply them not really being there. The investigation of the crystalline tree was stopped as a line of energy cut in the air just outside the cave, the line tore open with a sound of a thousand ripped out book pages. Horrific screaming could be heard emerging from the hole, just a constant sound as if ponies with infinite air in their lungs were tearing their throats bloody as they cried out constantly. Either that or a whole mess of Pinkie's rubber chickens. Soon eight figures stumbled out of the tear and scattered across the small area at the mouth of the cave. The first was an wrinkled lavender unicorn mare with gray greenish hair that fluttered in a unseen breeze. Given her poise and grace she was likely quite beautiful when she was younger though age had clearly tried to rob her of it. She winced as she stumbled out taking a spot on a small patch of grass outside of the cave clutching her chest. The second was a blue earth pony mare with a red mane, she wore some sort of costume and mask that was reminiscent of a bird. She quickly shook her head as she collected herself before rushing over to the older mare's side to check up on her. The next was an armored orange furred pegasus stallion. He was carrying a large shield on his back and a red scarf adorned his neck. He landed heavily on the ground with a clang before quickly moving around the area checking it over like a guard or a solider. A small dark blue maned and light blue furred unicorn mare staggered out of the rift, quickly darting past the pegasus stallion to a large rock out side the cave to release the contents of her stomach. A small emerald green dragon fluttered around her landing on the rock she was heaving behind, patting her back. The little green dragon glared at one of the others leaving the portal. The next out of the rift was a massive earth pony stallion, the light blue stallion had a shock orange and red mane, and a large beard. The pony might have been larger than Big Mac even, and carried a large shovel across his shoulders. He was the first to notice the tree given how he stared at it in confusion. The seventh figure was a pretty pink pegasus mare dressed in something that looked to come from Cleopatrot in the far east. Her green striped tail and mane were barely visible under the headdress she wore. She flew out to land next to the solider saying something he nodded to, before she took to the air flying up out of the chasm. The final figure didn't stumble and he strode out of the rupture in reality like he owned the place. Twilight recognized him instantly. A gray furred unicorn stallion with long white hair and a great bushy beard, the sort that iconic wizards were depicted as in all of Spike's games. Well all male wizards, the less said about what the female wizard images wore the better, as like what they wore, there wasn't much to say. He wore a dark blue cloak with a pattern of the night with stars and moons and a large hat to match festooned with bells. “Th... that's Starswirl the Bearded.” Twilight squeed.” Which means that ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh. That's Lady Mistmane. and that's Mage Medowbrook, and that's Rock Hoof, and that's Flash Magnus, and the one who flew off is Somnambula and those two are....” Twilight trailed off looking at the ill unicorn mare and the green dragonling. “ Well I have no idea who those two are, but these are the Pillars of Old Equestria. This must be a vision of right after the unification when the group of them first formed to deal with the evils still left in the world.” “Woof?” Rahs asked and Twilight blinked. “Sunset banished herself, and the other monsters he sent in clearly didn't manage to do anything to the other world, so Starswirl must have examined the other side of the portal before sending anything through.....” “Bork....” Rahs again pointed out. “Nothing was wrong with the journal, I must have read something wrong with it....” Twilight protested as Rahs threw his hands in the air. “Okay Starswirl. The next time you get a bright idea to throw us into a freaking Tartarus portal to fight an army of undead controlled by an old goat, DON'T!!” Flash Magnus shouted at the gray unicorn. “It worked didn't it? We had the element of surprise on our side and we easily defeated the hordes and their creator.” Starswirl harrumphed as he put his hoof down and frowned shaking it. “Grogar will be back, we didn't find his phylactery.” The unnamed blue mare coughed. “Good news.” Somnambula stated as she flew back down to the group. “We're in Equestria, Whinnysor is at the top of the Canyon. And we haven't been gone long as they are still building the south wing.” “Perfect, I could use a little break.”Mistmane stated. “Not to distract from the much needed rest. But what is that?” Rock Hoof asked. “I've never seen anything like it before.” The group looked taking note of the crystalline tree in the back of the cave. Starswirl frowned as his horn lit up, his spell scanning the tree before he frowned. “Clearly it is nothing of importance, as my spells tell me it is simply a mutant tree.” Starswirl huffed his attention going back to his hoof seeing if he had a rock or something stuck in his frog. “It's beautiful”Mage Meadowbrook added in lifting up her mask to look at the faintly glowing tree. “Yes, yes, visually attractive.” Starswirl gruffed.” It has the same magic as those toys Celestia and Luna used on that lout that was making eyes at her. Still better that they dealt with the problem for once. I'm sick of cleaning up their messes at this point, and that Discord thing made a big one.” “You're just [CENSORED] mad that they fixed the problem first and no ones [CENSORED] the [CENSORED] with you[CENSORED] and a couple of[CENSORED][CENSORED][CENSORED][CENSORED][CENSORED] drag my claws though your burnt stubble.” The little green dragon yelled at Starswirl.” And Lily take [CENSORED][CENSORED][CENSORED][CENSORED] spell off of me!!” “Not until you calm down Drusy.” Lily chided, frowning as it seemed their whole exchange was ignored by the others. “Now then we have a week before the next chaotic mess shall happen so every pony go rest and do what ever it is you ponies do. I have research to take care of.” Starswirl muttered. “Are you sure this thing is safe?” Flash Magnus uttered looking at the tree. “Indeed, perhaps we should investigate this further?” Somnambula asked. “For crying aloud. Why do you care about something so easy to dismiss. It is a crystal tree, there are hundreds of them in the Empire. If you are so concerned with a plant here. “ Starswirl pulled what was stuck to his hoof off, the item looking like a black seed. He blasted a hole in the ground and dropped the seed in before covering it. “ Mistmane set that growing.” “Umm are you sure about that? That thing came from the undead realm of darkness we just left.” Lily pointed out. “Lily hush and let your betters work.” Starswirl snapped. Mistmane rolled her eyes and lit up her horn the ground where the seed had been planted glowed lightly and a few black tendrils with blue thorns emerged from the hole burned in the ground. “There. The crystal tree now has a friend so it won't be lonely, we are leaving. Starswirl snapped and his horn lit up causing the whole group to vanish save the unicorn mare Lily and the dragon. “[CENSORED][CENSORED][CENSORED] bags, at least they didn't leave us in the [CENSORED][CENSORED] Lichs home.”Drusy snarled. “I mean seriously [CENSORED][CENSORED]!! “I …. it's just because I'm not as strong as they are... maybe if I could do something on my own … they might notice me....” “Or I can set fire to [CENSORED][CENSORED]swirl's pointy [CENSORED][CENSORED][CENSORED] hat.” Drusy offered. “No, it's okay.. clearly I need to do something....” The mare muttered as the images started to fade. [Golden Oaks] Sunset frowned looking at the catatonic Twilight Sparkle and Rahs Sparkle. The former getting giggled at by Rainbow Dash and Pinkie as some of the potion trickled down her face. Sunset was going to make a Bukkake comment, but Pinkie beat her to it. Trixie and Witch-Jack were still fighting, despite both of their hats being gnawed to bits, neither of them seemed to be gaining the upper hand... dammit, hoof. “Hey Spike. Mind answering a few questions for me?” Sunset asked. “If it's about my brothers love life, no, I am not dealing with that..... in regards to either of them.” Spike stated flatly as he played with a little phoenix chick that fluttered down once everything was calmer. There was also a raccoon asleep on Rahs now that growled at any one who came close. Sunset was curious, but wasn't about to mess with a creature that would fight a god for a half eaten bagel out of a trashcan. “Nah mostly about my cousin or niece or grand niece or whatever there.” Sunset gestured to Witch-Jack who was currently sitting atop of the 'Small and Comically Flailing Trixie', looking quite proud of herself. “Ehh she got possessed by the spirit of a dead witch wolf and now when too much magic is used around her she turns into one. She's still Applejack now, but well, like if Applejack was a cat. It's weird how she acts when she's like this. It's still her, but a far less … bound by laws and morals, her. You understand?” “Sorta and sounds fun.” Sunset shrugged.” Couldn't you just hit her with an exorcism spell if its a possessing spirit?” “Well that's a necromantic spell and Twilight's not familiar with them. The court licensed necromancer couldn't cast anything on her she didn't eat, and Discord said even if we did remove it fully she'd still be changed. Removing it might even make it worse since it seemed to bond fully to her now.” “She eats magic ? Like Rahs?”Sunset blinked. “A little worse than him. Rahs has had his whole life around magic and he can turn his down a little, or off … I dunno what he picked up as a god, but he's just a moon dog. Witch- Jack is a witch wolf, which is like a hyper version of a moon dog and she hasn't even been one for a year yet, so she has no control over what she eats.” “Ahhh, I see.” Sunset smirks.” This is gonna make things interesting when I head out to the farm.” “So I've got a question for you then. What's up with Trixie's training?” Spike asked pointing at Trixie who had formed the illusion of a small red dot that drew Witch-Jack's attention. Trixie had then run it across the floor and Witch -Jack gave chase, only for Trixie to yank it to the side sharply, forcing the orange furred wolf mare to turn sharply and loose her footing on the smooth floor. Witch-Jack then slid into another bookshelf, which collapsed atop of her as Trixie cackled. “From what I under stand Luna is trying to teach her to improve her illusions. The fact she can trick the universe into making them real is pretty impressive, or would be if she could make anything complicated that was bigger than a bit. Seems the bigger it is the simpler it has to be or it won't take. And she needs a lot of rest because her mana pool's not that big. I was told about the alicorn amulet and Luna still can't get her to reproduce the same results as she had with it on. Luna says that's odd because all the alicorn amulet does is open the path to your magic flow better.” “Of course the fool thinks that because she didn't think to ask me.” Sombra growled from where he sat nearby, half hiding behind the check in desk holding an ice pack to his head. “ I made hundreds of those things for practice, why would I only use the one enchantment on them? True some opened the mana pathways fully, but others drew in mana from the surrounding area and channeled it into the wielder, others had set spells in them, still others had nothing but a curse on them, and others did other things like helping some ones cooking skill.” “I'm surprised there's not a ton of them around then.” Spike frowned. “I called them dog treats for a reason. The witch wolves ate most of the ones I made, turning them back to scraps of metal.” Sombra frowned. ”I'm surprised any survived. I never had the time to make more while trying to keep my kingdom. And the damnable guards won't let me near a forge.” “Probably a good thing given they think you'll make something and go after Twilight or one of the Princesses.” Spike growled. “And exactly what would I be able to do to them whelp? I couldn't beat your sister when she was mortal with a concussion, what am I against her as she is now?” Sombra snapped. “Well for starters you're not drooling all over your self after looking like you just 'had a drink from the fire hose.'” Sunset offered. “Good one!” Rainbow Dash chimed in. “Not right now.... ugh you know what I mean mare....” Sombra growled. “BUCKING. STARSWIRL. THE. BUCKING. BEARDED!” Twilight ranted suddenly. “Either this was a really weird nerd dream, or she found something.” Sunset offered. “She found something, usually if she has dreams like that it's about Big Mac.” Spike offered. “Wait is he my nephew or what ever?” Sunset blinked. “ Yup.” Spike stated. “Reeeeeealllly.” Sunset grinned. “Don't They're already dating. You won't like what happens if you mess with her about it. Trust me.”Spike warned. “Fiiiine” Sunset huffed. “Woof!” Rahs shouted back at his sister as he sat up only to be knocked back down again as Witch Jack and Trixie tackled him driving him face first to the floor. Blakeney had wisely moved the moment he woke up. “Right, focusing. I know where we need to go for answers and also what looks like the source of the vines.” Twilight stated. “Into the Everfree I assume?” Rarity sighed. “Ummm yes.” Twilight blinked. “Of course because everything has to come out of that nasty place.” Rarity sighed.” Well darlings give me a moment to get my boots and we shall go.” “No, you guys stay here it's too dangerous. Rahs and I can deal with this.” Twilight shook her head before blinking as she noticed everyone else in the library was glaring at her. “How about no.” Rainbow Dash offered. “Trixie did not get dragged down here to Ponyville simply to let you run off with Rahs some where.” Trixie scoffed. “Seriously we didn't let you go last time alone and it's worse now.” Witch-Jack offered. “I agree with Trixie on this. Besides you and Rahs are both what the vines are after so some ones got to keep you two from getting grabbed. In truth you two should be the ones staying here and letting us go.” Sunset pointed out. “Well we all know that's not gonna happen.” Pinkie Pie grinned. “ I already packed cupcakes.” Sombra blinked at this looking at the pink mare though he shook his head. ”My cousin has a point. The vines have not shown any interest in foal napping any ones else, just harassing them and driving them off like in town and with that zebra. Gods seem to be the target.” Twilight sighed. “ Fine I'm not even going to argue, just bring the Elements of Harmony with you girls we might need them. Along with a few hundred gallons of weed killer.” “Plants hate fire.” Sunset grinned. “No.” Sombra growled. > Plecostomus Twilight Sparkle, Episode 2, Part 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Plecostomus Twilight Sparkle, Episode 2, Part 5 [The Everfree Forest] Say what you will about the Everfree forest, that it's unnatural, that it's dark, that its full of monsters and horrors, because it's all of those things. The main thing the Everfree Forest was however, was dangerous. In this instance however, could it feel emotions, the forest would be scared. Twilight Sparkle, Rahs Sparkle, and Spike Sparkle strode, and in Spike's case, rode, into the place without a bit of worry about anything inside it. With them was a dress maker, Rarity, who regularly dealt with one of the more dangerous predators, the Diamond Dogs, and had a tiny animal who thought it was a god that she kept as a pet. She also was sister of one third of the CMC. With her was a timid animal caretaker, Fluttershy, who went out of her way to deal with dangerous animals when they were hurt or scared, had made friends with a god of chaos, and was a member in good standing with at least four hardcore 'eco terrorist' groups and was known by name by seven others. She also had a pet that was descended from a literal god and was the apex of his kind BEFORE, he started training to get better. Following along with her was Pinkie Pie. Enough said. Above them floated Rainbow Dash, fastest pegasus alive, who was a brown belt in three styles of martial arts and a black belt in two others including Griffonise kempo. Below her was a demi god unicorn that had ruled a nation with an iron hoof and had personally slain some one who was considered one of the biggest threats Equss had ever seen. Not to mention Sombra was grouchy. On the left of Rahs was a simple unicorn mare, likely the weakest in the group, though she had trained with Princess Luna, was a gifted spell caster in her own right even before that and was in top physical form from transporting and setting up her own shows. That Trixie's great grandfather was a dragon hardly entered into it. On the other side of Rahs stalked a much larger orange furred canine like beast wearing a stetson hat. Applejack had been through a lot recently , though her current form was a furry engine of destruction capable of eating the magic of the most powerful non alicorn spell caster known to pony kind. And the teeth and claws she had were certainly not for show either. Rarity had managed to get her a vest and some shorts, though Witch-Jack didn't seem comfortable in them. Rahs had grumbled something about the tight clothing simply making the situation worse, but he was ignored. She was also the sister of one third of the CMC. Behind them was another orange mare and the third demi god of the group. Sunset Shimmer. This mare was the one that made the forest, and every one else, a bit leery, more so than Pinkie Pie as she seemed unable to burn back the encroaching vines without cackling like a mad mare, or like Twilight doing science. Rahs was a little worried that Sunset was staying behind him. She was also humming something to her self and occasionally Pinkie would chime in with ' Baby got back' for no reason which always seemed to throw Sunset for a loop. The Everfree Forest had no chance. Twilight was rather surprised at how easy the trip had gone. The hardest part was finding an easy way down into the ravine. They had encountered a Cragodile, which was flung into a distant pond by Sombra without batting an eye, though he had to listen to Fluttershy scold him for a portion of the trek. They ran into a manticore, which proceeded to lick Fluttershy's face until they needed to continue on. They ran into a Ursa major, which Trixie surprisingly got to leave them alone. It seemed being Luna's apprentice had some benefits. Granted once Trixie found out Luna had a connection to the star bears that was the first thing she wanted to know about. They had run into an odd three headed snake. No one was quite sure where that thing wound up by the time Twilight had stopped screaming. Though a good chunk of the forest around them was on fire or missing and Sunset was laughing her head off. The black vines were hardly a threat given Sunset 'Pyro' Shimmer was with them, particularly after she found out that certain ones spit out a gas that was highly volatile. Sunset didn't stop cackling for five minutes after the first one exploded. They also encountered a small pack of timber wolves. Rahs and Applejack were both on them and had ripped apart two of them before the remaining three could react, and the remaining three were destroyed before they could do more than growl. The pair then spent the rest of the trip picking twigs out of their teeth. In fact the only real issues came from the inter party dynamics. “BURN, BABY BURN, DISCO INFERNO” Sunset cackled as her horn glowed and she continued her one mare crusade against anything flammable. “Sunset Focus.” Twilight sighed. “I am focused. I'm focused on clearing a nice wide path we can put sports stadium or a twelve lane highway in.”Sunset grinned. “Okay, Rahs before Fluttershy's friend Smokey gets here.” Twilight sighed. “Woof.” Rahs nodded and walked up behind Sunset as she set a rather nice looking shrubbery, one that wasn't too expensive, on fire and took a large bite out of the magic she was flinging about. “GAH!!” Sunset jerked back flailing. Rahs blinked and smiled wide. “Ruff!” “It tastes like bacon?” Twilight gasped.”I thought you said it tasted like green apple tea cake?” “ Woof” Rahs shrugged. “Really?Bacon?” Witch- Jack asked looking at Sunset. “What the heck did you do that for?” Sunset snapped glaring at Rahs before grumbling and turning to start casting again only to have Witch-Jack take a bite out of her magic, making her cry out again. “Hey, he's right.” Witch- Jack nodded appreciatively. “Damn my inability to taste magic!” Twilight wailed. Rainbow Dash found the way into the ravine and the group was currently making their way along the bottom when they started encountering ruins. Twilight and Rahs both shuddered, recognizing the remains of the old bridge that had lead to the castle of Whinnysor. As the group continued on Sombra lingered behind as he noticed something. Throwing a few of the rocks aside he uncovered a very faint, and familiar magical presence. Moving more of the rocks he started to find bits of metal. What once might have been the haft of a spear, the broken broad blade tip and a tattered red ribbon still wrapped around it. The weapon was in easily eight or nine pieces but it was untarnished by rust or age and he could feel the magic still filling it. He gave it a look and tucked all the broken bits into his saddle bag before quickly following after the others before they left him behind. “Well this is it.” Twilight frowned looking at the mass of black vines that filled the cave mouth before them. There was a faint glow from behind the black mass, though the vines choked the entrance enough that no one could tell what it was. Twilight and Rahs had both seen it before however. “So this is it... we need to get inside some how. “ Twilight frowned.” Sunset?” “Oh no. You didn't want me to burn everything so I didn't burn everything. Now you want me to burn everything and I'm still not doing it because you'll just complain again.” Sunset ranted. “How bout you do the grunt work and show me what you mean by 'fire control' Sparkle...” “I can't because this thing goes after gods magic and if I cast anything it will be coming after me.” Twilight rolled her eyes. “Sounds like a personal problem to me.” Sunset huffed. “ Sombra?” “My magic is ineffective against this Sparkle. The few spells I have tried have been less than successful and Sunset has only likely succeeded because her talent is burning things, both physically and verbally.” Sombra grumbled. “Did you just make a joke?” Sunset asked surprised. “Oh for the love of... Trixie has this.” Trixie huffed. The show mare stormed up to the mass of vines, her horn glowing as she followed along the ground and the edge of the stone wall of the cave poking at it lightly and dodging some of the half hearted attacks of the vines. Finally reaching one corner where the vines clung to the rock she took off her hat and reached into it digging around. The others blinked wondering what she was doing before the blue mare turned suddenly and ran back towards the group, leaping up and tackling Rahs, shoving him and herself behind a large boulder. The others watched them, then turned to look back at the rock wall where the fuse on a fairly large cask labeled TNT was quickly burning out. The group of them cleared out quickly diving for cover as the cask exploded. When the smoke cleared and the falling rubble stopped, the vines seemed slightly damaged, and quickly replacing themselves with more vines, though the rock wall next to them had a large hole blown into it that had soft light coming from the other side of it. The group glared at Trixie, save Rahs who was being nuzzled again by the happy pony atop of him. “Question. “ Spike asked. “Yes?” Trixie asked a bit annoyed. “I thought Illusions were your thing not explosions.” Spike pointed out. “Trixie's talent is illusions, but her expertise is in spectacle. Fireworks count for that.” Trixie explained. “Okay have you been taking lessons from Luna on how to flirt and date because that was a rather slick move to get to Rahs.” Sunset nodded appraisingly. “Maybe a few.” Trixie admitted. Twilight however had left the others and made her way into the cave with the other five Element Bearers. Though Pinkie Pie had to drag Witch-Jack along to keep her from going after Trixie. Inside the cave was a massive glowing crystal tree looking very much like a weeping willow,though it was wrapped in black vines that seemed to be trying to choke the life out of it. The tree pulsed with light though it was dimmed by the vines around it. “Whoa...” Rainbow Dash gasped looking at everything. “My My it's gorgeous.” Rarity gasped. “Or would be I suppose without all these vines.” >”I was wondering when you would show up.”< The tree pulsed with light as it's words echoed in their heads. “ Did that tree jus talk?” Witch-Jack asked. “Neat it spoke in my brain. Be careful there mister tree. It's dangerous in there.” Pinkie Pie giggled a little deeper than any one expected. >” I am afraid my time grows short. The Plunder Seed vines are strong magic absorbers, While it is unable to destroy gods, it can contain us and it uses our own magic to keep the bonds tight around us as well as help it grow. I have been keeping this contained here for some time, but with the repeated use of the Elements of Harmony as of late, the draw on my powers has allowed the vines to gain a much better foothold and has left me over run. I need you to return the Elements of Harmony to me.”< “ You need them back? But we need them to protect Equestria.” Rainbow Dash shouted. “ How are we going to do that with out them?” >“You seem to have done quite well in the Crystal Empire. And truth be told I would say you need to protect Equestria from Twilight more than anything else.”< the tree pulsed. “What?!” Twilight snapped. >”That was a joke. Did I not do it right?It is rare I get a chance to do humor or speak at all. But never the less I need the Element's returned to use my full power to destroy the plunder vine fully and release the other gods taken by it.”< “What exactly are the Element's any way?” Rarity asked. >“My Familiars.”< The tree glowed. “What.....?!” Twilight blinked. “Not to nit pick your choice of friend but, umm, rocks?” Fluttershy asked. >” I'm a tree. I certainly hope you didn't expect me to have a woodpecker or something.”< the tree glowed. “Hey Maud has boulder!” Pinkie huffed. “There's nothing wrong with rocks...” “Oh no Pinkie I didn't mean it like that.” Fluttershy tried to placate. “Alright, great, ROCKS can be familiars, yet no ones tried ponies, perfect just what I need to hear. We can do this, but I want to know who you are first.” Twilight demanded. >” I would think that would be obvious Twilight Sparkle. I am the god Harmony.”< The tree flashed. >” I am one of the first three gods created by the universe to watch over Equss along with Law and Chaos. Or as he prefers to be called, Discord.”< “Wait Discord's one of the first gods of Equss?” Rarity asked.” This explains a few things.” >”I would regal you more but this is a strain to keep Grogar's plants at bay and talk AND keep doing Law's job.”< The tree glowed as it seemed to grumble. >” Seriously first Law vanishes and I'm stuck keeping the balance by doing her job to keep chaos from getting too big, Then Law's kids show up and I loan out my familiars so they can deal with Chaos, then her kids start making things too orderly so I have to do Chaos' job while he was sealed away, then you come along, and I have to swing back to law, and now this. Honestly it has been a very stressful millennia.”< “Oh you poor thing.” Fluttershy frowned. >” Thank you at least I get some sympathy. It would have been fine if Law hadn't vanished, but NOOO, I even learn how to move my roots in order to do that thing she liked and still buggered off after a few centuries”< “Oh dear, sounds like there's some history there.” Rarity added. >” You have no idea.”< the tree seemed to shudder. “Wait you and some body else got freaky? What with pollen? Oh crap are we getting covered in tree sperm every time it's pollen season!?” Rainbow Dash snapped, her eye twitching. “ Is blowing on a dandelion helping a weed jack off?” The rest of the group looked ill at that. “ We were having a good day.....” Pinkie Pie muttered. “No it's not. Seeds are not analogous to sperm. Neither is Pollen. Plants don't do dimorpic gametes like that. Harmony aside, as I'm not even going to think on that, blowing on a dandelion is closer to firing a bunch of fully formed foals from a party cannon.” Twilight lectured before she frowned and pointed a wing at Pinkie Pie. “Do not fire any foals from a party cannon.” “Awwwww.” Pinkie Pie pouted.” There go my weekend plans.” “Right let's do this. Give me a second to get the crown.” Twilight muttered walking back to the hole in the rock to look outside for her brother. Twilight blinked at the scene outside. Sombra was half buried in the ground, head first his back leg twitching in the air. Spike was sitting on a rock, his face buried in his claws. Rahs was laying face first on the ground, out cold and smoldering, twitching slightly every so often. He was also missing his pants for some reason. Sunset sat on his back, a look on her face like the cat that ate the canary. Trixie was yelling at Sunset and trying to put her burning hat out. Twilight blinked. “It has not even been five minutes.” She shook her head and grabbed Rahs, yanking him out from under Sunset, flipping the mare off him and sending her crashing into Trixie. She flipped him over onto his back getting a pained groan from him before collecting the Element of Magic from his pocket. Trixie yelped as Rahs was flipped over and tried to cover her eyes with her hooves, though she still peeked around at Rahs lying on his back pants-less. “Heeeelloooo!” Sunset yelped appreciatively. Witch-Jack took that moment to peek around Twilight and spotted Rahs, her eyes widening before Twilight shoved her back into the cave. “I don't even want to know.” Twilight grumbled as Rahs woke up, yelped and closed his coat around himself. The Elements of Harmony glowed brightly as they were locked into place at various points around the tree. Harmony glowed brightly for a moment before dimming, then flaring like the sun at midday. The vines around the tree turned to white ash as the energy coursed through them, spreading out from the tree. The magic fizzled a little as they hit the thickest parts of the vines where Starswirl had planted them, before this too was destroyed. The others watched as the large vine barrier in the cave faded away showing the tree to of those outside. The burst of magic traveled outward further destroying all of the vines across the forest and over Ponyville. The tree seemed to unfold from it self, branches stretching out and spreading into a majestic crystal weeping willow. The Element's shown brightly, seeming to merge with the tree, all retaining the shape of the former Bearers cutie marks. Gathered in a large pile under the tree were three large mounds of vines that seemed to be fighting the destruction, though one by one they all poofed to dust as well. Revealing the tall white form of Princess Celestia, the tall, but not quite as wide form, of Princess Luna, and the long and sinuous form of the Goddess Ascepius who had been in Canterlot at the time studying Applejack's situation. “GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!” screamed Twilight, taking off like a shot into the air. “Oh neat. When did she learn to fly?” Pinkie Pie asked watching Twilight soar out of the cave. “She didn't” Rainbow Dash winced as Twilight plowed into the side of the canyon, sliding down it like a plate of pancakes flung at a wall by a foal throwing a temper tantrum. “What the buck happened?” Princess Celestia asked looking around confused at the others gathered around. “And where are Rahs' pants?” Princess Luna added. > Plecostomus Twilight Sparkle, Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Plecostomus Twilight Sparkle, Epilogue [Golden Oaks library, the next day] Twilight stared at the box on the table. The box sat on the table. Applejack looked warily between the two. “Tell me you secrets....” Twilight hissed, narrowing her eyes. The box continued to sit on the table. After freeing the captured gods, Harmony had presented the others this box as a gift for the six of them. It then opted to relocate itself some where less well known. It seemed the tree preferred solitude and more than one sapient creature finding it every hundred years was too much, five gods finding it at the same time was way to much. So before Twilight could recover the tree vanished in a flash of light leaving the cavern empty with no hint of where it might have gone. This pissed Twilight off as she had SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many questions, the biggest of which was why her cutie-mark was on the tree. Now there was this box. A vaguely diamond shaped chest with six keyholes that was gifted to the former Element Bearers, meaning that the six of them had the keys, or would find them, or some other noble test of worthiness or whatever the damn tree wanted. Twilight had tried a number of spells and other things before she let Pinkie Pie try all the keys she had laying around. Four hours later and seven hundred and forty nine keys, showed no progress. Rahs and Spike refused to allow her to spend the household budget on power tools to try and break it open. Rahs and Applejack both didn't feel any magic from it, which was weird because Twilight was certain that the box was multidimensional since at least one facet on it moved depending on how it was placed. “Twi. Ummm, yah got a moment?” Applejack asked nervously. “Hmm sure. What's up? I still haven't figured this out, plus with the whole rock thing I really need to get back to work on that Familiar spell.” Twilight sighed poking the box with a hoof before turning her head to look over at Applejack. “Yeah...well it's about yer brother...” Applejack muttered. “ Which one?” “Rahs..” “Crap.. What did he do this time?” “Nothing .. ah think..... look, no, he ain't in trouble..” “Yet. So what about him?” Twilight offered, turning to look back at the box. “Ah....... shoot ain't no easy way tah say this. Ah'm thinking tah maybe ask him out or something....” Applejack muttered. “Bout time.” Twilight muttered. “What?” Applejack asked. “I thought you didn't like him like that, that it was all the witch-wolf ?” Twilight explained. “Yeah well ah figured that would die down after a bit, but seeing Trixie all over him jus made me mad. So ah did some thinking and ah figured it's more than just what ever happened tah me. Though ah think having something else in my head pointing it out sorta brought it intah focus or something.” Applejack sighed. “He's not likely going to use poison joke to be a pony for you....” Twilight stated, her attention on Applejack despite her gaze being on the box. “In case yah don't recall, ah was one of tha few not going gaga over him as a pony. And given ah sometimes don't even notice when ah change forms now, ah doubt it matters too much.” “You realize you'll have to be going against Jynx who has the goddess of love and Rarity backing her, Saturnia who has Chrysalis and oddly Shining Armor, backing her, and Trixie who has Spike and Princess Luna supporting her?” “Yeah, ah know. Which is why ah'm asking you fer yer help. Ain't no one know more about him than you. Younger an older siblings gonna miss things bout tha middle child. But he's tha same age as you and thus a middle child as well.” Applejack logic'd. Twilight smiled. “True, Cadence may have foal sat, and Chrysalis might have studied him from Celestia's notes, and Even Luna might know what he is and have a better connection with his race than any one else, but I've been studying him for years. The only one who might know even close to what I do is Celestia. And she's not got any bits in this bet.” “Wait what was that last thing? Applejack blinked. “Nothing, I will help you, lets get you hooked up with my brother. Clearly there is no accounting for taste.” [Canterlot] Celestia sighed, this was quite aggravating. Twilight did quite well considering, though ninety percent of Celestia's court cases this morning had been to complain about Twilight's methods. And one was from the Royal Library demanding she return their chair. Celestia had no issues with how Twilight conducted things, Raven had already filled out a report and Celestia was rather proud on how Twilight dealt with everything. She was a little rash, true, but she had not been taught how to be a princess and had no desire to do so. Still reminding the petitioners that if anything happened to Celestia or her sister, Twilight would be in charge again probably cut down on some of the more stressful requests simply due to the fact no one wanted Celestia to take so much as a sick day now. Court had broke for lunch a little while ago and Celestia was surprised to find Sunset was waiting for her in the small meeting room attached to the throne room where Celestia often took her meals between cases. That her daughter looked some what pensive made her worry a bit. “Did you need something Sunset?” Celestia asked moving to take a seat at the table. “Not really, but maybe...” Sunset sighed. “ Look dad..... mom..... fuck it I'm going with mom I'm already going to have a head ache and half dealing with how I'm related to the Apples.” “Well Granny's your half sister......” “And her names Granny, and I'm Applejack's age, I'm probably just going to call everyone cousin and leave it at that.” Sunset grumbled. “Alright. So I take that wasn't what you wanted to talk about then?” Celestia offered waving off the servant with a short statement of whatever the chef had on hoof. Lunch tended to be light for her any way, usually only one cake, maybe two. “Well it's complicated. i might have found some one I'm interested in.” Sunset muttered. Celestia paused sipping her tea. A thousand scenarios raced through her mind on who she might have met in the month she'd be back. There were also the mix of thoughts if she should be supportive like a mother or go borrow Granny's shotgun like a father. Celestia had been quite careful to keep her away from any of the griffons that still came around. She doubted it would be one of the guards, maybe one of the Night Guard, Sunset did have a thing for the exotic and dangerous looking ones. Not that Celestia could fault her, the Nocturne Nox- Cal were probably the only stallions that could mount her without a step stool. Hmm, might be good to look into that if Twilight ever figured out the familiar spell. Sunset took the pause from Celestia to mean a large number of things, most of them were what she was worried about. “I'm surprised you're asking me about this sort of thing and not Luna. Or Cadence, it is sort of her thing.” Celestia finally spoke. “Yeah okay keep in mind it was Cadence during one of her visits that taught me sex ed cause I asked her about it.” Sunset shuddered. “If it makes you feel better I banned her from trying to teach that to anyone in any public venue. And then after Twilight and Rahs received a lesson in private, I banned her from doing that too.” Celestia sighed.” Seriously if she has a foal with Shining, I have the entire Sparkle family and a legion of Guards ready to be teleported up there to stop any 'talk' she has.” “Actually that does make me feel a little safer. But no I can't talk to Luna either due to …. reasons, but I figure you would be the best bet here anyway.” Sunset let out in a bit of a rush. “Ahh well. I will help how I can. So who is this mysterious individual? When did you meet him? I'm assuming it's a him as you haven't had any interest in mares before.” Celestia smiled happy to be getting more into the parental role here. “Well it started when I came back to steal the crown..........” [Cadence's Love Lab, Canterlot] “Wait so what did happen to his pants?” Chrysalis asked, she and Cadence had come down from Canterlot to find out what had happened to the sun and moon for a while there. Once here Luna pulled them both into Cadence's old Love Lab to talk. “We don't know, we simply know that Trixie and Applejack seemed greatly amused by it.” Luna offered. “Damn it. That would put you and Twilight in the lead.” Cadence frowned working over a cork board with some pins.” Trixie has now had several kisses with Rahs, and she's seen him naked. Applejack has seen him naked and no one knows what happened in the woods when she first changed. Jynx has one kiss, but Saturnia has nothing to show for her efforts yet.” “HA HA Trixie shall be Rahs' paramour.” Luna grinned. “My daughter has Twilight's permission.” Chrysalis offered leaning back in her chair with a smirk. “ She might not have had a kiss yet, but she's taking it slower.” “Yes, well so does Applejack.” Cadence sighed.” But given Twilight supports Applejack, that Saturnia got permission from her is a fairly big deal.” Any further statements were cut off as the big steel door to the main entrance of the Love Lab was blown off it's hinges. The great steel door was blasted across the room clipping the table and striking Chrysalis dead on, before impacting the far wall at high speed splattering the changeling queen against the wall like a bug under a flyswatter. Luna and Cadence blinked looking at the mess against the far wall then back to the door as Celestia strolled in like she hadn't done anything wrong. She trotted up to the table and slapped her hoof on top of it, the bag of bits she held clanking on the table. “Put me down for Sunset getting Rahs.” Celestia grinned. Cadence blinked at Celestia, then looked at her carefully laid out shipping board. She then kicked it over with a scream. [ Deep in the Everfree forest.] A single black vine studded with blue spikes lay twitching on the ground. A large bulbous knot at one end of it exhaled a bit of gas as the plant tried to wiggle. The vine had almost reached the far side of the forest and as such was almost out of the range of the blast that had destroyed all of the other vines. Almost. The broken end of the vine sizzled as the last of the magic of Harmony started eating along it's length turning it to ash. The magic had weakened from distance, but the plunder vine had not quite made it out of range. The light had almost made it to the gas pod when a slash of darkness cut through the air severing the fading tendril from the rest of the gas pod. The spell dissolved the rest of the cut vine leaving the pod and about two foot of vine left wiggling on the ground. A dark figure approached the pod stomping on the wiggling tendril and slashing open the gas pod. The vine shuddered it's last, though the dark shadowy figure smiled, and picked out a hoof full of black seeds from the pod. “Well, well, plunder vine, who knew it was this potent. Seems I need to plant a little garden...” The darkness chuckled. > "Power Pacu" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR "Power Pacu" [ Ponyville, one week after The Princesses Rescue, Golden Oaks Library.] “Well I suppose I can refit the dress you have, but truth be told darling I would much rather make you something new. It wouldn't do to have the newest Princess....” “Not a Princess.” Twilight corrected. “... the newest goddess of Equestria wearing the same old things.” Rarity concluded without missing a beat. “And it probably wouldn't hurt that I would be seen wearing what you designed.” Twilight sighed. “That was a given Twilight. Of course as always you don't have to do anything. I can adjust the dress for your next date with Big Mac with little to no issue to account for your wings. But you know as well as I do that you are going to draw attention no matter where you go and I would not be me if I did not suggest you at least try to adapt to the modern fashion scene. And while I would very much like to use you to advertise my shop for me, particularly since I'm going to be opening that new one in Canterlot soon thanks to all the dragon money, I certainly won't force it.” Rarity stated. “ I will whine and carry on like a spoiled foal yes, but I will not force you to wear something of mine.” Twilight smirked.” Alright fine... it's at the end of the week, and I don't want anything too fancy, and please don't overexert yourself just to make it on time.” “Please darling, it is one dress and a simple one at that, plus I've already taken your new measurements a dozen times and have some delightful ideas I want to try. I'm thinking perhaps something a bit more.... risque for a date. Something to draw his eyes where you want them, and keep them there?” Twilight opened her mouth to protest the idea and point out she wanted a simple dress. After a moment she closed her mouth, considered again then spoke. “I'm listening.” “Fabulous. While I would love to suggest a little red dress I designed a while ago, your fur coloration wouldn't do it justice. Your coloration is more of a cool tone, it would blend seamlessly with other cool pastels or perhaps something more of an electric blue or green. Baby blue, turquoise... hmm no...Ocean or royal blue I can see. Emerald could work, but a leaf would do better. Or failing all that, black fits everything. Such a pity your two coats don't compliment each other. I could do much with that...” Rarity trailed off as the door to the library was pushed open and Sombra stomped in. Behind him was Pinkie Pie, beating the dark unicorn in the head with a broom and anything else she could get a hold of. WACK! “That's for biting Fluttershy.” Pinkie Pie cried out as she hit him with the broom. Twilight and Rarity stared as Sombra approached them trying to ignore the pink mare. WACK! “And that's for biting Fluttershy.” Pinkie screamed hitting him with a flyswatter. Rarity and Twilight looked between Pinkie and Sombra confused as the stallion sighed. WACK! “And that, That was for biting Fluttershy!” Pinkie fussed after belting him with fender guitar. WACK! Sombra growled as Pinkie smacked him with a pumpkin head key blade. “YES, THANK YOU WE HAVE AKNOWLAGED THAT I HAVE BITTEN FLUTTERSHY. YOU MAY STOP NOW.” Sombra roared. WACK! “No.” Pinkie stated flatly and smacked him with a stale bagel. “By the stars.” Sombra grumbled. WACK! “That's for me, being mad at you, for biting Fluttershy.” Pinkie shouted as Sombra sat down at the table with the other two as she smacked him with a roll of Hearths Warming paper. “Might I ask something here?” Rarity lifted a hoof. “Why did you bite Fluttershy?” WACK! “That's FOR PONY and that pony is Fluttershy, who you bit!” Pinkie snapped smacking him with a metal pipe. “ There was an argument between myself and several of her animals that I forcibly evicted from her spare room where I was sleeping. “ Sombra offered. WACK! Pinkie smacked him with the front bumper of a 1957 Buick Century Estate Wagon, Model 69. “She decided I was being too mean to them and slapped me in the nose with a newspaper like I was a bad puppy.” Sombra growled his head bounced with each impact. Twilight took note he had a stone fur spell cast on him and was simply letting Pinkie vent. WACK! Pinkie smacked him with a wing from a 1941 Supermarine Spitfire. “And given i was not going to widdle on the carpet as protest like a dog, i bit the hoof holding the newspaper instead.” Somebra explained. WACK! Pinkie smacked him in the back of the head with a 1:183 model of Canterlot Castle. “To be fair to Fluttershy.” Rarity offered. “Using the rolled up newspaper did work on Discord.” Rarity sighed. WACK! Pinkie Pie smacked Sombra with a mailbox that was painted up like R2D2. “So it seems I am no longer welcome there.” Sombra frowned. WACK! Pinkie Pie smacked Sombra with a 745 ANMM Princess Celestia Commemorative Cake Pan. “Well you can't stay here, all the rooms in the tree are taken up by my brothers or my equipment. Plus Rahs would probably maul you so much as to look at you. “ Twilight sighed. “Applejack has enough problems with her curse. Well that and her new wolf form, but she seems to be dealing with Sunset fine. Rainbow Dash is out for obvious reasons, as is Pinkie....” WACK! Pinkie Pie smacked Sombra with a wack a mole mallet. “Maybe I can set something up with the guard.” Twilight muttered. WACK! Pinkie Pie hit Sombra with a Q-bert arcade cabinet. “Darling I'll take care of it.” Rarity waved a hoof. “What?” Twilight and Pinkie both asked suddenly. “Hmm?” Sombra questioned before Pinkie hit him with a Carnival Cruise line ship anchor. “I said I'll take care of it, I have a extra room in the boutique that I've just been filling with what ever I want to ignore. It's not very big, but it has it's own bathroom. I let the Crusaders use it until they tried for their indoor plumbing cutie marks, now if they stay over they sleep upstairs in one of the better warded rooms.” Rarity explained. “Oh... that's why you wanted all those spells put there.” Twilight nodded sagely as Sombra was hit with a waffle cone, a BIG waffle cone. ”I suppose I should have asked you, but with all you have going on with your sister, your work, and setting up that new shop I didn't really plan to impose.” “I understand darling don't worry about it. Besides you did say that Princess Celestia wanted him to be nearby one of us or a local guard. “ Rarity smiled.” And it is not as if I cannot knock out a few more teeth if he tries something.” Sombra grumbled as Pinkie hit him with a Hay-burger sign. “Well I suppose that will work. I'll have to send a message to change the location of the allowance Princess Celestia is providing for room, board, and acclimation.” Twilight considered. “Do I not get a say in this?” Sombra grumbled. “No.” Twilight shook her head. “Not really.” Rarity shrugged. “NO!” Pinkie Pie snapped hitting him with a small uprooted apple tree. ===================================== [ AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAApleooosa. ] “I think you're just seeing things Braeburn.” Little Strongheart sighed. “Nah I'm serious, Bloomberg jus vanished fer a second. “ The stallion pointed at the tree in question. “Look tha dirt's all disturbed around the roots!” “Come on, lets get you in some shade and I'll get you some water.” the buffalo cow sighed pushing Braeburn away from the tree. ===================================== [The Next Day, Carousel Boutique ] The small white filly stared up at the larger dark stallion with narrowed eyes. Sombra stared back down at Sweetiebelle with no change in expression. Applebloom joined Sweetiebelle in staring up at Sombra. Sombra remained with no change. Scootaloo joined the other two in staring up at Sombra. Sombra remained neutral. Spike flipped a table on it's side and hid behind it. Sombra started to look a little worried. The fillies all took in a deep breath at the same time , then started talking at the same time. “What are you doing in my sisters house?” “Why's your horn curved like that?” “Aren't you related to Princess Luna?” “Are those fangs?” “Cats eyes? Are you related to Rahs?” “How do you get your mane to do that wavy thing?” “How does Pinkie Pie make two plus two equal cupcake? “What's your name?” “Why's your face so angular?” “Aren't you the big bad guy from season 3” “ How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?” “How did Pinkie Pie get in here?” Hey, where's your cutie mark?” “His cutie mark?” “Cutie mark?!” The three trailed off staring at his flank. “Ah crap...” Spike muttered from cover. Sombra was much more concerned now. “He doesn't have a cutie mark.” Sweetiebelle gasped. “But he's so old!” Scootaloo protested. “Does that mean we might not get one?” Applebloom whined. “We can't have that.” Sweetiebelle nodded sagely. “So we have to help.” Scootaloo added. “Right maybe we can get our cutie marks in helping ponies get cutie marks” Applebloom offered. “Wow. That's dumb.”Scootaloo muttered. “What would that even look like?” Sweetiebelle asked. “Who cares, it's not on Spike's list so we haven't tried it yet.” Applebloom offered. “We haven't tried body shots like Berry suggested yet either but he won't let us try that one.” Scootaloo offered. “Or Hydra hunting.” Sweetiebelle added.” Though Pinchy drug Berry off for suggesting those.” “WITH GOOD REASON .” Spike shouted from behind cover. Sombra might have taken the opportunity to run but the fillies were circling him like sharks. “Right so we have a new mission girls.” Applebloom stated. “Cover your ears.” Spike offered. The little dragon was quite surprised that someone followed his directions for once, though it didn't matter as it seemed Sweetiebelle had mastered the Royal Canterlot Voice perfectly and the larger stallion was flung back against the wall. “CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS NEW INDUCTEE AND CUTIE MARK QUESTING YAY!!!!” “Ow.” Sombra finally offered. “Just great .. first Rahs gets me kicked out of that new comic shop for eating the comics magic or whatever now this.” Spike groaned. ===================================== Rarity smiled in the other room as her little sister and her friends cornered Sombra. She hadn't quite expected this, but she had expected the Crusaders to be the Crusaders. “And that, is for biting Fluttershy.” Rarity giggled. > Do Piranha Dream of Magic Squid? Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Do Piranha Dream of Magic Squid? Prologue [Ponyville Library] “Soooo wait, you want to do what now?” Twilight asked with Rahs and Spike both also staring at the Moon Princess. The Sparkles, as well as the other former Element bearers, were scatted about the main room of the Library, mostly just hanging out and chatting about the week. A rare bit of down time for them as of late it seemed, one they were making the most of as they talked about the plans for the year. Rarity was also trying to subtly question Twilight how the date with Big Mac went. Spike stopped the line of questioning with a growl and pointed out that he and Rahs had gone up to Canterlot that night for a reason after Twilight kicked them out for complaining about the noise, before anything even happened. Rainbow Dash was rereading the complete Daring Do collection for the second or third time in expectation of the next book coming out soon. It seemed Twilight had convinced her to read them after she enjoyed the Daring Do film. After her success in convincing Dash Spike had pointed out that Twilight had been seen rubbing her hooves together and muttering something about her power growing. Applejack was stalking Rahs, and pretending she wasn't, though thus far she hadn't quite gathered the nerve to ask him out, nor even what to ask him out to do. Spike, Twilight, and Rahs lived there, so of course they were there. Rahs was lounging and Spike had been playing with Peewee. Pinkie Pie had noticed there was a gathering, declared it a party, and brought Fluttershy and food. And then Princess Luna had shown up. Which leads back to now. “We said we would like to take Rahs to the Oneiroi. He is the god of the Moon Dogs now and it is time he met his people. We have done some research in the books recovered from the old castle and have reworked the old spells we used to use to ferry supplies into the Oneiroi. We can easily come back the same way.” Luna explained. “Woof?” Rahs tilted his head ears perking. “We are quite sure that we can bring you back and forth at this point. We may even be able to teach you how to do so yourself in time. You had no connection to the Oneiroi at all before you ascended, now your very portfolio has two such connections making the transference not only possible, but fairly easy. Had we tried this before, what ever Twilight used to pull you free would have left you here, if not disrupted the spell entirely. We made a few tests not long after we were freed with some of your shed fur and it did not come along with us no matter what we tried. We would also like Applejack to come along. We believe a trip to the source of her.... alteration might be beneficial.” Luna explained.” Not to mention we wish to see if she might even revert to something closer to a moon dog once returned to the source.” “Well...... Alright.” Applejack agreed with a shrug. “Guess I'm good tah go.” “You realize that I'll be going as well.” Twilight stated. “Ditto.” Spike nodded. “Of course. The spell we have recovered was to bring supplies. A few more will hardly matter. We regret forgetting how to do so, but when the Moon Dogs became self sufficient , there was no need of the spell so it was forgotten.” Luna nodded. ”Besides Cosma and Blink wish to meet their son's adopted relatives, Shining Armor, and your parents shall also be coming along.” “Sounds cool, I'm in.” Rainbow Dash shrugged. “If it's not to much trouble I would love to go to see the moon dogs, oh especially the puppies.” Fluttershy squeed. ”Rahs looked so cute in those images Mrs. Sparkle showed us. Rahs grumbled burying his face in his paws. “I can hold a coming home party!” Pinkie Pie smiled. “I must say I am a little curious myself Princess.” Rarity considered. “If it is not to much trouble I would like to tag along.” “We did say the spell is used to ferry supplies, and we doubt any of you weigh the several tons we once used to transport. It will be no trouble.”Luna offered. “Now if our sister opted to tag along.....” “So when do we go?” Spike asked. “We were considering immediately, though we understand that that is not feasible for most, so a week from today. Thursday, our sister can deal with what ever issues Cloudsdale develops on her own this time.” Luna proclaimed. The others started discussing things rapidly at that point with Twilight asking a thousand questions and Spike already starting a list for her. Pinkie was discussing parties, Dash was running on another innuendo tangent, Applejack was staring at Dash and Fluttershy as the two bounced sayings off each other, and Rarity was considering what to wear. Rahs however sat back with a frown. Something about this bothered him. Sure he was nervous about meeting his real parents, though that wasn't it. There was a building dread he couldn't identify that was almost instinctual. It wasn't CMC sense or Sparkle Sibling Shenanigan sense, it was something else and it had him on edge about the whole idea of this trip. > Do Piranha Dream of Magic Squid? Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Do Piranha Dream of Magic Squid? Part 1 [Canterlot, the following Thursday] Twilight Sparkle was mildly disappointed. Luna's spell was a simple modified teleport spell cranked up to eleven for mass transport and twisted slightly at the end to hop realms. She barely had to look over it to figure out the spell. She had hoped for an ancient spell created by an alicorn would be more complicated. The small group going consisted of all four of the Sparkle siblings, plus their parents. It also included Princess Luna, and the other former Element bearers. Of course that was where some issues sprung up. “What do you mean we can't go?” Saturnia demanded, Trixie, and Jynx growled in agreement. “ We understand you wish to … meet the parents so to speak. Though we are unsure when any of you had the time to meet Twilight Velvet and Nightlight Sparkle.” Luna frowned looking at the two elder Sparkles. Both of them who had some how found out about all this and had made their own choices. They even had their own pennants made to prove it. Twilight Velvet grinned back at Luna waving a little blue pennant with Trixie's name on it. When asked why, she recalled how cute Trixie and Rahs looked together in their play. Nightlight however had his own little white banner with Jynx's name on it. When he was asked he simply shrugged and stated he was a boob stallion. He was then promptly walloped in the head by his wife. Twilight was annoyed by this, Spike and Shining found it hilarious and Rahs was trying to hide in his coat. “None the less, this trip is for Rahs to reconnect with his people, not for you to make it another brawl for his affections.” Luna frowned. “So why can't I go?” Sunset asked innocently enough that any one who'd had kids or taken care of the Crusaders immediately had alarm bells ringing. Luna was having none of it. “Sunset we are VERY much aware of your talk with my sister and your joining those who are seeking Rahs' affection.” Luna frowned. “WHAT!?!” The others shouted all whirling on Sunset with looks of pure murder on their faces at yet another suitor showed up to challenge them out of no where. Sunset for her part sat there with a smug grin on her face that seemed to say, 'Problem?' Applejack eased back a little trying not to draw attention to herself. Inside her head she was cheering at being allowed to go off with Rahs somewhere where this lot couldn't follow her. She was surprised about Sunset, though grand aunt or not, she wasn't going to let her come out of no where and take Rahs. “No.” Luna stated flatly her eyes narrowing at Applejack. “ We are quite aware of YOUR interest in Rahs as well. And you are going to see if it may have some effect on your change, NOT to gain an advantage.” “Damn.” Twilight muttered. “Wait Applejack too!?” Trixie demanded as the others turned to glare at the farmer. Rahs tried to sink further in his coat. “Seriously dude? Fifteen years of being a theater nerd and not getting a girl to so much as look at you and now all the sudden you have five of them trying to get into your pants?” Shining grinned. “ Impressive.” Rahs growled at his brother who pulled out his own little pink pennant flag with Saturnia's name on it waving it around. “Wait … why are you supporting me?” Saturna asked. “It annoys Cady.” Shining grinned. “ And the old saying may go, 'Happy wife, happy life', but I subscribe to the old saying 'Slightly annoyed wife, highly amusing life'.” “Well he's decidedly your son.” Twilight Velvet sighed. “I'm so proud.” Nightlight sniffled. Rahs had taken the time to hide behind Fluttershy. “Can we go now before this gets even worse?” Spike sighed.” Before he gets a dragoness, or a seapony ,or a griffon, or a scared reformed villianess, or something.” [Oneiroi] Rahs' suitors were forgotten by everyone as they arrived on a large cyan colored platform. Before them was a massive glowing city. Crystal and steel spires rose into the sky, archways cross-crossed the sky between them, the roads were perfectly carved gem stones, fountains and statues of various moon dogs and ponies decorated every where. Bat pony like gargoyle statues looked over the outside of the city spouting water and what looked like magic out of their mouths . Every color of the rainbow and numerous ones that no one could identify lit up everything in a kaleidoscopic glow. The city itself seemed a odd mishmash blend of classic architecture, modern structures, and Crystal Empire buildings with a few hints of other locations dotted among them. “Ooooohhh shit....” Rainbow Dash stammered out. The others turned to look at her, noting she wasn't looking at the city before them. Looking back they were greeted to the sight of a blue velvet colored night sky, one impossibly clear, showing the twinkling of billions of stars, yet still lighting the landscape as if the sun was on it. A landscape that was miles below them. Filled with unknown species of trees and plants, a rolling grassland like plain that gave way to a black sand beach and a sapphire ocean, that the city seemed to float over. “Whoa.....” Spike uttered. Rahs simply stared, seeing colors he had never seen before in addition to the ones he recognized. He was also vividly aware of everything around him, the scent of each little crafted bit of every structure and every star and drop of water in the distance hit him like he had just stepped into a massive kitchen. Everything smelled delicious. “We told them not to go over board, but does any one listen to their former goddess? Nooooooooooooooooo.” Luna grumbled. “ We have to impress the new god... no one ever built me a city to welcome me back.....” “Wait, Moon Dogs didn't build this?” Twilight asked. “Oh they did, but they live in warrens typically, not giant crystal cities in the sky.” Luna sighed. “ They likely built this to impress Rahs.” “Well why does everything smell so good?” Witch-jack asked. No one had even seen her change this time. “Because all of it is made of dreams, and dreams are made of magic.” Luna explained. “And magic is food.” Witch -jack nodded.” Also what tha heck is that florescent greenish yellow-purple color that's every where?” “Octarine.” Rahs answered recalling some of the things he was taught when he was little, before he was pulled away from here by Twilight. The moon dog moved forward slowly , his ears perked up high as he took it all in, the feeling of dread forgotten in the face of this. He remembered this. Remembered how this place smelled how it felt. He hadn't been here since he was five, but he knew it. The other Sparkles looked on with a bit of worry as Rahs flattened his ears to his head. “So, I'm home...” Rahs muttered. “Yes, you are.” A gruff voice stated The group turned to see a short moon dog, likely male, with nothing on in the way of clothing. His face was a little longer than Rahs' and he was about half as tall, though he was much bulkier and wider at the shoulders. His chin also had a great deal of dark blue scruff fur as if it was a beard. Amber eyes regarded Rahs as the older dog made his way up onto the platform along the path that lead into the city. Behind him hurrying along was a female moon dog, again a bit older judging by how her ample chest seemed a little sagged. She had the same navy blue fur as Rahs though she was wearing an apron and had a bit of weight to her. Behind her were another six moon dogs of varying genders , though with the same coat coloration as Rahs, the eldest of which regarded Rahs with green eyes. Like the older male, she wasn't wearing anything, though her build was not that far from Rahs' and she like the older one had longer head fur that spilled down her back, the tips of it fading into deeper purples. The others behind her ranged from young adults to what looked like one just out of being a puppy. The older Moon Dog female stopped dead at the sight of Rahs, her hand covering her mouth as she stared. The male however continued on without pause stopping before Rahs to look up at him tears welling in his eyes. “I told them you weren't dead.” Cosma offered weakly before grabbing his lost son in a hug. > Do Piranha Dream of Magic Squid? Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Do Piranha Dream of Magic Squid? Part 2 [ The exposition chapter] [Bayston] “A dark and moonless night Has never felt so right An empty mirror only shows what's left inside Lost in the city street Electric tapestry The neon beckons me beyond its ghostly light “ Adagio shuddered feeling the draw of power from the rioting ponies in the stadium before her. Aria and Sonata stood on either side of her their forms floating slightly and flickering between their natural form and the ones they had taken to hide as they sang. She expected she was doing much the same though her focus was simply on the stadium. “No longer I pretend The staircase I descend Will lead me anywhere but my unscripted end My heart and hands collide The gun lays at my side Too late to turn back, only fate’s left to decide “ She wasn't sure how Sonata had gotten the gig to perform as an opening concert for the hoof ball game, though it hardly mattered . What did matter was that Green monster stadium was already packed with anger and strife from the fans of the Soxs and Yanks or whatever. They barely had to do anything to devolve this into a full blown riot. “Magnum bullets Settling a score Magnum bullets Kicking down the door “ This was a bigger venue than she expected. Aria was trying to play it safe, though Adagio wanted bigger, to gather power quickly and they couldn't do that in smaller venues. “Back up the stairs again I am a different mare A broken mirror only shows as best it can Running in shoes that shine With blood that isn't mine A staining trophy of the battles I've survived “ As much as Aria complained and wanted caution she was easily swept up in the rush of energy from something like this. That they were singing a song she liked from the human world likely helped too, even if the ponies had no clue what it was about. “No longer I defend The choices I pretend Could make amends that heal the loss of precious time My conscience paralyzed Against the rising tide Of haunting memories that drown a wasted life “ It shouldn't be too hard to convince her that they should seek prey inland. And once they had enough, a stop in Canterlot would be delightful. The history book she had found told of a war between Princess Luna and Princess Celestia, that sort of strife would have been exquisite. “Magnum bullets Always wanting more Magnum bullets Closing every door “ Well perhaps if they managed a concert in Canterlot, Adagio might just get a taste of something like that again if the two Princesses heard their concert anyway. [Oneiroi] Rahs was overwhelmed. The Moon Dog who hugged him was his father Cosma, His mother was the older bitch in the apron named Blink. The others behind them were his siblings. His older sister Bri, his two younger brothers Shin and Ko, and his three younger sisters, Terri, Sherri, and Mairi. While the primary coloration of his family seemed to be navy blue, it seemed that if a color existed, a moon dogs fur could match it. Even octarine. This was very noticeable in the ones behind his family, as of course, behind them, scattered about the city were a good several thousand other moon dogs poking their heads out of buildings or from atop clouds or even from the streets themselves, some of them having eaten through the dreamscape to come and see the new god. Of course this did little to the stability of the dream crafted city, though a few of the younger pups seemed intent to keep eating leaving at least one building floating in place as it's bottom floor was devoured. After quite a number of hugs, a great many questions and a round or two of introductions done by Luna, the group was lead through the streets towards the council chambers. Like a number of other gods, Luna had placed some elder alphas in position as leaders and then stepped back to let them rule as a council, only popping in when they needed help or advice. While Luna was quite certain Rahs was going to do the same thing, the alphas were worried that wouldn't be the case and wanted to meet Rahs in person. The trip was interesting to say the least. Cosma and Blink both got into rather elaborate conversations about Rahs growing up, though Cosma never left more than a pace or two from Rahs as if afraid he would vanish again, Blink was a little more standoffish and kept looking at Rahs like she wanted to apologize for something. That Rahs was clearly speaking Equish was made more confusing by Bri telling the ponies that they were speaking moon dog, and Luna explaining language barriers hardly existed here. And of course, as was typical, Rahs was getting a number of looks and a good bit of purring from a large number of females and a few males as they passed who were trying to gain his attention. Twilight was ready to interfere, but it seemed Bri was a bit over protective of her little brother as well and those that got too close learned very quickly that they should back away, without Twilight having to do anything. Twilight liked her already. It seemed Bri was a rather big deal in the moon dog culture and was next in line to become one of the council alphas. The same thing could not be said of the multitude of posing males and a few females trying to gain Witch-Jack's attention. Unlike Rahs she didn't have any siblings backing her up. Though she didn't need it, she had a Luna shooting glares at the ones who got too close. That sort of reaction made Twilight wonder if Luna was really in favor of Trixie, or was just trying to play fair. Applejack herself hardly seemed to notice as she was focused on not beating down all the ones flirting with Rahs. The council building gained a number of reactions. “Well that's odd.” Twilight Velvet offered. “It's like a neo classical yard sale aesthetic.” Nightlight nodded. “Wow, that things a mess.” Spike offered looking at the building that didn't fit the grandeur of the city at all and seemed to be built from whatever happen to be laying around. Crates, pallets, old barrels, and other assorted bricabrac was put together some how to shape a building. “This is the only solid structure in the Oneiroi, it's built from all the supply crates and the like we brought with us when we first brought the Bunyip here.” Luna explained. “Is that parta my barn?” Witch-Jack asked. The others looked and took note that one full wall of it did bare a striking resemblance to one of the Apple family barns. “What?” Rahs asked. Cosma shrugged. “Years before you were born, a building dropped out of the sky and landed here. Crashed into some poor fillies nightmare and crushed a witch that was after her shoes.” “What?” Rarity asked. Blink shrugged.”Dunno, but it gave us a lot of building material.” “Granny did say one barn vanished in a twister when she was younger. They never did find out what happened to it.” Witch-jack shrugged. The rest of the group looked at her before Luna shook her head, and gestured for Rahs and Bri to follow her as she headed into the chamber. The others moved around as Cosma and Blink formed some seats for everyone from the dream stuff and started discussing Rahs with Twilight Velvet pulling out the photo album, much to the remaining Sparkle siblings horror. “So why are you coming in?” Rahs asked as Luna went ahead into the chamber to speak with the alphas. “I'm allowed due to my job as assistant to Alpha Typhon. When he finally retires I will be taking his place. Echidna is looking for a replacement, but she isn't in any real hurry and the other five alphas are still relatively young.” Bri explained though she smirked. “You've been gone a long time little brother, I don't expect you know how anything works here any more.” “I remember octarine...” Rahs grumbled. “Puppy's first book of colors lists that one.” Bri laughed. “Yeah well that's about all I remember. I'm supposed to be a god of moon dogs and I don't even know what a moon dog is supposed to be or do.” Rahs grumbled. “Hmm, crash course I suppose. At least you asked the right bitch, with what the alpha's are teaching me I know more than the average dog. Alright no idea what Princess Luna told you so I'll start from the basics. Moon Dogs eat dreams, nightmares and that sort of thing. Dreams are leftover or excess magic from the other side, ever creature on Equss produces some level of magic and when they sleep at night they keep producing it. That magic winds up here in the Oneiroi and is shaped by the dreamer. Most of the time that's nothing more than snippets of how the day went, or forgotten experiences, sometimes it's some complex shaped dream, and occasionally a nightmare of the fears and stress the dreamer might be going through. When Princess Luna created us she specifically adjusted us to hunt nightmares.” “I've heard she raised us from Bunyip to moon dogs, though the bit about nightmares is kinda new.” Rahs grumbled. “Well seems you know more than most moon dogs then. But as for the nightmares, they have the best flavor. Not sure why but nightmares are a delicacy.” Bri pointed. “Alright I understood that. So what was the deal with the bonding thing I was supposed to have done to the Sparkles?” Rahs asked. “Ahh that. It's not to a family it's more to a individual, usually when a new pup is born it is to a mated pair that is already bonded. This pup tends to be bonded to any child produced by the mated pairs bonded.” Rahs slowly blinked as he processed this. “Ugh. When two dogs have a pup the pup usually bonds to the kid of who ever the pup's parents are bonded to.” “Sounds rather crappy if that means you mate with whoever is bonded to who ever your bond hooks up with.” Rahs grumbled. “You would think that, but no, our parents are just the rare exception of bonded to ones who chose each other. It is considered good luck which was when I was born and there were no foals yet on the other side i was scouted to be trained by an alpha. I'm not bonded to anyone in Equss, yet anyway. Then Shining was born a few years later. Our parents dealt with his dreams as discussion on whether I was to go back to bond with him or remain to be trained as the next elder. Then Twilight was born.” “It took ten years of discussion?” “And was still never resolved. Politics is politics.” “Point.” “At any rate you were born soon after and that was considered another sign of luck that you and Twilight were born so close together. Hence why you were quickly bonded to her before the alphas decided to take you too. Then at six you simply vanished. Twilight was known to be having a great deal of nightmares which kept you close to her dreams and then one day you were just gone.” Bri explained. “And I wound up in Equss, Then Twilight and Shining stopped dreaming and Spike never started.” Rahs summarized. “So what should I be expecting out of all this any way?” “You're the god of us now, or so I've heard, shouldn't you already know that?” Bri perked her ears. “I've been a god for maybe a month or two now, I've got four powers, two of them I have no clue about and the other two I've barely figured out yet.” Rahs grumbled. ”I was six when I got pulled to Twilight. The spell screwed up my memory and all I really recalled was I was supposed to guard her. Not her dreams, just her, and evidently that imprinted on Spike and sorta on Shining too. Now here I am back in the Oneiroi and I have no idea about any of this.” “That bad huh?” “I've also been having a bad feeling about this trip the whole time. There's nothing wrong it's just... “ Rahs trailed off. “You're not really comfortable here any more. You've been to the other side and lived there. Coming back to the Oneiroi is clearly distracting. It's nothing like what we see in dreams and you're unsure how to deal with that. You never got used to life here.” Bri explained. “We get a few like that from time to time. Hunters who see the world outside through the dreams of their charges and get caught up in them too deeply. It takes time to get acclimated. But it's a safe bet you're not going to stay here any way.” “No... and I rather wonder how that is going to effect everyone after they just met me again.” “It'll be fine. Dad's happy you're alive, and Mom's still freaked out over it and upset she wrote you off so quickly.” “And you?” “I stayed out of it, kept the peace in some arguments, but I was already training as an alpha when you vanished.” Bri explained. “Right the alpha's what even are they?” “Oh. They are the ones bonded to gods or demi gods. They are for the most part immortal as long as their charges live. Moon Dogs tend to die at or around the same time their charges do. So the ones bonded to the immortals tend to be alphas, the unbonded ones tend to die at around fifty or sixty years.” Bri explained. “There are nine immortals in Equss or ordered by Princess Luna that we protect. Princess Luna herself. Celestia, Cadence, Iinii, Maohk, Sombra, Sunset, Chrysalis, Saturnia, and Bleu. Most of those are new pairings. Luna, Sombra, Saturnia, Maohk, Sunset, and Bleu are the newest , with Bleu and Sombra being the newest over all. The Apple family was on Nightmare duty until Princess Luna returned as well they lost two of their charges, but their bonded didn't fade out as expected and so they have extra claws in their pack.” “Applejack's parents. They died a while ago. I thought you said Moon Dogs don't live much longer than their charges.” Rahs questioned. “They don't usually, but there are exceptions. Usually with the very young,The ones bonded to the Apples are an odd case, but not unheard of. Speaking of which, Applejack is that pretty orange bitch you brought with you? “ “What? Oh yeah that's Applejack, though she's a pony...” “Doesn't look it, soooo, you two an item? Because if Sheeba is to be believed, she's got quite a thing for you, so do a lot of others too it seems.” Bri chuckled. “Oh stars...” Rahs growled slapping his paws to his face. “So how much of a stud are you over there? Since Princess Luna told us you were alive we've seen hundreds of dreams with some very interesting thoughts about you. The majority of them seem to think you're a pony though.” “Ugh, look there's only five that I know of. And I just found out about two today. Applejack and Sunset, and I was already messed up in regards of what to do about Jynx, Trixie and Saturnia.” “Celestia's daughter? Yeah.. I've watched her dreams a few times.... She has got some VERY interesting dreams about you.” Bri grinned. “Mom likes Applejack, and Dad has a thing for the bug, something about a female that can be anything you want. Personally after seeing Sunset's dreams I'd say go for her. She will keep you entertained. Plus she'll be around the longest, which if you are a god, should be important.” Rahs grumbled.” You're not training to bond with Sunset are you, as if the idea wasn't awkward enough.” “Nope, Celestia.”Bri grinned wider, her tail wagging. “Though failing those pairings, I've got a few friends who could use a mate, I bet I could convince them to share too....” “NO” Rahs snapped. “ It was bad enough I had Twilight, Spike and Shining, now I've got more siblings to torment me.” “Torment you? Perish the thought little brother.....”Bri chuckled. “It's not like I don't have fifteen years of sibling 'love' to catch up on.” “Rahs.” Luna stated as she poked her head out of the door that looked like it came off an old cargo container. “The council will see you.” Rahs grumbled glaring at his sister who simply grinned and stepped in after Luna. Spike was bored. He wasn't exactly sure how with everything going on, but some how he managed it. Mom and Dad were chatting it up with Rahs' real mom and dad, and going through the dreaded photo albums. Spike was certain he had 'accidentally' burned them twice in the past. Pinkie Pie was setting up a party for when Rahs came back, evidently she brought a ton of food thinking that they wouldn't be able to eat moon dog food. She was also running around like normal trying to make friends with every moon dog in sight. It said something about Pinkie Pie , that creatures that regularly saw weird ass dreams and nightmares had no clue how to deal with the mare. Fluttershy was trying to make friends with the few pups running around with mixed results. Witch-jack was talking with some moon dog named Sheeba who had shown up, evidently she was bonded to Applejack and Witch-jack was trying to get her to come to one of the family reunions to be inducted to the family properly. Rarity was talking to a few of the other siblings of Rahs about something though she had asked the question about being able to understand Rahs only to have the other moon dogs point out that she was the one speaking weird. Rainbow Dash was being shown how to shape dream stuff and she was having a blast building things with some of the younger ones. Shining was speaking with some of the older dogs about the feasibility of using dreams of certain people to see if they might be a threat to Equestria. And Twilight was writing down everything. Spike didn't feel like doing anything. He was bored and starting to develop a headache. Maybe he needed a nap or something. The dream stuff was fairly comfortable and he could think of a lot of uses for this sort of stuff in his games, but for right now he just felt off. Everyone else was right there so they would wake him up when Rahs came back. As Spike closed his eyes he didn't notice both Shining and Twilight occasionally rubbing their heads or wincing as if they had headaches too. [ About an hour later ] “So you have no plans to change anything...?” an alpha who Rahs had mental started to refer to as 'Sourpuss', though he expected the bitch's name was Kepler, maybe, he hadn't been paying any attention when introductions were finally made after the first round of complaining and accusations. “You're just now figuring that out? Wow, it's like I haven't been saying the same thing for the last hour.” Rahs snapped having had enough of this after ten minutes, and here it was an hour later. “Watch your tone pup, do you have any idea who you're speaking to!?” Another one that Rahs had dubbed 'Hag' snapped, she was younger than the others, but even more stuck up. “No, because I gave up on trying to remember your names when you started accusing me of trying to usurp your positions. I really don't care who you are or what you do. You've kept things running for this long, as far as I care you can keep things running until the stars die out or some one overthrows you for being a bunch of ponces.” Rahs growled.”I didn't even really want to talk to you. I wanted to come here, meet family I didn't even remember I had, check things out and leave. I certainly didn't want to be dragged into a meeting where I get yelled at by a group of dogs who take ten years or more to decide anything.” Rahs digs into his pocket and pulled out a bit coin to toss to the one he called 'Hag'. “ Here next time just flip this. By the stars I should fire you all and replace you with the coin. Same chances of a good choice, a fraction of the time. I'm done here.” Rahs turned to leave in a huff only to have 'Sourpuss' yell at him. “Where do you think you're going, we're not done with this meeting yet!?” “Okay first off, I'm the god here, so while I don't care if you listen to me, I sure as Tartarus don't have to listen to you. I have neither the knowledge nor the interest to make any changes. Go on and talk amongst yourselves about what that means maybe it will finally sink in that I don't care.” Rahs snapped. “Who even made such a rude mutt a god?” 'Hag' shouted.” Why would anything intelligent make some mutt as far removed from a proper Moon Dog as you, a god?!” “Beats me, but...” Rahs held out a paw snapping his fingers to make a glowing folder appear in his claw.”... here's the proof, deal with it.” Shifting his purple coat up over his shoulders more Rahs stomped out as the pair started yelling again. Luna sighed as she followed him back out into the lobby. “That could have gone better.” Luna sighed. “Maybe, but I don't care enough. It took an hour, an HOUR, just to get them to even acknowledge that I didn't care what they did and I still don't think they got it. Out of nine of them I think three might have caught on after I flat out told them I wasn't going to do anything.” Rahs growled. “This could have been an hour I was actually learning about this place or talking to family I didn't know I had, but no, I'm stuck in political bullshit.” “Welcome to our world.” Luna muttered getting a snort from Rahs. “Anyway you keep doing what you're doing here and I'll keep ignoring this part of my portfolio for a few decades anyway. I still need to figure out what 'dreams' means.” Rahs sighed. “This meeting has got to be the worst thing that can happen today.” Before Luna could respond a roar cut through the air, the sound of it like claws over a chalk board combined with the endless scream of a hundred toddlers being told they couldn't do something, with just a dash of a rooster crow, and a bored goat's scream at 2am. The sound shook the cobbled together building causing parts of it to start to collapse. “I need to learn to shut up when everything can understand me.” Rahs whined. > Do Piranha Dream of Magic Squid? Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Do Piranha Dream of Magic Squid? Part 3 [Oneiroi] Rahs and Princess Luna burst out of the front of the building with Bri hot on their tails to see what was going on. They didn't have to look hard to spot it. A massive shadowy purple form loomed over the city. The shape of it was vaguely unicorn like with a long flowing mane. The edges of it seemed indistinct and blurry, however it was the roiling mass of shapes in the things body that drew everyone's attention Headless corpses, strange green egg like sacks, grave stones, tentacled horrors, hundreds of faceless figures, serpents of all sizes and shapes and countless of other horrific and scarring images bubbled and shifted in the things flesh like forms rising from a tar pit only to sink back down again after barely a glimpse. “A tantabus.....”Luna offered with a shudder. “A what?” Bri demanded. “A night mare creature. Things brought to life by a surfeit of magic and the horrors brought on by a dreamer.” Typhon supplied as he and the other Alphas came out of the building to see what the roar was. “ I've never seen one this big before, they tend to result when some dog doesn't eat enough of a nightmare for it to vanish. I've only ever seen two and they weren't any bigger than me.” “We have seen ones this size before during Discord's mad reign when the Oneiroi was in chaos. It was why we sought out the Bunyip.” Luna frowned. “But why is it here? Surely someone must have seen this sort of build up.” A group of moon dogs darted towards the creature looking to start breaking it up only for the five of them to slam head first into a suddenly formed shield and get thrown back. “What?!?!” Typhon and the other alphas demanded. “That shouldn't be possible!”Luna shouted” Why does it have a shield?” No one had an answer as the monster let out a gargantuan hiss, it's maw opening displaying a pair of viper like fangs and row upon row of spinning teeth that seemed to fill it's throat “PRINCESS!” Rarity screamed out rushing over to them with Rainbow Dash and Witch-Jack in tow. “Rarity what's going on?” Luna demanded. “I have no idea Princess. Fluttershy, Pinkie, and the elder Sparkles are trying to herd all the pups and younger moon dogs away from it, but this thing simply spawned right where we were at.” Rarity offered. “This thing is huge, it smashed a couple of buildings just by appearing.” Rainbow Dash shouted excitedly. “Not only that, but ah can't find Twilight, Spike or Shining.” Applejack offered. “That's because it is them.” Rahs growled, his ears laid back against his head, a low rumbling growl emerging from his throat as he spoke The usual expression on his face was gone replaced with a look of utter hatred and anger that made even Luna flatten her ears. “Is them?” Luna looked back at the creature, her eyes widening as she noticed a few things in the images. Cadence rejecting something, a pile of burning books, a sheet of paper with with intricate writing and a small picture of some one in the corner with big red marker scrawled over it reading 'D E D', a collection of savaged Guard corpses, a very old looking Applebloom, laying in bed and closing her eyes slowly, as if for the last time, a quesadilla dripping with cheese. “By the stars.....” Luna's eyes widened.”The Sparkle's aren't connected to the Oneiroi, fifteen years worth of dreams and nightmares manifesting at once....” Rahs snarled and was gone, tearing across the distance between the massive nightmare creature and the group before any one could stop him. The glowing points of light on his ears and tail blazing with an after image. Rahs slammed into the shield barrier just as the others did though unlike the other moon dogs he didn't bounce off , his paws slapped to the shield barrier making it ripple like water in odd angular shapes away from where he had hit. His claws dug into the shield, piercing it before his chest, he strained his arms pulling apart as he spread his arms, the shield before him starting to tear open. There was a roar from the creature, before a beam of pure darkness fired from the tantabus' horn slamming into, Rahs flash frying him and blasting him away from the creature. The moon dog was launched through the air smashing holes in several dream buildings before impacting through the barn wall side of the council meeting chamber and causing the whole structure to implode on itself in a symphony of destruction. “RAHS!” Luna and Bri cried out. “Does that count as your barn being destroyed for this month?” Rainbow Dash asked Witch-Jack who simply shrugged The nightmare screamed out again the air visibly vibrating around it as it cried out, the moon dogs around howling in pain and covering their ears from the sound. “We need to stop it.” Luna snapped. “ Something of this size and power might rip the veil or actively start killing dreamers. “How?” Rarity asked “Applejack. That shield is magic, go after it and drain it as best you can.” Luna ordered. “What?” Witch-Jack whined her front paws over her ears. Luna frowned gathering a hoof full of dream stuff, quickly shaping an image of Witch-Jack attacking the shield. The orange pony turned bitch nodded and rushed off to do so. “Rarity gather the others and do what you can to lower the shield, we should be able to cut the creature to pieces bit by bit when the shield goes down, Bri get the other moon dogs ready to attack the parts we cut free, if we can whittle it down, we can defeat it.” Luna ordered. Bri blinked nodding as she caught on and rushed off. “How exactly are we gonna deal with that thing?” Dash demanded. “This is the dream realm Rainbow Dash, you shape clouds do you not, as you have seen the material here can be shaped to whatever you wish. Get creative with that. Do anything you can to keep the tantabus here in the city and damage that shield.” Luna stated firing a blast of her own magic which slammed into a shield and bounced off destroying another building. “Anything?” Rainbow Dash pondered looked at Rarity and grinned.“Get the others and tell them about the dream shaping thing, I got an idea.” “That worries me more than this brute does.” Rarity sighed before running off to let everyone else know the plan as Rainbow Dash started shaping something from parts of the fallen building. The massive creature started stomping towards through the city crushing buildings and batting aside any moon dogs that came after it. Luna's eyes narrowed as she fired off a series of blasts all over the shield trying to break through. “Get to cover, we will deal with this.” Luna snapped at the alphas as she galloped forward. A wire shot over her head and a blue furred figure in a brown uniform with odd boxes on her hips and large blades strapped for her fore hooves flew zipped overhead being yanked along by the wire. “YEEEEHAAAAA!” Rainbow Dash shouted as she was catapulted at the tantabus, the cable separating from the box and allowing her to go into a brutal spin like a buzz saw slashing across the entire top of the shield before another wire was shot out sending her soaring another direction. A massive boom filled the air and Luna beheld the sight of Pinkie Pie in a gas mask and spiked helmet wearing a long coat, waving a shovel around as she stood atop a massive tank that Luna recognized as a 'Bane something or other' from the Battle Mallet games. A lance of light shot from behind the tank as Rarity drew back the string on a bow taller than she was standing on her back legs. The bow itself seemed to be composed of red scales and the spine of a dragon, and Rarity herself was dressed in a black dress that was almost a ball gown, covered in white frills with a white bone spike crown and frilled collar. A massive armored minotaur knight tore across the street, the spell burst in his back launching him like a rocket, the armored rear hooves sparking over the dream road, the massive armor looked as if it could fit King Kaz. The suit was a perfect replica of the ancient minotaur crusaders armor that fell out of favor when the minotaur left the main land to claim an island kingdom instead. The massive war hammer the minotaur carried was bigger than Luna was. “Hammer DOWN!!!” Nightlight shouted whipping the massive weapon around and smashing it against the shield with a blast of lightning spreading across the shield from the impact. Twilight Velvet... well she was dressed in gray tights with a blue cape and cowl, a thick yellow belt and a oval symbol of a bat on her chest. Her horn glowed and she pulled a small spray can labeled' Bat Shield Remover'. She sprayed the shield with it and the parts touched started to dissolve. Witch-jack had missed the conversation in attacking the shield and was still doing just that, not able to do as much damage to it as Rahs was, but the nightmare had shot at her several times already. “He picks up a bus and he throws it back down, As he wades through the buildings toward the center of town...” A voice sang softly. Luna turned looking up, then up again, and up some more, standing taller than even the tantabus was a massive green reptile like creature with a more feline muzzle. The thing was stomping up towards the tantabus knocking over buildings. Sitting on it's head was a little yellow pegasus with pink hair singing softly. The massive creature looked at the tantabus, the spines along it's back starting to glow, the reptile opened it's mouth and beam of blue glowing fire bursts forth from it, smashing into the shield. “Why are we even here?” Luna muttered to herself as she watched the shield start to crack in several places. Applejack, and the other braver moon dogs, had switched to taking out the attacking tendrils, simply biting or clawing through them. Applejack severed a few of them, the mass on the other side of the cut away from the main body turned into a thick tar like liquid and splattered whatever landscape hadn't been destroyed with black icor. And in one case, that Applejack swore later wasn't intentional through her grin, a white coated fashionista, who's shriek at getting splashed with black gunk was louder than the creatures roar. Despite the attacks to the shield , the damage was repairing itself faster than anyone but Witch-Jack could damage. The shield dropped briefly as Witch-Jack tore into it . Luna and the others took the opportunity to blast the creature with everything they had sending it reeling back on it's rear legs in evident agony. Though that proved not to be the case as the thing slammed back down it's forelimbs crashing into the island sending the floating structure rocking and sending every one stumbling. The tantabus suddenly exploded outward the larger mass thinning as massive tendrils shot out in all directions lamprey like mouths on the ends slamming into and boring through the ground, the clouds, as well as all of the larger creations of the ponies. Rainbow Dash was sent spiraling out of the sky as one of her wires was clipped before she remembered she could fly, Nightlight and Pinkie were forced to abandon their armor and tank, Twilight Velvet had to run away like she was trying to get rid of a bomb, and the less said of what happened to Fluttershy's monster the better. Luna made a note to ask the moon dogs to double up on her dreams for a while. The moon dogs who set out to attack while the shield was down were all forced to run away as some of the tendril mouths turned back to them spitting green fire, the others started to devour everything they touched the creature growing in size yet again growing larger than Fluttershy's pet monster had been. An unearthly roar cut though the Oneiroi and snapped everyone's, including the tantabus', attention to the collapsed council building. The pile of rubble was flung into the air raining down around the city, forcing a number of dogs, the council members, and Luna to either dodge out of the way or put up a shield. A massive snarl sounded as a dark blue form rose out of the pile of rubble. The creature bore only a slight resemblance to the moon dog he had been, looking much closer in size and appearance to how Witch- Jack looked. The creature was bulky, as if it's muscle had increased dramatically, the fur along it's body was spiked and wild and the remains of a long coat hung to it's form, the pants hardly any better, both nearly burnt to ash. It's long ears were topped with balls of white light that shown like full moons on a cold clear winters night and left contrails when his ears shifted. His fur crackled with light as if it had built up a static charge of energy. His tail had grown longer, the glowing crescent moon on the end having tripled in size looking more like a double bladed scythe as the appendage lashed. “Rahs?!” Luna gasped as several of the moon dog bitches swooned. The blue witch wolf opened his mouth exhaling, sparks of magic dancing along his teeth and forming into a small cloud like a breath on a cold day. His eyes opened, the amber orbs narrowed as they glared at the tantabus before he took a step forward. The tantabus took a step back. Then Rahs moved, the ground and rubble where he had been standing flying back to crash into the dream structure behind him across the street. The impact as he met the newly raised and evidently empowered shield was felt in everyone's bones before any one heard the noise of the impact. Claws ripped open the shield like it was tissue paper, the entire bubble of protection torn away in a instant and fluttering away from the massive creature like shredded strands of gossamer silk. The tantabus roared out, it's horn blasting Rahs with another beam of energy. Rahs caught it. Luna's eyes widened as the beam seemed to solidify against Rahs' claws, the tantabus snarled, and Rahs yanked. There was the sound of tearing metal and the entire beam of energy was ripped away from the tantabus, tearing it's horn free as well. The monster screamed out staggering back as Rahs devoured the black mass he had torn free, like a particularly long noodle. “What. The. Fuck, darling!?” Rarity demanded. The tantabus broke into a run away from the blue witch wolf. Rahs tore after it leaving a trail of silvery light as he burned off the magic he had eaten. Reaching the edge of the floating city the tantabus grew wings and prepared to fly off, only for Rahs to slam into it's back and rip free one of it's wings treating it the same way it had the creature's magic and horn. The tantabus screamed out again, whirling around and crashing through the city as it turned into a more amorphous form, pseudo pods, spikes, tendrils, whirling maws of lamprey teeth, and blades formed of itself lashing inward at Rahs as it curled up around him attacking from all sides as it sought to engulf the blue witch wolf. The blackish mass closed around him as Rahs was rending the tendrils and spines attacking him in splatters of icor,though it was clear there were too many for him to deal with himself as many slammed into him and through him as he roared before the blob closed over him. After a heart beat or two the blob shifted back into a pony like form with no sign of Rahs. “What are you staring for!” Cosma snarled.” ATTACK IT, I WILL NOT LOSE HIM A SECOND TIME!” The older moon dog rushed forward with a snarl, joined by several score of other moon dogs, including Blink and several of the pairs older pups. They didn't even make it to the tantabus before it exploded. The remaining dream buildings were leveled and everyone on the floating island was knocked onto their collective asses. Black icor sprayed over everything, including an annoyed fashionista who had just gotten clean from the first bout of splatter. Standing in the center of the exploded mass was a surprisingly unsplattered towering blue form, the points of light on his ears glowed almost blindingly as his fur danced with energy, the scythe at the end of his tail as long as he was tall and he towered over even Luna now. Draped over his shoulders was a white unicorn stallion with a blue mane and tail, under one arm was a purple drake, and under the other was a purple alicorn mare. The three of them were unconscious but seemed other wise unharmed. Rahs opened his eyes again looking out over the ruined city full of moon dogs and ponies simply standing there staring and panting heavily. A number of the moon dogs seeing this dropped to their knees before him, a act quickly followed by all those dogs present, including the elder alphas. Though almost as one, they all rolled onto their backs exposing their bellies and throats. Rahs blinked as he watched this his head tilting a little in confusion. “What the fuck are you doing?” > Do Piranha Dream of Magic Squid? Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Do Piranha Dream of Magic Squid? Epilogue [Ponyville, Golden Oaks library, later that night. ] “SNNNNRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRK!!” Rahs snored, draped over the couch. The blue moon dog having face planted onto it the moment they got home. Princes Luna, Twilight, Spike, Shining Armor, the Sparkle parents, and all the mane six, save Rarity, who had run home screaming about a shower, were sitting at the kitchen table sparing glances at Rahs as he snored. Luna sat back having explained what happened to the three siblings. “I can't believe I slept through all that.” Spike muttered. “I can't believe we manifested a nightmare like that.” Shining Armor added. “Ah can't believe Rahs gained another portfolio, for witch-wolves.” Applejack frowned. “I can't believe all those cute moon dogs were showing their bellies and I didn't get to pet any of them.” Fluttershy pouted. “I can't believe he turned down all those chances to make me some grand pups.” Twilight Velvet also pouted. “I can't believe you're still on about that.” Nightlight sighed. “I can't believe it's not butter.” Pinkie Pie stated. “I can't believe that his dreams portfolio, means 'dreams as food'.” Twilight grumbled. “Though to tell the truth I'm not that surprised either.” “SNOOOOOOOOOORRRRRE.” Rahs added to the conversation. “Plus that was the weirdest way to bow i've ever seen.” Night Light pointed out. “Oh that's a instinctual show of submission by most canid creatures. Bearing their throats and belly leaves them vulnerable and shows they are submissive to the one they are showing.” Fluttershy offered. “Kinky.” Rainbow Dash chimed in. “Yes, well, moving on.” Luna sighed. “Still at the very least that incident has brought you three back into the dream world. We were able to reach your dreams while you were unconscious, though Rahs still remains inaccessible.” “I'm still not sure what happened?” Spike muttered. “The nightmares and dreams you three have been having since Twilight pulled Rahs from the Oneiroi built up without anything to feed on them and when you were brought to the Oneiroi the connection was reestablished and that tantabus got out. It also absorbed the three of you and was feeding off your powers. Due to the connection Rahs, was bleeding off the power that the tantabus was using which given you three are, a god, a demi god, and a highly skilled unicorn respectively, it was much like he had been gnawing on Discord again. Though perhaps a bit more than that given the state of the transformation.” “What about his going ballistic like he did, last time he did anything like that was with the foal nappers when he was a puppy.” Nightlight added. “And with that witch wolf in the Crystal Empire.” Shining pointed out. “And with Discord.” Twilight added. “And sorta with Chrysalis.” Spike commented, “Though he got pretty sick there before doing much.” “Don't forget PETA.” Fluttershy commented. “That was less a going ballistic and just being mad, Twilight went ballistic then though.” Pinkie Pie corrected. “In those events it was to protect his siblings. That does seem to be an instinctual bond he has.” Luna nodded. “In the Oneiroi, however there was that bond as well as being presented a ancestral enemy. The very reason we created the moon dogs, that it was tied to you three simply made that instinct stronger and he was able to rip and tear until it was done.” “So ah got a question.” Applejack offered.” If he's tha god of witch wolves now, doesn't that mean that he's only got me? Well half of me, tah take up that portfolio.” “Haaahpewwwwwwwwwwwww” Rahs snored. “One soul does not a portfolio make.” Luna frowned. “Which is why we shall not be bringing this up to Iinii or Tia as it likely means there are more witch wolves out there some where.” “Or the powers 'Whats Iz' are prepping him for having lots of puppies!” Pinkie Pie suggested. “I do like her theory.” Twilight Velvet offered pointing at Pinkie. “Spike's still to young, Twilight's a virgin and clearly somethings wrong with Shiny. He's got two mares and can't put a foal in either of them, seriously dear go see a doctor.” Shining narrowed his eyes at his mother. “Wha.. what, I'm not a virgin!”Twilight sputtered. “Wait? You've been having the sex?” Twilight Velvet gasped. “Please don't say it like that.” Twilight muttered. “And no grand foals? Is he sterile like your brother here!?” Twilight Velvet demanded. “Mom I'm not sterile.....” Shining grumbled. “Seriously, I had Cadence as a foal sitter and sex ed teacher.” Twilight shuddered.”Do you not think she taught me some contraceptive spells..... okay a lot of them?” “Twilight dear Cadence already has a foal. One older than you.” Twilight Velvet pointed out. “To be fair, Cadence wasn't the one who got pregnant.” Nightlight offered. “I don't think I'm old enough to be hearing this conversation.” Spike grumbled. “Spike... we do not think WE are old enough to be hearing this conversation.” Luna mumbled. “SNRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRK!!” Rahs slept on. [ Carousel Boutique ] Rarity sighed stepping out of the shower humming to herself as she started toweling off her mane and coat before quickly wrapping her tail and mane up in a pair of towels. She then trotted over to her vanity and levitated a number of hair driers up to start her work on looking fabulous again. “Ah that is much better, and none of that awful goop seemed to stain either, delightful.” Rarity hummed as she worked. As she dried off, she failed to notice that along the back of her neck just at the roots of her purple mane was a black spot that seemed to sink into her hairline. > Flounder to the Finish. Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Flounder to the Finish. Prologue [Ponyville, Golden Oaks Library. Two weeks after the return from the Oneiroi] “Look you've got the thrum's power at point eight three five, that's three orders of power bigger than it needs to be.” “Of course it's bigger, you set it too low, this is deific power, your setting might ruffle their fur at best.” “And yours might set it on fire.” “MMMM, fire.” “Seriously?!” “It's a joke Sparkle, contain the calamity that is your mammeries.” “I understood that reference.” “At least some pony gets some of them!” Spike and Rahs glanced up from their books to look at the two egg heads arguing over Twilight's notes. It had been some time since Twilight had someone who could talk shop with her. Sunset might not have been as into everything as Twilight and Moon Dancer were, but in her areas of expertise she could keep up with the new goddess of magic fairly easily. The orange mare's foray into Blood magic was a lot more complex than Twilight had expected. While it could indeed be a shortcut to power, that was clearly for the rookies and idiots. At it's core blood magic was a amplification style of magic, but that was hardly it's only use. An expert in the school could do things that would make a skilled surgeon whimper with how useless their doctorate was. Turned inward a blood mages magic could alter the very cells of their body if need be, permanently if one was not careful. Sunset's change in the human world was based off this theory, but she had sacrificed a good bit of the power she drew from the Element of Harmony to make sure the effect was an ongoing enchantment rather than a full change, which was why Rahs was able to break it. Had Sunset gone the other route she would have remained a demon when she was spit out, just a powerless one. And Sunset thought she looked too damn good to change herself permanently like that. Still this meant that Sunset's skill in transformation magic was exactly what Twilight needed to help her figure out the Familiar spell to get it to include ponies. Despite testing it once or twice, the spell wouldn't stick for long. Still even with Sunset's help this was slow going, particularly since Applejack was working on getting Sunset adjusted to the farm's schedule, which was going about as well as one would expect from a night owl like Sunset. And of course there were other problems too. “Hey Rahs!?” Sunset called out as the pair took a small break, ”What are you doing Saturday?” “Woof?”Rahs asked. “He asked why?” Spike offered. “I got that, I might not understand him but I'm trying to learn the language, Pinkie's not helpful and it's Fluttershy's talent. I tried asking Luna and she just laughed about it. I bet she's teaching Trixie though.” Sunset snorted. “Soo why?” Spike asked again. “Look are you busy or not?” Sunset sighed. Rahs considered a moment looking worried then shook his head. “Great, you want to have a date? There's something coming up in Canterlot that I think would be a decent start to a relationship with a first date, particularly with you in mind.” Sunset smirked. “Ummm.” Spike offered as Rahs just stared. “Why are you even interested in my brother?”Twilight grumbled. “The only encounter you had with him was setting him on fire and getting nearly eaten.” “Spike set him on fire, not me, I blasted him into the wall, and of course he ate me as payback, there was a bit of another encounter too, but that's better left unsaid.” Sunset grinned as Rahs turned red, hiding his face in his book. “Besides it's a first date, those are hardly meant to be serious and simply to see if it might be of interest to do something more. I figured since I was interested and the others are clearly idiots to have waited this long, I'd ask him out. I figure Applejack might get up the nerve to do so as well if some one else did first.”Sunset explained. “As for why, let's just say my tastes have never been for ponies, humans and minotaur are kinda boring, Diamond Dogs a bit too handicap mentally, and griffons are on the banned list for me due to something mom did, that leaves a nice little niche that you fit into along with Nox-cal, but I've yet to meet one of them that held my interest.” “That.... that is surprisingly logical.” Twilight pointed out.” Though I am reassessing my thoughts on you due to the obvious mental handicap you have being interested in him.” Any further conversation was stopped by a knock at the door. Rahs put down the couch he was going to fling at his sister with a grumble as she got up to answer the door. “So is that a yes a no?” Sunset ignored the exchange and threat of violence, focusing on Rahs. After a moment or two he nodded. Maybe he would luck out and Sunset would lose interest with the date, or it might spur the others to back off. He really didn't want to hurt any of them. It also didn't hurt that Sunset didn't smell like a pony. She smelled like the waves of heat from a hot stone in the summer. It was rather odd, but nice. “Oh, hello Ditsy. Mails early today.” Twilight stated. “Hey, yeah this isn't standard mail, it's a special delivery from the Crystal Empire to deliver to the direct hooves of a one Princess Twilight Tuesday Sparkle.” Ditsy offered. “What?” Twilight asked as Sunset noticed both Spike and Rahs suddenly paying full attention to Twilight and the mail mare, both with barely repressed grins. Sunset wisely stepped back out of the firing line. “ One, I'm not a Princess, two my name is not Twilight Tuesday Sparkle.” Twilight frowned. “Says right here on this legal form that we got at the post office that it is. And there's only one princess in Ponyville..... not counting Ole Greg, but he's a bit odd.” Ditsy shrugged, hoofing over the letter before taking off to return to her route. “My middle name isn't Tuesday.” Twilight protested looking at the letter. “It might be.” Spike offered. “I think I would know my own middle na...... what did you do?” Twilight whirled on her brothers as Sunset retreated to the kitchen. “Well remember that whole situation where you annoyed the crap out of us by throwing us out of the house when we complained about you and Mac making too much noise rather than just increasing the silence spells power?” Spike offered. “What did you do?” Twilight demanded her voice dripping with malice. “Went to Mayor Mare and had your name officially changed to reflect your new princessieness.” Spike grinned. “That's not a word.” Twilight ground her teeth. “Woof.” Rahs added. “Right, it is now. Royal decree, signed by you while you were hunting coffee. They plan to add it into the dictionary next print.” Spike chuckled. “That.... “ Twilight growled before shaking her head and glaring at them, her mane starting to spark. Sunset pushed the kitchen table over and hid behind it before she started raising shield spells.“Besides that, you can't change my name without me being present to sign off on it. I know I wasn't tired enough before my coffee to have walked down to town hall to sign off on it.” “Well actually you can if you're a legal parent or guardian and given mom named Rahs our legal guardian when we first moved here because I was too young and she was afraid you'd spend all our bits on books.” Spike smirked and fist bumped Rahs who had a equally wide grin.”Given that that never got changed, Rahs was legally able to change it. So you're Princess Twilight Tuesday Sparkle now. Nice and legally.” The resulting explosion sent both of them soaring across Ponyville to crash land at the Apple's farm taking out the barn that had been rebuilt after the whale fell on it. It was described by both of them later as 'Still worth it.' > Flounder to the Finish. Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Flounder to the Finish. Part 1 [Ponyville School House, late summer, first week of school, Friday.] [ Charlie.] [Not this again.] “….. So are all the schools in Equestria submitting ideas like this ?” Spike asked looking up at Miss Harshwhinny. “Yes. Each school district shall have their own team and bear the flag their district or town.” Harshwhinny sighed.”Due to... Royal favoritism....Ponyville is counted as it's own district for these purposes despite being part of the Canterlot school district.” “Were we in the same meeting? Cause if I recall Ponyville was made it's own district due to the growth spurt we had the last two years, that made it's population and the number of incoming students reach well above the minimum needed to form a new school district. Not to mention being one of the most diverse towns in Equestria we needed our own district as our curriculum will need to be build from scratch to cover everything and become suitable for everyone. I mean we have ponies of all three tribes, an alicorn, Equss' only Moon Dog and Witch Wolf, plus a dragon, the first self revealed changelings, some griffons, a number of nox-cal of all three tribes, whatever Pinkie Pie is, the largest pack of peaceful Diamond Dogs on this side of the zebra lands, a bunch of zebras, a couple of mules, some cows, a buffalo family, some crystal ponies, heck we've even got a kitsune running Lee-ho -foxs. Not bad for a town that started as an earth pony settlement only about a hundred or so years ago huh?” Cheerilee, Harshwinny, and all the students stared at Dash who was playing with a bit of chalk in a distracted manner. “What?” Dash asked noting all the silence and stares.” I read the notes! …. Mostly...” “District dividing aside, at the moment the students here are the only ones in this district participating in this contest. You will be judged on a number of things in regards to a complicated system which I will go over now....” “Boring. Tell um the important stuff.” Dash offered.” Like who's the schools coach for the event.” “I hardly see how that is more important than knowing the rules.“ Harshwhinny frowned further somehow. “Pfft are you kidding, it's super important. And I sat through the reading of the judging rules, you had to wake me up fifteen times,while that's nothing really you had to wake Twilight up twice. TWICE. That mare would make a list of her favorite lists for fun!” “She has.” Spike added. “You really think any of these guys can pay that much attention?” Dash continued. “Ugh, I suppose you have a point.” “Any way. The coach for the school to help you all out with what you need to know about the empire or help with your set ups is … drum roll..” Rainbow Dash began. Scootaloo started hammering on her desk in time much to Harshwhinny's annoyance. “Spike!” Dash pointed out. ”What?” Spike asked looking up, not really having been paying much attention as he had had all this information, including the rules guidelines, hammered into his head by his sister. He had only fallen asleep three times. In either case he was sick of it. “You're the coach.... didn't Twilight tell you?” Rainbow Dash questioned as the rest of the class room looked at him. “Of course she did.” Spike yawned. “It's not a big deal. I just help everyone with the information they need, what's allowed and not allowed as well as offer to guide them in a direction that doesn't involve massive property damage. Everyone in the class room looked at the Crusaders. “Why is every one looking at us?” “That lake was on fire when we got there.” “Due to legal concerns ah am not authorized to talk about tha incident.” “Anyway.” Spike offered. “Due to my connection to the judges and the Empire itself I'm not allowed to do more than help out with guidance.” “Who is judging?” Dinky asked. “Empress Cadence, Emperor Shining Armor, Queen Chrysalis, myself and Rahs Sparkle.” Harshwhinny offered not seeming too thrilled with the last. “They'll be checking for heart, order, emotion, adherence to the rules, and style respectively.” Rainbow Dash offered. “Due to the nature of the class we will be composing teams of three, mostly to cordon off the damage....” The class looked at the CMC. “They're looking at us again.” “I keep telling you we were trying to fix the water main it was already busted.” “By royal order 629 ah am not allowed to answer questions pertaining to any of the events of last Tuesday.” “ Yeah... well... good luck Spike.” Rainbow Dash offered. “Also class keep in mind that this will also be a graded project for your civics course this first semester. So you do have to participate.” Cherrilee added to a collection of groans. “So we just need to come up with the perfect routine to win this thing.” Scootaloo considered as she trotted out the front door. “Sounds like a plan tah me. Pity we can't get Spike tah help, bet he knows a whole bunch about the Crystal Empire.” Applebloom offered. “I don't think it matters how much we know about the Empire, I think it matters more about what we can put together to impress the judges. Only three of them are from the Empire and if we don't score high enough with all five in terms of points it won't matter if we only super impress one or two.” Sweetiebelle stated. “Well at least we know Rahs should be easy to impress, the more theatrical we make it the better. Miss Harshwhinny's gonna be the problem. You saw her in there, she seems to hate everything.” Scootaloo huffed. “Still we need to come up with a plan.” Applebloom offered. “What shows what's special about Ponyville?” “Hmmm.” the trio hummed in thought. The few ponies that saw the trio thinking like this suddenly realized that it would be best if they were else where before they decided to do something, particularly since they didn't see Spike around to reign them in. “I got it. Rainbow Dash gave me the hint too!” Scootaloo yelped suddenly. “Be awesome?” Sweetiebelle stated. “Sleep all day?” Applebloom suggested before considering, ”Well that might get points from Rahs.” “No... well yes on the first one, but no. She said Ponyville was diverse in who lived here. We could put something together to show how in Ponyville every one is a friend no matter who or what they are.” Scootaloo stated. “I think that's mostly Pinkie Pie.”Sweetiebelle considered. “You have a better idea?” Scootaloo demanded. “Nope.” Sweetiebelle shrugged. “If that's the best idea you have, then your entry is going to be even more of a hilarious failure than I thought.” The trio turned with a mix of frowns and glares as Diamond Tiara sneered at them while she trotted up, with Silver Spoon right behind her. Behind them was one of the new students who's family had moved out of the Crystal Empire. She was a silvery crystal pony with a white mane and tail named Sterling Silver. Her cutie mark was an antique looking silver tea pot, that at the time she got her mark was considered new. Her cutie mark was almost invisible on her coat unless she pointed it out, or you were looking close. Evidently she was an ancestor of Silver Spoon some where down the line and the pair of them had been hanging out most of the summer. The Crusaders thought she was alright, but given she followed along with Silver Spoon every where, that mean that she was unfortunately part of the Diamond Tiara circle despite simply staying back and not contributing to the bullying. Applebloom didn't like her much because of how flirty she was around Spike. Spike never noticed. “We already have the best plan that will absolutely crush, and I do mean crush the competition.” Diamond Tiara offered. “It is quite good.” Sterling Silver offered quietly. “Yeah, well we have a great plan as well, and it's gonna be perfect!” Scootaloo growled. “Yeah? But you know what you don't have?” Diamond Tiara grinned. “Bad hygiene?” Sweetiebelle suggested. “Daddy issues?” Applebloom offered. “A lack of spacial awareness?” Scootaloo added looking back behind the pair. “What, no, Cutiemarks you blank flanks!” Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara chimed pointing at the Sweetiebelle's rear as they chanted their primary insult in a sing songy tone. “There's no way any pony is going to chose some stupid fillies with no cutie marks to represent Ponyville.” Diamond Tiara laughed. “And why would that matter in the slightest?” a deep voice asked from behind the pair of bullies. Scootaloo grinned as Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon whirled around to see who spoke. Sterling Silver had already noticed and was gone in a eye blink, tearing down the road at a speed that would have made Rainbow Dash pause with a scream that made most of the canines she passed howl. Behind the pair was a tall, dark gray unicorn stallion with a reddish curved horn sprouting from a mass of black hair that seemed to wave and shift on it's own, his red eyes stared down at the fillies and he was currently sporting what amounted to an eggshell white and dark blue trimmed suit top. Rarity had some how gotten him into it and it wasn't a surprise to see him wearing something completely different each time he left the boutique. “I hardly see why having a mark on your flank means anything in terms of what your skills. Too many focus on it soly and what they think it means for it to really mean anything.”Sombra continued. “Better to have no mark and be able to choose your own fate than have it splashed garishly across your rump and have your destiny decided for you. And what are your cutie marks even supposed to mean?” Sombra raised an eyebrow looking down at the two fillies. “Oh, well my family deals heavily in tea and ceremonies such as that. We provide at least seventy percent of all the tea used in Canterlot Castle by the Princess.” Silver Spoon offered.”My mark represents my skill in that field and following my family line into the tea business.” Sombra nodded slightly his gaze turning to the pink filly. “And yours some sort of frost pattern on glass?” “IT'S A CROWN!!” Diamond Tiara shrieked before realizing that who she just yelled at was not Spike this time. “Really? Fancy yourself royalty then? Well most of the nobility and royalty when I grew up tended to do a lot of infighting and backstabbing to gain favor with the ones who were really in charge. Some pony with a cutie mark like yours tended to be murdered in their sleep by jealous rivals before they turned ten in order to remove some pony who might curry favor from their mark alone.” Sombra explained. He then looked thoughtful for a moment before narrowing his eyes at Diamond Tiara. “How old are you again?” Diamond Tiara's eyes widened at the story and the dead pan look Sombra was giving her before she took off like a shot screaming, with a slightly less panicked Silver Spoon right behind her. “Hmmm.” Sombra offered watching the pair run off. “Hey Mister Sombra what brings you out here?” Sweetiebelle squeaked acting as if the conversation had not just taken place. “Your sister sent me to collect you. It seems your parents have left on another vacation.”Sombra growled. “And your sister refused to let me have a word with them about leaving their foal behind so often.” “Oh alright. Did she say if she just wanted me?” Sweetiebelle asked. “We need to work on our project.” “If you three can distract her from using me as a clothes horse the moment we get back, I wouldn't care if you brought the whole school with you.” Sombra snarled before he looked around again. “Where is the dragon?” “He has to stay after to talk to the event coordinators Dash and Miss Harshwhinny. “Applebloom offered. ”We'll see him this weekend ah'm sure.” “Very well. Come along then.” Sombra stated turning to walk away as if to leave them, though the three followed along simply chatting plans around him as if he was part of their group. Admission to their little club might have been forced, though Sombra took interest in the three for a different reason that the missing cutie marks. Scootaloo's parents couldn't be there for her all the time, but they tried to be there as much as they could. Sombra was not thrilled with it, but he gave it a pass as she was, while not happy, at least content with the set up. Applebloom's parents were dead. And one could not blame corpses for their absence. Often it was worse if the corpses were there. Sweetiebelle's and by extension Rarity's parents however, irked him something fierce. The sisters might have accepted it, but Sombra was angry at the way their parents had started leaving Sweetiebelle to be watched by Rarity so often after she had her own place. Neither of the siblings were too thrilled at the multitude of trips their parents took, be it for work or pleasure, and it was more often the latter, but they had gotten used to it. Having come from a situation like that himself Sombra found himself sympathizing with the trio. That they thought he was just the largest member of their Crusaders mattered little to him. It mattered even less to him what the dragon thought of him. Spike did not trust him in the slightest, much like the rest of the town, the pink one still threw things at him when she saw him in fact. Despite this Sombra still he put forth the effort to try and at least be there if the three needed some pony for something. It was not as if he had figured out anything else to do yet anyway. > Flounder to the Finish. Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Flounder to the Finish. Part 2 [Wilmingtrot, at the mouth of the Cape Foal River] Adagio was less than thrilled. She had been outvoted in this particular instance and Aria had set up a plan for at least two more stops before they hit Canterlot in order to gain more strife before trying for the seat of power in Equestria itself. The first was a little port town that thought it was a tourist town judging by the exorbitant cost of everything, then they would head up the Cape Foal river to a town called Dodge Junction before heading to Canterlot. That plan was solid and more power was always good, it hardly mattered if she was out voted or not. No what annoyed her now was not that she was on stage in front of quite a large crowd ready to sing, what annoyed her was 'what' they were to sing. “Why did we let Sonata choose the song this time?” Adagio grumbled to Aria. “She won the coin flip.” Aria sighed. “The coin flip... The one that the two of us were using to decide which song we wanted would be used?” “That's the one.” “The one where the only options were heads for my song and tails for yours?”Adagio muttered. “She takes a lot after dad...” Aria stated rubbing her temple with a hoof. The music started with a weird warbling cord before a much heavier tune began. “There are no hoof prints deep underwater,” Sonata belted out in a guttural growl. “Nothing to tie one to a crime. But if you seek vengeance, all you need are instruments of pain!!” Her sisters gave up and simply went along with it, not even bothering to ask why Sonata insisted on wearing a Bat Mare mask as she sang. [Ponyville, Fireball's residence.] “So what happened?” Rainbow Dash asked Spike as she took a sip of her drink. Fireball's ears perked up as she listened in as well. Scootaloo had come home in a funk and then spent most of the weekend nearly killing herself trying to fly with no success. “I really don't know. I had a test day set up for everyone to show me what they had already and the Crusaders had this awesome routine going, but I kept my response level and told them it was awesome just like I told every one else theirs was awesome. Except for Snips, Snails, and Rumble, but that was only because they broke the stage that we set up.” Spike explained. “It wasn't as if they didn't know I had to remain neutral and when they left they were still talking about improvements.” “So it was good?” Fireball asked. “I'm surprised they didn't get cutie marks for it.” Spike pointed out. “It was a little rough, but if they can smooth that out they will win this claws down.” “Then I don't get it why is Scoots so messed up by this. Did the routine even have any flying?” Rainbow Dash questioned. “No, it played to their strengths without making them do anything too awkward.” Spike shrugged. “Then why is she trying so hard to fly again? I keep telling her it will come. Filly's got power and stamina for days, she just needs to focus that into lift. There's nothing physically wrong with her is there?” Rainbow turned to look at Fireball. “No.” Fireball sighed sadly. “You think it might be some mental thing. Some sort of trauma?” Spike considered.” Twilight has a block or two like that when it comes to cheese, crowds, and snakes. She can't do any spells that would involve any of those, though she's getting better with crowds.” “Hmm, yeah that will do weird things to a pony..Fireball?” Dash glanced to the other side of the table as Fireball sat down. “My mother, her grandmother, is a Squall Mason.” Fireball sighed. Spike blinked confused not sure what the term was, though Rainbow Dash was on her hooves, wings flared, her chair clattering back across the floor to strike the wall behind her. The blue pegasus had a look on her face that would kill and was on par with a few of Twilight glares. “SHE'S A WHAT!!!? I'll kill her!” Rainbow Dash snarled. “Sit down.” Fireball offered. “I will tear her wings off and beat her to death with them....” “SIT DOWN RAINBOW DASH!” Fireball shouted. “Mother has been dealt with. She's disowned by the family and shoved in a nursing home near Stalliongrad.” “That's not enough...” Rainbow Dash growled, but settled down some. “Non pegasus here I need an explanation. What the heck is a Squall Mason?”Spike offered. “A cult that should have been hunted to extinction.” Dash growled. “I'm not fighting that statement. Squall Masons came about around the time of the War of Night and the Equestrian Civil war. They were a group of pegasi led by a Blustery Squall. They saw a way to profit and gain power from the conflict. It might have started as little more than looting battlefields after each skirmish, but it blossomed into actively betraying troop movements and setting up failures of our own troops so they could sell 'better' equipment. Any time they were called on it they pointed out they were only doing it to the dirt hooves and the pin heads and not the clearly superior pegasi race. They gained quite a following by outing the Nox-cal, and started to bring back a lot of old pegasi traditions that had been banned at the unification of the three tribes. By the end of the war they had enough power to force ponies to do what they wanted, entire settlements of pegasi were members of the Squall Masons, whether they wanted to be or not. Those that disagreed or fought with them vanished...” “Or committed suicide, by jumping off of clouds, with their wings and legs tied..... onto some spears.” Rainbow Dash snarled. “Eventually Princess Celestia caught wind of this perhaps fifty years after the war ended. She didn't take to kindly to it. Those that she didn't rip from power personally, and very angrily, were forced to go into hiding or pretend they were threatened to obey. Squall himself was tried convicted and was one of Equestria's last known public executions. Sadly that just mayrtered him to his followers.” Fireball continued. “The order just went underground for a while and every so often they pop back up in some shape or another. Several conclaves of pegasi still follow them directly, but so long as they don't do anything Celestia lets them be. It would be near impossible to root them all out completely and as long as she knows where they are, she can keep an eye on them. Thankfully most of their numbers are confined to the older pegasi nowadays.” “Alright so while this sounds horrid, and not far off the Earth Pony and Unicorn cults I've heard of, why is this a problem for Scootaloo” Spike asked. “One of the tenants of the Squall Masons is that pegasi are superior than all other races. And that is because they can fly. A pegasi that cannot fly is better off dead rather than bringing the rest down.” Fireball offered as Spike could hear Dash's teeth start to grind. “My older sister took off out of her crib into the air the moment she was born, and it was hard to get her to land. Scootaloo however was always carried around and didn't really try to fly when she was little. She didn't need to when her mother carried her everywhere. She was going to teach Scootaloo when she had the time, but when she was off at work one day my mother decided that she was going to force her granddaughter to fly. As such, she threw Scootaloo off Cloudsdale when she was two years old. Either her granddaughter would fly, or she wouldn't be her granddaughter any more.” Spike stared. “Luckily Scootaloo's father was heading home and saw it. He managed to save Scootaloo, though when he was sure she was safe he went after my mother. I always thought he was this slacker goofball who was only coasting by on his looks. “Fireball whistled.”It took eight Wonderbolt's to pull him off my mother before he killed her and twice that number to keep my sister off the old bag when she found out. Mother was disowned rather privately and dumped in a home in the least pegasi populated city that could be found. As far as anyone in the family knows or cares she never recovered from the beating she got and is still ground bound. Scootaloo doesn't remember her, but the trauma of the fall has stuck with her even if she doesn't recall it.” “Shit.” Spike offered. “Language... but yeah .”Fireball nodded. “We're pretty sure she'll get over it in time. She loves to fly , she just can't do it under her own power yet.” “Are you sure?” Spike asked. “We've sent her to a number of specialists, but so far all of them have said she'd work it out on her own.” Fireballs smirked.”We have proof that it will be the case, after all I can fly.” “Wait, she did that to you too?” Rainbow Dash blinked then pawed at the floor, her wings nearly buzzing. “Dash I'm one of the very few non injured pegasi in Ponyville that doesn't have a cloud house. I work for the weather office, in the office, doing the paper work and I never go into the field, why did you think that was?” Fireball questioned.”Flying still unnerves me in the best of conditions.” “I dunno, maybe that you liked doing the paperwork?”Rainbow Dash shrugged. “Who in their right mind would enjoy that kind of thing?” Fireball scoffed. “My Sister.” Spike sighed. “I said in their right mind Spike.” “Yeah okay I'll give you that.” [ Canterlot, Saturday.] Rahs walked along as Sunset Shimmer strode along in front of him. Out of those interested in him, she was the one who confused him. The others he understood, Trixie was an old friend with a hidden crush, classic drama trope there. Jynx had the opportunity to increase the strength of her blood line if Luna was correct about Diamond Dog and Moon Dog cross breeding, though it seemed what might have started as 'good breeding stock' was progressing to a more romantic interest, if Rarity was to be believed. Another classic trope of strong girl having a sensitive side for the hero of the story. Applejack, while a bit harder to understand, might have had some feeling for him before she was changed, and now that animal side was bringing out what she felt rather dramatically. Saturnia well..... okay, there were two of them that confused him, but Rahs was pretty sure that was the whole point of Changeling courtship. To confuse the one you wanted to be with to the point they didn't even know what was going on until the changeling already had them. That seemed to work for Chrysalis at least. He had been there when that agreement was reached and he still had no clue what happened. Despite Sunset explaining her reasons, he was still in doubt that she was really that serious about dating him, though like the others, he wasn't going to tell her 'no' outright. With the exception of Sunset, he rather liked them all, maybe not in a romantic way, like they wanted, but he had been rather blindsided by this turn of events and none of the plays or books he could find had anything on five females chasing after one male. Unless it turned out to be a romantic comedy, or a tragedy. He didn't like any of those endings. So he was still of the mind set that he was going to go into this as he was, and hope that the interest some of them had would die off, or at least, if they were not compatible it would become obvious. Thus far he expected Sunset might be the first to see something like that, she was smart, almost as smart as his sister. And despite knowing where it came from, Rahs couldn't help feel a draw to the smart ones. Not that any of his other suitors were dumb, but this mare was on a different level. Plus the bacon flavored magic didn't hurt either. Thus far she had just led him into Canterlot and into one of the higher end areas of the city. As usual some of the locals had called the Guard at the sight of him, and as usual the Guards took note of who it was and just had a few pegasi around to make sure no trouble found him. There was one noble who decided to come out and start screaming at Sunset to take her 'pet' away from this part of the city. Sunset had made a remark that Rahs was hardly a pet as they hadn't even chosen a safe word yet. The noble didn't get it. Rahs did and was quite glad his fur tended to hide his blushes. Still the noble persisted and found out what happened when you provoked Sunset ' Burn it all' Shimmer. Granted to be fair, the snob did jab her in the chest with a hoof, while it wasn't hard, he did make contact and thus could be considered an assault by most lawyers. Rahs hadn't even seen the newspaper cart move before it flattened the complainer. In the end the Guard watching sided with her and all Sunset had to do was fill out some paperwork. Still Sunset had apologized for the delay seeming a bit worried her attitude might run him off. Rahs waved off the suggestion, after all Sunset was showing remarkable restraint compared to what his sister might have done. With no further incidents they arrived at what the Sunset declared was the date location. While Rahs didn't understand why a 'trade and magic expo' might be of interest to him, let alone a date location, it turned out Sunset was being clever as she led him to a booth. A booth she had rented and set up with the tagline of 'Find out what your Magic's Flavor is.' She had printed pamphlets out any everything. And there was already a line. “It's a fairly novel and popular date idea back in the other world. They called it a wine tasting tour in some of the local vineyards. I was told you don't drink, so I figured this might be the next best thing.” Sunset grinned. Rahs blinked as he looked at her, then the line. Well she was getting points for being clever for sure, he had never even heard of anything like this. But he liked it. > Flounder to the Finish. Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Flounder to the Finish. Part 3 [ One week later] “What do you mean she isn't coming?” Spike demanded, as he glared at the other two Crusaders. “She said would just bring us down because she couldn't fly.” Sweetiebelle offered. “What was wrong with your first performance?” Spike asked. “I dunno, but she kept wanting to do it better and now she's not here at all” Applebloom huffed, clearly annoyed herself. “You do realize that without a third you'll be disqualified right?” Spike offered. “What?” Applebloom gasped. “Seriously!?” Sweetiebelle demanded. “Did either of you even read the rules?” Spike sighed. His head fins twitched as he heard giggling behind him and barely whispered insults. Well, at least he knew who to blame for this turn of events. Those three better be glad he wasn't a judge. Not like he expected Diamond Tiara's ' Commerce is what makes Ponyville special' to win. “Well at the very least you guys get to see the Crystal Empire. Though I'm not happy with you two for leaving her behind, when she is clearly going through some stuff.” Spike sighed as the pair flinched. He shook his head and headed up towards the other train cars to let the Event Coordinators know about the lack of Scootaloo and the Crusaders dropping out of the competition. Dash would not be happy about this. Spike stumbled forward as the train screeched to a halt. He quickly looked back to see two little ponies hopping from the back of the stalled train. The train started up again, with barely a moments pause. “The emergency stop is for EMERGENCIES ONLY!” Cheeriliee shouted from the next car in a very decent rendition of the Royal Canterlot voice. “The Cru....”Diamond Tiara started to call out before Spike quickly leaned over the seat and slapped his claw over her mouth. “It was an accident Miss Cheerilee, they all know better.”Spike called out before whirling on Diamond Tiara. “I don't normally get directly involved to stop you bullying my friends, but I've learned some things about the one you decided to target this week that have made me step up this time. If you tell Cheerilee about them leaving like this I will make sure to yank that rope again and blame both of the resulting problems on you. Miss Cheerilee will believe me over you, Silver Sterling won't say anything because it's me and Silver Spoon will step back so as not to get in trouble with her own father. You will be alone with your word versus mine, and your word alone is not worth anything. So sit down, shut up and enjoy the trip, or don't. I hardly care.” Spike snorted letting go of her muzzle as he glared at her, the other foals in the car staring at the angry little dragon. “I don't know what your problem is with the Crusaders, but you need to get over it. It takes a special kind of stupid to antagonize a trio that can bring down the Wonderbolts, The Element Bearers, a couple of random demi gods, probably Discord, and most, if not all of, the Princesses on your head. And that's before I would get involved and bring in even more gods. You're not bullying a trio of fillies, you're bullying something that can call a HK class, world ending, legion of pain on your stupid crown painted flank.”Spike growled before heading up towards the next car leaving Diamond white as a sheet. Spike paused looking back at her his tail whipping.”Good talk.”He stated before entering the next car. [Golden Oaks Library] “So why are you here again?” Twilight demanded as she scrubbed another plate, rinsing it off with the sink hose before putting it in the rack. Behind her sipping a cider and reading the newspaper at the kitchen table sat Queen Chrysalis. “Visiting my daughter, but she's freaking out so much over Sunset managing to be the first one to date your brother and I got sick of it.”Chrysalis offered. “No, I mean specifically why are you in my kitchen” Twilight sighed starting on another plate. “Because I'm bored and you tend to be entertaining when you're not pissed at me.” Chrysalis offered taking another sip of the cider. “Besides I'm rather curious as to how your brother reacted to his date with Sunset.” “Of course you are. Well first off she's going to have to wait her turn. Because of Sunset, Applejack got up the nerve to ask him out next weekend, She's up in the Empire to cheer on her little sister today. Evidently there's a Cherry festival next weekend in Dodge Junction they're going to. Be sure to pass onto Saturnia that if she interferes, I will be very cross. The others already know that. Interestingly enough Sunset has offered to set any one on fire who messes with Applejack's date as well.” “I expected that since she's your choice, but that doesn't answer my question.” Chrysalis added. “It's not just that Applejack is my choice. Despite his being an idiot he's still my brother and I do want him to be happy at least until he does something else that makes me want to kill him.” Twilight sighed cleaning a cup. “As for the date, as far as I can tell it went fairly well. Sunset had a rather novel idea and he enjoyed himself.” “Hmm, well with both you and Luna playing fair now I suppose I'd best do the same.”Chrysalis sighed. “That's rather surprising.” Twilight offered. “You seemed as gun-ho as Cadence about this.” “Saturnia's my daughter and I do want her to be happy, but she picked a difficult target of her desire is all. And I thought getting Cadence was hard. Any way, do keep in mind I am the god of change after all. Granted I also have bees in my portfolio as a lesser. I met at least three others with bees as their lesser portfolios and the council meeting. “Chrysalis shrugged. ”In particular a Giraffe god named Mythos introduced me to a strain of bee called the 'Loco bee'. They are the only known creature who is unaffected by poison joke, and they actually make honey from the plant when it blooms. Seems that concentrates the effect to make it act near instantly as well. It's a rather ingenious natural defense as no other animal will go after their honey because of it.” “While that is .. a decidedly interesting bit of trivia why are you telling me tha......”Twilight began before her eyes narrowed. “What did you do?” “Muuuhahhahahahhahaha.” Chrysalis cackled. [ Canterlot Castle] Princess Luna sat at the dining table trying not to smirk. Princess Celestia sat across from her trying to get comfortable in her chair. The attendants watched horrified, one or two had run off screaming, and at least one fainted. The Solar Princess sighed, her long snake like form covered in her usual pure white fur, though her head was more fox like now, with one moose antler and one ram horn. She had a narwhal horn sprouting out of the bridge of her nose and her mane flowed and swayed looking all the world like red kelp caught in the tide. Her left arm was from some sort of lizard and her right from some featherless biped that was decidedly not a chicken. Her right leg was a minotaurs, and her left a nox-cal kirin's. Her tail was long and cat like ending in a forked tip. “I have the uneasy feeling that the honey used in my tea was NOT from my usual apiary.” Celestia stated flatly. “Clearly.” Luna snorted. “HEEEEELLLLLLOOOOOO NURSE!” Discord popped in with a wolf whistle before getting decked with a thrown table. “You know what? Never mind, I don't want to know.” Twilight grumbled. “Hey, hey, hey, Twilight, Twilight!” Pinkie Pie shouted pronking in and bouncing around the kitchen table. “Hey... close the front door, were you born in a barn?” Chrysalis grumbled. “Yes, I was..... how did you know?” Pinkie asked flatly as Chrysalis' ear twitched. “Never mind that… what did you want Pinkie?” Twilight smiled, glad she wasn't the only one at odds with Pinkie's pinkieness. “Oh, right I figured it out!”Pinkie exclaimed with a grin. “Figured what out?” Chrysalis asked. “Why everyone is after Rahs romantically like they are!” Pinkie Pie smiled. “Okay this is not going to end well, but I'm going to ask.” Twilight sighed. “And why is that Pinkie?” “Because he's everyone's 'DREAM” date!” Pinkie Pie cheered. “ Get it? Because he's a moon dog and they live in the Oneiroi...” Chrysalis smashed both her hooves into her face in a epic face hoof that toppled her out of her chair, while Twilight simply turned the dish hose on the shrieking and giggling Pinkie with a dead pan expression. [Ponyville] “So you abandoned them to their fate?” Sombra asked raising an eyebrow. For once the stallion was without a suit as Rarity had left earlier for the Crystal Empire to support her sister. “They're better off without me.” Scootaloo huffed staring at the ice cream she had been given as it slowly melted. “If you say so.” Sombra grumbled. He had come across Scootaloo making her way back home from the train station. He was quite certain she was supposed to be on her way to the Crystal Empire. The trio had invited him, but he had refused. Part of his parole was to stay away from the empire. In truth, Sombra was fine with that, there was nothing in the Empire for him and he had no desire to rule anything again anytime soon. His short stint as king had left a bad taste in his mouth. Though given it was all he had really known it left him out of sorts. But that was his problem, there was another to address now. “Applebloom told me they didn't need a quitter on the team.”Scootaloo sighed.”Sweetiebelle at least tried to get me to reconsider.” “She has little tact.”Sombra agreed. “Yeah....” “And disposing of your Scooter was supposed to mean what specifically?”Sombra demanded glancing at the alley that Scootaloo had been heading down with her scooter to throw in the dumpster there, the pair of them were across the road from the train station now, sitting on a bench in front of an ice cream parlor. “Cause it's pointless, I'm never gonna fly and never be anything at this rate it's just... What's the point?” Scootaloo sighed. “I did not take you for an idiot.” Sombra stated flatly examining the ice cream he floating in his magic as if to figure out the best way to eat it, chocolate was a wonderful thing. “What?” Scootaloo snapped. “Why are you giving up something you clearly enjoy just because you are unable to do something completely different?” “What?” “Is it that hard to figure out? You already know my stance on destiny and cutie marks. I am also not fond of giving up for no reason like you have done. You should not have done so. You terrify a dragon with that wheeled board of yours, the only other I have heard to have done the same is Twilight Sparkle.” “Yeah but she's all magic and angry and alicorny and stuff.” Scootaloo sighed. “And yet for all that, she flies like a brick.” Sombra stated with the hint of a smirk at the memories of Twilight trying, and failing, repeatedly, and painfully, to learn to fly. He had eaten far too much popcorn that day. “But flying is the one thing I'm supposed to be good at as a pegasus!” Scootaloo whined. “Really? Did your cutie mark show you that?” “Dude, that was low.” “Well?” “No....” “Then how do you know your talent even is in flight? Your aunt hardly flies and her cutie mark seems to be related to that.... or evocation magic.... maybe stargazing, in either case Fluttershy as well is not a strong flier, her talent lies with getting others to protect her from things.” “No it isn't, her talent is.... oh.”Scootaloo protested before trailing off. “My point stands. You had something that seemed entertaining, and you threw it away for no reason. Like a pony dying of thirst being offered a glass of water, but ignoring it in favor of looking for a lake.” Sombra grumbled before snapping up the rest of the cone in two bites. “It hardly matters if you cannot fly, that hardly defines everything you are.” “I guess, but I screwed up now. The others are mad and already half way to the empire by now.” Scootaloo moped. “I would not be so sure.” Sombra offered noting two little figures running their way. Sombra sat back as the trio started their little discussion and made up over their shared issues. He resolved to ask Fireball about Scootaloo's flying problem at a later time. “But now what? We're all stuck here.” Applebloom trailed off as the conversation died down. “We can always catch the next train.” Sweetiebelle offered. The trio rose and rushed off to the train station with Sombra following along at a more measured pace. Scootaloo had forgotten her ice cream on the bench and rather than let it go to waste Sombra was finishing it off. “Oh no, the next train isn't headed up their until this afternoon, we're not gonna make it in time for the contest.” Applebloom wailed. Sombra strode up looking around the station as the fillies started to panic. “All of your supplies are already on the other train?”Sombra asked simply. “Well yeah expect for Scootaloo's scooter.”Sweetiebelle offered. “I see.” Sombra nodded and walked over to a uniformed stallion who was watching a train be hitched up to some supply box cars. “Are you the station master?” Sombra asked. “I am, is there something you need sir?” The gray coated and blue maned stallion nodded with a small smile. “That train is going to the Crystal Empire.” Sombra pointed at the train loaded with box cars. “No sir, that train is going the exact opposite direction, towards Appleloosa and Dodge Junction.” The station master answered. Sombra raised an eyebrow. “You misunderstand........” The dark unicorns horn flared and a purplish almost black light colored corona formed around his horn. The same aura formed around the train engine, disconnecting it from the front of the other cars and lifting it into the air. He flipped the engine around to face it the other way on the tracks before letting his aura fade from it. A wagon of coal was gripped next and dumped in the engines coal hopper. The box cars were all shoved further down the tracks out of the way and a single passenger car from one of the side tracks was connected to the engine. Through the whole event Sombra's eyes remained locked on the station masters, the stallion darting his attention between the black unicorn's glare and the events going on behind him with nervous glances. “.......That train 'is' going to the Crystal Empire.” Sombra stated again to make sure there was no confusion this time. “Ummmm, yes sir....” the station master stammered as the engineers and other attendants nearby watching rushed to ready the train for it's new destination. “Good. Girls get on, I will go pay for the tickets. I expect to hear that you have won.” Sombra stated .” Do not disappoint me.” “Oh wow.... that was cool!” Scootaloo offered. “Thanks Sombra.“ The trio ran off climbing onto the train as Sombra went to the ticket booth dropping the bits needed for the trip on the counter for the teller as well as a few others for the trouble. He glanced back as the train whistle cried out, the engineers nervously looking at him as the fillies waved out of the window at him. “Hmmph.” Sombra grumped as the train started to pull away. “SOMBRA!” “Sparkle.” Sombra stated turning to face the mare storming up to him. “What are you doing!?” Twilight demanded. “Paying for train tickets.” Sombra offered gesturing to the ticket booth, only to flinch as a plate bounced off his head. “That's for biting Fluttershy!” a soaking wet Pinkie Pie shouted. “PINKIE, stop throwing my dishes!” Twilight shouted before turning back to Sombra.“Why did I just have a panicked pony run up to my house and tell me you were throwing train cars around at the train station?” “Because the ponies of this town are easily panicked and have vivid imaginations?” Sombra asked staring down at the shorter mare. “Sombra!” “Umm Miss Sparkle, he did flip around a train engine and tell us to send it to the Crystal Empire.” the station master offered. “What? What did you do!?”Twilight snapped looking back at the train pulling away. “I made sure some fillies who missed their train caught another one in order to do what they needed to, nothing more.” Sombra explained. “You can't derail a whole train schedule like that!” Twilight fussed. “Last I checked I was actual royalty, Luna's son and by Celestia's own admission third in line for the throne now that Cadence has her own place to rule. Commandeering a single train for my purposes is well within my rights. I am still holding up my end of the parole and going no where near the Crystal Empire myself no matter who I send on a train.“ Sombra stated. “Before you start quoting the law book and the rest of that at me Twilight keep in mind I have had nothing to do for the last year BUT read, and the terms of my parole I studied quite closely. I have broken no law, and perhaps only nudged my bounds in terms of courtesy by not giving the train yard time to adjust to my order. That is hardly a crime itself, and another train will be along shortly headed towards Dodge Junction, adding a few more cars to the end of that will hardly matter. In any event, I will be taking my leave now Sparkle. I have promised Miss Rarity that I would feed her cat while she is away and the little beast gets cranky if not fed at a certain time. Good day.” Sombra turned and trotted off, a smile growing on his face as Twilight fumed behind him. Yes, this was a good day. > Flounder to the Finish. Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Flounder to the Finish. Epilogue [ Crystal Empire] “In lucent of the ostentatious display being quite exemplar as well as compellingly put together, in lieu of or even because of the age category presented. The originality was something quite unexpected when compared to other rival ternion, who while also putting their own spin on things, with the exception of the group plagiarizing miss Brisby's well known work, Nimh, still seemed to incorporate elements of other works and sometimes even each other. The choreography was much more refined than expected in this category of display, while still requiring work, it could almost be on par with at least a moderate amateur performance. The motivation however was truly the biggest point of interest as they seemed exceedingly driven and that energy was expertly channeled into their presentation, with no displays of stage fright, nor hesitation in what I expected were several impromptu changes in the routine due to small errors that were expertly ad-libbed on the spot. While noticeable they hardly deviated from the message of the performance. In light of the combination of these elements of the display I shall be giving a favorable tally to this group.” The other judges, the competitors, and the entire audience stared at the speaker. Except of course for the collection of mares, and a few stallions, that fainted at the sound of his voice. Shining Armor snorted in amusement as Rahs stared back at everyone staring at him. His ears flattened to his head and he let out a sigh. “Woof.” “He says it was good.” Shining Armor smirked holding back a chortle. “OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHH!” the whole stadium erupted as Rahs smacked his head into the judges desk beating his forehead against the wood as he held up a card reading 8.9. “I must agree, that the performance was superb.” Miss Harshwhinny stated with a hint of more emotion in her voice than she had expressed with any of the other ones aside from Dinky Doo's group. Granted that filly could give a rock a heart attack without trying. They had to talk Cadence down from giving her group a 80 on a ten point scale. She held up a place card with a 7.2 on it, her highest score thus far save for the aforementioned Dinky Doo, who got . 2 higher. Still with the last judge having shown her tally, the winners by .5 overall for the Ponyville district, were the Cutie Mark Crusaders. “Spike I need to have a word with you.” Miss Cheerilee stated as she pulled the small dragon to the side of the back room of the stadium, frowning down at him. The rest of the area was filled with screaming foals and a number of family members and others congratulating the Crusaders. “Hmm what's up?” Spike questioned. “I am quite cross with you for lying to me about the train, and I am even more cross with you threatening Diamond Tiara.” “Ahh found out about that huh?” Spike let out a sigh. “It was uncalled for Spike and I had hoped you would remain the more level headed one in class that I could trust.” Cheerilee scolded. “While I rather expect this sort of thing from your sister, I trusted you to do better. So imagine my surprise when several other students brought this to my attention.” “She needed it.” Spike stated, unrepentant. “it is not your place to judge that. Nor did she need to be terrified like that for no reason Spike.” Cheerilee stated with a glare. “ You should have informed me and I would have dealt with her.” “Maybe, but you and I both know punishment doesn't take with her, it just makes her madder and more eager to go after the ones who she perceives are the cause of her punishment. Besides do you really want to deal with spoiled again?” Spike offered. “That is not your call to make Spike.” Cheerilee stated.”Spoiled is all mouth any way, Filthy Rich is much calmer and easier to deal with. Problem parents are my concern, not yours.” “Yet Diamond remains a bully. Whose favorite targets are friends of mine.“ Spike pointed out. “Thing is this is to protect her as well as the Crusaders. What do you think Princess Luna would do if she knew her 'younger sister' was being bullied? How well do you think Applejack would handle it when she has a hard time with her own emotions and even her own body after this curse of hers. Heck the less said about what Rainbow Dash or Scootaloo's parents would do the better.” Spike offered. “And that's hardly even all of it.” “What?” “What happens if Diamond finally pushed one of them too far and they lashed out at her. Diamond might be an earth pony but she doesn't have near the power or durability a life long farmer like Bloom has, not to mention Applebloom's still learning things from your mare friend, and Zecora has taught her some potentially dangerous things. Then there's Sweetiebelle, who's being taught magic by Princess Luna, who wants to train her up to be a magus. A war mage...“ Spike offered. “And we can't forget Scootaloo, who despite not having a major patron like the others, is a powerhouse on her own and is likely the most physically fit out of all of them, including Applebloom. Add into the fact that she's taking two martial arts classes because Dash did and so far she's really good at them. Would you rather I terrify Diamond Tiara or let one of them snap, which Scootaloo almost did this time?” Cheerilee stared down at the dragon a moment before letting out a sigh. “I cannot fault your logic Spike. I can fault your execution. And I will be bringing this up with Nightlight and Twilight Velvet as I expect your sister would just give you a high hoof if she caught wind of this. I will also be assigning detention and it will be some time before I place my trust in you fully again.” “Expected, and accepted.” Spike nodded. “For now however go back to the party, we will discuss this again later, and you will leave Diamond Tiara alone.” Cheerilee ordered. “So long as she behaves herself.” “Spike.” “Fine, fine....” [Ponyville] “The nerve of that ass... How the heck does Rarity deal with him?” Twilight fumed. “Likely the same thing he thinks about you Sparkle.” Chrysalis offered from the Library couch. “Chrysalis? What are you still doing here? Shouldn't you be in the Crystal Empire judging the Games flag carriers?” “Pffft yeah right. I sat in on, I lost count of how many, junior recitals and other events preformed by foals when we were still hiding. For every decent performance there are thousands of foals that are only skilled enough to be a back ground tree in a desert scene. The parental love was great, but holy fuck was the rest bad." Chrysalis waved a hoof in the air dramatically. “I have no idea how your brother can stand it.” “He can't.” Twilight smiled darkly.”I tricked him into going to the Empire for something else and let Shining and Cadence trap him there for this as I signed him up to be a judge.” “Bucking Tartarus mare. You are far more evil than I thought.” Chrysalis clapped her hooves in approval. “I am almost upset I sent a stand in and missed his reaction, almost.” “A stand in?”Twilight offered.” You trust some one else to assume your identity?” “Just this one.” Chrysalis grinned. [ Crystal Empire] Shining Armor took note of Cadence's reactions to the foals. His wife's lowest score for the day was 9.8 and that was only because a pegasus foal who flubbed a line swore and she had to dock the team for that. This would be a discussion later he could feel it. Shining himself was just making up arbitrary scores at random depending on how well the foals seemed to have their act together. Miss Harshwhinny and Rahs were taking this far too seriously and had ranking and reasons for every single decimal point they gave or took away. Then there was …. 'Queen Chrysalis'. The changeling sitting to his left was a stallion. He was also smaller than Shining was. He had a tiny paper crown on his head from Hay Burger and long stringy hair that Shining was pretty sure had started life as a mop before it became covered in green mildew. He also had a sticker on his chest that read ' Hello, my name is 'Queen Chrysalis and definitely not Bees'. He made up scores based on what number he could remember, or he copied some one elses card. At one point he held up an uno draw four card. Cadence played along with it. Shining didn't say anything, but rolled his eyes at the changelings antics. Miss Harshwhinny was not amused, but that was normal. Rahs was grumbling under his breath about digging a shallow grave for his sister as the 4th hour of nine hours of events began. > Rarity Takes Moreton Bay Bug, Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Rarity Takes Moreton Bay Bug, Prologue [ Get it cause this is a generosity episode and the title is a shellfish/selfish! HA!] [Don't patronize me.....] [Friendship express. One week after the CMC won the right to carry the flag. Start of Fall] “Thanks for inviting me along on this trip Rarity. I've never been to Manehatten before.” Fireball offered waving a dark orange wing from her seat. “It's quite alright darling, I had purchased tickets for everyone earlier on and with Applejack, Spike, and Rahs not coming, I had some extra tickets.” “And that those extra tickets conveniently add two models for you to show off your new line...” Sombra grumped. “As well as get us to carry the three tons of things you brought along was just a happy coincidence was it?” “Eeeyup.” Big Mac nodded with a frown. “Come on it should be fun,” Twilight giggled, wondering what Rarity had set up for Mac. Neither of them were willing to tell her, and she really wanted to see her colt friend in a suit. “Of course it will be fun, even with a different crew than our usual trips. I mean this is the week of the Cherry Festival and Applejack finally managed to ask Rahs out for it.” Pinkie Pie added. “Mmmmmmm.” Big Mac growled debating on whether or not he should have done more to harass Rahs. He needed to be careful though, as he expected AJ would kick his flank if he ran Rahs off before they had a date. “I know, but far be it for me to stop something romantic.... well.... it's a farm festival...... So.. maybe... interesting? From happening.” Rarity shrugged.” Though Rahs did recommend Hinny in the Hills on Bridleway for us while we are here.” “Everyone recommends Hinny in the Hills, it's been the hottest musical this season.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “It's also mostly sold out everywhere.” The others stared at her. “Oh for the love of..... Keep in mind who I am dating. We see a lot of stuff with visiting dignitaries and his parents.” Dash sighed.” It's not all action and adventure and dropping off perfectly good airships with nothing but a sheet in a backpack to keep you from smearing across the ground.” “Oh wow, is our Rainbow Dash becoming, shock, awe, horror, cultured?”Fireball mocked tossing her blonde mane a little, the red streak falling over her eye. “Don't even.”Dash snorted glaring at the other pegasus. “So how was it?” Fluttershy asked working to defuse the situation. “Not as bad as some of the other ones I've seen.” Dash shrugged. “I'd say it was pretty good actually, music was pretty catchy.” “Rahs was able to get a set of tickets for us, evidently he knows one of the lead actors.” Rarity grinned. “Shirley's in it?” Twilight asked. “I did not know that.” “At any rate this fashion week is going to be the best.” Rarity giggled. [Dodge Junction, the next morning.] Rahs stepped off the train, stretching a little, his ears perked up as he looked around. A large gathering of ponies milled around the station, with a few who hadn't ridden on the train with him from Ponyville giving him a wide berth. The town was much bigger than he thought, though it had the same feel and much the same look as Appleoosa, a large orchard took up most of the view as the train pulled into the station , though with cherries rather than apples. Also unlike Appleoosa a large river ran alongside Dodge junction allowing for river traffic and a second side of the city was built across the river, one that looked more like Neigh Orleans with how the structures were built. The rustic western town and bayou like structures seemed to blend together the closer one got to the river, until the architecture could have been it's own distinct style. Had Twilight been here, she would have explained how during the Griffon War of the North, a force of griffons had sailed around the continent to attack from the south west, raiding Neigh Orleans and burning the city to the ground before being driven off. While most of the population opted to rebuild in the same spot, a large group had traveled inland and found themselves in a newly founded Dodge City, where they settled down. This of course lead to some arguments with the locals, a few fights, and lawsuits over the land. All of that was pushed under the rug when a messenger from Princess Celestia had brought a royal statement to the town that simply read 'Deal with it, or else'. Given the state the Princess was in due to the war with the griffons, none of the locals wanted to know what would happen if they pushed that 'or else' so they simply split the town using the river as a divider and left it at that. Over time what started as two separate towns on either side of the river eventually built up and became one that was renamed Dodge Junction to note the joining of the two towns into one much larger one. The Neigh Orleans side was still called the Prench quarter by some of the older locals, and the dialect shifted dependent on what side of the river you were raised on, but aside from that the town functioned quite well as it's own thing. Rahs perked his ears, amber eyes looking over the multitude of booths and stages set up all up and down the streets of the place. Even the river was chock full of ships, enough that you could walk across them to the other side without getting your hooves wet. And every one of them almost had their own little shop or make shift restaurant on board. A few of the ships seemed to be just moored rather than set up for the festival, including a large fancy, modern looking one, called 'Song Fishies' that drew the eyes over the rest of the ramshackle craft. The smells of the place were indescribable as if every food and spice in creation were layered atop of one another without blending and every breath of air brought a new scent. Of course all of it was underlined by the scent of cherries which was fitting. Rahs hadn't expected too much out of this date, but then again, Sunset had surprised him as well. Right now his curiosity was pinging him something fierce about this place, there was likely no way a full day would allow him to see or sample everything. While Maredi Gras might have been a bigger party overall, there was plenty of that style mixed in with the Cherry Festival and you would have to be dead inside not to feel the electric excitement filling the air. Still the goal for this was to meet Applejack here at the train station and the date to last the whole day before they caught the train home back to Ponyville. Granted Sunset had offered to keep an eye on Applebloom and Spike if they wanted to get a room there, she had also added a 'hint hint, nudge nudge, saynomore squire' comment after that. Rahs really didn't understand that mare. Sunset seemed just as interested in getting Applejack to be his mare friend as she was at making herself his mare friend. Twilight had suggested she was playing the long game, which given her mother... err father... made some sort of sense. So there he was dressed in a rather nice red long coat with gold trim, a fancy dress shirt, and a nice pair of slacks. Rarity had insisted on setting up for him for this date with plans to make a number of other outfits for his other dates, particularly after he had worn his usual attire going out with Sunset and Rarity lost her mind about it. He was still pondering this when Applejack trotted up. His gaze immediately was drawn to the mare. Rarity had clearly gotten to her as well. Not that Rahs minded in the slightest. The orange furred mare was dressed in what Rahs considered a rather sheer black dress that clung to her form, attaching at her throat and covering her chest while leaving her shoulders bare. She wore black stockings on all four legs that left her hooves bare. Silts ran up the sides over her back legs showing hints of her cutie mark without revealing it. She had on a bit of make up and a black choker around her neck with a simple apple shaped gem at her throat and a pair of small silver studded earrings in each ear. Her hair was unbound and hung down her back falling lightly over her shoulders as she moved, the whole outfit seeming to be of Neighjing design. Rahs continued to stare a little longer before noting the gem gave off a faint scent of magic as well. Applejack noticed the staring and turned a bit red as she chuckled. “Too much?” Rahs shook his head quickly, ears flattening to his head even as his tail tip whipped fast enough for the glowing crescent to be a blur. “Woof!” Rahs offered. Applejack blushed a little more. “Thank yah.... ah figured ah'd get a little bit gussied up here for this date. Course seems it got away from me a bit when Twi, Sunset, and Rarity got involved.” “Bark?” Rahs asked moving a bit closer trying to seem calm though his tail whipping clearly showed he wasn't. “Yeah Twi was worried about that too since ah still ain't got full control of tha changing. So she and Sunset rigged up this doohickey.”Applejack offered tapping the gem dangling from the choker with a hoof. “In case ah change from too much magic being around. Dunno how this getup looks if ah'm changed though, whatcha yah think?” Rahs was about to reply when Applejack shifted to her Witch-Jack form. If anything the dress seemed even tighter on her now, the leggings seemed to turn into finger-less gloves, and stockings that left her rear paws and front claws bare. Her ample chest strained against the front of the dress as the lower portion, which had hidden her cutie mark before, hiked up her hips to show off her marked flank now, turning into a much shorter and much tighter dress as she shifted and rose shakily on her back legs. Rahs' eyes went wider as he fought back a bit of drool, he quickly pulled a handkerchief from a pocket to stem the obvious nose bleed, though he didn't take his gaze from her. “Ah take that it looks good then?” Witch-Jack grinned. > Rarity Takes Moreton Bay Bug, Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Rarity Takes Moreton Bay Bug, Part 1 [Manehatten, the next day, while Rahs and AJ are at the Cherry festival.] “Well I'm impressed, that was some of the best sleep I've gotten in a while.” Fireball offered. “I know, I've slept on clouds harder than those beds.”Rainbow Dash smirked as the group trotted out of the hotel. “Probably while on duty too.” Fireball rolled her eyes. “No comment.” Dash stated flatly. “Still I'm surprised Rahs gave up those tickets, I'm pretty sure he really wants to see this performance.” Twilight offered. “Ahh well, I made him a 'proper outfit' or three for his next few dates and it seemed he couldn't go due to the promise he made with Applejack, so he passed them along to me so they would at least be used.” Rarity smiled. ”After all you do something nice for someone and you never know if they will do something nice for you.” “So what's got you in a grump?” Rainbow Dash asked Sombra who was staying behind the others as he trudged along eyes darting around at the city. “Hmm? I am not in a grump.” Sombra grumbled. “Nah you are. I've seen you around the town and even back in Canterlot when I stopped in, and you're always kinda 'harrumph', but you seem super grumpy today.” Dash pestered. “Does he have a cape with a big G on it?” Pinkie Pie asked suddenly and was ignored. “If you must know I do not really wish to be here. This place is … unsettling with it's design.” Sombra offered. “Really, and the idea of seeing Hinny in the Hills isn't cheering you up any?” Fireball asked. “I am not a fan of musicals. The suspension of disbelief of a stage play ends for me when random songs break out for no reason. What sort of pony breaks into a song at the drop of a hat?” Sombra demanded. “Oh Manhatten.....” Rarity began. [ Dodge Junction] The morning had started off quite well after Rahs had calmed down from the meet up. Applejack had reverted back to her normal form after burning off the magic she used to transform and the pair of them had started wandering around the festival. Though it was fairly clear she had taken some lessons from Rarity with how she occasionally brushed against him and how she moved. She drew a large number of eyes on her own, though he could feel a few stares of his own as usual. Applejack seemed to know a number of the locals and also clearly knew her way around. The pair browsed around a few craft booths, tried some samples of food from some other booths, and tried their luck at some of the games that were set up here and there. Rahs had managed to get a little hoof trap with his show of skill, though Applejack had managed to win him a giant pink stuffed rabbit in a horseshoe toss. The massive beast was almost as big as he was and Rahs was a little miffed the farm mare had outdone him so easily in some of the games, though he let it slide as he was enjoying himself. They found a Abyssinian place for lunch and were waiting on the meal when they both caught a familiar scent and whirled in their seats Wandering past them in the crowd was a very tall and obviously shady looking individual in a trench coat, a fedora, and a pair of dark shades, looking all the world like the image on the neighborhood watch signs. He seemed to move with a oddly disjointed grace and a dragon like tail whipped from under the back of his coat, one with a number of teeth marks in it. “Is that?” Applejack questioned. “Discord.” Said creature paused at the sound of his name and started walking backwards through the crowd to spin around and face the pair, with a finger pressed to his lips and a loud shushing sound that went on for a few moments longer than was comfortable to any one. “Well well, fancy meeting you two here. Are you two on a date? How lovely and me without my camera.” Discord chuckled, his voice low. “Woof.” Rahs snapped. “What am I doing here?” Discord gasped.”How accusatory. This is a festival why wouldn't I be here? Do you know how chaotic these events can get? For all the organization put into making sure they run smoothly these things tend to be delightful messes just barely holding a semblance of order. All it takes is the slightest little snap, and all Tartarus breaks loose. And I usually don't even have to do anything!” A few screams drew the trio's attention back out to the road outside the shop as a number of barrels rumbled down the path slinging mustard from cracks in their side. A strange blue pegasus mare with gossamer like wings was running atop on of the barrels giggling like mad, as three stallions and a lavender earth pony mare in pigtails rushed after her. “Case in point. I didn't have anything to do with that... directly... and that just a taste of the madness.” Discord giggled. “Oh don't give me that look, I'm not going to do anything. I'm actually here just to listen to one of my favorite bands that's performing. Pity Moosey Python retired or this group would be my second favorite band.... but don't tell them that. You two should go listen to the Song Fishies when they play... or Dazzlings or whatever they call themselves nowadays. They are quite good.” Discord tapped his chin. “Perhaps you'll mitigate some... hmmm, I have no idea what's going to happen, I love it! Never mind. Ahh, well. Toodles.” Discord smirked kicking away from their table and rolling backwards out into the crowd wearing a pair of sneakers with a wheels in the heels. He paused, pulled the collar of his coat up higher and crept off away from the pair following the path of the barrels following the trail of spicy mustard. Applejack and Rahs watched him go with more than a little worry. “Is it me or did he seem more subdued than usual.”Applejack muttered. “Bark?” Rahs asked. “Yeah, seems it, but who would Discord, be hiding from?” Applejack considered. “ Hate tah say it , but we should keep an eye open fer anything he does. Ah hate this date just turned into a bit of a job, but ...” Rahs shook his head.” Woof.” He offered. “Huh … thanks, guess it still is on until he does something.” “That was fun, can we do it again?” Sonata asked as Aria dragged her back towards the stage. “No. Do you want to get arrested before we can perform today?” Aria grumbled. “Please tell me no one noticed her?” Adagio sighed looking over the sound equipment Aria had set up. The pig tailed siren glared at her sister, still annoyed that the big haired floozy insisted on checking after her setting up the sound equipment every single time. Aria had been setting up stages and doing their roadie grunt work since before the term was invented in Equestria, and the more modern stuff she had learned from some guy named Eddie before he vanished at a concert. Adagio probably couldn't even tell a boundary mic from a bass mic. It was one of the reasons she had even gotten into engineering when they had time, that and she liked fixing things, almost as much as Adagio seemed to enjoy breaking them when she was pissed, and Sonata broke them by existing. “The whole damn place noticed her. I doubt they could place her as being the source of the problem , but any one paying attention would notice she was at all the booths where the crap started, “I only asked them if they knew how to make a mustard roll....” Sonata giggled. “Oh they have Chimicherries.... or are they called Cherrychangas?” “Not this again...” Aria sighed tossing her sister up onto the stage before climbing up onto it herself. “ You can baby sit for a little while now Adagio, I've got to finish setting this up.” “Hmph.” Adagio grumbled glaring at the giggling Sonata. The three of them had a unspoken agreement on how things worked in their shows. Adagio would get the money, somehow, to purchase what they needed, the less said about how the better. Aria would take the money and set up the venue or secure their place on one already set up. Sonata would go do her own thing and drum up interest in the show some how. The other two had learned not to ask after Sonata stole a police car, mounted a sports stadium speaker pole to the top and drove around town and across the beaches shouting about the show while dressed in a black suit and sunglasses. They were only able to do smaller shows back as humans as the major players in that world had issues with the trio edging into their turf with different magic. Still the smaller shows worked out well enough to keep them empowered, if not overly so. Now that they were back, the shows they gave were creating enough strife that their gems were practically thrumming with energy. This was the last show before they were going to try for Canterlot. Aria hoped it would be enough. [Manehatten] “What the crap was that?” Sombra growled. “Heart song.” Twilight explained as the group followed after the still giddy Rarity towards the hotel. “That tells me nothing Sparkle.” Sombra snapped. “A type of wild magic, one that's become a bit more common with the release of Discord according to studies. Generally a pony with a high enough level of emotion might tap into a strain of wild magic and have a song bubble up that will sweep nearly any one who hears it into the song, some how teaching everyone the words as well.“ Twilight lectured. “Several places have localized and captured the wild magic that brings it about, locking the wild magic into place to enforce songs for specific events. Which is why the Equestrian national anthem is always sung at the start of major games events even if no one knew we even had a national anthem. Another notable case is the Grand Galloping Gala's flash mob, and there are several seasonal songs that break out during at the appropriate seasons. Thankfully the wild magic surges like this tend to peter out as the magic is bled off in the song, so we avoid back to back renditions.” “I believe I could have done without ever having experienced that.” Sombra muttered. “Why, you have a wonderful baritone darling, perhaps I can convince you and Big Mac to team up for a little song group I'm putting together?” Rarity grinned. “No.” Sombra grumbled. “Oh, we'll talk later, we should be coming up on the theater for the runway show.” Rarity gestured to the large building before them. “Thank you gentle stallions ever so much for bringing my dresses along.” “You were going to leave them behind when you knew the event was at two.” Sombra grumbled.” I am sometimes amazed you remember to put your tail on in the morning.” Big Mac harrumphed. While Sombra was carrying a few bags, the massive trunk with the dresses had been on his back the whole time, he had no idea how he participated in the dance number with it. “Do you think your designs will do well Rarity?” Fluttershy asked. “Of course Darling. I spent months working on a new type of fabric for this event. It's shimmery but not showy, stretchy, but not clingy. I made all my dresses of this material. It will be fabulous.” Rarity squeed as she pranced into the event. “I hope the girls are doing alright.” Fireball sighed as she followed. “Why wouldn't they be?” Pinkie Pie questioned.” Applejack's there, except for today of course.” “Yeah. And Sunset is watching them now.” Fireball shivered. “It will be fine, Sunset isn't as bad as she's made out to be....” Twilight trailed off as she considered. [Ponyville] Sunset Shimmer stared at the Cutie Mark Crusaders. The Cutie Mark Crusaders stared at Sunset Shimmer. Spike sat back looking between all of them. Soooo.... huh...” Sunset pondered. Soooo?” Applebloom asked curious. “You kids wanna see a dead body!?” Sunset asked suddenly and rather loudly. “Sunset, no.” Spike snapped. “Sunset, yes.” Sunset responded. “Not really” Applebloom shrugged. “Yeah! Cool!” Scootaloo stated. “What another one?” Sweetiebelle grumbled. The others all looked at the unicorn filly. “What?” Sweetiebelle asked. “Ehh, I'm sure they're fine, Spike's there after all.” Twilight waved a wing dismissively. > Rarity Takes Moreton Bay Bug, Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Rarity Takes Moreton Bay Bug, Part 2 [Ponyville] “Diamond... are you sure about this?” Sterling Silver asked as she followed along behind the pink earth pony. Silver Spoon walked along the other side looking just as reluctant to be following the pink filly. “Of course I am. That stupid lizard was just talking out of his tail hole. Those three are nothing, and I'm going to make sure they know it...” Diamond Tiara snarled. The two Silvers looked at each other with a bit of worry Diamond Tiara had been going overboard lately, obsessed with getting the CMC back for any perceived slight, even if it had nothing to do with them. Even Spike's threat barely seemed to make her pause more than a day or two. Silver Spoon knew Diamond's mother was more than a little ruthless against those she considered her enemies or beneath her, but Diamond had taken that to a whole new level lately. “I'm going to see those fools destroyed utterly for everything they've done.” Diamond snapped with a grin as the trio headed towards the Apple family farm. A sudden explosion of fire from the orchards brought all three of them up short as a pillar of flame shot into the air easily a hundred stories rising into the sky as if to touch the sun. “BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” . “DAMNIT SUNSET!! Spike shouted. “Language!” Sunset countered. “This was a completely valid use of a swear!” Spike retorted. “Tha barns on fire again.”Applebloom added. “So's your bow.” Scootaloo offered. “It's sooo pretty.” Sweetiebelle cood. “Maaaaaybe we should come back tomorrow.” Diamond Tiara added and turned around quickly headed back towards town. [ Manehatten] “Ahhhhhhhh hahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! RUINED I TELL YOU, RUINED!!!!” Rarity bawled. Fluttershy, Pinkie, Twilight, Dash, Mac and Sombra all glanced to each other then back to the dramatically crying Rarity. They had gone out to see the sights of the city after dropping off Rarity's supplies. Mostly due to no one wanting to stick around and get in her way if she got into a proper 'zone'.But she had said she was alright if they left her. When they had gotten back to the hotel Rarity was already bawling and at least two tubs deep in double fudge ice cream. “So let me get this straight?” Rainbow Dash asked. “You met this Suri, who said she was from Ponyville, and after a bit of talking, you lent her some of your fabric to make an accent, whatever that is, and she used it to make a whole bunch of dresses? In a couple of hours? Damn I thought I was fast.” “Can't you just talk to the judge about it?” Fluttershy questioned. “Suri showed off her designs first and the judge didn't care about my protest.” Rarity bawled. “She used my designs as a base and then used my fabric to improve on them to fit what she knew the judge's tastes were, .thus making mine look like cheap copies....” “I will go have a word with her.” Sombra stated, heading towards the door. “NO. I know what you're going to do and that would be a violation of ethics... and your parole.” Twilight snapped. “ 'I' will go have a word with her.” “NO!!” every one in the room shouted, save Big Mac who added his usual 'Eenope'. “YES!” Discord shouted at the same time popping out of a nightstand drawer. Everyone glared at the draconequus until he sheepishly pulled himself back into the drawer closing it behind him. “Twilight don't make me get a newspaper.” Fluttershy warned.”I know how you feel, but Rarity can't have her outfits judged if you vaporize the runway.” Sombra was suddenly belted up side the head with a pillow. “What!?!?” Sombra glared at the pink mare. 'That's for biting Fluttershy!” Pinkie Pie stated. “I have been traveling with you the last two days and you just NOW hit me?” Sombra snapped. “She just reminded me by mentioning the newspaper.: Pinkie Pie admitted. “Stars....” Sombra grumbled. “So, all you need is some new fabric and you'll be good to go!” Fireball suggested.”Shouldn't be hard to find something in town you can use if you get an idea.. We spotted a couple of fabric shops while we wandering around town, Dash can probably go get what you need rather quick.” “Yes but I'll need to come up with new designs.” Rarity pouted. “ I've seen you put together a clothing line based on a bee that got stuck in your window. I am sure you will be fine.” Sombra grumbled. Rarity's eyes narrowed as she considered. Blue eyes looked over the lavish hotel room, then at the group with her. “ I think. I might have something.” Rarity admitted with a wide grin. [Dodge Junction.] “So this is them?” Applejack questioned looking around at the crowd around them. All manner of creatures had turned up for the show, from ponies, griffons, and diamond dogs, to a couple of nox-cal and some stranger creatures Applejack couldn't identify... that one she thought was a camel but she wasn't sure. She and Rahs were looking to make this the final part of the date before they headed back to Ponyville. A couple hours of travel and they would be back home to see if anything had gone on while they were away. Neither expected much, given they were only gone for a day and it was Saturday, not Tuesday. [Ponyville] “WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Scootaloo screamed as she flew over the town, a bright red crash helmet on her head, she was also wreathed in green flame. “WHAT THE SHIT?!?” Sunset shouted as she ran up glaring at the remaining Crusaders and Spike.” I left you alone for twenty minutes to get dinner? How did you manage to fire Scootaloo from a cannon.... where did you even get a cannon!?” “Pinkie Pie.”Applebloom offered. “SCOOTALOO IS ON FIRE!!" Sunset shouted watching the burning green figure arch towards the lake. “Yeah but it's that self sustaining immolation spell you taught me. She's not burning really she thought it would look cool.” Sweetiebelle added.” She also has a helmet.” “Red makes it go faster.” Spike added. “It's not supposed to be green fire!” Sunset snapped “That's cause no one will let us play with matches, so Spike added his flame to the spell, and lit the fuse.” Applebloom offered. “SPIKE!?” Sunset whirled on the dragon. “I willingly hang around these three. Did you not actually expect that I might be easily swayed into their shenanigans by my filly friend?” Spike offered with a dead pan expression. “ Besides this is pretty tame in truth and Scootaloo is gonna hit the lake and probably come back to ask to do it again. This isn't the first time I've calculated the trajectory for one of them.” Sunset blinked. “This is why Applejack laughed at me when I offered to watch you four isn't it?” Sunset muttered. “To be honest given Sweetiebelle is technically your aunt, thanks to Luna, so you only have yourself to blame.” Spike offered.”The warning signs are there.” “Hey Spike.... Scoots missed the lake.” Applebloom offered squinting into the distance against the setting sun. “What? By how much!?” Spike questioned pulling out a large sheet of paper covered in calculations. “Dunno... She hasn't hit the ground yet, ah ken still see tha fire.” Applebloom stated.” Maybe she hit a tree?” “GAHHHH!” Sunset snapped and vanished with a flash of teleportation towards the lake. “I wonder when big sister Luna is gonna teach me to teleport?” Sweetiebelle pondered. “I think, that if anyone really doesn't need to learn that spell, it would be you.” Spike pointed out as the three started running towards the lake. [Dodge Junction] Rahs and Applejack suppressed a small shudder, settling in with a box of fried chicken bits to snack on from a little booth run by a diamond dog that was named Kennel Fried Chicken. They didn't ask about the name, but the food was pretty good. On stage a lavender earth pony with twin pigtails was going over the sound equipment again. It seemed that the Dazzlings, were not even on the planned program to start with, but the head liner John-Bon-Poni had to cancel for some reason or another. The two groups that had come on the main stage before hoof hadn't been a couple of local bands, they were not bad but they were not really note worthy otherwise. Rahs had liked the stage presence of one of them called RAWR, but the music had left something to be desired in his opinion. The costumes were very well done however. “Well, if anythings gonna happen due tah Discord, this'd be it wouldn't it?” Applejack stated. Rahs simply nodded as a trio of mares, the pig tailed one, the pegasus from the mustard barrels earlier, and another that was sixty percent mane easy, moved up to the mic stands on the stage. “Woof.” “Yeah ah'm kinda curious as to what sort of band Discord would like maiself.” Applejack offered turning her attention to the stage. Then the trio started to sing. > Rarity Takes Moreton Bay Bug, Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Rarity Takes Moreton Bay Bug, Part 3 [Dodge Junction.] “WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?!” Adagio screamed out whirling to glare at her sisters. The pair of them didn't seem to have any clue what had happened either. “I dunno, it was weird.. some sort of spell blocking us?” Aria muttered as she ran her hoof over the gemstone hanging from her necklace. The stone hummed lightly as it always did at the caress, but otherwise it was drained slightly. They had started their set, working up the crowd a little with two songs, then turning loose the full power to turn the mass of beings into a riotous mob on the third. They had done it in every town the same way for as long as they had been doing this. Only this time... nothing happened. “Well at least they liked the songs.” Sonata added. “Who gives a shit about the songs, we gained nothing from this place. A crowd this big and we LOST power casting the initial spells with no effect.” Adagio screeched.”So tell me What the fuck happened!?” “Calm the fuck down, like we know.” Aria snapped.”We were there same as you and you're the one who's got the damn horn on your head. You're supposed to be able to figure this out!” Sonata frowned as her sisters started bickering. This wasn't going to get them any where. She considered the crowd as she saw them. Nothing of note really stood out, no one trying to steal their power, there was that big boobie puppy that she was pretty sure was a pony before, but given she seemed to be with the other big cute puppy, maybe she hadn't been a pony? In either case she would bring it up with her sisters when they calmed down. They wouldn't believe her, but at the same time she could say' I told you so' later if the big boobie puppy was the cause. [Earlier] “Well that's some might pretty warbling.” Witch-Jack considered.”Though something's fishy about it.” Rahs nodded, rather distracted by the taste of seafood flavored magic filling the air, and by Applejack filling out that dress a little too much again as she switched forms. He could tell the magic was coming from the three on stage, and he was somewhat annoyed by that in truth. While he couldn't tell what the spell was, it was clearly an emotional one, likely something to boost how they sounded to draw in more fans. Rahs thought that was cheating. As such he and Applejack had moved up to near the front row of the concert, pushing past what was starting to look like a mosh pit in order to stem the flow of the magic. Witch-Jack wasn't quite sure why they moved forward, though she did quickly catch on that the girls were the ones casting spells. Even with the spell disrupted the trio were decent singers. Some of the best Rahs had heard outside a proper opera. The trio seemed confused that their magic was being disrupted, which confused Rahs a little, he had thought the unicorn was casting and hiding her horns aura in that ridiculous mass of hair she had, but it seemed all three were the source. The effect of having magic eaten was also not present, none of them winced, and the magic didn't stop until the song did. Rahs glanced over to Witch-Jack almost wishing his sister was here to try and figure this out, but at the same time rather glad she wasn't. Still best to make a note of this for later. It would be future Rahs' problem. He was on a date after all. [Ponyville] “Damn it.“ Spike snapped his eyes narrowing. “I owe Lyra ten bits.” “Right.... so am I going to get stuck watching them more or less because of this? “ Sunset asked. “Less when it's the relatives choice, but they are probably gonna seek you out more often than not themselves now because of this.” Spike offered. “Shit.” Sunset muttered. The three fillies were all running around in circles screaming and bouncing about like lunatics chattering at a hundred words a second. The reason for this, was because of the laurel wreath made up of green flaming wings that adorned Scootaloo's flanks. Like her mother, Scootaloo seemed to have a talent for making Saint Equine's Fire. She had just needed a little spark to make it happen the first time. Something Sunset's spell, inexpertly cast by Sweetiebelle, had provided. The cutie-mark seemed secondary however as Scootaloo had yet to touch the ground more than a few seconds, her little wings spread wide with green fire licking off the tips of her feathers extending them into much larger wings, that she was using to keep herself aloft. “Well at least some good turned out of this and I shouldn't get a lecture or anything from mom or Granny.” Sunset sighed. “Except now the other two are going to try more dangerous and ridiculous things because it worked for Scootaloo.” Spike pointed out. “You're the one who lit the cannon!” “But you're the adult here.” Spike grinned. “Remember I'm grounded because I acted 'immature' to a bully.” “Bullshit, Sparkle gave you a high five.” “But mom was less than thrilled. And she ranks higher than Twilight. “ Spike pointed out with a grin.” I'm not trusted to be the adult any more, so it's on you.” “Craaaaaaaaaaap!” [Manehatten] Rarity had barely made it to the run way in time. Everyone had helped her out considerably and she felt quite bad at all the work she forced them into last night. She was also thankful for Fireball and Sombra both of whom managed to talk some sense into her before she ground everyone into dust. Well Fireball talked sense, Sombra just stubbornly refused to do certain things. Still standing back stage and watching the praise and adoration that was being given to Suri who was showing off HER material and product line was making her truly start to understand Twilight. Using the other mare as a weed wacker in a forest of poison joke sounded very cathartic right now. Rarity's eyes narrowed as Suri sauntered past the mare with a vile grin on her face, her assistant Coco hot on her hooves. “Oh well, look who it is, here to show off your copy cat collection.” Suri laughed trotting past. Suri missed the look that Rarity gave her, but Coco caught it, as well as the dark flicker in the white unicorns eyes. The blue maned earth pony froze on the spot with a shudder then quickly darted past after her boss. “... Hotel Clique...” Prim announced. Looking back out across the stage as the models trotted out, Rarity watched the crowd with some interest. There were a number of big names in the crowd and all of them seemed to be excited about her line. Rarity's gaze swept over to a small area reserved for the contestants, spotting her friends sitting there. They all looked a little worn out, but at the same time they seemed to be having surprised and pleased reactions at all the talk starting around them about the work they did. Well except Sombra, who still seemed annoyed to be there. Rarity let out a sigh and smiled, not noticing a flicker of rainbow coloration run across her eyes and the rope separating her friends from the other VIPs, as she moved back from the stage. She would need to have a word with some ponies to see if she could get another set of tickets to Hinny in the Hills. With the work she had every one do last night, they had missed out on the show. And with the exception of Rainbow and Sombra, they all seemed excited to see it. They had been quite generous with their time and patience with her, the least she could do would be to return the favor somehow. Rarity headed back to the work room she had been given at the end of the hall, as the next contestant's line was called up. She was so lost in thought she barely noticed another presence standing before the door until she spoke. “You haven't won yet Rarity.” Suri snapped as she glared at the white unicorn. Rarity blinked coming to a stop her eyes narrowing at the mare Suri was apparently trying to be intimidating stepping out of the shadows just before Rarity reached her room. Rarity had faced down Nightmare Moon, cannibalistic diamond dogs, Timber Wolves, Discord, Opal's litter box, a literal nightmare, an invading army of changelings, and had Sombra as a roommate after knocking him out while escorting a group of civilians though a fire, Suri really needed to up her game if she thought she worried Rarity in the slightest. ”Really? Because judging by the praise and the cheering, the crowd would seem to say other wise.” “Feh, you got lucky is all. And with your attitude they're going to trot all over you here.” Suri growled. “If you had half the talent your assistant seems to I might be more worried about a thief such as yourself warning me.” Rarity scoffed, her eyes darkening a little, something Suri missed. “Pity I've got her so wrapped around my hoof her work is my work.”Sui snapped back. “A thief and scoundrel to the last. No I take that back, at least most thieves and scoundrels have some small talent in the art of theft, you had to be given everything first in order to steal it.”Rarity countered the lights in the hall dimming, unnoticed by either of the mares. “And yet I still managed to make a full line in only a few hours.” Suri replied. “You mean your assistant did. Sooner or later that mare is going to realize what a horrid pony you are and quit.“ Rarity scoffed the lights dimmed further in the hall. Both of them casting longer shadows though Rarity's seemed to writhe behind her. “Whatever. A small town yokel like yourself will never make it no matter how lucky you are. The way you give so much away and actually seem to care about the ponies you step on shows how unfit for this life you really are.”Suri sneered turning her nose up and walking away.”The fashion industry is a dog eat dog world Rarity.....” Whatever else the mare was going to say trailed off as the lights in the hall went out completely. “What?” Suri questioned. “Hmm, perhaps you are correct......” A sultry and husky sounding voice replied. Suri blinked peering into the darkness, the only lights coming from the far end of the hall where she could hear the crowd applauding someone. Suri's eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness, only for the outline of a form to appear before her eyes. The figure was tall leaving Suri to only come up to her chest in height, her black furred form shimmering with a silvery coloration as it caught the faint light. Looking up, she saw a massive mane of gently flowing purple hair that shimmered in the light just as the coat did. The figure stood as tall as Princess Luna and towered over the other mare, glimmering blue eyes slit like a cat's stared down at Suri. “....The fashion industry is, indeed, a dog eat dog world as you say.” The tall figure hummed. “Luckily for me, I have the 'teeth' for it!” As she spoke she smiled, the lines of her mouth spreading all the way up along her jaw and down the sides of her neck, the opening seeming to unhinge and drop down to the figures chest to just above where her legs joined her torso. The lower jaw split again forming two separate lower jaws displaying rows and rows and rows of shark like teeth, and two decidedly long black tongues that lashed out at the earth pony with a sounds like a whips cracking. Suri screamed, bolting as fast as she could, tearing away from the monster. She crashed into a few things in the hall screaming and crying out each time she hit something before she ran out the exit at the far side of the hall, ripping across the stage and smashing open a fire exit, completely ignoring the crowd she had to rush past or the show she interrupted. Prim blinked looking at the fire door as it swung closed with a slam. She considered a moment moving to the edge of the darkened hallway peering down the darkened hall. “Hello?” Prim asked curiously. “Oh, hello darling.” Rarity stated from the other end of the hall. “Do be careful I think the lights had a short.” “I'll get some on on that, what happened with Suri?” Prim asked. “Honestly.... I don't rightly know. One moment she was doing a bit of trash talking and the next she was screaming bloody murder and running off like her tail was on fire. “ Rarity sighed opening the door to her room at the far end of the hall, casting the white mare in a halo of light from the door. “ Oh good my room is still lit. I will warn you Prim dear you might want to get a cleaner back here as well. Judging from the smell, I think she might have had a bit of a... hmmm, shall we say accident when the lights went out.” “Ugh. If it's not one thing it's another.” Prim sighed with a roll of her eyes, heading back to the stage to reassure everyone everything was fine and to call the janitor. [The following day.] “So what did you think darlings?” Rarity asked with a smile as the group trotted out of the theater. “It was really good. Shirley's gotten even better than the last time I saw him.”Twilight offered with a smile.” The book was better though.” “Of course it was.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes as Pinkie and Fluttershy giggled. “Well I enjoyed it.” Fireball offered with a smirk. “Eeeyup.” Big Mac added. “Hrumph” Sombra offered though even he didn't seem to be putting much effort into being a grump. That and everyone was used to him by now. “How did you even get a second set of tickets?” Twilight asked. “Ahh, I spoke with the producer of the play. After a bit of negotiating I got the tickets as part of the deal I made to make all the costumes for his next show.” Rarity smiled.” He was rather impressed with my designs and while the pay isn't excessive it will be more than enough to pay for itself at least twice over.” “Free tickets and a job. I hope you won't be over worked with all that you signed up for, plus what's likely to come in terms of business from winning the show.” Fireball added. “It's quite alright dear, I'll manage.”Rarity smiled despite herself. ”I did promise that you would see Hinny in the Hills, and I would have hated to go back on that.” “Excuse me... Miss Rarity!?” A soft voice questioned. Looking towards the voice, the group spotted a cream colored earth pony mare with a blue striped mane. Rarity blinked and raised an eyebrow. “ Coco was it? What can I do for you?” “Oh nothing really, sorry, I just wanted to congratulate you on your win.“ Coco offered. “ And to apologize for my part in all that happened with your first line and that lovely material.” “Oh? Why thank you. And I wouldn't worry too much about it, it's in the past and it was your boss that stole my designs and used my material. “ Rarity waved off the apology. ”That said I am impressed you managed to make an entire line from my materials in just a few hours.” “Oh.. well thank you, but the designs were just some older ones I had plans for...” Coco muttered. “Don't sell yourself short. It took all of us all night to do what you did in a few hours.” Twilight added. “Thank you.... I'm glad Suri didn't manage to run you off... though I'm not sure what happened to her.”Coco stated. “Run me off?” Rarity asked. “Yes, the last thing she said was she was going to try and run you off so Prim would think you left and would have you forfeit thus allowing her to win.” Coco explained. “ Well, then she told me to have a coffee waiting for her when she got back. So I suppose that was the last thing she said to me.” “Hmmmm.”Sombra growled. “I wouldn't worry darling I'm sure Suri will turn up again, like a bad bit.” Rarity sighed. “I hope not.” Coco sighed. “I've been working with Suri for so long I started to believe what she said. But then you came in with all your generosity and showed that everything she was saying was wrong. You didn't treat any pony badly nor did you seem just out for yourself. You won despite doing everything Suri said would cause you to fail. You proved that there is something better.” The others blinked looking at the mare with a bit of pity. “It's quite alright darling. Surely she couldn't have been that bad.” Rarity offered. “She was, and if she hadn't have run off, I would have quit.” Coco stated with a bit more determination than she had started with. “That all said, I brought you something to thank you.” “You didn't have to....” Rarity looked at the little box she was given. “No, I insist, it's the least I can do.”Coco offered. Rarity considered, looking at the box, then the mare. “I suppose with Suri run off and your plans to quit anyway, you are out of a job now.” “I'll be fine.” Coco placated. ' It's not the first time I've needed to look for work.” “Hmm... How would you like to work for a friend of mine designing the costumes for his next show?” Rarity offered. “The pay might not be the best, but you would be your own boss with it, plus your designs would be seen by everyone who came to see the show.” Coco blinked in shock as Rarity smiled continuing on. “You never know what a bit of generosity might bring back to you dear.” [ Friendship Express, Ponyville bound.] Later that evening] “So what did she give you any way?” Sombra asked, shifting in the seat across from Rarity as he flipped though his book. Fluttershy was asleep on the couch at the back of the car, Big Mac and Twilight had also retired to the sleeper car of the train to 'sleep' as well. Rainbow Dash and Fireball were both trying to beat Pinkie Pie in cards and failing miserably. Rarity blinked as she looked up at the dark stallion across from her. This was really the first thing he had said to her since they settled in a few hours ago. Though in the short time she had been his 'warden' he had been a bit rude, but not otherwise hostile, and barely talkative at all. He hardly seemed like the stallion she had knocked out in the empire, though the mare was still leery of him. Though not nearly as much as she had been at first. Rarity smiled opening the little box again and showing off a spool of thread that looked like a collection of different colored threads wrapped on one spool until her hoof shifted and the light caught it at another angle shifting the colors along the thread. “A spool of thread?”Sombra scoffed. “Indeed. The thread it self is quite gorgeous and I wonder if the poor thing made it herself some how. It seems like some sort of silk.” Rarity offered. “I take you already have some design in mind to use it?” Sombra offered. “Oddly … no.” Rarity admitted.” For some reason despite this being a delightful spool of thread, I can't seem to think of anything I would use it for at all. It's as if I don't want to use it.” “I see. Well you can add it to the growing pile of fabric and thread you don't use now.” Sombra scoffed. “I do not have that much unused material.” Rarity snorted. “I am fairly certain the pile has gained sentience and is breeding, given how often I still find spools of thread, yarn, and bolts of cloth in my room no matter how many times I clean it out.” Sombra rolled his eyes. “It is not.... did you just make a joke?” Rarity gasped. > Maud Pike > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Maud Pike [Ponyville, O-dark-What the buck, in the morning, Sugar Cube Corner] Twilight rubbed her temples as she looked at Pinkie Pie who was bouncing like a lunatic around the mountains of rock candy. She was not thrilled to be woken up this early despite the fact that Pinkie -Pie had asked them all to show up at this gods awful hour. Hmmm, maybe Twilight should start making swears up on her self like ponies used Celestia's tail and what not. Actually no given her brothers that would get old quick. Her attention left Pinkie and went to Spike, who was busy chewing his way through his third pile. Then to her other bottomless pit of a brother Rahs, who had discovered that Pinkie Pie had some how managed to put a great deal of magic into certain types of the candy, and he was starting his fourth pile. Twilight then looked to her other friends as if to figure out what was happening, or at least show that some one else recognized how ridiculous this was. Applejack..... Witch-Jack, was going through the rock candy as fast as Rahs was. The only time she stopped was to ask Pinkie why the flavor she called Snozz Berries tasted like Rahs. When Rahs was done choking and Rainbow Dash finished laughing her head off, Witch-Jack and Twilight were both still confused as no one explained anything. Rarity was trying out the candy as she was asked to, though she seemed to be taking great effort to try it as daintily and slowly as she could, clearly not wanting any, but willing to help out Pinkie with the taste testing. It was before breakfast after all. Dash was just grabbing hoof fulls of her favorite and just tossing them into her mouth not bothering to really try any others. Fluttershy was.... well Fluttershy seemed as exasperated as Twilight was. Twilight moved over to the yellow pegasus who was prodding at the rock candy before her. “Is this normal?” Twilight questioned. “Unfortunately.” Fluttershy sighed.”She does something like this every time she hears one of her family is coming. You should have seen her when her dad stopped by on the way to make a delivery to Canterlot.” “I don't get it. I mean I guess Maud likes rock candy, but to this level?” Twilight muttered gesturing to the big rock candy mountain, particularly the one Pinkie had named Charlie. “Hey don't knock it this is great.” Dash offered. “Shun the nonbeliever.” Spike added. “Shhhunnn.” Pinkie Pie added “Shhhhhuunnnnnnn-naa.” Dash continued laughing. “ Right, well, she doesn't, Maud doesn't like candy, but Pinkie got it into her head that she liked rock candy and Maud doesn't want to upset her.” Fluttershy whispered. ”Wish I could have this kind of excitement from a family visit.” “You don't get along with your family?” Twilight asked curiously. “Oh, I get along with my mother and father great. It's just usually if they visit it's because somethings happened or they need something.” Fluttershy offered. ”Then there's my brother.....” Fluttershy trailed off as Twilight backed away a few paces, the tone and venom in the sweet butter yellow mare's voice was enough to make Twilight 'Tuesday' Sparkle wonder if the Flower Trio had enough room in their bunker for one more. Drawing on some of Spike's wisdom stat, which he clearly wasn't using having eaten easily several times his weight in rock candy by now citing it was future Spike's problem, Twilight changed the subject. “Soooooo when is Maud supposed to arrive?” Twilight asked hopefully. [ Canterlot] Trixie screamed out, throwing her hooves in the air and falling back to the ground cursing with a heavy Neigh Orleans accent. Princess Luna watched her antics with some amusement and a hint of boredom. This was a usual result for her student when something frustrated her. For the most part Luna was happy to share what she knew and she found she rather liked Trixie as after a few days the mare was not the slightest bit intimidated by her and had gotten quite informal. Unfortunately after all this time it was becoming quite clear that Trixie was in no way as much a savant as Luna had thought. Unless it involved illusions, by her own star filled tail this mare could do illusions like she was the alicorn of them. Almost every other school of magic however, well to put bluntly, Trixie was shit at. Trixie couldn't manage a basic transmutation spell, for crying out loud, even a newborn foal could turn lead into gold. She could manage the basics of abjuration and evocation, conjuration was almost as bad as transmutation, but she could at least manage to turn summon a few spices to add to her meals, if they were within sight and only a few feet out of reach. Enchantment she was fair at, though at best a journymare level, she had used this school to set things up in her act enough that she was proficient. Luna had even tried a bit of necromancy and blood magic. The blood magic she could do the basics, but was averse to using it to the point that most of her spells would fail. Necromancy, well there was a reason it was a opposite school of illusion. Luna was fairly certain the spell she cast was supposed to be a simple chill touch, hardly even a necromantic spell, at best it could be used to make ice for drinks. When the fire was put out Luna gave up on that school of magic entirety. “Are you done?” Luna asked the mare. Trixie seemed to ponder a moment more before nodding. “Yes.” “Good we shall move on to...” “No Princess. Trixie is DONE.” Trixie stated picking herself up. “Hmm? We suppose it is getting late.” Luna sighed. “No. Princess you still do not understand. Trixie is done with the lessons, done with the training, done with this. Trixie has been stuck in Canterlot since last winter and she has improved not a whit.” Trixie explained.” Trixie has improved on nothing ..” “Not true, you have picked up a great deal of refinement to your skills...” “Skills Trixie already knew. It is is far to clear to Trixie now her initial plan was not going to work. There is no way Trixie is going to out magic Twilight Sparkle and take over Fuzzy's link.” “To be fair it was not a good plan anyway since no one , not even us, knows how that works.” Luna sighed. “Yes, well, Trixie needs to come up with a new plan, one that will allow her to show she is the better choice beyond the others. Which Trixie really needs to focus on.” Trixie pouted. “Trixie is the underdog here and she is the only one who is not a dog or able to turn into one out of those after Fuzzy.” “Sunset is not a dog...” Luna offered. “Sunset is a total bitch, which is close enough to count.” Trixie huffed as Luna rolled her eyes without disagreeing.” Coming out of no where like that when Trixie only had to deal with two others, Trixie can't even blame Apple Smack for her involvement, but she can blame Sunset. “Applejack.” Luna offered. “Whatever.”Trixie sighed. “Trixie is sorry Princess it is not your teaching, though Trixie will still complain about the dream classes, in Trixie's dreams, but Trixie is at the limit of her skills. She does not have the power to fool reality with her illusions like you seem to think she can.” “Yes well after having the amulet investigated it seems we may have to agree, we did not recall that Sombra made other types of amulets, but it seems there are several hundred types that he often used to 'feed the puppies' as he had mentioned.”Luna frowned. “So what do you plan to do now?” “Right now Trixie has heard of Sunset and Snapple Crack having asked him out on a date. Trixie needs to get to work on some of her shows so she has the bits to ask him out and be able to do better than they have with her date.” Trixie offered. ”Though she needs to get back on the road to do so. While her savings have not taken any real hits staying on the palace's bit, she is not wealthy enough to be comfortable.” “Oh that reminds us, since you have been our student for this long we have forgotten to give you the usual stipend that is granted to students of the crown like Twilight had.” Luna's horn glowed and a rolled up sheet of paper appeared that was then offered to Trixie. “Ahh that should help. Thank you Princess. Though we can't imagine it being that much for just a few months of …....” Trixie trailed off as her eyes widened looking at the scroll, which was a writ for payment from the Royal Treasury. “That..... is an awful lot of zeros....” “Well aside from the stipend there is also the reimbursement for what you paid for the amulet we seized, the finders fee for an cursed artifact. The reward for the aid in recovering the crown Princesses, pay the few times we have asked you to help us foal sit Sweetiebelle and her friends, plus the hazard pay for that, and payout for the few impromptu shows you put together for a few of the royal guests, ambassadors, and their young, at palace prices of course.” “An awful lot of zeros.” Trixie muttered. “As they say in the modern tongue, do not spend it all in one place.” Luna offered with a smirk. [Ponyville] So wait you're studying for a Rockterate? I'm not entirely certain what that is?” Rarity asked questioned. “It's like a doctorate, but with rocks.” Pinkie Pie chimed up. “So a geologist?” Twilight asked. “Geologists are amateurs.” Maud stated flatly. Twilight sighed. It had pretty much been this way the entire visit. Pinkie Pie was cranked up to eleven, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack were confused at how different the two sisters were. Fluttershy hadn't added anything and simply gone along with Pinkie's excitement like she was used to it. Spike and Maud had gotten into a minor conversation about the taste of certain gems, though that was mostly Spike talking animatedly about certain flavors and Maud slowly offering a suggestion or two for him. Twilight tried to learn about her only for the mares slow and direct method of speech to frustrate her to no end, and this was after dealing with Big Mac for two years. She seemed nice, but Rarity had been confused to all get out about the mare taking a simple painting smock as high fashion. The mare had yet to crack so much as a smile or a frown or anything and Twilight was being driven mad. The closest thing to a facial expression had been when she greeted Rahs, and that exchange was maddening. “Rahs.” Maud stated looking up at the moon dog. “Maud.” “Keeping out of trouble?” Maud asked. Rahs grinned. The small hint of what might have been a smile in another life touched Maud's face for an attosecond, before she lifted a hoof and fist/hoof bumped Rahs before the moon dog went back to what he was doing and the pair ignored each other the rest of the time they were all in the library. Fluttershy had explained that Rahs had met Maud during the PETA incident and they approved of each others style on handling the situation. Twilight and Applejack were both thrilled to find out Maud was not interested in Rahs like that. Spike and Rarity lost a few bits on that one. Twilight wasn't sure how the conversation came up, but the talk of pets was brought up. Fluttershy twitched lightly at the talk which should have been a warning. Then Twilight was introduced to Boulder. A magnesium-rich basalt chunk if Twilight was correct, she only dabbled in geology as a hobby after all along with all her other studies. To be honest after the whole deal with the tree of Harmony and the Elements, Twilight wasn't even going to say anything about Boulder. “Huh. I wonder if Princess Luna thinks of the moon as her pet rock?” Rainbow Dash considered.” That has to be an awesome thing.” “Princess Luna may have the biggest pet rock. But I have the best. Isn't that right Boulder?” Maud asked holding the small rock up with a hoof. Given that was the longest series of words Maud had spoken all day thus far Twilight wondered if there was some history there. “One does not use a pet as a weapon.” Maud continued. Yep, there was the history. This was going to be a long day. > Filli-mahi, Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Filli-mahi Prologue [Ponyville, Fluttershy's cottage three days after Maud's visit.] Rahs Sparkle was annoyed. Pinkie Pie was annoyed. The targets in this instance were Rarity, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack. The group had come across Fluttershy singing on their way to pick her up for lunch. They had then gone nuts over it, forcing the little yellow mare to draw into herself more and more. Rarity cranked it up a notch further by trying to get Fluttershy to join her Ponytones group, you could see the yellow mare start to pull into her self like she was trying to vanish. Rahs glanced to Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie glanced to Rahs. Rahs moved between Twilight and Rainbow Dash. Pinkie moved between Applejack and Rarity. There was a loud whump sound as two hooves and two paws Gib smacked four ponies in the back of the head at the same time. “No. Bad. Fluttershy does not want to sing on stage.” Pinkie Pie stated flatly.” Do you remember what we had to do to get her to go on stage for the Hearths Warming play? “But....” Rarity protested. Whump. “Ow!” Rarity whined. “No.” Pinkie snapped. [ The next day, the pet center fund raiser. ] Rahs was annoyed. Two members of the Ponytones were annoyed. Rarity was freaking out. Twilight was oddly calm. Big Mac seemed rather proud of himself. “I cannot believe that you managed to throw out your voice.... with a turkey call.” the mare of the Ponytones stated. flatly. “How could you let him do this!?” Rarity shouted in a panic at Twilight. “I'm dating him Rarity, I don't own him.” Twilight sighed. ”Besides from my understanding he competes every year and well, that was a … interesting event to say the least. And he did win first place.” “But the Ponytones need their base tone....” Rarity whined. “I have that covered.” Twilight smiled. Rahs glared. “Don't give me that look, Fluttershy is counting on this group performing to draw in ponies to adopt the animals in need of homes. “ Twilight stated her voice taking on a tone of what could best be described as 'malicious sweetness'.“ And you don't want to disappoint Fluttershy, do you?” Rahs glared harder. “What on earth are you two talking about?” Rarity frowned. Twilight grinned and held up a vial of a blue liquid in her magic. There wasn't much left of it from her experiments, but there was enough. “Woof.” Rahs growled. “Awww you know you love me.” Twilight laughed. > Filli-mahi Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Filli-mahi Part 1 [Ponyville] Rahs Sparkle was annoyed. This was starting to be a trend. The stage presence and singing he had no problem with, he reveled in that. The singing wasn't much of an issue either, his stage training allowed him to harmonize perfectly and his tone, while not quite as deep as Big Mac's, was more than enough to do the job. Rarity was a perfectionist which while annoying, he was used to. He wasn't much a fan of the outfits. It might also have to do with the fact that the uniform had to be re-tailored with him in it to hide his wings, the horn on his head was a lost cause despite his long mane. Ehh what ever, one must suffer for their art and all that. They had indeed gotten every pet adopted as well, which had Fluttershy happy, and a giddy Fluttershy was something to see. She seemed a little worried about the stallion that adopted the tiger, though that seemed mostly due to the precarious eyebrow ring he had. Rahs was however highly annoyed that he had managed a new collection of groupies including Torch Song, one of the other Ponytones. “Really? Are you sure you don't want to get a drink with me after the show?” The mare smiled nearly purring. “I will pass.” Rahs sighed wondering where the heck Rarity had wandered off to. “Are you really sure? I know a delightful little place with some private booths....” “He's spoken for. By far more than I like already.” stated Rarity. Looking around the pair took note that Rarity was coming towards them, though she was also on the other side of the stage talking with a filly and her father. “What?” Torch Song blinked, before yelping as a mass of green fire consumed the Rarity approaching them turning her into a tall pink maned changeling. “AHHH!” Torch Song yelped back peddling as Rahs rolled his eyes. “Saturnia please don't scare off the other singers. We're already down Mac.” Rahs grumbled. “Sorry. But old habits even if everyone already knows what I am I don't like to advertise it.” Saturnia sighed glaring at the mare before turning her attention fully to Rahs.”That's not a bad look for you.” “Thanks. I hate it.” Rahs muttered. “Ha. I expect so. Which is fine because normal you is a good look for you too.” Saturnia smiled.” The wings and horn are a bit much in truth. With your navy fur you look like some ones bad OC in a fan novel.” Rahs shook his head with a small smirk.”Is there something I can help you with?” “Yes actually. I've heard about your dates with Sunset and Applejack, so I would like to ask you out myself... say next Wednesday?” Saturnia nearly purred. Rahs considered before nodding.”Alright, it's only fair. Anything I should know about this?” “While I do plan for it to be a surprise I would say maybe grab something to eat first, it's a bit of a trek to where we are going even after the train ride.” “Oh. A mystery tour?” Rahs chuckled. “Trust me I'm sure you'll like it more than any of the other dates you've been on thus far.” Saturnia smiled.” And this is certain to be much better than anything Jynx or Trixie can come up with.” “Be nice.” Rahs chided. “Sorry... “Saturnia turned her head a little.” But yes, next Wednesday morning would be the best time. It might wind up as an all day thing like the Cherry Festival, and we can get some lunch along the way.” “Alright I suppose I'll see you then.” Rahs nodded watching the Changeling walk off, she paused by Torch Song and hissed at the mare suddenly, making her jump. “Saturnia!” Rahs chided as the changeling laughed. “She doesn't count!” Rahs shook his head as the real Rarity trotted back up with the other singer Toe Tapper, and a tiny filly zipping about in the air around a large stallion. “Yes well, good news darlings. Zipporwhill and her father here want us to perform at her cute-ceañera.” Rarity stated. “Oh that's good. What is it? Next week should give Mac time to recover.” Rahs offered. “Umm no.” Rarity frowned. “It's tomorrow!” The little bundle of energy zipping around in the air stated. “Yes, well I feel we can do that...” Rarity offered. “Rarity!“ Rahs snapped. “Yes Darling?” Rarity smiled. “I've already been a pony longer than I like I'm not...” Rahs hissed at her trailing off as the little filly looked up at him,clutching her new puppy in her forelegs with sad eyes. “What was that Rahs?” Rarity asked again with a wry smirk.. “You are an evil mare.” “So that's a yes!” Rarity smiled. [Crystal Empire] Shining Armor Sparkle was annoyed. Her wife was thrilled. As Was Chrysalis. “So this is what he looked like as a mare?” Very nice.” Chrysalis purred. “I know right, he keeps all his muscle tone too.” Cadence purred as well. Shining Armor was going to murder her sister. It would be fine. She's a god now, she'd come back right? “Given there's no telling how long this will last we should take full advantage of it while we can.” Cadence explained. “Oh, I agree.” Chrysalis added. Buck.. well time for plan B. “So I've been meaning to tell you that I've developed a new trick.” Shining stated with what he hoped was a seductive smile towards the two goddesses before her. “Ooh, I love the voice.” Chrysalis smiled. “Really? Is it a sexy trick?” Cadence asked. “In a sense, yes.” Shining offered, her horn glowing. “Bye.” And with that, Shining Armor vanished in a flash of teleportation. Cadence and Chrysalis stared at the spot for a moment in shock. “Since when can he teleport?” Chrysalis asked. [Ponyville] Rahs Sparkle took note of how much more face hoofing hurt with actual hooves than his paws as his hooves impacted his face again. “Rarity.......” Rahs growled. The cute-ceañera went off without any sort of hitch. Rahs was rather glad that Scootaloo had used her connections through Luna and Sweetiebelle to get Luna's contracted group Pontera to play at her cute-ceañera. instead of the Ponytones. He was completely done with this. Well he thought he was. “The mayor wants us to perform at her ribbon cutting ceremony tomorrow.” Rarity pointed out. “ We can hardly disappoint the mayor can we?” Rahs opened his mouth to protest when the mayor cut him off. “I'll waive the fine you received from that last fight you had with Angel Bunny that tore through the records office.” Mayor Mare stated flatly. “What time do you want us there?” Rahs questioned. “The Spa.... Seriously?” Rahs grumbled. “One hundred percent off the next time you need a treatment... like you do now.” Rarity offered. “Fine....” “ Well I can get the school ponies to ask you directly....” Rarity offered. “Forget it, no, you probably gave them all little teddy bears or something else to amp the cuteness.” Rahs snarled. “Last one Rarity. This is the last one, Big Mac's voice is back he's just been told to take it easy for a day or two more, he can pick up were he left off.” “Alright darling. Last one.” Rarity admitted. “You call that singing? I've heard frogs with better tones.” Adagio pointed out and laughed. Aria rolled her eyes and Sonata stared at Rahs having the odd feeling she had seen him before. The trio had come into Ponyville in time to catch the Ponytones show and afterwards Adagio had started talking crap, riling up the group before throwing down a gauntlet of challenge. Rarity and the other Ponytones were highly annoyed. “Rarity.”Rahs stated.”One more.” “Yes, I know Rahs I promised one more we can get Big Mac in this and we can still beat them...” Rarity trailed off. “No Rarity.” Rahs added with a bit more emphasis as he growled. “'One' more.” “Oh..... oh of course.” Rarity smiled.”I suppose a proper thespian such as yourself doesn't like having their stage presence questioned.” Rahs blinked at her and smiled as she under stood that. Of course now he had to get Applejack involved, because those three cheated. > Filli-mahi Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Filli-mahi Part 2 [Ponyville] The band battle went off exactly as one would expect. The Dazzlings got their tails stomped. A combination of the Ponytones' music, their town reputation as a group, not to mention their town reputation as individuals, and Rahs' new collection of fan fillies over whelmed the voting box that had set up so that the voting slips overflowed on the floor. The Dazzlings were still good, but given they were not local, had issued the challenge, and had Applejack front row center blocking whatever magic they were trying to perform meant they only got two votes. And all three of the Dazzlings had voted. The trio had departed with a mixture of rage, indifference, and congratulatory cheer, depending on which one was confronted. The Ponytones did an encore. [Outside of Ponyville] “This is bull shit!” Adagio screamed yanking her stone from her neck and flinging it. Aria's hoof shot up catching the stone before it went sailing into the bushes. “Calm the fuck down.” Aria grumbled. “ These things are chaos constructs, of course they are not always gonna act like they should.” “They have for the last hundred years. They worked on that little podunk trading post we passed on the way here from Dodge Junction, so why are they not working now?! Huh wanna tell me that miss engineer!?!” Adagio snarled. Aria glared at her sister then looked at the gem curiously turning it over in her hoof.” Ahh here's the problem.” “What?” Adagio blinked in surprise. “This little part right here is dark, that's a sure sign that you're a little bitch.” Aria explained in a professional tone. “That's it you fuck! I'll kill you!” Adagio snarled. “Bring it mop head, I'll wipe the floor with you.”Aria snapped back tossing Adagio's gem to the side. Both had shifted to their draconic looking sea pony forms and were hissing at each other . “Boobie Puppy was there.” Sonata said calmly as she walked between the two and picked up Adagio's gem. The statement threw off the pair about to throw down. “What?” Aria asked. “Boobie puppy, though she started as a pony then when our magic started up she turned into a big boobie puppy, then our magic faded.” Sonata offered. “The diamond dog that popped up in front?” Adagio asked. “She was at Dodge Junction too.” Sonata offered. “ Why didn't you say anything before!” Adagio glared at Sonata who tossed the gem back to her sister. “I did. Twice, though I saw her turn into boobie puppy this time.” Sonata smiled a maw full of sharp teeth that looked odd on the cheerful looking pegasus. “You ignored me.” “You have a history of weird tangents.” Aria sighed.” Still once is odd, twice is coincidence and dad told us there are no coincidences.” “How does that even work, is she stealing our magic?” Adagio muttered. “Doesn't matter.” Sonata grinned wide. “Oh no.” Aria sighed. “I told you so.” Sonata sang. “She is going to go on like this for weeks..” Adagio grumbled rubbing her temples with a fin. [Golden Oaks library] “Don't give me that, you didn't have to stay a pony for the last four days.” Twilight rolled her eyes as she trotted along side her newly 're-moon dog-ed' brother. Rahs glared at her, his ears flat to his head as the pair approached the front door of the library. “You sicced Rarity in a mood on him, played on his sympathies with Fluttershy.” Spike offered waddling along with the pair.”That's foul play.” “Okay, so maaaybe Rarity is kind convincing sometimes, but you told her to buzz off before, you should have done that now. I mean Big Mac's voice came back and you still accepted that challenge.” Twilight flicked her wings. “Cause it was a stage gauntlet, asking Rahs to refuse something like that is like asking you as the god of books, NOT to read anything put in front of you.” Spike rolled his eyes. Rahs continued to glare remaining silent as Twilight pushed open the door to the library. “Seriously I didn't even really force you to take it to start with...” Twilight started, before she let out a loud yelp as a bucket of water splashed down over her head, the bucket then gripped in a magic glow and upended onto her head fully. Rahs and Spike blinked looking at their sputtering flailing, sister, then across the library where Shining Armor sat in a chair his hooves steepled over his muzzle as he glared at his siblings. “Hello again Twilight. Did you forget to tell your big brother something?” Shining Armor growled. Twilight sputtered shoving the bucket off her head and started to yell at her brother only for a gout of flame to come from her mouth as the little dragon she had become with the poison joke mixture fell over backwards at the sudden burst of flame. Rahs looked down at his sister with a smirk, then up to Shining. “I spent two days running from a pair of mares that really wanted to try out my cursed form. I managed to evade them and meet up with that zebra you told me about. I got the super potent mix and an agreement that she wouldn't make the cure for you. I also used up all your cure shampoo you had to fix my problem, and I paid off the spa to not treat you though it seemed Rahs had a deal with them to get treated regardless. I also hid or bought every copy of supernaturals in town as well as any specialty mixes from the two alchemist shops in town and I bribed Applebloom not to make the mix for you either.” Shining Armor growled. [Sweet apple Acres] “ Applebloom where tha heck did you get all this.” Applejack gasped looking at the massive pile of candy and cookies that filled her room , that the filly was swimming through like a duck who was part of the 2%. “It's mai first bribe as a potion maker.” Applebloom smiled. “It ain't to make a love potion was it?” Applejack frowned. “Nope it was NOT tah make somethin.” Applebloom cheered “Oh.... well.... huh....” Applejack considered. “ Well stop eating it you'll ruin yer supper.” “ Enjoy your week as a lizard.” Shining smirked. “Hey!” Spike snapped. “Sorry.” Shining shrugged..”But only a little bit, you could have sent me a message.” “I only have the connection to Cadence and Chrysalis.” Spike huffed.” You never paid for the gem for me to connect to you.” “Fair enough. Still. My work here is done.” Shining stated and with that he popped away in a flash of teleportation. “I really need to ward this place from him.” Twilight growled. “Good luck, he taught you everything you know about wards and shields, but I'm pretty sure he didn't teach you everything he knows.” Spike nodded sagely. Sombra tilted his head looking over the forge in the back of the shop. It was an old bellow furnace one that he was familiar with, but it was set up oddly by his consideration, granted that was likely due to the owners. It would still be suitable for what he needed. However there were issues. This was the fifth blacksmiths shop he had visited in Ponyville. The first two had been some modernized mechanical contraption as a forge and were useless to him, one of the others was too small as it was designed for jewelry, the other belonged to a crystal pony family which according to his parole he couldn't intentionally visit. This one however had a very large issue staring down at him. To say the brown curly furred minotaur was burly was an understatement, the female minotaur at his side however was frail and delicate looking by minotaur standards. Which meant that she might actually have to show effort to break him in half with one hand. The young bulls eyes glared down at Sombra, the golden orbs glinting in the light of the forge. “ You want to use my husbands forge?” the female asked. “Indeed, if possible. I have a few things I wish to work on and thus far his forge has been the closest to what I need.” Sombra offered. “Hmmph.” The bull gruffed. “I'm surprised you didn't go to one of the more mechanized forges, most ponies seem to prefer that.” The cow offered. “I do not trust the newer forges to work properly, the materials they produce tend to be of inferior quality if not carefully moniterd. If they cannot learn how to regulate the forges heat on their own they should not be using one.” “Hmmph.” the bull offered. “My husband does not like magic in the forge, unicorn..” the cow frowned. “Of course not, magic will infect material and tools, altering the shape and intent. Another reason to dislike modern forges with the magic power sources, it bleeds into what is made.” Sombra explained. “ That causes issues with further enchantments or repairs down the line.” “Hmmph.” The bull enunciated. “If it is a matter of pay I have the bits..” Sombra started “Flail.” The bull spoke before she could. “We left two rivers behind us. Do not get greedy now.” The dark furred cow frowned then threw her hands in the air and stormed off into the main house. “You will work for me unicorn, as an apprentice. I have many smaller projects to take care of and I could use the extra hands. If you prove yourself to practice the words you preach and are competent, I will allow you to use my forge.” The bull stated. “That is acceptable.” Sombra agreed > Dolphin Don't Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Dolphin Don't Prologue [Friendship express, Wednesday after the Ponytones' concerts, Fall] Rahs looked out the window of the train as it clacked across the landscape, the sun starting to rise over the edge of the world casting it's rays into the sky just before it would crest the horizon. Rahs really wasn't thrilled about being up this early. Sparing a glance to the other bench across from him where Saturnia lay partial curled up disguised as a navy blue pegasus, he took note she had nodded off again. She claimed to have a late night dealing with Bees. Rahs still wasn't sure if that was another changeling or she was into apiculture. Still despite falling asleep already the mare had played to one of his interests quite well, whether that was a real connection or not he was unsure, but the curiosity over what was going on with this date kept him, if not fully interested, at least invested. There was still an hour at least before they were to arrive at the station where they would disembark. It wasn't a town he had heard of, though evidently it was little more than a logging village. Rahs rather hoped that Wednesday wasn't this little towns day. The second part of the trip was a bit of a hike, though a picnic was prepared, so there was at least something romantic. Saturnia had also suggested a few books to read for the trip and had asked that he bring one of his favorites,'Wolf of the Harvest Moon' for her to read. It was an older copy of the book that he picked up from a second hand store years ago, but the story, the drama , and the romance in it was something else. He was fairly sure most ponies thought the main character was based off a diamond dog with supernatural powers, but there were hints that it was something more akin to what Applejack had become. Twilight had tried to investigate, but the author had sent their last manuscript over forty years ago, and that had been rejected for no given reason. To be honest though, the book reading thing sounded more like a date designed for Twilight, but aside from the ungodly hour, it had been a nice trip, if quiet. The one thing he hadn't found out was why Saturnia was interested in him. And at the moment he didn't feel like waking her to find out, he had too many experiences with those who didn't wake up in the best of moods and was wary of finding out if Saturnia was one of them. Twilight had explained that Saturnia was interested enough in him to actually seek her out while she was in the Crystal Empire. Chrysalis was rather forth coming about her daughters interest as well. Though Rahs wanted to hear why she was interested in him straight from the changeling herself. Well when ever Saturnia woke up any way. Still a nap didn't seem like a bad thing, thus far this date had gotten off to a slow start, but Rahs was content with that. Given how hectic his life tended to be a little bit of down time where nothing was happening was always nice. Today should be interesting to say the least, and he had borrowed Spike's camera as well in case something caught his interest. He rather wished he had it in the Crystal Empire last time he went, though for the moment he expected he was going to take a photo of Saturnia in her normal form, he had already gotten a shot of Sunset and one of Applejack and Witch-Jack. The plan was to also get one of Trixie and Jynx on their dates, if nothing else as a reminder that at one point in his life he had five females after him. Shirley wouldn't think he was serious without proof after all. > Dolphin Don't, Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Dolphin Don't Part 1 [Where the Fucksilvania.] [ Yeah, I got nothing] Rahs briefly considered that this might be a mistake. After getting off the train, the pair of them had started walking out into the wilderness beyond the lumber camp and further north along a old dirt path that looked like it hadn't been trod on in years. Perhaps the changeling had snapped and was taking him off to some secret hive to trap him and force him to marry her or something. Then the other girls interested in him would have to mount a heroic rescue to save him and prove above all others that they were the one who was his true love. Rahs had to let out a sad sigh at that, because as dramatic and awesome as that would have been, he knew Saturnia was terrified of Twilight, and in no way shape or form be willing to get his sister angry at her even a bit. Pity. “I apologize for this trip like this, but she tends to live all the way out here to try and avoid ponies.” Saturnia sighed. “I really wish she lived closer, but I did double check to make sure she was home.” Rahs raised an eyebrow at that. This was the second time Saturnia had mentioned there was some one out here and all the teasing and hints were doing was getting him more curious. “Oh good. We're here.” Saturnia said with a sigh, the pink changeling having remained in her blue pegasus form the whole trip. There were still a number of those who didn't like changelings. Rahs and Saturnia both paused as they came closer to the house, Rahs' ears flattening to his head. “What... what happened here?” Saturnia gasped. The house was a mess, the door busted in, furniture and books strewn around outside, flower pots smashed, and the windows broken. It even looked like some one had climbed up onto the thatch roof and ripped a few holes in it. Rahs paused pulling out Spike's camera taking a picture of the scene before tucking it back in his coat and sniffing around the home. There were scents of multiple ponies and a few diamond dogs and at least one griffon. At a crash, Rahs flattened his ears to his head, and looked over as Saturnia had tried to knock only for the door to fall in. “DD! Where are you!?” Saturnia called out stepping into the house and wincing. The inside was just as thoroughly ransacked as the outside.”Damn. She was still reported to be here yesterday.” Rahs stepped inside as well, ducking his head under the door frame and narrowed his eyes. The place was an absolute mess. The scent of the others was stronger in here as well, though it was old so they weren't here any more at least, though there was one scent that was prevalent in the house, a mares... “What are you doing here......”a voice stated behind them. “ … YOU!!” Turning around Rahs took note of a older looking mare with a silvery gray mane, and a tan coat. She wore an old some what ratty overcoat, a large pair of red glasses, and a floppy gray hat. Rahs blinked as the mare glared at him and stomped up with a growl. “I told you lot before, I am still honoring my agreement about Artemis, so you can stop sending some one to check on me all the damn time!” the mare shouted up at Rahs. Rahs raised an eyebrow in confusion, before pulling out the camera and taking her picture, the flash making the mare stagger back and rub her eyes with a hoof under her glasses. “DD, there you, thank the stars.” Saturnia sighed her wings fluttering a little. “What?!” the mare narrowed her eyes behind her glasses, her attention now on Saturnia. “Who the buck are you? You're not Kirin.....” “Umm no... oh right.” Saturnia sighed, a flash of green flame running up over her form revealing the pink maned changeling mare fully. “Bug?!” The mare blinked. “I say again. What the buck are you doing here, and I will add in. Why are you with a witch wolf? And what did you do to my house!?” “Alright first off, but in no real order DD, the place was like this when we got here, secondly he's not a witch wolf he's a moon dog, and third we're on a date.” Saturnia frowned as the mare she called DD wandered around the house throwing things aside and digging through various bits of rubble.” Now what the heck are you doing?” “Figures you show up again after all these years again Bug. You tend to bring trouble with you every time I see you, the shit hits the fan soon after you pop up.” DD stated. “Oh no you don't. You are not blaming your bullshit on me. The band of the heavens, that was all you, Volcano of Doom? You! Lost city of El Da Burro! You! That one horrid double date you brought me on that burnt down half the city in Marephis? AAAAAALLLL YOU!” “Really, because I seem to recall Marephis was because you couldn't handle your coffee!” DD stated. “You were the one who poured that shit down my throat knowing how I get with caffeine!” Saturnia snapped. “Oh yeah... good times.” DD stated with a small smirk as she picked up a book off the floor fiddling with it before the side of the book opened and a large glowing band was drawn out. Rahs blinked catching the scent of familiar strong magic from the band, though rather than inquire about it, he took another picture. “Could you NOT do that!” DD stated turning back to glare at Rahs then blinked a little noting the camera. “Why would one of you have a camera? Hold up did you say moon dog?” “Yes, you need to listen more.” Saturnia stated. “He's a Sparkle isn't he?” “Woof.”Rahs snarked with a smirk. “Yep. He's a Sparkle.” DD sighed slapping her face with a hoof.” I stand by my statement Bug , that you bring trouble. Why are you even here?” “First off you owe me still DD. And he's a fan of your work.” Saturnia stated. “You came all the way out here for an autograph? On your date?” DD stared at the pink changeling.” Seriously? You know I don't sign any of the Daring books...” “It's not for one of those.” Saturnia smiled. “It's for the other one.” “You're kidding right?” DD blinked.”Are those even still being sold?” “Bark?” Rahs demanded. “Oh, right, sorry. I suppose you wouldn't know what's going on. Bug over there and I used to 'hang out'. My name is A.K. Yearling.” Yearling offered. “Woof?” Rahs questioned. “Yes of the Daring Do fame.” Yearling waved a hoof. “Pity none of the other things I've written have been as popular.... and that Bug here stopped my second book.” “I told you writing about changelings was not to be allowed. You should have stuck with the fantasy like with Wolf of the Harvest Moon.” Saturnia sighed. “Right..... fantasy..” Yearling rolled her eyes. Rahs let out a startled gasp that was a very close imitation of Pinkie Pie, before he was up in Yearling's face. “WOOF?!?!” Rahs demanded. “GAH!” Yearling yelped hopping back away from the moon dog. “Yes I wrote Wolf of the Harvest Moon. I wrote two other books in the series too, one about changelings and the other about..... well lets not get into that disaster.” “Hold on. You understand him?” Saturnia narrowed her eyes. “DD how do you understand Rahs?” “Ummm. I am not at liberty to say?” Yearling smiled sheepishly. “Look, my place got trashed, can we talk about this after I clean up?” “This looks like it could take days and we are supposed to be on a date.” Saturnia sighed.”I brought him out here to talk to you a bit, get his book autographed, and then we were going to have a picnic before heading home......” Saturnia blinked as she trailed off, turning to look at the ceiling. “You have guests.”Saturnia frowned turning back into the blue pegasus with a flare of green fire. “Angry guests.” Before Yearling or Rahs could ask what she was talking about on a trio of stallions entered the room. Two came down the stairs from the second floor, and one walked in the front door to join up with the others. The trio looked like a collection of burly ner-do-wells that probably all had tattoos with a heart and the word 'mom' some where on their five-o-clock shadow having selves. Rahs wasn't even going to try to figure out how fur covered creatures had five-o-clock shadows. The three of them didn't seem the slightest bit intimidated by Rahs and Saturnia, all their attention was focused on Yearling. Rahs blinked and snapped a picture of the trio. > Dolphin Don't Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Dolphin Don't Part 2 [Where the Fucksilvania, part 2.] “I'm not helping you with this DD.” Saturnia sighed as the thugs moved around them. “What!?” Why not?” DD gasped. “Because, I'm on a date . We're not getting caught up in your ridiculous escapades.” Saturnia huffed. “Seriously? After everything we've been through together, you're abandoning me now?” “ESPECIALY, after everything you dragged me through.” Saturnia growled. “ I should have known something would happen. I should have gone with the basic dinner date , but nooooooo I just had to try for something risky.” “Woof?” Rahs questioned. “Yeah, what he said.”DD offered. The three thugs glanced to each other, then moved to ignore the other two and approach DD. “I don't know what he said.” Saturnia rebuked. “And you're dating him?” Daring questioned. “Rahs don't let her act fool you, she can handle three thugs with both wings tied and or broken.... she's done that before in fact.” Saturnia pointed out. “Spoil sport.” DD huffed stepping back from the thugs before jerking forward suddenly, one took the thick pair of glasses to the snout and another was tangled up in the dress, the third was hit by a hat and flailed back comically before falling on his rump showing there was a thick book hidden in the hat. Standing before them now was a tan pegasus mare with a mane and tail made up of black and two tones of gray. She wore a green button up shirt and a pith hat. Rahs immediately recognized her . “Woof.” Rahs nodded clapping lightly, snapping a picture. “At least some one likes my dramatic reveals.” Daring Doo growled. “I expected he would. Though I figured this would just be a nice meet and greet. Not a brawl.” Saturnia sighed as the thugs lunged at DD, the mare meeting their charge with vicious blows of hooves and wings. Rahs glanced over to Saturnia as DD fought the three goons off. “Sorry Rahs. There's a long history between us. We met a long time ago and DD had a habit of getting into trouble and dragging me along with her. After getting nearly killed, cloned, and foal napped more times than I care to count, I decided to leave.” Saturnia explained as more things in the house were shattered as a goon was thrown through them. “While I'm not going to deny I sometimes enjoyed my time running around with her, mother needed my help and I found I preferred not nearly dying on a semi weekly basis.” Rahs raised an eyebrow as DD hammered one of the others into the ground by bouncing off his head. “Don't give me that look. Ponyville is a lot safer than it seems, when was the last time any one was really hurt by a Tuesday event?” Saturnia sighed as DD flung one of the goons out through the only non broken window. “Besides the whole point of this was simply to do a meet and greet catch up a little then go have lunch. DD can handle herself, and I don't want to be in another book written in as a sidekick. Three times is enough.” “Woof.” Rahs stated after a moment of consideration before nodding as a book case was pulled down onto a goon. “Thank you. I think.” Saturnia considered as one of the goons went flying past. “I'm not trying to be mean, but this wasn't in the plans.” Rahs opened his mouth to respond before he was hit from behind and sent crashing to the ground as a over sized burly griffon tom plowed into him. “RAHS!” Saturnia gasped whirling to look at the door as two other goon ponies and a trio of diamond dogs with matching red shirts reading, Thug 1, Thug 2, and Thug 4 strode in. “You did not just tackle my date.” Saturnia snarled. The newcomers were going to ignore her, though the flare of green fire and the massive white four armed gorilla that appeared in the ponies place was hard to ignore. Particularly when the Girallon lunged at them, sending Thug 2 through the wall of the building with a back handed swing. It became rather clear, rather quickly, that the goons were out matched. The new comers were no match for a pissed of Saturnia, who had shifted forms three times already from the Girallon, to a manticore, then to a mouse to dodge a hit, and she was currently a ophiotaurus wrapped tight around one of the pony goons while smacking the fool out of another with her fore hooves while Thug 4 clung to her horns as she lashed her head about. Rahs had only got hit once and that was by surprise. Currently he was making the griffon hit himself with his own back leg. Much to the aggravation and confusion of the griffon who hadn't even know he could bend that way. Daring was probably struggling the most, as the thugs were after the golden ring she had more than anything else and the ensuing fight had her lose and regain it a number of times. The three thugs finally all dog piled on DD forcing her to lose the ring and send it clattering across the floor to roll to a stop at the door where it was scooped up by a hoof by a gray coated stallion in a tan version of DD's shirt . The green eyed pony had a black slicked back mane and a slightly darker five-o-clock shadow. “Ahh here it is, how kind of you to find it for us so soon after our earlier search failed to uncover it, Daring Doo. Again we see there is nothing you can possess which I cannot take away.” The stallion grinned, posing for a picture as Rahs took it, before ducking back out quickly as one of his thugs was thrown at him by Saturnia. With the ring acquired the rest of the thugs started to back out, move away, or simply haul flank after him. “DAMNIT CABALLERON, GIVE THAT BACK!” DD shouted. “THAT'S DOCTOR CABALLERON!!” The stallion shouted back. “YOU GOT THAT DOCTORATE OUT OF A GUMBALL MACHINE!!” DD screamed back. “Well that happened.” Saturnia muttered as she shifted back to her pegasus form, before trotting over to check on Rahs.”Are you alright?” “Damn it. We have to get that back. He's going to give it to Ahuizotl so his hold on the Fortress of Talacon will be good for eight centuries as foretold by prophecy! “ DD snapped. “Sounds like a personal problem to me.” Saturnia huffed. “What did I say about us not getting involved?” “But if we don't do something it will doom the valley to eight centuries of unrelenting heat?” DD snapped. “DD we did not come out here to go gallivanting across the country looking for Ahuizotl to stop another one of the world dooming plots you get tangled in on a near weekly basis....” Saturnia sighed before she blinked and looked to Rahs who looked back at her with a small smile, his tail wagging.” You're not serious?” Rahs grinned wider. “Ugh.... fine. We'll help.” Saturnia sighed. “But so help me if we don't get better billing in this book.......” “Great, let's go. Come along Patsy.” DD grinned as she set off after the goons. “Don't call me that.” Saturnia growled muttering something under her breath about coconuts. Rahs followed along, taking a last snapshot of the ruined house. DD might want it for insurance purposes after all. > Dolphin Don't Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Dolphin Don't Part 3 [Somewhere at the edge of Equestria ] “So what happened to Daring' I work alone' Do?” Saturnia muttered as they made their way through the forest towards the Talacon valley. DD lived this far from civilization to be left alone mostly, though also to be as close to the valley as she could while still remaining in Equestria. The valley was a hot bed of old archaeological finds, fallen temples, and the ruins of at least twenty differing ancient cultures. Despite the valley being quite large, this many cultures living this close together was something that no other site across Equss had. The popular theory was that this was the Rainbow Valley of legend, just like every other odd valley on the whole damn planet, and a few of the craters on the moon, as well as one spot on the sun some swore was darker than other parts. When Rahs saw the map DD provided he refrained from commenting that it looked to be the exact same size and shape as the new sea that was filling up by the Crystal Empire. He would ask Luna about it later. “Okay Bug you know as well as I do that I use that line to keep the fans and thrill seekers out of my mane. Though it rarely works.” DD sighed. ”I know you have skills and your colt friend there is a Sparkle. Word of what that family is capable of gets around. And given he's not not a fan of my newer books I don't have to worry about him trying to prove something to me at an inopportune time and ruining any plans I make.” Rahs shrugged. “So what is your glorious plan?” Saturnia sighed. “Simple we catch up to Caballeron and his goons before they get to the valley. You shape shift into some random stallion and offer to pay a great deal of bits for the ring of Scorchero. DD explained hefting a bag that clinked as she did so. “Caballeron will be more than happy to sell it to anyone, as he's just in it for the bits. Well anyone but me, he hates me, no idea why.” “Countless years of abuse and spurning his advances I expect.” Saturnia sighed. “Ehh. He's not exactly my type this decade.” DD shrugged.”Maybe a century ago...” “Woof.” Rahs added staring at DD. The mare paused with a wince. “Look. I CAN'T tell you anything about it. I was sworn to secrecy about Artemis. I suggest you just forget about it. I know you can get all the Princesses out here to demand it out of me, and I still won't talk. There's too much at stake and after what was done, I'm not going to betray that just because you asked nicely.” DD shook her head. “Bark?” Rahs asked. “What!? No I'm not a witch wolf, where did you even get that idea? I'm a pegasus.” DD started forward again with a shake of her head. She paused a moment and considered. “Mostly a pegasus.” “Ruff!?”Rahs pointed out. “How I can understand you is based on something else I can't tell you due to my promise. “ DD rolled her eyes. “And yes I am just a pegasus, mostly, my being three hundred and something years old has nothing to do with my promise however.” Rahs blinked raising an eyebrow. “Look I've been all over Equss. I've seen and done things that I can't even write about. I've followed white rabbits, been a vampire for a little while, been trapped in stasis, cloned, drank from wooden cups, bathed in mystical waters, been force fed the flesh of a sea pony, annoyed some guy named Hay Sues in another dimension, sampled ambrosia, ate a couple of golden apples, and borrowed an Alkahest stone from an animated suit of armor and a midget pony. I have literally no idea of all the magic spells and curses I've been under, infected with, or seen in my life. I was even an alicorn at one point, that was a weird time.” “Woof?” “Nah. Law is some other alicorn I've never seen before. Surprised you've heard of her through.” DD offered. “Alright here we are. I can feel Caballeron and his goons up ahead.“ Saturnia stated glancing to Rahs before letting out a sigh. “Does it have to be a male?” “What? Getting cold hooves now?” DD smirked. “I'm on a date still you nitwit.“ Saturnia hissed glancing to Rahs.”Some guys are not too thrilled that their date can be a guy.” “Bork.” Rahs shrugged. “What?” Saturnia blinked. “He said he knows your parents. It would be odd if you couldn't. It's not his thing, but he understands the necessity, evidently he's been told he looks good in drag.” DD blinked staring at Rahs with one eyebrow raised. Saturnia smirked. ”I can wholeheartedly agree with that. He does look good in a dress.” Rahs nodded and reached into his coat pulling out a stack of photos before offering one to DD. The mare looked at it a moment her eyes going wide. “Woof.” DD offered before Saturnia snatched it away from her. “Bark?” Rahs questioned. “The history of pith helmets? What?”DD blinked. “Why do you have these?” Saturnia frowned before tucking the photo of pony Rahs in a dress away in her saddle bag. Rahs simply grinned putting the other photos back in his coat. “Alright fine.” Saturnia sighed a green flame rushing over the blue pegasus leaving a gold furred, silver maned unicorn stallion with an old looking gold coin on his flank. He looked very much like an older noble, who liked playing at exploring and tomb raiding without really wanting to get his hooves dirty. “Nice. Here I figured you would have changed into Laura Crop for him.” DD laughed. “Maybe later.” Saturnia muttered in a rather deep baritone as Rahs snapped a picture of the new form. “Alright, give me the bits DD and let's get that ring back before Caballeron sells it to Ahuizotl.” > Dolphin Don't Part 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Dolphin Don't Part 4 “This was an absolutely horrid idea and I hate you.” Saturnia snapped as she ducked under the claw swipe of a diamond dog. “Don't give me that, it would have worked perfectly if your acting was better.” DD shouted back as she traded blows with Caballeron. “Bark!” Rahs snapped, hitting the diamond dog with the Thug 2 shirt with the griffon that tackled him back at DD's house. “Okay fine. It wasn't her acting, but she's supposed to know how to mask her scent from the diamond dogs!” DD stated kicking Caballeron in the belly and sending him tumbling away from her only to get tackled by another goon. “Do you have any idea how hard it is to change how you smell?” Saturnia snapped shifting to a bright pale grayish purple furred abyssinian with wild spiky hair and a white underbelly clearly visible, as she forgot clothes, to duck another blow from the diamond dog before lashing out with her claws ruining the dogs Thug 1 shirt. Rahs let out a whistle at the form that made Saturnia blush as she drove the thugs head into the ground. “Hah! Should have figured Rahs would like that form. How the heck did you not figure out to try an abyssinian?”DD laughed pulling off her pith helmet with a wing and belting one of the thug ponies across the face. “It's not easy to balance on my back legs.” Saturnia muttered letting a green flicker of flame cover her in clothing that matched Rahs' pants and long coat, though her coat was buttoned up rather than open. The pants however were very tight and almost seemed painted on, and the top of the coat was open enough to show off a good bit of cleavage, with the bottom open to show off her flat belly, leaving only two very strained buttons to hold the coat closed over her bust. “WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, WAIT!” Caballeron shouted suddenly, waving a hoof in the air getting all the thugs and the trio to pause a moment. Every one stared at the pony as he jabbed a hoof towards the moon dog. “Daring, did you just say Rahs? As in Rahs Sparkle?” Caballeron demanded. “Umm yeah.... why?”DD asked. “That IS Rahs Sparkle!?” Caballeron demanded again, the rest of his goon's eyes getting wider “All day long.” Saturnia added curiously. “Right.” Caballeron stated before flinging the ring back at DD and turning to leave.”We are done here, the thieves guild does NOT mess with the Sparkles.” The trio watched the group walk off, the griffon giving Rahs a single finger salute as he limped away with the rest. DD smirked holding up the ring. “Well, that went better than I expected... ah fuck he took the money didn't he?” DD cursed noting the bag of bits was gone. “Well you did offer them to buy the ring back. And Caballeron is part of the thieves guild.” Saturnia sighed, though she had yet to change from an abyssinian and was inching a little closer to Rahs who was trying not to glance down at the fairly sizable amount of cleavage the changeling was offering. It wasn't at Jynx's or Witch-Jack's level, but still. It seemed he and his adoptive father had much the same taste, which was odd given how few species actually had boobs like that. Not that he was going to complain at how her rump looked in the too tight mockery of his pants either. “Yeah yeah.. Well at least we got it before Ahuizotl got it.” DD sighed. The crashing of trees and the thundering of something rushing through the jungle area like a gorilla drew the groups attention as a blue ape like creature burst from the trees with a deafening roar. “You had to say something. “ Saturnia sighed. Rahs blinked noting the creature's fur was the same shade as his with a lighter underbelly. The back half of it was more feline, with the arms and hands of it's upper body more of like the gorilla he thought it was at first. Then things got weird. The feline like tail it had ended in a blue three fingered hand. It's head had a vaguely feline shape with long pointed ears before it's head stretched out not unlike a alligators with teeth to match from the look of it. Though the things eyes were on the end of it's snout and it's mouth seemed to open like an alligators with a good bit of an over bite. It also seemed to be dressed very sparsely but in rather colorful gold and red bands with a thick necklace. It also needed to do something about the mess that was it's eyebrows. Rahs wondered if Discord had a brother. “The ring, Daring Do! Give it to me! ” the creature bellowed ignoring the flash of Rahs' camera. “Now, Ahuizotl, you know I love you, but I can't give you the ring 'til I've properly proposed.” DD snarked. “Hey Ahuizotl, 'long' time no see...... kinda like your face.” Saturnia quipped along. “Ooh, good one.” DD smirked. “What..... Saturnia? Lovely, both of you are back together. “ Ahuizotl growled, slapping a hand to his face. “Aww, you know you missed us.” Saturnia offered. “With every crossbow bolt so far.” Ahuizotl snapped. “Now give me the ring!” “Yeah, how about no.” Daring responded.”You could never beat us before when it was just me and Bug. And now we've got a Sparkle.” “A what?” Ahuizotl questioned. “Not a what, he's a who.” Saturnia pointed to the moon dog who offered a small wave as the others looked at him. “An overly large abyssinian?” Ahuizotl questioned, clearly confused. “Or some sort of strange diamond dog? Is he a new species called a Sparkle?” “Seriously, you've not heard of the Sparkles?” Saturnia blinked. “Should I have? I don't get out of the valley much. While I rather like cats and I would prefer not to hurt them, excluding you Saturnia no matter what form you are in, simply having a 'Sparkle' creature with you is not going to stop me.” Ahuizotl growled. “Meow.” Rahs interrupted. “What?” Ahuizotl blinked. “Meow, meow. Fffftt fffttt!” Rahs stated. “What did he say?” Saturnia blinked glancing at DD. “I don't know, I don't speak fancy.” DD muttered. “He was informing me of his intent to stop me and quite a bit of that was a rather impressive description of bodily harm if I was to injure his date.” Ahuizotl blinked looking a little pale. “I am impressed, it seems at least Saturnia has developed some taste.” “Umm, thanks?” Saturnia muttered. “Oh shut up.” DD snapped. “Never the less I will have that ring. And it is not as if I came alone.” Ahuizotl snapped his tail hand. Nothing happened for a moment and the blue creature blinked before snapping his tail again. DD, Saturnia, and Ahuizotl looked around in confusion before a loud purring could be heard. The trio's gaze snapped over to Rahs, whose ears were flat to his head, though a tiger, a cheetah, a lynx, a panther, and a little white house cat were all rubbing against him purring loudly. “Seriously girls?” Ahuizotl sighed. “I am doubtful he is into you like that.” “Oh! Buck! NO!” Saturnia yelled out, dashing over and leaping with a roar at the gathered cats, starting a massive brawl around Rahs that unfortunately drew him into it as the group crashed back into the jungle with much growling and yowling. DD and Ahuizotl stared at the vicious attack and subsequent fighting for a moment before Ahuizotl simply sighed and clubbed Daring Do in the back of the head with his tail hand, dropping her like a rock. “Well.... I suppose that worked after all.” Ahuizotl shrugged picking up Daring, and the ring before running off back into the jungle. > Dolphin Don't Part 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Dolphin Don't Part 5 [ Fortress of Talacon ] [ Finally we have a named location again! No idea where this is though.] Daring Do frowned. It didn't take long for her to assess her situation. She was bound spread eagle to a wall, she would have to call out Ahuizotl for being a pervert later. The walls were lined with spiked poles that might be an impediment to any one flying who wasn't skilled. There was an open tunnel a few stories above her head that was likely how she got into this chute. There was a large pool of water below her at the bottom of the shaft that was slowly filling with water and she could see what looked like piranha swimming around in it. Daring was more worried about the water rising than the piranha as the fish were not likely to bother her until she drowned and became little more than carrion for them to pick at. She didn't understand where the fear of the fish came from after all. Sure there were a couple of reported bites here and there but there were very very few deaths by piranha and most of those were foals or idiots who decided to swim in the middle of a small pool of them during the dry season when the fish were already stressed and starving. Crabs were worse, buck she was glad no one used crabs in death traps, she hated crabs. The worst thing however, was that she had lost her hat. Still all in all this was a pretty standard death trap, she expected Ahuizotl was just trying to slow her down a little bit so he could do what he was planning. Honestly she had hoped for a bit more originality than this. Ahuizotl was slipping, he wasn't even around to gloat, truly amateurish for a villain. Daring squirmed a little pulling at the bonds letting out a little yelp as one of the blocks of stone holding her pulled free of the wall and yanked her back leg down with the weight of the stone. Right okay so this was a better death trap than she thought. Still she had to try to get free. More struggling wound up with two more hooves freed and weighed down with weights. “I did not think this through.” Daring muttered noting the last brick was starting to slip free. She jerked with a wince as it fell, her wings flapping wildly trying to lift herself up as the weight of the stones pulled her down, the stone brushing against the waters surface as she was barely able to keep herself aloft. A rubbery appendage suddenly wrapped around her middle and pulled her up with a yelp. Looking up a large purple octopus was hanging out of the tunnel further up the wall. Two of it's arms were gripping her and the rest were clinging to the walls or gripped by a large blue furred moon dog with a clawed up coat. “I got you.” Saturnia offered pulling DD up along with her self, with Rahs' help, back to the platform. “Nice of you guys to finally show up.”DD snarked. “We can put you back.” Saturnia grumbled pulling DD up into the tunnel. “ Also did you put on weight?” “I have bricks on my hooves!” DD snapped. “Really I was talking about that you felt more routound …..”Saturnia smirked shifting back into her pink maned changeling form once DD was on solid ground. “Woof?” Rahs asked leaning over the edge of the pit to take a picture. “No we're not related. We've just been friends a long time.” DD offered smashing the stone bound to her hooves against the walkway to free herself. “Too long one might suggest.” Saturnia smirked. “Right, anyway, we have to stop Ahuizotl before he completes the ritual, he has to have all the rings by now.” DD pointed out. “Well we had best help so you don't screw it up like the Mareavo thing.” Saturnia huffed. Rahs tossed DD her pith hat and the pegasus grinned snatching it out of the air and putting it on. “Let's go stop Ahuizotl!” Arcane blasts of power soared skyward like a burning tornado as Ahuizotl cackled like a mad pony. Waves of heat radiated from the pillar of gold rings, the mass of energy shooting into the sky, burning away all the cloud cover, lighting up the valley brighter than a thousand flashbulbs. Rahs quickly took a picture. The thumping beat of scores of ponies stamping the butts of their spears on the floor echoed in the temple hall, chanting in some old language filled the air. The ponies had odd looks to them, as if they had some sort of mixed heritage, likely a zebra as some of them still had stripes along their legs or neck. “We're too late.” Saturnia gasped. “Bark?” Rahs offered. “Can you deal with this much magic?” DD asked. “He did use Discord as a chew toy at one point.” Saturnia pointed out. “Why does every one keep bringing that up?” Huffed Discord. “Bork!” Rahs pointed out. “It was not funny.” Discord grumbled before vanishing. “You're too late Daring Do! The Bands of Scorchero have been gathered and this valley will be bathed in eight hundred years of unrelenting, sweltering heat! HAHAHA!” Ahuizotl laughed. “ Now, DESTROY THEM!” The tribal ponies all turned to the trio and rushed forward with their spears. Rahs quickly took a picture, blinding the closest with the flash causing the others to crash together in a jumble of limbs. DD launched herself at Ahuizotl soaring over the others heads. Saturnia shifted into a manticore and plowed into the mass of ponies as Rahs rushed forward towards the pillar, throwing ponies aside who got too close. DD impacted the odd chimeric creature, the pair starting to brawl on the far side of the pillar as Rahs closed on it. There was an odd scent to the magic, familiar almost, though Rahs couldn't quite put his claw on what until the pillar flared brightly, the wash of energy sending everyone tumbling away from the pillar to crash against the walls of the temple. The pillar burned brightly, the orange power pouring off it flickering like flame as it danced over the stone work. The fire spread, fanning out to either side of the pillar nearly touching the walls as it grew bright enough that every one had to shield their eyes. In the midst of the burning aura, a darker form moved, seeming to be emerging from the fire. “Behold Scorchero, the one to protect us from the coming Frozen Dark!” one of the tribal ponies shouted. The rest of the tribe quickly dropped their weapons and bowed deeply leaving Rahs and Saturnia staring at the approaching figure. Behind the pyre DD and Ahuizotl continued to brawl. Stepping out of the fire strode a tall white form. The equine creature was striped with streaks of red across it's flank and legs, gold bands covered it's limbs and more ran around it's neck . It's purple, pink, and blue tail and mane were heavily braided and dotted with small burning embers woven into them, that produced flickering flames, though did no damage to the hair. It's face was obscured by a massive skull of what might have once been an elk, the antlers stretching up with a gold disk suspended on strings between them. A single pearl horn jutted through the main part of the skull, the heavy bone casting the figures eyes in shadow and only showing the red stripes along it's muzzle. Saturnia growled at the presence, her ears flattening to her manticore head as the form emerged from the fire, the ancient god Scorchero had returned. Rahs on the other hoof had to hold back a snort of laughter. “GAH!!” DD shouted, being flung through the fire to land with a thud and bounce back up to her hooves next to the summoned god. “Was that your best Ahuizotl?!” The newly summoned god looked down as DD grabbed her hat, putting it back on her head with a snarl, getting ready to launch herself back through the fire at Ahuizotl, not even noticing the deity. “Yearling?” Scorchero asked. DD stopped, and turned to look back and then up at the figure wreathed in flames. “Celestia?” DD asked blinking in confusion. “What the buck are you wearing?” Rahs finally fell over laughing his tail off. Princess Celestia huffed glaring at the moon dog.” I will have you know this is the style of dress that I was most often presented as when I was still the goddess of the Zebras.” “What?” Saturnia asked. “I was rather wondering who had activated this spell. I should have known it was you Yearling.” Celestia sighed. “Wait, so you're Scorchero!?” DD demanded. “That is the name the zebra gave me.”Celestia grumbled.” I made them change it from Urya Ibiryo.” “'She who devours pastries'. Yeah, good change.” DD smirked.”So what is all this why did the rings summon you?” “Oh. This is one of the plans I had in place to deal with my sister's return. The summoning circle could pull me from anywhere including from being locked into my own sun once all the rings were gathered.”Celestia explained. “ This was a bit of a long shot in truth, but I prepared countless counter measures.” “So the eight hundred years of unrelenting, sweltering heat?”DD questioned. “Was supposed to be a counter for the pitch black cold, eternal night would bring. Granted that entire statement sounds like a bad translation really. The message I left was simply 'to bring back the sun'.” Celestia sighed. “After all this temple was built to..” “NOPE!” DD stated. ”Stop right there. I told you before you are not going to tell me these things I am going to figure them out for myself. I am not taking the easy answers.” “You know they make a thing now called mystery novels if you are really so set on figuring things out. Much less dangerous then digging around in old temples fighting guardians.” Celestia sighed. “AKK !! Ahuizotl!!” DD shouted turning and launching herself back through the flames. “Honestly it would be that much simpler if she just let me tell her these things. Ah well.” Celestia stated turning to look at the still bowing tribal ponies. “Rise my little ponies, seriously it's been centuries I didn't even realize there were any followers of my old name anymore... and most of you are zebra descendants too. Well so long as you're not sacrificing anything in my name I suppose it's fine. You can all go back to doing... well what ever you were doing out here.” Celestia frowned noting a flare of green and spotted a navy blue pegasus try and back out of the hall. The Princess turned, quickly approaching the mare, looking down at her, the alicorns eyes narrowing. “So you're Saturnia, Chrysalis' daughter.” Her tone was flat, though Saturnia's eyes widened at being recognized, the mare quickly trying to back up more only to press against the wall shaking as she stared up at the large tribal looking solar princess. She could feel the anger and rage boiling just beneath the surface of the mares calm looking expression. A sudden flash of light distracted both of them. The pair looked over at Rahs who was holding up the camera a wide grin on his face. “I wonder what Luna would think of this outfit of yours?” “Don't you dare Rahs!” Celestia snapped her eyes widening as Rahs took another picture of her, stuck out his tongue at the princess, and took off running. “Damn it Rahs! Get back here with that camera!” Celestia shouted taking off after the moon dog. “ You are not to show those pictures to Luna by royal decree!!” “BORK!!” “I don't know what you said but don't you take that tone with me!” Saturnia blinked and slumped down against the stone wall as the pillar of flame faded out. Her hoof pressed to her chest as she panted trying to calm down from that encounter. “This has been the stupidest adventure with DD yet.” Saturnia grumbled. > Dolphin Don't, Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Dolphin Don't, Epilogue [Ponyville] Saturnia sighed as the train slowed, drawing within sight of Ponyville. Ahuizotl had escaped while DD was talking to Princess Celestia. The Princess had cleaned up most of the mess made and sent the tribal ponies back home. It seemed she and DD had a history. Not really surprising since DD had a history with nearly everyone. Rahs was giddy, she could feel it, that eased Saturnia's worries about the date a little. They never did get around to the lunch after everything that happened and Saturnia could hardly call this a real date. She wasn't even sure if Rahs was happy with the date, or that he got his copy of Wolf of the Harvest Moon signed, on top of a complete collection of autographed Daring Do novels to rub in his sister's face. In truth that last one added a bit of maniacal glee to his eyes that Saturnia was both worried about and drawn to. As she had told Twilight she might have started simply attracted to the power he and his name could provide, but the more she found out about him the more drawn to him she became. Now she was proving that by doing unchangeling like things, like asking him on a date rather than just swapping herself with some one who probably had a better chance with him like Applejack or Jynx. She could feel his interest in the others and those two thus far appealed to him the most, even if it was mostly physical. Still there were other emotions there as well, for Trixie, herself, and Sunset. Saturnia knew that he had some feelings for all of them, which was causing him issues that he had to choose, any choice he made might hurt the others if he didn't return their interest. And that upset him considerably. It was almost enough that Saturnia had a small inkling in the back of her mind that she should bow out of this so Rahs wouldn't be so troubled. She crushed that thought every time it came up. The daughter of the queen would NOT just give up. Besides he knew now that she could become something that attracted him physically which should put her on par with Jynx and Applejack. “I do apologize for this Rahs. Not exactly the best first date.” She sighed finally. “It went better in my head in truth.” The moon dog glanced over to her from where he had propped himself on the seat next to her by the window and smiled. She blinked at the emotions coming from him and smiled a little herself. He had liked it. She could feel that even if she didn't understand him. “Well... still I am sorry Celestia got your pictures, I can pose for another image if you want.... Maybe the Abyssinian?” Saturnia purred. Rahs blinked, then started to laugh. The changeling flattened her ears to her head regarding him in annoyance before he reached into his coat and pulled out eight little crystals that held all the camera's images. Evidently Celestia had only gotten the blank crystals he had swapped out before she got a hold of the camera. His grin was malicious. Saturnia was not going to lose this devious creature to anyone. [ Fortress of Talacon ] “More tea?” Ahuizotl asked. “Thank you, but no, Ahuizotl, I'm fine. So yes, as I was saying, after the little incident that left me a draconequus for a time I opted to get her back. So I asked Twilight to mail her a bottle of specially prepared Sweet Apple Acre's cider, with a note telling her and I quote 'Hey, here's your own cider, stop drinking all of mine, dammit' signed Twilight.” “And that worked?” Ahuizotl questioned. “Like a charm.” Celestia laughed. [Crystal Empire a few days ago.] “What? The? Buck?” Cadence stared. “Uhhh.”Shining Armor stared as well. As soon as the box sent by Twilight was opened, Chrysalis had grabbed the cider jug and downed the whole thing greedily. Cadence was going to call her on not sharing when the change happened. The green haired black carapaced changeling queen was gone, in her place was something that looked like a box of paints had exploded. Her shape was much the same though her holes had filled in. Her legs were a bright lime green, with her middle a shiny purple. Her head was a bright yellow with a neon blue mane that didn't match her new light blue and pink lined tail. A single bright yellow horn jutted up from her hair, as well as two golden spikey antler like horns. Her gossamer wings had turned bright blue with pink trim and various tiny hearts dotted her mane and tail. “Ahh stars, I'm blind!” Cadence shouted falling back out of her chair, covering her eyes. “That looks like a poison joke effect to me.” Shining Armor winced. “I am going to have words with your sister...” Chrysalis growled looking herself over. “Why would Twilight prank you like this? It's not really her thing.” Shining stated. Then Chrysalis exploded into a shower of green goo. “Ahh.... It was from Celestia.” Cadence pointed out. “I'll get the mop.” Shining Armor sighed. “This cannot be healthy.” Ahuizotl laughed, his free hand stroking the head of the cheetah that came up for pets, his cats looked a little worse for wear but none of them were that bad off after fighting the changeling. “Probably not, but it is therapeutic at least. Changing the subject however I did want to talk to you in regards to Daring Do. Don't you think you were a bit harsh on her?” Princess Celestia questioned. “She is not dead yet, so no.” Ahuizotl offered taking a sip of his tea, holding the cup by his tail. The pair of them were in a chamber far under the fortress in an area that the explorers had yet to find. “Yes about that...” Celestia offered. “Stop. We have this discussion every time you come here and every time I explain the same thing. My mother tasked me to guard this place and you know full well what happened last time the truth came out.” Ahuizotl snapped. “ You may not like what I do, but those I kill should have listened to the locals and obeyed the signs, their deaths are on their own heads.” “Yet Daring is still alive?”Celestia smiled. “Ugh, not for lack of trying, she is the worst sort of thief. All this gold, the ruins, and relics scattered about the valley to distract the greedy, and that one wants to know 'why'. She's the most dangerous sort, that she has Faust's own luck and his harder to stamp out than a roach just adds to it.” Ahuizotl grumbled. “When I finally finish her off I plan to mount her skull in a place of honor over my mantle.” “That almost sounds like a bit of respect. I'm sure she'd help you with your task if she would actually listen when I try to tell her what the valley is.” Celestia sighed.” I'm sure you two could be quiet close if you were actually working together...” “Not you as well. Stop trying to play matchmaker, I get enough of that from my mother.” Ahuizotl growled. “Ha, well I suppose Grace would want grand babies, and I'm sure you've noticed how athletic and attractive she is......” Celestia murred. “Stop it.... “Ahuizotl snapped. “ Don't you have to get back to your kingdom? If you are going to visit you should do so. Not sit here and torment me.” Celestia sighed. “Yes, I suppose I should, it has been some time since I came here.” “I shall leave you too it. Your sister has not been by yet either. Hence the reason I set up the ritual. It is good to know the nightmare is not an issue anymore.” Ahuizotl offered rising from the table and moving across the room to a blank wall tapping a few bricks with his hands and tail hand. After a moment the wall parted and spread open revealing a well maintained tunnel. Ahuizotl offered a small bow as Celestia strode into the tunnel before shutting the wall behind her. While teleportation was banned to and from this location and a multitude of things were set up to prevent it, the door was easy to open from this side if the guardian wasn't present to do so. Her hooves echoed down the tunnel before it opened to a massive chamber filled with stone monoliths. Ghostly blue grass covered the ground and a rainbow kaleidoscope of crystals sparkled in the large dome of rock towering into the air above the chamber giving the whole area a soft glow of near perpetual twilight. The size of the chamber was the same size as the valley above, taking up miles of space under the earth. In fact this chamber had once been the real valley floor before a volcanic eruption started to bury it hundreds of thousands of years ago. A god of the time protected it from the falling lava and ash, creating a massive dome that was buried under millions of tons of rock. In time Talacon valley was created on top of the original valley. The fabled Rainbow Valley of legend. Most thought it was in other parts of the world, such misdirection was the work of many gods, and yet not even all of them knew of this place. Some had no need, and others would never understand this place. The council heads knew however and Celestia and Luna knew of it as well. Celestia moved through the soft grass passing by a multitude of stone markers, each in with their own markers carved and set by those of various cultures, the mix of temples above was sparse compared to the multitude of monuments down here. Celestia weaved her way unerringly across the valley to a small spot a bit apart from the others. There were four stone markers here, one a fair distance apart from the others. The single one a simple slab of stone jutting up from the blue grass. The princess moved towards lone one shifting to the side of it to settle down next to the stone. Her wings folded at her side as she regarded the stone and the single name etched on it. Solaire. There was unlikely a body here anymore, but the marker was enough. “Hello father... it has been a while.” Celestia offered with a small smile. > Twilight Tuna Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Twilight Tuna Part 1 [Ponyville, four days after Daring Do saved the world....at least that's what her next book will say. Saturday, Fall] “So how are the girls doing?” Rainbow Dash asked as she stretched out on one of the libraries bean bags flipping through of an old copy of Daring Do and the Viper's Kiss. “You mean at the moment or in general?” Twilight asked. “Pff in general your class thingy, right now they are probably setting fire to AJ's barn or something.” Dash scoffed. [Sweet Apple Acres] Applejack slowly blinked looking at the new barn. The current betting pool for it's destruction had been two weeks. It lasted an hour. They hadn't even put the tools away yet. The entire structure was encased in a massive block of ice that was lowly crushing the wood inside it as it melted and refroze instantly. “We didn't do it!” Scootaloo shouted causing AJ to look over at the trio plus Spike who all looked like they had been set on fire. Even Spike who seemed really confused by that. Twilight looked up from where she was trying to take a hammer and a chisel to the magic key box Harmony gave them and frowned. “Mixed.” Twilight sighed.” I'm sure you know more about Scootaloo's progress than I do with flying, right now I'm trying to focus her energy on something constructive and she's trying to build a unicycle from a kit.” “Yeah her flying is nuts. She never had a proper teacher show her things in the air so she's doing stuff she shouldn't be doing. And she's doing it well. There's almost no pegasus alive who can make a ninety degree turn at full speed, even my best was 98 degrees, not counting rain-boom powered, cause for some reason physics goes out the window when you break the sound barrier and you're leaving rainbow contrails. But Scoots evidently didn't get the memo about what she can't do and she's not only hit a ninety, she's hit as short as a twenty degree turn at her full speed, that shouldn't be possible. A normal pegasus would rip their own wings off with the sudden Gs. But those fire things she has seem to allow her to ignore that. Fillies gonna get into the Wonderbolts before I am. Heck, word is Spitfire and Soarin came to see her themselves not long after she got her cutie-mark. They're already scouting the girl.” Dash huffed. Twilight opened her mouth to say something, then closed it. She had some bits riding on when Rainbow Dash would find out about Scootaloo's parents. Rahs had bits that Twilight would spoil it and she wasn't going to give her brother the easy win. “Any way the thing with the unicycle, I got her instructions on the assembly, and some how she built a tricycle.” Twilight offered working a few little wires into one of the boxes locks as she tried to pick the box open. “What?” “I know right, I don't even know where she got the other two wheels.” Twilight huffed, her hair standing on end where a jolt of energy fried her lock picks and shocked her.” Sweetiebelle is doing fairly good. She's shown me some exercises that Luna showed her to gain more control of her magic, She has a deeper well of power than most unicorns her age too. So long as she keeps up her practice and studies she should be come quite the mage. I need to ask her parents why she hasn't been brought to Celestia's school for gifted ponies to be tested.... when ever they get back.” “Yeah keep an eye on Sombra when they do. He's made it clear he wants 'words' with them.” Dash waved a hoof in the air. “Lovely something else I need to keep an eye out for here.” Twilight sighed trying to open the box with a crowbar. “Ehh don't worry about it, they need a good butt kicking to remind them they have a kid and Sombra won't do anything to upset Sweetiebelle.” “What?” Twilight blinked, the crowbar sailing off across the room with a crash as she lost her grip on it. “You haven't noticed? He's seriously overprotective of those three, they have him wrapped around their hoof despite how much he protests it.” Rainbow Dash offered. “How the heck have I not noticed that?” Twilight grumbled. “Cause you and him butt heads every chance you get. All you're gonna see is how much an ass he is. To be fair, he is still an ass, but he seems to at least try to be polite around Rarity and the Crusaders.” Rainbow Dash shrugged. “Besides Scootaloo told me some of the stuff he's done for them.” “Oh.” “So what about Bloom? She blow anything up yet?” Dash asked turning a page. “Well she's getting potion training from Zecora most of the time, though Zecora's got her own style of zebra alchemy. Bloom wants to learn pony alchemy as well and see if she can mix them. So far all she's done though is make a flower cough.” Twilight offered and frowned at the box pulling a rather large mallet from under the table. “How does a flower cough? I didn't think plans had lungs.” Dash responded. “They don't and this one was overly dramatic about the coughing. I expect my brother had something to do with it either directly or indirectly.” Twilight huffed. “Ahh don't blame it on him, Rahs can't be responsible for every dramatic thing that happens. After all Rarity was here long before you guys showed up.” Dash smirked. “Point.” “Where is he any way?” Rainbow Dash questioned. “Trixie invited him on a date.” Twilight sighed laying her head down on the table, the mallet broken and laying off to the side. “Bout time. How'd that go?” [ Two days prior] The front door of Golden Oaks library burst open with a crash. A light blue mare with a white mane and tail, a pointed purple hat, and a billowing cloak festooned with stars and moons strode in. “Fuzzy!” Trixie shouted. Twilight stared at the mare from the reception desk. “Trixie this is a library, you need to be quiet.” Twilight fussed. “Trixie is well aware of that fact Twilight, Trixie is also well aware that you live here and Trixie cannot shout for your brother silently.” Trixie explained. Rahs took this moment to come down the stairs to see what was going on. Trixie smiled as she saw him and sashayed up to him. “Fuzzy. You are going on a date with Trixie on Saturday. You will need to leave fairly early, unfortunately, to make it on time. Here is your train ticket, and please dress nicely.” Trixie stated. “There will be dancing.” Rahs blinked looking down at her, his ears perked up as he was given the train ticket. Trixie smiled putting a hoof on his chest and stood up on her back legs to kiss his cheek before dropping back down, her tail brushing against him as she sauntered out the door .” Don't be late Fuzzy” She called back.. Twilight and Rahs stared at the door as it closed blinking in confusion. After a moment there was a loud giggle and a squee from outside before the sound of hooves running off. “Alright so that WAS Trixie and not Saturnia trying for a second date.” Twilight offered. “Wait, when did Trixie learn how to vamp?” Rainbow Dash asked. “No clue. Clearly Rahs was clueless as well with how stunned he was.”Twilight offered. “Dang might need to revise the betting pool. She was the dark horse.” Dash pondered. “Hmm?”Twilight questioned.“Trixie was? I though Sunset was the long shot?” “She is too, but she had better odds than Trixie. Sunset's actively helping Applejack go after Rahs and some of the things she's suggesting are just.... wow. “ Dash whistled. ”It's pretty clear she's also taking after her dad and playing a long game here too, if she can't get him now she'll try to make sure AJ or one of the other mortal girls gets him so she can pick him up later in life after they've passed.” “Umm.” “Saturnia's pretty high on the list as well, cause come on, who wouldn't want some one who can turn into anything you want?” Dash explained. “AJ and Jynx are about even in they are the closest to what he is and any one with any sense can see he's attracted to them at least physically. Trixie is just kinda there, her only saving grace is she's an old friend of his. That's not much to go on, but it's a big hurdle to change foal hood friend into some one you wanna bang for some ponies.” “And here I though Cadence was the match maker.” Twilight frowned. “Pfft, I don't care about that. I got bits on the line here, so I'm keeping a close eye on this.” Dash huffed. “Soooooo who are you betting on?” Twilight raised a brow. “My money's on AJ. Rarity of course is supporting Jynx, Fluttershy likes Saturnia for some reason and Pinkie's betting on all of them.” Dash explained. ”Though she's changed that every time we allow a new bid when another one shows up.” “What did Lyra say?” Twilight asked raising an eyebrow. “About twelve different things. It's kinda weird, she hasn't tried to bet in the overall pool. Says it gives her a headache to think about it.” Dash waved a hoof. “That worries me.” Twilight muttered. > Twilight Tuna Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Twilight Tuna Part 2 “OOF!” A large earth pony sounded as he bounced off the stone wall, his blade skittering across the floor as it was knocked from his grip. A loud yelp sounded just before his impact as a robed female griffon dodged out of the way of the flung stallion. The black coated and red maned earth pony stood back up, shaking his head as he growled before, fishing out another dagger from under his black leather armor. The cutie mark exposed on his flank showed a crossed pair of daggers dripping with green icor dripping from the blades. “I though you were supposed to be a master thief Rook?” The griffoness snarked. “Hey, Twinkle how about you actually DO something. Cast a fire ball at this thing or whatever.” The stallion growled. The cream and white feathered griffoness huffed in annoyance, her bright purple robes sparkling with rhine stones. Twinkle's green eyes narrowed at the stallion. “I don't have fireball.” “WHAT?!? That's like the biggest evocation spell ever. EVERYPONY learns that one, it's like the most used spell there is!” Rook snapped. “I'm divination wizard, I don't do evocation.” Sparkle grumbled. “ Don't do evocation!?! By the stars, we hired a hipster mage.” Rook rolled his eyes. “Can you two idiots focus!?” A large minotaur roared back at them, ducking behind a shield as he readied his mace. The gray furred bull growled as he lashed out with his weapon, the silver and gold armor adorning his massive form was filled with rents and cuts, though none seemed very deep. A holy symbol of the moon clung to his neck and was emblazoned on his massive shield. “Not to interrupt Grump, but can you please heal me?” A massive dragon asked politely, the green scaled beast had a battle ax as tall as she was, though she was only wearing a number of strategically placed furs covering her, not too far off the classic chain mail bikini look. The green dragon was covered in cuts and bruises as well, and was splattered blood and other mess. The reason for said bruises and cuts towered over even the large dragon barbarian. An abomination that looked half built out of a multitude of other creatures,and half built out of metal junk parts. The undead rotted monstrosity had a number of arms and a few heads as well as numerous other things sewn all over it's form, several of the flailing arms were holding old rusted and pitted weapons and were lashing out the two figures it was attacking. “Dee, I told you, I'm a war priest, I don't do healing.” Grump snapped. “That just sounds like a fighter with extra steps." Sparkle snarked. “At least I have something I can attack with, unlike you. Do you even have any attack spells?” Grump snapped. “I have named bullet.” Sparkle offered. “That's great, except no one here has a ranged weapon to put it on. Why did you even learn that spell?” Rook snapped. “Because it seemed neat. And you lot weren't complaining when I found that treasure using the guts of that last monster.” Sparkle yelled back. “I'm not complaining.”Dee offered. “Yeah but that just makes you a one trick pony.” Rook offered. “And while it's a pretty good trick you need more spells that can attack things!” “Big talk from a rogue that thinks they're a barbarian.”Sparkle snapped. “HA!” Grump laughed. “Oh stuff it. What kind of cleric doesn't take any healing spells?” Rook snapped. “I'm a WAR PRIEST!” Grump yelled. “ Besides it's not like our barbarian remembered she could rage.” “Oh right.... I did forget about that.”Dee considered. “Alright alright that's enough.” The undead monstrosity stated flatly. “I dunno what's gotten into you guys but we're gonna take a break now.” [Golden Oaks Library, Friday afternoon.] Spike dropped his notebook on the table with a sigh. Before him on the other side of the GM screen a dungeon map was set up with four little figures and one bigger monster. Seated around the table where his players. “So I guess trying to force you guys out of your comfort zone of classes and races wasn't such a good idea.” Spike sighed. “I dunno I kinda liked it.” A teal green pegasus colt with bright red hair offered, his wings fanning a little as he sat back, his cutie mark was a jade version of the bug that he was named after. “Never played a barbarian before.” Spike nodded a little looking away from Firefly. The colt was about his age and was super excited about everything gaming much like Spike was, though he was just setting hoof into the hobby. He was also fairly sure Firefly was a changeling. Spike would have to let Kevin know his suspicions about his cousin some time, though Firefly seemed harmless and wasn't replacing any one as far as Spike could tell. “Ehh you were fine. Need to be a little more aggressive and you'll have it down.” Scootaloo offered stretching out her wings flickering a little before she caught herself and doused the flames. Twilight had been very insistent that Scootaloo not try to fly inside the library and the first lecture after doing so had been more than enough for her. She had been playing a cleric, though she had turned it more into a fighter with an archetype, Spike was so surprised she managed that, he hadn't stopped her. “How did the titan mauler thing work?” “Fairly well, the better damage was nice though I am having issues hitting now.” Firefly offered. “That will balance out in a couple of levels. And later on you can use a ax twice your size.” Scootaloo shrugged.” Sweetiebelle though needs to get some attack magic!” “I'm a divination wizard.” Sweetiebelle threw her hooves in the air.” I'm a support caster, like you were supposed to be! In a couple of levels I can start making golems and I'll be wrecking everything! At least I'm not a rogue that thinks they are a fighter!” “Like ah know how tah play a rogue!” Applebloom huffed. “But even ah know yah should at least have a magic missile as a mage fer SOME sort of offense!” “Okay hold up hold up. Stop.” Spike snapped cutting them off. ”Are you guys still pissed about Diamond Tiara this afternoon?” “Yes!” Applebloom huffed. “She didn't even do anything and everyone was praising her like she didn't just tell her butler to do it.” Scootaloo growled. “I mean we put in all that effort with Twilight, and Diamond' I'm rich' Tiara, gets credit for nothing.” Sweetiebelle huffed. “Though if we can put all of what we learned to use, maybe we could be the big shots at the school for a change.” Sweetiebelle trailed off as her mind wandered a moment, though the evil sounding giggle she let out informed Spike that he didn't want to know where her mind went. “Of course then she opted to taunt us with her Manehatten trip.” Scootaloo growled. “And then the complete disregard that we were training with Twilight, or even that she was any pony important. Twilght's helped save the world... at least twice!” “So have I” Spike grumbled. “We know, but we were talking bout yer sister.” Applebloom offered. “Fair enough. Still, Twilight doesn't want to be thought of as some one important.”Spike explained.”Heck she turned down being a princess outright. Besides you guys shouldn't worry about being popular or what Diamond Tiara does. That filly is hardly some one to be impressed by.” “Ah ain't impressed, ah'm annoyed.”Applebloom huffed. [Neigh Orleans, late morning ] Rahs stepped off the train platform, his ears perked as he looked around the city. The air was muggy even this late into fall. The sounds of the busy streets echoed around the station, the chatter and noises of the locals almost musical. The low hum of a fog horn sounded from out over the water the city was practically spilling over as a large ship sounded in the distance. The scent of food and salt and distant rot of the swamp and plant life bracketing the city on nearly every side assaulted his nose. The architecture of the place had it's own style, with a number of designs seemingly taken from the Prance region, though over time it developed a style all it's own. Rahs smirked, glad that, despite the location on the coast, the air was still fairly cool. He wasn't one to really enjoy dressing up, but the black three piece suit he wore was rather nice. The black slacks and over coat were well made, and the burgundy under shirt was partially hidden under the black vest that accompanied it. He wasn't sure of the amber, almost gold tie he was wearing, though Rarity had claimed it went well with his eyes. Still he rather liked it. Judging by the whistles and the few cat calls he was getting as he stepped off the train platform, others liked it as well. Rahs wasn't sure why Trixie chose this place, he knew her mother was from here, but beyond that he had no clues on her plan. From time to time he could tell Trixie had a bit of an accent, but it was very subdued most times and only came out with certain words or sayings. Any further thoughts he had were cut off as a gold and crystal gilt carriage rolled up before him stopping suddenly. A well dressed stallion moved from the front of the carriage with the other puller, and trotted around to open the door on the carriage. Stepping out of the carriage, in a flowing burgundy dress trimmed with gold and black thread, the material clinging to her light blue form and spilling over her back legs like a ball room dress was Trixie. Her hair had been done up in a multitude of bouncing white curls that fell over her face and horn, jeweled filigree was tastefully added to her ears and her mane and she wore rather elegant looking metal hoof covers, likely to protect the black lace stockings she wore, at least on the front legs he could see. “Rahs Dawlin'. Ah'm quite glad ya could make it. Ya look as handsome as ever.” Trixie offered in a very heavy Neigh Orleans accent. “ Please join me, we got ta head up daroad a little fer dinner, ah'll be sure tah give yah tha tour along da way.” Trixie grinned, beckoning him inside as she slipped back and took a seat. Rahs raised a brow at this and smiled as he climbed in, time to see where this date went. > Twilight Tuna, Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Twilight Tuna, Part 3 [Neigh Orleans, late afternoon] Rahs smirked as the music tempo increased and Trixie spun off away from him, her dress flaring out around her legs before she paused, her hooves skidding a little on the floor as she smiled back at him. He had no idea where she had learned to dance like this, but he was hardly complaining. Her balance on her back legs was nearly flawless, and she was easily keeping up with if not outdoing him. He had expected some sort of ballroom dancing given her dress and the whole Beauty and the Beast thing she seemed to favor, though she had surprised him with a music hall focused more on swing and blues. Rahs wasn't an expert dancer, but he had quite a bit of stage training and a decent enough rhythm, though he had to admit Trixie was leaving him in the dust. The tour had been rather nice, Trixie seemed to know most of the points of interest and some that tourists didn't likely know. Evidently the circus her parents belonged to came through here quite often and given it was her mother's home town she was taught a lot about it. They had paused the tour and stopped at a fairly fancy restaurant for lunch, he had been surprised at the sheer volume of seafood that was presented in the place. He had thought the menu odd of a primarily pony town, though there were quite a few ponies in the restaurant partaking, as well as some Mokolé and a few Naga, so the seafood focus of the place was a little more understandable. Rahs was rather surprised that Trixie seemed to have no issue with the meal eating the spread with no hesitation. The tour picked up after the meal and Rahs was starting to wonder if he knew as much about his friend as he thought he did. Of course then they had come to the dance hall and things had only gotten more fun from there. It was a great way to spend time until the show they were to go to later that evening. [Ponyville] Sunset Shimmer glared at the pink changeling. Saturnia glared at the orange pony. The Ponyville citizens that had been on the street with them had already backed away to a respectable distance. Sunset was sitting at the Apple's cart selling some late season apples from the orchard. Sunset had studied why the place was still so warm, and found that the remains of the palace spire the Apples had turned into a rather large and neigh indestructible barn still had a sympathetic connection to the Crystal Heart and kept some of the magic that kept the northern cold away from the Empire. It wasn't as strong, but even the worst Ponyville winter had only felt as bad as the early chill of fall. The magic might also explain some of Applejack's earlier unwarranted changes, though it didn't explain why the family kept building separate barns on the property, or why they were destroyed nearly once a month. Granny had refused to let her reinforce the new one and told her not to worry about it and that she would explain why later when the zap apples came in again, seems that that particular crop came in when it wanted. Saturnia had been walking through the market to pick up a few things with Bees tagging along to carry it all. After changelings were accepted as a race, a small number had moved to the Ponyville hive. She had Thorax and several others of the newcomers working on expanding the hive for new housing. Some how she had wound up being the liaison to the mayor and was in charge of the hive and those living there. Aside from Bees, Thorax, Shadows, and Kevin, she now had four small families of changelings and a few warriors, including Thorax's brother, Pharynx, who was not settling down that well. The hive was supposed to be known and was being used as a test bed to see if Celestia could be trusted. The changelings under her now were some of the few willing to risk it. There had been more that showed up, but after a couple of Tuesdays in Ponyville, and meeting the pink one, several had wisely fled. None of that was a concern right now as the mare Saturnia saw as her greatest threat to Rahs was before her. She had realized after their date that while her chances were good in securing the moon dog, it was still only a one in five chance of him choosing her. As such she had started plans for playing a long game, most of the others were mortal and wouldn't be around forever even if he did choose them. Then there was Sunset. Sunset stared down the changeling and wondered if her promise to Granny not to burn any pony counted towards bugs. She was already sorely tempted just from dealing with some of the idiots that harassed her. Retail was not something Sunset felt comfortable with. Saturnia was a problem, the bug in her long term plans, the only other one who would live long enough to be a problem to her getting Rahs later in life. The bugs very existence was problematic to her goal. Sure she could have found some one else, rather easily in fact. Let's face it, Sunset was sexy and she knew it, but with her tastes and the challenge put out by this, Rahs was going to be hers, or else. And this bug was a threat to her achieving her goal. The pair glared at each other for a good ten minutes, the air around them crackling with fire and sparks, though it was silent until Sunset spoke up. “That will be twenty six bits.” Sunset stated flatly without breaking eye contact. “I haven't bought anything yet.” Saturnia answered only for Sunset to point a hoof. Sparing a glance to the side Saturnia frowned deeper seeing Bees sitting there polishing off another apple and adding to the pile of cores around him. “Hey these are good, we should bring some back.” Bees muttered through a mouthful of apple seeing he had gained Saturnia's attention. “Those are coming out of your pay bees....” Saturnia grumbled as Sunset smiled. “I get paid?” Bees questioned. [Golden Oaks Library] “You ever get the feeling that something was supposed to be about you and some how isn't any more?” Sweetiebelle considered tapping her chin with a hoof. “A little.” Applebloom offered. “ Waxing the poetic is not going to get you out of rolling a fortitude save.” Spike pointed out. Sweetiebelle sighed flipping the die with a grumble then dropping her head to the table with a heavy thud at the low roll. “Ooh that's another minus two to con as the cloak Twinkle put on continues to choke her.” Spike frowned. “I told you you should check it first.” Scootaloo offered. “Dumb fabric.” Sweetiebelle huffed. > Twilight Tuna, Part 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Twilight Tuna, Part 4 [Golden Oaks Library] The sounds of a chime was heard ringing though the room, though no one in the main area of the library so much as batted an eye. The chime went silent just before a faint pop was heard as some one appeared in the cordoned off teleport square that was set up nearby the libraries' travel section. “Hey Luna.” Spike called from the table behind the DM screen. “Heya Princess. “ Applebloom offered. “Sup?” Scootaloo waved a hoof. “Umm Hello Princess Luna.” Firefly muttered. “Hi big sis!” Sweetiebelle cheered. Twilight poked her head out of the kitchen curiously, and offered a wave to the other alicorn, then went back to the kitchen table and her reading. “Greetings young ones.” Luna smiled as she stepped out of the marked off area. “We apologize for our tardiness, but we bring snacks.” Luna stated approaching the table with a couple of boxes of donuts from Pony Joes. “Great. You haven't missed much, they haven't even managed to blow up an inn yet in this town.” Spike pointed out.” “That was not our fault, the giant rampaging turtle just smashed it , we weren't even any where near it.”Applebloom huffed. “Yet your rogue stockpiled blasting powder in his room in order to use later on the fortress.” Spike pointed out. Applebloom grumbled. “Three thousand gold gone up to make turtle soup.....” “Anyway. I can easily put you in now that they are in town. Did you read the books I loaned you?” Spike asked. “Indeed, there is quite a lot more math then we were expecting.” Luna admitted. “I know right!?” Scootaloo huffed. “All those cool pictures and it's all points and skills and thaco and crap.” Spike narrowed his eyes at Scootaloo. “THACO is an old rule.... I've not been using it where did you hear that?” Spike questioned. “I read some of Appleblooms's books when I was bored during a sleep over okay? It happens and every pony else sleeps too much.” Scootaloo protested. “What's thaco?” Firefly asked. “To Hit Armor Class Zero.” Spike, Sweetiebelle and Scootaloo all offered as Applebloom giggled. “Anyway.” Spike smirked.” I've got a character set up for you already so we don't need to pause for long. Here you go.” Spike offered a sheet of paper to the Princess as she pulled a chair over. “A ranger?” Luna questioned. “Yep, it's a bit more complex than most GMs give beginners but it gives a bit of the magic system, a bit of the combat system and a bit of the companion system all in one character. I left the name blank for you and your animal companion, but everything else is set up for you to just jump right in.” “Animal companion?” Luna questioned looking at the second sheet. "An Emu?” “Hehehehehehehe” Spike blinked taking the sheet back as some sort of giggling could be heard from no where and every where at once. “Why is this written in red? It was supposed to be a bear.... bah whatever it's got the same stats as a cassowary though it has a hide ability rather than rend. Ehh good enough I suppose for a starting character. Gimmi a second to find a spot to put you in in my notes and we'll get back to it.” Spike offered writing something behind the GM screen. “So we take Rahs has not come back yet?”Luna offered. “Nope, guess he's having fun on his date.” Sweetiebelle offered. “Truly, it is this late and he is not back yet?” Luna smiled. Spike peered up over the top of the GM screen his eyes narrowed. “Are you using my game to try and spy on my brother?” Spike demanded. “Of course not. Sweetie convinced us to come to your game, we hardly need an excuse to see how our grand pups date with our chosen student is going... well former student, but still.”Luna smiled. “We would like to know how our choice is faring.” [Neigh Orleans, Prench Opera House ] Rahs smiled, his amber eyes darting around the old theater. This place had been around for nearly two centuries, despite several near misses that almost destroyed it utterly. About a hundred years ago the place nearly burned to the ground, most of the building, including the main stage, and a large number of theater goers were saved by the intervention of a pony many thought to be Princess Celestia in disguise. Though after the fire was out no one could figure out where she went, and the Princess declined to comment about it afterward. And then only thirty years ago the place was saved again by an anonymous donor that paid to have the run down theater restored, provided a few rules were kept and the ponies running the place didn't discriminate it's actors races. The current head of the theater stated that the donation was enough for the theater to run for another hundred years with free admission. The storied history of this place coupled with the number of shows that had come through here over the course of the buildings life added a feeling that he couldn't describe. This theater had a history to it he could feel. Rahs felt if he concentrated enough he would be able to look back and watch every act that had ever crossed the stage of this place, though he stopped himself from doing so as he was on a date and there were a few complaints about the glow above his ears and the crescent at the tip of his tail growing too bright. Still he would need to investigate this further another time. A few small acts had come across the stage tonight, some skits, comedians, a short musical number or two, though the main show had yet to start when Trixie excused herself to head to the little fillies room. Rahs was rather content with how this date had gone. It was quite nice to go on a traditional sort of date after all the out there ones the others had gone on, not that he had any issue with them, but this was the sort that featured the most in the novels he read. The moon dog blinked as the lights dimmed and the curtain started to rise. He glanced back to see if Trixie was returning, she was going to miss the final act at this rate. “Fillies and gentle colts, prepare to be amazed, astounded, and in awe of, THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRRRRRRRRRRRRIXIE!!” The stage exploded with fireworks as Rahs' head snapped back around to see Trixie standing on the stage with great gout of colored sparks erupting behind her. She had swapped out her dress for something closer to a suit, though her back legs were clad in fishnets rather than pants and her forelegs were hidden in a suit jacket with white cuffs, she had a bow tie that matched her cape, and her pointed wizards hat. The dark purple of the suit clashed with her blue fur though it matched her cloak and hat despite not being covered with stars and moons, the whole ensemble would likely have given Rarity a heart attack, though it was a perfect fit for Trixie. Rahs grinned as the fire works died down. “And presenting the first appearance of Trixie's assistant. The talented and wonderful Rahs!” Trixie rose to her back hooves and gestured, the seat next to him where Trixie had been sitting exploded in a shower of sparks and fireworks. Rahs blinked as the spot light moved to him, feeling a spell wrap around his form. Rahs stood up with a wide grin, the whole crowd focused soly on him now, a long flowing cloak matching Trixie's was draped over his shoulders and a top hat of the same design rested on his head. There were sounds of surprise and applause before a brief yell of panic as all the lights in the theater went out. When they came back on after a heart beat Rahs was gone. Trixie blinked though she turned her head, still feeling her illusion and was therefor able to gesture to the side of the stage a moment before Rahs steeped out of the wings onto the stage proper, the cape flowing around him as he approached Trixie. The crowd clapped at the sudden change from in their midst to the stage without any one noticing. “Clever mare.” Trixie smiled at the soft statement. “Please, as if Trixie would bring you to a theater without a way to get you onstage. Now let's see if you can keep up with Trixie.” Rahs grinned. [Golden Oaks library] Everyone stared at Spike. The purple and green dragon currently had a large lavender top hat atop his head festooned with stars and moons and a large billowing cape of the same material that fluttered through the chair, the illusion ignoring solid objects as it clung to him. The kitchen door burst open and Twilight stormed out heading up the stairs. She was dressed in a dark purple suit that had long coattails, fishnet stockings on her back legs, a rather large top hat, and flowing cape the same color as the ones Spike had. “I'm going to bed before this nonsense gets worse.” Twilight huffed. Luna watched them go before looking to Spike.”Her illusions are getting better. It seems your brothers date is going well.” [Crystal Empire.] Shining Armor raised an eyebrow as he regarded himself in the mirror. A dark purple suit covered his form with a flowing purple cape and wizard hat festooned with stars and moons. “This is a pretty good illusion.” Shining offered poking the inside of the cape and watching as it conformed to his hoof despite not being able to be removed or interacted with by any one else or anything. Chrysalis and Cadence glared at the illusion. “Seems Trixie is going up in points again.” Cadence huffed. > Pinkie Anostomus Pie > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Pinkie Anostomus Pie [Ponyville, an open field just outside of town, end of Fall] “Alright do you have that feeling again? Good now tug on it!” Luna stated. Rahs grumbled, his tail whipping as he started the motions to try and cast the spell Luna was teaching him. Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity, Spike, and Rainbow Dash sat on the other side of the field watching while having a picnic. Occasionally Twilight would need to head over and put out a small fire that started some how. “... so Pinkie Pie and the Apple family set out to visit one of their relatives who might have a more complete history of the family to find out for sure.” Twilight continued as the sound of an explosion made her look up from her meal to the training pair , before disregarding it as nothing left to burn in that part of the field. “So that's why Pinkie ran off this morning.” Fluttershy considered.”I have some trouble understanding her when she's super excited about something, so I suppose I got the full story in about four seconds earlier, but thank you for explaining it Twilight.” “No problem. It may explain a few things about why Pinkie freaks out about her family. I'm still getting used to how the Apples react to it.” Twilight explained. “Well darling you best get used to it particularly if you are serious about Big Mac. There are quite a number of mares that have their eyes on him. Best you snatch him up as quickly as you can.” Rarity offered. “Ugh you sound like my mom... until I get that Familiar spell working right I'm not going to go past what we have right now.” Twilight sighed, though she quickly brightened as she struck a pose. “ I'm not worried though where would he find some pony as wonderful as me?” Spike rolled his eyes as Twilight tried to hold her laughter back at the over the top statement. “Honestly I kinda wanna know how that trip is going.” Rainbow Dash said as she tapped her chin with a hoof. “They brought Sunset along. And she doesn't strike me as the most stable of ponies.” “I'm sure it will be fine darling.” Rarity considered looking to Twilight. “ Right?” Twilight shrugged. [The scariest cave in Equestria, exit ] Smoke poured from the mouth of the cave as the little raft floated with the current back out of the darkness. Sunset Shimmer clung wide eyed to the front of the raft, her mane blown back and horn still smoking. Witch-Jack sat behind her, also charred, while Granny, Applebloom, and Big Mac all looked like they had rolled around in soot, and Applebloom's bow was on fire. Big Mac moved to put his little sister out as well as the few flames still licking at the sides of the raft. Behind them smoke poured out of the 'The scariest cave in Equestria' and even the rock seemed to be burning and melting to slag. Pinkie Pie was unaffected and was still taking pictures. “We. Are. Not. Coming . Back. This. Way.” Sunset Shimmer stated, her features pale. “Ah don't think you left anything in that cave tah come back to.” Witch-Jack growled as the tortured stone around the cave mouth finally collapsed blocking off the tunnel from this entry point. “So what is Rahs doing out here anyway?” Fluttershy asked as there was another explosion. “Luna is trying to teach him how to open the portal to the Oneiroi. He is the god of moon dogs now and she feels that he needs to learn how to go there himself rather than rely on her. She claims she doesn't want the hassle that comes with having 'travel' in her portfolio.” Twilight explained. “I'm trying to figure out how he can cast spells at all.” “Well you had to have noticed he's been teleporting around some lately.” Rainbow Dash offered. “Actually I haven't.” Twilight frowned. “To be fair, he can be sneaky and not noticing him going from one place to another is kinda easy.” Spike pointed out before stuffing a danish into his mouth. “Well you might just notice if you were flying..... you know.... like I've been trying to get you to do since you got your wings?” Rainbow Dash snarked leaning closer to Twilight who looked away from her. “ So why are we out here then?” Rarity asked. “The picnic is nice and all but isn't this a tad dangerous?” “It's fine Luna's warding most of his mistakes, and all he keeps summoning is fireworks.” Twilight offered.”We thought it would be best if he had an audience as one of his portfolios is Theater. Maybe it would help.” “Theater, hmmm. HEY RAHS!” Spike bellowed as another explosion happened. Rahs glared at Spike. “Oops.” Spike smirked. “Anyway try looking at it like you're bringing in another actor or something for a second part.” Rahs frowned at that his ears flattening to his head as he considered. “Thank you for your input young Spike but that is not the way this spell works. One has to focus on the destination and ...” Luna was cut off as Rahs pulled what looked like a smoke bomb from his coat and threw it at his paws filling the whole area around him with a thick gray cloud. Luna blinked stepping away from it as the smoke billowed out more, then quickly started to dissipate leaving Rahs standing there in the middle of the field. “What was that even supposed to do?” Twilight asked. Rahs grinned and took a step to the side. Standing behind him was a confused looking and quite curvy navy blue furred female moon dog who was at least a few inches taller than Rahs and had some how been hidden behind him. “What!?” Luna demanded. Rahs smirked whipping off his teal long coat with a flourish and draped it over his naked sister though some how he was already wearing a light gray long coat to replace it the moment the flourish ended. Bri blinked looking around , her amber eyes taking in everything in confusion. “Woof?” Bri asked. “Bark.” Rahs explained. Bri frowned and punched Rahs in the shoulder. “BORK!” “Do not be like that Bri we did warn you that Rahs was trying to open a portal and odd things might happen. Still we didn't expect him to bring some dog here.” Luna frowned. “How did you even do that? It wasn't the way I taught you.” “Stage magic is still magic. He has been hanging out with Trixie after all.”Spike sighed Luna smacked Rahs upside the back of the head with a wing growling at him. “Why did you bring her here? Don't you recall what happened last time moon dogs were pulled from the Oneiroi. “Luna fumed.” This could have been a disaster!” Rahs frowned glaring at Luna before poking her nose with a claw. “Bork.” Rahs stated and Luna flinched. “Yes... well...... we are sorry it's just....” Luna sighed closing her eyes and exhaling deeply.”Can you do that again? And better yet can you get yourself there now?” Rahs considered for a moment before nodding. Spike waddled up with the others offering a wave to the other moon dog. “ Nice to see you again Bri.” “Ruff?” Bri asked. Spike and Twilight stared at her. “What?” Spike asked. “Bark?” Bri questioned. “Woof?” Rahs asked as well. “I understand you, but not her.” Twilight pointed out frowning as Rahs grinned. “Really?” Luna questioned. “I understand her, she was asking how you've been and why Twilight smelled so much like food.”Fluttershy offered. “Woof.” Bri agreed. “So this is what it's like.” Spike grumbled. “Bark.” Bri pointed out glaring at Rahs. Rahs rolled his eyes. “What?” Rarity asked. “Now that he can visit the Oneiroi, Bri told him that Cosma wanted him to visit more often.”Fluttershy translated. “This is very annoying.” Twilight huffed. “Welcome to our world.” Rainbow Dash laughed. “Woof?” Rahs asked. “Ruff.” Bri rolled her eyes. Rahs winced and patted her on the head as if he was sorry for her, that got him a punch in the gut. “What?” Rainbow Dash asked. “He asked if she had finally been assigned a god to watch over. Seems after Rahs was accepted as a god his biggest detractor in the council stepped down, and Bri took the roll of watching over Cadence's dreams. Rahs was apologizing for her having to do that.” Fluttershy offered. “Ouch. I feel sorry for her now too.” Spike muttered. “Who is this?” a fairly deep voice asked with a hint of a growl. Glancing towards the voice the group was greeted to the sight of a large well muscled midnight black furred female canine, her long white hair done up in a large number of braids that hung down nearly to her tail. Her ample chest seemed to barely be contained in a rather ornate blue vest that bared her tone midriff before her many pocketed pair of cargo pants took over covering her legs to her ankles. The touch of Rarity's work in the clothing was apparent with some of the trim and designs of the thread being a little more decorative. Ice blue eyes regarded the navy furred bitch in Rahs' coat with the way she was tensed she seemed ready to do something. “Ah lady Jynx. This is Bri. Rahs' sister from the Oneiroi.” Rarity added quickly before anything happened. Jynx nodded a little at that her gaze darting over to Luna, though she clearly didn't relax. Bri blinked surprised she was looking up at the diamond dog. “So what brings you here Lady Jynx.” Rarity continued. “ Yes. Well. My apologies. I have been wanting to ask Rahs out for some time now though the issues with my pack have gotten a bit more complicated and I have not been able to get away from them until now.” Jynx sighed, her top some how still not bursting. “Oh? Nothing that will be a problem we hope?” Luna offered. “ Not at all Princess. Just for some reason a number of other packs have come here to join the Jade Wolves. It has been . Rather chaotic.” Jynx explained. “There have been a few disputes and a great deal of expanding of our tunnels to adjust for the new comers.” “ Jade Wolves? No longer the Wolf Fang?” Luna questioned. “We are seeking to have amicable relations with ponies. A slightly softer name was in order.” Jynx offered. “Despite some disagreeing with it, I am the Alpha and what I say goes.” “Woof?” Bri asked. “Ruff.” Rahs explained gesturing to Jynx. Bri smirked. Rahs rolled his eyes. Jynx glanced between the two. “Yes well darling don't just stand there. Ask.” Rarity ushered. Jynx blinked at the white mare and nodded.” Errr right. Sorry.” Jynx let out a held breath. “ Rahs if you would I have this Monday free, if those idiots know what is good for them. And I wonder if you would like to have dinner with me?” Rahs blinked surprised the large diamond dog seemed so hesitant, the few glances she spared to Rarity made him wonder if she was being coached. Still he offered a nod in response and a smile at her which she seemed to accept. “Alright. Well. I will see you then Rahs.” Jynx offered before moving away from the group her gaze darting to Rarity who was smiling, then to Luna who was watching warily then to Bri who was pondering it seemed. Jynx took another step back then dropped into a hole that was unnoticed, but did explain how she snuck up on them. It was quickly filled in and the diamond dog was gone. Bri smiled wider looking at Rahs. “Woof?” Rah blinked his ears flattening to his head as Bri mad a pantomime of Jynx's huge tracks of land. “We would not say he has a type per-say, but we cannot argue that Lady Jynx is rather well endowed for her species.” Luna offered. “I dunno. “ Twilight offered. “ Applejack is fairly stacked and we all saw how he reacted to Rarity when she was under the effects of poison joke. Saturnia could be something like that easily so he might just have a type.” “I am not fond of being brought into this conversation as I am not involved as one of his growing number of suitors.” Rarity huffed. “Yeah, Sunset and Trixie are kinda the odd ones out.” Rainbow Dash offered. “Not really. If I recall how Sunset looked in the human world her chest was pretty big too.” Spike offered. “Bark?” Bri asked slapping Rahs' arm and laughing. Rahs growled burying his face in his paws as the others laughed as well at his embarrassment. “I hate you all.” > Indonesian damsel manifestation, part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Indonesian damsel manifestation, part 1 [Golden Oaks Library, start of winter] “Spike!!! Are you ready to go yet!?” Twilight screamed out. “Hold onto your wings, I'm getting there. I'm the whole reason you've even have an excuse to head to the Empire any way so chill.” Spike huffed digging through a box in his room.“Where did I put that steam lands book?” “You are not the only reason we are going. Sure you might have gotten invited to be a guest at the first convention they are holding in the new hall they built, but I still have yet to head up there and see Moon Dancer and Sunburst's foal!” Twilight huffed grabbing a book off the shelf in Spike's room, the cover showing a number of steam powered carts trying to smash and destroy each other in some sort of death race. “That's just an excuse, you could have gone up any time.” Spike huffed taking the book and packing it away with a number of small toy carts that had been modified.” Ugh I wish I had more time with this. My Guard army for Battle Mallet isn't even fully painted yet, and every one plays Lunar Marines so I don't want to bring them.” “SPIKE!” Twilight snapped. “Yeah, yeah, I know, I should have got this done yesterday, and I would have if you didn't have me running around helping with your research, so this is your fault.”Spike huffed. “Woof!” Rahs snapped leaning his head in the door and glaring at the two arguing. “FINE! I'll skip the Battle Mallet army but so help me if they have a decent tourney for it...” Spike huffed shouldering a large bag. Rahs rolled his eyes and stepped out of the doorway as his siblings stormed out of Spike's room. Blakeney chittered at them from one of his shoulders, and Peewee shook his head as he perched on the other. “Don't you take that tone with me mister!” Spike huffed at the raccoon. “Right Rahs here's a list of everything I want you to take care of while we're gone, it should only be a few days...” Twilight began. “Woof!” Rahs snapped. “I'm aware you have a date tomorrow, but if you start now you should have plenty of time before then.”Twilight stated passing him a list as tall as Rahs was. Rahs glanced at the list before handing it to Peewee, who set it on fire. “And that is why I wrote it in triplicate and fire proofed the other ones.” Twilight stated floating a new list over to her brother. Rahs frowned and handed it to Blakeney, who mauled it a bit, got annoyed it wasn't food ,then bunched it all up and threw it at Twilight. “The last copy is magically bound to the fridge.” Twilight stated flatly. Rahs rolled his eyes. “TWILIGHT LET'S GO!”Spike bellowed from downstairs. “ Applejack and the Crusaders are already here.” “Don't you dare tell me to hurry up buster!” Twilight snapped back.” Look Rahs, at the very least try to get those books we got from the old castle sorted. There was some odd magic in that crate and I'd rather you check to see if it's dangerous.” Rahs sighed.” Woof.” “Thanks.” Twilight smiled as the pair headed downstairs. Applejack and Rarity stood off to the side watching the crusaders bounce around excitedly with Spike. Firefly stood apart from the others, though he did have a big smile on his face as well. “I can't believe we got out of school for this!”Scootaloo cheered. “Don't fergit Miss Cheerilee did give you assignments because of that.” Applejack stated adjusting her bag over her shoulder. “Who even holds a convention starting on Sunday night?” Rarity sighed. “With the Equestria games prep going on it was the only time they could set one up. Besides with how hard the foals in the Crystal Empire have been going in school since their return to catch up with the rest of Equestria, their winter and summer breaks are a bit longer. Though they don't get summers off like the usual equestrian schools. They just run them year round.” Twilight explained. “Year round school? Bleh!” Applebloom exclaimed. Twilight huffed at the comment though, she didn't respond to Applebloom's disgust. “Are you sure you have this Darling, they can be a hoofful.” Rarity frowned.”Plus they are going to miss the Ponyville foal fair.” “PASS.” The crusaders and Spike all chimed in. “Seriously a gaming convention in the Crystal Empire where Spike is a guest of honor, or a local street faire with puppets.” Sweetiebelle scoffed. “No contest which is better.” “Yes, well, given the reaction to my expertly crafted puppet theater, I don't think there really will be much of a puppet show.” Rarity sighed. “It's okay Rarity. I thought the theater looked good.” Sweeteibelle offered.”Maybe you can make something else?” “Thank you Sweetie, I suppose I could... Oh, forget it. I'd never have something finished in time! “Rarity wailed.” I wanted to leave my creative mark on the fair, and I failed miserably! And that makes me miserable!” The others watched Rarity carry on a moment before Rahs held up a score card with a 2 on it. Blakeney gave her a three at least and Peewee accidentally set his card on fire before the number could be seen. “Oh please who are you to judge!?” Rarity huffed. Rahs grinned snapping his fingers and making his portfolio appear which made Rarity pout more. “Alright lets go! We need to get to the train!” Spike stated stumbling out the door with the others following along leaving Rarity, Twilight, and Rahs behind. “Twilight do you mind if I look through your books, perhaps something will strike my fancy.” Rarity sighed. “Go ahead, this is a library after all.” Twilight offered glancing to the door at Spike's shout. “Rahs make sure you check her out properly if she finds something.” “Pfft.” Rahs hissed. Waving a claw before heading back upstairs. “Arrgh ...”Twilight growled glaring after her brother. “Darling it's fine, go enjoy yourself and tell Moon Dancer I said hello.” Rarity waved a hoof as Twilight headed out. “ Thanks Rarity. Good luck.”Twilight offered closing the door behind her. The white mare let out a sigh as she moved along the bookshelves, looking over titles. She pulled out a few books here and there flipping through them before putting them back as she slowly circled around the library. Nothing was striking her. This was terrible. Making her way along the shelves closer to the reception desk she came to a open crate sitting behind the desk half covered with a tarp. “What's this?” Rarity considered. Pushing the tarp aside a little Rarity blinked looking down at the crate full of old books. “Oh, it seems Twilight got another shipment from the workers at Whinnysor.” Rarity exclaimed lifting a few books up.”Hmm perhaps something from the past might spark an idea.” Rarity rummaged through the crate before finding an odd gray book with a circle of of spikespoking out of the cover design. “Very tacky.” Rarity scoffed at the cover flipping it open to look over a few pages. “Inspiration manifestation?” Rarity hummed, her eyes flashing to reptilian slits as her shadow shifted and danced at her hooves as she read over the page. “This may be exactly what I need.” > Indonesian damsel manifestation, part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Indonesian damsel manifestation, part 2 [ Carousel Boutique, Sunday afternoon] “From in the head to out in the world, every thought to action. Hold close this book and through its spell, you'll start a chain reaction, projecting forth whatever beauty you see. Only when true words are spoken will you finally be set free.” Rarity tilted her head. ”What an odd spell.” The white mare stretched out over her bed, looking at the book curiously. “I wonder if it worked?” Green magic struck the book and in a flash the spiked gray tome was gone, replaced by a ornate gold leafed and jeweled tome. “Ooooooh!” Rarity gasped, her eyes starting to flicker green, her pupils still slitted. “ That is much better. I should head out and see about fixing that puppet stage.” Rarity chuckled, trotting out the door, her tail whisking as she smiled, showing a bit more fang in her smile than she should have. [Golden Oaks library] Rahs sat up from the couch with a start, sniffing the air curiously as he yawned. Something smelled rather good. After a moment the faint wisp of a scent faded and Rahs shrugged and fell back onto the couch returning to his nap. [ Moon Dancer's house in the Crystal Empire ] “He's adorable Moon Dancer.” Twilight cood looking over the crib's edge at the pale orange dappled foal sleeping there. “Honestly you wouldn't say that if you didn't catch the little monster while he was sleeping.” Moon Dancer chuckled. ”This has been a long year.” “I expect so with all the classes you've had to give, plus helping out my brother and Cadence on top of having to care for a newborn.” Twilight smiled moving back to take a seat across from Moon Dancer at the table. ”So how's Sunburst been?” “A bigger wreck then me. Of course he has to deal with his mother too. It's a wonder he turned out as well as he did with how that mare is. Much as I like the help with Stargazer here I really want to put her on the list of ponies my shield blocks.” “Oof. That bad huh?”Twilight questioned. “ I love the mare but holy buck......” Moon Dancer sighed. ”Still she set up Stargazer's first birthday fairly well. Princess Cadence and your brother showed up with Chrysalis and brought gifts.” “Please tell me he didn't bring Foal's first O&O game.”Twilight grumbled as Moon Dancer laughed. “Alright I won't tell you he did that, Cadence did a little better with a bunch of baby books. Seems a certain little unicorn she foal sat skewed her ideas of what a foal might like. Chrysalis was the one who actually brought the most useful thing with the changing table and actually showed us the best way to deal with diapers.” “She buried Celestia under a pile of them didn't she?” Twilight deadpanned. “Suffocated her in them actually.” Moon Dancer sighed.” Though Princess Celestia did get us the crib there. Of course Princess Luna showed up too.” “Oh no.” Twilight gasped. “And she brought a gift.” “Oh no.” Twilight gasped. “She claimed he would grow into it.” “Oh no.” Twilight gasped. “ Yup, the battle Scythe is currently locked in the attic.”Moon Dancer smiled. “ So are you sure it's okay to sit around and talk? I've heard some worrying things about those friends of Spikes you brought along.” “It's fine. Spike tends to keep them a bit more grounded and Applejack's here watching them. She's got a great deal of experience with dealing with that lot.”Twilight offered. [Crystal Empire, 5th Precinct] The cell door slammed shut leaving Witch-Jack to stare out from the cell with a frown on her face. A stray bit of magic had triggered her transformation as she went to get a snack from one of the food carts outside the convention. The reaction of the Crystal ponies around her was instant and had lead to a number of guard and empathetic changelings tackling her. At the moment she was sitting in a mithrial cell down at the local precinct awaiting orders from higher up on what to do with the captured witch wolf. “Ah can't believe ah forgot about this being a problem here.”Witch-Jack sighed. [Crystal Palace Convention Center, built in the spot across the street from the library in Sparkle Square where the statue was] “Oooooh look at that , and that, and that, and that, and that.......” Sweetiebelle cheered, bouncing around the room looking at all the gaming exhibits. Applebloom sighed. Spike had been dragged off almost immediately to host some event or another leaving the crusaders with Applejack. Applejack had stated she was gonna see what the snack carts had and wandered off as well. That left Applebloom and Sweetiebelle practically alone. Scootaloo and Firefly had gone off to look at something, though Scootaloo was more dragging the colt around to look at things then the pair of them just wandering off. Applebloom narrowed her eyes as she watched the pair of them examine a game based of some Japony comic about ponies in robot battle suits fighting rogue blue robots destroying some future city to a rock soundtrack about storms. “Hmmmmmm” Applebloom pondered tapping her hoof to her chin, a couple of ponies dressed as waifu battleships walking past behind her. Cadence's ear twitched as she looked out over the city from the half rebuilt crystal palace. “Some one's horning in on my job.” Cadence frowned. “Cady, you are not the only match maker in Equss!” Chrysalis called out. “No, but I am the best!” Cadence snapped back. ”I have the charts to prove it!” “Oh stars, you got her started again.” Shining Armor groaned. [ Moon Dancer's house in the Crystal Empire ] “Let that be a warning though of what will happen when Stargazer gets to the cutie-mark age.”Twilight explained. “And I heard the terrible two's were bad.” Moon Dancer sighed.” Though speaking of foals...” “Don't you start too, I get that enough from mom.” Twilight warned. “Ha, well consider it a valid topic when you point out the obvious problems with you and Big Mac right now.” Twilight nodded a little sighing. She couldn't really explain what she was doing as the Familiar spell research was a bit hush hush. She did talk to Big Mac about it however and he was oddly in favor of it. He didn't like the idea of watching his family grow old and die around him, but he did like the idea of being around to help out the family as a whole for as long as possible. Applebloom was still young, despite Spike's worries right now, and no one had any idea on how long Applejack was going to live. Luna predicted that her life span would be the same as normal, as she hadn't bonded with anyone and wasn't likely to do so. Twilight knew she was on the right track with the spell, and Sunset had been a great help thus far, but she felt something was slowing her down in her progress and it was taking forever to see results. “I'm sure it will be fine.” Twilight offered finally. [ Carousel Boutique Monday morning, 7am.] Flashes of magic filled the room as piles of clothing and various fabrics that could likely only exist in fantasy covered the room in growing mountains of cloth, with each new flash of magic adding more to the towering range. A door to an old storage room opened and a dark gray and black maned stallion poked his head out with a growl. Sombra frowned deeper looking at the mess of dresses and cloth scattered around and offered a fanged hiss in response. “What the buck is all this?” Sombra snapped, or asked normally, it was hard to tell with him. “This book is amazing! Why, I, I, I, I've been up all night just creating and creating and creating and creating! I've completed my fall line for the next fifteen seasons!” Rarity exclaimed. “Mare what are you on abo..........” Sombra started to gripe before he stopped his eyes going wide. Standing in the middle of the mess with a book floating around her was a very tall dark figure, her black furred form shimmering with a silvery gray coloration as it caught the light. She had a massive mane of gently flowing purple hair that shimmered in the light just as her coat did. Sombra estimated the mare was as at least as tall as his mother with glimmering blue eyes slit like a cat's that stared down at him.On her flank was a trio of diamonds that somehow seemed sharpened giving the dark mare a bit more menace. Sombra blinked. “Is something wrong darling?” Rarity asked, the flash of fangs visible in her mouth. “I shall be in my bunk.” Sombra stated flatly getting a last look before closing the door to his room again. > Indonesian damsel manifestation, part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Indonesian damsel manifestation, part 3 [Crystal Empire] “How did you even get arrested?” Twilight fussed. “Tha better question is, how did you manage to leave me in there all night?” Applejack growled her ears flat to her head. “Sorry, I got back from hanging out with Moon Dancer late and the girls were already asleep as were Spike and Firefly. I thought you went out for some air or something and I went to bed pretty quick.” Twilight protested. “Well, at least that crap is over.” Applejack grumbled. “Sorta.” Twilight frowned. “What do yah mean sorta?” Applejack questioned turning to narrow her eyes at Twilight. “Weeeeeell, turns out my word doesn't carry as much weight as my brothers due to no one seeing me beat Sombra, or really do anything but blow up the top of the palace. I'm still considered a hero but... well. Spike and Shining have the most popularity. Heck even Rahs has gotten more popular here as a 'heroic moon dog.' “Twilight offered. “I'm not even sure where Shining is right now. If I could find him I could get a full on royal pardon.” [At the con] “Oooooh, look at that , and that, and that, and that, and that.......” Shining Armor cheered, bouncing around the room looking at all the gaming exhibits. The Emperor of the Crystal Empire had on a costume to help hide him, though he got a number of stares due to the detail he put into the mind flayer costume he wore. Cadence had opted to simply dress as the princess from that one turtle stomping game on the Neightendo. Clearly she had taste with her pink design, thus far she hadn't been recognized or paid much attention to. Seems not every one was a fan of her however. “And I married him.” Cadence sighed, before she glanced to Chrysalis. The Changeling Queen was in the form of a cream furred tall blonde maned mare in a skin tight blue suit with some red design on the back. She was currently striking a number of sexy poses to the fan colts with cameras around her, feeding on the lust for that zero tux thingy she was dressed as or whatever. Cadence did have to admit she looked good though. Cadence sighed regardless. “ Nerds.... both of them.....” “I managed to get you out, but it's a pretty safe bet you're going to be followed all day. And if you transform again they might just lock you up again.”Twilight explained “Really?”Applejack questioned with a glare. “Fraid so.” Twilight sighed with a shrug. “Right. Ah'm headed back to the hotel, yer on crusader duty then.” Applejack huffed. “What, wait I had other stuff to do...”Twilight protested as Applejack trotted off whipping her tail. “Twilight, ah've been here three times since ah had this curse and each time yah told me yah were gonna talk to yer brother about letting everyone know ah was good, and there wasn't any reason to panic. And yet here it is mai fourth time here and, AH SPENT THA NIGHT IN JAIL!” Applejack snapped. “Yah clearly ain't done it, and ah ain't gonna risk going back again fer something not my fault. Ah'm going to that hotel, yer on Crusader duty. They didn't burn anything down yesterday being alone, so today's got a higher chance. Better git going afore tha fire starts.” Twilight flinched and looked back at the currently unexploded convention hall, then to the mare walking off with three, not so subtle, guards following her. “Well crap.” Twilight sighed. [Ponyville mid afternoon.] Rahs Sparkle yawned as he closed the library door behind him. The sign was flipped to closed, the wards set, the pets informed exactly what might happen if they made a mess, and off he went. Padding through Ponyville towards the train station he stifled a small yawn. He didn't think he slept well at all due to his nerves. How did any one get by on only 12 hours sleep any way, the only pony in this town that came close was Rainbow Dash. Speaking of Dash. “WAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!” The cyan mare screamed before plowing into the roof of a house. Yeah, that was about right. Something felt off about the town today however. The shouting was a clue, though by the same token not really, this was Ponyville after all. Though it was a Monday not a Tuesday. Something smelled really good to, though he hesitated to seek the source as he had to meet Jynx for dinner. “Rahs Darling, there you are!” Rarity called making Rahs groan a little.”Oh lovely you're wearing that ensable I set up for you, perfect. I take you are on your way out to your date, hmmm?” “Woof.” Rahs said flatly trying not to get drawn into a conversation, his train to Canterlot was leaving shortly. “Wonderful.” Rarity stated before starting to offer advice and suggestions. Rahs rolled his eyes as he headed towards the station. Was the north side of town always this gaudy? Gold and gems seemed every where. Did he miss a holiday that needed this sort of decoration? Ehh whatever. “... now I do hope you have the address and the time, it took a good bit of effort on my part getting this set up, Canterlot is still rather problematic about diamond dogs.. well I'm sure you know that...” Was that a crystal tree? When did that get planted, evidently recently due to how the birds seemed to be freaking out over it. “... but any way darling, please do keep in mind that while I have done my best, Jynx is from a differing culture and she is trying very hard regardless. So do try to be tolerant.” Rarity continued. Rahs sniffed the air, his ears perking. “Bark?” “What? Oh why thank you, I did try a new perfume, my last one simply didn't have the … glamour and impact that I wished. So I changed it.” Rarity offered with a slight if menacing chuckle. “But any way darling do keep in mind what I said and try and enjoy yourself, feel free to give me all the juicy details later as well, ta ta.” Rahs blinked looking back at her as he caught the flare of magic. He had a brief glimpse of a dark form before it vanished in a flash of teleportation. When did Rarity learn to teleport? Wait was that town hall? Why was it crystal? Why were all the trees sapphire and gold... was that a garden party in front of Sugar Cube Corner, what? Rahs blinked turning to take a step back into town and figure out what was going on when the train whistle blew behind him. “All aboard!” The conductor yelled. He paused glancing at the town then at the train and after a moment of thought he shrugged and turned to board the train. Whatever this was would keep until either he or Twilight got back. He had a date to get to, and it wouldn't be fair if he was on time to the others but not this one. > Indonesian damsel manifestation, part 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Indonesian damsel manifestation, part 4 [ Crystal Empire] “So what you're saying is this entire Adaptus Alicornius faction is all alicorns?” a crystal pony asked looking at a collection of miniatures on the table before him. “Yep. Though they are all artificially created from normal ponies. Then there's the Guard which is just a large collection of normal pony soldiers from all three tribes, the Daughters of Battle, which in truth I think was just some guys love of space nuns.” Spike explained to the crowd gathered around the table. “Then we have the Elk'dar, and Dark Ek'dar, which is pretty much just space Elks and dark space elks. Then there's the Mau, which are really tech obsessed Abyssians and the like with no melee skill what so ever, the orks...” “Which is speciest.” a large boar snorted. “Hey at least you guys got a race that's fun to play, dragons are reduced to a enslaved race stuck working for robot ponies.” Spike snapped pointing at a set of miniatures each time he spoke about the faction. “There's chaos, which Discord has threatened to sue over which is just the bad guys of the ponies. Then there's the Tyra-sprites, Emperial Knights, which are ponies in giant robots, and finally the Adeptus- marecanus, which are mostly robot ponies.” “Neat.” One of the other's gathered around the table stated. “So what do you play?” “One of the Adaptus Alicornus groups called the Salamanders.” Spike offered. “VULKAN LIVES!!!” a number of the other con goers shouted from around the room before stomping the floor twice to the confusion of every one else. “Yer stars damned right.” Spike grinned. [Canterlot] Rahs padded along following after the beige pony showing him to the reserved room. This place was a bit weird, he had seen it a few times in passing but never gone in. The building was set up sort of like a conference hall, with multiple rooms and offices that could be rented out, but it also had other rooms, like racquetball courts, banquet chambers, and even a full sized music hall. In the winding mass of hallways however he was led to a smaller selection of rooms, ones composed of smallish kitchens and dining areas. Once the pony had him where he was supposed to be the stallion trotted off leaving Rahs to knock on the door. A moment later the door opened revealing the black furred, chest of Jynx, barely hidden behind a size or three too small bright blue apron that matched her eyes. Well as much as he could recall any way the pony sized door only opened to about her chest level which was just about Rahs' eye level. He had forgotten she was so tall. “Stupid pony door.” Jynx muttered. “ Come in.” She stepped back from the door and he moved in having to flatten his ears and dip his head a little to get through. It had been a bit since he had really noticed having to duck to get into a room, most of the doors in the castle and Ponyville had been built taller over the numerous Tuesday repairs. A glance over to Jynx did little to help the fact the apron she wore was far too small as it barely reached her mid thighs. Rahs blinked tearing his gaze up to where Jynx's face was. “Ah. You are early. It took me some time to figure out how to work some of these things.” Jynx offered stepping back and gesturing for him to have a seat at the table at the edge of the kitchen. She closed the door and move back over to the kitchen area stirring something in a pot. The room smelled wonderful, whatever she was cooking had Rahs' full attention as he made his way over to take a seat. Looking around the room there didn't seem to be much too it. A small dining area with a table that would seat six ponies, or four of Jynx and his size. The rest of the room was taken up by a large kitchen , that currently had a number of things cooking across most of it. What surprised him is that it was just Jynx here making the food. “You seem surprised. I take you did not know I could cook.” Jynx asked as she glanced over at him. Rahs shook his head lightly. “My mother taught me. When I was was growing up and my father ruled a female only had three jobs, care for the young, cook, and be bred to make more young. So my mother taught me to cook. Before I was old enough to be bred however my father was killed. During all the fighting that happened after for the position of alpha, I decided I had had enough and fought my way to the top.” Jynx explained as she worked. “I refused those who sought to claim me, often fighting them after the rejection. I was forced to become the strongest because no one would listen otherwise save for those few who recalled my father favorably or those who liked the change.“ She paused to stir something here sparing a glance behind her as if looking at her tail and how she lost the club on the end most diamond dogs had before she continued. “Meeting lady Rarity helped with that. An outside contact with the ponies who had stopped the last war caused a number of dogs to change their minds on what they wanted to do. Not that those dogs ideas had been very complex, the average dog is not that bright.” Jynx snorted. “But that contact managed to bring you to my attention.” Rahs' ears perked up as he watched her work. “Simply put you caught my interest then, at first simply for your species, then for how you carried yourself and what you did. Even knowing better, I still cannot help be attracted to strength, even if I am stronger than you.” Jynx smirked and Rahs chuckled not even going to try and argue with a bitch who could and had tied him up like a pretzel. “But you were also raised by ponies and had no idea how things worked in the pack. A perfect strong mate who would not try to take over. Then you were pup napped and things had to be rethought out.” Rahs frowned a little as Jynx pulled two rather large steaks out of a bowl with some sort of seasoning or something in it, padding both dry before she dropped them on a cast iron skillet. “The traditional way of a female getting a mate is to simply go up and take them while fighting off any others that wished the same mate. That is not something I was willing to try after the visit from Princess Luna, so I had Lady Rarity try and teach me the best way to... court you.” Jynx waved a paw in the air with a huff. “That went as well as expected when the other two showed up. Although some of her tips have been useful.” Jynx moved to get something off the closest counter and it was at this point that Rahs noticed the well muscled black furred bitch was ONLY wearing the apron, and despite her white hair being long it was braided and kept high off her very firm rear. A rear her tail did very little to cover as it wagged slowly. Rahs nearly choked on the air. Jynx glanced back barely hiding her smirk. “Are you alright?” Rahs turned his head trying not to stare, but greatly wishing he could get away with a few pictures. “Hmm? Ahh my manner of dress? I did not wish to ruin the dress Lady Rarity provided while cooking.” Jynx explained with a sly grin as she continued cooking doing her best to make sure he got an eyeful every chance she could get away with. “In the end while my goal is still to simply have your pups. I am also quite for the idea of keeping you as my mate. And as you were raised by ponies with pony rules, I shall play by those rules despite my desire to present and get you to mount me.” Jynx offered. Rahs' eyes had gotten larger the longer she spoke and his ears had started to droop. Jynx was also quite sure he was some how bright red through his fur. Lady Rarity was correct. This was fun. > Indonesian damsel manifestation, part 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Indonesian damsel manifestation, part 5 [ Crystal Empire] “Sooo.... you enjoying yourself?” Applebloom asked slyly as she approached her target from the left. “Ehh.” Scootaloo shrugged. “It's been okay.” “Reeeeeeeally?” Sweetiebelle asked moving up on the other side. The two mares manning the comic table turned their attention to the two fillies creeping up on the third that was browsing their wares with a bit of wariness. “Really.” Scootaloo shrugged turning to look at the pair .”What? Do I have something on my face?” “Nooo, but yah seem not to be spending much time with us at this con.” Applebloom grinned. “And you have been spending an awful lot of time with Firefly.” Sweetiebelle offered. The two sales mares relaxed going back to what they were doing, not planning to get involved in the friends teasing. “So? Where are you going with this?” Scootaloo deadpanned. “So when's the first date?” Sweetiebelle grinned. “About three weeks ago.” Scootaloo stated. “What?” Applebloom blinked thrown off her planned pay back teasing. “You were busy with the harvest, Sweetiebelle was hanging with Button, and Spike was dealing with the fallout of Twilight and Rainbow Dash finding out Rahs had a complete signed copies of all the Daring Doo novels.” Scootaloo explained. “Uhhhh” Sweetiebelle blinked. “What? I kinda wanted to see what it was like to have a colt friend like you and Spike, and Sweetiebelle and Button.” Scootaloo shrugged. “HE IS NOT MY COLT FRIEND!!” Sweetiebelle bellowed in the Royal Canterlot Voice drawing a large number of stares. The two mares at the comic booth both glared at Sweetie as they moved to fix the comics her cry blew off the table. Sweetie's two friends looked at her, then ignored her. “Well ah can't say ah expected that. But good on ya.”Applebloom shrugged. “Though ah gotta warn yah. Spike thinks he's a changeling.” “Really?” Sweetiebelle asked completely derailed by that. “He is.” Scootaloo nodded. “He let me know when I asked him to the movie, though he's only about Spike's age. He was the one who was disguised as me during the Canterlot invasion.” “And you're okay with that?” Sweetiebelle asked. “Why not? No one got hurt in that except that one jerk captain guy. Plus I've heard a lot of mares and stallions talk about how awesome it would be to be dating a changeling.” Scootaloo shrugged. “Why is that?” Applebloom asked. “Dunno, something about the fact they can turn into anything. Maybe the ones I over heard really like easy Nightmare Night costumes?” Scootaloo shrugged as the two mares at the booth nearly choked at overhearing her. “Huh. Maybe I should as Big Sis Luna about that.” Sweetiebelle considered. “Nightmare Night is her holiday. Would changeling costumes be cheating?” “Sure why not. I'm kinda curious.” Scootaloo pondered. “So where is Firefly?” Sweetiebelle asked. “Last ah saw him was with Spike as they went to some event panel.” Applebloom explained. “So where's Twilight then, wasn't she supposed to be keeping an eye on us today?”Scootaloo asked. “Dunno.” Applebloom offered. An explosion rocked the building as the trio heard screaming. “HOW DARE YOU! The book was far better than the stage play!” Twilight screamed out. “The book was a dull read and you KNOW IT! The play was far better and had far more detail than the books. The stage play was even written by the author of the book because he thought the book sucked.” Shining Armor shouted back. “BLASPHAMY!!” Twilight shouted as another explosion rocked the convention hall. “Heresy?” questioned a stallion in cosplay of some battle mallet character “Found her.” Sweetiebelle pointed out. “By my aunts plush white flank I can't take you two anywhere.” Cadence fussed. [Canterlot] Rahs shifted in his seat, these bench things were not really meant for some of of his size and he wasn't even sure how ponies sat on the things, the whole bench seemed more like the hard edge of a proper seat. He spared a glance over to Jynx and she didn't seem that comfortable either. Granted looking at Jynx made him a bit more uncomfortable as he had to shift again. Not that her time in just a apron wasn't enough as it was, nor the fact she seemed to have no problem changing into the dress in front of him, though he did turn around at least with a titanic effort. But while the black dress Rarity made for Applejack was very nice, and very much showed her off in both forms, Jynx's was on a wholly different level. The dress was very form fitting, the red dress attached at her neck and ran down over the front of her body covering her breasts despite the strain on the material, this left her back and shoulders bare as well as a little bit of the sides of her black furred tits. The material again pulled tight around her hips falling nearly to the floor as she walked. The sides of the dress however were slitted all the way up to her hip allowing Jynx's legs to show presenting the matching red leggings that ran from her ankle to her upper thigh. She also had a pair of arm coverings that matched running from her bicep to her wrist. The whole outfit looked like it was out of one of those japony comics Spike had. The fact that there was a small red band that also wrapped around her tail and a bright red band that went into her hair to hold the braids back told Rahs that Rarity had gone all out over this, particularly with the gem designs threaded into the material. Thankfully she hadn't added a boob window. That was three times tonight it had taken all his will power not to stare at his date, and even more not to take her up on the offer of making some pups, though the thoughts of the others kept him from going for it. He rather liked Sunset, she was an interesting one to say the least, and the idea that she would be around practically forever did play into it as well as her intelligence. Trixie was a close friend, and he had to admit he didn't have too many of those, though her actions and intent were getting him to start to see her as something more than just a friend. Saturnia was great, she was clever shared a number of interests and the fact she could change shape to something he would find interesting was a plus as well. Like Sunset she would be around for as long as he would as well. Though the idea that his brother was her step dad was a little weird in his mind. Applejack was also interesting, though at the same time they really didn't have that much in common. She wasn't too interested in the theater scene and while she liked some books he did, it wasn't much of a drive for her. Plus he greatly enjoyed lazing about and she was more than eager to work. Though there was no denying he was greatly attracted to her physically, well that, and her cooking skill. Jynx on the other paw cranked that attraction up by ten, the cooking skill was a little better to, though that was mostly because Jynx knew how to prepare meals for a carnivore where AJ did not. Had Jynx simply showed up before the crap with the other diamond dogs with an interest of having pups.. well... she would likely have some pups. But since that and all the other girls bringing up their desire for him, that wasn't something he was willing to try at the moment. The main issues with Jynx was that she didn't quite seem to share any interests with him, and he felt something like he was more of a prize to be won with her than anything else. Granted he got the same thing from the other girls, but it felt different with the diamond dog. Rahs shook his head clearing it of those thoughts, they were here to have a good time, though he wasn't sure this was thought out very well in the end. The place was a large sports arena, filled with the uncomfortable seats and a large number of ponies, a few other scattered races, and a surprising number of minotaurs, many of them waving signs over their heads. Rahs had already yanked one of the signs out of the grasp of the stallion in front of him. The sign had been waved in front of his face blocking Rahs and Jynx's view with the size of it. The fact the sign read' The guy behind me can't see' didn't help the stallions case for Rahs wanting to beat him with the sign. But he refrained and the stallion wisely chose not to annoy the two very large predators behind him. The arena was sloped down towards a large square ring in the center lit by numerous spot lights with the crowd seating a bit darkened, not that that bothered him, though Jynx seemed to have a bit of issue seeing anything that wasn't the ring with how she squinted once the lights went out. There had been a bit of fan fare at the start, a few ring bunnies wandering around and an announcer working up the crowd. It had been fairly interesting, but nothing had grabbed his attention. Jynx like wise didn't seem that interested. She let out a small sigh as some muscular stallion in an obvious toupee stood in the center of the ring with a large gold belt on his shoulder talking about how great he was. “It seems I may have chosen poorly. I was hoping that there might be something more to this pony wrestling that you might be able to learn from.” Jynx sighed. Rahs considered as he saw where she had been coming from and opened his mouth to respond when the lights all went out. Both of them turned to stare at the darkened ring, the blackout making even Rahs' usual night vision useless as the darkness was absolute. Rahs caught the scent of strange magic. His ears flattened to his head as a narrow spot light came up on the stallion in the ring. The light only managed to shine on him and he looked around as confused as the crowd was. The lights came back on suddenly and behind the stallion was a massive Nocturne nox-call stallion towering over the pony. This new comer was dressed in red with a mask covering his face. His mane was wild and he stared down at the boasting stallion towering over him. There was a moment of pause where the stallion was about to continue his boasting before he turned and screamed out at the massive nox-cal behind him. The larger pony grabbed him by the neck with one hoof and lifted him high in the air as the nox-cal reared up, before smashing him down onto the mat hard enough the other stallion bounced. As the stallion hit the ring a second time, he quickly scrambled to his hooves with the belt, leaving his toupee behind before rolling out of the ring to the ground out side it. He scrambled to his hooves backing up the path that was cordoned off from the crowd towards the opening he came into the arena from. The massive nox-cal in the center of the ring stared after him before rising onto his back legs and slamming his fore hooves down on the ring mat. The lights went out that instant and the four ring posts exploded in pillars of fire as a bell tolled deep enough to shake the arena, a dirge of some sort starting to play. The nox-cal stood in the middle of the ring silently starting after the other still shouting stallion as the crowd went nuts. Jynx raised an eyebrow not sure what was going on. Rahs however stared at the ring his eyes wide, a tingle running along his spine as he looked down at the ring. No. Not a ring. A stage. Rahs grinned, his tail starting to whip. [Ponyville] “And you get some bling darling, and you get some bling, EVERY PONY GETS BLING!!” the dark furred mare screamed out, cackling as ponies tried to flee the mad fashionista only to be wrapped in fine clothing or too much jewelry and precious metals. The whole town already looked to crash the market of gems alone, every surface was bedazzled with something. If there was a spot that wasn't, as soon as this nightmare version of Rarity saw it, it was. Everything looked like it could be art, even the trash cans were not safe. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were hidden behind a low wall that was made of gold bricks and topped with platinum. “We have to do something.” Fluttershy muttered. “Don't look at me, one stupid fancy dress was bad enough, I've been dumped in three today.” Dash muttered back. “We have to do something.” Fluttershy pointed out as more screams sounded as Rarity found some ponies she considered criminally under dressed. “We are doing something silly. We're waiting for Twilight or Applejack or Rahs to get back and fix this.” Pinkie Pie explained. “I dunno about you, but magic is totally not my thing.” “Oh Pinkie Pie! Where are you? I've been wanting to do something about that mane of yours for a little while and I have just the idea.” Nightmare Rarity sing songed. Pinkie's eyes went wide and she screamed clutching her mane. “Nightmarity is after me!”Pinkie cried out. ”EVERY PONY FOR THEMSELVES!!” Pinkie Pie and the other two took off like shots, Pinkie screaming bloody murder and some how managing to keep her fore hooves covering her mane. “Darling come back, it's just a little trim” Nightmarity called. > Indonesian damsel manifestation, part 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Indonesian damsel manifestation, part 6 [Crystal Empire, late Monday night] [I can't believe that that's the name of the city itself.] Twilight muttered to her self looking over a few of the books she picked up while Applejack lounged on one of the beds, and the Crusaders, Spike, and Firefly sat on the floor comparing con swag. “So tell me again why we ain't headed back home now that tha con is over?” Applejack asked. “Rule six of a successful convention. Always take another day to relax and wind down after a con before heading out. You get to stay until the closing ceremony and you get to miss most of the traffic of ponies heading out after the con.” Twilight offered. “There's rules for going to a con?” Firefly asked. “Sorta. Guide lines mostly but they should be rules.” Spike offered. “Like rule one is take a freaking bath at least once a day while at a con.” “I really wish some of those guys followed that as a rule.” Scootaloo made a gagging face. “Right and rule two is make sure you eat and sleep to keep healthy so you have a harder time catching what ever con funk is going around.” Twilight offered. “Most of the other rules are about how to treat people, always save a few extra bits to get home, and inventory all you came with and what you picked up to make sure you didn't leave something. Stuff like that.” “There's also a set of rules for cosplay, and turning in any one who is trying to trash the place for any reason to keep the rates down for everyone else.” Spike offered. “There's a much bigger reason for staying another night however.” Twilight offered. “An what's that?” Applebloom asked. “Tomorrow is Tuesday.” Spike offered. “Oh.” Applebloom blinked. “So we're going back Wednesday?” Sweetiebelle questioned. “Ah'm okay with that.” Applejack offered. [Ponyville] Jynx was not entirely certain what had gone on. The wrestling matches had started, and rather than be disinterested at the over the top things going on in the ring, that was clearly not any sort of wrestling that she knew of, Rahs took note of it and was enthralled. Sure some of the moves were the same and the competitors were clearly powerful enough to do some damage, but none of them did any thing real it seemed. She was certain there were some getting hurt, but this wasn't really any sort of fighting so much as it was some sort of complex impact heavy dance. Rahs absolutely was loving it though, so she held her tongue on her complaints. After a time however she started finding herself rooting for certain competitors. Less for how showy they were, but due to some of the ways they went over things. I mean there was no way something called a huricarana would be effective in a real fight, but the skill of it being used was quite impressive. Still the evening had ended on an enjoyable note and a train right back where she got to lean against Rahs much to his discomfort at the closeness and her enjoyment, though now she was even more confused. Why Jynx was confused was that Ponyville was practically glowing with the amount of gems and precious metals that were reflecting the moon light and some how enhancing it to sparkle like a disco ball. She never really asked about the mirror sphere, some of her pack had developed a thing for that dance style the more familiar they became with pony culture. “What is going on here?”Jynx questioned as her ears flattened to her head. Rahs simply sighed and slapped his face with his paw. “So you know what has happened?” Jynx asked curiously. “DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHLINS!!! There you are!!” a voice called. Jynx and Rahs both turned to see a black unicorn all but prancing towards them. The tall mares purple and white streaked mane and tail flowing behind her on some unseen current, rippling like water. “Is that Lady Rarity?” Jynx asked. Rahs shifted, growling, and glaring at the approaching mare. “BORK!” “Language dahling. There is no need to be rude.” Nightmarity offered. “WOOF!” Rahs snapped. “Ah, well of course you don't quite understand it. I got this wonderful book from the library and it's allowed me to make everything fabulous. I mean look at Ponyville it's never been more high class and gorgeous since I've lived here.” Nightmarity offered. “There are of course a few spots I'm having a difficult time with. Nothing I try on Golden Oaks seems to work and I simply thought making it a real gold oak tree would be perfect, maybe with jade leaves. Of course I need to get out to Sweet Apple Acres as well, but that can wait a bit until I'm finished with the town itself.” “Are you alright Lady Rarity .. you seem..... darker?” Jynx questioned tilting her head. “Oh quite wonderful dahling, I do hope the date went well. I have such high hopes for the two of you.” Rarity chimed up smirking showing off razor sharp teeth that filled a mouth that smiled just a little too wide. “I know, perhaps I should add a bit more glam to you perhaps that will help out.” Jynx was about to question that when the dark unicorn fired some sort of magic at her, Jynx jerked back only for a blue furred form to dart in front of her faster than she could follow, the spell slamming into Rahs. The flare of the spell faded and the Moon dog's coat was decked out in gems and fine silks, gold leaf and silver and looked to weigh a good hundred or so pounds. Rahs growled shucking out of the long coat which stood on it's own as he slipped free of it. His fur looked neatly trimmed and he took a moment to tear off the few bits of jewelry that had appeared on him the glimmering items turning into nothing in his claws. Jynx was slightly disappointed he didn't get rid of the red silk and gold embroidered pants he had on, but seeing him shirtless was nice enough. “BORK!” Rahs accused. “Mad? No dahling I'm quite sane. I've been wanting to change this town for years and I finally have the power and the ability to do so. But why would I stop here? Canterlot and countless other cities could do with some more glamour.” Nightmarity chimed in with a toss of her mane. “Judging by just what I see here, you have already reduced the value of gems and gold as currency.” Jynx frowned. “You seem to be intent on crashing the Equestrian economy. Not to mention it looks tacky.” “This is not tacky, this is HIGHLY stylish!” Rarity snapped. “WOOF!” Rahs snapped back taking note of a number of ponies in rather fancy clothing and decked out like his coat was poking their heads out of various doors and windows. All of them looked like they had been on the receiving end of her antics all night. He could smell the tantabus on her, though it didn't seem the same as before, like it had changed. There was some strong unfamiliar magic here as well. “I have not become the villain of the week, how dare you. How does wanting to improve something make me a villain.” Nightmarity scoffed. “ Not that it matters. I have no plans on letting you get any where near me and there for you certainly can't stop me. NO ONE CAN STOP ME FROM MAKEING THE WORLD FASHIONABLE!!!” Rahs snorted. “I am the bone of my claw. Steel is my body, and magic is my blood. I have eaten over a thousand spells. Unknown to Love, nor known to the Sun. Have withstood pain to become as I am. Yet this realm holds nothing to me. So as I pray. Unlimited Pup Works.” “What?” Nightmarity blinked. The sound of portals popping into being around the trio was heard as dozens of glowing portals formed in the air around them. “What? What is this?” Nightmarity gasped. Rahs grinned. Countless glowing points of light were seen in the darkness of the portals, all of them seemingly getting closer before the first figures burst out of the portals their ear and tail tips aglow with small orbs of silvery light. Moon Dogs of all shapes and sizes rushed towards the tasty scent of the nightmare from all directions at once as they burst out of the portal plowing into the now panicked Nightmarity. “AHHHHH!!!” Nightmarity screamed out as she was buried under a mess of hungry moon dogs. Jynx blinked at the mass of Moon Dogs still pouring out of the portals trying to get to the Tantabus touched unicorn. “No, stop that, EEEKKK don't lick that you cur. AHHHAHAHHA, no not there, ahhh, I'm ticklish Eeeeee!!” Rarity screamed from the bottom of the pile. After a few moments the moon dogs started backing away some of them licking their lips and looking around in confusion as Rahs strode up looking down at a perfectly normal, if completely covered in dog drool, Rarity. “Woof?” one of the moon dogs asked looking up at Rahs. “Bark.” Rahs nodded. “Ruff?” Another asked pointing to the rest of the town. Rahs considered before nodding. The pack howled out and rushed off into the town following the scent of magic from the tantabus eating away the magic that was left to start to make the town look at least some what more normal in removing a good portion of the bedazzling. Rarity screeched looking down at herself and how matted and saliva soaked her fur was before running off like a shot screaming about a shower.. Rahs looked down noting a small pup hadn't left with the others and was chewing on a book. “Woof.” “Grrrr” “ Woof!” Rahs demanded. The pup tried to run off with it before Rahs caught him by the tail and pulled him back taking the book from his mouth after a bit of struggle before setting him down near the coat he had been wearing which the pup started chewing on to get the magic out of it. Rahs regarded the book curiously. The pup had eaten away most of the magic covering it, showing just a gray book with spikes on it underneath. There was strong magic in the book, though it seemed to have a underlying scent that was mixed with the smell of the tantabus. Rahs frowned looking at the town before devouring the spell around the book in two bites, the tome crumbling to dust in his hand. It tasted like lemons. [Ponyville, Tuesday] “A month? Is that all she's gonna be on the black list for?” Dash snorted. “Well most of the changes were fixed by the moon dog swarm that ran through town.” Pinkie Pie offered. “But your hair.” Fluttershy pointed out pouting a little that Pinkie Pie's mane was cut as short as Rainbow Dash's, though more in a pixie cut. “Well not everything was done by magic so the moon dogs couldn't fix everything.” Pinkie frowned running a hoof through her super short mane. The air around her darkened and all you could see was a red glow in Pinkie's eyes as her voice deepened. “Don't worry. I won't be forgetting this.” Rahs, Fluttershy, and Dash stared at her a moment before they were distracted by the door opening and Princess Luna coming in. “Woof?” Rahs asked. “Yes, well, as far as we can tell she is fine.“ Luna sighed. “Though in truth we have never really ever dealt with a Tantabus possessing a pony before outside of the Oneiroi. This is quite an odd event.” “What about the book Rahs ate?” Rainbow Dash asked. “One of Starswirl's old spell books if we are not mistaken. A reality warping spell, we think it was from a time he was trying to prove he could do it better than Discord....”Luna began. “PPPFFFT that old codger couldn't even come close to me.” “A dangerous tome, but the amount of power needed to power the spell was far more than most could sustain. We think the Tantabus was altering the spell in some way, hence why the Rahs could smell the books taint in nearly everything and why the Moon Dogs could easily devour the spells effects, at least the ones that were not made physical by other means. Like your hair Miss Pie.” Luna explained. “So is everything going to be alright?” Fluttershy asked. “We believe so.” Luna nodded.”Although we have no idea if there will be any long term effects.” [ Carousel boutique] Sombra shook his head as he trotted through the building. This day had been a interesting one and he was quite glad that he missed most of it. The appearance of his mother at the end didn't help his mood, but at the same time at least the nonsense was over. The worst part was listening to the pink one explain about her 'black list' thing. Honestly like he really needed a reason not to share his chocolate ice cream. Still he should check on his host. He had never really considered her attractive before, though that brief stint she had as a tall dark mare decidedly caught his interest. He wondered briefly if this meant he had a type and was attracted to dark furred mares. Stopping at her door he took note that it was partially open. She had come home, back to normal, and screaming about dog drool, before rushing up to her room. Luna had shown up not long after, though now everything seemed back to normal. “Rarity are you....” Sombra trailed off as he pushed the door open a bit more. Standing in front of the mirror was a black furred version of Rarity with a wavy purple mane and tail. She wasn't as tall as she had been earlier but her coloration was the same. The mare was examining herself in the mirror, and turned, startled as he poked his head in the room. The coloration faded quickly and the normal white furred Rarity stood there. “Umm, yes darling, did you need something?”Rarity asked. “Eenope.” Sombra stated and closed the door. [North Havenhock] Adagio smiled, the brawling crowd in the bar was getting into a proper tizzy after their performance. The crowd was trashing the place, feeding their gems. It seemed Sonata was correct about the 'boobie puppy' after all. Aria had done a bit of investigation and found out the two dogs were a one Applejack Apple, who was cursed as something called a witch wolf. There was evidently a big scare about her a while back and there was a great deal of info about her. The other one was named Rahs Sparkle a creature called a moon dog though there wasn't much known about him, though Aria found they both did, in fact, eat magic. The two of them would be a problem. Though she was currently thinking of a way to get rid of both of them before they sought to take Ponyville again. Once Ponyville fell, Canterlot was next. It was only a matter of time. > Sardine Ways > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Sardine Ways [Ponyville] CLANG! “My fire is extinct.” CLANG! “And my forge is decayed, “ CLANG! “By the side of the bench” CLANG! “My old vise is laid.” CLANG! “My anvil and hammer” CLANG! “Lie gathering dust,” CLANG! “My powerful bellows” CLANG! “Have lost all their thrust.” CLANG! “My coal is now spent,” CLANG! “My iron’s all gone,” CLANG! “My last nail’s been driven,“ CLANG! “And my day’s work is done.“ HISSS “You have a lovely baritone.” Sombra perked his ears turning to look over at the minotaur cow who had walked in behind him. He shifted a hoof pulling the metal up out of the water and looked it over with a critical eye. “It is simply something one of my teachers used to chant as they worked a long time ago.” Sombra offered. “I was not even aware I was singing it.” “You ponies do have a thing for songs.” the large bull growled thudding out from behind the cow. He took the tongs from Sombra and lifted the piece the dark stallion had been working on up to examine it.” The chant is called the Blacksmith's prayer. No one knows who the first who sang it was, but the meter and time of it fit well enough that it is used as a learning tool for rhythm when hammering things out.” “Hmmph.” Sombra replied. “This is acceptable.” the bull offered setting the piece aside. “We are caught up for the moment. Flail and I will be gone for two weeks for my friends wedding. I never thought that sneak thief would find a cow, let alone a warring tribes princess.” The Bull snorted. “You may use the forge while we are away, though you will pay for the materials used. If any one comes with a piece to work on you know the rates and should be able to handle most requests.” the bull offered.” Do not disappoint me pony.” “Hmmph.” Sombra replied with a nod. [ Golden Oaks library] “This has been the worst week ever.” Rarity whined, ignoring the 1.4 card Rahs held up from his spot on the couch in the libraries living area. The white mare and Twilight were seated at the table sipping tea, well Twilight was sipping tea, Rarity was venting. “To be fair you brought some of that on yourself.” Twilight offered. “After the whole Nightmarity incident not too many townsfolk were thrilled with you, so of course you didn't get the nomination.” “Yes, well, I suppose, but still. Why did they choose Applejack?” Rarity huffed. “Woof.” Rahs pointed out. “Oh, I don't want to hear it from you, You're biased anyway.” Rarity grumbled. Rahs considered a moment then shrugged. “I'm still surprised you can understand him.” Twilight offered. “Trust me with what he says half the time I am quite certain I am not happy about hearing such uncouth utterances.” Rarity huffed as Rahs laughed. “You know he's doing it to annoy you.” Twilight rolled her eyes. “ He's not usually worse than Rainbow Dash.” “Still, I had a a whole diorama built up of the town, the detail of it down to the pony. “ Rarity sighed. “You know, they are still cleaning up from....” Twilight began. “Yes, yes, I get it... I get it . It doesn't mean I have to be happy about it.” Rarity pouted.” After all I had the opportunity to impress Trender Hoof with this and I blew it.” “Bark?” Rahs questioned. “What?! How can you not know who Trender Hoof is? Trender Hoof is only the most amazing, handsomest travel writer to have ever traveled or written! Before Las Pegasus became an Equestria travel destination, he wrote about it! Before the culinary revolution in Trottingham, he discovered it! He knows what's going to be hot even before it's tepid! “ Rarity exclaimed. “Well sounds like you've got a bit of a crush.” Twilight smirked. “Oh, Twilight, "crush" doesn't even begin to describe it. He's practically divine. I can't believe he's coming!” Rarity tittered” And I can't believe I'm not in charge. Applejack had to go with a rustic vibe that looks more like a county fair.” “Bark?” Rahs raised an eyebrow. “Oh no, there's nothing wrong with it per-say, it is a style, rather than just slapping together whatever works like I expected, but it certainly won't impress Trender Hoof. “ Rarity sighed.” And since I'm not in charge I can't interact with him nearly as much as I would like to.” “That might be for the best.” Twilight pointed out. “You aren't really the best judge of character when it comes to some one you are crushing on. Remember Prince?” “Not my finest hour.” Rarity grumbled.”But it is not as if I make a habit of horrid choices like that with stallions. I only made that mistake once.” “Woof!” Rahs corrected. “Please, Sombra is not nearly as bad as you two seem to think. I cannot deny he is very rough around the edges, but all and all he is far less rude than you are Rahs.” Rarity rolled her eyes. “ Besides we are not attempting to court him, so he hardly counts in this situation.” [ Later] “Okay, this guy is seriously starting tah bug me.”Applejack grumbled as she and Twilight sat at the table with some tea. “Still?” Twilight questioned sipping a new batch of tea. Rahs remained on the couch, his ears were perked however. “Yeah still. He don't seem tah take tha hint ah ain't interested. Ah mean ah'm trying tah be nice cause tha mayor said his good word could do a lot fer Ponyville's tourism board, but seriously. Tha stallions almost as bad as Applebloom was when she an Spike became her colt …. drake -friend.” “Bark?” Rahs asked. “Oh yeah, that bothersome, at least she listened when everyone told her to dial it back a bit.” Applejack huffed. ”Doubt this guy would.” “Where are Spike and the crusaders any way?” Twilight asked. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!! It said a lot for Applejack, Rahs, and Twilight that the most any of them did at the sound of the explosion was Twilight lighting up her horn and making sure the tea set didn't bounce off the table as the tree rattled. “THAT WAS NOT OUR FAULT.” Scootaloo bellowed. “Sounds about like they're over by Sugar Cube Corner.” Applejack offered. “Ahh good. I'm sure Pinkie Pie can deal with any fires then.” Twilight nodded. “Right, so any idea bout what to do with this guy?” Applejack huffed. “It can't be that bad.” Twilight offered. “He sang a song about mai legs.....” Twilight and Rahs both raised an eyebrow. “Seriously?”Twilight asked. “Well maybe not entirely about mai legs, but still.” Applejack huffed.” Surprised Rahs hadn't come in tah do somethin but him hitting on his mare friend.” “Woof.” Rahs huffed holding up a single finger. “True. You two have only gone on one date. That doesn't exactly make you his mare friend as he's also gone on a date with the others.” Twilight considered. “Plus I hardly think you would like him being over protective like that any way.” “Ugh,yeah, yer right. Sorry, this guys just got me frazzled.” Applejack grumbled. “Have you tried transforming, that might drive him off.” Twilight suggested taking another sip of tea. “Yeah and all he said was that ,'It was wonderful ah had such a delightful wild side, an was fierce, indigenous, untamed, and a buncha other four bit words.” Applejack huffed as Rahs snickered.“Quiet you.” “Woof.” Rahs pointed out. “Really?” Applejack questioned. “Of course. If you really need help getting rid of him all you have to ask. I'll be happy to assist and Rahs somehow managed to get his paparazzi and noble hunting license renewed. Trender Hoof falls under that.” Twilight offered. “Granted Angel bunny some how managed it as well...” “What about Rainbow?”Applejack asked. “Well...” Twilight trailed off. [Grand Galloping Gala, last year] “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!” Screamed out the posh looking mare as she ran around in circles fanning her mouth. Her tongue hung out of her wide open mouth, a half eaten cupcake arcing through the air from where she flung it after one bite. The launched pastry splattered across a stallions face. The suited noble screamed out as the 'Volcano spice' frosting started burning his nose. Rainbow Dash snickered to her self as Prince Blueblood watched the pair of pained figures crash into other guests, tables, chairs, and displays. The mare finally dunked her head in a punch bowl sending a gout of steam and splashed punch out hitting a few other guests. “I believe that makes forty seven now pranked.”Prince chuckled to his date. ”And bonus points for a cascading cupcake.” “Celestia said it was the first time in over a hundred years that the nobles were united on something. And it was just to make sure Dash's license wasn't renewed.” Twilight explained. “Celestia was to impressed by the show of unity to refuse.” “Figures Rainbow would over do it.” Applejack snickered. “Still, ah hope this guy can take a hint. Rarity's been fawning all over him and ah've been trying tah avoid him.” “Bark?” Rahs questioned. “Right, cause Rarity's got great judgment on who's good fer her. Look what happened with Prince.” Applejack pointed out. “Woof.” “Really? Ah didn't think she was interested in Sombra.”Applejack muttered. “She's not. I'm surprised you haven't asked Sunset for help in this.” Twilight commented. “Please Twi. Ah want him tah leave me alone, not tah be turned inta an ash pile.” Applejack considered. “Fer now.” [Later] Trender Hoof watched from the orchard as Rarity and Applejack talked to each other by the farm house. The day had been a long exercise in flip flopping and teasing between the two mares before they finally got over it and both ignored the stallion they had been fighting for and against. Trender had yet to get it. “I'm moving to Ponyville! Being the most interesting pony in Equestria is exhausting. I want to leave my exotic, exciting life behind and live on a farm!“ Trender Hoof spoke mostly to himself. “Not on this farm you're not.” A mare's voice stated behind him. Turning his head Trender Hoof was greeted to the sight of an orange unicorn mare with a red and yellow mane, and a stylized picture of a sun on her flank trotting out of the trees. Next to her was a dark gray unicorn stallion with a black mane and tail that seemed to ripple with their own unseen breeze, though he didn't seem to have a cutie mark. “You don't understand. She's the most perfect pony in Equestria, I've never seen any one like her, I have to be here to make her mine!” Trender ranted. “You do realize she told you 'no' outright don't you?” Sombra stated. “She is clearly not interested.” “Bah, she is simply playing hard to get, a mare like her probably has to to weed out the worthless suitors she must get constantly.” Trender offered.” I must get through to.... yurrrrk!!!!” The stallions rant was cut off as he felt claws along the nape of his neck pricking at his skin as the large paw gripped tight and lifted him up off the ground to where only his back hooves were barely touching. He was turned around and brought face to face with a navy blue furred muzzle full of very sharp teeth. “Applejack said no. So she means, NO.” Trender yelped as he was dropped, landing heavily on the ground with a thud. He looked up at the towering feline like creature before him, it's amber eyes glaring down at him in clear annoyance. “My cousin's a bit too nice. Personally I would have set you on fire.” Sunset offered. “That is your answer to everything.”Sombra rolled his eyes. “Of course. Because fire fixes everything, if it doesn't fix it, clearly you are not using enough fire.”Sunset smirked. “So what would you do?” “Mail him to Yakestan.” Sombra said simply. “Postage is fairly cheap this time of year.” The moon dog and the pyro both looked at the former king, then each other then back to Trender who's eyes widened in realization, then to the large crate sitting next to a tree behind Sombra. “No, you can't do anything to me, I'm the press, we have rights!” Trender snapped. “Rahs has a hunting permit.”Sunset smirked. “I'm sure you've heard of those.” “I.. I .. I'll write a bad review, you'll never get another tourist in town!” Trender stammered. “A useless threat, as the three of us are the least likely to care about tourism. Personally the less random ponies who show up the better I am.”Sombra stated carrying the crate over in his magic.” Now then...” [Ponyville post office.] Ditzy narrowed her eyes as she looked at the three before her, mostly the tallest one. “This isn't your sister running off to be a goat again is it?” Ditzy asked Rahs. Sombra and Sunset raised one eyebrow each as they looked at the moon dog who simply slapped his face with a claw and shook his head. “Well alright. We have a train ready to head out with their next peanut shipment, the package should get to Yakestan in two days.” Ditzy offered. “Thanks Ditzy.” Sunset offered as the trio walked out of the post office, a suspiciously wiggling and muffled crate left on the counter. No one in Ponyville was going to ask. “So should I expect you to ever white knight for me if I need it?” Sunset smirked looking up at Rahs. “Mare as if he would need to. “Sombra snorted.” I would feel sorry for anyone or anything that thought it could capture you for long enough to need a rescue.” “Hey it's the thought that counts. Every little filly had a Princess and knight in shining armor fantasy once or twice growing up.”Sunset snorted. “Granted so far only Cadence had that come true... literally, but still.” “Hmph.” Sombra offered. “Wait a minute why were you so ready to deal with Trender?”Sunset demanded as the group moved down the street away from the post office. “I get Rahs and I've been listening to Applejack bitch all day, but why were you there?” Sombra remained silent. “Hold on, does this have to do with Rarity?” Sunset asked. Rahs' ears perked up at that. “I have no idea what you are talking about.” Sombra growled. “Ahh it is!! Were you jealous she's been gushing over that guy?”Sunset grinned. “That has to be it, you wanted him gone cause she has a thing for him!” “It is nothing of the sort.” Sombra snapped. “That mare is insufferable when she's whining, and with her stuck on that black list, her usual whining into a bucket of ice cream is not feasible so I have to hear it.” “Somby has a crush, that's adorable, what would Cadence say about that?!” Sunset sing songed. “Mare if you tell that pink water craft fanatic anything I will personally pull out every single one of your hairs with a forge reddened pair of pliers.” Sombra growled. “Oh no, Rahs protect me!” Sunset cried out and darted under Rahs' coat nearly tripping him as she pressed against the back of his legs. Rahs blinked raising an eyebrow at Sombra who looked at him with a huff before storming off. “You are my least favorite cousin.” Sombra growled. “I'm your only cousin!”Sunset called. “Not if you count the entire Apple family as related, at which point you are far, far, down that list.”Sombra snapped storming off as Rahs pulled the cackling Sunset from under his coat. > For Whom The Sweetie Betta Toils, Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR For Whom The Sweetie Betta Toils, Prologue [ Friendship Express, En-route to Canterlot, early Winter] The train clicked and clacked along the tracks as it made the rather slow ascent up the mountain. Despite the trip only taking an hour at most, to the three sitting in the train car, under the careful watch of at least three plain clothes Guards and two obvious guard, it was highly dull. Granted the guard was not there to protect the three normal looking ponies, they were there to protect everything else from the three normal looking ponies. The Decaff Brigade, the Cake Hunters, and the few Heart Guard that remained in Canterlot as some sort of embassy guard, had come together to assign guards to make a fifth specific guard unit. There was a fourth guard unit of course, but the 'Sparkle Squad' was not spoken of often by the other guard units. Simply put, because anyone willing to join that unit was either a glutton for punishment, or clinically insane, and they scared the normal guard. Even the Six Sixty Sixth was wary of any Guards in purple and navy blue armor trimmed with green. Thankfully the score or so guards in that particular unit stayed in Ponyville for the most part, under the lead of a former Captain of the Decaff Brigade, Comet Trail. The stallion had managed to bring another nox-cal in from the Decaff Brigade to be his second. Lodestone was a massive mountain of a pony and had taken to living in Ponyville surprisingly well, most likely due to the three mares that 'welcomed him'. The fact that the Sparkle Squad also tended to the near weekly disasters that plagued the town made a number of of insurance providers, who were tricked into covering the town by Princess Celestia, a great deal happier. But the fifth squad in the making was one that some considered a joke. But the order had come from both the Lunar Princess AND the Sparkle Squad commander that it was a needed thing if these three ponies left the confines of Ponyville. That one of them was the adopted younger sister of Princess Luna only added to the urgency. At the moment the few guards assigned to watch over the 'Cutie Mark Crusaders' didn't have an official name. They were composed of a number of new guards and a few who had signed up willingly for what was considered an easy job in foal sitting. The unofficial name of this unit by those in the know however was,' Suckers'. Sweetiebelle huffed as she looked out the window and watched the trees go past. Luckily for the guards the three were pensive, half asleep, and reading a book at the moment. The five guards present last time they had come up to Canterlot had either retired , transferred, or were still in therapy from the 'Engineering cutie mark' incident. Two engines and four miles of track also had to be replaced. Neither of the damaged engines had been the one they were on. “Ah figured you'd be more excited than this Sweetiebelle.”Applebloom offered looking up from her book at the noise Sweetie made. “Been a while since we got tah go stay with Princess Luna.” “I know. She owes me a rematch in Road Kombat.” Scootaloo grinned opening her eyes the rumble of the train lulling her to doze. ”I've been practicing.” “I am excited, it's just mom and dad dumped me on Rarity again and then she had to run off to deal with an order from Sapphire Shores and drug Sombra off to help her so we couldn't stay there.” Sweetiebelle sighed. “Well Aunt Fireball had to head to Cloudsdale for the meeting about this years snow schedule, so staying there was out. Fluttershy was too busy with getting all the animals hibernating properly to watch us.”Scootaloo added. “Big Mac, Granny, and Applejack are off to help with a bumper crop of them weird Crystal Apples with a cousin of ours up in tha Empire.” Applebloom offered.” They'll be gone all weekend and maybe a bit more, which is why ah was staying with Sweetie and Rarity so ah didn't miss any school.” “What about Spike and Twilight?” Scootaloo asked. “Already told yah. Twilight and Sunset are doing some sort of experiments this weekend. He's gotta keep an eye on them so they don't blow up tha town, and Rahs' winter coat is coming in and you know how he gets when he's itchy.” Applebloom offered. “Spike said it's way too dangerous for any pony tah be around for it when those two start on somethin.” [ Ponyville, Golden Oaks library.] “PULL THE LEVER KRONK!!” Sunset shouted from behind a magically reinforced slab of wood and lead shielding. “Who's Kronk?” Twilight asked as she pulled the lever from behind another such shield. The sound of two billion volts arcing through the air from some strange apparatus that seemed to hover over the basement floor filled the air as a bolt of lightning slammed into the top of the odd box left by the Tree of Harmony. The energy arched over the box for a little while scorching the stone table it was on before everything exploded, sending the entire lab flying around with a roar of noise. The room was filled with smoke the scent of ozone and a hint of roasted pecans. “Wrong lever.” Sunset coughed casting a spell to disperse the smoke so she could look over the damage. The box sat on the remains of the table looking completely undamaged from the wash of energy that destroyed everything else in the room and melted the barricade shields. “Well crap.” Twilight huffed. Upstairs, Rahs sat on the couch blinking. A large circle of fur lay around him covering the couch and the floor and much of the room. Spike who had been nearby eating ice cream now had a full navy blue beard, though his ice cream cone was also covered in fur. There had been shouting from the basement, a dimming of the lights across town, then his winter coat had suddenly exploded into existence puffing him up like a large cotton ball of fluff. Then there was an explosion down stairs and more yelling. “The Buck was that!?” At least his fur wasn't itchy any more. Spike just wandered upstairs to admire his new beard. “Besides I thought ya liked hanging out with Princess Luna?”Applebloom continued. “I do, it's just I still kinda feel like I'm getting pushed off on other ponies sometimes.”Sweetiebelle sighed. “I know that feeling, “ Scootaloo huffed.”But I also know they have jobs and things they have to do sometimes. I mean heck, I can fly now, but I'm still staying in Ponyville because I want to. I could head off and travel with my parents now, but I got used to it here and then I'd miss you guys.” “Yeah, but your parents have tah work, Sweetiebelle's just go on a ton of vacations and business trips.” Applebloom offered. “Oh yeah, them... I'm starting to think Sombra might be onto something with them.”Scootaloo nodded. “You know what, you're right.” Sweetiebelle stated suddenly. “About your parents?” Scootaloo questioned. “No, about enjoying this trip. I get to stay with the best big sister ever.” Sweetiebelle grinned and bounced off the seat down to her bag pulling it open and drawing out a book. Scootaloo and Applebloom's eyes widened in fear at the sight of it. The guards around them looked confused at the fear they showed of the book. “I can try out some new recipes I read about and she can tell me what she thinks.”Sweetiebelle beamed waving the cook book around. “Are we about to be charged with regicide?” Applebloom muttered to Scootaloo. “I think it would have been safer to stay at Twilight's.” Scootaloo agreed. > For Whom The Sweetie Betta Toils, Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR For Whom The Sweetie Betta Toils, Part 1 [Canterlot] Princess Celestia looked out the window over looking the courtyard and down at the small collection of guards escorting three fillies into the castle. Celestia smiled softly it had been a while since the Crusaders had stayed over. Usually it was planned well in advance, though the message she gotten from Spike earlier mentioned this time it was a random string of events that lead them to show up, almost as a surprise with how quickly it had been arranged. One of these days she was quite certain Hondo and Cookie would retire for good. Perhaps that would happen when they finally managed to put Quayle away for good. That griffon was a constant thorn in the sides of S.M.I.L.E. and only those two seemed to have any success against him. Still, it was their constant 'trips' that likely had them sign off on Luna adopting Sweetie as her little sister. Not many of their enemies would be willing to target a daughter under the protection of some one far more than willing to ax their entire plan, literally. That Rarity was part of a group that took down Discord, Nightmare Moon and a number of other large threats kept her off the 'revenge on their family's' list. The Thieves Guild was not that stupid. Celestia let out a sigh. In truth she was rather glad things worked out this way. Luna had a habit of adopting random individuals that impressed her or she thought were cute. She hadn't done it before the nightmare incident, though she was nearly always depressed since the death of her first son. Though once she had come back, in the course of the three years since, she had adopted at least thirty two individuals. Everyone from a few foals on the street, to the Sparkles, to a maid she particularly liked. There had been a statue, a full grown chimera, whom none of the heads knew what was going on, a few Guards, a trio of balista, that had been weird even for her, a couple of ambassadors and Pony Joe at one point. That was nothing to say of all the Neightendo characters she took on in her games. Thankfully all of them refused, were inanimate objects,or were other wise talked out of joining the royal family. Well, all save Rahs, that malformed rat of a cake stealing familiar she had, and Sweetiebelle. Rahs just shrugged and went along with it not really caring beyond the fact he had a bit of a clingy grandmother now. That damn rat of hers loved it and did everything he could to torment Celestia and steal her cakes. He was up to forty and that was terrible. Sweetiebelle had actually been seeking out something like it and was more thrilled with having a doting big sister than any royal nonsense that came with the adoption. It didn't take a psychologist to understand why Luna did this. The guilt over what happened with Sombra weighed on her even if she wasn't in full control of her actions. Sombra might be back, but he was neither a foal, nor interested in anything involving his mother. By comparison she and Sunset were getting along quite well. And by quite well, Sunset hadn't tried to set her on fire lately, or lobbed a flame strike at the palace from Ponyville. She was quite proud of the range her daughter had, but the guards and clean up crews were far less impressed. What had surprised Celestia was that when the same offer was given to Rarity once she and Sweetie made up, Rarity had refused. She claimed she would prefer that ponies chose her clothing lines for her skill, not because she was related to royalty. With Sweetiebelle still excited to see Luna every time she could, it seemed to ease that particular issue her sister had. Luna hadn't adopted any one or anything else lately, though she had tried to knight Pony Joe twice, both refused. Celestia had been trying to do that for years herself so didn't see it as an issue. She would see him be the Duke of Doughnuts yet. Still the solar princess took note of the foals entering the castle and then went about her business. While she had no issues interacting with them, they were here for Luna, not her and she had no plans to interrupt whatever they were going to do short of blowing up the castle. She would badger Applebloom for all she could about Sunset's progress at dinner though. [Las Pegasus] “Please?” the mare asked. “No.” Sombra replied. “Pleaseee?”the second mare added to the request as the first repeated it. “No.” Sombra frowned. “PLEEEASE?” three other mares joined in. “No.” “PLEAAAAAAASE!!” More of the background dancers, and a few of the stage hooves chimed in. “No.” Sombra growled. “PLEEEEEEAAAAAASSSSEEEE.!!!!” The same group asked along with Sapphire Shores which made the whole thing far more like a rehearsed song chorus than it had any right to be. “What part of ….” “PLEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEE!!”Rarity joined in with the others and one of the stage hands turned the mics back on so the askance reverberated in the theater nearly knocking Sombra off his hooves. Sombra growled. ”I never should have let you hear me singing along to that damn song.” “But you have such a lovely baritone.” Sapphire Shores chimed in. [Ponyville] “I warned you this would happen!” Spike shouted. ”But you didn't believe me! WHY DIDN”T YOU BELIEVE ME!?” “Calm down Spike, this is just a small error. What we thought was a decimal point was just a cookie crumb that got stuck to the paper.” Twilight offered. “We can fix this easy.” “BORK!!!” Rahs shouted clawing and biting at the mass of black tentacles that emerged from the basement and were trying to envelope everything in the house. “BWAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!” Sunset cackled burning everything that came her way to ash. "̵ͩ͗̎̀̚҉̹̩̼G̴̦͎̤͖̈̏ͫ́͋ͨ̃͛̉̕͡L̹̹̼̜̇ͦ͒́ͯ̑͑̿͢Ụ̴̼͕͉̎ͪ̈̈̈̀͟ͅB̿ͨ̾͏̻͈͈ ̸͎͔̮̫͉̖̬̔̃ͯ̈́̌̈̇̈̕ͅG̗̯ͣ̐̍̅̌͛͗L̨̯͈͎̟̼͎̭̋͗ͅU͇͓͇̪̠ͮ́̿̄̄̎̊ͮ̚̕ͅB̪̙͇̙̯̺̍̏́͟ͅ ̦͎͉̓̒̈D̡͔̹̱̩̙͚̮ͦͮͪ̀Ĕ̷͈̞̻̫̑̊̊́M̷̲̩̝̙̼̖ͯ̔A͙̟̖̒ͭN̦̩͍̰̪̆̓̑̓͑D̲̲̮̘̩̼̮ͧ̊͌S̡̳̬̤͈̪̲͎͒̒̋̌̋͒͐ͬ͘ ̛͙̦͆́ͫ̀̇ͤF̸͕́ͧͦ̉̀͜Ȉ̡̛͖̣̩̻̯̏ͯͥ͗S̷̷̩͙͓̙̗̲̺͔ͮ͆̾͘Ḧ̸͙̳̈́͛̊̉͠ ̡͓͎͚̭̮̪̊̏͑̐ͮͮͯ͢F̴̜̦̪̞̣̣̓͑͡L̶͍̦͍͎̙͕͋̄̀̂̾̏́̚͡Ä̵́̑҉̰̬̘̻͙̗̜̪K̷̴̳̃̈́E̡̪͇ͩ̚͟͟ͅS̼͔̟͔̰̰̬ͯ̆͌̆̕ͅ!̵̧̱̟ͬ͢!̛̫̤̤̮̝͒ͨ̈́̅̅ͯͧ!̵ͥ̇͌͂̃͋ͨ͏͉̜̺̼"̲̬̳̳̻͛͂͊ “Now why does this thing sound so familiar?” Twilight muttered as she looked over her notes. Luna yawned pushing herself up out of bed a few hours earlier than she preferred. She offered a nod to the maid that had come to awaken her and collected the big gulp of coffee that had been brought sipping it as she made her way to the window squinting out at the late day sun outside. It had been a bit of a surprise to hear her little sister Sweetiebelle was coming to visit, but it had required little change to her schedule. Fridays were usual swamped with cases for her to oversee in her Night court, but her bailiff , Bull, had told her there were very few cases scheduled for tonight when her court had concluded this morning. With luck she would be done in a hour or two tops, then she would be able to hang out with Sweetiebelle and her friends until they dozed off. The girls were getting better at staying up with her, but they had not mastered it fully yet. Luna smiled. Unless there was a sudden crime wave or a riot this should be a relatively calm night, a few cases and then she could spend the rest of the night with the Crusaders. [Canterlot bar and Grill.] “Hey you!” A blue horned reindeer called out pointing a hoof at another patron of the crowded bar. “Ehh?” a burly looking cow with a red bandana uttered glancing back at the other patron who shouted. “Uppercut, jab, jab, roundhouse, body blow!” the reindeer shouted back. “Hey!” the cow shouted. “Them's fighting words!” The bar then exploded into a brawl. > For Whom The Sweetie Betta Toils, Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR For Whom The Sweetie Betta Toils, Part 2 [Canterlot] “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” two thirds of The Cutie Mark Crusaders screamed. “.......” stated Princess Luna, her horn embedded into the table, the mug she had been drinking from sliding across the table in a slow spin where it had fallen from her magic leaving a trail of coffee behind it. “Dang, I was sure I had that right.” Sweetiebelle huffed. [Earlier] Sweetiebelle shooed the night chef away again as she watched the pot boil. She glanced over to the book and started adding things to the water. The instructions for the coffee were right here in this book and she was determined to get it right for when her bestest big sister came down for dinner/ breakfast. Sweetiebelle knew Luna loved coffee and as such had gotten this book specifically for the coffee recipe it had. She wasn't sure what Turkey coffee was , but it didn't seem too hard to make. And there didn't seem to be any turkey in it either, which just made the name that much stranger. Still it was odd that the chef kept trying to interrupt her and it was getting annoying, she hadn't even made a mess. And her friends certainly didn't help matters by setting up a bunch of sand bags and wearing bomb squad gear they borrowed from the Guard. Why the Guard even had bomb squad gear in their size was something Sweetiebelle didn't bother to think about. Still there were no obvious explosions and the one fire that was quickly put out. The head chef was unsure how the little white unicorn had managed to set the kitchen sink on fire, though the coffee was done and being carried off before he had the time to ask. The coffee was brought before Luna as she settled in at the table and the others gathered around, Sweetiebelle with excitement, the other two with building dread. The Princess of the Night had taken a sip of the 'coffee' complimented Sweetiebelle on the taste and drained a good portion of the rest of the mug. About that point her eyes rolled back in her head, her magic winked out and she slammed face first into the table, leading the other crusaders to scream out and Sweetiebelle to wonder what happened. [ Ponyville] Twilight stared at Twilight. Twilight stared back at Twilight. “You are not scientifically possible.” Twilight stated. “Don't even start with that.” Twilight huffed fluttering her wings. “We went through that last time we time traveled!” “It doesn't make it any less scientifically possible.” Twilight stated. “We literally know a god of time, and Minuette. It's magically possible.” Spike snapped. “Yeah, what I said.” Spike offered as well. “Woof.” Rahs nodded sagely. “Bark?” Rahs asked. “Yeah, it's just timey whimy stuff. Don't think about it too much, kinda like Pinkie Pie.” Shining Armor added from where he sat next to a large stone table that appeared in the middle of the library. “I for one would like to know if I can borrow both Rahs' for a bit. I have had an idea that I am not sure a cloning spell would work on....” Sunset offered biting her lip a little as she looked between the two moon dogs. “No.” The collected group stated, save the Rahs' who simply looked at the mare with wide eyes. “So if you are me from the future, what sort of dire message do you have?”Twilight huffed. “What's gonna happen next Tuesday that brings Shining in too?” “Nope, we're a little more than a year in the future if I recall correctly. And really there's so much shit that happens I can't really explain it all. Good news, the rest of that stupid prophecy is figured out. I can tell you that you don't need to worry about figuring out the stupid box because that comes into play this summer, I also figure out the Familiar spell.” Twilight added with a small glare at Sunset at the mention of the spell.” “The next expansion of, Fallout Equestria is pretty neat, but don't buy it day one, there's so many bugs and stuff you wanna wait until about the end of the year before picking it up.” Spike told himself. “Also hold off getting any new Battle Mallet rule books as 9th edition is gonna drop in the middle of next year.” “Sweet.” Spike nodded.”See this is the sorta stuff that's important to know from the future.” “Bark.” Rahs offered making Rahs stiffen. “BORK!” Rahs gasped. “Yes, he means six, by next year you're gonna have a a rather intense sixth girl chasing you.” Shining Armor chuckled. “I still can't believe it.” “What!?” Sunset snapped. “Who is she so that I may burn her!?” “No.” The collected group stated, save the Rahs' who simply looked at the mare with wide eyes. “Annnd it's reasons like that which are why we are keeping this simple.” Twilight sighed.” This is all I told you when I came through last time so this is all I'll tell you coming through this time because of the time issues. And I really don't want to annoy White.” “Fair enough.” Twilight agreed. [Canterlot] “This is a horrible plan.” Scootaloo muttered setting up the rope and pulley system around the throne hiding parts of it under a blanket draped over the back.”We are so boned.” “This will work, it has to work.” Sweetiebelle stated running around doing her best to hide the puppeteering strings with a bit of magic or decoration.”It worked with Granny Smith that one time.” “No it didn't. That whole thing was stupid and that was just trying tah fool one pony not a whole court.” Applebloom fussed, the little earth pony struggling under the weight of Luna as she moved the Princess to the throne.” Ah'm sure glad this is Princess Luna an not Princess Celestia, dun think ah ken lift her.” “Look this is gonna be easy We've sat through a couple of her night courts before. Her secretary Miss Darksky already knows most of the verdicts and points out the changes in the laws that Luna might miss so all we have to do is get Luna to nod or shake her head dependent on what is asked.” The trio propped Luna in a chair and Sweetiebelle paints a pair of fake eyes on Luna's eyelids as Applebloom hooks the Princess up. “This is super dumb we are gonna get thrown in jail, then banished, then thrown in another jail where we're banished to, then that's gonna get banished.” Scootaloo muttered. “Calm down, this is fine everything's gonna be fine, she said before she passed out.....” Sweetiebelle started. “You mean before you killed her with your cooking.”Scootaloo moaned. “SHE SAID! Tonight was a light night and shouldn't take her more than an hour or two to get through the cases.” Sweetiebelle squeaked as she shouted. “ We will be fine!” The door to the throne room opened and a dark purple mare walked in. the cloven hooves of the female clicked along the floor as the kirin Nox-cal levitated a stack of papers in front of her , the mass of paper work swirling around her head barely allowing the yellow maned pony to see, yet she some how stopped in front of the throne. “Hi Miss Darksky.” Sweetiebelle chimed up as Applebloom and Scootaloo ducked behind the blanket draped over the back of the throne to work the pulley system, lifting Luna's head up as if she was looking at the kirin. “Hello Sweetiebelle. Are you here to watch Princess Luna hold court again?” The mare asked without looking out from her halo of papers. “Yep she says it's gonna be a light night so we can uhh go hang out after wards.” Sweetiebelle offered. “Oh dear, I suppose no one told you or the Princess then. There was a riot earlier today and the judicial court has close to three hundred cases to oversee this evening.” Miss Darksky stated. “WHAT!?” all three of the crusaders screamed out. “No need to use the royal Canterlot voice Princess. Seems a bar fight escalated into an all out riot that took up most of down town and set a few clubs and bars on fire. The fourth worse riot we've seen since the changeling invasion.” Miss Darksky offered. “And this one had nothing to do with sports or a price hike on popcorn at the theater.” “But...” Sweetiebelle gasped wide eyed glancing between the oblivious assistant and the comatose princess. “I'm sorry Sweetie, this still shouldn't take all night though, the cases are fairly straight forward, Danny will read the evidence against them, Kristy will try to say why they are innocent, the Princess will consider and since the most of them were caught red hoofed the only thing the Princess needs to do is pass sentence. The only reason most of them are even being brought here rather than this being dealt with by the lower courts is because of all the bartenders and clubs are demanding this be dealt with by the patron goddess of the night life. Plus they are trying for harsher penalties and reimbursement.”Miss Darksky offered. “We probably could have passed that off too if there were not so many, we don't have enough cells to hold them all for the lower courts to work through. So most of it needs to be done tonight.” “Oh no.” Sweetiebelle muttered. [ Las Pegasus] “Well that went wonderfully don't you think?” Rarity chimed up as she and Sombra strolled down the still rather busy late night street. “Hmm.” Sombra shrugged. “Wasn't it nice of Sapphire Shores to get us a table at that restaurant... I've never seen such opulence paired with such delicious food.”Rarity crowed. “I have had better....” Sombra trailed off. “Yes, but wasn't that lovely regardless? We had that whole booth to ourselves over looking that delightful live band they had there.” Rarity smiled. Sombra sighed.” I already agreed to sing for that one song on her album, you do not need to continue to try and butter me up.” “Oh I'm not...” Rarity offered as she nearly purred, pressing up against the side of Sombra.”You know what would make this night even better?” Sombra glanced over to the white mare pressing to his side with a raised eyebrow. “Ice cream?” Sombra asked. “YES!” Rarity cheered. [Canterlot] “Where have you been?” Applebloom hissed as Scootaloo slipped back under the blanket at the back of the throne. “I had to go move all the lights we put out side the windows up more cause the Princess hasn't moved the moon.” Scootaloo hissed back. “ Fine. Help me move this over a little.” Applebloom muttered pulling on a cord. In front of the throne, Luna seemed to shift over to whisper something to Sweetiebelle. Early on Sweetiebelle had some how managed to convince the entire court that Princess Luna was telling her the judgment so she could relay it and try to get rid of her fear of public speaking. There was of course some annoyance from some of the petitioners, though that was rapidly defused by Sweetiebelle giving a bit of a pouty lip at the ponies didn't seem to like her. Given that most of them were trying to appeal for a more lenient sentence with Luna they all quickly agreed and any who might have had issue wisely kept their mouths shut about it. It had been a few hours of faking this and most of the court cases were pretty straight forward with the punishments mostly being community service and a few fines. Sweetiebelle just picked a few things that Danny wanted to happen and went with that rather than the whole list, keeping a little bit of a middle punishment rather than the excessive amount Danny wanted, or the scott free Kritsy wanted. The massive minotaur 'Bull' and the smaller but far more dangerous Bailiff Ross kept every pony in order and accepting of their judgments. [?] Discord sat in a chair on his wall watching the fish tank that was showing a TV show of what was happening in the Night Court. The God of Chaos blinked slowly at the scene with the Crusaders, then turned to look at you and shrugged. “I have no idea how this is happening.” He then turned back to the show staring in confusion. [ Las Pegasus] Rarity smiled as Sombra came out of the ice cream shop. She then frowned in noticing he only had one chocolate cone in his magic. “You didn't get me one?” Rarity pouted. “You are still on the black list for another week.” Sombra explained simply. “Oh please, like Pinkie Pie would ever know.” Rarity huffed. “She is in the shop.” Sombra pointed out. “What?!” Rarity gasped. “She is in the shop.” Sombra explained. “How is she in the shop!?” Rarity scoffed. Her questioning was interrupted as a waffle cone filled with sprinkles belted Sombra up side the back of the head thrown from said ice cream shop. “ AND THAT'S FOR BITING FLUTTERSHY!!” “What!??” Rarity blinked. “You have lived in Ponyville longer than me and I have learned to not question it.” Sombra explained taking a lick of his ice cream cone as he shook the sprinkles out of his mane. [Canterlot, early morning] “I cannot believe that worked.” Scootaloo muttered her head face down on the table. “Ah'm just glad she woke up in time to finish up and didn't ask too many questions about tha ropes.” Applebloom yawned. “At least it's over and no one called me out on any of the cases so I guess they were all done correctly.” Sweetiebelle muttered. “Oh, good morning girls.” Looking up from the table the trio took note of Princess Celestia trotting into the dining area from the kitchen. “You look like you've had a rough night. Did you finally manage to stay up with Lulu?” Celestia asked floating a mug over to her lips and taking a sip. “Yah ken say that.” Applebloom grumbled. Scootaloo had noticed something. “What's that you have?” Scootaloo demanded. “Oh this?” Princess Celestia lifted the mug which had 'Equestria's #1 Flank' written on the side, Applebloom felt that might have been Cadence's mug. “I don't normally drink coffee but there was a pot of it left in the kitchen that smelled rather good and only needed to be heated up a little bit. Some times even I have a bit of trouble getting up in the morning girls.” The trio stared in horror as Princess Celestia finished the coffee, licked her lips then promptly collapsed. The Cutie Mark crusaders stared at the prone form of the Princess of the sun a moment before the shouting started again. “ Why didn't you throw that away!?” Scootaloo shouted. “I'm not supposed to waste food.” Sweetiebelle pouted. “Oh thank tha stars, ah ain't sure what tha heck ah'd do if ah got a cutie mark in regicide.” Applebloom muttered checking her flank just in case. > Trout Ya! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Trout Ya! [Rainbow Falls, early mid Winter] “Why am I doing this again?” Sunset huffed, sitting at a podium looking out over a crowd of ponies and other creatures milling around an open field full of booths and tables. The crisp air was enough to send a chill down everyone's spine, though the first heavy snowfall had yet to hit. With Hearths Warming coming, the Rainbow Falls Traders Exchange was held at the near perfect time to find that gift for a hard to shop for pony on your list. A few scattered industrial grade magical heaters kept the chill away enough for ponies to enjoy wandering around the countless stalls. “Because there is always a princess in attendance to settle disagreements over whether a trade is fair or not. And since the rule is that a trade is fair as long as both ponies get what they want, there's never been a disagreement.” Twilight offered. “You're the Princess!” Sunset snapped. “Nope!” Twilight stated.” I refused. You however are the daughter of the current ruler of Equestria and therefore an ACTUAL Princess, therefore again, this is your problem.” “Seriously Sparkle!?” Sunset growled. “Yup, have fun.” Twilight grinned trotting off with a large collection of books she had brought to trade leaving Sunset to fume. “You have no idea how hard it is to shop for some one who has literally everything.” Rainbow Dash grumbled looking around the table before her at the odd glass lamps. “Oh, I can imagine.” Fluttershy nodded, looking at the bird whistle she had traded her bear whistle for. It had been a rather simple trade and was one of the first things they had done. “Yeah you might, Pinkie's real hard to shop for too.” Dash muttered. “i mean she loves getting anything, but what does she really want? What are you getting her any way?” “I can't tell you, she's around and you know how she always pops up at the wrong time.” Fluttershy offered gesturing lightly with a wing to a poofy pink mane bobbing in the crowd. “Fair enough. I don't suppose you have an idea what I can get Prince?” Dash asked. “How about a ribbon?”Fluttershy said after a moment of consideration. “A ribbon?” Rainbow Dash asked.”Pretty sure that's something you wrap gifts with not give as a gift.” “Oh, you are right, but the ribbon would be wrapped around you.” Fluttershy nodded. “Around me ? What are you......” Dash froze her eyes going wide as her face turned bright red. Fluttershy simply tittered at her friends reaction. Sombra ignored Applejack and Rarity's bickering about pie tins and made his way over to a small area that seemed to be taken up by a number of blacksmith booths. The work was good but there was nothing he was really interested in until he came across one trading ingots and unrefined ore. On top of the usual ingots of iron, gold, and copper, there were more exotic ones, such as nickel, mithril, and bauxite, though the latter three were in much smaller bars. There was one silvery ore that drew his attention in the collection of rarer ores. Reaching out a hoof he picked it up, turning the small ingot over in his hoof. It was far lighter than anything he had seen before with it's sheen. As he lifted it he took note of an odd bluish glow around the ingot. “Oh very good, I was afraid I was going to need to hit you.” Sombra raised his head looking into the green eyes of a reddish furred kitsune who sat behind the table with a long iron pipe clutched in one paw with a bit of smoke wafting from the end. “One does not use magic with metal unless you are looking to enchant it after it is worked.” Sombra snorts moving his hooves to see if there was any give in the bar before he tapped it a bit.” Anything else cheapens the material.” “Well well, it seems you know your stuff.” The kitsune smirked.”Not many unicorns do.” “Humph.” Sombra offered.”What is this material?” “Ahh that is an oddly special bit of ore. I have had it in my collection for quite some time. What I have been able to find out is that it is a material called Starmetal, collected from a fallen star, it has many compounds similar to iron, but there are other unknown materials that the stars decent from the heavens smelted to the base iron forming something wholly unique.” The kitsune offered his five tails swaying behind him. “The material has an effect when it comes in contact with some one who has been blessed by the god of the night sky, that blue glow you see about it now. Other wise though it tends to disrupt enchantments much like mithril does” The kitsune considered. “Oddly I've only see that glow when the bar is touched by a nox-cal.” the kitsune considered. “Likely anything she's touched, hmm.” Sombra turned his head looking around spotting the moon dog wandering along with his brother, further away then he was willing to yell. He'd test the theory later “ What is it you want for this?” “This is a trading fair, the question is, what are you offering?” the kitsune smiled. Sombra shifted pulling his saddle bags off with his magic drawing out a few odds and ends he had made at the forge, a pair of daggers, some foals puzzles, and a bit of jewelry he had made of gold when he was bored at one point. The spread also had a few old patches and the remains of a number of antique coins and ravenged swords. “What are these?” the kitsune asked picking up one of the patches. “A few old Guard patches from the War of Night. The enchantments on the old palace kept most of the barracks preserved fairly well, these were in a pile of old clothes molding in the corner of a room. The weapons as well, though the preservation spells did not hold the metal as well as I like.” Sombra offered. “These are near priceless artifacts.” the kitsune trailed off, picking up and looking over one of the patches.” The bits you could get for one of these patches alone from a collector would be a fortune.” “I have no need of bits.”Sombra stated. The kitsune stared at the pony before him for a moment frowning lightly.” And you are trading these for the bar?” “One of them.” Sombra corrected. “You explained yourself how valuable it is. All it would take to get more of the ore would to have Luna throw a snit fit and try to crush something from orbit.” The kitsune stared at Sombra with a deeper frown. Sombra matched his gaze. “The patch and two of the foal's puzzles.” “Done.” “You want me to trade all my books for a broken pen?”Twilight raised an eyebrow looking down at the little pegasus filly. The filly nodded. “Alright, fine. You got yourself a–“ Twilight began reaching out a hoof to shake the fillies hoof. Suddenly there was a pink form between the two of them. “STOP!!!!!” Pinkie Pie shouted. “What are you doing!?” “I was trying to get rid of the excess books from the library. Most of them are older tomes or ones with a newer editions that cover more.” Twilight explained. “For that?” Pinkie pointed accusingly at the filly holding the feather pen. “Do you Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally want that!?” The filly huffed. “Well, not really, no, but...” Twilight began. “Ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh! I can't believe that almost happened! But luckily, it didn't happen, thanks to me.” Pinkie Pie beamed. “What the hay are you talking about?”Twilight demanded. “According to the rules of the Exchange, a trade is only fair if both ponies end up with something they want. You can't break the rules! Did any pony see you do it? I don't think any pony saw!” Pinkie Pie looked around before leaning down menacingly in the face of the filly.”But you're not gonna say anything, are you?! Haha, I'm just kidding! Or am I?! Sometimes I can't even tell!” Pinkie Pie might have gone on though her rant was cut off my a grip of magic closing around her mouth. “Pinkie you know that you are my friend, and I do appreciate you trying to look out for me, but do not threaten a foal with whatever unknown horror you can think up.” Twilight stated as Pinkie squeaked around the muzzle gag. “Okay, what are you going to do with these books?” Twilight asked the filly. “Read them, what else do you do with books?” the filly responded clearly confused. “Some of these are higher reading level books you might not understand.” Twilight stated. “Well, how do I get to a higher reading level?” the filly blinked. “By reading books above your reading level.” Twilight explained. “Uhh, isn't that what I'd be doing with these?” the filly flattened her ears. “Precisely.” “Uhh.” the filly questioned. “Oh don't worry these questions are not for me they're for her.”Twilight pointed at Pinkie Pie. “ Do you still want to trade?” “Yeah, I like books.” the filly nodded. “Then we have a deal.” Twilight smiled feeling a twinge of something with her magic.” Remember if you don't understand something you can always as for help, and when you are done with the books pass them on to a library or some one else who will read them.” “Okay!” “So..... how were you going to carry all these home?” Twilight asked finally letting go of Pinkie. “Uhhhh.” the filly considered looking at the towers of books. Rahs smiled as he and Spike wandered the exchange. Spike had managed to trade for the comic he had been looking for fairly early, though he was currently in super protective mode of it now, despite having put it into a steel briefcase he now carried around handcuffed to his wrist. Rahs did not understand comic book collectors. Still he was on the look out for a few things himself. Hearths Warming was only a few weeks away and while most of his shopping was done, there were still a few here and there he wasn't sure of what to get. Spike and Twilight were easy, a miniature kit he didn't have, or some paints, and a book she didn't have which was fairly easy given the release dates of some books. Mom had forced Twilight not to buy books for a month before Hearths Warming and thankfully that stuck. Shining and Cadence were a little harder, but not by much. Chrysalis was going to be surprised by the chocolate sampler he sent, though he had gotten the one that was a prank mix, hot sauce, and high caffeine. The idea of the drunk changeling queen running around with her tongue on fire just amused him to no end. And the best part was he could blame it on Celestia. Comet Trail was getting a few out of season durrians he had managed to find, though despite being friends with the guard captain there was no way EVER he was going to order that damn fruit for him again. It would take weeks to get rid of that smell. He also had a collection of holiday cards to send out to all the ponies and other creatures he had been in plays with over the years, the list was quite sizable even cutting out the jerks in the bunch, and the ones he lost contact with. Of course he had the eight by ten autographed Glossy of himself to send to Shirley, something he would get a matching one of from said now famous actor, but that was a joke the pair had been doing for some time. He kept all the ones he got in a scrap book though evidently Shirley had a few of the ones he sent in picture frames around his mansion. Something which had confused the heck out of a reporter doing an interview at one point. Rahs sighed a little, he was in a play coming up and it worried him. It was the first one he had managed since becoming a god really and everything was coming too easy for him. The script was already memorized, his timing was spot on and he could feed lines to everyone else in the entirety of The Peanut Cracker play. He was the mouse king of course, he couldn't seem to get free of the bad guy / monster roles, but still it was a big part, it had been a while since he had one of those. It was just too easy. He wasn't sure if he had just gotten that good or it was because of his portfolio. It worried him a little that the only reason he was doing well was because of becoming a god due to his sister becoming one. He rather understood Rarity's refusal of Luna's offer now. Was he good because he was good, or because of what he was. Not that his inner musings mattered, he still showed to every practice, because the show must go on, but that was neither here nor there. Let's see who else was on the list. His biological family were being invited to a big cook out with a large number of meat dishes being presented, mostly bacon, cause it was the best gift. He was helping Sweetiebelle with her gift to Luna, mostly funding it, whatever it was, and Celestia was getting cake.... like always. Then there were the problems. The girls who were interested in him. Applejack was covered. She had expressed interest in trying to learn how to cook things other than apples so he had gotten her a fairly sizable Griffonese cookbook. Jynx was a bit harder and required Rarity's aid, though finding a nice dress in her body type that Rarity could properly adjust had been a pain. Shining had offered his two cents when it came time to find something for Saturnia. And by that Shining had just shown up at the Ponyville hive, asked her what she wanted directly, then split the list between himself, Cadence, Chrysalis, and Rahs. Rahs had never heard of sugared fruit bats before, but he had sampled one before buying a box and it was pretty good even if he couldn't taste the sugared part of it. Seems it was indeed some sort of delicacy for changelings. Sunset had been a bit of a pain to figure something out, she had also been a fairly expensive one. Neightendo it seemed had a competitor that created some sort of large tablet device of crystal. It could socket movie crystals and have documents written on it as well as play various games and take pictures. It sounded like that cell phone thing he had heard her talk about so he managed to track one down. A bit pricey, but it wasn't like he didn't have a good number of bits lying around from all the nonsense he had done. Plus he had Celestia cover half the cost because she had no idea what Sunset might want, so this gave her an excuse to buy all the accessories for the device for Sunset. Trixie thus far he hadn't found anything just yet. Which was one of the reasons he was here. He had considered a dress or even some cute stuffed animal given how she clung to the one he had won her in the past. Though while looking through a fair sized collection of theater memorabilia one pony had, he found a book. An old script in fact. A very familiar old script. A very familiar old script that had him holding the pony running the stall up by the neck the other claw as he shoved the book into his face. “Where did you get this!?!?!” “GAH!!” the pony yelped flailing. “Rahs put him down.” Spike shouted. ”What are you even doing!?” Rahs offered the book he held to Spike who looked it over. “Is this a play book? Beauty and the Beast at North Canterlot theater.....?”Spike read opening it. “ It's autographed......didn't they only give these out to the actors and stage hooves?” “Woof.” “Yeaaaah,okay, hey mister if this is stolen, the guards are gonna be the least of your worries.” Spike sighed closing the book. ”There are only thirty three of these things in existence and I know one was destroyed. And clearly my brother here knows you were not given one.” “It it was part of an estate sale. I picked up a whole bunch of stuff from some pony who died. I brought that to the trade show because it's autographed by Shirley Drebbin.” the pony stammered. Rahs blinked looking at the book and setting the stallion back down opening it and noting the name with a small wince. The owner of the script had been one of the older stage hooves that worked with Miss Broadway a lot, Priss Flamenco. She was also one of the ones Rahs hadn't managed to keep up with. “Bark.” Rahs sighed. “He says he's sorry about that, but only those who were part of the play were given these.”Spike translated. “His names in this one too. It's a theater thing.” “I .. I suppose I understand. I take you are interested in trading for it then?” the stallion rubbed his neck. “Ruff.” Rahs nodded, pulling one of the autographed Daring Doo books he had been given to trade. Something that drove his sister insane, but he still wasn't much a fan of the series despite having read it all to try and pick out Saturnia's parts and who else some of Darings references were. And maybe find a clue as to where she learned how to understand moon dog. Unfortunately there was no luck there. “Daring Doo?” the pony considered before shaking his head.” Nah , never been much of a fan, autographed or not, it's clear you want this a good bit, so you need to sweeten the deal a bit.” Rahs growled lightly about to suggest that perhaps the stallion might want relief from all the nightmares he was surely going to have when Rahs told the moon dog watching this stallions dreams to take a vacation, but he stopped himself. He had just grabbed this pony by the neck so it was his fault in the first place. He considered a moment before reaching back into his coat and pulling out a pair of ticket stubs to Hinny in the Hills, both signed by Shirley, who played the bandit chief, and the lead actress Teresa Collins. Rahs had another two at the house given how many times he went to see that play while it was in Canterlot, but still. “Woof?” Rahs questioned. “Deal.” The stallion agreed. > "Three's a Cod" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR "Three's a Cod" [ Coco Cabana, ten miles south of Caduceus, Capitol of the Zebralands., just after Hearths Warming.] Aria climbed out of the engine compartment of the 'Song Fishies' and closed up the hatch. There was nothing wrong with the craft, she just needed something to do so she was studying how to fix the ship. It really wasn't that hard, the mechanical parts were the same as human watercraft, and the only real difference was how it was powered by magic rather than gas. There were other changes of course, magic power didn't require the need for pistons, and the oil use was very sparing, little more than grease on some gears. This meant the ship was quiet too when it ran, if not for the churning of water behind it you wouldn't be able to hear it running. The thing had a self repair enchantment too which annoyed Aria until she found a way to cut it off. Not that she wanted the work, but having magic do things for her like this also annoyed her. It was why she left after all. The trios mother and father were rather doting, smotheringly so. Granted when both parents were gods it tended to go over board. She was never left wanting for anything, barely ever was hurt, and saw no challenge in anything with out it being taken care of for her. She needed to get out from under that. Go out on her own see the world without being coddled and protected. Well that had certainly happened, far faster than she liked thanks to Adagio. Her poofy headed sister had gone the full spoiled princess route, thinking everything was owed to her and was the perfect image of a royal brat. Aria was never really sure why she agreed to go along with Adagio's stupid idea of taking the gems, not much good usually came from screwing with things their father created, but back then none of them had ever seen anything harmful from him. Adagio wanted to claim everything as her own and show she was better than everyone else. Aria wanted to be out on her own doing things herself. And Sonata.... well neither of them had any idea why their youngest sister came along, she was the most complacent and happy with how things were. She absolutely adored their father as well which made her joining the others odd. Speaking of which, Aria had no idea where the usually bubbly third siren was. [Edge of town, Coco Cabana] Blood dripped down the walls of the old barn, bodies of griffons, ponies and zebra's lay scattered around, some still breathing, most not. In the middle of the room was a walled off pit, with the body of one dog and the cowering form of the other dog looking up at the figure standing on the edge of the pit, blood dripping down her blue fur, a wide shark toothed smile gracing her features. The figure had a red and white ball cap with a green swoosh sort of arrow on it, the blue mare also had a darker blue jacket on her though all of it was soaked in blood. Sonata had been invited to this event by a local looking to impress the pretty tourist and thought it was some Pokemon thing. After the first dog ripped apart the other to the cheers of the crowd she had learned other wise and reacted not exactly favorably. A griffon whimpered trying to crawl away only for a hoof to slam into his back pinning him down as the shark toothed pegasus mare glared down at him “What in Tartarus are you!” The griffon screeched. “Pecking order.” Sonata grinned. “That doesn't make any GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!” There was a scream and a snap and the dog fighting ring was silent save the sound of dripping blood and the whimpers of the dogs still in their cages. Aria shrugged, her sister was probably chasing a butterfly or watching grass grow or something. Not that it mattered she was quite sure their father was keeping an eye on them, the ship and the things on it were proof of that, though she wasn't sure the others noticed. Adagio on the other hand was probably getting pampered at the resort and or sleeping with anything there that caught her eye. She had no idea how her father, if he was watching, was allowing that but she chocked it up to him actually taking the hint to let them be. Thus far she was glad he was keeping away, doing her own thing like this was what she wanted any way, and she had certainly gotten a lot of that following Adagio. For better and worse. [ Ponyville] Rahs shifted back on his bed stretching out as he considered the holidays this year. It had turned out rather strange to say the least. As expected all of the girls chasing him had given him a gift, though all of them were surprised he did the same. Applejack had been rather confused at the cook book and had jokingly accused him of only getting it for her so she could cook for him. Rahs neither confirmed or denied that though he was happy to note she was looking through it when he left. That she had given him a jar of zap apple jam as a present was perfect, so long as he kept it hidden from Twilight and Spike. Saturnia had been greatly surprised by the fruit bats. She had some what expected them from Shining and her parents rather than Rahs, but she was quite pleased with the 'candy'. Her gift had been quite a surprise. The original transcript of the sequel to Wolf of the Harvest Moon. It didn't take Rahs long to figure out why the book had been rejected as it was about Changelings. Though again it didn't hint at where DD might have learned to understand Moon Dog. Sunset, as usual, surprised him. She had done a good bit of thinking and had written down a number of recipes she recalled from the human world, compiling them into a collection that was like a hoof written cook book. There were only about fifteen of them, though they did seem interesting even if the main ingredients would be hard to come by, granted most of the recipes were prefaced by innuendo laden descriptions, but he had expected that. She also added a cheese sampler, it confused him a little but she had an explanation for that too, about how canines in the human world generally liked cheese. She wasn't wrong, Rahs did like a good cheese. She had been surprised and confused at the CDP or crystal data pad she had been given, when he left she was already on her way to make improvements and was talking about something called a 'cell tower'. Trixie. Trixie had been crying when he gave her the playbill. With hers lost due to the ursa attack she never thought that she ever could replace it. She was quite upset with herself that he had gotten her that and all she had found for him was some show memorabilia and props from her travels. Rahs didn't mind at all though where she had gotten the silver wolf headed cane from Lon Chaney's The Wolf Mare, was beyond him. Jynx was a bit confused by the holiday as Diamond Dogs didn't really celebrate Hearths Warming, which was a predominately pony holiday. They had a winter solstice sort of thing that didn't usually involve gifts and was more of a large party to mark the end of the year and start of the new in midwinter. Rahs had declined the offer to come to it as he still wasn't entirely comfortable around a large group of Diamond Dogs, he explained it as such and while she seemed disappointed she understood it. After he some how survived the crushing hug she gave after he gave her the dress she offered him an envelope stating Princess Cadence had suggested the idea after learning Jynx hadn't gotten Rahs anything for the holiday as she didn't know she needed to. Rarity was thrilled to help it seemed as well with some 'clothing' designs. There was quite a collection of photos in that envelope. No one else was going to get to see that gift. [Ponyville] “So you're headed to Canterlot for the weekend? Didn't the crusaders just come back from that?” Twilight asked. “Yeah about, two weeks ago, though I'm going with them this time.” Spike offered.” There's also a Battle Mallet tourney being held up there and Sweetiebelle and I have entered.” “Sweetiebelle plays Battle Mallet?” Twilight asked. “Yeah Princess Luna got her into it, she plays Mau.”Spike offered. “So what Japony comic did she base them off of?”Twilight sighed. “The one with the whiny colt in the giant robot. I never could get into that one. If some one came up and said 'here, pilot this giant robot to fight monsters', I wouldn't even hesitate, yet this guy just whines about it and cries a lot.” Spike huffed. “Sweetie's painting skill could be better. But she's trying.” “If Luna got her into it what does she play?”Twilight asked. “Orks.” Spike sighed. “ Bad moons specifically. With a second Chaos army of Luna Wolves.” “Can't say I'm surprised, well so long as everyone's having fun. “ Twilight nodded.” It should give Fireball and her colt friend a bit of alone time for once.” “So what are you gonna do this weekend.” Spike asked. “Oh, Cadence is coming into town and we're going to hang out a bit. I was originally going to do something with Fluttershy but she and Pinkie are gone off to some animal conference near Griffonstone.” [ Off the coast of the Griffon lands.] “Fire.” Fluttershy stated. The cannons aboard the galleon roared as the shots slammed into the whaling vessel blowing great holes in the griffonesse ship. Screams sounded as the birds ran about the deck trying to stop their ship from sinking or fend off the attackers. Fluttershy stood on the deck dressed in a long coat and a tricorn hat, Angel sat on her shoulder looking grumpy in the little parrot costume he wore. Pinkie Pie darted around the three masted sailing ship shouting and helping the others of the crew reload. Maud Pie stood on the prow of the Sea Shepherd, simply flinging the cannon balls herself, punching holes in the whaling ship below the waterline. Tree Hugger sat up in the crows nest a bit red eyed with a number of punks burning in her mane and tail giving her whole form a smoky appearance as they worked to sink the whaling ship a skull and crossbones flag fluttering above her head. “Yarrr.” The earth pony laughed. “Well that should be interesting to hear about. I certainly hope Pinkie Pie doesn't scare any of the animals off by trying to throw a party for them or something.” Spike nodded. “I don't think Fluttershy would let her hurt any one.” Twilight nodded. > Three's a Cod, part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Three's a Cod, part 2 [Ponyville station] “So why are you here anyway Sunset?” Twilight asked,as she glanced at the clock on the wall of the station house, before turning her attention back down the tracks looking for any sign of the train. “I heard Cadence was coming to visit, it's been a while since I've seen her not counting my glorious return, and I at least wanted to say hi or something.” Sunset muttered. “Bit of a history with us, and it's not that good.” “I suppose so, though I thought you and Celestia were trying to get on better terms, and aside from your date with Rahs, I don't recall you going up to Canterlot since you left.” Twilight stated. “I haven't, though I've been asking Applebloom about what's going on when she comes back with Sweetiebelle from the sleep overs with Luna. “ Sunset growled. “I don't like what I've been hearing from her, it seems she doesn't even ask after me or what I'm doing.” “Maybe Applebloom just wasn't paying attention when she did?” Twilight shrugged. “Spike hasn't said much either, but when he goes up there with the girls he spends most of his time either at the game store, running something for the others, or sneaking off to try and make out with Applebloom.” “Guards?” “I have four of them on order to interrupt if it looks like it's going too far.” Twilight stated flatly.” I'm willing to give him a bit of privacy , but that has limits.” “They are not subtle sometimes. I'm surprised Applejack hasn't caught them around the farm yet.” Sunset smirked. “She has. But she's reluctant to say anything, she usually just sends Big Mac or Granny in to interrupt.”Twilight offered with a smirk. “Huh, that's my strategy too. I suppose we should expect this, they're becoming teenagers.”Sunset sighed. “ I had to deal with that shit twice as two separate species.” “I never really understood the issue with it. Rahs got all lanky and strange looking for a while, but I didn't have any issue aside from all the dates Cadence set me up on.”Twilight explained with a small twitch. “Didn't you find any of your dates attractive?”Sunset asked. “A few but the ones that I liked tended to be dumb as posts or taken. I really lucked out with Mac.” Twilight smirked. “Built like a truck and smart, he is a rare one. Though I can understand how you developed that taste, I grew up around a lot of Guards too. Celestia does tend to keep the pretty ones close.”Sunset chuckled. “They pretty much fade to the background after a while which is why I went after that ambassador's son. Exotic and rather beefy.” “A minotaur?” Twilight asked. “What no... right human term, beefy means muscular or robust.” Sunset explained before muttering the last bit. “And occasionally tasting like beef.....fuck, do I want a hamburger....” “Oh.... one of these days we're going to have to set up a dictionary of human terms and slang. I have too many projects at the moment though.” Twilight sighed with a smile. “Once the portal opens again, we'll pop through and get a dictionary and see if they have an urban dictionary in print. or on a tablet with a solar panel charger.... hmm.” Sunset considered her mind wandering across what she wanted to bring back. Still that was thirty years or so away, so no real rush. “Oh, I think that's the train.” Twilight pointed a wing to a slowly growing pillar of smoke in the distance. “Is it on fire?” Sunset asked. “No, it shouldn't be. Why?”Twilight considered. “I thought the Crystal Empire used infused crystal powered engines on their trains.” Sunset offered. “Oh, only a few of them the technology is still pretty new and a lot of places don't have the space to store a solar rock boiler train engine, those things are massive. But in this case the smoke is likely from the passenger cars chimneys, wood stoves are still used to heat most of the older cars because it's rather costly to upgrade them.”Twilight explained. “Never thought I would say this, but magic makes technological advancement wonky. We've got video games, but only rudimentary planes, no TV, but we have movies and data tablets.” Sunset shrugged. “ Hell, half of that stuff came from other nations at that. While I'm not fond of the fact the minotaur have firearms, at least I get why they never caught on here. Unicorn attack spells, pegasi dropping shit from near orbit and earth ponies able to flick a rock hard enough to pierce a brick wall if they wanted, we don't need guns.” “Granny Smith has a gun.” Twilight offered. “That's a blunderbuss full of rock salt and junk, it hardly counts as a proper gun from what I've seen.” Sunset sighed. “And yet I still would not want to get hit with it.”Twilight nodded. “Yeah, well, duh.” Sunset agreed as the train's brakes screeched as it slid into the station. "…..Clap your hooves and do a little shake!" Cadence and Twilight chuckled. Sunset slowly blinked as she watched the pair of them shaking her head a little as the two alicorns went off on a rapid fire discussion of how things had been, despite the pair having seen each other not that long ago. “That is still weird to me.” Sunset blinked then looked over and then up to a figure as tall as her mother. A black carapace covered the form, she had with a greenish blue mane and a gnarled looking horn. Fangs sprouted from the creatures mouth and various parts of her body seemed to be filled with holes as if chunks of her were missing. “GAH!!!!” Sunset shrieked falling backwards. “You sure know how to greet someone don't you?” Chrysalis sighed. “Chrysalis, what are you doing here?” Twilight asked. The Queen of the changelings shrugged. “I got a ride out here with Cady to see my daughter. I didn't expect to meet Sunbutt's daughter though.” The changeling queen grinned looming over the fallen Sunset. “Chryssy. No.” Cadence snapped. “Oh relax Cady, I'm not Sunbutt, I don't go after foals.” Chrysalis rolled her eyes. “Except when you did. During the time frame of the war between you and Celestia, numerous foals were taken and replaced by changelings, entire regions of crops were burned and salted, villages vanished without a trace and numerous public works and structures were destabilized from within.”Twilight offered up suddenly. ”Following the figures in some of the older tomes written by ponies and the other races that were allied with us at the time, the war between the Changelings and Ponies, which was never listed as a war, was the closest ponies have come to extinction since before the exodus into Equestria.” The three of them stared at Twilight who was glaring at Chrysalis. “What.....?” Chrysalis began. “I did some research after our talks, despite Celestia's actions being deplorable, you and the changelings were hardly any better. You don't get to play the innocent card with how many foals went missing on those census documents.” Twilight stated flatly. ”And before you protest on superficial evidence, I can check myself with some of Zecora's potions or I can just ask White. He seems to like me for some reason.” “Probably for something you haven't done yet.” Chrysalis muttered pointing at Sunset.”Can I at least mess with her about her being my daughters competition for your brother?” “Go ahead, she deserves that for liking my idiot brother for some reason any way.” Twilight rolled her eyes. “Hey!” Sunset protested. “Keep in mind Twilight, I like you other idiot brother.” Cadence smirked. “And I find that aspect of you confusing too.” Twilight smirked back. “Maaaaybe I should have waited until another time to try and talk with Cadence...” Sunset offered. > Three's a Cod, part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Three's a Cod, part 3 [Off the coast of the Griffonlands. The Sea Shepherd ] “You didn't have to come out here to see us Discord.” Fluttershy offered taking a sip of tea. “Nonsense, I missed out on our last tea party and I had a bit of time so I figured I would come out and see how you all were faring. Plus I get to meet the delightful crew you two lovely mares hang out with when not with the Sparkles or my charming self.” Discord waved a hand at Maud and Tree Hugger. Maud hadn't really changed her expression, and Tree Hugger seemed wary of Discord for some reason, but both Fluttershy and Pinkie seemed happy, if surprised to see him. The other members of the crew simply hung back, not really sure what to make of the Draconequus. A bit more so when he produced a number of tables and a rather large, if odd, neon green and orange tea set that had enough pieces for the entire crew of the Sea Shepard. There was also enough for the Griffons they had captured, but no one was giving any to them. Many, okay pretty much everyone, found the relationship between Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Discord to be odd. After he was freed a second time he stuck around Ponyville for a while to see what was happening and wound up having a Pinkie Pie party thrown for him. Of course the chaos the party planner produced perfectly pleased the patchwork personality Discord was, though his becoming close with Fluttershy was a surprise, an even bigger one was that he would even listen to her. If anyone bothered to ask, and no one ever did, Discord would explain that the former model, animal lover, and secret eco terrorist was the most chaotic thing in Ponyville, short of himself. He didn't count the Cutie Mark Crusaders as even he wasn't at their' level' some days. Heck all three of the Sparkles plus Rahs' dates had to be lumped together just to produce the insanity that the shy pegasus could produce with a bunch of baby bunnies, or a smile at some one when Pinkie was nearby and feeling jealous. And the best part was, she didn't even realize it. “So how are your little fillies doing?” Fluttershy asked before taking a bite out of a cookie. Discord smiled. “Quite well, though I am afraid they seem to be growing up far too fast for my taste. “ Discord sighed.” Though that was the issue with one of them. Seems that I was a bit too much a helicopter parent.” This statement was accompanied by Discord turning into a big white machine thing with a rotating blade on top of it that Pinkie Pie immediately giggled at and started calling Harold. “Well that's what happens, all little birds do leave the nest.” Fluttershy nodded. “Mm true enough, though it doesn't make it any easier, particularly after how long they have been away.” Discord considered. “Still one of these days I do hope you'll meet them, I'm sure you would get along fabulously with my youngest.” “Well I most certainly look forward to that. I'm sure all of them are lovely Discord.” Fluttershy smiled. “Oh, they are, if a little grumpy at times.” Discord sighed before tilting his head for a moment and looking around. “Something wrong?” Pinkie Pie asked. “Have you ever had the feeling you were supposed to be some where else doing something else and being blue while you were at it?” Discord pondered. “What like sad?” Tree Hugger asked. “No, no, more like I'm blue.” Discord stated, turning a bright blue. “Da ba dee da ba daa ” Pinkie Pie sing songed. Discord stared quizzically at Pinkie Pie and shrugged. Even he wasn't going to try and explain that mare. [Ponyville] “So you've not made any more progress on this?” Cadence sighed. “I'm afraid not. We have the spell itself broken down into what parts are needed, but we can't seem to get it to stick properly. There's a number of other issues that keep cropping up as well with the power and leveling of the spell thraums, though the thramanic resonation seem good....”Twilight explained. Chrysalis watched as the pair talked, recognizing the signs of Cady zoning out but still listening, it was interesting to see where she had learned that skill. Her interest at the moment was on Sunset. Or more particularly her emotions. Sunset was feeling guilty, something that had only come up when Twilight had started discussing the Familiar project. Chrysalis considered it might be something to do with their failure thus far, but it seemed a little too deep for that. Was she guilty about all the progress they had made even with the failures? Honestly that wouldn't be too uncommon for someone trying something like this in truth. Some people felt guilty they couldn't do more than they already were in situations like this. From what she knew about Sunset this didn't seem like something she would do though. That she refused to look at Twilight while she was explaining was fairly telling to. Was she doing something to sabotage the project? That made no sense why..... oh.....ooooooooooohhhhhhh. Chrysalis grinned, she was starting to like this girl a bit more. Maybe she could adopt her and really fuck over Celestia. Ehh, later plan. For now however she needed to put a stop to it, she had a vested interest in this spell working properly. Sure her original plan had been to outlive Shining, but she had come to decide she was quite interested in keeping him around. Of course after the earlier implied threat from Sparkle she wasn't going to bring it up with Cady or Twilight, but to Sunset herself? Oh yeah. “It's not going to work.” Chrysalis stated in a low tone to Sunset. The mare jumped at the statement, Twilight and Cady continued their conversation. “What? It should work we have all the necessary components and the lay out is....” “Not that. Your sabotage.” Chrysalis stated flatly noting the orange mare's wince. “While a fair plan, you are not thinking ahead enough. Sure delaying the spell until most of your competition becomes too old to be viable sounds good at first, but you are forgetting that my daughter is also a demi-god, and we have no idea how long Applejack is going to live now.” Sunset winced again at the mention of Applejack, ahh there was the guilt's source. “I'm not going to tell you what to do, but keep in mind that this spell will be used on Shining Armor when it's finished. “ Chrysalis stated flatly. “And if you keep hindering progress to the point that you want to let the others who want Rahs grow old or die off, given he's older than most of them he would likely die of old age first.” Sunset blinked and bit her lip. “If that even looks like it will happen I'm going to inform Sparkle there of this and let her figure it out. “ Chrysalis stated.” I'm sure you don't need to be a genius to figure out her reaction. Let alone Rahs'. You're a clever mare, but it seemed you inherited some of your fathers, 'not thinking shit all the way through' talent.” Sunset growled a little at the comparison. “Well I've said my peace...” “It's not as simple as that. I'm not 'sabotaging it...” Sunset grumbled. “ I'm... just not putting forth as much effort as I could.....” “Tomatoe, Tomahto.” Chrysalis shrugged. “I'll keep this to myself for now, but you are on a timer, and this plan of yours wouldn't work, I'm rooting for my daughter and won't hesitate to do something that gets her what she wants normally. But I want this project to work, and you'd up your chances with the Moon Dog more if you did manage to get it to work for use on his brother.” Sunset said nothing watching as Cadence struggled to stay awake as Twilight went all in on lecture mode. “Whelp, I'm off to see what Saturnia is doing, Toodles.” Chrysalis grinned turning to walk away from the ranting Twilight leaving Cady to her fate. [Canterlot.] Sweetiebelle blinked looking up at Princess Luna in confusion. Luna looked down at Sweetiebelle with a small smirk on her face. The other crusaders and Spike stared at the Princess in absolute horror. “You want me, to cook?” Sweetiebelle questioned hesitantly. “Partially, we want you to join us in a few cooking classes taught by our chefs here in the castle.” Luna explained. “We need a bit of practice on modern cuisine as we have not been allowed near the kitchen since the oven incident not long after our return.” “We're doomed.” Spike recoiled in horror. [Ponyville Hive] “What do you mean she's gone?” Chrysalis demanded looking down at the changeling before her. Thorax swallowed hard wishing he could have made Bees talk to the queen instead, but the annoying drone was at work. “As I said my queen she is gone. She had another date with the Sparkle tonight. I think they went to a movie or a stage play or something.” Thorax explained. “Well damn, so much for getting her and Cady to sit down together for a while. “ Chrysalis sighed.” They have so much to work through still.” “Wait the princess of Food is here?” Thorax blinked.” Can I meet her?” “No. Mine.” Chrysalis hissed. “Meet her not, court her, my queen.” Thorax frowned rolling his eyes a bit. Chrysalis raised an eyebrow at that.” When did you grow a spine? I only ever got that tone from your brother.” “Ponyville.” Thorax stated. “Ahh.” Chrysalis nodded sagely understanding.” This place is weird.” “You barely know the half of it.” Thorax shuddered. [ Canterlot Castle ] The sound of screams echoed down the halls as a number of guards galloped down the hall. The flames lapped at the curtains just outside of the kitchens, sending the staff screaming and running around like mad. The kitchen staff was doing much the same with only the head chef moving around like there was no cause for alarm. If he rushed, his souffle would fall,and come Tartarus, high water, or some burning walls, that was not going to happen on his watch. Granted with every one else panicked or thus focused no one noticed the door open a little with nothing opening it. They also didn't notice the door to Celestia's cake vault open the same way before closing. In the silence of the chilled room the sound of hooves on the floor was still barely audible, the steps muffled as a figure dressed in black materialized as the potion wore off. The figure spared a glance to the collection of bottles around its belt, reminded the pony that they had to take the second invisibility potion in order to leave. For now however the next week of cakes for Princess Celestia was before her. All prepared and ready to be served. There were forty of them. Evidently someone thought to put the Sun Princess on a diet. Likely her sister. Still it was enough. One by one the figure crept among the carts of cakes opening bottles of various potions pouring them on top of the cakes, letting the liquid soak into the baked goods, before slipping the empty bottles back into their belt. A glance to the door showed no sign of any one following, though the figure moved quickly stopping only to pick up one small cake that was untreated before they drew out a small patch of gray fur from their belt leaving it on the floor near the door before downing the invisibility potion and slipping out with the final cake. Evidently it was just in the nick of time too as the fire was being brought under control. Slipping down the hall the invisible figure paused at a broom closet just around the corner from the fire, opening the door and sliding the cake inside, where it was quickly snatched by a small pair of pink hands attached to a rather rotund opossum. Bribe delivered, the figure darted down the hall again leaving the chaos behind. [ Canterlot, theater district.] “Well I didn't think that I would enjoy that as much as I did.” Saturnia stated with a smirk. “ But I certainly did.” Rahs smiled walking along side of the pink changeling. The pair had gotten a number of stares as they entered the theater, though the few Guards called noted who he was and started writing tickets to the ones who summoned them for false emergency's. The pair were not even bothered other wise save for a older couple in the theater asking if they could switch seats with Rahs. A move that put the pair closer to the front of the show. The older pony waved off any questions simply thanking Rahs for the fine seats to a show a few years prior and reassured him with the stadium seating here his height wouldn't be much of an issue. The show was more of a stage play that was heavy on the comedy element with a number of songs and skits. The troupe had Rahs and Saturnia rolling with most of the parts. “Who would have thought that some old group that came out of retirement for a last show would be this good now fifty years after they first came out.” Saturnia smirked. Rahs nodded his ears perked as the grin remained on his face. “I know you said this was recommended by Discord, but I never figured something called Moosy Python's Airborne Carnival would be that good. I'm surprised Discord wasn't there in truth. I figured he would be for this sort of thing.” Saturnia considered. “He's, ah...probably pining for the fjords.” Rahs parroted sending Saturnia into another fit of laughter. [Canterlot Castle] "So, have they burned the place down yet?” Applebloom asked Spike as she and Scootaloo peered into the secondary kitchens where four of the castles chefs were staring over Luna and Sweetiebelle's shoulders like vultures waiting for the animal they were watching to finally stop moving. “Not yet. Did you guys find the bathroom alright?” Spike asked, not looking up from the game book he had brought with him. “Yeah, place is huge and easy to get lost in.” Applebloom offered. “Are you sure they haven't started any other fires? There was a big commotion down the hall near one of the other kitchens.” Scootaloo offered getting a annoyed glance from Applebloom. “Nah , they've been here the whole time.” Spike stated jotting down some notes. “Alright Sweetiebelle, perhaps we should take a break for a little while and come back after we see if our creation has baked properly.” Luna stated putting two large pans in the oven. “That works, I gotta run to the little fillies room any way.” Sweetiebelle chimed up. The collected chefs all sighed with relief slumping down where they were. “Scootaloo would you mind showing her where they are in this wing.” Luna offered. “Sure.” Scootaloo nodded. “And no fires this time.” Luna called after making Scootaloo wince. Though she didn't protest. The chefs took note and went out for their own breaks as Luna turned her attention to Spike who looked up from the book to meet her gaze. “I'm not going any where and I still think she deserves it.”Spike stated “Be that as it may,” Luna stated looking to Applebloom. ”I would ask that you stop attempting to harm my sister.” “What...” Applebloom blinked. “You bribed my familiar Applebloom, Tiberius is under orders to help me keep an eye on all of you.” Luna smirked as Applebloom frowned. Applebloom gritted her teeth at being caught, and she thought she had been careful enough using the invisibility potion she learned. “She tired to kill mai sister.” “Indeed she did. We are not saying she didn't make a mistake, and had she succeeded there would be a very large number of consequences for her actions.” Luna offered. “ The council would have investigated this and finding out that the Element's were Harmony's doing, she would have sent the council into some interesting discussions.” “If they would have ever found the body.” Spike offered in a off clawed tone that made Applebloom smile a little. At least she knew her drake friend had her back. “Spike, do keep in mind that until Rahs took over the portfolio she was one of mine, likely one of the last, as far as we know.” Luna added.” That would have been a genocide, something which the council would have sealed her in Tartarus for at the very least.” Luna sighed. “At least they would have had it not been for the reputation witch wolves have. Given I was not even on probation at that point in time there likely was not much that could be done. You saw Bleu's reaction to it, sealing off Ponyville from the rest of the world with orders given to the flight of dragons with her to burn anything that tried to leave to ash. My sister's actions would have been considered justified by nearly every other god.” “That doesn't make it right!” Applebloom snapped. “Of course it doesn't, but if you have not noticed, she did her best to fix the situation afterward when another path was presented to her.” Luna explained gesturing to Spike who tried not to look smug and failed. “Tia had to rule by herself for so long she came to a point where she refused to hesitate making hard decisions and planning everything. That has been coming back to bite her flank for quite a while now. She is getting better, but over a thousand years of things going one way is a hard thing to shake. But that is neither here nor there. You need to stop.” “Ah ain't gonna fergive her fer that, nor what she did tah Sunset!” Applebloom huffed. Luna smiled. “Nor did we ask you to, though to be fair Sunset brought a good bit of her troubles on herself. But she is not the issue. Holding onto such anger is like swallowing a poison and expecting the other person to die.” “There's a couple of poisons that do that.” Applebloom pointed out.” Pretty sure ah ken make at least one of them. Zecora knows a lot about somthin called Voodoo.” “That is not what we.... never mind.” Luna sighed. “ Thus far your actions have been blamed on Chrysalis, but there have been a few close calls on both sides of that fight so the pair have agreed to lock their pranks and murder attempts to personal attacks that can easily be directed, or things that only target a magic signature that matches the target. Neither of them want some one else to get hurt that would cause all of this to get out of hoof again. Your attempts have no such fail safe.” “It's why ah ain't using anything lethal.” Applebloom stated. “ Far as ah know tha only ones who git intah her cake vault is yer little rat....” “Opossum.” Luna corrected. “He ratted me out, so 'rat'.” Applebloom countered. “Fair.” Luna admitted. “Anyway, him, Celestia and sometimes Discord. And ah warned yer pet and tha other one ah ain't real worried about.” Applebloom finished. “That yes. But what you tell or do not tell Sunset is not as controlled. Celestia is trying to at least not be hated by her daughter, at the very least the damage Sunset can and has done when angry enough is a good reason to not antagonize her further. Sunset is not as careful as you might be when she lashes out.” Applebloom frowned. “Fine. But ah ain't gonna like it.” Applebloom huffed. “That's the best we suppose we can ask for.”Luna sighed, “Given the list of grievances I have.” Spike added. “I hope you are right that she's learning. Celestia isn't well liked any where in Ponyville right now. I forgive, but I don't forget.” “She is trying to make sure she does not have any other issues and mends whatever bridges she can. It is not as if she is trying to simply outlive her problems.”Luna stated. “It is a work in progress. “It's not like she can, given three of us.” Spike huffed. “True enough though we are still finding it odd that we are the favorite Princess.” Luna smiled a little.” Even if only in Ponyville.” > BASS!, Prologue. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR BASS!, Prologue. [Sweet Apple Acres, Two weeks after Princess Celestia was briefly turned into a giant toad] Applejack stared at Saturnia. Saturnia stared at Applejack. Rahs simply sighed. “Woof” The moon dog pointed out. Applejack flattened her ears under her hat. “Yeah, yeah, I know. Still ain't sure ah like it though.” Applejack huffed. “You wanted to know how to do this, so I came to show you.” Saturnia frowned. “And brought tha rest of yer kin?” Applejack offered looking at the other changelings and Kevin, sitting behind Saturnia in the grass of her orchard. “No, I'm not related to any of them though I'm just the one sort of in charge of the hive here. “ Saturnia frowned before starting to point them out. “That's Thorax, everyone knows Bees...” “Hi!” Bees stated. “Cicada and Aphid, their son Firefly tends to hang around with the crusaders.” Saturnia pointed out.” And Kevin.” “Yeah, I met them two, and ah ain't sure why Kevin's with yah, but okay.” Applejack nodded. Rahs took note that Saturnia seemed to be developing a twitch when Kevin was brought up. He wondered if Kevin had married a changeling or something to be hanging out with them before shrugging, not his business who Kevin liked. “At any rate, while raw isn't something any one is really against, I know you ponies have a bit of a issue with it.” Saturnia offered. “Ah ain't too squeamish bout it any more, but ah was curious about how tah cook it too. Plus word is yah ken get all sorts of nasty diseases eating things like that raw.” Applejack pointed out. “True I suppose griffons could, but given we heal by the emotions we take in and you and Rahs do the same with magic, I doubt we could catch anything with out it being purged.” Saturnia pointed out. “Point.” Applejack admitted. ”But still.” “Alright well. In any case I'm certainly not going to pass this up.” Saturnia smirked as the group started walking out further into the fields.” Aphid is the better one for this though. She's had a lot more experience.” “We used to live near a lemon farm. They were quite tart.” Aphid pointed out, the changeling mare having an almost teal coloration to carapace. Applejack considered a moment, looking at the group of them. The male, Cicada had a coarse mat of dark green hair cut short almost in a mohawk, the female Aphid how ever didn't and she was pretty sure Firefly had a mane and tail too though aside form Saturnia the others were bald, well Bees wore a large red clown wig at work occasionally, but he was bald here. She honestly was considering asking about it but she didn't know enough about Changelings to do so without risking what might be a faux pas. Saturnia and Firefly were the two she had the most contact with and they both had hair, so did Chrysalis, but given she was a god.... Ehh whatever, she wasn't concerned about it. She had enough crap happen to her to no longer be disturbed by some creatures appearance, for the most part, so long as they were civil. Getting turned into something that made nations close their borders did that to you. “Well these guys ain't tart, most of taste like apples, and lemmi tell yah, I missed that.” Applejack stated. “Any way, ah got a set up out here yah might like.” Stepping out of the edge of the orchard the line of where the field of protective magic the crystal spire that had become the Apple's biggest barn could easily be seen by the thin line of snow on the other side of it. The Everfree forest loomed a good dozen yards past that, though the place was no longer quite as threatening. After the Timber wolf attack that caused Applejack's issue, the few monsters that did come out of the forest were met by a much more vicious farm pony than they had expected. They were either driven off by Witch Jack, or wouldn't be a problem to anyone any more. Some parts of this transformation Applejack rather liked. Sitting at the edge of the protective magic was a large awning that looked as if it had been built recently. The side facing the forest was a brick wall with the other two sides and the front open to the air save for some support pillars. Along the back wall was what looked like a full kitchen, though judging by the smoker and roasting spits, one with more griffonese palate in mind. “ Well I didn't expect this sort of set up.” Saturnia whistled. “ Trying to get to Rahs' heart through his stomach?” Applejack didn't say anything though Rahs simply coughed nervously. Saturnia smirked, though a cry from Bees drew her attention. The strange drone was already under the awning, drooling heavily as he poked at a cage sitting at the corner that was filled with the very thing that they had all come here for. Fruit Bats. Rahs and Applejack both had found out that these particular creatures, which practically overran one of her fields were very tasty. Judging by the way most of the changelings with them were drooling, they agreed. Trapping them had been rather easy, as the fat things tended to fall asleep after gorging on her fruit trees. With the weather around the farm staying warm enough to grow, the little buggers had stayed around instead of hibernating or flying south or whatever they usually did. Applejack was planning to ask Twilight to do some hocus pocus stuff and run them off, but then Rahs had pointed out how they tasted, and well. That's why everyone was out here now. Saturnia wasn't Applejack's first choice to talk to, but her own buggy relatives were a bit far to ask, and thus far she hadn't really come into any sort of direct conflict with Saturnia aside from the obvious. She and Trixie didn't like each other very much even before Rahs was in the equation, and she and Jynx tended to end most of their meetings fighting or just growling at each other. Applejack was rather amazed she and Sunset stayed so friendly sometimes. “So then. How we gonna set this thing up?” Applejack questioned. “Well given the flavor, most of the time they are sugared and used as a desert, but a lot of other ways are available to prepare them as well.... “ Aphid pointed out after wiping her mouth. “ Oh, you have a fryer out here, that will help.” “Yeah, it's one of the old fritter vats that we didn't use to much after gitting a new one, so we dun need tah worry bout any one complaining bout their fritters tasting like bats.” Applejack offered. “Fruit bat fritters sound good.” Cicada offered. “I can make those.” Aphid pointed out. “It helps there's apples around to add to the mix. It's always good to add in fruit from what they ate to enhance the flavors.” “Not sure I'd taste it unless we added specific apples from trees ah didn't work on, but that still sounds good.” Applejack pointed out. “Well I suppose we should start with the cleaning and preparing them.” Saturnia pointed out. “We set up a table out in tha woods a few paces, in sight, but far enough that anything cleaning up scraps ain't gonna come intah tha farm.” Applejack pointed a hoof towards a slightly worn path to in the woods marked by a few large rocks. “Great.”Saturnia nodded. "Bees, you and Thorax take the cage back there and start cleaning them, we can start getting everything set up here.” “Woof.” Rahs pointed out. “Yeah good point, if yah need any other supplies we ken git um, didn't bring much out here jus yet.” Applejack translated. “Ummm, Princess.” Thorax stated with a frown pointing a hoof towards where the bats were. “What?” Saturnia turned her eyes widening along with everyone else who looked over at the cage of fruit bats. Bees was wrapped and bound up on the ground in a rather surprising amount of rope and was wiggling around. “I'm going to be a beautiful butter bug!” Bees squirmed happily. More importantly, the cage of fruit bats was gone. Looking around Rahs quickly pointed out the culprit as a yellow figure with a long pink tail dashed across the farm into the orchards with the cage on her back. “FLUTTERSHY CONSARN IT, GIT BACK HERE WITH THEM SOON TAH BE VITTLES!!!”Applejack bellowed. > BASS!, Part One. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR BASS!, Part One. [Golden Oaks library] “Seriously?” Twilight raised an eyebrow, looking between Applejack and Fluttershy, the latter of which was currently bound to a push cart in a straight jacket with a odd half goalie mask muzzle on her face. Rahs was glaring down at her in clear annoyance. “Durn right. She's waylaid at least six attempts at cooking... just today!” Applejack snapped. “Really?” Twilight blinked .”I have a hard time thinking Fluttershy could just run off with a cage of fruit bats. Don't you have a large portion of your orchard full of them?” “Yeah we do, they're pests. If ah didn't plan tah eat um, ah'd have had some one come and magic um out!” Applejack fussed. “ Because of that summer shield or whatever it is they've been breeding like crazy and moving intah other fields. We coulda thinned down the numbers quite a bit by now if we hadn't had everything hijacked!!” “They are thinking and feeling creatures Applejack. Not meals.”Fluttershy added. “Fluttershy you do realize that Rahs and now Applejack are predators right? Carnivores at that.” Twilight frowned. “They have plenty of fish and other things that they can eat in the forest. These little bats are practically domesticated and they all have little families....” Fluttershy explained. “Cause they been breeding in mai trees like it's spring time. They weren't this bad last year but tha populations exploded this year fer some reason.” Applejack snapped. “Never the less, there are other things for you to eat and you do not need 'treats' like you were calling the fruit bats.” Fluttershy said calmly. “They ain't fruit bats, half of um are vampire fruit bats. Have you seen the mess left of mai apples? Mai eating a couple's just fair play!” Applejack snapped. “Why is she wrapped up like that?” Twilight asked finally, pointing a hoof to the bound Fluttershy. “Woof.” Rahs grumbled ticking off on his fingers as Twilight's eyes got wider. “Seriously? She set the kitchen on fire? Where did you even get trained monkeys? And a tiger?!?” Twilight stammered looking at Fluttershy. “The tiger would eat the fruit bats.” “Mr. Hobbs is very gentle and he only likes tuna.”Fluttershy corrected.” And George and his friends wouldn't have caused such a mess if Rahs hadn't tried to eat one of them.” “Bork!” Rahs snapped. “He did not fling poo at you it was a bit of mud.” Fluttershy huffed. “BORK!” Rahs snapped pulling up the hem of his coat and showing the tears in it where the monkeys had tried to bite him. Before Fluttershy could answer, Rahs was belted in the back of the head by a tendril of shadow and a voice from across town cried out. “I TOLD YOU TO NOT DESTROY IT FOR AT LEAST A WEEK!” The shadow tendril reformed and quickly sewed up the rent before fading into nothing. The group stared a moment. “Woof.” “I'll check your coat for alarm enchantments later.” Twilight sighed. “Is any one else weirded out by this? Like how stuff like this is normal now?” Pinkie Pie asked as every one looked at her. “ No ? Just me? Okay.” “In any event Fluttershy. I would like you to stop. Fruit bats are considered a pest species everywhere in Equestria and many other countries. That they have a use here, even this gruesome, means that they are going to be some what protected from over hunting and extermination.” Twilight explained, “Right now they are only a problem at Sweet Apple Acres because that's the only place producing fruit in the middle of winter. Once spring hits they will spread everywhere and be an even bigger problem if their numbers are not thinned a little.” “I see. It seems I cannot rely on your help in this Twilight Sparkle. If you are not with me, you're against me.”Fluttershy growled making Twilight lean back a little her eyes wide. “I'm going home.” The pink maned mare wiggled a little in the straight jacket and muzzle before sighing and looking to Rahs.” Can you wheel me back home please?” Rahs rolled his eyes moving to start pushing Fluttershy's cart out the door. Pinkie Pie let out a long sigh as Twilight and Applejack looked at her curiously. “Yeah, sorry about this guys, usually after one of our trips she sometimes gets stuck on a 'save the animals at all costs' kick and it takes a bit for her to get back to normal.” Pinkie Pie muttered “She should be fine in a little while once she calms down.” “That doesn't explain why she was strapped to a dolly.” Applejack questioned. “Trust me. It was necessary.” Pinkie Pie sighed and trotted out. [Sweet Apple Acres, sundown] “You want me, to do what now?” Sunset tilted her head looking at Fluttershy like she had lost her damn mind. The pair of them were out in the west field sitting by a tree that had a number of fruit bats in it. The animals were screaming and screeching as they flitted about the tree stripping it clear of off season fruit. “I need your help with a spell, or something. None of them are listening to me about the danger they are in here, all they see is food and warmth. Applejack and Rahs have some how masked their scent and these little things won't even run unless it's already too late.” Fluttershy explained. “Oh, so it does work, great.” Sunset smirked. “What?” Fluttershy demanded. “I made a charm for those two, with blood magic to mask their scent, getting the proper bit to stick was rather difficult as I couldn't use blood from a dead fruit bat and get it to radiate enough...”Sunset started to go into the technicalities. “You helped them kill these poor things.” Fluttershy growled Staring at Sunset. Sunset raised an eyebrow meeting the gaze.” You're doing something, what are you... oh … that stare thing of yours that Twilight mentioned from the dragon.” “What!?” Fluttershy blinked. “Fluttershy. I jumped through a portal as a teenager that could have led any where and was supposed to be filled with things Starswirl the Bearded considered threats to pony kind, I argued constantly with a mare who controls the sun, stared down and fought an angry Twilight Sparkle and her brothers, I am dating a very toothy predator, have been threatened by my mothers nemesis, Have Princess Luna as my 'FUN' uncle, and I regularly watch the Cutie Mark Crusaders with out Spike to help, or actively NOT helping.” Sunset huffed.” My Castle is great, you have no power over me.” “Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaseeeeeeee help...” Fluttershy immediately switched over to super cute watery eyes with a pouty lip and Sunset gasped clutching her hoof to her chest. “GAH!!! Turn it off! Turn it off, I'll help, geez, I'm not immortal like mom... fuck, mare....” Sunset panted glaring at Fluttershy who smiled cutely.” Stop that.” “Right so all I need to do is get them to understand that they should go back into the woods and hibernate, but I can't get them to do that.” Fluttershy sighed. “Well probably because you can't talk in ultrasonic. I don't think anyone short of a stallion getting hit in the nuts with a hoof ball can hit that volume.” Sunset considered. “Oh.” Fluttershy muttered. “They understand me, but it's like they don't hear everything. That explains why though, I thought I just didn't speak enough bat to translate well.” “Whelp I do have good news. Blood magic does have an spell that allows you to use animal empathy, all we have to do is find the leader of this flock...” “Colony.” “What?” “A group of bats is called a colony not a flock.” Fluttershy explained. “Learn something new every day, any how find the leader and I can set up a sympathetic link between you and it and you can explain everything in a way the bat will understand.” Sunset offered.” Now, unless you have any more animal grouping facts, lets find the lead bat and get this done, the girls and Spike ordered pizza and I wanna get back to that. Some foods are universal, though I miss pepperoni.” “A group of pandas is called an embarrassment. However, they can also be called a cupboard of pandas or a bamboo of pandas.” Fluttershy offered. “What?” “You said unless I had more animal facts, like a group of ducks on the water is called a raft, and a group of jellyfish is called a smack.” Fluttershy explained. “No, no. focus, bat leader, mare, the bat leader.” Sunset muttered rubbing her forehead. “But I was just going to go into how turtles are natures suction cups but, if you insist. He's right here.” Fluttershy offered lifting her foreleg showing a very large fruit bat that looked like a grape hanging from it. “Wow, he is a big one . Any way I'll cast the spell and hold it in place, that should act as a limiter. “Sunset mentioned. “Wait, is this dangerous?”Fluttershy asked. “Hmm nah, even if things went haywire the worst you would have is sensitive hearing for a couple of hours, maybe more a taste for fruit. The bat might develop anxiety for a while but it'll be fine, this spell isn't casting anything on you directly, it's forging a translation connection between you and the bat. Basically its a babble fish spell using blood magic. The only reason it's connecting to you is to take a scan of you and turn it to bat and vice versa.” “Oh well .. lets do this, hopefully I can convince them that they need to hide so no more will get eaten.” Fluttershy sighed. “That's not how nature works, but what do I know studying blood magic and such. Also if you tell Rahs I ruined his lunch and lower my chances with him I will set fire to every fruit bat I see for the rest of my life are we clear?” Sunset grumbled, casting the spell, the aura from her horn wrapping around Fluttershy and the large bat. The pegasus mare immediately began talking to the bat in high pitched shrieks, the fruit bat speaking back in turn. Sunset sighed rubbing the back of her neck with her hoof as she flattened her ears to her head. The constant screaming sounded like a lot of that new wave screech techno or whatever that was getting popular before she left the human world. “HEY SUNSET!” Applebloom shouted from right behind her. “GAH!!” Sunset shouted, her horn flaring for a second before she dropped the spell turning to glare at Applebloom.”Don't do that!?” “Foods here.” Applebloom grinned cutely. Sunset sighed.” Curse this kryptonite of mine.” “Hey is Fluttershy okay ? She sort a fell over.” Applebloom pointed out. “Oh right, crap.. yeah she should be fine. The spell only fired a little, though try to be quiet, her ears are gonna be sensitive for a bit.” Sunset offered trotting over to where Fluttershy was squirming on the ground with her hooves over her ears.”Oh hey, the bats are gone, guess it work huh shy?” Sunset added softly pausing.” You okay?” Sunset leaned down to touch the mares shoulder only to draw back quickly as Fluttershy whirled with a hiss displaying large fangs which she promptly bit into Sunset's neck. “GAH!!”Sunset flailed. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! VAMPIRE!!!!” Applebloom shouted reaching a hoof behind her bow and drawing out a few flasks flinging them. [Farm house.] Spike bit into a slice of pizza looking over his notes for tonight's game. He had decided to run something different called Planet of Shadows. It was an odd setting where magic was to be hidden, vampires ruled the night and were ponies were eco terrorists. The name confused him wer, was old Latin for man, which was short for mannulus, which translated to pony, so the things in the game were pony ponies. Clearly what a man was was a miserable pile of secrets, and dodgy translations. Sweetiebelle was in love with the setting and had her own little vampire outfit ready to go, the cape was a bit much but Spike was more concerned how she pulled off a widows peak. Scootaloo was fussing over the rules of the magic users and Applebloom was gonna copy her sister a little with a werepony. Not the sort of group that usually hung together in game, but this was what they wanted to play and Spike could adjust enough. Now if only he could get Scootaloo to stop calling Sweetiebelle a leech before a fight broke out. The sudden explosion that shook the farm house didn't startle any one. “Hey Scootaloo, wanna hand me a blank piece of paper?” Spike asked. “Yeah, here yah go. Sending a message to the Princess?” Scootaloo asked offering the paper and looking back at the rules. “Yep. That was at least a three on the explosion scale so it bears checking out, and since Applejack and Rahs are seeing a movie in town, and Twilight and Big Mac are out of town for that festival thing, and I don't want to deal with it, Luna can. “ Spike admitted. “Good call.” Sweetiebelle nodded. > BASS!, Part Two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season4 By TDR BASS!, Part Two [Ponyville] “And of course, as things tend to do in Ponyville, things got worse.” Discord announced before cackling.” I love this place!” [Sweet Apple Acres] The door slammed open, hooves scraped on the floor, and then the door slammed shut again. “Activate Sparkle protocol!” Applebloom bellowed. A low hum filled the air as Twilight's voice sounded from some where in the farm house. “Sparkle Protocol activated. Farmhouse is on lock down.” “ What in tarnation?” Granny demanded. “Twilight warded the farm house after everything that's gone on. She has it on voice command and sealed so Applejack doesn't accidentally eat it.” Spike explained from the kitchen table.” Not quite as good as Golden Oaks, but you could probably have another chunk of the Crystal Palace fall on it and it wouldn't so much as scuff a shingle.” “All that and she still can't sound proof Big Mac's room properly....” Granny muttered as Applebloom ran into the room. “Fluttershy's a vampire I saw her hiss an bite sunset and her eyes was all red and glowy and her wings was all bat like insteada feathers and ah panicked and threw tha flash bang ah had made up and ran back here.”Applebloom ranted. “A vampire?” Sweetie gasped. “What, bat wings, like a Thestril?” Scootaloo asked. “When did Zecora teach you to make flash bangs?” Spike questioned.” Cause that was a big boom for a flash bang.” “Wait a tick what happened tah Sunset?” Granny demanded. “I dunno, but Fluttershy was biting her pretty hard and her eyes and horn were glowing and Fluttershy was staring at her and it was weird and ah dun want no part of that vampire blood sucking leech nonsense.” Applebloom rambled. “Ehh....Well, should all be fine then.” Granny nodded settling back into her rocker. “What? Hows vampires gonna be fine?” Applebloom panted. “It's Tuesday.” Sweetiebelle offered. “Oh.” Applebloom calmed down quickly at that. “Hey since Sunset's a leech now can I have her pieces of pizza?” Scootaloo asked. “No, seriously, who taught you to make flash bangs?” Spike questioned. “Was it Trixie? I bet it was Trixie.” [ Ponyville] “RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!” Screamed a mare before she was tackled by another pony with fangs bared. A crowd stampeded, rushing around and screaming as dozens of fanged individuals ran around biting other ponies, those ponies then got up and started biting others. In the middle of it all a wide eyed bat winged Sunset shimmer flew around screaming in high pitched cries with a yellow bat winged pegasus doing the same. Ponies fell quickly, joining the growing vampire army. “EEEEEEEK!” Screamed Carrot Top , lashing out with a hoof and belting Caramel in the face, sending him tumbling away to crash into a wall. “Carrot are you okay?” Cheerilee questioned rushing over. “ Caramel just rushed up and was trying to make out with me or something!” Carrot pointed as Berry Punch trotted over to the out cold pony.” He was nipping at my neck!” “He's probably a vampire, it seems somethings gone crazy again, of course it's while Twilight is out of town.” Cheerilee sighed wondering if she still had that snow bunny outfit at home, and if she could get it and get dressed quick enough to still be able to go out and fight these vampires. “Oh no... I hit him so hard and he was under supernatural control, I'm so sorry Caramel...”Carrot gasped. “Nah, he's not a vampire. Just stupid.” Berry punch offered, opening Carrot's mouth to see a lack of fangs. “Well, I retract my apology then.” Carrot huffed. “Maybe stockings?” Cheerilee muttered to herself. Comet Trail stepped out of the Guard office to look around at the panic in the streets. The thesril nox-cal sighed fanning his wings out a little he watched a large number of ponies running around screaming. Before he could ask one of them what was going on, a stallion pointed at him.” AHHHHH, A VAMPIRE!” The screaming pony then galloped off with a large number of others following suit, running away from the guard. “HEY, that's speciest!” Comet Trail protested with a growl. The Thestril huffed in annoyance. “Forget this, you jerks can deal with this yourselves.” The nox cal grumbled, and slammed the door behind him as he went back into the guard post to sulk. “Shy calm down now. It's me you know me.... maybe we can get some cup cakes or something.” Pinkie Pie tries to placate before flutter bat leaps on her biting at her neck. “GAH girl, buy me dinner first!” Pinkie yelps as she's tackled. A pair of mares scream out as a brown colt with large fangs approached them in the ally. “By Celestia, the Horror.” A mare cried out. “Who are you?” The other mare questioned whimpering at the looming figure. “I am , the Crimson fucker!” The figured cackled. “WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!?!” “Ó basszus....” The colt muttered in hungarian. “You had better not have said what I think you just said young colt!” snapped a cream colored mare with a baby bottle and heart on her flank. The mare stormed up grabbing the brown colt by the ear and dragging him off kicking and screaming. “MOOOOM!!!” “Don't you mom me, where did you learn that sort of language.”the mare huffed. “From you, I learned it from watching you!” “Don't even try that PSA nonsense on me buster, I don't use Griffon expletives!” The two mares blinked as the pair left, before scampering to their hooves and running off. [ In front of Barnyard Bargains] “Oh by the stars look Rose!” Lily shouted pointing at the window of the shop. “What? OH NO!” Rose shouted turning to look. “AHH!” Daisy shrieked her eyes widening. The trio of them stared through the window into the store to a large mirror on display in the front window. A mirror that showed everything around them, but did not show their reflections. “We must have turned!” Lily shouted. “We're vampires now!” “Oh no, the horror!!! The Horror!!” Rose cried out. “What will Lodestone think?” Daisy whined. The three of them paused at that, then turned to look at each other. “Sooo, True Blood or Ann Rice?” Rose offered. “Ann Rice.” Daisy and Lily stated. The trio took off like a shot giggling like mad. Filthy Rich and one of the cashiers of the store watched them run off, before Mr. Rich sighed. “Go ahead and put the trick mirrors back in storage until Nightmare Night. “ Filthy Rich sighed.” I guess we can't sell them out of season.” “What the heck are you doing!? That is not how a vampire is supposed to act!” the mare screamed pointing a hoof at some one. “Could you calm down.” the mare with her sighed. “I will not calm down, they are disgracing the name of vampires with this crap! That's the wind pipe you moron!! Not the vein!!” “Vinyl please.” Octavia sighed. “Stop trying to rip open an artery you idiot, I bet you shove your whole face in a bowl of soup to eat it don't you?” “Stars this is just like the virgin argument.” Octavia sighed. “And all I'm saying Tavi is that blood drinking is a meal, just like eating a sandwich, and don't you think you would enjoy that sandwich even more if someone didn't stick their dick in it!?” Vinyl demanded. “Vinyl......” “HEY YOU, yeah you with the stupid hair, no the other one with stupid hair! I'm gonna come down there and shove my hoof so far up your ass I can work your mouth like a puppet so you can learn how to feed properly.” Octavia sighed rubbing her temples. “Oh no, that bucker's sparkling. DID YOU ROLL IN THE GLITTER ISLE!?!” Vinyl shouted. “ THAT'S IT, I'M GETTING LINCON.” “Vinyl you are not going to attack any one with that ax of yours.” Octavia huffed. “Please, I'm doing them a favor and killing them now before Twilight comes back and sees him acting like a vampire from that book she's named after.” “Fair enough, your way would be less painful in the long run.” Octavia admitted. Rarity opened the door, looking out of her shop at all the ponies running around, biting at necks, and screaming about blood and the like. Sombra leaned around the door frame looking outside himself, one eyebrow raised at the mayhem. “Pfft. Vampires are so last season.” Rarity huffed and closed the door again. “Bees, you are not a vampire.” Thorax stated with the air of long suffering. “But I got bit, and I've got fangs.” Bees pointed out opening his mouth to show off the impressive fangs. “Bees, you were born with those.” Thorax sighed. “Oh no, it's worse than I thought!” Bees gasped.”I've been a vampire so long and I've never had blood, I MUST FEED!” “Bees, if you bite me I am getting my frying pan.” Thorax warned. “But I must feeeeeeeeeeeeeeed” Bees whined. “Then drink some Clamato juice.” Thorax snapped. “OOOh good idea.”Bees agreed and scampered off. “Saturnia cannot get back here fast enough from visiting her parents.” Thorax grumbled. Rahs and Applejack stepped out of the movie theater to the sound of chaos and mayhem erupting in the streets of Ponyville. “Of course.” Applejack sighed.” This is why we can't have nice things.” “Woof?” Rahs asked. “Nah I dun even wanna know. Let's just git going afore we get dragged into something.” Applejack suggested. “RAAAAAAGH!!” Sunset roared leaping out of the bushes and tackled Rahs biting his neck “YIPE!” Rahs yiped. “What tha buck Sunset!?” Applejack demanded. [Hoofington.] [Yes Spike, it is a real town.] Big Mac sat back a little on the blanket, watching the fireworks launch into the air from his position on the top of a small rise at the edge of town. Hoofington held winter wrap up festivals every year to draw in tourists to help them clean up as they had such a small population. The event worked rather well, and because they managed to get the date locked in with the Princess they were the only town allowed to hold such a festival in this district of Equestria. Much to Mayor Mare's annoyance. He and Twilight had set up here with a small heating spell to be alone, warm, and wrapped under the same blanket to watch the fireworks after the end of all the games that the town put together to help clear out their snow. Ponyville's winter wrap up would be in a week, so there was time to come out here. He felt Twilight shift against him, craning up to kiss along his shoulder and nuzzle along his neck with a kiss and some nipping. “Ow.” Big Mac protested at the sudden harder bite. [ Sweet Apple Acres] “EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKK!” Sweetiebelle screamed. “Cripes buy me dinner first.” Scootaloo grumbled as Spike struck. [ Crystal Empire] “EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKK!”Cadence screamed from the bedroom. “Hey!” Chrysalis shouted back from the main room of the royal quarters. “Make me come in there!” “Seriously mom?” Saturnia growled. “What? Can't stand that your mommy has a more active sex life than you?” Chrysalis grinned. “Stars.” Saturnia growled burying her face in her hooves. > BASS!, Part three > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR BASS!, Part three [Ponyville] Princess Luna stepped out of Golden Oaks library. She had opted to come the usual method after getting the message from Spike about the explosion. Spike didn't seem very concerned though clearly he wanted to warn some one while Twilight was off on a date. Honestly Luna expected something. After all it was Tuesday in Ponyville. Still finding the Sparkles were not at home was a tad worrying. It was even more worrying when she hastily had to recite four different pass codes and submit to a retinal scan to keep the libraries security from shunting her teleport into the middle of the nearest mountain. Luna would have had a word about Twilight being paranoid, but with Diamond Dogs and PETA breaking into her home Luna was glad she simply could recall the pass codes she was given for access. Next time she'd just teleport outside of town and walk in. The town was , for lack of a better word in pandemonium. Ponies were running around screaming , chasing other ponies. One of her Night Guard officers Lodestone was being gnawed on by three mares, a white furred blue maned unicorn whom Luna recognized as D.J. PON3 was chasing a sparkling pony with a fair sized ax. And Pinkie Pie... well Pinkie Pie was sauntering through town in a gold bikini like ensamble with a black skirt and sleeve draped and a odd metal feather headdress. Luna wasn't sure how the mare was doing it but she looked like she was one of those Crystal Graphics Images that they used in movies. There was some sort of gothic metal rock playing behind her as she moved as well so that whole thing was surreal. More so than usual with Pinkie any way. “PRINCESS!” shouted a voice as Witch-Jack strode up to her with a hissing thrashing, and completely hogtied Sunset Shimmer tucked under her arm. The rope didn't hide the fact that Sunset looked very much like a thestril nox-cal at the moment. “Hello Applejack, have we missed something here?” Luna questioned looking around the chaos curiously before focusing on the pair before her. “Yer durn right something is, Rahs and I just got outta tha movie we was seeing fer a second date and Sunset here leaped up and bit his neck. “HISSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!” hissed Sunset “Shadup, Ah didn't interrupt yer date.” Witch-Jack snapped. “What is wrong with her?” Luna questioned. “ Shouldn't she have burned her way out of this by now?” “Yeah s'what ah figured, she's jus been bitey and it caused me tah change. Ah ken taste her magic in all tha bites too. It hurts a bit but it's more annoying than anything else.” Witch-jack huffed.”Was coming tah see Twi a fore I remembered that her and Mac are outta town fer tha night at Hoofington's winter fest. Was gonna go maiself with Rahs but ah didn't figure either me or Rahs wanted tah see those two making out.” “Yes well set her down let us have a look.” Luna offered as Witch-Jack dumped Sunset on the ground like a sack of potatoes she was looking to mash. Luna shook her head and let her aura flare up as she scanned over Sunset with some interest as the hissing mare thrashed and bit at the ropes. “Hmm. Seems she has a blood magic transformation going on her right now.” Luna pondered. “It's mostly cosmetic but it's all her own magic, there is a 'Command' Spell on her as well. Not a very strong one , but more than enough if it caught some one unprepared. We are unsure of who cast that.” “Well ken yah fix it?” Witch Jack asked. “To be fair we are rather surprised your presence hasn't broken it. But we suppose given how the spell is set up you have just been feeding off the abundance of blood magic Sunset is using.” Luna explained.” Not the core of it. We can remove that, give us a moment.” Luna's horn flared again and her aura focused on Sunset's eyes. The orange mare shrieked, burst into flames, burning free of the rope and losing her wings and ear tufts in the process as she rolled on the ground holding both her hooves to her mouth. “Hucking hit, how many hucking himes did hi bite mhy hown tongue wif hose hangs!!!!” Sunset cried out into her own hooves along with a large number of other swears in various languages , some of which Luna did not even recognize. “Well. She seems back tah normal. Maybe we can git some answers.” Witch-Jack nodded. “I vant to drink you blud Bleh...” CLANG!!! “I warned you.” Thorax stated glaring down at the now unconscious Bees. Luna and Witch -jack stared down at Sunset who was still bitching about her tongue. “Would you care to run that by me again?” Witch-jack demanded. “It's a blood magic charm. It's called Contagion. Basicly any thing cast on the person who has that spell active will be passed on to any one they come in contact with. Great for various buffing spells or a healing spell, horrid for any sort of detrimental magic.” Sunset explained trying to cast a healing spell directly on her tongue with middling success this close to Witch-jack. “And you cast this why?” Luna asked. “No idea. Last I really remember was helping Fluttershy try and talk to the fruit bats, Applebloom startled me an the spell over charged a bit. Shouldn't have done anything more than make her hearing more sensitive with that sort of backfire. I remember Fluttershy being stunned and i went over to check on her, then a sharp pain in my neck, an explosion, then there were some eyes I couldn't look away from and a overwhelming urge to protect the vampires, the bats I assume now, but then not so much. And of course given all the crappy vampire movies I've seen, I paired together a few things with Contagion, like a desire to spread it and the minor compulsions to act like the vampires I watched in the human world.” Sunset gestured to the mayhem going on in town. “Then Applejack smacked the crap out of me.” “Yah bit mai date.” Witch-Jack growled. “Not saying I didn't deserve it, just saying what happened.” Sunset placated. “So Rahs was bitten by you with this spell active.” Luna frowned. “Can you cancel it?” “I'll have to reverse it, but it's not like it's a strong spell. I'm surprised Applejack didn't break it.” Sunset pointed out. "I can just get a chain healing going, should take care of any bite wounds and clear up the spell as it 's passed along.” “Yes well, what worries us is that Applejack did not break the spell and that Rahs was affected. More importantly Rahs still has a link to his siblings that magic tends to flow through.” Luna pointed out. “Siblings that are in the Crystal Empire, with my little sister and her friends, and in another town entirely.” “Oh..... oh shit.” Sunset frowned. > BASS!, part four > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR BASS!, Part four “Previously on Twilight Gets a Puppy.” “I vant to drink you blud, Bleh...” CLANG!!! “I warned you.” Thorax stated glaring down at the now unconscious Bees. “And we now continue our story, already in progress.” “She's going Left!” Rainbow Dash shouted down at Witch-Jack. “Stay with her.” Witch-Jack growled loping after the pink tail of her quarry. “Easy for you to say, I'm not some awesome were wolf thing that can't be made a vampire!” Rainbow Dash snapped. ”How the heck did I get roped into this?” “You answered yer door when Luna knocked on it!” Applejack snapped back. “I'd rather be checking on Granny and the girls, or hunting fer Rahs, but ah got drafted tah catch Shy same as you.” “Hang a right, she went down the ally there.” Dash shouted as Witch-Jack made the same turn rushing into the dark. “Stay on top of her don't let her git too high!” Applejack snapped. “I know my job!” Dash snapped back, cranky that she had been woken up for this. There was a blur of motion and a hiss before Witch-Jack, one that the witch wolf met with a growl of her own as the vampire pony tried to whirl on her and scare her off. Witch-Jack was having none of it and lunged at the bat-mare forcing her back. Flutterbat launched back rushing out of the end on the ally and straight into a magical net set up by Princess Luna. Flutterbat hissed and thrashed, biting at everything as she was tangled and quickly bound by the spell. Rainbow Dash landed next to Witch-Jack as she stepped out of the ally looking at the bound form of the yellow pegasus. “Well that's one problem over with. I hope Sunset can fix this, she better hurry back from checking on tha farm house.” Witch-Jack muttered. “We are sure she will be fine, and we do not need her here to scan for blood magic corruption.” Luna offered. “While we are no expert in the field of blood magic, we know a number of spells of the school and others that are just as good. Our sister is the better blood mage, though our niece puts both of us to shame.” “Wait, Cadence knows blood magic?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Indeed. Though while we have never seen her practice it, that she has been able to change her body as such to sire a foal is proof of her skill. Many have also stated she is an expert at causing blood to flow to other parts of the body, particularly with stallions, that is a high level spell as well.” Luna pointed out. Rainbow Dash smirked before laughing. Witch-Jack just rolled her eyes not sure if Luna was serious or not. “Now please step back Applejack, we wish to check her over without your interference.” Luna ordered. “Guys.....” Rainbow Dash offered as she pointed a hoof down the street no trace of humor in her voice. “I think we have a bigger problem.” Looking towards where she pointed the other two were greeted with a massive mob of ponies and a few assorted other non pony residents of town. The large form at the very head of the group, dressed in a tattered cherry red and black long coat, was unmistakable however. “Rahs?” Witch-Jack asked with more than a little worry. [Sweet Apple Acres] “Twilight Sparkle, I hate you and everything you stand, sit, lay down, or dance for.” Sunset Shimmer muttered rubbing her head. She had tried to teleport into the farm house only for the wards the nerdy alicorn had set up to send her bouncing across the farm through the apple orchard. Sunset had stormed back up to the farm door and had been halted by the magically produced voice of Twilight demanding a password. “Oh..... you are not going to make me do this.” Sunset growled. “Password.” Twilight's voice demanded the shields keeping Sunset off the farm humming ominously. “GAAAH FINE.” Sunset snapped. “Password.” Twilight's voice demanded in what sounded like an amused tone. “I'm the T to the W-I, L-I-G-H-T and there ain't no other pony troll it down like me. I'm Twilight-licious.” Sunset deadpanned. “Password accepted “ A smug sounding voice of Twilight offered as the shield dropped allowing Sunset to rush inside. “SPIKE, GIRLS , GRANNY ARE YOU..... okay?” Sunset trailed off looking at the Crusaders sitting around the table with paper and dice. “Uh yeah, why wouldn't we be?” Sweetiebelle asked. “Speak for yourself. My mage got attacked by a vampire and do you know how hard it was to get that cure to work without getting Mr. Wrinkle to show up?” Scootaloo huffed. “The dice gods are not with you tonight.” Spike smirked. “Are there even gods of dice?” Applebloom asked. “So you're all okay, none of you wanting blood or thinking your vampires?” Sunset asked running a scan on them and finding nothing. “Just Sweetiebelle, but she's been like that all night.” Spike offered. “Cause she wanted to play a leech.” Scootaloo pointed out. “I am NOT a leech. I am a Ventrue and we are classy.” Sweetiebelle offered. “A fancy leech is still a leech.” Scootaloo retorted. “Scootaloo is the one who ate your share of the pizza.” Sweetiebelle retorted at that teasing. “HEY!” Scootaloo snapped. [Hoofington] “Oh my gosh are you alright? I didn't mean to bite that hard.....” Twilight stammered flipping around trying to look at Mac's neck, stringing together a rather excessive list of apologies. Big Mac rolled his eyes as she fretted and rambled. He turned his head suddenly pressing his lips to hers, silencing her and getting things back on track. It would take more than a little over eager nip to bother him. [Ponyville] Princess Luna, Rainbow Dash, and Witch-Jack stared at the mob at the end of the street with apprehension, worry, and dread respectively. At least until the music started and the whole mob burst out into a clear heart song choreographed dance number. The music built up as every one danced to it , the source as was usual with this sort of event, unseen, though the beat was rather catchy and even Luna could feel her tail flicking in time with the heavy bass beat. “....The foulest stench is in the air. The funk of forty thousand years. And grizzly ghouls from every tomb. Are closing in to seal your doom. And though you fight to stay alive. Your body starts to shiver. For no mere mortal can resist. The evil of the Thriller!!!” There may have been more, as that seemed a perfect point for some evil laughter or another refrain of the music. However a trash can slamming head long into Rahs, and sending him crashing back down the street stopped the music dead and forced all the ponies that had gathered around to take off running rather than deal with the irate Witch Wolf growling in front of them. “FER BUCKS SAKE RAHS! AH WAS WORRIED BOUT YER SORRY FLANK AND YAH RAN OFF TAH DO A DANCE NUMBER!?!?” Witch-Jack shouted stomping up towards the fallen Drama Dog. “Soooo yeah. About Shy?” Rainbow Dash asked wincing at the growling and cursing Witch-Jack was doing, much of it she was sure was more cursing and yelling in the witch wolf/moon dog language. “Verily.” Luna coughed letting her magic wash over the thrashing Fluttershy trying to ignore what was being said. She hadn't even known Applejack knew some of those words. “Oh... this is interesting.” “ What what is?” Dash asked. “She is a thestril.” Luna pointed out. “Uhh, I though thestrils being vampires was kinda a racist thing?” Rainbow Dash questioned. “Hmm, it is, but no, When we created the winged nox-cal we had issues figuring out how to allow them to fly. We initially were simply going to use dragons but for some reason crossing dragon and pegasus did not allow them to fly. We assume it has to due with a dragons internal heat and only the kirin seem to be able to mimic that. As such we needed to add in something else in order to give them the ability to fly. And there is only one other sort of flying creature of the night that would do.” “Owls?” Rainbow Dash asked getting a small glare from Luna. “Bats, Rainbow Dash. The first of our thestrils and even those now a days are more bat like that dragon like despite the the scattering of scales they have. Fluttershy does not have any scales however, there fore she is some sort of proto-thestril.” “Didn't Sunset say that her spell wasn't strong enough to do that sort of thing?” Rainbow Dash offered. “Indeed. But we think our dear little Fluttershy may have some nox-cal in her family tree and Sunset's spell brought that recessive blood line to the front.” Luna smiled. “Wondrous.” “Uhhh, so can she be cured?” Rainbow Dash questioned. “Of course.... mostly. At any rate we are surprised we did not recognize a frenzy when we saw one.” Luna smiled lifting the still hissing Flutterbat in the air smiling at her, an act that confused the bound creature. “Frenzy?” “Indeed. The first nox-cals we created had a issue with something of a feeding frenzy after the first spells were complete. It was quite bad in fact and required adjusting again to change their frenzy target from meat and gems to something ponies could deal with, hence fruit became the target with the addition of the bat into the line of all three of the tribes. Not that this was not without it's own issues as mangos were nearly rendered extinct until it was brought under control and through some strong conservation efforts. Luna explained. ”Even today it is simply asking to get hurt to take a mango any where near Gallopagos or where there are high concentrations of nox-cal. Thankfully, durrians have proven an acceptable substitute at times.” “Soooo, about shy?” Dash asked. “She is in a state that many of the first went into. As we stated it is something of a bloodlust, though not for actual blood. Instincts of bat and dragon are confused and over ride the pony which makes her attack 'meat' from the dragon aspect, though it is not 'meat she wants given the dragon part of her blood line is barely there, and the bat is more prominent due to Sunset's spell. In truth we are certain this sort of state is what started the whole vampire legend.” Luna offered her horn still glowing as she looked over Fluttershy with her magic. “Yeah but can you fix it?” Dash asked. “Certainly. We simply need to get her what she actually needs and calm her down, which should be easy with Sweet Apple acres still producing apples this time of year. Reverting her to a pegasus is likely going to be a bit harder, but we are Certain Sunset can do something about that. If not, well she is still her adorable self, look.” Rainbow Dash stepped back as Luna turned a hissing Flutterbat around to push her into Rainbow Dash's face. “I'll take your word for it.” Dash muttered. “Woof,” Rahs protested rubbing his head as Witch-Jack glared down at him. “Don't gimmi that.” Witch-Jack huffed pointing a claw at him.” While Sunset biting yah was unexpected yah didn't have to run off tah do... whatever that was without telling me. We were supposed tah be on a date.” “Bark?” “Don't matter that it was almost over.” Witch-Jack grumbled looking up to the branches of Golden Oaks library across the street. ”And ah hardly think this counts as me walking yah home.” “Ruff...” Rahs explained Witch-Jack flattened her ears to her head.” Right tha drama thing. Yah ain't tha god of Drama though Yer tha god of theater.” “Woof.” Rahs shrugged as he got up to his feet and Witch-Jack sighed. “Well it ain't like av'e had any experience with dating either, Tha fact yah got four others after yah means you've gone on a lot more dates than me. Ah figured you'd learned something.” Witch-Jack pointed out. “Woof.” Rahs pointed out something he had learned. “What!?” Witch-Jack questioned as Rahs leaned over and kissed her lightly on the cheek. Witch-Jack's face went pure scarlet as she stammered a little. Rahs offered her a bow as thanks for her walking him home, before he turned and crossed the street to Golden Oaks Library heading inside. Luna, Rainbow Dash, and Flutterbat, stared at Witch-Jack who was staring after Rahs, still in shock from the kiss. The witch wolf then sat down hard in the middle of the street, her claw lifting to her cheek. “That dog is going to kill some pony.” Rainbow Dash pointed out as Luna and Flutterbat nodded.. [Crystal Empire.] “Did you break him again?” Chrysalis sighed. “You know he can only take so much, he is but a mortal stallion trying to keep up with a goddess of love.” Cadence huffed . “Eew.” Saturnia offered. “Oh hush.” Chrysalis chuckled. ”So any way go on, you were talking about the second date?” “Well there wasn't much more to tell really. We walked back to his house......” The pair of goddess leaned closer as their daughter started to stammer, the pink changeling turning much more red. “And.....?” Chryssy and Cady asked. “Well he,..... kissed me good night, just a brief kiss on the cheek but...” “EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!” The two Goddesses squeed the volume knocking Saturnia out of her chair to the floor. “HAHA, he is following the dating book I gave him!” Cadence added. “Told you that was a good idea!” Chrysalis added. [ The Next Day] “So.... between a surprised overcast, a odd blood line, and a colony of fruit bats, it was all just a bunch of stuff that happened?” Twilight questioned looking at the tired Luna who stood next to a mostly normal looking Fluttershy and Sunset. “Well to be fair most of it started from Fluttershy's attempt with the bats.” Luna offered as the yellow mare winced the only signs of her previous bat like state were slightly more tufted ears, bat wings, and slightly elongated canines. “Pinkie Pie put her on the black list for a week and Applejack doesn't want her on the farm for that length of time or longer. Plus she has to pay for the bushels of apples she ate.” “I've already worked though my part in it, fixing all the ponies who thought they were vampires and getting more than a few healing spells to deal with bite wounds.“ Sunset offered. ”Aside from one stallion who got the crap kicked out of him by a mare he got fresh with, there were no really major injuries. Seems Vinyl was stopped before there were any ax wounds to add to the list.” “Yes, Sunset avoided the black list simply by trying to help and not really being in control of herself when she went rogue.” Luna pointed out. “Yeah so since I have no punishment, I need to ask Rahs on our second date. And if the state of Applejack this morning was anything to go by, I want me some of that.” Sunset grinned. “I need to leave town more often on Tuesdays.” Twilight sighed. > Rainbow Fin Albacore > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Rainbow Fin Albacore [Spring, Rainbow Falls] “Woof?” Rahs asked offering a bag of popcorn to the unicorn sitting next to him on the bleachers. “No thank you, when today's events are over Rainbow Dash and I are headed out to dinner, I hate to spoil my apatite when I finally get to eat some where that doesn't serve a five star appetizer and call it a meal.” Prince shook his head. Rahs nodded and went back to eating his popcorn. It had been a interesting few weeks after the Flutterbat incident. He had gone on a date with Sunset, then Trixie was coming back according to her letters to go on another date. The problem currently was that he and Jynx had scheduled the second date on Rainbow Dash's birthday before realizing it. While it would be a good opportunity to reschedule, it wasn't something easily done with Jynx. Due to her pack growing even larger in numbers due to word getting out about the leader courting a Witch Wolf God, Diamond Dogs from all over were flocking to Jynx's banner. So far there had been no real problem, as Jynx was also placing a large number of Diamond Dogs into the Employe of the Crystal Empire to deal with their mines as none of the locals wanted anything to do with the underground structures any more. But the Diamond Dog warren outside of town was expanding and was taking up more and more of the land along the edge of the Everfree Forest and some tunnels were evening going into the Manterhorn under Canterlot. Jynx had her paws full keeping everything in line. That The Jade Wolf Leader had, on several occasions gone claw to claw with Witch-Jack with no clear winner helped her out considerably in keeping any dog from thinking about trying to usurp her. That and the fact she was developing a fanatical following of Dog who saw her as close to a bastion of power and strength as one could get shy of a god. The Diamond Dogs did have a god, but no one had seen him in a long time. And the few that had remarked on how he left them for dead, and there for was hardly deserving of the title. Still as for the date , Rahs figured he could show up hang out for a while taunt Rainbow a little, give her that record she had been wanting that he picked up and then go on the date with little issue. For now however there were the relay for the competing teams to qualify. Rahs really had no idea what any of it was about, as far as he was concerned his part in the games was over after judging the foals. But it was still rather fun to watch, particularly with all the drama. Rahs wasn't sure how he knew, but there was a great deal going on with Rainbow Dash now. Particularly the faked injury. Granted the 'injury' fooled no one, least of all Rahs and Prince who had both seen her spring back from far worse impacts with hardly a bruise. From what he could tell it was all due to the Wonderbolts asking her to join their team after Soarin got hurt. Rahs was also privy to the argument Soarin and Spitfire had on WHY he got hurt, which is why she was set on replacing him if he was going to be so focused on young mares that he couldn't fly straight. Dash faked her own injury to avoid having to chose. Of course that likely meant that Ponyville wouldn't qualify. No offense to Ditzy, but she wasn't that good at short bursts of speed being more of a long haul flier and the rest of the pegasi from Ponyville were in other races or events.. Rainbow Dash was the best one on the team, even with Fluttershy's new bat wings her speed and stamina were lacking, and the other was Bulk Biceps. Rahs was surprised he didn't enter the weight lifting competition, but given that tended to be an earth pony dominated event, no matter how big the pegasus got he likely couldn't match the earth pony and nox cal body builders. Luckily before the event started it seemed Rainbow Dash had made her choice after chewing out Spitfire who took it all without flinching , but seemed amused at the rejection, and the Ponyville team was ready to go. At the start bulk was struggling, but he was doing far better than expected. The trade off was a bit fumbled, though Fluttershy surged up, gaining time and surprising everyone who knew her with the unexpected rush through the air. Dash took the relay and in a fully expected burst of speed tore across the finish line, just shy of making a sonic rainboom. While it wasn't the fastest time, it was more than enough for Ponyville to qualify for the games. Rahs cheered along with the rest though his attention was quickly drawn away as he caught a whiff of some very strong magic from somewhere. His eyes narrowed as he looked around expecting something to happen, though after a moment the scent faded and and he was left curious as to what had just happened. This was odd. He had never caught a scent of magic that strong before, at least not something that faded so quickly. “Curious.” Rahs opted to keep an eye and his nose out for that scent again, just in case. There were a few names in the prophecy left after all. [ On board the Song Fishies, a few days later.] “So you're still set on this I assume?” Aria sighed. “Of course. Can you imagine the amount of strife this will generate. Our gems will be so overpowered we'll be gods.” Adagio cackled. “Couldn't we just stay at the resort longer? It's still freaking cold in Equestria.” Aria offered. “I didn't like it at the resort. Two of ten stars.” Sonata offered. “Two?” Adagio asked. “The food was pretty good.” Sonata shrugged. “ But I really didn't like their games.” The pair chose to ignore that as Aria dropped into the pilot's chair for their ship. Aria didn't trust either of the others to pilot the ship, though only Sonata seemed interested in it. “So what's the plan then? You find a way past the Diamond Dog? That thing screwing with our magic could ruin everything we try. And she evidently lives in that town you plan to take out.” “We may not be able to use our spells directly on her, but she has to have a range in which she cancels our magic.” Adagio offered. “Boobie puppy didn't trigger anything until she got close to the stage the second time. “ Sonata pointed out.” I didn't see the other one.” “Right so we just need to keep the bitch away. The other one may not even be an issue..... what is the term for a male dog any way?” Adagio blinked as she considered.” Cur?” “Dog.” Sonata offered. “Yeah a male one, what is that called. I know a bitch is a female dog, but what's the term for a male?” Adagio questioned. “Dog.” Sonata stated again. “Yes I know dog, but what's the term for a boy dog?” “Dog.” Sonata offered again. “Sonata what the fuck, I want to know the term that is the male version of a bitch!” Adagio fussed. “Pretty sure a bitch is a bitch regardless of gender.” Aria smirked.” But I think what she means is a male dog is called a dog.” “Yes.” Sonata agreed. Adagio glared at her before shaking her overly poofy head.” That is stupid.” “Ehh what ever, stop getting distracted. I expect we can't do anything about her until we get there and figure things out, but how are we going to do even that, we were not exactly well received last time we were in Ponyville.” Aria pointed out. “I have a plan for that too.”Adagio grinned holding up a brightly colored flier.” Got this from one of the bards passing through, along with all his bits.” Aria snagged it with a hoof looking it over “Rainbow Dash Birthday Bash, sponsored by Pinkie Pie LLC. Hiring all entertainers to make the best birthday party for the best rainbow maned pegasus pony named Rainbow Dash there is. Musicians, jugglers, high wire acts, puppet masters, and tumblers wanted. Clowns, mimes, and strippers need not apply, this is a family show.” Aria read. “What the heck is this?” “Our way back into town unnoticed of course.”Adagio offered. “Ooh, I hope they have red velvet cake.” Sonata chimed in. [ Golden Oaks Library] “Nah dude, flamers only got a eight inch range in this errata, you're just shy.”Spike offered pointing out the distance between his Salamander Adaptus Alicornus and Firefly's Adaptus Marecanus. “I could have sworn it was ten on this one. Didn't this game used to have templates?” Firefly asked, the fake pegasus fanning his wings a little.” That would be a lot easier.” “Yeah it used to, there's talk of bringing them back though.” Spike pointed out though he trailed off as the front door of the library door opened with a small chime. “Hold that thought, I'm on library duty today.” “No problem. I need to figure out what to shoot now any way.” Firefly sighed. Spike hopped down from the chair walking out of the kitchen and kicking the door stop loose so the door closed behind him. No sense letting any library patrons get disturbed by how much yelling usually acompined a game when the dice rolled badly. Spike paused as he reached the circulation desk raising an eyebrow as Silver Spoon trotted into the building. Spike frowned, usually none of the foals from school came into the library unless it was to study for something or do a report. Spike was pretty sure they hadn't had a report to do. Maybe he should double check. “Hey Silver, what brings you in?” Spike offered with a small wave. Silver Spoon nodded to him and glanced behind her with a small exhalation as she approached. “I actually came to talk to you Spike.” Silver stated. 'Well if you're here to profess your love for me, I should let you know Applebloom called dibs and isn't keen on sharing.” Spike offered. “What ? No! Ew. You are neither my type or species, and I'm already in an arranged marriage when I turn eighteen.” Silver offered. “Those are illegal now.” Spike pointed out. “If I want to fight it, yes, but I've met him a few times and he's alright. Besides that's how my mother and father met and they are rather happy with it.” Silver explained before she shook her head quickly.” No that's not what I'm here to talk about, it's Diamond Tiara.” “What did she do now?” Spike asked frowning. “She's getting worse.” Silver Spoon sighed.” Whatever it is that drives her to hate the Crusaders and you is now much worse. It's all she talks about and everything seemed to be about getting her vengeance on all of you and your families.” “She's welcome to try.” Spike offered.” I really don't think she can manage much with who she's against.” “Don't underestimate her Spike. I've been her friend for a long time and her mom has taught her to be ruthless.”Silver Spoon sighed.”This insanity is enough that Sterling is scared of her almost as much as she's scared of Sombra.” “Yikes.” Spike blinked. The third member of their little group was one of the few crystal pony transplants to Ponyville and the filly practically vanished whenever she even thought Sombra was nearby. Silver Spoon sighed.”That's it. I've tried talking her out of it, but she doesn't listen to me, she never really did. You've been warned and if she hears about it that's gonna be the end of our friendship.” “Really? You're like the only friend she even has.”Spike pointed out. “I know.” Silver Spoon sighed and turned heading back out the door leaving Spike to ponder her words.. > Pinkie Perch, Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Pinkie Perch, Prologue [Ponyville, Rainbow Dash's Birthday. Sunday] “BWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA” Adagio laughed as the town burned. The massive sea dragon looking figure towering over the stage and much of the town the gem at her neck swelling with power as crowds of ponies raged and fought around her. The glowing red eyed form of Twilight Sparkle sent out random blasts of magic, ripping through the streets, destroying buildings, and smashing against the over turned party tank that Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich were hiding behind. “To be fair, this is not how I expected to die.” Cheese stated simply. “ How did you expect to die?” Pinkie Pie asked. “Tuna Casserole event.” Cheese nodded sagely. “Really me too, though it was due to the avocado more than anything else.” Pinkie Pie admitted. ”So before I do, Pinkie Pie I have to let you know....” “I'm already seeing some one.” Pinkie Pie pointed out. “Well congratulations, if we survive this you really need to let me plan the wedding party if you get married.” Cheese stated without slowing down or with any trace of sarcasm.” But no, I got into this line of work because of you. I never wanted to take your place in Ponyville I just wanted to show you what a great party pony I am Pinkie.” “What? Why me?” “Well I had a great little song number for an explanation, but I'll cut it short since this is only the prologue of the story and everyone knows it by now any way plus we're kinda in a life or death situation that a song would only make worse.” Cheese explained. “Fair enough.” Pinkie Pie agreed. “Cliff notes?” “Yup” Cheese stated breathing in deeply. ”Way back when I was just a little bitty colt Living in a box under the stairs in the corner of the basement of the house. Half a block down the street from Jerry's Bait Shop. You know the place. Well, anyway, back then life was going swell and everything was just peachy!...” “There you are Darling....” Nightmarity hissed as she leaned around the corner of the over turned tank , her eyes a glowing a wispy red like the sirens gems. ”AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich screamed rushing away from the nightmare infused pony as she lashed out with tendrils of darkness. Sunset stopped in front of them setting everything on fire with a manic cackle the very ground around her lighting on fire. The pair took off the other way ducking into an ally only to rush back out of it screaming as Flutterbat flew after them snapping at their tails. Sonata laughed watching the antics all while stuffing her face with the giant birthday cake that had been in the middle of the party area. Another beam of energy from Twilight lanced across the ground before them, forcing the pair of panicked party planners to pause, perching them precarious poised over a perilous pit plowed primarily by a powerful pony's phaser pouring, pointy protrusion. Darting away from the new ravine carved in the ground, this one cutting through part of Sugar Cube Corner. Cheese and Pinkie quickly ran the other way as the third siren loomed over them watching their antics with a mix of annoyance and perhaps pity as they ran past still screaming. “Good lungs on those two.” Aria muttered. Cheese Sandwich yelped as he was tackled by Rainbow Dash and Prince, their glowing red eyes flaring as they pinned him down with a growl. “Cheese, NO!” Pinkie Cried out. “Go, save yourself.... and Boneless!” Cheese yelled tossing Pinkie a rubber chicken. “Sorry , I probably won't forget you... maybe.” Pinkie cried out before running off screaming. The pink mare didn't make it very far before she ran into someone and bounced off of them, crashing to the ground on her back. Looking up she was greeted to the sight of Sombra looming over her with a sword gripped in his magic as he glared down at her. “Nooo, it's the end for me.” Pinkie cried.” Though if I'm going to go out, there's only one thing left to do.” There was a squawking sound as Sombra was hit in the face with a rubber chicken. “THAT'S FOR BITING FLUTERSHY!” > Pinkie Perch, Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Pinkie Perch, Part 1 [Ponyville, Rainbow Dash's Birthday. Sunday] ["Much, much, earlier than the last chapter."] [Ponyville] “Pinkie Pie.” “Yesssssssss, Twilight?” Pinkie asked as streamers rained down from the sky behind her. “If you go this overboard for my next birthday party, I am setting everything on fire.” Twilight stated. “DOO EEEET!” Sunset shouted from nearby, probably by the giant birthday cake. “Oh don't worry it's only this big because, it's Dashie and you know how she gets.” Pinkie Pie explained, as fire works went off some where. “Good to know.” Twilight let out a long exhalation.” Because this is a carnival.” “Ehh close enough.” Pinkie Pie pointed out to one of the five stages being constructed. A light purple furred earth pony half hidden in a purple hoodie was working on that one her dark purple and teal mane done up into long twin ponytails that fell out from under the hood and she had a pair of spiked bracelets on. Pinkie thought she looked familiar, but focused on something more important.” Big Mac will be here shortly and Dashie knows about your issues so you can easily just teleport back into your house to calm down if you like and no one will be upset. I made sure not to decorate that ” “Thanks Pinkie. I might do that, but I will try to stay around as much as I can.” Twilight let out a small sigh. “Hey don't worry, we'll beat this paralyzing packed party problem post hast....... probably.” Pinkie Pie proclaimed as pink powder puffs of pure Panela-sugar pastries plastered plenty of partying ponies paces from the pair. “Happy Birthday Daddy!” Spike called out as Rahs cackled, Rainbow Dash groaned, and Prince spit out his drink, coughing, nearly soaking the blue furred pegasus with odd pink gossamer wings that had served it to him. Thankfully she dodged, though Prince had no idea why she was in a bunny suit. A furry one with long floppy pink ears at that. Prince just suspected it was a changeling and left it at that. “Seriously are we doing this again?” Rainbow Dash sighed. “Woof.” Rahs grinned as he nodded. “Of course we are.” Dash face hooved. “I really need to hear the story of this one.” Prince chuckled, his ears perked up as he looked between the three. “Turns out the first Rain-boom I made helped Twilight hatch this annoyance and pulled the bigger annoyance out of the dream realm and ever since it came to light they both occasionally call me daddy.” Rainbow Dash explained. “Well it certainly is amusing.” Prince chuckled cleaning up his chin from his drink with a napkin before taking another sip of the punch Pinkie had made. “So Daddy, is this our new mommy?” Once again the punch was spittaked as Rainbow Dash started cackling as well. Prince just glared at Rahs who had a massive fanged smile on his face. “It is slightly less amusing now.” Prince huffed as the serving mare in the bunny suit giggled. “So you're headed out?” Pinkie Pie asked. “Bark.” Rahs explained. “I know, I know, you're trying to be fair to all of them and Jynx has scheduling issues.” Pinkie Pie placated. “Woof.” Rahs offered as the pair walked past a few of the stages. “Oooh, Canterlot, fancy, pity you couldn't have it here we have a lot of food and games and music.” Pinkie Pie offered as Rahs paused to pick up a tool the mare dropped on the ground, offering it back to her before reaching up to hold the speaker in place as she attached it to the pole. " Wuff." Rahs pointed out. "What?" The tech mare asked. "He says he likes your spiked bracelets." Pinkie Pie added. " Oh, ummm, thanks?" Rahs nodded before he walked off still talking with Pinkie Pie. “Ruff.” “Good point I guess AJ, Saturnia, and Sunset would probably try and make it difficult. Well at least AJ would, you know those two can't get near each other without getting into a fight over you.” Pinkie smiled.” Of course then there's trying to have a sexy date near your sister aaaaand trust me I get that.” Rahs rolled his eyes. Aria frowned slightly, as she watched the canine creature walk off. That had felt strange, it was as if he was drawing in some of the magic she had in her gem. Wasn't the problem supposed to be a female? She shook her head, he was leaving from what she over heard any way. She quickly went back to rigging up all the sound systems in town to the one stage she and her sisters would be on. She wasn't going to give her sister an excuse to bitch about her set up, but she was going to point this out to them regardless. [Later after the party had been usurped, you've likely seen the episode I don't need to recap it.] [“Hold onto your butts.”] [“Quoting Jurassic park are we?”] [“Why not he made a song called Jurassic Park.”] [….] [….] [….] [“….” Discord hums a few bars.] [“...... Some one shut the fence off … in the rain....”] Pinkie Pie growled seeing everything Cheese Sandwich was doing usurping her party planning. “That's it! This pony has gotta get her title back! And I know just what to do!” Pinkie Pie snapped. “CHEESE! You have a lot of nerve up staging me. Why don't you go back to UHF where you belong.” Cheese narrowed his eyes “ I dun wanna hear it from a mare who's typecast as a little girls voice. At least I was in movies” “Yeah as yourself mostly, or as a bad guy in Naked Gun!” “I made records, you're in pony life!” “You made parodies, rewording someone else's songs. I was in Darkstalkers, the good one, the OAV.” “Yeah as a little girl, see first statement same as this one.”Cheese retorted.” And I made original songs too!” “At least I didn't let The Macho Man 'Elbow Drop' my hamster!” Pinkie Pie snapped. “At least I'm not my own mare friend.” “No, you just keep going around being a grammar Nazi” “Proper grammar is important, I could point out a lot of things with this story...” [“ DON'T!”] “Fine,” Cheese snorted. “But I don't have to take this from a mare who was 'HARMONY' Bear in the care bears show. How clique!” “This from the 'dare to be stupid, Rekgar?” “At least my best role isn't Maya the bee!” “Hey I was in at least two Gundam movies, and a main role in Maison Ikkukou!” “As the little girl again.” Cheese pointed out. “I was in Black Lagoon” Sonata chimed up. “What?!” Pinkie and Cheese demand. “Come on dear, best leave them be they're going so meta even the readers are getting glassy eyed” Discord pointed out trying to usher Sonata away. “Butt out Q!” Cheese and Pinkie shout. “Rude.” Discord huffed as he vanished. “Where were we?” Pinkie Pie considered. “Hmm. Okay we did the child voice acting joke..” Cheese pondered. “And the UHF and Dare To Be Stupid.”Pinkie Pie pointed out. “Oh right, right, oh, was it my turn or yours?” Cheese asked. “Umm, Mine, I think cause you did the child thing again. “Okay, go ahead.” Cheese offered. “Well I was in Ranma 1/2 and got to beat up Akane!”Pinkie Pie snapped.” That should give me points in All Who Wander right?” “Yeah it might, but Starlight is Ukyo, and given the author ships Ukyo and Ryoga, probably not that much.” Cheese stated. [“Leave me out of this.”] “Well I've been in DBZ!” Pinkie Pie offered. “Hold on, I understood that reference” Sunset blinked. “Who hasn't been in DBZ at this point?” Cheese shrugged. “You!” “Hey, I was in Yugi-oh, it was close enough!” “Yeah, Yugi-oh … abridged!” “That was better than the original!” “Yeah, well I was in Reboot.” “Oh really? Who as, I loved that show!” “AndrAIa.” “Oh Enzo's girlfriend, that's awesome, did you know the guy who did that show also did Dire Straights Money for Nothing Chicks for free music video?” Cheese offered. “I couldn't get him to help with Money for Nothing Beverly Hillbillies but I got Rick Moranis to help and the guy from Dire Straights to play guitar.” “No, I didn't know, that's so cool!” Pinkie Pie stated. “But...No, wait.. GOOF OFF, You . ME . NOW.” “Should we wake everyone up out of the meta coma first?” Cheese asked gesturing to the large crowd around them that were all swaying and glassy eyed. “Probably.” Pinkie Pie agreed. [Later still] “Alright every pony, according to the official goof off rule book.” Twilight began “She actually has a goof off rule book?” Rainbow Dash questioned. “Hello, my name's Spike, have you actually met my sister?” Spike deadpanned. “Shhh,” snapped a faded yellow unicorn with a mass of orange hair that wasn't gravitationaly feasible snapped next to them. “The two competitors have free range to goof about -- be it by singing, dancing, playing, prancing, joking, or performing -- to make the judge chortle, chuckle, giggle, guffaw, hoot and holler, whoop it up, and party down. “ Twilight continued. ”Anything to make the judge chortle, chuckle, giggle, guffaw, hoot and holler, whoop it up, and party down.” “Great so who's the judge?” Rainbow Dash asked, slowly blinking as everyone turned to look at her. “I would think it would be obvious, birthday mare.” Rarity smiled. “Uh Oh” Rainbow Dash winced. > Pinkie Perch, Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Pinkie Perch, Part 2 [Canterlot] Jynx was not sure what to think about the current situation. Sure she had been in Canterlot before, but never really during the late afternoon like this. She was not that happy about the looks a number of the ponies were giving her or Rahs. Even the non vocal ones were clearly leery, if not out right annoyed at the pair. Rahs was ignoring it, he spent most of his life in Canterlot after all, and was used to it. Jynx was not so used to it. Nor was she used to the constant guard presence that seemed to be around them. Rahs took note of her unease with the situation and showed his hand readily , walking right up to the palace gates, to be let in like he lived there. Even the patrolling Guards that had been shadowing them seemed surprised at that. The nobles and locals that had been hounding them had to pick their jaws up off the cobblestone. Rahs was not above using connections and the castle chef on standby for griffon delegations liked the extra work. Even if he fussed at Rahs for not being an 'official' ambassador to the moon dogs, no matter what Princess Luna said. Rahs was of course greatly amused at the expressions of those who had been bothering them. Jynx couldn't help be amused a little as well. [Ponyville] “Well... This, is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen.”Adagio stated as she and her sister watched the two party ponies do ... well, what ever it was they were doing. “I dunno, I'd say the whole incident with Tunguska was way weirder than this.” Aria offered. “True. At least Sonata learned what happened when a rabbit gets Trix.” Adagio nodded. “Set the damn cereal release date back 50 years when the lemmings got involved.” Aria shuddered. “Let's not talk about that anymore I still get flash backs any time is see fruit shaped corn puffs. I will concede the point though. This is the SECOND, most ridiculous thing I've ever seen.” Adagio nodded. ”The stages set?” “Yep, did you deal with the dog?” Aria asked. “Yeah, I took care of her. It was surprisingly easy.” Adagio smirked. [Earlier] “Hey, miss!” Applejack blinked as she stopped to look over at a unicorn mare calling her, one with a rather ridiculous mane, the mare waved her over towards the train platform. “Hmm? Well howdy... something wrong?” Applejack asked, trotting up the stairs to the platform noting a number of crates around on dollies and stacked a few ponies high, clearly for the party going by the splashes of color all over them. One of the large steel boxcar doors was open and the train at the end of the line of cars was already building up it's fire to leave. “Yeah, sorry to bother you, the trains about to head out and I've got one more crate I need to get unloaded. Problem is it's one that is listed as 'no magic' so I can't get it out myself. “ the mare offered gesturing to her horn. “I was about to panic, when I spotted you, and you look pretty strong, think you can help me get it off the train real quick?” “Why sure. Ain't no trouble, ah take all this is fer Dash's party?” Applejack offered stepping into the train car and spotting the large crate at the far end of the car. “Yep. I've got most of it, but that's the last one.” the mare offered. “Well shoot that don't look like much.” Applejack offered walking up to the crate.” Shouldn't be an issue tah...” Applejack trailed off as the whistle blew on the train and the door slammed shut with the sound of metal being locked into place. “What tha?” Applejack stumbled as the train lurched forward. She ran to the door yanking on it banging on the steel as the train pulled out of the station. “Next stop, Appleooza.” AJ heard the conductor yell from one of the cars further up in the line. Applejack cursed yanking on both doors on either side, finding them both locked and sealed tight. She growled moving over to the crate and pushing it only to note that it was an empty wooden box. “Buck.....” Applejack growled. [ Canterlot] Jynx had no idea how she had been talked into this. The meal had been delicious if a little fancier than she was used to. Still it was enough that she was considering asking for the recipes that were used. The next part however had the diamond dog well out of her comfort zone. Rahs smirked, taking her paw and moving around, gesturing her to follow his lead as he shifted. The moon dog wasn't in his usual great coat, but wore a fairly nice pair of pants and a stylish if simple long sleeve shirt that only could have been put together by Rarity. That the white shirt and black pants matched her coat and hair color clearly added into it, as did her rather tight and fairly short navy blue dress that matched Rahs' fur. The dress was a good bit shorter than she liked, though it did allow her to move easily, particularly with Rahs leading her through these odd movements in the semi darkened room. The music had a good beat to it that was easy to follow, though Jynx had no idea how to dance. Something else to ask Rarity about later it seemed, though Jynx doubted the four legged mare would understand how to dance on two legs. Still, the dancing did keep Rahs much closer to her than she had expected, and she certainly wasn't about to stop, as thus far this was the first time he had taken the lead in any of their interactions. The only issue thus far were the other club goers. Some seemed to have no issue with the pair on the floor despite the extra space they took up with their size. Others of course seemed to follow the same mind set of the nobles, with their glares and snide remarks that they made to each other. Heck some of them possibly were nobles, not many, but usually only the young and the rich could afford to be out dancing on a Sunday night after all. Jynx really didn't care though, despite her stumbling and confusion at this, she was going to savor it. [Ponyville] “Honestly? Do we really need to do anything?” Aria asked watching the pair of party ponies fight. “Probably not.” Adagio offered. “My gem is getting charged just from this. And look there's ponies taking sides and arguing too.” “A betting pool too it seems.” Aria pointed to a group of pegasi. “Actually we should do something soon before this becomes a moral lesson.” Sonata offered getting looks from the other two.” Besides purple smart is gonna put a stop to it soon. So best we start up.” Aria shrugged as Adagio grinned. “Gonna add a little into this one. She's our test run. If I can control her or at least direct her anger we should have no problem with the two gods in Canterlot.“ Adagio chuckled. ”That some of this lot are the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony makes it even better.” “I agree, this will be a good test, but if it fails, we drop this stupid idea.“ Aria growled. “Messing with gods is a bit out of our league. Or did you forget what happened with Triton?” “Pffft, Poseidon was nothing, his creepy older brother was the problem. He was married and way too flirty.”Adagio growled. “So. I know we picked the song, but, Sweet or Tia?” Sonata questioned. “Tia.” Adagio stated as the trio took the stage. “Aria you're up.” “Surprised you're letting me lead.” Aria smirked. “I need to focus on the control spell.” Adagio shrugged. “Besides this is more your thing.” “Yeah, well, that's because all other music is scissors to me.” Aria smiled. “What?” Sonata questioned. “It always loses to rock!” Aria grinned. The faint thump of music started to bleed into the song the battling ponies were singing. Slowly drawing away the attention from the goof off “Are you ready Sonata?” Aria asked. “Uh-huh.” Sonata smiled. “Adagio?” “Yeah.” “Mike?” Aria taps the mic with a shark toothed smile as all the other bands playing on the stages suddenly had their mics cut and the sound from the Dazzlings stage was all that could be heard. ”Okay” Quite a number of ponies turned away from the goof off to look at them in confusion or to the bands on the other stages trying to get their sound to come back. “Alright girls. “ Aria wailed. “LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!” The sudden blast of music coming from all five stages around the town drown out Cheese and Pinkie's song entirely and fully drew everyone in towns attention to the three mares on the stage. Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Prince, Fluttershy, and Rarity winced at the volume, though they were focused fully if confused by the sudden blast of music. “Oh it's been getting so hard, Living with the things you do to me.... My dreams are getting so strange, I'd like to tell you everything I see......” As the song continued everyone who could hear the song started developing a reddish glow in their eyes. > Pinkie Perch, Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Pinkie Perch, Part 3 [Ponyville] “I see a mare at the back As a matter of fact her eyes are red as the sun And a colt in the corner let no one ignore 'um 'Cause he thinks he's the passionate one Oh, yeah, “ Aria belted out , the music building as the glowing red eyes of the townsfolk grew brighter. It didn't take long for the first punch to be thrown somewhere and the recipient likely hadn't even felt it before the fighting really started in the crowds and on the other stages around town. “it was like lightning, everybody was frightening And the music was soothing, and they all started grooving....” The sound of glass breaking were heard as some one was thrown through a window. Though the noise was quickly drown out by the music. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah And the mare at the back said Everyone attack and it turned into a ballroom blitz And the colt in the corner said Filly, I wanna warn ya, it'll turn into a ballroom blitz Ballroom blitz, ballroom blitz, ballroom blitz Ballroom blitz” Twilight Sparkle's full attention was on the stage, and she might have begun to stop this, because she clearly could tell who was fueling this what was going on judging by the glare she leveled at the sisters. Though unfortunately for her, Adagio was targeting her part of the spell specifically on Twilight and her group and had already wrapped it around the ones around the others. Thus Twilight was blindsided by an attack from Rainbow Dash and Prince. Rarity's darkness flared out turning the mare jet black with glowing red eyes and whipping mane. Fluttershy screeched fangs bared. Spike snarled trembling , and the other crusaders fell to bickering instantly. All of them moved on Twilight at Adagio's direction Twilight managed to force the others away from her with a bubble shield before the siren found the hard knot of anger present in the book horse, and claimed it. Twilight's eyes flared red. [Canterlot] “I'm reaching out for something Touching nothing's all I ever do.” Jynx had no idea what had happened. But this night had taken an unexpected turn. “Oh, I softly call you over When you appear there's nothing left of you, aha” Evidently one of the stallions, emboldened by all the drinks he had at the bar, stormed up to Rahs to attempt to throw him out, or tell him to piss off or something. “Now the mare in the back Is ready to crack as he raises her hooves to the sky And the colt in the corner is ev'ryone's mourner He could kill you with a wink of his eye” Jynx wasn't sure what had been said to Rahs as she couldn't hear over the music, but she was quite certain she had seen Rahs' eyes glow red.... “OOOOOOOHHHYEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAH!!” ...right before he slugged the stallion and sent him crashing back into the crowd. “it was electric, so frightfully hectic And the band started leaving, 'cause they all stopped breathing” This of course started a massive brawl, where the stallions buddies tried to jump Rahs, the mares with them went for Jynx, and the bouncers rushed to the floor to try and stop the fight before it started. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah And the mare at the back said Everyone attack and it turned into a ballroom blitz” Of course it wasn't a couple of untrained drunks and lightly trained bouncers stood much of a chance against a snarling moon dog, or a Diamond Dog alpha who was having her date interrupted by idiots. This was of course, why the Guards showed up as quickly as they did. Someone on the staff had the sense to realize this was a problem they couldn't deal with. “And the colt in the corner said Filly, I wanna warn ya, it'll turn into a ballroom blitz Ballroom blitz, ballroom blitz, ballroom blitz Ballroom blitz” And because they got there so quickly, this was why the first guard to rush at Rahs was thrown into a speaker by said irate Moon Dog. [ Ponyville] Adagio smiled, the god was under the control of her song, as were everyone of the Element Bearers and a noble from Canterlot. If she played this right she could keep them there for days. There was anger and strife so deep in this one god that she could probably feed on it alone for weeks, and fuel that back into the old earth siren spell lure. She doubted even her sisters had picked up that trick. On earth the spell was just to lure mariners to their deaths so the cannibalistic earth sirens could feed, but with a few tweaks it allowed more control than just a 'come hither and ignore the danger' command. Their hold on this town was a little more complex than their usual 'cast and harvest' tactics, though this time she was trying to take it all, to gain enough power to topple Canterlot itself. Cause fuck that bearded fuck, and to hell with her mother, she would show them both what it meant to cross her and real power. It was with this distraction, and inner monologue that Adagio could be forgiven for overlooking a few individuals not affected by the spell. The two party ponies would be noticed later. The pensive looking draconequus would be gone before she noticed. As would the strange dark colored unicorn stallion who seemed to cling to the shadows as if they were part of him. “Oh yeah, it was like lightning, everybody was frightening And the music was soothing, and they all started grooving” Aria didn't really notice any of that. She was lost in the music and the swell of power that came with it. While she wasn't a fan of her sisters plan, a flood of power like this was addicting, and she couldn't help feel she could take on anything with the power they were gathering. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah And the mare at the back said Everyone attack and it turned into a ballroom blitz” Sonata did notice her father, and the Shadowy pony, and the two unbothered party planners. She also noticed that no one had touched the massive birthday cake just yet and she was subtly nudging the brawling towns folk away from the table it was on with her own energy. That delicious looking cake would be all hers. “And the colt in the corner said Filly, I wanna warn ya, it'll turn into a ballroom blitz Ballroom blitz, ballroom blitz, ballroom blitz Ballroom blitz” Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich finally noticed there was a problem. This was just before Spike tried to roast them alive, and just after they missed an attempt by Ditzy Doo to run them over with the party tank. Which she promptly, flipped over somehow and crashed, despite there being nothing around for her to have hit hard enough to flip the tank with. The pair of party planner ponies promptly paused to peer at the pugilist previously partying people properly producing a panic while pounding Ponyville. “Uh Oh.” Pinkie and Cheese uttered. “WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWW!!” > Pinkie Perch, Part 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Pinkie Perch, Part 4 [Ponyville.] Discord frowned. He was a bit of a loss on how to deal with this situation. On one claw, these were his children and he should support them in their lives. On the other hand, Ponyville was an awesome town, a place that had it's own brand of chaos that even he didn't expect or have to incite. On the other, other hand, that just sprouted from his back, he did consider Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie to be friends, even if they were not that tight knit, and one was currently running around screaming, and the other was a bat.... ...wait... How the deuce did that happen?!!? Alright that was another point in favor of this town. On the other, other, other hand, that sprouted from his belly, the girls had left because he and Aqua had been too controlling and protective and he didn't want them to run again. Discord sighed. Well at the very least he would keep any one from getting killed, or too badly hurt, that wouldn't benefit any one and dead things didn't make chaos. Though why was Pinkie unaffected? And for that matter this Cheese Sandwich? Discord pondered a moment, his eyes going wide as he realized something. “By the stars there's two of them.....” [Back to where it began] Cheese Sandwich yelped as he was tackled by Rainbow Dash and Prince, their glowing red eyes flaring as they pinned him down with a growl. “Cheese, NO!” Pinkie Cried out. “Go, save yourself.... and Boneless!” Cheese yelled tossing Pinkie a rubber chicken. “Sorry, I probably won't forget you... maybe.” Pinkie cried out before running off screaming. The pink mare didn't make it very far before she ran into someone and bounced off of them, crashing to the ground on her back. Looking up she was greeted to the sight of Sombra looming over her with a sword gripped in his magic as he glared down at her. “Nooo, it's the end for me.” Pinkie cried.” Though if I'm going to go out, there's only one thing left to do.” There was a squawking sound as Sombra was hit in the face with a rubber chicken. “THAT'S FOR BITING FLUTERSHY!” Sombra blinked, and raised one eyebrow at the pink mare on the ground before him. “Must you always do that?” Sombra asked reaching up to rub his nose with a hoof. “Only when it's funny.” Pinkie admitted. “I do not find it funny.” Sombra countered. “It's not supposed to be funny to you.” Pinkie pointed out. Sombra snorted and moved past the prone pink pony, advancing on the trio of sirens who just seemed to notice him. “Well well if it isn't the love cursed king.” Adagio grinned. The history book she had on the boat was quite good. It even had pictures. “No, that was my sire. Evidently you found one of Sparkle's abridged accounts.” Sombra offered stopping to stare up at the much larger sirens with mild interest. ” You however, are obviously the sirens Starswirl wrote about.” “Ooh, we're famous.” Sonata giggled licking her lips clean of the frosting coating them. “Hardly, you had a half sentence mention as something the old coot vanquished in a old tome in the back of the Canterlot Library. Really it only mentioned you as a singing trio with lousy voices called the sirens.” Sombra offered.” I only read about it because being under house arrest is boring and reading about you three was slightly more interesting than counting my own tail hairs.” Adagio snarled, Sombra stared back impassively. “I was going to offer you a position as my lackey, I changed my mind.” Adagio stated. “Kill him.” Flutterbat surged through the air, fangs bared and screaming at Sombra, only to be tackled out of the air by a pink pony wielding a rolled up news paper. “No. Bad Fluttershy. No Biting. This is why we are mad at him.” Pinkie Pie stated bopping the confused bat mare in the nose as she sat on her to pin her down. Sunset rushed up her body engulfed in flames as she cackled ready to burn Sombra only for a blast of seltzer water to shower her, putting out the flame and nearly drowning her. Glancing over Sombra took note that Prince Blueblood and Rainbow Dash were tied up with balloon animals and Cheese was hosing off Sunset. A rush of other ponies ran at the dark unicorn, only for his horn to flare sending out a pulsing wave of darkness that sent most of them flying away from him to crash down onto tables of party favors and cakes. The remains of the half eaten cake Sonata claimed was sent soaring through the air to splatter over Rarity, who screamed and started running in circles yelling about all the food dyes in the frosting. Sombra raised an eyebrow at the mares antics before sighing. His magic brought up his sword, the simple, if black tinted blade glinting in the moonlight, a blueish light seeming to flicker around the edges as he pointed it at the three sirens who had pulled back together to stare down at him. “You have something that belongs to me.” Sombra stated flatly. “Oh, you mean your friend?” Adagio grinned as Sombra was forced to dive aside as a beam of light tore through the space he had just been in. Twilight practically roared, firing wild uncontrolled blasts of magic at the dark unicorn. Sombra remained impassive, either side stepping the wild shots or knocking them aside with the blade. As the goddess of magic rushed up still crying bloody murder, Sombra took a step to the side dodging her mindless charge, and whipped his blade around slicing off the head of Twilight Sparkle. Pinkie Pie screamed, Sonata vomited up the cake she had eaten, Aria looked ill, and Adagio was taken aback by the causal disregard Sombra displayed in killing the mare. The purple head bounced a few times as the body crashed to the ground behind him. Sombra flicked the blade clean holding it at his side as if it was sheathed, before glaring up at the trio. “Now then. As I said. You have something that belongs to me.” Sombra stated flatly. “ How...” Adagio questioned. “If you are referring to how your song does nothing to me? Honestly it does. However anger is a weapon only to one's opponent. I have spent nearly an entire year in therapy in order to control my anger.“ Sombra explained before he smiled.“ I am very good at it.” “You still can't take the three of us on, we control the rest of this town” Aria snapped. “Oh I don't need to. I just need to savor this moment. It has been quite the delightful day. I finished my sword, proved to an annoying mare that the fight would have gone different if I had said sword, had quite a good bit of ice cream.” Sombra explained licking his lips. “ And now I get to watch a trio of annoyances panic when they realize I'm simply stalling until Sparkle gets back up.” The sirens blinked as a flare of fire shot into the sky from behind the dark unicorn. “SOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMBRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!” Twilight Sparkle snarled as she pushed herself back to her hooves, her head back on her body though no one saw what happened. “Ahh good, you are awake.” “You killed me!” Twilight snapped. “And you got better.” Sombra stated looking behind him at the pure white mare with the flaming mane and tail. “The added benefit is it broke the control the sirens had over you. The very control they used to force you to blow up the town book store.” Twilight blinked, the fire of her mane going out as she turned back to her purple self. The alicorn slowly turned to look back at the town behind her. Her eyes narrowed to pin pricks as she saw the local book store was cleaved in two and was on fire with a long groove carved in the dirt leading up to, and through it. Sombra trotted out from between Twilight and the sirens. Twilight slowly turned her head back to look up at the sirens, a slight twitch developing in her left eye. “I think we should run.” Sonata offered quickly as the air around Twilight exploded as she screamed out. [Canterlot] The guards rushed into the club to stop the massive brawl. The lot of them were all thrown back as the night club exploded. [Ponyville] Sombra ignored the screams and the sounds of violence from behind him as he brushed a bit of soot off the dress jacket Rarity had made him. He really was not a fan of being a clothes horse for the mare, but he did rather like the styles he wound up in. A glance back showed that either Twilight's aim had not improved, or the sirens were just really good at dodging. Still it seemed to be a good thing that the trio were trying to leave town, as now Twilight was simply destroying the landscape and part of the river rather than any ones homes or businesses. “So.” Rarity stated walking up to Sombra, the mare having dropped the dark fur of her shadow form though she was still splattered in cake. “Hmm?” Sombra questioned. “Something of yours, hmmm?” Rarity asked. Sombra twitched. “Heard that did you?” Sombra sighed. “Uhhhh huuuuuhh.” the entire town around them stated in unison as Rarity smirked. “So what may I ask darling, was that all about?” Rarity asked. Sombra blinked glancing around and noting that everyone who was still awake seemed to be hanging on every word of this conversation. “Hmmph. Perhaps you should save this discussion for another time. It may be best if you get home and you wash off that cake. I certainly don't wish to hear it if it stains your fur.” Sombra stated a little too quickly while not meeting Rarity's gaze. “Oh, we shall have a talk darling, about what belongs to you, or not.” Rarity stated, the smirk not leaving her lips. “Psssst, Fireball.” Rainbow Dash asked bouncing over to the other weather mare. “Who had bits on that pairing?” Fireball blinked then pulled the betting pool book from saddle bag. “Meeeeeeeeeeeee.” Sweetiebelle grinned hopping around the two pegasi. “Family isn't allowed to bid on this sort of thing.” Rainbow Dash stated. “I know, that's why I had Spike do it for me.”Sweetibelle grinned. “I knew I shouldn't have bid on an Abyssinia prince. And I was ready to set up that meeting too.” Prince huffed as the town did their best to ignore the sounds of mayhem and violence behind them. [ Crystal Empire] Cadence cackled. [Canterlot] Rahs was not a happy moon dog. He was however a very confused moon dog when he finally calmed down. Granted it took three squads of Guard, including a branch of the six sixty sixth to stop the riot he had started and to tend to the wounded and even then he was only stopped from knocking some one else out by the anger he felt fading to nothing. No one was dead thankfully, but the club had exploded from a insane flare of rage that was pushed through him a moment later that turned his fur white and set the glowing orbs of light on his ears and tail flaring like miniature suns. The explosion took out half of each of the three buildings surrounding the club, nearly a full city block. Then before Rahs could figure out what had happened he was jumped by a mass of guards. Through all that the sound system somehow survived and was blasting another song despite no one being able to figure out how. “Dark in the city, night is a wire” He was currently sitting in the back of a large reinforced paddy wagon, wrapped in chains and magic nulifiers. Jynx sat across from him on the other side of the car with a pair of large cuffs on her, though she wasn't as well wrapped as he was. The diamond dog currently had her ears flat to her head and wasn't looking at him. “Steam in the subway, earth is afire” Rahs sighed at this, he knew it was his sisters fault, but he didn't like the idea that his date was dragged into something brought about by the connection they shared, and he knew that connection was from Twilight, and likely Spike as well oddly. Clearly something was going on in Ponyville. At least he was calm at the moment. Granted outside of the wagon was pure chaos. The pony he had slugged to start all this was giving some insane sob story about how he was attacked., The DJ was ranting about how awesome everything had been. And the club owner was screaming at his insurance agent as evidently 'acts of a god' was not covered. “Do do do do do do do dodo dododo do do” And yet here he was, in chains, with his date in manacles. “Sorry.” Rahs offered. He was pretty much clearly identified by the guards, but he might be able to get Jynx out of here and out of blame if he took her through the Oneiroi and back to Ponyville before any one figured out who she was or tried to charge her with anything. “Mare if, you want me, give me a sign...” “You know when I started to pursue you I expected things to go exactly how pony courtship should go like I read in the books Rarity gave me.” Jynx offered.” We would date and all of that before I finally managed to claim you as mine.” Rahs winced a little before starting to work on freeing himself. The shackles were easy, Trixie was quite the good teacher for this sort of thing. “And catch my breathing even closer behind.“ “Of course then I found I was not the only one with interest in you and this became more of a challenge. One I fully intended to win by simply playing the game.” Jynx explained.” After all my only competition for you are two mares and a bug. The wolf is the only real challenge in truth.” Rahs dropped the shackles to the side with thud. Pulling off the suppressor rings, not like they did anything to him any way. “Do do do do do do do dodo dododo do do” “Clearly I have kept your interest as well, as you have not chosen any of us, nor are you favoring one over another.” Jynx continued looking at the chain between her cuffs. Rahs flinched wondering if Jynx was actually done with him after this. He certainly couldn't blame her. This was far too chaotic. And he wasn't normally that violent for no reason. This had not been a good date. “In touch with the ground “ “Despite how you act, I know you are not weak. Strength plays a large part of Diamond Dog culture.” “I'm on the hunt, I'm after you” “This of course goes beyond you simply being a moon dog, or witch wolf or even a god. And Diamond Dogs are conditioned to pursue strength.”Jynx explained. “And you have shown that constantly albeit not in the normal ways one would expect.” Rahs shucked the last of his bindings and leaned over to start to work on Jynx's cuffs. “Smell like I sound, I'm lost in a crowd” “Despite all that you have been passive to a worrying degree with most things. Yet tonight, you you were quite aggressive in near everything you did, but nothing was directed towards me.” Jynx let out a small sigh. “And despite my attempts to do things the pony way I find myself far more worked up by that display of aggression than I would like to admit.” Rahs paused letting the cuffs fall off Jynx's wrists noting her damaged tail was wagging. Looking up he was fairly certain she was staring at him and drooling. “Ummm.” Rahs began. “And I'm hungry like the wolf.” The sudden screech of metal drew all the guards attention to the paddy wagon which teetered on two wheels before toppling over with a very large dent formed in the side of it the moon dog had been on. The guards quickly rushed over to the door of the toppled wagon yanking it open and readying their weapons for another round with the berserk dog. Inside they found nothing but piles of chains and the navy blue dress the female had been wearing. [Crystal Empire] Cadence fell off her throne cackling like a mad mare. “Do we want to know?” Chrysalis asked as she and Shining peered into the throne room. “Probably not.” Shining Armor stated. > Pinkie Perch, Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Pinkie Perch, Epilogue [Canterlot, the next day.] “So what's the damage total?” Princess Celestia sighed. “Sixteen buildings leveled completely in Ponyville, three in Canterlot if we count the two beyond repair damaged in the explosion caused by Rahs. Thirty six buildings in need of repair in Ponyville and two in Canterlot.” Raven Inkwell listed off. ”Though the ones in Canterlot are the real issue.” “The normal disaster relief program will cover Ponyville, this is less than that flood they had a few years ago, what's the issue with Canterlot repairs?” Celestia asked. “This should be covered under the acts of gods clause that is required by law in every insurance package.” “Rahs is not listed on any insurance form as a god yet.” Raven pointed out. “The blast came from his sister. The connection is documented enough in the court that the reason 'acts of gods' still applies.” Celestia stated. “As for the brawl, that also falls under the 'acts of gods clause' due to the sympathetic magic.” “They are not going to like it.” Raven sighed.”I expect the nobles will protest and demand something.” “Tough. I have enough issues with the fact there are three unknown threats that resemble the sirens that caused such havoc in the past to argue the fine points of legalese. If the nobles persist simple tell them 'because I said so' and let them ponder that for a time. Throw in that one of their own was attacked and name drop Prince, get them really freaking out thinking they might be the targets not Ponyville or some nightclub. ” “Of course. The wanted posters have also been made up for the three of them, the Guard sketch artist put together three very good images of both forms of the sirens from Ponyville residents descriptions.” Raven offered showing the stacks of wanted posters on the table before them.”I'm having a number of pegasi guards rush them to every city and town in Equestria. The six sixty sixth are currently planning new drills to take into account their abilities and the size of the alternate forms.” “Make sure you send a note to them that that these three got away from Twilight Sparkle on a tear with no obvious injury, they are not to be underestimated.” Celestia pointed out.”I would rather the guard be over prepared for this than under.” Celestia sighed if it was not one thing it was something else these last few years. The return of her sister and the reactions of the Sparkles and everything else that had gone on in recent years had made her realize that some of the things she held true, were simply, not. What she almost did to Applejack forced her to consider dialing herself back a notch, though the return of Chrysalis, and the conflict between the two, on top of the youngest Apple's revenge attempts and the fact there were still two names left in the prophecy put her on edge. She felt like a tightly wound wire half the time. Discords occasional prank didn't help matters. Still there was too much going on. Two unknown threats, Forthe had not been seen by anyone and that was always trouble when the loud Diamond Dog god wasn't barking at something. The other gods that tended to side with him were watching and waiting for any sign of something as well. Rahs had somehow convinced Luna not to bring up he was a god until he could make a proper show of it. This meant that only four other gods knew of his ascension. Granted Celestia fully expected the theater buff to have convinced Cadence and Chrysalis. White knew and didn't because of course he did and the Fates knew everything that had happened. Then there was the return and rehabilitation of her daughter and nephew, though oddly that seemed to be going smoothly if the report was any indication. Now adding onto all that stress, there were three knew threats that had been identified, and confirmed, by Sombra of all ponies, as the sirens that caused such havoc in the past. Honestly Celestia had already figured out where they came from, like Forge Scale Starswirl probably just dumped them in the mirror and forgot about them beyond crowing about another great victory of his. Celestia shook her head wishing she could convince White to let her go back in time to beat some sense into that bearded ass, but such things as time travel should be reserved emergencies, or for a holiday on a limited time frame. Looking down at the wanted poster Celestia looked over the images curiously. Three rather angry looking hippogryphs stared back at her on the page, each with some rather impressive looking snake like sea serpent like secondary forms. Odd. She didn't think Twilight could be angry enough to get over her snake phobia and she figured these three might have triggered it. Granted it also might be how they got away and why Twilight reported that her shots seemed to miss them. If she wasn't thinking straight due to fear it was understandable, but she thought her former student had reported them as appearing like ponies, not hippogryphs. Oh well, the sooner these posters got out there the sooner this danger could be dealt with. Granted these three didn't seem to fit the prophecy, Wraith was never some thing mentioned and while they might meet the 'Pride' concept Greed didn't seem to fit. So that meant there were still two more things.... “Buck all this.” Celestia muttered. Discord let out a small sigh as he clung to the rafters, wearing a far too long bandanna and a tight gray stealth suit that showed off his great ass, as he changed the last wanted poster in the stack seconds before Celestia looked at the papers. “This is cutting it a little close.” Discord muttered, wincing at how he felt after doing something this orderly and exacting. He might need a few days to recover from this, hopefully his girls took the hint he left and made for the border. [Ponyville, Golden Oaks Library] “Woof?” Rahs asked staring down at Twilight and Spike who sat at the table in the untouched library. That their home was undamaged annoyed a large number of ponies who lost property until it was pointed out that the library was hit several times, and simply didn't give a fuck about the death lasers hitting it. Heck, Carousel Boutique was only lightly singed. Twilight might have a lot of work cut out for her warding places after this. “Yes Rahs, they got away from me. I have no clue how they pulled that off either.”Twilight growled .” But it's not as if I didn't do some damage.” The purple unicorn, dragon, and moon dog glanced down at the red crystal shards on the table before them. The shattered necklace had been on one of the sirens, and a lucky shot from Twilight had blasted it off their neck. “I've already had a look at this thing and tried out a few different scanning spells on it, the artifact is inert, but I found traces of magic on it that were very familiar. “Twilight offered. “And?” Spike asked. “Chaos magic.” Twilight snapped. “So we need to find Discord?” Spike frowned. “Yup.” Twilight sighed. “Woof.” Rahs offered to help later before he wandered up to his room with a bit of a wince. Spike and Twilight watched him go curiously, with Spike speaking up once he was gone. “Must have been a good date if he missed all this and only got back this morning.” Spike offered. “Eeeyup.” Twilight frowned not wanting to get into this conversation. particularly if this meant she owed Cadence some bits. “Wonder what happened to his shirt?” Spike questioned. [ Jade Wolf, Burrows.] “WHITE HAIRED GIRL! COME LEAP INTO MY ARMS SO WE MAY...!!!!” Whatever else the diamond dog had been about to say was cut off as he was slammed head first into a stone wall and driven half way through it by a black furred hand. Jynx for the most part didn't even seen to notice she had just put Tatewaki through a wall. Again. Her assistant however noticed the black furred alpha was humming to herself as she moved down the tunnels to her den with a bit more bounce than usual. “I take the date went well?” Terri asked curiously, falling into step along with her alpha. “Quite well Terri. I have learned a number of new things and I am even more determined now to take him as my mate.” Jynx grinned. Terri nodded as her alpha made her way towards her den putting at least two more rather energetic suitors through other walls. Terri had not gotten to the rank she was by asking questions that she didn't want to hear the answer to, like why Jynx was humming to her self and smiling so much. Granted her question was already answered by the fact Jynx's dress was gone and she was only wearing the moon dog's shirt. [Ponyville] “... and as such, thanks to this brave ponies contribution. Ponyville was saved from 'total' destruction. And by the power invested in me by the Country of Equestria, and the Ponies who elected me, I present this, the key to the city, to Prince Sombra Nocturne.” Mayor Mare offered to a host of cheering from a gathered crowd. “This is bullshit.” Twilight muttered under her breath. ”He cut off my head and they say he saved the city?” “Shhhh” Spike hushed her. ”It's not like you need another key shaped book mark.” “It's the principle of the thing.” Twilight huffed. Sombra looked more confused than anything else as he took the key curiously from the mayor as if wondering what exactly he was supposed to do with this thing. Still, while he didn't seem to want to be there at all, the longer he had 'other stuff' to do, the less time he would have for Rarity to 'talk ' with him. “Umm. Thank you?” Sombra offered, his expression brightening a little as he realized the key was just gold foil wrapped around chocolate. The mayor always seemed to know what the recipient would really want as a prize. It was a good way to keep ponies saving the place after all. The coupons for free ice cream, Snow Cone's shop the only building in the area untouched for some reason, were also a bonus. “Total bullshit.” Twilight muttered before she got shushed again by others in the crowd. [ Off the coast of Coco Cabana ] “We shouldn't be stopping.” Adagio muttered from under her large mass of hair, which was still frizzed up from a lightning attack by Sparkle, making her look like a fluffle pony. “We've not seen a sign of pursuit since before we made it to the ship. We need to stop at this trading port to get supplies, the ship might run on a magic converter but fresh water, food, and information are not something we have a lot of.” Aria stated as the trio made their way down the street. Aria had hitched herself to a cart to pull along the supplies they needed. Bits were hardly an issue from all they had collected from their concerts. “Besides we need to figure out what to do now and getting away from Equestria by back tracking was the best bet.” Aria didn't mention the open map she found stuck on the ships wheel suggesting they go to Griffinstone, judging by the big red x any way. She had ignored that. There had been a number of smaller islands that Sonata had found that they could hide out on for a while, a trait that had saved them quite a bit of trouble in the other world, not all of the other sirens native there had been as nice as Freddy. Granted the problem was not only had they been outed, but that they had been outed by a god that had serious anger issues, and the ear of all the other gods of Equestria and beyond in some cases. Sonata's info had been correct so far, she wasn't about to start doubting that she found out about the Sparkles now. Though some of the things they supposedly had done seemed ridiculous. Though their gems hadn't been able to do shit to that purple alicorn. To add to the problem, Adagio's gem had been shattered in the conflict and while her power was still stronger than a mortals, the power to over charge her abilities was gone, she couldn't use Sonata's or Aria's gem as her own either. In other words whatever scheme her sister had been planning to try and take over or show up their mother was over with a finality as close to death as one could without crossing the veil. They were never going to take Canterlot and unless there was a a hell of a good plan, getting revenge wasn't in the cards either. The best plan right now was to fall back and hide out a until the heat died down, not the first time they had done that either. “Well hello Songfishies.” The trio stopped, whirling nearly as one, which caused more than a little issue as when Aria turned so did the cart, nearly taking out a few other ponies walking by. Seated on a stool, barely in view at the edge of the building, clad in shadow like one of those bit store novel bad guys was a unicorn stallion. The figure was tone, though seemed gaunt like he hadn't had a good meal in a while. Dark purple fur covered his form with a well groomed, though short cut pink mane and tail. A rich red cloak covered his back hiding his cutie mark from view. Gold eyes regarded them as he smiled gesturing the trio over with a hoof. “Ahhh good, that was your ship.” the stallion nodded. “Who are you?” Adagio demanded. “Well, like yourselves, I go by a few names. Just call me Jedidiah. “ the stallion offered. “I can see you have had some hard times as of recently. I could help with that, perhaps find something to replace what you have lost? I'm sure you miss what it granted you quite a good deal. Of course I could also provide something better...” The stallion gestured to Adagio making the mare blink in confusion. “Aria... Adagio.....” Sonata whimpered, backing up as she tried to put the other two between her and the stallion. The pair looked at their sister before Aria spoke up. “Yeah, okay, whatever you're selling we're not interested. We've got shit to do, come on.” “That's quite alright, it's a small world, I'm sure we'll meet again some where in it.” Jedidiah called out as the trio trotted away, only Adagio glancing back at the strange unicorn as they went about their shopping. Jedidiah smiled. “The daughters of Discord. Quite a find there. I'll be sure to keep my eye on you.” [Ponyville] “Well, well, well, not often I get to visit the mayor of this lovely town.” Discord chuckled as he sauntered into the office in a blue and red pinstriped suit, neon orange top hat, and monocle that was just a doughnut. “Cut the crap Discord.” Twilight snapped.” What's your part in this?” “Princess Twilight I would ask that you refrain from antagonizing another god in one of the last intact government offices in the city. How the street sweepers office survived when my own did not is beyond me, but Dusty Broom would likely appreciate if you did not fight in here.” Mayor Mare stated. “I'm not a Princess!” Twilight snapped. “But that is your name officially.” Mayor stated not appearing the slightest bit intimidated by the purple goddess next to her.” Princess Twilight Tuesday Sparkle entirety in fact.” Rahs snickered from where he stood on the other side of the Mayor and Twilight fumed. Raven Quill stood next to Rahs her face as impassive as the mayors, but the slight twitch of her ear showed she was amused as well to those who knew her like the Mayor did. “Well, I take this is a business meeting of sorts then. Forgive my lack of fanfare but I've just come from Canterlot and dealing with anything there tends to give me a head ache.” Discord offered actually taking a seat across from the old rickety desk the mayor sat at. ”So what's this about then? I would like very much to take a nap.” Rahs raised an eyebrow at how calm Discord seemed to be for once, rather odd. He drew a few bits of a broken red gem out of his coat pocket, setting them on the desk in front of Discord. “The sirens each had one of these gems around their necks, they practically glow with chaos magic.” Twilight accused.”There's only one chaos magic caster I know of and even then only one period who's magic never tastes the same way twice.” Rahs stuck out his tongue, orange juice flavor following tooth paste flavor was awful. “Well obviously, because they are mine.” Discord rolled his eyes. “AHA!!” Twilight snapped. “They were stolen from where I left them before Starswirl banished the Sirens to where ever they went.” Discord picked up a shard looking at it with a wince. “They were not even completed yet, they were supposed to be birthday presents. Of course at the time some one I actually listened to didn't like the idea of me giving them to who they were supposed to go to, so I stopped working on them and tucked them away and forgot about them.” “And I'm expected to believe that after what happened here?” Twilight snapped. “Sparkle, normally I would be highly amused at your attempts to blame me for the chaos some one else caused, but right now I have a headache that feels like a galaxy getting eaten by a black hole, and I'm not in the mood.” Discord sighed rubbing his temple with a paw. “ Doing something as precise as orderly as I spent my morning does not sit well with me at all, last time I did something I had stomach cramps that tied me in knots, before that I spent a day suffering from super leprosy. All my limbs fell off and then flew off with little capes. This time it's a pan galactic gargle blaster hangover. Its like having your brains smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped round a large gold brick.” “Sounds like my college days.” Mayor nodded. “So again why am I here?” Discord sighed. “Princess Twilight...” The mayor ignored her twitch. “ ...was under the impression that you had something to do with this. When it was brought to my attention I considered that if she was correct that perhaps you could be convinced to help pay for the damages. Most of them are covered, but about thirty seven thousand bits worth are not. Paying this would go a long way to convincing ponies you are not involved in this and perhaps lessen some of the issue that most still have for you from the first time you came to town.” “That was two years ago.....” Discord rolled his eyes. “I spent the day as a clown, Mr. Discord. And not even a good clown, a Prench MIME clown who was literally trapped in an invisible box.” Mayor stated flatly. “Fine....” Discord sighed. “Yes, exactly, a fine.” Mayor nodded. The draconequus stood up and took out a small change purse. Mayor mare rose as well walking around the desk and holding out a hoof, fully expecting a golden squid, or something odd she would have to sell later. Discord reached into the change purse pulling out a single bit and placing it into the Mayor's hoof. “One.” Another bit was drawn out of the bag. “ Two.” Then another bit. “Three.” =================================== [ Ponyville Six hours later] Another bit. ”Eight thousand two hundred and forty two.” Another bit. ”Eight thousand two hundred and forty three.” Discord paused, frowning as he looked at the mayor who had shifted the bits to the desk as her hoof got full, and to Raven Quill who was simply documenting the number of bits. Rahs and Twilight had fled around the three hundred mark. “I have to ask, you are taking this manner of payment surprisingly well.” Discord frowned. “I work for small government Mr. Discord. We often have to wait a long time for money, and you are hardly the first to pay an excessive fine one bit at a time. “ Mayor Mare offered. “Her schedule has also been cleared for the next three days just to ensure of a proper count.” Raven Quill added. Discord huffed. “You ponies are no fun.” with a growl he snapped his fingers showering the rest of the bits into the room as he vanished with a pop. > Tetra, Tetra, 1, 2, 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Tetra, Tetra 1, 2, 3 [ Ponyville, spring, one week after the sirens attacked.] “So is she still mad?” Spike asked. “She's grumpy, but that's an improvement.” Applebloom offered flipping through one of Spikes gaming magazines as the crusaders and Spike sat at the kitchen table at Sweet Apple Acres. “Ah ain't grumpy.” Applejack growled looking at the pair talking. “Yep, she's grumpy.” Sweetiebelle agreed getting a glare from Applejack as well. “At least you got to leave town and didn't get magically angry enough to burn down your own house.” Scootaloo huffed. “Yeah, it weren't pretty for anyone. Jus glad every pony was understanding when ah blew up tha bank.” Applebloom sighed. ”And tha farmers market.” “At least your damage was contained, I set fire to half the town and the field outside of it.” Spike sighed.”Not even sure why.” “I broke Diamond Tiara's nose.” Sweetiebelle offered with a grin and everyone glared at her. The unicorn filly had done what every one else would have loved to do. She was also damn smug about it. “Yeah well none oh that woulda happened had ah been here. I spent three days in Appleoosa before another train was headed back. Seems ah dun have tha power tah commandeer anything.“ Applejack huffed. “Instead ah got tricked by that poofy haired shark and tha whole town suffered fer it. Ah managed tah stop their song from taking over twice before and ah didn't recognize um this time.” “You can't do everything Applejack. No one was killed and we can rebuild everything that was damaged.” Spike offered. “Yeah and if you had been here and if they hadn't cast that spell, I never would have been able to break Diamond Tiara's nose and get away with it.” Sweetiebelle chimed. The others glared at the smug little unicorn. “BOOM ,CRASH, FLIPPED, AND KERSPLAT!” “Thank you Pinkie, I do not need sound effects.”Twilight grumbled from her position at the base of a tree out in the nearly cleared field she had fought the sirens in. “Oh that wasn't me.” Pinkie Pie smiled from where she was sitting next to Rahs watching Rainbow Dash try and teach Twilight to fly finally . Twilight pulled her head out of the dirt and glared at her brother who simply grinned. “I am regretting agreeing finally to those flying lessons for your birthday Dash.” Twilight sighed. “Oh come on what else were you gonna do, mope in the library some more about Sombra getting the key to the city?” Dash chuckled.” I mean he's still a jerk, but he's clearly a lot better than he was. Cut the dude a little slack, maybe he's alright now, and if not, well it's not like you can't blast him later.” “Bah.” Twilight huffed. “Right whatever, off the ground, into the air, by the end of the day I want you flying at least as good as Fluttershy, and you haven't even reached Ditzy's level yet.” Rainbow Dash ordered. “Wuff?” Rahs asked as his sister smashed into a cloud, then fell out of it screaming to crash into the stream. “Oh Cheese?” Pinkie Pie pondered. “Yeah, he was rather fun. Turns out I'm responsible for why he became a party pony, go figure. But he did leave me his rubber chicken before he left.” Pinkie Pie held up said rubber chicken. Rahs blinked, his ears perking up as he could have sworn the chicken flickered with rainbow colored light and the scent of magic he detected at the tryouts assailed him for a brief second before it was gone, he quickly grabbed the chicken from Pinkie Pie looking it over in a bit of a panic. “Don't worry, this deus ex machina hasn't deus ex machinaed yet.” Pinkie Pie smiled taking the chicken back from the confused moon dog.” There's still two more.” “Woof?” Rahs blinked, reluctant to ask. “Oh, I can't tell you. Cause that's a secret.” Pinkie Pie grinned her eyes closing as she adopted a rather creepy smile. “ You get five minutes. I know you're not tired.” Rainbow Dash glared down at Twilight. “I am quite tired. Tired of hitting the ground, the trees and everything else.” Twilight huffed. “Hey, at least you're getting off the ground now.” Rainbow Dash smirked. “Don't you have an entrance examine coming up, can't I just coach you for that?” Twilight rolled her eyes sitting up out of her latest impact crater. “No you don't. I am not giving up the ability to put ' I taught a goddess how to fly ' on my resume.” Rainbow Dash chuckled.” Besides Prince already helped me study for that.” “Really? Surprised you could get any training done around him. Unless it was 'special' training.” Twilight wiggled her eyebrows. “There's the pegasus side coming out.” Dash laughed.” But nah turns out in order to stay safe in the sky, I've got to hear and see everything down to the littlest details. And I tend to retain that information for a long while, it's why some of my stunts work so well.” “Okay, that sounds useful” Twilight offered. “It is, but it's also got some side effects, and it's why I'm a little miffed at Prince right now.” Dash huffed. “Uh oh, what happened?” Twilight asked. “Well once he found out how I picked things up he helped me set up a training course, but he had his butler add some things to it. In the end I got suckered into learning ambassadorial etiquette lessons and rules.” “It's probably cause he wants you to travel with him on some of his missions and that was the easiest and quickest way for you to learn somethings.” Twilight pointed out. “I guess you're right on that.” Dash huffed. “Well it certainly isn't because he wanted you to be an actual ambassador yourself.” Twilight pointed out with a smirk.” I don't think Equestria could survive all the wars letting you talk would bring.” “Oh ha ha, breaks over, into the air with you, FLAP THOSE WINGS!” Dash barked. [ Carousel Boutique] Sombra sat at the table, the remains of the large golden key in front of him, over the course of the week he had managed to whittle it down to just the end, though he was stopped from finishing it by the fact Rarity was sitting across from him staring intently. “Is there something you want?” Sombra asked. “You know what I want.” Rarity stared. Sombra sighed and pushed the last bit of the chocolate key over to her. “Delightful try darling, but no,” Rarity smirked. “I don't see you giving it back.”Sombra pointed out. “Darling....” Rarity chided, though she did pull the chocolate closer to her. ”As dramatic a rescue and as bold a statement as that was, I am not property to be 'yours'.” “I understand that.” “And yet....?” “Fine. Look you know that I am not the most emotionally stable pony around here, baring Twilight. You know my situation, and how I am coping with it.” Sombra offered. “I do not know how to deal with.... this.” “This?” Rarity questioned. Sombra pressed a hoof to his temple. “Any sort of romantic feelings or emotions like this. Sombra tried to explain.”Caring or feelings period other than anger.” “I see.” Rarity pondered Sombra was quite certain he saw a manic gleam in the mares eye.”So in other words this is something you will need to learn.” “Yeees?” Sombra offered hesitantly knowing the seamstress was going somewhere with this. “Excuse me a moment darling.” Rarity rose and trotted out of the room. A few more doors opening and closing and Sombra realized it sounded like she had gone into her idea room. Of course she had taken the chocolate with her. Still he was certain he could hear mad cackling, and something about a trainable prince. Now he was much more worried. After a moment a completely composed Rarity, sans chocolate,came back in and took a seat again. Sombra raised an eyebrow. “I think first I have some things for you to read then we should perhaps go on a date first before any other 'claims' happen.” Rarity explained the gleam in her eye, as she imagined it in her head, noticeable even by Sombra who was even now more worried, but unsure if this was normal. “We have already been on a date.” Sombra pointed out. “What, when?!”Rarity demanded derailed out of her thoughts. “Los Pegasus, your customer got us that table and the girls were all trilling about how wonderful a date it would be.” Sombra pointed out. “Yes and you denied......” Rarity considered. “You didn't deny it did you.” “Neither did you.” Sombra offered. Rarity huffed a little before nodding.” Fine a second, proper date. “You mean the sort you suggest to the diamond dog after the Sparkle?” Sombra asked. “Ye... NO … no.” Rarity blushed a bright red considering all the things she had suggested to Jynx. “Hey you two.” Sweetiebelle stated, trotting into the kitchen and heading to the fridge. “Sweetiebelle?” Rarity questioned, glad for the distraction. “I thought you were playing with the other crusaders.” “I was, but they got a little annoyed at me for bringing up breaking Diamond Tiara's nose.”Sweetiebelle offered. “ …... Too many times.” “I would think they would be happy about your punching her.” Sombra questioned. “ I didn't think she was well liked.” “She's not.” Sweetiebelle offered taking out a box of juice to drink before closing the fridge. “Well you certainly won't make her your friend by punching her.” Rarity chided. Sombra and Sweetiebelle both turned to stare at Rarity. Rarity looked confused a moment until Sweetiebelle pointed a hoof at Sombra, who was pointing his own hoof at himself. “That was completely different.” Rarity huffed. “Yeah , I don't want to date Diamond Tiara.” Sweetiebelle pointed out as Rarity turned red again. [Crystal Empire] Cadence cackled manically. “Should we send for a doctor?” Chrysalis asked. “Nah, we just need to give her a cold shower, she's on a shipping high, not the first time, she did the same thing after Prince and Rainbow Dash got together.” Shining Armor pointed out. “Who is it this time?” Chrysalis asked. “Spike says Sweetiebelle won the pot.” Shining Armor pointed out. “Ahhhh.” Chrysalis nodded. “ Pity, I had bits on her hooking up with Thorax.” > It's not easy being barracuda, Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR It's not easy being Barracuda, Prologue ["You gonna burn, burn, burn, burn, burn to the wick......."] [Ponyville, Two weeks after the sirens attack. Golden Oaks Library.] “I hate my life.” Twilight groaned from where she lay collapsed on the couch. “No you don't, you just hate the direction your life currently is going.” Spike added from his chair at the table as he flipped though a comic. “And whose fault is that by the way?” “The sirens?” Twilight asked. “Not for the immediate problem.” Spike pointed out without looking up from his comic.”You agreed with the mayor to help reinforce the town to avoid this happening again. You're the one who brought up that you could layer a core item in the foundation out of reach of Rahs and Applejack's magic eating ability that would protect the building. You said it out loud, and in front of the Mayor. It's your own fault.” “Agggggh” Twilight whined. Rahs had been silent up until this point finally spoke up. His siblings had thought he was considering his date with Trixie tonight, but it seemed something else was on his mind. “Woof.” Rahs spoke out. “Rainbow Magic?” Twilight sat up looking at him. “And it's on Pinkie's chicken?” Spike asked. Bark” Rahs flattened his ears as Spike and Twilight both winced. “Well if Pinkie Pie knows about it I'm certainly not going to look into whatever weirdness that mare brought up.” Twilight huffed.” But this could be something. Particularly if you smelled it at the qualifier too. It's not just Pinkie being Pinkie if you've noticed it twice.” “So basically we keep an eye out for anything that shines like a rainbow for a split second?” Spike sighed.” What is it with this random crap. So what did the magic smell like?” Rahs considered a moment before he stood up and walked down stairs to Twilight's lab. “Huh, where's he going?” Spike asked. “Why are you asking me?” Twilight asked though Rahs came back up and set the locked chest given to them by Harmony on the table with a thud. “Wuff.” Rahs pointed at it. “It smelled like this?” Twilight questioned.” But you said this thing smelled indistinct and vaguely tasted like cherry maple syrup.” “Woof.” Rahs pointed out with a nod. “That's what the flashes of magic smelled like... and Pinkie said there were two more?” Twilight pondered. “Are we gonna take the word of Pinkie Pie?” Spike questioned. “Not entirely, but if there are only two more maybe she means the keys..... Pinkie does tend to have a weird insight at times and I'd be stupid to just dismiss it, no matter how random.” Twilight frowned. “I have no idea how a rubber chicken could be a key, but stranger things have happened around here. I certainly don't think I have anything and if Pinkie Pie has one maybe the others got one as well. I figured it would be something like this, there are six of us and six keyholes in the box. That's blatant 'here's something for the former Element Bearers'. And since Harmony poofed before I could ask anything... I wonder, it might be something like an upgrade to the elements. I've heard of some craft masters sealing away a students diplomas or upgraded tool kits behind something that can only be accessed if the student has learned enough to get into it. Arch mages used to do that with spell weaves and quests.” “So long as it doesn't let out Pin Pony.” Spike offered. “Wrong sort of box from that story.” Twilight frowned.” Besides if it was that I would have teleported it to the bottom of the ocean by now.” “Wuff.” Rahs pointed out. “Right we basically have to keep an eye open for anything of note. “ Twilight sighed. “ It's always something around here and with two more names minimum on that prophecy....” The door to the library burst open with a hard swing and slammed into the wall with a hard thud, vibrating from the impact as Fluttershy darted in. “Twilight, Twilight!” Fluttershy whispery shouted as she stood on the table looming over the purple alicorn her fangs bared in a creepy, yet cute some how grin. “Umm yes?” Twilight asked leaning away from the mare as her bat wings fanned. “The Breezies are coming!?” Fluttershy squeed. “Ooookay.” Spike offered. > It's not easy being barracuda, Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR It's not easy being barracuda, Part 1 [“No right, no wrong you're selling a song, a name!”] [Ponyville the next day, golden oaks library.] “Alright. Because of my position as Crown Wildlife Rehabilitator, I am going to be overseeing this leg of the Breezies journey.” Fluttershy stated addressing the large crowd from Ponyville gathered in the field. “The Breezies will be coming through the edge of town near the school yard. The Royal Guard has already marked the full path that the Breezies will be taking. Fireball, Rainbow Dash, I need you and the weather team to help set up the breeze corridor along the path the Guard has set up.” “Right!” Rainbow saluted as Fireball and the other weather team members nodded. A thestril standing near Fluttershy spoke up before she could continue. “Pardon me a moment Miss Fluttershy. Just so every pony knows, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna take this migration very seriously. Guards will be set up along the path from one portal to the other to ensure that everything goes smoothly.“ Comet Trail stated. “We will be posting up signs regarding the full rules of what shall be happening. And a reminder to all of my command. This event will be passing by Ponyville next Tuesday. So well will be on high alert with a full compliment of the Six Sixty Sixth as well as members of the Day and Night Guard to ensure that things go smoothly I will have one of you stationed with each unit of the other guards. While in Ponyville the Princesses have decreed that anything you say will rank the same as a munitions tech at a dead run. The goal is to get the breezies to the portal near the old castle Whinnysor, and make sure everyone else is safe. If one of the other guards wants to call you on that or try to pull rank or that they know better than one of you on something, so long as it is not fatal , crippling, or will endanger the mission, you are to let them be stupid, the end result will be punishment enough. Are we clear?” “YES SIR!” The Ponyville Guard shouted. “My apologies please continue Miss Fluttershy.” Comet Trail nodded stepping back. “Thank you Major Comet Trail. Fireball, Dash you will be picking up the corridor from the Wonderbolts at the base of the Manterhorn. It is imperative that all clouds and possible stray breezes are taken care of so as not to disturb the corridor.” Fluttershy continued. “Got it.” Fireball nodded. “Pinkie Pie I need to you be ready to spot any trouble before it happens and keep the Guard informed if you have any twitches.” Fluttershy stated. “What about wiggles itches and twings?” Pinkie Pie asked. “Anything your Pinkie Sense tells you.” Fluttershy added. “Rightio.” Pinkie Pie cheered. “Mayor I need to you get the towns folk ready and make sure they know the proper volume of encouragement if they wish to see the breezies.” Fluttershy pointed out. “It shouldn't be a problem I've already set up the meeting in town hall and gotten the projector ready for the video Princess Celestia sent.” Mayor Mare offered.” Any tourist who comes into town to see will also be required to take the course.” “Rarity have you talked to Jynx?” Fluttershy asked. “I have darling, she says she can keep them all away from town for the day.” Rarity offered.” Thankfully it seems most of the pack are uninterested in the Breezies.” “Saturnia?” “Bees has already been mailed to the Crystal Empire, he won't be back for at least a week.” the changeling offered. “Okay, Saturnia, Princess Celestia wants the other changelings to aid the guards, but stay away from the breeze corridor itself your magic could get disruptive if used near by.”Fluttershy offered.” The same goes with both Maud and Tree Hugger.” “Right on dude.” Tree Hugger offered. “Okay now for the hard parts. Rahs I'm going to need you to stay at least a mile away from the marked off breeze corridor to ensure that you don't disrupt the magic.” “Woof.” Rahs nodded. “ Oh, Okay you're going to be in Canterlot, that will work.” Fluttershy nodded. “Wait, if Rahs will screw something up, wouldn't ah do tha same?” Applejack asked. “Yes, which is why you, Twilight, Sunset, Spike, The Crusaders, Sombra, and Granny are going to head to Gallopagos where the portal starts. Princess Celestia was very insistent on that. It seems some one there asked to see you specifically Twilight.” Fluttershy looked at a scroll Angel Bunny was holding up for her. “The request came from some one named Teacup?” “Teacup?” Twilight blinked. ”Isn't that the god of the breezies?” “Sure is. Owes me ten bits too.” Granny laughed. “Guess that lil punk is finally gonna pay.” “Granny is there any god who doesn't owe you bits fer some stupid bet or loan?” Applejack sighed. “Sure are.“ Granny cackled, grinning evilly. “The ones who already paid me.” Spike looked at his sister and Rahs. “I already paid her.” Twilight sighed as Rahs nodded. [ The following Tuesday] The Royal Guard hated Ponyville. The Royal Guard also hated Tuesdays. The Royal Guard were also very very worried about anyone that enjoyed staying in Ponyville. As such, The Decaff Brigade, The Cake Hunters, The Heart Breakers, and the Six Sixty Sixth were all supremely leery of the small contingent of those in the Ponyville Guard. The Guard was only twenty three ponies, nox-cal, one griffon, and a donkey strong, some of them were near retirement age as well. However the non reactions they had to everything that crawled out of the Everfree forest to try and screw with the Breeze Corridor had even the most grizzled member of the Monster Hunters eyeing them warily. Hydra, timber wolves, basilisks, elementals, parasprites, some sort of plant monster, feral cows, clowns, and poison joke spitting frogs were all met and countered easily by this small group, without them so much as batting an eye. Six Guards from other units, three officers, a sergeant and a couple of rookies all decided they knew better about something or another that was encountered. Four of the six were currently in the Ponyville hospital, and the other two should be ponies again in a few hours. The other guard were quick to start thinking up names for those dressed in the purple, navy blue with green trim armor of the Ponyville Guard. Crazy, Insane, and 'WHAT THE BUCK ARE THEY MADE OF?' were all names some of the guards offered up. Other, less insulting names were considered. Everything from Mage Knights, which was ignored as that game had died out years ago, to simple things like Dust Covers for their job keeping an eye on the Goddess of Books, Book Brigade, and Sparkle Irregulars were also considered but no one could decide on any one term like they had for the Cake Hunters, Heart Breakers, and Decaff Brigade. Only the newly named Hospitallers, who watched after the Cutie Mark Crusaders, even came close to to being as unflappable and skilled as the Ponyville Guard. And the Crusaders LIVED in Ponyville. In any event aside from a stray sneeze from a tourist that knocked a few breezies out of the air and required the appointed Crown Rehabilitator to tend to them, nothing even got close enough to mess with the Breezies as they flew near Ponyville. [Canterlot that evening] “Karaoke Fuzzy? Is Trixie going to need to make sure they don't have certain a song you always sing?” Trixie smirked as she walked along the streets with Rahs. Trixie was doing her best to pretend there wasn't a whole force of Guards following them around on a cloud just behind them. Rahs had opted to head to a place on the OTHER side of Canterlot from the wrecked club of his last date. Unfortunately that only left a few okay restaurants and a few smaller clubs that didn't have issues with him. Rahs sighed shrugging his shoulders at the mare, his maroon coat and pants the clothing of choice this time as Rarity hadn't had time to make him another dress shirt. He was rather scared of asking Jynx for the first one back. That date got out of claw fast, though the Diamond Dog didn't seem too concerned Rahs still had another date lined up. His siblings sans Shining had taken the train out to Gallopagos a day prior to meet the Breezie god, While he was curious what Breezie magic tasted like , he was also informed directly by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna that under no circumstances was he to find out. He'd ask Applejack later. At least if something happened this time Trixie knew weird things tended to happen to the link. Still dinner and some singing would be a nice, easy night. At least it better be, if his siblings knew what was good for them. [Island off the coast of the Zebralands] “This is unacceptable.” Adagio snarled. “Oh I'm terribly sorry there's not eight cabana colts in speedos to pamper your hair..” Aria snarked.” But we are fucking in hiding, dumb ass!” “Ooh a fishie.” Sonata exclaimed diving into the water and chasing her lunch, and more importantly getting away from her sisters as they were starting another argument. The boat was moored in sea cave on a rocky island out in the middle of nowhere away from the shipping lanes and any seapony territory. The ship was hidden from view and the water around them was teeming with fish, and the island full of birds and the occasional turtle that didn't even know what a pony was and had no fear of the odd creatures until the sirens were ready to eat them. Aria spent most of her time tinkering with the boat, Sonata spent most of her time swimming, and Adagio spent her time bitching and plotting. Thus far all her plans had been shot down by either Aria or more dramatically by Sonata who simply tended to ask a childish question or two that destroyed the whole thing. Aria just went as insulting as possible when shooting Adagio down, feeling they were only in this mess due to her sister's pride and arrogance in trying to bite off more than she could chew. Sure the trio might be demi gods, but that meant they were a slightly bigger fish in a pond full of sharks and killer whales. Or freaking megladons like that purple alicorn. Adagio didn't see it like that. She considered herself the biggest fish in any pond. That ego was what had her steal the gems to begin with and convince her sisters to help. Sonata just wanted to go home, and she was almost certain Aria wanted that too right now, but Adagio's self centered argument with their mother kept the eldest of them from going back, and the need to keep her from doing something stupid kept the other two nearby despite their wants. [Canterlot] “Really Fuzzy?” Trixie smiled leaning against Rahs as they sat in the booth at the karaoke stage as some mare belted out Pontera's 'Trot'.” Do you have to sing that every time?” Rahs grinned and nodded. “Fine, at least you didn't attempt fat bottom mares again.....” Trixie rolled her eyes as Rahs laughed. “Still this has been rather fun, if a good bit calmer than what I have heard your other dates tend to be.” Trixie smirked up at the moon dog who did his best not to meet the mares gaze. “I suppose it is getting late and I do need to get a early start in the morning. I have a few shows set up in Hollow Shades to get to. And that is quite the long road.” Trixie sighed. Rahs blinked at that, then grinned. “And what is that smile for Fuzzeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!” Trixie yelped as Rahs dropped the edge of his coat over her head blinding Trixie a moment and by the time she got free of it she noticed two things, The first was that the wooden bench she was seated on was not a comfortable as it was a few moments prior, and two, that the were in the park near where Trixie had parked her wagon. “What?” Trixie sat up and looked around confused. “Scene change. Though I don't suppose you'd be willing to put on a impromptu show without magic?” Trixie stared at Rahs as he grinned at her. “What, an all trick show?” Trixie stammered. Rahs nodded. “Trixie supposes she can do that, though how did you...” Trixie stated as Rahs pulled her hat out of his coat and pushed it down on her head and over her eyes. She lifted her hat finding that she was sitting on the buckboard next to her wagon with Rahs standing on the ground looking up at her. “Stop doing that.” Trixie fussed leaning over the buckboard to glare at him as Rahs chuckled. Trixie might have said something else, though the moon dog planted a light kiss on her cheek causing Trixie to get all flustered and miss the next scene change. Before them was a massive glowing city. Crystal and steel spires rose into the sky, archways cross-crossed the sky between them, the roads were perfectly carved gem stones, fountains and statues of various moon dogs and ponies decorated every where. Bat pony like gargoyle statues looked over the outside of the city spouting water and what looked like magic out of their mouths . Every color of the rainbow and numerous ones that no one could identify lit up everything in a kaleidoscopic glow. The city itself seemed a odd mishmash blend of classic architecture, modern structures, and Crystal Empire buildings with a few hints of other locations dotted among them. Trixie gasped looking around in amazement. “They still haven't dismantled this place... Ah well. Welcome to the Oneiroi.” Rahs smirked..” Now about that show.” Rahs gestured, showing a large collection of adorable looking moon dog pups seated in front of her wagons stage, a stage that was already set up and ready to go. “Fuzzy, what?” Trixie stammered. “You said you like a challenge from time to time. These moon dog pups have seen countless forms of magic.” Rahs began, “Care to show them how good you are without using it.” Trixie blinked then grinned a little adjusting her hat. “Fine then Fuzzy, I'll wow your little pups, but Trixie expects to get paid for her shows.” Trixie grinned. “Oh?” Rahs asked.” How much are we talking?” “Trixie wants another kiss of course.” The show mare grinned swinging her cape up over her shoulders and back. Rahs blinked, he hadn't even seen her get her cape. Seems Trixie had been practicing. [ Ponyville, the next day] “Alright Fluttershy. Please explain this to me again.” Princess Celestia ordered, four fairly large Guards standing around her looking at the yellow pegasus impassively. “Well umm when the pony sneezed and was tackled by two Guard, I went over to check on the breezies that were knocked out of the breeze tunnel. And three of them fainted outright at seeing me.” Fluttershy muttered flattening her ears to her head and her bat wings to her body. “One of them, Seabreeze tried to drive me off, though he seemed to understand what I was saying fairly well and that I was there to help.” “Seabreeze is the child of Teacup. Be glad it didn't go further than talking. From my understanding Seabreeze inherited quite a bit of Teacup's temper, though I am unsure how much of Teacup's power.” Princess Celestia sighed.” Go on.” “Well I brought them back to my house to make sure they were alright and was caring for them for them, though Seabreeze seemed to be very mad about how they were and wanted me to stop helping them because they were weak. Though I thought they were sick at the time.” Fluttershy offered. “So the Breezies tried again to convince me to care for them though Seabreeze left in disgust at the others antics and I had to go find him.” “Oh?” “Yes, well teacup had evidently angered some bees and I stepped in to stop them from doing anything.” Fluttershy pointed out. “Wait, bees or Bees?” Celestia questioned. “Honey bees.”Fluttershy clarified. “Ahh, alright. So that brings us to now needing to reinvigorate the breeze corridor.” Princess Celestia offered. “Right but Rainbow Dash and the weather team can't get it right as there are too few Breezies in this group.” Fluttershy pointed out gesturing to the small group of breezies flitting around while Seabreeze zipped around making sure everything was in place and chattering at the others. “I see.“ Celestia turned looking up into the air where a darker alicon hovered. Watching over everything” LUNA THIS GROUP NEEDS ASSISTANCE.” The dark alicorn nodded dropping down hovering near the breezies before fanning her wings, the ancient, former pegasus, adjusting the breeze slightly before starting to guide the breezies onward towards the portal in the forest, the smaller corridor generated by the alicorn more than enough to get them moving. Seabreeze turned and waved before the group was guided out of sight. “I'm already missing them.” Fluttershy watched as they were guided into the woods before pulling a small blue flower from under her wing to stare at with a sigh. “Hmm, what's that?” Celestia questioned. “Oh. Seabreeze gave it to me when I managed to get all the others here, and as a thank you for saving him from the bees.” Fluttershy held up the flower, a faint flicker of rainbow light dancing over the petals. “That is a Sapphire Sun..... “ Princess Celestia muttered. ”I've not seen one since the portals were stable.“ The princess smiled. “That is a very rare flower Fluttershy, possibly the only one in Equestria if not all of Equss. Do take care of it.” “Oh... I will, it's something to remember the little friends I made.” Fluttershy smiled. “Sooo cute.” Pinkie whined from nearby. > Lobster of Faith, Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Lobster of Faith, Prologue [East bound train to Gallopagos, Sunday, two days before the Breezies moved through Ponyville] Twilight sat on the bench staring out the window as the train ran along the track. The night on the train had been uneventful, though they still wouldn't make it to the port before midday. Due to the path the Breezies were taking, the train had to go the long way around to get to Wilmingtrot, before the ship they got on would have to take the long way around to get to Gallopagos and Lionheart the main island, but at least that would only take maybe an hour longer, unlike this train ride. The others along this trip were in their own seats or in the other cars, while the train wasn't that big, it also was an express soly for this little group. Spike and the crusaders were off some where . Granny was napping, Sunset was reading on the other side of the car Twilight was in and Sombra was at the far end of the train from her. She wasn't sure where Applejack was though she did spend a good bit of time on the balcony of the caboose watching the landscape go by. The farm mare still blamed herself for being tricked by the sirens. “Hey Twilight, you got a min?” Twilight looked up noting a rather apprehensive Sunset standing there. “Yeah sure, we have another few hours of a ride.” She gestured to the bench across from her at the window. Sunset took a seat an spared a glance around the rest of the car before she let out a long breath.” It's about the Familiar spell we've been working on.....” “I really need to get back to that..” Twilight grumbled,” But, well... with the games, and the Breezies and the sirens and everything else...” “Yeah well. I think I'm going to stop trying to help you with that.” Sunset muttered. “What!? Why?” “Cause I haven't been helping you to start. Not really.” Sunset admitted running a hoof up through her mane. “What?” Twilight blinked.” But you're the only blood mage I know and your insight into a number of things has given me all new avenues of study.” “Yeah, well you should find one who's not actively sabotaging your efforts.” Sunset blurted out. “Sabotage, what do you mean? Why?” Twilight blinked, too surprised to go right into mad. “Okay not exactly sabotage, I'm just stunting the efforts. All those insights are pretty much set up to be massive red herring trails that I know will take you days if not weeks to research fully, but I already know will go no where. The data is sometimes put down wrong when I'm filling it out...” Sunset offered. “...And I'm not exactly telling you everything about how Blood Magic works or what it's limits are.” “To be fair I expected the last. Not many mages want to talk about all they know to any one other than a peer or an apprentice, and given I'm neither I expected some information was being with held.” Twilight explained. “The question is why?” “Evidently the answer is to prove I'm related to Celestia.” Sunset sighed. ”I had a long term plan to delay this until anyone who is after Rahs but me would be too old to be of interest to him. Or in the case of AJ if that worked out, swoop in after she had passed.“ Sunset muttered. ”Of course I didn't think of what would come after or the reactions if this came out.” “You also ruled out Saturnia and we really have no idea how long Applejack will live. According to Luna Moon Dogs live as long as the pony or creature they are bonded with. Witch Wolves didn't have that, but they always died to violence so how old they can get was never known.” Twilight pointed out. ”Not to mention the fact that this spell is being worked on because of Shining Armor and Big Mac primarily.” “And likely Applebloom, and depending on how it turns out Rarity as well.” Sunset added. “Which is in part, pretty much one of the main reasons why I'm stepping out of this.” “Hmmm. No. You're going to keep helping me.” Twilight said after a moment of thought. “What?” Sunset questioned. “Well for starters I still need a blood mage. Secondly you know what you already messed up and you know which of the things you've sent me to look over are false leads. This means you still know things I don't.” Twilight offered. “So no I'm not letting you bow out of this.” “Well, I suppose, though I thought you would be rather mad.” Sunset blinked in surprise. “Oh, I am. But that you came out on what you've been doing rather than me finding out later on my own is keeping me from being too pissed off.” Twilight offered. “You did start off as a thief who stole my crown after all so my trust only went so far anyway. Also, I mean it wasn't like I haven't called your common sense into question a few times because you're interested in my brother.” “There is nothing wrong with Rahs.” Sunset grumbled. “There is plenty wrong with him, you just have a odd fetish.” Twilight explained. “Don't kink shame me.” Sunset huffed. “Right, well, all that said. Do it again and I will shove your own hooves so far up your ass that you will be able to taste where you've been walking.” Twilight stated with no hint of emotion. “Noted, though I don't think that's physically possible.” Sunset swallowed hard. “It is. I did it to Chrysalis once when she tried to steal the last of the zap apple jam I had. Even Rahs knows not to go after that.” Twilight stated. “Has any one told you, that you are absolutely terrifying?” Sunset commented. “Once or twice.” Twilight nodded with a small smirk. > Lobster of Faith, Part One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Lobster of Faith, Part One Twilight Sparkle was not sure what she had been expecting. But she hadn't been expecting this. Lionheart, the island capitol of the Gallopagos and the Nox-Cal race was a massive dormant volcano island that was honey combed with passages to the underground old city built into the mountain itself. Above that in the cauldra of the volcano was the new city of Lionheart built after the Equestrian civil war. Quick flying Thestrils, magically capable Kirin and the massive towering Nocturne roamed the city going about their day, some stopping to stare curiously at the group getting off the train for a time before moving on. The city itself was hardly unexpected as Twilight had gotten a great deal of information about it from Comet Trail. Though the size of the double city dwarfed both Canterlot and Manehatten put together, and who knew how deep into the volcano the old city actually went. The lower levels were all constructed during and after the War of Night and the Equestrian Civil War as a fortification against possible attacks and retaliations. The only conflict to ever reach the shores of the island came from an Equestrian navy admiral, who defying orders from the princess, tried to put the island and all its inhabitants to the torch. What was left of the admirals fleet was now a popular scuba diving destination for some tourist spots that had cropped up on the outer chain of islands. The Nox-Cal had never officially surrendered, but after a time they opened up trade and travel, though it was always limited until the return of Princess Luna. About a year after her return, Gallopagos was again made part of Equestria, instead of just a contested territory. This was still debated rather hotly among some of the older Nox-Cal, but even they couldn't or wouldn't argue with Princess Luna directly. Still all of that was expected. What wasn't expected was when everyone save Granny and the Crusaders was ushered into a rather nice conference room in the capitol to meet with a very, very, small figure. Teacup regarded the lot of them with some interest, flitting around the room like a humming bird. Teacup was pastel blue with a robins egg blue mane. A tiny suit of red leather armor adorned the breezie gods form and a rather wicked looking butter knife covered in tiny glowing red runes fit between the buzzing wings. Teacup fluttered to a stop in front of Sombra and frowned. “Such a waste, you could have went on for years with that, but you gave in for chocolate.” Teacup fussed before darting over to Sunset. “And you, that was the dumbest play for power I have ever heard of . At least you aren't backing down from your current interest.” Teacup snapped before darting over to Applejack. The breezie regarded her for a moment before quickly zapping her with something, then floating up to look the much larger Witch- Jack in the eyes. “That was some shit. But you better not back down either.” Teacup huffed before zipping in front of Spike. “You, you I do not like. You're mom's a total bitch, and you stopped me from gaining enough power to fix this mess with logic. LOGIC! I fucking hate dragons.” Teacup snarled. “What?” Spike asked in surprise. “You talked Celestia down from killing the orange one. Do you have any idea of the conflict that would have exploded from that. It would have started the Equestrian civil war all over again, With the Apple family, the buffalo, the dragons and the moon dogs drawn fully into the fray between Celestia and Luna. One death would have brought an Armageddon of such proportions I could have fixed everything.” Teacup snorted. “Umm... Sorry for not allowing the death of millions?” Spike stated looking around curiously at the others. “No you're not." Teacup huffed," But any way.” “Do you have to be this abrasive?” Twilight demanded. “Look Sparkle if you had gone though half the shit I did... well you'd be dead.... a lot of times.” Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Ugh this is that stupid negotiation crap isn't it? With pleasantries and diplomacy and all that shit.” Teacup's eyes rolled. ”I told Celestia I didn't give a crap about that.” “Well cutting to the chase then. What exactly did you want from us?” Twilight demanded. “Right. Brass tacks as it were. I can do that.” Teacup settled down on the table. ”Let me tell you a bit of a story. It's about how the Breezies trip came to be. It all started with this centaur bastard named Tirek.” “Tirek?” Sombra muttered. “I have heard that name before.” “Tirek's the god of centaurs, thieves and probably leeches.” Teacup explained. “Leeches?” Witch- Jack questioned. “Yeah, CAUSE HE SUCKS!!” Teacup roared before settling down again. The Breezy seemed to have some issue staying calm.” Alright, alright, I'm good, I'm good. Any way a long time ago, I have no idea how long, I don't bother to keep track of anything beyond how much time is left, there was a single portal in Equestria to my world. The Tir Na Nog, or the Fae Wood by your naming conventions. I think the place connected to some place here called the Rainbow Valley, but whatever. Any way King Leech found the place and tried to drain the portal of its power. He half succeeded. It blew up instead and split my entire world in half.” The others blinked as they regarded the diminutive breezie. “At the time most of the Breezie race lived near the portal, Rainbow Valley was a near perfect copy of our own world, only not quite as beautiful. But it allowed us to trade and hang around with your ancestors, who thankfully evolved out of that fat hippo thing they had going on.” Teacup explained. “ But that was who the crap knows how long before Tirek did his thing. Any one living near the portal got flung out of it and trapped here as the portal sputtered out. For some reason or another the powers what is decided that I would be made a god. I wasn't any one, just a guard for the queen. I had seen who had done this and I wanted his head. Being a god, I got like eight of his heads. Lost count of how many times he crushed me, but I didn't stop.” Teacup sighed.” Fortunately for you ponies a newly ascended Celestia showed up, and while me and the leech were fighting, she managed to save a good portion of the breezies from dying before she joined in the fight. Tirek got driven back, but the portal was fucked, the queen and all the royalty were dead as were a large portion of all the breezies who got kicked out of our home. Even less than that survived until the following year when the portal reopened in two different places.” “Wait what happened to Tirek?” Sunset asked. “His brother turned on him and he got sealed in Tartarus until he gives up his powers and dies.” Teacup huffed. “Celestia wouldn't let me wipe out all the centaurs to speed it up, and who the crap knows how to kill all thieves. I mean nobles and politicians exist. Celestia wouldn't allow wholesale slaughter and I owed her for saving as many as she did so I didn't go full Genocide Route.” “Wait, what?” Sunset questioned. “ The portal appeared in two places, one led to the highlands and one to the lowlands in the Fey Wood. Problem was the pollen from the highlands was needed to keep the plants from the lowlands, which we needed to survive, alive.” Teacup sighed. “And given neither portal appeared in Rainbow Valley any more and everything in this death world you ponies live in is trying to kill breezies, Celestia offered me another deal. I don't go out sparking wars to feed my power so I can fix the portals, and she will make sure her ponies help us every time we have to do the migration.” “How much power would you need to fix the portals?” Twilight asked. “According to Celestia and a couple of her horn brain subjects. 78 megathrums.”Teacup offered. Sunset and Twilight both seemed to be calculating that for a moment as Twilight took notes. “Given the rate at which gods gain power from their portfolios....” Twilight considered. “And this would be a major portfolio too.” Sunset continued. “Right. Nearly every country on the planet would need to be at war with each other.” Twilight concluded., close to three billion fighting. “Yeah even your war of night didn't managed that. But I mean crap, I draw power from any sort of war, when you're at war with yourself on decisions, the war against moles in your garden. It's not just open conflict. Through my life, I have discovered so many forms of war. You get up in the morning, you leave your shitty house, and you see a rich CEO who works half as hard as you do leaving his mansion. Class war. You make it to work, and you find out that the annual drug test is today. And you just so happened to take a puff of your one-hitter a couple nights ago before dinner with your wife's awful parents. Drug war. But then, you find out that the only ones being called in for testing are your griffon and nox-cal co-workers. Race war.” The gathered group stared at the ranting breezie. “I draw power from war, from conflict..... not cold wars though, that griffon, zebra feud was blue balling me for two hundred years.” Teacup ranted. “Every conflict, every fight riot, argument, and even inner turmoil adds to my power Sparkle. And it has yet to be enough for me to FIX MY FUCKING GATE!!!” “Uhhhh.” Twilight began. “Okay calming down, calming down.....” Teacup exhaled. “Look I asked you here because you're the god of magic, if any one can help me figure out how to get the portals fixed sooner it would be you.” “Sooner?” Spike asked. “Yes. In a hundred and eighty eight years from now the portals are predicted to come back together, every year they've been getting a little bit closer, current prediction has them meeting near the foal mountains in one hundred and eighty eight years. Every year I bring the breezies who will be staying in the high lands for the year to the highlands portal. And the ones who I brought last year have to fly along the breeze corridor to bring the pollen back to the lowlands portal. And as I said EVERYTHING wants to kill us here. I'm the only one who can actually do anything in this place, and the moment I go home the powers 'what is' will probably take away the magic that makes me a god since my home doesn't follow the stupid rules of this place. And until this is all done. I. CAN'T. GO. HOME!” Teacup snarled, whipping off the butter knife and slamming it into the table. The table broke in half along with the floor under it and a large crack traveled along the wall in the direction the breezie was facing. Thankfully no one was in that direction. “Right, sorry, sorry, I'm a little testy here......” “S'fine. Ah get why.” Witch-Jack nodded not sure if she could have done anything about that blast of magic. “Well. I'll do what I can to help, but I'm rather new at this whole goddess of magic thing.” Twilight offered. “Look, if you can knock off even twenty minutes of the time needed I'm more than happy to help out with anything you want. You need some one killed, I got that, a small country destroyed. I can do that too. A large country? Yep, I got you.” Teacup stated. “Harmony said it was working on something to try and help, but no one has seen that damn tree in a long time.” “We did, but Harmony didn't say anything about portals.” Twilight sighed. “Figures. At any rate. I wanted you, Sunset, and Sombra here as well. Sombra had a weird upbringing and schooling, and I know Solomon studied Tirek. Sunset went to another dimension entirely and might have some insight into portals. I wanted the foals and dragon here because if they screw something up, the breezies have already left this portal. I wanted the Witch Wolf here in case magic needed to be eaten to help. And Granny I knew was gonna come, cause I owe her ten bits.” Teacup sighed. “For what?” Spike asked. “Mind your own business.” Teacup snapped. “Why Applejack though, why not Rahs?” Sombra questioned. “Cause Rahs has a date and I didn't want to interrupt that.” the breezy pointed out. “Seriously is everyone watching my brothers dating life?” Twilight growled. “Only the ones that matter.” Teacup smirked. “I have my own vested interest in Rahs' love life. Unlike the others in regards to your brothers dating life though, I make no promises, no demands. Love is a battlefield after all. > Hearths Warming Interlude. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR [The North Pole, Some years ago] The massive long bearded Reindeer known as Santa hooves frowned as he looked out over the formerly snowy landscape. The landscape was now mostly slush and char, and he was quite certain the glacier out at sea in the distance was on fire. His work shop was oddly fine, though a number of the outbuildings were flattened. The ones that were not however were packed to the roof with all his helpers who were cowering and doing their best to not be seen. Laying on the ground in front of his work shop was a big green yeti. The Grinch had caused a good bit of problems for him this year and whatever magic the green creature had found had delayed Santa Hooves deliveries considerably. The god of Reindeer would have to have a word with White in order to get everything done in time this year. His attention soon turned to the source of his exasperation. A little purple unicorn filly, a even smaller purple dragonling, and a navy blue canine creature of some kind. All three of them were sitting there smiling up at him. the fangs on two of them were a bit unnerving. Santa Hooves sighed looking back over at the Grinch who was whimpering , and likely in need of serious medical attention, then over at his workers who were cowering from the trio. "If i agree to keep you on the nice list. Will you three promise to never save Hearths Warming again?" Santa hooves asked with a soft growl. The trio considered before going into a huddle and quickly discussing it in hushed whispers. Santa Hooves winced as another outbuilding collapsed. "Alright." Twilight said finally. [Many years later] "CUTIEMARK CRUSADERS HEARTS WARMING RESCUEING YAY!!!!!" Three fillies screamed out as Santa Hooves rubbed his temples at the shout. The entire north pole was somehow on fire this time, and all his elk had decided the best place to hide from this lot was in a bunker two miles below the workshop, which was now rubble, though this time all the outbuildings had survived. This time it had been the Snow Miser, that had tried something and these three had come to deal with him. When this trio had arrived he had also received a note from another trio he had once met. 'Dear Santa Whooves. We heard Hearth's Warming needed saving again. However we did agree to not save it again. As such we have sent some stand ins to save Hearths warming in our stead. Best Wishes, Twilight Sparkle Rahs Sparkle Spike Sparkle. Santa Hooves let out a sigh as another explosion rocked his workshop. "By the Stars....." The giant Reindeer muttered. > Lobster of Faith, Part Two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Lobster of Faith, Part Two [ Lionheart, capitol of Gallopagos Islands, New City] Tourists were not unusual in Lionheart since the return of Princess Luna. By this point most of the nox-cal were used to regular ponies wandering around gawking, buying trinkets and doing touristy things. The current group however drew a bit more attention that usual. Not because of the ponies, even the elder and the little fillies were not far from the normal, though the burning green wings of the orange pegasus were new. Nor was it the dragon with them, though that was odd. Not even the collection of Guards trying to stay hidden in the crowd following them drew much interest. What drew most of the nox-cal's attention was the orange mare in the hat with that group. Something about her set nearly every nox-cal that noticed her on edge and none of them could explain why. Granted that ill ease was put to rest a little once they heard what she was ranting to the others about. “Seriously ah can't leave you two alone fera minute afore yer off snogging or something.” Applejack fussed. “Who even uses that word?” Applebloom snapped back. “And it ain't as if we ain't done more' n that.” “Don't you take that tone with me missy!”” Applejack snapped back. “Or what? You'll add to mai chores again? A'hm already at that point that tha only way yah ken do that is tah have me run tha whole farm by maiself.” Applebloom returned the snap back. Sweetiebelle, Spike, and Scootaloo walked and fluttered a bit to the side of the arguing siblings. “Aren't you gonna do something to defend your filly friend?” Sweetiebelle questioned to Spike. “Nope. If she needs my help, she'll ask for it. Besides one does not get involved in an argument between siblings unless one wants fewer body parts attached to you than you started with.” Spike pointed out. “I think that's just the rule for you Twilight and Rahs.” Scootaloo interjected. “Applebloom is trained in potions, still doesn't have a cutie mark and is angry and nearly as strong as Applejack. Applejack turns into a furry engine of destruction that devours magic.” Spike offered. “ My point stands. Besides, Granny hasn't stepped in yet so clearly it's not escalated very much yet.” “Ah ain't gitting involved jus cause she caught you an Applebloom smooching.” Granny snorted. “ Yer both fifteen and that sorta thing's almost expected. Heck ah was married by tha time ah was fifteen and had a foal on tha way afore ah turned seventeen.” Granny Smith glared down at Spike, with a look that would have stoned a basilisk. “Yah better not follow that example young drake. Cause ah got a few recipes fer dragon soup ah ken try, and ah know yer sister ain't gonna save yah. And yer brothers might try, but won't if they're smart.” Spike swallowed hard trying not to meet the old mares glare. “Yer, just mad cause yah ain't gitting any smooches of yer own!” Applebloom snapped. “What!? Why you, that ain't it at all!” Applejack snapped back. “Right. Now ah'm gitting involved.” Granny stated with a roll of her eyes. [ Gallopagos islands, Isle of Tears] Twilight sparkle looked up at the glowing portal with amazement. This was like nothing she had ever seen or scanned before. The portal was on the third largest island of the chain that made up the Gallopagos. This island in particular held an old breezy tale about Princess Luna that when her husband or child died she came here and wept, and in her sorrow the Hooper sea was formed. Twilight had checked on it. Luna said she had done no such thing. Her tear ducts were not aquifers. Twilight, Sunset and surprisingly even Sombra had looked over the portal with every scanning spell they could think of though none of them could make any sense of it. Sombra had the least education of the three, though he was well versed in Shadow, Corruption, Crystal magic, Enchanting, and more necromancy than the other two knew, though he couldn't cast any spells from the school. Though to make some of the artifacts he had in the past, he had learned how to read various magic with more skill than even Twilight possessed and as such knew quite a bit on how necromancy functioned. Twilight refused to admit she was 'slightly' impressed with the scanning spell he used and the detail it revealed. Sunset could attest there was no blood magic or fire magic involved, though she did point out the gate bore some similarities to the magic of the mirror she went through to another world. Teacup recalled meeting Starswirl once some time in the past, though Starswirl acted like a stuck up fool and Celestia had to stop Teacup from hanging him from a tree by his own entrails. Twilight could see a pattern of sorts, but in the end it wasn't enough for her to do anything. Still She promised to see what she could put together for next year, as she was still a new god of magic after all. Teacup was happy with that. [ Gallopagos, a little later, street bazaar] Granny stepping in had stopped the argument, though hackles were still raised between the siblings. At least until the group came across a couple of street vendors having drawn in a rather large crowd of nox-cal. There was an odd machine puffing out smoke and some odd sort of carnival music like a calliope. They were going to pass by and ignore the crowd until the pitch of the sales ponies reached their ears. “Thank you, one and all, for your attendance, and we guarantee that your time here will not be spent in vain!” shouted one of the hawkers. “In fact, we think it will prove to be the most valuable time you've ever spent!” shouted the other. “Wait a tick.” Applejack stated, stopping dead, her attention turning towards the stage. “Welcome, one and all, to the demonstration of a lifetime!” “A demonstration of a better life!” “A demonstration of a better time! And if we haven't captured your interest just yet, by the time we've finished, an unfortunate phenomenon practically guarantees that we will!” “A phenomenon? What's that?” “It's a circumstance perceptible by the senses, but in this case, it's the simple fact that:" "There's ailments all around us in everything we touch and see!” “Please tell me that ain't...” Applebloom sighed. “A sickness that lies waiting there in every breath you breathe!” “Disease will up and grab you as it crawls from land and sea!” “It's amazing how infected that the natural world and all its things can be!” “Now I understand that some of you don't think you're sick!” “But twisted hooves and aching joints don't heal all that quick!” “Consider just how dangerous this world is! You might... "Slip and fall, break or sprain something here tonight” “It is.” Granny Smith snorted. “But luckily for you, we've got the thing you need!” “And it's easier when all you need's the cure!” “The Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic!” “Is just what the doctor ordered, I'm sure!” “Now I know our claims seem fantastical!” “Impractical!” “Improbable!” “Impossible!” “And magical!” “This should be good.” Spike grumbled.” I'm wondering what they are shilling this time.” “So we welcome every suffering pony to make their way up to the stage!” “Now don't crowd!” “And we'll prove our tonic's effectiveness before your very eyes!” “You there! Come up here, good sir!” “I'll wager you're tired of those crutches, my friend!” “Try taking a sip of this!” Applejack's eyes narrowed. As the light gray kirin stallion dropped his crutches to begin dancing around with the brothers. “Whoa? Did they invent an O&O healing potion?” Spike questioned. “I thought healing potions were impractical in most cases cause they healed too fast and a lot of time incorrectly?”Sweetiebelle considered. “Usually, though they are helpful fer a number of ailments, you just really dun want tah drink one if yah got anything broken or dislocated. An in tha case of something like internal damage, potions just make things worse.” Applebloom nodded sagely. “Sunset could prolly do something like O&O a potion, but that's with blood magic and that stuff gets weird.” “Dun matter. They're lying. All three of um.” Applejack stated. “Ah ken feel it.” “That's why you're so lucky we've got the thing for you!” “Just come on up, we've always got some more!” “Of the Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic!” “Now some of you may suffer from feelings of despair!” You're old, you're tired, your legs won't work, there's graying in your hair!” “Just listen and I'll tell you that you don't need to fear!” “Your ears will work, your muscles tone, your eyes will see so clear!” “Luckily for us, you've got the thing we need!” “The answer to our problems in a jar!” “The Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic!” “Is the greatest ever miracle by far!” “Tonic... tonic... tonic...” the crowd chanted. Sweetiebelle tilted her head.” Is that a heart song?” “Wouldn't put it past them, they did it afore.” Granny huffed. “It cures the reins, the spurs, and the Clydesdale fur blight.” Flim sang. “Hooferia and horsentery cured in just a night.” Flam sang the counter point. “You've got swollen hooves and hindquarters or terrible bridle-bit cleft.” “Saunter sitz and gallop plop will give your tail some heft.” “Mane loss, hay fever, or terrible tonsillitis.” “You heard it here, folks -- this is the only place in all of Equestria you'll find it!” “It can make you shorter, taller, or even grow old” “But who'd want that?” “When with one drink” “You can be young again“ the pair sang together. “Well now they sold me one bottle at least.” Granny Smith frowned. “Granny?” Applejack demanded. “Don't gimmi that, if it works it'll work, if it don't well. Don't take yer eyes off um.” Granny ordered. [ Oneiroi, Wednesday morning] “While I certainly didn't expect the date to take this sort of turn Fuzzy, I am not complaining.” Trixie smirked as the pair walked along the odd dreamscape, Trixie's cart being moved along behind them with a couple of other moon dogs pulling it for her. “Though I didn't expect to have a headache from feeding a score of puppies bits of my magic.” “I warned you to do a no magic show.” Rahs smirked. “Yes, yes, rub it in why don't you.” Trixie sighed.” While I do love that I can understand you easily here despite you claiming you are still barking, don't think I didn't notice when you introduced me to my personal dream warden that that bitch wasn't flirting hard with you.” Rahs shrugged. “I get that a lot here.” “What kind of name is Apocalypse Meow any way?”Trixie asked. “She's fancy.” Rahs explained as if that was a reasonable response. “Right..... so where are we going then Fuzzy. I still have a long trip a head of me and while Meow's place was a comfortable spot to sleep, I am going to be very rushed to get to my next show.” Trixie offered, then grinned.”Also you still haven't paid me.” Rahs smirked as they walked on.”The Oneiroi is a bit odd and I have no idea how my sister would describe it so don't expect something complicated. The distance here is compressed, but not in any measurable way that I've found. Basically a ten mile distance in Equestria is like a mile or less here, though it's also sometimes more if you walk the wrong way.” “Meaning Fuzzy?” Trixie asked. “Meaning...” Rahs smirked reaching out to boop Trixie's nose quickly forcing her to pull her head back and blink. Though when her eyes opened after the blink she was standing on a road with her wagon on a heavily forested path with a sign nearby reading 1 mile to Hollow Shades. “...Woof.” “That is going to take some getting used to.” Trixie grumbled. Rahs smirked and offered a short bow before turning to walk behind the wagon to head back to the Oneiroi and then home when his tail was grabbed and he was yanked backwards in front of the cart again onto his rump. Rahs frowned raising an eyebrow as Trixie's corona faded from his tail and the mare stepped forward staring at him. His ears perked up as he noticed Trixie pulling a bag from under her cloak, again he didn't smell any magic being used. “Oh no Fuzzy. Trixie was told she was going to get paid.” Trixie stated as she pulled a pale blue lipstick from the bag before applying it. Rahs blinked his ears flattening as the blue mare tackled him back to the road. [Gallopagos] Applejack raised an eyebrow at the 'injured' pony that was currently selling the 'potions' and bragging about the first bit he ever made doing it. This crap had gone on long enough. Sure the two hucksters might have convinced her that perhaps she shouldn't take away the happiness of ponies who the product worked for, Twilight had called that a placebo effect when it was brought up last night, but she didn't like the idea that her grudging agreement to that had been turned into a massive sales pitch that the Element of Honesty endorsed the tonic. Granted it got much worse when Granny pointed out that what they were selling was just some cheap knock off cider using old apples and a ton of sugar. So it was hardly a surprise the snake oil made ponies feel good. Currently she was in a stare down with the pair of unicorns. She had jumped up on a crate to be heard over the crowd so she could call them out. After a bit of back an forth of arguing on what the 'tonic' was, the crowd around and between the bickering ponies following every word, Flim, or maybe it was Flam, came up with an idea and ran with it. “Of course you can't find anything about our wondrous tonic, because it's chock full of magic, my dear earth pony.” Flam stated. “Quite right brother, not to be tribalist, but one cannot expect a non unicorn to understand the magic poured into our miraculous creation.” “Oh trust me ah know better than most if there's magic in something.”Applejack grinned showing rather prominent fangs. The crowd around the table she was standing on moved a little further away.“All yer doing is peddling snake oil which is gonna hurt a lotta ponies who think it's helping um.” “ Well we can hardly take the word of one... errr earth pony mare on magic?” Flim questioned noting the fangs. “She's right though.” Silver Shill stepped up. “It's not a tonic at all! I know, 'cause I helped make it! Honestly it's got nothing in it but old apples some kale and a lot of sugar. Watching some one point out that it would do more harm than good... well, that made me realize I was making ponies believe in a thing that just wasn't so!” Some of the nox-cal in the crowd recognized Shill and started muttering among themselves , and very quickly a large number of angry glares and threatening gestures were being directed towards the brothers. “Might wanna start with some refunds.” Granny called out. “Hmm. Plan 'B' brother?” Flam asked. “No can do Flam, we are all out of Yaks at the moment.” Flim protested. “Ah well plan 'M' then.” Flam nodded. “Right you are.” Flim stated pulling a tightly sealed box from under his hat and opening it. There was a sudden audible snap as every nox-cal in the crowd froze in place, their eyes locked on what Flim had pulled out of the box. It was a fair sized ball like object that was reddish on one side fading into yellow then a bit of green. Every nox-cal in the crowd from the winged thestrils to the horned kirin and the massive nocturne locked eyes on it, some were drooling. “A mango?” Sweetiebelle questioned. “Big Sis Luna says those are illegal to have on Gallopagos.” “Yes, well. Have fun with that.” Flim stated throwing the mango at Applejack. Every nox-cal eye in the crowd followed the arc of the mango as it went straight at Applejack. “Eenope!” Applebloom shouted bouncing up onto the table with her sister, then leaping off to grab the mango out of the air before flinging it back at the stage as she crashed to the ground atop of Spike. The dragon really didn't mind. The nox-cal's eyes followed the fruit back though the air. Flam had been gathering the case of bits and managed to look up just as the mango hit him, sticking onto his horn and soaking his face in mango juice. There was a brief moment in time as the scent wafted out over the crowd and every nox-cal seemed to vibrate in place, before the thestrils let out a ear piercing scream and the crowd rushed the stage and at Flam in particular. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!” Flam screamed out, taking off like a shot with a horde of nox-cal on his hooves and Flim right behind trying not to get trampled. The Apples and the Crusaders stood in the now empty bazaar lot blinking and looking around as Silver Shill rubbed the back of his head flipping a bit to Applejack. “Thank you, Applejack. I got this through dishonest means. That was a mistake I won't be making again! I'd like you to have it, as a reminder of how you helped me finally see the truth.” Shill offered. “Errr....” Applejack responded. “Oh, don't worry. I'll track down the pony I sold that worthless tonic to and give him another bit to replace this one! Honest.” Shill replied before trotting off. “ Well.... okay then.” Applejack shrugged not noting the coin taking on a rainbow shine briefly, though she did notice an odd scent of magic in the air briefly. “Well that was a thing that happened.” Spike huffed. “And that's why mangos are not allowed on Gallopagos.” Sweetiebelle stated. [ Breezie Gate] The trio of Sunset, Twilight, and Sombra, were discussing options with Teacup when the breezie god shot straight up in the air staring west towards the main island. “What is it?” Sunset asked. Teacup frowned and floated back down to head level with the ponies after a moment of looking around. “Dunno. I felt something, but it only lasted a moment. Been happening occasionally over the last year, I've not figured it out yet and it's pissing me off. Might have something to do with one of my portfolios.” Teacup shrugged. “Don't worry about it, thanks for the help with this.” “I'll keep looking into it Teacup, maybe by next year I'll have some sort of answer and be better prepared to study it.” Twilight offered. ”I really need to stop taking on all these projects though.” [ Ponyville, Wednesday] “Well that should be the last of them.” Celestia sighed as the portal began to close. “Another year over with only a hundred and eighty seven left to go.” “Does this get any less stressful?” Luna huffed. “No, and to be honest I've only seen Teacup cut loose once, and that was just after the collapse of the portals. I have no desire to see what sort of abilities Teacup might have now if pissed off. So we keep helping the breezies.” “Noted.” Luna nodded before her attention turned to the feeling of a portal opening. Looking in the direction of the magic she spotted Rahs as he stepped out from an alleyway and headed towards the library. “Ahh, Rahs has returned.” Luna nodded. “Well that's good.... what is all over his face?” Celestia asked looking back at the moon dog once Luna pointed him out. Covering Rahs' face, lips, neck, and ears was a series of light blue lipstick kiss marks. A 'LOT' of kiss marks. “It seems Trixie has gone up in the points again.” Luna smiled. > Equestia Groupers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Equestia Groupers [Crystal Empire.] Twilight stared at the games official before her. “Are you bucking serious?” The purple alicorn stated after a uncomfortable minute of staring at the pony. “Yes ma'am, unicorns will no longer be permitted into the arena without a disabling spell.” the guard pony stated. Twilight raised an eyebrow and fanned out her wings. “That includes pegi-corns miss.” Twilight blinked and looked to Rahs who simply shrugged. “Is that all unicorns including the Guard and medical staff here?” “It is to prevent cheating miss.” “Wouldn't a aura net shield over the arena be both cheaper and require less energy than individual spell blocking, who's even powering this thing?” Twilight growled. “I couldn't tell you about the why miss, but the machine is tapped into the ley line grid of the empire. It can be used on at least ten thousand individual casters before a mage light on the outskirts even dims a little. “Really .. well that should be quite enough then shouldn't it?” Twilight snorted folding her ears back to her head as she stomped towards the machine. “Ten bits says she breaks it.” Applejack offered. “Sucker bet, the real bet is what color will the explosion be.” Rarity added. There was a loud buzzing as Twilight walked through the machine. [ Main Arena, a little bit later] A official looking pony moved out to the center of the arena coughing lightly, his horn glowing as he amplified his voice. “May I have your attention please. The games will be delayed temporarily until we are able to determine the cause of the massive ley line disruption affecting the Crystal Empire.” "You must have cheated some how with your new doggy senses." Rarity huffed paying Applejack the bits for the color of the explosion. "Says the mare who's host to a living nightmare." Applejack smirked With the outage addressed and Twilight and her friends seated, Twilight had a moment to relax. Far too much had happened this year leading up to the equestrian games and it was finally here. Cadence, and Celestia were in the Royal Box with Prince Blueblood. Luna opted to stay at the palace, not feeling very comfortable around any of the crystal ponies. Celestia had managed to get her into the city, but thus far that was it. Sombra had simply stayed in Ponyville. It had taken a good bit of time and effort but the Crystal Empire was rebuilt fully from the conflict with the last remnants of Solomon and the attack by the dragon god. Chrysalis was no where to be seen either, though she and Shining were both on security detail along with a large amount of changelings. There were no competing changelings for fear of them simply being able to change into anything to gain an advantage in muscle mass or the like. Chrysalis said it didn't work like that, but there was not enough information on Changelings for any of the event doctors to clear them to compete, though they were already working on clearing them for the next games. Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Big Mac, and Rahs were all in the lower seating of the royal box with some other foreign leaders from Saddle Arabia, Thunderbolt from the Griffon Empire, a delegation from the hippogryphs who were currently conversing about the stadium stairs, Maohk from the buffalo, surprisingly without Iinii, and next to her was a smallish Blue scaled dragon that had been identified as Ember, and had been sent by Dragon Lord Torch to watch the games in his stead. Thus far she had refrained from eating any of the crystal seating. Another who was present was Jynx representing the diamond dogs that worked the mines for the Crystal Ponies and the few dogs in the games themselves. Currently Applejack was leaning against Rahs' side and Sunset was sitting in the seat just above and behind him with her chin resting on his head with Jynx on the other side of the moon dog, Saturnia sat in the chair in front of him and was leaning back against his legs. All four of them were glaring at one another as Rahs tried to ignore them and eat his popcorn. There was a small betting pool going on who would start the fight. In truth none of them had changed much. Rahs was still the somewhat lanky swimmers build with his long coat and pants, in his currently favored light gray coat in fact. Saturnia was still a rather pink changeling, here because her mother and Celestia couldn't be trusted to get along long enough for Chrysalis to represent the race. Sunset was still the slightly annoying pyro she had been when Twilight first met her, though she seemed to have a fascination with the 'leather' jackets some of the griffons were wearing. Or maybe it was the griffons themselves. Jynx was still a massive wall of diamond dog, with huge tracts of land, and a perchent to show them off as much as she could without showing anything. Something Rarity likely taught her. Applejack was still in her pony form , though she too tended to wear clothing now, though it wasn't more than a large vest and a pair of what seemed like short pants while a pony, that vest became much smaller and the pants became shorts when she changed. That particular modesty either came from Sunset or Rarity as Applejack didn't seem to care about any clothing other than her stetson. With the diamond dogs in Ponyville becoming a bit more common it was usually good to follow their modesty practices at least a little. Still like this the mare was rather shaggy in the fur with her mane and tail seeming wild no matter what she did with them. Twilight's attention was drawn to the start of the procession and three little fillies in particular, though they were fast becoming non little. Sweetiebelle was still the youngest, only hitting thirteen this year, with Scootaloo at fourteen and Applebloom at fifteen going on sixteen before the end of the year. Scootaloo didn't seem to have grown much at all save a bit of muscle mass, while Sweetiebelle was entering a more lanky stage of her life. Applebloom was clearly starting to take after Applejack in her size and build. Farm work would do that to you. Her attention was brought to Spike as he was announced to the massive cheering of the crowd. Despite the other Sparkles having a part in freeing them, the little dragon that took out a massive Juggernaut in front of a crowd of a large crystal ponies gained a bigger following than any of the others. Not to say Shining Armor and Rahs didn't have their own fan clubs, but Cadence and Chrysalis kept the numbers interested in Shining Armor smaller, and many still were afraid of Rahs. Spike had managed to launch several gaming conventions and keep a number of obscure game companies alive just because word got out he liked a certain game or another. Hopefully Applebloom never found out about some of the fan clubs he had, the Empire didn't need that kind of property damage again. Her brother had grown a good bit as well, he was no longer the pudgy little dragon he had been for years. He still had a bit of his baby fat on him, but his legs, arms and body were a little longer and his spines were starting to loose the roundness and develop points, particularly the one he had regrown in his last molt that had come in blue at the base of his neck. His snout had stretched a little too, he looked all the world like a smaller, more even, version of the dragon he had become in that greed growth stage, Twilight was still taller than he was, but she didn't discount she had grown a as well when she got her wings. The purple drake climbed the stairs towards the torch,stopping at the top, his eyes darting over the crowd before he inhaled deeply and let out a long breath of fire igniting the monument to begin the games. Rahs had coached him on the stage fright he had been feeling, and since the old adage of imagine them naked hardly worked with non Canterlot ponies, Rahs had convinced Spike to focus on just them in the royal box or just on Applebloom where she stood in the arena. And given he seemed to have no trouble lighting the torch, it clearly worked. “Well looks like the games are underway.” Twilight smiled. ”This should be an enjoyable few hours.” “I'm sure.” Twilight blinked looking over at her brother who had two mares, a changeling, a diamond dog clinging to him possessively, and a dead pan expression on his face. She couldn't help laugh. The main area of the Crystal Festival was awash with activity. The towering rebuilt structure of the Crystal palace soaring high over the gathered carnival like atmosphere. Gods, nobles, and commoners walked among the booths and the statue of the heroes of the Empire and the floating center piece of the whole event, the Crystal Heart. Luna allowed herself a small smile as she stood on the balcony over looking the large statue of the Sparkles as she listened to a pony sized Bleu speak of the events of the dragon lands and the antics of her son, it seemed Torch was thinking of retiring soon and was planning for some sort of tourney to decide who would take his place. It would be a while yet before anything was ready, but it was nice to know such a change in leadership was coming. Most of the crowd was at the stadium, though far more could not get tickets and were browsing the festival set up outside that was going to empower the Crystal Heart later in the day. An odd feeling came over the Moon Princess as Bleu trailed off, the dragons gaze turning to the crowd below them, Luna glanced down from the balcony as well to see what she was looking at. Time seemed to slow as Luna looked at the crowd, reality seeming to gray out save for a few other figures. Bleu Scale stood fast at Luna's side. Her vibrant cobalt scales glimmering in the sunlight, her eyes locked on the crowd, her form moving in what seemed like slow motion, much as Luna's was, the pairs gaze met briefly before their eyes turned to the others who had not grayed out in this odd vision. Across from them, with a gaggle of other ambassadors was a tall, well built red crystal stallion in the long robes of an ambassador. His well kept black mane and tail were as still as everything else around them, though his eyes were moving. The green hued orbs met Luna's before Rhede Pelt's gaze shifted to the others still in color. In a group surrounded by foals, a small light gray furred pegasus mare with a purple mane streaked with darker gray floated. Slowed, her wing beats were barely noticeable. Starfall Silvertail's lavender eyes met Luna's briefly, before shifting to meet the gaze of the others. Next to her on the other side of a black furred unicorn mare was a larger gray furred unicorn stallion. His mass of amber mane and tail were a mess that looked like they had been hacked short with a sword, his two tone eyes met Luna's and lingered a moment longer than the others, though Jer'rahd Kaisur's gaze eventually darted and moved to one of the others. The final one was approaching from under the balcony where Bleu and Luna stood. A zebra mare in a well worn traveling cloak, with large saddle bags covered with the medical symbols of many races. Red stripes covered her form rather than the traditional black, and a red crystal horn grew from her fore head. Velkorn sighed softly. The looks the six shared seemed to last an eternity, yet at the same time not even a heart beat. “What once was, will not be again. Not in the same way, at least.” The zebra seemed to speak though the words were felt, rather than heard. An eternity in a second soon ended and the world resumed it's movements, the six never meeting eyes again as they went about their day. Luna hardly recalled the moment, but she was left feeling melancholy for the rest of the day, a feeling shared by five others, that in another life, had been far closer. [Tartarus] Forthe snarled. This had taken far too long. Time was not something he often cared about as he had plenty of that. Or he did. Witch Wolves still existed, even if they were in another form, they still existed and now there was another one among the living, a female. Thus far she had refused the advances of several males that had come for her. She had beaten down the ones that wouldn't listen, and those were only the ones that managed to sneak past that damn bitch claiming to be alpha. If they were not destroyed soon all it would take would be a generation more of crossbreeding and he would be no more. Damn Luna and that summoner and those accursed witch wolves. It had taken him a year to navigate this place, for all it's reputation as a prison, this place was a maze more than anything else. The walls of reality were weak here and things that should not be prowled this place. Cerberus was little more than a pet dog compared to some of the things he had avoided on his way here. He doubted his spectral form would be any detriment to some of those things getting a hold of him if they had noticed him. Still, he found what he was after after what felt like a year searching. On a massive towering stalactite there rested a cage, well two cages at the moment for some reason, but Forthe didn't care about the dragon, his focus was on the other cage. “Tirek.” Forthe growled. “Well, well, this is new, and what do you want ghost?” The centaur growled back slowly rising to his hooves. “Please. You know what I want, I want Luna dead, I want her ponies to suffer and I want her taint to my race removed.” Forthe snarled. “At least two of those you can help with.” “While I do admit I have some issue with the moon princess for stopping my last escape attempt. I have no reason to do your bidding.”Tirek muttered. “Not as if I can do anything any way in here.” “I can easily free you Centaur, all you need to do is destroy the ponies to make Luna suffer, and kill the moon dog, the witch wolf, as well as the summoner Twilight Sparkle.” Forthe snapped. “A summoner? It has been a while since I have had one of those, both they and their pets tend to hold a great deal of power.” Tirek considered. “Fine ghost. I accept those terms.” “Good.” Forthe offered, snatching the key from the stone wall , where it sat far out of reach, to taunt those imprisoned. Even had the captives found a way to get the key, the cages would not open for those within them, an outside force needed to open the door. Something that Forthe did.”You should find all three in a place called Ponyville at the base of the pony capitol. You will need to make your own way out of this place however.” “Oh, I can do that easily if I manage to get a bit of power.” Tirek offered before stepping out of the cage stretching and wincing lightly. He rather hated his drained form, it made him look like a wizened crone. “Fine, go to.... Waaak!” Forthe gasped his form jerking back as the shadowy mass that made up his body was grabbed by the centaur. “What?!” “I cannot say I've ever had a ghost before.” Tirek grinned. “I wonder how much power a half god has?” Tirek opened his mouth, and the god of diamond dogs screamed. [ Crystal Empire.] Jynx, Witch-Jack, Rahs and every other Diamond Dog in the arena surged to their feet with looks of panic and worry on their faces. One of them, competing in the ice lance throw, jerked suddenly sending the lance into low hanging cloud cover, the ice starting to swallow the cloud and bring it down, though the unicorns on the ground crew easily dispersed it before it became a threat. All of them were looking around in a panic, nearly all of them were actively weeping for some reason that they couldn't explain. “What's wrong?” Twilight asked looking up at the three, ignoring Sunset and Saturnia who had been flung to the floor the moment Rahs surged to his feet. “That was weird.... felt like some one just stomped on mai grave.” Witch-Jack offered wiping her eyes. [ Tartarus] “Tirek...” Forgescale snapped, scales scraping against the metal bars of the cage as the great dragon rose to his feet.” Help me out of here. I have vengeance to enact.” Tirek raised an eyebrow at the dragon before walking over to his cage the centaur towering over the cage, the diamond dog gods power far more than expected. “Of course I shall help..... Myself.” Tirek grinned, opening his maw and drawing the power of a second god into his being as Forge Scale screamed and collapsed muttering vague threats of pain as the centaur chuckled and strode away from the cages. It was time to make the world suffer and take all the power for himself. > Twilight's Kraken, Part One, Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Twilight's Kraken, Part One, Prologue [ Off the Coast of the Zebralands] “Why are you still bitching about this shit!? “ Aria snapped. “It's because of you we're here in the first fucking place, so you should be complaining to a mirror or a still pool or what the fuck ever!” “Really, I didn't hear your ass trying to stop us from heading to Ponyville.” Adagio snapped back “I did!!! Multiple times I told you that going after, or any where near Canterlot was a bad idea!” Aria growled. Sonata frowned watching the two screaming at each other. Both of them were in their natural forms and towered over the little ship that the third siren sat on. The arguments between the two had gotten worse as the weeks progressed. Adagio was getting bored and more pissed as she had nothing to do but ruminate on the failure and the loss of her gem. Aria was keeping herself busy fiddling with the ship, though Adagio easily got on her nerves, and unlike Sonata who ignored her eldest sisters remarks and insults, Aria pushed back just as hard. The pair had come to blows more than once in the other world and once or twice already now that they were home. The snarling and shouting of the pair was likely going to build to a head and Sonata might need to step in and stop them before anything really bad happened. Adagio might be the older and stronger sister, but Aria being the middle child had actually learned how to fight. Granted that was as a human, so Sonata had no idea how that translated to giant sea serpent or pony form, but she didn't really wanna find out, particularly since Aria still had her gem and Adagio did not “And what are they fighting over this time?” “Literally nothing.” Sonata sighed. “They are fighting just to fight.” “Unfortunately I cannot say I'm surprised, though I'm afraid I need to stop this.” There was the snap of fingers and both Aria and adagio were back in their pony forms and both of them were dressed as babies complete with diapers, bibs , cute little bonnets, and pacifiers in their mouths to shut them up. “Ooh, good one.” Sonata nodded. “Ehh I was going for pink diapers on both of them rather than blue. And the rattles didn't show up. Guess I'm still tired.” The fighting pair's eyes widened as they took note of the figure sitting on the boat next to Sonata The draconequus stared back with his mismatched eyes, an expression of amused annoyance on his face. “Is it odd that I sorta missed this? Whatever. It took me a bit to catch back up with you three. You should have followed the map I left and gone north.” Discord sighed as he floated up to his feet. “What are you doing here!?” Adagio snapped after spitting out the pacifier. “Right now stopping you two from fighting again, but more importantly making sure I don't lose you three a second time.” Discord sighed. “And let me tell you, there have been some near misses. I've already gone against my nature keeping you three safe and I'm probably going to get super leperocy again from this nonsense now. Those little capes are terrible to try and get rid of.” “What?” Aria growled tossing the pacifier aside and standing up to get rid of the bib and the diaper with a grumble as she noticed the design on it. “Paw Patrol? Really?” “The fact you got that joke amuses me, and it was either that or Disney Princesses like Adagio got.” Discord added as Adagio worked to get rid of the foal clothing. “I never understood that, half of the girls counted as princesses are not even princesses until the end of their movie and only by marriage, so they are more Princesses in law.” Sonata pointed out and after marriage wouldn't they be queens? And why aren't Kida or Eilonwy counted as Princesses when they really are princesses even without getting married? Also do Lisa Simpson, and Dr. Frankfurter count as Disney Princesses since Disney bought Fox?” “Yes. “Discord stated, ”But also no.” “What are you even doing here father!?” Adagio snapped. “Saving you three again. Do you have any idea how hard it was keeping Sparkle butt from turning you three into fried calamari?” Discord sighed. “But there's a bigger situation now and I am going to make sure you three are well out of the line of fire from this one.” “What?” Aria demanded as her father snapped his fingers again. A gray plain of rock and dust greeted the trio as they and the ship reappeared, a barren desert devoid of water and any sign of life. The trio looked around in confusion at the vast expanse of nothing but gray around them, at least until Sonata looked up. “Oh wow.” Sonata exclaimed. Aria and Adagio looked up, following Sonata's gaze. Far above them was a blue and green marble floating in inky blackness. Oceans and continents slowly rotated as the ball turned, or as where they were moved around the sphere. Small dots of light were speckled across the inky black around them, some near enough to almost touch, that drifted with their own patterns and movements, and others much further away that seemed not to move at all. “Are we on the fucking moon!?” Aria gasped. “It was the safest place I could think of given the situation.” Discord sighed. ”I've restocked the boat so a few weeks here shouldn't be an issue. Hopefully by then this will be finished and the leech will be gone.” “Leech ?” Adagio asked. “A magic thief. And not the Robin Hood sort. I have no desire to see what would happen if he got a hold of any chaos magic, that includes what he might steal from you three if he found you.” Discord pointed out. “So you brought us to the moon?” Adagio growled. “It was either this or bring you back to Neighlantis.” Discord replied with a glare at his eldest daughter. “Oh.” Adagio winced. “I am trying to respect your wishes to remain independent. But you three are not making this easy. Granted neither is the rest of Equss.” Discord sighed as he gestured to the blue and green globe above them. ”To be honest I am very veeeeeeeeeeeeeeery tempted to drag all three of you back to your mother. Though until I figure out if that would be 'for your own good', 'for her benefit', or for the biggest 'I TOLD YOU SO!!' ever, I'm holding off doing that just yet.” “So what you've been following us the whole time we've been back?” Aria asked. “Not the whole time.” Discord huffed." Just the fun and dangerous parts." “I should have known it was you who left the ship.” Adagio grumbled. “Well as a certain little princess of mine pointed out, I missed a number of birthdays. So I was working on fixing that.” Discord poked Sonata in the nose making her giggle. There was silence for a few moments as the sirens looked between the planet, each other, and their father. “So.... what, are we just, waiting here?” Aria asked. “Well we could always pass the time by you three letting me know what you've been up to all these years. And if there's any colts I need to threaten with a shotgun.” Discord offered tapping his chin as he looked directly at Adagio, who did her best not to meet her fathers gaze. “Yeah I'd rather not.” Aria grumbled. ”Sonata's Sonata, Adagio is a slut, and I've not found any one worth my time.” “Be nice.” Discord chided. “In any case, I'd rather not, and you probably know all of it any way.” Aria grumbled. “Despite my 'VAST COSMIC POWER' " Discord stated, the tone echoing across the moon with a dramatic rumble. ”I don't know everything.” “Yeah well maybe another time.” Aria muttered not liking the fact it seemed she was still being coddled and watched over like she was a child. “I see." Discord frowned a little. “Well then, how about a card game instead? A little dragons made this one rather popular around Equss.” Discord grinned as some sort of odd, fin shaped blade appeared on his arm with a collection of cards stacked atop it. ”It's time to duel?” Sonata gasped. > Twilight's Kraken, Part One, Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Twilight's Kraken, Part One, Part 1 [Crystal Empire, early summer, 1 week after the Equestrian Games] “Pleeeeeeeeeeeeaseeeeee!?!” Princess Celestia begged. “No.” Twilight said flatly, her wings folded against her sides. “I did that crap in an emergency, and hated it. I am not becoming a princess just so you can have a vacation. Why don't you have Luna take over for a while, while you run off to a beach?” “The last time I left Luna in charge while I took a quick beach trip, she set fire to the school board.” Celestia turned and glared at Luna who shrugged. “S'truth. They refused our request to put out new school books informing students that there were two Princesses now, and an Empress.” Luna offered as she gestured at Cadence. “We then proceeded to destroy their building and then deny them their funding when they came to request money to rebuild Apparently their insurance caught wind of their refusal to accept me and thus, since I didn't exist in the history books, they would not cover damage caused by a non existent entity.” “That sounds like something I would do.” Twilight pointed out. “To be fair, Luna didn't ask them, she just blew up the building after only one exchange of letters.” Cadence added. “But they did change the books.” “Of course they changed the books rather than not have their creature comforts and that stupid meeting room.... I need to deal with them at some point. But uprooting ponies like that is like pulling teeth on a highly caffeinated, and annoyed, cragodile.” Celestia sighed.” Besides I would expect you to come up with a less violent way at first Twilight. You usually don't start at explosions, you just slowly work up to it.” “Not my problem. I have no interest in this delegation of yours, nor sitting on a balcony and waving to dignitaries or what ever else you would want me to do here.” Twilight huffed. “Well, that wouldn't be all you would do.” Celestia rolled her eyes. “Whatever. There's a library here I have yet to read all the books from and if this invite up here was just because of some stupid meeting with a duke and duchess, then I have plenty of free time to raid said library.” Twilight grinned then paused. “Wait. Where's Chrysalis? Shouldn't she be here meeting dignitaries to the Empire?” Celestia smirked. [ In the Crystal Empire Hive throne room.] Chrysalis stared at the metal pillar before her, the device was wrapped in a wire fence and glowed a soft blue. She frowned as she stared at the device and shook her head. “I don't know what's worse, that Celestia expects me to fall for a bug zapper, or that I am.” Chrysalis growled as she poked the device with a hoof. BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZTTT!!!!! “Well, whatever. I've got enough tasks with out adding politics on top of it. I need to finish the Familiar spell. ...” Twilight ranted. “Please.” Cadence added. “.. then figure out the Breezy Gate and how to fix it....” “Really. That would save quite a bit on resources every year.” Luna considered.” Not to mention our own stress from waiting for Teacup to lose it one year.” “... and there's still that stupid box harmony left, and. AND! The damn names left on the prophecy.” “I am working on those myself Twilight. Particularly as we are not sure if the Sirens counted towards it. Or if the Magic part really meant you.”Celestia sighed. “ Well. Thank you for that Celestia. “ Twilight sighed. “At least I don't have to focus on everything. I just hope whatever Rahs is doing doesn't come up as a problem.” “And what might your brother be doing?” Luna asked. “He says there's some Moon Dogs reporting that a number of the ones they are connected to aren't dreaming and thereby not producing and food that they can eat.” Twilight explained. “Being their god he's gone to look into it.” “Ahh. That has happened before on small scales. Either a tantabus or tapir is in the area, or there's a constant late night band practice.” Luna nodded. “Perhaps we should inform him not to worry. He seems to be able to deal with Tantabus' rather well. And tapirs just eat all the dreams and can easily be driven out of a town or village with loud noises. The band practice.. well... that depends on those stuck listening to it.” “Ehh, better let him figure it out for himself. His harem is almost tolerable when he's not around. At any rate I have a lead on the box and I'm gonna go for that first. I'm hoping to find something here in the...” Twilight trailed off giggling. “I told you it was a good Hearth's Warming present.” Cadence grinned at Luna who rolled her eyes. “... the Twilight Sparkle Central Library of the Crystal Empire.” Twilight continued to giggle and prance around in a circle before she recalled there were others there and quickly stopped.. “ Ahem sorry, but yeah I'm hoping they have something about the box.” “Well …. I suppose if I can't convince you to be more diplomatic....” Celestia sighed. “No.” Twilight stated flatly. “ … I suppose I should wish you luck on finding what you are looking for. I will keep you updated if anything is figured out about the prophecy.” Celestia sighed. “Alright, thank you Celestia. Enjoy your...... well, what ever it is.” Twilight offered with a wave of her wing before she vanished in a pop of teleportation from the room. “We told you it wouldn't work.” Luna offered as Celestia rolled her eyes. “If you want some pony to watch over Canterlot so you can relax somewhere, perhaps you should start teaching Sunset.” Cadence pointed out. “I have tried, but she's far too interested in Rahs right now and helping Twilight with the Familiar spell to do anything. Plus Granny said her help will be needed for the Zap Apple harvest this year, and I flat out refuse to miss getting a picture of Sunset dressed up like a cute little bunny hopping over water pails.”Celestia explained. “Fair enough.” Cadence nodded. [ Northern plains.] Tirek chuckled as he watched the herd of buffalo collapse and tumble across the dirt as their charge's momentum kept them moving forward as he drained their magic. The process was a little more of a power sink than he would usually bother with. It wasn't as if the stupid creatures had the sign of their magic printed on their ass ripe for the picking like ponies. Still he wasn't there for the buffalo themselves. “TIREK!!” There he was, as if the sudden snow fall in summer wasn't giveaway enough. “Hello Iinii.” Tirek smiled, as he turned to face the massive towering buffalo god, the centaur having to look up to do so. No matter how big Tirek got when he gained power, some how this damn bulky cow god managed to remain larger than he was. “I do not know how you managed to get out of Tartarus this time, but I will be sure to fix that problem once you are sealed away.” Iinii snarled, the snow swirling around him building into a blizzard. “Really, five members of the council and you are the only one to come. Disappointing.” Tirek sighed.” I suppose I will need to hunt down the others for their wrongful imprisonment of me later.” “Wrongful imprisonment!?”Iinii snarled as the blizzard increased, the snow turning to hail as it pepper Tirek making the centaur flinch as it slammed into him. “You killed thousands on your last rampage!” Tirek could tell the talking and the 'attack' were simply a distraction. The movement half hidden in the snow showed a number of non drained buffalo darting around and dragging off those he had sucked dry of magic. Tirek simply let them go, after all in a few months they might regain some strength so he could drain them again, he had no plans to go a full scorched earth. Unless he could do that with Teacup, that breezy needed to die, permanently this time. “All I did was drain their magic, that they died from that is hardly my fault. After all they fulfilled their true purpose, which was empowering me after all.” Tirek grinned. “Just as everything with magic will this time as well.” Iinii didn't respond, but surged forward, with a thick armor of ice and snow coating his form. Tirek shifted as the buffalo god charged. Predictable, though despite that Iinii was not one to be taken lightly, he was surprisingly agile for his size and if he managed to connect with a hit the blow would likely tear what ever was hit off of the centaur, even if it was his center torso. That had happened before and it was not pleasant. “I expect you are aware of all my tricks then.” Tirek offered darting to the side only for the buffalo to change course on a bit and continue to rush him with no loss of momentum. Clearly Iinii did have some new tricks himself. Though the word of several wars in the last few thousand years would of course mean Iinii had to keep in practice for combat. “Though, you should ask, who the last god who's power I drained was.” The buffalo god didn't slow, the quick movements of the centaur just barely keeping him ahead of the charging buffalo god. Iinii however had not yet worked up to full speed and every second that passed Tirek lost ground. The massive god of snows also didn't respond, though the expression changed from anger to a hint of worry. “ oh I suppose I'll tell you. No one important really. Just Grace.” Tirek grinned. Iinii's eyes shot wide open in his armor as Tirek swung his fist, smashing into and through the ice on the side of his Iinii's jaw, a black energy covering his fist as he did so. The massive buffalo stopped suddenly, crashing to the ground with a thunderous boom as the centaurs fist connected to his flesh. The blow was barely felt in truth, protected by the armor of ice, but with the stolen power of Grace, the goddess of death, all Tirek needed was a touch to kill. Not that he escaped unscathed, as the ice reformed as he broke through it, trapping his arm and ripping it bloodily from the socket as the massive buffalo fell to the earth. Tirek snarled. That ability cost him way too much of his magic. Even having devoured two gods, one utterly, the only reason he even managed to drain Grace was she hadn't seen him and was distracted by the death of a god and the draining of Forgescale. He had hid rather than flee and when she came to investigate he had drained her. He could hold onto the stolen power of the god he had most recently drained, but the use of said power was often far more wasteful than what he gained. Hence why he had hoped the whole council would have come to him so he could have gotten them all at once. Of course even he wasn't willing to risk facing Troph in his own domain after he took down the God of Tartarus and Rages wife. Hence why he fled Tartarus very quickly after that. Ripping though the ice as his arm regrew, Tirek exposed enough of the buffalo to begin draining him as Iinii came back to life. Even the power of death itself wouldn't stop a god for long. Draining Iinii would remove his ability to use the death touch, but it would be worth it as his next target was Kaz, and what better power to deal with fire, than ice. With the buffalo god down and weakened without his magic Tirek smirked. The rush of power from one of the council was better than a legion of mortals. Not like he would stop draining mortals of their magic after all, he needed their power to be strong enough to drain gods. So long as he maintained his power level, he could simply farm the gods for more energy as they recovered keeping himself rich with power. But if he ever wanted to drain the prime three he was going to need more power than this. His attention turned to the north feeling a large collection of power emanating from there. A rather strong energy from such an isolated place. He didn't recall any gods residing in any of the places this far north save Iinii. He glanced down to Iinii as the buffalo god groaned. A grin crossed his features as he reared back a leg, letting loose a kick that sent the massive creature soaring over the landscape to smash into the side of a distant mountain. The impact shook the landscape starting a multitude of avalanches and rock slides, burying the buffalo god in thousands of tons of debris as the mountain side partially collapsed on top of him. Tirek let out a sharp laugh, eager to crush the bugs of the council and to see if one could drown a sea pony. But first, it was time to see what was going on in the Crystal Empire. > Twilight's Kraken, Part One, Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Twilight's Kraken, Part One, Part 2 [ Four Days later. Ponyville] “So Rahs is still running around the Oneiroi?” Sunset questioned. “He's come back at least twice that I know of to keep me updated. Seems that odd event that happened with the diamond dogs at the stadium also affected all the moon dogs as well as all the diamond dogs that Jynx has asked so far. Though the diamond dogs are not all talking as evidently crying is a sign of weakness and most of them still hold that mindset.” Twilight pointed out as she rolled a hoof over the odd chest rocking it lightly on the table. “Seems Rahs has found a few dead spots in the dreams some of the moon dogs keep tabs on and he's checking out the locations personally to see if there's anything wrong with the ponies there. I did finally pass on what Luna told me, but he still figures it's his job to check it out. Wish he had that sort of drive to clean up anything around the house.” “Ehh, I'm sure one of us can shape him up.” Sunset grinned. “Specialy if Applejack manages to get him.” “I doubt that. I think she's picking up his bad habits.” Twilight huffed. “I've caught her sleeping in a sun beam almost as much as Rainbow Dash.” “Yeah, but at least if she's napping, you know her chores are done.” Sunset pointed out. “True enough.” Twilight admitted. Any further conversation was cut off as the door opened and the rest of the girls trotted or floated in. “Sup nerds.” Dash stated floating over to the table with a flap of her wings chuckling. “Nerds she says, like tha mare who ken tell us all tha major exports of Yakistan has any room tah call any pony else a nerd.” Applejack smirked shifting her hat a little as she followed in after Dash. “Is it snow? I bet the export is snow.” Pinkie Pie chimed up pronking in. “Actually darling all I can say with some certainty that it is it is not any of their lovely thick wool.” Rarity scoffed strolling in with the odd combination of her usually white coat and her nightmare colored mane and tail. “Yak wool is the best material around for winter clothing.” “Oh, so what is it Rainbow?” Fluttershy asked the new proto thestril /bat pony. Fluttershy had a bit of a rough start after her change, but aside from a few stares here and there, no one in town really seemed to care, and in some cases even notice the change. “Hey I was tricked into knowing that.” Dash huffed landing finally ,her ears flat to her head. “And the main export is peanut butter.” “Seriously?” Sunset questioned. “Anything Yaks can smash and then sell is something they are going to go out of their way to produce. Second biggest imports are gravel and sand.” Rainbow Dash sighed. “ Currently Prince is talking with them and trying to get a trade going for almond past and wine, though the yaks aren't as fond of crushing grapes as it stains their wool, so the angle this time is trying to turn it into a fashion statement.” “Wine stains are slated to be this falls fashion?” Rarity gasped. “Rainbow you simply must tell me when you get that sort of information!” “Before this gits any sillier what did yah need us all here fer?” Applejack questioned. “I may have found something out about the box due to some information I received.” Twilight explained offering a wary eye to Pinkie who stared on as if nothing was wrong. Twilight had gone to confront Pinkie about what she said to Rahs about the keys and had been summarily crushed by a meteor. Twice. As such she had opted to forget Pinkie had said anything and just be vague about where she got the data. “Pinkie did you have your chicken?” Twilight asked. “Yep!” Pinkie Pie stated as she pulled Henrietta out of her mane. “Pinkie, no, your chicken not Fluttershy's chicken.” Twilight sighed. “Ooh, right!” Pinkie stated putting the chicken back into her hair much to Fluttershy's distress then pulling out Gummy in a chicken suit. “No Pinkie, the rubber chicken..” Twilight stated her eye twitching a little. “Gosh Twilight I didn't know you were into that sort of thing. Kinky.” Pinkie Pie stated as Fluttershy blushed. “What?! NO! The rubber chicken you got from Cheese Sandwich!!” Twilight stated in a higher pitch than normal, clearly getting frustrated. “OOOOOOOOOOH, Boneless.” Pinkie gasped. “Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees.” Twilight offered as Pinkie pulled out the rubber chicken whipping her head back and forth with it in her mouth making it scream and squawk. “Right, I have reason to believe that this is one of the keys to the box.” Twilight pointed out. “Ummm?” Sunset raised an eyebrow as Pinkie Pie's head whipped back and forthe like a dog with a toy, the squawking. “Give it a moment.” Twilight offered rubbing her forehead with a hoof as she slowly counted backwards from the two hundredth digit of pi. “Pinkie.” Fluttershy stated. “Yes?” Pinkie asked releasing Boneless mid swing, sending the chicken flying to smash into Twilight's face sending her falling out of her chair with a yell. The others simply watched the rubber chicken flip gracefully into the air and land with a last squawk on top of the locked chest. “I didn't even ask this time!!!” Twilight shouted at the universe from the floor. The rest of the group stared in awe as the chicken glowed with a flash of rainbow colors before transforming into a key with the bow of it turning into a copy of Pinkie's cutie mark. “What the heck was that!?” Rainbow Dash demanded. Twilight grumbled sitting up as she picked up the key and looked it over. ”Well at least that proves the statement was correct. At any rate that's one key of six.” Applejack tilted her head considering as she sniffed the air. She walked up to the table taking off her hat and pulling a bit from it before putting her hat back on. She considered the bit in her hoof a moment before pressing it to the box. “Applejack what are you..? Twilight asked as another flash of rainbow light appeared and Applejack was left holding a key with her own cutie mark. “Ah caught a whiff of that scent of magic before when Shill gave me this bit after that whole nonsense with tha potions. “ Applejack offered. ”Figured it was worth a shot.” “Seems you were right.” Twilight considered. ”Have you caught the scent of any other magic like this?” “Fraid not.” Applejack sighed. “Rahs said he smelled something like the box at the qualifying trials for the Equestria games.” Twilight offered. “ Did any one else get something from there?” “That's when Spitfire gave me a Wonderbolts pin... you think that might be something?” Rainbow Dash added. “Might be, grab it and we'll see.” Twilight considered. “Back in a sec.” Rainbow Dash offered taking off like a shot out the door. “If it is the pin than this is just the Element thing again.” Sunset offered. “Right.” Twilight nodded.” Applejack got the coin by being honest and stopping the sham going on. Pinkie got the chicken by bringing laughter and joy with Cheese. And if the pin is the third key Rainbow got that by being loyal to her team and calling out Spitfire for trying to recruit her.” “So was there anything that you two got recently that you gained due to kindness or generosity?” Sunset asked Rarity and Fluttershy. “Well no, I don't think so..... oh maybe that flower, it's still fresh like it was just picked some how, and Angel hasn't even tried to eat it.”Fluttershy considered. “Darling that hardly narrows anything down for me. After all you do something nice for someone and you never know if they will do something nice for you.......” Rarity trailed off with an odd look on her face. “ Actually darlings I will be right back, I do have something that may fit the criteria.” “Well. Not like I'm going any where.” Twilight offered as she worked on fitting the two keys she had into an appropriate key hole. [ Later] “Well that's five of the six keys.” Sunset sighed.” Are you sure you haven't helped some random person magically or friendshipidely lately?” “That's not a word.” Twilight huffed. “I could say it is from the other world and there would be no way for you to know if I'm lying or not.” Sunset grinned. “Ahem.” Applejack huffed. “Spoil sport.” Sunset smirked. “No. I haven't done anything like that at all. Nothing that counts as Magic or even friendship...” Twilight muttered. “Still say that's corny.” Rainbow Dash huffed. “.... unless.....” Twilight trailed off considering before looking at Sunset. “What? Wait AHHH!” Sunset yelped as Twilight's magic lifted her up bodily and floated her over the table to smack her against the box a few times. “Okay, that was bullshit Sparkle.” Sunset growled as she was plonked back in her seat. “Well that wasn't it. Wonder if I can smack Sombra into it a few times?” Twilight considered. “Please don't” Rarity sighed.” I understand you still have issues with him causing your untimely demise, but I would prefer you two at least be civil.” “Actually I hardly blame him for that anymore. I would have done the same in the situation, were it reversed.” Twilight admitted. “Why does that worry me?” Sunset pointed out. “Cause yah been hanging out with Twi enough tah know better.” Applejack offered. “In any case Rarity, you don't have to worry about me seeking revenge on your colt friend.” Twilight offered. “ We have something of an understanding now.” “One date hardly makes him my colt friend Twilight.” Rarity huffed. “Oh, but Rarity he's just what you always wanted. Tall, dark, handsome. He's a prince, he gets along well with your sister, and you both like ice cream. Plus he's just bad enough to keep things interesting.” Fluttershy explained as every one looked to the former pegasus then back to Rarity who had turned red. “Fluttershy. Darling. Please stop helping.” Rarity stammered. “Oh. Sorry.” Fluttershy meeped. “Just give me at least a month before the wedding so I can plan the best party ever.” Pinkie Pie chimed in. “Pinkie Pie there is no … ARRRGH!” Rarity screamed. “Ah the anguished cry of the damned.” Spike offered as he came into the room. “Is someone teasing Rarity about Sombra again?” “Yup.” Rainbow Dash chuckled. “Something up Spike? I thought you were trying to avoid dealing with the box in case it blew up.” Twilight questioned. “Oh I was, but I just got a message from Celestia and Luna, they want you to come to Canterlot immediately. They have a chariot on it's way.” Spike held up the scroll. “Why are you reading my messages?” Twilight frowned. “Hey, I coughed it up literally, so I get first peek.” Spike huffed. “Heh, be careful Spike. You don't wanna be playing tonsil hockey with Applebloom and choke her with a sudden scroll.” Rainbow Dash laughed only to be smacked up side the head with Applejack's hat. > Twilight's Kraken, Part One, Part, 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Twilight's Kraken, Part, 1 Part, 3 [Canterlot, throne room, Monday] Twilight did not know what to expect in truth. If it had just been Celestia, she might have figured another attempt at a vacation was going to be made. The scroll however was from both the sisters and it was short, making her worry that they might have already discovered something about another of the prophecy names. As she and Spike strode into the throne room, mostly as Spike refused to let her go alone, and after the last few times she didn't disagree with him that much, they were both surprised to see the four figures there. Princess Celestia and Luna of course, but also Princess Cadence, and Queen Chrysalis and she and Celestia were not trying to kill each other. “This is serious.” Spike muttered looking between the two. “Is it too much to ask that just once when I ask for just Twilight, I get just Twilight?” Celestia sighed. “Pretty much.” Spike offered as Celestia sighed. “We have a problem. A rather large one in fact.” Luna stated. “The Crystal Empire was attacked this morning.” Cadence continued. “What!?! By Who!? What happened where's Shining Armor!?!” Twilight demanded before Spike could get a word out. “Shiny is fine Twilight, calm down, that's why Chrysalis and myself are here in truth.” Cadence placated “Damn fine in fact.” Chrysalis purred. “What happened?” Twilight stated again. “Well.... Cadence started. [Frozen North] Tirek smiled as the city came into view. The place was massive, just as he recalled it, though the train station and resort were new, both were devoid of ponies. Though he could see plenty in the city itself hurrying around the streets as if their impending doom wasn't about to claim them. Tirek strode forward with a grin. And slammed face first into a nearly invisible shield. “WHAT?!” Tirek snapped growling stepping back to rub his nose. He glared at the shield as it rippled from the impact. “I see. Fools.” Tirek chuckled at the magic barrier before him poking it a little, what idiot thought a magic shield would stop him? The centaur opened his mouth and started to inhale the magic. Except. He wasn't. Tirek blinked and looked at the shield in confusion before opening his mouth to try and drain it again, and again he gained nothing from it. “What madness is this!?!” Tirek snapped punching the shield and wincing as his fist bounced off it. “Hello.” The centaur looked around, then down to a pony that only came up to his knee. A unicorn stallion with white fur and a blue mane with a splotch of black around his horn. The pony was dressed in some sort of crystal armor though with the markings on it he looked like some sort of noble or royalty. “And who might you be?” the pony asked simply. Tirek frowned and once more tried to drain the shield and the pony behind it to no effect. “ Ahh I see. Well then vacuum sales pony. We have quite enough vacuums here, the representative from Rainbow came by a while back and I think we might have bought all his stock. I really need to give every pony a crash course in modern tech.” The white stallion considered. ”Also I probably should warn the diamond dogs here, they really hate vacuums.” “I am not a vacuum sales pony, what ever that is, I am Lord Tirek!” “That's nice.” The pony offered. “My name is Emperor Shining Armor Sparkle, and I am going to have to ask you to leave. We have a strict no soliciting policy out here in the snow fields.” “Pah. As if you are going to be able to stop me from draining your magic pony.” Tirek growled punching the shield to less effect than his trying to drain it. “Dunno . I seem to be doing pretty good so far. But then again I spent quite a few years training to resist magic drain with my brother. This sucking thing you're doing, it's just creeping me out. I know two very nice mares who do a much better job than you....” “He did not say that!” Cadence snapped. “He totally did!” Chrysalis laughed. “Get on with it!” Twilight demanded. “YES, Get on with it!!” Spike repeated. “Any way we got word of your coming from a buffalo friend of ours. So I figured I could probably slow you down a bit so the rest of the city could evacuate or get to a shelter. But even better, it seems I can keep you out.” Shining shrugged.” Who knew.” “You cannot keep this shield up forever unicorn.” Tirek growled. “Wow, you do not know me at all do you?” Shining Armor shook his head with a smirk. “I will find a way past this shield pony and I will crush you and drain your empire and there is nothing you can do to stop me.” Tirek snarled.” I have devoured gods, you are nothing.” “Yeah, well I only have one thing to say about that vacuum sales pony... thing.” “And what might that be, to beg for your life for obstructing me!?” “No.” “Then, what!?!” “Fire.” Tirek blinked at a sound like a rubber band snapping echoed loudly across the snowy plain he was on. Looking around he saw nothing, though he noticed that the sky was darkening. Looking up the centaur was greeted to a cloud of arrows, boulders, and ballista spikes raining down on him. The massive centaur roared as the weapons hammered into him, though the sky darkening volley was only the first as bolts, boulders and ballista continued to rain down on him along with oil and and bottles of fire. Despite being freed from their stasis for the last two years, the ponies of the Crystal Empire did remember what it was like in Sombra's rule, the six years the Prince was king saw the Empire under constant attack, as such the city had a large number of anti siege weapons. Which were not different from siege weapons, save the direction they pointed, as Tirek was finding out. The centaur fell back still getting blasted and hammered by weapons that, while, they couldn't kill him, hurt like hell and had no magic for him to drain. The fall back turned into a retreat as Tirek was still getting beaten by 95 kilogram stone projectiles over 300 meters from the shield. “I will be back and crush you!!” Tirek bellowed. “Cool, bring back a pizza.” Shining yelled after him. “He did not say that.” Cadence huffed. “Did so, swear to Celestia's fat ass.” Chrysalis stated putting a hoof on Celesta's flank. The solar princess raised and eyebrow, then set the bug on fire. “Any way.” Cadence offered ignoring the screaming of Chrysalis. “The plan that he had, that he did without permission by the way, was to stall Tirek and let everyone else get away. But it turned out Tirek couldn't drain his shield Now that Tirek has moved on Moon Dancer is prepared to cast her alicorn hiding spell on the empire if he comes back, she can't hold it for long, but it will keep him away if he manages to gather enough power to crack Shining Armor's shield. Which brings us to you.” “Tirek is on his way here to Canterlot to drain us. We cannot let the power of the sun and moon be taken, even a day where the cosmic cycle does not progress is enough to cause damage. If we are drained it may be months before the cycle could be restored.” Celestia offered.” Going by how Shining Armor is immune to Tirek's drain, and my own notes from you and Rahs growing up, we know it wouldn't have an effect on you either.” “I'm not a barrier specialist like my brother though, I don't think I could put up a shield over all of Canterlot.” Twilight frowned. “They don't expect you to put up a shield Sparkle. They expect you to take their portfolios and keep the sun and moon spinning.” Chrysalis sighed. “That....... is one of the stupidest things I have heard in a long time.” Twilight deadpanned. “I mean how would that even work? You can't figure out how to make a pony your familiar, but you can pass off a portfolio like a trading card?” “We agree it is dumb.” Luna huffed. “To be fair it was not something we had heard of . Passing off one's power means giving up being a god, and there's no set guarantee that the powers what is would allow it to be returned, or even passed to where it was supposed to go in the first place.” Celestia explained.” Cadence however has brought to our attention a way that will allow us to transfer the power of the spells entirely while still being able to get them back.” “How?” Twilight blinked “That would be me.” Chrysalis sighed.” It's something I figured out Changelings could do a while back.” “I ask again, HOW?” Twilight demanded. “Well when a mommy alicorn and a mommy changeling decide to get their freak on, and ...” “STOP! NOT WHAT I MEANT!” “Look Sparkle we don't have time for me to get the thousand bit word explanation if it. Just know that as a changeling I can transfer magic as a whole from one pony to another without being able to keep so much as a Thraum of it myself. Perils of being a creature powered by emotion from another dimension. I can't absorb or create 'real' magic.” Chrysalis explained. “I've done shit in the past like this as a party trick, normally I would expect you to explode from having all this crap dumped into you, but you're the goddess of magic so I bet you can take some more.” “Why? Can't you just run?” Spike asked. “To be fair we expect Tirek will attack and kill ponies until he gets what he wants and there is not enough time to evacuate Canterlot.” Celestia sighed. “By passing on our magic, he might get us, but he won't get the power from us. He has already claimed Iinii, Bleu, Fledge and several other gods. He may not be able to kill them, but they have been rendered powerless. What ever the last god he drained had in their portfolio, he can use.” I for one am glad he never got a hold of Discord.” “Granted no one's even seen him for a few weeks.” Cadence offered. “I suppose he is hiding.” “We know where he is.” Luna scowled her ears flat to her head. [ Three nights ago] Discord and Sonata ran past the boat carrying large rocks. After a moment they ran back. Then they ran past again carrying more rocks. Adagio and Aria watched them curiously as the pair giggled like mad. “Do I want to know?” Adagio questioned. “Likely not.” Aria nodded. [ Three nights ago.] Luna stared up at the silvery orb of her moon, one ear twitching and her eyes narrowed. Spelled out on the surface of her moon, in what she assumed was a large gathering of rocks, was the phrase, 'Moonbutt is an emu.' “We will kill him.” Luna growled spinning her moon around so the words faced out into space. The other alicorns and Chrysalis looked at Luna with some worry as the mare growled to herself. “What about Teacup, Tirek's magic doesn't bother breezies?” Twilight asked. “For at least a month after the migration Teacup vanishes somewhere to sulk. “Luna sighed “ We have no idea where Teacup even is right now.” “At any rate the crystal empire will be the last bastion for the council to gather and figure out how to put a stop to this. Right now we are bait really. But the sun and moon must continue to rise and set.” Celestia explained. “And what about Cadence, why is she giving me her power too” Twilight asked. “You know love makes the world go round. And love, baby makes the seesaws go up and down. And it makes trees grow tall ….” “Yes, yes, we get it Cadence ..” Spike stopped the song. “So are you gonna do this Twilight?” “I suppose so. These are all valid points if I can actually get a handle on that much power.” Twilight sighed. “Spike I have an important job for you as well. This is going to take a bit of time I need you to go to Ponyville and make sure Sunset goes into hiding.”Celestia pointed out. “Sombra as well.” Luna offered. “Ditto for Saturnia. Changelings can't be drained but my daughter is only half changeling.” Chrysalis offered.” Tell her it's a direct order.” “Will she listen to that?” Spike questioned. “She will. Unlike lard ass here I kept good relations with my foal.” Chrysalis grinned glaring at Celestia and pretending not to notice Luna's wince. “Now if only I can get Cady to hang out with her more.” Cadence rolled her eyes. “We shall send you back young Spike. Be careful of who you tell what you learned here as we do not wish Tirek to find out about family he can threaten for our power.” Luna offered. “Right good luck Twilight.” Spike nodded as he and Luna vanished in a flash of light only for Luna to return a moment later having dropped Spike off in Ponyville. [ Later Golden Oaks library.] Spike exhaled as he finished the recap.”.... So that's what's going on. I need to let Rahs know as soon as he gets back.” The former Element Bearers and Sunset looked to one another then back to Spike. “Is everyone thinking what I'm thinking?” Rainbow Dash asked. “I think so Brain, but burlap chaffs me so.” Sunset muttered. ”Narf.” Pinkie Pie giggled. “That Ponyville will be ground zero for a massive fight when Twilight gets pissed off?” Rarity asked. “That tomorrow is Tuesday, so it's a sure bet that's when it will happen?” Fluttershy pointed out. That there have been far too few songs in this episode?” Pinkie Pie asked. “Right, Ah'll get the town ready, we need tah git every one intah tha shelters. Rarity let Sombra and Jynx know. Pinkie go find Saturnia and tha changelings an let them know.” Applejack began. “Fluttershy git yer critters secured, Dash ah need yah tah warn tha surrounding towns just in case. Tell um ah sent yah so they dun question if yer pranking um. Alright now we only got a bit of time, Sunset you should prolly git an take Spike with yah, both of yah are demigods and we dun need this guy draining yah.” “Nuts to that, I'm not going any where.” Spike huffed before yelping as Sunset picked him up with her magic. “No problem. I have something to check out myself and having Spike along might help”Sunset offered cryptically.” Be sure to lock up before you go.” “Don't you dare, this is dragon napping I'll....” Spike shouted. With a flash of light Spike and Sunset were gone from the library. “Well..... okay.” Applejack blinked. “ That was easy.” > Twilight's Kraken, Part Two, Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Twilight's Kraken, Part 2, Prologue [Outer edges of Equestria.] Rahs frowned crouching down to look over the giant hoof prints in the mud. Whatever this thing was it was massive, and if the state of the town was any indication, it was a problem. The scent of it was easy enough to track even if he couldn't smell the fruit punch styled mix of various flavors of magic that followed after this thing. It smelled like a foul cesspool that some one dumped several fruit carts a perfume stand and anything else they could into. Standing back up he glanced to the collection of moon dogs he brought out with him. Most of them were the care takers of the towns ponies dreams. Now they were caring for them physically. Whatever it was that had come through this place had drained the ponies here of their magic and left most of them catatonic. Out of a town of about sixty ponies, so far they had found only three that had not been drained, two of those had been changelings, the third had been out of town. It had taken a bit to convince the remaining locals they were not there to hurt them, though once that was done it hadn't taken long to collect the fallen ponies and move them some where safe. Rahs had left a collection of moon dogs to watch over the townsfolk and drive off any predators in all of the towns he had been to. With luck he could find the cause of this problem and deal with it before anything got worse. With the ponies magic drained like this, they were not feeding their magic into the dreams, and thus the chance of the moon dogs starving was a possibility. This was the fifth town he had found like this, thankfully injuries were mild, and they had only found one death, and that was an old stallion on a respirator. When the magic was drained from the device it stopped working and the stallion died. As did the moon dog guarding his dreams. Whatever had done this was going to pay. As Rahs slipped back into the Oneiroi to track the creature, he didn't notice the points of light on his ears and tail had started to flare brightly looking less like the moon, and more like the flickers of a sun. Across Equss gods stopped what they were doing and looked in one direction. There was a flare of power coming from that way. Some of them had no idea what was in that direction, though quite a few recognized the source as some where on the pony dominated continent. Others could pinpoint it came from Equestria, and fewer still could pin point it was Canterlot specificity. One of those last few was a massive centaur who simply smiled and rushed towards the source of the energy. Another, was a white rabbit, who was simply watching this from slightly out of phase of time, no sense in letting the magic stealer steal a way to alter time after all. A large number of gods were behaving like this. Hiding rather than facing this head on, with some of their portfolios that was for the best. White was however countering this in a interesting way. “We should destroy him while we can.”Bleu huffed. “You have done no such thing.” White proclaimed. “ I will only bring you here to maintain you're powers so nothing goes wrong, nothing more.” “PiTy.” Grace offered. “I sUpPoSe I aM nOt AlLoWeD tO tElL tRoPh?” “No. Despite things working out, you have not told him.” White stated. “What are we here for then. I recall when this happened and I do not relish the memory.” Iinii huffed. “With you here your portfolio's are still active. Death, the snows, the wind . All of it still works despite the fact that you have also fallen here and therefore it does not work. “ White explained. “ I will simply overlap so there is no separation, and put you back when it's done. I will do the same for the alicorns except.....” “They went a different route.” Bleu offered. “Precisely.” White nodded. “So what now?” Fledge asked. “We wait.” White stated. “For wha...?” Bleu asked her head whipping to the side at the tremendous flare of power that quickly subsided. “And here, we went.....” White smiled > Twilight's Kraken, Part Two, Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Twilight's Kraken, Part Two, Part 1 [ Tuesday morning, ?] “Lacewing. Report” “My Queen. Bravo team has reached the first towns known to be affected by Tirek.” The mirror stated. “And?” Chrysalis asked as she rubbed her head, that stupid transference took more out of her than expected. The worst part of it was Cadence refused to leave with her, insisting that she and the other alicorns needed to stay to buy time and throw Tirek off Twilight's trail. Chrysalis growled lightly. Both Cadence and Shining were going to be sleeping on the couch for a month... different couches at that. “My Queen?” the mirror asked. “Sorry, could you repeat that?” “Yes it seems the town is being guarded by some sort of Diamond Dog pack, none of us can get close enough to investigate.“ “Diamond Dogs?” “Yes, my queen, they are not in enough numbers that they should cause issue if we press forward....” “THEY”RE MOON DOGS, YOU IDIOT!” “SHUT UP KATYDID!!” Lacewing shouted at some one off the side of the mirror.” NO ONE ASKED YOU!” “Lacewing. Put her on.” Chrysalis stated flatly. “My Queen? Do not worry yourself about.....” “LACEWING.” Chrysalis snapped. “Put Katydid on the mirror.” “Yes my queen.” Lacewing winced backing away and another changeling moved before mirror. “Well Katydid? Why are you calling them moon dogs?” The changeling stiffened before she swallowed hard at being put on the spot like this, though she began to speak. “ My Queen I was part of the team dispatched to investigate everything we could on the Sparkles during the invasion of Canterlot. With the exception of the sizes and genders everything about these canines fits the description of the race of Rahs Sparkle. Right down to the glowing points of light over their ears and tails. There is also the trait that they only seem to bark or meow rather than speak equish.” “So that's where he got off to.” Chrysalis muttered with a small smirk. “Katydid is Lacewing still there?” “Yes my queen.” “Good, Lacewing under no circumstances are you to antagonize the moon dogs. Do what you can to convince them that you are there to help and complete your mission. Also relay this information to any other teams in that area. If Rahs Sparkle left them here to help, then we are not going to get in the way of that. I have other teams to contact, do you understand your new orders?” “Yes my Queen.” both changelings stated. “Good.” Chrysalis cut the mirror connection and paused before pinging the next team. She wondered briefly what Rahs might look like right now, after what happened to Twilight.... Chrysalis shuddered recalling what the mare's appearance after all that power went into her. If Twilight was found by Tirek, she almost felt sorry for him. Almost. [ Ponyville.] Applejack stood on top of the crystal tower that the Apple's had turned into a barn, a spyglass aimed towards Canterlot, and more importantly the plumes of smoke rising from the city. “Dash. Tell everyone tah git ready. Looks like he's made it tah Canterlot. Shouldn't be long afore he comes down here.” Applejack ordered the pegasus flying on her left. “Right.” Rainbow Dash hesitated as she looked at the mountain. “Ah'm sure he's fine Rainbow.” Applejack smiled lightly reaching up to pat her friend on the shoulder. “Yeah.... I guess.... you think Twilight's alright up there?” Rainbow Dash frowned. “Huh? Oh yeah, I'm sure she's fine too.” Applejack shook her head. “Now Git we ain't got much time.” “Right!” Rainbow Dash nodded, taking off to alert the town. Applejack let out a sigh and turned to look to the Everfree forest behind her. Rainbow couldn't tell, but Applejack could smell the magic. Twilight wasn't in Canterlot. [ Canterlot] The city was in ruins. Despite the orders of the Princesses many residents refused to leave. They had, after all, survived , chaos, Nightmare Moon, a changeling invasion, the Princesses being foal napped, and the Sparkles. What was one more invader. Most fled when ordered, going to the shelters in the mines or taking the last trains toward the Crystal Empire. Many did not. None of the Guard did. When Tirek entered the city he was put under siege by the tactics of five different Guard divisions, Royal, Night, Wonderbolts, Training, and the Monster Hunters. All of them had full info on the creature attacking from the small number of the Crystal, Heart, and Changeling Guard that came with Princess Cadence and Queen Chrysalis. Magic was used sparingly, mostly as bait, ranged weapons were used primarily , some with magic propulsion to increase their speed without leaving anything for Tirek to eat on impact, traps were laid. For every foot of ground Tirek gained, he paid for it in pain and his blood. The remaining civilians were brought to safety, Guards were taken out in droves as they were cornered, but still they fought on, ignoring the Princesses orders to retreat. In his rage the centaur shattered the city, destroying over half the buildings still standing at random, blowing centuries old structures off the face of the mountain and collapsing parts of the city to tumble down the Manterhorn. In response, the guards dropped buildings on him with shaped charges and simply fought harder to hold him back from the castle. In years to come, numerous heroic tales would be told about this attack. Heroic rescues, epic last stands, a joint camaraderie between all aspects of the guard that brought about a surge of pride among those that fought , and a renewed faith in the Guard itself among the populace. The mortal ponies of the Guard held off a god for hours. In the end, the phrase that would be spoken for centuries about this conflict was simply, 'Canterlot broke before the Guard did.' [ Canterlot Castle] “You are not on the list. You do not gain entry.” the stallion stated simply staring up at the perplexed centaur. “You must be joking.”Tirek growled looking down at the unicorn pony. Starched Collar stared back impassively “I most certainly am not. My family has been guarding this door for six hundred years and on our watch no enemy of Equestria has ever passed through them and I am certainly not going to be the first of my line to fail in that duty. ”Starched Collar stated cricking his neck a little. ”You. Shall. Not . Pass.” [ Inside the throne room.] There was the sound of violence and the sound of draining of magic. Then there was the sound of impacts before silence. More impacts followed an again silence. A moment later a wall on the wall to the far left of the door blew open, leaving the tall doors still sealed as Tirek strode though the hole instead. “Ponies are ridiculous.” Tirek huffed as he glared at the still sealed door. There was a flap of wings and a wet thunk of metal impacting flesh. “GRAH!!!” Tirek roared, backhanding Luna across the throne room. The silvery haired alicorn smashed through three pillars before she crashed to the ground and slid to a stop against the back wall of the chamber. Tirek reached back with a wince and yanked the ax embedded in his spine from his back. He glared at the offending weapon before he tossed it aside, the wound healing quickly. “Trying to take my head Luna?” Tirek snarled working his shoulder as the new muscle reformed. “Our first target was thine genitalia, but it was so small we couldn't find it.” Luna coughed trying to push herself upright. Tirek roared firing off a blast of power that flung the alicorn through the wall completely and dropped a ton of rubble on her. “If this is your best then....” Tirek trailed off as his head fell from his body. “You were saying?” Celestia snarled, the pink haired alicorn growled around the hilt of a massive burning sword. Celestia was quickly grabbed and smashed repeatedly head first into the marble floor, the sword skittering across the marble as she lost her grip on it. She was then thrown into her throne, destroying the Equestrian seat of power as she rag dolled across the rest of the room to come to a stop impacting the back wall as well just as Luna managed to pull herself out of the rocks panting hard. “As I was saying.” Tirek snarled as he cricked his neck, his head reforming out of his body. “ If this is your best...” Tirek trailed off, his gaze shifting to the side with a confused expression on his face. There was some low thrumming music playing from some where, and a pink alicorn was moving and spinning provocatively around a large red pole stuck in the ground. The centaur blinked, then looked questioningly at the two prone princesses. Luna slapped both hooves over her face and Celestia gave a lopsided shrug. While Tirek was distracted however he suddenly discovered he had a very massive hole in his equine torso leaving only a bit of flesh along his spine keeping him connected to his rear legs. The wall behind him was likewise punctured with a massive hole as well as a tree outside and a series of clouds in the distance. No debris littered the ground either from the vanished wall or his torso or the tree. “Damn I missed his head.” Cadence huffed, her 'pole' gone. “Don't worry, we couldn't find it either.” Luna pointed out. [ The Moon] “JESUS CHRIST!” Discord yelped backing away from the spear. Embedded in the moon not far from the draconequus was a two pronged red spear. The twin prongs curling around each other like a ridged ribbon that wrapped around itself to become the main haft. The loaf of bread Discord had been eating impaled by the weapon. “Wait a minute I've seen this anime.” Sonata pointed out. “What kind of idiot colt cries when asked to pilot a giant freaking robot and live with two hot mares?” [Canterlot] “We told you not to throw your spear like that unless it was a sure victory.” Luna offered to Cadence who was half embedded in the wall above her. “I'm a lover not a fighter.” Cadence huffed. “Besides I can usually get the Lance of Longingness back after I throw it. He does have those dating columns to take care of after all.” “Ridiculous name.” Celestia pointed out. “Says the mare who named her first sword, 'The Fuck Bringer.” Luna snarked. “I was twelve.” Celestia huffed. ”It sounded cool at the time.” “ENOUGH!” Tirek roared opening his mouth, the mares winced feeling their magic draining, the alicorns going limp. “What? WHAT IS THIS?!! WHERE IS YOUR POWER? I've drained ponies stronger than this!?” “It shrunk in the wash.” “It's cold out.” “Probably in the couch, we are always losing it there with our keys.” “GRAAAAAAAAAAH” Tirek roared and snatched the three mares up, crushing them in his grip as he growled. With no answer forth coming and barely even any whimpering from the three he ripped open a portal in reality and threw them in. It was risky using the power he drained from Rataoskr, on the way here, to open a portal to Tartarus, but these mares would either be stuck there or bring the ire of Troph, and if the god or rage came for him, that was a power he could use. With the mares gone he looked around the place with a growl, seeing nothing of note save countless shattered stained glass windows. That wasn't done from the pink ones attack. as he hadn't heard any glass breaking on this scale. Tirek moved to one window and allowed a small spell to drain him slightly to restore the glass to it rightful place. The centaur blinked as he looked over a scene of six ponies beating a draconequus. That was likely the fabled god of Chaos Discord. One day he would find that one. Restoring another window showed two ponies, a young dragon, and a diamond dog in heroic poses ,with the pink alicorn above them holding a heart made of crystal. The purple mare was in this one too. Restoring a third window made Tirek pause. Was this who Forthe had been talking about. The image showed the purple mare from the other images, now with wings spread wide. It would not be the first time a powerful enough summoner rose to prominence, and there was a diamond dog in one of the images. “A new god.... is this Twilight Sparkle?” Tirek growled, his attention turning to the hole the spear made in the wall, and the view that showed a town far down below at the base of the mountain, right where Forthe had said there would be one. “Perhaps this will not have been a wasted trip after all.” [ Oneiroi ] Rahs howled in pain as magic rippled through him. [Everfree Forest.] In a hollow of stone in a gulch at the base of the Castle of the Two Sisters Winnysor, a figure rested. “....four, six, two, six, four, eight” The figure recited numbers, seemingly counting down. Purple fur shifted in color as one looked at it sliding into a much darker hue of blue, then to pink, and then white before sliding back to the darker shades, depending on the viewers angle. “…. three, two, three, nine, seven....” Massive wings folded against the figures sides, shifting in hue along each feather much the way the fur was. “…. Nine, eight, five, three, five, six,.....” The figures mane and tail swirled in the air around her, reflecting the colors of the sunset with the hint of the stars peeking through as if nightfall was but a heart beat away. “.... two, nine, five, one, four, one, point three.” The figure exhaled as she stopped the recital, her ears perking up as she felt the flicker of power as a gate opened somewhere. Her cutie mark, half hidden by her flowing mane seemed to be the merging of the sun, the moon, a crystal heart, and a set of six stars. Twilight Sparkle shifted on the dirt inside the cave that once housed the Tree of Harmony, this place had hidden the tree for so long she thought it might mask her presence as well from Tirek. Once more she started counting backwards the numbers of Pythagoras' Theorem, trying to regulate the energy rushing through her. She could feel him coming, she needed to be ready, she realized when she agreed to this she would have too much power to hide from him, and she had no plans to run.. Her eyes opened, orange flames flickering from under the eyelids, the flames flickering and running along the sides of her face flaring out in flickering waves of heat. The mare stared through the rock wall towards where Canterlot was, black lines of darkness like split feline pupils sat in the center of the burning fire of her open eyes as she stared into nothing a moment before closing them again. “Four. Nine. Zero. Six. One. One. Five...” > Twilight's Kraken, Part Two, Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Twilight's Kraken, Part Two, Part 2 [?] “He's on the move again my Queen.” “Where?” Chrysalis demanded of the mirror. “Leaving Canterlot, his course is taking him towards Ponyville.”the mirror said. “I have reports that he restored a number of the smashed stained glass windows in the throne room and has identified Twilight Sparkle as an alicorn. Scouts also heard the name Forthe mentioned.” “Bucking ghost.... What about Cadence?” “No sign of her my Queen.” “Damn it Cady... how's rescue efforts progress ?” “The mana ley line network in Canterlot is completely drained. ETA to restoration six hours minimum, the crystals are completely shot and need replacement and there's no background magic to charge the new crystals. Back up mana units have already been mobilized to area hospitals to restore life support and any critical functions.” the mirror reported. “Teams Gamma through November are working on search and rescue in the ruins. Team's Tango through X-ray are tracking down evacuees and those sheltering under the city. No Moon Dogs reported in Canterlot.” “So he isn't there yet... or ….” Chrysalis winced. “I want all teams not currently engaged in search and rescue to prepare to move to Ponyville, leave the ones in shelters be for the moment. He's going after his main target and I want every ling there try and salvage what's left as soon as possible, it's going to be much worse in Ponyville by the end of this I expect.” “Yes My Queen.” [Ponyville, late morning. ] Tirek snarled. These ponies were mad. What had happened in the world in years he had been gone? These creatures were supposed to flee, they were supposed to cower before him. Ponies were NOT supposed to sic eight headed hydras on him. Tirek shook his head, he had not managed to steal a single pony's energy since Canterlot. He had only glimpsed one or two in navy and purple armor with green trim in the bushes before the two massive hydra burst out of the forest and right into his path, both judging him as a meal. Defeating them has cost him energy he didn't want to use, and the beasts took even longer to sulk off after he rendered them hundred headed hydra with mouths too small to even bite him. Of course fire did nothing, the damn beasts just had to be PYRO hydras, what were those creatures even doing out of a fire swamp or volcano? Then there had been the odd blue rain cloud that had soaked him with some sort of sweet smelling liquid that reminded him of flowers. He had managed to drain the pegasus team that had moved the cloud, though moments after that his flank had gained a cutie mark. One that was words written in old ponish that read, 'Sucky, sucky, one bit' He had not been amused by that. Various traps and other monsters had been sent his way including a Ursa Major. What the shards even were these ponies? At least the Ursa had been a bit of a meal. It took perhaps an hour before he managed to get the best of the Guards by teleporting to the edge of town behind them as they were setting up another trap. He quickly drained them only to be hit in the head by three anvils, a safe, a grand piano and then gotten a face full of ninja stars. It was then he noticed the turtles the ponies had gathered were of a variety usually found in Tartarus. …. Tartarus turtles. How the buck did these ponies get a hold of Tartarus turtles? You know what? Never mind. Tirek glared down at the Guards, most of them were old enough to be near retirement age, though a few of them managed to find their hooves despite being drained, one of them even drew some ridiculous length of weighted chain as a weapon, as if he would be able to do anything with it. “What is it you are trying to protect? This piddly town? This is what you are protecting?” Tirek growled gesturing to the town behind him. “What a waste. I have crushed your gods and everything in this land, including you, now belongs to me. And my property is not allowed to resist me. This is what happens to those that defy me!” Tirek smirked as he lifted his hand up over his head, a massive ball of roiling energy formed in his palm. The ball compressed then grew as he pumped more power into it then compressed once again. With a twisted grin, Tirek flung the mass of energy into the center of town, aiming at the large tree visible in the middle of it. It has been said that Golden Oaks Library was a magical fortress the likes of which Starswirl the Bearded would have creamed his robes to have just glimpsed from a distance, through second hoof tubes of empty toilet paper rolls. Most of the ponies who knew the pony that lived there were quite aware that the wards on the tree were turned inward in order to save the place from the random mishaps from said pony who lived there, and her experiments. What most did not know, but should have expected, was that the outside was warded as well. Between diamond dogs kidnapping her brother, PETA kidnapping her pets and both her brothers, one over exuberant paparazzi, who still had not fully recovered mentally and a number of other things, Twilight Sparkle was quite tired of creatures breaking into her home. That said, the wards outside of the tree were stronger than those on the inside, and had been, on several occasions, enough to make Princess Luna worry about setting them off. The millisecond they detected the hostile spell, the wards activated and and shaped shields and barriers formed and set in place. Twilight Sparkle might not have been as skilled in shields as her elder brother, but what she lacked in skill, she made up for in over planning, contingency planning, and raw bucking power. So when the massive ball of death hit the Golden Oaks Library, the centaur was quite surprised, when it bounced off without so much as rustling a single leaf on the tree. Unfortunately for Ponyville, Twilight had not adjusted the outside wards to launch any attacks into the no fly zone above the library. Twilight had not considered an attack of enough power to activate all the wards at once would even happen. Fortunately for Ponyville, after the Siren's attack and the subsequent rebuilding of large parts of the town, Twilight had warded numerous other structures at the behest of the Mayor. Normally this would result in low level protection that would not have protected anything from Tirek's ball of death. However Twilight and Sunset had come up with a plan to use this to finally create a mana network in Ponyville. Mayor Mare had not been happy to find that out after all the times she told Twilight no in the past. The reasoning for this, which was finally accepted by the Mayor, if only just, was that the upkeep on multiple warded buildings would be very costly and time consuming. Particularly with Applejack and Rahs wandering around draining the mana crystals that each building would require to power the wards. As such all the warded buildings were all linked back to Golden Oaks Library. They would simply share the wards set up on the tree rather than require new ones. Setting the wards defaults in each new location was far easier that building them up from scratch would have been. And so the rest of the town was linked and warded, or at least as far as the ley line network went, which wasn't that far yet. Still two score of buildings in town were covered. As such Tirek's ball of magic death, bounced around the center of town like a demented pinball trying to rack up a high score. Had the ball continued it might have progressed outside of the limited ley line network that was set up, however, the ball finally hit Sugar Cube Corner. Carrot Cake was not known to be the smartest pony in the world. In fact, outside of the realm of baking, he was considered a tad slow by some. However he was a father, and was quite intent on protecting his foals and wife, despite the fact Mrs. Cake was quite capable of turning most who threatened her into living pretzels who wished the living part wasn't a thing. Sugar Cube Corner had a thieves guild warding mark before the Sparkles ever set hoof in town. Still when Twilight linked the shop to the network, he had asked her if she wouldn't mind adding a extra spell or two as a deterrent if some one attacked his shop. Mr. Cake was rather paranoid about other shop owners trying to sabotage his business despite no evidence to support this. His idea was that whatever was thrown at the store would be reflected back on the attacker. At most he expected some rotten eggs, a brick, or maybe a mild curse, at worst perhaps a Molotov. Twilight however liked the idea and agreed. She then set it up with her own twist. She linked that spell to draw more mana from the ley lines. It would then increase the power or speed of whatever spell or projectile targeted the shop by a magnitude of at least two, then fire it back at the caster with a targeting spell attached to avoid collateral damage. As such, before Tirek could question why his spell was bouncing around the town, nor why the Thieves guild's mark for 'danger' was incorporated as a constant design on all the buildings on the edge of town, the blast came back to him. It was doubled in size, power, and quickly exploded in his face. Pinkie Pie poked her head out of a bush as she watched the centaur be blown back through the air to impact one of the farms about a mile outside of town. “Well that was neat.” Pinkie shrugged before darting out with a collection of other towns ponies to gather up the fallen Guard and bring them to safety before Tirek came back. [ Carrot Glace Fields, east of Ponyville.] Tirek closed his eyes as he lay back on the field of ruined root vegetables. “This has been a very trying day.” the centaur muttered staring at the sky for a moment. He was going to drain every living thing in and around this town for miles and then turn it into an active volcano as a monument to how much it pissed him off. The name 'Ponyville' would only be spoken in hushed whispered of dread for eons to come when he was finished with it. The centaur's train of thought was derailed as the sky darkened, he opened his eyes, looking up to the sky expecting another blue cloud but seeing the sun with a massive shadow in front of it. The silvery glow of the moon was barely visible in front of the sun. “What the shard?” [ Moon] Discord and Sonata sat on a large moon rock, with long sticks laden with marshmallows and hot dogs , holding them up in the air over the sun to cook. Adagio relined on the surface of the moon with heavy shades on, soaking up the sun like she could get a tan through her scales and fur. Aria frowned from where she huddled under an overhang of rock in the shade, nearly panting at the heat. “All of you are nuts.” she huffed. “Don't be an emu dear.” Discord called out to his middle child. Tirek sat up, and rolled back to his hooves as he turned towards the forest's edge and the overwhelming presence of delicious power that was radiating from it. Before he could move forward, his target stepped out of the edge of the forest towards him. At least he thought it was the mare he was after. The pony was easily as tall, if not taller, than Princess Celestia. The figures fur seemed to shift with every step, changing from pure black before sliding to purple, then pink, then pure white and back again. Hooves that thudded to the ground were made of dark purple crystal, as was the massive spiraled horn jutting from the mares head. Her mane and tail were a array of colors like a sunrise or sunset, with the bright points of light of countless stars clearly seen, as well as streaks of shooting stars crossing the ethereal expanse. Rather than wave and flow, the ethereal mane and tail whipped like in a hurricane force gale, curling and lashing around the mare. Massive wings rested at her sides the lead edges covered in feathers and showing the same color shift as her coat, though the wings themselves were webbed like a bat and kept the much darker hues present. Her cutie mark was a moon, shaped like a heart with a corona of the sun emanating from around it and six stars surrounding the main mark. Tirek's attention was drawn to the eyes however which seemed little more that balls of radiant fire, with clearly visible black cat like pupils. He was nearly salivating at the insane amount of magic power this mare had. “I heard you were talking shit.” Twilight Sparkle stated simply before her wings snapped open and the distance between her and the centaur was gone. Tirek took one step back before a blast of power from the mare rocketed him skyward, vaporizing his form, leaving only his back half untouched and still on the ground. Twilight Sparkle, was in no way a warrior. She bounced constantly between easily distracted and insanely focused, had a list of issues and phobias, that while she had gotten better about, still affected her. As of late she had leaned far to heavily on anger to power through some of her issues when presented. This made many uncomfortable, despite her seeking therapy. Twilight was primarily a scholar. She was most at home researching something or studying. She was also a clear bibliophile and thanks to her oldest friend/ sister in law, she had developed a few other odd interests. None of which Big Mac seemed to mind. She was also formerly the Element of Magic, part of a set of six before the tree took them back, and she was still known as the most gifted spell caster in the last few generations, even with the return of Sunset Shimmer. She was still not a warrior. She did know a few combat spells, and had been meaning to let her eldest brother train her a little, but it had never been her field of focus, nor did either of them ever wind up having the time. She was going to have to change that after this. Despite all that, Twilight was likely the most powerful thing on Equss right now with perhaps only the Tree of Harmony and some of the council being close to, let alone matching what she had. She was currently in possession of eight major portfolios and two minor ones. Crystal Ponies, Nox- Cal , and regular ponies all existed, and were in danger. The Sun was out. The Moon was out. Her family, friends, and colt friend loved her. She had more magic at one time and it was amped higher than any creature, besides White, had ever seen. And it was Tuesday. She was barely in control of it and it felt like every cell of her body was burning. Tirek was a warrior. A knight in fact, before he acceded. He was also an assassin, a rogue, and very briefly a bard, but it still counted. He was riding the power of twelve drained gods, thousands of drained mortals, and at least four demi gods he had encountered since his escape from Tartarus. He had also drained a mega ley line grid in Canterlot and a few smaller grids in other cities he had passed through. He had done his best to conserve and hoard the power he had gained because he knew that a massive battle was coming. He had expected it to be with the fates and Aqua, the gods that had sealed him away last time with the help of the alicorns. He had not expected it to be a single mare brimming with power. Tirek was a warrior, though not the god of warriors. He was the god of Centaurs, Thieves, and Greed. With minors in monologues, hubris, and lutes. Tirek was a god. Twilight Sparkle was a god. Conflicts between gods never ended well for anyone. A rather large hole opened in the side of the Manterhorn, looking all the world like some giant had taken a bite out of it. Neither of the combatants noticed. Ghastly Gorge gained a new channel through the hewn rock. Neither of the combatants noticed. The Everfree Forest lost more trees in a second than five years of logging. Neither of the combatants noticed. The remains of the farm they fought in was little but a crater at this point as Twilight tried to aim down with her shots. She was also taking some hits in order to keep them away from Ponyville. Few of the attacks between the two were physical at first. Once Tirek had found he could not eat her magic, he had started trying to close the distance, using his larger size to attack physically, using smaller spells to summon weapons or increase his own abilities, conserving his mana pool. Twilight was hardly casting spells at all and most of her attacks were wild uncontrolled bursts of energy. Both were getting injured, both were getting killed, and both were recovering almost instantly. However, experience proved the better trait to have this time. Twilight screamed out as Tirek managed to get his hands on her, crushing the mare in his grip. He didn't use enough force to kill her, but more than enough that she could feel her ribs cracking along with most of her bones being crushed to dust. He eased his grip slightly, just enough for them to heal before he squeezed again. “Finally I have you, this day has gone on long enough. You've been firing wild mare, wasting more energy than I am and you can't focus your power as well as I can with pain.“ Tirek snarled.” I don't know how you took the power from the other alicorns, but I will make sure to keep you in constant agony until you give that power to me. Only then will I allow you to finally be free of the pain and die.” Twilight screamed out and squirmed and struggled, gasping for air in the brief moment his grip relaxed before his fist clenched again, the sound of her bones and wings snapping in his hand easily heard over the massive creatures laughing. Tirek smirked squeezing and relaxing his grip waiting to see if the mares eyes would pop out. “I can do this for weeks mare.” Tirek laughed, his attention drawn to her as she managed to cast a number of quick spells while he was flexing. “A giants growth spell? Mare, I might not be a scholar of the arcane, but even I know that spell has limiters built into it's casting to prevent you from growing some where that would harm you. Somewhere like trapped in my hand.” Tirek chuckled as the alicorn didn't change in size at all despite still casting the spell on herself several more times. “Not for me.” Twilight gasped. “Really? Then who is that spell for?” “ME.” Standing behind Tirek, eye to eye with the towering centaur was a massive navy blue furred figure. The creature bore only a passing resemblance to a diamond dog looking like a cross between a hell hound and a rabid panther. It had wild unkempt fur covering a body that looked to be pure muscle and rage. The creature had long pointed ears that seemed to be glowing with 3-D magic representations of Twilight's current cutie mark and every shift of his ears left contrails of light for a few seconds following the movement. The creatures fur crackled with energy, bleeding off power that seemed to match the mare in Tirek's hand as it set the air on fire around the beast. A long tail whipped behind the creature, a massive scythe like crescent of energy slicing through the air as the tail lashed, leaving little sonic booms as it cut the very air around it with each whip. The eyes were just like the alicorns, glowing balls of flame with black feline slits for pupils. Tirek didn't have time to react before Rahs moved. The moon dog darted forward and grabbed the wrist of the hand holding his sister, a quick yank pulled the arm down. At the same time his other hand shot upward, striking the elbow of the same arm, pushing up while also pulling down on Tirek's arm. The centaur howled in pain as his elbow shattered, the bones of it breaking through his skin as his arm bent in a way it was not meant to bend until the back of his hand could touch his arm pit. With the same movement the moon dog's tail whipped up. severing his hand at the wrist. freeing Twilight. Rahs released Tirek as the centaur reared. The moon dog slipping under the damaged arm to stand face to face with Tirek. He reached up to grab Tirek's horns as his tail whipped in front of him, the crescent blade of energy severing the centaurs forelegs at the barrel. Rahs yanked hard on Tirek's horns bringing the monsters head down as the centaurs own weight helped the pull down with the loss of his fore legs. As Tirek was yanked down, Rahs shot his knee up, meeting Tirek's face. The horns shattered in Rahs' grip as the savaged body of the centaur was sent flying into the air to crash down hard on his back Tirek's whole face smashed in. Rahs Sparkle was not a warrior. He was lazy, fixated on his own personal interests, and not very inclined to put too much effort into things that didn't interest, or immediately affect him. Sure he was super naturally tough, and given the very nature of the world he lived in with it's plethora of magic, able to heal from anything that didn't kill him outright, and that was before he became a god. The Bone Hounds had shaken his world view quite a bit, and although his traits had remained the same, he had taken the time to learn how to defend himself. Rahs didn't have the genius of his sister, nor the cleverness of his younger brother, nor even the training of his elder brother. All his fights, with the exception of Discord, had been against things that his size and magic eating ability could easily deal with. Heck even Discord was 90% magic by mass. The first real fight he recalled was with Managarmr in the Crystal Empire, a fight he came very close to losing. There had been a few other conflicts here and there too, but nothing like that. He was now also the god of a nearly unknown species one that he had already seen needed protection at times. Then there were his friends, and his family, and even the girls who were interested in him that he felt he needed to protect. Granted it was unlikely any of the ones interested in him needed such protection, but he doubted any of them were up to dealing with god tier threats. Rahs Sparkle was not a warrior. Rahs Sparkle was an actor, something he prided himself in. However unlike in the past, if the situation arose... … he could very much 'ACT' like a warrior. Tirek snarled as he pushed himself up. His gaze locked on the pair across the field from where he landed. The blue monster snarled at him, and the alicorn standing on his shoulder glared, their flaming gaze threatening to turn him to ash. “Well. Two of you now?” The centaur smirked. “This just got interesting.” > Twilight's Kraken, Part Two, Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Twilight's Kraken, Part Two, Part 3 [“Last time on Ponyball Z”] “GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!” Twilight screamed out, as the magic around her horn grew brighter. “Such delicious power.” Tirek chuckled. “Bork!” Rahs taunted. [“Currently on Ponyball Z”] “He's doing a joke here. And even I think it's stupid.” Pinkie Pie huffed. “I understand this reference.” Sunset pointed out. [“Next time on Ponyball Z”] “GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!” Twilight screamed out as the magic around her horn grew brighter. “Such delicious power.” Tirek chuckled. “Bork!” Rahs taunted. > Twilight's Kraken, Part Two, Part 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Twilight's Kraken, Part Two, Part 4 She watched the conflict, eyes narrowed at the blood and sheer power being put out by the three. Who ever owned this farm was never going to be able to use this land again, nor much of the surrounding countryside, unless something grew well in blood, meat chunks and viscera. Rahs was doing most of the close fighting, with Twilight skirting the edges of the field out of reach blasting Tirek. The centaur had rents in his flesh and the surrounding area was littered with bits of him with the lost parts simply regrowing on the monster. Rahs however was not unscathed. He had been beaten, stabbed, and blasted to the point that had he been wearing anything at his size, it would have been blasted off. Were it not for the situation, she might have just enjoyed the view. “The unit from Canterlot has arrived.” “How many?” “Eight teams.” “Rescue or warrior?” “Mixed units. Pharynx is leading them.” “Your brother. Does he know what I plan?” “He approves.” “Of course he would.” Saturnia frowned watching as a back hand from the centaur knocked one of Rahs' fangs out of his mouth with a spray of blood, the tooth spiraled over to impale a tree nearby. Rahs hardly noticed, the fang regrown before he turned back to claw out Tirek's eyes again. Saturnia looked over at the tooth, the fang larger than she was. “We attack from the air, make sure Twilight sees the group, stay out of reach, fire weapons and spells then scatter, give the bastard no groups to target. I am not letting my future husband fight this thing with just his sister for help.” Saturnia snarled. The pink changeling was currently twice her usual size with a spiked carapace and much more muscle mass, even if it was simply her magic bulking her up, it offered more protection and damage out put when she used the spears she carried. She found it some what amusing that her sire favored the same weapon as she did. She was not as amused at how her sire tended to use said weapons, though she wasn't against learning that style to grab Rahs' attention. “Go.” she ordered. She watched the conflict, eyes narrowed at the blood and sheer power being put out by the three. Who ever owned this farm was never going to be able to use this land again, nor much of the surrounding countryside, unless something grew well in blood, meat chunks and viscera. Rahs was doing most of the close fighting, with Twilight skirting the edges of the field out of reach blasting Tirek. The centaur had rents in his flesh and the surrounding area was littered with bits of him with the lost parts simply regrowing on the monster. Rahs however was not unscathed. He had been beaten, stabbed, and blasted to the point that had he been wearing anything at his size, it would have been blasted off. Were it not for the situation, she might have just enjoyed the view. She was however enjoying that he was putting her training to use. “Alpha, the diggers and warriors are ready.” “Good. Make sure they know to stay off the surface. Pop up attack and dig deep. Allow this creature no chance to strike back.” “Yes Alpha.” Jynx stared over at the fight. The massive diamond dog bitch clad in bits of metal armor tied with leather covering mostly her chest and belly with some wrapping on her sides and nethers. Spiked bracers and leg coverings added to the armor but did nothing to hamper her digging ability. What parts of her black fur were exposed were covered in various lines and swirls of blue and red paint. Jynx reached off to the side picking up a massive slab of wood that seemed like it started as a small tree before some one had carved a handle into it making it more like a club. Chunks of gems, spikes of bone, and teeth all jutted out from the massive club in neat rows along what she considered the edges. A ancient weapons expert like Nightlight Sparkle might recognize the club as a leiomano. Jynx never bothered to find a name for the weapon, or cared what it was called. It was rare that she used it, though the weapon had been her fathers when the war between packs was at it's peak, as the alpha it was hers now, and she had made sure she could use it. “I refuse to let my future mate fight this thing alone with only his sister to help.”Jynx snarled. “Alpha?” “Go!”Jynx snapped pointing the massive weapon at the centaur. [?] “BWAHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHA!!!!” Sunset cackled. “What the buck is wrong with you mare!?!” Spike screamed at the orange unicorn. “You really think I'm gonna run off and let Twilight and probably your brother fight Tirek alone?” “Yes?” Spike questioned. “Please Spike, give me some credit.” Sunset cackled. “I had a plan all along.” “I am not instilled with confidence.” Spike huffed. “Shut up, both of you.” The third member of the little group snapped. [ Hollow Shades] With a cheer from the gathered foals she took a bow and moved to take a break as some juggler came up to try to keep the foals entertained and distracted. A large number of refugees from Canterlot had arrived earlier in the day and with the shape of some of the ponies with them it was clear something was going on. She had no idea what was wrong with them. Some of them had their cutie mark dulled to nearly be the same color of their fur, and they had no magic that she could sense, even the unicorns. The refugees had brought in a great number of foals as well and she had volunteered to keep them entertained the best she could. There wasn't anything else she could do, she was no doctor, no great warrior, just a show mare with a gift for illusions. Whatever was going on however she was certain that the Sparkles would be in the middle of it. “You better be safe Fuzzy...” Trixie muttered looking in the direction of the Manterhorn, and Ponyville on the other side of it. [Carousel Boutique] She winced watching the fight from Ponyville out of the window of the shop. While she couldn't see the details the sprays of blood and blasts of magic were making her hair stand on end. Both she and Rainbow were practically prancing around in circles, wanting to get into the fray and try and do something. The fallen Guards had been taken to safety, though Ditsy had needed to knock Comet Trail out to keep him from going after Tirek in his state, and the Flower Trio had hog tied Lodestone and carted him off. Honestly not the weirdest thing that had happened in town, but still noticeable. “We have got tah do somethin.” “And what would you have us do darling, go get in their way?” Rarity offered. The mare was sitting on her couch with three fair sized boxes of sewing needles. She was pulling the needles out of one, looking them over, and dropping them into a box marked 'worn' or a box marked 'still good'. “None of us are any where near 'god tier' as it were, and if you recall what Spike said even that hardly matters because we are not Sparkles with a connection to Rahs and as such our magic can be drained.” “Besides if you would have seen all the magic they're throwing around, you'd be leery of getting any where near it.” Pinkie Pie pointed out. “Carrot's farm is gone. Like gone gone, like probably gonna wind up in the dictionary next to that buffalo and the apple, gone.” “Ah ain't worried about magic.” “You should be worried.” Fluttershy pointed out. “Even at your biggest witch wolf form you wouldn't even be the size of a tea cup poodle to that thing out there.” “Well, ah got to do somethin. Ah can't just let Rahs fight that thing on his own like that.” Applejack snapped “And what would you do darling, bite his ankles off?” Rarity questioned adding another few needles to the worn box. “Well what would yah do if it was Sombra out there?” Applejack huffed. “Compile a very long list of things to scold him about when he returned.” Rarity pointed out looking at the tip of one needle closely before putting it in the 'still good box. “Where is Sombra any way? Didn't Spike say the Princesses wanted him to leave town?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Indeed, but you know how he gets when his mother and aunt are brought up.” Rarity huffed dropping another collection of needles into the 'worn' box. “At the moment he is helping his boss secure the forge so they can get to a shelter without worry of anything catching fire or the forge going out.” “GAH. Ah can't just sit here counting needles like you!” Applejack snapped rushing to the door and throwing it open, galloping off down the street with Rainbow Dash right behind her. “Called it.” Pinkie Pie sighed. “Honestly darling, I think all of us are surprised she stayed still this long.” Rarity sighed dropping more needles into the other boxes. “Not to be rude, but this is an odd time for you to be sorting needles.” Fluttershy pointed out to Rarity. “Not at all darling this is the perfect time.” Rarity offered. “Why is this the perfect time? Pinkie Pie asked. “Simply put darling, I would hate to waste any of my good needles.” Rarity smiled. “Stilllllllll, don't follow.” Pinkie pointed out. “Well darlings, this horrid Tirek is running around draining magic from everything. What better little gift for him than a small collection of my own magic, wrapped around a few hundred or so of my worn or bent sewing needles,with my magic keeping them all in a nice tight little bundle. “Rarity's grin grew a little wider and a bit more feral. “Then after he samples my magic the spell will be gone and poof, needles everywhere.” “Ummm that sounds rather dangerous.” Fluttershy offered. “Oh nonsense darling, the needle bundle will be tossed into his open mouth so he can have a proper taste after all.” Rarity's grin had spread into full uncanny valley as it was now far wider than it should have been able to be on her face and full of very sharp teeth, “And of course since gods heal any damage the initial burst will quickly be healed. But as shown by what happened to Celestia at the wedding and the bolts and arrows the Guard's peppered Tirek with, anything embedded into them will still need to be pulled out. And I expect a mouth, throat, and possible belly full of needles will leave a 'taste' that lingers for quite some time.” Fluttershy flattened her ears to her head, fighting the urge to hiss at the mare who's fur was slowly turning black. “I think you've been hanging around Sombra too much.” Pinkie Pie growled. “Sombra? Nonsense darling, this has nothing to do with Sombra. “ The grin split her head like a pez dispenser as she laughed. “I've had a literal nightmare as a part of me for over a year now. Sombra at his worst only wishes he had the ideas I have.” “That does not fill me with confidence.” Pinkie Pie said flatly. “It was not supposed to darling, now then shall we go make sure Applejack and Rainbow Dash don't do anything dumber than they already have?” Rarity offered rising to her hooves carrying along the box of worn needles as she headed to the door. > Twilight's Kraken Part Two, Part 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Twilight's Kraken Part Two, Part 5 Rahs was pissed. Not just at Tirek, that was given. So far however he had managed to 'kill' the centaur a number of times without the massive creature doing the same to him. Tirek relied far too much on magic and he could deal with that, the problem was a lot of Tirek's magic was used to buff himself and that was harder to eat than the spell bolts and other attack spells. What was worse, with all the stolen magic he had, every spell tasted like one of Sweetiebelle's stews where she threw EVERYTHING in. It was only sheer force of will, and the fact he was burning through it so fast that kept Rahs from vomiting. Right now though Rahs was pissed off at his 'suitors' for putting themselves in danger like this when they didn't need to. He and Twilight were getting to be old hat at this sort of stupid, and it wasn't as if they could be killed no matter how nasty this oversized pile of crap got. The others could be killed , quite easily. Saturnia and a swarm of Changelings flew into the fray, peppering Tirek with arrows, bombs, and spears, all about as effective as throwing a claw full of tooth picks at some one in plate armor. Rahs had needed to step between them and Tirek to intercept a massive area of effect blast of magic that would have melted the flesh off all of them, judging from what it did to his arms and chest. It took a moment to recover from that and his ribs were briefly exposed. Jynx and a pack of Diamond Dogs burst from the ground a bit later, dropping Tirek into a trench and laying into him with weapons. That gave Rahs a second to recover and to watch Jynx go air born and bring some massive club up into Tirek's jaw, taking it off completely with her swing. While that and her outfit were impressive, Tirek nearly wiped out all of them with a poison gas cloud spell. One that Twilight only just teleported the lot of them out of before they were killed. And the less said about Applejack's attempt the better. Biting his ankle and simple getting kicked free to soar through the air and crash into the new barn over at Sweet Apple acres on the other side of town was probably the dumbest attempt. He was was expecting Trixie and Sunset to show up at some point and do something dumb too. There would be words with those three when this was all over. Particularly since now Tirek knew they existed and would probably go after them next. And he would get that chance if something didn't happen soon, because Rahs and Twilight were losing. The explosion of dirt and what was left of the local insurance office of Ponyville marked the stopping point of Twilight Sparkle after a lucky hit from the centaur connected with her. “Damn it.” Twilight swore as she dug herself out of the rubble. “Twilight!” Rainbow Dash called gliding down to help her out of the debris. Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Fluttershy followed up behind her rather quickly along the ground. “What are you doing here? Didn't I tell you to run?” Twilight demanded. “No.” Pinkie stated. “Not at all.” Fluttershy added. “Nope.” Rainbow Dash pointed out. “Darling no one has seen you since you went off to deal with whatever Celestia wanted.” Rarity added. “Spike.... is he hiding at least?” “Well maybe? Sunset grabbed him and teleported off soooo perhaps?” Pinkie Pie pointed out. “Seems no one else listened though, did you tell Jynx and Saturnia?” Twilight demanded. “Of course Twilight, but it seems they had other ideas.” Rarity sighed looking over as another explosion happened. The fight was getting closer to town. “ You need to get out of here and hide. All of you. I don't know how much longer we can keep this up, he's got far more magic in him than I expected.” Twilight growled. “You seem to be doing pretty well.” Fluttershy added. “We're not. We're losing.” Twilight admitted. “What?!” the others demanded. “Shining Armor and I seem to be immune to the draining effect, Spike likely would be too, but the problem is Rahs isn't. Well, he is himself, but all the power flowing through the link between us, most of it is bleeding out of him in those sparks and fire from his fur. Tirek is eating that. And while Rahs is draining his magic right back, Tirek is draining more than Rahs is.” Twilight explained. “Unless we do something fast we are not going to win this, he's just going to wear us down and get more powerful, so you all need to go an hide before it's too late.” “Nothing doing Twi.” Witch Jack snarled as she hobbled up, moving on all fours and favoring her back leg. “ Ah ain't letting that critter beat us.” “Applejack he bitch slapped you to the other side of town and you literally did nothing to him.” Twilight snapped. “You all need to get out of here. We can't win this.” “Pathetic.” Twilight's head snapped up, as the others glanced to the side to see a dark gray stallion approaching, his black mane and tail whipping in an unseen wind. The stallion had a sword in a sheath at his side and was carrying another sheathed sword held in his magic at his other side. “Sombra....” Rainbow Dash frowned. “What did you say?” Twilight snapped. “I called you pathetic.” Sombra stated stopping before the group. “I expected more from the mare who beat me before she was even a god.” “You.... I've been fighting Tirek all morning and you just stroll up here and...” Twilight growled. “Really? Fighting? Because all I see you doing at the moment is whining about losing. I hate to say I agree with the hayseed over here, but in this instance I do.” Sombra offered. “Ummm thanks? Maybe?” Witch Jack grumbled. “You fought me with a concussion and showed more spine than you have now. “Sombra huffed. “ If you cannot win, then simply find a way to do so.” “I'm trying to make sure everyone else is safe!” Twilight growled. “Indeed, though the simplest way to do that is to destroy that which threatens them.” Sombra shrugged. “I too would very much like it if Rarity went and hid somewhere, but after our talk it was brought to my attention I neither own her nor control her actions to the point that I can tell her what to do.” “That is quite correct darling.....” Rarity agreed. “By the same token she neither owns nor controls me...” “Hold on, I do not like where this is going.” Rarity frowned. “... as such If you are finished I am going to deal with this attacker myself.” Sombra offered turning to head towards the edge of town where the conflict was happening. “Are you crazy!?” Rarity snapped. “Of course not. I was raised in a war, and surrounded by creatures that fed on magic. As has been proven by Rahs, I am a bit resistant to such drain. I could have beaten Rahs and your guards, though it was you who defeated me.” Sombra paused as he considered. “ In the end Sparkle I suppose I should thank you partially for that.” “What?” “I spent quite a long time existing with no reason for anything. Then you blasted me out of my castle and I wound up here and found a reason to continue.”Sombra explained. “Awww that is so swee...” Rarity blushed. “The pony that invented chocolate ice cream is a genius.”Sombra continued. “....eet....” Rarity trailed off with a huff glaring at Sombra as he smirked at her. “But enough of that. I have no intent to back down. And neither should you. If your magic fails use your hooves, if those fail bite. If your teeth are removed... well it makes it easier to hold a sword.” Sombra stated before tossing Twilight the sword he carried along in his magic. “I made you one as well since you seemed to cry foul when I used my blade on you. And now you have no excuse, not to continue the fight.” With that Sombra strode off towards the conflict. “I don't know if I want to hug him or kill him.” Rarity growled. “Maybe hug him to death in a slow embrace that chokes the life out of him and by the time he realizes it, it will be do late and you'll have crushed him to death in your coils?” Fluttershy muttered.? Rarity blinked and looked to Pinkie Pie in askance gesturing to Fluttershy and pinkie Simply shrugged. Twilight however noticed none of that conversation. The blade had slid partially from the sheath as she caught it, baring enough of the finely crafted blade to show her reflection in the polished metal.... ….and the cascade of rainbow coloration that ran along the blades length. > Twilight's Kraken Part Two, Part 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Twilight's Kraken Part Two, Part 6 [“When we last left off....”] [ No, I did that once, it's enough.] [“Whatever.”] [ Edge of Ponyville.] “Twilight what tha hay was that, Ah just caught a wiff of that same magic scent ah did when ah got mai bit key thingy.” Witch Jack offered as Twilight pulled out the sword fully looking it over. “Did any of you just see a rainbow coloration shine over this thing?”Twilight asked, blinking as she tried to get the effect to happen again. “I cannot say I did Twilight.” Rarity pointed out. “Nopers” Pinkie offered. “Sorry Twilight.” Fluttershy muttered. “I though I saw something, but I it could have just been light reflecting off it.” Rainbow Dash added. “Grah!! I don't have time for this, I need to help Rahs until you all can evacuate.” Twilight huffed. ”I don't have time to go play with that stupid box.” “Twilight!” Turning back towards the town the group saw a lanky purple scaled and green spined little drake loping up with an crystal box, and a claw full of keys to go along with it. “SPIKE!! I know I told you to go some where safe!” Twilight snapped, “So you have no excuse.” “Okay three things.” Spike stated as he placed the box on the ground before him. “First, that look is wild and I'm gonna need to see if I can use the description for some monster or another to throw against the Crusaders later in a game. Two, I did go some where safe, and now I'm back . And three and most importantly, like I say every single time you or one of the Princesses tell me that. Buck that noise!” “Of course.” Twilight sighed as Pinkie Pie giggled. “Fine, why did you bring the chest here?” “Okay seriously? This thing has been the biggest macguffin to ever exist for the whole damn year. It's barely been two days since you found out the only key missing was yours and now you're in some massive life or death battle where you of course are gonna find your key so you can open the box and turn loose what ever's in it. You know the box given to you by Harmony, the thing that made the Element's of Harmony which you used to beat two other bad guys, plus some. All you need to do is find your key and BAM the day is saved.” “Ummmmmmm.” Twilight blinked her ears flattening to her head. “What, what's wrong?” Spike questioned looking at the other mares who were staring at Twilight, he then noticed the sword. “Hey cool sword.... wait, is that it? Is that your key?” “I refuse to say because you will be insufferably smug about it.” Twilight huffed. “Too late.” Spike grinned wide. “Just because I got the key doesn't mean this will help stop Tirek!” Twilight ranted. “If it doesn't, I will eat my hat.” Spike stated passing out the keys to their owners. “Spike you don't have a hat silly.” Pinkie Pie pointed out. “Fine. I will eat Applejack's hat.” Spike corrected. “Hold on now.” Witch Jack frowned. “I'm down with that. Ten bits in.” Rainbow Dash offered. “Seriously Dash?” Witch Jack growled. “What? Either we save the day and don't get murdered, or I get to watch Spike eat a hat before I die, win win.” Rainbow Dash shrugged. “ And worst case I'm only out ten bits.” “This is a family heirloom!” Witch Jack growled. “Please Applejack, you have a closet full of hundreds of those things.” Rarity pointed out. “They're ALL family Heirlooms!” Witch Jack countered. “I don't have time for this I need to get back there to help Rahs before Tirek follows me into town!” Twilight yelled. “Don't worry, we have a distraction.” Spike placated. “Now do the thing with the sword, I've got ten bits to win.” Rahs crashed backwards into the remaining tree line, surging back to his feet as both he and Tirek healed from the latest flurry of blows. “Quite the interesting one mutt. Though how long can you stand facing a god alone with out the alicorn backing you up!?” Tirek smirked as Rahs growled in response. “HEY, WANKER!” bellowed someone in the Royal Canterlot Voice. Rahs and Tirek both looked to see a orange unicorn mare standing atop the gutted remains of the farms windmill, some how still standing, though only just. Sunset grinned from her perch, almost at eye level with Tirek. “You mother was a hoover and your father smelt of cheap scotch and sadness.” Sunset bellowed. “ Now step away from my colt friend!” “HE'S NOT YOUR COLTFRIEND!!!” Jynx, Witch Jack, and Saturnia shouted from various points around the battlefield. “Fuzzy is Trixies!!!” Trixie shouted suddenly, blinking and looking around at the confused ponies around her that were now staring at her. “Why did I shout that?” Trixie muttered. “A demi god? Well I could use a snack.” Tirek smirked blasting Rahs back into the trees as he tried to interrupt. “Please. You think I'm scared of a reject from a three year olds crayon drawing after he heard about Greek mythology?” Sunset huffed her mane and tail billowing in the breeze at the top of the windmill as Tirek loomed closer. “I don't need a stinking magical artifact or weapon to deal with the likes of you. I've got something better.” “And what might that be, snack?” “First off I would like to thank you, you future 'Royale with Cheese', for letting me recite this line, I have wanted to do it in all seriousness since I saw the movie.” “What?” Tirek blinked not understanding really any of that. Sunset grinned wide. “Say hello to my little friend.” “BAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRDDDDDDD!!!!” The cry came at a volume that could likely be heard in Canterlot as a single Breezy with a butter knife launched itself out of Sunsets mane straight at Tirek “Oh shit!” Tirek yelped back peddling away from Sunset. Teacup was having none of that as the breezy slammed blade first into Tirek's belly, ripping into it. A second later the diminutive creature tore out of the centaur's back dragging behind it the still connected large intestine. Teacup quickly looped the organs over Tirek's head and neck and began strangling the centaur using his own entrails like a garrote, still screaming in rage. Sunset blinked as the blood showered down around her, her ears flattening to her head. “Oh.... oh wow... yeah, fuck this shit, I'm out.” Sunset stated teleporting away. Twilight and the other girls stared at the massive fountain of blood that soared into the sky and rained down on the town turning everything red as Tirek screamed and Teacup continued a rant in such a high pitched voice that only the canine's could hear it. And judging by Witch-Jack's expression, Twilight didn't want to know what Teacup was saying. “Little dude really, really, like really really, hates Tirek.” Spike pointed out. A pop of magic announced Sunset's arrival though the mare was a few shades lighter than normal, clearly in the process of turning white. “Not like the movies at all. It doesn't describe the smell.” Sunset shuddered. “What is Teacup doing here?” Twilight asked. “Well back when all of us were looking at the gate, we started chatting and Teacup mentioned a lot of depression hit after each migration. Teacup usually found some out of the way place to sulk for a few months and I asked where that was.” Sunset shrugged.” Long story short, the breezy told me and Spike and I popped off to pick Teacup up to deal with Tirek. Still took a while, I need to practice my longer range teleports. Also, side note, one of Teacup's minor portfolios is unimaginable violence, just an FYI.” “How did you even...”Twilight started to demand before she was cut off by three hooves covering her mouth a yellow one, pink one, and a white one. “Darling. Science later, key now.” Rarity ordered her eyes narrowing as the reptilian slits stared at Twilight. “Wait? Is that sword her key?” Sunset questioned. “Yep!” Spike grinned. “Dude you called it to a T. Now all we have to worry about is if a dopey dog with a shield and a magic duck show up.”Sunset nodded. Pinkie Pie glared at her, though Twilight was too focused on prodding the box with the sword to notice. There was a flare of light and the sword shifted and changed becoming a key with Twilight's normal cutie mark as the bow. The six mares, well, one mare, one wolf mare, one Nightmare, one bat mare, one super potent alicorn mare, and one Pinkie, took their keys putting them into the box. “This better not wind up being some filly friendship lesson again.” Rainbow Dash sighed as they all turned the keys. “Tune in next time on....” [“I SAID I WASN”T DOING THAT!!”] Tirek had been having a good day. The fools he was fighting didn't even seem to notice he had figured out a way to drain their power. That this beast was stealing his magic with every bite was odd, but the mutt couldn't keep up with the magic draw that he possessed. When the alicorn vanished from the fight he had been planning a way to kill this beast finally now that it's magic support was gone. Still the creature had fought surprisingly well and took blows that might have killed something lesser even with the magic the canine stole restoring him. It was quite impressive, though he could taste the spell work laid down, this thing was one of Luna's. It must have been something she made after he was already sealed away, though the signs of her hoof work were there. Pity he couldn't break that link between the dog and the purple alicorn. That was something that seemed out of his reach, and likely the reason why he could not drain the alicorn. Though the dog was bleeding off so much power from along that link that Tirek could still drain the power of the alicorn sisters, just slower. In all he was setting himself up to win simply by hanging around so long getting a days exercise. Then that damn Breezy showed up. Teacup was a nightmare to Tirek. Tirek couldn't drain the breezy. Tirek couldn't kill the breezy for good. Shards. Tirek could barely hit the tiny damn pain in his ass. Teacup however, greatly enjoyed ripping holes in Tirek. Teacup never got tired of ripping holes in Tirek. Teacups favorite thing in the world, was ripping holes in Tirek. Thankfully the maiming paused for a moment as a insanely powerful surge of magic erupted from the edge of town drawing the attention of all the combatants. A beam of pure white light shot into the air vanishing beyond the cloud cover. There was a moment of silence before six beams of light lanced down from the sky near the edge of town. “What the shit!?” Teacup muttered. Tirek was about to respond when the source of the light appeared in a flash before them. Six mares with strange pastel colored rainbow markings, practically glowing neon hovered before him, one of them the alicorn he was after. Tirek sneered quickly trying to drain it. “What is this!?!” Tirek gasped as again he couldn't take magic from any of them, it was like that damn breezy. “Tir Na Nog.....” Teacup muttered completely ignoring Tirek to stare at the mares, the breezy's gaze locked on the cascade of rainbow light swirling around the ponies. “ To Tartarus with this!!!” Tirek snarled firing off a blast of magic at the group, only for a large form to step in front of the blast of energy and snap it out of the air with a gnash of teeth. Tirek winced as the canine devoured the magic he put in that spell like it was a meal, the creature was now covered in patterns of rainbow pastels and neon bight highlights. He looked ridiculous. Before Tirek could react, Rahs moved dipping down with a quick step forward to shoot his arm upward. His palm smashed into the underside of Tirek chin, his claws ripping open the centaurs throat at the same time. The blow sent the centaur airborne in a shower of blood and motes of light that quickly drifted away from the fight. “Thanks Rahs, but I think we have this.” Twilight smirked. “You dun fucked up!” Pinkie Pie shouted. “Woof.” Rahs growled before nodding and standing aside as the six shot forward leaving light trails of rainbows. Every time one of the contrails touched Tirek he screamed out as if in pain, the fact none of the mares were just touching him with the light behind him but were landing blows with their hooves wings , magic, and in Fluttershy's case fangs, only made things worse. The trail of rainbows continued to get smaller as they swirled around him. As the rainbows compressed it squeezed out of him more and more motes of light, which soared into the air to take off to find their true owners. Tirek screamed out as he was crushed back down to the emaciated old centaur form before the magic pulled, away leaving the six mares standing around him the colors fading from their coats and manes. The energy from the six gathered in the air again above Tirek flickering and swirling before shooting into the ground at the bottom of the bloodied crater. Everything was still for a moment before the ground began to rumble. Two large tendrils of white crystal burst from the ground reaching towards the sky before meeting like an arch perhaps only ten feet tall. As the two tendrils twined at the tip, the area between them sparked and sparkled to life flashing open like a doorway with a cascade of rainbow light. On the other side of the new gate seemed to be a forest of some kind, a low blue light emanated from somewhere and a village filled with tiny houses took up most of the view. Flying around the houses were some very confused looking breezies. There was another flash of rainbow light over the portal, and the light inside the portal changed to a soft green as massive trees of a kind never seen in Equestria appeared in the background behind the village, prompting more panic and confused flying by the breezies that could be seen. The rumbling of the ground only increased as the ground in the crater started to rise, leaving the area around the new gate uncovered though the soil and rock burst around them as massive vines of crystal erupted from the ground spiraling and coiling about them selves forcing everyone back as they rose into the air towering over the landscape before they started branching out , spreading to stretch into the air as the tendrils all gathered to form a massive crystal tree that looked more like a palace as it towered over Ponyville. “Woah.” Rainbow Dash uttered looking up at the tree. “I call dibs!” “Rainbow. No.” Rarity sighed. “Rainbow. YES!” Rainbow Dash countered. “Pretty sure that tree ken house all of Ponyville with rooms tah spare.” Applejack whistled not even noticing she had been pulled out of her witch wolf state. “Oh...” Twilight muttered swaying in place, the purple alicorn was back to her normal state though barely seeming to be able to stay on her hooves. A glance in his direction showed Rahs had finally drained the enlarge spell and was walking slowly towards the group, somehow having found another long coat. A number of the others had gathered around to look at the new crystal tree castle thing, including Sunset, Sombra, Spike, the Changeling forces with Saturnia, and a group of Diamond Dogs with Jynx. “No.. No!! I am not finished yet!! You damned ponies I am still standing I will be victorious!!!" Tirek snarled pushing himself to his hooves. The air next to the centaur was suddenly rent apart like claws tearing through reality. The air tore open and a sound like a siren mixed in with whistle of a train and the death wails of a score of accident victims merged with the howling of a timber wolf accompanied by baying hounds on a trail filled the area. A number of diamond dogs and changelings fled at the sound, and the moon dogs would need to double up on the work load for Ponyville for a month for all that heard it. Even the new castle seemed to shudder. “FOUND YOU!” a voice snarled. Six eyes opened in the blackness of the rift, two rows of three, all of them but one a bright crimson, and that one was a brilliant green. All six of the eyes locked on the centaur before a massive black draconian hand stretched out from the rent, slamming down atop of the screaming centaur, talons curling around Tirek to drag him back into the portal. The glowing rift in space remained a moment before the skeletal head of a equine poked up out of it to look around, spotting the group staring at the gate wide eyed before it ducked it's head back into the rift. “It SeEmS wE aRe In PoNyViLlE.” a voice echoed. “Ahh thank you Grace. You truly must stop over for tea. I need to thank you for being so hospitable despite our unexpected arrival.” The voice was accompanied by three alicorns striding out of the rift. Celestia looked back to speak with the skeletal zebra, who only nodded before the rift closed fully. “Well that was a thing. Hmm, I don't recall approving a zoning permit for that.” Princess Celestia offered looking up at the crystal castle. Then she exploded into a fine red mist. Ensuring the moon dogs would have a lot to eat in the next few weeks beyond just the scream. “YOU!!!” Chrysalis shouted storming up from the gathered crowd. Her hoof pointed angrily at Cadence. “Oh hello Chryssy, how did everythOOWW ow, ow, ow, ow!!!” Cadence started before her ear was twisted in the changeling queens magic and she was yanked closer to Chrysalis. “Don't you 'oh hello me miss 'Oh I can't leave, I need to be bait', WHAT THE BUCK CREDENZA?!?!”Chrysalis snarled before she whipped about and pointed a hoof as Saturnia.”YOU!! GROUNDED!!” “What?” Saturnia blinked. “Oooooh.” offered Bees “Pinkie Pie, add her to the black list, a month minimum.” Chrysalis turned to the pinkest pony. “Okie doki.” Pinkie Pie nodded. “What! You can't just” Saturnia stammered. “I TOLD YOU TO HIDE, NOT RUSH THE DAMN THING.” Chrysalis boomed in a rather impressive replication of the Royal Canterlot Voice. “ You are not too big to take over my knee missy! TWO MONTHS FOR BACK TALKING!! Pinkie!” “Got it.” Pinkie Pie nodded as Saturnia wailed. “Woof.” Rahs frowned making Applejack wince. “Jynx and Applejack get a month as well? Okay.” Pinkie Pie nodded as Rahs huffed and glared at the three of his suitors before he turned and walked off. The moment he passed behind a large rock he was gone. He had moon dogs to return home. Sunset blinked looking around at the other three panicked suitors, before she smirked. “Wooo.” “You, moon butt, portal to the Crystal Empire.” Chrysalis snapped. “Just so you know, we were outvoted in this.” Luna huffed. “Don't care, I'm tired, pissed, still drained from that stupid transference earlier, and I still need to yell at this one and Shining.” Chrysalis snapped. “Portal.” “Fair enough.” Luna sighed, her horn glowing as she drew on the power of her moon still in the sky and opened a gate. Chrysalis bodily threw Cadence through it and stormed in after her before Luna closed it. “So is that it?” Rainbow Dash asked as she looked around.” Cause if it is, I gotta go check on something.” “Go check on Prince, Rainbow Dash, if there's something else going on, I don't care. I'm going to bed.” Twilight sighed turning and trotting off with Pinkie and Fluttershy's help guiding her. Spike shrugged and followed along after them. Rainbow Dash nodded and took off towards Canterlot. “Guess ah need tah check on the girls” Applejack sighed. “Might as well.” Sunset nodded following along with Applejack. “I cannot believe I put all that effort into making that sword for her and she turned it into a damn key!” Sombra growled as he trudged off not even having gotten a chance to attack Tirek before the breezy did all the work. “There, there. Pretty sure I have some ice cream at home, and I feel I need it as well.” Rarity sighed. With the others gone the crowd of Changelings and Diamond Dogs left with their respective leaders leaving Luna alone in the middle of a bloodied crater with a giant crystal tree on the edge of it. Celestia had probably scampered away after she reformed and even Teacup had wandered off. “So.... we suppose we shall.... just tidy up here then.” Luna sighed.” Joy.” > Catfish Season 4 epilogue, Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Catfish Season 4 epilogue, Part 1 [ Ponyville the next day] “Sparkle.” “mffh..” “Sparkle!” Twilight grumbled pulling a pillow over her head. “SPARKLE!” Twilight ignored the voice. Then her pillow exploded. “DAMN IT SPARKLE GET UP RIGHT NOW OR SO HELP ME I WILL USE YOUR FACE AS A DANCE FLOOR WHILE I TRY TO MAKE RIVER DANCING ONE OF MY PORTFOLIOS AND RIGHT NOW ALL I KNOW HOW TO DO IS RAGE IN A MOSH PIT!” “GAH!!!!” Twilight screamed flailing wildly before falling out of bed to crash on the floor. Teacup looked over the edge of the bed at her. “Good you're awake. Your dragon made waffles and I need to talk to you, Sombra and Sunset are already downstairs.”Teacup stated. ”You have five minutes, don't make me come back up here.” Twilight sat up glaring at the breezy as Teacup flitted out of her room. “I forgot to reset the wards didn't I?” Twilight growled. [Outside the new crystal tree.] “So what's this all about any way. You've not done anything but bitch and tell me to hurry up all morning.” Twilight yawned. “That castle of yours...” Teacup began. “ Not mine , not a princess, Rainbow Dash called dibs any way.” “Mare it is a purple castle in a crystal tree flying your ass mark from the flagpole, that only appeared because you lead a group 'rainbow powered fuck you' to the leech.” Teacup huffed. “It's your damn castle.” “Pass. Besides it's in Carrot Top's field, it's her castle.” Twilight commented as they approached said castle with Sombra, Spike and Sunset following along with them. “Luna bought the land for a ridiculous sum.” Teacup offered. “Then it's Luna's castle.” Twilight continued.” She should change the flag.” Looking around Twilight was rather surprised at how much had been cleaned up from the fight yesterday. There were still pools of blood and quite a large number of bones and piles of meat around, but it was mostly cleaned. “Luna pretty much went ' Buck this shit I'm a Princess' earlier this morning and took off.” Spike pointed out. “Oh yeah, Applebloom's mad at you.” Sunset offered glancing to Teacup. “What!? What did I do!?” Spike snapped. “Well you never came to see her to make sure she was okay after everything was over.” Sunset offered. “It's not even been a full day yet! And it was because of you I didn't get to let her know what was going on before that!” Spike huffed. “I have no idea what you are talking about.” Sunset hummed to herself ignoring the dragons glare. “Do not toy with me mare. I can turn Rahs against you.” Spike growled. “Don't threaten the messenger.” Sunset shrugged. ”Better you go talk to her yourself.” Spike huffed glaring at Sunset before storming off grumbling. “I wanted to check out the castle.” “Okay why are you running off Spike?” Twilight asked as Spike loped off. “Cause I hate him.” Teacup muttered. “Dragon types are weak against fairy types.” Sunset shrugged. “Oookay.”Twilight blinked glancing to Sombra who was frowning up at the castle. “And what's up with you?” “This castle is an asymmetrical mess, even the damn star at the top isn't right.”Sombra observed. “It's a tree.” Sunset rolled her eyes. “That is no excuse.” Sombra retorted. “So why are we here?” Twilight asked. “I saw a portal gate, while this thing was forming and I can still feel it inside. “Teacup offered. “ This thing won't let me in and I don't want to break my way inside in case that might damage the gate. You three offered to help and you all got scans of the gate before it closed this year. I want to know what this one is. Plus I needed you here to get in.” “And what makes you think I can get in?” Twilight questioned. “Because your butt tattoo is on the flag.” Teacup stated. Twilight stared motherfuckerly at Teacup, before she turned and stormed up to the front doors. Much to her dismay, it swung open for her. “So what do you think?” Teacup asked. The breezy had been oddly quiet for the last hour as the others looked over the gate. It had taken them very little time to find it passing numerous rooms and large halls and chambers. The place was much bigger on the inside than the outside and if not for Teacup being zeroed in on the gate tucked away in the basement, it would have been very easy to get lost. “It's far more stable than the one to the human world.“ Sunset stated. “It's also far more powerful than it was before.” Sombra stated considering. “Though the magic is different from the gate that lead to your highlands.” On the other side of the portal a large number of breezies flitted around peering over houses and out of windows at those looking over the gate. They seemed a little more relaxed seeing Teacup floating there, though they still kept their distance. “I should send for Celestia, she's probably been studying the portals longer than anyone else.” Twilight offered. “Almost as long as any one else.” Teacup sighed. “See the trees behind the village? Those are Tir Na Nog Highland Hawthorn. The ones closer to the village are Lowland Ash. Those two trees are the ones we need to rotate the pollen between. They haven't been this close to each other in..... I can't even remember. The energy here it feels......It feels like home.” The others glanced at each other before looking back at Teacup. “So what are you gonna do?” Twilight asked. “The portal is stable, but I don't know what's powering it or how long it would stay open, or if it will ever close.” “If I go home I might lose my powers. This might not even be the right place. I see a bunch of the breezys from the migration, the ones who made the trip and the ones who I brought to the Highlands portal. But I don't see Seabreeze.” Teacup muttered. “Who would watch over the migrations if I go and am no longer a god?” “Probably Celestia and Luna still. They seemed to have been doing quite a decent job of it for the last few hundred years it's been recorded.” Twilight pointed out. “ Besides, you helped out immensely with Tirek, I'm more than happy to make sure the migration goes properly, if it still is needed.” “Hey, it's not like I'm gonna be going any where for a while either. So that's a god and demi god, and I'm pretty sure Rahs would help out after that dramatic last minute save.“ Sunset shrugged. “ And that's in the off chance that this isn't what you said Harmony was working on. The box came from that tree after all so maybe this was what it was the end result.” The two mares looked at Sombra who blinked then glare back at them. “Fine. If need be I will help as well.” Sombra grumbled. Teacup stared at them a moment before offering the first smile any of them had seen on the breezy. “ Thank you.” Teacup uttered, turning and with a quick flick of his wings was through the portal. The pastel blue and robins egg blue maned breezy landed lightly on the ground on the other side of the portal, the tiny suit of red leather armor and war paint covering the breezy was clearly visible as Teacup looked around. The butter knife on the god of wars back still glowed with the runic symbols on it. A moment or two later a pink haired and blue bodied breezy slammed into Teacup's side, bowling over the god of war as Seabreeze crushed his parent in a hug that it seemed even Teacup hadn't expected. With a last glance back to the portal and a small nod, the gate started to close. Twilight, Sombra and Sunset watched the portal close before Sombra ran a scan on it curiously. “The gate is still there, it's just no longer being fed any power. I expect if need be we can open it again.” Sombra offered. “Well awesome. This has been equal parts heart warming and depressing at the same time. “ Twilight sighed. “ I'm going back to bed.” With a faint popping sound Twilight vanished in a teleport. Sombra and Sunset stared at the spot she had been. “Yeah.... this place better let us out of here or I'm gonna see how much heat this castle can take before it melts.” Sunset huffed. “Any where from 1670 degrees to 1713 degrees Celsius.” Sombra supplied. Sunset was quite certain she felt the castle shudder, though she noticed something else that distracted her. “Hey, you got your cutie-mark.” Sunset pointed out. Sombra glanced back at his flank, the mark a black anvil with some silver tools before a dark forge, the only real color that was different from his coat was the bright cheery looking orange flame that could be seen in the stone forge's mouth. “Yes. Seems I gained yesterday during all the commotion.” Sombra pointed out. “Does Rarity know?” Sunset asked. “With as much as she stares at my flank while claiming not to? I expect so.” “What about Pinkie?” “She has the cutie- cena planed for after everyone gets off the black list so she can throw a big party.” Sombra sighed. “ She didn't even hit me with anything this time.” “What about Aunt Luna?” “Hrumph.” “What about the Crusaders?” Sombra blinked and flattened his ears to his head. “Shit” [?] “Well now that that will be taken care of I suppose I have already gotten you all back to your proper times.” White offered with a smirk. The time displaced gods vanished though White remained where he was frowning as he watched something while remaining just outside of time. [ Carrot Glace farm, or the crater of it.] The jar shook a little, the red liquid within mixed with a bit dirt and a few chunks of meat, but the blood was clean enough for his purposes. It had been a near miss with Luna running around most of the night, he almost expected he would miss out of being able to gather anything. Thankfully the goddess of the moon got annoyed with the task of cleaning before it was finished and left, leaving him more than enough to collect. He expected some cleaning crew would show up later to finish the job at the Princesses word. The shadow smiled at the jar, before it was tucked away into nothing. “To think it would be this easy to get some of his blood.” The shadow trailed off, looking over to the edge of the forest where he hid noting another figure who was staring angrily at the crystal castle. “So close.” The figure muttered. “It would have been almost worth it to be drained just to see them fall.” The figure huffed and strode away from the edge of the pit leaving the shadow to consider her. “Well this is a unexpected and yet not unpleasant development.” > Catfish, Season 4 epilogue, Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR Catfish Season 4 epilogue, Part 2 [Hollow Shades.] Trixie flattened her ears to her head, tapping her chin with her hoof. She had the distinctive impression she missed something, and that she should head to Ponyville to find out what it was. [Carousel Boutique, the day after Tirek's defeat, mid afternoon. Twilight is still in bed.] “Weeks worth of work, all for nothing.” Sombra sighed. “Yeah, but yah got yer cutie mark out of it. So it wasn't completely wasted.” Applebloom pointed out from her perch on Spike's back. She hadn't really been mad at him, a little annoyed of course, but she had let him apologize and simply accepted his attempts to make her not mad at him. Currently he was writing up his new campaign and she took the opportunity to copy Sunset and Rahs and rest on him. He was always rather warm and so long as you avoided the spines he was rather comfy too. “I would rather have that sword I made still intact than this cutie mark.” Sombra grumbled. “BLASPHAMY!” Sweetiebelle shouted. “Well that's two of the six then. All we need is to get Bloom, Spike, Firefly, and Sweetiebelle their cutie marks and mission accomplished.”Scootaloo pointed out. “Dragon's don't get cutie marks.” Spike pointed out from where he was on the ground with Applebloom sitting on him he was still trying to figure out how to stat up his sisters super powered form. “Changelings either.” Firefly offered from where he sat near Scootaloo, reading through the newest of Spike's gaming magazines. The changeling colt wasn't disguised though he had a short cropped orange mane and tail, that matched Scootaloo's coat. The others were comfortable enough around him that his lack of a disguise didn't bother them, though Sunset had a tendency to scream out any time a Changeling walked up on her. At this point everyone was certain she was only doing it for drama's sake. “And ponies don't become Alicorns, nightmare monsters, bats, or werewolves either.” Sweetiebelle pointed out. “Point.” Spike offered with a sigh as Firefly shrugged. “This has been a weird year.” Sunset pointed out. She had followed Sombra to watch the Crusaders flip out, she had not been disappointed. There was plenty of yelling, a large number of questions, and the start of a song that Sombra quickly stopped. “It's a pretty complex mark too.” Scootaloo pointed out. “Nothing to do with Princess Luna's mark either. So our theory about gods and demi gods is right out.” “Theory?”Sombra asked. “Yeah. We figured that a god and a demi god child of that god would have similar cutie marks.” Sweetiebelle offered. “ Granted our only basis for this theory is Sunset.” “Saturnia doesn't have a cutie mark.” Firefly pointed out. “And she has two parents who are gods. Granted the Queen doesn't have a cutie mark either.” “We should invite her to be a crusader.” Sweetiebelle considered. “Please don't.” Firefly, Sunset, Sombra, and Spike stated. “But yeah because of Sunset's Sun cutie mark we figured there would be a connection.” Sweetiebelle stated. “ But your mark is a forge and looks nothing like Big Sister Luna's.” “Hey now, my mark isn't that similar to Celestia's” Sunset protested. “Her cutie mark is the sun, yers is the sun.” Applebloom pointed out with a shrug shifting on Spike's back her hoof idly toying with his spines, something she had found he rather enjoyed, though his tail wagging like a dogs sometimes confused her, though she found it cute. “My mark is completely different, her's looks like the sun, mine looks like a fireball.” Sunset pointed out. “It also has a light side, and a dark side, and it holds the universe together. Like the force.” “The what?” Spike questioned. “I've never told you about that?” Sunset asked. “About what?” Applebloom asked. “Oh, have I got a story for you guys. Machete order too, maybe keep in Rogue One... pity they were killing the franchise before I left. “Sunset grinned. “A long long time ago, in a galaxy far far away....” [Off the coast of Equestria, near Bayston] For a moment there was nothing. Then there was a ship. “And there we go, right back in the water, courtly of Discord airlines, and maybe a bit of help from Chief O'brian.” Discord stated with a smirk. “Man got no respect.” Sonata nodded. “So what now?” Adagio asked, looking up at her father with a frown. “Now? To be honest I would suggest you visit your mother and let her know you're alive.” Discord offered. “Ooh! We haven't seen Neighlantis in forever.” Sonata cood. “Forget that! You won't fix the broken gem and now you want us to go crawling back to her?!” Adagio growled. “No way in hell!” “I told you, I can't fix the gem. It was a set of three and I can't remake a matching set like that again.” Discord sighed recalling how much it had hurt to do something so against his nature as create something that orderly and focused. “And even if I could I wouldn't, given how much trouble those things have caused.” “You're worried about trouble?” Adagio scoffed. “Not to others, but to you three, myself, and your mother, yes.” Discord explained. “If I hadn't made them, you wouldn't have stolen them, run off, and gotten trapped in another world for so long. Might have kept me from going completely mad and kept your mother and I from splitting up.” “I'm not going back.” Adagio snarled at him. “I can make you you know.” Discord frowned crossing his arms over his chest. “You won't” Aria offered butting into the conversation for the first time, the two had been arguing for quite some time before they came back and she had been silent thus far. “Sonata might want to go back, but Adagio clearly doesn't. And neither do I.” “Hmmm? So sure are you my dear middle child?” Discord loomed over Aria. “You're the god of chaos, forcing us to go back would put us in an ordered and structured life with little to no free will... again.“ Aria frowned. ”You know it, I know it and so do my sisters. Forcing us to go back isn't something you're willing to do. Because you know how mom will react to getting us back. And caged birds don't sing as well.” “A fine logical progression of facts and information. But since when do I follow logic my dear?” Discord smiled. “Look. I don't really know what Adagio's hang up is, but I've been enjoying the freedom I've had since I left, even the crappy parts. “ Aria rolled her eyes. “I'm not saying I never want to see her again, but I want to make sure that if I go back, it will be on my terms and I will have a way out when it becomes too stuffy again. And fucking gods help everyone if she tries to get me to rejoin that water ballet crap again. I will use what I learned in the other world to set Neighlantis on fire.” Discord blinked. “You realize that is a point AGAINST me letting you go, because I really want to see you set an underwater coral city on fire.” Discord offered. “Maybe for Christmas.” Aria huffed. “It's called Hearths Warming here dear.” Discord sighed. “Sonata?” “I wanna go back, but these two would kill each other in three days without me.” Sonata shrugged. “Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine.” Discord sighed rolling his eyes. “But I am only going to give you a few years before I come and bring you back. You girls have been amusing since you've been back, but you've also managed to piss off the wrong ponies. Twilight Sparkle is very rapidly approaching being put on my 'Do not mess with.... much...' list. Her toothy brother is already on it.” “Thanks dad...” Aria let out a held breath, not even having been sure if her argument would work. “Do be careful. There are some rather questionable individuals running around that it would be best if you did not get involved with.” Discord growled. “It won't end well for any one.” “Isn't that stock parental speech number six?” Sonata asked. “Of course. I still have the cue cards that Aqua gave me.” Dscord smirked. ”But for now. I suppose I should leave you girls to it. Be careful. And I will be keeping my I on you three.” “Lovely.” Adagioi muttered as Soniota giggled and Ariia rolled her eyes. Dscord shook his head slightly and vanished with a flash of light. [Jade Wolf Burrows] Jynx sat in her throne. The large chair was made of wood and well crafted by one of the more skilled dogs in the pack. The one that had been here before, that had been her fathers, was of bone, rock, and metal, and was highly uncomfortable, so Jynx threw it out. The warrens were alive with the sounds of festivities and music as the pack celebrated the defeat of a great enemy, those that had gone with her told of their part in the conflict and embellished it heavily. This was of course why she was sitting in the dark in her throne room while music played throughout the warren. She had to admit the music was catchy and had even caught herself tapping her paws and snapping her fingers a few times. Something she stopped as soon as she noticed, as she was trying to sulk. “Baby, do you understand me now Sometimes I feel a little mad Well, don't you know that no-one alive Can always be an angel When things go wrong I seem to be bad" Her chosen mate was mad at her, excessively so it seemed. Granted he was also mad at the bug, and Applejack, so it was almost worth it. I'm just a soul who's intentions are good Oh Lords, please don't let me be misunderstood Jynx stopped herself from tapping her paw. The problem here was that neither Sunset nor Trixie were considered to be on this blacklist thing. Despite the fact that Sunset had popped in and faced down Tirek the same as she did, Rahs was not mad at the orange unicorn. It was hardly fair. If I seem edgy, I want you to know That I never meant to take it out on you Life has it's problems and I've got my share And that's one thing I never meant to do Jynx stopped herself from tapping the arm rest of her throne with a finger. Damn song.... Still she couldn't help but see the issue. Twilight had needed to step in mid fight to keep her pack from getting killed. Jynx had only been teleported once before by Trixie and she didn't recall the amount of flashing lights and the wash of power that went over her like it did then. Granted all of her pack was highly disoriented when they reappeared, some even in the trees, so it was likely something Twilight had done to avoid the centaurs poison. What happened with the bug was even worse, That Rahs stepped in front of the attack like that.... Jynx could see where she screwed up. That was never a fight for warriors, that had been a fight of gods. It wasn't something she should have ever gotten into let alone something she got her pack into. Even demi gods such as Sunset and Saturnia were outclassed in such a fight. The blood and meat left scattered across that farm was clue enough of that. She had gotten lucky. 'Cause I love you Baby, don't you know I'm just mortal And I've thoughts like any other mutt And sometimes I find myself alone and regretting Some foolish thing, some foolish thing I've done Jynx stopped her paw from tapping again, though she frowned at the lyrics this time. She would need to find a way to get back into Rahs' good graces. Particularly if she wanted any pups. That last date had her well out of season despite how worked up she had gotten. And in truth watching him fight had done the same thing this time, but the result was not going to happen again. It was a bit of a failing of her kind that such displays of strength made her dogs excited, there was likely going to be a large number of new litters after this party. Perhaps she should go back to her original mindset of sharing him. Granted the only other one of those after him she even considered worth the effort of sharing, would be Applejack. The witch wolf pony had fought her to a stand still a number of times. Granted neither had really wanted to hurt each other too much, but the bitch had power, though she had no skill to go along with it. Perhaps Jynx could help with that as she did Rahs, though that ran the risk of giving the pony wolf an edge over her. Still now may be the time to join forces with another who was not in favor, to gain said favor back. But I'm just a soul who's intentions are good Oh Lords, please don't let me be misunderstood. Jynx blinked as the room lit up, she was about to stop herself from snapping her fingers along with the song when the sudden flood of light in the dark room made her pause. She shifted her amber eyes around, wondering if her assistant had come in, though there was no one else in the room with a light source. The source of the light however was readily apparent. For some reason there was a large glowing folder in Jynx's hand. To be continued in Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 5. Which should be live now. Link is HERE