> EQUESTRIATALE > by Twilight Star > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: Fluttershy's life in the village > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy was a yellow pegasus mare in a light blue sweatshirt with two light pink stripes and she lived in a small village. All the ponies had a heart-shaped soul that Fluttershy’s was red. Each soul had a characteristic and her trait was kindness, because she always comforted the ponies when they were sad, but despite that, Fluttershy knew when it was time to be determined in difficult times. Fluttershy had no parents anymore, her mother and father died years ago, now she was turning on her own. But she could live with that because the animals always kept her company when she was free or busy, most of them watching Fluttershy through the windows. But the pegasus wasn’t bothered. Fluttershy was eating her lunch she made herself at the table. Sometimes she liked to leave home and the village to explore new places. But of course, she always came back when the sun went down because she was afraid of the dark. But luckily, the village would keep the lights on when night came, and that made Fluttershy a little quiet. Fluttershy was now eating her lettuce salad while looking at the village. Many ponies were going out with their foals, they had smiles on their faces. The foals played happily while the adult ponies talked. When she finished eating, she took the dish to wash, began to think about what she should do today. Fluttershy had an idea. She would leave the village to go to the forest to be with her animal friends. Fluttershy smiled to herself at her decision.    After a couple of minutes, Fluttershy left her house and walked out of the woods. A yellow mare with orange mane and carrot Cutie Mark watched the pegasus leave the village with a smile.  There she goes back to the forest. The yellow pegasus must love the forest.  When Fluttershy entered the forest, she went looking for her animal friends. “Little friends. I arrived.”  The animals left their houses and when saw Fluttershy they ran to her. Fluttershy sat on the grass to talk to her friends.  “How are you, little friends?” asked Fluttershy with a smile.  The animals began to talk. When they finished, Fluttershy looked happy.  “I’m fine too.”    When night came, Fluttershy got up from the grass and said goodbye to the animals. The animals said goodbye also before returning to their homes to sleep.  When Fluttershy arrived in the village, she still saw some pony still out, perhaps because it wasn’t too late yet. Arriving at her house, Fluttershy went to the kitchen to prepare her dinner. Fluttershy intended to eat a vegetable soup because she was a vegetarian and never had the courage to eat any meat. While making the soup, she noticed that an owl had landed on the window. Fluttershy smiled at the owl.  “Hi owl. What’s your night like?” asked Fluttershy.  “U,” replied the owl.  “Oh. Did you just wake up?” asked Fluttershy. “I’m sorry.”  “U.”  “You’re right, owl,” said Fluttershy.  Fluttershy looked at the pan and saw that it was boiling and put the vegetables in the soup before mixing well and serving to eat. The owl just watched the yellow pegasus. When Fluttershy was about to eat, she looked at the owl.  “You can come inside my house, owl,” said Fluttershy.  The owl looked confused. “U?”  “No. I won’t be mad,” said Fluttershy with a sweet smile.  The owl smiled before going in and landing on the table that Fluttershy was about to watch her eat. Fluttershy couldn’t deny that she cooked well for herself since it had spent most of her life living alone. Her parents may have died when she was a foal, but she got over it.    When finished eating, Fluttershy went to the sink to wash the plate to go to sleep and the owl just watched the yellow pegasus. When Fluttershy was done, she went to her bed to sleep, and the owl watched Fluttershy sleep in bed.  When the next day came, Fluttershy woke up, stretched, looked out the window, and didn’t see the owl. Fluttershy wondered if tonight she would see the owl again. She decided to go to the kitchen to eat something. But she found no food to eat. It looked like she would have get something from the village market. Fluttershy closed the closet before grabbing her bag, going to the door to go shopping. Closing the door, she saw that she had many ponies already awake. Some foals had a backpack because they would go to school. It reminded Fluttershy of when she was studying at the village school. She wasn’t usually talking to other foals much because she was shy, but she worked hard at school to get good grades.  Arriving at the market, Fluttershy was looking for bread until he found it. She looked at the mare that sold bread. “I want seven breads, please.”  The mare took seven loaves of bread, put it in a plastic bag and handed it to Fluttershy. Fluttershy smiled before paying and leaving.    When Fluttershy arrived at her house, she saw a newspaper on the carpet. Fluttershy took the newspaper with her mouth before opening the door of her house, entering, closing it and going to the table. Fluttershy set the newspaper and bag of bread on the table before going to the fridge to get margarine for bread and bring it to the table. She took advantage of the fact that she was in the kitchen and took a plate. Arriving at the table, she sat down, took a loaf of bread and set it on a plate, a kitchen knife, dabbed some margarine on the sharp object and passed it on the bread. When Fluttershy thought she was good with margarine, she started eating while thinking of what she should do next.    When she had finished eating, Fluttershy put the bag of bread in the cupboard, washed the knife and plate in the sink before leaving the house to see the animals in the forest. And when Fluttershy left home, there was always somepony from the village who watched her leave the village. As she was near the village exit she heard a mare’s voice and stopped.  “Do you know the last one?”  “No. Which is?”  Fluttershy looked back and saw two mares talking. She knew that wasn’t right, but her curiosity spoke louder. She approached softly behind the mares to hear the conversation.  “What seven ponies in our village died after climbing Mount Ebott,” replied the pale blue mare and white horsehair.  Fluttershy was afraid to hear the word “died.” Did ponies die after climbing a mountain? Did they die of tiredness or did they really die? If they really died, Fluttershy felt the fear taking over her.  The other mare, which was pink with light green mane said, “But how did they die?”  “Some say they died after falling.”  The pink mare let out a sigh of surprise. “My Fausto! Poor things!”  “Yeah. Poor things,” agreed the other mare, now sad. “I bet their parents must be very worried.”  “I think so too,” said the pink mare.  Fluttershy stepped back silently so the two mares wouldn’t hear her. When Fluttershy saw that she was well away from the Two Mares, it began to think. Did the six foals really die from the fall or was it another reason. It made her very curious and she intended to find out, but first she had to warn her animal friends. Fluttershy noticed that she was very close to the entrance of the village and went looking for the forest that was near the village.    The animals waited for Fluttershy. They didn’t know why Fluttershy was taking so long. Did something bad happen to the pegasus? Or did Fluttershy just forget about them? They wanted to go to the village looking for Fluttershy, but none forest animals were allowed in the village. Suddenly, they heard footsteps and saw Fluttershy running towards them. The animals smiled when they saw the pegasus.  “I’m here, little friends,” said Fluttershy.  When Fluttershy got close to the animals, she sat down. “Little friends, I have something to tell.”  The animals approached Fluttershy. “As I was leaving the village, I heard a talk of two mares,” began Fluttershy.    “They were saying that seven village ponies died after climbing Mount Ebott,” continued Fluttershy. “A mare said they died after falling.”  A white rabbit went to Fluttershy and spoke.  “Oh. If I’m going to do anything about it?” asked Fluttershy. “Well, I intend to investigate yes.”  The animals were saddened by the answer. Fluttershy noted the sadness of her friends and said, “hey. I swear I will return. Don’t worry.”  The animals smiled a little. If Fluttershy was saying he would return it would make her happy. “Well, I’ll have to organize my stuff before I go looking for a map.”  Fluttershy hugged all the animals before returning to the village to organize their things.    Upon arriving home, Fluttershy grabbed her brown backpack with a pink butterfly design. She put fruit in her backpack and would use a stick as a weapon. Now all she had to do was find a map, but how would she find a map? Well, Fluttershy intended to search the library now, she just hoped that it ever found a book that spoke of Mount Ebott. It wasn’t long before she found the library. Upon entering, she saw that there was almost no one in the library other than those who worked. Fluttershy began to think. If she wanted to find something about this mound, she would have to search the letter M shelves. But one thing she knew: It wouldn’t be easy.  Fluttershy began searching through the books on the shelves. And so far, she hasn’t found a book that talks about Mount Ebott. But she wouldn’t give up. At that moment she was filled with kindness.    After an hour of searching, Fluttershy found a book with the title, “Mount Ebott.” Fluttershy found the title strange, she hoped the title wasn’t so obvious. But she accepted, took it to read, and set it on the table.  Mount Ebott: It is the highest mountain in the world. Mount Ebott is located in the middle of the forest, near in the Village of Golden Flowers.  Fluttershy recognized the name of the village the book spoke of her village. So the forest Fluttershy would have to go to was the same as her animal friends was there. Fluttershy just hoped her friends didn’t think she has back. She was about to put the book back on the shelf until something fell from the book. Fluttershy took the paper and set it on the table to open it. To her surprise, it wasn’t ordinary paper, but a map.  A map for Mount Ebott! It was what I needed!  Fluttershy took the map and put it in her backpack before storing the book back on the shelf. She just hoped no one would suspect a map in the book. When she had finished saving, Fluttershy left the library. No one seemed to care about Fluttershy leaving the library. Well, better for her. Leaving the library, Fluttershy headed toward the forest to begin her adventure to Mount Ebott. Many ponies that saw Fluttershy leave the village wanted to know why the pegasus was leaving. Would she move? But they decided to not go ask to Fluttershy. > Welcome to the underground, little one > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After so many hours, Fluttershy managed to find the Mount Ebott. Fluttershy realized that the mountain was very high. She knew it would take a while to get to the top. Until Fluttershy remembered that she was a pegasus. She spread her wings and began to fly. She made it quite high. But looking up, she felt fear, her two wings closed and fell back to the floor. Lucky, she fell into a bush. The pegasus looked up before trying to fly again, but its wings refused to open. She saw a climb up the mountain. Fluttershy looked up again and felt fear seize her.  “It’s so… high….”  Fluttershy didn’t want to give up now. Because Fluttershy had come so far to find this mountain, but she was so scared. Fluttershy sighed.  “I think I better give up,” said Fluttershy.  Suddenly Fluttershy heard a roaring sound. Fluttershy was startled, looked back and saw Timberwolves. The Timberwolves saw Fluttershy and went to the pegasus. Fluttershy started running toward the mountain to climb hoping to outwit the Timberwolves on the way up. The Timberwolves chased after Fluttershy as they drooled with hunger. As Fluttershy ran, she hoped to reach the top as quickly as possible. Fluttershy looked back and saw that the Timberwolves were far away from her. Fluttershy was relieved by that, but she knew the Timberwolves would soon catch up. But she had to stop running when she saw a cliff. Fluttershy was very afraid. She was afraid of falling. But she would try to jump the other way. Fluttershy took a few steps back before she started running down the cliff to jump and she did it, but it got hurt a little but had no scratch on her. She heard a roar and saw the Timberwolves stopped running when they saw the cliff. Fluttershy was relieved to have jumped in time. She got up and continued on her way.    After soaring, Fluttershy arrived in a part of what was known as an avalanche. Fluttershy walked in the utmost silence so that no part of the avalanche fell on her. Although she didn’t know her location was avalanche, she decided to be quiet and not say anything. It would all work if a leaf hadn’t fallen from a tree and reached Fluttershy’s back.  “Aaaahhhh!!!”  Everything began to tremble. Fluttershy looked around and saw that the tops began to fall, the pegasus ran out as it dodged the falling stones. Fluttershy looked up and saw that a rock would fall on her. The pegasus dodged the spot before the rock fell on it. When Fluttershy thought she would never leave the avalanche site, the pegasis saw that it was almost near the exit. Fluttershy took a deep breath and jumped up there. When she did so, many rocks fell where Fluttershy was before.  Fluttershy fell face down as she breathed tiredly. She got up and looked back. Fluttershy was surprised that she managed to escape her death. Fluttershy got up to look to see if she was reaching the top and saw that it was shortly before.  * Knowing that I will make it to the top fills you with kindness.  The pegasus continued to pace as she wondered what might be on top. Did it have animals? If so, would it be the same as Equestria?    Reaching the top, Fluttershy saw an entrance. She found it strange. The pegasus certainly didn’t expect Mount Ebott to have a cave. But even so, she decided to go inside to see what was inside.  Fluttershy saw that inside was very spacious: It had vines, stones and a huge hole in the ground. Fluttershy walked slowly to the hole, afraid to fall inside. But she tripped over a rock near the cliff and fell. Fluttershy’s pupils narrowed and her heart beat fast.  “Oh my Goddnes! Oh my Goddness!”  The speed that Fluttershy fell was very fast. Fluttershy tried to spread her wings to fly back to where she was. But Fluttershy didn’t it because when the pegasus were afraid of something, their wings wouldn’t open up.  Fluttershy decided to look down and saw a bed of sunflowers. Fluttershy began to think she would get hurt when it fell. But it didn’t happen. The flowers cushioned the fall.  Fluttershy was surprised by this. She didn’t expect sunflowers could do that. She looked around and saw that there was no one. As much as Fluttershy liked to be alone, she hoped to find somepony. Fluttershy got up and saw that it had a large door. The pegasus decided to go to the door. Maybe she wouldn’t find anypony?  As she entered, she looked around and saw a sun-faced face. Fluttershy was confused.  A sunflower with a face?  Fluttershy slowly approached the sunflower until he said, “hello. I am Happy Flower.”  Fluttershy was a little scared. A sunflower with a face that speaks? She has never seen it in her life.  Happy Flower stuck his left sepal in the receptacle. “You just got in the underground, right?”  Although Fluttershy was a little scared at first, she recovered to answer the question. “Uh…. Yes.”  “Wow. You must be so confused,” said Happy Flower. “Somepony needs to teach you what it’s like here.”  “I think I’ll have to take care of it myself,” said Happy Flower. “Prepared? Come on.”  Suddenly the scene went black, the colors of Fluttershy and Happy Flower turned white. Fluttershy saw her soul.  “See that heart?” asked Happy Flower. “This is your SOUL. The very culmination of your being!”  “Not wanting to be rude… But I already know that…” Happy Flower looked surprised, but soon smiled again. “Really? How nice. But your SOUL is weak at first, but you make it stronger if you gain enough LV.”  Fluttershy was confused. “What does LV mean?”  “Why, Love. Of course!” replied Happy Flower. “You want LOVE, don’t you?”  Fluttershy thought before answering. “I think so. That if it’s not too much trouble… ”  “It will be no trouble, little pony. I will share with you.”  Happy Flower blinked. Fluttershy found it lovely.  Happy Flower made five petals appear. “Here it is. LOVE is shared by… Little and white… Friendship candy.”  Fluttershy realized this didn’t look like candies at all. Should she trust this flower?  “Are you ready?” asked Happy Flower.  Fluttershy thought. She shouldn’t judge anypony by appearance. What if this flower is a friend she could trust? She decided to believe that this flower was good.  “Yes, Happy Flower,” replied Fluttershy.  “Move. Take as much as you can!” Happy Flower threw the petals to Fluttershy’s SOUL.  Fluttershy went to the petals. But unfortunately, she got hurt, her HP went from twenty to one. She was in a lot of pain.  “Happy Flower. You know what…”  But seeing Happy Flower’s expression, she was startled.  “Idiot,” said Happy Flower. “In this world is killing or dying.”  Fluttershy was shocked by these words. “Why would anypony waste such an opportunity?”  Suddenly Fluttershy was surrounded by several petals. “Die,” That said, Happy Flower started laughing wildly.  Fluttershy cringed. “Somepony help me!!”  As if requested, the petals are gone. Happy Flower’s crazy expression changed to one of confusion and irritation at the same time. The flower had no time to do anything next, because a blue-colored spell threw Happy Flower away.  Fluttershy was glad to be saved. But the sight of a mare with a dark blue, silver perk, ethereal mane and a moon cutie mark made her afraid.  “What an evil creature. Hurting an innocent pony,”said the mare.  The mare looked at Fluttershy and noted the fear of the pegasus. “Ah. Don’t be afraid, my foal. I am Luna, guardian of the RUINS.”  Fluttershy’s fear faded a little, and she seemed to smile.  “I come by daily to see if anypony has fallen,” explained Luna. “You’re the first pony to come here in a long time.”  Fluttershy got up, but still felt sore.  “Come on. I will guide you through the catacombs,” said Luna. “Come on in.”  Luna started to walk. Fluttershy followed her. But the pegasus had to walk slowly. As they passed a door, Luna waited for Fluttershy to walk. When Fluttershy walked, Luna continued on her way.  Fluttershy saw a standing butterfly. Curious, she went over to click on a hoof. * (The shadow of the ruins looms above, filling you with Kindness.) *(HP recovered completely.)  Fluttershy felt a little better and stronger physically. Fluttershy saw that she could save. She clicked save and the text box disappeared.  Fluttershy saw a ladder on the left and climbed it. As she climbed, she saw Luna waiting for her and entering another room.  Fluttershy saw that in this other room was six buttons on the floor.  “Welcome to your new home, little one,” said Luna. “Allow me to educate on the functioning of the RUINS.”  Luna stepped on two top and bottom buttons before pushing a button on the wall and opening a door and going to Fluttershy to explain. “RUINS have many puzzles, functions, elders, between distractions and braids.”  “You have to solve them to go from room to room,” said Luna.  Fluttershy never saw a place that had to solve a puzzle to reach another room.  “Please try to get used to them,” said Luna.  The alicorn waited for Fluttershy to walk before leaving the room. Fluttershy saw something on the wall and decided to see what was written.  * Only determined will pass.  * The brave, the fools. Both don’t walk in the middle.  Fluttershy raised an eyebrow. Was she considered determined then? She never thought to herself like that. She was usually a little afraid and had almost no courage. But she decided to believe the words of the text and continue her path with Luna.  “For we continue, you will have to activate several switches,” said Luna. “Don’t worry. I marked the ones you should activate. ”  Fluttershy seemed calm with what Luna said.  Luna started to walk and Fluttershy followed her. Fluttershy saw a switch and went to him to activate it. Luna walked back to where the next switch was. Fluttershy went up to push the switch and suddenly everything shook.  “Very well!” said Luna. “I’m proud of you, little one. Let’s go to the other room.”  Fluttershy followed her and saw a dragon’s dummy.  “Being a pony living in the UNDERGROUND, monsters and other ponies can attack you,” said Luna.  Fluttershy was afraid. Fluttershy didn’t want the others here to think she was a threat.   “You need to be prepared for this. But don’t worry. It’s very simple. When you encounter a monster or pony, you will enter a FIGHT. While in a FIGHT, start a friendly conversation.”  Fluttershy smiled at what Luna said. She didn’t want to hurt anypony here, even if they hurt her back.  “Just save time. I will come to resolve the conflict, ”said Luna. “Practice talking to that dragon doll.”  Fluttershy went to the puppet dragon to start practicing. She got in a FIGHT. * You come across Dragoneco.  Fluttershy realized she had four buttons: Fight, Act, Item and Mercy. Fluttershy decided to go to Act and saw that she had two options: Check and Chat. She decided to go talk.  “Er ... Hi. How are you doing?” said Fluttershy. * He doesn’t seem in the mood to talk. * Luna looks happy at you. * You won! * You have earned zero XP and zero gold.  “Ah good. You’re very good,” said Luna before leaving and Fluttershy to accompany her.  “There’s another puzzle in this room ...” said Luna. “Can you solve it?”  Fluttershy accompanied Luna, they were very close to the spot, but the pegasus got into a fight. * Froggit attacks you!  Fluttershy went to Act and saw that she could check, threaten and compliment. Fluttershy decided to compliment.  “You look beautiful today, Froggit,” said Fluttershy. * Froggit doesn’t understand what you said, but he is flattered.  Luna looked at Froggit with an unhappy face. Froggit noticing came out. * You won! * You have gained zero XP and zero Gold.  Fluttershy continued to follow Luna until the alicorn stopped. Fluttershy was a little worried.  “Um… Luna?” asked Fluttershy.  Luna looked at Fluttershy. “There is the puzzle, but it is very dangerous.”  Fluttershy tried to look to see what it looked like and saw that it had thorns on the floor. She was scared.  “On here. Hold my hoof for a moment,” Luna gave Fluttershy the hoof and the pegasus took the alicorn’s hoof.  They started walking until they reached the other side. “This puzzle looks very dangerous for now.”  They left the room and Fluttershy saw a corridor.  “You have been excellent so far, my little one,” said Luna. “But ... I have a difficult request for you.”  Luna was quiet for a few seconds before answering. Fluttershy lifted a hoof. “I’d like you to walk to the end of this room alone.”  Fluttershy was surprised.  “Forgive me for that.”  Luna started to walk. Fluttershy followed the path that was on the floor. She looked around and saw that there was nothing of interest. The only thing it had was the pillar at the end of the corridor.  Luna emerged from behind the pillar. “Greetings, my little one. Don’t worry. I have not abandoned you.”  Fluttershy grinned with relief.  “I was hiding behind this pillar all the time,” said Luna. “Thank you for trusting me.”  “You’re welcome.”  “However, there was an important reason for this exercise. Test your independence. ”  Fluttershy felt brave.  “I need to take care of some things,” said Luna, “and you’ll have to be alone for a while.”  “Please stay here. It’s dangerous to explore alone,” said Luna. “I have an idea. I will give you a MOBILE. If you need anything, just call.”  “Be good, okay?” Luna left the room Fluttershy was in.  Fluttershy sat on the floor. And now what should she do? Wait for Luna or explore the ruins alone?