> Just Be Confident > by Dark Tail > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > "Remember to breath." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ocellus couldn't help but look in every direction in awe. Her face turning at each individual Dragon as Smolder led her through the rocky terrain, her hand grasped tightly as the orange Dragon briskly walked towards their destination. Ocellus' eyes traveled over her lover. Her breasts bounced slightly with each step being just barely contained by her brown cloth tied around her back. Her loin cloth sometimes showing parts of her ass as she quickly walked, giving a nice view from time to time. Ocellus couldn't believe she was here in the Dragon Kingdom. With summer break now upon them, Ocellus was free from school for the time being and that meant it was time for Smolder to show Ocellus around her home land. After a long train ride followed by a day long hike, they managed to reach the cave that she leaved in. It was just her now, having been staying with some room mates awhile back, but now was living on her own. It was a small cave so there wasn't much in terms of a home tour, but Smolder was quick to wanting to show everything fun there was to do around there anyways. One of these things was a lava bath. Thanks to Headmare Starlight, she had a spell placed on her that would allow her to take intense heat just like a Dragon would, meaning that she wouldn't have to stay in Dragon form while here. She could just be herself. It was also a safety thing as well, considering they would be standing near active volcanoes. Ocellus kept pace with her favorite Dragon. Her blue robe matched her body surprisingly well and kept any eyes from seeing what she was wearing underneath... Or lack there of. Smolder had chosen to wear something more akin to what her species usually wears... If anything at all. Hence a more barbarian style. Though at this point, most would consider it Dragon style. After walking for a good while, passing large Dragons of varying colors and interest in them, the two came upon a large pool of lava. Large rocks surrounded it on all sides but one, giving them a bit of privacy away from the other Dragons. Smolder stopped and dipped her toe in, giving a small sigh. "Ah, perfect." She then proceeded to untie the cloth bounding her breasts, causing Ocellus to blush as they came into view. Smolder then undid her loin cloth, making sure to stick out her ass a bit and raise her tail. "Like what you see?" Smolder asked with a grin. Ocellus had to wipe her lower lip. "Not gonna lie... Very much so." Smolder's smile grew as she took a step in and sunk into the lava. The red liquid seemed to act like a pudding almost. Strange to Ocellus who had assumed it tended to act differently, at least that is what she had read about when it came to hot magma. But then again, magic did work in strange ways on the Equestrian landscape. As Smolder relaxed, allowing the lava to come just up to her shoulders, Ocellus dipped her finger in wanting to make sure the spell was doing its job. While she did feel some heat, it was more like a warm hot tub feeling instead of the burning sensation she would otherwise feel in her current bug form. Satisfied with that, she undid her robe, Ocellus' breasts bounced slightly as her naked form coming into view. The feeling of cloth leaving her skin was always something she looked forward to. After having discovered a certain side of her recently, she had been looking for more chances to show of her body a bit more often, at least when no one is looking. With the exception of a special someone. Or some Dragon. Ocellus did her best not to show how much she was loving the fact that Smolder was clearly tracing her eyes all over her body. She let out a soft sigh and put a hoof in, quickly lowered herself right next to Smolder. To her surprise, there seemed to be a large smooth rock she could sit on. It seemed to be what Smolder was sitting on as well. The lava felt just like a mud bath. Thick and warm but with a sauna effect on top with a bit of steam thrown in. It was thick but not too thick that she couldn't move around in it. She let out a small coo as the steam wafted over her. Smolder scooted closer and put arm over her shoulders, letting her claw drape over the other side. Ocellus smiled as her lover brought her in close, their bodies now snug against one another. She glanced up at the sky, seeing Dragons of varying colors gliding over head in the distance. "Wow, I can't believe we are here and doing this. Thankyou so much for convincing me to come out here." Smolder chuckled and watched a larger Dragon fly by. "No problem. Figured I should get a chance to show my favorite Changedling how to live. Trust me, we are only scratching the surface. But I will admit, this is one of the best things to do around here... Well second best things anyways." Ocellus felt Smolders tail reach around her and brush against her inner thigh. The changedling couldn't help but let out a small squeak as her claw began to gently squeeze her left breast. Smolder grinned and whispered: "The number one thing being what kind of noises can I make you do while we're here." "Oh?" Ocellus said as she leaned forward and turned toward Smolder. She quickly straddled her Dragon lover, sitting down on Smolder's lap, her breasts pushing down Smolders as she was currently a few inches above her head like this. She slid her hand down, finding the Dragons entrance, her fingers dancing on her slit. "I happen to know that I am not the only one who can make some pretty interesting noises." Smolder let out a small grunt as her entrance was played with. Not to be out done though, she moved her tail upwards, poking at her lovers entrance with the tip. The blush that came across the Changedling's face was enough to tell her she was touching in all the right places. Smolder gripped her favorite love bug's ass. "So, how about we..." She blinked as a cloud of black smoke rolled by. Ocellus cocked her head slightly in confusion. Only for her eyes to grow wide as she looked over at where she had set down her robe. It was currently on fire. Apparently having gotten to close too the lava. Unfortunately, while she was fire proof, she hadn't considered her clothing. Ocellus scrambled out of the lava pool, shoving Smolder aside in the process much to the Dragon's annoyance. The blue Changedling stomped on the flames, hoping to put them out but it was to no avail. At this point, her robe was a lost cause. Ocellus dropped to her knees as she stared at the smoldering chunk of cloth that was once her robe. "Why me...?" She muttered. Smolder slowly crawled out of the lava pool. Despite still being miffed about the shove and the broken moment between them, she still understood that her close friend was feeling pretty distraught. She put a hand on her shoulder as Ocellus tried to think of what she was going to do next. "Smolder... How far away is your cave again?" Smolder thought for a moment before answering. "About a ten minute walk, I think." "And how many Dragons are we going to pass between your cave and here?" Smolder put a claw to her chin and shrugged. "I don't know, twenty at the least, sixty at the most." Ocellus was felt her heart quicken. "And I have to walk back naked... With all them watching?" She squeaked. Not like a sexual one like before but a more worried one. Smolder rolled her eyes. "We aren't as prude as Ponies, Ocellus. Dragons walk around naked all the time. Doubt they would care if they saw you." Ocellus felt her heart quicken but for a different reason. "R-really?" Smolder smiled. "Just so long as you don't make a big deal out of it. Or show any shame in it. We do pick up on fear after all. Some may try to exploit that." Ocellus stood up and glanced past the large rocks. "So... I just have to confidently walk back without drawing attention to myself... Or showing any fear..." Smolder nodded. "Exactly. It will be just like the walk over here." Ocellus clenched her hands and crossed her arms over her breasts. She bent over slightly. "Oh, Smolder... I don't think I can do this!" Smolder watched her lover rock back and forth for a moment. She let out a deep breath as she glanced back at her own clothing. She picked up the loin cloth and top. Ocellus turned, watching in silent fascination and horror as she casually threw them into the lava. "There, now we both can walk back naked." Ocellus struggled to find words as she watched the cloth burn and quickly disappear. "Are you sure about this?" Smolder let out a small chuckle. "Relax, I usually don't usually wear much around here anyways. I'll be right next to you, helping you keep your cool." Smolder walked over and stood next to Ocellus, holding out her claw. Ocellus hesitantly dropped her arms and took it. She helped the still slightly distraught Changedling to her hooves. Smolder looked on ahead. "You just have to be confident. Don't think about what the others are thinking, you just focus on me, alright?" Ocellus nodded as Smolder began to walk forward. Her heart began to beat faster as she passed the large rocks. Several Dragons suddenly came into view, most just lazing about, not caring about anything going on around them. Ocellus paused immediately, her first instinct to try and cover herself with her arm going over her breasts and her hand covering her exposed flower. Smolder sighed and slapped Ocellus in the rear. The Changedling meeped as both her hands quickly shot to where Smolder had left her mark. "Hey, what did I just say? Don't act ashamed. Just be cool." Ocellus took a deep breath slowly put her hands to her sides. She then took a deep breath and raised her right hand. "Do you mind..." Smolder rolled her eyes. "Alright, hand holding for now is fine. We are an item after all so we should be able to get away with that. Just keep her hands away from your melons alright... Unless you plan on doing something fun with them soon." Smolder added with a grin. Ocellus did her best to chuckle at the statement but all that came out was nervous wheeze. The two soon began to walk forward, Smolder trying to walk slow and casual while Ocellus tried to not speed up and keep pace. They were soon seeing Dragons on all sides of them. Ocellus stared at a large one as she and Smolder slowly walked past. It seemed to be staring off into space. Ocellus found her heart rate starting to lower as she realized that Smolder was right, they really didn't seem to care. Smolder gave a small tug on Ocellus. "Hey, no need to take such small steps." She was looking down and noticing that Ocellus was now taking small jittery steps. "Just walk confidently, remember, they are going to pick up on this kind of stuff." Ocellus realized how tense her body was and took a much bigger step forward. The another and soon she was having a better time keeping pace with Smolder. Her body slowly relaxing just a bit with each step. The Dragon nodded. "That's it, just got to remember, show no fear. Show me that wild side of yours if you have to. Just remember that time in the locker room." Ocellus felt her face grow slightly hotter. "You mean, the time we banged so hard and passionate in the shower that I passed out?" Smolder felt a predatory grin form at the memory. "Mmm... Exactly." Despite her feelings earlier, Ocellus had to admit, this was kind of nice. It really was just a casual walk but also felt kind of freeing in a way. Like the feeling of being able to walk without a care in the world. No Dragon seemed to care about them anyways... That is, till one tall but skinny looking one raised its head to stare at her while they passed, its eyes scanning the two. Ocellus squeezed Smolders hand as they past by. Smolder, sensing her hesitation, whispered softly. "Hey, keep that heart of yours under control. He is only interested in making sure we don't mess with him. Some Dragons are very territorial, even if it is just a small space. Just don't focus on him and he will leave us alone." Ocellus nodded. She really wasn't scared of the Dragon, just the fact that he was staring at her. She wasn't sure why but it was both terrifying and exciting at the same time. Her mixed emotions only getting worst as they came upon a red dragon walking towards them. "Oh great... As much as I love him, was really hoping not to bump into him today... Just let me do the talking." Smolder said in a low tone. Ocellus squeezed her lover's claw harder as a tall red Dragon stopped in front of them. He wore a large brown leather jacket and nothing more. Ocellus couldn't help but search for his member, only to remember it usually remains hidden until needed. "Hey Gar-Gar, what's up?" The red Dragon's eyes locked with Ocellus for a second before looking back as Smolder. He seemed to twitch slightly at the name before turning to Smolder. "Nothing, just wanted to see if the rumors were true. So... You really are dating a Changeling, huh?" Ocellus did her best to look casual despite feeling the Dragon's eyes run over every part of her body. She badly wanted to cover her breasts and lower entrance, but at the same time, a small part her wanted him to see her... All of her. Was it suddenly hotter out here than it was before? "Yeah, this is Ocellus. We've been dating for almost a year now. I did tell you about her a few months ago." Ocellus gave a small wave with her free hand, while trying not to stare at the ground too much. It had to be getting hotter, right? Garble raised an eyebrow. "Surprised. Figured it'd be a one time thing like your last lay. When it comes to mates, figured you would want someone a bit more tough or rowdy like." Smolder cocked her head slightly and grinned. "Oh trust me, she can be pretty rough when she want to be." Ocellus felt her face heat up at that. Smolder give her a reassuring squeeze. The two locked eyes for a moment as Ocellus turned to her. "And no, not just in that way Ocellus. Go on, show him what you can do." That look she gave her, it was like feeling a wave of trust and love flow through her. She looked up at Garble then back to her. The was a spike of something strong within her. Smolder was counting on her here and now. That was enough to give her just enough confidence in that second to let go of her claw. Flames danced over her. Her body growing larger as she transformed. When the flames vanished, all that remained was a very menacing looking Ursa Minor. She let out a loud roar, just loud enough to actually turn some heads of even the larger Dragons nearby. RAWRRRR! It echoed throughout the area. Garble blinked and took a step back. There was a moment of sputtering coming from him as Ocellus quickly transformed back into her normal self; the other Dragons quickly loosing interest. Garble eventually managed an "Oh..." while Smolder beamed. Garble took a moment to regain his composer before turning around and heading off in a different direction. "Yeah, she's a keeper." He called over his shoulder. Smolder waited moment before turning to Ocellus and giving her a bear hug. Ocellus felt her blush return as her body squished against her own. "Wow Ocellus, that was awesome. He can be a bit over protective so I was a bit worried for a second there but you showed him. I don't think I have ever seen him sputter like that before. I freaking love you so much right now." There was a pause as Smolder quickly broke the hug, realizing that the other Dragons still might be watching and grunted. "Right. Let's keep going. Still have a bit of a... Uh..." Smolder suddenly glanced down, realizing that bit of liquid was dripping down her leg. "Huh? Where did this come from?" Ocellus looked away for a second. The orange Dragon noticed and happened to glance down. She did her best not to laugh. "Wow, I knew this had to be turning you on, but I didn't know it was turning you on this much!" Ocellus nodded, refusing to look as Smolder in the eye as she felt herself growing wetter by the minute. Smolder ran a claw over her entrance, causing the changedling to shudder slightly. She then brought her claw up, licking the juices coating it. "Mmm, now that is what I am talking about. I see your wild side is showing through now, even though you are trying to hide it. " Smolder gave her lover a light spank, a small meep ensuing. "But no need to do that though. Its just as good as being confident around here." Ocellus didn't say anything. She didn't need to. Her whole body felt like it was on fire. So many Dragons were staring at her just now. So many eyes tracing her body. Smolder wasn't helping. There was that feeling excitement and terror mixed together and it just seemed get stronger with each passing second... Though excitement was starting to win over. Ocellus wondered briefly how Dragons felt about mating out in public. Cause right now, she felt more hornier than she ever had before. She had to admit it, she was feeling like how she did half a year ago... When it was just a sweater... Wandering around the school. At any moment someone could realize that was all she was wearing... And it was so... Exciting... Smolder grabbed Ocellus' hand again. The Changedling blinked as her thoughts were interrupted. Smolder gave her a gentle pull. "Come on, we still got a bit of a ways to go." Ocellus nodded, trying to wipe her hand over her entrance in order to make it less obvious how wet she looked down there. The next few minutes went by without incident, much to both Ocellus' relief and disappointment. Sure, there were some Dragons watching, but after a little while of walking, she was starting to get used to it. She almost wanted to stand there and just take it all in. She was about to ask Smolder about a nagging question in the back of her mind when Smolder stopped abruptly. Ocellus turned to her then looked ahead. A blue Dragon was now gliding toward them. Ocellus had to blink to make sure she was seeing right. As this thin but still kind of curvy Dragon landed in front of them, her features became more noticeable. She had some serious melons, a soft face despite the scales and a body that screamed sexy. She was holding some sort of scepter. ...Also, she was completely naked. Smolder nodded. "Dragon Lord Ember." She said with a shot respectful bow. Ocellus followed her lover's actions. Her heart rate started to kick into high gear again. "Hey Smolder, just here to see about a Ursa Minor siting. You wouldn't happen to know about that would you?" Ocellus coughed. "Um... That might have been... Me." Ember turned and looked at her with interest and slight amusement. "Oh yeah, that's right. Smolder mentioned you awhile back. Never thought I'd see a Changedling around here. But then again, there are a lot of things around here that have happened that I thought I would never see." She seemed lost in thought for a moment before shaking her head. She raised her claw and held it out. Ocellus raised her hand and shook it. There was a strong grip there. A feeling of incredible strength within the Dragon despite her appearance. "I've heard a bit about you. You've done a lot for Equestria in the past, haven't you?" Ocellus nodded, she wanted to feel good about the praise she was getting from such an important figure... But her eyes just couldn't stop looking at this naked, lush, jaw dropping body. If one was to look up the phrase sexy damn dragon, her picture would be there, right below it. Ocellus did her best not to stare too long, lest it get awkward. She kicked herself mentally, she shouldn't be ogling this Dragon. Especially since her lover was right freaking next to her! But damn those freaking melons! Those thick thighs. That luscious toned body! Ocellus mentally slapped herself. "Get it together you horny Changedling!" Smolder took a step forward. "Well hate to cut this meeting short, but Ocellus and I were just on our way back to the cave..." Ember grinned. "Say no more." She turned to Ocellus. "Take it from me, she can be a handful at times, but she knows how to hit just the right spots." She gave a wink before turning and flying off. Ocellus watched her go, her eyes trailing over her ass that somehow wasn't completely obstructed by tail. Her words finally hitting her as she soon disappeared over a large hill. "Wait... Hold on." "She's hot isn't she?" The changedling jumped slightly, finally able to bring her mind back from the brink. "Oh I uh..." She looked away nervously. Smolder chuckled. "Don't worry, I completely understand. She was my first after all." Ocellus felt her jaw drop as she slowly turned back to Smolder. The Dragon licked her lips as she nodded. "We were room mates awhile back. As well as this other Dragon. We all got to know each other very closely on one particular night." "Wow... I am, actually sort of jealous." Ocellus couldn't help but admit it. Images of her body kept flashing in her mind. Smolder let out a slightly louder laugh. "Well then, perhaps I can make it up to you later. She does owe me one. That is, if you think you can handle the both of us." She stared at Ocellus, her bedroom eyes making her feel extremely wet again. Between Ember and everything else, she wasn't sure she was going to make it back to cave. She felt another stream run down her leg. "Dear Goddess, I can't take this!" She glanced around them and noticed a small crater. That will do. Ocellus gripped Smolder and started to lead her over to it. The orange Dragon's head cocked slightly. "Hey, you know my cave is in the other direction, right?" Ocellus felt her drops of her own juices hitting her hooves. "We aren't going to the cave anymore." Smolder cocked her head slightly as Ocellus turned back towards her. "Sorry but... I can't take it anymore. Smolder... I need you... Please.We are doing this. Right here, right now." "Aren't you worried about some Dragon seeing us?" Ocellus turned back, her eyes full of fire. "At this point... I hope so." Smolder's face went between, I just won the lottery to are you sure about this? and quickly back to I love you so freaking much right now! She soon let out the happiest gasp she had ever let out. Like the gasp only heard about in legends of a certain pink fluff ball and her love bug. Ocellus practically yanked her Dragon lover into the crater. Ocellus saw that the there was some mud at the bottom. Should be soft enough. She laid down on it and was surprised to find it kind of warm. She then looked up at Smolder. "Take me now." She said it with such ferocity, it actually caused Smolder to pause for a second. But then her mind kicked into high gear and she grinned. "Yes... With pleasure!" Smolder straddled Ocellus, laying her body on top of her lovers, her lips soon locking with the horny Changedling's. Ocellus hugged her, squishing her breasts tightly against the orange Dragons, grinding their bodies together as their tongues battle for dominance. Smolder suddenly felt Ocellus shift as she fell to the side, mud soon covering her back as Ocellus gained the high ground. Smolder blinked in surprise as Ocellus dominated her body, grinding her breasts against her own, hungerly making out with her. She sat up suddenly, her legs shifting as she moved back. Face filled with lust as her head bent forward, her eyes locking with Smolders, she began to her trip backwards to a sacred place between her legs. Smolder did her best not to cry out as Ocellus soon found her mouth over her prize. She began to lick and prod her entrance, her tongue lashing inside her like a snake attacking its prey. Smolder's hands found their way to Ocellus' head as her tongue went deeper, pumping in and out, slowly working even deeper. The Dragon grunted and moaned as she was assaulted with incredible sensations. "OH, yes... Uh...Buck! Don't stop!" Ocellus brought her hand down, attacking her own entrance with force. Digging her fingers in and and shoving them as far as they would go. She began to pump them in and out, occupationally brushing her love button as she continued her tongue assault on her lover. Smolder couldn't believe it. She could feel her first orgasm rushing up already. "Yes... That's it... Almost!" Flames danced in Ocellus' mouth as she extended her tongue to a ridiculous length and width. Smolder felt her body tremble as a wave of pleasure crashed into her. "Ocellus! Ahhh...." Ocellus felt juices flowing onto her tongue that she sucked up greedily. Her eyes glanced up as she removed her tongue. Smolder was panting heavily. "Alright Smolder. Hope you aren't finished already. Cause we are just getting started!" Ocellus felt a bit of soft mud drip down her back as she moved off on Smolder. She removed her soaking wet hand and gripped her lovers leg. She quickly brought her own up and slid her right leg across her lover's stomach. Her hoof now resting against the side of the Dragons head. Smolder lurched forward suddenly as Ocellus began to grind her sex against the now panting Dragon. Ocellus hugged tightly her lover's leg, thrusting her dripping sex as squelching and moaning noises filled the air. The changeling closed her eyes in deep concentration, focusing on gyrating her hips while grinding in as deeply as possible with each thrust. Smolder's mouth remained open in silent awe as pleasure assaulted her over and over again, her eyes now slightly glazed over. "Are... Ah... Are they watching?" Smolder didn't answer at first, her brain only barely registering her. But eventually the right wires connected enough to allow for a simple. "Wha?" Ocellus huffed and repeated. "Are they... Uff... Are they watching us?" Smolder blinked and glanced upwards. Sure enough, their love making had certainly earned a few stares. Mostly from the younger Dragons who were nearby or flying over head. Some appeared to be fascinated while others just gave a slight interest. There were also a few a half mast. Smolder grunted. "Yeah... They are..." Ocellus felt her legs quiver as her body began to work into over-drive. "Oh... Goddess... Good... I want them to see me... I want them to see us! AH!" Smolder gave a hard moan. "Hello miss Wild Side... How I MA-issed... YOU!" The Dragon panted as her breath turned to mixes of moans and gasps. "Yes... Harder... Right There... RIGHT THERE! YESSS!" Ocellus gave a particularly hard thrust as Smolder felt an orgasm rush up to meet her, causing her to give a low hard moan. The changedling felt her body shake as her own explosion of pleasure rocked from between her legs, extending to all parts of her brain as she gave a long hard, "AHHHH!" She then immediately fell over, letting go of Smolders leg and collapsing on her body. Her leg swung around behind her, kicking up some mud in the process. She let out a few good pants, trying to catching her breath as she gave a few squeezes to the breasts she was laying on top of. "Wow... That was... Wow." Smolder gave a small nod. Her body felt limp. She was pretty sure she was drooling just a bit. Her eyes glazed over at the Dragons that were watching them. Some had already left while some were just beginning to loose interest. But she could tell that some had enjoyed their show. Their long hard meat sticks out for all to see. Those ones in particular were hurrying away faster, probably to take care of themselves. She had a feeling that word would get around about this, but it didn't really matter to her. Dragons were known for their low attention span. Doubt it would even come to much. Not like she is the first Dragon to mate out in the open like this. She felt her heart rate return as she lifted a hand up to wrap it around her lover's back. "Hey... We she probably get a move on. This mud is going to start drying in some areas and its going to be harder to clean off later. I got a small spring we can use." Ocellus gave a small huff. "Can't we just stay here like this a little longer?" She looked up at her orange Dragon lover. Smolder's eyes betrayed how much she wanted to stay as well, but both knew she was right. Ocellus sighed and rolled off, slowly getting to her hooves. She held out a hand and Smolder took it gladly. Both glanced down at her mud covered bodies and shared a chuckle. They were almost completely coated in mud from head to hoof/toe. Ocellus nodded. "Right... Bath time." *** Smolder let out out a content sigh as Ocellus worked the sponge over her back. Not much else happened on their way back. Other than a few stares here and there. Smolder's cave was small at the entrance but larger on the inside. It was all one big room with a large bed of hay and a blanket, some pictures on the walls of her friends, a barrel full of gems, some hooks for clothing and a heated spring. Out of everything there, Ocellus' bag looked the most out of place with a purple color and green sleeping bag. Smolder's body shook slightly at the touch; Ocellus was rubbing in hard to try and get some of the more sticky mud off but it almost felt to her like a massage. "Ah... Got to say. You were really something out there today." Ocellus dipped sponge back in the water before bring it back up to Smolder's back. "Yeah... Got to admit. Haven't felt like that since the Sweater Incident." The Orange Dragon turned slightly. "That's good. I love seeing your wild side." Ocellus smiled. "I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it... A lot." "You know, this doesn't have to end. I have some clothes... But around here, nudity isn't that big of a taboo. We could spend the next few days just like this... If you want." Ocellus paused for a moment. "I don't know. That was more like a spur of the moment. I am not sure if I could do something like that again." Smolder shook her head. "Nah, just got to get your confidence up more often. Tell you what. I'll get in touch with Ember, she and I go back a ways. If anyone can teach you how to be confident in ones self, its her." "R-really?" Smolder turned and leaned back against the side of the spring. "Though I will still be showing you around the Dragon lands in the mean time." Ocellus scooted over and sat next to Smolder. "So what are we going to do now?" Smolder felt her body heat up internally slightly. "Well... It is just the two of us here... Having a bath... What do you say we finish what we started in the lava pool?" Ocellus grinned as she leaned close to her lover. "I think I would like that a lot. I was starting to get hungry after all." Smolder grinned as she soon felt Ocellus' arms wrap around her. Best vacation ever!