> White Flame > by TheBronyKnight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Inside the inferno > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire and heat were the only things Applebloom felt as she hid underneath her bed. The dawn of night and colors of Luna’s moon long replaced by a scorching surge of otherworldly smoke.Soot and smoke polluted the once apple scented air in Applebloom’s room. Looking around underneath her bed to see if there is anything Applebloom can use to aid her in the escape of the fire but to no avail. Sheltering her head with both her hooves, Applebloom closed her eyes and started to weep silently as the fire continued to eat away at her room and her air.  ‘The fire wasn’t here. How could this have happened?’ Applebloom thought as the heat slowly got more intense. ‘The house itself is very hard to explain given the house they have. Its flame retardant wood, so how can the fire even be possible?’  Applebloom finished her thoughts as she uncovered her tear stained eyes to look at the state of her room: The room black with from the smoke and the air being harder to swallow. Applebloom knows she can’t stay in this room forever and she has to find a way out.  Meekly, Applebloom got out from under her bed and tried to see if her window was available. The smoke coming from outside of the window would suggest two things: The fire is inside or in the main field. Applebloom thought for a moment. Obviously the window would be a bad idea for both scenarios if the smoke is anywhere near the window. She learned in Cheerlie’s class that fire spread is the reason why this is a bad idea. Which would mean… “..taking the stairs outside” Applebloom thought as she looked at her main room door. The heavy smoke coming from the bottom gives it an ominous feeling as Applebloom had to reaffirm her faith by shaking her hooves and her head. ‘You got this AB. You can do this. Just like Applejack taught you.’ Applebloom walked towards the door very softly. The creaks and snaps of the older wood giving her spine tingling feelings of unease but she persevered. The roar of the fire from outside giving a doom-y background noise of her laborious task. Seconds felt like minutes as each step is one step closer to an unpleasant fate or a blessing of escape. Slowly she raised her hoof to the door knob to feel it for any source of heat beyond its hinges. ‘I can do this.. I can do this” Applebloom says as she lays her hoof on the knob to feel that is cool.  “Whew. And here I thought it was gonna be-” Before she can finish her sentence, the window busted open from the outside with a shatter of glass and the now amplified roaring of the fire from outside. Applebloom yelped as she instinctively opened the door to runaway from the potential danger. Running without looking left Applebloom in a state of rush as she ran in the hallways of her upstairs home. She zipped past the bathroom, entering the hall, and made it to the foot of the stairway of her home. Applebloom was breathing raggedly as she looked down to see the fire had entirely engulfed the foyer; A tricky circumstance when outside if the safezone. Applebloom looked around as she tried to get her breathing under some form of control, each breath more tiring than the last. The heat and smoke making her eyes burn with tears and hazed and the adrenalin tiring her developing body even further.  The fire however had a weird look to it. It isn’t orange like it normally is in the wild. No. This fire was white.  ‘White fire?’ Applebloom thought as the fire roared and ate up the house’s bottom. This was extremely weird for the dangerous situation they are in. White fires are rare magical fires that can burn the very cosmos itself as the rumors say. It is so rare that the likelihood of them happening is negative one to one so how can this be happening in her home? No time to think as the fire began to slowly crept itself way up the stairs.  Applebloom looked towards her sister’s room and thought for a second if Applejack has made it out. She didn’t check on her like she would have. Big Mac and Granny Smith aren’t home; they are in Appleloosa for a hog chasing competition so Applebloom didn’t have to worry too much on that. As she got her breath under control, Applebloom remembered that AJ’s window has a roof landing on it, this means that she can use her sister’s window as a way to soften her fall when using it to get out. Applebloom looked at the fire creeping up towards her from the foyer and realizing now that she cannot escape decided to use her head and go to her sister’s room.  As soon as Applebloom entered her sister’s room… She saw a sight she wish she hadn’t seen. Her sister Applejack’s room is completely devoid of flames, but inside she sees Applejack holding a white flame from a mysterious looking lighter, nothing like equestrian lighters. This lighter looks like it belongs to a monkey or something with opposable thumbs but not hoof pads. “Big sis..?” Applebloom called out to Applejack. No response was given.  “Applejack? What is that thing?” Applebloom asked as she moved towards Applejack. Again there was no response.  “The house is on FIRE AJ!” Applebloom ran towards her sister and hugged her. Trying to move her towards the window as a familiar smoke began to enter Applejack’s room.  “Applejack what did you do?!?! Why does that thing make the same flames as it does downstairs!?!” Applebloom demanded as she started to drag Applejack towards her window and unlocking it. Applejack gave no response again.  Growing tired of this stupid act of silence, Applebloom looked Applejack in the face and shouted at her “DID YOU BURN OUR HOUSE WITH THIS STUPID LIGHTER?!?! Why would you ever do that!!?” Applebloom said with tears in eyes. Applejack didn’t respond. Instead she began to laugh. She looked at Applebloom and laughed and laughed maniacally. The sick joy on her face as her laughter continued for no explainable reason. Applebloom was dumbfounded at this absurd behavior of her sister. Applejack would never act like this normally. This behavior of being obsessed with the strange non-pony device started to form a strange feeling in Applebloom. A bad feeling in the pit of her stomach as if she ate a rotten apple. The laughter slowly quieted down as Applejack went back into gazing at the white flame; seldom caring for her little sister in the face of danger. Applebloom shakes off this shock and tries grabbing Applejack again with her young teeth toward the window. As the fire came past the door and Applebloom grabbed Applejack and pulled her onto the roof, the house was suddenly engulfed by an uproar of flame. The heat so great that Applebloom began to get her hair scorched into her skin. Gritting her teeth as tears came out of her eyes from the unfamiliar pain, Applebloom looked at Applejack still fascinated by the white flame lighter in her hooves. Applebloom has had enough as she slapped the accursed lighter somewhere to the otherside of the house’s roof. “NO!” Applejack said as she scrambled to find the strange device, but applebloom stopped her before she can. Clawing, smacking, and punching her little sister just for the new obsession that Applejack has grown to become consumed by. The worst part was the biting as this desperation reached a crescendo; the heat increasing and the stakes being raised. Applebloom had enough of this dangerous folly.  “We are getting off of this roof now!” Applebloom said as she jumped with Applejack in her arms as the last thing she saw was a burst of white fire from the house before she saw black.  Weeks later The Apple family house was gone from the unnatural white flames from the strange lighter Applejack had in her hooves. The Canterlot special sciences team found the device underneath all the rubble and debris from the burned down home, untouched by the flame it created. Scientists have stated that this machine is from a more ancient yet more advanced civilization before ponies became the predominant species of the planet, some say the device may look like a harmless lighter but it was a device for creating heat level to instantaneous implosion and was able to get any material; flammable and nonflammable to retain this heat and burn like normal fire. Canterlot’s main scientists are still investigating the device.  As for the Apples, their insurance has the house covered for any form of arson and fire based damages. So a new apple family house is being created currently. Princess Twilight Sparkle offered to the rooms of her castle as a refuge for the family. As for Applejack, she hasn’t been the same since the fire. At night, she would say “white light” in her sleep and medical examination has shown her brain to become addicted to any white-like sources of color. She is kept under close review of psychological effects. Applebloom has been different since the accident. She has been least likely to hang out with the cutie mark crusaders and even offed the middle school camping trip due to the presence of a campfire. Her friends understand that she is shaken by the event but that is only have the story.  Because for one small moment in the white fire… she swore she could have seen her ma and pa in the warm flame. Inviting her so slightly to come with them to paradise.