Son of a Shadow

by Sapienich

First published

This is a story about Jackson Fidow, descendant of King Sombra. He will try to help as much as he can and along with his great intelligence and innovation will try to revolutionize the world as he knows it.

This is a story about Jackson Fidow, descendant of the Sombra King. He will try to help as much as he can and together with his great intelligence and innovation he will try to revolutionize the world as he knows it. He will pass the tests and give everything to achieve his dream. Take the Crystal Empire to the top.

(Translated by Google)

The Fall of a King

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Pov: General.

Place: Canterlot Castle

We are in the royal throne room. A great mare was sitting on a golden throne and a large carpet in front of him.

This mare was reviewing some documents and requests, but a sudden knock on the door interrupted her quiet review. A stallion entered strongly and at a rapid pace heading to the mare.

"News from northern Equestria!" The golden-armored guard spoke as he stopped in front of the mare, "Your highness," he finished speaking and then knelt down.

“Yes?” Asked the great mare with a tone of total peace while giving the papers to a unicorn that was next to her.

"I'll just say that, it's back," he said as he took off his helmet and looked away.

The monarch only let out a sigh of surprise and then headed towards her guards.

"Look for Cadence and Shining Armor." I speak. Immediately the room guards came out in search of those mentioned " My dear twilight, you must come to Canterlot right away " He said while writing on a sheet.

Place: Snowy mountains.

We are in a silent cave. Two presences stared at each other. One of them, a dark gray unicorn, a totally black hair accompanied by red pupils and a chest that covered a large part of its front and covered a large part of its neck.

On the other side was a stallion, a unicorn because a horn came out of his head, but that was the only thing that could be seen of him because his body was covered by a large hooded suit that prevented him from seeing more of him.

"Jackson, I need you to go and look for a group of ponies that go to the crystal empire, when you find them stop and don't let them reach the city, if you don't stop them, place this stone in the horn of the only stallion in the group" I speak being with armor.

"Understood, something I should know." The hooded man asked as he headed for the exit.

"If they escape and cross a magical barrier, don't follow them, it's very dangerous." I speak as he directs his eyes to a campfire made by the hooded man.

-I get it. Wish me luck, Father, ”said the one known as Jackson as he left the cave.

"Don't tell me father," said the pony who stayed by the stake while his son left.

Place: Snowy Meadows

We were with eight subjects, seven ponies and a small dragon, these were walking, following the only male pony of the group.

"Something insists on trying to get in, we think it's the unicorn king who cursed the place originally." I utter the white unicorn as he turned to the others.

"But Princess Celestia said she was sending me to find a way to protect the empire, if the Sombra King cannot enter then she must already be protected." I speak a purple unicorn.

But his walk was interrupted by a silhouette, it was shaped like a pony but was covered by a large raincoat with a hood that all he could see was a gray horn.

"I'm sorry, but I was forbidden to fulfill your mission." The strange pony spoke as his eyes were surrounded by a light purple cloud and a green glow jutted from his hood.

"Who are you?" Twilight asked as she positioned herself next to her brother.

"That is information that you don't need to know," said the pony and then took black crystals off the floor and sent them against the group.

"Back!" Twilight shouted as he activated a magic shield, stopping the crystals, and when they hit the shield they would fall to the ground.

The hooded unicorn concentrated its magic on its horn forming a black sphere that covered half of its horn.

“Ouroboros!” The unicorn shouted and then launched that sphere that became a great black snake being surrounded by a spiral of purple energy.

The snake opened its mouth to attack the group. Twilight, seeing the danger, remained static, waiting to receive the attack, but her brother, Shining Armor pushed her aside and prepared a magic shield, one of her specialties. When the snake was about to hit Shining's shield, he turned to the left and when they least expected it he had surrounded them with his body.

The big snake had surrounded the group in a matter of seconds and was heading to bite its own tail, something that left Twilight missed but did not have time to find a solution because just when the big snake bit its tail is exploding seriously damaging the They were inside. That is what must have happened but Shining had created a dome shield protecting all who were inside.

"Shining! Are you okay?" Twilight asked as she approached her brother.

"Yes Twilight, I'm fine." The unicorn spoke reeling from the obvious energy expenditure that the shield had required, that is, was falling apart.

"Krage!" They heard the shout of the unknown pony

Then see how shining received a small but powerful shot of yellow magic. When he received it he was pushed down to the floor practically unconscious.

“Shining!” Twilight shouted with concern, she was sure that if Shining received another attack from the strange pony she would not survive to tell.

“I'll stop you!” Rainbow Dash shouted, throwing himself at the stranger trying to kick him in the face.

Obviously the stranger would not be left without doing anything and with his two front helmets he would grab Rainbow's leg and with a strong key movement he would dislocate Rainbow's leg to later kick 360 by sending it towards his friends.

Rainbow during her return trip fell silent in the cold snow, although that only cushioned her fall, although that did not stop her journey that made her reach her friends.

“Rainbow!” Her companions shouted when she saw her friend's leg dislocate.

"Calm down, I'm fine." I say the pegasus while trying to get up just to fall.

"Exafa" I pronounce the hooded calmly while throwing a small but fast black ball with white dots.

Twilight seeing the small sphere made one of the black crystals levitate and put it between it and the sphere. Although what surprised him was that at the time that the small sphere crashed into the glass it was getting bigger by consuming the glass completely and after two seconds imploded disappearing along the glass.

"We have to go girls." I don't think I can against him" I speak Twilight as he places Rainbow on his back "Applejack can you take Shining? " Twilight asked.

"Sure." It was the only thing the farmer pronounced for later, with Spike's help climbing Shining behind her back. "Ready, let's go!" The farmer shouted.

"Are you all ready?" Twilight asked what everyone nodded. "Prepare yourself." The unicorn spoke as it shot a beam at the ground causing the snow to rise creating a cloud that made it impossible to see inside it.

Obviously the hooded man would not stand still and he would quickly enter that snow cloud and concentrating magic on his horn I create an expansive wave that would free the area just to see that no one was inside it, desperately saw his surroundings to occur he tells that the group was moving away where he was blocking the passage.

With great fury for his rookie mistake he gave a shout that would frighten even the bravest and grabbing the small crystal he had received from his father and with great precision he would shoot it in the direction of the steed. Specifically to his horn, when the small crystal collided with the horn of the unicorn several black rocks came out of the horn.

When he saw that he was right he prepared to run but in the first step he vomited blood. The unicorn seeing the red spot in the snow concentrated and the purple cloud surrounding his eyes disappeared along with the green glow.

When he finished his concentration he started a career towards the group.

"I think we lost it," said Spike, who was on Fluttershy's back, watching the journey they had traveled.

"Just in time, we're getting closer," Twilight said as she watched the dome that protected the Crystal Empire.

"Forget it, there's come," the little dragon said as he watched as the hooded man approached quickly.

“Epitoch!” The unknown pony shouted, throwing a multi colored sphere towards the ground so that it would then explode and the girls began to move more slowly, although the stranger was still moving at the same speed.

And after five seconds that for the girls it seemed minutes the time would return to normal.

“It's enough for us!” Pinkie Pie shouted as she ran over a large ball ahead of her teammates.

When he heard that twilight, he turned around and threw a beam of energy that obviously the pony dodged, although that caused him to lose his balance and shut up, on the side of the east beam when he made contact with the exploding snow creating a cloud.

The unicorn would continue running towards the group, unfortunately for them they had already crossed the barrier, although that did not stop him and he continued running.

"Leave them." A voice was heard so that later on the path of the hooded crystals would form which, if not for the high reflections of the pony, would have impaled against them.

After the girls crossed the barrier they would turn and watch as a large black cloud came out of nowhere and stop their pursuer.

"But father." The hooded man would have continued speaking but received a strong blow that would knock him down to the cold ground.

"How many times have I told you not to tell me father?" I ask the great cloud of smoke while from this one could see eyes surrounded by the same purple cloud that the stranger previously had.

"Sorry King Sombra," said the stranger as he knelt and stuck his head to the cold ground.

"For now, retire Jackson, your mission is over," said the great cloud Identified as Sombra.

"I understand Sombra King." I speak now known as Jackson. He simply walked towards the mountains.

"Let's go girls, let us know Cadence," Twilight said as she left with Rainbow Dash on her back.

This is how they all retreated to the center of the Empire.

"What a beautiful place," Rarity said as he watched the place. "No doubt a place of royalty." He finished speaking while letting out a sigh.

"I think it's an old castle." I speak Rainbow Dash, who was limping toward the stairs of the castle.

Given this Rarity released several disapproving sounds so that he finally realized the joke.

Once inside you could see the typical throne room only that it was practically empty, only one alicorn was inside and that is Princess Mi Amore Cadenza who looked in a deplorable state. Although that changed to a happy smile when he saw Twilight and immediately afterwards he changed to a state of concern when he saw Shining unconscious on the backs of Applejack.

"What happened to her?" Cadence asked when she saw her husband's status.

"We had a confrontation with one Jackson," Twilight replied.

After that encounter, Twilight explained every detail of the confrontation against the unicorn, during the course of the explanation Shining awakened that he was revived by a hug from both his wife and his sister.

After the explanation, the Six Mane along with Spike dedicated themselves to gathering information although the only thing they got was the location of a library that obviously headed towards the great vault of books.

Upon arrival they were received by a pony of age.

"Can I help you?"

"Yes, we are looking for a book," Twilight said as she approached the old woman.

"We have many of them," the old woman spoke as she pointed to all the places.

"Yes, it really is," Twilight said as she spun on her own axis.

"We are looking for a history book." Something that tells us how to protect the empire itself— I speak Applejack with a smile.

"Yeah right. History ... history, ah yes" He said as he gave them a smile that only a grandmother could give you.

"And where is it, exactly?" Twilight asked at the old woman's silence.

"Well, apparently I don't remember ... I'm not sure I really work here," replied the adult as he gave a nervous smile.

"Excuse me." I could not help listening to their conversation, I hope they forgive me— I speak a unicorn with gray skin and dark blue hair " I think there is a reddish brown book about the History of the empire and a bit of everything. Including some military fields. If I remember correctly I was there" I say all that with a smile on his face to finally point to one of the shelves.

"Thank you. Another thing? A detail for example" Twilight asked as she smiled back.

"I think it had golden details and its cover had three crystals." Although I don't remember that very well. ”The steed answered with a smile that made the group happy.

"Thanks for your help ..." Twilight said as she tried to find a way to call the steed.

"Fidow. Now if you excuse me, I retire, I have to go see my family, ”said the now known as Fidow to bow and retire.

"He should be a prince. Not like that Blueblood" I speak Rarity at the elegance that gave off that steed.

"Well, let's start the search." Twilight spoke as she headed to the bookshelf that had pointed the steed.

After their search they found the book and went with Shining and Cadence explaining to them about the Crystal Fair and obtaining permission to do it.

It was a matter of half an hour to have everything ready and then give the invitation to the ponies to the fair. But after starting Rainbow Dash and Applejack they learned about the true Crystal Heart and so began the mission of Twilight entering the castle along with Spike and after a great time of search were now climbing stairs that seemed infinite.

On the other hand, outside the sky was constantly changing from a blue to an orange tone, and everything was worse because the citizens gathered around the false heart, applying more pressure to the three mares who were taking care of it.

With Twilight, they were preparing a gravity spell to climb more easily and when she finally did, she began to skate towards the exit.

While with the three mares they did everything possible, until Pinkie Pie got out of balance and fell, the ball hit the false heart by knocking it to the ground proving that it was not the true one (it sounds weird).

And Twilight had just arrived at the true Crystal Heart and was approaching to take it and return with her friends. But when he got very close someone appeared.

"I'm sorry Miss Twilight," I speak a well-known voice to her. He was the same hooded man he had faced before. He created a barrier of magical crystals that prohibited the exit of the place, although without his knowing it Twilight had taken out his heart just in time and through his eyes he had told Spike to leave with his heart " But as I said before , I am forbidden to fulfill his mission" I finish speaking to take off his hood revealing gray skin and dark blue hair.

"You are ... Fidow." But why? ... why did you help us? - Twilight asked at the revelation.

"That is something that does not concern you Miss Twilight," Jackson said to Twilight's questions.

"Here girls! I have a crystal heart!" I hear a cry of a child.

As soon as I heard those words I desperately began to search the area just to realize that it was true, my heart was not with them. He quickly ran towards where he heard the scream, but was stopped by Twilight who had grabbed him from his raincoat.

With a rapid movement he disregarded it and opened a part of the windows and left through that area, Twilight tried to follow him but just when he was arriving they closed their way.

“Those were?” Twilight wondered at what he saw.

"Spikey wikey!" Rarity shouted at the fact that the little dragon jumped into the heart in a final attempt to give it to Princess Cadence.

But something that left them stunned was a powerful sound so that later a northern lights formed (do not ask how it can be seen in the day) in the sky and meet a galactic trail following a gray-colored alicorn and dark blue hair.

"A sonic Rainplosion" I pronounce Rainbow Dash when I see the northern lights and the wake that was following the alicorn.

"Is that it? ... Fidow!" Pinkie Pie shouted at the sight of the alicorn who had performed the maneuver.

The girls' hope increased when they saw the alicorn who had helped them in their search. But that changed when he saw that he took a turn and hit Spike sending him with them. Although that disrupted the balance he had causing it to deviate and crash with one of the houses collapsing instantly.

“Why did he do that?” Rarity wondered when he saw the act done by Fidow.

Although their hopes returned to see that Princess Cadence had snatched the heart of the Shadow King's helmets. With a spectacular flight back to the center of the empire.

"The crystal heart has returned, use your inner light and love to ensure that the shadow king does not return," Princess Cadence said, then threw the heart into the center where it stopped and began to gather magic to destroy the Shadow King.

"Atek! " A shout was heard and when everyone turned around they could see the same alicorn as before and with the same clouds that the king had shadow in their eyes, but those of the alicorn instead of purple had the colors of the universe.

But what the alicorn shouted were not simple words, it was another of his many spells. This time you could see two spheres in the shape of atoms and they approached slowly. But they failed to crash because the heart had gathered enough magic and made a magical explosion that pushed the alicorn and crashed again but was against one of the pillars of the castle becoming unconscious.

On the other hand, the body of the Sombra King cracked until it broke and the remains were pushed and vanished into the air, in the sky were two northern lights, one made up of colors such as blue, yellow and pink, while the second represented by the colors you could find in space.

Twilight had met her friends at the base of the castle.

"Girls! I'm glad to see you safe and sound," Twilight said as she approached the group and made a group hug with them.

"Twilight Sparkle" Everyone turned to see the origin of the voice to meet the pair of ruling sisters of Equestria, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna accompanied by a dozen guards.

Before the apparition everyone knelt except Twilight who approached and hugged her.

"And approve?" Twilight asked as she looked at her expectantly.

"Obviously," replied the matriarch of Equestria, before this a smile appeared on Twilight's face. "But before celebrating, it seems that her heart is not complete evil," Celestia continued as she addressed the unconscious alicorn.

“Do you know him?” Twilight asked as he stood beside his mentor.

"Yes" It was what the ruler responded as she approached the alicorn " Jackson Fidow… son of the Sombra King and the third pure alicorn " answered while stroking the head of the alicorn with one of his hooves.

"Son of the Sombra King?" Shining Armor asked at the words of Princess Celestia.

"Yes it is." It was what came from the princess's lips.

"Guards take him to the dungeon," Shining said to the guards who arrived along with the princesses.

"No!" The scream was heard, when everyone watches the origin of the scream was met by a unicorn who was in front of a group of uniformed teenage ponies with black infiltration suits and the occasional one with a wooded pattern military suit. These surrounded the alicorn protecting it from anything.

"Who are you?" Shining asked when he saw the group of teenagers. These were only seen to nod and that one of them left the formation.

"We are the Special Shadow Tactics Operation. Abbreviated as SSTO "He said all that with a tone of pride " Jackson's special forces " He finished speaking to return to training.

"What idiots," said one of the guards as he approached the group and when he was about to take one away, he grabbed his leg and threw him on the floor and then kicked him and sent him back with the guards.

"My little ponies, I'm sure we can negotiate with him, we just have to wait for him to wake up." The sun princess spoke to what the leader nodded.

The minutes and minutes passed in hours, in the end it was almost getting dark and the SSTO group did not move from its place, a unicorn with advanced knowledge in medicine took care of the alicorn while the others protected it.

"What happened?" It was what was heard of the alicorn. He was only confused for a few seconds and then stopped and prepared for a possible fight only to meet the group he had trained in the past.

"Master!" It was what the squad shouted when he saw his leader wake up.

"Sorry for the delay, Chief." We wait for orders— One of the ponies said while putting one of his helmets on his forehead making a military salute.

"Present report" It was what Jackson said when he understood what was happening.

"It is understood!. After you fell unconscious the Sombra King disappeared into several pieces, after the princesses of the kingdom arrived and seemed to know him, the captain of the guard tried to put him into the dungeon but we interrupted and made a deal for when you woke up to appear with the princesses. So far my report Master" I finish talking to the medical specialist and then stand next to his teammates.

"And they couldn't take me to my old room? I appreciate being rescued from being in a dungeon but now I have a backache and that will limit me in battle or a possible escape," the alicorn said as he stopped.

"I'm sorry, sir, but I was afraid of an ambush." ​​I speak the unicorn from before.

"Well ... Let's put that aside." Where is the princess? - I ask while watching the area.

"In the throne room, along with the captain and his wife, and adorned six mares and a little dragon," I speak one of those who had an infiltration suit.

"Well, I think I made them wait a long time " I finish saying and I was going to start the walk " Before that, I want a Skop on that roof" I finish talking and then point to a house not so far away where you can see perfectly Inside the castle

"Understood," said one of the unicorns and proceeded to go to the right place.

Well, I hope it was fair and your eyes have not burned.

Below I will give you a description and if I can an image of Jackson:

His skin is light gray and his dark blue prince-style hair, his left ear is missing a piece and in his front helmets he has some, bracelets? white with a small golden button.

I just saw a group from Latin America ...


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"Let's continue," Jackson spoke to continue walking toward the throne room.

Inside this was a round table and in it were the Mane Six, the princesses and Shining Armor.

"I think he escaped." It was what Pinkie Pie pronounced at the long time.

"Normal, after seeing what we did to his father anyone would run away ... Except me" I continue Rainbow Dash and do not miss the opportunity to get his narcissism afloat.

"Remember how I leave you, it seemed like he broke your leg with a few simple movements," Applejack said, mocking her friend slightly.

"I'm sure I wouldn't resist that," Fluttershy whispered, through the silence in the room made it perfectly audible.

"I do not blame you. But, to think that a pony like him could be on the bad side, ”Rarity said as she let out a disapproving sigh.

“But why did he help us in the library?” Twilight wondered, remembering what had happened hours before.

"That's the" This time the one I talked about was Princess Celestia "Although she served our enemy, he can't help helping everyone, according to what the locals told us, in the past he helped everyone, and even sometimes he proposes to his father to punish him instead of an inhabitant. Obviously he received the same punishment or sometimes worse than the one he had received the pony. He finished speaking while a smile was drawn on his face.

"Well, it could have been more gentle, that kick still hurts," Spike said as he rubbed his back.

They were about to laugh but were interrupted by the sound of the door. When they turned to see they saw the alicorn accompanied by four of his soldiers.

"Sorry for the delay, as soon as I regained consciousness," Jackson spoke as he searched for a place at the table, after finding him he sat in that space and awaited an answer.

"I thought you would escape," Rainbow spoke to the alicorn.

"I'm sorry but you won't have the honor," he said as he gave her a slight smile.

"Well Jackson ... Given that it is in good condition, I will ask you several questions and I hope you answer them ... Obviously once we finish you can give yours." Do you think it's fair? - I finish talking about the sun princess.

"Ask what you want, I will answer what is in my knowledge" I speak the alicorn while it was placed in a more comfortable position.

"What are those strange skills that I use on snowy meadows?" Twilight asked.

"I think that's pretty obvious," Jackson said to Twilight's question.

"I will rebuild it." How do you do them? - Twilight asked again.

"With magic" The answer was short but true, although Pinkie Pie couldn't help but giggle.

"... I mean what is the procedure to do it?" He asked the mare again, hoping not to receive another stupid answer.

"Easy, I think I will get the victory with that attack and I do it, if you want to know how they are done tell me and I teach you one or two spells" I finish answering as I continued with a smile.

"It's not what I expected ... Before, when the crystal heart was gathering energy, you cast a spell but I couldn't see what I was doing, could you explain to me?" The purple unicorn asked again.

"In short, I would have finished the entire Crystal Empire and who knows, maybe I would have damaged Canterlot a bit," he replied simply.

"I have one, those Special Shadow Tactics Operation, why did you create them?" This time the one who asked was Shining.

"We needed a group of operations against possible rebellions, hence the SSTOs," Jackson answered the question.

"I have another one, in the library, why did you help us?" Twilight asked.

"It's something that I wonder myself," the alicorn replied as he looked at the ground.

"I have many, do you like cake? You like parties? What is your favorite flavor? mine is the chocolate one" I quickly ask the party pony as he approached Jackson.

"I don't like cake much less at parties and my favorite flavor is coconut," the alicorn replied the same or faster than the party planner.

"..." You couldn't hear anything in the room.

"Since nobody has any questions, you can start your Jackson round." I speak the monarch of Equestria before the silence.

"I'll do them in writing ... Now I have to rest, I'm sure I'll have to help do one thousand things tomorrow," Jackson said as he stood up and headed to his room.

"Where are you going?" Asked Princess Cadence.

"To my room of course, or will they take me out of my own room?" The alicorn asked as he looked seriously.

"No, continue to rest," Princess Celestia replied as she gave him a smile,

Jackson just continued on his way to the room being escorted by his soldiers.

"Do you think he forgot your proposal?" Luna asked her sister.

"Obviously he remembers the proposal this one, but he doesn't want to answer it" The sun princess replied to her sister.

"Excuse me, but what proposal?" Shining asked at the conversation of the unicorns.

"A proposal we made during our confrontation against him," replied the goddess of the night.

"So, you faced him? If I may know, what was that proposal?" Shining asked again and apparently everyone had the same question.

"Yes, we have met twice, during the first Empire of the Sombra King, this command to Jackson to kill us ... For obvious reasons he did not fulfill his objective but his attack had a great impact," Celestia replied with a sad face.

"What impact? The books don't mention anything about an assassination attempt against you." Twilight spoke as she put on a pensive face.

"Dozens of guards were killed that night," Luna replied quickly with great regret in her voice.

" On the other hand, the proposal we made was to join us and the Kingdom of Equestria through a test " Continuous Celestia.

"Do you think I accept?" Twilight asked.

" Seeing how he has behaved so far, there are high possibilities ... Well, for the moment they sleep, tomorrow will surely be a complicated day " I speak the solar matriarch while standing and directing in search of a room to sleep.

Everyone else did the same, although a certain unicorn kept asking questions.

It was already morning everyone was awake and having breakfast, only Jackson was missing since yesterday he had not been seen.

"You think Jackson shows up," Twilight asked as she put a mouthful of spinach in her mouth.

"I'm sure if, just to be doing a few things, it will come" I speak the solar matriarch while eating the same Twilight, that is, they all ate the same.

"Sorry for the delay, I was doing some things." I speak as the only male alicorn of Equestria enters.

"You can know what those things were," Shining asked with intrigue.

"Accounting for available resources and seeing weapons," Jackson replied simply to sit in the only place available.

"But that's not your job," Cadence spoke as he drank some water.

"My father was the king of the empire and I was his son, I mean the prince of the kingdom and now that my father is not there, that makes me the king." It makes sense if you think about it a bit. ”He answered while his horn shone and a plate with spinach appeared in front of him.

"But I doubt they accept you as a leader," Cadence commented as he watched.

"Me too, but I'll try," Jackson replied as he took a bite of spinach to his mouth.

"Jackson ... I hope you thought about the proposal with your revelation," Luna said as she looked at Fidow expectantly.

At this Jackson stopped his breakfast and stared at the table for a few seconds.

"But they never told me about those tests," Jackson replied as he continued his meal.

"You accept. yes or no? "Asked the ruler of the night as she stared at Jackson.

"But something I don't understand, what would I change if I supported Equestria?" Jackson asked as he looked back at Luna.

"The real question would be, what wouldn't it change? Your knowledge of magic seems to be advanced and I'm sure those SSTOs are excellent soldiers," Twilight interrupted as she put her front helmets on the table.

"Apart from the fact that during our second fight you said that if your projects were completed you will have a much better chance of winning us."

"Those were bluffs, you know the typical words of the villain about his infinite power so that in the end he ended up being defeated by the magic of love and friendship." The latter said it in a sarcastic tone. Although the Mane Six looked at him angrily at the comment. "Do they really defend themselves with that?" Jackson asked in a confused voice to what the girls nodded. "If I had known that, I erase the memory of some ponies so they think they are best friends." and ready. Friendship Tactical Forces, the new squad capable of repelling the same gods" Jackson continued as he laughed.

"Leaving that aside ... Do you accept the evidence?" Celestia asked.

"Seeing you won't stop. Yes, I accept them" When Jackson finished speaking a smile appeared in the princesses of the sun and the moon "Miss Jessie prepare the armament" He said to nothing so that after a second a pony appeared beside him.

"Understood, sir." I speak the mare as it exits through one of the doors.

"What was that?" Twilight asked at the sudden appearance of a mare. "Apart was a land pony, it's impossible to do that." The purple unicorn continued talking as he approached Jackson.

"Technology, do you like it?" Fidow replied to the mare. "Everything is not magic, and if you want to know a little more, that was optical camouflage, one of my greatest creations" He replied while drying a fake tear from his face.

-A? Are there others? - Twilight asked as she brought her face closer to Jackson's.

"Well there are others, there is the magic rifle, the war suit and I am working on a super armament project that will revolutionize the military world" I speak Jackos and with every word Twilight became more excited.

"What is it? What is it? " Twilight asked as a filly waiting for her birthday present.

"The Madexa, imagine a float capable of repelling both magic and physical attacks with utmost ease, and not only that but also incorporates a system of magical attack that will leave enemies unconscious of a gust," Jackson continued boasting while Twilight I imagined every single thing he said.

"What else?" He asked again with a big smile.

"Listen to this, if my research is correct, the material known as Graphene will help land ponies." Jackson paused a little to increase Twilight's excitement. "It will make land ponies fly over the heavens and even with a teacher who knows. controlling the machine could fly faster than a common pegasus" He said that last with a big smile on his face.

Given the new information, everyone was stunned, including the princesses. Magic rifles, an anti-all float and a machine that will allow anyone to fly and even overcome the speed of a pegasus, had the hot air balloon but that in dreams did not reach the speed of a pegasus and much less overcome it.

"Could you show me those projects?.Please? " Twilight said as she gave her puppy eyes that not even the greatest murderer of all time could avoid softening her heart and giving in to the request.

"Follow me." It was what Fidow said to start walking but he stopped abruptly.

Obviously everyone followed him. During the journey you could hear the occasional murmur until they finally arrived.

They were in front of a large door, Jackson just approached and knocked on the door making a melody, after a few seconds someone would open.

"Hello Master Jackson, are you coming to supervise the projects?" Asked an alicorn in the same military uniform as the others, only that it was stained with black ink.

The alicorn nodded and the unicorn moved aside letting everyone in. When they entered and everyone except Jackson, they were surprised, they could see hundreds of planes from swords to other fish-like things, everyone was surprised.

"Say hello to Prince Jackson!" The unicorn shouted before, at that all shouted with great joy.

"Prince Jackson, we can confirm that in a matter of hours we will have your Madexa ready, we also received a request from your squad to prepare your equipment, you can find it in the weapon room," said a pony in a white coat while giving a folder to Fidow

"Thank you, can you give the group a guide to the projects?" The alicorn asked as he pointed behind him.

"No problem, sir," the pony replied as he gestured for them to follow him, something they all did while Jackson made his way to that area of ​​weapons.

This is how the tour of the group began, each thing was better than the previous team that allows you to approach a volcano without any danger, another to be able to breathe underwater but that was nothing when I had to see Madexa.

Everyone was speechless, even though they already had an idea this certainly surprised them, the size exceeded celestial and even for a few centimeters it could be twice the size of the mare, in width they could easily be ten ponies, although they could see in some places that parts were missing.

"Is this the Madexa?" Celestia asked as she watched the great carriage.

"Affirmative, the chief investigated materials that could replace gold armor, because its manufacture was becoming more expensive, but what he found was tungsten, a material of great hardness and with a strange magical characteristics capable of repelling great part of the spells and the few that do not repel them easily resist them, the dream of any soldier" He finished speaking to dry a small tear that escaped his eye.

“Could we test your hardness?” Twilight asked as she watched the huge float, a large tube protruding from its top (basically like any tank).

"Sure, I'm sure Jackson didn't bother with a less tungsten shield." The pony answered before. "Follow me, there are some tungsten plates." The pony continued as he walked toward a free zone.

The group followed him as they watched anything they could see, really anything was spectacular.

"Well, does anyone help me take a plaque to a clear place?"I ask while dragging a large metal plate.

"I—" Rainbow Dash offered to later try to load the plate alone to fail. "It's too heavy."

"Shining, let's help her," Applejack said as she approached the big board.

That's how thanks to four ponies they took the huge tungsten plate to a place away from the laboratory.

"Well, it's all yours." I speak the same pony as before while walking away from the board.

"I don't think it will resist more than five strokes." Rainbow said as she flew away just to return with a powerful kick that obviously didn't cause any scratch to the plate, on the other hand. "My leg!" I shout as he grabs one of his hind legs.

"That's not a very good idea-" I pronounce the pony that had accompanied them here "Let me heal you" I continue while I took out a small red box and from this several injections and bandages.

He proceeded to anesthetize her to see the wound more, apparently only her leg was dislocated, with a fast and precise movement she put it back in place, obviously with a cry from Rainbow Dash for the pain, she proceeded to bandage her leg firmly to avoid sudden movements .

"Now you should avoid making strong movements and you'll be fine by tomorrow." I speak the pony while I finished putting on the bandage.

"I think it's time to use magic," Twilight spoke as she carried a powerful spell towards the plate, which, to everyone's surprise, was only a small dent. "But how?" The unicorn wondered as he stared at the Tungsten. .

"It's something I wonder too." I speak a voice known to everyone, that's Jackson, only this time he was wearing a suit that covered a large part of his body and neck but on his head was only glasses like the ones Pinkie wore. Foot in his spy "missions", on his neck was a sheathed knife and on his back was a long tube (basically imagine a spy suit but for ponies, or look for Shimmer cell mlp and stick with the image) "Al It seems that being 'eating' other subjects caused him to develop some magical resistance" the alicorn continued as he approached the group.

"Eating? What do you mean?" Twilight asked as she changed her view to the tungsten plate.

"Basically it corroded other minerals and fuses them with itself, maybe one of those is quartz, but I have no idea," Jackson replied as he glanced at the group. "What happened to Rainbow?" I ask as I look at the leg of the aforementioned

"I try to break the tungsten plate with kicks," answered the pony who had accompanied them during their little trip.

"It really is not a good idea, this mineral can withstand great damage and even as I mentioned corrodes others and fuses them with itself increasing its hardness and if you are lucky you will consume some stone with magical ability" I speak Fidow while approaching Rainbow. lets I pronounce with his magic to grab the injured leg and glue his horn to it, instantly his horn and the leg glowed in teal and after a few seconds Jackson left Rainbow's leg and moved away from it.

"That was weird ... but it worked!" Rainbow shouted at the disappearance of the pain. "But I feel more tired." I continue as I blinked a few times.

"What did you do?" Twilight asked as she approached Jackson.

"Speed ​​up your recovery, obviously that will take away some of your energy but as soon as you eat it will make you dizzy," Fidow replied as he looked back at the apprentice.

"I will definitely need those classes," Twilight whispered.

"A question, why the suit?" Applejack asked at the weird dress of the alicorn.

"Yes, why the suit? He said, it is not for offending your tastes but it is horrible" I speak Rarity while watching the suit (I am repeating a lot of suit, any other words?).

"This suit is special, it has a mixture of fabrics that give a lot of hardness and at the same time flexibility, and the boots are made of a variation of the rubber reducing the sound of the footsteps, so obviously more stealth" I finish talking while watching Likewise.

"Well," Rarity said as she looked away.

"If you know the test will be in a dream?" Asked the princess of the night as she watched Jackson.

“What?” Fidow said as he watched Princess Luna.

"Obviously it will be in a dream, it will be much easier than sending you to a forest and watching you" Princess Luna continued as she watched an incredulous Fidow. "But if you want, I will put your suit to sleep," said the princess, waiting for the response of the alicorn.

"Sure, what time will the test be?" Jackson asked as he watched the princesses.

"Right now," Princess Celestia said to teleport everyone to the balcony of the glass castle where to everyone's surprise except the princesses, there was a large crowd of ponies waiting news about the summoning of the princess " Inhabitants of Equestria, they will wonder why I gathered them together. Today we will test Jackson Fidow, son of King Sombra. We will check if it has the properties of being an inhabitant of Equestria" I speak the heavenly pony.

"Did he tell all of Equestria?" Jackson asked Twilight.

"She has a spell to project an image in multiple places, as if it were a painting," the purple pony replied as she turned to see him. "Possibly all the cities and towns of Equestria are looking at us." The unicorn continues as he looks at the great multitude of ponies

"All Equestria is watching us! I need to fix myself," the dressmaker shouted as she tried to get ready.

"I don't think they pay you much attention. Mainly because the novelty is Jackson, he'll be the protagonist in the papers tomorrow." I speak the farm mare ruining the hopes of the white pony.

"Sister, introduce Jackson to the test," Celestia said to her younger sister.

The aforementioned nodded and approached the male alicorn, crossed its horn with Jackson's and both were covered by a dark blue aura.

"So quick." He tried to speak the alicorn, but he was introduced to the world of dreams, falling to the floor and immediately being taken care of by the SSTO.

"And what are the tests like?" Twilight asked her tutor.

"They are the same as you did in the Everfree forest," replied the princess.

Now in the big screens that appeared in all the cities and towns of Equestria you could see the alicorn in a dark forest.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------

And until here the chapter, before they are going to do something else I want to apologize, originally this chapter would be published on Monday but I went to a game (Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater in case you ask) and I spent time.

Another thing, I imagine that they have noticed but several times I put parentheses, this I will use to clarify something such as a song used (which will be few) or to search for some clothes on Google such as Shimmer cell mlp, which It would be Jackson's spy suit and the SSTO.

I also want to clarify that I do not remember very well about what tungsten was doing but what I said in this was something similar, although I know that the material of the tank is not tungsten but a cover on another metal (I think).

Now yes, with nothing to say or clarify. Until next time.

Harmony Tests

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Pov: Jackson.

Nor did I have time to say a few words when I had already appeared in a forest, too dark to clear up.

Immediately with my magic grab my magic rifle and point to the front, waiting for any movement.

"Jackson" I heard a voice that came from anywhere "Your test will be to get to the sisters' castle and face your enemy, you wish yourself luck" I heard the same voice again, very powerful indeed, but it sounded more feminine to me than masculine.

When she finished speaking a great light could be seen in the distance, as in a play pointing out the protagonists, the same thing but instead of a pony or something similar I could see a tower in very bad condition, falling apart.

Observing my destiny I set off, avoiding the dangers of the forest such as poisonous swamps, carnivorous plants and even a hydra that thanks to my optical camouflage and my special suit I was able to avoid combat.

I continued on my adventure and currently I was on a cliff, it seemed that it would collapse at any second and so it was, obviously I tried to fly but a force returned me to the ground accelerating my fall and the difficulty increased when I started to turn like a snowball and in One of my so many turns I could see that I was nearing the end, I try to bury my hooves in the ground but given the speed that was going quickly they were banished and I continued my roll towards the end.

Fortunately for me, one of my back legs got stuck with a root of some plant, stopping my fall due to numbing the leg, but it still didn't end because the place where I was standing started to fall, although this time more forewarned than before , jump to grab the edge as the ground where you were previously crashed heavily.

I turn down to realize that with any luck I will be able to hook my climbing hook to a ledge. With a bit of self-confidence I dropped down and threw my hook towards the ledge, and as I expected it grabbed perfectly and pulled me towards the ledge, I didn't miss out and grabbed onto it and so went down the cliff to touch the ground .

"What a shit," I said while looking where I was previously, apparently she was very firm so she required external help to be shot down.

Forgetting what happened, I look for a way to continue on my way and find it, a large opening could be seen a little away from me. I start my walk towards the exit but a loud roar interrupts me and I receive a powerful blow that sends me flying.

I crash into a tree and fall to the ground, even without getting up with my magic I put my rifle in my helmets, positioning pointed towards where I was previously seeing a manticore, aimed at his head and fired, although the bullet is deflected by his scorpion tail.

"What? It's not supposed to penetrate the breastplate of the tail," I said to myself as I fired again, obtaining the same result as before. "How the fuck does he have the ability to react?" then get up and shoot again being the same as before.

The manticore starts to run towards me with one of its claws, it tries to hit me, but I don't stop and I throw myself to the side avoiding the attack, it tried to aim at the rib of the beast but the scorpion point moved the rifle avoiding the bullet, Later the manticore tried to crush me but I put my weapon between the claw and my face.

After seconds of struggling I tip my gun to the side, burying the claw of the beast in the ground, with a cartwheel I moved away from the manticore and prepares it points its weapon at the head and shoots, although it only injured one eye because the animal moved its head to the side in an attempt to avoid the bullet.

I kick him away from the manticore and then with a somersault get up and stare at the creature.

"I see ... that's why you're aggressive, Epitoch," I pronounced as a sphere formed in its horn and threw it against the ground in an explosion slowing down time.

With quick movements she lifted the leg of the manticore, finding me with a large thorn stuck in the center of the leg, she removed it using magic and then moved away and returned time to normal. The beast turned its gaze to mine as it growled.

"Take it easy, there is no need to fight anymore" I spoke to him while pointing to his leg "I already took away the reason for your anger" Continue.

At this the manticore observed his leg and his annoyance was not really found, he turned his gaze towards me giving me a suspicious look, but after a few moments he walked away giving way to my original path, I continued my walk but another roar stopped me, I turn and see the same manticore running towards me with its stinger ready to sting my body.

I turn completely and I wait, when he was close enough he threw his stinger at me, with my front hooves I stop his stinger and then he jumped avoiding the onslaught gravity fell on the back of the beast and even with its stinger in my hooves I nailed it to the nape of the neck drawing a stream of blood later I aimed my rifle at his head and activated the firing mechanism, the bullet came out at high speed from the barrel and in less than a second it was going through the animal's brain and the other hit the ground.

Confirming the low jump from the back landing on the ground while the manticore collapsed on the ground.

I continued my way towards the castle hoping not to encounter any more problems.

Currently I was in a totally dark forest ... for the others because thanks to my team I could see in the dark (night vision goggles) thanks to that I walked normally until I stopped to look at a tree.

"So these are the trees of favors, I don't understand how lumberjacks can find pleasure in that," I uttered while looking at a hole in the tree trunk.

After observing a few moments I continued on my way to the castle, to my bad luck I found a river, with a strong current that will make it very difficult to cross to the other side.

"What a world! What a world!" I heard some wailing / screaming to my left.

The closer I got, the more I could hear the crying until finally I could see the source of the noise. It was a dragon from the unknown islands, its purple scales and orange-blonde hair.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your crying but your movements alter the river preventing you from crossing it, could it calm down for a few moments?" Asked the alicorn as he looked at the great dragon.

"Calm down, do I have the face to calm down?" Asked the dragon while pointing to his mustache, I see, I cut it off.

"Obviously he doesn't look calm but I ask him to please stop moving as I pass." I spoke to him while looking at his mustache.

"But you have wings, why don't you fly?" I wonder as I wipe away the tears.

"A beast attacked me as I entered the forest," I said quickly as I looked away.

"Bad luck, I was attacked by a purple cloud," he replied.

"Were you hurt?" I asked as I returned my gaze to his face.

"Yes !, my dear mustache, my beautiful and perfect mustache, now it is incomplete, an absolute disaster" The dragon pronounced while pretending to cry worthy of the Mexican novels.

"Is this serious?" I asked again, at this he just nodded. "You know, I think I have an idea, come closer," I said as I took my knife out of its sheath (just in case, he grabs it with his mouth).

The great dragon only bowed, although a certain fear could be seen in its movement, when it finally lowered enough. With my magic I fully stretched the undamaged mustache and with my knife cut it in half, the dragon when I saw my action exaggerated again pretending to be passed out, even with my magic I entangled the mustache in the other area, resulting in one more mustache short, but even.

"And that's it, it's not my best job ... In fact it's the only one, well, it's not my best job but it's a thousand times better than having only one half of the mustache," I said as I looked to see if there were a few centimeters more to go somewhere. , for my good it was perfectly balanced.

"What did you do?" The dragon asked me while trying to observe his mustache.

"Balance it," I pronounced as with the reflection of my knife I gave it an angle to show it.

-Oh thanks! Thank you! I will remember you as the hero who saved me from a great humiliation— He said with great joy while waving my hoof with one of his hands.

And now that I look at the river I realize that the turbulent waters were replaced by calm waters.

"It was a pleasure to have helped, but if you'll excuse me, I have to proceed with my mission," I said as I passed by the river.

"Until next time!" The dragon from distant lands shouted as he waved his hand in farewell.

I just turned to see him and nodded.

I continued my way towards the castle and after a long time of walking I managed to see some ruins similar to a castle and next to it was the tower indicated by the light. I walk slowly towards a cliff ... fog, does not allow me to see the depth and see if I am able to survive the fall.

I turn to both sides hoping to find a ledge or something to go through, for my good luck ... or bad luck, there is a bridge, but it is broken. The posts on the other side might work though. Use my hook to cross.

I approach the bridge and observed, grabbed the post and with a little force tried to knock down one but he did not flinch.

"I hope those on the other side are just as resistant," I pronounced as I took out my hook and with my magic tried to make it hold, but it stayed there, an attempt because when I was about to hook it, the magic stopped taking effect in the falling towards the domain of the mist, when it apparently reached the maximum allowed by the rope I proceed to pull to get the hook back on my hooves.

While I get on the climbing object I think of other options, I can launch it or I can fly ... I'll try the second one.

I take a few steps back and try to fly only to fall again by a strange force, knowing that I still cannot fly I move further away and start running with the hook in my mouth, when I was on the edge I stop and release the hook, it came out flying and when he was about to catch something sent him to fly towards me, I jumped to my side avoiding the possible blow.

I send my eyes to the hook that got stuck with a tree, with a little force unclog it and bring it to me. I return my sight towards the cliff and at a slow pace I go as far as I can from the edge ... Deep, without a doubt. I walk away from the edge again, about ten meters, I let out a heavy sigh and prepare for a race.

After a few seconds I start running towards the cliff and just at the edge I take a big jump, when I realized that my fall was starting I gave a great impulse with my wings forward reaching a part of the ravine.

With effort I hold on to the edge of the cliff, with difficulty I climb completely and lie on my back.

"Almost," I said to myself, then gave a big sigh.

I simply get up and take a look at the castle. Its doors are huge, its walls were covered with moss, and much of the roof is broken.

At a slow pace I approach the door and with a strong push of magic I open it, looking inside the castle I realize that this is the throne room. Why is the throne room right at the castle entrance? It is absurd, a frontal attack and the rulers dead.

Without much trouble I go into the castle. I look at every detail, from the thrones to the corners. Beautiful without a doubt, but something is out of place. I can feel it.

I quickly grab my weapon with magic and point it anywhere.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" Asked a voice that I remember very well.

I turn to that voice and find the mare of the moon, Nightmare Moon. Her domineering and intimidating gaze watched me in detail and a malicious smile formed on her lips.

"It's me," I replied, pointing my gun at him.

"I see. Well Jackson, are you coming for another beating?" I wonder Nightmare.

"Negative, if I understand my mission is to beat you and since I don't have to worry about other things I will be able to fight freely," I replied giving a smile. "Are you ready?" I asked as I placed myself in combat position.

She just laughed out loud and spread her wings menacingly, my response was to activate the firing mechanism multiple times creating a loud deafening noise that stunned Nightmare though that didn't stop it from creating a shield by deflecting projectiles.

I start running towards her without stopping to shoot, when I'm close enough I jump and tried to cut her neck with the knife, but unfortunately she dodges and fires a powerful magic blast that would hit me squarely if it wasn't for the shield I made.

Upon receiving the impact I fly away and crash into a wall and fall to the ground, with some effort I get up and continue shooting in bursts hoping to destroy her shield without much luck. Frustrated, he put down my weapon and prepared a powerful magical attack.

"Antifluteius!" I screamed with all my might.

My horn lit up in a red hue, angrily pointed it at her and in less than a second an imposing red beam shoots out towards the alicorn. She watched in horror as the fearsome attack approached her dangerously.

In a last attempt to avoid the lightning bolt it jumps to the side but one of its hind legs was caught in the attack.

When he stopped feeding the lightning I grabbed my gun again and pointed to where Nightmare Moon was. I observe her, she was lying down and with a face of total pain. I inspect her body, finding the cause of the pain.

The leg that was hit by my attack was in a charred color, I could see the burned bone and the surroundings red hot.

I approached her slowly, however I did not pay a bit of her attention. She had it all for her leg.

"Argh!" Was his cry when he saw her painful wound. Although of course, she only imagined the bone pain, since her nerve terminals were removed.

When I was close enough she looked at me ... Fear, that was the perfect word to describe her face. There was no hint of any feeling other than fear.

"I wonder why you didn't go up in smoke and avoid the attack," I told her, her face immediately lit up and her horn glows.

However she foresaw that and shot her horn, destroying it.

"Arggg!" Was what came out of her muzzle.

His horn snapped to the side due to damage and a powerful wave of magic came out. However I only moved a few centimeters back.

"Really stupid, I keep wondering how you could beat me that time. Possibly it was the surprise that didn't let me act. Leaving that aside, ready to die?" End my dialogue, point to your head and wait for your confirmation.

She looked at me, but something I didn't expect was a smile on her face. I quickly point to anywhere else, searching for a hidden way of life. But there was nothing.

"In the future we are going to help Jackson. I hope that future is soon" Nightmare spoke again.

He turned to her, the same smile remained on his face. I aim again, however she puts her face into the barrel of the gun.

"Times change, what is normal for you now is an atrocity. I hope you exploit that" She spoke for the last time, closed her eyes and awaited her fate.

I concentrated my magic and activated the mechanism. A loud noise filled the room and now one more corpse was added to the world. At least to the dream world.

Observing the now corpse, I put my weapon on my back, I turned around and walked towards the exit. Hoping they would get me out of this dream.

Princess Luna zeroed in on the dream in Jackson. It took seconds to wake up.

"I'm back," said the alicorn looking at everyone present.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------

A controversial decision

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Pov: General

On all sides where ponies lived there was controversy, the origin of this was more than obvious. Jackson's recent operation attracted a lot of attention, because apart from the great image shown in the towns it was an announcement that Celestia released. One that would bring a new pony, at first most ignored it slightly arguing that that pony was just any one. But when the operation started all attention was on him. The first thing that surprised him was his excellent infiltration and camouflage ability, something that had only been seen once and was used against Equestria.

As he continued he further surprised the ponies by battling hoof against claw without hesitation, a feat worthy of one of the Daring Doo books. Although the end left them disgusted, with the tail of the maticora making way through its scales so that the pony could put his weapon and kill her. To the more adventurous it seemed epic while a certain yellow mare fainted at the sight, the mothers covered the eyes of their children in the hope of avoiding nightmares.

His comment in the woods surprised a few, the vast majority with the lumberjack job. Those simple words caused blush and confusion.

What was most surprising was the fashion dragon, or snake according to them. Some showed the same drama and others, like most occasions, showed confusion. The hairdressers observed and opined about Jackson's cut, the dressmakers for their part thought of different ways to make the dragon look better.

When he reached the cliff they were all shocked (Except for the Mane Six and the pair of princesses) the castle in front of them was a sign of a bygone era, the explorers made plans to investigate the castle, and were later joined by some historians outlining a plan to explore the old castle.

When Jackson finally reached the room, everyone looked with complete admiration at the place, despite the time the castle was still imposing, but only a few realize the danger.

Jackson pointed his weapon at nothing and from there came a mare that was forgotten, usually used to terrorize the little ones.

Nightmare Moon was in front of the pony. Some prayed that nothing would happen to the alicorn, almost leaving aside that it was only a dream. Others on the other hand showed interest when seeing how the alicorn would react.

But to the surprise of many, they spoke as if they already knew each other, as if they were lifelong friends competing to demonstrate who is better.

The fight had begun and to the surprise of many the steed seemed to have the advantage, although for some moments he was overcome by the nightmare. But the last attack came, one that burned Nightmare's leg leaving the bone visible, the mothers terrified by that they covered their children more hoping that they could not see that.

But some were curious about Jackson's magic, that ability to control fire was only worthy of a dragon and still a fairly experienced one, the vast majority of sorcerers planned to invite the pony to share knowledge while others tried to replicate the spell.

When Jackson finally killed Nightmare they all looked on in fear, they looked at their possible guardian or exterminator. Nobles and politicians would look for a way to have him at their side while others preferred to be away from them.

When he came out of his dream he found his group of soldiers (SSTO) protecting him while a couple of soldiers checked that he was stable.

"Welcome boss / teacher!" Was the shout his soldiers gave with his return.

Jackson gave a slight smile and stood up. He directed his gaze towards the pair of princesses ignoring the others.

"Prove?" Asked the soldier, watching the pair.

"That will be decided by civilians, do you think I did this spell just to demonstrate you?" This time it was Celestia who asked.

Jackson stared at her, his black eyes colliding with the roses of the solar matriarch. Finally he turned to his troops and made a few signs, immediately the soldiers left the prince.

"Citizens of Equestria. We have already observed the capabilities of the descendant of Sombra, this is the time to vote" Luna continued, turned to her sister, both shared views and crossed horns. Twilight immediately recognized what they were trying to do.

"Right now panels will appear in front of you, choose the various options," Twilight clarified.

And as she said was done, semi-transparent panels appeared in front of the ponies, Jackson turned towards the town and observed that the same was happening for them.

A sigh came out of his snout, although he did not want to stay here, he would accept the decision, he would only try to help the Crystal Empire, after all, that is the reason for his existence.

Minutes passed, enough time to once the voting has taken place, the royal sisters spread their horns and turned the ponies below them.

"The decision is made, I hope it gave you time," Celestia pronounced.
She concentrated again and a bar appeared in the sky, it had two colors, one gray and the other light blue.

"Blue is accepted, while gray is rejected" Specific Celestia

Everyone stared intently at the towering bar, hoping their decision had affected.

Slowly both bars went up in numbers, the tension was felt, a strange tension that came out of nowhere, this day was normal for the vast majority of inhabitants of Equestria until a great image appeared in the sky and their queen spoke about a new inhabitant .

Continuing with the bar, it finally seemed to come to an end, and it did. The bar was completely equalized for the common eye but the most detailed found one more centimeter in favor of one of the sides.

"Inhabitants of Equestria, I suppose that for you it was a draw, but only the most trained eye has noticed an inch in favor, that inch is in favor of Jackson not being welcome to Equestria" Celestia spoke, that for many was a sigh of relief, not having to worry about having the soldier as a neighbor.

On the other hand, some of the Empire complained about the vote and others were embarrassed by their choice.

"But since the difference is minimal, I will do something. He will stay in the Crystal Empire, but not as a prince. He will stay like one more civilian" Celestia spoke, taking everyone by surprise "I hope it doesn't bother them" the solar matriarch finished receiving in exchange a silence.

Some were upset and others were grateful, but the decision had already been made and accepted.

With that the voting had ended and a verdict had been given. When everyone turned to Jackson they saw how he was delivering his equipment, the rifle and knife were taken by one of the many SSTOs and his tools were put in a box that another took, finally his suit was also delivered but he took it with him. A spell.

"Now they will be in the service of the next prince or princess, although I think I know who it will be" was what Jackson said while making a typical military salute.

The other pony for his part also gave it and left the place, Jackson gave a slight smile and turned towards the group.

"Now if you'll allow me, I will retire." The alicorn spoke again as he began to walk to the exit.

"Now what are you going to do?" Shining Armor asked making the alicorn stop.

"Possibly I join the military, but before that." I have to visit some places and see if they remind me, "replied the former prince, turning to them." It was a pleasure to be with you, although I am sure that I will meet someone on my travels and my return to the army. "He continued speaking and went to continue his departure but was interrupted by a mare.

"I'm sure you can get more out of being an investigator, your knowledge will be very useful for the modern world" Twilight was the one who interrupts the exit of the alicorn. He turned to see her and gave her a smile.

"Miss Twilight, you may never understand this, but I'm sure your brother will ... When you try a little war two things will happen, you completely disgust yourself and try to get away from any conflict as quickly as possible. But on the other hand, you will like it, it will attract you and finally it will consume you, making war your only reason for living. Guess which one touched me? ”Jackson replied, gave everyone a last look and finally left the balcony leaving a thoughtful Twilight.

The purple unicorn turned to her brother for an answer.

"Twilight, he comes from another era, one where war was the daily bread. It is made for war and I imagine it will be very difficult to leave it" Shining answered her younger sister.

Twilight turned back to the exit, thinking of some way to help Jackson.

An hour had passed, Jackson had said goodbye to all his aides and soldiers, at the moment he was at the exit of the empire seeing the houses and his home to which sooner or later he would return. He turned around and started walking.

"Master!" A scream was heard.

Jackson quickly turned to meet one of his SSTOs.

"What's wrong?" The alicorn asked doubtfully.

"I have a few gems from the reserve and his silent sheathed knife," the mare replied, handing her a small bag.

"Thank you ... You know, I think they are going to have a hard time," replied the young alicorn as with his magic he grabbed the bag and placed his knife where ever.

"What do you mean?" Asked the military with doubt.

"I don't know, this is simply not our era, there could be a few changes regarding our thinking," said Jackson looking at her and putting the bag on his back.

"I'll be on the lookout for a problem, see you later, Captain" The mare spoke looking at the steed in front of him.

"See you later" was the last thing he said before making a military salute and starting to walk towards the exit of this set of mountains.

When he reached a gap between mountains, he found a cabin and some railroad tracks. Cautiously he approached, his knife was in his teeth and when he was next to the door he entered abruptly finding an already old steed sweeping the floor.

"Hello young man, you should be more careful when opening doors, you almost gave me a heart attack. Haha" The old man laughed and continued his work completely ignoring the fact that there was an alicorn in front of him.

"What place is this?" Asked the former soldier while sheathing his knife.

"I think it's pretty obvious, a train station. I still don't know how someone thought to build a station in this place" The old man spoke.

"Don't worry, I have a feeling it will have a lot of clients soon," Jackson said as he left the cabin.

"Trains? That was a parent project to increase the speed of travel." The alicorn asked internally.

Deciding to ignore that, imagining that someone would come up with the idea sooner or later, he continued on his way in search of known civilizations.

Pov: General.

During Jackson's withdrawal the pair of royal princesses were in a room all alone.

"And how was your reunion?" Lúna asked, his face showing absolute seriousness.

"They don't seem to remember me well, that's good." As for the reunion. It was perfect, ”Celestia replied, a triumphant smile forming on his face, one that Lúna hadn't seen in a long time.

"But it seems that he is going to see his former mentors, that will keep him away from the empire," Lúna spoke with a slight fear growing inside her, a fear that she had not felt for a long time.

"He said that the SSTO are at the service of the prince, Cadence will let me use them, everything is for something greater. Something greater than a simple empire" Celestia replied with happiness unseen in her long years as ruler.

"I hope the last time doesn't happen," Lúna whispered, her concern more than evident but she was totally ignored by Celestia.

Diamond Dogs

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Pov: General.

Walking through cold meadows we can see a pony walking and observing the place, the grass of a light green color flooded the eyes of the pony. Everything was normal, the views it had were beautiful with a forest on your right and in the distance a city in the clouds. Without much thought, he began to fly to the city, searching for a map.

The pony was none other than Jackson, it had been a few hours since he left the snowy mountains and goes in search of his old friends, despite knowing that they might not be alive.

While flying he noticed that temperature that he did not feel years ago, a balance between heat and cold that he was so passionate about, being a pony from cold lands having something covering you was more than mandatory, especially with which he was dedicated to monitoring cold areas .

Without waiting another second, he gave a strong flutter and his speed increased enormously, bordering on the speed of sound (1,200 km / h). After a half hour of intense fluttering Jackson dropped freely, the fresh air crashed on his face forcing him to have his eyes closed, when enough time passed he opened his eyes and observed how close he was to the ground.

Given how close it was to becoming a postage stamp, Jackson slowly opened his wings to be placed horizontally and with a little effort avoided being used for postal mail.

Being so close to the ground he decided to stop and walk a little to rest his wings.

He landed on an esplanade, if it were not for the forest that was now behind him, it seemed that he did not advance at all, observing the area he saw that a few kilometers ahead of him the grass changed to a lime green.

Jackson stared at the horizon, thinking about what happened so far. Was it really a good idea to leave the empire so easily? He did not even sign any paperwork for what was legally still the prince, another thought came to his mind Celestia had put the entire Equestria to vote, that means that the Crystal Empire had not had all the decision when they had been the ones who suffered the evils of their father, the others had no right to vote.

"I really am an idiot ... I will take advantage of this short vacation and I will meet my former companions, will they still remember me?" Were the words that came out of the ex-prince's snout.

He looked up at the city in the clouds, unknown the name of the city. Yet he knew they knew him there. However for now he had to take care of other things.

When I try to follow he realized something, it was getting dark. The sun was finishing going around the planet and the moon was following it. With admiration I watch as the great stars changed places and sooner than later the moon dominated the sky.

Jackson stared, but his peace was interrupted by the creak of a branch. The alicorn turned quickly and unsheathed his knife with his mouth, looked at the place and waited.

"Whoever you are, get out right now or I'll be forced to go on the offensive," Jackson pronounced even with the knife in his teeth.

The seconds that seemed eternal passed, however when Jackson was preparing to attack something he came out of the shadows and tried to bite the pony.

But such a bad surprise did not scare the ex-soldier who quickly dodged and grabbed the attacker from behind, putting one of his legs behind the enemy's, shoving him forward, knocking him to the ground. Leaving him no time, Jackson grabbed the being with his magic and lifted it up exposing it to the light of night.

Its shape was anthropomorphic, similar to that of a dog. Its coat was an earth brown although some parts were lighter than others. His dark brown eyes stared at the pony, on the being's neck was a black necklace holding a blue gem. Going over the body, he found a gray vest that in one other pocket had a gem of some random color.

"What are you?" Jackson whispered, his gaze traversing every part of the body of the dog-like being, though its shape indicated more of an ape.

For his part, the anthropomorphic dog tried to get rid of the magic of the alicorn, but it was useless. Years of training led to strengthened magic and a strong mind. The dog observed who would define his destiny, intrigue and fear soon appeared and led him to imagine the worst cases that could occur.

But that changed when the alicorn spoke, those words only angered the dog.

"I am a diamond dog! You idiot!" The now feminine creature shouted, her voice sounded somewhat serious but without losing that feminine essence.

Jackson was a little surprised to discover the genus but already suspected it due to the slim figure of the creature.

"A diamond dog ... I will ask you a few questions, I hope you answer them," said the alicorn, he proceeded to put away his knife and lowered the diamond dog, continuing to control with the magic sat on the grass. He was about to open his muzzle to speak but before that he concentrated on the surroundings, however he could not detect anything so he proceeded to ask "What is your name?" Jackson asked staring at her "Sorry for my mistake, I have to present. My name is Jackson Fidow, now yes. What's your name?” Jackson asked again.

"Eris," replied the now-known Eris, she stared at the pony in front of her, the fear was low now but there was still something.

"I understand ... I know this question might sound stupid but, what is a diamond dog?" I ask again, this time with much more curiosity.

"I understand that we are not very friendly but from that to not knowing who we are there is a big step" the girl spoke with some irritation in her voice.

"Sorry but I have been a little uninformed for the last few years, I really do not have much contact with the outside," said the alicorn who was gradually removing her spell.

“Okay, we are an evolution of ordinary dogs, we adapted to have more advantage in the vast majority of fields, although for a long time we remained underground, I think I remember that the first time that someone from the town went outside was about seven hundred years” The girl answered while she continued to watch the pony, not noticing that there was not as much magic controlling her body as before.

"I understand ... So why did you want to steal from me?" The alicorn asked again.

"It's something more ... personal," Eris spoke, scratching her cheek with one of her front claws.

“OK then. Do you need help?” The pony asked, looking at her expectantly, waiting for the diamond dog's response.

"You shouldn't worry about me ... Although if you want you can be supportive," said the diamond dog, not quite sure about telling her about the problem.

"I'm all ears," Jackson replied, looking expectantly at what he had to say.

"Well, as I told you before, I am a diamond dog. An evolution of the canines, we feed on meat and diamonds, basically a dragon but with less power” Pronounced Eris, paused for a few seconds to formulate the following thing that he would say “In the last decades several groups have separated from the main pack , I belong to one of those groups. It didn't go very well for us to say, that's why I wanted to rob you. But I don't have any hunting or combat skills, I don't even know how to hide ... You on the other hand seem like someone experienced. You even have wings and a horn therefore you are an alicorn and they are very powerful ... You are an alicorn!” She shouted in surprise, immediately took a few steps back and knelt down “Excuse me majesty, I had no idea it was you ... What is his kingdom ?, Without offending him but if I remember correctly there were only three alicorns” asked the girl, with doubt in her voice.

"Take it easy, it's normal that you don't know me. As for the other, I am a prince of an ancient kingdom, just a few years younger than the kingdom of Equestria, ”the pony replied, with one of its paws touched the shoulder of the diamond dog. Eris looked up and saw the alicorn with a calm, benevolent smile.

With his magic he lifted her up and dusted her, looked at her for a few seconds and started walking towards some bushes, earning the diamond dog's doubt.

"Where are you going?" Eris asked doubtfully staring at the alicorn.

"To your camp, I'll try to help you. I don't promise anything but I'll try, "Jackson replied, stopped and looked at her for a few seconds and spoke," Are you following me? "Fidow asked.

"Sure," said the diamond dog, started walking towards her and stood in front of the pony. Leading him to his camp.

Time passed, both walking on the esplanade until they reached the forest, Eris entered with total confidence but Jackson stopped for a few moments, observing the place. When she confirmed that there was nothing, she continued to follow the diamond dog.

The minutes passed and it seemed that they did not reach anything, until when moving a leaf a group of anthropomorphic beings with a great resemblance to Eris was revealed. All surrounding a small fire that was extinguishing with the passing of the seconds, Jackson began to approach but was interrupted by a sword that was put in his neck.

"Who are you?" Asked the one holding the sword. His fur was black and his eyes were gray, on his neck was a scarf and on his hip was a belt holding various things.

When the diamond dog asked, all the others turned to see them and noticed the pony in front of them.

"Swodart, he's a guest of mine," Eris said as she removed the sword from the pony's neck.

Swodart stared at her, with a penetrating gaze until he decided to sheath his sword, even with that penetrating gaze he observed Jackson.

"What do you want?" Swodart asked again, this time a little more calmly.

"According to your friend, they are in very bad circumstances. I came to try to help, ”Jackson replied, staring at him.

"We can manage on our own," Swodart said, after that he turned to Eris and opened his muzzle. "Why did you bring him?" The diamond dog whispered to Eris, although Jackson had heard him.

"It's obvious. It's an alicorn. They are the best, surely you can find a solution for us” Eris whispered, being perfectly audible to the pony.

Swodart looked at her in disbelief, then turned to Jackson and watched her side noticing something he hadn't looked at before. A pair of wings were on his back, Jackson smiled and spread his wings with great majesty. Everyone was gawking at the beauty of these. Although someone stared at a specific part of his wings.

"Hey, what happened to you here?" One of the many diamond dogs said, pointing to a part of the base of his wings.

"I was a soldier, it's one of my war scars ... Damn, he did know about combat" Jackson replied looking at the diamond dog, he extended his wing a little more showing another scar "This one I did more for an idiot than for something else” The pony continued pointing at another scar, this one was smaller than the other but it was still remarkable.

"A soldier? Weren't you a prince?" Eris asked, doubt in her voice.

"I was a war prince, one specialized in combat and everything that leads to it," Jackson replied looking at Eris, she looked surprised at the words of the pony.

"But ... There is only one prince. Prince Blueblood” Said one of the diamond dogs.

“Equestria is not in the whole world, crossing the icy north there are more lands and we don't know if the east is totally dominated by dragons. Even so, in Equestria there are quite a few races without knowing each other, in short. You shouldn't be surprised by yet another alicorn” Jackson replied again.

"One thing, each alicorn represents something. Celestia the sun, Luna the moon and Cadence love. What do you represent?” Asked the same diamond dog that discovered one of his scars.
(They know how incredibly stupid this sounds in Spanish: Luna the moon)

"No idea, supposedly the Cutie Mark should tell me that but as you can see," Jackson said, and then showed his side. "I have nothing." The alicorn finished speaking, moving one of his wings to cover the side.

"But are you an adult? You should already have a Cutie Mark” Eris said, confusion in his voice.

“I prefer not to have one, without a Cutie Mark I will be able to choose what I want to be and when I want to change my profession. On the other hand, having a Cutie Mark you are limited to doing the usual until death. There is even a book about it "Fidow spoke with a smile on her face" Although I admit it, sometimes I would like to know what my goal is "Jackson continued looking at the night sky.

Everyone looked up at the sky and noticed the beautiful color of it, few were those who stopped to look at the sky and think that there is more to it than this. But nobody could know, they were all theories taken from some imaginative mind about the things that are outside our planet.

"Right, sometimes you want someone to tell you what to do ... Sometimes you need a leader," Swodart pronounced as he gripped the hilt of his sword, tears began to flow from his eyes until he realized what what was happening and quickly wiped away the little drops of feelings.

"Well ... But now it is necessary to find some solution to their problems, something they need?" Jackson asked, deflecting the subject and looking at the group.

"Well, there are many things we are missing. A place to stay, food and security are the main needs at the moment” Eris replied looking at Jackson.

"Just in case, what is their natural habitat?" Jackson asked looking at everyone in search of an answer.

"We can survive anywhere, but where we do best is in caves. The cold does not affect us as much thanks to our fur, on the contrary, the heat could be deadly if the necessary measures are not taken” replied a diamond dog.

“So. A place where to get food easily, preferably where it is not very hot and where there is enough security ... I think I know where, but before that. I need a map to see if it's not busy, ”said Jackson, looking at the city in the clouds.

"We don't have a map, but I'm sure you can find one in Cloudsdale, those who live in that city are pegasi so it should be cheap," Swodart said, also looking at the floating city.

"How long do you think they can survive?" Fidow asked, turning to the others.

"One or two more days, although what worries me most is the monsters that may be around, I will not be able to finish against a herd of timberwolves. You would have to do everything very quickly” Swodart replied looking at the forest, with some doubt.

"I understand ... Does anyone have the current currency?" Jackson asked again, looking among the many diamond dogs.

“We brought a few, we thought they wouldn't be necessary. More than anything because we think they would be an extra burden” One of many answered.

"Give them to me, I will go tomorrow at dawn and I will return with the map, so I can know if there is no post in the area we can go and claim it as yours," Jackson said, looking at the diamond dog that had answered him.

"Stop right there, do you want us to give you the little money we have?" Swodart asked, as his grip on the sword intensified.

"Right, in return I will give you the gems I bring," said Jackson, grasping the bag behind his back with magic and showing its contents, some diamond dogs stared in amazement at the contents and even a few drooled.

"Sir, if you know those gems are very difficult to find?" Asked one of many.

"Where I come from are the most normal, and even so we have a practically infinite reserve," said Jackson, looking at the one who asked him.

"Then I guess we'll sleep and then you'll go over the map," Eris said doubtfully.

"Someone has to stand guard," said one of the diamond dogs.

"I will," Swodart replied quickly, receiving a glance from everyone.

"No, you have been on duty the last few nights. You need to rest” Eris said.

"Then it will be me, an old friend taught me to grab energy from the surroundings so I can stay awake for several days," said Jackson looking at Swodart. "Easy, I'll take care of everything," he said, hoping that he would believe him.

Swodart looked at Jackson and after a few seconds nodded and went to lean on a nearby tree. All the other diamond dogs did the same, except for one.

"Are you sure?" Eris asked, staring at him.

"Certainly," he replied.

She only looked at him for a few more seconds and then went to lie down with the others, hoping that nothing happened during the night.

Returning to the Cold

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Point of View: Third Person.

The hours passed as seconds and sooner rather than later the sun rose over the horizon, although the trees do not allow us to observe the sun but you can see its light sneaking through the branches.

In the middle of the forest was a standing four-legged creature, a pony to be specific. Jackson sat with his eyes closed as small particles of light were around him, some sticking to his body and some retreating.

But that changed when he heard a long sigh, opened his eyes and looked where the noise came from. A diamond dog was waking up and stretching its limbs, a few seconds passed when the anthropomorphic being looked at the pony and then got up and started walking towards it.

"Hello, I didn't show up yesterday," said the diamond dog as he sat next to Fidow.

"No one showed up, the only names I know are Eris and Swordart," Jackson replied staring at him. His fur was white and his eyes were golden, a green vest covered his torso and he had a small dagger at his waist.

"Yes, well ... My name is Ancel, only Ancel," said the now known as Ancel.

"Well, Ancel," said Jackson, extending his hoof towards the diamond dog.

"Same thing ..." Ancel replied grabbing his hoof and shaking it "Yesterday, you talked about you being a soldier, is it true?" Ancel asked doubtfully.

"Yes, when your father is a military expansionist king, being a soldier was practically an obligation," Fidow replied, looking at him closely.

"What do you specialize in?" Ancel asked again, looking at the pony's knife.

"In many things, the vast majority to win a war. To say a few, guerilla warfare, military weaponry, hoof-to-hoof combat, weapons master, war medic and military parachutist. That on the part of the military war, on the other hand the political war. Intelligence, espionage, interrogation, deterrence and how to have all the important ones under your helmet. There are many things as you can see, unfortunately everything related to the war" Jackson replied in a long dialogue, he looked at the others realizing that some were showing signs of awakening.

"And where does your knife come from?" Asked Ancel.

"I did it myself, I said that I am in the war and everything related to it, therefore also weapons," Jackson replied as he returned his gaze to Ancel, "And what about you?, I notice you very interested in the war" This time it was Jackson who asked.

"Well, I've wanted to be a soldier for a long time, but they didn't accept me because I'm weak. He wanted to know if there was any kind of soldier that was not very strong, ”Ancel replied, looking at the ground.

"If an enemy appears, you could observe and learn a thing or two." Jackson spoke looking at him.

It was a minute of silence until they heard someone approach, they turned and met Eris.

"Jackson, I think it's the perfect time, not too late, not too early," Eris said as she pulled out a leather bag full of coins. "This should be enough." She finished speaking and brought the bag closer to Jackson.

"I hope so, the value of the coin must have changed." Jackson spoke, grabbing the bag with his magic and handing the bag with gems to Eris, she stared at the bag until she put it in her vest.

"Good luck," Eris said.

Jackson stood up, spread his wings carefully and with a strong flapping he imposed himself on the sky, being already a good distance from the sky he began to fly towards the city in the clouds known as Cloudsdale.

—Jump in time—

Time passed and Jackson was getting closer and closer, his gaze was fixed on the city of heaven. Thoughts trickled through his mind imagining anything negative that might happen, but after shaking his head momentarily he managed to get rid of such thoughts.

And so more time passed until he finally put his helmets on the clouds that made up the city, he looked curiously at the solidity of the clouds, scratched the floor a little noting how extremely soft it was.

"Gelatinous," whispered Jackson looking at the clouds.

He applied a little force, sinking a few inches into the ground, he turned his vision away from the ground and began to see the surroundings realizing that he was in an alley and that no one had seen him.

A glow came from its horn and a white light enveloped it, at the end of the small glow Jackson had disappeared and in its place was a pegasus with white fur and cyan mane, its pupils of a golden color looking towards the exit of the alley. He saw some ponies walk the streets in front of him.

He started walking towards the exit and when he finally came out he saw some ponies walking in the streets, there were also a couple of guards guarding the street although they did not seem very attentive.

The pegasus approached the pair of guards, when it was close enough one stared at it.

"Excuse me, do you know where I can find a map of Equestria?" The white pegasus asked as he looked at the guard.

"Sure, go down this street until you find a cafeteria, once there turn right and you will find a store with a sign that has 7 Coltven written, there you should find what you are looking for" The guard replied, giving him a smile and pointing to a direction.

"Thank you," she pronounced the pegasus walking to where they pointed it out.

—Jump in time—

It was a minute's walk to the pegasus where he could observe the city in the clouds, he saw the routine of several civilians. Some watched time stop while others exercised. He concluded that the workers were already doing their jobs.

He kept walking through the streets until he came across a cafeteria, remembering the directions, he turned right and came across a store with a sign with there was a seven made up of two colors, red and orange while green letters crossed the number

The pegasus approached and entered the store. He came across a small store with some shelves placed in the center of the room, an older pony was behind a small desk in a corner, the white pegasus approached the old pony. When he became aware of their presence, he got a little straighter and greeted the pegasus.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for a map of Equestria, the more up-to-date the better. Do you have one?" Asked the pegasus looking at the steed in front of him.

"Well, curiously I have a few, apparently they were a few months ago so I can assure you that it is one of the most recent ones," replied the old pegasus, looking under the desk, looking for the map.

"How much do you think your map is worth?" Asked the young pegasus as he grabbed the bit pocket with one of his wings.

"About seventeen bits," the ancient pegasus replied as he finally stuck his head out from under the desk and with a map on its hooves.

The white pegasus opened the bag of coins and began to count the bits, praying that they were enough and for his fortune it was, in total there were about twenty bits.

The pegasus began to remove all the necessary bits and gave them to the receptionist, the latter counted them to finally nod and hand the map to the young pegasus.

The pegasus grabbed the map with one of its wings and tied the bag of coins to the side of the knife, finally came out of the small shop, put the map in its mouth and looked at the sky. After a few seconds it mobilized its wings and began to ascend, when it was at a safe distance it began to fly towards the forest where the diamond dogs were.

—Jump in time—

"Do you think I'm going back?" Swodart asked, looking at the others, specifically Eris.

"I'm sure, also if he doesn't come back that means we keep these gems," Eris replied looking at the bag full of crystals.

Swodart was about to speak but a loud noise silenced him, everyone looked towards the source of the noise and found a white pegasus and cyan mane.

"Who are you?" Swodart asked as he stepped in front of the others, grasping the hilt of his sword.

The pony began to burn in gray flames until finally its body changed and in its place an alicorn appeared, Jackson was standing with the map in his mouth, with his magic he grabbed the map and unfolded it, fully looking at its contents.

I just looked at it for a few seconds and then I showed it to them, everyone looked at the map carefully wondering where it was.

"Apparently the place has not been occupied," said Jackson looking at a part of the frozen north. "Currently we are near the Galloping Canyon. If we go north, should we arrive in just over a week, ready to start traveling?" He asked. The alicorn looking at everyone.

The vast majority nodded at Jackson's question and began to grab the few things they had and within minutes they were all ready. Finally they started walking north in search of the promised place.