> Slumber Party Time in Ponyville > by Brian Sheil > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Party Time > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Molly Williams, Megan's little sister, walks home carrying her duffle bag. But, tears are dripping down her eyes. Megan and Danny meet her at the front door, and are very shocked. "Molly!" Megan said shockingly. "What happened?" "Yeah." Danny added. "I thought you're going to a slumber party." "I was." Molly said with tears in her eyes. "But, it got called off. The house I was going to is unavailable due to an anniversary party." "I'll bet your friends are very upset about this." Megan figured. "Yeah." Molly sniffled. "Some more that others. Like me." Megan and Danny comforted Molly when something unexpected arrived. It turned out to be a yellow Pegasus with a pink mane and tail. Megan recognizes the Pegasus. "Fluttershy! What are you doing here?" "I decided to cross that rainbow bridge," Fluttershy explained, "and come to your farmland home." Fluttershy looked around. And, is amazed. "It feels so peaceful around here. Megan, you should take pictures, so you can show everypony in Equestria." "Good thinking, Fluttershy." Danny agreed. "Especially to Applejack." Molly looked at Fluttershy and approached her carefully. She was immediately filled with joy. "So, you're Fluttershy. Megan told me all about you." She gave the yellow Pegasus a gentle hug. "She's right. You ARE beautiful." Fluttershy retuned the hug. "Thank you. Megan told me about you too, Molly." Megan soon had an idea. "Hold on a sec." "What's up, Megan?" Danny wondered. "Maybe Molly can spend the night in Equestria." "Equestria?" Molly yelped. "Isn't that where you're from, Fluttershy?" "That's right." Fluttershy replied. "It's a lot different than it's days as Ponyland." "So I was told." Molly turned to her sister. "Do you think mom and dad will let me spend the night in Equestria, Megan?" "I think so." Megan answered. "I'll talk to them, and see what they think." Megan ran back into the house as Molly still recovers from this shock. Later, Fluttershy flew across the sky with Molly on her back. Instead of her duffle bag, Molly has her backpack with her. "Wow! I haven't felt anything like this in two years!" Molly said with excitement. "Two years at your home are equal to 2,000 at the Pony World." Fluttershy explained. "That’s what Megan told me." The two travelers touched down in Ponyville. Molly got off and looked around. "Megan was right." Molly realized. "Ponyville is a nice little village." "I'm glad you like it." Fluttershy replied. "Would you like to see Twilight's castle?" "You mean Twilight as in your friend, Twilight Sparkle? Sure. Lead the way." Molly and Fluttershy soon made their way to Twilight's castle. Suddenly, Twilight and Spike flew by and touched down in front of them. "Hi, Molly." Twilight greeted. "We meet at last." "Princess Twilight Sparkle." Molly said happily. "I am so honored to meet you." Twilight came up and gave Molly a sweet hug. "I see that Fluttershy brought you to Equestria." "Yes, she did." Molly said. "She's as beautiful as Megan said she'd be." Fluttershy blushed a little as Spike approached the visitor. "Hello, Molly." Spike greeted. "I assume Megan told you about me." "She did." Molly responded. "Nice to meet you too, Spike." "Let's go in the castle." Twilight suggested. "I'd like to know why you decided to visit." Inside the castle, Twilight and her friends are honored to have Molly join them. "Wowee!" Pinkie Pie said happily. "Megan's description of you is right on the button." "Pinkie is right." Starlight Glimmer added. "We're all happy that you're here." "Thanks, Starlight. Thanks, everypony." Molly replied. "I just couldn't believe that I'd be in the pony world again." "So, what brings y'all here?" Applejack asked. Molly soon became a little sad. "I was all set to go to a slumber party back home. But, it got called off due to an anniversary party. Some of us that were going to the slumber party took the news hard." Tears were dripping down her face. "Like me." Molly cried softly as Rarity approached her to calm her down. "Please don't cry, darling. We're all here to help you relax." Molly soon hugged the fashionista pony. "Thanks, Rarity." "Wait a minute!" Rainbow Dash called out. "Isn't Sweetie Belle going to a slumber party herself?" "Yes she is, Dashie." Rarity answered. "So are Scootaloo and Apple Bloom." "How about if Molly tags along?" "Me?" Molly yelped. "I don't know, Rainbow Dash. I'm a little nervous." Dash went over to comfort the visitor. "Relax, Molly. I'm sure Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle would like to meet you." "Rainbow Dash is right." Applejack added. "I'm sure the four of ya can get along." Soon, Molly smiled a little. "I think you're right, Applejack. What've I got to lose? If Megan and Danny can be friends with the ponies here in Ponyville," Molly wiped the tears from her eyes. "so can I!" Soon, Molly walked through Ponyville with Sweetie Belle by her side. "I'm so happy that you're coming along, Molly." Sweetie Belle said. "Me and my friends always wanted to meet you." "That's what my sister, Megan, told me." Molly replied. "She said that I could get along with the little ponies around here." "I can see why. Me and my friends are kids." The two friends arrived at a big house. Molly was astounded to see this place. "Wow! This place is like a mansion." "That's one way of looking at it." Sweetie Belle added. "This is where we're staying." "Wow! Really?" The doors to the mansion opened, and out stepped a dark pink mare with a purple mane and tail, Her cutie mark is a diamond ring. Molly was shocked to see this pony. "Is that Spoiled Rich, one of the wealthiest ponies around?" "Yes it is." Sweetie Belle answered. "How did you know?" "My sister told me about her and her husband, Filthy Rich." Spoiled Rich walked over to the two visitors. "Your sister is Megan. Am I correct?" Spoiled Rich asked. "That's right." Molly answered. "You mean, she visited you before?" "Indeed. During one of her visits, Megan came by our lovely home, and told us about her adventures from the days of Ponyland. She even told us about you and Daniel, Molly. But, what brings you here to my humble abode?" "I wonder if she can join the slumber party being held here." Sweetie Belle answered. Spoiled Rich looked at Molly for a moment. Then, answered Sweetie's request. "I don't see why not. The more the merrier, I always say. Come on in." Sweetie Belle and Molly walked into the house. Molly was very impressed. "Wow!" Molly gasped. "This is what I call deluxe accommodations." "I'm glad you're pleased." Spoiled Rich praised. "The sleepover is taking place in the basement. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Silver Spoon are already there. Show your new friend the way, Sweetie Belle." Sweetie Belle leads Molly down a flight of stairs. They soon reached the basement. "Pretty nice. Huh, Molly?" Sweetie Belle asked. "It sure is." Molly answered. "A pretty nice place for a slumber party." A young voice replied to Molly's comment. "Thank you." In steps a bright pink pony with a white mane and tail with a light purple stripe on both areas. Molly was very happy at the sight of this pony. "I heard of you." Molly said. "You're Spoiled Rich's daughter, Diamond Tiara. Right?" "Yes." Diamond answered. "No doubt you were told about me by your sister: Megan. I'm very pleased to meet you, Molly." Soon, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Silver Spoon arrived to join the others. "Howdy, Sweetie Belle." Apple Bloom greeted. "Hi guys." Sweetie Belle responded. "I guess we're all here." "Hey," Scootaloo interjected, "is that Molly with you? I heard about her from when Megan last visited." "Yep, that's her. She's joining our slumber party." "She is? Wow! This could be interesting." "I agree, Scoots." Silver Spoon added. "Let's get everything set up. Meanwhile, Molly probably has some sleepwear in this backpack of hers." "You're right." Molly replied as she steps into another room. "It'll only take me a few minutes." Minutes later, Molly comes out wearing a blue shirt with white Zs printed on it, and dark blue sleep capris with white stars. Everybody was fascinated. "That definitely says 'bedtime'." Sweetie Belle said. "I agree." Diamond Tiara added. "I especially like those sleep pants of hers." Molly blushed a little. "Aw, thank you, Diamond. My mother got these for me as a birthday present. With some allowance money I saved up, I bought this shirt to go with these pants." Scootaloo was a little confused. "What's with the Zs printed on it?" "There's a term about sleep called catching some Zs." Apple Bloom explained. "I didn't think about that. Good call, Molly." "Thanks, Scootaloo." Molly replied as she joins her new friends. Suddenly, Sweetie Belle got hold of a pillow, and whacked Molly on the head. The young human got scared. "What was that for, Sweetie Belle?" "A great slumber party tradition." Sweetie Belle explained. "I'm sure you know what i'm talking about." Molly soon got the idea. "Now I get it." She grabbed her own pillow, and made an announcement. "Pillow Fight!" Soon, the five young ponies and Molly started hitting each other with the pillows, giggling as they have fun. Spoiled Rich then called downstairs. "Attention, down there! If I may have your attention." "What is it, mother?" Diamond asked as everybody put down their pillows. "Fresh made cookies will be coming down in a few minutes. So, simmer down. Please." Minutes later, the party guests enjoy their cookies, with some small jugs of milk to wash them down. "These cookies are delicious." Apple Bloom praised. "They sure are." Molly added as she takes a sip of milk. "Chocolate chip is my favorite." "Glad you like them." Diamond said. Soon, a thought came to her mind. "Molly, no doubt you heard about the villains that Princess Twilight and the rest of the Mane Six battle to protect Equestria. Right?" "I think so." Molly replied. "At least what Megan told me about them." "Well, who do you think is the worst of that bunch?" Everypony wondered about that too. Molly then gave her answer. "The worst, in my opinion, is Chrysalis." "The former queen of the Changelings?" Sliver Spoon gasped. "I was expecting you to say something like Tirek or Discord." "True. Those guys, along with the likes of Nightmare Moon and Cozy Glow, are ruthless. But, Chrysalis is the worst. Especially when she and her former hive captured the Princesses, the Mane SIx, Spike, and the Royal Family of the Crystal Empire." "Megan sure had a good memory if she told you about that event." Scootaloo said. "She sure does." Soon, Molly had her own idea. "Have you guys heard about the villains from the days of Ponyland?" "You mean the beasties you, Megan, and Danny faced with the ponies of those days?" Apple Bloom replied. "We sure did." Molly then asked her own question. "Who do you guys think is the worst of THAT lot?" Apple Bloom answered first. "The critters I don't like are the Flores. To think, a bunch of beautiful flowers can turn into nasty beasts." "That's true." Sweetie Belle replied. "My vote is for that witch Hydia. I heard stories about how she and her daughters unleashed those purple Smooze against Dream Castle." "Her daughters being Reeka and Draggle: the Witch Sisters." Scootaloo figured, "To me, they don't hold a candle to Tirek's ancestor, Tirac the Terrible. He was the very first fiend Megan faced." "You have a point, Scoots." Molly said. "Thank goodness Megan was given the heart locket containing the Rainbow of Light." "Me and Silver Spoon agree to one character being the worst." Diamond interrupted. "Grogar!" "Yike!" Molly gulped. "That name gave me an uneasy feeling." "Can't blame you." Silver Spoon added. "That creep brought his whole city of Tambelon to Ponyland. If you, Megan, Danny and your pony friends didn't act fast, you wouldn't have escaped that city, and sent it away for good." Everyone agree as they continue to enjoy each other's company. Minutes later, they all fell asleep. Spoiled Rich went downstairs quietly to check up on them. Molly stirred as Spoiled Rich approached her. "You're welcome to visit me and my family anytime you visit Ponyville." Spoiled Rich whispered. Molly gave her host a quiet response. "Thanks." Then, Molly went back to sleep. THE END