> Cinematic Adventures: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory > by extremeenigma02 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Candy Crisis > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the town of Ponyville, another magical day is in progress. The town residents wandered about, having fun and enjoying the daily activities. On this day, Twilight Sparkle and her number one assistant, Spike, made their way through town reminiscing over their most recent adventures. In such a short time, they’ve traveled to two different world and foil a great evil from tearing it to shreds. It began with their travels to Oz, where they helped Dorothy defeat the Wicked Witch of the West, followed by a trip to Spooky Island, where they discovered Chrysalis had returned and stopped her from seizing power to control the globe for thousands of years. Speaking of which, Chrysalis was a huge factor. Ever since the Mane Six returned from Spooky Island, Twilight Sparkle had been researching nonstop trying to figure out how Chrysalis, Tirek, and even Cozy Glow were freed of their imprisonment. The only clue she had to go by was their allegiance with a mysterious benefactor, but even then, she had no idea ‘who’ or even ‘what’ it was. She skimmed through every possibility to uncover the identity of this benefactor, particularly any being with a long history against Equestria, but thus far she’s come up empty-hoofed every time. Thankfully, not everything was entirely bad news. Between their travels and encounters with some new friends, she was able to conduct some work with Princess Celestia, to fully stabilize the vortex emanating from the television. This way, the magic stemming within the black box would be easy control to allow the ponies easy transport rather than complete randomness. All they needed now was a reason to conduct an experiment to prove it works. “AHHHHHHH!!!” A loud scream drew Twilight Sparkle from her thoughts, as she and Spike turned toward the distance where it came from. “Spike, you heard that, right?” “I’m sure all of Equestria heard it,” Spike responds, holding his ears. “Only ‘one’ pony I know would scream like that…” “Pinkie Pie!!!” Twilight and Spike said, in unison. Speaking of which, the little pink party pony herself barreled down the street at super sonic speed. So fast, she created a huge draft that nearly knocked over many other unfortunate ponies in its wake. Even Cranky Doodle and his wife, Matilda, who were just crossing the street, minding their own business, felt the wind pass so quick his wig goes flying off much to his annoyance. “Whoa, whoa, whoa!!!” Twilight shouts, holding her hooves in front of her. “Pinkie, slow down! STOP!!!” Seeing her friend, Pinkie Pie drove her hooves deep onto the dirt road, skidding along the rest of the way till she halts right in front of her friend. Poor little Spike’s eyes were so wide with fear, they looked as if they’d pop out his head as he clutched his heart which thumped rapidly against his chest. “Twilight!” Pinkie exclaimed, quickly. “Thank Celestia, I found you! You got to hurry! It’s terrible, it’s horrible, it’s so bad I don’t think I can come up with the word to describe it. It’s somewhere between horrible and volatile… HORRITILE! Yeah, that’s what it is! YOU GOT TO FOLLOW ME!” Pinkie Pie pulled Twilight Sparkle with all her might, running rapidly through town. Twilight couldn’t keep up and eventually gets pulled across the ground. Spike held onto Twilight’s tail, as he himself was dragged across the ground like a water-skier. Eventually, they arrived at Sugar Cube Corner, Pinkie finally stops allowing Twilight to let go. “YEOW!!!” Spike screams, clutching his feet. “HOT FEET! HOT FEET! OUT OF MY WAY! OUT OF MY WAY!” Spike hops around madly, bouncing on one foot after another. At one point, he takes a foot, which was red along the bottom, desperately blowing to fan the heat to no avail. Eventually, he sees a nearby wooden tank of water and desperately hops in, sighing as his feet steam against the cold water. “This is no time for a cold drink!” Pinkie said, desperately. “You really need to see this!” Twilight Sparkle, meanwhile, just pulled herself off the ground. Her coat was covered in dirt, her mane completely matted. As Spike dragged himself out of the wooden tub, all that cloud dust had made the little dragon filthy while his feet were still red. One touch with a single claw against his feet and Spike reeled back due to the stinging sensation. “Pinkie Pie!” Twilight began, coughing up dirt. “Did you really have to drag us through town like this?” “In this case, literally?!” Spike asked, loudly. “Sorry guys, but you really need to see this!” Pinkie exclaimed. “This is bad, like really, really, REALLY bad! Go, go, go, go, go!!!” Pinkie ushered Twilight and Spike into the bakery, covering her eyes with one arm as she points with her tail. As Twilight and Spike looked around, they couldn’t understand what Pinkie was talking about. For the most part, everything about the bakery looked completely normal. Nothing was broken nor did anything seem out of place. The two little Cake twins were playing happily, while Mr. and Mrs. Cake were setting up to start the day. Otherwise… Everything looked fine. “Uh Pinkie, what exactly is the problem?” Twilight asked. Pinkie Pie removes her hoof from her eyes, turning to Twilight with an ‘Are you kidding me?’ look. “Look around, Twilight!” She shouts, pointing in various directions. “Yes, I can see all around the bakery,” Twilight notes. “But there doesn’t seem like anything’s wrong.” “Except there IS something wrong, Twilight! THERE… ARE… NO… CUSTOMERS!!!” Twilight groans with a hoof-palm, while Spike just growled to the side. Now Twilight Sparkle may admit that she has a bad habit of making a fuss over tiny things, but it gets annoying when some pony like Pinkie Pie starts making a big deal out of nothing. At that moment, the doors burst open as the rest of the Mane Six flew in. “Is everything, alright?” Rainbow asked. “I heard some pony yelling all the way across Cloudsdale!” “That would be Pinkie Pie,” Spike grumbled. “Oh my, whatever’s the matter, Pinkie darling?” Rarity asked, concerned. “Well, according to her,” Twilight explains. “Apparently Sugar Cube Corner doesn’t have customers and suddenly there’s a problem so terrible there are no words to describe it.” Hearing this, even the remainder of the Mane Six couldn’t help but groan and shake their heads. “Pinkie, Pinkie, Pinkie…” Applejack spoke, shaking her head. “Just because there ain’t no customers right now, don’t mean there’s a big fuss. Ah’m sure more customers will come on by later.” But Pinkie Pie just shook her head rapidly, to the point where it seemed likely to fall off. “You don’t understand, A.J.!” Pinkie panicked. “The shop has had no customers for days! Yesterday, today, and tomorrow! Okay, I don’t know about tomorrow… But at least all for the last week and a half!” Now suddenly this drew every pony’s attention. Sure, it wouldn’t be the end of the world if Sugar Cube Corner didn’t have customers ‘everyday’… But no customers for over a week? Now this was odd, seeing as how this bakery’s the most popular spot for sweets and goodies. Twilight turned toward the Cakes, who had been listening the whole time. One look toward the pair and they nodded sadly at the fact. “But how is that possible, Mr. and Mrs. Cake?” Twilight asked. “You have the best sweets in all of Ponyville!” “We don’t know why this is happening, either,” Mr. Cake shrugged, sadly. “One day this place was jam packed with customers and the next day POOF… No pony.” Suddenly, the little Cake twins started crying, drawing Mrs. Cake to trot over and pick up the little foals. She approaches her husband, handing Pumpkin Cake to him while holding Pound Cake. The Cakes each produced a bottle, which both kids gladly started drinking. “I tell you dears, if we don’t get a customer soon, I’m afraid it won’t be too long till we won’t be able to pay for food for ourselves or our little bundles of joy,” Mrs. Cake explains, sadly. “We may even have to consider… ‘Selling’ Sugar Cube Corner, oh…” This made Twilight’s eyes widen in complete shock. Mr. and Mrs. Cake selling Sugar Cube Corner? That could not happen. Why, if the Cakes did sell the bakery, Ponyville loses one of its favorite sweet shops. Even worse, not only would the Cakes be out of business, but Pinkie Pie would probably have to move out. “Isn’t there some way we can try to drum up some business?” Fluttershy asked. “We’ve tried just about everything we can think of,” Pinkie answered. “Advertising, specials, I even tried playing the Yavidophone!” The girls and Spike turn to each other, slightly horrified. They could just picture the image in their heads: Pinkie Pie playing that confounded instrument, one she claimed to love so much, so horribly that the horrid notes scared every pony in sight. “No wonder there’s no customers,” Spike jokes to himself. “Spike!” Twilight scolds. “Hey, to be fair, I’ve actually been taking some constructive criticism and have been practicing so I sound better!” Pinkie argued. “Of course,” Applejack nods. “Yeah, sure you have,” Rainbow replied. “Absolutely,” Rarity speaks. “Mm-hmm,” Fluttershy nods, speechlessly. “I DID!!!” Pinkie argued. Just then, the door flew open again causing every pony to turn. Sitting in the doorway, a rather large gift box, all wrapped up with a red box, sat very still. Those in the room currently faced each other confused, until Twilight uses her magic to slowly bring the box toward the center of the room. “Wonder what this is all about?” Twilight asked. Using her magic again, she slowly unwrapped the ribbon off the box and the lid flew wide open, spreading confetti everywhere. Suddenly, out from the box, popped none other than the only other party pony Equestria heard of. The pony with the wild brown mane, a yellow shirt for clothes, and a certain ‘grilled’ sandwich for a cutie mark… “HEY THERE, EVERYPONY!” The colt shouts, merrily. “Special guest star, Cheese Sandwich!!!” Pinkie gasped. Insert applause effect here. “That’s right, you’re friendly neighborhood Cheese Sandwich has arrived!” Cheese Sandwich declared, excitedly. “I’m back, I’m better, and I’m here to liven things up!” Cheese Sandwich bounced from the box, pulling out a large beach ball, which he proceeds to hop onto and roll around the room while juggling rubber chickens. “So come on, every pony! We’re gonna have some fun, fun, fun…” But upon turning, Cheese Sandwich saw every pony wasn’t smiling or laughing, not even Pinkie Pie, even though she tried to be happy. The rest of her friends, however, were sad beyond depression. He quickly stops juggling, letting the chickens hit the ground comically and hops off the ball. “Wow, normally ponies would fall over laughing during that entrance,” Cheese Sandwich muttered, confused. “Why so glum, chums?” “Oh, I don’t want to cry,” Pinkie spoke. “I told myself I’m not going to cry…” Pinkie Pie tries to hold a smiley face, but then her lips quiver and tears starts building in her eyes. Suddenly, she bursts toward her friend and fellow party pony, hugging him tightly as she bawled along his shoulder. Cheese, confused by this, nonetheless hugged Pinkie back without hesitation and massaged her back for comfort. “We’re sorry, Cheesy!” Pinkie cried. “It was a funny entrance and we love a good laugh. But we are facing a bad crisis right now, that I fear I might never laugh again!!!” Every pony, especially Cheese, gasped in shock. Normally, if there was any pony who could make the best out of a bad situation and make others laugh, Pinkie Pie would be the pony doing it. Yet, here she was, crying so hard tears streamed like miniature waterfalls and saying those infamous words. “Now that’s not the Pinkie Pie I’ve come to know,” Cheese Sandwich replied. “What’s the matter, little Candy Floss?” Pinkie pulls her head away, so Cheese could see the red puffy eyes and dried tears along her cheeks. “Sugar Cube Corner hasn’t had a customer in over a week,” Pinkie answered, mournfully. “If we can’t strike up business fast, we’re not going to have any money for food or clothes. Mr. and Mrs. Cake will have to sell the bakery… And I might have leave Ponyville… FOREVER!!!” Hearing the terrible news took all the joy and happiness off Cheese’s demeanor. Pinkie Pie was practically his idol in party planning, a pony who even became great friends. Why these two had been through so much together in just a year. It was Pinkie Pie herself who convinced Cheese Sandwich he needed to spread out all over Equestria, to make folks smile rather than sit behind a desk in a joke factory. If she leaves Ponyville, who would he have fun with and play jokes with when he’s not on the road? On top of all that, for all the time they’ve spent some quality time, Cheese couldn’t help but feel… Something different toward her. He didn’t quite know what it was, but every chance they had to hang out he’d always worry about how he looked, how he should dress, and how to smell… Preferably ‘cheesy’, but the good kind. The point is: As of late, he’s had this feeling in the pit of his stomach whenever he found himself close to Pinkie. When she looks at him, he’d turn away blushing like a Red Delicious apple. After a moment or two of allowing Pinkie to wallow, Cheese took Pinkie’s face in his hooves, and looks straight in her eyes. “Now don’t you worry, little Pinkie Winkie,” Cheese said, determined. “As Celestia as my witness, I won’t let you and the Cakes leave Ponyville. There’s a method to reeling back those customers, and I, Cheese Sandwich, will never give up until twice as many customers fill this room!” The Mane Six all turn back toward the Cakes. “Mr. and Mrs. Cake, is there anything you can remember the last time this place had customers?” Twilight questioned. The Cakes pondered for a moment, scratching their heads and thinking of anything that might offer a valid reason due to the lack of business. At first, everything seemed to go along as normal with the usual regulars. That is until Mr. Cake remembered one very vital detail. “Well, the last customers we had here were Diamond Tiara and her friend, Silver Spoon,” Mr. Cake explained. “They took one look at all the items on display and just turned their noses up at them. Saying something about how all our recipes are the same, there was no variety, and they even question why they’d waste their bits on the same old things!” Hearing that it was that spoiled little filly who was the last customer here made every pony cringe. They knew that Diamond Tiara, along with her parents, are the richest ponies in Ponyville with a large influence over most of the populace. They knew them very well: Snarky, bitter, and always think they were superior to every pony else. I thought Filthy Rich was the nice guy. If you’ve seen that ‘Camp Everfree’ special, you wouldn’t be saying that. “You don’t really think that little filly coulda influenced every pony not to eat here no more, do yah?” Applejack wondered. “Now, why would that little filly go and do a thing like that?” Mrs. Cake asked. “Duh, she’s a brat first and foremost,” Rainbow Dash replied, unapologetically. “I thought she reformed when the Cutie Mark Crusaders helped her with those mom issues,” Spike points out. “Apparently, Diamond Tiara hasn’t ‘completely’ changed if she wasn’t satisfied with the service here,” Twilight speculates. Every pony in the room couldn’t help but nod in agreement. Just because a filly had rediscovered her purpose after that one election, doesn’t mean a pony could change overnight. “But if she truly believes Sugar Cube Corner sells the same thing constantly, she’s sure to complain about this to her parents,” Rarity states. “Word will get out and they may try to influence the rest of the town to stop coming!” The Cakes face each other with concern, pondering the dreadful thought. True they did tend to sell the usual recipes day in and out. Naturally, they wouldn’t mind putting together a ‘special order’ or two to keep business booming. The problem was their supplies were usually limited to what they have available, it was difficult to create anything new. Just then, Pinkie Pie had an idea as a lightbulb appears over her head. “That’s it!!!” Pinkie shouts, excitedly. “If we’re going to get those customers back here, Sugar Cube Corner must invent something totally new!!!” “How do you mean Pinkie?” Mrs. Cake asked. Pinkie smirks, slowly turning toward Twilight Sparkle. “Oh, Twilight… You wouldn’t happen to know of something we can discover,” Pinkie suggests. “Perhaps something ‘out of this world’?” Twilight knew exactly what she meant, immediately shaking her head. “No way, Pinkie Pie!” Twilight objects. “We are NOT using the television. Princess Celestia specifically said it’s to only be used if there’s a problem in another world.” “Oh, please Twilight!” Pinkie Pie begged, babbling. “I don’t want the Cakes to go out of business! If I must move, I can’t think of any place to go! I mean there are some places I ‘could’ stay… I could go back to the Rock Farm, maybe stay with the Yaks in Yakyakistan, Griffinstone… Maybe ‘not’ Griffinstone… Oh, who am I kidding?! Ponyville just can’t be without a super party pony, you’ve got to help me stay! Please, please, PLEASE!!!” Twilight Sparkle looks in her friend’s eyes, then back toward the Cakes. Here they were two ponies and their kids whom Twilight has come to know over the years. Now they were on the verge of losing their very livelihood, unless they act fast. Surprisingly, even the Mane Six was on Pinkie’s side. “You know Twi, Pinkie Pie actually has a point,” Rainbow admits. “Just because there’s not a problem elsewhere, doesn’t mean there isn’t one here,” Rarity added. “We gotta help out own, Twilight,” Applejack insists. “Even if it means going above or beyond, or in this case far from our own world, to help ‘em!” Twilight looks between all her friends and the Cakes. They all made some valid points; Twilight couldn’t deny that. She only hoped that what she’d do wouldn’t make Princess Celestia too upset. Otherwise, the Princess of Friendship would never hear the end of it. “Alright,” Twilight sighed, defeated. “We’ll turn on the T.V.” Smiling widely, Pinkie latches herself onto Twilight, wrapping her with a huge, bone-crushing embrace. “Oh, thank you, thank you, Twilight!” Pinkie cried. “How can I possibly repay you?!” “You could let me go, please!” Twilight wheezed. “Oopsie, sorry!” Pinkie releases Twilight, allowing the alicorn Princess to take a moment to breathe and mend a few cracked ribs. <> A short while later, the whole crew follow Twilight Sparkle back to the palace and converge into the library. There the television stood: Set in place, only this time a few extra enhancements were included. Now the television set came with a terminal, with a punch-in location device to determine where the ponies desire to go as well as extra coils to maintain the energy within the vortex. Twilight approaches the terminal, typing the word ‘candy’. The terminal began to shake, as a list of names scroll down at a rapid pace until eventually settling on one. In an instance, a familiar green vortex opens before the Mane Six and their friends. “Alright every pony, it’s all set,” Twilight informs them. “Now remember: While we’re in the void, do NOT get separated. We go in together, we emerge together… And hopefully come back just the same.” “Yeah, yeah, Twi, we know the drill,” Rainbow shrugged. “This isn’t our first road trip, you know?” “Now hold on a minute!” Spike approached. “If you guys are planning to go off on another globe-trotting adventure, at least let me tag along. Last thing I want is to be remembered as the silly side character who gets left out of another adventure… Again!” Twilight Sparkle knew all too well about the last time Spike was left out of their last journey, which she had to admit was her fault. After they had gotten back, shortly after some lengthy apologies, Spike had made himself quite clear that he refused to be left out of another trip. “Spike, I’m really sorry you got left out last time,” Twilight explained. “I promise that will never happen again. Besides, the way we got this machine set up, we have complete control over the vortex. We’ll be able to go to any world we want without it opening up and sucking us in randomly.” “Well, that’s some good news,” Spike nods, approvingly. “I’m coming along, too!” Cheese spoke up. “Oh Cheese, that’s really sweet that you want to help us,” Rarity explained. “But I don’t think you really understand how complicated this gets.” But Cheese just shook his head repeatedly, stubbornly holding his ground. “Maybe not, but if Pinkie goes then I’m going too,” Cheese answered, confidently. “When Cheese Sandwich says he knows how to help, no way this guy’s letting his best friend go off on her own to solve this problem.” The others look amongst themselves, debating whether he should come along. Truth be told, they’ve never really considered having any pony accompany them on these trips before. As experience has shown them anything, these trips can get rather dangerous. Course, the only other time any pony tagged along last time was Flurry Heart and that was completely by accident. But nonetheless, they came to a decision as a group. “Alright Cheese, you can come with us,” Twilight informs him. “But only if you promise to stick close to us and be careful." “Aww come on, Twilight,” Cheese smirked. “Careful is my middle name! I’ll stick to you girls like melted butter on a frying pan!” Twilight just rolls her eyes, as they assume their position while the vortex grew larger. She faces her friends, who smile at her, then turns back toward the portal. “Please let this be a safer trip, this time,” Twilight prayed, to herself. With that said, the Mane Six, Spike, and Cheese Sandwich jumped through the vortex as they were sent off for another adventure into the unknown… INTO THE UNKNOWN…. DUDE!!! Wrong canon! > The Candy Man > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The familiar tingling sensation traveled through the bodies of the Mane Six, Spike, and Cheese Sandwich, as they traversed through the portal into the new world. Once the portal opened along the other end, they slowly step out observing their new surroundings while the portal closed behind them. They found themselves standing upon a paved road going two different directions, north and south. There were many large buildings surrounding them, numerous people walking along the sidewalks. Strangely enough, none of them took notice of either the ponies or the baby dragon as they walked by. “I wonder where we ended up this time,” Twilight spoke up. “No idea,” Rainbow answered, looking around. “But doesn’t it seem weird the people here haven’t noticed the fact we’re ponies?” Every pony looked around, noticing large amounts of people walking by without a care in the world. It did strike the group as being rather odd, but if no one was bothered then why complain at all. “I’m just hoping we won’t have to shift into our human forms for the time being,” Rarity complained. “Not that it was a problem, I looked absolutely gorgeous in that outfit. But two days walking around in those footsteps left my hooves sore for a week!” “Leave it tah Rarity tah complain ‘bout something we get to someplace new,” Applejack muttered, rolling her eyes. Rarity glared at her friend, then faced her nose up with a huff. Every pony else were busy admiring their new surroundings. As the townspeople walked by, they soon noticed that a few rode around in rather strange metallic vehicles. “Now wut in tarnation are those wagons?” Applejack asked. “They’re not even being pulled by horses,” Spike pointed out. “Or ponies for the matter.” But of course, out of all the ponies, Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich were in awe. “Ooh, a horseless carriage!” Pinkie gasped. “I want one! Can I have one? Please, please, please?!?!” “That there’s sure one dandy doohickey!” Cheese nodded. “Though maybe if were smaller, painted all over with giant googly eyes in the front, it be perfect for my new act!” With a quick spin, Cheese now wore a clown costume with a giant red wig, smiling brightly. His face was painted like a clown, completely with a little horn in his teeth. He gives it a honk, pulls out a pie from his oversized trousers and smashes it in his face. Pinkie and Rainbow fall over laughing, while the others looked confused. “I appreciate the effort, Cheese,” Twilight replied. “But I’m not sure if it’s funny if you’re doing a pratfall on yourself.” “Hmm… That’s a good point,” Cheese admits. Before Twilight could react further, Cheese lifts his wig as a loaded spring launches another custard pie into the Princess’s face splattering whipped cream all over. Now the ponies started laughing harder, while some townspeople barely made a glance before they kept walked. Twilight swiped her face with one hoof, annoyed at being caught in another prank. Just as Twilight was about to say something, a bell rings throughout the streets. They turn toward the north end of the street as a large crowd of children ran like a stampede toward their direction. “Quick every pony, over there!” Twilight shouts, pointing to the side. All the ponies, and Spike, quickly ducked to the side of the road and hid behind the corner of a building. One by one, they peeked their heads out watching the kids run rampant through the streets. Observing closely, the group watch the kids run into a tiny shop called ‘Bill’s Candy Shop’. Of course, what more can one expect from children to run to a candy shop of all places? As the ponies watch the children run inside, they noticed one child didn’t go in. This child, a little boy with blonde hair, wearing a red sweater with brown slacks, simply stood outside looking through the window. This made every pony wonder why he’d stand there rather than at least going in to join his fellow classmates. “Why doesn’t that boy just go in?” Rarity asked. “He ought to be having fun with the other children.” “No idea,” Twilight shrugged. “But I can tell by his body language he truly wants to go in.” Pinkie Pie agreed, getting a good look at his face from one angle. Just enough to see the boy looked rather sad. Seeing any creature unhappy made even the party pony feel sad because she likes it when folks are happy. “Aww, poor little guy,” Pinkie sniffed. “He looks super sad, which makes me feel super sad too!” Pinkie comically blew her nose into a handkerchief, which she just pulled from her mane, as Cheese pats her on the back. Just then, he had an idea. “You know Pinkie, I don’t see why you shouldn’t go over and talk to him,” Cheese suggested. “If any pony is able to bring that boy’s spirits up, you’d be the mare to do it!” Pinkie turns to Cheese with a huge smile. “What a great idea, Cheesy-Wheezy!” Pinkie smiled. “What would I ever do without you?” She leans up, giving Cheese a tiny peck on the cheek, which made Cheese go bright red like tomato soup. Mm… Cheese Sandwich and tomato soup… Hey! You still with me, pal? Oh right, right, right, right, right! Where was I? Oh yeah! *Clears throat* Just as Pinkie Pie began to approach the boy, Twilight Sparkle held her hoof out in front of her. “Hold on a minute, Pinkie,” Twilight interrupts. “We should at least wait to see if these people have issues with talking ponies before doing anything.” “Well, only one way to find out for sure,” Pinkie said, excitedly. “Just doing it!” With that, Pinkie bolts past Twilight, completely ignoring her protests. The pink Earth pony trots over to the boy, seemingly oblivious. But once she stands inches from him and softly clears her throat, he turns to the side and smiles seeing a little pony sitting next to him. “Well, aren’t you just too cute?” He smiled. Pinkie smiled, blushing slightly as the boy turns back to the window of the candy shop. Pinkie stands on her hind legs, looking through the window as well. All around the store, there were all different assortment of candy and various goodies. Her eyes widen and her mouth starts to water, marveling at the wondrous sight. Pinkie licks her lips in delight, seeing all the tasty, colorful sweets the man inside was selling to these kids. “Mmm… Those look so good!” Pinkie spoke. “They sure are,” The boy nodded. Suddenly, the boy paused and did a double take, facing the pink pony. “Did you just talk?” “I sure did!” Pinkie smiled. “I’m Pinkie Pie! Nice to meet you!” Pinkie Pie holds out her hoof to the boy to shake hands with. Though initially frightened, the boy could see this pony was harmless and grew fond of her. Steadily, he returns her hoof shake which made Pinkie smile. “Nice to meet you, Pinkie Pie!” The boy smiled. “I’m Charlie, Charlie Bucket.” “If you don’t mind me asking, why do you look so blue?” Pinkie asked. “Why not just go inside and have some candy with the other kids?” Charlie closed his eyes, shaking his head. “I don’t have the money.” There it was, plain and simple, five words that made Pinkie pop out her bottom lip and frown. She felt awful that this poor boy had no money to buy himself a treat. She felt bad for him, wishing she could help. But then, her mood brightens almost instantly. “Ooh, ooh! You should meet the rest of my friends!” Pinkie suggests. “I’m sure they’d be willing to help you.” “Friends?” Charlie asked, raising his eyebrow. “You mean there’s more of you?” Pinkie nods, smiling widely as she waves over Charlie’s shoulder gesturing to her friends. Twilight tried to signal her not to do that, but Pinkie kept waving rapidly. Charlie turns over his shoulder till he saw a few other ponies cautiously stick their heads out from the corner. Realizing they’ve been spotted, Twilight hugged out a breath and rolled her eyes. Once again, thanks to Pinkie Pie, there was no point in hiding now. Eventually, Twilight and the rest of the crew made their way from behind the corner, walking up toward their friend and the boy. Pinkie smiles as she turns back toward Charlie. “Charlie, I would like to introduce you to the greatest bunch of ponies you’ve ever met. Though, I don’t know if you’ve ever met many ponies before. But let me tell you—”. As Pinkie rambled on, Charlie chuckled at her randomness while looking toward the rest of the group, who smile at him. “I think your friend is a bit too excited,” He replies, kindly. “My name is Charlie Bucket, it’s really nice to meet you all.” “Pleasure to meet you, Charlie,” Twilight spoke, shaking his hand. “My name is Twilight Sparkle.” “I’m Rainbow Dash,” Rainbow introduced, bragging. “The best flier in all Equestria… And majorly awesome at just about everything else.” “Howdy there Charlie, ah’m Applejack,” Applejack tipped her hat. “I’m Rarity, darling,” Rarity smiles, fluttering her eyes. “The pleasure is all mine to meet you.” “Hello, I’m Fluttershy,” Fluttershy whispered. “And don’t forget the boys,” Pinkie points out, introducing the others. “This is Spike and a fellow party-pony friend, Cheese Sandwich.” “Sup!” Spike greeted. “Hey there!” Cheese waved. Charlie smiles widely, shaking every ponies hoof, even Spike’s claw. Granted, he was especially surprised to be in the presence of a dragon, albeit a rather ‘small’ dragon, but still he did not seem to mind. Eventually, the boy stands back to his full height. “It’s really nice to meet you all,” Charlie said, happily. “I admit it is a little odd meeting a bunch of colorful talking ponies, but it’s also pretty amazing!” “At least you actually called us ponies,” Rainbow chuckled. “Most people we met never get it.” Every pony chuckles a bit, nodding in agreement. It was then Pinkie finally stopped rambling, long enough to address her friends. “Hey guys, Charlie here is really itching for some candy but doesn’t have any money,” Pinkie explained. “Isn’t that super-duper sad? I think it is. So, is there any way we might be able to help him out?” Twilight smiles, using her magic to conjure up a few gold bits. Twilight levitates them over to Charlie, holding out one hand as all the coins fell into his palm. Charlie was a bit surprised seeing actual magic performed before his very eyes, but he quickly shook that from his head. “There you are, Charlie,” Twilight offered. “Now you can go ahead and get yourself any candy you want.” To say Charlie was grateful is an understatement. These little ponies, who barely knew him, had just offered him money just so he can buy some candy. He was even more surprised considering these were pieces of gold, which could buy him the whole shop if he wanted to. However, the boy shook his head and pushed the coins back to Twilight. “I couldn’t possibly accept this,” Charlie replied. “I feel like I’d just be taking something from you without giving anything in return.” “It’s no trouble, Charlie,” Twilight assured. “Your thanks would be enough.” “Thank you, Twilight. I really appreciate it, but I still can’t accept this money.” Twilight, though surprised, smiled at the boy’s behavior. Even though they’d just met, she could tell he was someone who works hard for everything he earns. The kind of boy who’d never accept a handout from anybody; someone who’d rather earn money the right way than taking from others. That kind of behavior was something Twilight could respect. She used her magic to poof the bits away, while Charlie went back to watch through the window. While all this was going on, all the children sit and stood along the counter. The owner, Bill, wearing a colorfully striped shirt, was gathering the treats the children wanted. “All right, all right, all right, what’s it going to be?” Bill rambled. “A triple cream cup for Christopher; a Squelchy Snorter for Otis; a sizzler for June Marie… And listen! Wonka’s got a new one today!” “What is it? The kids asked, in unison. From a nearby drawer, Bill pulls out a rather long, thin candy bar. “This is called a ‘Scrumdidilyumptious Bar’.” “Scrumdidilyumptious Bar?” One boy asked. “How does he do it?” “My dear boy, do you ask fish how it swims?” Bill asked, surprised. “No.” “Or a bird how it flies?” “No.” “No siree, you don’t,” Bill explained. “They do it because they were born to do it. Just like Willy Wonka was born to be a candy man, you look like you were born to be a Wonkarer!” All the children laugh, as Bill explained. Then, he smiles brightly as he began to sing. As Bill sang, he passed along several bits of candy to all the children to share. Eventually, all the kids ran around the store grabbing any other candy they could get their hands on. They reached through jars, held their arms out to falling gumballs from the machines, pulled gumdrops from shelves, and even drank from the soda fountain served by the kindly shop keeper. As he finished singing, unwrapping and sharing a lollipop with a child, Charlie kept watch through the window as all the children laughed and ate candy. Seeing the kids having fun made him feel rather sad; the ponies could sense his sadness. “Aww, don’t you worry, Charlie,” Applejack said, patting his back. “Ah’m sure one of these days, you’ll get tah enjoy some candy yourself.” Despite his sadness, Charlie managed to share a smile for his new friends. “Maybe, if I manage to save enough money,” Charlie ponders. “Speaking of which, I’ve got a paper route to do. Would you like to join me?” “Why, of course we would!” Rarity smiled. “We’d love to spend a little more time with you.” Charlie smiled even more, as he led his new friends down the street toward a man at the newspaper stand. Charlie approaches the man, while the ponies and Spike stood back a bit. “Hi, Mr. Jopeck!” Charlie greeted the man. “Ah, come along Charlie,” The man responds. “You’re late.” The man led Charlie behind the booth, handing him a bag full of newspapers. “It’s Pay Day, Mr. Jopeck,” Charlie reminds his boss. “You’re right.” Mr. Jopeck hands Charlie his pay, a mere few coins, smiling at the boy. “There you are!” “Thanks!” Charlie smiled. “Say hello to your Grandpa Joe!” Mr. Jopeck called, as Charlie left. “Okay!” Charlie called back. Charlie returns to his new group of friends, who were all waiting for him. “So, how much do you get paid?” Spike asked. “Mr. Jopeck pays me coins to deliver papers across town each week,” Charlie answered. Rainbow Dash scoffed, eyeing the small amount of money. “You get paid this much money a week delivering papers? That doesn’t seem right.” “I know what you mean, Rainbow” Charlie nodded, shrugging. “But I’ve got to do what I have to if I’m to provide for my family.” “You’re so young though,” Fluttershy whispered. “You should be playing rather than working.” “Yeah, well times been hard for my family lately,” Charlie explained. “My mom works in a laundry house all day and most hours of the night. My four grandparents have been bedridden for over twenty years now. I’ve got to help out anyway I can, at least to lessen the workload on my mom.” “What about your father?” Rarity asked. “What does he do?” Hearing this, Charlie’s face fell, facing the ground with a sigh. “My dad isn’t really around anymore.” The ponies and Spike reel back after hearing him say that, suddenly they all had sad looks on their faces. This was indeed a sad picture: A poor boy with no father and a mother who works long hours of the day, just to help him and his grandparents get by. It sounded so tragic. “Oh, I—I didn’t know,” Rarity shook her head, tears forming. “I’m ever so sorry, Charlie. You must think me such a cruel mare.” “No, it’s alright,” Charlie assured, quickly. “You didn’t know; I forgive you.” Still, Rarity felt awful for what she had said. It made her feel insensitive, if not cruel. “I reckon I know how it feels, sugar cube,” Applejack replied. “I lost my pa a long time ago… I don’t like talkin’ about it either.” “Tell you what,” Spike jumps in. “Why don’t we help you with your paper route for today?” “Oh no, that’s alright. It’s my job to deal with; I don’t want you guys to do the work for me.” “Oh, but please let us help, darling,” Rarity insists. “I feel just awful for what I said, even though you’ve forgiven me. I’d still like to pitch in and help.” “We’ll all help too,” Twilight offered. Charlie looked between each of his new friends and couldn’t help but smile at their willingness to help. “Alright, if you insist,” Charlie relents. “All we have to do is go around town and throw these papers to all the houses they go to. I’ll let you guys know when to throw them.” The ponies, along with Spike, smile as Charlie hands each of them a few papers. They proceed to race down the street, rushing all through the town for a moment or two. One by one, they threw newspapers toward any houses receiving them. Rainbow even took to the air and accidentally through one straight into some lady’s flower basket, but just missed Rainbow, who zoomed off. As the sun began to set on the horizon, the whole paper route was complete and there were no papers left to hand out. “Thanks so much for your help,” Charlie thanked the group. “I truly appreciate it; I just don’t know how to repay you.” But the ponies, even Spike, quickly shrugged it off. “Don’t worry about it,” Twilight assured. “We don’t do this to collect payment. We always do favors for a friend.” “Yep, helping friends is our specialty,” Pinkie giggled. “Especially new friends.” Charlie chuckled along with her, still he wondered just how to repay them. True, they were simply being helpful as any group of friends would do. But, at the same time, he felt there must be some way he could pay them back. Then, a thought came to him. “You know, if you have nowhere to go, you’re welcome to come stay with me and my family,” Charlie offered. “We don’t have much, we barely have enough to eat, but you’re more than welcome to join us.” The ponies and Spike were sincerely touched by Charlie’s offer. Much like the other friends they’ve met throughout their journeys, Charlie Bucket was offering them shelter under his own roof even if he didn’t have much to offer. To them, that was the essence of being a true friend. “As long as your family doesn’t mind,” Twilight inquired. “Of course, they won’t,” Charlie assured. “Any friends of mine are welcome whenever.” “Alrighty then, Charlie boy,” Cheese said, dramatically. “We’ll follow you to there and back again and even further!” Cheese Sandwich stood beside Charlie, holding a giant Equestrian flag as though they were marching into battle. Every pony laughed at Cheese, who in return smiled back as they made their way through town toward Charlie’s home. Charlie and his new friends were the luckiest group in the world, they just didn't know it yet. > Meet the Buckets > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Through the streets of town, the Mane Six, Spike, and Cheese Sandwich followed their new friend, Charlie, as he led them towards his home. They were still thankful to the sweet young boy, who offered them a place to sleep despite his family having very little. Deep down, they wished there was something that they could do to repay him. As they walked on, the sky began to grow darker, as the sun began to descend further along the horizon. So dark, in fact, the moon began to come up. Along the way, as they proceed down the sidewalk, they couldn’t help but notice a giant building blocked off by a giant iron gate. Passing by, they stopped for a moment to admire the giant factory building. Atop the giant gate were the name ‘Wonka’ in giant letters, just along the top. “What is this here place, Charlie?” Applejack asked. “That’s the famous Wonka Chocolate Factory,” Charlie responds. “This single place provides the best chocolate ever made and delivers all around the world.” Hearing the words ‘chocolate’ and ‘factory’ made Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich lean further against the bars, trying to get as close as possible. They stare at the factory with wide eyes, their mouths dropping toward the floor. “Chocolate factory,” They both said, dreamily. All their friends, minus Charlie, roll their eyes at the two, knowing full well that when it comes to sweets these two are always on top of it. Still, they all noticed the giant letters on the chimney lit up to spell ‘Wonka’ all in lights. As they looked on in amazement, they were completely unaware that someone else stood with them until they heard him speak. “Up the airy mountain Down the rushing glen We dare not go hunting For fear of little men.” They all turn toward a tall, older man with a receding hair line staring up at the factory. Once he noticed they were all staring at him, he looked back toward them. The girls and their friends couldn’t help but feel slightly scared, the very sight of this man alone came off as creepy. Fluttershy squeaked and hid behind Charlie, as the rest of the group silently look at the man for a few minutes. “C-Can we help you, sir?” Twilight asked, nervously. The man just slowly turns his head, looking down at the little lavender alicorn. Twilight faced many dangerous looking creatures in her life, but never felt as uncomfortable until this one instance. Her ears fold down on her head, as she looked down backing away from the man’s icy stare. The man himself just slowly stepped backwards toward his cart, which had an array of items but mostly knives. “You see,” The man continued. “Nobody ever goes in… And nobody ever comes out.” The man starts pulling his cart in the opposite direction, as they looked on. It wasn’t too long before he was a good distance away from the group. For a moment, no one said a word but merely stare after him with wide eyes. “Of all the creep, uncomfortable things I’ve ever seen, that definitely ranks at the top,” Rainbow spoke up. “I completely agree with you, darling,” Rarity nodded. “Yep, that there sure is one creepy individual,” Applejack added. The rest of their pony friends, including Spike, nod in agreement, as they watch the man disappear in the distance. Charlie turns toward the sky, noting how quickly it was filled with darkness. “We should keep going before the light is completely gone,” Charlie said. “My house isn’t that far away now; we should be there shortly.” With that, Charlie took off down the road while the ponies and the little dragon followed close behind. Soon enough, just as the moon was fully out, the whole group came upon a small, shack-looking house. “Well, here we are,” Charlie presents. “You and your family live in this little house?” Spike asked. Charlie nods his head, as they walk up the front door. As he was about to open the door, he paused when he heard a conversation from his family. “Charlie’s late,” An elderly woman spoke. “He works too hard for a little boy,” An older man added. “He should have some time to play.” “Not enough hours in the day,” Another woman spoke. “With the four of you bedridden for the past twenty years, it takes a lot of work to keep this family going.” “If only his father were alive,” The elder woman mentioned. “Soon as I get my strength back, I’m gonna get out of this bed and help him,” The old man declared. “Dad, in all the years you’ve been saying you’re going to get out of that bed, I’ve yet to see you set foot on the floor,” The younger woman points out. “Well… Maybe if the floor wasn’t so cold.” “Huh… Sounds like something we were just talking about in the last chapter,” Pinkie replied, scratching her chin. “Ooh, mysterious!” Cheese Sandwich nodded. The group of ponies and Spike turn towards the two, but at this point they knew better than to question anything. Especially coming from Pinkie Pie. While the residents inside were talking, Charlie turns toward the group. “I’m going in to explain things to my family,” Charlie explains. “I’ll signal you all to come in later.” “You go right ahead, Charlie,” Applejack answered. “We’ll be waiting right here until you’re ready,” Twilight assured. “Ooh, wait!” Pinkie cried. “I almost forgot.” Charlie turns as Pinkie reached into her mane. Before his eyes, she pulls out a large loaf of fresh-baked bread. “I made this today at Sugar Cube Corner. I know you said you don’t like handouts, but I feel you and your family should have it. I insist you have it.” Charlie takes the loaf of bread from the pink party pony, smiling at her. “Thank you, Pinkie Pie,” Charlie thanked her. “I’m sure my family would really appreciate this.” Pinkie blushed, waving it off like it was nothing while Charlie placed the loaf into his bag. “And I’ll be sure to keep every pony entertained,” Cheese smiled. “I just perfected my latest trick; check it out.” Cheese Sandwich pulls out a rubber chicken, which he proceeds to perform one of the strangest acts any pony has ever seen. He sticks the chicken in his ear, pushing it until no pony could see it anymore. Then, he squeezed his head between his hooves releasing a loud squawking through his mouth. While every pony thought it was odd, they found the trick hilarious. Charlie smiles, as he turns the nob on the door and walks in. Spike the Dragon leans in to listen, while his pony friends were preoccupied. “Hi everybody!” Charlie greeted. In the middle of the house, lying on a single bed were four elderly people. There was Grandpa Joe and Grandma Josephine, the only ones awake, while Grandpa George and Grandma Georgina were fast asleep. The only other occupant in the house was Charlie’s mother, who looked tired as if having spent a restless night working. Once the young boy entered the house, the three turn to see the boy enter. “Wake up!” Grandpa Joe called. “Wake up!” Grandma Josephine added. “Wake up! Charlie’s home!” Grandma Georgina and Grandpa George were startled awake, as Charlie walks over to the bed giving each of his grandparents a kiss on the head. “Grandpa George… Grandma Georgina… Grandma Josephine… and Grandpa Joe!” Charlie greeted. After giving each of them their kisses, he noticed Grandpa Joe was holding a single bowl with nothing but cabbage and water. He couldn’t help but grimace, as he grabbed the bowl and started digging through it with a spoon. “Is this your supper Grandpa?” Charlie asked Grandpa Joe. “Well, it’s yours too, Charlie,” Joe nodded. “I’m fed up with cabbage water. It’s not enough!” Hearing this, everyone in the room gasped. “Charlie!” “It’s all we have!” “What are you saying?” Grandpa Joe asked. Charlie reached into his bag, pulling out the loaf of bread that Pinkie gave him displaying it to his family. “How about this?” Charlie suggested. “Charlie, where did you get that?” His mother asked, curiously. “What difference does it make where he got it?” Grandpa Joe asked. “The point is he got it!” “A new friend of mine offered it to us,” Charlie reasoned. Hearing Charlie say that he had a new friend made everyone shocked, as they looked toward him. “You have a new friend?” Mrs. Bucket asked. “Well, a few new friends, actually,” Charlie explained. “I’ll introduce them to you in a minute. Besides, I’m sure there’ll be a lot more bread like this in the future because today is my first pay day.” Mrs. Bucket grabbed the load of bread from her son, smiling with appreciation. “Good for you, Charlie,” Mrs. Bucket said, proudly. “We’ll have a real banquet.” As she places the loaf onto the table, Charlie reached into his pocket and pulls out the rest of the coins, minus one, handing them to her. “Mom, here’s what’s left. You keep it.” Then, Charlie reveals the single last coin before his Grandpa Joe. “Except for this,” Charlie continued. “From now on, I’m going to pay for your tobacco.” Grandpa Joe looked toward his grandson, shaking his head with a smile. “No one is going to pay for it, Charlie,” Grandpa Joe assured. “I’m giving it up.” “Come on, Dad,” Mrs. Bucket insists. “It’s only one pipe a day.” “When a loaf of bread looks like a banquet, I’ve no right buying tobacco,” Grandpa Joe explained. “Come on, Grandpa,” Charlie begged. “Please take it.” Hesitantly, Grandpa Joe took the coin from Charlie and put it away. He didn’t really like the idea of buying tobacco, not when his family already had so little money that they could barely afford a loaf of bread. Still, Grandpa Joe just couldn’t find it in his heart to deny his own grandson a generous offering. In the meantime, Charlie turns toward his family. “You guys, I feel like I should tell you something,” Charlie began. “What is it, Charlie?” Mrs. Bucket asked. “Is something wrong?” Grandpa Joe added. “No, nothing like that. Today, while I was walking along doing my paper route, I met some new friends along the way. They’re a really nice group; I hope you will like them.” Charlie turned to the door, noticing Twilight’s eye peeking through. He motions them with a signal to come in and one by one, the ponies and Spike trot into the little house. To say Mrs. Bucket and the grandparents were shocked, seeing several colorful ponies and a baby dragon, would be a big understatement. “My goodness!” Mrs. Bucket gasped. “Charlie, what are they?” Grandma Josephine asked. The ponies and Spike all came up to stand alongside Charlie, as he held up his hands trying to calm his family down. “Alright everybody, I know this is a big shocking,” Charlie explains. “But trust me. These little ponies are very friendly.” “Ahem!” Spike cleared his throat. “And their little dragon too,” Charlie added. After a moment, Twilight decided to step up and say something. “Charlie is absolutely right; we are completely harmless.” Hearing the alicorn Princess speak made the Buckets’ eyes grow wide. “I was shocked when I first met them today,” Charlie explained, further. “I didn’t expect that colorful talking ponies or even a baby dragon existed. But once I got to know them and they helped with my paper route, they became my friends. I hope you don’t mind.” The Buckets all faced each other, after Charlie finished speaking. This was all still new to them and rather shocking. Still, they could clearly see Charlie grew rather close with these strange creatures. Just by looking into their eyes, they could see they were right about being friendly and harmless. Mrs. Bucket smiles, as she slowly approached the group kneeling to their height. She reached her hand out, brushing it across Twilight’s silky mane. “Well Charlie, if they’re really your friends I saw they are more than welcome here,” She said, sweetly. Twilight smiled brightly, gently nuzzling Mrs. Bucket’s hand. “Thank you so much, Mrs. Bucket,” She thanked her. “I feel I should also tell you mom they have nowhere to go,” Charlie explained. “I offered them to stay here for a while, if that’s okay.” Mrs. Bucket turned toward her son, as she regained her full height with a look of uncertainty. “Well, that’s very sweet of you, Charlie. But I just don’t know. We’re barely making ends meet as it is.” “Oh please, Mrs. Bucket,” Fluttershy begged. “We have nowhere else to go.” “We don’t intend to just stay here for free,” Applejack added. “We’ll all pitch in and help out around her any way we can.” “That’s right, darling,” Rarity nodded. “I understand you work with clothing, so I believe I may be able to help with your work. This way it won’t be so stressful on you.” As Mrs. Bucket looked among the group of ponies and the little baby dragon, she couldn’t help but smile at them all. Here they were offering to help her family, even though they just met. How could one possible argue with an offer like that? “Well… I suppose we can make room for you here for a while. We don’t have much, but you’re all more than welcome to stay.” Rainbow flew up into the air, doing loops around the room. “Awesome!” Rainbow cheered. Everyone in the room looked at her flying around the room in wonder. Eventually she came back down from the air, landing beside her friends. “I’m glad you guys get to stay here with us,” Charlie spoke. “Now I’d like to introduce you guys to the rest of the family.” Charlie led them over to his grandparents’ bed, as all four looked at them amazed. As Charlie introduced the ponies and Spike to his family, everyone became more acquainted with the new group. Before too long, the entire house was filled with laughter and fun as everyone (And every pony) got to know each other. After about an hour or two, Mrs. Bucket turned toward the clock noting it was time for everyone to head for bed. “Alright Charlie, I think it’s time to let your grandparents sleep,” She suggests. “I believe we should be able to make some space for your friends in your room.” Charlie nods in agreement, as he and his mother made their way to his room to set everything up for bed. Twilight and the others stood up, facing the grandparents. “It was really nice to meet you all,” Twilight smiled. “I think we are really going to enjoy staying with you.” “It’ll be really nice having you all here,” Grandpa Joe smiled back. “You’re all rather good company and we really thank you for helping Charlie.” The group smiles back, as they turned to follow Charlie and Mrs. Bucket into the boy’s room. It truly was rather small, but it looked as if it would have just enough space to fit them all. Charlie hopped into bed, as Mrs. Bucket laid a few spare blankets and pillows on the floor. When she finished, she turned toward the group with a smile. “It’s not much, but I hope it will do,” She said. “It’s perfect, Mrs. Bucket,” Twilight assured. “Thank you!” “We really appreciate everything,” Rainbow added. Mrs. Bucket smiles at them again, as she steps out of the room to make way for them to enter. They all walk into the room, as they settled into their makeshift beds. They all look back toward Mrs. Bucket, who smiled adoringly at the sight. “I hope you all have a pleasant sleep,” Mrs. Bucket said, sweetly. “I’ll see you all in the morning.” With that said, she turned off the light and walked off toward her room. The group tried to make themselves as comfortable as they could. Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Spike were squeezed in quite closely to each other. Fortunately, Spike was lying besides Rarity so there was a bit of a plus side to this. Pinkie and Cheese were paired up, snuggling up together. As for Rainbow and Applejack, the two ponies found themselves pinned against each other between the two groups. Their chests pressed together, one’s tail tucked under the other and vice versa, not to mention forced to lie eye-to-eye with their muzzles making contact, this was indeed a rather awkward position. But much like their friends, they were willing to make the most of it. “Goodnight guys,” Charlie said. “Goodnight Charlie,” They all responded. Afterwards, it wasn’t long till the whole group were snugged in and slowly drift off to sleep. Completely unbeknownst to them, a chain of events, which to some would be considered impossible, had already been set in motion. > Nighttime Chat > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- High above the Bucket House, the moon’s light shined upon the tiny shack along the night sky. Shining through the tiny window to Charlie’s room, the seven sleeping ponies, and the little dragon, bundled together along the floor. Twilight and her friends laid sound asleep, a few of them snoring (Mostly Rainbow Dash), but otherwise in complete bliss. Of course, this blissful sleep was soon interrupted by the sounds of rustling sheets and the patter of feet hitting the floor. Twilight’s lavender eyes slowly open, turning to see Charlie wide awake. “Charlie?” Twilight yawned. Charlie himself turned to look down upon the groggy alicorn. “Oh, sorry Twilight,” Charlie apologized. “Didn’t mean to wake you.” Twilight merely shook her head, as she rubs the sleep from her eyes with her hooves. “No, it’s alright. I just thought you were still asleep.” At that moment, the commotion stirred every pony else from their sleep as they start waking up one-by-one. Cheese Sandwich and Pinkie Pie, who had been cuddled together in their sleep, woke up with their eyes staring toward each other. For a brief moment, all they could do was silently smile as they each looked at the most pleasant sight before them. “You know, I could wake up like this all the time!” Cheese smiled. Pinkie nods her head, nuzzling up to Cheese Sandwich. Rarity and Fluttershy both stretched out, yawning as they woke before turning to Charlie. The last to wake up after Spike were Rainbow Dash and Applejack, both were still sound asleep before they slowly came to. The moment they opened their eyes, they suddenly realized just how close they were to each other, so close in face their muzzles were no more than an inch from contact. There was an awkward pause between the two, barely even blinked before they slow pushed each other as far away as possible before turning toward the boy. “What’s up Charlie?” Rainbow asked, playing it cool. “What are ya’ll doing awake at this here hour?” Applejack added. “Well, you see, I usually wake up at this hour so I can meet with Grandpa Joe in the living room while he’s awake,” Charlie explained. “This way we can just sit and talk to each other about the most strange and wonderful things.” Rarity did her best to listen but found herself trying to keep from slumping over asleep. “But why must it be so early, darling?” Rarity groaned, yawning. “There’s not really many other times of the day for me and Grandpa to just talk. What with school, my paper route, and everything I have to do to help my family, times like this are hard to come by.” Every pony nodded, smiling understandingly knowing just where Charlie is coming from. Any moment they can spend with the ones they love, no matter how busy they are, makes for precious moments. Especially amongst good friends, like what they have now. “Would you mind if we came along?” Fluttershy asked. “Well, of course you can,” Charlie smiled. Satisfied, every pony all got up and made their way out of the room… All except for Rarity. The poor unicorn found herself barely keeping her eyes from falling shut. “Aren’t you coming along, Rarity?” Twilight asked. “Sorry, Twilight darling,” Rarity spoke. “But you know I’m not my best in the morning with a soothing hot cup of coffee.” Twilight rolls her eyes, using her magic to conjure up a mug of warm coffee. She levitates it over to Rarity, as the Marshmallow unicorn guzzled it down. The scolding hot liquid courses down her throat, immediately perking her up and now we find Rarity wide awake. “Oh, thank you dear!” Rarity thanked her friend. “You know me so well; even added a small amount of hazelnut, just the way I like it.” “It’s no problem, Rarity,” Twilight replied. Rarity eventually joined the sleepy group, as Charlie led them out of his bedroom and into the living room. There, Grandpa Joe sat up in bed completely awake waiting for his grandson’s arrival. Of course, they all had to be quiet seeing as how Mrs. Bucket and the rest of Charlie’s grandparents are still asleep. Charlie sat along the edge of the bed beside Grandpa Joe, while all the ponies and Spike took their seat on the floor. “Howdy there, Grandpa Joe,” Applejack greeted, quietly. “Good morning, Grandpa Joe dear,” Rarity added, sweetly. “Sup?” Rainbow smiled. Grandpa Joe smiles at the group, wishing them all ‘good morning’ as they gather round to begin their discussion. “So, where exactly did you all come from?” Grandpa Joe asked, curiously. “Well you see, my friends and I come from a magical land called Equestria,” Twilight explained. “A place where ponies of all different sizes and talents live together in harmony, under the rule of our fair princesses of the Sun and Moon, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.” Charlie and Grandpa Joe listened to the Princess of Friendship’s explanation, sharing looks of amazement and wonder. An entire world, where ponies live in peace and harmony, truly it was the most astonishing thing to imagine. “Is it always so peaceful in Equestria?” Charlie asked. “Well… Not always,” Rainbow answered. The others nod simultaneously, for once knowing Rainbow Dash made a valid point. “You see Charlie, we’ve had our share of battles against many dangerous beasts and foes almost on a daily basis,” Twilight continued. “As the Elements of Harmony, which is basically the cornerstone of friendship and light in Equestria, it’s our duty to combine our powers to ensure our home’s safety.” “So essentially, you’re all superheroes?” Grandpa Joe asked. “Aww yeah, when you put it that way that sounds awesome!” Rainbow exclaimed, cockily. “We kick all kinds of bad guy butt, we’re practically unstoppable!” “Though let met tell you, darling, it’s certainly not an easy task!” Rarity points out. “She’s right,” Applejack added. “There’s come a might big responsibility bein’ a hero; it ain’t all fun and games like lots ah folks make it out tah be.” “Like this one time, I helped the Crystal Empire fend off a changeling uprising from destroying all of Equestria!” Spike bragged. Twilight rolled her eyes, especially hearing her little assistant brag again. It was one thing for Rainbow Dash to brag, that’s to be expected. But every time Spike would go off about being the hero of the empire, it’s difficult to get him to stop but she let him have this moment. “Yes Spike, and we all thank you for that,” Twilight replies, patting the little dragon’s head. “How did you all end up here in our world?” Charlie asked. “Well, this one day, I was off gathering ingredients for a friend of mine for a potion she was working on,” Twilight answered. “Along the way, I stumbled upon a television set.” “Kind of like this?” Charlie points, toward the old television they have. “Sort of, but it was kind of bigger. Anyway, I brought the television back to my castle hoping to do some research. Next thing we know, it released this portal that sucked us into another world different from our own. It was there we’ve had to help some new friends of ours tackle a very dangerous journey.” “Oh yes, we’ve been on a few fun journeys so far!” Pinkie rambled. “From the mountains of Oz, to the caves of Spooky Island! We’ve met Dorothy, Shaggy, Scooby, Tin Man, Scarecrow, Lion, Scrappy…” “Okay, okay, okay Pinkie!” Rainbow interrupts. “We met a lot of people.” Charlie and Grandpa Joe couldn’t help but look at each other in surprise, due to how unbelievable this whole story seemed. “Of course today, we only ended up here because Pinkie here needs a little help back home,” Rainbow continues, gesturing to Pinkie. “Why?” Grandpa Joe asked. “What’s going on?” “Well, you see I live with Mr. and Mrs. Cake and their twin foals, no relations,” Pinkie rambled. “We work in a bakery back home, but lately we haven’t had customers in over a week. We’re worried if business doesn’t pick up anytime soon, we might end up out of work!” This seemed to bring everyone’s mood down drastically, sharing looks of sadness upon their faces, even Charlie and Grandpa Joe. Charlie reached out a hand, giving Pinkie a comforting pat on the back. “I’m really sorry to hear that, Pinkie Pie,” Charlie apologized. “That must be terrible!” “Thank you, Charlie,” Pinkie smiled, then frowned. “If only we could come up with some kind of new recipe or even a new supplier, then maybe things would be alright.” “But you know, even since we got here, we’ve been hearing a lot about this Willy Wonka guy and his chocolate factory,” Cheese Sandwich spoke up. “No doubt he must have very big ideas to have very popular candy.” “Oh yes, that reminds me!” Charlie realizes, turning to Grandpa Joe. “After we finished with my paper route today, we were all in front of Wonka’s. And there was a strange man there, I think he was a tinker. He was standing right behind us looking up at the factory.” “That man was trifle odd and very spooky,” Rarity added. “He said, ‘Nobody ever goes in and nobody ever comes out’.” Grandpa Joe smiled a little, as he was about to explain to them why that is. “Ah yes, and right he was, not since the tragic day that Willy Wonka locked the factory up.” “Wait a minute, he locked up his own factory?” Fluttershy asked. “Why would he do that?” “To answer that, I’d have to start from the beginning,” Grandpa Joe answered. “About twenty years ago…” Grandpa Joe paused when suddenly all the ponies and the little dragon, including Charlie, all turned toward him making themselves as comfortable as they could. “Alright right then,” Grandpa Joe spoke, clearing his throat. “Twenty years ago, before you were born Charlie, I saw Willy Wonka with my own two eyes. In fact, I used to work for the man himself.” “You did?” Spike asked. “Yes, I sure did. Of course, I was a much younger man in those days. In the beginning, Willy Wonka began with a single store on Cherry Street. Since the day I was hired, I knew that man was a genius. Why, he invented a new way of making chocolate ice cream so that it stays cold for hours without a freezer.” “An ice cream that could be left lying in the sun and never going runny?” Pinkie thought. “That is genius!” “Sounds impossible!” Rainbow remarked. “Ah, but Willy Wonka did just that,” Grandpa Joe answered. “The only problem was: The whole world wanted his candy and one store alone was not enough. So before long, he decided to build a proper chocolate factory, fifty times as big as any other. The largest chocolate factory in history!” “Sounds like something that would rival that laugh factory back home, huh Cheesy?” Pinkie asked, smiling. “Oh, cheese and silly string!” Cheese teased, making Pinkie giggled. “But he sounds like a pretty awesome guy to me.” “If you think that’s amazing, I’ve yet to tell you about the time he collaborated with the Indian prince,” Grandpa Joe spoke. “Oh do tell, darling,” Rarity spoke, leaning. “Well, there was this young man, Prince Pondicherry, who wrote a letter to Mr. Wonka requesting him to come all the way to India and build him a colossal palace entirely of chocolate. It was an ambitious project, but he vowed to build a palace with 100 rooms, with everything made of either dark or light chocolate. And true to his word, the bricks were chocolate, as was the cement holding them together. All the walls and the ceilings were made of chocolate, so were the carpets, the pictures, even the furniture!” “Oooh…” Pinkie’s mouth watered. “It sounds so perfect in every way.” “Yeah, if I had a palace like that, I wouldn’t dream of eating it,” Cheese Sandwich added. “I’d want to live in it!” “Oh yes, but all things don’t last long,” Grandpa Joe points out. “Shortly afterward, there came a very hot day with a boiling sun and melted the entire palace until there was nothing but globs of chocolate covering the landscape.” “Oh my!” Fluttershy gasped. “Whoa!” Spike said. “The prince sent an urgent telegram requesting a new palace, but unfortunately Willy Wonka was facing problems of his own.” “Oh yes…” Twilight nodded. “The day the factory closed.” “Now why would any pony, that is any ‘body’, want tah give ‘em problems?” Applejack asked. “Because, all the other chocolate makers were sending in spies, dressed as workers, to steal Mr. Wonka’s secret recipes.” Grandpa Joe answered. “No!” Spike spoke, quietly. “Yes!” Grandpa Joe nodded. “Fickelgruber started making an ice cream that would never melt; Prodnose came out with a chewing gum that never lost its flavor. And Slugworth… Oh, that Slugworth, he was the worst! He began making candy balloons that a child could blow up to incredible sizes!” “Oh, the poor man!” Fluttershy gasped. “I can’t even imagine what he must have been thinking.” “That is horrible,” Cheese stated. “I mean, I know I don’t run the laugh factory in Equestria anymore, but I couldn’t begin to imagine if some pony started taking all my funny ideas I sent there only to pass them off as their own!” Every pony remembered the laugh factory, mostly since Pinkie first brought it up. Pinkie Pie went there after hearing Cheese Sandwich owned and operated the factory only to discover being the owner made him depressed and unhappy. So she spent the entire day helping him to realize his life’s purpose was to be out in Equestria making ponies laugh rather than sitting behind a desk. “What did Mr. Wonka do next?” Twilight asked. “The thievery got so bad, that one day, without warning, he finally shouted, ‘I shall be ruined!’ and told every single one of his workers to go home,” Grandpa Joe explained. “He announced that he was closing his chocolate factory forever and that’s just what he did. He locked the gates and vanished completely.” “That can’t be good fur business,” Applejack spoke up. “If my family and I stopped harvestin’ apples at Sweet Apple Acres, we’d lose our farm!” “No doubt he probably would have gone out of business before too long. However, about three years later, the most amazing thing happened. The factory started working again full blast and more delicious candies were coming out than ever before. But the gates stayed locked so that no one, not even Mr. Slugworth, could steal them.” “You mean… You never got your job back?” Twilight asked. “No,” Grandpa Joe shook. “No one did. Nobody even sees Mr. Wonka anymore; he hardly ever comes out. All that comes out of that place is the candy, already packed and addressed.” “Well, I certainly don’t blame the man for being cautious,” Twilight spoke, understandingly. “But there must be someone helping him run the factory. No offense to him or anything, but I’m sure he couldn’t run an entire factory by himself. “You’re absolutely right, Twilight,” Grandpa Joe agreed. “Thousands must be helping him.” “But who?” Charlie asked. “Who are they?” “Now that is the biggest mystery of them all,” Grandpa Joe responds. The gang pondered all this information from Grandpa Joe’s story, anything they could learn about this Willy Wonka. To think that poor man felt the need to lock himself in his own factory, hiding himself from the whole world just to keep his candy recipes away from sneaky thieves. And yet they wondered: If not a single person has been seen going into that factory, much less coming out of it, and if the gates are always closed, who could possibly be running all the machines? But eventually, every pony started feeling tired and started yawning. “Well, this was a pleasant evening chat,” Twilight replied. “But I think it’s time to head back to bed. “Yeah, this was really fun,” Rainbow added, yawning. “But I think it’s time to hit the hay.” Every pony else agreed, as they said their good nights to Grandpa Joe. Soon the whole group, along with Charlie, made their way back to the boy’s room making themselves as comfortable as possible. “Too bad about that Wonka guy,” Cheese replied. “That factory sure sounded pretty amazing.” “Yeah, I’d give anything in the world just to go in there,” Pinkie sighed. “Just to see what that amazing factory could offer, even for just one day.” “Don’t worry Pinkie,” Twilight assured. “We’ll figure something out. I promise you, when we’re through, you’ll never have to worry about going anywhere.” “Thanks Twilight,” Pinkie smiled. It wasn’t long before all the ponies, the little dragon, and their new friend, Charlie, drifted off to dream land of chocolate rivers and gingerbread houses with gumdrop rooftops. Searching for something, anything, that would help make their dreams and wishes come true. > Contest Begins > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the morning rays of the sun’s celestial body shone through the small window to Charlie Bucket’s room, Twilight Sparkle rose her head off the floor yawning while stretching her tired limbs. Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, Twilight looks around and notices all her friends still fast asleep. She smiles brightly at the sight, her group of friends in a peaceful slumber. She turned over and noticed Charlie was no longer in bed; in fact, he was nowhere to be seen at all. The alicorn princess stood upon her hooves, giving one last stretch before trotting from the room as quietly as possible so as not to disturb her friends. Walking into the living area, she noticed Charlie’s grandparents sitting up in their bed. Yet no sign of Charlie or Mrs. Bucket could be seen anywhere. As Twilight approaches the bed, Grandpa Joe turns to her with a smile. “Well, good morning Twilight,” Grandpa Joe greets, kindly. “I hope you had a peaceful night’s rest.” “Oh yes, thank you so much Grandpa Joe,” Twilight thanked, with a smile. Grandpa Joe turns behind her, noticing the rest of her friends were absent. “Your friends still asleep?” “Yeah, I guess being up late last night really got to them,” Twilight chuckled. “Where’s Charlie and Mrs. Bucket?” “Charlie has gone off to school,” Grandma Josephine informed. “His mother is going to be working late tonight.” “Since you and your friends only just got here yesterday, I think you and your friends should spend the day exploring the town,” Grandpa Joe suggested. Twilight pondered on it for a moment. It was true they only just arrived yesterday and barely saw a few things. Aside from the Bucket house, they’ve only seen Bill’s candy shop and the Wonka factory, or at least the entrance to it. Seeing as how Charlie and his mother were both busy today, this would give them a chance to go out and explore their new surroundings. Twilight was soon taken out of her thoughts by the sound of additional hooves clicking against the floor. She turns around and sees her friends trot beside her, all looking rather tired. Spike, in particular, was snoring while lying on Fluttershy’s back. “Good morning everyone!” Grandpa Joe greets them all. “Just for the record, we say, ‘every pony’,” Rainbow yawned. “Oh, well I’ll definitely have to remember that.” After a while, and a few cups of coffee, every pony was fully awake and energized for the day. All except for Spike, being too young for coffee was still snoozing peacefully on Fluttershy’s back. “Hey Spike,” Twilight whispered. “Spike, can you hear me?” “Oh yes, Celestia,” Spike mumbled, in his dream. “I would like another serving of rubies please.” Every pony couldn’t but giggle a bit at the baby dragon’s talk in his sleep. “So, what’s on the agenda today, Twi?” Applejack asked. “Grandpa Joe suggested we go out into town today,” Twilight responds. “At least while Charlie is at school and Mrs. Bucket is working.” “That sounds like a fabulous idea,” Rarity smiled. “Yeah, come to think of it, we never get any time to just explore and enjoy the places during our last adventures,” Pinkie piped in. “Pinkie, we spent all of Oz exploring that world,” Rainbow points out. “… Oh yeah! Tee-hee!” Pinkie smiles when a yawn causes them all to turn. Spike stretches his arms out and scratches behind his back as his tired eyes blink. “You know, you guys do make a good point,” Spike replied, groggily. “We’re usually busy either running for our lives or defending friends from monsters.” “Well now, look who’s decided to join us,” Applejack smiled. “Oh, hardy-har,” Spike mumbled. The girls had a good laugh out of it as Twilight approaches the front door. Using her magic to throw it wide open, she eventually turns back to her friends with a bright smile. “Well, come along every pony,” Twilight said, excitedly. “Let’s go forth and greet the day!” The others smile along, as they follow the princess through the door with a quick goodbye to the grandparents. They trot down the road for a while before eventually arriving at the edge of town. As they explore the town, they were able to see such wonderful sights along the way. All around them were various shops, the local museum, a post office, even town hall. All of which they saw were busy, with various town folk just going about their business blissfully paying no heed to the most unusual visitors that ever passed through. As they walked, they also kept a close lookout toward those strange vehicles which they learned were called ‘cars’. Of course, they’ve technically seen cars when they first met Shaggy and Scooby, especially the Mystery Machine, but they had no idea that’s what ‘cars’ were. The few times they tried crossing the street, they almost found themselves run over by a few of these vehicles and a certain Pegasus was not happy. “Hey, why don’t you watch where you’re going?!” Rainbow shouts, waving her hoof. “Who do you think you are? King of the road?!” “Easy there, sugar cube,” Applejack spoke, holding Rainbow back. “They ain’t worth it.” Apart from that fiasco, one of the most beautiful spots they’ve seen walking through town center was it’s glorious water fountain. As they approach, they noticed the glistening water tricking into the pool below the fountain. They could see many different coins in the water, all from a few passing citizens flicking them into the fountain including some kids making wishes. It was a such a beautiful sight, making the whole group smile and sigh blissfully. “Now this is truly a beautiful place,” Twilight said, happily. Rarity was so entranced with the scenery she didn’t even notice her eyes start to water as she smiles. “I completely agree, darling,” Rarity said, drying her eyes. “The attention to detail on this glorious fountain is so amazingly brilliant.” “Why couldn’t we have been sucked into this place first?” Rainbow wondered. “Eh, I blame the writers for the impromptu planning,” Pinkie replied. Well excuuuuuuuse me, Pinkie Pie! Dude, it didn’t work in the eighties, why would that joke work now? “Say, you girls notice some pony’s missing?” Pinkie asked. Sure enough, as the group were looking at the fountain, Pinkie looked side to side noticing that Cheese Sandwich wasn’t even standing there with them. As a matter of fact, now that she thinks about it, she didn’t recall Cheese in the room with them when they woke up. It was rather odd, even for him, as he was just with them only yesterday. “Cheese?!” Pinkie called. “CHEESE!!!” Suddenly, something burst through the fountain with a “WAHOO!” startling every pony into jumping back. Low and behold there was Cheese Sandwich, smiling while wearing a banana-colored wet suit, complete with a regulator and goggles. “Top of the morning, every pony!” Cheese called, excitedly. “Lovely day for a swim, wouldn’t you say?” Every pony rolled their eyes at the party pony’s latest antic, before deciding to look around the square. Pinkie Pie, on the other hoof, just laughed while rolling along the concrete ground. “Boy Cheesy, that was a good one!” She laughed. With a quick spin like a tornado, Cheese reverted back to his regular attire drying his mane with a towel that matched his shirt. “Well you know I always like to make a big ‘splash’ for any occasion,” Cheese joked. BOO!!! *Hurls a tomato* Pinkie kept laughing for a moment, until Cheese offered her a hoof, which she gladly accepts as he lifts her back up. The two sat alongside each other, staring into the glistening pool in the fountain. With a sigh, Pinkie found herself leaning her head on Cheese’s shoulder, which caused said pony’s cheeks to turn a scarlet red. The pony thought to himself, ‘Is now the best time to say what he needed?’. Then, after a deep breath, he turns to Pinkie. “Uh – Uh, P-Pinkie?” He stammered. Pinkie lifts her head off Cheese’s shoulder, looking him straight in the eyes. “Yes, Cheesy-Wheezy?” “Um w-well, you and I have been friends for a long while now. Course, we have so much in common…” “Of course we do, silly. We love jokes, playing pranks, and having a good laugh. Of course, you said you didn’t use to enjoy it all that much before meeting me. But I don’t really consider that, we pretty much just…” Pinkie found her rambling cut off when Cheese placed his hoof over his mouth. As she looks into Cheese’s eyes, she could clearly see he was really nervous about something. She stares quietly as he removes his hoof from her mouth. “Well you see Pinkie, it’s just… Well… I’ve been thinking lately… And maybe… Perhaps we could…” “Hey guys!” Rainbow called. Pinkie and Cheese turn over to Rainbow Dash, the cyan blue Pegasus gesturing them to follow. “We found Charlie’s school and he’s nearly finished!” She called out. “Come on over here!” “Be right there, Dashie!” Pinkie called, trotting over. “Coming Cheesy?!” “Oh, oh yeah! Be right over!” Cheese called out. As he watched Pinkie follow her friend, Cheese slapped a hoof over his head as he shook. ‘So close, yet still so far’ he thought, once again choking under pressure. But soon enough, the time would come. For now, Cheese follows Pinkie and the others toward Charlie’s school. When they got to the building, they peek in through the window as Twilight hushes them to keep quiet. Inside, they could see Charlie sitting at his desk along with the rest of his class. “Charlie Bucket!” His teacher called. “Yes, Mr. Turkentine?” “I shall need an assistant. Come and give me a hand.” Charlie sits up from his seat, making his way to the front of the classroom beside. Mr. Turkentine. Three large jugs of some form of liquid sat on the desk beside the two. “We have here nitric acid, glycerin, and a special mixture of my own,” The teacher explained. “Together it’s horrible, dangerous stuff; blows you up. But mixed together in the right way, as only I know how, what do you think it makes?” “I don’t know, sir,” Charlie responds. “Of course you don’t know. You don’t know because only I know. If you knew and I didn’t know, then you’d be teaching me instead of me teaching you. And for a student to teach his teacher is presumptuous and rude. Do I make myself clear?” “Yes, sir.” From outside, the ponies and Spike shook their heads at the teacher’s rudeness. “How did this guy ever become a teacher?” Rainbow sneered. “Making a child feel unintelligent to make himself seem better,” Rarity pouts, shaking her head. “I tell you if any pony were like that to Sweetie Belle at school, I’d never allow her to go back.” “Guess it takes a rude person to know who’s rude,” Cheese chuckled. That last statement was actually spoken louder than the others, loud enough that when the students heard it they all start laughing. Needless to say, Mr. Turkentine was far from pleased with that remark. “Who said that?!” He called out. The whole class immediately went silent and sat still, as the teacher looked around suspiciously. “Well, go on,” Mr. Turkentine demands. “Spit it out! Which one of you said that?” While the teacher was distracted, Charlie turned slightly toward the window noticing his pony friends, and Spike briefly, gazing through with Pinkie Pie waving with a smile. Darting his eyes between them and the teacher, Charlie silently motions his friends to duck down which they did, but not before Pinkie gave a salute with her tail. All this went completely unnoticed by everyone else and when none of the students gave an answer, the teacher gave up but not before giving one last look. “I’m watching you…” Mr. Turkentine warned. Hearing it was safe to peek back, the group slowly rose their eyes toward the widow refocusing their attention as Mr. Turkentine proceeds to explain the procedure to the class. “Now, mixed together in the right way, these three highly dangerous ingredients make the finest wart remover in the world. The trick is to pour them in equal amounts.” Back outside again, Rarity’s eye twitched at the mention of ‘warts’. “Oh sweet Celestia, how revolting!” She complained. “That’s going to leave such a bad image in my head forever!” Every pony cringed at the idea as well, as they turned back toward the room. Mr. Turkentine hands two jugs to Charlie while he, himself, had the other. “Now, Charlie, you take the nitric acid and the glycerin, and I’ll take my own special mixture,” He instructs. “You ready? Good lad: Pour.” Charlie and Turkentine pour the bottles into a vat on the desk and it creates a loud explosion, complete with a huge cloud of smoke. The rest of the class applaud and cheer, as Charlie and Turkentine whisk away the smoke. “Did we do it wrong?” Charlie asked. “No certainly not; this is for very big warts!” Hearing this, Rarity’s other eye began to twitch. “I can’t hear no more; I’m gonna faint!” As she began to fall, Pinkie Pie quickly reached into her mane and pulls out Rarity’s fainting chair. She slides it out just as Rarity fell and lands comfortably on her chair. Rarity felt relaxed, when her eyes widen at a sudden thought. “Uh… Pinkie darling?” “Yes Rarity?” “How did you ever fit my chair in your mane?” Rarity asked, raising a brow. “And how did you get it from my house?” “I have no idea,” Pinkie shrugged. Rarity wanted to respond, but quickly decided against it as she was reminded of the unspoken rule: Never, EVER question Pinkie Pie. Meanwhile, back in the classroom, a loud commotion is heard outside the door. “What’s going on out there?!” Mr. Turkentine called. He approaches the door and pulls it open, seeing a large number of students frantically running through the school halls toward the exit. “You, Winkelmann, come here,” Turkentine motions one boy. “What’s happening?” “Willy Wonka is opening his factory!” The boy said, excitedly. “He’s going to let people in!” “Are you sure?” “It’s on the radio and he’s giving truckloads of chocolate away!” “Class dismissed!” Turkentine announced, excitedly. “No, no it’s only for five people,” Winkelmann informed. “Class un-dismissed,” Turkentine said, dejected. “He’s hidden five golden tickets and the people who find them will win the big prize.” “Where’s he hidden the tickets?” “Inside five Wonka Bars. You’ve got to buy Wonka Bars to find them.” “Class re-dismissed!” Turkentine said, more excitedly. The teacher and all the students quickly burst from the classroom, joining the others in making their way toward the exits. The only one who wasn’t excitedly running for the nearest candy show was Charlie, who gathered all his stuff slowly as if this were any other day. Back outside, however, the ponies and Spike has heard the entire ordeal. Upon hearing the news, they turned to each other excitedly. “I certainly didn’t expect to hear that bit of news today,” Rainbow said. “Don’t you see? This is amazing!” Twilight smiled. “After all these years, Mr. Wonka is opening his factory to the public for the first time!” “There’s just one problem,” Fluttershy whispered. “Only five people will get that chance.” “Boy, I guarantee this right now,” Pinkie stated. “By tomorrow, this whole thing is going to be crazy!” In fact, Pinkie Pie couldn’t have possibly imagined just exactly how true her words would be. <> The very next day, the entire Bucket family, along with the Equestria group, sat together in the living area surrounding the tiny television. It was on this day they were watching the latest news report surrounding the Wonka contest. “And now, details on the sudden announcement that has captured the attention of the entire world,” The news reporter states. “Hidden among the countless billions of Wonka Bars are five gold tickets. And to the five people who find them will come the most fabulous prize one could wish for: A lifetime supply of chocolate. And as if this were not enough, each winner before he receives his prize will be personally escorted through the top-secret chocolate factory.” The more the news reporter spoke, the more excited every pony seemed to get, especially Pinkie and Cheese. To think not only would the contest winners receive a trip to the factory, but will also have a chance to win as much Chocolate they could ever ask for. “Oh, I really wish we could win a lifetime supply of chocolate,” Pinkie pouts. “Chin up there, Cotton Candy,” Cheese assured. “When we get back to Equestria, maybe I could convert the laugh factory into a chocolate factory. That way, you can have all the chocolate you could ever eat.” Truly Cheese knew what made Pinkie Pie smiles. Her friends, however, turned to Cheese with wide eyes. “Trust me Cheese,” Applejack replied, shaking her head. “Yah don’t want to do that!” “Pinkie Pie alone is already wacky enough,” Rainbow added. “No need to adding a lifetime of chocolate to the mix.” “Party pooper…” Pinkie pouts, folding her hooves. Still, the others all nod in agreement before turning back to the television. “They’re all crazy!” Grandma Josephine replied. “Shh! The man’s a genius!” Grandpa Joe told her. “He’ll sell a million bars!” “More than enough to cover that lifetime supply of chocolate for the winner, that’s for sure,” Rarity noted. “Though I wonder who those five winners of the contest will be,” Spike questioned. “Personally, I think Charlie could win this contest,” Twilight said. Charlie, who was still watching the television, turned his ahead toward his friend. “You really think I could win, Twilight?” “Of course I do, Charlie,” Twilight nodded. “Wouldn’t it be something? To open a bar of candy and find a golden ticket inside?” “Of course,” Charlie replied, then frowned. “But I only get one bar a year, for my birthday.” “Well, your mother was just saying how your birthday’s next week,” Twilight points out. “The way I see it: You have as much chance as any pony… Or, in your case, ‘anybody’.” Charlie then turns toward Grandpa Joe. “Grandpa, do you think I have a chance to find one?” “One?” Grandpa Joe smiled. “I’m counting on you to find all five!” “One’s enough for me,” Charlie responded. “Now let’s not get too ahead of yerself, Charlie,” Applejack speaks up. “The folks likely to find them golden tickets are the ones who can afford to buy candy bars every day.” Twilight nods understanding, but at the same time she faces the boy with a smile and places a hoof around his shoulder. “Well, don’t worry about that, Charlie. I’m sure you’ll be one of the lucky five winners. If you just set your mind to it, you can do anything.” Charlie smiled at the lavender mare, giving her a soft hug as thanks. They all turn back, looking toward the television as the chaos of the contest made the headlines of every news bulletin. “Already we have reports coming in that the response is phenomenal,” The reporter continues. “Wonka bBars are beginning to disappear from candy store shelves at a rate to boggle the mind. Truly it is incredible the way that Wonkamania has descended upon the globe. While the world searches, we watch and wait, wondering where the pursuit will lead and how long the spirit of man will hold up under the strain.” <> In another part of the world, a poor man named Mr. Hofstedder was lying on a sofa in a therapist’s office. The poor man had been suffering from what he believes are dreams or premonitions of the future, so he was sent to a shrink to help him solve this dilemma. The shrink himself sat beside Hofstedder jotting notes. “I’m still have these dreams Doctor,” Hofstedder told the shrink. “And I just can’t stop myself from believing them.” I’ve told you before Mr. Hofstedder,” The shrink spoke, never looking up. “To believe in one’s dreams is a manifestation of insanity. And the sooner you accept this, the sooner you will get well.” “But I dreamed that a midnight blue alicorn appeared to me and whispered into my ear and told me where to find a golden Wonka ticket.” This seemed to get the shrink’s attention, as he looks up from his notes. “And what exactly did it say?” He asked. “Oh, what difference does that make? This was a dream, a fantasy. I mean you just said now…” “Shut up Hofstedder and tell me where the ticket is!” The shrink shouted. Wait a minute... Blue Alicorn? I don’t remember a Blue Alicorn in… *Pause* LUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! *The Princess of the night herself appears in an undisclosed location.* Speaking? What the heck, Luna?! How many times have we told you about interfering with the stories?! We have rules here. Well, pardon us for attempting to partake in a little fun. I’m merely trying to alleviate our boredom seeing as you have not yet put us in one of your stories. Not even a mention or a cameo! I know, I know, I know… *Sighs* Look Luna, I said you’ll get your chance to appear in one of my stories and I promise. But right now, we’re asking you to be patient. Now, please go back and wait your turn. We've got a tons of guest stars we plan to include and the waiting period is only going to get longer if you don't hop in now. Alright… But thou had better create a story with us in it. We’re holding you up on your word. *Sighs* I really need a new hobby… Ditto… > Ticket & Charlie’s Birthday > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A week had passed since the Wonka contest officially began, already the entire thing had gotten crazier. Within that time, most candy stores across the world were sold out of Wonka Bars and thus making it harder to find a single Bar anywhere. Yet, after all this time, not a single golden ticket had been round. However, everyone knew it was only a matter of time before at least one was found, and who knows just how much crazier everything would get? Another school day came to an end for Charlie Bucket, as the school bell rang, and all the students burst out the front door. Charlie was one of the last students to exit the building and as soon as he was outside, he saw his friends standing there waiting for him. “Hiya Charlie!” Rainbow greets. “How was school today? “It was alright I suppose,” He replied. Though he seemed to act and sound okay, every pony could tell, based on his body language, he wasn’t as okay as he was trying to make himself out to be. “What’s wrong, Charlie?” Twilight asked. “What do you mean?” Charlie smiled. “I’m perfectly fine.” “Are yah sure, sugar cube?” Applejack questioned. “Yah don’t seem fine.” “Of course, A.J.,” Charlie assured. “I promise!” The ponies and the little baby dragon, especially Applejack, could still tell he wasn’t being honest about his feelings. However, they figured if they pestered him any further they’d never get the answer. So, for now, they decided to drop the subject until Charlie was ready to talk. “Well, alright then,” Twilight nodded, comfortingly. “But just so you know, if you ever need to talk to us about anything, we’ll be here to listen. Believe me, I speak from experience.” Charlie nods with a reassuring smile, as they walk down the road back to the Bucket house. As they walked, Charlie noticed that two particular members of the group were not presently with them. “Where are Cheese and Pinkie?” Charlie asked, curiously. When the group heard him, the ponies and Spike look at each other a smile. “Oh, they decided to stay at the house today,” Fluttershy said. Charlie raised his eyebrow, cocking his head to the side confused. “Why is that? Don’t they normally come along with you guys?” “Oh yes indeed, darling,” Rarity nodded. “It’s just they had some errands they needed to do today.” “Like what?” “Oh, you’ll see,” Spike smiled. As they kept walking, Charlie could see the ponies and Spike giving each other sneaky smiles. It was as if they were secretly communicating with each other over something he’s not supposed to know. But before Charlie could question them further, they nearly pass the television store when they noticed a large gathering of people surrounding the window. They all stopped in their tracks, cocking their heads to the side curiously. “What’d ya’ll suspect is goin’ on over yonder?” Applejack asked. “No idea,” Rainbow responds. “But only one way to find out.” The group walked toward the large group, trying to wiggle their way through to see what everyone’s looking at. “Excuse me!” Rainbow called out. “Mind giving some space here! OUCH! Watch the tail, buddy! Okay, that’s it!” Having had enough, Rainbow took the air and hovered over the crowd, while the others managed to get just close enough to see what’s up. They could all see on the television facing the store window that a live news broadcast is in progress. “We began with five golden tickets like five lucky bolts of lightning without notice at any point on the map. No one knew where, no one knew when the first one would hit. But as you all know, last night we got our answer. While we in America slept, the first golden ticket was found in the small town of Duselheim, Germany. We’ve been waiting several hours for the follow-up story, and we’re finally ready with a live report.” The television than transitioned over to another live broadcast emanating from Duselheim, where a German reporter was doing a live report inside a restaurant. “Proud we are, for the attention of the entire world focuses today right here in Duselheim, a community suddenly thrust into prominence by the unexpected discovery of the first Wonka Golden Ticket. Its lucky finder is the son of our prominent parve-butcher. The boy’s name: Augustus Gloop!” The reporter made his way over to one of the tables where a family was in the middle of eating. The camera zoomed toward a large portly-looking child, apparently the son, who barely paid attention to the cameras. He was too busy stuffing his face with a forkful of food or gushing it down with a mug (Probably ‘beer’). “Augustus Gloop, the pride of Duselheim, the fame of Western Germany, an example for the whole world.” Rainbow Dash scoffed, smirking at the reporter’s choice of words for Gloop. “An example of what happens when you don’t exercise,” She joked to herself. “Yeah, figured whichever kid would find the first ticket would be fat, fat, fat,” Spike chuckled. “Shh! Don’t be rude!” Twilight scolds, turning back to the screen. “Augustus, how does it make you feel to be the first Golden Ticket finder?” The reporter asked. “Hungry,” Augustus responds. “Any other feelings?” “Feel sorry for Wonka. It’s gonna cost him a fortune in fudge.” Practically the entire group was quite appalled, if not disgusted, not only of the boy’s attitude but his poor eating habits. All of them witnessing him practically scarfing down his food. “Oh my!” Fluttershy gasped. “What I tell you?” Spike spoke. “What a porker!” “I normally wouldn’t lower myself to insensitive remarks,” Rarity spoke. “But what a repulsive boy!” Every pony else and Charlie couldn’t help but nod at Rarity’s statement. “Augustus, the world wants to know, how did you ever find that ticket?” The reporter asked. “I am eating the Wonka bar and I taste something that is not chocolate,” The boy answers, between bites. “Or coconut or walnut or peanut butter or nougat or butter brittle or caramel or sprinkles.” The boy takes another big gulp of his drink, before reaching down toward his pocket. “So I look… And I find the golden ticket.” The boy holds up the golden ticket, which had a notable bite mark on the far-left corner. “Augustus, how did you celebrate?” The reporter asked. “I eat!” The boy answered, bluntly. The reporter then turns to the man, presumably the boy’s father, the butcher. “Mr. Gloop, would you mind saying—” The reporter quickly found his question cut off, when Mr. Gloop literally bit the head off of the microphone and proceeds to eat it. The group looked on disgusted, completely shock. Rarity nearly faints before Applejack and Twilight caught her. “Did that man just… Eat a microphone?” Spike asked, in disbelief. “Eeyup!” Applejack nodded. “Mrs. Gloop, would you care to say a few words to the television audience?” The reporter asked. “I just knew Augustus would find a Golden Ticket. Eating is his hobby, you know. In fact, he eats so many candy bars a day that it was not possible for him ‘not’ to find one. We encourage him. He wouldn’t do it unless he needed the nourishment, would he? Anyway, it’s all vitamins.” As Mrs. Gloop spoke with the reporters, a waiter came by to deliver more food for Augustus. This one waiter wore octagon-framed spectacles and a scar over his left eye. Most of the group didn’t notice that he appeared to whisper something into Augustus’ ear. Eventually the newscast came to an end, as the large assembly of people disperse from the area. All that were left behind were our ‘mane’ heroes and Charlie, standing there taking it in. “Well, there yah have it,” Applejack points out. “The first golden ticket has been found.” “And only four tickets left,” Charlie added. “Now that they’ve found one,” Rainbow spoke. “I’m sure things will really get crazy!” Twilight turns over to Charlie, noticing the sad look on his face as he gazed at the television. Now she realized why he seemed so upset earlier, how he must’ve heard someone else had found the ticket first. And since they all just witnessed who it was, Twilight felt sympathetic for Charlie. She walks alongside the boy, placing a comforting hoof along his arm. He looks down at her seeing her smiling up at him. “Don’t worry Charlie,” She said, comfortingly. “There are still plenty of chances to find one.” Charlie smiled, half-heartedly, as they all proceed to keep walking toward his house. As the sun began to set over the horizon, they finally made it back to the house. Just before they were about to go in, however, Twilight held them back for a moment. “Ready to go inside, Charlie?” Twilight asked. Charlie looked toward each and every one of their faces, noting the smug looks. “Alright guys, what’s going on?” Charlie asked. Twilight just smiled as she used her magic to throw open the door. When Charlie walked in, he couldn’t believe what he saw. “SURPRISE!!!” To his shock and surprise, the entire room had been set up for a party, ‘his’ birthday party to be exact. There were streamers set up everywhere and a large birthday cake in the middle courtesy of a certain pink party pony. Speaking of which, she and Cheese, both wearing party hats, blew through some kazoos as the other ponies and Spike joined in. Cheese Sandwich (Sings): We baked you a birthday cake… Pinkie Pie (Sings): If you get a tummy ache… Spike (Sings): And you moan, and groan, and woe… Everyone (Sings): Don’t forget we told you so! “Happy Birthday, Charlie!” Everyone cheered. Charlie couldn’t wipe the smile off his face, as Pinkie and Cheese ran up to the boy and gave him a big group hug. “Do you like it, Charlie boy?!” Pinkie rambled, excitedly. “Do you really, really, REALLY like it? I hope you do. Me and Cheese worked super-duper hard on it! Okay, actually it wasn’t ‘that’ hard for us, but we did it all for you!” Pinkie and Cheese release their friend from their group hug, as Pinkie pulled her party cannon out of her mane and used it to shoot confetti all over the room. “Thank you guys!” Charlie smiled. “It really means a lot you went through all this trouble just for my birthday.” “Aw, it was no trouble at all, little buddy!” Cheese said. “What are Cheese Sandwiches and Pinkie Pies for?” “So, this is what you guys tried to hide from me?” Charlie asked Twilight. “Yeah, Pinkie wanted us to stall for a while so everything would be ready,” Twilight said. “She wanted this to be your best birthday as possible.” “That is very kind of you, all of you,” Charlie said. “Thank you!” Charlie’s mother approaches her son, handing him a present and a kiss on the cheek. “Here you are, Charlie,” She said. “Thank you!” He smiled. The ponies and Spike gather around beside the grandparents and Mrs. Bucket, as they watch Charlie open his present. Inside, he pulls out a hand-stitched red scarf which he wrapped around his neck. “It’s terrific!” “We each knitted a bit,” Mrs. Bucket smiled. “Grandma Georgina, Grandma Josephine, and me.” “I did the end pieces with the little tassels,” Grandma Josephine said. “It is certainly a wonderful scarf,” Rarity admired. “Very well stitched and quite stylish, if I do say so myself.” “Thank you, Rarity,” Mrs. Bucket said. Grandpa Joe reached behind him, pulling out a little present which he hands to Charlie. “And here’s a little gift from Grandpa George and me.” “Oh, I think I know what this is.” Charlie excitedly tears open the present, finding a Wonka candy. Not a Wonka Bar specifically, but still another favorite of his products. “It is! A Wonka!” He says, excitedly. “Open it, Charlie,” Grandpa Joe said. “Let’s see that golden ticket.” “A lifetime of chocolate awaits you, Charlie my boy,” Cheese pats his back. “Just don’t forget to share it with your good friends,” Pinkie smiled. “Wouldn’t it be fantastic?” “It’s not fair to raise his hopes,” Mrs. Bucket scolds. “Never mind!” Grandpa Joe argued. “Go on, open it Charlie. I want to see that gold!” “Stop it, Dad!” “I’ve got the same chance as anybody else, haven’t I?” Charlie asked. “Of course you do, Charlie,” Twilight encouraged. “If anyone else can find one, you can.” “You’ve got more Charlie because you want it more,” Grandpa Joe added. “Go on, open it.” “Okay, here goes,” Charlie prepared himself. Charlie turns his back from the rest of the group, proceeding to slowly open the Wonka. “Now, Charlie, don’t feel too disappointed,” Fluttershy advised. “You know, if you don’t get the… Um… You know…” “What Fluttershy means, Charlie,” Applejack interrupts. “Whatever happens, you’ll still have the candy.” “Mm-hmm.” “I’ve got it”! Charlie yelled. “Where? Where?” Grandpa Joe asked. “Come on, let’s see!” Spike beckoned. When Charlie turned around, however, the only thing he held in his hand was the Wonka candy itself. But no golden ticket, much to his disappointment. “Fooled you, didn’t I?” Charlie asked, dejectedly. “You thought I really had it.” Everyone else in the room seemed disappointed as well, seeing how they knew Charlie wanted to win the contest so badly. “Ah well,” Applejack concludes. “That’s that.” “Never mind, Charlie,” Grandpa Joe reassured. “You’ll find one.” “Besides, there’s still four golden tickets left,” Rainbow points out. Grandpa Joe turned to her direction; an eyebrow raised. This was certainly news to him and the rest of Charlie’s family. “Only four? You mean they found one?” “Indeed,” Rarity nodded, explaining. “We were walking Charlie home from school when we noticed a rather large gathering outside the television shop.” “We practically had to push our way to the front,” Twilight added. “That’s when we saw the news that one of the tickets was found by some boy in Germany named Augustus Gloop.” “Man, I can only imagine where the next ticket will be found,” Spike pondered. Just then, Cheese Sandwich noticed Charlie starting to break the candy into tiny pieces. “What are you doing, Charlie boy?” Cheese asked. “I want to share it,” Charlie answered. “Oh, no, Charlie,” Fluttershy shook her head. “Not your birthday present.” “It’s my Wonka, Fluttershy,” Charlie stated. “And I’ll do what I want with it.” Seeing it was useless to argue, the ponies, Spike, and Charlie’s family nod understandingly. Charlie hands each of them a tiny piece, making sure there was just enough for everyone in the room. They all said their thanks, enjoying the taste of the chocolate as they took tiny bites out of their already small pieces savoring the flavor despite how bittersweet this birthday turned out to be. Little did they know, the finder of the next golden ticket would make Augustus Gloop look like an angel in heaven compared to them… > Second Ticket > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another day had come and gone for young Charlie Bucket and his eight mystical companions. Following another day at school, Charlie had gone to attend his paper route leaving his friends at home to care for his family. By the time he arrived home, his friends and family were in the living room waiting for him as always. No sooner did the young boy walk into the house, he was instantly greeted by a huge hug from Pinkie Pie. “Hiya Charlie!” She said, happily. “I missed you today.” “Oh Pinkie, I’ve only been gone for a few hours,” Charlie replied. “Felt longer to me!” Nevertheless, Charlie hugs her back and acknowledged the others sitting on the bed along with his grandparents, who were watching the television. “What’s going on?” He asked. “Yah better come and have a look, sugar cube,” Applejack responds. Charlie quickly lets go of Pinkie Pie, then strolls over and sits alongside the bed with the others. Another news broadcast was on the air, this time from London. <> On the television, the camera crew stood in the middle of a rather large house, likely a mansion, all cameras pointed towards a smiling little girl and her parents. The little girl, dressed rather fancy, held one of the four remaining golden tickets in her hands. “Veruca Salt? Veruca? Can you spell that for us, please?” One reporter asked. “V-E-R-U-C-A,” Veruca spelled. “Veruca Salt.” Many photographers started taking more pictures as she continues smiling. Her father, Henry Salt, a rather portly gentleman, placed a hand over her shoulder giving off a smile. “As soon as my little Veruca told me she had to have one of these golden tickets, I started buying all the Wonka bars I could lay my hands on,” The man explained. “Thousands of them, hundreds of thousands. I’m in the nut business you see, so I say to my workers…” <> The scene shifts to a bright sunny day in the great land of London, England. The Queen’s land has not seen such a beautiful day in so long, the birds chirping and the sky at its most beautiful shade of blue. Though as beautiful as it appears outside, things were not so bright and happy inside of the nut shelling factory known as ‘Salt’s Nuts’. It was inside this factory where the President of the company, Mr. Salt, stood before his employees, most of them women. Hence, where his speech took place: “Good morning, ladies!” Mr. Salt greeted. “From now on, you can stop shelling peanuts and start shelling the wrappers off these chocolate bars instead.” Sure enough, hundreds of girls worked quickly as they began unwrapping boxes upon boxes of Wonka Bars by the house. <> “Five days went by and we had no luck, it was terrible,” Mr. Salt continued. “My little Veruca got more and more upset each day.” <> Five days indeed went by, to the point all the tables in the factory were all line with silver wrapping and chocolate bars, most of them uneaten. But sadly, not one single golden ticket was discovered. Indeed, this made one specific little girl very upset… “I wanted to be the first to find a golden ticket, daddy!” The young girl, Veruca Salt, sat in her father’s office, spinning herself in the office chair grumbling to herself. “I know, angel,” Mr. Salt assured. “We’re doing the best we can; I’ve got every girl on the bleeding staff hunting for you!” Veruca just completely ignored her father, as she kept spinning around in that chair with the most hateful frown upon her face. “Alright then, where is it?!” She yelled, toward her father. “Why haven’t they found it?” “Veruca, sweetheart, I’m not a magician!” He yelled back. “Give me time!” “I want it now! What’s the matter with those twerps down there?” “For five days now the entire flipping factory’s been on the job. They haven’t shelled a peanut in there since Monday. They’ve been shelling flaming chocolate bars from dawn to dusk!” Suffice to say, Mr. Salt’s words were entirely true. Ever since Veruca decided she wanted the golden ticket the entire factory had worked five straight days unwrapping chocolate bars. Let it be known, here and now, Veruca Salt, the seemingly sweet British girl, was a very spoiled, bratty child. Every time she ever wanted something, she’d whine or yell at her parents (Often both) until they did all in their power to get it for her. “Make ‘em work nights!” Veruca demanded. Mr. Salt quickly ran to the window in the office, which overlooked the rest of the factory, and flung the window wide open. “Come along, come along, you girls, put a jack in it or you’ll be out on your ears, every one of you!” He shouted out. The girls all looked toward their boss, every single one with a bored blank expression. After doing this job for the past five days straight, they all knew this was getting quite ridiculous. Here they stood, slaving away trying to find a golden ticket for the spoiled daughter of their boss, feeling as if they weren’t getting anything out of it. “And listen to this,” Mr. Salt continued. “The first girl that finds a Gold ticket gets a one-pound bonus in her pay bucket! What do you think of that?” Finally hearing something good, with the prospect of a little more money, all the girls cheered and continued shelling the bars. Seeing them working, Mr. Salt closed the window and slumped against the wall, breathing rather heavily. “They’re not even trying!” Veruca pouted. “They don’t want to find it; they’re jealous of me!” “Sweetheart, I can’t push ‘em no harder!” Mr. Salt wheezed. “Nineteen thousand bars an hour they’re shelling. Seven hundred and sixty thousand they’ve done so far.” “You promised, Daddy!” Veruca screamed. “You promised I’d have it the very first day!” Meanwhile, Mrs. Salt sat on the couch off to the side completely oblivious to the entire situation at hand. The whole time, she’s been working on her cross stitching. “You’re going to be very unpopular around here Henry, if you don’t deliver soon,” She warned. “That breaks my heart, Henrietta,” Mr. Salt replied. “I hate to see her unhappy.” <> “I just hated to see my little girl unhappy like that,” Mr. Salt spoke. “I vowed I would keep up the search until I could give her what she wanted.” <> “I won’t talk to you ever again!” Veruca yelled at her father’s face. “You’re a rotten, mean father. You never give me anything I want. And I won’t go to school ‘til I have it!” Veruca slumped along the couch beside her mother. Mr. Salt knelt before his daughter, trying his best to reason with her. “Veruca, sweetheart, angel… Now… There are only four tickets left in the whole world, and the whole ruddy world’s hunting for them. What can I do?!” All hope seemed truly lost for the Salts, when suddenly… “I’ve got it!” One girl shouted. “I got it, Mr. Salt, here it is!” Suddenly, a roar of cheers and applause erupt throughout the factory. Mr. Salt ran toward to the window and saw one of the girls waving the golden ticket around, as another worker went to deliver her to the office. “It’s about time too!” Veruca growled. “I want it!” The worker dragged the girl through the crowd, bringing her up the stairs only to be stopped midway by Veruca herself, who snatched the ticket away from the girl and waved it about as if she won it herself. “It’s mine!” She cried happily. “I found a golden ticket!” The very worker who pulled the girl to the office helped Veruca back up the stairs, whispering in her ear the entire time. His octagon spectacles and scar over the left eye were very familiar. Meanwhile, back in the office, Mr. Salt breathed a huge sigh of relief that it was finally over as his wife came over to give him a pill and having one herself. “Thank god for that,” He sighed. “Aye,” Mrs. Salt replied. “Happiness is what counts for children. Happiness and Harmony.” <> “As you can see,” The father presented. “I finally found her a ticket.” <> Charlie and the rest of the group watched the whole broadcast to the very end. But the whole time, they couldn’t help but feel rather upset over the whole segment. They had to watch this little girl pose, the golden ticket in her hands, as if she accomplished the feat herself. The only thing she accomplished was robbing a poor child a fair chance at finding the ticket. “Man, she’s even worse than that Augustus kid!” Rainbow snarled. Charlie nodded his head in agreement. “Doesn’t seem like that was really fair,” Charlie said. “She didn’t even find the ticket herself.” Grandpa Joe reached over, patting the boy along the shoulder. “Don’t worry about it, Charlie. That man spoils his daughter and no good ever comes in spoiling a child like that.” If they think Veruca is bad, how will the ponies react upon seeing Darla Dimple? Hmm… I’m still on the fence on whether to do that movie. I’ll get back to you on that. Charlie nods, as he turned towards his grandfather and his friends. “That means there are only three tickets left,” Spike piped in. “Granted, the second one was found rather unfairly,” Rarity added. “Regardless of how it was found, Rarity, there’s still only three tickets left,” Rainbow said. “That means we gotta step up our game.” “How do you propose we do that darling?” Twilight turns over to Charlie, placing a hoof along his arm. “Charlie, please let us help you,” She practically begged. “If I can just give you a few bits, you could buy more Wonka bars and your chances of winning would increase!” But Charlie just shook his head. “No Twilight, I can’t accept that. I appreciate what you’re trying to do; I just don’t accept handouts.” “It’s not just that. I feel bad we didn’t really get you a present for your birthday and I’d really like to make it up to you.” Charlie smiles toward his friend’s kindness, giving her a light pat along the head. “You don’t need to get me a gift, Twilight,” Charlie smiled. “The friendship all of you have given me is more than enough.” The sound of violin string playing beside them, made them turn toward Cheese Sandwich, the pony dressed in a tuxedo playing a heartwarming tune. Once he noticed them all looking at him, he stopped in his tracks. “Sorry, thought the moment needed something.” Everyone shook their heads, but they had a good laugh, nonetheless. “Now with only three tickets left, I wonder how much crazier things could get!” Rainbow grimaced. Fluttershy silently nods, as she looks toward the television. The moment she did, her eyes grew wide. “Girls,” She whispered. “I think we just got our answer.” Once saying that, everyone turned toward the television and saw the news broadcast slightly changed. It now turned into a report displaying the damage as a result of the Wonka contest. <> The camera zooms toward a cart full of broken Wonka boxes, each one filled with old candy-wrappers. “This, ladies and gentlemen, is the sign of our times… The symbol of the havoc, the mad craze that’s sweeping the world today. Whatever corner of the globe we are in, whichever of the five continents we’re on, the great search for Wonka Bars continues. We’re now nearing the end of our forty-third day in the hunt for the Golden Tickets, and everywhere we’re beginning to see signs of anxiety. Every hour on the hour, new shipments are being sent to different points around the globe, but they’re just not moving fast enough. And as time passes, the men who seek them become more and more desperate.” > Third Ticket > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another glorious day was in progress for our heroes, especially a poor little boy who desperately desires to seek a golden ticket. Soon as Charlie finished school for the day, his seven equine friends, and their little dragon pal, met him just outside the school as always. Seeing the boy emerge through the entry way, every pony ran up to greet him, aside from Rainbow, who always prefers flying. At the sight of his faithful companions, Charlie smiled hugely. “What’s up, Charlie?” Rainbow asked, casually. “You know, you guys don’t have to come and walk me home from school every day,” Charlie assured. “I feel bad for having you come all this way just for me.” “Oh pish-posh, darling,” Rarity brushed it off. “We’re more than happy to accompany you home or just about anywhere.” “I’m assuming you’ve got a paper route to do, am I right?” Twilight asked. “You bet, Twilight,” Charlie nodded. They began to walk down the road towards the newspaper stand, where Charlie collected his papers from Mr. Jopeck as they proceed to deliver them. Surprisingly enough, it took less time to deliver them all today than in recent days. “Wow, this actually went by much quicker than usual,” Fluttershy noted. Confused, Charlie looked through his paper bag only to find it completely empty. “Hmm… Must be a slow day for the paper,” Charlie shrugged, scratching his head. “Well, we got plenty ah time left fur we gotta get your ma from the laundry house,” Applejack confirmed. “What ya’ll wanna do?” Every pony shrugged, when an answer wouldn’t come. Usually, the paper route took longer than this. But with today taking less time, it left the group with little more time to actually do something casual. Suddenly, they all hear Pinkie Pie gasp and turn around to see her smiling widely. Her huge eyes widening, her tail pointing toward a park not far from them. “Ooh! Ooh! Can we go to the park?” Pinkie begged, bouncing excitedly. “Can we go to the park? Please? Please? Pretty please with chocolate frosting on top?” Every pony and Charlie smiled, shaking their heads at their friend’s antics, hopping about like an excited school filly. They all looked past her and all the same couldn’t help but stare at the park. Even they could admit that since arriving onto this world, they rarely had any time to spend together. What with Charlie always busy with either school or his paper route, usually both, the only times they ever get to see him were whenever they walk him home or having any time to talk before bed. The entire group looked at each other, smiling as a decision was made. “Why not?” Twilight said, gleefully. “Come on, girls! Let’s have some fun!” They all ran excitedly towards the park, finally having themselves some fun. Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Spike especially enjoyed a wonderful game of tag. But rather than simply running across the grass, they took flight in the air. Pinkie laughed as Cheese pushed her along the sing, as he himself smiled brightly. Charlie, Rarity, and Twilight picked flowers along the field just alongside the park, admiring the tranquility and beauty. Before too long, they all decided it be relaxing to sit down for a lovely picnic, which Twilight was happy to conjure up. As they sat along the field, enjoying some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, which Twilight made herself, they decided to share a casual conversation. “So, you’ll never believe what happened today, Charlie,” Twilight spoke up. “What’s that, Twilight?” Charlie asked. “Well you see, it goes like this,” Rainbow began, trying to stifle a laugh. “We were with your grandparents earlier, heh-heh… And we saw one of the funniest things ever on television…” <> Earlier that day, Twilight Sparkle approached the large bed where Charlie’s grandparents were resting, carrying four bowls of soup in her magical grip. She offered a bowl to each of them, which they graciously accept. “I hope you all enjoy some mixed vegetable soup,” She smiled. “Sure beats cabbage any day,” Grandpa Joe smirked. Suffice to say, the grandparents enjoyed their soup immensely and were sure to thank Twilight for it. Afterwards, they decide to watch a little T.V. and the moment they turn it on, they were greeted with a hilarious sight. Apparently, the latest news report centered on the Wonka contest went on to discuss a man who supposedly found a way to cheat the system. “Guys, take a look at this!” Twilight called. It wasn’t long before the rest of her friends ran into the room, looking at the television as well. “Breaking news concerning the fabulous Wonka Golden Ticket contest: With only three remaining golden tickets hidden in the world, everyone has been wondering how long it will take before someone uncovered a way to find the others. Ladies and gentlemen, today we believe that answer has been found. We now take you to a live video broadcast where a local technician believes he has constructed a machine which he believes will uncover the three final tickets.” The scene quickly transitions to a large computer lab, where a technician stood in front of a large computer. “Gentlemen, I know how anxious you’ve all been during these last few days, but now I think I can safely say that your time and money have been well spent. We’re about to witness the greatest miracle of the machine age. Based on the revolutionary Computonian Law of Probability, this machine will tell us the precise location of the three remaining Golden Tickets.” The technician smiled smugly, as he pushed a few buttons on the computer as it sprang to life. It made several beeping sounds, until eventually a small card is ejected from a slot. The technician grabs it and held the card before his eyes. “It says, ‘I won’t tell. That would be cheating.’” His smug smile falters a little, as he crumpled the card up. He begins punching more commands on the computer panel. “I am now telling the computer that if it will tell me the correct answer, I will gladly share with it the grand prize.” The computer sprang to life again, making additional beeping noises, and pops out another card, which the technician grabbed. “He says, ‘What would a computer do with a lifetime supply of chocolate?’” The technician said, through clenched teeth. He merely chuckled with embarrassment, while everyone watching on the screen found this scenario amusing. Rainbow didn’t even try to hold back, as she watched the technician crumbled the card frowning. He then turns and begins punching the commands violently into the computer. “I am now telling the computer exactly what he can do with a lifetime supply of chocolate!” The technician growled. <> Having heard such an amusing and funny story, every pony and Charlie burst out laughing and rolled all over the ground. “That was priceless!” Rainbow laughed. “You should’ve seen the look on his face!” “Ah ain’t ever laughed so hard in mah life!” Applejack wheezed. After a while, every pony eventually calmed down and regained their composure. They all stood back up, gathering all the supplies and put them away. “Well, that was fun,” Charlie replied. “But maybe we should go and see if my mom is done working. That way we can all walk home together.” “You’re such a sweet boy, Charlie,” Fluttershy grinned. Charlie blushed slightly, as every pony smiled at him while they began walking. It wasn’t long before they reached the center of town, where once again they noticed a large gathering just outside the television shop. Every pony sighed, shaking their heads knowing full well this could only mean one thing. “Let me guess,” Spike sighed. “Someone found another ticket.” “Indeed Spikey-Wikey,” Rarity nodded. “That certainly explains all the commotion.” “Come along, every pony,” Twilight motioned. “Let’s see who it is this time.” The group once more approach the large gathering, having to push their way to the front. By the time they arrived, they were able to see another television broadcast. This time, it showcased a little brunette girl chewing a piece of gum, standing alongside her parents in what appears to be a car sale lot. <> “And it can happen right here too, unbelievable as it sounds, right here in America. Where even in the smallest town, the happiest of dreams can come true. Because folks, here she is, Miss Violet Beauregarde, finder of Wonka’s Golden Ticket Number Three, from Miles City, Montana. And with her, the proud parents: Mr. Beauregarde, a prominent local politician, a great civic leader, a philosopher—” Mr. Beauregarde quickly pulls the microphone away from the news reporter, starting to rant about his so-called ‘great sales’. “Hi folks, Sam Beauregarde here, ‘Square Deal Sam’ to you, with all of today’s great giveaway bargains. The finest values you’ll get anywhere in the entire country. Now this little number right here’s a four-door sedan…” “Come on, Dad, they don’t want you!” Violet yelled, yanking the microphone away. “Thank you, sir,” The reporter said, turning to Violet. “Violet, would you care to say a few words to the nation?” “Sure I will,” Violet bragged, waving the ticket. “Here it is, Golden Ticket Number Three, and it’s all mine!” “This is just one of the 263 trophies and medals our Violet has won,” The mother added. “So, tell us what happened Violet,” The report beckoned. “Well I’m a gum-chewer, normally, but when I heard about these ticket things of Wonka’s I laid off the gum and switched to candy bars instead. Now, of course, I’m right back on gum. I chew it all day except at meal-times when I stick it behind my ear…” “Violet…” Mrs. Beauregarde began. “Cool it mother!” Violet snipped. She then pulled a chewed-up piece of gum from her mouth, showing it to the whole world. “I’m the Junior World Champion Gum Chewer. This piece of gum here is one that I’ve been chewing on for three months solid, and that’s a world record! It’s beaten the record held by my best friend, Miss Cornelia Prinzmetal, and was she mad!” Violet sticks the gum back in her mouth, before waving to her so-called ‘best friend’. “Hi, Cornelia, how are you sweetie?” “Of course, I did have my share of trophies,” Her mother added. “Mostly baton.” “So, word is Mr. Wonka is offering this grand prize better than all the rest,” Violet continued. “I don’t care who those other four kids are. That kid, that’s gonna be me.” “Tell them why, sweetie,” Mr. Beauregarde said. “Because I’m a Beauregarde, which means I’m a winner!” It was at this moment, as Mr. Beauregarde once again tried to get the attention of the cameras back to him and is cars, when one camera caught sight of a certain man, with octagon spectacles and a scar, whispering into Violet’s ear. <> As the broadcast came to an end, the whole crowd, except for Charlie and his pony friends, disperse. They all stood there looking on, some in shock and others in disgust, but mostly Rarity. "What a beastly girl!" Spike retorts. “My word she is despicable,” Rarity cringed, in disgust. “And chewing gum for that long, just to actually show it to the world? That is just horrid.” “You know, I once set a record myself,” Cheese spoke up. “Oh? And what record did you ever set, Cheese?” Spike asked. Cheese pulls out a picture of himself, showing the pony holding a trophy in the shape of an exploding gag toy. “Why for causing the most laugher in Equestria!” Cheese smiled, proudly. Spike raised an eyebrow, scratching his head curiously. “But there’s no such record in Equestria.” “There is now.” Rather than trying to figure the yellow party pony out, Spike simply shrugs and turns back toward the rest of the group. He could see the dejection and sadness on Charlie’s face, as did the rest of the group. Fluttershy floats up, wrapping her hooves around the boy’s neck. “I’m really sorry, Charlie,” She whispered. Charlie nods sadly, placing a hand on Fluttershy’s hoof. Eventually, she releases her hug and they continue walking down the street. Darkness began to descend upon the town before they finally arrived at the laundry house where Mrs. Bucket was just working another load of laundry. She looks over and noticed the group approaching. “Well, what are you all doing here?” She asked. “I thought if you were ready, we’d walk you home,” Charlie told her. “Wow Mrs. B,” Rainbow observed. “You’ve really got your hands full here, don’t you?” Mrs. Bucket sighed, as she grabbed a large stirring rod and stirred away at the hot water inside the tub of laundry. “You don’t even know the half of it,” Mrs. Bucket informed. “Looks like I’m going to be working late tonight.” “We’d be glad to help you out, Mrs. Bucket,” Twilight offered. “Oh yes darling,” Rarity agreed. “You seem so overworked and would more than willing to offer a helping hoof.” “Or ‘claw’, in my case,” Spike added. “Oh no, don’t worry about it, girls,” Mrs. Bucket shook her head. “This is just part of the job; I really don’t want to burden you.” “Please let us help, Mrs. Bucket,” Twilight implored. “When we first arrived, we made it perfectly clear we’re not going to live with you for free. If there’s any way we can help, we’re willing to do it. Mrs. Bucket paused for a moment, as she looked over the ponies. “Well all right,” She smiled. “But only because you insist.” “Oh, I love washing clothes!” Pinkie exclaimed, giggling. “Although sometimes I do make a mistake. Like this one time, I was helping the cakes, and this red sock ended up with all the white aprons. When they came out, they were all as pink as me!” “Pinkie!” Twilight snipped. “Oh come on, it was a great story!” Pinkie said, defensively. “I mean we had to buy new aprons, but we all got a good laugh out of it!” Every pony, minus Charlie, proceeds to work whether it was washing, drying, or simply folding the clothes as neatly as possible. “Oh well, I guess I’ll be going now,” Charlie spoke up. “Well, why don’t you stay a minute?” Mrs. Bucket asked. “Here, pull up a pile of clothes and sit down. Everything all right at school?” “Yep.” “Good. Go on your paper route?” “Yep. Even finished a little early.” “Good.” Charlie pulled a smile pile of cloths to sit on and used the big stirring rod to stir the tub for a moment or two. As every pony else helped Mrs. Bucket with her work, they couldn’t help but notice the sad look on Charlie’s face. “I thought you should know; they found the third ticket today.” “Did they?” “Yeah, some pride gum-chewer named Violet Beauregarde,” Rainbow said. “Rainbow Dash!” Rarity gasped. “Oh come on, Rarity. The way she was chewing that gum was disgusting; you said so yourself.” “Well, at least I am not trying to be such a brute about it!” “Come on girls, we’re here to work, not argue!” Twilight stepped in. “Sorry, Twilight,” Rarity and Rainbow Dash said, in unison. After a few moments of work, Charlie stood up and made his way to leave. “Well… Guess I’ll be going then.” “Is that all?” Mrs. Bucket asked. Charlie whipped around, his face looking sadder than before. “Well, I thought you’d like to know. Most people are pretty interested. I know I’m interested. There are only two tickets left you know. Just two. Pretty soon just one.” “I wonder who the lucky ones will be.” “Well, in case you’re wondering if it’ll be me, it won’t be!” Charlie proclaimed, loudly. “Just in case you’re wondering, you can count me out.” Hearing his little outburst, every pony stopped working and turned toward Charlie. They could see the boy was on the verge of tears. “Please don’t be upset, Charlie,” Twilight assured. “I’m sure you’ve still got a good chance as everyone else.” “What chance do I have, Twilight?” Charlie asked, sadly. “The people who find the tickets are the ones who can afford Wonka Bars anytime they want. I can’t even afford ‘one’… It’s impossible!” Mrs. Bucket immediately stopped what she was doing, placing her hands along her son’s shoulders. “Charlie… There are a hundred billion people in this world, and only five of them will find Golden Tickets. Even if you had a sackful of money you probably wouldn’t find one. And after this contest is over, you’ll be no different from the billions of others who didn’t find one.” “But I am different. I want it more than any of them.” “Charlie, you’ll get your chance. One day, things will change.” “When? When will they change?” The Mane Six approach Charlie, patting his back comfortingly. “You know Charlie, if there’s one thing I’ve ever learned in life,” Fluttershy began. “Sometimes, the best things come to those who least expect them.” “Fluttershy’s right, darling,” Rarity agreed. “It’s when we never see what’s coming to us that when they finally do it’s all the more satisfying.” Mrs. Bucket nodded, smiling down at her son before kissing his forehead. “Everything will be alright in the end, Charlie. I’ll see you later.” Charlie nodded, walking outside the laundry house. Cheese and Spike walked out behind him. “We’ll go with you buddy,” Spike smiled. “No sense walking along the streets this late, especially by yourself.” Cheese suddenly appears, adoring a musketeer outfit complete with a fake sword to wave around. “Yeah, we’ll be the Three Musketeers! Always together, never apart! All for one, one for all, every ‘pony’ for himself… Wait, that wasn’t right.” Even though he was still upset over the whole contest, that last bit still managed to get a chuckle out of Charlie. As Cheese Sandwich went over a ‘book’, likely a copy of ‘The Three Musketeers’, a certain pony approached him. “Hey, Cheesy?” Cheese quickly turned to see Pinkie Pie trot up to him. “What’s up, Pinkie?” Without another word to say, Pinkie leaned forward and planted a kiss along Cheese’s cheek before pulling back with a bright smile. “I’ll see you soon.” Blushing bright red as Big MacIntosh, Cheese Sandwich slowly followed Spike and Charlie down the road. The rest of the Mane Six came by, standing beside Pinkie as they looked at her with knowing smiles. All, except for Fluttershy, who looked sadly after Charlie. “Poor Charlie. All he ever wanted is a chance to finally have something amazing.” Mrs. Bucket sat down along the brick steps outside the laundry house, looking after her son. “Yes… Ever since his father passed away, things have been really hard on him.” The Mane Six sat alongside Mrs. Bucket, interested in the story. “What do yah mean?” Applejack asked. “Charlie and his father were always really close. I remember my husband would always call Charlie his ‘little good luck charm’. He would come home from work at the toothpaste factory, bringing broken caps for Charlie to use as a model of the Wonka Factory. Even after losing his job, to pave way for modern machinery, he still retained a chipper outlook on life. Unfortunately, after he passed, luck hasn’t seemed to come for Charlie. I hope it does some day; I really miss the smile he used to have.” As they all stare down the street, they couldn’t help but get the urge to sing. <> As Cheese, Spike, and Charlie continue their trudge down the road to the Bucket house, none really said much along the way. Especially Cheese, but only because he was still reeling from Pinkie’s kiss on his cheek. He wanted to initially say something, but the butterflies in his stomach, every time Pinkie was around, kept him from doing so. And yet, that feeling he had now could be described as fireworks ready to ignite at any time. He soon stopped in his tracks for a moment, as Spike and Charlie turn back and noticed him standing still. “You coming, Cheese?” Spike asked. It took Cheese a moment to compose himself, turning his head to the side acknowledging the fountain, where he and Pinkie sat together only a few days ago. He turns back toward Charlie and Spike. “Actually, I’m gonna stay for a moment. You guys go on ahead, I need to think.” “Are you okay?” Charlie asked. “Don’t worry about me, kiddo,” Cheese waved it off. “I’ll be alright. Just go on ahead, I’ll catch up in a minute.” Charlie and Spike nod, as they continue their way home. In the meantime, Cheese slowly trots up toward the fountain and stares toward the falling water. His thoughts drift to only one thing that never seemed to leave his mind. “Pinkie Pie,” Cheese thought. “Lately, you’re all I could ever think about, the only thing that was always at the forefront of my attention. Every time you’re near, I feel weak in the knees and I’m always yearning for you to come back every time you leave. I never felt this way about any pony before; perhaps I already know why I’m feeling this way now. And yet… And yet you can’t even tell her… I can’t…” So passionate about this feeling pounding in his head, he could only express it the only other way he knew how: Singing. As Cheese sang, he reached through his yellow polo shirt and pulls out a scrapbook. He opens it, revealing many pictures mostly of him and Pinkie. But his favorite, however, was the day the two hugged it out at the laugh factory, after helping him find his true calling. “HEY!!!!” A voice interrupts Cheese Sandwich during that last verse, drawing him to a grumpy old man peering from a nearby window. “Keep it down, will ya!?” The man shouts. “Some of us are trying to sleep!” “Sorry!” Cheese Sandwich whispered, harshly. As the townsperson slammed the wooden shutters, Cheese Sandwich silently stood by the fountain and suddenly felt an epiphany. There was no doubt in his mind anymore; he knew now what he had to do. He wasn’t quite sure ‘when’ to do it, ‘where’ to do it, or even ‘how’. Yet he did know that at long last, after all this time, he finally had to tell Pinkie Pie something that’s been on his mind for the longest time. “Sweet Celestia,” Cheese Sandwich spoke. “I’ve fallen in love with my best friend; I’m in love with Pinkie Pie!” > Lament and Fourth Ticket > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Little did they know, while the Mane Six, Spike, and Cheese Sandwich were dealing with Charlie’s situation, they weren’t the only ones facing a dilemma. Back in Equestria, a real dilemma was taking shape, one that could very well mean great disaster if things continue the way that they were. Whoa… Got a little deep for a second. Back in Twilight’s castle, preferably the library, Discord, along with the foals and several Ponyville inhabitants have sat around watching scenes of the movie unfold with deep concern. They knew only two tickets remained, meaning the chances of Charlie finding one were getting slimmer with each passing day. “Boy, I tell you what,” Discord replied, shaking his head. “This whole situation is turning more chaotic than even I could muster and that says a lot!” “Eeyup!” Big Mac nodded, in agreement. “Ah just feel so bad fur poor Charlie,” Apple Bloom frowned. “He’s been through so much in his life; he ain’t never really had much hope.” “Don’t worry A.B.,” Scootaloo assured, patting her friend’s back. “If there’s one thing I know it’s that things always look the worst just before they get better.” “Yeah, look at all the times we tried to get our cutie marks,” Sweetie Belle added. “Sure, we’d come up empty-hoofed, but it’s only when things seem bleak and hopeless, we finally rose to the occasion and discovered our talents.” The Cutie Mark Crusaders smiled fondly, as they remembered that fateful day when they received their cutie marks. Who would have thought helping little Pipsqueak win the election against Diamond Tiara and finally befriending their former nemesis would have them realizing their true talent was helping ponies find their own hidden talent? It was perhaps the best day of their lives. At the same time, though, those smiles turned to frowns remembering another matter at hoof. “Do you guys really think the Cakes will leave Ponyville?” Scootaloo asked. Discord gave the poor filly a pat on the back, as everypony turned to him. “I truly hope not,” Discord answered. “But if business don’t pick up soon, I’m afraid it might be the case.” “Oh, the poor Cakes and those sweet little twins,” Sugar Belle whimpered. “I can’t imagine Ponyville without them.” Big Mac placed his arm comfortingly around his wife, pulling her close. “Don’t you worry now, dear. Ah’m sure somethin’ will turn business around fur them.” “There’s one thing I don’t quite understand,” Starlight Glimmer pondered, curiously. “How did business go south so quickly for them?” “I’ll tell you what happened,” Wind Sprint grumbled. “It’s Diamond Tiara’s fault!” “After everything that’s happened, of course she would go back to her old ways,” Toola Roola frowned. “Now she’s bashing the Cakes out of their business!” “Now calm down, every pony,” Apple Bloom spoke up. “Ah’m pretty sure there’s some kinda explanation fur this. I know Diamond Tiara can be tough to handle, but she’s really been tryin’ to change. We can’t just believe she’d gone back to bein’ mean that fast.” “Oh please,” Coconut Cream scoffed. “After all the damage and bullying she’s done over the years, how could you not assume the worst from her? Once a bully ‘always’ a bully.” Unbeknownst to any pony in this little watch party, a certain little dark-pink pony with a tiara cutie mark was peering through the window watching the whole scene unfold. Diamond Tiara had secretly watched the entire movie, along with the group outside the library’s window, and everything she overheard them say of her was saddening for the little filly. Trying to keep a few tears from falling down her face, Diamond Tiara slowly trot her way back home with her head hung low. The more she let those words seep in, the more she considered that perhaps they were right. She insisted she was working hard to change, so why would she be doing this to the Cakes? No pony knew, however, of a deeper motive behind her actions. It was not because she considered reverting to her old nasty habits but hearing these ponies automatically assuming the worst was more hurtful than anything she’s ever done. Eventually she reached the front door to her home, as Diamond Tiara sluggishly pushed it open and sauntered inside. As the door closed behind her, she was instantly greeted by her parents, Filthy Rich and Spoiled Rich, the richest ponies in Ponyville. As she looked toward them, she could see the huge smug smiles along their faces. “Ah, there you are my dear,” Filthy Rich smirked. “I truly must say, job well done. The way you handled things at Sugarcube Corner just swimmingly, I never doubted you for a moment. You’ve made me proud.” Diamond Tiara didn’t reward it with a response, except for a sad nod, while staring down at the floor. “Come now, don’t mope about,” Spoiled Rich scolded. “You should be happy; you played your part very well.” After a moment or two trying to keep the tears in, Diamond could take it anymore as she let them flow down her cheeks. “Why would you make me do that?” Diamond Tiara muttered. “Speak up child, you know how I feel about muttering,” Spoiled Rich spoke. “I said why would you make me do that?!” Diamond Tiara cried. “I like the Cakes; I love their shop! They have done no harm to any pony. After everything I’ve done trying to redeem myself, why would you have me do that?” Filthy Rich and his wife looked at each other, chuckling. “Dash it all, it’s nothing personal my dear,” Filthy Rich explained, smugly. “It’s actually quite simple: The Cakes and their little bakery currently sit atop some very valuable property I require to expand my business. I offered them a generous offer, employment with my company for twice their usual wage and benefits. They refuse to sell the land peacefully, so they left me no alternative but to drive them out by force if need be.” “If you ask me dear, it’ll be quite pleasing to be rid of such distasteful ponies,” Spoiled Rich grinned, menacingly. “Those Cakes and their little shop are far too sickly sweet for my tastes. Not to mention it’ll do this town some good once we’re rid of that Pinkie Pie!” “But mother, Pinkie Pie has saved Equestria hundreds of times,” Diamond Tiara points out. “Every pony in town loves her, she makes every pony’s day happier.” “Hmph… I beg to differ. The less noise we get from that pony the better. You just stick to what you’ve been doing Diamond Tiara and soon that land will be ours for the taking.” Tears continued to flow down Diamond Tiara’s face, listening to both her mother and father ridicule and berate the sweetest ponies in town as if this was nothing more than another business deal. It was more for this filly to bear. “No…” “What did you just say?” Spoiled Rich asked, an eyebrow raised. “I can’t! I won’t go through with this anymore!” Diamond shouted. “You do whatever you want, but I’m telling the Cakes the truth!” Diamond Tiara turned around, trying to walk away only to find her movement constricted. She turned to see her mother hold her tail with one hoof, giving her a vicious stare. “You listen to me, you ungrateful little…!” “Now, now, let’s not do anything rash, honey,” Filthy Rich interrupts, assuring. “I will handle this.” The mother heavily sighs before lifting her hoof off Diamond Tiara’s tail, while Filthy Rich walked over after planting a light kiss on his wife’s cheeks. The frightened filly finds herself backing herself into a corner as her father looms down at her. “Now why would you want to make things difficult for us, darling?” Filthy Rich asked. “I don’t think you seem to grasp the severity of our situation. Do you know how much money I’ve already spent paying ponies to convince others not to eat at Sugarcube Corner? The ponies I hired would never even set a hoof in a mom-and-pop shop if we couldn’t settle with an arrangement. And then there’s you; you remind me of myself when I was your age. You have a commanding presence; ponies will believe anything you say because it’s your gift. We are on the verge of establishing our rightful place amongst the Canterlot Elite, should this deal succeed we’ll have more money than we could ever imagine with just enough space for you. “But I’m not willing to go this far to have our plans turn sour like Spoiled Milk… No offense, dear.” Filthy Rich turned toward his wife with a toothy smile, the wife merely returned a smirk which seemed ‘forced’. “None whatsoever.” Filthy Rich turned back toward his daughter, just missing his wife’s expression reverting to a frown behind his back. “Now speaking as your father and a business-pony, I’m only going to say this just… Once…,” Filthy Rich threatened. “If you try to ruin this opportunity for us, you’ll leave me no choice but to set some repercussions for your actions. And all that implies, somepony will have to take the cut.” Diamond Tiara’s mouth dropped to the ground with shock, as more tears spilled down her cheeks. She couldn’t believe the words being said, even worse… She knew what those words meant. “You can’t do that!” Diamond Tiara shouted. “Your father ‘can’… And he will,” Spoiled Rich spoke, smirking. “We practically giftwrapped the world you were brought up in and we can take it away just as easily. Is that what you want? Is it??” The little filly stood silent, hearing her parents threaten to disown her. A fate of being shunned by her own family, if she dared disobeyed their word. She slowly lowered her head, feeling defeated. “I’ll do whatever you say,” Diamond Tiara sighed. “Ask what you want of me; it shall be done.” “That’s my princess,” Filthy Rich nodded, approvingly. “You’ll thank me for this someday; after all, it’s all strictly business. It’s what my father did, and his father, and his father’s father. Learn the ropes, smile and look pretty, and everything goes accordingly.” “Now run up stairs and go to bed,” Spoiled Rich demanded. “You’ll be receiving instructions for tomorrow and I’ll be expecting you to commit.” The little filly silently nods as she makes her way up the stairs to her room. “Oh, and Diamond Tiara!” The filly stops and turns around, noting her father’s call toward her. “Never forget: You are a ‘Diamond’,” Filthy Rich concludes. Turning around, bawling her little eyes out, she sprints toward the top of the stairs toward her room. Slamming the door shut and locking it tight, Diamond Tiara plops onto her bed crying harder. As she laid there, she felt a painful feeling in her heart regretting playing a part in this scheme in the first place. She never imagined this going this far, but now it was clear her parents are forcing her down a path preventing her from being who she wants to be and no shot at turning back. Heartbroken and scorned, Diamond Tiara began to sing a familiar tune. By the final verse, Diamond Tiara cried herself to sleep on her bed. If Pinkie Pie was that determined to save Sugarcube Corner, going on some mission with Twilight and her friends, deep down Diamond Tiara hopes they could succeed where she has failed. *Soft crying could be heard in the background* Now what’s gotten into you? I’m sorry… *Sniffs* I always get so emotional when this song comes up… *Grabs some tissues* Come on, stop blubbering… *Cries* <> *Clears throat* Anyways, Twilight and the rest of the group sat with Charlie’s grandparents along the bed. It was late in the evening and they decided to watch the news with the family before going to bed. News had broken earlier that same day that another golden ticket had been found and they were finally getting another live report: <> "While the rest of the world goes on searching, here in the Southwest it has actually happened. That’s what I said, friends. There’s only one Golden Ticket left in the entire world because right here in our own community of Marble Falls, Arizona, is lucky winner number four. Now, the name soon to be around the universe is Mr. Mike Teevee. Hey Mike, do you think we might shut that thing off?" The little boy in question, dressed like a cowboy, sneered at the reporter while watching a western on T.V. “No, are you crazy?” “He won’t answer until the station breaks,” Mrs. Teevee replied. “Mike, the country wants to hear from you; the world is waiting—” “Can’t you shut up? I’m busy,” Mike responded. “Boy, what a great show!” “I serve all his TV dinners right here,” Mrs. Teevee replied. “He’s never even been to the table.” “You love to watch T.V., Mike?” One reporter asked. “You bet!” “What about that Golden Ticket, Mike? That’s what we all came to hear—” “Hold it! I wanna catch this.” “You like the killings, huh?” “What do you think life’s all about?” “Mike, would you tell us—” Mike pulls out a little cap gun from his toy holster, firing at the television like he was mimicking the cowboys on television. “Wait ‘til I get a real one. Colt. 45. Pop won’t let me have one yet, will you, Pop?” Not ‘til you’re twelve, son,” Mr. Teevee responded. It wasn’t long when a commercial break finally arrived, putting the show to a halt. This way the reporters hoped they’d finally get some answers from Mike. “Now Mike, how exactly were you able to find the golden ticket?” A reporter asked. “It’s simple really,” Mike responded. “All I had to do was check the manufacturing date, offset by weather, and the derivative of the serial number.” “Sounds like a difficult task for a little boy.” “Oh please! A blind, deaf, comatose patient could have figured it out.” “You know most of the time, I don’t know what he’s talking about,” Mr. Teevee sighed. “You know kids these days, it seems like they don’t stay kids very long.” “Mike, how many Wonka bars did you have to open to find the ticket?” “In the end, I only had to buy ‘one’ candy bar.” “And how did it taste?” “I don’t know; I hate chocolate. Now buzz off, will yah? My show’s back on.” Just before the screen changed, the camera once again caught sight of the man, with the octagon spectacles and scarred face, whispering in Mike’s ear. <> As the group watched, the ponies and Spike couldn’t help but feel shocked and disgusted especially toward the little boy’s attitude. Not to mention out of all the kids they’ve seen, he’s the one kid who doesn’t even like chocolate. Yet, somehow, he made sure to win a contest just for a tour of the factory. “He won a ticket and doesn’t even like chocolate?” Pinkie asked, bewildered. “Who doesn’t like chocolate?!” “Once again we have a rotten child who won the contest,” Rarity hugged. “He doesn’t even appreciate it!” “I tell yah, this whole contest has been one big sham straight from the start!” Applejack shook her head. As they talked, the television shifts from the live report in Marble Falls back to the newsroom. The head anchorman placed the number four on the map where Marble Falls rests. "Four down, and one to go. And somewhere out there, another lucky person is moving closer and closer to finding the last of the most sought-after prizes in history. Though we cannot help but envy him, whoever he is, and we might be tempted to be bitter in our losing, we must remember there are many more important things—many more important things. Offhand I can’t think of what they are, but I’m sure there must be something. And now for tomorrow’s weather and—" Mrs. Bucket turned off the television, smiling toward the rest of the group. “Alrighty everyone, I think it’s time to hit the hay,” She spoke, to the ponies. “No pun intended.” The all giggled, as they brush off the joke. “No worries Mrs. Bucket,” Twilight assured. Charlie and the ponies, along with Spike, hug everyone one last time before making their way into Charlie’s room to settle in for the night. Charlie nestled into bed, while the ponies made themselves comfortable on the floor. As they drift off into slumber, sleeping until the wee hours of the morning, Twilight was once again rustled from her sleep by the sound of movement. She opens her eyes slowly, spying Charlie leaving the room. “Charlie?” She asked, tiredly. “What’s going on?” “I’m not sure, Twilight,” Charlie responded. “I heard Grandpa calling for me, figured I go see what he needs.” Twilight nods her head, slowly standing on her hooves. She stretched a bit, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, before rustling the rest of her friends from their sleep. Many of them, mostly Rainbow Dash, groaned in annoyance. “Man, hasn’t any pony heard of beauty sleep?” She groaned. “No amount of sleep is beauty sleep for you, Rainbow,” Spike joked, sleepily. “You’re lucky I’m too tired; otherwise, I’d turn you into a hoof bag!” “Simmer down there, Rainbow,” Applejack interrupts. “Let’s go see what Joe wants.” Soon enough, the group slugged their way toward the living room behind Charlie greeting Grandpa Joe. “Good morning, Grandpa Joe,” Twilight greets, tiredly. “Good morning, every pony,” Grandpa Joe responds. “Why did you wake me up, Grandpa?” Charlie asked. “Is something wrong?” Grandpa Joe looked around, making sure the rest of his family was asleep. Smiling, he reached under his pillow and pulls out a Wonka bar, which made the group’s eyes widen as they stand up. “You’ve got a Wonka bar?” Twilight asked. “How is that even possible, darling?” Rarity added. “I thought you couldn’t get out of bed,” Fluttershy said, curiously. “Earlier today, I asked Charlie’s mother to stop by the candy store,” Grandpa Joe explained. “I gave her the money for my tobacco so she can pick up this Wonka bar for Charlie.” “Grandpa, that money was for tobacco,” Charlie said. “I told you Charlie; I’ve given it up. Go on, open it. One ticket left. Now let’s see some of that gold!” “Yeah, come on, Charlie,” Pinkie said, excitedly. “I’ve got a good feeling about this one!” “This is your big moment, old buddy, old pal!” Cheese smiled. “No, you do it,” Charlie told Grandpa Joe. “I can’t!” “Something tells me we’re gonna be lucky this time,” Grandpa Joe assured. “I’ve got a funny feeling inside. Which end shall I open first?” Charlie points to the corner closest to him. “That end. Just a tiny bit.” “Alright, here it goes!” Grandpa Joe pulled the wrapping paper, as the rest of the group looked on hopefully with wide eyes. The wrapping paper comes off… Only to find just the Wonka bar, no ticket. Charlie, Grandpa Joe, and the rest of the group all looked at each other. “I’m sorry, Charlie,” Twilight sighed. “It was a good try, Grandpa Joe,” Rainbow nodded. “It’s alright,” Charlie said, sadly. “I bet those golden tickets make the chocolate taste terrible, anyway.” The rest of the group felt sorry for Charlie. They knew he wanted this so badly and each time he gets even a smidge of hope, it gets snuffed out like a light. Grandpa Joe and Charlie embrace in a big hug, while the rest of the group eventually joins in. > Fifth Ticket? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Having found the first four tickets, the hunt for the final Wonka golden ticket grew more insane than anyone could possibly expect. Wonka bars were quickly becoming more and more rare with each passing day, many people finding it harder to get their hands on even one. This brings us to the Wonka auction held in the United Kingdom. A large of gathering of people were ready to auction for some of the worlds most prized items from around the world. The auctioneer banged his gavel on his podium to gain the crowd’s attention as man brought forth a box of Wonka bars. “Lot 403. I can personally guarantee, ladies and gentlemen, that this is the one and only, the absolutely last case of Wonka Bars left in the United Kingdom. Shall we start the bidding at one thousand pounds? Do I hear one thousand pounds?” One by one, the bids went higher and higher as more people were desperately hoping to claim that last ticket. “Fifteen hundred pounds? Two thousand? I have two thousand five hundred here. Four thousand pounds? Forty-five hundred pounds! Five thousand pou—Your Majesty!” <> In another part of the world, a police detective sat in an office chair in the study of the Curtis home. Along with him are a large ensemble of police officers, tape recorders, and a very distraught Mrs. Curtis. Her husband, Harold, had been kidnapped and was now being held for ransom. The only problem is that they had no idea what the ransom was, which is why they are sitting here waiting to find out. “I’m sorry, Mrs. Curtis,” The detective spoke. “Doesn’t seem to be anything in his papers to give us a clue.” “They kidnapped my husband twelve hours ago,” Mrs. Curtis spoke, frantically. “When are we going to hear from them? What do they want?” “They did it for ransom. All we can do is sit and wait for their demands.” “I’ll give them anything, anything they want!” Mrs. Curtis cried out. “All I want is to have Harold back!” Just then, the telephone rings and everyone sprang into action. One officer used a recorder to tape into the phone to trace its signal, another recorded the message itself, as the detective and Mrs. Curtis answered the phone. “Go ahead, we’re listening. Uh huh… Uh huh…” The detective turned to Mrs. Curtis, who looked expectantly. “What did they ask for? Whatever it is they can have it.” “They want your case of Wonka bars.” Mrs. Curtis looked disbelieving at what she heard. She stood from her chair, walking toward the window looking as if she was in deep thought. Everyone else looked at her, wondering what she was doing. “Mrs. Curtis, did you hear me? It’s your husband’s life for your case of Wonka bars.” “How long will they give me to think it over?” <> In the Bucket house, Charlie, his family, and his pony friends sat along the bed of his grandparents as they finished dinner. Pinkie Pie insisted on making them all some cupcakes to wash down the cabbage soup they had. To be honest, everyone was quite thankful. Cabbage soup certainly wasn’t filling, nor even the best tasting meal. “Okie-dokie-lokie, every pony, here comes the cupcake train!” Pinkie joked. “All aboard! Choo-choo!” Every pony laughed as Pinkie walked toward them, wearing a conductor’s cap which balanced a tray of cupcakes on top. “You know that’s what I love about you, Pinkie,” Charlie smiled. “You are so random.” Pinkie smiled, blushing slightly as every pony grabbed a cupcake. As they all chewed the moist delicious treats, they couldn’t help but savor every bite to the last crumb. “Now these have to be the most delicious treats I’ve ever tasted,” Mrs. Bucket complimented. “Thank you, Mrs. Bucket,” Pinkie thanked her. “I made sure to make it with lots and lots of love!” “You know with treats as wonderful as these, how could that bakery of yours back home possibly not have customers?” Grandpa Joe asked. Pinkie Pie shrugged as she chomped on her own cupcake. “I’m not really sure. Usually, Sugar Cube Corner is busy all the time. In fact, this one time, it was so busy I could hardly keep track of everything I’m doing and accidentally burnt the cookies I was baking. Well, then again, usually I do burn a lot of stuff like the one time me and Apple Bloom made Cupcakes for this one party. But to be fair, it’s not for…” The whole time, Grandpa Joe shook his head as Pinkie rambled on. Every pony couldn’t help but follow suit. True, they loved Pinkie to death but when she talks, she could go on and on forever. “So, Charlie, how was school today?” Twilight asked. “It was alright I suppose,” Charlie responds. “Are yah sure about that?” Applejack asked, raising an eyebrow. “When yah say that, it makes me think it ain’t so good. Remember, ah’m the Element of Honesty.” “I promise Applejack, everything’s fine.” But Applejack knew right then and there Charlie was lying through his teeth. She knew Charlie was already fusing about that last golden ticket, probably thinking of it during school that day. That alone probably distracts him, making school tougher to get through. Nonetheless though, she went back to her cupcake, but never took her eyes off Charlie. Shortly after finishing their dessert, Charlie started to yawn and stretch, signaling that he was tired. “Well, I’m heading off to bed.” “Already darling?” Rarity asked. “Yeah, I’m just really tired,” Charlie replied. “I want to make sure to get enough sleep for school tomorrow.” With that said, Charlie gave his mom, his grandparents, and his friends a hug good night before heading to bed. Shortly after he left, Twilight and all her friends eyed each other curiously. “You sure he’s alright?” Twilight asked. “I’m not sure,” Fluttershy said. “He does seem very sad.” “The poor dear must be dreading the finding of this last ticket so gravely,” Rarity added. “Well, at least they haven’t found it yet,” Spike assured. “I’m sure there’s still a chance.” “Uh guys!” Applejack called. “Ya’ll may wanna come and see this!” Every pony turned over to Applejack, as she and all the others looked at the television which once again had another live news broadcast. They were all dreading what they were about to hear, but still they watched to see what was going to happen now. “That’s it! That’s it! It’s all over! The Wonka Contest is all over! The fifth and final ticket has been found, and we’ve got a live report coming in directly now from Paraguay, South America.” The image transitions to a black-and-white broadcast coming from South America where a Paraguay reporter waited. “Ladies and Gentlemen, it is finished. The end has come. The fifth and last Golden Ticket has just been found right here in Paraguay. The finder is lucky Alberto Min~oleta, the multimillionaire owner of gambling casinos throughout South America.” He holds up a picture of the golden ticket finder, for all the world to see. “Here is the most recent picture of Alberto the happy finder, the man who has finally put an end to Wonakamania for all the world.” “Turn it off,” Grandpa Joe said. Mrs. Bucket turned off the television, as the atmosphere in the room changed drastically. What was once happiness and hope, soon were replaced by despair and heartbreaking with news that the contest was now over. Twilight, Spike, and all the others look at each other sadly knowing what it all means. “Well, that’s it,” Grandpa Joe declared, dejected. “No more golden tickets.” “A lot of rubbish the whole thing,” Grandma Josephine grumbled. “Not for Charlie, it wasn’t,” Rainbow Dash said. “He wanted so badly to win this contest,” Twilight sighed, sadly. “Just to finally have a single shred of something good.” “I can only imagine how hurt the poor dear will be once he finds out,” Rarity said, wiping away a tear threatening to fall. “Who’s going to tell him?” Grandma Georgina asked. “Let’s not wake him,” Mrs. Bucket sighed. “He’ll find out soon enough.” “Yeah, let him sleep. Let him have one last dream.” Unbeknownst to any of them, poor Charlie was completely awake having heard the whole thing. He couldn’t control the tears spilling down his cheeks nor could he believe it was all over. He truly wanted this so badly, to finally have a chance to have something great. However, once again, fate proved unkind. Back in the living room, Pinkie Pie was the only pony staring at the black screen of the television, as if she was in a daze. Every pony else looked toward her, noting how she remained frozen and couldn’t help but feel a slight concerned. “Pinkie Pie, are you all right?” Fluttershy asked. But Pinkie Pie did not answer right away. She just remained completely still and silent, like a statue in a garden. Cheese Sandwich slowly walked toward her side, placing a gentle hoof along her shoulder. “Come on, Candy Floss,” Cheese begged. “Please say something, just something.” The only response given to Cheese Sandwich was the sound of soft sniffling. Huge tears began to pool in Pinkie’s eyes, her lip trembles uncontrollably. After a moment or two, she finally broke down, crying while throwing her arms around Cheese. Cheese allowed his friend to cry into his chest, while rubbing her back to comfort her. The rest of her friends could offer her some small support. “I-I-I just c-can’t believe it’s o-over!” Pinkie cried. “Don’t worry, Pinkie,” Twilight assured, choking back her own tears. “Everything will be alright.” “No… No, it won’t!” Pinkie sobbed. “We came here hoping to find a way to save Sugar Cube Corner, for the slightest chance to keep it in business and we haven’t had any luck. I hoped if Charlie won the contest, maybe we could talk to Mr. Wonka and see if he could help us. But now… Now we’ll never get the chance!” Pinkie plants her face back into Cheese’s chest, crying harder. The sight of seeing their friend so distraught made tears fall from the rest of her friends’ eyes. “Oh, I just can’t stand seeing Pinkie so upset,” Fluttershy whimpered. “We’ve failed to help our dear friend,” Rarity sobbed. “Now she may have to leave us, forever!” “We’re so sorry, Pinkie!” Twilight cried. “Oh, don’t be sad for me, girls!” Pinkie cried, between tears. “Maybe something will turn up. So, what if Sugar Cube Corner was the greatest place in Ponyville? So, what if I move back to the Rock Farm? I won’t make a fuss; it’s just pushing rocks back and forth. With a family that can barely smile… Or even hug… Not even offer a sweet kiss goodnight before bed… OH, I’M GONNA MISS YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!” Pinkie Pie left Cheese’s embrace, leaping into the arms of her best friends as they all, minus Applejack, cried out in sorrow. Cheese Sandwich trots over toward Applejack, the two standing by watching their friends crying their tears out. “I really thought we could help her,” Cheese sighed, sadly. “I thought… ‘I’ could help her.” When he turned toward Applejack, he could see she was thinking deeply. “Something on your mind, Apple Juice?” Applejack snapped out of her train of thought, acknowledging Cheese. “First off, NEVER call me that. Secondly, don’t yah think something’s off about this whole darn thing?” “What do you mean?” “What ah mean is this whole thing about the last ticket just makes mah spine tingle. Usually when that happens, it means something ain’t right or some pony is lyin’.” “Do you think maybe the last ticket is a lie?” Cheese asked, shocked. “Ah’d be willin’ to bet Granny’s false teeth on it,” Applejack frowned. After a moment, Cheese Sandwich walked off to the side and away from the looking eyes until it was just him. He thought for a second, wondering if it might be true. Could this ticket possibly be a fake? If so, then that would mean the contest technically isn’t over. That maybe there’s still a chance. The only question is: How could any pony find out for sure? Then, he got an idea, as he faced the sky seemingly at no pony. “Excuse me, Mr. Narrator, sir. Or… Is it ‘sirs’? Anyways, could you please help me out? I need to know if this ticket is fake or not.” Now Cheese, we know what you’re thinking, but you know as well as I that we’re not allowed to interfere with the story. I can only tell it as I see it. “Please Mr. Narrator, Pinkie Pie is so upset. I really don’t want to see her leave Ponyville and neither do the others. But it’s not just about Pinkie Pie. After everything that’s happened, Charlie deserves one good thing in his life. Just one thing, that’s all I can ever ask for.” I don't know... We promised our fans we'd never interfere. Cheese Sandwich got down on his knees, folding his hoofs seemingly in prayer. “Please Mr. Narrator. Just this once, please help us… Help her… Help him… Help ‘me’.” *Sighs* Well… Alright. But just this once. For what this is worth: I don’t want to see Pinkie Pie leave either. Neither do I… We’ll see what we can do. “Oh, thank you sirs! Thank you, thank you! I owe you one!” You owe us TWELVE… Set the new scene. <> The next thing Cheese Sandwich knew, he somehow found himself transported from the Bucket house to the Min~oleta manor in Paraguay. Cheese looked around his new surroundings, he couldn’t help but admire the gorgeous mansion he was now in. He quickly shook the thoughts from his head through realizing he had a job to do. Cheese Sandwich faced the sky once again. “Alright, I’m in. What do I do now?” Listen to these instructions exactly because we’re only going to tell you just this once. Go down the hall and up the grand staircase. Min~oleta has the ticket stashed away in his office but be careful. He’s a very paranoid man, known to have lots of enemies, he’s got guards posted everywhere. “Gotcha! Thanks again!” Don’t mention it, now hurry! Cheese quickly galloped down the long hallway, turning the corner into the grand foyer. He heard approaching footsteps, quickly thinking what to do. On a whim, he noticed a large marble fountain in the middle of the foyer, jumped along the top, and posed like a statue. A few guards walked through the foyer, up toward the grand staircase. One of them paused for a moment, slowly turning to the fountain as Cheese tried to stay as deathly still as possible. After a moment, the guard shook his head and continued up the stairs. Breathing a sigh of relief, Cheese Sandwiched jumped down from the fountain and quickly spun like a tornado. When he came to a halt, he wore a black turtleneck and knit cap. He reached into his pocket, pulled out a small grapnel gun and shot it up the staircase. Pulling the trigger, the grapnel gun propelled him up the stairs quickly and he proceeds to find the office. He ducks behind every corner, slowly peeling around to see the office at the end of the hall guarded by two burly men. Cheese Sandwich reached into his pockets again, pulling out four plunger cups and placed them on his hooves. Using the cups, Cheese scaled the wall toward the ceiling slowly. He sneakily crept across until he was right above the door to the office. As he looked down, he noticed the door open and Alberto Min~olete, dressed in a fancy suit, made his exit and spoke with the guards. “Make sure nobody enters this office under any circumstance,” He ordered. The guards both nodded, as Min~oleta walked down the hall. Again, Cheese Sandwich reached into his pocket and pulls out a small robot with a wheel. “Okay, little guy, time to go to work.” Cheese Sandwich dropped the little robot toward the ground, watching it spring to life. The guards tried to grab the robot, but it wheels away leading the guards in a hot pursuit. When they were out of sight, Cheese grapnels toward the ground and enters the office. Cheese rummaged through the entirety of the office, hoping to find the golden ticket. He searches through the desk, the bookshelf, everywhere. However, when he looked under the desk, he found a small red button. Pushing the button, the bookcase swung open revealing another room. “Wow! Now that’s a pretty expensive bookcase.” Cheese Sandwich slowly walked into the next room, where he found a giant printing press. He examines the machine and the surrounding area. There was a large assortment of paper and gold lament. However, turning to the left, he saw the golden ticket locked up in a glass box. Using his Earth Pony strength, Cheese wrenched the box open and pulled out the golden ticket. He examined it very carefully, studying every detail. But it was just as Applejack suspected: This ticket was a fake and all the evidence was in this room. “Ah ha! Thought you could sneak one over the world, huh Mr. Min~oleta?” Cheese smirked to himself. Cheese Sandwich pulls out a camera from his pocket, taking as many pictures of the secret room, the printing press, and even the fake ticket. He holds the pictures up toward the sky, or in this case the ceiling of the room. “Okay! I’ve got them! Now please make sure these get to the authorities so this whole thing can be discredited!” The tickets appear to vanish from his hooves, knowing already they were on their way. “Hey, thanks again for all your help!” Cheese thanked. No problem. Now, to get you back to the Bucket House. But don’t say anything about this operation, act as if everything’s completely normal. Hopefully this should be all over the papers tomorrow and get the contest back underway. Cheese Sandwich nodded, smiling in gratitude as he disappears back to the Bucket house. He knew he did a good thing today, not just saving the contest for Charlie but also getting another chance to help Pinkie Pie save Sugar Cube Corner. With any luck, this could really help him showcase his feelings for Pinkie Pie. One can only hope, took a lot of time putting this whole sequence together. Mm-hmm… So, who’s going to tell the big boss that we broke our own rules? *Pause* Bathroom… <> *Meanwhile, in a separate room…* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! > A Miracle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the sun rose high over the Bucket house, one would expect the beginning of a new day filled with joy and hope. Sadly, that was not the case today as Twilight Sparkle and her friends trudged through the house after waking up. Charlie had already awoken, the lad currently in school, and Mrs. Bucket cleaned around the house since she didn’t work that day. The entire atmosphere around the house was gloomy and depressing, ever since the events of the day before. With the fifth and final Wonka golden ticket found, the contest was over and done, which means Charlie no longer had a chance to visit the famous factory. Twilight Sparkle trudged tiredly towards Mrs. Bucket, look up to the poor woman, looking frightfully glum and upset. “May I offer to help with anything, Mrs. Bucket?” Twilight asked. Mrs. Bucket looked down towards the lavender Princess. “I appreciate the offer, Twilight,” Mrs. Bucket sighed, gloomily. “But I’ve nothing for you to do at the moment.” “… Okay,” Twilight nodded, understanding. Looking down at the floor, Twilight trudged back toward her friends who gathered around the grandparents. Much like Twilight and Mrs. Bucket, they all looked rather upset and gloomy. Yet the only who didn’t seem upset was Cheese Sandwich, who tried to hide a sly smile. “I don’t know about you girls, but I’m in a real sad shape,” Twilight said. “I haven’t felt this bad since Discord first escaped and tried to turn us against each other. “I know whatcha mean, sugar cube,” Applejack agreed. “That was positively the most dreadful moment of my life,” Rarity groaned. “I shudder just dwelling about it.” “Well girls, it could be worse,” Spike said, being enthusiastic. WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT?!?!?!?!? Hey, hey! Buddy, it’s okay. Calm down, just calm down… Atta boy… Rainbow slowly looked over toward Spike, with a heated glare. “How in pony feathers could it possibly get worse?” She grumbled. Seeing her heated expression, Spike quickly shut his mouth and hid behind Twilight. But out of all the Mane Six, the most depressed of them all was Pinkie Pie, her mane had lost it’s bounce and hung completely flat. Even her own fur coat was starting to turn gray. There was one instance this happened before, when her friends asked her to stop playing the Yovidaphone and she was so upset she almost moved to Yakyakistan. I still think that was one of the worst episodes I’ve ever seen; my ears bleed every time I hear that instrument. You’re one to talk; you ever listen to yourself during your ‘recording sessions’? “I feel nothing,” Pinkie moaned. No pony had any idea what to do about Pinkie in this state. Not as if they didn’t try, they ‘literally’ tried everything they could think of to make her feel better. But much like before, no matter what they did, it never seems to be enough. All they could do was her emotional support, hoping this phase will eventually pass… Eventually… “I just can’t stand seeing poor Pinkie Pie this way,” Rarity said. “I hear what you’re saying,” Rainbow agreed. “She hasn’t been this bad in a long time, but she is… Ooh boy!” “Personally, ah think we gotta get’er outta the house,” Applejack suggested. “I reckon we can all do with gettin’ some fresh air.” Every pony nodded in agreement, at least thinking some fresh air would do them some good. “That sounds like a wonderful idea,” Fluttershy said. “The least we can do is check on Charlie and see how he’s doing,” Twilight offered. They all turn to hear Pinkie’s response, only for her to faceplant onto the ground, groaning. Cheese walked up alongside his favorite mare, placing a soft hoof on her back. “Come on, Pinkie-Winkie,” Cheese said, happily. “I have a sneaking suspicion today is going to be a really good day!” Pinkie slowly peeled her face off the ground, staring at Cheese with a blank, emotionless expression. “Nothing is good right now,” She said, flatly. “Probably won’t ever be again.” “Aww, come on, sour puss. Please come out with us for a while. If not for your friends, at least for me. Pretty please?” Truthfully, the look on Pinkie’s face made it clear she didn’t want to go. Now with any pony or even to do anything. In her state, she’d rather curl in a ball, tucked in the covers with Charlie’s grandparents, and just watch the world crumble around her. However, she knew her friends weren’t going to quit on her especially not Cheese Sandwich. Since she really had nothing better to do with her life, she figured she may as well go along. “Alright, I’ll go,” She sighed. <> Making their way out the house, the group of friends trot down the street. It truly was a beautiful day outside, the birds chirping in the trees and puffy white clouds cast overhead. However, none of this did anything to brighten Pinkie’s mood. As they walked down the street, they passed the window of a tiny flower shop as a shop-keep was washing the plants. But as Pinkie walked by, all the flowers started to wilt and die leaving the shop owner stunned and confused. This did not go unnoticed by the group who quickly pushed Pinkie faster, racing toward Charlie’s school to avoid any problems. The moment they arrived they peek through the window in the classroom. All the students inside were somber and disappointed, all of them having partaken in the contest and failed as miserably as Charlie. Even Mr. Turkentine seemed bummed seeing the state of his class. “I’ve just decided to switch our Friday Schedule to Monday,” Mr. Turkentine announced. “Which means that the test we take each Friday on what we learned during the week will now take place on Monday before we’ve learned it. But since today is Tuesday, it doesn’t matter in the slightest. Pencils ready.” The class pick up their pencils, as Mr. Turkentine approached the blackboard and drew a percent symbol on it. “Today, we are going to learn about… Percentages. And for an example, let’s take the recent unpleasantness. Supposing that there were a thousand Wonka Bars in the world and during the contest you each opened a certain number of them. That number is a percent. Everyone understand?” The entire class shook their heads with a definitive ‘no’. The group observing outside shook their heads. “Man, this guy really gets on my nerves,” Rainbow growled. “Can you imagine that?” Rarity asked, appalled. “A man taking out his frustrations about the contest on those poor, innocent children?” “How did he ever become a teacher again?” Spike asked. Twilight shushed them all back down, as they continued listening in on the lesson. “You, Madeline Durkin, how many Wonka Bars did you open?” “About a hundred,” Madeline answered. “There are ten ‘hundreds’ in a thousand; therefore, you opened ten percent. He then points to a boy further back. “You, Peter Goff, how many did you open?” “A hundred and fifty,” Peter answered. “That’s ten percent half over again, which makes fifteen percent.” He then points right toward Charlie, who looked up from his desk rather gloomy. “Charlie Bucket, how many did you open?” “Two,” He responded. “That’s easy. Two hundred is twice one hundred…” “Not two hundred… Just two.” Everyone, including Mr. Turkentine, look over at Charlie. They were all in complete shock. “Two? What do you mean you only opened two?” “I don’t care much for the chocolate.” “Well, I can’t figure out just two! So, let’s pretend you opened two hundred. Now, if you opened two hundred Wonka Bars, apart from being dreadfully sick, you’d have used up twenty percent of one thousand, which is fifteen percent half over again, ten percent—” Deciding she finally couldn’t stand this anymore, Twilight Sparkle decided it was time for action. She faces the clock on the wall, encasing it in a magical aura. The hands on the clock quickly spun until they rest in three o’clock. The school bell rang, and Mr. Turkentine looks up at the clock. “Huh, didn’t realize it was that time already. Alright, class dismissed!” All the students sluggishly got up from their seat, sauntering out the door. Everyone exits the school, as once again Charlie is the last to leave. He noticed his friends standing there waiting for him and made his way over. “Hey there, Charlie,” Spike greeted. “Do we even gotta ask how school was, sugar cube?” Applejack asked. Charlie shook his head, staring at the ground. Cheese came up alongside him, patting his back. “Don’t look so glum, chum,” Cheese smiled. “I have a feeling this day will still be great!” “I appreciate you trying, Cheese,” Charlie responds. “But I really don’t think anything will be great.” The group of friends proceed down the road heading back to the Bucket house. None of them said much apart from the occasional question, most of the time was spent walking. They knew full too well that everyone was still going through the motions of this upsetting turn of events. As they cross the street, from the corner of his eye, Charlie noticed something shiny peeking from the street gutter. “Do you guys see that?” He asked. They look down the street, as something shiny caught their eyes. “Yeah, but what is it?” Twilight asked. “Who cares?!” Rainbow groaned. Charlie, however, curiously reached his down through the gutter and pulled out what appears to be a silver coin. “It’s a coin!” He pointed out. “Wow, it must be your lucky day!” Twilight said. It was then Twilight turned down the street and noticed Bill’s Candy Shop wasn’t far from their position. All at once, a thought came to her. “Why don’t you use that to buy yourself a Wonka bar?” She suggested. The mere mention of the candy bar made Charlie look disappointed again. “What’s the point? All the tickets are gone.” “True, but I think you deserve a little treat to perk you up. Just a tiny bit.” Charlie looked down the street, his eyes on the sweet shop. Though he was still upset, he figured Twilight did have a point. Perhaps a little candy would make him feel better. So they all proceed down the street before stopping just outside the front door. “Alright, I’m going inside,” Charlie declared. “You guys want anything at all?” Every pony just shook their heads, Pinkie Pie simply sighing while looking at the cracks on the ground. “Don’t worry about us, Charlie,” Twilight assured. “Just go ahead and treat yourself. You deserve it.” Charlie nodded, before walking into the candy shop. The others lean against the window to see inside, though Cheese Sandwich had to hold Pinkie’s head up just to look. “Oh sure, when we offer him bits to buy candy he says ‘no’,” Spike replied, sarcastically. “But when he finds a coin on the road, suddenly the idea is… Brilliant!” “At ease, Spike,” Twilight hushed him. Meanwhile, inside the shop, Charlie approached the counter and clears his throat, drawing Bill’s attention. “Hi!” Bill greeted. “I’d like a bar of chocolate please,” Charlie requests. “Yeah, sure. What kind? A Slugworth Sizzler? A Wonka Scrumdidilyumptious?” “Whichever’s the biggest.” “Try a Scrumdidilyumtious. Now that all the tickets have been found, I don’t have to hide them anymore.” Bill hands Charlie the long candy bar, which Charlie quickly ripped open and ate rather quickly. Bill clears his throat a few times, holding out his hand signifying payment. Charlie hands him the coin he found. Bill smiles, placing the coin in the cash register. He was just getting some change when he saw Charlie swallowing down the chocolate. “Hey, hey, hey, take it easy,” Bill warned. “You’ll get a stomachache if you swallow it like that.” “Bye,” Charlie said. “Bye now,” Bill smiled. After collecting his change, Charlie turned around and was about to leave. Suddenly, a ‘tap tap’ draws him to the window seeing Cheese Sandwich. The yellow pony gestures Charlie to grab one more Wonka bar. Seeing as he had some change left over, Charlie nodded his head and turns back to Bill. “I think I’ll buy just one more, for my friends.” “Sure, why not try a regular Wonka bar this time?” “Fine.” Bill hands Charlie a regular Wonka bar and Charlie heads for the door. Back outside, Twilight turns toward Cheese Sandwich. “What was that all about Cheese?” She asked. “Trust me on this one, Twi-Pie,” Cheese replied. “I’ll tell you later.” Twilight Sparkle had no idea what was going on, being the inquisitive pony she is she wanted to ask him more. Suddenly, a commotion down the road interrupted her. She peers down the street and spots a large group of people crowding around the newspaper stand grabbing today’s paper. “Extra, extra! Read all about it! Hear the latest news! Get your papers here!” “Hey guys, look over there!” Twilight points out. They all turn to look, noticing all the commotion. As Charlie left the shop, he spots his friends looking down the street. He faces their direction and was quite surprised. “What do you think is going on?” He asked. “I have no idea,” Twilight answered. “I think should go and find out.” The whole team strolled down the street, avoiding the crowd of people walking away with their newspapers. They managed to overhear some gentlemen discussing the headlines on the paper. “Did you hear the news? That gambler from Paraguay made up a phony ticket!” “That means there’s one golden ticket still floating around somewhere.” “Can you believe the nerve of that guy? Trying to fool the whole world?” Hearing the news made every pony’s mouth drop in shock, Charlie as well. Twilight motions her head sideways, signaling to walk away slowly. They eventually walk far enough while everyone else was busy. “You all heard that, right?” Charlie asked. “We sure did, sugar cube,” Applejack nodded. “So… That last ticket was a fake?” Fluttershy asked. “Seems that way, Flutters,” Rainbow answered. Pinkie Pie, who before was all gloomy and gray, started picking up after hearing the news. The color slowly comes back to her body, mane inflating to its originally fluffy nature. “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!” She said, excitedly. “This is the most super, terrific, fantastical, spectacular, amazing news I’ve ever heard!” Suddenly, Pinkie Pie made a loud gasp, as if it all dawned on her. “… Maybe there’s still a chance for Charlie to win the contest and for us to speak with Mr. Wonka!” It was then, Charlie just remembered the other Wonka bar he received from Bill, pulling it out of his pocket. He and every pony else stared at the candy bar in his hand, wide-eyed. “What do you guys think?” He asked them. “Should I go for it?” “Open it, Charlie,” Twilight said. “What have we got to lose?” Looking side to side to make sure no one else was looking, Charlie pulls the outer layer off the Wonka bar till only the aluminum wrapping remained. Charlie slowly unravels the corners of the wrapping, as every pony waited with anticipation as the chocolate came into view. As Charlie pulls back the wrapping ever so subtle, he was greeted with the smallest hint of gold. Seeing this, becoming more excited, Charlie rips the rest of the wrapping away… And pulls out the fifth and final golden ticket. He lifts it high in the air, getting a good look as the shocked expressions of all the ponies changed into huge smiles. “It’s a golden ticket,” Twilight softly said. Pinkie Pie could feel her body shaking about, she tried to hold it back, but the news was just so big. Before every pony else could react… “YOU FOUND WONKA’S LAST GOLDEN TICKET!!!!!!!!!” Pinkie shouted. Pinkie’s exclamation echoed all over the street, so loud that everything seemed to stop. All the birds stopped chirping, the cars skid to a halt, and all the hustle-and-bustle paused as the townspeople turned toward where the boy and the girls stood. It was an awkward silence for them all, as Pinkie’s eyes flicked side to side as every pony else stared at her. “You think they heard that?” Pinkie whispered, smiling sheepishly. Just then, another hand grabbed ahold of Charlie and they turn to see a woman with wide eyes. “Hey, you’ve got it! You’ve got the last Golden Ticket! The kid’s found the last Golden Ticket!” She pulls Charlie over to the large gathering of people, as they start crowding around him for a glimpse of that ticket. “It really is gold!” “Over here, show it over here!” “Here, let me see!” “I’ll buy it from you; I’ll give you fifty dollars and a new bicycle!” “Are you crazy? I’d give him five hundred dollars for that ticket!” The ponies and Spike watch Charlie quickly being smothered by all these people, several of them filling his head with requests. They knew they had to do something before things got out of hand. “Hey! You leave the kid alone!” Spike shouted. “Come on, girls!” Twilight shouts. They all ran forward, diving through the crowd. The girls and Spike shoved people out of the way trying to reach Charlie. “Hey! Watch where you’re grabbing partner!” Applejack gasped. “Who touched my flank?!” “Sorry!” Rainbow shouted. “Charlie, are you alright?!” Fluttershy called out. “We simply must get away from all these people!” Rarity cried out. Thankfully, Mr. Jopeck, the Newspaper man, was able to get ahold of Charlie leading the boy through the huge crowd. “Come on, Charlie! Hold onto that ticket! Run for it, Charlie! Run straight home and don’t stop till you get there!” Jopeck finally pushed Charlie out of that awful mess, as the ponies followed close behind him. They all made a mad dash/gallop through the streets back to Charlie’s house. What started off as a day filled with sorrow and desperation, now it quickly turned into one of the best days ever. How could anything spoil this wonderful moment? Oh, so when Spike says it that’s taboo. But when you say it, you get off scot-free? *Pause* You’re the one writing most of this stuff. Yeah, I know > I’ve Got a Golden Ticket > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The blood raced and the adrenaline ran an all-time high, as Charlie and his pony friends, Spike included, ran as fast as they could back to the Bucket house. Mere moments ago, a miracle of epic proportions occurred: News spread of the final golden ticket supposedly found in Paraguay was actually a ‘fake’. On a whim, Charlie had purchased a Wonka bar moments before discovering this information and when he opened the Wonka, he and every pony else were very surprised to discover the ‘real’ golden ticket. Now here they were, sprinting down the street heading for home. They until they came upon a long dark tunnel, just the shortcut needed to get back to the house. They kept running till they reached the middle of the tunnel, when something unexpected happened. A man stepped from the corner, standing right before the group, and they all came to a sudden halt. The man was tall and lanky, wearing a black suit and bowler hat, but the most prominent features were the octagon spectacles he wore and the scar across his left eye. He looked down toward the group of friends with a small smirk. “I congratulate you, little boy,” He said. “Well done. You found the fifth Golden Ticket. May I introduce myself? Arthur Slugworth, President of ‘Slugworth Chocolates, Incorporated’.” Everyone gasped in shock, slowly backing up a step. This was Mr. Wonka’s most nefarious rival in the chocolate business, the very man who forced the chocolatier to shut his operation down by stealing all his secret recipes. Now there he stood, a mere few feet from them. His sights turn toward the ponies and Spike, his smile drops. “Forgive me for saying, but what I have to discuss is between me and the boy. So, would you kindly excuse us?” Not liking the tone, Rainbow jumps in front of Charlie. The rest of her friends follow suit. “We’re Charlie’s friends,” Rainbow spoke up. “Whatever you have to say to him, you can say it to us!” Seeing the fierce gleam in her eyes, Slugworth lightly chuckled. “Very well then,” He complies, turning back to Charlie. “Now listen carefully because I’m going to make you very rich indeed. Mr. Wonka is at this moment working on a fantastic invention: the Everlasting Gobstopper. If he succeeds, he’ll ruin me. So, all I want you to do is to get hold of just one Everlasting Gobstopper and bring it to me so that I can find the secret formula.” No pony liked what this man had to say. He was basically asking Charlie to steal Mr. Wonka’s new invention and hand it to him. Celestia only knows what that would do to Wonka’s candy business. This made Applejack grit her teeth thinking about it. “Now lookee here, Slugworth!” Applejack spot. “Ah think we heard quite enough outta you. Charlie’s a good boy and he wouldn’t steal nothing from nobody, no-how!” “That’s right!” Rainbow nodded, vigorously. “Haven’t you stolen enough from that man already? Grandpa Joe told us how you’re the reason Mr. Wonka closed his factory in the first place! It’s your fault Mr. Wonka had him fired!” Slugworth turned his attention to the two ponies, a clear scowl on his face. “Is that what you were told, little pony? Did you also know I ‘tried’ to be a friendly competitor? Did he ever tell you I ‘tried’ trading recipes fairly with him? That I ‘tried’ to merge our companies? He wouldn’t budge and I received nothing. He was the one making the most money, forcing me to steal from him. It’s his fault… Not mine.” This man’s explanation certainly received little sympathy from any pony in this group. In fact, he appeared to be justifying their reason not to trust him. Regardless, Slugworth turned back to Charlie, pulling out a large stack of dollar bills. “Anyway boy, if you succeed, your reward will be ten thousand of these. Think it over, will you? A new house for your family, and good food and comfort for the rest of their lives. If I were you, I’d choose wisely seeing as I have made the ‘same’ offer to the other four winners.” It was then that every pony now realized why he looked so familiar. This was indeed the same man they saw in all the television interviews, alongside the other four ticket winners (Assuming Veruca Salt met him just the same). They remembered the times he whispered into their ears, knowing what he had instructed them to do. The same man making the same offer to steal from Mr. Wonka. Mr. Slugworth places his hands along Charlie’s shoulders, looking straight in the eye. “And don’t forget the name… Everlasting Gobstopper.” With that, Slugworth walks off slowly through the tunnel they came from. They stare off after the man, as he faded in the distance. They couldn’t believe what they just saw; this was a lot to handle at one given time. “So, that’s Mr. Wonka’s biggest competitor, is it?” Twilight asked. “Eeyup!” Applejack scowled. “Ah can see now why Grandpa Joe spoke so lowly of him.” “To think that horrible man wants dear Charlie to steal for him,” Rarity said, appalled. “Yeah, well that ain’t ever happening!” Rainbow snarled. “I think that makes him a super-duper big meanie pants!” Pinkie said. “Took the words right out of my mouth,” Cheese agreed. “We can worry about him later, girls,” Twilight spoke up. “Right now, I think we should worry about getting back home. “She’s right”! Spike nodded. “We’ve got to spread the news to the family.” Deciding to put this behind them, for now, the group took off once more down the street. They weren’t about to let Mr. Slugworth’s offer damper their mood after the most amazing thing happened. After a while, they finally arrive at the house and Charlie bursts through the door with the others close behind. “Look, everyone, look, I’ve got!” He shouted. “The fifth Golden Ticket is mine!” The rest of his family faced him in bewilderment, not having a single idea what he was talking about. “You’re pulling our legs, Charlie!” Grandpa Joe exclaimed. “There aren’t any more golden tickets.” “No, Grandpa, the last one was a fake; it said so in the papers,” Charlie explained, loudly. “I found some money in the street, and I bought a Wonka Bar, and the ticket was in it.” “It’s true,” Twilight spoke, happily. “It’s an absolute miracle!” “Ya’ll can say that again, Twi,” Applejack nodded. “It’s such a wonderful thing, isn’t it?” Fluttershy asked. “Look at it Grandpa,” Charlie insists. “See for yourself!” He hands the golden ticket to Grandpa Joe, who took it and began to study it. “Read it Joe, for heaven’s sake,” Grandma Josephine said. Grandpa Joe looked over the writing on the golden ticket very carefully, reading it aloud for all to hear as the Mane Six and their friends gather around. “Greetings to you, the lucky finder of this Golden Ticket, from Mr. Willy Wonka. I shake you warmly by the hand. For now, I do invite you to come to my factory and be my guest for one whole day. “I, Willy Wonka, will conduct you around the factory myself,” Twilight Sparkle continued. “Showing you everything there is to see… “Afterwards, when it is time to leave you will be escorted home by a procession of large trucks,”Spike read next. “Each one filled with all the chocolate you could ever eat. By this point, Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich’s mouths water at the mention of a truckload of chocolate to last a lifetime. “And remember, one of you lucky five children will receive an extra prize beyond your wildest imagination,” Rarity continued. “Now, here are your instructions. “Present this ticket at the factory gates at ten o’clock in the morning of the first day of October, and do not be late,” Grandpa Joe read on. “You may bring one member of your own family but no one else. In your wildest dreams you could not imagine the marvelous surprises that await you! Until then, Willy Wonka.” “Charlie, you’ve done it!” Pinkie exclaimed excitedly. Pinkie hopped and wrapped her arms securely around Charlie for a massive hug, which the little boy was all too happy to return. The rest of the group pulled into the hug as they celebrate this momentous occasion. After a moment or two, they separate so Charlie can acknowledge his family. “Congratulations, Charlie,” His mother smiled. “Thanks mom!” He replied. He then turns toward Grandpa Joe realizing something. “Grandpa? It says I can take somebody with me; I wish you could go.” Grandpa Joe thought for a moment, before he threw the blankets off himself. “Would you all mind giving me a hand?” He asked. “Or hoof?” “We’d love to help, Grandpa Joe,” Twilight answered. Charlie put his grandpa’s arms over his shoulder, while the ponies did the same with the other. “Alright, every pony,” Pinkie said. “A one and a two and you all know what to do!” “Then heave!” Applejack instructs. They all lift with all their might helping Grandpa Joe stand on his feet. Once he stood straight upright, they all let go. Grandpa Joe had a warm smile before plopping back onto the bed once again. Every pony gasped when this happened, hoping he was alright. “Are you okay?” Charlie asked. “Oh yea, I’m fine Charlie,” Grandpa Joe answered. “Are you quite certain, darling?” Rarity asked. “Yes, I’ll be all right.” Charlie grabbed ahold of his grandpa’s hands; his friends gather behind him as they all pulled. Once again, Grandpa Joe was back on his feet, but stumbling about. Every pony tried to help him retain his balance, but this proved rather difficult. “Easy, dad,” Mrs. Bucket said. “Don’t worry Mrs. B, we’ve got him,” Rainbow assured. Grandpa Joe grabbed ahold of one of the bed pillars, balancing himself as every pony let go once more. Once they released, they all stood back in admiration. “Why Grandpa Joe,” Fluttershy smiled. “You’re standing!” Grandpa Joe looked around in shock, as though he himself couldn’t believe it. “Look at me!” He said, amazed. Then a smirk slowly formed along his face, as well as every pony else. “Look at me! Up and about… I haven’t done this in twenty years!” “Well, now you can walk,” Spike spoke. “How do you feel?” Truth be told, for Grandpa Joe, this was perhaps the greatest day of his life. His grandson having found a golden ticket to the Wonka factory; he himself finally out of bed for the first time. So many wonderful emotions ran through him, that he felt there was only one way to express them… Through song. Every pony couldn’t believe what they were seeing, but none could wipe the smiles off their faces either. The joy and excitement in the air was too contagious to ignore. Charlie hands Grandpa Joe a cane to help him maintain his balance. He smiles, laughing giddy as he runs around the room. “Here I go! Watch my speed!” As he ran around the room, he bumps into a few walls but was quickly caught by Charlie and his friends. The song was so catchy, the ponies themselves found it difficult not to sing and dance along. They all began digging through a bunch of clothes, pulling out a hat and coat for Grandpa Joe, who placed them on while dancing around the room. He runs to the window, throwing it wide open. Soon enough, they come to a stop, smiling and breathing heavily after all the singing and dancing. “That was fun!” Twilight smiled. “Boy howdy, that reminds me of the last Apple family hoedown,” Applejack nodded. “You know Joe, for an old man who hasn’t walked in twenty years,” Rainbow replied, chuckling. “You sure got some moves!” Every pony else laughed at that say, along with Charlie and Grandpa Joe. It was then, however, Mrs. Bucket, who had gone over the ticket, stepped in. “Stop! It says the first of October; that’s tomorrow!” Twilight came alongside her, looking over the ticket herself. “She’s right!” Twilight said. “It IS tomorrow!” “We must have been lucky to find this ticket on the very last day,” Rarity pointed out. “Just before the factory visit is to take place!” “Jumping Crocodiles, Charlie!” Grandpa Joe gasped. “We’ve got a lot to do: Comb your hair, wash your face, polish your shoes… “Brush your teeth, blow your nose…” Cheese Sandwich added. “And maybe get that mud off your pants too,” Rarity observed. “I’ll take care of everything, Dad,” Mrs. Bucket assured. “We don’t have much time,” Grandpa Joe rambled. As they spoke, a thought re-occurred to every pony about something happening earlier that day. While there was still time to talk, Twilight Sparkle stepped up. “Everyone, there’s something we all have to tell you,” Twilight announced. “We kind of ran into someone on the way home today,” Rainbow nodded. “Who did you all run into?” Grandpa Joe asked. “On our way home, we ran into Mr. Slugworth,” Charlie told him. Grandpa Joe was rightfully shocked, to hear the group ran into Mr. Wonka’s most bitter rivals today. “What did he say?” He asked. “He wants Charlie to steal Mr. Wonka’s newest creation,” Spike explained. “We don’t really know what it is, but he expects him to bring it to him personally.” “I bet he told those other kids the exact same thing,” Rainbow added. “That big meanie pants wants to make sure Mr. Wonka is out of business!” Pinkie frowned. Hearing this made Grandpa Joe quite upset, frankly angry too. His former employer, always a kind man working for him, now threatened by a competitor attempting to put him out of business… Again. “No matter what he said, no matter what he offers,” Grandpa Joe said, determined. “You have to promise me that’s not going to happen.” “I Pinkie Promise, Grandpa Joe,” Pinkie Pie assured, doing the routine. “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” “Ya’ll can rest soundly tonight,” Applejack agreed. Every pony nodded, though Grandpa Joe was a bit confused. “I thought the phrase was ‘Stick a needle in my eye’.” “… That would be weird,” Pinkie thought. “And painful.” “Nevertheless, we won’t allow that ruffian to ruin Mr. Wonka or threaten his business,” Rarity added. “For now, let’s celebrate Charline finding his golden ticket,” Twilight suggested. Every pony agreed and for the rest of the day, the whole family celebrated this glorious occasion (Even though most were still bedridden). But come tomorrow, they knew the chance of a lifetime was coming. The day Charlie and his grandfather get to visit the famous Wonka factory. Who knows what chain of events will happen? <> That night, the Bucket household was silent as everyone inside was sound asleep. The ponies and Spike once more huddled together inside Charlie’s bedroom, getting their rest before the big day. As usual, Pinkie and Cheese slept soundly together making silly noises, cuddling up to stay nice and warm. Applejack slept with her hat over her eyes, while Rainbow Dash slept close by a wing folded over the cowgirl, though whether she knew or not she didn’t show. With the tour set to take place in just a few hours, they wanted to make sure they got plenty of rest before making for the factory by ten. Just then, Pinkie felt a rustle on the bed and opens her eyes, slowly turning to the side. She sees Charlie Bucket sitting up on the bedside, looking down at the golden ticket in his hands. Without waking every pony, Pinkie slowly eases slowly from Cheese’s grip, cautiously crosses over her sleeping friends, Spike scratching his nose when Pinkie’s tail tickled him, and quietly sits alongside Charlie. “Are you okay, Charlie?” Pinkie asked, quietly. “Couldn’t sleep?” “Oh no, I’m fine,” Charlie answered, quietly. “I was just… Thinking…” “About what?” “Well, to tell you the truth… I’m actually starting to consider whether I should go to the factory or not go at all.” Pinkie’s eyes widened in surprise when Charlie mentioned that, even after all the fuss that they made about this opportunity not long ago. “Why would you want to do that? I thought you wanted to go.” “I do, but… Someone offered five hundred dollars for this ticket alone,” Charlie explained. “Then, Mr. Slugworth is offering me ten thousand dollars just for a candy recipe. Who’s to say someone else will come by later offering to pay me more? The more I think about it, my family needs the money more than we need a lifetime supply of chocolate.” At this point, Pinkie Pie would be freaking out that Charlie would be giving up a literal golden opportunity especially from a pony who nearly gave up after a chance to save her friends’ bakery slipped through her hooves. But in that moment, surprisingly, she didn’t freak for two reasons. One, because her friends were fast asleep along with Charlie’s family. The second reason being is that she wanted to hear Charlie’s reasoning for putting the sake of his family over his own needs. Still, she knew this was the same boy who refused a handout when he desired to work hard to ‘earn’ his money for his family. While she understood what he was saying, she did the one thing she rarely did for any pony: Act serious. “Charlie, let me tell you something that you need to hear,” Pinkie offered. Charlie didn’t answer, but instead nodded his head silently listening to one of his friends. “There will always be plenty of money out there; money is practically made every day. But this ticket, this shiny piece of gold, there’s only five of them in the whole world. There could’ve been ‘more’ of these easily, I hear they could’ve made ‘nine’ tickets if original sources tell me. Millions of people searched for these tickets, billions even, but that’s all there’s ever going to be.” “But what about you, Pinkie?” Charlie asked. “You’re the one who has more to gain for this trip than I do; maybe you should go with Grandpa. Either one of you should be going instead of me.” “Charlie, if I wasn’t your friend, I would take that ticket in a heartbeat and be ecstatic to be surrounded by billions of sweets in each room. But I AM your friend and as your friend, I accept you found that ticket not me. I’ll find a way to save Sugar Cube Corner somehow, I don’t know ‘how’ to do it and I don’t know ‘what’ random thing I could concoct to make it happen. But it will hurt me more knowing that a silly colt would give up that ticket for something as common as money. “So I need to know one thing…” Pinkie concluded, glaring. “Are you a silly colt?” “No, miss,” Charlie shook. Pinkie Pie paused for a moment, her eyes folding as if she were studying Charlie very closely. But just as quickly, her serious expression changes to a content, happy face. “Okie-dokie-lokie!” Pinkie smiled, yawning. “Well, best we get some sleep Charlie boy. You’ve got a factory to go to. Good night!” Rather than going back to her spot, Pinkie flopped backwards onto the bed. Some groans and moans were heard, specifically from Rainbow Dash, but not enough to wake them. Charlie Bucket silently looks over at Pinkie Pie and the others, sleeping so soundly. He was sure they would all be thinking the same thing, that he should take advantage of this opportunity that millions of others had missed out even if they themselves couldn’t go. Still, he felt they deserved something more out of this, and he thought back to what Pinkie said the other night, about hoping to talk to Mr. Wonka. As he looks down at the ticket again, he looks back toward his sleeping friend. “I will talk to Mr. Wonka about your troubles, Pinkie,” Charlie said, silently. “I promise.” > Willy Wonka > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Following the many trials and tribulations the ponies have been through on this journey, as the sun came up the following day, our heroes couldn’t be happier. As the first rays of dawn shined upon the tiny shack, every pony and the little dragon was quick to rise. Along with Charlie and Grandpa Joe, they were all out of bed and presentable with a little help from Mrs. Bucket. Before long, it was close to ten o’clock and soon they all departed in one quick hurry. No doubt, these ponies had a feeling today was going to be a very good day. Soon enough, a large gathering of people from all over the world crowded around the gates of the famous Wonka factory. A band played a loud fanfare as the five golden ticket winners sat along the ‘Winners’ Stage’. It was rapidly approaching the magical hour, everyone excited for this moment. But none more excited than Mike Teevee, noticing the television cameras pointing right at him. “Hey Mom, we’re on TV!” He shouts, excitedly. “Hi everybody in Marble Falls! Hi, Billy! Hi, Maggie! Hi, Fishface! How do I look?” The local news team was there to report the historic occasion. “You guys ready?” The reporter asked. “Yeah, you’re on.” “Well, this is it folks. This is the big day, the historic day on which Willy Wonka has promised to open his gates and shower gifts on the five lucky winners. From all over the globe, people have gathered here waiting for the hour to strike, waiting to catch a glimpse of that legendary magician, Mr. Willy Wonka.” The seven ponies and little baby dragon sat beside Grandpa Joe and Charlie along the winners’ stage, keeping a close eye along the clock awaiting for the hour to strike. The most excited out of the entire gathering were Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich, the two ponies holding hooves together with toothy grins. “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!” Pinkie exclaimed, loudly. “This is gonna be the most spectacularly, fantastically, magically, most amazing day of our lives!” “I know exactly what you mean, Pinkie Winkie!” Cheese nodded. “We’ve waited so long for this moment, and now that it’s here, it’s going to be—Oh, what’s that word?” “Totally ‘awesome’?!” Rainbow suggested. “Yeah, I can work with that,” Cheese chuckled. “This certainly is quite an amazing occasion,” Rarity admired. “Wish I was able to fashion myself the perfect outfit.” Every pony groaned, rolling their eyes. “Rarity, do yah always need an outfit fur every occasion?” Applejack asked, annoyed. “Why of course, darling!” Rarity huffed. “It’s never a bad thing to look good. Even ‘you’ should know, when you ‘borrowed’ one of my dresses! Hmm?” “For pete’s sake, that was ONE time!” As the girls went back and forth with their arguing, the other remaining ticket winners had their moment in the spotlight with the television cameras. Even Veruca Salt gave off a smile and wave when the cameramen faced her, unaware that she was anything but an angel. At one point, when the cameras turned to Mr. Beauregarde and his daughter, he saw an opportunity to promote his business. “Hi, friends. Sam Beauregarde here. The next time you’re in Miles City, Montana, don’t forget to visit Beauregarde’s AutoMart…” “Cut it out, Dad; for heaven’s sake, this is my show!” Violet yelled, before changing tones. “Hi, Cornelia sweetie, I’ve still got it. And how’s this for a stretch?” She pulls the piece of gum in her mouth to a long length, releasing it and caught the strand back in her mouth. Twilight, who had been watching, almost gagged in disgust. Meanwhile, Vercua Salt looked displeased while the cameras weren’t on her. “Daddy, I want to go in!” Veruca demanded, to her father. “It’s 9:59, sweetheart,” Mr. Salt responded, checking his watch. “Make time go faster; I want to go in first before anybody else!” “Anything you say sweetheart.” As the Salts look on, Mr. Salt felt a tap along his shoulder and slowly turns around. The man gets startled at the presence of an orange pony with a Stetson hat staring at him, having drawn his attention with one hoof. “Beg pardon fur givin’ yah a scare there, Mr. Salt,” Applejack spoke. “I just figured yah really shouldn’t be letting’ yer daughter walkin’ over yah like that.” “And… Who really asked for your opinion, tiny horse?” Mr. Salt replied. “… First of all, ah’m not a horse, ah’m a pony,” Applejack frowned, correcting him. “Secondly, ah’m just tryin’ tah help yah. Uer supposed tah be the parent here and quite frankly yer daughter could use some discipline.” “Discipline?” Mr. Salt gasped. “Oh no, no, no, no, no! I could never do that to my little Veruca; I want her to be happy.” “But yer also lettin’ her walk all over yah and that ain’t a good thing. Just give it a little bit ah thought, will yah?” Applejack trots back to rejoin her friends, leaving Mr. Salt to sit and ponder over what she told him upfront. Meanwhile, Augustus Gloop stuffs his face once more with a large German pastry until Mrs. Gloop grabs it from his hand. “Save some room for later, Augustus liebling,” She said. Charlie, of course, was most excited to finally have this chance. After all these years, something good was happening to him and he intended to make the most of it. He smiled big, as he leans over to speak to his grandpa. “Grandpa?” “Hmm?” “I don’t believe it. We did it; we’re actually going in.” “We’re going to see the greatest of them all: Mr. Willy Wonka!” Grandpa Joe said, happily. “Do you think Mr. Wonka will remember you after all these years?” “Hard to say, it’s been years.” Just then, the bell in the clock tower rang loud, everyone at the gathering looks up to see it was now ten o’clock. They all looked toward the entrance of the chocolate factory, waiting for the greatest candy maker of all time to emerge. After a moment or two, the bell tolling multiple times, the door slowly opens and a single gentleman emerges, Mr. Willy Wonka himself, dressed in his signature purple coat and brown top hat. Everyone cheered and applauded for the man, the same individual who brought them the greatest candy of all time. But as he slowly approaches the crowd, the cheering slowly fades when they notice him walking with a cane. He limps slowly toward the gates, everyone wondering what might have happened. A few mere feet from the stairs, he discards the cane and freezes in place clutching his hand as if wondering where it went. He slowly leans forward as if he’s about to fall… Then rolls with an acrobatic somersault causing everyone to erupt in cheers, applauding once more. “Thank you… Thank you. Welcome, my friends,” He addressed the five winners. “Welcome to my chocolate factory. Would you come forward please?” Hearing this, all the winners and their guardians race forward quickly. Mr. Salt pushes others aside ensuring his daughter enters first. “Veruca first! Get back, you! Come on, Veruca sweetheart!” As Charlie and Grandpa Joe races down the path toward the gate, Charlie noticed Mr. Slugworth standing off to the side giving him a thumbs up as they passed. “That’s Slugworth!” He told Grandpa Joe. “That’s the one I’ve told you about!” After finally reaching the gate, they stood right before the famous chocolatier himself. They all smile at him, who in turn smiles back. “Welcome,” Mr. Wonka greeted. “It’s nice to have you here. I’m so glad you could come. This is going to be such an exciting day. I hope you enjoy it. I think you will. And now would you please show me your Golden Tickets?” Veruca, of course, had to be the first child to step up, handing Mr. Wonka her ticket. “I’m Veruca Salt,” The rich girl smiled. “It’s very nice to meet you, sir.” “My dear Veruca, what a pleasure. And how pretty you look in that lovely mink coat.” “I’ve got three others at home.” “And Mr. Salt, overjoyed to see you, sir. Would you just step over there for a minute?” I always thought a verruca was a type of wart you got on the bottom of your foot. Her name is spelled with ‘one’ R… But yeah, I get what you’re saying. The two Salts step off to the side, as Augustus Gloop and his mother hand him the next ticket. “Augustus Gloop. I love your chocolate.” “I can see that Augustus, my dear boy. So do I. How good to see you, never expected to have so much in common and in such fine shape. And this must be the radiant Mrs. Gloop. Just over there, dear lady.” As Wonka instructs his guests, shaking hands along the way, the next to step up is Violet and her father. “Violet Beauregarde” “Darling child, welcome to Wonka’s. You do seem confident.” “I should be because I’m gonna win the special prize at the end.” “Well, confidence is key.” “What kind of gum you got here?” “Charming, charming!” “Sam Beauregarde here, Mr. Wonka,” Mr. Beauregarde introduced himself. “My dear sir, what a genuine pleasure.” “If ever you need anything in the automotive line, just call on Sam B, phone numbers on the card. With Sam B, it’s a guarantee.” Mr. Beauregarde hands Mr. Wonka his business card, before joining his daughter. As Wonka places the card in his pocket, he notices Mike Teevee and his mother approach. “You,” Mr. Wonka speaks. “You’re Mike Teevee.” “That’s right.” “So, you’re the little devil who cracked the system.” “Maybe… But then I’d have to… WHAM!” Mike shouts, pulling his gun. “You’re dead!” Mr. Wonka pretends to get shot in the chest, having fun with the rambunctious rascal. “Wonderful to meet you, Mike. And Mrs. Teevee, how do you do? What an adorable little boy you have,” Mr. Wonka compliments. “Thank you,” Mrs. Teevee responds, flattered. “Just over there.” Last, but certainly not least, Charlie and Grandpa Joe finally approach Mr. Wonka handing him the golden ticket. “Charlie Bucket.” “Well, well, Charlie Bucket, I read all about you in the papers,” Mr. Wonka greets. “You’re just lucky to be here, aren’t you? I’m so happy for you.” Mr. Wonka pauses for a moment when he turns toward Grandpa Joe, pausing as he appears to study the nervous old man. “And who is this gentleman?” Mr. Wonka questioned. “My grandfather, Grandpa Joe,” Charlie smiled. “Mr. Wonka, I don’t know if you’ll remember me,” Grandpa Joe spoke. “But I used to work here in the factory.” “Oh yes… Didn’t you…?” Hearing this, Mr. Wonka’s face fell as if he had remembered something. A glare appears, as he eyes Grandpa Joe. “Were you one of those despicable spies who everyday tried to steal my life’s work and sell it to those parasitic, copycat, candy-making cads?” “No sir,” Grandpa Joe answers, nervously. Mr. Wonka eyes Grandpa Joe for a second or two, before a smile returns and his face brightens. “Then Wonderful! Welcome back!” It was then Mr. Wonka looks over the Buckets’ shoulders, spying a peculiar group of colorful ponies and a small baby dragon hanging out by the winners’ stage the whole time. A certain pink party pony and her banana coated friend take notice of Mr. Wonka and wave excitedly. “And what of your friends onstage?” Mr. Wonka asked. “Are they not coming?” Charlie and Grandpa Joe turned toward the ponies then back to Mr. Wonka. They were rightfully confused. “What do you mean, Mr. Wonka?” Charlie asked. “Surely you wouldn’t mind if I got to meet your friends, would you?” Mr. Wonka asked. “If that is possible.” Though slightly confused, nonetheless Charlie looks over his shoulder and beckons his friends to come forward. They all noticed his gesture, facing each other silently wondering what’s going on. They slowly make their way down the pathway, as everyone looks on. Eventually they stand before Mr. Wonka, gazing up toward him as he smiled down at them. “Well, well, well, it seems the papers were absolutely right after all,” Mr. Wonka spoke. “I suppose I have all of you to thank for saving my contest.” Every pony turned toward each other, trying to make heads-or-tails over what he’s talking about. “My apologies, Mr. Wonka sir,” Twilight spoke up. “We really don’t know what you mean.” Mr. Wonka reaches into his back pocket, pulling out the newspaper. He hands it to Twilight Sparkle, who uses her magic to grab it in a magical aura and pulls it toward her. As she looks over the article, she sees a picture on the front page with all of them standing in the secret room at the Min~oleta mansion, with the printing press and holding the fake ticket. The headline itself is what really drew her attention. Ponies Save Wonka Contest: Fifth Ticket Discovered To Be Fake Twilight presents the newspaper toward the rest of her friends, giving each of them a chance to go over it. If they weren’t confused enough already, this increased it by ten folds. “I don’t get it,” Rainbow shrugged. “I certainly don’t recall any of us being there,” Rarity added. “We never even stepped foot in that place, not once,” Fluttershy continued. “How did we end up in this newspaper?” Spike asked. Cheese himself looked especially confused. After all, HE and HE alone was the pony who solved this little mystery. He turns toward the sky. “I don’t understand fellas; why put ‘all’ of us in the newspaper?” We said we’d ensure Pinkie Pie wouldn’t leave Ponyville. The only way for that to happen was to arrange to have you all into the chocolate factory to meet Wonka. That is… Unless you don’t WANT Pinkie Pie to go…. “Oh no, no, no!” Cheese spoke, waving his hooves. “I want her to go; I'd do anything! In fact, we’ll take it the tour! No trouble at all!" Every pony eyed on Cheese Sandwich, who was making a spectacle of himself, waving his hooves and shouting to the heavens. They shrug it off before turning back to Mr. Wonka. “I’m sorry Mr. Wonka,” Twilight apologized. “I think there’s been…” “I really must thank you all for what you’ve done for me,” Mr. Wonka finished. “Had it not been for all of you, this contest would be a complete sham. And as a token of my appreciation, I’m offering you to join the five winners on my tour through my factory.” Every pony’s mouths fell to the ground, all of them in shock. Mr. Wonka was offering them a tour through his factory and yet they felt they did absolutely nothing to earn it. “That’s very generous of you, Mr. Wonka,” Twilight began. “But I don’t really think we…” Once again, she finds her words cut off. But this time, however, it was Pinkie Pie, placing a hoof over her mouth. “… Could possibly thank you enough!” She finished. Twilight removed Pinkie’s hoof from her mouth, pulling her party pony friend off to the side. “Pinkie, what are you doing? You know we didn’t do anything to deserve this!” “Please Twilight, can we just go along with this one? This could very well be the one chance to visit the factory and talk to Mr. Wonka about saving Sugar Cube Corner.” Twilight thought for a moment, and while she understands where Pinkie was coming from, she shook her head. “I don’t know, Pinkie,” She said. It was then she saw Pinkie’s eyes fill with tears, her lip quivering. “Please….” Pinkie begged. As much as Twilight Sparkle felt it be dishonest about how they saved the contest, there was no way she could deny it. Pinkie Pie made a valid argument or else they have come all this way for nothing. Their only chance to save Sugar Cube Corner was taking this opportunity hoping to get a word with Mr. Wonka, knowing this man is supposed to be a candy-making genius. Besides, how could Twilight Sparkle possibly say no when Pinkie makes her sad face? Twilight Sparkle lets out a deep sigh, before making her decision. “Alright Pinkie, we’ll do it,” Twilight smiled. Pinkie Pie instantly perked up, with the biggest smile on her face. She bounces around Twilight Sparkle as they made their way back to Mr. Wonka. “Mr. Wonka, we accept your invitation for the tour!” Twilight declared. “Fantastic to hear you say that! Overjoyed, enraptured, entranced; are we ready? Yes! Good! In we go!” Mr. Wonka leads them all, including the ponies and little dragon, down the path towards the factory. The fanfare plays again, as the crowd erupts into cheers. The door to the factory opens again, as one by one the guests step inside. Mr. Wonka, the last to enter, turns back toward the crowd and tips his hat before he enters the factory, as the door closes behind him. Already this proved to be quite the interesting day for the guests; everyone outside on the other hand. “Now what are we supposed to do?” A random person asked. > The Chocolate Room > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Down the long hallway, the motley group of winners and ponies (And Spike), led by Mr. Willy Wonka himself, eventually come upon a large room at the end. They were all excited to get the tour underway, to see what wonderful surprises awaited them. But first, Mr. Wonka mentions there was something that ‘needed to be taken care of first’. None in the group had a clue what he meant, but they were willing to see what it was. As they approached the center of the room, Mr. Wonka gestures to the wall on their right. “Now: hats, coats, galoshes, over here,” Mr. Wonka instructs. “But hurry please, we have so much time and so little to see.” Suddenly, he stops for a brief moment, realizing what he just said. He turns back to the group, causing them to pause. “Wait a minute! Strike that. Reverse it. Thank you.” Everyone in the group was confused by Mr. Wonka’s choice of words; nevertheless, they proceed with removing their coats and other accessories (Mostly the humans). “I don’t think we’re going to be able to remove our coats,” Pinkie joked. “It’s part of our being, Pinkie,” Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Well then, how am I able to do this?” Cheese gasped. Every pony turned and gasps, their eyes growing wide. Cheese Sandwich stood before them, holding his fur coat in his hooves (His buttoned shirt on the coat too). They could see his body was completely hairless, even his own mane was gone. Every pony covered their eyes from the display, Fluttershy herself hiding her face completely in her mane. “Oh dear Celestia, Cheese!” Rarity exclaimed. “Please put your coat back on!” “But Mr. Wonka told us to put our coats over here,” Cheese responded. “He told THEM to put their coats over there, Cheese,” Twilight explained, motioning to the kids and their parents. “We’re ponies, we ‘literally’ can’t take our coats off.” “Not so hard for me,” Cheese replies, brushing his coat. “How in tarnation did ya even take it off?” Applejack asked, realizing. “No, wait a minute…” “Well… Since you asked, actually it’s really simple. You see, I just…” “That was a rhetorical question!” Spike interrupts, quickly. “P-P-Please put your coat back on,” Fluttershy squeaked. “All right, all right,” Cheese Sandwich replies. “So picky…” Cheese quickly put his coat back on. He sticks his hooves between the holes for his legs, then sticks his arms through the holes like putting on a jacket. He lifts the top with his brown mane over his head similar to a hoodie, and to top it off, he literally zips his ‘coat’ from the bottom to the top as the zipper mysteriously disappears. As he adjusts the collar of his banana shirt, every pony uncovered their eyes stunned by how it seemed to mold back into his being. They all had questions as to ‘how’ he pulled it off, but probably best not to ask. I mean we’re not supposed to ever ask ‘Pinkie Pie’ how she does things, why should Cheese be any different? Urgh... I am never going to get that image out of my head! “When do I get my chocolate?” Violet asked. “First take off your coat, Violet,” Mr. Beauregarde responds. “Boy, what weird looking coat hangers,” Mike remarked. True to his word, the coat hangers were a rather odd sight. They resembled actual hands waiting to take their coats. Strangely enough, as the guests put their coats on the hangers, the hands clamp down ‘literally’ holding onto them, grasping them tightly. The people gasp in fright, jumping back. “Little surprises around every corner, but nothing dangerous,” Mr. Wonka assured. “Don’t be alarmed. And as soon as your outer vestments are in hand, we’ll begin.” Everyone stepped to the center, as one of the hands grabs Grandpa Joe’s hat off his hat, holding it tightly. Grandpa Joe stopped mid-stride, turning back toward the hangar holding his hat. But he shakes his head and continues. “Now, will the children kindly step up here?” Mr. Wonka instructs. The children approach Mr. Wonka, as he grabs ahold of a rope hanging from the ceiling and pulls. A large drape is pulled back revealing a rather large looking parchment with wording that appears to get smaller the farther it went until hardly anyone could read anything. “Um… Just how in pony feathers is any pony supposed to read that?” Rainbow asked, confused. “I’ve read my fair share of scrolls before,” Twilight said, squinting her eyes. “But never anything with writing this small.” “Floods, fire, frost, or frippery?” Mr. Salt mumbled, confused. “Accidents?” Mike asked. “What kind of accidents?” “I didn’t know we’d have to sign anything for this tour,” Mrs. Teevee stated. “I can’t see what it says on the bottom,” Violet said. “Join the club, we have jackets!” Spike joked. Twilight nudged the little dragon along the shoulder, shaking her head with a disapproving frown. Spike sheepishly chuckles, backing away from her gaze and quietly hopping onto her back. “Violet, you first,” Mr. Wonka instructed. “Sign here.” Violet approaches Mr. Wonka, taking one of the quills and prepared to sign her name. Just then, her father runs up to her. “Hold it! Lemme through here, you kids. Violet, baby, don’t you sign anything there. What’s this all about?” “Standard form of contract,” Mr. Wonka explained, casually. “Don’t talk to me about contracts, Wonka,” Mr. Beauregarde argued. “I use ‘em myself, they’re strictly for suckers.” “Yes, but you wouldn’t begrudge me a little protection. Not a drop.” “You know that’s actually a good point,” Twilight deduced. “Never a bad thing to wish to be protected, now is it darling?” Rarity added. “I don’t sign anything without my lawyer,” Mr. Beauregarde shook his head. “My Veruca don’t sign anything either,” Mr. Salt butted in. “Then she don’t go in,” Mr. Wonka responded. “I’m sorry, rules of the house.” “I want to go in and don’t you dare stop me!” Veruca glared, toward her father. “I’m only trying to help you sweetheart.” Veruca pushes her father away, snatching the quill from Violet’s hands. “Give me that pen! You’re always making things difficult!” Every pony was appalled by her actions toward her father, as well as the others. “My, such rude display,” Rarity huffed. “Especially to one’s own father!” “Boy ah tell yah, if my pa was still around, he’d whip me round the bend if’n I said anythin’ like that tah him,” Applejack remarked. Mr. Wonka, meanwhile, seemed quite entertained with the display. “Nicely handled, Veruca,” He complimented. “She’s a girl who knows where she’s going.” “It ain’t no place good,” Spike mumbled. Violet grabs another quill, proceeding to sign her name as well. “Wait a minute, what’s all that small print there at the bottom?” Mr. Beauregarde asked, pointing out. “Oh, if you have any problems, dial information, thank you for calling,” Mr. Wonka answered. “Mike? Augustus?” After Veruca and Violet place their quills back in the ink, Mike and Augustus grabs them and starts signing. “I assume there’s an accident indemnity clause,” Mrs. Teevee asked. “Never between friends,” Mr. Wonka replied. “Saw this in a movie once,” Mike said. “Guy signed his wife’s insurance policy. Then he bumped her off.” “Okay, that’s just wrong in every possible way,” Rainbow said. “What about me, Grandpa?” Charlie asked. “Sign away, Charlie,” Grandpa Joe answered. “We got nothing to lose.” “Just be careful, Charlie,” Twilight informed. “You never know what you could be getting yourself into,” Fluttershy added. “Sure he does,” Pinkie smiled, assuring. “It’s a lifetime supply of chocolate. I don’t know any pony who wouldn’t want to sign up for that.” “Let’s go in!” Veruca groans, impatiently. “Come on!” “Patience, patience, little dear,” Mr. Wonka said. “Everything has to be in order. Everyone’s signed? Yes. Good. On we go!” They follow Mr. Wonka down another tiny hallway, coming upon an ornate door with a combination lock. Mr. Wonka proceeds to turn the combination to open the lock. “Ninety-nine… Forty-Four… One hundred percent pure.” He pushes the door wide open to a room, its walls and floors having a striped pattern. “Just through the other door please,” He instructed. The entire group wanders into the room, only to discover there was no other door at all. The entire area is so small, they crapped up rather quickly everyone and every pony pressed against each other. “Uh, Wonka, there’s some mistake here…” Mr. Salt groaned. “There is no other door!” Fluttershy squeaked. “There’s no way out!” Veruca yelled. “Well I know there’s a door here someplace,” Mr. Wonka replied, looking around. “Oh no!” Rarity whined. “My mane will get crumpled, and my precious coat will be tattered!” “Honestly, Rarity!” Applejack groaned. “I don’t like this, Wonka!” Mr. Beauregarde complained. “I don’t like it at all!” “I haven’t felt this cramped since before I was hatched!” Spike wheezed. “Is this a trick or something, Wonka?” Mr. Salt asked, angrily. “Help!” Mr. Gloop cried. “Mr. Wonka, help! I’m getting squashed! Save me!” “Is it my soul that calls upon my name?” Mr. Wonka asked, slapping the walls. “Let me out or I’ll scream!” Veruca yelled. “PLEASE let her out!” The ponies shout, in unison. Amidst the mass of confusion, Rainbow Dash and Applejack were so cramped they were practically pressed against one another, their lips mere inches away. They tried desperately to push themselves as far from each other as possible, but it was becoming increasingly difficult. “Now look, here Wonka…” Mr. Salt began. “Excuse me, question time will come at the end of the session,” Mr. Wonka informed. “We must press on. Come along… Come along… Ah, here we are.” Everyone turns over to where the door was, only to see Mr. Wonka referring to the very same door they just entered. “Oh, don’t be a darn fool, Wonka!” Mr. Beauregarde said. “That’s the way we came in!” “It is?” Mr. Wonka asked. “Are you sure?” “We’ve just come through there,” Mr. Salt confirmed. “If all we’re going to do is exit from the same place we entered, what was the purpose of this?” Twilight questioned. “Huh. How do you like that?” Mr. Wonka leans against the door and it flew open, revealing a completely different area. Now they were staring at a long hallway with doors lining both sides all the way to the end. Everyone gasped, questioning how this was possible… If not ‘probable’. “There we are…” Mr. Wonka smiled. “I don’t understand!” Rarity spoke, confused. “That wasn’t there before.” “It defies all laws of nature!” Twilight added, befuddled. “What is this, Wonka?” Mr. Salt questioned. “Some kind of fun house?” “Why, having fun?” Mr. Wonka asked. Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich, despite being squished between the group, nodded enthusiastically. “Yes sir, Mr. Wonka sir!” Pinkie smiled. “I’ve had enough!” Mrs. Teevee declared. “I’m not going in there.” “Come on, Violet, we’re getting out of here,” Mr. Beauregarde concluded. “Oh, you can’t get out backwards,” Mr. Wonka informed them. “You’ve gotta go forwards to go back. Better press on.” Wonka walks down the hall, the rest of the group following close behind. As they walked, they noticed something very peculiar. Strolling down the hallway, the walls appeared to get shorter as it goes on. “Hey, the room is getting smaller!” Charlie exclaimed, shocked. “No, it’s not!” Mrs. Teevee responded. “He’s getting bigger.” “Boy ah tell you what, this has to be one ah the strangest things that ever happened to us!” Applejack declared, bewildered. “Where’s the chocolate?” Cheese asked. “I doubt if there is any,” Mr. Beauregarde answered. “I doubt if any of us will get out of here alive,” Mr. Salt added, nervously. “Oh, you should never, never doubt what nobody is sure about,” Mr. Wonka said. “You’re not squeezing me through that tiny door,” Mrs. Gloop shook her head. “You’re off your bleeding nut, Wonka,” Mr. Salt added. “No one can get through there.” “My dear friends, you are now about to enter the nerve center of the entire Wonka Factory,” Mr. Wonka smiled brightly. “Inside this room, an important room I might add, all of my dreams become realities… And some of my realities become dreams.” “Mr. Wonka, why is the door so small?” Twilight asked. “Why to keep all the great big chocolately flavor inside, my dear,” Mr. Wonka answered. “Wait till you see my meadow. Every blade of that grass is so delectable.” “You can eat the grass?” Charlie asked. “Of course you can. And almost ‘everything’ you will see is eatable… Edible… I mean, you can eat almost everything.” “Let me in, I’m starving!” Augustus whines loudly. “Now, don’t get overexcited!” Mr. Wonka said, calmly. “Don’t lose your head, Augustus! We wouldn’t want anyone to lose that… Yet. Now, the combination… This is a musical lock.” He plays the opening to Mozart’s “Marriage of Figaro” on a tiny piano along the door. “Rachmaninoff,” Mrs. Teevee smiled. “Ladies and gentlemen… Boys and girls… Mares and stallions… The chocolate room.” Mr. Wonka pushed the door open slowly, revealing to be a bigger door as even the wall opened up. Everyone slowly walked inside, shocked by the display before their eyes. The room was absolutely gigantic in size, littered with an entire assortment of candy they could ever imagine. Among many things, there were lollipop trees, candy toadstools, and a gigantic chocolate river with a chocolate waterfall. Everyone looked on in astonishment and pure bliss seeing such an amazing sight. Sniffling is head, as Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich both wiped tears from their eyes, never seeing anything so beautiful in their entire lives. “T-There are no words,” Pinkie whimpered, happily. “N-No words!” “It’s like something a poet would make!” Cheese sighed. “It’s beautiful!” Twilight gasped. “Oh yes,” Mr. Wonka nodded, kneeling down. “It’s very beautiful.” Mr. Wonka placed an arm around both Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich, the two ponies smiling along with him. “Hold your breath… Make a wish… Count to three…” As Mr. Wonka led them all down the stairs, he swings his cane side to side, sometimes having the kids stop as it swung mere inches from them. He’d walk down the stairs, pause, then walk back up, then down, even walking while bending his knees. The group did their best to keep up, but Pinkie and Cheese were having fun. By the time they step off the last step, he bows to them all as if to say ‘enjoy’. Smiling, everyone ran off to enjoy the many wonders of the Chocolate Room. Everyone breathed in the wonders of the chocolate room, enjoying every piece of candy imaginable. Charlie and Grandpa Joe shared two very large candy canes, while Twilight and Spike were enjoying some chocolate pudding mud puddle using some of the flower buds for cups. At one point, Spike notices Mike trying to reach for some candy high along the branches, far from his reach. Wonka casually taps the branch allowing the candy to clutter on the path, so he could enjoy himself. “Heh, I thought you hated candy,” Spike replied, casually. “I said I hate ‘chocolate’,” Mike replied, between chews. “I never said I hate ‘candy’.” Meanwhile, as Violet chewed on a giant gummi bear brought down by Mr. Wonka, her father, Mr. Beauregarde, chewed on the longest liquorish rope he had ever seen. Veruca broke apart a candy pumpkin, sticking her hand inside and ate the gelatinous innards. Mrs. Teevee took a handful of the sugar on the candy toadstools, her face widening at the sweet taste as she scooped some more. As for Pinkie Pie, Cheese Sandwich, and Augustus Gloop, they ate just about everything that was in their path, even the grass which was actually sugar-coated. And all the while, Mr. Wonka danced merrily around, knocking aside the candy pumpkins out of his way. He stands before his guests, admiring the beauty and splendor of his own candy factory. Eventually Mr. Wonka takes a seat along the ground, taking a teacup shaped flower bud. The teacup itself was already filled with edible nectar, which he sips like tea. We can see in his eyes how much he loves this place, every square inch of this room of his making… His masterpiece… His very livelihood. As the song concludes, Mr. Willy Wonka takes a big gulp of what remained in his little cup. When it was all empty, he studies the cup… Then takes a big bite along the side of the cup, chewing the revealed to be chocolate cup. Hmm… *Takes a cup from his desk, studies it a bit, then takes a chomp on the side… Immediately regretting it* OH GOD!!! *He races towards another area; the sound of rushing water is heard as he appears to spit out the chunks of the cup into a sink. Another voice calls out.* Why would you take a bite out of a coffee cup? I DON’T KNOW!!! > Oompa Loompas > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There was nothing in all Equestria that could express how fantastic this experience was. For the Mane Six, Spike, and Cheese Sandwich, this one room in Willy Wonka’s amazing factory was filled to the brim with all the candy one could possibly imagine. They explored every square inch of this room, partaking in all the amazing candy wonders it held. From the lollipop trees, the candy pumpkins, and the mint grass, every single morsel in the entire room was delicious. Twilight, with Spike on her back, strolled through the Chocolate Room admiring its beauty. She had her fill of sweets, whereas for Spike… It did not take much to know he had too much. There he laid, sprawled along Twilight’s back, clutching his bulging belly and bits of candy stuck to his face. He gave a tiny belch, groaning in the process. “I think I bit off a little more than I can chew,” He said, slurred. “’A little’?” Twilight spoke, shaking her head. “I told you to take it slow and steady.” “I couldn’t help myself,” Spike responded. “It was just so good!” Spike’s tiny head flopped back, as he drifted off into a miniature candy coma. Twilight giggled at the little dragon, as she walked through the Chocolate Room. As she approached the river, she could not help but admire the beauty of it all. She leaned down for a good hard look, giving a good sniff. The aroma of chocolate wafted through her nostrils, as she pulled her head back smiling blissfully. “Mr. Wonka is an absolute genius to create such an amazing place,” Twilight remarked. Suddenly, she heard footsteps close behind her and turned her head. Stepping close behind is Mrs. Gloop, the large woman looms over the lavender alicorn princess. “Look at you, running a-mock in a chocolate factory,” Mrs. Gloop scoffed, grimacing. “Back in Duselheim, we’d cook you up and eat you with a side of Schnitzel.” The woman’s attitude towards Twilight angered her. She had done absolutely nothing to deserve that kind of talk; nonetheless, she held her tongue as she walked away with a glare. “Rude…” Twilight muttered. Meanwhile, Mrs. Gloop looked down toward the river grimacing as the rest of the group came by. “What a disgusting, dirty river,” Mrs. Gloop sneered. Mr. Salt nodded in agreement. “It’s industrial waste that,” He remarked, turning to Wonka. “You’ve ruined your watershed, Wonka. It’s polluted.” “It’s chocolate,” Mr. Wonka responded. Hearing him say this, the children and group of ponies wandered toward the edge of the river for a closer look. “That’s chocolate?!” Veruca asked, disgusted. “That’s chocolate,” Charlie said, amazed. “A chocolate river!” Violet said, bewildered. Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich stared with wide eyes and enormous smiles. “Ohmygoshisthatriverreallymadeofchocolatebecauseifitisthatissounbelieveablyamazknglyfantastically...” Pinkie’s rapid rambling was cut off by a cyan blue hoof, placed directly over her muzzle. Rainbow Dash, rubbing her aching temple with one hoof, held Pinkie’s mouth with the other. “Pinkie Pie, I think you’ve had too much candy since we’ve been here,” Rainbow groaned. Pinkie tried continuing her excessive rambling behind Rainbow’s hoof, only for a bunch of muffled nonsense to emerge. Cheese gave Pinkie a soft pat on the back. “Didn’t even know Pinkie could stuff so much candy at once,” He remarked, proudly. “Guess this ole boy’s got work cut out for me.” “I must confess Mr. Wonka; this is one of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen!” Rarity complimented. “Every drop of the river, ten thousand gallons an hour, is hot, melted chocolate of the finest quality,” Mr. Wonka stated proudly. “And look at my waterfall; that’s the most important feature. Its mixing my chocolate, its actually churning my chocolate, makes it light and frothy. You know no other factory in the world mixes its chocolate by waterfall.” Mr. Wonka kneels beside Cheese Sandwich and Pinkie Pie, who lean over to hear what he has to say. “But it’s the only way if you want it just right,” He whispered to them. Both of their eyes widened, in further amazement and joy. This was definitely something they swore to remember in the future. Having a chocolate river mixed and churned by a waterfall in Equestria would make for the greatest feature for every pony. Soon enough, their thoughts were interrupted when Charlie noticed something across the river. “Grandpa, look over there across the river!” Every pony peered across the chocolate river, as a group of small men emerged carrying giant sacks of sugar. The oddest part was just how these little men appeared: With their orange faces and bright green hair. Everyone was amazed, having never seen anything like this before. “What is it?” Veruca asked. “Why their little men!” Fluttershy smiled. “Jumping crocodiles!” Grandpa Joe gasped. “Well, now we know who makes the chocolate!” Rainbow deduced. “I never saw anybody with an orange face before,” Mr. Salt said, dumbfounded. “What are they doing there?” Mrs. Teevee asked. “It must be creaming and sugaring time,” Mr. Wonka answered. “Well, they can’t be real people,” Violet said. “Of course, they’re real people,” Mr. Wonka responded. “Stuff and nonsense,” Mr. Salt scoffed. “No, Oompa-Loompas.” The entire group turned on their heels, staring at Mr. Wonka with upmost confusion. “Oompa-Loompas?” They all asked, in unison. “Imported, direct from Loompaland,” Mr. Wonka smiled, nodding. “Loompaland?” Mrs. Teevee questioned. “There’s no such place!” This caused every pony, and Spike, having just awoke from his coma, to stare at the woman with narrowed eyes. “Well, what do you make of us and our home world of Equestria?” Twilight challenge. “Oh please,” Mrs. Teevee smirked, looking at Twilight. “You’re probably just a bunch of animatronics Mr. Wonka made up to draw more people. It’s all one huge publicity stunt, honestly!” Rainbow Dash’s eyes twitched, as she prepared to charge. “Why you…” Just as she made to charge, Mr. Wonka’s cane slapped the ground in front of her. She looks up toward the man, who shook his head slowly, as if to say, ‘Not worth it’. Rainbow took a moment to breathe, before stepping back toward her friends. Mr. Wonka looked back towards Mrs. Teevee. “Excuse me, my dear lady…” “Mr. Wonka, I am a teacher of high-school geography,” Mrs. Teevee smirked, smugly. “And I’m here to tell you—” “Oh well, then you’ll know all about it, and, oh, what a terrible country it is,” Mr. Wonka interrupts, explaining. “The whole place is nothing but either thick jungles or desolate wastes, infested by the most dangerous beasts in the entire world. Hornswogglers and snozzwangers and those terrible, wicked whangdoodles. And the poor little Oompa Loompas were so small and helpless, they would get gobblged up right away. A Whangdoodle would eat ten of them for breakfast and think nothing of it.” Fluttershy gasped loudly, covering her muzzle with her hooves. “Oh, the poor little dears,” She whimpered. “Indeed,” Mr. Wonka nodded. “It’s so dangerous, you’ll never find it on ‘any’ map.” “Then why the hay would ya go to such a place if it’s so dangerous?” Applejack asked. “Because years ago, I myself went to Loompaland searching for exotic new flavors for candy,” Mr. Wonka answered. “Instead… I found the Oompa-Loompas; actually, they found me.” This drew everyone’s interest, including some of the kids as they stood beside the ponies and Spike. “The Oompa-Loompas lived in treehouses to escape from the fierce creatures who lived below,” Mr. Wonka continued. “They ate nothing but green caterpillars, which tasted revolting.” “Green… Caterpillars…” Spike gulped, eyes widening. “Mm-hmm. The Oompa-Loompas looked for other things to mash up with the caterpillars to make them taste better: Red beetles, the bark of the bong-bong tree. All of them beastly, but not quite so beastly as the caterpillars.” Now Spike had eaten worms before that one time when he ate those ‘baked bads’ Applejack and Pinkie Pie put together years ago. But his stomach rumbled from all the candy he ate, and he felt he was going to throw up, as he desperately covered his mouth with his claws. Mr. Wonka paused quickly, taking a tiny pipe whistle from his coat pocket, and blew a quick tune. An Oompa-Loompa emerged with an empty sack, silently handing it to Spike before resuming his work “Thanks pal,” Spike muttered. Then with one big heave, Spike chucked the contents into the bag as everyone else looked away. Even the parents could barely keep a straight face, as Spike literally lost everything he ate. He peers his eyes briefly while he kept the bag over his mouth. “Please proceed…” Spike wheezed. “… But the food they longed for the most was the cocoa bean,” Mr. Wonka concluded. “Cocoa Bean?” Twilight asked. “It’s those tiny beans from which chocolate is made of,” Pinkie Pie replied. “Been taught that since I was an itty-bitty, twinkie-pinkie! They are sooooooo good!” “They sure are, my dear,” Mr. Wonka nodded. “An Oompa-Loompa was lucky if he found three or four cocoa beans a year. But, oh, how they craved them. All they would ever think about was cocoa beans. So, I told the chief that day, ‘Come and live with me in peace, where you can have all the cocoa beans you want. Away from all the Wangdoodles and Hornswogglers, and Snozzwangers, and rotten Vermicious Knids!” “Snozzwangers? Vermicious Knids?” Mr. Salt scoffed, in disbelief. “What kind of rubbish is that?” “I’m sorry but all questions must be submitted in writing,” Mr. Wonka said, seriously. Rainbow Dash tried to stifle a laugh at Mr. Wonka’s comeback, while Twilight gave her a light elbow to the ribs to keep her quiet. “My, that’s certainly a very ‘interesting’ story to say the least, Mr. Wonka,” Rarity said. “Indeed, it is, my dear,” Mr. Wonka replied. “And so, in the greatest of secrecy, I transported the entire population of Oompa-Loompas to my factory. They are such wonderful workers. I feel I must warn you, though, they are rather mischievous. Always making jokes.” “Hey daddy, I want an Oompa-Loompa!” Veruca told her father. “I want you to get me an Oompa-Loompa right away!” “Alright Veruca, alright. I’ll get you one before the day’s out.” “I want an Oompa-Loompa now!” Veruca whined. “Can it, you nit!” Violet snapped at Veruca. “Yeah, I agree with gumball here,” Spike added, peering up. “How’s about spending one day without whining or complaining? You’d be doing us a favor.” Veruca shot them both an angry glare before taking a bite out of a taffy leaf. “Mmm… This stuff is terrific!” Everyone turns toward the source of the voice, noticing Augustus drinking from the chocolate river with his bare hands. “Grandpa, look at Augustus!” Charlie pointed out. “Don’t worry, he can’t drink it all,” Grandpa Joe assured. Rarity wrinkled her nose in disgust, seeing such terrible manners. Not to mention such a vulgar display as he gulped the chocolate without a care in the world. “Oh my, how revolting!” She complained. “Augustus, sweetheart, save some room for later,” Mrs. Gloop said. Mr. Wonka, on the other hand, seemed rather distressed and frantic, trying to get around the group. “Oh, uh, Augustus, please, don’t do that!” Mr. Wonka said, frantically. “My chocolate must never be touched by human hands.” Augustus, however, completely ignored Mr. Wonka, as he proceeds to use both hands to scoop up the chocolate. “Plea—Don’t do that! Don’t do that; you’re contaminating my entire river! Please, I beg you, Augustus!” Unfortunately, Augustus leaned a slight too far over the edge and fell straight into the river. Mrs. Gloop and the others screamed seeing the poor boy fall in. “Man overboard!” Mike said. “My chocolate!” Mr. Wonka yelled. Augustus popped out of the river, desperately trying to swim his way to the edge but with little success. “Help!” He cried. “My chocolate!” Mr. Wonka cried, in despair. “My beautiful chocolate!” The ponies and little baby dragon looked toward the man, as though he were crazy. “A boy just fell into that there river and may very well be in danger and all ya’ll care about is the chocolate?” Applejack asked, in disbelief. “Help!” Augustus cried again. “Don’t just stand there; do something!” Mrs. Gloop begged. Wonka just looked off into space, as though he didn’t care much for the situation. “Help. Police. Murder.” The ponies, tired of standing around and doing nothing, decided to spring into action and help the young boy. “Rainbow, you and Fluttershy see if you can pull Augustus out!” Twilight commanded. “On it chief!” Rainbow salutes. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy flew over the chocolate river, slowly hovering until they were just above Augustus, who looks up in amazement. “Grab on, kid!” Rainbow yelled. Augustus reached out, grabbing the two ponies by their hind legs. Rainbow and Fluttershy flap their wings frantically, trying to pull Augustus out of the river. It was all in vain, however, as they found themselves unable to move at all. “I-I-It’s not working, Rainbow!” Fluttershy gasped, exhausted. “No wonder we’re not moving,” Rainbow remarked, looking down. “He’s too fat!” “Come on back, ya’ll!” Applejack called out. “Ah got an idea!” “Don’t move, Gus!” Rainbow yelled. “She’s got a plan!” “Where am I gonna go?!” Augustus yelled, struggling. The two Pegasi flew back toward their friends, as Applejack pulls out her lasso twirling it in her teeth. She throws the rope and Augustus reaches out to grab it. Every pony got behind Applejack, grabbing each other’s tails one by one. “Alright ya’ll, now pull!” With all their might, the ponies, and even Spike, pulled the rope. But for some reason, they made no progress. It was though either some invisible force kept Augustus in place, or the chocolate was holding him down like wet cement. Either way, no matter how hard they pulled, they couldn’t get the boy out. “This ain’t working!” Rainbow finally said. Augustus lost his grip on the lasso, as Applejack reeled it back. Every pony collapsed from exhaustion, as Grandpa Joe hands Charlie a giant lollipop. “Quick, Charlie, here!” Charlie held out the lollipop over Augustus. “Quick, Augustus, grab this!” Augustus tried to grab the huge lollipop, but he sinks below the surface of the river. Everyone looked on, worried and in panic. “What—What’s happening to him?” Mrs. Teevee asked, worried. “It looks like he’s drowning,” Mr. Salt answered, noting the bubbles. “Dive in!” Mrs. Gloop frantically cried, to Mr. Wonka. “Save him!” “Oh, it’s too late,” Mr. Wonka said. “Too late?” “Oh, he’s had it now; the suction’s got him.” “What suction?” Twilight asked. “Augustus, come back!” Mrs. Gloop shouted. “Where is he?” “Watch the pipe,” Mr. Wonka pointed. Sure enough, they helplessly watched as the bubbles were drawing back toward a nearby pipe in the Chocolate River, which appeared to be sucking in the chocolate. “How long is he going to stay down, Daddy?” Veruca asked. “He can’t swim!” Mrs. Gloop wailed. “There’s no better time to learn,” Mr. Wonka replied. “There’s his coat going up the pipe!” Mike pointed. “Call a plumber!” Mr. Beauregarde remarked. “Call the fire brigade!” Cheese Sandwich added. They watched as Augustus slowly rose up the pipe, all that could be seen was his clothes getting pushed by gallons of chocolate below. “It’s a wonder how that pipe is big enough,” Rarity observed. “It isn’t big enough,” Charlie spoke. “He’s slowing down.” “He’s stuck in the pipe there, isn’t he, Wonka?” Mr. Salt asked. “It’s his stomach that’s done that.” “No kidding!” Rainbow Dash muttered. Sure enough, Augustus Gloop found himself stuck in the middle of the pipe struggling to move. His face and hair were smudged with the chocolate as he cried out for aid. “Heeelllp!” Augustus screamed. “Heeelllp!” “He’s blocking all the chocolate!” Violet cried out. “Well, what happens now?” Grandpa Joe asked. “Oh, the pressure’ll get him out,” Mr. Wonka explained. “Terrific pressure is building up behind the blockage.” “I wonder how long it’s gonna take him to push through,” Fluttershy wondered, worried. “The suspense is terrible,” Mr. Wonka replied, eating a piece of chocolate. “I hope it’ll last.” “He’s, he’s gonna go up this time,” Mr. Salt observed. “He—he—Go on, boy, go on!” “This is terrible!” Mrs. Gloop wailed. “He’ll never get out!” Charlie spoke. “Yes, he will, Charlie,” Grandpa Joe assured, pointing. “Watch. Remember you once aske dme how a bullet comes out of a gun?” Sure enough, all that built up pressure pushes Augustus Gloop quickly up the pipe as the suction resumes it’s natural pace. But when they tried looking up, the boy was gone, lost within the pipes. “He’s gone!” Mrs. Gloop cried. “He’ll be made into marshmallows in five seconds!” “Impossible, my dear lady, that’s absurd!” Mr. Wonka argued. “Unthinkable!” “Why?” “Because that pipe doesn’t go to the marshmallow room; it goes to the fudge room.” “THE FUDGE ROOM?!” The ponies and Spike cried. “Yep,” Mr. Wonka replied. “It just so happens to lead directly to the room where I make delicious strawberry-flavored, chocolate-coated fudge.” “Then he will be made into strawberry-flavored, chocolate-coated fudge?” Pinkie asked. “And selling him by the pound all over the world?” Cheese added. “Oh no, no, no, no, no,” Mr. Wonka shook his head. “I wouldn’t allow it; the taste would be terrible. Could you imagine Augustus-flavored, chocolate-coated Gloop?” Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich thought for a moment, an image of the little German Boy coated in hot chocolate. The very image of it made them quiver. “Yeah… I don’t think any pony would buy it,” Pinkie shuddered. “Not even if it had marshmallows… Or sprinkles… Or chimi-cherry sauce.” “You terrible pony!” Mrs. Gloop glared. “HEY, WATCH IT LADY!!!” Rainbow shouts, to Gloop’s face. “THAT IS MY BEST FRIEND AND SHE IS AWESOME!” “Aw… Dashie!” Pinkie sighed. While all this was going on, Mr. Wonka takes out his pipe whistle and once more plays a short tune as another Oompa-Loompa comes closer. “I want you to take Mrs. Gloop straight to the Fudge Room, okay?” Mr. Wonka instructs. “Help her find her son. Take a long stick and start poking around in the big chocolate-mixing barrel but look sharp! Or her little boy is liable to get poured into the boiler.” “The boiler?!” Twilight and Spike shout. “You’ve boiled him up, I know it!” Mrs. Gloop accused. “Nihil desperandum [Nothing to despair], dear lady,” Mr. Wonka assured. “Across the desert lies the promised land. Goodbye, Mrs. Gloop. Adieu! Auf wiedersehen! Gesundheit. Farewell.” Reluctantly, Mrs. Gloop followed the Oompa-Loompa as he led her toward the Fudge Room where she hopes to recover her lost boy. Just then, another tune draws the group toward the opposite side of the river where the rest of the Oompa-Loompas were still working. As if that wasn’t enough, they start singing an odd tune. By the end of the song, the Oompa-Loompas made their way through a small door cut into the side of a stone wall and sealed it tightly as they left. Everyone in the group, especially Twilight, were baffled by what they just witnessed. “What the hay just happened?” Twilight asked. “I have no idea,” Pinkie shook her head. “Personally, I liked the jazzier version better.” Every pony and Spike turned toward Pinkie Pie, Twilight raising an eyebrow at the random remark. “Really?” > The Wondrous Boat Ride > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The entire group stood in complete confusion, shocked over the turn of events which occurred less than a few moments ago. First, Augustus Gloop falls into the chocolate river and then gets sucked through a giant pipe to the Fudge Room. Next thing they know, Mrs. Gloop, the boy’s mother, was escorted to said fudge room by an Oompa Loomp in hopes to recover her son. Everyone looked off in their direction, trying to put what they saw into words. “Can any pony explain to me what the hay just happened?” Rainbow asked. “Your guess is as good as mine, darling,” Rarity answered. “Hey, what kind of place you running here anyhow, Wonka?” Mr. Beauregarde asked, curiously. “Uhhhh . . . Mesdames et messieurs, maintenant nous allons faire grand petit voyage par bateau,” Mr. Wonka responded. *Pause* Care to do the honors, good sir? *Clears throat* ‘Ladies and Gentlemen, now we are going for a great little boat trip.’ Everyone was taken aback by Wonka’s answer, seeing as they had no idea what he said because it was in another language. The only one who seemed to have any idea what he was saying was Rarity. “Oh my, I didn’t know you spoke ‘Prench’, Mr. Wonka,” She smiled. “Comme vous êtes généreux de nous inviter à une belle promenade en bateau.” ‘How generous you are to invite us on a lovely boat ride’. … How do you even know ‘French’ anyway? ‘French-To-English’ translator; anyone can do that. *Clears throat* Once again, everyone looked confused by this small exchange. Mr. Salt knelt down to whisper in Twilight’s ear. “What are they talking about?” “I have no idea,” Twilight shrugged. “Voulez-vous entrer le Wonkatania?” Mr. Wonka asked, gesturing beside him. ‘Do you want to come on the Wonkatania?’ From up the chocolate river, a lovely paddle boat with white-and-blue trimming floats peacefully down the stream. It was piloted by a single Oompa Loompa captain, with two others working the paddles. The boat came to a calm stop alongside the group and they all look in wonder. “Wow, what a boat!” Charlie marveled. “Ohhh, looks good enough to eat,” Grandpa Joe agreed. “That’s quite a little canoe yah got there, Mr. Wonka,” Applejack commented. “All I ask is a tall ship and a star to sail her by,” Mr. Wonka smiled. “All aboard, everybody.” Mr. Salt pushed past everyone, ponies included, just to get Veruca up front. “Uh, ladies first, and that means Veruca.” “If she’s a lady, I’m a Vermicious Kind,” Grandpa Joe snarked. “And I’m a pretty little princess named Rose Petal,” Rainbow joked. The rest of the ponies, Spike included, couldn’t help but chuckle at the idea of their tomboyish friend as a pretty princess in a frilly gown. Before long, everyone else piled into the boat. “You sure this think’ll float, eh, Wonka?” Mr. Salt questioned. “With your buoyancy, sir, rest assured,” Mr. Wonka answered. This gained another laugh from the ponies. “She’s tres joli [very pretty] indeed, Mr. Wonka, but is she seaworthy?” Rarity asked, in seriousness. “Nothing to worry about, my dear,” Mr. Wonka assured. “I take good care of my guests.” “Yeah, you took real good care of that August kid over there, that’s for sure,” Mr. Beauregarde said, sarcastically. “Everybody aboard?” Mr. Wonka called out. “You’re going to love this; just love it.” The Oompa Loompa captain rang the ship’s bell and the two paddling the boat once again put the boat into motion. Once more, the boat slowly drifts down the Chocolate river as everyone admired the scenery. “Hey Daddy, I want a boat like this,” Veruca told her father. “A beautiful paddle boat, that’s what I want. Grandpa Joe, who sat in front of the two, leaned over to listen to Charlie and the ponies. “What she wants is a good kick in the pants.” They nod in agreement, hoping at some point that spoiled little brat gets what’s coming to her. “I think I’m gonna be seasick,” Mrs. Teevee commented. “Just do me a favor, darling,” Rarity requests. “Don’t get anything on my precious mane.” Mrs. Teevee shot the fashionista a nasty look, when Mr. Wonka hands her something. “Here, try one of these.” “What are they?” “Rainbow drops. Suck ‘em and you can spit in seven different colors.” Mrs. Teevee, disgusted at the idea, placed the rainbow drop off to the side. Violet looks at Mr. Wonka, while picking her nose. “Spitting’s a dirty habit.” “I know a worse one,” Mr. Wonka grinned. As the boat continued down the river for a while, everyone just continued to marvel at everything they have seen so far on this wonderful journey through the factory. Turning toward Charlie and Grandpa Joe, Wonka takes a ladle and lightly dips it into the chocolate river. He takes the scoopful of chocolate and hands the ladle toward the two. “You look starved to death,” Wonka noted, to Charlie. “Try some of this; it’ll do you good.” Charlie casually takes the ladle and takes a tiny sip of the chocolate. It was so warm, so smooth, as he could feel the chocolate course down his throat. Possibly the best chocolate he ever tasted in his life. “It’s great,” Charlie smiled, handing the ladle to his grandfather. “That’s because of all those cocoa beans,” Wonka replied, turning to the others. “By the way, did you know that chocolate contains a property that triggers the release of endorphins? Gives one the feeling of being in love.” “Hmm… You don’t say,” Rarity thought. Speaking of love, Cheese Sandwich and Pinkie Pie sat awfully close to one another during the boat ride. Pinkie felt something wrap around her waist and turns to the side. Sure enough, Cheese had sneakily wrapped one arm around her. She just looks at him with a huge smile. “Oh Cheese, you sly devil you,” She giggled. Cheese blushed bright red but turned so Pinkie wouldn’t notice. This did not go unnoticed by the other ponies, or Spike, as they looked very giddy toward the two. Feeling a tad brave, Spike scoots close to Rarity attempting to place an arm around her. But the little dragon quickly withdrew when Rarity looked at him. “What business you in, Salt? Mr. Beauregarde asked Mr. Salt. “Nuts.” “Hmm… Is it me or is Wonka two quarters short of a buck?” “I’m sorry sir, I don’t speak American.” After another few moments floating along the river, the group noticed the boat was heading toward a dark tunnel. This seemed to make everyone quite nervous. “Mr. Wonka, we’re heading towards a tunnel,” Spike spoke. Mr. Wonka turns his head to look behind him, noting the approaching tunnel. “Oh yeah, full speed ahead!” He told the Captain. “Hang on, where are we going?” Mr. Salt asked. “I don’t know, but I don’t like the looks of that tunnel up there,” Mr. Beauregarde said, nervously. “Hey Wonka, I want off!” “Round the world and home again, that’s the sailor’s way!” Mr. Wonka said, giddily. The boat quickly increased in speed, which made everyone more nervous than before. Soon the entire boat was enveloped in complete darkness of the tunnel. “I don’t like this ride, Daddy!” Veruca whined. “Faster!” Mr. Wonka commanded. “Wonka, do me a favor?” Mr. Salt pleaded. “Tell those people to stop paddling back there.” Suddenly, the whole tunnel itself became engulfed in a strange mixture of lights. “Faster!” “We’re going too fast!” Twilight said, loudly. “We’re gonna sink, I know it!” Violet yelled. “Faster!” “Hang on, darling!” Mr. Salt cried, clutching his daughter. “Just close your eyes and hang on tight!” “Faster!” Poor Fluttershy was so scared, she leapt behind Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich, who held each other as tightly as possible. As for the Pegasus, she merely hid herself in her hooves, weeping softly praying for this ride to end. “T-T-This is s-so scary!” She whimpered. “What is this, a freak-out?!” Violet yelled, toward Mr. Wonka. “Hey, this isn’t funny, Wonka!” Mr. Beauregarde also yelled. “You can’t possibly see where you’re going, Wonka!” Mr. Salt cried. “You’re right; I can’t,” Mr. Wonka responds. Meanwhile, the boat continues to speed faster and faster down the river, heading towards Celestia only knows where. While the entire group looks around in fear, the only ones who were enjoying themselves were Charlie and Grandpa Joe. “This is kind of strange…” Charlie said. “Yeah, strange, Charlie, but it’s fun! Ha ha!” Grandpa Joe laughed. As the boat soared down the river, some strange imagery appears along the walls. The images depicted several creepy, frightening images which seem to be different for everyone. From a creepy bug crawling along someone’s face to a random eyeball that seems to stare at them. But none compared to the following images the ponies and Spike could see: A castle in flames with a skull encircled by a snake hanging over it, a large reptile roaring loudly on a dark rainy night, a planet sized orbital battle station with a wicked old man laughing sinisterly, and a tall skinny woman with a demonic fan dressed in a nun’s habit. By this point, Rarity grabbed a hold of Spike, hugging him for dear life. Normally this would make Spike blush madly into a giddy wreck, but at the moment all he could do was hold Rarity tightly waiting for this horror to end. “How much to get off the boat, Wonka?” Mr. Salt begged. “Uhhhh… I think I’m gonna be sick,” Mrs. Teevee moaned. “I can take a joke, but this has gone too far!” Cheese Sandwich cringed. “Tell that little guy to turn us around, Wonka!” Mr. Beauregarde demanded. Just then, the sight of a chicken getting it’s head chopped off made Mrs. Teevee scream. “Now I am gonna be sick!” “Save me, Daddy!” Veruca cried. It was during this intense ride when Slugworth’s face appears briefly on the wall, catching Charlie by surprise. “Grandpa!” Charlie pointed. “It couldn’t be!” Grandpa spoke. As if this ride of terror couldn’t be more frightening, Mr. Wonka began singing a rather creepy tune. Mr. Wonka then gave a startled gasped, quickly turning toward the rest of the group who gasped in response. His eyes are wide as saucers, a crazed look shifted on his face as he continued. “Not a speck of light is showing so the danger must be growing. Are the fires of hell a glowing? Is the grizzly reaper mowing? Yes! The danger must be growing for the rowers keep on rowing, AND THEY’RE CERTAINLY NOT SHOWING ANY SIGNS THAT THEY ARE SLOWING!!!” A shrilling scream escapes Mr. Wonka’s lips, leaving everyone on the boat visibly terrified at the man’s mad expression. “Oh, make him stop, Daddy!” Veruca begged. “Wonka, this has gone far enough!” Mr. Salt shouts. “Quite right, sir!” Mr. Wonka agreed. “Stop the boat!” With a flash and quick flicker of the lights, the boat makes a sudden stop. When they looked around, they find the boat resting by the hallway next to a large set of steel doors. “We’re there,” Mr. Wonka said. “Where?” Rainbow groaned. “Here,” Mr. Wonka gestures to the location. “A small step for mankind, but a giant step for us. All ashore!” Everyone quickly scampers off of the boat. The ponies stumbled around dizzily, after such a fast ride. Poor Spike’s scales turned from his usual shade of purple to a sickly shade of green, as he held his stomach. “Oh no… I think I’m gonna…” He didn’t finish the sentence when he reached behind himself and pulled out a brown paper bag, quickly emptying the contents of his stomach into the bag. “Let me off this crate!” Mr. Beauregarde growled. “Now why don’t they show stuff like that on T.V.?” Mike asked. “I don’t know,” Mrs. Teevee shook her head. “What a nightmare,” Mr. Salt moaned. “Daddy, I do not want a boat like this,” Vercua said, shaking her head. Charlie and Grandpa Joe stood off to the side near the entrance of another room. Pinkie and Cheese notice the pair reading a sign by the front doors. “Hey girls! Spike!” Cheese called out. “Take a look at this!” The rest of the ponies and Spike saunter on up alongside them, reading the sign as well. “Dairy Cream…” Charlie read. “Whipped Cream…” Grandpa Joe read. “Coffee Cream…” Pinkie read. “Vanilla Cream…” Cheese read. “Hair cream?” They all asked, curiously. Pinkie Pie herself turns toward Mr. Wonka, a confused expression on her face. “Mr. Wonka, sir. What do you use hair cream for?” “To lock in moisture,” Mr. Wonka replies, casually. Pinkie Pie paused for a moment, her head tilting to the side like the hand of a clock as a ticking noise was heard. It was then Pinkie reared her head in place as if realizing the joke. “Oh yeah!!!” Pinkie smiled, satisfied. “Meine Herrschaften, schenken Sie mir ihre aufmerksamkeit,” Mr. Wonka announced, in another language. ‘My friends [masters], please give me your attention.’ “That’s not French!” Mrs. Teevee complains. That’s German you Drecksau! Dude… Language! “Sie kommen jetzt in den interessantesten und gleichzeitig geheimsten raum meiner fabrik.” ‘You have now come to the most interesting and, at the same time, the most secret room of my factory.’ “I can’t take much more of this,” Mr. Salt moaned. “Meine Damen und Herren, der Inventing Room,” Mr. Wonka points ahead. ‘Ladies and Gentlemen, The Inventing Room.’ “Now remember, no messing about. No touching, no tasting, no telling.” “No telling what?” Grandpa Joe asked. “You see, all of my most secret inventions are cooking and simmering in here,” Mr. Wonka explained. “Old Slugworth would give his false teeth to get inside for just five minutes, so don’t touch a thing!” As Mr. Wonka leads the guests into the Inventing Room, the ponies and Spike face each other nervously. If what that Slugworth fellow they ran into said was true, that Wonka was rumored of preparing a secret product, it would be in production right inside that room. They had no idea if they would find it inside nor what other surprises would await for them. But after such a terrifying boat ride to get here, a moment they’d rather not talk about for weeks to come, what could possibly be worse than that? > The Inventing Room > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lead by Mr. Willy Wonka himself, the entire group enters a gigantic room completely filled to the brim with all sorts of machines, boiling pots, and assorted junk. Following a terrifying boat ride, many in the group, including the ponies, were so shaken up they couldn’t walk straight. Poor Spike kept throwing up in the bag he carried with him, seeing as how the speed and velocity proved too much for the baby dragon to stomach. Fluttershy kept her eyes shut, as tears rolled down her cheeks, despite her friends’ assurance it was over. Nevertheless, the group walks slowly and carefully through the Inventing Room, careful not to disturb the Oompa Loompas working there. “Inventing Room?” Grandpa Joe questioned, looking around. “It looks more like a Turkish bath to me.” Rarity cringed in disgust at all the junk strewn everywhere, practically walking on eggshells hoping to not ruin her coat or mane. “If I may say Mr. Wonka,” Rarity spoke up. “Perhaps it might be quite beneficial to you if some of the Oompa Loompas were to clean this up a bit.” “I agree with Rarity,” Charlie concurred. “Even if Slugworth did get in here, he couldn’t find anything.” “You got a garbage strike going on here, Wonka?” Mr. Beauregarde asked. “Who does your cleaning up?” Mrs. Teevee added. In the meantime, Mr. Wonka strolls over to a small table off to the side, as the group follows him. He grabs ahold of several beakers and test tubes, as he proceeds to mix together a concoction of some sorts. “Shouldn’t you be wearing rubber gloves?” Mr. Salt asked. “You’ll have the health inspectors after you, you know that, don’t you?” Mr. Wonka simply ignores him, as he keeps mixing the concoction together with a stirring rod. “Invention, my dear friends, is ninety-three percent perspiration, six percent electricity, four prevent evaporation, and two percent butterscotch ripple.” Twilight Sparkle was especially confused by the math, as she leans toward Pinkie Pie. “May I borrow something?” Twilight asked. “Sure!” Pinkie answered, leaning forward. Twilight took one hoof and reaches into Pinkie’s mane. SNAP! “Ow!” Twilight’s hoof got caught in a random mouse trap, which she quickly shakes off. As her hoof throbs, she glares toward Pinkie who merely smiles with a squee. Rolling her eyes, Twilight puts her hoof back into Pinkie’s mane, but cautiously this time. After a while of digging around, she finally pulls out a calculator. She begins to punch in the numbers and shook her head. “I’m sorry Mr. Wonka, but I don’t think that quite adds up,” Twilight concludes. “That’s a hundred-and-five percent.” “I stand by my statistics dear,” Mr. Wonka responds. He then lifts his new concoction to his lips and took a nice gulp. “Any good?” Mr. Salt asked. “Yes,” Mr. Wonka squeaked, in a very high voice. He soon noticed Veruca waving her hand over a steaming kettle, trying to cool it down. As he walks over to her, he grabs a nearby alarm clock for some reason. “Excuse me… Time is a precious thing; never waste it.” He hurls the alarm clock into the kettle, into… Well, whatever was cooking inside of it. Veruca looks disgusted, while Rainbow Dash and Applejack simply looked confused. “Wut in tarnation did he do that fur?” Applejack asked. “Maybe just needed to give it a little more ‘time,” Rainbow joked. “BOO!” SPLAT!!! A tomato hurled right into Rainbow’s face, exploding on impact. Applejack couldn’t help but laugh, as Rainbow wipes the residue off her face and glares at the Earth pony. “He’s absolutely bonkers,” Veruca said to Charlie. “And that’s not bad,” Charlie said. Mike grabs a nearby piece of candy sitting on the table and popped it into his mouth. Mr. Wonka proceeds over to a mixing device combined with an old bicycle. He sits on the machine and starts peddling, which made the mixer go while singing a rather catchy tune. Wonka (Sings): In springtime, the only pretty ring time Birds sing, Hey ding A-Ding, A-Ding Sweet lovers love the spring— As he sang, Cheese Sandwich and Pinkie Pie couldn’t help but bop their heads to the catchy tune. After a moment, Cheese paused as he turns to Pinkie admiring how beautiful she looked, especially when her poofy mane swayed back and forth. Perhaps now was the moment to finally confess his true feelings. Feeling brave, Cheese takes a deep breath, straights the collar of his shirt, and strolls over to her. “Uh… Pinkie?” Cheese spoke, tapping her shoulder. “Yes, Cheesy?” Pinkie turned, smiling. “Uh—Well, uh—Is it—Is it okay if we talk alone for a minute?” Cheese stuttered, nervously. Pinkie nodded quickly, as the two walked away from the group. Taking another deep breath, trying to calm the redness burning his face, he looks Pinkie dead straight in the eyes. “Pinkie Pie, you and I have had some really fun adventures together. You’ve been my bestest friend in the whole wide world of Equestria.” Now it was Pinkie’s turn to blush bright red, hearing all the kind words Cheese was saying. “Well of course we have silly,” Pinkie smiled. “I wouldn’t change our friendship for all the candy in this factory.” Cheese Sandwich then reach his hooves out to grasp Pinkie’s. The party pony look down at their conjoint hooves in shock and joy, as she looks toward Cheese. “Pinkie… I’ve been thinking, maybe… It would be really great if we—” BOOM! Before he could finish, an explosion alerted the two to Mike Teevee stumbling backwards into a rack of pots and pans, collapsing to the ground. “Mike!” Mrs. Teevee screamed. Pinkie immediately let go of Cheese’s hooves and rushed over to check on the boy. Cheese just sighed, shaking his head with the moment ruined… Again. Mr. Wonka, on the other hand, shook his head mostly because a certain little boy didn’t listen to his warning about ‘not touching anything’. “I told you not to, silly boy,” He groaned. “Your teeth!” Mrs. Teevee cried. While clutching his jaw, Mike blew a puff of smoke directly into his mother’s face. Mrs. Teevee coughed as the smoke entered her lungs. “Boy, that’s great stuff,” Mike sighed. “That’s exploding candy for your enemies,” Mr. Wonka explained. “Great idea, isn’t it? Not ready yet, though, still too weak. Needs more gelignite.” “Can’t say he didn’t have that one coming,” Spike muttered. Mr. Wonka hops off the bike mixer and walks toward another vat filled with some kind of liquid. He dips his finger into the liquid, having a little taste. He then rummaged through a pile of clothes, before pulling out two sneakers which he hurls into the mixture. The whole group looked disgusted. “Mr. Wonka, what exactly is that supposed to be for?” Fluttershy finally asked. “Gives it a little kick,” Mr. Wonka answered. Pinkie and Cheese couldn’t help but chuckle at his choice of words. Mr. Salt looked at one machine that had the words “Butterscotch” and “Butter Gin” written on it, as he walks over to Mr. Wonka. “Wonka? Butterscotch… Butter Gin… You’ve got something going on inside of here?” “Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker,” Mr. Wonka chuckled in his ear. “Hey, Mr. Wonka!” Spike called out, pointing at a candy. “What’s this?” “Oh, let me show you,” Mr. Wonka smiled. Mr. Wonka approaches a nearby table and picks up another piece of candy. This particular piece looked like a normal round piece of toffee, only this one seem to have some shavings that looked like hair. “This is Hair Toffee,” Mr. Wonka explains. “You suck down one of these and in exactly half an hour a brand-new crop of hair will grow out over the top of your little noggin… And a mustache… And a beard!” “Who wants a beard?” Rainbow asked. “Well… Beatniks, for one. Folk singers and motorbike riders. You know, all those hip, jazzy, super-cool, neat, keen, and groovy cats. It’s in the fridge, daddy-o. Are you hep to the jive? Can you dig what I’m laying down? I knew you could; slide me some skin, soul brother.” Wonka leans out one hand waiting for someone to slap it. At first, nothing happened as everyone awkwardly shared glances toward the man. Not wanting to spoil the moment, Pinkie Pie shrugs and gives a ‘slap’ with her hoof. “Hey!” Wonka chuckled, composing himself. “Unfortunately, the mixture isn’t right yet. Because an Oompa Loompa tried some yesterday, and, well, he—” Coincidentally, Mr. Wonka turns as an Oompa Loompa approaches the group. But unlike his colleagues, he was completely covered in shaggy brown locks that completely covered its wee body from head-to-toe like a very familiar character. Everyone looked wide eyed at the crazy effects of the toffee, while Pinkie seemed to study this Oompa Loompa closely, scratching her chin. “How are you today?” Wonka asked. The only response the Oompa Loompa gave are two thumbs up, his little hands ‘barely’ visible beneath all that hair. “You look great!” Eventually the Oompa Loompa lowers his hands and leaves to return to his post. Mr. Wonka then approaches another vat of liquid, once again dipping his finger into it. “AAH!” Every pony jumped at his loud yelp, as he quickly pulled his finger from the vat. “What’s the matter?” Violet asked. “Too hot, Mr. Wonka?” “Too cold. Far too cold.” Mr. Wonka grabs a coat from another pile and proceeds to mix it into the mixture with a large wooden ladle. “That’s gourmet cooking for you,” Mr. Salt said, sarcastically. “Gourmet is one word,” Rarity whispered to Twilight. “Another is completely horrendous.” Meanwhile, Mr. Beauregarde attempts to sneak a peek at a large machine completely covered in multicolor tarps. A loud alert sound nearly gave the man a heart attack, as the rest of the group turned in shock. “No, don’t!” Mr. Wonka exclaimed, loudly. “Please… Forgive me, but no one must look under there. This is the most secret machine in my entire factory. This is the one that’s really going to sizzle old Slugworth.” “What’s it do?” Charlie asked. “Would you like to see?” Mr. Wonka grinned. Everyone in the group nodded excitedly, as Mr. Wonka pushes the button on the machine. The machine goes through a lengthy process of sputtering and making funny noises. Until eventually, the machine starts producing a line of colorful candy pieces. “That’s something,” Twilight spoke. “But what exactly does it do?” “Can’t you see?” Mr. Wonka responds. “It makes Everlasting Gobstoppers.” “Did you say, ‘Everlasting Gobstoppers’?” Violet asks, shocked. “That’s right. They’re for children with very little pocket money. You can suck ‘em forever. Isn’t that neat?” “So… It’s like gum?” Spike asked. “Oh no, gum is for ‘chewing’. If you tried chewing one of these Gobstoppers… Why, you’d break all your little teeth off! But they sure do taste terrific.” “I want an Everlasting Gobstopper!” Veruca said, excitedly. “Me too!” Violet agreed. “And me!” Mike added. “Fantastic invention,” Mr. Wonka marveled. “Revolutionize the industry. You can suck ‘em and suck ‘em and suck ‘em, and they’ll never get any smaller. Never… At least, I don’t think they do. A few more tests.” Pinkie’s eyes burst with excitement and wonder, over the idea of such a treat. A candy for children with very little allowance, one they can suck on forever and never losing its size nor its flavor. Such a treat would most certainly put Sugar Cube Corner back in business. Pinkie smiled at the prospect, imagining the proud look on the Cakes’ faces. “How do you make ‘em?” Mike asked. “I’m a trifle deaf in this ear,” Mr. Wonka said, gesturing to the right. “Speak a little louder next time. Who wants an Everlasting Gobstopper?” All the children respond with “Me” or “I do”, reaching out to have a piece. Mr. Wonka, however, looked hesitant at first, just as it seemed he’d hand over the treats. “I can only give them to you if you solemnly swear to keep them for yourselves and never show them to another living soul as long as you all shall live. Agreed?” While listening, Applejack noticed that Veruca had crossed her fingers behind her back. The cow pony flared and growled at the girl. “Why that no good, lyin’, low down, little parasprite.” “Agreed!” All the children said. “Good,” Mr. Wonka nodded, handing them out. “One for you, and one for you, and one for you.” Twilight noticed every kid, except for Charlie, received their own Gobstopper. “Excuse me, Mr. Wonka,” Twilight spoke up. “But what about Charlie?” Mr. Wonka smiled, as if he noticed he indeed forget about Charlie and handed one to the boy. “And one for Charlie.” Charlie turns around, smiling at Twilight appreciatively. “Thanks Twilight!” “Hey, she’s got two!” Veruca complained, confronting Violet. “I want another one!” “Stop squawking, you twit!” Violet spat. Rainbow flew in between the two, pushing them apart before a fight could emerge. “Would you two zip it already?!” “Everybody has had one, and one is enough for anybody,” Mr. Wonka added, before turning to Pinkie. “Speaking of one…” Mr. Wonka then flicks one more Gobstopper with his thumb, as it hurtles straight toward Pinkie Pie. She catches it with her hooves, eyeing at the piece wide eyed before turning to Mr. Wonka. “Really?!” Pinkie asked, excitedly. “Oh sure!” Mr. Wonka smiled. “You’re one of the most enthusiastic candy fans I’ve ever met. A little token of appreciation.” “… I promise to cherish this candy forever!” “I’m sure you will,” Mr. Wonka nodded. “Now come along. Now over here, if you’ll follow me, I have something rather special to show you.” As he lead the group to the side, Pinkie eyes at the one piece of the Everlasting Gobstopper that Wonka willingly gave to her. Tears streamed down her face, only this time they were happy tears. For in her hooves, this piece of candy could not only keep the Cakes’ bakery in business, but it would allow her to keep her place in Ponyville. Determined to keep this candy safe, she sticks the piece through her mane to save it for the return trip home. Eventually, she catches up with the others as Wonka presents a gigantic machine with many pulleys, gears, buttons, and other mechanical amenities. “Well, it’s special, all right,” Mr. Salt smirked. “I only hope my Veruca doesn’t want one.” “Knowin’ her, it’s only ah matter ah time,” Applejack muttered. “What a contraption!” Twilight said, amazed. “Isn’t she scrumptious?” Wonka asked, marveling. “She’s my revolutionary, non-pollutionary mechanical wonder. Now: Button, button, who’s got the button?” “It’s over there,” Charlie points out. Mr. Wonka walks over to Charlie, noticing the large red button the boy stood next to. “Here?” “Yeah!” Just as Mr. Wonka was about to press the button, he paused. He slowly looks over to Pinkie Pie with a bright smile. “Pinkie my dear, would you care to do the honors?” Pinkie smiled so huge, she bounced up-and-down excitedly like a rubber ball. “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!” She bounced over to the machine, pushed the big button, and the machine sprang to life. It rattled, shook, sputtered, and cracked. Boxing gloves pounding on the powder, drips of honey from a beehive flowing on the pieces, and tomatoes crushed into tiny pieces. Celestia only knows what this machine was making. “What you are witnessing, dear friends, is the most enormous miracle of the machine age,” Mr. Wonka states, proudly. “The creation of a confectionary giant!” After another few minutes, the machine spits out a tiny little cube wrapped in gold paper. “Finito!” “That’s all?” Veruca asked. “That’s all?!?” Mr. Wonka said, surprised. “Don’t you know what this is?” “By gum, it’s gum!” Violet answered. “Wrong! It’s a stick of the most amazing, fabulous, sensational gum in the whole world… No, the whole universe!” “What’s so fab about it?” “Because this little piece of gum is a three-course dinner all by itself!” “Why would any pony want that?” Rarity asked. “Very simple dear,” Mr. Wonka replied. “Picture this: The end of all kitchens and cooking. Just a little strip of this chewing gum and that is all you will ever need at breakfast, lunch, and dinner.” “It sounds great!” Grandpa Joe said. “It sounds weird!” Veruca responds, bluntly. “Bull,” Mr. Salt scoffed. “No, roast beef,” Mr. Wonka corrected. “But I haven’t got it quite right yet.” “I don’t care,” Violet replied, snatching the gum. Violet proceeds to unwrap the piece, while placing her old piece of gum behind her ear. Mr. Wonka points at her, his eyes widen. “Oh, I wouldn’t do that,” He warned. “I really wouldn’t.” “So long as it’s gum, then that’s for me,” Violet replied. “Um Violet, I think you might want to listen to Mr. Wonka,” Fluttershiy whispered. “I mean if that’s alright with you.” “Listen Posey,” Violet confronts Fluttershy. “I’m the world-record holder in chewing gum; I’m not afraid of anything.” “Violet, now don’t you do anything stupid,” Mr. Beauregarde told his daughter. Violet groans, rolling her eyes as she walks away from the group and pops the piece of gum into her mouth. “What’s it taste like?” Charlie asked. “Madness!” Violet exclaimed, amazed. “It’s tomato soup! It’s hot and creamy, I can actually feel it running down my throat. It’s delicious!” Mr. Wonka just leaned back, resting on his elbow. “Stop, don’t…” Mr. Wonka said, in a bored tone. The ponies all turn to Wonka with raised eyebrows, wondering why it seems he didn’t care all that much. Why just a moment ago, he warns her not to chew the gum and next thing you know… Split personality central. “Why doesn’t she listen to Mr. Wonka?” Charlie asked Grandpa Joe. “Fur one specific reason Charlie and one alone,” Applejack sighed. “She’s a nitwit!” Grandpa Joe concludes. In the meantime, Violet kept rambling over how great the gum is. “And every chew gets better and better! Mmm… This sure is great soup! Hey, second course is coming up! Roast beef and a baked potato. Mmm!” “With sour cream?” Mr. Beauregarde chuckles. “Keep chewing kiddo. My little girl is going to be the first person to have a chewing gum meal. What’s for dessert, baby?” “Dessert? Here it comes. Blueberry pie and ice cream! It’s the most marvelous blueberry pie that I’ve ever tasted!” As she spoke, everyone in the group gasped in unison. For soon they noticed her face begin to shift colors to a dark, bluish shade. “Look at her face!” Spike exclaimed, pointing his claw. “Holy Toledo, what’s happening to your face?” Mr. Beauregarde asked. “Cool it, Dad!” Violet yelled. “Lemme finish.” “But your face is turning blue!” Cheese shouts. “It’s actually more of a dark purple,” Rarity spoke. “Not helpin’!” Applejack muttered. “Violet, your turning violet, Violet!” Mr. Beauregarde shouts. “What are you talking about?” Violet asked, oblivious. “Mr. Wonka, what’s happening to her?” Twilight asked. “Well, I told you I hadn’t got it quite right yet,” Mr. Wonka spoke up. “You can say that again!” Mr. Beauregarde freaked out. “Look what it’s done to my kid!” “It always goes wrong when we come to the dessert… Always.” Just then, Mr. Beauregarde turns back and notices the effects were getting stranger. Not only was Violet turning entirely blue on every corner of her body, but now her entire body was slowly swelling up. Like a balloon pumped with helium, her body expands so wide the red belt holding her clothes together ripped off. “Violet, what are you doing now?!?” Mr. Beauregarde shouts. “You’re blowing up!” “I feel funny,” Violet said. “I’m not surprised,” Grandpa Joe commented. “What’s happening?!” “She’s blowing up like a party balloon!” Pinkie shouts. “Like a blueberry,” Wonka corrected. “Somebody do something!” Mr. Beauregarde shouts, desperately. “Call a doctor!” “I can stick her with one of my claws,” Spike offered. “No Spike, she’ll pop!” Charlie spoke. “It happens every time!” Mr. Wonka spoke. “I’ve tried it on like 20 Oompa Loompas and each one ended up as a blueberry. It’s just the darndest thing, you know?” “TWENTY Oompa Loompas?!” Twilight asked, incredulous. “Twenty Oompa Loompas… And now one girl.” “You’ve really done it this time, haven’t you, Wonka!” Mr. Beauregarde growled. “How’s my little girl supposed to compete now?!” “I reckon you could put ‘er in the county fair,” Rainbow mimicked Applejack, turning to her. “Ain’t that right, A.J.?” “Yer mockin’ me, aren’t ya?” Applejack frowned, raising an eyebrow. “Maaaaaaybe…” “Ooh… You wise-cracking mini-horse!” Mr. Beauregarde spoke, angrily. “I oughtta…” “You oughtta what?!” Rainbow asked, getting in his face. “… I... Oughtta back away,” Mr. Beauregarde finished, stepping back. “Oh well,” Mr. Wonka shrugs. “I’ll get it right in the end.” “Help! Help!” Mr. Beauregarde turns back to his daughter, who’s entire body was growing so wide and so round she couldn’t do anything. She couldn’t lower her arms, she couldn’t walk, she couldn’t move an inch. The bigger she grew, the harder it became for her to talk as even her cheekbones grew huge. It was miracle that her clothes were able to hold up, or… Don’t you dare! *Pause* Killjoy. In the meantime, Mr. Wonka pulls out his pipe whistle and blows a tune as all the group could do is watch helplessly as Violet swelled up like she was having an allergy. “We’ve got to let the air out of her, quick!” Mr. Beauregarde shouts. “No… You think?!” Twilight asked, frantically. “There’s no air in there,” Mr. Wonka assured. “Helium?” Pinkie guessed. “That’s juice.” “Juice?!?” Every pony shouted., in unison. In the nick of time, a nearby Oompa Loompa approaches Mr. Wonka. “Would you roll the young lady along to the juicing room at once, please?” Mr. Wonka asked. The Oompa Loompa nods silently as he and several Oompa Loompas surround the helpless little girl. “The Juicing Room?!” Mr. Beauregarde spoke, wide-eyed. “What are they gonna do to her there?” “They’re gonna squeeze her, like a pimple,” Mr. Wonka explained. “We have to squeeze all that juice out of her immediately or else.” “Or else… What?” Fluttershy asked, nervously. “She explodes.” “Explodes?!?” Beauregarde shouts. “You mean this has happened before?!” Rarity whined. “All that juice, splattered everywhere, so sticky, so moist, I can’t even…” “Calm yourself, dear,” Wonka spoke, calmly. “It’s a fairly simple operation… Mostly.” The group watch as the Oompa Loompas circle all around Violet Beauregarde, who by now resembles a human blueberry. She tried to walk away, but she can barely wobble only a few inches before the Oompa Loompas start to roll her onto her back much to her chagrin. As if it wasn’t enough, they started to sing an eerily familiar tune. After rolling poor Violet Beauregarde around the room, a few Oompa Loompas open the doors while the rest roll Mrs. Beauregarde out of the Invention Room toward the Juicing Room… Taking their sweet little time. One Oompa Loompa took Mr. Beauregarde by the hand, dragging him along so he can be with his daughter. But needless to say, he turned back to Mr. Wonka with a very cross look. “I’ll get even with you for this, Wonka, if it’s the last thing I ever do!” Mr. Beauregarde threatens, whimpering. “I’ve got a blueberry for a daughter…” It wasn’t long before The Oompa Loompa lead Mr. Beauregarde out of the room, and this would be the last time the group saw him again. Needless to say, Mr. Wonka wasn’t the least bit phased by the man’s threat, merely looking ahead with a blank expression. “Where is fancy bred?” Mr. Wonka asked. “In the heart, or in the head?” “Mr. Wonka, that’s twice now that two of your guests got themselves hurt!” Twilight points out. “I know they were a bit bratty, but aren’t you worried about the safety hazards…” “She’ll be fine, Twilight,” Mr. Wonka states. “I promise… Shall we roll on?” An Oompa Loompa hands Mr. Wonka his cane, which he graciously accepts. “Thank you.” Willy Wonka moves ahead while the rest follows him. But they didn’t get very far when Wonka quickly turns back toward the group. “Well, well, well… Two naughty, nasty little children gone. Three good, sweet little children left. Hurry, please, long way to go yet!” Mr. Wonka walks ahead as the rest cautiously follow. The ones who didn’t leave yet were the ponies, who seemed a bit stunned by Mr. Wonka’s unusual behavior especially when it seemed he showed no care for the children. “Yeah… That’s not creepy at all,” Spike replied. “We best stay close every pony,” Twilight advised. “We should try to finish with the tour before we get into any more trouble.” “Please don’t jinx it, Twi,” Applejack muttered. Needless to say, the ponies and Spike eventually hurry to catch up with the other guests. Cheese Sandwich, the last to leave, paused for a moment considering how close he was to confessing his feelings to Pinkie Pie only to get interrupted. He takes a deep breath, nodding his head and accepting this wasn’t the right time… Yet. “Next time…” Cheese Sandwich told himself. “Next time!” With that in his mind, Cheese Sandwich finally makes his way out of the Inventing Room as the tour through Wonka’s Chocolate factory continues > Fizzy Lifting Drinks > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Through a series of hallways, the motely group follows Mr. Willy Wonka as he leads them to another portion of the factory. In just one day, this was officially the strangest tour the ponies and these humans have ever been on and in way or another two children were officially lost due to some bizarre accident. Yet even after all of that, Mr. Wonka goes on as though nothing happened at all insisting that he shows more of the factory. This behavior made everyone, especially the ponies, nervous and cautious of the curious man. They decided, that for the remainder of the tour, to keep a ‘very’ close eye on him. “Is it just me, girls or does Mr. Wonka seem oblivious to everything around him?” Twilight whispered to the girls. “First, a child was sucked up a giant chocolate pipe and now another just turned into a giant blueberry.” “I didn’t want to say anything, but clearly the man is suffering some form of mental issue,” Rarity added. “Come on, guys,” Rainbow scoffed. “This is Augustus Gloop and Violet Beauregarde we’re talkin’ about. You can’t honestly tell me they didn’t have it coming.” “I hate tah admit it, but Dash has a point,” Applejack agreed. “Seein’ as how they don’t listen tah Mr. Wonka’s warnin’ ‘em not to break his rules.” “Well, maybe we shouldn’t let our guard down just yet,” Fluttershy whispered. “He seems harmless, but something about him makes me nervous.” “Flutters, ‘everything’ makes you nervous,” Rainbow retorts. As they continue their stroll, they pass by a large wall in the hallway covered in colorful wallpaper depicting a series of fruit. Mr. Wonka stopped in his tracks, turning around with a smile. “Wait a minute!” He said excitedly. “I must show you this. Lick-able wallpaper for nursery walls. Lick an orange, it tastes like an orange. Like a pineapple, it tastes like a pineapple. Go ahead, try it.” Most of the group, minus the ponies, went ahead and start licking the wallpaper. Rarity looked somewhat disgusted by the notion. “My goodness, who in Equestria would stoop to lick a wall?” She cringed. “Trust me, my dear,” Mr. Wonka assured. “This invention is truly amazing.” The ponies looked amongst each other, wondering if they should give it a try. Pinkie Pie was the first to bounce high in the air, with wide-sparkling eyes and mouth agape. “Ooh! Ooh! I wanna try! I wanna try!” “Me too!” Cheese Sandwich proclaimed. The two party-ponies rush toward the wall and proceed to lick the wallpaper. Pinkie found herself licking an apple enthusiastically, discovering to her delight that the paper actually tasted like an apple. She pauses for a brief moment, motioning the others to come over. “Come on girls, this tastes great!” She said, happily. The others shrugged, then trot toward the wall. Slowly, they start licking the different fruit on the wallpaper and their eyes widen at how great the flavors felt along their tongues. “Mmm!” Twilight grinned. “I got a plum!” “I find this quite uncouth, but I digress!” Rarity admitted. “These grapes are truly splendid!” “Not bad… I only wish there were some gemstones on this wallpaper,” Spike said, licking a pineapple. “Guys, this banana’s fantastic!” Charlie exclaimed. “It tastes so real!” “I’ll need to make a mental note to find something like this for Flurry’s nursery,” Twilight thought. “Try some more,” Mr. Wonka encouraged, happily. “The strawberries taste like strawberries. The snozzberries taste like snozzberries!” The group of ponies pause mid-luck, hearing the name Mr. Wonka just said. The girls and Spike slowly pull away from the wall, yet Cheese Sandwich got curious. “Ooh! Which one’s the snozzberry? I’d like to give it a try!” “Uh, Cheesy…” Pinkie spoke, awkwardly. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” “Why not?” “Well… I don’t know how to put this in words… Especially coming from me… But… Well… You know…” Not able to find the right words, Pinkie quickly leaned along Cheese’s side, the latter listening as Pinkie whispered rapidly in his ear. The moment it came together Cheese’s eyes widened. “Oh… OH…” Cheese Sandwich then slowly walked passed the ponies and Mr. Wonka, who merely looked at him quietly. “If you guys excuse me,” Cheese whispered. “I need to rethink my life.” “Snozzberries?” Veruca spoke, with sass. “Whoever heard of a snozzberry?” Mr. Wonka grabs Veruca’s face with one hand, pulling her face toward him so he can look her straight in the eyes. “We are the music-makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams.” Eventually, he lets Veruca go and gestures for the group to follow once again. “Come along, come along.” Mr. Wonka lead them down the hallway, before bringing them into a large room completely filled with bubbles floating everywhere. Standing in the middle of the room, Cheese Sandwich silently looked up at the bubbles in awe. He turns back for a moment, noticing Wonka and the others coming in and then returns to the ponies side. “Something very unusual in here,” Mr. Wonka explained. “Bubbles, bubbles everywhere, but not a drop to drink… Yet.” “What’s it making, Mr. Wonka?” Charlie asked. “Fizzy Lifting Drinks,” Mr. Wonka answered. “They fill you with gas, and the gas is so terrifically lifting that it lifts you right off the ground like a balloon.” The entire group looked up toward the incredibly high ceiling, where all the bubbles floated upward toward a spinning fan. “Wow!” Twilight gasped, amazed. “A drink that can make you lighter than air!” “Oh, isn’t it high!” Veruca exclaimed. “Gosh!” “But I daren’t sell it yet,” Mr. Wonka shook his head. “It’s still too powerful.” “Come on, let us try some!” Mike begged. “Please?” “Oh, let us try some,” Veruca whined. “Don’t be mean!” Mr. Wonka, however, was completely adamant to allow them to try as he kept shaking his head. “No, no, no. Absolutely not. There’d be children floating around all over the place. Come along now; don’t hang about. You’re going to be wild about this next room.” Mr. Wonka proceeds to lead the rest of the group out of the Fizzy Lifting room. The only ones remaining were the ponies, Spike, Charlie, and Grandpa Joe. “Come on every pony, we should probably follow them,” Twilight concludes. “Don’t want to get left behind.” “Just a moment, Twilight,” Grandpa Joe said. Twilight and the rest of the ponies turn back toward Grandpa Joe and Charlie. The two looked around, as if to make sure the coast was clear. “Let’s take a drink,” Grandpa Joe suggested. “Nobody’s watching.” “Oh no, I really don’t think that’s a good idea, Grandpa Joe,” Twilight disagreed. “Besides, Mr. Wonka said that stuff’s too powerful,” Spike added. Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich, on the other hand, bounced toward the front of the group with huge smiles. “We’ll try it!” Pinkie said, giddy. “WHAT?!” The others yelled. “Come on, I mean think about it,” Cheese smiled. “A drink that offers a pony the chance to fly like a Pegasus. We’re not just talking Unicorns and standard Earth Ponies… No offense.” “None taken,” Applejack shrugged. “But just imagine: You give this stuff to a pony who is unable to fly, they wouldn’t need wings to be up in the air.” “How can any pony pass that up?” Pinkie asked. “I mean, I hear what you’re saying,” Rainbow Dash admits. “It sounds awesome even, but…” “A small one won’t hurt us,” Grandpa Joe assured. He pops the bottle open, as the cork pops off like a wine cork. The old man takes a big swig of the drink, before handing the bottle to Charlie who does the same. “Mmm…” Grandpa Joe nodded. “Not bad!” After Charlie takes a big sip, he hands the bottle over to Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich, who both take a huge swig from the bottle. “Yeah, I’m detecting a light texture…” Cheese pondered. “With a hint of extra sweetness… Whoa!” Pinkie sighed, feeling woozy. “Make that ‘very’ sweet.” They then hold the bottle out to Applejack; the orange Earth pony looks at the bottle of Fizzy Lifting drink nervously for a moment. “Aww, what the hay!” Applejack sighed. She lifts the bottle to her lips and takes one long gulp, before she holds it out to Rarity. The fashionista shook her head as she grabs the bottle with her blue magical aura. “This goes against my better judgment, but…” Rarity takes a nice little drink, before placing the bottle off to the side. The others felt there was no reason to try it, seeing as how most of them either have wings or have the ability to fly. So, they waited for a moment to see the effects of the drink… And they waited… And waited… And waited… But nothing happened. “Uh… Ain’t we supposed tah be liftin’ up off this here ground now?” Applejack asked, confused. “Nothing’s happening,” Charlie pointed out. “Huh… Maybe it’s a dud,” Cheese shrugged. “Aw… What a letdown!” Pinkie moaned. “You’re right, fellas,” Grandpa Joe nodded. “I can’t understand WHYYYY…!” His sentence was cut short as he, Charlie, Pinkie, Cheese, Applejack, and Rarity suddenly floated off the ground rather quickly. Grandpa Joe grabs onto a ledge keeping them in place, as Charlie and the ponies grab onto him. Twilight, Spike, Rainbow, and Fluttershy flew up beside them. “Are you guys alright?” Twilight frantically asked. “What do ya’ll think?!” Applejack growled. “Oh, oh, oh, I feel terribly strange…” Grandpa Joe said. “What do we do now, Grandpa?” Charlie asked. “I don’t know, Charlie, but… AAAAAA!” Grandpa Joe let go for a moment and quickly clung back to the side, as if worried he was going to fall down. The group found themselves in a very precarious situation. “OH, GIRLS!” Pinkie cried. “I think we really cracked the pinata this time!” “Mr. Wonka is not gonna be happy when he finds out about this!” Cheese added. “We can’t stay up here all day!” Charlie points. “You’re quite right, Charlie!” Rarity nodded, rapidly. “But, what do we do?” “I’m gonna try and get down.” “All right, give us your hands,” Twilight Sparkle gestures. “We’ll pull you down.” “All right, but please be very… Careful?” Grandpa Joe speaks, shocked. Before his very eyes and even the ponies, as Charlie let go of his Grandfather, he felt himself floating as he swished his arms around. Soon, what started off as scary suddenly became a joyous ride amongst the bubbles. Even Pinkie and Cheese were getting the hang of it, while Applejack and Rarity stayed close to Grandpa Joe. “Hey… This is not bad!” Cheese said, in awe. “Yeah, this is fun, guys!” Pinkie called out. “Come on in, the air’s fine!” Charlie beckoned. “Oh, I don’t know, Charlie,” Grandpa Joe spoke, nervously. “I haven’t* been swimming in twenty years, I—” “Come on*, give me your hand!” Charlie reached out. “I don’t think I ought to…” But before Grandpa Joe knew it, as he took his grandson’s hand and released himself from the ledge, he found himself steadily flowing in mid-air flying as if the wind was carrying him with the greatest of ease. Even Rarity felt a wondrous feeling as she eventually lets go of Joe’s coat to feel the wind beneath her drifting her upwards. “Oh, upon my word!” Rarity gasped. “This is fabulous! A unicorn flying without wings! I’m not even using any of my magic!” “Hey, come on, Rarity!” Spike called out. “How’s about a quick flying trip?! Try to keep up!” Spike takes off as fast as his little wings can carry him. Rarity smiles a bit, seeing a chance to use this experience to have a little fun. “Oh, you are so on!” Rarity shouts, smiling. As Rarity takes off after Spike, Applejack cautiously released her grip on Joe’s coat but found herself fumbling around trying to get the hang of this flying ordeal. But it was clear it was like a first-time swimmer learning the ropes, flailing her limbs all over the place. Her friends came by to keep her steady. “Easy there, Applejack,” Fluttershy spoke. “You’re having a harder time flying than I did.” “No kiddin’, Fluttershy,” Applejack muttered. “I can barely handle bein' in a hot air balloon.” “Don’t be worried,” Twilight assured. “This is a new experience, so it’s okay to be afraid. Just need to go a little slow, just like you prefer.” “I appreciate you tryin’, Twi. But I don’t think I’m cut out for this flyin’. Besides, who’s to say this formula will even last? I don’t know if I’ll plummet straight down or if it’ll be a slow descent or…” “All right, all right, hey!” Rainbow Dash interrupts. Rainbow Dash flew up in front of Applejack, the country mare finding herself looking into the eyes of one of her closest friends. They lock eyes for a moment, Rainbow Dash giving her most serious expression as Applejack has this rare moment of nerves. “Look at me A.J. and listen,” Rainbow Dash spoke. “You know what I do when I face a situation as exhilarating as this?” “No, what?” “You don’t ‘think’ about it. Forget you’re in the air, never mind what’s on the ground. All the ‘what ifs’, all the concerns… Throw it all out. You can do this; have I ever stirred you wrong?” “Do I wanna answer that?” “Never mind. It’s just you and me, we’re gonna take this… Nice and slow. Personally, I’d rather go as fast as possible, but I know this is new for you. Stick with me, and you’ll get the knack for this in ten seconds flat. Okay?” Applejack pondered for a moment, not responding right away. It was very rare for her to be in this position where’s not being the level-headed pony between the two. But here she was, completely out of her comfort zone and having to put trust in a Pegasus who’s not usually patient for just any pony… Except now with her. After much thought, she slowly nods her head. “Okay.” “Hang on!” With a flap of her wings, Rainbow Dash sails up into the air with Applejack close beside her. The blush on her cheeks appear dim on her cheeks, but it is all silence between the two as Applejack allows the zero gravity to carry her. Pinkie and Cheese seeing the two floats up in the air, turn to each other with smiles and float up to join them. Charlie and Grandpa Joe watch as their friends fly around the room and are inspired to try a few things. “Hey, try this, Grandpa!” Charlie shouts, shooting upward. “Whee!” “All right, Charlie, wait for me!” Grandpa Joe calls out, shooting upward. “Wheeeeee!” “Wheeeee!” Pinkie cheers. “Look upon me, world!” Rarity shouts, chuckling. “I am a Rarity, and I am a shooting star on a beautiful moonlit canvas!” “I’m a rocket!” Charlie shouts. “Breathe it in, Applejack!” Rainbow Dash calls out. “Feel that breeze.” “Yeah…” Applejack nods, calmly. “This is… This is really great!” “Look, I’m a bird!” Grandpa Joe cried out. “I feel light as a feather.” “Look down there, Charlie boy!” Cheese Sandwich pointed. “We’re really high now!” “Yeah, this makes me wonder how my life would be if I was born a Pegasus named ‘Surprise’!” Pinkie rambled. “Hmm… That actually has a nice ring to it!” “Watch this, guys!” Charlie shouts. The group turn as Charlie starts to perform a somersault in midair, turning head over heels with the greatest of ease. Grandpa Joe, Spike, and the ponies were very impressed. “Wonderful, Charlie!” Grandpa Joe approved. “That was marvelous!” Rarity said from above. “You soar just like an acrobat!” “Try it, Grandpa!” Charlie urged. “Oh, I don’t know, I…” Grandpa Joe stuttered, uncertain. “Come on, Grandpa.” “Yeah sure, you only get a chance like this once,” Spike points out. “What have you got to lose?” “Now Spike,” Twilight scolds. “If Grandpa Joe feels he can’t do it…” “All right,” Grandpa Joe said. Surprised, Twilight turns and before her eyes Grandpa Joe actually attempts a somersault. A little slower and slightly clumsier than Charlie’s, but otherwise he made the full turn. “Hey, you did it, Grandpa Joe!” Pinkie cheered. “Ohhh… Ohhh!” Grandpa Joe groaned. “I think I hit an air pocket.” “Awesome!” Rainbow Dash cheered, turns to Applejack. “All right, your turn?” “Wut?!” Applejack shouts. “You said we’d take it slow!” “Yeah… But it’s been long enough!” Before Applejack could react, she felt Rainbow Dash twist her around causing her to spin head over heels while the others watch. Applejack barely kept her own hat from flying off her head, as she turned head over heels over and over. Rainbow Dash chuckled a bit until Applejack eventually slowed down, her eyes rolling around a bit before they finally stop. She gives a glare towards the mischievous Pegasus. “Hey, don’t be like that,” Rainbow Dash replied. “If an old man can do it, you could.” “Ooh…” Applejack groaned. “Yer gonna get it, Rainbow Dash!” “Well, if you want us to be even… You gotta catch me first!” Sticking out her tongue teasingly, Rainbow takes off as Applejack paddles her way trying to catch up to her friend. Course, their antics gets a brief chuckle from the rest of their friends knowing this was in good fun even as Twilight shook her head, a smile was on her face. As everyone enjoyed themselves, some doing fancy tricks and others just enjoying the experience, Cheese Sandwich turned to the side and watch Pinkie Pie giggling and looping around like the silly pony she is. Far from their friends, it was just these two ponies having a moment to themselves. As he watched that pony, Cheese felt that warm thumping in his chest, a sigh escapes his smiling lips, and all he can do is float there and watch. He didn’t know if Pinkie even realized what he was thinking, but he was just glad to see her happy… All things considered. “This is the greatest day of my life, Cheesy!” Pinkie Pie called out. “If this keeps up, we can fly to the moon at this pace.” “Or maybe we can just fly south for the winter together,” Cheese casually, replied. Cheese’s eyes suddenly went wide, and his cheeks blushed red as he realized what he just said out loud. But it was too late, as that was more than enough to draw Pinkie’s full attention to him. “What was that?” Pinkie asked. “Uh…Well, I… What I meant to say…” Cheese stuttered. “Hey, it’s okie-dokie, Cheesy,” Pinkie assured. “You can tell me anything.” As Cheese tried to find the right words, Fluttershy was enjoying herself in her own way when she looked up and noticed something. Something that made her eyes widen. “Uh… Pinkie Pie?” Fluttershy spoke, softly. “Well, Pinkie… I’ve been meaning to tell you this…” Cheese continued. “Yes?” Pinkie’s eyes widen. “Uh… Pardon me?” But it was tough for Fluttershy to get either Cheese or Pinkie’s attention, between all the laughter and shouts of ‘I’m a bird!’ or ‘I’m a plane!’. Meanwhile, Cheese pulled his collar slightly feeling himself sweating as he was having a tough time talking. “You see Pinkie… We are the bestest of friends… But I think we’d be better if we were… That is to say, maybe you and I… That is… Maybe we can be…” “Yes?” Pinkie asked, a smile forming. “Pinkie Pie, I just want to say… “GUYS, YOU’RE GOING TOO HIGH!” Fluttershy shouted, frantically. Fluttershy’s shout drew Cheese and Pinkie’s attention, as they and everyone else looked up. Indeed, they realized they were going up higher than they intended. Those who drank the serum tried to paddle themselves back down, even their friends tried to pull them down, but the elixir was truly more powerful. But that wasn’t even the scariest part. “Hey, Grandpa, I can’t get down!” Charlie cried. “Help! Grandpa, the fan!” Charlie points and sure enough, they were all slowly drifting toward the rapidly spinning fans. The metal blades zooming round and round threateningly. “Stay away from it, Charlie!” Applejack shouted. “We’ll be chopped to bits!” Rarity cried. “We’re in trouble, everyone!” Grandpa shouts, flailing frantically. “I can’t stop!” “Twilight, the fan’s pulling them in!” Spike shouted. “We have to stop them!” Twilight shouts. “Come on, every pony! Grab on!” Twilight and her friends once more try to pull their friends down, as far from the fans as possible. But try with all their might, the Fizzy Lifting Drink overpowered the group while they in turn tried to paddle their way on their own. “What do we do now, Cheesy?!” Pinkie cried. “We got to grab hold of something!” Cheese cried. “Quick, every pony! There’s gotta be something to reach!” “There’s nothing to grab onto!” Charlie cried, scratching on the metal walls. “Help! We’re gonna get killed!” Desperate, everyone started shouting for help as they tried to lean against the metal walls clawing for something to grab. But the whole group found themselves being pulled closer and closer to the fans, threatening to chop them up into flank steaks. “Help! Help!” Grandpa Joe cried. “Mr. Wonka, please! Turn off the fan! Oh! Oh!” BURP!!! Inches from the fan, a bit of gas escapes from Grandpa Joe’s lungs. But it was then he noticed something else… “Ooh! I’m going down!” Yes indeed, Grandpa Joe was floating down, from the moment he belched. It was then that the answer was right in front of them. “Quick, Charlie, burp, burp!” “He’s right!” Cheese shouted. “If we don’t do it, we’ll be chopped into ribbons!” “Help! I can’t!” Charlie cried, inches from the fan. “Help!” “You’ve gotta burp, Charlie,” Grandpa Joe begged. “It’s the only way.” Eventually, Charlie gave out a little belch, more than enough to slowly start to descend downward. Soon, Pinkie and Cheese join in unapologetically as those who didn’t take the drink helped them down. “’Atta boy, come on!” Grandpa Joe cheered, mid-burp. “Ahh, that’s wonderful, Charlie.” While the grandfather and grandson belched together, with Pinkie and Cheese not far behind, Applejack gave a few belches of her own as she too began to sink down. Until eventually, she lands on the ground with Rainbow Dash landing beside her. “Nice one, A.J.!” Rainbow Dash sighed, in relief. “Thanks!” Applejack chuckled. “Ah ain’t belched that much since Big Mac and ah had a burpin’ contest tah decide who got tah make our cider this past year.” Grandpa Joe and Charlie both continued to belch out, little by little, until they too landed on the ground. The ponies and Spike soon followed suit, relieved to see that their friends made it down safely. But then Spike started counting heads silently and his eyes went wide. “Guys… WHERE’S RARITY?!” Spike shouted. “HEEELLLLLLP!!!” They all look up and realize Rarity was still suspended high in the air. The poor Unicorn was scratching the metal surfaces desperately, trying to keep away from the fan. True, she could use her magic to stop the fans, but she was in too much distress to concentrate. “Somepony please, help me!” She yelled. “Rarity!” Spike called out. “You’ve got to burp; it’s the only way to get down here!” “Are you crazy, I’m NOT doing that!” Rarity cried, loudly. “I have a reputation to uphold!” “Rarity, this isn’t a difficult choice!” Rainbow yelled. “It’s your reputation or your life!” Rarity tapped her hoof along her chin, weighing her options not realizing she was just only slightly close to hitting the fans. “RARITY!!!!” Every pony yelled. “What? I was thinking!” Rarity soon turned up with wide eyes, seeing the closer she was to the fans the less time she had. Rarity cringed to herself, shaking her head knowing full well what she needed to do. Closing her eyes, reaching deep within herself, sucking the air through her throat and sticking out her chest… Rarity let out a huge belch that shook the entire room. She quickly started to descend to the floor below, landing right next to Applejack. Now seeing they were all safe on the ground, Grandpa Joe sighed in relief. “From now on, we keep our feet and hooves on the ground,” Grandpa Joe declared. “Come on, let’s catch up to the others!” As Grandpa Joe and Charlie proceed out the room, to rejoin the other guests, Rarity stood completely still. Her face burned red along the cheeks, while all her friends tried their hardest to conceal their laughter. “That… Was the most humiliating moment of my entire life!” Rarity said. “Ya know Rares, it coulda been much worse,” Applejack assured. “How could it possibly be much worse, Applejack?!” “At least it came out of the attic and not the basement!” Rainbow laughed. Rarity reeled back in horror, realizing what Rainbow just implied. Finally, the group could no longer contain themselves and burst out laughing. Even Fluttershy giggled a bit, while Spike rolled over laughing. True, it was not the most pleasant bit of humor but for these guys they needed a good laugh after all the insanity. Rarity glared at them all, trotting toward them quickly. “We NEVER speak of this to any pony! Understood!” “Yo chill, Rarity,” Rainbow said, defensively. “No pony is ever going to know.” “Rarity just hugged with her head held high, trotting off after Charlie and Grandpa Joe. As they all trotted off to join their friend, Rainbow leaned over to Pinkie Pie. “Every pony is going to know, are they?” Rainbow whispered, smirking. “Hmm… Maaaaaybbeeee,” Pinkie giggled. Once more, while everyone moved ahead, Cheese Sandwich was left all alone sighing at the circumstance. True, they made it out alive which was a good thing. But still, Cheese had yet another chance to try to truly talk to Pinkie Pie to offer more to her than mere friendship. Yet the threat of being another guest who didn’t listen to Wonka not only kept Cheese from sharing his heart, but he almost lost her friend in one day. It was as if fate was constantly testing his chances every chance it got. “Sometimes I wish I can just talk when it really matters,” Cheese sighed. “Cheese! Cheesy, are you coming?!” Pinkie Pie called out. “Oh, uh… Yeah, Pinkster!” Cheese called back. “Coming!” Cheese Sandwich then quickly trots off to catch up with Pinkie Pie and the others, leaving the room with that single bottle of Fizzy Lifting Drink and all their problems behind… Or at least, for now. > The Golden Egg Room > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sometime later, the Mane Six, Spike, and Cheese Sandwich followed behind Grandpa Joe and Charlie Bucket trying to catch up with the rest of the tour group, who had since gone on ahead. Following a near death experience, with the Fizzy Lifting Drink and almost getting chopped up by a giant fan, needless to say they were still pretty shaken up. Rarity’s cheeks remained a bright tomato-red, especially since she had to burp to get back to the ground. Those who know Rarity are aware she strives to be ladylike and pristine, to do something so vulgar like giving a loud belch just to save her life made her feel dreadful. Twilight had since walked beside her fashionista friend, knowing how quiet she has been since then. “Rarity, I promise you it’s no big deal,” Twilight assured. Rarity just hid her face in her mane, to embarrassed to even look her friend in the eye. Clearly she did not want to discuss this topic any further, just by her body language. Rainbow Dash, on the other hand, trotted alongside the two hoping to console her friend. “Come on, Rares, so what if you did this just one time?” Rainbow Dash asked. “So what if you had to belch to save your own flank? That does not make you less a lady than you were when you woke up. At least you’re alive.” “Can’t you see I do not wish to discuss this any further, girls?” Rarity whispered. “I’d like to just continue with the rest of the tour and try to forget.” “Rarity, I think you’re really…” Rainbow began. “Rainbow, please!” Rarity almost sobbed. “Just… Stop!” Hearing the distress in her friend’s voice, Rainbow sighed in defeat and trots back to the rest of the group. They all looked toward their friend, just as concerned as Rainbow. “She’s taking this really hard, isn’t she?” Fluttershy asked. “I don’t get her sometimes,” Rainbow shook her head. “It’s just a belch; every pony does it from time to time.” “I think it’s more than just that, Rainbow. Rarity spent her entire life building a reputation for herself, to be the classy lady she always wanted to be. Up till today, she has never had to do something as vulgar as she did back there. Not even if it meant saving her own life.” “I get what you’re saying, Flutters,” Rainbow assured. “But I still think she’s taking things a bit too seriously.” “Well normally ah’d agree with yah on that, Rainbow,” Applejack spoke up. “But the truth is: Perhaps we oughtta take Fluttershy on her word.” “Aw, come on! Not you too!” “Every pony, calm down,” Spike speaks up, hopping on Applejack’s back. “We should just give Rarity some time to get over it. The least we can do is ‘try’ to cheer her up.” Just then, Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich zoomed up alongside their three friends. “Did somepony say, ‘Cheer up’?” Pinkie asked, excitedly. “’Cause if there’s any pony, well any ‘ponies’, who know how to cheer up their friends look no further than Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich!” Cheese professed. The two party-ponies produced custard pies, hurling them in each other’s faces. They soon pull out giant beach balls (Do not ask), bouncing up and down while sitting on them, until they bounced right into each other. But instead of laughing, however, the others trotted ahead to join the others. Pinkie and Cheese stopped bouncing as they watched, their beach balls deflating as the custard slipped off their faces. “Aw, not even a chuckle,” Pinkie sighed. “This is serious.” Pinkie felt something pat her back, turning to Cheese Sandwich, who gives a reassuring smile. “Chin up, Pinkster. We’ll find a way to get your friends smiling again.” Nodding in content, Pinkie Pie trots along with Cheese as they followed the rest of the group. Eventually, they stumble upon a large egg-shaped archway which lead straight to another room. As it appears, Mr. Willy Wonka and the remaining guests were standing in that room, staring in awe. “I know what you’re thinking: They can’t be doing what they’re doing,” Mr. Wonka explained. “But they are, they have to. I haven’t met the Oompa Loompa yet who could do it.” Suspended in giant nests sat the largest geese any pony had ever seen. So large in fact, they nearly topple over even the tallest human being on record. They were all laying what appears to be giant golden eggs, which the Oompa Loompas shined and packaged. “These are the geese that lay the golden eggs,” Mr. Wonka continues. “As you can see, they are larger than ordinary geese. As a matter of fact, they are quadruple size geese which produce octuple size eggs. They’re laying overtime right now for Easter.” “But Easter’s over!” Mike said, loudly. Quickly, Mr. Wonka covers the boy’s mouth. “Shh… They don’t know that. I’m trying to get ahead for next year.” Twilight, along with Spike and the rest of the ponies, stare at the large birds in complete shock and awe. But none more surprised than Fluttershy. Back at her cottage in Equestria, she took care of many geese in her lifetime but they all pale in comparison to these. It made her slightly nervous, seeing how they dwarfed her with their amazing stature. “Oh… My…” Fluttershy gasped. “Amazing, isn’t it?” Twilight added. “How the hay did they grow so huge?” Applejack asked. “What happens if they drop one of those eggs, Mr. Wonka?” Spike asked. “An omelet fit for a king, my little friend,” Wonka answered. “Are they chocolate eggs?” Veruca asked. “Golden chocolate eggs. That’s a great delicacy. But I wouldn’t get too close. The geese are very temperamental. That’s why we have the Eggdicator.” Every pony paused, turning to the man in confusion. “Eggdi-what?” Rainbow asked. “The Eggdicator,” Mr. Wonka replied. As he explains, a golden egg falls from the nest of one of the giant geese. The egg lands safely on a giant cushioned surface, a loud ‘Ding’ is heard, and an Oompa Loompa grabs the egg and places it in a cart before rolling it away. “The Eggdicator can tell the difference between a good egg and a bad egg. If it’s a good egg, it’s shined up and shipped out all over the world.” “And… What happens if it’s a bad egg?” Cheese asked. Mr. Wonka turns to the party pony, giving a quick thumbs down before responding. “Down the chute.” Another egg drops from a nest, landing on the Eggdicator. This time, the machine gave off a ‘Honk’ and the hatch opens, causing the egg to drop down a large chute. “It’s an educated Eggdicator,” Grandpa Joe whispered, to Charlie. “It’s a lot of nonsense,” Mr. Salt chuckled, to himself. “A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men,” Mr. Wonka whispered, in a sing-song voice. Letting her curiosity get the best of her, Fluttershy lightly flaps her wings and flew up toward one of the large geese. Mr. Wonka grew concerned when he noticed this. “Oh my dear, I wouldn’t do that,” Mr. Wonka warned. “Remember the geese have quite the temper.” “Fluttershy, come back down here!” Twilight called out. But Fluttershy just flew toward one of the geese. Once it saw her, it flapped it’s wings and starts honking loudly. Fluttershy just held up her hooves defensively. “Shh… It’s okay. I won’t hurt you.” The goose starts to calm down, slowing its wings. Fluttershy decides to go closer toward the goose, lightly stroking its beak. “There, there,” Fluttershy cooed softly. “You can trust me; I’m a friend.” The goose gave a light honk, then rubs its head on Fluttershy’s muzzle. Fluttershy giggles, as the goose wraps its wings around her and pulls her into a big hug. Mr. Wonka and the rest of the group watch with wide eyes, their mouths agape. After a moment, Fluttershy flew back to the rest of the group as Mr. Wonka knelt down to her level. “How did you do that?” Mr. Wonka asked, amazed. “I really love animals, Mr. Wonka,” Fluttershy smiled. “Back home, all I’d ever want is to befriend them. I think once they realize that it makes it easy to trust them.” Mr. Wonka watched as the little yellow Pegasus walks back toward her friends, a small smile forms on his face. “Hey, daddy!” Veruca called out. “I want a golden goose.” The ponies, Spike, even Charlie and Grandpa Joe groan after hearing her say that. “Here we go again,” Charlie sighed. “What is that now like the twelfth time she said, ‘I want this’ since this tour started?” Rainbow shook her head. “Thirteen, by mah count,” Applejack glared. “Listen Veruca, was it?” Rarity stepped up. “Don’t you already have many marvelous pets at home?” “All I’ve got at home is one pony and two dogs and four cats and six bunny rabbits,” Veruca listed. “And two parakeets and three canaries and a green parrot and a turtle AND a silly old hamster. I want a goose!” “Goodness!” Rarity stepped back. “All right, sweetheart, all right,” Mr. Salt smiled, stepping in. “Daddy’ll get you a golden goose as soon as we get home.” “No, I don’t want any old goose!” Veruca whined, pointing. “I want one of those!” “Very well.” Mr. Salt proceeds to pull out his checkbook, turning to Mr. Wonka. “Mr. Wonka, how much do you want for the golden goose?” “They’re not for sale,” Mr. Wonka shook his head. “Name your price.” “She can’t have one.” Veruca immediately spun on her heels, shocked to hear someone dare say what she can’t have. “Who says I can’t?” She asked. “The man with the funny hat,” Mr. Salt responded. “I want one! I want a golden goose!” (Skip to 0:21) Having officially gone on a full-blown tantrum, not getting what she wanted for the first time, Veruca Salt went completely beserk. She starts tearing apart the golden egg room, hurling wrapping sheets, swinging at baskets, kicking boxes, knocking towers down, just ‘anything’ she could do to trash the place. Having seen enough, the ponies sprang into action, attempting to help the poor Oompa Loompas keep the place from falling apart. “Hang on, I got it!” Rainbow yelled, holding the box tower. Applejack lassoed a large cart of golden eggs, which rolled towards some equipment. Twilight and Rarity used her magic to help restack the boxes, Pinkie and Cheese cleaned up the mess, and Fluttershy tried to keep the geese calm. Meanwhile, Veruca’s temper kept up as she continues wrecking the joint. Unbeknownst to Veruca, she inadvertently stepped onto the Eggdicator, deemed a bad egg, and fell down the chute after a loud ‘Honk’! The last bit of her song echoes, as she falls until her voice fades into non-existence. Everyone looked on with wide eyes. “She was a bad egg,” Mr. Wonka sighed. “Ah think we all knew that!” Applejack nodded. “Um… Where’s she gone?” Mr. Salt asked. “Where all the other bad eggs go: Down the garbage chute,” Mr. Wonka answered. “The garbage chute,” Mr. Salt laughed, nervously. “Where does it lead to?” “To the furnace.” “THE FURNACE?!” The ponies exclaimed. “The furnace?!” Spike shouted, wide-eyed. Mr. Salt, especially, laughed nervously again… Almost insanely. “To the furnace… She’ll be sizzled like a sausage.” “Well, at least better than being torn apart by an army of squirrels in the nut room,” Pinkie replied, nervously. Mr. Wonka and Mr. Salt turned toward Pinkie Pie. While Mr. Wonka looked surprised, Mr. Salt merely twitched as if he were about to snap at any time. “I never said there was a Nut Room in this factory,” Mr. Wonka points out. Pinkie Pie, seeing the look on Wonka’s face, looked side-to-side trying to think of a response. “Uh… Pinkie sense?” Pinkie smiled nervously. Slowly, Mr. Salt approached the pinky party pony until he towered over her, as Pinkie looked up. “My daughter is about to be fried to a crisp amongst a pile of spoiled eggs,” Mr. Salt spoke, through his teeth. “And you pick now of all times to make jokes?!” “Well not necessarily,” Mr. Wonka steps in, shaking his head. “She could be stuck just inside the tube.” “Inside the…? Hold on! Veruca, sweetheart, Daddy’s coming!” Mr. Salt rushed toward the chute, jumped through the Eggdicator as it “HONKED” for the second time, signaling a bad egg. Mr. Wonka merely shook his head, disappointingly. “There’s gonna be a lot of garbage today,” He sighed. “Finally!” Rainbow said, thankfully. “I thought we’d never hear the end of that spoiled brat.” “Rainbow Dash!” Rarity gasped, loudly. “Oh, come on! She’s had this coming all day!” “Regardless, even a family as spoiled and rotten as them don’t deserve this! Hurdling down a massive garbage pile, burned in a scolding furnace… It’s just not right!” “Well, Mr. Salt finally got what he wanted,” Grandpa Joe smiled. “What’s that?” Spike asked. “Veruca went first.” “Mr. Wonka, they won’t really be burned in the furnace, will they?” Charlie asked. “Hmmm… Well, I think that furnace is lit only every other day,” Mr. Wonka thought. “So, they have a good sporting chance, haven’t they?” Applejack faced the Eggdicator for a moment, shaking her head and dawned a fierce look of determination. “Well ah fur one ain’t gonna let ‘em burn to a crisp,” Applejack declared, adjusting her hat. “Ah’m goin in after ‘em!” As Applejack approached, Rainbow flew up and placed a hoof on her shoulder. “A.J., are you serious? You go down there; you could get seriously hurt!” “Wut other choice do we have? Ah as heck can’t stand to let ‘em fry.” Rainbow thought for a moment, while it was tempting to let the Salts get what’s coming, she couldn’t help but agree with Applejack. Even though Veruca is a spoiled brat and her father is probably a terrible parent for letting her get her way all the time, even Rarity was right: They don’t deserve this. “Well then, I’ll just have to go with you,” Rainbow declared. “Thank you,” Applejack nods. “Twilight, grab my rope!” Pulling out her lasso, Applejack hurls one end towards Twilight Sparkle, which she grabs with her aura. Tying the rope around their waists, the Earth Pony and her Pegasus friend ready themselves and leap down the chute after the salts. As they plummet down the pipes, the Oompa Loompas look after them and start singing. <> Meanwhile, screaming their heads off, Applejack and Rainbow slid down the garbage chute at an accelerated rate. Turned out, it wasn’t a straight plunge as the pipe twisted and turned, throwing them head over heels like it was the wildest ride of their lives. Eventually, they emerge from the end of the pipe and land directly toward a pile of garbage inside the furnace. The two ponies dug their way out, brushing off piles of broken eggshells and gosh knows what else was in here. Smears of old chocolate covered them, as they looked around, finding it hard to find where the Salts went, much less if they could move. “I don’t know about you, A.J.,” Rainbow said, spitting out shell bits. “But I’m really starting to ‘hate’ that song!” “Let’s just try an’ focus, Rainbow,” Applejack advised, looking around. “Mr. Salt!” “Veruca!” Rainbow yelled, her voice echoing. “Ya’ll down here?!” “Here!” A male voice called. “Over here!” The girls turned around and saw Mr. Salt and Veruca, the man waving his hands as they were stuck under a pile of garbage a few inches away. The girls trudge through the debris of garbage, some still pouring from the other chutes. Just then, Rainbow started to sweat as she wiped her brow with her wing. “Phew! Is it getting hot in here or is it just me?” Applejack looks around noticing the room was getting warmer, the walls around them started to glow a bright red. Her eyes widen, as she realized what this meant. “Oh no!” Applejack gulped. “They turned on the furnace!” “We gotta get ‘em outta here, now!” Rainbow shouted. The girls ran quickly toward the two, as they start digging them out of the garbage. Finally, they managed to remove just enough trash to get the family out, though Rainbow had a difficult time pulling the bigger Salt out. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Mr. Salt sighed in relief. “Don’t thank us yet old man,” Rainbow mutters. SNAP! Suddenly, the lasso holding them together snaps when they see the chute automatically shut it’s doors. ‘BAM’, ‘WHAM’ was heard as all the other chutes started to seal their doors. No sooner do they close they hear a ‘WHOOSH” sound and turn as flames started to rise from multiple sides, one after the other. With the rope cut, Applejack looks around for an exit and catches an open hatch along the far side of the iron walls. “Over there!” They quickly make a mad dash for the door. Just then, they notice an Oompa Loompa approach the hatch, and obliviously gets ready to close it. “Wait, wait!!” Applejack calls out. “There’s folks in here! Please stop!” “Quick every pony, grab onto me!” Rainbow yelled. Applejack grabs onto Rainbow’s front hoof, while the salts grab her hindlegs. Using all her strength, Rainbow shot straight across the furnace like a bullet. They rush past the hatch, nearly knocking the Oompa Loompa over, as it sealed behind them. Once safely outside, they all breathed a sigh of relief. “Ya’ll alright?” Applejack asked. Veruca huffed, wiping the garbage off herself. “This has been the upmost worst day of my entire life!” She yelled. “Just look at my dress! My best suit and it’s all ruined!” “’Thanks for saving us’,” Rainbow spoke to herself. “’It was no big deal’… Nothing, we get nothing!” “Ooh… I demand justice for this travesty, father!” Veruca continues yelling. “He will rue the very day he said ‘no’ to Veruca Salt! When we get home, I want you to buy me my own chocolate factory!” Mr. Salt breathed heavily, as he stared toward his angry daughter. As she ranted, he glances over to Applejack, who only shook her head quietly. It was then he remembered their conversation earlier today, at the gate just before they entered. He remembered her saying how he needed to act like a parent, set boundaries, and start giving discipline. He had not done any of that today and they almost got killed. Finally, Mr. Salt furrowed his brow, turning to Veruca with a serious face. “NO!” Veruca nearly fell back, hearing her father raise his voice. “What?” “I said… NO!” Mr. Salt yelled. “I have heard quite enough out of you today, Veruca Salt; that orange pony was right all along. Ever since you were small, I tried everything to make you happy! I pour my heart out to you, I give you everything you want, I give you candy and toys and pets and what do I get in return?! You humiliate me in front of everybody! You should count yourself lucky we weren’t just burnt to a crisp, today!” “B-B-B-But, I…” “NO BUTS! It’s high time you start learning some discipline young lady, whether you want it or not!” Mr. Salt then grabs Veruca by the ear, pulling her away. Veruca cringes in pain as they walk, the worn-out man looking around till he spotted the sole Oompa Loompa in the room. “Where’s the bloody exit to this room?!” Mr. Salt shouts. The Oompa Loompa silently points in the direction toward the exit, as he leads the pair toward the door. As the Salts walk, Mr. Salt paused and turned toward Applejack and Rainbow Dash, who looked quite pleased. “Thank you,” Mr. Salt whispered, with a smile. “Yer quite welcome, Mr. Salt,” Applejack tipped her hat. “Glad to see you finally grew some backbone,” Rainbow praised. Then Mr. Salt turns back, leading his daughter through the furnace room to find the way out. “Well, that’s that,” Rainbow said, brushing her hooves. “Guess we’ll have to find our own waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy!” Suddenly, both Applejack and Rainbow Dash were lifted off the ground as a magical purple aura engulfed them. <> In a flash of light, they were poofed back into the golden egg room. They barely had time to recover when they were crushed by their friends in a big group hug. “Are you guys alright?” Twilight asked, frantically. “We thought we lost you when the rope broke,” Rarity added. “You weren’t burned that badly, were you?” “Guys, chill out!” Rainbow assured. “We’re fine.” “What about Mr. Salt and Veruca?” Fluttershy asked. “Oh, they’re both just fine and dandy,” Applejack responded, turning to Wonka. “Only lit every other day, Mr. Wonka?” “To be fair, I assumed the incinerator was still broken,” Mr. Wonka replies. “That’s three weeks of rotten garbage… My mistake.” Mr. Wonka proceeds to walk away leaving the ponies befuddled as to how he’s taking all this calamity so well. “Anyways… At least Mr. Salt finally stood up for himself,” Rainbow smirked. “You should’ve seen the look on Veruca’s face when he finally said ‘no’ to her. Maybe from now on he’ll finally start being a real parent.” Every pony sighed in relief, knowing not only that their friends are safe but perhaps Veruca Salt will finally start learning what it’s like not to get her way. And yet even after all that, Mr. Wonka still carries on with the tour as he leads them toward the exit. “I don’t understand it,” Mr. Wonka replies, casually. “The children are disappearing like rabbits. Well, we still have each other. Shall we press on?” “Sure, why not,” Spike said, dryly. “Mr. Wonka, can’t we sit down for a minute?” Mrs. Teevee moaned. “The pace is killing me.” “For once, I must agree with Mike’s mom,” Rarity admitted. “Do we really need to be in such a hurry?” “My dear lady, transportation has already been arranged,” Mr. Wonka answers. “Really? Well… I suppose…” “Great! Let’s keep on trucking!” And with that said, Mr. Wonka breaks off as the rest of the group starts to follow. That made three children, plus three parents removed from the tour, as the ponies soon noticed. They couldn’t begin to imagine what else to expect on this tour. > Wonkamobile and Televsion Room > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the ponies and their friends, what began as a peaceful, serene tour of an infamous chocolate factory has since turned into a day of the strange and peculiar. The tour started with five children, their parents, a group of ponies, and a little baby dragon. Now, three children were gone, including their parents, lost to some crazy circumstances in many different rooms throughout the factory. Charlie Bucket and Mike Teevee were the only children remaining. The group, of course, were led by Mr. Willy Wonka, who led them down a long hallway. After such a long day, many of them grew tired of the constant walking. “How much further must we go on like this?” Rarity whined. “My poor hooves are absolutely exhausted!” “I know what you mean,” Spike agreed, rubbing his scaly feet. “My feet are killing me!” “Not to worry, my dear friends,” Mr. Wonka assured. “Your chariot awaits.” They soon round a corner into a large room, where a group of Oompa Loompas poured fuel into a large, odd-looking vehicle. Every pony stared at this crazy contraption curiously because never before had they seen such a strange device. Not even the cars they’ve seen in this world nor even the Flim Flam brothers contraptions looked anything like this. “Uh… Mr. Wonka?” Applejack asked. “What the hay is this thing?” “I’m quite glad you asked, dear,” Mr. Wonka answered. “Behold the Wonkamobile. A thing of beauty is a joy forever. Places, please. The dance is about to begin. Better grab a seat, they’re going fast.” As he spoke, Wonka climbs up the driver’s seat of this odd contraption. Everyone else was a slight hesitant, considering all the craziness tat occurred so far, many involving bizarre machinery. But the throbbing and aching in their legs and feet, however, made them think otherwise as they hop abord the vehicle. Rarity, Twilight, Fluttershy, and Spike sat up front with Mrs. Teevee and Mike, while Rainbow, Applejack, Pinkie, and Cheese sat beside Charlie and Grandpa Joe. “Mr. Wonka, what’s that they’re filling it up with?” Grandpa Joe asked. “Oh, ginger ale, ginger pop, ginger beer, beer bubbles, bubble-ade, bubble cola, double cola, double bubble burp-a-cola, and all that crazy carbonated stuff that tickles your nose,” Mr. Wonka explained. “Few people realize what tremendous power there is in one of those things.” “Sorry I asked,” Grandpa Joe said, jokingly. The group beside him got a chuckle out of it, as Pinkie Pie made herself comfortable and took a deep breath of fresh air. But then her eyes widened, and her face winced, for that wasn’t ‘fresh air’ she smelled. “PHEW, THAT STINKS!” Pinkie said, plugging her nose. “Sorry girls, but boy you really stink!” “Gee, ah wonder why that is,” Applejack said, sarcastically.” “I don’t know… Possibly because we just dove down a garbage chute and landed in a pile of three-weeks-worth of rotten garbage!” Rainbow huffed. “And all to save some spoiled kid and her poor father.” “Yeah well, can’t take too many chances,” Cheese said, pulling a mask from his mane. “Nowadays, a pony can’t be too careful in the world.” In an instant, Cheese placed his gas mask on and handed a spare for Pinkie Pie, who quickly put on to keep the fumes from clogging their muzzles. Unfortunately, there wasn’t enough for Grandpa Joe and Charlie, who had to plug their noses while the other ponies sat their cross-hoofed and grumpy. “First thing we should do after the tour is get you girls a much-needed bath,” Charlie said, seriously. Meanwhile, up front, the other ponies got themselves settled in their seats. One of them noticed Mike leaning in to whisper to his mother. “You think Slugworth would pay extra to know about this?” He asked. Mrs. Teevee looked behind her, making sure Mr. Wonka wasn’t paying attention. Then she turned over to the group of ponies and little dragon next to them, but they seemed distracted. “Just keep your eyes open and your mouth shut,” She whispered back. Unbeknownst to the Teevees, the ponies had heard the whole thing. Twilight Sparkle was disappointed at how devious a mother and her son could be, but none more appalled than a certain fashionista. “Why those sneaky, underhoofed, backstabbing…” Rarity began. “Okay, Rarity,” Twilight interrupts, soothingly. “Just calm down, it’s all right. We’ll worry about it later.” “Everybody set?” Mr. Wonka asked. “Yes, Mr. Wonka!” The ponies and Spike called out. “Aye-aye, captain!” Cheese Sandwich saluted. “Is this gonna go fast, Grandpa?” Charlie asked, Grandpa Joe. “It should, Charlie. It’s got more gas in it than a politician.” “Or more gas than Big Mac after a bowl of Granny’s homemade three bean chili,” Applejack cringed. “And Pinkie thinks ‘we’ stink!” Rainbow agreed. “Now, hold on tight,” Mr. Wonka warned. “I’m gonna really open her up this time and see what she can do. (Skip to 0:49) The Wonkamobile starts to sputter, moving at a rather slow pace, making all sorts of strange sounds along the way. All of a sudden, a large glob of foam starts leaking through the crevices in the vehicle to the point it practically spews out. This caught everyone’s attention, wondering what the heck was going on. “Swifter than eagles!” Mr. Wonka said, loudly. “Stronger than lions!” Suddenly, a large vent in front of the Wonkamobile blew a large glob of foam directly toward the group up front. Mike and Mrs. Teevee cringed, yelling as the substance completely covered them. Rarity practically cried as the stuff seeped into her mane. “NOOOO!!!! MY PRECIOUS COAT!” She shrieked, gasping. “NOT THE MANE! NOT THE MANE!!!!!” “Oops… Must be a leak in the distilling tubes,” Mr. Wonka observed, as he himself was covered in foam. “Probably should add that to my to-do list for tomorrow.” “No… You think?!” Spike asked, coughing foam. “Grandpa!” Charlie shouted. “I’m getting it too!” Grandpa Joe yelled. Soon, Mr. Wonka starts singing a little tune to himself (Don’t ask us what), but no one was really paying attention at the moment. The Wonkamobile continues to spew foam all over everyone, as it continued it’s slow roll down the hall. “It’s getting in my eye!” Mike yelled. “Oh, it’s even in my shoes!” Mrs. Teevee complained, trying to block the vent. “I’m soaked! It’ll never come out!” “It’s making my feathers soggy!” Fluttershy said. “Urgh… Gagh!” Spike gagged. “Got me with my mouth open!” “This will take me months to get everything out of my mane!” Rarity whined. “Even longer to get my coat clean! The horror, the horror!!!” <> Meanwhile, back in Ponyville, Daisy, Lily Valley, and Rose were busily tending to their flower stands minding their own business. Then Daisy ears pluck up and she starts looking around. This draws the attention of her fellow flower girls. “What’s the matter, Daisy?” Rose asked. “I don’t know,” Daisy shrugged. “But I feel like we’re being insulted.” “Hmm… I wonder why,” Lily Valley thought. <> Back in the Wonkamobile, in this case the ‘very’ back, Charlie, Grandpa Joe, Cheese Sandwich, and Pinkie Pie seemed to be the only ones having a good time. They actually got a good laugh out of this ride, as they threw foam at one another. “FOAM FIGHT!” Cheese shouted, throwing a ball of foam. Applejack was not amused as foam flew over her, some of which got in her mane. While she’s not one to focus on cleanliness, she tried her best to shake the foam off. “Cheese!” Applejack called out. “Is this really the ti-GAGH!” A ball of foam accidentally got into Applejack’s mouth, making her cheeks puff out. She made the mistake of swallowing the foam and suddenly she starts to hiccup, as bubbles start to pop out. She hiccupped so big; her hat nearly flew off. “Oh, my dress, my hair, my face!” Mrs. Teevee groaned. “Ohhhhhh… I’m sending you the cleaning bill, Mr. Wonka!” “Make that double for me,” Rarity added. “And don’t get me started on the bill for all the make-up and facials this will cost me!” Soon enough, the Wonkamobile passes through an archway with a giant spinning sponge. As the vehicle emerged toward the other side, all the foam vanished, and everyone was clean as a whistle. “I’m dry cleaned!” Mrs. Teevee said, amazed. “My goodness!” Rarity squealed, with delight. “My mane is absolutely stunning! So slick, so shiny… Fabulous!” Mr. Wonka put the Wonkamobile in park, as everyone turns back to see what they just went through. “Hey, Grandpa, what was that we just went through?” Charlie asked, curiously. “Hsawaknow,” Mr. Wonka responds. Every pony turned to him with raised eyebrows. “Beg yer pardon?” Applejack asked. “Is that Japonies?” Twilight asked. “No, that’s “Wonkawash” spelled backwards,” Mr. Wonka answered. “That’s it, ladies and gentlemen. The journey is over.” “Finest bath I’ve had in twenty years,” Grandpa Joe declared. Cheese Sandwich and Pinkie Pie removed their gas masks and took a breath, sighing with relief. “Well AppleDash,” Cheese Sandwich declared. “Looks like you didn’t have to wait for that bath at home after all.” “Okay, why does every pony keep using that name?!” Rainbow asked. “Am I missing something or what?” “Ooh! Ooh! Can we do it again, Mr. Wonka?!” Pinkie asked. “Can we? Can we?” “Maybe, some other time,” Mr. Wonka answered. “So much to see and so little time. Wait a second…” “Scratch that, reverse that,” Pinkie and Wonka said, in unison. They pause for a moment, Wonka looking toward Pinkie, who smiles with a squee. “Thank you,” Mr. Wonka tipped his hat, then moved forward. “You mean that’s as far as it goes?” Mrs. Teevee asked. “Couldn’t we have walked?” Mike added. “Yeah no offense, but I could easily fly from there to here in less than a second,” Rainbow Dash said. “Even Fluttershy can get there faster than that thing.” “… What are you saying, exactly?” Fluttershy asked, annoyed. “If the Good Lord intended us to walk, he wouldn’t have invented roller skates,” Mr. Wonka replied. “Besides, we needed the breather anyway,” Pinkie said. “Learn to have a little fun.” As Mr. Wonka makes his way toward a nearby door, he approaches a clothes rack with white coats and goggles. He proceeds to grab a coat and hands them off to the guests one-by-one. “Now would you please put these on quick, and don’t take them off whatever you do,” Mr. Wonka instructs. “We have to be very careful. There’s dangerous stuff inside.” “Hold on!” Spike approached. “I thought you said there were only ‘surprises’ and nothing ‘dangerous’.” “True, my little friend. But there’s a light inside that could burn your eyeballs right out of your skulls. We certainly don’t want that, now, do we?” “Nope!” Spike said quickly, putting on the goggles. “I like my eyes just the way it is.” “Don’t worry, I’m sure Wonka is just joking,” Twilight assured, putting on the coat. “But all the same, nothing wrong with being careful.” “Atta girl,” Wonka smiled. “Now, come along.” <> Once the group was all suited up, they enter a room that was completely devoid of color. As a matter of fact, apart from the skins of their guest and the bright orange of the nearby Oompa Loompas at work along the panels, the whole room was completely white. In the center of the room was a large camera of sorts looming over a stand. “Welcome to the testing room and this is one of my crowning achievements,” Mr. Wonka introduced. “Wonkavision, my very latest and greatest invention.” “It’s television!” Mike said. “Uh, it’s Wonkavision,” Mr. Wonka corrects. “Now I suppose you all know how ordinary television works. You photograph something and—” “Sure, I do!” Mike interrupts. “You photograph something, and then the photograph is split up into millions of tiny pieces, and they go whizzing through the air, down to your TV set where they’re all put together again in the right order.” All the ponies were silent and wide-eyed, seeing all that knowledge and know-how of television spewed from a little boy’s mouth. This kid had to be what eleven years old and yet he sounded smart enough to skip to high school. “How is television bad for you again?” Cheese Sandwich asked, scratching his mane. “Don’t encourage ‘em!” Applejack scolds. “You should open your mouth a little wider when you speak,” Mr. Wonka advised Mike. “One day, it occurred to me: ‘If television can break a photograph into millions and millions of tiny pieces and send it whizzing through the air, then reassemble it on the other end, why can’t I do the same with chocolate? Why can’t I send a real bar of chocolate through the television, ready to be eaten?’” “Sounds impossible,” Mrs. Teevee replied. “I hate to agree, but technically it is,” Twilight admitted. “Even with the use of our magic, there’s a difference between waves and particles.” “Nerd alert,” Rainbow Dash joked. “Second, the amount of power it would take to convert energy in matter would be like nine atomic bombs,” Mike added. “You sure you didn’t learn any of this at your local library?” Twilight asked. “Pfft! Books are dead relics; I learn everything from watching T.V.” Twilight’s mouth went wide and one eye twitched, as if that statement almost broke the princess. As Mike moved to be with his mother, Twilight nearly reached out to grab the boy when Rarity held her back. “Okay, Twilight,” Rarity said, soothingly. “Just calm down, everything’s fine.” Mr. Wonka taps the floor with his cane and motions toward the side. Everyone turns as a group of Oompa Loompas carrying a Wonka Bar toward the podium. But not just a normal Wonka, this was the BIGGEST Wonka bar the guests have ever seen, even the wrapping paper and tinfoil was huge. Pinkie Pie’s eyes widen and her mouth nearly drooled, seeing the giant bar of chocolate like a thing of beauty. “I shall now send this chocolate bar from one end of the room to the other,” Mr. Wonka continued. “It’s so… Big!” Pinkie Pie said. “I could just eat it as it is and have plenty for breakfast.” “Kinda compensatin’ for somethin’, Mr. Wonka?” Applejack asked. “Ooh! That was a good one!” Rainbow chuckled, as they hoof-bumped. “It has to be really big because you know how on T.V. you can film a regular-size man, and he comes out looking this tall?” Mr. Wonka asked, making a hand gesture. “We don’t really have television in Equestria,” Fluttershy brought up. “No television?!” Mike asked, wide eyed. “How do you entertain yourselves?” “Gee, I don’t know,” Spike replied, sarcastically. “Playing hoofball, taking walks, reading, fighting monsters…” “Pestering those annoying fanfic readers for every artistic choice we make,” Cheese added, drawing silence. “What?” “Oh… Well basically, whenever you transmit something by television, it always ends up smaller on the other end. Basic principles; goggles on, please.” The group quickly put the goggles over their eyes as Mr. Wonka grabs a nearby remote control hooked to a cable wire. The other Oompa Loompas do the same as they set the Wonkavision into action. And speaking of which… “Lights, camera, action!” With one push of the button, a bright beam of light flashes over the group and before their eyes the gigantic chocolate bar disappeared. It happened so quickly that Mrs. Teevee was taken by surprise. “You can remove your goggles,” Wonka instructs. “Incredible!” Twilight marveled. “Where’s the chocolate?” Charlie asked. “It’s flying over our heads in a million pieces,” Mr. Wonka points. Sure enough, over their heads, millions of tiny flakes of that chocolate bar flew quickly over their heads like an army of nanobots. Mr. Wonka then makes his way toward a control panel across the room, working the controls to operate the screen. “Now watch the screen… Here it comes… There it is!” Sure enough, the Wonka Bar, the exact red-colored tinfoil, appears right on screen completely intact. A successful teleportation from one end of the room into that tiny screen. “Take it,” Wonka gestures. “Huh?” The ponies asked, confused. “How can you take it?” Mike asked. “It’s just a picture.” “All right,” Mr. Wonka understood, turns to Charlie. “You take it.” Without haste and out of curiosity, Charlie reaches the screen for the Chocolate Bar. As it turns out, the screen itself is a hologram and Charlie is able to get the chocolate bar out, holding it in his hands. “Holy buckets!” Cheese gasped. “It’s real!” “Taste it; it’s delicious,” Wonka encouraged Charlie. “It’s the same bar. It’s just gotten a little smaller on the journey, that’s all.” Charlie unwrapped one corner of the wrapping paper and took a tiny bite of the chocolate bar. A piece of the thick fudge was bitten through, Charlie could taste the smooth chocolate fudge and the marshmallow filling, hence the ‘Fudgemallow Delight’ on the wrapping. Mr. Wonka was right, not only did the invention worked but the chocolate was delicious. “It’s perfect!” Charlie declared. “It’s unbelievable!” Mrs. Teevee said, wide-eyed. “It’s a miracle!” Grandpa Joe added. “It’s a T.V. dinner!” Mike said. “It’s Wonkavision,” Mr. Wonka said. “So, imagine, you’re sitting at home watching television and suddenly a commercial will flash onto the screen, and a voice will say: ‘Wonka’s chocolates are the best in the world. If you don’t believe us, try one for yourself.’ And you simply reach out and take it.” “Well how about that?” Grandpa Joe said. “It could change the world.” “Mr. Wonka, can you send other things?” Mike asked. “Not just chocolate, I mean.” “Yeah, like maybe, oh I don’t know…” Pinkie thought. “Breakfast cereal?” To add to it, Pinkie Pie pulled out a box from her mane which looked like a handmade cereal box with a familiar pony’s face on it and the words ‘Fizzlepop Berrytwist’ in bold letters. … You wanted to include that in the story, didn’t you? Mmm-hmm! *Smirks* “Of course I could,” Mr. Wonka nods. “Anything you like.” “What about… People?” Mike asked. “People?” The ponies spoke in unison, eyebrows raised. “What do we look like?” Spike asked. “Chopped liver?” “People?” Mr. Wonka thought. “Hmm… I don’t really know. I suppose I could. Yes, I’m sure I could. I’m pretty sure I could. Though why would I want to send a person? It might have some messy results.” “Don’t you realize what you’ve invented?” Mike asked. “It’s a teleporter. This could be the most important invention in the history of the world and all you think about is chocolate!” “Calm down, Mike,” Twilight spoke. “Mr. Wonka may be a little odd, I’ll admit. But I think he knows what he’s talking about.” “No, he doesn’t, pony,” Mrs. Teevee retorts. “If that’s what you really are. That man clearly has no idea what he’s doing. You call him a genius, but the truth is he’s an idiot!” Pinkie Pie could not believe a word that woman was saying and in this rare moment, an alien feeling crept over her… Rage. Insulted, Pinkie approached the woman much to Cheese’s surprise. “He’s not an idiot!” Pinkie Pie snapped. “He’s… He’s a good man, who makes the best candy I’ve ever tasted, if you’d just leave him alone!” “Who do you think you are talking to your elders like that?” Mrs. Teevee asked, “That’s Pinkamena Diane Pie, you grumpy meany-pants! Just because you and your son can’t understand something doesn’t mean it’s wrong. You put all your know-hows on one source alone and no pony else gets to say anything!” “Look at me!” Mike shouts. “I’m gonna be the first person in the world to be sent by television!” Everyone quickly turns around, just as the boy rushed toward the podium while everyone was distracted. He already had his goggles on and the remote control in his hand. Needless to say, this scared his mother. “Mike, get away from that thing!” Mrs. Teevee shouts. “No, boy!” Fluttershy shouts. “Don’t push the button!” Applejack shouts. “Well don’t just stand there, Wonka!” Rainbow Dash insists. “For the love of Celestia, do something!” “Stop, don’t, come back,” Mr. Wonka said, unenthusiastically. “REALLY?!” Seeing what Mike was about to do, the Oompa Loompas quickly put their goggles on, but Mike was just at the count before the others can do the same. “Lights, camera, action!” Mike shouts, pushing the button. “EVERY PONY, CLOSE YOUR EYES!” Twilight shouts. They quickly shield their eyes the best they could, as a flash of light appears once more. In one second, Mike Teevee completely vanished and all that remained was the little handheld control on the floor. “Mike!” Mrs. Teevee shouts, wide eyed. “Where are you?” “He’s up there, in a million pieces!” Grandpa Joe points. Sure enough, the old man was right. Hovering over their heads, the million pieces that is or was Mike Teevee zoomed ahead at a rapid pace. Mrs. Teevee cried out desperately for her son, hoping to hear his voice once more. “Mike! Are you there?” “It’s no use screaming at a time like this,” Twilight said. “He can’t hear you.” “Oh, I hope he’s okay,” Fluttershy said, nervously. “Let’s go check the television,” Wonka instructs. “Watch the screen.” As Mr. Wonka works on the controls, they all face the little screen hoping to see Mike Teevee emerged. But after a few beeps and whirs, nothing seemed to happen. “Mike?” Mrs. Teevee shouts, worried. “Why’s he taking so long?” “Million pieces take a long time to put together,” Charlie points out. “But he’s going to be okay, right Mr. Wonka?” Pinkie asked. “Gee, I don’t know,” Mr. Wonka admits. “Sometimes only half of the little pieces find their way through.” As he works, Mr. Wonka turns to Mrs. Teevee, the old girl trying so hard to keep it together. “If you had to choose only one half of your son, which one would it be?” Mr. Wonka asked. “What kind of a question is that?” Mrs. Teevee wailed. “No need to snap, just a question. Starting to make me feel a little anxious.” “Oh, where are they?!” “Look, there’s somethin’ comin’ through!” Applejack points out. “Is it Mike?” Rainbow asked. “Well, it’s hard to tell,” Mr. Wonka spoke, studying the screen. “But I—” “There he is!” Spike points. Sure enough, out of the darkness, in a full white coat, Mike Teevee emerged before their eyes. Only to their surprise, or in his mom’s case ‘horror’, Mike Teevee had now shrunk to the size of an action figure, a very lifelike action figure. “Ooooooooh ho-hoooooh!” Mrs. Teevee wailed, at the sight. “Sweet mother of Celestia!” Rarity cried, nearly fainting. “Our little group is getting smaller by the minute,” Grandpa Joe said. “Look at me, everybody!” Mike shouts, waving his arms. “I’m the first person in the world to be sent by television. Wow, what a wild trip that was. It’s the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me. Am I coming in clear? Hey, Mom, I said, ‘Am I coming in clear?’” “Great,” Mr. Wonka sighed in relief. “He’s completely unharmed.” “Unharmed?!” Mrs. Teevee shouted. “You call that unharmed?” “Well, could be worse,” Pinkie assured. “The boy could’ve teleported with a common housefly and in a few days undergo this hideous chain reaction where he fuses into…” The minute he noticed everyone in the room eyeing Pinkie Pie with glares and frowns, Pinkie pauses and smiles. “I’m sorry, I’ll shut up.” “Wow, that was something!” Mike said, climbing off the screen. “Can I do it again?” “No, there’ll be nothing left!” Mrs. Teevee shouts. “I hate to agree, but your mother’s right, Mike,” Twilight said. “I really hope you learned something from this. “Don’t worry about a thing, pony; I feel fine! I’m famous, I’m a T.V. star. Wait ‘til the kids back home hear about this.” But finally, Mrs. Teevee was having none of that as she carefully picked up her son with two fingers and proceeds to open her purse. “Nobody’s gonna hear about this!” “Where are you taking me?” Mike cried. “I don’t want to go in there!” Suffice to say, Mrs. Teevee had Mike placed inside her purse while he kept shouting ‘Hey, let me out! It’s dark in here’. All Mrs. Teevee said was… “Be quiet.” “Come on, Mom, I want to be on T.V.!” As her son continued to protest inside her purse, Mrs. Teevee turns to Mr. Wonka, who looks nonchalant at this unforeseen circumstance. “Well, what exactly do you propose to do about this?” “Well, fortunately small boys are extremely springy and elastic… “Let me out, Mom, or I’ll gnaw my way out!” “So I think we’ll put him in my special taffy-pulling machine. That should do the trick.” “I’m warning you, Mom; there’s a nail file in here!” “Taffy puller?” Rarity asked, wide-eyed. “Taffy…” Mrs. Teevee muttered. As Mrs. Teevee tried to process that plan, Mr. Wonka turns to an approaching Oompa Loompa. “I want you to take Mrs. Teevee and her… Little boy up to the taffy-pulling room,” Mr. Wonka instructs. “You’ll find the boy in his mother’s purse. But be extremely careful.” “If you don’t let me out, I’ll smear your lipstick all over everything!” “T-T-Taffy pull-“ Mrs. Teevee stuttered. The Oompa Loompa whispers to Willy Wonka, only increasing her anxiety all while her son kept protesting. “Oh, what’s he saying?” “No, no,” Mr. Wonka assures, to the Oompa Loompa. “I won’t hold you responsible.” “Responsible for wut?” Applejack asked. Finally, Mrs. Teevee could no longer take it as she faints backwards into Grandpa Joe’s arms. “Why Joe, you are such a swoon,” Pinkie teased. “I’m a married man!” Grandpa Joe responds. When Wonka and the Oompa Loompa seemed to reach an agreement, he turns toward Mrs. Teevee who barely looks up at him. “And now, my dearest lady, it’s time to say goodbye.” Mrs. Teevee was about to make a response, but Wonka holds a hand up. “No, no, don’t speak. For some moments in life there are no words. Run along now.” Two Oompa Loompas take Mrs. Teevee by her arms and drags her out of the Testing Room, all while she mutters as if she’s completely lost her mind. All the other ponies, including Spike, Charlie, and Grandpa Joe could do is silently watched as another pair of guests were taken away following a freak accident. While everyone else was still taking this in, Mr. Wonka looked on with a casual glance as Mrs. Teevee was hauled away. “Adieu, adieu, parting is such sweet sorrow.” Just then, the remaining Oompa Loompas in the room began to march together in the room and sure enough the whole group knew what was coming. For the fourth and final time, the Oompa Loompas would do a routine and for the very last time perform a song that would be stuck in their heads forever. Pinkie Pie opens her muzzle as if she were about to make a response after that song, but then turns to the audience. “I’m not going to award that with a response.” > Never Been Sweeter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For all the ponies in the group, including a baby dragon, this was official the wackiest, bizarre day in their entire lives. Every single child, except for Charlie, were lost, taken away by their own habits. Following a chaotic venture in the Television Room, Mr. Willy Wonka escorted Charlie, Grandpa Joe, and the ponies trough another hallway connected to his office. As the two grabbed their coats, every pony else could clearly see Mr. Wonka’s demeanor had changed. No longer the funny, energetic man he had been all day. Instead, he seemed very upset, almost disheartened. He sighed to himself, as he collected some mail and began sorting through the envelopes. “So much to do, so much to do, invoices and bills, letters… I must answer that note from the Queen.” Mr. Wonka opened the door to his office, but just as he was about to step inside Charlie calls out. “Mr. Wonka, what’s gonna happen to the other kids? Augustus, Veruca?” “Even Violet and Mike,” Twilight added. “We can’t just leave them all.” “I know they weren’t the nicest kids in town, but the least we could do is make sure they’re restored to normal,” Fluttershy said. “If that’s not too much trouble, that is.” Once again, Mr. Wonka sighed as he turned around, practically kneeling to the ponies level. “My dear, I promise you they’ll be quite all right,” He assured. “When they leave here, they’ll be completely restored to their normal, terrible old lives. But maybe they’ll be a little wiser for the wear. Anyway, don’t worry about them.” “Eh, what do we do now, Mr. Wonka?” Grandpa Joe asked. Mr. Wonka’s eyes widened for a moment, as he looked around. “Oh, yes, well, I hope you enjoyed yourselves. Excuse me for not showing you out. Straight up the stairs. You’ll find the way.” He was about to escape into his office, when he was stopped again, but this time by a certain party pony. “Sorry to interrupt Mr. Wonka, but I was really, really, REALLY hoping that I could talk to about something important,” Pinkie spoke. “You see, I’ve got this baking business back at home that I…” “I am very sorry to cut you off, my dear, but I really don’t have the time to discuss anything with any of you any further. I’m terribly busy, whole day wasted.” He quickly shook Grandpa Joe and Charlie’s hands, doing the same notion for the ponies and Spike. “Goodbye to you all. Goodbye.” Then without another word, Mr. Wonka entered his office and slammed the door behind him. This left a group of ponies, a baby dragon, and a little boy with his grandfather looking at each other with confusion. “I-I don’t understand,” Rarity shook her head. “What happened?” Charlie asked. “Did we do something wrong?” Spike asked. “What about the lifetime supply of chocolate?” Pinkie asked. “I don’t know,” Grandpa Joe said. “But I’m gonna find out.” Joe quickly opens the office door, as the entire group steps inside. Willy Wonka’s office was set up rather strangely, where there was only half of literally everything. There was half of a safe, half a desk, half a couch, half a clock… Half and half? Half and… *Pause* Wise guy… “My, what an interesting style for this office,” Rarity said, looking around. “Not really the time tah be admirin’ the scenery here, Rarity,” Applejack whispered. “Can’t a lady admire interesting layouts now and again?” Rarity muttered. The group eventually noticed Mr. Wonka, without his jacket and hat, slumped over his desk with one hand on his head and smoking a cigar. He seemed to be working on some important documents, but the group were anxious to speak with him. Grandpa Joe approached the man, watching him silently. “Mr. Wonka?” “I am extraordinarily busy, sir,” Mr. Wonka sighed. “I just wanted to ask about the chocolate. The lifetime supply of chocolate, for Charlie. When does he get it? “He doesn’t.” This threw every pony for a loop. Why would Charlie not receive a lifetime supply of chocolate he rightfully deserved for winning the golden ticket contest? “I don’t understand, Mr. Wonka,” Twilight said, confused. “Why wouldn’t Charlie be able to receive the lifetime supply of chocolate?” “Because he broke the rules,” Mr. Wonka responds, putting the cigar down. Everyone faced each other in confusion. ‘Broke the rules’? What did he mean by that? Looking back, since they first entered the factory, there was never any mention of rules or regulations. “What rules?” Grandpa Joe asked. “We didn’t see any rules, did we, guys?” “I don’t remember anything about rules,” Rainbow agreed. “We’ve been all over this factory today and not once did we hear about rules,” Spike added. “Wrong, sir, wrong!” Mr. Wonka snapped. Every pony stepped back in shock, especially the way Mr. Wonka snapped at their little dragon friend. Poor Spike was so spooked he hopped onto Twilight’s back and hid himself in her mane. “M-M-Mr. Wonka?” Fluttershy whispered. “W-W-What are you t-talking about?” “Under Section Thirty-Seven B of the contract signed by him it states quite clearly that all offers shall become null and void if—And you can read it for yourself in this photostatic copy…” He quickly got up from his desk, approaching the giant half safe sitting in the corner. He pulls out the smaller copy of the contract which they remember signing at the beginning of the tour. He sat back at his desk, pulls out a small half-magnifying glass, and began reading over the contract in a rather upset and angry tone. “’I, the undersigned, shall forfeit all rights, privileges, and licenses herein and herein contained, et cetera, et cetera… Fax mentis incendium Gloria culpum, et cetera, et cetera… Memo ibs punitor delicatum!’” After reading that part, he slammed the contract so hard on the desk and turned to everyone in a wild frenzy. “It’s all there, in black and white, clear as crystal! You stole Fizzy Lifting Drinks. You all bumped into the ceiling, which now has to be washed and sterilized, so you get nothing! You lose! Good day, sir!” He then turns toward the group of shocked ponies, but his eyes were more focused on Pinkie Pie, who couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “As for you Pinkie Pie, when I read that newspaper depicting you and your friends saving my contest from corruption and scandal, I decided to show kindness from the bottom of my heart, I open my doors to let you join the grand tour, and how do you repay me? You disrespect my rules, you tarnish my factory, and now I see you’re just the same as every person I’ve ever met! You are nothing more than a thieving spy who only wants to learn my secrets and sell my products to another rival company!” The entire time during Mr. Wonka’s rant, Pinkie’s eyes filled with tears. She couldn’t believe this man would even say such talk. After everything they’ve been through today, for him to accuse her of stealing his secrets, it hurt her. “You say you want my help with saving your little baking business from going under… Well my dear, I humbly decline! Good day to you all!” His angry rant over, Mr. Wonka placed his head back in his hand and continued his work. The entire group stood there, staring at the man in shock and a twinge of fear. This kind man, who graciously showed them around his factory all day, all dashed aside because his sudden anger scared them all. But mostly, every word he said made the group sad, if not disheartened, just when they were really enjoying themselves. However, out of everyone in the group, Grandpa Joe was outraged. “You’re a crook!” He whispered. “You’re a cheat and a swindler! That’s what you are. How can you do a thing like this?! Build up a little boy’s hopes and then smash all his dreams to pieces!” “Yeah, not only do you refuse to help one of our friends, you’re willing to have a poor innocent family wind up on the streets!” Rainbow added, yelling. “Mrs. Teevee was right about you! You’re no genius; you’re an inhuman monster!” “I SAID GOOD DAY!” Mr. Wonka screamed, turning away. It was silent again in that office, nothing but the ticking of the clock inside the room. All the words and accusations Wonka made began to seep in and it was all clear from this moment. They made it through the tour, but they still lost. It seemed that Wonka had made up his mind and there was nothing anyone could do about it. “Come on, everyone, let’s get out of here,” Grandpa Joe declared, leading the group. “I’ll get even with him if it’s the last thing I ever do.” “Yeah, if Slugworth wants a Gobstopper so bad, he can have it,” Rainbow Dash said, angrily. “But Rainbow, we can’t!” Fluttershy argued. “We’re not really going to stoop that low, are we?” “You saw the way he acted, Flutters! This is not how a person should treat their guests, even if we did make a mistake. If this factory and all the chocolate is all that man ever cares about, why should we care what happens to him at all?” They were just about to make their way out the door, when Charlie pulled away and the whole group turned around. But Charlie wasn’t the only one. Beside him, Pinkie Pie, while her mane remained slightly intact despite the sadness in her eyes, also stood in silence as if she were still absorbing everything. There is a long pause as Charlie and Pinkie turn toward Mr. Wonka, who kept scribbling away at whatever invoice and bills he had to work with. Then to everypony’s surprise, Charlie and Pinkie Pie slowly trudged toward Mr. Wonka who was either unaware or simply chose to ignore them. Pinkie Pie slowly takes the Gobstopper, which she kept stored in her mane the entire time. The ponies, even Spike, gasped as they saw just what Pinkie was about to do. There they stood, inches from Mr. Wonka, who’s eyes never left the papers. “Mr. Wonka…” Charlie speaks. Before Mr. Wonka could say anything and instead of continuing, Charlie just placed the Gobstopper on Wonka’s desk. As if that wasn’t enough, even Pinkie Pie drops her Gobstopper right next to Charlie’s never taking her eyes off Wonka. Wonka seemed to pause after that, whether he noticed the candies or not. “Thank you for the opportunity,” Pinkie whispered, sadly. Then Pinkie Pie and Charlie slowly made their way back to the others. The ponies and Spike approached Pinkie Pie. “Pinkie, what are you doing?!” Rainbow asked. “That’s supposed to be for the Cakes!” “No Dashie,” Pinkie shook her head. “Mr. Wonka was right; we did break the rules. He told us not to mess with the Fizzy Lifting Drinks, half of you told me ‘not’ to drink it… And I didn’t listen. I don’t deserve a Gobstopper; I don’t deserve anything.” “Darling, please don’t blame yourself for all this,” Rarity said. “I admit I’m partly responsible for that too.” “Besides, we came all this way to help you,” Twilight said. “So, you wouldn’t have to leave us.” “Which was very nice of you, Twilight,” Pinkie nodded, sadly. “I appreciate it, I truly do. Despite everything, this was the best adventure I’ve ever been on and I have no regrets coming here. Regardless what happens next, I wouldn’t trade this trip with you guys for anything. Not even for all the chocolate in the world… Or anywhere.” Touched and flattered, the ponies and Spike tearfully approached Pinkie and she gave them a big group hug. Even Cheese Sandwich and Charlie joined in, as Grandpa Joe looked on tearfully. In all that time, Mr. Wonka seemed frozen though whether he was listening or not no pony or person could tell. But then, he slowly lifts his hands over the Gobstoppers, as if he suddenly had an epiphany. “So shines a good deed, in a weary world,” Wonka whispered. All of a sudden, Wonka quickly turns around. “Pinkie Pie!” Wonka called out. “Charlie!” Pinkie Pie and Charlie slowly turns back towards Mr. Wonka, the others facing him curiously though the disappointment were still on their brows. But then, to their surprise, Wonka’s expression warmed up as they saw a smile form on his face. “My little friends… You won!” “WHAT?!” The group said, in unison. And there it was, that energetic personality bringing Wonka to life, as the man suddenly reached out and hugged both Charlie and Pinkie Pie, who were the most surprised how he was suddenly so happy. “You did it! You did it!” Mr. Wonka cheered. “I knew you would; I just knew you would. Oh fellas, forgive me for putting you through this. Please, forgive me!” “Oh, you don’t have to apologize Mr. Wonka,” Pinkie assured. “I’m not a pony to hold a grudge. But what do you mean ‘we won’?” “I’ll explain everything my dear, I promise,” Mr. Wonka assured. “Come in, Mr. Wilkinson.” Another door opens and the group turns around. To their surprise, a very familiar man appears before the group. His oval shaped glasses and the scar on that one side of his face. The ponies and their other friends gasped, for they recognized him from the start. “Charlie, every pony, meet Mr. Wilkinson,” Wonka introduced. “Pleasure,” ‘Mr. Wilkinson’ greeted. “Slugworth!” Charlie gasped. “Slugworth?!” The ponies gasped. “Wut’s he doin’ here?!” Applejack pointed. “No, no, that’s not Slugworth,” Mr. Wonka assured. “He works for me.” “For you?” Twilight said, in shock. “But he… And the money… The Gobstopper…” The Princess of Friendship was perhaps more confused in this moment that she had been in quite a long time. Seeing her evident confusion, Mr Wilkinson decided to explain. “My dear pony, how did you think you all got to come to this factory in the first place?” Mr. Wilkinson said, taking a newspaper. “How do you think you all made the headlines? Coincidence?” “You? That was you?” “When I heard the rumors of a millionaire in Paraguay claiming he had ‘found’ the fifth golden ticket, I took the first plane I could book to investigate the claim, as I did with all the others. But when I got there, seems someone… Or ‘some pony’ had already beaten me to it. Then I started seeing pictures of the printing press and the fake tickets, so I went around looking for clues.” “Then I heard some folks in town talking about a group of ponies and a dragon crossing the streets with a little boy and if I hadn’t seen you for myself, I wouldn’t have believed it. I knew somehow you were all responsible for helping Mr. Bucket get his Golden Ticket and so Mr. Wonka arranged for me to have you included on the tour with or without tickets.” “You mean… You’re not some greedy, scary businessman who asked us to go into Wonka’s factory? Asking us to take his Gobstopper, to hand it to you, put the man out of a job, and take over the candy business… And the world?” “My Little Pony, in all that time spent hearing so much about how terrible ‘Slugworth’ was, did you ever stop to ask ‘anybody’ who Mr. Slugworth truly is? Or even if that’s who he really looks like?” “Well, actually…” Pinkie thought, realizing. “No… We never asked.” “We had to test you, Pinkie Pie,” Mr. Wonka explained. “Both of you and you passed the test. You won!” “Won what?” Spike asked. “Yeah, let us in on it,” Cheese urged, tugging his mane. “The stress and tension is making my mane fall out.” “The jackpot, my dear sir,” Mr. Wonka answered. “The grand and glorious jackpot.” “The chocolate?” Charlie guessed. “The chocolate, yes, the chocolate, but that’s just the beginning,” Mr. Wonka replied, grabbing his hat and coat. “We have to get on, we have to get on; we have so much time, and so little to do.” Suddenly, Mr. Wonka stopped as if he realized something. He turns toward Pinkie Pie, who smiles, as they say in unison… “Strike that; reverse it!” “This way please,” Mr. Wonka beckoned. The group follows Mr. Wonka as they depart from his office, as Mr. Wilkinson stays behind and looks on. Instead of leading into another room of the factory, they stumble upon a single door. When Mr. Wonka pushes a button on the nearby panel, it opens to reveal a tiny little room with glass walls and numerous buttons. They soon pile on inside, miraculously it was able to fit everybody. “We’ll take the Wonkavator,” Mr. Wonka begins. “Step in, Charlie. Everybody. This is the Great Glass Wonkavator.” “It’s an elevator,” Grandpa Joe said. “It’s a Wonkavator,” Mr. Wonka corrected. “An elevator can only go up and down, but the Wonkavator can go sideways and slantways and longways and backways…” “And frontways?” Charlie guessed. “… And squareways and frontways and other ways that you can think of,” Mr. Wonka continued, gleefully. “It can take you to any room in the whole factory just by pressing one of these buttons. Any of these buttons. Just press a button and ZING, you’re off!” “There’s so many rooms I haven’t had a chance to show you yet. Like where we keep Fudge Mountain and the administration offices. Doris, my lovely assistant, makes an excellent cup of English tea. Why we even have a place where we keep the most beautiful purple coated sheep!” “Purple sheep?” Fluttershy gasped, her eyes lit up. “Wait… What do you do with the sheep?” “Uh… I’d rather not talk about that one,” Mr. Wonka said, dismissively. “And up until now, I’ve pressed them all… Except one.” Mr. Wonka then points to a single button in the center of a red circle, with the words ‘Up and Out’. “’Up and Out’?” Twilight asked. “What kind of room is that?” “You’ll see,” Mr. Wonka replies, turns to Charlie. “Go ahead, Charlie.” “Me?” Charlie asked, surprised. Mr. Wonka nods as Charlies goes toward the button and pushes it with one finger. Suddenly, the elevator starts to whir and shake as Mr. Wonka gets excited. “There it goes!” Mr. Wonka said, grasping the bars. “Hold on tight. I’m not exactly sure what’s going to happen.” Every pony and the rest grab onto anything they can clutch onto as the Elevator starts ascending at a rapid pace. Mr. Wonka eyes a nearby panel, where a bar slowly turns right trying to approach a little red circle. “Faster, faster… If we don’t pick up enough speed, we’ll never get through.” “Get through what?” Charlie asked. “Ah-ha!” Mr. Wonka points up. The ponies and Spike look where he’s pointed and then it suddenly dawned on them. “Are you kidding me?!” Twilight asked. “Why not? I’ve been longing to press that button for years. Well, here we go. Up and Out!” “But do you really mean--?” Grandpa Joe began. “Yeah, I do!” Mr. Wonka nodded. “But this roof is made of glass!” Grandpa Joe points out. “It’ll shatter into a thousand pieces.” “We’re gonna be cut to ribbons!” Applejack said, wide-eyed. “Probably,” Wonka replied. Fearing the worst, every pony and Spike huddled close to each other as Twilight readied her horn just in case. The elevator starts going faster and faster, the bar reaching toward the tiny red dot.” “Hold on, everybody,” Mr. Wonka said, anticipating. “Here it comes!” CRASH!!! All at once, the Wonkavator crashes through the glass roof and miraculously the Wonkavator itself was still intact. And there they were, high over the rooftop of the factory, the Wonkavator soared high over the little town. As they flew along the sky, watching folks pass by and cars crossing the streets, the ponies and their friends were blessed with the most beautiful view they’ve ever seen, even more grand than all the wonderful things they’ve seen all day. “You did, Mr. Wonka, congratulations!” Grandpa Joe cheered. “Get up,” Mr. Wonka gestured. “Take a look.” And that’s just what they did, as they each took one part of the elevator to look over the entire town from above. “Gee Charlie, your town looks so pretty from up here,” Fluttershy said.” “And look over there!” Twilight points. “I can see your house.” Indeed, at the edge of town, there was Charlie’s house. No doubt his mother and the rest of his family would be there waiting for him to come home. Boy, would they be surprised of all the things he had to tell them. “Wow!” Charlie gasped. “It really looks beautiful,” Grandpa Joe admired. “There’s my school, Grandpa!” Charlie pointed. Right along near the center of town, there was the schoolhouse in all it’s glory as a few cars passed by. As every pony looked around, Pinkie looked back toward where the factory was and gasped. Quickly removing a telescope from her mane, she zooms in for a close look and her eyes widen. “Guys, guys come here!” Pinkie shouted. “You gotta come see this!” Curious, the ponies and the others took a look at where she was looking, and they were just as surprised. <> At the entrance of the factory, where surprisingly there were still people waiting (Mostly reporters), the doors opened, and they prepped their cameras to see what happened. But they certainly weren’t prepared for what happened next. The first to emerge were the Gloops, Augustus and his mother. Surprisingly, the boy was pretty much unscathed albeit all smothered in chocolate from head-to-toe. Mrs. Gloop looked on worried as Augustus was either sucking his fingers or trying to bite them off. “Augustus, please don’t eat your fingers!” Mrs. Gloop begged. “But I taste so good,” Augustus replied. Augustus was about to put his fingers back in his mouth, but Mrs. Gloop grabbed his hand firmly and gave him a harsh look that says “Nein”. Augustus reluctantly stopped as they walked hand in hand together, where there was going to be some changes when they got back to Germany. The next to emerge were the Beauregardes. The father was the first to come out, but most of that confident business nature left his face, instead he looked in dread as he turned back. His daughter eventually emerged, her skin still completely blue, and she was doing somersaults and all sorts of flips and turns like an acrobat. As a resulting of the juicing machine, she was able to stretch her limbs in ways she hadn’t before and… She actually enjoyed it. “Look father, I’m much more flexible now!” Violet said, arching her neck back. Mr. Beauregarde tried to smile, but it felt more forced. “Yes dear… But you’re ‘blue’.” As he allowed his daughter to go ahead, to give off a display before the reporters waiting by the gate, Mr. Beauregarde looked and gave a deep sigh as he knew what to expect back home. “My wife is gonna kill me,” He thought. The third pair to come out were the Salts, whom the ponies chose to save despite their behavior. The effects of being covered in three weeks of rotten garbage still hung over them, they smelled so bad not even the flies could come close. Veruca looks up and saw the Flying Glass Elevator hanging over them, but before she can say anything her father was already ahead. “Don’t even think about it,” He said, bluntly. Veruca gasped, then pouted at her father before walking off in a huff. Mr. Salt took a deep breath and actually smiled, as if another weight fell off his shoulders. It felt really good to actually show his daughter some discipline, to feel like a real father. After straightening his suit jacket, Mr. Salt walked off to catch up with his daughter. Once they have a much-needed bath back home, things were going to be different from now on. The last to emerge were the Teevees, Mrs. Teevee emerged first after recovering from the shock. But she was clearly in dismay as she looked back. Bending down to get out the door, Mike Teevee came out… Only he was so tall and so skinny, he almost towered over the gates. “Wow mom, just look at me!” Mike said. “I must be nearly nine feet tall! That’s a Guinness world record, maybe even Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Now I feel like a T.V. star!” “Mike, I do not want to hear another word about T.V.,” Mrs. Teevee spat, upset. “As a matter of fact, you’re going to spend your afternoons playing outside and no T.V. for an hour.” “What?!” “And you’ll be eating all your dinners at the table, every night.” “But ma…” “END… OF… DISCUSSION!!!” “… Yes mom.” With that settled, the Teevees carried on with their walk to the gates not even caring what the press will have to say because they’ve been through so much. And yet despite witnessing their kids going through some scary scenarios, despite the consequences of their actions, and add to having their ‘Gobstoppers’ taken away, as confirmed when Mr. Wilkinson held the pieces in his hands while watching from the door, it was just as Mr. Wonka said. While they may go back to their normal, if not ‘miserable’ lives… They would at least be leaving wiser. <> The ponies watched them as they made their way to the gates, as the reporters flashed their cameras at the group. They had to admit it was a surprise to see what happened to them, but at least despite how unpleased they were for the way they acted, it was better to see them alive… At least in hopes they’ll learn to be better people. Pinkie Pie put the telescope back in her mane as she turned to Wonka. “You were right, Mr. Wonka,” Pinkie said, happily. “Everything you said would happen… Happened.” Mr. Wonka merely folds his arms with a face that said, ‘Told you so’. Satisfied, the ponies turned back to look over the rest of the town taking in all the sights this ride could offer. As they watched, Mr. Wonka turned toward Charlie. “How did you like the chocolate factory, Charlie?” Mr. Wonka asked. “I think it’s the most wonderful place in the whole world,” Charlie said. “I have to agree with Charlie,” Twilight nodded. “Sure, it was a little scary at first, crazy even… But then, we’ve been through crazy and scary scenarios so much… We get used to it. None of that will ever take away how wonderful the factory is; no wonder you love it, Mr. Wonka.” “I’m very pleased to hear you say,” Mr. Wonka said, pleased. “Because I’m giving it to Charlie.” Charlie turned to Wonka at the mention of his name, shocked at what he just head. Everyone in the elevator turned to Wonka and were just as surprised. “That’s all right, isn’t it?” Mr. Wonka asked. “You’re giving Charlie your entire factory?” Cheese asked. “You’re joking, right?” Spike asked. “No, really,” Mr. Wonka assured. “It’s true. It all began when I had the strangest revelation.” To prove his point, Mr. Wonka tucks his hand to the inside pocket in his coat. After digging for a few seconds, he pulls out one content and shows it before the ponies. But they had to squint their eyes because it was so thin. But Rarity, being a pony with great attention to detail, knew what it was. “It’s… A piece of silver hair?” Rarity asked. “Not just ‘a’ piece of silver hair,” Mr. Wonka shook his head. “’The’ piece of silver hair, a reflection of my life’s work.” “Wait, you mean to say,” Pinkie realized, tearing up. “You’re going to…” “Oh no, no, no. Not right away. But… I can’t go on forever, and I don’t really want to try. So, who can I trust to run the factory when I leave and take care of the Oompa Loompas for me? Not a grownup. A grownup would want to do everything his own way, not mine. That’s why I decided a long time ago I had to find a child. A very honest, loving child to whom I can tell all my most precious candy making secrets.” “And that’s why you sent out the Golden Tickets,” Charlie realized. “You were trying to find an heir to takeover the business,” Pinkie added. “That’s right,” Mr. Wonka nodded. “Since I never married nor had any children of my own, I decided to invite five children to the factory. Whoever was the least rotten would be the winner. So, the factory yours, Charlie; you can move in immediately.” “And me?” Grandpa Joe asked. “Absolutely.” “What happens to the rest of—” Charlie began. “The whole family,” Mr. Wonka finished. “I want you to bring them all.” Happy beyond words, Charlie gave a big hug to Mr. Willy Wonka as everyone looked on proudly for how everything worked out. “But Charlie,” Mr. Wonka spoke. “Don’t forget what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he always wanted.” “What happened?” Charlie asked. “He lived happily ever after,” Mr. Wonka smiled, warmly. The two embraced in one more hug, as the great glass Wonkavator slowly descends back toward the factory grounds once more. By now, the other guests had gone away but the reporters were still there, and they all had their cameras as the doors slid open and they all stepped out. Just then, a glowing green vortex opens up just near the ponies. They, along with Spike, smile knowing what this meant. “Looks like it’s time to head home,” Twilight said. “Yeah, it is,” Pinkie nodded, disappointed. “It’s just a shame I couldn’t find what I was looking for to save Sugar Cube Corner.” “I wouldn’t be too sure about that.” Pinkie Pie immediately turned around when she heard that, as Mr. Wonka knelt down to her level. He reached his arm out, opened his hand, and sitting in the palm is the Everlasting Gobstopper. Pinkie was taken aback as she saw the offering, as she looked up towards Mr. Wonka. “You… You want me to take it?” Pinkie asked. “Really?” “I believe a very fun pony friend made a promise to me that she would take this candy and cherish it forever,” Mr. Wonka points out, smiling. “And it would pain me if I didn’t see that she keeps her promise. Will you swear to put this to good use?” “Cross my heart… Hope to fly…” Pinkie teared up. “Stick a cupcake in your eye,” Mr. Wonka and Pinkie said, together. Silently, Mr. Wonka places the Everlasting Gobstopper in Pinkie Pie’s hooves as she looked down with her jaw wide open. Then, Pinkie Pie smiled so huge, it seemed almost impossible. She shook violently and in an instant, she jumps up into the air leaving behind a rainbow trail. “YIPPEEE!!!” When she came back down to the ground, she wrapped her arms around Mr. Wonka with a huge hug. The man was a slight taken aback, even after just hugging a child. But nevertheless, Wonka hugged her back, as the rest of the ponies watched proudly of this wonderful moment between the two. Eventually, Wonka acknowledged them, beckoning them forward, and they all joined in for one big group hug. “Thank you so much, Mr. Wonka,” Twilight thanked him. “But what will you do now?” “I’ll still be around as a consultant, should Charlie ever need advice,” Mr. Wonka assured. “But I intend to take this Glass Elevator and spend the rest of my days exploring. Course, since I’ve already seen most of the world, perhaps I might consider seeing this 'Equestria' you mentioned. Since Pinkie's told me so much about it.” “That would be wonderful, Mr. Wonka,” Twilight said. "Though I wish it were that simple." “Trust me, my little pony. I'm Willy Wonka, there's nothing I can't do." As every pony backed away from Mr. Wonka, they look over toward Charlie and Grandpa Joe. They all trot over to them as the two smiled brightly. “Thank you, guys,” Charlie smiled. “You’ve done so much for me and my family.” “Indeed, you’ve given us more hope than we could ever ask for,” Grandpa Joe agreed. “We really enjoyed having you around and can’t possibly thank you enough.” They both knelt down and, once again, the entire group gave a huge hug seeing as this was goodbye… For now. “We’re really going to miss you all,” Charlie said. “I only wish I can repay you.” “Your friendship is more than enough, Charlie,” Twilight assured. “We’ll never forget you.” “It’s been quite an adventure,” Applejack added. “And totally awesome!” Rainbow said, happily. After breaking from their hug, the girls, Cheese Sandwich, and Spike walk slowly towards the green vortex. They turn back one last time, waving goodbye to their new friends, and one by one they walk through the portal. It wasn’t long before the portal closed, leaving just the three and a sea of reporters just outside the gates waiting for the big scoop. Before they go, Willy Wonka approaches Charlie, who looks up to him. “Well Charlie, you’re officially the new owner of this business,” Willy Wonka declares. “Anything you wish to do, your first order of business, consider it done.” Charlie thought silently for a moment and he did have many ideas based on what he’s seen in this factory. But there was ‘one’ idea that really stood out, as he turned toward Mr. Wonka, and smiled. <> Back in Equestria, the glowing green vortex opened within the library. The Mane Six, Cheese, and Spike all emerged from the other side and as they entered the library, they were immediately greeted by the entire group who had been watching them in the movie. Big Mac, Sugar Belle, Discord, Starlight, Trixie, Maud, MudBriar, a few foals, and even the Princesses themselves. They all ran up and hugged the group, as the portal closed behind them. “Welcome back, Fluttershy!” Discord greeted. “And every pony else too.” “We’ve missed ya’ll so much!” Apple Bloom said, happily. Twilight made her way through the sea of gathering ponies, trotting up towards Princess Celestia. She bowed before her mentor, though the nervous feeling was present on her face. “Princess Celestia, I just want to tell you how sorry I am,” She said, apologetically. “My dear student, whatever could you be sorry about?” Celestia asked. “Well, you told me the television should only be used to travel between worlds if there’s an emergency. We disregarded the rule today; I hope you can forgive us.” Celestia couldn’t help but laugh a bit, taking Twilight by surprised. The Princess of Friendship was indeed confused, looking at the sun goddess as if she missed the joke. “What’s so funny?” She asked. “My dear Twilight, you put way too much emphasis on ‘emergency’,” Princess Celestia points out. “Did you really believe it qualifies only when matters of evil and darkness are involved? Sometimes, my student, the most urgent emergency comes when a friend only asks for help and that’s all the more reason to do what you do best.” Twilight looked back towards the large group of ponies, noticing all her friends smiling and hugging their friends and neighbors happily. But more importantly, she could see Pinkie Pie, so happy while showing the Everlasting Gobstopper Mr. Wonka allowed her to keep. That day, when Pinkie first came to her for help, when Sugar Cube Corner was in trouble, she didn’t consider it a big emergency. But then, this journey happened, and suddenly they were determined to see that their friend did get the help she needed. Just then, the library door bursts open and they all turn as Mayor Mare came in. The poor politician was completely out of breath, having ran so much and nearly fainted on the floor. “Mayor Mare, what are you in such a hurry for?” Twilight asked. The mayor thankfully caught her breath, after a moment, and faced the Princess. “Filthy Rich and Spoiled Rich are at Sugar Cube Corner right now,” The Mayo explained. “Since the Cakes weren’t able to pay their mortgage, the Riches brought the papers to ‘buy’ the shop. If they do this, it transfers the power of attorney over them and force the Cakes out.” Every pony gasped in shock. They knew if they didn’t do something quickly, not only would the Cakes be forced to leave, but then Pinkie Pie might have to move too. “I don’t understand,” Twilight said, confused. “What do Filthy Rich and Spoiled Rich have to do with this?” “Well actually,” Apple Bloom began. “There’s somethin’ ya need to know.” Soon, every pony in the library approached Twilight and began to relate to her and the Mane Six everything they’ve discovered in their absence. After hearing the full story, the Mane Six couldn’t believe their ears. “Why those horrible, terrible, brutes!” Rarity yelled. “They’d blackmail their own daughter?!” Rainbow growled. “That is just sick!” “Not tah mention payin’ off ponies not tah eat at Sugar Cube Corner,” Applejack added. “No wonder the Cakes can’t make their quota.” “What are we gonna do?” Pinkie asked, seriously. “What are we gonna do? WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO?!?!” “I’ll tell you what we’re going to do,” Twilight said, determined. “We’re going over there right now and demand to put a stop to this.” “But can we possibly do that?” Spike asked. “We don’t even have proof.” It was in that moment, that Princess Luna floated down beside her sister. They both turn to each other with knowing smiles. “Actually, we ‘do’ have proof. But we must hurry before it is too late.” With no second thought, the entire group ran out of the library door as fast as they could and bolted to Sugar Cube Corner. <> In front of the bakery, Mr. and Mrs. Cake stood out in front, with the two little twins in their hooves and they all had sadness on their faces. A bunch of suitcases, all packed up, sits behind. Filthy and Spoiled Rich stood before them, snooty and cocky as ever. Little Diamond Tiara just stood behind them, looking just as sad as the Cakes. “Well now, I see you have both packed up all of your junk,” Spoiled Rich mocked. “I’d say they’re ready to go.” “Now dear, let’s keep it professional,” Filthy Rich smiled, facing the Cakes. “All you need to do now is sign this here document and your little bakery here will be out of your hooves.” He reached into his pocket and unraveled a role of parchment, which looked like a transfer of power document. He then produced a quill and offers it toward the Cakes, who both turned to each other sadly. Eventually, with a heavy sigh, Mr. Cake grabbed the quill with his teeth and was just about to sign. “STOP!” They quickly turn toward the road, as a large group of ponies, led by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, arrive. Concern was shown from both Rich’s, while the Cakes and Diamond Tiara bow in their presence. “Oh well, my goodness!” Filthy Rich said, bowing nervously. “Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, what brings your majesties here today?” Celestia and Luna, however, just gave the pony and his wife the biggest disapproving frowns any pony have ever seen. “Do not play innocent, Filthy Rich,” Luna stated. “We know thou and thine wife have been scheming to take control of Sugar Cube Corner.” “I-I assure you, your highness, I have no idea what you mean,” Filthy Rich replied. Spoiled Rich, however, took a less subtle approach confronting the Princesses. “That is the absolute most atrocious accusation I’ve ever heard,” She huffed. “You don’t even have any proof.” It was then Celestia used her magic to conjure up a series of documents, which she proceeds to read off one-by-one. “Then what do you make of these documents? We have money laundering, bribery, conspiracy, abuse, verbal and mental, thievery… Need I continue?” Filthy Rich gulped as sweat dripped down his face, knowing deep down they had been caught. Meanwhile, his wife firmly stood her ground. “Please, those documents could easily be forged,” She said, confidently. Princess Celestia thought for moment, knowing Spoiled Rich had made a point. That’s when she caught sight of Diamond Tiara, hiding behind her parents. A genius idea came to her, something that could work in her favor and every pony else. “You do make quite an excellent point, Spoiled Rich. That is why I would like to inform you we do have a surprise witness to all your crimes… Diamond Tiara, could you step forward please?” Hearing her name, Diamond Tiara froze in her place. Her eyes widen like saucers, her breath hitched in her throat. Her parents stepped aside, while every pony turned toward her. Her mother merely looks at her with that cocky smile. “Oh, why yes, of course. Our dear precious Diamond Tiara can attest we have never engaged with any form of illegal action whatsoever. Can’t you dear?” Diamond Tiara just eyed her quietly, as Spoiled Rich leaned down toward her ear. “If you say anything other than we ‘haven’t’ done anything illegal, anything at all, I promise you shall be forever disowned from this family.” Spoiled Rich and her husband then backed away, granting the floor to Diamond Tiara. The poor little filly just looked about without a clue what to do. On one hand, she wanted to be truthful and honest, especially towards the princess. But, at the same time, she couldn’t bear the humiliation of her parents disowning her in front of every pony. Then again, if she went along with this, the Cakes would lose their business. It was too much for her poor mind, as tears began to fall from her eyes. And then, she felt a tender hoof on her shoulder and looked up with glassy eyes toward the magenta eyes of Princess Celestia herself. “My dear sweet Diamond Tiara, no one can force you to do anything you neither wish to say or do. I am no exception. It is ‘your’ choice, all I ask of you is to consider this: After everything you’ve been through, is this the kind of pony you want to be?” The princess’s words struck the little filly right in the heart. She looks over to the group of ponies gathered around Sugar Cube Corner, then toward her parents. She closed her eyes tightly, took a deep breath, and turned to Celestia, her choice finally made. “Your highness… It’s true,” Diamond Tiara nodded. “My parents ‘are’ involved in illegal activity. They’ve been bribing ponies to stay away from Sugar Cube Corner, they’ve been laundering money to their partners for a transfer of power document and have been conspiring to force the Cakes from the shop. And I was helping them do it… I’m very sorry.” Filthy Rich and Spoiled Rich dropped their jaws in shock, hearing their own daughter selling them out. But none were more infuriated than her mother, as Filthy tried to hold her back. “Why you, lousy, backstabbing, little traitor!” Spoiled Rich yelled. “No honey, no!” Filthy Rich begged, holding her. “Remember your blood pressure!” Just then, a group of royal guards flew from the sky and surrounded the Rich’s, their spears pointed at them just in case. Princess Celestia soon approached the pair, looking down at them with a fierce frown. “Filthy Rich, Spoiled Rich, the crimes you have committed against the Cakes, Ponyville, and all of Equestria are worthy of a life imprisonment.” This seemed to really hit both ponies right at home, the two suddenly started to whimper and beg on their knees… All four of them each. “No, please your highness,” Filthy Rich pleaded. “You can’t place us in prison; we’ll never survive!” “But…” Every pony paused, as the Princess continued. “I am nothing if not a reasonable monarch. Which is why I’m offering you both a choice. You can either spend the rest of your lives imprisoned, OR… You can accept being banished, with all your assets frozen, in any other part of Equestria. You are, however, forbidden from ever stepping hoof in Ponyville ever again.” Filthy Rich and Spoiled Rich thought long and hard. On one hand, they could handle being banished to any other city in Equestria they chose, even if it means they lose all of their money and all of their assets. But a lifetime of imprisonment, amongst ponies and Celestia knows what creatures are just as bad as them, even worse… The choice wasn’t hard to make. “Very well, we’ll accept banishment,” Spoiled Rich answered. “Quite right, darling,” Filthy Rich agreed. “We can set up plenty of branches in Manehatten, we’ll work our way from the bottom and retake our place at the top. We’re better off without this pathetic one-horse town holding us back. Spoiled, Diamond Tiara, we leave… Immediately!” The two ponies start to walk off, when a small meek voice cuts them off. “No.” They both turned their heads, seeing their daughter shake her little head. “Diamond Tiara, I said we’re leaving!” Filthy Rich beckoned his daughter. “NO! I’m not going with you. I love Ponyville; I love every pony here. I won’t be part of anymore of your schemes. In fact, I don’t want to be part of this family any longer.” Every pony looked on in anticipation, yet they were also happy to see Diamond Tiara stand up for herself. They turned to her parents, to see how they would respond. Filthy Rich looked at his daughter, as he straightened the collar around his neck. “Diamond Tiara… You are my only child and I never understood you, not once,” Filthy Rich sighed, shaking his head. “I really hope you know what you’re doing.” “Me too… Filthy… Spoiled…” Diamond Tiara nodded. Both ponies were stunned silent, hearing their own daughter call them by their first names was truly the straw that broke their backs. After a minute, Filthy Rich silently turned away without another word while Spoiled Rich sneered at the little filly, turning away with a huff and her nose stuck in the air. All of Ponyville watched as the two ponies walked away of their own free will, no escorts from any of the guards. They walked on until their bodies faded in the distance, never looking back, and strolling without a care in the world. As Diamond Tiara looked on, watching her parents disappear over the horizon, she could no longer hold back and broke down crying. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo couldn’t stand to see her cry, as they slowly walked up and hugged her, which she accepted. “It’s gonna be alright Diamond Tiara,” Apple Bloom said, comfortingly. “You’re gonna be okay, we promise.” “I don’t think so, Apple Bloom,” Diamond Tiara sobbed. “I don’t think anything is going to be alright… Not for a while.” “Well… If it makes you feel any better, at least you never have to worry about being somepony you’re not ever again,” Sweetie Belle assured. “Yeah, now you’re free to make your own choices,” Scootaloo added. “Doing everything that makes you happy.” “Oh girls… What am I going to do now?” Diamond Tiara asked. “Where am I going to live?” The three ponies turned to each other, contemplating the question. Of course, there were plenty of homes in Equestria and their homes are always open. But before they could make an offer, Mrs. Cake approached the group of fillies and looked down upon Diamond Tiara. “You know dear, Mr. Cake and I do have an extra room in the house no one ever really uses,” She offered. “We always hoped to open it for rent, but now… You are more than welcome to stay with us, to have a real family. That is if you’d like that.” Diamond Tiara looked up toward Mrs. Cake, with wide eyes full of tears. A small smile forms on her muzzle. “D-Do you r-really mean that, Mrs. Cake?” She asked, tearfully. “Even after everything?” “Of course. We’d be more than happy having you in the family. Wouldn’t we dear?” “Absolutely,” Mr. Cake nods, with a smile. The Cutie Mark Crusaders back away a bit, as Diamond Tiara approached the two Cakes and their little twins. She beamed brightly, as the tears fell down her face and she threw her arms around them in a huge hug. They gladly returned, as the whole group looked on. Rarity herself began to tear up. “Oh, such a happy ending for her. I could just cry!” “Oh please,” Rainbow groaned, with an eye roll. “Well, looks like I got a new friend to hang with from now on,” Pinkie said, excitedly. “Every pony got their happy ending.” “Not just yet.” Pinkie turned around quickly, seeing Cheese standing behind her. Fully face to face, as she looked over him, Pinkie could tell he had something on his mind. “What is it, Cheesy?” Pinkie asked. Cheese took a deep breath, finally seeing his moment had come. He grabs Pinkie’s hooves in his own, once again looking in her eyes. “Pinkie Pie, there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you. Something I’ve been trying to say during this whole journey, but for whatever reason the timing was never right. But now I feel there is no better time and place…” “Wait!” Pinkie interrupts. “Before you say anything, I have something to confess.” “Oh? What is it?” Then it was Pinkie Pie’s turn to take a deep breath and the answer shocked every pony. “I’m in love with you, Cheese Sandwich!” This took Cheese Sandwich by surprise, while the rest of the group looked on with wide eyes and some even smiling. A few of the fillies and mares, though not as they expected, squealed a bit. “I wanted to tell you before, Cheesy,” Pinkie rambled. “It’s just that I’ve always been the pony who can be friends with any creature she meets, throwing parties, making them happy, and just being myself. But when it comes to romance… I’m terrified.” “I’ve never fallen in love before, I’ve never been on a date, and I didn’t even know I could handle it. I was so afraid that if I told you, and you refused, it would ruin the friendship we already have. But then I realized when I saw what you were doing, I knew I shouldn’t be scared. I know if this is hard to understand…” “Oh no, candy floss,” Cheese replied. “Believe me… That makes perfect sense. I always felt very differently about the two of us too. We’ve been friends for the longest time, that when I look at you… All I see is somepony I care deeply for and want to be around so badly I would do anything. Up until a few days ago, I never truly knew what it mean… But now, I know exactly what it is and it’s just as you said: Love.” Pinkie smiles as her own tears start appearing in her eyes. Cheese smiled too and knew he must keep going. “Pinkie Pie… I love you too, I loved you for a very long time. I don’t know what I could possibly do without you by my side and I want to spend every waking moment of my life to make you happy, as you’ve made me.” Now Pinkie’s tears fully fell down her face, as Cheese continued expressing his feelings with newfound confidence. “Pinkamena Diane Pie, would you be my very special somepony?” Without another word, Pinkie leapt straight into his arms and planted her lips directly to his. This caught Cheese off-guard and he fell backwards, as they both land on the ground. Never once did their lips break contact, as they held each other close breathing in this beautiful moment. When Pinkie Pie finally pulled away, she smiled brightly. “I waited so long for you to ask me that,” She said, happily. “Well, couldn’t think of a better time than now,” Cheese smiled. They both kiss again, as the rest of the group cheer and applaud, while many fillies and mares squeaked again, some even crying. The rest of the Mane Six and Spike stood off to the side, smiling with tears of their own. “Aww… They are such a perfect couple,” Twilight commented. “Our dear Pinkie Pie has grown up so much,” Rarity sobbed. “Ah tell yah what, that there Cheese Sandwich is the best stallion fur her,” Applejack added. “He’s totally awesome and not to mention wickedly funny,” Rainbow said. “They’re going to be so good together,” Fluttershy added. As they enjoyed this tender moment, a shadow flew over them drawing Spike’s attention and he looked surprised. “Hey girls, what’s that up there?” Spike pointed as the others looked up. Floating down to the ground with a single parachute, a crate slowly descended toward Ponyville. Pinkie and Cheese paused for a moment to notice the crate coming down. But then they soon realized it wasn’t just one crate, but a bunch of crates all coming down in little parachutes strapped to the top. One by one, the crates landed within mere inches of Sugar Cube Corner, as every pony made space for it to land. Curious, the Cakes approach one of the crates as Pinkie & Cheese join in, along with the others. Together, they force open one crate and with the lid removed, they take a peek and gasped in shock. Inside were rows upon rows of Chocolate Bars, all wrapped up with Willy Wonka’s logo and all in assorted colors. Mr. Cake takes one of the bars carefully opens the wrapping paper and studies the treat. “Is that… Chocolate?” Mrs. Cake asked. Indeed, it was chocolate, Mr. Cake could clearly see that. He takes a tiny bite on one corner to test it and his eyes widen at the amazing flavor. “It’s delicious!” Mr. Cake said, taking out the rest. “There must be hundreds upon hundreds of bars in each of these crates!” Twilight Sparkle took the wrapping with her magic, recognizing the ‘Wonka’ name. “This is Wonka’s chocolate!” Twilight said, looking at the crates. “They’re all from Wonka!” “But how did they all get here?” Fluttershy asked. Just then, another shadow catches Pinkie’s eyes and she looks up. A single envelope floats down from the sky, out of thin air like the crates. Pinkie grabs the envelope with her mane and sees that it’s coincidentally addressed to Pinkie Pie herself. She carefully opens the envelope, finds a single letter inside, and reads it aloud. To the denizens of Ponyville, I, Willy Wonka, as my final decree of Wonka’s Chocolates, grant the request of the new factory owner, Mr. Charlie Bucket, to offer his winnings of a lifetime supply of chocolate and exchange it to the family business of Sugar Cube Corner. Inside each crate, you’ll find all sorts of wonderful new goodies, delicious treats, and of course, our finest chocolates, more than enough to keep your business going for generation upon generation. I hope you use them well. Sincerely, Willy Wonka P.S. I hope this means you’ll stick around town, Pinkie Pie. Ponyville is beautiful up here. Reading that part, Pinkie Pie was confused wondering how Wonka would know about Ponyville or much less see it. Curious, she turns back to the sky and gasps wide-eyed when she caught something in sight. There, high over the clouds, the Wonkavator, Wonka’s own glass elevator, floated over Ponyville as if somehow, he was able to find Equestria. But then she recalled how he found Loompaland, a place that couldn’t be found on any map, and realized… This is Willy Wonka; he could do anything. Pinkie Pie smiled realizing this was Charlie’s doing, that he would ask Wonka to give away part of his award and give it not just to Pinkie Pie, but for the Cakes. And Wonka didn’t just do it for either him or her, but to prove he does care for more than just chocolate. A very wonderful gift. “Thank you, Mr. Wonka,” Pinkie said, softly. As the Wonkavator continued upward toward the heavens, until it was completely out of view, everything seemed absolutely perfect. The Cakes were staying in business, Diamond Tiara found a family who’d love her and treat her right, and Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich were finally together. <> “In the end, Charlie Bucket won a chocolate factory… Sugar Cube Corner prospered greatly with a new line of candy, compliments of Charlie himself… Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich developed a beautiful romantic relationship… And Diamond Tiara finally got what she always dreamed of… A real family.” As the camera pulls away, as all of Ponyville helps the cakes move all the crates into Sugar Cube Corner and loading them to have them ready to sell, a single figure watched over them. An Oompa Loompa, dressed in a fancy suit, overlooking the town as he narrates in a surprisingly deep voice. “And one thing was absolutely certain… Life has never been sweeter.” THE END