Can a drizzle become sunny?

by Jordanwolfboy

First published

Anon tries to help his friend Drizzle Drop move on from a horrible event that happened five years ago.

#Spoiler Warning!!! If you have not read my first story, then go and read A love that can heal your pain and then come back here!!!#

Drizzle Drop, having miraculously survived a robbery at her house that happened five years ago, finds it hard to cope with the loss of her friends. For she feels that she was partly responsible for them dying even though she couldn't do anything about it. In the midst of this, her friend Anon tries to convince her that she needs to try and live on for them. Little did they both know that their five year long friendship would blossom into something more.

Cover image drawn by my good friend Bumblebeau. Go check out his deviantart which is keitto191

"This is a what if scenario based on my first story, "A Love That Can Heal Your Pain." I hope that you all enjoy this story! :pinkiehappy:

Chapter 1: A Miracle and a Tragedy

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Fillydelphia City

We pan past the tall buildings and skyscrapers of the city until we settle on a quaint little neighborhood. We stop on a pair of two young teenagers by the name of Drizzle Drop and Anon Y Mous with the latter being you. The two of you have been the best of friends for the past three weeks ever since Drizzle and her friends had saved you from a lifetime of sadness. You see, before you came to Fillydelphia, you had a really rough life that consisted of people who were always angry, mean-spirited, or just downright pessimistic or things in general that just never went your way. Because of this fact, you found it almost impossible to do something as simple as smiling. Thanks to this girl and her friends, however, you were finally given the chance to be happy and to move on from your troubled past. The two of you were talking about the new action movie that was coming out and how stoked the both of you were for it since the first film was really good.

The conversation shifted when Drizzle then brought up how she was really happy to have met you those three weeks ago. You happily responded by saying that you were glad to have met her too which resulted in the both of you hugging before she asked you if you wanted to hang out with her and the others later at her friend Stargazers house. You sadly told her that you couldn't since you had a bit of homework to do. She was disappointed at first but she understood and you said good-bye to each other before parting for your homes. When you made it to your house, you got to working on your homework which only took about an hour or so. After you were finished, you sat there thinking about what you wanted to do next.

"Hmm, there's still daylight outside. Maybe I'll call Drizzle and see if she's still willing to let me tag along for the hangout. What am I saying? Of course she would." You said to yourself before you grabbed your phone and called her since you had her number. You waited but she didn't pick up the phone for some reason. That's odd. She always picked up the phone if you called her. Why was it different now? You tried calling her again but she still didn't pick up. You got a little bit worried but you tried to calm yourself as best as you could.

'Maybe she's just in the bathroom freshening up or using the toilet.' You thought. 'It wouldn't hurt to visit though.' With your decision made, you made yourself presentable and walked outside of your house but not before texting your parents letting them know that you were going out. They said okay and to have fun and to be careful before you started to make your way over to Drizzles house. While you were walking, you heard sirens off in the distance. You at first dismissed them since it was something you heard a bunch of times during your stay here.

However, as you kept walking, the sirens were growing louder. You grew a little bit concerned by it but you still tried to continue nonetheless. The sirens eventually grew louder and louder until you turned around and saw an ambulance and some police cars speed down the street and went in the same direction as... as Drizzles house. Your eyes widened at the possible thought that you were currently having and you hastily started sprinting after them. You eventually made it to your destination... you were shocked by what you saw. The ambulance and police cars had pulled up in front of Drizzles home. You stood there in silence until tears started forming in your eyes.

"N-No... no... please don't let it be!" You panicked before making your way over. The front windows of the house were busted signifying that a robbery had taken place. You looked at the police cars and noticed that there were three men in each of the cars with angry looks on their faces. It didn't take a genius to figure out that those were the robbers. You turned your attention back towards the house. Three medics were slowly carting three gurneys that had bodies that were covered by tarps.

You at first didn't recognize them until a red hand hung out from one of them. Your eyes widened... you recognized the hand because of the little ring that was on the index finger. Blaze Burst, one of the new friends you made, had the exact same ring in the exact same place. In fact, the two other bodies were shorter than this one. The pieces were starting to be put together in your fractured mind until the moment of realization sunk in. Your friends... were dead!? NO! That couldn't be! You didn't wanna believe it at all! Your friends weren't dead! You refused to say it was true!

You were brought out of your thoughts by another medic bringing out a fourth gurney except this time the person didn't have a tarp draped over them and you were easily able to identify them. It was Drizzle Drop! Her body was limp and her eyes were shut as she was brought to the ambulance. There was blood coming from two holes in her jacket which meant that she must have been shot. You tried to run up to her but a police officer blocked your path.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa kid! You can't get any closer. This is a crime scene." He informed you but you wouldn't listen.

"I don't care! Those are my friends!" You yelled.

"Look kid, I can't just let anyone pass through! Now please move back!" He demanded. You looked at Drizzle and then back at the officer.

"Can I at least go with my friend over there?" You pointed to her as he thought for a moment before answering.

"Fine, just don't get in the way." You immediately made your way over to Drizzle Drops unconscious form as she was carried into the ambulance. The medics were about to dissuade you before you told them that you were her friend and the officer told them to let you go with them. They reluctantly let you get in as you drove off towards the hospital.

Fillydelphia Hospital

When you arrived at the hospital, Drizzle Drop was immediately brought to the emergency room and you were forced to wait outside in the lounge. You sat down as you tried to recollect yourself. Your cheeks were practically soaked with tears at this point but you had to stay strong for your friend. You had to hold onto the belief that she would make it out of this alive. You had to. She's done so much for you these past few weeks and this was your way of repaying her by being there for her. As you were lost in your thoughts, you realized that you forgot to inform your parents of the situation so you quickly texted the both of them and they responded by saying that they'll be there as quickly as possible. You waited for about ten minutes before they finally arrived and sat by you.

"Anon sweetie... we're so sorry." Your mom said solemnly and with a sad expression as she gave you a hug. Your dad joined the hug as well.

"We're here for you buddy." Your dad said. You couldn't help but cry as you mourned over the loss of your friends Stargazer, Thunder Volt, and Blaze Burst. You must have cried for at least an hour and a half before a doctor came out and noticed you.

"Are you the kid that rode over here in the ambulance with the medics?" He asked as you looked up at him with watery eyes. You nodded in response before he spoke again. "Well I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that your friend is still alive. Luckily, none of the bullets hit any of her vital organs. We were able to extract them and she's in a stable condition right now." You perked up upon hearing this and you sighed in relief. You looked back up at him.

"What's the bad news?" You asked. He sighed before answering.

"She's in a coma, and we have no idea when she's going to wake up." He stated sadly. You closed your eyes for a moment to contain your emotions before glancing back at him.

"C-Can I see her?" You stuttered. He thought for a moment before nodding and taking you and your parents to Drizzles room. You walked for a few minutes before finally arriving as the doctor opened the door slowly and gestured for you to go in. You walked inside as you saw a sight you never thought you'd see. Drizzle Drop laid there in bed with bandages around her torso as her chest slowly rose and fell. Her eyes were closed as she laid there peacefully. You inched your way over and pulled a chair up next to her bed as you stared at her with a devastated look. You reached out and grabbed her hand and gently caressed it. You started to break down into tears before you slumped down onto her bed and cried your heart out. Both of your parents came over and gently rubbed your back as the room grew silent aside from the constant beeping of the heart monitor and your sobbing.

Four weeks later

As another day was drawing to a close, you made your way over to the hospital to visit Drizzle Drop as you've been doing for the past few weeks. She still hadn't woken up from her coma which really worried you. A part of you was afraid that she may never wake up again, while a bigger part of you was hoping that it wasn't the case. Regardless of what you thought or felt, you still managed to make time for her by paying her daily visits. Drizzle Drops parents were taking it just as hard as you were. They honestly couldn't believe that their baby girl was almost killed by some low-life robbers. They, much like you, devoted pretty much all of their time to visiting her to see if she would wake up. You so badly wanted to be able to snap her out of this coma so she can reunite with her family, but you couldn't and the fact that there was nothing you could do about it angered and saddened you at the same time.

As for your other friends' parents, they were horribly heartbroken to learn of their kids being dead and they all broke down in tears and sobs. You couldn't blame them for acting like that, nobody could. Learning that one or all of your own children had died is one of the hardest things that a parent has to go through. Some time after that, their funeral was held as you, along with a lot of other people which included your friends' families, attended it. Heartfelt words were spoken and tears were shed until the three of them were finally lowered into the ground slowly. Seeing your friends disappear into the dark abysses below was almost enough to make you feel hopeless. It almost made you feel... suicidal... in a way because you honestly were having a hard time trying to find some light in the situation. You didn't go through with it though as you made a promise to yourself and to your friends that you would live on for them and that you would also watch over Drizzle Drop. Which brings you here today as you made your way to the hospital.

After about a twenty minute trip, you made it to the hospital and walked up to the receptionists desk and told them that you were visiting Drizzle Drop. They told you to go on ahead and that's what you did. You eventually made it to her room and walked inside. You saw that she was still asleep to which you sighed in defeat. Her parents are usually the ones to visit her first but they weren't there. You assumed that they must have just left and had gone home for the day. You replaced the vase of flowers with new ones before you disposed of the old ones. You took a seat next to her bed as you stared at her sleeping body. She seemed so peaceful in her sleep as if she was taking a simple nap.

A part of you wanted to believe that that was the case before reality sunk in. Your first friend that you ever made was currently in a coma after taking bullets to the body. You looked outside the window and stared at the sunset that was slowly creeping it's way beyond the horizon to make way for the night. You began to reminisce on all the great memories that you had with Drizzle Drop and the others. How you always joked around with each other, how you always had each others backs, and how you were pretty much inseparable. You longed to have those days back. To be able to just go back to the ways things were before all of this. You knew that it was impossible now, but you couldn't help but still wish for it. You stared for what seemed like forever before you heard what sounded like a voice behind you.

"A-A... A-Anon?" Your eyes widened as you turned around and looked at Drizzle Drop. She was shuffling in her bed as her eyes slowly lifted open until she was eventually looking at you. You immediately smiled and teared up upon seeing this.

"D-D-Drizzle Drop! You're awake!" You exclaimed before you grabbed her hand and held it close to you. She observed her surroundings before her eyes settled on you.

"W-Where are we? W-What happened?" She asked in a weak voice. You explained to her what happened and that you were both in the hospital. Her eyes widened a little bit after receiving the news. She then grew concerned for your well-being to which you reassured her that you were fine. She then asked about her parents and you told her that they were okay as well. "W-What about the others? A-Are t-they okay?" You immediately frowned and looked down after she asked that. She stared at you for a moment while waiting for your response. "A-Anon, are our friends okay?" She asked once more. You almost started crying again as you tried to hold back the wave of tears that was threatening to be let loose. You then felt a hand on your cheek before you looked up and saw that she had a worried look. "A-Anon, please t-tell me." You couldn't say anything at this point as the tears were now more prominent as they made their way down your cheeks. She soon grew a devastated look on her face which meant that she understood what was going on as she started tearing up too. The both of you quickly embraced as you sobbed together over the loss of your friends.