Space Jam

by Gojizilla54

First published

When the greatest player of all time met a bunch of cartoon characters

Swackhammer, an evil alien theme park owner, needs a new attraction at Moron Mountain. When his gang, the Nerdlucks, heads to Earth to kidnap Bugs Bunny and the Looney Tunes, Bugs challenges them to a basketball game to determine their fate. The aliens agree, but they steal the powers of NBA basketball players -- so Bugs gets some help from NBA superstar Michael Jordan and a couple of ponies and a dragon with them.

Chapter 1 - Welcome to the Jam

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Wilmington, North Carolina

Summer 1973

It was a quiet summer evening in 1973, the moon was out and bright, and the stars were in the skies and shinning on North Carolina. There was a bright light, where a young boy is playing basketball in his backyard shooting the ball and making it into the basket. Then, a figure turns on the house light and looks outside their door to see who was making the noise to see the boy just shooting the basketball.

"Michael?" asked James Jordan. The young Michael Jordan stops shooting and turns around to see his dad. His dad then steps out of the house. "What are doing here, son? It's after midnight," said his father. The young Michael was hesitant at first and then answered.

"Couldn't sleep, Pops," said Michael.

"Well, neither can we with all that noise you're making. Come one, let's go inside," said his father.

"Just one more shot?" begged Michael. His father smiled and nodded.

"All right, just one," said his father.

"Yeah," said Michael. He shots the ball and it goes through the basket. His father chuckles.

"That's good, shot it again," said his father. Michael shoots the ball again to the hoop and makes a shot, his father catches it and smiled.

"Getting pretty good, son," said his father as he passes the ball to Michael. " Go ahead shoot til you missed," said his father.

"Do you think if I get good enough, I can go to college?" asked Michael as he shoots the ball and makes it through the hoop and his father catches the ball.

“Hey, you get good enough, you can do anything you want to Michael," said his father as he passes the ball to his son.

"I want to play in North Carolina," said Michael as he shoots the ball again and makes it through again.

"That's a real fine school, real fine school. you can get a first-class education there," said his father as he passes the ball.

"I wanna play on the championship team," said Michael as he shoots the ball again and makes it in the hoop again. "Then I wanna play in the NBA," said Michael. Michael shots and shots and shots the ball and each shot goes into the basket, His father chuckles.

"All right, let's slow down, son. Don't you think you oughta get a little sleep first," questioned his father as they head back inside.

"And once I've done all that..." said Michael. "Uh-huh," said his father. He looked at his father. "I want to play baseball just like you, Dad," said Michael. His father smiled and liked the words that came out out of his son's mouth.

"Baseball? Hey, now that's a sport. When you've finished with all of that, I suppose that you're gonna fly, huh?" said his father.

Before they could go back inside the house, the young Michael Jordan stops and turns around to face the basketball hoop. Then it was all in slow motion. His father looked back to see his son running to the basket dribbling three times. As Michael runs to the basket he jumps and then he dunks the ball into the basket.

Chapter 2 - Equestria

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It was just normal in Equestria. Ponies greeted each other. Fillies went to school. The shops were open and selling.

In Ponyville a bright shining castle stood mighty out of all the other buildings. The Castle of Friendship was the home to the Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight and Spike were in the library organizing the books. “Twilight, why do we have to this?” questioned Spike.

“Well I have been reading a bunch of books and you know libraries are supposed to be neat,” answered Twilight.

Then the library doors opened and then entered Twilight’s friends: Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Starlight Glimmer.

“Girls!” Twilight said with excitement. Spike stopped putting the books and looked back and went back to work

“How are you two doin’?” questioned Applejack.

“Pretty good, just organizing the books,” answered Twilight.

“What about you girls, how are you girls doing?” questioned Twilight.

“Pretty good, but Pinkie’s party cannon broke and can’t plan any parties until that darn thing is fixed,” said Applejack as Pinkie brought her party cannon and started to fix it when a toy wrench.

“Come on work wrench work!” exclaimed Pinkie.

"Well, the other girls they're doin' just fine," said Applejack. Starlight looked around the castle to see the many books that Twilight has read.

"Wow, Twilight that sure is a lot of books that you have read," said Starlight. Twilight looked back and blushed in embarrassment.

"Well, I always have time to read all these books," said Twilight.

"It is a nice day outside Twilight do you want to go outside," suggested Fluttershy.

"Maybe later we still need to organize these books," said Twilight as Spike lost his balance from the ladder and fell.

"Maybe we could help you with that," suggested Rarity.

"Yeah with all this clutter I can organize this whole library in 10 seconds flat," said Rainbow Dash as she started to gather all the books and started to fill in the empty places.

"Done," said Rainbow Dash as she dusted her hooves. Twilight looked around and couldn't see Spike anywhere.

"Uh... Rainbow where did Spike go?" questioned Twilight. Then a book fell from the shelf then Spike appeared behind the little cubby hole rubbing his head.

"Thanks, Rainbow," Spike said sarcastically.

"Heheheh... sorry Spike," said Rainbow apologetically.

"Well, sorry to burst your bubble Rainbow, but I like the library neat and the books in the right order like a normal library," explained Twilight. Rainbow groaned and agreed.

"Typical Twilight," whispered Rainbow. Twilight and her friends helped organize the library. After an hour of cleaning the library and organizing the books, they were finally done.

"Finally we are done," sighed Rainbow with a relief.

"Well, we're done with this," said Twilight."Are we going outside to explore Ponyville?" asked Fluttershy.

"Well, I have nothing else to do and Princess Celestia and Luna don't need me anytime soon, so sure let's go, girls," answered Twilight. Twilight's friends got up and headed outside the castle.

"You coming, Spike?" asked Twilight.

"I'm coming Twilight!" shouted Spike. Spike ran to catch up with Twilight and the girls.

As Twilight's friends were going out Pinkie opened the door.

"HEY! WAIT FOR ME!" shouted Pinkie as she jumped up and down to catch up with her friends.

"It really is a beautiful day in Ponyville," said Twilight.

"It is peaceful in this day too," added Starlight.

"Don't want anythin' happening during this peaceful time," said Applejack.

"We've come so far, from the start I've never thought of being a princess, I’ve always imagined myself being a teacher for gifted ponies,” Twilight said.

“I always never thought that we would become heroes since we were just your regular average ponies,” said Rainbow Dash. That was true before meeting Twilight Sparkle they were just your average everyday ponies. After meeting Twilight they have become closer.

“Wow you girls have been through many “rides” together,” said Starlight.

“We sure have Starlight,” said Rarity.

“You know, it really isn’t easy to let go of your past,” said Starlight.

Twilight put her hoof around Starlight. “Hey, don’t worry we all have forgiven you on what you did,” said Twilight. Starlight felt better after Twilight said that quote.

“I have always wanted to go on an adventure with you girls,” said Starlight Glimmer.

“Don’t worry, when we have our next adventure we will invite you next time,” said Pinkie Pie.

“Yeah, you can never know what might pop up during the day,” said Rarity. Fluttershy nodded in agreement.

“Thank you all for giving a second chance,” thanked Starlight. “No problem that is what friends are for,” said Twilight Sparkle.

Then the girls carried on with their day. “Hey girls have you ever wanted to know what is above us?” asked Pinkie. Twilight looked at Pinkie thinking that she was insane to ask that question.

“Pinkie did you know that above us is space,” said Twilight.

“Of course I know that but I always wondered what is above space?” Pinkie asked curiously. The girls tried to ignore Pinkie’s questions.

“Well Pinkie nothing is above space it is just the galaxy,” said Twilight

“Pinkie’s right Twilight I haven’t seen starts for an awhile,” said Spike. Twilight was confused about what the little dragon said.

“Maybe the clouds were covering up the stars, Spike,” said Twilight.

“But on a clear day where the stars get covered up by clouds on a clear night? That doesn’t make sense Twilight,” said Spike.

“Maybe it just got cloudy during the night, Spike,” Twilight said. Spike nodded at the logic of that.

“That is true Spike, we Pegasi aren’t active at the night,” said Rainbow Dash. “That’s the reason we clear the clouds early in the morning,” Rainbow added.

“Come to think about it for some reason I have a feeling that we are below of another world,” said Starlight.

The mares turned their heads and looked confused.

“Starlight we aren’t below any world, and if we were we would have no sunlight, no moon, no stars, and if this were in real life we wouldn’t survive since the mantle of the planet is made out of rock.

The mares nodded their head in agreement and carried on with their day laughing and joking around while Starlight was still questioning if they are really below something. As everything ascends back to Earth.

Chapter 3 - Retirement

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The United Center


It was a busy evening in Chicago, it was crowded in the United Center, where the Chicago Bulls play. Many reporters were inside the United Center to hear NBA superstar, Michael Jordan. There were many tape recorders recording and cameras flashing taking pictures of him and then Michael spoke.

“I just feel at this time that I’ve reached the pinnacle of my basketball career and I must retire. The good thing that comes out of this is that my father had the opportunity to see me play my last game,” said Michael to the reporters.

“What are you going to do now?” asked one of the reporters. Michael already knew what he was going to do when he retired from basketball.

“Well, I’ve never really told anybody this, except for one person and uh, but I think I’m going to play professional baseball,” answered Michael.

“What position will you play?” asked another reporter. Michael didn’t know what position he was going to play and then though of one position that he could play.

“I don’t know as a kid, I was a pitcher, I think I’d be kinda hard for me to pitch, I think I’m gonna play in the outfield,” answered Michael.

As many reporters started to ask Michael questions, and Michael answering them back, then up in space that passes the moon there is a planet that has the sign saying “Amusement Park.” Then a planet named “Moron Mountain.” Many spaceships go pass it but never visit.

Moron Mountain


Then an alien kid with his father runs around the amusement park and then stops and gets bored of being in the park.

“Let’s gets out of here, Dad. This place stinks. Don’t ever bring me here anymore, all right, said the alien kid. His father nodded in agreement. What the alien kid doesn’t know is that he was being by an obese alien. This is Mr. Swackhammer, the owner of the park and around him were smaller aliens called Nerdlucks who wear bow ties.

“Are you listening?” questioned Mr. Swackhammer angrily to the Nerdlucks. There were five Nerdlucks, Pound is the orange overweight one, Bang is the green scrawny one, Bupkus is the purple one, Blanko is the tall slender blue one, and Nawt is the red short one and all of them surrounded Swackhammer’s desk.

“Did you hear him? Did you hear him? That little brat is right. I told you if I told you once. I’ve told a thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand times!” exclaimed Swackhammer angrily. “We need new attractions!” Mr. Swackhammer demanded.

“Right,” said the Nerdlucks in agreement. “New ones!” yelled Mr. Swackhammer.

“Uh-huh,” said Nawt as he nodded in agreement.

“Get it?” questioned Mr. Swackhammer strictly.

“Big shiny new things. Yeah,” said Nawt as he was filing Swackhammer’s nails.

“Absolutely, sir,” said Bang as he is cleaning Swackhammer’s sandals while Bupkus licks his sandals.

As Mr. Swackhammer lit his lighter he stated. “Look at me. Look at me and listen.” As he accidentally burned Pound’s butt with his lighter and Pound screams in pain, then jumps off the desk. “The customer is always right!” stated Mr. Swackhammer.

“Right!” exclaimed the Nerdlucks. “The customer is always right,” Mr. Swackhammer repeated as he lit his cigar and smokes.

“Yeah! exactly!” exclaimed the Nerdlucks in agreement.

As Mr. Swackhammer smiled and drooling he states. “Always!” As green drool lands on Blanko.

“Eww!” said Blanko disgusted. “Right!” exclaimed the Nerdlucks in agreement. As Mr. Swackhammer gets up from his chair he needed ideas.

“Okay, we need something,” said Swackhammer as he hits Nawt and Bupkus.

“Oh, my bad,” said Bupkus.

“We need something,” said Swackhammer as he hits Pound and Blanko which causes them to yelp.

“Nutty!” exclaimed Mr. Swackhammer. “Nutty?” questioned Nawt with curiosity.

As Swackhammer gets back to his desk to sit he accidentally sits on the remote and turns back on the TV screens. “We need something wacky,” said Swackhammer. “Hmmm, wacky,” though Nawt.

“We need something, something, something, we need something...,” though Mr. Swackhammer before he was interrupted.

“Looney?” questioned Bupkus as he covered his mouth for his mistake. “Oops!” said Bupkus.

As Nawt points out that the TV and said, “Looney, thank you.”

Swackhammer was confused at first. “Looney?” questioned Mr. Swackhammer. Then he turns around and noticed the TV screens on. He sees the Looney Tunes on the TV screens of them doing crazy things, explosions, and funny things, which then gives him a good idea. Mr. Swackhammer smiled excitedly. “Yes, Looney!” exclaimed Mr. Swackhammer. “Yes! Now you're talking! Looney, Looney, that’s it, that’s the word I was looking for!” exclaimed Mr. Swackhammer. Bupkus looks up at him smiling and giggling excitedly. “Looney, get the Looney Tunes!” demanded Mr. Swackhammer.

Bupkus was jumping up happily yelling, “Looney Tunes!” Then Swackhammer got up from his chair. “Bring them here!” demanded Mr. Swackhammer.

“Sir, just noticing, sir. They are from Earth, what if they can’t come?” questioned Blanko with curiosity. Those words angered him.

“What did you say?” questioned Mr. Swackhammer angrily. “What if they can’t come?” questioned Swackhammer angrily again. As he grabs Blanko by the neck, choking him and smiled evilly. “Then make ‘em!” said Mr. Swackhammer in a deep voice.

“Cool,” said Blanko with a strained voice.

“Make ‘em! Looney!” exclaimed Mr. Swackhammer as he laughs evilly.

“We’re gonna get them. Yeah, all right!” shouted Bupkus. The Nerdlucks ran to the entrance of the amusement park. Pound fell and was stepped on by Bang.

“Hey, watch it,” said Pound. Bang blew a raspberry at him then crashed into a wall of one of the attractions. Pound laughed and ran to catch up with the others. Then they got to their spaceship and it started to hover, but only to have it come right back down.

"You didn't fill the spaceship with gas did you?" questioned Blanko. Pound laughed nervously on his mistake.

"Oops, looks like I forgot," said Pound. Pound got out of the spaceship and got gas and started to fill the spaceship up.

"Now we are in business," said Balnko. The Nerdlucks pressed the buttons and then the spaceship started to hover.

"Let's go get some Looney Tunes," said Newt. As they zipped off into space to go straight to Earth, the home of the Looney Tunes.

Chapter 4 - Something in the sky

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Hoover Metropolitan Stadium

Back on Earth, the now baseball player, Michael Jordan is playing his first baseball game for the Birmingham Barons. Michael waits for the pitcher to throw, and he does, Michael swings and misses the ball.

“Strike!” yelled the Umpire as the crowd cheers for Michael and the other Baron players watch Michael.

“Looks great in the uniform,” said a Baron player.

“Looks great. Can’t teach that,” said another Baron player.

“Can’t teach it,” said a Baron player.

On the field, the catcher for the Star’s team talks to Michael.

“Hey, thanks for autographing the basketball for my kid. I’m a hero now,” said the catcher.

“No problem. Happy to do it man,” said Michael.

The catcher smiled and nods his head.

“Let’s go!” yelled the umpire.

Michael get ready to swing the bat again then hears the catcher’s voice.

“Curve ball. Don’t swing,” said the catcher. Michael looks at him confused, but took the advice. The pitcher throws a curve ball and Michael doesn’t swing.

“Ball!” shouted the umpire as the crowd and players cheer.

“Fastball, ourside corner. Swing,” said the catcher. The pitcher throws the ball, Michael swings the bat, but misses.

“Strike!” shouted the umpire.

“That was your pitch,” said the catcher.

“I know I know I missed it,” said Michael.

“Don’t worry I’ll get you another one,” said the catcher.

On the stands, the Baron’s manager is watching the game and is considered about Michael and he gets an idea.

“Podolak! Podolak! Podolak!” called the Baron’s manager. A man gets up from his seat and walks up to the manager.

“Sorry I didn’t mean to,” said Stan Podolak.

“Come here!” the Baron manager demanded.

“Yes, sir?” questioned Stan

“I want you to make sure nobody bothers Michael. I want him to be the happiest player in the world,” demanded the manager

“The happiest,” repeated Stan.

Back on the field, the catcher sees the pitcher.

“Slider, don’t swing,” suggested the catcher.

The pitcher throws the ball and Michael swings the bat, but missed it again.

“Strike three! You’re out!” shouted the umpire.

“I told you not to swing,” said the catcher.

“I couldn’t help it,” said Michael.

“I understand. Hey nice talking to you,” said the catcher.

Michael walks to the dugout as the coward and his teammates cheer for him.

“We’re not to worry, We’re not worried,” said one of the players as Michael sits down as they talk to him.

“Good job, Mike,l said the Boran player.

“Don’t worry. Good try. Good hustle,” said another player.

“Good cut, Michael. Good cut,” said another player.

“That was a strikeout, Mike. That was a good looking strikeout. Real good,” said another player.

“I mean, you look good when you strike out, man. When I strikeout, man, it looks nasty, man. At least you did good man. Good looking,” said another player.

As Michael listens to the other player complimenting him a person comes to greet Michael on his stomach.

“Hi, Hi Mr. Jordan. Mr. Jordan I’m Stan Podolak,”introduced Podolak as he leans in too far. He falls in the dugout and lands on his back, hurting himself. The players look at him as he gets up, groaning in pain and he sits next to Michael.

“You all right?” questioned Michael. “That was a nasty fall,” said Michael with concern.

“Yeah,” said Podolak as he shakes his hand. “Oh I’m Podolak, Mr. Jordan. I’m the Baron’s new publicist. I’m here to make your life easier. You want me to drive you somewhere, I will drive you anywhere. You want me to pick your laundry, babysit your kids, I will do it,” promised Podolak. “I’m here to personally guarantee that no one will even bother you,” said Podolak. Michael didn’t seem to like that idea of getting followed by someone and doing all of his work.

Suddenly a spaceship flies by the stadium and the players looked up and the crowd gasped in school and it disappeared. All of the people in the stands were confused as Michael runs out of the dugout and looks up into the sky.

“What was that?”


As Twilight and her friends were walking down Ponyville and talking about their days they then raked about the fun times they had.

“Ahh, all those times we had were fun,” said Rainbow Dash.

“Yep, those good old times when we first met,” said Applejack.

“Meh, unlike my where I saved The Crystal Empire twice,” said Spike. All the girls groaned.

“Wel only mentioned about 15 times when we started this conversation,” said Rainbow Dash.

“That is true, but Startlight seems to enjoy the story,” said Spike. Starlight waved with a fake smile.

“Wow even Spike even has an epic story to tell,” said Starlight. “All I’ve done was take everyponies’s cutie mark,” added Starlight.

Twilight put her left wing around Starlight. “Hey, that is all in the past now. We already forget about that and the past you, “ said Twilight.

“It really isn’t to let go of your past,” said Starlight.

“It might seem hard l, but really it is easy,” said Twilight.

“Hey Twilight,” said Pinkie bouncing up and down.

“Yes, Pinkie?” asked Twilight.

“Does the sky have a crack?” questioned Pinkie. Twilight was confused on the question that Pinkie asked but then realized that the sky has a crack in it. Not just her also her friends did to.

Then a spaceship appears from the crack and zooms past Rainbow Dash and nearly hitting Fluttershy.

“What the,” said Rainbow.

“Rainbow try chasing that thing,” commanded Twilight. Rainbow Dash did so.

Rainbow Dash was chasing the spaceship, but every time she would get close the spaceship would increase its speed. Her friends were following Rainbow Dash.

“Come on almost there,” said Rainbow with determination. Then the spaceship increased its speed that it left Rainbow in the dust.

“That is one fast ship,” said Rainbow. Then she continued the chase. As she was catching up to the ship she heard her friends.

“Rainbow it is heading straight to town!” yelled Twilight. Rainbow heard what Twilight said and quickly took action.

As the spaceship was heading to town everypony got out of the way so they don’t get crushed. Just then the spaceship decreased its attitude and started to get closer to the ground. Then when it reached it max speed it disappeared right in front of Rainbow’s eyes.

“Hey, where did you go? questioned Rainbow.

“Rainbow! Did you get it?” questioned Twilight.

“No, but it just disappeared,” said Rainbow.

“That’s weird, never though that Equestria might have extraterrestrial life,” said Twilight.

“Because it hasn’t. Equestria is for creatures from here not alien life,” said Starlight.

“I don’t like this alien life,” whimpered Fluttershy.

“Well, that thing is gone,” said Rarity.

“Maybe we would just forget about it,” said Starlight. The girls agreed and move on.

Chapter 5 - Looney Tunes

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The ponies of Equestria screamed and run out of the way. The space ship then teleports into the ground and goes underground. Inside the ship the Nerdlucks drive the ship. They fly through a tunnel.

“Hang on!” yelled Pound.

“Hanging on!” exclaimed Bang.

“Hoo-hah!” exclaimed Bupkus

“Hanging on!” repeated Blanko.

As they continue to fly through the tunnel. The ship shakes and the Nerdlucks scream and they see the Warner Bros. logo and the Looney Tunes them song players as they fly toward it.

“Bombastic,” said Pound smiling.

“Cool!” said Nawt with amaze.

They fly through the logo and entered Looney Tube land. On the ground there were gunshots and Bugs Bunny running.

“All “wight”, you irascible bunny! Come back here, you “scwewy” rodent!” yelled Elmer Fudd.

“I’ll, uh, be with you in a sec, folks, after I finish with nature boy there,” said Bugs Bunny to the audience. As Bugs finished with that statement he is met by Elmer’s shotgun and Bugs looks at him.

“All right, you pesky “wabbit”. I’ve got you now! yelled Elmer. As he was about to shoot Bugs he is crushed by a metal ramp. “Ouch!” yelled Elmer in pain.

“Hmm,” though Bugs as he looks at the spaceship. Then the spaceship door opens and the Nerdlucks come out.

“One small step for Moi!” yelled Pound.

“Moi,” said the Nerdlucks.

“One giant leap for Moron Mountain,” said Bang as he pulls out a flag.

Bang hits Pound in the foot with his flag and Pound screamed in pain. Bugs looks at Elmer and Elmer gets up with stars spinning above his head and groaning in pain.

“And one whopper headache for Elmer Fudd,” said Bugs and sees the Nerdlucks coming down from the ramp and the Nerdlucks looks at Bugs.

“Diminutive, ain’t they?” said Bugs.

“We seek the one they called Bugs Bunny,” said Bang.

“Yeah, Bugs Bunny,” said Nawt.

“Have you seen him?” questioned Bang.

“Is he around?” questioned Blanko.

Bugs then looks at the audience and decides to play a trick the Nerdlucks.

“Hmmm... Bugs Bunny. Bugs Bunny, says does he have, uh great big long ears,” said Bugs as he shows them his ears. “Like these?” questioned Bugs.

“Yeah! Uh-huh,” said the Nerdlucks nodded in agreement.

“Does he hop around like this?” questioned Bugs as he hops around the forest.

“Yeah,” said the Nerdlucks.

"And does he say "What's up doc?" Like this? questioned Bugs as puts his hand on Pound's head and chomps on his carrot. "Eh... What's up doc," said Bugs.

“Yeah! Whoo! exclaimed the Nerdlucks excitedly.

“Nope. Never heard of him,” said Bugs as he walks away.

“Aww,” sighed the Nerdlucks in disappointment.

“You know, maybe there is no intelligent life out there in the universe after all,” said Bugs.

As Bugs continues to walk a laser zap hits him, causing the trees and grass around him to die, the sky turns red, and the road around turns it into a hole.

“Uh-oh,” said Bugs.

“Hold on there, Mr. Looney Tune,” said Bang.

Bugs turns around and feels a sense of shock in his body and his ears go down.

“Hey, what do you think we are, stupid?” asked Bupkus.

All the Nerdlucks hold their laser guns straight at Bugs.

“Well, it took you a little while to figure out who I am,” said Bugs.

“Don’t move a muscle,” said Nawt.

“Okay Bunny, gather up your tune pals. We’re taking you for a ride,” smiled Pound.

“Move it mister!” demanded Nawt.

Pound then sees Blanko acting dumb, leaning on him.

“Yeah, totally,” said Blanko leaning on Pound.

Pound got irritated at Pound’s behavior and rolled his eyes.

“So like where we going?” chuckled Blanko.

Pound got fed up with Blanko’s acting and slapped him across the face.

“Are we there yet?” asked a dizzy Blanko.

Then, he falls down on the ground.