> Dining With Friends > by avidreader07 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Dining With Friends (Setting the Table) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I must say, Twilight, as glad as I am that you invited me to join you, I’m surprised you’d visit a vorestaurant at all.” Rarity said, as she strolled down Ponyville’s streets with her friend. “Why is that, Rarity?” “Well, you’re normally extremely careful about anything that might potentially reflect even remotely negatively on Princess Celestia.” “Well, of course. She’s my mentor and practically a second mother to me. Though I have gotten better about that.” Twilight said, turning a confused look on Rarity. “But what’s that got to do with this?” “I know that many ponies…partake of vore, but it just seemed to me to be the kind of thing you would avoid, so as not to risk embarrassing yourself or the princess.” “Princess Celestia and I both practice vore regularly.” Twilight told her, putting some emphasis on the correct term. “Really? I mean, I’d figured out it isn’t new to you, from how casual you’re being about this, but I didn’t know the princess was a practitioner, too.” Rarity said. “Yeah, she eats one, sometimes two ponies a week. How do you think she got so big?” Twilight said, watching the unicorn carefully. “WHAT?!” Rarity shouted, missing a step and nearly falling. “You…You’re not serious, are you?” “No, I just thought I’d tell you the same joke she told me, the first time I saw her eat a pony.” Twilight admitted with a smile. That had probably been the reaction Princess Celestia had expected when she’d told her, years ago. But Twilight, after a moment of near-disbelief, had merely started trying to calculate how much size each pony added. “And when was that?” Rarity inquired, shaking off the shock. It was mostly from Twilight making a joke about the princess, which was something Rarity couldn’t remember her ever doing before. And despite having met Princess Celestia several times, and knowing that her sense of humor ran to pranks, it still surprised her every time she was subject to one. “I’d been her student for a couple weeks. The castle’s party planner, Holly Jolly, was having a bad day, and asked the princess to help.” Twilight explained. There was silence for several seconds, as Rarity considered what she'd learned. And how to ask her next question. Eventually, she decided to just ask it. “Am I correct then, in believing that Princess Celestia has eaten you?” “Of course. Once a moon, ever since I became her student.” “Really? I thought you said she didn’t usually take such young lovers?” Rarity asked. “She normally doesn’t. She doesn’t want to pressure them or influence them.” Twilight confirmed. “But my parents had been out of town for a week and a half, and I was feeling homesick. And after Holly and Cadance both described how much comfort being eaten could provide, I asked her, and she agreed.” “And you rather liked it, it sounds like.” “Actually, I wasn’t all that into it. It was okay, but too many things about it were just too intense.” Twilight admitted. “I figured it was more of an acquired taste, so I tried it a couple more times. Before I knew it, I was enjoying it as much as the princess.” “Too intense, you say?” Rarity worried. “Oh, don’t worry, Rarity. It was like my first time doing anal. It just took a little getting used to. Besides, you’ve already decided to be a pred, and it’s usually not as intense for them as it is for the prey. Unless you’re an extreme carnal-vore, like the princess.” “I’m sorry, dear, but I must have misunderstood what you said.” Rarity said a second later. “Because it sounded like you just called Princess Celestia a carnivore.” “Not carnivore, Rarity. A carnal-vore. Most practitioners of vore—something like sixty-five, seventy percent—only do it for the emotional and physical intimacy it provides. Like Pinkie, who treats it like hugging or cuddling, just taken to the next level. They’re referred to as vorists. The rest of us, including the princess and myself, actually get a sexual—or carnal—thrill out of it, so we’re called carnal-vorists.” “So did you invite Pinkie, too?” Rarity asked. Pinkie was the only one of their circle that she knew to be into vore. At least until Twilight’s invitation the night before. “I invited all you girls, but no one else could make it.” Twilight said. “Pinkie is busy foalsitting the twins, Starlight is performing in Manehattan with Trixie, and Applejack and Apple Bloom went with them, to visit Babs’ family. And Fluttershy stopped by earlier to let me know that Harry’s coming down with something, but she’s not sure what yet. She was looking for Dr. Fauna to see if she could help. She also told me she asked Rainbow to fetch Zecora. Not that she’d have come, anyways. When I invited her, she told me she doesn’t like what vore does to her figure.” “Rainbow is worried about her figure?” “A belly-bulge isn’t aerodynamic.” “Ah, that makes sense.” Rarity agreed, nodding. She was unsurprised, but mildly disappointed that it wasn’t romance related. “Plus, she said that the couple times she tried it, it left her feeling bloated and logy for days, but that’s got to be just in her head. You shouldn’t feel any effects more than a couple hours after digestion has finished.” Twilight explained. “And there it is.” she added, as the pair turned a corner. Half a block down stood their destination. The front was painted with five evergreens, making the large, two-story building unmistakeable. And as the mares approached, they spotted several bird silhouettes painted in different colors, the largest being a gray phoenix. Twilight counted more than a dozen before Rarity spoke up again. “What about Spike?” “The vore reagents don’t work on dragons.” Twilight answered. “He accidentally got ahold of the prey pill once, a couple moons before I moved here. Nothing too bad happened to him, but it did give him the hiccups for a few hours.” “Oh no, the poor thing.” Rarity chuckled. “And not long after his molt, he came along on one of my visits with Princess Celestia, and we experimented with both reagents. His natural draconic magics burned away the active ingredients. Except for the breath freshener, which it somehow strengthened. We’ve been using that ever since.” “I had noticed his breath smelling better lately, but I didn’t want to be so uncouth as to ask about it.” Rarity said, as she opened the wooden door with her magic. After following Twilight in, she was surprised by what she saw when she looked around. Not only by the decor, which was about as upscale as any place in Ponyville—except Twilight’s castle, but that had been grown, instead of built, so it didn’t really count—but also by the pony who was standing in the waiting area. “Fleur?” she said to herself, surprised, as a purple flash to her left indicated Twilight changing to her bipedal form, to match the tall model, who spent most of her time as a biped. “Fleur!” Twilight called, sounding quite happy to see the white mare. “Twilight!” Fleur replied brightly, when she turned and spotted Twilight. As the smaller mare approached, the taller one sank to her knees. She leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss just above the purple pubic mound. “L’honneur soit à vous, ma princesse.”1 she murmured respectfully, before placing another kiss on the head of Twilight’s dangling cock. “Fleur.” Twilight almost whined, as she looked around uncomfortably. Seeing only a confused Rarity, she quickly leaned down and pressed her lips to the unicorn’s forehead, just below her horn. “L’harmonie vous bénisse.”2 she muttered quickly, awkwardly mangling the pronunciation. “Merci, ma princesse.”3 Fleur answered, bowing deeply. “Fleur, how many times do I have to tell you you don’t have to do that.” Twilight said, helping the other mare back to her hooves. Then she hugged her warmly. Even with the extra couple hands of height that’d come with her wings, she was still head and horn shorter than Fleur. “But it’s important to show proper respect to a princess.” Fleur insisted, before whispering into Twilight’s ear, “Besides, you’re completely adorable, the way it makes you blush, ma petite bouchée.”4 Then she kissed the blushing cheeks, before turning to the other mare. “And Rarity. Such a pleasant surprise.” she gushed, kneeling to hug the seamstress in turn, pressing the quadruped’s head between her breasts. After a few seconds of snuggling, Fleur kissed Rarity’s cheeks, before moving to a convenient bench. “I didn’t think you were into vore. Tell me, are you a carnal-vorist, like us? Ah, but surely a mare of refined tastes, such as yourself, must be.” “Honestly, this will be my first time trying vore.” Rarity admitted slowly. “Truly? I’d thought everypony I knew had at least tried it by now.” Fleur said, before looking at Rarity consideringly. “Predator or prey? Or undecided?” “Predator.” Rarity answered quickly, the look she was receiving making her ears swivel backwards uneasily. “Are you sure? You look like you’d be positively delicious.” Fleur asked, pouting enticingly, even as her cock twitched, starting to stiffen at the thought. “Quite sure.” “A pity. Perhaps the next time you visit Canterlot, then?” “Perhaps, but we’ll have to see how tonight goes, first.” Rarity allowed, still a bit uneasy. Even presented with clear evidence in the form of Fleur’s rising erection, she didn’t understand how anypony could find swallowing someone else whole sexual. “Of course. But even if you don’t enjoy being the predator, you shouldn’t be afraid to give the other side a try. Actually, especially if you don’t. But in any case, since your friend is off the menu, Princesse Twilight, would you care to join me for dinner?” “Normally I’d be happy to, but I’m actually feeling hungry, tonight.” “Really?” Fleur asked, pale purple eyes going wide. “That is unusual. It’s just too bad Fancy and I promised each other never to be eaten by anypony else, without the other’s permission.” “Oh, is Fancypants not here, tonight?” Twilight questioned. “Alas, no. One of the committees he’s on had an emergency meeting he couldn’t avoid. So I came here by myself, to try this new place.” “You mean you haven’t been here yet?” Twilight asked, surprised. “This place hasn’t been open for two full weeks, Twilight.” Rarity reminded her, making what she thought was a solid point. “Rarity, Fleur and Fancypants are probably the most prolific vorists in Equestria. They eat out at least once a week, they’ve been to nearly every vorestaurant in Equestria, and this is the first time I’ve even heard of them missing an opening night this close to Canterlot. I think they eat someone every day, just about.” “Oh, Princess, don’t exaggerate.” Fleur objected, with a laugh. “It’s every other day, at most.” ”How did I not know this?” Rarity wondered to herself, reeling internally. ”Fleur and Fancypants are two of my closest friends in Canterlot, after Sassy. Does she…is she a vorist, too?” Rarity was so wrapped up in the revelation of her own ignorance that she nearly missed Twilight’s response. “Right. Every other day, then.” the purple mare chuckled, rolling her eyes. “That’s still two to three times as much as anypony else I know. Including Princess Celestia.” “And you’re wrong about ‘nearly every’ vorestaurant, too.” Fleur continued, with a smirk. “This is the only one we haven’t been to, yet. We would’ve been here for opening night if I wasn’t working in the Crystal Empire. Fancy didn’t want to come without me, so we planned to wait until I returned. But then the emergency meeting came up. I was willing to wait for another night, when we’d both be free, but he insisted I come anyways, since we had a reservation. Besides, we do have our reputation as Equestria’s most prolific vorists to maintain, after all.” Fleur finished with a wink. Then she noticed that Rarity looked upset. “Rarity, ma chérie5, are you okay?” she asked. “Oh, I’m fine, darling.” Rarity answered, waving a hoof dismissively. “I’m just realizing I don’t know you nearly as well as I thought, since this is the first I’m hearing about what’s apparently a major part of your lives.” “Don’t feel bad, ma petite.”6 Fleur said kindly, reaching out to pet her friend’s neck. “Fancy and I know that not everypony shares all our interests, and we try not to talk about those things we don’t have in common. Which is why, after you didn’t respond to our overtures when we first met, we simply didn’t bring it up when you were with us.” “You made overtures?” Rarity asked, embarrassment painting her cheeks at the thought that she’d been so oblivious. “Oui, we flirted a bit, in ways that anypony experienced in vore would respond to in certain ways. And when you didn’t respond that way, we came to the conclusion that you weren’t interested. Of course, had we realized you’d never even tried it before, we would have been much more straightforward about it.” “Still, I feel rather foolish for not noticing anything out of the ordinary.” “Oh non, non, non.”7 Fleur said quickly. “Rarity, non. We were the foolish ones, Fancy and I. Even as we got to know you better, we held on to too many of our early misconceptions.” “Yes, well.” Rarity muttered, her face remaining pink. She had mostly come to terms with her behavior during her first solo trip to Canterlot in the years since, but some embarrassment would always remain. “And now I’ve embarrassed you. To apologize, I insist you join me at my table. I will even pay for both your meals.” Fleur said. “That’s not necessary.” Rarity said, as Twilight also tried to demur. “Please. I must insist. If I didn’t, and Fancy found out, he’d paddle me so. I wouldn’t be able to sit for a week.” Fleur said, with a little giggle. “Well.” Twilight said slowly, looking at Rarity to gauge her opinion. “In that case, we’d be honored.” the shorter unicorn agreed with a smile. “So a table for three, then?” The three mares turned to look at the podium, where a yellow pegasus stood on all fours. “Strawberry Sunrise, I didn’t know you were working here.” Rarity said. “Part-time, to help make ends meet a little more securely. Better pay and better hours than Berry’s Pub. Besides, I’ve been a fan of vore since I was a filly. But anyway! Welcome to The Stuffed Pony. As Rarity said, my name is Strawberry Sunrise, and I’ll be your waitress-slash-maitre d’ this evening.” she said, directing her words mostly towards the tall out-of-towner. “I apologize for the wait, but our usual maitre d’ was just eaten, and I was asked to take part. If you’ll follow me, I’ll show you to the Princess Table.” “There’s a Princess Table?” Rarity asked, surprised. Only the top dozen or so restaurants in Canterlot kept a table specifically reserved for the princess’s use only. And less than half that many outside the capitol, with Manehatten being the only other city to boast more than one. “Of course. There is a princess living in town, isn’t there?” Strawberry Sunrise teased, smiling at Twilight. “And the other three are known to visit, on occasion.” she added, scooping up three menus with her wing. “Four princesses.” she added to herself. “What an age we live in.” Then she turned to lead the three patrons through the dining area. In the back, there was a single, large table on an almost knee-high dais. Upon reaching their destination, Strawberry turned a discreetly placed dial, and the extra-tall legs sank into the floor a few hoof-widths. She then quickly moved to pull out Twilight’s chair for her. And while Rarity changed to her bipedal form, to better fit at the table, Twilight awkwardly sat down. While she was used to sitting at a Princess Table—having done so many times with Cadance, a few times with Celestia, and even once with Luna—being the princess it was meant for was entirely new for her. Strawberry then got Fleur’s chair, the tall pony having already done the same for Rarity. “Now, here’s your menus, ladies. Take your time to read over them completely, and I’ll be back in a few minutes to take your drink orders. Probably. Unless you already know what you want.” “Oh, I think I have a pretty good idea what I’m going to have.” Fleur said, staring intently at the pegasus. “You look good enough to eat, after all.” “That’s why I’m here.” Strawberry giggled, returning the sultry smile. “But you should give the rest of the staff a look-see, just in case someone else piques your interest. In either case, I’ll be back in a few minutes.” With that, she turned and left. But as she did, she tossed a quick wink over her shoulder, and hiked her tail high, for her predator’s viewing pleasure. A second or two later, Rarity pulled her eyes from Strawberry’s glistening pussy to look at the menu. It was a very strange menu, that actually looked more like a contract. It read, As a customer of The Stuffed Pony… You have the RIGHT to eat as much as you want. You have the RESPONSIBILITY to pay 45 Bits for your Predator Potion, and 30 Bits for each prey consumed. (Tips Optional) You have the RIGHT to ask anyone present, including your fellow diners, to be your prey. You have the RIGHT to refuse any such requests made of you. You have the RESPONSIBILITY to treat any offers and/or refusals politely. Making a scene is completely unnecessary, and may be punishable by banning, temporary or permanent. You have the RIGHT to request any staff member provide entertainment, and to help prepare your chosen prey for consumption. You have the RESPONSIBILITY to be considerate of other diners, and not inconvenience them by monopolizing the staff for entertainment/preparation purposes, or cause a scene of excess debauchery. “Please forgive my ignorance, but what does this part mean, about entertainment and preparation?” Rarity asked, once she finished the front cover. “Most ponies who frequent vorestaurants are carnal-vorists, and—apologies, Rarity, but do you know what a carnal-vorist is?” Fleur interrupted her explanation to ask. “Yes, Twilight enlightened me as to just how little I knew about this…sub-culture, I guess one could call it…on the walk over. Including the fact that some ponies enjoy it sexually.” “I hope I did not offend. I simply wanted to make sure, since this is your first time.” Fleur said apologetically. “But for carnal-vorists, such as Fancy and myself, there is as much fun to be had in playing with our food, as in the actual eating. Plus, it’s only polite to make sure your prey enjoys it at least as much as you do.” “Think of it like a dom-sub encounter.” Twilight added. “The actual consumption is the climax of the scene. So everything that comes before is pretty much scene-setting and foreplay.” “Okay, that explains the part about entertainment, but what about preparation?” “Some ponies like to do specific things to their prey before eating them.” Twilight said. “Such as?” “My Fancy prefers his prey to be cream-filled when he eats them.” Fleur said, smiling lasciviously. “Oh.” Rarity said softly. “Oh!” she suddenly repeated, as she figured out exactly what Fleur meant. “One night, one of our maids decided to see what our limits were. We managed four times, each, before the little nympho passed out and stopped asking for more. She looked like she was more cum than mare when Fancy swallowed her.” “That’s…impressive.” Rarity managed, before turning back to the menu. After the front cover, she wasn’t sure what to expect, so was a little surprised to find each page was dedicated to a different member of the waitstaff. In addition to some basic info, like height, weight, and typical work schedule, there were pictures, too. Of humans and ponies—in both quadrupedal and bipedal forms—in poses ranging from suggestive to erotic, to outright pornographic. She flipped through the pages slowly, looking for anyone who might catch her eye. While there were many she’d happily have sex with, none of them really stood out as…edible. After flipping through the entire menu, Rarity was surprised to find the back cover was again different. There was a list of flavors the predator potion came in, as well as a list of drinks. While it was recommended that a pony not eat solid food for two or three hours before eating someone else, most liquids were okay, since they would get converted into predator potion upon contact with it. “Can I get you mares anything to drink?” The words caught Rarity by surprise, and she looked up from the menu to find Strawberry Sunrise had returned. “I’ll have the house red, please.” Twilight said. “And the orange potion.” Fleur ordered next. “I’d like a watermelon soda, and the watermelon potion.” “And you, Rarity?” Sunrise asked after a second, as Rarity continued looking over the menu. “Um, I believe I shall have the house red, as well.” she said, deciding to follow Twilight’s lead. “And for the potion?” “Does it make any difference?” she asked, biting the bolt* and revealing her ignorance. “Flavor is the only difference.” “Then I shall go with the pineapple flavor. Not something I get to enjoy often.” “I’ll be back in a minute with your drinks, and to take your orders. Unless you’ve already decided?” “Another couple minutes would be appreciated.” Twilight answered. “I’ll wait until they’re ready, but I haven’t changed my mind.” Fleur said. “In that case…” Strawberry Sunrise said, before touching the badge around her neck. It changed color, from white to red. “This is to let other patrons know I’ve been claimed.” she explained, somewhat unnecessarily. Since Twilight and Fleur had seen similar things in other vorestaurants, and Rarity had figured it out on her own. Strawberry then left to get their drinks, once more flagging her tail as high as it would go. “So, Twilight.” Rarity spoke up, a few seconds later. “Is there anything I should know about ordering? Specifically, in regards to what goes with the red wine we ordered?” “It really doesn’t matter.” Twilight answered. “Some ponies say you should pair reds with humans, and whites with ponies.” “Others say you should pair wine according to gender, but it’s split pretty evenly, which goes with which.” Fleur added. “Speaking from experience, it really does boil down to personal taste, more than anything else.” “Hmm, that’s not much help.” Rarity thought, flipping through the menu again. “You haven’t decided who to have, huh?” Twilight asked. “No, I haven’t.” “Do you at least have an idea of who you want? Human or pony? Male or female?” “I haven’t the faintest idea. Honestly, no one in this menu…whets my appetite, as it were.” “Oh, well don’t think about it like that, Rarity.” Fleur told her. “Yeah, just pick someone you want to fuck.” Twilight added. “The eating is the final step, like I said earlier. The real fun, especially in your case, will probably be the stuff before it.” “In that case…” Rarity murmured, looking back through the menu. “Ooh, he’s quite handsome, but he only works Mondays through Thursdays.” “You should ask Strawberry about that, when she gets back.” Fleur said. “These schedules aren’t absolutes. Workers may trade shifts sometimes, or work extra shifts.” “They may also get called in on a day off, if someone has to cancel because they’re sick, or for some other reason.” Twilight added. ”It’s always best to have a list of at least three or four choices, just in case your first choices have already been eaten.” Fleur finished. “Right, thank you.” She nodded at both her friends, and returned her attention to the menu once more. But as she did, something caught her eye. Looking at one of the other tables, she saw a blue-skinned, curly haired man on his knees. He was busy kissing the hooves of some brown pony, in their bipedal form. Rarity couldn’t tell who the pony was, since they were in the process of being eaten by one of the pegasi from the weather team. Rarity didn’t know the predatorial mare’s name, only recognizing her by her colors. As Rarity watched, the prey-pony’s breasts slipped inside their predator’s mouth. The pale-coated pegasus shivered slightly, her extended wings quivering from the strain. All of a sudden, another pony Rarity only knew by sight leaned over and took the prey’s cock into her mouth. The earth pony mare angled her head somewhat awkwardly, to stare into her dinner partner’s eyes, as she slowly fellated the hard cock. All the while, the human kept worshipping the brown hooves. When he switched from one hoof to the other, Rarity caught a glimpse of shaggy fetlock, and realized the prey was a stallion. After watching for a bit longer, Rarity opened her menu, to try and figure out who she was watching. She found the human, Curly Winds, easily enough, but even after flipping from cover to cover twice, she still couldn’t find a stallion that shade of brown. A quick glance at the front cover reminded her that one diner could request that another be their prey, and she figured that was the case here. She looked up in time to see the stallion’s hips start bucking, as he came in the earth pony mare’s mouth. She swallowed it all easily, before pulling her mouth off him. Then, the pegasus mare started swallowing him again. Rarity watched as the stallion disappeared into the pale muzzle, a few inches at a time. It was almost like some of Discord’s stranger tricks. Weird and a little disturbing, but oddly fascinating and strangely hard to look away from. Curly Winds kept up his hoof-worship until the hooves disappeared into the pegasus’s mouth, leaving him lip-to-lip with the pale mare. She pulled him into a kiss so quickly, so eagerly, that Rarity thought for a moment that she was going to eat him, too. That was not to be, however, and the two merely made out for a bit, as the other mare at the table leaned over and…did something to her dinner companion. At first, Rarity thought she was jerking the pegasus off, but she soon realized that she was rubbing the belly-bulge, like one would with a pregnant mare. After a few seconds more, the couple stopped kissing, and the man turned to talk to the other mare. Rarity figured it was his turn to be eaten, but again, she was wrong. There was some back-and-forth that she didn’t understand—thanks to an enchantment around the Princess Table, meant to keep the princess and her guests from being bothered by the other patrons—and after only a few more seconds, both mares got up from the table. The pegasus did indeed look massively pregnant, with the way her belly stretched out in front of her. In fact, she looked 11 months pregnant, if not more. As the pair made their way to the front, Rarity turned her attention back to Curly Winds, taking in his body as he tidied up the table. He was on the tall side, and pretty muscular. And while he was turned away from her, his pictures in the menu showed that he was handsome, too. Just thinking about the fun she could have with him was making Rarity aroused. “See someone you like?” Fleur asked teasingly. “As a matter of fact…” Rarity responded in kind. “Well, he wouldn’t be my first choice, but I do prefer to eat ponies. And he does look like he’d be fun to play with.” “Oh, while I’m thinking of it, what was that thing you did earlier, kissing Twilight’s belly and cock?” “It’s just an old Prench tradition, for when we meet royalty. So long as they’re in their bipedal form, you kneel and kiss both their womb and their cock. We’ve been doing it for over a century.” “Actually, the tradition is a lot older than that. It’s ancient, in fact.” Twilight said. “Ancient, as in before Luna became Nightmare Moon?” Rarity asked. “As in before Celestia was even born.” “Really? That old?” “It’s actually from the Astral Dynasty.” “The Astral Dynasty?” Rarity and Fleur both questioned. “They ruled Old Unicornia before Princess Platinum’s Mineral Dynasty.” “Sweet Celestia!” “Actually, according to Princess Celestia, the original tradition is even older than that, but the Astral Dynasty changed it to what we know now.” “And how did she learn about it?” Rarity asked. “She learned it from Princess Platinum, who learned it as part of her history studies. According to what the princess told me, before the Astral Dynasty, when somepony met a member of the royal family, if they were in their bipedal form, they were to show fealty by kissing the stallion’s cock, or the mare’s womb. Since royalty were considered the mother and father of the nation, the king’s cock represented his status as protector of the nation, and the queen’s womb represented her status as nurturer. Those ideas supposedly dated back to prehistory, and the earliest days of the pony species, but those gender roles were outdated, even then. “Then the Astral Dynasty came along, and they were a little different than the rulers who came before. They lived almost their entire lives in their bipedal forms, only ever returning to four hooves when in private. None but the most trusted servants were ever allowed to see them as quadrupeds, and the children weren’t presented to the public until they were old enough to change forms. So, since nopony knew which gender they were, they would kiss both womb and cock.” “And what about Princess Platinum’s line?” Rarity asked. “They phased the practice out, and after three or four generations, it was almost entirely forgotten by all but scholars, and the royals they educated.” “Then how did the Prench learn to do it?” “No idea.” Twilight admitted. “Princess Celestia has wondered about that ever since the first time somepony did it to her. She figures somepony must have found some ancient tome or scroll, or something, somewhere.” Seconds later, Strawberry Sunrise hurried back to their table, a tray on her back. “I’m so sorry I took so long.” she apologized. “I had to sit two parties, being the replacement maitre d’.” “And what will they do after you’ve been eaten?” Rarity asked. “Well, my replacement will take over, once she’s done helping at another table.” Strawberry explained. “So have you decided what you want?” “I think I’ll go for Micro Chips, if he’s still available. If not, then Wiz Kid looks like he’d be fun.” “Micro Chips has been eaten already tonight. He was the one I was helping with when you ladies came in. But I saw Wiz Kid a few minutes ago, so he should be available.” Strawberry said, nodding. “And you, Rarity?” “I’m thinking Curly Winds.” “Okay, but I think I saw him at a table a minute ago, so he might have been claimed.” “Actually, it looked to me like he was just entertaining.” Twilight spoke up. Strawberry looked over her shoulder. “Huh, you might be right.” she agreed, catching a glimpse of the dark blue curls. “He’s pretty popular, though. Especially with one of the stallions who just came in. Do you have a second choice?” “Um, is,” Rarity flipped through the menu again quickly, “Emerald Shadow working tonight, by any chance? I know he’s not scheduled to, but according to my friends, those aren’t set in stone.” “They aren’t, but no, he’s not.” “In that case, um, I guess…oh, just surprise me, I suppose. If it’s just for fun, I’m not that picky.” “Then I’ll be back in a minute with your orders.” she said, before hurrying away, her tail still flagged, but she didn’t make any sort of show of it, this time. “I have a quick question.” Rarity said, a second or two later, as something occurred to her. “What is it?” “I know that not every pegasus gets a wingboner every time they get aroused, but if they do get one, how do you, um, deal with it?” “The prey pill makes their wings more flexible, like a unicorn’s horn.” Twilight explained. After that, the conversation moved to more casual topics, mostly the goings-on in Canterlot. At least for the minute or so that it took for Strawberry Sunrise to return with Wiz Kid and Curly Winds. “You’re in luck. The stallion who likes Curly was invited to another table, so he’s all yours.” she said, as the three of them took their prey pills out of the badges they wore around their necks, and dropped them in the appropriate potion bottles. A few seconds later, the three diners drank the potions, leaving a mouthful or two behind. The three prey then emptied the bottles, swallowing the prey pills in the process. > Dining With Friends (The Main Course) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “You’re in luck. The stallion who likes Curly was invited to another table, so he’s all yours.” she said, as the three employees took their prey pills out of the badges they wore around their necks, and dropped them in the appropriate potion bottles. A few seconds later, the three diners drank their potions, leaving a mouthful or two behind. The other three then emptied the bottles, swallowing the prey pills in the process. “Hey, Rarity, do you mind if he helps prepare Wiz Kid for me?” Twilight asked. Partly to help ease her friend into the moment. “Not at all, Twilight.” “Thanks, Rarity. In that case, Curly, would you be willing to bend Wiz over, and fill that cute ass of his with cum?” The other part was because she really wanted to watch the cute guy get his ass fucked by the hunky, blue-skinned man. “You betcha, Princess.” Curly said, wrapping one arm around the smaller, tan shoulders. “You want me to do it fast or slow?” Twilight looked at Rarity, letting her decide. “Slow and sensual makes for a better show.” Rarity decided. “Alright, then.” Curly agreed, pulling Wiz in front of him. Holding the smaller man by the hips, Curly bent down and kissed him tenderly. After a few seconds, Wiz’s hands came up to caress the broad pecs. At the same time, Curry's hands moved, too. One moved back to squeeze the small ass, while the other slid up to cup the back of Wiz’s head. Fingers tangled in the short, brown hair as their mouths opened, to let their tongues dance together. As she watched the two young men, Rarity’s cock quickly grew hard. She had always had a voyeuristic streak, with a particular fondness for seeing stallions and/or human men having sex with each other. Something she shared with Twilight. And as the kissing before them grew more heated, both mares started slowly stroking their cocks. Just enough to tease themselves. A minute later, the men's lips separated, and Wiz Kid moved to Curly’s neck. His hands slowly slipped around to Curly’s back, holding himself tight against the larger body as he sucked at the blue neck. A few seconds later, his hands dropped to grope the muscular ass, then his mouth started after them. Rarity had to admit, Wiz definitely knew how to put on a proper show. He was slowly making his way down the other man's body, taking his time to worship every inch of the broad pecs. A sudden, loud moan caught Rarity’s attention, and she looked over to see Strawberry Sunrise being vigorously fingered by Fleur, her wings fully flared with arousal. As she remembered exactly how those fingers could feel, Rarity’s cock twitched. And again, when she looked back at Wiz Kid and Curly, the smaller man now on his knees. Only his head was visible from her angle, but she could tell he was working his mouth down his partner’s cock. And while she couldn’t make out any details, her imagination was working overtime making them up. She had to take her hand off her cock to keep from cumming much sooner than she wanted to. She wanted to wait until she could get something more than just her hand. But watching the cute young man bobbing on the other's cock was too exciting to just watch passively, so Rarity grabbed her generous breasts and started kneading them. A quick glance at Twilight revealed she still had one hand on her leaking cock, but the other was rolling and tugging a plum-colored nipple. As Wiz Kid started bobbing his head, Rarity alternated between watching him, and watching Twilight tease herself. At least until a loud groan made her look over at Strawberry and Fleur again. The pegasus was in the middle of her orgasm, her wings and body both trembling. ″Hmm, that’s good, Wiz, but I think the princess would like to see us move to the next part.″ Curly said, gently pulling his coworker off his cock. They take another long moment to kiss again, Curly licking up some of the saliva that had built up on Wiz’s chin during the fellatio. Then he grabbed ahold of Wiz’s hips and turned the smaller man around. Then he wrapped one arm around the slight chest and pulled him close. His other hand carefully tucked the brown hair behind one slightly large ear, before gliding sensually down to the average-sized cock. Circumsized, like every human cock in Equestria. As Curly slowly stroked the tan shaft, he kissed around the back of Wiz’s neck and teased one pinkish-brown nipple. But he was starting to get impatient, so after few seconds, he moved both hands to Wiz’s back. As he sensually ran his hands up the tan flesh, he gently pushed his partner’s upper body down until he was flat against the table. Then he ran his hands back down and gripped the small asscheeks, spreading them. Resting his shaft in the crease, he focused on the magic granted by his brands, and as they warmed, precum started welling up on his tip. After a few seconds, he was leaking almost as much as a mare in heat. Using one hand, Curly spread the slippery fluid over his shaft, then lined it up with Wiz’s opening, and pushed in. Lubed with Wiz’s saliva and Curly’s own pre, his head slipped past the muscular ring easily enough. But after that, he had to resort to slow, short thrusts to work the rest of himself into his partner. Rarity and Twilight both moaned when they saw Curly hilt himself in Wiz Kid, and as he started moving, Rarity returned one hand to her cock. She moved her hand at the same speed Curly moved his hips. “Wait. Wait a second, please.” The words had Rarity snapping her head around to look at the other two at the table almost before she realized what they meant. She saw Strawberry hip-deep in Fleur’s mouth. For a split-second, the thought that Strawberry had changed her mind about being eaten flashed across Rarity’s mind, followed by the question of what Fleur would do, if so. Before she could follow that train of thought any further, Strawberry continued, asking to fold her wings and hooves up so her head would be swallowed last. Rarity kept watching, as the pegasus struggled to get her wings under control. Then she saw Fleur’s mouth, already grotesquely stretched, spread even further around her prey, as yellow wings and hooves slipped in. The sight was off putting enough to put a little damper on her arousal. Despite that, Rarity had some trouble looking away, as Fleur tilted her head back. The impossibly spread mouth, and the giant bulge working its way into the normally slender throat. It was like some of Discord’s tricks. Somewhat disturbing to see, but so compelling one just had to watch. “Are you getting close, Wiz?” Twilight asked suddenly, drawing Rarity’s attention back to her. And after a quick glance at her masturbating friend, Rarity focused on the men in front of them again. Wiz Kid was still bent over the table, with Curly pinning him down and his lips sucking tenderly at one earlobe. Wiz’s face was flushed and twisted with pleasure, and his breathing was getting heavier and shaky. He was clearly getting very close, even though Curly’s hips were still moving slow and steady. “Y-Yes…Princess-ess.” Wiz whimpered, his gasping adding a stutter to his words. “Then straighten him up. I wanna see his cock shoot when he cums.” Twilight said. At this, Curly stopped moving, before standing up and pulling Wiz with him. Unfortunately, Wiz was too short for his cock to be visible over the edge of the table, so Curly picked him up and set him on it. Once Wiz was settled on his knees, Curly easily pushed back into his ass and resumed his slow pace. “That’s right. Just like that.” Twilight cooed. ”A little faster now, Curly.” she added, a few seconds later. When Curly did as instructed, Wiz reached behind himself, grabbing the larger man with one hand, to keep from bending forward. His other hand went to his cock and started stroking it. “Here, let me do that.” Twilight said suddenly, reaching across the table. She rubbed her palm, coated with her precum, against the dark head teasingly for a second or two, before wrapping her fingers around the shaft. It was a somewhat awkward angle, but combined with the expert prostate massage Curly’s cock was giving him, it was only ten or fifteen seconds before Wiz Kid came. Twilight kept working her slick fingers up and down the shaft as he shot his load on her wrist. A moment later, when Wiz’s orgasm had run its course, Twilight let go of him. Then, while staring at the young men with her best bedroom eyes, she raised her wrist to her mouth and slowly ran her tongue over the purple fur, collecting the cum there. The sight was enough to make Curly cum, groaning loudly as he hilted himself in his partner’s ass. His hips kept jerking randomly as he fired off shot after shot into the tight ass. Eventually though, his cock was left twitching weakly, and Curly pulled out. “Mmm, come here, Wiz.” Twilight said, her horn lighting up. Wiz Kid was surrounded in her magic and levitated over in front of Twilight. Grabbing his cheeks, she pulled him into a slow kiss, during which she ran her hands down to his thighs. She used that grip to turn Wiz upside down, so he was floating on his back, arms and legs curled up, almost like a turtle. Twilight then massaged his flat cheeks for a few seconds, before pulling them wide. “That is a nice load.” Twilight mused after a few seconds. “It could be bigger, though. Rarity, would you be willing to fill him up a little more?” “I’d like to, but I think I should save it for my, er…meal.” she said slowly, glancing uneasily at Curly. “Feeling a little awkward?” Twilight asked. “It’s okay, Rarity.” she said, when her friend met her eyes and nodded slightly. “The first time is often awkward. Especially for the pred. Unless you’re lost in the moment. How about I swallow my prey first, and then I help you get into the right mood?” “That would probably be for the best.” “In that case, why don’t you enjoy yourself with Curly while I do the same with Wiz, here?” Twilight then levitated the handsome, blue-skinned man across the table to Rarity, who awkwardly pulled him into a kiss. It was awkward at first, but Rarity quickly got into it. Within a minute, she was moving from his lips, across his cheek, to suck one earlobe. At the same time, Curly started scratching behind one ear gently, making her shudder and sigh. “Are you ready, cutie?” she heard Twilight ask suddenly, her half-closed eyes opening and focusing on her purple friend. “Whenever you are, Your Highness.” Wiz answered, making Twilight grimace. “Please don’t call me that. I don’t even like to be called princess, if I can avoid it.” “Sorry, Pr—uh…Twilight.” her prey apologized. “But I’m still ready whenever you are.” “In that case…” *SMACK* “Now that you’ve been punished, I’m ready.” Twilight said, after a quick slap to the beige buttocks. Then, as Rarity watched, she opened her mouth wide, and the brown-haired head was levitated into her gaping maw. A couple seconds later, Twilight’s mouth opened even further—wide enough to make a snake cringe in sympathy—as the bare shoulders were pushed in. Not wanting to freak herself out any more by watching the strangely riveting, but grotesque sight, Rarity forced her eyes closed, before working her lips down Curly’s neck and across one broad shoulder. A second or two later, Curry's scratching fingers moved around to her other ear and started digging in a little more. As his other hand moved to massage her breast, Rarity took his nonverbal instruction to move her mouth downwards. She opened her mouth wide, licking up the salty hints of sweat on his firm pec. Aftera couple swipes, her tongue ran across the small hard bump of his nipple. Despite spending a lifetime with humans, it still occasionally struck her, just how weird it was that human men had nipples. Sure, stallions had nipples, too, in their bipedal forms, but they at least had the breasts and mammary glands to go with them. Men, on the other hand, just had muscle and maybe some fat behind theirs. Just a cap without a bottle. And no one had any idea why. Maybe they were holdovers from an earlier stage of the species’ evolution, like the barely-existent tails some humans had. Still, while the vestigial organs might never be used for the purpose nature intended, they could provide plenty of pleasure, if one knew how to stimulate them properly. And even though Rarity didn’t have Fluttershy’s naturally erotic, soft touch, or Pinkie’s almost magical knowledge of how to make others happy, she’d gotten enough practice with her vassal, and her parents’, to bring most men to their knees. So she caught one hard nipple between her teeth and started flicking her tongue side-to-side across it. Then she shifted to sucking it. Judging from the way his scratching and groping sped up, he liked it. The soft slap of her cock against her abdomen drew her attention to her rock-hard shaft. Then she noticed his, the dark blue head catching her eye. She might still be struggling with the concept of vore, but there was something she wanted to swallow. “Mm, get back on the table, handsome. I’m in the mood for…a little…appetizer, let’s say.” she said, disguising her uncertain pauses by kissing his blue lips. Mostly disguising them, at least. But when Curly sat up on his knees, his cock pressed up against her sternum, and Rarity grabbed his hips. “Actually, I’ve changed my mind. I do believe this will do quite nicely.” she decided, grinning up at him. “But you will need to be full-sized for us to both get the most out of this.” “You got it, Miss.” Curly said. He focused on his cock, and as the Brand on his pelvis warmed up, its magic flowed into his cock. Causing it to more than double in size, until it was large enough to satisfy the pony who owned him—who was responsible for him. The pony whose Cutie Mark had been magically branded on the small of his back, his pelvis, and the hollow of his throat. Once he stopped growing, Rarity tilted her head down and licked the welling precum off the rounded head, before taking it into her mouth. She sucked it for a moment, enjoying the salty-almost-sweet flavor. He obviously ate a lot of citrus fruit. Then she pushed his hips back. He moved them forward again, and they found a comfortable rhythm almost immediately. As soon as they did, Rarity’s hands moved to her breasts, squeezing them tightly around Curly’s shaft. The heat and solidity of it felt great against her full, soft breasts. As good as her warm fur felt against his bare skin. Their pace wasn’t very fast, but it allowed Rarity to capture the dark blue head in her mouth on every upstroke, and give it a quick suck and a swirl of her tongue. A tricky thing to do, with a pony’s broader, squarer tongue, but something anypony could learn, with enough practice. After a moment or two of this, Rarity took Curly’s hands and moved them to her breasts, before grabbing his ass. She kneaded the cheeks for a few strokes, her knuckles rubbing against her cock. It didn’t feel as good as the young man’s cheeks, but she didn’t mind. After a few seconds, she slipped one finger into the pucker that had been well-lubed already by her abundant pre. Curly barely noticed her finger at first, since his pony—a rather large stallion—bedded him pretty much every night he wasn’t in somepony’s belly, and their foreplay usually involved the stallion’s fingers. But he did gasp and jerk forward when her finger found his prostate with expert precision. After that, they sped up their pace, and it wasn’t more than a minute before Curly pushed himself as deep into her muzzle as their position allowed. Realizing what that meant, Rarity stopped gently prodding his prostate occasionally and started rubbing it vigorously. As Curly fired shot after shot across her tongue, Rarity swallowed the first few, before letting the rest of the pony-sized load collect in her mouth so she could savor it. When Curly’s cock was reduced to small twitches, Rarity finally pulled her mouth off him. He started to collapse backwards, but before he could, he was surrounded by a purple aura and lifted up. As soon as she’d moved Curly out of the way, Twilight grabbed Rarity’s head and pulled her forward into a surprise kiss. As their breasts—almost the same size—pressed against each other, and Twilight’s belly—swollen and cum-covered—trapped their cocks together, the alicorn wormed her tongue between the shocked unicorn’s lips, tasting the young man’s cum. After swapping Curly’s seed for a minute or two, Twilight kissed her way to Rarity’s ear, before whispering into it. “I’m going to suck your big, fat cock.” she breathed sensually. The white ear flicked, and the mare it was attached to shuddered. “And at some point—maybe before you cum, maybe after, or maybe even after you’ve cum multiple times, I’ll let that be a surprise—I’m going to put my fingers in your pussy. Maybe one, maybe two, or maybe more. When I do, I want you to open your mouth wide. That way, I can feed you your prey.” When Twilight finished, she caught Rarity’s ear with her lips and gently nibbled it, causing Rarity to moan deeply. Then she started working down the white neck, grooming the fur with her tongue. Down between the D-cups, licking up the small amounts of precum Rarity had left, and her own cum which had been smeared from her full belly. Upon reaching the base of her friend’s cock, Twilight started lapping her way up the shaft. She went slowly, covering every inch she could, repeatedly. She slowed down even more when she reached Rarity’s medial ring, taking ten or fifteen seconds to lavish attention on the sensitive band, before moving on. Twilight soon reached the nearly flat head, which was already starting to flare slightly. Judging just how close Rarity really was, she slowly ran her tongue around the scalloped edge of the head, two or three times. Then, after one last swipe of her tongue across the blunt head to catch the newest dollop of precum, Twilight opened her mouth wide and took half of Rarity’s cock in. She wrapped her lips as tightly around the hot shaft as she could, and started bobbing quickly, making sure to pass her lips over the medial ring with every pass. She was also working her tongue and humming. After three days of little more than working, eating, and exhausted unconsciousness to meet a rush order for a major client, and the many minutes of teasing and edging, the total combination was enough to have Rarity lost in bliss. Too lost in it to notice any specific details. In fact, she barely noticed the orgasm hit her after ten or fifteen seconds. She didn’t notice much of anything until she started coming down from the orgasmic high. When she finally became aware of the world around her again, she saw Twilight on her knees between her legs, the dark mane slightly disheveled around her glowing horn, and a couple drops of cum decorating her lips. Twilight’s belly caught her eye next. It was so swollen, it was a wonder the lavender mare could fit between her legs, and her hands were wrapped around her gray cock, stroking it slowly. Stoking the fire of her arousal back up. “You back with us now, Rarity?” Twilight asked, seeing the unglazed eyes focus on her. “Oh, I needed that like you wouldn’t believe, Twilight.” Rarity groaned. “You’ve been working too hard to take care of yourself, haven’t you?” Twilight asked, mostly rhetorically. “You really need to stop doing that.” “You’re hardly one to talk, Darling.” Rarity accused lazily. “It takes one to know one.” Twilight countered, before sticking her tongue out at her friend. The two of them broke into giggles, if rather tired ones on Rarity’s part. When they finally died down again, Twilight spoke up again. “Besides, I’ve been getting better about that since I became a princess. Celestia insisted.” she admitted. ”And Luna, and Cadance.” Twilight added mentally. Then she continued aloud, “And you, Applejack, and Fluttershy are all good examples of what can happen if I ignore that advice.” “Not exactly the kind of role-model I would hope to be, but I suppose one must take one can get.” Rarity mused. “Speaking of taking,” Twilight said, wanting to get back on track, “now that this is ready to go again, I’d like to take another round sucking it.” Twilight squeezed the grey shaft in her hands, which was back to full hardness. “But before I do, do you remember what I said about these?” she asked, taking her hand off the top half of Rarity’s shaft, and wiggling the fingers. “Um, when you use them, I open wide.” Rarity answered, unsure. Not of the instructions, but of what comes next. “That’s right.” Twilight confirmed. “Open wide and say ‘Ahhhhllllllllll’.” Her vocalisation warped as she leaned in and ran her tongue over the leaking precum. Then she lowered her hand and ran two fingers along the soaking wet slit. “But not now.” she added teasingly, pulling her head and hand back. She quickly licked her fingers clean of Rarity’s mare-cum, before sinking her mouth down Rarity’s cock until the head touched the back of her throat, before pulling off to say one more thing. (Like most ponies, she’d learned to suppress her gag reflex within a year or two of getting her cutie mark. And after training herself on Princess Celestia’s cock, she could damn near fit a pony down her throat without the predator potion.) “I want you a little more in the moment before we do that.” Having said her piece, Twilight went back to fellating her friend. It was slower and more sensual than the first time around. It took a few minutes, but Twilight saw Rarity’s eyes starting to unfocus. She kept blowing the unicorn for a moment or two more, before moving her free hand back to the grey pussy. She rubbed the backs of her fingers against the swollen lips for a few seconds, before flipping her hand over and coating the front of her fingers with Rarity’s juices. Twilight wanted to watch Rarity’s face as she swallowed Curly, so she struggled to her hooves. Her earth pony strength alone wasn’t enough, and she had to use her magic to help with her ponderous belly. Once she had got herself in the position she wanted, Twilight pushed the four fingers she’d wetted into Rarity’s pussy. Feeling the stretching of her marehood, Rarity opened her mouth, even sticking her tongue out, like she was at a doctor’s office. Or about to accept a cock. As Twilight slowly pumped and twisted her fingers, she lowered Curly towards her friend. As the reagents in their bodies sensed each others' proximity, Rarity’s mouth started gaping wider. Noticing the angle wasn’t right, Twilight removed her hand from Rarity’s cock, replacing it with her magic field. Then, with her newly freed hand, she gripped her friend’s purple mane and gently tilted the white head further back. After a moment’s thought, Twilight rotated Curly’s body so he was aligned upright. When his toes were within a hoofwidth of the unicorn’s mouth, Twilight pulled her field up, leaving his legs bare. “Would you like to lick his feet?” Twilight whispered into Rarity’s ear, as she stroked the purple mane slowly and gently. The mare shook her head slightly. “Alright, then. I’m going to lower him into your mouth now. Once his feet reach the back of your mouth, just swallow, like you’re deepthroating.” Several seconds later, Twilight moved her hand from Rarity’s mane to her throat, just in time to feel it start to bulge around the blue feet. “That’s it, Rarity. Just keep swallowing, and I’ll keep lowering him.” Twilight cooed into the flicking ear. “But not too fast, so don’t worry about that. Just keep swallowing.” she urged, watching the bulge extending slowly, and running her hand up and down the length of the swallowed prey. It was more erotic than she’d ever expected it could be, and she could feel her juices practically running down her thighs. Her cock had been hard since she started kissing Rarity, but now it was so hard it was almost hurting. But she ignored it and just kept encouraging Rarity. Enjoying the experience to the fullest, and hopefully helping one of her best friends do the same. Eventually, Curly was waist deep in Rarity’s muzzle, and Twilight adjusted her magic again, now holding the young man around his broad chest. “Do you want to let him hump your tongue until he cums?” Twilight asked, holding him in place. Another little head shake, and a negative vocalization answered her. “Would you be comfortable with me letting go of him now? His feet are in your stomach, so he won’t drop out of control. Alright, just keep swallowing and he’ll be all the way in in no time.” Rarity nodded, and made a positive sound, so Twilight let Curly go entirely. He folded his arms over his chest, and in a few minutes, just as Twilight said, Rarity finished swallowing her first prey. Seconds later, she jerked and shouted as Twilight’s fingers and magic made her cum from her cock and her pussy simultaneously. And he I credibly erotic sight set Twilight off, too. As they were both calming down, they were startled by an unexpected voice. “By Celestia, I think that was the hottest thing I have ever seen!” marveled Fleur, who both mares had forgotten was even there. “Princesse, what inspired you to do that?” “Cadence did kinda the same thing for me, my first time as a predator.” Twilight explained. The three mares sat there chatting and recovering for a while, before they got to their hooves admade their way out of the vorerestaurant, stopping for Fleur to pay their bill, as promised, though all three left generous tips for their prey, which they’d collect after they’d reformed. After they left, and a brief discussion, they agreed to spend the rest of the night at Twilight’s castle. > Post-Contest Bonus Chapter (An Appetizer, To Go) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “You’re in luck. The stallion who likes Curly was invited to another table, so he’s all yours.” she said, as the three of them took their prey pills out of the badges they wore around their necks, and dropped them in the appropriate potion bottles. A few seconds later, the three diners drank the potion, leaving a mouthful or two behind. The other three then emptied the bottles, swallowing the prey pills in the process. “Hey, Rarity, do you mind if he helps prepare Wiz Kid for me?” Twilight asked. Partly to help ease her friend into the moment. “Not at all, Twilight.” “Thanks, Rarity. In that case, Curly, would you be willing to bend Wiz over, and fill that cute ass of his with cum?” The other part was because she really wanted to watch the cute guy get his ass fucked by the hunky, blue-skinned man. “You betcha, Princess.” Curly said, wrapping one arm around the smaller, tan shoulders. “You want me to do it fast or slow?” Twilight looked at Rarity, letting her decide. “Slow and sensual makes for a better show.” Rarity decided. “Alright, then.” Curly agreed, pulling Wiz in front of him. Holding the smaller man by the hips, Curly bent down and kissed him tenderly. After a few seconds, Wiz’s hands came up to caress the broad pecs. At the same time, Curly's hands moved, too. One moved back to squeeze the small ass, while the other slid up to cup the back of Wiz’s head. Fingers tangled in the short, brown hair as their lips parted, to let their tongues dance together. While the two men made out for Twilight’s and Rarity’s viewing pleasure, Strawberry Sunrise had fluttered up to sit on the table in front of Fleur, and the pair were sharing a slow kiss of their own. Eventually, they separated, but Fleur kept pleasuring the pegasus, with one hand scratching behind the yellow ear. “Mmmm, that’s so nice.” Strawberry moaned, tilting her head back, into the sensation. A quick glance down had her shrugging off most of the pleasure, though. “You want me to take care of this?” she asked, putting one hoof on the hard cock peeking over the edge of the table. Fleur shuddered slightly, and gave a soft gasp of pleasure at the touch of the soft frog. “No thanks, Ms. Sunrise.” Fleur said, even as her cock squirted a bit of pre-cum onto the yellow skin. “I prefer to jerk off while eating you. Which I can’t wait to do.” “That’s too bad.” Strawberry said, sensually licking the bottom of her hoof clean. “You taste great, and I’d love to get more. But it’s your decision. And speaking of, how would you like me? Four hooves, or two?” “Definitely four.” Fleur answered, still scratching her prey’s ear, and starting to pet the red mane. “Head first, or hooves first?” “Hooves.” “Aw, and make me give up this wonderful scratching? You’re so mean.” she teased, even as she got to all four hooves. “Don’t fret, ma petite bouchée.* I promise to scratch something else before I swallow you.” “Ooh. That sounds like an acceptable substitute.” Strawberry joked, even as her tail twitched, trying to flag even higher. Of course, since it was already laying on her back, that was impossible, but it tried anyways. Once she was facing away from Fleur, she lowered her front end to the table, but kept her hindquarters up, presenting herself to the fullest. Fleur took a few seconds to stoke the yellow flanks, before gently gripping her back, just in front of the dock. “Now, now, as lovely as this is to look at, I want you to lay down, Ms. Sunrise. That way, when you cum, you’ll squirt your juices on my cock.” Fleur explained, as she firmly pushed Strawberry’s back end down to the table. She didn’t miss the moan Strawberry made when she heard that, anymore than she missed the way her wings finished extending. Once she had her prey where she wanted her, Fleur went back to petting her flank with one hand, making sure to gently run her fingernails over the strawberry cutie-mark, while the other gave her dock a gentle tug. Smiling even wider at the gasp that elicited, Fleur then moved her hand to the flushed, glistening pussy. She pushed in two fingers, which slipped between the swollen lips effortlessly, and after a few strokes, the third entered just as easily. A moment later, Fleur added her fourth finger, and finally felt some resistance. Twisting her hand sideways, she felt the muscular walls around her fingers really stretch, and heard Strawberry moan wantonly. The pony laying on the table was quickly lost in pleasure, moaning constantly, with her eyes half-lidded. Which meant she barely noticed Wiz Kid kissing his way down Curly’s blue six-pack. A few seconds later, though, Curly's deep moan made her open her eyes and really look. She saw Wiz’s tan hands kneading the tight ass, as his mouth swallowed more than half of the blue cock. Since Curly wasn’t using the magic of his brands to size himself for his owner’s pleasure, his cock was about eight inches long, and of average thickness for a human. But it was still hot seeing the bespectacled cutie slowly pushing further and further down the shaft. Five inches, then six, then seven. Finally, the whole thing had disappeared into the shorter man’s mouth. Almost like the three of them would be disappearing into their predators’ mouths, soon enough. That thought, combined with all the physical stimulation, pushed her over the edge, and she came hard, with a loud groan. As soon as Fleur heard the groan, she pulled her fingers out of the clenching tunnel, and moved them to the pegasus's clit. She started rubbing it quickly, and at the same time, she gave Strawberry’s tail a less gentle yank. This made the yellow pony practically explode, squirting mare-cum all over the top few inches of Fleur’s cock, as intended. It also splashed on her upper belly and the bottoms of her boobs, but she didn’t care. It was just something she could have fun cleaning up later, with somepony else. Possibly one of her dinner companions, or failing that, her husband, Fancypants. But that was for later. Right now, she had her prey in front of her, ready to be eaten. And she was good and ready to eat. So she grabbed the bright yellow legs and gently moved them so they were pointed back towards her, being careful not to hurt her prey in the process. Strawberry Sunrise hadn’t expressed any hints of masochism, and the occasional spanking was as sadistic as Fleur, herself, ever got. Fleur gently pressed both hind-hooves against the tip of her cock, one at a time, wetting them with both her pre-cum and Strawberry’s own mare-cum. She then raised them to her mouth and kissed them, tasting the mix of sexual fluids. If she could get any harder, she would’ve, but she was already as hard as she could get, just from the thought of what was to come, never mind what she’d already done. After licking her lips one last time, Fleur opened her mouth and took the yellow hooves in. She moaned softly, and licked around the fetlocks for a few seconds, before pushing the legs deeper, until the hooves hit the back of her throat. The prey pill had softened them, blunting them slightly too, so that the hard, sharp edges didn’t tear her throat up as she swallowed them. The sudden tug and tightness around her hooves roused Strawberry Sunrise completely from her post-orgasmic stupor. When she realized she was already almost hip-deep in Fleur’s mouth, her wings *poomfed* out to full extension again. She felt a ripple of muscle around her hooves, and was suddenly pulled another couple inches deeper. This left her hips just beyond Fleur’s lips, and she could feel both warm breath from her predator’s mouth on her sex, which was quickly getting ready for round two, and cooler breath from Fleur’s nose tickling her dock. The juxtaposition only made her wetter. And so did the tongue running over her legs. After a moment, Fleur grabbed Strawberry’s barrel, and pushed her further into her mouth, timing it with a large swallow. She felt her mouth stretch further, to accommodate the yellow hips, which were surprisingly wide for a pegasus—almost as wide as the average earth pony. She also felt her throat stretch further, as the slight bulge of her prey’s knees entered it. Fleur swallowed again, and felt a pair of teats brush across her tongue. “Wait. Wait a second, please.” Strawberry said suddenly, her voice half-moan, as she felt Fleurs tongue teasing her nipples. After a couple seconds of not getting swallowed deeper, she explained what she wanted. “I want to fold my wings in, and get my hooves up, so my head is the last part of me to be swallowed.” A quick nod shook her a little, but it was the answer she wanted. It took a little concentration on her part, but she managed to fold her wings against her side where they belonged. This was not helped by the tongue that was still playing with her teats, but she then clamped her forehooves against her side, which did at least help hold them down. Once Strawberry said she was ready, Fleur grabbed the sides of her barel, and swallowed again. This time, there was a big stretch all over. Her mouth and cheeks stretched around the hooves and wingtips, while her throat stretched even further as those wide hips were pulled into it. Now that her prey was more than halfway inside her, Fleur tilted her head back slightly, and brought one hand up to rest on the curve of her chest. She made sure to rub and scratch at the fluff there. Pegasi almost always had more chest-fluff than the other tribes, because of their high-altitude lifestyle, and Strawberry Sunrise was no exception in this regard. “Ooooh, that feels so nice.” Strawberry moaned, as she was swallowed deeper and deeper. She wasn’t sure what felt better, the scratching of her chest-fluff, or the peristaltic massage of her flanks, which by now had pulled her deep enough that her wings were entirely surrounded by the damp heat of Fleur’s mouth. Another couple swallows, and only her head and neck were still outside. As the hand scratching her chest moved away, Strawberry angled her head to look down, and she saw Fleur stroking herself with her left hand. “Hey, before you swallow me completely, will you cum on my face? I’d like to at least get a taste of your cum.” she asked. A second or two later, her whole body vibrated in a very pleasant way, as Fleur hummed around her. Since she didn’t get pulled any deeper afterwards, it must have been an agreement. Fleur leaned back in the chair, and it reclined a few degrees—like the chairs in most vorestaurants did—which gave Strawberry a better view of the white hand pumping the gray shaft. Since the potion allowed her to breathe somehow, even around the massive throatful, she just relaxed and enjoyed her hand. The tight grip and slow strokes that she’d spent years mastering. With the size of her cock, she couldn’t stroke all of it with just one hand, so she focused on her medial ring, making sure to run every finger over it on every upstroke. And every downstroke, too. As horny as she was from the pony lodged halfway down her throat, not to mention the sight of Wiz Kid bent over the table as Curly gently made love to him from behind, it only took about a minute more for Fleur to start approaching her orgasm. As she got close, she sped up her movement. She also added her other hand to the mix, using it to stroke the top few inches of her cock, making sure to bump over her flare every time. At least until it actually flared out, and then Fleur moved her hands even faster, her hands easily sliding over her hot flesh thanks to her and Strawberry’s mixed fluids. A second or two later, she felt her testicles—which, in her bipedal form, were in her abdomen, about where a mare’s ovaries would be—move, as her orgasm finally hit. Even if she hadn’t been watching, Strawberry would have realized that Fleur was close from the increased shaking she was experiencing. And the wet sounds of her hands getting faster and louder. But since she was watching, and intently, she saw Fleur’s flare swell, and she saw the bulge as the cum rushed up the cock. She even caught a glimpse of the urethra spreading, just before she clenched her eyes shut. An instant later, Strawberry felt the first spurt of cum hit the side of her muzzle. She opened her mouth wide, hoping to catch the next shot. And she did, mostly across her nose. She moved her head, but the third shot missed her entirely, and the fourth hit her cheek again. She got about half the fifth shot in her mouth, though. The rest of it hit her upper lip. And so did most of the sixth. But by then, she was just savoring the cum she had managed to catch. The last couple shots were too weak to reach the yellow pony, and Fleur felt them land on her stomach, adding to the mess to be cleaned later. She was too relaxed to care, though. She just slumped into the chair a little more, enjoying the afterglow. “Huh, you taste a little sweeter than most.” Strawberry Sunrise said, a few seconds later. “I like it.” she added, before licking as much as she could off the front of her muzzle. “It’s all the fruit I eat, to keep my model figure.” Fleur explained automatically, since she got that comment a lot. Of course, it was completely unintelligible, with her prey filling her mouth. She just patted Strawberry’s muzzle, getting her cum on her hand. That gave her an idea, so she used her hand to scoop up as much of her cum as she could, before offering it to Strawberry, who quickly licked the hand clean. Then Fleur gently grabbed Strawberry’s muzzle and pushed her the rest of the way into her mouth, swallowing steadily. She enjoyed the feeling of her throat bulging as the body worked its way down. And three or four swallows before Fleur could close her mouth around Strawberry’s muzzle, she felt her prey’s hooves enter her stomach. As more and more of the pegasus pushed inside her stomach, Fleur tilted her head back and just basked in the feeling of her belly stretching further and further. Half a minute or so after Strawberry’s head disappeared down her throat, Fleur let out a satisfied sigh as she felt her stomach opening close, meaning her prey was now settled where she belonged. “Like I tried to say before, my cum tastes sweet because I eat a lot of fruit, especially citrus fruit, in order to keep my figure.” Fleur explained, resting one hand on her belly. Another sigh, and she looked back at the table to see Rarity had taken Curly’s place fucking Wiz’s ass, while Curly was stroking Twilight’s cock and sucking her tit.