> Rainbows. > by Arial_Dreemmurr > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Dear Diary. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash's POV "May 7, 2016. Dear diary. I don't often write in here but I really wanted to write this down! 'Cause it's so aaweesoomee~ Anyways it's been a few weeks since I've become an official Wonderbolt! After all that training I've finaly reached my goal! Until today I was in one of the beginners classes, or how the others call them, 'The newbies'. I found out there are different rank classes in the Wonderbolt team. Lowest and Highest and they all play their own part at shows. Anyways I was practicing today when…" "Hey Crash! Do you have a minute?" It was Spitfire. She's the captain of the wonderbolts and head of the elite group! That's the group with the best wonderbolts! I flew down to her and acted very casual. "Sure." Meanwhile my head was racing about what she wanted. I followed her in her office and sat down infront of her. I tried my best to stay cool while my nerves were going crazy and my heart was beating quicker than a drum. She put down her sunglasses and looked straight at me. "I've seen a lot of your achievements and talent ever since the young fliers competition last year, and it didn't feel right to have you in the beginners group. So I wanted to ask you, would you want to join me and the elites?" I could feel my smile growing bigger but still tried to act cool about it. "YES!!- I mean, yea sure.." She got a smile and handed me a paper. "Great. Just sign here and your in." She put her glasses back on and started walking out. "When you're done, meet me at the practice arena." I quickly nodded and smiled as she left. " Sure! I'll be right there!" I found a pen and signed the paper. I left it on her desk and flew out the office to the practice arena. When I arrived there I saw Spitfire with two other wonderbolts. They had beautiful suits that looked fancier than the usual Wonderbolt suits. They were the other elite members. The first one didn't look very amused to see me. Her coat was light yellow with blue, light blue manes and green eyes. The second one looked very excited. Her coat was cyan like mine and she had cloud-white manes with magenta eyes. Spitfire noticed me. "Good to see your here. These are the two other elites. Do you know them?" I saw them around in the weeks I've been here but I didn't know much about them. "I've only really seen you guys around so not really." One rolled their eyes. "Of course newby. How could you know." Spitfire looked at her before she stayed quiet and looked away. "Alright then. Go introduce yourself then instead of making dumb jokes." "Yea.. Sorry Spitfire." She flew up to me to introduce herself. "I'm Misty Fly. Welcome to the group Crash." I've learned to warm up to that nickname but her tone sounded more like a taunt. But whatever. "And I'm Fleetfoot!" The second one happly said. "Welcome to the group Rainbow Dash!" She actually said my name. I didn't hear that a lot so I got a smile. "It's so great to meet you! Spitfire told us all about your sonicrainboom and when you joined our team in Rainbow Falls you were great!" She held out her hoof for a shake still smiling. I shook it and returned the smile. "Thx! It's great to meet you too." The first one rolled her eyes again and flew up in the air. "Can we start practice? I want to see the newby fly!" It sounded like a challenge and I accepted it in a second. Spitfire blew her whistle and the second one got in the sky too. I got up too and waited for her command. "First exercise! I want you three to fly around the arena. Dash you go in the middle and try your best to keep up and stay in line. Ready?" We all nodded. "Yes Ma'm!" I went in the middle and we started flying. I could see Fleetfoot was going easy on me while Misty Fly tried to keep the speed up. The speed grew every couple of seconds and they got closer to the middle in every round. I had a few times where I bumbed into one of them or failed to keep up with them them at all times but it's all part of practice. After a few minutes of this we flew back down. "For your first time, this was pretty good. We'll be doing this every practice for now on so try to remember the routine and do better next time." I nodded. Spitfire wrote something down and then pointed to a few rings that were in the clouds. "You three go practice the rings. I'll be back in a bit." She flew off and we flew to the rings. Misty Fly got infront of me and pointed at them. "Rings are pretty easy. You just fly though them by number and try your best not to bumb into any of them. Got it newby?" I nodded. "Yea. I got it." Fleetfoot flew first and came to me after she was done. "This is one of my favorites! You're going to like it! We all go 10 times so you should enjoy it up there!" I gave the nice pegasus a smile and nodded. "I'm sure I will. It's already great being here with you guys." I felt a tap and saw Misty Fly again. "Your turn newby." I nodded and flew into the first ring. I had to look a few times where I had to look for the next ring but eventually finished it. "How'd I do?" "Great!" "Fine" They responded in unison. Fleetfoot flew up again and did her second round. After everyone had about 4-5 rounds done Spitfire came back. She didn't say anything. Instead she just watched as we did our thing. I got better after the first 3 times and learned the pathern and which order the rings were in. Fleetfoot kept saying how great I was doing while Misty Fly was telling me what I was doing wrong and things I should improve on, calling me newby everytime like it was my new nickname. It didn't really bother me. It was true. I was The newby of the group. After they see more of what I can do I'll move past that name. We were done with the rings and flew back down to Spitfire. She finished writing some things down and started talking. "You all did great up there. We'll do some more tomorrow." She put the paper in the pocket of her uniform and looked back at me. "Come with me Dash. I have something for you." I nodded and followed her. We went to the locker room and she brought me to the costume room. She went in and got a Wonderbolt suit the same as the others and gave it to me. "This is your now. I expect to see you in this the next practice session." "Thanks Spitfire. I'll do." I got it from her and held it in my hooves with a smile. "Great. See you then." She walked out and I went to my locker. I openned it to put my suit in when I heard somepony entering the room. I looked over and saw Soarin there. I've seen him around a few times and we talked too. I think he was the stalion I had to replace in Rainbow Falls. Oh yea, I also met him for the first time at the Grand Galloping Gala I think. He had dark/light blue manes and a light blue coat with green eyes. He caught my attention a few times before but that was with other ponies around. N-Not like I like him or anything but I did feel my heart beating a bit faster when he came in. He put his stuff in his locker and noticed me there too. He walked up to me with a smile. "Oh, hey there Crash." I looked at him for a few seconds before replying. "Hey Soarin. Nice to see you again." I tried to sound as calm as I could. "Same." He looked down and I noticed I still had my new suit in my hooves. "I saw you flying with the elites earlier. Is that yours?" I nodded as I quickly put it in my locker. "Yea. Spitfire asked me to join them today so I did. It's my new suit for the elites class." "Well, you are a good flier. I already imagined you'd make it up there." "T-Thanks.." I couldn't belief I was actually getting shy like that. "So, what class are you in?" "The class under the elites. I was part of them once but they thought it would be better if I got a class lower. I didn't really care that much. It wasn't the nicest place anyway. " He chuckled a little. I got a little confussed. "What do you mean? I think it's a pretty great group. Fleetfoot is nice and Misty Fly just makes comments every once in a while." He shuck his head. "That was the same for me the first time. But they will probably get stricter with you each time. But maybe it's different now. I'm not in the place to judge any of them." "I'm sure it's not that bad.." I got a smile again. "I'll be able to take it either way." He chucked a little again and gave me a smile. "You're right." He looked at the clock in the room for a second before speaking again. "I have to go. I have a few minutes left and I want to pick up an apple pie from the market before it closes." "Oh alright. You should go then." As he walked out I quickly said something. "Oh, and if you're still late you can also go to Sweet Apple Acres for one! I'm sure Apple Jack wouldn't mind giving you one." "I'll remember that. See you some other time Crash!" He walked out as I waved him good bye, smiling to myself after he left. A bit after he left I did the same and went back home. And that's where I'm now. Writing this down in a diary I usualy only use for friendship lessons. I feel like Twilight while writing it all down but it's worth it! I had a great day! I'm sure it'll get even better next time!" > Difficulty level. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "... Okay so I was wrong.. The last couple of days weren't as great as the first day. It's almost like it's getting worse every practice session. But I'm getting ahead of myself. I finished putting on my new suit and looked at myself in the mirror trying out multiple poses. I did this atleast for a minute or two and made my way to Wonderbolts HQ to the practice arena." "Hey guys! I'm here!" I landed on the arena seeying Fleetfoot and Misty Fly already there. They walked up to me and we did a wing-five. "Nice to know the newby's on time." Misty Fly taunted. I just rolled my eyes at it and saw Spitfire wasn't there. "Where's Spitfire?" "She's in her office. We wanted to wait for you first before we could do the warm up. You know, get our Wings ready." Fleetfoot happly said already in the air. "Correction: She wanted to wait for you. But now that you're here we can start." Misty said as she few up. "What's the warm up?" I asked noticing some obstacles in the arena. "See those over there?" Fleetfoot pointed at them. "It's set up as a flying course. It's not too hard but you have to keep focus flying through it." She explained. "I'll start so you know what to do." Misty Fly said flying up into the course. I watched as she flew through the course flawlessly. Meanwhile Fleetfoot followed her moves too while explaining the current obstacle. I just nodded and after she finished she flew back down to us. "Who's next" She asked looking at both of us. Before I could say anything Fleetfoot pointed at me with a smile. "I think you should go next Crash." "Really?" They nodded. "Ok then." I was a bit nervous because it was my first time but I flew up and started the course. I had a few hick-ups here and there but I still finished the course on a good time and preformance. "You did great! Now me!" Fleetfoot happly said jumping in the air and gliding up to the obstacle. She did it just as great as Misty Fly and finished the course half a second quicker. "Done!" She happle said pretty proud of herself. "Damn. Beat me again. I don't think I'm going to keep up with you at the rate you're going." Misty Fly said half joking. Fleetfoot chuckled and got a smile. "Nah.. You just gotta go a bit faster Misty." Misty Fly rolled her eyes and looked back at me. "Let's stop the jokes now. The newby needs to work her wings." "Right." Fleetfoot flew up in the air. "Follow me! I'm in lead! And try to keep up. Misty flew up too and I did too following both of them. We practiced scarp turns and circling though rings. It was WAY harder than last time but I tried my best to keep up and not mess up. It went pretty well and we moved on to the next exercise. In the mids of one Spitfire appeared and like last time she just watched as we flew trough the course. It was deffinetly harder than last time but I managed to do it without any major mistakes. After we finished we said good bye and went to the lockers. Fleetfoot and Misty Fly left so I was alone in there again. I used this time to just sit down and rest for a little before my fly home. I was in the middle of that when I heard someone enter. I quickly got up and acted like I wasn't just sitting and doing nothing a few seconds ago. When I looked I saw Soarin and he quickly noticed me too. "Oh, hey again Crash." "Hey Soarin. So.. here again huh?" I tried not to sound awkward but how can you not while saying something like that. "Yea." He stayed quiet for a bit before continuing. "So, how was practice with the elites?" "Hard." I wasn't going to lie to him. He said he was in there once too so he would probably get it. "It was harder than last time. But I think I did pretty good." "I know you did. You're a great flyer." We both blushed a little after that. I brushed it away and broke the silence with the dumbest question ever. "So.. Did you get that pie?" I imagined face-palming at myself for saying something so stupid. "I was on time and got it." He got a small smile. "It was great." "You mean pie?" I asked a little confussed at his comment. "Yea.. It just makes me happy. I can't explain it." "Oh, alright then." I closed my locker and smiled. "It was great seeying you again but I have to go now. I'll see you another next time. Maybe." He chucked a little and smiled back. "Yea. Maybe I'll see you too." I walked out and made my way home. I smiled all the way home. I knew he was cute but now that we're talking a lot more I've been feeling even more when near him. But I tried not to think too much about it and continue my day. "A lot happened the last couple of weeks. Training got harder everyday, Spitfire got stricter and me and Soarin got closer. But now one of the worst things that changed literally everything. So the practice was just as hard as usual and maybe even harder and I messed up a few times. I crashed into obstacles, I wasn't fast enough some times and saw everyone judging me every time. After the day I was called into Spitfire's office and nervously walked in.." "Spitfire. I'm here like you asked me too." "Good. I need to talk to you." She showed me a few papers with diagrams and notes writen next to them. I noticed they were calculating my skill and ability from every practice. "These are your skill papers. They show your improvement or regression of skill. Yours was normal at the first few days but as the training got harder your results started declining." "I'm sorry but I'm really trying my best to keep up with them. It's just become very hard.." She stayed quiet for a bit before nodding. "I get that. Now here's what I'm going to do.." She handed me a paper with some sort of test on it. "This is a flying test. I know you have great potential so if you pass this I will keep you on the team. If not I'm going to have to put you a class lower." I didn't want that. I could do this! I had to do this! "I'll pass the test! I'll show you I can do better than this!" She got a smile. "Good. Now go home and work on it. I want this back next practice. Then I'll make my choice." I nodded filled with determination. "I won't disapoint you Spitfire." I walked out of the office determined to pass that test. Like always I went to the lockers and put off my suit. I didn't wait for Soarin this time and left. I needed to get that test ready. I had to. "Things were going alright. Exept for one huge thing. I was looking at this test for hours now but I keep failing to consetrate on what I'm doing. The test is mostly blank with only a few questions answerd. I take my eyes of it and sit back in my chair letting out a small groan. I was so annoyed at myself for not being able to-" Knock Knock I heard a knock coming from my window. I first thought it was a bird or something but when I looked I saw Soarin at my window. "Soarin!?" I was very confussed and quickly got off my chair. "What are you doing at my window!?" He signed for me to open it and after some hessitation did so. He got in and I still looked at him confussed. "Sorry about coming in this way. I tried knocking but I didn't think you heard me." I remembered I tried to make my room some what sound proof in hope I could focus better. "Oh that.. Sorry about that." I remembered my question again. "But why are you here?" "I just wanted to see what you were up to." He saw the paper on my desk and looked at it, reading what was on there. "What's this?" I got back to the desk and got the paper. "Spitfire gave it to me. She said it was a flying test. I have to pass it or I'll be kicked out the elites.." He looked confussed. "What? Why? Your a great flyer? What happened to make her tell you that?" "It's just a lot harder than I expected. Ever since the first day it's been getting harder and harder. I guess it's just hard to keep up sometimes." I saw a small smirk appear on his face. "Told you~" I really wanted to slap him right there. But I just rolled my eyes and continued. "Anyways, This is really important and if I fail I doubth they'll let me in again.." He looked at it and saw the few scribbles I managed to put on there. "Looks like you just started. What's the due date?" I sighed. "Tomorrow. And no, I didn't JUST start.. I've been here for hours but I can't consetrate on that damn test!" He noticed my frustration in my voice and gave me a smile. "Maybe you need a small break. Then maybe you'll be able to consentrate a little." I did make some sense. "I guess I had been sitting here for a while.." I took another look at the test and smiled back. "You got something in mind? If you're here might as well join in." He shrugged and looked around my room. "Movie?" "Sure. I have some great ones over here." I said as I walked to a drawer. I opened one and got the movies out. "I got some of Daring Do's, Indiana Pones and some other ones I never watch. There's also this other one with weird being in them my friend Twilight calls humans and they do a lot of dumb things. It's some kind of dark comedy or something." "Hmm.." He thought for a little. "Daring Do sounds cool. I read some of the books and it's pretty cool." "Trust me it's amazing!" I got the movie and put it in. We got on the couch and started watching. While enjoying the movie I completely forgot about the test. We watched multiple movies and eventually fell asleep in the middle of one. I woke up and remembered last night. As I got up Soarin woke up too. I remembered the test and quickly got over to my clock to see the time. 8 AM.. I thought as I started to panic. "Oh no.. I completely forgot about the test! And the practice is in an half hour!" Soarin got up and tried to calm me a little. "Hey, maybe it's not that bad? I mean, you're a great flyer. Maybe they'll let you in?" I shuck my head. "Spitfire was really clear! And I doubth they'll let me in again.." There was a small silence before Soarin responded. "Make the test." I looked at him confussed. "What? I cant make it! I only have thirty minutes and I'm not going to get any right if I rush it." "Just make it, ok. If it looks like you made it we could win her over with something else. Even when you don't pass." I was still confussed but didn't waste any time and started filling in answers barely even reading the questions on some of them. He got a glass and started making some sort of smoothie. "What are you making?" "If we give her the best drink ever maybe she wont kick you out." "That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard." I continued writing as he made the drink. He openned a drawer and found an substance. "What's this?" He asked as he started pouring it in the glass. "Don't put that in there! That's toxic that would kill her!" I quickly ran over and got it out of his hooves. "Making it so she can't kick you out~" He said jokingly. "Quiet you dork." I ignored his dumb joke and finished the last question. "This deffinetly isn't going to make me pass so I hope your dumb smoothie plan works." "It's the best we can try. Did you have any better ideas?" I gave up. "Alright then.. Now let's go. I don't want to not pass and be late at the same time." "Sure thing." Soarin got the drink (Totally forgetting the toxic substance in it) and put a small cap on it so we could fly it there. We got there and I sped to her office where I had to give her the test. I got to the door of her office and felt very nervous to go in. Soarin gave me the drink and a smile. "You're going to make it." I returned a smile and walked in while Soarin waited for me inside. I got in and saw her at her desk already with her eyes on me. "Good to see you're finally here. You're a bit late." "I know.. Sorry M'am." I walked over and laid the test on her desk. She got it and looked at the drink. "What's that for?" I put it on her desk trying to keep a smile. "I wanted to apologize for the last couple of weeks and I promise I'll do better. I just hope you like it." She looked at it for a bit and got it. "A bit extreme but alright." "The extreme Always seems to make an impresion." I nervously said as she looked over my test. "These look like a lot of rushed scribbels. Also the answers are wrong at best and dont even make sense with the question at worst. I'm sorry to tell you but you failed. I'm going to have to put you a class lower." She put it down and took a sip from the drink. I just looked away ashamed. "Alright.." A few seconds later I heard something off. I looked up and saw Spitfire looking like she was chocking. Before I could do or say anything she fell on the ground unconcious. I froze in place and just looked at her shocked. I remembered the drink and the toxic substance and panicked. "Oh my.." I heard the door open and saw Soarin entering the room. He noticed Spitfire there on the ground and had the same reaction. We stared at eachother for a few seconds before I got out of my frozen shock and quickly went to check if she was dead. I checked. She was not. I looked over to him. "What do we do??" I was really panicking and I think he noticed. "Uhm.." He walked over to a desk and saw her work schedule which was full. He also noticed her agenda was full with atleast one thing every day. "Wow. That must be stressful." I walked over still panicking. "Stop looking at that! I'm stressing right now and we need to think of something! This could get us in jail!" He tried to calm me down with a small smile. "Hey calm down. What if.." He got a paper from her desk and a pen. "it was like some suicide thing. Then they cant blame anyone. And we already got a reason right here." "What!? You crazy!?" I yelled at him still panicking. "Just think about it. Nobody can blame anyone and if they do people will hate them. And we'll put her filled schedule for all to see so they think it's about stress or something?" He places it next to her by her hoof. I think it through for a bit and realise this is the only way not to get in trouble. "Ok.. Let's do it." He gave me a paper and we wrote a fake suicide note and put it on the desk for people to find. We quickly left and hoped they wouldn't find out. > Consequences. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "After the 'suicide' of Spitfire a lot of things have changes. In the Wonderbolts and Cloudsdale too. But I'm getting ahead of myself.. After they found her and her note it was news all over Cloudsdale 'Equestria stresses their ponies to the point of suicide. Spitfire's story' Eversince they found out everyone has been treating her like some saint and stuff like that. It's also time for her funeral now.. I hope I'll be able to get through it.." I walked through the giant church door and walked in. I was nervous. I still felt awfull about what I've done and I'm still scared if they find out some day. Anyways I got in and saw almost everyone from Cloudsdale there. Some were even standing because almost all the seats were full and the empty seats were kept for the more important ponies. I had a place saved for me with the Wonderbolts. I was looking looking across the room when I heard a familiar voice behind me. "Hey Dash!" I looked and saw Twilight and my other friends there. "Oh hey! I didn't know you guys were going to come." "We're elements of harmony. We kinda have to." Twilight didn't look like she wanted to be here. I shrugged. "I'm part of the Wonderbolts and I would feel bad if would skip something like this." "You did know her better than most of the ponies here." Apple Jack mentioned. "Yea.." I noticed something in the corner of my eye and saw Soarin signing me to come sit in the empty seat next to him. "I'm going to my seat. I'll see you guys later." They nodded and we went to our seats. I came to my seat and Soarin gave me a smile. "I saved you a seat." "Thx Soarin.." I sat down and failed to keep up a smile. Soarin's smile faded. "What's wrong Rainbow?" I looked at him and pointed at the scene infront of us. "That." "Oh come on.." He put a hoof around me and gave me a small smile. "It's not THAT bad." I looked away stayed quiet for a few seconds before responding. "Yes it is.. This isn't right.. We did something awfull and you expect me to keep a smile like nothing happened??" "That's not at all what I want. Just think about it. This has been like a revolution of ponykind. Just think of all the positive changes that happened." He gave me a smile again. I shuck my head. "That doesn't change anything.. We still did it and it's bad. Even with the good things that came after." "It was just an accident, and nobody found out and nobody will find out. As long as we just play it cool. It'll be ok. I'm here Dash." He put a hoof on my hoof and smiled again. I knew he was right. I knew it wasn't right but this is better than everyone knowing what we did. I forced a small smile on my face. "You're right.. I shouldn't worry about it. Thx Soarin." He put a hood around me and watched as they started the funeral. "No problem." I looked forward too and tried my best to keep myself together until the end of it. It was hard but I managed to do it. It was the end of the funeral and I got through it only shedding a few tears when they read the 'suicide' note. We got off our seats and started walking through the hall. "See, that wasn't that hard." Soarin commented having a smile on his face. "Whatever dork. I'll see you at practice." He nodded and walked out. I saw my friends leaving their seats too and I waited for them. When they were there I forced a smile back on my face. "Hey guys." "Hey." I could see they were all trying to keep a smile. "So uhm.." I looked away trying to keep myself together. "Crazy thing huh?" It was a stupid thing to say but it was the only thing I could think of. "I guess you can call it that.." Twilight mentioned. I could see they weren't fooled my my fake smile. "You alright?" "Yea.. I'm fine.." I tried my best to sound alright but failed miserably. They all gave me a hug and Pinkie Pie of all people gave me a sad smile. "It's alright to feel sad Dashie." I didn't know what we did had such great impact on people even if they didn't know them well. That made me feel even worse.. Apple Jack continued. "Especially after something like this.." Twilight nodded in agreement. "Yea. Suicides haven't been a thing in Equestia eversince Discord was still evil." That was an even worst thing to know. But even with this horrible new information I just got I put on a smile. "Thx guys.." We let go of the hug and Twilight gave me a smile. "No problem. That's what friends are for." I knew I couldn't hold it for long and quickly made an excuse to leave. "Yea. I have to go now. Still got things to do at home and stuff like that." Before they could say something I quickly sped away. I didn't look back and just kept flying until I was home. I got in my room and let myself fall on my bed. I felt terrible. I got the blacket and got to bed early. I didn't feel like doing anything else that day. I just hoped I would feel better next day. I woke up again not really feeling any better. Still I got up and did my usual morning routine. Me and Soarin were going to fly to practice together today. He said he wanted to check up on me that way. I knew he didn't mean it just like me and I was happy to have him with me in a time like this. I finished and after a few minutes I saw Soarin at my door. I gave him a smile. "Good morning. You ready for practice?" He returned the smile. "Yea. Let's talk on the way there ok?" He flew up and I joined him. "Sure" On our way to practice we talked about the 'suicide' some more. We can't even let anyone know what we did or what happened. We promised eachother again to stay quiet about it and split up to our practice. I got in the arena and saw Misty Fly in an outfit that looked a lot like a captain outfit that Spitfire always wore. She also held a paper. She noticed me. "Crash, finally you're here." I landed and saw Fleetfoot noticed me too. She looked at me like saying 'I don't know what she's doing' but she didn't want to ask about it. I looked confussed at Misty. "What are you wearing?" She rolled her eyes like it was obvious. "It's a captain uniform. I got them from Spitfire's locker. Don't I look great in it?" We both quietly nodded just to please her. Fleetfoot spoke now too. "Anyways.. Now that Spitfire is gone.. What now?" "Well obviously.." Her smile got bigger before she finished. "I'LL be the new captain!" "What!?" We both said in unison. "Someone HAS to replace her. And I would be the best to do so." Before we could say anything against her she blew on her whistle. "Now let's start! 25 rounds around the arena!" "We never do that many!" Fleetfoot said getting in the air. "I'm the captain now! I get to decide what YOU have to do! Now, fly!!!" We did as she said and flew up. Misty was quick to point out all the mistakes of me and Fleetfoot. And she wasn't that nice about it. She made us do so much that it felt more like torture than practice. And I could see from Fleetfoot that she felt the same way. When practice was over we just left to our lockers. Fleetfoot was in the middle of a small rant. "I mean, who wanted her to be captain? Spitfire sure didn't cause she was never as good as me! You saw it yourself. I flew the obstacle course faster than she could ever do! So how could she decide to be captain like that! Doesn't she need like a paper of that or something??" She was very frustrated and just trotted around in a circle only stopping to her my oppinion on the matter. I just nodded "I guess it was pretty selfish of her." I knew it wasn't right what she did but I didn't want to rat her out. "Understatement of the year! She's way more than that. She's like.. Some evil dictator or something!" But she wasn't trying to be nice.. I shrugged. "Maybe, but what she said was true. Someone needed to replace her. You can't leave the team without a captain." "Still she should have come to us about it so we could all decide for it instead of her deciding it on her own. It's like an election with 1 person voting and that person being the one running for it!" She did have a point. "We can probably talk to her next time. Let's just keep it here for now." She sighed. "You're right. We'll talk to her about it next time." She put her stuff in her locker and walked out. "See you next time Dash!" "You too!" She left the room and I finished up too. I Always waited for Soarin outside of the arena. It was one of the highest clouds on Cloudsdale and you could see everything from up there. I was waiting for him when I saw a suprise walking to me. "Look who's here to see my favorite pegasus~" I looked over and saw Zephyr Breeze there. "Zephyr?? What are you doing here??" "I thought I'd give a small suprise visit. I know how happy you must be to see me~" I almost felt like vomiting when he said that. "It was a suprise alright.." He smiled. "Now don't worry! I got way more!" He got a blue suit out of his bag and showed it to me. "Don't you think I would looked totally amazing is this thing Rainbows?" "A Wonderbolt uniform!?" How could he have that?? How!? "Yep. I thought this would be the best time for me to get in. And I'm happy to get to fly with you Dash." It did make sense. Now that Spitfire wasn't aproving them anymore it's easier for 'good' flyers to get in. "Whatever. Just get to where you're going. I'm waiting for a friend." "Actually I don't have anywhere to go to now so I'm sure you wont mind of I join you." He sat down next to me and gave me a smirk. I just prayed for Soarin to finish soon. I sat there with him for a bit before I saw Soarin. I quickly got to him seeying Zephyr following behind me. Soarin noticed me. "Hey Dash!" I got to him and smiled. "Hey Soarin. You ready?" "Sure-" He noticed Zephyr. "Who's that?" "He's not impo-" I couldn't continue before he interupted me. "I'm Zephyr Breeze. Nice to meet ya. So, what are we gonna do Rainbows~?" I couldn't keep it in anymore. "We aren't doing anything! Just get your own life and leave mine!" Zephyr looked at me for a second before getting a small smile. "Alright then.. Could have just told me so earlier tho." He started walking away still keeping that dumb smile. "Well.. Bye then." He flew away and I sighed in relief. Soarin looked very confussed. "What was that all about?" "I'll explain later. Now, lets go. I want to start the fun!" I flew up and he followed. We wanted to stay at eachother's places for a night and it was my turn first. Like all the times before we had a lot of fun. Maybe a little too much.. It was late and we sat on my bed just chatting a bit. "Anyways, are you going to tell me who that stalion was?" Soarin asked me again. "That's Zephyr Breeze. He's the brother of my best friend. I didn't know he would be there." I explained. He nodded and continued. "Alright.. It looked like he was bothering you." I nodded. "He is pretty annoying.. Eversince Fluttershy introduced him he has been running after me like crazy." "Wow.. That must suck." I nodded again. "I asked him to leave me alone almost every time but he never listens." I saw him thinking before getting a grin. "Want to do something fun?" I got a grin too now. "What's are you thinking about?" "I thought we could pull a small prank on him. Then you can get back at him." I really liked that idea. "I'm in! Got any ideas?" "Hmm.." He looked around the room and then got up to look in some desks. "We need it to be big. So he'll really get the point." I remembered something Fluttershy gave me once that would be perfect for it. "I think I got the perfect thing then!" I went to one of the desks and got out a few tranquilizers with two small guns. "What do you think." I asked already grinning of imagining his reaction. "Tranquilizers?" He got one of them and inspected them. "What's in this?" "It's something Fluttershy gave me for tank. It is strong enough to put anything to sleep a second after injection. It will last a few minutes but I thought we could set him up in that time. Embarras him a little ya know." "That sounds awesome! Let's do it!" I got a smile. "Great! I'll get him to come to the highest cloud in cloudsdale. No one will be able to hear us up there." Soarin got the gun and started pilling them up with the tranquilizers. "I can get these ready." I made sure Zephyr Breeze would be there and we set out to pull the prank. We came a bit early to the location to discuss the plan one last time. "So I'll hide and when you count to three we'll shoot!" Soarin said with a grin. I nodded. "He won't know what's comin' for him." We hear some sounds and Soarin hid behind the cloud. I hid the gun under my wing and waited there. I saw Zephyr landing on the cloud. "Why did you ask me to come so late? I'll miss my 10 hours of sleep." I rolled my eyes and got a smile again. "I thought things over and realised I wasn't the nicest today. I just wanted to apologize." He got a smile. "Oh, it's alright. I already forgave you Rainbows~" He started walking to me but I signed for him to stay there. "It's better if you stay over there. I have a suprise." He nods with an excited smile. "Alright. Is it somewhere around here?" "Sorta.. I'll count to three and then I'll show you, ok?" I already got my grip on the trigger so it was ready. He nods again and I started. "One.. Two…" "Three!" Me and Soarin said in unison as we both pulled the trigger. He got hit by them and we both started laughing. "Did you see his face?? It was great!" I said excited. "I know! Now lets make this even greater!" We walked to his unconcious body but noticed something off. He wasn't breathing. "Zephyr..?" I started nudging at him a little. "You're just unconcious right?" I really started to panic now. "Zephyr!?" Soarin got it now too and his smile faded. "Oh Celestia.. Did we kill him?" "I-I think so.." I checked the description on the tranquilizers and knew we messed up 'Warning: Only one at a time. Too much can be deadly.' "Me messed up.." He read it too and realised it too. He looked at me just as panicked. "Do you have paper?" I knew from last time what he wanted to do. "You serious? Again?" "How else are we going to covor this up??" I looked and saw a clean paper in a nearby trashcan. "What do we even write on here?" "Uhm.." He thought for a minute before he got a smile. "I already know something." He started writing and I looked at him confussed. "You're reason is him being gay??" "Yea. It's not very commen in Equestria so it could work. Did you think of anything else then?" "Not really.." I looked at his dead body again. "Just make it quick.." > Not again.. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "It happened again.. I accidently killed someone and played it off as a suicide.. I thought that was a one time think but I was wrong.. Somehow I managed to do it again.. But now it's a big worse because it was the brother of my best friend.. We're having the funeral today. But I'm not ready to see that scene again.. And now it's even worse.." After mentaly preparing myself I entered the church. It was almost the same as last time exept less people. Mostly Zephyr's family, friends and others who decided to join them. I was at the door when I heard a familiar voice. "Hey Dash!" It was Soarin. He walked to me and gave me a smile. "You don't have to worry. There are way less people here so it'll be ok." I gave him a small smile. "Yea.. I saw that too.." He noticed my smile fading. "It's ok Dash. I'm here for you." I got a smile and hugged him. He offered to go with me and I knew it would be better if he did. "Want to go get a seat?" "Sure." We got to the seats and got one. I noticed Fluttershy already there. She was sitting in the family section and looked destroyed. I knew she wasn't very close with him but it still hurt her.. I saw my other friends cmining in. They first went to see Fluttershy before they noticed me and Soarin. They got to us with a small smile. "Hey Dash. Here again huh?" Twilight said her smile fading. "Yea.. Crazy right.." I saw Rarity looking curious. "Who did you bring with you?" Before I could introduce him he did it himself. "I'm Soarin. I'm also a Wonderbolt. We're friends." She got a smile. "I see.." I knew what she was thinking but didn't want to bring it up now. I saw some seats next to me that were still clear. "You guys can sit here if you want?" "Yea, that would be nice." Twilight said as they sat down. Me and Soarin talked to them for a little and I almost forgot about the funeral. I got reminded of that when I heard the bell and the funeral began. It was easier to keep myself together this time since I wasn't as close to him. I did see Fluttershy cry but she had her family to comfort her. There was this thing in the middle. They were listing things about him when Soarin got my attention. "Notice how it doesn't say annoying anywhere. I guess they're just as ignorant as him." I couldn't help but laugh a little. But after I saw my friends look at us I just looked away and stayed quiet. The funeral ended and we all left our seats. Fluttershy said she had to stay there a bit longer with her family so we walked to the door. I really wanted to leave so I tried my best to get away. "It was nice seeying you guys again but I have to go." Before I could leave Twilight stopped me. "Actually Dash, we wanted to talk to you for a bit.." I started getting a bit nervous. "A-About what?" Apple Jack continued."You haven't been acting like yourself lately. Is there something?" "N-No.. I'm fine.. Totally fine.." I knew they weren't convinced. "Really Dash. If there's anything you can tell us." I felt myself breaking so I quickly flew out. Soarin quickly followed me but I just wanted to go home. I got to my home and got on my bed. I laid there and just stared out the window. I heard Soarin entering behind me and sitting next to me. He gave me a small smile and put a his hoof in my manes. "You ok?" I shook my head. I wasn't going to lie to him. I felt horrible. I feel a lot of guilt and the only one I can talk about it is him. "I'm not ok.. I feel horrible.." "Oh.." He thought for a bit and continued. "If you want to talk you can do that now. We're in this together." "I can't keep this between the two of us forever.. I feel like breaking everytime I come near anyone effected by our actions." I felt tears coming again. "They were just accidents. And you don't need those other ponies. I'm all you need to be happy. Once they all forget we'll be free of any trouble or guilt. Just you wait." I got up and looked at him. "Why are you so cool about this?" "What do you mean?" "You talk about it like some sick game you can quit any time. Don't you feel any guilt?" He stayed quiet for a bit before responding. "Of course I do. I just don't think we should worry that much. As long as we just stay quiet no one will find out and cause trouble." I thought for a second before responding. "And if they do find out..?" He looked away for a few seconds before replying. "Then we figure something out." I was thinking of trying to explain and accepting the punishment but alright.. "Right.." I looked away again but he got my face and put it closer to his. "It's going to be alright.." He gave me a quick kiss and smiled. I got a smile on my face too and hugged him. He was right. They were just accidents and I should forget about it.. It was another day and I was having breakfast when I heard a knock on my door. I got to the door and openned it to find Fluttershy there. "Fluttershy?" Why was she here? Is it about Zephyr? I hope not.. "Hey Dash.. Can I come in?" I let her in and closed the door. "Why are you here? Do you need anything?" She shuck her head. "No.. I just wanted to talk to you about something." I started to get a bit nervous but kept a smile. "Sure, what is it?" "Well.." She stayed quiet for a second before continuing. "You haven't been yourself lately. We wanted to talk about that yesterday but you flew off.." I do admit that was a pretty dumb thing to do. But I had to to keep the secret. "Yea I.. Had to go somewhere.. But I'm fine.. Promise." "Really..?" She looked at me trying to get it out of me. But I couldn't tell her about what we did. She would hate me forever.. "Yea.. I'm fine." She gave me a small smile. "I'm glad you are. But if there is anything you can tell us." "I know." I tried to move away from the subject. "So, was that all?" She shuck her head. "Actually, no.. But you have to promise not to tell anybody. This is between us and our friends ok?" I didn't expect that but nodded. "Promise." I don't know what I was getting myself into but I just hoped it was good. "Ok then.." She stayed quiet for a bit. "How do I say this without it sounding wrong.." She said quietly to herself before continuing. "I don't think Zephyr's death was a suicide.." I started to get a bit nervous again. "W-What? Why would you think that?" "It just.. Doesn't make sense.." "What do you mean?" "Everything. I mean, I've known him all my life but he never had intrest in anyone other than you. And if he was trying to hide it I'm sure I would have noticed something.." She looked away. "Well..." I tried to come up with something. "You probably just didn't notice. And how are you going to prove that anyway? No one dares to doubth a suicide. Not even me of all ponies." I hoped this would stop her but it didn't. "I talked about it first with Twilight and she's going to run some experiments with Princess Celestia's permision. She said she's going to look for hoofprints and stuff." I really got nervous now.. "When is she going to do that..?" "Once she has all the equipment she needs. About a few days she said. She would inform us when she's ready." I tried my best to look like everything was okay and got a smile back on. "Alright then.. I'm excited to see the results.." She didn't notice and got a smile. "Me too. Now I'm going to the vet store. But I decided to come talk to you on my way there." "Yea, I'll see you then." She gave me another smile and left. I closed the door behind me and switched my fake smile with quite some panic. I did what I first thought of and wrote a letter for Soarin to come over. I didn't know what to do. We had to think of something. I cant have them knowing. I cant have anyone knowing.. Ever.. After some time I heard a knock at my door. I was still panicking a little but I knew who it was so I wasn't going to hide it. I openned the door and saw Soarin. "I got your message. What is-..." He saw my panicked face and looked worried. "What's wrong?" I let him come in and we sat on the couch. "Everthing is wrong.. Fluttershy doesn't think that Zephyr killed himself and Twilight is going to look for hoofprints and stuff.. I don't want them to hate me.." He looked at me for a bit before responding. "Do they know it's us yet?" I shuck my head. "No, but if we dont do anything I'm sure they will.." I saw him think for a few seconds. "How many are involved?" I was a bit confussed of the question but answered. "Just my friends. Why?" "If there aren't too many consequences.." He looked at me with a grin. "Want to pull another prank~?" I looked at him for a bit before I understood what he was talking about. "W-What!? Are you crazy!? I'm not going to kill my friends!" I was angry at him for even suggesting such a thing. To my suprise he started arguing back. "And if we dont!? I'm not going in jail because of them!" Even with that I argued back too. "I would rather be in jail then know I murdered my best friends!" He started to look more frustrated. "Well I don't! And what do you expect to do when they find out!? Ask them to forget about it!?" "I.." I had no idea what I would tell them but anything was better than what he was planning. "It doesn't matter! I'm not joining you in another murder!" "I thought we were in this together! You promised to stick with me! I promise you it will be okay if you do as I say." He showed me a small smile. He tried to put a hoof around me but I slapped it away. "I did! Not when you say things like this!" I got off the couch and pointed at the door. "Soarin, I I'm not going to follow your plan. I can't go through that again. So if you won't change your mind.. Leave." He hessitated before letting out a frustrated sigh. "Fine. I'll leave. But don't expect this to end this mess. We're still in trouble and I'm going to fix that. But for ME only!" He walked out the door and before he left he said one last thing. "It's over between us! Good bye!" He slammed the door behind him and I quickly left to my room. And now after I wrote everything down I still don't have a solid plan. I have no idea what Soarin is going to do or what is going to happen but I'm just going to try to make the best of it.. I hope... > Let's make it beautifull... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up and got out of bed not feeling any better. I still had no plan for when they found out or what Soarin was planning. I had breakfast and got ready to leave when I heard a knock. It sounded like multiple ponies and they sounded like they were in a hurry for me to open. I did so and saw my friends. Obviously I was very confussed. "What are you guys doing here??" They looked very worried at me. Twilight spoke first. "Soarin told us everything.. But we're here to help you ok?" I was even more confussed and I started thinking of what he could've told them. "W-What did Soarin tell you?" I hoped he didn't tell them I was the one who did it. I didn't want to be the only one to be blamed for it. "He showed us your diary entries." She showed me multiple papers with scribbles on it alluding to suicidal thoughts. "We knew you were hiding something but now we can talk to you about it." I stayed quiet for a bit before responding. "I didn't write any of that!" "You can be honest with us Rainbow." Apple Jack said putting a hoof on my shoulder. "But-" Before I could say anything else they hugged me. While in the grouphug I saw someone behind the bushes with a grin. It was Soarin.. I saw him leave the bushes and make his way to my window. I panicked and left the hug. "I have to go!" I ran back in the house and closed the door. "Dash!-" "Got no time!!" I interupted them and sped to the window. It was half open and I quickly slammed it shut. I could see Soarin notice and make his way through another window. I quickly locked the door of my room and stayed there wondering what he was planning to do. I heard his hooves landing on the floor and walking to my door. He gave a small knock at the door. "Knock Knock~" "What are you doing in my house!?" I sat against the door keeping him from breaking it open. "Look, I know we didn't have the best talk yesterday but I decided to forgive you." I was a bit confussed at that statement. "For what? Not wanting more ponies to die!?" "Not really.. We still need to get rid of anyone who suspects something." His voice didn't sound honest. I rolled my eyes. "Well, like I said I'm not killing more ponies. So if you're just here to convince me again you can leave." I heard him getting closer to the door. "You can't leave me now. You are all that I have Dash. You're all I can talk to. I thought we would go through this together.." His voice became softer but I still didn't want anything to do with it. "It was the same for me but not with this. This is going too far. Just leave me and my friends alone please.." I heard some sounds at the door and Soarin did too. "Oh yea, I forgot I invited them too." I heard him hessitate before continuing. "But if you're not going to stick with me.." I heard him get something. "I'm sorry for what I'm going to have to do." I felt him trying to break the door open now. I realised why he was here and told my friends about me being suicidal. He set me up.. I put something heavy against the door and looked through my room. If he wanted to kill me he would leave if he thought that was the case. I got the box of tranquilizers and emptied them a little on the floor. I also put some empty ones in my hooves and got ready to play dead. I wonder how he's going to react to a suicide he didn't plan himself.. After a few seconds the door slammed open and he got in the room. "No hiding now-" He noticed me on the floor and got quiet. He got closer and moves me around a little but I stayed limb. "R-Rainbow Dash..?" I saw some tears form in his eyes. "No.. No! You can't leave me like this! I.. I didn't.." He looked away. "I was going to come out here and kill you just for sure but I guess you were quicker than me." He was a mix of sadness and frustration. "W-Well, I guess my next targets would be her friends. But I can't do it now while they're in public.." He throught for a bit before a grin. "But I could try something when they're all in one spot. Dash did say they were meeting up.." His grin got bigger and he left hearing my friends get through the door. Just so he didn't suspect anything I laid there until he was completely out of sight. What I didn't expect however was that Twilight entered the room before I got up. "D-Dash!?" I saw she was panicking and going to cry. I noticed her and quickly got up trying to calm her down a little. "Oh Twilight, I'm so sorry! I'm not dead! I'm ok! It was just a joke!" She looked angry at me. "It's not funny!!" "Sorry!" My other friends got in the room and saw my room that looked like a crime scene right now. "Oh, hi guys.." "What in Equestria is goin' on in here??" Apple Jack said obviously confussed. "T-That's not important.." I remembered Soarin is probably going to plan something at the hoofprint meeting. "Twilight, when is the hoofprint meeting?" "Why do you need to know-" "You need to tell me!" I knew I wasn't doing a great job of not being suspicious but it was for their own savety. "Ok, ok, calm down.. I planned it tomorrow. But wht do you want to know so early?" They all looked at me confussed. "It's.. Not important.. But I have to go, you'll thank me later." Without saying good bye I sped off. I heard them following me for a bit but I quickly lost them. I needed to make sure my friends were save. Soarin was probably going to set something up in her castle, more specificaly the map room, where we usualy have meetings. I got in and my my way to the map room. When I got there I saw Soarin messing with the seats. I saw something that looked like some sort of grenades. He noticed me and looked confussed and shocked to see me. "Rainbow Dash!? How are you..?" "It was fake. But I couldn't let you kill my friends. So I'm here now to stop that." I landed on the ground and got closer. He put the 'grenades' away exept for one of them. "So what? I have something to protect myself. And you don't." From what I saw before he wouldn't be scared to use them. So I knew I had to be carefull before I really died. "I know.. But I'm not going to hurt you unless you force me to." He got a grin. "Looks like I'm winning then." He got in the air and dove down. I avoided it but he took a scarp turn back. He flew right at me and when he got to me and bucked the 'grenade' out of his hooves. I quickly catched it before it could do anything. I was trying to turn off the 'grenade' when Soarin quickly pinned me down against the wall. I was stuck like that while he was trying to choke me and couldn't get free. I saw he was trying to get it from me and quickly, without thinking, bucked him somewhere in the stomach. He let his grip on me go and fell on the ground in a lot of pain. I catched my breath. I got closer to him and felt tears filling my eyes. "I-I'm sorry.." I tried to turn off the 'grenade' but it didn't work. "I-I guess we really are in this together…" I didn't want to fly off. But if I stayed here I would have to put the 'grenade' somewhere probably killing me in the process. I was going to give up when I saw Soarin get up a little still in pain. "G-Give me the grenade.." I looked at him not really trusting him. "Why would I?" "I-I'm sorry ok.. I never wanted it to become such a mess.." He got closer. "You don't deserve to die because of my mistakes.." He got the 'grenade' from me and gave me a small smile. I returned the smile and made sure all the grenades were out of the room. I helped him outside and he got all of them. I flew far away from him and stayed there. He gave me one more smile before pulling the trigger. The explotion almost destroyed my eardrums and I felt the powerfull 'boom' in my manes. I stayed there for a few seconds before leaving the area and heading to my next and last location. I arrived at the wonderbolt HQ after being probably an hour late thx to what happened. But I didn't care. I just wanted to set things right. I arrived at the practice arena where I saw Misty and Fleetfoot already there practicing. Well actually, Fleetfoot was flying her tail off while Misty watched and yelled at her to do better and go faster. She noticed me and looked really pissed. "You're 1 hour late! And no, I don't want to hear any excuses!" "You didn't have to remind me." I didn't care. I walked up to her and she started backing off. "W-What do you think you're doing!?" I got close enough and ripped spitfire's coach badge off her uniform. "We're going to do this the right way now." She looked at me angry meanwhile Fleetfoot got down looking confussed. "Rainbow Dash you're here-" She saw I had the badge. "What happened here?" I noticed her and gave her a smile. "We're going to do it right this time. Fleet foot, who do you want to be captain?" She got a smile on her face too. "I'm sorry Misty but I'm going for Dash." Misty looked very mad but I ignored it. "Misty, who do you choose? And you can't choose yourself." "I'm not choosing anything! I deserve that role! I-" Before she could continue Fleetfoot interupted her. "Claimed it for yourself without telling us anything? That's not what a leader does." I got a smile and put the badge on her suit. She looked suprised but quickly gave me a hug. Misty flew away frustrated but I knew she would get over it. After getting my suit me and Fleetfoot did the usual course and she also added some mini games. After that I was still a bit nervous about tomorrow but whatever will happen I'm ready for the consequenses.. > Outcome 1: Hoofprint test > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Today was the day.. The day I would get exposed for the horrible things I did. I silently hoped they would go easy on me or they cancelled it all together. But if not I'll just have to accept the consequenses.. I just hope they don't hate me after this.." I made my way to Twilight's castle already thinking of what I was going to tell them when they found out. I was very nervous but put on a smile when I got there. I walked in and saw Apple Jack, Fluttershy and Twilight already there. I saw Twilight working on a machine that was probably the hoofprint thingy. Next to it was a small table with different objects in them. My heart skipped a beat seeying what was on there. I saw a glass that I recognized as the glass we gave Spitfire that accidently killed her. Next to it were two pistols with the tranquilizers we used to 'prank' Zephyr Breeze. I got a smile back on my face and tried my best to act normal until the truth would come out. "Hey guys! I'm here!" "Hey Dash!" Twilight greeted but didn't look away from the machine. I got a seat and got a smile from Apple Jack. "Hey Rainbow. Ah thought you'd be the first one here. Aside from Fluttershy ah mean." I quickly came up with something logical. "I had some bad traffic. You know how Derpy can be sometimes." She let out a small chuckle. "Yup." I noticed Fluttershy was just staring at the table with the tools. "You ok Flutters?" I knew I wasn't in the position to ask that but I couldn't just sit there saying nothing. She just quietly nodded. "Yea.. I'm just.. Looking.." I looked over to Apple Jack who gave me a sign to leave it. I did so and sat there watching Twilight as she worked on the machine. It's a few minuted later now and we're all here. Twilight did some last few things before leaving the machine and getting a seat aswell. I patiently waited for her to say something getting a bit more nervous every second. "I thought we could start this off by explaining what this is." She said pointing at the machine. Before she could answer Pinkie put up her hoof ready to guess it. "Is it a secret revealer thingy for smart ponies?" She just looked at her blankly for a second before responding. "No.." She just shrugged. "Oh well. I tried." Twilight continued. "Anyway this machine can identify any hoofprint l place under the scanner. I got hoofprints from all of ponyvile and more when I visited Celestia and if we scan these items we can figure out who did it." "Where are those items from exactly?" Rarity asked curiously looking at them. "These were found at the 'crime scenes' and if it was all planned by some pony else then there must be hoofprints on there somewhere." "Let's not waste any more time then! If someone else really planned such horrible things we have to know who it is so they can pay!" Apple Jack said making it harder for me to act alright. "Alright then. Let the exposing begin!" Twilight pushed a button on the machine and put it on. The machine made loud noices and also left some smoke. After it cleared up a little the got some gloves and put them on her hooves. "Why are you using gloves?" Fluttershy asked confussed. "I don't want the system to mess up due to my hoofprints. Now let's see the first one." She got the glass and put it under the scanner. She pressed a button and the machine started shining a neon green light on the glass. Meanwhile I was waiting to get exposed and probably hated forever.. It said a 'ping' sound and some papers came out. Twilight put the glass back on the table and looked on the paper. While reading I saw her expression change into confussion. "This is weird.. Maybe it made a mistake.." She put the paper away and tried it again only leaving the same result. She read it probably 5 times before looking at me. "Dash..? Can you come for just a sec?" I knew what this was about and I was ready for it. "Sure.." I walked to her and she showed me the results. "Your name is on here. I checked twice and so can't be a mistake. I just want to know if you ever touched this particular glass.." I saw the others look at me confussed too. I took a dead breath and looked down. "I'm sorry.." they all looked at me shocked. "What!?" Not convinced Apple Jack got the results and looked back at me. "Ya gotta be kiddin' me.." "It was accident.. I can explain everyth-" Apple Jack's face turned into anger. "So you did it!?" The others looked shocked my way not knowing what to say. I just nodded but tried to explain myself. "Yea but I can explain everything! I didn't mean to-" I was cut off again. "No! Ah knew something was up but this.." She clearly looked very upset and walked to the door. "AJ, wait-" She slammed the door before I could finish. The others were still looking in disbelief. Fluttershy didn't even look at me. I felt tears forming in my eyes just looking at them. "I can explain.." They still looked at me with the same expression but saw Twilight nodding. "Ok.. Explain then.." I took another deap breath and started. "It all started when I became part of the elite Wonderbolt group. They're the best flyers of all of the Wonderbolts and-" "We know. You told us when you got in." Rarity cut me off. "Right.." I continued. "So I wasn't really doing so well and I had to pass a test if I wanted to stay in.. And you all know how bad I am at tests.." "I know.." Twilight said unamused probably waiting for me to spill the beans. "I procrastinated and didn't finish anything.. Then Soarin knocked on my window and we spend the rest of the time I had watching movies." "He just came flyng through your window??" Fluttershy asked confussed. "Yea.. But that's not important!" Even mentioning broke my heart all over again. Twilight checked the results again. "I do see his hoofprint listed here too. Where is he? Then I can talk to him later too." "You can't.." I said feeling the tears again. "But I'll get to that part.." She stayed quiet to let me explain the next part. "I didn't finish it and was scared of being kicked out so Soarin said we could convince her with something. The best thing I thought of was bring her a drink and while making is Soarin accidently put something toxic in and it killed her.." "It wasn't on purpose right..?" Fluttershy asked quietly. "No! I would never do that on purpose! But we were so panicked after that that we felt like we had no choice but to play it off as a suicide.. I didn't like the idea but I didn't want any trouble.." I looked away ashamed of myself. I looked back at the others who looked like they didn't know what to say. Fluttershy was the first one to speak up. "But what about Zephyr? Did you do that too..?" Small tears rolled down her face. I stayed quiet for a bit before reponding. "Y-Yea.. But it also an accident.." "How can you accidently shoot a deadly dose of tranquilizers at him??" Twilight asked confussed. The others waited for my response too. "Soarin said we were doing a prank to 'stop him from annoying me'. I don't think he knew what was too much but it happened.. I'm sorry Fluttershy.." I felt tears rollong down my face. To my suprise I felt a hug a few seconds later. When I looked I saw Fluttershy. She still had tears in her eyes but gave me a soft smile. "I know you didn't mean it.. It's ok.." She looked over to the others. Pinkie got a smile too and joined in. "You look like you need a hug.." It was nice. For the first time in a long time I felt a genuine smile form on my face. "Thanks.." We stayed in a hug for a few seconds before we let eachother go. Twilight spoke up again. "I still want to know where Soarin is." "Oh.. That.." As much as it hurt I had to tell them. "When Fluttershy got the idea something was wrong he wanted to kill all of you to prevent getting caught.." "What!?" They were all shocked. "I thought it wasn't on purpose!" Twilight said looking at me. "I didn't want to kill any of you but he said I go with him or he would have to eliminate me too! So when you all came yesterday he tried to make you think I was suicidal so he could get away with it. So I played dead so he could leave. Then you came in.." "So that those diary entries were fake??" Rarity asked confussed. "And that's why you pretended to kill yourself??" Twilight followed. "Yea.." There was a silence. Atleast until Pinkie got a small smile. "Look on the bright side! Atleast Dashie isn't depressed!" I just looked away trying to ignore her attempt to lighten up the situation. The others did the same and Twilight started again. "What happened next?" She asked now a bit more intrested in the story then the topic. "He went here and put grenades everywhere. I was able to stop him but one had a timer and I knew I would probably die if I tried to put it somewhere save. Instead Soarin apologised and when everything was save he pulled the trigger and.. killed himself.." I felt more tears and looked down again. The rest was also quiet. Atleast until. "Are you ok Dash..?" Fluttershy asked worried. "W-What do you mean..?" I asked whiping away my tears. "You went through a lot. I already forgave you. I just want to be sure you're going to be ok." She gave me a hug again. Pinkie joined in again too. Rarity got a small smile too and hugged me too. "I'm here for you Dash." Twilight sighed and did the same. "All of us. You're our friends Dash." I remembered about Apple Jack. "Not all of us.." We let go of the hug and I went to the door. "I'm happy you're still my friends. It means the world to me. But I need to see AJ." They nodded understanding and I left. I walked into the Apple family farm both feeling happy I'm still on good terms with Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rarity and Twilight but also nervous to see Apple Jack. She didn't even look at me when she left so she must be very upset. I get it. I did do some pretty horrible things. I just hope she can forgive me a little after I explain everything. If she will even listen to me.. I got to the barn and knock on it. After a few seconds I see Big Mac infront of me. "Is Apple Jack here?" "Eyup." "Can I go talk to her?" He nods and lets me in. He points upstairs to a room. "Thanks Big Mac." I say as I fly up the stairs. I got to the door and softly knock. "AJ? You in there?" It takes a few seconds before I get a response. "Leave Dash.." She sounded both angry and upset. "Just let me explain.. Please?" I hoped for a good response but no. "You don't got any explaining to do Dash." I sighed and sat with my back against the door. "Looks like I'm just going to have to do it here then." There was a small gap between the next answer. "Don't make it too long.." "Right.. So it all started when-..." I started explaining the whole story again. She cut me off a few times for questions and I could hear she was getting less tense. But I still couldn't help crying a little at the last part. I just finished the story when I heard hoofsteps. I got up and stood infront of the door trying to whipe my tears a little. When she came out I saw she had been crying. "Rainbow Dash..?" I whiped my tears fully and replied. "Yea Aj..?" "Ah'm sorry." She said as she gave me a soft hug. "Ah knew something was up.. Ah just didn't know it was this big.. Ah thought you choose to do these things.. Ah'm sorry for not hearin' ya out earlier.." I put my hooves around her too and smiled. "It's ok AJ.. I'm the one who should apologizing.. I never meant to create such a mess. I didn't want you guys to become part of that too.." We let go of the hug and gave eachother a small smile. "Ah forgive ya Dash.. Just promise me you'll be alright.." "I promise." We both left and made our way back to Twilight's place. We decided it would be best to keep this between the six of us. They also were there for me whenever I randomly had an emotional breakdown because of reminders or just the trauma from the whole situation. Everything's fine now and with my friends by my side it's sure to stay like that. > Outcome 2: The diary. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today was supposed to be the day. The day I would've gotten exposed for the horrible things I did. I wished it would get cancelled or interupted and my prayers were heard because I got a message from Twilight saying they would do it later. But she also said they were coming over to see me. I guess they were planning to do it there but I quickly got my place ready and patiently waited for their arrival. I also hid my diary in one of my desks in my room just to be sure. After a few minutes waiting and getting ready for their arrival I heard a knock. I took a deep breath and walked to the door. I got a smile on my face and openned seeying all my friends. there. "Hey guys!" Twilight gave me a smile. "Hey Dash. Great to see you!" I let them in and we got to my couch. I looked over to the kitchen and back to them. "Do you guys want anything?" They shuck their head before Twilight spoke. "No. We just want to talk to you." "Sure.." I stayed there trying to hide the fact I was nervous as much as possible. "What is it?" "Ah'm sure you know damn well what it is." Apple Jack commented. Twilight continued ignoring what Apple Jack just said. "It's about the diary entries. You flew off yesterday before we could talk to you. We planned on doing so after the test but this was more important." I was ready to defend the fact I wasn't suicidal. "I didn't write that!" "Rainbow Darling, you can quit the act. We're just here to help you." Rarity gave me a smile. "Yea, ya can be honest with us." Apple Jack followed. "I'm being honest!" I shouted. "You have to believe me! I'm fine." They stayed quiet for a bit just looking at me. Pinkie spoke up now. "Dashie, I know smiles. And you haven't had a real smile in a while.. I want to see you happy again Dashie. Truly happy." She sounded very serious. Which wasn't often the case with Pinkie. I stayed quiet for a bit before responding again. "But I didn't write it." "Then who did?" Fluttershy gave me a serious stare. "I want you to be ok Dash." I couldn't tell them Soarin did it without getting questions about him. "I.." I didn't know what else to say. They looked at me waiting for an answer. After a few seconds Twilight gave me a smile. "It's going to be ok Dash. We're here for you." She gave me a hug and the others quickly joined in. I didn't know what to say or think. I wasn't depressed. Atleast I don't think so.. After what I did, did I even deserve a hug like this? I created suicides and now it backfired. I was the victim of my own stupid prank. But what could I do? Admit to it. They would hate me if I did that. After a few seconds they let go of the hug and gave me another smile. All I could do was smile back. "T-Thanks guys.." I saw Pinkie wasn't completely convinced but didn't say anything. I wanted to let go of the subject so we spend the rest of the day with some games. I noticed Twilight was still tense about something but kept herself quiet. We spend atleast a few hours playing games. It was really fun and I forgot all about the last couple of weeks while I was with them. No one brought it up too. But then.. Twilight openned her mouth. "Dash, I think it's best if we stay with you for a night. We want to be here to keep an eye on you and support you through this." "Oh! Oh! Like a sleepover right!" Pinkie looked excited. "Count! Me! In!" Apple Jack also nodded. "Ah think it's a great idea Twi." "Yea. It would be good for you to have your friends around in a time like this." Rarity gave me a smile. ''If you don't mind of course." Fluttershy quietly added. "Oh I.." I wasn't excited about the idea but I guess one night won't hurt. I just got to keep an eye on them. "Sure! Let's do it!" I gave the best smile I could and I think I almost even fooled Pinkie. But of course there's no fooling her. I had a pretty messy room but I cleaned some stuff up and made space for some sleeping bags. We had nights like this before and knowing how random Pinkie can be sometimes I always have them. Just in case. After we got everything ready in my room we played some slumberparty games and had a lot of fun again. This is probably the happiest I've been all month. That sounds depressing but it felt good after all that had happened. Eventually it got pretty dark and Fluttershy quietly asked. "Hey Dash? Are there any lights here?" "But it's so much more fun in the dark!" Pinkie whined. I rolled my eyes and pointed at my desk. "There should be a flashlight in there somewhere." She got up and made her way to my desk. By this time I forgot all about the diary and what was in there. She openned the desk and saw my diary in there. She pulled it out and looked back at me. "What's this?" I looked her way and a wave of panic went through me seeying what she was holding. "Don't look in there!!" I quickly got over to her and grabbed it out of her hooves. She got a bit startled. "I-I wasn't going to.. Sorry.." I sighed in relief having it back in my hooves. I quickly put it in the top of my closet shelf between some of my daring dos and looked back at her. "It's fine Flutters. Maybe it's better if I get the flashlight." I walked over to the drawer and after a bit of searching I pulled one out and handed it to her. "Here you go." I got back on my bed and hoped no one would mention it. But of course, I was unlucky. "What was it?" Twilight asked curiously. "It's nothing important. Let's just continue." I tried to brush it off. Apple Jack wasn't confinced tho. "Ah don't know Dash. Looked pretty important to me. Havin' to get it like that." "It's nothing, really!" I almost snapped but tried to act fine still. "Rainbow darling, don't think I didn't see 'diary' writen on there." I felt small panic by Rarity's comment again. "But you don't have to worry. We won't make fun of you. All of us has a diary in atleast 1 form." "Right.." I tried to continue again. "Can we continue now?" Suprisingly they let it go and we continued our game. After a bit I stopped worrying and went to bed peacefully after all the games were done. I didn't feel any worry. No stress. It was a pretty good night. Aside from that I did keep hearing some noices. Voices that I couldn't make out and other sounds that were very faint. I didn't want to make these small noices ruin my a good night I now rarely had. Eventually I gave in and openned my eyes. I looked around and saw my friends were gone. My heart skipped a beat when I saw my closet openned a little with the diary not in there anymore. I didn't waste any time and quickly got up ready to look where it went. If my friends got it all I could hope is that they didn't read it thx to all those friendship lessons that came before it. I don't know how I could be so stupid to write it all down anyway. I guess it just helped with the stress and I didn't stop. But I didn't have time to think about my poor choices though all of this. I had to find that thing. I walked through my bedroom door and saw noticed a small light shine in the living room. I took a small peek and saw my friends reading my diary on the couch using the flashlight as a small lightsource. Fluttershy had tears in her eyes while the others looked mostly shocked with tears in the corners of their eyes aswell. I felt a pain in my heart seeying them like that. "H-How..?" I heard Twilight mutter still scaning the page she was reading. I tried to walk back to my room like I saw nothing when I saw Fluttershy notice me. She gave Twilight a nudge on the shoulder and they all noticed me. We just stared at eachother for a bit before Apple Jack spoke. "Is this true..?" I heard tears and slight anger in her voice. I felt tears filling my eyes. "I-I'm sorry.." I tried to keep back the tears but they kept rolling down my face with no stopping. It stayed quiet for a bit before Apple Jack whiped her tears and got up. "I need some time alone. Bye Dash." She walked to the doors and before I could say or do anything she left slamming the door a little too. I looked back at the others who still looked shocked and sad. "I just.." Twilight started in the middle of her sob. "Can't believe you did all of this.." I looked away. "I told you I'm sorry.. It was an accident.." There was a silence again until Fluttershy broke it. "I know.." She whiped away a tear. "We read it.. Are you ok..?" I was confussed now. "Me..?" "Yea.. Going through all of that.." She attempted to give me a smile. "It must have been hard.. Right..?" I couldn't keep it in anymore and broke down crying. Fluttershy reacted quick by giving me a hug. Twilight, Pinkie and Rarity looked at eachother and at me and joined in a bit after. I didn't expect something like this. I honestly thought they would hate my guts after this. I mean.. Apple Jack maybe but if I'm lucky I'll get enough time to explain myself. I mean the diary already had everything writed down but I can still try my best. We stayed like that for atleast half a minute. I just couldn't get the tears the stop. Eventually I stopped and we left the hug. I gave them a smile. "Thanks.." They also got a smile. especially Pinkie. "Now THAT, is a real smile!" It made all of us let out a small laugh. It still suprises me how she can make ponies smile even at times like this. I got up and whiped the last of my tears away. "Are we still friends?" They gave me a smile. "Of course. We know you didn't mean to do anything. And Soarin was the one to-" She stopped seeying my smile fade. Rarity looked a bit worried. "Are you sure you're ok? We read you two were pretty close.." Of course Rarity would be the one to ask that. I nodded. "Yea. I got more things to worry about than psyco stalions." I gave them one last hug before walking to the door. "I'm going to see AJ. Also, thanks for coming. It was fun." They all got a smile. "No problem Dash!" "Of course Dashie!" "No problem darling!" "I'm happy you're ok." They all said in unison before I left to see apple Jack. On my flight to Apple Jack I was preparing what I was going to say. I expected not having to explain too much since most of it was in the diary. And seeying the others earlier it looked like they knew about Soarin so they already read most of the story. But I could still clear up some things if she wanted to know more. I got to the barn and knock on it. After a few seconds I see Big Mac infront of me. "Is Apple Jack here?" "Eyup." "Can I go talk to her?" He nods and lets me in. He points upstairs to a room. "Thanks Big Mac." I say as I fly up the stairs. I got to the door and softly knock. "AJ? You in there?" It took a few seconds before I got a response. "Ah said I wanted to be alone Dash.." She sounded both angry and upset. "I just came here to clear things up. If you need more time that's fine." I didn't feel like pushing anything since she knew most of it already. "'Clear things up'?? What do you possibly have to add to all of this?" "You tell me." She stayed quiet. "Look, I know you're probably upset with me but if there's anything you want to know, now or later, just ask. I don't want any confussion." After a few seconds of silence we started a talk about the whole thing. I answerd her questions and after a few minutes of talking it all out she openned the door. "Rainbow?" She still had small tears in her eyes. "Yea AJ?" "Are ya sure you're alright?" I got quiet so she continued. "Ah mean, ah knew somethin' was up but ah never expected it to be this big. Ah just want to know if you're alright." I gave her a smile. "I'm fine." I looked down and back at her. "Are we still friends?" She gave me a soft smile and hugged me. "Yea, Ah know ya didn't to do mean anythin'. Ah forgive ya." I felt some happy tears form in my eyes and hugged back. "Thanks AJ. You have no idea how good it feels to hear that." We both shared a hug before we parted ways again. I got back to my house to find the others not there anymore. I found the diary back in the drawer with a small note on it. "Lets keep this between the six of us. Ok?" I got a smile on my face and respnded out loud. "Sounds great." We promised to keep it between the six of us and continued life like usual. They were always there for me whenever I had a random emotional breakdown or just the trauma from the whole situation. With my friends by my side everything was fine and it was sure to stay that way.