> Nightmare Croon > by Rune Soldier Dan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > If the night will last forever, then let me sleep in. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia woke – it was night, and not all was well. She knew this before opening her eyes, her instincts honed by ten centuries of crisis and rule. It was too dark, and the smell was off. She was not alone. Her quiet snores held steady, taking in the feel of the air. A little too warm, and the faint odor of petunia perfume. Magic in the air as well, though a voice cut in before she could think on it. “Open your eyes, ‘sister.’ You’re fooling no one.” Luna’s voice, though with a cruel and haughty tone. Celestia complied, and looked up to see a pony in the too-dark starlight. Blue magic glowed suddenly, revealing her sister in a monster’s form. Narrow slits in teal eyes stared from over a fanged, grinning mouth, with alicorn body coated head to hoof in moonless black. Nightmare Moon, yet with a rather off-putting mode of dress. The regal armor had been traded for a purple crown and matching leather corset. For her part, Celestia was a fair bit more disheveled. Natural heat caused her to disdain sleepwear and throw off her covers each night, placing her in a prone and exposed state. Nightmare Moon eyed the revealed stomach, stalking near the bed and running her tongue along one fang. Celestia threw the sheet over herself. “Sweetie, it is...” She looked to the clock and groaned. “Four in the morning. Can’t this wait til sunup?” “We would be waiting forever,” Nightmare Moon sneered. Her horn lit and yanked Celestia’s sheet downwards. “Because this time is different, dear sister. Equestria is mine, and so are you.” Celestia pulled the sheet back up and slumped to her pillow. “I’ll draft our surrender in the morning.” Blue glowed once more and teleported the covers away. “There is no morning, fool! The night shall last forever!” Gold magic answered, creating a full pink bedspread that covered all of Celestia save her snoot. “Then there’s no harm in letting me sleep for another, oh, six hours, is there?” A frustrated growl sounded from above. The blankets shredded into blue light and Celestia yelped as she was raised bodily from the bed. Magic wrapped around each hoof and spread her wide. Nightmare Moon leered wickedly, floating up a host of other objects to orbit Celestia like moons – hoofcuffs and leather crops, feathers and ballgags and rubber things that resembled large pickles. “You think this is a game,” Nightmare Moon said, grinning savagely as a gag jammed into Celestia’s mouth. “Or a mood? But it is neither. Your epoch ends, and mine now begins. An era without rules or convention or sin, for nothing is evil but foolish limitations. This is your fault, you know, asDON’T ROLL YOUR EYES AT ME!” Nightmare Moon coughed, quickly resuming her monologue. “You did this. So many years being the utter pillar of all beauty, and you did not think the mare closest to you would be affected? All your little ponies will see you, my royal sex slave, and know that no love is forbidden. They shall adore me for freeing them… and so shall you.” Nightmare Moon strode forwards, sultrily working her flanks. Close now, her breath was hot and minty upon Celestia’s nose. Celestia gave a low, groaning sigh, looking out with half-lidded annoyance. “You could at least pretend to be scared,” Nightmare Moon snapped. “Or aroused, because let’s face it, I’m–” Celestia interrupted in the only way she could. “Mmph.” Silence. Celestia tried again. “Mmph-mphy-mph.” Nightmare Moon grumbled with waning hope as she unstrapped the gag. “I suppose I can let you beg as you try to contain your lust and–” “Chryssi.” The word froze her. Celestia went on. “Please take that off.” “But it’s sexy!” the black pony whined, shifting to a voice higher and smoother than Luna’s. “Please.” “Fine,” Chrysalis stretched the word into three syllables. Her shape morphed, growing taller and slimmer than the night princess. The magic binding Celestia turned green and fell away. Celestia reclaimed her hooves with grace, now standing before the undisguised changeling. “Is it because I woke you up? It would kind of ruin the scenario if I did this in the afternoon.” “That’s not it,” Celestia sighed, then paused. “Rather, that’s not it entirely. Yes, I am annoyed to have this conversation two hours before I’m supposed to be awake. But more than that… Chryssi, dear, that’s my sister.” “Your sister, but hot,” Chrysalis corrected, posing in the purple corset. “Come on, you’ve never looked to the forbidden fruit and wondered? Felt so wrong, but ever-so right?” Celestia blinked slowly and sat down on the bed. “Emphatically, no. Even if I did have depraved fantasies about Luna, they would involve literally anything besides Nightmare Moon. The day I met that creature is the day I lost my best friend and sister for a thousand years, and I spent those thousand years ruling alone lest it all be for naught. It was the worst day of my life, and I remain haunted by it to this day.” Chrysalis was not a master of empathy. She sat next to Celestia, trying to process the rejection. “So… not sexy?” “I am at zero,” Celestia said, quite clearly. “But Bugaboo, what’s wrong with our little evenings together? I enjoy those a lot.” Chrysalis crossed her hooves and pouted. “They’re… nice? But that’s it, ‘nice,’ in every possible way. Tuesdays and Fridays, squeezed neatly between the state dinner and the sunset. The good princess and the reformed villain she taught to share love. Gentle, sweet lovemaking, tender and affectionate and utterly vanilla. Nice.” “We cuddle afterwards,” Celestia offered with a pleasant smile. Chrysalis stood, too agitated to stay down. “Yes, and you cuddle nicely as you hold up tea for me to drink. You rub my back and ask me how my day was. And you call me ‘dear’ and ‘sweetie’ during. Sunny, it’s sex, it’s not supposed to be nice. I need passion, drama. Change. Role-play, fetishes, and experiments. Following those sexy feelings of wrongness, of uncertainty, because what comes then makes it all worthwhile. Mean and teasing and rough, and, and...” She sighed, deflating. “I wanted to seduce you into it, but obviously that was a miss.” Celestia worriedly rose and pressed herself to Chrysalis’ side. “It was, but don’t worry about that now. How long have you been keeping this in?” “I’ve always been a kinky bitch.” Chrysalis cast a sudden, manic look to Celestia. “You’re not, though. I respect that, but you need to start meeting me halfway. Just try the crazy shit, okay? Little role-play, little spanking and bondage. I’ll blow your mind, guaranteed. Look, you’re already blushing!” Celestia didn’t try to deny it – the words sparked something she didn’t fully understand. Ideas flowed into her head, all of them silly and yet she could not help but hold them close. Her smile grew, and Chrysalis’ grew in turn. “Well,” Celestia said, hiccuping on the first word. “I clearly haven’t been attentive to your needs, and shall work to remedy that.” “When?” They both knew the right answer, and Celestia’s blush grew as she gave it. “N… now, yes. We can give it a go before I raise the sun. Although do you mind if I...” She trailed off into a mumble, looking down and shuffling her hooves. “Um… if I tried being the kinky one? I have an idea, but good heavens, it’s embarrassing to even try and describe.” “Then don’t describe it.” Chrysalis all but skipped to the bed and lounged in a submissive pose. “Act it. Live it. Whatever you want, Sunny. I can take it.” “Alright.” Celestia hesitated, then her horn glowed green with changeling magic Chrysalis taught her. Orange flame flashed around her, briefly hiding her form, yet as it retreated it remained in her hair and tail. Fangs jutted from her mouth, and her eyes turned a bloody red. The voice began as a self-conscious squeak, but the fact Celestia was trying for Chrysalis’ sake glutted the changeling’s heart with love. “L...little bug! How foolish of you to open the barred doors of Celestia’s lust, for it has released me, Daybreaker! The day shall last forever, and all shall be my slaves. Starting with you.” A brief hesitation. Then, “Um, unless you say ‘cookie,’ which will immediately banish me, which you can do any time you feel uncomfortable.” Earnestly terrible as a first attempt, but the flowing love left Chrysalis light-headed and giddy. She flailed in mock terror on the bed, adopting one sexy pose after another and begging for mercy between her giggles. Daybreaker soon trussed her with magic ropes, spreading each limb to a bedpost. She sat on Chrysalis’ back, chuckling in a valiant attempt to sound evil. Daybreaker paused, and spoke gently. “You might not like this.” “Hit me, baby,” Chrysalis purred. She closed her eyes as Daybreaker straddled her, placing each forehoof upon her shoulders. Then, with firm, comforting motions, Daybreaker began to rub. “How was your day, dear?” Chrysalis blinked her eyes open to find a gold-held cup of tea floating before her. Dumb with shock, she accepted a sip as it leaned in. She glanced back to see Celestia, still in the Daybreaker disguise yet smiling down with kindly grace. Chrysalis gave a groaning sigh and looked away, leaving her entirely unprepared as one hoof lifted from its massage to swat her hard upon the rump.