Two Worlds-One Fate

by Miuzaki

First published

A girl falls into a dimensional rip, her and her new friends must close it or both worlds will end.

A human girl wonders into a rip between two dimensions,
there she meets her new found pony friends and together must save equestria and her world from being torn apart
It's a insert your name in the blank too make you feel more there ;D
Sorry if this isnt your kinda story *shrugs*
If you can't comment something nice then don't commet at all.

1: The Arrival

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You stepped through the front doors of Jackson High School and let out a sigh. Today was another tough day at school and you were ready to go home and take a well deserved nap. You walk down the stairs as people rush past you. You took off the lock on your bike and got on. Fastening on your helmet, you ride off.

You whizz past parked cars and turn into your driveway, opening the garage door and rolling your bike in; putting down the bike stand. You walked into your house and plopped down on the couch. Picking the remote off the table, you switched it on; it was the news. You got up and went to the kitchen. As you were making yourself a sandwich you could hear the t.v from the living room.

" tell us about these...dimension rips you mentioned earlier Mr. Shallots."

"As my research shows, a rip may occur sometime between today and....YEA MAN!"

You switched the channel to Adventure Time, you couldn't stand to listen to the news. You managed to get halfway through the sandwich untill you couldn't eat any more. You walked back into the kitchen and threw the rest of the sandwich into a bag for later. You climbed into your room and glanced at the clock, it was 7:30. You put on a night gown and slipped into bed.

You awoke in the middle of the night but it wasn't dark. You could see a light trying to shine on your shut eyes.

"Go away stupid sun..." you mumble, turning your head the opposite direction.

The light kept getting brighter by the second and you once again turn your head toward the window. You peeked your eye open, only to immediately shut it; being that the light outside was so intense. You shielded your eyes from the light once more as you tried to open them. You focused your eyes and looked toward the window.

You groggily got up and looked outside. You gasped at what you saw. It was a huge yellowish hole in thin air. You grew scared of this weird phenomenon but your curiosity got the best of you. You grab a jacket off your chair and put it on, then rushed down the stairs thinking it might disappear. You stop in your tracks, then start to slowly move to the sliding glass door.Sliding it open. you move slower than you ever moved as you came within an arms reach of the light.

"Wooowww..." You said in awe.

"My sister, what is wrong?" A voice asked.

"I feel a disturbance in Equestria.." replied a troubled voice.

You reach out your hand toward the light, the closer your hand; the warmer it felt. You touched the light and nothing happened, you stick your whole arm through then pull it back.

"Maybe I can get a picture of it" you think.

You turn and walk toward while staring at the light, until you hit a something. You turn your head to see what you ran into, it was... a wall. You quickly turn back around to see that you were now boxed in. You began to panic as you bang on the walls and look for a way out but the walls stretched so high up you couldn't see the end.

"What's going on?" You say out loud.

You turn toward the middle of the room where the light was and noticed something, it was getting bigger, and fast. The light began to engulf the room as you push yourself against the wall, but you too were swallowed by the light. You felt like you were falling into nothing as everything went dark.

You start to wake up from your sleep as you open your eyes and you see books, and a lot of them. Looking around, you were in what looked like a library. You heard muffled voices and turned your head to a door. As it began to open, you quickly close your eyes and pretend to be asleep. When the door opens, the voices became clear.

"Now Pinky, don't go waking any pony up, ya hear."

"Who needs rest when you can party!"

You hear someone blowing air then a loud pop! It scared you so much, you nearly jump out of the bed, all eyes on you. At first, all you saw were some ponies and the books.

"But I just heard voices..."

"Oh you talkin 'bout us sugar cube." replied the orange pony.

"Did you"

"Well, of course we talk silly!" the pink pony exclaimed.

"That's it..." You say slowly, curling into a ball, "That light made me insane."

"Wait a minute, do you mean a light floating in the air?"

"I poked it apparently in a bad spot and now I'm here."

"Pinky, go tell Twilight the little missy woke up will ya?"

"Alrighty!" She said saluting the pony, "I'll tell her lickity split!"

The orange pony turned her head to watch the pony leave and turned back to me.

"Don't you worry none, Twi will explain everything. What's your name, surgercube?"

"My name is '________'."

"My name's Applejack and the other mare was Pinky Pie. Anyhow, Welcome to ponyville '_______'."

Seconds later, Pinky Pie and a purple pony came into the building.

"See, SEE, I told you she was up!"

The purple pony walked up to me with a smile, "Twilight Sparkle, nice to meet you.. uh.. what's your name?"

"'_______'." Applejack answered

"Yes well '______' the princess has asked us to go see her tomorrow about a very pressing matter."

"About what?" You ask, although you already know the answer.

"It seems a portal has opened, linking our worlds, giving you a reason to be here."

"Well.. I guess it's not too bad.." you say, "Could have ended up someplace way worse."

"Well, I'm not too familiar with the subject so I'm not sure." Twilight added.

"Hay Twi, don't ya'll think we should get this girl in some real clothes?" Applejack suggested.

They look at me then I look at myself. I was still in my night gown and jacket.

"Alright let's get her to Rarity. Come on '______'."

I get off the bed and stretch then follow them out the door.