> Equestria's New Fox Guardian > by Shadow Legion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A wish come true? (Prologue) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The moon...I always wondered why it looked so beautiful to me, well that and the shining stars around it. Too bad I can’t enjoy it to its fullest with all the pollution and shit happening. I looked around my little room in my fairly average apartment, and saw... well nothing. I didn’t even buy this place in all honesty, I just walked in because the door was open. I’ve been here for about 2 months now so I think it’s just abandoned “hmph just like me” Well you know nothing about me so here I’ll explain my situation. Hi there readers my name is Shisai Kiritogaia, I’m 17 years old, I’m an orphan, but I don’t care much for it even though it’d help if I had parents to call my own. I’m a senior at Cherrystone High School, I’m a mostly A’s but 2 or 3 B’s student with perfect attendance, I’m in sports club but I play Basketball, Baseball and Tennis for exercise I don’t find it very fun, but I do enjoy Kendo and I’m a black belt in karate, but specialize in jujitsu. I also like to sing and I'm good at a couple of instruments. Soo... yeah my life is very uneventful, when I was born my Dad had already passed on or at least I assume he has because he was declared missing in action over seas on a mission he was a marine and was the best father anyone could ask for or at least that's what my mom told me. My mother died of a car accident when I was 5, so I ended up with the guy she married named Charlie a.k.a abusive drunk asshole and was constantly beaten to an inch of my life, hell the guy would beat my ass if there wasn’t enough meat on the sandwich he ordered from a restaurant. Finally after about 2 years of his shit he got arrested and I went to an orphanage named “Sunshine Sally’s Orphanage” that may sound cool and all, but trust me it was hell on earth, beaten up by kids older than me, other kids lying about me touching them so they could get the occasional lollipop and sweet treatment, leaving me with all the dirty work cleaning up everyone’s rooms, sweeping and washing off the table after every meal, doing the dishes, and whatever else Sally felt like having me do. Although in Sally’s defense she was a retard and didn’t see how I always ended up doing something even if I was on the other side of the building. Soon it got so bad that she kicked me out. On the streets cold, crying, exhausted I sat there for hours freezing due to it being November and all. I was out there for about 2 or 3 days before an old lady came and took me in. Her name was Debbie Hartman. She had always been a surrogate mother to me despite her old age. Sadly things never end well for me and like always the darkness comes again. Debbie being a woman of the age of 78 ended up getting lung cancer and as I watched her pass in the hospital she told me one thing, "Amidst the darkness the light shall shine and amidst the light the darkness shall hide" I never understood what that was supposed to mean but she was a wise old lady something I had learned from living with her for the past few years was that I should always take her advice seriously no matter how off base it may seem. Now back to me, my favorite animals are foxes, wolves, and the occasional house cat. I have black hair, I'm around 6'2 in height and like I said earlier I'm 17. My birthday is May 30th and I'm anti- social for obvious reasons, I've never had a girlfriend but then again who needs love when you've got yourself looking out for you. My favorite colors are gold, orange, blue, black and white. I'm definitely no white knight but I'll help when I know some one needs it. Now a secret of mine I do happen to like this little kids show called My Little Pony mainly because it reminds me of the things I wanted but could never have with my line of luck. It's like being a video game character where you push all your points into everything but luck and every ailment you get just decreases it more and more until it's reached negative infinity. My favorite characters are Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Applejack. The show itself has a main theme of how friendship can prevail through all types of hardship, while it's hard to believe for me it'd be nice if that's all I had to do. I like Applejack the most out of my favorites because she's somewhat like me, you know with her parents being gone and how she values honesty over all things. But enough of that as I walked into my busted down so called average apartment that luckily had the water working as well as the gas, I sat on the floor the floor with a book I had recently bought from a library. Anyway I spent about 30 minutes reading before I decided to take a shower. (5 minutes later) I put on some clothes, a black shirt with lightning bolts around the collar, a necklace Debbie gave me as well as some black jeans and black shoes with silver linings. I planned on goin to something called a convention later at around 4 or 5 it was half and hour past 3 currently so I decided to figure out what to wear as a costume, but after deciding it wouldn't be wort it I decided to just go how I was. After walking to the where the convention was being held I saw a stall with a creepy old looking dude with a long silver haired beard. (here) Quickly thinking about my options I decided to go over and buy something figuring he was also just cosplaying like everyone else. "Hi my name's Shisai nice to meet ya" " Hello young man you can call me Sei and likewise!" After greeting him I decided to have a look at the stuff he had around seeing a couple of things of interest. "How much for the guitar, the gold sword, kunai, fox mask and the bow?" "Hmm I'll give you a discount and I'll give 'em to ya for $60. Deal" "Dude are you sure because those look amazing!" "Of course it's not like their the only things I have here." "Deal" I said as I shook his hand and gave him the money out of my wallet. I put on the mask and draped the bow around my shoulder and strapped the sword to my hip and putting the kunai in the little pack they came with on my belt. "Thanks again for the discount you have a nice day Sei!" I said as I began running off to see other attractions around the convention. "Your welcome young man Oh! and before you go have a great trip!!" "Trip?" I though to myself as I kept running without looking in front of myself as I suddenly ran into a black tunnel. > Arrival > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shisai POV "augh, what happened?" I said to myself as I sat up and opened my eyes. "Huh where am I?" I asked myself as I looked around seeing nothing but trees all around me. "What's that" I said as I felt something rub against my back, as I looked behind me I saw a 2 fox tail both black with blue tips "What the hell?" I reached to one of the tails and grabbed it, immediately retracting my hand as I felt pain course through my body. "So these are mine.... heh... WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO ME, WHERE AM I!!?!?!?!?!?" I screamed as I came to the sudden realization that I'm in the middle of nowhere with tails I didn't have before protruding out of my back. I slowly reached up to my head and felt around feeling fox ears instead of my normal human ones. "Alright of course I got these with the package" As I stood up I saw a note and the items I bought from the old guy at the convention, after I picked everything up and put them where they belonged I grabbed the note and began reading it. "Dear Shisai, It's Sei, I know you must be confused about where you are right now so let me enlighten you my young friend eh hem. Welcome to Equestria a place full of magic, friendship and evil alike no I know that must sound stupid and please understand that this is no dream you are here for real. Now for the reason you have been sent here you'll have to find that out for yourself. I just send people out I don't know where they go. Now I'm sure you've already seen the things you bought from me with you, but there's stuff I forgot to give you so I sent them with you they should be somewhere around you, it's a satchel filled with things you'll need while you're here there should be a sack full of this worlds currency which is called bits there should be around a million in there and if your wondering how that's possible let me explain now that your satchel has endless space so it's pretty much like a pocket dimension so enjoy! Now onto more serious matters I'm sure you've noticed your body has changed to have more fox like attributes. You have the ability to go from full fox form to the form you have on right now, which you change back and forth with nothing but a single thought. The Equestria your in has had a few tweaks made to it so now females are the dominant gender due to their gender ratio being screwed up by a curse leaving it at about 8 mares for every 2 stallions, so don't be confused when they begin questioning you about joining something called a herd, but the gist of it is their polygamic so you won't have only 1 girl chasing after you affections I mean if you swing that way of course. Anyway you should be in a forest called Whitetail woods, this place is full of monsters so I'll give you a run down there are wolves made of wood, manticores, hydras and whatever else I don't feel like naming. There are also other foxes around the thing is none of them are sentient but you have the power to change that so try and find some and you'll have your own little group of followers, you can talk to all animals of course but I wanted you to know that for foxes in particular. Now you are a kitsune and are the only one so you are technically a god but you won't have immortality until you've gotten your tenth tail. Your kind has existed on this planet before but you are the only one so come up with some tragic backstory to convince those around you. Now I suggest you hold off all interaction with the ponies for at least a couple of months because they are extremely xenophobic and will attack or call for their princesses the second they see you. I have also planted the knowledge of how to use your weapons in your head as well as knowledge on how to use your fox powers, the transference of this will give you severe pain which you will not experience until your are done reading this note. Anyway this shall be the end I will send you another note in about a year to check up on you, but before you go I want you o have this outfit that I think would look cool on you. See you later!!" Sincerely Sei, the dimensional displacer. As I finished reading the note a sudden pain took over my body as I fell to my knees holding my head "HOLY SHIT HE WASN'T KIDDING FUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKK!!!!!" screaming as I passed out from the pain. 1 Hour Later I slowly opened my eyes expecting to still feel the pain from earlier, feeling nothing I sat back up and noticed my clothes had changed with my old ones sitting on the ground nicely folded(This is what he's wearing: here, imagine the brown parts as a light blue.) "Holy shit these are fucking awesome" I said as I looked as my chest to see the necklace Debbie gave me still sitting there, but giving off an odd silver aura. Looking around I noticed the bag Sei was talking about hanging on a branch on a tree, as I walked up to the tree seeing the bag within jumping distance I made a small hop only to over jump and see just over the top of the tree. "Woah!" I yelled as I began falling down. Feeling nerdy I decided to do a Superman landing, which ending up cracking the ground where my fist met the earth. "Sweet Jesus I expected to be strong, but no to the extent." Thinking about it I decided to just climb up and grab the bag , when I was back on the ground I opened up the bag only to see what looked like a mini galaxy sitting in it, reaching into it I felt something like a coin and as I pulled it out I looked at it seeing one side with a picture of Celestia and her sun cutie mark and the other with Luna and her cutie mark. "So this is a bit, wonder how much it is?" I reached back in and pulled out another coin but this one was made of silver, with the previous one being made of gold I assumed their amount is based off the material their made of, I kept reaching into the bag and felt and even bigger coin the the gold one but made of the same material, I also grabbed a copper one as well. "So I'm going to assume the biggest has the most value, with the smaller gold one coming second, third being the silver coin, and last being the copper one. Alright so I have money but where do I go, Sei said to avoid the ponies for now so maybe-gggggrrrrrrooowwwwlll- I should find something to eat." I said to myself as I began walking south or at least assuming so based on the position of the sun. > Monster encounter and a new friend > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After walking for about 15 minutes I stopped for a second hearing a river in the distance "Thank god for these ears, I can hear almost anything from far away now." As I had been walking I had been testing out new thing to learn about my new body and what else I earned besides my new found strength, turns out my tails are super flexible and can extend a decent length from their normal position. Their super strong too, I managed to pull 3 trees out of the ground all at once. After making it to the river I looked at my reflection and studied my face, I hadn't put my mask on because I hadn't really thought I needed it but decided to pull it out of my bag and have it rest on the side of my face. I looked at my eyes for a second and they suddenly changed colors, my pupil became light blue like my tails and the rest became pitch black "Cool makes me look at least a little bit more intimidating" I said to myself I reached down, cupped my hands scooping up water and began to take a few sips, but then my nose was assaulted with a new smell one I hadn't managed to pick up while I was walking around, while it hadn't smelled bad it did raise a couple of red flags in my had. Taking it as an instinctual response that was added with my new fox like features, I sat up and looked around and saw nothing now in times like these the best option would be to get what you came for and leave as to not run into any trouble, but I'm not like most people so instead I raised my head and began sniffing out where the smell came from. I looked in the direction the smell came from and began to follow it, as I began to get closer another smell overtook my nose. "Blood!" I thought to myself as I began thinking of what to do. I don't think I should keep going there could be something dangerous at the end of this trail, but someone could be hurt and are unable to get help. I- --ROOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRR--- "AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Hearing a scream that sounded female I immediately began running over to help, I walked through some trees only to see a clearing with 2 beings that made my jaw drop, it was a dragon and a manticore, but confusingly this dragon wasn't that big she was more around my size and as I continued to look over her I spotted a big nasty wound on her side. Building my resolve I unsheathed my sword and began making my way out of the tree line quietly so I could take the Manticore by surprise. As I continued to get closer I began looking for the right place to attack it. “Attacking its head would be the way to end it quickly but if I do that he’ll have the time to stab me with his tail if the attack doesn’t one shot him... alright cut the tail off then go for the head as fast as possible” With my plan ready I closed in on the two as the Manticore kept leaping at the dragoness her constant scream after dodging an attack made me pick up the speed. When I finally got behind the Manticore I saw the dragon look at me as I put a finger in front of my face telling her to not blow my cover, with her nodding in return I crouched down getting ready to strike. While being in position I hadn’t noticed my sword become covered in a silver covered aura like my necklace. “3.....2......1!” I thought to myself, as I lunged at the Manticore time began to slow around me as I got closer. “One handed sword style: Viper strike!” I yelled as I sliced the tail off, rushing towards the Manticore’s head I put my sword in a reverse grip and began spinning in a circle “Tornado Blade!” Cleaving through the Manticore’s neck as I decapitated it, oddly no blood had left from its neck until I realized that there was blood coming out it was just moving very slow, I put my sword back in it’s sheath and time suddenly sped back up. ??? POV “I told everyone this would be a bad idea, I fucking told them!!” —ROOOOOAAAAAAARRRRRRR- “Fucking shit!” I yelled as I kept running Me and my friends decided that exploring the woods was good thing to do while we hung out together despite how much the adults of our village tell us not to. Now I don’t know what happened but at some point one of them came running up to me yelling about how there was a Manticore coming this was and how it didn’t look normal. We all looked at each other and began laughing at him saying that it was impossible because no ones seen any in these woods for years he told us we were crazy and began running home telling us that he wouldn’t stick around for the shit storm, now he was the group clown so we never truly knew what he sounded like when he was serious so instead of following us we decided to wait there assuming he just didn’t want it to look like he was being a pussy about being in the woods with us. But that all changed.... when the fire nation attacked( oh ahem wrong thing very sorry my dear readers idk what came over me 😆) It all changed when we suddenly heard stomps coming from the direction he ran into. A horrible smell went through our noses as we looked around and the stomps got closer, when whatever it was finally reached the little clearing we were in we saw something that I hope to never see again, it was a manticore and like our friend said it did in fact look different it had black and red fur and the point on its tail gave off a ominous purple glow, but that wasn't the most shocking part in it's mouth we saw our friend clenched between it's teeth with his eyes and mouth wide open as if he was screaming, but there wasn't any sound except for constant squish his flesh made as the manticore chewed on him. As it continued walking me and the rest of my friends ran into the bushes. We watched it in silence as it continued eating the rest of our friends corpse finishing his meal as he swallowed the rest of his body. "He wasn't lying, oh sweet Celestia we wasn't lying and we just bucking ignored him" one my friends whispered in a panicked tone. "Holy Shit!" another one said. "I don't know Jewels is there anything you can do I mean your a dragon." "I don't know and I'm not going out there to find out damnit!" I I said looking at him. Hearing the sound of erratic breathing I turned towards the only other female in our group see her curled up in a fetal position on the ground. "Sunshine calm down it might hear you!" I whispered towards her, turning back around to keep an eye on the manticore. "We're gonna die, we're gonna die, we're gonna die" she chanted, I heard footsteps and out of nowhere a smack came from behind me. I swiftly turned back around and saw sunshine with tears in her eyes and a red handprint on her face. "What the hell shade!" I exclaimed "She needs to snap out of it we can't get away with her panicking like that." he said back to me. As we continued to stare at each other we saw Sunshine look up with a face of horror, I slowly turned back around to see the manticore standing over me drool dripping from it's maw with a bloody big toothed smile as it looked at us...…. We all got up and began running for our lives hoping to find some sort of place to hide, I looked back only to see the manticore walking slowly behind us as we ran, like it was getting ready for a game of hide and seek. As we ran the only thing our minds thought of was hiding not anything else, getting away was our top priority. "Look there's a really big tree we can climb to stay out of it's reach!" yelled Shade, while the plan sounded solid he forgot one thing, Sunshine didn't know how to climb trees and with her being an earth pony she had the most weight out of the rest of us, yes you heard it us dragon girls weigh less that an earth pony mare surprising right? "Shade you know Sunny doesn't know how to climb tree how are we going to get her up there!" I told him. "That's the thing we don't, one of us has to stay down here and hide with her and it sure as hell ain't gonna be me so you go and find another spot to hide with her." said Shade "What the FUCK! She your marefriend you jackass!" I yelled at him not being able to believe what I just heard. " I can always find another girl, there's plenty of mares back home" he said nonchalantly. "Shade how could you say that I thought you loved me, I gave you my virginity!" Sunshine yelled with tears in her eyes. "You know very well what you were gonna get into dating me Sunshine!" Shade yelled back. As we reached the tree Shade climbed up and looked back down at us. "I hope to see you two back home, but I'll make sure to tell your families the bad news if you don't" Shade said with a blank look on his face, as disappeared climbing farther up into the trees. "If only I could fly her up there, but my wings aren't big enough yet. DAMN! "Come on Sunshine lets find another place to hide, fuck him we'll be fine on our own." I said to her. After looking down her I realized that she had curled back up and was looking straight at the manticore. She said words I'd hope to never come out of her mouth. "Just go... Leave me Jewels, I don't want you to see what's about to happen." She said in a low voice. "HELL NO! I AM NOT LEAVING YOU, YOU HEAR ME!" I yelled at her with tears in my eyes. "Just go okay tell my parents what happened and tell them I love them." She said to me. She slowly turned her head and looked at me with a look she's only used when she feels determined about something. "Sunshine please I can't leave you, your my first friend please no, get up we can leave and go home you can see your brothers and sisters please get up if not for me, do it for them." I pleaded to her. As she looked at me her gaze softened. "Never forget me okay, now go." said Sunshine with that said I knew she wasn't going to change her mind giving her a nod I began running in hopes of finding a place to hide and wait so I could go home. Sunshine POV As I stood up. I ran back towards the Manticore who raised an eyebrow in response to her confusing actions. As I stopped and looked it in the eye it stopped and looked back at me. "I know you want to eat us, so I ask you for one request if you can understand me" I asked it. Surprisingly it gave an answer saying "Usually I'd eat you, but your approach confuses me pony, very well I will listen." Shaking away my shock from the talking manticore I told it. "I want you to eat the bastard in that tree while I watch, I want to see his face as he experiences the pain he made me feel." "… Very well little pony" It responded as it began walking towards the tree, it reached up it's paw and shook the tree and within seconds a thud was heard and as I looked at the ground I saw Shade with a look of horror on his face. "What the hell! Why aren't you eating her you damn cat!" he yelled scared of what would inevitably happen to him. "She has asked me for one request one in which I plan to do as a sign of honor to her death which will be soon after yours." After it said those words it began walking towards Shade with a sadistic smile. "NONONONONONONO STAY BACK DAMNIT!!" Shade yelled as the Manticore got closer. "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH----SQUELCH" The manticore tore his body apart, Shade's constant screams gave me peace as I readied for what would be after this moment, the beast tore his head off and stabbed it on one of his teeth, slowly turning around he looked at me showing Shade's face with the life drained from his eyes and blood dripping from his mouth. I nodded at the manticore as it swallowed his head and began eating the rest of his body. When it was done he looked back at me and said "Your request has been carried out and as another favor I will give you a death you are worthy of, lay down on your side so you may pass in piece." it said to me. I listened and laid down on my side hearing the Manticore get closer I closed my eyes. A snap sounded throughout the trees as the Manticore cracked Sunshine's neck giving her the painless death he promised. "Now for the dragon she smelled delicious" the Manticore said as it began following her scent Jewels POV ---A few minutes later--- "I left her I can't believe I left her" I said to myself. "Hello little dragon~~~" said a voice that came from behind me. I turned around quickly and saw the Manticore standing over me once again. "AAAAAAAHHHHH" I screamed as I began running the beast swung it's claws and me a slashed my side. I fell down in pain looking back up seeing it's tail poised and ready to strike, it's tail struck he ground as I managed to roll out of the way, climbing to my feet I began running seeing a clearing in the distance I began running towards it hoping to find someone who could help me get away from this monster. "----ROOOAAAARRRR----" a loud roar came from the Manticore as I kept dodging it's tail while running away. "Fucking Shit!" I yelled as I got closer and closer to the clearing. Just before I got to the clearing I tripped on a fallen tree branch, falling to the ground I grunted as the Manticore got closer. It back handed me with its claw and sent me flying into the clearing I tried so hard to get to. "AHHHHHHHH" I yelled wondering if this was the end. Looking around in fear I soon saw some type of thing behind the Manticore it putting a finger to it's mouth as it raised it's sword ready to attack. Within seconds the Manticore was on the ground with it's tail and head cleaved off ~~shhhiinnnnggggg~~, hearing the sound I looked behind me seeing the guy from earlier sheathing his sword looking at me. "Hi I'm Shisai, are you ok?" before I could respond I passed out from the pain the last thing I was able to see was Shisai on his knees getting ready to pick me up before it all went black. > Pain and Misunderstanding from the non-truthful > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shisai POV "ahhhhh~~~" I cooed, as I sat on a beautiful beach I created in my dream. I've been a lucid dreamer for years and I'd usually picture myself in a family of 5 with my mother, father, 2 sisters and me. Occasionally going to the park, going camping with my dream dad as a bonding trip and letting my fake sister style my hair anyway they wanted to. As calming as it was, I decided to stop dreaming about that because every time I woke up I always felt sad about the fact that I didn't have any of those things in my life.  Getting up from the lounge chair I made I began walking along the beach in thought. "Should I train with my weapons more? I mean, I know everything about them, but more practice couldn't hurt." I began changing the scenery going from a beautiful beach to a coliseum full of warriors duking it out for the right to call themselves the winner of the tournament they participated in. As I looked around I saw some of the fighters. There were 3 unicorns using their magic to hold their swords and shields, all teaming up against one minotaur, who in fact looked like everything they did tickled. As the minotaur raised it's broadsword, the ponies began to brace for the hit only to be smashed into the ground under the pressure of the minotaur's attack. Already knowing their fate, I turned away to look at the others that were participating. I soon rested my eyes on a dragon wearing no armor and slashing through people with it's razor sharp claws and melting others with its fire breath. I continued to look around only seeing more minotaur and a couple of lizard people. Finally bored watching I made my weapons and gear appear on my person as I jumped from the stands to the battle area. Once I had landed I unsheathe my sword, holding it in one hand, and grabbed some kunai out of my hip pouch, holding them in between my fingers. I crouched low getting ready to fight as I made all of the remaining fighters focus on me. ~~~~~Battle Start~~~~~ I decided to go from smallest to biggest and ran towards a few ponies. Among the group were 2 unicorns, a Pegasus and 3 earth ponies. The Pegasus attacked first, it being the fastest out of the group, performing an axe kick towards my head. I rolled out of the way as it's hoof crashed into where my body was a second before. I threw the kunai in my hand at one of its wings hoping to immobilize it. Unfortunately it managed to dodge 2 of them, but the third landed in the pony's side. Backing off, I saw the earth ponies move up as the Pegasus went back towards the unicorns as their horns lit up. Their auras wrapped around the Pegasus as it hovered in the air above them. Realizing what they were doing I began thinking up strategies to take the unicorns out. The earth ponies had finally reached me, one leaping at me with it's short sword, trying to hit me with a vertical slash. I blocked it, and using one of my tails, I wrapped it around another earth pony's body and slammed it into the other one sending the two flying. The unicorns began to charge their magic as the Pegasus charged at me again, but this time I had a plan. Throwing a kunai in it's direction, I slowly lifted one of my tails as it dodged the kunai I smacked it onto the ground. Not wanting it to get away from me again I threw 2 more kunai at its wings. Being unable to move, it had no possible way to dodge as the kunai ripped through its wings, partially severing them to the point you could see the bones that connected them along with the veins as blood spurted from the wound. As I walked up him to finish him off the world around me began to darken, knowing this feeling all too well I sat down and closed my eyes as I waited to wake up. Jewels POV "mph owww" I groaned as I sat up feeling an intense pain in my side I put my claw on it only to feel leaves on my side. "huh, what happened?" I asked myself While I was looking around noticed that all my cuts and bruises were covered over with leaves like my sap and was that, …tree sap holding it together? "Oh Good Morning nice to see up and better!" startled I turned around to see a fox with multiple tree logs behind itself being held up by it's tails. "Ummm who are you and better yet what are you?" I asked confused. "I'm a kitsune, my name Shisai Kiritogaia but you can just call me Shisai it's very nice to meet you." he said to me "Well hi there Shisai and thank you for patching me up but I have to get home no- Ahhhh!" I tried to say standing up, but before I could get up all the way a searing pain made from my side dropping me back to my knees. As I clenched my eyes closed I felt something soft wrap around me and softly lay me back on my back. "You really shouldn't move that gash on your side is nowhere fully healed yet and you trying to move will only make it worse." said Shisai, while I know what he said was the truth I knew I had to get home and tell everyone's parents about what happened. "Look I have to get home my friends were killed by the manticore you slayed earlier and I need to tell their families what happened is there some way you could help me get there?" I asked in a hopeful voice. "Well yes I could help you but are you sure you need to go now at least wait a little longer to somewhat heal that wound of yours." he said in a concerned tone. "There's a hospital in town you can take me there and I'll be fine." I told him "sigh... alright I'll help you get home" He said. "Thank you now help me up." I asked him. "Who said you'd be walking, you'll be riding on my back ." he said Taking this as a chance to inspect him I realized that he was as tall as me if not more just sitting down. I continued to stare at his body, taking a glance at his back I could see the definition on every part of his body, the fast but graceful movements his of leg muscles showing how strong he was. "Are you done checking me out now?" he said with a smirk on his face and his eyes half lidded. "W-what n-no I wasn't checking you out I w-was just thinking about what to do when I got home." I said as I turned my head away blushing as I continued to think about how strong he looked. "Hmm alright I believe you... maybe~~" He sang as if enjoying how flustered I looked. "Just take me home" I said awkwardly "Alright alright I have everything set now hop on" he told me. As I looked back toward him I saw a satchel around his neck as he stood in front of me. Climbing on he asked me which directions to go in, telling him to go north he began trotting at a brisk pace. As I sat on his back I watched his ears swivel around listening for any potential threats around us. After travelling for a few minutes I found the silence going on around us to be unnerving and began making small talk. "Hey so where are you from Shisai?" Shisai POV "Well someone was gonna ask me at some point hmm ah I got it!" "I was born in the Everfree forest it was where I had lived for 5 years before I left after seeing my parents die in front me protecting me from a hydra, from then on began travelling the world looking for a place to call home. I was adopted by and old earth pony mare who took care of me after a few years she got sick and passed away so I left with this necklace being the last piece of her I have left." I said as I raised the necklace from my chest with a tail. "What about you, you never told me your name or anything." I asked her. "Well me and my mom moved into town because we wanted to live peaceful lives away from other dragons because of how violent they can be. We had been there for a year before mom told me she was dating a unicorn named Emerald Shower. They had supposedly met when she was out in the market getting stuff for dinner and everything clicked from there. Eventually he married my mom and he started calling me his daughter and I liked him so I started calling him dad. despite how easily my mom found someone every time I tried I got turned down spending all of my heat seasons alone, crying from how much it hurt to be treated that way because I was a dragon. Most ponies were hesitant to talk to me thinking I would do something to them, eventually I made some friends Shade Tree, Sunshine Sparkle, Evening Star and Laughy Taffy. We had all met at a park when we were smaller and stuck together ever since until yesterday at least." "Do you think any of them survived?" I asked her in a hopeful tone. "Maybe Evening he just disappeared when we were all getting chased." She said in response trying her best to sound hopeful, but she strongly doubted it. "Well Jewels I'm glad to tell you that your town is a couple minutes ahead of us." I said looking back at her with a smile. Being able to tell because of the scents I picked up ahead. "Oh thank Celestia! Now when we get there the hospital is on the left and straight ahead." she told me excitedly. "Someone seems happy to be home hehe!" I laughed as I felt her bounce or my back. Speeding up the pace I began running towards her town set on getting her treated as fast as possible. "WoooHooooo!" she yelled as we glided between trees. As I saw the tree line pass us I slowed down and started trotting again, when I walked past a sign that said "Welcome back to Trottsville, Population 530 + 2 1" "Wonder why it's crossed out?" I thought to myself. As we began walking along the path to the hospital the ponies around began glaring at us, wanting to get there faster I sped up my pace only to see more and more ponies heading towards the middle of town with scowls on their face. After walking for a few more n=minutes I noticed they were glaring at Jewels not both of us. I looked behind me to see how she was reacting and she looked just as confused about what was happening as I was. When we mad it to the hospital Jewels climbed off my back and began leaning on me as we walked through the doors. Walking towards the front desk the receptionist looked at us sending me a smile and a hate fueled stare at Jewels. "I would like to get her some medical attention she was attacked out in the forest earlier and I brought her back here to get treatment for the wound on her side." I told the mare with a slight frown on my face. "Alright sir can you please sign your name and sit in the waiting room while we get her patched up, it should only take a few minutes." she responded. "Okay" I said appreciatively as I sat down where she told me to. I watched her take Jewels down the hall and into a room. Jewel's POV As the nurse brought me into a room she sent me a scowl and said "A doctor will be with you in a minute but trust me I think we'd all be better off if you just died" as she walked out and closed the door sending me another hateful glare. After a few minutes a doctor walked in to the room with a smile on his face staring at a clip board, when he lifted his face I saw his smile become a scowl as he said "Now I was told you has a wound on your side?" "Yes sir" I told him turning to my side to show him as I told him what happened, which in turn only made him look at her angrily. "sigh-Alright I can patch this up fast with my magic please hold still." he said as his horn began glowing. I felt his magic touch the wound and watched as it slowly closed and disappear like it never existed. "Okay your free to go, you should only feel sore for about an hour" he said in annoyance. "Thank you doctor" I said to him, but as I walked out I heard him whisper to himself "You better be thankful bitch those kids didn't get to." Feeling my eyes tear up I walked back to the entrance seeing Shisai walking up to me with a concerned frown "Are you okay Jewels? I don't know why their acting like this towards you but just know everything's okay." he said to me reassuringly. "Thank you Shisai" I told him thankfully As we left the hospital we stopped abruptly see what seemed like the whole town standing in front of us. "SO BITCH WHAT GAVE YOU THAT WOUND HUH!" a villager said everyone yelling 'yeahs' and 'whats' in the background. "Me and my friends wer--" "FRIENDS, FRIENDS NO NO YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO SAY THAT WE WERE FRIENDS!" said a voice yelling in anger I gasped as Evening Star pushed his way through everyone to stand in front me his teeth gritted in anger. "YOU LET THEM DIE DAMNIT WATCHED THE WHOLE THING!" he yelled. "WHAT NO I DIDN'T I WOULD NEVER DO THAT!" I yelled back at him "Oh yea then answer me this when Sunshine sat on the ground why did you run without looking back you didn't say one thing to her you just bucking ran!" he said pointing a hoof at me accusingly. "Evening she didn't want to get up, Shade had literally said he would leave her behind to save his own hide!" I yelled back at him hoping he would believe me. "Oh sure, so your saying Shade was the problem, then why when Laughy Taffy told us the manticore was coming you told us not to believe him because he was obviously joking!" he yelled sarcastically. "I didn't say that we all didn't believe him you jackass! Don't try to cut yourself out of the blame because everyone else is dead!" I said to him. "YOU LEFT HER YOU LEFT SUNSHINE TO DIE YOU DAMN BITCH, IT'S TRUE WHAT THEYSAY ABOUT DRAGONS YOUR ALL HEARTLESS BEASTS!" he yelled at me. Being unable to take it anymore I began crying and crumbled to the ground holding my head in my hands. "STOP"looking up I saw Shisai standing above me his teeth gritting in anger. "Look I may not know what happened but Evening Star I have a question to ask you if you don't mind." Shisai said to Evening, "Sure what?" he said angrily. "Why didn't you help when you saw Sunshine and Jewels together, why didn't you whisper over to them, get their attention and have them hide with you?" Shisai asked with a smug smile on his face catching onto Evening's words. "Humph I wasn't anywhere close enough to them to whisper their names and yelling would only draw attention to me so what of it?" he asked back with a smug smile of his own being thrown at Shisai. "What the problem is that you seem to think that that's enough of an excuse to let your friends die so once again I ask why didn't you help?" Shisai asked again this time with a serious look on his face that looked as if it could destroy you if you answered wrong. "Enough" "Grandmother? what are you doing here" asked Evening with feigned innocence. "As mayor of this town it my job to deal with problems like these, Jewels your a dragon even for a female you are considerably strong so why didn't you carry poor Sunshine to safety?" the mayor asked. "She told me to leave her and the thought didn't come up in my mind to carry her away because of how scared I was." I said in response feeling ashamed for not thinking of that in the first place. "When Evening came back we held a vote and although I wish for a different outcome it cannot be help, Jewels the dragon you are hereby banned from setting claw into this town's borders anything of your is now in our possession you have 5 minutes to leave or the towns ponies will execute you" the mayor said with squinting eyes. "What wait what about my mother!" I asked hurriedly. "She was sadly executed by vote of the towns ponies seeing at as too dangerous for an adult dragon to remain among us, but do not worry your father now resides in the dungeons as a prisoner for sexual acts with such a creature." the old mare said. After hearing about what had happened to my mother I fell back to the ground sobbing. "Your running out of time dear you know have one minute to leave town before I let the villager go" she warned. Suddenly I felt Shisai's paw grab my shoulder, looking up I realized we were no longer in town but back at the river we had left from. Looking back to find Shisai I didn't see him as an explosion went off in the distance from the direction the town was in and a second later Shisai appeared and knelt down giving me a hug as I continued to cry into his shoulder he began whispering in my ear that it was ok and that everything was ok. > A fox in pony clothing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shisai POV It's been a week since Jewels lost her mother and she hasn't talked much, only opening her mouth to tell me 'thank you' and 'goodnight' when she goes to sleep. I'm starting to get worried for her, but she won't talk to me about it even though she knows I know what losing her parents feels like. While we were travelling, me and Jewels stumbled into another small town outside the forest, but we decided to go around and ended up in another forest called the "Everfree" I think? We ran into a lot of things here: a blue plant that made jewels, a pony, a Pegasus to be exact and we still haven't found a way to change her back. I also found out that when I use my  fox form and I sing my tails play the music for me... who would've thought. Anyway we just found a place called "Ponyville" . Can anyone explain the horse puns I mean I get it represents their species but come on, some originality would be appreciated. "Now Jewels I know you hate the ponies right now, but we have to get into town and get more supplies for our journey ok?" I said to Jewels who was know a royal purple coated Pegasus, with a white mane and her hair tied into a pony(XD) tail and a cutie mark of a microphone with a golden fire around it. "Sai you know very well that I don't hate all ponies just those back home, but I still don't trust any of them." She said indifferently. "Alright now I have to put on a disguise" "Why you didn't in my town?" "That was before I basically attacked an entire town." "But you only blew up the prison!" "So doesn't mean the word didn't pass around." I argued with her. Taking a couple steps back from her I was covered in a blanket of sky blue fire as I began to change my appearance. My disguise was a unicorn with a black coat, long silver hair with a couple of light blue streaks in it, golden eyes and a cutie mark of a guitar with music notes forming an infinity symbol around it. As the fire dissipated I opened my eyes to see Jewels staring at me with a bit of a blush on her face. Deciding to tease her a bit I asked "So how do I look?" doing a couple of poses. Before we left we decided to get used to our new appendages so we didn't look completely clueless, Jewels learned how to fly again but with feathered wings, I learned magic like telekinesis, a laser beam for defense purposes and I found out I can make myself fly by wrapping my magic around myself. Now one surprising thing I found out about myself is that I have a near endless amount of magic but if I try to cast more than four spells I get tired and my horn begins to feel like it's burning. We also came up with each other's names . Mine is Dark Song and Jewel's is Royal Song and we're posing as siblings who travel the world spreading our love of music. "Now, do we walk in like regular ponies or do something cool as an entrance?" I asked her. "Umm something normal please." she said back pleadingly. "Okay so we come in singing a song so it goes with our story" I told her. "What nononono! You know I hate singing!" she said. "No you don't hate it, you're shy my dear and what better way to get the fear away by just doing the action?" I asked her. "I'm not singing Sai" She said with a deadpan look. "Fine party pooper, I'll sing and you just walk with me alright?" "Fine" she said as she lowered her head following after me as we began walking towards town. Checking our disguises one more time we began walking into town. Song Start(Why Worry- Set It Off) ~A sinking feeling sets It feels like just like a hole inside your chest I know your thinking No, no, no, no it is easier said than done But please let me attest I know it's hard Your feeling like you're trapped But that's how you react When you cannot see the light But try and see the light I'm telling you No, no, no, no You're the only one Standing in your way Just take a breath Relax, and tell me  Why? Please tell me why do we worry? Why? Why do we worry at all? Why? Just tell me why do we worry? When worry is never helping tell me why worry at all? Why do we insist On crossing bridges that do not exist? Let's take these issues Step by step by step, to work it out Day by day by day we're falling down But life goes on I've got some questions Are you sick of feeling sorry Uh huh And people saying not to worry Uh huh Sick of hearing this hakuna matata motto From people who won the lotto We're not that lucky Have you noticed that you're breathing?(Uh huh) Look around and count your blessings(Uh huh) So when you're sick of all this stressing and guessing I'm suggesting you turn this up and let them hear you sing it Why? Please tell me why do we worry? Why? Why do we worry at all? Why? Just tell me why do we worry? When worry is never helping tell me why worry at all? Chin up, quit actin' like your half dead Tears can only half fill how you're feelin' Don't worry, be happy baby Stand up, life is too short That clock it ticking Man up, if ya feel me Everybody sing it (Looking around I quickly noticed that everyone else began singing with me as the song began to end.) Why? Please tell me why do we worry? Why? Why do we worry at all? Why? Just tell me, why do we worry? When worry is never helping I'm not buying what they're selling So if worry is never helping Tell me why, why worry at all? When I stopped singing I looked around to see everyone else smiling and laughing: some of them began to approach me. The first one to reach me was a shy blue furd pony with a rainbow main rainbow mane and a huge smile on her face as she flew over. "Dude that was awesome you gotta sing another one, plllleeeeeeeaaaassssee!!" She said as she flew around in circles around me. "Now settle down missy, ‘e don't have to sing another one if ‘e don't want to." said another mare with orange fur and a blonde mane. "I can sing another one later if you want but how about we introduce ourselves first" I said with a smile. "Fine, my name's Rainbow Dash, fastest pony in equestria, only pony to pull off a sonic rainboom and the element of loyalty." The rainbow maned one said with a cocky grin. "Mah name's Applejack element of honesty, I'm a farmer at Sweet Apple Acres. I make a mean apple pie if you ever want one."She said with a heartwarming smile. "Woah AJ, I know we're getting to know each other and all but I didn't expect you to flirt with him already!" said Rainbow Dash covering her mouth with a hoof. "Gosh darnit Dash I wasn't flirtin' I was being nice!" She yelled at her. "Yeah right, if that's just being nice then why didn't I get that offer when we started being friends huh?" Rainbow asked with a squinted eye. After she said that Applejack looked back at her with a rope she pulled out of her mane. "Okay, okay don't get your tail in a twist I was just joking!" She retorted, hurriedly waving her forelegs in a surrendering manner. After their little argument they looked back at me and waited for me to introduce myself. "Well it's nice to meet you two my name is Dark Song and my sister here is Royal Song" I said pointing at Jewels. "Hi" She said to them with a blank look on her face. "What's wrong with her?" Rainbow asked "Although we're a singing family she's shy to sing in front of any ol’ pony who isn't family." I explained. "I'm not shy I just don't want to." "Alright then, sing something now to prove it." I said with a smirk. She looked at me and then them and frowned as she began walking away, mumbling under her breath. "I don't have to deal with this" As she walked away a blur of pink slammed into her, as she skidded to a stop I saw a pink mare on top of her with a cotton candy mane harboring a unsettling big smile on her face. "Royal!" I said as I galloped over. Stopping in front of her, the pink pony suddenly began to speak. "HiI'mPinkiePie,what'syourname,ohbetteryetdoyoulikeparties,what'syourfavoritetypeofcake,when'syourbirthday,whatsyourfavoritecol-" "Sugar cube you need to get off the girl!" yelled Applejack as she lassoed Pinkie over to her. Once she did that I leaned down to pick up Jewels, but she slapped my hoof and walked away to what looked like a park in the distance. "Ooooh she looks mad; should you go to her or?" asked Rainbow "Yeah, I'll talk to you girls later." I said with a sad smile. "Wait, we'll just talk again at your party!" yelled Applejack. "What party?!" I yelled back as I continued to walk away "Pinkie throws everypony around here a party to welcome 'em. We'll just talk then!" she said, as she and Rainbow began walking/flying away. Looking around I eyed Pinkie before she disappeared in a puff of pink smoke. "What the hell?" I whispered to myself as I continued walking towards the park.