A New Era

by Bluecatcinema

First published

Tales from Equestria under Twilight's rule.

Twilight is now the new ruling Princess of Equestria. With her ascension begins a new chapter, not just for the ponies, but for all creatures. There are new struggles, new achievements, and most importantly, new friendships, all waiting on the horizon.

Twilight's Dawn

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Twilight Sparkle, newly-crowned ruling Princess of Equestria, awoke in her royal quarters, ready to start her first day on the job. For a brief moment, her still-drowsy mind wondered why it was still so dark.

'...Oh, right.' She realised, picking up an amulet situated on the bedside cabinet with her magic. 'This is going to take some getting used to...'

Twilight invoked the amulet's magic, causing the moon to fall and the sun to rise. She looked out of the bedroom window, observing the rising sun lighting up Canterlot.

"Ruler of Equestria, day one." She thought aloud. "So far, so good..."

After making her bed, brushing her mane and washing up, Twilight left her quarters, and entered the room next door. Inside was Spike, her royal advisor, sleeping in his own bed.

"Rise and shine, Spike!" Twilight hollered. "We've got a big day ahead of us!"

"I'm up, I'm up." The groggy Spike sat up and stretched. "Ahhh. Such a great night's sleep. These royal beds are really something, huh?"

"If you say so." Twilight rolled her eyes. "Now come on. Time for breakfast."

"Right behind ya, Twi." Spike, suddenly full of energy, grabbed his royal advisor pendant and leapt off the bed.

"Some things never change." Twilight chuckled. "The mention of food always got you raring to go."

"Less talk, more moving!" Spike flew past her.

Shortly after, down in the royal dining room, Twilight and Spike enjoyed a breakfast of pancakes and syrup (with gems on Spike's stack).

"Are you certain you don't want anything else, your highness?" The chief royal chef asked from his position beside Twilight's chair.

"I'm fine, thank you." Twilight said courteously, adding a touch more syrup to her stack. "I still have plenty of pancakes to get through."

"As you wish, Princess." The chief royal chef said flatly.

"I wouldn't mind a few extra gems." Spike chipped in. "And some whipped cream, too."

"Coming right up, royal advisor." The chief royal chef nodded.

As the chef left the room, Twilight raised an eyebrow in Spike's direction.

"What?" Spike shrugged. "It's literally his job. Besides, it was getting a little awkward for him to just be standing there, waiting for orders. All this servant stuff is going to take some getting used to..."

"We both knew this would be a big adjustment." Twilight pointed out, at the same time noting how Spike was unknowingly echoing her earlier thoughts. "All we can do is take it one change at a time."

"Sounds like a plan." Spike jabbed his fork into his stack.

"And try not to eat too many pancakes." Twilight added. "We've got a very busy day ahead of us. I memorised our whole itinerary before bed last night."

"Of course you did." Spike snarked. "Relax, Twi. Once I get my extra gems and whipped cream, I'll finish my stack, and we can get going."

As Spike finished his sentence, the chief chef returned.

"Your extra gems and whipped cream, sir." He announced, placing a bowl of gems and a spray can on the table.

"Much obliged." Spike grinned. He picked some gems out of the bowl and sprinkled them over his stack, then sprayed some whipped cream on top. "I'm starting to think I could get used to this after all..." He smirked, just before taking a bite out of his improved breakfast.

Rolling her eyes, Twilight had another forkful of pancake.

After breakfast, Twilight and Spike began to tackle their royal duties for the day. The list was a long one, consisting of meetings with the town planners, cutting the ribbon at a new restaurant, and entertaining delegates from Whinnyapolis, Trottingham and Manehattan. Things were so busy, Twilight and Spike were only able to attain a brief respite, just after 11 o'clock.

"Hoo, boy." Spike collapsed into his seat beside Twilight's throne. "That was exhausting. And the day's not even half over."

"I like to keep busy, but this is a little more work than I'm used to." Twilight admitted. "Still, it's all for a good cause. Every meeting, every diplomatic discussion, even every ribbon-cutting ceremony, helps make Equestria a better place."

"There it is." A familar-sounding disembodied voice echoed around the throne room. "There's the classic mix of mushiness and insight we've all come to love... Nice to know becoming top pony hasn't changed you, Twilight."

"Discord..." Twilight rolled her eyes. "You do know it's rude not to look somepony in the face when you're talking to them, right?"

Discord appeared before them, dressed in the outfit of a royal courtier.

"Spoilsport." He pouted. "Guess things really haven't changed that much."

"You're telling me." Spike snarked.

"Not that I don't like seeing you, but we're kind of in-between important royal business at the moment." Twilight told Discord.

"Oh, I know." Discord smiled. "I snuck a peek at your royal itinerary earlier, so I'd know the absolute best time to drop by and check up on you. Wasn't that considerate of me?"

"By your standards? ...Yeah, it actually was." Spike admitted. "Expect for the whole 'spying on your friends' thing..."

"Somecreatures are never satisfied." Discord shook his head. "So, I take it your first day on the job is going well?"

"So far, yes." Twilight admitted. "We're still settled into things, like the castle..."

"Speaking of which, I see Luna and Cay-Cay spared no expense fixing up the place." Discord glanced around the room, taking particular note of the new stained glass windows. "One last flexing of their royal muscles, huh?"

"Well, it's not like we could take up residence in a wrecked castle." Twilight pointed out.

"And I couldn't help but notice the terrible trio have been placed right where I used to be." Discord pulled out a remote, pointed it in the direction of one of the new windows (which had been made to commemorate Twilight's coronation), and pushed a button. The window briefly changed to an image of static, then to a view of the royal gardens. Sure enough, the petrified forms of Queen Chrysalis, Lord Tirek and Cozy Glow stood out amongst the other statues, in the same spot Discord's petrified form had once resided. "Not sure if I should be amused by the irony, or insulted by the comparison..."

"Let's all just hope those three don't break out in a thousand years." Spike said darkly. "Future Equestria sure doesn't need that..."

"If they do, I'm sure there will be those willing to stand up to them." Twilight declared. "Just like they did this time around."

"About that: I'd just like to apologize for that whole unfortunate mess with those three troublemakers." Discord said awkwardly. "I never expected things to turn out so badly..."

"I know you meant well." Twilight admitted. "And Spike and the others told me how you risked your life to help them escape from those three. That was very brave of you."

"It was, wasn't it?" Discord smirked proudly. "And thanks to that act of supreme bravery, you and your friends managed to rally for a counter attack. Very impressive, no?"

"Enough to make up for the fact that you caused the problem in the first place, with that big plan of yours to boost Twilight's confidence." Spike snarked.

"And what a plan it was." Discord sighed proudly. "It was going to be my magnum opus. My crowning achievement... No pun intended. To bring about the greatest victory in Equestria's history, and prove Twilight was undeniably ready to rule. But even the best laid plans... well, you know." He shrugged. Ah, well. At least it all worked out in the end, right?"

"Just barely." Twilight acknowledged. "A lot like all of the other times Equestria was saved, to be honest..."

"Bad guys defeated? Check." Spike started counting on his fingers. "Good guys stronger than ever? Check. Everycreature learned a valuable lesson abut the power of friendship? Check. Twilight ready to take the throne and become Equestria's new ruler? That's a big check."

"...So, when you think about it, my plan actually did work." Discord smirked. "You stepped up to become the ruler we all knew you could be. And it was all thanks to me!"

Twilight and Spike threw Discord identical unamused glares.

"Yes, well..." Discord cleared his throat. "I'll admit there were a few variables I didn't think to account for..." He changed his outfit to that of a general. "But as they say, no plan survives contact with the enemy. At least one of those variables was a big back-up army, helping save the day after my little... slip-up." He returned to his usual look. "Which brings me back to my 'it all worked out in the end' point."

"I wouldn't say it all worked out just yet." Twilight pointed out. "There are still a few things left to clean up from that whole mess. But we all made it through okay, and that's what matters."

"Maybe next time you come up with a grand scheme, you could run it by some friends first." Spike suggested

"Very seriously noted, Mr. 'royal advisor'." Discord bowed theatrically. "I can see why Twilight gave you the job. Guess that proves nepotism isn't always a bad thing..."

"As good as it is to talk with you, Spike and I have to get back to our royal duties soon." Twilight declared. "We still have to meet with the trade committee before having a luncheon with the Trottingham delegates. And after that, we have an appearance at the groundbreaking ceremony over at the site of the new embassy, then we need to have talks with the mayor of Manehattan, and then we have to look over the proposal for a new railroad to be built between here and Yakyakistan..."

"Sounds like you've got a lot on your plate." Discord joked, holding aloft a plate filled with scrolls, letters, and other documents. "And you know me, I hate to distract anypony from their important work..."

"Since when?" Spike snarked.

Discord answered by dropping the contents of the plate over Spike, burying him.

"Anyway it's almost time for me to depart, too. I have to head over to Fluttershy's for our usual tea party." Discord announced. "I'll tell her you said 'hi', and that you're really hitting the 'ruler of Equestria' thing out of the park." He changed himself into a baseball player, and swung his bat at the air.

"Thanks, Discord." Twilight smiled. "I appreciate that."

"What am I, chopped hay?" Spike pushed aside all the paperwork. "Tell Fluttershy I said 'hi' too."

"Of course, of course." Discord nodded. "Just so long as you remember to let me know the next time you're available for an O & O session. Between your new royal advisorly duties and Big Mac's new marital status, I get the feeling our guys' nights aren't going to be as frequent as they used to, even if I can just snap you two into the game world the second I hear you're both available..."

"I'll keep you posted." Spike assured him. "Trust me, I'll miss guys' night just as much as you. I was there at the beginning, remember?"

"Way to pull rank, Garbunkle." Discord joked.

"You know, there's nothing stopping you from finding other friends to play O & O with." Twilight suggested. "Sure, it's been you, Spike and Big Mac's thing for a while, but if you like playing it so much, you could invite others to join in on the fun when Spike and Big Mac aren't available."

"I suppose I could..." Discord mused. "You wouldn't mind, would you, Garbunkle?" he asked Spike, changing into his roleplaying persona.

"Of course not, Captain Wuzz." Spike said fairly. "In fact, me and Sir McBiggen would love to have a few extra players the next time we're all available."

"Wonderful!" Discord grinned. "I must say, this little visit has given me a lot to consider. And like I said, it's time for tea with Fluttershy, so I'll have to save the considering for a little later. But don't worry: I'll be dropping by to check on you again real soon."

"Of course you will." Twilight smiled wryly.

"I put a lot of effort into helping you get where you are, filly." Discord pointed out. "Can't really blame me for expecting great things from you."

"I'll try to make sure you're not disappointed." Twilight said sarcastically.

"That's all I ask." Discord smiled. "Toodles!"

Discord vanished in a flash of light, leaving Twilight and Spike alone again. Twilight took a moment to check the time, teleporting a pocketwatch in front of her.

"Come on, Spike." She stepped off her throne, making the watch disappear. "Time to get back to work."

"So much for our break." Spike sighed. "Still, at least there'll be food provided at the luncheon..."

The meeting with the trade committee went as well as could be expected, though the luncheon was slightly less successful; while Twilight had been able to reach several accords with the delegates regarding how to improve Canterlot/Trottingham relations, there were still one or two items that required further discussion at a later date.

"Guess ya can't win 'em all." Spike sighed as the delegates were escorted out of the dining room. "You okay, Twi?"

"I'm fine, Spike." Twilight assured him. "It would have been nice to settle everything in one meeting, but I've learned my lesson about being obsessed with perfection, remember?"

"Boy, do I..." Spike snarked, recalling the events that led to said lesson.

"Besides, there's always next time." Twilight pointed out. She teleported in the pocketwatch again. "And speaking of time, we need to get to the groundbreaking ceremony, fast."

"Right behind ya." Spike smiled, following Twilight as she flew off to their next engagement.

The rest of the day went more-or-less smoothly. The only hiccup lay with the proposed railroad to Yakyakistan; the city budget had been seriously dented by the castle's reconstruction, leaving some of the council unwilling to spend so much of what was left on laying tracks all the way to the Frozen North. Thankfully, one of Twilight's patented speeches on the importance of keeping friends and allies close had convinced enough council members to cast their votes in favour of the new line.

"Classic Twilight." Spike grinned as they departed from the council building. "'This new railroad won't just be a line to Yakyakistan, but a line to our yak friends, and a way to bring us all closer together'. You've still got it, Twi."

"I am still the Princess of Friendship, remember?" Twilight smiled. "Ruler of Equestria or no, that's something I don't plan on changing."

"Good for you." Spike gave her a thumbs up. "But I noticed some of the council members who didn't vote for the line weren't too happy with the result."

"You can't please everypony." Twilight shrugged. "We can only hope those council members will see the light sooner or later. But until they do, we just have to keep pressing forward in our attempts at bringing creatures together."

"Like I said, classic Twilight." Spike chuckled.

"Classic Spike." Twilight ruffled her royal advisor's spines. "Now for the next item on the list..."

After some more royal business, the day reached its end. Once she had double-checked that all her royal duties for the day were complete, Twilight used her amulet to lower the sun and raise the moon. After that came a supper of toast and fried oats for Twilight, and oatmeal and gems for Spike.

"Heck of a day, huh?" Spike asked between mouthfuls.

"You can say that again." Twilight agreed.

"I could, but I'm too tired." Spike joked.

"Then you should get yourself a good night's sleep." Twilight declared. "According to the schedule, tomorrow will be almost as busy as today was."

"Guess that's the royal life for ya." Spike shrugged. "Working our tails off for a better Equestria. Not exactly how I imagined my future, but like you said, it's for a good cause..."

"No matter what the future may hold, as long as we face it together, there's nothing we can't do." Twilight pointed out.

"As your royal advisor, and friend, I can do no less than stick by your side." Spike pledged. "Just like always."

"Of that, I have no doubt." Twilight smiled. She knew Spike was going to say something to that effect, but hearing him say it aloud warmed her heart. "Okay, let's finish up here, then head off to bed."

"Don't have to tell me twice." Spike grinned, shovelling another spoonful of gem-laced oatmeal into his mouth.

After finishing supper, both Princess and royal advisor made their way up to their bedrooms.

"See you tomorrow, your highness." Spike grinned playfully.

"You too, royal advisor." Twilight chuckled. "Get plenty of sleep. I'll need you rested and alert for tomorrow's workload."

"With a bed like the one I've got now, that's not gonna be a problem." Spike nodded.

The two entered their respective rooms. Spike headed straight for his bed, dropping off to sleep the second his head hit the pillow.

Meanwhile, Twilight had yet to get into her own bed. Instead, she opened one of her dresser's drawers, and took out a book. Not just any book, but the book of memories she had been gifted by her friends just after her coronation. She looked through the enchanted pages, gazing fondly at the animated records of the wonderful moments she had shared with her Ponyville friends.

"I miss you, girls." She sighed wistfully. "But we'll see each other again soon. And until then, I'll be doing everything I can to be the best ruler of Equestria I can be." She smiled brightly. "And I'll have a few ideas ready for when the Council of Friendship holds its first meeting. Hope you all can say the same..."

Twilight closed the book, and returned it to its drawer. She got into bed soon after, just as exhausted as Spike was from the day's events. But at the same time, she was content over successfully completing her first day of rule. Her reign was only just beginning, and she had big plans regarding how to make Equestria a better place. And as always, the biggest plans involved having her friends by her side. Together, they were going to accomplish great things. But until then, Twilight, aided as always by Spike, was going to continue holding down the fort, keeping Canterlot, and by extension, the rest of Equestria, in check, and working to ensure a brighter future not just for ponies, but for everycreature.

'We're just getting started...' She thought, moments before dropping off to sleep.

Fashion Show Showdown

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As usual, the city of Manehattan was abuzz with activity. A contest for young fashion designers was being held, and Rarity For You had been invited to host it. Rarity, who was always eager to help others make their first steps into the world of fashion, had readily agreed, and was currently watching the preparations unfold with a vested interest.

'This really takes me back.' She thought happily. 'It seems like just yesterday I was taking part in my first contest, and now, all these young designers are eager to take their first steps into the world of fashion...'

One of the judges, an aqua-coated Pegasus mare with an orange mane and brown eyes (and a silvery dress) approached. She was Myra Ranks, a well-known Manehattan celebrity, known for her judgment on what was "hot" and what was "not".

"Thanks again for agreeing to this, Rarity." She smiled. "Things are really coming together..."

"They certainly are." Rarity nodded. "And really, it's my pleasure. All these eager young designers, giving it their all... it brings back so many fond memories."

"I know what you mean." Myra grinned. "It's like nostalgia central over here. And who knows? We might be seeing the beginning of some future fashion rivals here today."

"Or some future collaboraters." Rarity suggested.

"Maybe." Myra chuckled. "Anyway, I should start getting ready myself. I have a feeling it's going to be quite a show."

"On that, we can agree." Rarity grinned as Myra departed. "Break a leg, darling."

"Hi, Rarity!" An exuberant voice brought Rarity out of her nostalgic moment.

The voice belonged to Pistachio, the fashion-minded young colt Rarity had met the previous Hearth's Warming Eve (due to a misdelivered gift), joined by his parents, Oaknut and Butternut.

"Pistachio!" Rarity beamed. "How nice to see you again."

"It's great to see you too." Pistachio grinned.

"What brings you to Manehattan, of all places?" Rarity inquired.

"I'm in the contest, that's what." Pistachio smiled.

"Really?" Rarity smiled.

"Yeah." Pistachio nodded. "I sent in a design just for fun, but it actually wound up getting accepted, so here I am."

"And we got a free trip to Manehattan into the bargain." Oak Nut smiled. "All thanks to Pistachio."

"We're so proud of our little designer!" Butternut hugged her son.

"Mom..." Pistachio blushed.

"And so you should be." Rarity declared. "Pistachio must have offered quite a design for the judges to accept him." She returned her attention to the young colt. "Congratulations, Pistachio. I look forward to seeing your design brought to life."

"So do we." Oak Nut agreed. "In fact, we should probably get to finding some good seats to watch the contest from."

"Do your best, Pistachio." Butternut smiled. "That's all you need to be a true winner in our book."

With that, Oak Nut and Butternut departed, heading for the part of the boutique which had been designated as the main stage.

"Guess I'd better get to work." Pistachio noted.

"Please, allow me to show you where you'll be working." Rarity offered. "Right this way."

"Well, well." A voice Rarity had not heard in Moons sneered. "Isn't this an overdue reunion?"

Rarity turned in the direction of the voice, and froze in revulsion as she looked upon the smug face of her one-time rival, Suri Polomare.

"Suri." She glared, trying her best to mask her outrage. "What an... Unexpected surprise."

"It's been too long, hasn't it?" Suri drawled, seemingly oblivious to the coldness in Rarity's eyes.

"Not long enough..." Rarity said under her breath.

"You've been doing well for yourself since we last met, haven't you?" Suri asked, her voice dripping with false pleasantries. "Three boutiques, and one right here in Manehattan. Some ponies have all the luck, don't they?"

"Not 'luck', Suri." Rarity retorted, trying her best to be civil. "Everything I have, I gained through hard work, perseverance, and of course, a little help from my friends."

"How nice for you." Suri smiled falsely. "I must admit, when I heard the young designers contest was being held here, I was actually hoping we'd see each other again."

"And I must admit, I wasn't expecting to see you here." Rarity admitted. "You don't exactly strike me as the spectator type."

"Well, I'm not exactly here as a spectator." Suri said cryptically. "I have a professional reason for being here..." She glanced to the left, and spotted something. "And here she comes now."

Joining Suri was a teenage Unicorn mare with a fuschia coat, teal eyes, a Cutie Mark of two crossed sewing needles (with the threads forming a circle around it) and an electric blue/black mane that was short on top, and tied into a long braid.

"Rarity, allow me to introduce my new protégé: Cross Stitch." Suri announced.

"'Sup?" Cross Stitch said, a look of utter disinterest on her face.

"Cross is taking part in this little contest." Suri revealed. "And with what I've taught her, victory is all but assured."

"Oh, yeah." Cross Stitch nodded smugly. "They may as well give me that first prize trophy right now."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that, darling." Rarity shot back. "I daresay Pistachio here could give your protégé a run for her money."

"I could?" Pistachio frowned.

"And who is this colt to you, exactly?" Suri asked bluntly. "An employee? An apprentice?"

"Just a dear friend." Rarity admitted. "Besides, since my business is hosting the contest, it's actually prohibited for anypony who has a professional connection with myself to take part. Those are the rules."

"A pity." Suri smirked. "It would have been such a treat to see my protégé best an apprentice of yours. Guess I'll just have to settle for Cross winning the contest being held in your own boutique."

"Not to repeat myself, but I wouldn't be so quick to assume victory." Rarity growled, her left eye twitching.

"Just try not to be too jealous when Cross uses what I taught her to wipe the floor with the competition, mmkay?" Suri retorted.

"Better tell the judges to put my name on that trophy right now." Cross Stitch boasted.

Suri and Cross walked away, snickering snidely.

"Nice to see you again, too..." Rarity seethed.

"Who was that mare?" Pistachio asked.

"Just an old fashion rival." Rarity said brusquely. "We once competed with each other in a contest held right here in Manehattan. She tried to cheat by copying a fabric I'd created. And when that failed, she attempted to trick me into thinking I'd been disqualified, so she could take first prize for herself."

"Whoa, that is some rotten cheating." Pistachio screwed up his face in disgust. "I don't blame you for acting like that around her. I'd probably do the same..."

"Let's forget about her." Rarity said airily. "Before we were so rudely interrupted, I was about to escort you backstage. This way, please."

Rarity led Pistachio to the area that had been put aside for the entrants to bring their designs to life. Half a dozen other young designers (Cross Stitch among them) were already hard at work, making their visions a reality, using all the available fabrics and accessories on hoof.

"This looks like a good place to start." Pistachio picked out one of the remaining work tables.

"So, what kind of inspired design will you be bringing to life today?" Rarity asked.

"This." Pistachio held up a piece of paper with his design on it.

Rarity took a look. The picture was that of a shirt, jeans and waistcoat combo, with stylised acorn patterns on the jeans and waistcoat.

"Not bad, darling." Rarity nodded appreciatively. "Down-to-earth, yet intricate and eye-catching."

"Thanks." Pistachio smiled. "I just hope the judges like the real-life version."

"I'm sure they will." Rarity declared. "You should have everything you need to realise your design right here. If there's anything you need that isn't here, feel free to ask."

"I will." Pistachio smiled. "But I think I'll be okay."

"Best of luck, then." Rarity nodded.

Rarity walked away, leaving Pistachio to get to work. As she made her way across the room, she couldn't help but notice Cross was hard at work, with Suri encouraging her. Cross's design was a black and neon purple party dress, with rose patterns on the skirt.

"That's it, my dear." Suri declared, as Cross added some studded belts to the skirt. "Nothing like a few accessories to catch the crowd's eye."

"When I'm done, nopony'll even notice those other losers' outfits." Cross bragged, throwing in some rhinestones on the hem. "Especially not that hayseed... Peanut, or Almond, or whatever his name is."

"Oh, I know." Suri sneered. "What were the judges thinking, letting some backwater pony in this contest?"

"Maybe they thought whatever lousy design he's got would make the rest of us look good." Cross joked coldly. "Or they felt like letting some no-hoper in as a joke."

"Well, I know I'll be laughing." Suri smirked. "Rarity always did have poor taste in friends. And that hick colt just won the blue ribbon. The only prize he'll be getting today..."

Rarity grit her teeth in silent anger as Suri and Cross laughed spitefully.

'Someponies never change.' She thought angrily. 'How dare Suri disparage Pistachio like that! ...Well, she'll soon see who the real loser is here! Pistachio's design is going to blow Cross's out of the water, just you wait and see...'

Rarity returned to Pistachio's workstation, intent on being proven right.

"How are things, Pistachio?" She asked nonchalantly.

"They're going pretty well." Pistachio smiled. "Like you said, everything I needed was right here." He showed off his half-completed design. "How does it look so far?"

Rarity looked upon the outfit, and found herself holding a different opinion of it than she did when she saw it on paper. Compared to cross's elaborate work, it seemed to be somehow lacking in her eyes.

"It's... a good start." She nodded hesitantly.

"Well, yeah." Pistachio nodded. "I'm only about half done. But it won't take long for me to finish..."

"Of course." Rarity nodded. "But I was thinking the final product could use a few little... additions."

"Additions?" Pistachio frowned. "I thought you said my design was 'eye-catching'?"

"Oh, it is." Rarity nodded. "But an outfit can always be more eye-catching. Think of it as like adding garnish to fine cuisine."

Using her magic, Rarity floated over a gold-colored belt.

"Try adding this." She suggested.

"Uh... okay." Pistachio shrugged. "I guess jeans do need a belt..."

Pistachio awkwardly added the belt to the ensemble.

"Wonderful." Rarity smiled. "Now, about the waistcoat..."

"What about it?" Pistachio asked hesitantly.

"It is quite dashing." Rarity admitted. "But it's missing a certain something. ...Ooh! Sequins!"

"'Sequins'?" Pistachio gaped.

"That's right!" Rarity used her magic to attach a few. "There! Captivating, no?"

"Well, I..." Pistachio mumbled.

"Now, about the shirt..." Rarity continued.

Over the next ten minutes, Rarity added a number of extras to Pistachio's work. With each new addition, Pistachio patience worse thinner.

"Okay, I think that's enough." He said fairly. "I think all this new stuff is covering up the 'down-to-earth' aesthetic you mentioned."

"And that's a bad thing?" Rarity asked, only half paying attention as she tried to decide between two brooches.

"Yes." Pistachio sighed. "Why can't we just away a few of these things, unclutter the outfit a little?"

"I don't know." Rarity chose a brooch and added it on. "There is such a thing as too simple, you know?"

"And what's wrong with simple?" Pistachio frowned.

"Not wrong, per se." Rarity shrugged. She added a scarf to the mix. "But you need to make this really stand out. You don't want anypony to think you're just some hayseed." Rarity echoed Suri's words.

"'Hayseed'?" Pistachio scowled, outraged. "Is that what you think I am?"

"Of course not." Rarity said hastily. "But these Manehattenites are rather... Particular in their expectations. I'm just concerned-"

"Concerned about what?" Pistachio glared. "That my design's not good enough? That I have no business being here? That I can't hold a candle to anypony else?"

"That's not what I'm saying." Rarity shrank back a little, surprised by Pistachi's outburst. "I just meant that, with such fierce competition, you might need to add a little something extra to your design. That way, you'd really put Suri and her little protégé in their place!"

"What makes you think I even care about that?" Pistachio scowled. "I came here to have some fun, and bring my design to life, not indulge in another pony's petty rivalry!"

"Pistachio, I..." Rarity had no words. Hearing Pistachio sum things up like that had really hit the truth home for her. "I was just trying to help..."

"Well, you can forget it." Pistachio turned away. "I have work to do, undoing this mess. Do me a favor and save your 'help' for somepony else."

Rarity remained speechless. With nothing to say, she walked away, disgusted at herself. She made her way out of her boutique, wanting to be alone.

Once outside, her guilty feelings dug up memories from the past; specifically, the time she had offered to make outfits for her friends, for their first Grand Galloping Gala. How they had been unimpressed with her initial work, and requested all sort of alterations. Even after all this time, Rarity still vividly remembered the frustration she had felt at how they had insisted on all sorts of changes to her original visions.

'...And that's exactly the kind of frustration I inflicted on Pistachio.' She thought ruefully. 'I disregard his desires, and focused solely on my own...' Her regret gave way to a new feeling: the feeling that she needed to atone for her mistakes. 'I just hope it's not too late to fix things...'

Rarity returned to the work area, finding that Pistachio was still busy removing what she had added to his work.

"What do you want now?" Pistachio glared as she approached.

"I'm sorry, Pistachio." Rarity apologized. "I was wrong. I let my history with Suri cloud my judgment. I should never have tried to meddle with your design. It's your creation, and you should be free to present it the way you want to. Because it was already perfect just the way it was before all my horrid additions."

"You really think so?" Pistachio asked.

"I know so." Rarity smiled, using her magic to remove the remaining "improvements" she'd added to the outfit. "Now, you get out there, and show the judges what a wonderful designer you truly are."

"I sure will." Pistachio grinned. "Just gotta make a few last adjustments, and it'll be good to go."

"Yes it will." Rarity smiled.

Shortly after, the contest began in earnest. The stands were packed with spectators (Oak Nut and Butternut sitting up front), and Myra and her fellow judges were seated before the runway.

"Welcome, ladies and gentleponies, to this year's Young Designers Contest!" Myra announced. "We received many applications, and chose those which stood out the most. But as we all know, nothing compares to real life. So we'll be seeing which of the selected designs will stand out most on the runway. The winning designer will be receiving this first place trophy." She held up a trophy with golden wings on the sides and the number 1 engraved on it. "So without further ado, let's get started!"

The audience applauded with approval.

"First up, we have a design from a native Manehattenite, Cross Stitch!" Myra read off the schedule.

A model emerged onto the runway, decked out in Cross's dress. The gleaming accessories caught the eye of many ponies in the audience (although a few struggled not to be blinded by the gleam).

Backstage, Cross was smugly admiring her work, an equally arrogant Suri standing beside her.

"Look at all those rubes." Cross smirked. "They're mesmerized by my glorious outfit."

"This contest is as good as won." Suri said confidently.

Once the model had walked down the runway and back, the time came for the next outfit.

"Next up, we have a design from a charming yong country colt: Pistachio!" Myra announced.

"This is it." Pistachio muttered, as the model wearing his outfit headed for the runway. "I hope the crowd likes it..."

"I'm sure they will." Rarity smiled.

"Still, I think I'll be keeping my hooves crossed." Pistachio said nervously.

The model stepped out onto the runway. Pistachio's design earned some admiring looks from the judges and the audience alike.

"Oh, please." Suri said dismissively. "What kind of cheap design is that? It's even more pathetic than I imagined..."

"What else can you expect from some hick pony from Nowheresville?" Cross scoffed.

Rarity overheard Suri and Cross's cutting remarks. She glowered at them, but said nothing.

'We'll see who has the last laugh...' She frowned.

The contest continued, with entrant's design being shown off in turn (to varied responses from the audience). Eventually, the time came for the judges to make their final decision.

"Here we go." Pistachio cringed, on tenterhooks as the judges deliberated amongst themselves. "Crunch time..."

"Whatever happens, you should be proud that you stuck to your own vision." Rarity comforted him. "Hoping can take that away from you."

"Ugh, come on." Cross groaned. "How long will it possibly take for those idiot judges to see that my design was clearly the best?"

"Now, now." Suri said calmly. "Be patient, my dear protégé. This is the moment you'll be savoring later..."

The young designers received a signal from one of the stagehooves, indicating that the judges had reached their decision, and that it was time for the entrants to step out on stage, ready for the announcement.

"Whatever happens, you should be proud of your work." Rarity whispered to Pistachio as he and the rest of the contestants made their way to the stage.

"Good things come to those who wait." Suri told Cross. "And crushing all these losers is going to feel real good..."

"No doubt." Cross sniggered darkly.

Pistachio, Cross, and the rest of the contestants stepped out onto the runway, lining up side by side.

"The judges have come to a decision." Myra declared. "Today, we saw a lot of impressive designs from many talented young designers. But there can only be one winner."

Cross Stitch smirked widely, preparing to step forward and claim the trophy.

"And that winner is... Pistachio!" Myra announced.

The crowd went wild, cheering and stomping their hooves. Pistachio froze in place for a moment, jaw hanging open.

"I won?" He gaped. "...I won! I won!" He cheered.

Pistachio practically raced over to the judges' table ( passing by Cross, who was frozen in outraged disbelief), and accepted the trophy.

"Thank you!" He gushed. "Thank you so much! I never imagined I'd actually win this, so... Wow!"

"That's our boy!" Oak Nut called.

"We're so proud of you, Pistachio!" Butternut whooped.

Pistachio cringed a little under his parent's overenthusiastic outburst, but it was nowhere enough to diminish his joy. He raised up the trophy in triumph, heralding another hour of cheers from the audience.

Backstage, Rarity was the first to congratulate Pistachio.

"Well done!" She beamed. "I knew you could do it!"

Not so far away, a less pleasant interaction was taking place.

"I can't believe I lost!" Cross Stitch raged as she and Suri walked away. "This is all your fault, 'mentor'!" She snarled at Suri. "Why couldn't you have taught me something useful?!"

"Don't you talk to me like that, protégé!" Suri shot back. "I'm not the one who lost to some country bumpkin!"

"I only lost because of your bad advice!" Cross Stitch snarled. "It's no wonder you made me your protégé; because you couldn't get any glory by yourself!"

"Why, you ungrateful brat!" Suri growled. "You were nothing before I gave you the benefit of my fashion genius!"

"Yeah, right." Cross Stitch sneered. "All that 'genius' didn't benefit me today. It just made me a loser... Like you!"

"How dare you!" Suri spat. "You pitiful excuse for a protégé!"

"You second-rate seamstress!" Cross Stitch shot back.

"Appalling apprentice!" Suri yelled.

"Failed fashionista!" Cross Stitch retorted.

The two kept arguing all the way out of the boutique.

Meanwhile, Pistachio was still reveling in his victory.

"Wow." He gazed at his trophy. "I still can't believe I won."

"Believe it, darling." Rarity smiled. "You earned this, with your own talent, which you expressed in your own way."

"That's our boy." Oak Nut said proudly.

"Consider this your first step on the path to a great fashion career." Rarity declared. "And when the time comes, I would be honored to sell your designs in all my boutiques."

"The honor would be all mine, Rarity." Pistachio beamed. "But I think that day is a little far off. I've still got a lot of work of ahead of me..."

"You take all the time you need." Rarity assured him. "Believe me, you cannot rush success. So you just enjoy today's victory, and wait and see what tomorrow brings."

"I will." Pistachio nodded.

"Speaking of today, how about we celebrate Pistachio's win with dinner at a nice Manehattan restaurant?" Oak Nut suggested.

"Good idea, honey." Butternut agreed. "But I think we need to recommend the best place. Rarity, could you help us?"

"Of course." Rarity smiled. "I have just the establishment in mind. A wonderful little rooftop bistro that a few streets away..."

Rarity led the family out of the boutique, proud at having once again played a part in aiding one of the designers of tomorrow. Especially since that designer was such a good friend.

Behind The Magic

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Another semester at the School of Friendship had just come to an end, and Starlight and Trixie had taken advantage of the time off to finally go on the girls' trip to Las Pegasus Trixie had suggested, way back during Starlight's graduation ceremony. Sunburst had agreed to stay behind in Ponyville, keeping an eye on both the school and the Castle of Friendship, while the two best friends enjoyed a weekend of fun and excitement.

"I almost can't believe we're finally here!" Trixie grinned, as their balloon touched down on one of the cloud-based city's landing pads. "The long held dream is now a reality." She leapt out of the balloon in the most dramatic way possible. "Las Pegasus, get ready to meet the Great and Powerful Trixie!"

"You do know we're here to have fun, right?" Starlight snarked, as she also disembarked (far less dramatically).

"Of course." Trixie smirked. "But all the same, it never hurts to get your face out there. You never know what kind of possible adoring fans you'll run into."

Starlight raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, so maybe I always used to dream of making it big here: performing on the biggest stage in the city, wowing hundreds of ponies at least three times a day..." Trixie admitted.

"Talk about dreaming big." Starlight noted. "I just hope being here doesn't give you any second thoughts about your current job."

"Eh, not particularly." Trixie shrugged. "While becoming a guidance counselor wasn't exactly on my list of life goals, it is almost as fulfilling as performing before countless fans."

"Good to know." Starlight rolled her eyes.

"That being said, I won't hesitate to enjoy all the wonders Las Pegasus has to offer." Trixie added, throwing in an excited giggle. "This is going to be so awesome! I can't wait for the fun to start!"

"Okay, relax." Starlight chuckled. "We've got the whole weekend to have fun. But first things first: we need to check into our room."

"Aye-aye, boss." Trixie saluted playfully.

Soon after, Starlight and Trixie were settling into the hotel room they had booked a week before (Trixie having assumed it would be tricky to book one the day they arrived). Starlight had placed her luggage neatly on her bed, while Trixie's belongings were arranged a little more haphazardly over her half of the room.

"There, all settled in." Starlight smiled, using her magic to readjust a towel that was slightly crooked. "Now, where should we go first?"

"How about getting some lunch?" Trixie suggested. "That was one long balloon ride, and with no in-flight snacks..."

"Sure." Starlight nodded. "A little lunch, then we can get started on seeing the sights."

"Great." Trixie smiled. "And going by what I've heard, one of the best restaurants in town is right down the street. Pretty convenient, huh?"

"Sounds good to me." Starlight nodded. "We'll need plenty of energy for the day ahead."

"Just remember not to spend too much on food." Trixie added. "We have a whole weekend to spread our vacation budget out on, remember? Don't wanna waste so much on snacks, do we?"

"Never gonna let that one go, are you?" Starlight pouted playfully, well aware that Trixie was referring to their disastrous trip to Southern Equestria, where she had spent a hefty portion of their travel funds on a falafel.

"Not anytime soon." Trixie chuckled.

"Just don't expect me to go halfsies on the buffet." Starlight joked.

"Duly noted." Trixie winked.

After a hearty lunch, Starlight and Trixie set out to see the sights of Las Pegasus. There were plenty of attractions to be seen, so they paced themselves; they had already agreed to travel around one half of the city on that day, and enjoy the rest tomorrow.

They really hit the ground running, catching an outdoor concert by famous band The Hoofy Blues, and then some stand-up comedy from a humorist troupe.

"That was hilarious!" Trixie chuckled as they departed from the show.

"It was pretty good." Starlight admitted. "And I noticed they have an open mike night on Fridays. Maybe we can bring Maud along next time, and she can show them how it's done."

"Yes, I'm sure her mineral-based comedy routine will blow the audience away." Trixie said half-heartedly.

After watching a spectacular water fountain show in the town square, their next stop was The Awesome Oasis, one of the most popular resorts in the city. As they passed through the double doors, Starlight couldn't help but notice the images of Flim and Flam carved into them. Though she had never met the two, she'd heard enough about them to hope she wasn't going to end up crossing paths with the conniving con artists.

'Wouldn't be much of a vacation if I had to deal with those troublemakers...' She thought warily to herself.

Once inside, Starlight and Trixie took note of all the attractions within, with countless ponies racing between them.

"Now this is what I'm talking about!" Trixie grinned. "Dancing, horseshoe tossing, an indoor rollercoaster... We should have started with this place!"

"Let's start with the rollercoaster." Starlight urged. "When I was a kid, my dad would never let me go on one..."

"Well, looks like you're about to scratch that one off your bucket list." Trixie smiled.

The two unicorn mares joined the line for the coaster. Thankfully, the line wasn't too long at that moment, so they didn't have to endure much of a wait. The ride itself was everything they'd imagined, with speed, curves, rises and drops to give them plenty of excitement.

"YEAAAAHHH!!" Trixie yelled as they zoomed down a steep incline.

"WHOA-HOOOO!" Starlight hollered.

After more ups, downs, and a few corkscrews, the ride returned to its starting point. As they disembarked from the cars, Trixie cheered once more.

"WHOO!" She whooped. "What a rush!"

"And I thought falling off a cloud was a thrill ride." Starlight smiled. "Okay, what next?"

"Two words: dance off!" Trixie raced over to a two-player dancing game.

"Oh, it is so on!" Starlight grinned, following her best friend.

After placing a bit in the machine, they began to dance furiously.

"Nice moves." Starlight complimented Trixie's move. "But not nice enough."

"Wanna bet?" Trixie smirked. "Just wait. The Footloose and Fancy-free Trixie is just getting started!"

"Oh, yeah?" Starlight smirked competively. "Well, so am I..."

Trixie's boast turned out to be right on the money, as she ended up winning the game. But Starlight evened the score by overwhelmingly besting Trixie at the horseshoe toss.

"That was a lucky break." Trixie insisted as they left the arena. "But luck seldom lasts forever."

"Keep telling yourself that." Starlight teased her best friend.

"I don't need to." Trixie countered. "I just need to win the next game."

Suddenly, they heard a chorus of applause coming from a nearby theatre.

"Sounds like quite the show going in there." Starlight mused.

"Sure does." Trixie nodded. "Maybe we should check when the next one's happening, so we can see it for ourselves."

"Sounds like a plan." Starlight nodded. "And we can always ask some of the audience what it was like. You know, kind of like a sneak preview."

"Yeah, if you want to spoil the surprise..." Trixie scoffed.

As they moved closer to the stage, Trixie laid her eyes on a poster advertising the show inside. The poster displayed two stallions. One of the stallions pictured yielded no response from Trixie, but the sight of the other incited a very dramatic response (and not the kind of dramatics she preferred, either).

"You have got to be kidding me." Trixie said, her voice unusually dull.

"What?" Starlight asked, confused.

As they entered the theatre, there, on the stage, were Big Bucks and Jack Pot, the resort's resident magicians, basking in the adulation of the audience they had just amazed with their act.

"Thank you, thank you." Jack Pot bowed.

"You've been such a wonderful audience!" Big Bucks added. "We hope to see you all again!"

"I don't believe it." Trixie froze, a sour expression on her face. "It's him."

"Who?" Starlight frowned.

Trixie didn't answer. Instead, she rushed over to the stage, rudely shoving aside any ponies who happened to be in her way.

"Wait!" Starlight called.

Starlight tried to keep up, but the theatre was still quite packed (and the ponies Trixie had pushed over were sprawled across the floor. Starlight could have used her teleportation to catch up with Trixie,but she didn't want to risk crashing into anypony, so she was forced to negotiate her way through the crowd.

"Excuse me." She sidled by one pony. "Pardon me." She squeezed by another.

Trixie naturally reached the stage first, intercepting Big Bucks and Jack Pot before they could depart for their dressing room.

"Excuse us, miss." Big Bucks said politely. "But the stage is for performers only. I'll happily see you at our next show..."

"I'm not here for you." Trixie said bluntly. "I have something I need to say to him." She pointed to Jack Pot.

"The same rules apply, miss..." Jack Pot started.

"Save it." Trixie cut him. "This has been a long time coming."

At the same time, Starlight finally caught up to Trixie, and, finally getting an up close view of things, quickly took note of the fact that Trixie was facing a pony who looked like an older, male version of herself.

"Whoa." She gaped, floored by the uncanny resemblance between them. "Who put that mirror there?"

"Do I know you, young lady?" Jack Pot frowned.

"No, I suppose you don't." Trixie said coldly. "You didn't stick around long enough to get to know me."

"Excuse me?" Jack Pot asked, totally confused.

"The name is Trixie." Trixie scowled. "I'm your daughter."

"What?" Jack Pot, Big Bucks and Starlight gasped.

"Young lady, I think you're mistaken." Jack Pot laughed nervously.

"I beg to differ." Trixie retorted. "My mother was the reminiscing sort, you see. She often liked to tell me about the wonderful night she met an enchanting travelling magician stallion. I don't suppose you remember her, do you? A young unicorn mare? Yellow mane, orange coat? Went by the name 'Sunflower Spectacle'? Any of this ringing a bell?"

"I, er..." Jack Pot said nervously, eyes darting back and forth. "I've known the company of many charming mares over the years. I can't really be expected to remember every single one-"

"Well, she remembered you." Trixie interrupted. "She never forgot you. In fact, mom always hoped you'd come back some day. She told me all these stories about how you weren't around because you were touring Equestria, wowing audiences with your magic. It all sounded so incredible. It even inspired me to become a great travelling magician, just like you."

"...It did?" Jack Pot frowned.

"I actually imagined I'd run into you while on tour! Typical filly fantasy..." Trixie shook her head in disgust. "After I grew up a little, I ditched that pipe dream. But I kept travelling, putting on my show, because I was still determined to be the greatest unicorn magician in Equestria. Not for you, but for me! Because I was good at it! Good enough that I didn't need anypony's validation, least of all yours!"

Jack Pot stared at Trixie, shaken.

"I, I'm sorry." He apologized. "I didn't know..."

"Of course you didn't." Trixie scoffed. "Because you never bothered to look back. Because my mother never warranted a second thought to you. Love 'em and leave 'em, right? Good thing I didn't take after you in that respect..."

"Perhaps I can make up for it, somehow." Jack Pot said awkwardly.

"Oh, really?" Trixie glared. "And how do you think you can make up for years of absence? With an autographed photo? Some free tickets to your next show?"

"That's not what I had in mind-" Jack Pot spluttered.

"Well, thanks but no thanks!" Trixie snarled. "You just go back to your charmed life. No commitments, no responsibilities... Just the way you like it, right?"

"Trix, maybe you should take a deep, calming breath-" Starlight said nervously.

"Oh, there's no need for that!" Trixie cut her off. "I've already said everything I've ever wanted to say to this sorry excuse for an absentee parent! And now, I would much prefer never having to lay my eyes on him ever again!"

With that, Trixie raced out of the currently empty theatre, leaving Starlight and the admonished Jack Pot in the dust.

"Trixie!" Starlight yelled.

"...Is it true?" Big Bucks asked, having been struck dumb by Trixie's revelations and tirade.

"I think it is." Jack Pot said solemnly. "I know an illusion when I see one, and that was no illusion. She meant every word of what she said. I could see it in her eyes."

"She never said a word to me about her family." Starlight noted. "Guess now I know why..."

"You're her friend, aren't you?" Jack Pot asked.

"Best friend." Starlight clarified.

"Is she... doing okay?" Jack Pot asked. "With her life, I mean? Not... Not having a, a father... It didn't hurt her chances, did it?"

"Actually, Trixie has accomplished quite a lot in her time." Starlight pointed out. "And I'm not just talking about magic She helped save all of Equestria, and she's become a great guidance counselor for the one and only School of Friendship."

"Really? That is... quite impressive." Jack Pot admitted. "Amazing, in fact. She sounds like an incredible young mare."

"Oh, she is." Starlight nodded. "One I'm proud to call my best friend."

"I... I honestly didn't know she even existed." Jack Pot said weakly. "If I did, then maybe..."

"That doesn't matter right now." Starlight declared. "Trust me when I say you can't change the past. You can only make a better present."

"That I would like to do." Jack Pot admitted solemnly. "I want to at least try and make this fight."

"So do I." Starlight nodded. "If I can meet you in your dressing room a little later, I think I can we can all try and make this right."

"Of course." Jack Pot agreed. "Big Bucks, let it be known that our next show will be postponed."

"Will do, pal." Big Bucks nodded.

"Thanks." Starlight smiled. "I'll be back as soon as I can."

Starlight teleported off the stage at the same time as Big Bucks left the theatre, leaving a regretful Jack Pot behind.

There was only one place Starlight could think of to look for Trixie: their hotel room. She opened the door to find Trixie angrily putting her luggage back into its suitcase.

"... Whatchya doin', Trix?" Starlight asked, trying to be as friendly as possible.

"What does it look like?" Trixie snapped. "I'm packing."

"What?" Starlight frowned. "We only just got here. What about our girls' trip?"

"It turned out to be a big mistake." Trixie snarled. "If I'd known he would be here, I would never have suggested this trip in the first place." She slammed her now-full suitcase shut. "Now I just want to get as much distance between him and me as possible!"

"Trixie, I think you should try calming down." Starlight said awkwardly.

"I am calm!" Trixie yelled.

"Clearly." Starlight said sarcastically. "But maybe you could try going back and talking to Jack Pot."

"I have nothing more to say to him." Trixie snarled.

"Come on, Trix." Starlight urged. "Despite everything, he's still your father."

"In name only." Trixie scoffed.

"He seemed really broken up about what you said." Starlight pointed out.

"Well, he should be!" Trixie spat. "After what he did, it's the least he deserves! I can only hope I never see him again!"

"I know you have good reason to resent him." Starlight admitted. "But you shouldn't let that resentment blind you."

"Excuse me?!" Trixie growled.

"This is an opportunity for you to get to know the father you never met." Starlight pointed out. "And maybe you shouldn't be so quick to throw that aside out of anger over the past."

"Who are you to judge me?" Trixie glared. "That stallion was never there for me. I grew up without ever knowing what it meant to have a father. You have no idea what that's like, so where do you get off lecturing me?!"

Starlight scowled for a moment, angered by Trixie's accusation. She took a deep, calming breath, then spoke again.

"You're right." She admitted. "I don't know what it's like to grow up without a father. In fact, I pretty much had the opposite problem. When I was a kid, my dad would practically smother me with affection. It got so bad that I spent most of my adult life avoiding going back home, because I knew dad would still treat me like I was a little foal, pinching my cheeks, calling me kiddy names..."

"Oh, that sounds terrible." Trixie said sarcastically. "How did you ever survive?"

"My point is, even with all of that, I was still lucky to have a dad in my life." Starlight smiled. "And right now, you have a chance to have your dad finally become a part of your life. To forge a meaningful connection with him. To gain something you could only imagine having before. Do you really want to pass that up?"

Trixie wanted to say "No", but Starlight had that familiar look in her eyes.

"I guess not." She sighed.

"So...?" Starlight prompted.

"...So, I guess I should go and have a talk with him." Trixie said grudgingly.

"That's the spirit." Starlight nodded encouragingly.

"You may be a headmare now, but those old guidance counselor skills are still as sharp as ever." Trixie noted. "I should be taking notes."

"Some skills, you never forget." Starlight grinned. "So... Ready to do this?" She offered Trixie her hoof.

"As I'll ever be." Trixie reluctantly took Starlight's hoof.

"Great." Starlight smiled, her horn lighting up.

The two teleported out of the hotel room, and reappeared outside Jack Pot and Big Bucks' dressing room. Starlight opened the door, revealing Jack Pot waiting inside.

"Hello." He smiled weakly.

"Hello." Trixie said bluntly.

"Okay, good start." Starlight said encouragingly. "Now, let's try to get a little dialogue going..."

"Trixie... I'm sorry." Jack Pot apologised. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. I'm sorry I never got to know you, or... Be a father to you."

"Are you also sorry about leaving my mother in the lurch?" Trixie demanded.

"Yes." Jack Pot sighed. "On reflection, I do remember your mother. From what I recall, she was quite the spellbinding young mare. Caught my eye quite easily. I put on the charm, dazzled her with some of my best tricks, and we had quite a night together..."

"And you ran out on her the morning after." Trixie scowled. "Without so much as a goodbye."

"I did." Jack Pot couldn't look her in the eye. "It was a terrible thing to do, I admit it. Back then, all I could think about was myself, and my career. Staying in one place didn't really appeal to me. There was always the next performance, the next town over the horizon, the next crowd of adoring fans..."

"I... Kind of know what's that like." Trixie admitted, unable to deny the regret in his voice.

"And since I was still a travelling magician back then, your mother had no way of contacting me." Jack Pot pointed. "So I had no way of knowing she'd had my foal. That I had a daughter out there, growing up without her father."

"And your tours never brought you back to our village?" Trixie inquired, the accusatory tone returning to her voice.

"My town-town tours didn't last that much longer afterwards." Jack Pot revealed. "I happened to meet Big Bucks a few months later. Upon realising how well our respective skills complimented each other, we decided to work together. And our bigger, better act allowed us to book bigger, better venues, until finally, we hit it big here. I'm afraid fame kept me from looking back..."

"I see." Trixie nodded slightly.

"I truly am sorry, Trixie." Jack Pot sighed. "I know there's no excuse for my actions, and I don't blame you for resenting me. There's no way I can possibly make up for those years I wasn't there for you. But I'd like to try. I'd like to get to know you. I know I don't deserve it, but can I please have that chance?"

Trixie looked at Jack Pot, at his face so full of regret and desire for atonement.

"...I suppose we can give it a shot." She nodded. "I always used to wonder what the big deal was about having a dad. Guess now I have a chance to find out." She joked.

"Thank you." Jack Pot smiled gratefully. "i promise I won't make you regret this."

Father and daughter gave each other an awkward hug. Starlight smiled widely, wiping the tears from her eyes.

"So... Your friend here tells me you're a guidance counselor at the moment?" Jack Pot asked.

"Mostly, yes." Trixie nodded. "But I still put on my own magic shows on weekends and school holidays."

"You do?" Jack Pot smiled.

"That's right." Trixie grinned. "I can still astound thousands of ponies with my incomparable illusionary skills!"

Starlight rolled her eyes at Trixie's exaggeration, but chose not to comment and possibly ruin what was shaping up to be a wonderful father/daughter bonding moment.

"That's great to hear." Jack Pot chuckled. "A regular chip off the old wand. I don't suppose I could see a demonstration?"

"I didn't really pack my stage props..." Trixie admitted. "But I always have a few tricks ready to go. For example..."

Trixie picked up a nearby pamphlet for the casino. Her horn lit up, and the pamphlet disappeared in a flash of magic. It then reappeared on the table, folded into the shape of a swan.

"Ooh, impressive!" Jack Pot smiled.

"If you liked that, you'll love this..." Trixie grinned.

With a zap of magic, Trixie turned the swan into a teacup.

"Wonderful! Wonderful!" Jack Pot clapped his hooves. "If there were any doubt left, this definitely proves you're my daughter. Only the blood of my blood could possess such raw magical talent!"

"Thank you, thank you." Trixie bowed.

"Maybe you could join our show sometime." Jack Pot suggested.

"Only if my Great and Powerful Assistant, and understanding, encouraging best friend, can be a part of the show too." Trixie hugged Starlight.

"I'm sure we can work something out." Jack Pot smiled. "But for the moment, maybe you could stick around and watch our next show?"

"Maybe we will." Trixie nodded. "It wouldn't hurt to see what kind of tricks you've got up your sleeve, old timer."

"Oh, I think this old timer may surprise you..." Jack Pot smirked, passing two tickets to his and Big Bucks' next show to Trixie.

In due time, Jack Pot and Big Bucks' next show began, with Trixie and Starlight in the front row. Jack and Big Bucks arrived on stage in a burst of smoke and sparks.

"Good entrance." Trixie mused.

"Remind you of anypony?" Starlight grinned.

"Welcome, ladies and gentelcolts, to our show of wonders!" Jack Pot announced.

"Be prepared to be amazed and astounded!" Big Bucks added.

"I'll be the judge of what's 'amazing' and 'astounding'..." Trixie declared.

Jack Pot and Big Bucks began their show with earnest. With one very special guest in the audience, they pulled out all the stops, showing off their best tricks (including their signature water escape illusion), all for Trixie's benefit.

Trixie watched every trick and illusion with a discerning eye and an unreadable expression. Even Starlight couldn't guess what she was thinking.

'This is going to be interesting...' Starlight mused.

After the show, Trixie and Starlight made their way backstage, where Jack Pot was waiting (Big Bucks saying goodbye to the audience).

"...So?" Jack Pot asked Trixie nervously. "What did you think?"

"Hmmm. It was..." Trixie kept up her passive expression for a moment... before breaking into a smile. "Incredible! Amazing! Stupendous!"

"That goes double for me." Starlight added.

"You really think so?" Jack Pot grinned.

"Definitely." Trixie smiled.

"Not bad for a couple of 'old timers', huh?" Jack Pot smirked.

"Not bad at all... dad." Trixie smiled.

"That's going to take some getting used to..." Jack Pot admitted. "We can stay in touch, right?"

"Of course." Trixie nodded. "Just tell the mailmare to bring your letters to the big crystal castle in Ponyville."

"A castle." Jack Pot chuckled. "You really have been doing well for yourself."

"Guess I have." Trixie admitted.

"...Can you do me a favor?" Jack Pot asked. "The next time you write to your mother, could you tell her... I'm sorry. And that she did a wonderful job raising you."

"...I will." Trixie nodded, her eyes watering. She wiped her eyes, and smiled. "And the next time we're in Las Pegasus, I might just take you up on that offer to team up. I'm cure I can teach you older timers some new tricks."

"I'm sure you will." Jack Pot chuckled, sharing one last hug with the daughter he'd never known.

Starlight simply observed the heartwarming moment, holding her hoof against her chest.

Starlight and Trixie departed from the resort soon after, their spirits high.

"Guess our girls' trip turned out to be more exciting than we thought." Starlight noted.

"You can say that again." Trixie chuckled. "Can't wait to see what happens tomorrow."

"So we're staying the whole weekend?" Starlight smiled knowingly. "Not checking out early, and losing our deposit on the hotel room?"

"You better believe it." Trixie nodded. "It would be cruel to deprive Las Pegasus of the Great and Powerful Trixie so soon, would it not?"

"No argument here." Starlight chuckled.

As the two mares returned to their weekend of fun, Starlight couldn't help but think of her own father, and how their own relationship had been strengthened not so long ago.

'As soon as I get back, I'm gonna write dad a letter...' She promised herself.

Roundtable Discussion

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Canterlot castle was abuzz with activity. The Royal Guard and other servants were hard at work, making the final preparations to receive some very special arrivals. Inside the throne room, Twilight and Spike were seated, eagerly awaiting for the word from one of the servants that their visitors had arrived.

"This is it, Spike." Twilight remarked. "The first real step in my work as the new Princess of Equestria."

"No pressure, right?" Spike joked.

"I've placed more pressure on myself for far less." Twilight pointed out. "And if this goes half as well as it could, it'll be a win for all of us."

At that moment, one of the guards entered the throne room, a Pegasus with an opal coat and teal eyes.

"Your majesty, the guests have arrived." He announced.

"Thank you, Stalwart." Twilight smiled. "We'll be right there."

"Very good, your majesty." Stalwart bowed.

As Stalwart departed, Twilight stood up.

"Ready to help, Royal Advisor?" She asked Spike.

"Always." Spike nodded.

The two followed Stalwart out of the throne room, and moved down to the courtyard. There, they were met by Grandpa Gruff, Prince Rutherford, Dragon Lord Ember, Thorax, Queen Novo, and Rain Shine.

The six of them had arrived at Twilight's request to have an open discussion about the bonds between their lands and Equestria might be strenghtened. Most of them looked eager to be there, but not all: Grandpa Gruff looked as sour as ever, while Queen Novo was casting an odd look at Thorax, who didn't seem to have noticed.

"Thank you all for coming." Twilight greeted them formally. "I'm so glad you could all find the time to join us."

At Twilight's side, Spike waved at Ember and Thorax. Ember smiled and nodded, while Thorax waved back.

"Yeah, yeah." Grandpa Gruff wheezed. "You gonna invite us in or what? Didn't come all the way from Griffonstone just to stand out in the cold!"

"What wrong with cold?" Prince Rutherford frowned. "Yaks no mind little chill."

"'Course you walking fur coats don't mind the chill." Grandpa Gruff scoffed. "Yer not molting!" He coughed violently, shaking loose a few feathers.

"At least you don't have to worry about running into trees that give you a sneezing fit." Ember deadpanned.

"Please, come in." Twilight offered. "The conference room is all ready for you."

"Lead the way, Princess Twilight." Thorax smiled.

The six leaders followed Twilight inside, traversing the castle corridors until they reached a certain room. Inside was a large round table, with enough seats for all of them.

"Please, take a seat." Twilight prompted.

Everycreature sat down, Spike naturally sitting next to Twilight.

"Now we can begin." Twilight smiled. "First of all, I'd like to thank Rain Shine, leader of the Kirin, for deigning to join us. After so many years in isolation, I can understand how difficult it must have been to make that choice."

"Thank you, your majesty." Rain Shine said respectfully. "But honestly, it's the least I can do after two of your friends helped we Kirin to take back our voices."

The other leaders shared confused glances.

"Say that again?" Queen Novo frowned.

"It's a long story." Rain Shine said awkwardly. "Best saved for another time, I think..." She turned to Twilight. "You were saying, Princess."

"Of course." Twilight nodded. "As you all know, I recently ascended to the throne of Equestria. But despite my new position, I am still the Princess of Friendship. And as such, I believe that it is more important than ever for Equestria to keep strengthening ties with its friends. Which is why I called you all here. I would like for us all to discuss the means by which our nations can be brought closer together."

"Means, pony say?" Prince Rutherford mused.

"That's right." Twilight nodded. "I already have a few ideas, but I'm more than happy to take suggestions."

"What kind of ideas?" Ember asked.

"Well, I thought we'd start with the basics." Twilight announced. Spike handed her a sizeable scroll, and she began to read from it. "For example, I was thinking of increased import and export between our nations, cultural exchanges, the construction of new rail lines into the Dragon Lands, the Changeling territory, Yakyakistan, and possibly even Griffonstone..."

"Sounds expensive." Grandpa Gruff said dismissively. "Hope you're not expecting us to foot the bill!"

"I wouldn't dream of it." Twilight declared. "In fact, I was considering the opposite."

"The opposite?" Thorax asked.

"I was planning on offering relief funds and assistance to those of you need it." Twilight clarified. "I know Griffonstone isn't exactly in its best shape right now, and that Mt. Aris is still building itself back up after the Hippogriffs were forced to hide from the Storm King-"

"Now hang on just a flappin' second!" Grandpa Gruff scowled. "The Griffons aren't some charity case! We may not have much money, but we still have our pride, our dignity!"

"I didn't mean to insult you-" Twilight started.

"Well, you did." Grandpa Gruff scoffed. "You think we Griffons can't get by without help?"

"What wrong with getting help?" Prince Rutherford asked. "When yaks need help, they expect friends to give help."

"We don't need any help!" Grandpa Gruff said stubbornly.

"I understand if you don't want to accept the favor." Twilight admitted. "We have no intention of forcing anything on anycreature. These are all just offers, to be taken or left as you see fit."

"Good." Grandpa Gruff growled, satisfied.

"Maybe we should move on to the next item of discussion." Thorax suggested, a little unnerved by the sudden disagreement.

"Right." Twilight nodded. "I have some thoughts regarding greater integration between our societies: joint projects, unity treaties, and possibly even the enrollment of new students for the School of Friendship's new semester."

"Yaks happy to enroll new yak students in friendship school!" Prince Rutherford announced. "Yona make school better, so more yaks make it even better! Yak math!"

"Right." Grandpa Gruff sneered. "Like throwing in a bunch more smelly hairballs makes every place great..."

"Yaks proud of of hair and smell!" Prince Rutherford shot back. "Those what make yaks yaks!"

"Okay, let's try and get back on-topic." Twilight suggested, eager to defuse the situation. "Does anycreature have any suggestions, or requests?"

"As long as you're asking, how about getting rid of those Dragonsneeze trees down the street?" Ember requested. "If integration's what you're after, it might help if every dragon who visited Canterlot didn't run the risk of burning down the place..."

"I second that." Spike grinned.

"...Good note." Twilight admitted. "I'll have a talk with the city landscapers, see if they can't rid of those trees as soon as possible."

"Great." Ember smiled.

"I was thinking that maybe you could share with the Changelings some of your Royal Guards' techniques." Thorax spoke up. "My brother Pharynx is already helping the hive to toughen up so we can defend ourselves against threats, but it wouldn't hurt to have a little extra assistance from our neighbors."

"I'll definitely look into that." Twilight pledged. "The Guards have many routines and defensive maneuvers I think could easily be adapted by the Changelings.

"Thank you, Princess." Thorax smiled. "The hive is always ready to accept help, but being able to stand strong by ourselves is important, too. Our friends have already done so much for us, and I don't want the Changelings to become too dependent on outside assistance." He chuckled wryly. "And I know Pharynx wouldn't like that, either."

"As long as you know we're there for you when you need us." Twilight nodded. "And if any of the hive like what they learn, they're always welcome to enroll in the Royal Guard's ranks."

"I'll be sure to let them know that." Thorax smiled. "I know a few who'd look pretty good in gold..."

"Heh." Grandpa Gruff scoffed. "You'd never see a Griffon decked out in that gaudy armor, mark my words..."

"What wrong with armor?" Prince Rutherford frowned. "Great yak warriors all wear armor!"

"Again with how 'great' yaks are." Grandpa Gruff rolled his eyes. "Is that the only thing you hairballs can talk about: yourselves?"

"Yaks proud of being yaks." Prince Rutherford retorted. "So why should yaks not say it?"

"How about we try and stay on-topic?" Thorax said awkwardly. "We could start with one or two techniques, and see how it goes..."

"If you ask me, all this talk of combat training is sounding a little suspicious." Queen Novo glared at Thorax.

"W-what are you talking about?" Thorax asked nervously, finally aware of the odd look Queen Novo had giving him.

"Don't think I haven't done my homework on everycreature here." Queen Novo remarked. "I know all about what the Changelings used to be: marauders, who went from place to place, trying to attack and conquer. Sounds a little too much like the Storm Guard for my tastes..."

"But we're not like that anymore." Thorax insisted. "That's all in the past. We've embraced a whole new way of life, all thanks to our pony friends."

"The whole species just up and changed?" Queen Novo said skeptically. "Just like that?"

"Well, there were a few holdouts who wanted to stick to the old ways..." Thorax admitted. "But they were all convinced to accept the new ways sooner or later."

"How convenient." Queen Novo scoffed.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Thorax frowned.

"Oh, nothing." Queen Novo said sarcastically. "Just that it's pretty suspect for a whole species to change overnight."

"You think we're just pretending?" Thorax gaped. "That's ridiculous!"

"Is it?" Queen Novo sneered. "Or are you just waiting for us all to let our guard down, so you can strike?"

"Back off, Queenie." Ember stepped up to defend Thorax. "I know Thorax, and he's nothing like that."

"Thank you, Ember." Thorax smiled.

"He's way too big of a softie to try anything like that." Ember declared.

"Gee, thanks..." Thorax sighed.

"And you're sure of that?" Rain Shine butted in. "Even up in the Peaks of Peril, we Kirin have also heard tales of the Changelings of old. How they resorted to underhanded tactics to get what they wanted. Subterfuge and deception, hiding in plain sight..."

"A very good point." Queen Novo smirked. "I like the way you think."

"Like the two of you can really talk." Ember said dismissively.

".... What's that supposed to mean?" Queen Novo frowned.

"Oh, please." Ember sneered. "You both had your species hide away for years, like cowards."

"Cowards?!" Queen Novo snarled.

"It's hardly our fault the Peaks of Peril are so out of the way!" Rain Shine glowered.

"And you never decided to drop by the neighbors for a visit?" Ember jabbed. "Yeah, that's real friendly..."

"W-we had our reasons!" Rain Shine retorted, a small wisp of flame coming into being above her mane.

"What's wrong with your mane?" Thorax asked nervously.

"Oh, er... Kirins turn into fiery creatures called Nirik when they get really angry." Spike admitted awkwardly.

"And you didn't think that was something you should've shared with the rest of us before you invited her?!" Grandpa Gruff said indignantly.

"For once, yak agree with Griffon." Prince Rutherford declared, moving away from Rain Shine. "Yak fur full and silky, but also very flammable..."

"You have nothing to fear at the moment." Rain Shine insisted. "I have my temper under control... As long as nocreature provokes me further." She glared at Ember.

"Is that a threat?" Ember growled. "Because it's not a very good one. Dragons are fireproof! Or did you miss that little fact while you were hiding?"

"We were not hiding!" Rain Shine snarled, her mane flaring up again.

"Easy, easy!" Thorax tried to diffuse the situation.

"Playing peacemaker?" Queen Novo sneered. "Not buying it, pal!"

"Okay!" Twilight said a little more loudly then she'd intended. "I think this may be a good time for us to take a short break."

"Fine with me." Grandpa Gruff cast a disgusted glance at Prince Rutherford. "I could use some fresh air!"

"And yak could use break from all of Griffon's hot air!" Prince Rutherford retorted.

"I could do with a little less accusatory stares!" Thorax snarled in Queen Novo's direction.

"Too close to the truth, right?" Queen Novo sneered.

"What part of 'back off' don't you understand, fishface?" Ember glowered at Queen Novo.

"I'm starting to miss the solitude of the Peaks of Peril more and more..." Rain Shine muttered.

Everycreature marched out of the room, keeping their distance from each other. Twilight and Spike followed soon after, stepping out into the courtyard.

"That didn't go as well as I'd hoped." Twilight frowned.

"Yeah, things got pretty heated." Spike agreed.

"I knew there would be some bumps in the road, but still..." Twilight sighed. "I brought them here so we could all grow closer together, but instead, they're acting like they're ready to tear each other apart!"

"Easy, Twi." Spike attempted to calm her. "Like you said, these are just bumps in the road-"

"More like an entire mountain range..." Twilight groaned. "I need to find some way to get everycreature back on the same page, but that's easier said than done..."

"You'll figure it out." Spike assured her. "Princess of Friendship, remember?"

"Thanks for the vote of confidence." Twilight said gratefully. "But it'll take more than confidence to bring those six back together."

"Too bad there isn't another bunch of villains threatening Equestria right now." Spike joked. "They didn't have any problems working together the last time."

Twilight's eyes widened in realisation.

"Spike, that's it!" She beamed.

"...It is?" Spike frowned in confusion. "Okay, but I have no idea where we're going to find a bunch of villains at this hour..."

"Not that." Twilight chuckled. "We just need to remind them of how strong we can be when we all work together toward a common goal."

"That's the Twilight I know and love." Spike gave her a thumbs up.

"And that's is why I made you my royal advisor." Twilight smiled. "You always know just what to say to help me get back on track, to remind me to believe in myself, and in my mission."

"Hey, it's what I do." Spike said humbly. "Even when I don't know I'm doing it..."

"And now it's time for me to do what I do: Bring everycreature closer together.." Twilight said boldly. "Ready to help?"

"Always." Spike nodded.

The Princess and her Royal Advisor returned to the conference room. The other leaders had also chosen to return, but the mood between them all was decidely sour.

"I'm glad you all chose to come back." Twilight declared.

"Yak only come back for Princess pony's sake." Prince Rutherford said bluntly. "Ponies have always been good friends to yaks." He glared at Grandpa Gruff. "Not like Griffons!"

"And I'm still here because I want to hear these offers you've got for me." Grandpa Gruff pointedly looked away from the yak prince.

"Somecreature's got to keep an eye on things." Queen Novo remarked, giving Thorax another dirty look.

"Whatever you think of me, it isn't true!" Thorax glared back.

"I was just about to say that to this one." Rain Shine glared at Ember.

"Whatever, little miss temper tantrum." Ember scowled.

"I know we all have our differences." Twilight admitted. "And sometimes, differences can drive us apart if we let them. But those same differences can also bring us together, by embracing what's unique about each of us, taking the best examples so we can all become better."

The majority of leaders looked skeptical.

"I won't deny that things aren't exactly at their best right now." Twilight continued. "But I know we can all work together to achieve great things, because it's been done before. It wasn't so long ago that all your races stood together with the ponies to help defeat Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow. On that day, you all put aside your differences for the greater good."

"...My niece made a compelling argument." Queen Novo shrugged.

"So did Ocellus." Thorax added.

"Smolder really struck a chord with the other dragons." Ember smiled proudly. "As a whole, the species were never big on helping, but she got through to them. I didn't even have to use my authority as Dragon Lord to order them to help!"

"Yona talk good too." Prince Rutherford declared. "Show yaks we all stronger together."

The others glanced at Grandpa Gruff.

"...Eh, Gallus did okay too, I guess." He said flatly. "Maybe that school of yours is doing something right after all..."

"I know it's done wonders for Ocellus." Thorax smiled. "She's really come out of her shell since she started attending."

"Silverstream always raves about your school when she's home." Queen Novo noted fondly. "And her friends. Like the Changeling. She talks about how this Ocellus is always willing to help her with her schoolwork..." Her face fell, as she started to regret her earlier treatment of Thorax.

"Yona is same." Prince Rutherford grinned. "She always talk about friends. How Changeling smart, Hippogriff fun, Griffon clever, dragon tough, pony kind... All different creatures, but no less important to Yona. Yaks may be best, but way Yona talk about friends make yak think other creatures very nearly as good... even Griffons." He added reluctantly.

"That's one of the reasons the School of Friendship exists: so that everycreature can learn to see the best of each other." Twilight smiled.

"This school of yours sounds like quite the institution." Rain Shine noted. "Perhaps I will see my way clear to enrolling one of my Kirin next semester..."

"And that Kirin would be more than welcome." Twilight assured her. "Just as all creatures will be welcome in Equestria under my rule. We may be different on the outside, but inside, I think we're more similar than dissimilar. We all want the same thing: to do what's best for our subjects. That's why all of you are here, because you want to make things better for them. And the best chance we all have of making that a reality is by working together. By putting aside our differences, and connecting over our common goals."

The leaders shared unsure looks.

"I know some of you don't know each other that well." Twilight acknowledged. "And that there are some amongst you that even I don't know that well. But if we're all willing to take the time to get to know each other better, even work with each other, there may be no limit to what we can achieve."

The leaders were silent for a moment.

"The world is so much bigger than the Kirin ever imagined." Rain Shine admitted. "So much has changed from what we remember of our last few interactions with the outside. I suppose I did find that somewhat daunting. But perhaps it doesn't have to be. Perhaps it is time for the Kirin to venture out into the world, and learn more about our neighbors..." She smiled in Ember's direction. "...Even if they're not all fireproof."

"Good call." Ember smirked.

"Maybe I judged you a little too quickly." Queen Novo admitted to Thorax. "If your hive can produce somecreature Silverstream thinks is good enough to be her friend, then you might not as bad as I thought."

"Thanks." Thorax smiled. "We Changelings do have quite the checkered past, but we're doing everything we can to work toward a brighter future. And part of that future involves working with our neighbors and making new friendships. I hope that one day, the Changelings can consider you and the Hippogriffs friends."

"How about we make that day today?" Queen Novo offered her claw.

"Glad to." Thorax smiled, giving her his hoof to shake.

Grandpa Gruff rolled his eyes at the show of friendliness before him. He then realised Prince Rutherford was looking at him.

"What?" He scowled. "You're not expecting me to get all mushy, are ya? Griffons don't do mushy!"

"Yaks not do mushy either." Prince Rutherford admitted. "There lot about Griffon yak don't like, but yak can respect Griffon's pride. Yaks proud too, so yaks can be proud to know those who are also proud. Griffon be proud of being proud!"

"Well, I'll be." Grandpa Gruff smirked. "That's the first time you've complimented anycreature other than yaks."

"It rare, but not unheard of." Prince Rutherford joked. "First, creatures have to earn yak's respect. And Griffon has."

"A little recognition at last." Grandpa Gruff grinned. "I can appreciate that."

Twilight had to struggle to hold in her joy at seeing the leaders getting along.

"As good as it to see you finding common ground, we really should get back to the discussion." She announced. "Does anycreature have a request?"

"I believe something was said earlier of cultural exchange." Rain Shine recalled. "I believe the Kirin would benefit from learning as much about our neighbors as possible. And we would be more than happy to share our own traditions with everycreature here."

"Equestria would be happy to accomodate you." Twilight smiled. "What about the rest of you?"

"The Changelings would be honored." Thorax nodded.

"Ditto for the Hippogriffs." Queen Nove added.

"Dragons don't have that much of a culture, but we'll share what we can." Ember agreed.

"Yaks glad to share what make yaks best!" Prince Rutherford cheered.

"Eh, why not?" Grandpa Gruff shrugged. "Hardly seems fair for the Griffons to miss out on this..."

"Thank you all." Rain Shine smiled. "The Kirin will not forget this kindness. We will be certain to return it at any opportunity."

Twilight wiped a tear of happiness from her eye.

'The Magic of Friendship in action.' She thought proudly. 'I never get tired of seeing it...'

Some time later, the six leaders departed from the castle. Maybe agreements had been made, and offers accepted, and while there would be more to do in future, for now, they were satisified.

"Way to go, Twilight." Spike grinned, flying by Twilight's side as they waved off their guests. "I know you could do it."

"With the help of my trusted Royal Advisor." Twilight smiled, hugging him.

"You know it." Spike chuckled. "Guess we can call this a 'win', after all, huh?"

"Hopefully, the first of many." Twilight said optimistically. "As long as we have our friends, we'll one day be able to make not just Equestria, but the whole world, a better place."

"No pressure, right?" Spike joked.

"Come on, Royal Advisor." Twilight chuckled. "Time for a well-deserved dinner."

"You read my mind." Spike nodded happily.

The two went back inside the castle, exhausted yet elated. Their work had only just begun, but it was a very promising beginning that had been made that day, one that they and Twilight's fellow leaders would build upon in the weeks, months, and years to come...

A Sky-High Rivalry

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A few miles away from Applewood, the Wonderbolts were performing before a stadium of cheering fans. Spitfire was naturally at the lead, followed by Soarin and Fleetfoot. Rainbow Dash had her place in the formation, and as usual, was giving 110%.

"Alright 'Bolts, big finish!" Spitfire declared.

"Right behind ya, Cap!" Soarin nodded.

"Let's give 'em something to remember!" Rainbow whooped.

As one, the Wonderbolts flew upwards in a corkscrew move, then dropped down to the ground, turning just a few feet above it, and flew straight forward across the field. They rose up into the air once again, this time splitting up and ascending in different directions. Using their cloud trails, they drew the Wonderbolt symbol, then they united in formation once more, bursting through the symbol in a blaze of lightning (and one rainbow trail).

The crowd cheered wildly, stomping their hooves in approval.

"You hear that, team?" Spitfire grinned.

"Oh, yeah." Fleetfoot grinned.

"Best sound in the world." Rainbow nodded.

Soon after, the Wonderbolts were making their way back to Cloudsdale.

"Great show, 'Bolts." Spitfire congratulated her team.

"Just like always." Fleetfoot smirked.

"...Did anypony else notice that the crowd was a little smaller than usual?" Soarin asked. "We usually play to a packed stadium..."

"You worry too much, Clipper." Misty Fly rolled her eyes.

"We can't expect to sell out every performance." Spitfire pointed out.

"Maybe the local ponies just had some tight schedules this week." Rainbow suggested. "It's not like there's some other thing they'd wanna see more..."

Just then, two Pegasi sped through Rainbow's flight path.

"Hey, watch it!" Rainbow yelled.

"Sorry!" One of the Pegasi apologised. "Kind of in a rush here!"

"Come on, move it!" His companion urged. "The show's about to start!"

The Pegasi flew downward to ground level, where several other ponies were lining up before a ticket stand Just up ahead, a set of bleachers had been arranged.

"Looks like we just found the something ponies wanna see more." Fleetfoot noted.

"Must be quite a show." Soarin declared. "Whattaya say, boss? Can we check it out?"

"Eh, why not?" Spitfire smiled. "We've got some spare time before we're due back at HQ. And I think we've earned a little downtime."

"Sweet." Soarin chuckled.

The Wonderbolts descended down to the ground. As they did, Rainbow couldn't help but feel an odd sense of déjà vu from the surroundings.

"Nice setup." High Winds mused, looking around. "Tickets, concession stands... And is that a merchandise booth over there?"

"Kind of like looking at one of our own shows." Fleetfoot mused. "Only weirder."

"Yeah..." Rainbow frowned, noticing a unnervingly familiar color scheme among the merchandise.

"Must be some kinda show to draw in so many ponies." Spitfire acknowledged.

"I think I know what kind of show it is..." Rainbow said darkly.

"What's with you, Crash?" Misty Fly frowned. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

"More like something way worse." Rainbow said flatly.

"Well, well." A voice that Rainbow had hoped not to hear for a long time filled the air. "Isn't this an unexpected surprise?"

As one, the Wonderbolts turned to see the Washouts approaching them: Rolling Thunder, Short Fuse and in the lead, Lightning Dust, all wearing their signature black and green uniforms.

"Lightning Dust." Rainbow Dash said through gritted teeth. "Had a feeling this was your show..."

"Hey, Dash." Lightning Dust said through a false smile. "Been a while, huh?"

"Yeah." Rainbow smirked. "Last time we saw each other, you were getting carried away into the sky by your own stunt rocket. How'd that end up working out for ya?"

"Got a couple of bruises from that one." Lightning Dust admitted. "But you should know by now that nothing keeps me down for long."

"A pony can dream..." Rainbow scoffed.

"So these are the Washouts Dash has been telling us about." Spitfire appraised.

"You mean the rejects who decided to risk their lives doing crazy stunts for Bits?" Soarin smirked.

"Not as impressive as I thought they'd be." Surprise admitted.

"Me neither." High Winds agreed. "And I didn't think they'd be impressive at all..."

"Nice outfits." Fleetfoot smirked. "Do they glow in the dark?"

"YOU THINK YOU'RE BETTER THAN US?!!" Short Fuse erupted with rage. "WELL, DO YA?!"

"Still got that temper on you, I see?" Spitfire noted, unshaken by Short Fuse's outburst. "You should try yoga sometime. It's great for calming a pony down."

"I AM CALM!!" Short Fuse screeched.

"So you're still finding ponies to watch you doing those way too dangerous stunts?" Rainbow glared.

"Don't act so surprised." Lightning Dust smirked. "Ponies these days expect to see a little more action in the skies. And thanks to our new friend, we've been taking things up a notch lately."

"New friend?" Misty Fly narrowed her eyes. "Who'd be dumb enough to throw their lot in with you thrillseekers?"

"That's be me." Another familiar voice announced.

To the Wonderbolts' surprise, a middle-aged Pegasus stallion joined the Washouts, one they all recognised.

"Wind Rider?" Rainbow gaped.

"What are you doing here?" Spitfire glared.

"Well, after that unfortunate incident in Canterlot, I spent a while traveling around Equestria, trying to find a new livelihood." Wind Rider replied spurly. "A few months back, I ran into these three putting on their show, and rakin' in the Bits. I got to talking with them after, and we learned that we had something in common: namely, being unfairly kicked out of the Wonderbolts."

"'Unfairly'?!" Rainbow growled. "You tried to get me kicked out of the Reserves!"

"Details, details." Wind Rider shrugged. "Anyway, since I had nothing but free time on my hooves, I offered them my services as a trainer/agent."

"And thanks to him, we're pulling off bigger routines, and gettin' bigger crowds than ever." Lightning Dust smirked. "But you already knew that, didn't you?"

"Saw the size of the line as you dropped in, didn't ya?" Rolling Thunder taunted the Wonderbolts.

"So trying to frame one of our up-and-comers wasn't enough for you?" High Winds glared at Wind Rider. "Now you're working with the enemy?"

"They're not my enemies." Wind Rider smirked. "I'm not a Wonderbolt anymore, remember? I don't owe you anything."

"Don't take it personally, Rider." Lightning Dust grinned. "They just can't stand it when the ponies they unfairly cast out wind up being better than they are."

"Oh, please." Rainbow snarled. "You really think you and your bunch of wannabe daredevils are better than the one-and-only Wonderbolts?"

"Not think, know." Lightning Dust shot back. "Say, didn't you guys have a show today? Didn't sell many tickets, did ya?"

"Oh, no..." Soarin cringed, putting two and two together.

"Gee, I wonder why?" Short Fuse interjected.

"Maybe because ponies would rather see the Washouts in adrenaline-fuelled action than watch the Wonderbolts going through the motions?" Rolling Thunder jeered.

"No way!" Rainbow snarled, her temper flaring.

"Yes, way." Lightning Dust sniggered, enjoying how their words were getting under Rainbow's skin. "Face it, the Wonderbolts are yesterday's news."

"Says you!" Rainbow spat.

"Easy, Dash..." Spitfire tried to defuse the situation.

"Don't get me wrong." Lightning Dust smiled wickedly. "You guys had a good run, but every act gets stale eventually..."

"The Wonderbolts have been the best fliers in Equestria for over a thousand years!" Rainbow pointed out.

"Which just proves how much the novelty's worn off." Lightning Dust said coldly. "Give it another year or two, and the Washouts will be Equestria's new top fliers, while the Wonderbolts will be nothing but a bunch of has-beens."

"Oh, that is it!" Rainbow exploded. "You think your team of rejects will ever be better than the Wonderbolts? That will never happen!"

"Says who?" Lightning Dust jeered.

"Dash..." Soarin muttered.

"Says me!" Rainbow spat. "The Wonderbolts could outfly the Washouts any day of the week!"

"Sounds like a challenge to me." Lightning Dust smirked.

"Maybe it is!" Rainbow growled.

"Hold on..." Misty Fly frowned.

"Challenge accepted." Lightning Dust nodded gleefully. "Henceforth, the Wonderbolts will take on us, the Washouts, in a contest to decide which team is Equestria's real greatest fliers."

"You got it!" Rainbow snarled.

"Wait a second!" Fleetfoot yelled. "Who made you this team's mouthpiece, Dash?"

"You know we can take these guys!" Rainbow insisted.

"That's not the point!" Surprise growled.

"They're right." Spitfire agreed. "The Wonderbolts are all about discipline and honor, not taking part in petty grudge matches."

"But Spitfire-" Rainbow started.

"But nothing." Spitfire said bluntly. "We've got nothing to prove to anypony. I know you and Lightning Dust have some bad history, but that doesn't give you the right to speak for this team."

"I-" Rainbow floundered.

"There will be no challenge." Spitfire said with authority. "Not today, not ever."

"As, what's the matter?" Rolling Thunder taunted. "Afraid you'll lose?"

"Afraid of being second best?" Short Fuse smirked.

"Wonderbolts aren't afraid of anything!" Soarin retorted.

"Except doing whatever it takes to be a really great flier." Lightning Dust sneered.

"Last I checked, great fliers don't risk themselves, and others." Spitfire rebutted. "We don't have to lower ourselves to dealing with you reckless fools." She turned to her team. "We're outta here."

"But-!" Rainbow started.

"That means now, rookie." Spitfire silenced Rainbow with a look that could cut through stone.

As Spitfire made to lead the Wonderbolts away, Wind Rider chuckled mockingly.

"Oh, this is too perfect." He cackled. "Now we get to tell all those ponies waiting for the show, and all our future spectators, that the Wonderbolts rudely refused our humble offer of a friendly contest."

Spitfire froze in place.

"What?" She looked back.

"Ooh, imagine how they'll react." Lightning Dust joined in.

"They'll either think you're some high-and-mighty snobs who think you're too good to fly against our humble, self-made team..." Short Fuse mocked.

"...Or that you're just a bunch a' cowards who are too scared to face up to a real challenge." Rolling Thunder finished.

"Cowards?!" Soarin growled.

"Either way, that's not gonna look good for the ol' team image." Wind Rider relished the thought. "Talk about a PR nightmare..."

Spitfire's eye twitched in annoyance.

"We can't let them drag the Wonderbolts' good name through the mud!" Rainbow pleaded with her. "We've gotta defend our honor!"

"Well?" Lightning Dust smirked. "Having any second thoughts?"

"...Okay, you're on." Spitfire said defiantly, to Rainbow's glee (and the others' shock). "Just name the time and place."

"How about noon tomorrow, right here?" Lightning Dust suggested.

"We'll be there." Spitfire nodded.

"Good." Lightning Dust grinned. "Now, if you don't mind, we have a show to put on. So unless you wanna buy a ticket and watch, this is where we say see ya for now."

"Can't keep our ever-growing legion of fans waiting." Rolling Thunder bragged.

"Because their opinions actually matter to us." Short Fuse drawled.

"Good luck for tomorrow." Wind Rider chuckled mockingly. "You're gonna need it..."

After the Washouts headed over to their starting positions, ready to start their show, the other Wonderbolts turned on Rainbow.

"Way to go, Crash." Fleetfoot glared angrily at her teammate.

"Hey, I was just defending our honor!" Rainbow justified her actions.

"Honor that could end up being torn to shreds!" High Winds frowned.

"All because you've got a grudge against this Lightning Dust character!" Misty Fly growled.

"And you just had to drag us all into it!" Surprise added.

"That's enough." Spitfire said firmly. "I'll admit Crash let her mouth run away with her, but we can't let these Washouts besmirch their reputation with their lies."

"Yeah, we're not cowards!" Soarin added.

"So we're going to face those upstarts tomorrow." Spitfire declared. "And we're gonna win. End of story."

Aside from Rainbow and Soarin, the team didn't seem to share Spitfire's optimism.

"Now let's head back to HQ." Spitfire nodded. "Then we'll spend the rest of the day training for tomorrow's showdown."

"So much for our downtime..." Misty Fly scowled.

As they flew back to their home turf, most of the Wonderbolts gave Rainbow the cold shoulder. The newest Wonderbolt couldn't help but feel a little guilty about what she'd gotten her team into.

'Me and my big mouth...' She lamented.

The morning after, the Wonderbolts suited up and returned to the spot where the challenge had been made. To their shock, the group saw an even bigger set-up in the area than the day before, with multiple bleachers filled with spectators.

"This doesn't look good." Misty Fly noted.

As the team landed, the Washouts and Wind Rider moved to greet them.

"So you showed." Lightning Dust sneered. "I was half-hoping you wouldn't have the guts."

"What's all this?" Rainbow pointed out the crowd.

"What, you thought this was gonna be a private grudge match?" Rolling Thunder smirked.

"We weren't going to pass up an opportunity to make some extra Bits selling tickets for our big showdown." Wind Rider grinned.

"Besides, I think there should be as many ponies to witness your humiliating defeat as possible." Lightning Dust taunted. "Once we're through with you, all of Equestria will know who the new top fliers are: the Washouts!"

"Again, I say: way to go, Crash." Fleetfoot stared daggers at Rainbow, who wilted slightly.

"So, how are we doing this?" Soarin asked. "Wing-up contest? Best formation flying?"

"Just look up." Short Fuse scowled impatiently.

Up above, a group of Pegasi were busy positioning clouds. Some were dark and stormy, others were producing hail and snow, and a few were pouring out torrential rain. And on top of that, some clouds had gale force wind-producing turbines mounted on them.

"I paid the local weather patrol to set up a few obstacles for this little contest." Wind Rider revealed. "After each round, they'll change things up a little, just to keep everypony on their hooves."

"This'll be a set of one-on-one races through the roughest weather we could hire." Lightning Dust summarized. "So, which of your squad of hasbeens will be taking us on?"

Spitfire looked over her team.

"That'll be Soarin, Fleetfoot..." She declared. "...And Dash."

"Seriously?" Misty Fly scowled. "She's the one who got us into this mess!"

"Then she'll be the one to help get us out of it." Spitfire shrugged.

"You're not taking part yourself?" Wind Rider frowned.

"What's the matter?" Short Fuse jeered. "Is the high and mighty Captain of the Wonderbolts afraid of losin' in front of all these ponies?"

"More like I have faith in my team." Spitfire retorted. "Faith that they're gonna win this."

"We'll see about that." Lightning Dust sneered. She looked at her teammates. "Who wants to go first?"

"That'll be me, boss." Rolling Thunder stepped forward. "Who wants to try their luck against yours truly?"

"I will." Fleetfoot announced. "This oughta be an easy win."

"Yeah... For me." Rolling Thunder smirked.

"Let the show begin..." Lightning Dust grinned.

"Ladies and gentlestallions, prepare yourselves for the ultimate aerial showdown!" The voice of the Washouts' unseen announcer blared out of every speaker in the area. "Washouts versus Wonderbolts, with the title of Equestria's greatest fliers on the line!"

The crowd cheered wildly. At the same time, Fleetfoot and Rolling Thunder trotted over to the starting line.

"First up, we have the Wonderbolts' Fleetfoot versus Rolling Thunder of the Washouts!" The announcer continued. "The rules are simple: all they have to do is navigate their way around the wild weather above us. First to go full circle and return to the starting line wins!"

The crowd cheered once more.

Both Wonderbolts and Washouts waited on tenterhooks.

"Without further, let's get this grudge match moving!" The announcer whooped. "On your marks, get set.."

Fleetfoot and Rolling Thunder readied themselves for takeoff.

"Go!" The announcer yelled.

The two rivals shot up into the sky like a pair of rockets.

"Go get 'er, Fleetfoot!" Soarin cheered.

"CRUSH HER, THUNDER!!" Short Fuse booked.

Up above, the two Pegasus mares began to negotiate the the hazardous weather. The crowd watched eagerly through the official commemorative Washouts binoculars they had bought at the ticket booth.

The first hurdle was a gauntlet of high-speed winds, which were doing their best to push the fliers back. Fleetfoot and Rolling Thunder pushed back, beating their wings against the gales, and pressing forward.

"Having trouble keeping up?" Rolling Thunder jeered at her opponent.

"In your dreams, reject!" Fleetfoot snarled.

After finally breaking through the wind, they reached the next obstacle: clouds pouring with sleet. They struggled through the freezing cold, the icy downpour collecting on their wings.

"If Fleetfoot doesn't get out of there soon, her wings could freeze!" Surprise fretted.

"She'll make it." Rainbow nodded. "She has to..."

Fleetfoot was starting to feel the effects of the sleet on her wings, which were growing more numb by the second. But she could see clear sky ahead.

"Just a little further..." She told herself.

With a supreme effort, Fleetfoot finally emerged from under the clouds. The warm sun above melting away the ice, Fleetfoot felt ready to finish the race. Unfortunately, Rolling Thunder was right behind her.

"Thought you'd left me out in the cold, eh?" Rolling Thunder smirked. "Think again!"

"The day's still young, Thunderhead..." Fleetfoot growled.

The race continued, through rain and hail, the two Pegasi jockeying for position.

"This is it, folks." The announcer declared, as Fleetfoot and Rolling Thunder were close to returning to the starting line. "Final leg, and our two racers are still neck and neck. But there's still time to change that..."

"Almost home." Fleetfoot told herself. "Gotta really push it..."

The Wonderbolt put on a burst of speed, pulling slightly ahead of Rolling Thunder. It seemed like victory was assured... Until their flight path brought them into a large storm cloud, filled with bolts of lightning.

"Whoa!" Fleetfoot yelled, halting herself to avoid being zapped.

"Wimp." Rolling Thunder sneered as she kept going, regardless of her surroundings. "This is the kind of weather I love flying through!"

"You're crazy!" Fleetfoot yelled, trying her best to keep up while avoiding the lightning.

"Crazy like a winner!" Rolling Thunder retorted, spinning and diving between the bolts with reckless abandon.

Despite Fleetfoot's efforts, she fell behind; Rolling Thunder emerged from under the storm cloud with a substantial lead.

"And to think, I was kicked out of training because of moves like that!" Rolling Thunder boasted. "Ain't that some delicious irony?"

"I'll give you irony, you smug-!" Fleetfoot snarled as she exited the storm.

Fleetfoot tried to clear the gap between them, but there just wasn't enough course left. Rolling Thunder landed on the starting line first, to the cheers of the crowd.

"That's how's it's done!" She crowed triumphantly. "Yeah!"

"And there you have it, folks!" The announcer blared out. "Rolling Thunder and the Washouts take the first round! This isn't looking good for the Wonderbolts..."

Fleetfoot hung her head as she rejoined her teammates.

"Sorry, guys." She apologised. "I blew it."

"Don't beat yourself up, Flatfoot." Surprise consoled. "They just got a lucky break."

"Luck had nothing to do with it." Lightning Dust taunted. "So don't even bother making that excuse when you lose the next round."

If I were you, I wouldn't count my cockatrices before they hatch." Rainbow glared.

"Soarin, you're up next." Spitfire declared. "Ready to roll?"

"Always." Soarin nodded.

"Short Fuse, it's your turn." Wind Rider instructed. "Keep this winning streak going, ya hear?"

"With pleasure." Short Fuse smirked.

After a short break (during which the weather hazards were rearranged), the second round was about to begin.

"And now, for our second matchup, we have Short Fuse versus Soarin!" The announcer told the cheering crowd. "Ready, set, go!"

Once again, Wonderbolt and Washout took off, and began to negotiate the hazards. Short Fuse managed to compensate for his small size with increased aerodynamics, allowing him to keep up with Soarin as they flew through back-to-back rain and snow clouds.

"We got us another close match on our hooves!" The announcer noted. "Who will win?"

"What kinda stupid question is that?" Short Fuse muttered under his breath.

"You might not like the answer, shorty." Soarin smirked.

The two stayed equal in position until they reached the turn that would bring them back to the starting line; the curve too them through a snow cloud. Soarin's larger wings allowed him to make a wider turn, which he used to pull ahead of Short Fuse.

"What the-?!" Short Fuse gaped.

"Sorry, pal." Soarin grinned. "But this race is all mine!"

"NO WAY!!" Enraged by Soarin's lead, Short Fuse experienced a rage-powered burst of speed, allowing him to almost catch up to his foe.

"Oh, boy..." Soarin gulped, not liking the mad look in his eye.


The diminutive Pegasus veered into Soarin, slamming into his side.

"Yeow!" Soarin yelped, just barely managing to stay in the air as they headed the wind gauntlet. "Are you crazy?!"

"I HATE WHEN PONIES QUESTION MY MENTAL STATE!!" Short Fuse snarled, readying for another attack. "YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR THAT!!"

"I don't think so!" Soarin evaded his foe's charge, causing Short Fuse to fly straight into the gale force winds.

"OH, COME ON!!" Short Fuse yelped, as he was sent spinning out of control.

"Ooh!" The announcer gasped. "What a shocking upset! Soarin pulls off a win for the Wonderbolts, tying up the score! That means the next round decides everything!"

The crowd cheered loudly as Soarin returned to his teammates.

"Way to go, Clipper!" Spitfire grinned.

"That's showin' 'em!" High Winds slapped him on the back.

A dizzy Short Fuse shakily returned to his teammates, collapsing the second he touched the ground. While Rolling Thunder showed some concern, Wind Rider and Lightning Dust's only emotions were anger over the defeat. They both glared hatefully at the Wonderbolts.

"Enough playing around." Lightning Dust scowled. "Time to end this..."

Another short break, and it was time for the grand finale. Rainbow and Lightning Dust stood ready on the starting line.

"This it, folks!" The announcer bellowed. "The final round, to decide which team will be going home winners: the Captain of the Washouts, Lightning Dust, versus the newest Wonderbolt, Rainbow Dash!"

The crowd cheered more loudly than ever.

"Get ready to lose, Dash." Lightning Dust growled.

"You wish." Rainbow glared back.

"Ready, set... Go!" The announcer yelled.

Rainbow and Lightning Dust flew up into the breach, the crowd roaring.

"You can do it, Crash!!" Surprise whooped.

"Put that wannabe in her place!" Misty Fly cheered.

"How sweet." Lightning Dust jeered as she and Rainbow negotiated a blizzard. "Think they'll still be cheering after you lose this?"

"Not gonna happen!" Rainbow shot back.

"I could always outfly you, Dash." Lightning Dust scoffed. "Because I was willing to do what needed to be done to win!"

"At the cost of other ponies!" Rainbow pointed out. "But I'm good enough win without hurting others!"

"We'll just see about that..." Lightning Dust smirked.

The two continued on, taking each obstacle with practiced skill.

"I don't think I've ever seen such evenly-matched fliers!" The announcer declared. "Don't know about you, folks, but I am giving my hooves!"

All too soon, Rainbow and Lightning Dust reached the final leg of the course. The only thing in their way was a giant dark cloud, spitting out hailstones the size of Bucknell's.

"This is it." Lightning Dust declared. "The final test. Who's got the guts to win this?"

"Guts is one thing..." Rainbow mused. "But common sense is another!"

Rather than fly through the center of the hailstorm, Rainbow stuck to the outer limits, where the downpour was thinnest. In contrast, Lightning Dust flew straight through the middle.

"That's always been your problem, Dash." Lightning Dust sneered. "Never could take the risk, could you? That's why I'm gonna win this!"

"It's not over yet." Rainbow said through gritted teeth, evading the hailstones as best she could.

Like the old saying goes, the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. Lightning Dust was nearing the edge of the cloud.

"It'll be over sooner than ya think!" She smirked.

Just before she reached the edge, a hailstone struck her wing.

"Ahh!" She screeched, wobbling from the impact.

"And that's always been your problem." Rainbow declared, exiting the cloud first. "You're just too reckless!"

"You haven't won yet!" Lightning Dust followed her out of the cloud. Her wing was still intact, but heavily bruised, reducing her speed. In spite of that, she still put her all into her flying, and closed the gap between them. "This time, I win!"

The two were neck and neck as they headed to the finish line. But Rainbow, bolstered by the need to make her team proud, put on a burst of speed just in time to cross the finish line first.

"And it's all over!" The announcer declared. "Rainbow Dash defies all odds to secure victory for the Wonderbolts!"

Barely a second after landing, Rainbow found herself being tackled by her teammates.

"You did it!" Soarin cheered.

"Way to go!" Surprise smiled.

"Nice work, rookie." Spitfire declared.

"Great work!" High Winds added.

"Yeah!" Misty Fly agreed.

The crowd were going mad with jubilation.


As the Wonderbolts released Rainbow from their group hug, the Washouts approached, sour looks on their faces. Clearly, they weren't pleased at how their attempt to show up the Wonderbolts had resulted in the exact opposite outcome.

"This isn't over, Dash." Lightning Dust scowled. "You mark my words: One of these days, the Washouts are gonna be Equestria's top fliers, and the Wonderbolts are gonna be nothing but a footnote in the history books!"

"Yeah, sure." Rainbow said sarcastically. "Like I said, a pony can dream..."

"Let's get outta here." Lightning Dust told her comrades.

The Washouts took off into the sky, followed by Wind Rider, who cast a cold glare at his former teammates.

"Great work out there, team." Spitfire smiled. "Especially you, Crash."

"I couldn't let you guys down." Rainbow sighed. "Especially since it was my big mouth that got into this mess in the first place."

"I'd say showing that egomaniac who's boss more than makes up for it." Fleetfoot smiled.

"Yeah, that was awesome." Soarin grinned.

"Way to make the 'Bolts proud." Surprise agreed.

"And helping to put those Washout upstarts in their place." Misty Fly grinned.

"Guess their little plan to humiliate us really backfired, huh?" High Winds chuckled.

"Like they ever had a chance at taking our place as Equestria's top fliers..."

"And they never will." Spitfire declared. "Not so long as ponies like you are on the team. Come on, 'Bolts, let's go home."

The Wonderbolts took off into the sky, the crowd still cheering them on. The team flew back to Cloudsdale with pride, for they had defended their position as Equestria's best fliers. While the Washouts would no doubt rear their helmeted heads again in the future, not a single Wonderbolt feared that they would eclipse their team in popularity. Not as long as a single Wonderbolt was willing to give their all to honor their teammates, and all the Wonderbolts who came before them.

Back To School

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Summer had ended, and a new semester had begun at the School of Friendship. Many students filed in through the front doors, the Earth Pony Sandbar among them.

"Good to be back..." He smiled, taking in the familiar sights.

"Sandbar!" Silverstream waved at him from across the hall.

"Hey, Silverstream!" Sandbar grinned, as he joined his Hippogriff friend. "How was summer break?"

"Awesome!" Silverstream chuckled. "I got to hang out with Terramar, mom and dad, cousin Skystar... But I still counted the seconds until I could see you and the others again."

"It's great to see you too." Sandbar returned the sentiment. "Guess the others aren't here yet..."

"Some of us are." Ocellus the Changeling joined them. "We've got more new students than usual this year. I had to say 'excuse me' about a dozen times already today."

"Classic Ocellus." Smolder chuckled, the dragon hovering above them. "Somecreatures never change... Even when they're a Changeling."

"Hi, Smolder!" Silverstream beamed. "How was summer in the Dragon Lands?"

"Hot, humid, and arid." Smolder answered. " So y'know, no complaints."

"Lucky you." Gallus joined them. "Griffonstone was the same as ever... Unfortunately." The Griffon scowled. "Glad I'm back here, with you guys."


A shaggy brown blur tackled them to the ground. It was their yak friend Yona. She picked them up, and hugged them all tightly.

"Yona so happy to see you all again!" She said happily.

"It's great to see you too, Yona." Sandbar smiled, blushing lightly.

"Now we're all back together!" Silverstream beamed.

"How was your summer, Yona?" Ocellus asked.

"Yona had best summer in Yakyakistan!" Yona declared. "But Yona is glad to be back at School of Friendship, with Yona's friends!"

"I know I'm glad to be back." Gallus grinned. "Even if it does mean getting homework again."

"Yeah, that's one part of school life I didn't miss." Smolder agreed. "But I guess it's a small price to pay..."

As the Young Six made their way through the school corridors, they couldn't help but notice they were getting a few admiring looks from their fellow students.

"Guess word of our big rallying cry got around." Gallus noted.

"No kiddin'." Sandbar agreed. "Not to brag, but I've become kind of a hometown hero."

"Me too." Silverstream grinned. "Auntie Novo herself gave me a medal of honor. A really shiny one, too."

"Yona no get medal." Yona shrugged. "But Yaks still commend Yona for her words."

"Thorax was proud of me for stepping up." Ocellus smiled. "I never imagined I'd be such a public speaker..."

"Me neither." Gallus agreed. "I didn't even think it would work, but I tried anyway. That's one gamble that really paid off. I shoulda put Bits on it..."

As Ocellus had noted, there were a lot of new students this semester. Due to the many races in and around Equestria working together to defeat the former Changeling Queen Chrysalis, Lord Tirek and Cozy Glow (thanks in no small part to the Young Six), there had been an increased interest in learning the magic of friendship. There were new dragon, Changeling, Griffon, Yak, and Hippogriff students, and even one or two Buffalo students.

"This place really is packed." Smolder declared.

"You can say that again." Sandbar nodded. "Hope our professors can handle all the new students..."

"If they can handle three super-powered baddies, I don't think a few extra students are gonna be a problem." Gallus said confidently.

The school's students, new and old, gathered in the lecture hall. Standing on the stage were Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Rarity, along with Headmare Starlight Glimmer, Vice-headmare Sunburst, and Guidance Counselor Trixie.

"Hello, everycreature!" Starlight announced. "First of all, I'd like to welcome back our returning students. And to our new students, we hope you can have fun learning about friendship."

"And if you have any problems, feel free to talk with me, the guiding and counseling Trixie!" Trixie chipped in.

The rest of the faculty rolled their eyes at Trixie's usual theatrics.

"Just remember, the whole point of this school is about making friends." Starlight smiled. "So don't be afraid to reach out to and help each other. Together, we can make this a great year for the School of Friendship!"

"And please don't forget to pick up your class schedules on your way out." Sunburst added, using his magic to lift up a stack of papers.

The students began filing out of the lecture, each picking up a schedule.

"So, what do you guys have first?" Gallus asked.

"I got Laughter class!" Silverstream smiled.

"Yona, too!" Yona grinned.

"I got Loyalty." Smolder declared.

"Generosity." Sandbar answered.

"I got 'Theory of Defensive Magic'." Ocellus beamed.

"Me too." Gallus sighed. "Great start to the semester..."

"I know, right?" Ocellus nodded, unaware of the Griffon's sarcasm.

"So we meet up at lunch, then?" Sandbar asked redundantly.

"Does a yak like to smash?" Gallus smirked.

"Yak does!" Yona nodded.

"Like I said, some things never change." Smolder chuckled.

"But there's always something new out there." Silverstream added. "Like that, for instance."

The others looked in the direction Silverstream was pointing. Not too far from them was a Kirin colt. His coat was wheatstalk yellow, his mane rose red, his scales and toes earth brown, and his eyes were leaf green.

"What kind of creature is that?" Gallus frowned.

"It's a Kirin, dude." Sandbar pointed out. "A few of them were part of the cavalry, remember?"

"Oh, yeah." Gallus mused.

"Gallus really not remember?" Yona snorted.

"There were a lot of creatures there that day." Gallus said defensively. "Can't expect me to remember them all..."

"Let's go over and say 'hi'!" Silverstream suggested.

"Sure, why not?" Smolder shrugged. "We still got a couple of minutes before first class."

"It'd be fun to learn a little more about Kirin." Ocellus smiled.

"Same old Ocellus." Gallus rolled his eyes.

The Young Six made their way over to the Kirin.

"Hi, there!" Silverstream blared out.

The young Kirin recoiled slightly, surprised by the young Hippogriff's exuberance. As the rest of the Young Six gathered around him, he glanced about nervously.

"Uh... Hi..." He said awkwardly.

"Hey." Sandbar smiled. "Sorry about Silverstream. She's a little... Excitable." He placed a hoof to his chest. "Welcome to the School of Friendship. I'm Sandbar." He pointed to each of his other friends in turn. "And this is Gallus, Smolder, Ocellus and Yona."

"Nice to meet ya." Gallus nodded.

"Ditto." Smolder gave him a thumbs up.

"I've never officially met a Kirin before." Ocellus noted. "This is going to be so educational..."

"What is Kirin's name?" Yona asked.

"I'm, uh... Chill Char." The Kirin said nervously.

"Cool name." Smolder said appreciatively.

"I have so many questions." Ocellus said excitedly. "What's it like at the Peaks of Peril? Are they really as perilous as they sound?"

"Well, not rea-" Chill Char began.

"What kind of diet do Kirin have?" Ocellus continued.

"Uh-" Chill Char said awkwardly.

"Do you have books, or do you prefer stone carvings?" Ocellus asked.

"I, er-" Chill Char gaped.

"Easy there, bookworm." Gallus used his wing to gently push Ocellus aside. "Don't mind her, she's just got this weird thing about learning." He told Chill Char, earning a glare from Ocellus.

"So, what do you think of the school so far?" Silverstream asked.

"It's... It's okay." Chill Char said awkwardly.

"Okay..." Chill Char said nervously, his eyes darting around.

"We're what you'd call 'senior students'." Smolder bragged. "So if you need to know anything about how things work around here, just ask one of us."

"Oh, thanks." Chill Char said flatly.

"What class do you have first?" Ocellus inquired.

"It's, er... Laughter class." Chill Char replied nervously.

"Maybe Yona can show Kirin how to get there?" Yona offered.

"Thanks, but I think I can manage myself." Chill Char declined, his nervousness starting to become something else.

"Then how about you join us at lunch?" Sandbar offered. "There's always room for one more."

"I'm fine." Chill Char retorted, his jaw clenching.

"Maybe we can hang out after school?" Silverstream smiled. "We could show you the sights around Ponyville."

"Thanks for the offer, but like I said, I'm fine." Chill Char insisted.

"Or if you're having trouble with homework, you could join us in a study session at the library someti-" Ocellus started.

"I said I'm fine, so just BACK OFF, OKAY?!" As he descended into anger, Chill Char's eyes turned white, his teeth became fangs, and a small plume of flame burst into life atop this head.

The Young Six recoiled in shock and horror, Ocellus transforming into a mouse on reflex.

As suddenly as it had emerged, Chill Char's anger faded. He shook his head, causing the frightful features to vanish, replaced by a look of shame.

"I... I..." He stuttered, before turning and running away.

It took the Young Six a moment for what just ocurred to sink in.

"...Well, that just happened." Smolder said bluntly.

"What was that?" Gallus frowned.

"Nirik." Ocellus declared nervously, changing back to her normal self.

"Geshundteit." Yona smiled.

"I mean, Kirin can turn into fiery creatures called Nirik when they lose their tempers." Ocellus clarified.

"I thought you didn't know much about Kirin?" Silverstream pointed out.

"I heard Professor Fluttershy talk about it once." Ocellus shrugged. "And from what she said, that was just a partial transformation. A full Nirik is way more scary..."

"Well, that's comforting." Smolder snorted.

"Yona suddenly not so keen to have study session with Kirin now..." Yona admitted.

"You don't think this is gonna be a problem, do you?" Ocellus worried.

"Let's just hope the guy doesn't get angry too easily..." Gallus suggested.

"We did come on a little strong, though." Sandbar acknowledged. "Can't really blame him for getting a little snappy."

"Or maybe we just caught him on a bad day?" Silverstream added. "No offense to Gallus and Smolder, but some of us weren't exactly the most sociable creatures on our first day."

"None taken." Smolder shrugged.

"And I was a little shy myself..." Ocellus admitted.

"A little?" Gallus teased.

"Let's just give the dude some time to get used to the place." Sandbar suggested. "Maybe then he'll be a little less testy."

"Sounds like a plan." Smolder shrugged.

"Speaking of plans, we'd better stick to our lesson plans." Ocellus pointed out.

"Right." Yona nodded. "Yona no want to get detention on first day back!"

"See ya at lunch, guys!" Silverstream waved, as the group split up to attend their classes.

Over the next few days, the Young Six went to their classes and hung out together as normal. As they did, they would catch sight of Chill Char every so often. The young Kirin was keeping his distance from the other students, and hardly ever drawing attention to himself in class, only speaking up when one of the professors called on him to answer a question (and even then, he would say as little as possible). And whenever he crossed paths with the Young Six, he would try to keep his distance.

One lunchtime, the Young Six were gathered together at the same table, while Chill Char was sat at the furthermost table, eating a bowl of soup, alone.

"Well, there's been no temper tantrums to speak of." Gallus noted. "But he's not exactly Mr. Social, is he?"

"Neither were half of us when we first came." Smolder indicated herself, Gallus and Ocellus.

"Maybe he really is shy after all." Ocellus surmised.

Chill Char stood up, intending to take his bowl to the table reserved for used plates and utensils. But a green Pegasus colt suddenly collided with him, causing the remains of the soup to splash over Chill Char's front.

"Sorry!" The Pegasus apologised. "My bad!"

Chill Char's expression, initially that of shock, formed into a scowl, as he looked upon the soupy mess of his coat. Though his features remained the same, another burst of flame erupted from above his head. The Pegasus' eyes widened in horror.

"Gotta go!" He yelped, flying out of the room.

Chill Char let out a resigned sigh, the flame dying out. As he reached for a napkin, he realised most of the room was looking at him. Mortified, he cleaned himself as quickly as possible, deposited the bowl and spoon, and left the room.

"Okay, maybe we didn't catch him on a bad day." Silverstream frowned.

"And I thought Grandpa Gruff had a temper on him." Gallus noted.

"Poor guy." Sandbar shook his head.

"Say what?" Smolder snorted.

"You saw the look on his face, didn't you?" Sandbar declared. "He didn't like getting angry."

"Who does?" Ocellus pointed out.

"Yaks can have big tempers sometimes." Yona acknowledged. "If we no have smashing to relieve stress, maybe we get angry way more often."

"That's right." Sandbar nodded. "Good point, Yona."

Yona blushed in response.

"So the guy has anger management issues." Smolder shrugged. "What can any of us do about it?"

"Good question." Silverstream admitted. "Any thoughts, guys?"

"I have one idea..." Gallus mused.

Between the afternoon classes, Gallus decided to pay a visit to Trixie's office. He knocked twice on the door.

"Come in!" Trixie's voice answered.

Gallus opened the door, and went inside. The room had been decorated with various stage magic paraphernalia: crystal balls, smoke bombs, playing cards, etc. Trixie was sitting behind her desk.

"Oh, hello Gallus." Trixie smiled. "How can Trixie help you today?"

"It's not actually me I was thinking could use your help..." Gallus admitted.

Gallus quickly explained to Trixie the situation with Chill Char.

"...So do you think you can help him?" Gallus asked.

"Well, Trixie certainly could." Trixie said confidently. "But I think it would be best if these guidance counseling sessions were voluntary. Chill Char has to want my help, not have it forced upon him."

"Oh." Gallus sighed. "Thanks anyway."

"Sorry." Trixie apologised. "But if you never need to talk about something, my door is always open."

"I'll keep that in mind." Gallus smiled.

As Gallus exited, he found the others waiting in the corridor.

"So?" Smolder asked.

"No dice." Gallus shook his head. "Counselor Trixie said that Chill Char has to be the one to come to her."

"Oh, well." Silverstream sighed.

"Yona think we should just try talking to Kirin again." Yona suggested.

"Somehow, I doubt he'd want to talk to us after what happened last time." Smolder retorted.

"He has been kinda avoiding us." Sandbar noted. "More than anycreature else."

"It might be best not to get into his face again." Ocellus said cautiously. "If he really doesn't like getting angry, then we wouldn't have left the best impression by, you know... Getting him angry."

"What do you mean 'we'?" Gallus snarked. "You were the one asking him all those questions about Kirin."

"I was curious!" Ocellus pouted.

"So you're saying we should just give him some space?" Silverstream asked. "Because he's kinda handling that part himself..."

"We don't want to push it." Smolder declared. "Let's give him a little more time to get used to this school stuff, right?"

"Agreed." Sandbar nodded.

"Yona still think her idea best..." Yona pouted.

On Friday afternoon, the Young Six were in Professor Dash's Loyalty class with several other students, including Chill Char. Rainbow had instructed her students to split into teams of three and play Buckball.

Chill Char was currently playing, acting in the position Unicorns usually played, using his magic to maneuver the basket for his team, which also consisted of a Changeling and a Buffalo. The opposing team comprised of a Unicorn, a Hippogriff and a yak. Naturally, most of them had never played before, but they were still giving it their all.

"That's it, students!" Rainbow encouraged the players. "Buckball is all about putting together your individual skills and working as team, just like friendship."

The Young Six watched the current game with much interest.

"Some pretty good moves out there." Sandbar noted.

"Just wait until I get out there." Smolder grinned. "I'll show everycreature some real moves."

"I didn't know Kirin could use their horns to levitate objects." Ocellus took note of Chill Char's efforts. "Fascinating..."

"Let's just hope he's not a sore loser..." Gallus frowned.

At the beginning of the next play, Chill Char's buffalo teammate kicked the ball into the air. But the opposing Hippogriff, showing quick reflexes, caught the ball, and in the blink of an eye, flung it across the field. Chill Char tried to get his basket into position in time, but wasn't fast enough; the ball struck the basket's side, ricocheting directly into his face.

"Oww!" He yelped. In that moment, he lost his concentration, and the basket dropped out of the air, landing on his head. "Oof!" He groaned, his voice muffled.

As Chill Char stood there, looking like a Kirin with a bucket for a head, several of the students started laughing. Peeking out from under the bucket, he had a look of embarrassment on his face, which was quickly replaced by an angry scowl.

"Oh, no..." Smolder cringed.

"He's gonna blow!" Silverstream yelped.

Chill Char was engulfed in flames, and the basket was reduced to ash. When the flames died down, he was in his full Nirik form, growling like an angry Manticore.

"Grrrrah!" He roared.

The students' laughter was immediately replaced by shrieks of horror.

"Easy there, kid!" Rainbow flew over to Chill Char, holding out her hooves in a calming manner. "Just try and relax. Breathe..."

For a tense few moments, Chill Char took ragged, angry breaths. He soon realised that everycreature was looking at him with abject terror. His Nirik form disappeared in a plume of flames, leaving behind a horrified Kirin.

"I... I'm sorry!" He ran out of the room, tears streaming down his face.

"Hold up!" Rainbow called out. She made to follow him, but Gallus spoke up.

"Let us handle this." He urged. "Think of it as extra credit."

"Well, if you think you can help..." Rainbow frowned.

"Thanks, Professor." Gallus nodded. "Come on, guys."

"Do we have to?" Ocellus cringed, unnerved by Chill Char's latest expression of anger.

"No." Sandbar admitted. "But we should."

"Sometimes being a good friend is such a hassle..." Smolder sighed.

"But worth it." Silverstream encouraged.

"Less talk, more follow!" Yona urged.

The Young Six rushed into the corridor outside, which was empty.

"Where did he go?" Sandbar asked.

"That way!" Smolder pointed to the right.

"Smolder sure?" Yona frowned.

"Oh, yeah." Smolder tapped her nose. "I can still smell the fire in him."

With Smolder taking the lead, the Young Six made their way to the school garden. Chill Char was curled up on the bench, still crying.

"Chill Char?" Sandbar asked.

"Go away, please." Chill Char sniffed. "I don't want to scare anycreature else."

"We're not scared." Gallus told him.

"Yeah!" Yona nodded. "Right, Ocellus?"

"R-right." Ocellus said nervously.

"Good for you." Chill Char hiccoughed. "But the others are definitely scared of me."

"I wouldn't say 'scared'." Silverstream fibbed. "More like... Surprised! Yeah, that's right!"

"Turning into a blazing creature of rage is kind of unexpected." Smolder noted. "But nocreature's gonna hold it against you."

"We sure don't." Sandbar smiled.

"Y-you don't?" Chill Char asked, genuinely surprised.

"Nope." Gallus agreed. "Believe it or not, you're nowhere near the worst classmate we've ever had. This one filly tried taking over Equestria - twice!"

"Compared to that, Kirin temper is nothing." Yona joked.

"And dragons are fireproof, so..." Smolder shrugged.

Chill Char looked up. He saw the Young Six giving him looks of acceptance and support (even Ocellus). In spite of his shame, he couldn't help but feel his spirits lifting, just enough for him to open up a little.

"I'm sorry I keep getting so angry." He apologised. "But this place is so new to me.Being surrounded by all these other creatures, no other Kirin... It's a lot to take in."

"Yona not think of it like that." Yona frowned.

"I'm not sure if you know this, but we Kirin do have kind of a problem with anger..." Chill Char sighed.

"She noticed." Gallus pointed at Ocellus.

"How did you handle your anger back home?" Sandbar asked.

"Well, pretty much the entire tribe went into this magic lake that calmed us down." Chill Char explained. "But it also took away our ability to speak."

"Oh." Silverstream gaped. "As anger management techniques go, that's... unique."

"Yona guessing Kirin no stay like that?" Yona surmised.

"No." Chill Char confirmed. "Professor Applejack and Professor Fluttershy showed up one day, and they convinced us that hiding our emotions wouldn't help, so we all took a cure that gave us our voices back."

"But it wasn't that simple, was it?" Gallus asked.

"If only." Chill Char sighed. "For me, it was harder to control my emotions than the others. I was just a little foal when we all took that vow of silence, so I never really had to deal with any kind of anger at all. All of life's little annoyances, that most Kirin could shrug off, really got my temper flaring."

"Reminds me of about half the Griffons I know..." Gallus snarked.

"That's why my parents asked Chief Rain Shine to get me enrolled in this school." Chill Char continued. "They thought if I could make some friends, it would help me mellow out."

"Something tells me it wasn't that easy." Smolder deduced.

"It wasn't." Chill Char agreed. "Being around all these other creatures, the only Kirin in the bunch... the lessons are okay, but it seems like everycreature is always looking at me. That just gets me all stressed out, and that makes it easier for me to get angry. And getting angry the way only a Kirin can do just brings me more attention, the bad kind of attention. It's only been a few days, and everycreature's been looking at me like I'm gonna burst into flames at any second... and I just did"

"That's rough, pal." Sandbar sympathised.

"We know how you feel." Ocellus told him. "To have the sense of being alone, I mean."

"How can you possibly know that?" Chill Char frowned. "There are lots of others of your species around."

"It wasn't always like that." Gallus told him. "Last couple of semesters, we were the only Griffon, dragon, etcetera, at this school."

"It wasn't easy sometimes." Smolder added. "There were a lot of times we felt like we were isolated from all the pony students... Except for Sandbar, that is."

"So... How did you handle it?" Chill Char asked.

"We had each other." Ocellus revealed.

"That's right." Silverstream smiled. "We all found each other, and became the best of friends."

"And no matter what happens, friends always there for each other." Yona added.

"As long as we stuck together, we all felt a little less isolated around here." Gallus nodded.

"That must be nice." Chill Char sighed. "Can't imagine how that feels, with creatures around every corner, packed classrooms, feeling like everycreature's looking at me for being the only Kirin in the room..."

"I think that's more about the explosive, random bursts of anger than anything else." Smolder chipped in, earning a nudge from Ocellus. "What?"

"I guess that does kind of make sense." Chill Char admitted, the ghost of a smile on his face.

"But if you prefer a place where there's a few less creatures running around, I think we know somewhere you can go." Gallus announced. "Right, guys?" He winked at the others.

Knowing smiles appeared on the others' faces.

"Riiiight." Silverstream winked exaggeratedly.

"Way to oversell it." Smolder scoffed.

"Okay..." Chill Char said awkwardly. "And where is this place?"

"Just follow us." Sandbar smiled.

"I don't know..." Chill Char rubbed the back of his head.

"Hey, it's not like you have anything to lose here." Gallus pointed out.

"...Okay, why not?" Chill Char acquiesced. "Show me this place of yours."

"Great!" Silverstream leapt into the air. "You won't be disappointed, I promise!"

"Right this way." Sandbar urged.

"Yona hope Kirin not mind little walk." Yona noted.

The Young Six led Chill Char to the outskirts of Ponyville.

"Um... Are we allowed to go out this far?" He asked, looking around at the surrounding wilds nervously.

"Relax, CC." Sandbar smiled. "We go out here all the time."

"And just how far do you go out here?" Chill Char inquired, ambivalent about the idea of being given a nickname.

"Not too much farther." Ocellus told him.

"It'll be worth it, trust me." Smolder smirked.

Chill Char was led to the ruins of an old castle.

"Prepare to be amazed." Gallus told him. "Yona?"

"Hmm-mm!" Yona nodded, kicking open the twin doors.

Inside the ruins was the Treehouse of Harmony, standing resplendent in the afternoon sun.

"Whoa..." Chill Char gaped, amazed by the sight before him.

"Told ya." Gallus chuckled.

"That's one big tree." Chill Char pointed out the obvious. "And is it made of... Crystal?"

"You could say that." Smolder shrugged. "Kind of a long story there..."

"This is our very own super-special hangout!" Silverstream beamed. "And you're welcome to join us here anytime!"

"Really?" Chill Char smiled. "You're not worried that I might, y'know, accidentally burn it down or something?"

"No worry." Yona assured him. "Crystal not burn, so fire not really a problem."

"And even if it were, we'd be willing to take the risk." Sandbar grinned. "If there's one thing we've learned from being at the School of Friendship, it's that friends stand by and support each other, no matter what. And we'd like to be your friends."

"You would?" Chill Char said awkwardly.

"Why else would we bring you all the way out here?" Gallus snarked. "Just to show off our cool hangout? Give us a little credit..."

"So, whattaya say?" Silverstream asked expectantly.

"...Thank you." Chill Char smiled. "I'd love to be your friend."

"Great!" Silverstream hugged him.

"Yona love making new friends!" Yona pulled everyone into a hug of her own.

"That's a tight squeeze..." Chill Char groaned.

"You get used to it." Smolder assured him.

Eventually, Yona released them from her yak-strength hug.

"So, ya wanna see what's on the inside?" Sandbar asked Chill Char.

"Sure." Chill Char nodded. "If the outside looks amazing, I just have to see what the inside's like."

"While we're doing that, do you think you could answer some of my questions about the Kirin?" Ocellus asked. "Your species is fascinating... from a scientific viewpoint, of course."

"As long as you tell me a little about Changelings in return." Chill Char bartered. "Like how your shapeshifting works. I mean, seriously, changing form at will? Incredible..."

"Looks like Ocellus just found a new study buddy." Smolder joked.

"I think we all have." Gallus corrected her.

"Like our teachers always say, there's nothing better than making a new friend." Sandbar smiled.

The seven young creatures entered the Treehouse. Chill Char once again glanced around, but this time not out of nervousness. Rather, it was out of gratitude that these six creatures had been so willing to accept him, warts and all. It looked like the beginning of a beautiful new friendship...

The Council Of Friendship

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As she went about her morning duties, Twilight felt quite giddy. And with good reason: A Moon had passed since her coronation, which meant the time had come for the very first meeting of the Council of Friendship. Twilight had made sure to adjust her timetable so she would have room for the meeting (to the point of working double duties earlier in the week), so all she had to do at the moment was wait for her friends to arrive.

"Somepony's excited." Spike grinned knowingly, as Twilight tapped her hooves on the throne room floor.

"Is it that obvious?" Twilight blushed.

"Only... A lot." Spike admitted. "Not to put too fine a point on it, but the staff have been giving you funny looks all morning."

"Well, can you blame me?" Twilight shrugged. "We're finally going to be together with all our friends again!"

"I'm excited to see them too." Spike nodded. "Applejack, Fluttershy... Rarity..." He sighed.

"Don't forget Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie." Twilight smirked.

"Y-yeah, I was just getting to them." Spike said hastily.

"Of course you were." Twilight rolled her eyes.

"Hoo!" A familiar owl hooted from his perch on Twilight's throne.

"Oh, there you are, Owlowiscious." Twilight smiled. "You're so quiet these days. I sometimes forget you're here."

"Hoo!" Owlowiscious hooted.

"You, that's who!" Spike growled.

Twilight couldn't help but chuckle a little.

"Your highness?" A guard approached. "The council members are here. They're waiting for you in the foyer."

"Excellent." Twilight smiled. "We'll be right there. Come on, Spike."

"Don't have to tell me twice." Spike grinned,

"Hoo!" Owlowiscious hooted.

"Don't start that again!" Spike shot back, before following Twilight out of the throne room.

Twilight practically raced down to the foyer, with Spike barely being able to keep up. Once there, she was greeted by the incomparable sight of her five best friends waiting for her. Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Rarity, all wearing identical smiles that made it clear they were as glad to see her as she was to see them.

"Girls!" She beamed. "It's so good to see you all!"

"This had to be the longest Moon ever." Rainbow declared. "Seriously, I felt like this day was never gonna come. It was almost as bad as waiting for the new Daring Do book..."

"Look at us, together again." Pinkie grinned. "Like cupcakes and sprinkles!"

"Hi, Rarity." Spike gushed. "It's great to see you again."

"It's wonderful to see you too, Spikey-wikey." Rarity ruffled his spines. "Things just haven't been the same at the boutique without my favorite assistant."

"Ah, I'm sure you've been doing great." Spike said humbly.

"So true..." Rarity smirked.

"So how's your first Moon of rulin' Equestria bin goin', yer highness?" Applejack asked, playfully emphasising the "your highness" part.

"It's had its ups and downs." Twilight admitted, grinning at the playful jab. "But I'd say it's been going pretty well so far."

"Like there was ever any doubt." Rainbow said proudly.

"How have things been in Ponyville?" Twilight asked.

"As good as ever." Applejack answered. "First harvest of Applebuckin' Season went off without a hitch. 'Course, that might have sumthin' tah do with havin' a new Apple family member around..."

"And the Sanctuary just took in some endangered animals." Fluttershy smiled. "If we can keep them healthy and safe, they'll have a chance at increasing their numbers."

"And I just completed my first non-pony fashion design." Rarity said proudly.

"As for me, I've been teaching the friendship students the best way to make friends through designer confectionaries!" Pinkie announced.

"So I take it the school's doing well too?" Twilight smiled.

"Oh, yeah." Rainbow nodded. "We got more students than ever!"

"And Starlight's doin' a great job as Headmare." Applejack added.

"I knew she would." Twilight beamed with pride.

"How about Smolder and the others?" Spike asked.

"They're doing magnificently." Rarity answered. "Keeping up their studies, and helping some of our newer, less experienced students with theirs."

"I knew these six would do great things." Twilight smiled. "Greater than any of us could ever have imagined..." She added proudly, recalling how the Young Six had rallied the mother of all cavalries against Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow.

"What do you expect?" Rainbow smirked. "They had great teachers."

"While it's nice catchin' up, we did come here fer a reason." Applejack pointed out. "An' any job worth doin' is worth doin' as soon as possible. So where are we holdin' this meetin'?"

"Right this way." Twilight smiled. "I picked out the perfect place... With a little surprise thrown in."

"Aww, you remembered how much I love surprises!" Pinkie hugged her. "Guess all that worrying about us drifting apart was for nothin', huh?"

"So what's the little surprise?" Rainbow asked.

"You'll see..." Spike smirked.

"So Spike's in on it." Applejack noted. "Ah'm guessin' it's a special surprise?"

"You could say that." Twilight smiled cryptically.

The council members followed Twilight and Spike to a room near the centre of the castle. The door was emblazoned with the six symbols of the Elements of Harmony.

"Here it is." Twilight declared, opening the door. "Our own special meeting room."

As the others stepped inside, they saw that the crystal map, their individual thrones, and even the chandelier formed from the roots of the former Golden Oak Library, which had all resided in the throne room of Twilight's former castle, had been set up within the room.

"Whoa." Rainbow gaped.

"Nice surprise!" Pinkie grinned.

"How did you put all this together?" Applejack asked.

"I sent Starlight a letter, asking for her to send everything over." Twilight explained. "So that this would remind us of all the talks we had back in Ponyville. It was mostly Spike's idea."

"Just doing my job." Spike held up his royal advisor medallion.

"It was a really nice idea." Fluttershy flew up to the chandelier, looking fondly at the crystal containing the memory of their first party together. "Seems just like old times..."

"Not that old, darling." Rarity chuckled. "It is a nice touch, though."

"Okay, let's get started." Twilight declared. "Everypony take your seats."

The seven of them took their seats around the table.

"Now, on to the big question: What can we do to best help Equestria and its allies?" Twilight asked. "Any ideas?"

"How about pulling some royal strings and getting some more Wonderbolts on the team?" Rainbow suggested. "Equestria could always use more air defense."

"Speaking of defense, perhaps the Royal Guards' armor could use an update." Rarity offered. "Something sleek, and slimming..."

I like it!" Spike grinned.

"Ah've heard how rough things are fer the Griffons." Applejack noted. "Maybe we can arrange fer them to be sent extra food, like apples."

"Ooh, and cupcakes!" Pinkie added.

"Yeah, an' cupcakes." Applejack nodded.

"Why stop at Griffonstone?" Fluttershy chimed in. "We could arrange for food to be brought to the residents of Klugetown too. And all the poor desert animals nearby. We could even bring in some cute pets for them to look after. Just as soon as we do something about all the caged animals they're selling..." She added darkly.

"That is a concern." Twilight admitted. "Of course, we'd have to figure out how to stop them from getting the animals in the first place, and find out who the buyers are."

"With all due respect, I think it will take a lot more than a few snacks to make that ghastly town better." Rarity scoffed. "Though if Capper is any indication, they might be open to some new fashions..."

"Like some clothes are really gonna make things any better." Rainbow rolled her eyes.

Twilight and Spike shared a worried look. Things weren't going quite the way they'd hoped it would.

"I daresay they'd be more helpful than a few more aerial showoffs." An offended Rarity shot back.

"I already said that was for air defense!" Rainbow pouted.

"Ah don't remember 'em being so helpful when a certain greed-fueled dragon wuz rampagin' through Ponyville." Applejack pointed out.

"Did ya have to bring that up?" Spike groaned, not pleased to be reminded of one of his darker moments.

"So you're with Rarity's idea?" Rainbow scoffed. "Fancying up guard uniforms?"

"Ya never know." Applejack shrugged. "They might end up bein' gaudy enough tah blind attackers."

"I beg your pardon?" Rarity scowled, as Rainbow snickered.

"No offense." Applejack shrugged. "But you have made yer share a' flashy clothes in yer time. Like that outfit ya wore to greet the Breezies. Caught the sunlight so bad, Ah wuz seein' spots fer an hour afterwards."

"Well, forgive me for having a little flair!" Rarity said haughtily. "Besides, it's not as if apples are the answer to every problem!"

"Ah neva said they were." Applejack growled.

"Of course not." Rarity scoffed. "You just suggested having some sent to Griffonstone right off the top of your head. The fact that your family owns an apple orchard has nothing to do with it..."

"Okay, maybe we should take a moment to assess each others' suggestions, and decide which has the most merit." Twilight offered.

"What's got more merit than a super-fun party?" Pinkie asked.

"Try asking that to the folks in Griffonstone." Rainbow answered.

"Okay, fair point." Pinkie conceded grudgingly. "But what are the odds of Klugetown being anti-parties too?"

"I wouldn't get mah last Bit on that..." Applejack frowned.

"Let's try not to forget about the animals." Fluttershy insisted.

"Ah got nuthin' against animals." Applejack confirmed. "But right now, we gotta focus on the more important stuff."

"And stopping illegal poaching isn't important?" Fluttershy glared. "It wasn't so long ago that we were all trapped in cages. You didn't like that much, did you?"

"'Course Ah didn't." Applejack pouted. "But all the same, fixin' a problem like that is kind of a long-term project. How about focusin' on the now?"

"Tell that to those poor animals." Fluttershy said stubbornly.

"Yeah!" Pinkie agreed. "Those animals have the right to be free to have fun and eat all the treats they want!"

"But not too many." Fluttershy added. "We don't them to get tummy aches."

"I'm afraid I have to agree with Applejack on this particular matter." Rarity declared. "Preventing animal tummy aches is hardly a high priority."

"Like you can talk." Rainbow sneered.

"At least I'm not expecting anything out of this." Rarity shot back. "Or is it just a coincidence that your suggestion involves having more performers in your Wonderbolts shows?"

"That's just a side benefit!" Rainbow retorted. "Protecting Equestria and its allies is my top priority! Not just helping them stuffing their faces, like Applejack!"

"And what's wrong with proper nutrition, exactly?" Applejack frowned. "That's sumthin' everycreature needs, all the time!"

"You know what else everycreature needs?" Pinkie asked. "A good time!"

"And a fluffy companion to take care of!" Fluttershy added.

"We're supposed tah be talkin' about the big stuff." Applejack retorted. "Not runnin' a pet store, or a party supply shop."

"No, you just want us to focus on Apple deliveries." Rarity scoffed. "So much more important..."

"You bet yer most pointlessly fancy boots they are!" Applejack growled.

"Not more important than protecting Equestria's skies!" Rainbow stepped in.

"Or ensuring animals are kept safe and free!" Fluttershy interjected.

"And don't you dare insult my fancy boots!" Rarity growled.

"Or my party supplies!" Pinkie added.

"I think a little intervention may be in order here." A worried Spike told Twilight.

"Agreed." Twilight nodded.

In the midst of all the disagreements, Twilight slammed a hoof on the table several times, catching the others' attention.

"Everypony, calm down!" She urged. "This is getting a little out of hoof."

"She started it!" Rainbow pointed at Rarity.

"I did not!" Rarity protested.

"You kinda did." Pinkie said fairly.

"Well... She escalated it!" Rarity pointed back at Rainbow.

"What about Applejack?" Rainbow growled.

"What about me?" Applejack glared.

"You said helping poor, caged animals wasn't as important as delivering apples!" Fluttershy declared.

"That wuzn't what Ah meant!" Applejack pouted.

Twilight struck the table with her hoof, once again bringing about quiet.

"I know you all want to help Equestria in your own special way, but don't forget that we're a team." Twilight reminded them. "Whatever we do, we do together. No one idea is better than everypony else's, not when we all keep open minds. And when we listen to and support each other, every idea can be the best it can be." She smiled as she looked around the group. "We all know what kind of amazing things we can accomplish together. But remember: we can accomplish those things because we always stand together, and support each other. After everything we've been though, we can always count on each other, no matter what. Right?"

The rest of the Mane Six shared glances, as the validity of Twilight's words sunk in.

"...Okay, so maybe I got a little carried away." Rainbow said sheepishly.

"I was just so excited for all of this." Fluttershy admitted ruefully.

"Me too." Pinkie added. "And you all know how I get when I'm excited..."

"Ah guess the more things change, the more they stay the same." Applejack chuckled.

"We're still essentially the same ponies we've ever been, darlings." Rarity noted.

"Wouldn't have it any way." Rainbow smiled.

"Me neither." Applejack agreed.

"We're a classic combo, alright." Pinkie noted. "Like apple pies and ice cream!"

"Or birds and trees." Fluttershy smiled.

"So, shall we get back to the meeting?" Twilight suggested.

"With pleasure." Rarity nodded.

"Of course." Fluttershy declared.

"Oh, yeah." Rainbow grinned.

"Boy, howdy." Applejack tipped her hat.

"Okey-dokey-lokey!" Pinkie giggled.

"Guess it's unanimous." Spike joked. "Motion carried."

The group shared a laugh.

"Ah guess more air defense ain't that bad an idea." Applejack admitted to Rainbow. "Might come in handy if a buncha Rocs ever show up..."

"And some sleeker armor might let the guards move a little quicker." Rainbow told Rarity.

"And a Pinkie Pie party is always enjoyable." Rarity smiled. "It might be just what the citizens of Klugetown need to lift their spirits."

"And who doesn't love seeing cute little animals roaming free?" Pinkie smiled.

"And a lot of those animals enjoy a good apple." Fluttershy noted. "Maybe we can implement all our ideas together?"

"Why stop there?" Applejack echoed Fluttershy's earlier words. "Ah'm sure we didn't all come here anglin' tah share jest one idea, did we?"

"To the contrary, I have several others." Rarity admitted. "If you're all willing to listen to them, of course?"

"Let's hear 'em." Rainbow nodded.

"I couldn't have put it better myself." Twilight smiled. "Everypony has a voice here. And all those voices deserve to be heard."

"No matter how loud they are!" Pinkie joked, inciting another round of laughter.

With the six ponies (and one dragon) finally on the same page, they continued to discuss ways they could better Equestria, and spread the message of friendship to the lands beyond. By the day's end, they had agreed upon many plans of action, which they intended to implement over the coming weeks and months (their individual timetables permitting).

"All in all, I'd say this was an excellent first meeting." Twilight smiled, as she and Spike escorted their friends back to the foyer.

"Even if it did get off to a bumpy start." Applejack added.

"Hey, since when did things ever go totally smoothly for us?" Rainbow pointed out. "What matters is that we pulled it together in the end, like we always do."

"It really was just like old times!" Pinkie chuckled.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Fluttershy smiled.

"Nor I, darling." Rarity agreed. "You all really are the best of company."

"Aww, shucks..." Spike blushed.

"Guess we'll be seein' ya in another Moon?" Applejack asked.

"Sooner, actually." Twilight answered. "I'm due to meet with Mayor Mare over in Ponyville in a couple of weeks. I bet I could spare some time afterwards for a quick visit to Sugarcube Corner."

"We'll all be there." Rainbow pledged.

"And I'll have plenty of your favourite cupcakes ready to eat!" Pinkie added.

"That'll be great." Twilight grinned.

"You'll be there too, won't you, Spikey-wikey?" Rarity asked.

"Wouldn't miss it." Spike nodded.

"I don't know about everypony else, but I really should be heading back to the Sanctuary." Fluttershy said apologetically. "There's a couple of capybaras with the flu that Angel said he'd keep an eye on, but I don't want him to have to do all the work today..."

"It's okay, Fluttershy." Twilight said fairly. "You all have responsibilities in Ponyville to attend to."

"Not just in Ponyville." Rainbow noted. "I've got a Wonderbolts practice in a hour."

"I won't keep you." Twilight smiled. "You all have a nice trip back to Ponyville. And tell Starlight I said 'hi'."

"Me too." Spike added.

"Will do." Applejack nodded.

"Until next time." Rarity declared.

"See ya soon!" Pinkie beamed.

"Later!" Rainbow saluted.

"Bye!" Fluttershy smiled.

Twilight and Spike waved their friends off as they departed from the castle grounds, bound for Ponyville.

"So, did the first meeting go as well as you'd hoped?" Spike asked.

"Even better." Twilight grinned. "And this is just the beginning. Together, we're going to accomplish all kinds of incredible things."

"Was there ever any doubt?" Spike joked.

"Not at all." Twilight admitted. "But plenty of hope. Hope for a better tomorrow. And a brighter future for everycreature."

"And as long as we're all together when it counts, there's nothing we have to worry about." Spike added.

"Right." Twilight nodded. "And whatever fate throws at us, we'll be ready."

Later That Night...

On the outskirts of Baltimare, a lone Earth Pony night watchstallion stood listlessly outside his post of a large warehouse.

'Yet another dull night.' He thought to himself. 'Oh, well. Guess I can't complain. I am basically getting paid just to stand around, after all...'

As he shone his flashlight into the surrounding shadows, watching for any signs of trouble, he saw somecreature approaching. It was a dark night, but somehow, the area around the stranger looked even darker, preventing the watchstallion from getting a good look at whoever or whatever it was. All he knew for sure was that this strange creature was approaching the area he had been assigned to protect.

"Sorry, pal." He stepped forward. "But this place is private property. I'm gonna have to ask you to leave."

"Is that so?" A voice like dead leaves being scraped across granite replied.

"Y-Yeah, it is." The watchstallion faltered slightly, unnerved by the stranger's voice. "So let's not make this ugly, okay?"

"And what if I like ugly?" The stranger retorted.

From out of the unnatural darkness surrounding the figures, glowing red eyes bloomed into being.

"This... This is your last warning!" The watchstallion tried to hold his ground. "Leave now, or I will detain you, and summon the local authorities!"

"Oh, I don't think you will." The stranger sneered coldly, moving in closer. "In fact, I think you won't be doing much of anything for a good long while..."

As the trespasser drew nearer, the watchstallion suddenly found himself unable to look away from their eyes, which continued glowing like burning embers. He was frozen in place, paralyzed by a force he couldn't explain, as the stranger chuckled darkly...

"ARRRRRGH!!" The watchstallion's scream echoed through the night.

A Mother's Love

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It was a crisp Autumn day in Ponyville. Sweetie Belle was in Sugarcube Corner, sharing a round of cupcakes with her mother, Cookie Crumbles.

"Isn't this wonderful, dear?" Cookie Crumbles smiled.

"It sure is." Sweetie Belle nodded, pausing to pick another cupcake.

"Between your Cutie Mark Crusader work and being a friendship tutor at Princess Twilight's school, I can't remember the last time we got to have a mother/daughter day." Cookie Crumbles noted.

"Me neither." Sweetie Belle admitted. "But at least we got one today. And nothing is going to interrupt it."

"That's what I like to hear." Cookie Crumbles beamed.

After finishing their cupcakes, mother and daughter exited the bakery. On the street outside, they noticed Strawberry Sunrise nearby, carrying a stack of fliers under her wing.

"Hello there!" She smiled. "Can I have just a moment of your time, please?"

"I'm afraid we're in the middle of something, Miss Sunrise." Cookie Crumbles declared. "Quality mother/daughter time, you see?"

"Ooh, then you'll want to hear this!" Strawberry smiled. "City hall is putting together a parade for this year's harvest festival. And we're looking for volunteers to build displays for the parade, and stand with those displays as they're rolled through Ponyville Sounds like a perfect mother/daughter activity to me!"

Cookie Crumbles examined one of the fliers.

"This does sound like fun." She mused. "What do you think, Sweetie? Wanna give it a try?"

"I'd love to!" Sweetie Belle nodded.

"Then it's decided." Cookie Crumbles smiled. "Sign us up!"

"Great." Strawberry grinned. "All volunteers will be meeting at town hall in two days time, so they can all officially sign up."

"We'll see you then." Cookie Crumbles nodded, taking a flier for good measure.

"This is going to be so much fun!" Sweetie Belle squealed as they continued onwards.

"And the best part is that we'll be spending all that time together." Cookie Crumbles declared. "The two of us. Mother and daughter."

That evening, they shared what they were going to be doing with Cookie Crumbles' husband (and Sweetie Belle's father) Hondo Flanks over dinner.

"Ooh, sounds like you two are going to be busy." Hondo noted. "My two girls in the Harvest Parade. I'm so proud!"

"Thanks, dad." Sweetie Belle chuckled.

"I'm just glad we'll be doing together." Cookie Crumbles smiled. "In fact, I was thinking that should be exactly what we should be displaying: a sculpture of the two of us, together."

"Aww!" Hondo cooed.

"I'd love that, mom." Sweetie Belle beamed.

"And I'm sure the crowd'll love it, too." Hondo added.

"Thanks, dear." Cookie Crumbles smiled. "But as long as we have fun making it, nothing else matters."

A couple of days later, mother and daughter arrived at town hall. Several other families were also there, ready to get to work on their own presentations. As Sweetie Belle and Cookie Crumbles joined the group, they noticed several familiar faces, but one in particular caught Sweetie Belle's eye.

"Hey, Diamond Tiara!" She called.

The privileged Earth Pony filly turned to meet her.

"Oh, hi." She smiled. "Nice to see you."

"So you're volunteering for the parade too?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"You could say that." Diamond Tiara said awkwardly.

"Diamond Tiara!" A harsh voice filled the air.

Diamond Tiara's face fell as her mother, Spoiled Rich, walked over to her.

"Yes, mother?" Diamond Tiara suppressed a grown.

"Didn't I tell you not to wander off?" Spoiled Rich scowled. "We're here to sign up for our big moment, remember?"

"I remember." Diamond Tiara replied. "I was just talking with a friend, that's all."

"You can talk with your... friends on your own time." Spoiled Rich said bluntly, speaking the word "friends" with distaste. "Right now, we have to prove, once again, why the Riches are the most admirable family in town."

As Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes, Cookie Crumbles stepped in.

Hello, Mrs. Rich." She said courteously. "I didn't expect to see you there."

"And why not?" Spoiled Rich sneered. "The citizens of Ponyville deserve the privilege of seeing what the best family in town can present them."

"Well, I'm just planning to have fun with my daughter as we bring our design to life." Cookie Crumbles announced.

"Of course you are." Spoiled Rich smirked. "It's not like anything you and your daughter could produce would be worthy of anything other than a sideways glance."

"Excuse me?" Cookie Crumbles frowned.

"No offense meant." Spoiled Rich smiled condescendingly. "I'm sure you already have a delightfully quaint design in mind, but it will still pale in comparison to our creation."

"Nothing's for certain, you know." Cookie Crumbles retorted, her eyebrow twitching. "We might end up surprising you."

"Oh, I doubt that very much." Spoiled Rich snorted. "It takes an extraordinary pony to create something extraordinary. Ordinary ponies like you can only create something... Standard at best."

"Need I remind you that my oldest daughter is a widely-successful fashion designer?" Cookie Crumbles pointed out. "I wouldn't call that 'standard' or 'ordinary'."

"Unexpected talent can pop up sometimes." Spoiled Rich admitted. "But it's clear that Rarity is the only pony with design talent in your family. She must have developed it in spite of her decidedly low class environment. Good for her."

"How dare you!" Cookie Crumbles snarled.

"I dare nothing." Spoiled Rich sneered. "I'm just stating facts."

"Mom..." Diamond Tiara frowned.

"Not now, honey." Spoiled Rich said dismissively. "The grown-ups are talking."

"You want to talk facts, do you?" Cookie Crumbles glared. "Well, I've got some facts for you..."

"This should be good..." Spoiled Rich smirked.

"Mom, maybe you should just calm do-" Sweetie Belle started.

"Like the fact that Rarity isn't the only pony in our family who gives her all in her work!" Cookie Crumbles snarled. "So don't be surprised if our display catches more than a few eyes!"

"I suppose a pony can dream." Spoiled Rich needed. "But don't hold on to that dream too tightly. It'll only hurt more when your little art project barely gets noticed."

Cookie Crumbles was about to respond when Mayor Mare arrived.

"Good afternoon, everypony." She announced. "First of all, I'd like to thank you all for volunteering to be a part of this year's parade. I'm sure there's going to be some magnificent designs this year."

"And some humdrum ones." Spoiled Rich muttered just loud enough for Cookie Crumbles to hear. Cookie Crumbles could only glare in response.

"Now then, I'd like to ask you all to come up here and write your names on the official sign-up list." Mayor Mare pointed to a sheet of paper attached to a bulletin board. "And please be aware that all your creations must not exeed ten feet in height, or fifteen feet in width. We don't want everypony feeling overshadowed by one oversized work..."

"Of course not." Spoiled Rich chuckled to Diamond Tiara as she wrote their names on the list. "And we can overshadow everypony else by staying within the parameters."

"Real funny, mom..." Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes.

Cookie Crumbles glared at Spoiled Rich.

"We'll see who gets overshadowed..." She muttered.

"The Harvest Parade will be held Friday at 10 o'clock." Mayor Mare continued. "So please have all your designs ready by then. And remember to have fun!"

"Oh, it will be fun," Spoiled Rich declared. Nothing is more gratifying than making sure everypony knows who the greatest family in town is..."

Diamond Tiara suppressed a growl of annoyance, barely able to stand her mother's attitude. At the same time, Cookie Crumbles almost dropped the quill as Spoiled Rich's latest boast got under her skin.

As the volunteers filed out of the room, Sweetie Belle couldn't help but notice that her mother was glaring at Spoiled Rich non-stop.

"So... Ready to have fun?" She asked, intent on diverting her mother's attention away from a certain social-climbing braggart. "That is what this is all about, right?"

"Mmm?" Cookie Crumbles snapped out of her anger. To her embarrassment, she had almost forgotten her daughter was there. "Right, right! You and me, together. Can't wait!"

Sweetie Belle smiled nervously as they departed, hoping that her mother would not dwell on Spoiled Rich's arrogance.

The next day, Cookie Crumbles took Sweetie Belle over to Rich's Barnyard Bargains, seeking supplies with which to create their masterpiece.

"I hate to go into enemy territtory, but it's a necessary sacrifice." Cookie Crumbles muttered, as they approached the store entrance.

"'Enemy territory'?" Sweetie Belle gaped.

"Did I say that?" Cookie Crumbles cringed. "I meant... something else."

"Of course you did." Sweetie Belle shook her head.

"Let's see..." Cookie Crumbles perused a list she'd written up the previous night, containing all the resources they needed for their presentation. "We'll need some paint, some bowls for making paper mache, some wire frames..."

As they neared the entrance, they found Spoiled Rich and Diamond Tiara already there, along with their butler Randolph, and several other servants.

"Oh, no..." Sweetie Belle cringed.

"Well, fancy meeting you here." Spoiled Rich grinned wickedly at Cookie Crumbles.

"We're just here to pick up a few supplies." Cookie Crumbles tried her best to remain civil.

"So are we." Spoiled Rich declared. "Being the wife of the store's owner gives me a nice little discount, you know."

"Must be nice." Cookie Crumbles growled.

"Yes, privelige is nice." Spoiled Rich gloated. "Not that you'd know any about that, of course. Sometimes I wonder how you poor lower-class ponies get by."

"We get by just fine, thank you." Cookie Crumbles said through gritted teeth.

"Good for you." Spoiled Rich said, in the most condescending tone possible. "One must put on a brave face during hard times."

Diamond Tiara gave Sweetie Belle an apologetic look.

"Well, we have our work to do, and you have yours." Cookie Crumbles hissed. "So let's get to it."

"Of course." Spoiled Rich turned her servants. "Alright Randolph, you collect the glass." She instructed. "You two grab the wood." She pointed to two others. "And you retrieve some good, strong adhesive. Then you will bring them all back here, and I'll tell you if it's suitable for you to build the presentation with."

"Yes, ma'am!" The servants chorused.

"Wait, you're not even building the display yourself?" Cookie Crumbles gaped, as the servants headed into the store. "That's against the rules!"

"Actually, it's not." Sweetie Belle declared. "There's nothing in the rules that say you have to make the display yourself. As long as you're the one presenting it, it's perfectly okay."

"Still doesn't seem all that fair, though." Cookie Crumbles scowled.

"Some ponies just have better resources than others." Spoiled Rich gloated. "I know it's difficult, but do try not to be jealous."

"I am not jealous!" Cookie Crumbles yelled. "And do you know why? Because it's not the resources that matter. It's the heart that goes into the work that counts. And work that's been ordered will no have no heart at all."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." Spoiled Rich sneered.

"Come on, Sweetie Belle." Cookie Crumbles led her daughter into the store, glancing at her list as she did so. "We're going to have to step up our game..."

"What's wrong with our 'game'?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Nothing, of course." Cookie Crumbles said unconvincingly. "But it won't hurt to give our creation everything we've got. And then some..."

Their trip ended up taking much longer than expected, due to Cookie Crumbles second-guessing her every choice. By the time they departed, Spoiled Rich and the others were long gone (to Sweetie Belle's relief)

Once they were back home, they began work on their own display. The first step was preparing the paper mache, and the second was shaping the wire frames into the desired shape: a heart. Once they were done, the paper mache was ready, and they went to work adding the mushy strips to the frame until it was completely covered. Sweetie Belle couldn't help but enjoy herself, in spite of her mother's vitriol regarding Spoiled Rich.

"Okay, this should do for now." Cookie Crumbles smiled. "We leave this to dry until morning, and then we can start painting it."

"Can't wait." Sweetie Belle grinned. "It's been really great doing this with you, mom."

"I feel the same way, sweetheart.." Cookie Crumbles smiled.

That night, Sweetie Belle slept contentedly, glad that things seemed to be calming down. If only she knew how wrong she was...

The next morning, right after breakfast, they went to work on painting the now-solidified heart. Together, they colored it in multiple shades of pink, with a portrait of the two of them hugging in the center.

"We did it." Sweetie Belle grinned, hours later. "It looks amazing, doesn't it?"

"It does." Cookie Crumbles nodded... Before frowning, unsure. "But it could be better."

"Better?" Sweetie Belle's face fell. "But it's exactly what we wanted to make."

"I know, I know." Cookie Crumbles declared. "But there's always room for improvement."

"What kind of improvement?" Sweetie Belle asked skeptically.

"Nothing too major." Cookie Crumbles tried to assure her. "Just a few small additions. Pass me that gold paint, would you?"

The "small additions" turned out to be anything but. Cookie Crumbles just kept insisting that they add "improvements" to the model. It started with some gold trim, then continued with ribbons, glitter, and many other things. By the time Cookie Crumbles was satisfied, it looked like the gaudiest thing Sweetie Belle had ever seen.

"There we go." Cookie Crumbles smiled. "Now it's perfect."

"Yeah... Perfect." Sweetie Belle put on a false smile.

"I can't wait until the big parade." Cookie Crumbles smirked. "Everypony is going to be wowed. And Spoiled Rich is going to eat her words..."

"Sure she is." Sweetie Belle sighed, inwardly dreading what other ponies would think of the disaster they had made.

The day of the parade arrived. Cookie Crumbles and Sweetie Belle returned to the town hall, along with all the other volunteers. There were many varied designs on display, but one in particular had drawn the most attention: a sparkling glass model of a flawless diamond, set on a pedestal. Spoiled Rich and Diamond Tiara stood beside it, one of whom was glorying in all the attention.

"This is amazing, Mrs. Rich!" Strawberry Sunrise declared.

"Oh, this old thing?" Spoiled Rich feigned humility. "It was nothing, really."

"Yeah, really." Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes.

Cookie Crumbles stated at the masterpiece before her, then back at her and Sweetie Belle's own work.

"Mom?" Sweetie Belle asked worriedly.

"It's not good enough." Cookie Crumbles said nervously. "Not nearly good enough." Her face suddenly set in determination. "But there's still time to fix that."

"There's really nothing to fix..." Sweetie Belle tried to tell her.

"We'll make a run to the supply store." Cookie Crumbles declared.

"Mom..." Sweetie Belle groaned.

"We'll get more paint, maybe some rhinestones and beads..." Cookie Crumbles continued.

"Mom, we don't have to-" Sweetie Belle spoke again.

"Then we'll make a few more improvements, run back here, and show everypony who's got the best-" Cookie Crumbles began.

"Mom, that's enough!" Sweetie Belle yelled, drawing the attention of everypony in the room. "We're not going to make any more 'improvements'!"

"B-but honey, we still have a chance to-" Cookie Crumbles stuttered.

"To what?" Sweetie Belle scowled. "To compete with Diamond Tiara's mom? Because that's all you seem to care about now!"

"Well, I..." Cookie Crumbles gaped.

"You wanted us to sign up for the parade so we could have some mother/daughter time, remember?" Sweetie Belle pointed out. "Well, this isn't it!"

"Sweetheart, I... I didn't..." Cookie Crumbles spluttered.

"Forget it." Sweetie Belle said coldly. "If that's all you care about, then you can just do this by yourself."

Cookie Crumbles opened and closed her mouth, unable to say anything as her daughter stormed out.

"Oh, hi." Sweetie Belle noted.

"I, er...overheard what happened between you and your mom." Diamond Tiara admitted. "I think everypony in the room did, actually..."

"I wish we'd never heard of this dumb parade." Sweetie Belle pouted. "It was fun at first, but then mom got obsessed with making the best display, and all the fun got sucked right out of it."

"At least your mom started out wanting to have fun." Diamond Tiara sighed. "My mother only wanted us to be part of the parade so she could show off how 'great' our family supposedly is. It's always about appearances with her..."

"I think I can guess how that feels." Sweetie Belle sighed.

"Your mom looked really hurt when you ran out." Diamond Tiara stated. "Maybe you should give her another chance. You gave me one, and look how that turned out."

"You have a point there." Sweetie Belle admitted. "I just hope she's willing to listen..."

Sweetie Belle went back inside. She found her mother in a corner, staring despondently at the picture of the two of them together.

"Mom?" She asked.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart." Cookie Crumbles sniffed. "You were right about me. I lost sight of the whole reason we were doing this. Can you ever forgive me?"

"I already have." Sweetie Belle hugged her.

"Thank you." Cookie Crumbles returned the hug. "Now that I think about it, this thing really is a mess. It looked better the way it was to begin with."

"We still have time to fix that." Sweetie Belle smiled. "Let's grab us some paint."

Mother and daughter made a quick trip to the supply store, getting some paint to cover up most of the "improvements" (and simply removing the others) so the heart resembled it's original design.

"There we go." Cookie Crumbles smiled, admiring their work. "Now this is perfection."

"A real masterpiece." Sweetie Belle agreed.

As they returned to the town hall, Diamond Tiara was the first to take note of the final product.

"Wow, that looks great!" She declared.

"It sure does." Sweetie Belle declared.

"Not that looks are everything, though." Cookie Crumbles smiled. "It's having fun making it that really counts."

"What are you doing here, Diamond Tiara?" Spoiled Rich barged in. "We have no time to waste on these commoners and their third-rate creation. We have to chose the best spot in the parade to show off our vision."

"You mean your vision, mother?" Diamond Tiara shot back. "We're only here because you wanted us to be. You just want to show off like always. Personally, I couldn't care less about that."

"You used to." Spoiled Rich frowned. "Before you started acting like those blue-collar bumpkins. Before you lost your pride, and stopped valuing our family's social standing. What a disgrace."

Diamond Tiara faltered slightly before her mother's words. While she no longer sought Spoiled Rich's approval like she once did, hearing words like that would hurt any foal.

"Now wait just a minute!" Cookie Crumbles stepped. "What kind of mother scolds her daughter just for being herself? Diamond Tiara is a wonderful young filly, and you should be proud of her. I know I would be if she were my daughter!"

Diamond Tiara smiled, elated at the sudden show of support.

"This is none of your concern." Spoiled Rich rebuked her.

"Like fun it's not!" Cookie Crumbles retaliated. "A mother shouldn't be forcing her daughter to do things she doesn't want to do!" She glanced at Sweetie Belle. "I learned that lesson the hard way."

"A mother always knows what's best for her daughter." Spoiled Rich declared.

"Not always." Cookie Crumbles scowled. "You're letting your need to be on top of the world blind you to what's best for your daughter. She shouldn't be made to take part in your ego trip if she doesn't want to." She gave Diamond Tiara a warm smile. "But she's free to join us on our float if she'd like to."

"Really?" Diamond Tiara gasped.

"The more, the merrier." Sweetie Belle nodded.

"I've had enough of this nonsense." Spoiled Rich growled. "Diamond Tiara, you are getting on that float with me, or-"

"Or what?" Diamond Tiara said defiantly. "You'll ground me? Cut off my allowance? Go ahead. Do your worst. But I won't be getting on that float. And when everypony sees that I'm not up there, they might just get to thinking that maybe our family isn't so perfect after all. They may even start asking questions about your skills as a mother..."

Spoiled Rich fumed silently.

"On the other hoof, if we were to share a float with Sweetie Belle and her mother, it would show all of Ponyville that we consider ourselves equal to the hardworking everyday pony." Diamond Tiara continued. "That can only make us look good, right?"

Spoiled Rich scowled as she silently attempted to find a hole in her daughter's logic, and failed to do so.

"Very well." She grumbled. "As long as we're in the parade, nothing else matters..."

"That's the spirit, Mrs. Rich." Cookie Crumbles smirked, knowing full well how much her one-time rival was hating how things had turned out. "What really matters is sharing the experience with our daughters."

Soon after, the parade was underway. Ponies lined up on either side of the streets to watch as the floats rolled by, each one sporting one of the displays created by the volunteers. Each one except for the float sharing the diamond created by the Rich family servants and paper mache model of Sweetie Belle and Cookie Crumbles. The two mother/daughter pairs waved and smiled from the float. Spoiled Rich's wave was easily the most wooden, and she wore a false smile so wide, it was painful.

"Isn't this great, sweetheart?" Cookie Crumbles asked.

"It really is." Sweetie Belle hugged her mother. "Thanks for this, mom. You're the best."

"So are you." Cookie Crumbles returned the hug.

Diamond Tiara smiled even widely at the heartwarming sight before her.

'Mrs. Crumbles could teach my mother a thing or two.' She thought. 'If only she were willing to listen...'

Pear Family Reunion

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The Apple family (including Sugar Belle) were gathered around the kitchen table, eating dinner. Grand Pear had joined them, as he sometimes did when he had could take time away from his pear stand.

"Mm-mm." Grand Pear smiled as he finished his plate. "Now that's good eatin'. Nice work, Granny."

"Ah can't take all the credit." Granny Smith said humbly. "Sugar Belle here did all a' the real work."

"Oh, it was nothing." Sugar Belle blushed, Big Mac lovingly stroking her hoof.

"Well, either way, it was a fantastic meal." Grand Pear nodded. "Enough to make a stallion feel lucky he was included."

"Yer always welcome at our table, Grand Pear." Applejack declared.

"Eeyup." Big Mac nodded.

"You should join us fer dinner this Friday." Apple Bloom suggested. "We're havin' sum a' Goldie Delicious' famous strudel!"

"That does sound good." Grand Pear admitted. "But I'm afraid I can't be here on Friday."

"Oh, that's too bad." Sugar Belle frowned.

"Why aren't ya gonna be here, Grand Pear-Pear?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Oh, I'm just taking a trip over to Vanhoover." Grand Pear said, oddly nervous.

"Wuzn't that where you and yer family moved tah way back when?" Granny Smith recalled.

"...Yeah." Grand Pear nodded.

"Yer not movin' back there, are ya?" Apple Bloom asked, suddenly concerned.

"No, no." Grand Pear was quick to assuage his grandfilly's fear. "It's just, well..."

"Jest what, exactly?" Applejack urged.

"Come on, out with it!" Granny Smith demanded.

"Okay, okay." Grand Pear sighed. "The Pears are havin' their family reunion in Vanhoover this week. And of course, they're expectin' me to be there..."

"Is that it?" Granny Smith scoffed. "Ain't no need tah dance around that, yah ol' knot head!"

"I know." Grand Pear said sheepishly. "I was just worried mentioning the other Pears might still be a sore spot with you."

"Then ya worried fer nuthin'." Granny Smith shrugged. "The past is past. We ain't interested in ol' grudges."

"That's good to hear." Grand Pear smiled.

"...Hey, kin we come with ya?" Apple Bloom spoke up.

"...'Scuse me?" Grand Pear asked.

"Come again?" Granny Smith asked at the same time.

"Well, we are part of the Pear family, ain't we?" Apple Bloom pointed out.

"She's right." Applejack agreed. "What with ma bein' a Pear, an' all..."

"As the newest member of the family, I think that's a great idea." Sugar Belle threw in her two Bits.

"Eeyup." Big Mac nodded.

"Ah dunno..." Granny Smith mused.

"Yer the one who said we ain't got time for grudges." Applejack pointed out.

"She's also the only Apple here to know how heated the rivalry between the Apples and the Pears used to be." Grand Pear interjected. "It may have been years since those days, but I doubt my kinfolk would be happy to see me bringing along an Apple-based entourage."

"Apple-based, maybe." Applejack admitted. "But we're all part Pear." She indicated herself and her siblings.

"That's right." Apple Bloom agreed. "We're livin' proof that Apples and Pears can get along. You saw it, and together, we can help the other Pears see it too."

"Eeyup!" Big Mac nodded enthusiastically.

"Well, when you put it like that..." Grand Pear turned to Granny Smith. "Whattaya say?"

"...Ah, what the hay?" Granny Smith smiled. "Harvestin' season just ended, so the farm can keep fer a day or two. So Ah say let's go fer it!"

"Awesome!" Apple Bloom cheered.

"Thanks, Granny." Applejack smiled.

"My first Apple family trip." Sugar Belle grinned. "This is going to be great!"

"Eeyup." Big Mac nuzzled her.

"Then it's decided." Grand Pear nodded. "Meet me at the train station this Friday at nine sharp."

"Lookin' forward to it, Grand Pear-Pear." Apple Bloom beamed.

As he made his way back home, Grand Pear felt some misgivings over Apples and Pears crossing paths again for the first time in years. But at the same time, he felt some hope that his grandfoals were right, and that they could finally put an end to their families' feud, once and for all.

Friday rolled around all too soon, and the Apples (plus Sugar Belle) gathered at the Ponyville train station, bright and early.

"There you all are." Grand Pear moved to meet them. "Everypony ready?"

"Ready as we'll ever be." Granny Smith nodded.

"Ah'm so excited!" Apple Bloom squealed. "Ain't nuthin' better than meetin' new family fer the first time!"

"Easy, li'l sis." Applejack chuckled.

"Here comes the train!" Sugar Belle pointed.

The Friendship Express rolled into the station, and the extended family boarded, ready for Vanhoover.

'This is it.' Grand Pear thought, as the train departed Ponyville. 'No turning back now...'

A couple of hours later, they arrived in Vanhoover.

"Okay, where to now?" Granny Smith asked.

"The civic center." Grand Pear declared. "Just two lefts and a right from here."

As they began their short trek, Apple Bloom gazed at their surroundings in wonder.

"Wow, this is one big city." She gasped. "Not Canterlot big, but still..."

"I suddenly feel so small..." Sugar Belle mused, just as unused to tall buildings as her little sister-in-law.

"That's the big city for ya." Grand Pear nodded. "And there were plenty of local ponies with a taste for pears. The Pear family enjoyed bushels of profit here."

"Lucky you." Granny Smith snarked, a tad put off by the locals' non-apple tastes.

They arrived at the civic center soon after; it was a wide building with a domed roof.

"Fancy." Applejack noted.

"Bigger than our entire homestead." Granny Smith acknowledged.

"According to the letter I got, the reunion's being held in the east hall." Grand Pear recalled. He led the group down the corridors, to a set of double doors. A sign on the wall read "Reserved for Pear family reunion".

"Here we go..." Granny Smith declared.

Grand Pear pushed open the double doors, revealing a room filled with multiple Earth Ponies, all chatting and sharing stories. Those nearest to the entrance took note of the newcomers. One, a lime-coated, emerald-eyed stallion who looked to be almost as old as Grand Pear, stepped forward. His mane was grey, with a single brilliant gold streak within, and his Cutie Mark was of a pear with a noticeable gleam. He also wore a red bandana around his neck, similar to Grand Pear's green.

"Well, look who finally made it." The stallion grinned as he approached Grand Pear.

"Hello, Shiny Pear." Grand Pear smiled.

"Long time, no see, big brother." Shiny Pear remarked. "How's retirement been treatin' you?"

"Can't complain." Grand Pear admitted. "Lucky for me, the ponies of Ponyville still love a good pear."

"Like that's a big surprise." An Earth Pony mare, around Applejack's age, chuckled. She had a pale green coat, a rose-colored mane, blue eyes, and a Cutie Mark of a pear and a bouquet of flowers.

"Good to see you again, Pear Blossom." Grand Pear smiled.

"You too, gramps." Pear Blossom beamed.

A filly, more or less Apple Bloom's size, rushed over. She had a hot pink mane, green eyes, and a pastel pink coat.

"Grampa!" She hugged Grand Pear.

"Ah, my sweet little Candy Pear." Grand Pear returned the hug

"Easy there, baby sis." A hulking stallion stepped forward. He had a dark green coat, short, a spiky red mane, brown eyes, and a Cutie Mark of a pear with lots of spikes. "Save some of Grand Pear for the rest of us."

"Spoilsport." Candy Pear pouted as she reluctantly let go of Grand Pear.

"How was your trip, grandfather?" The stallion asked.

"Straight to the point as always, eh, Prickly Pear?" Grand Pear rolled his eyes.

"Naturally." Prickly Pear nodded proudly.

An elderly pony mare joined them. She had a frizzy, faded tangelo mane (with a green bow), brilliant orange eyes, brilliant gold coat, and a cutie Mark of half a pear and a Cinnamon stick.

"Hello, Cinnamon Pear." Grand Pear smiled.

"I've missed you, Grand." Cinnamon Pear beamed. "We all have."

"And I've missed all of you too." Grand Pear said warmly.

"Not enough to write us, more often, though." A mare with a white coat, long brown mane, green eyes, and a Cutie Mark of a pear topped with snow smirked.

"Ah, Snow Pear." Grand Pear grinned. "As feisty as ever, I see."

"You better believe it, old timer." Snow Pear chuckled.

"Hey, who are your guests?" Cinnamon Pear asked, noticing the Apples (who had been observing the reunions with a vested interest). "Friends from Ponyville?"

"Kinda..." Grand Pear said awkwardly.

"You do remember this event is for Pear family members only, right?" Prickly Pear asked haughtily.

"Technically, we are family." Granny Smith pointed out.

"...Wait." Shiny Pear narrowed his eyes as he moved in closer. "You look familiar..." As he observed her, he took notice of her Cutie Mark. "You're an Apple!"

All the Pears in the room froze with shock.

"Well, ain't you the observant one?" Granny Smith deadpanned.

Cinnamon Pear glanced at the others' Cutie Marks.

"They're all Apples!" She yelled.

"Except for this one." Prickly Pear pointed at Sugar Belle.

"Actually, I'm married to him." Sugar Belle indicated Big Mac. "So y'know, I'm an Apple by marriage."

"Eeyup." Big Mac smiled proudly.

"You brought Apples here?" Shiny Pear glared at Grand Pear.

"That's right." Grand Pear nodded. "Because these three-" He indicated Big Mac, Applejack and Apple Bloom. "-Are Pear Butter's kids. That makes them half Pear."

"And half-Apple." Cinnamon Pear glared.

"Nonetheless, they're my guests, and they should be shown the proper courtesy." Grand Pear instructed.

"Huh!" Prickly Pear scoffed. "Like that's ever gonna happen!"

"You're the one who told us Pear Butter wasn't any family of ours anymore." Shiny Pear pointed out. "The night we left for Vanhoover, you burst into the house, angrier than I'd ever seen you. And when I asked where Pear Butter was, why she wasn't coming with us, you said she'd betrayed us all by marrying that Apple."

"I was wrong." Grand Pear admitted ruefully. "Pear Butter didn't betray us. In fact, I betrayed her. I was her father, and I left her behind. For too long, I let my hatred for the Apples cloud my judgment. I only realised how wrong I was after it was too late... Too late for me to make amends with my daughter, to ask her if she could ever forgive me..."

"So that's why you decided to spend your retirement in Ponyville?" Shiny Pear scowled. "So you could beg those Apples for forgiveness instead? Pathetic."

"Hold up, there!" Granny Smith stepped back. "What's wrong with wanting forgiveness?"

"He didn't do anything that needed forgivin'!" Cinnamon Pear scoffed. "Pear Butter was the one who betrayed us all! That lousy traitor brought shame to all of us when she married that rotten Apple!"

"Don't ya dare talk about our parents like that!" Applejack yelled.

"Why not?" Prickly Pear scoffed. "He talked about them like that for years." He pointed at Grand Pear.

"And I regret every word." Grand Pear admitted. "Pear Butter and Bright Macintosh were in love. I had no right to try and force them apart. They raised three incredible grandfoals together."

"Thanks, Grand Pear-Pear." Apple Bloom smiled.

"'Grand Pear-Pear'?" Candy Pear snorted. "Seriously?"

"These ponies have as much right to be here as any of us." Grand Pear insisted. "And as far as I'm concerned, they're family. And I expect you to treat them as such."

There was an immediate uproar.

"You can't be serious." Shiny Pear spat.

"No way!" Prickly Pear snarled.

"Grampa!" Candy Pear gasped.

"Have you lost your mind?" Cinnamon Pear gaped.

"You really expect us to just-?" Pear Blossom cringed.

"Yes, I do." Grand Pear said firmly. "Retired or not, I'm still the patriarch of this family. Which means what I say goes. Am I making myself clear?"

"Perfectly clear." Shiny Pear said coldly.

"We'll treat these Apples like family, alright." Prickly Pear sneered. "Estranged family..."

The Pears walked away, pointedly getting as much distance between them and the Apples as possible.

"Well, that could've gone better..." Granny Smith frowned.

"Ah had a feelin' things wouldn't be so easy." Applejack admitted.

"Eeyup." Big Mac said flatly.

"Come on, y'all." Apple Bloom urged. "We just gotta show these Pears the kind a' decent folk we Apples really are."

"That's the spirit." Grand Pear smiled.

"Couldn't hurt tah try." Applejack nodded.

"Eeyup!" Big Mac smiled.

"Maybe a little outside perspective will help these Pears see what the Apples are actually like." Sugar Belle mused.

"And Ah think I saw a few blank flanks in the crowd." Apple Bloom noted. "Jest the kind of thing a Cutie Mark Crusader can help with..."

"As for me, I think I'll go try and talk some sense into my brother." Grand Pear declared.

"Good luck with that." Granny Smith declared. "He seems like a real stubborn one.."

"Oh, he is." Grand Pear nodded. "But I can be stubborn too..."

The group split up, hoping to cover as much ground as possible in terms of putting the age-old feud to rest.

"At the end of the day, Apples and Pears ain't so different." Applejack smiled. "We're all farm ponies, makin' our livin' by raisin' the bounty of the land."

Across the room, Apple Bloom approached Candy Pear, who was chewing on a pear-flavored gumball.

"What do you want, Apple?" Candy Pear sneered.

"Ah, uh, couldn't help but notice that yer... well, a blank flank." Apple Bloom pointed out.

"What of it?" Candy Pear growled sorely. "You gonna make fun a' me, or somethin'?"

"Actually, Ah wuz gonna offer tah help with that." Apple Bloom announced.

"And how can you help?" Candy Pear scoffed.

"Well, not tah brag, but it's kinda mah special talent." Apple Bloom revealed. "Don't be fooled by the apple symbol on mah flank. Mah destiny is to help ponies find their own special talents. An' Ah could help ya find yours, if ya'd let me."

"Oh?" Candy Pear narrowed her eyes skeptically. "And how do you plan on doing that?"

"Well, first, Ah need tah to know a little about ya." Apple Bloom replied. "Like yer hobbies, favorite food, stuff that appeals to ya..."

"So now I have to answer a survey?" Candy Pear rolled her eyes. "Okay, fine. I like playing Buckball, readin' comics, my favorite treat is pear drops, and what 'appeals' to me is not having to answer a bunch a' stupid questions."

"What about at home?" Apple Bloom asked. "What d'ya like to do most there?"

"Well..." Candy Pear mulled the question over. "I like helping my mom in the kitchen. She lets me help with the ingredients when she's whippin' up some delicious desserts..." She smiled at the memory.

"Okay." Apple Bloom declared. "Ah think Ah have a few ideas fer you to try..."

Meanwhile, Sugar Belle approached Snow Pear, who was by the buffet table, stacking up some frosted cupcakes (pear-flavored, of course).

"Hello, there." She smiled sweetly.

"Ugh..." Snow Pear cringed.

Sugar Belle's smile faltered a little, but she pressed on.

"Those are some nice-looking cupcakes." She declared. "Mind if I try one?"

"Whatever." Snow Pear muttered.

Sugar Belle picked up one of the cupcakes with her magic, and took a bite.

"Mmm!" She nodded. "This is great!"

"...Oh, thanks." Snow Pear said awkwardly. "I, er... I made those."

"Well, you did a great job." Sugar Belle finished the cupcake. "I'm actually a baker myself, so believe me when I say that was one of the best cupcakes I've ever had."

"Really?" Snow Pear smiled in spite of herself. "You can have another, if you like."

"I think I will." Sugar Belle grinned, picking up another cupcake and enjoying. "How do you give it that little zing in the middle?"

"Sorry, but it's a secret recipe." Snow Pear declined. "Thanks for the words of praise, though."

"No problem." Sugar Belle nodded. "Always happy to critique another baker's skills."

"Lucky for me... Sorry, I didn't catch your name?" Snow Pear asked.

"Sugar Belle." The sweet baker replied. "A pleasure to meet you."

"How'd a nice mare like you end up married to a lousy Apple?" Snow Pear asked.

"For starters, Big Mac isn't 'lousy'." Sugar Belle's smile receded once more. "He's the sweetest, most thoughtful stallion I've ever met. You shouldn't judge him just because of his family. How would you like it if ponies did that with you?"

"Well, I..." Snow Pear spluttered, shaken by Sugar Belle's sudden change in temperament.

"Besides, becoming part of the Apple family is one of the best things that's ever happened to me." Sugar Belle admitted. "I don't know much about this feud of yours, but you all look like good ponies to me. And in my experience, good ponies can rise above things like an old rivalry."

"Easier said than done." Snow Pear frowned.

"...Maybe you'd like to try some of my cupcakes?" Sugar offered, opening one of her saddlebags. "I always make some for long trips."

"Sure, why not?" Snow Pear accepted the offered cupcake, and took a bite. "...Hmm. Not bad. What flavor is this?"

"Apple." Sugar Belle grinned.

"... Seriously?" Snow Pear gazed at the half-eaten cupcake.

"That's right." Sugar Belle nodded. "An Apple family recipe. Made with genuine Sweet Apple Acres apples."

Snow Pear glanced again at the cupcake... And finished it.

"Got any more?" She asked.

"Of course." Sugar Belle chuckled, floating over another cupcake.

Across the room, Applejack approached Pear Blossom.

"Howdy there." She said courteously.

"Can't you Apples take a hint?" Pear Blossom scowled. "You're not welcome here."

"Why not?" Applejack frowned. "Cuz a' sum silly feud that started way before either of us wuz even born?"

"Time doesn't matter." Pear Blossom said stubbornly.

"Whattaya even know about this feud, anyway?" Applejack asked. "Yah don't look that much older'n me. That means ya grew up right here in Vanhoover."

"So?" Pear Blossom sneered.

"So... Have ya ever actually met an Apple before today?" Applejack inquired.

"I didn't need to." Pear Blossom retorted. "I heard all I needed to from my elders."

"Oh, yeah?" Applejack challenged. Did ya hear how Apples care fer and protect their Apples trees, and treat their friends like family?"

"Well..." Pear Blossom faltered.

"Or how we believe in keepin' our word, an' livin' up to our responsibilities?" Applejack pressed on.

"I don't think the elders ever mentioned that..." Pear Blossom mused. "But how did I know this is all the truth."

"Ah ain't exactly the lyin' type." Applejack said earnestly. "When Ah first met Grand Pear, Ah only had stories tah go on. But Ah soon learned tah judge him by who he wuz, not from what Ah'd heard about him. And Ah planned tah do the same thing with ev'ry Pear Ah met today."

"You did?" Pear Blossom asked, confused. This went against everything she'd ever heard the elders say about the Apples. But somehow, she could see Applejack's innate honesty in her eyes. "Really?"

"Darn tootin'." Applejack nodded. "So how 'bout ya tell me a li'l about yerself? Ah promise tah listen. And after, maybe you could return the favor?"

"I guess that could work..." Pear Blossom said hesitantly. "So, uh... I do help with the pear harvesting, but what I mostly do is pick and sell the pear blossoms that grow on the trees. Ponies seem to love them, and so do I."

"Ah ain't surprised." Applejack smiled. "They're sum pretty posies. Maybe Ah could buy a few offa ya? ...That is, if ya don't mind an Apple's patronage?"

"A customer's a customer, I suppose..." Pear Blossom shrugged. "Now, how about you tell me something about you? What's it like in Ponyville?"

"It's a great town." Applejack smiled. "Picturesque surroundings, nice neighbors... But some crazy stuff can happen there."

"How crazy can a small town be?" Pear Blossom asked skeptically.

"Ya'd be surprised..." Applejack chuckled.

Cinnamon Pear was sat at a table, sipping at a glass of pear juice.

"Restin' up those old bones?" Granny Smith smiled as she sat opposite her. "Mind if Ah join you?"

"I would, actually." Cinnamon Pear scowled.

"Well, too bad." Granny Smith smirked. "Cuz Ah got sum stuff tah say, an' you are gonna listen."

"Typical pushy Apple." Cinnamon Pear scoffed.

"Ah know our families have had sum bad blood fer a long time." Granny Smith acknowledged. "But that was between our generation. Those grandkids a' mine weren't a part a' that. They don't deserve any ill will. None of us do."

"Those young 'uns are one thing." Cinnamon Pear scoffed. "But you and I are both old enough to remember what things were like between our families back in the day. So why are you suddenly all for making peace?"

"Because Ah saw with mah own eyes that Apples and Pears can get along." Granny Smith answered. "Mah boy Bright Mac and your niece Pear Butter loved each other, despite our feud. It took me a while to see it, but see it Ah did. From then on, Ah treated Pear Butter like mah own kin."

"That was... Decent of you." Cinnamon Pear admitted grudgingly.

"And jest so ya know, Pear Butter never forget where she came from." Granny Smith smiled. "Whenever she made Apple pie, she always added a whole pear inta the mix, tah honor her side a' the family. Ah always respected her fer that."

"She did that?" Cinnamon Pear whispered, touched.

"hen Grand Pear came back tah Ponyville, Ah knew the time had come tah bury the hatchet." Granny Smith continued. "Don't ya think it's time tah do the same? It's better than reviving some old rivalry. Life's too short fer holdin' grudges, especially fer a pair a' old bats like us."

"You really mean that, don't you?" Cinnamon Pear mused. "The mare I remember would never have said anything like that."

"That mare is long gone." Granny Smith smiled. "Let me reintroduce mahself: Granny Smith, proud grandmother to half-Apple, half-Pear kids. Nice tah meet ya." She held out her hoof.

Cinnamon Pear hesitated for a moment, then took the hoof.

"A pleasure." She smiled.

Meanwhile, Grand Pear found Shiny Pear in the back room, scowling.

"There you are, Shiny." Grand Pear noted.

"I know that look." Shiny Pear grimaced. "You're going to give me one of your big brother lectures, aren't you?"

"I just want to talk." Grand Pear insisted.

"Let me guess: is the topic Apple-related?" Shiny Pear sneered.

"And Pear-related." Grand Pear confirmed. "You may think I'm being a hypocrite about this, but I've been regretting disowning Pear Butter for years."

"And why should you?" Shiny Pear scoffed. "She made her choice. She chose to become an Apple."

"I know you missed her too." Grand Pear told him. "Just as much as me."

Shiny Pear tried to deny this, but after a few moments of resisting, he finally gave in.

"Of course I missed her." He stared tearfully at his brother. "She was my favorite niece. Even when I thought she'd betrayed us, I missed her every day. And now she's..."

"No, she's not." Grand Pear countered. "A part of her lives on. Not just in our hearts, but in those kids. Big Macintosh, Applejack, Apple Bloom... There's so much of Pear Butter in them. It's almost like she's right here with us. You could see it yourself, if you just gave those kids a chance, and got to know them."

"But.... They're still Apples." Shiny Pear said stubbornly.

"Apples, Pears... We're all the same where it counts." Grand Pear declared. "...Don't make the same mistake I made, little brother. Don't let a silly feud keep you from your family."

Shiny Pear lowered his head, as Grand Pear's words were absorbed into his thoughts. He had a decision to make...

Across the room, Candy Pear was putting together some pear sorbet. After a few failed attempts at finding her special talent, Apple Bloom had suggested she try something in the culinary sense. Fortunately, the buffet had everything required, even an ice cream maker.

"Almost done..." Candy Pear muttered. "You sure this'll work?"

"Yer the one who said she likes helpin' her ma in the kitchen." Apple Bloom pointed out.

"With ingredients." Candy Pear retorted. "But I never actually made anything..."

"Ya'd be surprised what yah can pick up jest by watchin'" Apple Bloom smiled.

"Okay, it's ready." Candy Pear said nervously. "Give it a try..."

Apple Bloom dipped a plastic spoon into the concoction, and took a taste.

"...Well?" Candy Pear asked, on tenterhooks.

"It's great!" Apple Bloom grinned. "Totally fantastic!"

"No way!" Candy grabbed a spoon of her own and took a taste. "Wow! I can't believe I actually made that!"

"Believe it, missy." Apple Bloom snarked.

A bright light suddenly emitted from Candy Pear's flank. When it faded, there was an image of a pear and a wrapped candy adorning the formerly blank flank.

"It finally happened..." Candy Pear stared at the image on her flank like she couldn't believe it was there. "My Cutie Mark!! Ha-ha!!"

"Congrats!" Apple Bloom smiled.

"Thank you so, so much!" Candy Pear hugged her.

"Happy to help." Apple Bloom declared. "Like Ah said, it's mah special talent."

"I guess you Apples aren't so bad after all." Candy Pear admitted. "Now let's go tell my brother!"

"Right behind ya!" Apple Bloom nodded, the two fillies racing off.

Emerging from the doors leading to the kitchen, Prickly Pear was bringing in some barrels of pear juice to replenish the buffet supplies. However, he had bitten off more then he could chew, and was struggling to carry them.

"Come on, you can do this..." He encouraged himself, struggling to keep the barrels steady on his back. "Just a little further..."

As he teetered towards the table where the mugs and tankards were situated, he unknowingly stepped in a patch of spilled juice, and slipped.

"Whoa!" He yelped. He managed to keep himself from falling, but the sudden movement caused the topmost barrels to start to tip over. "No-no-no-no!"

The barrels fell off his back, set to shatter on the floor. But before that could happen, Big Mac stepped in, catching the barrels on his own back.

"What the-?" Prickly Pear gaped. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Ah'd've thought that wuz obvious." Big Mac retorted.

"Oh, so you can say more than just 'Eeyup'." Prickly Pear noted.

"When Ah want to, yeah." Big Mac nodded.

"Yeah, well... I didn't need your help." Prickly Pear scoffed. "I had the situation well in hoof."

"Didn't look that way tah me." Big Mac declared. "Besides, Ah hate tah see perfectly good juice ruined. Ah'll bet a lotta hard work went into making this stuff."

"You'd win that bet." Prickly Pear acknowledged. "And I oughta know, since I helped make most of it."

"No foolin'?" Big Mac mused.

"Nope." Prickly Pear confirmed. "Took a solid week of work for me to fill all these barrels. But seeing ponies enjoyin' the fruits of my labor makes it all worth it." He smiled.

"Ah know the feelin'." Big Mac nodded. "Jest like when Ah go the extra mile to make sure everypony in Ponyville gets to enjoy a nice cup a' cider."

"Cider's not really my thing." Prickly Pear admitted. "But it's always nice to meet a stallion who knows the value of a strong work ethic."

"Prickly, look!" Candy Pear pointed out her flank. "I got my Cutie Mark!"

"Whoa, really?" Prickly Pear grinned. He picked her and bounced her into the air. "Way to go, li'l sis! You finally did it! I'm so proud of you!"

"Well, I didn't do it all myself." Candy Pear admitted. "I had some help."

"Oh, really?" Prickly Pear set her back down on the floor. "From who?"

"From me, actually." Apple Bloom joined them.

"Seriously?" Prickly Pear gaped.

"It's true." Candy Pear nodded. "It was her idea for me to try mixing something sweet with the pears at the buffet. Next thing I knew - Bam! - I got my Cutie Mark!"

"Oh, well..." Prickly Pear looked at Apple Bloom. "Thanks for helping my little sister."

"Aw, it wuz nuthin'." Apple Bloom said humbly. "Candy did all the real work. Ah jest pointed her in the right direction."

"It still means a lot." Prickly Pear insisted. "There's nothing more important to me than seeing my li'l sis happy."

"Prickly..." Candy Pear rolled her eyes.

"Ah know what yer gettin' at." Apple Bloom nodded. "Family means a lot to us Apples too."

"Huh." Prickly Pear mused. "Maybe we're more alike than I thought."

"Eeyup." Big Mac nodded.

As Grand Pear and Shiny Pear returned from their talk, they saw a wondrous sight; the Apples and Pears talking and being friendly with each other.

"Holy pear skins." Shiny Pear gaped. "How long were we talking?"

"I had a feeling this would happen." Grand Pear chuckled. "Those Apples can be surprisingly good at solving problems, even if the problem is a decades-long feud."

"Never thought I'd see the day when Apples and Pears actually get along." Shiny Pear chuckled.

"So did I, once." Grand Pear noted. "But sometimes it's nice to be proven wrong." He nudged his brother. "Wanna make it official?"

"Gladly." Shiny Pear nodded. "Attention, Pears!" He said loudly, gaining everypony's attention. "I never thought I'd say this, but as of today, our feud with the Apples is over!"

In response, the Apples and Pears in the crowd cheered.

"Grand Pear was right." Shiny Pear declared. "Apples, Pears... We're all the same where it counts."

"Now that's what Ah like tah hear!" Granny Smith grinned.

"Music to these old ears." Cinnamon Pear agreed.

"Think Ah could be one a' yer regular customers now?" Applejack asked Pear Blossom.

"Sure." Pear Blossom nodded. "Ah'll even give you a little discount."

"If you're ever in Ponyville, I'll gladly share my cupcake recipes with you." Sugar Belle told Snow Pear.

"Ditto." Snow Pear smiled.

"Guess that's the end of that chapter." Prickly Pear noted. "And the start of a whole new one."

"Eeyup." Big Mac nodded.

"Hey, ya wanna be penpals?" Apple Bloom asked Candy Pear.

"Sure!" Candy Pear nodded.

"Okay, Pears... And Apples." Shiny Pear smiled. "Let's get back to the festivities. Because today, we Pears were reunited with a family we didn't even know we had. And a family we're happy to have with us."

The crowd cheered once more.

"Good job, little brother." Grand Pear smiled. "Pear Butter would be proud."

Shiny Pear smiled, as they looked upon their newly reunited family having fun and getting to know each other. It was going to be the first of many such reunions... But also the most fondly remembered.


On the other side of Vanhoover was situated the hall of records, containing mountains of written files. Inside, the head record keeper was preparing to close up for the night.

"The end of another productive day." He said to himself, as he made his way to the door of the lobby, planning to close it behind him.

Just as he was about to step through the door, it opened, and a figure entered the lobby. The stranger's form was completely hidden by a voluminous black cloak.

"Sorry for the intrusion." The figure rasped. "But I require some... Information."

"Well, this is the place for it." The record keeper admitted. "But I'm afraid I'm about to lock up for the night. And besides, proper authorization is required to peruse most of the records."

"...I see." The figure said quietly. "But if it's not too much trouble, could I get your help with just one small thing?"

"I suppose." The record keeper shrugged. "What is it you nee-?"

A sudden flash of light emanated from under the figure's cloak, and the record keeper froze in place.

"Why, thank you." The figure sneered as he took the frozen record keeper's keys. "You've been a great help."

The cloaked figure made his way to the records room, unlocking it with one of the chancellor's keys. He stood within the room, taking in all the cabinets filled with information.

"So much knowledge, so little time..." He cackled.

What's In A Name?

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It was another morning in Canterlot. Twilight and Spike had just finished with Twilight's latest royal duty: cutting the ribbon on a new youth center, one that was open to all creatures.

"That went great, don't you think?" Twilight asked Spike as they departed from the function.

"Yep." Spike nodded jokingly. "Who doesn't love seeing somepony using a giant pair of scissors?"

"And we only have another half a dozen duties to attend to." Twilight took a glance at the royal to-do list. "Quite a lean day, all things considered."

"As long as there's time enough for lunch, you won't hear me complaining." Spike grinned. "Speaking of, it's almost noon. Shall we?"

"Why not?" Twilight smiled. "I think we've earned an early lunch. And The Tasty Treat is just around the corner."

"Great." Spike grinned. "I could go for some nice, spicy samosas."

"Me too." Twilight agreed. "Another great suggestion, Royal Advisor."

"It's what I'm here for." Spike chuckled.

After a filling meal, Twilight and Spike made their way back onto the main streets of Canterlot.

"Now those were spicy." Spike patted his belly. "Almost feel like I actually have to breathe fire to cool my mouth off..."

"I'm not surprised, the way you were shovelling in your food." Twilight threw him a teasing glance. Before she could return her gaze forward, she found herself bumping into somepony else. "Oof!"

"Oh, sorry, Princess." A vaguely familiar voice declared. "Didn't see you there."

"My fault entirely." Twilight said as she steadied herself. Only after regaining her bearings did she glance at who she had bumped into. It was a Royal Guard. He adjusted his helmet (which had been knocked askew by the collision) to reveal a familiar face: that of Flash Sentry. "I, uh... Hi." She stuttered in a very unregal manner.

"Oh, hello again, your highness." Flash smiled. "It's... Been a while, hasn't it?"

"It has, yes." Twilight said awkwardly, a light blush coloring her cheeks. "A long while..." She added redundantly.

"Long enough for you to get a promotion." Flash noted. "I saw your coronation,by the by. It was... Eventful."

"That's one way of putting it." Spike snarked.

"And I see you got a transfer from the Crystal Empire to Canterlot." Twilight noted. "So we've both moved up in the world."

"And yet, we're still meeting the same way we always do." Flash joked. "Guess some things don't change, right, your majesty?"

"Right." Twilight laughed (a tad giddily).

Spike rolled his eyes.

"Well, I shouldn't keep you." Flash said courteously. "I'm sure you're in the middle of some important royal business."

"Actually, we were just coming back from lunch." Twilight admitted.

"Then by all means, allow me to escort you back to the palace, your highness." Flash offered.

"Oh, there's no need for that." Twilight declined. "We've got a fair bit of time until our next royal appointment, so there's no rush."

"It's my duty as a Royal Guard, your highness." Flash pointed out. "And if there's one thing this pony values, it's his duty."

"Oh, well... far be it for me to keep a pony from carrying out his duty." Twilight blushed again at this display of chivalry. "You may accompany us, Mr. Sentry."

"As you wish, your highness." Flash bowed respectfully.

With their new escort, Twilight and Spike continued along the streets of Canterlot. As they walked, Spike gave Twilight a funny look.

"...What?" Twilight frowned.

"Oh, nothing." Spike smirked. "...Except for the fact you let the pony version of the guy in the human world you had a crush on walk you back to the castle..."

"So?" Twilight looked away awkwardly. "He's a Royal Guard. It's his duty to serve! Who am I to deny him that?"

"Right..." Spike grinned even wider. "That's totally the reason. And not because you've still got a little crush."

"It is." Twilight insisted. "Besides, as ruler of Equestria, I don't have time for that kind of thing... Even if it was on my mind (which it isn't)."

"Keep telling yourself that." Spike snickered.

"Knock it off, Spike." Twilight pouted.

"Not a chance." Spike teased.

As they neared the castle, they saw a group of Royal Guard recruits marching down the streets. They were following the lead of Flash Magnus, who had not so long ago become the new drill instructor.

"Trot, two, three, four..." Flash Magnus ordered the recruits. "Keep it up, two, three, four..."

"It's him." Flash Sentry gaped in awe. "Flash Magnus, one of the Pillars of Old Equestria."

"Got it in one." Spike nodded.

"I knew he was working here in Canterlot, but I never really got the chance to run into him before now." Flash Sentry admitted.

Flash Magnus took notice of Twilight's presence.

"Okay, troops, you've earned a break." He told the recruits. "Take a moment to catch your breath."

The recruits eagerly followed the courageous Pillar's command, sitting down (or collapsing) so they could regain their strength.

"Good afternoon, your highness." Flash Magnus greeted Twilight.

"Flash Magnus." Twilight nodded. "Putting the recruits through their paces, I see."

"Naturally." Flash Magnus nodded. "Equestria may be at peace for now, but you never know when trouble will show. So the next generation of Royal Guards need to be in tip-top shape when that trouble arrives."

"Then I shouldn't keep you from getting the recruits into shape." Twilight noted. "As you were, Instructor Magnus."

"Thank you, your highness." Flash Magnus nodded. He returned his focus to the recruits. "Okay, troops, back to the castle grounds! It's almost time for weapons training. Let's see how well you've been practicing!"

The recruits obediently stood up, and returned to formation, marching their way back to the castle.

"Trot, two, three, four..." Flash Magnus repeated.

As Flash Magnus passed by, Flash Sentry held up a hoof, as if he wanted to say something. But no words emerged from his mouth, and Flash Magnus and his recruits passed him by.

"Smooth, Sentry." He scolded himself. "Real smooth..."

"Is something wrong?" Twilight asked, taking note of the dour expression on his face.

"Yeah, you look like you just got your wings in a knot." Spike added.

"Oh, it's nothing, your highness." Flash Sentry cringed, embarassed. "I just missed my chance to introduce myself to the Flash Magnus, the pony I've looked up to since I was a foal, that's all..."

"A fan boy, huh?" Spike smirked.

"I guess you could say that." Flash Sentry sighed.

"I know how you feel." Twilight declared. "To have a pony you've idolized all your life standing right in front of you... It can be quite overwhelming."

"She means Star Swirl the Bearded." Spike added. "You wouldn't believe how much effort she put into meeting him."

Twilight gave Spike a sour look.

"That's comforting to hear, Princess. But with all due respect, my situation's not quite the same as yours was." Flash Sentry admitted. "I'm a big fan of Flash Magnus, sure, but... There's more to it than that."

"How do you mean?" Twilight asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Well, the thing is..." Flash said awkwardly. "I'm actually kinda... related to him."

"You are?" Twilight's eyes widened with surprise.

"You sure about that?" Spike asked skeptically.

"Absolutely." Flash Sentry nodded. "My great-great-great-times-twenty-or-so-grandmother was his younger sister."

"Well, that's... Surprising." Twilight mused. "But not totally unexpected. I met a descendant of Mage Meadowbrook once. His name was Cattail. He didn't exactly make the best first impression, but he was a nice pony."

"Flash Magnus has always been a big-time hero in our family." Flash Sentry noted. "So much so that more than a few colts were named after him over the years. Like me, obviously."

"So why not go over and introduce yourself?" Spike suggested. "They usually hold weapons practice in the castle grounds., So he won't be hard to find."

"I'm sure he'd thrilled to meet you." Twilight added.

"I'm not sure if I can." Flash Sentry sighed. "You saw how I clammed up back there. Who's to say it wouldn't happen again?"

Twilight took a moment to access the situation. Then she hit upon an idea.

"Then I'll introduce you." She declared.

"You will?" Flash Sentry asked.

"Why not?" Twilight nodded. "Flash Magnus and I are friends, and friends are always introducing each other to new acquaintances."

"I couldn't ask you to do that, your highness." Flash Sentry said humbly.

"You don't have to." Twilight replied. "A Princess helps her subjects. You did your duty, and now I'm carrying out mine."

"Oh, well... If you insist." Flash Sentry smiled awkwardly. "Guess you're the one escorting me now, your highness."

"Guess so." Twilight grinned widely.

"So much for a lean day..." Spike sighed.

The trio made their way to the castle gates, and onto the courtyard. As Spike had predicted, the recruits were practicing their spear-based combat maneuvers, with Flash Magnus circling them, taking note of each recruit's technique and speed.

"Not bad, recruit Sliver." He commentated. "Recruit Edge, you need to work a little on your swing..."

"Yes, sir." The recruit named Edge ammended his technique.

"Better." Flash Magnus nodded encouragingly. He noticed Twilight and the others approaching. "Keep it up, recruits. I'll be right back."

Flash Magnus went to meet his visitors halfway, so as not to disrupt the recruits' concentration.

"I wasn't expecting to see you again so soon, Princess." He noted. A frown briefly formed. "Is there something wrong?"

"Oh, no." Twilight assured him. "I just thought I'd introduce you to somepony."

Flash Sentry stood nervously, afraid to step forward. Spike took the decision out of his hooves by pushing him into Flash Magnus' line of sight.

"This is Flash Sentry." Twilight introduced.

"A Royal Guard, I see." Flash Magnus mused. "Always nice to meet a brother in armor. And we have the same name, too. How about that?"

"It's... Good to meet you too, sir." Flash Sentry said awkwardly. "I've been an admirer of your legend all my life. I've heard all the stories about you. Like how you used your shield Netitus to fend off two angry dragons."

"That was a great day." Flash Magnus smiled nostalgically. "While it's nice to reminisce on old glories, I do have a job to do, so if that's all, I should be-"

"It's... It's not." Flash Sentry said nervously. "See, the reason I know all your stories is because they were passed down my family for thousands of Moons. ...Passed down through your family."

"...Excuse me?" Flash Magnus froze.

"It's true." Flash Sentry confirmed. "My distant ancestor was your sister, Flight Path."

"Flight Path had a family?" Flash Magnus mused. "That must have been some time after myself and the other Pillars went into limbo. She was still a teenager the last time I saw her, not long before we sacrificed ourselves. I felt guilty about leaving her behind, but we didn't think there was any other way..."

"She always knew you were a hero, sir." Flash Sentry smiled. "She kept your story alive by passing it down to her children, and they passed it on to their children. And they kept your name alive by passing it on to lots of their children, including me. They all had nothing but the deepest respect for you."

"That's... That's good to hear..." Flash Magnus said awkwardly, a somber look in his eyes.

"Are you okay, Magnus?" Twilight asked.

"I'm fine, your highness." Flash Magnus replied. "It's just... I never really considered that I would have any kind of family in this time, let alone one that held me in such regard. I just focused on doing what I've always done: helping in the protection of Equestria. It never even crossed my mind to try and seek out family... What does that say about me?"

Twilight, Spike and Flash Sentry all looked uncomfortable.

"I... I'm sorry." Flash Sentry said awkwardly. "I didn't mean to-"

"I really should get back to work." Flash Magnus cut him off, a morose look on his face "Those guards aren't going to train themselves. And I need to be there for someponies in my life, at least..."

Flash Magnus returned to the recruits.

"Okay, recruits, let's move on." He said flatly.

The recruits departed from the area. Flash Magnus brought up the rear, leaving a meloncholy air behind him.

"...I just totally blew it, didn't I?" Flash Sentry cringed, mortified.

"I wouldn't say that exactly." Twilight tried to console him.

"I would." Spike said bluntly, earning a glare from Twilight.

"I should have just left well enough alone." Flash Sentry took off his helmet. "But I didn't, and now my hero, the pony I grew up admiring, hates himself. All because of me."

"I'll admit things look bad." Twilight acknowledged. "But if there's one this pony knows, it's to never give up. You can fix this, Flash. You just have to keep trying."

Flash Sentry hesitated for a moment, as Twilight's words sunk in.

"Okay." He redonned his helmet. "Try #2, coming up." He had a look of determination on his face... Replaced by a look of uncertainty. "...So, where can I find Flash Magnus now?"

"He said he was going to keep training the Guards." Spike pointed out. "So call me crazy, but I think we can find him by the barracks."

"'We'?" Flash Sentry frowned.

"We're coming with you." Twilight declared. "For emotional support."

"And because it would be a shame to not see how all this turns out." Spike added.

"Fair enough." Flash smiled.

They made their way to the barracks. The recruits were practicing hoof-to-hoof combat in pairs while Flash Magnus observed. Some were having more trouble than others, but their instructor barely noticed; Flash Magnus was far less invested in his recruits' progress than he had been moments ago. In fact, he looked like he had something else entirely on his mind. And to a certain approaching trio, that something was quite clear.

Flash Sentry once again hesitated to step forward. Twilight gave him an encouraging nod, while Spike held out his claws in Flash Magnus' direction. With a gulp, the Pegasus Guard approached his ancestor.

"Excuse me, sir?" Flash Sentry spoke up.

Flash Magnus turned to see his newfound distant relative.

"Oh, hello again." He said flatly.

"Look, I'm sorry if I want I said before upset you..." Flash Sentry began, taking off his helmet as a show of regret.

"I know you only meant to compliment me." Flash Magnus admitted. "But all that talk about a family I never knew, and never bothered to seek out... It makes me think that maybe my dedication to the military wasn't as good a trait as I thought it was."

"Of course it is." Flash Sentry declared. "Like I said, I've heard all the stories about your adventures. Your dedication, your courage, your loyalty to your comrades... It was those stories that inspired me to become a Royal Guard."

"Well, that is something, I suppose..." Flash Magnus mused.

"And it wasn't just me." Flash Sentry continued. "So many others in the family have followed your example. Like Flash Prance, who helped defend Baltimare from rogue dragons. Or General Flash, who actually lead the Wonderbolts."

"Wow." Flash Magnus remarked. "That is impressive."

"And that was from following your example." Flash Sentry smiled. "Even if you never met us until today, you still helped our family achieve great things."

"I suppose I have." Flash Magnus mused. "But that doesn't change the fact that never thought to seek you out. I abandoned you, just like I abandoned my sister. What must she have thought of me?"

"She thought you were a hero." Flash Sentry told him. "She knew there was only reason you have suddenly vanished from her life; because you had given your all to protect Equestria."

"Do you really think she believed that?" Flash Magnus asked regretfully.

"I don't think, I know." Flash Sentry said resolutely. "She kept your memory alive by telling your story to everypony she met. She named her first son, Flash Flight, after you. And she told all her foals and grandfoals about your adventures, so they would be inspired to be the best they could be, and so they could pass on those stories to their own foals, inspiring future generations to achieve greatness." He placed a hoof on his ancestor's shoulder. "None of that would have been possible without the legacy you left behind."

"Thank you for telling me that." Flash Magnus smiled. "It makes me feel a little better about myself." His smile lowered slightly. "I'm just sorry I couldn't have known you all..."

"Well, you can know those of those in the present." Flash Sentry offered. "One of my cousins is having a college graduation party next weekend. If you like, you could come with me and meet some of the family.'

"I think I have an opening next weekend." Flash Magnus grinned. "Consider me there."

"Great." Flash Sentry grinned back.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to whipping these recruits into shape." Flash Magnus declared.

"Of course." Flash Sentry nodded. "The more ponies you inspire to greatness, the better."

Flash Magnus gave his descendant one last smile, then returned his attention to the recruits.

"Okay, that's not bad, but it could be better!" He announced. "Let me show you a few tricks..."

Flash Sentry beamed proudly as his familial hero did what he did best. Twilight and Spike, who had observed the entire discussion.

"Nice speech." Spike declared. "And I've heard some doozies in my time."

"Looks like all's well that ends well." Twilight said brightly.

"Thanks for the help, your highness." Flash Sentry smiled. "I know you must have had a million more important things to do today than observe my little family drama..."

"Not at all." Twilight declared. "There's nothing more important to me than helping to bring ponies closer together."

"I still appreciate it." Flash Sentry told her. "And here I thought the Royal Guard were meant to assist the Princess, not the other way around."

The two ponies chuckled, Twilight a little more loudly than she'd meant to. Spike just rolled his eyes at the whole thing.

"Anyway, I should be getting back to work." Flash Sentry noted. "Thanks again, Princess."

"You can call me 'Twilight'." Twilight urged.

"If you say so, Princess Twilight." Flash Sentry nodded.

"... It's a start." Twilight shook her head amusedly.

"Guess I'll see you on my rounds sometime." Flash Sentry smiled. "Hopefully sooner, rather than later..."

"I hope so, too." Twilight blushed lightly. "You're a good pony, Flash Sentry. You do your family proud."

"Awww..." Flash Sentry blushed back. "Thanks, Pri- I mean, Twilight." He awkwardly rubbed his mane. "Well, gotta back to work. I have a duty to live up to, after all..."

Flash Sentry put his helmet back on, gave Twilight a quick salute, then departed. Twilight smiled contently after him.

"...So, when's the wedding?" Spike teased, snapping her out of her reverie.

"Zip it, Spike." Twilight scowled. "We have to get back to work too, Mr. Royal Advisor."

"Of course we do." Spike rolled his eyes once more. "Lead the way, your highness..."

Twilight and Spike made their way back to the castle. Though they hadn't attended to much in the way of vital royal duties, Twilight still believed it had been a very productive day. For any day where she helped ponies grow closer was a good day in her book.

Guest Speaker

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Something new was happening at the School of Friendship. After officially becoming the new Headmare, Starlight Glimmer had discussed at length with Sunburst and Trixie the topic of new ways to enlighten their students on all the different effects friendship had on creatures.

One of those ideas was to invite guest speakers to talk before the students about how friendship had impacted their lives. Starlight had exchanged letters with Twilight regarding the implementation of the idea, with Twilight being all for it, and pledging to aid in reaching out to prospective speakers.

The first of these speakers arrived at the School of Friendship at mid-morning. It was Gilda, Rainbow Dash's old Griffon friend, and official friendship ambassador for Griffonstone.

"Nice place." Gilda mused as she appraised the school, then glanced at the crystalline castle, acknowledging how they stood out among Ponyville's other buildings. "So much for the quaint little town I remember..."

The Griffon landed at the front doors, where Starlight Glimmer was waiting for her.

"Welcome, Gilda." Starlight greeted her. "So glad you could make it."

"Happy to be here." Gilda nodded. "I'm guessing you're Headmare Starlight?"

"That's right." Starlight confirmed. "We've got your speech pencilled in for just after lunch. So if you'll follow me to the faculty lounge, you can relax and wait until then."

"Hope that means lunch is provided." Gilda half-joked. "Cuz flyin' all the way from Griffonstone to Ponyville sure works up an appetite."

"I'm sure we can arrange something for you." Starlight smiled.

Starlight led Gilda down the halls of the School. Gilda couldn't help but take note of the grandeur of the place, especially when compared to Griffonstone (which, while in the process of renovation, was still far from its former glory).

"Pret-ty fancy." She whistled quietly.

They soon reached the faculty lounge, and entered. Inside were the majority of the faculty, including Vice-Headmare Sunburst and Counsellor Trixie, along with Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy.

"You must be our guest speaker." Sunburst noted. "Welcome."

"Salutations, from the Great and Powerful Trixie!" Trixie said dramatically.

"Yeah... hi." Gilda said flatly, bemused by Trixie's grandiose greeting.

"Hey, G!" Rainbow Dash flew over to greet her old friend. "Great to see ya!"

"You too, Dash." Gilda smiled warmly. "How's tricks?"

"Can't complain." Rainbow shrugged. "Ever since those three baddies were dealt with, things have been pretty quiet 'round here. No getting called away from Wonderbolt practice or teaching to handle some big trouble for this mare."

"Gotta say, I never really saw you becoming a teacher." Gilda admitted jokingly. "Wouldn't have bet my last Bit on it, that's for sure."

"Well, it happened." Rainbow returned the joking tone. "Just call me 'Professor Egghead'."

"Tempting as that is, I think I'll stick with 'Dash'." Gilda chuckled.

"Hi, Gilda!" Pinkie suddenly popped up, startling the Griffon.

"Hello, Pinkie." Gilda recovered. "Nice to see you haven't changed..."

"And it's nice to see you accepted Twilight's offer to speak in front of the whole school." Pinkie replied.

"Hey I owe you guys. " Gilda said modestly. "And this is one Griffon who isn't afraid to pay it forward."

"Speaking of 'forward', I figured you'd really be pooped after flying all the way here from Griffonstone." Pinkie reached a hoof out of Gilda's line sight, and brought over a small blue box from out of nowhere. "So I planned ahead and made some cupcakes so you could recharge the ol' batteries!" She opened the box, revealing a half dozen of the multi-colored sugary treats within.

"Sweet!" Gilda helped herself to one of the cupcakes, devouring it in one go. "'Preciate it." She said through a beakful of dough and icing.

"Just a selfless gesture from one baker to another." Pinkie smiled. "While we're on the subject, you still baking those Griffonscones?"

"Oh, yeah." Gilda nodded. "Even started sellin' 'em to tourists, with all the Bits goin' to help rebuild Griffonstone. The place may be a dump, but it's home."

"This coming from the Griffon who once wanted nothing more than to make enough Bits to leave the place for good." Rainbow Dash said approvingly. "Now that's the kind of loyalty I like to see in my students. Hope you're planning to include some of that in your speech."

"Sure am." Gilda nodded. "I've been workin' on it since I got the invite from Princess Sparkle. I just hope I don't sound like a total idiot saying it. Or a sappy goof..."

"You'll be fine." Rainbow assured her. "No way a fierce, tough Griffon like you would let a little thing like public speaking get her down."

"And just remember, you've got all of us behind you." Pinkie added. "We believe in you, Gilda!"

"...Thanks, gals." Gilda smiled. "And I mean for everything. It's only cuz a' you that I finally understood what friendship really means. If it weren't for you two, I wouldn't even be making this big speech today."

"Aww, you're welcome!" Pinkie hugged her.

"Love to talk more, but I've got a class to teach." Rainbow apologised.

"Me too." Pinkie declared. "But we'll be there for the big speech. Pinkie Promise!" She placed her hoof over her eye.

"You better be." Gilda mock-threatened.

"Like Rainbow Dash ever leaves a friend hanging." Rainbow chuckled. "I'll be there. You can bet your last Bit on that."

With that, Rainbow and Pinkie left the room. With some time left before her speech, Gilda decided to unwind and enjoy the rest of Pinkie's cupcakes. It was just a matter of finding the right place to do so. Making her way around Applejack and Rarity, who were in the midst of a discussion about taking a trip to the spa at the end of the day, she walked over to the lounge's couch. Fluttershy was sitting on one side, allowing a trio of small birds to perch on her outstretched wing.

"Hey, there." Gilda announced herself. "This seat taken?"

"Not at all." Fluttershy answered. "Go right ahead."

"Thanks." Gilda sat down.

For the next minutes, Gilda enjoyed the cupcakes, one by one, while Fluttershy tended to her birds' needs. Gilda couldn't help but keep glancing over at Fluttershy. She felt an odd sense of familiarity about the Pegasus, one she just couldn't place, no matter how hard she tried.

"Do I know you?" Gilda asked, unable to hold back her curiosity any longer. "No offense, but I keep feeling like I should recognise you. Though I got no clue why. I mean, Dash and Pinkie I've spent a lotta time with, and I vaguely recognise some of the other ponies in this room, but you? I can't shake the idea that I should remember you more than the fashionista, or the apple farmer..."

"Oh, well..." Fluttershy hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to proceed into what could be an awkward subject. "We did have a little encounter in the Ponyville marketplace, the last time you were in town. I accidentally bumped into you, and... let's just say you didn't exactly accept my apology."

A memory suddenly flashed into Gilda's mind; a memory of her roaring in Fluttershy's face, sending the terrified Pegasus running off, crying her eyes out.

"Oh... Oh!" She cringed, mortified at the sudden reminder of her at her worst. "Wow. Yeah, that was... pretty bad. Sorry?" She shrugged awkwardly. "I really shouldn't have-"

"That's okay." Fluttershy said kindly. "No apology needed. It was so long ago, and I know you're a better Griffon than you were back then, even if we haven't seen each other until today. It would be silly of me to hold a grudge after all this time."

"I wouldn't blame ya if you did." Gilda admitted. "I was a real piece of work back then." She shook her head. "Sometimes, I think about who I used to be, all the rotten stuff I used to do to anycreature who annoyed me even a little, and I feel so ashamed."

"I actually know a little bit about what that's like." Fluttershy declared.

"Seriously?" Gilda raised a skeptical eyebrow.

"Well, not in the sense of being 'rotten'." Fluttershy admitted. "But back then, I was a lot more shy and a lot less bold then I am today. It took a long time for me to learn to stand up for myself and be brave. And just like you, thinking about the pony I used to be can be more then a little embarassing."

"Yeah, I get it." Gilda nodded.

"Changing who you are isn't easy." Fluttershy noted. "We both know that. And it's all too easy to let yourself get dragged down by the shame of who you used to be."

"No doubt." Gilda admitted. "Don't suppose ya got any tips for dealin' with that?"

"Just one." Fluttershy smiled. "Instead of regretting who you were, you should celebrate who you've become, all the flaws within yourself that you were able to overcome. Everything that led you to where you are right know. Who you are right now."

"I guess you got a point there." Gilda admitted... then emitted an ironic chuckle. "Heh. Where were you when that Tree of yours was pickin' ponies for the mission to Griffonstone?"

"I still had a ways to go back then." Fluttershy said modestly. "Besides, I'm sure Rainbow and Pinkie did great back there."

"Oh, yeah." Gilda grinned fondly at the memory of the experience. "They sure did."

"Now that I think of it, I don't think we were ever formally introduced." Fluttershy suddenly realised. "I'm Fluttershy."

"Nice to properly meet ya." Gilda nodded. "Actually, I think Dash mighta mentioned ya in one or two of her letters."

"All good, I hope." Fluttershy smiled.

"Pretty much." Gilda shrugged. "Like I said, it was only a couple a' times. I never even guessed it was you she was talking about."

"Well, you do now." Fluttershy declared. "Nice to properly meet you too, Gilda."

"Gilda?" Starlight called from the open doorway. "It's time."

"That's my cue." Gilda told Fluttershy, rising off the couch. "Gotta make with the talkin'. You comin'?"

"I'll be right there." Fluttershy declared. "I just need to bring Doe, Ray and Mee back to their birdhouse first. I'll definitely make it back for your speech, though."

"See ya there." Gilda smiled, before following Starlight out of the lounge and back down the halls.

"Wouldn't miss it." Fluttershy pledged, before carrying her birds down the opposite hallway.

As Gilda was led to the auditorium, she crossed paths with Gallus and his friends, who were of course headed in the same direction.

"Hey, Gallus." Gilda smiled.

"Hey, Gilda." Gallus nodded.

For Griffons, this seemingly casual utterance was actually considered to be one of the warmest of greetings.

"So, you been keepin' outta trouble?" Gilda asked.

"You kiddin'?" Gallus scoffed. "I'm practically a model student here."

The look on his friends' faces made it clear they didn't quite agree with Gallus' assessment of himself.

"Whatever you say, kid." Gilda rolled her eyes. "It's just good to see you're doin' okay."

"Thanks." Gallus beamed. "Good luck with the speech."

"Just try and pay attention." Gilda teased. "I'm pretty sure they'll be putting whatever I say on your next big test."

"Will do." Gallus nodded, briefly wincing at the sound of the word 'test'.

"I have to interrupt a talk between friends, but we need to hurry this along." Starlight urged.

"Oh, right." Gilda nodded. "Catch ya later, kiddo." She told Gallus, before following Starlight into the auditorium-sized classroom.

Once again, Gilda was bemused by the sheer scope of pony design, taking in the size of the room as she joined the faculty on the large platform in the front of the room. The students filed into the room, gradually filling up every available seat, followed by Fluttershy, who waved in Gilda's direction. Once Starlight was sure everycreature was in attendance, she stepped forward.

"Okay, students." She spoke up. "As you know, we're trying something new today, something that will be a regular event at this school. We will be inviting influential creatures from across Equestria and its neighbors to speak to you about the importance of friendship. So without further ado, here is our first speaker: Gilda of Griffonstone!"

Gilda approached the podium, a slight feeling of nervousness ruffling her feathers. As she'd noted before, public speaking wasn't exactly her strong suit. While she had succeeded in convincing many Griffons to embrace friendship, those had usually been one-on-one discussions, two or three at most. And now, here she was, about to speak before a crowd of dozens. As she glanced around nervously, Rainbow, Pinkie and Fluttershy gave her a set of encouraging smiles, spurring her into action.

'Here we go...' She gave her crest a quick preen, then stepped forward. "So... hi there, everycreature. Like the Headmare said, I'm Gilda, and I came all the way from Griffonstone to talk to you all about friendship means to me."

"Whoo!" One of the new Griffon students whooped. "Griffonstone!"

Gilda smiled indulgently at her fellow Griffon's show of hometown pride, then continued with her speech.

"First things first, as I'm sure most of you know, we Griffons were never the most friendly creatures around." She acknowledged.

Gallus and the other Griffon students cringed slightly at this unfortunate, yet accurate, truth.

"And yeah, I used to be the same." Gilda admitted. "But when I was just a fledgling, my folks managed to scrimp together enough Bits for me to go to Junior Speedsters Flight Camp over in Cloudsdale. That was when I met your very own Professor Rainbow Dash." She indicated Rainbow, who smiled warmly. "When a bunch of bullies were making fun of me, Dash put 'em in their place, and we became friends." She smiled warmly at the memory. "But while I treated Dash like a friend, I was a real jerk to every other pony I met. And when Dash finally called me out for the way I was treating all the others, I didn't wanna hear it. So I broke up our friendship, right then and there." She sighed regretfully. "For a long time, I thought I'd made the right call. But when Dash and Pinkie showed up in Griffonstone, looking for a friendship problem to solve, they helped me remember how important Dash's friendship was to me. Thanks to them, I finally understood what friendship really means."

Pinkie waved in Gilda's direction, while Rainbow smiled proudly.

"And with their encouragement, I made it my mission to help my fellow Griffons understand how important friendship is." Gilda continued. "And I've been spreading that message, little by little, ever since. That's why I came here today, to tell all of you, not just Griffons, but everycreature here, just what friendship can do. How it can change a life, even the life of a grouchy bully like I used to be. Thanks for listening."

Following the end of her speech, Gallus began to clap. The other Griffons followed suit, then the rest of the students, and the faculty themselves. Gilda grinned proudly at their response.

Soon after, the students filed out of the room, leaving Gilda with most of the faculty.

"I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure you weren't a total idiot out there." Rainbow teased. "Maybe a bit of a sappy goof..."

"Very funny, Dash." Gilda rolled her eyes.

"Seriously though, you were great out there." Rainbow smiled. "If you're ever looking for a change in career, you'd be a pretty good teacher." She held out her hooves like she was carrying a sign. "'Professor Grouch'. Got a nice ring to it, huh?"

"Catchy... Like a bad case of feather fritz." Gilda smirked.

"That was wonderful, Gilda." Fluttershy joined in on the conversation. "The students were hanging on your every word."

"Thanks, Fluttershy." Gilda nodded. "I don't think it could have gone any better. I'll be headin' back to Griffonstone with my head held high."

"Don't head back too quickly." Pinkie urged. "I could whip up a batch of fresh cupcakes to go. That way, you can enjoy an in-flight snack on the way home!"

"I'd love that. Thanks, Pinks." Gilda accepted the offer. "Take your time, though. Griffonstone ain't goin' anywhere."

"Great! BRB!" Pinkie zipped out of the room, her destination no mystery.

Soon after, Gilda began her return flight back to Griffonstone, carrying the box cupcakes in her talons, and carrying a sense of accomplishment in her heart. While she had encountered an unexpected reminder of her former mean self, it hadn't stopped her from sharing her story with the friendship students. In fact, she ultimately felt as if it had helped her to get her point across, and to celebrate how much she had changed since the old days.

'Just like you told me, Fluttershy.' She smiled.

Gilda continued her return flight, happy that she had once again managed to spread the ideals of friendship, a concept she had once thought little of, but know saw it for the invaluable treasure it truly was. And everycreature knew how much Griffons loved treasure.


The cloaked figure was making their way through a dense forest. They had been travelling for days, and were finally closing in on their target.

"It won't be long now..." The figure said quietly.

Pushing aside branches, bushes and creepers, the figure finally reached the edge of the forest, and arrived at their destination: The ruins of Ponehenge.

"Ah, here we are." The figure remarked, as they wandered around the piles of rubble that had once been a circle of tall stones, before the Pony of Shadows had demolished it to prevent himself from being sealed away again. "Not quite what the history books would have me imagine..."

The figure continued walking, toward the center of the area, which was currently being bathed in the light of the mid-afternoon sun.

"Such a shame, really." They said to themself. "An ancient monument of magic, standing tall and proud for millenia, only to be torn apart and shattered in the midst of a petty squabble between ponies with more power than common sense." A snarl emerged from under the cloak. "What a senseless waste of perfectly good ancient magicks."

The figure stopped as they happened upon a particularly large piece of rubble.

"And yet..." The figure glanced into the markings etched onto the lump of rock. Their glowing eyes burned even brighter. "Even that which is broken can still be of use. You just have to know what to do with it."

Shortly after, the figure departed from the area, leaving just a little less rubble behind.

Wherever You Go...

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Within Sugarcube Corner's kitchen, Sugar Belle was hard at work putting together her latest confectionary creation, a set of cream puffs, under the watchful eye of Mrs. Cake.

"I think a touch of cinammon would really make them zesty." Sugar Belle mused, as she added the condiment to the cream puffs. "And maybe a dab of strawberry frosting as a finishing touch."

"Sounds wonderful, dearie." Mrs. Cake nodded appreciatively.

"Well, like they say, the proof is in the pudding... Or cream puffs, in this case." Sugar Belle declared, placing her creations in the oven. "Once they've been baked, we'll know for sure."

"I have no doubt they'll be excellent." Mrs Cake assured. "You've come so far since started your apprenticeship. And you were already a great baker to begin with."

"Oh, thanks." Sugar Belle blushed. "But I've learned so much from you, Mrs Cake. It's been a real honor to be your apprentice."

"The honor is all mine, dearie." Mrs. Cake said fondly.

The touching scene between apprentice and mentor was suddenly interrupted by a well-groomed but panicked Mr. Cake rushing into the room, pushing the twins, Pound and Pumpkin, in their two-seater stroller.

"Why are you still in the kitchen, honeybun?" He asked. "It's almost time to take the twins to visit my parents!"

"Was that today?" Mrs. Cake suddenly panicked. "I thought we weren't going until tomorrow!"

"Sorry, but no." Mr. Cake said regretfully. "We're supposed to be there in half an hour."

"But we never arranged for somepony to look after the bakery while we're gone." Mrs. Cake cringed. "And Pinkie's working at Princess Twilight's school all day."

"Well, we can't cancel." Mr. Cake countered. "The kids have been looking forward to this all week!"

"Grammy!" Pumpkin cooed.

"Grampa!" Pound added.

"And then there's how annoyed Grammy and Grampa will be..." Mrs Cake cringed. "You miss one visit, and they never let you hear the last of it."

"Just be glad you never had to do chores for them." Mr Cake sighed. "What are we going to do?"

"I could look after the place." Sugar Belle offered.

"Are you sure, dearie?" Mrs. Cake asked. "I know things seem quiet right now, but that can change quickly..."

"Of course." Sugar Belle smiled. "It's not like it'll be the first time I've run a bakery all by myself. You all go and have your quality family time."

"You're a lifesaver." Mr Cake sighed gratefully. "Cup, have I ever mentioned how much I admire your ability to find great employees?"

"Not often enough for my tastes." Mrs Cake joked.

Moments later, the family were standing before the front door, ready to leave, Sugar Belle seeing them off.

"We'll be back in a few hours." Mrs Cake told Sugar Belle. "Good luck."

"Say 'bye' to Sugar Belle, kids!" Mr Cake instructed.

"Bye!" Pound waved.

"G'bye!" Pumpkin giggled.

"Have fun!" Sugar Belle waved them off.

After her employers and their foals departed for the train station, Sugar Belle looked around.

"Look at me, in charge of a whole bakery again." She smiled. "Really takes me back..."

As Mrs Cake had noted, things at the moment were quiet at Sugarcube Corner. Not that Sugar Belle was complaining, as it gave her the time needed to allow her cream puffs to finish baking.

Moments later, she took her creations out of the oven.

"Mmm..." She sniffed deeply, taking in the sweet scent. "Now for the finishing touches..."

The eager baker added in the strawberry icing, and placed a cherry on top of each cream puff.

"Perfection in confection." Sugar Belle smiled, satisfied with her work.

Just then, she heard the sound of a bell, indicating that she had customers.

"Ooh, customers!" Sugar Belle grinned. "And what good timing; they can be the first to try these!"

Placing the cream puffs on a tray, she made her way out of the kitchen.

"Welcome to Sugarcube Corner." Sugar Belle declared, as she backed into the main room (to protect her cream puffs, of course). "How may I help you?"

"You can start by saying 'hi' to your old pals." A familiarly snarky voice.

Taken by surprise, Sugar Belle turned around, and saw three of her old friends from Our Town: Double Diamond, Party Favor, and of course, Night Glider, who was smirking at her little joke.

"Hey, guys!" Sugar Belle grinned. "What brings you all the way to Ponyville?"

"What else?" Party Favor answered. "Seeing our old friend, Sugar Belle."

"Our Town just hasn't been the same without our favorite baker." Double Diamond smiled. "So we all decided to drop by, and see how you're doing."

"What a nice surprise." Sugar Belle smiled. "And such perfect timing, too."

"I know that look." Party Favor grinned. "That's your 'I just baked something new, and I'd love for you guys to try it' look."

"Guilty." Sugar Belle chuckled. "And here it is: cinnamon cream puffs, fresh from the oven!" She offered them the contents of the tray.

"Sweet." Night Glider grinned. "Nothing like a Sugar Belle original after a long train ride!"

The three ponies each took a bite out of one of the confections.

"Mmm." Double Diamond smiled.

"Just like old times..." Party Favor grinned.

"Is that cinnamon I taste?" Night Glider asked.

"Sure is." Sugar Belle nodded. "Thanks for noticing."

"Thank you for keeping those baking skills sharp." Party Favor returned. "And nice touch with the cinnamon. I like a little spice."

"Don't I know it." Night Glider nuzzled against him.

Sugar Belle chuckled. Party Favor and Night Glider had started dating not long before she and Big Macintosh had become an item themselves. And it was good to see that they were just as loving toward each other as they were when Sugar Belle permanently left for Ponyville.

"Easy there, you two." Double Diamond joked. "Any more sweet stuff, and I might get a cavity."

"Ha, ha." Party Favor deadpanned. "Real funny."

"Don't quit your day job, Mr comedian." Night Glider snarked.

"Just like old times, alright..." Sugar Belle giggled lightly.

The trio finished every last crumb of their treats.

"Nothing like a tasty trip down memory lane." Double Diamond declared.

"You said it." Party Favor agreed.

"Still surprising us, even after all this time." Night Glider grinned. "Nice to see you're still branching out. I remember when you were on that whole 'baking with apples' trip. You baked pretty much every kind of apple treat there is. Not that any of us were complaining..."

"Well, I did something of a vested interest in apples back then." Sugar Belle beamed fondly. "How is life back in Our Town, by the way?"

"Nice and quiet." Double Diamond answered. "We haven't seen any real problems in Moons."

"It helps that we've got a great mayor." Party Favor nudged his friend. "You're a shoo-in for a second term, pal."

"Mostly because nopony else has ever run against me." Double Diamond pointed out.

"How's my old bakery doing?" Sugar Belle asked.

"Not too bad." Night Glider declared. "That cousin of yours has some... interesting ideas when it comes to baking, but sweet treats are sweet treats, so we can't complain."

"That's Sugar Twist for you." Sugar Belle said fondly. "After all the good work he did looking after the bakery whenever I was away, I knew he could handle things full-time. Say 'hi' to him for me, won't you?"

"You got it." Party Favor nodded.

"So how's married life been treating you?" Double Diamond asked.

"Yeah, what's it like spending every day with that big, strong, handsome stallion of yours?" Night Glider smirked.

"He's not that handsome..." Party Favor pouted.

"Don't be jealous, sweetie." Night Glider comforted him.

"So far, so wonderful." Sugar Belle grinned. "Big Mac is such a sweetheart. No matter how busy a day he's had in the orchards, he always makes time for me. And his family have been so accepting. I really do feel like a bona fide Apple around them."

"Yeah, there's nothing like having a place where you feel like you belong." Double Diamond acknowledged.

"What about you two?" Sugar Belle asked Party Favor and Night Glider. "Ever think about... You know, tying the knot?"

"Oh, uh..." Party Favor's eyes darted around, as nervous sweat formed on his brow. "Well, the thing about that is-"

"We're in no rush." Night Glider stepped in. "We're just taking our time, enjoying each others' company."

"Yeah, sure!" Party Favor nodded enthusiastically. "That's it! No rush here!"

"You don't have to look so relieved, you know." Night Glider glared sourly at her boyfriend.

"Sorry." Party Favor cringed.

"What about you, Double Diamond?" Sugar Belle asked. "Meet anypony special recently?"

"I'm afraid not." Double Diamond shrugged. "Being in charge of the town keeps me pretty busy. Guess I just haven't had the time to give the dating game a try."

"That's a shame." Sugar Belle said compassionately. "After knowing what it's like to find my soulmate, I guess I just don't like the idea of somepony being alone... Especially if it's an old friend."

"Thanks, but it's okay." Double Diamond declared. "Like Night Glider said, there's no rush. I've still got a lifetime ahead ahead of me. Plenty of time for me to find that special somepony, whoever that'll end up being."

"That's the spirit." Night Glider nudged him. "Nothing wrong with bein' a bachelor for now. Right, Sugar Belle?"

"I guess." Sugar Belle admitted grudgingly. "Sorry if I sounded a little pushy. Guess I've just got romance on the brain today."

"No problem." Double Diamond said fairly. "Just as long as you don't try to rope me into a blind date or two."

"No promises." Sugar Belle teased.

The four of them shared a laugh.

"Look at us." Party Favor smiled. "Doesn't it seem like a lifetime's passed since we first met?"

"You mean when we all gathered together to live a life without cutie marks or special talents?" Night Glider clarified.

"Yep." Party Favor nodded. "So much has happened since then. We took back what we have up, became a real town, and one of us found a whole new destiny, right here in Ponyville."

"We've all come a long way since then." Double Diamond agreed. "We've learned so much, grown as ponies, and built a true community for ourselves... Even if some of us couldn't stay, we'll always be a part of that community."

"And we'll always be friends, no matter how far away from each other we are." Sugar Belle assured them. "If Princess Twilight and her friends can stay close, even though she's ruling Equestria in Canterlot, then I see no reason why we can't do the same."

"Hear, hear." Party Favor agreed.

"Huh." Night Glider mused. "Guess not everything's changed for us after all."

"That's right." Sugar Belle nodded. "And I promise, the three of you will always be welcome over at Sweet Apple Acres, so drop by anytime."

"Thanks, Sugar Belle." Double Diamond smiled.

Just then, the door opened, to the tune of the bell, and Starlight Glimmer entered the bakery.

"Hi, Starlight." Sugar Belle greeted.

"Hey, Sugar Belle." Starlight greeted her... Then she noticed the others. "Oh. Hey, guys. What brings you here?"

"We decided to pay Sugar Belle a visit." Party Favor answered.

"We didn't really expect to see you, too." Night Glider admitted. "Not when you're busy running Princess Twilight's school..."

"Well, lucky for you guys, I like to drop by during lunch hour to pick up something sweet." Starlight revealed. "Great to see you all, by the way."

"If you can spare the time, we'd love for you to join us." Double Diamond offered. "We were just discussing old times."

"Not too old, I hope?" Starlight smiled wryly.

"Nah." Night Glider grinned. "Ancient history was never my best subject anyway."

"I think I can spare five minutes." Starlight noted, finding a spare seat and joining her old townsponies.

"Great." Sugar Belle beamed. "I'll go and fetch your usual."

As the Unicorn baker headed over to the counter, the others turned their focus to Starlight.

"So what's it like being a headmare?" Party Favor asked.

"It's a big responsibility." Starlight noted. "But rewarding, too."

"Guess being a leader just comes naturally to you." Double Diamond surmised.

"That's one way of looking at it." Starlight smiled. "But I prefer to think of it as giving ponies and other creatures the guidance they need." She frowned lightly. "I used to think guidance needed to be forced, like I did with all of you. But thanks to Twilight and her friends, I know now that it's something to be offered. And something I've been striving to share with the students since the school opened."

"We really have all come a long way." Sugar Belle smiled as she returned with Starlight's order, a chocolate eclair, along with some cupcakes for the others.

"And even if you didn't have the best of intentions to begin with, you still brought all of us together in the first place." Party Favor pointed out. "We wouldn't have become friends if it weren't for you. That's something we were always thankful for."

"At least I accomplished some good back then." Starlight noted, as she accepted the cupcake via her magic. "And I'm glad I could make amends with you all, so we can share moments like this."

"I'll snack to that!" Party Favor held up his cupcake.

"Cheers!" Double Diamond agreed.

The five ponies enjoyed their treats together, United by their shared past.

"It's been great catching up with you all, but I should be heading back to the school." Starlight used a napkin to wipe a spot of chocolate off her cheek. "The life of an educator is a busy one, you know..."

"We understand." Double Diamond smiled. "Teaching everycreature about the importance of friendship is a big responsibility."

"Next time you get some time off, feel free to drop by." Night Glider offered.

"I will." Starlight nodded. "And I might even bring some guests. 'Til then, everypony..."

With that, Starlight departed from Sugarcube Corner, reducing the group to four once again.

"Good for her." Party Favor smiled. "She always wanted to help Equestria, and now she gets to help both it and all the other lands."

"And she's still teaching." Night Glider noted. "It's just a different set of lessons."

"Those are some lucky students she has." Double Diamond smiled.

"And they're good kids, too." Sugar Belle nodded. "They drop by here all the time, and most of them are so polite. Especially Sandbar and his friends."

"So you're branching out in terms of customers, too." Night Glider noted. "I just hope they appreciate your baking."

"Judging by the lines we get when the school day ends, I'd say they do." Sugar Belle chuckled. "And I'm just glad so many creatures get to try my baking. That's what really matters to me: seeing them happy and full."

"Same ol' Sugar Belle." Party Favor chuckled. "Do us all a favor and never change, 'kay?"

"Only if you all promise to do the same." Sugar Belle grinned.

"Deal." Night Glider nodded.

The quartet spent the next few hours talking, reminiscing about old times and discussing what the future could bring (with Sugar Belle taking time out every so often to attend to customers' needs) But, like all good things, their reunion came to an end all too soon.

"It's time we were heading back, guys." Double Diamond announced, taking note of the nearby clock mounted on the wall..

"So soon?" Party Favor pouted. "Boy, time really does fly when you're having fun..."

"Guess this is goodbye for now." Sugar Belle sighed.

"'Fraid so." Night Glider sighed. "But we'll be back before you know it."

"Until then, you just enjoy life in Ponyville." Double Diamond added.

"You can count on that like I count on dough rising." Sugar Belle joked.

The group shared one last laugh as Sugar Belle's old friends headed for the door.

"See you soon." Double Diamond grinned.

"Keep on baking." Party Favor smiled, putting a hoof around Night Glider.

"And we'll keep on enjoying your work." Night Glider pledged.

"Bye, everypony!" Sugar Belle waved, as they exited onto the street, and made for the train station.

"Bye!" Her old friends chorused.

After they vanished from view, Sugar Belle cleaned up their table, the crumbs reminding her of their reunion.

"Good times..." She sighed.

Soon after, the Cakes returned, tired but content from their day out. Both Pound and Pumpkin were sleeping peacefully in their stroller, tuckered out from all the excitement.

"We're back, Sugar Belle." Mrs Cake said quietly (not wanting to wake up the twins). "How were things while we were away?"

"Everything was just fine." Sugar Belle smiled. "Better, even. Some old friends dropped by to visit."

"That's nice." Mr Cake smiled, as he gingerly lifted Pumpkin out of the stroller.

"How did your cream puffs turn out, by the way?" Mrs Cake inquired, as she carefully removed Pound from the stroller.

"Beautifully." Sugar Belle answered. "That recipe is definitely a keeper."

"Good to hear." Mrs Cake grinned proudly. "I don't suppose you'd mind looking after the place just a little longer? We need to put these two sleepyheads to bed."

"I don't mind at all." Sugar Belle nodded.

"Fantastic." Mr Cake whispered.

The Cakes carried their offspring upstairs, leaving Sugar Belle in charge more.

"What a day." Sugar Belle smiled as she wiped down the counter. "What a great day..."

As happy as she was with her new life in Ponyville, Sugar Belle still had plenty of fond memories revolving around her old life in Our Town. After all, it was all the experiences she'd been through there, both the good and the bad, which had made her into the mare she was today, the mare Big Macintosh had fallen in love with, the mare he had loved enough to ask for her hoof in marriage. If she had never chosen to live in Our Town, she wouldn't have ended up in her true home, with the love of her life.

As she finished cleaning the counter, she saw her reflection in the gleaming surface.

"You've come a long way, young mare." She told herself. "Just don't forget where your journey started..."

A Chilly Reception

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On a large island, far south of Southern Equestria, an airship touched down. Soon after, Twilight and her friends emerged from within its confines.

"Well, here we are." Twilight announced, as they took in the surroundings. At pony level, there was a medium amount of trees and vegetation, albeit with many cliffs and ridges peppering the landscape. Numerous mountains were within their line of sight, with the tallest among them capped with snow. Dark clouds hung in the sky like bats, blotting out the sun.

"Not exactly the most stunning vista I've ever seen." Rarity noted, wincing at the craggy landscape.

"Maybe this was a bad idea." Fluttershy suggested, unnerved by the foreboding surroundings.

"Come on, y'all." Applejack said positively. "We've seen worse places in our time."

"Which is why I always have my Party cannon on hoof." Pinkie Pie grinned, pushing along the lively-looking artillery. "To add a burst of color to dreary places like this!"

"Just don't be too triggerhappy with that, darling." Rarity cautioned her party-loving friend. "Our hopefully gracious hosts may get the wrong idea."

"And what if they do?" Rainbow Dash scoffed. "We can handle those clowns! We did it before, and we can do it again!"

"We didn't come here looking for a fight, remember?" Twilight reminded Rainbow. "This is a diplomatic mission. We're here to build bridges, not pick fights."

"I know, I know." Rainbow rolled her eyes. "But if things go south, I'll be ready..."

"Oh, I hope it doesn't come to that." Fluttershy fretted.

"Relax, Sugarcube." Applejack assured her. "If there is any trouble, Twilight can jest teleport us back to the ship, lickety-split."

"As a last resort." Twilight nodded. "But let's not have so little faith in the power of words. We came here to talk, and talk we will."

"Hopefully, our hosts will be willing to listen." Rarity nodded.

The group began to move deeper inland. Before long, their destination was in sight; a large village, the buildings formed from stone and wood. And its inhabitants? The former minions of the Storm King. They had discarded the jet black, magic-repelling (and face-concealing) armor they wore when they had invaded Canterlot, replacing it with tunics, jackets, dresses, and in some cases, chain mail.

"I still can't believe we're actually doing this." Rainbow shook her head. "These guys invaded Canterlot, remember?"

"And they haven't done a thing since then." Twilight countered. "After the Storm King was defeated, they left Equestria without much trouble."

"Some of them even stuck around for the post-saving Equestria party." Pinkie recalled. "And anycreature who likes a good party can't be all bad, right?"

"Can't argue with that logic..." Applejack grinned.

"As ruling Princess of Equestria, it's my duty to forge alliances with our neighbors." Twilight pointed out. "And with the Storm King gone, there's a good chance we can reach an agreement."

"We'll see..." Rainbow said quietly.

As they approached the village, its inhabitants started to take notice of them. Their reactions varied from mild surprise to suspicious glances.

"Under the circumstances, this isn't the worst reception we could have gotten." Rarity said fairly.

"At the very least, they don't look like they're spoilin' fer a fight." Applejack noted.

"Lucky for them." Rainbow boasted.

Once they reached the center of the village, Twilight began to speak.

"Hello." She told the onlookers, who seemed to be keeping their distance. "I, Princess Twilight, and the Council of Friendship have come here to forge connections with your people. Who here is your leader?"

"Who wants to know?"

One of the former Storm Guard approached them. He lacked the sheer bulk of his fellows, though he wasn't quite as lean as the Storm King had been. His attire was slightly more ornate than the others, resembling a waistcoat with silver trim and shoulderpads, leaving his arms bare (with the left bearing a noticeable scar). His face had a slightly weathered look to it, and possessed a set of piercing green eyes.

"Now who's this?" Applejack mused.

"Whoever he is, he certainly has a sense of style." Rarity approvingly noted the waistcoat.

The being stood before them, a dismissive look on his face.

"Ponies." He snorted. "Why have you come to our island?"

"To extend the hoof of friendship to you." Twilight answered. "...I assume you are the leader here?"

"You assume correctly." The leader said bluntly. "I am the new Chieftan of our tribe. You may call me... Eddy."

"Seriously?" Rainbow snorted in amusement.

"Do you find my name amusing, winged pony?" Eddy glared.

"Of course she doesn't!" Rarity said quickly (casting a glare at Rainbow). "Who would ever find such a dignified, commanding name amusing?"

"I like it!" Pinkie nodded.

"After the one calling himself 'The Storm King' led us to near disaster, I took charge of the tribe." Eddy declared. "Somecreature needed to marshall our shattered numbers, to guide us back to some semblence of prosperity, and I answered the call."

"How noble of you." Twilight smiled. "It takes a special kind of creature to take charge like that."

"Spare me your base flattery." Eddy said coldly. "Just get to the point."

"As you wish." Twilight nodded, the air taken out of her sails a little. "I and my friends have come here today in hopes of forging an alliance between Equestria and the Storm Guard-"

"'Storm Guard'?" Eddy sneered. "That was a name given to us by that callow pretender, as part of his efforts at building a 'brand'." He grimaced at the very thought. "It is a name we no longer answer to. Henceforth, you will refer to us by our true title. We are the Blizzaru."

"Blizzaru." Twilight nodded. "Duly noted, Chieftan."

"Good." Eddy said flatly. "Now, why should the Blizzaru agree to this alliance with your land?"

"As the Princess of Friendship, it is my responsibility to help bring all creatures together." Twilight announced. "To reach out and build new bonds between Equestria and its neighbors-"

"Even those who once invaded your land?" Eddy raised an amused eyebrow.

"What you did, you did under the Storm King's command." Twilight replied. "With him gone, I'd say we let bygones be bygones."

Eddy glanced at Twilight's companions, who seemed to share her sentiments (although the rainbow-maned one seemed the least happy about it).

"I see." He mused. "And what would my tribe gain from this alliance with Equestria?"

"You would have friends to call upon when you need them." Twilight told him. "Friends willing to share what they have with you, to help you to grow, to stand by you when times are tough, to introduce you to other nations you may find you share common ground with. And above all, friends who will treat you as equals, no matter what."

The assembled Blizzaru shared glances as Twilight's words hung in the air. Some were incredulous, some dismissive, while others actually seemed intrigued by the prospect. Unfortunately, their leader did not fall into the last category...

"Forgive my bluntness, but I am not impressed by your offer." Eddy narrowed his eyes. "I have heard grandiose promises like yours before. The charlatan who once lead us made many lofty pledges, yet he failed to deliver on them."

"Believe me, I am nothing like the Storm King." Twilight tried to assured him. "When I make a promise, I intend to keep it."

"Pretty words." Eddy shook his head. "But words mean nothing to me."

"Then perhaps we could-" Twilight began.

"I'm sorry, but you have wasted your time in coming here, your highness." Eddy interrupted her. "While we no longer seek to invade your country, we see no value in associating with it, either."

"But your chiefness-" Twilight started.

"My answer is 'no'." Eddy said firmly. "Now, I must ask you to leave our village. Do not force us to make you leave."

"I'd like to see you tr-mmph!" Rainbow's retort was muffled by Applejack's hoof.

"...Very well." Twilight sighed. "If that is your choice, then we will accept it. Come along, everypony."

"Try not to take your time." Eddy said coldly.

The Council of Friendship left the village, dejected. Unbeknownst to them, one of the Blizzaru watched them depart, an odd expression on his face.

"That could have gone better." Rarity pouted, as they started on their path back to the airship.

"I knew this was gonna be a waste of time." Rainbow scoffed.

"We ain't jest gonna give up, are we?" Applejack asked Twilight.

"Of course not." Twilight confirmed. "We just have to regroup and decide on a new approach."

"Ooh, maybe we could throw 'em a 'Being friends is gonna be the best' surprise party?" Pinkie suggested. "I'll put my party cannon through its paces, we could bring in some good ol' Equestrian cupcakes... And Rainbow could show off her Sonic Rainboom!"

"Yeah, right." Rainbow shook her head.

"That might not be the best idea." Twilight frowned. "The Rainboom part, I mean. With all these snowy mountains around, it could cause an entire array of avalanches."

"The Blizzaru definitely wouldn't want to be friends if we accidentally buried them in snow." Fluttershy noted.

"Soooo... No party, then?" Pinkie pouted.

"I'm afraid not, darling." Rarity consoled her.

"If only we knew more about these folks." Applejack sighed. "We could know what they like, and what they need. It would make things a heckuva lot easier."

"Perhaps I can help with that." An unfamiliar voice spoke up.

The Council turned, and saw the Blizzaru who had been watching them leave standing behind them. He was wearing a green vest, and bronze armbands.

"What is this, some kinda 'escort' off the island?" Rainbow glared. "Tell your chief thanks, but we're going already."

"That's not what I'm here for." The Blizzaru said awkwardly.

"Are you selling souvenirs?" Pinkie asked.

"...No." The Blizzaru answered, slightly put out by Pinkie's question. "I'm here because I believe it truly is in the Blizzaru's best interest to forge an alliance with your nation."

"Even if Eddy doesn't think so?" Applejack noted.

"He is a capable leader." The Blizzaru admitted. "But in this instance, I believe he is mistaken. And I am going to help you change his mind."

"Why, thank you." Fluttershy smiled. "That's so nice."

"It's the least I can do, after what you did for me." The Blizzaru smiled.

"Me?" Fluttershy asked, confused.

"You know him?" Rainbow asked Fluttershy.

"I, er, I'm not sure..." Fluttershy looked at their surprise supporter. It was his eyes which gave it away. "...Oh, that's right! You're the one I had a talk with, back during the battle for Canterlot!"

"That's me." The Blizzaru smiled. "You really helped me work through a lot of my personal issues."

"It was my pleasure." Fluttershy said humbly. "You looked like you needed a friendly ear to listen to your worries."

"We were never properly introduced, though." The Blizzaru noted. "My name is Thaw."

"Good to know you, Thaw." Fluttershy beamed. "And I'm sure everypony else feels the same way. Right, guys?"

"Sure!" Pinkie suddenly popped up behind Thaw, placing a party hat on his head.

"How did she-?" Thaw frowned.

"That's just Pinkie." Fluttershy stifled a giggle.

"Well, it's good to see at least one of ya is open to being friends with ponies." Applejack declared.

"Unlike that chief of yours." Rainbow scowled.

"Don't judge Eddy too harshly." Thaw requested. "As the new leader of our clan, he has many responsibilities, most of which revolve around cleaning up the mess that pretender left behind."

"What mess is that?" Rarity asked.

"The Storm King had us put the majority of our resources toward his goals of conquest." Thaw declared. "Anything and everything that could be used for his grandiose invasion were used. He had us build foundries for the forging of the armor we wore, factories for his airships, worked us to the bone... and now, we have nothing to show for our efforts."

"How did he ever get to be in charge in the first place?" Twilight frowned.

"He was... extremely charismatic." Thaw sighed ruefully. "He convinced us that his way would provide us with glory, and riches beyond measure. He told us all the effort we put towards creating our weapons of war would be repaid tenfold once every land in the world belonged to him. So you can understand why your promises of sharing what you have did not appeal to Eddy, your highness. He doesn't want us to once again stake everything we have on the word of another. He wants us to be able to stand proudly on our own."

"I see." Twilight acknowledged. "Believe me, I know how much it hurts to trust in somecreature else, and have that trust broken. But that doesn't mean you should never trust another again."

"Alas, Eddy doesn't see it that way." Thaw sighed. "But I think I know of a way you can prove your worth to him."

"Whattaya have in mind, sugarcube?" Applejack prompted.

"Follow me." Thaw pointed to one of the mountains.

"You heard him, everypony." Twilight smiled, as the group followed Thaw's lead. "We're getting our second chance right here and now."

"Think this guy knows what he's talking about?" Rainbow asked skeptically.

"It wouldn't hurt to find out." Rarity shrugged demurely.

"If he says he knows a way to convince Eddy, I believe him." Fluttershy declared.

"So do I." Twilight agreed.

Some time later, they reached the base of one of the mountains.

"Mind telling us why you brought us here?" Rainbow asked Thaw. "Because it doesn't look like there's anything that can get your boss to change his mind."

"I'm afraid I have to agree with Rainbow." Rarity admitted. "There doesn't appear to be anything around here except snow, and I believe you have enough of that already."

"Ah, but what I brought you here to see isn't around here." Thaw said cryptically. "It's up there."

Thaw pointed upwards. The ponies glanced in the same direction, and saw what he was indicating; Quite a ways up the mountain, a tree was growing out of a crack in the snowy side. It was covered in lush foliage in spite of its environment, with a rough, thorny trunk, and bore a crop of glistening purple fruit.

"Fruit?" Rainbow gaped. "You brought us all the way over here... for fruit?"

"Not just any fruit." Thaw smiled. "These are Permafrost Plums. My clan considers them quite the delicacy."

"You don't say..." Pinkie mused. "Are they good as a pie filling?"

"And so much more." Thaw nodded. "If you bring these to Eddy, he may be convinced that ponies can help our tribe."

"Not tah look a gift horse in the mouth, but... why d'ya need us tah get 'em?" Applejack asked. "Can't ya jest grab some yerself?"

"I'm afraid it's not that simple." Thaw replied. "We Blizzaru are capable climbers, but the tree of the Permafrost Plum is covered with thorns. And even once I am up there, I could barely pick a handful of them. I would have to make many trips up and down the mountain. But you ponies have access to abilities no Blizzaru does. Three of you have wings, and two have magic, allowing you to pick the plums with only a thought. You could pick the entire crop in moments, then bring them back to the village, as a gesture of goodwill."

"It's worth a try, at least." Twilight nodded. "Alright, everypony, let's get to work. Fluttershy, with me. Rainbow, give Rarity a lift. Applejack and Pinkie, we'll be passing the plums to you and Thaw, so get ready to catch them."

"Ready." Applejack nodded.

"I love 'catch'!" Pinkie grinned, producing a catcher's mitt from out of nowhere.

"Okay, let's do this." Rainbow nodded, picking up Rarity by the midsection.

"Mind the cold hooves, darling." Rarity shivered.

"Just hang on." Rainbow rolled her eyes.

The flyers (and one passenger) flew up to the tree. Twilight and Rarity used their magic to remove the Permafrost Plums from the branches, while Fluttershy used the more simplistic method of hoof-picking them. After picking a decent amount, they flew back to ground level and passed the fruits to the others, before returning for more. A few trips later, and there was an impressive pile of fruit on the ground.

"Wonderful." Thaw smiled. "We Blizzaru are fortunate to chance upon one or two fallen Permafrost Plums every so often, and can only hope they are not too bruised from the fall. But this is a veritable feast! My tribe will eat well tonight!"

"Let's just hope Eddy appreciates it." Twilight declared.

"Who could not appreciate such a charitable gift?" Rarity asked.

"Thank you for this, Thaw." Fluttershy smiled.

"As I said before, it's the least I can do." Thaw smiled back. "I know firsthand how much help a single pony can provide. And if all goes well, Eddy will realise that your entire nation can be valuable allies."

"First, we gotta get all this back to the village." Applejack pointed out. "Wish Ah'd brought mah delivery cart..."

"I think I can help with that." Thaw declared. He walked over to a nearby tree, grabbed the trunk with both hands, and tore off a large piece of bark, large enough to carry their bounty. "Since you went to all the effort of picking the plums, it's only fair that I carry them back."

The Permafrost Plums were piled onto the flat interior of the bark, and Thaw lifted it up.

"Ya sure ya wanna do this part yerself?" Applejack asked. "We'd be happy tah help."

"You've already done so much." Thaw said fairly. "It's only right that I do my fair share as well."

"You really think this'll work?" Rainbow asked Twilight.

"I suppose we'll find out soon enough." Twilight replied.

Soon after, the group returned to the village. The Blizzaru were naturally surprised to see them back so soon, and even more so to see Thaw with them.

"They're back?"

"Can't they take a hint?"

Why is Thaw with them?"

"Are those Permafrost Plums?"

Eddy reacted to their reaction with an expression of pure annoyance.

"What is this?" He growled, as Twilight and the others approached him. "What part of 'leave' don't you understand?"

"We just thought we'd bring you a parting gift." Twilight smiled. "We understand these Permafrost Plums are considered a delicacy among your people. So we thought-"

"That you could bribe your way into our good graces." Eddy scoffed. "Did you really believe we would fall for such a base attempt at manipulation?"

"Sir, it wasn't their idea." Thaw spoke up. "It was mine."

"And what are you doing with them, Thaw?" He glared at his compatriot. "Going behind your chief's back, are you?"

"It-it's not like that, sir." Thaw said nervously. "I... I really do think there is something to be said for an alliance with the ponies."

"Are you the chief, Thaw?" Eddy glared. "Well, are you?"

"...No..." Thaw said meekly.

"No, you are not." Eddy nodded. "I am the chief. I decide what is best for our people. And I decided that we are better off on our own. There will be consequences for this."

"Chief Eddy, Thaw was only trying to help all of us." Twilight started. "You shouldn't punish him for trying to do the right thing."

"So now you're telling me how to lead?" Eddy growled.

"Of course not." Twilight said hastily. "I was just trying to-"

"I think I've heard enough from you, Princess." Eddy snarled. "You and your group will leave our island right now, and never return."

"But-!" Twilight protested.

"Did I stutter?" Eddie spat, his patience at its limit. "I said, BEGOOOONE!!"

Eddy's roar echoed throughout the area, surprising and unnerving all who heard it. But seconds later, an even more foreboding noise followed in its wake. All eyes looked upward, in the direction the new sound was coming from. To their collective horror, they saw snow and ice tumbling down every mountain in the vicinity.

"Avalanches!" Thaw yelped.

"No..." Eddy whispered, well aware that his outburst had set this in motion.

The Blizzaru citizens flew into a panic.

"Run!" One yelled.

"Where?" Another asked. "It's coming at us from all sides!"

"We can't outrun all that snow!" A third quaked. "What are we going to do?"

Twilight answered that question.

"Rarity, with me!" She instructed. "Everypony else, do what you can!"

"You got it!" Rainbow nodded, as she and Fluttershy took to the sky.

Twilight teleported herself and Rarity to the spot where most of the falling snow would intersect. Combining their magic, they formed a gigantic, arrow-shaped barrier. The mass of snow pushed against the construct. Twilight and Rarity grit their teeth as they willed the barrier to hold. Thankfully, the construct stood firm, and the mass of snow began to be diverted around the village.

But that wasn't the only mass of snow moving toward the village. More fell in other directions, threatening others.

"Heads up, folks!" Rainbow flew in fast, and carried an elderly female out of the way.

At the same time, Fluttershy carried some Blizzaru kids to safety.

"I've got you, little ones." She said comfortingly.

As a large drift careened toward a group of Blizzaru, Pinkie leapt in front of them, Party Cannon at the ready.

"Cool party, folks!" She smiled. "A little too cool, actually. But I can fix that..."

As the drift almost reached her, she fired the current. Preposterously, the force of the confetti being launched out of the cannon was enough deflect the snow.

"Party Cannon." Pinkie blew away a stream of smoke wafting out of the barrel. "Never leave Equestria without it."

"Get clear, everyone!" Eddy instructed. "Get-!"

Before he could continue, a chunk of ice crashed down in front of him, followed by another at the side, backing him up against the side of one house. To his horror, he saw another, much larger chunk right above him. His only option was duck and cover. He dropped down to the ground, bracing himself for the inevitable impact.

...But it didn't come.

"What?" Eddy looked up, and saw that Applejack had saved him from being crushed by catching the chunk of ice with her back hooves.

"Gettin' yer pardon, yer chiefness." Applejack said casually. "Ah know ya ain't big on gettin' help from outsiders, but An couldn't just stand by an' let us get squished."

With that said, Applejack kicked the chunk of ice over the horizon.

"Unbelievable..." Eddy gaped.

By that time, the avalanches had all but petered out. Ponies and Blizzaru alike gathered in the center of the village.

"Is everycreature okay?" Twilight asked.

"Thanks to you all, yes." Thaw nodded.

"You saved my people." Eddy said, almost as if he couldn't believe it. "Even after I rejected you, twice."

"Of course we did." Fluttershy smiled.

"Because that's what friends do." Twilight beamed.

"Perhaps I was... Slightly hasty in rejecting your offer." Eddy admitted grudgingly. "Maybe what you said regarding the importance of having friends to help in hard times has some merit to it after all."

"Does this mean you'd be willing to reconsider our offer?" Twilight asked, trying not to sound too pleased.

"It means I am willing to discuss the terms of a possible alliance between our two nations." Eddy clarified. "Perhaps over a feast of Permafrost Plums?"

"That sounds... Acceptable." Twilight smiled. "Right, everypony?"

"Darn tootin'." Applejack nodded.

"Of course, darling." Rarity smiled.

"Eh, I'm in no rush." Rainbow shrugged.

"It would be an honor." Fluttershy said.

"You had me at a 'feast'!" Pinkie grinned. "I can't wait to see what those Permafrost Plums taste like!"

"Then it is decided." Eddy declared. "Thaw?"

"...Er, yes, sir?" Thaw stood to attention.

"I misjudged you as well." Eddy admitted. "You saw what I could not, what I was too stubborn to even consider. I would appreciate it if you were part of our negotiations. I could use your sage counsel."

"As you wish, sir." Thaw nodded enthusiastically. "I won't let you down!"

"I know you won't." Eddy smiled. "Now, let's get those Plums to the old mess hall. We're going to need the room to prepare the feast."

As the Blizzaru moved to follow their leaders' instructions, the Mane Six shared smiles over their reversal of fortune.

"Guess we got our second chance after all." Applejack grinned.

"And all we had to do was stop an avalanche." Rainbow joked. "Piece a' cake, right?"

"Mmm, Permafrost Plum cake..." Pinkie drooled.

"And now we've gone from being unwanted interlopers to honoured guests." Rarity noted. "Funny how life works, isn't it?"

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Fluttershy smiled.

"Now that the chief's open to talks, we might just leave this island with a new set of friend and allies." Twilight declared. "Another link in Equestria's chain of friendship. We just had to prove how pure our intentions are." She smiled at her friends. "Come on, everypony, we've got a feast to attend."

The six of them followed their hosts deeper into the village. An important first step had been made. Now they had to take the next one...


Back in Canterlot, night had fallen over the city. The streets were mostly empty, save for the Night Guard on patrol. But the nocturnal troops had unknowingly failed to prevent the cloaked figure from making his way into the heart of the city.

The mysterious individual was currently in the statue garden outside the castle, glancing at the petrified forms of Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow.

"So, you are the ones who almost brought this land to ruin?" The figure mused. "I'm not impressed. Between the three of you, you wielded power almost beyond imagining, and yet you still failed." The figure scoffed. "And now look at you, sealed in stone for all eternity. And from what I understand, you're not even the first to suffer such a fate. Why do these ponies have such a predilection for petrifying their enemies?" The figure's eyes narrowed. "Perhaps they simply lack the spine to dispose of them in a more... Final manner." A low chuckle emitted from under the hood. "Not a mistake I will be making..."

The mysterious being departed from the garden, but their night in Canterlot was far from over...

Setting A President

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It was morning in Ponyville, and an assembly was being held at the School of Friendship. The expanded student body just barely managed to fit into the available seats, making it clear that future gatherings would require further seating.

The faculty were gathered on the stage, with Starlight stood at the front of the stage.

"Good morning, everycreature." She smiled. "Today, I have a big announcement: in light of the new student intake this semester, your teachers and I have agreed to institute the position of student body president."

The students murmured amongst themselves.


"Is that a good thing?"

"Hope so..."

"The student body president will act as a spokescreature for all students in the school." Sunburst clarified. "They may play a role in efforts on student activity events and planning, school policy support from students, recognition of developing issues pertaining to students, and communication between the faculty and the student body."

A number of the students looked slightly perplexed.

"In other words, the student body president will be your voice in the future of this school." Trixie added.

"Pretty cool, huh?" Rainbow Dash declared.

With the position now spelled out in laycreature's terms, the students started to show interest.

"Effective immediately, we will be holding an election to decide who gets the position." Starlight continued, as Sunburst stepped forward, carrying a stack of papers with his magic. "Anycreature who'd like to take on the position, please put your name on one of the sign-up sheets, along with the name of your running mate, who will become your vice president if you win, so choose wisely." She used her magic to place the papers on a desk by the stage. "Once you've done that, you can start making cases to your fellow students for why you think you're the best creature for the job, and what you plan on doing to help them and the school if you are elected. And in one week's time, we'll hold the vote. Good luck, and may the best creature win."

As the assembly ended, the Young Six and Chill Char started talking.

"An election?" Silverstream smiled. "How exciting!"

"If you say so." Smolder shrugged. "Compared to the Gauntlet of Fire, it seems like kind of a tame way to decide who's in charge..."

"Are you going to run, Gallus?" Chill Char asked.

"Pass." Gallus scoffed. "Sounds like way too much work for me..."

"But for a good cause." Ocellus noted. "Student body president is a prestigious position. The holder of the role has a responsibility to step up and focus on what the others need, to play a part in shaping their learning experience, and to be their voice in shaping the future of this school."

"Well, when you put it like that..." Gallus snarked.

"Real funny, dude." Sandbar rolled his eyes.

"Yona should run for president!" One of the new Yak students, a female named Yulia, spoke up.

"Yulia right!" Another yak, a male named Yohan, agreed. "Yaks best at everything, and Yona best yak in school. So Yona best candidate for president. It make perfect sense!"

"Yaks really think so?" Yona asked.

"Yaks know so!" Yulia grinned.

"Then Yona will run for president!" Yona smiled. She turned to Sandbar. "Sandbar be Yona's running mate?"

"Uhh... Sure!" Sandbar replied, momentarily surprised by the request. "Let's go for it!"

"Great!" Yona hugged him, inciting a brief blush. "Between two of us, election will be no contest!"

"Contest, huh?" Smolder mused. "Maybe I'll run for president, too..."

"You sure about that?" Chill Char asked. "I've seen how competitive you get on the Buckball field."

"That's sport." Smolder scoffed. "This is completely different. Besides, Professor Dash always says a little friendly competition can bring lots of creatures together."

"I suppose..." Chill Char muttered.

"If you're still worried, then why don't you be my running mate?" Smolder offered. "You can help keep me honest."

"Okay, sure." Chill Char nodded. "I'm in."

Moments later, both Yona and Smolder had put their names down for the election, their running mates' name written beside them.

"No matter what happens, no hard feelings." Yona said solemnly.

"You know it." Smolder nodded. "We'll still be friends, no matter what."

Smolder took Yona's hoof in her claw, and the two shook on it.

"Good for you both." Ocellus smiled. "Here's to a fair election."

"Hear, hear!" Chill Char smiled.

That evening, Yona, Smolder and their running mates' began the plans for their respective campaigns. A lot of ideas were thrown around, and before long, two election strategies were formed.

The next day, the two candidates began their efforts at winning over their fellow students.

"Vote for Smolder!" Smolder called to passers-by, waving a pennant with her colors on it. "We'll set this school ablaze!"

"Figuratively, of course." Chill Char added, passing out some homemade fliers.

"Yona for student body president!" Sandbar added as he passed out fliers of his own.

"It just good yak sense!" Yona added.

"Looks like their campaign trails are really coming along." Ocellus noted.

"I know." Silverstream grinned. "Isn't it exciting?"

"That's one way of putting it." The disinterested Gallus said dully.

"Come on, Gallus." Ocellus frowned. "This is serious."

"Seriously boring." Gallus rolled.

"Student politics aren't boring." Ocellus retorted. "They're a vital part of the educational experience. And one of our friends is going to be the one who gets to take on that role."

"They're gonna be the voice for every student here." Silverstream added. "That's something, isn't it?"

"Eh, I guess." Gallus shrugged. A furtive look appeared on his face. "So does this mean they'll be able to use their connections to snag some perks for them... And by extension, us?"

"They could." Ocellus admitted. "But it would be very unethical."

"Of course it would." Gallus groaned.

"At least we'll get to say we're close personal friends with the actual president." Silverstream pointed out. "That's something, right?"

"Yeah, sure..." Gallus pouted.

"The only problem is, who to vote for." Silverstream frowned. "Smolder and Yona are both our friends. How can we choose one over the other?"

"The same way any voter does: by choosing who they believe is the best fit for the position." Ocellus replied. "There's no room for personal favoritism here."

"Easier said than done." Silverstream sighed, glancing between the two candidates' fliers.

That evening, the Young Six and Chill Char were in the Treehouse of Harmony. Ocellus and Gallus were studying (Gallus less enthusiastically), while Silverstream was polishing the pearl shard on her necklace. The others were slightly weary from a day of campaigning.

"Did I say this wouldn't be tough?" Smolder asked. "Boy, was I wrong..."

"But worth it in the end." Chill Char pointed out.

"Yona say we all work hard." Yona declared, drinking a vanilla milkshake. "Earn little rest."

"We'll definitely need the energy." Sandbar declared. "The week's only just begun."

"Nice work out there, by the way." Smolder told Yona. "Especially the 'yak sense' wordplay."

"It just came to Yona." Yona chuckled. "But Smolder know how to talk to crowd too. Smolder truly worthy opponent for Yona."

"Right back at ya, pal." Smolder grinned.

"Isn't it great how they're not letting the election affect their friendship?" Ocellus asked.

"Sure is." Silverstream nodded, her pearl shard gleaming.

"Yeah, great." Gallus said absentmindedly, struggling with part of his assignment. "If only every part of school could be so easy..."

The following afternoon, Smolder was holding court in the lunchroom. She had put together a statuette of herself out of gems, all the better to catch the eye of her fellow students.

"You see this?" She asked. "These gems are flawless, just like my term as president will be."

"And if all those gems put together can make such a work of art, imagine what we'll be able to accomplish if we all work together and vote for Smolder?" Chill Char smiled.

As the students were admiring the statue, a loud honking noise filled the air, causing more than one student to drop some of their food. The source of the noise was Yona, playing the Yovidaphone. In-between sets, Sandbar addressed the students.

"We all know how good yaks are at making themselves heard." He declared. "And if Yona is voted student body president, she'll make sure all of your concerns are heard."

"Problems be heard more easily than entire Yovidaphone band!" Yona grinned.

At that moment, Yona unknowingly stepped on some granola a student had dropped.

"Whoaaa!" She yelped as she tripped over.

"Look out!" Chill Char cringed as the yak tumbled toward him and Smolder.

"Yikes!" Smolder yelped.

While Smolder and Chill Char managed to get clear, the statuette wasn't so lucky; Yona crashed right into it, smashing their painstaking work apart.

"Hey, watch it!" Smolder yelped.

"Oop, sorry!" Yona apologized as she regained her footing.

"'Sorry' doesn't fix my statue." Smolder growled.

"We spent all morning on that." Chill Char sighed.

"Yona didn't mean to do that." Yona said regretfully. "It was accident."

"Whatever." Smolder said coldly. "Try to be more careful in future, 'kay?"

"...Okay." Yona mumbled, slightly perturbed by Smolder's bluntness.

"...Good." Smolder said gruffly.

As Smolder made to set up somewhere else, Sandbar walked up to Chill Char.

"Smolder didn't have to be so rude, y'know." He pointed out. "It was just an accident."

"I know." Chill Char admitted. "But in Smolder's defense, Yona could have been more careful."

"Yeah, I guess..." Sandbar nodded grudgingly.

"Besides, you didn't have to come in here." Chill Char added. "You just had to bring your show in here."

"Because it's where most of the students are." Sandbar pointed out. "What are you getting at, anyway?" He narrowed his eyes.

"Oh, nothing." Chill Char shrugged. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to help clean up the mess your candidate made."

Chill Char took his leave, leaving Sandbar glaring after him.

That evening, the seven were once again at the Treehouse of Harmony. But this time, there was no friendly talk between Smolder and Yona. Instead, they pointedly refused to talk to each other, both still sore about what happened at lunch.

"I'm thinking this isn't going to be as friendly a competition as it I thought it would be." Ocellus frowned.

"Come on, Ocellus." Silverstream assured. "One little accident isn't going to change things that much..."

"We've forgiven each other for worse, haven't we?" Gallus pointed out.

"You're probably right." Ocellus nodded. "By morning, Smolder and Yona will probably be back to being friends..."

The next day, Yona had set up a rally in the gardens. Several students were in attendance, listening to Yona's latest campaign promise.

"If students vote for Yona, Yona promise to make special areas for smashing." Yona announced. "Will even provide sturdy materials, suitable for smashing, rebuilding, and re-smashing!"

"What better way to unwind after a hard day's schoolwork?" Sandbar added, having arranged some wood to resemble a certain famous statue from Manehattan.

The observing students looked mildly intrigued by the prospect, except for the yaks, who were far more interested in the prospect of regular smashing.

"Yak smash! Yak smash! Yak smash!" They cheered.

Yona barely had a moment to rest on her laurels before a racket filled the air; emerging onto the school gardens was Smolder, she and Chill Char leading a small procession. Several students were playing their instruments from music practice.

"Oh, yeah!" Smolder blew on a Flugelhorn. "Vote for me, and there'll never be a dull moment!"

"We'll work hard, and play hard!" Chill Char chipped in.

The students in the procession whooped in excitement.

"Do you know any other presidential candidate who can be their own fireworks display?" Smolder asked.

To emphasize her point, she breathed a huge plume of flame directly into the sky, to much applause from the students.

"...Little showy, if you ask Yona." Yona pouted.

"And kinda loud, too..." Sandbar noted.

Unbeknownst to anyone, a single cinder from Smolder's burst of flame (the result of a chunk of peanut brittle stuck in her fangs getting brought along for the ride) was slowly dropping down. It landed right on Sandbar's sculpture, which started smoking.

"Sandbar smell something burning?" Yona asked.

"Well, yeah, but it's probably-" Sandbar started, only be cut off when a small flame erupted on his sculpture. "Whoa!"

The entire sculpture was quickly engulfed in flames. The students surrounding it scattered, catching the attention of Smolder's procession.

"Yona fix!" Yona leapt into the nearby pond, creating a splash of water which extinguished the half-burned statue.

"Everycreature okay?" Smolder asked, as she and Chill Char approached.

Yona glanced at Smolder as she drew nearer, then at the scorched statue, and reached a conclusion.

"Dragon did that on purpose!" She snarled.

"What are you talking about?" Smolder frowned. "I didn't even know you were there!"

"Likely story." Yona glared. "This clearly payback for Yona accidentally breaking dragon's model yesterday!"

"Do you really think Smolder would be that petty?" Chill Char frowned.

"It would be an awful big coincidence..." Sandbar mused.

"You too, Sandbar?" Smolder winced. "It was an accident!"

"That what Yona said yesterday." Yona retorted. "Now dragon know how it feels to not have apology accepted."

"Oh, real mature." Smolder glared.

"You're okay with these baseless accusations?" Chill Char demanded of Sandbar.

"Hey, you didn't have to come out here." Sandbar threw the Kirin's words from yesterday back at him.

"Why, you..." Chill Char seethed, a wisp of flame burning above his mane.

"Come on, Chill." Smolder scowled. "We don't have to take this."

Smolder stormed out of the garden, her running mate right behind her.

"Good riddance." Yona sneered.

"Now, let's see if we can salvage this mess..." Sandbar scowled as he sifted through scorched wood of his sculpture.

That evening, Smolder and Chill Char and Yona and Sandbar stayed as far apart from each other as the Treehouse allowed.

"This is bad." Ocellus frowned.

"It does look pretty rough." Silverstream admitted.

"I knew getting into politics would be a mistake." Gallus said smugly. "Now look what's happened."

"It's just a little spat." Silverstream claimed, forever optimistic. "It'll probably blow over in no time, and they'll be good sports again."

"I hope you're right, Silverstream." Ocellus said glumly. "I really do..."

Friday came, and with it, the big debate. Smolder and Yona stood behind their individual lecterns, glaring daggers at each other. Chill Char and Sandbar sat on chairs on either side, similary glaring at each other. The other students looked on, Gallus, Ocellus and Silverstream wearing varying looks of trepidation on their faces.

"Thank you all for coming." Starlight announced, sat at a desk alongside Sunburst, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. "Now, we're going to take turns reading out questions submitted by your students, and you will answer the questions to the best of your ability."

"First question for Yona." Sunburst held up a sheet of paper. "If elected president, what will you do to improve lunchtime?"

"Yona will provide recipes for yak cuisine." Yona smiled. "Pine tree stew, turnip and bitterroot casserole..."

"And how will that improve lunch, exactly?" Smolder jeered.

"Yak food very filling." Yona retorted. "Good for constitution, and help with concentration."

The yak students cheered in agreement.

"Too bad it looks and tastes like burnt mud." Smolder smirked.

"Okay, Smolder, that's enough." Starlight cut in before Yona could fire back an angry rebuke. "Now for your question." She picked up another sheet. "If elected, what will you do for your fellow students?"

"Well, for starters, I'd offer each student their own private place to keep their most important possessions in." Smolder declared. "Like a dragon hoard, only not as out in the open. Oh, and lots of extra gems. To eat, or just to decorate with. It's up to you."

A number of dragon students were practically salivating at Smolder's last statement, and several of the other students were looking intrigued by the prospect.

"That's an... interesting offer." Starlight noted.

"Only for creatures who like staring at shiny things all day." Yona said under her breath.

Smolder narrowed her eyes, having heard Yona's jab.

"And our next question is for Yona." Fluttershy picked up a sheet. "Would you be listening to listen to other students' problems, and be willing to accept their input?"

"Of course." Yona nodded. "Yona very good listener! Listen to all fellow students."

"Except when they tell you to be careful around their Generosity class project." Smolder scoffed.

"That was accident!" Yona growled.

"Come on, folks." Smolder told the students. "Do you really want a fuzzy wrecking ball as president? Because I think you deserve a president who'll fix more stuff than they smash!"

"... Don't you think that's kind of a low blow?" Chill Char frowned.

"Just telling 'em what they need to hear." Smolder scoffed.

"...Okay..." Rainbow said awkwardly, as she read out the next question. "Smolder, if elected president, what will you do to make extracurricular activities more fun?"

"Good question." Smolder smirked. "I think I'd throw in some more challenging terrain. You know, some hidden spike traps, water geysers, maybe even throw in a Slingtail or too..."

While some of the students seemed intrigued by this suggestion (including the dragons), several others were clearly unnerved by the results involved from trying out such "improvements".

"Is that all dragon cares abut? Competition?" Yona scoffed. "This school, not Dragon Lands Summer camp! What next, dragon set up lava rivers?"

"Oh, like your suggestions are any better." Smolder scoffed. "I mean, smashing areas? Really? Leave it to a yak to come up with hair-brained ideas!"

"Leave it to dragon to come up with half-baked ideas!" Yona shot back.

Smolder seethed, steam jetting out of her nostrils.

"Okay, maybe we could leave the species out of this..." Chill Char stepped forward, trying to dial back the tensions.

"Dragon mock Yona's suggestions first." Yona glared at the Kirin. "Yona notice you not have much to say about that."

"Yeah, well... it's not like you're helping matters by taking everything Smolder says so personally." Chill Char spluttered a response. "For somecreature so strong, you've got pretty thin skin. Not something I'd consider to be a presidential trait."

"Don't talk to Yona like that!" Sandbar growled, his usually chill temperament heating up.

"Just telling it like it is." Chill Char retorted.

"Kirin only dragon's running mate because Kirin is hothead, just like dragon." Yona glared. "Yona think students not want vice president with temper issues."

"Good point, Yona." Sandbar nodded. "And he was calling you thin-skinned? What a joke."

"HEY, BACK OFF!!" Chill Char snarled, his Nirik flames and fangs emerging.

"You guys quit ganging up on my future vice-president!" Smolder demanded.

"In dragon's dreams!" Yona snorted.

"You're the one dreaming if you think I'll take that one lyin' down!" Smolder growled, more steam jetting out of her nostrils.

The gathered students were for the most part unnerved by the breakdown in communication. Among the exceptions were Yulia and Yohan.

"Show dragon who should be president!" Yohan yelled.

"Yaks best!" Yulia whooped.

"We'll just see about that, furballs." A dark green dragon male named Sear scoffed. "Smolder's gonna win this one for sure. Then we'll see who's the best!"

The faculty shared worried glances, well aware that events were starting to spiral out of control.

"Time for the Headmare to step in." Starlight said grimly.

However, before Starlight could make good on her decision, somecreature else beat her to it.

"That's enough!" Ocellus yelled, as she took to the stage.

Everycreature stared in surprise, well aware that the bookish Changeling usually wasn't prone to such outbursts.

"All this arguing has nothing to do with what being student body president is really all about!" She admonished both candidates. "This position isn't a prize to be won, or a title to lord over everycreature else. It's an obligation to put the needs of our fellow students first, a call to listen to others, and work hard to meet those needs, and ensure that everycreature is satisfied with their school experience!"

Yona and Smolder shared a remorseful look.

"Ocellus is right." Smolder sighed. "We took this whole thing too far."

"Yaks best at lots of things." Yona declared. "But Yona not best at acting like student body president."

"Me neither." Smolder admitted. "I treated this like just another competition. But this isn't a game to be won. Being president isn't a trophy to lord over everycreature. It's a responsibility, one I'm obviously not suited for. Which is why I'm stepping down as a candidate."

"Yona step down too." Yona said solemnly.

"That's very mature of you both." Sunburst said approvingly.

"But if you're both stepping down, then who's gonna be president?" Silverstream asked. "And are we going to have to start the whole election over again?"

"Ugh, I hope not." Gallus cringed.

"Looks like we're going to start a search for new candidates." Starlight suggested. "Anycreature else who thinks they're right for the job, feel free to apply."

"I think the right student for the job is right here." Smolder grinned.

"Yona think so too." Yona nodded knowingly.

"Really?" Ocellus asked, confused. "Who?"

"You, of course!" Smolder pointed.

"Me?!" Ocellus gasped.

"Changeling know everything about what being president really means." Yona noted. "So you should be running."

"Y-you really think so?" Ocellus said awkwardly.

"I'd vote for you." Chill Char smiled.

"Me too." Sandbar agreed.

"And me!" Silverstream grinned.

"Eh, why not?" Gallus shrugged.

"Sounds like a ringing endorsement to me." Sunburst smiled. "But it's up to you, Ocellus. Do you want to run for president?"

Ocellus glanced at her friends, who were all giving her encouraging looks.

"...Yes." She nodded. "I will run for student body president."

"Wonderful." Starlight smiled. "You can put together your campaign over the weekend, and present your case on Monday."

"I'm going to need a running mate." Ocellus noted. She once again looked upon her friends. "Any volunteers?"

"Ooh, pick me!" Silverstream waved her claw in the air. "I've already got an idea for a really eye-catching election poster!"

"Okay, Silverstream, you've got the job." Ocellus chuckled.

"Great!" Silverstream shook her Changeling friend's hoof. "You won't regret it!"

"Mind if the rest of us pitch in a little?" Smolder offered. "I'd like to make up for being such a boulder-head back there..."

"Yona like to make up for being bad candidate too." Yona said regretfully.

"We can all help." Sandbar smiled. "Right, Chill?"

"Try and stop me." Chill Char grinned, making it clear that there were no hard feelings between them.

The others stared pointedly at Gallus.

"...Okay, fine." The Griffon gave in. "Just don't ask me to write any speeches..."

"Thanks, guys." Ocellus beamed. "I'm lucky to have friends like you."

"And we're lucky to have a friend like you." Smolder smiled.

"Friend who is not afraid to speak up when friends not see bigger picture." Yona added.

"A friend who's going to make a great president." Sandbar grinned.

"Well, let's not assume so quickly." Ocellus said humbly. "There's still a lot of work ahead of us..."

After a weekend of planning, Ocellus began her own campaign on Monday. While her promises were less grandiose than what Smolder and Yona had been offering, they were both heartfelt and honest.

"So, what are you planning on doing if you become president?" A turquoise female dragon named Flare asked.

"I plan on instituting flexible study hours, and the chance to redo a project if you were unable to achieve a passing grade the first time." Ocellus replied, standing in front of a watercolor poster which depicted her standing proud.

"Seriously?" Flare smiled hopefully. "I could've used something like that for last month's Kindness project..."

"So can we count on your vote?" Silverstream asked.

"Yeah, count me in." Flare nodded.

"Fantastic!" Silverstream grinned. "Here, have a button!"

Silverstream handed Flare a button with a smaller version of the image of Ocellus on the poster emblazoned upon it.

"Thanks..." Flare said awkwardly.

Eventually, election day arrived. The students had all made their decisions, and the tension in the air was palpable as the results were tabulated.

Ocellus in particular was practically hyperventilating, her hooves shaking as the result drew nearer and nearer.

"Easy, 'Celly." Silverstream said in a calming tone.

"You got this, pal." Smolder assured her.

"No matter what happens, you can take pride in the fact that you ran a clean campaign." Sandbar smiled.

Ocellus couldn't bring herself to speak, but her slightly calmer breathing and reduced hoof shaking made it clear that she had heard her friends' wors, and appreciated them.

"The votes have been counted." Starlight confirmed. "And by an overwhelming majority, your new student body president is... Ocellus!"

The students applauded. Ocellus sat perfectly still, the news still sinking in.

"...I won?" She gaped.

"Of course you won." Chill Char smiled.

"Is it really such a big surprise?" Gallus smirked.

"I already got your inaugural party all planned out!" Silverstream grinned.

"Come on up, Ms. President!" Sunburst urged.

"Go on." Smolder nudged Ocellus.

Finally snapping out of her moment of shock, Ocellus awkwardly made her way down to the podium.

"Th-thank you all." She said nervously. "I am honored that so many of you thought I was the best creature for the job. I promise that I will do everything in my power to live up to the responsibilities and duties this position requires."

The assembled students cheered for their new president. But nocreature cheered louder than Ocellus' friends, who were nothing but proud of her for stepping up. There was no doubt in any of their minds that she was going to be a great president. And having Silverstream for a vice-president was definitely going to keep things interesting...

Old Scores

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A flying carriage and several Royal Pegasus Guards flew across the border between Equestria and the Dragon Lands. On board the carriage were Spike and Twilight. They had important business to discuss with Dragon Lord Ember.

The Pegasi Guards flying as their escort were Flash Sentry and Flash Magnus. One was a tad more excited about their destination than the other.

"Would you believe this is my first time going outside of Equestria?" Flash Sentry asked his distant ancestor.

"I can believe it. This present time is just full of surprises." Magnus admitted. "A thousand years ago, dragons were to be avoided at all costs, and now here we are, escorting the Princess to a diplomatic meeting with the Dragon Lord. How things change..."

"I can see how this might be a little weird for you." Flash Sentry noted. "I mean, you did once take on two dragons to save your pals in the Royal Legion."

"That was quite an adventure." Flash Magnus smiled nostalgically. "Dragons were pretty territorial back then, so it's good to know that ponies can now venture into their territory without fear of being snatched up, like my old friends were."

"From what I've heard, we have the Princess' little advisor to thank for that." Flash Sentry declared. "Spike was the one who took the first steps in reaching out to Dragon Lord Ember."

"Is that a fact?" Flash Magnus smiled. "Guess that little dragon must've made a big difference..."

"And how." Flash Sentry grinned. "If it weren't for him, we wouldn't even be going where we're going..."

"And certainly not with such nonchalance." Flash Magnus chuckled. "I certainly feel a lot calmer than I did the last time I was flying toward dragons."

"Then why bring Netitus along?" Flash Sentry asked, indicating his ancestor's legendary fireproof shield. "To accessorize with?"

"Maybe because of all the volcanoes and lava flows?" Flash Magnus countered, slightly irritated by the implications of his ancestor's words. "If there's an eruption, I'd like to have something on hoof that can protect me and others."

"Makes sense." Flash Sentry shrugged. "We are Princess Twilight's escorts, after all." He cast a glance at the royal carriage. "The last thing we want is for the Princess to get hurt on out watch..."

"Exactly." Flash Magnus nodded. "One thing the Royal Legion taught its soldiers was to be prepared. That's a lesson everypony can live by."

"And here I thought it was just the Colt Scouts that taught ponies that..." Flash Sentry joked to himself.

Meanwhile, in the shadow of a large, rocky plateau (which usually served as a makeshift throne for a full-grown Dragon Lord) Ember was preparing to receive her guests. Carrying the Bloodstone Sceptre in one claw, she was arranging some stacks of hay and flowers (which she had personally gathered from just beyond the border) for her guests to enjoy, right next to a pile of gleaming gems.

"There we go." She smiled. "A fine feast for all, pony and dragon alike."

Driven by a sudden burst of curiosity, she placed a blossom in her mouth... And immediately spat it out.

"Bleh!" She gagged. "Yuck. Don't really see the appeal..."

A group of juvenile dragons suddenly flew over to her.

"Dragon Lord Ember!" A tall indigo dragon called out, joined by a short dark green dragon, and a female red dragon. "These guys stole our lava pool!"

"Well these guys stole our gems!" A bulky gray dragon, leading an thin orange dragon and a purple female, countered.

"We found them first!" The red female scowled.

"Did not!" The orange dragon spat.

"Did too!" The green dragon snarled.

"Enough!" Ember snarled. "Look, I really don't have time for this right now. So I'm just going to tell you that you are to share the lava pool, and the gems. That's a direct order from the Dragon Lord, understand?"

"...Yes, Dragon Lord Ember..." The dragons chorused humbly.

"Good." Ember smiled. "Now off you go. Have fun, and don't any of you steal again."

Casting some glares at each other, the two dragon groups flew off in the direction they arrived in.

"Not my best work, but it'll have to do." Ember shrugged. "Now I can focus my attention on-"

"Can't an old dragon get some sleep around here?" A deep, booming voice suddenly rang out.

What the casual observer would have mistaken for a small mountain range began to shift. A large part of it raised upward and tilted around, revealing the face of Ember's father, the former Dragon Lord Torch.

"Oh, hey, dad." Ember smiled. "I thought this place looked a little different today. Enjoying your retirement?"

"I was, right up until my nap was interrupted." Torch growled in his deep, echoing voice.

"Sorry, but I can't help it if some rowdy young dragons fly over asking me to settle a dispute." Ember shrugged.

"I've been there..." Torch admitted. He glanced at the refreshments nearby, his keen vision easily identifying them. "What's with the plants? Are you taking up gardening?"

"Just preparing for some diplomatic relations." Ember replied.

"Come again?" Torch tilted his head in confusion, as if Ember were speaking in a foreign language.

"Some pony delegates are due to arrive." Ember explained. "We're going to be discussing some important matters, like where to put down the lines for the new train route from Equestria."

"Hrrr." Torch growled dismissively. "Back when I was Dragon Lord, I didn't waste time talking with ponies."

"It's not a waste of time." Ember glared at her father.

"Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against ponies." Torch defended himself. "They're just so small, and insignificant. I never felt it was necessary as Dragon Lord to spend time conversing with the little creatures."

"Well I'm the Dragon Lord now." Ember reminded him. "And I say it's completely necessary."

"And the Dragon Lord's word is law." Torch nodded. "So who am I to argue?"

"Trust me, dad." Ember assured him. "This is going to help us in the long run. I know that working with ponies and other creatures can seem a little strange at first, but I also know firstclaw that there's a lot we can learn from them." She smiled. "Maybe you should stick around for the proceedings. You might just learn a little something yourself."

"Is that an order from the Dragon Lord?" Torch asked.

"No, it's a request from your daughter." Ember clarified. "What do you say?"

"Okay, fine." Torch grumbled. "But don't be surprised if I end up drifting back to sleep..."

"Thanks, dad." Ember grinned gratefully.

Not long after, the Guardsponies touched down in the rocky terrain, joined seconds later by the royal carriage.

"Here we are." Twilight declared as she disembarked. "Back in the Dragon Lands."

"Just the way it always is." Spike noted. "Craggy terrain, sulphur in the air... Good to see some places never change..."

"Is it always this hot?" Flash Sentry asked uncomfortably. "Suddenly, wearing metal doesn't seem like the best fashion statement..."

"You get used to it." Twilight assured him.

"Where to now, your highness?" Flash Magnus asked.

"We're supposed to be meeting Ember on that plateau over there." Twilight answered, pointing to the spot, not too far away.

"Then let's get moving." Flash Sentry nodded, eager not to spend more time than was needed in the stifling environment. "Mind if I take off my helmet, Princess?"

"Feel free." Twilight nodded.

Flash Sentry removed his helmet, and ran his hoof through his ruffled mane.

"...No time to waste." Twilight remarked, hiding a light blush. "It won't do to keep the Dragon Lord waiting..."

The delegate group made their way to the plateau.

"Hey, Spike!" Ember greeted them. "Princess Twilight!"

"Great to see you again, Ember." Spike hugged her.

"Always a pleasure." Twilight smiled.

"And who are these guys?" Ember took note of the Guardsponies.

"These are our escorts." Twilight declared. "Dagger and Gauntlet..." She indicated the two who had pulled the carriage.

"Ma'am." Dagger nodded.

"Good afternoon." Gauntlet said curtly.

"And this is Flash Magnus and Flash Sentry." Twilight indicated the remaining two.

"Hello, lady Ember." Flash Sentry said respectfully.

"It's an honor, your lordship." Flash Magnus added.

"Wait... you're both named 'Flash'?" Ember frowned.

"That's right." Flash Magnus confirmed.

"We're kinda related." Flash Sentry nodded.

"That totally won't make it harder to tell you two apart..." Ember muttered under her breath. "Now, before we get started, can I get any of you a nice pony snack? I gathered them myself."

"All that flying has made me hungry..." Flash Sentry admitted, helping himself to a blossom. "Mmm, not bad."

"I wouldn't know." Ember admitted.

"This was very kind of you, Ember." Twilight smiled as she chewed some hay.

"You ponies have done plenty for me, so I figured it was time to return the favor." Ember grinned. "Of course, I also got some gems ready for the dragon side of this meeting."

"And boy, am I glad you did." Spike chuckled as he helped himself to a big, shiny ruby. "Nice. What is this, twenty, thirty karats?"

"Forty. Only the best for my guests." Ember grinned, picking out an emerald for herself.

A series of tremors suddenly shook the ground.

"What's this?" Flash Sentry yelped. "An earthquake?"

"A volcanic eruption?" Flash Magnus lifted Netitus over his head in readiness.

"No." Ember said nonchalantly. "It's just my dad."

From behind the plateau, Torch emerged, having deigned to fetch some gems from his own hoard to eat during the delegations.

"That is one big dragon." Flash Sentry said redundantly.

"Honored pony guests, this is my father, the former Dragon Lord Torch." Ember smiled.

"A pleasure to meet you." Twlight said politely. In truth, she had seen Torch before, while she and Rarity were keeping an eye on Spike during the Gauntlet of Fire. And of course, their being in disguise at the time meant that Torch wouldn't have recognized her. "I am Princess Twilight Sparkle, ruler of Equestria."

"How nice for you." Torch said bluntly.

"Good to see you again, sir." Spike waved.

"Oh, it's you." Torch glanced at Spike. "Still the little guy, I see. But at least those wings have finally come in."

"That's right." Spike nodded. "Went through the moult a little while back."

"If you're lucky, you might get a growth spurt soon." Torch suggested. "Maybe then you can at least be able to these ponies in the eye without the wings."

"Gee, thanks." Spike pouted.

"Don't take it personally." Ember told Spike. "Small talk was never his strong suit."

"I guess he just focuses on the big stuff." Flash Sentry joked. "Huh? Huh?" He glanced around, hoping to hear some laughs from the others... and got nothing. "Never mind..."

"Okay, let's get down to business." Twilight declared.

"We can start with where to put down this new train line." Ember nodded. "It's got to go somewhere where there aren't any underground lava flows. Or worse, slingtail nests. Trust me, that can get ugly real fast."

"If I trust anycreature to know the lay of these lands, it's you." Twilight smiled. "Any other suggestions?"

"Oh, I've got a few..." Ember smiled.

As Ember and Twilight continued talking, Flash Sentry noticed that his ancestor had been unusually quiet for the last few moments. He turned to see why, and saw and that Flash Magnus was staring at Torch (who was currently helping himself to a clawful of gems, barely acknowledging Twilight and Ember's discussion), an unnerved expression on his face.

"What's wrong?" The present Flash asked, drawing Spike's attention at the same time. "You look like you've just seen a ghost."

"In a way, I have." Flash Magnus said awkwardly. "You remember the story about how I earned my shield? How I and my team outsmarted two dragons?"

"Yes?" Flash Sentry nodded.

"Well, he was one of those dragons." Flash Magnus pointed to Torch.

"Whoa." Spike's jaw dropped.

"Are you absolutely sure?" Flash Sentry frowned.

"Completely." Flash Magnus nodded. "Trust me, when a dragon that size chases you, you're not likely to forget him in a hurry."

"But still, that was a long time ago." Flash Sentry countered.

"Dragons are pretty long-lived." Spike admitted. "So it's not that unlikely that Torch would be one of the dragons you faced all those years ago."

"One of the dragons I humiliated all those years ago." Flash Magnus amended. "If he recognizes me, it won't exactly do pony-dragon relations any favors."

"Maybe he doesn't remember?" Flash Sentry offered optimistically. "What happened back then is a lot fresher in your mind than his - for obvious reasons. Maybe after more than a thousand years, it's totally slipped his mind?"

"That is a possibility." Spike acknowledged. "I know if something like that happened to me, I'd prefer to just forget the whole thing."

"And since we really have no reason to give the guy any reminders, I suggest we just keep it to ourselves." Flash Sentry declared.

"Good thinking, Guardspony Sentry." Spike commended. "Twilight would approve."

"You think so?" Flash Sentry blushed lightly.

"Sure, why not?" Spike suppressed a smirk.

"So it's agreed." Flash Magnus nodded. "We don't bring up any old wounds, and just let Twilight and the Dragon Lord get their work done."

"Sounds like a plan." Spike agreed.

Just then, there was a roaring sound from up above. The gathering looked overhead, and saw two adult dragons (one silvery-scaled, another brown) indulging in a clash of some sort.

"Now what?" Torch shook his head.

"What are they fighting about?" Twilight asked.

"If I had to guess, I'd say territory." Ember sighed. "This happens a lot with the older dragons. They need a lot of space to themselves. And even the Dragon Lands don't have infinite space."

The silver dragon let loose a burst of scarlet flames at his foe. The brown dragon dodged, leaving the plume of fire to continue on its path downward - directly toward Dagger and Gauntlet.

"Look out!" Flash Magnus took flight, positioning himself just above the Guards, and held Netitus aloft.

The flames glanced off the fireproof shield and continued their path downward, scorching the nearby ground, but leaving the ponies untouched.

"That was close." Flash Magnus declared, lowering his shield. "You two okay?"

"We're fine, thanks to you." Dagger remarked.

"Yeah, thanks." Gauntlet added.

"Just doing my job." Flash Magnus said humbly.

"Nothing like seeing a legend in action." Flash Sentry remarked, awestruck.

"You can say that again." Spike agreed.

An incensed Ember flew upwards, confronting the two dragons.

"HEY!!" She yelled, catching their attention. "You almost toasted our guests! How do you think that would look for pony/dragon relations?"

"Sorry, Dragon Lord Ember." The silver dragon cringed.

"You'd better be." Ember glared. "Now take your dispute somewhere else!"

"Yes, Dragon Lord Ember." The orange dragon cringed.

The two dragons departed, and Ember returned to the others.

"Sorry about that." She apologized to Twilight.

"That's okay." Twilight said fairly. "No harm done."

The others failed to notice the odd look on Torch's face. His eye had been caught by the way Flash Magnus had used Netitus to shield his fellows from the accidental flame burst, setting mental gears in motion. And an old memory, long forgotten, suddenly burst into life.

"Wait..." He narrowed his eyes, glaring at Flash Magnus. "You!"

"Uh-oh..." Flash Magnus frowned, suspecting what had driven Torch's outburst.

"Him who?" Ember frowned. "Are you okay, dad?"

"No, I'm not." Torch growled. "Because I just realized I'm in the presence of a pony who inflicted one of my most embarrassing moments upon me!"

"Wait, what?" Spike gaped.

"What are you talking about?" Ember asked. She turned to Flash Magnus. "Do you know each other?"

"You could say that." Flash Magnus said bluntly.

"You could also say that this upstart had the nerve to trick me and another dragon into flying into the massive storm cloud his treacherous comrades set up!" Torch snarled. "All that lightning nearly roasted us alive!"

"I only did that because you had captured two of my friends, and I needed to save them." Flash Magnus retorted, standing firm in the enormous face of Torch's outrage.

"They brought it on themselves!" Torch spat. "You shouldn't have been in dragon territory in the first place!"

"And you shouldn't have grabbed my friends just for passing by!" Flash Magnus retorted.

"They had no right to be in the Dragon Lands!" Torch spat. "If they were too stupid to understand that, then that was their problem!"

"I thought you said you always thought ponies weren't worth your time?" Ember frowned at her father.

"As the Dragon Lord." Torch reminded her. "This was before I took the position."

"You still never said anything about encountering ponies before." Ember noted.

"Probably because he was too ashamed." Flash Magnus jeered, rankled by Torch insulting his former comrades' intelligence.

"What did you just say?" Torch snarled.

"You heard me." Flash Magnus sneered. "Too ashamed to admit you were outflown and outsmarted by a pony?"

"Don't you dare-!” Torch growled.

"Maybe the real reason you never dealt with ponies is because you were scared of getting humiliated again!" Flash Magnus smirked.

"Oh, jeez..." Spike cringed.

"Yikes." Flash Sentry winced.

"Magnus!" Twilight gasped.

"That's it!" Torch snarled, rearing up. "This has been a long time coming!"

"Bring it on!" Flash Magnus readied Netitus.

Before either of them could make a move, Twilight and Ember intervened.

"Stop, Magnus!" Twilight demanded. "That's an order!"

"...Yes, your highness." Flash Magnus grudgingly lowered his shield.

Torch was delighted by this development.

"Now I've got you..." He sneered.

"THAT'S ENOUGH, DAD!!" Ember roared, loudly enough that even Torch was unnerved. "I gave the order that no dragon is to attack a pony, remember? Or do you actually want to be banished?"

"But, but Ember..." Torch stuttered.

"I don't care what went down between you and this pony a thousand years ago." Ember glared at her father. "You know why? Because it's in the past. Here and now, things are different. And as Dragon Lord, I say that some old grudge will not be tolerated. Understand?"

"...Yes, Ember." Torch grumbled.

"Good." Ember nodded. "Now apologize to Mr. Sentry-"

"Magnus." Flash Magnus corrected her.

"-Mr. Magnus right now." Ember commanded.

"Sorry." Torch muttered, as quietly as somecreature with a voice that could be heard for miles could say.

"Apology accepted." Flash Magnus said smugly.

"Good." Ember smiled.

"And you apologize to Torch for the insults." Twilight told Flash Magnus.

"But your highness, he started it!" Flash Magnus protested.

"I think the Pillar of Courage should be brave enough to make peace." Flash Sentry teased his ancestor.

"My thoughts exactly." Twilight nodded at Flash (inciting another blush). "Magnus?"

"Maybe I did go a little far with that 'scared of ponies' crack..." Flash Magnus admitted.

"That was a bit much, yeah..." Flash Sentry agreed.

"I apologize for what I said." Flash Magnus said reluctantly. "It was uncalled for."

Ember poked Torch with the Bloodstone Sceptre.

"I accept your apology." Torch said through gritted fangs.

"Wonderful." Twilight smiled. "This is what it's all about: ponies and dragons putting aside their differences and focusing on a better tomorrow."

"Speaking of which, I had an idea for scenic tours of the Dragon Lands." Ember grinned. "Maybe we can even arrange for some of those extreme sports some of you ponies go for?"

"That is a possibility." Twilight nodded. "I'll arrange for Rainbow Dash to give you some input on that. And you mentioned Slingtail trouble earlier? I can talk with Fluttershy about helping with that."

"That's be great." Ember smiled. "And I'd be happy to offer tickets for next year's Clawchella festival..."

As the two continued their discussion, Torch leaned back against the plateau, hoping for the day to end.

"I should've gone back to sleep..." He sighed.

At the same time, Flash Magnus was still pouting over his ordered apology.

"Look on the bright side." Flash Sentry teased his ancestor. "This still went better than your last trip to the Dragon Lands. And for my first trip, it went pretty well."

"I'm so happy for you." Flash Magnus rolled his eyes.

"At least you've got another story to tell about bravely standing up to a dragon." Flash Sentry chuckled. "Though the ending isn't as exciting. Not exactly campfire story material, is it?"

"Suddenly limbo doesn't seem so bad..." Flash Magnus sighed.

Parental Misguidance

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Another day had begun at the School of Friendship. As the students made their way through the halls to reach their first lessons of the morning, Starlight and Sunburst stood in the foyer, shepherding them along.

"Hurry along to class, students." Starlight told two young Changelings.

"Yes, Headmare Starlight." The Changelings chorused.

"Don't forget, those 'History of Friendship' papers are due tomorrow!" Sunburst reminded a Griffon and a buffalo.

"Yes, sir..." The Griffon groaned, the look on his face practically screaming "I've barely even started my paper".

As the hustle and bustle started to die down, Trixie approached Starlight and Sunburst.

"Hey, you two." She smiled. "Really getting into the Headmare/Vice-Headstallion zone today, huh?"

"You know it." Starlight nodded.

"There's really nothing more satisfying than seeing things running smoothly." Sunburst noted. "And even with all the new students, we've got the school running like a well-oiled machine."

"Which means whatever the day brings us, we can handle it." Starlight smiled.

Suddenly, the main doors flung open, and Starlight's father, Firelight, alongside Sunburst's mother, Stellar Flare entered the school.

"Hello, pumpky-wumpkin!" Firelight smiled, once he and Stellar Flare spotted their offspring.

"Sunburst!" Stellar Flare raced over and hugged her son.

"Mom?!" Sunburst yelped, his glasses knocked askew by the hug.

"Dad?" Starlight gaped, as Firelight followed Stellar Flare's lead and embraced her tightly.

"It's so good to see you, son." Stellar Flare smiled, releasing Sunburst from her hug.

"Surpised to see us?" Firelight asked, letting go of Starlight.

"That's one way of putting it." Starlight said flatly. "What, er... what brings you here?"

"Without letting us know you were coming first." Sunburst added bluntly, as he adjusted his glasses.

"It wouldn't have been much of a surprise if we had." Stellar Flare pointed out.

"Surprise?" Starlight frowned.

"We just decided we'd drop by, and see our wonderful children in action as they run the one and only School of Friendship!" Firelight smiled.

Starlight and Sunburst shared an awkward look.

"That's... nice." Starlight said awkwardly. "But, well..."

"We're not sure having you watch us work is going to be all that conducive to a proper work environment." Sunburst added nervously. "We do have some important lectures to give the students today..."

"Right, exactly!" Starlight nodded enthusiastically. "We're just not sure having a couple of strangers looking in on our classes will help our students absorb what we're trying to teach them."

"Oh, don't worry." Stellar Flare smiled. "You'll barely even know we're here. I guarantee it."

"Me, too." Firelight nodded. "As a historian, I know how important it is that things remain quiet and undisturbed. It's why I like the library so much."

Starlight and Sunburst shared another look.

"Well... I guess it would be okay if you keep it down..." Starlight said, not completely sure.

"We can trust you to do that, can't we?" Sunburst asked.

"Of course." Stellar Flare said indignantly. "We're not foals, you know."

"Then it would be okay for you to observe some of our classes." Starlight nodded. "As long as that's all you do."

"Of course." Firelight nodded.

"Sorry to interrupt, but is anypony going to introduce me?" Trixie spoke up. "It kind of feels like I've turned invisible here. And I'm not that good of a magician..."

"Oh, sorry." Starlight said sheepishly, all her attention having been diverted by the unexpected arrivals. "Trixie, this is my father, Firelight."

"And this is my mother, Stellar Flare." Sunburst declared.

"Guys, this is Trixie." Starlight continued. "She's the school's a guidance counselor."

"If I'd known we were having visitors, I would have prepared snacks." Trixie joked, as she walked over to join them.

"You must be the 'Great and Powerful Trixie' I've heard so much about." Firelight noted.

"As usual, Trixie's reputation precedes her." Trixie said smugly.

Firelight gave Trixie a sudden, powerful hug.

"I just want to thank for being such a good friend to my little girl!" Firelight grinned.

"No... problem..." Trixie wheezed.

"Okay dad, give Trixie some air." Starlight chuckled.

Firelight reluctantly released the school's guidance counselor.

"Good to meet you, Trixie." Stellar Flare smiled, far more restrained in her greeting. "I expect you must be a fine guidance counselor."

"I prefer 'great' myself." Trixie grinned.

"How about we show you two to the teachers lounge?" Sunburst offered to the parents. "I'm sure you both must be tired after the trip from Sire's Hollow. A little rest should be just what you need."

"How thoughtful of you." Stellar Flare smiled. "I'm sure the students must appreciate your kindness, Sunburst."

"I haven't heard any complaints so far." Sunburst said humbly.

"I'd love to join you, but a guidance counselor's work is never done." Trixie remarked. "You all have fun catching up!"

As Trixie departed for her office, Starlight and Sunburst led their parents on the path to the teachers' lounge.

"I've never seen so many different creatures in one place before." Firelight announced as he glanced at the students passing them by. "It must be tough, stewarding so many students."

"It can be tricky sometimes." Starlight admitted. "But at their core, all these students are the same. They're all here to learn about friendship. And if there's one thing Twilight taught me, it's that friendship is for everycreature."

"Wow." Firelight whistled, floored by his daughter's speech. "When did you become so wise?"

"Just happened gradually, I guess." Starlight shrugged.

"I'm sure the students must benefit from your wisdom too, Sunburst." Stellar Flare smiled. "Even as a colt, you were always studying so feverishly. You probably encourage the same dedication from your students."

"I try to." Sunburst admitted. "But every student learns in their way, and at their own pace. That's why we have so many teachers: to teach our students in as many ways as possible."

"But I'll bet a fair amount of students have benefited from your being their Vice-Headstallion." Stellar Flare grinned.

"I'm sure they do." Sunburst agreed.

Soon after, they reached the teachers' lounge.

"Here we are." Starlight announced, opening the door for Firelight and Stellar Flare to enter.

"My, how... Cozy." Stellar Flare remarked as she and Firelight looked around.

"Why are there so many pictures of the same mare on that wall over there?" Firelight asked.

"Oh, that's our 'teacher of the month' wall." Sunburst answered. "Every month, the students vote for who they think is most deserving of the award, and whoever wins gets their picture added to the wall."

"And the same mare has won every month?" Stellar Flare frowned. "Statistically, that seems unlikely."

"What can I say? The students really like her." Starlight shrugged.

At that point, Rarity, Fluttershy and Applejack entered the lounge, taking a quick break between morning classes.

"Oh." Fluttershy started lightly. "I didn't know we had guests today."

"Hey, guys." Starlight smiled. "This is my father, Firelight."

"And this is my mother, Stellar Flare." Sunburst added. "They came to visit us, and see how we run the school."

"Pleased tah make yer acquaintance, sir, ma'am." Applejack tipped her hat in greeting.

"A pleasure." Rarity said politely.

"Hello." Fluttershy smiled.

"It's good to meet you all." Firelight grinned. "Starlight mentioned you and your fellow teachers in her letters, but there's nothing like meeting you all in pony."

"It must feel like such a privilege for you all to work with such a capable Vice-Headstallion." Stellar Flare declared.

"And such a marvelous Headmare!" Firelight added.

"Uhhh..." Applejack said awkwardly, put off by their guests' enthusiasm. "Yeah. It's a real hoot. Right, gals?"

"...Oh, indubitably." Rarity nodded, picking up on Applejack's vibe.

"So true!" Fluttershy nodded a little too eagerly.

"There's no need for that, guys." Starlight said, slightly embarrassed by her father's praise.

"Starlight's right." Sunburst agreed. "Running a school is a team effort, not a one pony show."

"But what's a team without a great leader?" Firelight pointed out.

"And a great second-in-command." Stellar Flare grinned.

"Well, Ah ain't denyin' that Starlight is a great Headmare..." Applejack admitted.

"You're the mare whose picture is all over the 'Teacher of the Month' walls." Firelight asked Fluttershy.

"That's right." Fluttershy nodded. "I'm honored the students like my classes so much..."

"Lucky for you, Headmare isn't a part of that criteria." Firelight smirked. "Or else Starlight would be the one winning every time!"

"Sunburst would definitely win, too." Stellar Flare added. "That wall would be covered with pictures of the both of them!"

"Buuuut that isn't how it works." Starlight stepped in, mortified by her father's bragging on her behalf.

"Too bad, but that's just the way it goes." Sunburst added, equally unnerved by his mother's boasting.

"Such a pity, too." Stellar Flare sighed. "But like you said, running a school is a team effort. So really, a win for one is a win for everypony, including you."

"Good point, Stellar." Firelight nodded. "So when you think about it, Fluttershy's popularity is a commentary on how well you run this school!"

Starlight and Sunburst cringed, while the others simply looked confused.

"I'm not quite certain that tracks..." Rarity mused.

"Well, look at the time." Starlight pointed at the clock. "I've got that lecture to get to."

"And my own class is about to begin." Sunburst added hastily. "We really should get moving."

"Then we'll go with you!" Firelight grinned. "And finally see you in action."

"Just remember-” Sunburst started.

"Don't disrupt the lesson." Stellar Flare waved her hoof dismissively. "We know."

"We'll be as quiet as Winterchillas." Firelight pledged.

"Okay..." Then let's get going." Starlight said brightly.

"Just lead the way." Stellar Flare declared.

The two parent/child sets left the lounge.

"Why do Ah got the feelin' this ain't gonna go so well?" Applejack asked.

"I get that feeling all the time..." Fluttershy empathised.

Shortly after, Starlight was teaching a group of students in the main lecture hall. A chalk rendition of the Elements of Harmony had been drawn on the chalkboard behind her, and Firelight was standing to the side, practically glowing with pride.

"...But, even with the physical Elements of Harmony destroyed, the power of those Elements still resided in Princess Twilight and your teachers." Starlight announced. "The Elements were just symbols. The true virtues of friendship were all within them, and could never be taken away so easily. Those same virtues are within all of us. They just need to be embraced."

"You tell 'em, hon-bun!" Firelight suddenly called out. "That's my amazing young mare!"

The assembled students reacted with surprise and bemusement toward Firelight's outburst.

"Thanks, dad." Starlight said through a forced smile. "But I'm in the middle of a lesson here-"

"Of course you are." Firelight chuckled. "Teaching these lucky kids all the important parts of friendship."

"That's right." Starlight noted, hope in her eyes. "So if you don't mind-"

"You've grown into such an incredible pony." Firelight gushed. "It seems like just yesterday you were running around in pigtails, cuddling your favorite stuffed bunny..."

Several of the students started snickering.

"Dad..." Starlight cringed.

"What?" Firelight shrugged. "I'm just making sure your students see how great their Headmare is. Just look at how you were commanding the attention of everycreature in this room." He chuckled lightly. "And to think, you used to have trouble sitting still and concentrating when you were little. You used to have to hold on to your blankie..."

As more students snickered, Starlight struggled to withhold a groan of annoyance.

"This is going to be a long lesson..." She muttered under her breath.

Meanwhile, Sunburst was teaching a "Theory of Defensive Friendship Magic" class, Stellar Flare standing near the door, smiling and nodding as Sunburst talked.

"Sometimes, friendship magic can be called upon with those calling upon it even being aware they're doing so." Sunburst told the class. "For perhaps the oldest example of this, we must look back at the first Hearth's Warming. When three of Equestria's founders became friends, it resulted in a spark of magic which created the Fire of Friendship, saving them all from the freezing grasp of the Windigos."

"Isn't that just a story?" A male Hippogriff.

"Some believe that." Sunburst answered. "But the recent appearance of the supposedly-mythical Windigos have resulted in many scholars believing that it coroborates the formerly dismissed theory that these events actually did happen."

"That's my boy!" Stellar Flare announced loudly as she entered the class. "He always was quite the bookworm, you know."

Some students shifted in their seats awkwardly, which others smirked at Stellar Flare's use of terms.

"Yes, that is true." Sunburst said pensively. "Thank you for pointing that out, mother."

"You've come so far, Sunburst." Stellar Flare smiled. "And you didn't even need a plan to get there. Now, you're the one coming up with the lesson plans."

"I suppose so." Sunburst nodded.

"Which is a little ironic, considering how you used to have trouble getting it together in the mornings." Stellar Flare continued. "I remember you were so out sorts, you almost ate your homework, and put your breakfast waffles in your satchel!"

The students chuckled.

"Mother..." Sunburst cringed.

"Now don't laugh." Stellar Flare told the students. "If you ask me, you should all aspire to be more like your Vice-Headstallion. You need to all hit the books, put your noses, beaks, what have you to the grindstone... Perhaps not grow a beard, I doubt that's necessary..."

Sunburst removed his glasses and facehooved.

"And I thought there could never be a lecture I didn't like..." He groaned.

During lunch, Starlight and Sunburst sat together in the teachers' lounge. They had managed to catch a small break by suggesting to their parents that they sample the cafeteria food that Starlight had personally approved (and which Sunburst had also taken a look at), giving the two of them some much-needed time to themselves.

"So... it's been quite a morning, hasn't it?" Starlight said joylessly, her eggplant and tomato sandwich practically untouched.

"You can say that again." Sunburst sighed, toying idly with his strawberry salad.

"...Is it just me, or is there something... off with our parents today?" Starlight asked.

"Something's definitely up with them." Sunburst noted. "My mother always used to pester me about having a plan. But now she's going around praising practically everything I do, and telling every student she can that they should aspire to be just like me."

"I almost miss the days when my dad would treat me like a filly." Starlight groaned. "Now he's trotting around comparing everything I do to what I used to do when I was actually a filly. In front of the students..."

"We should put our hooves down." Sunburst declared. "Let them know that we're not happy about the things they've been saying."

"Agreed." Starlight nodded. "But let's try to be a little gentle about it. We don't want a repeat of what happened during our friendship mission."

"Of course not." Sunburst frowned, ruefully recalling those events. "We just need a little courage in vegetable form, first." He started eating his neglected salad. "Keep our physical and mental strength up..."

"Something tells me it won't be that easy." Starlight noted grimly, taking a bite out of her sandwich. In

After finishing their lunch, Starlight and Sunburst exited the teachers' lounge, and set about trying to locate their parents. As it turned out, they didn't have to look very far to find them; the two of them were talking to the Young Six, Chill Char, and a few others.

"Your Headmare started from such humble beginnings." Firelight told them. "As a filly, she was a real hoofful. And then this was little phase she went through when she fifteen-"

"Dad!" The mortified Starlight teleported in front of him, cutting off the description of a very embarrassing part of her life.

"Ah, there you are." Firelight smiled. "Had a good lunch?"

"Yes, we did." Starlight nodded.

"That's something else you kids should be following Sunburst's lead in." Stellar Flare announced. "Healthy meals are crucial to learning. No junk food for my son, and look where he is now."

"Okay!" Sunburst said nervously. "Lunch is almost over. You students should be heading back to class."

The students gladly complied.

"So, what's next on the curriculum?" Firelight asked.

"What's next is a good talk between the four of us." Starlight said firmly. "In private."

"As your Vice-Headstallion, I agree." Sunburst nodded.

Firelight and Stellar Flare shared a nervous look. Clearly, they too remembered the events of the Sire's Hollow friendship mission just as well as their offspring, and were worried that they were in for a repeat performance..

Starlight and Sunburst led their parents to a spare classroom. Once they had their privacy, they began to speak.

"It's not that we aren't happy that you're here." Starlight began. "We can't stress that enough."

"But we also can't stress enough that all this following us around, singing our praises and bring up foalhood experiences in front of the students, isn't exactly helping us do our jobs." Sunburst continued.

"Oh..." Firelight bowed his head. "So that's it..."

"Well, I can understand why you'd feel that feel that way." Stellar Flare sighed.

"Please don't get upset." Starlight pleaded. "The last we want is to hurt your feelings."

"We're sorry about all this." Firelight sighed. "We didn't mean to be a bother."

"It's just... well, look at you two!" Stellar Flare suddenly blurted out.

"Us?" Starlight frowned.

"...I'm not following you." Sunburst admitted.

"You're running the School of Friendship." Firelight pointed out. "Guiding and teaching students from all over Equestria and beyond in the ways of friendship." He gazed at his daughter. "You've really found your place in the world, Starlight."

"And Sunburst." Stellar Flare addressed her son. "You're right by Starlight's side in this. You certainly don't need to plan for the future any more."

"Oh, mom..." Sunburst blushed lightly.

"You've both grown so much." Firelight continued. "And that's... actually the real reason we came here."

"It is?" Starlight asked.

"We were afraid you wouldn't need us anymore." Stellar Flare explained. "So we came here hoping we could get in some quality time. Be a part of your big important lives, just once, before we become completely obsolete."

"We just didn't realize that time had already come." Firelight sighed. "You really don't need us anymore..."

"That's crazy, dad." Starlight said comfortingly. "Just because I'm not a filly anymore doesn't mean I don't need you!"

"You're my mother." Sunburst told Stellar Flare. "I'll always need you. Except for during work hours, of course..."

Firelight and Stellar Flare shared a look.

"We've been acting ridiculous, haven't we?" Firelight sighed.

"I feel so embarrassed..." Stellar Flare cringed.

"Let's just forget about it." Starlight encouraged. "We've all done things we're ashamed of at some point."

"Now there's an understatement." Sunburst joked.

"Tell you what, how about after the school day's over, we all go out for dinner?" Starlight offered. "Then we can spend some real quality time together."

"The local eatery does a fantastic dandelion stew." Sunburst added.

"That sounds wonderful." Stellar Flare smiled.

"And until then, we can take a look around Ponyville." Firelight smiled.

"I could pick up some local postcards to add to my collection." Stellar Flare mused.

"And feel free to stop by the Castle of Friendship and wait for us there." Starlight added. "There's some great history books in the library, dad..."

"You know me so well." Firelight chuckled. "Okay, we'll get out of your manes."

"And I know this is something no mother in her right mind should ever say to her son, but don't spend too long staying after school." Stellar Flare grinned.

"And I know this is something no self-respecting scholar should ever say, but I won't." Sunburst returned the joke.

"See you soon, sweetheart." Firelight hugged Starlight lightly.

"Definitely." Starlight nodded.

Starlight and Sunburst waved their parents off as they departed from the School of Friendship.

"We really do have great parents, don't we?" Starlight sighed.

"We sure do." Sunburst nodded. "But all the same, I think it's best if we convince them never to come to the school ever again."

"Agreed." Starlight said flatly. "Like the old saying goes, you should never mix work and family."

"Not if you want to keep your dignity in tact." Sunburst agreed.

"Well put, Vice-Headstallion." Starlight smiled. "Now, let's get back to work..."

The two left the classroom, ready to continue teaching. Without any unexpected guests this time...

Shadow With A Doubt

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It was past noon in Canterlot. As usual, the market district was packed, ponies making their way to and from the multiple stores. Some were locals, others were just visiting Equestria's capital to pick up something special.

Two such visitors were moving through the crowd, carrying full bags of local delicacies. They were Tempest Shadow and Grubber.

"Hurry up, Grubber." Tempest urged, her saddlebags filled almost to the brim, as her diminutive companion started to fall behind. "We don't have all day."

"Can I help it if my legs are so much shorter than yours?" Grubber groaned, carrying two full bags as he waddled along. "Besides, these bags are heavy." He took a furtive glance at a box of apple turnovers in one bag. "But I think I know a way I could make 'em lighter..."

"Don't even think about it." Tempest said firmly, not even needing to look to know what her companion had in mind.

"Spoilsport." Grubber pouted.

"We're almost done, anyway." Tempest pointed out. "Just one more little errand to run, and then we can catch the airship home, and get back with plenty of time for dinner."

"Remind me why we had to come all the way out here for this stuff?" Grubber asked. "Not that I'm complaining about gettin' some good snacks, but couldn't we get most of this back home?"

"We could." Tempest admitted. "But I just felt like getting some special treats for us to enjoy for a while. You know, break up the monotony a little."

"And what's wrong with a little monotony?" Grubber asked. "A nice routine is good for ya. Time was, all I wanted to do with my life was just eat and sleep, sleep and eat, and eat and sleep-"

"I get it." Tempest sighed. "Maybe that kind of thing works for you, but some of us want a little more out of life. Hence the local treats."

"Like I said, I'm not complaining about the treats." Grubber reminded her. "I say the more, the merrier."

"Big surprise." Tempest smirked. "Just try not to complain about the extra weight too much..."

"No promises." Grubber retorted, smirking.

As they continued walking through the streets, Tempest noted that she was getting a few looks from passing ponies. Not so long ago, those looks would have been looks of fear. But today, most of those looks were of admiration, based on the well-known fact that Tempest had been on the front lines during the big counterattack on Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow.

After the shameful actions she had engaged in the first time she set hoof in Canterlot, Tempest couldn't help but feel somewhat gratified over this. It was hard enough for her to forgive herself for her past misdeeds, so she had feared that the citizens of Equestria would never be able to do so.

'It's good to be wrong, sometimes...' She smiled to herself.

After picking up the final treat of the day (some special Canterlot muffins), Tempest and Grubber began their trek to the airport, so they could finally return home.

"Finally, time to head home." Grubber smiled. "First thing I'm gonna do is put up my paws and take a nap."

"Not before you help me put all this stuff away, you won't." Tempest countered.

"Okay, second thing I'm gonna do is put up my paws and take a nap." Grubber pouted. "But that's as low as I'll go!"

"You drive a hard bargain, Grubber." Tempest rolled her eyes.

Not looking where she was going, Tempest suddenly collided with another pony, the impact knocking some of her items out of one of her saddlebags.

"Sorry!" She cringed, scrambling to gather up her purchases. "My fault!"

"That's quite okay- Tempest!" A familiar voice answered.

Tempest looked up from her efforts, and saw Twilight standing before her, Spike and a group of Royal Guards standing near her.

"It's so good to see you!" Twilight smiled.

"It's good to see you too, Princess." Tempest smiled.

"What am I, invisible?" Grubber pouted.

"We wish." Spike joked.

"Ha, ha." Grubber sneered. Noticing something, he scrutinized Spike more closely. "Huh, you look different. Did ya get yer scales polished, or something?"

"Not exactly." Spike flapped his wings for emphasis. "Figure it out yet?"

"Eh, it'll come to me." Grubber shrugged obliviously.

"Hope I'm not interrupting any important royal business." Tempest declared.

"Not really." Twilight shrugged. "We're just getting back from attending the annual Canterlot flower pageant. I had a lot of flowers to sniff today..."

"And you needed your Guards for that?" Grubber noted.

"I needed to have a 'royal procession' with me." Twilight sighed. "Part of the protocol for attending events."

"Looks like being the boss has its downsides." Tempest noted.

"It can." Twilight admitted. "But the upsides far outweigh them. It's my job to guide the ponies of Equestria to a better tomorrow and don't let it be said that I don't take the responsibility seriously."

"Speaking of things not being serious... I attended your coronation." Tempest declared. "That was... Quite a show."

"Don't I know it." Twilight chuckled, looking back with amusement on the disastrous ceremony. "Was Grubber there too?"

"Nah, I hung back." Grubber admitted. "Somecreature had to watch over the homestead."

"That's the same excuse he used to opt out of joining the big battle against those three troublemakers." Tempest told Twilight smugly.

"Do I look like I'd be any good in a fight?" Grubber defended his decision by indicating his short, pudgy body. "We all got our strengths. And it ain't my fault fightin' isn't one of 'em."

"No, your strengths revolve around food." Tempest noted. "Cooking and eating. One more than the other..."

"Everycreature's a comedian today..." Grubber pouted.

"It's been fun catching up, but I'm sure we've kept you long enough." Tempest sighed.

"Don't be silly." Twilight smiled. "I've got a little room in my schedule. And there's always time to catch up with an old friend."

"Your highness, are you certain?" One of the Guards asked. "The mayor of Baltimare will be arriving within the hour-"

"Which means we have at least half an hour to spare." Twilight pointed out. "I know a nice outdoor café nearby where we can talk." She returned her focus to Tempest. "That is, if you have the time?"

"For an old friend? Always." Tempest smiled.

"It it means gettin' to sit down a little sooner, count me in." Grubber grinned.

Shortly after, Twilight, Tempest, Grubber and Spike were sat around a table at the aforementioned café. Tempest's saddlebags and Grubber's bags were secreted under the table. The Guards stood nearby, having insisted on escorting Twilight (to her chagrin).

"So, anything new with you guys?" Spike asked.

"Nah, just the same old, same old." Grubber answered. "Things have been nice and quiet lately. Haven't they, Tempest?"

"Yeah." Tempest shrugged.

"Nothing exciting happen?" Twilight offered.

"About the only exciting thing we've done lately is droppin' by here to pick up some out-of-the-ordinary food." Grubber pointed out.

"Hmm." Tempest said unenthusiastically. "Don't we just live a life of amazement and wonder?"

"Uhh... Not really?" Grubber said awkwardly, unnerved by his companion's sarcasm.

"Exactly." Tempest said flatly.

"Tempest, is there something wrong?" Twilight asked. "You seem a little... Off today."

"It's nothing." Tempest shook her head. "Besides, you're the Princess of Equestria. You've got bigger problems to deal with than one pony's minor concerns."

"Not right now, I don't." Twilight smiled. "Go ahead. I'm all ears."

"Me too." Spike added.

"And me." Grubber chipped in.

"Well, if you insist." Tempest took a breath. "Lately, I've been feeling like I'm stuck in a rut. Like a cart stuck in mud, I'm just spinning my wheels."

"What do you mean?" Twilight frowned.

"Don't get wrong, I'm glad to be back in Equestria." Tempest clarified. "I'm glad to have reconnected with my friends and family. To have been accepted. It's just... I spent so much time outside of Equestria, living every day as a struggle to survive. And the less said about my work under the Storm King, the better." She scowled bitterly. "After everything I've been through, I feel like I have no idea how to live a normal life."

"How come this is the first I'm hearin' of this?" Grubber asked indignantly.

"Because I know how much you like living the quiet life." Tempest replied apologetically. "I didn't want to bother you."

"Well, I'm bothered now." Grubber pouted. "We're roomies, remember? We shouldn't have secrets from each other."

"I know." Tempest sighed. "But I've barely been able to admit these feelings to myself."

"Well, you're admitting to them now." Twilight smiled. "That's good."

"Sorry, Grubber." Tempest sighed. "I should have told you about these feelings first."

"Technically, you did." Spike pointed out. "You just told all of us at the same time."

"Ya got a point there, scaly." Grubber acknowledged. "And since you've started, ya may as well keep goin'." He told Tempest.

"He's right, Tempest." Twilight nodded. "It'll feel much better for you to get to get this all out in the open."

"Okay." Tempest complied. "I can handle the day-to-day stuff no problem, but without kind of challenge, or break in the norm, it all seemed so... Unfulfilling."

"I see." Twilight mused. "Go on..."

"When I took part in taking on those villains, I felt more alive than I have in a long time." Tempest continued. "I felt... Like it was what I was meant to be doing, you know? Not just the fighting, but fighting for a reason, fighting for a cause, making a difference."

"Fighting for the right reasons is something a pony can be proud of." Twilight nodded.

"I spent so many years fighting." Tempest sighed. "Not always for the right cause, though... But the point is that I've felt like a warrior for so long. And a life without action just doesn't seem like the life for me."

"I see." Twilight mused. "I'm not exactly the warrior type by nature. I've always preferred to talk a problem out rather than just blast it with friendship lasers. But I do know how exciting it can be to fight for the cause. And so do my friends. Rainbow Dash especially." She smiled at the thought of one of her closest friends. "You're a mare of action, just like her. And there's no shame in that. You just need to find a way to satisfy that need for action on a regular basis. Rainbow statisfied hers by joining the Wonderbolts. Maybe you can find your own outlet for action."

"Maybe I can..." Tempest mused, mulling the idea over.

"How 'bout ya get into extreme sports?" Grubber offered.

"Or become one of those wilderness survivalists?" Spike suggested.

"Possibly..." Tempest nodded.

"Help!" A voice suddenly called out, breaking Tempest out of her train of thought. "Thieves!"

All eyes turned in the direction of a nearby jewellery store, The Golden Bridle. A trio of Unicorns in masks and dark-colored outfits charged out of the door. The leader carried a bag full of stolen jewels in a magical aura. A middle-aged mare stuck her head out of the door.

"They stole my jewels!" She yelled.

"Finally, some action." Grubber grinned. "Right, Tempest?"

"Not quite what I had in mind..." Tempest admitted.

"Hold it right there!" One of Twilight's guards declared, as they rushed forward as a unit to apprehend the criminals.

"Catch us if ya can, bucketheads!"The lead thief taunted.

All three thieves lit up their horns. Their combined lights created a blinding flash that filled the entire area.

"Ahh!" One of the guards yelped, unable to shield his eyes in time.

Most of the onlookers were also caught off guard by the sudden flash. But Tempest, her reaction time heightened by years of surviving on her own, was able to cover her eyes in time.

When the light faded, the thieves had seemingly vanished.

"Where did they go?" Spike asked through narrowed eyes.

"Don't ask me." Grubber rubbed his own eyes. "All I can see is spots!"

"They're getting away!" Twilight yelled.

"We're sorry, Princess." One of the guards apologized. "It all happened so fast..."

Tempest caught some movement out of the corner of her eye. Turning, she saw one of the thieves clambering across a nearby roof, a length of rope connected to the drainpipe by a grappling hook nearby.

"There!" She leapt out of her chair and raced off in the same direction.

"Tempest, what are you-?" Twilight asked, also affected by the bright light.

"I got this!" Tempest answered, climbing up the rope with lightning speed. Once she reached the rooftop, she glanced around, and saw the thieves racing across the roofs of Canterlot.

"You're not getting away that easily..." She muttered to herself.

The vigilante Unicorn gave chase, nimbly leaping and flipping across the rooftops.

A few streets away, the three thieves leapt down off a balcony, landing in front of an alleyway.

"Nice work, gang." The lead thief grinned. "I told you all those lessons in parkour and base-jumping would pay off."

"Says you." The shortest thief wheezed. "I feel like I'm gonna pass out here..."

"Quit whinin'." The tallest thief scoffed. "A little roof-running' easier than dealing with the Royal Guard any day."

"Exactly." The lead thief agreed. "Now, let's get back to the hideout and count our haul."

As the thieves attempted to continue their escape down the alleyway, a bolt of magic lightning struck the ground just ahead of the lead thief.

"What the-?!" The thief yelped.

"Going somewhere?"

Tempest leapt down from a nearby balcony, her horn crackling with energy.

"I'm not exactly a native here, but I'm pretty sure you have to pay for that stuff before you leave the store with it." She said sardonically. "Probably just a misunderstanding. So why don't you just go back and return them, and we can all get on with our lives."

The thieves shared incredulous looks.

"We could do that." The lead thief admitted. "Or we could do this!"

The thieves started firing beams of magic from their horns. Tempest sidestepped one beam, flipped over another, and used the alley wall to spring board over a third.

"What the-?" The tall thief gaped.

"How did she-?" The short thief spluttered.

"Keep firing!" The lead thief urged.

The trio released another barrage of magic blast. But Tempest flipped, slid and dodged them all. With one last leap, she landed in front of the thieves, and fired a blast of magic from her horn straight upwards. The act was not just one of intimidation, but also meant to be a beacon, signalling to Twilight and her Guard their location.

The thieves took a step back, unnerved by Tempest's prowess and display of power.

Meanwhile, Twilight and the others were trying to find out where Tempest had gone.

"Any sign of her?" Twilight asked.

"None at all, your highness." A guard answered.

"I didn't think a pony without wings could move so fast." Another guard declared.

"She could've gone anywhere." Spike shrugged.

Their attention was grabbed by the bolt of magical energy blasting upwards into the sky.

"This is just a bunch, but I think she might be over there." Grubber pointed.

"Let's get moving!" Twilight urged, leading the charge in the direction of the bolt.

Back in the alley, Tempest stood before the thieves, projecting an air of intimidation.

"L-look, there's no need for this to get ugly." The lead thief trembled. "We got plenty of loot to spare. We give you some, and you just let us go on our way. Everypony wins, right?"

"Nice try." Tempest released another jolt of magic, this one hitting just a little close to the lead thief's hooves. "You don't get to weasel your way out of this. The only place you're going is prison."

"No way am I going to jail!" The tallest thief growled, the need to protect their take outweighing his common sense. "There's three of us, and one of you. So get out of our way, before you get hurt!"

"I thought I already made my stance quite clear." Tempest said, undaunted by the threat. "This is not a negotiation."

"Oh, that's it..." The tallest thief lunged at her.

Tempest moved like lightning, grabbing the thief's swinging hoof and twisting it backwards.

"AHH!" The thief yelped.

"Let him go!" The shortest thief moved to aid his comrade.

Without even looking at the newcomer, Tempest released her foe's hoof, and swept the other three, throwing him straight upwards. In the split second the tall thief was in the air, she lashed out with a kick, sending him flying straight into the short thief. A second later, and the two collapsed in a painfully crumpled heap before their terrified leader.

"Anypony else?" Tempest grinned as she straightened up.

"I-I-I..." The lead thief stuttered, before dropping the bag of loot and raising his hooves in surrender.

"Good call." Tempest nodded.

At that point, the guards (joined by Grubber, Twilight and Spike) finally caught up.

"They're all yours." Tempest told the guards.

Without the thieves' trick slowing them down, the Guards moved quickly, restraining and cuffing the criminal trio.

"Thank you for the assistance, miss." One of the Guards said curtly.

"'Assistance'?" Grubber scoffed. "She did all the work for ya!"

"Easy, Grubber." Tempest rolled her eyes. "It's not a contest."

"Tempest, that was incredible!" Twilight smiled.

"We caught the final act just now." Spike nodded. "Nice moves."

"I was just doing what I could with I learned over the years." Tempest said humbly. "Just felt nice to make a difference again.."

The guards split up; most of them led the thieves away, while two others took on the task of returning what the thieves had stolen.

"Well, this was a fun little diversion." Tempest smiled.

"No kiddin'." Grubber nodded. "Wait, what happened to our bags?"

"Right here." Twilight teleported the bags in front of them.

"Thanks, Twilight." Tempest smiled.

"After the service you provided, it's the least I can do." Twilight smiled.

"Well, I think I've really kept you long enough now." Tempest declared. "We really should be headed for home"

"Hold on, I just had a thought." Twilight announced. "I think I know a way for you to satisfy your need for action, and make a difference again. Make a difference for a lot more ponies. If you're interested in hearing it?"

Tempest glanced at Grubber, who smiled and nodded. She then glanced back at Twilight.

"I'm listening." Tempest smiled.

Twilight had quite an offer for Tempest. But what that offer was is a subject for another time...

Fear Itself (Part One)

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The time: Midnight. The place: a mountain overlooking most of Equestria. A cloaked figure stood near the summit, surveying the land below.

"I hope you're sleeping peacefully, Equestria." The figure sneered. "Because this is the last good night's sleep you'll be getting in a long time. After all this time, I'm finally ready to make my move. And even your greatest defenders won't be able to save you from the horror I have planned..."

The cloaked figure let out a wicked cackle, before beginning to make his way down the mountain.

The following morning...

Applejack was making her way to Ponyville market, carrying several bushels of freshly-bucked apples.

"Another honest day's work ahead a' me." She smiled. "An' Ah wouldn't have it any other way..."

As she negotiated through the crowd of ponies, Applejack couldn't help but pick up some conversations.

"Since I switched to the all-natural shampoo, my mane is so much more manageable..." A mare said.

"Those lousy flyders almost ruined our vacation..." A stallion grumbled.

"I heard some Royal Guardsponies stationed at Rainbow Falls were found collapsed, mumbling to themselves about some terrible things..." One mare's voice declared.

"Wait, what...?" Applejack frowned, briefly pausing in her tracks.

"...From what I've heard, the doctors are calling it a serious panic attack." The mare's voice continued. "Brought on by stress, most likely."

"Oh, how awful." Another mare stated. "I've always said those poor guards work too hard..."

"Excuse me!" A stallion's voice told Applejack.

"Huh?" Applejack turned, and saw an impatient Earth Pony carrying a cart full of wares.

"Could I get by sometime today?" The stallion demanded.

"Oh, beggin' yer pardon, pardner." Applejack hastily moved aside.

"Thank you." The stallion smiled.

Applejack allowed the stallion and his cart to pass by. By the time he had gone on his way, the conversation Applejack had overheard was over; the mare was now talking about scented candles.

"Elderberry is my favorite." She declared. "So fragrant..."

With no reason to stick around, Applejack continued onward. But the mare's earlier words still dwelt in Applejack's head.

'Panic attacks?' She thought to herself. 'That don't track. The Royal Guard are made outta stronger stuff than that...'

Eventually, Applejack was able to put those thoughts out of her mind, busying herself by arranging the apple bushels around the market stall reserved for the Apple family.

"Apples!" She called out to the crowd after every was ready. "Get yer fresh, juicy apples here!"

As usual, ponies clamored for the fruit of the Apple family's labors, and the Bits rolled in. It only took an hour or two for Applejack to almost completely clear out her stock.

"Looks like Ah'm gonna have to make another trip back to the barn before lunch." She smiled proudly. "Ponies jest can't get enough a' our apples..."

Just then, Rainbow Dash rushed into the market, the slipstream from her flight sending manes flapping and ponies off-balance.

"Applejack!" She called out, stopping right in front of her friend. "We've got a problem!"

"Must be sumthin' serious fer you to go at eighty percent a' yer top speed through the market." Applejack noted, well aware of the disgruntled ponies who had been jostled or had their wares/purchases scattered by the speedy Pegasus' arrival.

"Serious enough that we can't waste time with chit-chat!" Rainbow said impatiently.

Barely a nanosecond later, Rainbow grabbed Applejack by the midsection, and carried her out of the market at ninety percent top speed (naturally slowed by having a passenger).

"Whoaaa!" Applejack yelped, holding her hat down to keep it on her head.

Once again, ponies found themselves caught in Rainbow's slipstream, and weathered it as best they could.

"Whoever said small towns are nice and peaceful never lived here..." The stallion from earlier scowled.

Applejack found herself being carried out of town, all the way to Fluttershy's cottage. As they arrived, Applejack noticed some of their other friends; Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Starlight Glimmer, all gathered around... Something.

"This can't be good..." Applejack muttered worriedly as Rainbow set her down. "What's goin' on?"

The others noted Applejack's arrival grimly. As they turned, Applejack could see what they were surrounding: Fluttershy. The mare was sprawled on the ground, her eyes open, yet staring into space. Her body was surrounded by strange black smoke, and she was muttering strange things.

"This can't be happening..." She babbled, fear in her voice. "Please don't do this to me!"

Angel Bunny was standing beside her, a distressed expression on his furry face as he struggled to provide the stricken mare some comfort.

"Fluttershy?" Applejack gazed with horror at the state her friend was in. "What happened to her?"

"I don't know." Rainbow shook her head. "I dropped by to lend her the new Daring Do book, and found her like this. I tried to snap her out of it, but nothing I tried worked. So I got everypony else to see if they could help."

"And Ah'm guessin' nuthin's worked so far?" She glanced at her worried friends.

"I'm afraid we're stumped, darling." Rarity admitted.

"I tried snapping her out of it with the biggest noisemaker I had, but she didn't even flinch." Pinkie frowned.

"This strange smoke swirling around her gives me the feeling that magic may be involved." Starlight mused. "But I've never seen anything like it before. And unless I know what it is we're dealing with, I can't risk casting any spells. That could make things even worse for Fluttershy."

At that moment, a flash of light gleamed through the windows of Fluttershy's cottage, followed by a muffled "Ta-daa!" After a few moments of silence, there was another flash of light, followed by a flash of light right next to the group.

"Ta-daa!" Discord called out. "So, anypony seen Fluttershy? We had a luncheon appointment today, and it's not like her to flake..."

"...I'm afraid Fluttershy is... Indisposed right now." Rarity said nervously, indicating Fluttershy's distressed state.

"Fluttershy?" Discord's face shifted from lightheartedly curious to horrified. "Are you okay? Speak to me!"

"I can't... I can't believe this is happening..." Fluttershy said feverishly, still completely unaware of her surroundings.

Discord looked upon his oldest friend with concern and worry. But this quickly gave way to cold fury. He turned to the others.

"Who did this?" He demanded angrily, eyes glowing red.

"We don't know." Applejack answered. "We don't even know what's been done to her."

"No... somepony do something..." Fluttershy rolled over in her delusions.

"Hold up." Rainbow noticed something on the ground where Fluttershy had just been lying. She picked it up and examined it. "It's a note."

"Well, don't leave us in suspense, darling." Rarity urged. "What does it say?"

"It says: 'To the defenders of Equestria. I hope I managed to get your attention'." Rainbow read. "You sure did, whoever you are..." She scowled, then continued reading. "'If you want your friend returned to normal, and to avoid any others suffering her fate, meet me at the edge of the Ghastly Gorge at high noon, and we can negotiate the terms of your surrender'."

"Surrender?" Rarity frowned. "Whoever wrote this isn't exactly being subtle, are they?"

"Oh, great." Applejack rolled her eyes. "It's another one a' them 'Ah'm here tah take over Equestria' varmints."

"Well, at least they let us know ahead of time." Pinkie noted. "But why they didn't just use the post office is beyond me..."

"And they just gave us an open invitation to kick their butt!" Rainbow scoffed. "So let's get over there, and show whoever this is that they do not mess with our friends!"

Rainbow made to speed over to the Ghastly Gorge... only for her path to be blocked by a large Stop sign.

"Not so fast." Discord declared. "Fluttershy's my friend too, lest you forget. So how about you give me first crack at whoever this villain is?"

The ponies shared looks of surprise and concern.

"Maybe we shouldn't be so hasty about this." Starlight suggested. "Rushing into this might not end so well."

"No, no, I insist." Discord said stubbornly. "Just this once, I'll deal with the bad guy myself."

"I'm not so sure goin' after this mystery figure by yourself is such a great idea." Applejack said cautiously. "We don't got clue one about who it is, what they're after, or if what they did tah Fluttershy is even the least a' what they can do!"

"It's not as if whoever this is has more power than I do." Discord scoffed. "I'll just pop over there, take out this would-be big bad, and this will all be over just like that."

"We all appreciate how much you care for Fluttershy." Starlight tried to reason with him. "But we all know she cares for you just as much. And she wouldn't want you getting into trouble just for her sake."

"What trouble?" Discord said proudly. "I don't get into trouble. I make the trouble. And I'm about to make some big-time trouble for the fiend who thought they could mess with my friends!"

"Can't argue with that logic." Rainbow declared. "Give 'em one from me, will ya?"

"I would, but it's doubtful dealing with this unknown reprobate will even take more than one shot." Discord bragged.

"Maybe we should-” Starlight started.

"Not waste any more time, since high noon is nigh? Excellent point!" Discord cut her off. "Don't wait up, ladies!"

Before anypony could say anything else, Discord vanished.

"He did make a pretty good case, you know." Pinkie pointed out.

"Even so, it might be a good idea to contact Twilight, let her know what's happening." Starlight mused. "I'll take care of that. You all stay with Fluttershy."

"You got it." Rainbow nodded.

"I realize this is a rare sentence, but perhaps we should have a little more faith in Discord." Rarity suggested, as Starlight teleported away. "He does have the power to back up his boasts, after all..."

"Ah still don't like this." Applejack frowned. "Since when do the bad guys send us an invitation? That kinda thing has 'trap' written all over it."

"Are you sure? Because I'm not seeing 'trap' written anywhere on this." Pinkie frowned, examing the note from every ang.

"I'm with Rarity." Rainbow spoke up. "What kinda trap could possibly catch Discord? Whoever's behind this is gonna regret the day they ever set hoof in Equestria!"

"Ah hope yer right." Applejack sighed. "Fer Fluttershy's sake..."

All too soon, the cloaked figure stood at the edge of the Ghastly Gorge, patiently awaiting for an answer to their invitation. As the sun reached its highest point in the sky, Discord appeared before the figure.

"Well now, what's this?" The figure remarked in a whimsical tone.

"Expecting the 'defenders of Equestria', were we?" Discord declared. "Too bad. You got me instead." He curled his class into fists. "Now, how about you tell me who you are, and why you thought it was a good idea to do whatever it was you did to me lord of chaos' best friend?"

"Since you asked so nicely..." The figure removed their cloak.

Underneath was what appeared to be a hulking, bipedal warthog, clad in jet-black armor. His tusks curved out from his mouth, just as sharp as the two small horns protruding at right angles from under a patch of ash-colored hair. His hulking arms ended in matching black gauntlets above clawed hands. Around his neck was a silver medallion, engraved with a design similar to an eye, but with a vortex in place of the iris.

"I am Dread, master of terror." He announced.

"A Kobold?" Discord raised an eyebrow in surprise. "You're a long way from home, aren't you? And I'm guessing this isn't exactly a business trip."

"You guess correctly." Dread declared. "I ruled my own homeland with an iron fist. Any foolish enough to challenge me ended up broken and whimpering at my feet."

"Oh, joy. Backstory..." Discord groaned.

"I thought I had it all... Until I heard tell of a land beyond the sea. A land filled with magic." Dread grinned. "A land ripe for conquest: Equestria. So in a way, I guess you could call this a business trip."

"Okay, I'll bite: how do you plan on conquering this land all by your lonesome?" Discord inquired.

"The same way I did my own land: With the power of fear." Dread showed off his medallion. "With this, I can force anycreature to see their greatest fear. And their fear grants me power. The more who fall under my spell, the more powerful I become."

"Fear magic? Oh, please." Discord scoffed. "Equestria's already seen that trick plenty of times before. King Sombra, the Tantabus... everypony's just gonna say you're rippin' those guys off!"

"Amateurs and dabblers." Dread said dismissively. "And I should know, because I learned everything I could about the threats this land has encountered in the past."

"...You have?" Discord frowned.

"What, you think I just woke up one morning and thought 'I know, I'll go and conquer Equestria, it'll be a good day's work'? Wrong." Dread smirked. "I'll have you know I arrived here months ago. I've been lurking in the shadows, gathering information, learning everything I could about this land's history, and its defenses... and disposing of any who were unfortunate enough to catch sight of me."

"So you like to do your homework, huh?" Discord sneered. "If you weren't a villain, I bet you and Twilight would get along famously. I'm guessing you know all about her too, don't you?"

"Indeed." Dread nodded. "I'm not exactly a fan of her management style, but I know all about the knowledge and magical power she possesses."

"Then you'll know that she's not nearly the neurotic pushover bookworm she appears to be." Discord smirked. "Honestly, with all the 'research' you supposedly did, I'm surprised you actually decided to stick around and make a go of it. Surely you know what kind of power you'll be going up against?"

"Oh, but I do." Dread retorted. "That's why I've planned out my attack strategy quite thoroughly."

"Have you, though?" Discord sneered. "Judging by what was written on the little note you left with Fluttershy, you were expecting her pony besties to show up here. Didn't think I'd show up, did you?"

"On the contrary, I was counting on it." Dread grinned wickedly.

"...What?" Discord frowned.

"That's why I targeted Fluttershy, out of all six of this land's great heroes; because I knew any harm brought to her would drive you to avenge it... personally." Dread announced.

"So you wanted me to be the one to answer your little summons." Discord glared. "Mind if I ask why?"

"Because, as every good strategist knows, you must take out the greatest threats first." Dread declared smugly. "Once I remove any and all threats to my plans, I will be free to spread fear across this land, until my might is unbeatable. And you, with your unbound chaos magic, are the single greatest threat to my plans. Even with your patchy history of actually assisting in the defense of this land, logic dictated that I get you out of the way first."

"It's not often I agree with logic, but you're right there." Discord said smugly. "Which begs the question: how do you intend on getting me out of the way?"

"First, by targeting your dear little friend, Fluttershy." Dread smirked. "I knew incapacitating her would raise your ire, and push you into a confrontation."

"Oh, you were definitely right there." Discord snarled angrily, his eyes glowing once more.

"And as a bonus, it also neutralised the threat of the so-called 'Elements of Harmony'." Dread continued. "With one Element bearer out of the way, their combined power cannot be activated. Some ultimate defense these ponies have, huh?"

"And now you've got me, in all my glory." Discord snarled, his eyes glowing red. "Too bad for you..."

"It's funny, really." Dread said merrily, seemingly oblivious to Discord's rage. "The most powerful being in this land, at the beck and call of a timid little Pegasus. Like I said, I've done my research. You once ruled this whole land, and now look at you: little more than a court jester."

"But today, I'm one hundred percent serious." Discord readied his claws. "You harmed my closest friend, and this 'jester' takes that kind of thing real personal. Now, let's see how smug you are when I replace those horns with cotton candy..."

Discord snapped his claws. But nothing happened.

"What the-?" He frowned, snapping again, and again.

"Did you really think I wouldn't have arranged for this little meeting if I weren't prepared for you?" Dread smirked. He indicated the dark metallic armor he was wearing. "This is Obsidian ore, the same kind of metal the Storm King's forces wore when they invaded Canterlot. It deflects magic... even yours." He brushed some imaginary dust off his gauntlet. "You would not believe how much money and effort it took to procure this. But well worth it, I think you'll agree."

"...Very clever." Discord admitted grudgingly. "But I've still got the edge on you in sheer height." He mockingly held his lion's paw up to his forehead, then down to Dread's level. "What's stopping me from simply picking you up by those stubby little horns and dropping you right into the gorge you so graciously chose as the venue for our little chat?"

"Why, nothing." Dread said breezily. "Except, that is, for your greatest fear."

"You should have done a little more research, my friend." Discord sneered. "If you had, perhaps you would have learned that I'm not afraid of anything."

"Everycreature fears something." Dread retorted matter-of-factly.

"Not this creature." Discord said stubbornly. "Now, since I've gotten bored with all this talk and exposition, I think it's time we end this little altercation..."

"Be careful what you wish for, oh fearless one..." Dread smirked.

The Kobold held up his medallion, which glowed brightly. From out of the etched vortex, a burst of dark smoke emerged, enveloping Discord.

"Yuck!" Discord coughed, trying to wave away the dark vapor. "Don't you know this is a no-smoking area?"

When the smoke dissipated, Discord saw that Dread had seemingly vanished.

"Running away with your stubby tail between your legs, huh?" Discord sneered. "Big surprise there. But you won't get far..."

As he glanced around, trying to discern the direction Dread had fled in, Twilight and her friends suddenly appeared before him... including Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy, you're okay!" Discord grinned. "Looks like that little piggy's not as good at his fear games as he thinks."

Discord moved in to hug his first friend.

"Don't come any closer." Fluttershy demanded. Her voice was cold, and her face was devoid of her signature kindness.

"Wh-what's wrong?" Discord asked, put off by the sudden show of hostility.

"You're what's wrong, pal." Rainbow declared.

"That's why we're here." Applejack added.

The Mane Six moved in closer, all wearing the same expression of cold fury.

"Is this some kind of joke?" Discord frowned. "Because it isn't very funny. I'm surprised you'd be a part of this, Pinkie!"

"Never thought I'd say this, but this is no time for jokes." Pinkie retorted.

"Then what time is it?" Discord asked, starting to lose his patience.

"Time to reconsider our little 'arrangement'." Rarity declared.

"As in, lettin' yah outta the stone." Applejack said bluntly.

"Wh-what?" Discord gaped, unable to believe his ears.

"I'm sorry, Discord." Twilight spoke up, her face utterly unapologetic. "I'm sure you gave it your best shot, but letting you roam free just isn't working anymore."

"What do you mean, it isn't working?" Discord defended himself. "Haven't I helped you out time and again?"

"And caused plenty of trouble in between." Rainbow pointed out.

"It all adds up in the end." Twilight said bluntly. "And the numbers are far too lopsided to ignore."

"What are you saying?" Discord frowned.

"She's saying it's statue time again." Fluttershy smiled wickedly.

"An' not before time, either." Applejack smirked.

"Wait... wait!" Discord yelped, horrified by the very mention of his former method of imprisonment. "Aren't you all being a little hasty?"

"On the contrary, I'd say this decision was long overdue." Rarity chuckled darkly.

"Sorry, but our minds are already made up." Twilight declared coldly.

"So stop tryin' tah weasel yer way outta this an' accept yer fate with a little dignity." Applejack said scornfully.

The Mane Six moved in closer, all wearing identical twisted grins as their bodies began to glow.

"Stay back!" Discord readied his claw. "You know what I can do if you push me! I don't want to have to hurt-!"

Before he could snap his claw, a blast of magic from Twilight's horn turned it to stone.

"Ahh!" Discord yelped, holding his petrified appendage in his remaining claw. "Please don't do this! We're friends!"

"Better luck next time, Discord." Twilight said flatly. "If there even is a next time..."

The six rose up into the air, surrounded by a multicolored aura.

"No, please!" He pleaded. "Whatever this is about, I can fix it! I can make it right!"

"Too late." Twilight said bitterly.

The aura expanded, enveloping Discord completely. Within the light, the Draconequus' body started petrifying from the feet up.

"No, no!" He screamed, terrified, as the stone effect spread. "Not again! Not for another millennia! Please, just give me another chance! I'll be good!" The petrification reached his neck. "Nooo!"

Dread smirked as he looked upon Discord, his entirely non-stone body sprawled across the ground, surrounded by dark smoke. He had succumbed to his fear completely, trapped in the same situation Fluttershy was currently condemned to.

"No, please..." Discord begged, his eyes glazed over. "Don't do this! We're friends, remember?!"

"Looks like you're afraid of something after all." Dread smirked. "Too bad for you..." He mockingly echoed Discord's earlier words.

Dread's medallion glowed once more, and some of the black smoke surrounding Discord flowed into it. Dread's eyes glowed red as he chuckled darkly.

"There's nothing quite like the taste of a deep-seated fear." The villain gloated, savoring the emotion like a seasoned gourmet savored their food. His 'meal' complete, he glanced down at Discord, who was still writhing in the agony of his worst fear. "As much as I'd like to observe this further, I have to go deal with the second-biggest single threat to my plans..."

The cruel Kobold looked into the distance, where the city of Canterlot could be seen.

"I'm coming for you, your highness." He grinned wickedly. "Can't wait to find out what Princess Twilight Sparkle's greatest fear is..."

The self-proclaimed master of terror departed from the gorge, leaving Discord to his fear. And he was all too eager to bring such fear to all who dwelt in Equestria...

Fear Itself (Part Two)

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Dread marched upon Canterlot Castle, no longer hiding his presence under a cloak. Anypony unlucky enough to cross his path through Canterlot were sprawled on the ground, trapped in their worst nightmares. They had been satisfying appetizers for him, but the feast was just ahead.

As he approached the castle, he found it protected by multiple guards.

"Halt!" Flash Magnus ordered.

"Hello there." Dread said pleasantly. "I'm Dread. Is your Princess home? I need to talk to her about transferring the reins of power to your soon-to-be new ruler: me."

"That's not going to happen." Flash Magnus retorted. "And since you've identified yourself as a hostile, you have exactly five seconds to surrender, or be detained."

"Well, that's one possible outcome of this situation." Dread smirked. "But I have another one in mind..."

Twilight and Spike arrived outside Fluttershy's cottage, finding Starlight, Rarity and Pinkie standing vigil over Fluttershy's fear-stricken form.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Twilight apologized. "I had to talk with the guards and have them put up a defensive perimeter around Canterlot."

"Better late than never." Starlight said fairly.

"Where are the others?" Spike asked.

"They went after Discord." Pinkie explained. "Whatever meanie did this to Fluttershy wanted a li'l face-to-face, and Discord decided to RSVP. ...Can't really blame him, can ya?"

"How long ago was this?" Twilight asked.

"Almost half an hour, darling." Rarity answered. "Knowing Discord, his not coming back here to boast about his easy victory can't be a good sign..."

"If whoever we're dealing with has the power to neutralize Discord, then this new adversary may be more of a threat than I imagined..." Twilight frowned.

"Heads up!" Rainbow Dash's voice called out.

The others looked up to see Rainbow carrying Discord's prone body (with some difficulty). Applejack was racing along after her on the ground below.

"Geez... Who'd've thought a Draconequus would be so heavy..." Rainbow groaned as she lowered Discord to the ground as gently as she could.

"We found 'im lyin' on the ground." Applejack told the others. "Guess the new baddy in town managed tah get the better of him..."

"And did to him what he did to Fluttershy, I see." Rarity frowned.

"So now we've got two of commission." Rainbow shook her head.

"But Twilight's here!" Pinkie pointed out. "She'll figure out what to do, just like always!"

"Thanks for the vote of confidence, Pinkie." Twilight nodded. "But it's hardly ever been easy." She lit up her horn as she continued her examination of Fluttershy. "This may be some kind of mental attack rather than forced unconsciousness." She gently opened one of Fluttershy's eyes, then just as gently placed a hoof on her chest. "The dilated pupils and increased heart rate suggest that whatever is happening, poor Fluttershy is scared out of her mind."

"So it could be fear-based." Starlight mused. "Like with King Sombra?"

"Or the Tantabus?" Applejack suggested.

"Possibly." Twilight nodded. "But on a different level than we've seen before. Of course, that's just a working theory..."

"But it's the best theory we've got." Rarity nodded.

"So where do we go from here?" Rainbow asked.

"In my research, I read about a spell that allows for entry into another pony's mind." Twilight announced. "Starlight, you and I will enter the minds of our friends, and we'll help them with whatever they've been made to see. If we can convince them that it isn't real, it should break the spell."

"I'm right with you, Twilight." Starlight nodded.

"What should we do?" Pinkie asked.

Almost in answer to her question, a distant explosion ran through the air.

"That sounded like it came from Canterlot." Rarity frowned. "Our new foe must be there..."

"Guess that 'defensive perimeter' of yours is getting put to the test." Rainbow declared.

"Okay." Twilight took a deep, calming breath. "The four of you head over to Canterlot, see what you can do to help. Starlight and I will join you just as soon as we help Fluttershy and Discord."

"You got it, Twi." Applejack nodded.

"You can count on us." Pinkie grinned.

"And be careful." Twilight urged. "If this new villain can do this to Discord, then they shouldn't be underestimated."

"We'll do our best to stay on our hooves." Rarity nodded.

"At least until the cavalry shows up." Rainbow smiled. "Then we'll take this clown down together. Let's go, team!"

As their four friends raced off to Canterlot, Twilight and Starlight approached Fluttershy and Discord.

"Okay, this could be tricky." Twilight acknowledged.

"Or maybe not." Starlight said optimistically. "Princess Luna used to go into ponies' dreams all the time, and help them with their nightmares. This is... kind of the same thing, right?"

"Let's hope so..." Twilight ruefully, lighting up her horn. "Now, follow my lead."

Starlight's own horn lit up.

"I'll focus on Discord, you try and help Fluttershy." Twilight instructed.

"Good luck, Twi." Starlight said determinedly.

"You too." Twilight managed a smile.

Twilight and Starlight, following the spell instructions Twilight had read, placed their horns against their friends' foreheads, and concentrated.

'Here goes nothing...' Starlight thought. 'I'm coming, Fluttershy...'

There was a flash of light, and Starlight found herself in what looked like Fluttershy's animal sanctuary. But there was something different about it; the area was downcast, dark and somehow lacking in character.

"This can't be good..." She shook her head. "Fluttershy?" She called out. "Fluttershy!"

A scream suddenly cut through the air.

"Fluttershy!" Starlight raced in the direction of the scream.

The unicorn soon came upon a sight she never would have imagined; her animal-loving friend was surrounded by all sorts of animals, but instead of looking upon her with love and devotion, as so many did, they were all snarling and hissing and roaring.

"No, please!" Fluttershy trembled. "I'm your friend! I just want to help you!"

A Manticore, looking more savage and monstrous than any Starlight had seen before, roared in Fluttershy's face.

"I'm not your enemy!" Fluttershy pleaded. "Please don't do this!"

A rabbit Starlight recognized as Angel, his usually-cute little face contorted into a feral snarl, leapt atop an elephant's head. Waving a carrot like a spear, he squeaked a call to attack.

"Not you too, Angel!" Fluttershy wept. "You know me! You know I'm your friend!"

Angel and the other animals ignored Fluttershy's pleas, advancing on her.

"NO!" Starlight teleported in front of Fluttershy and conjured up a shield dome.

"Starlight?" Fluttershy gasped. "Starlight!" She hugged her friend. "It's so good to see a friendly face!"

"It's good to see you too." Starlight smiled.

"I don't know what's going on." Fluttershy bowed her head in despair. "All my animal friends seem to hate me now, and I don't know why!"

"Fluttershy, listen to me." Starlight cupped her friend's face between her hooves and looked her in the eye. "This isn't real. None of it is. You've been placed under some kind of spell."

"A... spell?" Fluttershy repeated.

The animals started striking the shield dome, intent on breaking through and attacking the object of their hatred.

"Yes, a spell." Starlight nodded. "Some new villain attacked you, and put you into this illusion."

"This... this isn't just an illusion." Fluttershy said fretfully. "It's what I've always been afraid of most; that all my animal friends won't want to be my friends anymore."

"This is your worst nightmare?" Starlight asked. "Maybe we should have called in Princess Luna after all..."

"If animals won't accept my help anymore, then what am I?" Fluttershy trembled. "Helping them is my life. To see them all hating me... I can't stand it!" She dropped to the ground, burying her head in her hooves.

"I know how you feel." Starlight comforted her. "I've had nightmares of my own about nopony wanting to be my friend. But you can't let those fears define you. As awful as this is, you have to know that it will never happen in the real world. Because you are Fluttershy, the pony who can make any animal into a friend. I've seen you tame angry Chimeras and treat wounded Orthoruses."

"I... I do what I can..." Fluttershy said modestly. "Because I love animals... I love helping them..."

A Cragadile slammed into the shield. Starlight grit her teeth as she struggled to maintain the barrier's integrity.

"You can fight this, Fluttershy!" She told her friend. "You're one of the strongest ponies I know! If you can put aside the fear, we can both get out of here!"

Fluttershy looked at Starlight. Despite the continued onslaught from the enraged animals, she was still giving it her all.

"I can do this..." She told herself, inspired by her friend's dedication. "I can do this..."

Standing up, Fluttershy strode over to the edge of the barrier, which was starting to crack under the continued assault.

"Now see here!" She yelled. "You are not real! You can hate me all you like, but I won't let it get to me! Not anymore! Now leave us alone!"

The horde of angry animals dissipated into dark smoke.

"You did it, Fluttershy!" Starlight lowered the barrier. "I knew you could!"

"Thanks for believing in me, Starlight." Fluttershy smiled.

"Anytime." Starlight smiled.

At the same time, Twilight entered Discord's own mindscape, finding herself in the open field of the fear hallucination Dread had placed him in.

"Well, this is... Less chaotic than I imagined..." She remarked.

A flash of multicolored light caught Twilight's attention, and she flew across the illusionary landscape toward. There she came across the most surreal sight of seeing herself leading her friends in attacking Discord. Engulfed in their rainbow-colored magic, the Draconequus slowly turned to stone. Then, the effect reversed itself, and after a moment's pause, the petrification began all over again... And again, and again.

Twilight couldn't help but grimace at the sight of her chaotic friend caught in this endless loop of horror.

"That's enough of that." She declared firmly.

Waiting a moment for the petrification to fully reverse, she used her magic to teleport Discord out of the rainbow blast, and bring him to her side.

"HUHHHH!!" Discord wheezed, dropping to one claw as he finally caught his breath.

Twilight reached to comfort him. Discord recoiled, afraid that this was some new level of his secret fear.

"It's me, Discord." Twilight assured him. "The real me."

"Twilight?" Discord looked at her like she was some sort of mirage, toying with him, giving him hope.

"I had a theory you and Fluttershy had been placed in some sort of fear-based hallucination." Twilight noted. "But I didn't expect an illusion of this magnitude..."

"You're the real Twilight, alright." Discord noted. "Only the genuine article could rattle off this level of technobabble."

"What do you think you're doing?" The illusionary Twilight demanded, as she and the others hovered over, still encased in the orb of magic. "He must be punished!"

"Not if I have anything to say about it!" Twilight realeased a wave of magic from her horn that pushed the dark doppelgangers of her and her friends into the distance. She then turned to Discord. "That won't keep them away for long. We need to break this illusion, fast."

"Easier said than done." Discord sighed.

"Whoever did this was being really cruel." Twilight frowned. "Coming up with this awful scenario-"

"I'm afraid I must correct you there." Discord interrupted. "Our new foe didn't come up with this. Not to brag, but it was dredged up from yours truly's mind. So deeply buried in my subconscious, even I didn't know it existed."

"That's what you're afraid of?" Twilight asked. "That we'll trap you in stone again?"

"Apparantly, yes." Discord nodded. "And considering all the trouble I cause - especially a few months back - I'm surprised you haven't thought about it."

"Discord, I-" Twilight began.

The illusionary Mane Six returned, once again intent on petrifying Discord.

"You cannot escape!" The other Twilight snarled.

Just as Starlight had done in Fluttershy's illusion, Twilight produced a shield around herself and Discord, shielding them both from the doppelgangers' magic blast.

"Their magic is nothing like the real magic of friendship." Twilight remarked, tensing herself against the attack.

"You can't keep us out forever!" The dark Rarity roared.

"We'll break through!" The dark Applejack added.

"And make that monster pay for everything he's done!" Dark Pinkie snarled, his expression completely unlike the true Pinkie.

"Do you really believe we could be capable of that kind of hate?" Twilight asked Discord.

"Some part of me, at least." Discord shrugged. "Don't act so outraged. Even I didn't know I thought like this!"

"It's hard not to feel a little insulted..." Twilight admitted. "But not for the hate. It's more the fact that your subconscious actually thinks we would actually do this to you."

"I guess, deep down, I've always worried that you and the others and the others would one day decide I'm just not worth the trouble to keep around." Discord confessed. "And that turning me into a lawn ornament again would be the best way to keep me out of butting into anycreature else's business..."

Twilight looked at Discord, seeing the anguish on his face. Seeing him in such a state, she couldn't help but speak from the heart."

"I promise you, that will never come to pass." She assured him. "You may not be perfect. You may make mistakes, cause trouble... and be really annoying... But you've proven that we can count on you when it really matters. As long as you keep on being the person you are, right here and now, we will never have to turn you to stone ever again."

"...You really mean that, don't you?" Discord smiled weakly.

"Princess of Friendship, remember?" Twilight chuckled.

As Discord chuckled with her, the illusionary Mane Six faded away. In the real world, Discord awoke to see Twilight standing over him, smiling.

"Welcome back." She beamed.

"Good to be back." Discord nodded as he raised himself up to his full height. "...But what about Fluttershy?"

"Just look behind you." Starlight's voice replied.

Rather than simply turn around, Discord spun his entire head around, and saw a recovered Fluttershy standing by a smiling Starlight.

"Fluttershy!" He hugged his first friend. "I'm so glad you're okay. When I saw you lying there, I thought... I thought..."

"I'm okay." Fluttershy returned the hug. "I'm okay."

"Not to break up this touching reunion, but we could do with some catching up." Starlight declared. "Just who was it that attacked you?"

"A no-good Kobold by the name of Dread." Discord replied, releasing Fluttershy at the same time as his expression darkened.

"A Kobold?" Twilight frowned. "He's definitely a long way from home..."

"And out to make Equestria his new home away from home." Discord nodded. "If you replace the word 'home' with 'conquest'..."

"What's a Kobold?" Spike asked, confused.

"Imagine a really big pig standing on two legs, with a whole bucket of ugly thrown over it." Discord said flippantly. "That's this Dread guy in a nutshell. Not what you'd call a 'looker'. Not like me..."

"And how exactly did he manage to make you and Fluttershy prisoners of your own worst fears?" Twilight asked.

"He has fear magic." Discord answered. "Old hat, I know, but he really knows how to use it. He can dig deep, find the fear we aren't even aware of. Then he feeds on that fear, and makes himself even more powerful."

"And he's in Canterlot." Spike noted with horror. "An entire city full of ponies whose fear he can feed on..."

"So he could be even more dangerous by now." Twilight frowned.

"And the others will have probably caught him with him by now." Starlight added, fear in her voice.

"Then we've got to get over there and help them." Twilight said firmly.

"Just a head's up, before you go: this Dread clown is sporting this year's line of anti-magic armor." Discord told them, taking on the appearance of a fashion critic. "Functional, but hideous. A direct magic assault won't work. Believe me, I know from experience."

"Well, that's good to know." Twilight smiled. "Thanks for the info, Discord."

"You know me, I'm always happy to help." Discord grinned. "Remember to give that fearmongering creep a blast from me."

"Will do." Twilight nodded.

"And on that note, back into the fray we go." Spike smiled.

Twilight, Starlight and Spike teleported away, leaving Discord to hope for the best.

"Good luck, folks." He said said quietly.

Moments ago...

Dread marched into the castle grounds, leaving the fear-stricken bodies of the guards behind him.

"Ah, the fear of the courageous." He smiled, one hand on his medallion. "So rich, so filling..." He looked ahead, to the castle. "But I've still got room for dessert..."

"Not so fast!"

A rainbow streak suddenly flew past him, creating a gust of wind that buffeted the villain. Once he steadied himself, he saw Rainbow Dash standing before him. Seconds later, Applejack, Pinkie and Rarity raced into the courtyard, surrounding Dread.

"This castle ain't exactly open to the public, pardner." Applejack declared.

"And I don't think you have an invitation." Pinkie added.

"In other words,this is as far as you go." Rarity said fiercely.

"Is that so?" Dread sneered.

"Oh, it's so, alright." Rainbow glared. "You attacked our friend, remember? You had to know a beatdown was coming."

"You fools can't fight me." Dread scoffed. "Do you want to know why? Because every living creature in this world feels fear. That fear is what fuels me. You can't get rid of me any more than you can rid this whole sorry land of fear!"

"We'll see about that, mister." Applejack scowled.

"Oh, we will." Dread snickered. "You'll see the truth of your folly soon enough, Applejack."

"Guess Ah shouldn't be surprised you know who Ah am." Applejack frowned. "You knew all about Fluttershy..."

"I know who all of you are." Dread smirked. "I've done my homework. Learned all I could about Equestria's great defenders, the wielders of the so-called Elements of Harmony... Including the fact that your precious 'magic of friendship' can't be called upon unless all six of you are together. And I count only four..."

"Four's more than enough to deal with the like of you!" Rarity retorted.

"Even a small party can be great!" Pinkie added.

"Well, by all means, please give it your best shot." Dread goaded them. "I could use some fresh victims."

"You asked for it!" Rainbow yelled, dive-bombing the villain.

Dead, showing surprising agility for his armored bulk, leapt sideways, dodging Rainbow's attack.

"Whoa." Applejack gaped. "For such a big critter, he jumps like a hyperactive cricket!"

"Classic Rainbow Dash, always the first to leap into the action." Dread smirked. "So predictable..."

"Predict this!" Rainbow charged.

Instead of trying to sidestep the attack, Dread activated his medallion. Rainbow was moving too fast to dodge the dark smoke, and was quickly engulfed by it.

"Hurrk!!" She gagged, collapsing to the ground.

"Let's see if you can can outrun your own worst fear." Dread smirked.

In her mindscape, Rainbow found herself flying through the open skies.

"Wait, how'd I-?” She frowned.

Before she could finish her question, she heard a shredding noise. To her horror, the feathers were falling off her wings.

"No!" She screamed, as she fell downwards. "Noooo!"

In the real world, the others were aghast at what had happened to their friend.

"Yer gonna pay fer that!" Applejack snarled, readying her lasso.

"Let's see how you like a party cannon to the face!" Pinkie growled.

"Consider your buffet over!" Rarity declared.

"Bring it on!" Dread smirked.

Applejack flung the loop of her lasso at Dread, who evaded it with a cartwheel. He ducked under Pinkie's party cannon blast, and deflected a crane kick from Rarity.

"A valiant effort." He admitted. "But amateur hour is over!"

Dark smoke streamed out of his medallion in all directions, hitting his opponents before they could react in time. Simultaneously, they succumbed to its effects; Applejack saw the entirety of Sweet Apple Acres turn into lifeless, Rarity witnessed her fashions rejected by everypony, and Pinkie found herself completely alone. In the waking world, Dread drew more power from their fear.

"Just the pick-me-up I needed." He declared. "Now, onto the main event..."

Dread marched into the castle, leaving his victims behind. Seconds later, Twilight, Fluttershy, Starlight and Spike arrived.

"Oh, no..." Fluttershy frowned.

"We arrived too late!" Twilight gasped.

"Rarity..." Spike gasped.

A scream emanated from within the castle.

"Dread, I presume." Starlight frowned.

"We need to snap the others out of it!" Fluttershy yelled.

"Call me a pessimist, but we may not have the time for you two to free everypony." Spike declared.

"Maybe we do." Twilight surmised.

"What are you thinking, Twilight?" Starlight asked.

"If you could give me a boost, I might be able to connect to all of their minds at once, and break out of their terror all at once." Twilight declared.

"Okay, let's do it." Starlight nodded.

Their horns both lit up, Starlight funneling some of her own magic into Twilight, who projected beams of magic into all four of their friends at once.

"Everypony, listen to the sound of my voice." Twilight declared, her voice echoing. "What you're seeing isn't real. But I am. Don't forget what we've learned time and again; that our friendship is stronger than anything. That we can overcome any challenge as long as we stand together, and believe in each other."

Rainbow found magical wings replacing her ruined ones. Applejack saw Sweet Apple Acres restored. Rarity saw new customers arriving. And Pinkie found herself surrounded by ponies.

"I believe in you all." Twilight smiled.

As one, the four woke up.

"Hey, girls." Twilight smiled.

"What a messed-up dream..." Rainbow groaned.

"You can say that again..." Rarity shook her head.

"Fluttershy, you're back!" Pinkie smiled.

"And so are you." Fluttershy beamed.

"Is everypony ready to save Equestria?" Twilight asked.

"An' give Dread what for? You betcha." Applejack nodded.

"Then what are we waiting for!" Rainbow whooped. "Let's do this!"

The heroes of Equestria raced into the palace.

Meanwhile, Dread entered the throne room.

"Not a bad place." He admitted. "Little cheery for my tastes, but I can live with it. But it's missing something... Namely, a certain Princess. ...Where are you, your highness?"

"You want me, Dread? Here I am." Twilight announced, as she and the others raced into the room. "And I brought my friends."

"Surprised to see us up an' about again?" Applejack glared.

"Annoyed is more likely." Dread said coldly. "But no matter. I can still dispose of you quite easily."

"Yeah, right." Rainbow jeered. "If you could take us all, you wouldn't have attacked Fluttershy first."

"Time to face the music." Rarity declared.

"Oh, I don't think so. You see, now that I've gathered enough power, I can really show off." Dread snarled. "I can do a lot more than just bring your fears bubbling to the surface of your minds. With all the fear I've collected today, I can bring any fear I've encountered into the real world. And boy, do you ponies have some doozies..."

Dread touched the amulet around his neck. The vortex pattern glowed brightly, and the dark smoke began pouring out of it, like water from opened floodgates.

"Be ready for anything, everypony!" Twilight threw up a shield around herself and her friends.

The Mane Six prepared for the dark smoke to try and break through Twilight's shield, but it didn't. Instead, it swirled into itself, forming into multiple shapes.

"This don't look good..." Applejack frowned.

The smoke began to dissipate, leaving behind some very unexpected, and unwelcome, figures. They were Chrysalis, Cozy Glow and Tirek (in the powered up states they'd gained from Grogar's Bewitching Bell), King Sombra, the Pony of Shadows, and the Storm King (wielding a replica of the Staff of Sacanas). They were all lacking their normal colors, being greyscale, with glowing white eyes.

"Oh, horseapples..." Rainbow gaped.

"Suddenly, things seem a lot less positive...." Pinkie cringed.

"That would be an understatement, darling." Rarity trembled.

"We could barely take these varmints down separately." Applejack shook her head. "How are we gonna take 'em all at once?"

"I don't know, Applejack." Twilight admitted. "But we're going to try..."

"Starting to feel the fear yet?" Dread sneered. "Because you will!"

Dread's wicked cackling filled the air, as the copies of their old foes advanced upon them.

Fear Itself (Part Three)

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The defenders of Equestria stared in horror at the replicas of some of their worst enemies.

"Well, well." Dread smirked, relishing the moment. "You ponies certainly have quite the rogues' gallery, don't you?" He took an appraising look at his work. "I don't blame you for fearing the bug queen here..." He glanced at the Chrysalis replica. "But this?" He noted the faux Cozy Glow. "I don't think I want to know the story of how this is considered scary... And is that a monkey?" He scoffed at the Storm King copy. "Oh, well... Attack!"

The grey scale facsimiles mindlessly charged at the Mane Six.

"Everypony scatter!" Twilight instructed. "We'll stand a better chance if we get them to spread out!"

"You got it, Twi!" Applejack nodded, as she dived out of the way of a swing from the simulated Storm King's staff.

"I actually used to dream about beating up evil Changelings!" Rainbow smirked as she flew in circles around the Chrysalis copy, drawing its ire. "Catch me if ya can, Queen ripoff!" She jeered as she took to the sky.

The duplicate Chrysalis took off after her.

"I think I had an actual nightmare like this once!" Fluttershy admitted, as she evaded a shadowed blast from the Cozy Glow double.

The faux Sombra fired blasts of its own at Pinkie.

"Whoa!" Pinkie squeaked as she narrowly dodged. "I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure this isn't proper royal etiquette, Kingy!"

Snarling, the copy increased the barrage. The energetic mare bounced around like a hyperactive pinball, making a target that was near impossible to get a bead on.

"Come and get me, your highness!" Pinkie giggled as she pronked away.

The Sombra copy silently pursued its target.

The Tirek replica charged at Twilight. She teleported out of the way, and it crashed through the castle wall, landing in the courtyard.

"Not again..." Twilight groaned. "The royal builders fixed this place only a few months ago!"

Twilight flew down to the Tirek replica, firing magic at it.

Back in the castle, Rarity was confronted by the nightmare version of the Pony of Shadows.

"Honestly, darlings?" She sighed haughtily. "Of all the villain replicas here, I have to face off against the most drab one of them all?"

The faux Pony of Shadows lashed out with tendrils of shadow. Rarity put up a diamond-shaped shield just in time, and the tendril splattered against it.

"And definitely a contender for 'most disgusting'." Rarity cringed.

The replica lashed out again. Rarity leapt aside, and raced down the stairs, leading her foe to a more open battlefield: the castle ballroom.

"First time I've ever been glad not to be wearing a dress here..." She muttered.

Twilight flew around the Tirek copy, evading its blasts.

"Well, he's definitely as relentless as the real Tirek..." She noted.

The Tirek double fired again, landing a glancing hit on Twilight.

"Argh!" Twilight yelped, barely able to stay aloft. As she steadied herself, the astute Alicorn realized something. "Wait..."

The Tirek born of terror fired again. Twilight held her ground (so to speak) and threw up her forcefield. As the blast glanced off the barrier, Twilight noted that it didn't carry nearly as much as force as an attack from the real Tirek when he was that size. Her horn lit up, and she utilized a spell that allowed her to link to the minds of her friends, allowing her to share this revelation with them.

'Can everypony hear me?' She thought as intensely as she could.

"Twilight?" Fluttershy frowned, trying to evade the copy Cozy's magic blasts.

"Ooh, can you read minds now?" Pinkie asked.

'More like send mental messages.' Twilight replied.

"Is this really the best time to be showing off, darling?" Rarity frowned.

'Actually, it is.' Twilight smiled. 'Because I just found out something you'll want to know about these walking encore acts.'

"Well, don't leave us in suspense, sugahcube." Applejack urged, ducking a swing from the simulated Storm King's staff. "Go ahead an' spill the beans!"

'These replicas.... they're not nearly as powerful as the originals!' She called out to her friends.

"Seriously?" Rainbow frowned, slightly disappointed.

"I cannot stand cheap imitations..." Rarity said scornfully.

"They may not be as powerful as the real deals, but they're still more trouble than a mealworm infestation!" Applejack declared as she evaded the false Storm King's attack.

'But If we keep up the tempo, use our heads, we can take them!' Twilight told them. 'Let's go for it, girls!'

"Right!" The other chorused, ready to continue battling their foes with renewed zeal.

The Storm King facsimile fired a bolt of energy from its pseudo Staff of Sacanas. Applejack managed to dodge it, then leapt away from another. As she evaded a third blast, she realized she had been backed up against a wall.

"Whoa, Nelly..." She gulped.

The nightmare creature grinned wickedly as it approached her, the staff pointed straight at her. Her senses heightened by adrenaline, Applejack took note of a stone pillar to her left.

"Think ya got me cornered, huh?" She narrowed her eyes as she slowly moved toward the pillar. "Well, think again, pardner!"

The Storm King copy fired another blast at Applejack. The mare ducked just before it hit, and the beam struck the pillar itself, fracturing it. Without skipping a beat, Applejack rolled over to the pillar's side, and kicked it as hard she could. The force of her infamously powerful legs caused the pillar to topple, right on top of the false Storm King (who only had time to take on an expression of horror). The apparition exploded into dark smoke, leaving no trace behind.

"Did Ah forget tah say 'heads up'?" Applejack smirked. "Silly me..."

Meanwhile, Fluttershy was still being pursued by the counterfeit Cozy. The double wore a smile every bit as twisted as the real Cozy as it fired at Fluttershy.

"This is almost as much of a nightmare as the actual nightmare!" Fluttershy cringed.

One of the false Cozy's blasts struck Fluttershy in the side.

"Ouch!" Fluttershy yelped, as she started losing altitude. "Oh, dear..."

Spotting a nearby tree, Fluttershy just barely managed to direct herself into landing its canopy, breaking her fall. Her respite was only temporary, as the nightmare Cozy fired more blasts, forcing her to duck into the tree branches.

"That was close." She gasped.

Fluttershy was quick to notice that she was not alone; a bluejay had made a nest on one of the branches, and was warming several eggs.

"Oh, pardon me!" Fluttershy apologized. "I didn't mean to intrude..."

A bolt of dark magic ripped through, including the the mother bird and her nest was perched on.

"Oh, no!" Fluttershy yelped.

The bluejay mother squawked in terror as the nest fell, unwilling to leave eggs. Fortunately for her, Fluttershy (utilizing a speed she rarely called upon) managed to swoop down and catch the nest.

"Are you all okay?" She asked, gently lowering the nest to the ground.

The mother bird twittered her gratitude.

"You're quite welcome." Fluttershy smiled.

Another bolt of colorless magic flew past Fluttershy, and her smile immediately faded, replaced by cold fury. She looked up at the copy Cozy as it descended upon her.

"Attacking me is one thing." Fluttershy growled. "But almost harming a defenseless mama bird and her poor eggs? That crosses the line!" She glared at the copy Cozy. "No more ms. nice guy!"

Fluttershy put a hoof in her mouth, and let out a piercing whistle. Almost immediately, animals of all shapes and sizes started arriving, from weasels and mice to the swans who guarded the castle grounds.

"Thank you for answering my call, friends." Fluttershy smiled. "Now, let's show this meanie what happens when you callously endanger animals on Fluttershy's watch!"

As one, the animals answered Fluttershy call to arms; the birds divebombed at the fake Cozy, while the flightless animals climbed any and all high structures they could find, and joined the attack. The shadow was completely overwhelmed, unable to fend off the horde of outraged animals. Now it was the copy's turn to drop out of the sky, dissipating into smoke on impact.

"Nopony messes with animals on Fluttershy's watch." Fluttershy smiled, turning to look at her animal allies. "Good work, friends. Remind me to bring you some treats the next time I'm in the neighborhood!"

The animals squeaked, squawked and chattered as Fluttershy ran back to the castle to rejoin her friends.

Back in the castle, Pinkie was still bouncing around, her random leaps keeping her one step ahead of the synthetic Sombra.

"Whee!" She evaded another blast. "You're sure not the king of aim, are you?"

The shadow Sombra snarled... then smirked.

"That's the spirit!" Pinkie grinned. "Everypony should have fun, I always say-urk!"

The party pony was stopped in her tracks as a crystal growth suddenly formed around her hoof, faceplanting onto the floor.

The Sombra copy advanced on Pinkie, its horn sparking.

"You're just as a big a party-pooper as the real Sombra!" Pinkie pouted.

The living shadow fired, hitting Pinkie with a blast that sent her flying.

"Whoaaa-oof!" Pinkie yelped, hitting the floor hard.

"That's the way you wanna play it, huh, your highness? Well, the Queen of Parties has got a little present for you, Sombra!" Pinkie smirked. "Something to really help this party end with a bang! Can you guess what it is?"

The shadow Sombra fired again, the blast kicking up a big cloud of dust. When the dust cleared, Pinkie was nowhere to be seen. Perplexed, the nightmare looked around... And found itself staring into the barrel of an unusual piece of artillery.

"Party cannon!" Pinkie grinned.

The cannon fired, striking the counterfeit Sombra with a blast of confetti that sent it flying out of a shattered window The figure crashed into a tower, dissipating into smoke.

"Thanks for playing!" Pinkie whooped.

Up above, Rainbow was soaring and weaving through the clouds. The counterfeit Chrysalis was right behind her, firing blasts of dark magic from its horn.

"Is that all ya got?" Rainbow taunted her opponent as she dodged the blasts. "You may just be a cheap copy, but I expect you to at least make me break a sweat!"

Suddenly, Rainbow felt something cold and slimy envelop one of her rear hooves.

"What the-?” She turned and saw a strand of resin stuck to her hoof, and leading right back to the monstrosity's mouth. "Aw, gross!"

Before she could react further, Rainbow was swung around and slammed onto a roof.

"Guuhh!" She grunted in pain. "What was that I was saying about breaking something...?"

The Chrysalis copy tried to drag Rainbow off the roof. Thinking fast, Rainbow managed to use the point of a roof spike to cut herself free, and once again took to the skies.

"Not bad... For a rip-off!" She jeered. "But that trick won't work twice!"

Rainbow flew at top speed, the replica Chrysalis in hot pursuit.

"That's it..." Rainbow grinned, making sure the copy was still following. "Stay right behind me."

The copy fired more magic blasts and spat more resin, but Rainbow evaded her attacks by randomly zig-zagging. With a hiss, the copy picked up speed.

"You're goin' down." Rainbow grinned. "But not before me..."

Rainbow flew downwards, her foe following. They drew closer and closer to the ground. To an outside observer, it seemed as though Rainbow was going to crash. But, seconds before reaching the ground, Rainbow veered off to the side, avoiding the impact. The faux Chrysalis was not so lucky, only having time to hiss in horror before crashing into the ground.

"Ooh!" Rainbow winced. "Been there!"

Taking advantage of her foe's incapacitation, Rainbow gathered as many clouds as she could find, and moulded them together into one big storm cloud.

Down below, the copy Chrysalis struggled out of the crater formed by its crash.

"Up here!" Rainbow called out. "If you thought that crash was a surprise, then this'll really shock ya!"

Rainbow kicked the storm cloud, causing it to discharge a powerful bolt of lightning... Right at the fake Chrysalis.


The bolt of lightning struck the copy dead center. With a bloodcurdling screech, it exploded into black smoke.

"Oh, yeah!" Rainbow cheered. "Don't mess with the Dash!"

Back inside the castle, Rarity was struggling against her shadowy opponent, just barely managing to evade its inky tendrils.

"Where's an industrial-sized mop when you need one?" She cringed, sidestepping web-like strands of shadow.

Unfortunately for Rarity, the replica had anticipated her movement, and caught her in a tendril.

"Release me, you disgusting brute!" Rarity struggled.

The faux Pony of Shadows titled its head mockingly, then threw Rarity across the room. She crashed into a drape, and tumbled to the ground, the fabric landing atop her head. Its cruelty far from other, the nightmare lashed out with more tendrils, tearing into the fabric.

"Ooh!" Rarity yelped. "Have you no respect for taste? These drapes tied the whole room together!"

As the replica beared down on Rarity, she got an idea. Producing another diamond-shaped shield to buy some time, she she detached every drape from the ballroom's many windows. Just as the fiend's attack began to crack the shield, she flung the curtains at it. The copy roared in surprise as the curtains enveloped it.

"It turns out the room isn't the only thing these drapes can tie together!" Rarity smirked, as her foe struggled to escape the right ball of fabric. "And now, for the coup de grace..."

Screwing up her face in concentration, Rarity compressed the trap as much as she could, then flung it across the room. The makeshift trap pinballed across the room, striking every wall in rapid succession succession, until finally, it exploded in a burst of smoke and fabric.

"What a waste of perfectly good fabric..." Rarity sighed as she looked upon the shredded fabric. "But at least your sacrifice wasn't in vain..."

Outside, Twilight was clashing fiercely with the replica Tirek, exchanging blasts of magic.

"Your counterfeit rampage ends here!" She declared.

The Princess of Friendship fired a blast at the false Tirek's face. As the replica stumbled back, Twilight gathered as much magic as she could into her horn. The copy recovered, and fired a retaliatory blast at Twilight. She teleported out of the way, and rematerialized right behind it.

"Surprise!" She yelled, releasing the magic in one big burst.

The blast punched a hole clean through the copy's chest. It had only a second to register a look before its body dissipated into smoke like all the others.

'Everypony, back to the the castle.' She utilized her mental communication spell once more. 'It's time we put Dread in his place.'

Dread snarled angrily, having observed most of his creations' defeats from his vantage point. Nocreature had ever managed to put up so much resistance against him before, and he didn't like it. As the Mane Six regrouped before them, he regarded them with utter hatred.

"Is that the best you've got got?" Rainbow taunted him. "A few cheap knockoffs?"

"A few?" Dread smirked, regaining some of his prior arrogance. "You forget who I am, little pony. All fears are mine to bring to life. I decided to throw some of the big ones at you. Now let's see how you handle a lot of the lesser nightmares your fellow ponies have!"

Dread tapped his medallion, and it glowed once more. This time, the smoke that emerged took on many more forms, that of Timberwolves, Chimarae, Orthroses, Cragadiles, and many more terrifying creatures.

"Quite the menagerie, eh?" Dread snickered. "Sic 'em, kiddies!"

The nightmare creatures charged at the Mane Six. Thinking quickly, Twilight created a dome-shaped shield around them, deflecting the creatures from attacking.

"Now what, fearless leader?" Rainbow asked Twilight.

"We have to get to Dread's medallion." Twilight declared. "If we can destroy it, it should get rid of these nightmare creatures, and bring everypony out of their trances."

"Sounds like a plan tah me." Applejack nodded.

"But how are we going to get to him?" Fluttershy asked.

"Past all these creatures?" Rarity added.

"Anypony got any monster treats on 'em?" Pinkie offered.

"I think I can buy us a little time." Twilight screwed up her face in concentration. "Get ready to move..."

At Twilight's whim, the forcefield suddenly expanded outwards, sending the creatures flying backwards. Some struck solid obstacles and exploded, while others flew further away.

"What th-?” Dread was momentarily surprised, but regained his focus in seconds. "There's more where that came from!" He raised a hand to his medallion.

Before Dread could make contact with the source of his power, he found himself being knocked sideways by a blast from Pinkie's party cannon.

"Attacking me with little pieces of colored paper?" Dread scowled, brushing the confetti away. "Is that the best you've got?"

"No." Pinkie said blithely. "I'm just a distraction!"

"Distraction?" Dread's eyes widened.

At the same time, Twilight and Rarity used their magic to lift chunks of rock out of the ground. Applejack then kicked the rock chunks right at Dread.

"Guhhh!" The villain grunted in pain as the twin impacts proved sufficient to knock him off his feet.

Pinkie wasted no time in leaping over and trying to grab the medallion while Dread was down.

"Nice party favor. Mind if I borrow it?" She reached for it.

Just before she could touch the medallion, Dread grabbed her hoof.

"I do mind, actually!" He growled.

Pinkie was thrown into the air by the muscular Kobold.

"Yipe!" Pinkie squeaked.

"I got you, Pinkie!" Fluttershy flew up to catch her friend. The inertia of Pinkie's flight almost knocked her out of the air, but she managed to hold steady.

"Whoa, what a ride!" Pinkie said dazedly.

As Dread stood up, he noticed that his armor had cracked from the impact of the rock.

"Grrr..." He snarled. "Do you have any idea how much effort it took to get this? I couldn't exactly get it secondhand,you know!"

As he reached for the medallion again, a chartreuse ribbon wrapped around his hand, trapping it.

"I think it looks stunning on you, darling!" Rarity grinned.

Dread tried his other hand,but it was similarly entrapped.

"Rainbow, you're up!" Twilight called.

Rainbow flew over to Dread, and began flying around him in circles, faster and faster. In moments, a rainbow-colored Twister had formed, lifting Dread up into the air.

"More like he's up!" Rainbow joked.

Abruptly, Rainbow ceased her rotational movement. The twister dissipated, and Dread dropped to the ground with a powerful thud, resulting in more damage to his armor.

"Magic-proof? Yeah." Rainbow grinned. "Crash-proof? Not so much..."

"Rrrahh!!" Dread leapt to his feet, tearing apart the ribbons covering his hands. "Now I'm gonna-!”

Before he could touch the medallion, Applejack lassoed him with her trusty rope, pinning his arms to his sides.

"Ah don't think so, pardner!" She said boldly.

At Fluttershy's command, her critter friends from earlier swarmed Dread.

"Oh, come on!" Dread cringed. "Seriously?"

One of the animals, a ferret, chewed through the string keeping the medallion around Dread's neck.

"Good work, Lloyd!" Fluttershy cheered. "Now bring it here!"

Lloyd complied, jumping off Dread and scampering over.

"NO!" Dread roared.

With a burst of strength, Dread broke free of the lasso. He followed up this feat by slamming both his newly freed fists into the ground, creating a tremor that threw everypony (and critter) off their feet. The medallion flew out of Lloyd's paws, clattering across the stone of the castle grounds.

"Did you really think it would be that easy?" He snarled, walking toward the medallion.

"Easy this!" Rainbow swooped downward, seeking to grab the medallion.

Dread grabbed a chunk of loose rock and threw it directly into Rainbow's path.

"Whoa!" Rainbow veered sharply to avoid the projectile, causing her to crash into a nearby tree. "Ugh!"

"I'll take that as a 'yes'." Dread smirked, as he reached for his medallion...

The medallion was suddenly covered in a magical glow, and flew out of Dread's grasp.

"I don't think so." Twilight declared, taking advantage of the fact that the magic-resistant effect of Dread's armor had no effect on the medallion when it wasn't on his person.

"No!" Dread yelled. He made to strike the ground again... Only to be knocked down by the recovered Rainbow.

"Remember me?" Rainbow taunted.

"Nice one, RD!" Pinkie grinned.

"AJ, you're up!" Twilight called, as she set the medallion down on the stone path.

"Time tah put mah hoof down!" Applejack declared.

The apple-loving mare slammed her hoof down on the medallion with all the Earth Pony strength she could muster. The metal disk shattered, unleashing a burst of light and smoke.

"NOOOOO!!" Dread screamed.

The remaining nightmare creatures dissipated, and those who had been forced to live their worst nightmares awoke from their trances.

"Scratch one medallion." Applejack smirked, raising her hoof to reveal the shattered remains of the medallion.

"Now that's puttin' your hoof down!" Rainbow grinned as she rejoined her friends.

"Okay, everypony, time to finish this." Twilight declared.

The Mane Six joined hooves, and began to glow. Together, they lifted up into the air, surrounded by a sphere of multi-colored light. They hovered over Dread, who was far from willing to admit defeat.

"You think you've won?" The self-styled master of fear snarled defiantly. "Not even close. I conquered my homeland in a matter of days. I made its mightiest defenders drop to their knees in terror. All by using the most basic and primal of weapons: fear. Fear cannot be erased. Fear can never be removed from this world." His eyes widened madly. "Fear is the mightiest power of all!"

"You're wrong, Dread." Twilight declared, her eyes glowing with pure white light. "There's a power even stronger than fear. And that power is..."

"Friendship!" The six called out together.

A stream of rainbow-colored light emerged from the glowing orb, descending upon Dread.

"No!" He screamed, as the light engulfed him. "I can't lose! Not after all my planning, all my preparations!" He realized his feet were sinking into the ground. "You can't do this to me! NOOOOOO!"

The rainbow beam increased in brightness, almost blinding the villain. When the light cleared, Dread found himself trapped in a cage, within a vast underground cavern. Up ahead, a giant, three-headed dog stood on guard.

"This can't be happening..." Dread gasped, his months of research having made him him well aware of where he was. "You can't lock me up in here forever!" He rattled uselessly against the bars of his cage. "I'll find a way out of here! Then I'll make you wish you had destroyed me! I'm not done with you all yet, just you wait and see! RAAAARRRGH!" His scream echoed through the walls of Tartarus, barely being acknowledged by his fellow inmates.

Back on the surface, the Mane Six celebrated their victory.

"WOO-HOO!" Pinkie cheered. "Finally, I can plan another 'we just saved Equestria' party!"

"Another win for us." Rainbow grinned. "Looks like we've still got it."

"Darn tootin'." Applejack nodded. "Ain't so much as missed a step..."

"I almost forgot how exciting these adventures of ours can be." Fluttershy admitted, breathing slightly heavier than usual.

"And how tough on the mane they can be, too." Rarity straightened her purple curls. "But it's still worth every disheveled hair."

"It's just like old times." Twilight smiled. "No matter how far apart we are, we can always come together in order to save Equestria."

"So I guess what Twilight is saying is... there was never anything to fear!" Pinkie joked.

The others groaned good-naturedly.

"What?" Pinkie shrugged. "Who doesn't like a good after-battle joke?"

"Right now, the scariest thing in Equestria is that joke, darling." Rarity teased.

"Very funny." Pinkie pouted.

The others laughed lightheartedly. Even Pinkie couldn't help but join in.

In a flash of light, Discord and Starlight appeared.

"We guessed from the familiar burst of rainbow-colored light that you took down the bad guy." Discord announced. "And lo and behold, you did!"

"Like there was ever any doubt." Starlight chuckled.

"Eh, it was a piece a' cake." Rainbow bragged.

"Mmm, cake..." Pinkie grinned.

"Just another day at the office, darlings." Rarity smiled.

"That's one way of putting it..." Fluttershy noted.

"Your highness!" Flash Magnus arrived on the scene. "Is everything okay?"

"Everything's fine, Flash Magnus." Twilight smiled. "Though we're going to have to call the royal builders and have some repair work done..."

"Of course, Princess." Flash Magnus chuckled.

"Still, it's a small price to pay, when the safety of Equestria is assured once again." Twilight declared. "Not to mention the land Dread used to rule over..."

"So we saved two lands at once." Rainbow grinned. "That's a new record!"

"It sure is, sugahcube." Applejack chuckled.

"So we should have a double-sided party!" Pinkie announced. "We're gonna need extra streamers, and cake, and confetti... I'll definitely need to bring extra ammo for the ol' party cannon..."

Twilight chuckled to herself. Even in the face of overwhelming fear, she and her friends had stood strong. It was a shining example of how, together, they could face any new threat that arose. Equestria truly couldn't be in safer hooves.

Training Daze

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The place: Canterlot. The time: one week after Dread's attack. Life had mostly returned to normal. The damage caused to the castle during the showdown with the fearmongering fiend was still in the process of being repaired. Twilight trotted through the castle grounds, joined by a guest: Tempest Shadow.

"Another attack from some deranged conqueror." Tempest noted. "You gotta wonder if Equestria just has some really bad luck..."

"It does look like that sometimes." Twilight admitted. "But Equestria always endures."

"It probably helps that it has some top-notch defenders." Tempest smiled knowingly.

"Well, I've never been one to brag..." Twilight chuckled. "But it doesn't hurt to have a few more defenders. That's why you're here."

Some time before Dread's attack, Twilight's chance encounter with Tempest had inspired her; she had requested that Tempest provide a service for both her and Equestria. Dread's appearance had only driven Twilight to speed up the timetable.

"You really think this job is suited for me?" Tempest asked. "Not that I'm doubting the wisdom of Equestria's new ruler, but..."

"Trust me." Twilight smiled. "Because I trust that you definitely have what it takes to pull this off."

"Hard to argue with such a glowing review..." Tempest smiled.

Twilight led Tempest outside, to the Royal Guards' training grounds. As you would expect, the Guards were hard at work with their practice drills. Chief among them was Flash Sentry, who was carrying out some evasive maneuvers. The Pegasus dived and barrel rolled though the air, finishing up with a perfect three point landing.

"Flash!" Twilight called. "I was hoping you'd be here."

"Princess Twilight." Flash stood up straight. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I have a new assignment for you." Twilight declared. "Well, a new position, really."

"What do you have in mind?" Flash asked, curious.

"After Dread's recent attack on Canterlot, I've decided that the Royal Guard need a little something... Extra." Twilight declared. "I've looked into some records, and I learned that you were top of your class in defensive strategies at the academy."

"Not by a wide margin..." Flash said humbly.

"And since the Guard have been getting an upswing in recruitment lately, Flash Magnus has his hooves full on the training front." Twilight continued. "So I'd appreciate it if you could train some of these new recruits."

"Me?" Flash asked, surprised.

"I don't see why not." Twilight nodded. "You have the experience, and come from a long military lineage... Besides, it's not like you'd be working alone."

"It's not?" Flash tilted his head quizzically.

"Tempest here will be working with you." Twilight smiled.

"She will?" Flash gaped.

Tempest was also surprised. Twilight had requested that she give the Guard some combat pointers, but she never said anything working with a partner.

"Tempest has proven herself to be a cunning and powerful warrior." Twilight declared. "Her experience will make her an invaluable teacher. But as I've learned time and again, it never hurts to have another viewpoint."

"Would've been nice to hear that part sooner..." Tempest muttered.

"I have faith that the two of you will do a great job." Twilight smiled.

"You can count on me, Twilight." Tempest declared.

"And me as well." Flash nodded. "I won't let you down, your highness."

"Wonderful." Twilight nodded. "You can start this afternoon. I'm sure you'll have lots to teach those cadets. I'd love to talk more, but I have an appointment with the city planning council to get to. And first thing tomorrow, I've got to go to a diplomatic meeting at Griffonstone. But I'm sure you'll both do great. Good luck!"

With that, Twilight departed the area, leaving Tempest and Flash to get acquainted.

"So, you're the pony who worked with the Storm King?" Flash noted.

"Yes." Tempest said through gritted teeth. "Is that going to be a problem?"

"If the Princess vouches for you, that's good enough for me." Flash shrugged. "Last I checked, she was a pretty good judge of character."

"She likes to see the best in ponies, that's for sure." Tempest nodded.

"Yeah, she's really great..." Flash smiled. "...I mean, a great friend! And a great leader, too!"

"Uh-huh..." Tempest raised an eyebrow. "So, how are we going to do this? I've never been much of a teacher..."

"How about you follow my lead, and jump in when you feel ready?" Flash suggested.

"Sure, let's do that." Tempest nodded.

"Who knows, maybe you'll learn a little something too." Flash grinned.

"We'll see..." Tempest replied flatly, privately doubting that prospect.

Soon enough, a group of trainees were gathered before the two. Most were standing to attention, some were trying a little too hard to play the part (looking as if they could shatter if they fell over), and of course, a few couldn't help but take note of Tempest's broken horn.

"Okay, new recruits." Flash stepped forward. "I am Guardspony Flash Sentry, and this is Miss Tempest Shadow. We will be your instructors today."

The cadets who had been staring at Tempest's horn sheepishly turned their attention to Flash.

"You all chose to take on the task of defending Equestria." Flash noted. "It's a noble cause, a respectable cause. But it's also a tough and trying life. You need to learn the basics of how to defend yourselves and others from any threats that might rear their ugly heads. And learn you will. Just as I mastered the ways being a Royal Guard, so too will all of you. Now, let's start with some warm-up exercises."

The cadets complied, stretching and trotting in place.

"Nice speech." Tempest told Flash. "Think I can get a little butter with that corn?"

"You may think it was corny, but it's what I believe in." Flash retorted brusquely. "It's what my family have believed in for generations."

"Relax." Tempest scoffed. "It was just a joke."

"Not to me, it's not." Flash scowled. "To me, it's an immutable truth. A fact of life. A fact the new recruits need to embrace."

"If you say so." Tempest said flatly.

After another minute or so of letting the cadets warm up, Flash called for their attention.

"Alright, let's get started." He announced. "We're going to practice some basic defense today. Everypony grab a shield and a practice spear, and split into pairs."

The cadets scrambled to follow Flash's instructions.

"Okay, now one half of each pair raise your shields." Flash continued. "The other half, ready your spears."

The cadets complied.

"Now, those with spears readied, attack your partners." Flash declared. "Those with shields raised, defend yourselves."

The spear-wielding cadets thrust the points of their spears (which comprised of blunt rubber) at their counterparts, who scrambled to block the "attack". Most succeeded, while some others stumbled. One or two spear users missed their mark entirely.

"Again." Flash declared. "Ten more times. Then you'll switch."

The cadets followed suit. With each repetition, the spear jabs became more precise, and the shield holding more solid.

"Good, good." Flash smiled. "Looks like you're getting the hang of this." He counted the tenth repetition. "Now... Switch!"

The cadets swapped moves, and started to develop the move their partner had been using. Flash continued to observe them, while Tempest watched the thing with a detached air.

"I think that'll do for now." Flash declared after another ten repeats. "I saw some pretty good moves out there. Some solid shield strikes, but some even more solid shield blocking. And in my opinion, that's the skill that matters most for a Royal Guard: defense. Standing your ground, and holding steady against enemy assault, that's how a Royal Guard proves their mettle."

"Hold up." Tempest suddenly stepped forward. "Is that really what you think is most important? Hiding behind a slab of metal?"

"As a matter of fact, I do." Flash nodded. "Though I'm getting the feeling you have a conflicting opinion..."

"Oh, I do." Tempest nodded. "Sure, a little defense doesn't hurt, but all that cowering doesn't help defeat your enemy."

"Excuse me? 'Cowering'?" Flash said indignantly, as if Tempest had just insulted his mother.

"That's what it looks like to me." Tempest said bluntly.

"Well, that's where you're wrong." Flash retorted. "There's no shame in keeping your guard up."

"There is when it means passing up perfectly good chances to strike back." Tempest retorted. "You want to defeat an enemy? Then you've got to hit them. Hit 'em hard, hit 'em fast, hit 'em often. That's what these cadets should be learning."

"I beg to differ." Flash shot back.

"And if these cadets do what you tell them, they'll end up begging too." Tempest said wryly.

"Defense is the most important part of battle!" Flash snapped.

"Let's test that theory..." Tempest remarked.

A bolt of magical energy blasted out of Tempest's horn. Flash leapt out of the way to avoid the blast, leaving a scorch mark where he was just standing. The cadets gaped in shock... but none were more shocked than Flash himself.

"Are you nuts?!" Flash screeched, his voice jumping up a few octaves. "You could've fried me!"

"But I didn't." Tempest said coolly. "You dodged my attack. But now what? How are you going to counter this assault?"

Tempest fired another burst from her horn. Flash evaded again, and rolled over to a rack of weapons. Before Tempest could fire again, he grabbed a shield, and blocked the ensuing blast.

"Hah!" Flash smirked. "Check and mate!"

"So now what?" Tempest challenged. "Are you going to just hide behind that thing all day, and hope I give up?"

"More like stand my ground until you use up all your energy." Flash smirked. "A solid defense can outlast almost any assault."

"And if it doesn't?" Tempest pressed, moving in closer. "Or what if your opponent gets in close? How solid will your defense be then?"

"I know what you're getting at." Flash narrowed his eyes. "You think just because I favour defense, I can't throw out a little offense? Think again."

"Prove it." Tempest challenged. "Give me your best shot."

"You asked for it." Flash put aside the shield, then assumed a combat stance. "Try and remember that."

"Oh, I think this'll be memorable, all right..." Tempest smirked.

"...Is this still part of the training?" One of the cadets whispered to another.

Flash threw a punch, which Tempest managed to evade. He followed with a left hook, which she had to step back to avoid.

"Who's on the defensive now?" Flash jeered.

"In your dreams." Tempest retorted.

Flash responded with a haymaker, but Tempest caught it. The Pegasus stallion's eyes widened in surprise, while Tempest's narrowed with triumph. She twisted his hoof back, swept the three others, and flipped him onto his back, knocking the wind out of him. The watching cadets winced at the impact.

"And that is how it's done." Tempest smirked at her audience. "Hope you were paying attention."

Flash clambered back upright, his pride injured more than his body.

"Okay, I'm big enough to admit I lost that one." He admitted. "But being a Royal Guard and being a brawler are two completely different things."

"Whatever soothes your fragile ego." Tempest grinned.

"Okay, cadets." Flash tried to regain control of the situation. "I want you to run the obstacle course, so we can see what we're working with."

"Yes, sir!" The cadets chorused.

As the cadets made their way to the course, Tempest sidled over to Flash.

"No hard feelings, right?" She asked.

"Of course not." Flash said professionally. "You've got some pretty good moves. You could stand to work on your discipline, but still..."

"Discipline? Please." Tempest scoffed. "Who kicked whose flank again?"

"Brute force isn't the answer to everything in life." Flash retorted. "Not for a Royal Guard."

"You want to talk about life?" Tempest frowned. "Sure, let's do that."

"What are you-?" Flash started.

"I've been out there, you know." Tempest pointed out. "I've spent more than half my life in the lands beyond Equestria, surviving any way I could. I had to be tough, decisive, ready to act at a moment's notice. It's what made me the mare I am today."

"Good for you." Flash said sarcastically. "But this isn't a survival camp. It's the Royal Guard. Our duty is to defend Equestria."

"Well, not to be blunt, but you guys haven't exactly been doing the best job lately, have you?" Tempest retorted. "Remember when the Storm King's forces attacked?"

"Kind of hard not to." Flash scowled.

"I might've done the heavy lifting, incapacitating the Princesses, but the Storm Guard took Canterlot all too easily." Tempest recalled. "You guys might as well have not even been here."

"Well, what happened there was-” Flash started.

"And what about when those three troublemakers attacked?" Tempest interrupted. "From what I heard, that psycho filly managed to breach your defenses and break into the throne room all by herself!"

"That's hardly fair." Flash scowled. "She had powerful Alicorn magic at that point."

"Excuses, excuses." Tempest snorted. "And let's take a look at the most recent trouble: that Dread clown. He's another one who didn't have much trouble marching on the castle. You guys may as well have not even been there. It's no wonder Princess Twilight thought the new blood needed to learn how to actually fight."

"Fighting is only one part of it." Flash insisted. "Our job doesn't always involve punching somecreature in the face."

"Then maybe it should." Tempest said snidely. "Maybe if it did, you guys wouldn't have such a lousy track record."

Flash opened his mouth to launch a retort, but was interrupted by the return of the cadets.

"How did we do, sir?" One asked eagerly.

"You, er... Did great!" Flash said, sheepishly realising his argument with Tempest had totally distracted him. "Great hustle, folks! Now, next I want you to-”

"I think the cadets have heard enough from you today." Tempest spoke over him. "Time for me to show them real skills."

"Now hold on a minute-!" Flash started.

"As I recall, you told me 'jump in when you're ready'." Tempest reminded him. "Well, I'm ready now." Her eyes scanned the area, and fell on a set of training dummies. "Okay, rookies, now you're going to learn the important stuff." She walked over to one of the dummies. "Allow me to demonstrate."

Stopping only to take a breath, Tempest unleashed a flurry of blows that left visible cracks and dents on the dummy. Then she launched a kick that sent the dummy's head flying.

Flash's jaw dropped. The cadets let out several impressed noises.



"That was amazing!"

"You see that?" Tempest smirked. "You won't need to bother with so much of that defense stuff if you can take your enemies down with just a few blows."

Flash's jaw went from hanging loosely to locking into a snarl.

"Now, let's see how well you can all do." Tempest stepped aside.

The cadets eagerly stepped forward, taking turns to attack the others. While their techniques varied from moderate to sloppy, they all shared the same enthusiasm.

"That's the spirit." Tempest nodded. "Hit 'em hard, hit 'em fast, hit 'em often."

Flash scowled as Tempest worked the cadets, well aware that Tempest wasn't technically doing anything wrong with her approach. So he stood there, in silent annoyance, until the session came to an end.

"Okay, that's enough for today, I think." He finally spoke. "You all did well for your first day. You definitely earned your dinner."

"Keep up the good work, rookies." Tempest declared. She turned to face Flash, a smug grin on her face. "This went better than I expected. Guess I just have a knack for it."

"That's a matter of opinion, I think." Flash said bluntly.

"Whatever you say, Mr. defense." Tempest smirked. "See ya tomorrow..."

With that, Tempest departed, bound for the inn where she was staying.

"Yeah." Flash seethed. "You'll see what's what tomorrow..."

The next morning, Flash was preparing for the next training session, making sure all the equipment was in place and ready. During his ministrations, he overheard two of the cadets talking.

"Boy, was that instructor awesome!" One cadet declared.

"Totally!" The other agreed. "Just the best!"

Flash allowed a satisfied smile to form on his face.

"Sure, she's a little scary, but cool scary!" The first cadet acknowledged.

"No kidding." The second agreed. "She totally thrashed that dummy!"

Flash's smile sank like a lead weight.

"Unbelievable..." He sighed. He attempted to forget this disappointment by immersing himself in his work.

Soon after, Tempest arrived.

"Morning, Sentry." She said brightly. "Ready for another day's work?"

"I'm ready to train those cadets the right way." Flash retorted.

"Meaning you think I was doing it the wrong way." Tempest growled.

"Out of the two of us,which one actually went through the training?" Flash countered.

"I went through my own kind of training." Tempest shot back. "The kind where there are no blunt spears or defensive drills."

"Well, the training these cadets need requires discipline and restraint, not breaking things and showing off!" Flash retorted.

"And how well did all that 'disciple and restraint' help against Dread?" Tempest countered. "Or any of the threats Equestria's faced?"

"You mean like... You?" Flash landed a cheap shot.

"Don't you even go there!" Tempest snarled.

"Or what, you'll blast me?" Flash jeered.

"Unless you've got a shield to hide behind!" Tempest shot back.

Just then, a gutteral roar filled the air.

"What was that?" Flash frowned.

"Trouble." Tempest noted sagely.

"Sir!" A cadet by the name of Brass Bolt raced over. "A Timberwolf got into the training grounds! What do we do?"

"Help the other cadets get clear." Flash instructed, throwing a disparaging glance at Tempest. "I'll handle this!"

"Not if I handle it first!" Tempest rose to the challenge.

Flash grabbed a shield and rounded a corner, where an elephant-sized Timberwolf was waiting. Catching sight of Flash, the beast approached.

"That's it, come and get it me." Flash smiled, readying the shield.

The Timberwolf pounced, but Flash reacted quickly; taking flight, he swooped out of range of the beast's jaws.

"Too slow, buddy!" He taunted.

The Timberwolf lashed out with its claw. Flash evaded its swipe, intending to wear it down before striking when it was weak. As he dodged a second strike, he saw Tempest arrive on the scene.

"Just in time for the show." He smirked. "Now you'll see how far a little defense will-”

In the midst of his gloating, Flash let his guard down. The Timberwolf's next swipe was dead-on. Flash could only half-raise the shield before its claw hit, and was knocked out of the sky, crashing into a patch of grass by the obstacle course.

"Urgh!" He grunted.

"Looks like amateur hour's over." Tempest said dismissively. "My turn.."

Tempest announced her presence by firing a blast of magic at the Timberwolf's left leg. The leg shattered in the blast, causing the beast to topple.

"Now that's how it's done!" She whooped, throwing a smirk at Flash.

Seconds after saying this, Tempest saw the beast's leg pieces drawing back together.

"Okay, that's an issue..." Tempest frowned.

Its leg restored, the Timberwolf charged again. Tempest leapt out of its way, then fired another blast of magic, taking out some of the creature's midsection. She followed up with several more blasts, but the Timberwolf was able to pull itself back together as fast as she could damage it.

"Is that all you got?" Tempest panted, resorting to bravado to cover up her increasing exhaustion.

The Timberwolf responded with a lunge, aiming to clamp its jaws around her. Tempest managed to leap out of the way, but was unable to avoid a followup strike from its claws, which sent her flying.

"Ah!" She cringed as she hit the ground, not too far from Flash.

"Are you okay?" Flash asked.

"Just a scratch." Tempest winced, keeping up the bravado.

Other Guards had arrived on the scene, but they weren't any more luck with the Timberwolf than Flash or Tempest.

"This isn't good..." Flash muttered.

"No kidding." Tempest rubbed a bruise on her neck. "Neither one of us could stop that thing."

"Maybe not alone..." Flash suddenly realised. "But if we combine our tactics?"

"Combine?" Tempest frowned.

"Yeah." Flash nodded, holding up his shield. "I'll provide the defense, you provide the attack. What do you say?"

"Like we really have any options..." Tempest shook her head. "Okay, let's do it."

The two raced over to the Timberwolf (Flash grabbing another shield along the way), who had just swatted a Pegasus guard out of the air.

"Hey, ugly, remember us?" Flash called.

"Maybe this'll jog your memory!" Tempest added, firing another blast.

The blast hit the Timberwolf on the side of its head, scorching it. With an irate growl, it turned to attack the pair. As it lashed out with a claw, Flash planted his shields against the ground, and braced himself. The force of the beast's attack nearly knocked him down, but he managed to stay upright.

"Your turn!" He told Tempest.

Tempest peeked out from behind the shields, and blasted the Timberwolf's paw. The beast howled in rage and agony. It lunged forward, trying to snatch up one or both shields in the jaw.

"Big mistake." Tempest grinned.

As Flash kept the Timberwolf busy by struggling with it over the shields, Tempest blasted the creature's lower jaw, splintering it. With a strangled snarl, the beast attempted to strike at Tempest with its good paw, but Flash leapt in front of her just in time. The paw's side caught the edge of one shield and cracked.

"Rrroooowl!" The beast howled one more.

"Gotcha." Flash smiled.

Pausing only to briefly nod at Flash, Tempest blasted the weakened paw, which broke apart. With no front appendages at that moment, the wooden wolf pitched forward, it's half-jaw hitting the ground hard.

"Heads up." Tempest took note of several moving pieces of wood. "It's pulling itself back together.

"Not if we can help it." Flash smiled.

The first destroyed paw restored itself, and the Timberwolf attacked again. Flash once again blocked the attack (more easily than before due to the beast being off-balance), and Tempest blasted it again. Now that she didn't have to keep dodging, Tempest was free to attack more repeatedly, outmatching the beast's healing factor.

Before long, the Timberwolf was in far too many pieces to be a threat. But everypony there knew it wouldn't last.

"Quickly!" Flash dropped the shields as he addressed the other Pegasus Guards. "Grab as many pieces as you can and scatter them as far as you can!"

Flash's fellow Guards complied, grabbing as many of the wooden fragments as they could and flying them away from the castle in as many different directions as possible. Once all the Timberwolf's pieces had reassembled, it would be too far from Canterlot for a second round.

"Smart thinking." Tempest complimented Flash.

"I just figured 'if it has to piece itself together, we should give it more ground to cover'." Flash chuckled.

"That was amazing!" One of the cadets cheered.

"You were incredible, sir!" Another told Flash, eyes gleaming in admiration.

"I hope I can be like you someday!" A third smiled.

"All in a day's work, cadets." Flash said humbly. "Speaking of which, training begins in ten minutes, so be ready."

"Yes, sir!" The cadets chorused.

The cadets dashed off, leaving Flash and Tempest by themselves.

"That was some pretty nice work back there." Flash smiled. "You did great, Tempest."

"You too." Tempest grinned back. "I guess there is something to be said for all that defense talk..."

"Well, you clearly knew where to hit that thing for maximum impact." Flash admitted. "So maybe a direct assault has its advantages too."

"Maybe this can work after all." Tempest said tentatively.

"Yeah." Flash agreed. "Maybe we can work together. Maybe even... become friends?"

"...You're not gonna try and hug me, are you?" Tempest asked distastefully.

"...Not just now, I think." Flash chuckled.

"A very wise decision." Tempest smirked. "...You know what? I think Twilight would be proud of us. You know, putting our differences aside and working together."

"Well, we can know for sure when she gets back." Flash nodded. "I'll bet she'd love to hear all about this little adventure."

"No doubt." Tempest chuckled. "But for now, let's get back to work."

"After you, pal." Flash nodded.

The two mismatched trainers made their way back to the practice grounds, eager to go forward with their newfound camaraderie, and share their combined experience with the next generation of Royal Guards.

Profit And Loss

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The School of Friendship students were gathered in the Magic classroom, awaiting an announcement from Headmare Starlight.

"Good morning, students." Starlight smiled. "Today marks the beginning of a special week here at the School of Friendship: charity week!"

The students shared some looks, most of them intrigued by the announcement.

"I'm sure you're all wondering what this means." Starlight noted. "So I think I'll turn things over to our resident expert on Generosity, Professor Rarity."

Starlight stepped aside, allowing Rarity to take the podium.

"Thank you, darling." She smiled. "Now then, dear students, charity is all about raising Bits for worthy causes. So all of you, whether in groups or individuals, shall enact projects where you raise money for these worthy causes."

"What kind of projects, Professor Rarity?" Ocellus inquired.

"They can be anything you like." Rarity declared. "Whatever you think can raise the most Bits for the less fortunate."

"And, er, who are these 'less fortunate', exactly?" Gallus asked.

"I'm glad you asked." Rarity nodded, overlooking the sardonic tone in the Griffon's voice. "We have a list of charitable causes over on the announcement board. Just write your names by the cause you wish to donate your profits to. You have until Friday evening to raise as much as you can."

"Do the ones who raise the most Bits get a prize?" Smolder raised her claw, her inherent dragon competitiveness flaring up.

"They certainly will." Rarity nodded. "They will have their picture taken, and put up on the notice board for all to see for the rest of the year."

"Good enough for me." Smolder shrugged.

"Wonderful." Rarity smiled. "Good luck to all of you. And if you have any questions, feel free to ask your Generosity teacher - i.e. me. Now, off to class, students."

The students began to file out of the room for their morning classes. There was a lot of chatter going on, consisting mostly of students asking others to join them for their projects - and of course, talk of what the projects were actually going to be.

"I know which team I'm going to be on." Silverstream smiled at her friends. "What about you, Chill Char?"

"Like you even have to ask." The young Kirin smiled.

"Yona is ready to make money for less fortunate!" Yona cheered. "Whoever 'less fortunate' is..."

"We'll find out soon enough." Sandbar smiled. "We just gotta pick what we think is the most needy cause."

"Whoever it is, they'll be getting a ton of Bits." Smolder boasted.

"But what are we going to do to raise money, exactly?" Ocellus asked.

"Good question." Chill Char admitted.

"It needs to be something everycreature will like, something they'll line up for..." Sandbar mused.

"Maybe we sell fresh tree root stew?" Yona suggested. "Yona no mean to brag, but Yona know recipe by heart!"

"That's one idea..." Smolder cringed.

"Ooh, I know!" Silverstream smiled. "I've got a whole bunch of seashells in my room. We decorate them, maybe make necklaces and bracelets out of the smaller ones, and sell them at the market!"

"Good thinking." Sandbar smiled. "Everypony loves seashells."

"And I've got some spare gems we could decorate them with." Smolder grinned.

"Yona love arts and crafts!" Yona cheered.

"Looks like we've got a plan." Chill Char nodded. "Now we just have to pick out the lucky recipient. Let's hope it's nowhere near as hard. Right, Gallus?"

"Yeah, sure." Gallus shrugged.

"Is something wrong, Gallus?" Ocellus asked. "You've been pretty quiet since we left the assembly."

"Oh, it's nothing." Gallus shrugged once more.

"Doesn't look like nothing." Sandbar frowned. "What's up, dude? You not up for this?"

"Not exactly." Gallus said awkwardly. "It's just that the word 'charity' isn't really one that shows up in a Griffon's dictionary. The only charitable cause most Griffons raise money for is themselves. So this is all kind of a weird concept for me."

"Cheer up." Smolder encouraged him. "Ever since we came to this school, most of us have had to deal with some concepts we thought were weird. But we got used to 'em pretty quick, didn't we?"

"Yeah, I guess." Gallus muttered.

"So why not give this a shot?" Smolder nudged him.

"Yeah." Silverstream added. "You never know, you might like it!"

Gallus quickly noticed that all of his friends were looking at him eagerly.

"Okay, sure." He suppressed a chuckle. "Consider me onboard."

"Great." Sandbar beamed. "This is gonna be a blast. Trust me."

After classes ended for the day, the seven students made their way to Ponyville marketplace. They had spent most of their lunch period painting and decorating Silverstream's seashells, and, after setting up their own little stall, were ready to get to work. The seashells, standing out in multiple varied color schemes, were lined up in a row.

"Okay, let's get to work." Sandbar smiled, carrying a jar with which they were planning to contain their profits.

"i think I see our first customer now." Ocellus smiled.

Treehugger was making her way through the marketplace, her usual serene smile in place.

"Excuse me, ma'am." Silverstream called out. "Might we interest in one of our specially-decorated seashells?"

Treehugger, ensnared by curiosity, trotted over and took a look at what was on offer.

"Far out." She cooed, gazing at the selection of colored shells on display. She picked up one in particular; a blue shell painted with orange zigzag stripes and topped with a small piece of jasper. "Ooh, this one matches my aura perfectly. How much?"

"Just one Bit, please." Sandbar answered, holding up the jar. "And all proceeds go to Ponyville Hospital's foalcare ward." He added, bringing up the cause they had decided upon.

"Groovy." Treehugger dug a Bit out of her saddlebag and placed it in the jar.

"Pleasure doing business with you." Ocellus nodded.

"How about that?" Chill Char grinned. "We've barely set up shop for a minute, and we already got our first sale."

"Not bad." Gallus smiled, eyeing the single Bit in the jar. "Good call on the seashell idea, Silverstream."

"Yeah, good thinking." Smolder agreed.

"Stop, you're making me blush!" Silverstream gushed.

"Yona think this is good sign." Yona smiled. "This going to be good venture!"

Yona's prediction seemed to be correct; by the end of the day, they had sold over a dozen more seashells.

"Pretty good start, I'd say." Sandbar announced.

"If this keeps up, we could get quite a bit of money raised by the end of the week." Ocellus noted.

"Enough to get our picture on the message board?" Smolder grinned.

"It's a definite possibility." Chill Char nodded.

"Either way, we should feel pretty good about this." Silverstream nodded.

"I guess." Gallus shrugged.

"Griffon guess?" Yona frowned.

"In Griffonstone, it's all about making as many Bits as you can, whenever you can." Gallus noted. "I know Grandpa Gruff wouldn't have been satisfied with today's take."

"Eh, we've still got a whole week ahead of us." Silverstream pointed out.

"And you never know, we might make even more tomorrow." Smolder added.

"But even if we don't, every little Bit helps." Sandbar declared.

"If you say so." Gallus said heartedly.

The next day, the seven returned to the marketplace, and started selling.

"Looks like we've got another good day." Ocellus smiled, as she placed the fourth of their new sales into the jar.

"Guess ponies really do like seashells." Silverstream chuckled.

"If this keeps up, we'll get our picture up for sure." Smolder grinned.

Suddenly, a fanfare rang through the marketplace, followed by the sound of excited ponies.

"What's with all the noise?" Chill Char frowned.

"Maybe Professor Pie holding Yovidaphone recital?" Yona suggested.

"After what happened last time, I kinda doubt it..." Sandbar grimaced.

"I think it's coming from over there." Ocellus pointed to the opposite side of the marketplace, wherea large crowd had formed. "Maybe we should check it out."

"Whoa, what about the stall?" Gallus frowned. "We can't just leave it unattended."

"You guys can go." Chill Char urged. "I'll stay and keep things going."

"Thanks, Chilly!" Silverstream smiled, as she and the others moved to investigate.

The six of them pushed and sidled their way to the front of the crowd. Once there, they saw the source of all the excitement: it was the Flim-Flam Brothers.

"Come one, come all!" Flim called out.

"Prepare yourself for a truly amazing bargain!" Flam added.

"Now you can experience the glitz and glamour of incredible Las Pegasus without ever leaving your quaint little town!" Film continued their spiel.

"Just get yourself one of these limited edition keepsakes!" Flam announced, as he and Flam held up a number of Las Pegasus-themed trinkets.

"Keychains, badges, snowglobes, t-shirts and more!" Film indicated the items decorating their stall.

"There's something for everypony!" Flam grinned.

"Hey, aren't those the guys who ran that Friendship University?" Silverstream asked.

"I think it is." Ocellus nodded.

"Whatever happened to that place, anyway?" Silverstream mused.

"I don't think that's our biggest concern right now." Gallus frowned. "Looks like they've really gotten the crowds attention..."

As Gallus spoke, ponies were eagerly forking over their Bits for the brothers' wares.

"No need to push." Film smirked. "There's plenty for the everypony!"

"And remember, no refunds!" Flam added.

"Salesponies really know how to play to crowd." Yona noted.

"A little too well, if you ask me." Smolder scowled.

"Relax." Sandbar said fairly. "The marketplace is for everypony. No harm in one more stall around here."

"Let's just get back to our own stall." Gallus said sourly.

The six once again squeezed their way past the crowd, intent on returning to their stall, informing Chill Char of the cause of all the commotion, and continuing their attempts to raise money. But it was clear that the majority of the marketgoers we're focusing more on the newest addition to the marketplace.

By the end, Gallus couldn't help but notice that they had less than half the profits they've made the day before. As they made their way back to school, he regularly eyed the jar with distaste.

"Something wrong, Gallus?" Smolder asked.

"Oh, nothing." Gallus said sarcastically. "Just that we the jar looks a little light today."

"Jar made of glass." Yona pointed out. "Always light."

"That's not what I meant." Gallus growled. "I can't be the only one who noticed we didn't make nearly as much today as we did yesterday."

"It happens." Sandbar shrugged. "All businesses have slow days. Just ask Professor Rarity."

"It wasn't a 'slow day so much as we were trounced by the competition." Gallus scoffed.

"Those two aren't our competition." Silverstream retorted. "They just happened to be have the crowds attention."

"Gallus has a point." Smolder butted in. "How can we raise money when those two have all the customers eatin' outta their hooves?"

"We still raised money." Ocellus pointed out. "And we'll raise some more over the rest of the week. It doesn't matter if Flim and Flam are also selling."

"Wanna bet?" Gallus muttered under his breath.

Gallus spent the rest of the evening dwelling on what had transpired, and considering what could be done about it the following day.

After classes ended the next day, the group split up; Sandbar, Silverstream and Ocellus went to get more art supplies to decorate shells to replace the ones they had already sold, while the others kept up the sales.

As it was the day before, Flim and Flam was holding the majority of the crowd's attention.

"Trust us, folks, no home is complete without one of our wondrous treasures!" Flim announced.

"Why, you'll light up the very street with one of our glimmering gold keychains!" Flam added.

"And with one of our Las Pegasus horseshoes, you'll be the luckiest pony in town!" Flim smiled.

"Yona surprised ponies can make so many horseshoes lucky." Yona remarked with awe.

"They can't." Gallus said flatly.

"Wait, you mean they're lying?" Chill Char frowned.

"It's just sales talk." Gallus clarified. "You see it all the time in Griffonstone. They play up what they're selling, make it sound like the greatest thing in the world, then when the customer is all awestruck, they can charge whatever they want for it."

"Whatever it is, it seems to be working for them." Smolder noted the crowd around Flim and Flam's stall.

"...So why don't we make it work for us?" Gallus suddenly smirked.

"Pardon?" Chill Char asked.

"You know, play up the product a little." Gallus smiled. "Make it sound like we're selling the best stuff in the marketplace."

"Yona don't know." Yona said, unsure. "Isn't that lying?"

"Of course it isn't." Gallus assured her. "It's just a little advertising strategy. You know, like those billboards for energy drinks. The ones that say one can'll give ponies enough strength to run around the world."

"Yona like those billboards..." Yona mused.

"I say we go for it." Smolder declared. "We can raise money for the hospital, and put those straw-hatted saps in their place at the same time."

"Exactly." Gallus nodded. He spotted a possible customer nearby. "Time to put our new marketing strategy to the test... Excuse me, ma'am!"

Berry Punch walked over to the stall.

"Me?" She asked.

"Yes, you." Gallus nodded. "You look like a pony who could use a real spring in your step."

"I do?" Berry frowned.

"Yes indeed." Gallus nodded. "And we have just the thing for you right here." He picked up one of the jewel-studded necklaces. "One of our patented sparkle-shell necklaces is guaran-teed to brighten up your day, and put that spring back in your step!"

"Oh." Berry smiled at the product. "It certainly does look very bright."

"And it can be yours, for just one Bit." Gallus added. "What do you say?"

"You've got a deal!" Berry smiled.

"Wonderful." Gallus grinned, giving her necklace and holding out the jar for her Bit.

"Wow." Smolder whistled as Berry departed. "That was some performance."

"That's one way of putting it." Chill Char deadpanned, not fully convinced by what he just saw.

"Yona not know Gallus had it in him!" Yona smiled.

"Thanks." Gallus said smugly. "But I'm just getting started..."

Gallus continued to call in passing ponies, offering them the trinkets that ways that made them irresistable.

"The color really makes your eyes pop!"

"The jewel's will draw in all the mares!"

"It'll bring you good fortune!"

"It'll freshen your breath!"

Before long, the jar was almost half-full.

"Now that's what Yona call big profits!" Yona eyed the jar's contents.

"You're a natural at this, Gallus." Smolder smiled.

"Just doing what I can." Gallus smirked.

"Hey, guys!" Sandbar called, as he and the others arrived.

"Sorry we took so long." Ocellus apologized. "There was a surprisingly long line at the arts and crafts store..."

"Wow!" Silverstream spotted the half-full jar. "You made all this Bits while we were gone?"

"Sure did." Gallus said proudly.

"Thanks to Gallus." Yona declared. "Him know just what to say to get ponies to buy stuff!"

"And what did he say exactly?" Sandbar asked.

"Just whatever made them appealing to ponies." Smolder replied.

"...Like?" Ocellus asked.

"He told one pony one of the necklaces would put a spring in her step, and told another one would freshen his breath." Frost Flare said matter-of-factly.

"But they don't do that." Silverstream frowned in confusion. "We would've known if they did, because we made them."

"Did you lie to ponies to get them to buy our trinkets?" Ocellus asked Gallus.

"Of course not." Smolder scoffed. "He just used a little advertising strategy."

"Sounds more like he was just making up a bunch of stuff." Silverstream scowled.

"Not cool, dude." Sandbar glared.

"I knew something was off about the whole thing!" Chill Char groaned.

"What's the big deal?" Gallus said defensively. "I got Bits, didn't I? And it's all for a good cause, remember?"

"Yeah!" Smolder agreed. "We keep this up, and we're a shoo-in to get on the announcement board!"

"Yona and friends all be best!" Yona added.

"That doesn't matter." Ocellus countered. "Not if we only attained it through deception and trickery. That's not what charity is all about!"

Smolder and Yona's faces fell as they realized the truth in Ocellus' words. Gallus, however, was not so easily swayed.

"I just did what I had to do to get us paying customers." He said angrily. "Besides, Flim and Flam were doing the same thing. I had to do something to level the playing field. You may all have been happy scraping together a few Bits, but I wasn't! Heck, in Griffonstone, I'd be a hero right now!"

"This isn't Griffonstone." Sandbar said coldly. "And what you did is nothing to be proud of."

Gallus looked around. None of others looked like they were going to support him, not even Smolder and Yona.

"...You know what? Fine." He said angrily. "If you don't like my methods, then I'll leave. Good luck getting two Bits to rub together without me."

Gallus stormed off, leaving his friends with hirt and shocked faces.

Soon after, Gallus was sitting on a bench, still fuming.

"Unbelievable." He pouted. "I was just trying to help them raise the money. Isn't that what matters?"

As he continued his pity party, Gallus was aware of approaching voices.

"Another wonderful day of easy profits, eh, brother?" Flim's voice asked.

"Couldn't have put it better myself." Flam's voice replied.

Gallus peered around a corner, and saw the two brothers sitting on a bench, salads and hay smoothies on hoof. Clearly they were taking a lunch break.

"Even after all this time, I can barely believe how easy these Ponyville rubes can be played." Flim gloated. "All we have to do is dangle some cheap trinkets under their nose, spin some nonsense about 'luck' and 'lighting up the streets', and they practically throw their Bits at us!"

"I almost feel sorry for them." Flam grinned. "...Almost!"

The two brothers shared a sly chuckle.

Gallus turned away, disgusted by the pair's callousness. And also well aware how similar his methods were to their's.

"Is that what I sounded like to the others?" He whispered, wracked with guilt. "I gotta make this right!"

Gallus rushed back to the stall, where his friends were reorganising the shells, having only sold one or two since Gallus left.

"Hey..." Gallus made his presence known.

The other gazed at him impassively.

"Hey." Sandbar said flatly.

"...I'm sorry, guys." Gallus sighed. "I got caught up in the old Griffon mindset of 'make as many Bits as possible, no matter what'. I thought we had to make the most Bits, and that nothing else mattered. Ocellus was right. I forgot what this is really all about..."

"Well, it wasn't all your fault." Smolder admitted guiltily. "I probably didn't help, acting like this was a contest between us and those two."

"Yona too." Yona sighed. "Yona forgot that yaks not have to be best at everything."

"It's okay, guys." Sandbar smiled. "We still made plenty of Bits for our cause, and that's what counts."

"Even after we returned the ones we got through your, uh... 'advertising strategy'." Chill Char said awkwardly.

"So let's forget about Flim and Flam, and just be happy with what we can get with the time we have left." Ocellus added.

"Sounds like a plan." Gallus grinned. "And I promise, no more fancy sales talk. We sell the product as is, and for just a Bit a piece again."

At that point, Strawberry Sunrise approached the stall.

"Excuse me, are these the trinkets that are supposed to bring good fortune?" She asked.

"...Sorry, but no." Gallus said earnestly. "They just look pretty."

"Oh..." Strawberry replied, slightly downcast by Gallus' honesty.

"But they're just a Bit each." Smolder declared.

"And all profits go to good cause!" Yona added. "Ponyville Hospital foal ward."

"Hmm..." Strawberry glanced at the shells, necklaces and bracelets. "They do look nice..." Her eyes fell on a red shell patterned with flecks of topaz. "You know what, I'll buy this one. It looks like a big, sparkly strawberry."

"Thank you very much, ma'am." Chill Char smiled as he passed her the shell.

"And I have a friend who'll love this." Strawberry pointed out a necklace made of alternating pink and blue shells. "So here's two Bits."

"Excellent choice, ma'am." Silverstream smiled, as Strawberry's Bits joined the others in the jar.

"Thanks." Strawberry smiled. "I know some ponies who're gonna love this stuff!"

To the seven students' surprise, more and more customers started coming to their stall the following day. It seemed word had spread about the quality of their products more than any of the outlandish promises Gallus had made.

"Well, whattaya know." Gallus smiled, after handing over another necklace. "Guess the straightforward approach really is the best. Who knew?"

The Griffon shared a chuckle with his friends.

Across the street, Flim and Flam watched with distaste as the line for the students' stall grew bigger and bigger, while their own sales had started to diminish.

"What is going on here?" Flim scowled. "How is it that those brats' homemade nick-nacks are selling better than our premium wares?"

"It defies all salespony logic!" Flam gaped.

As the two stared in utter disbelief, the tennis pony Ace passed by. The sight of a potential customer snapped them out of their shock.

"Pardon us, sir!" Flim waved. "Would you care for an official lucky Golden Horseshoe? Only five Bits!"

"No thanks." Ace declined. "I don't believe in luck."

"Then how about a nice keyring?" Flim offered.

"I'm good." Ace replied, starting to get annoyed.

"A snowglobe?" Flam asked.

"No." Ace frowned.

"T-Shirt?" Flim held one up. "One size fits all!"

"Nuh-huh." Ace turned to walk away.

"Hold on, just a second!" Flam learned across the stalls counter, grabbing Ace's hoof. "I'm sure we have something to suit your discerning tastes, valued customer!"

"Get off me!" Ace yelled, his patience at his limit.

Flam had had the misfortune of grabbing Ace's racquet hoof, and was thrown back over the counter and sent teetering onto his back hooves.

"Whoa!" As Flam stumbled backwards, he collided with one of the support beams of their stall.

The beam snapped on impact, and the hastily-built stall collapsed upon itself, burying everything within its confines, including the brothers themselves.

Naturally the collapse drew the attention of everycreature nearby. All eyes were on the pile of broken wood as Flim and Flam emerged from the splintery mess.

"Our stall!" Flim gasped.

"Our merchandise!" Flam yelled.

"...OUR PROFITS!!" They screamed in unison.

The two con artists began desperately scrabbling through the wreckage of their stall and the debris of their shattered merchandise, desperately hoping that the cash register and its precious contents hadn't been too badly damaged.

"Some creatures are just way too obsessed with money for their own good." Gallus smirked.

The rest of the week was fairly uneventful (due in part to Flim and Flam having decided to cut their losses and leave), with the students steadily selling their seashell-based wares.

The following Monday, all the money raised by each venture had been brought in to be counted. Despite Smolder's hopes, she and friends hadn't managed to raise the most money; that honor went to Shimmy Shake and Lighthoof's venture of cheerleading telegrams.

"Oh, well." Smolder sighed, as she and her friends looked at the two mares' photo on the message board. "Can't win 'em all, I guess."

"We still raised plenty of money for the hospital." Sandbar smiled.

"And that's all that really matters." Ocellus smiled.

"Yeah." Silverstream grinned. "That's a real win right there."

"Something we can all be proud of." Chill Char added.

"Because nothing better than helping others." Yona declared. "Right, Gallus?"

"Right." Gallus nodded. "Just don't let Grandpa Gruff know I made so many Bits and then just gave them away. He'll probably blow a fuse..."

"Your secret is safe with us, pal." Sandbar chuckled, as he and the others hugged their friend.

Crash Of The Titans

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A royal delegation from Equestria was on its way to the Changelings' hive. Onboard the carriage being carried by Pegasus Guards were Twilight, Spike, and a few guards... chief among them being Tempest Shadow.

"I can't wait to see Thorax again." Spike smiled. "It's been way too long."

"I know you're excited, Spike." Twilight chuckled. "But don't forget, this is a political meeting first and foremost. Once we've sorted out the talks for our latest treaty, then you can hang out with Thorax."

"Better late than never." Spike shrugged.

"Uh, not to question your royal wisdom or anything, but why am I here?" Tempest spoke up. "Last I checked, the Changelings are our allies."

"That's true." Twilight nodded.

"And I don't know if you've noticed, but my area of expertise lies in combat." Tempest pointed out. "So I'm not really sure what the point is in my being here."

"Tempest, I asked you to help train the Royal Guard not just to help defend Equestria, but Equestria's allies also." Twilight replied. "So I think it'll help for you to get to know one of those allies up close. And the Changelings might have something to teach you, too."

"If you say so." Tempest shrugged skeptically.

"That's the spirit..." Spike said sarcastically.

Soon after, the carriage touched down atop the hive, not far from Thorax's throne. The Changeling leader looked upon the arrivals with a smile. His brother Pharynx, on the other hoof, wasn't nearly as enthusiastic regarding their visitors.

"They're here!" Thorax grinned.

"Yippee..." Pharynx rolled his eyes.

"Come on, Pharynx." Thorax sighed. "At least try and be nice. It's important to uphold our alliances with our pony friends."

"I know." Pharynx scowled.

"Besides, it wouldn't hurt for you to interact with them more." Thorax added. "You know, learn something about our neighbors? Give it a try, at least. For me."

"Yeah, yeah..." Pharynx sighed. "Doesn't mean I have to like it..."

As Twilight and her delegation disembarked from the carriage, Thorax and Pharynx approached them (Pharynx very reluctantly).

"Welcome, Princess Twilight." Thorax smiled. "Always nice to see you."

"You're too kind, Thorax." Twilight nodded.

"Wow, Starlight wasn't kidding when she told us how much this place has changed since Chrysalis left." Spike declared, having never seen the renovations made to the hive before. "You guys really did a great job brightening things up."

"Thanks, Spike." Thorax grinned. "But it's still a work in progress."

"Isn't any society?" Twilight suggested. "We can spend our whole lives growing and changing, and so can our homes. And I'm sure your hive will always look its best. Don't you think the hive looks great, Tempest?"

"A little too green for my tastes." Tempest admitted. "But I've seen worse places in my time. Way worse..."

"Oh." Thorax said awkwardly. "I guess I should take that as a compliment..."

"Some compliment." Pharynx snarked. He glanced at Tempest, vaguely recognising her from when the Changelings took part in the battle against Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow. "Don't think I got your name, missy."

"It's Tempest Shadow." Tempest replied curtly.

"Seriously?" Pharynx frowned skeptically.

"Got a problem with that?" Tempest scowled.

"Nah." Pharynx shrugged. "It's just that in my experience, ponies have words like 'glitter' and 'sprinkle' in their names."

Tempest, recognising the Changeling's sardonic tone, felt it wise to refrain from mentioning her birth name in front of him.

"Sorry to disappoint you." She said sarcastically.

"Who said I'm disappointed?" Pharynx smirked. "I'm just glad there's at least one pony whose name I can say without feeling like it'll give me a toothache."

"Real funny, Pharynx." Thorax rolled his eyes.

"Tempest here is helping to train the next generation of Royal Guards." Twilight explained. "So they can defend both Equestria and its allies... like the Changelings."

"Thanks for the offer, but we can defend ourselves." Pharynx said bluntly. "Especially since I'm the one training our soldiers."

"It never hurts to get a little help, though." Spike pointed out.

"Spike's right, Pharynx." Thorax agreed. "What if we one day faced an attack by an overwhelming force? There'd be no harm in Equestria helping us, just like we helped them."

"Yeah, well... we should still at least try to handle our business ourselves." Pharynx retorted. "If we had help all the time, we wouldn't be able to do anything on our own."

"He's kind of got a point." Tempest admitted.

"Well, we each have our own opinions." Twilight noted. "And part of being friends is listening to, and working with those opinions. But it goes without saying that the Changelings will always be able to count on Equestria's help when they really need it."

"We'll keep that in mind, thanks." Pharynx pouted.

"...Please, come this way." Thorax suggested, eager to diffuse the awkwardness of the situation. "We've prepared a feast for our honored guests. I'm sure you must be hungry after your long trip."

"I could eat." Spike smiled.

"Lead the way." Twilight nodded.

The group made their way to a corner of the hive, which had a large table set up, one covered with multiple pony-friendly dishes (and some dragon-friendly ones, too).

"Mmm, sapphires." Spike smiled, taking his seat by a bowl of gems with haste.

"I know what my friends like." Thorax smiled. "And I made sure that the menu would varied, so ponies I don't know nearly as well can enjoy the feast too."

"Just like a courteous host." Twilight declared. "Wouldn't you agree, Tempest?"

"Yeah, sure." Tempest nodded. "Gotta admit, it's not often that I get invited to an actual feast. Maybe coming along on this trip wasn't such a bad idea after all..."

"...So, what's with the broken horn?" Pharynx asked bluntly.

Twilight and Spike froze with horror, well aware of the past trauma connected to Tempest's lost horn, and how sensitive she could still be about it.

"Pharynx!" Thorax gasped, aghast. While he was unaware of Tempest's past, he didn't consider such a line of questioning to be very polite either.

"What?" Pharynx said indignantly. "I'm curious! You're the one who keeps saying I need to learn more about the ponies!"

"But still, it would help to be a little sensitive about such an obviously touchy subject!" Thorax retorted.

"It's fine." Tempest declared, preferring not to dwell on the subject of her lost horn for longer than necessary. "If you must know, I lost it to an Ursa Minor attack." She told Pharynx.

"No kidding?" Pharynx asked. "Those things are supposed to be pretty big. I'm surprised a pony could survive a run-in with one of them."

"Well, I did." Tempest glared at him. "Maybe you just underestimate ponies."

"Maybe..." Pharynx shrugged, unconvinced.

"Ponies and Changelings alike have a lot to bring to the table." Twilight noted. "Speaking of tables, the food on this table is delicious. My compliments to the chef."

"I'll make sure that he gets them." Thorax smiled. "Are you enjoying the food, miss Shadow?"

"It's pretty good." Tempest admitted, taking a bite of a hay steak. "I'm impressed you guys can make pony food so well. I heard you feed on love, or something like that."

"We used to." Thorax admitted. "But that was back in the old days, before we learned to subsist on the love within us all."

"Does that include you?" Tempest cast a look at Pharynx.

"And what if it does?" Pharynx growled petulantly. "It's just the way Changelings work. Got a problem with that?"

"No problem." Tempest shrugged. "It's just a weird thing to picture sometimes. Eating emotions."

"Not for Changelings." Pharynx pointed out. "Anyway, to us, eating hay is weird. I remember having to eat it once while on an infiltration mission. Nearly blew my cover by getting some stuck in my throat. I wasn't counting on it being so dry. How can you eat it all the time?"

"It's just the way ponies work." Tempest echoed Pharynx's words.

"Not that there's anything wrong with that." Thorax declared. "I've had hay a few times myself, and it wasn't so bad. Guess we all just have different tastes."

"Yeah, well, the ponies can keep that particular taste." Pharynx grimaced. "I'm just fine eating scuttler legs in gelatin, thanks."

"Thanks for sharing that." Tempest cringed.

Before long, most of the food had been eaten, and Twilight and Thorax were ready to begin talking politics.

"Tempest, why don't you go and explore the hive?" Twilight suggested. "I'm pretty sure you don't want to just sit around, listening to our diplomatic matters all day."

"Good call." Tempest nodded.

"Feel free to enjoy yourself." Thorax smiled. "We have dancing, theatre, arts... Any one of those could keep you entertained for a good while."

"Worth a shot, at least." Tempest stood up. "Good luck with the talks, Twilight."

After Tempest departed, Pharynx also stood up.

"As much as I'd love to stay for the boring talk, I've got some soldiers to put through their paces." He announced.

"Okay." Thorax nodded. "Just try not to run the troops too ragged now."

"No promises." Pharynx chuckled.

Following Twilight's instructions and Thorax's suggestions, Tempest filled her time with whatever entertainment happened to be available. She had never been a fan of dancing or art, but was able to find the Changelings' rendition of King Steer mildly intriguing. Still, she felt she hadn't really gotten much to learn from her interactions with the Changelings like Twilight had hoped.

"Maybe I can find something on the lower levels..." She thought to herself.

As she descended into the hive, she heard some commotion. Following the sound, she found Pharynx putting the Changeling soldiers through some drills.

"Come on, keep moving!" Pharynx demanded.

The soldiers crawled under nets, leapt over hurdles, and attacked dummies made to look like dangerous creatures.

"Him, not bad." Tempest noted. "That's one decent regimen..."

After a few more rounds, Pharynx seemed satisfied with the soldiers' performance.

"Okay, that'll do for now." Pharynx declared. "Take a break!"

The soldiers relaxed, catching their breath.

"Impressive." Tempest made her presence known.

"Oh, it's you." Pharynx glared. "When Thorax said you should entertain yourself, I doubt he meant you should barge in on our training." His glare became a smirk. "Or do you just want to see how real soldiers are trained?"

"Oh, please." Tempest scoffed. "I put my trainees through regimens just as tough. If not tougher."

"Do you now?" Pharynx scoffed.

"Yes, I do." Tempest retorted. "I make sure they're in top condition, so they can handle whatever the world throws at them."

"And how would you know what the world can throw you?" Pharynx said skeptically.

"You think I don't know what I'm talking about?" Tempest asked indignantly. "I spent years travelling the lands beyond Equestria, surviving by my wits and cunning."

"That's about as likely as that line about the Ursa Minor." Pharynx scoffed.

"Excuse me?" Tempest growled.

"You heard me." Pharynx smirked. "You probably lost your horn picking flowers, or something wimpy like that. And you made up the Ursa Minor thing to sound tough."

"I don't need to sound tough." Tempest growled. "Because I am tough. I've faced creatures that would send most running for the hills. What have you ever faced to back up your ego?"

"I've faced a Maulwurf before." Pharynx retorted.

"An oversized mole? Big deal." Tempest scoffed. "What's next, an oversized can of bug spray?"

"Oh, you did not just call me a bug." Pharynx snarled.

"You gonna do something about it, tough guy?" Tempest jeered.

"Oh, I'm gonna do something, alright." Pharynx sneered. "You want to prove how tough you really are? Then I hereby enact a warrior's challenge."

The nearby soldiers gasped with surprise.

"A what?" Tempest frowned.

"An old Changeling tradition." Pharynx explained. "A duel between two combatants to prove who is the superior combatant. Think you can handle that?"

"Bring it on." Tempest grinned. "We'll see who the real warrior is around here."

"Yes, we will." Pharynx smirked.

At that point, Twilight, Spike and Thorax entered the room. The discussions had ended, and they had decided to find out where Tempest had gotten to. One Changeling passer-by (one of Pharynx's traineees, on his way to get some food) had pointed them in the right direction.

"There you are- Wait, what's going on here?" Twilight asked, quickly taking note of the hostilities in the air.

"Nothing that should concern you, Princess." Pharynx replied, never taking his eyes off Tempest.

"Just a little dispute that needs to be resolved, that's all." Tempest added, stretching in preparation for the battle.

"Resolved the old-fashioned way, of course." Pharynx struck a nearby dummy, knocking it over.

"Isn't there a better way to resolve things?" Spike asked nervously.

"One that doesn't involve picking a fight?" Twilight added.

"Sorry, Twilight." Tempest apologized. "But like I said, I'm a warrior. This is how I handle my problems."

"Pharynx..." Thorax glared at his brother.

"Don't even try it, Thorax." Pharynx retorted. "I invoked a warrior's challenge, and I have to see it through. You know the rules. Not even our ruler can dissolve a challenge once it's been set in motion."

"Wait, is that true?" Spike asked.

"I'm afraid it is." Thorax admitted ruefully. "I really should have changed that rule when I had the chance... But there hasn't been a warrior's challenge made in so long. I never thought this would actually happen..."

"I can understand the value of tradition, but still..." Twilight frowned. "Tempest, we're here to strengthen our bonds with the Changelings, not hurt them."

"Relax, Twilight." Tempest smiled. "I promise I won't leave any lasting damage on this clown."

"Oh, really?" Pharynx scoffed. "What are you gonna do, poke me with that jagged stump on your head?"

"Not exactly." Tempest smirked.

Tempest fired a bolt of magic out of her broken horn, scorching the ground at Pharynx's hooves.

"Whoa!" Pharynx leapt backwards, surprised by the mare's attack. "Where did that come from?"

"What's the matter, pal?" Tempest grinned. "Starting to realise this isn't going to be as easy as you thought it was?"

"You wish." Pharynx sneered, his antlers glowing. "I've got some surprises of my own, y'know."

Pharynx fired a bolt of magic from between his antlers, disintegrating a rock by Tempest's hooves.

"Not really a surprise now that you've shown it to me." Tempest deadpanned.

"Don't worry, I'm just getting started." Pharynx smirked. "Plenty more surprises on the way, trust me."

"Talk is cheap." Tempest narrowed her eyes. "I prefer action."

"So do I." Pharynx agreed.

The two circled each other, ready to make the first move. Then they both charged at the same time. The two crashed into each other, locking up into a grapple.

Tempest broke out of the grapple first, leaping back and launching a kick. Pharynx dodged, then returned with an attack of his own. Tempest managed to dodge that attack in return.

"That all you got?" Tempest taunted him.

"Not even close." Pharynx smirked.

Before the watching eyes of Twilight, Spike, Thorax and Pharynx's trainees, the two continued their clash. There were strikes, lunges, blocks and parries, with blasts of magic aplenty.

"Yahh!" Pharynx swept Tempest's hooves, knocking her on her back. He then moved in to launch a follow-up attack.

"Hah!" Tempest took advantage of the situation to land a kick in the advancing Pharynx's stomach.

"Oof!" Pharynx groaned, stumbling backward, yet still retaining his footing. "Okay. Now you're really gonna get it..."

"Not before you get this!" Tempest, having taken advantage of Pharynx's stumble to stand upright once more, moved to attack again, throwing out a punch.

This time, Pharynx caught Tempest's attack, using it to flip her overhead. Tempest recovered quickly, and retaliated by throwing her opponent in return. Pharynx hit the ground, only to trip her again a mere second later.

The trainees cheered in support of their teacher, only to quickly fall silent after receiving a glare from Thorax.

The two combatants stood up, still raring to go. They were both thinking the same thing: "Time to finish this."

With another battlecry, Tempest leapt forward. Pharynx did the same. As the two crashed into each other, Tempest dodged a haymaker from Pharynx, and pushed back, ending her lunge with her horn aimed pointblank at Pharynx's midsection, sparking with magical energies. She smiled with triumph.... Before realising Pharynx's glowing antlers were pointed right at the side of her neck.

Silence fell in the chamber as the observers looked upon their sudden stalemate, each one on tenterhooks as they awaited the outcome, feeling as if time was standing still.

"...Well, looks like we're at an empasse." Tempest noted, her voice oddly calm.

"Sure does." Pharynx agreed, similarly dispassionate.

The two glared at each other, locked in a tense standoff that seemed to last for an eternity. Then they both smiled, and separated.

"Guess we'll have to call this one a draw." Tempest declared brightly.

"I can live with that." Pharynx nodded amiably. "And that was really living. It's been too long since I've had a good fight. No better way to get all charged up, if you ask me."

"Oh, yeah." Tempest agreed. "No argument."

"Nice moves, by the way." Pharynx complimented his opponent. "For a pony, that is."

"You weren't so bad yourself... for a bug, I mean." Tempest retorted, smirking. "Gotta say, those soldiers you train are pretty lucky."

"So are those pony guards you're teaching." Pharynx smirked back. "Maybe someday they'll be as tough as you are."

"Well now, let's not expect miracles." Tempest chuckled playfully. "And hey, if you and your soldiers ever need some pointers on how to really fight, let me know."

"And here I was, about to say the same to you." Pharynx joked.

The two shared a friendly laugh, to the bemusement of Twilight, Spike and Thorax.

"So... they're friends now?" Spike frowned, confused.

"Looks like it." Twilight noted.

"I really don't get it." Spike sighed.

"That's just the way Pharynx is." Thorax smiled. "Ever since we were kids, the one thing he's respected above all is strength. All it took for Tempest to earn his respect was to prove her mettle."

"And if there's one thing I know about Tempest, it's that she's a warrior at her core." Twilight noted. "When you think about it, those two are just a couple of kindred spirits."

"As long as they're not gonna start fighting again, I can't complain." Spike shrugged, still having trouble wrapping his head around the sequence of events.

Friendship comes in many different forms, and can be expressed in many different ways. And Tempest and Pharynx's newfound friendship, while born of unusual circumstances, served to further strengthen the bonds between the ponies and the Changelings.

Dark Tides (Part One)

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Princess Skystar of the Hippogriffs was on her usual afternoon flight around Mount Aeris, and, as per usual, enjoying every second of it.

"WOO-HOOO!!" She cheered as she happily flew around the curvature of the mountain.

Despite it being some time since the Hippogriffs had returned to the surface, Skystar still celebrated every moment she was free to soar through the skies - mostly because her royal duties had doubled since then.

After the Storm King's defeat, Queen Novo had decided that she and Skystar would split their time between those subjects of theirs who had chosen to return to Mount Aeris, and those who had elected to remain Seaponies. She had said that it was only fair that all their subjects enjoyed an equal amount of the royal family's attention (though Skystar privately suspected part of this decision was due to her mother not being willing to say goodbye to Jamal the octopus' seaweed wraps).

Skystar had no complaints, though. During their time underwater, she had more disliked the idea of being trapped than the water itself, so she was okay with regular trips below. But no matter what, Skystar always found the time for a flight.

"Hello, clouds!" She waved as she flew around the mountain, taking in all the sights. "Hello, seagulls, hello dolphins! Beautiful day, isn't it?"

The seagull flock that was flying nearby squawked, while a dolphin leapt out of the water, almost as if in response to Skystar's words.

"Yeah, my thoughts exactly!" Skystar chuckled, playing along with the idea.

As her wings started to grow tired, Skystar decided to take a little break; she landed on a ridge on the north side of the mountain, not too far from Harmonizing Heights.

"Ahh..." She sighed, laying down on the grass and letting the warm sun cascade over her. "Could life be any more perfect than this?"

Skystar spent the next ten minutes gazing up at the sky, thinking about what the clouds above looked like to her: salmon, carrot dogs, oddly-shaped pillows...


All of a sudden, the sound of a twig breaking snapped Skystar out of her activity. She sprang upright and looked in the direction of the sound.

"Hello?" She called out. "Anycreature there?"

Aside from a few birds and bunnies, the area was devoid of any other creatures.

"Maybe I've been out here too long." She shrugged. "I've started hearing things..."

As she made to return home, Skystar spotted something close by her hooves; a package wrapped in brown paper, with a note attached to it with string.

"What the...?" She frowned. She looked around once more, but was still unable to spot any who could have left the package.

Skystar picked up the package and shook it. There was no rattling sound, suggesting that whatever was inside was fairly solid, or had little in the way of loose innards. Skystar then extracted the note. The writing was rough and untidy, possibly written with a piece of charcoal. It said:

To Queen Novo

From an old friend

"Okay..." Skystar tilted her head quizzically. "Guess whoever wrote this has never heard of the post office." She shrugged flippantly as she returned the note to its proper place. "No problem. I'll just deliver this to mom myself!"

With that, Skystar took flight once again, making her way to the royal palace. Along the way, she flew through the village, which was bustling with Hippogriff activity. Several were, of course, also flying, requiring Skystar to alter her course somewhat.

"'Scuse me! Comin' through!" She called, ducking and weaving around her subjects.

The populace were largely unaffected by Skystar's appearance, being well used to their princess's exuberance. Some were actually amused by her antics, especially Sky Beak and Terramar.

"Cutting your afternoon flight short today, Skystar?" Sky Beak called out. "What's the occasion?"

"Let's just say I have to see my mom!" Skystar called back, as she swooped toward the royal palace. "Later, uncle Sky Beak!"

"Later!" Sky Beak chuckled, admiring his niece's enthusiasm.

"Say hi to aunt Novo for me!" Terramar added.

"Will do, cuz!" Skystar nodded.

The royal palace had naturally been abandoned and left to rot when the Storm King's invasion had forced the Hippogriffs to flee, but now it was shiny and gleaming, as splendorous as it had ever been. Once she reached the main doors, Skystar zoomed in and rocketed through the corridors, narrowly managing to avoid crashing into surprised servants and guards as she zeroed in on her ultimate destination.

In the throne room, Queen Novo was attending to her royal duties. A few guards and servants were scattered across the room, all standing to attention.

"Don't forget, your highness, you have a ribbon-cutting at the new restaurant tomorrow." Novo's aide, a mint green stallion by the name of Reed, informed her. "And after that, a meeting with the board of commerce regarding this year's import/export summary."

"Very good." Novo nodded curtly. "Let them know I'll be there."

"As you wish, your majesty." Reed nodded, jotting down the information on his notepad.

At that moment, Skystar burst into the throne.

"Hey, mom!" She called. "You'll never guess what!"

"Skystar, honey, we've been over this." Novo sighed. "When you're in the throne room, try to use your indoor voice."

"Oh, sorry." Skystar grinned contritely. "But I didn't just drop by to make noise."

"That'd be a first." Novo joked.

"Ha, ha..." Skystar pouted sarcastically. "Anyway, I found this package." She held up the mystery object. "And it's addressed to you."

"It is?" Novo frowned, casting a skeptical eye upon the package. "Let's take a look..."

Skystar handed the package to her mother, who scrutinized it carefully. She removed the note and looked with a grimace at the uneven writing.

"Very odd..." She mused.

Putting the note aside, Novo proceeded to open the package. Skystar watched, barely able to contain her excitement at what the mystery item could be.

When the last of the paper had been torn away, what was left was a medallion of some sort; fashioned from a dark gray metal, and emblazoned with a curious symbol, one which looked like a pair of Hippogriff wings pointing straight upward, but with no body attached to them.

"Well, that's kinda disappointing." Skystar pouted as she looked upon the medallion. "I excepted a gift meant for the queen to be something a little more fancy, a little more grand. Know what I mean, mom? ...Mom?"

Receiving no answer, Skystar turned to look at her mother... and saw her wearing an expression of abject horror. The eight of it sent chills down Skystar's spine.

"Mom?" Skystar said nervously. "What's wrong? Why do you look so scared? ...Do you know what this is?" She pointed at the medallion. "You do, don't you?"

For several agonising seconds, Novo still did not answer, her frightened gaze fixed on the medallion. Then suddenly, she snapped out of her fearful stupor, her expression turning to one of grim caution.

"Where did you get this?" She asked her daughter.

"I found it on a cliff by Harmonizing Heights." Skystar answered. "I was just lying there, watching the clouds, when I heard a noise. Funny thing is, there was nocreature there. But when I turned around, I found that thing just sitting there. Kinda weird, if you ask me..."

"You didn't see anycreature around?" Novo urged her to confirm. "Nocreature at all?"

"Not a one." Skystar nodded.

Novo fell silent once more, her expression unreadable.

"Captain Skyranger." She finally spoke once again.

"Yes, your highness?" Stratus Skyranger stepped forward.

"Escort Princess Skystar to her room." Novo ordered.

"Wait, what?" Skystar did a double take.

"Effective immediately, the Princess will not be allowed to leave this palace without a guard escort." Novo continued. "Furthermore, she will not be permitted to venture any further than the outskirts of the village."

"Hold on a second!" Skystar yelled indignantly, outraged by all the sudden new restrictions on her movements.

"As you command, Queen Novo." Stratus bowed.

"I-I don't understand." Skystar spluttered. "Mom, what's going on?"

"Never you mind, Skystar." Novo said bluntly. "Now, go to your room."

"But, mom-" Skystar started.

"For once, will you please just do as I say?!" Novo erupted, a mixture of anger and worry in her voice.

Skystar stood in place, absolutely stunned. She couldn't remember the last time her mother had yelled at her like that. Novo seemed to have realized her outburst was indeed a bit much; she took a deep, calming breath before speaking again.

"I'm sorry." Novo apologized. "I didn't mean to yell."

"Just... just tell me what's going on." Skystar pleaded. "Please, mom..."

"It's nothing you need to be concerned about." Novo said bluntly. "It's my problem, not yours."

"It sure doesn't seem that way to me..." Skystar muttered under her breath.

"Please, Skystar." Novo looked her daughter in the eye, concern and worry in her own. "I promise I'll explain all of this to you someday. But for now, trust that I know what I'm doing. And please... just do as I say."

Skystar wanted to argue more, but the look in her mother's eyes shook her to the core.

"...O-okay, mom..." She finally gave in.

"That's my girl." Novo nodded, smiling a hollow smile. "Now get going. Momma's got a lot of important business to get back to."

"Come along, Princess." Stratus urged.

Without another word, Skystar followed Stratus out of the room, still struggling to understand what had just happened.

Once Skystar had departed, the hollow smile fell from Novo's face, replaced by a look of stern determination. She turned the medallion around in her claws, and saw another note taped to the back. Removing the note, she perused the charcoal scrawl written upon it. None of the words were particularly encouraging, but it was the final three that truly filled her with dread:

See you soon

Suppressing a shudder, Novo turned to face Reed.

"Send a message to Equestria at once." She ordered. "Inform Princess Twilight that Queen Novo requires her assistance on an extremely urgent matter."

"Yes, your highness." Reed nodded, readying some paper and a quill.

Novo turned her attention to the remaining guards.

"And starting right now, I decree that the guard presence around the palace will be tripled." She commanded. "I don't want to see so much as a mouse approach without somecreature knowing about it, clear."

"Yes, your highness!" The guards chorused.

"Good." Novo said quietly. "A good start, at least..."

Meanwhile, Skystar walked into her room.

"Sorry about this, your highness." Stratus apologised. "But orders are orders."

"It's okay, Captain Skyranger." Skystar said fairly. "I understand."

With a grateful smile, Stratus closed the door.

With a sigh, Skystar walked around her room.

"It's déjà vu all over again." She shook her head.

Stopping at her dresser, Skystar looked at the two clamshells sitting upon it, clamshells she had attached googly eyes to.

"Oh, Shelly, Sheldon, how did it come to this?" She asked her formerly constant companions. "All of a sudden, I'm trapped again. At least before, I knew why mom was keeping me confined. But she's not telling me anything..."

Skystar walked over to her bedroom window, hoping that she would see only blue skies outside. Those hopes were dashed when she was greeted by the sight of two guards holding a mid-air vigil right outside.

"Oh." She groaned, disappointed but not surprised. "Hi, guys." She waved halfheartedly. "Hope you're having fun out there. Somecreature has to..."

With little else to do other than wallow in her newfound confinement, Skystar lay on her bed with Shelly and Sheldon, hoping against hope that the rest of the day would somehow fly by, and she could go to bed. Unfortunately, she was in for another disappointment...

Three Days later...

Skystar was in the dining room, finishing up her breakfast. Despite it just being days since Novo had inexplicably ordered that her freedom be restricted, she was barely able to withstand the monotony her life had gained.

"Okay, I'm done with breakfast." She called out to a nearby Sky Beak (who had been assigned to watch over her for the day). "Getting ready to leave the room now! Like I somehow can't go anywhere by myself anymore..."

"I know you're frustrated, Skystar." Sky Beak said fairly. "But I'm sure your mom has a good reason for all this."

"If she does, then she's determined to keep it to herself." Skystar pouted. "So I get to be stuck having a foalsitter everyday, and I don't even know why."

Sky Beak didn't like to see his niece so upset.

"Tell you what, why don't we go take a walk into the village?" He offered. "You can get some fresh air, see the sights, maybe visit Terramar..."

"I guess it's better than nothing." Skystar shrugged. "...Thanks, uncle Sky Beak."

"Anytime." Sky Beak smiled. "Now let's get going."

"Lead the way, my royal guard escort." Skystar joked.

Meanwhile, Novo was in the throne room. She was still on edge, barely able to focus on the paperwork she was poring over.

"New fountain for the village square? Sure." She muttered, barely invested in what she was reading. "New wing for the Museum of Hippogriff Heritage? Why not?"

With what she had read in the note still weighing on her mind, everything else seemed small and inconsequential in comparison.

Her attention was drawn by the opening of the doors. Twilight entered the room, joined by Flash Sentry and Stratus.

"Princess Twilight Sparkle has arrived, your highness." Stratus announced.

"Thank you, Stratus." Novo nodded. "Thank you for coming on such short notice, Princess Twilight."

"For an ally of Equestria, it's no trouble." Twilight nodded. "Your summons sounded urgent, but not very forthcoming. What's the trouble?"

"The trouble is an old threat from my past." Novo revealed. "A threat I thought had disappeared... Until he saw fit to send me a 'gift'. This threat is highly dangerous, and knows this palace like the back of his claw. He won't stop until a powerful Hippogriff artefact is in his possession. And I have no doubt he will use this power to lay waste to Mount Aeris. That's part of the reason I asked you to come here; to help protect this artefact."

"I'll do whatever I can to help." Twilight nodded. "But I need to know: who is this threat to Mount Aeris?"

"Somecreature I once cared for." Novo revealed. "Somecreature who was practically family to me. Somecreature who betrayed my family. Who took somecreature very special away from me. My late husband's brother: Typhoon."

Dark Tides (Part Two)

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For a moment, Twilight was absolutely flummoxed by Novo's revelation.

"...I'm sorry, your brother-in-law wrote that note?" She gathered her wits. "How can you be so sure?"

"Because I recognise his clawwriting, for one." Novo replied. "And for another, this is his medallion, emblazoned with his family crest."

"Okay..." Twilight glanced at the medallion. "But why would your brother-in-law wish to cause harm to your family?"

"That is a long and tragic story." Novo sighed. "It all began years ago, back when I was still a princess..."

Years ago...

The teenage Novo was racing through the marketplace, joined by her younger sister Ocean Flow.

"Come on, Ocean!" Novo urged. "It's the first Friday of the month, and you know what that means!"

"New fashions are in." Ocean Flow rolled her eyes as she tried to keep up. "How could I forget?"
Not too far ahead, a pair of Hippogriff stallions were walking in the opposite direction. One had an ash-grey coat, a maroon crest, a certain medallion around his neck, and piercing yellow eyes. The other was seafoam green, with a pale blue crest and brown eyes.

"Keep up, runt." The ash-grey stallion said bluntly.

"There's no rush, Typhoon." The seafoam green stallion said evenly. "We can take our time."

"Says you." Typhoon scoffed. "I'm not gonna waste any more of my time running errands than I have to."

"It's not so bad." The younger brother said fairly. "We just have to fetch a couple of things for dad."

"Whatever." Typhoon sneered. "You may be fine being an errand boy, but I'm not. I have better things to do with my time than-"

Typhoon's rant was interrupted when he collided with Novo.

"Oof!" Novo yelped.

"Hey, watch where you're goin', ya-!"

"Well, hello there." He smiled pleasantly.

"Sorry about that." Novo apologized. "I guess I was in a bit of hurry."

"Are you okay, Novo?" Ocean Flow asked worriedly, as she helped her sister up.

"I'm fine, Ocean." Novo assured her.

"My deepest apologies, your majesty." Typhoon curtsied before Novo.

"Nothing to worry about." Novo said fairly. "It's just a run-of-the-mill market collision. Happens all the time."

"But not often with a Princess being involved." Typhoon pointed out. "It's an honor to meet you, by the way." He bowed respectfully. "I'm Typhoon. Typhoon Maelstrom."

"Maelstrom?" Ocean Flow mused. "That name sounds familiar."

"It should." Typhoon grinned. "My dad's the Captain of the Royal Guard." He showed off the medallion as he did so. "The latest in a long line of warriors and loyal guards, as it happens."

"Captain Cirrus is your dad?" Novo raised her eyebrows in mild surprise. "How about that..."

"He talks about the royal family a lot." Typhoon told her. "Always saying how great you all are. How good you are to him."

"He is a good Captain." Novo smiled. "And he's served the royal family well, just like those who came before him. It's nice to hear he thinks so highly of us."

"And if I may say so Princess, your royal pictures do not do you justice." Typhoon declared. "You truly are the most beautiful Hippogriff on Mount Aeris."

"Well, I think that's up for debate." Novo blushed. As she looked off to the side bashfully, she noticed Typhoon's brother standing close by. "And who is this?"

"Oh, I, uh..." The brother put his claw on the back of his head as he stuttered.

"This is my little brother, Tropic Breeze." Typhoon announced, his smile fading slightly. "Don't mind him. He just tagged along. Don't mind him. I never do." His smile returned as he chuckled snidely.

"Nice to meet you, Tropic Breeze." Novo said politely.

"Hullo." Tropic said nervously. "Never thought I'd meet an actual princess..."

"Then consider this your lucky day." Novo joked.

Tropic laughed awkwardly.

"Okay, okay." Typhoon nudged Tropic aside, a scowl on his face. "We can't stand around here day. We've got errands to run, remember?"

"B-but you said-” Tropic spluttered.

Typhoon silenced Tropic with a look, then turned to face Novo, the smile returning to his face.

"It was truly a pleasure to meet you, Princess." He grinned, gently taking her claw in his. "And I sincerely hope we'll be seeing each other again... Soon."

Typhoon tenderly kissed Novo's claw.

"Oh... Well..." Novo blushed.

Typhoon departed, shoving Tropic along with him.

"Ooh, I think he likes you!" Ocean Flow teased her sister.

"Shut up!" Novo playfully shoved her little sister. "He was just being friendly!"

"Right, because all friends say goodbye with a claw kiss." Ocean Flow smirked. "Still, he is quite handsome.."

"Whatever." Novo shook her head, desperately trying to change the subject. "Now come on. Those new clothes aren't going to hang around forever."

"Yay, back to clothes..." Ocean Flow signed.

The sisters spent the rest of the morning browsing the local clothing stores, and returned home with more than a few new outfits to add to Novo's wardrobe (half of which Ocean Flow was made to carry). Fortunately for Novo, this took Ocean Flow's mind off the encounter with Typhoon. But Novo was another story...

Days later...

Novo was once again making her way through the marketplace, heading towards a café she liked. This time, Ocean Flow wasn't with her, busying herself with her hobby of collecting seashells at the beach.

'My sister and her love of the sea.' Novo thought to herself. 'I don't think I'll ever understand it...'

Up ahead, she saw Tropic walking out of a store, his saddlebags full.

"Oh, hello." She smiled. "Nice to see you again. You're Typhoon's brother. Tropic, wasn't it?"

"Th-that's right." Tropic nodded awkwardly. "Nice to see you again, your majesty."

"Please, call me Novo." Novo insisted. "Save the fancy talk for when I'm Queen."

"Okay." Tropic smiled weakly.

"If you don't mind my asking, what have you got in the bags?" Novo inquired.

"Oh, er, just some paint, and a few easels..." Tropic answered.

"So you're an artist, huh?" Novo smiled, intrigued.

"I wouldn't go that far..." Tropic shrugged. "It's just, y'know, a hobby. Or if you ask my brother, 'a waste of time'..."

"Don't sell yourself short." Novo told him. "We all have our hobbies. My sister collects seashells, if you can believe that. And me, well, I'm into puzzles. Love solving a good crossword. But you actually create. That's something."

"You really mean that?" Tropic smiled.

"Of course." Novo nodded. "But I would like to take a look at your work."

"Well, I do have a little something on me." Tropic reached into his saddlebag. "It's not my best work, but..."

Tropic extracted a folded sheet of paper, and handed it to Novo. She unfolded it, and saw a watercolor rendition of Harmonising Heights.

"Wow." She gazed in wonder. "This is really good!"

"Oh, well, thanks..." Tropic blushed.

"If this isn't this best work, you must be an incredible artist!" Novo grinned.

"That's nice of you to say." Tropic smiled. "I mostly paint landscapes. Could never pluck up the courage to ask somecreature to model..."

"I could model for you." Novo offered.

"Oh, I wouldn't dream of taking up your valuable time..." Tropic mumbled.

"It's my time, my choice." Novo smiled. "I can think of worse ways to spend an afternoon than posing for a great artist."

"You're too kind." Tropic blushed. "And I'd like to take up your offer right now, but dad wants me and Typhoon to clean out our attic."

"That's okay." Novo smiled. "We'll figure something out. Until then, keep up the amazing work." She made to return his landscape painting.

"You can keep that, if you like." Tropic told her. "Call it a gift."

"Thanks." Novo smiled. "Are you free on Saturday? We could get together at the café, and you could show me of your other paintings."

"I'd like that, Prin- I mean, Novo." Tropic beamed.

"Then it's settled." Novo smiled. "See you then, Tropic."

"See you..." Tropic said dreamily as Novo departed.

Novo once again glanced at Tropic's painting as she went on her way.

"He could give the royal painter a run for his money..." She chuckled.

Finally reaching the café, Novo requested her usual blue cheese and tuna sandwich with honey tea. As she enjoyed her food, she was surprised to see Typhoon enter the establishment. She couldn't help but observe as he picked up an orange juice from the counter.

"Well, well." Typhoon smiled, as he spotted her. "Fancy running into you again, Princess."

"Please, call me Novo." Novo repeated herself.

"Your wish is my command, lovely lady." Typhoon grinned, taking a sip from his orange juice. "...Unless you don't want me to call you that either?"

"I think I'll allow it." Novo blushed.

"It's funny, really." Typhoon noted. "I was just thinking about you. And by 'thinking', I mean writing a poem."

"A poem?" Novo repeated, curious. "About me?"

"That's right." Typhoon smiled. "Wanna hear it?"

"Oh, okay..." Novo smiled back.

"Great." Typhoon extracted a piece of paper, and began reading from it. "Nothing in this world, from the sky so high, to the ocean so low, is as beautiful as you, Novo."

"That's... that's very sweet." Novo blushed.

"I have more, if you'd like to hear them." Typhoon grinned. "We could get together and talk some more sometime. You got any major royal royal business going on, say... this Sunday afternoon?"

"Not that I can think of." Novo admitted.

"Great." Typhoon smiled, as he extracted a single rose from his saddlebag and gave it to her. "Until then, lovely lady."

Finishing his orange juice, Typhoon departed, his eyes locked on Novo's the whole time. Novo couldn't help but feel a little flustered... but in a good way.

"Until then..." She said to herself.

The Present...

"Over the following weeks and months, I found myself spending time with both Tropic and Typhoon." Novo continued her recollection. "While Typhoon was quite open with his being attracted to me, Tropic was a lot more reserved about his feelings. But a lovestruck gaze here, a goofy grin there... I caught on quickly enough. And the more I saw of Tropic underneath the shyness and nerves, the more I liked. But at the same time, I found myself being charmed by Typhoon's poetry and romantic gestures."

"Sounds like you were dead center in a love triangle." Twilight noted.

"All too true." Novo nodded. "I soon found himself struggling to choose between the two of them." Novo declared. "While Typhoon had plenty of confidence and charisma, Tropic Breeze was so kind and caring. I just didn't know what to do..."

Years ago...

Novo and Ocean Flow were eating at the royal dining table. Their parents were away on a diplomatic trip, so it was just them eating together at mealtimes. This worked out well for Novo, as she had to talk to somecreature about the choice before her.

"I just don't know what to do, O." Novo sighed. "They're both so good to me, so fun to be with, so handsome... But one of them is going to end up with a broken heart no matter who I choose."

"Oh, poor Novo." Ocean Flow snarked. "A handsome boy on either side of you. Such a tragedy."

"Knock it off, O." Novo spotted. "I'm serious. I like them both, and not just in a romantic way."

"Okay, okay." Ocean Flow signed. "Let's break this down into pros and cons for each of them. Starting with Typhoon's pros."

"Well, he's charming, charismatic and funny." Novo smiled. "It's always an experience with him."

"And the cons?" Ocean Flow urged.

"He can be a little... Loud sometimes." Novo admitted. "And pushy, whenever there's somecreature who slows things down for us, even accidentally. And..."

"And what? Ocean Flow urged. "Come on, spill."

"It's nothing." Novo said awkwardly.

"Let me be the judge of that." Ocean Flow urged.

"I... I just can't shake the feeling that for all his charm and poetry, Typhoon doesn't think of me as a real Hippogriff." Novo admitted. "That he just sees me as a prize to be won, a trophy to parade around." She shook her head. "I'm probably just being paranoid, though. I am a Princess, after all, and lots of boys think that about me. Doesn't mean they all do..."

"Hmm." Ocean Flow murmured, unconvinced. "Now, onto Tropic."

"Tropic is sweet, a great listener, always willing to be a shoulder for me to cry on..." Novo said fondly. "And he sees the world in such a unique way. In his eyes, everything is a work of art."

"And the cons?" Ocean Flow pressed.

"Well, I suppose he can be really quiet and awkward sometimes." Novo noted. "I feel like when it comes right down to it, he won't be able to make his own voice heard."

"I see..." Ocean Flow mused.

"So what should I do, O?" Novo asked.

"I'm sorry, Novo, but I can't choose for you." Ocean Flow signed. "In the end, it's gonna be up to you. You'll save to make the choice, no matter how hard it is."

"I guess you're right." Novo sighed. "But I can't help but feel like this is going to be the toughest decision of my life..."

Novo spent the next week agonizingly deliberating over the choice. Each time she saw Typhoon and Tropic, it seemed like she had gained more to add to each option, which made things even tougher. But ultimately, she made a decision.

The following Monday, Novo invited both Typhoon and Tropic to her favorite café.

"Good morning, beautiful one." Typhoon smiled as he walked up to her table. The smile vanished as Tropic also walked over. "What's he doing here?"

"I needed to speak with you both." Novo announced. "Typhoon, your poetry and gifts have been so charming and wonderful, and I really appreciate them."

"Of course you do." Typhoon smirked.

"And Tropic, I've enjoyed hanging out with you, seeing your paintings, posing for a couple..." Novo smiled. "And though you've never said it out loud, I know you have feelings for me."

Tropic flushed bright red with embarrassment. Typhoon, however, turned red with anger.

"What the flap do you think you're doing, Tropic?!" He snarled. "You moving in on my girl behind my back."

"I... I didn't do anything like that!" Tropic spluttered.

"Yeah, sure." Typhoon spat. "Exactly how many paintings has she posed for? You think I can't see what's going on here?"

"Nothing's going on here." Novo told him. "Not yet, at least. I care about both of you. Which is why I wanted to talk to you both. I've made a choice. And I choose..." She took a deep breath. "Tropic."

"M-me?" Tropic blushed again.

"That's right." Novo smiled. "You are the sweetest, kindest Hippogriff I've ever met. And I would dearly like to be your girlfriend."

"I... I'd like that too." Tropic smiled.

"You have got to be kidding me!!" Typhoon snarled. "You pick that wuss over all of this?" He gestured to all of himself. "What is wrong with you?!"

"I'm sorry, Typhoon." Novo said firmly, holding Tropic's claw. "But I've made my choice. Please respect it."

Typhoon grit his beak, practically shaking with anger. Then he took a deep breath.

"...You know what? Fine." He growled. "I don't need this. Don't come crying to me when you realize the mistake you've made, your majesty."

"Typhoon, there's no need for-" Tropic started.

"Shut it." Typhoon spat, cold hate in his voice. "Don't ever talk to me again. You betrayed me, stole the one girl I've ever wanted. As far as I'm concerned, we're no longer brothers."

With that, Typhoon flew off into the sky, leaving an outraged Novo and heartbroken Tropic behind.

"I can't believe he just said that!" Novo said indignantly. "Tropic, I'm so sorry...."

"So am I..." Tropic lowered his head regretfully.

The present...

"Typhoon was as good as his word." Novo sighed. "He cut all ties with Tropic, never even looking at him during the entirety of our courtship. Tropic insisted on sending Typhoon invitations to our wedding, my coronation as queen, and the celebration of Skystar's birth, but Typhoon didn't so much as reply back. I knew it hurt Tropic to know that his own brother had so completely rejected him, but a part of me believed that things could have turned out far worse. But little did we know, the worst was yet to come..."

Years ago...

It was a warm summer's night. Barely a year had passed since Skystar's birth, and all seemed right in the Hippogriffs' little corner of the world.

Novo awoke abruptly. There had been no loud noise, nor a significant shift in temperature, but something seemed... Off. Her subconscious had awoken her for some reason, a reason she could not immediately ascertain.

Tropic was still asleep, so she chose not to disturb him as she tried to walk off the odd feeling. She walked over to Skystar's crib, hoping the sight of her daughter sleeping sweetly would put her at ease. But instead, she was faced the sight of an empty crib. The blanket had thrown aside, a piece of paper lying where Skystar should have been.

"No..." She whispered in horror. "Tropic! Tropic, wake up!"

"Wh-wha-what's going on?!" Tropic yelped as he sprang upwards. "Novo, what's wrong?"

"Skystar's gone!" Novo cried. "Somecreature took her!"

"What?!" Tropic raced over to the empty crib. "Who could be done this?"

"I don't know." Novo struggled to contain her distress. "But they left a note..."

I have your daughter. If you want her back, come to the east side of Harmonizing Heights to negotiate. And come alone. Any guards, and I'll throw the kid into the ocean.

"We have to do what they say." Tropic said between ragged breaths. "We can't lose Skystar."

"I know." Novo nodded weakly. "Let's go."

The royal couple made their way to the east side of Harmonizing Heights, barely able to keep themselves from panicking. The thought of what kind of kidnapping monster was awaiting them hung over them like a dark cloud. But the figure waiting their arrival was one they could never have expected.

Standing before them, mere feet away from a cliff edge, was Typhoon, carrying the sleeping Skystar in her class, and a smug grin on his face.

"Typhoon?!" Tropic gasped. "You did this?"

"Why?" Novo demanded.

"I just wanted to see my adorable little niece." Typhoon said mockingly. "Is that a crime?"

"It is when you kidnap her!" Tropic yelled, anger like he had never felt bubbling up within him.

"Shh." Typhoon chided. "You'll wake the poor dear up. What kind of father are you?"

"Give me back my daughter!" Novo growled.

"Sure, sure." Typhoon grinned. "Just as soon as you hand over every last bit of gold in the royal vault."

"What?" Tropic gaped.

"Here's the thing: I can't stand living in Mount Aeris anymore." Typhoon scowled. "Not as long as you're sitting on the throne." He glared hatefully at Tropic. "So I figured I'd just pack up and start a new life somewhere else. But a venture like that takes plenty of scratch. With what's in the royal vault, I could afford to buy myself an island, and crown myself king."

"You can't be serious." Novo gasped.

"Dead serious." Typhoon retorted. "I haven't been so serious about anything since the day you threw me aside for my pathetic brother."

"Is that what this is really all about?" Tropic shook his head. "Even after all these years, you're still holding a grudge over Novo choosing me over you?"

"Don't give me that." Typhoon growled. "I was always better than you. Always. It was me Novo should have chosen. Me who got to marry her. Me who got to be ruler of this sorry island. Not you... ME!!"

"I knew it." Novo stared with newfound revulsion at her brother-in-law. "Deep down, I always suspected that all the charm and loving words were just a facade. I didn't want to believe it, but it was true. I was never anything more to you than a prize to be won. A trophy for you to parade around!"

"Don't forget a ticket to the easy life." Typhoon smugly confirmed her suspicions. "But all that means nothing now. Because my snake-in-the-grass brother snuck in and stole you out from under my nose."

"I didn't 'steal' her." Tropic's face hardened. "Novo chose me. "You should have respected her decision."

"Shoulda, coulda, woulda." Typhoon scoffed dismissively. "But I'm still going to get my due. That is, if you want to get your little bundle of joy back all safe and sound." He held out Skystar mockingly.

"RAAARRGH!!" Tropic suddenly charged at Typhoon.

"What th-Yahhh!" Typhoon yelped as Tropic tackled him.

Taking advantage of the element of surprise, Tropic tore Skystar from Typhoon's clutches, and made to race back to Novo.

"NO!" Typhoon grabbed Tropic's tail.

"Ahh!" Tropic yelped, as Typhoon pulled him back.

The sudden change in movement caused Skystar to slip out of his claws, and be flung into the air.

"Skystar!" Novo dived forward, catching Skystar just before she hit the ground.

"You ruined everything... Again!" Typhoon kicked Tropic in the stomach, causing his to double up in agony. "But I'm not done yet. Not by a long shot!"

Typhoon spread his wings, set on flying away. But Tropic, summoning up determination he had never known before, lapt at his brother, bringing down.

"Gahh!" Typhoon growled.

"You're not getting away!" Tropic roared, grabbing one of Typhoon's wings to ensure he couldn't fly. "You're going to pay for what you've done!"

"Get off me!" Typhoon snarled, grabbing Tropic by the neck.

The two struggled against each other hatefully. As Typhoon tried to free his wing from Tropic's grip, he tipped over backwards, bringing Tropic with him over the edge.

"AAAAHHH!!" The two yelled as they tumbled downwards, their grapple preventing either from flying away.

"NO!!" Novo cried out. She raced over and glimpsed over the edge, desperately hoping to see some sign of her husband. But all she could see were jagged rocks and inky black water.

"Tropic..." Novo wept, heartbroken. "Tropic, no... Please, no..."

Almost as in response to her mother's sorrow, Skystar awoke from her slumber, and began to cry.

"WAHHH!" She bawled.

Novo could do nothing but hold her daughter close, as tears streamed down both their faces.

The present...

I had the guards searching for days." Novo admitted, wiping a tear from her eye. "But they found nothing. They said Tropic and Typhoon were most likely swept away by the currents and out to sea." She lowered her head in regret. "I'd lost my husband to the twisted machinations of his jealous brother. And Skystar lost her father, before ever getting the chance to truly know him."

"I'm so sorry, Queen Novo." Twilight empathised, her own eyes watering up in response to the tragic story. "I can't imagine having to suffer through such a tragedy."

"It wasn't easy." Novo said ruefully. "But I could at least take solace in the fact that Tropic took Typhoon with him." She shook her head bitterly. "But now it seems it was all for nothing. Typhoon survived, and he's once again making demands of me."

Novo handed Twilight the note attached to the back of the medallion. Twilight accepted it, and began to read:


Surprise, I'm alive. And I want what is owed me. Don't worry, I'm not after money any more. No, what I want is a real treasure; the Staff of Stratosphira. I'll be coming for it in due time. And if I don't get it, then both you, and your precious daughter, will suffer the consequences. You'd better make the right choice this time, or you'll really be sorry.

See you soon,


Twilight just barely managed to restrain the sense of dread those words instilled in her.

"What is the Staff of Stratosphira?" She asked.

"It's an ancient Hippogriff relic." Novo answered. "Like the Pearl of Transformation and the Amulet of Aurora, it has been a closely guarded secret for centuries. The staff can control the winds themselves, conjure up gale-force currents and destructive twister. It could do an awful lot of damage in the wrong claws... and Typhoon's claws are without a doubt, among the worst."

"From what you've told me about him, I'm inclined to agree." Twilight said darkly.

"That's why I requested your aid, Princess Twilight." Novo continued. "I need you and your knowledge of magic. Typhoon broke into this palace once without any of us knowing. While the vault containing the staff and other treasures is heavily fortified, I can't take the risk of him finding a way in. I need for you to create protective wards around the vault and the staff, to make absolutely certain they are beyond his grasp."

"You can count on me." Twilight nodded. "I'll do everything I can to keep the staff safe."

"Thank you." Novo smiled.

At that, Skystar entered the room, having just been eating in the dining room (and being accompanied by a guard).

"Hey, mom, just going out to the gardens, if that's okay?" She said in a cutting tone.

"That's fine." Novo chose to ignore her daughter's tone of voice. "Just stay close to the guards."

"Yeah, yeah..." Skystar pouted. As she looked away from her mother, she finally spotted Twilight. "Oh, hi, Twilight. What are you doing here?"

"I requested Princess Twilight's assistance with a... Sensitive issue." Novo said bluntly.

"I see." Skystar said flatly. "This 'sensitive issue' wouldn't have anything to do with you putting me on lockdown, by any chance?"

"It's none of your concern." Novo insisted. "Now run along, dear."

"Whatever." Skystar said sourly. "Nice to see you again, Twilight."

"Good to see you too, Skystar." Twilight smiled, hoping it would lighten the young Princess's spirits.

Unfortunately, Skystar's sour disposition remained as she left the room.

"Maybe you should tell Skystar about all this." Twilight told Novo.

"Out of the question." Novo shook her head.

"But surely she has a right to know-” Twilight started.

"Know what?" Novo cut her off. "That her jealous uncle kidnapped her, caused her father's death, and is trying to blackmail the kingdom? Believe me, it's better that she doesn't know."

"Well, that's your decision." Twilight frowned, not entirely convinced.

"Yes, it is." Novo said confidently. "And I don't want to hear another word about it."

"Understood." Twilight nodded.

"Good." Novo nodded. "Now, follow me to the royal vault. We need those wards up as soon as possible."

"Of course." Twilight agreed.

Meanwhile, Skystar was still fuming over her mother's blunt dismissal. As she walked among the garden's flowers, the guard barely a few steps behind, the young Princess could almost feel her patience wearing thin. And restraint was hardly one of her stronger traits to begin with.

'That's it.' She thought to herself. 'If mom won't tell me what's going on, I'll just find somecreature who will. Of course, that means having to escape this palace-turned-prison first...'

Dark Tides (Part Three)

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Twilight was led to the lower levels of the palace, where the vault containing the Hippogriffs' most valuable and most dangerous relics was situated.

The door to the vault was ten feet tall, with an elaborate locking mechanism, and two guards standing in front of it.

"Take a break, guardstallions." Novo told the guards.

"Yes, your highness." One guard nodded, as they both moved away.

As the guards departed, Novo produced an ornate gold key-like object, and placed it into a hole in the center of the mechanism. She turned it to the right, then the left, then down, up, and to the left again. What followed was a cacophony of metal scraping and clanking, as the mechanism slowly unlocked. When the noise had stopped, Novo removed the key and pushed the door open.

As the two of them entered the vault, Twilight couldn't help but gaze in awe at all the ancient artefacts the room contained; a bejewelled skullcap, a suit of armor with odd runes engraved upon it, and much more.

"This isn't a sightseeing tour." Novo said brusquely, as she closed the door behind them (resulting in another cacophony of metal sounds). "You're here to focus on one item in particular."

"Of course." Twilight said sheepishly. "Sorry about that. When I see some ancient magical artefacts, I kinda get carried away."

"Of course you do." Novo muttered. "But the artefact that really matters right now is over here."

In a corner of the room resided the Staff of Stratosphira. It was solid gold, with a gleaming sapphire set into the top.

"Amazing..." Twilight smiled, as she admired the staff's craftsponyship.

"Not to rush you, but I'd prefer these wards get put up as soon as possible." Novo urged Twilight. "Who knows what Typhoon is planning to do with the staff..."

Unbeknownst to Novo, Skystar was outside the room. She had followed her mother and Twilight downstairs, narrowly evading the guards as they went to take their break, and was now attempting to eavesdrop by placing her ear against the door. Unfortunately, the door was too thick for her to make out much of what was being said.

"What's all this about a 'tycoon'?" She frowned. "Why would mom be worried about some business guy?"

Inside the vault, Twilight scrutinized the staff closely.

"Well?" Novo said impatiently. "Can it be done?"

"It can." Twilight nodded. "But can I examine the staff more closely first?"

"...Is that really necessary?" Novo inquired, oddly put off by the request.

"Not exactly." Twilight admitted. "But unless I can properly familiarise myself with the staff's magic, there's a risk that a warding spell could end up being a bad mix. It could cancel the magic out, or worse, result in a dangerous backlash of mystical energies. And I think we both want to avoid that particular scenario."

"...Agreed." Novo nodded reluctantly. "Do what you have to. Just do it as quickly as you can."

"Of course." Twilight nodded. As she lifted the staff in her magical aura, she failed to notice the odd look on Novo's face. "This shouldn't take too long. Feel free to return to your queenly duties while I deal with this."

"Oh, I'm fine staying here." Novo retorted. "Warding that staff is what matters most right now. And I'd prefer to see for myself whether or not it can be performed successfully."

"Okay..." Twilight said awkwardly. "Not exactly used to casting spells with an audience, but I can work with that..."

"Good to know." Novo nodded.

Outside, Skystar continued her attempts to eavesdrop, but to her frustration, the conversation had faded to nothing, and she could only hear odd, muffled sounds (the results of Twilight both examining the staff, and casting her warding spell upon it.

"What is going on in there?" She muttered.

After what seemed like an eternity, Skystar heard the door's locking mechanisms opening up again. She quickly made to hide around the corner, still hoping to overhear something that could explain to her what was going on.

"Good work, Twilight." Novo congratulated the Princess of Friendship. "Now that we know the Staff of Stratosphira is safe, I can rest a little easier."

"Happy to help." Twilight smiled. "But I've been thinking: maybe the staff isn't the only artefact that needs protecting. I could put together warding spells for the other artefacts in the vault. Of course I'll need to examine each of them thoroughly..."

"Thank you for the offer, but I think you've already done enough." Novo said bluntly.

"It's no trouble." Twilight said fairly. "And if there's even a chance the other artefacts are at risk-”

"You may be Princess of Equestria, but I am Queen of Mount Aeris." Novo said coldly. "And in my kingdom, my word is law. And I say I don't need you so much as looking at the rest of our artefacts."

"Oh." Twilight muttered, looking downcast at her offer of help being rejected. "I understand..."

Something about the look on Twilight's face, and what Novo had said, caused Skystar to finally snap.

"Seriously, mom?!" He emerged from out of hiding.

"Skystar?" Novo gaped at her daughter's sudden appearance. "What are you doing down here?"

"Never mind what I'm doing." Skystar scowled. "What are you doing, talking to Twilight like that?"

"Excuse me?" Novo frowned.

"Don't give me that." Skystar glared. "Twilight's offering to help, and you're just throwing it back in her face!"

"I appreciate Twilight's offer." Novo said, barely restraining her temper. "But it really isn't necessary. She's already accomplished what I requested of her, and no more assistance is required."

"You know what I think, mom?" Skystar growled. "I think you haven't really forgiven Twilight for what happened with the Pearl of Transformation!"

"Wh- That's ridiculous!" Novo spluttered.

Twilight's eyes widened, just as taken aback by Skystar's declaration as Novo.

"Is it?" Skystar glared at her mother. "You're keeping almost as close an eye on her as the guards are on me! Even after everything she's done for us, you're still holding that one mistake over her head! Acting like she can't be trusted, when she came all this way just to help us! Then again, maybe I shouldn't be surprised that you don't trust Twilight, since you don't even trust your own daughter enough to tell her what's been going on lately!"

"What's going on is none your concern!" Novo shot back.

"Well, I disagree!" Skystar growled. "Especially if it involves treating our guests like criminals! What kind of Queen does that?"

"That is enough!" Novo roared, her patience at its end. "Go to your room!"

"If it means getting away from you, then fine!" Skystar said spitefully, turning and marching past the returning guards.

"Guard, please escort the Princess to her room." Novo commanded. "Make sure she stays there."

"Yes, your highness." The guard followed after Skystar.

For a moment, Novo stood in place, trembling with anger. Twilight, who had remained silent during the family feud, debating with herself over saying something to Novo. But before she could decide, Novo's expression changed from anger to sorrow, and she ran down the corridor, weeping.

"Novo!" Twilight called, following after her.

Meanwhile, Skystar reached her room. Ignoring her escort, she charged inside and slammed the door shut. The orange light of the setting sun shone through the rooms window.

"That's it." She muttered to herself. "Since mom won't tell me what's going on, I'll just find somecreature who'll be a little more forthcoming. But first..."

Skystar gathered random items from around her room, and fashioned a crude dummy in her likeness. She placed the dummy on her bed, covered it with the blankets, then waited. Having had to endure being kept under watch for the last few days, she had learned the guards' routine, and had an idea of the best time to slip away without being noticed.

As the guard outside her room moved downward for changeover, Skystar reacted. Moving like lightning, she opened the window, and flipped around the corner (closing the window behind her). Hugging the walls, she took advantage of the waning daylight to slowly sneak away unseen.

Below, Novo had stormed into her throne room. Dismissing her guards, she collapsed into her throne, weeping over the disintegration of her relationship with Skystar.

In her despair, she barely held the doors opening.

"Queen Novo?" Twilight called, lowering the amulet she had just used to transition day into night.

"I am really not in the mood to talk right now." Novo wept. "Not now that my daughter hates me."

"Skystar doesn't hate you." Twilight comforted her. "She's just upset. Give her time, and she'll cool off. Then you can start to talk things out."

Novo looked at Twilight, utter bewilderment.

"You're trying to make me feel better?" She asked. "After what I said to you?"

"...Look, I don't blame you for not fully trusting me." Twilight sighed. "Trying to take the Pearl was one of the most shameful things I've ever done. A part of me will never forgive myself for that"

"But Skystar is right." Novo admitted, guilt flowing over her. "I have no right to hold this mistake over your head. Not after everything you've done for us afterward. You defeated the Storm King, accepted my niece into your school without a second thought... I should've let this go a long time ago. But it seems I have a habit of letting the past haunt me. Between Typhoon's actions and the Storm King's invasion, the idea of my family, my subjects, suffering any more than they already have, is unbearable to me."

"I know the feeling." Twilight empathised. "Equestria has faced so many threats, come so close to annihilation so many times... The last thing I want is for more threats to show up." She signed resignedly. "But threats just seem to keep showing up. And all I and my friends can do is just keep stepping up to face them."

"Well, now I feel a little silly." Novo smiled weakly. "You've faced all these threats in such a short amount of time, while we've only seen a couple these last few decades."

"It's not a competition." Twilight assured her. "Equestria just seems to be a magnet for trouble."

"But you and your friends seem to have a knack for dealing with that trouble." Novo noted. "No matter what, I've always admired that about you."

"Thanks." Twilight smiled. "It wasn't always easy, but having friends to help can make anything possible."

"With that in mind, I think I should start being a better friend to you." Novo beamed. "And I'm going to start by taking you up on your gracious offer to ward the other artefacts in our vault."

"Are you sure?" Twilight asked. "Like you said, it may not be necessary."

"Maybe not." Novo admitted. "But all the same, I've prefer they receive the best defense, from a pony I can trust."

"Thank you, Novo." Twilight smiled. "I won't let you down."

"I know you won't." Novo nodded kindly. "And once you're done, I think Skystar should be calmed enough that we can talk this out. It wouldn't hurt for me to trust her with the truth after all..."

Meanwhile, Skystar snuck over to the shores of Mt. Aeris. She leapt into the water, changing en route into her Seapony form. Once under the water, she smiled. It had been far too long since she had gotten a chance to swim again, and she was going to take a moment to enjoy it.

"Whoo!" She whooped, as she dived, spun and loop-de-looped through the aquatic environment.

After a few moments, Skystar swam over to Seaquestria's main settlement, her aim being for one building in particular; the home of her aunt Ocean Flow. Once she reached the front door, she took a moment to steel herself, then knocked.

Moments later, the door opened, with Terramar greeting Skystar.

"Oh, hey, cuz." Terramar said, a little surprised to see her. "A little late to be dropping by, isn't it?"

"Yeah, well... I just felt like visiting." Skystar shrugged awkwardly.

"Who's at the door, honey?" Ocean Flow called.

"It's just Skystar, mom." Terramar answered.

"Skystar? Really?" Ocean Flow walked over to the door.

"Hey, auntie." Skystar waved. "Hope you don't mind me dropping by so late."

"Oh, it's fine." Ocean Flow smiled. "Come in. If you're feeling hungry, we've got some leftovers from dinner. How does salmon steak sound?"

"Sounds great!" Skystar grinned, entering the house.

As Ocean Flow made her way into the kitchen, Terramar eyed his cousin suspiciously.

"No offense, but are you sure you should be here right now?" He asked. "I heard dad say something about tighter security at the palace before I came back down here."

"Oh, it's nothing." Skystar fibbed. "Just a temporary problem."

"If you say so..." Terramar mused. "Wanna play some barnacleball while you're waiting for your steak?"

"That does sound like fun." Skystar admitted truthfully. "But first I just need to talk to auntie Ocean Flow real quick."

"Oh, okay." Terramar shrugged. "Guess I can warm up a little first..."

"Great." Skystar nodded.

With Terramar nicely occupied, Skystar made her way to the kitchen. Ocean Flow was gathering utensils on to go with the salmon steak, which was being cooked above a heat-radiating crystal.

"Sorry to barge in like this, auntie." Skystar apologised. "But I kinda have a question for you."

"What kind of question, dear?" Ocean Flow asked.

"Well... You know mom pretty well, don't you?" Skystar prompted.

"Well, of course." Ocean Flow chuckled. "We are sisters, after all."

"I figured." Skystar chuckled. "That's why I thought you were the one to go to about this."

"About what, Skystar?" Ocean Flow asked, noticing that the steak was almost done.

"Did mom ever have some trouble with a guy named... Tycoon, was it?" Skystar inquired.

Ocean Flow almost dropped the plate she was carrying. Her horrified expression, though brief, was plain to see.

"She did, didn't she?" Skystar declared. "What happened with this Tycoon guy, and what does it have to do with me?"

"Not Tycoon... Typhoon." Ocean Flow said grimly.

"So you do know." Skystar frowned.

"I do." Ocean Flow nodded.

"Then please, tell me." Skystar pleaded.

"Novo wouldn't want me to..." Ocean Flow said, unsure.

"I have to know, auntie." Skystar urged. "Please."

"...Okay." Ocean Flow signed, placing the cooked steak on the plate and passing to Skystar. "But it's not going to be easy to hear."

"I need to hear the truth." Skystar said resolutely.

"Of course you do." Ocean Flow nodded. "It all started years ago..."

Back at the palace, Twilight and Novo were on their way back to the vault after their heart-to-heart. But their path was suddenly blocked by a frantic guard

"Your highness." The guard addressed Novo. "We have a situation."

"What is it?" Novo asked, unamused at the idea of more drama.

"I want to check on Princess Skystar, and found her room empty!" The guard revealed.

"What?!" Novo gasped.

"There was a dummy in her bed. And none of the other guards have seen her in the palace." The guard continued. "She may have left the grounds entirely."

"No, no, no, no..." Novo breathed heavily. "Form a search party immediately! Scour every inch of Mount Aeris! Skystar must be found immediately!"

"Yes, your highness!" The guard saluted, then rushed off to inform his fellows.

Novo turned to face Twilight.

"Forget about the artifacts." She announced. "Right now, finding Skystar is all that matters! I don't suppose you have any magic-based ideas?"

"I think I can put together a tracking spell." Twilight suggested. "All I'd need is one of Skystar's possessions."

"Then that is what you shall have." Novo nodded. "Follow me to Skystar's room! And please tell me this tracking spell can be cast quickly!"

"...Quickly enough." Twilight nodded, as she followed Novo down the halls.

"We can only hope..." Novo frowned.

At the same time, Skystar emerged from the ocean waters and walked onto Basalt Beach, downcast and horrified. Ocean Flow had told her everything, and she could barely comprehend it.

'My dad's brother is the reason he disappeared?' She thought, her stomach turning at the very thought. 'I can't believe it... and why didn't mom just tell me? She had plenty of chances over the years! It's not like I'm still a foal. She should have told me...'

Skystar was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't spot the only other figure on the beach until she bumped into him.

"Oh, sorry." She said awkwardly. "I didn't see you-"

"Well, fancy running into you here."

Skystar looked upon the figure she had bumped into, and shivered with unease at the sight before her.

It was Typhoon, but not as he once was. His right wing was broken and twisted, his mane was overgrown and scraggly, and his formerly-handsome face was lined and haggard. Despite this, he had a twisted smile on his beak.

"Little Skystar." He cackled lightly. "My, how you've grown..."

"Wh-who are you?" Skystar gaped.

"Why, I'm your old uncle Typhoon." Typhoon smirked. "And I'm here for a long overdue family reunion..."

Dark Tides (Part Four)

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Skystar was rooted to the sandy beach with fear, as she looked upon the family member she didn't even know she had until moments ago, grinning at her wickedly.

"You... you're Typhoon, aren't you?" She asked nervously.

"That I am, dear niece." Typhoon smirked. "And look at you. Last time I saw you, you were just this tiny little foal. And now, here you are, all grown up, and looking just as lovely as your mother."

Skystar glanced at the water, angling to jump back in and thus evade her evil uncle. But before she could make a move, Typhoon grabbed her wrist, twisting it back.

"Ahhh!" Skystar yelped.

"Don't go getting any ideas, kiddo." Typhoon hissed. "Just play along like a good little heir to the throne, and this'll all be over before you know it."

"What are you going to do?" Skystar growled, struggling in vain to free herself. "To me? To my mom?"

"If your mom's smart, absolutely nothing." Typhoon declared. "But if she's not, well... that would make me very upset. And nocreature wants to see me upset." He started dragging her away from the beach. "Now, let's get things all set up for my little meeting with Novo..."

Back at the palace, Novo was frantic with worry. She and Twilight were in Skystar's room. Twilight was levitating an old plush toy of Skystar's in her magic (as the tracking spell worked best when a long-held and dearly loved possession was involved). As Twilight focused her magic, Novo paced around the room nervously.

"How much longer?" Novo suddenly asked, fear pushing her voice up a few octaves.

Twilight flinched, her concentration shaken by the sudden interruption.

"I know you're worried about Skystar, your highness." She acknowledged sympathetically. "I am, too. But I can't cast the tracking spell if I'm not allowed to concentrate."

"...Sorry." Novo shook her head, trying vainly to clear her mind. "Please, proceed."

Twilight closed her eyes, and once again focused her magic upon the toy, tapping into the connection it had to Skystar. Suddenly, her eyes opened, and glowed a bright white.

"Contact." She said quietly. "I'm starting to get a trace on Skystar." Her brow furrowed as she concentrated more. "She's not in the village, or the surrounding waters... But I'm getting a sign of her on the mountain, beyond Harmonizing Heights..."

"What could Skystar be doing there?" Novo asked, dreading the possible answer.

"I've almost locked onto her position..." Twilight assured Novo, her horn glowing brighter than ever. "Just a little more..."

Suddenly, Stratus barged into the room.

"Your highness!" He called out.

The shock of Stratus' sudden appearance broke Twilight's concentration; the plushie dropped to the floor as the spell dissipated.

"No! I was so close!" Twilight groaned.

Novo looked with dismay at the dropped toy, then turned to face Stratus.

"This had better be extremely important, Skyranger." She snarled at the guard.

"O-of course, your highness." Stratus quaked with fear at the Queen's anger. He held up a piece pf paper. "We just found this letter that I think you need to see."

Novo took the letter and began to read.

Hey, Novo, it's me again.

There's been a change of plan. Instead of me coming for the Staff of Stratosphira, I want you to bring it to me. Why should you do this, you ask? Simple: I've got Skystar.

Meet me at the cliffs, same time, same place as before. No guards, just the staff. And I mean the Staff in full working order. No tricks. You give me the staff, I give you Skystar.

Do we have a deal?

Novo lowered the letter, trembling with both fear and anger.

"Where did you get this?" She asked Stratus.

"It was attached to an arrow somecreature fired into the ground by the front gates." Stratus answered.

"I see..." Novo said quietly.

"What are your orders, your majesty?" Stratus asked.

"I... I..." Novo stuttered.

"Your highness, we need a decision." Stratus urged.

"I know." Novo said nervously. "But this isn't a choice we can take lightly."

"Take lightly?" Stratus repeated. "You're not seriously considering actually giving that maniac the Staff of Stratosphira, are you, your highness? Princess Twilight's protection spell must remain in place. The damage he could cause with the staff otherwise-”

"I know!" Novo yelled. "But Skystar..."

"With all due respect, your grace, we must focus on the big picture." Stratus urged.

"Are you saying Skystar shouldn't be part of that big picture?" Twilight spoke up. "Because I strongly disagree on that!"

"No offense, Princess, but this is Hippogriff business." Stratus said coldly. "It's none of your concern."

"Skystar is my friend." Twilight retorted. "So I'd say this is absolutely my concern."

"Well, I say-” Stratus began.

"That is enough, Lieutenant Skyranger." Novo cut him off. "Twilight may not be a Hippogriff, but in my palace, her opinion matters as much as anycreature's."

"But your majesty-!” Stratus spluttered.

"Enough." Novo said firmly. "I already lost my husband. I will not lose my daughter too." She gritted her beak in determination. "If Typhoon wants the staff, we'll give him the staff."

"For the record, I simply must register my disapproval." Stratus spoke up

"Your disapproval is noted, Lieutenant Skyranger." Novo declared. "But I have made my decision, and am prepared to face the consequences. Now, we need to hurry. Midnight isn't too far from now..."

Novo left the room, followed by Twilight, leaving an incredulous Stratus behind.

As midnight neared, Novo flew up Mount Aeris, carrying the Staff of Stratosphira (with the protective ward removed) in her claw. While she complied with Typhoon's demand for no guards to join her, she was flanked by Twilight, who was all too willing to support her in her hour of need.

As they landed at the familiar location, Novo couldn't help but feel a melancholy chill run down her spine. She hadn't even been near these cliffs since that awful night, and had hoped that she never would again. But that hope had been dashed, and she had no choice but to return to the place where she had irrevocably lost a piece of her heart.

"Are you okay?" Twilight asked.

"As okay as I can be, considering the current circumstances." Novo said flatly.

"Are you sure you can handle this?" Twilight inquired, concern all over her face.

"Honestly? No." Novo admitted. "But I have to do this. For Skystar's sake."

"But you don't have to do it alone." Twilight assured her. "Not while I'm on Mount Aeris."

Novo managed a smile, in spite of the graveness of the situation.

"Thank you, Twilight." She said gratefully. "That means a lot to me."

"How touching." A voice that was all too familiar to Novo rang out through the night.

Novo and Twilight turned in the direction of the voice. Typhoon approached them, carrying a dagger in one claw and dragging along Skystar with the other. The Princess's claws and beak had been bound in rope, but she was otherwise unharmed (to Novo's relief).

"Oh, Novo." Typhoon declared. "You've barely aged a day since we last saw each other. Let me guess, you've been getting some fancy royal beauty treatment, right?"

"I'm not here to play games, Typhoon." Novo tried to keep her voice calm. "I'm here for my daughter."

"I see you've brought a guest to our little family reunion." Typhoon glanced at Twilight. "Don't even think of using that pony magic of yours, missy. If I see that horn of yours so much as spark..." He tightened his grip on Skystar, simultaneously holding the dagger against her face as he leaned her near the edge of the cliff. "...She'll be sorry. Understand?"

"I understand." Twilight glared coldly at Typhoon.

"How are you still alive, Typhoon?" Novo demanded to know. "I saw you and Tropic go over the cliff. There was no sign of either of you."

"I didn't expect there to be." Typhoon growled. "That idiot brother of mine sent us crashing into one of those crags below. Darn near broke every bone in my wing." He indicated his mangled appendage. "I passed out from the pain. Next thing I know, I'm waking up on some deserted island, coughing up what feels like half the ocean. Figured the currents must've carried me out there."

"The currents... of course..." Novo said to herself.

"And since deserted islands aren't exactly big on medical supplies, I had no way to fix my wing." Typhoon said bitterly. "So I couldn't fly my way out of there. I had to wait for a ship to pass by, which took years. After I got back to dry land, I bided my time, planning my revenge." He chuckled slightly. "But wouldn't you know it, when I finally decided to return, I found Mt. Aeris under siege from the Storm King's forces."

Novo narrowed her eyes, still remembering that terrible day all too well.

"What rotten luck, huh?" Typhoon smirked. "I bailed on that scene all too quick, and waited once more. When I finally came back, I found the Storm Guard gone, and Mount Aeris empty. As you can imagine, I assumed the worst had happened; that all my patience had ended up being for nothing, just because some whackjob despot had gotten there before me."

"Is that all that mattered to you?" Novo growled, outrage overriding her curiosity. "You thought our entire race was gone, and you only cared about losing the chance to enact your petty revenge?"

"Pretty much." Typhoon shrugged. "I was about to give up right then and there. That is, until I saw a Seapony popping out of the waters near Basalt Beach."

Skystar's eyes widened, the young princess rightfully guessing that it was she Typhoon had spotted, during one of her secret trips to the surface.

"It was easy for me to piece together what happened after that." Typhoon declared. "I'd heard stories of the Pearl of Transformation, so I figured you'd used it to escape. I also figured you wouldn't stay under forever, so once again, I waited. And one day, my patience was rewarded; I saw Seaponies heading to the beach and changing back into Hippogriffs. Once you all got settled back into things, that's when I decided it was time to make my move." He sneered triumphantly. "And that's what's led us to this very moment. At long last, all that waiting, all that patience, is about to pay off big time."

"Is it?" Novo snarled. "Is possessing the Staff of Stratosphira really going to make all this suffering worth it?"

"Oh, I think it will." Typhoon grinned. "Once I have that staff, I'm going to use it to sweep this entire mountain clean. Then do the same to the ones still living underwater."

"You can't!" Novo growled.

"I can, and I will." Typhoon spat. "I'm going to erase every reminder of my suffering. Every reminder of being rejected by you, betrayed by Tropic, and remembered by every Hippogriff as a monster. I'll destroy it all. After that, I think I'll find a new home, and the staff will allow me to make myself king of wherever I end up. At long last, I'll have the throne I always deserved."

"You really are a self-centred, powerhungry monster, aren't you?" Novo growled, utter disgust in her voice. "I can't believe I ever had feelings for you, you vile, rotten-”

"Ah-ah-ah." Typhoon held the dagger closer to Skystar. "Throwing insults at me isn't going to do Skystar any favours. I've much rather you throw me the staff. Speaking of which... it's time for our little trade."

"Yes." Novo nodded. "Release Skystar, and the staff is yours."

"No, no, no." Typhoon shook his head. "That's not how this is gonna work. You give me the staff, and after I give it a little test drive to make sure it still works, I'll release my darling niece."

"And how do we know you'll keep your word?" Twilight demanded.

"You're just gonna have to trust me." Typhoon jeered. "Who knows? Maybe I'll spare the three of you from the destruction that'll follow... If you stop stalling and give me the Staff NOW."

"Okay..." Novo reluctantly stepped forward, holding out the staff.

Typhoon's eyes sparkled with wicked glee. He moved the dagger to the opposite claw, then reached out with his now empty primary appendage.

Despite the cold dagger against her neck, Skystar knew that she couldn't allow Typhoon to get the staff. She didn't have the strength to break the brute's grip, but what she did have was her shard of the Pearl of Transformation (Typhoon clearly having believed that her Seapony form would have little chance of escaping him on land). She touched the shard, and transformed.

”Huh?" Typhoon was surprised by the sudden change, but maintained his grip. "Nice try." He sneered. "But this is already over."

Skystar smiled, then whipped her piscine tail upwards, striking her uncle's mangled wing.

"ARRRGH!!" Typhoon screamed, in utter agony from the strike to his shattered wing bones. The pain caused him to not only drop the dagger, but release Skystar.

"Skystar!" Novo gasped, moving the staff out of Typhoon's reach and reaching for her daughter at the same time.

All of a sudden, the world seemed to go into slow motion; Skystar spread her wings, ready to fly away from her wicked uncle. But before she could take off, Typhoon grabbed her wing with one claw and her neck with the other.

"You little..." He growled, cold fury in his voice.

Skystar tried desperately to shake free of Typhoon's grip. But in doing so, she lost her balance. Tripping over a nearby rock, both she and Typhoon tumbled over the edge of the cliff.

At that moment, the world seemed to return to normal speed.

"NOOOO!!" Novo cried.

It was as if history were repeating itself; Skystar and Typhoon were tumbling toward the sharp, unforgiving crags. But just before they hit, they froze in midair, surrounded in a magenta-colored field of magic.

Novo, looking over the edge of the cliff, let out a heavy sigh of relief as Twilight lifted her passengers out of danger.

Once they were above solid land, Twilight moved Skystar away from Typhoon and set her down. Novo rushed over, tearing away her daughter's bond and hugging her tightly.

"I'm so glad you're safe." Novo wept shamelessly. "I'm so sorry for what I said to you. I should have never..." She dissolved into distraught sobs.

"It's okay, mom." Skystar also wept as she comforted her mother. "It's okay..."

Meanwhile, Typhoon was still being held above the ground, and he was not happy.

"No, no, no, NO!!" He screamed, limbs flailing in every direction as he struggled in vain to escape. "I was so close! And I distinctly said no magic! No magic! Put me down!"

"Just a moment..." Twilight eyed a tree in the distance, and willed the creepers hanging from it to snake over and entwine themselves around Typhoon's body. Once that task was done, she lowered her captive to the ground. "There. All done."

"You think this is over?" Typhoon snarled. "Not even close! I'll have my revenge if it takes me the rest of my life, you hear me?!"

"You're going to be spending the rest of your life behind bars, Typhoon." Novo said coldly as she and Skystar joined Twilight. "You will never hurt our family ever again."

"Wanna bet?" Typhoon spat. "Just you wait. You're all gonna pay, just wait and-mph!" His tirade was cut off by Twilight directing the creepers to entwine around his beak.

"I think we've heard enough from you tonight." Twilight glared.

"I couldn't have put it better myself." Novo smiled.

In due time, the three royals returned to the palace (handing Typhoon over to the guards and returning the Staff of Stratosphira to the vault enroute), and were standing together in the throne room.

"Thank you for everything Twilight." Novo smiled gratefully. "I don't know how I can ever repay you for saving Skystar."

"You don't need to repay me for anything." Twilight smiled back. "It's just what friends do."

"And Skystar." Novo turned her daughter, regret on her face. "I am so sorry I never told you what happened to your father. It was such a painful experience for me, one that has haunted me ever since. I didn't want to burden you with such awful knowledge."

"I understand, mom." Skystar sighed. "I can't say I agree with your decision, but I understand why you made it."

"I almost lost you." Novo suppressed a sob. "I already lost your father. If anything ever happened to you, I, I don't know what I'd do."

"Oh, mom." Skystar hugged her mother. "I'm not going anywhere. I promise. Just... no more secrets, 'kay?"

"That's fair." Novo smiled, wiping a tear from her eye. "No more secrets. From now on, we will be completely open with each other."

"Well, in that case, you should know that I snuck out of the palace to talk with auntie Ocean Flow about what was going on with you." Skystar admitted sheepishly.

"I see." Novo raised an eyebrow, partially amused by Skystar's newfound truthfulness. "You do realise we're going to have a long talk about that later, don't you?"

"I figured." Skystar smiled. "But honestly, I don't mind the idea of being grounded again, just as long as I know why it's happening."

"Oh, believe me, you'll know exactly why in future." Novo chuckled.

The two hugged each other tightly, still so happy to be together again. Twilight couldn't help but smile at the display of mother/daughter happiness.

"This calls for a celebration." Novo declared, as she and Skystar finally parted. "I'll have the royal chefs prepare all your favorites for breakfast."

"Oh, boy!" Skystar beamed. "Smoked kippers and kelp pancakes!"

"And you're more than welcome to join us, Twilight." Novo smiled. "The chefs will prepare anything you wish."

"Well, after the night we've been through, I could use a good meal." Twilight nodded. "Something to tide me over on the trip back to Equestria. Okay, I'll have some pancakes with maple syrup, and a side of grapefruit."

"Consider it done." Novo declared. "For a friend like you, I can do less." She turned to Skystar. "Skystar, would you like to hear a little about your father?"

"Of course I do." Skystar smiled. "What was he like?"

"He was a kind, gentle, and caring Hippogriff." Novo smiled nostalgically. "And so shy, too..."

Twilight joined Novo and Skystar as they made their way to the dining room, Novo continuing to reminisce about her late husband, and how much he meant to her. As harrowing as the last few days had been, it was clear to Twilight that the experience had strengthened the bond between mother and daughter, forging new trust and command. And Twilight couldn't be happier for them.


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It was mid-morning in Ponyville. At the town's little schoolhouse, Cheerilee was, as always, teaching her class. She was currently lecturing the students on Equestrian history, at the same time etching some visual aids on her chalkboard.

"And so you see, fillies and colts, the great cherry tree groves of Dodge Junction came to be because-" Her lecture was suddenly cut off by the sounds of snoring. "I certainly hope somepony isn't sleeping in class." She remarked, slightly irritated, yet still trying to focus on the lecture. "I'd hate for them to miss out on such a vital learning opportunity..."

Cheerilee was answered by more snoring. Reluctantly, Cheerilee turned away from the chalkboard, and looked out over the small sea of young pony faces (most of which were trying their best to look as alert as possible). She didn't expect finding the sleeper to be all that difficult, as most of the students were standing upright with attention. What she didn't expect was the identity of the sleepers: Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle.

"Cutie Mark Crusaders!" She yelled loudly.

The trio snapped awake.

"Huh-what?" Apple Bloom gasped.

"I'm awake!" Scootaloo yelped.

"I was having such a nice dream..." Sweetie Belle yawned, still half-asleep.

"Girls, please see me after class." Cheerilee instructed, an unamused look on her face.

The Crusaders shared matching expressions of unease, fearing just what kind of talking-to they were going to get. Their fellow students' expressions ranged from sympathy to "you got what deserved".

As the class were let out for recess, the Crusaders approached Cheerilee warily.

"Um, sorry about fallin' asleep, miss Cheerilee..." Apple Bloom said nervously.

"We didn't mean to!" Sweetie Belle added.

"Please don't be mad!" Scootaloo begged.

"I'm not angry, girls." Cheerilee assured them. "Just disappointed. This isn't like you. Any of you. Is something wrong?"

"Oh, nuthin's wrong." Apple Bloom answered. "In fact, a whole lotta stuff has bin goin' right this week."

"We helped a few foals to get their Cutie Marks." Scootaloo added. "And even helped a couple understand their special talents a little better."

"And we've been doing a lot of good work as friendship tutors at Princess Twilight's school." Sweetie Belle smiled.

"I see..." Cheerilee mused. "Sounds like you have been very busy lately."

"Yeah, but... y'know, never hurts to help ponies in need." Scootaloo shrugged.

"I can't argue with that." Cheerilee smiled. "But maybe you could try going to sleep a little earlier tonight, so we can avoid something like this happening in the future."

"We will, miss Cheerilee." Sweetie Belle nodded.

"Very good." Cheerilee nodded. "Now, off to recess, you three."

"Yes, ma'am!" The three chorused, before racing out of the classroom.

"Those fillies, always so eager to help others..." Cheerilee shook her head admiringly.

After school ended, the Crusaders made their way to the School of Friendship, intent on squeezing in some tutoring before dinner.

"...And that's how Princess Luna found the strength to contain the Tantabus within herself." Apple Bloom told an attentive Chill Char.

"Wow." Chill Char gaped. "You ponies have the most amazing history."

"It's even more amazing when you actually see it with your own eyes." Scootaloo noted. "Pretty much all of Ponyville was there, in one big, shared dream. I had the most gigantic wings!"

"Thanks for the help, girls." Chill Char smiled. "I've got so much friendship history to catch up on, and I wouldn't want to slow my friends down by asking them to help me study."

"I'm sure your friends won't mind." Sweetie Belle declared. "Just like we don't mind helping you and any other student who's a little behind on their work."

"And I'm sure every student is as grateful as I am." Chill Char grinned. "Now, about that whole thing with Queen Chrysalis's second attack..."

After they were done assisting Chill Char and a few others with their studies, the CMC departed from the School of Friendship, seeking to return to their homes and families. But on the way, they were approached by a panicky blue Earth Pony filly by the name of Archer.

"Cutie Mark Crusaders!" She yelped. "I need help!"

"What's the problem?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Well, it's about my cutie mark." Archer replied, pointing out the bow and arrow symbol on her flank. "When I first got it, I thought it meant I'd be great at archery. But lately, it doesn't seem like it."

"Maybe you should show us what you mean." Sweetie Belle suggested.

"And er, make it quick, if you can." Scootaloo added. "It's almost dinner, you know."

"Okay..." Archer said awkwardly. She extracted a bow and a suction cup arrow from her saddlebag. She looked around for a suitable target, and settled on a nearby tree. "You see that tree there? Watch."

Archer readied the arrow, took aim, drew back the bow, and released it. The arrow didn't even come close to hitting the tree.

"See?" Archer frowned. "I used to have perfect aim. But now..."

"That is odd." Apple Bloom mused. "When's the last time you practiced?"

"'Practiced'?" Archer scoffed. "Why would I need to practice? It's my special talent!"

"That doesn't mean you're going to be great at it without putting in any effort, or keeping your skills sharp." Scootaloo pointed out.

"Yeah." Sweetie Belle agreed. "Take my sister, Rarity. Her talent is designing clothes. But that doesn't mean she can't make a bad dress every once in a while. We all have our off days, you know..."

"So my special talent isn't broken?" Archer asked. "I just need to practice?"

"Looks like it tah me." Apple Bloom nodded. "Give it a few days a' work, and yah'll probably see sum improvement."

"I will." Archer smiled. "Thanks, Crusaders."

"Happy to help." Scootaloo grinned.

As Archer departed, Sweetie Belle took note of the setting sun.

"We're better get moving." She noted. "It's almost dinnertime!"

"See ya tomorrow, gals!" Apple Bloom declared, and the three went their separate ways.

"Later!" Scootaloo called.

The three young fillies returned to their homes, weary from the efforts of the day. Following Cheerilee's advice, the three of them were quick to go to bed after dinner, intent on not repeating the embarassing incident of the prior morning.

For the next few days, things seemed okay. They attended their lessons, helped ponies with their cutiemark-related problems, and tutored students at Twilight's school. But then...

"Now than, foals." Cheerilee declared. "Today's lesson is about the pyramids of Southern Equestria."

The CMCs sat up as straight as possible, intent on listening to every word of Cheerilee's lecture. But despite their early bedtime the night before, they still felt a little tired.

During recess, they were quick to discuss the problem.

"Am Ah the only one feelin' as tired as a caterpillar after a marathon?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Not really." Scootaloo yawned.

"I don't know what's wrong." Sweetie Belle frowned. "I got plenty of sleep last night."

"Maybe we've jest got an off day." Apple Bloom shrugged. "Like Archer and her archery."

"Speaking of which, I ran into her in the market." Scootaloo declared. "And she says she's gotten way better now she's started practicing again."

"That's great news!" Sweetie Belle smiled.

"Yep." Apple Bloom grinned. "That's another pony whose life is better thanks tah us."

"Best feeling in the world, isn't it?" Scootaloo grinned. "Race you guys to the swings!"

The CMC rushed off to play, temporarily reenergized by their sense of accomplishment. Unfortunately, it would not last, for once the time came for them to tutor students at the School of Friendship, the tiredness began to creep back in.

"And after Rainbow Dash decided that she needed to represent Ponyville in the Equestria, the pin the Wonderbolt gifted her with ended up..." Scootaloo ceased her lecture to break into a yawn. "...Becoming her key to the Harmony Box."

"Is it really that boring?" The turquoise dragon Scootaloo was tutoring snarked.

"No, no!" Scootaloo said awkwardly, horrified at the idea of making anything her idol accomplished look dull and uninteresting. "Just been a long day, that's all... Now, after all the keys were found, Rainbow Dash and her friends unlocked this awesome Rainbow Power and defeated Lord Tirek!" She tried to look as invested in the subject matter as possible, but her drooping eyelids betrayed her.

"Okay..." The dragon said, awkwardly taking notes. "Thanks for that..."

After the student stood and departed, Scootaloo slammed her head into the desk in embarassment.

Meanwhile, her fellow Crusaders weren't faring much better.

"And that was when the flyer of Friendships chased off the Windigos..." Sweetie Belle declared, relating the story of the founding of Equestria to a yak student.

"'Flyer'?" The yak frowned, confused. "Yak though it was 'fire'."

"Th-that's what I said!" Sweetie Belle cringed, her cheeks flushing red as a similar sense of embarassment washed over her.

Apple Bloom was struggling to focus as she tried to help Chill Char learn about the battle between the Pillars of Old Equestria and the Sirens.

"So you see, the Pillars fought the Sirens as a team." She declared wearily. "And then they created a portal... to trap the PIllars..."

"I think you mean 'Sirens'." Chill Char said awkwardly.

"Oh, right." Apple Bloom shook her head. "That's right, Sirens. Trapped..."

"...Would you excuse me for just a second?" Chill Char said suddenly.

"Sure, sure..." Apple Bloom sighed, shaking her head again in an attempt to clear the fog threatening to engulf it.

As Chill Char raced out of the library, the CMCs felt themselves starting to doze off. But that was prevented by a familiar voice.

"Hey, guys!"

The CMCs all snapped awake, and saw their honorary Crusader Gabby rushing over to them.

"It's so great to see you all!" Gabby squealed, enveloping the trio in one of her trademark hugs. "How have you been?"

"We're great, Gabby." Apple Bloom smiled.

"What are you doing here?" Scootaloo asked.

"Oh, the usual." Gabby smiled. "Just picking up another letter for Grandpa Gruff from Gallus. Let me guess, you're tutoring today?"

"That's right." Sweetie Belle nodded, the brief burst of energy from their reunion starting to fade. "Every day this week..."

"You gals feeling okay?" Gabby asked, taking note of their tiredness in their eyes.

"We're jest fine..." Apple Bloom stifled a yawn.

"That's debatable."

They all turned toward the library entrance; Chill Char had returned, joined by the Young Six.

"Chill Char said you fillies have been acting a little weird today." Sandbar declared.

"And I can see why." The ever-observant Ocellus stated as she approached. "You three look exhausted."

"We're okay." Scootaloo put on a smile.

"We've just been a little busy lately." Sweetie Belle declared. "Attenting Cheerilee's classes, tutoring students here, helping ponies with their cutie marks and special talents."

"That sounds like a lot of work." Silverstream noted.

"It's not really work when yah love what yah do." Apple Bloom grinned.

"Still, a little time off wouldn't hurt." Smolder pointed out.

"We can't time off." Scootaloo countered. "Not when there are all sorts of creatures who need our help!"

"You can't help them if you're too tired to see straight!" Gallus pointed out.

"I think it's time for an intervention." Gabby declared. "You three need to take a break, before you totally burn yourselves out. I mean, you kinda have to go to school, but the rest of what you do can wait."

"But what about if sum a' the friendship students need tutoring?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Chill." Sandbar smiled, as he indicated himself and his friends. "We'll cover the tutoring thing no problem."

"We will?" Smolder frowned.

"Yes, we will." Yona said firmly.

"But what about if any ponies need help with their cutie marks?" Sweetie Belle pointed out.

"I'll help them." Gabby offered. "I think I've hung out with you guys enough to get the gist of it. At least for a day."

"We can't ask y'all tah do that fer us." Apple Bloom protested.

"You don't have to." Ocellus smiled.

"You've already done so much for everycreature here." Gabby declared. "Now let us do a little something for you."

The CMC looked into the expectant smiles of the others. Then they shared a glance with each other.

"...Guess we don't really have a choice." Scootaloo sighed.

"Sure you do." Silverstream grinned. "We just want to help you make the right one."

"...Maybe one day off from Crusading and tutoring wouldn't hurt..." Sweetie admitted.

"That's the spirit." Gallus nodded. "Startin' to make me wish I could get a day off right now..."

"Thanks, everycreature." Apple Bloom smiled.

"We don't know what to say." Sweetie Belle admitted.

"You don't have to say anything." Sandbar declared. "Just head home, and get some rest. For once, leave the helping to somecreature else."

"Will do." Scootaloo nodded.

"We oughta be gettin' home, anyway." Apple Bloom noted the time on a wall clock.

"See you soon!" Gabby waved, as the Crusaders deaprted for another early night's sleep.

"Enjoy your day off!" Chill Char added.

The CMCs returned home to a filling dinner and another much-needed sleep. After getting through school (with little attention loss) the next day, they spent the remainder of the day relaxing, either at home, or just hanging out at their clubhouse together.

"This is nice." Sweetie Belle admitted.

"We've been so busy lately that I almost forgot what it feels like to relax." Scootaloo joked.

"Ah guess a day off wuz what we needed after all." Apple Bloom acknowledged.

"I haven't felt this good since that time we went on the hayrides at the harvest festival." Sweetie Belle smiled.

"Yeah, good times..." Scootaloo grinned.

The three spent the rest of the day reminiscing about old times, talking about their own hobbies, interests and families. Once the day was nearing its end, they returned to their homes for some peaceful, quiet dinners, and a third good night's sleep.

The next day, the CMC dropped by the School of Friendship, hoping to catch up on events. The Young Six, Chill Char and Gabby were in the garden.

"Hi, y'all." Apple Bloom smiled.

"Hey." Silverstream waved. "You gals look so much better today."

"We feel so much better." Sweetie Belle declared.

"Was I right,or was I right?" Sandbar grinned proudly.

"So, how did things go around here?" Scootaloo asked.

"Not so bad." Ocellus answered.

"Yona teach fellow students lots about pony history!"

"Me and Smolder? Not so much." Gallus joked.

"Don't listen to him." Smolder scoffed. "We did okay."

"More than okay." Chill Char added. "Not to brag, but I think I aced yesterday's homework."

"What about you, Gabby?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Any cutie mark-related problems you had to deal with?"

"A couple." Gabby grinned. "This one colt named Featherweight felt like his photography hobby wasn't living up to his special talent. But I helped him turn things around by suggesting he get into taking pictures of nature!"

"Wow, good thinking." Scootaloo smiled.

"Aw, shucks..." Gabby blushed. "I just did what I thought you guys would do in that situation."

"You did great." Apple Bloom said warmly. "You all did."

"That's what friends are for, right?" Chill Char smiled. "I think we all learned that much."

"Speaking of which... You think if we tell the teachers about this, we might get extra credit?" Gallus smirked, eager to jump on a perceived opportunity.

The rest of the group laughed good-naturedly.

"I'm serious." Gallus said humorlessly.

"Well, it's good to know that if we ever push ourselves too hard again, we've got some really great stand-ins to take care of things." Sweetie Belle noted.

"Not that we're gonna be pushing ourselves that hard any time soon." Scootaloo smirked. "Now that I remember how good it feels to relax, I for one am gonna be looking to get in more relaxation time from now on."

"Me too." Apple Bloom agreed.

"And me." Sweetie Belle added. "'Cuz we can't help anypony if we don't take care of ourselves first. But as long as we're here, there's no harm in a little tutoring."

"As long as we get a break between sessions, I'm not complaining." Scootaloo shrugged.

"That settles it." Apple Bloom chuckled. "The Cutie Mark Crusaders are back in business!"

"Yeah!" The Crusaders, Gabby, the Young Six and Chill Char all cheered.

Based On A True Story

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It was morning in Canterlot. Twilight, flanked by Spike and a small group of guards, was heading the dedication ceremony of Canterlot's new hospital.

"We all know how important proper healthcare is." She announced. "Which is why I'm proud to cut the ribbon to this facility dedicated to giving you, the citizens of Canterlot, the care you deserve!"

The crowd cheered as Twilight cut the ribbon with the requisite oversized scissors.

"Pretty schmaltzy speech, if you ask me." Spike joked.

"Sometimes, schmaltzy works." Twilight grinned.

Just then, there was a small commotion in the crowd

"Pardon me! Coming through!" A donkey with a slicked back mane, an expensive (albeit slightly gaudy) suit and an overly-enthusiastic smile pushed through the gathered ponies. Once free of the crowd, he confidently approached the royal entourage. "Princess Twilight Sparkle! Such an honor to meet you in the flesh!"

"Hold it right there, mister." One of the guards blocked the donkey's path.

"Relax, metalhead." The donkey said condescendingly. "I just want to have a word with the Princess."

"The Princess is very busy." The guard said bluntly. "She has no time for chitchat with random passers-by."

The donkey's smile faltered slightly, then kicked back into high gear.

"Did I say 'word'?" He grinned. "I meant 'opportunity'! The opportunity of a lifetime! I gotta feeling she'll love to hear this!"

"What are you, a used carriage salesdonkey?" Another guard scoffed, joining the first in blocking the donkey's path. "I'd say you're barking up the wrong tree here."

"Stand down, guardsponies." Twilight stepped forward.

"But your highness-" The first guard protested.

"There's no harm in hearing him out." Twilight faced the donkey.

"Thank you, your highness." The donkey smiled. "Such a munificent ruler, I've always said..."

"A pleasure to meet you, Mr.-?" Twilight prompted.

"Please, call me Barley." The donkey said gregariously.

"Okay then, Mr. Barley." Twilight nodded. "What is this 'opportunity' you mentioned."

"An opportunity to get your story on stage." Barley smiled. "An opportunity to ensure all of Equestria sees the wonder that is you and your friends saving our land from evil!"

"You lost me there." Spike frowned.

"I want to put together a theatrical production revolving around you and your friends." Barley announced. "One that will show all of Equestria what amazing ponies you all are, written using a combination of eyewitness accounts and what was in that journal you published a while back. Of course, I wouldn't dream of pursuing such an endeavor without your royal go-ahead. And, possibly, a small patronage to help with the costs?"

"Called it." The second guard scoffed.

"Just think of it, your highness." Barley urged. "The tale of the six heroes of Equestria, being told told far and wide, recreated by a band of skilled actors... No offense to that wonderful journal you put out, but seeing your amazing deeds performed onstage would really get your message across. So, what do you say?"

"It does sound like a effective way to continue spreading the virtues of friendship." Twilight mused. "But it's not just up to me. My friends should be able to have their say too."

"Of course, of course." Barley nodded, slightly deflated by this complication.

"We're scheduled to meet in just over a week's time." Twilight announced. "I can talk to them then. And if they'll all board with your idea, then I'll gladly provide you with your small patronage."

"Excellent." Barley smiled, passing Twilight a business card. "I look forward to hearing the results. Now, I suppose I've already taken up enough of your precious time. Until we might again, your highness!"

Stopping only to bow, Barley departed from the scene. Spike took a glance at the card he'd given Twilight. Barley Bonanza: Maker of Dreams, it read, with an address printed below the gleaming raised gold letters.

"Well, he seemed... enthusiastic." The young dragon snarked.

"Why wouldn't he be?" Twilight smiled. "This is quite a venture. Personally, I think it's a great idea. But let's see what the others think about it.

Just over a week later...

At the Council of Friendship's next meeting, Twilight brought up Barley and his proposed production to her friends. The others seemed quite receptive to the idea.

"A play, all about us?" Rainbow Dash smiled. "Sounds great to me!"

"And myself, also." Rarity smiled. "I've always had something of a fondness for the theatre."

"It would be a great way to get our message out..." Fluttershy nodded.

"And a great way to give ponies a fun show!" Pinkie added.

"As long as it tells the truth of our story, Ah say Ah'm all fer it." Applejack declared.

"I guess I'm in, too." Spike shrugged. "Might be fun, seeing us all on stage... as long as the bill isn't too steep."

"So it's settled then." Twilight nodded. "I'll let Barley know as soon as possible. I'm sure he'll be thrilled."

The next day...

Twilight and Spike dropped by the address written on the card Barley had given. It was a fairl large building, with posters in the windows from previous productions. Barley was, of course, ecstatic to hear the news.

"Wonderful, wonderful!" He smiled brightly. "I'm so glad to hear you're all onboard with my little production!"

"My friends all thought it was a great idea." Twilight nodded. "You have our complete blessing. Now, onto the matter of the small patronage you mentioned before."

"Ah, yes." Barley's smile faltered. "The price we must pay to bring our personal visions to life... Now, in order to bring your amazing story to the stage, we must have the very best for the production; actors, set designs, special effects, what have you..."

"Get to the point, already." Spike urged.

"This is just a ballpark figure, but I'm fairly certain that in order to put on this production, I'm going to need five, maybe six... hundred Bits."

"Seriously?!" Spike gaped.

"You know what they say, little dragon: Ya gotta spend money to make money." Barley shrugged.

"That is a lot of Bits." Twilight mused, suddenly unsure about Barley's venture.

"Yes, it is, your highness." Barley nodded. "But I have every faith that this show of mine will be a smash hit. I can assure you with the utmost confidence that you will get a return on your investment in no time. And ultimately, isn't it a small price to pay, to ensure that as many ponies as posssible are reached by your ideals?"

"Well, I suppose the royal treasury can spare it at the moment." Twilight thought logically. "Even with the cost of rebuilding from Dread's attack, we still have a few Bits to spare. It helps that trade with Equestria's neighbors has been on the upswing lately... okay Barley, you have a deal. I'll see to it that you receive the Bits by the end of the week."

"Marvelous!" Barley grinned wide enough for Twilight and Spike to count every tooth in his mouth. "You won't regret this, Princess, I promise!"

"I should hope so." Twilight declared. "But I also hope your production proves to be everything you say it is."

"You have my word, your highness." Barley nodded. "Now, with all due respect, I must end our meeting here. There is a lot of preparations to get underway. With luck, the production should be raring to go in a matter of weeks."

"The best of luck to you, then." Twilight smiled. "Come on, Spike. Let's leave him to it."

As they departed, Spike appraised the situation.

"Well, no turning back now." He noted. "You sure we can trust this guy? We've dealt with con artists before. And that was a lot of Bits he was asking for..."

"Oh, Spike." Twilight rolled her eyes. "It's not like he's Flim and Flam. And even they wouldn't be greedy enough to try and rip off Equestria's ruler."

"Yeah, I guess." Spike sighed. "Let's just hope he keeps his word, and pays us back..."

As soon as she got back to the castle, Twilight arranged for a cheque to be sent to Barley's address, covering the patronage he requested. And in the coming weeks, posters advertising the upcoming production started going up around Canterlot.

Naturally, the community was abuzz with excitement, as were Twilight and her friends when their next meeting rolled around.

"Have you seen the posters for this thing?" Rainbow Dash asked excitedly.

"Quite a display, no doubt." Rarity nodded. "Gives one the impression that it will be a grand show indeed."

"I'm so excited!" Pinkie squealed. "I've already booked tickets for me and Maud on the premiere date! She loves a big night out..."

"Ah'd like tah see it right away mahself." Applejack admitted. "But Ah got sum harvestin' tah do. But Ah'm sure Ah'll get around to it before our next meetin'."

"My schedule is pretty packed too." Twilight acknowledged. "Maybe you can let me know how it went?"

"Will do." Applejack nodded.

"I'm sure we'll all have seen it by then." Rarity noted. "Right, Fluttershy?"

"Big crowds aren't usually my thing, but I think I can find the time to see it." Fluttershy admitted. "I just hope my character has plenty of animal friends..."

"It's gonna be awesome!" Rainbow Dash grinned.

"It better be, with all the Bits Barley was asking for." Spike crossed his arms. "I'd hate to think all that money went to a total dud."

"Have a little faith, Spike." Twilight gently chided him. "Don't forget, the point of this play is to continue spreading the word of what we all believe in: The magic of friendship. As long as it accomplishes that, I'd call it a success."

"We'll see soon enough, I suppose..." Spike mused.

Soon after the Council of Friendship's meeting, the play opened to the public. While Twilight's royal schedule prevented her from attending herself, she kept an eye on the local newspapers, and saw that the reviews were highly favorable.

"'This new production, based on Equestria's six heroes, is a sheer wonder from start to finish'." Twilight smiled as she read a review aloud.

"'Talented actors, top-notch special effects. and a fantastic story make this performance a joy to behold'." Spike read another review. "Looks like Barley came through after all."

"He sure did." Twilight smiled.

Barely a week later, Twilight was surprised to receive a visit from Barley.

"Good to see you again, your highness." Barley smiled.

"I hear the play is going well." Twilight noted.

"Indeed it is." Barley smiled. "So well, in fact, that I can give you this."

Barley handed Twilight a piece of paper, which turned out to be a cheque for the six hundred Bits Twilight had sent to him.

"As promised, every Bit accounted for." Barley nodded.

"You made it all back already?!" Spike gaped.

"What can I say?" Barley shrugged. "It's a very popular show, just as we'd hoped it would be."

"So the papers have been saying." Twilight noted. "It looks like patronizing your show was a good call."

"Indeed it was, your highness." Barley smirked. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I really must be heading off. We have another show scheduled for just after noon. Showbiz is rewarding, but so much hard work..."

"Then don't let me keep you." Twilight smiled.

"Perish the thought, your highness." Barley paused only to bow, then departed.

"How about that..." Spike mused, glancing at the cheque once more.

"That's one way of putting it." Twilight chuckled, as she passed the cheque to a guard. "Run this down to the royal treasury, would you?"

"At once, your majesty." The guard nodded.

Twilight smiled as she leaned back slightly in her throne.

"Somepony looks happy." Spike teased.

"Why shouldn't I be?" Twilight replied. "With every performance of Barley's play, more and more will be shown how powerful friendship is. How can I not be happy about this?"

By the time of the next meeting of the Council of Friendship, Twilight was still in high spirits. Unfortunately, it was not to last...

"So, has everypony gotten the chance to see Barley's play yet?" She asked.

To her surprise, the other shared awkward looks.

"Oh, we've seen it alright." Applejack frowned. "And we got sum problems with it..."

"What kind of problems?" Spike asked.

"Well, for starters, the writers seem to have taken some... liberties with our characters." Rarity said hesitantly.

"That's one way of puttin' it." Rainbow Dash scowled. "Another way is that they're making us look like one-dimensional goofballs!"

"They're what?" Twilight frowned.

"It's true." Applejack scowled. "They're makin' me sound like Ah'm jest some dumb hick, who's only honest 'cuz Ah don't think before openin' mah mouth!"

"My character mostly stands there and looks pretty." Rarity pouted. "Just pretty, mind you. Not 'stunning', not gorgeous, just pretty!"

"And my character barely speaks at all." Fluttershy frowned. "I counted about three, maybe four lines in the entire play."

"Stage Pinkie just bounces around, making silly noises." Pinkie declared irritably. "I like silly, but not that much!"

"It's better than what I got." Rainbow pouted. "According to the script, I'm just 'the fast one'!"

"But you are the fast one." Pinkie pointed out.

"There's way more to me than that, you know!" Rainbow Dash pointed out. "There's nothing there about my coolness, my fearlessness... not even my loyalty!"

"That can't be right." Twilight frowned. "Being the Element of Loyalty is a crucial part of who you are. I don't believe that would be left out..."

"Believe it, Twi." Rainbow Dash said sourly.

"What about me?" Spike asked. "How's my character been messed up?"

The others shared another awkward look.

"Your character hasn't been 'messed up', per se." Rarity said delicately.

"Because it's not really a character at all." Rainbow Dash added.

"It's... a dummy that actor Twilight carries around." Fluttershy cringed.

"Say what?!" Spike gaped.

"A very well-designed dummy." Pinkie added, trying to put a positive spin on things.

"Sorry, pardner, but that's how it is." Applejack acknowledged.

"I probably may regret this, but what about me?" Twilight asked.

"Your character says 'By my calculations...' every couple of minutes!" Rainbow Dash noted. "Makes you sound like an even bigger egghead than you actually are!"

"And she acts more like a commanding officer than a friend." Fluttershy added. "Giving us orders instead of guidance..."

"I can't believe I'm hearing this..." Twilight shook her head. "This doesn't sound like an accurate representation of us at all."

"At least your character can actually move on her own." Spike scowled.

"Spike, make some room in the schedule." Twilight declared. "We are seeing this play for ourselves."

"You don't have to watch that travestry, darling." Rarity told her.

"I trust your opinions, but I have to see what exactly is wrong with the production myself." Twilight said firmly. "With my own eyes."

"Just be prepared for a lot of cringe." Pinkie warned.

One week later, Twilight and Spike made their way to the Canterlot Royale Theatre. With the play being so popular, it had been difficult to book tickets, even for a Princess.

The house was packed with patrons. Previously, Twilight had seen this as a good thing, but now she wasn't so sure. If the play was indeed twisting the characters of Twilight and her friends, then the idea of so many ponies seeing it was suddenly mortifying to her.

"The VIP box should be this way." Spike declared. "All the better to get a good view of whatever mess this turns out to be..."

"Maybe it's not all bad." Twilight said, more to herself than to Spike. "Let's try and stay positive."

"Princess Twilight!" A lavender Earth Pony mare wearing a fake horn, wig, tail, wings and cute mark approached. "I can't believe you're here!"

"Hello?" Twilight said, slightly nonplussed to see this faux doppelganger approach her.

"I'm Stardust Sidestep." The counterfeit Twilight announced. "I play you in the show. Well, I guess you've already figured that one out..." She blushed, showing off her prosthetics.

"Nice to make your acquaintance." Twilight nodded.

"Are you here to see the play?" Stardust asked.

"That's the plan." Twilight nodded. "After all the work Barley put into it, I think it's only polite."

"Oh, Barley's just the best, isn't he?" Stardust smiled. "He wrote the entire script himself, you know."

"We actually didn't know that." Spike noted.

"Barley wouldn't happen to around at the moment, would he?" Twilight asked.

"Sorry, but no." Stardust answered. "He's usually backststage cheering us on like the involved producer he is. But right now, he's busy negotiating merchandising terms with somepony."

"Fair enough." Twilight shrugged, managing to hide her disappointment.

"I'd love to stay and chat some more, but I should get backstage." Stardust said, her eyes flicking over to a clock on the wall. "It's five minutes until curtain up." As she dashed away, she looked back at Twilight. "Hope you enjoy the show!"

"She seemed nice." Spike declared.

"She was." Twilight agreed. "And if an actress is so enthusiastic about their work, how bad can it really be?"

"We're about to find out." Spike answered. "Five minutes until curtain up, remember?"

"Oh, right." Twilight acknowledged. "We'd better get to our seats."

Twilight and Spike quickly made their way up to the VIP box. Soon after they'd taken their seats, the house lights dimmed, and the orchestra began playing a jaunty theme. This was followed by the curtain rising, revealing Stardust in her role as Twilight, a dummy of Spike perched on her back.

"Oh, come on!" Spike hissed. "That doesn't even look like me!"

"Shh." Twilight hushed him, so she could hear Stardust speak.

"Equestria is in mortal peril." Stardust announced, performing a passable impersonation of Twilight's voice. "The forces of darkness threaten to engulf it."

On the other side of the stage, ponies dressed as Nightmare Moon, Queen Chrysalis (with illusory holes painted on the legs of the costume), King Sombra and Lord Tirek emerged, laughing wickedly.

"But all is not lost." Stardust continued. "Not when I have my friends by my side."

Actors dressed up as Twilight's friends joined her.

"By my calculations, the six of us together should be enough to handle any threat." Stardust declared.

"We're with you, Twilight!" The Rarity actress nodded, flicking her false mane extravagently as she struck a pose more fitting of a supermodel than a defender of Equestria.

"Sounds like fun!" The Pinkie actress declared, bouncing around on springs built into false hooves she was wearing.

"Let's take these baddies down fast, fast, fast!" The Rainbow actress cheered. "Right, Fluttershy?"

"Right." The Fluttershy actress spoke in a barely audible whisper.

"Okay, our friends' characters do seem to be a little... simplified." Twilight noted awkwardly.

"Just remember to do everything I say, and you'll be fine." Stardust said with faux authority. "Not just because I'm a royal Alicorn, or because of my superior intelligence. But because I'm your leader. Without my guidance, you'd be doomed to fail."

"What?!" Twilight gaped.

"Whatever ya say, Twi." The Applejack actress remarked, in an overly thick fake accent. "With your brains leadin' the charge, we can't lose!"

"Wow." Spike gaped in dismayed disbelief at the actor's rendition of his friend. "Just... wow."

As the play went on, Twilight found herself becoming more and more outraged by how she and her friends were being portrayed. It was actually worse than her friends had described it; each of their characters had been whittled down to the bare minimum of what made them who they are, and ruthlessly played for parody.

"Ah sure do love apples." The actress Applejack declared, kicking a tree prop that yielded several fake apples. "If Ah could, Ah'd make a whole house outta apples!"

The audience had a good laugh at this, to Twilight and Spike's displeasure.

"What this forest needs is a few dozen mirrors." The Rarity actor pouted grandly. "What good is there in looking so amazing if you can't admire yourself every few seconds?"

"I say it needs some streamers and balloons!" The actress Pinkie leapt up on her hoof strings and slapped one of the prop tree's branches. "Nature can be so dull sometimes..."

"What this forest really needs is less trees." The Rainbow Dash actress complained, fidgeting her hooves like the stage was made of hot coals. "I need to go fast, and these dumb things are in the way!"

More laughter.

"At least there's plenty of animals here." The Fluttershy actress practically whispered, hugging a group of cute animal props. "Can't we just stay here for a little while?"

"Focus, ponies." Stardust said authoritively. "We're here to save Equestria, remember?"

"Oh, right!" Actress Applejack threw aside her apples.

"We're such a bunch of ding-dongs!" Actress Pinkie declared, putting on a goofy expression.

"Where would we be without you leading us, Twilight?" Actress Rarity smiled.

Actress Fluttershy simply nodded, dropping the prop animals.

"They're acting like mindless soldiers." Twilight frowned. "That's definitely not how our friends act!"

"No kidding..." Spike shook his head.

The end of the play seemed to take forever to arrive, but it did. The faux-Mane Six faced off against the villain actors.

"Your evil ends here, wicked ones!" Stardust proclaimed. "Feel the power of our rightous magic!"

Several multi-colored lights illuminated the stage. Then for a brief moment, the lights shut off, leaving the stage cloaked in darkness. Moments later, the lights returned, with the faux-Mane Six standing triumphant in the center.

"As long as we stand together, Equestria will be safe." Stardust announced. "The citizens of this great land can sleep soundly, knowing that our matchless power will protect them. For Equestria!"

"Equestria!" The others chanted.

The audience were quick to applaud and cheer. The curtain promptly fell, marking the end of the play.

"Jeez." Spike cringed. "It's even worse than our friends described it."

"There wasn't one mention of the Elements of Harmony." Twilight shook her head in disbelief. "The key elements of friendship, thrown to the side and dismissed!"

"So that's a fail in historical accuracy, too." Spike shook his head.

As they departed, Twilight's mood worsened from hearing the audience talking about the play.

"That was so funny!" One Pegasus mare remarked. "Especially the pink one!"

"I never would've guessed Princess Twilight was such a drill sergeant." A Unicorn stallion remarked. "Still, can't argue with results..."

"And somepony needs to keep those goofballs in line." An Earth Pony mare added. "Hard to believe they're the one who saved Equestria so many times..."

"This is awful." Twilight fretted. "Barley's play is making us look like a joke!"

"So much for 'showing all of Equestria what amazing ponies you all are'." Spike echoed the words Barley had spoken during their first meeting.

"You're right, Spike." Twilight scowled. "This is absolutely not what Barley claimed it would be. I think it's time we had a talk with the producer. And when I say 'we', I mean 'we'..."

Once they returned to the castle, Twilight had Spike send letters to their friends, requesting that they come to Canterlot so they could confront Barley together.

And so it was that Twilight led her friends to Barley's office. As they moved through Canterlot, a group of foals pointed at Applejack and chuckled.

"Hate tah say 'Ah told ya so', but..." Applejack said sourly.

"You were right." Twilight sighed. "More right than I could have possibly feared."

"That Barley is going to a get a piece of my mind!" Rainbow snarled.

"All our minds, darling." Rarity added.

"I hope he had a light breakfast!" Pinkie declared, in what she thought was a threatening tone.

"I'm just hoping we can straighten this mess out." Fluttershy noted.

The group entered the building that served as Barley's base of operations.

"May I help you, your highness?" The receptionist asked nervously.

"We're just hear to have a word with Barley." Twilight declared. "Is he here?"

"He's right through that door." The receptionist pointed across the room.

"Thank you." Twilight nodded.

With Twilight leading the charge, the Mane Six passed through the door, finding Barley sitting at a desk, looking over what appeared to be merchandising contracts.

"Barley, we need to talk." Twilight said flatly.

"Princess." Barley noted his expression darkening at the sight of Twilight's own, clearly disgruntled look. "Not that I wouldn't be fine chatting with my show's patron, but I am a very busy donkey, and I'm sure ruling Equestria means your schedule is packed, too. Maybe in future, you should make an appointment with my secretary, so we can discuss whatever's on your mind at our leisure?"

"I'm afraid this can't wait." Twilight replied. "My friends and I want to talk to you about the... creative direction your play has gone in."

"Okay." Barley nodded. "What about the creative direction do you want to talk about?"

"How about the parts where you make us look like a bunch of one-dimensional lame-os?" Rainbow Dash swooped in.

"Not tah mention yah left out the parts a' our characters that really matter!" Applejack added.

"In my defense, there's only so much that can fit into a single show." Barley shrugged dispassionately. "Some things have to be excised for a smoother narrative."

"When you pitched the idea of the play to me, I was led to believe it would be a deep, compelling story about myself and my friends, and how important the power of friendship is in keeping Equestria safe." Twilight declared. "But what I saw out there was more like a farce. You made our mission into a joke."

"And us, into the bargain." Rarity added.

"And not even a good joke!" Pinkie declared.

"Well, I appreciate your opinion, your highness." Barley remarked, barely phased by Twilight's remarks. "And those of your friends. But in all honesty, I'm the only one there with a knowledge of theatre. This show has been a huge success just the way it is, so I'm not changing a thing about it."

"Even if it's not the real truth about what we stand for?" Fluttershy prompted glaring at hm.

"Pretty much yeah." Barley smirked.

"Is this a joke to you?" Twilight scowled. "Because it's not very funny."

"Not even close." Pinkie added. "And believe me, I know funny."

"Oh, it's funny, alright." Barley retorted. "Funny how ponies are so quick to give up their hard-earned Bits to see this show..."

"That's all yah really care about it, ain't it?" Applejack glared coldly, Barley's words reminding her of two other so-called entrepeneurs. "This show wuz never about sendin' a message. It wuz about linin' yer own pockets, weren't it?"

"That's showbiz, country gal." Barley smirked.

"Barley, as your patron, I'd prefer that you take the input of myself and my friends seriously." Twilight insisted.

"Oh, we're past that." Barley said bluntly. "You so graciously provided me with the Bits I needed to start this production, and I paid that money in due course. So technically, you're not my patron anymore. Our business has concluded. And that means your opinion, and the opinions of your flunkies, holds less water with me than a colander."

"What did you just call us?" Rainbow flew into Barley's face, only to be held back by Applejack.

"I knew there was something I didn't like about you." Spike scowled.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't see you there." Barley smirked. "For a while, I thought Princess Twilight had one of our promotional Spike dolls with her."

"Say what?!" Spike spluttered.

"Barley, the show I saw was not what we discussed." Twilight declared.

"And what did we discuss, exactly?" Barley pointed out. "I never misrepresented my designs. I told you the play would be about you and your friends defending Equestria from evil. Or was that not what you saw happening on stage? All of you?"

The group fell silent, aware that Barley was technically correct. Despite the twisting of their characters, the end result was indeed what he described.

"Exactly." Barley nodded smugly. "Now, while it's always nice seeing you, Princess, I need to get back to work. Being the producer of Canterlot's top-rated stage show is exhausting. I have contracts to sign, deals to make, actors to encourage, ans many, many Bits to count. So if you don't mind, I need to end this tedious conversation and get back to work."

"Tedious?!" Applejack frowned.

Twilight glared at Barley's smug expression feeling as if she was looking upon him for the first time - and she didn't like what she saw.

"Come on, everypony." She sighed. "It's clear that this is a waste of time."

"Glad we're on the same page." Barley smirked.

The others reluctantly followed Twilight out of the building.

"Well, that wuz a whole lotta hot air." Applejack shook her head.

"So what now?" Rainbow asked.

"I... I don't know." Twilight sighed.

"Well, we gotta do something!" Rainbow Dash urged.

"Why don't you just use your clout as Princess to close the show?" Spike suggested.

"I may be ruler of Equestria, but that doesn't mean I can just make a royal edict to shut down the play just because we don't like it." Twilight pointed out. "I'm not a tyrant!"

"Of course you're not, darling." Rarity smiled encouragingly.

"If everypony wants to see this show, we can't exactly stop them." Fluttershy admitted.

"So what do we do?" Pinkie asked.

"We need to show everypony that Barley doesn't care about what we really stand for." Applejack declared. "That he only cares about makin' money."

"That won't be easy." Spike noted. "That smarmy donkey's a pretty good actor..."

Spike's words sparked a memory for Twilight, a memory that could prove to be the key to Barley's undoing.

"I think I know a way we can pull that off." Twilight declared. "When I attended the play, I met the actress who plays me, and she told me that Barley is usually backstage, encouraging his actors. And I think I know how we can use that to our advantage..."

That evening, the group marched over to the theatre, making their way backstage. They found Barley speaking to Stardust.

"You're doing great. 'Dusty." Barley declared, pouring on the charm. "You're my little rising star, you know that?"

"I'm just doing my best out there." Stardust said modestly.

"And your best is fantastic." Barley grinned. "I knew from the beginning that making you the show's lead would pay off. It's your wondrous performance that's making this show a success."

"Thank you." Stardust blushed. "But I'm not the only out there, you know. The rest of the cast play their part, too."

"But it would be nothing without you, my dear." Barley smirked. "Now, you'd better get ready. The show's about to start."

"You got it, Barley." Stardust nodded.

As Stardust turned to leave, Twilight and her friends approached the donkey.

"Oh, you again." Barley's smile was quickly replaced by a scowl.

"Yes, us again." Twilight confirmed.

"Did ya really think we were jest gonna let ya keep up this rotten mess of a play?" Applejack pointed out.

Unbeknownst to any of them, Stardust overheard Applejack's words.

"...'Rotten mess'?" She frowned, stopping in her tracks.

"I admire your persistence, but really, what do you think you can do?" Barley smirked. "If Equestria wants to see this show, then you can't stop them."

Twilight and her friends stepped forward, Barley instinctively backing up to keep his distance and feeling of invincibility.

"But we can stop you." Twilight glared.

"Oh?" Barley sneered, enjoying the scenario. "And how do you plan to pull that off? I'm not some psychotic villain you can blast with your brightly-colored 'friendship' beams."

"We've undermined the schemes of lower-level antagonists just as easily." Rarity pointed out.

"And plenty of them were money-grubbing crooks like you." Rainbow Dash added.

"Crook? Please." Barley scoffed. "I've done nothing illegal here."

"No, but you have taken advantage of those who thought they trust you." Twilight retorted. "Us, the public... Even your actors. I met Stardust the night I attended this play. She thinks the world of you!"

"She thinks what I want her to think." Barley said callously. "She's just some airheaded wannabe starlet, like the rest of the cast. Besides, why wouldn't they be grateful? Starring in my production is the highlight of their sad little lives!"

Stardust put a hoof to her mouth in shock. As Barley's words sunk in, her expression changed to anger and hurt.

"So you really are just using everypony for your own benefit." Fluttershy seethed.

"Clearly, you haven't met many producers." Barley snickered.

Stardust caught Twilight's eye, and inclined her head to the left. Twilight silently acknowledged her gesture, and started slowly driving Barley in that direction as she spoke.

"So that's it, is it?" Twilight asked the crooked donkey. "It doesn't matter who you take advantage of - patrons, actors, the general public - as long as you get as many Bits as possible?"

"You're really not getting this, aren't you?" Barley snarled, his patience starting to wear thin. "This is my show. My production. My script. Nothing you do or say can change any of this. So why don't you just take a hint, and let this play be the success it is?"

"Even if it isn't even close to be accurate?" Twilight pushed any further.

With a smirk, Stardust pulled the rope connected to the curtain, allowing the audience to become aware of the show's producer, his back to them.

"I don't care if the story's accurate or not!" Barley scoffed loudly. "And I definitely don't care what you and your friends think! What matters to me is that those pony rubes pay to sit their flanks in the seat and watch. I can portray you any way I want, and they'll eat it up! I can charge anything I want, and those hay-brains will practically empty their wallets for it!"

"My, what a performance." Rarity smiled. "Wouldn't you agree, ladies and gentleponies?"

"What are you talking about?" Barley looked around, trying to find what Rarity was talking about. "What-?" He turned and saw the audience, looking at him with expression of shock, disgust and anger. "Oh."

"He called us rubes!" An Earth Pony stallion snarled.

"And hay-brains!" A Pegasus mare growled.

"He said the show's a lie!" A unicorn stallion gasped. "I was told it was true to life!"

One by one, the audience got out of their seats and advanced onto the stage.

"Okay, folks, let's all just relax." Barley backed away nervously, well aware that things were no longer turning out in his favor. He looked around in the vain hope of getting backup, and saw the rest of the cast also glaring at him, evidently having heard his outburst. With no other choice, he put on his most winning smile. "It seems as though there's been some misunderstandings here..."

"We want our money back!" One Pegasus stallion yelled.

"Yeah!" An Earth Pony mare agreed.

"Fork it over!" Another Unicorn stallion demanded.

"I can understand why you'd want me to do that." Barley's eyes flitted from side to side. "And nothing matters to me more than customer satisfaction. So here's what we're gonna do: you're going to hold on to those ticket stubs, and I'm going to... skedaddle!"

With surprising agility, Barley spun around, and raced toward the exit. The irate crowd chased after him.

"Guess the show's closing early tonight." Pinkie joked.

"I suspect the next batch of reviews won't be as favourable..." Rarity predicted.

"Thanks for the help, Stardust." Twilight smiled. "I was planning on magically recording Barley's words and playing them back in front of everypony, but your idea worked just as well."

"It was the least I could do, your highness." Stardust declared, as she and the other actors approached, all bearing guilty expressions. "I'm sorry we were a part of Barley's lies. We thought we were just putting on a fun show. If we'd known you were expecting something with a little more substance..."

"It's not your fault." Twilight assured her. "Barley misled us all."

"Well, we can certainly try and make up for it." Stardust announced. "We can put on a new play, one that shows what the heroes of Equestria truly stand for. ...That is, if you'd be willing to give us a few pointers?"

"I think that can be arranged." Twilight smiled.

"No time like the present." Rainbow Dash zipped over to her actor counterpart. "First things first: the speed is great, but you've got a lot to learn about portraying the awesomeness that is me. Ya gotta be confident, cool, charismatic. And another thing..."

"Since when did Rainbow become an acting coach?" Fluttershy joked.

"Guess that's showbiz..." Spike chuckled.

Sweet As Sugar

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As the sun started its downward slope over Ponyville, Starlight emerged from the School of Friendship. The school day was over, and she was heading over to Sugarcube Corner to pick up something sweet to follow up on dinner.

As she entered the bakery, she found, not the Cakes or even Pinkie Pie at work there, but Sugar Belle. The unicorn baker was busy restocking the counter.

"Oh, hi, Starlight!" Sugar Belle smiled as she looked up from her work, her attention naturally drawn by the ringing of the bell hanging over the door. "Nice to see you!"

"Hi, Sugar Belle." Starlight smiled back as she walked up to the counter. "How are things?"

"They're going great, actually." Sugar Belle smiled back. "I've been learning a lot from Mrs. Cake. She even let me take care of things today."

"Good for you." Starlight nodded. "And Applejack tells me you're fitting right in over at Sweet Apple Acres."

"Well, I can't take all the credit for that." Sugar Belle chuckled. "It doesn't hurt to have Big Mac with me every trot of the way." Her cheeks reddened slightly as she mentioned her new husband.

"He always seemed like a nice guy to me." Starlight acknowledged. "So it's no surprise he'd be a great husband, even if he's not the greatest conversationalist."

"He can be when he wants to." Sugar Belle declared, remembering the speech Big Mac gave her prior to their twin proposals. "But I don't mind him being the strong, silent type. Besides, we have other ways of communicating."

"Really? Like what?" Starlight asked.

"It's mostly subtle things, really." Sugar Belle answered. "Sometimes, all it takes is the right look for me to know exactly what Big Mac's thinking."

"Wow. Sounds like you two were made for each other." Starlight grinned.

"You just might be right about that." Sugar Belle beamed.

"Sorry I couldn't make it to the wedding." Starlight told her regretfully. "Being the new Headmare of a school keeps you pretty busy..."

"That's okay." Sugar Belle nodded. "I kinda felt like you were there in spirit, anyway."

"Still, you live in Ponyville now, and this is pretty much the first time we've really talked to each other since then." Starlight noted. "I kinda feel like that's on me..." She frowned.

"It's fine." Sugar Belle assured her.

"Is it, though?" Starlight frowned. "We didn't exactly start off on the right hoof, after all. What with my tricking you into giving up your Cutie Mark and moving to Our Town. Then after I made amends for all that, I didn't visit you and the others as often as I should have..."

"To be fair, it is a pretty long commute." Sugar Belle noted.

"Not long enough that I couldn't drop by more." Starlight sighed.

"Look, I get it." Sugar Belle smiled. "You built a life in Ponyville. You've got so many good friends here."

"Not just here." Starlight reminded her. "I've got friends all over Equestria. But there's only so much Starlight to go around. And I'm still sorry I couldn't spend more time with you guys."

"You don't have to be sorry." Sugar Belle told her. "In fact, I should be thanking you."

"For what?" Starlight asked, perplexed.

"If we had never met, none of this would have happened." Sugar Belle declared.

"None of... this?" Starlight tilted her head, still confused.

"My being here in Ponyville." Sugar Belle answered. "Becoming Mrs. Cake's apprentice. But most of all, I met Big Mac because of you."

"...I'm gonna need you to walk me through that." Starlight admitted.

"Gladly." Sugar Belle chuckled. "It all started the day you, Trixie, Discord, and Thorax received your medals for stopping Queen Chrysalis. We were all there for the big ceremony. And right afterward..."


The celebration was beginning to wind down. The guests were starting to file out of Twilight's castle, Sugar Belle and her friends among them.

"Now that was somethin' else." Night Glider smiled.

"You're telling me." Party Favor agreed. "Who'd've thought our Starlight would end up helping to save Equestria?"

"I had a feeling she was meant for big things, back in the day." Double Diamond admitted. "Of course, back then, I thought it would involve 'saving' Equestria from Cutie Marks. But she just saved it the old-fashioned way."

"I'm so proud of her." Sugar Belle smiled.

"We all are." Party Favor acknowledged.

"We'd better get going." Double Diamond took down of the fact that the sun was starting on its downward slope. "If we hurry, we can make it back to Our Town just before nightfall."

"I will, at least." Night Glider joked, performing a loop-de-loop.

"Lucky you." Party Favor grinned.

As Sugar Belle and her friends maneuvered their way through the crowd, Sugar Belle found herself colliding with somepony. As she stumbled backward, she heard some objects hit the ground with light thuds.

"Oh, sorry!" She automatically apologized. "My fault! Are you okay?"

"Eeyup." A deep voice answered her curtly.

The voice belonged to Big McIntosh. He was looking downwards, picking up some apples that had been knocked out of the cart he was pulling by the collision.

"Here, let me help with that." Sugar Belle offered, using her magic to pick up some of the other apples. "Sorry again, by the way. But these apples don't look too bruised. They're probably still good."

"Ee..." Big Mac froze in mid-sentence as he looked up, getting a good look at Sugar Belle in the process. "...Yup..." he sighed, awestruck by the beauty of the mare standing before him.

"That's good." Sugar Belle smiled. "I'm a baker, so I know better than most ponies what a shame it is to lose perfectly good ingredients."

"Eeeyup." Big Mac sighed again.

"...Now that I think about it, I've never actually baked anything using apples before..." Sugar Belle mused. She glanced at the cart, and was suddenly struck by inspiration. "You wouldn't happen to be an apple farmer, would you?"

"Eeyup." Big Mac shook off the lovestruck grin, and nodded proudly.

"And you sell apples?" Sugar Belle pressed.

"Eeyup." Big Mac confirmed.

"I don't suppose you deliver, do you?" Sugar Belle continued.

Big Mac nodded again.

"Eeyup!" He declared.

"Even if it's to somewhere really far from Ponyville?" Sugar Belle asked, concerned that she might be asking a little too much.

"Eeyup." Big Mac nodded again.

"Well, if you're okay with it, I'd really like for you to deliver some apples to my bakery." Sugar Belle declared. "It's in this little town, quite a ways from here. I've got a map, that should help." She passed Big Mac a small scroll of paper, which he eagerly accepted, and quickly perused, noting that the spot where Our Town was had been marked with an 'x'. "...Are you sure it's not too much trouble?"

"Eeyup." Big Mac smiled. He had such a kind smile, one which Sugar Belle couldn't help but admire.

"A stallion of few words, I see." She joked.

"Eeyup." Big Mac chuckled.

"I'm Sugar Belle." Sugar Belle introduced herself.

"Big McIntosh." Big Mac announced, proving that he had a few more words in him. "But mah friends call me 'Big Mac'."

"Nice to meet you, Big Mac." Sugar Belle beamed.

"Sugar Belle!" Wind Glider called out, easily spotting her friend in the crowd from her vantage point in the air. "Do ya wanna get back before nightfall, or what?!"

"Coming!" Sugar Belle waved to Night Glider. She then turned to face Big Mac. "I really need to get going, now. Feel free to deliver those apples whenever you're ready." She smiled widely. "I can't wait for the chance to make some wonderful goodies with them. Maybe some apple fritters, apple turnovers..."

"Sugar Belle!" Double Diamond called, becoming more visible as the crowd dispersed.

"Be right there!" Sugar Belle called. "Bye for now, Big Mac." She started racing through the crowd, looking and waving at the apple red stallion. "See you soon!"

"Eeyup..." Big Mac grinned goofily, no longer feeling the need to disguise his lovestruck expression. "Real soon..." Mentally, he noted to put the delivery to Our Town at the top of his 'to do' list."

The Present...

"Looks like it was love at first sight for Big Mac." Starlight grinned.

"It does, doesn't it?" Sugar Belle blushed. "Not that I noticed at the time, though. I just thought Big Mac was being nice. And yes, I did think he was kind of... handsome. But wasn't until his little sister and her friends started playing the matchmaker game that I realised how he really felt about me, and that I felt the same way. After that, one thing led to another, and now here we are, married."

"Sounds like a classic love story to me." Starlight declared.

"And if I hadn't been in Ponyville that day to attend your medal ceremony, I might never have met Big Mac at all." Sugar Belle pointed out. "I wouldn't have started visiting Ponyville, wouldn't have become Mrs. Cake's apprentice, and I certainly wouldn't be the newest member of the Apple family right now. All the happiness I've gained, this amazing life, you helped set it all in motion. I already owe you so much. So it doesn't matter if we don't see each other as often as either of use would like."

"Huh, when you put it like that, it does kinda make sense..." Starlight admitted. "But still, I'm going to make an effort to visit more often. After all, if Twilight can still see her friends while she's ruling all of Equestria, I don't really have any excuse."

"Makes sense to me." Sugar Belle shrugged, echoing Starlight. "Speaking of relationships, did you know that Night Glider and Party Favor are dating now?" She grinned.

"Whoa, really?" Starlight chuckled. "When did that happen?"

"Some time after the medal ceremony." Sugar Belle announced. "It turns out Party Favor had a secret crush on Night Glider ever since she first arrived at Our Town. He finally plucked up the courage to confess his feelings."

"And what did Night Glider say?" Starlight asked.

"She was surprised... but also charmed." Sugar Belle grinned. "So much so that she agreed to go on a date with him. And they've been dating ever since."

"Well, how about that?" Starlight smiled, pleasantly surprised. "It's like everpony's hooking up all of a sudden..."

"I don't suppose you have anypony special you currently have your eye on, do you?" Sugar Belle prompted.

"Oh... no." Starlight said, feeling suddenly nervous for some reason she couldn't comprehend. "Not right now. And besides, even if I did, I've got a little too much on my hooves for a romantic relationship right now..."

"You say that now, but love can be a funny thing." Sugar Belle declared. "It can sneak up on you, and just like that, you're hooked."

"I wouldn't really know." Starlight frowned.

"It doesn't hurt to be open to the idea." Sugar Belle pointed out. "Trust me, you don't want to miss out on meeting your special somepony if you can help it."

"I'll keep that in mind." Starlight shrugged. "But for now, I think I have plenty of things on my watchlist."

"Don't we all?" Sugar Belle joked. "Now, I'm guessing you came in here for something of the baked persuasion before you got sidetracked by our trip down Memory Lane?"

"Oh, right." Starlight chuckled, realising that her quest for a dessert had completely slipped her mind. "I was hoping for something in an after-dinner treat."

"I think I can help with that." Sugar Belle smiled, taking a peek under the counter. "Anything in particular you have in mind?"

"How about you choose for me?" Starlight suggested.

"Well, if you insist..." Sugar Belle mused. "I have been working on a few new apple-based treats. How about..." She scanned the part of the counter that Mrs. Cake had allocated for her apprentice's own creations. "Ah-hah! How about a triple layer apple cake? One of my latest creations, containing slices of Granny Smith, Golden Delicious, and McIntosh. sort of my own little tribute to my new family."

Sugar Belle removed the dessert from under the counter, holding it up for Starlight to see.

"Ooh, that looks good." Starlight grinned, noting that each layer had one of the three kinds of apple upon it.

"How about a free sample?" Sugar Belle offered, using a spoon to scoop up a small amount of the confection.

"Don't mind if I do." Starlight brought the spoon out of Sugar Belle's aura and into hers, bring it over to her mouth for a quick taste test. "Mmm..." She nodded approvingly. "Not bad."

"You really think so?" Sugar Belle's face lit up. "It took me a little while to work out the placement of the apple slices, but..."

"It's delicious." Starlight smiled. "I'll take it."

Starlight passed over some Bits, and Sugar Belle boxed up the treat before passing it over to Starlight.

"Bon appetit." Sugar Belle grinned.

"You can count on that." Starlight chuckled. "And if you ever have the time, feel free to drop by the castle. I could make you something for dinner. I picked up a few recipes from Pinkie Pie, you know."

"I'd be happy to." Sugar Belle beamed. "And maybe someday, we could manage to get the whole gang back together for a little meal."

"I'd like that." Starlight smiled. "I really would. But until then, I'm glad we could find this time to talk."

"Me, too." Sugar Belle smiled.

"See you soon!" Starlight waved as she departed from the bakery.

"Here's hoping!" Sugar Belle waved back.

Starlight smiled as she finally restarted her journey back to the castle. As much as she enjoyed her life in Ponyville, and the friends she had made there, it felt good to know that those who had been a part of her life before could still play a part in it.

Family Ties

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The Equestrian holiday of Family Day was drawing near. All over the country, ponies and other races were preparing to celebrate their families. Several ponies were in the Ponyville market with the specific goal of buying gifts for their family members. And a certain six were among them.

"Oh, hi, Applejack." Starlight smiled. "What brings you to the marketplace? Need some new farm equipment?"

"Not entirely." Applejack shrugged. "Ah'm mostly looking fer sumthin' special for Family Day. Extra special actually, considerin' the family's jest a little bit bigger these days..."

"How about that?" Starlight chuckled. "I'm doing some Family Day shopping myself. Sure, my dad may drive me crazy sometimes, but he's still my dad, and I love him. The least I can do is send him something to show I appreciate him."

"I feel the same way about my brother." Fluttershy remarked as she joined the conversation. "As irritating as Zephyr can be, I can't imagine life without him."

Pinkie Pie suddenly popped up out of a basket (one that was nowhere near big enough to contain her mass).

"I couldn't imagine life without my sisters!" She exclaimed. "And I've usually got such a great imagination..."

"Hey, gals!" Rainbow Dash swooped down on them all. "Talkin' about Family day?"

"Yer darn tootin'." Applejack nodded.

"It does seem to be quite a popular topic of discussion." Rarity declared, rounding out the group with her arrival.

"I was just pickin' up something for my folks." Rainbow noted. "With my Wonderbolts schedule bein' what it is, it's a good thing I could find the time..."

"I know what you mean, darling." Rarity agreed. "Between our work at the school and our respective careers demanding so much attention, our lives can be quite chaotic as of late..."

"Did somepony say 'chaotic'?" A disembodied voice asked.

"Oh, boy..." Rainbow rolled her eyes, well aware of what was about to happen.

Discord materialised overhead.

"You rang?" He grinned.

"Hey, Discord!" Pinkie smiled.

"My, aren't you all busy ponies today?" Discord observed. "What's all the hubub about?"

"Just gettin' ready fer Family Day." Applejack said matter-of-factly.

"Let me guess: another schmaltzy, feel-good pony holiday?" Discord rolled his eyes.

"Well, I wouldn't put it quite like that..." Starlight frowned.

"It's a day where we celebrate our families, and how much they mean to us." Fluttershy explained.

"Oh, I see." Discord mused.

"Yeah, it's the best!" Pinkie cheered. "Because even if we're too busy to actually spend time with out families on the big day, we can still let 'em know we care by sending a card or a gift."

"That's the marvellous thing about family." Rarity smiled. "No matter how far apart you are, you know that they're always there for you."

"That does sound advantageous..." Discord muttered.

"Ah know Ah'd be lost without mah family." Applejack declared. "So the least Ah can do is let 'em know how much Ah appreciate 'em."

"Ditto." Rainbow nodded.

"Do you have any family, Discord?" Pinkie asked.

"Well... of course not!" Discord, briefly flustered, stood up tall. "I'm one of a kind! There isn't anycreature like me in all of Equestria and its adjoining dimensions!" He scoffed dramatically. "Family, indeed!"

"Huh. I'd think that would get kinda lonely. Especially at times like this." Pinkie mused innocently. "I mean, today's all about celebrating and appreciating family, and you don't have any."

Discord's face quickly shifted from a look of pride to one of dejectment.

"Pinkie!" Starlight hissed.

"What?" Pinkie frowned. "Did I say something wrong?"

"I'm sorry, Discord..." Fluttershy began, attempting to comfort her friend.

"Sorry?" Discord scoffed falsely, putting on an act of bravado. "For what? I'm just fine being the only Draconequus around! That means there's nocreature around to cramp my style! So what if I can't celebrate a day like this?" His facade cracked slightly, a frown forming on his face. "It's a small price to pay for being the one and only, most handsome Draconequus Equestria has ever seen!" His bottom lip quivered slightly. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have important, solo, non-family-related activities to get to. Enjoy your little holiday!"

With that, Discord vanished in his usual flash of light.

"...Call me crazy, but I think he might have been a little upset." Pinkie mused.

"Gee, what gave you that idea?" Rainbow said sarcastically.

"Poor fella." Applejack shook her head sympathetically. "Ah can't even imagine what it must be like to not have any family at all. Especially on a day like that this."

"But Discord doesn't have to imagine." Starlight pointed out. "Must be tough to be the only one like you around. I never really gave it much thought before..."

"None of us did." Fluttershy sighed shamefully. "Even I never thought of it... What kind of friend does that make me?"

"I agree that this is very sad." Rarity frowned. "But what matters now is finding some sort of solution, darlings."

"Like what?" Rainbow frowned. "It's not like we can just conjure up an entire family of Draconequui for Discord. Got a feeling a trick like that's beyond even Starlight's power..."

"Way beyond." Starlight agreed.

"I don't know." Pinkie chipped in. "Maybe if I had some papier-mache, some felt, a few mismatched googly eyes, and a very elaborate pully system, we might be able to pull it off."

"Let's call that Plan B." Applejack said awkwardly. "Fluttershy, you know Discord best. Any thoughts on how tah get 'im outta this funk?"

Fluttershy put a hoof to her chin as she racked her brains. Then an idea began to form.

"I think I may have something." She mused. "It's a long shot, but it might just work."

"For this group, the long shot is usually the best shot." Rainbow pointed out. "So let's hear it."

"Okay." Fluttershy beckoned the others closer. "Here's my idea..."

Fluttershy's presentation was short but sweet. But her friends found it most intriguing."

"I think you may have something there, darling." Rarity smiled.

"It's one crazy idea... and I like crazy!" Pinkie grinned.

"With all of us playing our parts, we should be able to pull it off no problem." Starlight nodded.

"You can count me in." Rainbow declared.

"It'll take sum doin', but Ah'm with ya all the way." Applejack agreed.

"Great." Fluttershy smiled. "We'll all meet at my cottage tomorrow afternoon, and get started."

"Sounds like a plan." Rainbow nodded. "See you then."

The group parted ways, still out to finish their Family Day preparations, but now with a second, equally important, set of preparations in mind...

Days later...

Over at Fluttershy's cottage, the preparations for Fluttershy's plan were almost finished. Fluttershy and her friends were just putting together some finishing touches.

"Okay, we're almost ready." Fluttershy declared. "Now we just need our guest of honor..."

"And how do you suggest we get him here?" Rainbow asked. "None of us have seen him for most of the week."

"He must be in Chaosville." Fluttershy surmised. "He always stays there whenever he's upset about something."

"Then how do we get him to come out of there?" Rarity asked.

"That's easy." Fluttershy smiled. I'll just send Discord a letter. He always responds, no matter what kind of mood he's in."

"I've often wondered just how you get mail sent to a dimension of pure chaos." Starlight admitted. "Think you could fill in the blanks?"

"It's actually a pretty interesting method." Fluttershy admitted. "I'll tell you all about it later. But for now, we should stay focused on the plan at hoof."

"It's your plan." Starlight nodded. "Just tell us what to do next, boss."

"First, you can get cleaned up." Fluttershy instructed, aware that their efforts had left their hooves and coats a little messed up. "Then take your positions. If I know Discord, it won't take him too long to respond to my letter..."

While Fluttershy wrote and sent her letter (by her as-yet-undefined method), the others washed up, and readied themselves for Discord's arrival.

As Fluttershy surmised, they didn't have to wait long; a flash of light briefly illuminated the area outside, and was followed by a knock on the cottage door.

"You think that's Discord?" Pinkie whispered from being her hiding place.

"Either him, or a pony taking picture of cottages." Rainbow snarked.

Fluttershy moved over to the door and opened it, revealing that it was indeed Discord.

"Called it!" Pinkie whispered.

"Hello, Discord." Fluttershy smiled. "So glad you could make it."

"You know me." Discord chuckled, bending the upper half of his body so he could enter the cottage. "I can never say 'no' to one of your oh-so-gracious invitations..."

"Now!" Starlight hissed.

Before Discord's eyes, confetti and streamers dropped from the ceiling, and the others leapt out from behind their hiding places.

"SURPRISE!!" They all cheered.

"What's all this?" Discord frowned, turning to face Fluttershy. "I thought you invited me to a special tea party, just the two of us."

"That was just a little fib." Fluttershy admitted bashfully. "We needed to get you here, and I know you're always up for some tea."

"Well, I can't say I'm pleased at being tricked like that." Discord pouted. "I never expected such deception from you, Fluttershy."

"Cut her slack." Rainbow scoffed. "We needed some way to get you here."

"Which leads me back to my original question: what is all this?" Discord repeated himself.

"Well, we all noticed how much the idea of Family Day gotchya down in the dumps." Applejack admitted.

"I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about." Discord huffed, folding his arms dramatically.

"So Fluttershy had an idea that she thought might help ya." Applejack continued, dismissing Discord's bravado.

"And what is this idea, exactly?" Discord asked skeptically.

"Even if you don't have family that you can share times like Family Day with, I thought of a way you could have the next best thing." Fluttershy smiled. "Starlight, if you would?"

"My pleasure." Starlight nodded, he horn lighting up.

From out of the nearby bag, objects resembling Draconequus heads floated out. Bathed in Starlight's magical aura, they floated over to the ponies, and placed themselves upon their heads.

"Ta-daaa!" Pinkie cheered.

"Whattaya think?" Rainbow grinned.

"I, er..." Discord gaped, not quite sure what to make of the situation. "I have no idea what's going on here.And I'm usually the one making with the confusing and wacky acts..."

"It's a Draconequus party, of course!" Pinkie grinned.

"Can't you tell by our stylish chapeaus?" Rarity smiled.

"A draconequus... party?" Discord gaped. "For me?"

"Of course." Starlight beamed. "We know you felt left out after we mentioned Family Day. And thanks to Fluttershy's big idea, we put all this together."

"This is our way of showing that, while there may not be other Draconequui out there, it doesn't mean you're alone." Fluttershy declared.

"And if there's one thing Ah've learned in mah time, it's that friends can be as good as family." Applejack added.

"You may not have any relatives, but you can still have something akin to a family." Rarity smiled. "I'm referring to us, of course."

Discord felt himself tearing up.

"You did all this... for me?" He whispered.

"Of course we do." Fluttershy hugged him. "You're our friend, and we all want to see you happy."

"Thank you." Discord removed his feathered wing and used it to mop away his tears. "All of you."

"Who wants cake?" Pinkie brought over a large cake. It was covered in multi-colored icing, with multiple cartoon-like images of Draconequui.

"Aw, yeah!" Rainbow grinned.

"First slice goes to the guest of honor." Fluttershy offered a piece to Discord.

"Don't mind if I do." Discord turned his right claw into a scoop, and shovelled the cake piece into his mouth. "Mmm, my compliments to the chef."

"That's me, of course." Pinkie smirked proudly. "Once we're done, how about a game of 'Pin the Body Part On the draconequus'?"

"Sounds like fun!" Starlight grinned.

"Boy, howdy!" Applejack added.

"Dibs on the tail!" Discord declared.

The next few hours passed in a rush of fun and frivolity. alas, like all parties eventually do, it started to wind down.

"Thank you all for this." Discord smiled. "I know it was Fluttershy's idea, but clearly you all chipped in."

"Anything for a friend, darling." Rarity nodded.

"This may actually be one of the best days of my life." Discord admitted. "And considering that life spans millenia, that's really saying something."

"If you like the day so much, why don't we make it a regular thing?" Pinkie suggested.

"Hey, now there's an idea." Rainbow grinned, adjusting her Draconequus cap.

"We could make it our own little regular celebration." Starlight nodded.

"But what should we call it?" Applejack asked.

"Ooh! How about 'Friends Are Family Day'?" Pinkie suggested.

"It's got a nice ring to it." Discord admitted.

"Then it's settled." Fluttershy smiled. "This time every year, we'll have our own little celebration."

"Sounds positively marvelous." Rarity declared.

"Oh, it does." Discord grinned. "I'm already cooking up ideas for draconequus-related games for next year. Ooh, the infinite possibilities, all with my handsome facade on them..."

"Oh, Discord..." Fluttershy chuckled.

"I think we might have just created a monster." Rainbow joked.

"Ah, let 'im have this." Applejack chuckled. "One day outta the year won't hurt."

"As long as there's cake involved, I'm down for anything!" Pinkie cheered.

It had been quite a day for all involved. One that would serve as a reminder that somepony is only as alone as they allow themselves to be. As long as they had those who cared for them, they would always feel a warmth akin to the closest of families.

Looking To The Future

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The sun rose over Canterlot. It was looking to be another beautiful day in Equestria.

On the castle balcony, Twilight put away the magic amulet she used to move the sun and moon. It had been a whole year since she had ascended to the throne, and using the amulet had long since become second nature to her.

"The day can begin." Twilight smiled.

Returning to her royal bedchambers, Twilight found Spike waiting for her, tired but eager to get to work.

"Good morning, Spike." She smiled.

"Morning, Twi." Spike rubbed his eyes. "Somepony's in a good mood."

"Pretty hard not to be." Twilight declared. "Things have been going so well lately. We've cleaned up the mess from Dread's attack, relationships with our neighboring nations has never been stronger, and things in Equestria are nice and calm right now."

"Yeah, well, what more can you expect, with such great management?" Spike grinned.

"Oh, go on." Twilight said humbly.

"Seriously, you've got this Princess thing handled." Spike assured her. "Don't tell me you don't see that?"

"I'll admit, I had my doubts for a long while." Twilight acknowledged. "But right now, I think I've got a pretty good handle on things. I'm starting to think I really can pull off this 'ruler of equestria' thing."

"You're doing awesome, Twi." Spike pointed out. "Ten outta ten, no problem."

"Thanks, Spike." Twilight chuckled.

"And of course, it doesn't hurt that you've got such an amazing and capable royal advisor by your side." Spike boasted.

"You left out 'humble'." Twilight joked. "Seriously, though. I'm glad I've got by my side. Always have."

"And you always will." Spike assured her. "No matter what."

"I know." Twight smiled. "And not just you, but all my friends." Walking over to her bedside dresser, she fished out the memory book she had been gifted on the day of her coronation. She flipped through the pages, seeing the magically-animated memories of all the wonderful times with her friends. "We've shared so many adventures together, and there are still so many more to come..."

"And to think, all these adventures started with this one trip to a little town called Ponyville." Spike sighed nostalgically. "Who would've guessed it would have led to all this?"

"Not me, that's for sure." Twilight admitted, reflecting on how little friendship had mattered to her back then. "That day changed my life. Changed all our lives. Set us on the path leading to here." She lightly snapped the book shut. "Together, we faced so many challenges. So many threats. And we learned so many lessons. Not just in friendship, but about life, Equestria, and everything. And I know in my heart that there is still so much more to learn. Still so many adventures waiting to be had."

"Bring 'em on, I say." Spike grinned.

"That's the spirit, Spike." Twilight chuckled. "And I feel the same way. As long as I have you, our friends, and the support of Equestria with me, I feel like there's nothing that can't be achieved. No problem that can't be solved. No challenge that can't be overcome. Whatever the future holds for us and Equestria, I'm certain we can handle it."

"Me, too." Spike agreed with her. "But right now, the only problem I see is what to have for breakfast. Should I ask the cooks for sapphire pancakes, or quartz on toast? Decisions, decisions..."

"Take your time." Twilight rolled her eyes. "It's not like there's this big disaster we need to attend to. Not anytime soon, at least."

With that, the Princess and her Royal Advisor departed from the royal bedchambers, ready to begin the day.


Barley, former starmaker and entertainment executive, had fallen on hard times. After his public humiliation, his business had tanked, leaving him to take on a litany of unbearably "low-class" jobs just to get by.

"Unbelievable." He scowled, returning home from a day of arranging food in a superstore. "I was once one of the biggest names in showbiz, and now look at me."

The self-centered donkey shuddered as he took stock of his current look in a nearby puddle; gone were the high-priced tailored suits and expensive manecuts, replaced by a run-of-the-will white shirt and haphazardly combed manestyle.

"This is all because of Princess Twilight and her flunkies." Barley spat. "They ruined my business. And why? Because I took a few liberties with their story? That's showbiz, baby!" He grit his teeth in frustration as he took a shortcut through a back alley. "How 'friendly' is it to destroy a fella's livelihood, just because you've got a problem with how he does things? Council of Friendship... They're a bunch a' self-righteous frauds, is what they are! Somecreature oughta take them down a peg, if you ask me..."

"I couldn't agree more." A voice as cold as ice suddenly announced.

"Yeah, that's what I'm say- wait, what?" Barley turned to see a cloaked figure emerge from the shadows. "Wh-who are you?"

"Calm yourself, sir. I am what you would call a like-minded individual." The figure announced. "I have heard much about this Princess Twilight Sparkle and her allies. And I must say, I'm not impressed. I believe Equestria requires... new management. And I believe you could assist me in that regard."

"Oh, really?" Barley narrowed his eyes in skepticism. "And who are you, exactly? Some creepy cloaked guy who hangs out in shadowy alleyways?"

"Who am I?" The cloaked figure echoed. "Allow me to answer that question..."

The figure removed his cloak, revealing a most unexpected form; that of a blue-furred, towering ram.

"I am Grogar." He announced.

His form was similar to the disguise Discord had donned during his ill-fated scheme to use Chrysalis, Cozy Glow and Tirek to give Twiligt the confidence to rule, but there were several differences: his fur was dishevelled and dusty. His hooves, horns, and the golden orbs on his collar were cracked and dull. But the most glaring difference was in the eyes; the true Grogar's eyes were a solid, burning red.

Like most beings in modern Equestria, Barley had never heard of Grogar. But the mere sight of this imposing figure was enough to make him step back in horror.

"I once ruled Equestria, countless moons ago." Grogar announced. "Until my source of power was taken from me, and I was forced to hide myself away, just waiting for the chance to return. Now, I believe that chance is within my grasp."

"S-so what do you want from me?" Barley cringed.

"I have been away a long time." Grogar declared. "And with my source of power still beyond my reach, I cannot act overtly just yet. Keeping to the shadows means that I can only learn so much about this strange new Equestria. Which means I require an assistant who knows this land as it is now. One who can guide me, point me towards the hierarchy of control, the seat of power... so I can best undermine it."

"Okay... but what's in it for me?" Barley asked, briefly regaining some of his self-centeredness in spite of the imposing figure standing before him.

"Yours is a very dubious bargaining position, indeed." Grogar narrowed his eyes. "But I would be willing to grant you some concessions. For instance, I can ensure you will regain the lost glory you spoke of. Once Equestria is mine, you shall be my vizier. My major domo. You will rule under me, with everycreature in this land answerable to your whims."

"Now that's a pretty big get." Barley mused.

"And of course, you will have the opportunity to effect revenge upon those who have wronged you." Grogar smirked. "When I crush Princess Twilight and her friends, you shall bear witness to every second of their humiliation."

"Ah, a perk!" Barley grinned. "Boy, it would be so rich to watch those self-righteous meddlers get what's coming to them... Okay, you got yourself a deal."

"Excellent." Grogar smiled coldly. "Now my plans can truly get underway. And this land will once again learn to fear the name of Grogar!"

"Especially those meddling ponies." Barley spat. "They'll regret the day they messed with Barley Ray Steedton." His face lit up into a deranged grin. "Yes sir, ol' B. Ray is gonna get some payback!" He threw his head back and laughed; a high-pitched, near-deranged laugh. "MEH-HEH-HEH-HEH-HEH!"

Grogar scowled at the sound of Barley's over-the-top cackle.

"I'd say the name 'Bray' suits you better." He announced, glaring dangerously at his new subordinate. "Much better."

"S-sure, boss." The donkey quivered before his new master's dark expression. "Whatever you say. 'Bray' it is. N-never liked the name 'Barley' much anyway. Don't even eat the stuff..."

"I'm glad we can agree on this." Grogar nodded, lifting his cloak back over his head. "Now follow, Bray. We have much to do..."

"Right behind ya, boss." The newly-renamed Bray locked in step with the cloaked figure.

Grogar departed from the alleyway, followed closely by his new underling.

Dark days were on the horizon for Equestria...

Polished Marble

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Pinkie Pie, usually seen working behind the counter at Sugarcube Corner, was currently sat at a table at the bakery, with her sisters, Maud, Limestone and Marble. A plentiful and varied supply of sweet treats was spread out on the table.

"I'm so glad you could all find the time to visit!" Pinkie smiled. "We're all so busy these days, it's tricky to get a day where we can all just hang out together like the amazing sisters we are!"

"Yeah, well... things are pretty slow on the old rock farm right now." Limestone shrugged awkwardly. "You know how it is."

"What she means is that she's glad to be here." Maud said in her classic deadpan style. "We all are. Right, Marble?"

"Mm-hmm." Marble nodded.

"Aww, you guys are the best!" Pinkie pulled all three of her sisters into a big hug.

At that moment, the doors of Sugarcube Corner opened, and Big MacIntosh entered the bakery. Marble's eyes locked on him, observing intently as he made his way to the counter, where Sugar Belle was working.

"Oh, hi, Big Mac." Sugar Belle smiled, having just just placed some freshly-made muffins in the oven. "It's so sweet of you to visit."

"Eeyup." Big Mac grinned, kissing his wife on the forehead.

Marble's face fell. She looked away, unable to take seeing any further displays of affection between the two of them.

"Uh... Marble?" Pinkie frowned. "You okay?"

Marble couldn't bring herself to answer.

After a few more lovey-dovey moments, Big Mac departed, taking with him an apple turnover.

"Have a good day at work, sweetie!" Sugar Belle waved.

"Eeyup!" Big Mac waved back.

Once Big Mac was no longer in sight, Marble hung her head in sorrow.

"What's wrong, Marble?" Pinkie asked. "Is it the treats? Too sweet? No, that's impossible..."

"It's not the treats, Pinkie." Limestone scowled, exasperated by her sister's obliviousness. "It's Big Mac."

"Big Mac?" Pinkie echoed, perplexed. "What does Big Mac have to do with this?"

"Marble has a crush on him, Pinkie." Maud pointed out the obvious.

"WHAT?!" Pinkie yelped.

Naturally, Pinkie's outburst drew Sugar Belle's attention.

"Is something wrong, Pinkie?" She asked.

"Oh, uh... nothing!" Pinkie said quickly. "Nothing at all. It's just... some treats are just so good you have to stand up and say 'Whaaaat?!', you know?"

"...Oh, okay." Sugar Belle shrugged, used enough to Pinkie's antics to buy that. "Glad you like it."

"We like it so much, we were just about to ask for some more!" Pinkie smiled. "Please and thank you!"

"No problem." Sugar Belle smiled back. "Just give me a minute or two."

As Sugar Belle made her way into the kitchen, Pinkie turned to face Marble.

"You have a crush on Big Mac?" She gaped. "Since when?"

"I'm thinking since that Hearth's Warming our families spent together." Maud chimed in. "Right, Marble?"

"Mm-hmm." Marble nodded sadly.

"Then why didn't you say anything?" Pinkie asked. "To him, or even us, your own sisters?"

"That's kinda obvious, don't ya think?" Limestone said bluntly. "This is Marble we're talking about, remember? You really think she'd have the nerve to tell a guy she likes him? Or even admit it to anypony else?" Maud and Pinkie glared at her. "What? You know it's true! I'm just telling it like it is!"

"There's telling it like it is, and then there's just being tactless." Maud said flatly. "And believe me, I know the difference."

"Well, excuse me for pointing out the obvious!" Limestone scowled.

"Oh, Marble." Pinkie comforted her baby sister. "I'm so sorry. And here I was, thinking Big Mac and Sugar Belle were a perfect couple."

Marble cringed at Pinkie's words.

"Sorry." Pinkie cringed back. "I really shouldn't have said that."

"It's not your fault, Pinkie." Maud said fairly. "You didn't know. None of us did." She placed a hoof on Marble's shoulder. "But I do know a little something about what it's like to have such powerful feelings for a stallion. When I first met Mudbriar, something just... clicked between us. It was like I had found something I didn't even know I had been looking for. This may sound a little corny, but when Mudbriar and I are together, I feel like I could take on the whole world."

"Aww, that's so beautiful!" Pinkie cooed. "I know I had my problems with Mudbriar to begin with, but I can see now how much being with him makes you happy!"

"Not that I'd know anything about that." Limestone added, eyes darting to the side. "Nope, not me. Not ever..."

All the talk about Maud's relationship with Mudbriar wasn't exactly making Marble feel better about her own situation.

"Sorry, Marble." Maud quickly picked up on her little sister's vibe. "I didn't mean to gush like that. Guess my example kind of got away from me."

"Sorry if this sounds 'tactless'." Limestone paused to throw a glare at Maud. "But there's not really anything that can be done about it now. Big Mac is married. Y'know, off the market."

"We can do something to cheer Marble up, that's for sure." Pinkie declared.

"And would this 'something' be a party?" Limestone scoffed.

"Come on, Limestone." Pinkie pouted. "Gimme a little more credit than that. What Marble needs is help moving on from Big Mac. There's so much more to life than romance, you know."

"Something else I wouldn't know anything about..." Limestone muttered.

"What Marble needs is to shake off those sad feelings and look on the bright side!" Pinkie smiled. "Doesn't that sound good, Marble?"

"M-mm-hmm." Marble said hesitantly.

"Great!" Pinkie cheered. "Then let's head on out of here and see some of Ponyville's best sights. And I just where to start!"

"This oughta be good..." Limestone said cynically.

Pinkie lead her sisters to Sweet Feather Sanctuary, where Fluttershy was tending to her animal friends.

"Mornin', Fluttershy!" Pinkie smiled as she bounced over to her friend.

"Oh, hi, Pinkie." Fluttershy smiled back. She then noted Pinkie's companions. "And hello to all of you, too."

"Hope you don't mind us dropping in unannounced like this." Pinkie declared. "I just wanted to show my sister Marble how wonderful nature can be. and where better to start than with your wonderful sanctuary?"

"Well, you're welcome to take a look around." Fluttershy smiled. "Just be sure not to get too close to some of the animals. They're in recovery, and shouldn't be disturbed."

"Will do!" Pinkie nodded. "Come on, gals!"

"Why are we here again?" Limestone asked.

"Because if there's one thing I've learned from Fluttershy, it's that the beauty of nature can really help a pony feel good about the world." Pinkie declared. "Just look around. Blue skies, sparkling water..."

"Way too much color, if you ask me." Limestone scowled. "Give me the rich grays and browns of the rock farm any day..."

"Pinkie may have a point." Maud declared. "Waking up to the gleaming crystals and cascading waterfall of my grotto always does wonders for my mood."

"Okay, fine." Limestone rolled her eyes. "Let's give it a shot."

"Look around, Marble." Pinkie placed a hoof on her baby sister's shoulder. "Take in the wondrous majesty of nature!"

"Mm-hmm." Marble said awkwardly.

As she looked around awkwardly, her eyes fell on a group of sea otters floating on their backs in the lake. Such an adorable sight was difficult to resist.

"I think it's working!" Pinkie hissed excitedly.

Marble smiled as she continued to take in the sights of many adorable little animals frolicking and scampering about. For a moment, it seemed like Pinkie's plan was working.

Just then, a pair of lovebirds fluttered over to a nearby tree branch and started nuzzling each other. Seeing their display of affection, Marble couldn't help but be reminded of Big Mac and Sugar Belle's similar display of love. She lowered her head, once again succumbing to her feelings of heartbreak.

"Marble?" Pinkie frowned. "You okay?"

Marble turned and started walking away from the tree with the happy bird couple perched on it.

"Great idea, Pinkie." Limestone said sarcastically. She threw a glare at the lovebirds. "Way to rub it in, feather-heads! We get it, you're in love! No need to broadcast it!"

"Come on, Marble." Pinkie tried to assure her sister. "Give this place a chance. There's still so much more to see..."

As Pinkie tried to lad Marble away from the offending sight, she accidentally brought a pair of cuddling bunnies into Marble's line of sight.

"Ooh..." She turned Marble in another direction, which accidentally caused her to see a happy chinchilla couple. "Oh, come on!" Pinkie scowled. "Is this a animal sanctuary, or an animal dating service?!"

"Perhaps being in the wondrous majesty of nature isn't what Marble needs right now." Maud noted.

"So what do you suggest?" Limestone asked. "Hope it's better than throwing cutesy animals at her..."

"I'm all ears." Pinkie smiled. "We all know how smart you are, Doctor Pie. I'll bet you have a great idea!"

"In fairness, my area of expertise is rocks, not personal issues." Maud humbly pointed out. "But I'm thinking that what Marble needs is a way to feel better about herself."

"You just might be onto something there." Limestone admitted. "Better idea than sightseeing, at least..."

"I knew it!" Pinkie grinned. "Don't we just have the smartest sister in all of Equestria?"

"Just one question: where do we go to help Marble feel better about herself?" Limestone inquired.

"If I recall correctly, one of Pinkie's other friends specializes in that field." Maud declared. "A certain unicorn, who owns a successful chain of fashion boutiques..."

"Oh, yeah! Rarity!" Pinkie smiled, recognition lighting up herself. "Rarity's all about helping ponies feel good about themselves! All it takes is the right dress!"

"Seriously?" Limestone frowned. "That's what we're going with?"

"Do you have a better idea?" Maud pointed.

"No." Limestone grumbled.

"Then we're giving this idea a shot." Maud smiled lightly.

"Sounds like fun!" Pinkie grinned. "Right, Marble?"

"Mm-hmm." Marble replied, more out of a desire to depart from the sight of many happy couples than anything else.

Barely an hour later, the sisters entered Carousel Boutique. Inside, Rarity was making some adjustments to one of many dresses.

"Hey, Rarity!" Pinkie called as she bounced over.

"Good morning, Pinkie." Rarity smiled, still in the midst of sewing. When she looked up from her work, she acknowledged the others. "Well, now. What brings all the Pie sisters to my humble establishment today?"

"None of your-!" Limestone started, before Maud placed a hoof over her mouth.

"Let's just say Marble is currently suffering from some heartache." Maud said tactfully. "And we're hoping to cheer her up. Pinkie tells us that your dresses may be able to help."

"They can do." Rarity smiled. "In my experience, a new, fabulous look on the outside can help a pony feel good on the inside."

"Whattaya think, Marble?" Pinkie inquired. "Worth a try, right?"

"Mm-hmm." Marble nodded awkwardly.

"Wonderful." Rarity smiled. "Now, please stand over here so I can take your measurements."

Rarity lead Marble over to the runway, bringing over her measuring tape with her magic.

"Let's see now..." Rarity held out the tape, slowly and carefully taking each measurement and committing them to memory. "Yes, I think I may have one or two outfits that would suit you very well, darling." Putting aside the tape, she perused the nearby rack of dress, examining each one in turn with a practiced, discerning look. "Ah, there we are!"

Rarity brought over a powder-blue ballgown with white trim and silvery bows.

"This should look wonderful on you." Rarity smiled. "It'll really bring out your eyes."

"Go ahead, Marble. Try it on!" Pinkie urged.

"Mm-hmm." Marble nodded. She took the dress and stepped behind a changing screen. When she emerged, she did indeed look as good as Rarity hoped.

"You look magnificent, darling." Rarity smiled. "But don't take my word for it. Have a look for yourself."

Marble complied, taking a look at herself in a nearby full-length mirror. She smiled in surprise at how elegant she looked in her new dress.

"Well, what's the verdict?" Pinkie urged. "Looking good, right?"

"Mm-hmm." Marble nodded.

"You probably won't be saying that when you see the price tag." Limestone sneered.

"Nonsense." Rarity shook her head. "Friends and family don't have to pay a thing. And any family of my friend Pinkie is family of mine, too."

As Marble continued admiring herself in the mirror, she saw something in the very corner of the reflection: a wedding dress sitting on a mannequin, exactly opposite a groom's suit. Once again, her face fell at the sight of an unwelcome reminder of a painful truth.

"...Marble?" Pinkie frowned.

"Here we go..." Limestone shook her head.

"What's the matter, darling?" Rarity asked, concerning lighting up her face. "Is it the dress? Too tight? Too loose?"

"I don't think it's the dress, Rarity." Maud assured her.

Rarity glanced in the mirror, and spotted the sight which had diminished Marble's mood.

"Oh, I see." She noted. "Sorry about that. Maybe I shouldn't have put those so prominently on display..."

"It's not your fault, Rarity." Pinkie assured her. "It's just that helping Marble with her heartache won't be as easy as we hoped."

"Well, you can still keep the dress." Rarity told Marble. "A gift, from me to you."

"Mm-hmm." Marble nodded sadly.

The sisters quickly departed from the boutique, more downcast than ever.

"So much for that idea." Limestone frowned.

"Sorry, Marble." Maud apologized. "I was so sure that would help..."

"We can't give up!" Pinkie said firmly. "We just have to keep trying! ...Anypony got any more ideas?"

"Do I look like I know how to cheer ponies up?" Limestone scoffed. "Not like I could come up with anything actually work, anyway...."

"That's no reason to stop trying!" Pinkie insisted.

"Mm-hmm-hmm-hmm!" Marble cleared her throat, grabbing her sisters' attention. As they turned to look at her, she took a deep breath. "I appreciate what you're all trying to do, but maybe we should call it a day. I know you're just trying to help, but it really isn't necessary."

The rest of the Pie sisters were slightly nonplussed. While they had on rare occasions heard Marble speak full sentences in the past, it was usually done in the privacy of their family home. For her to speak up in a public place was truly unprecedented.

"I won't deny I'm hurting right now." Marble continued. "And you want to help me feel better, but there really isn't a quick fix here. I just need time to process these feelings, and work my way through it, no matter how long it takes."

"Are you sure, Marble?" Pinkie asked, the first of the sisters to regain her composure.

"I'm sure." Marble smiled warmly. "Thanks for trying to cheer me up, though. I really appreciate it."

"Hey, what are sisters for?" Pinkie smiled. "The last thing anyone of us want is for you to be sad, baby sis."

"I know." Marble nodded. "But sometimes, it just can't be helped. I'm sad, and it hurts. All I can do is take this one day at a time."

"That's the spirit, Marble." Maud smiled.

"And here I was, getting worried that this would affect your work output." Limestone half-joked.

"Funny, Limestone." Maud said sarcastically. "Ever think of trying standup?"

"I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm beat." Pinkie declared. "How about we get one last cupcake at Sugarcube Corner before calling it a day?"

"After walking from one end of this place to another, how can I say 'no'?" Limestone smirked.

"I could eat." Maud nodded.

"You okay going back, Marble?" Pinkie asked. "I know Sugar Belle is there..."

"I'll be fine." Marble smiled.

"Then let's go!" Pinkie grinned.

As Pinkie playfully pushed Marble in the direction of her workplace, Marble suddenly collided with a passing pony.

"Oof!" The pony yelped.

"Ahh!" Marble yelped, losing her balance from the collision.

Just before she hit the ground, a hoof caught hers, and she found herself looking into the eyes of her savior. It was Goldengrape, one of Ponyville's lesser-known inhabitants.

"Sorry about that." He apologized. "Should have been looking where I was going. Are you okay?"

"I-I think so." Marble said awkwardly, a light blush appearing on her cheeks.

"I, er, don't think I've ever seen you around." Goldengrape pointed out, his cheeks also reddening slightly.

"Well, I'm not exactly from around here..." Marble admitted, reluctantly removing her hoof from his.

"Oh, I see." Goldengrape nodded. "Just visiting?"

"That's right." Marble nodded. "My sister works here. So I drop by when I can."

Pinkie and the others shared incredulous looks at Marble's continuing openness. Even Marble herself was surprised how the words seemed to flow so freely from her mouth.

"Well, if you can find the time, maybe I can help you get acquainted with Ponyville." Goldengrape offered. "There's this nice little tea room just a couple of streets away. Perhaps I could... take you there sometime?" His blush deepened.

"I'd... like that." Marble nodded.

"Great." Goldengrape smiled. "I'm Goldengrape, by the way."

"Marble." Marble replied.

"Nice to meet you, Marble." Goldengrape smiled.

"Nice to meet you too, Goldengrape." Marble nodded.

"See you around." Goldengrape beamed as he made to depart. "Sooner rather than later, I hope."

"Me too." Marble chuckled.

As Goldengrape departed, Marble turned to her sisters.

"Well, are we going to get those cupcakes, or what?" She asked, before trotting forward in the direction of the bakery.

"I think Marble's gonna be okay." Pinkie smiled.

"Yeah, yeah." Limestone said awkwardly. "I'm happy for her. Just so long as her efficiency on the farm isn't affected. Sediment season's just around the corner, y'know..."

"You're all heart, Limestone." Maud gave her sister a wry smile. "Maybe we should try and get you a stallion next..."

"Y-yeah, right!" Limestone spluttered. "Like I really need a stallion to feel like my life is complete! Nuh-uh, no way!" She cleared her throat in a desperate attempt to regain her aloof attitude. "Now, about those cupcakes..."

Pinkie and Maud shared a look as they followed Marble and Limestone.

"Maybe we can help Limestone next..." Pinkie suggested.

"Maybe..." Maud smiled once more.

As different as they all were from each other, the Pie sisters held a bond that was truly unbreakable. Whatever tomorrow brought them, they could rest assured that they were always ready to help each other, no matter what.

Daring Do and the Absent Artifacts

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Ahuitzotl sighed contentedly as he made his usual rounds. Though he had seen great fame and success in recent months as a result of publishing his life story, and quite enjoyed the attention he received as a successful writer, he had never lost sight of his position as a guardian. Which of course meant he would make regular inspections around the Tenochtitlan Basin, making sure that all of the artifacts he had been charged with protecting were still safe and sound.

"Truth Talisman of Tonatiuh, check." He smiled, the artifact bringing back memories for him.

Now that he had made peace with Daring Do and Dr. Caballeron, Ahuitzotl's job was a lot easier. He no longer had to go chasing after one or both of them in pursuit of the artifacts that they had pilfered for one reason or another. Now his job amounted to little more than taking inventory, allowing him to relax, and give him plenty of free time to focus on his newfound writing vocation.

As he continued his rounds, flanked by the group of big cats (and one small cat) he had long held the loyalty of, he discovered something unnerving.

"What is this?" He frowned, checking the insides of an ancient casket, which was empty. "The Hammer of Hefton, it's gone!"

The big cats yowled with distress.

In a panic, Ahuitzotl rushed to the next hiding place, and found the artifact placed there was also gone. A rushed examination of the remaining ruins showed several others were also missing.

"This is not good." Ahuitzotl shook his head. "I just got back into my fellow guardians' good graces. If they found out about this..." He shook his head, deciding not to dwell on the possibilities. "I need to find those artifacts quickly. And to do that, I will need some help..."

Two days later...

Daring Do and Dr. Caballeon, in their guises of A.K. Yearling and Groom Q. Q. Nightingale, were preparing to depart from a book store after a reading of their latest joint book.

"What a day." Daring adjusted the glasses of her assumed identity.

"Very true." Caballeron agreed. "Sometimes, I feel like our old clashes over ancient artifacts were less stressful than days of answering questions and signing books until our hooves cramp up."

"But definitely less dangerous." Daring noted. "So y'know: pluses and minuses..."

The sound of the door's bell ringing filled the air, indicating that somecreature had entered the store.

"Sorry, but the reading's over." Daring called over her shoulder. "Ask the store's owner when the next one's going to be."

"I'm afraid that's what I'm here for."

Daring and Caballeron turned to see Ahuitzotl standing before.

"Ahuitzotl." Caballeron smiled awkwardly, still not used to seeing the guardian on friendly terms. "What brings you here? Do you have a book signing of your own to attend to?"

"I'm afraid not." Ahuitzotl said, deadly serious.

"What's going on?" Daring Do asked, adjusting the fake glasses of her alter ego.

"You can't possibly think it was us, do you?" Caballeron frowned.

"We swore on the Truth Talisman of Tonatiuh that we wouldn't take any more artifacts from the basin!" Daring Do pointed.

"I know." Ahuizotl nodded. "I'm not here because I suspect you of taking the artifacts. I'm here because I need your help to find them."

"You do?" Daring asked.

"Of course." Ahuitzotl declared. "Between the two of you, you know every type of pony who would desire such artifacts. Either to put in one of your 'museums', or to own for themselves in some insipid private 'collection'."

"The second option seems to be far more widespread." Caballeron noted. "You'd be surprised just how many ponies there are out there who are willing to pay under the table for something shiny and encrusted with jewels."

"Somehow, I doubt I would." Ahuitzotl said humorlessly. "So, can I count on your aid?"

"I'll help you any way I can." Daring Do announced. "It's the least I can do to make up for all those years of treating you like a villain."

"I will help also." Caballeron smiled. "Being a best-selling author has its perks, but I must admit I'm missing the thrill of being out in the field. I'd love the chance to see some action again."

"Excellent." Ahuitzotl smiled gratefully.

"So what else was taken?" Daring Do asked.

"One of the Rings of Scorchero." Ahuitzotl answered.

"Oh, you mean from the time you tried to engulf the Basin in 600 years of scorching sunshine?" Daring recalled.

"A deterrent." Ahuitzotl declared. "I was hoping all that heat would keep you and the doctor from looting any further artifacts."

"It just might have." Daring nodded.

"I wouldn't be so sure." Caballeron said jokingly. "I know where to get some really good sunscreen..."

"Whoever it was also stole the Hammer of Hefton." Ahuitzotl continued.

"I've heard of that." Daring declared. "According to legend, it can create earthquakes with a single strike to the ground."

"Definitely not something you want to fall into the wrong hooves." Caballeron mused.

"If you come with me to the Basin, I can provide you with a more thorough summary of our missing artifacts." Ahuitzotl declared.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Daring smiled, dropping her disguise. "Let's get moving!"

"My thoughts exactly." Caballeron smiled, removing his own disguise. "That fake beard was starting to get itchy anyway..."

Soon after, the unlikely trio were making their way back to Ahuitzotl's temple. With practiced ease, Daring Do and Dr. Caballeron navigated the wilds surrounding the basin.

"just like old times..." Daring grinned nostalgically.

"A little too much, if you ask me." Caballeron sighed as he noticed a pollen stain (from some exotic flower, no doubt) on his shirt.

"I'll admit this feels a little odd." Ahuitzotl mused. "Actually inviting the two of you here. Not so long ago, I would have thought the very idea to be absurd."

"No more absurd than me actually writing a book alongside my oldest foe." Caballeron joked.

"Yeah, life's funny sometimes." Daring acknowledged.

As they cleared the thicker part of the jungle, Ahuitzotl spotted some members of the native pony tribe who also called the Basin home.

"Ah, perhaps we should go this way." He suggested.

"And why would we want to take the long way around?" Caballeron scoffed dismissively.

"I'd prefer we kept this business just between us." Ahuitzotl admitted. "The natives here have always held me in high regard. But if they were to learn the artifacts were lost on my watch..."

"Hey, I get it." Daring nodded. "The opinion of my fans matters to me, too."

"You know, I often wondered why ponies would have allied themselves with you, what with your seeming aspirations for conquest and destruction." Caballeron admitted. "I suppose that should have been our first clue that things with you weren't as they seemed."

"Instead, we just took their being on your side at face value." Daring acknowledged. "Imagine that: An archeologist not bothering to look below the surface."

"Their tribe has lived in this Basin for many generations." Ahuitzotl declared. "They have long revered me for my position of Guardian. A position I may lose if we don't do something about these thefts..."

"Chin up, big guy." Daring smiled. "We're gonna figure this out, together."

Caballeron nodded in agreement, and Ahuizotl felt his spirits lift slightly.

Soon after, they arrived at the temple where Ahuitzotl had found the first artifact had gone missing. Daring and Caballeron got to work in examining the area for any sort of clues.

"Whoever did this knew what they were doing." Daring noted. "No signs of forced entry, no other objects seem to have been disturbed..."

"Indeed." Caballeron mused. "Almost like the kind of heist I would have pulled, not too long ago..."

"And yet..." Daring took note of a hoof-shaped smudge near the door. "There's no such thing as a perfect crime."

"So whoever did this was a pony." Caballeron noted. "I suppose that narrows our search down, if only slightly."

"Let's check out the other crime scenes, just to be certain." Daring declared.

One by one, they scoured the areas where the other lost artifacts had been taken. Some were clean, but one or two held small amounts of evidence which corroborated the idea that the same thief had been there.

"So what now?" Ahuitzotl asked.

"I have a few old contacts in the black market." Caballeron declared. "Not quite as skilled in the game as I once was, mind you. But I can think of several who would have dared such an act."

"I know a couple of folks in that area too." Daring added. "Mostly the crooks I ran down, looking to keep from selling the artifacts for themselves. Pretty sure we can get some intel out of them if we ask politely. And by 'politely', I mean 'firmly demand they comply'."

"I can get behind that." Caballeron smirked.

"As can I." Ahuitzotl grinned. "I have a few choice words for whoever it is that dared steal from me."

The unlikely trio departed from the Basin (making sure to avoid any other tribe members), and began their trek to the heart of Southern Equestria. Their first stop was a small coastal town known as Moss Isely, a town well known for being frequented by smugglers and thieves, and one that both Daring and Caballeron had visited many times in the past.

"So, who's this contact of yours?" Daring asked Caballeron.

"His name is Trot." Caballeron declared. "Whether that's his first or last name, I have no idea. Never bothered to make sure."

"Sounds like you had a very strong bond with him." Daring snarked.

"He was just a client." Cabalelron shrugged. "And a thoroughly unpleasant one, to boot. Never appreciating my efforts. Only ever complaining about how long it took me to bring him his precious trinkets - of which he had a near-insatiable appetite for..."

"Our first suspect, then." Ahuitzotl glowered. "Where can we find this Mr. Trot?"

"At this time of day? Most likely indulging in his hobby of raising Somnambulan blue roses." Caballeron declared. "He has a small greenhouse on the outskirts of the city."

"Then let's pay your botanist friend a visit." Daring nodded.

Soon after, the unlikely trio arrived at the small glass structure. As they entered, Daring briefly took a moment to marvel at the multiple plan species on display.

'Why is it the worst kind of slime so often have the nicest hobbies?' She thought.

In the center of the greenhouse, a middle-aged, overweight Earth Pony stallion with an ash-gray coat, navy blue mane and tail, and a Cutie Mark of an open treasure chest, was tending to some flowers.

"Hello, Mr. Trot." Caballeron announced their presence.

Trot looked up, and yelped with shock at the sight of both Daring and Ahuitzotl.

"Hope you don't mind me bringing some company along for this little visit." Caballeron smirked.

"N-not at all!" Trot trembled, clearly intimidated by Ahuitzotl (who was casting him a less-than-friendly look). "Wh-what can I do for you, my old friend?"

"This isn't a social visit, pal." Daring scowled.

"You see, our large friend here recently found that some of the artifacts under his care had been taken." Caballeron announced. "And while I may out of the artifact-appropriating game, I know full well that I was not the only one of my 'profession' for you to hire."

"So what we're basically asking is: did you send anypony to the Tenochtitlan Basin recently?" Ahuitzotl demanded fiercely.

"N-no!" Trot trembled. "Not recently!"

"There is one way for us to be sure." Ahuitzotl produced the Truth Talisman of Tonatiuh and placed it around Trot's neck. "I ask again: did you order the stealing of artifacts from my Basin?"

"...Yes." Trot's eyes glowed green under the Talisman's magic. "I did hire somepony. A week or so ago."

"Who?" Daring demanded. "Give us a name, pal."

"Stealth Stickyhooves." Trot said resignedly, knowing fighting the Talisman's magic was useless.

"That overblown showoff?!" Caballeron scoffed in disgust. "Seriously?"

"Well, you were no longer an option, so I had to make do with what was available." Trot retorted.

"Where are the artifacts he stole from me?" Ahuitzotl growled. "Where?"

"Not here!" Trot quivered. "I was just the middle stallion for this operation. I was contacted by an anonymous collector who offered big Bits if I could get him some artifacts. 'The older and more impressive, the better', he said!"

"How did you correspond with this 'anonymous client', Trot?" Daring asked.

"He sought me out, while I was meeting some other associates at the local tavern!" Trot replied. "After Stealth got the artifacts, I meet with the client there again."

"And who is this client?" Ahuitzotl snarled, his patience almost at an end. "What is his name?"

"How should I know?" Trot trembled. "He didn't tell me his name! And he stayed hidden under a cloak the whole time!"

"Clever." Caballeron admitted.

"Which room in the tavern was he staying at?" Daring inquired. "Can you at least tell us that?"

"Room 17C, third floor." Trot declared."That's all I know, I swear!"

Ahuitzotl removed the Talisman from Trot's neck.

"Looks like we have a lead." Caballeron declared. "Perhaps if we're lucky, this mysterious client is still there."

"Either way, we're on the right track." Daring nodded. "Let's get moving!"

Daring and Caballeron raced out of the greenhouse. Ahuitzotl made to follow, but briefly stopped and looked back at Trot.

"If I were you, I'd make botany your only hobby." He glared. "It's a lot less dangerous, if you know what I mean..."

Trot cringed fearfully, knowing exactly what Ahuitzotl meant.

The Moss Isely tavern wasn't a very inviting place. But it was the only place visitors could stay at in town. And it had a "no questions asked" policy, which worked out well for the many ne'er-do-wells that passed by those parts.

Daring, Caballeron and Ahuitzotl entered through the front door. Aside from the reception, the ground floor of the building also boasted a dingy bar.

The receptionist pony, a tan Pegasus mare with a dull blond mane and pale green eyes, barely looked up from her magazine as she took note of Daring and Caballeron. Though Ahuitzotl's presence caused her eyes to widen in horror.

"M-may I help you?" She stuttered.

"Let me take point on this." Caballeron declared. "I was... something of a regular here in days gone by."

"Play on, maestro." Daring nodded.

Caballeron approached the receptionist.

"Ah, Poppy." He smiled charmingly. "You're looking as lovely as ever."

"Whattaya want, Doc?" Poppy growled, her gruff voice greatly contrasting her appearance.

"Just some information." Caballeron continued, unfazed by Poppy's hostility. "I understand you recently rented out room 17C to the client of a... friend of mine."

"What of it?" Poppy sneered.

"I don't suppose this fellow gave you his name?" Caballeron suggested. "Or possibly even lowered his cloak during his stay here?"

"Nope, and nope." Poppy retorted. "Now if that's all, I'm very busy right now." She promptly returned to her magazine.

"So much for taking point." Daring snarked. "What now?"

"I don't see you offering any solutions." Caballeron pouted.

"Better nothing than your 'solution'." Daring scoffed.

"Don't give me that superior attitude!" Caballeron snarled. "You always did enjoy looking down on me."

"Well, maybe if you didn't always act like such a big shot..." Daring retorted.

"Why, you..." Caballeron growled.

"Enough!" Ahuitzotl snarled. "This is not the time for petty arguments and old grudges! My artifacts are still missing, a matter in which you both promised to aid me with, remember?

Daring and Caballeron, shared a regretful.

"He's right." Daring sighed. "Sorry."

"As am I." Caballeron nodded.

"Friends?" Daring smiled, offering a hoof.

"Friends." Caballeon shook her hoof.

"Great." Daring grinned. "Now, let's think about our next mo-"

"Well, well, well." A gravelly voice cut in. "If it isn't Daring Do."

The trio turned to see everypony who was previously seated at the bar standing before them, identical scowls on their faces. Several of those faces were familiar to her, and not in a good way. Clearly, Daring and Caballeron's brief argument had proved sufficient to draw their attention.

"Been a while, hasn't it, Daring?" The owner of the gravelly voice, a grizzled dark blue unicorn with a gray mane and orange, declared.

"Slate." Daring smiled humorlessly. "I haven't seen you since-"

"Since you exposed my smuggling operation and got me arrested?" Slate growled. "I've been waiting a long time for payback. And you literally walked right into my path. Lucky me..."

"Lucky all of us." A burly marble-colored Earth Pony stallion smirked, several others nodding in agreement.

"You know all these ponies?" Ahuitzotl asked Daring.

"What can I say?" Daring shrugged. "Took down a lot of crooks in my time..."

The assembled thugs started to advance on them.

"Now, now, folks." Caballeron stepped forward, once again flashing a charming smile. "Let's all just calm down. For old times' sake?"

"You wanna talk about 'old times', Caballeron?" A tall cerulean Pegasus stallion with a jet back short mane and cold gray eyes stepped forward. "Like the time you sold me out to the authorities to save your own hide?"

"Or the time you stole from me?" A short green Earth pony with a red crew cut mane spat.

"Looks like I'm not the only one they're pullin' out the welcome wagon for." Daring joked.

"And that's another thing." The burly Earth pony scowled. "You're with her? After everything she did to hard-workin' crooks like us? You ain't no friend of ours!"

"I say we pummel 'em both." Slate snarled. "All in favor?"

"Yeah!" The crowd roared.

Ahuitzotl stepped.

"Whatever business you may think you have with these two, we really don't have the time to deal with right now." He announced. "So just this once, I'm asking you nicely: step aside."

"Get lost, weirdo." The cerulean Pegasus spat. "Unless you want some of what we're dishing out."

Ahuitzotl shook his head.

"After my more recent experiences, I had hoped a little diplomacy would settle matters." He sighed. "But it seems the time for talk is over."

"Good try anyway, big guy." Daring smiled, stretching out her hooves in preparation. "But some ponies just can't be talked to."

"A shame." Caballeron shook his head. "I so wanted to avoid getting my hooves dirty..."

"Get 'em!" Slate roared.

The crowd of crooked ponies charged the trio. Daring leapt over the burly Earth pony, landed right behind him, and swept his hooves, knocking him down. When another Earth pony, who had the color and looks of a brick wall, threw a hoof at her, she grabbed it, and used his momentum to throw him into another two thugs who were trying to attack her from behind.

Caballeron's fighting style was a lot more tricky than Daring's; he kicked a nearby stool into the path of tall Pegasus, tripping him up. He promptly vaulted the thug's prone body, surprising the crook behind him with a kick. He then grabbed an abandoned drink and flung into the face of a third thug, using his temporarily lack of vision to get in a quick sucker punch.

Ahuitzotl didn't have much need for technique, simply grabbing those foolish enough to attack him and flinging them across the room.

Before long, the group of thugs had been whittled down to just Slate, who was staring with incredulous horror at the change of odds.

"Your call, Slate." Daring declared. "You really wanna settle things now?"

"Another time, Daring." Slate scowled as he backed away. "Count on it."

Slate ran out through the back door.

"Well, that was fun." Daring stretched.

"Yes, quite a nice bit of exercise." Caballeron agreed. "But now it's time to get back to the job at hoof. Any suggestions?"

"I say the time for asking questions is over." Ahuitzotl growled, marching back to front desk.

Poppy had been reading her magazine through the entire fight (as impromptu brawls were actually quite common at the establishment). Ahuitzotl slammed the hand located on the end of his tail on the desk, startling Poppy.

"We'll be needing the key to room 17C, if you please." He demanded.

"S-sure." Poppy cringed, swayed by Ahuitzotl's dark glare. She held up the room key. "Here you go."

Ahuitzotl snatched up the key with his tail hand.

"Thank you." He smiled. He turned to Daring and Caballeron. "Shall we?"

The trio made their way up to the third floor, and found room 17C. Ahuitzotl carefully unlocked the lock, then shoved the door open.

"Surrender the artifacts, fiend!" He yelled as he burst into the room.

He was greeted with silence and darkness.

"What?" He frowned.

Daring and Caballeron entered the room, the latter switching on the lights. It was completely empty.

"No!" Ahuitzotl growled. "We came all this way for nothing!"

"Easy there, big guy." Daring assured him. "It's not over yet."

"She's right." Caballeron agreed. "Let us search the room first. You never know..."

"...Very well..." Ahuitzotl sighed.

The trio turned the room upside down, searching for any kind of clue as to what became of its occupant. But it seemed like nothing out of the ordinary was there. That is, until Daring noticed something odd about the floor.

"Wait... what's this?" She leaned forward, noticing a cut in the room's carpet, one that seemed to go on for a significant length. "Help me with this, guys!"

Ahuitzotl and Caballeron joined her. Clearing away everything nearby, they lifted at the tear in the carpet, revealing floorboards below. Floorboards which also had an unusual gap between them.

"Could it be...?" Caballeron mused as Ahuitzotl's tail hand lifted the boards away.

Below, in a small space, lay the missing artifacts.

"I don't believe it!" Ahuitzotl smiled, picking up the Hammer of Hefton. "They're here!" He picked up one of the Rings of Sorchero with his tail hand. "They're all here!"

"Why would whoever was here just leave the artifacts, after going to all the trouble of getting them?" Caballeron wondered.

"Maybe they figured somepony was onto them, and decided to skip town." Daring posited. "They could have come back later and picked up the goods."

"Well, if that is the case, whoever this crook is will be in for quite a disappointment." Ahuitzotl grinned. "I wish I could be here to greet them, but I must return these artifacts as soon as possible." He carefully placed the artifacts in a burlap sack. "Thank you both for helping me on this matter."

"No problem." Daring smiled. "That's what friends are for."

"Besides, it was fun to get back into the action again." Caballeron grinned.

"And if you ever need help in the future, you know who to call." Daring nodded.

"I will keep that in mind, my friends." Ahuitzotl nodded. "But all the same, I shall be performing a thorough overhaul of the traps and safeguards surrounding the artifacts. If any future thieves think they can steal the Basin's treasures so easily, they will be in for quite a shock. I will do all I can to ensure it will be a long time before my artifacts end up in the wrong creature's possession..."

Meanwhile, far away from the unlikely trio, Grogar and Bray were taking shelter in an old shack.

"Not a bad week's work, huh, boss?" Bray smirked.

"Indeed." Grogar chuckled darkly. His long-lost bell was attached to his collar, and glowed with newfound power. "Draining ponies and other creatures would draw too much attention. But taking the magic from these dusty old artifacts, hidden away from the eyes of many, is the perfect means for me to start building back my power without drawing suspicion. Even those possessed of great magical powers are usually placed in one form of containment or another, meaning that even after they are recovered, nocreature will notice they are without magic for a long time!"

"Genius thinking, boss." Bray nodded.

"Very true." Grogar sneered. "Soon, I will have enough magic to make my first move. And before I'm done, this land will once again quake in terror at the very mention of my name!"

Grogar's dark laughter erupted through the walls of the old shack, echoing through the dark forest outside.