Draw Me Like One Of Your French Girls

by Midday Sun

First published

Copper Plume needs a model for his art class and Pinkie Pie happily volunteers. Now he just needs her to take her clothes off-

Copper Plume aspires to take his creative visions from ink and paper to canvas and paints. The only problem is that he seems to be lacking a muse. Pinkie Pie is more than happy to help him out and eagerly agrees to be painted by him for his art class project.

There's only one small problem that she didn't realize; she wasn't aware that he required a nude model.

This is an OC X Canon fic involving Copper Plume, commissioned by ImperfectXIII.

Art Party

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The door to the class opened up and Copper Plume began to drag himself out. The copper-skinned young man looked oddly glum. He was usually such an upbeat young man, and when leaving one of his more creative-driven classes, especially at the end of the day like it was today. An art class for someone who seemed to live off of the creative arts? That seemed like the best way to end the school day!

So why was it when he walked out the door of Canterlot High, he immediately turned around, took off his glasses, and bashed his forehead into the door of the school.

He was grumbling to himself, "what am I gonna do?" He pulled himself off of the door, rubbing his head as he started to walk down the steps of the school. He could hear the constant rattling and rustling of his various supplies bumping against his easel and canvas. His hand rustled through his chocolate hair as his legs walked him through the sidewalk, practically all alone even on the crowded streets. His mind kept rewinding the conversation he had with his teacher.


"So, what did you think, Ms. Pansy?" Copper Plume was rather nervous when he walked up to the teacher's desk, the ringing of the bell lingering in his ear as he saw the last of his classmates leave the room. Ms. Pansy had a pretty warm smile on her face, contrasting with the noticeable scar besides her right eye and lined up her arms. It made her intimidating to most; an ex-war veteran just walking around the school made most students jump out of her seat, but the redheaded woman was as gentle as a lamb and as sweet as can be.

"Copper, you know I think your art looks amazing, right?"

Those words did more to hurt Copper than she could've ever known. Ms. Pansy didn't realize it herself, but every student of hers knew that when she started with that sentence, then she had something to say and it wasn't nice. Copper fought the urge to grab at his shirt as he felt his heart skip a beat, but he gave Ms. Pansy a nod and a shaky smile.

"Good, because your art is amazing." Pansy continued to give Copper a warm smile. It did little to improve his mood, but Copper did manage to calm himself down and stop his heart from racing. "But, well, here's the thing. This is a 'Figure Drawing' project, you understand that, right?"

"Y-yeah?" Copper nodded, "and I had lots of art figurines at home. Look, I have one with me right now." He got ready to take his backpack off, but Pansy held up a hand, getting him to pause.

"No, no, I believe you. I saw her out in class today." Pansy giggled a bit, "and good on you for taking the initiative. Art figurines like that are always an amazing tool to use when trying to get human anatomy down. That shows real initiative." The art teacher lowered her hand as she said, "but I'm afraid that's also a problem."


She could see Copper wasn't understanding, so she elaborated. "You see, using a wooden model with adjustable joints isn't the same as using, well, a real model." Copper's face slowly started to take a shade of red. "I understand that you were sick when we had the actual model the other day, but I'm afraid I can't make any exceptions for you."

In truth, Copper wasn't sick that day. Most students probably jumped at the chance to be in an art class with a nude model. In fact, he definitely would've been at school that day, ready to breathe in the inspiration and draw someone if he wasn't tied up that day with helping Fleetfoot, a member of the school's soccer team, to the hospital. The hospital which was all the way across town from the school and, conveniently, was able to get a doctor's note for himself as an excuse so he wouldn't get in trouble-granted, it saying 'he was sick' and not that he was helping a fellow student who broke her leg on the way wasn't exactly honest, but at the time, Copper didn't think too much on it.

"I'm afraid I'll have to dock your assignment by 50 points if you can't meet the requirements."

"50 Points?!" Copper Plume was so taken aback he nearly fell over. "C-come on, isn't that a little extreme!"

Ms. Pansy sighed, "I'm afraid that's the curriculum, Copper." She shook her head and said, "if you can't find someone to model for you before next Monday, then you'll just have to take whatever grade I give you."

"B-but this is worth 30% of my grade."

"I'm well aware." Ms. Pansy felt rather bad about watching Copper Plume sweat and squirm, but she stayed calm and firm on her decision. "You have an entire weekend, Copper, and you're a very smart young man."

"C-come on, Ms. Pansy! W-what am I supposed to do?!"

"Well, you could ask one of your fellow students to model for you."

That had Copper's face turn a bright shade of pink. How was he supposed to just walk up to a student and say 'would please get naked for me so I can draw you'? That was a sure-fire way to get on someone's bad side! "N-no, th-that's too embarrassing!"

Ms. Pansy put a hand to her chin in contemplation, "well, you could always do a self-portrait..."

His face turned a deeper shade of red. "Th-that's not funny!" Ms. Pansy covered her mouth; she wasn't trying to make light of his situation, but seeing Copper get so worked up over this did bring a giggle to her lips.

"Well, sorry, Copper, but I can't make an exception for you. Then I would have to make exceptions for everybody." Ms. Pansy gave a sigh as she said, "you at least have the weekend to think things through. I'm sure you'll come up with something."

Releasing the heavy sigh from his chest, Copper gave a defeated, "okay. Thank you, ma'am," before finally shuffling out the door like the rest of his classmates.


And that's how Copper Plume found himself at a booth at Sugarcube Corner, a frothy, chocolate milkshake by his side as he suckled at it pathetically.

"Anything else for ya, Copper?"

In Copper's self-induced sulk, he hadn't noticed the waitress who had taken his order, let alone the one who brought him the shake to begin with. He looked up and saw Pinkie Pie hovering over him, a big smile on her face. Considering he worked here part time, he was pretty used to seeing the pink-haired girl whenever he came around Sugarcube Corner.

"Oh, I'm fine." Normally, seeing her smile would get his heart racing and he'd perk up, but with his grade in his Art Class on the line, his mind was drifting elsewhere.

Pinkie Pie pouted as she looked at Copper's somber face. She seemed to disappear in a poof of sugary, pink mist before she popped back on the opposite side of the counter, taking up a booth as she sat down besides the artist. "You feeling okay, Copper? You look pretty down."

"Down? Me? I'm okay." Copper said, straightening up in his chair to try and look less of a sad sack. "See? I'm not 'down' now, my head's up high." He put a smile on his face, but seeing Pinkie's concern expression not change from her face practically had it fall right off.

"Ya can't fool me, Copper." She told him, crossing his arms, "and I won't stop until you tell me what's wrong. My Pinkie Sense tells me that you're in the dumps and I'm here to get you out of them!"

Copper Plume gave a sigh as he slumped back down, putting his head back in his hands. "It's my Art Class. I missed school and wasn't there to start it in class. Now I'm behind and I don't have anyway to catch up unless I find someone to be my Figure Drawing model."

"Figure Drawing?" Pinkie tilted her head, "don't you have one of those tiny mannequin things or something? I saw Coco fall out of your bag once."

"Yeah, I-Coco?"

"Sorry, out of chocolate powder."

"What? No, you called my art figure 'Coco'."

"Well, what else should I call her?" Pinkie asked with a shrug, "it's rude to just call her 'figure' or something."

Copper wanted to tell her that the figure didn't have a name and wasn't a 'she', it was just a featureless, blank wooden doll, but by now, he knew Pinkie well enough to know that trying to hammer this into her wasn't going to get them anywhere.

Instead, he said, "yes, I have 'Coco', but apparently she's not a substitute for a real model."

Pinkie pursed her lips, "but she is real. she's made of wood and anything."

Copper slammed his face into the counter, giving an exasperated sigh from atop the marble counter.

"H-hey, take it easy there, Copper!" Pinkie pulled him by his neckerchief and got Copper to sit back up in his stool, "you're gonna break your glasses like that!"


Pinkie crossed her arms, crossing her legs as she looked over Copper Plume. "So, you need someone to be your model for you so you can get a good grade on your class, right?"

"R-right..." Copper Plume gave Pinkie Pie a nod as the girl had a wide grin on her face.

"Well, my shift ends in, like, an hour." Copper's eyes went wide, his face turning a light shade of pink. "You go home, set up your artsy stuff, and I'll be there when I get off the clock and I can totally help you make the grade!"

"Er, Pinkie Pie, you don't really gotta do that or anything..."

"Nonsense!" Pinkie Pie gave Copper a wide smile before suddenly pulling Copper up out of his stool and began to shove Copper out the door. "And you're not talking me out of this!"

"P-Pinkie wait! You don't-"

"Nope, not listening~" Pinkie sang, "if finding a model is so hard, then I'll have no problem modeling for you!"

"But what about my milkshake?!"

"I'll cover it for ya! You can pay me back later!"

"Wait, but-" Before Copper could continue to protest, he was shoved right out of Sugarcube Corner and Pinkie was grinning madly.

'Don't you worry, Copper Plume! I'll be more than happy to help you out and I won't take no for an answer! That's a Pinkie Promise!" Pinkie quickly shut the door before Copper had the chance to press his argument against her.

Sitting there on his knees outside, with sunset just around the corner, Copper Plume was left there to wonder what he should do. He could go back in there and try to explain to Pinkie that 'figure drawing' wasn't as simple as she thought it was, but he wondered if she'd even listen to him at this point. Not only that, but should he really do that? It would be the right thing to do, but he needed a model and there was no way Copper would be able to get anyone else to be so willing to do it, even if Pinkie wasn't fully aware of what she was getting herself into.

It helped, though, that Pinkie was pretty cute.

The stray thought got Copper's face to heat up again as he tried to push that thought out. He supposed all he could really do was to go and set up his painting supplies at his house and, he guessed, just sort of hope that Pinkie either goes back on her Pinkie Promise or hope he could find another model in the next hour before Pinkie comes around and finds out the hard way just what she promised to do.

He bit on his thumb as he started to walk away from the Sugarcube Corner; would Pinkie be angry at him for not explaining things better? Or would she go along with it anyway? He sure hoped she didn't grow to think of him as some kind of sleaze or pervert for not saying something sooner, but surely Pinkie Pie being a motormouth would be enough of an excuse to keep him in the clear.



Watching the hour chip away was almost painful to see for Copper Plume, lying there on his sofa and staring at the back of his easel. He looked down at his coffee table and stared at the sketches in his notebook. He wondered if he could've just used some photos on the internet that could pass for a figure drawing model. Would Ms. Pansy know? Or would she be able to see right through him.

Copper kicked himself for not going out of his way more to look for a model. It's not like he didn't try to ask people. He met plenty of people on the way to his house to try and talk them into being a figure drawing model, but he couldn't manage to get the words out. It's not like he could lie and not tell them what it would entail. At some point, he'd have to say, 'I need you to get naked so I can draw you'. But every time, he couldn't get the words out.


"Oh damn." He supposed it was time to finally get those words out. He stood up from his couch and made his way over to the door, knowing it was Pinkie Pie from how fast and frantic those knocks were banging on his door. With a light click, he unlocked the door and began to pull the door open.

"Hi, Copper Plume~" Pinkie's voice was dripping with glee as she practically bounced inside the living room. She had a backpack hanging off of her shoulder, the pink-haired girl turning on her heels as she turned back to face him, "I hope you're ready for our Art Party!"


"Yup!" Pinkie smiled, taking the backpack off of her back and popping it open. "Sure, it's only a party of two, but it can be a party too! I brought a bunch of goodies, spare paints, and even papers so I can try to paint too after we're done with your assignment!"

Copper Plume was taken a bit back. He shouldn't have been so surprised, and yet, he was still so stunned with how Pinkie Pie was taking this all in. Which is why he took the moment to take a deep breath, taking off his glasses and pinch the bridge of his nose as his cheeks started to turn that noticeable shade of warm pink.

"So, how can I help?" Pinkie asked, "do you need me in some kind of position? Like this?" She moved her arms to flex like a bodybuilder. "Or maybe like this?! She tried to imitate the Mona Lisa, if only her smile wasn't so big. "Or maybe like this?!" She got down on the floor and began to get up into a handstand. If not for the tights she always wore, the falling of her multi-layer skirt would've given Copper a good view of what was underneath.

"Well, I need you to start by taking off your clothes."


Copper was taken aback when Pinkie seemed to lose her concentration, slipping on her handstand and fell flat on her face on the floor. Copper hurried to her side, eyes wide as he started to help Pinkie onto her feet.

"P-Pinkie Pie, are you alright?!"

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." Pinkie giggled, somewhat awkwardly, as she rubbed her cheek. "I was just taken off guard by that joke." Now it was Copper's turn to give a rather awkward laugh, the both of them sharing a rather hot blush that creeped upon their face. "You're, ha ha, not joking, are you?"

"Ha ha, uh, n-no, I'm not." Copper bit the inside of his cheek as he rubbed the back of his head. "Y-you see, this is a picture for a Figure Drawing project. And, well, part of that means I need to draw you, well, naked." Copper Plume felt a weight come off of his chest after finally managing to say those words. It felt good, even if he didn't feel good.

"Oh..." Meanwhile, Pinkie Pie looked pretty taken aback from the declaration, eyes glancing away from Copper Plume in an awkward state of embarrassment. Now that weight was just pulling back onto his chest.

"L-look, I can't blame you for wanting to-"


Copper's jaw nearly hit the floor as Pinkie looked back at him, her big grin back on her face, where it belonged. "W-wait, what?!"

"Yeah, I mean, I already gave you a Pinkie Promise and everything~" Pinkie Pie then shrugged, "and besides, it's not like I mind or anything." Even if the blush told a different story, Pinkie assured him, "I mean, it's just being naked. That's not a big deal."

"P-Pinkie, you, er, only promised that you'd come and help." Copper reminded her, "you don't have to, you know, do this if you don't want to."

"Hey, no talking me out of this!" Pinkie told him, "and besides, you said you needed this for your class, right? So I'm gonna help you no matter what! Cause that's what friends do~"

"I-isn't this above the-"

"Nope!" Pinkie then stood up. "Come on, Copper. You need my help, right?" She crossed her arms, giving a playful pout. "You think I'd make a good model, don't you~?"

"O-of course I do!" Copper's face grew hotter and hotter. "I-it's, just, well, you know..."

Pinkie smiled, "hey, nothing has to leave this room or anything. And besides, I completely trust you."

Copper blinked; he was taken aback by just how willing Pinkie was to do this. Before he could ask for confirmation, Pinkie was already in the process of taking off her balloon-decal shirt. The freckled artist had eyes like dinner plates as he stood there in her baby blue bra, her busty breasts practically begging to be released from their contents.

Her heels were digging at her shoes, kicking them off as her hands moved to the front of her bra. A small 'click' echoed and she took off her bra.

"Er, are you okay, Copper?" Pinkie asked, seeing blood start to trickle down Copper's face as she stood there, topless.

"Y-yeah." Copper assured, rubbing his blood on the black of his upper shirt. "I'm okay."

Pinkie looked him over, but gave a grin and said, "okie dokie lokie!" She swayed her hips to and fro, grabbing at the waistband of her skirt and started to shimmy it down her legs. Copper Plume fought the urge to drool over Pinkie's voluptuous figure, her white tights doing nothing to hide her wide hips that were practically trying to burst from the fabric.

Once she hooked her thumbs into those tights, she started to yank them down off of her. Copper felt that he was going painfully slow as they came down her legs. Copper was taken aback at how Pinkie turned around and was giving him an amazing show of her plump ass within a pair of panties that matched her bra-even if, in reality, she was just trying not to show any more than she felt she had to. Her face was an unnatural shade of pink. She wasn't so shy as to turn Copper down, especially after promising him, but she couldn't deny that stripping in front of the guy might have been a bit much.

...Actually, she probably could've gotten undressed in his bathroom, but it was too late to realize that now. Pinkie was already shuffling out of her panties, officially making Pinkie a nude model.

"W-well, I'm all done!" Pinkie said, turning around to face Copper, who was taking the moment to clean his fogging glasses and was struggling not to let his nose erupt another bloody flood. She was noticeably stiff, taking each step carefully as she stood in place. "So, where do you want me?" She kept telling herself that this wasn't such a big deal, but she just couldn't help but feel rather bashful as she stood there without a shred of clothing.

The two stared at each other in an awkward silence, both of them growing redder and redder by the second. Copper was thankful that he wasn't reduced to a river of constant blood flow like he was a mere moment ago, but his jaw felt stiff and he felt as though he couldn't speak. Seconds seemed to feel like hours as Copper Plume marveled over Pinkie's body. From the curves that seemed to have been crafted perfectly from clay to her shining, blue eyes.

"Uh, Copper?" Pinkie gave an awkward giggle, "you're making me feel a bit nervous with all your staring."

Copper gave a surprised yelp, "s-sorry!" He began to clear his throat as he began to look around. "O-okay, uh, hold on." Copper Plume began to grab a cover that had been draped over his couch before beginning to move the table in his living room. Moving it with his paint stand, he set up a table, the cloth to ensure Pinkie's skin wouldn't be forced to bare the cold tabletop. Meanwhile, he set up his easel so he could get a good view of Pinkie Pie so he could paint her and keep an eye on her.

"Er, so, why don't you lie across the table here?" Copper asked.

"Okie dokie lokie!" Pinkie began to move and place herself across the table. "S-so, like this?" She lied on her table, her elbow resting across the cushioned surface and supporting her head in her hand.

"Uh, not quite like that." Copper told her, "h-here, like-" He stepped closer, catching himself from walking over to the pink-haired girl. If he had allowed himself, he would've made his way over to Pinkie and would've started to adjust her like one of his mannequin dolls.

"Well?" Pinkie blinked, "how do ya want me?"

Copper cleared his throat, "okay, so, do you mind if I, well, come over and direct you?"

Pinkie blinked as she said, "yeah, sure. That's no problem." Pinkie smiled, catching Copper off guard. "I trust you not to do anything shifty or anything~" She then winked at Copper, "unless I ask ya yo."

With his face turning into a hot crimson, Copper gave a stiff nod before he came over to Pinkie. He started to guide Pinkie with his hands, helping her to lie up a bit, using one of her arms to support her weight. Meanwhile, the opposite arm bent backwards, resting behind her head, one leg resting atop of the other.

A giggle escaped Pinkie's lips, "h-hey, y-your fingers tickle."

"S-sorry!" Copper quickly said, noticing the blush that was painted across Pinkie's face before he started to step back. "S-so, uh, do you feel okay like this? Cause I need you to stick this pose for...a while."

Pinkie gave him a nod, "don't you worry about me. I can keep like this for a while. S-so, you know, I'm okay!"

Copper gulped, giving a nod as he took his paintbrush. He started to frantically create broad strokes across his canvas, trying to hurry in his recreation of Pinkie Pie. he took quick glimpses of Pinkie Pie from behind his easel before going back to running his brush across his blank canvas to try and capture Pinkie's form and curves.

"H-hey, slow it down!" Pinkie barked, "I've seen you draw before and you don't usually go that fast when you're trying to draw somethin'!" She pouted at him, doing her best to shoot a glare and be intimidating, but Pinkie hardly looked so.

"W-well, I mean, I don't want you to get a cramp or anything..." He began to mumble, "plus, we'll, you're...well, kind of naked."

Pinkie giggled, "silly, it's not like you hurrying is gonna make me any less naked."

Copper stared at her from behind his stand, wanting to say something, but he found his tongue in a bit of a twist, unable to really bring himself to argue with her. He didn't agree with that notion, but she had a point.

"And besides, I want to help you, Copper!" Pinkie giggled, playfully sticking her tongue out at him. "So take all the time you need. We've got all night and I'm not going anywhere."

With another nod, Copper Plume put down his canvas and pulled up a new one from besides the couch. He took a breath, gliding his brush across the canvas with elegant strokes. Pink slid over the white board ahead of him, taking long glances of Pinkie before going back to his canvas. He made sure each glance had burned a visage of his model into his mind before he did his best to capture her frame with his paints.

Grabbing another brush, he created another shade of pink and started to capture her hair. Copper couldn't help but wonder just how her hair stayed so perfectly in place with all that 'poof', it looked like it should just fall over on top of itself. Or, at least, be bouncing too and fro, no matter how still Pinkie was.

His concentration broke when he caught Pinkie giggling.

"H-hey," Copper couldn't help but giggle himself, "don't move too much. I need you to be still."

"S-sorry." Pinkie snickered, "but you're staring so intently at my hair and I'm sitting here in the nude." Her dirty joke got to Copper, getting a new trickle of blood to go down his face. "Oops, didn't mean to make you spring a leak."

"I-it's okay!" Copper assured, "I'm getting into the groove of this now." He probably should've taken a moment to wipe the new blood off of his face, but he was in the heat of the moment and began to expertly recreate Pinkie's adorable face onto his canvas and fill in the details of Pinkie's curves and intricate features.

He bit his lip from behind the comfort of his canvas as he worked on expertly drawing Pinkie's breasts. He knew in the pose he wanted, he'd have to get to it, but damn did it feel weird. Not 'wrong', it was just the human body. Nothing weird about it. But it was Pinkie, and her busty, supple breasts were a pleasure to paint.

The two of them were losing more and more of the time. Hours turned to minutes, and they turned to seconds. Every time their eyes met, Pinkie and Copper couldn't help but stare into the other's eyes, almost yearning for another look as Copper went back behind the Canvas to capture the backdrop behind her or to make sure the lighting was just right. He wanted to ensure that the picture was absolutely perfect in every way. He'd keep taking glances of his beautiful model, looking her up and down. When they caught Copper staring for long, they'd share a short laugh at their mutual embarrassment, but after the 3rd time or so, it had stopped being embarrassing, the two becoming very comfortable with the situation.

"How are you holding up?" Copper asked.

"Oh, I'm fine." Pinkie assured, "but I am getting pretty stiff."

"Well, don't worry. I think we're about done." Copper said, finishing the slight hint of blush that was on Pinkie's face to the best of his ability. Her face had cooled down some as the two had begun to become more comfortable. With a 'click', he set down his paint brush. "Okay, I think we're done. You can get down now."

"Good!" Pinkie squealed as she hopped off of the table and started to stretch in place. "I know I said I could handle this, but I was really starting to get really stiff here!" Seeing her boobs bounce as she tried to shake off how stiff she was, Copper finally reached for a nearby rag and covered his face and cleaned it of the blood.

"Oh, oops! Sorry, Copper!" Pinkie called, "forgot I was wearing my birthday suit!"

"I-it's okay." Copper mumbled as Pinkie quickly pulled her clothes back on. "Er, th-thanks for helping me out with this."

Pinkie gave Copper a wink, "it was no problem. Actually, it was kind of fun!" She mused, getting her tights back on with a shake of her hips.


"Well," Pinkie started to pull her bra back on, "okay, I didn't really do anything but sit around and do nothing, but it was kinda fun to be a model!" She picked up her skirt, "if you ever need another model, I'll be happy to help you out!"

"R-really?!" Copper blinked, a wide smile bursting upon his face, "th-thanks Pinkie! That’d be amazing!"

Pinkie smiled back at him, "don't mention it!" Once she was fully dressed, Pinkie then added, "though, I guess this didn't become the 'party' I thought it'd be."

Copper gave an awkward chuckle, "I guess not. But, you know, it's not too late to, you know, make a party out of-"

"Really?!" Pinkie grinned, "cool! Then maybe you can teach me how to draw!" Pinkie went to her discarded backpack and gave a blink, "oops, I guess I forgot to pack any actual pencils..."

He was taken aback, giving a small chuckle, "it's no trouble or anything."

Pinkie looked at a nearby clock and turned back to Copper, "I'll be back after I run to the Drug Store! It'll be super quick!" Pinkie hurried to the door before Copper could say anything to stop her. It really wouldn't have been too big of a problem to loan her a few. She pulled open the door and started to go, but quickly called behind her, "oh, and I left you something for being such a good host~"

When the door closed, Copper Plume raised an eyebrow. What could she have left? Copper began to trace the path she took to the door with her eyes and blinked upon seeing Pinkie Pie's baby blue panties that she just left on the floor. With her words echoing in his head, Copper felt blood burst from his nose before he fell onto his knees.