> My Little Ratchet > by TheClownPrinceofCrime > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Friendship Retreat > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Are you sure she wants to bring that spray with her? If I recall correctly, there are no signs of mosquitoes anywhere in the Everfree Forest.” someone spoke. “Twilight always makes sure she has it with her every time she goes camping. For you, it won’t be a problem since you are... you know...” the little dragon replied. “I see. Well, tell Twilight I’m on my way, Spike. I have everything else packed inside.” the being said. “You got it, pal!” the dragon saluted. Spike flew off with his backpack on him. The strange being had all the supplies packed on him, for he was going to have a special time with his friends that neither he nor any of them had gotten in a while. That special occasion was much needed to refresh themselves. **** “Come on! What’s taking her so long?! I’ve been planning this retreat for weeks, and we’re already ten minutes behind!” Twilight groaned. “Where is that photographer?!” Twilight and her friends were together in her office at the School of Friendship after finishing their preparation for their camping trip. They’ve been needing a break from their work as teachers for some time. Having a retreat with friends to clear their minds was something they would truly enjoy. Suddenly, a green pony with orange-brown hair and a camera burst through the doors. “No, no, no, no, I’m so sorry, Princess! Please forgive me! I don’t expect you to forgive me! Forgive me?” she cried, making puppy eyes. Twilight groaned in annoyance. “That’s okay,” said Starlight. “Allow me to help set up your—“ “Thank you, Princess Twilight! Thank you so much for this!” the photographer spoke, rudely ignoring Starlight. “The Canterlot Historical Society is thrilled to document the friendship work your teachers do! Now, allow me to quickly pretty you all up.” She then preceded to roughly pluck out a single string of Twilight’s hair. Next, she plucked one from Fluttershy, then three more from Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Applejack. Lastly, she plucked a string of hair from Rainbow Dash’s tail that earned her a yelp of pain. “Ow! What was that for?” Rainbow asked, rubbing her flank. “We wouldn’t want any hair to be out of place now, would we?” the photographer smiled. “After all, this is for the history books!” She finally took a quick picture of each of the six ponies without giving them any time to prepare themselves to smile for a picture. “That’s all for now! Bye-bye!” she waved. However, Pinkie blocked her exit and waved her hooves. “Wait! You forgot Starlight over there! She needs a picture too!” Pinkie pointed. Starlight smiled once the photographer looked back at her. “Okay, fine...” she begrudgingly muttered. She reluctantly took a picture of Starlight. “Now I’ll get out of your manes. I know how busy you are.” After she left the office, the Mane Seven looked at each other confused. “Well, that was a bit strange. Did y’all notice how rude she was to Starlight?” Applejack asked. “No, I didn’t. I was busy eating those cupcakes over there. Although, she did seem hesitant to take a picture of Starlight.” Pinkie observed. “Does she know you by any chance, Starlight?” Twilight asked her. “No, I don’t think we have met before. I’m not sure why she ignored me like that.” Starlight stated. “Maybe you have done something wrong to her in the past, but you don’t remember seeing her or noticing her at the time?” Rarity guessed. “I am very sure I haven’t seen her before and not even in my old village. Hmm, something just doesn’t add up.” Starlight wondered. “It’s okay, Starlight. Maybe she was having a stressful day earlier which was why she wanted to have our photographs taken right away so she could take care of her other problems.” Fluttershy comforted, smiling. “Uhh, she was being nice to us whereas she was rude to Starlight. I don’t think this has something to do with her ‘having a bad day’.” Rainbow doubted. “Hey, guys!” a young voice called out. The Mane Seven looked up and saw Spike flying inside the office with his backpack on. “Hey, Spike!” the ponies greeted. “Is he on his way? It shouldn’t take him that long.” Twilight asked. “Don’t worry, Twilight, he’s almost here. In fact, he should arrive here about... now!” Spike told her. Suddenly, loud honks were heard from outside the school. Twilight looked out from the window and saw a green-yellow vehicle slowly driving on its way to the school. “That’s him! Come on, girls!” After Twilight and her friends exited the school, they stood on the premises where the vehicle was going to meet them. Finally, the vehicle arrived at the destination. It was a Hummer H2 ambulance. Once it stopped driving, the Hummer H2 began to transform. All the mechanical parts shifted and turned to its appropriate slot and position as it turned into its bipedal metal form. The robot turned and faced the ponies with a warm nod. “Good morning, Ratchet!” Twilight welcomed. “Good morning to you too, Twilight. Same to the rest of you.” Ratchet acknowledged. “I hope you had a pleasant rest last night, Doctor. I’m quite sure a friendly alien like yourself always need a good rest.” Rarity said. “Although Cybertronians do not necessarily require ‘sleep’ as your species describes it, a good power-down is indeed helpful to restore any discomfort the Cybertronian biology may have suffered.” Ratchet agreed. “That’s great! You have all our stuff packed up, buddy?” Twilight asked. “Affirmative. Still, I am very curious as to what is this... ‘friendship retreat’ you speak of,” said Ratchet. “What is it about?” “It is a place where friends and family spend special time together to rest and relax.” Twilight explained. “I know you will enjoy this!” “Hmmm, very well, Twilight. When you put it like that, that does seem to be an exuberating and robust experience. But why are we heading to the Everfree Forest?” Ratchet asked. “There are dangerous creatures that can considerably harm all of you. Wouldn’t it be safer to have this retreat elsewhere?” “Come on, how bad can it be?” Pinkie spoke, jumping up and down before landing on the Autobot’s shoulder. “With you by our side, those mean creatures will be scared of you!” “Yeah, you’re all big and strong! You even told us how you handled those Decepticons in your world and earth, so you’ll do the same to those guys!” Rainbow added. Ratchet paused for a moment as he thought back on how he fought his Decepticon foes with his Autobot comrades by his side for many years. He also remembered his role in protecting the human Sam Wickwicky and helping the N.E.S.T military fight against the ‘Cons. Seeing himself come this far after he fought those battles was something he would never forget and would relish as one of his memorable moments of his life as an Autobot medic. He looked back at them with a smile. “I suppose you’re right, Pinkie and Rainbow. Just make sure you all stay close to me, okay? You know I must always protect you from harm’s way.” “Okay, Doc-bot. Ready to roll out?” Rainbow smirked. “Definitely,” said Ratchet, chuckling. He transformed back to his Hummer H2 mode and opened the doors for Twilight, Starlight, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Spike to enter. “Are you coming in, Rainbow Dash?” “Nah, I’m good. You can go on ahead. I’ll follow!” Rainbow said, flying out. “Very well.” Ratchet spoke through his GPS. He drove away from the school as he and his pony friends began their journey for the friendship retreat. However, none of them noticed the photographer mare taking snapshots of Ratchet’s robot and alt mode. She looked at the six photos she took of the Mane Six earlier. Then she gazed on the hair strings she plucked and Ratchet’s pictures with an evil smile. “Now I have everything I need.” she chuckled. A green flame enveloped her and revealed a tall changeling. “My time for revenge has come! Hahahahaha!!” Chrysalis evilly laughed. > Chapter 2: The Arising Clones > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chrysalis trotted to the middle of the forest with all the pictures and hair strings with her. Once she arrived to the exact area where she found an ancient spell embedded on the ground, she looked around at the six trees she was surrounded by. Grinning satisfactorily, she levitated the pictures with her magic. “Why, yes! We have been planning this for quite some time,” said Chrysalis, talking to no one. “This is another opportunity for me to regain what is rightfully mine and destroy all my enemies!” She then put each picture on each tree with its respective pony’s hair string. She laid Ratchet’s pictures on the ground. “Oh, thank you, Applejack,” said Chrysalis to her picture. “My spell can make a copy of anypony I desire. All I need is an image and a piece of the pony! Oh, and this!” She then imprinted Applejack’s cutie mark on the tree. “Why copies, Rarity? Because Princess Twilight and her friends control the elements of harmony—the most powerful weapon in all Equestria!” Chrysalis replied to herself. She imprinted Rarity’s cutie mark on the second tree. “Which means... you...will. be. able. to. use. them. too!” Chrysalis monologued, prancing. “And serve me!” Chrysalis zapped two more cutie mark copies on two more trees for Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. “Together, we will destroy Twilight Sparkle and her meddlesome friends!” Chrysalis boasted before zapping Rainbow’s cutie mark on the fifth tree. Suddenly, she fiercely glared at Twilight’s photo and rushed toward the sixth tree where the photo and Twilight’s hair string was hung. “Of course I haven’t forgotten Starlight Glimmer!! She stole my hive and turned my subjects against me! So, I’ll take her friends away while she watches. And then... I’LL DESTROY HER! Hahahahaha!” After she zapped Twilight’s cutie mark on the sixth tree, she looked back on the photos of the Autobot. “However, there is just one giant problem that stands between me and those insufferable ponies—that Autobot alien who crash-landed in Equestria two years ago. I heard them call him... Ratchet.” Chrysalis grinned. She then started to think of a strategy to get rid of the Autobot. After several moments of thinking, she got an idea. “Yes, yes! I can duplicate Ratchet’s photos and have each of my new minions have the same power as he does,” said Chrysalis. “That would be perfect!” She cast a spell on the Autobot’s photos which duplicated them into more copies. She pasted each copy to each picture of the Mane Six. “With a band of giant aliens by my side, I will rule Equestria as its new queen!! Every pegasus, unicorn, and earth pony will be my new subjects while this land shall serve as my new hive!” Chrysalis exulted. She cast a spell on the trees crosswise as the spell embedded on the ground lit up green. All the trees melted from the green magical energy once the spell had done its work. All the components Chrysalis put on the trees merged together and formed into new beings. They slowly arose as the Mane Six but with dull colors with expressionless looks. Lastly, the Twilight clone arose and made an evil smile on her face. “Arise, my loyal servants!! Bow before your new queen!!” Chrysalis commanded. However, instead of hails of praise, she received disregarding snorts. “Servants? Loyal? Pfff, who cares about that? I would rather be by myself than hang around with these losers.” evil Rainbow scoffed. “Wow, this place looks sooooo boring.” evil Pinkie spoke, lacking enthusiasm. “Boring? Ha! I’ll show you boring!” evil Fluttershy snickered. She flew up and transformed into her Ratchet robot form and stood over the other clones. “Ha! See? This will teach you a lesson!” She kicked evil Rainbow unto a nearby tree and swatted evil Pinkie away. Then all six clones transformed into their Ratchet robot modes and began to brawl with each other. However, Chrysalis would not tolerate their insubordination as she kept in mind her main objective. “SILENCE!! ALL OF YOU!!” Chrysalis angrily ordered, stomping on the ground. The Ratchet clones looked at her surprised as they stopped fighting with each other. “You are all under my command now! I am Chrysalis, your rightful mistress and queen! Any sign of insubordination and disobedience will result in your termination! Do I make myself perfectly clear?” she authoritatively declared. The clones looked at each other fearfully until they nodded in understanding. However, the Twilight clone glared at Chrysalis and came forward. “Who even made you a queen anyway? You just created us only so that we can do the dirty work, and you just boss us around?” Chrysalis immediately arched her eyebrow and glared back at the mean Twilight. “Excuse me?” Chrysalis asked. “You heard me, Chrysalis! I will not take orders from somepony who just happens to bring an army and threatens her minions with violence if they do not comply,” said Mean Twilight. “If anything, I will be my own leader!” “You DARE speak to your own queen that way?!” Chrysalis angrily spat. “Pfff, I don’t care. Who cares about your pathetic rulership anyway? I am out of here.” Mean Twilight dissed, transforming to Hummer H2 ambulance mode. Before she could drive away, Chrysalis seized her through telekinesis and threw her on the ground. The clone transformed back to robot mode and drew out her blaster. However, the changeling tied the clone’s arms with her goo. “Are you now willing to give up and be respectful to your ruler?” Chrysalis asked. “NEVER!!” Mean Twilight defied, struggling against the bonds. “Fine then,” said Chrysalis. “I guess I’ll have to do this the hard way!” Chrysalis activated a spell where she morphed into a green fog. She slowly entered into Mean Twilight’s head. “NO!! GET AWAY FROM ME! AHHH!!” The other clones stood in silence as they witnessed the whole altercation happening before them. Suddenly, Mean Twilight stood up and broke off the gooy bonds from her servos. Then she evilly smirked at the dumbfounded clones. “Ahhh, this is more like it. I really enjoy having this new body of an alien robot... so to speak,” said Chrysalis. “Anyway, now that this willful rebel is under my heavy control, will any more of you follow her example?” “Ah, nope, nope, we’re good!” Mean Rarity said, smiling sheepishly. The others nodded in agreement. “Yeah, we are all good!” Mean Fluttershy said. Chrysalis then glared at the shaking clones. “I am still waiting for you to say something in respect of my title and power.” Chrysalis growled. “Ohh! Uhhh, all hail Queen Chrysalis!!” Evil Pinkie shouted. “All hail Queen Chrysalis! All hail Queen Chrysalis! All hail Queen Chrysalis!” the clones praised. “YES, YES!!! Good! Now, with my full authority being established as supreme over you all, I command you to follow me,” commanded Chrysalis. “For we have our enemies to destroy! Hahahahaha!!!” Then they all transformed into their Hummer H2 vehicles and drove off to find Autobot Ratchet and his pony friends. > Chapter 3: Story Time > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “(Inhales, exhales) Such a lovely day today,” said Rarity, breathing in the healthy air. “Don’t you think so, Doctor?” Ratchet and his friends were together in the middle of the woods while the ponies and dragon were eating their snacks they brought. Transforming into his robot mode, he sat down with them and looked up at all the singing birds and trees around them. His optics brightened as he warmly smiled. “I absolutely agree, Rarity,” said Ratchet. “This world truly is a majestic and peaceful planet. This actually reminds me of the days of Cybertron before the civil war began.” “I always imagined how your world was like before this war happened, but I can’t imagine what it was like for you guys afterwards.” Starlight spoke. “Ratchet always told us stories of how he fought all those Decepticons alongside his friends,” said Spike. “He even told us about the slow destruction of his own home!” “Indeed, Spike. Cybertron was so dear and precious to me and my spark. Never in my life as a Cybertronian had I ever imagined it would be drained by those ruthless Decepticons—the very ones who betrayed me and my friends.” Ratchet sadly recalled. The Mane Seven and Spike gasped at the last part. “Wait... you mean—?” Rainbow uttered. “Yes, I do, Rainbow. They too were our friends. As a matter of fact, they used to support us in many things we worked on,” said Ratchet. “Most of them were military type while others were veterans who outstandingly fought and defeated other alien threats to Cybertron. They were amongst the greatest role models that our race had ever witnessed.” “Wow... Autobots and Decepticons being friends?! That is AMAZING!!” Pinkie squealed. “But what happened after that? What broke ya guys up?” Applejack asked. Ratchet deeply sighed as he remembered those times. “Well... it all began with the very one who used to be the High Protector of Cybertron—Megatron.” The ponies and dragon gasped in shock again. “WHAT?! HIM?! The one whom you said is the leader of the Decepticon ruffians?!” Rarity shouted. “Yes...” Ratchet confirmed. “But how?! I thought he was always the bad guy?” Rainbow asked, raising an eyebrow. “Not formerly. He actually was the leader and guardian of Cybertron while Optimus Prime functioned as the spiritual and civilian leader. He heartily stood by Megatron’s side and treated each other as brother-in-arms.” Ratchet informed. “Brother-in-arms? So Optimus and Megatron were like... best friends?” Twilight asked. “In a way, yes. Unfortunately, that type of relationship did not last that long.” Ratchet replied. Starlight listened intently to every bit of Ratchet’s story. “I never really had the chance to know him personally. I sincerely wonder why he became an Autobot in the first place. What drove him to be a medic...hmmm.” she thought. “As I saying, Megatron resented Optimus for being Sentinel Prime’s favorite student. That resentment burned in his mind and spark which later led him in his downward spiral to evil. One day, he was gravely wounded by the aliens from the Eshens Nebula; however, he was healed by the mysterious sarcophagus that contained a malign intelligence within. It was there he encountered an ancient evil named The Fallen.” Ratchet resumed. The ponies and dragon looked confused by that name. “Uhh, who is ‘The Fallen’?” Rainbow asked. “And kind of a name is that? The Fallen...meaning what?” Applejack added. “A fallen prime from the Dynasty of the Primes. He was the original Decepticon who cared not for the laws that regarded all life in the galaxy. He was the type of evil that spread itself like a virus to infect all those who encounter it.” Ratchet explained. “He convinced Megatron to declare war on the Ejoornians while claiming that they desired to obtain power of the Allspark. Thus, The Fallen corrupted his mind and allowed him to turn against the very ideals that our whole society was based on.” Ratchet sadly recalled. “Why would he do that?! How could this Fallen guy make Megatron do such a horrible thing?!” Fluttershy asked, shocked. “Because The Fallen sensed Megatron’s seething anger and jealousy and used it to his advantage,” said Ratchet. “Even though Megatron succeeded in eradicating the Ejoornians, his hunger for power and conquest did not cease.” “Megatron gained many followers. He even tried to convince Optimus to join him, but he refused and questioned his change of spark. The Fallen manipulated Megatron into thinking that Optimus would seek the Allspark’s power for himself. So he declared war on him and all those who opposed his cause. From that day forth, he adopted his catchphrase: ‘Peace through tyranny’.” Ratchet finished. The Mane Seven and Spike took a moment to meditate on the story he told them and started to become very sad. They couldn’t imagine having ponies they cared and loved for betray them and declare war on them. The very thought sent chills to their spines. “That is so terrible. It all makes sense why he turned evil... all because of jealousy and anger... I know how that feels like.” Starlight sighed. “Oh? How so?” Ratchet asked. “I had a friend who got his cutie mark when we were fillies. After he left me alone right after he got his cutie mark, I felt so bitter and miserable, so I blamed our separation on cutie marks. As I grew older, I decided to become a dictator of a small village by forcing ponies to surrender their cutie marks to become equal.” Starlight recalled. “All because your friend left you?” Ratchet asked, surprised. “Well... yes.” Starlight replied, sheepishly smiling. “Hmmm, did you ever try to reach out to him through writing and sending letters? Meeting him in person?” Ratchet asked. Starlight paused for a moment as she thought about it. Remembering how she never once attempted that, her pupils shrunk in stunning realization. “Wait...I never really did! I never once tried to talk to him through sending letters!” “I believe that would’ve solved your relationship problem,” said Ratchet. “Talking to your companions of how you feel should always be the first line of proper communication.” “Hehehehe, I guess I was way too bitter and angry to even think about that.” Starlight admitted. “I would say the same about Megatron,” said Ratchet. “If he had talked to Optimus about how he felt toward him and sought for help and counseling, none of what I and my Autobot comrades went through would have happened.” “Yeah, and there wouldn’t be any Autobots and Decepticons at all.” Applejack added. “Precisely, Applejack.” Ratchet agreed. After several moments of silence, Pinkie spoke up. “Oh! Oh! How about we go for a road trip? I LOVE ROAD TRIPS!!” The others agreed to her suggestion. “Hmmm, very well, Pinkie Pie. Road trip it is.” Ratchet agreed. He transformed into his Hummer H2 ambulance and allowed them all to enter inside through the front doors. Then he finally drove off. Ratchet drove the ponies and young dragon many miles in the Everfree Forest while they looked out through the open windows of his vehicle mode to gaze on the luxurious trees and flowers on either side. Once he drove by several trees, one of them changed into a dull purple Ratchet clone through a green flame. She narrowed her red optics as she saw the Autobot with his pony friends. She opened her comlink. “Loyal servants, you know what to do.” Chrysalis commanded, evilly smiling. > Chapter 4: Ratchet’s Past > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the road trip was finished, Ratchet drove his friends back to the same area in the Everfree Forest. He opened his front doors to allow the Mane Six and Spike to exit the vehicle. They proceeded to take their camping equipment from the back side of the ambulance. “We’re going to set our tents up before the Tree of Harmony,” said Twilight. “We will stay there for a few nights.” “We’re going to have s’mores, cupcakes, share spooky stories, and more! This is exciting!” Pinkie added, bouncing around. “Actually, I was thinking of staying with Ratchet here,” said Starlight. “I...uh... thought about getting to know him a little more. You can go on ahead. We will follow you soon.” The ponies looked at each other before nodding to Starlight. “Sure, Starlight.” Twilight smiled. “Is that okay with you, Doctor?” Rarity asked. “Not a problem. Carry on, friends.” Ratchet replied through his GPS. The Mane Six and Spike grabbed their stuff and left the area. However, unbeknownst to them, the Mean Five, in their pony forms, poked their heads through the bushes. “Ohhh, that huge vehicle is definitely mine. All mine!” Mean Rarity whispered, cackling madly. “Uhh, you are a vehicle too, you dolt.” spat Mean Rainbow. “Shhhh!! They will hear us!” Mean Applejack whispered back. “How can they hear us if we’re whispering?” Mean Pinkie asked. “Well, they just...uh...have large, sensitive ears! Or maybe, they are having... umm... an awareness that we’re here but are just... ignoring us!” Mean Applejack replied. “How about we show them some fun stuff?” Mean Fluttershy evilly grinned, throwing rocks at random tree branches and woodpeckers near by. “Haha, that is my kind of fun!” “Come on! We need to capture those ponies and that dumb dragon. Then we will take on those two!” Mean Rainbow reminded. Nodding to each other, they quietly snuck past the bushes and trees and followed their good counterparts. Meanwhile, Starlight remained in the vehicle and sat down on the driver’s seat. “So, Ratchet, I was thinking back on everything you shared with us earlier about Megatron’s backstory that revealed his path to evil. However, I couldn’t help but think about... your backstory. I need to ask: why did you become an Autobot? What convinced you to join with this Optimus Prime and your other Autobot companions?” Starlight eagerly asked. Ratchet was silently surprised by her question. “Never have I thought that any one of these ponies would ask me that,” thought Ratchet. “She is actually the first pony to ask me this. Wow...” He then sighed deeply before replying. “Well, Starlight, I suppose I should tell you why I became an Autobot. Though honestly, you are actually the first pony to ask that question. Two Equestrian years later and one of you asks me this? That is...astounding.” “Well, you did tell them about your battles with the Decepticons and your other war stories but never about your origin.” Starlight stated. “It is... a long story, my friend,” said Ratchet. “Nonetheless, I will tell you since you asked. Just bare with me, okay?” “Okay,” said Starlight. Ratchet sighed again before activating a monitor next to the driver’s wheel. It revealed scenes that occurred on Cybertron. “It goes all the way back just moments before the war started. At that time, I had to endure what was arguably... the most unforgettable experience of my life.” Ratchet began. FLASHBACK Ratchet drove to the city of Iacon with a wounded protoform tied on him. Once he arrived, the other protoform troops untied and lifted the wounded troop from his back. Ratchet then transformed back to robot mode. “What happened to him?” a protoform asked. “He received a critical shot to the chest,” said Ratchet. “Thankfully, the wound is nowhere being a life-threatening type. He will survive.” The others sighed in relief. “Thank Primus! I do wonder who or what blasted him like that though.” another protoform spoke. “It remains unclear who or what did this,” said Ratchet. “Still, it will take some time for young Smokescreen here to fully recover.” “Thanks, Doctor. We appreciate your work here.” a third protoform thanked. “No need for thanks,” smiled Ratchet. “I am only performing what I do best: caring for all forms of life.” Suddenly, blasts shot down from the sky and struck a few towers and struck around them which caught them all off-guard. The protoforms ran for their lives to avoid the blasts. Ratchet turned around to see a Cybertronian jet transform in front of him and land thunderously on the ground. The being’s red optics glared down on the medic. “Ratchet, what are you doing around here?! The High Protector has commanded all rational Cybertronians to cease friendly contact with those who are allies with Optimus! Return to Kaon at once!” the being ordered. “But why? They haven’t done anything wrong, Starscream. Why is Megatron doing this?” Ratchet asked. “First of all, he is Lord Megatron now. Second of all, Optimus and his allies are now traitors for seeking to obtain the Allspark’s power for themselves! It is mandated to execute them all!” Starscream exclaimed. “Surely, you don’t believe this, do you?” Ratchet asked, reasoning with him. “Ratchet, we have been friends for a long time. I am certain that you are wise enough to realize what is at stake here,” said Starscream, putting his arm around Ratchet. “If those treacherous turncoats obtain the Allspark, we will all be in grave danger. Join me, old friend, and together we will eradicate those betrayers once and for all!” “Destroy them? Shouldn’t Megatron at least hear them out?” Ratchet asked. “It just seems rash that he would even do something like this. Doesn’t he have any proof that Optimus and his comrades are actually planning to turn on us and our planet?” “We do not ask questions when he gives us orders, Ratchet. Also, why were you aiding that troop? He is one of them—Optimus’s allies!” Starscream angrily pointed. “But this isn’t the way, Starscream! We Cybertronians do not execute or harm the other like this! We are not killing machines! We are rational, free beings capable of making peace with each other.” Ratchet passionately reminded. Provoked, Starscream slapped Ratchet on the head and pushed him to the ground. “Are you saying you want to join with them?You are speaking like Optimus!” he snapped. “I don’t know what else to say to you, friend, but what you and Megatron are doing is wrong! This madness needs to stop now before it gets worse!” Ratchet pleaded. “If you don’t want to join Lord Megatron’s cause, then consider our friendship...(unsheathes saw blades)... dead.” Starscream growled. He swung them around Ratchet, but the latter successfully dodged them all and unsheathed his own saw as well. Then they fought together and shot missiles at each other that ended up exploding several buildings around them. Starscream kicked Ratchet away and transformed to his Cybertronian jet mode. “This is what happens when selfishness gets in the way of friendship! You are now on our list, traitor! The next time we meet, it will be your last!” Starscream threatened. Once he flew away, Ratchet got up and put his weapons away. “I’m sorry, Starscream. I’m truly sorry.” He looked around and saw the fire and several destroyed buildings. He somewhat felt guilty for dooming his other friends who were with Optimus by defending them. Realizing he lost his best friend forever, he knelt on the ground and covered his face. “(Sigh) I didn’t want it to end like this. I have to find Optimus and his crew and see what they can offer. I’m certain they mean no harm. I’ve known them for eons.” Ratchet said to himself. Ratchet transformed to his Cybertronian car mode and drove off. After driving many miles on the road, he spotted a hidden tunnel to his left. Transforming to robot mode, he pulled back boulders that blocked its entrance and entered inside. “Who goes there?” demanded a familiar voice. Ratchet turned his headlights on and saw Optimus and his crew stationed in their headquarters. “Not a foe, I can assure you. My name is Ratchet, medical officer.” Ratchet introduced. Optimus drew near to Ratchet. “Greetings to you as well, Officer Ratchet. But would you care to explain the reason you are here?” “I was told that you seek to obtain the Allspark’s power. But I am certain that this isn’t true. Is it, Optimus?” Ratchet asked. “Your thoughts are correct. Megatron has been losing every ounce of his sanity ever since he wiped the whole races of the other aliens. Even now, he is getting worse and worse. He now wants to have all our heads.” Optimus grimly spoke. “Then I suppose I can be of help?” Ratchet asked. “As a medic faithful to my calling, I have a fervent passion in defending all forms of life in the galaxy. No one perishes or withers away on my watch. Only for this reason am I willing to join you, Optimus. I’m sure you understand my love and admiration for nature and life. I know you as a wise and noble leader. For that, I am willing to assist.” Optimus thought of the offer for a moment before turning to him. “We would definitely appreciate the support of a medic. I can sense a war coming upon us. Your medical expertise will be of great aid to us whenever any of us are wounded. I know you as a great medic Cybertron has ever had in centuries. Freedom is the right of all sentient beings; as a believer in that, I welcome you to our cause, Officer Ratchet. We shall call ourselves ‘Autobots’ the freedom fighters!” The crew welcomed their new recruit with open arms. However, Ratchet still had that lingering sorrow of turning his back on his old friend. He wished that Starscream would see reason and join the right side. He would never forget this. FLASHBACK ENDED Starlight was silent the whole time he shared his backstory with her. Once he finished, she had tears on her eyes and hugged the front seat. “I’m so sorry, Ratchet. You must have been hurt to see Starscream forsake you like that.” “I appreciate your sympathy, Starlight,” said Ratchet. “Not only am I grateful in having better friends such as Optimus, Bumblebee, and Ironhide but also you ponies. I believe that space bridge accident back in Italy was by Providence, not by coincidence.” “Yep. I’m glad that brought you here to meet us and experience the magic of friendship. Thank you for sharing, buddy.” Starlight thanked, hugging the chair again. “It’s always a blessing to talk with your friends,” said Ratchet. “Now, let’s go rejoin our friends, shall we?” “Lead the way, Doc!” Starlight smiled. Ratchet drove off to reunite with their friends. Suddenly, a dull purple Hummer H2 ambulance appeared behind them and began to aggressively push Ratchet in a pit maneuver. The Autobot transformed and pulled his blaster out while Starlight jumped out. “Get behind me!” he ordered. “What is that?!” Starlight shouted. The vehicle transformed as well and stood right in front of Ratchet with beaming red optics. “Well, well, well, if it isn’t the Autobot Ratchet. A pleasure to meet your acquaintance.” Chrysalis mockingly greeted. “Who are you?” Ratchet demanded, aiming his weapon at her. “I am Chrysalis, former queen of the changelings,” said the deceiver. Then she glared down on Starlight. “I am here to take my REVENGE on STARLIGHT GLIMMER!!” “Chrysalis?! Is that you?!” Starlight shrieked, widening her eyes in shock. “Of course it’s me, fool!! Thankfully, I am not alone in this.” Chrysalis spoke, wickedly smirking. On cue, the Mean Five, in pony forms, approached Ratchet and Starlight as if normal. “Guys? What’s going on?” Rarity asked. “Rarity? Guys? Stay back, Chrysalis is here!” Starlight warned. However, the ponies surrounded them menacingly with innocent smiles. “It’s okay, Starlight. You can trust us. We’ll handle this situation...(snicker)...ourselves.” Fluttershy said, trying not to evilly laugh. Then Starlight noticed something off about them. She noticed how dull their colors were, and how they all had hair strings sticking out. She even saw Applejack’s iris and cutie mark as green. Thus, she realized they were not the real Mane Five. “No. No! You are not Applejack! All of you are evil clones! Where’s Twilight and Spike? What have you done with our friends?!” Starlight demanded, igniting her horn. With their facade exposed, they all evilly laughed. “Ohhh, you will see for yourselves.” Evil Applejack grinned. “Yes! Your Autobot friend will be mine!! ALL MINE!! HAHAHAHAHA!!” Evil Rarity cackled. The five transformed into their Ratchet-look-alike clones and activated their weapons. Ratchet and Starlight stood close together as their enemies prepared to attack. “Just like old times, let’s do this,” said Ratchet. “My pleasure.” Starlight smirked. > Chapter 5: One Shall Stand > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Help! Somepony help us!” Fluttershy cried. “Ratchet, Starlight, are you nearby?” Rainbow Dash called. Sadly, there were no answers to their cries. The Mane Six and Spike were tied up on a tree branch together upside down. Twilight and Rarity tried shooting magic beams at the bounds, but they were magic-resistant. Exhausted from their efforts, they laid back in high hopes that their two friends will find them. “What are we going to do, Twilight?” Spike asked. “Those evil knockoffs will try to hurt Ratchet and Starlight!” “How? Those ropes are so tight and magic-proof apparently! There’s got to be a way to set us free!” Rarity stated. Suddenly, they heard loud explosions and gunfire from a few miles away. Hearing those rampaging commotions gave them terrifying chills to their spines. They thought something worse was happening. “That must be them! Ratchet and Starlight may be in trouble!” Fluttershy cried. “Those two are tough and unbreakable, y’all,” said Applejack. “Trust me when ah say that those two will find a way to stop them and save us.” MEANWHILE Ratchet shot three blasts at Mean Fluttershy and then immediately shot three more at Mean Applejack. The shots struck them hard, but they refused to back down. They returned fire on the Autobot medic which he quickly dodged. Mean Rainbow was about to smite him on the chest, but the latter blocked the blow and kicked her away. On the other hand (hoof), Starlight Glimmer shot several beams of magic at Mean Pinkie and Rarity; despite her magic giving less damage on their armor plating, she was determined to give her all to stop them. Once they activated their blasters to shoot Starlight, the latter teleported above them and blinded them by casting a spell on their optics. Blinded by her vision spell, the two evil clones struggled to see what was going on which caused them to lose their balance. “Where are you?! I can’t see anything!!” Evil Rarity cried, waving her arms. “Try to blast them!!” Evil Pinkie suggested. They raised their blasters and shot a few missiles at a random area. “That can’t be good...” Starlight muttered. The heat-seekers fiercely followed Starlight as she made a run in the forest. Two of the missiles nearly struck her once she passed three trees. The two missiles blew the trees up while the remaining projectiles continued following Starlight. “I have to find Twilight and the others to see if they are okay,” said Starlight, running. “I hope those cheap knockoffs didn’t hurt them!” Ratchet transformed to Hummer H2 mode and ran over Evil Rainbow Dash before transforming back, grabbing her leg, and throwing her at Evil Pinkie and Rarity. The three clones rolled on the ground heavily wounded. “You will pay for that, Autobot!!” Evil Rainbow screamed angrily. “Wounded pride, isn’t it? Perhaps I should call a doctor to heal you,” said Ratchet, chuckling. “Oh wait...nevermind, I already did heal you.” “FINISH HIM!!!” Chrysalis angrily commanded. All five clones surrounded the Autobot with their saws drawn out. As they drew nearer to him while wickedly cackling, Ratchet drew his saw out and spun around. His saw sliced off all their saws in the process. Their saw blades fell in pieces before they vanished to thin air. “He cut our saws out! Come on, we can still blast him!” Evil Applejack declared. They fired on him to finish him off. However, Ratchet jumped high in the air to avoid the blasts. The fired shots struck all the clones crosswise. They flew in the air from the impact of blasts. They crashed on the ground before going unconscious. After witnessing the failure of her minions, Chrysalis growled in severe irritation. “THAT’S IT!! I WILL DESTROY THIS WALKING TRASH PILE MYSELF!!!” the changeling bellowed. Screaming her battle cry, she tackled Ratchet on the ground and started striking and punching him wildly. The Autobot kicked her off before he stood up and faced the possessed clone. “It’s just you and me now, Chrysalis.” Ratchet uttered, reloading his blaster. “You may be a determined and powerful warrior, but you are no match for my supreme—ahhhh!!” Ratchet smacked her in the head before she could finish her monologue. “YOU DARE INTERRUPT MY SPEECH!?!” Chrysalis shrieked. “Sorry, you’re just too much like Megatron and Starscream to take you seriously,” said Ratchet in a deadpan tone. “Be more original.” “I’ll show you original!” Chrysalis exclaimed, aiming her blaster. MEANWHILE The heat-seekers kept following Starlight until they reached to her tied friends. Fearful of their safety, she blasted three of them to smithereens. However, the last one dodged her beams and struck the tree the Mane Six and Spike were tied to. After striking the root of the tree, it fell over with the captives screaming. Fortunately, several sparks from the explosion caught on the bonds which set it on fire. Twilight used that opportunity to blast the bonds off. Her beam successfully set them all free. “Starlight! You’re okay!” Twilight exclaimed. They all hugged her tightly. “I’m glad you guys are okay...too!” Starlight muttered, trying to breathe from being squeezed. “Where’s Ratchet? Is he okay?!” Fluttershy frantically asked. “He’s fine. In fact, he is fighting Chrysalis right now. She’s back, and we have to help him!” Starlight replied. “(Gasp) That cannot be! She must be back for revenge!” Rarity said. “Come on, everypony! Let’s help our friend Ratchet!” Twilight declared. The ponies and Spike nodded to each other with brave determination and ran back to the forest to help Ratchet defeat their vengeful foe. Ratchet fired shots at Chrysalis—still in Mean Twilight’s Ratchet-like body—before she swatted them with her saw. She then used her two blasters to shoot him down. Her shots struck his shoulders and left leg. He fell down slightly wounded, but he was not hurt enough to back down. “Is that all you got, Chrysalis? You sure do shoot like an amateur such as Sideways.” Ratchet smirked. “SILENCE!! I will destroy you to bits!!” Chrysalis raged. Then she fired missiles at him to destroy him. However, he ran up and front-flipped over the missiles and delivered a drop kick on the possessed robot. “Ahhhhh!!!” she screamed as she was flung back by the kick. “Time to end this, Decepticon wannabe.” Ratchet stated, sprinting to her. However, before he could finish the battle, Chrysalis got up and kicked him on the chest, smacked him on the head twice, and threw him against several trees behind them. Ratchet tried to get up, but was greatly injured from the sudden blows. That gave Chrysalis an ego-boost as she drew near to him with an evil smile. “How pathetic of you to sacrifice your own life to save your worthless friends, Autobot. All that power you have, all that alien strength... just to protect mere mortals. Truly sad...” Chrysalis taunted. “Well, I might as well end your miserable existence before I take away all of your friends. Hahahahaha!!!” she wickedly laughed. Her put her blaster right at Ratchet’s head. “Goodnight, dear medic!” A bright blue magic beam struck her blaster, destroying it completely. “What?!” she yelled. She turned back to see Starlight and her friends arriving to help Ratchet. “Leave him alone, Chrysalis!” Starlight ordered. “You won’t do anything to stop me, Starlight Glimmer!! Once I have taken the elements of harmony, I will use its power to destroy you and all of your friends... including your alien friend!!” Chrysalis shouted. “You don’t have to be doing this! Why waste all of that energy only to be defeated again?” Starlight pleaded. “Please consider this, and stop pursuing this pointless revenge! It will get you nowhere as it will only make you worse and worse! I know how that feels.” Chrysalis stopped for a moment and actually thought about what she said. Unfortunately, that did not last that long as she remembered their last encounter. “DON’T YOU DARE TRY TO CHANGE MY MIND!! Nothing you ever say will make me change! Prepared to be—ahhh!!” She got zapped by an unknown beam behind her until she fell down unconscious. The ponies and dragon looked up and saw Ratchet with a different blaster with him. “Ratchet? You did that?” Twilight asked. “Of course. This is called an EMP generator,” said Ratchet. “It has the ability to blast any target to put them temporarily offline. It can also heal any wounds the target may have suffered previously.” “Wow! That’s cool! Can you do that to me too? I suffered some bruises here.” Pinkie pointed to her arm. “Pleeaaaassseee?” “I’m afraid not, my friend, since it can only work on Cybertronians and clones, not on organics.” Ratchet explained. “Awwwww...” Pinkie said, disappointed. Suddenly, the Tree of Harmony emitted six white rays of magic that flew all the way to the area where the unconscious Mean Six were. The rays wrapped themselves around their robotic bodies and drained them of their life force. The evil clones yelled in defeat before they changed back to being wooden logs. Chrysalis was released out of Mean Twilight’s mind. She got up and fiercely glared at her triumphant enemies. “This isn’t over!! You hear me?! This isn’t OVER!! I will have my revenge!! I will get you both, Starlight and Ratchet!!” “Good luck with that, bug. You’ll need it.” Ratchet grinned. The other ponies and Spike except Starlight laughed at his remark. Chrysalis angrily growled and flew away from the Everfree Forest, sulking in her failure. The Mane Six celebrated Ratchet’s victory and hugged him affectionately. “You did it, Ratchet! You saved us!” Twilight said. “We wouldn’t have survived without you, Doctor!” Rarity added. “No need for thanks, my dear friends. I am only doing what I do best: protecting all forms of life in the galaxy.” Ratchet smiled. “Next time Chrysalis shows up, you will once again show her who’s boss!” Rainbow grinned. Ratchet and the rest chuckled heartily as they left the forest. As the Mane Six and Spike were setting up their tents and campfire since it was sunset, Ratchet noticed Starlight sitting by herself looking sad. He came over and sat beside her. “What’s wrong, Starlight?” “(Sigh) Well, it’s—it’s just...the fact that Chrysalis again rejected my offer. Last time, I tried to offer her my friendship and to give her a chance to change her ways. But she refused by coldly swatting my hoof away. (Sniff) Why won’t she change?” Starlight spoke before sobbing. “There, there, friend, don’t cry. I know how you feel. I felt the same way for Starscream when he terrorized my friends—humans and Autobots—on earth. But no matter how much I wanted him to change, there was just one thing I had to accept.” Ratchet sympathized. “What is it?” Starlight asked, wiping her tears off. “Not everyone can change,” said Ratchet. “There are some beings who desire to change such as Jetfire and Wheelie, but there are others who refuse to recognize the error of their ways. That is the reality.” Ratchet lectured. Starlight took a moment to absorb that fact before warmly smiling at him. “I guess you’re right. Some ponies are just so stubborn in their ways that they don’t want to accept any form of change. I guess Chrysalis is one of those individuals.” She wrapped her arms around Ratchet’s arm and warmly giggled. “Thank you for everything, Ratchet.” “No, thank you. All of you.” Ratchet smiled. He looked up in the night sky and saw the shining moon and stars. “Optimus Prime would be very proud of you all if he were here.” he muttered. THE END