A Changeling Hearth’s Warming

by MlpHero

First published

Ocellus and Thorax try to get Pharynx to adapt to Hearth’s Warming

Ocellus tells Thorax about Hearth’s Warming, and they both get excited about bringing the holiday to the Hive, excited to decorate the Hive, exchange gifts, and spend time with family.

Pharynx is... less inclined. Now, Ocellus and Thorax must try and convince him that Hearth’s Warming can be fun and enjoyable.

Story idea and co-written by Melody Song.

The Hearth’s Warming Hive

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“Sandbar was telling me all about it and even though my family apparently did a few things wrong, it’s the perfect way to celebrate the season.”

Thorax looked at Ocellus. He tilted his head. “So, let me see if I got this right; you want… lit up trees… decorations, wapping gifts… and time with your friends and family?”

“That’s what Sandbar said it was basically all about, yeah.”

“Okay. First, what kinda tree are we looking for?”

“Um...Sandbar said some kind of pine, usually, but my family did it with an oak last year and it worked...sort of…”

Thorax nodded and pulled out a checklist of some sort. “Pine and oak trees… got it. Now, for the gift swapping, how does that work?”

“Well, my family just passed the gifts around to each other, but Sandbar said that’s not exactly what you’re supposed to do. He says you’re supposed to make or buy specific gifts for each other and give them to each other to keep-and then open the next day.”

“Okay, that should be easy enough. We did just get a big donation of toys for the nymphs and grubs.” Thorax wrote on his list.

“Oh, that would be perfect. Then...spending time with friends and family is the easiest part. All you really do is make sure they know how much you appreciate them, and that they are loved. You do that just by hanging out with them.”

“Should be easy enough,” Thorax wrote it down. “Anything else?”

“Um...I don’t think so...we’ll have food and drinks, of course...and Sandbar didn’t mention anything else… I mean, he talked a lot about baking cookies but apparently that’s just one of his family’s traditions.”

Thorax nodded and slid the checklist away. “Okay, I’ll get a few teams to do these things, and we should be ready by tomorrow.”

“Ready for what by tomorrow?” Pharynx trotted into the room.

They turned around. “Oh. Hey, Phar,” Thorax greeted. “We were just talking about Hearth’s Warming Eve.”


“Not heart, Pharynx, Hearths, like a fire. It’s Hearth’s Warming, a pony holiday. We thought maybe we could try it out in the Hive.”

Pharyn’s jaw dropped. “It’s a… pony holiday?”

Ocellus nodded, oblivious to Pharynx’s reaction. “Of course, it won’t hold the same sentimental value to us as it does to them, but it would be nice to have some kind of winter tradition.”

“B-B-But why can’t we try another holiday tradition? Like… the yak’s?”

“Yona told me about that one too. Actually, all my friends shared their kingdom’s traditions. Yona’s is Snildarg Fest, apparently it’s about smashing things, being together with your family, and performing special family rituals.”

“Well, why can’t we do… whatever that name is? It fits us way better,” Pharynx stated.

“Pharynx, smashing stuff? Really?” Thorax raised a brow.

Pharynx nodded. “Come on, Thor! It’s in our blood. I think…” Pharynx scratched the back of his head.

“No, Pharynx. It used to be in our nature, yes. But we’re a gentler species now and like it or not, we should have a holiday that reflects that.”

Pharynx looked down. “Pesticides…” he muttered.

“Don’t worry Pharynx, you’ll have fun, I promise.”

Pharynx rolled his eyes. “Yeah. Tell me how that goes.” He hesitated, then said, “Dragons?”

“How do you like the taste of rocks? Or crystals?” Thorax said, sarcastically.

“Mm-hmm. Smolder said it’s called the Feast of Fire, all they do is get together and tell stories while eating gems.” Ocellus frowned “It kind of sounds a little lonely-not nearly as much as Gallus’ but…”

“What?” Thorax asked, a bit concerned.

“Apparently the Griffon’s holiday is a bit...depressing…” Ocellus’ eyes flashed with sympathy. “It’s called Blue Moon Festival...though the name is a lot prettier than the holiday…”


“Heh. Sucks to be them,” Pharynx said, without much of any emotion.

“Pharynx! Be nice.” Thorax snapped. “Go on Ocellus…”

“Well, from what he told me, it’s sorta like Hearth’s Warming… Gallus referred to it as ‘the one day a year when griffons are nice to each other’. Families get together, eat food and try not to yell at each other. But...Gallus says he usually spends the holiday in the bitter cold and with no friendship…”

“Poor thing…”

“‘Poor’ sure is right,” Pharynx blurted out again.

“Pharynx...I’m warning you…” Thorax cleared his throat. “Anyway, you know, you can always invite him to spend the holidays with us...maybe next year, once we’ve gotten into a bit of a routine for this…”

“Okay, I’ll ask him.” Ocellus giggled slightly. “But Sandbar may have beat me to it this year...he pulled Gallus aside to talk to him a few days ago, after class.”

“I hope everything goes well.”

“I’m sure it will,” Pharynx grumbled. “They’re ponies. What don’t they do right?”

“Pharynx, please.” Thorax sighed “Anyway, Ocellus, let’s get started on that list then.”

“Okay!” Ocellus turned to lead Thorax out of the throne room.

Pharynx sighed. He then thought about Gallus and Sandbar. “Pfft. Probably a love story in the making…” he chuckled.

Pharynx reluctantly followed Ocellus and Thorax out of the room. He had nothing better to do, anyway.

Thorax smiled at him. “Good! Maybe you could help us chop down trees!”

“...Do I want to know?”

Thorax chuckled. “Heh, probably not.”

Pharynx followed Thorax and Ocellus out of the Hive like a less-enthusiastic shadow.

Thorax gave a whistle, and the changelings walked over.

“Amazing. You have them trained like dogs.” Pharynx deadpanned.

“I should put you on a leash,” Thorax said.

“Hardy har har.” Pharynx grunted

“Anyway…” Thorax turned to face the crowd. “Okay everyling, we’re going to try out this pony holiday this winter, and I hope all of you are willing to help…”

The changelings talked between each other, then looked at Thorax. “We’re in!”

Pharynx groaned and rolled his eyes. “Of course they are.” he muttered.

“Come on, lighten up, Pharynx,” Ocellus said.

“Just saying...they don’t even know what they’re getting into.”

“At least what they’re getting into isn’t dangerous.”

“That just proves if Thorax told them to jump off a cliff, they would.”

“Hey! We aren’t that stupid!” one of them yelled.

“Pesticides, they heard that?” he asked in an undertone.

“You did say a bit out loud…” Ocellus pointed out.

“Ugh. But still, I’d like to bet that they actually would if Thorax phrased it the right way…”

“Why are you so… upset?” Ocellus asked.

“None of your business.”

Ocellus simply nodded. “Could you at least try and act happy?”

“I don’t think you have any authority to tell me what to do, Ocellus.” Pharynx hissed

“Oh. I’m just asking. But out of curiosity, what would make you happy today?”

“Trying to mimic a more hardcore winter tradition.”

“Well… hm… I don’t know how to help you here. But maybe when we light the trees up, you’ll be happy?”

Pharynx smiled. “You had me at 'light'.”

Ocellus stared at him. “...I didn’t mean set them on fire.”

“Oh…” he sighed. “Then nevermind.”

“What about gifts?”

“What kinds of gifts?”

“I dunno. It’s all a surprise. It could be toys, tools, heck, probably even armor or clothing of some sort.”

“We don’t wear clothes, Ocellus, and if we wanted to we could just shapeshift into them.”

She rolled her eyes. “Well, fair enough. But it’s still a surprise as to what you could get.”

“Then I don’t care.” Pharynx thought for a minute “You told us about the ponies, the yaks, the dragons, and the griffons. What about the Hippogriffs? They do anything exciting?”

“I believe it was called the 'Three Days of Freedom'. Where they spend those days celebrating their freedom from the Storm King.” Ocellus thought back for a minute. “Yeah, the first day they stay in Seaquestria, the next day they spend on Mount Aris, then the third day they celebrate on land and sea.”

Pharynx stared for a second. “So… they drown themselves, then do something fish aren’t supposed to do, they do both on the last day?”

“No Pharynx…” Ocellus put a hoof to her forehead. “They use shards of the Pearl of Transformation to go between Seaponies and Hippogriffs.”

He rolled his eyes. “Pfft. Boring. We can do that with more freedom.”

“I can’t tell if you’re making a pun on the name of their celebration or just talking about our shapeshifting.”

“Probably both.” He smiled a bit.

“Come on you two, let’s go!” Thorax called excitedly, apparently while they’d been talking Thorax had finished explaining what they had to do. They followed Thorax. “Okay, we have one team getting trees, another buys lamps, lights, and decorations, and the final wraps the gifts!” he said excitedly.

“And which one did you volunteer us for?”

“Well… I volunteered you to go get the trees.”

“Of course you did.”

“Y’know you wouldn’t want to get the decorations or gifts.” He turned to Ocellus. “And I need you to help us find gifts.”

“Of course. What about you Thorax? Which one of us are you going with?”

“I dunno.” He turned to Ocellus. “Ocellus, do you think you could handle this yourself?”

“I could get some help from the other changelings if needed, but yes, I think so.”

Thorax nodded. “Okay. Pharynx, you want some company?”

“Well, they do say misery loves company…” Pharynx muttered

“Is that a yes?”


Thorax smiled. “Okay.” He turned to Ocellus. “I’ll come check on you in a few minutes.”

“Okay.” she smiled and waved before heading off.

She found a group of changelings happily wrapping gifts for older and younger alike. Thorax led Pharynx away, and he followed with a sigh and some muttering.

Ocellus giggled a bit, hoping Pharynx didn’t hear it, and walked over to the table. She then got to work. She let the older changelings pass the gifts down, and she and the younger changelings wrapped them up.

Meanwhile, Thorax had taken Pharynx into the forest near the Hive. They watched as a few changelings cut down and carry the trees off.

“Come on Pharynx, why don’t you pick out a tree?”

Pharynx grumbled. “Sure.” He walked over to an absolutely large tree. “How about this one?”

“Pharynx, be serious. It needs to be able to fit in the Hive.”

He looked around, then found an absolutely small sapling. “This?”


“Fine…” he walked over to an absolutely medium pine tree. “Better?”

“Yes, that’s perfect.” Thorax trotted over to it. He picked up a nearby axe and gave to Pharynx.

“I feel like I’m doing a reenactment of that story about that mare with gold locks and the three… bugbears?”

“Heh. Kind of. Now, would you like to do the honors?”

“Eh. Always.” Pharynx began chopping down the tree. Thorax backed away so that the wood chips wouldn’t hurt him. After a while, Pharynx yelled, “Timber!”

Thorax saw which way the tree was falling and moved in the opposite direction, pulling Pharynx after him with his magic.

Pharynx looked at him. “Uhh… Thorax? I can watch myself, Y’know?”

Thorax chuckled sheepishly. “Sorry, I’m just nervous. It’s a big tree.”

Pharynx sighed. “Well, go check on Ocellus. I’ll be fine here.”

“Don’t chop down the whole forest Pharynx.” Thorax said as he left.

“Heh. No promises.”

“I’m serious!”

“Just go, Thorax. I have some trees to chop.” With that, Pharynx walked off.

“He’ll be okay...right?” Thorax asked himself as he left the forest. He continued to ask the question until he reached the gift wrapping team. “How’s it going Ocellus?”

“Great! Well, except…”

“What is it? Is something wrong?”

“Well… we don’t know what to give Pharynx… and it wouldn’t be right to not give him anything.”

“Oh, he’d probably like anything to do with fighting...I know he and Tempest Shadow sometimes meet up for sparring matches, so maybe something new to fight her with?”

“Hm…” Ocellus dove beneath the table, then reemerged holding something. “A crossbow?”

“That could work...only why was it there?”

She shrugged. “I dunno, it’s just under this table.”

“This is the table we use for craft time, it’s possible someling made it.” another changeling put in.

“I wonder who…” Thorax said, then realized something. “Ocellus...does it have a signature on it?”

“What kind?”

“Well, we know Pharynx uses craft time to make weapons sometimes… we should make sure we aren’t giving him his own creation.”

She looked around the weapon, which thankfully didn’t have a bolt in it. “Uhh… I don’t see one…”

“Pharynx’s signature is an outline of his antlers-or at least, that’s what was etched into the last weapon he made.”

“Hm… is this it?” She showed him the crossbow’s side. On it were two small etchings of antlers, with two prongs on each one.

Thorax sighed “Yes… it is.”

“Oh… well what can we give him?”

“I… don’t know…” Thorax sighed

“We’ll find something.” Ocellus said, trying to cheer him up. She carefully placed the crossbow back where she’d found it.

She looked around, then found something she’d never thought she’d find. She walked over and picked up a rock. “How about this?”

“Ocellus...it’s just a rock…” Thorax said

She slowly tapped her horn against it, and the “rock” let out a green glow. “I’m not sure this is a rock.”

“Is it someling in disguise?” one of the other lings asked

She grabbed the rock and put it on another table, then transformed into a dragon. “If it is, it should be scared of fire.” she breathed a puff of smoke as a warning.

The rock didn’t budge. Ocellus hummed thoughtfully and transformed back. “Well, it’s noling in disguise. So… I think it’s a piece of Chrysalis' throne.”


“Think about it. We aren’t that far from the throne room, and the throne did explode like a love volcano. The pieces are probably scattered everywhere and we just didn’t notice.”

“So… there are probably throne pieces all around us?”

“I suppose so. Do you think Pharynx would like this one?”

“Well, it’s the only one we have. I think he’ll love it,” Thorax said.

“Great. I’ll wrap it up.”

The changelings carefully wrapped the piece up. Then, one changeling suggested, “maybe we could prank Pharynx with this.”

“How?” Thorax asked warily “You know how he gets when someling tries to…”

“He’s dropped black paint on us, I think he deserves a bit of karma.”

Thorax sighed “How exactly? I mean, he’s already on the fence about the holiday, we don’t want him to get the wrong impression of it…”

“But this has something to do with the holiday, and it might change his attitude a bit.”

“Okay, let’s hear it.”

“Well, I’ve heard ponies say that if someone has been bad for the year, then that creature gets things like rocks or coal in their gift. And here’s something that looks like a rock.”

“But Pharynx wouldn’t know that.”

“But we can tell him the reason he got a rock instead of something he’d like us because he was bad for this year.”

“I don’t know...it might hurt his feelings… and you know how bad he is at telling us how he feels so we may not even realize…”

“I guess…” the changeling sighed. “What if we told him it was a prank?”

“I still don’t know. He doesn’t talk a lot as it is, and this is supposed to be a happy holiday. Can’t you just wait until April?”

“Fine.” he sighed.

“Well, I’m still going to wrap it up.” Ocellus said, reaching for some of the wrapping paper. She began humming as she wrapped it up.

“Thanks Ocellus.” Thorax smiled at her.

She smiled back, then held it up. “There, finished!” she cheered. “Do you want to bring it with you, Thorax?”

“No, we should wait until tomorrow and surprise him. Especially since everyone will open their gifts together.”

“Okay then.” Ocellus scribbled Pharynx’s name on the paper and placed it with the others.

Another wrapped gift came down. “Here’s Thorax’s,” another changeling said.

“I probably shouldn’t look then,” Thorax smiled “I can see you’ve got things under control, so I think I’ll go check on the decorators.”

“Alright. Are they back?”

“I guess I’ll go find out.” Thorax happily trotted away. He found a group of changelings hanging up lanterns, lights, and other decorations. “Looking good everyling.”

“Thanks, Thorax!” one of them called back.

Thorax smiled and decided to go check back in with the changelings cutting down trees. He arrived to see that all of the trees weren’t down, thankfully.

“Told you I wouldn’t cut’em all down.” Pharynx said, appearing in front of him, axe held aloft in his magic.

Thorax gently pushed the axe away. “Okay, I guess you didn’t. So, do you want to help set them up?”

“How do we do that?” Pharynx asked, tilting his head.

“Simple. We tie them up with rope and lift them up so they stand up.”

“That is the stupidest thing I’ve heard all day.”

“What do you mean?”

“Why not just stick them back in the ground in the Hive?”

“Because… Huh… well I guess, but they are only temporary decorations.”

“Then stand them up in something like a pile of moss, to keep it fresh,” Pharynx suggested.

“Okay. I guess that works.” He started to walk off. “You coming?”

“Yeah... I guess.”

The two brothers walked towards the decorated room. Pharynx glanced around and glared at them.

“What’s wrong, Phar?”

“Still a little too colorful for my tastes,” he said.

“Come on, Pharynx. Lighten up a bit.”

“No thanks. If that’s all you needed me for I think I’ll head to my room.”

“Are you at least going to come get your present tomorrow?”

“Sure. I didn’t mean I was going to stay there forever. I’m just thinking about a quick nap.”

“Okay. We’ll manage for now.” Thorax gave him a hug. “Have a nice nap.”

“Okay, okay. Thanks.” Pharynx slipped away from his brother and headed for his room. When he reached his bedroom, he laid down. Pharynx pulled the blankets up and closed his eyes.

Meanwhile, Ocellus and the changelings happily finished and began to carry the gifts through the hive. They set them at the base of one of the larger trees. Thorax walked over. “Great job, guys!”

“Thanks Thorax!”

Thorax examines the gifts. “Oh it’s so exciting! I can’t wait until we get to open them!”

“Heh, yeah. I wonder what’s in this one…” Ocellus said, lifting a strange shaped present.

Thorax chuckled. “We’ll both just have to be patient.”

They looked around. The other changelings were talking in small groups, probably wondering what to do next.

Thorax looked at the pretty dull looking trees, then at the changelings. “Who wants to decorate the trees?”

They all cheered, and Thorax smiled.

“Great, I’m sure we can find or make some things that will look very nice on them.”

A changeling dragged a wagon filled with decorations out, and one changeling dived into the wagon. Thorax laughed along with the others at this and watched them swarm the wagon to choose decorations. He then watched as they swarmed the trees, decorating them at almost the speed of light.

“I know the ponies put a replica of the Fire of Friendship that started the first Hearth’s Warming on the trees...but I think that’s more symbolic.” Ocellus remarked.

Thorax looked down into the wagon. “How about this?” He pulled out a glowing star.

“Oh, that’s really pretty…” Ocellus said, admiring it.

“Yeah. Maybe we’ll find something else for us, but this should do for now.” Thorax held it out. “Do you want to put it on?”

Her face lit up. “Really?”

“Of course.” Thorax smiled at her.

She took the star and flew to the top of the largest tree. Ocellus very carefully placed the star on the top.

The changelings smiled and cheered at her. Ocellus smiled bashfully and landed, ducking her head in embarrassment.

Thorax gently rubbed her head. “Alright guys, calm down.” He looked around “How about we all go eat?”

Another cheer echoed out. Thorax smiled and let the others lead the way to the dining area. The chefs looked over and greeted the large crowd and asked what the occasion was.

“We’ve been setting up the Hive for a pony holiday we’re trying, so I figured we could all use some food.” Thorax told them.

“Ooh! Anything we could cook for this holiday?” The lead chef asked, cheerfully.

“Ocellus?” Thorax asked, and she looked startled. “You know the most about the holiday…”

“Hm… maybe cookies, cake, ice cream, some form of fruit and vegetables, and maybe since it’s us, something like protein?”

“Alright then, we’ll get to work!”

They began working on the giant meal. Thorax and Ocellus wandered away, talking with their fellow changelings, laughing and having fun. They soon heard more hoof-steps walking in. Thorax glanced up to see who it was. They soon saw Pharynx trotting in.

He yawned. “What smells good?”

“Oh, hey Pharynx.” Thorax trotted over to him.

He yawned again. “Hey. What’s going on? Why does it smell so good in here?”

“The chefs are making some food for Hearth’s Warming.”

Pharynx took a peek into the kitchen. “I smell… baked cookies and… turkey? I didn’t know ponies ate that,” he said, with slight confusion.

“Well, they don’t, but we can eat meat.” Ocellus replied.

“Huh. I might actually enjoy this,” Pharynx admitted.

“Really?” Thorax asked.

“Yeah. The food.” Pharynx replied with a smirk.

“Oh...well, that’s something.” Thorax sighed.

He sat down and waited. Pharynx sat beside him. “Isn’t there anything we can do to get you excited, except food?”


Thorax sighed. “Are you sure? There’s gotta be something we could add.”

“Add? I thought you were doing this the pony way.”

“Well, we added meat. I think we can add a bit more of our own personal touches. So, what do you want to add.”

“A sparring match.”

“Uhh… maybe not that… How about an annual snowball fight? It’s fast paced, and competitive, and it’s something we could all do.”

“Pfft, snow doesn’t hurt Thorax.”

“But at least it’s a sport you could play.”

“I’ll...think about it. You guys can play if you want and I’ll decide whether or not to join you.”

“Isn’t there any sport you want to play?”

“I already told you, sparring match.”

“Uhh… ohh! I have an idea!”

“Do tell.”

“You’ll have to wait until tomorrow.” Thorax winked.

“Why?” Pharynx asked.

“Cause that’s when we get our gifts.” Thorax looked over to a group of changelings and nodded.

“What does that have to do with anything?”

“It’s tradition.”

“...What does-ugh, nevermind.” Pharynx sighed.

“Well, the food’s coming out,” Ocellus pointed out.

“Great.” Pharynx said

The chefs brought the many plates out, which were stuffed with all sorts of treats. Thorax watched one be set down between himself and Pharynx.

Pharynx’s mouth started watering. Thorax noticed and smiled. “Try some Pharynx.”

Pharynx didn’t know what to reach for. “There’s so much… ice cream… cake… turkey… cookies…”

“Here, try this.” Thorax lifted a cookie to him. “Don’t worry about someling else eating something you want, there’s more than enough for everyling.”

Pharynx tried the cookie, which was filled chocolate chips. He froze for a few seconds. Pharynx then immediately dove his head into a cup of ice cream. Thorax laughed at him.

Pharynx then raised up, his face covered in vanilla. “Say. That tasted pretty good.”

“Pharynx you got some all over your face!”

Pharynx licked it off. “Heheheh!” He laughed a bit.

“So you’re having fun?” Thorax asked.

Pharynx rolled his eyes. “Okay fine, I’m having fun.”

“I told you you’d enjoy it,” Thorax said with a smirk.

Pharynx looked at one of the cakes, before immediately diving his head in that as well. Thorax laughed at him again, but just as quickly dug into some of the cookies.

Ocellus laughed as she watched the brothers dig into their food. She was eating some of the ice cream herself, but slower, and with a spoon.

A few chefs walked out. “Eat as much as you want! We’re cooking all night!”

The changelings all cheered at this, and Thorax smiled as he observed them. Pharynx had also cheered along with them. Thorax laughed at his brother, but smiled.

Thorax looked over to Ocellus. “How are you doing, Ocellus?”

“I’m good, thanks.” Ocellus said. She smiled at the changelings. “They seem to really like this.”

“Yeah. I think we should do this every year.”

“Seriously?” Pharynx asked

“I mean you’re enjoying this.”

“Yeah, the food.”

“So, if we do this every year, that means you get to do this every year,” Thorax pointed out.

“...Fine. Deal.”

“Deal. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a date with this cake.” Thorax then dove his head into the cake.

“Now who’s got food on his face?” Pharynx teased.

“Whatever.” Thorax continued munching on the cake.

“Um...both of you do…” Ocellus chimed in.

“Well, join in!” Pharynx slid a plate of cake over to her. “It’s fun! And tasty!”

Ocellus giggled and nodded, leaning down to lap up some with her tongue.

Pharynx chuckled. “Well, it’s a start. But try diving your head in. Like this!” He buried his head into a nearby turkey.

“I-I don’t know…” Ocellus said, looking around at the many changelings.

“Is something wrong?” Thorax asked.

“It’s okay for you two...you’re our leaders, no one’s going to laugh at you…”

“Why would anyone laugh at you?” Pharynx asked.

“It...it looks funny…”

“Come on, Ocellus. It’s supposed to be funny. Besides, we’re all changelings here.”

“...Okay…” she took a breath and then buried her head into a nearby cup of ice cream.

Thorax and Pharynx chuckled slightly before Ocellus raised her head. She licked some off the tip of her muzzle.

A few changelings cheered as she revealed her face. Ocellus blushed and hid her face. Pharynx looked at her. “Come on Ocellus. They’re cheering for you!”

Ocellus still ducked and tried to hide behind Thorax. Thorax looked at them. “Alright guys, that’s enough. Let’s get ready for tomorrow!”

They all cheered again and stood up, talking and laughing. Pharynx looked over to Thorax.

“What else is there left to do?”

“Well, we can play in the snow, then we have to go to bed, then tomorrow, we get to open our gifts!” Thorax cheered.

“Great. I guess I’ll go do that then-get some peace and quiet.”

“Come on Pharynx, the snow is starting to fall. Don’t you wanna have fun in the snow?”

“...You get fifteen minutes.”

Thorax chuckled. “Oh, we’ll see Phar. I bet you forget about the time and just have fun.”

“Maybe. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be in a food induced coma.”

“Very funny. Come on!”

Pharynx trotted walked to their shared room, with Thorax right behind him. “You sure you don’t want to go out in the snow?”

Pharynx rolled his eyes. “Okay, fine. I’ll be out for fifteen minutes.”

“Yay, come on!”

The changelings walked outside and met with the others. Thorax looked up and watched the snowflakes begin to drift down to them. Thorax and Ocellus gasped. “Yay! It’s snowing!”

“We can all see that you two.” Pharynx rolled his eyes.

“Come on Phar! We’ve hardly ever seen snow!”

“...Didn’t you live in the Crystal Empire? Where it snows?”

“But I’ve never experienced snow like this before!”

“Ugh…” Pharynx facehoofed and sighed. “Whatever.” He soon felt an ice cold spot suddenly hit his chest.

Pharynx looked up to see snow falling off his chest. Thorax stuck his tongue out.

“Thorax!” Pharynx exclaimed.

“What?” He asked, his tongue still out.

“Ooh, you’re gonna get it!” He grabbed a hoof-full of snow.

“You’re gonna have to catch me then!”

“Come here!” Pharynx ran after his brother.

“Come and get me Pharynx!” Thorax taunted

“Oh I will!” Pharynx threw a snowball at him. It hit the back of his head and he scooped up another hoof-full. “Catch—” he was cut off by a snowball to the face.

“Ha! Why don’t you catch, Pharynx?!”

“Oh you!” Pharynx grabbed a lot of snow. “YEET!” He threw the entire mountain at Thorax.

“Gah! Pharynx!!”

Pharynx dropped to the floor laughing. “Hahahaha! Oh gosh!”

“You’re going to regret that Pharynx!”

Pharynx scoffed. “Oh puh lease!” He continued laughing. “This is the most fun I’ve ever had!”

A snowball suddenly hit the back of his head and he whipped around. Ocellus was behind him, holding numerous snowballs in her magic.

“You were saying?” she asked.

Pharynx stared at her with surprise. “Er…”

“Told you you’d regret it.”

Pharynx turned around and saw Thorax holding an equal amount of snowballs. “Th-Thorax…?”

He nodded at Ocellus, and she nodded back.


Thorax and Ocellus pelted Pharynx with snowballs, while he quickly ran out of the way. “Ahh! Guys—” he soon found himself buried flank to shoulder in snow.

“You think we taught him enough of a lesson, ‘Cellus?”

She smirked. “Of course.”

“G-G-G-Guys? It’s fr-fr-fr-freezing!” Pharynx pulled himself out of the snow, shaking himself off. “N-N-N-Need w-w-w-warmth!”

“Heh, sorry Pharynx…” Thorax apologized.

They led Pharynx back inside, and back to his room. Thorax hugged him in apology before he laid down.

Ocellus got a piece of wood and put it into a nearby fireplace. Thorax pulled the blanket over Pharynx and then went to light the fire. Ocellus walked over to get him a glass of warm milk.

“Thanks guys…” Pharynx mumbled

“No problem, Pharynx.” Thorax grabbed a nearby plate of cookies. “Want one?”

“Well… maybe just one…” Pharynx grabbed one cookie. Okay, he grabbed two. Okay, maybe… three.

“Just one, huh?”

“I’m uhh… just hungry…”

“Mm-hmm.” Thorax smiled and set the plate near his bed.

Ocellus walked over with a small plushie. “Here, think of it as an early gift.”

“Why that though?”

“Well, you’re like an older brother to me. I thought I’d get you something.”

“...I meant...nevermind. Thanks Ocellus…”

“Well, I’m glad you like it. I didn’t think you’d accept it.”

“...You’re the one giving it to me. It’s fine.” Pharynx said, taking the plushie in his hooves. It was a black dragon with purple tints. “Thanks.”

“Y-you’re welcome.”

He smiled at her. Ocellus leaned over and hugged him. He smiled a bit. “Why does that feel so… warm?”

“Probably because you’re sharing love. And because she’s warm.” Thorax replied.

“Oh. Is that why I feel so warm and cozy?”

“Well, it is a bit warm in here...let me check your temperature...” Thorax reached his hoof over to his brother’s forehead. Pharynx shifted into him as Ocellus stepped back. Thorax felt his brother's forehead. “Just a bit of a fever, you should be better by tomorrow.”

“Sorry we made you so cold Pharynx…” Ocellus said.

“Eh. I guess I deserved it.”

“You didn’t Pharynx, you were finally having fun.”

“Yeah. But we can play tomorrow. Right now, I’m a bit tired.” Pharynx burrowed down under his blankets and Ocellus nodded in understanding. “Night, guys.”

“Goodnight brother.”

Pharynx then fell asleep. Thorax gestured for him and Ocellus to leave the room, and let him sleep.

The next day…

Pharynx opened his eyes, sitting up groggily. He could see Thorax in the bed opposite him, the soft rise and fall of his body telling Pharynx he was still asleep.

He smiled a bit. Pharynx looked down to see he was still holding the plushie Ocellus had given him. He looked around, hoping that noling saw him. Pharynx shoved the plushie to the side, and tried to sit up. He yawned, feeling a bit better.

Pharynx got up, then trotted to Thorax’s bed. His legs felt a little shaky but otherwise he was okay. He let out another yawn, before asking, “Hey Thorax? You awake?”

“Mm...Pharynx?” He looked at his brother. “Hey, Pharynx. You sleep alright? How’s your temperature?” He put his hoof to Pharynx’s forehead.

“Relax bro, I feel fine…” Pharynx yawned again.

“Okay.” Thorax looked around. “Well, I believe the others are up. You wanna go see?”

“Sure…” Pharynx sighed, stretching slightly.

Thorax got up and they walked out of the room. Pharynx followed behind his brother as they made their way through the hallway. They soon found the decorated room, which was filled with changelings.

“Good morning everyling!” Thorax called out.

“Good morning!” They greeted back.

Pharynx went to stand by Ocellus, not in the mood to have to greet them with the same enthusiasm.

She smiled at him. “Come on. We open presents in a few minutes.”

“Great.” Pharynx grunted, still a bit tired.

A wagon of presents was brought out. Thorax helped some of the changelings distribute them.

He gave Ocellus and Pharynx their presents, then joined them with his own once they were finished. “Well guys, open them!”

Ocellus opened hers first. “Ooh! What is it?” She unwrapped a book on Changeling History.

“I found it in one of the abandoned rooms, thought you might like it.”

She smiled. “Thanks! I never thought I’d see one in my life!” She embraced Thorax

He chuckled, then looked at Pharynx. “Your turn Pharynx!”

“Let’s see what lame present you got me.” Pharynx said “Why is it so small?”

“Open it.”

Pharynx tore the wrapper with his teeth, then looked down at the thing inside it. “...A rock?!”

“Pharynx, look closer.”

He examined the rock. Then his eyes widened. This stone… it’s… “Is this… a piece of Chrysalis’ throne?!”

“Yeah. Ocellus found it and we thought you’d like it.”

Pharynx’s face started curling up a bit, almost in a ‘U’ shape.


“I… I…”

They waited for his reaction.

“...I LOVE IT!”

“You do?” Thorax and Ocellus asked together.

“YES! IT’S THE BEST GIFT EVEHEHER!” He almost started crying.

“Aw, come here Pharynx.” Thorax pulled Pharynx in for a hug.

He smiled at them. “Thank you!”

“It’s no problem Pharynx.” Thorax said, hugging him.

Ocellus looked at Thorax. “Well? Go on. Open yours.”

Thorax released Pharynx and picked up his own gift. He undid the wrapping a lot neater than Pharynx did. He smiled and held it up. “Aww, guys I love it.”

The gift was a picture of him, Pharynx, and Ocellus. Pharynx was glaring off to the side, Ocellus was smiling at the camera, a book held close to her chest. Thorax was smiling at the camera too. He laughed.

“Pharynx, look at you, you weren’t even smiling!”

“Hm?” Pharynx looked over, he had been admiring the throne piece. “What are you talking about?” He then noticed the picture Thorax was holding. “Oh. I just didn’t want to take the picture, I was about to go train.”

“It was only a quick picture.”

“Yeah, but I still didn’t want to take it.”

“Maybe we should take one to remember our first Hearth’s Warming.”

“...Do we have to?” Pharynx asked.

“Come on, Phar. It’s just a quick one.”

“Ugh, fine.”

“Come on, it’ll be fun!”

“I already said okay Thorax.”

The changelings lined up, with Ocellus. Thorax, and Pharynx in the middle. Ocellus was already reading her book. Pharynx had his rock in his hoof. Thorax held the picture up. “Alright! Ready?”

There were nods and murmurs of assurance. One of them walked over with a camera. Thorax held Pharynx and Ocellus in his hooves and smiled at the camera.

“Three… two… one…”

Ocellus looked up to the camera and smiled, Pharynx did so reluctantly. Thorax beamed at it.

The changeling behind the camera ran back to the others and the camera flashed.

The picture showed the whole of the Hive, smiling and holding their presents, framed by the trees.

Thorax smiled then got an idea. “Maybe this could be the tree topper!”

“A big bulky picture?” Pharynx asked.

“Come on Phar, it’s perfect! And it’s light enough to go on the tree!”


Thorax smiled at his brother. “Go on, admit it. You’re enjoying this.”

Pharynx hesitated “I...I won’t say I’m not enjoying it.”

“Heh. So you are enjoying this,” Thorax said, smirking.

“I didn’t say that.”

“Yeah right. Come on bro. You got a great gift, had a big meal, and actually had fun and smiled! You must be enjoying this,” Thorax started grinning.

“...Okay, fine. I...enjoyed today. Happy?”

“Very.” Thorax giggled. Pharynx rolled his eyes but smiled.

“Thanks, Thorax.”

“Love you bro.”

“I… I love you too.” Pharynx admitted, and Thorax hugged him.

Pharynx returned the embrace. Ocellus “awwed” at them.

They looked at her. “Come on, you too.” Thorax reached a hoof out. Ocellus stepped forward and allowed Thorax to pull her in. He then wrapped her in the embrace. Ocellus hugged him back. They stayed like that for a while before Thorax let them go.

“So, what would you two like to do now?”

They looked at each other. “We dunno.”

“How about we go outside? I promise not to throw snow at you this time Pharynx.”

“Eh. I was promised a snowball fight. And I’m going to win,” Pharynx said.

“What if you catch cold again?”

“Come on. I’m prepared for it this time.”

“Okay then…but I’m going to win.”

Pharynx smirked. “Five minutes to get ready. Go!” Pharynx ran outside, closely trailed by Thorax. Ocellus laughed and ran after them.

By the time Ocellus got outside, Pharynx and Thorax had already built small forts. Ocellus used her magic to set up her own, and gathered some snow.

She rallied a few more changelings; Thorax and Pharynx did the same. Her army wasn’t as big as Thorax or Pharynx’s, but it was faster. Pharynx’s had good aim, but Thorax’s was bigger. Ocellus watched as Thorax threw the first snowball at Pharynx.

Perfect shot. It hit him in the face and he immediately scooped up some to launch back at him. The two brothers began returning fire.

Ocellus looked at her army. “Come on! Let’s win this!” she said. They cheered her on as she tossed their first snowball. Bullseye. She hit Thorax square in the chest.

“Hey! Ocellus!” he laughed.

She ducked down and giggled. She looked at her army. “Come on! Join in!”

They began tossing, laughing and shouting out to friends on other teams.

Pharynx watched as the snowballs hit around him. He ducked down and laughed. “Hit me if you dare!”

“Oh I will!” Thorax levitated a lot of snowballs with magic, then started rapidly throwing them at Pharynx.

“Ha! I’m not falling for that again!” he said, dodging. He looked over to a couple other changelings. “Artillery!” he called out, laughing.

His team launched more snowballs at Thorax’s. Ocellus put a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. She then smiled. “Come on guys. I have an idea.”

Ocellus had them pile up all the snowballs, then duck down in the fort, waiting.

The brothers and their team rose up to fire again when…

“NOW!” Ocellus called, and they rose, tossing the snowballs at both of them.

They watched as the changelings screamed and tried to duck down. Thorax and Pharynx were so distracted with each other they didn’t notice and got pelted.

Ocellus watched as both forts collapsed into mountains of snow. Pharynx and Thorax popped their heads out of the snow and looked over to Ocellus, who grinned.

“What was that you were saying earlier, Pharynx? Something about winning?”

Thorax ducked down and grabbed a white flag. “Uhh… I surrender.”

“Pharynx?” Ocellus asked.

Pharynx looked around. “Uhh… No?” he was then pelted with more snowballs.


“Oh c’mon, a little snow won’t kill me.”

She and the other changelings lifted their snowballs up, rivaling the snow used to make all three forts. “How about now?”

Pharynx stared. “...Do your worst. I’m winning this.”

“Okay.” They proceeded to drop the snow down on Pharynx and his team. “Bombs away!”

“Gah! Ack!” Pharynx and his team popped out of the snow. He scratched his head. “Uhh… what was that offer about… surrendering..?”

“How about...if you surrender now, we’ll agree to a rematch at a later date and you get hot chocolate.”

Pharynx dove back into the snow and grabbed his white flag. He levitated it up and gave it a quick wave before clambering out of the snow.

Ocellus and her team cheered in victory.

“Yeah yeah. I’m taking you up on that rematch. Don’t get too comfortable with that win.”

“Heh. We’ll be ready. Now come on! Let’s get some hot chocolate!”

“Yay!” Thorax said, rushing inside.

Inside, the changelings happily sipped on hot chocolate and cuddled next to each other. Pharynx settled by Thorax and Ocellus, who was now invested in her book. Pharynx took a sip of his hot chocolate and watched the others.

Ocellus was now wearing a medal. Some of the changelings had made it for her and her team out of leftover craft supplies. “You like?” she asked teasingly.

“Very nice. Don’t get too attached to it.”

“No promises.” She winked at him.

“Grr…” Pharynx growled but merely took a large gulp of his hot chocolate. He sighed and sat back a bit.

“Now you two, play nice.” Thorax chided, smiling.

Ocellus giggled a bit. “I think I found a new hobby. Outsmarting you two in snowball fights.”

“Heh, yes Ocellus, that was very smart of you. But it won’t be winter forever,” Pharynx pointed out.

“I know. But I think I have an idea for how it can be.” She winked at Thorax who smiled.

“Hey Phar. We have one more surprise for you,” Thorax said.

“What is it this time?”

“This one, I’m sure you will love. Come on.” Thorax stood up and led them out of the room. Pharynx and Ocellus followed behind him. They walked for a while. “So, you remember that giant fighting arena I closed down a while back?”

“...Yes…why?” Pharynx asked.

“Well, I’ve made a bit of a… renovation to it.”

“Thorax what did you do?” Pharynx looked at him.

They finally reached it, and Thorax walked over to a small pedestal. “Watch this.” He pressed his hoof down on the pedestal and watched as the arena slowly turned into a forest scene. “Tah-dah! It’s a combat simulator!”

“H-how?” Pharynx asked in amazement.

“Well, it took a bunch of magic, and a bit of help, but we got there in the end!”

“Thorax...this is amazing!”

“I thought you’d like it. You can do just about anything with this!”

“Including the old fighting strategies?”

“Anything. Heck, you don’t even have to use it for fighting. It can be used as a vacation spot!”

“...A vacation spot? You want to use the coolest thing ever for a vacation spot?”

“Just saying. If you ever need to wind down, this’ll be here for you.”

“If ‘winding down’ means tossing things around to let out my anger then yes, it will be here.”

Thorax stepped back from the pedestal. “Here, try it out.”

Pharynx pressed down on it.

“Now, just imagine where you want to be and what you want to do.”

Pharynx closed his eyes and imagined the snowy setting they’d been playing in earlier.

The arena ground became covered in snow and trees. Even the forts they built had appeared along with a fake Thorax and Ocellus.


“Wow. This is amazing.” Pharynx stepped over to walk into it, but Thorax dragged him back.

“Pharynx, you just did this snowball fight. Wait at least a day.”

“Aww, why? I wanna beat Ocellus this time!” Pharynx said, practically whining.

“Pharynx, it may be a simulation but it retains the same feel of the environment, it’s going to be cold.”

“Hold up. So you’re saying that if I were to get stabbed in that thing, it would hurt?”

“Well, you’d feel it more like you’d feel a sharp jab. It’s a bit like Luna’s dreamscape. You don’t actually get hurt but it gives you a kind of feel as though you were.”

“Huh. Okay I’ll remember that.” Pharynx said. “But still, why not now?”

“You were just buried in a mountain of snow. We can’t afford for you to get frostbite.”

“Ugh, fine.”

“Isn’t there another simulation you want to try? Vacation, other spots?”

“Not really. All I can think about is that thing!” he pointed at the medal around Ocellus' neck.

Thorax facehoofed. “Dude, it’s only a medal. They’ll be other winters, and the snow won’t melt for another few weeks. You’ll have plenty of time.”

“Yeah, okay. But I don’t really want to use this right now. It’s a great gift though, thanks Thorax.”

“No problem. But just know that after December, this’ll be opened for everyone to use. So use it while you can.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Pharynx looked at the arena. “For now...can we go back to the others?”

“Sure. I want another cup of hot chocolate to celebrate this victory.” Ocellus said.

“Grr…” Pharynx glared at her.

“Come on guys, let’s just go get some more.” Thorax said

“Oh! Can we have s’mores too?”

“Sure. I think the chefs can make them.” Thorax smiled at her

“How come she gets whatever she wants?” Pharynx asked.

“Well, what do you want to eat?”

“Doesn’t matter, little champion Celly gets to pick,” Pharynx complained.

“Just because she won a snowball fight, doesn’t mean she’s privileged. She just suggested it.”


“Of course. We’re all equal here.”

“Then...can we have cookies?” Pharynx asked.

“Heh. Sure.” Thorax smiled at his brother.

Pharynx silently cheered. Thorax chuckled. “You two are just two children when you get together, you know that?”

“Am not!” they said in unison.


They stared at Thorax, then at each other, before chuckling a bit.

“Okay, maybe...but Pharynx started it.”

“No, you started it,” he said back.

“How did I start it?”

“You were bragging about your medal.”

“All I did was wear it! I offered you a rematch!”

“And I accepted! But you keep flashing your medal like it’s gold!”

“I can’t help that it’s really shiny!”

“See? You’re both acting like nymphs. It’s… adorable.

“I’m not adorable!” Pharynx snapped.

“You are, especially when you’re angry,” Thorax said, before playfully booping him on the nose, causing him to blush. “See?”

“S-Shut up!”

Thorax laughed. “Come on guys, let’s go eat some s’mores and cookies.”

“Fine.” Pharynx sighed.

The changelings trotted down to the cafeteria. Thorax grabbed up some cookies for Pharynx and passed them to him, then Ocellus asked for her s’mores.

He asked one of the chefs to make them, to which they happily obliged and made them. Thorax waited with Pharynx, watching him gorge himself on cookies.

He laughed. “Calm down! Don’t choke on them!”

“I’m not gonna, they’re just good!” Pharynx said, mouth watering.

“Heheh. How about you, Ocellus?”

“Mm…” Ocellus said as she bit into her s’more.

“They taste good, I presume?”


Thorax reached over and tasted one. “Yeah, they are good.”

“Told you.” She took another bite.

“Try a cookie.”

They reached over to Pharynx’s plate and tasted a cookie.

“It’s pretty good Pharynx.” Ocellus said.

“Yeah. These are delicious.”

Pharynx stuck his tongue out at Ocellus.

“Hey! What was that for?!”

“He thinks mine are better.”

“No. He thinks mine are better!” Ocellus objected.

“Guys. Everything isn’t a competition. Just enjoy this moment.” Thorax said, pulling them both against him. “Either way, I think both of those treats are equally delicious, and you are both equal in my eyes.”

Ocellus giggled, while Pharynx rolled his eyes. “Whatever. Mine are still better.”

Thorax smiled and hugged his friend and brother. “Please just enjoy the sweet moment.”

“Okay, fine.”

Pharynx nuzzled up to his brother, Ocellus did the same. Thorax smiled.

“See? Isn’t this better?”

“Okay, it is.” Pharynx reluctantly admitted.

“Mm-hmm.” Thorax pulled them close against him. They sat in silence for a while.

Outside the Hive, snow still fell, and within it, Thorax’s subjects rested and talked comfortably. They had a few fires going, and distributed a few blankets and pillows. Thorax, Pharynx, and Ocellus rejoined them, because it was getting chilly where they were. The changelings gave the three blankets and pillows so they could warm up.

“Thanks.” Thorax told the changelings, before heading over to a corner of the room with Ocellus and Pharynx. “Is this comfortable, guys?”

“Yeah, it’s fine.” Pharynx told him.

Thorax set up the pillows so they could lay down a bit. Ocellus settled down on his left side, Pharynx on his right. Thorax pulled the blankets up and wrapped them around them. Pharynx burrowed under the blankets and settled down, closing his eyes. Thorax smiled, before looking over to Ocellus, who also began falling asleep.

“You two go ahead and sleep.”

They looked at him and smiled.

“Thanks Thorax…” Ocellus curled up by him and closed her eyes.

Pharynx smiled. “Yeah. Thanks, Thorax.” he said, before lying down and falling asleep, holding the plush that Ocellus gave him close. Thorax smiled, before happily falling asleep with them.