Moonlight Flight

by NintendoGal55

First published

Rainbow Dash takes Fluttershy on a moonlight flight to win her heart

Determined to win Fluttershy's heart, Rainbow Dash takes her out on a nighttime, moonlit flight. To show her a lovely time and hopefully come off to be as romantic as possible. All that's left is to confess her feelings.

A Whole New World

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With hopefully perfect timing, Rainbow Dash stopped in front of Fluttershy's doorstep. It was now or never. Tonight was the night. The night when she was finally going to tell Fluttershy how she felt.

A plan had formulated in her mind all day long with what she was going to do in order to win her friend's affections. As well as that, to even open her eyes to new horizons, to get her going, on a little adventure she hoped would work. A combination of the two. She wanted to take Fluttershy out flying, with no real destination, just to fly around and go where they pleased. It would indeed mean that she would have to slow down and keep from going too fast or too crazy, which wasn't quite that easy. But for tonight, and for Fluttershy, she was willing to do it if it meant that it would be one step closer to telling her how she felt.

And for Fluttershy, it was always worth it.

Since it was just about close to dark, with very little twilight remaining, she knew that this was oftentimes when Fluttershy put her little animal friends down to sleep for the night. Hopefully she didn't have any plans, because she knew that if tonight wouldn't work, she would lose her nerve completely, leaving another period of time before she would muster up any courage to win her heart.

With a deep breath, Rainbow Dash raised her hoof and knocked on the door.

Moments later, the door opened to reveal Fluttershy. She looked a bit surprised, but then smiled. “Oh, hello, Rainbow Dash...what brings you here?”

“Well, see...” Rainbow Dash was slowly losing her nerve. Who would've thought even the most daring Pegasus out of Cloudsdale would actually be nervous about admitting her love for somepony. She scratched the back of her head sheepishly, trying to gather the right words. “Listen, I want to take you out tonight.”

“Out? Out to where?” Fluttershy tilted her head curiously.

“Just out. I want to take you flying, Fluttershy,” Rainbow Dash smiled sheepishly.

“...Flying? Oh, but Rainbow know I can't keep up with you!”

“Aw come on, Fluttershy! I don't mean it like that! Just us, flying together, going wherever the wind takes us!”

“Um...I don't know...”

Holding her hoof out to her, with a serious look in her eyes, but a smile on her face, Rainbow Dash said softly,

“ you trust me?”

A warm jolt coursed to Fluttershy's heart, and for that moment, she felt as if all her worries were slowly melting away. She knew, it was all that Rainbow Dash needed to say to assure her of any fear she had. She would not let anything bad happen to her, she would protect her, and this would be worth it. With a nod, she reached her own hoof out toward her.

Grinning, Rainbow Dash wrapped her hoof around Fluttershy, spread her wings, and then flew off into the air. Fluttershy trailed alongside, flapping her wings to help. Even though she'd been flying just fine for years now, there was still something of a stab of fear that coursed through her with how fast and high they were going. Toward the sky, toward the beauteous, luminous form of the moon, surrounded by all the beautiful stars, past the clouds.

Swallowing hard, Fluttershy held closer to Rainbow Dash, who only grinned at her reaction. This was all going according to her plan.

Higher they went, flying over the plains, trees and fields along Ponyville, as the world below them formed into something new to see from a birds eye view. The town became smaller, the fields more wide and expansive, the trees more like bushes, and any forms walking about below seeming to be small bugs. An amazing sight, a wondrous jungle just waiting to be explored. The landscape in the dark of the night, under the luminous glow of Luna's Moon, the fading twilight of Celestia's sun, was truly a breathtaking spectacle.

The wind in her mane, the sky all theirs, Rainbow Dash was well within her element, just loving the wonderful feel. However, this time, she went slower than usual, just to make sure Fluttershy would keep up. She didn't mind, though. This was all part of what she was trying to do, to hopefully win Fluttershy's heart.

It was time to truly share the wonder of having the one you love when they were a Pegasus just like you.

Now they flew along, high above the landscape, though still close enough to see, in and around the clouds, with the whole world at their hooves.

To further soothe Fluttershy, and make this more exciting, knowing she would like this, she began to sing,

I can show you the world
Shining, shimmering, splendid
Tell me, Fluttershy, now when did
You last let your heart decide?

Much to her delight, she could now see that Fluttershy was smiling brightly as they just flew freely, with no real purpose or destination, just flying. It was great to see her friend loosening up and coming to hopefully see the great perks about flying. Rainbow Dash grinned more, continuing the little song,

I can open your eyes
Take you wonder by wonder
Over sideways and under
On a Pegasus moonlight flight

They soared higher, past the line of clouds, then flew down once more, with Fluttershy now no longer needing to have her hoof held, as she flew along with tender grace. Pleased with this development, Rainbow Dash went on singing her heart out to her,

A whole new world
A new fantastic point of view
Nopony to tell us no or where to go
Or say we're only dreaming

Below, the familiar landscape soon faded as they flew along past the town and more out into the open fields beyond. Fluttershy could not believe how much fun this was, to actually just go up and fly anywhere she wanted. It brought her back to when she had first discovered the ground below Cloudsdale, thinking of how it was filled with so many wonders. In a sense, this was kind of what it was bringing to her. She was seeing a whole new wonder before her, something she truly never knew she could have before. If she had just given herself the chance to fly, to go out there and be free, let nothing scare her.

She beamed brightly, looking to her best friend with a fond smile, upon then she sang as well,

A whole new world
A dazzling place I never knew
But when I'm way up here
It's crystal clear that now I'm in a whole new world with you

Heart pounding, smile broadening, feelings growing, Rainbow Dash soared along with her with joy. To think that this was working, Fluttershy was slowly coming around to see that a joy flight like this was an amazing feat.

Now I'm in a whole new world with you” Rainbow Dash sang back to her, heart pouring into every word.

Fluttershy laughed with delight, taking in the sights down below, and then looking to see a flock of geese flying all around them above the clouds. The two Pegasi joined along with them, as if a part of the migration. Fluttershy beamed at the sight of the flying birds, and even spread out her forelegs, much like her wings, as they flew along together.

Unbelievable sights
Indescribable feeling
Soaring, tumbling, freewheeling
Through an endless diamond sky” Fluttershy sang with passion! Such passion she never knew she could muster!

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy did just that, as they soared, tumbled along, and freewheeled admist and below the clouds. In perfect harmony, no less, as they performed such feats with all the grace and wonder they could muster in perfect synchronization.

A whole new world

Now they flew downward at quite a speed, as if diving toward the ground. The wind rushed past them, which admittedly made Fluttershy shiver a bit with nervousness as she covered her eyes with her hooves.

In the past, this might have annoyed her. But Rainbow Dash smiled warmly as she gently pried Fluttershy's hooves away from her eyes.

Don't you dare close your eyes

A hundred thousand things to see” Fluttershy sang back.

Hold your breath, it gets better” Laughed Rainbow.

Now they flew along the majestic mountainside city of Canterlot, only adding to the breathtaking moments of their nighttime flying. Upon one of the balconies of the palace stood Princess Luna, alongside Princess Celestia, gazing out to the views before them at their level. When they looked up and could see Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy flying by, both Princesses smiled and waved at them. The two Elements of Harmony waved back at them.

I'm like a shooting star
I've come so far
I can't go back to where I used to be” Fluttershy sang in joy, looking back to the majestic city as they now flew away from it, which grew father and farther from view.

A whole new world” Rainbow Dash sang in, now taking Fluttershy's hoof again as they flew further above the landscape.

Every turn a surprise” Fluttershy sang, smiling brightly at her gesture.

With new horizons to pursue

Every moment red-letter

Soaring along the breathtaking attractions along the landscapes they flew over, high in the sky, the two flew in perfect harmony yet again. Towers and ruins of oldern towns, flowery meadows bathed in moonlight, the lights of all kinds within the towns, dense forests, and the glassy surfaces of the water sources. As well as flying together, the Pegasi now sang in lovely harmony together,

I'll chase them anywhere
There's time to spare
Let me share this whole new world with you

Now Rainbow Dash flew them lower to the ground, even slowing their flight almost to a glide. She smiled, took an apple from a tree, and bounced it over to Fluttershy with her wing. The creamy yellow mare caught it, and beamed with adoration at the kind gesture.

A whole new world” Rainbow Dash now sang softly to her, allowing her heart to come through yet again.

A whole new world” Fluttershy sang back sweetly, gently holding the apple to her chest as if it were a precious treasure.

“That's where we'll be”

“That's where we'll be”

“A thrilling chase”

“A wondrous place”

Now as they glided gently along the water, Fluttershy leaned her head gently against Rainbow Dash's shoulder. Brightly smiling all the more, she nuzzled her in return, before they sang together once more.

“For you and me...”

Leaning into each other, tails locked, they flew slowly over the water. Fireflies danced around them, the moon reflected beautifully upon the water's glassy surface, the night air quieted, crickets chirped, as the soothing wonders of the night flowed in.

Stopping upon a cloud towering the landscape, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy sat together as they admired the view before them. The sun by then had completely set, with the night taking place.

“Just look at that, Fluttershy. There's the whole world at our hooves. And who gets to see it but the birds and the stars, and the Pegasi...”


Stars shining, the landscape darkening, the moon rising higher, the night had come. Once more, Fluttershy sighed softly as she lay her head on Rainbow Dash's shoulder, who leaned her head into hers as well. The cooling breeze danced past them, flowing their manes, interlocking their tails, kissing their coats. A fresh scent of the natural air around them, the grass and the trees, filled their noses to further add to the atmosphere. They admired the beautiful sight, breaths taken away by the sheer wonder of it all.

Contrary to what most may have thought, Rainbow Dash did like having moments of just admiring the scenery. Sunsets, dramatic views of the landscape, either from the sky or down below, did manage to take her breath away at just the right moments. It just wasn't often something she freely admitted to others. Her friends, maybe, though the closest she'd come was that one time they all watched Luna's magnificent meteor shower with the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Then the few times of watching fireworks shows, that had always been something she loved to see. It had just never quite come up to admit this kind of thing.

But with Fluttershy, it was almost too easy to let her in on that. She trusted her, trusted her with all her secrets and her feelings. Rainbow Dash never felt she had to keep up being tough around Fluttershy. It gave her a chance to be more calm and laid back, to expose the deeper side of her she only ever exposed to her friends.

The cyan Pegasus sighed softly through her nose, just absorbing the atmosphere around them. She enjoyed these sweet, quiet moments with her best friend in the world, somepony she could always count on. Loved them, even. She just loved being with Fluttershy.

'It's too perfect! A romantic atmosphere, I warmed her up with the flying, I sang to her, she sang with me, it's all going to be awesome! Now I just have to tell her. Yeah...I'm gonna tell her. I'm gonna tell Fluttershy that I love her!'

Just before Rainbow Dash could muster the strength to speak, that was when a terrifying thought overtook her.

'Wait...but what if she doesn't love me back? What if she thinks I don't mean it? What if she's scared of me? What if she hates me for it? What if-no! She's Fluttershy. She's not going to hate me. ...If she didn't love me, she'd just tell me in the nicest way possible! ....What am I gonna do if she doesn't love me? I don't know what I'll do! I need her! ...Darn it, Rainbow, don't get pathetic! You can live just fine! You know you can! You don't need her love to have a reason! ...But it'd be awesome to have her love. I can't stand it! I love her so much! I have to have her! ...No, I have to take it slow...tell her when the time is perfect. I can't drop it yet! Just have to buy some time...'

“Rainbow...” Fluttershy's soft, sweet voice interrupted her thoughts. “I have to thank you...for taking me out here, and letting us fly so freely like that. It was amazing!”

Feeling a surge of hope course to her heart, Rainbow Dash grinned. “Don't sweat it, pal! Actually, this whole place...and some others, but definitely here, it's a bit of a secret little area for me. I never really showed it to anypony else. Except you.”

Fluttershy's eyes went wide. Was she really the first pony she ever showed this beautiful place to? It was almost hard to believe, but she could see the truth in her companion's cerise eyes as she turned to face her completely. Warmth pooled in her stomach as she smiled brightly, flattered. “Really? Oh...Rainbow Dash...that's so sweet of you! I...I'm...I'm touched.”

Smile growing, Rainbow Dash resisted the urge to start doing a dance and zipping around in the air in a fit of joy. It was working, she was getting Fluttershy more and more into the right mood. “Well...I wanted to make a great flight for you feel special, and this is...well, I guess it would be pretty special for you!”

Giggling, Fluttershy leaned over and nuzzled her gently. “Thank you, Rainbow. ...You're really sweet...”

“Not as sweet as you,” Rainbow Dash murmured lovingly as she nuzzled her back. 'Nothing can top Fluttershy's unfiltered sweetness...'

The timid mare giggled again, pulling back to look at her with a bright smile. Heart pounding, just melting at the sight of the beautiful pony, Rainbow Dash felt her smile grow goofy. This had to be what it felt like to be in love. It really was an awesome feeling.

Eyes locked, smiles never waning, the mood only elevated between them.

Fluttershy felt wondrously happy now. She could not believe that she was sharing such a wonderful moment with her dearest friend. Even after the tough times they'd faced, the bumps in the road, their friendship came through, and was now better than it ever had been. She felt confident, happy, inspired, so many wonderful things. With their friends, and now together. Fluttershy knew she had to really thank Twilight for having helped to bring them all together and hold them together. If not for her, she wouldn't know where they would be. It pained her to think about, much like the tougher memories. But she didn't have to. Their wonderful moments, great times, surpassed them greatly.

“Rainbow Dash...I can't even begin to tell you just how happy I am that we're here now, and me,” Fluttershy said softly, her heart swelling.

“Y-Yeah? Really?” Rainbow Dash blushed a bit, grinning.

“Of course. You're my best friend. Our friendship means the world to me, and I'm just so happy to share these moments with you,” Fluttershy cooed, blinking back tears. “It's amazing that we can share these moments together, with our friends or even just you and me. Rainbow... I wish I could just tell you everything I'm feeling...but I just can't put them into words. All I can say is that being with you like this, together, is the greatest gift I could ever hope for.”

Oh, this was just killing it. Rainbow Dash felt her throat tighten, her smile growing, and even now, had tears in her own eyes. She was thrilled to see Fluttershy this happy, to see that their friendship meant this much to her. The smile on her face, the glimmer in her eyes, the daredevil could just melt at how happy her companion looked! The effect Fluttershy had on her was phenomenal, with the unique ability to just bring out that whole side of her she didn't show to many, yet could expose when needed.

“Well uh, guess I can say the same, Fluttershy!” Rainbow chuckled nervously, looking down toward the ground as she rubbed the back of her neck with her hoof. “So, you know, there's uh, something else. It's...well, kinda the reason I wanted to bring you out here tonight.”

“Mm? What is it?” Fluttershy turned her gaze from the view to her cyan Pegasus.

Uncertain, but still determined, Rainbow knew that she had to do it now. Otherwise, she would lose her nerve. Not now, but right now.

Meeting the golden mare's gaze just then, however, was a big mistake. She found herself entranced, unable to formulate a simple sentence. Rainbow swallowed, feeling her legs weaken, her hear race, and even her entire body heating up.

“I...well I...that is...Fluttershy, I...”

“Yes, Rainbow?”

Oh, it was too much!

“I love you, Fluttershy!”

Fluttershy's eyes went wide, with her mouth slowly following. Other than that, she didn't speak or move. Rainbow Dash managed a nervous grin, trying to play it off coolly, despite that she was getting more and more antsy. What did this mean? Did Fluttershy feel the same way? Did she not? Why wasn't she saying anything?

A good minute or so, at least that's what it felt like, went by without a word spoken between them.

Dejected, Rainbow sighed as her ears flattened and her gaze was downcast.

“Sorry, Fluttershy... Guess you weren't ready for that. It's okay if you don't love me back, though. I just, well, wanted you to know how I feel. But uh, we can still be friends... Yeah, we can be...of course... I'll just uh, need some time to get over being rejected and-”

“Oh, Rainbow Dash!” Fluttershy cut her off, her voice passionate and...happy?

“Huh?” Rainbow looked up to see Fluttershy smiling brightly at her with tears in her eyes.

Before she could get anything else in, Fluttershy literally pounced on her, knocking her to the ground. When she did, the pink-maned pony giggled with delight and kissed her on the lips. Rainbow's eyes widened to the size of saucers at Fluttershy's bold, daring move. Had she really just taken initiative? Especially like this? But why? Did that mean she loved her too?

It didn't matter! Rainbow Dash was thrilled to have the chance to kiss Fluttershy, and she was not about to let this slip by!

Her eyes closed and she kissed back in kind, bringing her forelegs around the not-so-timid pony. It felt amazing to kiss Fluttershy, it was nothing like she imagined it, but it was far better than any kind of fantasy she had ever conceived. Her lips were soft, warm, even a bit moist, and tasted something akin to strawberries. Probably the flavoured lip gloss she sometimes saw Fluttershy put on, always serving to tempt her...

Rainbow Dash ran her hooves through the ever-soft blossom pink mane, kissing the mare she loved so much with a lot of love and fervency, just pouring her entire heart into it. A moan came from Fluttershy, enticing her all the more.

When they parted, too soon, the two mares looked at each other with hazed, lovesick eyes, panting to catch their breaths.

“Rainbow....all of this was so sweet and romantic... I love it... You did all of this...just for me?”

Smiling goofily, Rainbow sat them up and nuzzled her, still holding her close. “Well, yeah! Sure I did, Fluttershy. I wanted to do this for you, pal. I admit it, I did it to win your heart!”

“Oh, Rainbow...” Fluttershy pulled back, kissing her cheek. Tears poured down her cheeks, but her smile remained, the very indication that she was crying tears of joy. “I love you, too. ...I love you so much...”

The beautiful words within her melodic voice played on repeat in Rainbow's ears as she registered it. Before long, a huge grin broke across her face.

“Really?! You mean it?!”

“Of course I do. I love you, Rainbow Dash...”

Letting out a loud cheer, Rainbow grabbed the creamy yellow Pegasus into a big hug. Taking it further, she lifted her beloved into the air, twirling and flying around with her as she laughed with pure joy.

Her efforts in winning Fluttershy's heart with a romantic flight in the moonlight, settling in a beautiful and remote location, and just overall opening her heart to her were completely successful.

A little hold-over until I update my other works! :D Enjoy, everypony.

Open-ending, so you can draw your conclusions as to what can or will happen after this. X3 Sequels, spinoffs, prequels, you go right ahead. ;)

All rights reserved on the song lyrics, which are from Disney's Aladdin.