The Twi'lek

by Gallants

First published

Sasha Lessa a young Twi'lek padawan crashlands in Equestria after escaping order 66

My name is Sasha, I was told my parents were a human woman and a Male Toydarian. I never got to meet them after I was inducted to the Jedi order as a toddler. I was a quick study ascending past the other younglings even being appointed as a padawan and put under a Master sooner than most. I was happy training under him he was patient and deeply explained the value of keeping one's emotions under control, then the clones turned on us along with Master Skywalker. When I escaped I took my Master's starfighter and ran: I don't know where I am or how I got here but I intend to make the best of it, my name is Sasha and I've been adopted.

(Pre-season one)

A happy landing

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"Run Sasha I'll hold them off, meet me at the training grounds," Snapping out of my trance from watching the normally quiet temple turn into a war zone, I got ready to run when a clone my Master knocked down started to get up flicking the internal switch of my saber I allowed the magenta blade to sever his right hand. Turning heel I ran towards the training ground glancing behind me just to see my master's head roll while Anakins saber slashed through bone and flesh without hesitation. Sprinting through the halls blinded by tears I cut my passage paved with the bodies of clones. Finishing off two more clones I made my way into the hanger and slashed the control pad sealing the door.

I made my to my Master's starfighter setting up in the cockpit I began to start safety checks when the dropship came in forgoing the checks the blasters warmed up before discharging several pulses destroying the ship and providing a window to escape the planet. Upon exiting Coruscants atmosphere I entered a random string of coordinates and made my hyperspace jump the turbulence I experienced didn't feel right, neither did the light everything went dark before a multitude of color flashed across the viewport. I started to feel light-headed as I traveled, "Be safe Sasha," that was the last thing I heard before I passed out.

I awoke from my breath being forced from my lungs as the ship's velocity suddenly stopped as I struggled to fill my lungs with air, I noticed the atmospheric descent my ship started. I gripped the controls attempting to regain control for a landing the turbulence was too much. My eyes sealed themselves as I approached a white spire, I think I missed it. The inertia lost mixed with the groaning, crunching, and snaps told me I had stopped and had, as Master Kenobi would call it, a happy landing.

Not Quite a Happy Landing

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The smoke that slowly engulfed the cab and the fact the ship was on its roof were my first two worries, my third and final worry was I didn't know if the air was life-giving or taking. The force allowed me to live and escape the temple surely it wouldn't lead me here just to kill me, gripping my lightsaber I made my way through the choking smog to the ground emergency hatch. I couldn't force the hatch open to escape the ship with a quick thought the hum and magenta glow of my blade to cut through the smoke. The screech of my saber cutting through the hatch stung my ears, my vision started to blur as the oxygen that filled my lungs was slowly displaced.

The clank of the hatch striking the ceiling reverberated through the cab mustering what strength I had left I lept up through the still scorching portal I had made. Landing outside on the cooler soil the ship had dug up, I felt the last of my energy leave my body as I collapsed letting the darkness take me once more.

I found myself lying in a forest, jolting to a sitting position I was faced with a small table and Master Jungjoya was on the other side pouring a cup of tea. Tears were attempting to breach the sides of my eyes, I failed him and as though he heard my thoughts his hand raised. "Don't worry Sasha, you haven't disappointed me," breaking only to sip his tea, "and you still live, so now will you join me for some tea for the little time we have, Young Padawan?" He said as calmly as he instructed me during saber training, the trees faded away and in their place flowers rolled in like a wave on the beach I looked on in awe at the shifting environment before gazing upon my Master and nodding reaching out for a cup. His gentle smile warmed me more than the tea ever could as we drank he continued to teach me, emphasizing the importance of keeping my mind and body in balance and harmony.

The groggy feeling of waking after exhausting yourself is never a good one this was emotionally bad as well since I lost my connection to Jungjoya. Looking around the room I found myself in what seemed to be some sort of low tech hospital, listening to for anyone approaching I was able to hear some voices just outside of the room.

"I told you it was a pink creature, jumped out of that steel vessel that crashed in my backyard early this morning, whatever it is, seems to have some precise fire magic melted 3 inches of some sort of reinforced steel in a near-perfect circle," I laid there thankful they didn't seem to know what Jedi were. When one of the creatures walked in I was taken aback when I saw a large-eyed equine with wings, not the strangest creature I suppose but I've never seen anything like it, although I didn't get out of the temple all that much. She had a white coat and a cute little nurse's hat on her head. Her eyes widened a bit as she saw me awake and looking at her before it softened to a smile.

"I see you're awake quite the feat considering the smoke inhalation," she said approaching me, "I'm Nurse Flare, do you understand me?" Her question was punctuated with the raising of a pencil in one of her wings.

I nodded before speaking, "I can understand you, Nurse Flare my name is Sasha," she jotted something on her clipboard, "May I ask what planet I'm on ma'am?" Her pencil dropped at my question she looked past me her eyes unfocused.

"The eggheads were right you are an alien, this is a nightmare," suddenly she snapped back to reality, she rushed forward and grabbed my shoulders, "Listen Sasha if you want a chance at a normal life here you need to not mention the fact you're an alien do you understand?" I nodded quickly pulling some of the blanket up higher towards my face, she smiled stepped back and flattened some of the bunched fabric in my blanket. "Now, Sasha on to the important things what is your species name and the significance of the tails on the side of your head?"

Swallowing my fear of this mare I shakily answered her "I-I'm a Twi'lek and t-they're very s-sensitive organs,"

"Ok, and your age?"

"E-eleven, ma'am," she gently smiled picking her pencil backup and writing down what I told her.

"Okay, now as you're eleven we will need to find you a guardian before we can discharge you," she said as she approached the door, "I'll let the Princess know of the circumstances and there is a guardsmare just outside if you need anything," with those last words she left. I lay there wondering what had just happened was I really on a pre-space planet, could I actually be safe? Those were my only thoughts as I spent the day in my room eating the fruit they gave me looking out the window at the city before me, not as magnificent as Coruscant but beautiful in its own way. Eventually, sleep claimed me as it did all things.

It was easy to wake from my dreamless sleep stretching and letting out a yawn I opened my eyes to glance around and saw a white horse covered in golden regalia with a long horn jutting from its forehead just in front of a tiara, she was sitting off the side of my bed close to the wall instinctively I reached down for my lightsaber, then she spoke.

"I'm sorry if I scared you but you seemed so peaceful in your sleep I couldn't bear to wake you little one," she had a gentle, motherly smile on her face, "I am Princess Celestia ruler of Equestria and raiser of the sun, I humbly welcome you to our great country," she stated with a bow.

Don't Send Me Back

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I was befuddled that a Princess would bow to me, in return, I gave a deep nod of my head, "You can mark my words we will do all we can to get you back to where you came from," those final words filled me with dread visions of clones or Anakin finding and killing me like they did my Master.

"NO!" If the Princess was surprised at my outburst, and of nearly falling out of the bed as I got to the floor in the deepest bow I could, she didn't show it, "You can't send me back, please let me stay here Princess, please please let me stay," she scrutinized me for a bit with a straight face, before placing a hoof on my shoulder.

"Very well little one you can stay," I let out a sigh, "under the condition that one day you tell me why you fear your home so much," a shaky breath was my only hesitation.

"Of course, Princess I will tell you when the time is right," she smiled once more and a yellow glow surrounded her horn before my robes and saber were levitated to me. When I finished getting dressed I held my saber in my hands the curved black cortosis alloy hilt, it felt good to hold, something to remind me that I am a Jedi and those values should be held. Clipping my saber on my right side I walked to the door took a deep breath and opened it. The Princess stood to the right with a small group of guards, she was talking with the nurse presumably about finding a good guardian for me. Stepping up to the Princess I gave a slight bow before rising.

"Oh, Sasha you're already dressed, fantastic Nurse Flare and I were discussing your temporary guardian," Princess Celestia said while kneeling down to my level, "Now, I do have to ask what is that object on your side, the mare who pulled you to safety said you were holding on to it?" I couldn't tell her the truth of it being a weapon, I had to think upon Master Jungjoya's words.

"It's a symbol of peace and balance that many people craft themselves," A lie, but only barely, she giggled and stood back to her hooves before placing a wing on my back.

"That's lovely Sasha, now Nurse Flare will take you to meet your guardian," she gave a light encouraging push against my back. Motivated by the push and the happiness she radiated I nearly skipped after the nurse. It was a short and boring walk Nurse Flare was clearly preoccupied, I didn't need to use the force to realize that. We finally reached the exit where I saw a dark-furred mare sporting a pair of mynock like wings, squinting in the sunlight.

"Now, I know she looks intimidating," The Nurse stated while gesturing towards the mare, "but that's Guardsmare Cereus she's the one who pulled you away from the wreckage hasn't left the hospital since then, the Princess and I both thought she would be a good guardian," I approached the mare without hesitation, having stepped up to her I stretched my arm out.

"My name is Sasha Lessa, thank you for saving me," she smiled looking up at me and placed her hoof in my hand and shook it.

"Nice to meet you, Sasha, I'm Corporal Cereus of the Royal Equestrian Solar Guard and your guardian for the time being," her smile grew as she talked to me, "So you aren't scared or intimidated by me, most creatures are," her fangs glinted in the sun as she spoke but all I could do is giggle much to her annoyance.

"You're less intimidating than a mynock and they aren't all that intimidating in the first place," after a quick thought I decided to add to my statement, "well after the initial scare they aren't intimidating," she tilted her head before shaking it and motioning with her hoof.

"Come on Sasha let's go home," she began her walk with her head high before quickly lowering it when the sun hit her eyes. The rest of the trip back to her house was filled with her disgruntled mumbling about forgetting her glasses.

An allowance?

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Her house wasn't much of a looker on the outside with a sheet of plastic attached to part of the third floor, I must have hit her house on my down, the inside was a different story, "I've never been in such a beautiful and large house," the temple may have been my home but a house it was not. She beamed at the compliment; while taking it all in I noticed a set of golden armor held on a stand it was similar to the other guards I had seen but a few minor differences were noticeable. "Ma'am, why are there slits at the front of your helmet?"

"What was that?" She asked before turning and seeing what I was inspecting, "oh, those are to keep my visor in line if you couldn't tell I'm visually sensitive to light," she sighed while shaking her wings, "that's the reason the walls are such a dark color had them restained when I bought the place," she went about getting linens from a closet. "If it's an issue I'll be able to at least repaint your room," she wanted me to be comfortable, I shook my head.

"No thank you, ma'am, it'll be fine I don't want to intrude too much," She smiled at me before motioning with a wing to follow her up the stairs. Only going down the second-floor hall a little she opened a door leading to a room with Mandolorian accommodations. A dresser stood against a wall directly across from the door and in the opposite corner stood a bed just large enough for me.

"I know it's not much but it is yours and you can fashion it any way you want I'll even take whatever you want out and bring whatever you want in," she seemed nervous fidgeting slightly, "Well let's get your bed made and we can get something to eat, sound good to you Sasha?" I gave a quick nod, we went and got my bed made in no time. She made sure to throw a pair of sunglasses on before we headed out, "Anything you want in particular Sasha?" She asked pulling her glasses down slightly to look at me, "Hay burgers, fruits, vegetables, or something else?"

"Whatever you want is fine, ma'am, I won't complain," the smirk she gave me seemed a bit too knowing and a little scary. She led me to a very simple looking building with a simply engraved door, she glanced down towards me before knocking and rasping her wing against the engravings. The door opened with a tall stallion blocking the doorway, a frown stowed upon his face.

"Corporal Cereus, you do know we don't require a secret knock anymore right?" he stated motioning for us to enter, "we are a restaurant open to the public now, not the 'secret' club we used to be." His horn ignited lifting two menus before walking through the rows of tables, chatter slowly ceased as everything in the restaurant turned to watch us walk across the floor, to watch me. My discomfort wasn't important, I just wanted to eat and leave. When we finally got seated and Cereus ordered drinks and an appetizer, a feathered creature that reminded me too much of Senator Taa approached.

"Madam, I can't help but notice, that exotic creature you have brought with you," a cat-like tail snaked its way from behind him, "may I inquire how many coins you would like, in order to part with it?" silver feathers fluffed and reflected what limited light there was; as I attempted to shrink out of view reading the menu when Cereus leaped onto the table bearing fangs.

"She's not for sale and anyhow it's illegal to sell sapient creatures," she was actually approaching the creature. Realization crashed upon him as he backpedaled, "I could have you arrested for even suggesting such a thing," she gave a quick glance to me, "but I'm feeling nice today, just pay your bill and leave."

The creature coughed before speaking up, "Of course my Lady deepest apologizes, I did not realize it-," brown eyes widened as he said that word, "SHE! She was sapient, I will take my leave now," he turned to his left and dropped a bag on his table as he left.

Cereus settled down once more a little closer to my side, "Nobles, they always talk without thinking," her wing stretched out wrapping around my back as she brought her menu up, "so anything on the menu catch your fancy?" She asked as I further braced into her wing, "I know most of these are fish-based, but there are plenty of vegetarian dishes available,"

"I think I'll have the salmon ma'am if it doesn't cost too much," she smiled and bumped her shoulder against me.

"Little carnivore on our hooves huh," she chuckled, "good thing the butcher and I have a good relationship," the waiter came shortly after with our drinks and appetizer and took our order. Cereus sat there chewing on the hay fries she offered to me I elected to nurse my water, "So how much do you want for your weekly allowance?" I choked.

"That won't be necessary ma'am," she started to say something, "Really, I never had money before I can manage without it now," she seemed baffled.

"Well, that's changing starting tomorrow, you're going to get ten bits tomorrow, and another ten every week afterward," I opened my mouth to protest, "and that is final young lady," I kept my mouth shut till our food came.


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The silence of lunch was interrupted only by my questions and her answers, I learned much. The senator Taa wannabe was a Griffin and that there were many other sapient creatures on the planet that strangely enough all evolved here. Cereus was a Bat Pony, one of the rarer breeds other than her there were Pegasi, Unicorns, Earth Ponies, and the royal Alicorn. I also discovered that the planet was named earth and was the center of the system orbited by unstable celestial bodies which required magic to stabilize. We finished lunch after my knowledge search and went back to Cereus' house.

"So, how was your home planet?" She asked as she laid across the couch resting her head on her forelegs.

"I didn't get to see much of it, I was stuck inside most of the time," she frowned at my answer.

"Were your parents ashamed of you or something?" I couldn't help but laugh.

"No, I didn't even know my parents,"

"What were you kidnapped, is that why you ran?" she was panicking, Jungoya always told me to reassure people with the truth, it was the best way to calm one.

"No, ma'am I wasn't kidnapped and I don't want to talk about why I left, I'm not ready for that. But I will say that my parents gave me to the people who raised me," this did thankfully calm her down but she was still worriedly biting her lip.

"Okay I understand that you don't want to talk about why you ran away but just know I'm here for you and that you can trust me," it was nice knowing I had someone to trust, but the healing hadn't begun yet, "So how about we get off this dark subject and play a game instead?" she jumped off the couch and went to a cabinet to grab some games for us to play, and play we did till dinner time and she went off to prepare salads. After dinner I told Cereus I was going to my room she waved me off and wished me a good night's rest.

When I shut my door I dropped to my knees and attempted to reach out for guidance but I struggled to clear my mind memories of the clones I slaughtered and the Jedi who didn't make it out. Realizing I would not be able to meditate I choose to neatly fold my robes on the dresser and place my saber in the middle, and drift off to hopefully a dreamless sleep, realized my Hope's would not.

It was strange I was in the temple, but I wasn't I did however witness the clone troopers slaughter Jedi and Skywalker killed everything in his path I saw the look of betrayal on the younglings faces, I saw Master Ti be impaled seemingly accepting her death. As Skywalker turned towards me I became very real, fire engulfed him, his eyes turned yellow, and his breathing slowly became mechanical as dark armor engulfed him he approached me igniting a red lightsaber. Several Jedi appeared to fight him, he cut a path through them, he raised his saber and brought it down before a field flashed and prevented it from striking me he attempted several more times. Fed up he leaned down his voice deep and assisted, "I will find you, you will not live Jedi," I felt something wrap around me.

"It's okay Sasha, I'm here," Cereus' voice cooed from behind me as I jolted from sleep and attempted to run, her legs wrapped around me and a wing draped over my side holding me in place. I cried into her forelegs as she reassured me that she was there and she wasn't going anywhere, "You were screaming and thrashing is there anything I can do?"

"C-Cereus I need to see the Princess in the morning," I choked out, her legs wrapped tighter around me.

"We can go right now, if it's important she won't mind," She got up and helped me to my feet wiping some tears from my face before I got dressed, clipping my saber to my belt we left for the palace. It was a beautiful building I just wish I was visiting under better circumstances. There were bat ponies clad in dark purple armor patrolling the walls the ones at the gate stopped us, Cereus showed them a badge, after inspecting it the stallion snorted and passed us through. We walked through the winding halls slowly the guards changed from bat ponies to unicorns in golden armor. The door we stopped at was guarded by two with patrols passing intermittently.

"The Princess is sleeping, you'll have to wait till morning Corporal," The mare stated without even looking at us.

"Seargent, Sasha needs to talk to the Princess, I have reason to believe it's vital," Cereus stepped in front of her. The Seargent looked us over before sighing, and telling us it better be important, since the Princess had to overview some trials in the morning. She walked into the Princesses room for a few minutes before exiting and telling us to go in.

Princess Celestia was elegantly sitting behind a desk, it looked she had been up for quite while. She smiled softly while gazing at us, "Sasha, Seargent Shield informed me that you have something important to tell me," her smile faded as she saw my shaking.


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"Sasha are you okay?" The Princess looked at me before shifting her attention to Cereus, "Corporal what happened?" Cereus opened her mouth to speak but I cut her off.

"Princess I wish to tell you why I don't want to go back," Cereus and the Princess worriedly looked at me, Princess Celestia looked like she wanted to say something but I made sure to continue before she had the chance, "I was part of a group known as the Jedi, recently we were drawn into a war and the Council of Masters believed that a group known as the Sith were behind the war," I stopped to breathe and calm my heart rate, Princess Celestia took this opportunity to speak.

"Sasha this is clearly difficult for you to speak about, you can wait longer to tell me," a smile graced her face, she didn't understand so I would make her.

"This can't wait Princess the safety of your world may depend on you knowing this information!" I shouted at her, her expression hardened becoming stoic, "One of the Jedi knights Anakin Skywalker became a Sith and led an assault on the temple, he slaughtered everyone including my Master who gave his life for me," I couldn't control the tears anymore, wiping my face with my sleeve I continued "I had a vision Princess, I was back in the temple when Anakin started to slaughter everyone even, even the younglings then he came for me but he couldn't kill me, so he told me he'd find and kill me," the Princess looked down at me before sighing.

"Sasha, this is very serious information you have brought to me, and I am proud that you did," she stepped from behind her desk and laid down, "However there is little we can do at the moment until we discover how you came here," I nodded, "We will do all we can to keep you safe, go relax, clear your mind, and sleep young one you've been through so much," the Princess placed a hoof on my shoulder before she went to her door, "Sergeant, do you mind watching over the Corporal and young Sasha for the night? They'll just be in that room there," I heard a muffled yes Princess before Cereus and I were ushered out and to a room next to the Princess'. Sleep I did not, meditation however I managed after a few hours, serenity coming to terms with what I did, it is what Jungjoya would have wanted. I allowed the force to flow through me as a river flows across its bed. I jumped when I felt a hoof on my shoulder, it was morning and Cereus seemed worried.

"What were you doing Sasha? you were barely breathing," her wing wrapped around me.

"I was meditating ma'am I guess I just entered a force trance, Master always said it was difficult to perform but it would make one feel rested," she smiled before hooking my arm with her thumb and lifting me up.

"Go take a shower, I'll have your robes perfumed, then we'll go for a walk around the palace gardens," she told me

The water was warm and the soap smelled of roses I didn't realize how sore I was until the water hit me. I let the steam ease my muscles and fill my nose. When I finished enjoying my shower I stepped out and looked about the bathroom spotting a small package that was addressed to me I opened it from a distance with the force, I was happy to find it was only a toothbrush and toothpaste, brushing my teeth I stepped into the room wrapped in a towel only to have Cereus brush by me to take her own shower my robes were neatly folded on the bed. When I finished getting dressed Cereus had finished her shower and motioned for me to follow her out the door which I did with glee.

The palace gardens were wonderful so many different flowers were in bloom it was peaceful Cereus joined me as I laid on my back closed my eyes and let the scents engulf my nose and put me at peace until an explosion rang through the city; jolting up I moved to the open to better see what was happening I saw a few guards standing and comforting some younglings. The tower they were next to began cracking at the top when a large green and purple creature burst through the ceiling causing debris to fall towards them reaching my hands out I pushed the force towards the pieces hoping to stop the tragedy, "RUN!" I screamed at them gritting my teeth and shutting my eyes to better focus on keeping the debris afloat, "YOU HAVE TO MOVE!" the weight of the debris was beginning to tax me. Suddenly the weight was gone, opening my eyes and falling to my knees to catch my breath I saw the guards running towards me with the younglings on their backs, looking at the debris I saw the yellow glow of the Princess' magic she looked at me before entering the tower. Taking deep breaths I sat there while the guards further consoled the younglings for I imagine different reasons, Cereus eventually sat next to me.

"Did you stop the debris, Sasha?" Cereus' voice was a comforting one to hear, "That's impressive didn't know you could do magic," that irked me just a bit, with a glare I told her.

"The force, not magic ma'am, it's different," she snorted before wrapping a wing around me bringing me into a hug.

"I'm sure your Master would have been proud Sasha," I smiled and threw an arm around her barrel returning the hug. We just sat there enjoying the sound of crumbling stone with our eyes closed.

"That was most impressive Sasha, Cereus and I were thinking about sending you to a normal school," Princess Celestia had landed next to us, "But if you decide I believe you'd do just fine at my school," Nodding I untangled myself from Cereus and gave the Princess a bow.

"If I must go to school I'll endeavor to thrive at your school," she smiled and motioned for me to rise and turned around heading back towards the palace.

"I really should get that exam hall built at the school," she said looking at the damage. Looking around I couldn't see any sign of the creature that broke the roof, where did it go?


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Two days after the incident and it was the first day of school, Cereus was fussing over every little thing on me, my robes had to be perfectly straight, and the makeshift bag I had needed to be adjusted perfectly.

"Ma'am, it's four in the morning and your shift starts in an hour," Cereus froze and her wings flared.

"Let's get going then, I'll see if I can get off for a while to walk you to school," I let her rant continue as we walked through the empty city streets towards the palace, her gold armor reflecting the street lamps lights and the dawn light cresting over the city walls, the only sound was the clanking of her helmet against the rest of her armor. "I'll be getting an extended lunch to pick you up, when we get home I'll prepare something and you'll get your homework done and stay either inside or in the yard," her tone changed, "no exploring the city, we'll have plenty of time to do that Saturday," we had finally reached the palace when she said that.

"Yes ma'am I understand," we entered the walls Cereus placed her helmet on her head and flicked down the tinted visor. She gave a sharp salute to Seargent Shield before she was given her orders, turns out after the explosion the royal guard was asked to supplement the local enforcement group to keep the peace. Cereus was posted at the school she practically skipped to her post. In no time at all I was there, my first day of school I couldn't wait to have to do math again in two hours when the school opened.

"Good morning class I'm your teacher for magic history, Ms. Grain Tome," the mare said with a little too much enthusiasm, a bushy brown mane mixed with a high Coruscant accent was what made her unique among the other teachers, "Now we're going to go through the class and have introductions when I say your name come to the front of the class and introduce yourself," she looked down at a list held in her magic, "Blueblood," a white colt with a slicked blond mane walked to the teacher's desk his head held high and a lack of interest plastered his features. A quick sigh and he spoke.

"I am Prince Blueblood, my aunt is Princess Celestia and I have full intention of out showing all of you," cocky and pompous, he was going to be fun. A few students tried to ask questions to Blueblood and he shot them down and went back to his desk. The rest of the introductions went with no one else was quite as rude as Blueblood. Eventually, I was called up.

"Hi, my name is Sasha, and I'm excited to learn with all of you" the questions came quicker than the rest.

"What are you?" One filly asked while another youngling hidden by the mass asked what kind of freak I was.

"I'm a Twi'lek, and we come in many colors too," the others were just as easy to answer. "It's a symbol of peace and balance," I was a bit nervous before, "Oh they're called lekku," then Blueblood asked a question.

"Surely a beast like you can't use magic and you aren't even a unicorn why are you even here?" Ms. Tome seemed upset but didn't do anything when she heard my answer.

"Well the Princess requested I come to this school," a slight blush crept across his muzzle and he crossed his forelegs, he was flustered good. The class was interesting and short interesting in that it took a minimum of 10 unicorns to stabilize the sun orbits for only three hours, short that the class only lasted half an hour. My next class was math and not the simple stuff either it was full algebra, I thought I had an edge with the star travel, but that was more trig than algebra the younglings in my class did better, I got a C. Lunch was a different story in all of Cereus' fussing she didn't think to make a lunch, I got in the line and got a fruit bowl, I only got two bites in when a colt knocked it off the table with their magic. I let out a sigh before standing up to clean up the mess.

"It really is a beast going to eat the food off the floor," high Coruscant accent not Blueblood's though, turning around I saw a red colt a mocking smile sprawled across his face, "or are you cleaning it up like the help?" I did my best to ignore him but he kept stepping in front of me, "What too much of a coward to defend yourself, fitting for an abomination like you," I reached with the force gripping his rear leg and pulled he fell to the ground.

"You really should watch where you're going, you could fall and hurt yourself," I told him before I threw away my fruit, such a waste, he got up and ran off, I meditated for the rest of lunch that is until the colt came back with a teacher.

"That's the one that attacked me, Mrs. Feather," the teacher looked at me.

"Is this true?" she already had her mind made, trust her own people I understand.

"I didn't attack him, I tripped him when he wouldn't leave me alone or stop insulting me so I could throw away my food that he knocked off the table," she snorted and rolled her eyes.

"Classroom 36-b after school ends, now run along to your next class," I took a deep breath as I left the cafeteria. The next class was Equestrian literature, we were given books to read and write a report on two hours of reading, Equestria an abridged history. My last class, I was looking forward to, spell casting basics a class the Princess taught. That's when I learned that magic required a focus, and that spell casting required equations to be memorized along with an incantation. We spent the first hour going over the light spell we were going to cast, then the next hour were ponies practicing.

"Sasha you're next," I gulped walked to the front of the class, and attempted to cast the spell, I brought forth the equation and said the incantation, a few seconds later I opened my eyes to the laughing faces of the class, "Sasha, you seemed to be adept with magic what's wrong today?" I looked at the Princess, Shame welled up inside.

"I don't use magic, I use the force there's a difference," she wanted to say something I once again wouldn't let her speak, "the force doesn't use equations and incantations, it uses focus and serenity," she smiled and nodded picked up some papers and distributed them to the class.

"Class dismissed I expect to have your homework turned in Wednesday as soon as you step into class," I sighed and began to make my out, "Sasha I'd like you to stay for a little," her voice was gentle as always I turned around and stood infront of her desk, "Sasha, I believe you in that you don't use magic, however, there have been non-unicorns who have been capable of spell weaving, rare but they existed," she took a sip of tea, "If you can find a focus you should be able to focus surrounding mana," she took a deep breath, "I know I didn't talk about this during class but that's because the rest of the students already know, unicorns and alicorns can hold a reservoir of mana, which is the reason most ponies can't cast spells without the reservoir they have to force mana from around them into a focus, it's not easy and can have catastrophic results," Mrs. Feather cleared her throat after the Princess finished her lesson.

"Princess forgive my intrusion, but I need to take Sasha to my class for detention," the Princess looked at me then nodded to the mare. Mrs. Feathers' classroom was bare there was nothing on the walls, not even a carpet and that red bone-headed nerf herder didn't get detention. One hour of sitting in a room doing math, then Cereus walked in she looked miffed, "Detention is over; Ms. Cereus I expect you to discipline your daughter, so she doesn't attack students for no good reason," switching her focus to the teacher she simply stated.

"I will Mrs. Feather don't you worry," she then looked back at me, "and don't you open your mouth until we get home and have a nice long talk about this," I kept my head down as Cereus marched me back to her house. When we got back she had me sit on the couch, "What were you thinking attacking another student on your first day?"

"I didn't attack him I tripped him after he provoked me, he knocked my food off of the table and then he insulted and blocked my path when I was trying to throw away the trash, I told Mrs. Feather and she didn't seem to care!" Cereus was still angry, I could sense it was towards someone else.

"That little snot lied and the teacher didn't even care," she wasn't happy at all, she stamped her hoof on the floor, "I'll have a talk with Mrs. Feather in the morning as for you," one of wing extended to point at me, "you're still grounded, from something I'll figure out later," grounded I was which just meant no exploring the city that weekend.

After a few months of school, foal protection services visited to interview me and Cereus. They wanted to take me to a different family so I'd have a better home life, I declined and begged to be left with her. Cereus was ecstatic when it was determined I was staying with her, she filled out the necessary adoption papers, and then it was official I was the daughter of a bat pony, with the papers signed she became even more attached to me hugging me whenever she had the chance and telling me how proud she was and that she loved me; it felt nice.

I was still bullied for the rest of the school year I avoided confrontation as much as I could but sometimes they would catch me outside of school just to tease me never anything physical. As much as their words hurt I knew retaliating again would pull me towards the dark side. The next year started with The Princess handing out permission slips to visit some caves near the badlands. Cereus was more than happy to sign the slip saying it would be a good chance for me to explore outside of the city.

The day came and my fellow students and I climbed onto the train Princess Celestia herself was overviewing the field trip Cereus was watching over my section of the class with a few chaperones.

"Maybe we'll see your real family of freaks while we're there so you can live with them instead of sullying Canterlot," my red bully said sitting next to me, I never learned his name and I wasn't going to today. I stood up and walked over to Cereus, I stayed with her for the rest of the train ride.

Mana Caves

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The badlands were hot, and it took a few days to reach where we were, "Okay, so students will be split into groups of 3, Blueblood, Sasha, and Twilight will be in my and Corporal Cereus' groups," I didn't really listen to the Princess after that I just moved to my group, Cereus went over some rules and she pulled out flashlights passing them to us, "So students do you know why these caves are so unique?" the Princess asked having finished splitting the younglings into their groups, "some two hundred or so years ago, a few groups of mages got into a battle, many spells backfired that day and has left these caves saturated with mana, legends say some of the mages absorbed so much mana that they still roam the caves to this day, spooky huh?" I began to chuckle soon followed by Blueblood which evolved into bellied laughs, Twilight really tried to hold it in, but she too devolved.

When we entered the caves proper it became clear we probably wouldn't need the lights there were glowing Crystal's lining the walls and ceiling the Princess was more happily giving off facts about what we passed. As we went deeper I slowly became uneasy, something was wrong here, only I seemed to be aware, however, chalking it up to nothing I continued to walk, "Sasha, did you hear, the Princess said these crystals were popular for making new mana focuses maybe we can snag one on the way out?"

After I shrugged the suggestion off with a maybe, we continued through the caves for a while longer when the floor broke beneath me with a yelp I began to slide down a crystal tunnel I was shortly set down at the end. Sighing I stood up and dusted off my new clothes before I was pushed back down to the ground, "Sorry about that, but you were in the way," Blueblood had landed on me, Looking back up the slide we came down I could see crystal quickly forming.

"Well looks like we're stuck together, and there's only one way to go," Blueblood attempted to take the lead, placing a hand on his back I told him, "If the legends are true I should take the lead," he had no objections to that, taking the lead we headed down the tunnel slowly the glowing crystals began to disappear, drawing my flashlight I noticed the surfaces changed from crystal to a gnarled black.

Moving further into the dark corridor I heard a small whimper and felt a pull on my robes, turning around I saw Blueblood facing away from me, "Sasha where did the tunnel go?" his voice was shaky, shining my light past him I saw a wall from where we came from. Soon after my light started to flicker Blueblood pulled his out and attempted to turn it on, eventually the only illumination we had was the icy glow of Bluebloods' horn. Heavy steps reverberated off of the walls, mechanical breathing reached our ears, I saw Bluebloods ears lay flat across his head, then I heard the voice.

"I said I would find you Jedi, I already killed the other three now it's just you two," the sound of a saber igniting was what I needed to jump into action turning around I drew my saber but was pushed back against the wall before I could flick the switch, then I saw the red going for my companion. I lept to my feet and forced red to meet magenta, the sound of sabers making contact made Blueblood snap out of his stupor and he ducked between us running further into the cave, I quickly pushed Anakin away running after the colt. I caught up to him before he ducked into a split.

"We need to keep moving we'll go down the left," he nodded before his hooves jumped and to his neck and he began to struggle for air, looking behind me I saw him holding his hand out, I brought up my saber and rushed Skywalker, I swung and he blocked, thankfully I heard the exasperated coughs and inhales from Blueblood, Anakin and I continued our duel his strikes had more power behind them so I dodged he would block, I realized our duel had led down one of the paths. I was becoming exhausted and he continued to attack without so much as a hint of stress.

"You are most impressive, now release your anger and embrace the dark side it's the only way you'll defeat me," Anakin was toying with me this entire time, trying to tempt me into falling. He thrust out his hand forcing me back I lost grip of my saber and slid across the ground before I slipped off the side of a cliff gripping a rock a few feet down Anakin stood at the edge looking down on me, "A fitting end for a failure of a Jedi and a coward to boot," I blinked away tears and felt the stone I held onto become slick with my blood, reaching out with force I felt where my saber lied pulling it towards me I forced myself up the side of the cliff and flipping over Anakin I grabbed my saber mid-air landed and turned around to strike him down only to make contact with his saber. Keeping the pressure against him I used the force once more to reach the switch of his saber and deactivate it, "what," that was the last thing I heard out of him before his head fell to the ground, his body collapsing shortly after.

"A fitting end for a traitor," I said turning my saber off and hanging it off my robes once more. The black material shifted into the glowing crystals once more and I saw Skywalkers' body slowly dissipate, I followed the tunnel back to where I left Blueblood still sitting there his head came up slowly. Upon seeing me standing there he galloped to me and wrapped his forelegs around me.

"Thank harmony you're okay Sasha," I stood still my hands above my head, "what not much of hugger Sasha?" I laughed a bit, it seemed that maybe he would be my first friend.

"No, I just don't want to get blood on your coat," he started to laugh with me, "come on let's get out of here," his laughing stopped a few tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Do you think he was lying about what happened to the others?" his fear became more evident as he fell to rump. I aimed to dismiss those fears.

"Yes, I think he was lying," I'd tell the Princess what happened when we got out, as I stood there feeling for whichever path would lead us to safety I felt the blood flowing down my face, one thing at a time though, "The center path is where we need to go, come on Prince," Blueblood followed close behind me soon the blood was rolling over my eyes. When we finished marching we had come out of the cave. Wiping some blood from my eyes I saw the rest of the class on the surface, a group of guards exited from one of the mouths shaking their heads, then I saw her sitting on the ground shaking and crying. I ran to her only one word came to mind, "MOM!" her head shot up before she galloped to me and swept me into a hug.

"Sasha, sweetie you're covered in blood what happened to you?" she asked as she nuzzled me, "Was it Blueblood did he hurt you?" I began to laugh and cry.

"No, mom Blueblood and I were attacked, by-," I was cut off by Blueblood.

"It was a black monster with a glowing red sword and Sasha pulled out a glowing sword too and fought him off to protect me," for a colt who was so scared before he seemed excited now, "it was so cool, he was all like 'I found you' and she was all like 'no you don't I'll defeat you' and then they fought and I ran before she found me and told me which way we were going when I started choking the big monster was using magic to use it," all I wanted to know is if he was going to breathe, "she ran at him with her glowing sword and then they fought down a tunnel and I got scared she wouldn't come back, but then she did and she was bleeding and was nice enough to not get blood on me," mom just sat there blinking before her mouth opened.

"Perhaps we should talk to the Princess about this," she said, looking at the rest of the approaching group approaching a worried Princess Celestia following just behind a medical guard. The stallion stopped and asked my mom to step aside so he could check my injuries.

"Sasha my name is Quick Clot and I'm going to make sure you're okay," he said quietly while looking at my head," don't worry despite how much it's bleeding it's superficial," moving his inspection away from my head to my hands, "There are pieces of stone embedded in your hands, we'll need to flush them," he told me while lifting a squirt bottle, "this is saltwater so it's going to sting a little," the first spritz did sting but I saw the blood and black stone flow out when the last pieces were flushed out I saw the golden glow of the Princess wrapping my hands in gauze as my head began to sting from the saltwater the gauze lifted and began to wrap my head drying as she wrapped. Enjoying the sensation of not being attacked by a Sith I froze and swatted at the gauze as she began to wrap my lekku, a look of worry crossed through everyone.

"They're really sensitive, it's a special thing all Twi'leks have," my statement didn't seem to calm them all that much. I grabbed the gauze and finished gently wrapping the top of my head avoiding my lekku, "Princess I need to talk to you about what happened in the caves," her worried look shifted to one of curiosity, as she glanced at the shards of rock that were flushed behind out of my hand, picking a shard up in her magic she placed it in a bag.

"I have a theory as to what happened down there, but we'll have to wait till we get back to Canterlot for me to confirm it," she looked back up, "do tell me later when we have some privacy, alright my little ponies it's time for us to start heading back to dodge junction," when I got up to follow the rest of the class, I was suddenly lifted into the air before being settled on my mom's back.

"You've been through enough sweetie, I'll carry you for the rest day, ok?" I just leaned foward and let my arms go limp around her neck. The March to the camp was a blur, as I drifted to sleep.


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I woke up laying against mom, the Princess sipping on some tea in front of me, "So Sasha if you are ready to tell me what happened I'm listening," she said while pouring a new cup of tea and offering it to me. I made way to her taking the tea in my hands I took a sip. I told the Princess everything that happened, only stopping to sip my tea. She listened intently, a frown visible throughout my tale she didn't speak until I finished, "I am happy that you two are safe," there was a but coming, "however I'm disappointed that you would lie to me about the 'symbol' you carry, it was a weapon this whole time and you've been carrying it in my school without letting me know,"

"I didn't lie Princess, a Jedi's lightsaber is a symbol of peace and balance, it is only to be used as a weapon when we have no other choice like at that time, I have used my saber a total of two times since I've been here, both to save my life or the lives of others," I stood up and turned to leave, "Good night, Princess," with that I left the tent and meditated on the outskirts of the camp till morning.

The travel back to Dodge Junction was quicker, then heading to the caves, not by much we went straight to the station and boarded the train back to Canterlot, I sat down in a seat and looked at the soaked bandages around my hands. None of the students bothered me for the trip, a guard did tell me the Princess wanted to see me, begrudgingly I stood up and walked to her car. She was sat on an exquisite gold-lined bench, "Sasha the reason I sent for you is that I want to see what your lightsaber looks like," she looked at the hilt on my hip, "so will you show?" her question was simple and easy to do. Pulling my saber from the clip a hum filled the car as the blade formed. Her eyes focused on the way I held it to the side, keeping the tip from making contact with anything, a quick flick of the switch allowed the natural light to take over once more, "Fascinating and Jedi don't use these as weapons often?" Looking to the side I answered truthfully.

"Recent events in the galaxy forced the Jedi to wield their lightsabers more when they became generals and commanders," she had sympathetic look in her eyes, "My master told me to never go anywhere without my saber, that just brandishing the hilt could be an effective deterrent to would-be attackers he also said that my saber is my life,"

"I see Sasha, I've seen that you are very well behaved, I may not like it but I run a school of unicorns I suppose a laser sword is the least of my worries," her statement ended with her laughing, the whole situation was amusing I suppose, I did just tell her that I was a military officer attending a younglings school, I soon joined the Princess in laughing, "In all seriousness however I sent for you to show me your lightsaber, I believe I should share my suspicions about what happened to you in that cave," she spread a wing motioning me to take a seat, "when I saw the rock that was in your hands, I noticed it looked like a specific type of crystal that's created by a school of dark magic that focuses on affecting one's mind," I felt the tears pull at the side of my eyes, "What you described was an extremely powerful spell of that school, strong enough to create physical manifestations," my breathing became shallow, noticing this the Princess was quick to add to her information, "I have never seen a single mage capable of casting one this powerful, I believe this situation was only possible in the mana caves, you'll be able to sleep well knowing this spell isn't castable, will you not," I nodded giving my farewell to the Princess and going back to my groups car. Perhaps magic and the force were more similar than I first thought fundamentally at least.

That's life

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"The fight between the mages in the badlands used a lot of dark magic and corrupted a small area of the caves, the fear spell that was present was extremely powerful but was also extremely fragile, so when you defeated the manifestation of Anakin you purified the area of dark magic," a whole year passed since the Princess told me that and Blueblood and I became close friends he would ask me to hang out, we went to the arcade, one of the few things I used my allowance on, and his mom hated me. She would go on about how a beast like me had no business in her home much less Canterlot she got on my nerves at first until I saw Blueblood mocking her from behind, it was difficult to keep a straight face but I managed.

"Sasha, come downstairs I have some stuff for you to read," sighing I got up and let Blueblood know I'd be back soon. When I reached the base of the stairs mom had some newspaper clippings in her mouth, taking them I saw they were help wanted ads. I looked them over with disinterest before selecting an aid position for an upcoming model. Running back upstairs I was disappointed to find Blueblood tried to cheat, I hate monopoly.

Walking through the wealthier districts this late in the day I had a distinct feeling I wasn't welcome, the place I was going to was one of the few businesses in this area, starlight designs. The moment I stepped through the door I knew I wasn't getting hired there were unicorns holding towers of resumes; I had the charm that didn't exist. I sat in the back after checking in, mares and stallions went into the back just to come out in tears, I was called up taking a deep breath I walked through the door. A young white mare sat behind the desk she seemed frazzled, bloodshot eyes looked up at me and with a shaky voice asked, "If I told you to hit a pony would you do it?" I was taken aback.

"No, why would you even ask that?" she let out a sigh of relief.

"You're hired, all of those ponies just wanted to please me, you however not only denied but questioned me," her accent was like that of most Twi'leks I had heard, "I'm Fleur de Lis, and you are?" Her voice had stopped wavering when she asked with her hoof outstretched, gripping it and giving a firm shake I told her.

"Sahsa Lessa at your service," a smile crossed both of our faces.

The next day after school is when orientation began, the job was going to be simple enough I would pretty much only be grabbing what Fluer needed before and after photoshoots. That Saturday however I needed to be on my A-game she said it was her first photoshoot and my chance to not mess up. The day was easily done, I got her water and even went above by giving her a massage at the end of the day, she appreciated that.

The next few months were a struggle, between school, work, and hanging with Blueblood I was even given the responsibility of helping Fleur with her schedule. I was bringing Fleur some water during an interview when I heard it, "So Fluer how does it feel to be the youngest model of this caliber at fifteen years of age?" she was only two years older than me.

"Flatteur really I never thought that just earlier this year I would fall down a hill into a photoshoot and land a job," when she looked to her right her horn ignited taking the glass from my stunned grip, "Thank you, Sasha," the interview continued on with a similar line of questions and gradually moved to more personal questions, like if she's dating.

"and really what all of Canterlot wants to know is why did you choose that creature as your aid instead of one of the many unicorns or other Equestrians that applied for the position?" Fleurs' eyes narrowed and she waved me over.

"I hired Sasha because she is a talented beautiful young lady and this interview is over," the mare interviewing her nodded and slowly packed up her things when she left Fleur looked at me, "What else is on my schedule for the day Sash?"

"The interview was your last appointment," She smiled and sighed before going over to her vanity to remove the little makeup she had on.

"Wonderful, I was wondering if you and your mom would like to come to dinner tonight, around six maybe? At my place, 62 moonlight avenue," taking another sip of her water, she turned around, "Well run along and ask your mom," giving her a nod I turned and ran out of the office.

The run home was freeing, I cut through alleys and over small walls even ran atop a few low roofs.

Mom didn't come home till about five I jumped from my seat at the dining room table and leaving what little homework I had behind I went to greet her, "Hey mom, my boss was wondering if we'd join her for dinner tonight in about an hour?" she quickly undid the straps on her armor, tossing it onto the stand.

"I'm going to take a quick shower and get a dress on, please wear your dress, dear!" she shouted while running upstairs. Smiling I walked upstairs to get changed. Removing the vest, white shirt, and slacks I've been wearing since I started growing. Looking through my dresser, I picked out the dress mom insisted I get for formal events. Slipping it on I noticed it was a little shorter than when I got it, wrapping the 'classy' holster around my thigh I attached my saber, I hated it, I left my room looking at just how much it changed since I arrived, pictures of me, mom, and Blueblood hung from the wall, games stacked neatly in a corner, and a desk covered in graded school papers and schedules from Fleur. I thought I'd need to wait for mom, I was wrong mom was already heading down the hall struggling to attach a pair of clip-on earrings, "Come on Sasha, let's go to wherever we're heading," following as fast as I could in the heels I was wearing we were out the door in short order, I locked it and rushed after her

"Mom she lives on moonlight avenue and please slow down these are hard to walk in," she slowed down to a trot and cast an apologetic look back at me. The walk was much better afterward, we were going to be late though, it was six when we reached the avenue, looking at each house as we made our way down we nearly missed it the house was small, a single story and looked to have just enough space for a room, kitchen, and maybe a small dining area. Stepping up I knocked on the door positive I just heard her address wrong.

"Merveilleuse, Sahsa I was worried you two weren't coming, I just finished putting desert together, please make yourselves comfortable," Fleur said waving to a small table, taking a seat I looked around and smelled the fried hay. Fleur exited what I assumed was her kitchen a tray carried in her mana grip and she placed it on the table, "I am so honored to finally meet you, ma'am Sasha doesn't really talk about her personal life at work, so I wasn't expecting a bat pony mais an unexpected mother for my unexpected assistant seems approprié," Fleur finished her statement with a smile as she began to pass out the food.

A Jedi’s Got to Do What a Jedi’s Got to Do

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"So Fleur, this is your home? I was expecting something larger," I asked while nibbling on some of the hay she had provided for us, "and you cook?" she swallowed the mouthful of food she had and answered.

"Oui et oui, I didn't come to Canterlot wealthy I had just enough for a down payment on my house and to keep myself fed for a week, I had no intention of becoming a model when I got here," that statement surprised me she was perfect for a model she was beautiful, "my special talent actually is cuisine not modeling, my family worked for a noble in Prance and one day I decided to cook him a meal, that is when I earned my cutie mark," she had a content look on her face, as she told us, "Mais enough about me," she said looking at mom, "so why did you adopt Sasha, madame?" her question trailed off a bit as she realized she never got moms name.

"My name's Cereus and I adopted Sasha because she's endearing and I just felt a connection when I met her," I felt a bit warm when mom said that, looking at her I crossed my lekku over twice, "you too sweetie," Fleur looked between us before a smile crossed her face.

"I'll get dessert and Sasha you have to teach me some of that sign language," Fleur pranced back to the kitchen after I nodded. I was about to ask mom something when a cup filled with sugar was placed in front of me and flame-filled my vision yelping I fell to the ground just to see Fleur looking at me giggling with a torch in her aura, "Excuses, Sasha I should have warned you what we were having; Crème Brûlée a custard topped with caramelized sugar," she turned her torch to moms desert before shortly moving to her own, "I meant to ask earlier why are you two dressed up?" sighing I looked at mom who blushed.

"I thought this was going to be more formal than it turned out to be," Mom then just began to eat her desert quietly. I decided to ask my earlier question as dinner shifted into a quieter ordeal.

"Mom I just found out Fleur is fifteen how old are you?" Mom looked at me before giggling.

"I suppose I never did tell you I just turned seventeen a month ago," I sat there looking at my food, mom was Fleur's age when she adopted me, Fleur, on the other hand, looked at my mom with a horrified look in her eyes.

"Mademoiselle, you look far too stressed for how young you are we are all going to the spa Saturday, my treat," mom looked at me before shrugging her shoulders, it seemed she wouldn't pass a free spa trip.

Saturday came sooner than I would've liked, the spa we went to was surprisingly welcoming of me there weren't any side glares just welcoming smiles and gentle touches as they worked out the knots in mine and moms back.

"You are tensing up what is the matter with you, relax," the mare with a Catharese accent said pushing harder onto my back I've never felt more exposed my clothes were folded on the table in front of me with my saber sitting off to the side. Looking at mom who seemed to be cooing as the mare over her worked at her wing joints I began to relax a bit more. The rest of the spa was far more relaxing, a warm mud bath, and a sweat in the sauna as I taught Fleur some special lekku signs. She gave me the next two weeks off, I spent the first catching up on the school work I was lagging behind in and proving my superior gaming skills to Blueblood. The second week was more interesting.

"So as flambe has shown us," the Princess said over the gagging and coughing of the class, "when improperly cast, Star Swirls ghost sound spell causes quite the stench," I'd have been laughing at my bully if not for the horrid smell that invaded the classroom. Opening windows the Princess cast a spell that helped filter out the smell. Giving another quick once over of the class she continued her lesson, "The ghost sound spell was the product of Star Swirls research into moments of harmony, based on the looks you are giving me none of you have experienced one yet," straightening herself and letting a serene smile take over her features, "A moment of harmony is in theory when the latent mana in the air becomes charged with emotion from a single or group of creatures, the magic then proceeds to create music and cause the creatures to then break into a song and/or dance typically drawing surrounding onlookers into the routine," finishing a sketch on the blackboard the Princess looked back at us, "Star Swirl theorized that the moments of harmony were caused by chaos magic that became forced into a harmonic string," Blueblood raised his hoof.

"So these moments of harmony are a mind hex has anypony ever been hurt during one?" Chuckling the Princess picked up a quill.

"It is very similar to a mind hex and I don't know of anypony who has been injured in one of these routines, the mana discharge seems, for the most part, to ignore injured or sick creatures, moments of harmony are also rarely seen outside of Equestria, the two most prominent theories are that Equestria simply has more latent mana than other countries, or that the most creatures aren't as open as Equestrians are with their emotions," as the Princess finished her lesson the bell rang, "Okay everypony have a good day and remember next week you are to turn in a twelve hundred word essay on Star Swirls mana theory of non-unicorn uses,"

Confused as to why the Princess used everypony instead of everyone like she normally does, I stayed in my seat. She looked back up from the homework she was grading and smiled, "Perceptive as always Sasha, please come here I have a gift for you," I got up from my desk and slung my bag over my shoulder, and took a seat at the Princess' desk, "I was thinking about you not being able to cast spells and decided to craft you a focus," she presented a small wand elegant and made of dark wood, "go ahead cast a spell," gripping the wand in my hand I held it up closed my eyes and formed the equation.

"Lumos," the word came out clearly opening my eyes I saw a stick held in my hand, the Princess looked at me and shrugged.

"Perhaps you are incapable of casting spells," grading the last paper on her desk she looked back up to me, "a shame really you would have been a great mage, judging by your grades that is, you are second only to Twilight, so in real grades, you are my best student," she stood up and walked to the door, "Well have a good day Sahsa," she said stepping out of the classroom. Leaving the school with my head down I made the walk back to my house. When I got home I went straight upstairs and sat on my bed and let the tears flow, I'd never truly fit in.

"not a mage, not a pony, just a Jedi.
Temptation surrounds me everyday.
I just want to be accepted, I just want to be judged for who I am" I stood up and twirled to my mirror and placed my hand on the reflection.
"The force flows through me but magic does not.
Trapped in a place not my own, welcomed by a few hated by the lot" I quickly moved to the window and shouted my problems. "Please just see me for who I am and not for how I look" falling back to my bed I wept till I fell asleep.

The next few days were a blur I was much more interested in the moment of harmony I experienced even using the moment as the basis of my essay. I did my work at home quietly, mom however was excited when she heard I had a moment, I didn't need to tell her why. We even celebrated the next night by going out to dinner. Then came my first day of work from vacation the first bits of the summer collection were being released and Fleur was the first one booked for the runway, I stood to the side and adjusted the headset I was given as Fluer made her turn on the ramp I started filling a glass with cold water when she finished making her way to the back of the stage I handed her the glass, with a thankful nod she gulped some down before being stripped and placed in a new dress.

The whole show was a wonder watching the mares with their practiced motions even chatting with a few, none were very interested in chatting with me though. After the show Fleur and I were exiting the building with cameras flashing I saw a stallion in between two photographers, horn glowing to the average observer he was simply holding something but I saw a pulse a telltale sign of an offensive spell being cast. Twisting my lekku Fleurs' eyes widened and she stepped behind me. The stallion noticed this and let loose a beam of mana I drew my saber hoping it would deflect the attack. The sharp sound told me it worked and the stallion turned and began to run, "Get inside Fleur you'll be safe there!" I yelled back taking pursuit after the stallion.

The attacker tried to use the alleys to his advantage but soon he noticed he wasn't going to lose me, turning around he cast another mana beam at me I deflected the attack into a nearby wall and continued the chase. Soon he stopped throwing beams of mana at me and just ran, it wasn't long before his horn started to glow again he stopped and turned around raising my saber I prepared for his attack; flame then sprouted from his horn barreling towards me. I jumped to the right to avoid the fire and yelped when my arm got caught I pushed the force in front of me when the wall of fire closed in on me. I stood there putting everything I had into holding the fire back when the wall disappeared, "STAY ON THE GROUND, DON'T YOU DARE IGNITE THAT HORN!" I heard a mare yelling looking towards the source I saw a mare on top of the unicorn pressing down on his withers as a stallion struggled to place something around his horn.

As I lay there trying not to touch the burn on my arm, another mare approached me looking at her I recognized her uniform, "Hi I'm Officer Mint Kick with the Canterlot Metropolitan Police are you okay?" looking at her I motioned to my arm, "By harmony, I'll help you to the hospital," she lifted me up and escorted me to get help. The doctors were quick to see me but told me nothing was wrong it was a minor burn, they rubbed an ointment on the area that helped with the pain and they wrapped it in a bit of gauze. I stepped out of the E.R reattaching my saber to my hip when it felt the two sets of hooves grab onto me.

"What were you thinking young lady running after a pony that just attacked you," Mom's voice cut through the quiet prayer I heard from Fleur.

"What can I say, mom, a Jedi's got to do what a Jedi's got to do," I heard her laugh before Fleur joined in.

"Sasha I shouldn't have let you run after him I was so scared though, I'll get you a new shirt, non a whole new outfit," I just nodded and leaned further into the embrace.

Not a dress please (short)

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"Fleur please not a dress, I need something I can move easily in," she really wanted me to get another dress, "and I need my lightsaber to be easy to get and not on my thigh," giving a sigh she measured my inseam before measuring the rest of my body.

"You are really quite toned Sash," Fleur said before she wrote down the last of my measurements and some notes.

"The body of a Jedi Fleur," I said getting redressed using the force I lifted my vest before slipping into it. I left Fleurs' house following her to the boutique I kept my eyes peeled for any other would-be attackers. The stallion at the boutique knew me well enough it wasn't my first time here, he didn't like having the monster in his store, he snorted when he saw me enter Fleur dropped the notes and a sizable bag of bits on the counter he took the notes and went to the back. We thankfully didn't need to stay long he came out and told her to come back next week.

No more spell class?

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I looked at my schedule for this year confused, I was missing a period, specifically the Princess' class, I'd ask her about it later. The walk to my first class was daring as always doing my best to dodge the bullies, I didn't make it as usual, "Hey there tailhead," I winced as I heard Flambes' voice to my side, "you know Fleur only keeps you around and as a pr stunt right," I barely held in the chuckle when he said that, "it's what she told me during our date last night," I couldn't hold back anymore I nearly fell over laughing as I labored to my class.

"Good morning class today we will be learning about the inventor of modern levitation, he was not a unicorn but was extremely talented in magical theory," Grain Tome was as happy as ever when talking about history, "Wing Leviosa was a pegasus stallion who was active before Star Swirl really became the well-known mage he was, it is even said that Leviosa and Star Swirl worked together on the levitation spell," I wrote my notes completely fascinated with the concept of a pegasus spell smith, I knew about a few non-unicorn spell casters. A red hoof shot up interrupting the lesson.

"Ms. Tome if Leviosa was a pegasus how did he manage to use magic?" Flambe was as usual not the best at paying attention nor at pronunciation.

"It is pronounced leh-vee-OH-sa, not Leviosah, Flambe and he didn't cast spells he made spells due to his understanding of magical theory," Flambe deflated into his seat a bit, "We have looked at non-unicorn spell weavers before, please do pay attention I'd hate for you to fail the final," I could see the again in her eyes as she turned around and continued the class.

The rest of the day was boring no other class held the same interest as history did, lunch involved me grabbing something to eat and sneaking the best I could to the back so no one would mess with me. Final period came and I made my way to the Princess' classroom, I entered the class and took my normal seat when I heard the Princess, "Sasha what are you doing here?" looking up I saw the rest of the class looking at me along with the Princess, "You've completed my class, you're papers last year were good enough for you to not come back this year," I slowly got back up and slung my bag over my shoulder, "Have a good day Sasha," giving a small bow I left the school and made my way home.

After I finished my homework I climbed the stairs to meditate in my room. Allowing the silence to fill me with peace I reached out with the force to lift several items in my room. Focusing on insuring nothing fell was always taxing, good practice, nothing could beat these moments it always made me feel as if I was back on Coruscant with Master Jungoya standing beside me.

"Hey sweetie I picked up some salmon on my way home dinner will ready in an hour," with a yelp I dropped everything in my grip, "Sorry, didn't know you were meditating," after she closed the door I looked at the shattered jar and marbles strewn across the room.

"Sithspit," I said as before I cleaned up the mess. Dinner however made up for the mess, mom made pasta to go with the salmon I looked forward to the rest of the week I had more time for work too. The next few weeks of school were boring and instead of taking on more work, I decided to take an extra class with Grain Tome they were fun I got to learn about different spell smiths throughout Equestrian history. Work was easy no one else attempted an attack Fleur and now and then police were around the buildings, I imagine that was an effective deterrent. The clothes Fleur ordered for me were nice, A grey pullover shirt, a black polished jacket, and a pair of blue pants I thanked her immensely and made sure to get her some of her favorite chocolates for a few weeks.

Throughout the year I learned more about history than I did any of the other subjects and got to spend more time with Blueblood and Fleur. I missed the classes with the Princess but there was nothing I could do about it. However, I would sometimes go see her after school for a short amount of time to talk about more advanced magic and spellcraft. Graduation day finally came and I watched the ponies approach the stage and accept their diplomata to applause it scared me, I knew I wouldn't receive that applause and mom was busy, I was alone. Taking my final steps to the stage I saw Princess Celestia waiting with my diploma in her aura grasping my hand around it I turned to my left and gave a bow to the crowd, as I dipped forward I saw Fleur in the front clapping her hooves together next to mom still clad in armor a single grateful tear rolled down my face.

Great Start to My Vacation

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I stepped into the office on a crisp Friday morning with a single question in mind; just to see a mare giving Fluer some water, "You're here early Fleur," I said taking a seat at the other side of the table and having a swig of coffee, she gave a smile.

"I needed to break in the new aid," I almost choked on the coffee Fleur raised her eyebrow, "surely you have realized you are an assistant now, non?" looking to the side and taking another sip caused Fleur to sigh, "Really? did you think aids took care of schedules Sash?" I let out a snort and a sigh.

"Real shame I've been promoted," I said leaning back and throwing my legs onto the table, "I was thinking about taking some time off and seeing more of Equestria," Fleur started to chuckle bringing a hoof to her mouth.

"Shame really, especially since I don't mind you taking as much time off as you want," she stood up walking around and hugging me, "Have fun on your vacation Sash, see you in due time," giving a quick squeeze back, I got up and headed towards the door, "Your job, however, is not protected," I turned around and gave a quick wave.

Mom was seeing me off, a bag on my back full off clothes and bits, and a ticket to Stalliongrad in my hand. The train ride was worse than the last time probably because I wasn't surrounded by other students, every time a new group got on the train they would sit as far away as possible. A couple of foals around the third day of travel approached me before being quickly whisked up by their mother. I was trying to get some more rest when the train came to a stop.

"Everpony, going to Stalliongrad is going to have to depart here and hike the rest of the way," the conductor said stepping into the cabin standing up and looking around I saw a few other ponies standing up. When we exited the train I noticed how cold it was snow made a thick blanket around us as we approached a group of tents that were set up off the rails. The warmth inside the large tent was welcoming.

"Sorry about pulling you from the warmth of the train," the mare who spoke to us was draped in an officer's uniform a sort of furred pilot's cap on her head, "the tracks at the city are damaged so we were sent out to stop trains from getting to close," she eyed me critically, "we can provide some rations, camping equipment including a communal tent, and a map, "it'll be about a two-day hike to the city."

While we were getting equipment the officer pulled me to the side, "I don't know what you are, but I have a good feeling about you," she said, "I'll be sending a few soldiers with you and your group," her voice was a harsh whisper at this point, "it might have just been poor weather, but we lost a few squads that were heading back to or from Stalliongrad," with that she walked away and pointed a squadron to us.

The hike through the expansive desert of cold was disturbing when I thought on the missing squads, I didn't sleep well that night, something was moving outside but didn't come close enough for me to sense it's true intent, I don't believe it was kind, especially when it scampered off with the first Ray's of light breaching the horizon. When we reached the woods we barely had been walking for ten minutes when I felt something watching us, the soldiers seemed to feel it too.

Are You?

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"so if you aren't a good filly or colt the monster Coover will snatch you up and turn you into glue," his last words were punctuated by one of the soldier mares jumping up from behind and grabbing a colt, the stallion had a delighted chuckle at the fearful screams of the younglings who were huddled up around the campfire and the sharp looks given by their parents towards the two soldiers. Letting a smile take over my face I moved a bit closer to the pit allowing the heat to better envelop me. I struggled however to shake the feeling that something was watching us, I closed my eyes trying to focus on that feeling and where it was coming from.


I was jolted when I heard a filly scream, "NO I'VE BEEN GOOD! PLEASE LET ME GO COOVER LET ME GO!" The soldiers were fast to head towards the scream but I was faster, drawing my saber I saw a mare dragging the screaming filly, they both looked at me, I brought my saber to a point towards the mare.

"Let go of the youngling and turn yourself in or this will become very unpleasant quickly," the mare snarled at me letting go of the filly's leg, I lowered my saber a bit when she turned around and ran through the woods, I gave chase she was quick, I had to duck under branches and jump over some low hanging ones. I was beginning to close the distance between us when a light blue blast of magic shot towards me ducking under it I was just able to catch sight of her spreading a pair of wings and flying up the side of the mountain. What did I just chase?

Turning my saber off I turned around to the horrible realization that I was lost and I couldn't see far enough into the woods to try and make my way back. Taking a look at the mountain the creature flew up I made my way up the side, saber in hand I would stop at the first cave I found. The trek up wasn't too bad the stones were placed in a very stair-like way, I'm positive a few were put into their places.

The cave I found was better than having nothing, igniting my saber once more I used the magenta glow to lead me further in. It didn't take long for me to hear the hiss in front of me. "Come to finish me off well I'm too weak to fight back," the voice had a slight reverb to it the source was a pair of blue orbs in front of me, "Well what are you waiting for kill me," it's voiced wavered as it spoke those last words.

"Get some light so we can talk," I said as gently as I could, the horn of the creature illuminated before igniting a small fire pit between us. I saw it now it looked like a pony but had a black emaciated chitin, blue eyes, and holes in its hooves, "What are you?" I asked lowering my saber once more.

"A monster, just kill me so I won't hurt another pony," it was definitely a she and there were tears rolling down the side of her face at this point. I stood there staring at her and turned my saber off, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING I'M DANGEROUS, KILL ME! KILL ME!" she dropped to her stomach crying, "I'm a monster why won't you kill me?"

Getting down only one thing came to mind, "You aren't a monster, a monster doesn't want to stop," her head raised, "I've seen a true monster he killed out of anger and pleasure," I secured my saber, "you, however, seem to do what you do out of desperation," she was sitting now, "besides I would die if I tried to make my way through these woods alone,"

Her eyes closed and a content smile came across her face, "I see and you've willingly fed me," I raised my brow, "compassion tastes wonderful," the chitin seemed to get a slight gloss as she 'fed'. She soon fell asleep a happy smile on her face, I used this opportunity to get a better look at her before I too slept.


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I awoke to the creature staring at me from the mouth of the cave, "Good morning," which meant she didn't kill me in my sleep, a good step, pushing myself from the ground, I took stock of what was around me a few pieces of jacket laid strewn about the floor.

"Where did these come from?" I asked feeling my saber on my belt.

"Food, I eat then they walk away, I don't know what they do after," she said looking to outside of the cave, "Sometimes I find them laying on the ground cold I killed them I know it," her eyes focused on me, "but not you, you went to sleep and continue to talk to me; now we must go," she said and left the cave, I followed keeping an eye on her.

As we walked through the forest, I realized she probably didn't know what feeding did to the ponies she used, she was ignorant of her abilities. But she had been starving even if she was directly responsible for the deaths of those ponies, I don't believe she could be blamed at least wholly. When we got deeper into the forest I watched her combust, I fell to the ground in a panic looking for a mage in the trees.

"Are you okay?" I looked at where she burst into emerald flames, a mare stood in her place similar to the one I saw last night but a different coat color a puzzled look spread across her features, "I just changed how I look, ponies don't like seeing things like me, monsters," I frowned at her words.

"I'm still not convinced you're a monster," I told her, she tilted her head before moving forward. I caught up to walk at her side, "I never did get your name," she didn't answer just kept moving forward, "do you have a name?" I asked, she just shook her head. As we got further into the thicket she took the lead propper leading me into another cavern.

As the darkness enveloped me echoes bounced from the walls and I felt the hunger, "Stay close to me the cavern dwellers keep their distance from me," I followed closely behind reaching out with the force I was able to see where the hunger was and true to her words they kept their distance backing away and circling waiting for me to fall behind. I placed my left hand on her hind-quarters and unclipped my saber. We continued walking through the dark before she suddenly stopped, "We need to turn back I didn't know she moved," I turned around to head back when the exit collapsed.

"Well, well, well," a feminine voice echoed through the chamber followed by clicking, "what have we here, the bug pony and perhaps a sick minotaur?" several mushrooms began to glow a light blue reminiscent of those from old nuclear reactors. A large spider slowly lowered her legs reaching out striking bones creating a melody.

"Every time the light shines,
I see snacks clearly,
Several ahhs reverberated off of the walls.
The fear betters the taste

I had enough I used the force to strike her with a rock, "OW!" she screamed as the music stopped abruptly, "Why would you do that I wasn't finished with my song," one of her legs rubbed her mandible, "I hadn't even reached the A section yet."

"You have two options here let us pass," I ignited my saber to punctuate my sentence, "or the forest loses a predator today,"

"I won't die to abominations," she dropped to the floor with a thud shaking some loose earth to the ground, "I am the Apex Predator,"

Eight legs & Explosive Actions

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The shifter ran to the side as the spider rushed me, I turned around planting my feet on the wall, and ran up it; springing off I turned midair landing squarely on her back, "Get off me scum," I smiled and thrust my saber down and was nearly knocked off balance as my saber failed to penetrate her white exoskeleton, "You're adorable thinking you could hurt me with that tickle stick of yours," she aggressively turned and slammed herself against the wall knocking me from her back and onto the ground, "I was just going to kill you, but now you're going to suffer!" she leaped towards me drool dripping from her maw. She smacked into the wall as I pushed her away, taking a deep breath I got back to my feet raising my saber once more left hand gripping my hip.

Her left foreleg shot towards me I slashed my saber to deflect the attack, "AWWWW!" I heard her scream first before my chest was impacted by the tarsus, "You insolent little beast, I'll make you watch as I tear your family apart limb by limb," I took a step forward as she stepped back. Taking a more aggressive stance I lifted and slung several stones toward her face in response she ducked and shot a web at me stepping to the side and slashing with my blade I noticed it was particularly strong as my saber bounced off of it, her laughter was cacophonous as she shot more web at me.

Dropping into a slide under another stream of web I jumped to my feet and rushed her, she dodged a swipe and ran up the wall where she started to throw stones at me I couldn't keep up with the volume, a stone struck my arm forcing my saber from my hand, another hit my leg knocking me down a third pinned my arm down holding back a scream I attempted to get my saber when a thin string of web stuck to it pulling the hilt towards the spider where she held onto it with a tarsus. She landed above me, "Not so tough without your little light toy, huh," chuckling followed shortly after her statement, "before I string you up and hunt down your family I want you to watch as I destroy this."

"I would strongly recommend you don't do that," I said struggling to get my arm free of the stone pinning it, she laughed at me as she slowly brought the saber to her mouth starting to crush it. With a final desperate push, I got the stone off and propelled myself directly into the wall bringing my left hand to grip the top of my head I blurrily saw her rushing me I could feel the dents being made in my sabers casing, I got to my feet and began to run dodging every attempt she made to catch me. In my daze, I felt a small hole I dropped onto my left side and slid into it, there was a resounding explosion causing the roof of my hideaway to shake and drop small pieces of debris on me.

"What was that?" Looking to the side I saw the shifter staring at me.

"It was nothing Cavern, only one of the most important things in my life was just destroyed," Tears rolled down my face as I made my way out of the hole, I gripped my right arm and saw the rubble laid strewn about as sunlight shined from above revealing our new exit, I made my way to the remains of the spider, dropping to my knees I reached down and grabbed the heart of my saber that had snapped in half from the force of the blast I placed the halves in my pocket and screamed before a sense of nausea overtook me and blackness filled my vision.

Three times is too many

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There was an annoying beeping that woke me up. Something was in my mouth and down my throat, in a panic, I tried to reach for it but a sharp pain shot through my right arm my pulse increased with the beeping and a small alarm started to go off. Several ponies clad in white burst into the room holding my left arm and legs down, "Sasha, Sasha I need you to calm down," a voice cut through the sound I focused on the red mare my body going limp, "I'm Doctor Garnet, do you want me to remove the tube?" slowly I nodded, her hoof reached forward towards my face eventually I felt something being pulled up and out. The other doctors and nurses slowly left the room.

As the final part of the tube was pulled out I started to cough violently, "What happened, how did I get here?"

Garnet warmly smiled at me patting my leg, "You have been in a coma for the past three days, a Ms. Shift dragged you here from the forest where," she moved to the side and offered me a glass of water, "you protected her from being eaten by a giant spider that had trapped her," I took a few slow sips of my water, "your arm was broken during the fight, you're a very brave pony," I smiled and she gave a smile back before turning around and walking to the door, "There is also a very important pony here to see you."

The officer from the camp brushed past the Doctor, "I was worried you died out there, my troops told me about how you chased some crazed mare into the forest and didn't return," she walked across the room and pulled up a chair with a wing, "I'm Lieutenant Silver Inlay with the Stalliongrad militia," she said while sitting down and getting comfortable, "I do need to ask you some questions about what happened, is that okay?" her voice was gentle as she pulled up a notebook and pen. I gave her a small nod, "Okay first, the mare you were chasing did you ever track her down?"

"I never came across a mare that matched who I saw that night," from a certain point of view I told the truth.

"Alright, do you have any formal military or combat training?" she said while scribbling in her notebook.

Sitting straighter up, I answered. "Yes, the order I belonged to trained me in several forms of combat," that saber got me through a lot.

She gave a satisfied sigh, "Perfect that helps the others with the I.A. investigation, now the giant spider you fought, we were able to find the remains what we want to know, is what you did to it?" her eyes narrowed as he looked at me.

"If you're talking about the damage to her, she blew herself up when she destroyed something of mine," I tried to hold back the tears but I wasn't able to. The lieutenant placed a hoof on my shoulder and finished writing in her notebook putting it away she stood up and spread her wings for a second and walked to the door.

"I'm sure it was important to you, and one more thing the mare, Cavern Shift, we have no records of her citizenship we even reached out to Canterlot Metropolitan, they weren't able to find any records of her," she adjusted her coat and turned to look at me, "she went further than most ponies would dragging you here over 29 kilometers, I imagine she's a close friend when did you two meet?" I smiled and subdued a laugh I knew she wasn't a monster.

"No, we aren't close, I just met her," she nodded wished me well, and walked out the room putting her hat on.

Only good Griffin steel

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"Sasha, I strongly recommend that you stay for a few more days so we can perform some more tests to make sure nothing will pop up," Garnet said as I was filling my discharge papers.

"I'll be fine, doctor, I swear," I said with a swipe of the pen I roughly signed my name and I dropped my bill worth in bits. Stepping out of the door I took a deep breath of the cool Stalliongrad air. Taking in my surroundings I admired the industrialized buildings they made, each one a dark color to collect thermal heat, not a single piece designed without reason. Walking down the winding streets my breaths became wavered as I felt extremely exposed; having to rely on my abilities with the force was a worrying prospect if I was attacked. Several ponies were more than happy though to point me to the market, I needed a weapon.

"Well, little one you're in the wrong place the toy stall is right there," The Minotaur running the weapons stand told me while laughing to himself.

I decided I'd rather kick myself out of a situation than give him money. Turning and walking away I saw a filly that was carrying too much for her small frame, and with far too much enthusiasm, "Excuse me what are you carrying?" I asked while squatting down to her eye level.

"I have some steel alloys for my master," Her answer nearly made my heart melt with the twinkle she had in her eye. I couldn't but offer to help her carry part of the load. The walk to her master was quiet, I walked as slowly as I could as she wouldn't let me carry a lot of the steel. The building she led me to was almost built completely built of stone and was, strangely enough, painted white; stepping inside I was greeted with dark painted walls several blades hanging in sheaths, numbers attached to a few, names to others.

"Sharp Strike is that you?" A deep but distinctly feminine voice sounded from around the corner. The filly yelled an affirmation and that she had gotten help, a griffin stepped around the corner looking me over with a critical eye before she cracked a big smile, "Welcome to Dirks & Dha's, I'm Somara the proprietor of this fine establishment whose blacksmiths will work day and night to provide you with any arm you may desire," she stepped closer to me, "and you look to me like a warrior, so what kind of blade would you like?" I too cracked a smile.

A Good Blade is Forged From Heart

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"Ok, Sasha I want to let you know upfront, my blades aren't cheap," Somara said leading me to the forge, "but that's because I don't sell crap like that Minotaur," when we reached the back she sat me down in a chair and placed her talons on either side of me, "I want you to understand something specific there are a lot of ponies with a talent for blacksmithing, like Sharp, but nothing most of them will craft for you will come even close to good Griffish steel," she pulled a dagger out as she told me that and offered the handle to me, "there's a reason I have the militia S.A.R.S contract," holding the blade in my hand I found it extremely well balanced twirling it in my hand with ease I knew what I wanted to request.

"You want a blade that you can use one-handed, that'll about a meter long, right?" I looked at Somara astounded and nodded, "wipe that look off your face I know what a creature needs in a blade," she turned around and lit her forge, "normally I would charge extra for an inlaid blade, but for you, a long sword with a mana crystal inlay," as she placed the first ingot of steel in I saw the contemplation in her eyes, "that'll be three hundred bits," smiling I slid my bag off my back and reached in pulling my bit pouch out I got ready to start counting bits, "Now what do you think you're doing, I don't accept payment until the job is complete and you're satisfied,"

"And when will the job be complete?" I asked placing my pouch back in my bag and standing up.

"At least a week just tell me where you're staying and I'll send Sharp to get you when it's ready," she told me pulling the steel out inspecting, and placing it once more into the forges embrace. Coughing I told her I didn't have a place to stay as I just left the hospital, she laughed and told Sharp to lead me to an inn but one that wasn't too expensive she did intend to get paid after all.

The inn I was led to was small, isolated, and very cheap at only five bits a night, I had a fair bit more than I would need thankfully. The innkeeper was Hounskull a gruff stallion with a helmet as his cutie mark, he kept a spear hanging above the desk and a blade under the counter, "Welcome to the Watches Retreat the most secure inn this side of Equestria, you're lucky I'm not currently hosting royalty or officers," his deep voice rumbled with decades of experience but with simple kindness, "Let me get you a room, somewhere towards the front with a small window right?"

"What is with this town and its ponies reading minds!" He started to laugh as I vented.

"I noticed how you looked for routes of escape when you walked in," His hoof dropped a key on the desk, "rooms not booked so I won't have to force you out anytime soon, keep it clean, and don't break anything ok?" I grabbed the key and read the number and headed to my room with a kind nod.

The next week was boring I spent it walking around the town before I went back to the hospital to have my arm checked and the cast removed. During my wanderings I purchased some leather-like string and made a pendant from the shards of my kyber crystal; I eventually stumbled upon the Celestial Memorial, a massive monolith honoring the soldiers who lost their lives during an event called the rift. I spent a few days reading every name on it, a couple thousand not all of them ponies. Many stared and whispered.

I was meditating during my eleventh day at the inn when there was a knock on the door, "Ms. Sasha," it was Sharp, "Master Somara has finished the blade but there is an issue," frowning I stood up and opened the door to be led to the shop.

"Good, you're here," Somara was fidgeting, "when I was forging your blade," she let out a sigh, "the metal fought me which is the first time something like this has happened," I raised my brow, "It wouldn't form, crown it wouldn't stretch to the length you wanted," she reached to the side and drew a long dagger, "I'm sorry it turned out this way, if you still want it I won't even charge you," I reached my hand out and gripped the dagger and it felt perfect not as good as my saber but a suitable replacement for the time.

"It is a bit short doesn't give much space for deflecting," flipping it in the air I was able to easily catch it and give several swings and jabs while transitioning my grip, "very well balanced," I admired the inlay of the crystal and the purple shine it gave when mixed with the crackling flames. Cracking a smile I looked at the hen, "Where's the sheath?"

Moving Right Along

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I left Somara with 200 bits, I would have paid more but the blade wasn't exactly what I wanted. She really did try to stop me from paying though eventually I lied and said I would just leave, the 200 bits were on the counter and I was on my way to the train station before she had a chance to yell at me. I bought a ticket to Prance and boarded taking a window seat I gazed out to the white-topped mountains of Stalliongrad.

"Mom, mom it's her the alien that saved me," a foal's voice pulled me from my admirations, looking over I saw the filly from the forest running over to me. She jumped into my lap and hugged me, "Thank you so much for saving me," after the initial shock faded I brought my arms around her body her mother came up shortly afterward.

"Thank you for saving my daughter and even chasing that monster down," she placed a hoof on my shoulder a few tears running down the side of her face, "my name is Silver Line and this is my little filly Copper Dream, what's yours," her voice was beginning to steady as she asked.

"I'm Sasha Lessa it's a pleasure to meet you," I said reaching my hand out Silver gently moved her hoof to it and gave it a shake. I spent most of the time that day playing games with Copper and Silver we joked and drank hot chocolate.

"You know Fleur, she's so pretty can you introduce me, can you, can you?" Copper energetically asked me when I was talking about my job.

Smiling I lifted my mug to my hand, "I'll see if I can arrange something," I said before noticing the look on her face.

"I didn't see the cloud unicorns usually make when using magic how did you do that," She had that inquisitive twinkle in her eyes, I just couldn't resist.

"It's called the force, and it's similar but not the same as magic," I answered giving a few more demonstrations of the force mostly moving the game pieces around and making them dance.

"If it's not magic could you teach me how to do it?"

Sighing and placing a hand on her wither I told her, "I'm sorry but even if I could detect your sensitivity' I never reached knighthood I wouldn't be able to train you," the look of defeat in her eyes nearly broke my heart.

'Robbery' (rewrite)

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The next couple of days on the train were mostly explaining how the force works to Copper and Silver and giving examples of how difficult and exhausting manipulating an object can be, "The way of the Jedi is a dangerous one, I am very careful not to give in to temptation, and fall to the Darkside of the force," I explained, "there was a Jedi Knight named Anakin, he fell to temptation and destroyed the order we belonged too," a few tears fell down the side of my face as all I had forgotten slowly came back, "my master sacrificed himself to save me," looking up I saw the compassionate looks on their faces before a shadow overtook the wall behind them; I deeply inspected it before it disappeared shortly after it appeared, "Get hidden, I have a bad feeling about this," I told them before having the force probe for disturbances. I was pulled when a wave of fear struck me before being quickly washed away with screams dying off.

A Minotaur entered our car, "This is a robbery we won't hurt you," the blood that coated his axe told me otherwise. Taking a defensive stance caused the Minotaur the grimace, "I hate it when they fight," he raised his axe and rushed me, jumping back I had him bury the axe into the floor before he was able to rip it back out I leaped forward and planted a kick to his chest forcing him backward, "I'll make sure to keep you alive," he said swiping at me with a fist, "I bet you'll be a good lay," grimacing I blocked another strike, "You don't need to be alive sweetie," he punctuated his statement with a lick of his lips.

I felt the force flow through me as I pushed him causing him to tumble to the ground, "I would suggest you and your crew leave," he slowly got up drawing a knife, "you can't win against a Jedi," I told him drawing my dagger. He rushed once more with a roar bringing his blade crashing towards my skull, I stepped to the side sending my dagger into a swing that connected with his wrist cleanly separating it from the rest of his offensive form. He let out a screech before attempting to strike with his fist, bring my left palm around I pushed his hand out of the way, sweeping my leg I was able to trip him as his jaw made contact with the floor, my blade pointedly severed his spine.

Stepping through the door to the next car wiping my hands on my pants, I looked at the mix of creatures that glared at me among their victims, a Pegasus was the first to react shooting towards me wielding hoof blades, I focused my mind sending him off of his flight path and crashing through the window, bringing my dagger up in a reverse hold I watched the Griffin and Minotaur in front of me, "We don't need to do this," I said eyeing them thinking on how best to disable them.

The Minotaur let out a huff as I forced him back causing him to stumble, the Griffin didn't fare much better as he clutched his foreleg from the kick I delivered to it. The bull rushed once more I stepped to the side to dodge the first of his wild swings. I kept moving as the bull refused to let up despite the clear exhaustion overtaking his body. Bringing my blade up once more I deflected his next attack, as my frustration made itself known, I felt a powerful force calling to me. I ignored it as I brought my blade to rest squarely in the creature's chest. I turned to Griffin who attempted to crawl away as I approached. He let out one final whimper as I ensured the ropes would keep him from going anywhere.

The next car was a lot easier to get through a few of them surrendered immediately the others were subdued quickly enough. In the final car I gazed upon the streaks and pools of blood, I didn't see bodies.


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The car was void of anybody or their bodies, the streaks all led to a single large pool towards the back, inspecting it I quickly noticed the reflection. Moving my gaze to the ceiling I was met with a chilling note scrawled in the blood. I quickly secured the killers in the fourth car and moved into the fifth car myself. I spent the rest of the trip meditating, hoping the force would tell me what the message meant. We pulled up to the train station looking out I saw a large group of masked police eyes blocked by goggles waiting for us, they boarded quickly from the rear pulling out the bandits. The final group entered our car, one of them grabbed me and threw me down to the ground, "RESTER AU SOL, RESTER AU SOL!" he yelled at me while pulling my arms behind me, the other officers were also yelling in prench, "POLICE, CONTRE LE MUR!", one began to yell in basic too, "GET AGAINST THE WALL AND STAY THERE WHILE WE DO OUR JOBS!" my gentleman caller finished placing the cuffs on my hands before he roughly pulled me to my knees. He backed up drawing his sword and yelling again pointing at me, "ARME, ARME!" the other officers were quick to surround me before one more approached me and pulled my dagger from the sheath.

I was sitting in an interrogation room waiting for the officers to release me. The door creaked open, "Bonjour, Madame Lessa, I am Inspector Hint Sabot et you have quite the impressive record, graduated with honors from Princess Celestia's school, daughter of a royal guard, et assistant to one Fleur De Lis," I smiled he was going to come over and release my shackles telling me to enjoy my day, "so I must know, what caused a talented young woman with a bright future to slaughter ponies and then have her crew take the fall," I frowned and adjusted my legs to cross beneath me.

"I didn't kill those people, and I didn't leave any crew high and dry," I said to him, a scowl spread across his face, "I'm not a criminal I'm on vacation," he slammed his hoof on the table.

"Don't lie to me I saw the dagger you carried, no pony who is innocent carries one like that!" He was angry sweat was starting to form on his brow, but that was probably because they turned the heat up he lifted a clipboard and read from it, "the light of the innocent will take root and end the mile-long journey," he placed the clipboard down, "So do you mind telling me what that means?"

I let out a sigh, "I don't know, that's what I was trying to figure out before you're men quite roughly handled me," using the force I loosened my cuffs a little, "and I carry a dagger to protect those who can't protect themselves, as is the way," I let my shoulders fall, "Is Silver Line and Copper Dream okay?" the inspector looked at me before nodding.


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"Okay, Sasha let us try again, you killed the ponies on that train, and then tied up your crew so you could get away," Inspector Sabot had been continuing this line of questioning for the past five days, "just confess so the trial will be easier on both of us, we already have thirty signed confessions from your compatriots saying you were the leader," it would be so easy to simply use the force and force my way out. The temptation was strong, the dark side spoke to me.

"I really wish the Liaison Officer would struggle less," I thought as he kicked over a lamp, "Be quiet you might alert somepony to our fun," I whispered before applying pressure to the arteries in his neck allowing him to fall into a quiet sleep I held on a bit longer to ensure what was needed would be done. Sweat dripped down my brow from the focus, I needed a perfect memory if I were to pull this off, as I prepared the final details I heard a knock on his door, "You knocked over your lamp, you can't see me, and I'm not here or ever was," I said before ducking underneath the desk.

"S'il vous plaît venez," The Officer called out.

"Officer Skakeling, I'm Special Agent Duco with the Equestrian Royal Investigative Service. Might I ask what happened to your lamp?" A R.I.S agent, this is going better than I expected. Officer Skakeling was quick to instruct him that he slipped and bumped into his desk, "Ah I see well anyway's I'm here to take custody of Sasha Lessa, as you know she is an Equestrian citizen and her arrest and indictment are our duty," the special agent cleared his throat, "So I would appreciate it if you would take me to her for transfer," Mr. Liaison stepped around his desk presumably towards the Agent.

"Oui, oui, follow me, Inspector Sabot should be finishing his questioning, the suspect has stuck with the same story that she is being framed," the door creaked open before it was shut. I crawled from under the desk and peeked over and seeing nopony around I slinked over to the door and stepped out and made my way through towards the plaza.


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There was a nice dent in the table where the Inspector kept striking, a bit of blood too from where he split his hoof. I sat there watching him breathe, heavy, unsteady, and I listened to the conversation of the officers on the other side of the one way. As I sat there watching and listening, I heard hoof steps approaching heavy step, the door was pushed open by a stallion standing there well dressed but without a tie, "Hello Sasha, I'm Special Agent Duco with the Royal Investigative Service, I'm here to transport you back to Canterlot to complete the investigation," he stepped to my side and unlocked my shackles, "Inspector Sabot if you would be so kind as to give me a copy of your files we'll handle this from here," The inspector stormed out of the room. Rubbing my wrists they were quickly shackled and attached to my ankles. He turned and headed for the door, "Please come with me Sasha we have much to discuss back on the train," getting to my feet I followed him.

"You know Duco," I said interrupting the jangling of my binds, "I had been hoping to enjoy my vacation, not stopping crimes and being arrested for it," he glanced back at me snorted, and continued to lead me towards the station. I looked around the streets as creatures gazed at me a few taking pictures as I was led through the winding streets of Prance. As I was led into the train I could only feel alone despite the E.U.P soldiers standing guard outside the doors of our private car.

I was quickly placed into a seat before my shackles were chained to a loop forcing me to hunch over, a heavy collar placed around my neck, "Before you get any ideas about using magic, that's a cold iron forged collar it will block any mana from being molded or absorbed," he laughed a bit before pulling a bag over my head, "can't have you seeing either, or hearing," with that a pair of muffs were placed over my ears. After the second day of deafness and being fed, the hunch I was forced into was becoming a bit hard on my back, I was able to sense when the Special Agent got up and left the car I quickly removed the restraints and leaned back in my seat relaxing. Reaching up I removed the muffs and pulled the bag off of my head and slowly watched as the door opened I loved the sound of the glass hitting the floor as Duco stared at me slack-jawed.

"How did you get the cuffs off?" He was confused as he approached me, he snarled and lit his horn, cuffed me, forcing me back into a hunch.

I let out a chuckle, "I just wanted a few minutes of not having my back broken," I heard his horn ignite once more, "I would really appreciate if you didn't put those back on," I lifted my head to the maximum allowance of the collar, "I can just take em off again and I hate all of this C.I.U stuff," I stated with my thoughts on proving my point.

His eyes narrowed before he released the lock of my chain restraints, "They told me torture didn't work," he looked me up and down, "clearly they were wrong, who are the C.I.U maybe the group who helped you kill those ponies?"

I couldn't help it I started to laugh, "You, you really are sticking with that same story I didn't kill anypony I didn't plan anything, I was on vacation," I managed to choke out between fits, "The C.I.U isn't a group on Earth, I barely know anything about them," he liked my answer a bit too much he roughly pulled the chain down forcing me to be bent in half and pulled the bag over my head once more.

"You are hereby under arrest for Espionage underneath the Equestrian Protection Act," He said with glee, "if you attempt to escape or you remove your restraints again, I now have permission to execute you to prevent more intel being released into enemy hands,"


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Duco had left shortly after threatening me, I choose to take it seriously and I was not interested in finding out how good of a fighter he was; it didn't take long for him to return. As I sat there breathing shallowly letting the force flow through me and feeling Duco getting frustrated I was able to hear the opening of a pocket watch; he was waiting for something. The train came to a sudden stop, I heard creatures rush the train I heard screams, but unlike last time the screaming didn't stop. The guards hit the ground hard and Duco was struck several times, our attackers cut my chain and dragged me out the side of the train, and threw me into a wagon that ran across rough ground at a high speed making it difficult to tell when we turned or how far we made it before I was pulled off and led to a lift for decent; surrounded.

With a final screech, the lift stopped and instead of leading me forward they kicked the back of my leg in and dragged me across the polished floor where I was quickly lifted and thrown to the ground my hands were released before being pulled behind my back and attached to a table, "Welcome to Snow Goose Nest, your new home. This is a place that is blacker than black," a woman told me removing the blinder from my head, "not even the Princess knows about this place," there was a unicorn mare with a red coat who stared at me, "I hope you like it cause you will never," she leaned in and whispered in my ear, "leave," she slowly pulled away from me.

"Since I'm stuck here I suppose we should get to know each other," I said taking stock of how many ponies were in the room and trying to spot her cutie mark, "I'm Sasha Lessa what's your name?" she smiled at me before snarling and hitting my left lekku, "PFASSK, you filthy Hutt-spawn!" tears rolled down my face as I screamed in agony.

"My name is 74, and you will tell us everything about this C.I.U," She was calm as she told me that, "now, I'm sure you're wondering how I know about that, quite simply our contacts in the R.I.S sent us a message so we formed an attack on your train,"

I stared at her before spitting in her face, "I really don't want to listen to your separatist monol-," I was cut off as she drew a knife and placed it against my neck.

"You will listen to what I say you will listen too, and you will answer my questions," she hissed at me, "Now what is the C.I.U?"

"Bite me," I said and used the force to knock over a lamp to distract her. It worked perfectly as she yelled at the black-clad soldiers to clean up the mess and make sure nothing else was near the edge, it didn't work quite as planned but she did unhook my shackles even if it was just to drag me to a bench. When she was finished 'securing' me to the bench, she pulled a rag across my face and held it down. I couldn't breathe as she poured water onto the rag, I felt like I was drowning she suddenly ripped the rag from my face and pushed down onto my stomach.

"Tell me who the C.I.U are and this will end," 74 told me and leaned in closer, she really wanted to know, if they had asked nicely I would have told them.

"I don't give information to disguised clankers," I told her before giving a small peck onto her nose, she retaliated by headbutting me, "I guess I read that situation wrong," I said with a small laugh; she quickly placed the rag back on my face and pouring water over it once more.

After a week of torture, I couldn't take it anymore, "Okay, okay I'll tell you about the C.I.U just stop," her eyes told me she was disappointed by this turn of events, "C.I.U stands for clone intelligence unit, they were special units in the Grand Army of The Republic their job was to find Separatist weapons and leaders and relay them to the command and to strike teams," I stammered out, "That's all I know about them,"

"That'll do for now, I'll get the rest after the celebration,"

Daylight Quoth The Raven "Nevermore"

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I was given the rest of the night in a cell for the celebration. As I attempted to rest, I kept seeing visions of magic being swirled and sent to the stars, the moon glowed and the surface slowly smoothed.

Alarms blared as I jumped off the steel mesh that made my bed. I used the force to knock the latch off the meal gate and peered out to see the unicorn soldiers firing off magic spears towards something just out of view. All of a sudden one of the guards slammed against my door with no life clear in his eyes, soon after his eyes filled with black and he stood back up and opened fire on the others. I focused as much energy as I could and forced the door off its hinges directly into the possessed soldier stepping out I ran towards the non-possessed. At first, they fired at me but as the shadows approached they quickly changed their tunes. "Get me to my weapon as fast as possible, if you want a chance of life," They exchanged glances before running down the hall with me quick on their tails. Screams echoed through the halls, I heard ponies pleading with their friends before being silenced.

Thankfully, they quickly led me to evidence and break open the locker. Gripping my dagger I noticed how the inlay glinted before I felt a disturbance, quickly spinning on my toes I slashed at the air causing a shadow to dissipate with a screech. It took nearly an hour, but we could fight through the shadows to the armory, which we quickly barricaded. "So do any of you know what's going on?" I asked after dropping to the ground and looking at the three soldiers who covered up what dead followed us in.

They traded glances before a mare stepped forwards, "Isn't this an operation from your clone intelligence?" she asked attempting to stare me down, getting to my feet I returned the stare as I approached.

"I have no involvement with C.I.U, in fact, I haven't had any contact from off-world since I crashed here," I said looking between the barricades, "and even then C.I.U gathers intel they don't attack," looking to the side at the blood-soaked sheets, "Could be dark magic, any word from topside?"

"Nothing and I don't think there is news, in or out," The mare told me while biting her lower lip, "my sister tried to dragon-fire a message out and it backfired we got her to the infirmary but I don't know what happened to her," I placed a hand on her withers and gave her a nod.

"Well right now we need to stay safe," I said looking at the tired soldiers, "and will someone get this collar off, I'm not a pet," after a few exchanging of glances, a pegasus stallion stood up and removed the final piece of binding on me; rubbing my neck I replied, "Thanks a lot, let's make sure there aren't any more shadows or possessed," The final member of our trio a unicorn mare checked the gap before jumping away when a possessed hit door, slowly shadows started to pour through the gaps.

Our pegasus fell to the ground pleading to harmony to deliver him from his struggles, the unicorn turned to me and struggled out a sentence, "N-now that you don't h-have the c-collar on y-you can cast sp-spells right?" with a sigh I looked down at her.

"I don't use magic, for a bunch of spies you guys didn't do a lot of research," I stated before pointing my dagger at the door, "What do you expect for me to aim my dagger and say aspernor an-," I stopped talking as I felt power run from the ground up my arms and through the crystals of my blade before it reached the tip and was released in a magenta wall pushing the shadows back through the breach, swallowing I approached the door lifting my blade once more, "Sanctus Scutum," I muttered marking an x in the air creating a wall.

The unicorn dropped to her haunches before speaking, "I'm Officer Shield, I see you aren't a threat to national security, I'm sorry for what happened," I simply shrugged, it wasn't her fault, we sat there trying to ignore the bodies in the corner the pegasus still prayed, the unicorn avoided my gaze and the earth pony looked down at her dagger tears slowly rolling down her face. There was a knock on the door, rising from my spot I gripped my dagger, and cautiously approached the door.

Peeking through the slat I saw a ponies eye looking back, "The light of the innocent ended the mile-long journey of the night mother and she has returned," his voice was calm as he looked directly into my eyes, "and with her return, see the sun you shan't so give in and join her loyal army," slowly I saw a blood-red glow and my spell was being unraveled. Lifting my dagger I focused magic through my body and reinforced my wall.

New Dawn

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I stared at the door focusing holding to the belief I'd be able to outlast the unicorn as they suffer mana exhaustion faster, but after an hour the magic flowing through me was starting to waver as it became harder to draw from the ground, "Get over here Shield and give me your horn!" she warily approached me, and almost jumped back when I grabbed her horn, "Now build some magic in there but don't cast any spells then focus the magic into my hand," I instructed as I watched the unicorn on the other side tearing through the layers of my shield as I rewove my own spell.

"You are causing me too much strain," he spit at us, "We're just going to kill you and feed your rotting corpses to the night plants," gritting my teeth I doubled my efforts on holding my spell up. Reaching across my body my left hand went for my saber, I had to be ready for when I failed, gripping I remembered my saber was gone. Widening my stance I prepared to outlast the creature that tore away at my wall. Forcing more magic through me I was able to create a pulse that pushed the beast back long enough for me to reinforce the spell with a few extra layers.

We traded spell pulses for a few hours before he was able to protect himself from my mana surges. He forced more magic into his attack and I raised my own output to keep us safe. As the next hour dragged on I felt a warm liquid running down across my lips, "Your nose is bleeding," I heard Shield call out from behind me, "I think your suffering from mana poisoning, you have to let up before it kills you," I grunted, refusing to let up as he tore away faster and faster, I was barely able to keep up. At some point my hand began to shake around the hilt of the dagger, tearing my hand away from Shield's horn I gripped the hilt with both hands and struggled to keep my mana flow at the same rate. My vision slowly started to blur and the skin on my arms started to split while we dueled. He must have felt my weakness as he performed a massive push and broke through my barrier; I fell forward coughing up blood that joined the pool that slowly formed from my arms.

His hoof steps sounded dull as he approached his voice muted, "You are quite the fighter, I'll give you the pleasure of knowing my name before I add your light to the night mother's well," the unicorn told me slowly coming into focus as he kicked my dagger away but not bothering with the shrapnel from the door, "my name is Mallory Rose and I have assisted in bringing eternal night," he was monologuing, why wouldn't he, grabbing a piece of shrapnel I prepared to strike. "my mistress will reward me greatly," Leaping up I attempted to slash at his throat but he stepped back. I only managed to catch his chest I watched his yellow fur saturate with red, "You freak I'll make sure to enjoy this!" he shouted igniting his horn; I closed my eyes and straightened my back with the little strength I had left.

"I am one with the force and the force is with me," I whispered waiting for the final strike. It never came instead the sounds of spells being cast echoed from down the hall. Cracking my eyes open I witnessed Rose panicking as hoof-steps echoed down the hall towards us. He shot me a glare before teleporting out of the room. 74 ran into the room horn glowing with a strike team following her, their armor glowing with runes sewn into the fabric and thick tinted faceplates covering their features.

74 slowly looked over the room small pulses going over her horn as she scanned our blown-out barricade, "What happened here and where did your collar go?" she asked leaning forward, letting out a wet sigh I nodded my head to the side towards my collar. Officer Shield quickly lifted me and mentioned something about medical before leading me out of the armory. She slowly maneuvered us around the bodies of the fallen ponies, the pounding in my head made it hard to focus on the burn marks that broke the grey color of the walls and the small streaks of discoloration that approached some of the bodies. I'm not sure how long it took to reach the infirmary but I more than welcomed the bed.

"Sasha it's good to see you again, please join me for some tea," I turned around and stared at the man who was only slightly taller than myself, we were stood on a train with the slight bumping and squeaking of the wheels coaxing more out of him, "Are we on rails? How dreadfully primitive, I don't know how you live here," with a smile I ran forward to embrace him.

"I'm so happy to see you Master it's been too long," I said before pulling away and sitting on a nearby couch, Jungjoya sat directly across from me, pouring some cups of tea, "I've been through a lot in these past few weeks Master, and I feel it is far from over," He glanced at me before smelling his tea and taking a sip.

"I can sense your pain and your anger Sasha don't let it fester let go of it or risk walking down to the Darkside," He told me pushing a cup towards me, "where is your lightsaber?" I coughed on my tea when he asked and avoided his gaze, "Did you lose it? Because if so that means I wasn't a very good master," placing my cup back on the table I met his gaze.

"I didn't lose it, Master," I started, running my finger in circles at the edge of the table, "it was destroyed by a giant spider, her web was resistant to my saber strikes," I told him before looking back out the window, "She was also fast I couldn't fight her," meeting his glance he simply drank his tea quietly.

"I see, I warned you about cortosis it is fragile," he stated calmly, "you will be making another one, won't you?" he asked pouring himself a new cup. He slowly started to fade out of focus I knew my time was short.

"If I manage to find a new kyber crystal," I told him before everything faded, I couldn't hear his last words. My eyes slowly opened to the bright light of the infirmary I attempted to move my right hand to my face before it was stopped by a pair of binder cuffs, opening my eyes fully fighting the bright light, I was able to look down on my body and the gauze that covered my arms; I heard voices outside.

"Your Highness you must understand the Nest is necessary to the security of Equestria," I heard 74 say mutedly say to the Princess, their hoof steps approached the gentle gait of the Princess easily recognizable, "please Ma'am you can't shut us down we have prevented several attacks, Equestria needs us," The gait of the pair stopped before the door was tossed open.

"Then do you mind telling me why one of our citizens is cuffed to a bed?" The Princess stood in the door looking down her eyes narrowed a frown clear on her face, 74 withered under her gaze. The Princess approached me and unlocked the cuffs securing me before lifting me into a soft hug, "Sasha I'm so sorry this happened to you, but I hear that you helped some of the guards," I gently returned the hug before pulling away.

"I did Princess, there was a dark wizard," I told her slowly getting out of the bed, "he was able to raise the dead, commanded some kind of spirits to do so," she had a look of worry in her eyes, stretching I took stock of my clothes they were torn to shreds, my skin covered in stained gauze visible between the gashes, at least they were an old pair.

"I see, I will have to discuss this with the security council," She said placing a wing behind my back and leading me out, 74 glared at me as we went past. The Princess quickly led me to the evidence locker where we got my clothes and the rest of my items. I quickly changed in the bathroom, before rejoining the Princess on the elevator and beginning our ascent to the surface, "Sasha I just don't know what to do with this place," The Princess said with a heavy sigh, her wings drooping.

"If you want my opinion, you should leave them be," The Princess wanted to rebuttal, "as horrible as all of this may seem, the work they do is important to keeping the whole of Equestria safe," I told her, "Even if they did make a big mistake with me, although the circumstances certainly make it seem reasonable," with my final thoughts I took a deep breath of fresh air as the gate of the elevator opened.


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The Princess was quiet on our flight back to Canterlot spent most of the time mumbling to herself and writing notes. I enjoyed the view of the countryside, I felt like I was back in the care of the Order and Republic The Princesses spoke up pulling me out of my musings, "Your mother has been in a panic since you went missing and had to be dismissed of service," I shifted my glance over to the Princess, "I need you to go straight back to your home," she let out a sigh, "can you promise me that?"

I smiled, leaned back in my seat, and ran my fingers across my necklace, "I planned on going straight home Princess," I told her looking back out to see the approaching majesty of Mount Canterhorn, "I missed my mom, I just want to spend a few days at home with her," Slowly the carriage made its final descent coming to a rough stop against the palace's landing zone, taking a few tentative steps onto the polished stone pad and ignoring the looks of the E.U.P soldiers I gave the Princess a nod and made my way home. Walking down Canterlots streets I saw the police out in full force most of them wearing reinforced gear, several guards filling in the gaps.

"Hold up, what are you doing?" A stallion called out approaching and looking me over while scanning the area with another officer following. I studied their armor closer and read the basic that stated 'riot police' across the brow of their helmets,

"I just got back from out of town and going back to my house," I told them, taking a few more steps down the road.

"Where do you live?" He barked at me, approaching me faster however he was stopped by his partner placing her hoof on his shoulder.

"Let her go, It won't be hard to track her address if we need to follow up," His head shifted before shaking off her hoof, "I'll escort her if you're worried about trouble," he nodded before heading back towards the guards. She walked up to me, "Sorry about Shelter he's a bit rough around the edges," she said, "I'm sure you don't remember me Ms. Lessa, Officer Mint Kick," her voice was confident as she walked me down the deserted street, broken glass crunching underfoot and hoof, "Don't worry the riots died down after the sun rose," her eyes still scanned the alleys as we passed them, "We're still on edge though," she sighed before staying quiet for the rest of our walk.

We gave each other a cordial nod and parted ways when we reached my house. I quietly entered hoping to surprise my mom, "You should see this as a blessing," a stallion's voice echoed down the foyer, "that freak is gone, now all you have to do is kick that pointer out," whoever he was he had a layer of anger rolling under his voice.

Mom's voice cut through fighting through choked air, "My da-daughter i-is missing and all you can do is tell me it's good she's gone," she slowly raised her voice, "and then you have the audacity to insult Fleur when she is the only one who came and supported me when all of this happened," I peeked around the corner, mom was yelling at two older bat ponies, "the two of you come a week after everything has happened just to insult my lifestyle, my family, and my friends, I think it's time for you two to leave,"

The mare stood up, "Oh you want us to leave because we want our disgrace of a daughter to come back into the graces of the other night nobles," the mare walked closer, "first you went and disrespected our lineage by joining the day guard, then you adopt an alien freak, and become friends with a pointer," I saw mom's wings tighten against her back before she slammed her head against the mares.

"Like I said it's time for you to leave," She told the couple, they snorted before beginning to turn, I ducked into the closet. I waited for a little until I heard the front door slam shut, stepping out I honed in on the sobbing from mom and the calming voice of Fleur.

"I guess I know now why I never met grandpa and grandma," I said after throwing myself onto the couch and snuggling up to mom. I felt her freeze before a wing shot out and pulled me tightly against her, a foreleg soon joined wrapping around my shoulder and I felt a kiss being planted against my forehead.

"Sasha, what happened, I heard you were arrested and then kidnapped by bandits?" Mom nuzzled me as Fleur walked away, "I understand if you don't want to talk about it, I'm just happy you're home sweetie," she whispered her rear leg pushed down and brushed against my daggers sheath, "Did you get a knife, and where did you get that necklace?" I didn't want to talk about it, but I couldn't deny answering mom.

"There was a giant spider," I began my explanation, "she destroyed my lightsaber, bought a dagger at a smithy in Stalliongrad, and I made a necklace from the kyber crystal pieces," I said as a steaming mug was held in front of me a light lavender glow wrapped around the handle.

"Sacre Bleu Sash that sounds like it'll be quite the story, et I made some hot chocolate," Fleur said, I shifted until I was sitting straight up with mom resting her head against my shoulder. Gingerly I took the mug and sipped the smooth drink a feeling of contentment washed over me, "not my best, I know, the instant is never as good as properly made," Fleur said as she climbed onto the couch sandwiching me between them, "It's good to have you back, I didn't promote anypony either, whenever you're ready we can get back to work," she told me before sighing. I really was where I belong.

Hearths Warming (Late holiday short)

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"So Sash do you like it?" Fleur asked as I held up the pink brooch, "I thought it would be nice et pippin compliments your eyes,"

I smiled and met her eyes, "I love it, but why is it a rose, and how does it compliment my eyes?"

She laughed before pulling me into a hug, "It is a rose because you are beautiful and dangerous when attempted to be picked," she let me go and patted my shoulder, "For such a smart cookie, you didn't learn much, pippin compliments aqua, thought you would have picked up some color theory during my interviews or meetings," Fleur reached out with her magic and pulled my present to her from under the tree, she slowly unwrapped my gift a smile crossed her face.

"I know it isn't much, but I did the carving myself," I told her as she pulled the photo out of the frame, "Happy Life Day," she raised her brow before chuckling, the rest of the day was spent joking and enjoying a good dinner that Fleur made with mom.


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I opened my eyes leaving memories behind, I looked about and watched Fleur get up from her spot on the floor and stretching; I gently untangled myself from mom's embrace and made my way to the kitchen. I filled a glass with some water and tenderly nursed it, hearing the stove turn on I looked over my shoulder to see Fleur beginning to cook deciding not to bother her I made my way back to the living room and took a seat across from mom. She lay nearly motionless, taking proper stock of the room since I got back yesterday, I was able to notice blankets strewn about, her armor was unpolished, and a bottle of wine sat on the coffee table uncorked. Fleur stepped into the living room placing a tray down next to the bottle before stepping over and nudging mom awake.

Mom's eyes slowly opened before a weary smirk spread across her face as the fragrant breakfast reached her nose, stretching she rolled off the couch and lurched forwards reaching out with a hoof and slowly beginning to eat her lunch with heavy sighs in between mastications. Fleur lifted my plate to me before taking a seat and eating her own, "Fleur," mom vocalized, "I had the best dream, Sasha had come home and I finally told my parents off for being racist," tears flowed down her face.

"Quoi dream, you did yell at your parents yesterday, although, not really for being racist, et Sasha is right there," Fleur informed her pointing a hoof at me. Mom looked up and wiped her face before eating her breakfast with a renewed vigor. For the rest of breakfast, I regaled Fleur and Mom with the story of how I lost my saber and how I got arrested, skipping over a few minor details, just as I was finishing the final part of my defense at the black site, having skipped over the torture, a knock resounded from the front door. I walked to the door and enjoyed the sound of the bolt clacking as I pulled it open.

The white fur and blue mane caught my attention along with the pair of sunglasses situated on her face, "Officer Shield," I said looking around, "you don't have a rag and bottle of water in your saddlebags do you?" I asked smirking and chuckling.

"Once again I'm really sorry about that," she said scraping her hoof across the stone porch, "Anyways, the Princess requested assistance for spreading a message," her head shifted clearly trying not to look at me as she was speaking, "there will be an announcement at 1300,"

I heard hooves coming from behind, "Hey whatever you do, don't mention the torture, my mom or boss don't know about it," she nodded, "also you don't have to apologize it's not your fault, and you helped me after the event so we're even," I told her, the smile she gave was warming.

"Sweetie who's this?" Mom asked stepping next to me, "I hate to say this but you only have two friends other than me," she said before Shield opened her mouth.

"I'm Officer Shield with the E.I.A, and I was asked to assist in spreading the news about the announcement the Princess is making it will be held at the palace and she would appreciate yours and Miss Sasha's presence please have a good day," she finished her rehearsed statement and made her way to the next house.

The guards had formed an inner wall at the palace with another wall of uniformed officers and a third of riot police at the ready although they weren't the centerpiece. Gracefully Princess Celestia stepped into view, "My little ponies," she began, "I am proud to inform you that my sister has returned to us after being gone for so long, so please give a warm welcome to Princess Luna of the Night!" she announced stepping to the side. A small bluish mare stepped up, she waved to the silent crowd.

"Sasha you're back!" I jumped when I heard the voice and legs wrap around me from behind, "Why didn't you come to visit me, I'd have made time for you," slowly the legs released me turning around I saw Blueblood with a large smile plastered across his face.

"Well my liege," I said taking a deep bow, "I only got back into town yesterday and I was very tired," standing straight, I lightly hit his shoulder, "I won't lie it was going to take a while for me to visit, I wasn't going to leave the house then this came up," I stated, motioning to the crowd around us, my hand came in contact with a piece of metal looking over my shoulder I stared into the stoic eyes of a guardmare, "I'm sorry about scuffing your armor ma'am," I squeaked out.

She rolled her eyes and snorted, "Sahsa Lessa come with me," she commanded and turned around marching away, I quickly followed her as her voice parted the sea, "OUT OF THE WAY, ROYAL BUSINESS!" ponies quickly scrambled out of the way of the armored mare. One however decided to stay in her path even blocking her when she attempted to go around. Her hoof shot out and pulled him until their muzzles were touching, "I said royal business, out of the way," she hissed before pushing him to the side on down to the ground. Even Minotaurs gave her a wide berth as we made our way to the gates, the guard picked up her pace when we reached the inner wall and quickly led me to the main doors of the palace. A golden glow surrounded the handles as they were pulled open.

"Sasha thank you for joining me, my sister actually requested your presence," The Princess said from just beyond the threshold, "Although a question did slip my mind about the other day," she instructed me to enter with her wing, stepping through I saw her up close, Princess Luna, I was barely shorter than her, her light blue mane was short and had a small curl over her right shoulder.

"Aye, this is the one!" She excitedly announced, "Doth thee rememb'r us?" she asked getting closer to me, silently thanking that semester on ancient equish I shook my head from side to side and looked behind me towards Princess Celestia for guidance, "I supposeth thee wouldn't has't seen us, thee w're quite afeard at which hour yond Anakin charact'r hath tried to killeth thee," my breath hitched when I translated what she said.

"How do you know about that?" I whispered my question out.

She dropped to her haunches, "We madeth the buckler to protecteth thee, th're wast much turmoil in thy mind, true harmeth couldst has't befallen thee," she reached a hoof out towards me; when I took it she pulled me into a hug, "Thy nightmare did allow us to wrestleth controleth from the nightmare yond possess'd us, f'r yond we thanketh thee," she murmured into my ear.

"You are welcome Princess Luna, if you require..." I paused struggling to think of an appropriate word, "dream... assistance I am available," I informed her slowly pulling away from the embrace.

"Thee off'r thy holp, thee shalt not ref'r to me with titles simply calleth me Luna," She announced me once more and pulling me into a tighter hug, there was a sharp pain as my lekku were pinched between our bodies, letting out a yelp Luna slid across the floor as I pushed her with the force. Tears slowly forced their way down my face as I gently covered my lekku with my arms, "Cousin we didst not cullionly to causeth harmeth, prithee f'rgive us," she called out approaching me once more, I stood up and looked her in the eyes.

"Luna it's fine," I told her as I wiped my eyes, "you didn't know my lekku were sensitive," turning to Princess Celestia, "You said a question slipped your mind, Princess?" I asked her.

Prick From a Thorn

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"Mallory Rose was the name of the stallion," I answered the Princess when she asked.

"And the color of his coat?" She asked softly a glimpse of recognition in her eyes.

"It was yellow, and he had red eyes," I told her looking back towards Luna who avoided my gaze, "He had a large mana reservoir too, he was able to last for hours, and he still had plenty leftover," I heard Luna approach from behind and spoke.

"This knave we knoweth of if 't be true not f'r that gent we wouldst has't been with base mana," her voice was grim, "That gent hath used necromancy to sucketh mana from oth'rs and pow'rhimself," tears pulled at the corners of her eyes, "Their light was forced into me for energy as well, we are contaminat'd," tears were fully flowing at this point, she fell to the ground and placed her eyes into her forelegs.

"I know of this Mallory Rose as well," Princess Celestia broke the sound of sobbing, "he was a student of mine many years ago, he failed because of his obsession with dark magic," her eyes were gaunt with her memories flooding back, "I had tried to keep tabs on him but 8 years ago he fell off the grid, not even the E.I.A could find him," she focused clearly on me, "Not even with the horrid sites they have," she turned around before marching towards her sister she slumped down onto her stomach and placed a wing around the younger princess and began to whisper into her ear.

I turned on my heels, "I need to get back to my family," I told the sisters before looking over my shoulder, "Take care of each other," I turned around and headed towards the main doors. When I stepped out of the halls, I saw mom sitting just inside the walls holding her eye, running up I saw a bruise on her eye "Mom are you okay what happened?" I asked before I spotted Mint heading towards us holding a rag against her head stained with red.

"Ma'am thanks for the help, saved my life," I looked behind her and saw a few medics heading over, "Ms. Lessa do you know this mare?"

The medics came up and started to take a closer look at the wound on her head, "I already told you I'm fine," Mint spat out attempting to swat them away.

"This is my mom and you need to let them look at your head," I told her, "what happened here? I was gone for ten minutes," I looked around at each pony present mom was the first to speak up.

"After the princesses left a few civies got a bit unruly; they were spouting some nonsense about Princess Luna being Nightmare Moon, said the entire royal guard and police force were helping her," mom said grabbing Mints hooves and holding them to her sides allowing the medics to treat her properly, "A minotaur pulled out a war hammer and went after Officer Kick, thankfully those helmets aren't just for show, I was able to keep him from getting another swing off while the other officers got involved and a griffin punched me in the face, everycreature involved has been arrested,"

"Why didn't they slash you with their claws?" My eyes widened as I realized what I said, quickly I stumbled out, "I-I mean I'm happy it was just a punch, but from a martial standpoint a slash would have taken you out faster," mom quickly placed a hoof on my shoulder.

"Sweetie it's fine, I asked her the same thing when she hit me," She looked off to the side, "After I put her in a leg lock and hit her a bit, good thing guards can't get sued for excessive force," slowly moms foreleg wrapped around me, "Let's go home, sweetie,"

Chuckling I lifted mom up, "Hey Mint get well soon, okay?" I said before heading off towards my home.

I slowly laid underneath my covers after dinner and mulled over Luna's words, slowly sleep took me. I glared at the dark ink that surrounded me, "Join me, bring an end to the day," Mallory's voice filled the air, "I have perfected the art of oneiroautics, you won't be able to hide now," his form quickly was wrought from the abyss, "if you join me, your mother will be spared during the purge," he approached slowly; ink dripped from his mouth with every word he said.

"Feareth thee shalt not lief cousin I shall banish this knave from thy realm," Luna's voice caused the ink to ripple tearing Mallory's form asunder. From the abyss, a dirt road formed underneath me and thatched-roofed homes were erected and watched as Luna revealed herself stepping from an alleyway, "Thee doth not seemeth p'rturb'd by all yond is going on, Sasha, we has't a requesteth we has't did notice thee needeth timeth to bid what t is we speaketh," she said to me stretching her wings, "I wisheth to access thy mind and gain knowledge of the new Equestrian dialect," slowly she approached me her gaze was that of a questioning youngling, I nodded, she placed her horn against my head.

The road became a metal walkway and the thatched homes changed to that of Coruscant's skyscrapers, "Coruscant may be the seat of the republic and the home of the Jedi council," Master Jungjoya said to me, "but there is a strong feeling of contempt towards non-humans here, most 'aliens' as they are called are financially restricted to the lower levels," his hand rested on my shoulder, "you are fortunate to be a Jedi, even the most racist of creatures will give you great respect when they see you are a Jedi," my own voice was muffled, but I knew I asked him why I had respect, "The lightsaber is seen as a powerful weapon by many, we Jedi only use it when there is no other choice," it didn't take long for the memory to change to that of the betrayal, Jungjoya fighting Anakin and me running threw the halls. I fell through a hole before landing back in the village, I was breathing heavily. I quickly began to break down, crying.

"Sasha we are sorry for what has happened to you," Luna's wing wrapped around me, I leaned into her shoulder, "Your home was so different but it was beautiful," her wing unfurled itself from my shoulders and was used to help me to my feet, "We thank you for allowing us to learn the modern dialect from your mind, let your mother know you two are invited to a casual dinner on the fortnight," her form left my side forcing me to deal with my sorrow.

Soon I began to wake up; just before my eyes opened to the ceiling of my room, something wrapped around my neck. Struggling I noticed it was a thorned branch, blood was squeezed over the top, "I said you couldn't hide from me," Mallory's voice spoke from behind me, "Surrender yourself and join us," I could feel another life.


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"JOIN US!" A woman's voice yelled as the branch tightened its grip, vibrating as something climbed up towards me. I threw my right hand down in a panic and drew my lightsaber I slashed wildly behind me and fell forward before I smelled the burned wood, "NO!" her voice was now mixed with Mallory's.

I woke up clutching at my throat only to meet gauze, "Sweetie, you're awake, I woke up when you knocked over your bedside table a-and you were choking on blood and there was so much coming from your neck, I got you here as soon as I could," mom had thrust herself onto my bed and clutched me. "What is happening? You get abducted and you're not even safe at home," I wrapped my self around her, her warmth was welcome.

"I don't know what's happening," I told her, "but I do know only the princesses can help me now," leaning back into the bed only one thing came to me, "Don't let them give me anything, I need to stay awake," I mumbled out before focusing on the ceiling. Mom gave me one last squeeze and a kiss on my forehead. I focused my mind and entered a serene state, I could feel the whispers of the force surround me, I could feel it work away at the knots that had developed through my muscles.

I discharged myself from the hospital the next morning and made my way to the palace. The guards were kind enough to point me in the direction of Princess Luna's room, standing before her door brought my purpose of being here to the forefront of my mind, I reached out a clenched hand and knocked on the door.