> Afterlife > by Star Sparkle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Day 1: Going home > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I think there was pain? No, I’m certain of it, there was searing, blinding, endless pain, pai- The pain stopped, and I was awake. Heart racing, eyes still closed. I was thirsty, I must have woken from a nightmare and was now laying on the floor in my bedroom. Although, feeling the ground, I was immediately confused. “Grass?” I thought to myself, and I opened my eyes to confirm my suspicion. As I saw the top of some trees and parts of a blue sky, I wondered why I was outside, since the last thing I could remember was that I was out driving... Or was that a part of the dream? I shook my head, still a little dazed, and as I looked around, nothing felt familiar. Wherever I was, it wasn’t my house, or even the park nearby- I had never seen this place before. My body felt fine, so I sat up, but as I couldn’t hear any type of civilization, I wondered aloud: “Where am I, if I crashed? Shouldn’t there be a road nearby?” After I thought about it, I wanted to stand up, but as I was on my way up, I felt odd, my head hurt, and I fell back down on the ground. I closed my eyes and massaged them in an attempt to get rid of the pain. After a few seconds, my odd headache disappeared, and I thought it was only because I got up a bit too fast, so I got up a bit more slowly the second time around. Once I stood up (with more success this time), I thought of an explanation for all of this: “I must be having one of those lucid dreams, where you know you’re dreaming!” I said to myself. “So all I have to do is slap myself hard enough, and I’ll wake up. Flawless.’ As my palm hit my cheek, a loud slap echoed, and I closed my eyes in a wince from the pain. ‘’OW! That hurt.‘’ Unfortunately, when I opened my eyes, I was still here, lost in a forest I didn’t recognize. Finally, as the reasonable part of my brain came back, I thought, “If I am in a forest, could it then mean that some hungry animals have heard me slap myself in the face?” As I looked around, I listened out for any sound of danger, but the only hungry growl I heard was a few seconds later- a small one coming from my stomach. Realising I had a phone with me, I patted down my pockets, trying to find it to try to call somebody or at least see where I was. No luck in the pockets. I turned my eyes to where I lay before, but there was nothing there either, no phone, nothing at all. As a small breeze came, I felt that my jacket was gone as well; I only had my shorts, underwear, t-shirt, and sandals. After a few seconds, I decided that if I stayed here, it wouldn’t be in my best interest, and if I was to return home, I had to find someone to help me. First, though, I had to get food, water and a sense of direction. I looked to the trees around me, and none of them were growing anything on them resembling food. I had to be careful about what I ate out here, since I knew I wasn’t an expert on food that grows in the wild; I suspected my older brother was way better at that. Maybe on my journey, I would find some food and water, but thinking about water made me notice that my mouth was a bit drier than I would like. But at least I had a good lunch, if what I remembered of today wasn’t a dream. As I looked for something that might give me some sense of direction, I looked up at the skyline. I saw a thin trail of smoke, one I must have missed before, and where there’s smoke, there’s a fire! If it was a smoke trail, I believed there would be more smoke, giving me plenty of time to track it back to civilization. This smoke looked to be more the smoke of a campfire or maybe a factory than of a forest fire, igniting hope within me. As my eyes followed the smoke trail in one direction, the smoke ended, so I walked towards its source and into the thick forest. The forest was like most others, warm, with dry air. The trees looked ancient, and walking among them it almost felt like walking through a busy corridor of oak and pine, bustling with some primal life. After a long time had passed and as the sky had been blocked by the trees most of the time, I needed to know where I was, and as I had heard, you could easily get lost in an area the size of a football field while being in a forest. I looked around and saw a tree that looked stable enough to climb, and it didn’t look too challenging to get to the top of, so I climbed. It took a lot of energy just to climb, and more still to not fall. Finally, at the top of the tree, I looked around, but strangely there was no city in sight, and as I looked to the sky, I saw the sun had moved quite a bit, and that trail of smoke was gone. Well, that was that plan over then. As I had no idea where the smoke came from, I looked around and saw a mountain range nearby. One of the mountains looked a bit odd, like it had a camel’s hump, but I couldn't make out what it was precisely; “it could just be a part of the mountain” I reasoned to myself. I looked around a bit more, and I spotted a small mountain in the distance, which had to be at least three times as tall as the trees next to it, but it was several kilometers away. It didn’t look too challenging to get to the top of, and now with a sense of direction, I looked to see if there were any streams or rivers, but I couldn’t see anything, no water, and no trees with food on them. Now on the ground, I walked towards my new destination. But as I walked, I felt dizzier and dizzier, until I fell over, quickly using my arms to break my fall before I hit the ground. On the ground, I saw that I stumbled over a rock that came up from the ground, one I hadn’t noticed before. As I got up, I used a tree for support, and after I got over my headache, I continued to walk. Finally, after that long walk in the forest, I got out in the open, and as the fresh air came into my lungs, I fell on my knees, just before falling onto my side. And I lay there. I just wanted to relax, for only a few minutes, I wasn’t used to all this walking. Some time passed before I opened my eyes and saw a small mountain in the distance that looked familiar, and after a moment I remembered that I had come here to get to the top of it. I rolled over, and as I lay on my stomach, I pushed myself up onto my knees and further, when I stood up straight and was stable on both my feet, I walked. About halfway from the hill, I began to get my headache back, but I didn’t let that slow me down, and I persisted. I was only a short walk away from the small mountain when I saw the sun as it went down, quite fast if I thought about it. But I dismissed it due to my lack of water and food, with a slice of warm day and a teaspoon of internal panic of which I tried to hold down. As I reached the foot of the mountain, the sun was almost down, and while the moon came up, I spotted a cave, and to my luck, it was empty and big enough for me. Inside there was a giant boulder with some space for me behind it. Considering my options, if I slept up in a tree tonight but fell during the night and got hurt, it would be way harder to get help, and I could easily hide behind the giant boulder, so I made up my mind. As I was about to call it a night, I took one last look at the night sky. It was so clear and beautiful, so much so that I fell and admired the stars. Looking at the sky, I tried to find Orion's Belt, but after a while of not being able to see it, I gave up, and just stared out at them. In particular, one of the stars looked more pinkish than the rest, it wasn't the biggest star, nor brightest, but it was beautiful beyond words all the same. As I felt more and more tired, a cold gust of night wind came and sent shivers down my spine, and I walked into the cave and went onto the other side of the boulder. I lay down and took my arms to cover my chest as I tried to keep myself warm. For what felt like the next eternity that followed, I just couldn't sleep; it was too cold. With nothing else to do, my mind reflected on my current situation: I was happy at home. I had won the eurojackpot, and my family and I were close. I didn’t have a girlfriend yet, but I would work on that, as I had secured my living. But now? I was alone in the middle of nowhere, I was thirsty, hungry and scared, and as I felt a few tears slip out, I came back to my senses. If I cried or panicked, it wouldn’t help, and I needed to rest. Tomorrow would be better, I just knew it. > Day 2: Find rescue: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up to what I assumed to be the next day, and I crept out of the cave that had served as my makeshift camp for the night. I listened out carefully for any sounds of other humans or hungry animals, but, like the day before, heard nothing. I looked around briefly, and could see no sources of food or water. Looking up, the sky was a clear blue, with barely any clouds. “Another day in the sun.” I muttered, and rolled my eyes. I felt a dull ache in my eyes, and they started to itch. “Must be some sleep,” I thought. But rubbing my eyes gave no relief, and no relief seemed in sight after carrying on. “Maybe a lack of water,” I concluded, and forced myself to stop rubbing my eyes and look for a way to get up to the top of the mountain I was still only at the base of. I walked around the mountain for a while, and found a winding trail going up, so I followed it. I walked for what felt like hours, but it could’ve been less than an hour, or even longer. “We have to stop and take a break,” my body protested, “we’re exhausted”. Ignoring my body, I carried on, wanting at least some respite from the sun beating down, but no luck. My vision almost seemed to pulse to the beat of my racing heart. I slumped to the ground to catch my breath, and my eyes fell on the ground below, maybe 25 meters down, and as I tilted my head back I guessed I was maybe a third of the way up. Still panting, I decided it was time to move on. After my rest, I walked further, and as I walked, I stared idly out on the horizon to see if I could spot a town, a house, anything really, but I couldn’t see much of anything, let alone life. At some point I finally crested the peak of the mountain, and lay down on the ground until my heartbeat was no longer pounding in my ears, and my breaths came easier. Now I felt I had time to look around more closely, and from a good vantage point too. Looking around a bit more carefully, I saw the mountain with the thing on its side from yesterday, there was something below it- I nearly jumped for joy, could it be some tourist town? I could only see it as a blurry blob of blackish brown, but I had to hope. I traced my eyes back from it to myself, and saw a vast dark forest was between me and it. Looking to the right, there was a smaller forest on the other side, which looked more welcome. Did I have the energy to take the safer, but more circuitous route?  I had no source of water or food near me, and I realized I had no other choice. I decided, I had to get down from this mountain and get to what could maybe be a town before my body gave out. I would have to chance the most direct route. I got up and started my descent, much more slowly now. I knew it would take hours to get to that town (“it just had to be a town,” I kept telling myself). I stole a glance at the sun’s place in the sky, and winced. I suspected it was about noon. I stopped for a moment, realising that I needed something to orient myself once I was back on the ground. I looked around in a panic, eyes darting frantically from one alike tree to the next, my head pounding at the focus. “The mountain from yesterday,” I mumbled to myself “The Camel mountain...”  Fear gripped me for a split second, had I nearly forgotten where the town was already? This was bad, if I couldn’t keep my thoughts straight and remember where I was going, I might die out here. The fear receding, I took a good long look at the mountain, which was next to the town, and only when I felt comfortable with my memory, carried on down the path and walked down, repeated my mantra ‘To the Camel mountain…  To the Camel mountain… To the Camel mountain...’ I wanted to take another rest, but my single-minded goal kept me going for who knows how long. I was maybe halfway down when I felt the muscles cramp in my right leg. I winced in pain and felt a horrible sense of vertigo as I lost my balance and slipped off the loose stones of the trail. I put my arms over my head, and fell a short distance before rolling down across rocks and pebbles, bruising me on my too-fast descent, and not even slowing me down. Out of pure instinct, I shot out a hand, and managed to bring myself to a stop. As I lay on the ground with a muscle cramp in my leg, I clenched my fist and punched my leg, as I hoped to get the pain to stop, but nothing; the pain was so horrible that I closed my eyes. As I opened my eyes, I couldn’t feel the muscle cramp in my leg anymore, but I also noticed that the sun had moved quite a bit. As I became more awake, I realised that I must’ve slept for a while. Something in my head told me this was wrong, but I couldn’t quite grasp the feeling. I stood up, brushing the dirt off me as I did so, but I felt something was cold around my knee. I looked and saw that there was a scratch on my knee, and there were small scrapes and bruises all down my legs. I wasn’t bleeding, but it still hurt, as I saw there was nothing I could do, I kept walking down the hill. As I was close to the bottom of the hill, I felt something tickle in my nose before I let out a huge sneeze. When the echo of the sneeze stopped, there came a rumble that shook the ground. Small rocks began to fall before I realized what was about to happen “Avalanche!” As I ran toward the wall, the big to huge stones began to fall, as I noticed a big shadow around me, I looked up, and a giant boulder came down, I jumped and barely avoided it. I got up and got my back against the giant boulder; as I looked up, the smaller rocks rained down, and I used my arms to protect my head. After a bit, I looked between my arms and saw a football-size rock as it came down, and my instinct knew I wouldn’t be able to protect myself. I used my right arm to push myself away from the boulder, almost flying away, but my arm was too slow, and the rock hit me and I felt horrible pain in my arm. I tried to keep from crying out, and ran to the wall as sand and smaller rocks still came down. At the wall, I was safe from all the stones, but not the disturbed sand that blew into me, stinging my skin and getting caught in my hair. As the avalanche came to an end, and my adrenaline went away, the pain in my arm came back, and I clenched my teeth hard trying to not scream in pain. I shook my head free of the sand and looked at my arm, it didn’t look too unnatural, hopefully not broken, and as I felt the pulsing pain, it didn’t feel like I was going to die due to it. Trying to take deep breaths, as I knew I shouldn’t panic, I managed to avoid shedding any tears- I was low enough on water as it was. I needed help, more urgently now, and knew I had to start walking. It was more painful now, but with no other option, I continued. I still remembered that I had a direction at the hill’s bottom, thanks to my mantra, but I was unsure where that was. I spotted the Camel mountain with a little difficulty, and thanked my foresight, before I kept trudging onwards. Hours came and went when finally I could make out a house of sorts. Getting closer though, my common sense came back, and I froze in my tracks. Something didn’t make sense; the houses’ design looked hundreds of years old, nothing like that would ever be built today. Stranger still, they looked relatively new, showing no telltale signs of centuries of wear and tear. Something told me I should take a closer look and maybe see a resident of the town before I walked straight in. With the small open forest next to me, I decided to get closer, and I snuck through the trees the rest of the way. As I got closer to the town, a tree lay before me and forced me to go out into the open or deeper into the forest. I decided to go deeper into the woods, still being careful and making as little noise as possible. I also had to listen and be mindful of my surroundings. Even if the pain in my arm did make my concentration worse. As I took my first step into the forest, my head swam and I fell to my knees, clutching my stomach. I was so thirsty, tired, exhausted, and my arm wasn’t any better. I wondered if I had even made the best decision. Should I have gone out in the open and walked directly to the town? I couldn’t lie down here and fret forever though, I knew I had to get up. I clenched my left fist and forced it in the ground next to my head, and using as much of my strength as I could, I was able to push myself up. I got my right knee on the ground before I rested for a moment; I got my left foot stable on the ground. The pain in the arm, now  dangling at my side, gave me an immense amount of adrenaline. I pushed myself up. As I did, I spotted a branch and grabbed it with my good arm, letting me get myself stable on my feet. When I was able to stand by myself, I let go of the branch and turned around and leaned myself on the tree. “Should I just walk into the town?” I wondered. But as I felt that I still had some energy left in me, fear of the unknown won, and I chose the forest. I stumbled through the forest, head protesting every step of the way. It was then I heard a voice, maybe two voices. They talked to each other, though one spoke more than the other. The sounds they made were still muffled and as carefully as I could, I walked closer. As I walked, I could make out the voices more and more precisely, but what they were saying I couldn’t make out, only that these two voices were coming from the other side of a boulder I now found in my path. While one was definitely an adult man, the other sounded more like an adolescent boy. Father and son perhaps? I heard as they talked about something, but my head wouldn’t focus enough to listen. I heard the sound of several rolling dice, though I was still unable to see them. I had to find a way to see them without them seeing me. Hence, as I looked from where I was, I spotted a bush next to a tree and stealthily moved towards it, trying to keep myself from being spotted. Once behind the bush, I crawled under it, even as my right arm screamed at me, but I was able to stay quiet and out of their sight. From my hiding spot, I could finally make out the voices, they were speaking English, and even though I’m fluent, I had no idea what they were talking about, though it was probably about their game. Finally, I was able to see them from my hiding spot, and I couldn't believe what I saw: A red horse with a collar on and... My blood froze. A small purple and green dragon?! They were both sitting on some wooden stumps pulled up to a larger piece of wood that served as their table. I tried to control my breathing, but was slowly failing, panic creeping in, and I wondered, “But where did the voices come from….” Those were my final thoughts before my stomach growled loudly, and the dragon jumped up in alarm and yelled, “Who’s there?!” Panicked, I pushed myself up with my left arm as quickly as possible, trying get get up and run, escape- Pain overwhelmed me, and my eyes rolled back into my head as I fell to the ground, unconscious. > Waking up: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke with a start, unsure of how much time had passed since I passed out. A quick look to the sky told me it was nearly sunset, but I felt like I was forgetting something... The dragon! I now saw that the talking dragon and his horse had gone, and thankfully they hadn’t kidnapped me as they went.  I dragged myself out of my hiding spot, and stood up slowly. Something was off. Their game had been left out on the table, and as I looked to where I lay before, there were hoofprints, and a set of smaller, non-human footprints.  “Were they afraid of me?”  I looked to where the tracks went; both led away from me and towards the boulder, around it and back in the direction of the odd town. I stood in silence for a couple of minutes before saying to myself, “Where the hell am I?” All of these questions, it was hurting my head just thinking about it. I frowned, and touched my left hand to the back of my head, wincing and drawing away the hand. I looked down, and my hand had a few specks of blood on it. But I didn’t see dots everywhere or feel sick, so I guess I was alright for now.  But now to the big decision. Do I run away and spy a bit more on the town before I do anything else? Do I wait here and see what happens, or should I walk into the town I know nothing about and hope for the best? Mind racing through doom-scenarios and possibilities, I decided to stay and wait, I had no more energy left to run, or do much else and if the dragon was afraid of me, I didn’t think it would be a good idea to go to his town. As I waited for something, anything to happen, I looked over at the game left out on the table. I didn’t recognize it, but it kinda looked like a D&D game from what I knew. “If they had planned on playing, they must have brought some food or water.”  I rummaged through their bags, but there was nothing, no food, and no water. The search only made me dizzier, so I walked over to the boulder and leaned my back against it, sliding down to rest myself on the ground. I looked over the top of the trees and saw the fading orange glow as the sun set over the horizon. Even as bad as my view was, I appreciated the sight, seeing the soft colors bleed away, leaving behind the beautiful night sky- an image that was at once horrifying and stunning, and one that could be my last. As I sat with my back on the rock, I clutched at my stomach and tried not to throw up. I could feel my consciousness slip away, but I knew I had to stay awake, or else I feared that I might not wake up again. “If this is my last day, has it been worth it?” I closed my eyes and focused on my heartbeat; I would stretch it as long as possible. Something jolted me to my senses, and I forced open my eyes. Some time had passed since I had last been paying attention, and a pale moonlight shone through the trees. I cursed, realising that I had nearly dazed off. Close one. What had startled me was a sound nearby, the clip-clop of a horse, or horses. Fully spent and out of energy, I tried in vain to move, but found I had no choice but to sit and wait for the source of the noise; the rock was the only thing that was holding me upright. The sound was closer now, and I froze as I saw a long shadow cast to the right of the boulder. I was busy looking over its horrifying mix of sharp edges and soft curving lines when I heard a female voice ask aloud: “Are we close?” A nervous response came quickly.  “Not much further, just behind that rock.” I felt like I had heard it before, but I couldn’t place it. After seconds that felt longer than they should have, from around the rock came a small purple horse. Immediately I noticed some weird things: it had no saddle, no rider, and it had a horn on its skull. It locked eyes with me, and bowed its head. Agh! Was it horses you weren’t meant to lock eyes with? Was she going to charge me?! What a way to die that would be. Thankfully though, it raised its head, and opened its mouth in a wide grin. “Hello! Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Twilight Sparkle, I am a unicorn, and number one student of the Princess! What’s your name? Do you have a name? Can you understand me?” It blurted out enthusiastically, not even pausing for breath. Not quite being able to process what I had just heard, there was an awkward silence. I just sat, mouth agape at the fact that yes, this horse was talking to me. I was just trying to replay her rambling introduction in my head before the horse repeated itself more slowly. “Can... You... Understand... Me?” Still in shock, I slowly nodded and responded, “Yes, hello, I’m Stef.”  Not a great first impression on my would-be savior, she must’ve thought I was incredibly stupid. The horse- or unicorn, I supposed, perked up when I answered her though, and spoke almost immediately, with another of her energetic questions.  “Hello Stef! If you don’t mind me asking, um, What species are you?”  What sort of question was that? “I’m a Human.”  I replied incredulously, but remembering my situation, added. “B-but where am I?” She looked a bit puzzled. Did the creatures in this town not know about the world, were they some lost town of fairytale creatures secluded in the mountains? I frowned. No, they were quite easy to find, that couldn’t be it. The creature in front of me sighed deeply, and I focused back in on her to hear her answer. “You’re in the Kingdom of Equestria,”  She replied in a patient tone. I had heard it many times in my life before, it was the tone someone used when speaking to a child, or a person who really should know the answer themselves. Her face scrunched up a bit and she looked to be wracking her brains for some obscure knowledge. “Though I haven’t ever heard of a Hyoomann before- is your Kingdom south of the Badlands by any chance?” “Eq-Equestria? Badlands?” I wondered aloud, even more confused. “Where the hell in Denmark even am I? How did I get here?”  She did a double take. There was a pit of dread in my stomach, I felt like I wasn’t gonna like what she had to say next. “What’s a Den-mark?” she asked, sounding the word out as if she’d never heard it before in her life. Shit. Had I been spirited away to some fairytale world? Was this all just a bad dream? Was there a way home? The pain in my arm wouldn’t let me dwindle on thoughts like that for now though. “I don’t think I’m from your world,” I murmured, before continuing with more conviction. “Will you help me?” She was surprised for a second, before pausing, deep in thought. “I’ll try, but I can’t do much here.”  Came her reply, with a sad smile. “We will need the help of the Princess. Spike, take a letter.” The purple dragon from earlier came out from behind the rock, and took out a piece of parchment and quill. Looking over to see that the dragon was ready, she dictated to him. “Dear Princess Celestia, Tonight, Spike and I found a creature with intelligence that calls himself a ‘human’ out in the woods. He requires our help, as he told me that he is not from our world, which I am inclined to believe. So with your permission, I would like to take him on the night-train to Canterlot in the hopes that we can help him to go back home. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.” As the dragon stopped writing, he rolled up the parchment and breathed some green fire onto it, causing it to vanish. Had he not just immediately destroyed the letter as he wrote it? The unicorn didn’t seem concerned, though. Maybe there was some strange method of transportation at work? Twilight looked towards me and said, “Now we wait until I get a response.” I was confused by what I’d seen, but she seemed to know what she was doing. I shrugged, but moving my arm even that little filled me with pain. I shut my eyes as I tried to get it to go away. Once I felt better, I opened my eyes, and Twilight was a lot closer to me.  “I’m sorry, I never thought to check... Are you alright?” She asked, with a twinge of guilt in her voice as she spoke.  “I got caught in an avalanche, and I’m pretty sure my arm is broken,” I said. She looked concerned, but she closed her eyes and her horn glowed purple-ish. I looked down at my arm, and it glowed the same color, sending a few gentle tingles along my skin. I decided not to dwell on what I assumed was magic for now, but knowing it was a part of this world was certainly good to know. After a few seconds, the glow stopped, and she spoke. “There is a small fracture, but at least it wasn’t a more serious injury.” Relief more than evident on her face, she looked at me as her horn began to glow again, and two vines and two thick branches came out of the forest before she said, “This will hurt, but I’ll try to be careful.” I nodded as I clenched my left fist. The floating branches and vines secured themselves around my broken arm, forming a makeshift splint. The purple glow returned to my right arm, and I started to prepare myself  for this when- Crack! I heard the awful sound of bone on bone, and as the pain that accompanied the startling sound got to me, I raised my left fist, pulling it back to punch the ground. Noticing me, the dragon yelped in fear, “Twilight! Look out!” he cried. She had no time to react before I slammed my good hand onto the ground as hard as I could. It hurt, but it definitely wasn’t broken.  “Why did you do that?!” Twilight yelled, my right arm now in nature's splint. She sounded angry, but surprise was also evident in her voice. She used her magic to practically drag me over to her by my left hand, and I didn’t resist, or I felt like my good arm might have broken as well. In response, still not over the pain, I chuckled. “Heh... It helped to take the pain?” The unicorn didn’t look happy or at all amused, and her angry tone didn’t falter. “Maybe, but don’t do it again.”  Her features softened a little as she released her magical hold of my hand. “Well, at least you didn’t hurt yourself, but still! You scared poor Spike half to death!” Right on queue, the dragon burped up a scroll emblazoned with a golden seal, which Twilight opened and read to herself before hurriedly speaking. “We’ve gotta go now, or we’ll miss the train to Canterlot.”  She looked at me, then the back at the letter before adding, “And I’m going to have to cast a spell on you, it will tickle a little bit, but don’t worry.” I nodded weakly. I wasn’t even sure why, maybe because I didn’t have a choice. Her horn glowed its purple once more, and as I looked down at my body, I saw I glowed the same color. I felt a strange tingle spread quickly across my body, as I became lighter by the second, until after a few seconds I found myself to be very, very small, and now suspended in the air. Before I had time to react, I was floated over to her and into one of her bags. It was very soft inside there, and after a moment it became dark, and I felt Twilight start to move. Where were we going exactly? She said something about Canterlot, and some ‘Princess’, but what that meant, I had no idea. It wasn’t long until she began to pick up the pace and ran. Chatter quickly came within earshot, and though it was muffled, I could hear Twilight exchange pleasantries with various people as she sped by. I then felt us skid to an abrupt stop. “What’s the rush darling?” A new voice asked in quite a distinct tone. “Sorry Rarity, I’m late for a train to Canterlot, umm…”  As Twilight paused I realized that she was a really bad liar. I facepalmed, and prayed that she could think of something to get us to the train in time. “Oh! right, I’m going on a small trip to study.” Thankfully for us, Twilight’s friend seemed completely oblivious to her lie. “Canterlot, you say? You needn’t ask me twice darling, I’ll get home and pack right away!” Her voice became more muffled before Twilight cut in, “I’m really sorry, Rarity, only I’m going... Maybe another time? Sorry again, but I really gotta go!” She galloped again, probably leaving an incredibly confused friend in her tracks. Some time passed at that speed before she slowed back to a walking pace. From the sound of it, she was walking on wood now, perhaps we were at the station? It wasn’t long until I heard what I assumed to be a train and we began to move again, before at last coming to a stop. After a short time, I glowed again, and within a few seconds, I was levitated back out of her bag, and returned to normal size again. I was now in a train cart, and not one designed for humans, of course. I was gently put down on what I assumed to be a normal size for a horse’s seat, and as Twilight sat down in front of me, the glow disappeared. I stared at her for a few moments, neither of us saying anything. Before I could think of something to say, a whistle cut through the silence, and I heard a male voice yell out. “All aboaaaaaaaaard!” > Train to Canterlot: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I tried to get comfortable in my seat, my eyes caught Twilight’s. She was staring at me like something was wrong, but I didn’t want to say anything since she looked to be so deep in thought. A short while later, she asked, with polite curiosity: “Um, what happened to your left arm?” I gave her a puzzled look. “Nothing, it was my right one that broke.” I said.  "I know, I know, but did ‘nothing’ make those scars on your arm?" Twilight asked skeptically. I had completely forgotten about those. "Ohhh, those hehe, um. That was my friend’s… Um, a cat who did it. A long time ago." "A cat did that?" I could see it in her eyes and hear it in her voice, she knew that I lied, but she had no right to know. "Yeah… A long time ago." I said. She was annoyed, but didn’t press the matter, and silence fell upon the train cart. Strangely I felt pretty bad for lying to her, she helped me after all, and there was something about her that felt easy to trust. Suddenly, I began to feel cold, and started to sweat. At the same time, the train cart began to spin. I closed my eyes for a second as the vertigo took me, but as I opened them, Twilight had an expression of shock and terror on her face. It showed in her body language too, she was tensed up. "W-what’s wrong?!?" She exclaimed. Calmly, in the hopes that she might relax, I replied, "Nothing’s wrong, why do you ask?" Now with a lot more worry in her voice, she said, "Be-because you just fell backward and passed out for a moment there, and there is now a red mark, right behind where your head landed." That caught me completely off guard, as I couldn't feel anything hurting. But I didn’t want to upset her.  "Oh um, it’s nothing." I said, nonchalantly. "Then why are you swaying?" She then asked in a deadpan tone. Well that didn’t work. A few seconds of silence held until Twilight broke it with a commanding voice. "Alright, that’s it!! Face the window so that I can have a look." "It’s nothing, really, I’m fine." I said, now feeling slightly more dizzy.  She got out of her seat, and she hopped up next to me. ‘Why do I keep saying that I’m fine, when clearly, I’m not.’ I thought. ‘Thank goodness Twilight doesn't listen to me.’  Once she sat next to me, she put her front hooves on the backs of my shoulders and forced me to face the window while she raised herself and lowered me a little bit. I then felt some thick air around my head, and with me doing nothing at all, my head moved around, and as I felt that some of my hair moved around where the wound was. "Ouch!" "This is not ‘nothing’, this is serious." Twilight quickly responded with an even more worrying voice, So I tried to calm her down. "I’ll be fine." That didn’t work, as she just snapped back at me "No, you won’t, not if I don’t do anything."  Silence came back again as she looked closer at my wound. My stomach chose this exact moment to growl loudly in protest, and Twilight turned me to face her, as she asked a bit calmer, but still firmly, "Look me in the eyes and tell me the truth. When was the last time you ate?" I looked her in the eyes and as soon as she said ‘Tell me the truth’ I felt I couldn't lie.  "It depends on what time it is and if there was a trail of smoke yesterday." I said. She became confused, but replied, "Around nine, and yes?" I sighed, and said, "Then about… 33 hours." All color drained from her face after hearing that. "33 hours? When- when was the last time you have had something to drink?" She asked, with even more worry in her voice. Since it wasn’t a surprise to me, I casually said "About the same." Her right eye did a little twitch. She quickly pulled a towel out of her bags, folding it with her magic and laying it on my head, right on where the wound was. As she pressed it there, I could feel it hurt, and I flinched a little. "Hold this towel here, with the exact same amount of pressure, and I will be back in a bit." She said. My left hand carefully came to where the wound was and held the towel in place. It still hurt, but I held it in place like I was told. Twilight jumped down and said, "Do not lift the pressure on the towel or move your head too much." before she walked out of my view and out of the train cart, and I heard the door close behind her. For the couple of minutes she was gone, I did lift the pressure a little bit, but it began to hurt even more, so I put the pressure back on, and the pain receded. I knew she was taking me to see the Princess, but why did she help me so much? She didn't even know me. There was something between us, not love, of course, I knew what that felt like, it was something else, something I couldn’t explain. I felt it when I was around her, and when she said ‘Don’t worry’ it stirred something within me, I couldn't place the feeling. Did she feel it too? Before too long, she came back to the train cart while singing, "I’m baaa-ack." As I ended my thoughts, ‘Best to keep this to myself. After all, we have only just met.’ As she came into view, I saw a cart with loads of apples- which was great, since the rest of the “food” looked various plates of hay and flowers. Next to the food was about twenty cups with water in them, which looked good. There was also a big bucket with nothing in it, and the final things were all kinds of first aid stuff. Lastly was two smaller buckets, one of which was empty, and the other one was three-quarters filled with water and had a sponge in it. My heart began beating faster, from what I feared she was planning to do with that sponge. "Here you go." Twilight said happily. She levitated a cup of water over to me, and as I got a hold of the cup, the glow disappeared, and she continued with a bit more commanding voice "Drink up, and I will get ready to clean your wound." With the fear of the pain I believed that would come when she cleaned my wound, I asked "A-are you sure? I don’t want to be a burden." As she got her things, she responded with a calm voice, "You will only be a burden if you don’t let me do what I have to do." Before I got to drink, Twilight, with her magic, levitated the big empty bucket over in front of me, she didn’t say why, but I didn’t care. I took the cup up, but when the water came into my mouth and I tried to swallow, I could only puke the water into the bucket. I felt even sicker from that water, but Twilight said, "It’s just your body that’s rejecting the water, but you need to have water in you before I can begin to clean your wound." What followed was me repeatedly trying to drink a cup of water until finally after three tries, I tried to drink it more slowly, and it finally stayed down. I drank another cup, relief filling me as I could finally slake my thirst. After the water had settled inside of me, Twilight sweetly asked "Do you feel better now?"  I nodded, and then felt a strange sense of weightlessness, as Twilight levitated me onto the floor. As I sat there, she walked behind me as she said, "Sorry, but you are a bit taller than I would like, and I do need to see at the top of your head." So I answered, a little afraid of what she was about to do, "It’s okay, but you really don’t have to do this." She decided to ignore my whining, but did respond with a soothing voice "Hey, it’s okay to be scared, but if I don’t clean this wound, it’ll just become infected. I promise you that I’ll be careful." I let out a sigh of defeat as she then levitated a clean towel over to me and said just as calmly, "Take this towel between your teeth and just focus on biting it." As I took it in my mouth and bit down, I thought to myself, slightly panicking, ‘What? No painkillers? Nothing to take the pain but my own happy thoughts?’ Just as she began, I could feel the wet sponge as it touched my hair, and I flinched again, which Twilight noticed. All of a sudden, I couldn't move my head, I could only blink, roll my eyes, breathe and move my jaw, but I couldn't move my head. Then I noticed why, it was Twilight’s magic that held my head in place, and right on cue, she calmly and apologetically said, "Sorry, but if you’re moving too much, it will just hurt even more."  Defeated, I sighed again and bit down at the towel even harder. I felt it as she untangled my long hair first, and made sure it didn't fall back onto the wound. As she began on the wound itself, I still gave a little twitch here and there when she applied a bit of pressure to the wound as she cleaned it. After quite some time, she was done with the cleaning and made sure it wasn't infected. I saw as she levitated a bandage and a thick piece of cloth and gently placed the piece of cloth on the wound and to make sure it would stay in place, she used the bandage and wrapped it around my forehead and wound a couple of times. When she was done, she happily said "There we go, all done with your head!" She jumped down onto the floor, but as I hadn’t reacted to her, she shook her front leg in front of my face. I took the towel out of my mouth, and I still sat on the floor. "Thanks, but you didn’t have to go through all that trouble just for me." I said, gratefully. I began to get back up to my seat as Twilight said with a smile and a happy tone "It was no trouble at all. I’m happy to help a friend, and besides, I still need to make a proper splint for your arm." The word ‘friend’ stuck out and caught me a bit off guard, but I managed to calmly respond "Well, I’m happy to be with a friend too. But this splint works just fine for me." Twilight narrowed her eyes as she said, "It’s a broken arm. Besides, it’s only to make sure that it holds it in place, and I promise I won’t move your arm itself." As she kept her promise with the wound, I nodded, and as she held my arm in place, she removed the makeshift splint before levitating over a much tidier one. With the new splint on, I said "Yeah, it does feel better. Now I don’t feel like passing out." A look of horror hit her like a rock before I smiled and gave out a small laugh. Twilight reluctantly chuckled before saying, "Hey, that’s not funny." "Hehe, sorry Twilight, I couldn’t resist," I said, her just rolling her eyes. After a little time had passed, I took an apple from the cart and began to eat, and thanks to the water from earlier, I could eat it without throwing up, and it was the most delicious apple I ever had. Twilight noticed and asked, with a small giggle, "Is it good?" I swallowed and said with a happy tone, "It's the best apple I've tasted in my entire life." She giggled at that statement and levitated an apple over to herself and took a bite, and quickly said happily, "It does taste rather good, not the best, but definitely a 6, 6.5 out of 10." Now I just wanted to know what a 10 out of 10 would taste like. While we ate, I noticed that one pink star from last night, and I just felt that I would go home tonight. I got my attention back inside the train cart and took some more water, but as I began to eat the fifteenth apple Twilight said with a small giggle "That’s enough food for tonight."  As if in protest to that statement, my stomach growled, and she continued "I know you still feel like you are hungry, but if you eat too much, it wouldn't be healthy for you." I nodded, I think I had heard something like that before. So instead, I took another cup of water and kept drinking. A short time later, Twilight piped up, "So… I'm curious, how did you find Ponyville? You say that you saw a trail of smoke yesterday. But was that all?" Ponyville? Funny name for a town. I thought for a second before I told her what had led me there, as best as I could remember it. While I told the brief version of my story, Twilight had different looks on her face, from confusion to ‘mostly interested’.  When I was finished, she said, "Sounds like you have been through a lot, but if you want, I think I could explain some things you don’t know." I didn’t think that there could be anything she could tell me that I will be surprised over now, so I said "Sure, why not."  She began to explain that the creatures here are called ponies, not horses. She told me that the small dragon from earlier was called Spike, and he was Twilight's friend and assistant, and then she continued with, "Oh, and the trail of smoke, that belonged to a giant snoring dragon." That freaked me out a little, but she noticed, and hastily added “But it’s gone now, so there’s no cause for alarm!” "Wait. I was following a giant, snoring DRAGON?" She giggled a bit, but she calmly responded, "That is correct, but if you were worried about Spike, he is still a baby dragon, and very friendly." Before I said with a small chuckle, "I believe you." After a second of silence, I asked "Umm… So you said before that this place is called, umm… Equestria?" She answered happily, but tried to remain calm "Yes, The Kingdom Of Equestria, where Earth Ponies, Unicorns, and Pegasi live together in harmony." "What, Pegasus, as in ponies that can fly, with their own pair of wings." I asked, a bit more enthusiastically than I had wanted to sound, but hearing her tell me Pegasi were real here was such a surprise. Maybe surprised at my knowledge or eagerness, Twilight spoke "Yeah, that’s correct. But how do you know about Pegasi and Earth Ponies..." She paused for a second before continuing, with a twinge of sadness "But not Unicorns?" "I did know about Unicorns before I came here. But how do I say it? Well? Back in my world, we only have Earth Ponies. Pegasi and Unicorns are only myths and legends. But Unicorns that can do magic, that I have never heard of, or at least not before I met you." I said. “I’ve never seen anything like you before, either…” She said, her eyes meeting mine. Time seemed to slow, a somber mood taking me. I guess I was alone here. Twilight’s eyes lit up and she smiled brightly as she looked behind me and said, "Ten minutes and we’re in Canterlot." I could feel the butterflies in my stomach, as I was, in maybe twenty minutes, going to meet the rulers of this world, and my fate would lie in their… Hooves, I guess? "Have you ever heard of an Alicorn before?" Twilight then asked, as if reading my mind. I thought for a short time before I answered. "Not from what I can remember, why?" "Both the Princesses are Alicorns. Princess Celestia brings the day, and Princess Luna brings the night," Twilight said. I made a mental note in my head, ‘Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, don’t forget’, so I asked politely and curiously, "How do they do that?" With a small laugh, Twilight said "That’s easy to explain. Princess Celestia uses her magic to raise and lower the sun, and Princess Luna does the same with the moon." That puzzled me for a moment, and I needed to hear it again, just to be sure, and I asked "Wait, they move the sun and moon with magic?" "Yeah, how else?" She answered curiously But before I could respond, a maybe male voice from a speaker announced, "Final stop: Canterlot." "Are you ready to go back in my saddlebag?" I nodded since I didn’t really have a choice, and within a few seconds, I was in her saddlebag again and laid down on the soft material. Twilight went from a walking pace to running, or would that be a galloping pace for her, and I began to think, as there was nothing else for me to do. I thought back on what Twilight said, I was the only human she had heard of and when I had first said the word, she couldn’t even pronounce it. Was I truly alone? And if so, maybe that was why I was being hidden in her bag, why we had a train cart to ourselves, I could definitely see that if a talking pony (let alone a flying Pegasus or magical Unicorn) was in my world, they would need to be hidden, or it might cause a panic. It was slowly starting to dawn on me that I was probably the first to see another world, the first to know about other life forms, to know that magic does exist, that it's real. Perhaps this world even depends on that magic. Twilight’s hooves went from cobblestone, I think, to maybe a glass or marble floor. We must be at the castle, then. “I have got to find a way home, and the sooner the better.” > Canterlot Castle: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I heard the echoing sound of giant doors close behind us, and felt as Twilight levitated me out of her back and returned me to normal size. This was it then, the castle. I hadn’t expected this place to be, well, so grand. Shoot, how was I supposed to act in front of a Princess?  We stood in a giant hallway, a literal red carpet running down it, and pillars built into the walls, which looked to be made of marble. But more impressive though were the stained glass windows, each appearing to show a moment of this land’s history. A few closer to the end were blank, “probably for if something happens in the future,” I thought. Still, even the blank windows let the moonlight shine through them and into the hall, and it was a sight to behold. Twilight coughed, and I turned my attention to her. "The Princesses are ready to see us now, so a little advice first: be honest, be polite, and everything will be alright." She said, surprisingly calmly. I nodded. "Thank you, and I will." She gave me a small smile, and as soon as her horn began to glow, the big double doors next to us began to glow the same color and slowly opened. The room inside was just as tall as the one I was in now, but the windows here were far more stunning in their beauty, and I could only gape in awe, taking a deep breath while examining them. On the left side was depicted a blue alicorn gazing longingly at the starry night sky, with shooting stars, and the moon large in the frame. The way the moonlight shone through the window accentuated the stars and moon perfectly, and it looked almost uncannily as though the stars in the image were twinkling as I knew the stars outside must have been. On the right side, the stained glass showed an alicorn while in the background the sun rose over a mountain range, each ray of light intricately set into the window, each lock of the subject’s hair tens or hundreds of pieces of multicolored glass. While still beautiful, I wondered if part of the effect was lost due to the time of day- I pictured in my head a similar effect to that of the left window. There were two more windows, but both were too far away for me to make out very clearly. In a vain attempt at giving my eyes some rest, I looked down at the floor, which I could now see was so clean that it reflected the entire room above, like a mirror. I looked myself in the eyes, almost ashamed of my disheveled appearance. I did wonder if this was the intended effect of the room- a show of power, and a reminder of the entrant’s lack thereof. Twilight walked confidently onwards, and I followed her, now able to see the two Princesses, a white one who I believed to be Princess Celestia, who was clearly taller than the dark blue one I assumed was Princess Luna. Still, I could easily have missed their fur’s color, because from that moment on, I found it hard to take my eyes off Princess Celestia's hair and tail, which seemed to move in some unseen breeze, and seemed to hold the beauty of light itself within, cast out in a brilliant rainbow. The same wind seemed to move Princess Luna's hair and tail, but hers however was a stunning black- no, “black” did not do it justice; while black was a color, her tail seemed to exist in absence of light, and yet paradoxically had spots of light within it, looking like a beautiful starry night sky. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. These were the two Princesses of Equestria? The title didn’t do them justice. My senses were screaming at me, I could almost feel the power radiating from these two ponies, “Or Alicorns, rather” I corrected myself. When I was about five meters away from the steps of the throne, Twilight stopped, and I did as well, thanking my lucky star that I didn’t have to get any closer. My heart beat like it could jump out of my chest at any moment, the sheer gravity of the two’s presence overwhelming me. Out of some long-forgotten knowledge, or perhaps some primal instinct, I dropped down to one knee and bowed my head, hoping to show a sign of respect, an acknowledgement of their majesty, their existence that inspired such awe in me. I raised my head slowly to look at the Princesses and said, with as much respect I could, "Thank you, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, for seeing me at this late hour."  Princess Celestia gave a small smile and said with a calm voice, “It’s quite alright, when Twilight wrote to me about you, I looked forward to seeing you and to learn how you got into our world, so please, tell us how you got here, from the time in your world to this moment.” As soon as I heard her speak, I let out a breath I didn’t realise I’d been holding in, and relaxed. It didn’t sound like my mother's voice, but it felt like hers, from when I was a child, and she would comfort me. And so, I told her everything. It was all I could do to try and abridge some of the less relevant parts of my journey that had brought me here. My first day, my mountain climb, my stumble through the forest, my meeting with Twilight… I hoped she didn’t mind the story being so long. After I finished speaking, Celestia responded with the same calm voice "I do believe that you are not from our world, and now that I have seen you, I might know a way for you to go home." There came a short pause before Princess Celestia continued with a more saddened voice "I cannot promise anything, since we do not know what got you here in the first place." Another small pause came before she seemed to regain her confidence, "But if you are willing, myself and my sister, Princess Luna will help you get home." When she said that she couldn’t promise my return home, I could feel it like a punch in my stomach, but after she was done, I said thankful "Thank you, Princesses. I understand, and I am willing to try."  With that, a flash of golden light came and went, and it left a full-length mirror with some purple-pinkish gemstones in the purple frame, while it stood on a blue circular platform with what looked to be horseshoes around it. Princess Celestia came over to me. "But first, let me check your head and your arm." I got on my right knee and saw a golden light coming from where my head was; it shined towards the floor. After some time, Princess Celestia said, "Very well, your head has not suffered any damage, but you still need time to heal your wound. Now for your arm." I stood up as I said, "Thank you, Princess Celestia." As I stood up, I saw she smiled, as her horn had the same golden glow and she said "It’s no problem." My arm then began to glow the same golden color, as I then noticed that both my arms and legs had Twilight’s glow on them, but no pain came as a sharp light came and went from my right arm. As all the glows disappeared, I felt my right arm; it was sore, but not broken. "There we go, all better now. However, it will be sore until it has made its complete recovery." Princess Celestia said Twilight took the bandage off, and I only stuttered in amazement "Tha- thank you, Princess." “You’re welcome, but let’s get you home. This is a… gateway, of sorts, and one that can lead you to your world. Normally it would only open once every 30 moons, but combined with the right spell, it will open up as a one-way path to any realm, which would be your ticket home." I then heard Twilight with a sadness in her voice, "I guess... this is goodbye?" I felt my heart become heavy with that realization. "I guess it is... Thank you, Twilight. For everything you have done, thank you."  We smiled at each other as Twilight stepped back, and the Princesses used their magic on the mirror. I walked over to it, looked back at Twilight, and gave her one last smile before I looked at the mirror, and as a tear rolled down my cheek, I stepped into it. Walking into the mirror felt like falling into water, the inside feeling cloying and fluid, but oddly not wet. I tried to open my eyes but realised they were open- there was just nothing here but endless darkness. All that was in here was two white lights, one behind me where I had entered, and one far in front of me. I flailed around, trying to move myself, but all that accomplished was setting me spinning. I had to calm down, I couldn’t breathe in here forever. Maybe since this was a magical transport, I could think my way to the other side? I focused on the other doorway, and was about to berate myself for even thinking that would work, but after a moment felt myself move slowly towards the light in the distance. It was working! I was slowly running out of air, and began to scramble, reaching out desperately for the light, flailing around hopelessly. I was so close! ‘Not like this’, I begged. As if hearing my prayers, I shot forwards, hitting the point of light. I fell out of the void, coughing and spluttering, gasping for air. I didn’t even notice that I hadn’t landed on the floor for a good 30 seconds. I was gently held in the air by magic, and after being placed on the ground, I looked up and saw Twilight and her horn, which was glowing the same purple color I had already seen many times today. Then it hit me that I was still in the presence of an Alicorn as Twilight walked over to me. I stood up and caught Princess Celestia's gaze.  "I’m sorry Princess, I didn't mean to-" "It’s alright." She said, and continued with sadness in her voice, "I’m sorry it didn’t work out." As she finished her sentence, I tried and failed to stifle a yawn. I hoped they wouldn’t be offended, the long day was really starting to catch up with me, and the thing that had been keeping me going had been snatched away from me at the last second. "It’s okay, you did say it wasn’t a guarantee.”  I said, trying to cover up my disappointment. “What now?" Princess Celestia gave a small smile and said, "Nothing more for tonight, tomorrow we will try something else." I accepted it, but Twilight asked politely and curiously "What do you have in mind Princess?" "The Elements Of Harmony. If combined with my sister and myself, we might be able to open a portal instead." Princess Celestia said. Twilight paled at the idea. “Princess, would that even work? With him as the focus-” “Do not worry, Twilight Sparkle, I won’t do anything that would hurt him.” Celestia assured her. A moment of silence came, but still with the despair of the first failed attempt, I asked, "What if that fails as well?" While I hoped that it didn’t come off as whining, but one smile from Princess Celestia destroyed that fear as she said "If indeed it fails, then I’ll let you know, but do not despair, for tonight you will sleep safely here in the castle."  After a few seconds of silence passed, Princess Celestia asked "Twilight? Will you show our guest to room 9-6-N/E-9?" “I’ll be happy to do that Princess.” She replied, earning a smile from Princess Celestia. "My sister went ahead to make sure that there are no ponies for the next twenty minutes between here and the room you’ll be staying in."  When Princess Celestia mentioned Princess Luna had gone ahead, I noticed that I hadn't seen her since I went into the mirror, which made me think about how long I had been in there. Though that aside, I was very grateful that they were trying so hard to get me home, and that they were giving me a room in the castle to sleep in. I did my best attempt at a bow, "Thank you, Princess Celestia, and please could you say ‘thank you’ to Princess Luna for me as well?" "I will. Now go on, and sleep tight." Princess Celestia said, winking at me. I again bowed to Princess Celestia, and with Twilight, we went on our way to room 9-6-N/E-9, and it was just the best to walk again, without being dehydrated. After a short walk, we came to some stairs with a sign that read ‘Security Level 9: Important Visitors Of The Princess’ which made me feel spoiled for getting a room in this wing of the castle. We made our way up a spiral staircase, and a sign read ‘Level 6: Top Floor’ was waiting for us at the top. There were two big golden double doors on the right and left sides of the top of the stairwell. Twilight walked through the door labelled ‘Northeast Wing’, and I went inside to a corridor which was maybe thirty meters long and with nine tall golden double doors. “Let me guess,” I muttered under my breath, “Room Nine?” Sure enough, Twilight Stopped outside the last door along, and I smirked. Level 9, Floor 6, Northeast Wing, Room 9. I still had it. > In my room: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight pushed open the doors silently with her magic, and together we walked inside. We stood in a large bedroom, and the first thing I noticed was that it was way bigger than my old apartment, easily 3 times as tall as me. Inside the room itself was a double bed, that looked large enough for even me to stretch out on, and at the far end of the room was a vast half-circle window half-covered with a red velvet curtain. Lastly there was a rather well-stocked bookshelf to the right of the door, which certainly piqued my interest. Though, since Twilight was in the room, I turned my attention to her. “So… Do we share, or…?” She turned bright red, and hastily fumbled a reply. “Oh, no, sorry. Um, yes, I forgot to tell you: I have to make sure your wound hasn’t gotten worse. I have my own room elsewhere.” “Oh yeah, uh... That makes sense. Where do you want me to sit?” For some reason, that got Twilight to smile. "I’m happy to know that you are comfortable about me checking your wound."  I returned her smile, though somewhat disingenuously. I still didn’t like it, but I knew I couldn’t talk her out of looking after me, so I didn’t see much reason to be impolite about it. After Twilight jumped up onto the bed, she gestured for me to sit in front of her on the floor, and so I did. As I sat there, I remembered that I hadn’t taken a bath in almost 2 days, and I cringed inwardly. I took a few sniffs, and I smelled awful. Had Twilight put up with this all this time- and wait, I also met the Princesses smelling like this. I groaned, how mortifying. “Hey, Twilight? Can you tell me something, and please be honest?” She broke her intense focus on whatever she was doing to the wound on my head and replied “Hm? Of course, what is it?” So I took a deep breath and asked “To your pony nose, do I smell bad?” I was only glad I couldn’t see her facial expression as she heard the question. “A wash can only do you good, so when I’m done with your wound, I will prepare a bath for you.” She said. I sighed. I knew she wanted to help me, and all, but this was bordering on treating me like I was her infant child. “Are you sure? Just tell me how to work it, and I'll be fine.” “It’s not a problem at all; I just need to finish this first.” Twilight said gently. Well, if I needed a bath, my clothes must also be dirty. Maybe there was some way I could make myself useful. “Is there also a way for me to clean my clothes?”  Her response didn’t even surprise me as she said, “While you take your bath, I can take care of that too.” At least it sounded like I’d be able to take my bath alone, but with her, I wasn’t even sure if I’d be allowed that, so I decided to keep way away from that subject. “It’s okay, really,” I insisted, “I can do it by myself, you don’t have to do that for me too.” “I insist, plus it’s faster and easier to do it myself.” She stated, bluntly. ‘Well, I can’t deny her logic there, but still…’  “Are you sure Twilight?” I asked one last time, though I’d pretty much given up on the idea of being any help to her tonight. "I’m sure." Twilight said, as I felt her apply a fresh bandage to my head. "All done, but I might have to change it again after your bath if you get it wet."  Now finished, she jumped down to the floor and walked over to a door I hadn’t noticed when I first came in, so I stood up and followed her to what was likely a pony version of a bathroom. Twilight opened the door and went inside, so I followed. It looked mostly like a typical bathroom you might find back on Earth, which was oddly disconcerting: a fairly standard-looking shower, a large bathtub and sink, but the toilet had a rather long bowl, and if I had to guess why, it would be something to do with stallions that might come here… But never mind that, the sink was ornately gilded, and the entire room was made quite tastefully of polished marble, with a few orange bath mats on the floor. The whole place was spotless, gorgeous, and definitely the most expensive bathroom I’d ever seen. Twilight waited for me to finish admiring the design before she asked, "Do you want to take a shower, or relax in a bath?"  I wanted a bath pretty badly, maybe even with bubbles if I was lucky, to soak away the stresses of the past 2 days. But I knew she had meant what she said about changing the bandage on my head if I got it wet, and I didn’t want to keep her awake selfishly. That was the least I could do. As if she were a psychic, she interrupted my thoughts by adding, "And by the way, if you want to relax in the bath, but don’t want to keep me awake, I’ll go and take a bath myself if you do, so you wouldn’t be keeping me." ‘I don’t know how she does it, but she always knows just what to say…’  I thought to myself. It took her giving me an odd look to remind me that I had, in fact, not responded to anything she had said for the last minute or so. Whoops. “Could I have a bath?” I asked, and I hoped she was being truthful when she said this was ok. She got a smile on her face and got her front legs up in the air, and clapped them together while letting out an excited “Yay!”, which looked so adorable. She came back to the ground again, blushed as she said "Umm… I was hoping you were going to say that."  She walked over to the bath and turned on the taps, and as the tub began to fill, and steam started to fill the air, I let out a big but soundless sigh. When the water had filled to over half, Twilight poured some kind of soap in the water, and a short time later, when the bath was three-quarters full, Twilight turned off the taps. Twilight walked towards the door as she asked “You said you wanted your clothes washed as well, right?” Still curious about why she wouldn’t let me do it myself, I answered, “Yeah, I did say that.” We both stood there awkwardly for a moment. “Soo, can I have them now, and you can begin to enjoy the water?” Then it hit me, she was a pony, she was naked all day and night. Even the Princesses were naked. “If you go out of the bathroom, then I will give them to you.” I said. That took her by surprise, and she must have realized humans didn’t go around naked like ponies did, because, with a nervous smile, she walked backward out of the bathroom. Once Twilight was out of the bathroom, I gently closed the door before I took my clothes off, and as I lay them on the floor, Twilight said “Oh… By the way, there are some towels under the sink, just use as many as you need to.” I opened the door a little bit, tossed my clothes out to Twilight, and answered. “I will, thank you.” As I was about to close the door, she said, “I will be back in thirty minutes, but don’t try and dry your hair if you are done before then. It needs to be done carefully.” “I’ll remember.” I answered, relaxed.  “You promise?” She asked.  Maybe she didn’t believe me? With everything she’d done today, I almost replied ‘Yes, Mom’, but I managed to stop myself. “I promise,” I answered, sincerely. “See you in half an hour.” “Have a nice bath!” Twilight said. “You too,” I said, and I went over to the bath, which was the perfect temperature, and I got in. I began to clean my whole body, and it felt great. After about fifteen minutes, I was all cleaned up, and since I had another fifteen minutes, I relaxed. After some time, I was about to fall asleep, and since I was clean and Twilight would be back in about ten minutes, I decided to get up, and the towels were precisely where Twilight said they would be and luckily for me, the towels were the perfect size for me and incredibly soft. As I dried myself, I remembered that Twilight had said that I shouldn't dry my hair, and to wait for her to do it. The ends of my hair were annoying me, though, so I placed a towel between my shoulders and my hair in the hopes that it would dry the ends at least a little. Then I took a second towel around my waist and made a knot to make sure it would stay in place, and used a third, smaller towel to dry off those drops of water that I had missed. I went back into the bedroom, and since there was nothing to do, I began to think.  ‘Why can I understand what Twilight is saying? I mean, it sounds like English, but is there something in my brain translating for me, and if so, then could I read their language too?’  I went over to the bookshelf and saw a book called ‘The Foundation Of Equestria, Volume 1’ as I thought, ‘So yes, they either write in English, or my brain is translating again.’ Come to think about it, all the signs I had read on the way to my room were also in English. On the desk nearby was a piece of parchment and a feather quill, maybe I could do a little experiment? Before I could do anything, a few knocks came from my door, and a voice called out, “It’s me, Twilight, may I come in?” “Yeah, come on in,” I said. Twilight walked in, with my clothes in a neat pile drifting along behind her in her magic. She saw me standing next to the bookcase and her eyes lit up in excitement.   “Are you looking for something to read?” “No… Not really, I just got curious to see if I could read your language, as I can speak it.” At that, she got excited. She practically threw my folded clothes onto the bed, and went over to me, asking eagerly “Did you find out?” “I can read your language and numbers, but I’m curious to see if I can write it too,” She tilted her head to the side "If you can read it, shouldn't that also mean that you can write too?" A valid point. “I don’t know, but since I haven’t ever written with a quill before, I was actually looking for something else to write with instead.” “Wait here!” she said, before quickly running away. She came back a few seconds later with a pink crayon, and she said with an apologetic voice, “Sorry, I couldn't find anything else.” I released a sigh. “It’s fine.”  I went over to the table and wrote in what I knew to be English ‘First night in Canterlot, thanks to my friend, Twilight Sparkle.’ I gave it to Twilight, and after I knew she had read it at least three times, she said with a happy voice, "You’re welcome, my friend." "What is this language called?" I asked. With what I would now call her lecture voice, she answered, "We call it Ponish." As I followed her to the bed. Well, at least if I got stuck here I wouldn’t be illiterate. That was certainly a silver lining. Twilight then gestured for me to come and sit where I sat before, and when I sat down, she took the bandage off, and started to dry my hair. All of my thinking earlier had reminded me of something that Princess Celestia had said earlier today, so I decided I’d probe Twilight for an explanation. “Say, Twilight, what did you mean, when you said you didn’t know if I would work as the focus?” Twilight sighed. “I know the Princess knows a lot more than I do, but I don’t understand what she has in mind…” I gave her a look, a look that said ‘we are not conversing on the same level’. She seemed to pick up on this. “Do you have portals in your world?” I shook my head, and Twilight started her lecture. “Hm, well, do you understand the concept at least? To create a gateway from one location to another?” I nodded. “Yeah, we have the concept, but it’s just a fantasy where I’m from.” She grinned. “That much we share then. Even the least sophisticated portal spell, a teleport, is very difficult to cast. At the moment, I’d be surprised if even 10 unicorns are alive that are capable of the spell.” She sounded like an overeager science professor, which was endearing, but dreadfully boring to listen to at the moment. I sighed heavily, and Twilight cleared her throat awkwardly in response. “Aaaanyhow… Like all spells, Portals require a focus to be cast, and to put it simply foci absorb the magic of the spell to…”  She waved a hoof vaguely in the air, searching for some way of explaining this to me, as a person does when explaining a concept to someone who doesn’t even have the foundational knowledge to even properly understand the prerequisite concepts involved in the discussion at hand. She clicked her tongue frustratedly. “...To make it, well, happen. And the Princess says she intends to use you as the focus, which worried me because of what happens when a focus can’t handle the spell it contains.” ‘This could only be bad’ I thought, but I had to at least ask. “And what does happen?” “The focus burns out.” Came her simple reply.  It was incredibly disconcerting to have her say I was in danger of death if this plan didn’t work out with such cold academic recital. If tomorrow did go awry, would I be reduced to only another textbook example of magical theory to her? We sat in silence after she said that. “But, as I said, the Princess surely knows what she’s doing. I wouldn’t worry too much about it.” I know it might sound silly, but hearing that really did set me at ease. If I’d tried to tell my past self this, I knew I wouldn’t believe me. But there was something about invoking the Princess of the Sun’s wisdom here that truly relieved me. It wasn’t the feeling of power she emanated, or at the very least not just that; it was everything about her that I’d come to understand from our brief meeting earlier. I wasn’t quite as worried as I had been, and my curiosity was sated for the time being, so I decided to sit back and relax, and let Twilight finish off with my hair. - Once Twilight had dried my hair; while being careful around the wound, she was even so careful that I, again, couldn't feel it, and with my hair now dry, she placed a new piece of cloth on my wound before she wrapped a fresh bandage around my forehead to hold it in place.  "All done." She said, satisfied. As she jumped down from the bed, I looked at her, I said with a happy voice "You kept your promise, I couldn't even feel it." She giggled and said, "I told you." But as if on cue, we both yawned at the same time. "Well, goodnight, I’ll see you in the morning." she said. “Goodnight Twilight.” I said, yawning. I was exhausted. As she walked out of the room, and closed the door behind her, I put on my underwear and got into the bed. The mattress was so soft, but not like a waterbed. It was almost like a soft cloud embracing me as I sank a short way into it. The blankets were just as soft as a cat, and the pillow was firm but not hard. It wasn’t at all difficult to get comfortable, and to fall asleep. > Day 3: Can I go Home? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up and as I stretched out I thought ‘It was all just a dream. I mean a world of taking ponies, where some were Pegasus and others were Unicorns that can actually do real magic, they even had a functional government with two Princesses that could move the sun and the moon. Hah, but that Unicorn Twilight was actually really sweet, even though she treated me like her child.’ But a small knock on my door made me ask, as I still believed I was home ‘’Yes, who is it?‘’ Then I felt the mattress, the blankets and the pillow, I opened my eyes and with that, all the memories of what happened the last two days came back and Twilight from the other side of the door spoke ‘’It’s me, Twilight, may I come in?‘’ As I tried to get over the shock that I was still in Equestria, I said still a little bit tired ‘’Sure, come in.‘’ I heard as the door opened and Twilight’s hoof steps got closer as she asked with a small giggle ‘’Are you still tired?‘’ But before I could respond, she continued, to my relief ‘’If you could just turn around so that I can then change your bandage and don’t worry, there’s some food on it’s way.‘’ After I turned around, I laid my chest on the pillow and asked, still tired ‘’What time is it.‘’ As the old bandage came off she said ‘’Around noon and my friends arrived about one hour ago.‘’ As I wondered why her friends had come, I asked ‘’Why have your friends arrived?‘’ She was for some reason surprised that I didn’t know and lectured ‘’My friends have arrived so we can use The Elements Of Harmony alongside Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, to make the portal even stronger.‘’ ‘’Now I remember, Princess Celestia did say something about those.‘’ A small pause came before I asked ‘’Twilight, what are the elements of harmony?‘’ As she placed a piece of cloth on my wound and placed the bandage back on she lectured ‘’Oh, of course you don’t know, sorry. The Elements Of Harmony are the most powerful magic known to ponies, and since my friends and I each represent an element each, we can then together use the magic of friendship.‘’ With that statement I sat up, since she was done and I asked as I wanted to make sure I had heard her correctly ‘’You’re saying, that the most powerful magic in this world, is ‘friendship’?‘’ ‘’Yes.‘’ Twilight said. Thankfully a few knocks on the door and as Twilight went to the door I thought ‘Maybe I shouldn’t tell her what the most powerful weapon is in my world.’ Twilight opened the door and said ‘’Thank you Spike, will you tell the Princesses and the girls that he’s awake now and we will be there in a few minutes.‘’ As a familiar voice said ‘’Sure thing Twilight.‘’ Twilight levitated a silver tray with a lid on into the room. As Twilight went to the door, I saw my chance to get dressed and as Twilight walked towards me, I was all dressed again and I sat down on the side of the bed and she sat the tray on my upper legs, since I sat down it worked as a small table. She lifted the lid with her magic and what greeted me was a bowl of salad, carrots, cherry tomatoes and some slices of apples. There was also a small bowl with some strawberries in it and a glass of what I suspect to be orange juice. As I began to eat, I could taste that all the fruit and vegetables were much better than what I had back in my world and the orange juice, not surprisingly, it was great. After I ate Twilight levitated the tray over to a nearby table, sat it down and said ‘’Because it is day now, the Princesses can’t empty the hallways without it looking suspicious, so you’ll have to hide in my saddlebag again.‘’ To that I just smiled and nodded as I said ‘’Sure, when you are ready.‘’ Her horn glowed and shortly after, I was in her saddlebag and she began to walk. Luckily for me she walked the entire way and since I had nothing else to do, I removed the sleep from my eyes and just waited. After some time I heard as two big doors opened and closed and I was my normal tall self again as Twilight and I were in the same room as last night, the room just before the throne room. As I looked at the big golden double door, they didn’t open, I looked at Twilight whose ears hung low, so was her head and as I was about to ask what was wrong I stopped myself, I knew what the answer would be, so instead I asked ‘’Twilight?‘’ Before I came down to her eye level and when I did she placed both her hooves around me and hugged me, I hugged her too. No words could describe what I felt, but as I hugged her, I for some reason, felt safe, like whatever that would happen today, I would be okay. As she loosened her grip around me, I did as well and when she stood on all four of her hooves she said ‘’Thank you, I needed that.‘’ ‘’Your welcome my friend.‘’ I said and as she smiled I stood up, the doors glowed and opened up. As we walked into the throne room, Spike, the purple dragon from yesterday was there alongside Princess Celestia and when we came to a stop, I bowed, but before I could say anything Princess Celestia asked with her calm voice ‘’Did you have a good night’s sleep?‘’ I stood up and thankfully said ‘’I did, thank you Princess Celestia.‘’ She gave a smile and said ‘’I’m sure that you are curious to know what will happen today.‘’ ‘’I am a little curious, Princess.‘’ I said. ‘’In a few moments, I will teleport all four of us to a field, you will appear close to the mirror, while Twilight and Spike will appear next to their friends and I will be next to my sister. My sister and I will then open the portal like last night, then Twilight and her friends will use their Elements Of Harmony to make the portal even stronger and when I give you the signal, you shall go in and if everything goes to plan, you should be back in your world.‘’ After I had taken the information in, Princess Celestia then asked with a soft voice ‘’Are you ready?‘’ To which I responded confident ‘’I am.‘’ Everything became a golden light and when it disappeared I was outside, on a grassy field next to the mirror from last night, I noticed Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were close to me, Twilight, Spike and five other ponies, one orange with a hat, one pink, one white, one blue with a rainbow mane and a yellow one with a long pink mane. They were a little bit further away, I gave Twilight a final look before the Princesses opened the portal, just like last night. I then noticed that from Twilight and her friends there came an actual rainbow, like nothing I had ever seen before and it hit the top of the mirror, as at the same time Princess Celestia yelled ‘’Now!‘’ I jumped in. After I jumped into the mirror and saw the endless darkness again and I thought since I still had the properties from my jump, I would then hit the other portal soon. But after I should have hit the other portal, I finally looked around and I only saw one portal, the one that I came from and with my thoughts, I stopped myself and took a closer look at my surroundings, but nothing stood out. I floated in mid air as I heard a sound, it sounded like thunder in the distance and it only became louder.  Louder and louder the thunder became until I was hit, by each strike I screamed in pain. I was hit several more times, but even though I knew I was hit several times, it didn’t even feel like lightning, but still hurt. As I tried to get away, a force held me in place and I was unable to move, as not even my thoughts could get it to loosen its grip and the grip only became tighter as I was tossed towards the only portal that was there. As I flew out of the mirror, I quickly moved my arms to protect my head as I knew, I would hit the ground, but I hit the ground so hard I quickly flew up in the air again, as I hit the ground again I tumbled a bit before I lay completely still on my left shoulder, I then allowed myself to fall on my back and relaxed. I heard muffled voices and opened my eyes to see Twilight as she stood over me and a cloud was now between me and the sun, just one cloud with a blue pony's head on it. When I looked at Twilight I could see her mouth moved, when the ringing in my ears stopped, I heard Twilight as she asked ‘’...u okay, can you hear me?‘’ I tried to nod, but my whole body had locked itself in a kind of cramp, so I instead said ‘’I can hear you, but… I- I can’t move.‘’ As I said that, a yellow Pegasus with pink long hair and a pink long tail quickly came over and as she touched me she asked a bit to the shy side ‘’Uhm… Sorry, but can you feel this?‘’ Since I couldn't nod I calmly said ‘’Yes.‘’ Still with a shy voice she said ‘’If you want, I can fix it so you can move your body again.‘’ So still calm, even though I began to slightly panic in my head, I said ‘’That would be nice, thank you.‘’ ‘’Twilight, um… Would you mind turning him over, so I can loosen his bones?‘’ Twilight agreed, since I was lifted in the air, turned to my stomach and placed me back on the ground. I then felt something on my back, maybe the Pegasus and as she placed her hoof right on my spine she pressed down and as soon as she did that, I could feel my whole body loosen up, she then with a sweet voice asked ‘’Can you feel anything different?‘’ To where in a relaxed voice, I said ‘’That’s the spot. I think I’m all better now, thank you.‘’ As she came in front of me and extended her hooves and I was about to shake her hooves but she lifted me off the ground and when I stood up, I said surprised ‘’Wow… thank you.‘’ With a more sweet than shy voice she said ‘’You are quite welcome, I’m Fluttershy.‘’ ‘’Nice to meet you Fluttershy, I’m Stef.‘’ We gave each other a smile as I noticed the Princesses came over and a golden light blinded me. I noticed I was back in the throne room and that it was only Princess Celestia and I, the Princess lowered her head and said disappointed ‘’I’m sorry we failed and you had to suffer for it.‘’ So with the best smile I could make, after yet another failed attempt, I said ‘’It’s okay…‘’ I thought I wanted to say some more, but I didn’t know what. With a more calm voice Princess Celestia said ‘’I now only have one more idea, but there is a risk to do it.‘’ ‘’What is it?‘’ ‘’An ancient spell, one that is forbidden, due to its… success rate.‘’ ‘’What’s the spell?‘’ ‘’A creature to pony transformation.‘’ ‘’If it is the last chance, I don’t see any other way.‘’ A small pause came before Princess Celestia said ‘’Make your decision tomorrow.‘’ A piece of paper appeared ‘’For now, take this scroll and understand it, it will tell you everything you’ll need to know about the spell.‘’ I took the scroll and with a flash of golden light, I was back in my room, alone. > What do I have to lose: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the scroll in hand, I walked over to the side of the bed that faced the window and opened the scroll. ‘Creature to Pony Transformation. My sister and I believe that the reason you could not return to your world is due to your body 'rejecting' the magic of the portal. Therefore I have decided to present you with this option to return home. The reason we didn’t start with this option is due to its success rate- know that, while it has never been attempted on a human before, it has been attempted on other creatures. These creatures who wanted to become ponies, for varying reasons, but due to some unknown failing in the transformation, all their lives were cut tragically short. At first it was suspected to be a flaw in the spell, but no flaw was ever found- even the archmage Starswirl's keen eye could find nothing wrong with its workings. So by accepting this, you will be risking your life. Do not do so lightly, for a life less than ideal is a life. The Spell itself. It was never refined to the point where it will give you the body you want, so it would be impossible to say if you would become an Earth Pony, Pegasus, Unicorn or even an Alicorn like myself and my sister. It is also impossible to know what your physical age and gender would be- but your memories should definitely remain intact, as the spell weaves the mind into a new form. I know this is a lot to take in, but remember that even if the spell is successful, I cannot guarantee your return home. If you choose to not go through with the spell, you have mine and my sister's guarantee that we’ll make a way for you, as a human, to enter our world.’ After I had read the scroll, I dropped it as I began to shake, I had to lay down on the bed and as a few tears came out, I still held almost all of them back. I turned around so I could see out through the window and I just looked out, I didn’t know what to do. I wasn’t afraid because I could die here, for all I knew, I just disappeared or maybe even died the day I got here. Maybe it was the car crash that got me here and this was just my afterlife. As I thought about my situation, I suddenly heard a few gentle knocks on my door and Twilight asked with a worried voice ‘’May I come in?‘’ I quickly got up and cleared my throat and with my normal voice I said ‘’Give me a minute.‘’ I took the scroll and hid it under my blanket, wiped the few tears away, took a deep breath and said as calm as I could ‘’Come in.‘’ As the door opened, Twilight came in and closed the door as she asked ‘’I thought you might wanted some dinner?‘’ I turned to notice that the sun was about to go down and said ‘’Oh yeah… Umm… thank you Twilight.‘’ With a smile she said ‘’Your welcome.‘’ She levitated a tray, with a lid on, over to me, but for some reason I didn’t notice the tray before, she removed the lid and I began to eat the vegetables and yet again, it was all very tasty. As I eat in silence Twilight came over to me and said with a concerned voice ‘’I can’t even begin to imagine what you are going through, and you don’t have to tell me, but know that if you want to talk. I’m here for you.‘’ As I felt I was about to cry again. I stopped myself and placed the tray on the floor, that got Twilight’s attention, I got the scroll and gave it to her as she began to read it for herself. She started to develop tears in her eyes before she jumped up to the bed next to me and hugged me from the side, while she hugged me she asked carefully and curious ‘’Will… Will you do it?‘’ My answer surprised even myself as I said ‘’I have to try.‘’ A silence came for a couple of seconds before I continued with a sadness in my voice ‘’I just fear if I still won’t be able to go home. Please, don’t… Don’t get me wrong, you have all been very sweet to me, but my life and family is back in my world.‘’ She then responded with a happier tone in her voice ‘’Then let’s talk about WHEN you are a pony.‘’ Curious with that statement I asked ‘’What do you mean?‘’ ‘’Let us say you wouldn't be able to go back, at this moment in time at least.‘’ Twilight said. Now curious to see where she would go with it, I asked ‘’Okay, what then?‘’ She looked at the scroll and said with her lecture voice ‘’Let’s take them one at a time. Hmm… Now, let’s say you become a stallion or mare, then you can live with me and I’ll help you to adjust to the pony life, until a solution will be found.‘’ But the word ‘mare’ got my head in a spin, as I calmly asked ‘’But, what if I get the age off a child?‘’ She thought for a moment before she said ‘’Then I also have an idea, to make a story that you don’t remember your parents, so my parents could then adopt you as their child and my younger sibling and then you could still live with me and I could still teach you the pony way, until a solution will be found.‘’ But with that big of a statement I skeptically asked ‘’Are you sure? Have you even talked with your parents about it?‘’ Her look told me that she hadn't talked with them about that, but confident she said ‘’Well no. But if they say no, then I will adopt you as my own.‘’ I thought back to what happened last night, I did believe she was serious, but I said with a more serious voice ‘’Don’t promise what you can’t keep.‘’ But with a smile and a happy voice she said ‘’I’m not.‘’ After Twilight had spoken I looked out of that big window and as I saw that pink star again, I got a smile back on my face and I looked at Twilight and with a small laugh I said ‘’Hehe, it’s funny really, every night I have been here in Equestria, I have seen that pink star.‘’ As I pointed towards the pink star and with a smile Twilight said ‘’And like that star, I will always be here.‘’ I returned her smile and after a moment I said ‘’Well, I better get some sleep before tomorrow.‘’ ‘’Yeah, of course, well, goodnight.‘’ Twilight said. As she walked towards the door I said ‘’Goodnight Twilight.‘’ She gave me a smile, walked out the door and closed it after her, I turned the lights off and now the moonlight, from one of the smaller windows, showed only the bed, I walked over to the bed, took my clothes off and again lay down on the bed and looked at the moon as I fell asleep. > Day 4: The Transformation: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up with knocks on the door as Twilight asked ‘’Good morning, are you awake?‘’ Still tired I said ‘’Good morning and yeah, come in.‘’ She again came in with a silver tray with a lid on and said ‘’I hope you like pancakes with syrup.‘’ As I sat up I said ‘’If it's just as good as everything else I had, I know I will love it.‘’ She giggled as she sat the tray on my thigh and levitated the lid off and what greeted me was about ten, normal size, thin pancakes with syrup in what looks to be a gravy boat. I could see Twilight had something on her mind and so I asked ‘’Is something wrong?‘’ As I eat the first pancake, with sadness in her voice she said ‘’I guess I’m just a little nervous about the spell today.‘’ As I was about to eat the next pancake I suddenly thought ‘I could actually die today.’ But I gave Twilight a smile and even though I didn’t believe myself I said ‘’Just because no other creature had made it, that doesn't mean I won't, right?‘’ She turned to me with a smile and said ‘’Yeah…‘’ But after that conversation I wasn't hungry anymore and asked ‘’When should we go?‘’ She hesitantly said ‘’When you’re ready.‘’ I sat the tray aside, got out of the bed and took my clothes on before I said ‘’I’m ready now.‘’ She shrunk me and levitated me into her saddlebag, now for the last time. Like yesterday, I heard a loud bang from the double doors as they closed and within a second I was out of the saddlebag and my normal tall self again and as I felt my body Twilight begged ‘’Please, you don’t have to do this, we…‘’ She stopped herself as she probably remembered back to last night when I said ‘Don’t promise what you can’t keep.’ I went down on my knee and gently lifted her head up, as I said with a calm and reassuring voice ‘’I’ll be alright.‘’ Her front legs surrounded me and she hugged me, I hugged her back. After she released me she tried to give a smile and when I stood up, the golden double door to the throne room opened up and all of Twilight’s 6 friends were there alongside both the Princesses. As I was a few meters from the Princesses, Twilight stopped and I did it as well and bowed, when I stood up again Princess Celestia asked ‘’Have you read what I gave you?‘’ I nodded as I said, with butterflies in my stomach ‘’I have Princess, and I accept the risk.‘’ She lowered her head and let out a sigh as she said ‘’Very well.‘’ With a golden flash I was back on the field from yesterday and Princess Celestia is a good twenty meters away, Princess Luna was the same distance away but 120 degrees to my left and Twilight with her friends where 120 degrees to my right of Princess Celestia, they formed a circle and I am in the center and Princess Celestia asked ‘’Are you ready?‘’ Even though I didn’t want to, I answered ‘’I am.‘’ I was levitated up in a golden and dark blue light that surrounded me and while in the air, a rainbow came to surround me as well. My clothes started to turn to dust, that then faded away, all my body hair began to fall off and as the long hair on my head began to fall in front of my eyes, it burned to nothing. I became warmer and warmer until I felt my skin burn, my bones started to break apart, change and I screamed in pain, my spine extend, my skin around my neck started to stretch with it, my lower back at my spine then shout out with skin and nerves came with it, I could only continued to scream, that was until I felt my skull began to reshape and I passed out. > Day 5: First Day As A Pony: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up with my first thought ‘What? What happened?’ Then I remembered ‘Im, I’m alive, did it work?’ But I couldn't feel anything different about myself. I tried to take the blanket off of me, but nothing happened, my arms didn’t move and I couldn't even feel them. As I began to slightly panic I tried to move my legs, but nothing happened, but before I panicked, I felt the blanket and mattress on my body, but only another place in my brain ‘Of course, if I have a pony body now and I try to move it like a human body, that won’t work at all.’ So I tried to locate where in my brain I felt the mattress. I then felt something and moved it, as I moved it my rear right leg moved, then with my rear right leg, I touched my rear left leg and it then became easy to use it, but the feeling in those legs were odd, the bones were out of place, they felt restricted in their movement, but it felt natural. I then searched on how to move my new front legs, as moving my rear legs was now in place, but I didn’t find anything in my brain that could make them move, so I closed my eyes and felt them instead. I then lifted my front right leg and then my front left leg and it worked. It was easy enough to find my spine and therefore my neck and head, but at the end of my spine, I felt something else, ‘Could it be my tail that I can feel?’ But as I still lay in bed, I decided to get out of the bed and find something reflective, so I could see what I really looked like. I looked around the room and I saw a mirror on the other side of the room to my right and thought ‘That wasn’t here before, maybe Twilight put it in here.’ But getting over there, that was easier said than done. As I now had a little more control over all of my legs I then placed my 2 front hooves on the mattress, one to my right side and one to my left side and as I lifted myself, I felt that my bones didn't want to do that and my front left leg gave in, I rolled over and I only stopped when I fell out of my bed, hit the ground and was buried in the still very soft blanket. After a hard fight to get untangled from the blanket, I finally got out and lay on my stomach and as I lay there, I felt my extended mouth with nose, which I believed was called a muzzle, but as that was besides the point, I tried to stand up. As first I placed both my front hooves next to my head, on each side, but as I got up, but I quickly felt that I was too weak and I fell down on the floor again and landed on my muzzle, but it didn’t really hurt, I then noticed that in front of my right eye there was some hair and I blew it away and thought ‘Okay, a slow approach isn't working, then maybe if I do it faster.’ I placed my hooves where they were before and as fast as I could, I pushed myself up, but instead of standing up, I was pulled back onto that ground as I uttered ‘’Ow!‘’ Now with a pain on the top of my head, I registered the voice was not mine, it was a high pitched voice. As I released that I wasn’t alone, I quickly got up, without thinking about it and looked around to see who said it. I widened my eyes as I thought ‘Could it be…?’ As I looked down, I saw that the ground was really close to me, but it was way too dark where I stood, to see my fur’s colour and for all I knew I could as tall as Twilight, but now scared to find out what I was, I decided to check in the mirror and not say anything else or even to think about it until then. As I stood up stable now, it was time to walk, as soon as I found out how, but since the worst thing that could happen was my face hugging the floor, I decided to try. I took my front right leg and lifted it into the air, I quickly felt I was losing my balance and quickly placed it down a small hoof in front of where it was before and as I got my balance again, I did the same with my rear left leg, then the same with my front left leg and the same with my rear right leg and as I haven’t hugged the floor yet, I knew I had just taken my first pony step. I did the motion again and again, but as I got overconfident, I fell and hit my muzzle on the floor and since this was the third time, it actually started to hurt a little bit. As I carefully got up again, I thought ‘It’s actually easier to do it when I’m not thinking too much about it.’ As I stood on all four, I took another step and another and another step and by each step it became easier and when I finally came to the end of the bed, I saw the mirror and I knew I still had a long way to go. After a long time of walking, step after step, I was finally in the shadow, just before the moonlight, which came through a window on my left, and with the mirror just on the other side of the light, I knew that if I walked into the moonlight, I would finally see what I looked like. I hesitated and thought ‘Should I walk into the moonlight and see myself’. I couldn’t make a decision, so I closed my eyes and took a few slow steps, but as I was about to fall, still with my eyes closed, I got my balance back and when I felt I was close enough, I opened my eyes. Out of my vision I noticed that my left eye was covered by some hair, but though the other eye, I saw a pony, with pink fur on its body, the hair itself was a little bit darker pink, but with three beautiful blue stripe in it, but as I, by instinct, sat down and took my left front hoof up to remove the hair, that was in front of my left eye, I saw the pink pony do the exact same thing, but mirrored to me and I thought ‘It’s not another pony.’ My eyes became wide as I said with that same high pitch voice that I heard before ‘’It’s me…‘’ My voice cracked ‘’And this is my voice.‘’ I saw streams of tears as they fell down my face and as it continued down my front right leg, I came to see, I was a female now. In a split second I turned away from the mirror, as I didn't believe what I saw. My eyes faced the ground and as single tears came down and hit the floor I then, full of emotions, walked over to the big window, where the curtains were closed. As I walked over there I couldn't think of anything else but ‘I’m a pink female pony. I’m a pink female pony. I’m a pink female pony.’ As I stood in front of the curtains, I was about to use my front right hoof to pull them open, but as soon as I lifted my front right hoof, I remembered and instead I bit the curtains, but as I tried to pull them aside, I was still full of emotions and pulled so hard that the curtains fell down to the ground and landed on top of me. In a state of panic, all my emotions came out as anger, I began to bite the curtains and I hit the curtains, I tried everything I could to get my emotions out, but nothing, the tears came faster and faster. As I finally got free from the curtains, I still couldn't stop my tears, but I refused to cry, it didn't help to cry. But as time went on and I still held back most of my tears, I still failed and as I saw the pink star disappear due to the sunrise that happened out of my window, I still refused to cry, I couldn’t. The short moment, where I saw the sunrise I got a glimpse of my reflection and saw my eye color had turned from a green-blue-ish to a clear blue, I quickly turned away from my reflection and lay down. > Meeting Twilight again: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I had nearly gotten the tears to stop, I heard a few small knocks on the door and as I looked, Twilight walked in but stopped as she made eye contact with me, quickly she ran over to me and as she ran, I stood up to face her, but as she came closer, I noticed that my eyes only went to the top of her legs. Now in front of me she stopped, sat down and without hesitation, she pulled me in for a tight embrace. As Twilight held me I could feel the dam I had used to hold back my tears and only leaked so far, that dam became completely destroyed and as she embraced me, I began to cry uncontrollably, streams of tears ran down my face and landed on Twilight. All the memories from the last couple of days flooded me, the coldness of the night, the heat of the sun, the lack of water, the pain as I sprained my arm, the fear of dying alone, the pain that happened in the mirror, the feeling that I would never return home. It all crashed down on me and I couldn’t take it anymore. While I sobbed on her, Twilight began to rock from side to side, as she whispered sweetly into my ear ‘’Shhh… Shhh… It’s okay, it’s okay. Let it all out, I’m here.‘’ My sobbing increased as she began to hum a sweet melody. As she hummed and rocked me from side to side, I pushed myself away from her and hugged her as tightly as I  could while I continued to sob with no control. After some time my sobbing stopped and as I did my final sniff, Twilight asked with a sweet voice ‘’Do you feel better now?‘’ I looked up at her and said ‘’Uh-huh, I- I think so, thanks.‘’ She gave me a smile and rubbed my muzzle with her muzzle as she said ‘’Anytime.‘’ As she rubbed her muzzle on mine, it felt so warm and it was like all my worries in the world had stopped, but as she took her head back, I felt it like a blanket being taken away and I just stared at her, she looked straight at me as she smiled and asked ‘’Did you like it?‘’ I nodded and asked ‘’What was that?‘’ ‘’It’s called a nuzzle. Do you want me to continue?‘’ Twilight asked and with no thought, I nodded and her head again came down and as she nuzzled me, I felt so warm and safe, it caused my mind to fall half asleep, as I nuzzled her back. We continued to nuzzle for a while, before she moved her head back and said ‘’We better get going soon.‘’ Out of my almost trance and a bit embarrassed of what I had done, I stumbled to find my words as I said ‘’Twilight, I… Um, I’m sorry, I didn-‘’ ‘’It’s okay, you needed it.‘’ Twilight responded as she stroked my hair. As she was about to put me down, I looked down to place my hooves properly, but as I did Twilight said with a small chuckle ‘’Hehe, be careful with that.‘’ Not knowing what she was talking about, I asked curious ‘’Be careful with what? My hair?‘’ She shocked her head and her horn lit up and a small mirror floated over in front of me and again, I saw my reflection, but this time more calm and since I now could see out off both my eyes, I saw a pink horn as Twilight said ‘’You’re a unicorn, which was definitely a surprise, as you couldn't use magic before.‘’ As I looked at it, a rush of emotions came like a shiver down my spine, but it focused on my horn and I said bewildered ‘’I didn’t know, but now, I can feel… Something.‘’ Excited she asked ‘’Really, you can already feel the magic. Even with no training?‘’ With a proud voice she continued ‘’That could mean that you are gifted, but you’ll still need to train to focus your skills.‘’ Being told that I was gifted made me really happy for some reason and with a smile Twilight asked ‘’Are you okay with walking yourself or do you want me to carry you?‘’ ‘’I’m okay with walking, I’m just a little bit slow.‘’ I said. Twilight then asked the question I never thought I would hear, at least before today ‘’Are you okay about being called a ‘her’, ‘she’, ‘filly’ and other female pronouns?‘’ I took a deep breath before I said ‘’I guess that I am a ‘her’ now after all. And if I can’t go home, then I guess I would have to get used to it.‘’ She gave me a soft smile. As we were still in the room, I gave out a big yawn, Twilight noticed as she asked ‘’When did you wake up?‘’ ‘’Um… I’m not sure.‘’ I answered. Twilight looked at one of the windows and asked ‘’Hmm, do you remember where the moonlight was?‘’ I nodded and told her the angel of the moonlight I saw, when I woke up. She thought to herself before she said ‘’I believe that was… Three hours ago…‘’ ‘’Three hours? Well, I can just sleep when I’m home again.‘’ I responded but as I felt my eyelids as they became heavier, I let out another yawn. ‘’You’re not going anywhere until you had some rest.‘’ Twilight responded. ‘’Really Twilight, I’m fine.‘’ I answered as I just wanted to get home. Stubbornly Twilight said ‘’You’re clearly still tired and you haven't had anything for breakfast either.‘’ She then walked over to the bed, levitated the sheets, which were still on the floor into the air, before she said ‘’Come on and don’t worry. While you get some more sleep, I will get you breakfast and then we’ll get you home.‘’ Thinking that if I again ended up in a far away location, then it would be for the best to be well rested and have a full stomach, so I nodded in agreement and walked over to her. When I came to the side of the bed Twilight lifted me up in her hooves and in her magic she shook my pillow, lay me down, pulled the sheet over my body and tucked me in, it felt weird, but nice, so I didn’t protest. As she was done and I was tucked in, she kissed my muzzle and stroked my hair before she said ‘’Get some rest.‘’ A yawn escaped me as I said ‘’I will.‘’ As I felt more and more tired and as I fell asleep, Twilight hummed a sweet melody as she stroked my hair. I woke up as Twilight nuzzled me and whispered ‘’It’s time to wake up now.‘’ I yawned, she continued ‘’Was it good to get some sleep?‘’ I nodded and said ‘Yeah, I needed it.‘’ I was interrupted by a growl from my stomach as Twilight giggled and said ‘’Guess you are a bit hungry.‘’ I gave a small soft smile and she got me out of bed and onto the floor and I walked with her to a table that wasn’t there before, we then sat down and began to eat. As Twilight was done with her plate and as I felt my stomach was a black hole, I continued to eat as Twilight said ‘’You said before, referring to your mane, calling it hair? You know it’s called a mane, right?‘’ I swallowed and responded ‘’I do now.‘’ Some time passed, but as I ate, I began to fear that I wouldn’t be able to go home and as I was done I asked ‘’Twilight?‘’ ‘’Yeah, are you full?‘’ Twilight responded cheerful, I nodded in response but as I didn’t know how to bring it up, Twilight took her head down to mine and asked in a concerning voice ‘’Hey, what’s wrong?‘’ ‘’Oh, it’s nothing.‘’ I responded. A, not happy with that answer Twilight, placed her leg around me as she softly said ‘’Please, tell me. Let me help.‘’ ‘’It’s stupid really, I was just wondering if you still don’t break any promises.‘’ I responded as I believed I would go home soon, so it didn’t matter. Twilight pulled me into a hugged and whispered ‘’I won’t break my promise.‘’ As I was done we walked towards the throne room. As we walked Twilight told me that her friends wanted to meet me when I woke up, but they had to go home to their jobs and she continued ‘’But Spike is still here.‘’ As we came to the stairs, I stopped and with that Twilight levitated me onto her back and walked down. As there was now no more stairs, Twilight levitated me down on the floor and said ‘’I know walking for you is good practice and all…‘’ She paused for a moment, looked at me and continued much more quiet ‘’Unless you don’t believe you can go home.‘’ I looked away and we walked on, as I knew Twilight hid something from me, but what I didn’t know. As we now stood in front of the first doors Twilight opened them, we went in and I knew that if I saw this room again, I would stay here and after the first set of doors closed, Twilight opened the second set of doors and Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were there alongside the mirror. When we came to a stop and I was about to bow, I realized that I had never seen how ponies bowed, but before I tried Princess Celestia said with her calm voice ‘’No need to bow young filly, I’m happy to see that you are fully rested. Are you ready to go home?‘’ I nodded and said ‘’Thank you Princess, I am ready.‘’ Twilight came next to me and took a leg around me and pulled my head to her and whispered into my ear ‘’Be safe you hear and take care.‘’ ‘’You too, thank you Twilight.‘’ With that, the Princesses opened the portal. I walked towards the mirror, up the steps and as I was about to go into the portal, I hit it like a mirror, it startled me so much that I went on my rear legs and I took one step back and stepped on my tail, fell backwards and landed on my back. After I had gotten over the fact that I fell and Twilight held me in her hooves, Princess Celestia with her head down and a sadness in her voice said ‘’I’m sorry…‘’ She paused for a moment before she continued ‘’I do not know what to do now, as your arrival is still a mystery to us… But for now, it looks like you will have to stay in our world.‘’ I felt tears started to form as Twilight hugged me even tighter and even though I feared I couldn't go home, I still hoped it would work. As silence came to the room and my tears had stopped I asked ‘’But, now what?‘’ Princess Celestia thought for a moment before she said ‘’I’m not sure, but you’re welcome to stay here in the castle, as our guest, until we find out what to do next… But since you now have to live here in our world, I don’t believe ‘Stef’ will be a good pony name for you, so maybe a new name.‘’ I thought for a second, before I remembered that pink star I had seen every night so far and said ‘’I have actually thought of a name.‘’ Twilight, surprised by that, asked ‘’You have?‘’ ‘’Yes… Every night I have been here, I have seen a pink star at night, so, will ‘Star’ be okay?‘’ I asked a bit unsure if it was okay. Then for the first time I’ve heard Princess Luna talked as she asked surprised ‘’Would thou name themselves after a star from our night?‘’ As I didn’t know Princess Luna that well, I answered nervously ‘’Only if it’s okay, of course.‘’ Now for the first time I saw Princess Luna smile and it must have been okay as Princess Celestia asked ‘’Do you wish another name to go along with ‘Star’?‘’ ‘Another name?’ I thought. As I thought, Twilight asked ‘’How does ‘Star Sparkle’ sound?‘’ I looked at her puzzled as she smiled and said ‘’And if you want to, my parents will love to adopt you as their daughter and then become my little sister.‘’ A tear formed under my eye, I smiled and by instinkt I hugged her, but before I could say anything, Twilight hugged me as she answered ‘’I will take that as a yes.‘’ Twilight levitated a piece of paper over to the Princesses and after Princess Celestia had read it she formally said ‘’Then it is decided, Star Sparkle, now adopted daughter of Twilight Velvet and Night Light, little sister of Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor. Welcome to Equestria.‘’ Now that I was adopted I looked at Twilight and asked ‘’Will I then live with you?‘’ She smiled and nodded while she levitated another piece of paper over to Princess Celestia and as she nodded, she said ‘’Have a safe journey home to Ponyville.‘’ Both Twilight and I said ‘’Thank you.‘’ We then went on our way back to Twilight’s room, to where Spike waited. > Welcome Star Sparkle: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It took quite a while to get to Twilight’s room, but as we were now in front of the door Twilight opened it and what greeted us was the purple dragon named Spike, who sat on the bed and as soon as he saw me he asked curiously ‘’Does this mean…?‘’ Twilight slowly nodded and he jumped down from the bed and quickly ran over to me and hugged me as he said ‘’I’m so sorry, but I will make sure that your time here in Equestria is gonna be fun.‘’ I awkwardly answered ‘’Thanks… Spike.‘’ As he let go, I heard the voice of Princess Celestia from behind me as she said calmly ‘’I hope that I’m not interrupting.‘’ As I turn around she continued ‘’I was hoping to get a word with Star before you left.‘’ Twilight then said ‘’Of course Princess, we will just be outside the door.‘’ She gave me a small smile, which I returned to her, as she and Spike then went out the door and closed it. ‘’What can I do for you Princess?‘’ I asked. ‘’I am sorry that we couldn’t bring you home, but I do hope you’ll be comfortable living here in our world.‘’ As Princess Celestia paused, a brown book, with a stripe of pink, followed by a blue stripe and ended with another pink stripe, appeared and as she continued ‘‘But I would love to hear from you once in awhile, to hear how you’re doing or what you’ve learned. So whatever you write in your book, I will be able to see it in mine, and the other way around of course.‘’ Surprised I answered back ‘’Thank you Princess, I will as I hope to learn as much as I can, especially magic.‘’ That statement she chuckled a bit and said ‘’Just like Twilight, but remember to have fun with friends, though, I’m sure Twilight will be a good sister for you and you’ll also need Twilight’s guidance to learn about your magic.‘’ Princess Celestia levitated a saddlebag over to me, strapped it around me, placed the book in it and we then went out of the room. As Twilight said before, her and Spike waited outside the door, we said our goodbyes to the Princess and departed for the train station. We went out of the castle grounds and into the city of Canterlot and its cobblestone streets, but since I had just learned how to walk, we didn’t move very fast, Twilight then with a sweet smile offered ‘’Do you want me to carry you?‘’ I suddenly felt embarrassed, but before I could answer she continued ‘’You have just learned how to walk, it’ll take a little practice before you’ll feel comfortable.‘’ I thought about it and said ‘’Okay, I can always practice in Ponyville.‘’ So she levitated me up on her back and immediately we were going at least twice the speed as before. As we walked through town, I saw that some of the ponies as they looked at me and it looked like some of the smaller ponies laughed at me, one of them even looked like a Unicorn version of Fluttershy and I just felt even more embarrassed, but I knew that even if I walked, they would still laugh at me.  As my luck would have it, we arrived at the train station and Twilight sat me down and asked ‘’Why don’t you two head off and find us a place to wait until the train arrives.‘’ Spike saluted and I followed him and as we quickly found a bench, but due to my new height I couldn’t get up and I didn’t even want to try, so I sat down on the ground defeated. I sat there for a couple of minutes until I saw a purple glow around me and I was levitated up on the bench, as Twilight got up and sat next to me, with Spike on the other side, I then said a little embarrassed to Twilight ‘’Thanks…‘’ But with a smile and a cherry tone she responded ‘’No problem little sis. Anyway, I got us tickets on the next train to Ponyville.‘’ After a little bit I heard a train and Twilight continued ‘’And that must be our train.‘’ I saw as Twilight jump down, she landed with her front hooves first and then her back hooves, I then stood up and jumped down as Twilight did, but as I should have hit the ground, I didn’t, then I realized that Twilight levitated me, just a few centimeters above the ground, as Twilight said ‘’Be careful, if you hit the ground the wrong way, you could hurt yourself.‘’ As she again levitated me onto her back I thought ‘Am I not supposed to find that out by trying? And is she ‘babying’ me even more than before?’ As I thought about this I saw that the train had stopped and a lot of ponies came out and something told me that if I wasn't on Twilight’s back, I would have been stepped on. As the ponies had cleared Spike and Twilight, with me on her back, walked in and Twilight sat me down on the floor. I got up on my legs and followed Twilight, with Spike behind me. The train cart was almost half full and Twilight walked between two rows of seats, sat down in the middle and when I slowly came over to her, she lifted me up onto the seat between her and the window as Spike sat on the opposite end of Twilight. Shortly after, the train moved and we were on our way to Ponyville, but all of a sudden I remembered back to when I was going the other direction, towards Canterlot, it even felt like years ago, but in other ways, it only felt like minutes. I felt that I lost a few tears as I thought back, but Twilight got her hoof around me and comforted me ‘’Hey, it’s gonna be okay, I know it can be hard to move to a new city, but as I promised, I’ll help you.‘’ I looked at Twilight's face and saw her sweet smile, which calmed me down and my tears stopped, I smiled before I turned my vision and looked out the window and admired the view. As I was lost in my thoughts, I found Spike in front of me who asked ‘’Hey Star, are you okay?‘’ He must had seen me cry before, so as I fought to keep the thoughts of my past back I answered ‘’I am, thank you Spike.‘’ But either I was bad at lying or he saw right past the lie, as he, with a smile and a cherry tone said ‘’It’s okay, you can be honest.‘’ But I wasn’t ready to talk about my past, so I just chuckled and said ‘’Thanks Spike, I’m sorry we haven't really talked, I guess I am a little shy.‘’ As I hoped to change the subject. ‘’It's okay, this is very new for you, so it could take some time for you to come out of your shell, but I thought of a small thing we could do together, like getting you a bed and decorating your room.‘’ Spike responded. But before I responded Twilight, who clearly overheard said ‘’That’s a great idea Spike, just remember to be reasonable in price and while you two do that, I will make the spare room available for you at home.‘’ We arrived in Ponyville early in the afternoon and after Spike got some money, we went into town. As we walked, I noticed that a couple of ponies were staring at me, but I tried and ignored it. As we went to a building, maybe a shop with a quill and a sofa on a sign, I turned to Spike and asked ‘’You know it’s a bed we are looking for, right?‘’ He let out a small laugh and said ‘’Don’t worry about the sign, they also sell beds.‘’ With that, we walked inside to an almost empty store. Inside a light brown pony with no wings or a horn, but in a blue suit came over and happily said ‘’Hello and welcome to Quills and Sofas, what can I help you with?‘’ He paused for a moment before he asked cherry ‘’Would it be another dusin of quills?‘’ Spike let out a small laugh before he said ‘’Not this time, I’m here with Star to get her a bed.‘’ He turned to look at me and with a friendly smile and tone he chuckled a bit before he said ‘’I knew I hadn't seen you before, are you new to Ponyville?‘’ I nodded a bit more to the shy side than I would have liked, he let out a small laugh before he said ‘’Let me know if you need any help, okay?‘’ ‘’We will.‘’ Spike responded. After about half an hour I finally chose a bed, it was only a little better than the first one I tried, but Spike insisted that we should keep looking, we also found a pillow, a sheet, bed cover and covers for the pillow and the sheet and to my bad luck most of it was some version between pink and while, just because it matched my fur color. After Spike had paid the sales pony, who then said that the bed and the other things should arrive tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Spike and I thanked him before we went back outside and again some ponies stared at me, but Spike paid them little attention and more on the fact that it was about lunch, but the sound of my stomach. Spike looked in the pouch he got from Twilight and told me that there was enough for some lunch and he would then show me his favorite restaurant and we went along, at least I walked like a normal pony now, but the ponies around us still looked at me, like they knew. As we arrived at the restaurant a waiter came over to us and said ‘’Hello and welcome to Hay’s restaurant, will that be a table for two?‘’ ‘’Yes, can we get one outside please?‘’ Spike answered, the waiter nodded and we followed him to a table, but at the table I quickly discovered that I was too small, lucky for me Spike asked for some more hay for me to sit on and after a few minutes the waiter came back with some hay, which he lay in a pile and he gave us also 2 menu cards. As I looked through the menu, I saw two dishes called hay fries and hay burgers, but luckily there was also salad, something called a Daisy Sandwich, an Apple Pie and Carrot Soup, the waiter then came back and asked ‘’Have you made your decisions?‘’ Spike answered first ‘’I would like a medium plate of hay fries with a medium chocolate milkshake, what about you Star?‘’ As I only knew what a salad tasted like I asked ‘’Can I have a medium salad with medium apple juice?‘’ The waiter looked at me confused before he nodded and asked ‘’Would there be anything else?‘’ Spike then answered something to the waiter that I didn’t hear, as I looked around to the other tables and some other ponies looked at me and whispered to each other. After a short time the waiter came back to us with two trays, one with something that looks like french fries and a chocolate milkshake, on the other tray there was a bowl of salad, in there was some salad, carrots, small tomatoes, apples and other vegetables, alongside was a glass with the apple juice in it, as the waiter sat the trays in front of us he proudly said ‘’Enjoy your meals and let me know if you’ll need anything else.‘’ We thanked the waiter and he went on his way. After I was almost done with my very delicious salad and was on my second glass of apple juice thanks to Spike, who still had some hay fries left. As I munched on my last piece of salad my mind thought back on the ponies, that throughout the day had looked weirdly at me, but as I was deep in thought Spike asked worried ‘’Hey Star, are you alright?‘’ But as I was deep in thought I heard him speak, but didn’t hear what he said and gave a ‘’Huh?‘’ ‘’Are you okay? You seem a bit off.‘’ Spike repeated. ‘’Yeah… I dunno… I have just noticed that some of the ponies in town have been looking weirdly me…‘’ As I didn’t know how to ask the next question and felt weird asking, so I asked nervously ‘’Spike? Do… Do I look weird?‘’ As I looked into his eyes I saw that he was surprised but quickly composed himself and answered ‘’Star, you do not look weird. Actually, I think that your fur, mane and tail colors are very unik, at least compared to what I have seen.‘’ Definitely surprised by that, I asked ‘’Really? I look unique?‘’ But as I thought back on the other ponies that had looked at me all day, I complained ‘’But that still doesn't explain why they talk behind my back and looked funny at me.‘’ Spike had a puzzled look on his face as he took his claw to his chin and thought about what I said before he said ‘’Hmm… Maybe it’s because you’re new in town?‘’ I was taken a bit back by that and asked ‘’Wait, what…? Are you saying that all the ponies in this town know each other?‘’ ‘’No, not necessarily, but Pinkie Pie usually throws a ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ party.‘’ ‘’Who’s Pinkie Pie?‘’ ‘’Oh, sorry Star, I thought you knew. Pinkie Pie is the pink Earth Pony with a cotton candy mane and tail, one of Twilight’s friends that were in Canterlot.‘’ Spike answered as he went back to his fries. I thought back on my time in Canterlot, but I only had vague memories of Twilight’s friends, besides Fluttershy, but I did notice a pink pony. As I was in my own thoughts, Spike cut me off as he said ‘’But maybe Twilight is the best to explain why you didn’t get a ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ party.‘’ Not that I really cared I said ‘’Sure… When then moment arrives.‘’ Spike then called the waiter over to us, he paid and we walked back to where he and Twilight lived and where I would live, until I would go home. After we had left the restaurant and had walked for a bit, I noticed a big tree next to what I thought was the house Twilight and Spike lived in. As we got closer to the tree, I noticed that it had a door, several windows, including three balconies and as we approached, Spike didn’t go for the house, but the tree instead. As he was about to open the door, I saw a sign to the left of the door and read ‘Golden Oak Library’ before I asked ‘’So… Are we picking up a book or what?‘’ He gave a small laugh and said ‘’Not exactly, we live here.‘’ That surprised me, but as he went inside, I followed. > Golden Oak Library: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inside the floor, walls and ceiling were made of the same wood, basically the middle part of the library had been taken out, but it actually looked really nice, the walls were basically bookshelves and had two doors, besides from the main door and in the middle of the room was a table with a kind of horse head statue. I followed Spike up the stairs to what looked to be a more residential area, that included a small staircase that led up to what I guess was a bedroom, as I could see something that looked like a bed and just like downstairs, there was even more bookshelves filled with books, there was also some flowers, a table, a telescope and the walls had some vines marked into the wood and a sun carved into the ceiling. Twilight then came out of a door that I only just noticed and said cheerfully ‘’You’re back, come see your room.‘’ I walked towards her and inside the room on the right and left side were more bookshelves with some of the books was definitely for a younger audience, as some of the titles implied, the few I could see was ’What is 1+1?’, ‘What Is Magic’ and ‘Make Your First Light’, else there was a five step stairs that lead to a double glass door, maybe to one of the balconies, that could be awesome, else there was room for a bed with it’s long side towards the outerwall, but else there was not really more to it, so I ask ‘’This is my room?‘’ ‘’Yes, do you like it?‘’ Twilight asked as she smiled. ‘’I do, thank you Twilight.‘’ I said, it was a downgrade from my property in my world and the room in Canterlot, but it was fine. ‘’Your welcome little sis.‘’ She walked over to a section of the carved in shelf and levitated three books out of the shelf and said ‘’Spike, would you like to make us some tea?‘’ ‘’You can count on me.‘’ He said before he left the room and left me alone with Twilight. She then came over to me with the three books in her magic and said ‘’These books are great beginner books, both in magic and in Equestria’s history and our culture. But put that aside, since you are going to live here, there will be a few rules.‘’ ‘’Okay, what kinds of rules?‘’ I asked, as I thought ‘Great, rules.’ ‘’Hmm… Let's say after I put you to bed and you are still staying up or just going outside without permission, then I’ll have to ground you or something that will fit the rule you broke.‘’ Twilight said with a serious voice. Confused and a little upset I asked ‘’But why? You know as well as I, that I’m not a child.‘’ She sighed before she said ‘’Yes, but from this day on you have always been a pony and you are a filly.‘’ More calm I then asked ‘’Is it so no one else finds out, that I’m not from this world?‘’ Twilight nodded slowly as she said ‘’It is.‘’ But as I thought back on what she said about a bedtime, I nervously asked ‘’Wait, are you also saying that I have a bedtime?‘’ ‘’Yes, for the moment your bedtime is between 8:00 pm and 8:30 pm.‘’ ‘Great, like a child, I have a bedtime.’ But thinking back to the rules I wondered before asking ‘’Will I still get grounded, even if no other pony knew I broke a rule?‘’ ‘’Yes. Since you are a filly, you will get the same treatment as any other filly, and if not by me, then by other ponies, ponies that doesn't know the truth.‘’ But hearing that I looked down, saddened as I would now be treated like a child, even when I was ‘home’. Twilight noticed and said ‘’Hey… don’t worry, it won’t be as bad as it sounds, because if you break a rule, it will be in the context that you are a filly.‘’ As Twilight left the room she said ‘’Just let me know if you want to talk about anything, since this must be a big change for you. But for now I will get out off your mane.‘’ After she left I just stood still in the middle of what was now my new bedroom, I had gone from being a new rich adult to now I’m basically a pony little girl, but It’s always something she didn’t say anything about school, if they even have school. After a few minutes of pondering about my temporary life, I looked around the room and saw that there was no bed in here and remembered that the bed would first arrive tomorrow or the day after that, I then walked back out to the living room and down the stairs and found Twilight as she read a book, she looked at me before I said ‘’About the room, I forgot to say that the bed could first arrive either tomorrow or the day after that.‘’ Twilight thought for a minute before she said ‘’Well in that case, you’ll have to sleep with me until then.‘’ Surprised, I asked ‘’Really?‘’ She just smiled and said ‘’Of course, I don’t want my foal sister to get a cold.‘’ As she said ‘Foal sister’ I could feel that I’m not yet comfortable about that, but before I could walk away, she said ‘’I’m sorry Star, it’s only to help you to get used to it.‘’ So instead of getting angry, I said ‘’It’s okay, as I said, I have to get used to it.‘’ I went back to my room and took one of the books Twilight gave me ‘Equestria’s History Vol. 1: For Fillies & Colts.’  But thought ‘A children's book, greaaaat.’ I looked inside and saw it was a more simple version, as it also looked to be very sparing on the details and with many pictures, as most kids books. It must have been a few hours until Spike knocked on the door and said that dinner was ready, out in the living room Twilight sat and drank some sort of soup, I walked over to the 3. bowl and smelled it, the smell wasn’t bad, it was carrot soup, but since I had never tasted it before I hesitated, Twilight obviously noticed before she asked ‘’Star, is everything alright?‘’ ‘’Yeah, I'm just not hungry.‘’ I said as I felt my stomach was full. She levitated an apple over to me and said ‘’Well, at least see if you can eat an apple.‘’ As I didn’t want a discussion on the first night, I sighed and ate the apple. When I was done I got permission to leave the table and I went back to my room and out onto my balcony. I lay down and looked at the sun as it disappeared over the horizon as I thought about my family and why I was forced into this world, was it just some kind of a sick joke or what. After what I just thought of as a couple of minutes, Twilight’s voice called ‘’Star, it’s time for bed!‘’ I walked back inside, closed the door to the balcony and went into the living room where I asked ‘’Is it already time for bed?‘’ Twilight nodded as she said ‘’Well almost, you need to brush your teeth first.‘’ I then noticed the clock and sure enough it was about 8:15 pm, I followed Twilight to the bathroom and she even had a toothbrush for me, nothing unusual as many would have toothbrushes for guests. It was extremely difficult to brush my teeth, as the only thing I could use to hold it with was my hooves, so in the end Twilight brushed my teeth instead. When I was done, we went to her bed and when she was comfortable, she gestured to me to lay next to her, but at the foot of the bed I jumped, but I couldn’t get up, I tried again and again before Twilight levitated me up onto the bed next to her. After I had gotten comfortable Twilight asked ‘’Hey Star?‘’ ‘’Yeah?‘’ I asked, still annoyed that I had to go to sleep, I wasn’t even tired. ‘’Would you like to hear a bedtime story?‘’ Twilight asked. ‘’What kind of a story?‘’ I asked. As she levitated a green book over to us, she said ‘’The book is called Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone, it’s the first book in the series and I have all of them. What do you say?‘’ I nodded and as she began to read, her heartbeat was calm, almost hypnotic and for some reason, I fell more and more sleepy, until I fell completely asleep. > Day 6: Bunny hunt: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up as Spike called‘’Breakfast is ready!‘’ I got up and I walked down to Spike and Twilight, who began to eat, as I walked over to them Twilight said ‘’Good morning Star, did you sleep well?‘’ To where I yawned before answering ‘’Good morning, yeah but I’m still a little tired.‘’ Twilight only chuckled before saying ‘’Well yesterday was a busy day.‘’ A few minutes went by before Twilight broke the silence by saying ‘’Oh… I almost forgot to tell you, first of, since nopony in town knows who you are-‘’ ‘’Then I don’t remember where I’m from and I’m adopted as your little sister and I live with you.‘’ I said. She had a weird look on her face, as she looked at me, before she sternly said ‘’Star… It’s rude to interrupt while others are speaking and if you really need to say something and it’s not an emergency, then I want you to raise your front hoof. Do we have a deal?‘’ A bit ashamed, I nodded and she continued ‘’Good, as I was saying… I have decided that you should not enter school, at least until you have gotten used to living here in Ponyville and the other thing I wanted to say is, if you are planning on going out, I want you to tell me before you go, deal?‘’ ‘’Deal. But do I have to go to school at some point?‘’ I asked as I ate the last of my breakfast. ‘’No, not at this moment, but maybe one day. But for now, let’s just take it one day at a time.‘’ Twilight said. I nodded and while showing my bowl, I said ‘’I’m finished, may I go to my room?‘’ Twilight nodded and before I rose from the table I said ‘’Thanks for the breakfast.‘’ Inside my room I took the history book from yesterday, went out onto my balcony and turned to the page I was at as I continued to read. A lot of time passed until I was finally done with the book, as I looked around, I noticed a yellow Pegasus with a long pink mane and tail, she looked familiar and I thought ‘Must be Fluttershy, I wonder what she is up to?’ At that moment our eyes met, she flew over to me and with her shy timed voice she said in a little state of panic ‘’Hi… Um… have you seen a little white bunny? If you are not too busy I mean, oh I’m so sorry I didn't see that you were reading, I’m sorry, I- I’ll just go now.‘’ As she flew away, I quickly called ‘’Fluttershy wait, I haven’t seen a white bunny, but do you want help to find the bunny?‘’ Slowly she came back and asked ‘’A-are you sure, I don’t wish to disturb you.‘’ ‘’No, I’m sure, will you go with me to tell Twilight, so I won't get in trouble.‘’ I asked, but thought ‘She did help me back in Canterlot, so this is the least I can do.’ Together we walked in and after Fluttershy had explained the whole thing to Twilight, she and Spike offered to help as well. As we looked through the town, Fluttershy suddenly asked quietly ‘’You know my name’s Fluttershy, but what's your name?‘’ I swallowed hard, as I had to say ‘’Star Sparkle, but just call me Star.‘’ She gave me a sweet smile as she said ‘’Well, it’s nice to meet you Star.‘’ Before I could respond Twilight said ‘’I think it’ll be better to split up, to cover more ground, Star you go with Spike and we’ll meet back at the library in an hour.‘’ Fluttershy then said as she grabbed something from her saddlebag ‘’And if you see Angel, give him a carrot and say that you’ll help him back to me.‘’ Spike then took our carrot and we went on our way. A long time passed by, as Spike and I looked and called ‘’Angel! Angel! Fluttershy sent us to find you! We have carrots!‘’ As Spike asked some ponies if they had seen the bunny, I noticed a white bunny and slowly went over to it as I asked ‘’Angel?‘’ The bunny looked at me and looked confused, I then asked again ‘’Are you Angel? We are helping Fluttershy to find you.‘’ At least he reacted to when I mentioned Fluttershy, he nodded and I turned to Spike and signaled for him to go over to me with the carrots, after Spike gave me one, I offered it to the bunny, who within a second ate it and after he was done he jumped on my back and then the top of my head and fell asleep. As we came back to the library Fluttershy and Twilight was already there and as we came over to them Twilight asked ‘’What kept you two?‘’ I showed the bunny on my head and asked ‘’Is this a good enough reason?‘’ Twilight quietly giggled to not wake up the bunny. But when Fluttershy tried to lift the bunny off my head as he was close to waking up, so instead Fluttershy turned to Twilight and asked ‘’Is it okay if I take Star home with me? I don’t want to wake up Angel.‘’ Twilight looked at me and I smiled so she said ‘’Alright, but make sure she's home before 7pm.‘’ ‘’Thank you Twilight, I will.‘’ Fluttershy said before we walked, but to not wake up Angel, we walked in silence. > Fluttershy’s Cottage: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After we had walked for about ten minutes, I saw a small two story cottage with grass as it’s roof and several birdhouses, there was also a thin tree with a couple of bird nests and even more birdhouses.  On that left from the tree was a small bridge over the small river that separated us and the cottage, under the bridge there was a small hole, to where I guess some sort of animal must live, there was maybe a dozen of bunnies running around and even closer to the house there was more bunny holes. As we crossed the bridge, a couple of birds flew over to Fluttershy and landed on her mane or flew in front of her face as they chirped and to my surprise Fluttershy responded ‘’Oh my… Will you tell him to come as soon as possible?‘’ After the bird flew off I asked, still confused ‘’Did you just talk to that bird?‘’ She giggled before saying ‘’Why of course, how else will I know what’s wrong.‘’ That only left me with more questions than answers, but we walked inside her cottage before I could make sense of anything. Inside the cottage there was a green couch and chair, for some reason it seemed to belong to the human world, but whatever, there was also a small coffee table, some rugs, a fireplace, a staircase that led upstairs, an opening to another room, maybe the kitchen. The thing that was not to miss was the birdhouses, there were more birdhouses at Fluttershy’s home than in most places I’ve been in my world. Fluttershy came over to me with a basket that had a blue-green-ish fabric in it, placed it beside me and whispered ‘’Here’s your bed Angel.‘’ I felt the bunny being lifted off my head and looked as he was placed into the basket, Fluttershy then took him upstairs and shortly after came back down. At the bottom of the stairs, Fluttershy asked ‘’Would you like some tea?‘’ ‘’Um… Sure…‘’ She smiled and flew towards the opening to the next room, I followed and saw that I was correct, it was the kitchen, but before going back to the living room I asked ‘’Need some help?‘’ She looked around, thought before she said ‘’No thank you Star, I got this, why don’t you make yourself at home on the couch and I will be there shortly.‘’ I walked back to the couch and tried to get up, I got my front hooves up, but my rear legs wouldn't, so I just sat on the floor, just like on the train station. I looked around and the books on the book shelves definitely had the focus on animals and little else. Shortly after Fluttershy came into the room and as she saw me on the floor she asked ‘’Is everything okay?‘’ ‘’Yeah, I just can’t get up on the couch.‘’ I answered. She smiled softly, but before she could say anything, I believe that the bird from earlier, came back and in front of her and chirped , when the bird became quite Fluttershy nodded and said ‘’Sorry Star, a friend of mine is hurt and I really need to help him. Do you wanna come with me, he’s in the backyard.‘’ ‘’Umm… Why not.‘’ I answered a bit unsure why the friend didn’t just go to the hospital, if they even had one of course. I followed Fluttershy to the kitchen's backdoor and as she opened the door, I walked out and in front of me was a HUGE brown bear, with its mouth open and teeth showed, it roared right into my face. I felt as my ears closed in on my head and I let out a huge, high pitched, scream before I ran back inside and hid under the couch inside the living room, only then I noticed Fluttershy wasn’t with me. As I lay under the couch and my adrenaline passed away. As I felt my body shake, tears slowly ran down my face. Seconds later she flew into the living room as she called with much worry in her voice ‘’Staaar? Staaar? Where are you?‘’ The moment she saw me she flew over to me and took me up and I grabbed her as tightly as I could and still shook. While she held me, she began to stroke my mane as she tried to calm me down. After a couple of minutes, I felt my heartbeat as it slowed down and I loosened my grip on Fluttershy who still held me and whispered ‘’Do you feel better?‘’ ‘’Uh-huh, thanks Fluttershy.‘’ I answered as I felt safe and relaxed. She then let me go completely and asked ‘’Do you feel okay to go with me back outside, I still need to help my friend.‘’ ‘’But, but, what about that huge bear that’s outside?‘’ I asked in a small state of panic. She held me again with her wing and said ‘’The bear is my friend and is called Harry, he didn’t mean to scare you, he was just calling for me the moment you stepped outside.‘’ Still afraid, I was reluctant to go and just lowered my head, Fluttershy then gave me a nuzzle before she asked ‘’If I promise it’s safe, would you then go with me?‘’ I thought before I nodded weakly, we rose to our hooves and walked back to the kitchen. As we walked towards the door to the backyard I placed myself right behind Fluttershy’s tail and I was ready to run back inside. As I again was outside again, I saw in the garden there lay the big bear as it moaned, Fluttershy then called ‘’Okay Harry, I’m ready now and my friend is here with me.‘’ The bear looked to acknowledge Fluttershy as she talked and slowly came over. The closer it came, I felt myself freeze more and more, right up until it was only a few meters away, I began to cry. Fluttershy noticed and walked back next to me, even though my sight couldn’t leave the huge bear. I felt Fluttershy’s wing over me as she said ‘’It’s okay Star, there’s nothing to be afraid of, everything is safe.‘’ I couldn’t move as I was still frozen in fear, Fluttershy then asked ‘’Harry, will you let Star sit on you just for a few seconds? Then I’ll help you.‘’ The bear shook its head and showed it’s paw, to where a thorn was stuck, Fluttershy then moved her muzzle over to its paw and if he closed his paw, Fluttershy was gone for good, but he didn’t and the moment Fluttershy removed the thorn the bear roared very much louder than before. That roar caused me to scream and take cover on the ground as I held my hooves over my head and I sobbed as I feared that the bear would eat me, but instead of sharp teeth, I felt Fluttershy as she whispered ‘’It’s okay Star, there is nothing to be afraid off, I promise you’re safe.‘’ Slowly I removed my hooves and in front of me the huge bear was down on all fours looking at me with a smile, Fluttershy then spoke again ‘’Harry is very sorry that he scared you again and he will let you ride him, if you want to.‘’ I couldn’t stop shaking and I didn’t know what to say, so Fluttershy asked ‘’Will it help if I sat behind you?‘’ Still afraid, I nodded and Fluttershy lifted me from behind and flew over to the bear's back and placed me on its back. After she sat me down on it’s back, she slowly released me, but by instinct I yelled ‘’No!‘’ But more quietly and with a few tears coming out I said ‘’I mean.‘’ I sniffed ‘’No, please, don’t let go.‘’ I guessed she heard me as she tightened her grip on me and the bear walked slowly around Fluttershy’s garden. After a few minutes the bear stopped and as Fluttershy got me down on the ground she asked ‘’How do you feel Star?‘’ ‘’A little bit better, thank you Fluttershy.‘’ I said as I was still mindful of where the bear was. The bears head then came over next to me and I immediately jumped over to Fluttershy and hid behind her and again Fluttershy said ‘’It’s okay Star, he’s not gonna hurt you.‘’ Fluttershy walked a little bit backwards so the bear's head could reach me and with Fluttershy on my left side, while she kept her wing over me, to get me to relax, but my heart was beating so fast I thought it would jump out of my chest. After the bear had sniffed me he licked me from my hooves to my head and left for the forest. After he left, I looked at Fluttershy who giggled as she saw me and said, ‘’Hehe… He likes you, now let’s go back inside and get you cleaned up before I walk you home.‘’ ‘’Yeah, I don’t think Twilight would like it if I came back smelling like fish.‘’ I said, that got a small laugh out of her as we walked inside and towards her bathroom. Up in the bathroom there hung two more birdhouses and on the ground there was a wooden tub and as we walked over to and as I stood in front of it, Fluttershy offered ‘’Do you need some help getting in?‘’ I nodded as I had stopped trying, Fluttershy scooped me up and placed me down in the tub and turned on the water as she said ‘’Let me know if it’s too warm or too cold.‘’ As I felt the water I said ‘’This is fine, thank you.‘’ As the water kept on, she flew over to a shelf and got some sort of bottle and dropped something that smelled like soap in the tub. When the water was a bit over my chest, Fluttershy turned the water off and got in herself, she sat down and took a sponge out and scrubbed my mane, tail and fur. When she was done with me, she didn’t begin on herself as I asked ‘’What about yourself?‘’ ‘’I didn’t need one and besides, it’s just easier to give you a bath if I’m in the tub as well.‘’ Fluttershy said. As we sat in the tub so the soap that was sitting in my mane, tail and fur could work, I thought back on the moments where Fluttershy had communicated with the birds and the bear Harry I asked ‘’Um… Fluttershy?‘’ ‘’Yes?‘’ Fluttershy asked. ‘’How did you talk to those animals before?‘’ ‘’Well, you see Star, like Twilight and every other pony, I too have a unique special talent, my talent allows me to communicate with animals on a different level than other ponies.’’ She said. ‘’So playing an instrument could also be a special talent?‘’ ‘’Precisely, but it can be anything really.‘’ She said. ‘Anything?’ I thought before I asked ‘’Is that why you have so many birdhouses?‘’ That question got her to laugh a little, she looked around the room before she turned to me and said ‘’It’s true that I do have many birdhouses, but I really love that my little animal friends are able to stay with me, as it is also my job to take care of the wild animals around Ponyville.‘’ ‘’So… You get to do what you love the most for a job?‘’ I asked, a little bit jealous. ‘’Hehe, I guess you're right, that was also why I wanted you to go out with me, after you were scared.‘’ I became embarrassed by that fact so much that I also felt my blood going to my head and Fluttershy commented ‘’You don’t need to be embarrassed, I think many fillies your age would be even more afraid if a bear was roaring at them too, but you were very brave to go outside again.‘’ But even though Fluttershy told me I was brave, I didn’t feel it, I cried like a baby on multiple occasions. A short time later Fluttershy said ‘’It’s time to wash you again.‘’ As she began on my mane, tail and fur she said ‘’The reason I wanted you to go out to Harry again, was because I didn’t want your first time being here to be a bad experience.‘’ As she was done with my mane I turned to face her again and said ‘’To be honest, all in all, I did have a good time today.‘’ I said. Fluttershy smiled and hugged me as she said ‘’Me too Star.‘’ As she released me, she turned me around and took my tail and washed the soap off. After Fluttershy was done with me, she lifted me out of the tub and onto the towel on the floor, she then came out and sat down next to me and dried me with a really soft towel. As she dried me she asked ‘’Star, can I ask you something?‘’ With my head under the towel I answered ‘’Of course Fluttershy, what is it?‘’ As she dried me more she asked ‘’Are you afraid of bears?‘’ I thought it was a weird question, but answered ‘’Well, yes and no really. I guess that I’m afraid of any animal that is bigger than me or if I think it wants to hurt me. But bear’s specificity, I guess I’m still afraid of those, if I’m alone, but if you’re there and aren't afraid, then I guess I’m not as much afraid. Why do you ask?‘’ Her voice cracked she said ‘’I was afraid, that I had given you a fear of bears.‘’ I could hear in her voice, she was close to tears. As I was still buried in the towel, I tried to find her and as I wanted to hug her, when suddenly I felt two hooves from behind, I quickly turned around and hugged her, looked up and said ‘’You didn’t.‘’ As Fluttershy hugged me back. After I had been completely dried and Fluttershy had combed my mane and tail, which was so relaxing, she must have looked at the clock as she said ‘’Oh my, look at the time, we must better get you home now, before you get in trouble.‘’ I agreed and we went on our way back to Ponyville and the library itself. > Magic time: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As we stood in front of the door to the library Fluttershy knocked and almost immediately Twilight opened the door and said ‘’Star, Fluttershy, welcome back, come on in.‘’ Fluttershy declined as she said ‘’No thank you Twilight, I must get back home to feed my animals.‘’ ‘’Um Star, why don’t you go upstairs to Spike, while I talk with Fluttershy?‘’ Twilight asked. Confused as to why I said ‘’Uh… Sure… Goodnight Fluttershy.‘’ I hugged Fluttershy as she said ‘’Goodnight Star.‘’ I went up the stairs to smell that Spike was making dinner. As soon as Spike was finished with dinner, I saw out the window as Fluttershy flew away and Twilight came back upstairs with a smile as Spike called ‘’Dinner’s ready!‘’ Twilight and I then made our way to the table. As we ate Twilight wanted to hear what Fluttershy and I had been doing today and I told her everything except for the conversation about the fear Fluttershy had, as I didn’t know if I was allowed to talk about it. As I was done Twilight was happy that I trusted Fluttershy about the bear before she continued ‘’Since your bed didn’t come today, that means you will have to sleep with me again.‘’ As I remembered last night, I asked ‘’And continue Daring Do?‘’ ‘’Of course, the story must go on.‘’ Twilight said. I smiled and after I was done with my dinner I said ‘’Thank you for dinner Spike, it was delicious.‘’ I looked at Twilight and asked ‘’May I go to my room now?‘’ ‘’Your welcome Star, glad you enjoyed it.‘’ Spike said. ‘’You may go, I will call for you when it’s bedtime.‘’ Twilight said before I went to my room. Inside my room I looked at the next book that Twilight gave me yesterday ‘Make Your First Light’ I took it with my mouth and placed it on the floor and began to read as I thought ‘Well, if I’m stuck here, at least I will have the ability to do magic.’ The first couple of chapters was about tapping into ones magic, It also said that my horn would glow when I did it correctly, so I looked around the room, but found no mirror, but the door to my balcony was a glass door, so with the book in my mouth, I walked over to the glass door and into the glass, I saw a clear reflection of myself. I placed the book down and read what I should do, I focused on what I thought was my magic, but nothing. I then focused all my energy on as I tried to make a light on my horn, even though I hadn’t read a single word on how to do it, but only saw a picture on what it should look like in the end. I stared and stared at the tip of my horn in my reflection as I tried to make a small light, but nothing happened. I tried even harder, I even forgot to breathe and as I gave up, I released a huge burst of air and breathed again, as I caught my breath again I thought ‘Damn it…’ As I didn’t want to give up after only a few tries, I looked back at the door and looked beyond the glass and into the sky and there was that pink star. As I held my focus on the pink star, my emotions flowed through me and I tried again as I held my vision and focused on the star. I was forced to remember back to my time with Fluttershy and that huge bear, as I felt how afraid I was and how then how embarrassed I was, for being afraid. I was forced to remember why I was afraid, it’s teeth were huge compared to me and my thought began to imagine just how painful it would have been if it had bitten me. All of a sudden something touched me on my back and an explosion came from within me to the top of my horn and I forced everything away from me, as I heard a loud noise, I looked back and saw Twilight on the other side of the room, as she lay on the floor. As I tried to go to her, all the books in the room shot out off their places and in the air they transformed into anything from fruits, vegetables, small sticks, bigger logs, leaves, grass, golden plates and other sorts of things, I felt another explosion from within my as a beam of pure pink came from my horn, hit the door and made it into water that then splashed onto the ground. Outside the door Spike avoided everything that had direction towards him, missing mostly by a hair. I saw as Twilight got up and looked around my room as well as with Spike. Some of the smaller objects began to join together to form smaller tornados but as Twilight tried to come near me, a massive burst of wind came from my horn stopped her in her tracks. I felt myself as I got lighter until I levitated up into the air, suddenly I was surrounded by magic, unlike anything I had ever felt before and as it released me, I felt something soft on my back. As I tried to figure out what had happened to me, Twilight called to me, but again, my horn, on its own, shot at her, she avoided by a hair and it instead flew out the door and hit Spike who was pushed into the wall behind him. He quickly got up and grew up, sprouted wings as Twilight called ‘’Get outside! Fast!‘’ Spike grew taller and taller and with Twilight’s back turned, my horn shot again, hit her and pushed her into the wall. As I was shocked of what I had done, I didn’t want to hurt her, so I turned to the glass door and saw Canterlot from above and it only came closer, I blinked and now I saw a dark forest, I blinked again and I was inside the throne room in Canterlot, another blink and I saw Ponyville from above. As the ground got closer I froze in fear, as I saw a huge purple and green dragon with wings and just like me, the library also froze in midair. I felt much magic as I shot 5 times, I didn’t hit the dragon, but they flew in different directions. Through my right ear, I heard Twilight as she called ‘’Star!‘’ She was close to me now, but if she stepped closer, she would fall out of the door towards the ground. I felt tears as they formed under my eyes, I was too afraid to hurt her again, but Twilight called ‘’It’s okay, it’s okay, you’re safe, just take my hoof!‘’ As she extended her hoof. I didn’t want to hurt her, but flashes from the past couple of days appeared in my head and forced me to extend my hoof. I reached out and as soon as I felt her, she pulled me in and hugged me. While we hugged, I looked over her back and saw a pair of wings, but as I became more calm, they disappeared into thin air, the objects that were on the floor turned back into books and flew back onto their shelves. A big flash happened, but nothing looked to be out of the ordinary and as the last bit of my magic left, as we were levitated down to the ground, we still embraced each other.  My body still shook, as I tried to apologize and tears still streamed down my face, Twilight hushed me as she rocked me from side to side, which for some reason calmed me down. After a few moments Twilight softly asked ‘’You feel better now?‘’ While I sniffed I answered ‘’Uh-huh.’’ She let me go and used her one hoof to wipe away what’s left of my tears. Out the door that was now made of wood and open Spike poked his head though and Twilight gestured for him to come in and he ran over to us and hugged me asking ‘’Star? A-are you okay? Are you hurt?‘’ I shook my head and said ‘’I’m fine, what about you?‘’ I began to tear up again as I said ‘’I pushed you into the wall, I’m so sorry Spike.‘’ He hugged me tighter as he said ‘’It’s okay, it was an accident and it didn’t even hurt.‘’ That got me to giggle a little bit. After a bit we heard some knocks on the door and Twilight got up and said ‘’I’ll be back in a moment.‘’ As she headed out of my room. After Twilight had left the room, I walked over to the saddlebag I got from Princess Celestia and tried to get the book out, but as I failed and clearly saw this Spike offered ‘’The number one assistant is at your service.‘’ Defeated I said ‘’Thanks, would you get that book for me?‘’ He took the book from the saddlebag and confusedly asked ‘’What’s this?‘’ ‘’Princess Celestia gave it to me, saying she would like to hear how things are going for me and I think today is definitely worth writing about.‘’ We went into the living room and after he had gotten himself a quill and tuned to the first page he said ‘’Ready.‘’ I thought for a moment before I said. ‘’Dear Princess Celestia. I’m happy to announce that I have learned a little bit of history, I would also say that earlier tonight I tried to do magic and while I’m still not entirely sure what I did, I just know I did something towards Spike, Twilight and myself, before I ended up telepotrating the library to different locations, including your throne room in Canterlot. But everything should be fine now. Yours Star Sparkle.‘’ Spike repeated ‘’… Star Sparkle. Done, now what?‘’ ‘’Now Princess Celestia can see that I have written to her and else I don’t know.‘’ A short minute later the book glowed and Spike turned to the page and showed it to me and I read it internally. ‘Dearest Star Sparkle. I am happy to hear that you have been studying our history and about what happened to you, that was a magical outburst, Twilight would be able to elaborate more, but that would explain the powerful magic that made Princess Luna and myself teleport all around Canterlot and Ponyville. If you find out more, I will love to hear what other kinds of spells you did doing your magical outburst, but as I stated in Canterlot, you will need Twilight’s guidance to learn about your magic. That said, I’m glad that you have decided to write to me and I will look forward to hearing from you again. Yours Princess Celestia.’ After I read it, I allowed Spike to read it as well, as he read it Twilight came back upstairs, to where I asked ‘’Who was it?‘’ As she came closer she answered ‘’It was my friends, who told me that for some reason, they found themselves turned into alicorns.‘’ ‘’What? How?‘’ She only looked at me and then I remembered back to the five shouts and asked ‘’I did it? A-are they okay?‘’ ‘’They are fine, they were just surprised, but like the three of us they’re back to normal again.‘’ I ended up letting out a long yawn and as I looked at the clock, it was only 8:30 pm, but Twilight said ‘’Let’s get your teeth brushed and then it’s bedtime.‘’ As we were in the bathroom Twilight said ‘’By the way, Applejack have asked if you could help her tomorrow and after that Pinkie Pie have some sort of surprise for you.‘’ As I thought back on what Princess Celestia wrote to me, I asked, with my toothbrush in my mouth ‘’Will you then teach me magic.‘’ As she was done with me, I spat in the sink before she said ‘’Yes, and then I will teach you magic, but only if you have been a good filly.‘’ I nodded and asked ‘’Spike, will you get the book I got from Princess Celestia?‘’ He saluted and went to get it, I then looked back at Twilight and asked if she knew the spells I did, she did and listed them to me and when Spike came back he eagerly said ‘’I’m ready.‘’ I thought for a second before saying. ‘’Dear Princess Celestia. As you requested, I have just been told by Twilight that I turned myself, her and her five friends into alicorns. On Spike I did an age-spell, turning him into a full grown dragon with wings. I levitated all the books out of the shelves and transformed them all into different objects, everything from grass to golden plates and made small tornados with the objects. At the end of the telepotrations, I levitated the library in midair over Ponyville, while changing gravity itself inside the library. But in the beginning I made many bursts of wind and made a wooden door into water. But everything is back to normal now and tomorrow I will receive my first lesson in magic. Yours Star Sparkle.‘’ As Spike wrote the last bit he repeated ‘’Yours Star Sparkle. Done.‘’ He closed the book as I said ‘’Thank you Spike.‘’ He saluted and as Twilight was finished as well, we went to bed. In bed, I snuggled my head on Twilight’s chest as she began to read. I quickly found out that I didn’t even make it past two pages yesterday. As she read I feel more and more sleepy, until I was in a state of neither being awake or asleep, Twilight then stopped reading, kissed the top of my head and whispered ‘’Goodnight little sis.‘’ ‘’Your right Twilight, she’s quite cute when she’s asleep.‘’ I heard Spike quietly comment. Twilight giggled and the last thing I heard was when Twilight whispered ‘’I hope she’ll never leave.‘’ But just before I fell completely asleep, a voice, like Twilight’s said ‘’And even if, I’ll never let her go home, I will keep her as my little sis, forever.‘’ > Day 7: Apple Tree: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up and couldn’t remember when Twilight had stopped reading or even when I fell asleep. I only felt that Twilight wasn't in bed now and that I was in the middle of the bed, tucked in and as I opened my eyes, I saw that I was right, I was alone and instead of going back to sleep, I got out of the bed, ready to learn some magic. Out of the bed and on the floor, I stretch my legs and my back, when ready I went downstairs to where Twilight and Spike were about to eat, Twilight looked at me and said happily ‘’Good morning little sis, you’re up early.‘’ As she called me ‘little sis’ I thought it sounded odd, rather than familiar, but as I didn’t thought more about it, I walked over to the table as I said ‘’Good morning, I’m just excited to learn magic.‘’ I sat down and ate the breakfast Spike had made, as I commentated ‘’This is really good, thanks Spike.‘’ ‘’Your welcome Star, I’m glad you’re enjoying it.‘’ Spike said proudly. Twilight after she had swallowed her food and I began to eat mine with my face first, she said ‘’Remember, it’s only if you’ll be a good filly today, I will teach you magic.‘’ I took my head up from the bowl and asked confused ‘’What do you mean? What’s happening today?‘’ She looked puzzled at me as she said ‘’Last night I said that my friend Applejack needed your help and then Pinkie Pie had a surprise for you at Sugarcube Corner.‘’ As I thought back on my conversation with Spike about a ‘Welcome To Ponyville Party’ I asked Twilight ‘’Is that with Pinkie Pie, that ‘Welcome To Ponyville Party‘ Spike had told me I wouldn't get?‘’ Twilight took another sip of water before she said ‘’I will tell you, when you get home. But if other ponies ask about it, will you be okay about saying that you didn’t want one? At least for now.‘’ I nodded. As I finished my breakfast Twilight said ‘’Oh, It is time for you to head off now. Hmm… Spike, will you show Star the way?‘’ Spike saluted and got off his chair and as we walked downstairs, Twilight followed us as she said ‘’One last thing Star, promise me that you won’t try to do any magic, unless I’m there or said it’s okay, deal?‘’ A few steps from the door, that Spike had opened, I said ‘’I promise.‘’ Out the door I followed Spike and we walked into town. We walked out of town and onto a dirt road that had apple trees on both sides with a white fence between us and the trees, we reached an opening and I looked through and saw an old fashioned barn, a chicken coop, a well, an orange building I had no idea what was and other sorts of buildings. I noticed that Spike had stopped as he said ‘’The house is just over there, will you be okay to walk the rest of the way alone or do you want me to accompany you? But don’t worry Applejack knows what you look like.‘’ I looked a bit empty, but as I didn't fear it I said ‘’No, I’ll be fine, it was Applejack, right?‘’ He nodded as he said ‘’Yep, see you at home.‘’ He waved as he walked back towards Ponyville. As I was walking to the house I began to think ‘What if I don’t find Applejack, what t…’ ‘’Hi!‘’ A loud, high pitched sound said, it startled me so much that I jumped in the air. When I was back on the ground again, I looked to where the voice came and looked into the window and saw a yellow pony with a pink bow in her red mane, who then continued as she said ‘’Sorry, didn’t mean to scare yar, I’m Apple Bloom by the way.‘’ Twilight voice repeated in my head ‘’Be nice and I’ll teach you magic.‘’ So I smiled and said ‘’Hi Apple Bloom, I’m Star Sparkle.‘’ ‘’Hold on, Star Sparkle?! Are you related to Twilight?‘’ She asked with an accent that I could only describe as country. ‘’Yeah, she’s my… Umm… Big sister.‘’ I hesitantly said. ‘’Really…? I didn't even know she had a little sister.‘’ Apple Bloom said as she thought about it. ‘’Well, actually, her parents adopted me a few days ago.‘’ I said. With big eyes and a sad look on her, as well as a sadness in her voice she almost whispered ‘’Oh… I’m sorry, ah didn’t mean to bring it up.‘’ As I didn’t care about being ‘adopted’ I said ‘’Don’t worry about it, I’m okay about being adopted.‘’ A smile came back on her face until she saw something that could be behind me, she jumped out of the window, which caused me to jump back so she wouldn't land on me. As she stood next to me I saw that she was just as tall as me, if not a little bit taller, she however didn’t noticed, as she said excited ‘’I knew it, you don’t have your Cutie Mark either.‘’ Being confused, but not wanting to embarrass myself I said ‘’Um… No, not yet.‘’ While I thought ‘What’s a Cutie Mark?’ She then showed me her flank and saddened said ‘’Me neither.‘’ As I didn’t know what to say, she asked ‘’Wanna be friends?‘’ Twilight words ringing in my head ‘’Be nice.‘’ And to change the subject I said ‘’Sure. But um… Twilight told me that Applejack needed my help with something.‘’ As I wanted to get back to the library, Apple Bloom then said ‘’Well, I guess that makes sense.‘’ She walked and continued ‘’Come on, follow me and I’ll walk yar to Applejack.‘’ I did as she said and followed her. At some apple trees, I saw an orange pony, with a brown hat, as she kicked a tree with her rear legs and a dozen of apples from the tree into 5 buckets and not a single apple missed, I could feel my draw drop in amazement. She noticed us and came over, shook my hoof as she eagerly said ‘’Howdy there and welcome to Sweet Apple Acres, I’m Applejack and I see you have already met my little sister Apple Bloom.‘’ As she pointed over to a slightly bigger pony she continued ‘’Over there we have our big brother, Big McIntosh.‘’ As I saw the red pony I immediately recognized him from the forest, Applejack continued as she pointed to the house ‘’And just under the porch right over there, we have old Granny Smith.‘’ Who was asleep. I turned my head to Applejack and politely said ‘’It’s nice to meet you Applejack and your family of course, I’m Star Sparkle. Umm… Twilight told me that you wanted my help with something.‘’ She let out a small laugh as she said ‘’Please, call me AJ and that’s right Sugercube, now if you two little fillies will follow me and I’ll show ye.‘’ As instructed we both followed her. We followed Applejack back to the barn and inside there was a wagon filled with apples, as I saw that Applejack stated ‘’There she is, now I will need you two fillies to get this here wagon from here to Mr. and Mrs. Cake in Ponyville.‘’ But I could only think ‘Great… Manual labor.’ But hope came as Apple Bloom said ‘’Applejack… I can do that by myself.‘’ But Applejack quickly interjected ‘’Now hold your horses sugarcube, this here wagon is fully loaded, that is why I asked Star here to come and help yar. But shocks, if you wanna give it a shot, go right ahead.‘’ Apple Bloom strapped herself in and with all her strength she tried to pull, she did move, but with a snail paste. It was difficult to watch so after a few seconds I went over to her and offered ‘’Hey, you want some help?‘’ She sighed and said ‘’Yeah… it’s a bit too much.‘’ I walked over to my spot and Applejack strapped me in, as I jokingly whispered to Apple Bloom ‘’Don’t worry, you can still pull most of it.‘’ That got a laugh out of her and as we walked Applejack said ‘’When the two of you are done, Apple Bloom can easily pull the wagon back herself after school. Again thanks for your help Star and just come by at anytime.‘’ With that said, Applejack waved us goodbye as we walked out of Sweet Apple Acres. As we walked, I looked around and thought ‘I have no idea where we are.’ I then turned to Apple Bloom and said ‘’I hope you know the way, cause I have no idea.‘’ She smiled and proudly said ‘’Don’t worry Star, I know this place like the back of my own hoof… Oh and thanks for the help.‘’ I felt really nice to help her and as I got a ‘Thank you’ so I replied with ‘’Your welcome. That’s what friends are for.‘’ She smiled and silence came back. To spark a conversation I asked ‘’So… do you know anyone else without a Cutie Mark?‘’ A dull tone came as she said ‘’Yeah, a couple of fillies and colts from school.‘’ She shifted to a happier tone as she said ‘’Sorry I been a little quiet, I have just been thinking about something that happened this night.‘’ As I forgot all about my magical burst, I asked ‘’What happened?‘’ ‘’Well, you’ve seen Applejack, last night I saw her with pegasus wings and a unicorn horn, she looked like an Alicorn Princess.‘’ Apple Bloom explained. While she explained it I thought back to my magical burst ‘’But then she ran off towards Ponyville and came back normal. At first I didn’t know what to think of it, but now…‘’ She stopped. ‘’Hey, Apple Bloom, can you keep a secret, but you have to promise to not tell anyone else.‘’ I asked. ‘’I promise.‘’ She said. I took a deep breath and said ‘’Last night, I got a magical burst and I did all sorts of spells, including turning Applejack, Twilight and the rest of their friends into alicorns. Thanks to Twilight I calmed down again and I’m all better now.‘’ I looked at her and she had stars in her eyes as she said ‘’I knew it, I mean if you could do that, then your Cutie Mark has to be related to magic.‘’ I shrug my shoulders and sound like I care about Cutie Marks, I said ‘’Maybe, but I still don’t have one. But when I come home, Twilight will teach me magic.‘’ ‘’That’s awesome, are you also coming to school today? We can walk together.‘’ She offered. ‘’No… Not yet, Twilight wanted me to adjust to living in Ponyville and with her before I start to attend school.‘’  I answered as I thought ‘But I hope I can go home before that day.’ Luckily for me she accepted that and we continued to walk into Ponyville. > Cotton Candy Pony: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We soon arrived at the most weird looking building I had ever seen, on the sign it said ‘Sugarcube Corner’ but it’s roof looked like the roof of a gingerbread house with frosting, a standing on two legs pony holding a candy cane on the roof, the top floor looked like a cupcake with three candles on it, but the rest of the building was like the others in the town, wood for stability and white stone walls. After she got herself out, Apple Bloom got me loose enough so I could get out and after I got released I heard a loud high pitched yell that came from above us ‘’Incoming!‘’ A pink pony jumped down and as she saw us she said ‘’Hi Apple Bloom…‘’ She looked at me like her eyes were going to pop ‘’And you must be Twilight’s cute foal sister.‘’ Embarrassed I responded ‘’Yeah, that’s me, I’m Star Sparkle.‘’ Full of energy she came down to my eye height, hugged me and said ‘’Ohh, it so good to finally meet you Star Sparkle, I’m Pinkie Pie by the way.‘’ Surprised at the energy she had I said ‘’Nice to meet you too Pinkie Pie.‘’ She sat down and said ‘’Please, were friends, just call me Pinkie.‘’ ‘Another friend.’ I thought but said ‘’Sure thing Pinkie, then just call me Star.‘’ That got her to smile even more and I couldn't stop myself from smiling as I was placed down on the ground again. While Pinkie sat she looked to be in deep thought and then suddenly raced inside the store, I looked in confusion, same as Apple Bloom. Out of the doors Pinkie sped through two ponies then came outside. One had a blue coat with a dark red and pink in her mane and tail, she also had two pink pearls as earrings and a yellow and pink apron on. The other pony looked to be male in the shape of his face and his shorter mane and tail, yellow coat and orange mane and tail, wearing a white apron, white and red hat and a bow tie. They came over to us and said ‘’Thank you for coming Apple Bloom, we will have the wagon empty as fast as possible.‘’ She looked at me and continued ‘’Oh, and who do we have here, a new filly in Ponyville?‘’ I tried to act more confident instead of shy and said ‘’Yeah… I’m Star Sparkle, Twilight’s adoptive little sister and now I live with her.‘’ They both gave me a sweet smile as the blue pony said ‘’Isn't that sweet, I’m Mrs. Cup Cake and this here is my husband Mr. Carrot Cake and you must simply come by again another day and we will have a special ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ treat for you.‘’ Surprised that they will give me something for free, just because I was new, I responded ‘’Thank you, I will.‘’ From inside the door we all heard Pinkie as she called ‘’Star come on, I have a surprise for you!‘’ I looked at Apple Bloom and said ‘’I better go in now, bye Apple Bloom.‘’ Happily she responded ‘’Bye Star, have fun.‘’ As I was about to go inside, I looked back at her and asked ‘’Wanna come with?‘’ ‘’Nah, it's just for the two of you. You better get going.‘’ She responded before I walked inside. Once inside, Pinkie jumped over to me, clearly very excited and once close to my face she asked ‘’Guess what we’re going to do.‘’ By her being so close to me, I stuttered nervously ‘’Ha-have a party?‘’ Her face lit up with excitement, but said ‘’Nope, but that is a good idea, we are going to bake cupcakes.‘’ ‘’Bake cupcakes?‘’ I questioned before I was dragged away. Dragged to the kitchen and had a chefs hat put on me, Pinkie said ‘’All you have to do is take a cup of flour and add it to the mix.‘’ So I did as I spilled some on myself, but poured it in the measurement cup, with some help from Pinkie who afterwards continued ‘’Now take a bit of salt, just a pinch and add some sugar.‘’ She gave me another empty cup and showed me where the sugar was, I went over and filled the cup and walked back to the bowl where Pinkie added in the bit of salt and I poured in the sugar. She got the vanilla out and gave me a spoon to put it in, but what amazed me was the fact that she held it with her hoof, clearly waiting for me to grab it, I asked ‘’How do you hold that spoon?‘’ She looked at the spoon and said ‘’Well, I guess I just do it.‘’ I placed my hoof to the spoon wanting to hold it, Pinkie pulled her hoof away and the spoon was now on my hoof. I adjusted the spoon on my hoof and added a teaspoon of vanilla, Pinkie then gave me the last stuff so I could put it in the bowl and then helped me to mix it together. I bent my hoof and held a big wooden spoon, she then instructed me how to hold it and how to mix it. To say I used force would be the understatement of the week. After it was all mixed Pinkie got a cupcake tray to fit twelve cupcakes, she took it over to me and I poured it in the holes, but spilled half of it on the tops, nothing Pinkie couldn’t handle, as the tip of her mane took a spatula like a hand and scraped the last dough in place, I watched in amazement as she scraped the dough into their place and as she was done, she placed it into the oven that apparently was on, maybe that was why she raced in before. With the oven closed I asked ‘’So… what now?‘’ Excited and full of energy she said ‘’I know, I know, we could play a game?‘’ Scared to know what kind of game I asked ‘’What kind of game?‘’ She got an egg timer out, from who knows where, and said ‘’Hide and Seek of course silly, but I only have five minutes to find you.‘’ Not excited to play a kids game, but clearly she was happy about it, I remembered Twilight's words and said ‘’Okay, sounds fun, but who hides first?‘’ She thought for a moment before saying ‘’Since you’re new, you decide.‘’ In the end, our play area was only the kitchen and I hid first, but after 5 minutes Pinkie said ‘’Alright Star, you win.‘’ I walked out of my hiding place that was behind some pots and pans, then Pinkie hid. When I had ten seconds left, I looked behind me as I felt something and there was Pinkie, who was genuinely surprised, if not more than I was, she poked me on the muzzle and said cheerfully ‘’You’re it.‘’ Before she ran away, as I realized just what happened I ran after her. Minutes came and went as I caught her, she caught me, when I was finally it, I stopped to catch my breath, Pinkie came over concerned and asked ‘’Are you okay? You’re not hurt, are you?‘’ As I breathed heavily I said ‘’No… I’m fine.‘’ Bobbed her muzzle I continued ‘’And your it.‘’ Before I bolted away Pinkie was right behind me, but since I was smaller than her, I could easily get under the table. As I in the end ran, I looked back and saw Pinkie right behind me and I stumbled over my own leg and Pinkie, too close to stop herself, ran into me and up was down. When I opened my eyes again I was on the floor, I looked to my right and saw Pinkie who looked at me, surprised over what just happened we just laughed as we realized that we were also covered in flour. But as I remembered what Twilight said last night, maybe in my dream, I felt that I would never go home. That got my laughing to stop and Pinkie followed soon after. As we got up, the egg timer rang to let us know that the cupcakes were done, Pinkie then took the tray out of the oven and put them on the table, afterwards she brushed herself and me off from the flour and sat me up on a chair in front of the newly baked cupcakes and said ‘’I forgot, what is cupcakes without icing?‘’ ‘’Muffins?‘’ I asked with a grin on my face. Pinkie laughed and got a tube and said ‘’But don’t worry Star, I always have icing ready for an emergency.‘’ I only speculated that one time she absolutely needed it, but didn’t have it. After she had put the icing on she took two cupcakes out, without burning herself and gave me one of them, I took a bite and thought ‘Not bad.’ I looked at Pinkie and asked ‘’So… What do you think?‘’ In her always happy voice she said ‘’Ultra super tirefik?‘’ I smiled as she seemed to like it and while I was eating Pinkie put most of them in a box before she got me back to the ground and bundled a string around the bow. I couldn't help but notice the kitchen and ask ‘’Shouldn’t we clean up?‘’ Pinkie shook her head saying ‘’Don’t you worry your pretty little head about that, I’ll clean it up.‘’  She led me to the front door and gave me a hug and since I was in the hug anyways, I hugged her back as she placed me back on the ground she said ‘’Today was fun, we definitely need to do it again someday.‘’ ‘’Definitely, I haven't had this much fun in a very long time.‘’ I said and I felt it. After I said the last goodbye, I took the string in my mouth and walked out of the building and as I could see the library from where I stood I walked back to Twilight, ready to get my prize, learning magic, I even ignored the looks I got from all the ponies. > Real Magic Time: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I entered the library and as I walked upstairs, I saw as Twilight read, she turned to see me and asked ‘’Did you have a fun day?‘’ I placed the box on the ground and responded ‘’Yeah, Applejack is really nice and Pinkie Pie is really sweet, and I think I made another friend.‘’ Twilight looked curious as she asked ‘’Really, who?‘’ As I thought she might had planned this I said ‘’Apple Bloom, Applejack’s little sister.‘’ Her excitement could be heard as she said ‘’Oh… I’m so proud of you and was it really that bad being a filly?‘’ I could only tell the truth as I responded ‘’To be honest, when I was with Pinkie and didn’t think about it, it was really fun.‘’ Twilight smiled as she said ‘’Well, for being such a good filly today, are you ready to learn magic?‘’ ‘’I am.‘’ I responded and warm purple light surrounded me and forced me to close my eyes. As I opened my eyes, I saw a field of grass and Twilight a short meter away, I asked ‘’Twilight, where are we?‘’ ‘’Star, your magic is powerful and here we are a bit away from everypony, so we can train here… Now, I want to know what made you temporarily overload your magic yesterday?‘’ Twilight said. I thought back on yesterday and said ‘’When you came into my room and touched me, it scared me, because I was reminded of the bear at Fluttershy's and then it just happened.‘’ She looked down and thought before she said ‘’Yes, our magic is tied to our emotions, the stronger the emotions, the stronger magic, but too strong emotions and no control or experience, that is called raw magic, powerful, but dangerous. Refined magic however is what we use when we lift a spoon, a book it’s even how the Princesses are moving the sun and moon.‘’ After she had allowed me to take it in she continued ‘’Today I will teach you how to feel your magic and in the end make a light. Are you ready?‘’ I nodded and she continued ‘’Good, now close your eyes and focus on my voice.‘’ I closed my eyes and only focused on her voice as she continued ‘’Good, do you remember the feeling of magic from yesterday?‘’ ‘’Yes, but it’s scary.‘’ I said as I thought back. ‘’Yes, yesterday you were using fear in your magic, but do you also remember when you held my hoof and were in my embrace?‘’ Twilight asked. ‘’Ye-yes.‘’ I stuttered as I remembered back. ‘’I want you to focus on those feelings, let them flow through you, let them embrace you.‘’ I did as she said and focused on all that love I felt, while I held my focus, it became more and more difficult as time went past. I felt as my whole body began to sweat and heard as Twilight said ‘’Good, hold your focus and try and open your eyes.‘’ I held my focus as Twilight said and as I opened my right eye there was a mirror and now with both my eyes opened, I looked at my horn, it glowed a pink aura. As soon as I saw it, I lost my focus, the aura disappeared and I fell down to the ground and breathed heavily. Twilight then came next to me and lay her leg around me as she embraced and said ‘’Well done Star, I’m stunned that this is really your first try.‘’ Still breathing heavily I asked ‘’Really?‘’ She nodded and allowed me to rest next to her. Some time passed as my heartbeat had slowed down to its normal speed and Twilight asked ‘’Are you ready to try and make your light?‘’ I nodded and said ‘’Yeah, I’m ready.‘’ Twilight gave me a sweet smile before she stood up and I followed. As I stood Twilight said ‘’For this exercise, I need you to first look at my horn.‘’ I did so and at the tip of her horn there came a purple-ish light and she continued ‘’Now that you know what it will look like, I want you to close your eyes and imagined a light on your own horn and to feel it.‘’ I closed my eyes again and imagined myself in front of a mirror and it was the same mirror from my room in Canterlot, I got the feelings back from that morning and slowly I felt, as I was losing control, tears came out of my eyes until something soft came to my ear and I heard a heartbeat. With my eyes still closed, I saw a small mirror, held with a purple glow and I saw my horn and as I began to focus, I saw a white light on my horn. Twilight, who was clearly closer to me now whispered ‘’Hold you focus and open your eyes.‘’ As I opened my eyes, I again saw Twilight had a mirror in front of me, but I only got a glimpse of the light. I saw that it was pink, but I lost my focus and fell down to the ground due to exhaustion. As I caught my breath I felt Twilight next to me, as I breathed slowly again and tried to move she said ‘’Easy there Star, are you okay?‘’ I nodded while saying ‘’I am, thanks.‘’ As I looked at her, she smiled softly and said ‘’I’m happy to hear that, you did great today, but you will still need more training to focus your skills and therefore, I will then allow you to do these exercises, even if I’m not there.‘’ ‘’Thanks, I will do better next time.‘’ I said, maybe even more to myself. ‘’Just remember, it's only your emotions you should focus on, so don’t try and make a more powerful light, you are strong enough to make a normal light.‘’ Twilight said. ‘’I promise Twilight.‘’ We gave each other a smile before a purple flash came and we were back in the library. Spike came over to us and asked ‘’So Star, how was your first magic lesson?‘’ As I looked for the box I got from Pinkie I answered ‘’Better than expected actually, oh and by the way, do you know where my box is, the one I came home with from Pinkie’s?‘’ He got a nervous smile on, as he said ‘’Well, about that, I didn’t know what was in it, but they smelled so delicious and I couldn’t stop myself, so I maybe took a few too many.‘’ My eyes opened up completely as I scolded ‘’Spike! I was planning on sharing them with both of you. But you ate all ten of them?‘’ As I saw his eyes, he knew that he had messed up as he said ‘’I’m sorry Star, they were just so delicious.‘’ I sighed as I didn’t want to get mad, but still, and I said ‘’It’s fine, Spike, really. I’m glad you enjoyed them.‘’ I looked at Twilight I continued ‘’it’s just a shame that Twilight couldn't try any.‘’ As I was about to go to my room Spike spoke up ‘’Star wait, I only said that I had a few too many, but not all of them, there are still two left.‘’ He then went for the kitchen and came back, as he said, with two cupcakes and gave them to us, I held my hoof up and Spike placed the cupcake on it. After we ate our cupcake, which Twilight said that she loved, I then went to my room and saw that my bed was finally here, but I took the book out to my balcony and began to read what I missed yesterday, before the magical outburst. Hours passed while I read on my balcony, when suddenly Twilight called to say that dinner was ready and as I walked back into my room, I saw the bed again and began to almost miss sleeping with Twilight. While we ate, I had the thought back in my head to sleep alone tonight, Twilight obviously noticed as she asked ‘’Star, is everything alright?‘’ As I munched on a piece of salad I said ‘’Yeah, I’m fine.‘’ But she became all motherly and said that I shouldn’t talk with my mouth full before she asked ‘’How about after your bath and at your bedtime I read more Daring Do?‘’ As I didn’t care for the story, I shrugged my shoulders and with no food in my mouth, I said ‘’Sure.‘’ As I took another piece of salad, Twilight looked concerned at me, before she said worried ‘’Star please, don’t lie to me. Yesterday you seemed happy about me reading Daring Do, but I can find another book if you want to, you just need to talk to me about it.‘’ I didn’t really know how to say it, but said ‘’I don’t really mind what you read, I know it’s not the story I fall asleep to.‘’ I ate another piece of fruit, as Twilight muttered something under her breath, but I couldn’t really hear what. As I was now done with my dinner I asked to leave the table and Twilight said ‘’Alright, I will then find something else to read, I will also call when your bath is ready.‘’ I nodded and afterwards said ‘’Okay, I’ll be in my room, as I’m almost done with make your first light.‘’ As I went into my room Twilight proudly said ‘’That’s great sweetie.‘’ > Bath Time: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After I had read some pages more into the book and then turned to the last page and I was finally done with the book and just on cue, a couple of minutes later Twilight called ‘’Sta-ar! Sta-ar! It’s time for your bath!‘’ ‘’Coming!‘’ I called back, as I took the book inside and placed it back on the shelf and I left my room. As I entered the living room Twilight stood at the bathroom door, I walked over to her and as she opened the door, I walked inside and saw a wooden barrel as steam came out of it. At the barrel, I placed my hoof in and it was the perfect temperature, as I saw my hoof glowed the same purple as Twilight’s magic, I was levitated up and into the barrel, I then noticed that it was Twilight who levitated me and she got over to me, she scrubbed my mane, tail and especially my fur. As I sat and was bathed like a child I asked ‘’Hey Twilight?‘’ ‘’Yeah?‘’ She asked. ‘’I was just wondering, why didn’t I get a ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ party? And what’s a Cutie Mark? And what’s this special talent I heard about?‘’ As she cleaned my mane with her hooves, she answered ‘’Whoa, that’s a lot of questions sweetie, but I’m actually glad you brought it up. About the party…‘’ She sighed ‘’You would have gotten that party on the day you would have found out you couldn’t go home, at this moment at least, so I feared that you would have seen it as a ‘You can’t go home’ party instead.‘’ She paused and after I took it in, I said ‘’Thank you Twilight. That was maybe for the best.‘’ She sighed again and said ‘’Yeah, that’s maybe why some ponies had been looking at you weirdly, as most ponies do get a party, but Pinkie understood… But how come you want to know about Cutie Marks?‘’ ‘’No reason really, Apple Bloom just said something about, me not having one and Fluttershy said that she had a talent to talk to animals, so I just wondered if they were connected.‘’ I replied. Twilight then stood up and as she pointed to her flank and a tattoo that I hadn’t noticed before as she said ‘’A pony usually gets his or her Cutie Mark at around your age. But only when you find your hidden special talent, which makes you unique from everypony else. Just like Fluttershy, I too have a special talent, but mine is magic, symbolized by my six pointed magenta star. Pinkie Pie also has her Cutie Mark, which is three balloons, but that doesn't mean that her special talent is blowing up balloons, she has instead interpreted it to her cherry mood and her love for parties. So a Cutie Mark can be anything and it’s free to interpret. Do you understand what I’m saying?‘’ I thought for a few moments as Twilight was finally done with me and as she said I was just that age for one, I asked ‘’I think so, but does that mean that I’ll also get a Cutie Mark?‘’ Twilight thought for a little while before she said ‘’To be honest Star, I thought that you would already have gotten your Cutie Mark, especially after what happened last night.‘’ I looked confused at her and as she saw I was lost, she said ‘’Back to when I got my Cutie Mark, I got the same kind of uncontrollable magic as you did, but not as powerful, but that could just be because a newborn Unicorn foal’s magic is normally quite stronger than normal and I believe that you just got all ten years of uncontrollable foal magic and a magical surge at the same time.‘’ I sat and tried to process what she had just told me and as Twilight saw that I needed some time, she said ‘’I will just find some towels to dry you, okay?‘’ I nodded and she went out of the bathroom. In that short time I thought about it, I realized that I didn’t care about Cutie Marks, I was only concerned about the magic burst I made yesterday, but as there was nothing I could do about that at the moment, I tried to move on. More time went by and with nothing else to do, I became bored and thought about how long I could hold my breath underwater, after I had walked around in the tub, I lay down in the water, with my head fully under. After a few seconds I saw, through the water, the door opened and Twilight came in and had a look of terror on her face and as her horn began to glow, I got the cue and quickly got up, Twilight stumbled on her words as she asked ‘’Wha, wha, what happened? Did, did you fall? Ar, Are you, are you okay?‘’ As she looked around me and my head for anything I said ‘’I’m fine, I was just bored.‘’ She took me in for a tight embrace as she loudly said, still in shock ‘’Star you scared me, don’t ever do that again, okay.‘’ Her words really hit me in the heart, as I replied ‘’I, I’m sorry big sis, I didn’t mean to scare you.‘’ As I hoped that calling her ‘big sis’ would calm her down. It felt like it didn’t as she only held me tighter, but she lifted me out of the bath and onto a towel on the ground. As I stood on the floor, Twilight let go of me and began to dry my mane, tail and coat. When done, she sniffed one more time before she tried to say with a happy tone ‘’All dry now, I will call for you when it’s time for bed.‘’ I couldn’t ignore her sniff and turned to face her, placed both my hooves on her chest while I looked up into her eyes and said ‘’I’m fine, see, you don’t have to cry.‘’ She took her hoof around me and hugged me and I hugged her, even though it felt weird as I stood on two legs. After Twilight had calmed down, we let go of each other and as I was about to go back to my room, Twilight asked ‘’Hey Star, you wanna read next to me until bedtime?‘’ I turned around to see her, she had a hopeful look to her as I said ‘’Sure, I’ll just get my book.‘’ After I got the last book, I went back to Twilight and as I saw Spike read something I asked ‘’Hey Spike, um… What are you reading?‘’ He looked like a kid on his way to open a Christmas present as he eagerly said ‘’It's called Power Ponies, a team of 6 awesome super ponies that fight against criminals and this time the octopus Tentacle Tanner comes out of the ocean and wants to destroy the dam behind Maretropolis and flood the whole town.‘’ ‘’Well, sounds like you have an interesting read ahead of you.‘’ I said as I laid down next to Twilight, he smiled and returned to his comic, while I began to read as well. When I was a few pages in Twilight stood up and as I slightly leaned on her, I slipped onto the floor, Twilight looked back at me and asked ‘’Are you okay?‘’ I nodded as I responded ‘’Yeah, I’m fine, just surprised.‘’ She giggled and went into the kitchen and I went back to my book. With my mind only reading, something came in between me and the book, which made me snap away from the book and look at what it was, a cookie. I then looked at Twilight who did not have a cookie and I said ‘’Thanks.‘’ ‘’Well, you have been a good filly today, so you’ll get a cookie.‘’ Twilight said full of joy. As I felt it was much like something else I asked ‘’Like a dog treat.‘’ As I hoped they had dogs here. ‘’Well, in a way… Yes. But if you don’t want it, then I’ll eat it.‘’ Twilight threatened. ‘’No no, it’s mine.‘’ I quickly responded, but as I realized what I had just said, I felt warm in my head and lowered it, as Twilight giggled at me. Tasting the cookie, my taste buds went crazy, I then ate the rest of it within a second and asked ‘’It was really good, can I have another?‘’ Twilight gave me a smile and said ‘’If you’re good tomorrow as well, then you’ll get another cookie.‘’ But as I had to accept that, it was for some reason difficult and as Twilight looked at me, she continued ‘’But I’m happy to know that you like it, as the recipe has been in the family for generations. Though when Spike was a newborn I was still a filly and wasn't given the recipe, that was until a few days ago. As you’ll only get the recipe when you have somepony to make them too, only then will you learn it.‘’ ‘’So… Because your parents adopted me and I live with you, then you got the recipe?‘’ I asked as I wanted to make sure that I had heard her correctly. She smiled and nodded as she said ‘’That’s correct, because our parents adopted you, I finally got it.‘’ We then went back to our reading. Twilight poked me in the side as she said ‘’It’s over your bedtime.‘’ I nodded as I stood up, I looked towards Spike and saw that he was already asleep. Twilight then followed me to the bathroom and again brushed my teeth. After that whole thing was done, I went to my room and in front of my bed, I only stood as I waited for Twilight to levitate me onto the bed, moments later Twilight came, she smiled and said ‘’Try and jump up.‘’ I looked back at the bed and swallowed, I lowered my rear legs and jumped my front legs and on two legs, I jumped with my rear legs. With my front hooves and about half my body on the bed, I still fell down on the floor, but I didn’t hit, instead I was suspended in mid air and flew up onto my bed. Now that I was on the bed, Twilight came onto the bed with me and leaned against the side of the bed as I lay on her with my ear on her chest and she began to read from some book I didn’t see the title of, Twilight then asked ‘’Do you want me to read to you?‘’ As I became more and more tired by every heartbeat, I said ‘’No thanks, I’m good.‘’ So she continued to read internally. I broke the silence as I asked ‘’Isn't it convenient that I’ve already met all of your friends?‘’ I could hear her heart as she giggled before she said ‘’Well, maybe a little bit, but you still haven’t met Rarity or Rainbow Dash.‘’ I didn’t recognize the names, but I remembered a pony with a rainbow mane from Canterlot and asked ‘’Does Rainbow Dash have a Rainbow mane and tail?‘’ She stroked my mane as she said ‘’She does, while Rarity has a white coat and a purple mane and tail.‘’ After a while I came to a point where I wasn’t awake or asleep and as I felt Twilight lifted me off and placed me down on the bed and with my head comfortably laid on the pillow, the sheet came over me and she tucked me in. I felt as she used her hooves, instead of magic and for some reason it felt more comfortable. I then felt her lips on my forehead as she kissed me, just before she whispered ‘’Goodnight little sis.‘’ Her hooves became distant as I fell completely asleep. > Day 8: A Rainbow Is A Rarity: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It gave me a little shock as I woke up in my bed, but when I remembered that it was yesterday my bed came. I then noticed that I was tightly tucked in, I squirmed around a bit before I got loose and as I could finally stand up and remembered that I shouldn’t jump down, I decided to throw my sheets and pillow down to the floor and jumped down on them. Down on the floor I walked out of the room and into the living room, as I heard Spike as he snored, I walked quietly up to check and Spike was firmly asleep, but Twilight was nowhere to be seen, I walked down to the library part itself and still no Twilight. I walked back upstairs and saw a note on the table that I must have missed ‘Going out and will be back by dinner. To Star, if you're going out, wake up Spike even if he’s asleep and tell him. Love Twilight.’ I walked back to my room and took the book from yesterday and went to the balcony and began to read. As I laid out there, I enjoyed the silence and the book. As I looked up, I thought I saw a rainbow in the sky. The rainbow moved, unlike any other normal rainbow. After some time it came closer and closer, until I felt the wind as it blew from my left to my right. I looked to my right and felt a pair of hooves and two seconds later, I looked down at the library. Quickly I used my hooves to cover my eyes, but not before I saw a rainbow tail. During the flight, I felt the wind as it blew through my coat, mane and tail, which felt awesome. After a short period of time I was sat down on a floor, but whose floor I didn’t know. As I looked up, I saw a blue Pegasus with a rainbow mane and tail as I said ‘’You must be Rainbow Dash.‘’ She lifted herself up into the air as she said with a cocky voice ‘’The one and only.‘’ Before she asked ‘’What did you think of the ride, kid?‘’ ‘’It was awesome!‘’ But as I looked around, I asked ‘’Rainbow Dash, where are we?‘’ ‘’You’re in my house, awesome isn’t it?‘’ She asked. I walked over to a wall and as I saw it closer, I thought it looked like a cloud wall before I said ‘’Really awesome, is this a cloud wall.‘’ As I leaned on the wall Rainbow Dash quickly yelled  ‘’Wait! Don’t le-‘’ I hit the wall and fell towards the ground, but before I could even react, Rainbow Dash had caught me in her hooves and flew back into her home. Inside again, Rainbow Dash sat me down on the floor and said ‘’You got some nerve kid, what’s your name?‘’ Confused at that, but as I realized I didn’t scream, I said ‘’Star Sparkle, but just call me Star and you know I’m Twilight's little sister, right?‘’ ‘’I do, would you like a tour of my awesome home?‘’ Rainbow Dash asked. But before I could say anything I stood up and noticed a big stone Pegasus statue with some sort of gear, I pointed and asked ‘’Rainbow Dash, what’s that?‘’ I looked back at Rainbow Dash as she said ‘’It’s a Wonderbolt statue. But please, call me Rainbow.‘’ I nodded and I said ‘’Sure thing Rainbow, but what’s a Wonderbolt?‘’ Her eyes somehow became huge before she yelled surprised ‘’What! How can you not know what a Wondebolt is, they are the best fliers in all of Equestria, how can you not know who they are?‘’ I blinked a few times as I tried to collect my thoughts and said ‘’Maybe because I can’t remember a thing since a couple of days ago.‘’ She blinked a few times as she remembered before she said ‘’Oh, right. But still, I need to make sure you know what a Wonderbolt is.‘’ She thought for a bit before she said ‘’I know, the next time the Wonderbolts are flying, then I will get the tickets and we’ll go.‘’ ‘’Um… Sure, but I think I need permission from Twilight.‘’ I said. She tossed me into the air and I landed on her back as she said ‘’Then what are we waiting for, let’s find Twilight.‘’ Before she sped out of the house. As I sat on the back of Rainbow, I definitely had a better flight than with my kidnapping, but I felt like I’d forgotten something, but before I could find out what, a high class feminine voice called ‘’Juhuu…! Rainbow Daaash! I need to talk to you!‘’ Like a roller coaster we looked up just before Rainbow said ‘’Hold on tight Star, we’re going for a ride.‘’ I held on as she did a loop and descended faster and faster, we came closer and closer to the ground, until a few meters above Rainbow made another loop according to my stomach and once on the ground, I fell off Rainbow’s back. As I rested and tried to get my sense of direction back, the high class voice asked ‘’Oh my, must you always make such an entrance?‘’ ‘’Nah, I was just giving Twilight’s little sister here a good show.‘’ Rainbow said proudly. Finally over the last loop I saw who Rainbow talked to, a white Unicorn with a curly purple mane and tail, but still a bit dizzy I said ‘’You must be Rarity, I’m, Star Sparkle.‘’ ‘’Why I am, it’s very nice to meet you Star Sparkle.‘’ Rarity said before she looked at Rainbow Dash and asked ‘’Rainbow, do you care to join me at the spa today?‘’ ‘’Sorry Rare, we’re on our way to make sure that Twilight is cool with me taking Star here to the next Wonderbolt race.‘’ Rainbow said. Rarity not satisfied with the answer said ‘’That can wait, or you can go yourself and then I will take Star with me to the spa instead.’’ I began to think that I didn’t have a word in this as Rainbow turned to me and said ‘’Sorry Star, don’t worry I’ll try and find Twilight and ask her.’’ But before I could answer she flew off and I was alone with Rarity who saw me and said ‘’Oh my, your mane and tail, but don’t you worry Star, the spa has the solution.‘’ As she walked, I was still a bit confused over whether I should follow her or not, but Rarity continued ‘’Come on Star, the spa is this way.‘’ As I thought it wouldn’t hurt, I followed her as I convinced myself that Twilight must have set it up, nothing else would make sense, maybe that was what I forgot, something with Rarity and Rainbow. > The Spa: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inside the spa building Rarity said ‘’Star, today is on me, so you can choose anything you want, even all of it.‘’ ‘’Thanks Rarity, but I can’t accept that.‘’ I said, even though Twilight had giving me so much. ‘’I will hear none of that Star, I insist.‘’ I nodded but felt wrong for doing so. I walked over and looked at the options and saw different kinds of massages, mud bath, filing of my horn, but as I knew my horn is an extension of my skull, I dismissed it as an option, else there was seaweed wraps, facial masks, steam baths, hooficures and many more things that I had no idea what was, including many things that could be done with my mane and tail. I looked back at Rarity and said ‘’A massage sounds nice.‘’ After some silence Rarity found out that I had said all what I wanted to say, genuinely shocked she said ‘’No no no no darling, I said I wanted to give you all you wanted, isn't there anything else you would want?‘’ I shocked my head as I said ‘’Well, I don’t know what anything else on the chart is, but I know what a massage is.‘’ She thought for a moment before she walked to the desk and said ‘’A filly’s special for myself and my friend here, Star Sparkle.‘’ As she pointed at me and I was quickly put in a white bathrobe, with white fluffy trim, before we walked in. Inside the spa we went over to a big wooden barrel and after we got the bathrobes off we went into the water. As we relaxed in the warm water I saw that the ponies that owned the place walked back and forth. As I didn’t know what I was in for, I asked, a bit more nervous that I would have liked ‘’Um… Rarity?‘’ She got out of her trance and answered ‘’Yes, is something the matter?‘’ I shook my head and said ‘’Oh no, I was just curious, you said something about a, Filly’s Special. What’s that?‘’ ‘’Well, a filly’s special is a spa treatment that, well, it’s items are very popular with young fillies, but I do also enjoy it myself.‘’ ‘’Well, what’s in a filly’s special?‘’ I asked. She thought for a moment before she said ‘’The filly’s special consist of a nice hot tub to get clean, then it’s a steam room, then it’s time for a grooming of once mane and tail, before getting a massage, after the massage it’s a mud bath and finishing off with a hooficure and the grooming of once coat.‘’ Only the mud bath sounded weird, but fair enough. Time passed and I couldn't get the feeling of exploiting someone I just met to go away so I asked ‘’Rarity, how much did this spa treatment cost?‘’ It sounded like she got a bit annoyed that I asked her, as she said ‘’Star, darling, I said it was on me and I mean that.‘’ But I still felt bad and said ‘’But… Isn't there anything I can do to repay you?‘’ She sighed before she thought to herself ‘’Hmm… Well, I don’t want you to feel like you owe me. But this is not a favor, it’s a gift, so you don’t owe me anything.‘’ I got back to and relaxed but I didn’t feel better as I said ‘’Okay… But if there is anything I can help you with, just let me know.‘’ By the sound of silence, I took that as a sign that I could never repay her and so I tried to relax. After some time Rarity said ‘’Come on Star, it’s time for our steam bath.‘’ I got up and Rarity got my bathrobe on me before we walked along a corridor and walked into a room. The first thing I noticed was the air was very dry and warm, the room inside was all wooden, the floor, walls and ceiling, with a wooden bucket of coal, and metal bucket of water. After we had sat for a few minutes the spa pony said ‘’You two relax and I will be back in fifteen minutes.‘’ She walked out, closed the door and left Rarity and I alone. I laid down to let the steam deep inside of me before Rarity sighed and said ‘’Star, what we talk about in here is just between us, okay.‘’ I nodded as I answered ‘’I promise.‘’ I could see it in her eyes that she tried to find the right words before she said ‘’Star… I, as well as the other girls, have been told by Twilight what you told her, about how you came here and…‘’ As she talked, I got flashes from those days and I could feel my eyes as they got warm before I shed a tear, Rarity noticed and pulled me into a hug as she said ‘’Star, I’m so sorry, please, I- I didn’t mean it.‘’ As I was able to collect myself I said ‘’It’s okay Rarity, it’s in the past now.‘’ She loosened her grip on me and said ‘’Still, I'm sorry for bringing it up.‘’ I dried my eyes with my hoof and asked ‘’Is that why you wanted to give me this spa treatment?‘’ She looked straight into my eyes and said ‘’No, it is not.‘’ She paused and more relaxed said ‘’Twilight talked so lovely of you that I just wanted to meet you, but when Twilight asked Pinkie to not throw you a ‘Welcome To Ponyville’ party, I knew that, that wouldn’t be the place, so I wanted to bring you here instead.‘’ I didn’t know that Twilight had talked with her friends about me when I wasn't there, it made sense, so now curious I asked ‘’What did Twilight say about me?‘’ She closed her mouth tightly as she thought before she said ‘’It is difficult to explain, but by saying ‘yes’ to the spell. That made you unpopular with, well, all of us… Remember, Twilight really cares about you. Never forget that.‘’ I looked down to the floor, I didn’t know what to think or to feel, it was like I was trapped between what I wanted and what everyone else wanted. Time passed before Rarity whispered ‘’Star, are you alright?‘’ I looked back at her and said ‘’Yeah, I’m fine, I just don’t know what to say. I know that Twilight cares about me, but there was just no other way.‘’ She took me in for another embrace and while she stroked my mane she said ‘’It’s okay Star and we have also forgiven you, I just wanted to be honest with you.‘’ A small window of silence came before she said ‘’And truth be told, after Fluttershy asked what we would do in your situation, none of us knew what we would do.‘’ I looked up at her and responded ‘’To be honest Rarity, when I said that I accepted the risk, I internally regretted it, all the way until I woke up.‘’ But as I talked about it, my eyes got warm and I shed a few tears, she put my face on her chest and held me to her, while she tried to comfort me. More time passed and as my tears had disappeared I let go and laid down on the wood to get more steam and more relaxed I asked ‘’Um… Rarity, can we avoid the subject, of before I woke up as a pony, it always makes me cry for some weird reason.‘’ ‘’Of course Star, if that is what you wish for.‘’ I smiled and as a pony came in to get us, we were led out of the steam room and into the room from before, with the wooden barrel with the warm water. We were led over to two massage tables, first Rarity went on hers and I was lifted onto the other one. As I lay on the massage table the pink pony with the blue mane said ‘’Hello I’m Aloe. Your mane and tail are so unique, is there anything special you would love to have done?‘’ As I didn’t know what to answer, I said ‘’Hi Aloe, I’m Star and um… I only know that it looks good when it’s wavy and the blue is nicely together and above the pink.‘’ I looked to Rarity to get an approval, with a smile she nodded and said ‘’I think that will look absolutely adorable on you.‘’ The spa pony Aloe nodded in agreement and said ‘’I will make your mane and tail look adorable. Now lie down, relax and I will take care of you.‘’ I lay down and relaxed as she fiddled with my mane and as I looked at Rarity, she had some sort of green cylinders in her mane and tail. As the pony that had worked on Rarity’s mane and tail came over, she introduced herself ‘’Hello Star, I’m Lotus Blossom and I will make your tail as beautiful as you are.‘’ I smiled and felt as the blood went to my head as I respond ‘’Thank you Lotus, it’s nice to meet you.‘’ She gave me a warm smile before walking towards my tail and began her work. Now with a clear vision too Rarity, I saw that she had a sweet smile on her face, probably because of how relaxed I was. As I have never tried this before, it still felt nice and relaxing. After a couple of minutes Lotus went back to Rarity and Aloe came over to me and said ‘’Now your mane and tail are done, are you ready to get your massage?‘’ I nodded and mumbled ‘’Mm-hmm…‘’ As I was too relaxed, her hooves came on my back and my massage began. After some time where I must have dozed off I woke up to ‘’Um… Miss Sparkle?‘’ I yawned as I said ‘’Yeah, is it already over?‘’ Aloe shook her head as she said ‘’No no, your muscles are too stressed, so we need to put lava stones on you, to loosen your muscles.‘’ Now fully awake I sat up with a tense body and said ‘’No it’s okay, I feel way more relaxed now.‘’ Rarity came over as she heard what I said and said ‘’Lotus, Aloe, can we have a moment?‘’ Both nodded and departed the room before she continued ‘’Star, is something the matter?‘’ I shook my head ‘’No, I just don’t want hot stones on me.‘’ ‘’Star, I believe you were a bit asleep at the time, but Aloe found out that you have a lot of stress within you, maybe from what you have experienced. But I promise that Aloe will take really good care of you.‘’ Rarity said as she tried to comfort me. Still not happy about the lava stones I said ‘’But aren't the lava stones really hot?‘’ She took her hoof under my muzzle and said ‘’They are not too hot, but if it helps, then I can hold your hoof.‘’ I fought my instinct to run and nodded as Rarity called the spa ponies back and explained that it was my first time and she would hold me, they both agreed and I laid back down on the massage table. Rarity held my hoof as they took out a lava stone and I felt the heat even when it was just above me and just before it hit me, I did a few little twitches all over my body, as I tried to prepare myself and went it hit, it was way cooler than I imagined and I relaxed as Rarity asked ‘’Was it as bad as you thought?‘’ Now relaxed I mumbled ‘’Nuh-huh.‘’ The rest of the stones was placed on before I let go of her hoof and she let me go and said ‘’I will take my massage right next to you, alright.‘’ ‘’Uh-uh.‘’ Before I dozed off. I got out of my trance as Rarity asked ‘’Star… Star… Are you awake?‘’ As I felt more awake I said ‘’Uh-uh, yeah I’m awake, is it time for the mud bath now?‘’ ‘’Actually, as you need a more thorough massage, I will then take the mud bath next to you. Is that okay with you?‘’ Rarity asked. I nodded just as the lava stones came off my back and the voice of Aloe said ‘’I will begin now.‘’ While she gave me a massage Rarity got wrapped in seaweed and then went into a pool of mud, once she was in the mud I asked ‘’So… Rarity, what are you doing for a living?‘’ ‘’Why, haven't Twilight told you? Oh well, I’m a designer, of dresses mostly.‘’ She answered before she said ‘’I have actually thought about what you said earlier, if I would need some help.‘’ ‘’Yeah, what is it?‘’ I asked as I wanted to repay her. ‘’From the first time I saw you, I got so many inspirations and I would love if you would like to model for me.‘’ Rarity said. It felt like my heart stopped in a heartbeat as I asked ‘’You want me to be a model in dresses?‘’ ‘’Yes of course, your coat, mane and tail colors are very unique and magnifique. But only if you want to of course, but do not think that you have to.‘’ She answered sincerely. I was speechless and as I didn’t know what to answer I said ‘’Uhm… When is it you would want me to model?‘’ ‘’Well, I’m not sure, but I will say when it’s time, but it could be in a couple of months.‘’ She answered. I nodded and said ‘’Okay, but I don’t remember ever having tried a dress on before so it will be a first.‘’ She gasped as she said ‘’Well we can’t have that, now can we? Don’t worry Star, I’ll make sure that it’ll be fun.‘’ I gave her a weak smile and began to relax again. After my massage I could really feel a difference, it was like my body was made of jelly now. Rarity and I were then escorted over to some beds of sorts and there they began on our coats and hooves, with the combs that came down my coat, that was so pleasing and relaxing. In the end my hooves became really shiny and a coat so soft, as the things in my mane and tail came out a mirror came in front of me and I almost lost a tear, I looked beautiful and I felt it. After I had admired myself for a couple of minutes Rarity and I said our goodbyes to Aloe and Lotus and walked outside. Outside the spa both Rarity and I stretched ourselves before Rarity asked ‘’Darling, do you know your way home?‘’ As I looked around, but it all looked the same and I said ‘’No, it all looks the same.‘’ She gave me a soft smile before she said ‘’Then I’ll walk you home.‘’ I gave her a smile and walked after her, as we walked I said ‘’Thank you for today, it was fun.‘’ ‘’I’m thrilled you enjoyed it.‘’ Rarity said with joy in her voice. With the Golden Oak Library in sight I said‘’I can walk the rest of the way. Thank you Rarity.‘’ But she shook her head as she said ‘’No no, I’ll walk you all the way home.‘’ As we were in front of the door and Rarity was about to knock, Twilight opened the door and looked at me with wide eyes but with a sharp tone said ‘’Star. Go to your room! Now!‘’ By instinct I lowered my head in shame, remembering back to that second night and as she said ‘you’ll never go home’, while she thought I was asleep. I looked back at Twilight with tears in my eyes, but Twilight in a sharper tone said ‘’That dosen’t work on me Star. Go to your room!‘’ And I ran up the stairs and into my room, slammed the door and jumped on the bed and under the sheets and cried ‘She’ll never let me go ho-.’ > Where am I? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After some time I took the sheets off and stood up in my bed, I jumped down to the floor, but something felt weird, I must just had landed perfectly, I opened the door and I went out into the living room, as I, as quietly as I could, I walked to the stairs and heard voices, but I couldn't make out the words. Now on the stairs I took one step at a time, until I could make out the words, as Twilight asked ‘’How was the day, did she say anything?‘’ As Rarity mockingly responded ‘’No, not a thing, maybe the spell gave her a foals brain.‘’ They giggled, until Spike yelled from behind me ‘’Twilight! Star is eavesdropping!‘’ Hooves ran to the bottom of the stairs and Twilight came into view, she got a devilish smile as she asked ‘’Well well, have you been eavesdropping on your big sister?‘’ Everything in my body, out of nothing, came to a boiling point as I yelled ‘’You're not my big sister! You’re keeping me here! You, you monster!‘’ She only giggled as she lifted me into the air and I yelled ‘’Let me go! Let me go home!‘’ She walked me up the stairs as she giggled and said ‘’What do you mean little sis? You’re home now.‘’ I gave her an angry stare as my tears still came out, before she said ‘’Well, if you want to behave like a little filly, then you’ll just have to be one. Spike? Will you send the letter to Princess Celestia, I believe we will need that, other spell now.‘’ I looked at Spike as he took a scroll from Twilight's night stand drawer and used his firebreath until it was gone. Seconds later a golden flash came and went, as it left Princess Celestia, who with a smile said ‘’Well well, I see that you lost our little bet Twilight.‘’ Twilight only laughed sacastly before she said ‘’Yeah yeah, but it was still fun. This time we’ll do it your way.‘’ As I became really scared I asked ‘’Wait, what are you going to do to me?‘’ The Princess gave me her warm motherly smile as she said ‘’Take your memories about the human world away of course and make our little story come true. We can’t have you talking about that with other ponies.‘’ I felt my heart break and my tears streamed to come out and as I was pinned to the wall, I cried as I felt memories of my parents started to fade, I couldn't believe it, I trusted them. A blue light came from my left side and an explosion followed and I fell to the floor, as I sobbed in my hooves, I looked up and saw Twilight as she disappeared into smoke and the walls followed soon after and I buried my head in my hooves out of fear. Soon I felt a hoof under my muzzle and heard Princess Luna’s voice ‘’Thou art safe, Star Sparkle.‘’ I looked up at her, she had a warm smile, but my tears still came out, and with Princess Luna’s eyes widened she took me in for a tight embrace. After some time my tears had stopped and I let go of the Princess, she let go of me and as she sat me down I looked around and there was only darkness, so I asked ‘’What happened to Twilight and Princess Celestia? And what happened to the library?‘’ ‘’They were never here.‘’ Answered the Princess. I knew that I saw them and I let out a ‘’Huh… What do you mean Princess Luna?‘’ ‘’Thy are dreaming.‘’ Princess Luna responded, I looked around and thought about a grassy field and in a flash, we were on the grassy field. Still surprised that this was a dream I asked ‘’But if this is a dream, why did it feel so real?‘’ ‘’Yes, our dreams can feel very real, that is, if thy reason for the dream is equally as big. Wouldst thou tell us the reason?‘’ Princess Luna asked. As I feared she would be mad I asked ‘’Do you promise not to be mad at me?‘’ ‘’We promise to not be mad.‘’ She answered. I let out a big breath before I said ‘’I heard Twilight say, that she’ll never let me go home, and so I thought that maybe you and Princess Celestia was with Twilight on that.‘’ Princess Luna was silent for a moment before she said ‘’Thou fears are valid, but if thou would like, we will show thee what thou did not hear from that night.‘’ As Princess Luna stamped into the ground, a wooden door appeared, as she said ‘’Let us go and see what really happened.‘’ I walked next to Princess Luna and asked ‘’How? I fell asleep.‘’  ‘’Thou art correct, but thou brain heard and with that, we will be able to see what truly happened.‘’ The Princess said. The door opened and we were in the middle of Twilight and Spike’s bedroom and I saw myself as I levitated up on to the bed by Twilight’s magic and was placed next to her, what followed was me snuggling into her chest and after some time she kissed me on my head and said ‘’Goodnight little sis.‘’ ‘’Your right Twilight, she’s quite cute when she’s asleep.‘’ Spike commented. Twilight did a small giggle as she whispered and stroke my mane ‘’I hope she’ll never leave.‘’ With that Princess Luna stumped the ground and time froze. A small silence came before the Princess asked ‘’So? She will never let thou travel home?‘’ ‘’I- I don’t understand, I…‘’ I responded, I didn’t know what to say, this memory felt true. Before I thought more about it Princess Luna said ‘’Thou fears were valid, as thou were half asleep, but thou fears were not made of truth.‘’ She then stomped the ground again and time continued. Spike concerned said ‘’I like having her here as well Twilight, but the Princesses are looking for a way for her to go home.‘’ Twilight sighed as she said ‘’I know and I want her to be happy. But if I have to be honest Spike, I want her to stay here, as my… little sister.‘’ ‘’I know what you mean Twilight, but will you ever tell her?‘’ Spike asked. Twilight stroked my mane while I slept and said ‘’No, she can’t ever know, I don’t want her to stay here for me, I want her to be happy, no matter where that is.‘’ With that Princess Luna and I were back at the grassy field, where I could only stutter ‘’I- I didn’t know.‘’ Princess Luna took her hoof under my muzzle and said ‘’That is why we fall, so we can rise, but thou will still need to confess to Twilight Sparkle or the nightmares will return.‘’ ‘’I- I understand. Thank you Princess Luna.‘’ I answered. Princess Luna smiled and as she said ‘’Please, call us Luna.‘’ I smiled at her, blinked and woke up under my sheet in my bed, I removed my sheets as the door opened and Twilight walked in. > I’m sorry: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight walked over to me as she asked ‘’Star? Do you have something to say for yourself?‘’ I felt as my eyes became warm and my throat became sore when I said ‘’When I woke up I saw Spike was still asleep, and I saw your note, so I decided to go and read on the balcony, but then Rainbow Dash picked me up.‘’ Then I lost tears, but continued ‘’So I couldn’t tell Spike that I was leaving and when Rainbow got me to the ground, Rarity wanted to go to the spa, and I only remembered again when I saw you again. I- I’m sorry Twilight.‘’ I broke into sobs, as I knew she would erase my memories now. I heard hoof steps as she walked over to me and as I felt Twilight sat on the bed, she held me and stroked my mane as she whispered into my ear ‘’Shhh. Shhh. It’s okay. It’s okay. I’m here and I believe you.’’ I hugged her and as I sobbed she continued ‘’Rainbow didn’t know you should let me know and Rarity just prolonged it, but it’s okay now, you’re not in trouble, because it wasn’t your fault, and I’ll be sure to tell Rainbow and the others so it won't happen again.‘’ I looked up at her, she smiled softly and levitated a tissue over to my as she said ‘’Let’s dry those eyes.‘’ Before she said with much sadness in her voice ‘’I’m sorry for yelling at you Star. You did nothing wrong. Can you forgive your big sister?‘’ ‘’Only if you tell me why you yelled at me.‘’ I said, despite my tears. ‘’... I was, afraid, that something terrible had happened to you or that you, ran away… But that’s no excuse for yelling at you, I should have hugged you and asked ‘you’ what happened, I should never have been angry at you. But if you want to, I’ll talk with Princess Celestia so you can live with her at the castle instead.‘’ Twilight said. I hugged her as tightly as I could as I said ‘’I forgive you big sis and I wanna stay with you.‘’ As I embraced Twilight my tears stopped and I asked ‘’Twilight?‘’ ‘’Yeah, what is it?‘’ She asked softly. I remembered what Princess Luna told me, I said ‘’I… I don’t know how to say it.‘’ ‘’You can tell me anything.‘’ She said, still soft but more worried. ‘’I… I believed that you, and the Princesses, were keeping me here… Against my will.‘’ I said. Twilight became quiet, but her heart began to beat faster before she asked ‘’What?‘’ Her voice cracked ‘’Why would you think that?‘’ ‘’You asked me how the sun and moon rose and sets in the human world.‘’ ‘’...Yes?‘’ She asked confusedly. ‘’Human don’t use magic, it’s gravity that makes our world spin and with the moon around us, and together we spin around the sun.‘’ ‘’Okay… But why is that important, I mean compared to you thinking that we are keeping you here?‘’ Twilight asked, even more confused. ‘’You use magic, powerful magic to do the same job, but you still couldn’t get me home… So I came to my own conclusion… But I was wrong, I don’t even know why I jumped to such a stupid conclusion. I’m so stupid and I’m sorry.‘’ I answered and as I was done, I lowered my head as I didn’t dare to look her in the eyes. Not even seconds passed before Twilight pulled me into a tight hug and as she hugged me, I heard her faintly cry as she muttered ‘’Star, you are not stupid and I’m sorry, I’m so, so sorry.‘’ I hugged her back as I whispered ‘’It’s okay.‘’ We just sat there and embraced each other. After some time, we were interrupted be a growl from my stomach, which Twilight giggled at before she said ‘’Somepony is hungry.‘’ I did a little giggle as well and we went out to Spike who asked ‘’Are you alright Star?‘’ I looked at Twilight first and said ‘’Yeah, I’m fine, it’s been a tough day.‘’ He laughed before he asked ‘’But I heard you were with Rarity at the spa. Did she say anything about me?‘’ Confused, I answered ‘’No um… She didn’t. But I found out that my muscles have been really stressed,‘’ I gave Twilight a playful smile before I said ‘’I really don’t know why… But maybe I should go again some other day.‘’ Twilight giggled before she asked Spike if dinner was ready, it was and we ate. As we ate Twilight got my attention as she said ‘’I think you will still need some sort of punishment for going out without me knowing.‘’ Confused I looked at her, but she said before I could say anything ‘’So tonight, you’ll sleep with me.‘’ As she gave me a playful smile. I giggled at her while I said ‘’He he, if I have to. Can I still get my cookie?‘’ She nodded and said ‘’Of course and by the way, when you are done reading the last book, then there are two new books for you over on the table.‘’ She pointed to the table with the two books on it and we continued to eat. After two more plates I asked ‘’Can I go and read now, please?‘’ ‘’If you plate is clean, then yes.‘’ She answered and instinctively, I licked my plate clean of crumbs and showed it to her, she nodded in approval and I thanked Spike for dinner before I went to my room, grabbed the books with me, but before I entered my room, Twilight asked ‘’Didn’t you forget something?‘’ As I looked back at her in confusion, a cookie appeared in front of me, I took it with my mouth and gave Twilight a smile as I tried to thank her, she just giggled and I went into my room. Inside my room, I looked at the books and saw it was a volume 3 & 4 out of what I had already gotten, so instead I ate my cookie before I turned the lights off and went over to the glass door, which led to my balcony. I closed my eyes and began to feel the magic inside of me. It was faster than yesterday and when I found it, I imagined a light on the top of my horn, how sharp it would be, it’s color and remembered to not use too much power. After I had focused my magic for a while, I slowly opened my right eye. As I still kept my focus, I noticed the pink light as it surrounded the room and again, I slowly opened my left eye and in the mirror I saw the blue in my mane as it became purple. With both eyes now open and the light still on, I became entranced by the light and I only wanted to keep it lit. While I looked straight at the top of my horn and the pink light I heard a soft voice say ‘’Focus. Feel the magic. Feel the light itself.‘’ I let out a small breath and felt the magic as it flowed inside of me and the soft voice spoke again ‘’Hold the light and begin to focus on me.‘’ As I looked into the mirror, I saw Twilight, my concentration slipped a bit, but I managed to hold the light. While I looked at Twilight, her lips moved as the soft voice then asked ‘’What is my name, and your name?‘’ I focused harder as I stuttered ‘’You’re, Twi-light Spar-kle… I’m Star Spar-kle.‘’ ‘’Good, again.‘’ She encouraged me. ‘’You are… Twilight, Sparkle… and I, am… Star, Sparkle.‘’ I repeated ‘’Good, one more time.‘’ She encouraged me. ‘’You are Twilight Sparkle, and I am Star Sparkle.‘’ I repeated. ‘’Perfect.‘’ She said proudly and as her horn got a purple light on it, her light came closer and closer to mine. As they met, a rush of magic came between us as the small little lightnings of purple and pink flickered between our horns. After a short pause, Twilight turns off her light and I as well before she said ‘’That was amazing Star and in only two days, I’m impressed.‘’ ‘’Thank you big sis, I couldn’t have done it without you. How long did it take for you to learn?‘’ I asked. She thought for a moment before as she said ‘’I think it was closer to a month, but I was much younger than you are.‘’ My gaze went to the door that was now open and with Spike there he said ‘’Star, that was awesome, but I’ve never seen those lightning strikes before.‘’ ‘’He he, thank you Spike, will you help me to write to Princess Celestia?‘’ I asked. As he left I asked ‘’What did he mean about lightning strikes?‘’ ‘’When our lights met they flickered harmless lightning between them. It’s a natural thing to happen and is a moment that’s also highly anticipated right from when a unicorn foal is born.‘’ Twilight said. ‘’Will it happen again?‘’ I asked as I wanted to see it again. ‘’There is a spell for it, but it won’t happen again, that’s why it’s usually done with once mom or dad.‘’ Twilight said and as Spike came back Twilight said ‘’Remember it’s bedtime soon little sis.‘’ I nodded and as she went out of my room. I turned my attention to Spike had a quill and opened the book as he said ‘’Ready.‘’ I thought before I said. ‘’Dear Princess Celestia. Today I have learned how to make a light on my horn. Twilight said it took her about a month to learn, but she was younger than me, does it mean anything? Yours Star Sparkle.‘’ Spike repeated as he wrote ‘’Star Sparkle. Done.‘’ I gave him a smile ‘’Thank you Spike.‘’ Before I went to the bathroom and got myself ready for bed, but still not able to hold the toothbrush, I called for Twilight and she brushed my teeth instead. After that, I came back to my room and saw the book glow, I walked over to it, opened it and read. ‘Dearest Star Sparkle. I did say you had potential. But how is Twilight as a big sister? Yours Princess Celestia.’ After I had read, I called ‘’Spike!‘’ Seconds later he was in my room with a quill and asked ‘’You got a replay already?‘’ I nodded and asked ‘’Will you write back for me? I then promise that tomorrow, I will learn how to write.‘’ ‘’Don’t think about it, I love to help, it’s not for nothing that I’m the number one assistant for both Twilight and yourself.‘’ He answered as he took the book and said ‘’Ready.‘’ I thought before I said. ‘’Dear Princess Celestia. Twilight did say she also was impressed and I guess we are like all sisters, she looks after me and teaches me about magic and in a way I can’t explain, I look up to her. But it’s still weird to me being, well me, but with Twilight’s help, I am learning, even if I fall. Yours Star Sparkle.‘’ Spike wrote and spoke ‘’Star Sparkle. Done, was there anything else?‘’ ‘’Nope, nothing more number one assistant.‘’ I responded with a playful smile, he placed the book back on the shelf before Twilight came in and said it was time for bed. I followed her to the bed and at the bedside she asked ‘’You wanna try jumping up?‘’ I nodded and I took my rear legs up in the air, as I stood on my front legs the rear came down and I pushed myself up into the air and landed on top of the bed as Twilight said ‘’Well done Star.‘’ She came up onto the bed as well and once under the sheets she pulled me in to her and after I snuggled into her chest she said ‘’Hey Star, guess what.‘’ ‘’Huh, what is it?‘’ I asked curiously. ‘’Princess Celestia is coming to Ponyville on the 14. Then mom and dad are coming the day after as they would love to have you in Canterlot for a few days, you know, to get to know their new daughter.‘’ Twilight happily said. As I felt nervous about meeting my pony parents I asked ‘’For how long and what do they know about me?‘’ ‘’It will only be three nights and they know that you are not from this world and wasn’t a little filly before, but nothing else. But don’t worry, they understand that this is all new for you and they are okay about you not calling them mom and dad, but instead by their names Twilight Velvet, or just Velvet, for mom and Night Light for dad.‘’ She answered before she continued ‘’I just wanted to let you know, but now you’ll need to sleep.‘’ ‘’Okay,‘’ I snuggled myself closer into her ‘’Goodnight big sis.‘’ ‘’Goodnight my little Star.‘’ She whispered as I fell asleep. > Day 9: Look Before You Sleep: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up as Twilight nuzzled and said ‘’It’s time to wake up Star.‘’ I nuzzled her back asking still half asleep ‘’Just five more minutes?‘’ She giggled before teasing ‘’Maybe five minutes earlier to bed?‘’ I quickly opened my eyes, yawned and said ‘’I’m awake now.‘’ ‘’Hehe, come on, breakfast’s getting cold.‘’ Twilight said. I followed her down to the table where Spike sat, alongside three plates of waffles. As we ate I asked ‘’So… What’s happening today?‘’ Twilight swallowed and answered ‘’Spike is going to Canterlot for some royal business. However, the two of us are going to help the rest of Ponyville to prepare for the scheduled storm that’s coming tonight.‘’ I nodded as I ate and knew that at least Twilight was going to help as well. After breakfast we walked Spike to the train station, we hugged each other goodbye and after his train departed Twilight and I walked away from the train station and into the townsquare and began to remove the branches and other things that could hurt ponies.  After a couple of hours, I was able to sit down and take yet another break, but this time I looked up and saw that a couple of pegasus moved the clouds to block out the sun. As I looked to the sky, Twilight said ‘’Alright, we’re done here. Ready to go home?‘’ I continued to just stare at what the pegasus were doing, Twilight waved her hoof in front of me and snapped me out of my concentration as she asked ‘’Star? Is something wrong?‘’ I looked up again and asked ‘’Umm… You are seeing what I’m seeing, right?‘’ She looked up and asked ‘’About the pegasus and the clouds?‘’ I nodded and she said ‘’Let me explain as we walk home.‘’ I got up and followed Twilight as she lectured ‘’You see Star. The pegasus ponies are the once that control the weather, by making everything from different kinds of clouds to rainbows and even storms like the one we’re going to have today and tonight.‘’ ‘’Oh, I guess it makes sense, seen as the sun and moon are controlled by the Princesses.‘’ I responded and we walked the rest of the way to the library. Once inside the library the rain began and as I thought more about the lightning storm I asked ‘’Um… Twilight? Is a tree the best place to be in, when there is a lightning storm?‘’ ‘’Don’t worry little sis, before you woke up I put on a magical lightning rod, it’ll protect us.‘’ She responded and I felt calm. I looked out the window and saw lightning as it stroked down into the ground, the thunder surprised me so much that I found myself holding Twilight’s leg with all my legs. She stroked my mane as she softly said ‘’It’s okay Star, I promise we’re safe.‘’ I felt the blood rush to my head as I let go of her leg and we both went upstairs, with me going into my room. As there was nothing else to do, I closed my eyes and focused on my magic and tried to make my light again. A short time later I felt the magic on the tip of my horn and slowly I opened my eyes, as I saw the light, I felt that I didn’t focus as much as yesterday and Twilight asked ‘’Can you feel it getting easier?‘’ As I kept my thoughts on the light I said ‘’Yeah, it’s more, easy, to hold my focus.‘’ Twilight horn glowed as she levitated a book over to me and I read the title out loud ‘’Levitation 101‘’ The surprise of the book caused me to lose my light before I said ‘’Really? Thank you Twilight.‘’ She smiled and said ‘’Your welcome Star and if you want to, you are welcome to read next to me and ‘when’ you feel that you are ready, you have my permission to try it out, but just remember what I taught you.‘’ I gave her a smile and a hug before I took the book and began to read. Half a page in, I saw a flash followed by the sound of thunder and as I looked outside another lightning flashed and I saw the silhouette of two ponies, one was under a table and the other one stood in the wind, I looked closer and I recognized them both as Applejack and Rarity and then the thunder came. I ran into the living room and as Twilight read, she broke her concentration, saw me and asked worried ‘’Is something wrong Star?‘’ ‘’I’m pretty sure Applejack and Rarity are outside!‘’ I explained. ‘’What?!‘’ She asked surprised and ran down the stairs, I followed. Down in the library part, Twilight went to the door and told me to stay at the bottom of the stairs, I did as she said and as Twilight opened the door, the wind blew in and Twilight called ‘’Applejack! Rarity!… Applejack! Rarity!‘’ I then heard some faint voices as Twilight called ‘’Come inside, girls, quick!‘’ Seconds after, Rarity ran in, but Applejack stopped just outside the door and surprisingly said ‘’Whoa, nellie. Is inside a tree really the best place to be in a lightning storm?‘’ But relaxed Twilight answered ‘’It is if you have a magical lighting rod protecting your home like we do. Come on in.‘’ With Rarity being at peace she said ‘’We are most grateful for your invitation.‘’ Before Applejack said ‘’Thank you kindly for your hospitality.‘’ But as she walked in, she was caught off by Rarity in the doorway, as she pointed towards Applejack’s hooves, which looked to have a lot of mud on them and Rarity gave Applejack an odd look as she said ‘’Uh, do be a polite houseguest and go wash up, please, won’t you.‘’ Applejack responded with a groan and muttered something under her breath as she walked back outside. With the door closed Twilight was over with me and looked at Rarity as she said ‘’Some storm, huh? It was lucky that Star spotted the two of you out there, or else, who knows what might have happened.‘’ As Rarity walked over to us, Twilight continued ‘’The pegasus ponies sure have outdone themselves this time. I hope you and Applejack don't have any trouble getting home.‘’ ‘’Why thank you Star and it may, indeed, be a problem.‘’ Rarity responded. ‘’Your welcome Rarity, Twilight…? Is it okay if I go to my room and continue my reading?‘’ I asked. ‘’Of course Star.‘’ She responded and as I walked up the stairs I heard Twilight say ‘’Well, you’re welcome to stay if need be. Spike is away in Canterlot on royal business. It’s only Star and I that are home tonight.‘’ I came to my door and walked into my room and continued to read. After I had read a few lines, there were knocks on my door and I said ‘’Come in.‘’ ‘’Hey Star, do you want to join us for my very first slumber party?‘’ Twilight asked. As I wanted to levitate stuff I said ‘’No thanks Twilight, you should be able to have fun with your friends without me.‘’ ‘’Are you sure Star?‘’ She asked, clearly she wanted me to join. ‘’Yes I’m sure, go have fun with your friends.‘’ I said. ‘’Alright Star, you can join us at anytime you want.‘’ I nodded, she closed the door and I continued to read. While I read I heard that the slumber party had been moved to the living room and Applejack and Rarity did not sound to have fun, something about ‘being plain rude’ and ‘fussy’, but as I didn’t want to interfere, I stayed out of it and continued to read. After I had read the basics about levitation and had a better understanding about levitation I looked around my room for something light, like the book said, the lighter the thing was, the easier it would be to lift. As the lightest thing in the room was my pillow, I opened my door as Twilight said ‘’Ooh! It says here we have to tell ghost stories.‘’ She looked at me and as she hoped to get me to join, Twilight said ‘’Star? Don’t worry, we can always come back to that if you want to join.‘’ ‘’Um… No thanks Twilight, I was just wondering if I could have a quill or something very light.‘’ I said not wanting to get involved. Twilight levitate a quill over to me and I took it with my mouth and as I walked back to my room Applejack said ‘’Hey thanks Star, I’ve heard if it wasn’t for you I reckon we still be out there.‘’ Quill in mouth, I said ‘’U welcom AJ.‘’ Back inside my room I closed the door and spat the quill out next to my book. I re-read a bit more and as I felt ready to lift the quill and I felt for the magic inside, like with the light, but nothing happened. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and remembered what Twilight said ‘feel the magic, it’s you and you’re it’ feel. As I imagined the quill, I felt something on my horn and I felt the quill, it’s weight, it’s form, how it would be in the air. I opened my eyes, but as I saw a pink glow around the quill, it disappeared. As I wanted to give up, the sound of thunder was heard and the room became completely dark, but as Twilight didn’t yell or call for me, I figured it was from their ghost story telling and to get the right atmosphere. But as I didn’t want to turn on the room’s light, I wanted to try my own light and a bit of focus and it was on, the pink slowly grew in brightness until I wanted it to stop and it did like I wanted, but as I read, the light turned off. A bit annoyed at myself, I turned it back on and took the ‘Levitation 101’ to chapter 2 and began to read while I had a bit of awareness of the light and it worked. While I read I saw lightning and thunder that followed and with me being completely in the book a thunder came and screams of horror from the living room followed and with my light still on.  I ran to the door and walked into the living room with the light being turned back on, Twilight said ‘’Ghost story -- Check.‘’ Saw me and asked ‘’Star?! Did you hear the story and got scared?‘’ ‘’Huh? No I was just surprised when I heard some screaming.‘’ I answered Before I could go back into my room Rarity said ‘’Oh my Star, I’m impressed that you have already learned how to make your light, have you also done the lightning.‘’ I nodded as I smiled at Twilight. Applejack looked at my horn, then at Rarity and said ‘’I don’t see what the big deal is, it’s just a light.‘’ Rarity got offended and angry as she said ‘’Just, a light! Just a light! Making your light as a unicorn is a big deal! And if Star here have only been practicing for a couple of days, that means she’s gifted.‘’ Applejack looked annoyed at Rarity, but as she looked at me she looked ashamed as she then said ‘’I’m mighty sorry Star, I- I didn’t know.‘’ ‘’It’s okay AJ, we all have to learn, I guess.‘’ I said as I tried to make her feel better and as she gave me a smile, I believed it worked. Twilight then interrupted as she asked ‘’Now, who wants s’mores?‘’ She looked at me and admittedly I actually wanted one as well, so Twilight asked ‘’Star? Do you want s’mores?‘’ ‘’Are you sure? I don’t want to interrupt.‘’ But after Applejack said that she would make me the perfect marshmallow and Rarity wanted to make the s'more perfectly for me, I accepted. At the fireplace, that was on, Applejack warmed the marshmallows as Twilight went to find the other things that we needed and after everything ready, Twilight went back to the kitchen and Rarity got a plate and placed a square graham cracker on followed by a piece of chocolate and ending with the first marshmallow that was ready and then the final piece of graham cracker was put on and she gave me the plate as she said ‘’Voila, a perfect s’more.‘’ As the s’more was in front of me Twilight came back from the kitchen with something in her magic, but as she looked at the plate she asked ‘’Oooh, how did you make that, Rarity?‘’ ‘’I’ll show you.‘’ Rarity answered and got another plate, meanwhile Twilight finally let me see what she held, a cookie, my cookie. She then gave it to me and I first ate the s’more, Applejack and Rarity came over and both asked ‘’So… How does it taste?‘’ I gave a smile as it tastes really good, swallowed and said ‘’It’s perfect.‘’ ‘’Your mighty welcome Star.‘’ Applejack said ‘’I do believe she was talking to me.‘’ Rarity insisted. As I didn’t want them to argue again I asked ‘’Didn’t Twilight want to learn how to make a s’more?‘’ They then realized that Twilight was still here and I said ‘’Thanks for the s’more and the cookie, but I need to try my levitation again.‘’ A bit disappointed Twilight answered ‘’Oh, okay. Just come out again if you want to.‘’ ‘’I will.‘’ I answered before walking to my room. As I walked I as Rarity said ‘’First you place one square graham cracker in the middle of the plate…‘’ I closed my door and the voices became muffled before I ate my cookie. After I had eaten my, well deserved, cookie, I wanted to see what my horn looked like when I used magic, I then went over to the glass door that lead to the balcony and as I looked into the glass, I saw my own reflection, with that confirmed, I went to take my quill and went back over to the glass door. I placed down the quill, I looked into the glass and saw myself and my horn ‘Perfect.’ I closed my eyes and felt as the magic in me went to my horn and as I felt the quill, I tried to lift it, but as nothing felt different, but as I opened my right eye and as I looked into the reflection, I saw my horn as it glowed, like Twilight’s, but was all pink, it looked, beau-ti-ful, hyp-no--tic. As I heard a door open to the outside I was pulled out of my trance and as I looked at my horn, the glow disappeared again. Still confused at how long I had focused on my pink glow, I went to my book and looked at it, but there was nothing about the glow. As I knew I needed Twilight, I walked out into the living room and saw Applejack in a really girly blue with pink dress-ish and Rarity completely soaked in water and hearing them dare each other ‘’... not to enter the next rodeo that comes to town!‘’ Rarity said. ‘’I dare you not to comb your mane a hundred times before bed!‘’ Applejack yelled. ‘’And I dare you to comb yours just once!‘’ Rarity yelled as the heat of their conversation went up Twilight, who clearly sounded a bit uncomfortable suggested ‘’I, uh… I think we should check off truth or dare and move on.‘’ As she turned round she locked eyes with me and asked ‘’Star?! How long have you been standing there?‘’ ‘’A few seconds… Something weird happened before, it was like I was hypnotized by my horn.‘’ I said as I believed Twilight would work it out if she had any trouble. Twilight thought for a bit before she said ‘’Oh, yeah. That happens the first few times you look into your aura.‘’ ‘’Oh… Fun. Thanks big sis.‘’ I said before I walked back into my room. ‘’Let’s see what our next fun, fun, fun thing is, shall we?‘’ Twilight asked as I closed my door and heard pillows fly about. As I tried to relax, I closed my eyes and gathered my magic to my horn and allowed the magic flow and as I dared to dream, I used a bit more strength, but as I felt it would end like that first day. I released all my magic as I then suddenly heard as Twilight announced ‘’Pillow. Fight. Fun.‘’ Before she went quiet, I guessed they had fun again and I continued to read. Short time later knocks came from the door and I said ‘’Come in.‘’ Twilight’s head came in as she said ‘’Hey Star, it’s time for bed.‘’ ‘’Oh, okay.‘’ I said as I walked towards her and then the bathroom to get ready for bed. As I got closer to Twilight she asked ‘’Do you want to sleep with me tonight?‘’ I looked up at her and said with a smile ‘’Thank you big sis.‘’ After I had gotten ready they had got another bed out for Rarity and Applejack, to sleep together. I hoped that I would fall asleep quickly. After Twilight got into bed, I snuggled into her and as I used her heartbeat to fall asleep too, I fell asleep. I woke up as Applejack yelled quietly ‘’Geronimo!‘’ Hit the bed, probably, causing Rarity to fall out and exclaiming ‘’Hey!‘’ Applejack being comfortable lets out a ‘’Ahh.’’ With Rarity responding with ‘’You did that on purpose.‘’  Applejack responded annoyed ‘’Um, yeah.‘’ Rarity becoming more annoyed said ‘’Get up so I can fix it again.‘’ Blissful Applejack said ‘’Can’t hear you, I’m asleep.‘’ As AJ began to imitate snoring, Rarity, now frustrated, ripped the blanket away with a ‘’Hmph!‘’ But Applejack only responded ‘’I ain’t budgin’.‘’ Rarity with something in her mouth said ‘’You will if you want any blanket!‘’ What followed was the sound of them pulling the blanket, like the game ‘tug of war’. I tried to ignore them as I nuzzled closer to Twilight. With their mouths full of blanket, they still fought until Twilight got up, covered my ears and loudly said ‘’Enough!‘’ Using her magic she levitated a book over, opened it and said annoyed ‘’It says, right here, that the number-one thing you’re supposed to do at a slumber party, is have fun. And thanks to you two, I can’t check that off.‘’ I snuggled into her and as she noticed that I was awake as well, she scolded them further ‘’And you woke up my little foal sister.‘’ Applejack tried to defend herself ‘’I’ve been tryin’ my darndest to get along.‘’ As she hinted at Rarity who said ‘’No, it is I who have been trying my best.‘’ ‘’No, it was me.‘’ Applejack tried to argue. ‘’No, it was I.‘’ Rarity said. ‘’Me!‘’ Applejack yelled. ‘’I!‘’ Rarity yelled. As she finally had enough Twilight responded ‘’I hope you’re happy, both of you. You’ve ruined my very first slumber party… The makeover, the s’mores, truth or dare, the pillow fight! No wonder Star didn’t want to join, the two of you arguing over and over again! I mean, is there anything else that could possibly go wrong?!‘’ Just one cue a lightning stroke with thunder at the same time, it told me it was close and on instinct Twilight and I hugged each other, as I was mostly under the sheets, Twilight apologized ‘’Sorry I asked.‘’ Twilight got out of the bed as she said ‘’Star, stay on the bed.‘’ I nodded in acknowledgement before I asked ‘’Wait, if we have a magical lightning rod, could something have been hit outside?‘’ They galloped to the window and gasped before Twilight said ‘’It’s the tree next to us that was hit and it’s about to fall on the house next to that.‘’ Applejack looked at Rarity and scolded ‘’You see. That’s why we needed to take down all those loose branches in town, not spiffy’em up‘’ ‘’But I…‘’ Rarity tried to defend herself. Being interrupted by Applejack as she said ‘’Out of my way, missy!‘’ She opened the window and brought her lasso out, one end in mouth and swung the other end, like a pro. Rarity tried to warn Applejack ‘’Wait! Stop! Don’t!‘’ Applejack responded with rope in mouth ‘’No waitin’! No stoppin’! Doin’!‘’ Before she tossed the other end of the lasso out off the window to catch the tree that was hit. Being successful Applejack gloated ‘’And that, my friends, is what we call “gettin” her done.‘’ Before she took the rope, but as she pulled it Rarity and Twilight yelled, I jumped away from the window by instinct, but as I did something big and heavy hit my on the back and I was pushed to the floor with great speed. Cowered in darkness I heard Rarity as she whimpered and scolded ‘’I tried to tell you it would come crashing down in here!‘’ ‘’Well you should have tried harder!‘’ Applejack responded before saying ‘’I’m mighty sorry, Twilight.‘’ ‘’It’s… Well it’s not okay. There’s a giant tree branch in the middle of my bedro…‘’ Twilight responded before she called ‘’Wait… Star! Star! Where are you!‘’ ‘’I’m down here, it’s dark!‘’ I responded not liking where I was ‘’Where are you? Can, can you get out?!‘’ Twilight asked. ‘’I, I don’t know.‘’ I responded as I tried to get out, but as I tried to move, it only hurt and my back was stuck under a branch, so I called as I felt claustrophobic ‘’I’m stuck… I, I can’t get out!‘’ More concern in her voice Twilight called ‘’Don’t worry Star, I’m coming for you. Do you have an ouch?‘’ ‘’My back… It, it hurts!‘’ I responded, but as I tried to get free I cried out ‘’Owww! Owwwww!! It hurts!‘’ ‘’Star, hold still. Your big sis is coming for you.‘’ Twilight responded and I obeyed and tried to not move. I then heard Applejack as she called Twilight ‘’Twilight! If you’ll use your magic, Star will be easier to find.‘’ With panicked Twilight responded ‘’I need to find her first! Don’t worry Star, big sis is coming!‘’ I then heard Applejack as she yelled ‘’I said, ‘’I’m sorry‘’! I should have listened to you when you noticed where this here branch would end up. Your annoyin’ attention to detail would have saved us from this whole mess. But right now, you need to stop bein’ so dang fussy, pickin’ up all those little things, and help me move the one big thing in here that actually matters! Please!‘’ A small silence came before Rarity said ‘’Uh, uh, but I’ll get all icky.‘’ ‘’Consarn it!‘’ Applejack said annoyed before she changed her tone and said ‘’What the… You… I mean, yes, ickiness is often a side effect of hard work. But y’all need to get over it on account of I just can’t fix this mess I made myself. I need your help and so does Star.‘’ ‘’Twiliiiiight! Heeelp!!‘’ I cried out as tears came with it.  ‘’I’m coming little sis.‘’ Twilight called. I felt it as a blue aura magic surround me and with a blue flash the branch was gone and I was free with Twilight fell to the ground a bit in front of me and rushed over to me, but as she hugged me I let out a cry of pain and she quickly lay me on the floor and lightly poked my back as she asked ‘’Does this hurt, how about this.‘’ As it hurt I cried out ‘’Ow! That hurts!‘’ ‘’Don’t worry, your big sis is going to take care of you, but first you’ll need a bath. Rarity, do you want to go first?‘’ Twilight asked. ‘’No, let’s get Star clean first.‘’ Twilight thanked her before she levitated me to the bathroom and cleaned me. After the careful bath, Twilight carefully dried me before she brought me back to the living room and wrapped some bandages on me as carefully as she could, but in the end she said ‘’Alright… Tomorrow we’re going to the hospital. Just to be sure.‘’ I nodded as Rarity and Applejack came over ‘’Are you feeling any better?‘’ Asked Rarity ‘’I’m mighty sorry Star, if I had been more careful you wouldn’t have gotten hurt, I’m sorry, can you ever forgive me?‘’ Applejack apologized. ‘’Well, if you want to make amends, then as Twilight is most likely to put me to bed soon, then promise me that she will be able to check off the last thing on her list, the ‘have fun’ part.‘’ I responded. ‘’We promise Star.‘’ They both responded in sync. Twilight then levitated me into my own room and placed me down on the bed, pulled the sheets over me, tucked me in, kissed me on the forehead and said ‘’Goodnight little sis.‘’ I yawned as I responded ‘’Night big sis‘’ Twilight then hummed a melody as she stroked my mane, one I knew very well and shortly after I fell asleep. > Day 10: Recovery: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up as a soft muzzle nuzzled me, I opened my eyes, as Twilight said ‘’Good morning little sis, how are you feeling?‘’ As I tried to move, it still hurt as I was forced to let out a small cry before I got back to my comfortable position and Twilight responding ‘’Oh my, we better get you to the hospital, just to be safe.‘’ I gave her a smile as I joked ‘’Heh, six days as your little sister and I’m going to the hospital.‘’ Twilight just rolled her eyes at that as she levitated me into the air and loosely wrapped a blanket around me before we went out of the library and towards the hospital. In the hospital we waited for about an hour before being called in and Twilight placed me up on the bed and explained what happened to the doctor who said that a scan would be for the best, just to be sure. After the scan Twilight and I waited in the room until the doctor came back and said ‘’You’ll be happy to hear that nothing is broken, but it was a serious hit you got there. As I looked at your scan, it’s like you’ve never been hurt in your entire life.‘’ I looked at Twilight and hoped she would know how to react, but she was no help as she only looked concerned at me and the doctor continued ‘’So, stay in bed for the rest of today and get something warm on that back, then you should be just fine by tomorrow. But if it’s getting worse, do not hesitate to come back.‘’ ‘’We won’t.‘’ Twilight replied and I got a proper bandage on, before Twilight wrapped me in the blanket and took me back home. On the way back I asked ‘’So, when is Spike coming back?‘’ ‘’About half an hour.‘’ Twilight answered and as we came home, Twilight didn’t take me to my bedroom, but her bed instead. She placed me down in the middle and after she was sure I was comfortable, she told me to get some rest, as she would pick up Spike and some things for dinner. Some time after she had left, I fell asleep. I woke up as Twilight talked to Spike, and me being too comfortable, I called ‘’Spike?!‘’ He came up with stars in his eyes ‘’Star, you’re awake. Are you feeling any better?‘’ ‘’A little bit, but could you grab my pink and blue book?‘’ I asked, he saluted and ran for my room, as he left Twilight and I, I asked ‘’Hey big sis? Is it okay with you, if I write to Princess Celestia about what we were told this morning when we were at the hospital?‘’ ‘’Of course, I noted that as well in my letter to the Princess.‘’ She answered as Spike came back and I began. ‘’Dear Princess Celestia. I have learned a bit more about magic as I can now make a small light on my horn.  But the reason why I write to you is because unfortunately this night a tree branch landed on my back by accident. But earlier this morning Twilight and I were at the hospital and we were told that my back wasn’t hurt too badly and that I should be fine by tomorrow. We were also told, from the scan they did of me, that it looked like I have never been hurt in my life. I hoped you might know why. Yours Star Sparkle.‘’ Spike ended with ‘’Sparkle, done. It sounds to have been a crazy evening from what Twilight has told me as well… One I missed.‘’ I gave Twilight a smile I said ‘’Hey, it’s okay Spike, we can always have another sleepover, just the three of us.‘’ ‘’That girly nonsense, yeah, no thank you Star.‘’ He said dismissively. ‘’Well, just let us know.‘’ But then I got more comfortable in the bed and stared into nothing until I fell asleep again. I woke up to dinner in bed, I ate and after I ate my dinner and my cookie, Twilight asked ‘’Do you want to stay there and sleep or do you want me to move you into your own room?‘’ ‘’I wanna stay.‘’ I said as I snuggled under the sheets and after I got a nod from Twilight, I slowly fell asleep. > Day 11: Bridle Gossip > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke as Spike called ‘’Breakfast is served!‘’ As I opened my eyes, I noticed that I wasn’t in the middle of the bed anymore and as I moved a bit, I felt a bit sore, but nothing hurt. So I stood up and threw my pillow on the floor and jumped down and called ‘’Coming!‘’ Using my hooves, I threw it back up on the bed and it worked, satisfied, I walked down to Twilight and Spike. As I sat down, Twilight swallowed before she said ‘’Good morning little sis, how do you feel today?‘’ ‘’Way better, but still a bit sore.‘’ I answered. ‘’Perfect, but remember to let me know if it gets worse, but as we have a few errands to run today, do you feel rested enough to join?‘’ Twilight asked. I nodded as I said ‘’Sure.‘’ We then returned to our breakfast. After breakfast Twilight took a saddlebag and went out and after being indoors almost all of yesterday I said ‘’Wow. What a gorgeous day.‘’ ‘’Rainbow Dash must have gotten up early for once and cleared all the clouds away.‘’ Spike responded. ‘’Wait, what?‘’ I asked. ‘’Oh… Rainbow is in charge of clearing all the clouds over Ponyville.‘’ Twilight responded. ‘’Oh, okay…‘’ I responded ‘’Yep and I bet all of Ponyville is going to be out enjoying the sunshine.‘’ Twilight commented, but as we looked around, I saw no one and I wasn’t the only one, as Twilight asked ‘’What? Where is everypony?‘’ As a window shut, I looked over and saw a small pony I didn’t recognize, I gave her a friendly smile before her mom or big sister got her back inside and slammed the door. We walked further Spike as asked ‘’Is it some sort of pony holiday?‘’ ‘’Not that I know of.‘’ Twilight responded. ’Should we head to Sugarcube Corner, maybe someone’s there?‘’ I asked. ‘’Great idea Star.‘’ Twilight responded. ‘’Does my breath stink?‘’ Spike asked before he belched. ‘’Not more than usual.‘’ Twilight responded. But as I smelled the belch, I added ‘’But a breath mint could help.‘’ As I gave him a smile. He gave me a smile before a thought struck him as he asked ‘’Is it… Zombies?!‘’ ‘’Uh, not very likely.‘’ Twilight responded. ‘’Not likely, but possible?‘’ Spike asked. As we arrived a few meters from Sugarcube Corner, I heard a loud ‘’Psst!‘’ ‘’Did you hear that Twilight?‘’ I asked, she nodded We looked around and as I looked, I saw in the corner of my vision, Sugarcube Corner as Pinkie’s head appeared, as she loudly whispered ‘’Twilight!‘’ But ducked away as we locked eyes, shortly after she came back out and again whispered ‘’Star! Spike! Come here!‘’ As she gestured with her hoof ‘’Come here!‘’ She continued before she got her head out and whispered louder ‘’Hurry! Before she gets you!‘’ Twilight then took me in her magic and jumped inside. Inside the shop, I was placed down and it became completely dark, but before I turned on my light, Pinkie turned a flashlight on and blinded both Twilight and I, Twilight grunted as Spike grabbed her neck and asked fearful ‘’Who? The zombie pony?‘’ Pinkie pointed the flashlight at herself and creepily said ‘’Z-zombie pony?‘’ Which caused Spike to hold Twilight tighter in fear. As Twilight had enough, she said ‘’Spike, there is no zombie ponies. Pinkie, what are you doing here all alone in the dark?‘’ ‘’I’m not alone in the dark.‘’ Pinkie said and as my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I saw the rest of the ponies I’d met in Ponyville, Apple Bloom, AJ, Rainbow, Rarity and Fluttershy. As Twilight still hadn’t got an answer, she asked ‘’Okay, then, what are you all doing here in the dark?‘’ Applejack finally responded while she pointed out the window ‘’We’re hiding from her.‘’ We then walked over to the window as she opened the curtain, I looked out and I saw a pony under a brown fabric as she dug at the ground. I looked for a while to get a better view, but as the pony turned and looked at us, all but Twilight and I gasped. Apple Bloom got her front hooves on the top of Spike’s head, as she looked at Twilight and I, she asked ‘’Did you two see her? Did you see… Zecora?‘’ Applejack scolded as she said ‘’Apple Bloom, I told you never to say that name.‘’ But it only gave me an urge to say the name, but as I fought it back, Twilight said ‘’Well, I saw her glance this way.‘’ Pinkie interrupted and got close to Twilight’s face and said ‘’Glance e-e-evilly this way.‘’ Twilight got Pinkie a bit away before she continued ‘’And then a bunch of you flip out for no good reason.‘’ ‘’I didn’t.‘’ I responded as Twilight gave me a soft smile. ‘’No good reason?! You call protecting your own kin no good reason, why I never thought y’all would say something like that as a fellow big sister.‘’ Applejack said offended. ‘’I will protect Star too, but there is nothing to be scared about and therefore there is no need to protect her.‘’ She looked at me as she finished. ‘’Why, as soon as my sister saw Zecora riding into town, she started shaking in her little horseshoes.‘’ AJ said as she shook her little sister. ‘’Did not.‘’ Apple Bloom said with a shaky voice. ‘’So I swept her up and brought her here.‘’ AJ said as she took Apple Bloom on her back. ‘’I walked here myself.‘’ Apple Bloom said and I believe Apple Bloom. ‘’For safekeeping.‘’ AJ said sternly. ‘’Applejack, I’m not a little foal anymore! I can take care of myself!‘’ Apple Bloom said as she jumped back down to the floor. ‘’Not from that creepy Zecora.‘’ AJ tried to correct her. Fluttershy began as she said ‘’She’s mysterious…‘’ Rainbow added ‘’Sinister…‘’ As Pinkie ended ‘’And spo-o-o-oky.‘’ I looked out the window and gently felt Twilight doing the same before she let out a groan as the rest of the ponies hit her, as they looked out as well, from behind us. As we looked out the window, the pony took her hood off and revealed stripes in her mane and coat, where all of them gasped and Twilight commented ‘’Will you cut that out?‘’ ‘’Just look at those stripes. So garish.‘’ Rarity said. ‘’Isn’t she a zebra?‘’ I asked as I looked at Twilight. Twilight clearly surprised said ‘’Um yeah, she is.‘’ ‘’A what?!‘’ All the others asked. ‘’A zebra.‘’ Twilight responded ‘’And her stripes aren't a fashion choice, Rarity. They’re what she was born with.‘’Clearly too much for Rarity as she fainted, I tilted my head at her in confusion, but as I noticed no other pony did anything, I guessed it was normal. ‘’Born where?‘’ AJ asked fearful ‘’I never seen a pony like that in these parts, except… her.‘’ ‘’Well, she’s probably not from here.‘’ Twilight said ‘’And she’s not a pony. My books say that zebras come from a faraway land. But I’ve never seen her in Ponyville. Where does she live?‘’ ‘’That’s just it.‘’ AJ responded ‘’She lives in… The Everfree Forest.‘’ A loud crash came from the kitchen and as I grabbed Twilight’s leg, she scolded ‘’Spike!‘’ ‘’Uh, sorry!‘’ Spike called. As I let go of Twilight’s leg, Applejack continued ‘’The Everfree Forest just ain’t natural.‘’ ‘’What so unnatural about the Everfree Forest?‘’ I asked as I thought it must be awful, if these ponies were afraid of it. Applejack looked at me and continued with fear in her voice ‘’The plants grow…‘’ I got confused, wasn’t that normal, Fluttershy looked at me and fearful added ‘’The animals care for themselves…‘’ I smiled as they must be joking, as it sounded very similar to my world, Rainbow floated down to the ground and with worry in her voice she added ‘’And the clouds move…‘’ A laugh wanted to get out of me, didn’t all clouds move? As all three of them then finished together ‘’All on their own!‘’ But I couldn’t hold it down anymore and I fell to the floor and belly laughed. As I got up all the ponies either looked confused or like Fluttershy, ashamed. I stood up as I collected myself before I asked ‘’Wait, you’re serious?‘’ Maybe the Everfree Forest was my world. Pinkie who then tried to move on from my belly laugh, said ‘’Um… And that wicked enchantress Zecora lives there, doing her evil… Stuff! Why she’s so evil, I even wrote a song about her.‘’ As Rainbow commented ‘’Here we go.‘’ But before Pinkie began her song, Twilight whispered into my ear ‘’Star, I don’t ‘ever’ want you to go into that forest without my permission, understand?‘’ ‘’I promise big sis.‘’ I answered, what was so wrong about that forest, but if Twilight said so, maybe there is a point? Pinkie then sang ‘’She’s an evil enchantress - She does evil dances - And if you look into her eyes - She’ll put you in trances - Then what will she do? - She’ll mix you up in an evil brew - Then she’ll gobble you up in a big tasty stew - So watch out!‘’ She ended on a table as she took in deep breaths. ‘’Wow, catchy.‘’ Twilight said. ‘’It’s a work in progress.‘’ Pinkie said now relaxed. As Twilight and I still haven’t bought it, Twilight said ‘’This is all just gossip and rumors. Now, tell me, what have you actually seen Zecora do?‘’ ‘’Well…‘’ Rainbow started ‘’Once a month, she comes into Ponyville.‘’ Full on sarcasm Twilight said ‘’Ooh!‘’ I smiled as she definitely mocked their exaggerations. ‘’Then…‘’ Rarity added ‘’She lurks by the stores.‘’ Twilight once again with sarcasm said ‘’Oh, my.‘’ Causing a giggle out of me. Fluttershy then tried ‘’And then she digs at the ground.‘’ As Twilight, sarcastically called ‘’Good gracious!‘’ I sat on the ground and used my hooves to cover my mouth, so my laugh wouldn't be heard, before I said ‘’I don’t get it, why is that so bad.‘’ Twilight saw I was amused and said ‘’Thank you Star. Girls, how is any of this bad? Maybe she comes to town to visit. ‘’ ‘’Yeah.‘’ Apple Bloom added ‘’Maybe she’s just trying to be neighborly.‘’ ‘’And maybe she’s not lurking by the stores.‘’ Twilight continued ‘’Maybe she’s going to them, lurk-free, to do some shopping.‘’ ‘’Yeah. Everypony like to shop.‘’ Apple Bloom agreed ‘’You know what I think?‘’ But before she continued, AJ interrupted her as she scolded ‘’Apple Bloom, hush and let the big ponies talk.‘’ Apple Bloom walked off as said to herself, not realized that I overheard ‘’I am a big pony.‘’ As I knew Apple Bloom was a bit down and Twilight didn’t look to have any progress, I walked over to Apple Bloom and asked ‘’Hey Apple Bloom, you okay?‘’ ‘’Yeah… Thanks, I just wish they would listen to what I have to say.‘’ Apple Bloom said. Even though it went against my better judgment I asked ‘’Hey, let’s go talk to this Zecora.‘’ ‘’I don’t know Star…‘’ She answered.  We then overheard Twilight as she said ‘’And if anypony here was actually brave enough to approach her, she would find out the truth‘’ I gave Apple Bloom a smile and she got a determinant look on and as we looked back at the big ponies, they still argued and I whispered ‘’Let’s go.‘’ Before we snug out the back door. Once outside we walked around to find Zecora. After a few minutes we finally found her, but as I was about to walk over to her Apple Bloom pulled me behind a wall and hid from her sight before she said ‘’Star, wait, if the stories are true and she’s evil, maybe we should approach her a bit slower.‘’ ‘’Fine, but staying here is not going to help.‘’ I responded with a deadpan tone. Apple Bloom nodded in agreement and said ‘’Let’s go to the other side of that house.‘’ I looked and nodded, she ran around the house, as Zecora looked the other way, I ran straight towards the house and the bush next to it. As Apple Bloom came from the other end of the house, I waved at her and after she came to me she asked ‘’What, how?‘’ I pointed to where we stood before and said ‘’It was faster to run straight and she didn’t see me.‘’ Apple Bloom then looked over the bush and said ‘’She’s moving.‘’ I looked up and Apple Bloom pointed at a house close to Zecora and said ‘’Let’s run to that house, that’s straight and we’ll be out of sight.‘’ I nodded in agreement and with Zecora out of sight, we ran. We continued to do that same thing until we reached the outer city limits and on the verge of a dark forest, I stopped, the same as Apple Bloom as she announced ‘’That’s the Everfree Forest.‘’ As I remembered what Twilight had said about that forest and that I shouldn’t go in there, but what the other ponies feared about it wasn’t bad, but Apple Bloom had already taken her first step into the forest and whispered loudly ‘’Come on Star, she’s getting away.‘’ As I believed it to be the best if I went with her instead of letting her go alone, I followed Apple Bloom into the Everfree Forest. > The Everfree Forest: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apple Bloom and I had walked deep into the Everfree Forest and was close to Zecora, but right as I opened my mouth to talk to her, a stern voice I recognized immediately as Twilight’s, scolded ‘’Star Sparkle!‘’ My heart dropped. AJ then called ‘’Apple Bloom?!‘’ Both of us looked back and saw our big sisters and their friends as they stood over some blue flowers. As soon as I saw Twilight’s eyes, I knew she was angry and as her horn glowed, I did as well and AJ commanded ‘’You get back here right now.‘’ As I was lifted into the air, Zecora chanted ‘’Beware! Beware, you pony folk! Those leaves of blue are not a joke.‘’ As I floated over to Twilight, Applejack rushed over to Apple Bloom and got her on her back as she said ‘’Y-you keep your creepy mumbo jumbo to yourself, you hear!‘’ The other ponies agreed as they repeated ‘’Yeah!‘’ Over and over. ‘’Ha, was that supposed to scare us?!‘’ Rainbow mocked while Pinkie sang her song from earlier. As I floated by Twilight’s side, I said ‘’Twilight, I’m-‘’ ‘’I do not want another word out of you until we are back home… I told you not to go in here.‘’ Twilight responded still a mix between angry and disappointed. Zecora in the distance chanted further ‘’Beware! Beware!‘’ As she disappeared into the forest. ‘’Yeah!‘’ Rainbow responded ‘’Back at you, Zecora! You and your lame curse are the ones who’d better beware!‘’ I then saw AJ as she talked to Apple Bloom who was now on her back and afterwards Apple Bloom looked quite guilty. Pinkie sang her song again before Twilight who still ignored me said ‘’You gals, there’s no such thing as curses.‘’ Rainbow flew over to us as she said ‘’Well, that’s interesting to hear coming from miss magic pants herself. And besides, if you don’t believe in curses, then why are you so angry at Star for going after Zecora, huh?‘’ ‘’I told Star to not go into this forest, but she did and once we get home, she’ll learn.‘’ Twilight answered without so much as looking at me and continued ‘’Besides, my magic, real magic, comes from within. It’s a skill you’re born with. Curses are fake, artificial, fake magic. It’s conjured with potions and incantations… All smoke and mirrors meant to scare. But curses have no real power. They’re just an old pony tale.‘’ But as she finished the girls were already leaving Twilight, me in her magic and AJ with Apple Bloom on her back. ‘’Just you wait, Twilight. You’re gonna learn that some pony tales really are true.‘’ AJ said. I felt bad for encouraging Apple Bloom for going after Zecora and as AJ was about to go I yelled ‘’AJ wait! Don’t punish Apple Bloom. It was my idea to go after Zecora!‘’ ‘’Please Twilight! Star stopped before we entered the forest and if it wasn’t for me, she wouldn’t have.‘’ Apple Bloom called out. ‘’Thank you Apple Bloom, but that still doesn't excuse that she went in here.‘’ Twilight said. ‘’Mighty thanks Star, but the two of you should still not have gone after her.‘’ AJ said, but as nothing looked to be easier, Apple Bloom gave me a smile and I gave her one as well. Outside the forest we had caught up with the rest of the girls as Twilight asked ‘’Pinkie, will you tell Spike to walk home? I need to take this one home first.‘’ ‘’Sure thing Twilight.‘’ Pinkie cheerful answered and as we split apart, Apple Bloom and I waved goodbye to each other. On the whole journey home Twilight levitated me mid air, for all the ponies to see and I said ‘’Twilight, this is embarrassing.‘’ ‘’Then you will remember and what did I tell you earlier?‘’ Twilight asked, I knew I shouldn't answer and after a small period of silence Twilight responded ‘’Exactly.‘’ Once back home, Twilight closed the door and walked with me to the living room upstairs, only there she sat me down and asked ‘’Do you have anything to say for yourself?‘’ As Twilight looked at me I felt a bit scared and stuttered as I said ‘’I’m, I’m sorry.‘’ She lifted her eyebrow and asked ‘’Sorry for what?‘’ ‘’I’m sorry for sneaking out and going into The Everfree Forest, without telling you.‘’ I answered and looked at the ground in shame. As I looked to the floor Twilight’s hoof came and got my head up to look at her as she said ‘’Thank you Star, but I’ll still need to give you some sort of punishment. So… No more magic for today… And no cookie.‘’ Taken aback, I let out a loud ‘’What?!‘’ Twilight seemed to ignore that as she sternly said ‘’And unless you don’t want to do magic tomorrow either or have your cookie, then I would suggest that you comply. Do we understand each other?‘’ Still not happy about it, but I knew I wouldn’t win in an argument, so I said ‘’Yes big sis.‘’ ‘’Good, now go to your room and I’ll be there shortly.‘’ Twilight commanded, I did as she said and went into my room, got on my bed and lay down. From inside my room, I heard that Spike had returned and hoped he could relieve the boredom, I got up from my bed and as I heard him in front of the door Twilight called ‘’Do not go into her Spike! She is being punished for disobeying me.‘’ ‘’Can I at least talk to her through the door?‘’ ‘’No Spike, she has to learn that disobeying me will have consequences.‘’ ‘’Oh…Okay.‘’ He said with a disappointed voice and as he walked away from the door, I lay down again and waited for Twilight. After some time had passed Twilight came in and I saw she had a book with her as she said ‘’So, I did some more thinking and I want you to write a paper about why you shouldn't go into the Everfree Forest, do you have any questions?‘’ ‘’Um… Twilight, I don’t know how to write.‘’ I said embarrassed. ‘’Well…‘’ Twilight thought for a moment before she said ‘’Then I want you to read the first ten chapters, memorise them and after dinner I will ask you some questions and if you can answer all of my questions, you may use magic again, but still no cookie today.‘’ ‘’But, how can I read ten chapters in what, six hours?‘’ Twilight calmly said ‘’I believe you can read it twice in that time, so you better get started.‘’ I got the book from Twilight and read, I read a page at a time and reread it, I continued like that until I saw the page called chapter eleven and began to relax. My eyes went to the clock and I still had one and a half hours left to study, so I started over again and skimmed every page, after each page I closed my eyes and thought about what I read, as I tried to better remember. When the next page said chapter eleven, I felt a hundred percent ready for my test and used my magic again and Twilight called ‘’Star-ar, it’s time for dinner!‘’ ‘’I’m coming!‘’ I called back and walked into the living room. As Spike saw me, he looked at Twilight, she nodded and Spike asked ‘’Star, are you okay, did anything happen in the Everfree Forest?‘’ I smiled and said ‘’Don’t worry, I’m fine Spike.‘’ ‘’You’re welcome, but I hope you’re hungry, I made tomato soup.‘’ Spike said, I smiled at him and sat over by the table and began on my soup. After we had eaten Twilight asked ‘’Star, are you ready for the test.‘’ ‘’I am. I have gone through it two times, the first time I read all the pages twice and the second time, I read one page at a time and then thought about what I have just read.‘’ I said proudly. Twilight smiled softly at me ‘’I’m proud of you Star.‘’ Spike laughed a little as he said ‘’She’s studying just as hard as you.‘’ Twilight rolled her eyes, stood up and said ‘’Come on Star, let’s see if you’re ready.‘’ I nodded and followed her. At the couch Twilight said ‘’First, name 5 creatures that lives in the Everfree Forest.‘’ ‘’Timberwolf, Manticure, Cockatrice, Cragadile and Diamonds Dog.‘’ I answered. Twilight nodded and said ‘’Tell me something about all those creatures.‘’ I thought back on what I read and said ‘’Timberwolves are made of wood and can grow into different sizes, they are known for their smells and green eyes. Manticures are strong and dangerous, due to their wings and scorpion tail. The cockatrice is a half chicken half snake with wings and can turn its prey into stone. Cragadiles lives mostly in swamps and can easily be mistaken for rocks. Diamonds Dogs lives underground and collect gems, they are known to kidnap ponies to work for them.‘’ Twilight nodded in approval and said ‘’Good, you have really been studying hard.‘’  ‘’Of course big sis, I really want to do magic.‘’ I answered before I said ‘’And after reading about the Everfree Forest. I understand why didn’t want me to enter…‘’ I lowered my head and said ‘’... and I’m sorry I broke my promise.‘’ Twilight hoof came in front of my eyes and lifted my head to look at her, she smiled softly and said ‘’I forgive you little sis. But I think that tomorrow you should apologize to the girls for laughing at them.‘’ ‘’I will big sis, I only laughed because I thought they were joking.‘’ I answered, Twilight lowered her head to me and nuzzled me, which caused me to nuzzle back. As Twilight pulled her head back, she asked ‘’How do the clouds, animals and plants move in the human world?‘’ ‘’The clouds are moving with help from the wind, the animals, if not under the care of humans, they go free, but far away from humans and have to fend for themselves, for the plants they just growing by themselves.‘’ I answered as best as I could. Twilight thought for a bit before she chuckled and said ‘’I guess that's why you were so surprised by the pegasus moving the clouds.‘’ I nodded and she continued ‘’About your test, you passed. But I would still like it if you apologized tomorrow.‘’ ‘’I will and thank you big sis.‘’ I answered before I asked ‘’Can I go to my room now?‘’ She nodded, I hugged her and walked into my room. In my room, I walked over to my quill and laid down in front of it, closed my eyes. I felt my magic on my horn, as I didn’t see the glow, I felt like a wind that surrounded my horn. I began to feel the quill, its form, its weight, all its vanes, the metal and the dried out ink, I felt it all. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the quill, now engulfed in the pink glow and I stared at the glow. A knock came from the door and I lost my magic. As the feather fell to the ground Twilight said ‘’It’s time for bed Star.‘’ But I could only starred as the feather floated down until it laid in front of me, the door opened and Twilight came in and said ‘’Star, is something wrong?‘’ I turned to her and saw as she had a concerned expression on her face I said ‘’I’m fine, I just levitated the quill, but I don’t know how I did it.‘’ ‘’What do you mean?‘’ Twilight asked. I thought how I should explain it before I said ‘’First I used my magic on the quill, but then I saw the glow again and when you knocked on the door, I dropped it, but somehow it was in the air.‘’ Twilight thought for a moment before she said ‘’I’m not sure why it floated, maybe you did it subconsciously, it happens.‘’ Twilight paused and said ‘’Two days ago, you said it was hypnotic to look at?‘’ ‘’Yes and you said it would happen the first couple of times.‘’ ‘’I did, but do you know why you get in an almost hypnotic state, when looking at it?‘’ Twilight asked, I shook my head as I didn’t know the answer and she continued ‘’As our magic flows through us, it’s not unknown to us, it’s an extension of us, it’s our emotions. That is why you get hypnotized by it, you are not only feeling, but watching your emotions.‘’ She paused for a moment and allowed me take it in before she continued ‘’If you remember back to your magical surge, it was fear that unleashed it, but ‘trust’ that stopped it.‘’ I nodded in agreement before I asked ‘’How many times will it happen?‘’ ‘’It’s different for everypony, for me I believe about two weeks time, but I was also younger.‘’ Twilight answered. As I thought about my aura and it’s colour I asked ‘’But why is mine pink, when yours is purple and Princess Celestia’s is golden?‘’ ‘’Good question Star, but first, my aura is magenta, not purple.‘’ ‘’Ohhhhhh…‘’ I muttered. ‘’But anyway, your aura is normally related to either your eye color or your Cutie Mark, but it’s not a rule, yours might be from your coat or mane. As for Princess Celestia, she has the color of the sun, the same color as her Cutie Mark, while my aura get its color from my six pointed magenta star.‘’ Twilight said. ‘’Ohh…‘’ I said before I released a yawn ‘’But is there any difference?‘’ I asked as I rubbed my eyes. ‘’No, it’s mostly just for it’s appearance or else our dad would be as strong as Princess Celestia, but let’s get you ready for bed.‘’ ‘’Does he also have a golden aura?‘’ ‘’Yes, now come on, we would want you to be well rested, as of tomorrow we’re going to start preparing for the visit of Princess Celestia.‘’ As we walked I asked ‘’Is Princess Luna also coming?‘’ ‘’I don’t think so, how come?‘’ ‘’They’re both Princesses, so I guessed they would both come.‘’ ‘’Well I guess that would make sense, but I think it’s only Princess Celestia that will come.‘’ I nodded as she brushed my teeth. After a quick trip to the bathroom we were back in my room, Twilight lifted me onto my bed and said ‘’By the way, I wanted to give you this.‘’ She levitated out a pink bunny plush up to me and continued ‘’So when you’re in Canterlot, you will still have something to hold onto.‘’ I looked at the plush, then at Twilight and said ‘’Twilight, I’m too old for…‘’ But as I forgot my new age, I wanted to correct myself ‘’I mean-‘’ Twilight intervened and said ‘’I know I know, but try one night, and if you still don’t want it, then I’ll take it and if you wanna keep it, then keep it.‘’ I sighed and nodded, if it made her happy, why not. As Twilight sat as close to the bed as possible, I snuggled over to her and listened to her heartbeat, held the plush with all my legs and slowly I fell asleep. > Day 12: Poison Pony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up while I heard books as they flew off the shelves, but as I opened my eyes, I felt something in my mouth, I chewed a little bit, it was soft, I remembered the plush from yesterday, I took it out of my mouth and saw it was the bunny, now with some chewing marks on its right ear, alongside some drool. As I felt embarrassed about what I did I tossed the plush to the floor and got up. Once on the floor, I kicked the plush under the bed and walked into the living room, but as Twilight and Spike were not there, I heard books as they flew off the shelves and slammed on the floor and I followed it downstairs. I saw Twilight and said ‘’Good morning big sis, what are you doing?‘’ She turned to me and said ‘’Star, this is not a ‘good’ morning.‘’ While she pointed at her horn, it was wobbly and had blue spots on it. I got confused and asked ‘’What happened?‘’ ‘’I don’t know, help me look for a cure.‘’ I nodded and she levitated a couple of books over to me and I skimmed each book. After about half an hour, I had looked through four books as Twilight called out ‘’No, no, no, no, no! None of these books have a cure. Star, have you found anything?‘’ ‘’Not yet.‘’ Twilight just groaned while she said ‘’There has to be a real reason for this! An Illness? An allergy?!‘’ Spike held a green book and suggested ‘’A curse!‘’ ‘’I said a real reason -- something that points to something real.‘’ Spike showed Twilight the book as he asked ‘’How about this one?‘’ Twilight got closer and said ‘’’Supernaturals’? Spike, the word ‘Supernatural’ refers to things like ghosts and spirits and zombies, which are as make-believe as curses. This book is just a bunch of hooey.‘’ I walked over to him as Spike asked ‘’But what if you’re wrong, Twilight? What if this really is a…‘’ ‘’A pfhurse!‘’ I heard from behind me and saw Pinkie. Now next to Twilight I looked at Pinkie and saw her tongue was swollen and with blue spots, just like Twilight’s horn. Spike then asked ‘’A purse? How could it be a purse?‘’ ‘’Pinkie!‘’ Twilight asked ‘’What happened to you?‘’ Pinkie wasn’t helpful as she only spat ‘’Pee pah pah pfurse pah pee pah pah pfurse pah pah!‘’ Spike now covered in Pinkie’s spit said annoyed ‘’Hey, say it, don’t spray it, Pinkie!‘’ A loud bang came from the outside as I heard Rainbow grouted ‘’Ow! Oh!‘’ As she again crashed into the window, but didn’t break it. Rainbow hit it again as she said ‘’She’s… trying to say… Ow! Zecora… Oh.‘’ As I hoped to help Rainbow, I ran to the door and opened it just in time, as Rainbow flew in and passed me as she called ‘’She slapped us all with a… Ow!‘’ She crashed into the bookshelves and got stuck on the ladder as she continued ‘’... Curse!‘’ As I walked over to Rainbow’s aid I heard ‘’I’m afraid I have to agree.‘’ I looked behind me and saw Rarity and I couldn’t avoid cracking a smile as her coat, mane and tail were very long, frizzled and reminded me of a mop. Rarity blew her mane away from her face, but it came back down, as I walked over to Rainbow I saw both Twilight and Spike were taken aback by her looks. When I was at Rainbow’s side I saw that her one wing faced the wrong way, I helped her back up and as we walked back to the others, she was still stuck in the ladder. As Rainbow and I stood next to the others, I heard a high-pitched voice that called ‘’I hate to say I told you so, Twilight, but I told you so!‘’ I looked around the room and Apple Bloom was here as well, with something on her back, I narrowed my eyes and I saw a tiny AJ on her back as she yelled, while jumping in frustration ‘’It’s a curse, I tell ya!‘’ I then noticed Fluttershy was here as well and said ‘’Fluttershy seems to be just fine.‘’ ‘’Yes‘’ Rarity agreed ‘’There doesn’t seem to be a thing wrong with her.‘’ Twilight came over to Fluttershy as she asked ‘’Fluttershy? Are you okay?‘’ But she didn’t answer and turned her head away, so Twilight tried again ‘’Is there something wrong with you?‘’ Fluttershy nodded but still didn’t say anything and as nothing looked to be wrong, I then asked softly ‘’Fluttershy? Is it your voice?‘’ She nodded and I continued ‘’Please tell us. We’re your friends.‘’ Fluttershy thought as AJ jumped on the table next to her, but before AJ could say anything a deep male voice came from Fluttershy as she said ‘’I don’t want to talk about it.‘’ I was shocked, it was way deeper than mine was before the transformation. Spike broke into laughter as he said ‘’Hahahahaha. This is hilarious! Look at all of you! We got Hari’ty, Rainbow Crash, Spitty Pie, Apple-Tini, Flutter guy and… Uh… I got nothing.‘’ As Spike referred to Twilight ‘’What do you think Star?‘’ I shook my head, he better not drag me into that, he avoided me and continued ‘’’Twilight Sparkle’... I mean seriously, I can’t even work with that.‘’ ‘’Ah-ha-ha-ha. This is no joke, Spike.‘’ Twilight scolded ‘’Now start looking for more books so I can find a cure.‘’ Spike walked off, but left the book he had before, I walked over to it, picked it up and looked through it, as the girls continued their bickering. As I skimmed, I came across something interesting and I read to myself ‘Poison Joke,’ It looked to be some sort of plant that pulled jokes on its victims, nothing dangerous, only weird things that were supposed to be random, by the reactions they were known to prey on once Cutie Mark. I then looked at the ingredients to the cure, even though I wasn’t sure it was even Poison Joke that was the reason, but one of the ingredients looked rather beautiful, a red flower with blue spots, maybe if I found one, I could get it in my room, as it wasn’t poisoned according to the book. As I looked around the room, I saw Apple Bloom as she was on her way out, but I trusted her and decided not to tell Twilight or Applejack. But as I thought about AJ, I couldn’t see her and as Apple Bloom was gone I looked around the room before Rainbow said ‘’I don’t care what you say, Twilight! It’s time to pony up and confront Zecora! Come on, gals. Are you with me?!‘’ But as I still couldn’t find her, I asked loudly ‘’Hey, where’s Applejack?!‘’ ‘’Pf- She’s gone- pft!‘’ Pinkie answered surprised. ‘’Aah! Somepony stepped on her!‘’ Rarity said before they all checked their hooves, but as I looked on the ground, there were thankfully no red marks. Twilight feared as she said ‘’Or sat on her?‘’ We continued to look around as Rainbow called out ‘’Rarity’s hair!‘’ Pinkie was over there and looked through Rarity’s mane as Rarity said ‘’Oh! Oh! Pinkie, what are you doing? Really -- Ow! Ever hear of personal space?!‘’ Pinkie shook her head as she either didn’t find AJ or answered Rairty’s question. Twilight then added ‘’Apple Bloom is gone, too.‘’ ‘’I bet they went after Zecora.‘’ Rainbow said. ‘’Well, we’d better go find them.‘’ Twilight said ‘’Come on gals. Let’s go.‘’ Not know if I should go with them, I stayed silence until Twilight called ‘’Star, you can come as well, but stick close to me.‘’ ‘’Coming!‘’ I cheerfully called back and we ran towards the Everfree Forest. As I ran slower than Twilight, we ran at my pace until we entered the forest where Pinkie, Fluttershy and Rarity had caught up and by the sounds of it, Rainbow was somewhere above us. Much further into the forest, I began to lose speed and Twilight turned to me ‘’Star? Are you okay.‘’ Sweating and exhausted I muttered ‘’I’m fine, hurry up, and get Apple Bloom, I’ll catch up.‘’ ‘’We will and you’ll go back to Ponyville and Spike.‘’ Twilight ordered, I nodded and they continued running. As I caught my breath, I looked around as I remembered the dangers of the Everfree Forest, as I looked around I spotted something red, just behind a bush. I walked to it and behind the bush I saw a red flower with blue spots on it, I widened my eyes as I realized it was the same as the one from the book and as there was more than a dusin, I took one with my mouth as I knew it wasn't poisoned. Happy with my flower, I looked around and I couldn’t see which way led back to Ponyville, it all looked the same, so I hoped for the best and I chose a path and began to walk, after a few steps I looked at the ground, but saw no hoof prints. As I walked, I looked around and tried to spot something I could recognize, but no such luck, that was until I saw a pink bow and immediately I recognized it as Apple Bloom’s bow, I placed the flower on my hoof and called ‘’Apple Bloom?! Apple Bloom?!‘’ She looked towards me and called back as she ran towards me ‘’Star?!‘’ A few meters away she still ran, jumped and hugged me. ‘’Apple Bloom? What are you doing in here?‘’ ‘’I’m helpin’ Zecora finding ingredients for a cure for our big sisters and their friends, but why in tarnation are you in here?‘’ ‘’Well, I saw you leave and with Applejack also gone we all came to rescue you, but as you’re fine, I guess it’s a job well done.‘’ ‘’Hehe, but it’s not over yet, I still need one more thing.‘’ ‘’What’s that?‘’ She was about to take out a piece of paper, but stopped as she looked at my hoof and my flower as she said ‘’That’s it, that’s the flower.‘’ ‘’This flower? Wait, is the illness by any chance called ‘poison joke’?‘’ I asked and hoped for the best. She looked stunned at me as she muttered ‘’Ye, yeah, how did yar know?‘’ I placed the flower in her bag and as we walked I explained that I saw it in a book at the library. As I walked after Apple Bloom, she asked ‘’Hey Star?‘’ ‘’Huh… Yeah?‘’ ‘’Why did yar not question me, when I said that I was helpin’ Zecora?‘’ ‘’Well, my first impression of her was yesterday and Twilight doesn’t believe in curses, so I guess that the worst part was the rumors. So if you’re helping her, then I guess she isn’t all bad.‘’ I said and gave her a smile. ‘’Thanks Star.‘’ Apple Bloom happily responded. We walked further until Apple Bloom said ‘’That’s Zecora’s hut.‘’ But there was a lot of yelling from the inside, I locked eyes with Apple Bloom before we galloped to the hut and inside Apple Bloom asked ‘’What in Ponville is going on here?‘’ With Apple-Tini squeaked ‘’Apple Bloom! You’re okay!‘’ ‘’Why wouldn’t I be?‘’ Apple Bloom asked. Twilight jumped in front of us and said ‘’Because Zecora is an evil enchantress who cursed us and was gonna cook you up into soup.‘’ I knew I had missed something, but I couldn’t help it as Zecora and Apple Bloom laughed, I joined them. After a short laugh Apple Bloom said ‘’Oh, Twilight. Did those silly fillies finally get in your head? You know there’s no such thing as curse.‘’ ‘’Apple Bloom, you can’t just stand there and tell me this isn’t a curse.‘’ As Apple Bloom walked over towards Zecora, I answered ‘’It isn’t a curse.‘’ Zecora then explained, in rhythm for some reason ‘’If you will remember back, the words I spoke were quite exact.‘’ I thought back to yesterday when she said something about ‘Beware’ before Apple Bloom continued ‘’It was a warning about that blue plant. It’s called ‘Poison Joke’.‘’ ‘’That plant is much like poison oak.‘’ Zecora said ‘’But its results are like a joke.‘’ ‘’What in the hay does that mean?‘’ Apple-Tini squeaked ‘’It means this plant does not breed wrath.‘’ Zecora said ‘’Instead this plant just want a laugh.‘’ AJ still didn’t get it as she asked ‘’Will somepony please talk normal?‘’ ‘’I think.‘’ Twilight said ‘’What she’s saying is when we ran in to save Star and Apple Bloom, we ran into the poison joke. All our problems are just little jokes it played on us.‘’ AJ, not happy, called out ‘’Little jokes?! Very funny.‘’ Rainbow then asked ‘’Okay. Fine. But what about the cauldron?‘’ ‘’And the chanting?‘’ Fluttershy asked. ‘’And the creepy decor?‘’ Rarity asked. Zecora calmly responded ‘’Treasures of the native land where I am from. This one speaks ‘’Hello‘’, and this -- ‘’Welcome‘’.‘’ As she pointed at two wooden heads with goofy smiles. Rarity not liking it responded ‘’Not welcome at all, if you ask me.‘’ But Zecora continued ‘’The words I chanted were from olden times -- something you call a nursery rhyme.‘’ As I stood next to my big sis, Twilight asked ‘’But what about the cauldron, the Apple Bloom soup?‘’ ‘’Looky here, Twilight.‘’ Apple Bloom said ‘’That pot of water wasn’t for me. It was for all these herbal ingredients. The cure for poison joke is a simple, old natural remedy. You just gotta take a bubble bath.‘’ Twilight, still a bit confused, said ‘’But I tried to find a cure in all my books and couldn’t find anything. What book has this natural remedy?‘’ As I knew which book it was I asked ‘’All of your books, big sis?‘’ ‘’Yeah…?‘’ ‘’All but the one book Spike suggested?‘’ I ended. Zecora closed the book and said ‘’Here is the book, You see? Sad that you lack it in your library.‘’ Twilight with ears down said ‘’Actually, I do have this book. But I didn’t look inside because the title looked so… Weird.‘’ She then read ‘’Supernaturals, natural remedies and cure-alls that are simply super.‘’ Twilight looked back at Zecora ‘’I… I… I’m so sorry Zecora. I had the answer the whole time, if only I bothered to look inside.‘’ Zecora gave a small laugh before she said ‘’Maybe next time you will take a second look and not judge the cover of the book.‘’ Apple Bloom gave a small laugh before Twilight asked ‘’Zecora, would you be kind enough to mix up another batch of the herbal bath?‘’ ‘’Mix it up, I certainly will. Yet I am missing an herb from Ponyville.‘’ ‘’But whenever Zecora comes to town, all the shops are mysteriously closed.‘’ Apple Bloom said. Twilight said ‘’Oh, well, I think we can help you with that. But we need to go to Ponyville.‘’ Zecora took her cloak on and we walked out of her home and towards Ponyville. As we walked with Twilight next to me she lowered her head and nuzzled me, it caught me a bit off guard, but as I regained my composure, I nuzzled her back as she said ‘’I’m sorry Star.‘’ ‘’Huh, for what?‘’ ‘’For judging Zecora on the cover of her book, that's not the kind of example I wish to set for you.‘’ ‘’Twilight, you made a mistake, nothing else and besides, you still gave her the benefit of the doubt. That’s the best kind of example you can set.‘’ I responded as we walked out of the forest and I got another nuzzle. As we walked into town all the ponies screamed and ran away, while they yelled something about a curse, so Twilight walked over to a house, knocked and as a pony opened Twilight said ‘’Daisy, we need to talk.‘’ Twilight explained everything about Zecora and why they looked like they did and soon enough all the ponies were back outside and Twilight further explained. After Zecora had gotten the last of her ingredients, we walked to the spa. We went in and as Zecora mixed the cure, I went to a massage table, while the others went to the bath and Ahloe came over and began my massage. As I got my massage I thought about how I would say sorry, maybe Twilight had forgotten, but I was interrupted as Pinkie jumped into the water and after Rainbow helped to get the cure in the bath she got down and relaxed.  I got even more lost in my thoughts as this message was extremely comfortable. I woke up as Twilight nuzzled me and said ‘’Come on Star, it’s time to go home.‘’ I stretched and looked at Twilight’s horn, it was back to normal and as I looked around the rest of the ponies got ready to leave as well and I noticed that they were all better now and we all walked outside. As we were outside, Twilight got the ponies attention as she said ‘’Girls, Star has something she wants to say.‘’ She remembered. The ponies and Zecora turned around and as all eyes were on me, I felt my heart beat faster and my breath increase in volume, but as Twilight sat behind me and held me, for some reason it made me more relaxed and I said ‘’I’m sorry about yesterday, you all said the Everfree Forest was dangerous, but I only laughed.‘’ My look turned to the ground, as I hooped to avoid eye contact. A yellow hoof came and raised my head and Fluttershy’s normal timid voice said ‘’It’s okay Star, I forgive you, you didn’t know any better.‘’ All the girls continued with different kinds of ‘We forgive you Star.’ Twilight hugged me from behind and said ‘’Ohhh, I’m so proud of you little sis.‘’ While she nuzzled the top of my head. Twilight reminded the girls that Princess Celestia was coming in two days, so both today and tomorrow they would all prepare, Fluttershy mentioned something about gathering flowers, Rainbow wanted to impress the Princess and Rarity had some sort of an idea for her, Pinkie would make sure that Sugarcube Corner would also be ready and AJ would help deliver the apples that would be necessary. After everything was done Twilight and I made our way home. At home, I immediately told Spike that he was right about the book and he teased Twilight a bit before he was sent to clean up the mess Twilight made earlier, but I was allowed to go to my room and practice my magic. Inside my room, I went over to the quill, closed my eyes and I surrounded the quill with my magic. I slowly released a small breath of air, as the air hit the quill I felt my aura move, I wanted to replicate the feeling, so I tried over and over again, but as nothing felt to happen I released my magic and opened my eyes. I looked down at the quill, it had barely moved, annoyed I puffed at the quill, it rolled over and since there was a bit more room now, I lay down, looked at the quill, narrowed my eyes and a bit annoyed I thought ‘If a little wind can move it, so can my magic.’ I closed my eyes, gritted my teeth in determination and as I felt my magic go through me, I felt the quill. I tried to make it move, but after a few seconds of nothing, I released my magic and as I opened my eyes and looked at the quill, it just stopped rocking. As I felt more confident, I closed my eyes, bowed my head and pointed my horn directly at the quill and as my magic swarmed the quill I tried to lift it, it weighed much more than I expected, maybe the weight of an apple, but I didn’t feel it was rocking. I calmed myself down, a deep breath came in and came slowly out, in, out, I continued like that for a few times. As I felt calm and the quill weighed the same as an apple, but as I lifted my head, I couldn’t feel if I levitated the quill as well. I wanted to see as this quill was getting a bit heavy and I didn’t knew if I would be able to hold it for much longer, so I opened my eyes and looked to where I thought the quill was, but s I looked it was gone, only a pink light shined from above, my focused slipped a bit in surprise. After a deep breath slowly came in and out, I got my focus back and looked up and saw the quill in mid air, surrounded by a pink aura, my magic, it was so beau-ti… A few knocks came and I lost my focus completely, as the quill fell down and landed on the floor, I heard as the door opened and Twilight asked ‘’Star, is something wrong? I called for you twice.‘’ ‘’I’m fine, I was just levitating the quill.‘’ ‘’Really? How did it go?‘’ ‘’It went better than last time, but I still can see my aura.‘’ ‘’In time it will come, don't you worry.‘’ I smiled before I remembered that she called for me twice and asked ‘’Why did you even call for me?‘’ ‘’Huh…? Oh yeah, it’s time for dinner.‘’  ‘’Oh, okay.‘’ I said and went with Twilight out into the dining room where Spike sat. > Dinner Time: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I walked over to the table I immediately picked up on what was for dinner, some kind of vegetables and without a doubt, cooked broccoli, I was about to throw up in my mouth, its stench was so strong. As I sat at the table, it was even worse and it wasn’t over, as Twilight, like normal, made my plate and placed a few pieces of cooked broccoli on it, as well as other vegetables that I didn’t mind as they weren’t cooked. She placed my plate down in front of me and began to make her own. By instinct I quickly took my fork with my teeth and separated the cooked broccoli from all the other vegetables before I took the fork with my hoof and ate my dinner. After a few minutes I was done and asked ‘’I’m done, can I go to my room now?‘’ Twilight looked at my plate, swallowed and said ‘’When your plate is empty.‘’ I looked down at my plate and even thought I new it sounded childish I said ‘’Twilight, I don’t like cooked broccoli.‘’ ‘’Just try a small bite.‘’ ‘’I don’t want to.‘’ ‘’Well, then you’re staying at the table until you either try one, or when we’re done eating.‘’ ‘’But-‘’ ‘’No buts.‘’ I wanted to protest, but I knew it to be pointless, I looked at the pieces of cooked broccoli and I knew it mocked me. As I sniffed it, my vision became blurry and I knew that I was not eating that, not today, not ever, it smelled disgusting, so I just sat still and waited for Twilight and Spike to be done. After some time, I felt lasted forever, I fell backwards and lay on my back, on the floor, but also being more comfortable on the floor, I stayed there, until I heard Twilight ‘’Star, sit normal, we’re eating, not napping.‘’ ‘’Arghhhhh…! But I’m borrred.‘’ ‘’Then try a piece of broccoli. It’s good for you.‘’ Unable to keep it down, I screamed ‘’But I don’t want it!‘’ But only after I realized that I actually screamed that bit. Twilight was not having it as her voice firmly said ‘’Star Sparkle. I do not want to hear you screaming again.‘’ ‘’But I-‘’ ‘’No buts. Now sit properly or it’s five minutes in timeout and no cookie.‘’ I did as she said and sat normal again. As time went on I was bored and I sway slowly from side to side, but Twilight ruined my fun again with a stern voice ‘’Star Sparkle.‘’ I stopped and explained ‘’But Im borrred.‘’ As my muzzle landed on the table, right behind my plate with the cooked broccoli on, I stuck my tongue out against the broccoli and blew air out, it imitated farting noises. Twilight got up ‘’I warned you Star, come on, five minutes, then you can rejoin the table and no cookie tonight.‘’ I stood as well and followed her as I tried to avoid getting into anymore trouble and as she walked right behind me, she escorted me over to a corner in the living room and said ‘’Five minutes Star, do not move from this corner, do not turn around and do not talk as you are now in timeout. While you are here, you can think about what you have done.‘’ I felt embarrassed but I nodded, sat down on my flank and looked at the wall as Twilight went back to her dinner. As I sat, I thought about my actions ‘Why didn’t I just listen to Twilight, why didn’t I just sit still- Wait, my cookie!’ I realized that I could lose my cookie today, the second day in a row, I knew I had no other choice ‘I have to get the cookie myself.’ Carefully, I turned my head around and as Twilight had her eyes closed, I made a fast run for the kitchen, but I only made a few steps before Twilight with a firm voice said ‘’Star Sparkle. Go back to your corner.‘’ I continued to run and as I stood in the opening frame of the kitchen, I looked around and then I saw it, the cookie jar, on the top of the counter. I licked the drool off that came from my mouth, ran over to the counter and tried to jump up to reach the jar, but I was too small. Hoofsteps approach, I had to think fast and noticed a drawer, one that was about halfway up, I pulled it out, stepped onto it, like a staircase and I got my front legs up on the counter and with my eyes on the prize, I drooled as I imagined what they would taste like, but not just one, all of them, they would all be mine, but a magenta light broke my thoughts and the cookie jar was gone, even though it was here a second ago ‘How could it disappear?’ As I realized what had happened I heard a loud ‘’Ahem!‘’ From behind, I looked to where I thought I heard the noise and saw Twilight, she didn’t look happy, but also not full of anger and in her magic she had the cookie jar. I carefully got down on the floor before Twilight said with her stern voice ‘’Star Sparkle. You will go back to your corner. Now.‘’ ‘’Can I still have a cookie?‘’ I begged ‘’No.‘’ But I wanted my cookie no matter what, so I sighed and said ‘’Fine, what if I try the broccoli, can I then have my cookie?‘’ ‘’No Star, you aren’t, you’re going back in timeout.‘’ Annoyed I stomped my front right leg into the ground and said ‘’But I said I’ll try it, please, I just want my cookie.‘’ ‘’You are not getting any cookies today and I will not discuss this any further Star.‘’ ‘’But I-‘’ ‘’No buts Star, now come on.‘’ I wanted my cookie so much that I narrowed my eyes and I responded ‘’No. I want my cookie.‘’ ‘’Star, now or I will carry you.‘’ I felt my body as it overheated and I screamed on the top of my lungs ‘’AAAAHHHH! No! I want my cookie!‘’ Twilight calmly responded ‘’Alright.‘’ ‘’Really?‘’ ‘’Yes, you’re not going in timeout.‘’ I’ll get my cookie, this is the bestest day ever and Twilight continued ‘’Because you’re going straight to bed now, without any cookies.‘’ ‘’What! Nooo! I! Want! My! Cookie! WAHHHH!!‘’ I cried as I fell to the floor and rapidly hammered all my hooves into the floor, over and over again. As I continued to scream and hammered my hooves into the ground, Twilight walked over to me, with ears closed towards her head. I stopped screaming, got up, but as I tried to get away from her, I was too slow and she caught me with her front leg and took it across my chest, in the middle of my front and rear legs, she lifted me up and into her chest. I tried to twist myself out of her hold on me, but failed. She carried me back into the living room and walked towards the bathroom, I was not going to bed without my cookie and I used all my legs, I twisted and kicked the best I could as I tried to get loose as I screamed ‘’Nooo! I don’t wanna go to bed! You can’t make me!‘’ She managed a few more steps before she uttering ‘’Ow.‘’ She stopped, sat down and held me up in the air with both her hooves under my front legs, looked me dead in the eyes, which caused me to stop squirming and she said with a stern voice ‘’Star Sparkle. You are going to bed and that is final. Complain all you want, but do not, and I repeat, do not ever hit me.‘’ It was either her tone or the look in her eyes that made me calm down as I stuttered, on the verge of tears ‘’Sor, Sorry, but I don’t wanna go to bed, I want my cookie.‘’ I felt tears fall as Twilight sat me down, still kept a leg behind me as she wiped away the tears. Using her normal voice, but still firm she said ‘’Star, something is happening to you and I think that after a good night's sleep you’ll feel much better, so what do you say?‘’ ‘’I no care, I wan cookie.‘’ I said with a frown, Twilight only took me up and into her chest, before I even thought to escape and walked me into the bathroom. Inside the bathroom she made my toothbrush ready and was only waited for me to open my mouth, but I refused, then with a gently voice Twilight encourage ‘’Come on Star, open upi.‘’ I shook my head and said ‘’No, I want arrr-‘’ She interrupted as she took the toothbrush in my mouth, I tried to shake my head to get it out, she just sat closer to me, pressed me firmly, but gently against her and made sure I couldn’t shake my head or even move much, I could only drool over the sink. As I was helpless, I thought of a plan to get back at her for taking my cookies. I would spit all of this toothpaste that I have in my mouth, right in her face, then she’ll learn. She made sure to keep my head over the sink as she said ‘’Okay Star, it’s time to spit.‘’ I still couldn’t move or turn around to look at her ‘’Come on Star, you can do it.‘’ I shook my head as I held my mouth close, she sighed before she took me up, made sure I was still over the sink and she patted me on the back. After a few pats, I just lost control and burped the water into the sink ‘’Perfect. Now it’s bedtime.‘’ I violently shook my head as I screamed ‘’Nooo! I wan cookie!‘’ But Twilight stayed silent as she held me into her chest and walked back into the living room. From the living room, she walked into my room and placed me onto my bed and asked ‘’Where is your bunny?‘’ ‘’Under my bed next to the, I want my cookie!‘’ Using her magic she got the plush up onto my bed, right next to me, but I refused to lay down, no matter what. Twilight then, like it was nothing, gently lay me down using her hooves and while tucked me in, I pleaded ‘’Twilight, please. I no wanna sleepy.‘’ As she was done tucking me in I yelled ‘’Twilight! Stop ignoring me, I no foal.‘’ ‘’Goodnight Star.‘’ Twilight happily said before she walked to the door, turned the lights off, walked out of the room and closed the door. Being alone in the dark, I fought to get the sheets off and once free, I threw my pillow towards the door, but didn’t even land close, I then threw my sheets on the floor and screamed ‘’Twilight! I wan cookie!‘’ I jumped down onto the floor and heard hoofsteps as they approached the door. Twilight opened the door, walked over to me and as I was about to run, she grabbed me again with her front leg. She didn’t say a word as she placed me back onto my bed and with her magic, she placed my pillow down first, then me, then my plush and then the sheets over me, before she said ‘’Star, listen closely, you’re going to bed and you will be quiet. If you go out of your bed again, I am sure I can then find a foals crib in the basement for you and if you practice magic, you will get a buffer on your horn. Now, go, to, sleep.‘’ ‘’If I get cookie, then I sleepy.‘’ She only tucked me in again and left the room, leaving me alone and cookieless. A few seconds passed and I wasn’t having it, so I fought my way to stand up in my bed and threw my pillow towards the door, again only getting it halfway, I took the sheets with my mouth, I shook it around, just as I was about to throw it away, I got my hoof on the sheet and as it was too late to release it from my mouth, my head went down and I fell to the floor, as I landed with a bang. As I remembered what Twilight said earlier, I quickly tried to jump back onto my bed, first time my head hit the side, but before my second attempt, my door opened up and in the door frame stood Twilight ‘’Twilight, please, it was accident, my swear.‘’ She said nothing, but came over and lifted me up into bed again, with my pillow and sheets, but she didn’t tuck me in, instead she left the room and closed the door. I decided to comply, lay down and tried to fall asleep. I couldn’t sleep and after some time, there was a glow outside my door, it opened and Twilight walked in, after she let go of the door, her horn still glowed. She turned the lights on and went over to my bed, she took me before I could ask what she was doing. As she held me into her chest and made sure I couldn’t escape, she levitated a crib into my room. As soon as I saw it, I begged and pleaded like my life depended on it ‘’Twilight please, I’m, I’m sorry, please, I promise my sleepy, please, I beg you, I no wanna sleepy in crib.‘’ She didn’t respond, only sat the crib down in the middle of my room, with its long side towards the door, she walked me over to the crib, as I squirmed and slithered about, but I couldn’t get free and step by step, I was brought closer to the crib. In front of the crib, Twilight stopped, raised me up into the air with her hooves, only for her to place me down on my back in the crib, my head landed on my pillow, bars were all around, she gave me my plush and tucked me in ‘’Twilight, pwlease, my promise I go sleepy, but my wanna sleepy in my bed.‘’ When she was done, she tucked me in she said warmly ‘’Goodnight Star, sleep tight.‘’ She raised the side and locked me in the crib, walked to the door, turned the lights off, walked out and closed the door. As I lay I thought about what I could do to get back to my bed, then I realized it, this is thin wood and I’m a pony, I should easily be able to break those bars, so I got up, as I used a considerable amount of effort. As I stood, I hammered with my front hooves against the bars. After a few hard hits on the same place, I looked at the piece of wood, but it had no damage, so I turned around and got on my front hooves and kicked the same two bars over and over again. Exhausted and more tired, I looked at the bars I had kicked, my eyes widened and I got the urge to cry as I saw, I had done no damage to the bars, I was trapped in this crib. I looked up and saw it had no roof, I could jump out and with as much force as I could muster I jumped, but not being enough, I hit the bars and fell back down into the crib, but I was not going to give up, so I got closer and I jumped again, but only I hit my head into the bars again, fell back down and landed on my back. Maybe hearing my escape attempts, the door opened and Twilight walked in ‘’Wlease, I wromise I go sleepy in my beddy.‘’ She walked over to me, lowered the side of the crib and grabbed me before I could jump out, she used her magic on something, before she put me down in the crib, plush next to me and the sheet in her magic came down over me and she tucked me in again. As I could only watch helplessly I cried, tears streamed down my face, as she had tucked me in she gave me the bunny and I felt her hoof on my nuzzle as she said ‘’Boop‘’ As my eyes opened, my crying stopped and as she placed the right ear form the bunny to my mouth, I by instinct, took it in and sucked the ear and slowly my tears stopped and Twilight kissed me on my cheek before she said ‘’Goodnight Star.‘’ She raised the side and walked out, turned the lights off and closed the door. As I sucked the ear I realized that I couldn't get out of this crib and I was not gonna get my cookie, I could only go to sleep, so I closed my eyes and with the sound and feeling of the bunny ear, I fell asleep. > Day 13: Swarm Of The Century > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up in the crib and took the bunny’s ear out of my mouth and reflected over what happened last night. As I thought back on yesterday, I remembered what I did, because I wanted to do it, but for some reason, I just couldn’t see the consequences to what I did, I felt like a small child, unable to comprehend the fact that I didn’t get things my way, I only wanted the cookie, without eating that disgusting cooked broccoli, as I thought about it, my throat hurt and tears fell ‘What is happening to me?’ The door opened and broke my thoughts, I dried my eyes and looked towards the door, Twilight walked in and said ‘’Good morning, do you feel better?‘’ I nodded ‘’Yeah, but I still don’t know what happened to me yesterday.‘’ ‘’Well… Long story short, you began to act like a foal, screaming and even talking like one a few times.‘’ Twilight said as she lowered the side of the crib. ‘’I mean, I do remember what happened, but I don’t know why… Do you?‘’ ‘’I’m sorry Star, I don’t, I hoped that if you slept on it you would be yourself again. My best guess to why it happened would be that it has something to do with the spell and I’ll recommend you to inform Princess Celestia, maybe she’ll know. But besides that, I hope you’ll forgive me for what I did.‘’ ‘’I will tell her. Wait, forgive you for what? The cooked broccoli and cookie part or the fact that I’m in a crib?‘’ ‘’The, um…‘’ She scratched herself behind her neck and said ‘’Treating you like a foal.‘’ ‘’I guess I can’t really blame you, I was kinda acting like one, so I forgive you big sis. Will you forgive me for kicking you.‘’ ‘’You have already been forgiven little sis.‘’ Twilight said as she took me out and hugged me, as I hugged her back. As Twilight held me she asked ‘’Star?‘’ ‘’Yeah?‘’ ‘’Do you want me to help you, to write to the Princess?‘’ ‘’Really?‘’ ‘’Or course, I’m your big sister.‘’ Twilight said and with her magic she took a piece of paper and a quill before she asked ‘’So, what shall we write?‘’ ‘’Dear Princess Celestia. Um…‘’ I muttered before Twilight continued and recounted the events that happened last night and as she finished, I added ‘’But I still don’t know why I acted like I did. Yours Star Sparkle.‘’ ‘’And Twilight Sparkle.‘’ Twilight finished and after she had written it down and made it sound propper, she wrote it into the book I got from Princess Celestia. When Twilight was done, Spike called ‘’Breakfast is ready!‘’ We both walked to the dining room and saw waffles on our plates and ate. While we ate there came a few knocks from down stairs, on the front door and Twilight asked ‘’Spike, will you see who that is?‘’ He saluted and went downstairs, with a waffle in claw. After a few seconds Spike came back up followed by Rarity who said ‘’Good morning Star, good morning Twilight.‘’ ‘’Good morning Rarity.‘’ Twilight and I answered. ‘’Forgive me for the early visit, but as Princess Celestia is visiting tomorrow, I remembered that, when Star and I were at the spa, she told me that she had never tried on a dress before, um… According to her memory.‘’ ‘’Yes, I remember.‘’ I answered. Twilight looked at me before Rarity continued ‘’So in honor of Princess Celestia's visit tomorrow, it will be my pleasure to make Star a dress, just for the occasion?‘’ ‘’If Star wants to, then Spike and I will clean the library, sooo, it’s your decision Star.‘’ Twilight said. As the two ponies and Spike looked at me, I thought that on one side I had promised that I would model for Rarity at some point, so no matter what I would end up in a dress at some point, so maybe it could be fun, as I knew girls back in my world who loved to have a dress on. As I tried to find a way to say my answer, Rarity said ‘’It’s okay if you don’t want to, what I’m saying is just an offer. You don’t have to say yes.‘’ ‘’Rarity’s right.‘’ Twilight added. As I looked at the two ponies, they looked a bit concerned at me, as I realized I still hadn’t given an answer I said ‘’Well… I guess it’s only a dress… Sooo sure.‘’ Twilight got a leg around me as she asked ‘’Are you sure Star? I don’t want you to do something you’re not comfortable with.‘’ Rarity nodded ‘’I agree, I do not wish for you to be uncomfortable.‘’ But I spoke again ‘’No it’s okay really. It’s just something new, but I’ll get over it.‘’ But secretly I looked more forward to it, but I could never say it to them. ‘’Star, are you sure?‘’ Twilight asked, I nodded and after breakfast I followed Rarity out of the library. As Rarity and I walked through town, I saw ponies as they hang up flower buckets, with magenta colored double bows, at other places they hang up golden-ish bells and sky blue ribbons were twirled around the trees and tree stumps, at another place they were painted a banner that would say ‘Princess Celestia’ but by the size of the writing and the length of the banner, it looked to be a little bit too short, but I didn’t want to intervene, they probably knew what they were doing. As Rarity and I continued to walk we approached a building that looked like an amusement park carousel, the building itself had light blue walls, with its two roofs looked like a light magenta and pink, with some golden yellow to cover the top of the windows and genuinely brighten it up. As we walked closer there was a pony version of a manikin over the door and under it, it read ‘Carousel Boutique’. As I thought I was right, I asked ‘’So, is this where you work?‘’ ‘’Why yes, it’s my own little shop and home, you like it?‘’ ‘’Yes, but like with dresses, I don’t think I’m the best at judging.‘’ She gave a small laugh and we walked inside. Inside I guessed it looked like any other dressmaking shop, with shiny white floors and pink and magenta walls and curtains that divided the room, there was also a kind of circle table with three mirrors. Rarity went over to the platform and gestured for me to follow her, I did and there was a white piece of cloth over something. Rarity’s horn lit up a light blue aura and said ‘’I hope you’ll like it, I have worked on it ever since our spa trip.‘’ The cloth was lifted and revealed a pony manikin with a dress on. On the front of the dress it had a blue V-neck with a thin pink line in the middle, further on it had a piece of a darker pink cloth around the stomach, at its back the skirt it was the same kind of pink like the front, but with two pieces of blue fabrics hung that hung loose, one closer to the floor and the other one was slightly above it. The bottom part of the dress had bigger rectangular cuts in the fabric and between each cut it had a six pointed magenta star, like Twilight’s Cutie Mark. I looked at it in shock, it looked quite nice and as I felt my mouth was open, I closed it and said ‘’Wow, um… It’s pretty, way more than I expected.‘’ ‘’I’m happy to hear that you like it, but I still need to make sure it fits you.‘’ She looked at the clock and groaned ‘’Rainbow, where are you?‘’ ‘’Is something wrong?‘’ ‘’No of course not, I just thought that Rainbow Dash would be here now, so instead you’ll get my full attention.‘’ ‘’Oh um okay, where do you want me to stand?‘’ She gestured to the cirkel table thing and I walked over to it and stepped on. After some time I was in the dress and even though it felt weird, I loved the few moments I saw myself in the mirrors, on the few occasions when Rarity didn’t look. When Rarity was done she said ‘’There we go, it should be ready by tomorrow.‘’ I got the dress off and as Rarity went away with the dress, a knock came from the door as Rainbow flew in ‘’Hey Rare, sorry I’m late. Oh, hey kid, what are you doing here?‘’ ‘’Hey Rainbow, I’m just getting a dress for when the Princess comes tomorrow, what about you?‘’ ‘’Rarity said she would help me make a good impression for the Princess.‘’ Rainbow responded. Rarity came back from where she was and said ‘’Rainbow? You’re late.‘’ ‘’I know, sorry Rare, I was practicing my amazing moves and time just flew by.‘’ Rainbow responded with a cocky voice, but her wording got me to chuckle a bit. Rarity rolled her eyes and said ‘’Well, better late than never, in any case. Star, I think we done, but you’re welcome stay and keep us company, else I think Twilight would want you back at home.‘’ ‘’No I’ll stay, I would properly just get in the way for when they clean.‘’ I responded. ‘’Or so you don’t have to clean as well.‘’ Rainbow smirked as she responded. ‘’Maybe.‘’ I responded. ‘’Rainbow dear, I’ll get your outfit, then you can get ready on the stand.‘’ Rarity said before Rainbow and I switched places. As Rainbow stood on the platform, I asked ‘’Did you talk to Twilight, you know, about the Wonderbolts?‘’ Her eyes grew wide as she then slapped her face with her hoof and said ‘’Sorry Star, I couldn’t find her that day and I simply forgot, did you talk to her?‘’ ‘’Well… I forgot.‘’ I responded as I did a few awkward laughs. ‘’Hmm, how about this, after I’m done here, I’ll take you home and then we’ll both ask Twilight, deal?‘’ ‘’Deal.‘’ I responded before Rarity came back and as Rainbow got some sort of outfit, I was told I could try any dress I wanted to and I looked through dozens upon dozens of dresses, as there was nothing else to do. As I came back out from my digging in the pile of dresses with only one blue dress with light blue trims, it looked rather nice. I walked back into the main room and was about to fall and belly laugh on the floor as I saw Rainbow in a pink outfit and a huge white wig, that looked like it could be from the Victorian age in the UK, it looked ridiculous. I grinned ear to ear as Rarity looked at me and asked ‘’Did you find something you like?‘’ ‘’Um… Just this one.‘’ I showed her the dress. She smiled and said ‘’Then it’s yours.‘’ My jaw dropped as I stumbled on my words ‘’Rarity, I- I- I can’t accept this, not for free.‘’ Rainbow flew over to me and said ‘’Hey kid, is something wrong?‘’ ‘’I can’t accept this, I know I don’t have any money, but-‘’ Rainbow interrupted ‘’Star, listened to me, it’s a gift. One day, she could need help, then we’ll help her, nothing is a favor, it’s all just generosity.‘’ ‘’Precisely darling,‘’ Rarity continued ‘’Without you even knowing it, you have given me so much inspiration for future designs. At the spa, when then found out your muscles needed a massage, that was generosity from my side and besides, I don’t need that dress and it will look absolutely adorable on you.‘’ I felt my face as it became warm and the dress was taken up by Rarity’s aura and after it was placed on me, I walked over to a mirror and as I saw myself, I like it so much that I didn’t care as I heard the two ponies go back to the stand, while they quietly giggled. A good couple of minutes later Rainbow became a bit impatient as I got out of my trance as Rarity said ‘’Stand still, Rainbow Dash.‘’ Rainbow only grunted as she said ‘’I can’t! I need to fly! This is way too boring for me.‘’ I looked at them as Rarity sarcastically asked ‘’Do you want to look nice for Princess Celestia or not?‘’ Rainbow only sat down and looked rather annoyed. As I wanted to stay out of it, I walked back into the room with the dresses, just if I missed something in my first look through. As I looked, I heard a very familiar voice that belonged to Twilight ‘’Wow! Rarity, those outfits are gorgeous!‘’ I heard Rarity as she giggled before she said ‘’Thank you, Twilight. Nice to know somepony appreciates my talents.‘’ ‘’I do too!‘’ I yelled. ‘’Thank you Star!‘’ Rarity called. Rainbow only groaned as she complained ‘’So boring!‘’ I walked back out and as Twilight looked at me, she immediately ran over to me and hugged me as she said ‘’Ohhh, my little sis, you look so adorable!‘’ ‘’Twiliiight! You’re embarrassing me!‘’ I complained. She sat me down again and said ‘’I’m your big sis, it’s my job to do so, especially when you look this adorable.‘’ I rolled my eyes before I heard a sound that came from Twilight’s mane and I asked ‘’What was that?‘’ Rarity came close and uttered ‘’Huh?‘’ Rainbow followed ‘’What’s that sound, Twilight?‘’ Out of Twilight’s mane came three adorable little balls of fur with wings and the most adorable eyes, while they made an even more adorable sound. I was not alone, as Rainbow got excited and asked ‘’Wow! What are they?‘’ ‘’The better question is, where did they come from?‘’ Twilight responded ‘’I only had one a minute ago.‘’ ‘’I- I’ll take one!‘’ Rainbow said. ‘’Me too! Oh, they’re perfect!‘’ Rarity said. As the pink one landed on my muzzle I asked ‘’Uhhh, big sis, can we have the pink one?‘’ Twilight nodded and we all played with these new pets, the one I had jumped a bit on my muzzle and I gently lifted my head as it jumped a bit before it landed back on my muzzle. By the end, I was on my back on the floor, as the little thing jumped from one hoof to another as I pushed it gently up into the air. At some point the door opened and the cute creature flew over to Twilight as I looked to the door and saw Pinkie, as she asked ‘’Does anypony know where I can find an accordion?!‘’ I looked at the three ponies who were pretty occupied ‘’Gals, hello! This is important!‘’ I looked back at Pinkie and said ‘’Sorry Pinkie, I’ll let you know if I see one.‘’ She smiled and as she called ‘’Thank you Star and don’t you worry, I’ll save us!‘’ Before she ran off and left me confused. After Pinkie had left and the ponies were done admiring the cute creatures I asked ‘’Is Pinkie okay? Should we find out why she’s looking for that instrument?‘’ Rainbow just dismissed as she waved her hoof ‘’Don’t worry Star, that’s just Pinkie for you, she’s just like that sometimes.‘’ ‘’Oh um… Okay, I guess you know her better than I do.‘’ I answered and tilted my head towards Twilight as I gestuered for Rainbow to ask, as she got the hint, she tossed me into the air and onto her back, as I let out a ‘’Iiip.‘’ She flew towards Twilight and said ‘’So Twilight, why haven’t you taught Star about the Wonderbolts?‘’ ‘’Um… It hadn’t been necessary, as other things are more important to learn.‘’ ‘’More important than the Wonderbolts? I don’t think so, but because you have many other things to teach her, then I will take her to the next Wonderbolt performance, with your permission of course.‘’ Rainbow responded like she had practiced. Twilight looked at me and asked ‘’Star? Do you want to go and see a Wonderbolt performance?‘’ ‘’Yeah, Rainbow make them sound really awesome, so it could be fun.‘’ ‘’Alright.‘’ Twilight responded, looked at Rainbow and continued ‘’But only when they come to Ponyville or Canterlot, I don’t want Star to travel too far away, but if that isn’t possible, then I’m going with you.‘’ ‘’I guess that’s fair. What do you think Star?‘’ Rainbow asked, I nodded and Rainbow got down on the ground and as I got on the floor, it still felt weird to be so much smaller than everyone else, as I looked up to them. After a bit where I was still in my blue dress, Twilight, I and the cute creature that slept in Twilight mane left Rarity and Rainbow. As we walked around town, we looked at the decorations and I noticed two ponies as they looked at me, like they had never seen a pony before, what they thought, I had no idea, they just stared at me or maybe at the decorations around me, I was maybe just a bit paranoid. They looked to be young unicorns, one looked to be a bit taller than me and had a yellow coat with a short green mane and tail, maybe both were colts as they both had short manes and tails, however the other one was a bit smaller, maybe the other ones little brother, on his gray-blue-ish coat, he had an orange mane and tail, they both looked to have Cutie Marks, but I was too far away to see what those Cutie Marks were. As we continued to walk we reached the town square and city hall as Twilight told me. As we looked around a pony walked over to us, an Earth Pony mare with a dark pink coat, her mane and tail were light pink and normal pink, as she got closer I saw her Cutie Mark, it was three flowers that smiled, she came over to us and said ‘’Hello Twilight, are you here to check on the preparations?‘’ ‘’I am and it looks wonderful.‘’ Twilight responded as she looked around. As the pony noticed me she asked ‘’Who’s this little filly?‘’ ‘’She’s my little sister, Star Sparkle.‘’ Twilight responded. The pony came a bit down and met my eye level as she said sweetly ‘’Why hello Star Sparkle, it’s nice to meet you, my name is Cheerilee, but everypony calls me ms. Cheerilee as I teach at the Ponyville schoolhouse.‘’ ‘’Hi ms. Cheerilee, it’s nice to meet you.‘’ I responded. She gave me a smile before she went into thought, looked at Twilight and said ‘’Stange, I hadn’t had any news that we would get a new filly in class.‘’ Twilight hastily responded ‘’Well, it’s only been two weeks since she lost her memory about her parents, so I figured that it would be for the best that she would adapt before attending school.‘’ Cheerliee's face became full of horror. As the teacher heard I had no memory about my parents, it looked to have shocked her a bit, but before things could escalate I intervened ‘’But it’s okay, I live with Twilight now, as her little sister.‘’ It seemed to calm Cheerilee as she then said ‘’I’m terrible sorry Star Sparkle, but I’m happy to know that you’re in good hooves.‘’ We gave each other a small short smile before she turned her attention back to Twilight. Before ms. Cheerilee said anything, I said rather abruptly ‘’By the way, just call me Star.‘’ Ms. Cheerilee looked at me again smiled and nodded ‘’Star it is.‘’ She looked back at Twilight and said ‘’I would recommend that she should start in school soon, she would at the same time be with ponies her own age and make friends.‘’ ‘’Maybe one day, but for now, we are taking it one day at a time.‘’ Twilight said to my relief. Cheerilee nodded ‘’Just let me know and she’ll be welcome.‘’ ‘’Thank you ms. Cheerilee.‘’ Twilight responded and as we left for home, we waved goodbye. At home the rest of the day went normal, the crib was removed from my bedroom, which I guessed was a good thing, I wasn’t a foal after all. I wanted to take my mind away from the crib, so I read a bit and got myself hypnotized by my horn as I wanted to get those moments over as soon as possible. When it came time for dinner, Twilight called and after I walked out, she said ‘’Star, because of what happened yesterday, I have decided that you don’t have to try broccoli tonight, but tomorrow I do want you to try, just a little piece of raw broccoli, would that be okay.‘’ ‘’Can I still have a cookie today?‘’ Twilight smiled warmly ‘’Yes and if you do try the broccoli tomorrow, then you’ll get two cookies.‘’ My eyes lit up, I couldn’t wait for tomorrow, those two cookies would be mine. After dinner, I played with the little cute creature right up until Twilight told me it was bedtime and after she got me ready, she lay me in my bed as Twilight said ‘’So tomorrow morning it’s bath time, then it’s off to Rarity with you.‘’ I nodded and hugged my pink bunny plush and as Twilight stood next to me, I listened to her heartbeat as she stroked my mane and hummed her melody, I slowly fell asleep. > Day 14: Eating time: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up to a distanced buzzing and a familiar chew, I open my eyes, but saw nothing, the sound must then come from the living room, as I stood up in my bed I felt the bunny ear again and as took it out, it felt wired, I almost forgot about it, but as I wanted to throw it, I couldn’t force myself to do it, so I lay her on my bed and took the covers up as I thought ‘Whatever is making me care for this plush, it’s becoming stronger.’ After I had placed the plush on my bed, I jumped down and went for the door. As I opened the door, I saw countless of the cute creatures as they messed up the library, dropped books to the ground as Spike yelled ‘’Oh no! They’re messing up all my hard work!‘’ As the creatures continued to mess up the library, Twilight became more concerned as she said ‘’The Princess will be here in a few hours!‘’ Twilight saw me and called ‘’Star, quick! Close your door before they can get into your room!‘’ I nodded and closed my door. After Twilight had gotten a few creatures to drop the things they carried, I asked ‘’What’s going on?!‘’ ‘’I don’t know, but help me to round them up.‘’ I nodded before she continued ‘’Spike, you too!‘’ Spike was way ahead and had already a full basket of them collected, I grabbed a saddlebag with my teeth and ran over to him as he said ‘’What does it… Look like I’m… Doing?‘’ As Spike was about to fall on his tail, I quickly got behind him and as he leaned on me, we opened the saddlebag and Spike poured them in and as the one bag was full Spike closed it. We continued to fill the other bag and as most of the creatures were now captured, Twilight ran into my room and quickly got back out again with my saddlebag, we filled my saddlebag as well and after a few minutes both saddlebags were full, but the library was a mess, so Twilight said ‘’Spike, you stay and clean. Star, we’re going to Fluttershy’s, she’ll know what to do.‘’ We both agreed and after we got the saddlebags on, we ran out and towards Fluttershy’s cottage. As we ran we saw Rarity on the same direction as we were, towards Fluttershy, we stopped and Rarity noticed our bags as they vibrated as she said ‘’I see we’re having the same problem.‘’ I then heard the voice of Rainbow as she yelled ‘’Ditto!‘’ As she came by, she shook herself free of the creatures and flew off again, but her creatures were in pursuit. After Rainbow was gone, Twilight said ‘’Fluttershy knows everything about animals.‘’ Before she ran and I ran after her as Twilight continued ‘’ I’m sure she can tell us how to stop them from multiplying.‘’ We ran as fast as I could follow, until we arrived at Fluttershy’s cottage. In front of Fluttershy’s door, I stood next to Twilight and in front of Rarity, but as Twilight was about to knock on the door, the door flew open and Twilight turned around, leg on my side and pulled me behind her, as a swarm of the creatures flew out, Twilight got up and said ‘’You okay Star?.‘’ I nodded and Twilight got up. As Rainbow came down, we all walked inside, as Twilight called out ‘’Do something Fluttershy! Can’t you control them?‘’ But as I saw her home, it was full of the creatures so I got an idea of what her answer was, before Fluttershy responded ‘’I’ve tried everything I know. I’ve tried begging and pleading and beseeching and asking politely and --‘’ But she was interrupted as she was being chased by a creature that held a pot, the creatures that Twilight, Rarity and I had with us then got out of our saddlebags and joined Fluttershy’s creatures. We took our saddlebags off and walked back outside and as the creatures flew around, I asked ‘’Um… Big sis? What are we going to do?‘’ She didn’t respond, I looked up at her and saw that she stared out into nothing. As I tried to get Twilight’s attention, I waved my hoof in front of her, that got her out as she said ‘’Huh? We need to get them under control before the Princess arrives or it’ll be a total disaster!‘’ As I thought about how to stop them I looked towards Rarity and a yellow creature puked up a brown ball that turned into a creature, I then realized I had played with puke, ‘They’re puke,’ as Rarity shared my dismay while she uttered ‘’Ew! I you ask me, it’s already a total disaster.‘’ But as the creatures nuzzled each other, they did look rather cute, even though they were disgusting, so I asked ‘’But why do they multiply? Maybe if we find out how, then we can stop the cause and maybe reverse it, or at least not have thousands of them flying around.‘’ Twilight nodded while she looked around. ‘’Here’s all those apples you wanted, Fluttershy, but I still can’t figure out why you need so many.‘’ Applejack said as she came into view with a wagon full of apples. A dozen of the creatures landed on her applecart and ate them all in a second, as I saw them fly away I noticed that they all puked and made another creature and I thought ‘They multiplied by eating?’ Before I called ‘’Twilight, when they eat, then they multiply.‘’ But as I looked at Twilight’s face, she didn’t look like she had any idea on what to do before Fluttershy asked ‘’What do we do?‘’ Twilight face lit up as she gasped ‘’I got it! Nopony can heard like Applejack and as Star said, we need to get them away from our food.‘’ ‘’Yeah! We can drive them back to the forest!‘’ Rainbow added. Applejack came over to us as she said ‘’I’ll rassle them up, but I’ll need everypony’s help to do it. Twilight, you and Rarity wait over there. I’ll heard the little critters straight at you like a funnel. Rainbow Dash, you and Fluttershy stay on top of them. Don’t let them fly away.‘’ ‘’Aye, aye!‘’ Rainbow saluted and flew away with Fluttershy. Applejack turned to me and said ‘’Star, you’ll be at the back with me and let me know if you see any of them critters trying to escape, think can you do that?‘’ I nodded and said ‘’You can count on me AJ.‘’ She pranced as she cheered ‘’Yee-haw!‘’ We both ran and rounded up the creatures, more and more were gathered. As a few dozens of creatures was together AJ yelled ‘’Star, make sure they stay!‘’ ‘’Will do!‘’ Before I ran around in circles and as the group got loose, I ran closer and got them back together. As Rainbow and Fluttershy pressed them down, Twilight, Rarity and AJ came to me with more and more creatures. As I guessed, all the creatures were now gathered as AJ came over and called out ‘’All right, y’all. Here goes nothin’!‘’ We all ran, AJ and I in the back, Twilight and Rarity in front of us, with Twilight in front of me, while Rainbow and Fluttershy above us. As we ran, it was unlike any speed, they ran fast and I struggled to keep up with them and as I fell a bit behind Fluttershy quickly flew to me, lifted me up and flew me back, where I again ran as fast as I could muster while Applejack called ‘’Look out, Rarity! That one’s fixin’ to get away! Keep a lid on them, Rainbow Dash! Hold on, girls! We’re almost there! It’s not much further Star, you can do it.‘’ Sweat dripped down my face as I ran, tongue out as I tried to breath. I ran so fast that I believed I saw Pinkie in front the pile, next to Twilight and with Rainbow out of her position a creature began to fly away from the ball and I increased my speed, got next to it and pressed it closer to the ball, slowly I got it closer and it rejoined the others and as I got back into my position, AJ said ‘’Forget her, ladies. Focus! Head them up and move them out!‘’ We ran further and further away from Ponyville and the running became more and more natural to me and my stamina was even better than I imagined, it was still difficult to keep up with the ponies, but not as difficult as in the beginning. As AJ stopped, I continued, as I thought on how I could stop myself. As I ran, Twilight, who was still in front of me, stopped and I ran straight towards her, the gab closed and I closed my eyes and braced for impact, but instead she took me up and as my legs still ran as Twilight said ‘’It’s okay Star, you can relax now.‘’ I relaxed completely in my legs and as they stopped moving, I fell into Twilight hooves and relaxed, I heard as Twilight and Rarity giggled as I was taken on Twilight back as she said ‘’You rest now little sis, I’ll carry you.‘’ I could only nod in approval as Twilight walked over to AJ and said ‘’We did it! Nice work, Applejack.‘’ ‘’Couldn’t have done it without y’all.‘’ ‘’Now let’s get back and clean up the mess they made before the Princess arrives.‘’ As we walked back it was decided that I needed a bath before I went over to Rarity’s for my dress, Rainbow would help Fluttershy clean her home and AJ would help Rarity clean her boutique. As we reached Fluttershy’s cottage Twilight, Rarity and I needed our saddlebags and as we crossed the bridge, Twilight said ‘’Okay. Everypony knows what to do, right? We gotta work extra hard to make up for lost time.‘’ Fluttershy flew over us and landed in front of her door and as she opened, dozens upon dozens of creatures flew out of her cottage, Twilight quickly got me off her back and again used her body to shield me from the creatures, when the swarm had passed she stood up and asked ‘’Where did they come from?!‘’ As I felt better now that I had rested, I got up and looked to Fluttershy as she said ‘’Well, I may have kept just one.‘’ Before she chuckled nervously, I didn’t need to see Twilight’s face to know that she wasn’t happy, maybe rather annoyed, but Fluttershy continued ‘’I couldn’t help myself. They’re just… So… Cute.‘’ As she cuddled a creature. Twilight began to sound lost, said ‘’We don’t have time to keep rounding up these things! What do we do now?‘’ ‘’If only they didn’t eat for a period of time, then it would be easier to gather them, at least they wouldn’t multiple.‘’ I said. Twilight looked to think before Rainbow said ‘’Or, we call in the weather patrol!‘’ I looked at her, she had found some goggles and flew up as Twilight said ‘’Star, help me gather them, it will then be easier for Rainbow to collect them.‘’ I nodded and ran with her. As we ran around and tried to gather them, it worked for a bit before they split apart again, we simply couldn’t keep them together, so I walked to the bridge. As I stood on the bridge to Fluttershy’s cottage, the wind picked up and a tornado came out of nowhere and only became bigger and bigger, as the wind became stronger and stronger, I felt myself as I got lighter. As gravity disappeared from me, Twilight ran to me and got on top of me and held me down with her body, but as the wind became stronger we both grabbed on a piece of wood that was stuck in the ground, as the wind became even stronger Twilight yelled ‘’Star! Hang on to me!‘’ I did as she said and asked ‘’What’s happening?! Where did that tornado come from?!‘’ ‘’It’s Rainbow Dash! She’s collecting them!‘’ As the wind died down, Twilight removed herself from me and said ‘’Way to go, Rainbow Dash!‘’ I looked at the tornado, it only went after the creatures, was Rainbow really in that thing, I looked at Twilight and as she got her leg around me, embraced me as AJ said ‘’Looks like our problems are solved!‘’ I then heard a crash of some metal and Pinkie as she said ‘’They will be with these cymbals!‘’ A snap and the instruments were taken from Pinkie and swallowed by the tornado as she said ‘’Hey! Give those back!‘’ The tornado cracked as two shiny objects came out of the tornado and through a tree, while they cut it over and while in the tornado, Rainbow yelled ‘’I can’t hold it! She’s breaking up!‘’ Rainbow was thrown toward us and headed towards a tree. As I ran Twilight called for me, but I continued and ran to where Rainbow would fly, jumped at my best time and pushed her with my entire body away from the tree and as we fell to the ground Rainbow’s legs and wings surrounded me and we tumble to the ground and rolled, when we lay still Rainbow released me as I asked ‘’Rainbow, you okay?‘’ ‘’I am, thanks Star, what about you?‘’ ‘’I’m fine, I guess you took the fall.‘’ I gave her a smile. Immediately two purple legs came around me and took me in as Twilight turned me around and looked me over as she asked ‘’Star, are you okay? Are you hurt?‘’ Only when she stopped looking me over I said ‘’I’m fine big sis, Rainbow protected me.‘’ As we looked towards the tornado, the last few creatures flew out and towards Ponyville as Twilight took me on her back and went over to Pinkie and now a bit mad and scared, scolded her ‘’Pinkie Pie, what have you done?!‘’ ‘’I’ve lost a brand new pair of cymbals! That’s what I’ve done!‘’ As I was fine, I got down from Twilight’s back and Twilight, not noticing, scolded further ‘’Will you forget about your silly instruments for one second? You’re ruining our efforts to save Ponyville! And because of you instruments, Rainbow Dash could have gotten hurt and Star helping Rainbow could have gotten her hurt as well!‘’ ‘’What?! Me?! Ruin?! I’m not the ruiner! I’m the ruinee! Or is it “Ruiness”?  “Ruinette”?‘’ Pinkie responded before she got sidetracked and thought what to call herself. ‘’Come on, girls. There’s no reasonin’ with that one. She’s a few apples short of a bushel.‘’ Applejack commented. As the ponies ran, I stayed behind as I saw the cut down tree, I said ‘’Pinkie? I think your instruments are over there.‘’ I pointed to where the tree had fallen. Pinkie hugged me and said ‘’Thank you Star and don’t you worry I’ll safe us.‘’ Twilight then ran to us and said ‘’Star? Come on, we must get back to Ponyville.‘’ ‘’But Twilight-‘’ ‘’No buts Star.‘’ I was lifted onto Twilight’s back. As Twilight ran back towards Ponyville, Pinkie yelled ‘’I’ll save us!‘’ We caught the others a bit outside of Ponyville as Twilight said ‘’Star, tell me next time you get off my back, okay?‘’ ‘’I will big sis.‘’ ‘’Thank you Star, you’re my responsibility, so I need to know where you are.‘’ As we ran into Ponyville centre, they stopped and Twilight sat me down in front of her, as I stood in front of Twilight, I saw that, now all the creatures had food and I guessed it wouldn’t be long until all the food was eaten and Fluttershy also concerned said ‘’What do we do? They’re eating all the food in town.‘’ Applejack gasped as she yelled ‘’My apples!‘’ Before she ran off and left us to find a solution as Twilight said ‘’We’ve got to do something.‘’ As a creature came over, Twilight gasped ‘’I got it! Star, you noticed that they multiply by eating food, so I’ll cast a spell to make them stop eating the food!‘’ Before anyone said anything Twilight did a spell that sendt magenta rings from her horn and out to all of Ponyville. As her spell was done, all the creatures hovered in place, maybe unsure on what to to next, Twilight had just messed up their whole world view as I asked ‘’Did it work?‘’ I saw a creature as it sniffed a bucket with one apple in it, it looked to reject it, before it opened its mouth and ate the entire bucket and apple, but spat out the apple, my eyes wide, I couldn’t believe it, it didn’t eat the food, but everything else and around town, others followed as well, the Sugarcube Corner sign, tables and even walls were being devoured. I looked at Twilight as Rainbow said annoyed ‘’Hey. It worked. They’re not eating the “food” anymore.‘’ As I looked around, I knew we would still have food left, but now no homes or anything else really. Rarity then realized what was going on as she yelled full of panic ‘’Oh, no! If they get inside my store… Everypony for herself!‘’ Before she ran off. Now a bit lost of what we should do I asked ‘’Twilight, what- what do we do?‘’ ‘’Um… I, um… Let’s get back to the library.‘’ I nodded and got on Twilight’s back as she ran to the library. Back at the library we ran inside and books were being devoured, some places on the staircase were gone as well, but we would still be able to run upstairs, Spike then from under a basket yelled ‘’Help!‘’ As I looked around, they were not only creating a mess, but ate books and the words themselves and some even flew upstairs, they were everywhere and Twilight yelled in a bit of panic ‘’They’re eating the words! Star, stay here with Spike and I’ll be back in a few minutes.‘’ ‘’Okay Twilight, we’ll try to get them outside, maybe that’ll help.‘’ ‘’Good idea.‘’ Twilight said before she jumped up and grabbed a creature by its wing and ran outside. As Spike was still under the basket, I said ‘’Spike, you know they don’t eat ponies or dragons, right?‘’ ‘’Oh, right. What’s the plan?‘’ ‘’I don’t know, but we have to get these things out of here. So open a window, throw them out and close it again, if we repeat for enough time, maybe we’ll be able to give Twilight some time.‘’ Spike saluted and went to work, but before I did anything, I was flooded with concern for my plush and ran straight for the stairs and ran upstairs. There were holes in the walls and my door was half gone, my heart beated faster and faster, I felt I could cry as I ran into my room. Inside my room, most of my bed was gone and a creature was going for my plush, it opened its mouth and I lost it, as I ran to it, I yelled ‘’You! You pest! You do not hurt my bunny!‘’ Now in its face, I took my bunny to me and pressed the creature to the wall with my leg and whispered with a wish to kill it ‘’Hurt my bunny and I will make you a red spot on the wall.‘’ It looked me straight in the eyes and it had genuine fear. I wanted to kill it, to rip its wings off, make it suffer, but its eyes, they looked like mine from when I saw myself for the first time and fear overtook me as I let it go and hugged my bunny as tightly as I could while tears fell down. As I heard myself sniff, I snapped myself out it and took my other saddlebag out and strapped it around me and placed my bunny in the right side, jumped down from my bed, I found the book I got from Princess Celestia and placed it in the left side, I went out on my balcony and saw Twilight, as she ran back into Ponyville. As I heard music, I knew that Princess Celestia would only be seconds away now, but then I rethought, ‘Wait, who is playing music at this time?’ Then I saw Pinkie with several instruments, she was a one pony orchestra and I realized why the others warned me about her behavior. As I turned around, I needed to get and get the creatures out, but saw they moved with the music, they liked it and followed Pinkie. I walked back into the living room and there were no more creatures, they had left though the windows, as I walked downstairs, Spike wrested with a few of them as I said ‘’Spike, let them go out.‘’ He did so and they flew out, after the music as Spike asked concerned ‘’What’s happening?‘’ ‘’Pinkie Pie, she’s playing instruments, but I better go and help greet Princess Celestia.‘’ ‘’Okay, have fun, I see what I can do in here.‘’ ‘’You wanna come too?‘’ ‘’Nahh, but you’ll need to run or you’ll be late.‘’ I did as he said and ran outside and ran to where the Princess would arrive, as I got closer to the location, the other five ponies were already there and as Princess Celestia’s golden flying carriage was about to land, I ran over to them and past Pinkie. I ran to Twilight, she hugged me and together we all walked over to the Princess, but even though I had met her before, I still had butterflies in my stomach, I guess she was a Princess after all and that was why. We walked over to the Princess, but as I still didn’t know how to bow, I quickly placed myself behind Twilight, next to Fluttershy and as Twilight, Rarity and AJ bowed, I finally saw how and did the same, but I fell on my face, quickly I regained my composure as Princess Celestia said ‘’Twilight Sparkle, my prized pupil.‘’ ‘’Hello, Princess.‘’ ‘’So lovely to see you again, as well as your friends.‘’ She locked eyes with me, I smiled the best I could as she continued ‘’It's lovely to see you too Star.‘’ A loud bang of cymbals came as Pinkie got closer and as Pinkie played her music, she walked past us as Twilight waked over to Princess Celestia and would maybe try to explain where these creatures came from ‘’So… How was the trip? Hit much traffic?‘’ Princess Celestia in minor shock gasped before she asked ‘’What is this?‘’ Chuckled a bit before she continued ‘’These creatures are adorable.‘’ As I heard a faint whisper from behind me, I still thought they looked adorable, but were annoying as hell, Princess Celestia continued as she said ‘’I’m terribly honored that you and the good citizens of Ponyville have organized a parade in honor of my visit.‘’ But the Princess looked a bit odd as she said parade ‘Did she know?’ Twilight confused asked ‘’Parade?‘’ Before she rolled with it ‘’Oh, yes! The parade!‘’ ‘’Unfortunately, that visit is going to wait for another time. I’m afraid an emergency has come up in Fillydelphia. Apparently there’s been some sort of infestation.‘’ ‘’An… Infestation?‘’ ‘’Yes. A swarm of incredibly bothersome creatures has invaded the poor town. I’m sorry, Twilight, to have put you all through so much trouble.‘’ ‘’Trouble?‘’ Twilight laughed a bit nervously as she continued ‘’What trouble?‘’ As the Princess went back on her carriage ‘’Before I have to go, would you care to give me your latest report on the magic of friendship personally?‘’ Did Princess Celestia just say, report of the magic of friendship? I looked at Twilight, as I hoped she knew what the Princess talked about. Twilight was as stunned as I was, as she asked ‘’My… Report?‘’ ‘’Haven’t you learned anything about friendship?‘’ ‘’Actually, I have. I’ve learned that sometimes the solution to your problems can come from where you least expect it. It’s a good idea to stop and listen to your friends opinions and perspectives.‘’ A loud crash from Pinkie interrupted Twilight but she continued ‘’Even when they don’t always seem to make sense.‘’ ‘’I’m so proud of you, Twilight Sparkle, and I’m very impressed with your friends, as well. It sounds like you’re all learning so much from each other.‘’ ‘’Thank you, Princess.‘’ Twilight ended. As the Princess turned her head to me, I only smiled nervously, had Princess Luna told her anything, if it was even Princess Luna, was she mad, what will she say ‘’Star Sparkle, I’m sorry we didn’t get a time to talk today, but as Twilight have informed me you’re going to Canterlot tomorrow, for a few days, I would like to see you one of those days, maybe the 16.?‘’ She levitated an envelope over to me, I took it with my hoof and she continued ‘’Just give the guards at the front of the castle this and they will lead you to me.‘’ ‘’I will, thank you Princess.‘’ She gave the signal to her guards and they flew away, as Twilight’s aura placed the letter into the right side of my saddlebag and we walked towards Pinkie. As we arrived at Pinkie’s location and the last of the creatures were going into the forest, Pinkie asked ‘’Hey, what happened to the Princess?‘’ ‘’Emergency in Fillydelphia.‘’ Twilight responded. ‘’Some sort of… Infestation.‘’ Rainbow added. ‘’Oh, no! Have they got parasprites, too? Well-- Have tube, will travel.‘’ Pinkie asked as she played. ‘’I think the Princess can handle it.‘’ Twilight intervened. ‘’So you knew what those critters were all alone, huh, Pinkie Pie?‘’ Applejack asked. ‘’Well, duh! Why do you think I was so frantic to get my hooves on all these instruments? I tired to tell you and only Star would even listen to me.‘’ Pinkie said as she gave me a smile. ‘’We know, Pinkie Pie,‘’ Twilight apologize ‘’and we’re sorry we didn’t listen.‘’ They others apologized too, but left me to not know what to say, but Twilight continued ‘’You’re a great friend, even if we don’t always understand you.‘’ ‘’Thanks, guys. You’re all great friends, too, even when I don’t understand me.‘’ Pinkie said as she made me question her sanity a little bit, but whatever. ‘’You saved my reputation with Princess Celestia.‘’ Twilight said ‘’And more importantly, you saved Ponyville.‘’ ‘’You do remember that the parasprites had a long time to eat Ponyville, right?‘’ I asked. ‘’I’m sure it’s not that bad, but we better check.‘’ Twilight said. Before I walked I looked at Pinkie and said ‘’Pinkie, I’m sorry too.‘’ ‘’For what, silly? You believed me.‘’ ‘’But I didn’t help you.‘’ ‘’That doesn't matter, it still helped that you believed me, even if I was a little bit vague.‘’ She laughed as she took me up into a hug. Immediately I felt my saddlebag as it began to slide off me ‘It’s too loose,’ I looked down as the right bag opened and everything felt like it was going in slow motion ‘They can’t see her, it’s embarrassing! They can’t! They can’t! They can’t!’ I wrestled myself out of Pinkie’s hug and forced myself down over the tip of the bag as I felt my bunny head on my stomach.  As I lay on my bag the ponies looked at me and Pinkie worried asked ‘’Star, what’s wrong? You’re not hurt, are you?‘’ I felt my as it beat faster and faster while I said ‘’No, I’m fine Pinkie, I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine.‘’ Rainbow flew over and said ‘’You don’t look fine. Are you sure? Here, let me help you up.‘’ As her hooves held my sides and was about to lift me I yelled ‘’No!‘’ Rainbow released me and I continued as I said ‘’I’m fine, I um…‘’ I looked around and the forest was close. Inside the forest they wouldn't see her ‘I will not allow them, no matter what,’ I took my saddlebag and pressed myself towards the forest, as I made sure they couldn’t see her. As I tried to push myself into the forest, Twilight came over and sat between me and the others and got her head down ‘’Star, tell me? Please, what’s wrong?‘’ I couldn’t answer her and as I pushed again, I stumbled and as my bunny head was out in the open, Twilight used her tail and covered her and said ‘’Don’t worry girls, we’ll meet you back in town.‘’ As I tried to get back on top of my plush, the ponies walked away and Twilight turned around and sat next to my saddlebag and asked ‘’Is it because you didn’t want the girls to see your plush?‘’ I nodded weakly, I felt ashamed, I shouldn't like plushies, not this much. Twilight used her magic and took out my plush and asked shocked ‘’You really like it?‘’ I jumped to grab her and landed on Twilight’s stomach, still embracing her, I nodded and said ‘’I, I can’t let her go or get hurt. I- I can’t control it.‘’ I began to tear up and sniffed as I played with the thought to let her go, but I only held her closer. Twilight hugged me as she asked ‘’Does she have a name yet?‘’ I shook my head before I said ‘’No Twilight, only babies give their plushies names.‘’ ‘’Huh… Baby? You mean foal?‘’ ‘’Yes and I’m not a foal.‘’ ‘’I know Star. But is it you or is it something else that makes you like your plushie.‘’ ‘’I don’t know… But I don’t want others to find out that I even have one, they don’t need to know.‘’ ‘’That’s fair and I won’t tell the others, if you don’t want me to, but we still need to find out what is going on, as I said hopefully Princess Celestia knows.‘’ I smiled and after I got my plush back in my bag, Twilight got the saddlebag back on me and secured it, so it wouldn’t fall off again and we walked towards Ponyville. As we walked Twilight said ‘’Star, do you know why I gave you the plush?‘’ ‘’No, why?‘’ ‘’Because after you would fall asleep, you always manage to find something to either hug or chew on. So I figured a plush could be a nice thing for both and when I saw this plush, I did believe you would like it, but I never thought you would care this much for it, I’m sorry.‘’ ‘’Oh… Um… I see, just like a foal, but it okay, it’s not your fault.‘’ ‘’Thanks you, it’s because of that spell and when you talk with Princess Celestia you must mention it to her, she’ll have an idea on what to do.‘’ ‘’I will big sis.‘’ I answered as we met the rest of the girls on the outskirts of Ponyville. As we were now together Rarity asked ‘’Darling, are you alright?‘’ ‘’I am, sorry I was reacting a bit, weird before.‘’ I responded. ‘’Yeah, what was that all about?‘’ Rainbow asked. Before I could say anything Twilight intervened ‘’Don’t worry girls, it’s something between Star and myself, but it's resolved for now.‘’ The girls nodded in approval, everyone but AJ as she said ‘’Aww sugarcube, you shouldn't’ be ashamed over telling us anything, we’re friends, but of course we understand that’s it’s difficult now, but you can always tell us when your ready.‘’ I only gave a nod of approval to show I heard her and after that was done, we walked into Ponyville. > What's Left? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inside Ponyville multiple homes had holes in them and four building lay in ruin with the firth fell over as we watched, most of the food in town was gone and several lamps, benches and food carts were destroyed, it was a mess as Twilight shared my thoughts ‘’Well Pinkie Pie, you saved most of Ponyville.‘’ The rest of us only said ‘’Yep.‘’ Or ‘’Uh-huh.‘’ As we answered Twilight. We walked to the city hall and an earth pony Twilight said was called Mayor Mare, the mayor of Ponyville and as she talked about what had happened she encouraged everypony to help rebuild Ponyville, I guess that’s why she was the mayor. When her speech was done Twilight said ‘’Star, I want you to go home and with Spike you two must make a list of all the books that’s left intact and undamaged, then we’ll know which once we’re missing.‘’ ‘’I will, what about you?‘’ ‘’I’ll stay and help rebuild some houses, then I’ll come home when I’m done.‘’ I nodded and walked towards the library. As I came back to the library, Spike greeted ‘’Star, you’re back! What happened to the Princess?‘’ ‘’Um… She said that there was an emergency in, Fillydelphia, so she had to go and take care of it.‘’ ‘’Too bad, but maybe it's better that way, I mean have you seen Ponyville?‘’ ‘’Yeah, there is a few holes, in everything.‘’ ‘’Ha ha, precisely. But what’s the plan now?‘’ ‘’Oh yeah, Twilight told me that the two of us should check all the books that are still normal and write them on a list, then Twilight knows which once we’re missing and will then order them back.‘’ ‘’Sounds like a plan, where do we start?‘’ ‘’Um…‘’ I looked around and he had actually made the library look nice, placed all the books on the shelves, it would make it easier to check the books and I asked ‘’How does it look upstairs?‘’ ‘’Like down here. Why do you ask?‘’ ‘’Well, if you write down the things that are destroyed, like I know my bed is, write those down on one list. I will then begin to check the books, throwing the ones that are ruined on the floor and leaving the good ones on the shelf. Remember, the books need to be on a separate list.‘’ ‘’Sounds like a plan.‘’ Spike said. I smiled and walked up to Twilight’s bed and it had escaped the parasprites' mouths and I placed my saddlebag on the bed and told Spike my book from the Princess was there, he heard and I walked back down and looked through each book. Because of my height and my lack of magic, I could only reach the three bottom shelves. As I checked them it was easier with those that missed a big piece as they went straight to the floor, but others, only a few words were taken, luckily they were mostly in the middle of the books and I checked there first. After a long time the door opened up and Twilight walked inside and called ‘’Spike!‘’ He came down and Twilight continued ‘’Why is Star doing all the work?‘’ I looked at Twilight confused, as Spike had actually been on the second floor and worked since we started, but before I could say anything Spike said ‘’I’m doing what Star said I should do, making a list of our broken things and I’ve just started on the list of the books that have been destroyed up here. When I’m done, then I’ll help Star down here.‘’ ‘’Oh, sorry Spike.‘’ Twilight apologized before she said ‘’I got refreshments for the both of you.‘’ ‘’Thanks big sis.‘’ I answered. ‘’Thanks Twilight.‘’ Spike answered. We took our really tasty apple juice as it turned out and I said ‘’Mmm… This is delicious.‘’ ‘’I’ll be sure to let Applejack know you like it.‘’ Twilight responded. I drank the rest and asked ‘’Are you done outside now?‘’ ‘’Not yet, but soon we’re done.‘’ Twilight responded and Spike went back upstairs and before Twilight left she levitated all the books I couldn’t reach and placed them in a corner and said ‘’There you go Star.‘’ ‘’Thanks Twilight.‘’ I responded before I resumed my job and Twilight left. Hours came and went and when I needed about twenty books, Spike came down and began to note which books that were left intact. As I was done Spike made the note of the book I placed back onto the shelf and he said ‘’So… according to my list, we’re missing about half of our books.‘’ ‘’Wow, that’s a lot, what about our stuff?‘’ ‘’Well, as you said, your bed is destroyed, my bed as well, much furniture, most things in the kitchen, but not the cookie jar. But Twilight’s bed is fine and a some other things.‘’ ‘’That’s good news.‘’ I gave him a smile as the door swung open. Twilight came in, she looked very exhausted, we ran over to her and I asked ‘’Twilight, are you okay?‘’ She gave me a smile and said ‘’I am, just a little bit tired.‘’ She looked around the library ‘’Wow, this place looks great, how many books are missing?‘’ ‘’According to my list, we’re missing about a hundred and fifty books, around half.‘’ Spike responded. ‘’How about the rest of Ponyville, is it any better out there?‘’ I asked.  Twilight got up and said ‘’Well, most of Rarity’s outfits are ruined, including your dress and Applejack’s home was destroyed, but have been rebuilt. Five homes had fallen, but have also been rebuilt, the rest of Ponyville that was only damaged and those buildings have also been repaired. So much of Ponyville is back to its normality now, there is just a small food shortage, but nothing serious.‘’ As we went upstairs, it was clean, very clean as Twilight said ‘’Wow Spike, it’s beautiful up here, so this is what you have been doing?‘’ ‘’Yep, it is our home after all.‘’ Spike said with a proud voice and as I walked up to Twilight’s bed, Spike told Twilight what he had told me about our stuff, including the state of his and my bed. As I reached Twilight’s bed and my saddlebag on it, I took it down and got the letter from Princess Celestia out. The envelope itself said ‘Star Sparkle’ I opened it up, as using my hooves were becoming more of a second nature, I got it open and read. ‘Dearest Star Sparkle. I’m giving you this letter as my trip to Ponville must have been interrupted and I would be unable to talk to you at this time, but as Twilight Sparkle has informed me, you are going to Canterlot from the 15. to the 18. and if you would like it, I would love to see you in Canterlot on the 16. Attached to this letter is a piece of paper that you must show the guards at the palace door, then they will lead you to me. Yours Princess Celestia.’ As I had read it I called ‘’Twilight!‘’ ‘’Yeah!‘’ ‘’What date do we have today?‘’ ‘’The 14., why do you ask?‘’ ‘’So it’s tomorrow that um.. I’m going to Canterlot?‘’ She came up to me and sat in front of me and said ‘’It is. Are you nervous to meet our parents?‘’ ‘’A little bit.‘’ ‘’Don’t worry and as I said a few days ago, you don’t have to call them mom and dad, but Velvet for mom, and Night Light for dad, they understand and want to make you feel welcome.‘’ ‘’Thanks, but I’m still nervous.‘’ I answered but as I thought back on what Princess Celestia said about the friendship report and I asked ‘’Twilight, what’s a friendship report, the one Princess Celestia talked about?‘’ ‘’You see Star, when I learn about friendship, I’m meant to write it to the Princess.‘’ ‘’Why?‘’ ‘’Because I’m in Ponyville and studying friendship.‘’ ‘’Okay, but why are you studying friendship?‘’ ‘’Huh… I guess I haven’t told you about what happened when I met my friends or how I was before I came to Ponyville.‘’ ‘’No, I guessed you just lived in Ponyville.‘’ ‘’Hehe, not really, well, about a month ago I saw-‘’ Twilight stopped and looked out into nothing, maybe as she remembered back, but as I waved my hoof in front of her she snapped out of it and said ‘’Huh, what?‘’ ‘’You spaced out a bit, is something wrong?‘’ ‘’No, not at all, I was just thinking how I should tell the story, but I got it now and as I said. I felt something bad would happen in Ponyville, at the Summer Sun Celebration, I told the Princess but she told me not to worry and sent me to Ponyville, to check on the preparations and make friends. In Ponyville I only wanted to find out what that feeling was. Doing the day I met Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy and then Pinkie Pie and they all came to my welcome to Ponyville party and to put it mildly, I was not happy about it, I believed friends were not worthy of my time. In the morning of the Summer Sun Celebration Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were gone but the moon was still up and a shadow appeared out of nowhere and said it had taken the princesses and would not give them back. I ran back to the library and tried to find a solution, my best bet was to find the elements of harmony, to defeat the shadow. However the ponies that called themselves my friends, went with me and we walked to the castle of the two sisters, Princess Celestia’s and Princess Luna’s old castle. Doing the trip I saw each of the girls display an element of harmony. When I was about to fall off a cliff that collapsed, Applejack told me I would be safe if I let go of her, she told the truth and I was saved by Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. When a manticore attacked us, Fluttershy showed it kindness and pulled a thorn out of the paw. When walking in a dark part of the forest, we saw monsters, but Pinkie Pie only laughed at them and they disappeared, as we realized they were only faces in the trees. As we then came to a river we needed to cross, a giant sea serpent was creating waves so high we couldn’t cross, all because his mustache had fallen off, so Rarity cut off her tail and made him a new mustache and in return he helped us over to the other side. We then had a bridge we needed to cross, but it had been cut, so Rainbow Dash flew over and from what we could see, some on the other side offered Rainbow Dash something, but she refused and made the bridge whole and we crossed. Inside the castle I tried to get the spark ignited to get the sixth hidden element, but the creature of darkness came and teleported me and the elements to a tower, I got to the elements, but I couldn’t ignite the spark. That was until I heard the girls come to me and I realized that they all represented an element of harmony each and I represented the element of magic and together we defeated the darkness, freeing Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. When we arrived back in Ponyville, I didn’t want to go back to Canterlot, but stay with my friends, as it was from that day I saw what friendship really meant to me and I didn’t want to lose it, so Princess Celestia then had me write friendship letters to her.‘’ ‘’Wow… Um… I don’t know what to say… You did say in Canterlot that the magic of friendship is the strongest magic, so I guess it makes sense. It’s still wired for me, but new world, new rules I guess.‘’ ‘’Hehe, something like that.‘’ ‘’How many have you written, while I have been here?‘’ ‘’Well, I wrote one on the day before I meet you and again about the slumber party with Rarity and Applejack, then again about Zecora and told Princess Celestia the third today.‘’ ‘’Have you ever written about me?‘’ ‘’I have mentioned you, but friendship letters only about you, no. The letters I have written about you to the Princess were more of the formal, like that you’re going to Canterlot to meet our parents.‘’ A pause before Twilight smiled and asked ‘’That reminds me, what would you say to sleep in the castle from the 16. to the 17.?‘’ ‘’Huh, why?‘’ ‘’Well, then it wouldn’t be too much for you, it’s the first time you’re meeting Velvet and Night Light.‘’ ‘’Are you sure? I don’t want to make a bad first impression by sleeping at another place.‘’ ‘’Don’t worry Star, we have actually already talked about it and they’re both okay with you going for the night.‘’ ‘’Okay, but when am I going back?‘’ ‘’Sunday the 18. I’ll come to Canterlot and pick you up.‘’ Twilight said. Spike came up and said ‘’By the way Star, the creatures didn’t take that book you were reading.‘’ ‘’Thanks Spike.‘’ I said as I got the book. ‘’You want to read next to me?‘’ Twilight asked, I nodded and we went down to Twilight’s reading cushion and read next to Twilight. After many chapters I had seen the name Celestia a lot of times, but it must be like it is in my world, where names in royal families get passed down and the current Princess Celestia must be this Celestia’s descendant, that would also explain the lack the mention of Princess Luna ‘Ha, or else they're immortal, yeah right,’ I rolled my eyes at the idea. Twilight nuzzled me as she said ‘’I think dinner is ready.‘’ ‘’Dinner’s ready everypony.‘’ Spike called from the dining room. As we walked into the dining room I got on my cushion seat and in front of me was two plates, one big empty one and the other was a smaller one with a piece raw broccoli on, I looked at Twilight as she said ‘’Remember last night, I said you’ll get two cookies if you try one little piece.‘’ I looked down and saw the broccoli on the plate, it didn’t smell bad so I nodded. A few hoofsteps later and Twilight sat behind me and from my right my bunny came into view as Twilight said ‘’Will it help, if you hold her or do you want me to remove her?‘’ I took the bunny. From my left Spike came and hugged me ‘’We’re all here for you.‘’ I gave him a smile as Twilight embraced me and used her magic on a fork and took the piece of broccoli and took it closer to my mouth. I opened my mouth and I felt myself become very warm, not even my parents could get me to try raw broccoli. The broccoli came closer and I breathed more and more heavily, it came into my mouth and I bit down, but as I chewed on it, my head hurt, like a migraine hit me for a second, my vision became blurry before I swallowed. Twilight hugged me and said with joy ‘’Oh… I’m so proud of you sweetie. Was it as bad as you thought?‘’ ‘’No… But I still don’t like it.‘’ ‘’That’s okay, you tried and as I promised you’ll get two cookies after dinner.‘’ I smiled at her while I knew I did it and I’ll get my cookies, Twilight and Spike came back to their seats and we ate the rest of the dinner Spike had made. After dinner I got permission from Twilight to leave the table, but as I walked to my room, Twilight asked ‘’Didn’t you forget something?‘’ Then it hit my, my two cookies and I turned around to face her as she walked to me and scooped me up and as I lay in her hooves she levitated a cookie down to me and I took it with both my hooves and ate it, it was bigger that any other cookie I’ve ever gotten. When the cookie was gone Twilight used her magic, but not to get me my other cookie, but some bigger crumbs that fell down on my chest as I ate the first cookie, I ate them before Twilight levitated the last cookie down to me and again I used my hooves and ate the cookie. When I was done Twilight said ‘’It’s time for your bath now.‘’ I nodded and Twilight walked to the bathroom. As Twilight placed me down in the tub  she turned on the water and as the water began to fill I asked ‘’Big sis? Why did you carry me?‘’ ‘’You looked to enjoy it. Did you not like it?‘’ ‘’No no, it was okay, it was just… I don’t know.‘’ ‘’I’m your big sister, so it’s okay to enjoy it.‘’ ‘’I guess…‘’ I said as she began to scrub me. But I began to wonder how I would take a bath in Canterlot and asked ‘’Big sis?‘’ ‘’Yeah?‘’ ‘’Shouldn’t I learn how to wash myself, I am going to Canterlot, where you won’t be.‘’ ‘’If you want to, I’ll teach you.‘’ But as I thought that it would only be for a few days and Twilight parents did bath Twilight when she was little and as they knew about me, it wouldn’t be the worst and I couldn’t deny it, it felt nice to been taken care off ‘’I guess it can wait until I come back from Canterlot.‘’ ‘’If you’re sure then I know Velvet and Night Light will help you as well and to brush your teeth.‘’ Twilight said. After my bath I walked back inside my room and saw it wasn’t that bad of a mess as I thought, Spike had apparently cleaned up in here as well. I looked to the stairs to my balcony and saw my quill, it had survived the parasprites as well. I walked over to it, laid down and closed my eyes. As I focused my magic I felt the quill and as I released a breath of air I again felt the quill as it moved, but as I opened my eyes I looked into my aura and it was be-. I lost my focus as I heard a bump from outside my door and saw the quill as it fell to the ground ‘I did it, I levitated the quill,’ now I needed to do it with my eyes open but not tonight. I took a book from the shelf and read ‘Daring Do’ I looked at the back and it looked interesting enough, but before I could begin to read a few knocks came and I answered ‘’Come in.‘’ ‘’Hey Star, it’s bedtime now.‘’ ‘’Sure.‘’ I said a little bit defeated as I remembered my failed attempt ‘’I’m coming.‘’ ‘’What’s wrong sweetie?‘’ ‘’Nothing, I just can’t seem to see my aura without getting into a trance.‘’ ‘’One day sweetie and then it’ll be done.‘’ ‘’I just wish I could use magic like you can.‘’ ‘’Sweetheart, I have practiced magic for about 10 years, you have used magic for 10 days and you’ve learned so much in those days, but if you want to, I’ll talk with Princess Celestia and make you my personal student so I get permission to teach you more advance magic, when we come to that.‘’ ‘’Really? I thought you already were my teacher and big sister.‘’ ‘’Well, technically I’m also your guardian, as that was the only way for you to live with me. But I’m still Princess Celestia’s personal student, so I’ll have to ask her.‘’ ‘’Guardian? Huh… Fair enough.‘’ ‘’Let's get those teeth brushed and then to bed.‘’ I nodded and followed her to the bathroom and then to her bed where my bunny waited for me. Twilight got in her bed first, then Spike and after I jumped up and I got close to Twilight and as I snuggled up to her belly, as she held me and soon I was half asleep. As close to sleeping before I fell asleep, I said ‘’Night mommy.‘’ > Dream Of The Heart: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After a long day of school, I ran inside the library, saw Spike and cheerfully greeted ‘’Hi Spike.‘’ Before I gave him a hug. ‘’Hey Star, was it a good day at school?‘’ He asked as he hugged me back. ‘’Uh-huh,‘’ I took a step back ‘’Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and I played catch in recess,‘’ My ears and head dropped as I said ‘’but I also got my report card.‘’ ‘’Sounds like a good day then.‘’ Spike said as he pulled my head up and as I looked into his eyes he said ‘’But something tells me you want to tell Twilight, she’s upstairs and I have to get back to work.‘’ ‘’Thanks Spike.‘’ I said before I ran to the stairs and upstairs I saw her and yelled ‘’Mommy!‘’ I ran over and hugged her. Mommy hugged me back and asked ‘’There’s my little foal, did you have a good day in school?‘’ I nodded ‘’Yes mommy.‘’ ‘’That’s good to hear, but I do believe that you also got your report card today.’’ ‘’Umm…‘’ I hesitated. She nuzzled me and asked ‘’Did you forget again sweetie?‘’ ‘’No mommy, I- I remembered.‘’ I took out the report card from my saddlebag and gave it to her, before I lay down in shame, mommy would be mad at me, I knew the grades and the highest one was a B, two was D’s and the rest was all in between. Mommy stroked my mane ‘’Sweetheart, what's wrong?‘’ ‘’My report card.‘’ ‘’What about it?‘’ ‘’It’s awful, not a single A and I tried as hard as I could, but I-‘’ I sniffed and now on the verge of tears ‘’I wanted to make you proud, you got A’s, many of them, but, I didn’t.‘’ Mommy took my chest to her belly and hugged me ‘’Shh, it’s okay, you don’t have to cry sweetie.‘’ I looked up at mommy’s eyes and asked, with tears as they came out ‘’You’re- you're not mad?‘’ ‘’Of course not sweetie, I could never be mad at you. You’re my little foal?‘’ ‘’But I didn’t make a single A.‘’ Mommy’s hoof came and wiped my tears away, took me up to her chest and sat me on her leg ‘’Do you remember last month's report card?‘’ I shook my head and mommy’s horn glowed magenta, I just loved that light. A piece of paper came over and mommy held the papers next to each other, the new one on the right and the old one on the left, the old one had two F’s and the highest was a C+. Mommy hugged me again ‘’I’m proud of you sweetie, you have improved so much, not only in school, but also with your magic.‘’ ‘’Really? Even though I didn’t get an A?‘’ ‘’Of course sweetie, I don’t care if you’ll ever get an A. You’re trying and that’s why I’m so proud of you.‘’ My tears stopped ‘’I love you mommy, but I wanna be just like you and get good grades.‘’ ‘’Hehe, I love you too my little Star, but I want you to be the best you, you can be. Well, that and my cute little foal.‘’ ‘’Mommy, I’m not a little foal.‘’ ‘’Are you sure? Because the tickle monster only goes after cute little foals.‘’ At this moment I realized that I laid on my back, on her legs, while she took a large breath and blew on my tummy, making me burst out laughing, my hooves flew into the air and I could only muster in utter joy ‘’Haha! Mommy, haha! That tickles, haha!‘’ As mommy took another breath she teased ‘’The tickle monster have you now.‘’ Mommy again blew on my tummy and again my hooves flew. When mommy stopped and I had gotten the final laughs out of me she said ‘’There is another monster you should know.‘’ I looked at mommy, giggled and asked ‘’What’s that called, mommy?‘’ ‘’It’s called… The kissing monster.‘’ Mommy proceeded to kiss me all over my face and tummy. In between the kisses I joyfully said ‘’Mommy hehe, that tickles.‘’ ‘’Then you must find out how to defeat the kissing monster.‘’ I thought about it as she proceeded to kiss me ‘How to defeat the kissing monster, hmm… Of course, it’s name,’ As mommy head came close, I kissed her nose and she joyfully said ‘’Oh no! You defeated me! With my only weakness!‘’ I only giggled at mommy’s acting, it was always so fun and with me in her hooves she got on her rear legs and fell on her back. As I now stood on top of mommy’s belly and her eyes were closed, I got the best idea ever and blew on mommy’s belly, in turn making her laugh, but as she laughed was so nice and warm to hear, I just lost all my air and fell on her belly and laughed alongside my mommy. As mommy stopped laughing, I did as well, but as I opened my eyes, I saw something in the corner of my vision, it looked weird and dark, but as I looked towards the window, there was nothing ‘’Sweetheart, is something wrong?‘’ ‘’I thought I saw something, out the window.‘’ ‘’Hmm… Let’s check.‘’ I nodded and I got on mommy’s back as she stood up and walked over to the window, mommy looked outside, there was nothing, she opened the window and looked around. As nothing was there, I said ‘’Oh, I guess it was just my imagination.‘’ ‘’Well you did laugh a lot, so it’s quite normal to think you’re seeing things.‘’ Mommy walked back to her studies, lay down and asked ‘’So Star, the question of the day, do you have any homework?‘’ I shook my head and said ‘’Nu-huh, but can I still read next to you?‘’ ‘’Of course sweetheart.‘’ I smiled and ran to my room, threw my plush on my back and got the book I read ‘The Adventures of Bunny Hop’ I took it with my teeth and walked back to mommy. As I walked back to mommy she saw me and smiled ‘’You and your bunny look so cute together.‘’ I dropped my book in shock and in frustration I responded ‘’Mommy! Her name is Flurry!‘’ I took the book back in my mouth and walked over to her as mommy said ‘’I’m sorry sweetheart and I’m sorry Flurry. Can you both forgive mommy.‘’ I dropped the book and took Flurry with my hooves and said ‘’For a kiss we’ll forgive you mommy, right Flurry?‘’ I got Flurry to nod in agreement. We both looked at mommy ‘’I guess that’s fair.‘’ First she kissed me on the cheek, then I held Flurry up to mommy and she got a kiss as well. Flurry wanted to give mommy a kiss as well as I said ‘’Mawh.‘’ Mommy giggled and I took Flurry back to me and lay down next to mommy, with Flurry in between my front hooves and started to read to myself, but I could always ask mommy if I came to a word I didn’t understand or knew how to pronounce. As it became time for dinner I took bit Flurry’s right ear and walked into the dining room, as mummy looked at me, she said ‘’Star, Flurry can’t eat with you, you two can play after dinner.‘’ I dropped Flurry before I hugged her, I sniffed and as I felt my eyes become wet, I looked at mommy and as I was close to crying mommy said ‘’Okay okay, but she can only sit next to you and she can't have any food, you know you hate it when I have to wash her.‘’ ‘’I’ll be careful mommy, I promise.‘’ Mommy nodded as I then hugged and nuzzled Flurry before we walked over to the table, sat down and I placed Flurry right next to me, just like mommy said and ate the delicious dinner Spike had made, face first. After dinner, I was cleaned and asked ‘’Mommy, can I sleep with you tonight?‘’ ‘’Of course sweetheart.‘’ ‘’Jubilee!‘’ I beamed and after I got permission to leave the table, I went to my room to play with Flurry, we played with some of my other plushies and Smarty Pants. After a lot of time mommy called ‘’Sweetheart, it’s time for bed-byes.‘’ I got my head into the living room ‘’Mommy! I’m not a foal.‘’ ‘’Hehe, but I got your attention.‘’ Mommy teased, I took Flurry with my mouth and walked to the bathroom where mommy brushed my teeth. After mommy was done with me, I sat and waited ‘’Mommy?‘’ ‘’Yes sweetheart.‘’ ‘’Let’s say I wasn’t your daughter, but your little sister, would you still brush my teeth?‘’ ‘’Yes of course, but you’re my daughter.‘’ ‘’And you're my mommy, but for how long would you help me?‘’ ‘’I guess until you could do it yourself, but because our my daughter I would always brush your teeth if you asked me too.‘’ ‘’Thanks mommy.‘’ She finished up and as we walked to mommy’s bed, I still held Flurry in my mouth and as I came to mommy’s bed, she lifted me up to the bed and got on herself. After mommy was comfortable she held me close and I took Flurry’s ear out of my mouth and yawned ‘’Night mommy.‘’ ‘’You want mommy to read a bedtime story?‘’ With Flurry’s right ear back in my mouth, as it always made me feel safe, I nodded. She took a book with big pictures in it, opened it and read ‘’Goodnight sun, goodnight moon, goodnight mommy, goodnight Flurry, goodnight to all my friends, tonight I will sleep and dream about all of you, goodnight everypony.‘’ As mommy read, I slowly closed my eyes and mommy’s voice became more and more distant, as a voice became more and more clear. > Day 15: More new friends: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up as Twilight whispered ‘’Good morning little sis.‘’ I slowly opened my eyes and Twilight was still in bed, as I felt I still lay over her chest and hugged the bunny plush, and had it’s right ear in my mouth, with the normal drool around my mouth. As I woke up a bit more, I was annoyed, but at the same time, I hated that I didn’t mind it as much. ‘’Are you awake?‘’ Twilight asked, I nodded and sat next to her, as Twilight got out of the bed she asked ‘’ What do you say to get some breakfast?‘’ I nodded and said ‘’Mmmhmhm…‘’ But I stopped as I felt the ear was still in my mouth and I spat it out, as I still hugged her, I said ‘’Why am I still holding her? I…‘’ As I didn’t know what to say, I placed her down on the bed and took Twilight’s cover over her and tucked her in, kissed her and quickly got down from the bed I looked at Twilight, she smiled but as she noticed that I looked at her she shook her head ‘’Sorry Star, I know you hate doing it, but you look so cute when you do it.‘’ I loudly groaned as I lay down, hooves over my head as I muttered ‘’I’m not cute.‘’ Before Twilight lifted me up on her back and walked down the stairs where Spike got the last things from the kitchen, waffles, which taste delicious.. As we ate Twilight swallowed and asked ‘’Star? I was hoping you could take a few books, Fluttershy wanted to borrow, over to her.‘’ ‘’Sure, I can do that.‘’ ‘’Do you know the way?‘’ ‘’Yes Twily, I know the way, I have walked it before.‘’ As I took another bite of my waffle, no response came, I looked at Twilight, she looked straight at me ‘’Um… Twilight, are you okay?‘’ ‘’Ye, yeah… You called me Twily.‘’ ‘’No I didn’t… Did I?‘’ ‘’Yeah… You did…‘’ ‘’Oh, sorry Twilight, I-‘’ ‘’Don’t apologize, I was just surprised, not many have called me that, Shining Armor was one of the few.‘’ Twilight said, but that name, Shining Armor, where had I heard that before. Spike got me out of my own thoughts as he asked ‘’Star, are you okay, you seem a bit lost.‘’ ‘’Huh… Sorry, I know I have heard that name before, but I can’t remember.‘’ ‘’From Princess Celestia maybe?‘’ Twilight asked. ‘’Yeah, that sounds, right.‘’ ‘’That’s because she said you were also the little sister of Shining Armor.‘’ ‘’Oh… So, he’s your brother.‘’ ‘’Yes, he’s the big brother to all three of us.‘’ I looked at Spike who nodded as well and we continued our breakfast. After breakfast Twilight and I went to the bathroom where Twilight placed me in the tub, she opened the water and while she bathed me, she told me that Velvet and Night Light would be here in about two hours. After my bath, I had some time to get my coat, mane and tail dry. When all my fur and hair was dry Twilight brushed my coat, mane and tail, it was so nice and relaxing, something I had almost forgotten the joy of from when Fluttershy did it and once I looked pretty again, I got my saddlebag on and Twilight strapped it on me, I got my bunny and one book in the right side and two of the books in the left one. When I was ready Twilight led me down to to the door and I got a nice warm nuzzle before she said ‘’Remember Velvet and Night Light are going to be here at about twelve.‘’ ‘’I’ll remember Twily.‘’ I responded and after another nuzzle, I went on my way to Fluttershy’s. As I walked, I quickly realized that I had no idea where to go, I thought I knew the way, but I was a bit lost, as I looked back I still saw the Golden Oak Library, so I was not that lost, if I only saw something I could remember, but nothing stood out. As I looked around for a path that led to Fluttershy’s home, I heard a familiar voice ‘’Hello Star, are you lost?‘’ I looked at who it was, it was that teacher and I said ‘’Oh hi, um… I’m on my way to Fluttershy’s home, but I’m not sure which way to go.‘’ ‘’Oh, Fluttershy you say, I can lead you the way.‘’ ‘’Really? Thanks.‘’ I responded, she gave me a smile before we walked. As we walked, two young ponies, maybe my age, came toward us, one light pink with a violet and white mane and tail while wearing a tiara, the other one had a light gray coat with a silver and light gray mane and tail, unlike the other she was wearing glasses and a pearl necklace. They walked directly towards us as the pink one said ‘’Hi ms. Cheerilee.‘’ As they both looked at me, I could only smile as the gray one said ‘’Ohh, I really like your mane, those colors, dashing.‘’ ‘’Thanks, umm…‘’ ‘’Name’s Silver Spoon-‘’ The pink one interrupted ‘’And I’m Diamond Tiara.‘’ ‘’Nice to meet the two of you, I’m Star Sparkle.‘’ ‘’Hmm, never seen you around before, you new?‘’ ‘’Yeah, I just moved here with my adopted big sister.‘’ ‘’That’s lovely, right Silver Spoon?‘’ ‘’Totally, so Di, should we?‘’ They looked at each other and both nodded before Diamond Tiara said ‘’So, I just got my amazing Cutie Mark, okay.‘’ She proudly showed me her flank and revealed a diamond tiara as her Cutie Mark ‘’And tomorrow is my Cute-ceañera and you’re so personally invited, we’ll have so much fun together.‘’ ‘’Tomorrow?‘’ ‘’Yes I know, I can hardly wait as well.‘’ ‘’Sorry Diamond Tiara, my adopted parents are coming today and I’m going to Canterlot for a few days, so I won't be able to make it, sorry.‘’ She looked to get angry before she got a huge smile back on as she and with hope in her voice she asked ‘’You’re coming back to Ponyville, right?‘’ ‘’Yes, I live with my big sister, here in Ponyville.‘’ ‘’Then when you’ll come back, then we’ll totally catch up and we’ll tell you everything and the three of us, we’ll be like, best friends, right Silver Spoon?‘’ ‘’Totally and then you can tell us everything about Canterlot, we’ll have so much fun, right Di.‘’ ‘’For sure, what about you Star Sparkle?‘’ ‘’Sure, we can hang out when I come back, but please, call me Star.‘’ They gave me a hug and ms. Cheerilee and I walked on our way to Fluttershy’s as we left the two fillies while they waved goodbye, I gave them a last smile before I turned my head around and said ‘’They were very sweet.‘’ ‘’And they go to school as well, so you don’t have to be nervous about making friends now.‘’ ‘’Thanks,‘’ But as I wanted to shift the conversation and as I wanted to go by Sugar Cube Corner I said ‘’but let’s say that on my way back, I wanted to go past Sugar Cube Corner, which way should I go?‘’ ‘’That’s simple, you can even see Sugar Cube Corner from the path that leads to Fluttershy’s.‘’ ‘’Thanks ms. Cheerilee.‘’ After a bit of time, we came to an open path, one I remembered and after ms. Cheerilee pointed out Sugar Cube Corner, I thanked her and waved goodbye as I walked to Fluttershy’s cottage. > Fluttershy & Teddyshy: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I saw Fluttershy’s home, I noticed that she flew around and delivered food to some of the birds as a few bunnies jumped around her cottage. It looked very cute, out of worldly, but cute. As I walked over to her, she locked eyes with me, flew down and hugged me, she pulled back and said ‘’Hi Star, I’m so happy to see you again, even though I thought you would be here ten minutes ago.‘’ ‘’I’m sorry Fluttershy, I got a bit lost, but ms. Cheerilee helped me, but then I got held up by two new ponies who I think wanted to become friends with me.‘’ ‘’That’s so wonderful, would you like to come in?‘’ ‘’Sure, but I have to be back at twelve.‘’ ‘’I know, I- I mean, I’ll remember.‘’ ‘’Wait, did Twilight tell you?‘’ ‘’You know how she is.‘’ Fluttershy said and as I thought about it, it made sense and I walked with Fluttershy inside her home. As Fluttershy opened her door I smelled something delicious, strawberry tea, which was on the table alongside two tea cups and a plate of cookies and fruit. It looked so delicious that I had difficulty getting my eyes of the food and as I concentrated on the food, I said ‘’I see, you have been, expecting me.‘’ Fluttershy giggled before she took me and flew me gently over on the couch. She sat me down and asked ‘’Do you need help holding your tea?‘’ I was a bit embarrassed and as my head felt warm I would rather get help than spill hot tea on myself and I nodded. As I nodded I felt something odd on my head but when I looked up Fluttershy nuzzled the top of my head, it felt nice, but something was off. Fluttershy got out of the nuzzle and asked ‘’Would you like some tea?‘’ I nodded and as she held the tea I took a sip and it tasted delicious, but was still hot. As I talked with Fluttershy about what happened with the two fillies, of what she thought was wonderful. I opened my saddlebag as I wanted to give Fluttershy the books, but as I opened the right one, I dropped the saddlebag, but Fluttershy was fast and caught it. My bunny's head hung out. I tried to jump over onto my bunny before Fluttershy would notice, but as I jumped Fluttershy quickly caught me and as she held me, she hugged me and asked ‘’Is she yours?‘’ As I was surrounded by the pegasus, I nodded ‘’I can’t tell her,‘’ My eyes became warm and my through began to hurt. ‘’She’s very lovely Star.‘’ Fluttershy said. I felt as tears ran down my face and as a sob escaped me Fluttershy took me out and as I looked at her, her eyes grew wide ‘’Oh, you poor dear.‘’ She then gave the plush to me and I hugged the bunny as hard as I could, I wanted to throw it away, but I placed the right ear in my mouth and sucked it. Fluttershy took me into her chest and rocked me from side to side, all while she hummed a melody I didn’t know, but one that calmed me. As I held the plush and was being rocked and held I calmed down. As Fluttershy took me out, I dropped the right ear, but I still held the bunny tight as Fluttershy placed me down on the couch and asked sweetly ‘’Do you trust me?‘’ I nodded and Fluttershy placed her forehead on my forehead before she flew upstairs and left me alone on the couch. After a short time Fluttershy came back down with something on her back, after she landed in her spot on the couch she showed me what it was, it was a brown and light brown teddy bear, it looked to be old, but as I looked at it Flutterhy said ‘’Every time I’m afraid, Teddyshy always helps me calm down and I see you bunny do the same for you.‘’ ‘’When are you afraid? I mean you’re friends with a huge bear and Twilight told me that you showed kindness to a manticore.‘’ ‘’I did, but the day before Twilight found you, I was afraid to go with them to get a dragon to go away, and even though I got him to pack his treasure and depart Equestria, that doesn't mean I’m brave, there are still many things I’m afraid of.‘’ ‘’Wait, what. You got a huge dragon to leave Equestria, after packing his treasure!? Do you know what happened after I say Spike the first time?‘’ ‘’No.‘’ ‘’I was terrified and after he talked, I passed out. And didn’t you also go into the Everfree Forest when fearing Apple Bloom and Applejack would be in danger?‘’ ‘’I guess I did… But this isn't about me, this is about you.‘’ Fluttershy said as she clearly referred to my plush. I had hoped to keep that subject away, but as it didn’t work, I lowered myself into the plush and snuggled it. I didn’t like it, but for everything in these two worlds, it was so soft, Fluttershy lifted my muzzle and asked softly ‘’Was your bunny in your saddlebag yesterday?‘’ I nodded ‘’Yes… But it’s embarrassing.‘’ ‘’Why?‘’ ‘’Because, I’m not, you know.‘’ ‘’You didn’t need a plush from before Twilight found you.‘’ I nodded ‘’You could say it like that and I don’t like it, it’s the spell that made me into a pony, it’s forcing me to like it.‘’ ‘’Does Twilight know?‘’ ‘’Yes, Twilight and I think Spike know, but I’m going to talk to the princess about it.‘’ ‘’Oh my, just tell me if I do something wrong?‘’ ‘’Don’t worry… It’s just, I get closer to the bunny if I try to get it away from me.‘’ ‘’What if you got closer to it?‘’ ‘’I don’t know.‘’ I said, a bit unsure. ‘’We could try a tea party with your bunny and my teddy, if you want.‘’ I looked at her and noticed my tears had stopped, I whipped my leg across my eyes and removed the dry tears before I said ‘’Maybe, but I have to talk to Princess Celestia first, but it sounds nice.‘’ Fluttershy then gave me some more tea and we continued our little tea party. After we had drank some more tea and ate a bit Fluttershy said ‘’Looks like it’s time for you to head back now.‘’ I nodded and after I got my plush in my saddlebag and Fluttershy strapped it back on me, I walked on the road back to Ponyville. As I came back out of the forest, I saw and walked to Sugar Cube Corner. As I walked to Sugar Cube Corner I looked around and saw Apple Bloom as she walked with her head down and I called ‘’Apple Bloom!‘’ As she looked at me, light came into her eyes and she ran towards me, jumped and tackled me ‘’Star, you’re just the pony I wanted to see.‘’ As I lay on my back with Apple Bloom above me I said ‘’Really? You wanna come with, I’m on my way to Sugar Cube Corner.‘’ ‘’Sure, then I can tell you while you get your special treat.‘’ I smiled and after she got off, we walked before I asked ‘’What did you want to talk with me about?‘’ ‘’Oh yeah, tomorrow there is a Cute-ceañera, for like the worst pony ever, and I thought that since the two of us don’t have our Cutie Marks, we could then go together.‘’ Apple Bloom said. As I remembered Diamond Tiara’s Cute-ceañera was also tomorrow and thought ‘What a coincident,’ but said ‘’Sorry Apple Bloom, my adopted parents are coming soon and then I’m going with them to Canterlot for a few days, sorry.‘’ ‘’Oh…‘’ She could only say. What a shame she was going to that party, I bet Apple Bloom, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon would be great friends, but I guessed she have to go to that party, but as I felt bad for her I thought ‘Maybe I would be able to push the going to Canterlot,’ and I asked ‘’Apple Bloom?‘’ ‘’Yeah?‘’ But before I said anything we walked into Sugar Cube Corner and as I saw the clock, I still had ten minutes and as ms. Cake saw me, she said ‘’I was wondering when you would come by, but your timing is perfect as we are going to have a surprise ready in a few minutes.‘’ ‘’Thank you ms. Cake.‘’ I said to the smiling baker before she walked back to the kitchen. Meanwhile Apple Bloom and I found a place to sit and waited. As we sat down, I said ‘’What I wanted to say before. Maybe I could get the whole, me going to Canterlot postponed till tomorrow.‘’ ‘’What! No Star! I don’t want you to miss out being with your parents, you need to have fun with them and enjoy those few days you are there. Promise me, okay?‘’ I was a bit lost of words, she seemed very determined for me to go, so I sighed and said ‘’Okay, I promise I’ll have some fun with my parents.‘’ ‘’Good, because when you come back to Ponyville, I want to hear all about it.‘’ ‘’Deal.‘’ After a few minutes had gone by ms. Cake came over to us with two cupcakes with chocolate frosting ‘’Here you go, two special cupcakes, for two special fillies.‘’ ‘’But ms. Cake, I have no money.‘’ Apple Bloom said. Ms. Cake, as she walked back, said ‘’You’re helping a new pony to adjust to our town, so it’s on the house.‘’ ‘’Thank you ms. Cake!‘’ Apple Bloom called and we got the cupcakes in two boxes and took them, before we walked to the library. > New world, new parents: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few ten meters away from the Golden Oak Library Apple Bloom stopped, I looked at her as she said ‘’Remember your promise, have fun.‘’ ‘’I will, bye Apple Bloom.‘’ ‘’Bye Star.‘’ We hugged before Apple Bloom was on her way back into the city. I opened the door, walked inside and called ‘’I’m home!‘’ Before I saw Spike as he sorted out some books as he had a bowl of something very shiny. As the sound of hoof steps came, I looked to the stairs and Twilight walked down with a warm smile and said ‘’Perfect timing Star, Velvet and Night Light are upstairs.‘’ I nodded and followed her upstairs, but Spike decided to not join us. Upstairs I saw two unicorns with warm smiles, one male with a blue coat and short dark blue mane and tail, the other pony was a female with a light gray coat and violet and white mane and tail, in the same-ish style as Twilight. My heartbeat became faster as the two ponies came over to us and the female one said sweetly ‘’Hey sweetie, I’m Twilight Velvet, but you can just call me Velvet.‘’ I felt as Twilight placed herself behind me and placed her front legs on both my sides, it helped as my heartbeat slowed down and I responded more shy than I liked it ‘’Hi Velvet, nice to meet you.‘’ She gave me a smile as the male, came down to my eye height, his voice was definitely that of a goofy dad as he said ‘’Ohh, Twilight, you weren't kidding, she’s just as cute as you described her.‘’ I felt as my head became warm, he let out a small laugh before he said ‘’Aww, it’s okay Star, I’m Night Light.‘’ I only smiled in response before Twilight suggested that we should sit on the couch. We walked over to the two couches and I sat next to Twilight, as she said ‘’So Velvet, Night Light and I have talk a bit before you came and I have told them what happened, when you didn’t want to eat the broccoli.‘’ ‘’And don’t worry sweetie, we want you to be comfortable before going any extra steps.‘’ Velvet said with a warm smile. I smiled and as I said ‘’Thanks, I don’t want to sleep in a crib again.‘’ Twilight giggled a bit before she asked ‘’Star, will you be okay, if I shared our little secret with Velvet and Night Light?‘’ Before she whispered ‘’About your plush.‘’ I was surprised, but as I remembered Twilight told me, that she would tell if I didn’t want her to, but slowly, I nodded and Twilight held me as she said ‘’Because of the transformation, we believe that Star have gotten an obsession with her bunny plush, of which I gave to her, due to her always finding something to either hug or suck on when she sleeps. So Star doesn't necessarily like her plush, but something is making her love it.‘’ ‘’That’s horrible, what can we do to help?‘’ Velvet asked. ‘’Tomorrow Star has been invited to the castle, to spend the night, so Star and Princess Celestia will discuss what can be done, but unfortunately there is nothing I, or we can do to help.‘’ Twilight answered. ‘’Well it’s good to hear it‘ll been looked into.‘’ Night Light responded. ‘’Exactly. But where is this plush, just so we won’t forget?‘’ Velvet asked. ‘’She’s in my saddlebag.‘’ I responded. Velvet and Night Light smiled before Velvet said ‘’Twilight have also told us that you’re a bit nervous about going to another place to sleep, but don’t worry sweetie, even before we knew why, we understand that going to a new place can be difficult.‘’ I gave her a smile, even though something about this conversation felt weird, but I could place my hoof on it. ‘’And as of yet, I have always helped Star with her teeth brushing and bathing.‘’ Twilight said. ‘’And in Canterlot, we will both help Star brush and bathe.‘’ Velvet responded. ‘’That’s right honey, it’ll be like when Twilight was a little filly and she made such a huge mess whenever we bathe her.‘’ Night Light responded. ‘’Daaad!‘’ Twilight yelled embarrassed, but I only pictured Twilight as a filly and splashed water all over a bathroom and I couldn’t help but giggle. After I was told Twilight would come and pick me up in Canterlot on Sunday about noon and I was about to pack my saddlebag, Twilight had already packed it, with the letter from Princess Celestia and the dress I got from Rarity two days ago, somehow it survived the cute, hungry creatures, else I got the quill I had practiced with and then we were off to the train station with Spike. When we came to the train station, there was still five minutes to the train departed. When the train was in sight and stopped in front of us and as it was ahead of time, it was said that it would stay here for a few minutes. I then turned to Twilight to hug her goodbye, but when I turned around Twilight pulled me into a hug and nuzzled my mind away. I got out of the nuzzle by more chatter at the train station from other ponies and I said ‘’Twilight? I also want to say goodbye to Spike before going.‘’ She sniffed as sat me down and said ‘’Of, course…‘’ I then turned to Spike, hugged him and said ‘’Take care of Twilight for me, promise?‘’ ‘’I promise Star, just promise to have a good time.‘’ ‘’I promise Spike.‘’ One more tight hug and he let me go, but Twilight’s muzzle was there and nuzzled me. I couldn’t resist and I nuzzled back. I was called back to reality as a male pony called ‘’Train to Canterlot is departing in one minute! All aboard!‘’ As I pulled back and was about to say goodbye, Twilight pulled me into another hug as she sniffed ‘’Remember, if she gets cold, then she’ll just need to snuggle in a warm blanky and if she is sad, then- then give her, her bunny, then she smile so cute and-‘’ ‘’Don’t worry Twilight, we’ll take good care of her. But we need to leave now or we’ll miss our train.‘’ Velvet said. I nodded, gave Twilight one last hug and pulled away ‘’Bye Twily, see you Sunday.‘’ I walked with Velvet and Night Light onto the train as Twilight yelled ‘’I’ll miss you sweetie!‘’ The door closed and the train moved and out the window Twilight and Spike waved, I waved back until I couldn’t see them anymore. We walked deeper into the train cart and quickly found a place to sit, I sat in the middle of Velvet and Night Light, with Velvet towards the window. It only lasted a few minutes before we went up the mountain and out the window, I saw Ponyville but as it was difficult to see from where I sat, I got up and got my front hooves on the window to get a better view. Ponyville was way bigger than it looked to be on the ground, I guessed there were maybe between fifty and a hundred buildings. As I admired the view, I felt my front hooves were lifted and Velvet held me where my front legs and my chest connected, as I leaned on Velvet’s front right leg she asked ‘’You like the view?‘’ I nodded as I said ‘’Yeah, I’ve never seen Ponyville from this height before.‘’ I looked back towards Ponyville and thought it would be weird to be away, but maybe it wouldn't be so bad ‘I will get to know Velvet and Night Light, meet the Princesses again and explore the city.’ Ponyville disappeared from my view, as the train entered a tunnel and as I wanted to get back to my seat, as I tried to get back down again, Velvet lifted me down to my seat and I laid down again, it felt nice to lay down again. A few minutes went by before the tea from Fluttershy’s wanted to come out, I looked around and hoped to see a bathroom sign. I saw that one was available on the opposite end of the train cart and I got up, but as I was about to jump down, Night Light asked ‘’Where are you heading sweetie?‘’ ‘’Bathroom.‘’ I answered instead of jumping. As I felt two hooves, I heard Velvet ‘’Then we better go.‘’ ‘’We?‘’ ‘’Yes of course, you’re our little filly.‘’ I knew I had no chance to get them to stay, so I nodded and got on Velvet’s back as she walked me to the bathroom. At least got her to stay outside, until I was done and she washed my hooves, just like Twilight and we walked back to Night Light. Back on my seat I took the cupcake from my saddlebag and Night Light curiously asked ‘’Where did you get that from sweetie?‘’ ‘’Sugar Cube Corner in Ponyville, they said it was a, welcome to Ponyville treat.‘’ I answered before I took a bite and I knew that I would be back for more. The cupcake was long gone as the train slowed down and we arrived in Canterlot. As we walked to their home, we walked at my speed so I looked around as I walked. Canterlot looked very different to Ponyville, all the ponies in Ponyville mostly smiled, but these Canterlot ponies were odd, some had their muzzles up in the air and most of them wore clothes of some sort, dresses for the mares and tuxedos without pants for the stallions, it was so different from Ponyville. As we came to a water fountain, a stallion came over to us, he had a white coat, blue mane, wearing a tux and a monocles, as he came closer he said ‘’Twilight Velvet, Night Light, so lovely to see you again.‘’ ‘’Thank you Fancy Pants, it’s lovely to see you too.‘’ Velvet said. He noticed me and asked ‘’Now who is this little filly?‘’ ‘’She’s our newly adopted daughter.‘’ ‘’My my, I didn’t know you were looking, but you found a nice little filly.‘’ As he looked at me, he said ‘’Names’ Fancy Pants, it’s a pleasure to meet your acquaintance.‘’ ‘’I’m Star Sparkle and it’s a pleasure to meet you too.‘’ I answered with an awkward smile. He gave a small chuckle ‘’She sure is a bright young filly.‘’ ‘’Thank you Fancy Pants, we do hope to also give her a good time as she lives with her sister in Ponyville.‘’ Night Light said, but I was bored, I looked around. By luck we were in the middle of the town square and the shops here had all different things, a donut shop, a tailor dress shop, a store that sold vases and one they really wanted to sell was a white one with some blue stripes on it, it looked rather nice, but so did the dress in in the window displayed, else there were some cafes and restaurants. As Velvet and Night Light had finished, we continued our walk back to Velvet and Night Light’s home. > Another New Home: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We walked for a bit before we entered a dead end road and with a few houses, down the road there was a stone and wooden house with two floors, with a metal trash can that was outside, a front garden with a stone path that led to a wooden door and we walked inside. Inside there was a staircase that led upstairs and just to it’s right was there a hallway that led to the back door. Next to the hallway there was an opening of which we walked through and into, what Velvet told me, was the living room, one with a fireplace with a few vases on it and many pictures on the walls, bookshelves, a couch with a few chairs and a coffee table. Though another opening that could slide open and close, there was a dining table with six chairs and as I stood next to the table I looked to my left and saw the front door, in front of me there was another opening, one that could slide open and close as Velvet said ‘’Down to your left is the front door, to the right is the backdoor, straight ahead we have the kitchen, and if we go back to the front door, then we can go upstairs and show you, your bedroom.‘’ I nodded and we walked upstairs. Upstairs to the right there was a hallway and of what I could see there was three doors, a door was in front of me and one to my left before Velvet said ‘’To your left is our bedroom, in front of you is the bathroom and your room is on the right.‘’ I followed them and my door was the one door on the left next to the bathroom, Twilight’s and Shining’s old rooms were on the right side, Twilight’s just next to the staircase, Velvet then opened my door. As I looked inside, I saw that my room had a wooden floor, walls and ceiling, on the ceiling there was a nice lamp, on the left side there was two large bookshelves on both sides of a small table with quills, ink, pencils, crayons and papers, on the bookshelves there where all kinds of different books, some I recognized from Ponyville, while other books looked to be for a much younger audience. On the right there was a bed with it’s short side and pillow towards the wall, a bit away from the outer wall. Towards the outer wall there was a glass door with a small space for me to stay on and I had a great view of the Canterlot Castle, it looked quite small from here. Else there were different colors of carpets around including pink, magenta, sun golden and a full moon carpet, with multiple stars around it. After I had looked for a few minutes Night Light asked ‘’What do you think sweetie, do you like it?‘’ ‘’I do, it’s even bigger than my room in Ponyville.‘’ ‘’Haha, Spike did tell us when he was here.‘’ ‘’Wait, what?‘’ I asked ‘’Didn’t you know? Spike helped us decorate your room.‘’ Velvet said. ‘’I didn’t know, but I’ll have to thank him when I see him again.‘’ ‘’We do also have another little thing for you.‘’ ‘’Huh, more?‘’ ‘’Hehe of course sweetie, it’s in your desk.‘’ Velvet said as she gestured to my desk. I walked over to the desk and opened a drawer that had a pouch in it, I was a bit confused, but said ‘’Huh, um… Thanks?‘’ ‘’Not only the pouch, but also these.‘’ Velvet said as she levitated several coins onto my desk, maybe twenty coins and continued ‘’Here’s fifty bits and every Friday you’ll get twenty-five bits in allowance.‘’ ‘’Really? Is that a lot of money?‘’ ‘’Maybe a bit more than the average filly and colt would get.‘’ ‘’Are you sure it isn’t too much? I mean … You know.‘’ I said as I knew I would go back home one day and didn’t want them to spend too much money on me. ‘’Don’t worry sweetie, besides twenty-five bits isn’t that much, so you’ll still need to save so you can buy those things that are more expensive.‘’ ‘’Oh, thanks.‘’ ‘’You’re welcome sweetie. Now, we’ll leave you to get settled in, but if you’ll need us, we’ll be in the back garden.‘’ Velvet said before they then left the room and left the door a bit open. I looked at the coins and I had ten 1’s bit’s, five 2’s bit’s and six 5’s bit’s and muttered ‘’Huh, fifty bits? At least I will be able to pay for myself now.‘’ I took my saddlebag off and laid my bunny on my bed and the letter from Princess Celestia on my desk alongside my quill and as I looked around for a wardrobe to put the dress in. As I looked around I noticed that next to the bookshelves, on the right of my door, there was a wooden wardrobe and on the left on the door was a small display table, with room on top and inside it, to think that I would maybe be able to fill it was crazy to think. As I felt tears I stopped myself and placed the dress inside the wardrobe. As I wanted to get my mind of everything I took my quill with my mouth and walked downstairs, lay the quill in the living room, on the coffee table, before I walked to the backdoor and saw Velvet next to the house with some flowers and Night Light a bit further away, at some bushes and asked ‘’It is okay if I practice levitation in the living room?‘’ ‘’Of course sweetie, just let us know if you would like some help.‘’ Velvet responded I smiled as I said ‘’I will.‘’ Before I walked back to the fireplace. After some time had passed where I had lifted the quill up and down, left and right, I still struggled, it also didn’t help that I hadn’t seen it yet, but I was getting the hang of this levitation. Now I wanted to lift something heavy, so I looked around and as I looked to the top of the fireplace, I locked eyes with a picture of Velvet, Night Light, a younger Twilight and Spike, together with a white stallion with a blue mane, one I believed to be Shining Armor and thought ‘A family picture,’ I just stared at it and I felt a bit out of place, this wasn’t my family, but one day I would go home to mine, I just knew it, I had to, I just had to make the best out of my time here. Next to the picture there was a white vase with blue stripes, one that looked familiar and I wanted to look closer at the vase, I narrowed my eyes on the vase and felt my magic around it. As I couldn’t see my pink aura yet, I closed my eyes and focused all my energy on the vase, its shape, weight, which was way more than my quill and as I held my breath, I used all of my energy and gently lifted my head, the vase rocked until silence, I still had it and I pulled it towards me and I felt it got easier and easier as  each second went by. As I felt it should be close to the ground, if not on the ground, I opened my eyes and the vase was still in the same height as before, but as my eyes were locked onto the aura, so beautiful, so fragile… When my aura disappeared, the vase fell and shattered into a few big pieces that lay on the ground, as my heart beatet fast, my mind raced ‘No no no no no no no!!!! Did they hear? What do I do?’ I looked at the backdoor, but they didn’t come in or called for me ‘They didn’t hear, thank you.’ I left out a sigh of relief ‘I can’t let them see this, but how do I fix this?’ As I thought back, I remembered the vase from the marketplace, where Velvet and Night Light talked to that pony, Fancy or something like that, but that didn’t matter ‘If I can find that shop again and replace the vase, Velvet and Night Light would never know and I wouldn’t have made a bad first impression, flawless.’ I went to the kitchen and found a bucket and as I looked outside, I noticed Velvet was at Night Light’s side ‘Perfect timing,’ I took the bucket with my mouth and got back to the, broken into ten pieces, vase and used my hooves to get them into the bucket and made sure nothing was left behind. I took the filled bucket outside and poured the broken vase into the trash can and placed the bucked back to where I found it after I made sure nothing was left in it. ‘Time for the next phase.’ I got my head out of the back door and saw that they still stood a bit away from the house and I asked ‘’Is it okay if I go around in the neighborhood, just to get to know the area?‘’ ‘’Of course sweetie, do you want us to show you around?‘’ Velvet asked. As that would destroy my plans I said ‘’No it’s okay, I’ll go myself.‘’ ‘’Well alright sweetie, if that’s what you want to do. But be sure to be back in one hour and don’t go to far.‘’ ‘’I won't.‘’ I said before I walked back inside, took my quill and as I walked towards my room, I felt it wasn't a good plan, but I had to do it or else I knew Velvet and Night Light would be mad. I got to my room, laid the quill on my desk, took all my fifty bits in my saddlebag’s right side and my plush on the left side, after I got the saddlebag strapped onto me, which took a few minutes, I walked downstairs and went outside and hoped to get to the marketplace and find the vase. As I walked to the marketplace, it was relatively easy to remember as I made mental notes on how to get back again, as I saw homes that stood out and other things like that. I got to the marketplace and to the fountain and that Fancy pony was nowhere in sight, so no one could tell on me. I looked around and saw the shop and they still had a few vases left, so nothing would stop me and I walked to the shop I saw its price, forty bit’s, was that even expensive, I only knew that I could afford it and nothing else mattered. I walked inside and saw a mare behind the counter, she looked at me and asked ‘’Hello young filly, do you need the bathroom or do you need help finding your parents?‘’ ‘’No thank you miss,‘’ I said a bit on the shy side ‘’I want to buy a vase, like the white one with the blue stripes, in your window display.‘’ ‘’Certainly, but are you sure you have enough money, I have cheaper alternatives.‘’ The mare asked, even though she sounded entitled. ‘’I have enough and I want that vase.‘’ I said determined. ‘’Well okay then, forty bits.‘’ The mare said and as she levitated the vase over to the counter, I took my saddlebag off and opened the side with my money, I got all my six 5 bit’s up and laid them on the counter, but as I took up my five 2 bit’s, it was a bit tricky, but after a little struggle I lay them up on the counter too, but the mare said ‘’Perfect, only five more bits.‘’ I was surprised, I knew I had laid all the bits on the counter, but one of the 5 bit’s was gone, only five was left and I explained ‘’I knew I had put six 5 bit’s on the table.‘’ ‘’Excuse me! Are you accusing me of stealing?!‘’ ‘’What… N-no…‘’ I stuttered ‘’But knew I had place six 5 bit’s on the table, maybe one feel o-.‘’ ‘’You know what, whatever, if you’re trying to swindle me out of five bits, then take your money and go and find your mommy and daddy.‘’ ‘’No, I’m not trying to swindle you, but I-‘’ ‘’Listen kid, give me five bits, take your vase and be on your way.‘’ So I got five 1 bit’s out and gave them to her, she then levitated the vase, in its box, into my saddlebag and I closed it, strapped it on me and walked outside. Something felt wrong about all of this, maybe karma just hit me or maybe the 5 bit was still in my saddlebag and I didn’t notice, but I would find out when I’m back at the house. The journey back was easy and when I was home I walked inside and sneaked to the backdoor, they were still in the garden and I walked to the fireplace and it didn’t look like they had been here. I got the vase out of my saddlebag and out of its box, got a chair and lifted the vase up with my hooves and after the vase was faced, the maybe, right way I got the chair back to its place, went to the backdoor and got my head out and called ‘’I’m back now!‘’ Velvet saw me, smiled and said ‘’Welcome back Star, did you have fun?‘’ ‘’You could say that, I know how to get around here a bit more.‘’ ‘’That’s lovely, but how did your levitation go, I forgot to ask before you went out.‘’ ‘’Oh… Um… It went okay, but I still need more practice though.‘’ ‘’All in it’s own time, but you’re definitely your big sister’s little sister.‘’ ‘’Hehe thanks, but I’ll head to my room now.‘’ ‘’To read?‘’ Velvet asked with as small grin ‘’You go right ahead, we’ll call when it’s time for dinner.‘’ I gave her a smile and as I walked to the stairs, I walked through the living room, took my saddlebag with my mouth and admired the vase. Upstairs in my room, I placed my saddlebag next to my closet and saw that I only had five 1 bit’s left, but it didn’t matter, everything is well and as I looked through the book selection Spike got me, there were a lot of those Daring Do books, so I took the one called ‘The Quest For The Sapphire Stone’ which I remembered Twilight said was the first one in the series, so it made sense it was the first from the left and the others must be it’s sequels ‘Thanks Spike’ As I walked over to the glass door and my small balcony, I saw in the corner of my eye a strange book, it looked to be a book for a younger audience, the title ‘The adventures of Bunny Hop’ it looked familiar, could I had read it when I was a human child, maybe it was also in Twilight’s library ‘Odd.’ But it wasn’t important so I took my Daring Do book and read. After a few hours of reading or levitation in my room, a knock came and Velvet stuck her head inside my room and said ‘’Dinner is ready.‘’  I smiled and walked with her downstairs, at the table Velvet lifted me up onto the elevated cushion and on my plate was a burger, it didn't look bad, nor did it smell bad, it smelled delicious and as I took a bite, It tasted really good, almost like meat ‘Wait… Have I been deprived of meat all this time, I didn’t even think ponies ate meat.’ So I opened the burger and saw hay, but mashed together like a beef and a bit shocked, I asked ‘’Is this hay?‘’ ‘’It’s a hay burger.‘’ Night Light responded ‘’Have you never tried them in Ponyville?‘’ ‘’No.‘’ I shook my head. ‘’Do you like it?‘’ Velvet asked and I took a big bite and felt my muzzle was completely covered in ketchup and bits of hay. Velvet leaned closer and levitated a napkin to my face, she cleaned my muzzle and when she was done, I continued to eat. > Buck: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After dinner and with my muzzle cleaned again, I said ‘’Thank you for dinner, may I go to my room?‘’ But to my surprise Velvet said ‘’Not yet, Star, do you have something you wish to tell us first?‘’ I got confused and asked ‘’No, what should that be?‘’ ‘’About a vase, maybe?‘’ The sound of the vase, when it broke, came back to me and my heart dropped, Velvet then continued ‘’Well?‘’ ‘’I, um…‘’ I lowered my head ‘How did they know?! But it was over now’ and said ‘’I broke the white vase, with blue stripes.‘’ ‘’Why didn’t you tell us?‘’ ‘’I didn’t want to make a bad first impression.‘’ ‘’And lying to us, was a better first impression?‘’ ‘’No…‘’ I muttered, I knew they were mad, but they didn’t have to say it so I said  ‘’And you don’t have to say it, I’ll talk to Princess Celestia.‘’ ‘’About what?‘’ Velvet asked. I looked at them both and felt tiny ‘’That you don’t want me, but I’ll be sure to tell-‘’ Both then hugged me, as Night Light said ‘’Why would you think that sweetie?‘’ I felt tears as they started to come out and I said ‘’But I broke the vase, and lied, why would you want me?‘’ ‘’Oh sweetie, you made a mistake, yes, we were a bit surprised when we heard the vase and when you didn’t tell us and that you were going to the marketplace, instead of a small walk in our neighborhood, but we wanted to give you until dinner to tell the truth, but you didn’t. But we would never send you away just because of that. Little fillies make mistakes and as your parents we have a responsibility over you, one that will never go away. We’re sorry that you felt you couldn’t tell us, because you didn’t want to make a bad first impression.‘’ Velvet said. ‘’A-are you sure?‘’ I asked. Night Light then said with a warm smile ‘’Definitely, we had two ponies before you and your big brother have done worse.‘’ ‘’But I still think, a little punishment is called for.‘’ Velvet said, I swallowed as I was afraid on how I would react, Night Light nodded as Velvet continued ‘’So, instead of your bedtime at 8 pm, tonight it’s 7 pm.‘’ I looked at the clock, it was about 6 pm now and Velvet continued ‘’And no cookie tonight.‘’ But as I wondered why they had cookies in the first place, I remembered Twilight said it was passed through generations, so it made sense. The hug ended and as we walked into the living room where Velvet continued ‘’How much did it cost?‘’ ‘’It said forty bits on the sign, but I only have five bits left.‘’ ‘’How’s that possible?‘’ ‘’First I put thirty bits on the counter, then I got the last ten, but then there was only thirty-five bits on the counter and the pony said I tried to swindle her.‘’ ‘’Hmm… Sounds like she swindled you.‘’ She looked at Night Light and he nodded as she continued ‘’Well, since you paid for it, then you’ll get the vase to be on full display in your room.‘’ Night Light gave me a smile ‘’To remind you.‘’ He levitated the vase off the fireplace and walked up the stairs, towards my room. ‘’If you only had told us, then you would have saved 45 bits as we were planning on switching it out with another one anyway.‘’ Velvet said. When Night Light came back down he held something in his magic, my plush, he gave it to me and a box as he said ‘’Now with that out of the way, let's have a nice family evening, with hot cocoa, candy and a board game.‘’ I got a smile on my face, it had been a long time since that was the case in my world. As Night Light started the fireplace, Velvet made hot cocoa and I helped, to the best of my ability, to get the candy and when Velvet and I came back, Night Light had already made a spot for me to sit with my plush and I got on and family fun night began. A long time later, when I was winning this pony version of monopoly, but still called monopoly, Velvet said ‘’It’s 7:15, so it’s bedtime for you Star.‘’ As I remembered why it was so early, I lowered my head as I said ‘’Oh, yeah…‘’ But on a instant, I was lifted up onto Velvet’s back as she said ‘’Remember sweetie, it was only a mistake.‘’ We walked up to the bathroom and it looked way better than the bathroom in Ponyville. As I thought back on Ponyville, my eyes started to get warm, my throat began to hurt and as I blinked a few tears came down, I was immediately hugged by Velvet as she whispered softly ‘’You miss Twilight?‘’ I slowly nodded and Velvet said ‘’I’m sure she misses you too, but isn’t that why you have your little bunny?‘’ As she levitated my plush over to me, I hugged it, like I hugged Twilight and as I felt more relaxed, Velvet brushed my teeth. After Velvet had brushed my teeth, we walked into my room and as I lay my plush on the floor next to my display table as Velvet asked ‘’Don’t you want to sleep with her?‘’ ‘’No, I just need her close by.‘’ I said as I didn’t want to have it near me. Velvet smiled and got me in bed, pulled the covers up over me and tucked me in, but it wasn’t the same as when Twilight did it, but still felt nice. Velvet kissed me on the cheek as she hummed a melody, one I knew from when I sobbed on Twilight, it was really nice and slowly, soon I slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep. I woke up in my room as the faint moonlight came in, I looked to my door and saw that the lights outside my door were turned off. There was no sound that could have awakened me and I was still really tired, so I twisted and turned as I tried to get back to sleep. After some time I was still awake and as I just couldn’t go back to sleep, I grew annoyed, so I lay on my back and just stared into the ceiling, but nothing looked interesting. I turned and looked at my room, but when I saw it, I didn’t look elsewhere, that pink bunny plush, I really wanted to destroy it, but as I couldn’t sleep, I sat up on my butt, on my bed and just looked at the plush. I tilted my head and waited for it to do something, like it would be normal, but it didn’t move. As I thought about how much this plush meant to me and those times I woke up with it’s ear in my mouth, I looked at the floor, ‘Could it be that I can’t sleep without it, I was able to sleep before I got it, but then I had Twilight or I was a human, but could I need it now?’ I looked back up at the plush. I decided to test it and jumped down on the floor, walked over to my plush and picked it up, I looked into its eyes as Twilight’s voice asked me ‘’Does she have a name yet?‘’ ‘’No Twilight, only babies give their plushis names.‘’I remembered before I snapped myself out of it. I looked into the plush’s eyes and whispered ‘’Flurry?‘’ For some reason it just fitted the pink bunny plush and I took Flurry’s right ear with my mouth and walked back to my bed, threw her on my bed and jumped up myself. On my bed I got myself comfortable under the covers and hugged Flurry into my chest. After a few minutes, I still couldn’t sleep, even though I still was so tired. I lifted Flurry into the air and looked at her, I noticed her right ear and thought it could work, I licked my lips for the last time, opened my mouth and took the right ear in, I allowed my mouth too close to a comfortable position, I then hugged Flurry, liked I hugged Twilight and with all the love of it. Slowly I fell asleep, as I heard and felt it while I sucked the ear. > Day 16: To the castle: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up, still with the bunny ear in my mouth, as Velvet stroked my mane, she said ‘’Morning sweetie. Did you sleep well?‘’  I nodded, spat the ear out and a bit embarrassed I said ‘’Yeah…‘’ ‘’That’s good to hear, but I hope your ready for a big breakfast.‘’ I smiled and got up. As I got up, I looked at the display table next to my door, the white vase was there, I had forgotten it was in my room, but as Velvet must have seen me she asked ‘’Would you like some flowers in your new vase sweetie?‘’ ‘’Umm… What kind?‘’ ‘’Lavender, it’s a flower that helps you to sleep better at night.‘’ ‘’Oh, thanks.‘’ I smiled and we walked out of my room, with Flurry’s right ear in my mouth. We walked down to the dining room where Night Light had finished to set the table. As I ate Velvet asked ‘’Do you know what day it is?‘’ ‘’No…?‘’ I said confused. ‘’It’s Friday, so you’ll get twenty-five bits in allowance.‘’ Velvet said. I smiled, excited about the money, but as I thought back on yesterday, I felt that I deserved those bits and asked ‘’Are you sure? I mean, about yesterday.‘’ ‘’Sweetie, we told you, you made a mistake yesterday and you were sent to bed earlier for that. But today is a new day and the thing about yesterday, it’s in the past.‘’ Velvet said with a smile. Night Light continued as he sat his coffee down ‘’Your mom’s right you know.‘’ My heart skipped a beat as he continued ‘’It’s not healthy to judge yourself on your past, only to learn from it.‘’ ‘’Night Light, honey.‘’ Velvet said surprised, which caused Night Light to rethink. Before Night Light said anything, I said ‘’It’s okay, really.‘’ ‘’Still, I’m sorry sweetie.‘’ Night Light said, I gave him a small smile and continued to eat my breakfast. After breakfast I took Flurry and went back to my room as I needed to pack for the trip to the castle. As I packed, my mind went back to what Night Light said, when he referred Velvet as my mom but as I thought more about it ‘It wasn’t a lie, they had technically adopted me and I know that my parents couldn’t be replaced, but could these ponies share the title as my parents? As my mom and dad?’ A few knocks came and the voice of Velvet asked ‘’May I come in?‘’ ‘’Of course, come on in.‘’ I said. Velvet opened the door and entered, she walked over to me, sat down and said ‘’At breakfast, are you okay? After what happened.‘’ ‘’Of course I am, it only took me by surprise, nothing else.‘’ ‘’Alright, we just wanted to make sure you didn’t take it in a way, that we wanted you to call us mom and dad.‘’ ‘’Thanks, it’s nice to know that you’re seeing me as your daughter… Even though I’m not.‘’ ‘’Of course we see you as our daughter, but we also know that you’re going back to your real parents one day.‘’ ‘’Yeah. One day… Umm… What did Twilight say about me?‘’ ‘’Well… She said you were an adorable little filly, but you weren’t born in this world or as a pony. Also that the Princess’s are looking for a way for you to go home. Oh, almost forgot, she also told us that you weren’t a child, but guessed that you were a young adult.‘’ Velvet said. As I was told, memories came back from my old life and when she was done, I felt as tears came out and as I tried to suppress them, I said ‘’Well, I don’t know about adorable, but-‘’ Velvet took me into a hug as she said ‘’It’s okay, it’s okay.‘’ As I realized she tried to comfort me I said ‘’Thanks, but I’m okay, it’s just something that happens what I think back on my old… My past.‘’ ‘’Then I promise neither Night Light or I will bring it up.‘’ ‘’Thanks and I’m okay if you would rather want to refer to Night Light as dad and yourself as mom.‘’ ‘’Really? Are you sure?‘’ Velvet asked, I nodded with a small smile. Velvet smiled she said ‘’Well, I better go tell your dad then, be sure to be ready to go in an hour.‘’ ‘’I will.‘’ I said and Velvet left my room. As soon as the door closed, I heard as Velvet light skipped and giggled to herself, I couldn’t stop myself as I smiled and hoped that I had made the right choice. I returned to my Daring Do book after I had packed my bag and only needed Flurry and the letter I should give at the entrance. After many pages, a few knocks came and after Velvet asked if she could come in, I said ‘’Come in.‘’ She walked in and said ‘’Well, it’s soon time to go.‘’ ‘’Alright, I only need to pack the letter, this book and Flurry.‘’ ‘’Flurry?‘’ Velvet asked. I felt myself become warm as I nodded and said ‘’Yeah, I named her Flurry this night.‘’ ‘’It’s an adorable name.‘’ She looked at Flurry and as she was about to walk out again, she must had caught eyes on my dress and said ‘’Where did you get this dress from?‘’ ‘’Oh Rarity, Twily’s friend, gave it to me.‘’ ‘’It looks adorable… I bet you’ll look cute in it.‘’ ‘’Huh?‘’ ‘’You’re going to meet Princess Celestia, you need to be presentable and this dress will do the trick.‘’ ‘’Oh… I hadn’t thought about that, are you sure?‘’ ‘’I’m your mom, trust me.‘’ Velvet said with a smile. ‘’Alright then.‘’ I said before Velvet took me and my dress into their bedroom, which was definitely bigger than my bedroom and they had their own bathroom too, we walked inside their bathroom where Velvet had many feminine things, more things than I knew what was. First Velvet washed me with a sponge and dried me, before I got a little bit of perfume, just at my neck and between my front legs and as it tickled, I giggled a bit. She got me in the dress and brushed my mane. As Velvet brushed my mane, I was so relaxed that I almost fell asleep. I woke up again when Velvet was done and took me to a full length mirror and as I looked at myself, it wasn’t like when I did it in Rarity’s shop, but now my mane and tail was brushed. I loved it, I couldn’t believe what I saw. ‘’What do you think sweetie?‘’ Velvet asked. ‘’I love it.‘’ I answered with a huge grin on my face. Velvet giggled a bit before she said ‘’Perfect, let’s get you to your meeting with the Princess.‘’ I nodded and we went back to my room, where Velvet placed Flurry in my saddlebag and placed the letter on top of Flurry. After everything was triple checked by Velvet, she took my saddlebag with her magic and rested it on her back before we walked on our way downstairs. As we walked down and before Night Light saw me, he said ‘’I was wondering what kept you gals, we have to-‘’ I locked eyes with Night Light and he only repeated himself ‘’We have to…‘’ I smiled and as I was downstairs Night Light hugged me as he said ‘’Sweetie, you look adorable.‘’ ‘’Daaaad, you-‘’ I caught myself off ‘’I mean, you’re messing with my mane.‘’ I tried to correct myself, hoped they didn’t hear. ‘’Of course sweetie, sorry.‘’ He sat me down, but as I didn’t know what to say, I just stood there, before Night Light asked ‘’Dearest? Do you remember where the camera is?‘’ ‘’I do believe it’s in the living room.‘’ ‘’Perfect, this moment must be saved.‘’ He said as he walked into the living room and shortly after came back with an old fashioned, human, camera and held it in his magic and there were taken a few pictures of me, alone and with both ponies, only after we were on our way to the castle. As we entered the main road to the castle, the castle became bigger and bigger, I remembered that I never saw it up close before, not when I came the first time, not when I left or while I had been here in Canterlot, I only had a good view of the castle back in the house, but never had I seen it up close. We came closer and more and more guards in golden armor were either on patrol or on guard duty. We came closer to the entrance to the castle’s grounds and guards talked to ponies, at one of five choke points, just before the walls of the castle grounds, but most went away after a small talk. As it was my turn next the pony in front of us left, just like most of the other ponies who said something about, that they would wait till tomorrow, to do something. As it was now my turn, the guard asked ‘’Greetings, what is your intention to enter the castle grounds?‘’ ‘’Hi, I got a letter that I should give to you.‘’ ‘’Show me.‘’ I nodded and Velvet levitated the letter to me and I gave it to the guard, his eyes opened up in almost a shock, he quickly composed himself and said as he gave me the letter back ‘’Here you go miss., I will make sure that you get to your destination.‘’ ‘’Thank you sir.‘’ I said before I turned around and saw that Velvet came closer and we hugged goodbye. When Velvet pulled away, she narrowed her eyes on something on my face and used her hoof and cleaned my chin before she said ‘’Now you’re beautiful.‘’ ‘’Thanks.‘’ I said. I turned to Night Light, we hugged before he said ‘’Now remember that we’re coming here tomorrow to pick you up around 1 pm. Okay?‘’ I nodded and we all hugged. After the shared hug, I turned towards the guard, who waited patiently and as he levitated my saddlebag over, I said ‘’I’m ready.‘’ ‘’Follow me, miss. Sparkle.‘’ I looked back to Velvet and Night Light and waved goodbye before I turned back and followed the guard. We walked inside the castle and walked a bit before we came across a few ponies who were woar black and white french maid uniforms. One light gray unicorn mare with sea blue and light blue in her mane and tail, came over to the guard and I, as the guard said ‘’Ms. Dawn, this is miss. Sparkle, she has an audition with Princess Celestia and I need you to get her a room in wing five and be there if she need anything.‘’ She bowed to me and said ‘’Of course, follow me miss. Sparkle.‘’ ‘’You lead the way.‘’ I said and she levitated my saddlebag, as I walked after her. After a while the sound of nothing got to me and I asked ‘’So, ms. Dawn, do you have a first name?‘’ ‘’Yes, my full name is Selena Dawn, but please, call me ms. Dawn.‘’ ‘’It’s nice to meet you ms. Dawn, I’m Star Sparkle.‘’ ‘’It’s nice to meet you too miss. Sparkle.‘’ ‘’So how long have you been working here?‘’ ‘’For about twenty-five years, so you could say I know my way around. Is it your first time in the castle?‘’ I hesitated ‘’... Yes, it’s weird being here.‘’ I maybe shouldn’t say I had been here before. Hallways came and went until we were at a corridor and the sign said ‘Level 5: Residents 2.’ As I asked ‘’Do other ponies live here as well?‘’ ‘’No, this whole corridor is at the moment, empty.‘’ ‘’Is there a difference between residents one and two?‘’ ‘’The biggest difference would be that residents one, they all go to Princess Celestia’s School For Gifted Unicorns and as their parents don’t live in Canterlot they chose to live here.‘’ We came to my door and as ms. Dawn opened the door she said ‘’But mainly residents 2, they have much bigger rooms and don’t necessarily got to the school.‘’ It wasn't as big as my room on level 9, but I still had a balcony, my own bathroom, a big bed with some canopy at the top and what looked to be very soft pillows on the bed. As I looked around ms. Dawn placed my saddlebag next to my bed and said ‘’I’ll wait outside until you’re ready to go and see the Princess.‘’ I nodded and after she left my room I went to my saddlebag and emptied it’s content onto the floor, placed Flurry back in the saddlebag and with that done I called ‘’Ms. Dawn!‘’ She opened the door and came in ‘’Yes miss. Sparkle? Is something not to your liking?‘’ ‘’Oh no, I’m ready to go now, I just need my saddlebag with me.‘’ ‘’Of course, but before we go I have this for you,‘’ A small golden bell came and she levitated it over to me, I took it as she continued ‘’Whenever you will need me just ring the bell and I, or somepony else, will come.‘’ ‘’Thanks, do I need to use magic?‘’ ‘’No, you only need to want me to come and then shake it.‘’ ‘’I can do that.‘’ She smiled ‘’Very good, come with me.‘’ She levitated my saddlebag and we walked out my door, she closed it and continued ‘’Please, place your hoof on the door knob.‘’ I did and a blue glow came on my hoof and the door knob. When it disappeared ms. Dawn said ‘’There we go, now you just need to wanting to lock the door while you hold the door knob.‘’ I focused on wanting to lock the door and after a few seconds I took a step back, ms. Dawn came over and tried to open it, she couldn’t and with that over, I followed ms. Dawn. We didn’t walk for long before we came to a huge double door where ms. Dawn gave me my saddlebag and said ‘’Wait here.‘’ I nodded before she walked inside and closed the door. Out in the hallway, I practiced on my bow, the first time I again landed on my face, but the second time I didn’t and it felt more natural. After a short time ms. Dawn came back out and said ‘’Princess Celestia is ready to see you now miss. Sparkle.‘’ ‘’Thank you ms. Dawn.‘’ I took my saddlebag in my mouth and walked through the open door and was in a hallway that led to the right and one that led to the left. The one on my right was night themed and the one on my left was day themed, as I believed Celestia was the one on my left I walked towards her room. As I came closer I saw a clear sun symbol on the golden double door. > Princess Celestia: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the door I knocked and the calm voice of Princess Celestia spoke ‘’Come in.‘’ The door opened with a familiar golden glow and inside the Princess rested on a couch, with a thin table between her and another couch. The room itself was in some ways humble, barely anything was golden, but they were their optimal condition, there was a fireplace and some book shelves with books and other things she must have inherit from her ancestors, it was very different from the throne room, it had more similarities to Velvet and Night Light’s house than anyplace I had seen in Canterlot so far. I bowed to Princess Celestia, but to my surprise the Princess said ‘’Please Star, there is no need for those formalities.‘’ ‘’Oh, um… Okay.‘’ I said, a little unsure on how to start a conversation with the Princess and as I looked at her, she didn’t have her crown on, neither that or the other things she wore the last time I was here. As I looked Princess Celestia said ‘’Make yourself comfortable, I do believe we have a lot to talk about.‘’ I nodded and walked over to the other couch, I jumped on it and Princess Celestia said ‘’Tell me, how are things in Ponyville?‘’ ‘’In Ponyville?... I guess it’s going great, way better than I expected. And those times I push my memories of my past away, then it was more natural for me to either have fun or just relax. Although, there are still bad times.‘’ ‘’Can I assume that one of those, bad times, was when you got your magical burst?‘’ ‘’Yes and also the reason why I got the magical burst.‘’ ‘’Yes, I was curious to what set it off.‘’ ‘’Earlier that day, I was at Fluttershy’s and a huge bear roared into my face and I got more scared than I would like… It was only later that day and my thoughts came back to those fears, then the magical burst happened.‘’ ‘’What have Twilight told you about it?‘’ ‘’That our magic is tied to our emotions and when we don’t have practice, then our magic can control us.‘’ ‘’Very true. That also reminds me, you told me about the spells you did.‘’ ‘’Yes?‘’ ‘’From what you had written and what I felt that day, I don’t think you did an ageing spell on Spike or Alicorn transformation spells on yourself and your friends.‘’ ‘’Even though I made them into Alicorns and Spike grew older.‘’ ‘’Yes, it might have looked like those spells. But what you did was that you gave them all much of your own magic. You see, Earth ponies, pegasus and unicorns have on average the same amount of magical potential, but can’t use it the same way, while Alicorns and dragons have much more magic inside.‘’ ‘’Oh… Wait, does that mean I have the power of eight Alicorns inside of me?‘’ ‘’No, not necessarily. But you're gifted, but what your potential is, that is for you to find with much study and practice.‘’ ‘’Well, I guess I’m going the right way, as I have learned a little bit magic so far.‘’ ‘’Oh, what kinds of spells?‘’ ‘’I can make a light on my horn and levitate something light, like a quill.‘’ ‘’Then I guess you did hold your promise.‘’ The Princess said, I gave a small smile as I remembered I said that to her, before I went to Ponyville. After a short time Princess Celestia asked ‘’But how’s your back, after that tree branch hit you?‘’ ‘’It was all better the day after.‘’ ‘’That’s good to hear. You also mentioned in the book, the doctor said he believed you had never been hurt in your entire life.‘’ ‘’Yes, which I know is a lie.‘’ ‘’No doubt, but I do believe it was the first time since you got your new body.‘’ ‘’Oh, yeah… Maybe, but that was the last thing on my mind.‘’ ‘’I understand.‘’ The Princess paused as she looked to find a way to word her next question ‘’I didn’t feel it was right time to ask you, the last time we saw each other, but I do hope that you’ll give me an insight, to why you think you survived and why you became a young filly.‘’ ‘’I’m not sure why I survived, maybe because I wanted to, but I don’t think that’s the reason, so I don’t know, sorry.‘’ I answered a bit clumsy. ‘’That’s okay, what about the body you got?‘’ ‘’Well, I don’t know why I became a child…‘’ I didn’t knew if I should let her know, was it even embarrassing anymore, I mean, I wasn’t my old self now and I wore a dress after all, so I said ‘’I think that I know why I became a female.‘’ ‘’Oh, you do?‘’ ‘’It’s a bit embarrassing.‘’ ‘’What we talk about here, will not be spoken by me to others.‘’ I sighed ‘’Back in my world and for many years, I had felt I was born as the wrong gender.‘’ ‘’I see, but there’s nothing to feel ashamed about and if you were, wouldn't you also be ashamed of being yourself and seeing you now in a very beautiful dress, I believe you’re connecting with your inner filly.‘’ The princess said as she gave me a smile. ‘’I guess, but still, being oneself is difficult back in my world, at least for me it was. But do you think that’s why I became a female?‘’ ‘’It’s possible that the spell saw your desire and made the body according to that. That just leaves the child part left.‘’ ‘’That, I don’t know.‘’ I said, but thought ‘Maybe because I like it?’ But decided not to say anything. We sat for a short while before Princess Celestia said ‘’I don’t think we’ll find out why you became a child today, but we can discuss those incidents, where you lost control and acted like a younger filly.‘’ ‘’Oh, those.‘’ I became embarrassed as I thought back on them ‘’Maybe that would be for the best.‘’ ‘’I’m glad. Do you maybe have more insight into why you began to act like a foal that day you didn’t want to eat broccoli?‘’ ‘’I still don’t know why, but I just wanted the cookies, without eating the broccoli.‘’ ‘’I see, does it sound like something you would have done before the spell?‘’ ‘’Well, I never really like broccoli, but I have not behaved like I did that day since, well, since I can’t even remember when.‘’ ‘’Though it might be something a foal would maybe be in favor off, getting the sweats without the vegetables.‘’ ‘’What do you mean, Princess?‘’ ‘’I’m not sure, maybe when you’re in favor of it, you’ll begin to act like a foal. Have there been other times it happened?‘’ ‘’Let me think… Well, Twilight have said that when I had fallen asleep I would always find something to hug or suck on, so she gave me a pink bunny plush, whom I have in my saddlebag, but ever since I got her, I have always woken up with her right ear in my mouth.‘’ ‘’I see… May I see her?‘’ I nodded and opened my saddlebag before Princess Celestia levitated Flurry over to her and closed her eyes. The Princess sat still for a few seconds before she opened her eyes, levitated Flurry back to me and said ‘’I don’t sense a magical connection between you and her, so it’s you who care for her.‘’ I looked down, as I remembered back to the parasprite infestation ‘’Don’t feel ashamed of liking her, many older ponies still hold onto their plushies.‘’ ‘’Oh no, it not that, it’s.‘’ I sighed ‘’It’s when a swarm of parasprites invaded Ponyville, they ate everything from buildings to books-‘’ Then I remembered, that was the day Princess Celestia was meant to visit Ponyville. I looked at her and saw she looked calm, as she repeated ‘’An infestation you say.‘’ ‘’Um…‘’ ‘’I hope Ponyville is alright again.‘’ ‘’I knew you knew about it?‘’ ‘’I am the Princess of Equestria, so yes I knew from the moment I saw the parasprites and the state of Ponyville, hence the landing outside of Ponyville. But you were saying, about the parasprites.‘’ ‘’Um… Oh, yes. One decided that it wanted to eat Flurry and I lost it. I was about to, to kill it… But when I looked into its eyes, they were full of fear and I broke down, I released it and held Flurry as I just cried.‘’ ‘’Oh, I’m sorry for what happened Star.‘’ As her horn glowed golden, I became weightless and Flurry and I levitated over to her. She hugged us with her hoof and wing, but when her wing touched me, my vision became blurry, it wasn’t cold or warm, it was the perfect temperature and it was soft, a feather felt as soft as a weightless pillow, it was truly something else. After some time there was a few knocks and I pulled a bit away from the Princess as she said ‘’Yes?‘’ ‘’It’s ms. Dawn your highness, I have what you asked for.‘’ ‘’You may enter.‘’ The door opened and ms. Dawn entered with a silver tray with a lid on, a very familiar sight, she sat it down on the small coffee table, bowed and asked ‘’Is there anything else I can do for you, your highness?‘’ ‘’That will be all, but I do believe that after dinner, Star would like to be escorted around the castle.‘’ ‘’Of course, your highness.‘’ She stood up, walked out the room and closed the door. Then it hit me, I had never seen anyone react to the Princess, besides Twilight. My thoughts were interrupted when Princess Celestia took the lid of the tray and revealed a cake with pink frosting, two plates, two empty cups and a teapot, as Princess Celestia said ‘’I hope you have an appetite, I can highly recommend the cake.‘’ ‘’Thanks, umm… Do you want me to go back to the other couch?‘’ ‘’You’ll decide, but you’re welcome to stay.‘’ ‘’Then I’ll stay.‘’ I said, but was unable to stop myself as I smiled. Princess Celestia smiled and poured the tea into the cups and got two pieces of cake on the plates, as her magic worked she said ‘’Now, have there been other times when you did something that you believe was the fault of the spell?‘’ ‘’Actually, yesterday as I was practicing my magic, I wanted to levitate a vase but I lost control and broke it, I feared Velvet and Night Light would be mad at me, but I remembered I saw it in the Canterlot marketplace and I went to buy it before they found out, or so I thought, apparently they heard the vase break and hoped I would tell the truth, but I didn’t, I knew I should have, but, I don’t know.‘’ ‘’Hmm… Difficult to say how much the spell was influencing you. How did they take it?‘’ ‘’They aren’t mad at me, telling me that they would never be mad at me for something so small and as my… Parents, they have to raise me…‘’ ‘’I see… How do you feel about the fact that they adopted you?‘’ ‘’It’s okay, it’s just a bit weird I guess, but I know they aren’t trying to replace my human parents and besides I a… Was an adult.‘’ ‘’Just remember, we can all always learn something more, no matter how old we get, not even after a thousand years can we learn everything we should.‘’ ‘’I guess you’re right. I just remembered, there was also another thing that happened last night.‘’ ‘’Yes?‘’ ‘’Last night I decided to sleep without Flurry, but woke up during the night because I didn’t have her, after I had gotten her and was back in bed, I still couldn’t sleep, so I took Flurry’s right ear in my mouth and I could finally fall asleep… Princess Celestia, is it a flaw in the spell, that is making me do this.‘’ I asked, she levitated a cup of tea over to me and was quiet for a moment. As I drank my tea and ate a bit of the delicious chocolate cake with little pieces of chocolate in it. Only when I was about done with my tea Princess Celestia said ‘’I believe so and of what you have told me and what my magic can tell me, if I try to alter your behavior to what you want, we could risk you losing your memories or worse, erasing them all together.‘’ I got a little bit disappointed, as when Twilight told me that the Princess would know what to do, I believed her, Princess Celestia then continued ‘’Do not despair, as I do believe you may have found a way, without magic. If you can’t sleep without Flurry, then I would recommend you’ll sleep with her and care for her, day and night.‘’ ‘’But, I… You’re right.‘’ I looked at Flurry ‘’The more I resist her, the more I need her.‘’ I hugged her and as the Princess’s wing came over me she pulled me in, while she levitated my teacup and plate. As we sat there Princess Celestia said ‘’Do let me know if it become worse, then I’ll look into it.‘’ I nodded and silence fell upon the room. After a while Princess Celestia said ‘’You said before you bought a vase here in Canterlot. Did you get any change?‘’ ‘’No, I didn’t?‘’ ‘’That’s good, some might use fake bits.‘’ ‘’Fake money? You have that here in Equestria?‘’ ‘’Yes unfortunately, Would you then like to learn how to spot real from fake?‘’ ‘’Yes, thank you Princess.‘’ I said with a smile. Princess Celestia smiled and levitated ten coins over to us from a shelf, she placed nine of them on the coffee table and levitated only one over, she placed in on her hoof and said ‘’Since you have learned how to levitate, then this should be easy.‘’ ‘’Alright, what do I do?‘’ ‘’Focus your magic, like you want to levitate the coin, but only feel it.‘’ I nodded and closed my eyes, calmly my emotions flew through me and I felt my magic and focused on the coin. I felt the coin as Princess Celestia said ‘’Good, can you feel it.‘’ I opened my eyes and saw a beautiful pink glow and muttered ‘’Ye-yeah, it’s still very hyp-no-‘’ Princess Celestia wing came between me and the coin and I shook my head in confusion ‘’Sorry Princess.‘’ ‘’It’s okay. Those things happen. Let’s try now, without you looking at the coin.‘’ I nodded and took one last look at the coin and closed my eyes and felt my magic and now the coin as Princess Celestia asked ‘’Do you feel the coin?‘’ ‘’Yes.‘’ ‘’How does it feel?‘’ ‘’I- I don’t know how to describe it.‘’ ‘’Let it go and open your eyes.‘’ I did so and a golden flash later, there were two coins in Princess Celestia magic, she smiled and said ‘’Try and feel this one.‘’ As she levitated it over to me, I closed my eyes and felt the coin ‘’It’s, the same.‘’ ‘’Very good, now try the other one.‘’ I opened my eyes and looked at the other coin, as I closed my eyes, my magic came to me and I felt the coin, it was rough, maybe like a cactus, with spikes and said ‘’It feels wrong, it’s rough, with spikes.‘’ ‘’Very good, now try the first one again.‘’ I opened my eyes, looked at the first coin, closed my eyes again and felt the coin, it wasn’t long before I felt the difference, this one was smooth, very smooth and said ‘’It’s very smooth.‘’ ‘’Perfect, now let it go and open your eyes.‘’ I did and Princess Celestia continued ‘’The one you felt as smooth, that was the coin, that’s in use in Equestria. The rough one was a copy of a real coin.‘’ ‘’Can’t you make a coin that’s, well, smooth?‘’ ‘’I can? Yes. But the spell is not one that’s easy to make, even the most powerful pony can’t make a replica without the spell.‘’ ‘’How come?‘’ ‘’The spell was made eight-hundred years ago and have been improved each time a flaw was found.‘’ ‘’So the spell is not only one spell but multiple?‘’ ‘’Yes and if my memories serves me correct, I do believe it’s fifty-one spells.‘’ ‘’Wow, that’s quite a few spells.‘’ ‘’Hehe, just a couple-‘’ The Princess was interrupted as her horn glowed and a golden mist came and was made into a scroll, the Princess levitated it in her magic as she said ‘’Must be from Twilight.‘’ ‘’Is that um… That friendship letter?‘’ ‘’I believe so, let’s see what she’ve learned.‘’ I nodded and Princess Celestia read ‘’Dearest Princess Celestia. I am happy to report that one of your youngest subjects has learned a valuable lesson about friendship. Sometimes, the thing you think will cause you to lose friends and feel left out, can actually be the thing that helps you make your closet friends and make you realize just how special you are. Your faithful student Twilight Sparkle.‘’ ‘’So that’s a friendship letter?‘’ ‘’It is, have Twilight not told you?‘’ ‘’Oh, she told me. But for me it’s still, new world, new rules.‘’ The Princess chuckled at that before she took another sip of her tea and it looked like she was in deep thought before she asked ‘’Have Twilight also told you about a certain event, one that’s coming in a few months?‘’ ‘’Not from what I can remember? What is it?‘’ ‘’An event here in Canterlot, called the Grand Galloping Gala.‘’ ‘’She hasn’t, what is it?‘’ ‘’It’s a celebration of when the Canterlot castle was made and every year there is a gala to celebrate.‘’ ‘’Oh, sound umm… Fancy.‘’ ‘’I can be, but the reason why I brought it up, was that every year, I do a small firework to start the gala, but some years I have know a talented unicorn, who would then start the gala with me.‘’ ‘’Is Twilight doing that this year?‘’ ‘’She’s not, she’s however invited, as well as Spike and all their friends. I was however hoping that you would wish to be the unicorn, who would start the gala with me.‘’ ‘’Me…? A-are you sure?‘’ ‘’I am. It will however mean that you’ll need to practice and also attend the gala.‘’ I was speechless, I didn’t know what to say, how long time did I have, what would I need to learn, but while I sat with the thoughts didn’t help so I asked ‘’How long time do I have to learn the fireworks?‘’ ‘’About two months, but I’m sure you’ll learn it before then. But I should warn you, many who’ll attend will somehow find out you’ll start the gala with me.‘’ ‘’I understand, but if they come to the gala, then they can’t be bad ponies.‘’ ‘’True, but some might have young colts, who would maybe come as well.‘’ ‘’So, in other words, I would get ponies who would want to impress me? And get close to me?‘’ ‘’To put it mildly, yes.‘’ ‘’Well, the gala could be fun. So I accept, it will be my honor to start the gala with you, Princess.‘’ ‘’Very good.‘’ The Princess levitated a book from the shelf over to us and said ‘’First you’ll need an understanding of the spell, so your homework for your next visit is to have read this book.‘’ The book went in my saddlebag as Princess Celestia said ‘’It’s time for dinner soon, but I think we have time for a quick magic lesson.‘’ ‘’What do you have in mind Princess?‘’ ‘’First something that’ll help me to make a portal for you, else I would like to see your progress on your levitation, maybe we’ll get you to a point, where you’ll be able to write for yourself.‘’ ‘’Oh yeah, umm… When um… The portal, ready?‘’ ‘’Difficult so say, it’s quite complicated, but I need your help to make the portal.‘’ ‘’What can I do?‘’ A clear crystal came from a shelf and levitated towards us, the Princess levitated it over to me and said ‘’Focus on the crystal, feel it.‘’ I closed my eyes and felt my emotions grab the crystal as the Princess said ‘’Good, while you focus try to remember your world, it might tickle a bit.‘’ I nodded and as I focused on the crystal, I remembered back, on the good days, but also on the bad days, as I began to focus more on my memories the Princess said ‘’Focus, you’re almost there.‘’ I got my focus back on the crystal as I remembered. Such a nice day for a drive, I took my 458 keys, unlocked the car, sat in, got the roof down, started the V8 and drove. Maybe an hour passed by, before I was driving behind a tractor ‘Screw this.’ I looked and no other cars, so I shifted down to first and overtook, only for everything to go black. ‘’Star!‘’ Princess Celestia yelled. I opened my eyes and felt it as she shook me ‘’I’m fine, I’m fine.‘’ ‘’What happened? All of a sudden you didn’t answer me.‘’ ‘’I guess I got to deep into my past.‘’ I said as I felt tears, as they ran down my face, the Princess sat me down on the couch and I hugged Flurry. After a few moments Princess Celestia softly asked ‘’Do you feel better now?‘’ ‘’Yeah, it’s also a thing that happens when I think back on… You know.‘’ She got her wing behind me as she said ‘’I do. But don’t worry, you filled the crystal.‘’ While she levitated the crystal down to me, it had a pink line of light inside of it, one that felt very familiar as I asked ‘’Do you have what you need?‘’ ‘’Yes, but it’ll still take time. But I’ll let you know, if I make any progress.‘’ I nodded, and she levitated a cup of tea over to me and smiled as she took her own cup. After I had sipped the last sip of my tea there was a knock on the door and Princess Celestia answered ‘’Yes?‘’ The door opened and a pony I didn’t recognized bowed and said ‘’Dinner is soon to be served, your highness.‘’ ‘’Thank you.‘’ The pony stood up, left the room and closed the door after her, where Princess Celestia said ‘’Let us go Star.‘’ I nodded and she continued ‘’But first let’s get Flurry and your saddlebag back to your room. Unless you wish for Flurry to go with you.‘’ ‘’No, it’s okay.‘’ The Princess nodded and got Flurry into my saddlebag and placed it on her back before we left her room. After our little detour to my room, we arrived in a tall, grand, yet humble dining room, a table not fit for more than eight ponies, but only three cushions were there, one of which were raised a bit and next to one of the cushions, the third cushion was a little bit further away and where I would suspect the third pony would sit. > Princess Luna: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After Princess Celestia had placed me on my elevated cushion, she sat down next to me and the door opened with a bang as Princess Luna walked in as she announced ‘’Behold! The Princess of the night has arrived!‘’ ‘’Good evening sister, have you slept well?‘’ ‘’Indeed we have.‘’ Princess Luna locked eyes with me and said ‘’Our sister told us thou would be dining with us, so du tell if thou aren't satisfied with thou food.‘’ ‘’I will, thanks.‘’ We gave each other a smile before she sat down on her cushion. As our dinner came, I only thought of how different the two Princesses were, where Princess Celestia was calm and quiet as she spoke. Princess Luna was, well, loud. But I’ve just met her, or maybe I had met her my dream before, or maybe that was just my mind. I got my soup, the same as the Princesses and it smelled delicious, I took my spoon and Luna yelled so loud she could have undermined thunder ‘’Thou have served us cold soup!‘’ Princess Celestia’s wing came over me as my ears pressed into my head, as it didn’t worked I used my hooves and Princess Luna bowl was crushed as she stomped her hooves on the table, shook everything which was on the table and continued in the same voice ‘’We demand for another soup to be delivered or the dungeon is-‘’ ‘’Sister, Luna. Please.‘’ In a normal tone Princess Luna said ‘’Yes dearest sister?‘’ ‘’You don’t need to use the royal Canterlot voice. And nopony will go to the dungeons because of a cold soup. Ask calmly.‘’ I got out of the Princess’s wing and opened my ear again, not really sure on what just happened, other than a royal canterlot voice and a cold soup, I locked eyes with Princess Luna who widened her eyes as I must looked a bit scared, as Princess Luna said ‘’We apologize, please maid, may we have another soup, warm this time.‘’ Princess Celestia nodded and a maid came over and cleaned up after Princess Luna‘s mess. Dinner continued where Princess Luna got her soup, of which she was satisfied with and Princess Celestia told her sister that I had accepted to open the grand galloping gala with her. After dinner I asked ‘’Is it okay if I go back to my room now, I’m a bit exhausted.‘’ ‘’Of course Star.‘’ Princess Celestia said before she spoke calmly ‘’Ms. Dawn?‘’ The door opened and ms. Dawn came in, bowed and said ‘’You asked for me your highness.‘’ ‘’I did. Star?‘’ Princess Celestia said. ‘’Yes, I wish to go to my room now.‘’ I said. ‘’As you wish, follow me.‘’ ‘’Thank you for the dinner Princesses. It was delicious.‘’ ‘’I’ll make sure the chef knows.‘’ Princess Celestia said, I nodded and followed Ms. Dawn back to my room. It was nice as I was back in my room, a bit of peace and quiet. I took my saddlebag and got the book Princess Celestia gave me and looked it though and as she said, it was on how to make a simple firework and how I could make it move like I wanted to before it blew up like a normal circle firework, like in the my world. It looked to be a complicated spell, but if Princess Celestia believed in me, then I would try my best, so I opened my book and read. Quite a while later I noticed that my room got darker and as I looked out I saw that the sun as it came down over the horizon. I closed my book, memorized that I was on page four and went out onto my balcony as I wanted to see the nice orange sunset that stood still on the horizon ‘New world, new rules.’ I thought as I remembered that Princess Celestia moved the sun across the sky and Princess Luna did the same with the moon. As I lay, a voice of thunder came and I jumped high into the air ‘’Star Sparkle! we wish an audience with thou!‘’ It was definitely Princess Luna who hammered the door and used that voice, I had no idea if I should open the door, was she mad at me and then I remembered my dream, ‘What if that was actually this Princess Luna?’ My heart pounded faster and faster ‘Was I in trouble?’ Tears fell down before I called with a crack ‘’I’m sorry for what I thought!‘’ ‘’What?! Why would thou say that?‘’ ‘’You’re yelling at me!‘’ Tears fell out as I never liked when others were mad at me. A moment of silence came before Princess Luna said ‘’Oh, we apologize. May we enter?‘’ ‘Maybe I’m not in trouble, was the dream Luna, this Princess Luna or am I remembering wrong?’ I hesitated, but wiped my tears away and said ‘’... Yes.‘’ The door opened and Princess Luna walked in, closed the door and sat down ‘’We truly apologize, we have um… been away for some time, and much have changed in our absence.‘’ ‘’Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t knew.‘’ ‘’We thank thee for thou apology, that was however not why we came, we were hoping thou would like to see the moon to be raised by the Princess of the night.‘’ ‘’Really? Thank you Princess Luna.‘’ I said with a smile. Her wings spread out as she got on her hind legs as she yelled ‘’We told thou! Call! Us! Luna!‘’ The shockwave pushed me back and as I was afraid, I might have said something wrong again, I ran as fast as I could behind my bed and pulled my bed sheets over me and hid. As I tried to hold back my tears, I heard two metal shoes hit the ground, as Princess Luna said ‘’Oh… Star? Sta-ar?‘’ As her hoofs steps came closer and closer, my tears fell faster and when a dark blue aura took the bed sheets off me, the Princess said ‘’We found thee, but our moon is soon to rise, so we must-‘’ We locked eyes and she took me in for an embrace, one so tight I felt my spine was about to break and uttered ‘’You’re… Hurting…‘’ But squeaked ‘’Meeeee.‘’ She sat me down before she said ‘’We apologize, again. The royal Canterlot voice is one of tradition and an habit, though it is one our sister does not use anymore, but thou does not need to cry nor fear us.‘’ ‘’Sorry prince-‘’ She raised her left eyebrow and I corrected myself ‘’Sorry again, Luna, it’s these stupid child emotions, I can’t always control them.‘’ I said, I didn’t need to say that I had always been like this. ‘’Have thou talked with our sister about these, emotions thou cannot seem to control?‘’ ‘’Yes, earlier today. But, according to Princess Celestia, if she tried to force them with magic that could risk me losing my memories.‘’ ‘’Huh, we see, then that would be that. Though, if thou wishes, we will see ourselves out.‘’ ‘’No. But if you use the voice again, I might cry again.‘’ ‘’We will try not to.‘’ As I remembered why Luna was here I asked ‘’But umm? When should the moon go up?‘’ Luna’s eyes widened and a dark blue aura surrounded my entire body and Luna went for the glass door with me in her magic. Out on the balcony, the sun was finally lowered beyond the horizon and as Luna’s horn glowed the moon came up from over the horizon, into the now, night sky. Stars were as far as the eye could see, a few shooting stars flew over us and in all that wonder, I felt my mouth as it hung open. I closed it and noticed Luna, as she looked at me with a truly warm smile before she asked ‘’Does thou like it?‘’ I nodded, smiled as I said ‘’It’s beautiful, I mean, I have seen the night sky before today, here in Equestria, but this it’s definitely the most beautiful one.‘’ ‘’Do excuse our curiosity, though we would love to hear how thou world’s night is like.‘’ ‘’Oh, the human world, well… I guess in some parts of my world there’s a similar looking night sky. But this, this is the most beautiful night sky, I’ve seen in my entire life.‘’ ‘’We’re pleased to hear that, but it would seem thou body requires rest.‘’ ‘’Huh, I’m aaaaa-‘’ My yawn interrupted me. Luna took my up on her back and said ‘’Let us get thou to bed, although our sister have told us, that thou would require assistance to maintain thou dental work.‘’ ‘’Oh, yeah, I forgot.‘’ Luna just smiled and we walked into the bathroom. After a rough brushing of my teeth Luna brought me back into my room and I went for my saddlebag and took out Flurry and bit her right ear, but as I walked over to my bed, Luna asked ‘’Is this stuffed bunny thou plush?‘’ I nodded, still ashamed of it, but before I could say anything, Luna took me up and place me on the bed, where I released the ear and only hugged Flurry, but Luna’s aura took Flurry’s ear and placed it back in my mouth and said ‘’Thou shall sleep now, as our work is to begin.‘’ I yawned before I said ‘’Okay, goodnight Luna.‘’ I yawned again and slowly closed my eyes and I slowly fell asleep, with Flurry’s ear in my mouth. > Day 17: Luna time: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up with the bunny ear in my mouth as there came a few knocks on my door and what sounded like Ms. Dawn as she said ‘’Miss. Star Sparkle? Are you awake?‘’ I yawned, released the ear, but still held Flurry and said ‘’Yeah, I’m awake now.‘’ ‘’Princess Celestia and Princess Luna wishes for you to join them for breakfast.‘’ ‘’I’ll be out in a minute.‘’ I said as I got out of my bed and went to the bathroom, I brushed my mane, tail and coat, did my business on the toilet and walked to the door, as I left Flurry on the floor. As I got to the door, I looked back at Flurry, she laid on her stomach and face on the floor, it looked to be uncomfortable. I looked at the floor for a moment and thought about what Princess Celestia said yesterday, that I should care for the, that I should care for Flurry, I looked at Flurry and walked over to her, got her up on my bed, took the covers over her body and kissed her on the nose. But as I walked to the door and even though I remembered who I was, I couldn’t deny it and in some ways, I loved Flurry. I took my saddlebag with the small bell in and walked to the door, opened it and followed Ms. Dawn. On the way, I noticed a few views out of some of the windows, they looked familiar and after a few minutes we arrived at a set of two doors that I recognized. Beyond the door sat Princess Celestia and Luna at a table with some pancakes, strawberries, blueberries and whip cream. I got inside and Ms. Dawn went out again, as she closed the door I bowed and said ‘’Good morning Princesses.‘’ As I stood up Princess Celestia said ‘’Good morning Star, but please, there’s no need for those formalities.‘’ Before Luna spoke up, thankfully with her normal voice ‘’And did we not tell thee to call us Luna?‘’ As I walked over to them I looked at Luna and said ‘’Sorry,‘’ Before I looked at them both ‘’I thought it was the polite thing to do, is it not?‘’ ‘’Yes, it is a sign of respect here as well, as our subjects bow when we enter a room or an event. But you’re our guest and therefore does not need to bow.‘’ I nodded, but felt they treated me differently from others and Luna spoke ‘’And friends does not bow to one another and are we not thou friend?‘’ ‘’We are.‘’ I said as I felt Luna treated me the same as she did to Princess Celestia. At my seat I was lifted up to my pancakes with strawberries, blueberries and whip cream, I ate and it was delicious. As I ate, I thought about yesterday and I knew Apple Bloom, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon would like to hear about my trip to Canterlot, should I tell them that I met the Princesses and talked to them in private. As I thought Princess Celestia asked ‘’What do you think Star?‘’ I looked at Luna, then Princess Celestia, then Luna, then Princess Celestia as I said ‘’Huh? So-sorry. Yes?‘’ ‘’It’s okay, I was just asking you, what you thought about your breakfast, but it would appear you were in deep thoughts.‘’ ‘’Oh, it’s delicious.‘’ ‘’I’m glad you approve. But what’s on your mind?‘’ ‘’Well, I was just wondering if meeting you and Luna was a normal thing to do, or if it’s because I’m… Who I was.‘’ ‘’I guess this is the best time as any to tell you. Getting a private session like we had yesterday, that’s a very rare exception. Even when Twilight, my prized pupil, lived here she only had maybe two hours tops of private lessons per week. So to answer your question. You’re the exception to the rule.‘’ ‘’Huh, I see… So I shouldn't tell any others that I was here?‘’ ‘’Hmm… Difficult to say, But know if you do, many in the Canterlot elite would see you very differently. A young filly who have ties to the Princesses, you could get more attention than you could be comfortable with.‘’ ‘’In that case, maybe it’s for the best I don’t tell anyone else.‘’ I said as Princess Celestia smiled, but as I thought more about it, not because I could have been seen, but if I would be here for the Grand Galloping Gala, I would start the fireworks with her so I asked ‘’What about the Grand Galloping Gala, Princess?‘’ ‘’Yes… At the gala ponies would figure out that you have ties to, at least me. Hmm… But if you wish, I’ll take back my offer and you don’t have to start the gala with me.‘’ Princess Celestia said. I wasn’t sure what to response, but I quickly felt that I didn’t care about what the Canterlot elite thought about me and if it was dangerous, then Princess Celestia wouldn’t have offered it to me and with a smile I happily said ‘’How else am I supposed to learn magic?‘’ Princess Celestia smiled and said ‘’Very well, but for the time being, let’s keep this to ourselves.‘’ Princess Celestia looked at Luna who asked ‘’What, why does thee look at us with those eyes of yours?‘’ ‘’Just making sure you agree, little sister.‘’ Princess Celestia said with a smile before we returned to our breakfast. As I was one my third pancake, Princess Celestia said ‘’I have to go to court soon, but before I go, Twilight informed me about your back and what ponies at the Ponyville spa have told you, so when you get back to Ponyville, I would advise you to go with Twilight to the hospital and if they see the same, you would be able to save some bits on further treatment.‘’ ‘’I will, have fun at court?‘’ She only giggled before she said ‘’Thank you Star, until next time.‘’ Princess Celestia waked to the door and out, as she closed it after her, it left Luna and I alone. As Luna and I finished our breakfast she asked ‘’At what hour would thou take their leave?‘’ ‘’I think it was about 12.‘’ ‘’And does thou have a schedule for today?‘’ ‘’No, I was planning on just reading.‘’ ‘’If thou would like, we are going to a private part of the castle grounds and thou may join us.‘’ ‘’Really? I mean, haven’t you been up all night?‘’ ‘’We are normally up until later in the day.‘’ ‘’Well, sure, it could be fun.‘’ ‘’Hussar!‘’ Luna cheered and we walked to a door that led to the garden. We came to the door with two guards in golden armor in front of it and with spears in front of the door, Luna and I stopped before she commanded ‘’Guards, let us though.‘’ ‘’Forgive us your highness, only the two Princesses are allowed in the royal garden.‘’ ‘’What! We are the Princess of the night and Star Sparkle is our guest.‘’ ‘’Sorry your highness, but Princess Celestia must also agree before we can let your guest though.‘’ I turned to Luna ‘’It’s okay Luna, we-‘’ Her hoof came in front of me and a blue flash came and went and left Princess Celestia, scroll in her magic and with a confused look on her. Luna then said, like teleporting her sister was an everyday thing ‘’Sister, thou guards would not let Star though until thee approve.‘’ An alarm went off and Princess Celestia horn glowed and it was off before she spoke ‘’I see, guards, let Star though, on her own wish.‘’ ‘’As you wish your highness.‘’ ‘’And Luna, please, don't teleport me again, you’re going to give the guards a heart attack.‘’ A flash of golden light and Princess Celestia was gone, the guards opened the door and removed the spears before Luna and I walked outside. Outside there was a small area of grass, a few trees and a cobblestone path over to a small pavilion, we only walked over to the grass and lay down. After a few minutes Luna asked ‘’Have thou started to practice magic?‘’ ‘’Yeah, I’ve learned a little bit.‘’ ‘’Do tell.‘’ ‘’I can make a light and levitated a little bit.‘’ ‘’May we see thou levitation?‘’ ‘’Sure.‘’ But I knew I didn’t have my quill with me and I continued ‘’But I don’t have my quill with me, I’ll need to go and get it first.‘’ ‘’No need.‘’ Her horn glowed and after a flash of blue, a small silver ball came and Luna continued ‘’This was ours practice item, when we learned levitation.‘’ I got a closer look at it, it looked like the moon and Luna continued ‘’But that was a long time ago, so we will pass it on to thee. As a gift.‘’ ‘’What, really? Are you sure Luna, I mean, it must have a great value to you.‘’ ‘’We’re sure and we don’t need it anymore. Besides, thou need it more than we do.‘’ ‘’Thanks Luna.‘’ I said. Luna levitated the ball over to me and lay it in front of me and said ‘’Let us see what thou can do.‘’ I nodded and closed my eyes and focused on the silver ball. I felt the markings that gave it the looks of the moon, else it was very smooth and Luna said ‘’That’s it, thou have it.‘’ I tried to lift it, I felt my magic stayed in place, the same as the ball, I pointed my horn straight at the ball and held it as hard as I could before I tried to lift my head, but I couldn’t move, it was like the ball weighed a ton. It was getting to me, the ball didn’t move, I couldn’t move, my breathing became heavier and I muttered with my teeth closed ‘’Come on you stupid ball. Move!‘’ I fell down on the grass and my magic disappeared. As I got over my exhaustion Luna said ‘’We’re impressed Star.‘’ ‘’Huh, why? I didn’t even move it.‘’ ‘’True, thou magic is not strong yet, but thou determination is strong and one day thou will be able to levitated the ball.‘’ ‘’Thanks Luna…‘’ I said, still upset over the failed attempt. ‘’Thou does not need to despair, one day.‘’ I smiled, even though I was still disappointed by my attempt. Some time went by before I remembered my nightmare in Ponyville, I thought I saw Luna in my dream and a few giggles came out and Luna a bit confused asked ‘’And what is so amusing?‘’ ‘’Sorry Luna, I just thought of a dream I once had and I saw you in it.‘’ ‘’Well, we thank thee for remembering.‘’ ‘’Huh, wait, what?‘’ ‘’Thou saw us in thou dream, yes?‘’ ‘’Yes.‘’ It hit me she raised the moon every night so could it be ‘’Wait, are you saying that you were actually in my dream.‘’ ‘’Yes, as Princess of the night it is our job to watch over everypony’s dreams.‘’ ‘’But, you were inside my dream.‘’ ‘’Yes?‘’ Luna asked like it was a normal thing. ‘Wait, she did know about my dream, my nightmare!’ I thought before I said ‘’Does that then mean you, um-‘’ ‘’As a keeper of dreams, it is our duty to only help in the dreams, and not to tell others.‘’ ‘’But I, my dream?‘’ ‘’Thou spoke to Twilight Sparkle about thou dream, yes?‘’ ‘’Yes… I did.‘’ ‘’Very good, can we assume your talk went well?‘’ ‘’I did, does Princess Celestia knows?‘’ ‘’Our sister knows nothing about your dream, my friend. That is for thou to tell her, if thou wishes.‘’ ‘’Thanks Luna.‘’ I responded while thinking ‘No way I’m telling Princess Celestia or anyone else.’ Luna broke my thoughts and she said ‘’Do not speak of it my friend.‘’ A yawn came from Luna and as I looked closer, I saw her eyes, they had bags under them. ‘Was she tired?’ I thought. But Luna continued ‘’Forgive us, shall we get back to thou training?‘’ ‘’Are you sure Luna, you look tired.‘’ ‘’Propospers, we are the Princess of the night, we don’t get tired.‘’ ‘’But it’s day now and, wait, didn’t you also say last night that you were working at night?‘’ ‘’We did, yes.‘’ ‘’Then you are tired.‘’ ‘’We will not lie, so yes we aren’t as awake as last night.‘’ ‘’Then why aren’t you going to bed, if I may ask?‘’ ‘’You may. If we were asleep thou visit would be boring as our sister is at court then thou would have nopony.‘’ ‘’True, but I still have things I could do, so it’s okay if you go to sleep, I don’t mind.‘’ ‘’Are-‘’ Another long yawn came from Luna ‘’If thou art sure?‘’ ‘’I am, my friend, besides you can always visit me in my dream if you feel like it.‘’ ‘’We thank thee, but we cannot go into good dreams without disturbing them and turn them into nightmares, but we’ll be seeing thou soon.‘’ Luna said, I smiled and as Luna stood up, yawned again and said ‘’This was pleasant, but we do hope that when thou return, we would have a bit more time.‘’ ‘’I would like that too, good night Luna.‘’ She smiled and went on her way, when she had closed the doors, I still lay on the grass in a private garden for Princesses only. Some time passed before I grew a little bit hungry and I also wanted to read more into the book I got from Princess Celestia so I got up, took my saddlebag and placed the silver moon ball in it, took the golden bell with my teeth and shook it as I thought ‘Ms. Dawn, I would like to go back to my room’ and waited. A few minutes went by and knocks came and a familiar voice said ‘’Miss. Sparkle, it’s Ms. Dawn, may I enter.‘’ ‘’Yes, come on out!‘’ I called back. The door opened and she walked out to me, bowed and said ‘’You wished to go back to your room?‘’ ‘’Yes, I’m also a little bit hungry.‘’ ‘’Follow me, I will take you to your room and make sure you get a snack to your room.‘’ ‘’Thanks Ms. Dawn.‘’ She took my saddlebag with her magic and I followed her inside and back towards my room. Back in my room I asked ‘’Umm. What time is it?‘’ ‘’It’s 11:34 Miss. and your parents will be here at 1 pm.‘’ ‘’Oh, okay. Wait! How did you know they would come at 1 pm.?‘’ ‘’I was told by my superior and I would guess he either got it from your parents or from Princess Celestia herself.‘’ ‘’Oh, right.‘’ I answered as it made sense that Princess Celestia would know, she was the one who organised the whole visit after all. ‘’You also wished for some food, anything specific?‘’ Ms. Dawn asked. ‘’No, just something light please.‘’ ‘’As you wish, I’ll see what we have. Do you wish anything to drink?‘’ ‘’Apple juice?‘’ I asked. Ms. Dawn bowed and said ‘’As you wish, Miss. Sparkle.‘’ Before she left the room. After she left I went over to Flurry and took her down to me and hugged her, she was still so soft and quite big compared to me, maybe because I didn’t like her before, then I never really noticed her size, so I bit her back and walked over to the book I got from the Princess. As I read the cover I said ‘’Princess Celestia gave me this book.‘’ Like I talked to Flurry, but I guessed Flurry would respond with ‘’What’s it about?‘’ ‘’How to make fireworks with my magic, we’re going to start a gala together.‘’ ‘’Really, that’s awesome! I’m so proud of you.‘’ ‘’Thanks Flurry.‘’ While I hugged her, I felt her as she had her front legs around me, before she said ‘’No problem, we’re best friends.‘’ ‘’Differently.‘’ I said as I hugged her tighter. While I still held Flurry I lay down and half on her, I took her right ear to my mouth and just held it as I began to read. After a while a few knocks came and Ms. Dawn spoke ‘’It’s Ms. Dawn, may I come in?‘’ I took Flurry ear out of my mouth and said ‘’Yes, come on in.‘’ As I stood up, Ms. Dawn entered with a silver tray that had a lid on, placed it on a small table and asked ‘’Is there anything else I can do for you, Miss. Sparkle?‘’ ‘’No that will be all, thank you.‘’ She did a quick bow and on her way out she stopped, turned around and said ‘’Oh yes, as your parents are here at 1 pm. I will come and get you at 12:45. Will that suit you?‘’ ‘’Yes, thank you Ms. Dawn.‘’ After another quick bow she left my room and I turned to the tray. On the tray there was a bowl of sliced apples, a bowl of strawberries and a glass of apple juice. I took the bowls and placed them next to my book and then my apple juice and read with Flurry. After I had read a few pages, I still saw it as a complicated spell. My train of thought broke as a few knocks came and Ms. Dawn asked ‘’May I come in?‘’ ‘’Sure.‘’ I answered. Ms. Dawn came inside and said ‘’Have you packed, or do you wish help?‘’ ‘’Yes please, thank you.‘’ She smiled before she levitated my saddlebag into the air and levitated all my stuff to it and into my saddlebag, but when Flurry glowed I held on to her and yelled ‘’No! Not Flurry, she’ll sit on me.‘’ The glow disappeared and she closed my saddlebag before she said ‘’There we go and for the final touch.‘’ In a second Ms. Dawn levitated Flurry onto my back, I smiled before I said ‘’Sorry for yelling before.‘’ ‘’It’s my fault, Miss. Sparkle I should have asked you.‘’ She smiled and we left the room and went down stairs. Doing our walk, I wondered how Flurry was still on my back and had not fallen off already, I jumped in place and all around as I looked at Flurry. As I jumped, I jumped into someone and fell on my side on the floor, I looked at who I jumped into, it was, a still standing, Ms. Dawn and I stuttered ‘’So-sorry Ms. Dawn, it was an accident.‘’ ‘’It’s okay, Miss. Sparkle, but remember to look where you’re jumping next time.‘’ ‘’I will.‘’ I said as I my head became warm. Ms. Dawn levitated me up on my hooves and I looked to where I lay before and no Flurry, I looked on my back and there she was, so I began to shake my back, I got on two legs, front and back legs, but Flurry stayed in place. I was stopped by Ms. Dawn as she asked ‘’Are you excited to see your parents again?‘’ ‘’Huh… Yeah that’s okay.‘’ I answered before my mind went back to Flurry. Ms. Dawn broke my thoughts as she asked ‘’Is something wrong Miss. Sparkle?‘’ ‘’Huh, no. But for some reason I can’t lose Flurry.‘’ ‘’Oh that, that’s my doing.‘’ ‘’What?‘’ ‘’It’s a simple spell, but if you take her with your hoof then you can take her off or if somepony else does it.‘’ ‘’Ohhhh, that makes sense, magic.‘’ I said as I finally placed it together in my head and Ms. Dawn smiled as she was properly happy that I stopped my jumping around as we were now close to the courtyard. > Mr. & Mrs. Sparkle: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We came down to the courtyard and waited for about five minutes before I spotted Velvet and Night Light and said ‘’Ms. Dawn, there they are.‘’ As I pointed to them they spotted us and Ms. Dawn called a guard to let them in. As Velvet and Night Light came though they ran to me and I ran to them and jumped into Velvet hooves, Velvet hugged me as she asked ‘’Did you have fun sweetie.‘’ I nodded ‘’Yeah, but I still missed you two.‘’ Night Light hugged us both and said ‘’We missed you too sweetie.‘’ We stayed in the hug for a bit before Night Light let go and Velvet sat me on the ground as she asked ‘’I see Flurry is getting a nice ride.‘’ I giggled a bit before she continued ‘’Well your dad has gotten you saddlebag, do you have something nice to say to the pony who helped you?‘’ Velvet asked. I took a few steps back in confusion ‘The pony who helped me, ohh, she must mean Ms. Dawn’ so I turned to Ms. Dawn and said ‘’Thank you for your help Ms. Dawn.‘’ ‘’It’s nothing, I hope you’ll be back again some day.‘’ ‘’I will.‘’ I said and Ms. Dawn waved as I walked with Velvet and Night Light to the gates and out of the castle grounds and onto the cobblestone streets of Canterlot. As we were now in Canterlot’s streets Velvet asked ‘’Hey Star?‘’ ‘’Yeah?‘’ ‘’What would you say to a tour of Canterlot?‘’ ‘’Really?‘’ ‘’Yes of course, nearby where we live there is a park, the library could also be interesting to show you, as well as Twilight’s favorite book store.‘’ ‘’Twily’s favorite book store?‘’ I asked in utter confusion. ‘’I know it sounds weird, but maybe you could find a book you would like, or it could be a way for you to learn about Twily from when she was your age.‘’ ‘’Well, okay. Sounds um… Fun.‘’ I said. Velvet smiled and as we walked, I looked around for my brown saddlebag and saw Night Light had it on his back. Night Light noticed and asked ‘’Do you like your saddlebag, sweetie?‘’ ‘’Like my saddlebag?‘’ ‘’Yes, well I mean do you like it’s design and color?‘’ ‘’It’s okay and brown.‘’ ‘’Hehe, it sure is brown, but would you like a new saddlebag?‘’ ‘’Oh no, this one works fine.‘’ I said. Velvet overheard us as she asked ‘’Are you sure sweetie? It’s okay if you want another one.‘’ I hesitated before I answered ‘’I’m sure, it’s fine like it is.‘’ ‘’Hmm… Alright, but what if you saw other saddlebags and saw one you liked.‘’ ‘’I don’t know…? I don’t want you to spend too much money on me.‘’ ‘’Sweetie, your dad and I appreciate that, but as I said we’re your parents, but if it makes you feel better, then we aren’t spending more money on you than we can afford.‘’ ‘’Well, we could always look at other saddlebags.‘’ I said even though I was still not okay about the fact that they were spending money on me, I only wanted to go home. We came to the saddlebag store first and inside there were many different kinds in all different colors, on the other side of the colorful saddlebags there were saddlebags in one color scheme but different shapes, sizes, stitching and patterns. As I looked around Velvet asked ‘’Do you see something you like?‘’ ‘’Yeah, I like this stitching.‘’ As I pointed at a saddlebag with a blue stitching. ‘’Anything else?‘’ Velvet asked. ‘’That shape and size.‘’ I pointed to one I suspected could hold two Daring Do books on each side but was still my size. ‘’Then there’s still room left for a Cutie Mark.‘’ Velvet said. But as I remembered that I probably wouldn’t get one and said ‘’Maybe three stripes, pink, blue, pink?‘’ ‘’Perfect, on both sides?‘’ ‘’Sure, then I know they're together.‘’ I said, Velvet giggled before she called a pony over and told her what I told her and the pony took a measuring tape out and Velvet lifted Flurry as she said ‘’Don’t worry sweetie, Flurry is safe.‘’ I nodded and got the measuring tape around me and the pony said ‘’Thank you.‘’ When the pony was done turned to Velvet who placed Flurry back onto my back and they talked further until everything was approved and we went back outside and continued my tour of Canterlot. As we walked, I saw a shop that looked to only sell souvenirs and said ‘’Let’s go into that shop.‘’ I pointed. ‘’Of course sweetie, are you looking for something special?‘’ Velvet said. ‘’Not really, it’s just that have three friends in Ponyville and I hoped to find a little thing for them.‘’ ‘’Isn’t that sweet, okay. Let’s see what there is.‘’ Velvet said with a small smile before we walked into the shop. Inside the shop I walked around and saw so many snow globes for 10 bits a piece ‘Okay, maybe max. 5 bits.’ I walked further around and saw a box of small plushy suns, but not a single moon ‘Wow, Luna is popular.’ The plushies were only 5 bits a piece so I took three suns up and waved Night Light over, took my saddlebag off and got my bits out before I went to the counter with Night Light behind me. At the counter, I paid and Night Light got them back into my saddlebag before we went out of the shop and back onto my tour. A small bit further ahead we reached a building, it looked to be a house, all but the windows that displayed different books, we walked inside and a stallion greeted us as he said ‘’Velvet, Night Light, how are you, it’s been a long time.‘’ ‘’It have indeed, but ever since Twilight moved to the castle, she didn’t need her parents to go with her.‘’ ‘’But I see you have a different little filly with you.‘’ He said as he looked at me, I felt an urge and got closer to Velvet, the stallion only chuckled ‘’No need to be shy little filly.‘’ ‘’Hehe, it’s okay, she’s just a little shy sometimes.‘’ Velvet said ‘’It’s okay, just let me know if you’ll need any help.‘’ The stallion who responded. ‘’We will.‘’ Velvet responded as the stallion left with a smile. As the stallion went into the back room Velvet sat down next to me and asked ‘’Sweetie, is something wrong? I’ve never seen you like this before.‘’ ‘’I think I’m okay, I don’t really know why I didn’t talk, but it also happened when I came to Ponyville.‘’ ‘’Well, I’m happy that you got closer to me.‘’ Velvet smiled. I smiled and looked around the store, nothing stood out and I said ‘’Can we move on now?‘’ ‘’Of course sweetie. Honey will you say goodbye to Oli before we go, Star and I will wait outside.‘’ ‘’Of course.‘’ Night Light said before Velvet and I left the store and was back outside and waited for Night Light. As we waited I said ‘’You said you didn’t walk Twilight here after she went to live in the castle.‘’ ‘’Yes, the castle is much closer than our home.‘’ ‘’How old was Twilight when she moved out?‘’ ‘’Oh, what got you curious?‘’ ‘’Nothing really, just when the pony said it’s been a long time since you were there.‘’ ‘’Well, when Twilight got her Cutie Mark, she was your age and became the Princess’s personal student and so, she began living in the castle from Monday to Friday and was only home in the weekends, well, most of the weekends.‘’ Velvet said with a hint of sorrow. I got the hint and asked ‘’Are you okay?‘’ ‘’I am, thank you sweetie.‘’ Velvet said as she hugged me and I hugged her back, it just felt right to do so. After a bit Night Light walked out and Velvet placed me back on the ground and we continued my tour. As we walked I saw a massive building, in the same style the old roman colosseums, it was huge. As we got closer I looked to the top of the roof and there were markings, they looked like Norse runes and so I asked ‘’What does that say?‘’ While I pointed to the top of the building, Velvet looked up and said ‘’You mean the runes?‘’ ‘’Yes.‘’ ‘’If I’m not mistaken, I believe it’s translated to, The Library Of Canterlot.‘’ ‘’So this is the library?‘’ ‘’It is.‘’ Velvet said and we walked up the stairs to the entrance. We walked inside and I saw rows after rows of bookshelves on two floors, it was huge, there had to be over ten of thousands of books. I followed Velvet and Night Light to the desk and Velvet said ‘’Hello, we would like to get our daughter a library card.‘’ The receptionist smiled and as she said ‘’Of course.‘’ She looked at me ‘’And what’s your name sweetie?‘’ But as she looked at me, I felt a bit scared of her and shuffled closer to Velvet and the receptionist continued ‘’It’s okay sweetie, I’m not gonna hurt you.‘’ Velvet sat down and I could not get closer to her unless I went into her body as I muttered ‘’I’m Star…‘’ Velvet lifted me up to her and I leaned into her fur, ‘Why am I acting like this?’ I didn’t wanna talk to her and when I stood before, I felt completely alone, it felt like being back in the cave on my first night. As I cowered into Velvet I heard her say ‘’It’s Star Sparkle, she’s a little shy to other ponies.‘’ ‘’That’s quite alright.‘’ The receptionist said ‘’Though we still need a picture of her, you think you’ll be able to convince her?‘’ Velvet didn’t answer, but instead held me as she asked softly ‘’Sweetie, the nice mare will take a picture of you, but we’ll be right next to you, okay.‘’ I nodded and I was carried to the backroom while Velvet carried me on her front leg. In the back I was sat on a wooden chair and and Velvet took Flurry as she said ‘’I’ll promise, I’ll keep her safe.‘’ I smiled and waved goodbye to Flurry as the pony from before came inside the room with a camera, it looked to be an old camera from the human world, the pony then said in a high pitch voice ‘’Will you give me a very big smile?‘’ I smiled and a flash later Velvet and Night Light came back over and I got Flurry back and we went back outside again, but this time I sat on Velvet’s back. Out in the hallway I looked around as we waited for my card, around the library I saw many ponies, even a unicorn that looked like Fluttershy, there were also groups of ponies that walked together, they didn’t look too be as old as Twilight, Velvet or Night Light but still older than Apple Bloom and they all walked around with books in their magic. It all got me to think on why I was even getting a library card in the first place, these ponies needed one, but I didn’t, I was going back home or I would live in Ponyville until then, so why, I gently shook Velvet as I asked ‘’Umm…‘’ Velvet looked at me with a soft smile as she asked ‘’Is something wrong sweetie?‘’ ‘’N-no, I um… Why am I getting a library card?‘’ ‘’Oh… It’s for when you’re in Canterlot and if you’ve found a book in here that you want to borrow.‘’ ‘’Oh.‘’ I could only say, as I felt it would be rude to ask them how often I would go to Canterlot, I didn’t want them to think that I didn’t want to be with them. A few moments later the pony came back to us and I got the card as Velvet and Night Light signed for the card, as they signed, I saw the picture, it was strange as I still looked like a little pink pony filly, guess that was why I didn’t have a mirror in my room. Next to the picture I noticed there was some information ‘Name: Star. Second Name: Sparkle. Date of Birth: 02/07/1097’ Definitely a different birthday, by almost 900 years, but not here. Velvet took me out of my focus on the card as she asked ‘’Do you like the picture?‘’ ‘’Yeah, I just noticed my date of birth.‘’ ‘’Yes, Princess Celestia was very sweet to give you an accurate year of birth, would you rather have another date?‘’ ‘’Oh, no, it fine.‘’ I said as this was Star Sparkle’s birthday and my real birthday is Stef’s birthday ‘’But how old am I?‘’ ‘’Princess Celestia believed that you have the body of a 10 year old.‘’ Velvet said, I just nodded as I didn’t know what to say, so my mind went back to Star’s birthday. A brise broke my thoughts and I noticed we were outside and I sat on Velvet, Flurry lay in front of me, I took Flurry to me and a golden aura took the card as Night Light said ‘’Looks like our little filly is back with us again.‘’ ‘’Huh, what do you mean?‘’ ‘’You went quiet after your mom asked if you wanted your date of birth changed.‘’ ‘’Oh, I guess I fell into my own thoughts a little bit, sorry.‘’ ‘’It’s okay sweetie, happens to the best of us.‘’ Night Light said as he placed my card in my saddlebag. ‘’Sooo… Where are we going now?‘’ ‘’Back home.‘’ Velvet said ‘’Then your dad will start the grill and we’ll make hay burgers.‘’ ‘’Really?!‘’ I asked, as I remembered it tasted like meat, so I was all for it ‘’Of course,‘’ Velvet said ‘’but after dinner it’s time for your bath.‘’ ‘’Oh, right, forgot about that.‘’ ‘’Well,‘’ Velvet said as she looked at me ‘’That’s why we’re your parents.‘’ I smiled as she nuzzled me, while she still walked. > Home again: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When we arrived at home I took my saddlebag to my room and unpacked, even though I was going back to Ponyville tomorrow. After I had unpacked I took my quill with my mouth and walked down to the living room. As I walked into the living room Velvet saw me and asked ‘’Hi sweetie, you wanna practice magic?‘’ I nodded, spat the feather out and said ‘’Is it okay if I do?‘’ ‘’Of course you can sweetie. So what do you want to try?‘’ ‘’I want to learn how to write.‘’ I said before I realized I forgot some paper and said ‘’I’ll go get some paper.‘’ ‘’No need sweetie, we have some paper downhere.‘’ Velvet paused ‘’Umm? Were you planning on writing with your quill?‘’ ‘’Yeah, why not?‘’ ‘’It’s more difficult, but don’t let me stop you, here you go sweetie.‘’ Velvet said as she levitated a stack of papers and a black glass bottle over to me. I closed my eyes and focused on my quill and lifted as hard as I could, I felt if go up as Velvet encouraged ‘’You got it sweetie.‘’ I felt the quill in the air but I couldn’t feel the bottle of ink. I began to turn and spin the quill, but as I didn’t get anywhere, I opened my eyes and saw, the, quill… Everything became dark as I felt Velvet’s leg in front of my eyes and I lost the quill as well as my magic. I looked around for Velvet, I saw her with a small smile on, I looked at the paper, and the quill that laid on top, I failed again. I lay down, but as I did Velvet said ‘’Come on sweetie, you think Twilight got it in her first attempt?‘’ I looked at her as she stroke my mane and saw a pink crayon next to her, it was surrounded by a magenta aura and levitated over in front of me and Velvet said with a smile and a soft tone ‘’Let’s try again.‘’ I nodded and looked at the crayon. I closed my eyes and felt the crayon, it was a bit heavier, but nothing I couldn’t handle. I lifted it into the air, I spun it around and when I felt the tip to be downwards I tried to feel the papers, but I couldn’t, it was too much, I felt my magic go away from the crayon. I heard Velvet ‘’Feel for my aura. I have the papers.‘’ I nodded and focused, quickly I felt her magic and pointed my crayon towards it and I must have been right as Velvet whispered ‘’You got it, sweetie, almost there.‘’ I felt my magic stop as the crayon must have hit the paper and I moved the crayon to make a five pointed star, as it was complicated, but I at least remembered how to make a star. When I was done, I opened my eyes only to look at the pink crayon in my magic and the, aura, was… A leg came in front of my eyes and I lost my magic and the crayon fell, as the crayon hit the paper Velvet hugged me as she happily said ‘’Well done sweetie.‘’ ‘’Thanks… But I still hate that I get hypnotized by my aura.‘’ ‘’Don’t worry sweetie, it will stop one day.‘’ ‘’I hope so.‘’ I said, as I looked forward to that day. As Velvet hugged me I began to think that hugs in Equestria was really often, while still being really warm and soft which made it really addicted, I was sat down on the floor again, as I sat Velvet smiled and said ‘’I think that’s enough training for today.‘’ I nodded and said ‘’Okay then I’m just gonna put my quill back to my room.‘’ Velvet smiled and I looked at the quill next to the paper I drew on, as I saw my drawing, it looked like a 1 year old had drawn it, I didn’t even stay on the one paper, but lucky Velvet got some paper on the carpet, so I didn’t draw on the carpet. As I looked at the drawing Velvet said ‘’It’s beautiful sweetie, do you want it in your room?‘’ ‘’Sure, but it’s not beautiful.‘’ ‘’It is, remember, you made it with your eyes closed.‘’ ‘’Then I guess it’s okay.‘’ The papers and the quill levitated up to me in Velvet aura and I took both with my teeth and went for my room. Up in my room, I placed my quill on my desk and lay the drawing on my display table and as there were only books I could read in my room, I walked downstairs again. Down in the living room I saw the new vase, a plain white one, but in a more square shape. Next to the vase there were the Sparkle family picture, it was still too weird to just look at and I looked around the living room instead. As I looked around I saw that next to the fireplace was, what I suspected to be a calendar, as it said ‘July’ on the top ‘Strange,’ I thought. I walked over to it and took the calendar off the wall and scrolled through it, as I tried to scroll through the different pages I heard as Velvet asked ‘’What have you found sweetie?‘’ ‘’Just this calendar.‘’ ‘’Oh… Is it interesting?‘’ ‘’I guess, I had just never seen one before,‘’ I paused and as I looked at the calendar and this month’s name before I continued ‘’it’s weird.‘’ ‘’I’m sure I can answer your questions, if you want to.‘’ ‘’Sure.‘’ I said before I saw Velvet who smiled, levitated the calendar and walked over to the couch and I followed. On the couch I sat next to Velvet as she levitated the calendar over to us and asked ‘’So, what do you want to know?‘’ ‘’Umm…‘’ I said before I thought ‘I know what seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years are.’ So I asked ‘’How do you measure time?‘’ ‘’Time? Well, we use seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years.‘’ ‘’Oh, okay, how do you count seconds?‘’ ‘’One, two, three,‘’ As Velvet counted it sounded like seconds in my human world ‘’four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.‘’ ‘’So how many seconds are there in a minute?‘’ ‘’Sixty seconds.‘’ Velvet said. ‘Huh, so far so good.’ I thought but said ‘’And let me guess, there is sixty minutes in an hour?‘’ ‘’Yes, that’s correct.‘’ ‘’And twenty-four hours in a day?‘’ ‘’Correct.‘’ Velvet chered. I was on a roll and said ‘’And seven days a week.‘’ ‘’That’s, umm…‘’ Velvet looked at me and continued ‘’No, we only have six days a week.‘’ ‘’What?‘’ I asked ‘’Six days?‘’ ‘’Yes.‘’ ‘’Just curious, what are they called?‘’ ‘’That’s okay sweetie, it’s Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Moonday and Sunday.‘’ Velvet said, but I had difficult taking the names in, how could they be so identical, it only helped my theory that this was only a dream, but before I could think more about it, Velvet said ‘’And our months are thirty days.‘’ ‘’Wait, like on average?‘’ ‘’No, all twelve of them.‘’ ‘’Are you saying that every month have five weeks?‘’ ‘’Yes?‘’ Velvet said, but I could only stare out into the air, I didn’t know what to say ‘How could they be so similar, yet so different.’ Velvet broke my thoughts ‘’Are you okay sweetie?‘’ ‘’Huh, ye-yeah I’m fine, it’s just. I don’t know.‘’ ‘’Is it different from what you remember?‘’ Velvet asked with a smile. I looked at her ‘’Yeah, but so familiar.‘’ I answered. Velvet levitate the calendar down to me and turned to a snowy page that said ‘January’ as Velvet said ‘’It’s the first month of the year.‘’ ‘January? It made no sense, how?’ I thought before I noticed the year as it said ‘1107’ so I asked ‘’Is the year also 1107?‘’ ‘’Why yes of course, else we would have an old calendar.‘’ Velvet said with a giggle. ‘’Hehe, I guess so.‘’ I said, but it was just so weird that it wasn’t 2019. Velvet scrolled through the next two pictures that could be spring and was called ‘February’ & ‘March’ but then the picture with ‘April’ looked like summer instead of spring and asked ‘’Only two mouths of spring?‘’ ‘’Yes, spring, fall and winter are only two months each.‘’ ‘’And six months of summer?‘’ I asked, Velvet nodded and I looked back at the calendar and the rest of the months had the names from my world, in the same order. As I sat and looked at the calendar Velvet took her leg around me and hugged me. When Velvet realised me she levitated the calendar back on the wall and as she was about to stand up, she asked ‘’What are you plans until dinner?‘’ ‘’Umm, I don’t know?‘’ I said a bit of unsure. ‘’I noticed that when we were in Ponyville and dad mentioned Twilight as a filly, you giggled at that.‘’ ‘’Oh, yeah, I remember, Night Light said Twily used to splash water when you bathed her.‘’ As I said it, I thought about it and a few giggles came out before I covered my mouth. Velvet laughed a bit and levitated a book over to us as she called ‘’Honey!‘’ ‘’Yeah!‘’ Night Light called back. ‘’You wanna be here when I show Star old pictures of Twilight and Spike?‘’ ‘’It’s okay, I’m working on the grill, but you two fillies have fun.‘’ Night Light called back and Velvet opened the book and there were a few pictures off Twily and Spike, but they were way younger, Spike looked like a baby dragon and Twilight looked to me my size and Velvet began to talk about the pictures and what happened. An hour or so later, I leaned on Velvet’s stomach as she finished a story ‘’… so everytime Twily had a quesadilla, haha, we always had to make sure she didn’t clop the toilet.‘’ Velvet laughed and I laughed with her, I would so much tease Twily about this. As Velvet and I laughed, Night Light came into the living room and announced that dinner was ready and we went to the dinner table and Velvet cut my hay beef into smaller pieces and I ate. When I was done with my dinner, Velvet cleaned my muzzle and I got permission to go to my room until it was time for my bath and I left for my room. When I came into my room, I walked over to my bookshelves and saw a book that I saw in Ponyville, the book called ’What is 1+1?’ I opened it and looked at the first few pages and saw that all the calculations were way too easy for me, they looked like something I had learned in middle school, I truly hoped Twilight would not try to send me to school, I chuckled at the book before I closed it and placed it back on the shelf and took my Daring Do book and continued to read. About four pages after I heard a few knocks and Velvet asked ‘’Are you ready for your bath sweetie?‘’ ‘’Ye- yeah, I’m coming.‘’ I answered, walked to the opened door and followed Velvet to the bathroom, where she placed me into the bathtub and filled it with the temperature that I wanted. Once the tub was filled, Velvet cleaned me as I realized, she was the third pony to bathe me and I had never bathed myself and that a sponge was ticklish on certain parts of my body, including my stomach. As Velvet came to my stomach, she was more gentle than Twilight and Fluttershy, but it only resulted in that it tickled me so much that I jumped a little bit to try and get the sponge away from my stomach, Velvet giggled a little bit before she removed the sponge and asked ‘’Are you ticklish?‘’ I slowly nodded before she took the sponge to her hoof, place me closed to her with her other hoof and used the sponge on my stomach, as she scrubbed my stomach it tickled so much, I could do anything, only laugh ‘’Ha ha ha ha ha ha…‘’ ‘’The tickled monster has you now, he he.‘’ Velvet continued to tickle me. I couldn’t take it anymore and in the middle of my laughter I uttered ‘’Ha ha ha ha! Mommy, ha ha! Stop it, haha!‘’ Velvet stopped before I finished my sentence and washed my mane and tail, my mind only focused on what I had just said ‘Did I just call her mommy?’ As Velvet was soon done washing me, Velvet still hadn’t talked since I called her mommy, she had only hummed a melody that sounded familiar, but asked ‘’Umm…?‘’ ‘Is something wrong sweetie?‘’ ‘’No, yes, I mean, about earlier?‘’ I asked. ‘’What about it?‘’ ‘’How do you, you know?‘’ ‘’Sweetie, I heard you called me mommy.‘’ My heart froze in the varme water, but Velvet continued ‘’You just said it on instinct, but just because you call me mommy, mom or Velvet, it doesn’t matter to me. I know neither Night Light nor I would ever be able to replace your real parents, but we’ll still take care of you as long as you’re here in Equestria.‘’ ‘’Thanks… But why didn’t you say anything, after I said it?‘’ ‘’It’s healthy to be honest with your feelings, but if I knew you needed to talk about it, then I would have said something.‘’ Velvet smiled and I smiled at her before she finished. A bit after Velvet had left for a clean warm towel, I began to think on how my body would interact with water, I didn’t even know if I could swim or even stay a float, but as I thought I raised my front leg and dropped it into the water it felt so weird, it didn’t hurt, it felt like I dropped my arm into water, the feeling was weird but I liked it and did it again and again. After a few times it became a bit boring and so I slammed both my front legs into the water, it felt so funny and tickled a little bit, so I giggled and slammed both my front legs into the water. My laughing only increased as I, again and again slammed my hooves into the water. At some point, I began to feel it on my front legs and I didn’t want to do it anymore and instead I took my muzzle under the water and walked around the tub. As the water hit my body, it felt like when I sat on Rainbow’s back when she flew fast, if only a bit thicker and I wanted to fly faster and ran as fast as I could. As I ran around the tub I saw the door opened and Velvet dropped the towels and looked around the room with widened eyes, I wondered what she was so surprised by, but as I looked around, there were many poodles of water scattered around the bathroom floor and some water fell down from the bathroom table. I looked at Velvet who had grabbed the towles again and called ‘’Honey! I’ll need a bit of help here!‘’ Before she walked over to me, I couldn’t believe what had happened here and as Velvet took me up and placed me on the soggy floor, she then wrapped a towel around my mane and tail, before she lifted me with her magic and walked out of the bathroom and she dried my fur. Out in the hallway I asked ‘’Ar-are you mad?‘’ ‘’What? Of course not sweetie. Why would you think that?‘’ ‘’I flooded the bathroom and you’re not saying anything.‘’ ‘’Well, you had a good time while you bathed and nothing was damage, only a bit wet.‘’ ‘’But I-‘’ ‘’No buts sweetie. It’s not the first time it happened, it’s closer to the 100th time and we’re prepared.‘’ Velvet said. Night Light came upstairs and clearly gasped but the state of the bathroom, but it only lasted a few seconds before he broke into laughter and what Velvet said made sense with his reaction, he looked at me with a warm smile and said ‘’But I still think that this little filly needs a punishment, don’t you agree, dear?‘’ ‘’What do you have in mind?‘’ Velvet asked, even though she told me she wasn’t mad. I looked up at them as Night Light said with a smile before he nuzzled me ‘’No more unsupervised baths for the time being.‘’ ‘’I agree.‘’ Velvet said as she made me feel a bit more at ease and Night Light went into the bathroom and properly began to clean the bathroom of my mess, while Velvet took me on her back and went for my room and asked ‘’Do you wanna stay in here or do you want me to comb your mane and tail?‘’ ‘’Will you? Please?‘’ I asked as I liked when my mane and tail looked pretty, Velvet levitated Flurry over to me and I hugged and nuzzled her, she was still so soft. Down in the living room I walked over to the couch as Velvet walked to the kitchen, as I waited on the couch, Velvet came with a cookie, took her placed on the couch and as Velvet brushed my mane, I hugged Flurry and ate my really tasty cookie, after I had eaten the cookie, I relaxed until I fell asleep. I was woken up by Velvet as she sang ‘’Wakey wakey sweetie, it’s time to brush your teeth.‘’ ‘’Huh…?‘’ I said still with the bunny ear in my mouth and I hugged Flurry as mom took me upstairs to the bathroom. Up in the bathroom mom took Flurry’s ear out of my mouth, I tried to reach for the ear, but mom took the toothbrush into my mouth and brushed as she said ‘’When I’m done then you can have Flurry back.‘’ After a bit, she was done and I weakly spat in the sink, got Flurry back and as soon Flurry ear was in my embrace the ear came back into my mouth and mom walked for a bit. Shortly after, I was laid down on my bed and I felt a pair of lips kissed my forehead as dad whispered ‘’Night night sweetie.‘’ Before mom tucked me in and said ‘’Sweet dream sweetie.‘’ I yawned took the ear out and said ‘’Night mom, night dad.‘’ Took the ear back in and fell asleep. > Day 18: Sparkle family: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up in my bed, even though I thought I fell asleep on the couch, where Velvet brushed my mane. The bed was warm and cosy, so as I snuggled under my sheets, the door opened and Velvet walked in, she locked her eyes on mine, smiled and said ‘’Good morning sweetie, did you sleep well?‘’ ‘’Uh huh.‘’ I took Flurry’s ear out ‘’I slept great.‘’ ‘’That’s lovely to hear.‘’ Velvet said as she smiled ‘’Since Twilight and Spike will be here in a few hours, around lunch time, your dad and I have decided that we’ll go out for brunch once you’re ready.‘’ ‘’Oh, okay, I’ll get ready.‘’ ‘’Just call if you want some help to brush.‘’ ‘’I will.‘’ I answered as Velvet went out of the door. I got up and tucked Flurry under my sheets and gave her a kiss. Inside the bathroom, I took a hairbrush and brushed my mane, but the hooves were still not easy to use and I dropped the hairbrush a few times to many until I threw it across the room ‘Stupid brush,’ I looked back at the mirror and saw that my mane was still half a mess, my tail was a complete mess and my fur looked odd, the hairs overlapped each other or went the wrong direction. A few knocks came on the door as Night Light asked ‘’Sweetie, are you having any problems?‘’ ‘Did he hear as I threw the brush?’ I thought as I didn’t know what to say so I answered ‘’Umm… It’s difficult.‘’ ‘’If you’ll come downstairs, with your brush, then I help you.‘’ ‘’I will, thanks.‘’ I heard Night Light as he walked away again, I found the brush and walked downstairs and saw as he rested on the couch. He gestured for me to come onto the couch, I did and he brushed my mane, then my tail and finally my fur, but as Night Light brushed me I relaxed, close to sleeping. Night Light woke me up, as he said ‘’There we go, all done.‘’ ‘’Thanks.‘’ I yawned and after I looked at my fur I said ‘’I love it.‘’ As I instinctively hugged him, only to come back to my senses and felt Night Light hugged me back, but I continued to hug him. That was until Velvet saw us as she said ‘’Aww… I see your fur, mane and tail is all pretty again. Are you two ready to go?‘’ I nodded and as I pulled myself a bit away I said ‘’I think I’m ready.‘’ ‘’So am I.‘’ Night Light answered. Velvet nodded in approval, but she quickly stopped as she asked ‘’What about Flurry? Do you what her with you?‘’ ‘’Oh, I’ll go get her.‘’ I said as I jumped down from the couch and landed a bit clumsy, but quickly regained my balance and ran to the stairs. ‘’No running indoors!‘’ Velvet called. ‘’Sorry!‘’ I called back and walked the rest of the way to my room, got Flurry and walked back downstairs with Flurry on my back so that she wouldn’t fall off and we walked to the centre of Canterlot. On our way to the restaurant Velvet asked ‘’Sweetie, what do you remember from last night, just before bedtime?‘’ ‘’Before bedtime…? Hmm, that you brushed my mane, tail and fur. Why do you ask?‘’ I asked. ‘’After both of us had kissed you goodnight,‘’ Night Light said ‘’and you lay in your bed, you took Flurry’s ear out and said ‘Night mom, night dad’. Do you not remember that?‘’ ‘’I- I don’t.‘’ I felt my head as it became warm. As I looked up at them, they both smiled warmly at me and Velvet continued ‘’But don’t worry sweetie, you don’t have to call us mom and dad, you know that, right?‘’ ‘’I know and even though I'm technically your daughter, it’s still weird to say.‘’ I said as I remembered back on my conversation with Princess Celestia, that I should try and obey my instincts ‘’But yesterday Princess Celestia said, that I may have to compile with my instincts and it’s obviously that it’s telling me to call you mom and dad.‘’ Velvet and Night Light smiled warmly at me before Velvet said ‘’Only do what you feels is best.‘’ I nodded and we continued our walk to the restaurant. When we arrived at the restaurant, we were seated by a waiter and Velvet asked for three brunches for us, the waiter nodded and left. I thought, as I didn’t see any pictures of Shining Armor yesterday or had heard of him from Velvet or Night Light, I asked ‘’So, where’s Shining Armor?‘’ ‘’Huh what.‘’ Velvet said a bit confused ‘’Oh Shining, I guess he’s at work, why do you ask sweetie?‘’ ‘’I just didn’t see him in the pictures yesterday, so I got curious.‘’ ‘’Well, we and Shining tried to find a open window in his work schedule, but he’s were busy at the moment.‘’ ‘’Oh, what’s his job?‘’ ‘’Haven’t Twilight told you, he’s the captain of the royal guards.‘’ ‘’Captain of the royal guards?‘’ I asked, but as I looked around, ponies of all three types walked around in golden armor and asked ‘’Like the ones that are walking around Canterlot in golden armor?‘’ ‘’Exactly.‘’ ‘’Where is he now?‘’ ‘’He’s outta town for a few days unfortunately, but as his letters make it out to be, he looks forward to meet his new little sister.‘’ Velvet said, I smiled and we got our brunch which consisted of toast with butter and cheese, fruit, pancakes and juice. After a delicious brunch we went back home. On the way home I thought ‘Maybe it would help if I called them mom and dad, obviously that’s what my instincts are telling me to do, besides, Velvet and Night Light sounds to be okay with it.’ We arrived home and as I was about to go up the stairs, I said ‘’Thanks for brunch… Mom and dad.‘’ As I looked at them, Velvet and Night Light looked at me with shock in their eyes. Velvet broke the silence as she asked  ‘’Sweetie, are you tired?‘’ ‘’No I’m fine, will you keep an eye on me as I try to draw again?‘’ ‘’Of- of course sweetie.‘’ Velvet replied and we walked into the living room and I got the pink crayon and a paper got on the floor and a few papers in spare floated midair, in Night Lights golden aura. The crayon laid on the paper and I closed my eyes and felt the round crayon, I felt the tip of it and lifted it into the air and moved the tip towards the paper, as I felt it go down Velvet said ‘’You got it sweetie.‘’ As she gently hugged me. I drew the first line until Night Light said ‘’Remember to stay on the paper sweetie.‘’ I stopped and continued the next line. Shortly after I stopped when Night Light said ‘’There you go.‘’ The last few lines were done in the same way and I dropped the crayon on the paper and opened my eyes. I looked down at the paper and the star looked horrible, at least only on one piece of paper. As I looked at the paper, Night Light and Velvet cheered as they congratulate me on my drawing, I felt my blood go to my head and become warm, but Velvet nuzzled me as she said ‘’No need to be embarrassed sweetie.‘’ ‘’I know I know, thanks for helping me.‘’ I smiled but ended in a sigh ‘’What wrong sweetie?‘’ Night Light asked. ‘’I still can’t use my magic without getting hypnotized.‘’ ‘’How many times have it happened so far?‘’ ‘’I don’t know, over ten times, why?‘’ I asked. Night Light looked at Velvet, then at me and said ‘’Then you should soon be done.‘’ ‘’Really?‘’ I asked excited and took the crayon up with my magic and looked at the beautiful pink aura. I lost my magic, saw as the pink crayon fell and fell forward, I was caught by Velvet’s legs and breathed heavily. As I began to come back to my senses I lay in Velvet’s legs as she hummed a melody and as I got more back to myself, I yawned and Velvet stopped her humming and asked ‘’Are you okay? What happened?‘’ ‘’I’m not sure… But I think I’m close to being done with the hypnosis.‘’ ‘’That great sweetie, but what happened?‘’ ‘’I don’t know, normally someone else covers my eyes.‘’ ‘’Oh sweetie.‘’ Velvet hugged me more tight ‘’My little foal is growing up.‘’ ‘’It’s okay. I’m fine, mom.‘’ She released me a little bit ‘’What was that melody you hummed?‘’ ‘’Oh, that? That’s a melody I’ve always hummed to Shining and Twilight when they were foals or if they were sad. Do you like it?‘’ I couldn’t help but nod, as I remembered Twilight hummed it to me in Canterlot, when I first saw her or any of the other times she had hummed it ‘’I do, it would also explain how Twilight knows it.‘’ Velvet smiled at me, looked at the drawing and said ‘’Let’s hang this up on the wall.‘’ ‘’What, really?‘’ I said a bit confused ‘’It’s not even a nice drawing.‘’ ‘’I think it’s pretty, what do you think honey?‘’ ‘’It definitely belongs on the wall.‘’ Night Light said and left me speechless. As I felt my mouth was open, he chuckled to himself before he said ‘’Look around sweetie.‘’ I did and noticed that the pictures on the walls were not of those you could buy, as all those I could see had signatures of either Shining Armor, Twilight Sparkle or Spike. As Night Light looked for a frame, I took the crayon and tried to write my name with my hooves, but it turned out like a mess and I turned to Velvet but as she didn’t looked at me, I got both my hooves on her side and shook her, while I said ‘’Mom, will you write my name?‘’ ‘’Of course sweetie.‘’ She took the crayon with her magic and wrote ‘Star Sparkle’ in another corner. Shortly after Night Light came back with a frame and placed the drawing inside before he hung it up on the wall. As it wouldn’t be long until Twilight and Spike would be here, Night Light got the monopoly from my first evening out and we continued to play, which was a bad thing for me as Night Light got really lucky and all the bad luck hit me and sometimes Velvet, I had to sell everything I had and in the end, Night Light won. As I still sulked in my defeat Velvet whispered ‘’What do you say, that the winner deserves a tickle treat.‘’ I smiled and we both turned our heads to Night Light who was packing the game up, as he looked at us he looked confused before Velvet got to him first and I came next, she got him down on his back, as I went to his stomach and we both tickled him, Night Light bursted out laughing as Velvet joined me. It lasted for a few seconds before Velvet stopped and I did as well, but as Night Light came up he said under his laugh ‘’He he, it’s on.‘’ He went for me and I fell into Velvet hooves and they both tickled me to a point where I felt I needed the bathroom and fast, but I couldn’t say anything and as quickly as the feeling came, it went away and I proceeded to laugh. They stopped as I felt something odd, I couldn’t explain it at first, then I realized, as the liquid fell down my fur and my mind raced ‘No, no no no no no no no, it’s impossible,’ all because of their tickling, but I quickly stopped myself. This was so embarrassing and I limitedly covered my face with my hooves, before Velvet softly said ‘’Hey it’s okay sweetie, it was just an accident.‘’ I felt tears as they fell down my face, I tried to keep my sobs down, I began to lose all control when Velvet hugged me and took me up, I looked her in the eyes and fought as hard as I could, but I couldn’t take it anymore and I broke into tears. Velvet hugged me and she said ‘’It’s okay sweetie, nothing to be ashamed of, sh sh sh… I got you sweetie.‘’ As she rocked from side to side as she gently bounced me on her hooves. I felt a towel as I was dried off and more tears came ‘Why me, what did I do wrong?’ I was unable to stop the crying that sounded like a baby, but as Velvet rocked me back and forth in her hooves, it helped so much I couldn’t even explain it and slowly my tears stopped enough for me to open my eyes again. As I opened my eyes, I saw that I cuddled into Velvet as she hummed the melody that Twilight had hummed to me, it was so calm, her fur so warm and so soft, I felt like I could fall asleep right here, right now. But the fear of what if I needed to go again took over and I nuzzled Velvet a bit before she nuzzled me a little bit, she didn’t place me back on the ground, but instead levitated Flurry over to me, I hugged her and I surrendered as I placed Flurry right ear in my mouth. Velvet levitated tissues over to us and dried my eyes as I said though the bunny ear ‘’T’ank ‘ou mom.‘’ She smiled and cuddled me and Flurry into her as she said ‘’It’s what mommies are for.‘’ Night Light came into view, sat down in front of me and said ‘’You doing okay there sweetie?‘’ I nodded as I said ‘’Sowwie dad.‘’ He nuzzled me as he said ‘’It’s okay sweetie, it wasn’t your fault and now you’re all clean again.‘’ I sniffed before I looked up to Velvet and said ‘’I wan bath.‘’ ‘’You wanna take a bath sweetie?‘’ Velvet asked, I nodded and Velvet kissed on my nose before she carried me to the bathroom, opened the water and once filled Velvet took Flurry and placed her on the bathroom table, before she placed me in the tub and began to clean me. After my bath Velvet loosely dried me as she asked ‘’Do you need to go to the little filly’s room?‘’ I nodded and Velvet gave me a little privacy until I was done, she helped me wash my hooves, but as I pointed at Flurry, Velvet refused as she said ‘’Once you’re a bit more dry, sweetie, then you can have her.‘’  I frowned and sat on my flank as Velvet dried my mane, tail and coat. Finally, after I’ve been dried Velvet levitated Flurry over to me and said ‘’Here you go sweetie.‘’ I hugged Flurry as Velvet took me out and downstairs where she brushed my mane and Night Light brushed my tail. I felt so spoiled, as the only thing I had to do was nuzzle Flurry and I was really good at that and everything was so relaxing that I fell deeper and deeper into slumber. > Really? Why!? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up by some knocks and as, I heard, the door opened and Twilight said ‘’We’re here.‘’ I opened my eyes as Night Light got down from the couch, but Velvet stayed with me, she properly hadn’t noticed that I was awake, so I moved a bit and got Velvet's attention as she said ‘’Guess who’s here?‘’ I got up on the couch as I saw Twilight and Spike in the frame of the living room and on instinct, I smiled, jumped down and ran to them. When I could, I jumped and landed on Twilight chest and as she hugged me, Spike did the same and I said ‘’I missed you two.‘’ ‘’I missed you too, little sis.‘’ Twilight said. ‘’I missed you too Star, did you like your room?‘’ Spike asked. I ended the hug with Twilight and hugged Spike ‘’I love it Spike, thank you.‘’ After the hug I got back on the couch with Spike on my left and Velvet on my right, Night Light and Twilight sat together on the floor as Twilight asked ‘’So how was the weekend?‘’ ‘’It was great, we had hay burgers the first day and mom taught me about the calendar.‘’ ‘’Hehe, that’s great sweet-‘’ She stopped in mid sentence before she asked with a smile ‘’Wait? Did you just call mom, mom?‘’ I nodded which brought a bigger smile on Twilight’s face as Velvet then said ‘’It has certainly been great, but not without its flaws.‘’ ‘’Huh, what do you mean mom?‘’ Twilight asked. ‘’The first day, Star, by accident, broke the old vase we had on the fireplace. But instead of telling us she tried to replace it without us knowing, it was only after dinner we confronted her.‘’ Velvet said and Twilight looked confused but Velvet continued ‘’Don’t be mad at her Twily, she have already been punished.‘’ Twilight nodded ‘’Oh well, I’m sure I’ll hear more about that on the train back to Ponyville.‘’ Twilight said as she smiled. ‘’Sweetie?‘’ Velvet asked me ‘’Did you ever tell us what Princess Celestia told you. Or did you want to wait until now.‘’ ‘’Well, that and I forgot.‘’ I said before I thought back on my conversation with Princess Celcestia and said ‘’Princess Celestia told me that she also believed that it was the spell that’s making me act younger than I am, but she doesn't have an answer, but advised that I should try and care for Flurry, instead of fighting it, that might help.‘’ ‘’I’m sorry little sis, then from now on you-‘’ Twilight paused ‘’Wait, Flurry?‘’ ‘’Yeah, I named my bunny, Flurry.‘’ I felt my blood go to my head as I hugged Flurry closer. I looked at Twilight, she smiled with a tilted head, as she continued ‘’Remember, if it gets worse, then tell me, okay?‘’ I nodded just before Spike hugged me from the side as he said ‘’And you can of course always tell me.‘’ ‘’Thanks Spike.‘’ I said with a smile.. As I remembered what Princess Celestia told me, about what happened to my back, I said ‘’The Princess also told me, that we should get my back checked out at the Ponyville hospital, as if they agreed that my back would need treatment, I would save money on the massages.‘’ ‘’Your back?‘’ Velvet asked in a worried tone ‘’What happened to you back sweetie?‘’ ‘’A branch fell on my back a few days before I meet you.‘’ ‘’What!‘’ Velvet asked in shock ‘’Why didn’t you tell us sweetie? Twilight?!‘’ ‘’It’s okay mom, Twilight took me to the hospital in the morning.‘’ I said. Twilight nodded and said ‘’True, but still, it’s my responsible to take care of Star and I wish I had done something different.‘’ Her voice cracked as she looked at me ‘’So you wouldn’t have been hurt.‘’ I jumped down on the floor and went over and got my front hooves on her chest ‘’It’s okay big sis. Remember, as soon as you found out I was trapped, you tried your best to find me.‘’ It helped as Twily hugged me. As Twilly released me I said ‘’I also learned some more magic.‘’ ‘’Really, what kind of magic?‘’ ‘’After I told Princess Celestia about, me buying the vase, she showed me on how to spot real from fake money.‘’ I said. ‘’Wait, you didn’t know how to spot fake money?‘’ Night Light asked ‘’Didn’t Twilight teach you?‘’ ‘’No, I never said I had taught her that, I have only taught her the basics.‘’ Twilight responded. ‘’Did you get changes sweetie?‘’ Velvet asked. ‘’No, I didn’t need to,‘’ I said ‘’but I also have to learn some new magic.‘’ ‘’What kind?‘’ Spike asked ‘’Something amazing?‘’ ‘’Actually, yeah, a bit. Princess Celestia has invited me to open this years Grand Galloping Gala with her.‘’ ‘’Wow! Really? Twilight, her friends and I are going too.‘’ ‘’I know, the Princess told me.‘’ I said happily. As I looked at Twilight, she, not surprised, said ‘’Really, I had no idea.‘’ Velvet and Night Light smiled as well, but their smiled told me that they knew and I said ‘’Wait, you all knew.‘’ ‘’Well, of cause sweetie.‘’ Velvet said ‘’You’re still underage, so Princess Celestia asked us if we would allow it.‘’ ‘’Oh, right.‘’ I said as I remembered my age and lowered my head. Twilight nuzzled me as she said ‘’There’s still another thing I wanted to tell you.‘’ ‘’Huh, what’s that?‘’ ‘’Do you remember when you met Ms. Cheerilee?‘’ ‘’The teacher? Yes?‘’ I answered as I thought ‘Wait, where is she going with this?’ As Twilight continued ‘’You have now lived with me for two weeks now and it’s getting difficult to excuse why you’re not going to school.‘’ ‘No, no, she isn’t going to say-’ ‘’And since I’m the personal student of the Princess, some ponies in Ponyville have started to get suspicious and so.‘’ ‘No no, she wouldn’t-’ ‘’Tomorrow you’re starting in the Ponyville schoolhouse.‘’ ‘’What! No! I’m not starting in school, you told me that would be for some time before that.‘’ ‘’Sorry little sis, but I have made up my mind, there is nothing else I can do.‘’ ‘’But, I don’t need school and we live in a library, isn’t that enough?‘’ ‘’As you said, you don’t need school, so you’ll have an easy time there and it will be the same class as Apple Bloom.‘’ Twilight said as she hugged me, I knew that I had no saying in this and that I was going to school tomorrow, but it was always something that Apple Bloom would be there as well. ‘’Sweetie?‘’ Velvet asked, I looked at her ‘’Why don’t you show Twilight your room?‘’ ‘’I love to see you room little sis.‘’ Twilight said. ‘’Oh, okay. Yeah, come on big sis.‘’ I said before Twilight, Spike and I walked towards my room. As we walked up the stairs Spike said ‘’Here you go Star.‘’ As he showed Flurry ‘’I kept Flurry safe for you.‘’ ‘’Thanks Spike.‘’ I smiled. Twilight opened the door to my room and as we walked inside as Twilight said ‘’Hey wait, that’s unfair, why do you get the view to Canterlot Castle.‘’ ‘’Twilight,‘’ Velvet said ‘’don’t you remember? Shortly after Shining went to the Academy you started in Princess Celestia’s School For Gifted Unicorns. So it just never made sense for you to move in here.‘’ ‘’Oh right, but still, it has the best view in the house.‘’ Twilight complained before she looked around and said ‘’Huh?‘’ As she looked to the door and vase ‘’Is that the vase you bought?‘’ ‘’Yeah.‘’ I said with a smile and felt my head become warm. Velvet hugged me and said ‘’Now she has a reminder of what to do next time, right sweetie?‘’ ‘’Yes mom.‘’ It wasn’t long until Spike had helped me pack my bags, with the silver ball from Luna, the book about fireworks, the souvenirs and all the other things, the only thing that stayed was my blue dress as Velvet wanted to wash it and then I would have it in Canterlot. After we had packed, Twilight took the saddlebag on her and I had Flurry on my back and with Spike, mom and dad we walked to the train station. As we came to the train station Twilight went to get the train tickets as Spike, Velvet, Night Light and I found a place to wait. It wasn’t too busy so we easily found a place to sit, Velvet and Night Light got up, but Spike didn’t and I jumped, but failed as I couldn’t get my rear legs up. I slit a few centimeters before I felt Spike behind me, he pushed me up and after I finally got up I looked down at Spike, smiled and said ‘’Thanks Spike.‘’ He jumped up next to me and I hugged him right after he gave me Flurry. After a bit Twilight came over to us and said ‘’Well, our train should be here in a few minutes.‘’ I nodded and we waited. Some time later I heard the train as Spike and Twilight jumped down on the floor, then Velvet and Night Light hugged me from both sides as Velvet said ‘’Be safe in Ponyville, okay sweetie?‘’ ‘’I will mom.‘’ I answered. Night Light said ‘’And do as your big sister tells you.‘’ ‘’I will dad.‘’ I hugged them both as said ‘’Bye mom, bye dad, I’ll see you next time.‘’ ‘’Definitely.‘’ Velvet said as she lifted me and Flurry onto Twilight’s back. ‘’Here’s our train.‘’ Twilight said. Velvet and Night Light hugged Spike and Twilight goodbye and we walked onto the train, after it was clear and quickly found a seat. As the train moved we all wayed goodbye to Velvet and Night Light. As the train pulled away from the Canterlot train station I sat back on my seat and asked ‘’So what happened while I was gone?‘’ ‘’Well, the day after you left, we went to a cute-ceañera.‘’ ‘’Was that the cute-ceañera that Apple Bloom went to?‘’ ‘’Yes.‘’ ‘’You also sent a letter to the Princess, something about thinking a thing would cause you to lose friends, but it would actually help you find your true friends.‘’ ‘’Hehe, yeah, that's the short version.‘’ ‘’What else happened?‘’ ‘’Well, I discovered that Pinkie Pie have a pinkie sense.‘’ ‘’What’s a pinkie sense?‘’ ‘’Pinkie Pie can predict an impossible thing, like if something would fall, her tail would twitch.‘’ ‘’Really?‘’ ‘’Yes, but being honest, I didn’t believe her and tried to find out how her Pinkie sense worked, but it didn’t work out well.‘’ ‘’What happened?‘’ ‘’Long story short I got a bit hurt, but I’m fine now and by the end Pinkie got what she calls a doozy and believed that Fluttershy was in danger at Froggy Bottom Bogg and we went to save her. I hoped to prove Pinkie wrong, but then a hydra attack us.‘’ ‘’Wait what?! A hydra?‘’ ‘’Yes, a four headed dragon like creature. It chased us to the top of a cliff and when I was the only who hadn’t jumped the gab collapsed.‘’ ‘’But then you teleported over, right?‘’ ‘’A four headed hydra chased me. I couldn’t really focus enough to teleport, so by Pinkie’s call I jumped, landed on a bubble that launched me into the air and I landed next to Spike, Pinkie, Fluttershy and Applejack, in safety.‘’ ‘’Oh, that make sense, the teleportation part.‘’ ‘’But Pinkie said that the hydra wasn’t the doozy she felt and I gave up trying to explain her pinkie sense and I accepted it as true. That then turned out to be the doozy, Pinkie never thought that I would never believe her.‘’ Twilight giggled and Spike joined her. When they were done giggling, I asked ‘’Did you also send a letter to Princess Celestia?‘’ ‘’I did and I said that I realize there are wonderful things in this world you just can't explain, but that doesn't necessarily make them any less true. It just means you have to choose to believe in them, and sometimes it takes a friend to show you the way.‘’ After Twilight had said that I could help to remind myself of my world and the crazy people who just wanted others to believe, just because they believe it and I asked ‘’Really?‘’ ‘’Yes, that was more or less the letter I sent to Princess Celestia.‘’ ‘’From what I’ve been told about Pinkie, that pinkie sense could make sense, I mean magic and all, but umm… We’re friends, right?‘’ ‘’Of course,‘’ Twilight said ‘’You’re my little sis.‘’ ‘’So if I told you something that you could neither prove or disprove, would you then believe me, even if I knew I lied.‘’ ‘’Why would you lie?‘’ ‘’It’s just an example, but would you believe me?‘’ ‘’Hmm… If I didn’t knew you were lying, then I think I would.‘’ ‘’Why?‘’ ‘’Because you’re my friend and little sister.‘’ ‘’You wouldn’t use a bit of skepticism?‘’ ‘’Depending on what you said, what Pinkie did, that was impossible for me to say how she was able to predict it, but if she said that something would fall, then I either got a frog in the face, or fall down into a ditch.‘’ ‘’Oh, so she proved what she said?‘’ ‘’Precisely.‘’ ‘’Still… Did you also write that you should still use skepticism when hearing something that you can’t explain?‘’ ‘’I did, I wrote the letter in the context of what happened that day, nothing else, but of cause, everything you hear you should use skepticism.‘’ ‘’Oh, okay. It was just the wording you used I found to be a bit odd.‘’ ‘’Oh yeah, out of context it would sound like I’m going to believe everything I hear.‘’ Twilight said as she giggled and I giggled with her before I leaned up on her and hugged Flurry as Ponyville got closer. > In Ponyville: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The train pulled into the Ponyville train station and as the doors opened Spike, Twilight, and I walked out of the train, Flurry now in my saddlebag on Twilight’s back and we walked home. After we arrived home, I went to my bedroom and unpacked my saddlebag, thankfully Spike offered to help me, so it only took a couple of minutes. After all of my stuff was in their place, I placed Apple Bloom’s, Diamond Tiara’s and Silver Spoon’s sun plushies and placed them in my saddlebag alongside my firework book, just if I should meet them as I wanted to go walk to a park and just relax, as I felt I wanted to be outside for a few minutes. I took my saddle bag and walked into the living room where Twilight lay and read, as she saw me, she asked, ‘’Hey Star, where are you off too?‘’ ‘’I hoped it was okay if I went outside for a bit.‘’ ‘’Umm, sure? To where?‘’ ‘’A park maybe, just to relax.‘’ ‘’Do you know the way?‘’ ‘’Umm… No.‘’ ‘’Spike!‘’ Twilight called. Spike came up the stairs and asked, ‘’You called for the number one assistant.‘’ ‘’Hehe, will you show Star the way to the park?‘’ ‘’Sure thing Twilight, come on Star.‘’ Spike said. As I walked towards him Twilight said, ‘’Spike or I will pick you up again in an hour, but just go home before that, if you want to.‘’ ‘’I will, bye Twily.‘’ ‘’Bye Star.‘’ Twilight said as I walked down the stairs and walked out the door with Spike. We reached a small park with a few benches, a small playground, trees and bushes scattered around. As I looked back I saw the library and Spike asked ‘’You can find your way home, right?‘’ ‘’I think I’ll remember, see you in an hour.‘’ I smiled before Spike waved goodbye and walked back home again. After Spike walked away, I lay down and began to read from where I left off, even as I didn’t completely understand what I read, I understood the technique but much of what I should do was still a bit odd, I had to release the magic with my imagination and push it away from me. As I read, I heard ‘’Oh my gosh, Star.‘’ In a similar voice of Diamond Tiara. I looked where the voice came from and saw Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon as they walked towards me. I took a mental note of where I got to before I closed the book and got up. I turned to the fillies and said, ‘’Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, how are you?‘’ ‘’Great,‘’ Diamond Tiara said ‘’Was it fun in Canterlot?‘’ ‘’Definitely.‘’ I answered and as I remembered the sun plushies I said ‘’Actually, I have something for the two of you.‘’ ‘’Really?‘’ Diamond Tiara asked, a bit shocked. I opened my saddlebag and poured out the three plushies, but before I placed Apple Bloom’s sun plush back, Diamond Tiara asked, ‘’Three, why three plushies?‘’ ‘’Oh, the last one is for Apple Bloom.‘’ I answered as I closed my saddlebag. I gave them their sun plushies as Silver Spoon asked, ‘’Wait? You’re friends with Apple Bloom?‘’ ‘’Yeah, I met her a few days before I met you two, you know her?‘’ ‘’Why of course we know her, she’s a-‘’ ‘’She’s in the same class as us.‘’ Diamond Tiara interrupted. Silver Spoon then said, ‘’But Di, didn’t we just-‘’ But Diamond Tiara pulled her head away from me and whispered something I couldn’t hear, it just left me confused, but I decided to give them the benefit of the doubt. After a bit their heads came back up and I smiled nervously to their big smiles as Diamond Tiara asked, ‘’Does Apple Bloom know that we’re friends?‘’ ‘’Well…‘’ I thought back, but I guessed that I had never mentioned them to Apple Bloom before, ‘’I don’t think so, I was planning on telling her today, and you two, that tomorrow I’m starting in the Ponyville schoolhouse.‘’ ‘’That’s perfect, then we got the perfect plan, right Silver Spoon?‘’ ‘’Totally, if we keep it a secret until tomorrow, then she’ll be so surprised.‘’ ‘’Definitely, what do you say Star?‘’ Diamond Tiara asked. ‘’I don’t know, are you sure.‘’ I asked, it felt a bit unnecessary. ‘’Don’t worry, it’s all in good fun.‘’ Diamond Tiara said. I thought about it and it didn’t seemed like a meanspirited joke, so I said, ‘’Sure, I’ll keep it a secret until tomorrow.‘’ The two fillies smiled and we talked for a bit as they told me that they had fun at the Cute-ceañera, but still wanted me to be there. After a bit they left and said, ‘’We’ll see you tomorrow Star and remember, don’t tell Apple Bloom.‘’ ‘’I won’t.‘’ I said as they walked away and I went back to my book. As I read I felt as someone got closer and closer, so I closed my book and looked around with my eyes only, but I saw nothing, but a loud voice called, ‘’What ya doing Star?‘’ I jumped in the air in shock, as I got back on the ground again I saw Apple Bloom and said, ‘’Apple Bloom, that’s not funny.‘’ ‘’Hehe, then you should have seen the look on you face.‘’ Apple Bloom said as she laughed. ‘Oh, even if I was considering telling her about Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon today, that’s completely gone now, tomorrow would be fun.’ I thought as I smiled. After Apple Bloom had stopped laughing she said, ‘’Sorry Star, I couldn’t help it.‘’ ‘’It’s okay Apple Bloom. What’s up, how did the party go?‘’ ‘’Actually, better than I thought, I actually meet two other fillies who also didn’t have their Cutie Marks.‘’ ‘’That’s awesome, especially since I couldn’t go.‘’ ‘’Yeah, but did you hold your promise?‘’ ‘’I did, I would never break a promise.‘’ ‘’Ohh, almost forgot, I also told Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo about you and as a founding member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, I’m inviting you to join our club.‘’ ‘’Wait what… Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo? And what’s the Cutie Mark Crusaders?‘’ I asked, dumbfounded, the names sounded familiar, but didn’t ring a bell. ‘’Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo are those other fillies I meet at the party, they stood up for me when I was called a. When I was called a.‘’ She went silence ‘’A blank flank.‘’ Apple Bloom ended with a flat tone. I knew I should say something, but thought ‘What’s a blank flank?’ But as Apple Bloom was stuck in her words I said, ‘’It’s okay Apple Bloom, even though you were called that word, you gained two new friends out of it.‘’ ‘’I guess you're right. Anyhow, together we formed the Cutie Marks Crusaders and we’ll help each other to find our Cutie Marks.‘’ ‘’That’s awesome Apple Bloom.‘’ ‘’So is that a yes?‘’ ‘’Yes to what?‘’ I asked ‘What was I about to say yes too?’ So Apple Bloom asked, ‘’Do you wanna join our club?‘’ ‘Oh, so that was what she asked me about, but how do I say no, while being polite.’ So I said, ‘’Well, I’ll have to ask Twilight first, just to be sure.‘’ ‘’That’s okay, I’ll come by tomorrow after school.‘’ She said with a smile that wanted me to join. As she mentioned ‘after school’ I remembered that I was starting tomorrow as well and said ‘’Well, can’t I just say it before school instead?‘’ ‘’Huh, what are you on about?‘’ ‘’I’m starting in the Ponyville schoolhouse tomorrow.‘’ ‘’Really?‘’ Her mouth went open, but quickly it turned into a smile and she hugged me tightly, but a feather compared to Luna, ‘’That’s gonna be so much fun, are you going to be in my class as well?‘’ ‘’I think so.‘’ ‘’Yay, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo are also in my class, the four of us are going to to have so much fun together.‘’ I only smiled at her, even as I wasn’t that eager to get more ponies who wanted to be friends, but this is what the pony life must be like. As I thought I remembered I also had a sun plushie for her and said, ‘’I have something for you.‘’ ‘’Huh, what’s that?‘’ She asked. I opened my saddlebag and took out the sun plush, ‘’Here you go, you like it?‘’ I asked with a nervous smile, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon seemed to like theirs. She took it and said, ‘’Really, th-thank you Star, but I don’t have anything for you.‘’ ‘’It’s okay Apple Bloom, I know that.‘’ I said. She hugged me again before she took the plush in her saddlebag and said, ‘’Well, I’ve to get going now, I’ll see you tomorrow, do you want me to pick ya up?‘’ ‘’Nah, it’s okay, I think Twilight is going to walk me, it is my first day after all.‘’ ‘’Al’right see ya tomorrow.‘’ I waved as she walked off again and I knew that tomorrow would definitely be interesting. With Apple Bloom gone I lay back down and enjoyed the sun and the wind as it blew through my mane, tail and fur. I was truly refreshed by how calm the sun and a gentle breeze could make me. After a little while I read further in my book. Some time later I still had no idea how I should make the fireworks, the techniques still sounded so strange, but the book have told me that I should know other spells first, I had to be able to move my light away from my horn and I had to make it solid, and I couldn’t do it with my eyes closed, as I also needed to be able to move two objects at the same time, in different ways. As I read and tried to make sense out of this spell I heard Twilight as she asked, ‘’How’s it going Star?‘’ I looked up at her and said, ‘’I have to learn more spells before I can learn this one.‘’ I said, as I finished she took her muzzle down to me and nuzzled me and by instinct and my own will, nuzzled her back. When she pulled away she said, ‘’You’ll learn.‘’ ‘’Thanks Twily, is it time to go home?‘’ ‘’Jep, I think Spike is soon done with our dinner.‘’ ‘’Okay.‘’ I said and as I got up, Twilight placed my book in my saddlebag and placed it on my back as we walked back to the library. Back home I smelled something delicious and as I walked upstairs, I saw totallias before Twilight walked passed me and said, ‘’Try at least one, pretty please.‘’ ‘’Okay big sis, I’ll try.‘’ We walked over to the table and as I sat down Twily levitated a plate of food over to me and as I ate it, it tasted so good, I couldn’t believe it. I looked inside the totallia and saw hay and other vegetables, but at this point I didn’t care and continued to eat, as I ate I asked, ‘’How long do I have to be in school?‘’ ‘’Don’t talk with your mouth full Star.‘’ Twilight said. I swallowed and said, ‘’Sorry.‘’ ‘’Just remember, but tomorrow we have to be at the schoolhouse at 8 and I’ll pick you up at 2.‘’ ‘’6 hours?‘’ ‘’Well… Yes.‘’ ‘’Do I really have to?‘’ ‘’Yes and if your good, then you get a cookie after school and after dinner.‘’ ‘’Really?‘’ I asked, Twilight nodded and I wasn’t as annoyed as I was before, I mean I would get a cookie. After dinner I got my cookie and went to my room. Inside my room I ate my cookie, took my feather and walked over to my balcony’s glass door, laid in front of the door and closed my eyes, I breathed slowly and as calmly as I could. I felt my magic on my horn as a small wind came and surrounded it, I felt it as a few hairs in my mane blew a little bit. I felt the quill and everything it was and lifted it up, but even with my eyes closed I saw pink swirls where the quill lay before, I breathed in and out, and the swirls became a constant all over the room. I saw a magenta light as it came closer and I breathed in and out before I said, ‘’Twi-Twily?‘’ The magenta light stopped and I lifted the quill up to my eyes and as I opened my eyes, I saw that beauti-ful ligh-t… A flash of pink light later I was in a weird place. I looked around, it was calm and peaceful, I didn’t feel a need to panic as it felt like home, I was outside and even though I was alone I still felt love all around me. As I took in my surroundings, I stood on grass with a dark forest in front of me, but as I looked behind me, I saw a small waterfall that fell into a small lake, beautiful trees were scattered about and I looked towards the sun, it wasn’t bright, it was perfect for my eyes as I looked at it. I thought my eyes played a trick on me as eight lights, gold magenta, purple, blue, orange, red, dark blue and pink came down from the sun in different directions. The eight lights joined in the middle of the lake and formed a filly made of pink and blue light that looked like me, it stood just above the waters of the lake. After the light was formed, a cold darkness rose from the horizon, like I was in a dome and it made its way across the blue sky. In front of the darkness, there were black, almost liquid spider legs, which were making their way towards the sun. The sight of the darkness made me want to vomit, I felt sick to my core. As the brightest light bagan to be the filly, I looked at it and it walked towards me. I stood still, ‘Was it going to hurt me, it doesn't feel like the darkness, this light feels more like me’, as the darkness went up the sky, it wasn’t turning to night, it was consumed to a state of emptiness. As the sky darkened the light got closer, it didn’t stop walking, not as it was just in front of me, it continued as it walked into me and I walked forward into it and the darkness disappeared just before it reached the sun and I was blinded. I looked around and noticed that I was back in the library as Twilight sat next to me and hummed the melody I knew so well. In front of me I saw the quill, still in my magic, I lost a bit of focus as the pink light flickered, like a light bolt that wasn’t screwed properly in, I gained back my focus and levitated the quill in mid air, I wanted to try and write but the quill became heavier and heavier as the seconds went by and I levitated the quill back down on the floor. After the quill was back on the floor, I nuzzled Twilight and as I nuzzled her she asked, ‘’Star?! Your back.‘’ ‘’I am and I think I’m done with those hypnotises.‘’ ‘’That’s great sweetie, who do you feel?‘’ ‘’Strangely good, it was weird, I think I saw you before I left.‘’ ‘’You never left, tell me what happened?‘’ ‘’I levitated the quill and saw swirls around the floor and in the air itself, then I saw a magenta light and I thought it was you.‘’ ‘’It was and you said Twily while you just stared into the quill with bright white eyes and then you went silence.‘’ ‘’What do you mean? I was outside and there was a dark forest in front of me and behind me was a beautiful lake with a small waterfall.‘’ I said before I sat down and felt my ears as they dropped while I thought ‘Should I tell Twilight about the darkness? It properly didn’t matter anyway.’ ‘’Hey Star, what’s wrong?‘’ ‘’Oh, nothing,‘’ I answered and tried to steer it away from talking about the darkness, ‘’It was just a weird experience, did it also happen to you?‘’ Twilight looked to believe me and I thought ‘Maybe I’ll tell her tomorrow.’ ‘’Well, when it happened to me I was in an odd library, it was shiny, like a crystal and there were lots of books that were overflowing with words. Did you also see the lights?‘’ ‘’Yeah, they took the form of me.‘’ ‘’The same happened to me, did you run towards it or flee?‘’ ‘’I stood still, until it was inside of me, then I walked towards it.‘’ ‘’Huh, I must admit I ran from it, but it caught me.‘’ ‘’Why did you run?‘’ ‘’Some light that looked like me, I was scared, okay.‘’ Twilight said firmly as she blushed. ‘’Sorry, how old were you?‘’ ‘’About four years old.‘’ ‘’But what is it?‘’ ‘’Unsure, we have never known what it is, only that it will go into us just before we can look at our aura.‘’ ‘’Why didn’t you tell me?‘’ ‘’In the past where ponies had tried to study it and told young unicorns about it, it didn’t go well, they were scared out of their mind and had to learn many things over again, like they had lost many of their memories.‘’ ‘’Wow, thanks for not telling me then.‘’ I said as I giggled a little bit. Twilight said, ‘’No problem little sis.‘’ As she nuzzled me I nuzzled back. As Twilight brought her head back she said, ‘’It’s soon time for bed, you want help brushing your teeth?.‘’ ‘’Yes please.‘’ I said before we went out of my bedroom. As we came into the living room Spike asked, ‘’Hey Star, what’s up?‘’ ‘’I think I can look into my aura now.‘’ ‘’Seriously, that’s awesome.‘’ ‘’Thanks Spike.’’ I said before Twilight and I went into the bathroom and she brushed my teeth. Back in my bedroom I was lifted onto my bed and Twilight levitated Flurry over to me before she tucked me in, kissed me on the forehead and said, ‘’Good night sweetie.‘’ I took Flurry right ear in my mouth and said, ‘’Night big sis.‘’ Closed my eyes and fell asleep. > Day 19: Back to school: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I woke up, Twilight called, ‘’Star! It’s time to get up.‘’ ‘’I’m up,‘’ I called back, still tired and annoyed. As I woke up a bit more, I wondered why Twilight didn’t nuzzle me to wake up. I liked it. As I woke up a bit more, I felt moist down by my crotch and quickly removed the sheets and saw a large, dark, and damp spot on the mattress, ‘No! No! No! No, no no no no no!’ I couldn’t believe it, it was impossible, and in my panic, I thought I heard a sound from my door and turned my head, but the door didn’t open, ‘Twilight wasn’t on her way in.’ I thought and relaxed a bit. ‘’Star! Are you up?‘’ Twilight called. ‘’I, um… I’m up!‘’ I called back. ‘’Breakfast is ready soon.‘’ ‘’Coming!‘’ I called back, but thought, ‘She can’t see, I won’t let her. I’ll just have to deal with this when I come home.’ I got up and used my sheet to clean myself. I made my bed so Twilight or Spike couldn’t see and jumped down. As I smelled myself, the stench of urine was there, but it wasn’t bad, ‘Would Twilight or Spike notice?’ I walked to my door; I had to go and get a bit cleaner in the bathroom. Out in the living room, I saw Twilight as she walked towards me; she stopped, smiled, and asked, ‘’What took you so long?‘’ ‘’Um, I’m still a bit tired,‘’ I said as I tried to hide my rear body and rubbed my eye with my hoof, just to sell that I was tired. ‘’Okay then,‘’ Twilight said, she sounded to buy my story and continued, ‘’come on, breakfast is ready, and Spike made waffles.‘’ She said as she turned towards the table. As she walked, I said, ‘’I have to go to the bathroom!‘’ But it came out a bit more abruptly than I would have liked. Twilight turned her head towards me, looked confused, but said, ‘’Okay, just call if you need some help.‘’ ‘’I will,‘’ I said as I felt I walked a bit faster than expected. I went to the bathroom sink, took a piece of cloth, washed it, got some soap on, and washed myself. Once done, I took a towel and dried myself. After I was done, I walked back out to Twilight and Spike, where I ate my breakfast. As we ate, Twilight said, ‘’Star, I know what happened this morning.‘’ It felt like I had a heart attack and was about to spit the juice out that I was drinking, but I had to remain calm and drooled the juice back in the glass before I asked, ‘’W-what do you mean?‘’ ‘’I know you aren’t too happy about going to school, and if I could have postponed it, I would have done so.‘’ Twilight said as my heart rate slowed down before she continued, ‘’But I still hope you’ll have a good time while you’re there.‘’ ‘’Thanks Twily.‘’ I said before I remembered what Apple Bloom told me about a club and said, ‘’Umm… Yesterday Apple Bloom asked me if I wanted to be in a club she had started with two other ponies.‘’ ‘’That sounds fun, when is your first meeting?‘’ ‘’Twilight!‘’ I complained, ‘’I haven’t yet decided to join, as the point of the club is to get a Cutie Mark, and you know I can’t get one.‘’ ‘’True, but I would believe they also do other things.‘’ ‘’That doesn’t matter, Twilight, they’re fillies!‘’ I paused, and as I knew my past, it was odd to be friends with ten-year-olds, and I said, ‘’And I’m…‘’ ‘’I know it could feel odd Star.‘’ Twilight said as she came closer, ‘’But this could still be a way for you to make friends and who knows, maybe you will find your hidden special talent.‘’ ‘’But you said that if I could get a Cutie Mark, then I would already have one.‘’ ‘’Yes, that is my theory, but not one that’s necessarily true,‘’ Twilight answered. I lowered my head, ‘Why does no one here have any answers?’ I thought before Twilight lifted my head and gave me a nuzzle. I would never get tired of that; I just felt safe, as all my problems were gone. As Twilight was done, she pulled her head back and left me to look up at her; I just wanted to stay home and nuzzle into her fur. As I was still lost in the previous nuzzle, Twilight said, ‘’Tell you what, tell Apple Bloom and her friends that you aren’t familiar with Cutie Marks and that you would rather wait for yours and not try to force it. And if you want to be friends with them, then go ahead.‘’ ‘’Thanks big sis.‘’ I said as Twilight smiled softly at me, and we ate the rest of our delicious breakfast as I commented with a mouth full, ‘’You’ll definitely get a Cutie Mark in cooking Spike.‘’ ‘’Thanks Star, but dragons don’t get Cutie Marks.‘’ ‘’Oh.‘’ I could only say before I swallowed. ‘’Star, it’s not polite to talk with your mouth full,‘’ Twilight said. ‘’Sorry Twily.‘’ I said as I felt my blood go to my head, I thought, ‘Why do I keep doing that?’ After we ate, Twilight took me to her bed and brushed my mane, tail, and fur. Again I was still so relaxed that I leaned on Twilight and her brushstroke controlled my breathing. Once Twilight was done, I got my brown saddlebag strapped on me, and Spike placed a paper bag lunch in the saddlebag before Twilight asked, ‘’You ready to go Star?‘’ ‘’Hmm…?‘’ Then I remembered Flurry and ran towards my room's door; I needed to make sure she was okay. ‘’You want Flurry with you?‘’ Twilight asked. I stood in front of my door, and I realized that I forgot Flurry after I woke up and if I got her now, Twilight would discover that I had wet my bed, ‘Quick! Think of something!’ ‘’It’s okay if you want her with you.‘’ Twilight’s voice was much closer than before. I turned around and saw her right behind me as she looked at me with worried eyes before I finally spoke up and said, ‘’No, it’s okay. I just remembered, I put her to bed after I got up, so she’s properly sleeping now anyways.‘’ ‘’Alright then, if you’re sure. Come on, let’s go.‘’ I nodded and followed her and Spike as we walked towards the Ponyville Schoolhouse. We walked a bit out of the town before I saw a golden bell on top of a red building. The building looked like a regular old fashioned house. It was probably the schoolhouse. Around it was a white fence, probably to make sure all the fillies and colts knew where the school ground ended. I saw a few young ponies around the schoolhouse around my new age, but I didn’t see Apple Bloom but spotted Diamond Tiara without Silver Spoon. Out of the door to the schoolhouse came Ms. Cherrilee. As we approached her, she greeted, ‘’Hello Twilight, hello Spike.‘’ She turned to me and said, ‘’And welcome Star, what do you think of our schoolhouse?‘’ ‘’It looks nice,‘’ I said with a nervous smile. As Twilight and Ms. Cherrilee talked, I looked around, and some ponies had noticed me and stared at me for a moment, but quickly they just went back to whatever they were doing before. I looked back at Twilight, Spike, and Ms. Cherrilee before Twilight said, ‘’Okay Star, it’s time for Spike and I to go now, but after school we’ll be here to pick you up, okay?‘’ I slowly nodded, ‘This is really happening; I’m starting in school with ten year old's, but this time as a girl,’ I stopped nodding, and my mind began racing faster than I could follow, and as fast as I could, I hugged Twilight’s stomach, I only knew I didn’t want her to go. Tears ran down my face, and a leg with a pair of arms wrapped around me as Twilight shushed me while she rubbed my back. After a bit, I felt more calmed down and slowly loosened my legs from Twilight. When I stood back on the ground, I looked up at her and saw her soft smile, one I tried to return, it was difficult, but Twilight said, ‘’You’ll be fine, and when you get home you can just stay nuzzled into my fur for as long as you want to. Deal?‘’ I nodded, and after a quick hug from Twilight and Spike, they walked to the white fence and towards town and left me alone. I looked around and spotted Ms. Cherrilee as she walked back inside the schoolhouse; I followed her inside the schoolhouse. Inside I looked to my left, and there were maybe twelve decks, three across and four rows. There was a blackboard on the right, and in front of me at the windows, there was a teacher's desk and Ms. Cherrilee right behind it, she saw me and looked a bit surprised before she said, ‘’Star? The bell hasn’t rung yet. Why don’t you head outside? I believe Diamond Tiara is here.‘’ ‘’Oh, okay. What about my saddlebag?‘’ ‘’Take the third row towards the window; that’s your desk.‘’ ‘’Thanks,‘’ I said before I walked towards the desk. As I walked, I saw names on the desk, and I recognized a few of the names, Apple Bloom, who sat in the second row and in the middle of Diamond Tiara, who had the window and was in front of me, and Silver Spoon was on Apple Bloom’s right side. Else I saw other names like Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, which sounded familiar; Snips, Snails, and Twist were names I knew I had never heard before. There was no name at my desk; it looked reasonably clean, the seat itself was odd as it didn’t have a back. As I thought more about it, I guessed it made sense; I had never wanted to lay down on my back more than my stomach. The desk itself had a small compartment for storage, properly, so I didn’t need to walk with all my books. I took my saddlebag off and placed it between my seat and the window, and as I remembered what Ms. Cherrilee said about going outside, I walked towards the door and went out. As I walked outside, I saw Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon as they were about to step inside, they smiled and took me into a shared hug, it felt a bit awkward, but I hugged them back. We released each other, and Diamond Tiara asked, ‘’Have you told Apple Bloom yet?‘’ ‘’Nope.‘’ I couldn’t help but giggle as it was really a thing I looked forward to, ‘’She has no idea.‘’ ‘’Perfect, but let’s wait until our first recess.‘’ ‘’Huh?‘’ ‘’Just pretend you don’t know us.‘’ ‘’Why?‘’ ‘’Trust me, we’re friends, right?‘’ Diamond Tiara said, and I could help it as I thought back on what Twilight had told me about what happened while I was gone that Pinkie Pie had a Pinkie sense and to trust friends, so I nodded and said, ‘’Okay, I trust you.‘’  She pulled me into another hug and said, ‘’It’s going to be so much fun.‘’ ‘’Definitely.‘’ ‘’Silver Spoon and I better go inside before Apple Bloom turns up.‘’ ‘’See you at recess,‘’ I said as they walked inside and I walked further outside. As I looked around, I became a bit frustrated, ‘Why did Twilight wake me up so early? She could have waited just a few more minutes.’ As I thought back on this morning, I remembered that I needed to find out how I could either hide or clean my bed after what happened this morning, but my thoughts were broken as I saw a familiar pony with a red bow on her way to school, but with her, there was two other ponies, same height, so maybe same age. Then I realized it; those were the two fillies Apple Bloom told me about yesterday, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, that’s why those names sounded familiar. As they walked past the white fence and the orange pony, on some sort of scooter, pointed at me,  Apple Bloom nodded, and the orange pony seemed excited as Apple Bloom ran over to me, hugged me, released me and said, ‘’He’ye Star, these two are those I told you about yesterday.‘’ The white filly then said in a much higher pitch than my own, ‘’I’m Sweetie Belle.‘’ ‘’And I’m Scootaloo.‘’ The orange filly said with a bit more ruff voice; it sounded a bit like Rainbow’s voice, maybe it was her little sister. Before they all yelled in unison, ‘’And together we’re the Cutie Mark Crusaders!‘’ and my ears closed themselves to my head. I opened my ears again as I said, ‘’Nice to meet the two of you; I’m Star Sparkle.‘’ ‘’So Star?‘’ Apple Bloom asked, ‘’Did you decide to join the Cutie Mark Crusaders yet?‘’ But before I said anything, Scootaloo said, ‘’It’s gonna be awesome, and with the four of us, we’re sure going to get our Cutie Marks in no time.‘’ ‘’Yeah, we’ll be unstoppable, ‘’ Sweetie Belle said before she asked, ‘’so what do you say?‘’ ‘’Umm… I don’t know, I don’t really get the deal about Cutie Marks, but it could still be fun to hang out together.‘’ ‘’What!‘’ Scootaloo yelled in response, like what I said was of madness, ‘’You don’t want a Cutie Mark?! What kind of crazy talk is that?‘’ ‘’I just don’t-‘’ I tried to say. ‘’Scootaloo,‘’ Apple Bloom interjected, ‘’she didn’t say she didn’t wanna, she said she got the deal with Cutie Marks, haven't you thought you wouldn’t get you Cutie Mark?‘’ ‘’But she- I mean-‘’ Scootaloo tried to defend herself. Sweetie Belle came next to me and said, ‘’I know girls.‘’ Before she got her front leg around my neck, ‘’We just have to teach her about Cutie Marks and how great they are.‘’ The two fillies nodded in agreement, and now all of them looked at me with the most adorable puppy eyes. ‘If I say no-, who am I kidding, I can’t say no now, I’ not a monster,’ so I said, ‘’Okay, I’ll join.‘’ Suddenly, I was tackled, hugged, and heard cheers from the fillies; only the sound of a bell stopped their cheering. I was helped up, and the voice of Ms. Cherrilee said, ‘’Okay my little ponies, it’s time for class.‘’ I walked with the fillies, and step by step, I got closer to the schoolhouse, but on the way, I noticed that on the side of Apple Bloom saddlebag, there hung a sun plushie, the sun plushie I gave her. Inside I got to my seat and saw that Sweetie Bell was next to me, and Scootaloo was in the front to the right, closet to the door. , As all the ponies were seated, Ms. Cherrilee, in a cherry mood, said, ‘’Good morning my little ponies.‘’ ‘’GOOD MORNING MS. CHEERILEE!!!‘’ The whole class, except me, said in unison. She walked over to her desk, and still in her cherry mood, she said, ‘’As some of you have noticed, we have a new filly joining us and so I would like to introduce everypony to Star Sparkle.‘’ As she pointed her hoof at me and I felt all eyes fell on me, and Ms. Cherrilee continued, ‘’Star, why don’t you come up here and tell us something about yourself.‘’ However, something told me I didn’t have a choice, and I stood up and said, ‘’I’m Star-‘’ ‘’No no Star, up here, in front of the class.‘’ Ms. Cherrilee said, her tone was still cheerful; I nodded and walked to the front of the class, with only a few giggles. As I stood next to Ms. Cherrilee, I said, ‘’My name is Star Sparkle, and I live here in Ponyville with my big sister and my dragon brother, while my parents live in Canterlot.‘’ I said, but as I said it, I sounded more insecure than I would’ve liked. I looked at Ms. Cherrilee, who smiled before asking, ‘’Does anypony have any questions for Star? Remember, when you’re picked, to say your name.‘’ The pony in the front middle, who had white fur and curly red mane and tail, glasses and braces, raised her hoof; Ms. Cherrilee pointed and said, ‘’Yes, Twist?‘’ Before the pony said, ‘’My name’s Twist, do you have any hobbies, Star?‘’ ‘’Hi Twist, well… I like to do magic.‘’ I answered. Sweetie Belle raised her hoof as she uttered, ‘’Oooh ohh.‘’ ‘’Yes, Sweetie Belle?‘’ ‘’Well, as a fellow crusader, you know my name is Sweetie Belle, but why do you live with Twilight and not with your parents in Canterlot.‘’ She asked and took my breath away. I had no idea if I should say anything, I forgot to ask Twilight ‘Crap,’ I looked at Ms. Cherrilee, who nodded, and I said, ‘’Well, a few weeks ago I lost all memories about my parents and who I was, but Twilight found me, and because she wanted to I live with her now.‘’ ‘’I- I had no idea.‘’ Sweetie Belle said, and it was like a dark cloud had overcome the entire classroom. ‘’It’s okay really; I’m happy to live with my big sis,‘’ I said, and it brightened the classroom up a bit. ‘’Final question.‘’ Ms. Cherrilee said. Some still had their hooves up in the air, and Ms. Cherrilee said, ‘’Yes, Snails.‘’ As I looked at him, he looked familiar, a yellow coat and green mane, as he asked, ‘’I’m Snails, do you know any awesome magic?‘’ ‘’I can make my light and levitate a quill or a crayon,‘’ I said. The whole class let out a long and collect, ‘’Wooow.‘’ ‘’Really?‘’ Ms. Cherrilee asked, ‘’Have you already come that far?‘’ ‘’Yes,‘’ I said, unsure if it was really that impressive. Ms. Cherrilee smiled before she said, ‘’Well, if you’re as good in school as with your magic, you shouldn’t have a problem.‘’ ‘’Thank you, Ms. Cherrilee.‘’ ‘’Now, back to your desk.‘’ I nodded and walked back to my seat. Back at my seat Ms. Cherrilee said, ‘’Okay my little ponies, today we’re going to do some math equations.‘’ ‘’Awwwww.‘’ The ponies all growed. Unlike everypony else, I was actually okay with this, ‘Is it unfair that I have many years’ worth of knowledge and they only have a few, well…? Not for me.‘’ Ms. Cherrilee came down to my desk with a few books, one being ‘Math for Fillies & Colts,’ ‘Equestria’s History Vol. 1: For Fillies & Colts.’ and other books I didn’t care much for. I looked back towards Ms. Cherrilee as she said, ‘’I have written these few equations which we will go through together. After you’ll get a sheet of paper with fifty new equations that you’ll solve yourself.‘’ As I looked at the blackboard, it was ‘5x8’, ‘9x6’, ‘10x4’ & ‘7x3’ My eyes relaxed and a smile grew on my face, maybe I would be able to get some sleep after all. Ms. Cherrilee then asked, ‘’Does anypony wish to raise their hoof?‘’ But no hoof was raised, so I raised mine, and Ms. Cherrilee asked, ‘’Yes Star, do you need to go to the bathroom?‘’ ‘You gotta be kidding me you !!!!!!!’ I thought but said, ‘’No, I’m okay to try and solve an equation, or four if no one else wants to.‘’ Finally, I was going to be the smart kid in class. ‘’Are you sure?‘’ ‘’I’m sure.‘’ ‘’Okay then, which one do you wanna try?‘’ ‘’Umm… 9x6 is 54.‘’ ‘’Well done Star.‘’ Ms. Cherrilee congratulated. My cockiness overtook me, and I continued, ‘’5x8 is 40, 10x4 is also 40, and 7x3 is 21.‘’ As I finished, my cheekbones hurt from my smiling, and as I looked around, all the ponies stared at me, which caused me to rethink ‘Maybe I should have stuck by my story a bit closer, a filly with no memories about her past does this well in school.’ Ms. Cherrilee interrupted my thoughts as she said, ‘’Yes, that’s correct, all of it.‘’ The class erupted in cheers, like nothing I had ever seen before, it felt weird as I was in the spotlight of a class of ten-year-olds, but it was fun. Ms. Cherrilee calmed the class down as she said, ‘’Settle down everypony, settle down. Excellent Star, tell me, what is 240/48?‘’ I thought for quite a bit before Ms. Cherrilee said, ‘’It’s okay Star, it was maybe a bit too difficult.‘’ But I raised my hoof and said, ‘’5.‘’ Ms. Cherrilee blinked a bit before she said, ‘’Co-correct. But umm, let’s get back on track now.‘’ ‘’Awwww…‘’ The entire class said. ‘’What if that’s Star’s special talent,‘’ Scootaloo said, ‘’shouldn’t we at least try and who knows, maybe she’ll even get her Cutie Mark.‘’ ‘’Star is gifted Scootaloo, but earring once Cutie Marks shouldn't come before school.‘’ Ms. Cherrilee said, properly so they other students could learn something as well. We got a sheet of paper, and I looked through my saddlebag and found that Twilight must have prepared it in advance as there were multiple pencils and a few blue crayons alongside some blank papers; I took a pencil with my hoof. Still, as I was about to write, I looked around and saw all the ponies, unicorns, pegasus, and earth ponies alike, used their mouths as they wrote; I tried to use my hoof at first. Still, as I felt I got more and more stares towards me and even more pain in my hoof, I lay the pencil down and raised my hoof, but found that Ms. Cherrilee helped Diamond Tiara, at least she was close. After a bit, Ms. Cherrilee got up, and I got out a small, ‘’Oooh.‘’ As I raised my hoof even higher, just to be sure I got picked. Ms. Cherrilee noticed and got down to my eye level and asked, ‘’Are you having any trouble Star?‘’ But I answered with, as low a voice as I could, ‘’I don’t know how to write.‘’ ‘’Sorry?‘’ So I answered normal, ‘’I don’t really know how to write.‘’ ‘’Really?‘’ I nodded; Ms. Cherrilee looked at my paper, took her own pencil, and as she pointed at ‘8x6’ she asked, ‘’What’s that?‘’ ‘’48,‘’ I answered. She pointed at four equations and asked what they were, and after I got them right, she said, ‘’Good, now I got a little special assignment for you.‘’ ‘’Okay.‘’ Now I knew that I should just have stuck by my story. Ms. Cherrilee came back from her desk and said, ‘’Check the rest of the book for anything you would have difficulty with, and we’ll talk later.‘’ I nodded, and she took my sheet of paper and walked to the next pony as I used the rest of the class to look at a book that I knew how to do all of it; it was way below me. > Hidden Friends: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The bell rang, and I closed the boring math book, but before the ponies were on their way out, Ms. Cherrilee announced, ‘’Alright everypony, time for recess. If you aren’t done with your problems, that’s your homework for tomorrow. Star, will you stay for a moment?‘’ ‘’Yes Ms. Cherrilee.‘’ I answered like I had been going to this school for longer than I had ‘weird.’ As the classroom emptied, Ms. Cherrilee walked over to me and said, ‘’I’m very impressed by your knowledge in math. Have you done any preparations?‘’ ‘’No, not really. I just knew the answers.‘’ ‘’Alright then, maybe you’ll then get your Cutie Mark soon. However, did you find something in the book you didn’t know about?‘’ ‘’I know about all the concepts that are talked about in the book.‘’ ‘’Well, then I’ll have to find something a bit more challenging for you. But I’ll let you get to recess now.‘’ ‘’Thanks Ms. Cherrilee,‘’ I said as I trotted out of the classroom and out onto the playground. As I looked around, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were over at the three swings. There was also a thing that spun around itself, a big sandbox and all around the playground there were many balls and other fun stuff, it all got to me somehow, it just looked so much fun and without a care in the world. Sweetie Belle saw me and waved her hoof in the air as she called, ‘’Star, over here!‘’ I could help but smile, no one had ever called for me to hang out with them, but that was definitely changed. As I trotted over to them, I spotted as Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon hid behind a wall so the girls couldn’t see them, but I could see all ‘This is going to be fun.’ As I came over at the swings, Diamond Tiara nodded as Sweetie Belle asked, ‘’If you wanna go first, then I’ll push you?‘’ I tried to stop my massive grin, but my poker face was a smiley face ‘’Well, I was wondering if two of my other friends could join?‘’ Apple Bloom and Scootaloo heard as Apple Bloom asked, ‘’What other friends? I thought you said you didn’t know anypony else.‘’ ‘’Well… I met these two the day I went to Canterlot.‘’ I said as Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon came out from their hiding spot, and the expressions on Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo’s faces were priceless, so much that I couldn’t hold back my laughter and I fell on the grass and belly laughed. As I had to breathe, I stopped my belly laugh, got up, and wiped my tears away, but as I looked at Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, they still had their wide eyes and open mouths. Apple Bloom stuttered as she asked, ‘’You, you’re frie, friends with, with them?‘’ ‘’Hehe, yeah, why so surprised?‘’ ‘’It’s Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.‘’ ‘’I know, have they done something wrong?‘’ I asked; their faces were not that of shock and joy, but still shock and surprise. As more pieces fell into the puzzle, Apple Bloom asked, ‘’How? Why?‘’ Before Scootaloo almost yelled, ‘’They’re bullies!‘’ ‘’Bullies?‘’ I asked in utter confusion; I looked at Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon; they looked like they were going to cry, ‘’Hey, it’s okay Di, Silver, you’re fine, okay?‘’ I looked back at the three fillies and asked, ‘’How are they bullies?‘’ ‘’They call everypony with no Cutie Mark, blank flanks.‘’ Sweetie Belle said. ‘’Okay, what’s a blank flank?‘’ I asked. ‘’A pony without a Cutie Mark.‘’ ‘’Oh… And that’s a bad thing to say?‘’ ‘’YES!!!‘’ They all yelled in unison. I looked back at Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon and asked, ‘’Have you called them blank flanks?‘’ ‘’Yes.‘’ Diamond Tiara said, ‘’But we only did it because we thought, they thought it was fun.‘’ Her voice cracked, ‘’But we would… We would never have called them that if they got hurt by it.‘’ ‘’Give me a break!!‘’ Apple Bloom shouted, ‘’You knew what you did, you two knew we hated it! Star, don’t tell me that you actually believe what they’re saying.‘’ ‘’Well…‘’ I couldn’t feel that Diamond or Silver made it up and felt with them and said, ‘’Have you never been in a conversation where you thought you were doing a good thing, but the other part saw it as a bad thing, maybe even a thing that had hurt that side.‘’ ‘’But Star, they’re lying! And they’re faking their tears.‘’ Apple Bloom said, I felt I was pulled towards two different sides, the CMC and Diamond & Silver. Before I could make a decision, the bell rang, and as ponies walked back inside, all but the six ponies of us before I said, ‘’I’ll figure this out until next recess.‘’ They then walked back to class. I stayed as I had to find out what the truth was, but even as the thought came to my head, I couldn’t believe that Diamond and Silver could ever manipulate me, they’re ten, but as I looked towards Ponyville, I just wanted to go back to Twilight and not deal with this. Ms. Cherrilee’s voice called ‘’Star!‘’ I turned around and saw Ms. Cherrilee as she stood in the doorway to the schoolhouse and waited, ‘’When the bell rings, that means that you have to get back inside.‘’ I ran to her and apologized, ’Sorry, Ms. Cherrilee.‘’ ‘’Back to your seat, and if it happens again, I’ll have to inform Twilight.‘’ Ms. Cherrilee said; I lowered my head and walked back into class. As I walked back to my desk, I really came to appreciate that Twilight had treated me like a filly for so long, or else I would definitely have snapped back at Ms. Cherrilee for treating me like this. When I sat at my desk, I took out the next book, and we had to read a shared story; Scootaloo started where they left off, next was Twist, and so on until it was my turn. As I read, I was faster and better at pronouncing words that many of the others had stopped at. When I was done, Ms. Cherrilee cheerfully said, ‘’Well done Star. Sweetie Belle, your turn.‘’ I had to figure out what I have to do, should I just believe the CMC, I mean, that is what Twilight’s friendship letter said, but maybe I should still use skepticism, ‘Too many questions, I just want to go home and use my magic.’ After everyone had read, Ms. Cherrilee said, ‘’Well done everypony, there is definitely progress in all of your readings, so until lunch, I want you to take your own book and continue to read. And I want no chit-chat.‘’ As everyone else began to read, I realized that I had nothing to read, but not before long, Ms. Cherrilee came to me with a selection of books and whispered, ‘’So since your doing so well in your reading, I believe these three books are at a good level for you.‘’ As she showed me the three books on the top of the little bookcase on wheels, one I recognized was the first Daring Do book, I pointed at that one, and Ms. Cherrilee gave it to me. As I read the title, a chuckle escaped my throat, ‘Should I start over with this book?’ but as I thought more about it, ‘What happened between the girls could have been a misunderstanding, but if they’re willing to go past it and try again, that could work.’ I found the page I was at the last time and continued to read, as now I knew how to deal with this. Many pages and looks outside the bell finally rang, so I closed my book and took my lunch, opened it and saw an apple, a sandwich, a box of juice and three strawberries ‘I love those two’ As I took my lunch bag up on my desk Ms. Cherrilee said, ‘’Alright my little ponies, lunchtime! Remember to go back to class after the bell rings.‘’ I took my lunch out of my saddleback with my teeth and walked outside with the rest of the students. I was nervous about how the three fillies would react to my suggestion, I knew it could be impossible to forgive one who has bullied you, but this just felt different; I was sure it was just a misunderstanding. Outside I walked with Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo over to an empty bench, and I sat in the middle with the three fillies on my left, but Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon weren’t outside yet. I took the opportunity and looked through my lunch and saw an apple, a few strawberries, a juice box that I had no idea how to open, and a sandwich, with a little note attached. I placed the food on the table and asked, ‘’Apple Bloom?‘’ ‘’Huh? What’s up?‘’ She asked cheerfully. ‘’Will you open my juice box?‘’ I whispered. ‘’Sure, that‘s what friends are for.‘’ Apple Bloom said I gave her my juice box, and after a second, it was open, and I got it back, ‘’Here ya go Star.‘’ ‘’Thanks,‘’ I said, and after a quick taste, it was delicious before I looked at the note on the sandwich. ‘Promise you’ll try one bite. Love Twilight. BPBSF.’ ‘BPBSF? What’s that?’ I thought, but decided that I would just ask Twilight later. I opened the sandwich, white bread, and saw no filling; I took a bite, which was the most delicious sandwich I had tasted in my life. It wasn’t like hay that reminded me of meat; the texture was similar, but still unlike what I tried before. It was simply a new taste. I had to know what I ate and opened the sandwich. Inside the sandwich, there were white flowers with green grass looking stuff. Whatever it was, it was delicious, and I closed the sandwich again and took another bite as I saw Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon as they walked outside. I waved for them; they saw me as I heard low groans from the three fillies, noises that made me even less secure about my plan. As Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon sat at the bench, a cold, uncomfortable air and atmosphere surrounded us, and it felt like everypony at the table hated me. Still, I had to try; else I could maybe get Twilight to homeschool me, or just skip school and take the punishment. As I finished with my sandwich, I wanted to destroy the silence and said ‘’Sooooo…‘’ But my mind went blank. ‘’So.‘’ Sweetie Belle said. ‘’Star?‘’ Diamond Tiara said, ‘’You said you would figure out what to do last recess.‘’ ‘’Oh, right.‘’ I said and thought back on my idea a bit before I said, ‘’I think that from what I’ve been told, that a misunderstanding could still have taken place-‘’ ‘’Yeah, right…‘’ Scootaloo said with a low voice, properly hoped I wouldn’t hear. ‘’That wasn’t nice Scootaloo,‘’ Silver Spoon said with a low voice, ‘’I think Star is correct.‘’ ‘’Thank you, Silver,‘’ I said with a smile. Scootaloo knew she was heard as she said, ‘’No, sorry Star, ugh, it’s just, it’s Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, so forgive me if I have difficulty believing anything they say.‘’ Scootaloo didn’t know it, but as she said it, it hit me as well. I had too many times either lost friends or was close to losing friends because I couldn’t understand what they meant, and a small tear fell out of my eye, and I quickly removed it. I cleared my throat, and nopony noticed that I had shed a tear, which was for the best, ‘’Anyway, I was thinking that if Diamond and Silver apologized, could we maybe get a fresh start.‘’ I looked at Diamond and Silver; they nodded, ‘’And promise not to call any others blank flanks.‘’ ‘’We promise.‘’ Diamond Tiara started. ‘’Never again.‘’ Silver spoon ended. I nodded and smiled before I looked back at the three other fillies who didn’t look as interested, ‘’Apple Bloom?‘’ I asked. She looked at me, and in her eyes, I saw that her mind properly raced a hundred kilometers an hour; she looked at me, behind me to Diamond and Silver, then towards Sweetie Belle and an even less interested Scootaloo. ‘’Hang on Star.‘’ Apple Bloom said, ‘’Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, quick meeting.‘’ They got down from the bench and got their heads together and whispered so low that I only made out my own name in all the whispers. I looked back at Diamond and Silver, who had already eaten their lunch and, like me, waited patiently for the three fillies’ response. As we waited, I remembered back to this morning. If Twilight had discovered what happened, she would likely put me in diapers, which I couldn’t even blame her for; I guessed it would make sense for her to do so, if I wanted to or not, or maybe she’ll even ground me for hiding it from her. If the three fillies decided not to forgive Diamond and Silver, this day would be the absolute worst day ever, and I felt it would all be because of me. I lied to Twilight, and I involved myself in something that I had no right to involve myself in. All around us, the other ponies had finished their lunches and slowly began to play again. As the three fillies had finished their whispering, they turned around, and Scootaloo started, ‘’Well, I still don’t really trust them.‘’ ‘’But,‘’ Sweetie Belle said, ‘’if they really are sorry, I can try and forgive them.‘’ ‘’But only if it’s a real apology.‘’ Apple Bloom finished. I couldn’t stop my smile as I finally relaxed a bit; it went good so far; I turned to Diamond and Silver, they nodded and got down from the bench and walked over to the three fillies. At the end of the bench, the five fillies stood, and Diamond started ‘’I’m sorry for calling you blank flanks.‘’ ‘’But from today,‘’ Silver Spoon continued, ‘’We promise we won’t ever call you that again.‘’ Both Diamond and Silver reached their hooves out as they sincerely asked ‘’Friends?‘’ The three fillies looked at each other, before they looked back at Diamond and Silver and reached their hooves out and I guess hoof bumped each other as they said ‘’Friends.‘’ I smiled as I ate my last strawberry, which was also the last bit of my lunch, and as all of us were now finished, I said, ‘’Now, since the past is behind us, should we play a game?‘’ I looked around, and the four swings were available. The five fillies agreed, and after we had cleaned up, we went to the swings. Over at the swings, Sweetie Belle said, ‘’Hop on Star.‘’ I nodded, and after Apple Bloom sat on her swing, I saw that she sat as a human would; it caused me to tilt my head in confusion, but I got up on the swing and sat like Apple Bloom, it felt odd, but not uncomfortable, and I wrapped my legs around the strings, and a pair of hooves pushed me. At that moment, I realized that it had been, maybe, seven to ten years since I was last on a swing and even longer since I was pushed on one. The joy from those days, the carefree world view I had, it all came back in a rush, and I laughed as I swung higher and higher, and when I hit zero gravity, I fell back down and left my laughter high in the air. Some time must have passed as when I heard, through my laugher, the school bell rang, and as I looked to the ground, I swung down, and as I was around the ground and should have gone up again, instead I felt two hooves on my back which held me and the swing lost its momentum, and when I was back at the ground, it stopped, and I got off. ‘’Was it fun?‘’ Sweetie Belle asked with a giggle. I giggled a bit before I said, ‘’Yeah, I’ve never tried it before, thanks.‘’ ‘’You’re welcome,‘’ She said before she said with a high-class voice, much like Rarity’s, ‘’It was my pleasure to give you your first go on the swings.‘’ Before she laughed and I joined her, and together with the other fillies and students, we walked back to class and our next lesson The next lesson was writing and after Ms. Cherrilee had written a few words on the board, of which we had to write something about and tomorrow we had to read it to the class. But as I had no idea how to write, Ms. Cherrilee came down to my desk with a piece of paper. She said, ‘’So since you’re unfamiliar with how to write, I want you to train your writing,‘’ the paper she lay on my desk was a linear paper with the letter ‘A a’ on the top line and next was ‘B b’ and so on, Ms. Cherrilee then continued with a smile, ‘’Fill out the paper and just do your best.‘’ I nodded and took my pencil with my mouth, and as I put it on the paper, I quickly broke the tip, ‘Okay… I’m not writing with a pencil,’ I looked back into my saddleback and took out the blue crayon and wondered what it would taste like and picked it up with my mouth with zero taste, ‘Maybe later it will taste like something.’ I looked around with the crayon in my mouth and saw that the other ponies were in full progress of writing with a pencil; I was definitely behind the young ponies on that front. I lowered the crayon to the paper, and as I was about to write an ‘A’ bottom to top, I placed the crayon down, pushed my head forward, and made a fine line that went onto the table itself. As I hit the edge of the table with my chest, I released a big chunk of air and dropped the crayon, and it fell to the floor. As I couldn’t get my crayon from the floor and I had drawn on my desk, I raised my hoof and tried to lock eyes with Ms. Cherrilee, who sat at her desk, she saw me, and as she walked over, I hid the line on the table with my paper. ‘’Are you having any difficulty?‘’ Ms. Cherrilee asked. ‘’Yes, Ms. Cherrilee, I um…‘’ I removed the paper, ‘’I lost the crayon on the floor as well.‘’ Ms. Cherrilee looked at my desk, smiled, placed my crayon back onto my desk, and said, ‘’Hang on Star.‘’ Before Ms.Cherriee walked back to her desk. She got a piece of cloth out and went to a little fountain, turned the water on and off before she walked back to me and cleaned my desk as she said, ‘’I think you’ll need to get something a bit more simple.‘’ I nodded, and Ms. Cherrilee walked back to her desk and came back with another piece of paper, this one with symbols, and said, ‘’Let’s try this on, but this time just focus on the motion and later we can apply pressure, okay?‘’ ‘’Yes, Ms. Cheerilee,‘’ I said and tried once again, but this time I didn’t drop the crayon of zero taste, which was weird but perfect; I drew a single line at the time, over and over again and with next to zero pressure it hardly showed on the page. After a while, the repetitiveness of my assignment forced my mind to detach. I thought about how my time in Equestria had been, the body I now had, I was a filly, but it also meant I was a girl, which I had wished for my entire life, but I knew I would never have it as I wanted it back in my world, I could never have been born as a girl. I could never have lived the life I wanted to, and I never enjoyed my childhood. As I thought back on my childhood, I realized that I had spent most if not all of it watching TV, not gaining a single thing I could say I was good at, not even reading; I only wanted to see TV and eat cake, because when I would be an adult, I would figure everything out. Maybe I just liked this childhood because I had friends before the age of sixteen and only kept in contact with a few to one or two until I went away to Equestria, where the most powerful magic is friendship. I would’ve figured everything out when I became an adult, and how wrong I was; I should have realized that I was unprepared for what the adult life would throw at me, that I was so helpless that I leaned on my parents to help me. To only realize that I felt I was alone and wanted everything to end, because who would even miss me. I knew it was terrible thoughts that only pulled me away from everything I loved, my family, the few friends I had, and even the very small things like the times I played Star Wars Battlefront 2 on my playstation2 with my brother and, of course, the most significant reason… My mind went blank; I hadn’t realized it before now, I couldn’t remember why I chose not to end my life before, my mind drew a complete blank on whatever it was related to, I knew that it was important and thought ‘I really need to tell Twilight or Princess Celestia about this when I see them.’ As I came more back to reality, I realized that I’d made a deep dark blue on the paper just above a small puddle of water, and I immediately felt it was tears that had run down my face. I dropped the crayon and whipped my tears away. After I had wiped my tears away, I stealthily looked around and saw that everyone else still wrote, and Ms. Cherrilee read a book. I needed to get to the bathroom, and as the juice box wanted out again, I raised my hoof and asked ‘’Ms. Cheerilee?‘’ Ms. Cheerilee looked at me and walked over to me. Quickly I hid the tear puddle, and as she stood next to me, I asked in a whisper, ‘’Can I use the bathroom?‘’ ‘’Of course, it’s just over next to the door.‘’ Ms. Cherrilee said. I smiled and saw that next to the door to the outside; there was a wooden door that looked almost invisible unless you knew it was there ‘Weird design.’ I thought. I got up and walked to the door, opened it and as I walked through it, I entered a small hall; I closed the door behind me and saw to my left was two doors, the one on the right said ‘FILLY’ while the one on the left said ‘COLT’ and I went into the filly’s room. Inside the bathroom, it looked much like the bathroom back at the golden oak. After I had done my business, I washed my hooves and as I was done I looked myself in the mirror, the pink mane with the blue stripe that almost matched my eye color, an eye color I always wanted. I smiled as I actually really liked how I looked, much more than ever before. As I saw the pink filly who smiled back at me, I missed my home as I was finally in the works of getting my life in order, even after I felt like I had failed. But now I felt like I wanted to say that I liked being a filly, I loved the attention Twilight gave me, even if had she treated me like a filly, sometimes like a foal, but I didn’t care. I liked being taken care of, and as far as I knew, my world was on pause. Even if I could go home tomorrow or in a year or even ten years, it wouldn’t matter, it would only have been a second in my world, ‘Like The Wizard of Oz’ this was just my hero’s journey or some crazy thing like that, ‘Is this world even real? Was my human world real? Who knows, and I don’t care; it’s real to me and everyone in this world. I might as well have a fun time while I’m here. Maybe I could even get a pajamas that cover my hooves, because why not? I don’t want to waste my time here; I’m the first human to learn magic, to be a pony with a tail, and as a bonus, I’m the gender I should have been born like. So I might as well get the full experience.’ I broke my thoughts as I stared into the sink, ‘I should properly head back to class.’ Before I went away from the mirror, I looked at my reflection, smiled, and said ‘’I,‘’ a few tears of pure joy fell, ‘’I love being a filly.‘’ Once again, I reached for the towel, dried my eyes and walked back into class, onto my seat, and continued my exercise for the rest of the school day, which I loved being only six hours long. > Confrontation to confession: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The bell rang for the last time today, and Ms. Cheerilee said, ‘’Alright everypony, that was it for today, what you didn’t finish of your work, that’s your homework for tomorrow.‘’ I packed my saddlebag as Sweetie Belle asked, ‘’So Star, are you ready to go out and earn our Cutie Marks?‘’ ‘’Sorry Sweetie Belle, I want to go home and practice magic,‘’ I said and hoped that she wouldn't be mad. ‘’Oh, okay, what about tomorrow?‘’ ‘’Um… Maybe, I’ll have to ask Twilight.‘’ I answered and threw my saddlebag onto my back, smiled, and said, ‘’But I’m ready to go now.‘’ ‘’Great.‘’ Sweetie Belle said, and together with the other ponies, we walked towards the door. About halfway to the door, Ms. Cheerilee said, ‘’Star, will you wait a bit? I’ll like to have a word with you.‘’ ‘’Yes, Ms. Cheerilee.‘’ I said and suspected that she only wanted to hear how my first day went, so I turned towards the girls and said, ‘’See you tomorrow girls.‘’ While the girls went out, they waved goodbye and said, ‘’Bye Star.‘’ Or, ‘’See you tomorrow.‘’ Soon after, Ms. Cheerilee and I were the only ones left in the classroom. ‘’Thank you, Star, and I won't hold you for long, but I wanted to ask you how your first day went.‘’ ‘Nailed it,’ I thought before I said, ‘’Good I guess,‘’ But decided not to mention the thing between the girls and continued ‘’though the math was easy.‘’ I ended with a smile. ‘’You’re definitely a smart young filly, which reminds me,‘’ Ms. Cheerilee said as she placed two books on her desk and continued, ‘’Take these books with you and let me know if they’re too difficult.‘’ ‘’I will, Ms. Cheerilee,‘’ I said before I placed the books into my saddlebag. ‘’Then I won’t hold you back anymore, see you tomorrow Star.‘’ As I walked out of the classroom, I waved and called, ‘’Bye, Ms. Cheerilee!‘’ ‘’Bye, Star!‘’ Ms. Cheerilee called as I trotted towards the door. When I trotted out of the door, I saw Twilight and Spike as they waited next to the white fence, but the moment I locked eyes with Twilight’s eyes, I remembered my accident this morning and immediately wanted to go back to the classroom, but decided against it, I just needed to clean my sheets. As I was over at the two, Twilight asked, ‘’How did your first day go?‘’ ‘’Good,‘’ I answered, but as my mind went back to the accident, and if this were just a dream, a night diaper wouldn’t be so bad. But if it wasn’t real, why did it felt like it was real. ‘’Star?‘’ Twilight asked, ‘’Are you okay?‘’ I looked up at Twilight, smiled before I said, ‘’Yeah, I’m fine, should we go home?‘’ ‘’Of course,‘’ Twilight answered. ‘’You want me to take your saddlebag?‘’ Spike asked as we began to walk. ‘’You sure?‘’ I asked, unsure why he wanted to. ‘’I’m the number one assistant,‘’ He said proudly, ‘’besides, your saddlebag isn’t nearly as heavy as Twilight's used to be.‘’ He finished with a laugh. ‘’Um, okay, if you're sure,‘’ I said, and he took my saddlebag before he fiddled with it for a second, and he used it as a human backpack. It looked quite normal on him. As we walked through Ponyville and all the ponies around us were busy with their own business, so nopony noticed or looked at me, like when I first arrived. Twilight broke my thoughts as she asked, ‘’So Star, how was lunch?‘’ ‘’Lunch?‘’ I asked but then remembered the delicious sandwich and said, ‘’I loved that sandwich, can I have one when we get home?‘’ ‘’Hehe, of course, I’m glad you like it.‘’ ‘’What was it even?‘’ ‘’It’s called a Daisy Sandwich, as the flower is called Daisy.‘’ ‘’It’s delicious,‘’ Before I remembered the note and asked, ‘’Twilight, what was that note?‘’ ‘’I wanted to make sure you tried it before rejecting it.‘’ ‘’No no, not that. The other thing that um,‘’ I tried to remember back to what the note said, ‘’Something BBFABC or something like that.‘’ ‘’Oh that,‘’ Twilight giggled, ‘’it said BPBSF, which stands for Best Pony Big Sister Forever.‘’ ‘’Oh.‘’ I slipped out as I never told Twilight that I already had a big sister or two brothers back in my world. Twilight then whispered, ‘’I added the pony part as I didn’t know if you have any siblings back, you know where.‘’ ‘’Oh, okay.‘’ I mean, I cared for my older sister like my two older brothers, but the pony part wasn’t that bad, ‘’Sounds nice, BBSF.‘’ ‘’Huh, BBSF?‘’ ‘’Best big sister forever,‘’ I said with a smile. As Twilight smiles back at me, the library was insight. By the look on Twilight’s face, she remembered something and said, ‘’Almost forgot, I was at the hospital earlier today and got you a time tomorrow after your second recess, so you’ll have to miss the last class.‘’ I couldn’t hide my smile as I tried using a disappointed voice, ‘’Whaaaat? Really? That’s too bad, but I think I’ll be fine.‘’ Twilight only rolled her eyes and smiled. As we came home, I needed to keep Twilight out of my room, Spike was easy as he stayed downstairs, but Twilight went upstairs like me. As I was about to open my door, Twilight said, ‘’Don’t worry about Flurry, she’s drying right now.‘’ My thoughts stopped, any plans I might have had were destroyed; I slowly turned around and saw Twilight as she sat down. To my surprise, she didn’t look angry, not even disappointed; I couldn’t tell, nor did I know if I should talk or stay silent. ‘’I,‘’ I forced myself to say, ‘’I had an accident last night.‘’ I finished, it felt better to say, but I still dropped my head. ‘’I know, and I think I know why you didn’t tell me.‘’ Twilight said, and I looked up at her in confusion as she continued, ‘’I haven’t been treating you like the adult you are, not even like a filly, more like a foal, and I’m sorry.‘’ As Twilight paused, her head faced the ground, and I knew I needed to wait until she was done before I said anything, ‘’I’m not sure how to explain it,‘’ She looked me in the eyes, ‘’but when I look at you, and if I’m not thinking about it, I can’t see you as anything other than a filly.‘’ ‘’You, you can’t?‘’ ‘’No, according to Princess Celestia this could be a part of the spell as well, that other ponies will have difficulty seeing you as other than a filly.‘’ ‘’I, um.‘’ I said, unable to understand what Twilight just said, ‘’What do we do?‘’ ‘’I don’t know.‘’ Twilight said before she continued, ‘’But the best thing we could do would be that you tell me when I treat you like a filly. That way, I would know and then stop.‘’ Silence only came from me as I thought, ‘Should I say that I like being a filly? I mean, could I even say it, would Twilight even want to treat me like a filly? It would only be until I could go home?’ ‘’Twilight?‘’ I asked; she looked at me, and I continued, ‘’Did you like, to treat me as a filly?‘’ By the look on her face, the question surprised her, ‘’Hmm…‘’ ‘’Please, just yes or no,‘’ I said before she could say anything else. She was silent for a few seconds, she then looked at me and said, ‘’Yes, why do you ask?‘’ ‘’Well,‘’ I started, but as I opened my mouth to tell her, no words came out; I tried again but nothing, ‘What’s happening to me,’ but then everything erupted from me, and I yelled, ‘’I love being a filly!‘’ Before I covered my mouth with my hooves. Twilight’s face said it all, shock, confusion, but settled on calm as she asked, ‘’You like being a filly?‘’ Her voice was not that of mockery or disgust, but more curiosity. I nodded as my hooves still covered my mouth. ‘’Since when?‘’ I removed my hooves and played with my mane instead, it just felt right as my heart pounded like crazy, but as I played with my mane, I calmed myself down, ‘Maybe because it’s distracting me a bit.‘ I swallowed as I still hadn’t answered Twilight’s question and whispered, ‘’Since I was young, I wished I had been born a girl.‘’ I paused and thought about my conversation with Princess Celestia and why I became a filly, ‘’Princess Celestia believed that the spell knew what I wanted to be and so gave it to me.‘’ ‘’Possible, does Princess Celestia knows about you liking to be a filly?‘’ ‘’I told her that I wished I was born a girl, but only today, I realized that I liked being a pony girl. I mean, when I would go home, no time would have passed, and whatever that would have happened until then wouldn’t happen, right?‘’ I asked, hoping she would agree, ‘It is the truth after all.’ ‘’Wait, did the princess tell you that?‘’ ‘’No,‘’ I answered and said sternly, ‘’But it’s true.‘’ Soon I found myself in an embrace as Twilight rubbed my back and felt as tears fell down my chin, while she said with a mother’s voice, ‘’Then it is true.‘’ Some time passed before Twilight sat me back down and asked, ‘’Better?‘’ ‘’Uh-huh, thanks.‘’ I said as I smiled before I asked, ‘’What now?‘’ ‘’Will you promise me that, if I treat you too much like a filly, then you’ll tell me?‘’ ‘’I promise.‘’ As I lowered my head, I said, ‘Why would she ever care for me like a filly? I wasn’t a filly, I’m just being w-’ ‘’Then you’re my little filly sister,‘’ Twilight said and broke all my thoughts. ‘’Wha, what?‘’ I asked, but thought, ‘Wait, what?’ ‘’It’s the best option as the other one was using magic, and it would be more dangerous.‘’ ‘’You sure?‘’ ‘’I am.‘’ Twilight said with a smile as I jumped on top of her and hugged her chest and cried tears of joy into her fur, ‘’I love you, little sis.‘’ ‘’I love you too, big sis,‘’ I said. A little time later, Twilight asked, ‘’We still need to talk about that another thing.‘’ I was placed down on the floor as I asked, ‘’What’s that?‘’ ‘’Your accident last night.‘’ ‘’Oh, that.‘’ I said as my head became warm, and I hid my face of embarrassment, ‘She knows, but she doesn't need to say it out loud.’ ‘’Yes, what do you what to do?‘’ Surprised, I brushed my mane aside and asked, ‘’Me?‘’ ‘’Yes, I mean I did take the opportunity to buy some protection for you while you were in school.‘’ ‘’Then what do you asked me what I want to do?‘’ I asked, now very confused as she had already bought the protection. ‘’I won’t force you.‘’ Twilight said, ‘’It would need to be your decision, and you can choose not to wear them.‘’ ‘’I,‘’ I said, surprised by what she said, it was my decision, but I didn’t want to wake up again like that, but what Twilight had bought was better, not that I like it, but I guessed it was the best option, as long as nopony else saw me, ‘’Will anypony else see me or know about it?‘’ ‘’I won’t tell anypony, nor will Spike,‘’ Twilight answered. I felt I could believe her, ‘I mean, she did hide my real identity and Flurry after the cute creatures attacked and the other ponies were close to finding out.’ I sighed and said, ‘’Okay, it’s better than the alternative, but for how long?‘’ ‘’Hmm…‘’ Twilight let out as she thought. After a few seconds, she said, ‘’A-ha, when Shining, Spike, or I wet the bed, we would need five mornings dry in a row before they came off completely.‘’ ‘’Okay,‘’ I said as I felt a chill run through my body. From Twilight’s bed, a big white packed levitated down to us, and it was clear as it was from its name, ‘Dry night diapers’ as Twilight said, ‘’Let’s go to your room, just to make sure they fit.‘’ I nodded and already regretted my choice, but it was properly just a bit of butterflies in my stomach. Inside my room, and as Twilight closed the door, the curtains covered the windows and the door to my balcony, ‘’Just lay down on the bed and don’t worry, Spike changed your sheets.‘’ I nodded before I jumped up, laid down, and covered my face with my pillow, as I wished to be anywhere else. My rear legs were lifted and placed down, but after a few groans from Twilight, I removed the pillow and saw Twilight with a book in her face, so she didn’t pay attention to me and several different things levitated in the air as Twilight mumbled. ‘’A-ha.‘’ Twilight let out, and a second later, I couldn’t press my rear legs together, and Twilight noticed me as she said, ‘’Done,‘’ Lifted me down to the floor, and said, ‘’try to walk a bit.‘’ ‘’Okay,‘’ I said before I walked, and it was possible, but not enjoyable. ‘’Perfect, now come, and I’ll take it off.‘’ Again I did as she said, and soon it was off before Twilight asked, ‘’How was it? Too thick? Too loose? Anything?‘’ ‘’It was fine, if not a little too annoying to walk with.‘’ ‘’Hmm, let see tomorrow if it holds, and then we could maybe go thinner, okay?‘’ Twilight asked. I nodded and asked, ‘’Can I use magic now? I hate writing with my mouth.‘’ ‘’Hehe, of course, Star, you want some help?‘’ Twilight asked; I nodded, and we both made it to the living room and lay down. After Twilight gave me a crayon and asked me to levitate it, I closed my eyes, but Twilight said, ‘’No Star, with open eyes.‘’ I nodded, ‘’Okay.‘’ I narrowed my eyes on the crayon, and I tried to make my aura appear, but nothing happened, ‘’What? Twilight, why isn’t it working?‘’ ‘’It takes practice; when you have your eyes closed, you only see your aura, but with eyes open, there will be more distractions.‘’ ‘’Is that why only a loud noise could get me out of the hypnosis?‘’ ‘’Exactly.‘’ Twilight said, ‘’But if it’s easier for you to close your eyes in the beginning, then it's okay, just try to open your eyes.‘’ I nodded and closed my eyes, felt as the magic swirled around my horn, not strong, but consistent, ‘’Very good Star,‘’ Twilight said, ‘’try and take the crayon.‘’ Again I nodded, and through the darkness of my closed eyes, I saw two sets of swirled, the lowest was browner, which I suspected to be the floor, while the one above was of pink swirls, which I presumed to be the pink crayon and I was right, as Twilight said ‘’Perfect, now try and lift it.‘’ However, this time, I didn’t nod, as I instead held my focus on the crayon, and as the brown swirls became weaker, Twilight encouraged me to lift it higher, and I did. It wasn’t long until Twilight said, ‘’Perfect, how does it feel?‘’ As I felt comfortable with my focus, I said, ‘’Bit difficult, but okay, not too heavy.‘’ ‘’Good, remember to open your eyes slowly and only focus on your crayon. It does get more difficult to focus, okay?‘’ ‘’Okay,‘’ I answered in a rush. I took a deep breath and braced myself for the weight, as I remembered when I first lifted the quill with my open eyes. Slowly I opened my eyes, and as a light came through my eyelids, it was pink, and already my focus dwindled. Quickly I recovered and regained my focus solely on the crayon. As I heard Twilight’s voice, it was muffled, as my focus was elsewhere, I tried again and opened my eyes. I only saw the crayon, and the weight increased. Even as everything in the background was out of focus, I struggled as the crayon gained more and more weight by the second. My neck began lifting, as well as my magic, but it proved futile as the crayon slowly dropped to the, still in my magic, but soon it lay on the floor and my head and eyes looked straight at it. I looked, as the crayon lay on the floor, engulfed in my pink aura, I tried, again and again, to push my head up, but to no avail, it lay still on the floor. ‘I can’t lift it,’ I decided in the end, but could I move it as it lay on the floor. I focused my eyes on the crayon and rolled the crayon a few centimeters before it was too much, and I lost my aura into the air. I fell, not gasping for air, but it felt like I had run a marathon, my neck was stressed, as well as my front hooves, and my eyes burned as I forgot to blink. As I lay and recovered from my practice, I felt a hoof, as it stroked my mane, I looked up and saw Twilight as she smiled softly at me. By the smile alone, I could tell she was proud of me or just thought I looked cute; I was happy with either. Shortly after Twilight had stopped stroking my mane, she asked how I felt and how it went. I told her what happened. Afterward, I reminded myself of the forgotten memories I had discovered and said, ‘’Umm… Twilight?‘’ ‘’Yes? Is something wrong?‘’ She asked, concern filled her voice. ‘’Back in class, I thought back on my world, and discovered that there is a big piece of my memory that’s gone.‘’ The look on Twilight's face said it all, as she freaked out, ‘’What! Do you know what memories, what type, anything? Actually, while you think about it, I’ll get parchment and quill.‘’ I didn’t even have time to react before Twilight zoomed off, ‘How can I tell Twilight how I thought about the lost memory, without bringing up what it connects to?’ It was indeed a subject I didn’t want to bring up. It was in the past anyway. As quickly as Twilight left, she came back, but before I could react again, this time she pulled me into an embrace and held me, as she hushed me, and whispered ‘’Hey, it’s okay Star, big sis is here.‘’ Only then I realized that I had cried. I guessed it happened so often that I just got used to it. As Twilight held me, I didn’t want to tell her that I was fine, so instead, I stayed in her embrace and snuggled further into her fur. It wasn’t long before Twilight didn’t place me back to the ground but said, ‘’Did you think about your lost memory?‘’ ‘’Umm…‘’ I said as I still didn’t know what to say, so I improvised, ‘’Well, I haven’t thought about it since I arrived in Equestria, and I know I loved it, but I don’t remember where I got it or what it even is related to. Sorry.‘’ ‘’Hey, it’s okay, sh shh, don’t apologize. But do you say that you could have lost the memory before the spell, on the day you came here?‘’ ‘’Yes. Maybe? I don’t know.‘’ I answered and snuggled deeper into Twilight’s soft fur, which made her give a few giggles. ‘’Alright, done. I’ll get Spike to send it to Princess Celestia, hopefully, we’ll get a response before your bedtime.‘’ ‘’Hopefully,‘’ I answered, but as Twilight said bedtime, I remembered my thoughts about a footed pajamas and said, ‘’So I also thought of a small thing I would like to buy.‘’ ‘’Oh, what’s that?‘’ Twilight asked as she pulled her head back and tilted it as she gave a smile. ‘’If I could buy a pajamas that covered all my hooves, I’ll pay for it myself, of course,‘’ I said, rather hastily. It was just so easy to say things fast, it just gave me no time to stop myself. Twilight thought for a moment over what I just said and responded, ‘’Umm… Is it the spell that’s talking, or is it you Star?‘’ ‘’It’s me, Star. I know it sounds weird, but I don’t remember ever having owned one before, and since I’m a child again, why not. And don’t worry, I can pay for it myself.‘’ I said, even though I could pay right now, then I would just have something to save up for. ‘’And you're sure?‘’ Twilight asked as she sat me down on the floor. ‘’I’m sure, do you know what they cost?‘’ ‘’I don’t, but after the visit to the hospital tomorrow, we can go looking for it. And don’t worry, since I suggested the diapers, then I’ll give you something that can hide them.‘’ Twilight answered to my surprise, and her smile told me she spoke the truth. ‘’Thanks, BBSF,‘’ I said, and as I hugged Twilight, she hugged me back. Until dinner, I tried over and over again to engulf my pink crayon with my aura. About thirty minutes before dinner, Spike came home, as after Twilight and I went upstairs, he went to Carousel Boutique and helped Rarity or something like that, but as Spike came upstairs, he sent the letter. Shortly before bedtime, I was able to engulf it in magic, and I cheered and gave Spike and Twilight a shock as they both screamed. After I explained what I did, both congratulate me, but after a loud yawn from both Spike and I, Twilight announced that it was bedtime. We all went to where Twilight brushed my teeth before we went to my bedroom. As I lay on my bed and zoned out, Spike ran into my room, and as Twilight was done, she sat me onto my bed, but now in a diaper. Spike didn’t even react to me being in a diaper, only gave me Flurry and gave Twilight a letter from Princess Celestia, and Twilight read to herself. After Twilight had read the letter, she said, ‘’According to Princess Celestia, if you had lost the memories the day you came, there would be nothing we can do. However, if it was because of the spell, we need to act, sooner rather than later. Do you have other memories that are becoming unclear, unfocused or in any other way leaving you?‘’ I thought back on my life, and as it was impossible to remember if I had lost another memory, I thought of a few odd memories, like an aquarium with turtles, which I believed was my earliest memory, maybe at the age of five. Then one of the final nights before my parent divorced and my older brother and I heard them arguing. I only remembered it as it was the only time I was the older brother, it was weird however, I believed I was about ten or eleven at the time, and now I’m ten, ‘Just a coincidence.’ The last few memories I thought of were just my primary school up to grade eight, and of course, grade nine and ten, the best years of my life. In the end, I believed I still had all my memories, but how I could yet have tears left, would always be a mystery to me. I told Twilight, and after she tucked me in, I took Flurry’s ear in my mouth and mumbled ‘’Night big sis.‘’ Before I slowly fell asleep. > Day 20: School & Hospital: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I slowly woke up as my muzzle was nuzzled, I peeked my eyes open and saw Twilight. I closed my eyes again and nuzzled back. Twilight pulled her muzzle back as she said, ‘’Wakey wakey Star, it’s time to get up.‘’ ‘’No…‘’ I mourned, ‘’More nuzzle.‘’ Twilight giggled before she said, ‘’Come on, it’s time to get up.‘’ I opened my eyes, I yawned and stretched out, ‘’Okay, I’m up.‘’ I said and sat up. As I sat on the bed, I felt that my night protection was a bit thicker than yesterday and I removed the sheets and saw the truth, wet, and I covered my face with Flurry in shame and fell back onto my bed. ‘’Hey it’s okay,‘’ Twilight said as she stroke my mane, ‘’that’s why you have this on.‘’ ‘’Can you take it off.‘’ I only responded. ‘’Of course.‘’ Twilight responded and soon it was off. I lay Flurry back in bed, got my sheet up over her, kissed her cheek, and said ‘’Night night Flurry, see you after school.‘’ Twilight and I then walked out into the living room to a delicious breakfast. As I ate my delicious breakfast Twilight said, ‘’So Star, do you remember when I’m coming to pick you up?‘’ ‘’Umm,‘’ I said as I thought back to yesterday, ‘Something about recess maybe?’ Then guessed, ‘’at recess?‘’ ‘’Yep, at your second recess, but I’ll tell Ms. Cheerilee when I walk you to school.‘’ I nodded, but as I also remembered I wanted a pajamas and asked, ‘’Are we going to find my pajamas after that?‘’ Twilight nodded and we continued eating our breakfast. After Twilight and I had finished our breakfast, and as Spike still ate we walked to Twilight’s bed where she then brushed my mane, tail, and coat. As Twilight brushed my mane I thought of if I wanted to hang with the ponies from school, but with a small feeling of magic, I decided I wanted to stay home and use magic, at least that way I would soon be able to levitate my quill and maybe be able to write soon. That was at least what I told myself, but I was also a bit scared, I had five friends that weren't also Twilight friends, I mentally sighed. But I would end up doing something to make them hate me, just like I always did. ‘’Hey Star, what’s with the low ears?‘’ Twilight asked. ‘’Huh?‘’ I uttered in surprise as apparently, my ears moved with my mood, but as it was my problem I said, ‘’Oh, it's nothing.‘’ ‘’Alright then, just tell me if you feel like it,‘’ Twilight said with a smile, ‘’and you're done.‘’ Twilight said before she nuzzled me for a moment and said, ‘’Now come on, it’s time for school.‘’ I smiled and we walked down to Spike who had made a lunch for me, One apple, with apple juice, a few strawberries, and one daisy sandwich. ‘’Thank you number one assistant,‘’ I said with a grin before a weird question came to my mind, was Spike my older or younger brother, so I looked at him and asked, ‘’So how old are you? I mean, umm, are you my big or little brother?‘’ ‘’Well, if your birthday is on the 2. July, then I’m your little brother, mine is 17. September,‘’ Spike said. ‘’Oh, I’ve never been an older sibling before,‘’ I said, as I only had two older brothers and our oldest was our sister. ‘’Come on Star, or you’ll be late,‘’ Twilight insisted as she placed her head on my flank and led me towards the stairs. As only my front hooves walked I called ‘’Bye Spike.‘’ ‘’Byyyye- wait! You forgot your lunch-!‘’ Spike called, but was caught off as Twilight took the lunch, then me in her magic and walked down the stairs. Downstairs, Twilight sat me down and we walked towards the schoolhouse. - As Twilight and I got to the schoolhouse, Ms. Cheerilee stood at the fence and greeted everypony. As we walked over to her she said, ‘’Good morning Star and good morning Twilight.‘’ ‘’Good morning Ms. Cheerilee,‘’ Twilight answered, ‘’I just wanted to let you know that at second recess I’m coming to pick up Star, she has an appointment at the hospital.‘’ ‘’Oh dear, I hope it’s nothing too bad.‘’ ‘’Oh no, we don’t think so, but best to be on the safe side.‘’ ‘’I agree. But that would also mean Star would miss history.‘’ ‘’Don’t worry Ms. Cheerilee, Star has done some studying at home.‘’ ‘’Well that’s good, and that reminds me, Star?‘’ Ms. Cheerilee looked at me, ‘’Did you find anything in your math book you had some difficulty with?‘’ I laughed nervously as I sat down and played with my hooves before I sheepishly said, ‘’I- umm… I forgot. Sorry.‘’ Ms. Cheerilee giggled a bit before she said, ‘’It’s okay Star, everypony can forget.‘’ ‘’Ms. Cheerilee,‘’ Twilight asked, ‘’would you have an opportunity to give notes to Star if she has homework?‘’ ‘’Of course, many other students get homework notes.‘’ Ms. Cheerilee responded. After the deal was made I would get the homework notes with me and Twilight would remind me to check out the math book after our busy day and only after everything was said and done, Twilight hugged me goodbye and left for the library we called home and left me at the schoolhouse. A few seconds later, the bell rang and several ponies walked in and I followed, but as I did the CMC called my name I looked back and saw that they were on their way to school, but in front of me stood Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, before Diamond said, ‘’Good morning Star, are you coming in or what?‘’ ‘’Uh, umm yeah, but I’ll just wait for the crusaders.‘’ ‘’Huh?‘’ Diamond said and looked behind me, ‘’Well, they shouldn’t be late for school anyways,‘’ What she said was true and I didn’t want to be late in class again, so reluctantly, I walked into class and to my desk. I got to my desk by the window, with Diamond Tiara in front of me and soon, Sweetie Belle was at my right and asked ‘’Hey Star-‘’ Ms. Cherrliee then cut of Sweetie Belle as she said ‘’Good morning my little ponies.‘’ The entire class called, like yesterday morning, but this time with me, ‘’Good morning Ms. Cherrliee!‘’ ‘’I hope you're all ready for today, so let’s start with common reading.‘’ Ms. Cheerilee said and like yesterday one pony at a time read. Time flew by, as pony after pony read, and after all were done we were told to read our own book, with no ‘chit-chat’ as Ms. Cheerilee called it. - Again time went by and the bell rang for recess. I took my lunch and went out with the fillies and colts, but stuck close to Sweetie Belle. Out on the playground, we walked over to the benches from yesterday and I asked, ‘’What kept you girls this morning?‘’ ‘’Well,‘’ Sweetie Belle said, ‘’somepony,‘’ referring towards Scootaloo, ‘’decided to not get up before we got there.‘’ ‘’Hey, not fair, I was up late last night doing homework.‘’ Scootaloo said. ‘’Why didn’t you do that after school instead?‘’ I asked as it would seem the most logical. ‘’Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and I were trying to get our Cutie Marks.‘’ ‘’Yeah,‘’ Sweetie Belle said, ‘’you want to join us as a fellow crusader today after school?‘’ ‘’Actually, Star?‘’ I heard Diamond Tiara said behind me. ‘’Great,‘’ I heard Apple Bloom muttered sarcastically under her breath, ‘’those two.‘’ ‘’We were planning to ask if you wanted to go out and get a milkshake after school.‘’ Diamond Tiara said. ‘’Only cause we asked her to do crusading,‘’ Apple Bloom said. ‘’What, no,‘’ Silver Spoon said, ‘’we were just asking, how could we know you asked her as well?‘’ ‘’Well-‘’ Sweetie Belle said. ‘’Girls?‘’ I cut her off as I saw this was so unnecessary, as I would be picked up at second recess anyways, and then I would go home and do magic, ‘’Twilight picks me up in our second recess so I don’t know if I have time today.‘’ ‘’Awww, what about tomorrow?‘’ Sweetie Belle asked. I thought if Twilight had said anything about tomorrow, but nothing I remembered. As the thought of lying and saying I couldn’t, I realized that I had friends now, friends that wanted to spend time with me and I was thinking of lying to them, ‘NO!’ I yelled in my head. This time I would do it differently and said, ‘’Well, I don’t remember if Twilight has other plans. But it could be fun to do some crusading. I’m in.‘’ ‘’Well that’s just great Star,‘’ Diamond Tiara said, ‘’and when are we going to hang out? We already have our Cutie Marks.‘’ ‘’Well,‘’ I said not really knowing, why couldn’t they join us? And then it hit me, they had their Cutie Marks, they could help the crusaders so I asked, ‘’why don’t you two go with us? I mean, since you already have your Marks.‘’ ‘’WHAT!!‘’ Not just the crusaders yelled, but Diamond and Silver too. ‘’You know what, on second thought-‘’ Silver Spoon started but was cut off. ‘’We didn't plan on drinking milkshakes all day,‘’ Diamond said after she interrupted Silver Spoon, ‘’we could pick you up today when you have time, around four pm perhaps? Then you could meet up with the b- the crusaders after that.‘’ As it sounded like, the crusaders and Diamond & Silver didn’t want to hang out together, and as I saw no other choice and asked, ‘’Crusader? Will that be okay?‘’ ‘’Sure thing Star,‘’ Apple Bloom said, ‘’how ‘bout two hours before supper?‘’ ‘’I don’t know when I get dinner,‘’ I said. ‘’If Twilight picks you up in next recess, we can ask her then.‘’ Sweetie Belle suggested. ‘’Deal,‘’ I said and as the bell rang, us six fillies went back to class. Again it was math, which I was still bored in as the book was still too easy for me, so until the second recess, took much longer time than yesterday. - The bell rang once again and everypony prepared to get out of class, I packed my saddlebag as Ms. Cheerilee said ‘’Star, will you wait for a few minutes?‘’ ‘’Yes Ms. Cheerilee,‘’ I answered, and after the last pony had gone outside I asked, ‘’Yes Ms. Cheerilee?‘’ ‘’Here you go Star,‘’ Ms. Cheerilee said as she gave me a piece of paper and continued, ‘’here’s your homework till Friday.‘’ I looked at the paper and it only said ‘Find your math difficulty.’ I looked back at my teacher and said, ‘’I’ll try Ms. Cheerilee.‘’ ‘’Very good, now have a nice day and good luck at the hospital.‘’ ‘’Thank you,‘’ I called to her as I trotted outside. Outside, I noticed Twilight, as she talked to the crusaders, properly about why I’m going and when we eat dinner. I walked over to them and said ‘’Hey Twily, I’m ready now,‘’ ‘’You are really going to the hospital?‘’ Sweetie Belle asked in a worried voice. ‘’Don’t worry Sweetie Belle,‘’ Twilight said, ‘’It’s only a check up, to make sure Star is completely fine.‘’ ‘’Oh, okay, then good luck Star,‘’ Sweetie Belle said. ‘’Thanks, but what were you talking about earlier?‘’ I asked. ‘’Oh, that,‘’ Scootaloo said, ‘’we just found out that you eat at seven pm. today.‘’ I looked at the crusaders, then Twilight, and asked with a smile, ‘’And we can meet when?‘’ ‘’Around five-thirty,‘’ Apple Bloom said. Twilight nodded as she said ‘’Indeed, but we got to get going or we’ll miss your appointment.‘’ ‘’Oh, okay.‘’ I said with a smile and as we walked I called, ‘’See you later crusaders!‘’ As we walked I looked back at the schoolhouse, the views were just that of a fairytale, at least compared to Denmark. But as I looked I saw that the crusaders were talking to Diamond and Silver and it didn’t look good, it looked like they were in an argument, but as Twilight and I walked downhill, the schoolhouse and the fillies disappeared from view. - As we walked my thoughts went back to that encounter I saw, I wondered what happened, and if I would be forced to choose either the crusaders or Diamond and Silver. I mean, I had know Apple Bloom longer than the others, but that shouldn’t matter. The people I called friends in middle school, I hadn’t talked to any of those two in almost ten years, so it didn’t matter how long of a time I had known them. Most likely this was just a waste of time and energy thinking about, and if I was forced to choose, I would choose those that didn’t want me to choose. - After a quiet walk, we arrived at the hospital, which looked just like a generic hospital, white, blocky, and with a giant red cross on the front. We got inside and after Twilight had announced our arrival, we were told to wait a few minutes for our turn. About thirty minutes later, the receptionist called ‘’Star Sparkle?!‘’ We got up and followed a pony with a white coat and a long light pink tail, and a pink mane which was sat up in a bun, and said, ‘’Welcome, my name is nurse Redheart, and you must be Star Sparkle?‘’ ‘’I am, nice to meet you nurse Redheart,‘’ ‘’Nice to meet you too, and if you’ll follow me, we can talk a bit more privately,‘’ the nurse said and as she turned around, I noticed that her Cutie Mark was a red cross, with four hearts spread about. ‘Why am I actively trying to look at other ponies flanks,’ I thought, but quickly ended my thoughts and buried them deep down. Inside the office, I was asked way too many questions, like, was I in constant pain? No. After many more questions, I told nurse Redheart what the Ponyville Spa told me, that my muscles were stressed, due to the two days with no memory I walked before I found Ponyville. But didn’t mention that I had another body at that time. After many more questions nurse Redheart wanted to take an X-ray of me to see want my bones and muscles would show her. - After another thirty minutes, that was done and the nurse Redheart came into Twilight and I with a jar of something on her back, sat it down in front of me, and as she removed the lid she said, ‘’For being such a good filly with all my questions and the scan you get to choose two pieces, of either candy of toys.‘’ I looked into the jar and saw lollipops, other kinds of candy, alongside different kinds of toys, including a ball. In the end, I took the ball and a lollipop before I said ‘’Thank you nurse Redheart.‘’ ‘’You’re quite welcome my little pony,‘’ She took the jar and said to Twilight, ‘’Doctor Horse will be in with you, when he has checked the scan.‘’ ‘’Thank you nurse Redheart.‘’ Twilight said with a smile. As Redheart left the room I asked, ‘’Twiliy, will you open my lollipop?‘’ She smiled and with her magic, Twilight took the wrap off and levitated it to my mouth, I took it and tasted it was licorice, it was good. As we waited, I held my aura around my toy ball, as I tried to make it roll. My aura disappeared as the door opened and a stallion came in and said ‘’Hello, my name’s doctor Horse and I have been looking over your scan Miss. Star Sparkle, and we’ll be able to give you fifty percent off, when you order a medium massage at the Ponyville Spa, we recommend twice a week, for five weeks, then come again in five weeks or earlier if something should begin to hurt. And give this paper to the Ponyville Spa so they’ll know.‘’ Twilight took the paper and asked, ‘’Was something wrong doctor?‘’ ‘’I saw that Star had been through a lot of stress and pain, but there was nothing broken or even fractured, nothing to suspect a cause, so we’ll see if the massages can do anything, if not, then we’ll take it from there.‘’ The doctor responded. ‘’Thank you doctor Horse,‘’ I said and got my toy ball into my saddlebag and with Twilight we walked out into the hallway, said goodbye to the doctor, and on our way out we meet and said goodbye to nurse Redheart, but soon we were outside and the clean air filled my lungs. ‘’Were to now, big sis?‘’ I asked. ‘’Ponyville Spa, to pay in advance, so you won’t need bits with you.‘’ ‘’Oh, okay, then what?‘’ ‘’Then the toyshop to find you a pajamas, and then home.‘’ ‘’Yay!‘’ I cheered. > Light of toys: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the Ponyville Spa, Twilight paid for a ten trip card for me, and I didn’t even need to have the card with me as they kept track. It was only for me to keep track as well. Soon after we left the spa, we stood in front of the toyshop, and it would just be an in, get my pajamas, and out, nothing else. I was too old for toys anyways, I mean, besides Flurry, she’s way too soft to resist, and she’s my friend. We walked over to the glass doors entrance, they slid open, and as we walked inside, I saw multiple displays of plushies, boxes of different puzzles, toy trains, toy castles, and books of all sorts, from stories to coloring. My mind went from zero to a hundred in a second, and I ran to the nearest shelf, which had a bear plushie. I took it out and hugged it. In the corner of my eye, I noticed a green ducky plushie and ran to it. I jumped as Twilight’s voice called, ‘’Be care-!‘’ but as I hugged it, Twilight vent quiet and the wood began to bend, and standing stable was getting really difficult, so I jumped down. As I landed back on the floor with the ducky, and out of nothing, Twilight’s exhausted voice said, ‘’Star come-‘’ I wanted to listen, but as I noticed a yellow and black bumblebee, I dropped the ducky and ran to the bumblebee. As I came to the bumblebee, I grabbed it with my teeth and ran with it, and we still need to find my pajamas. But only a few steps later, I dropped Buzz Buzz as I began giggling and went over to the book selecting, found a coloring book, but with no crayons, I ran again. Twilight's exhausted voice called, ‘’Star Sparkle! Come here.‘’ I ran over to what I thought was filly pajamas, but I was wrong, it was way better, dozen of dresses, they all lay on an adorable display, but they properly couldn’t fit me, but I quickly realized they looked to be able to fit Flurry and there was so many I didn’t know where to begin. I saw a pink dress with cute frills, and I jumped and grabbed it with my teeth. Then I noticed a purple dress, like my big sis coat, it was just a little bit higher up and I jumped again, took it with my teeth. As I held it, I slipped and fell back to the floor, and all the dress fell on top of me, covering me as I laughed. They were soft and so colorful, like everything had been black and white before the toystore, and even less colorful back in my human world. As the last dress fell, it was a beautiful blue dress, and it was a perfect dress for Flurry. I took the three dresses and ran again. As I ran, Twilight voice, who mustered for air, said, ‘’Not again-‘’ I stopped again as I finally found the pajamas, and I locked eyes on a really cute one, a blue one with pink and purple hearts around. I looked around after my big sis, and from behind, I heard, ‘’Star,‘’ A big breath came out, and I looked behind me and saw my big sis was sweating. After a struggle, she got her aura around my tail and pulled. I didn’t like it, so I blew on it, and it disappeared. Completely exhausted, big sis walked over to me and said, ‘’I told you to stay with me.‘’ ‘’Can I have these three dresses for Flurry, big sis, and that white polka-dotted pajamas for me?‘’ ‘’W-what…?‘’ Big sis asked in a silly voice, looked up at the pajamas, then at the dresses, and said, ‘’I promised to get you a pajamas, but after your little stunt here, I don’t think you deserve those dresses.‘’ ‘’But- But, there’re for Flurry,‘’ I said as my eyes felt warmer and warmer. ‘’Oh no, not again,‘’ Twilight whispered in a worried voice, and I was pulled into a hug, and as my big sis bounced me on her leg, she shushed me and rubbed my back before she said, ‘’Tell you what, if you behave, we’ll be back on Sunday, then you can get a few toys, okay?‘’ I sniffed and said, ‘’O-okay, but I’m still me big sis.‘’ ‘’Then why did you run when I called for you to stay?‘’ ‘’I haven't been in a toystore in years, and-‘’ I sniffed, ‘’I didn’t think I would like anything, but I did, and I really do, I haven't had this fun in a long time, and, and-‘’ I trailed off. ‘’Well, I will lie if I say I have never acted like you just did, maybe not as destructive, but since you disobeyed me, you can only have your pajamas and I don’t want to hear any complaining, because then on Sunday we’ll go back and then you can pick out some toys.‘’ I looked up into her eyes as she smiled down at me, and I felt as my expression of confusion turned into pure joy and hugged her, ‘’I promise to be the best little sis ever.‘’ Twilight laughed and as she levitated the pajamas down and said, ‘’That’s my filly.‘’ Like the best sister ever, I followed Twilight back to where I made a mess of dresses, even though there was no mess to clean anymore, which I suspected Twilight had already cleaned up. After Twilight had placed Flurry’s dresses back with the other dresses, we then walked to the register, and as Twilight paid, I fought myself to stay with her. Still, the urge to go to the toys grew, and I found myself go one step closer before Twilight’s head came from under me and took me up. And I slid down to her back, and we walked out with my paid pajamas. As we arrived outside, I was placed down on the grass, and we walked home after I thanked Twilight for stopping me. Twilight and I both went upstairs as we arrived home, as Spike helped some ponies find a book they would like. Upstairs I showed Twilight my note from Ms. Cheerilee, and Twilight got a more advanced math book out. Still, as we went through it, I remembered that I was supposed to meet with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon after school at around four. As I looked at the clock I saw something, it looked like a regular grandfather clock, but I didn’t know how to read it as I usually used digital and so I’m out of practice and asked. ‘’Twilight? What time is it?‘’ ‘’Huh, aren’t you looking at the clock?‘’ ‘’Well…‘’ I said with a nervous laugh. ‘’Wait?! You don’t know how to read the clock?!‘’ Twilight asked like I had forgotten how to breathe. ‘’What, no, I mean if I don’t use it for a long time, yes I kinda forget.‘’ ‘’How can you forget that?! isn’t that important?!‘’ Twilight asked loudly before she more quietly asked, ‘’How else do you keep track of time?‘’ ‘’We have digital watches, so we don’t have to adjust it ourselves, and yes, time is important in the human world,‘’ a few tears fell before I wiped them away. I was used to it by this point anyway. ‘’What’s digital?‘’ Twilight asked. ‘’What time is it?‘’ I asked. ‘’About three pm. What’s digital?‘’ ‘’Instead of that kind of clock, we have them in numbers so it could say ten in hours and forty-three in minutes, and five in seconds.‘’ ‘’Huh, well, then I guess you could easily forget the other, I think,‘’ Twilight said, ‘’But I’ll recommend you to learn the clock, as we don’t have that digital here.‘’ ‘’I know I know, but can I use magic now?‘’ I asked, a bit impatient, ‘’This is boring.‘’ ‘’Alright, alright. Let’s take a small magic break?‘’ Twilight said with a smile and asked, ‘’And I know where to start.‘’ ‘’Oh, with what?‘’ I asked. ‘’When you looked into your aura, you never told me the colors of your parents, and as soon as I realized, I need to find out. None Equestria beings, what could their light be? The possibilities. Hehe. Please tell me you remember.‘’ Twilight begged. As I thought back on it, it was a bit blurred, a lake, a dark forest, green fields, and trees, but the lake, a waterfall, was there. I narrowed my eyes and then remembered the lights, all eight lights, and said, ‘’Yes, I think I remember,‘’ I said as Twilight levitated a quill, ink, and paper over, ‘’I believe there were eight lights.‘’ Twilight wrote calmly until she pierced the scroll with the quill, which went straight into the wooden floor and became stuck as Twilight yelled, ‘’Eight!?!‘’ Taken by surprise and the loud noise, I jumped and ran for my bedroom. Inside my bedroom, I hugged Flurry as hard as I could, ‘why did Twilight yell at me? I hadn’t done anything wrong? Had I? Was she mad…’ my mind trailed off as I remembered I also reacted like this in Canterlot with Luna, and when I was a human child, Twilight wasn’t mad, and then the door creaked open. ‘’Hey, umm,‘’ Twilight trailed off, before she asked, ‘’can I come in?‘’ I sniffed and said, ‘’Okay.‘’ I wanted to say more, but I didn’t know what to say. Twilight walked in and over to me, ‘’I’m sorry I scared you, sweetie,‘’ ‘’You didn’t scare me, I just,‘’ I took a deep breath and said, ‘’I just don’t like sudden loud noises, nothing else,‘’ as Twilight stroked my mane. ‘’I’ll be more careful, I promise,‘’ Twilight said, and as I looked at her, she smiled down at me. I felt small but safe and hugged her, ‘’can you forgive me?‘’ Twilight asked in a whisper, and I nodded. After a while, Twilight said, ‘’The reason I flipped out a bit is that those lights represent your parents, but do you remember the colors?‘’ ‘’Hmm,‘’ I said as I thought back, it was a bit blurry, but three colors stood out, and I said, ‘’I remember a golden, blue and a magenta light,‘’ I thought harder, but it was difficult, the rest was a blur of color. ‘’Hmm.‘’ ‘’That’s at least what I remember,‘’ I whispered, ‘’You think I remembered it wrong?‘’ ‘’I don’t know, but if what your saying is true, that could mean that Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, myself, and maybe even my friends would be your parents,‘’ Twilight said as she held me. My heart began to beat faster, ‘It's impossible,’ It felt more and more difficult to hold Twilight, and soon I fell into her hooves as I lost my strength and was only able to say, ‘’It’s not fair,‘’ ‘I only have two human parents! Not eight pony parents!’ I thought as a few sobs came out, and Twilight continued to hug me before I continued, ‘’the spell never said anything about changing my parents, only a new body. It’s- it’s not fair,‘’ would I even be able to go home now, more tears fell, ‘It’s impossible,’ ‘’Hey, I think I might know why.‘’ ‘’Huh? What do you mean?‘’ ‘’Don’t you remember the transformation spell?‘’ ‘’No, it’s a long time ago.‘’ ‘’Oh, the spell said it would give you a pony body, and as I saw your transformation, I’m not sure how much is even left of your human body, most likely only your memories. It could explain why you tend to have foal like behaviors,‘’ Twilight explained. ‘If I was reborn, does it mean I’m really dead?’ I thought and pleaded ‘’Please tell me it isn’t true. If it is, could I ever go home?‘’ I said as tears came out, and Twilight took me up and rocked me from side to side. As Twilight rocked me, the tears disappeared, but the fear stayed with me, even as Twilight asked, ‘’Are you feeling better?‘’ I lied and said, ‘’Yeah,‘’ well not a complete lie, I didn’t cry anymore, ‘’I’m fine, but are you sure that,‘’ I swallowed, ‘’That it couldn’t mean anything else?‘’ ‘’I’m sure, but I’ll be happy to help you write to Princess Celestia. She’ll know what to do.‘’ I thought about it if nothing changed, would it even matter? I would just ask Princess Celestia the next time I saw her. How would the spell she’s working on to send me home even work, because if I could be sent back to my body for maybe just one hour before my crash. Then I could save myself and stay in my world. I just hoped I would remember the ponies, so I said, ‘’No, it’s nothing anyways, I’ll talk with Princess Celestia when I meet her again.‘’ Twilight reluctantly sighs and said, ‘’Alright, then I promise not to tell anypony without your permission.‘’ ‘’Thanks…‘’ I paused myself, ‘’Thanks, big sis.‘’ As I looked at the clock, it was close to four pm, so I said, ‘’I better get going now, bye big sis.‘’ I took my purse around my neck and went out of my room. ‘’Oh, bye Star, be home for supper, we’re having lasagne,‘’ Twilight called. ‘’With hay?‘’ I called back, Twilight nodded, and I ended, ‘’I will,‘’ I called back as I went downstairs and out of the library towards the park where I would meet up with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. > Making Real Friends: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I sat and waited for a while, until finally I heard hoofsteps approaching, and Diamond Tiara’s voice called out when the sound got closer. “Well, well, what do we have here?” She said, in a pantomime tone. As I turned around, I saw Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon walking over slowly, smiling at me. I smiled back, and teased, “Oh, just me.” "Ehh,” Diamond said- with a lack of energy, I thought. It didn't quite suit her. “You’ll do.” What did she mean by that? Was Sweetie Belle right that this was all a big prank being played on me? Diamond and Silver let out a few small giggles, before bursting into laughter, leaving me a bit uncomfortable. “Ha, haha, ha….” Silver wheezed,  “You should have seen the look on your face.” I forced a laugh out, but I was still a little uneasy. “Aww, come on,” Diamond said, a genuine smile on her face. “I was just kidding... You're perfect.” "Thanks... So, um, what are we doing?" I asked. I wanted to change the subject as quickly as possible. “Well,” Silver said, “We were thinking of grabbing a milkshake first?” “Sounds good!” I responded enthusiastically, and with the two fillies leading the way, we trotted a short distance to a nearby restaurant. The place looked fancy, unlike Sugarcube Corner. Where that place felt like home, this place felt like a stranger’s home; still welcoming, but not comforting in the same way (and you could never find the bathroom). I had no idea what it was even called, as the name was written in fancy swirly writing, just like my grandmother's handwriting. And after years of trying to decode her letters, I had given up, so I decided my policy applied here too. After we were seated I looked around and saw other ponies, adults, Twilight’s age and older, it felt like I was back in Canterlot with the atmosphere they gave off. “Hellooo?” Diamond’s voice took me out of my head, and she looked annoyed. “Star? Are you even listening?” “Huh, wait, what?” I asked as I got back to reality. “I asked you a question, but let me guess: you didn’t hear?” “Sorry,” I said. I needed to pay more attention, “will you repeat, I promise I’ll pay attention.” “Have you decided what you want?” Diamond asked. I looked down to see a menu, which had a red polka-dot pattern that matched the colors of the tablecloth. “Oh, I must have missed it.” “How could you miss that?” Silver asked impatiently. “I don’t know, it looks like the table… In the color I mean,” I answered awkwardly, earning nothing but a raised eyebrow from Diamond Tiara, and a sigh from Silver. “Well, we’ve already placed our order,” Diamond said. I quickly took the menu up and was looking at the milkshakes, when a hot cocoa with whipped cream and marshmallows caught my eye. It looked delicious, but it was fifteen bits, which was all of the rest of my money. I couldn’t borrow from Diamond or Silver, and as I looked at the other options, trying to find something cheaper, nothing could really defeat the almighty hot cocoa. A pony in a small white apron cleared her throat, I was holding up the waitress too. “Oh well”, I thought. “A Hot Cocoa Deluxe please.” “As you wish, young miss.” She said in a practiced and refined tone, leaving to fetch our orders. “Well, well, a Hot Cocoa Deluxe,” Diamond said, “Not my number one choice. I’m more a strawberry milkshake kinda filly, myself.” “Just wanting to try it,” I said, with a slight smile. “Did you hear what we were talking about before?” Silver asked. I shook my head and said, “No, sorry, what did you talk about?” “I was just saying that the foal free press is the laughing stock of Ponyville,” Diamond said, before she asked, “have you read it Star?” “No, what is it?” I asked. But at that moment the waiter came back with our drinks, and as I picked up the mug, ready to dive into my drink, I distinctly noticed my cup wasn’t even that warm to the touch. “Why is the cup not warm?” I asked, curious. “Why should it be?” Silver asked. “It’s got hot cocoa in it, sooooo...?” Diamond then said “You don’t know? Well, since Earth Ponies and Pegasi can’t use magic to hold a warm mug, some mugs are made with magic so they can hold it. You really need to get out of that library more.” “Hehe, maybe a little bit,” I giggled, as I raised up my mug and took a sip."If I can, I will take this cup with me, I will." I thought to myself, only half-joking. It was funny, but I was starting to realise that Diamond might actually like explaining things to other ponies- even if she did act as though they were stupid for not already knowing. “Hm, I guess there’s more to some ponies than what you first see,” I mused. I remembered what we were talking about before though, and quickly picked the conversation back up. “What about the foal free press?” I asked. “Oh, I can’t recommend it, it’s soooooooo boring,” Diamond said, “like, if I was in charge, I would make sure that all of Ponyville would want to read it!” The rest of the time at the restaurant went by quickly, as we talked about the ‘overly positive’ stories the foal free press had released. However, soon we had finished our drinks, and it was time to leave. I had spilled the rest of the money I had out onto the counter, but sweet Equestria, that cocoa was good. After we left, Diamond led Silver and me to what we would be doing next. We arrived at a shop of some kind, with a sign that read ‘Barnyards Bargain’ and we went inside. Inside the shop there were wooden shelves, with boxes of something, but I followed Diamond over to a brown stallion of the looks of it, a black mane and had a red tie, with a gold coin with an ‘E’ logo on. Diamond went over to the stallion and said “Dad, can I get some money for myself, Silver, and my new friend Star, so we can go to the spa?” “Well of course…” The stallion said with closed eyes. He then stopped, opening his eyes and confusedly asking, “A NEW friend?” He looked at me, smiled and said, “Well, hello there, name’s Filthy Rich.” As I heard his name, it sounded so odd, but again, it was a talking pony who talked to me and so I simply responded, “Hello, I’m Star Sparkle, nice to meet you.” “Hello Star, are you new in town?” “I am, or, well, I moved here around the second or third of this month.” I replied pleasantly, hoping he won’t prod too much about my past. “You could have wished for no better friend than my little Diamond! Why, the only thing that could make your day any better would be a Spa trip with my daughter and my niece- that would be a perfect day.” ‘He’s definitely proud of his daughter and, wait, niece?’ I looked at Silver Spoon, who nodded as Diamond got the money from her dad, and after saying goodbye, we left for the Ponyville Spa. As we arrived at the Ponyville Spa, I noticed that the sun was beginning its descent through the sky, and the knowledge that it was Princess Celestia herself doing that was still so otherworldly. We kept walking at a brisk pace however, so I had little time to look towards the sun, as we walked inside and Diamond spoke for us at the reception desk. “Three filly specials for me and my friends, without the bath.” She ordered politely, smiling at the two behind the desk. Aloe greeted us, “Why of course, when you’re dressed, follow me.” We got into our bathrobes and followed Aloe to the steam room. Inside the steam room I really needed to know, “So you’re cousins?” “Well, that and best friends,” Diamond responded, “you have any cousins Star?” “Umm... Not that I know of?” I said before I took a deep breath, “ahhh, this is life,” I said as I let the tension of the day go, relaxing at last. “Totally,” Silver responded. “Three for three.” Diamond agreed. We stayed in the steam room for what felt like a few blissful minutes, but was creeping up on a full hour, before Aloe came and brought us to the massage tables, and with Diamond in the middle, her and Silver told the spa ponies what they wanted. Aloe asked me if I wanted my mane and tail done like last time, and of course I replied, “Yes please, I really liked it!” Aloe smiled and got to work on my mane first, as Lotus worked on Diamond and Silver. After they were done we lay down and Aloe asked, “Would you like your extended massage miss Star?” “No thanks, I wanna try the mud bath today.” "Of course, miss Star," Aloe said before she began my massage. As usual, my mind drifted far, far away, so even if Diamond or Silver had said something to me, I would never ever know. But in this moment, that didn’t matter, nothing mattered in this moment. Aloe gently nudged me awake, and I yawned and stretched before I said, “That was perfect.” Aloe giggled as she said, “You’re very welcome, miss Star- and your mud bath is ready.” I looked to Diamond and Silver who were also ready to get in the mud. I walked over to them and said, “Hehe, sorry for nodding off for a bit.” “It’s all good Star,” Diamond said, “they’re really good at their massages, no stress, pure nothing,” I smiled as I was happy for not being the only pony this happened to. “You’ve ever tried the mud bath before Star,” Silver asked. “Nope,” I said, “but I look forward to trying it!” I then walked into the mud, and it was the strangest feeling: it was just like thick water, well, like mud, but the temperature was a bit on the warmer side, so it felt quite comfortable. After Diamond and Silver got in we began talking about Canterlot, though I made an effort to feign distance from Princess Celestia, remembering the sage advice she had given, and the warning that had come with it. Diamond then said, “Well, it’s been some time since Princess Celestia was here last, and truly she is nothing like the other nobles in Canterlot.” “Really?” I asked, as I hadn’t met the noble ponies, only Princess Celestia. “Yeah, my Father and Mother had taken me to Canterlot, as had been invited to a garden party in the gardens of the Canterlot Castle.” “Were you the only filly there?” “No,” Diamond smiled fondly at the treasured memory. “Silver Spoon was there as well, it’s actually where we first met- her cuteceñera funnily enough.” “Sounds like it was a nice time then,” I said, turning to Silver. “Well,” Silver said, “It was, after I met her.” “What do you mean?”  “Before I met Silver Spoon, there were some ponies our age who thought they owned the place. They wanted me to get them drinks and food, like I was their own personal servant. So after a colt, who was clearly in charge of the others, fell on his flank just after Fancy Pants, (you know Fancy Pants right?), after he departed, I asked loudly, ‘is this why you need me to hold your drink?’ ”  While I didn’t know Fancy Pants, I didn’t really mind. I began to giggle, just imagining the expression on the colt’s face, and Diamond grinned widely as she continued: “Obviously, he got angry, so I asked if he needed a nap, and I would say it worked! His friends laughed at him as he just walked away, you shoulda seen the look on his face!” Diamond Tiara beamed with pride at telling her story, Silver smiling too. We shared a few giggles, before I felt like asking her to continue. “Well can’t say that he didn’t deserve it, did you two meet after?” “Yeah,” Silver said, “I watched as it all happened, but only at the dinner did we get introduced to each other as cousins.” “Well then, a happy ending!” I said. Aloe and Lotus Blossom came over and said that it was time for grooming our coats. We got up and had the remainder of the mud washed away, though most had fallen off as we got out. As they groomed my fur they started at my head and down right next to my mane, and it reminded me of Twilight. Though I could tell these ponies were definitely professionals, and as their brushes came down to my stomach I let out an audible groan. “This is soooo good….” Diamond and Silver giggled, but it was so comfortable that I couldn’t stop. As Aloe combed my right flank, I lost control and said, "Oh, yeah… That’s the spot," and felt as my right rear leg kicked in in air, something I had only seen dogs or cats do, but as Aloe combed the right flank some more, she was firm, and it was pure bliss. After a while, Aloe was done with my coat, it felt just perfect! I really needed to get Twily to brush me more often, or maybe even Spike, I bet that with his claws he would be great at it. I got up feeling refreshed, and as I looked myself in the mirror I really liked what I saw: my coat was beautiful, and my mane and tail looked like a lovely sea of blue and pink. Diamond and Silver got up next to me and we all admired ourselves. “Wow Star, you look really beautiful like that.” Diamond said, But I saw where her eyes were, on her own mane. And I couldn’t blame her, we all looked great.  “You two look really beautiful too.” I said, though I’d be lying if I said I paid them more than a sidelong glance myself. “As if there was any doubt,” Silver joked, as Diamond and I laughed along with her. Soon we left the spa and said our thanks and goodbyes. When we walked outside I saw the town was engulfed in beautiful sunset orange, and it made me pause to reflect on my journey so far. On my second night in Equestria, I had looked at the sunset and seen my loss and despair reflected as the day was forced to an end, but now? Now I could see a new perspective, and one that brought me joy: the warm glow of the end of a fun-packed day with my friends. Silver then chipped in as she noticed the sky as well, “Sorry you two, but I need to get home for dinner.” Now that she mentioned it, maybe I should get home for dinner too, well before Twilight got upset with me. “Yeah,” Diamond murmured, relaxation still showing in her voice, “Me too.” But then I remembered my promise with Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, and inhaled sharply in realisation. Hearing the sound, Diamond and Silver turned around to look at me, “You, okay Star?” Diamond asked, concerned. “I- I- I…” I stammered, unable to get the words out. No, no, no, this could not be happening to me. From around the building came the three ponies I knew I should have met much, much earlier that evening. Earlier I would have loved to hang out with them, but now I dreaded meeting them; curse this idiotic and forgetful mind. As they got closer, I feared what would happen- would they hate me? Would they forgive me? “Oh! Star, it’s only the bl-” Diamond Tiara started, before hastily correcting herself “It’s only the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Star.” As they walked over, Apple Bloom dashed a short distance ahead to greet me. “Star? Where were you? We’ve been waitin’ forya.” she said. “Sorry girls,” I said, with ears dropped all the way down, and my head bowed in shame. “After a milkshake with Diamond and Silver, I lost track of time and kinda forgot…” I explained, “It was only just before I saw you girls that I remembered, I’m so sorry!” I was begging that they’d understand the stupid mistake I had made.  “Well…” Apple Bloom muttered. For a moment, I thought they were all frustrated with me, but then Apple Bloom looked over to Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, who both nodded in understanding.  “It wasn’t your fault, Star.” Sweetie Belle declared confidently, and Scootaloo smiled in kind. Unfortunately, before I could breathe a sigh of relief, I caught the trio looking towards Diamond and Silver with a venomous glare. “Oh, no.” I thought, and mentally braced myself. “Star, they haven’t changed!” Scootaloo then blurted out in pent up anger and frustration. “After you left for the hospital, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon still came over and called us blank flanks.” Diamond sounded surprised and a little bit hurt as she said, “We did not! We just asked if you wanted to play, since Star left, but noooo, you three said that you still didn’t trust us and said that it was only because Star was a nice pony that she even gave us another chance in the first place!” “Liars!” Scootaloo hissed. “Star, what they said isn’t true, they DID call us blank flanks, and they also said that you’re a gullible idiot for believing what they said!” She accused, voice raising in volume as she went on. “Yeah, and said that if we told you, you wouldn’t believe us!” Apple Bloom yelled in agreement.  “No, we didn’t, we- We promised that we would never do that…” Silver Spoon choked out, tears now filling her eyes. Diamond moved to comfort her friend, and gave the Cutie Mark Crusaders her own fiery stare. “And besides, you told us that you would make sure that Star would never give us a chance.” The three fillies had clearly had enough. “No we didn’t!” They yelled in unison. My ears were hurting, and my head ached. I took a deep breath in, and screamed: “ENOUGH!” Finally, there was a moment’s reprieve from the two friend groups’ shouting match. The silence dragged on for a few moments before I realised that all eyes were on me, and I knew I had to find something to say.  “Listen, could there have been a misunderstanding?” I clearly saw that I couldn’t stand between the two groups forever, and I couldn’t make them be friends with each other. But even if I did make the decision to choose, who would it be? My mind raced, and thinking on my feet- or hooves, I supposed, I weighed up what I knew. From what I’d seen personally, Diamond and Silver had kept their promise. So if I chose to believe Apple Bloom’s trio, would I then not be betraying Diamond and Silver? How would anypony give them a fair chance and get to know them, if all anypony did was tell horrid lies about them? Apple Bloom being AJ’s little sister didn't necessarily mean that she was telling the truth about Diamond and Silver either; it would only mean that if our big sisters got involved. Furthermore, if Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo had told me the truth, how could I reconcile that with the Diamond and Silver I had gotten to know and bond with over today? Had they manipulated me since I first met them? No, this wasn’t some poorly written detective novel, they were ten years old, how could they have possibly done that. Surely I would have noticed it, and after the fun we had today, I really wanted to believe that Diamond and Silver kept their promise, that beyond their rough exterior there really was something special within... But would they only keep their promises when they were around me? Was my first gut feeling right? That whoever asked me to choose, I should choose the other group? That would certainly help me decide if it was brought up, but I begged the world that it wouldn’t come to that. Finally, I broke out of my thoughts and asked, “Can’t we try to start over? And just to give each other some space…” I paused. “I just don’t know what to do, okay?” Diamond spoke up first, “I’m sorry Star...” She said, sheepishly, shuffling her front hooves in the ground in embarrassment. “Yeah,” Silver chimed in, “We don’t want to force you to choose between us.” I heard a snort from the three standing opposite Silver and Diamond. “You gotta be kidding me!” Apple Bloom yelled indignantly. Sweetie Belle looked at me with a mixture of sadness and disappointment, her eyes already pleading with me to please, just trust her. She redoubled her efforts to persuade me, and said something that utterly shattered my logic up to now. “And that’s all you have to say? You won’t believe a word we say unless you see for yourself? You’d rather side with a pair of bullies than your real friends?” She pressed her attack, and jabbed a hoof towards me to accentuate her final blow: “They are BULLIES, Star. What does that make you?” I needed to think of something, I- I didn’t mean- “N-no, wait- but-” But Scootaloo wouldn’t let me finish, tearfully yelled. “No buts, no more, you gotta choose!” before she said the worst possible thing, and sealed my answer. “It’s us, or them.” My heart broke, and I let out a wracking sob. I had told myself what I would do if this happened, but nonetheless I couldn’t help but feel empty and remorseful that it had come to this in the first place. I teared up, and spoke my decision. “I... I choose Diamond and Silver.” All five filles around me let out a collective “Whaaaaat?!” Though quickly, things turned sour. “How could you?!” Scootaloo yelled. She just didn’t understand, I was lost, there was no good path for me to take. “But we’re the Cutie Mark Crusaders, together forever,” Sweetie Belle sobbed. What was the point in joining their stupid club? I couldn’t get a Cutie Mark, I was just a freak in this world, like I was before. “Ah just, ah expected better’ve y’all, Star...” Apple Bloom finally said, in disappointment. That stung the most. I wanted to say we were friends, that she and the others could trust and confide in me, but I’d be lying. Today had proved what a good-for-nothing friend I had been to them. What a good-for-nothing friend I always was, in the end. It all came flooding back to me: everything I knew I had done wrong with them, everything I had said, every prior friendship broken, every person I disappointed, every potential relationship scorned, every bridge burned, every mistake of my life playing on endless repeat in my head, everything overwhelming my senses, I was drowning in the feeling, unable to breathe, everythingeverythingeverythingeverythingeverything Everything was too much. I just wanted to run away. I was dimly aware of one of them yelling “We were going to invite you to our first slumber party, but now you’re not invited!” I couldn’t stand those loud noises anymore. Tears flowed freely from my eyes as I lost control and yelled in pure anger. “I don’t wanna go to your stupid childish slumber party! I didn’t even want to join your stupid, pointless, loser club in the first place!” And then, like I always did in the end, I ran away, as fast as I could, crying uncontrollably as I went. > What That Makes Me: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was just running away. ‘How could you?’ I passed by Sugarcube Corner, and the thoughts just kept going. ‘Ah just, ah expect better’ve y’all, Star…’ I shook my head, hoping those echoing words would shake out of my mind, and leave me alone to keep running, frantically trying to escape what I’d done. ‘But they’re BULLIES, Star. What does that make you?’ I shook my head over and over, clenching my eyes shut, but sweetie’s words wouldn’t stop replaying in my head. ‘What does that make you?’ Whether due to my lack of focus, or my poor coordination in this body, my sprint and my spiraling thoughts were brought to an abrupt end as I tripped over myself and flew headlong into a bush. I cried, wishing I hadn’t said those things; but I hadn’t been able to control myself, I was just so angry and hurt. After all they had said, and forcing me to choose between them, I had been driven to choose Diamond and Silver. Still though, I found myself doubting if that was the right choice. I felt a hoof pat my back in an awkward attempt at comforting me. I looked around and saw that it was Diamond Tiara, with Silver Spoon a few paces behind her, the latter panting and out of breath. I pushed down all my doubts at the sight of them. The two of them worked together and, with some difficulty, pulled me out of the bush. They meticulously brushed off the few bits of leafage and wood that had stuck to my coat, and helped me up. I sniffed, still feeling a lump in my throat. “Thanks, you’ve been real friends to me today.”  I whispered.  “Always.” Diamond whispered, “You’re the big hearted pony that believed in us, so of course we’ll be there for you! And we’ll always stand up for you.” Silver took us both in a big hug. It helped, but I still felt terrible for what I said. I would have to try and talk to the others tomorrow, just to see if there was any way to repair our broken friendship. Silver interrupted my thoughts as she said, “But let’s walk Star home first.”  “Really?” I asked, “Weren't you late for dinner?” “You look like you could really use a friend right now, so I don’t care if I’m late.” Silver smiled. “Thanks.” I said, giving the best smile I could manage as we walked together to the Golden Oak Library. - It wasn’t long before we reached the Library, the last rays of sunlight nearly spent. Coming to a stop just outside the door, I hugged Silver and Diamond goodbye. They’d been so kind to me today, and we’d laughed together, and enjoyed ourselves as friends. Maybe there really was nothing to regret? I must have made the right choice. But as I walked inside, memories of when Apple Bloom was here carrying the comically small ‘Appletini’ on her head flashed through my mind. Even earlier today, the memory might have given me the urge to giggle, but now I could only feel tears welling up in my eyes. Those happy memories felt almost tainted by the events of today. How could I possibly think I’d made the right choices, if I had said those things to Applebloom and her friends? I walked upstairs, not wanting to think anymore, just to sleep and be done with the day. As I walked listlessly to my room, a loud creak came from a floorboard beneath me, and I heard a yelp of surprise from Twilight’s room. “Star?! I didn’t hear you come in, hehe, you gave me quite the surprise,”  When I didn’t respond, Twilight whispered, “Star? Is something wrong?” I looked at her, trying to keep my tears down, to keep them away and keep these stupid, childish emotions away. But that only served to have my distress manifest itself as bitterness and anger.  “Oh Twilight, my favorite little pony,” I sneered. “Don’t worry, it’s nothing that the Magic of Friendship can’t fix!”  And then I collapsed to the floor, bursting into tears. Twily immediately rushed over to hug me, gently shushing me and whispering soft ‘it’s okay’s in my ear, letting me wail away my regret and sadness into her soft fur. - “Do you feel a little better?” Twilight whispered. Some time had passed, and now I was leaning relaxedly into Twily’s coat, breathing slowly as a hoof stroked my back.  I nodded, sniffling a little.  “What happened?” She asked, softly.  It was clear in her tone that if I wasn’t ready, I didn’t have to explain this now. I almost wanted to keep it to myself, but as the younger apple sibling was AJ's little sister, I decided I probably should just tell her now. I didn’t want Twilight to hear about this from somebody else. “I got into an argument with AJ's little sister...” I said, ashamed. “Apple Bloom?” Twilight said, raising an eyebrow. I nodded. “What happened?” “Her and her two friends didn’t want to give Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon a chance and they told me that Diamond and Silver were tricking me into being friends with them and that they were trying to get me to hate Apple Bloom and her friends,” I said, my confession spilling out in a single breath. “Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon you say?” She said, thoughtfully. “And what happened then?” I told Twilight about today, about the accusations both groups had thrown at the other, that I had no way to know who was lying, about the past the two shared, and about the changes that I believed Diamond and Silver were trying to make in themselves. I told her about the ultimatum Scootaloo had thrust upon me, and about the horrible way that had made me feel. I explained that I’d chosen Diamond and Silver, and why I had done so. She didn’t once interrupt, or give me a look of disappointment; she only sat there patiently, hearing everything I had to say. Twilight was thoughtful for a while, seeming to not quite know what to say.  “I can’t say that I know Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon too well,” Came her eventual reply. “But if they truly are sorry, and want to change, then I’m proud that you want to help them and give them a chance.”  “Really? You are?” I looked up at a smiling Twilight, who nodded. “What about Apple Bloom and her friends?”  “Tell you what, tomorrow I’m going over to Sweet Apple Acres, and I’ll talk to Applejack while I’m there. Maybe you two just need a little space at the moment- does that all sound ok with you?”  When I didn’t respond, it was as if Twilight could sense there was still more to the story. “You can tell me,” She whispered in gentle encouragement. When that was not enough, Twilight nuzzled me, and I felt a powerful feeling of calm and stillness. I never wanted it to end, but, like all good things, eventually it did. I felt comfortable now, and realised I had to admit to her the rest of what had happened. “I said some awful things to Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo.”  “What did you say?” She prompted, no anger in her voice. “I said I never wanted to join their club, and I said it was pointless,” I looked into Twilight’s eyes and felt safe as I continued, “They also wanted to invite me to a slumber party, but I said I wouldn’t want to go, and called it stupid,” I let out a few choked sobs as I tried to finish. “But I didn’t mean any of it, I’m so, so sorry, I was just so… I was a horrible person to them.”  The dam broke yet again, and I cried once more into Twilight’s embrace. - More time passed before I was all cried out again, and Twilight lifted me up and dried my eyes with a tissue. “Thank you for telling me, Star…” She said. “But you don’t need to worry about being a horrible pony. You only said those things because you were hurt, right?” I nodded, earning a proud smile from my Big Sis. “Then don’t worry, you’ll see, and I’ll be sure that Apple Bloom and her friends know that, alright?”  “Okay,” I sniffled, and my tummy let out a loud growl. “Somepony’s hungry,” Twilight giggled. I giggled at that too, and it felt like the mood had already been lifted somewhat. “What’s for dinner?” I asked, as Twilight gently picked me up in her magic. She set me gently onto her back, and carried me down the stairs, before sitting me at the table. “Soup!” She declared cheerfully. “But I suppose it’ll have gone cold by now.” Having heard us come in, Spike poked his head out from the kitchen, and walked over nervously, twiddling his claws. Twilight nodded encouragingly at him, and he ran over to embrace me tightly.  “A-are you okay, Star?” He asked in concern. “Yeah, umm long day, and, uh, sorry about the soup?” I laughed nervously. “No problem,” He answered. “I’m just glad you’re ok… N-not that I was worried about you! Because a fearsome dragon (like myself) would never be worried! I’m just… I’m glad!” He blushed. I didn’t know quite how dragons could blush, but that didn’t mean it was any less cute. He pulled away from the hug, and picked up both bowls of soup, and after two short bursts of dragonfire, placed them back on the table in front of me and Twily.  I cautiously ate a spoonful of the soup, and it was warm again! “...and that, Star, is why dragons are the best.” Said Twilight, earning a laugh from Spike.  After a really good dinner, Twilight and I did a little studying for school, but it was nothing that I didn’t really know already. I still got my cookie, despite what had happened earlier today, but I didn’t complain. After some magic practice, where I was at least able to get the feather to rock a bit, with open eyes even, I felt accomplished in my evening. Soon, however, it was bedtime, and after getting my teeth brushed, Twilight led me to my bedroom. Once again, Twilight put a diaper on me for the night, but at least this time I’d get to wear my adorable new polkadot pajamas! After I was helped onto my bed, Twilight lay me on my clean white sheets and gave me Flurry. I took her right ear in my mouth, and after Twily tucked me in, she planted a kiss on my nose. I snuggled up into my covers, and as I waited for sleep to take me, Twilight began to hum the tune of a lullaby. “I guess this really doesn’t make me a bad pony, after all...” I murmured, half awake. Warm, and surrounded by softness and peace, I at last drifted off to sleep. > Day 21: Friendship With Diamond And Silver: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “You’re a horrible friend!” Apple Bloom’s voice echoed. “But I-” I tried to say. “CMC’s forever? Never with YOU!” Sweetie Belle’s voice roared. “No please, you don’t-” I tried again. “You’re a bully!” Scootaloo’s voice echoed all around me The world shifted. I was back at the library and saw Twilight as she looked the other way, reading. I sobbed, “Twilight?! Please-” “What are you doing here? A horrible friend like you can’t be my little sister, what would Princess Celestia think? So until we can send you home, you’ll live in an orphanage.” Before I could react, I faintly heard a voice, playing on the edge of my consciousness, calling my name. A blue light slowly filled my vision, and I woke with a start. I was still scared, my heart pounding in my ears. “Star, Star, Star! Wake up!” Called Twilight, slightly panicked. I took in heavy, shaky breaths, eyes darting around the room. A nightmare? Twilight must have heard me in my sleep, for it was still dark outside. Was not even sleep a place of safety from my troubles? Twilight came to my bedside, and I hugged her tightly. “It’s okay Star, it’s okay, you're safe.” I slowed my breathing, calming a little, but my grip on Twilight didn’t loosen. “I dreamt that I was the worst friend to Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, that you left me because of that, that- that-” I broke off into sobs, and Twilight stroked my mane gently. “Oh, Star… I’ll never leave you, no matter what, okay?”  I looked up at her, and she kissed me gently on the muzzle. Soon Twilight spoke again, “But as far as what you told me yesterday, I don’t think that you and the girls are friends.” A few sobs escaped me, but I nodded weakly. “How about tonight, you sleep with your big sis Twily?” I looked up from her chest fur and nodded again as Twily dried my eyes with a tissue. After my eyes were dried, I was placed on her back and Flurry was levitated in my hooves. Finally, I was gently laid down on Twily’s bed, and she climbed in next to me. I snuggled up to her, as closely as I could, and slowly drifted back off to sleep. I woke up to a brush being pulled gently through my coat, it felt so peaceful, I just relaxed. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Twilight lying next to me, the brush held in her magic. “Mmmm.” Twilight giggled, “Morning Star.” “Mmmm, morning big sis,” I mumbled. Twilight stopped and said, “I hope you slept well, as it’s time for breakfast.” “Okay,” I then noticed that I had no pajamas on, or diaper, “Twilight?” “Yeah? Is it about your pajamas and diaper?” I nodded. “I figured there was no harm in getting you out of that while you were still sleeping. Besides, I know you love to get your tummy brushed,” Twilight giggled, and I joined her. My nose picked up something delicious and I followed the smell to the dining room and ate the breakfast of oats, honey, and flowers that Spike had prepared for us, and like always, it was delicious. The breakfast was great but short. We both thanked Spike before heading back upstairs to get ready for the day. At Twilight’s bed, she finished brushing my mane and tail before we set off to school. We were about halfway to school when I spotted Diamond and Silver, and as I wanted to walk with my friends, I turned to Twilight and said, “See you after school big sis.” Twilight was a bit surprised, and maybe a little disappointed, “You don’t want me to walk you the rest of the way?”  “I’m fine, I’ll walk with my friends!” I smiled and looked towards Diamond and Silver. Twilight nodded and we hugged goodbye before I walked over to my friends. “Morning gals,” I said. “Morning Star, are you ready for school?” Diamond asked. We started walking again, and I replied “Yeah, I’m just hoping nothing will happen with those three today. I just want today to be peaceful..” “Don’t worry about them,” Silver said. “Yeah,” Diamond continued, “They didn’t respect that we were best friends, but just stick close to us, and it’ll be a quiet day.” I smiled. “Thanks girls, so are we doing something after school today?” “Well,” Diamond said, “Since my father and mother are out of town, and won’t be home until tomorrow, we can go to my place. Then you can see my room, and we can hang out by the pool.” “Ohh, a pool? Sounds fun! Is anypony gonna be there to look after you?” “Our butler Randolph, like always.” She replied, nonchalantly. Her family must really be rich if they have a butler. We chit-chatted for the rest of the way, and soon the schoolhouse came into view. We arrived and placed our saddlebags by our desks, but Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, or Scootaloo hadn’t yet arrived. Even though I didn’t want any drama today I still wanted to apologize, or at least to clear the air. It wasn’t long before the bell rang, and the three ponies I’d been dreading seeing trotted into class. Sweetie Belle sat next to me, so I decided that I should try and get her attention somehow. During class, Miss Cheerilee read a section of a book to us, then the class had to write a short story while I had to continue learning how to write. I tried for a few minutes to do my practice, but my mind kept drifting. How could I get Sweetie Belle’s attention? As I fiddled with the crayon in my mouth I got a perfect idea, and I let go of the crayon, watching as it fell to the ground, right next to Sweetie Belle. “Hey, Sweetie Belle,” I whispered, “Could you get me my crayon please?”   Without so much as looking at me, she grabbed it from the floor and forcefully placed it on my desk, a scowl on her face. I wasn’t able to focus on much for the rest of the class, and I made little progress in writing. I made bigger progress in my magic yesterday, so hopefully, I’d be able to write with my magic soon, but that was a matter for another day. As the bell for recess rang, I took an apple from my saddlebag and took a few bites while I watched Sweetie Belle and the two others walked out. I sighed. Diamond walked over, looking a little concerned. “What’s wrong Star?” “I just wanted to talk to them, and make sure that there was no bad blood between us and the crusaders.” I lowered my head, and my ears drooped. “I know, Star,” Diamond said as she lifted my head, smiling before she continued, “But if those ponies can’t see you for the awesome pony that we see you as, then they don’t deserve you.” I nodded, but I didn’t feel much better. I let Diamond lead me outside, where Silver was waiting for the two of us. She looked like she could see I wasn’t happy as well. “Cheer up Star,” Silver said, “I’ll race you to the swings?” “Well… Only if you’re ok with losing!” Then I bolted, running off as fast as I could, and I found that even though I used my muscles differently as a pony, I still found it very easy to run, only making me wonder… Would I still have such mastery over my old body? Once again, though, I found that running and deep thought were not a very good mix, and managed to trip, faceplanting into the sand under the swings.. “Ow, that hurt!” I complained, spitting out the bits of sand that had gotten in my mouth, and getting back to my hooves. I rubbed my muzzle with my hoof, hoping the pain would go away. “You okay Star?” Silver asked. “Yeah, I just need to look where I’m running,” I laughed. The pain in my muzzle was gone, and I sat on the swing, letting Silver push me. Diamond, Silver, and I had fun for the rest of recess, but soon the bell rang and we had to go back to class. Once we were all inside, Ms. Cheerilee said, “I hope that everypony had a lovely break, because now it is time for Phys Ed.” Some students cheered, while others groaned. I guess that PE was as divisive here as it was back home. ‘Too bad for them, I guess’ I giggled to myself. Cheerilee waited for everyone to quiet down before she continued. “I know, I know, but remember my little ponies: a healthy body has a healthy mind. Also, since Star joined us, we can now have groups of three, and once you’re settled we’ll start where we left off last time.” Diamond whistled, which got Silver’s attention, and she gestured Silver to come over before turning to me. Diamond grinned, “Now we can all be in a group together!” I smiled, and we all worked together to push Diamond’s table to mine, combining them into one that we could all sit around. The other groups did the same, and it wasn’t long before Ms. Cheerilee began teaching her lesson. We started with a recap, where students were called on to recall good foods to eat; salads, vegetables, things like that. We did the same with bad foods, like potatoes, and things that contained a lot of salt. Everything was rather familiar to me, except for the fact that ponies didn’t have sugar as one of the unhealthy things, in fact, it was something that they apparently needed quite a bit of.  After a few activities, most of the day had passed, and I thought we probably had about ninety minutes left (though I was still not quite sure if I was reading the clock right). We had a small break and tidied up our desks, and then went outside; to finish off the day we had to run laps at a nearby training course. I ran lap after lap, just trying to get as many as I could, and if that didn’t earn me another cookie I didn’t know what would. It was the final lap, and right from the start, Scootaloo had been ahead of me. But I wanted to overtake her now and decided to push myself to go faster. I got closer and closer, my pulse racing until finally, I was running along with her side by side. But I must’ve lost focus, because just when I was about to overtake her, I stumbled over my own hoof and fell into Scootaloo, causing the both of us to roll along the track briefly until we came to a painful stop. “Hehe, sorry Scoots you okay?” I said apologetically, looking over to see if she’d been hurt. “Yeah, I’m good, just be careful next time,” Was all she said, getting up and starting to walk off, not even meeting my eyes. “You okay you two?” Diamond asked. “Huh? Yeah, thanks Diamond, right Scoots?” I asked, trotting after her. Silver, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom ran over. “It was Diamond Tiara’s fault Scoots!” Apple Bloom said. “What?” I protested, “Not this again you two. It was an accident.” “Yeah,” Silver chipped in, “I saw everything, and Diamond Tiara was at least a body ahead of you both.” “Liar,” Sweetie Belle said, “Star you can’t be serious, you really believe that you tripped?” “It felt like it, so yeah, I must have. Besides, why would Diamond trip me over? We’re friends.” “Yeah,” Diamond said as she pulled me behind her and Silver, “You already upset Star enough yesterday, so leave her and us alone, and go somewhere else.” “Star, please listen,” Apple bloom said. “Yeah, we wanted to follow you yesterday,” Added Scootaloo, “But Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon blocked us so we couldn’t run after you.”  I’d had enough of this yesterday. “Enough, just do like Diamond said, and leave me alone.” With Diamond and Silver, we walked away, and soon we all went back to school and got our lap times from Ms. Cheerilee, Diamond had the fastest lap, Scootaloo got second place, while I got third. Thankfully the school day was over, but I was in no rush to get out, I would rather wait until Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo had left completely. But in the midst of everypony leaving, Diamond and Silver had left without me, “they were just waiting for me outside,” I reasoned with myself. As I packed my saddlebag a yellow colt, with a short green mane and tail came over to me. “Hi um…” I said not knowing his name or what he wanted. “Hey I’m Snails, and I think I saw you yesterday. When you fought with Apple Bloom and her friends.” “Yea-” Did he really see that? Great. “So? What about it?” “Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are mean ponies, they bullied ponies without Cutie Marks, like you, Apple Bloom and her friends,” The colt said very casually. “They’re sorry for what they did, besides, they’re my friends,” I said and turned back to my saddlebag. “Then I’ll show you.” But before I could react, I was pulled by my tail, and away from my desk, causing me to fall onto the floor. “Hey!” I called sternly. The annoying colt only moved in front of me and pushed me with his head towards the door. “Stop it,” I complained, “Cut it out!” But step by step I got closer to the door and as I reluctantly looked outside, my heart dropped. Diamond and Silver pushed Scootaloo into Sweetie Belle, who then fell into Apple Bloom, and all fell into a mud pile as Diamond and Silver laughed. “....And don’t ever get close to Star again,” Diamond said in a threatening manner, “or you’ll regret it, blank flanks.” “Yeah,” Silver chipped in, “Why would Star ever hang out with a bunch of losers like yourself, in your… How did she say it again?” “Oh, I think I know,” Diamond said and I could even see her predatory smirk from the building, “I think it was a ‘pointless, stupid club, for losers’.” Tears ran down my face, how could they do this, we were friends, they told me they had wanted to change... The crusaders laid still in a mud pile, and all I could do was cower inside the schoolhouse. I was screaming on the inside, I had to do something about this, or nobody would. I ran out of the schoolhouse. “Leave them alone!” I commanded. > A Broken Friendship: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo still lay in a mud pile, and all I could do was cower inside the schoolhouse as Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were laughing at them. I was screaming on the inside, they lied to me, how could they? I wouldn’t hide anymore. I ran out of the schoolhouse. “Leave them alone!” I commanded. The five fillies looked at me, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon had a horrified look. “Star?! W-we can explain!” “NO! No more lies, you lied to me, both of you!” “But Star, they deserve this, how they treated you yesterday… We’re just getting even,” Silver Spoon pleaded, reaching out to me with her hoof. “For you…” “No, you’re bullies. Hurting other ponies, and even laughing while you do it, how could you ever think that was what I would want?” They shrank back at that.  Diamond Tiara laughed nervously. “We might have gone a bit over the top, hehe…?” “A bit over the top?!” I exploded. “The crusaders were right about you two.”  I reminded myself of the CMC and looked over to the mud pile, they had gotten back up, and wore tired expressions. I turned to face them. “I’m sorry I didn’t believe you girls, you were right. Could we try again?” Sweetie scoffed at that. “Do like Diamond Tiara said and leave us alone. They only pushed us into the mud pile because we talked to you earlier today.” “I’m- I’m sorry, I believe you now, please?” I begged. But it was too late, I’d already chosen, and I’d chosen wrong. The three girls walked away, not even bothering to respond to me. “Come on Star.” Diamond said, beckoning me. I didn’t give an inch, “I’m not going anywhere with you two bullies.” “Come on Star,” Silver said, “We only went a little bit over the top, don’t throw away our friendship over something small like that.” “Before anything else, I want to know something. And tell me the truth.” I said. “Always.” Was Diamond’s immediate reply. “When we met, in the beginning, did you really want to become friends with me?” “Well, in the beginning, when we learned that you were friends with Apple Bloom, we thought of a little joke we’d play on her.” Silver nervously said. “But as we spent time with you, we had fun, and it became so much more, and that doesn’t have to end- so come on, I’ll have Randolph make you a hot cocoa!” Diamond Tiara continued for her, with more confidence.  It had all been a big lie. None of it was real? My heart sank, and my whole body tensed. As despair filled me, the sounds of Ponyville were drowned out by the pounding of my pulse, and my breaths seized. I knew I couldn’t pick right, I knew I’d messed up again, I knew I was a failure, I- Tears streamed down my face, and I took a shaky breath. “I’ll never be friends with you, you’re both horrible ponies, I hate you, never talk to me again!” I ran away crying, with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon in tow, calling out to me, apologizing, saying anything they could to try and make me turn around, but I wouldn’t, it would all just be more lies. I ran into a forested area, which wasn’t the Everfree Forest from what I could tell, this was more open. Soon Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon’s voices were gone, and I hid behind a bush, making sure they weren’t still in pursuit. After a while no voices came, and the only sound was the gentle wind hitting the trees.  My ears twitched. No, it wasn’t silent. Deeper in the forest, I could hear a voice, a mare’s voice. It sounded familiar, and she was singing along to a birdsong. It was a beautiful song, and relaxing to hear, but I couldn’t escape the feeling that it was somehow bittersweet; it was tinged by minor chords and abrupt silences that yearned for someone else to sing a reply. But no reply came, and I felt tears welling up in my eyes. The voice got closer, and I could now make out that it belonged to Fluttershy. Soon I could see her, and I decided that I wanted to go to her, I didn’t want to be alone right now. I stood up a bit, rattling the bush, but stopped myself- maybe she was too busy at the moment? But as I lay back down in hiding, I put all of my weight onto a weak branch, which snapped loudly, and Fluttershy jumped in surprise. “Who- who’s there? Hello?” She said, quivering. It would have been mean to jump out and surprise her, or even to just stay hidden, so I left my hiding spot and walked out to her. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” I sniffled, “I’m sorry Fluttershy, it’s just me, I’m sorry!” “Aww, it’s okay Star, no need to cry.”  “That’s not why I-” I stopped myself, there was no need to drag her into my dumb little school drama. “You can tell me.” I looked into her eyes and it just felt safe to tell her, besides, it was only a bit of ‘dumb little drama’, so it didn’t even matter. “Just some stupid argument at school between me and my fr- some ponies who I thought were my friends.” I spat out. I thought I saw her expression turn sad for a second, but I blinked and she was back to her usual self. “Hmm… Do you want to come home with me to my cottage? I know just the thing that helps when I’m feeling down, maybe it’ll help you too?” I had nothing better to do, so I nodded and followed Fluttershy to her cottage. During the silent walk, Fluttershy stretched out her wing, and wrapped it around me, pulling me into her fur, and it felt better, just being hugged, even if it was just by a wing. Soon Fluttershy’s cottage was in sight and as usual the surroundings were that of a fairytale, truly beautiful with the different kinds of birds flying around, and bunnies and other soft animals jumping around. “Should we go inside?” I nodded again, it was just easier to nod than talking. Inside her home I jumped onto her couch, which followed by a few chuckles from Fluttershy. I felt myself blush in embarrassment. “What?” I asked. “You got up on your own!” She said in a cheerful voice. I released a few chuckles in surprise, I hadn’t even realized. I guess I was getting better at this whole pony thing. “Umm, you mentioned that something bad happened between you and your friends?” I sighed and began to explain the whole thing slowly, making sure that I told the most important things, from when Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon first met me, to the crusaders finding out about it, up until yesterday evening. I had to choke back my sobs as my mind relived the event once again. “It’s okay, it’s okay,” she soothed. “Have you told Twilight?” I sniffled loudly. “Yes, she’s talking to Applejack today.” After a few minutes of Fluttershy calming me down, I felt ready to keep going. I told her what happened today, of the event at the track, and as I spoke I wondered to myself if Apple Bloom had been telling the truth after all. I carried on to what had happened after school, and the awful feeling it left me with. “I just felt like everything I thought was true was pulled out from under me. I was scared, and because of my choice, I was alone, I just had to run away, it was too much. I felt so stupid for believing them.” “It really sounds like you need a hug, Star,” She said, before hastily adding, “Um, that is, if you don’t mind of course?” I was a little confused that she had asked, but since I did want one, it didn’t matter too much. I nodded, and she wrapped me in a warm hug. “S-sometimes I feel that way too… And, um, it sounds silly, but I’m sorry you had to experience that.” “Thanks Fluttershy,” I giggled. My giggles made me notice how dry my mouth was, and I looked around for any water, eventually engaging in a staring contest with Fluttershy’s sink. She seemed to notice this, because then she brightened up, and her wings fluttered excitedly.  “Oh, of course, I promised to tell you what I do when I’m feeling down!” She cleared her throat sheepishly, and her tone of voice calmed down. “Well, um, I spend a lot of time with my animal friends, and I then make myself a lovely cup of mint tea.” I was thirsty, and, though I’d never tried it before, since Fluttershy approved I was willing to give it a try. So I nodded eagerly, and Fluttershy smiled. “But, um, if it’s not too much trouble, Star, could I tell you a story while I make it? It’s a bit of a long story, but if you hear me out, I promise it will be worth it.” She said. While she started her sentence timidly, her tone grew more assuring as she spoke. I nodded. “So, whenever I have a horrible day, one that stresses me out and leaves me feeling awful, after I come home, I make myself some tea.” I was confused as to where this was going, but didn’t interrupt. “A long time ago, I had a really bad panic attack, and I was hiding in an alleyway in town...” She put the kettle under the tap, and turned it with practiced precision so that water was flowing as little as it could while still being a consistent stream. “I was scared, and stressed, and all alone, but somebody found me. A very elderly stallion, visiting from far away.” I was fixated on Fluttershy, only hearing her, and the slowly rising pitch of the kettle filling with water. “He asked me if I’d like to go with him and have a soothing cup of mint tea. It was so rare for ponies to be kind to me back then, so I went with him.” “He took me to a cafe nearby, it was a lovely place, cozy and warm. His daughter ran the shop, you see, so when we went inside, we were able to go into the kitchen in the back together, to make his special cup of tea.” The kettle was full now, and Fluttershy set it on the stove, turning it on to a low heat. “And he did what I’m doing now; he talked me through this, like I’m doing for you, and this is what he said to me:” “Sometimes, you have to take things slowly.” She smiled. “He said, all ponies are like this kettle.” “Your thoughts and your feelings are like water, flowing, and free- and if you don’t slow that down, they can overflow.” Steam began to rise from the spout of the kettle that I found my eyes glued to. “And sometimes, things happen to us that are beyond our control, and we heat up. But when that heat is too much to bear any longer-”  The kettle began to whistle, steam pouring out. My heart beat faster, and I waited with bated breath for her to continue. She smiled fondly, and simply took the kettle off the stove. “-It’s perfectly alright to get away from it all. Nopony can live a life without stress, but no pony should force themselves to stay that way.” When I really thought about those words, it made sense. Even though in a moment of stress it seemed impossible to get out, I still had to try and make things better, or maybe they never would. Fluttershy hovered a little way up and retrieved some things from a cupboard up high. She first took a simple clay teapot, and placed it on the counter, and then two odd handleless clay mugs, both of which were placed with reverent care onto the table. “He told me that finding the serenity of enjoying even the single smallest of actions, like brewing a perfect cup of tea, can be the thing that takes away all of your worries.” She took a well-worn box out of the same cupboard as before, and put two spoonfuls of a minty-smelling tea powder into the pot. I watched, mesmerized, as she carefully poured in the kettle’s water, not stopping until it barely overflowed. Putting the lid on the teapot only made a little more of the contents overflow, but Fluttershy didn’t seem fazed.  She sat back down, and her expression saddened slightly. “I went to that shop every day, after that. Every day, he helped me learn a little more of this tea ritual, until one day…” she trailed off. “I had to learn to make the tea on my own.” she finished in a small voice. We sat in contemplative silence, and after a few minutes, Fluttershy carefully poured us each a steaming cup. The minty-sweet aroma wasn’t overwhelming, but simply a soothing accent to the tea itself. It was understated, but tasting it made the last of my stresses melt away in the warmth it filled me with. I wondered how much time had passed since we sat down. And wait, what time was it? I realized I hadn’t told Twilight I was going to be out late, and I started to worry a little. “What’s wrong Star?” Fluttershy asked. “It’s Twilight, I never told her I came here after school.” “Oh my, maybe she thinks that you went-” Gentle knocks came from the door. “Come in!” Fluttershy responded. The door opened and I was surprised to see Spike walk in. “Spike!?” I placed my cup of half-finished tea on the table and jumped down from the couch, “I’m so sorry, I know I should have said that I was going to be out after school, I just-” Spike placed his claw on my lips. “It’s okay Star, relax, Twilight guessed that you were just out with your two friends.” I lowered my head, “Yeah, my fri-” I stopped, closed my eyes, and swallowed, not wanting to cry. “Oh no, what happened Star?” “It’s a long story, but I'll tell you when I get home, but don’t worry,” I smiled, “But umm, why are you here?” “Alright then, we just got a new book in that Fluttershy wanted to borrow, so I brought it straight over!” He said proudly. Fluttershy came next to me, and got the book. “What’s it about, Fluttershy?” “Oh, Rarity has asked me to groom her cat, Opalescence, but she needs a very special technique to get her fur just right. Thankfully Twilight was able to help me find the right book,” She then began to flip through the book. I turned to Spike and asked, “Do you know when I should be home?” “I would guess before dinner.” He said, shrugging. “I’ll be back before then.” I said, giving him a wink. Spike smiled and walked away, waving his goodbye, “See you at home Star!” “Bye Spike!” I closed the door and went back to the couch where Fluttershy was deep in her book. “Fluttershy?” “Huh, wait what?” She shook her head around before she looked at me, “Sorry Star, it would seem that a cat like Opalescence needs a lot of care before her grooming, so this will probably take a few hours to prepare.” “Oh, do you want some help?” She was silent for a few seconds, and as they dragged on I wondered if I’d just end up being in the way. But my fears were eased when Fluttershy smiled appreciatively. “Well, if you’re sure, it could be nice to have some help to feed the animals. That is, if you don’t mind.” “I don’t mind at all! Just tell me what to do.” She nodded and we got up as she fluttered over to the kitchen. After a few seconds she flew back to me with a basket full of various nuts and vegetables. “Thank you so much Star! Alright, the vegetables are for the bunnies, the nuts are for the squirrels, and for Harry too, if he comes.” “Alright, that doesn't sound too difficult, do you think that umm, Harry remembers me?” I asked, still a little scared of the idea of seeing Harry. Even though I knew he was safe, he was still a bear. Fluttershy placed her hooves on mine and said, “I think so, you are the first pony besides me that he’s met after all.” I was a bit more at ease with that in mind, but I was still going to be careful, just in case. I took the basket’s handle with my mouth and walked outside. As I walked outside, Fluttershy took to the sky, probably to feed the birds. That was when I really noticed it, the sound of the little river, the rustling of trees, and the natural sounds that came from the animals, this was truly one of those moments that I would just enjoy. With a job in mind, I walked down to where a few bunnies were running around. I placed the basked and to the best of my abilities used my hooves and placed the vegetables on the grass, and spoke like I thought Fluttershy might do. “Alright little bunnies, time to eat.” Only some animals looked, and maybe half of them jumped over to me. They carefully sniffed the air, and I stepped back a little just to let them know I wasn’t dangerous. They were hesitant at first, but soon they started to eat their food. Once a few started to eat, more bunnies joined, and some that had been hesitant before came over to investigate too. A bit away from the bunnies, and next to a tree I poured the nuts and acorns onto the grass. “Alright little squirrels, time to eat.” I said, again trying my best to act like Fluttershy. I stepped away and soon squirrels and other little furry animals came, but there was no sign of Harry. I was finished now, so I looked up and scanned the sky for Fluttershy, but I couldn’t see her, so I walked back inside with the basket and decided to wait for her on the couch. While I waited, I finished my now-cold tea, and it was just as tasty as it had been when it was warm. It only took about 5 minutes before Fluttershy flew in, looking rather flustered. “I’m so sorry Star, I was out and-” I stopped her, “It’s okay Fluttershy, I gave the animals their food and nothing bad happened.” “That’s wonderful, did Harry turn up?” “No, I didn’t see him.” “Oh, alright then. And thank you so much again, Star. Do you wanna go home now?” I thought for a moment. On one hand I wanted to practice my magic and tell Twilight about what happened today, but on the other, I wanted to stay with Fluttershy a little longer. “If you want, you could help me get ready for looking after Opalescence- but only if you really want to though! You’ve already helped me so much.” “If you’re sure Fluttershy, then I think Twilight would like to hear how today went.” I said. “Alright then, I’ll walk you home,” Fluttershy smiled. “No it’s okay, I can walk by myself, and besides: it sounds like you have a lot to do.” She didn’t look confident. “I promise I’ll be fine,” I gave her a reassuring smile, and she nodded in approval. We hugged, and as we did Fluttershy whispered, “You’re always welcome, remember that.” I nodded in our hug and when we let go of each other, I walked out of her house and on the path to the library, hoping I wouldn’t bump into Diamond Tiara or Silver Spoon. The sun was low in the sky by the time I was in town. Just when I thought I might be a little bit lost, I found Sugar Cube Corner, and reminded myself that I could see the library from there. In no time at all I was at the door of the library, and I walked inside. Inside the library was quiet, only a sweet smell of food was in the air, maybe lasagna? Whatever it was, it smelled great. I got to the stairs and walked up. Upstairs I saw that Twilight was muzzle deep in her book, whatever it was. I coughed, trying to get her attention. She put her book down, and looked around in confusion, but when her eyes met mine she quickly ran over and hugged me. “Star, what happened?” Twilight collected herself. “I mean, It’s so late, are you okay?” “I’m fine big sis, I went to Fluttershy’s today after school.” “I know, did something happen?” Twilight asked gently.  But before I could say anything Spike’s voice could be heard in the entire library as he yelled, “Dinner time!” He came into the main room and saw me, “Star! You’re back, and just in time.” “I told you it was late.” Twilight added, grinning. We all walked to the table and began to eat our dinner, and while we ate I told Twilight and Spike about the day. Twilight was happy that Fluttershy found me, but from her voice I wondered if she was a little sad it wasn’t her that I had turned to. Nonetheless, she was happy that I was with a true friend. She also mentioned that she had told AJ about what happened, and AJ had said that Apple Bloom probably just needed a little space. Twilight did offer to go again tomorrow, but I said that it was fine. Things couldn’t really get any worse. “By the way Star,” Spike said, “Princess Celestia sent Twilight a scroll, and it said that this is for you- but I’ve never seen this seal before.” He gestured to a scroll that rested on one of Twilight’s desks. It was sealed with a dark blue wax, and I wasn’t sure, but I thought I saw a moon imprinted into the seal. “That can wait until after dinner.” Twilight said. I wondered what was in the scroll and, more importantly, who had sent it. The moon insignia definitely suggested that it was from Luna, and I couldn’t imagine Velvet or Night Light sending a letter using Princess Celestia’s magic. But why didn’t she just use the magic book Princess Celestia had given me? Maybe that was only for her sending me messages? Soon the delicious dinner was over and I left the table with the scroll and a cookie. Once inside my room I was unable to resist any longer, I broke the seal, and unrolled it to read the message within. Dearest Star, We write to thee to express our humblest of apologies, and to offer explanation for the failure to carry out Our sacred duty. As you know, the burden We bear is guarding the kingdom in its sleep from nightmares and monsters beyond the veil of waking. While We walked the realm of dreams last night, We were unable to sense your nightmare until it had already overpowered you so. We apologise again that you had to suffer such a dream for so long before We intervened. We are still trying to reclaim a grasp over Our powers, but We hope that you were not too shaken by the bad experience. Tonight, as recompense, We shall stand as ward over thy dreams. Your Friend, and Princess of The Night, Luna I munched on my cookie while I thought about what I’d read. The fact that Luna felt guilty that she couldn’t prevent my nightmare was touching, but I was honestly still amazed even now that it was a skill that anyone could possess. I didn’t blame her at all for not being there in time, and it was only a nightmare. One I would rather not repeat, but again, only a nightmare. But knowing that she was there tonight was a nice feeling. With the letter out of the way and my cookie eaten, I decided I wanted to practice my magic, I really wanted the ability to write to both Luna and Princess Celestia without any help. Time passed and my eyes hurt as I didn’t want to blink, believing I would lose my focus. Much effort and time was spent before I was able to rock the crayon. I’d achieved a goal I thought would take years, but I knew that there was still a long way to go. Knocks came on my door, “It’s time for bed Star,” Twilight said. “Coming!” I walked out to her and as we walked to the bathroom I told her how my magic went. “Well done sweetie, I’m so proud of you,” Twilight said in joy as she giggled. “Thanks Twily.” “Who was that letter from?” Spike asked as he came into the bathroom. “Oh, it was from Princess Luna, telling me she was sorry that she couldn’t have prevented my nightmare last night, but said she would look out for me tonight.” “About that,” Twilight said, “Would you like to sleep with me tonight, just in case?” “Sure, I would like that.”  Even though I didn’t need Twilight to feel safe tonight, I still liked to hear her heartbeat when I fell asleep. After I was ready for bed, Twilight made herself ready as I went to my room to get Flurry, my pajamas, and one night protection. After I had waited on Twilight’s bed for a few seconds, her and Spike came and I was made ready for bed, and sone with the sound of Twily’s heart and the comfort of Flurry, I slowly fell asleep, with my last thought wondering if I would see Luna in my dream. > Day 22: I Don't Want Drama: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up, feeling calm and peaceful, so I guessed that I didn’t have a nightmare. I then felt as Twilight stroked my back with a brush. I yawned as I stretched, “I could get used to this.” As Twilight giggled in the background, she continued to brush me, which was fine by me. I must have nodded off as Twilight gently shook me and I woke up. “Time to get up sleepyhead, you can sleep more tomorrow.” I yawned again, “Okay.” I opened my eyes as I stretched my legs. As Twilight got down from the bed, I got down on the floor and we followed the familiar sweet and warming smell of breakfast coming from downstairs. “Did you sleep well?” Twilight asked. “Yeah! I slept great!” I said cheerfully. Twilight giggled at that while we sat down. As soon as we did, Spike came out of the kitchen with what looked like about ten thick pancakes, and on the table there were different kinds of toppings: syrup, strawberry jam and apple jam. As we ate, I thanked Spike for the food, to which he blushed. I mentioned that I’d slept well last night, and we made small talk while we finished off our delicious food. After breakfast, I walked Flurry to my room and as I tucked her in, I thought about how I really didn’t want to go to school. The crusaders probably hated me, and I didn’t want to talk to Diamond Tiara or Silver Spoon, they tricked and lied to me. A few tears fell, I wanted to stay with Flurry instead. “It’s okay Star,” I made Flurry say, “Everything will turn out alright, okay?” “But I’m afraid...” I replied. “There there, it’s nothing to be afraid of, it was only a mistake and I bet that the crusaders will forgive you.” More tears fell from me, I wanted to believe what Flurry told me, but how could they forgive me? I was horrible to them, even after they tried to help me. “Just give them time and continue to practice your magic, and everything will be alright, you’ll see.” I gave Furry a smile, and imagined her giving me one back. I kissed her on the nose, and said, “Night night Flurry, I will.” I took a deep breath and as I felt I was calm, I left my room. In the living room my lunch was placed inside my saddlebag and I got it on. “You ready to go?” Twilight asked. “I’m ready, bye Spike!” “Bye Star, have a nice day.” He said. “You too!” I called back. With Twilight, I walked downstairs and out of the library, then towards the schoolhouse. As we reached what I believed was the midpoint between the schoolhouse and the library, the chances of either seeing the Crusaders or Diamond and Silver became bigger. If we met the crusaders, would Twilight then talk to them, and ask them to forgive me? They might say that they would forgive me, but only because Twilight was there- they wouldn’t mean it. On the other hoof, if we met Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, Twilight might tell them to stay away from me. But that would just lead to a conversation that I didn’t want to be a part of, I just wanted it to be a quiet day, no drama or anything. “Hey Twilight, I know the rest of the way, so I can walk it alone from here.” “Oh,” Twilight said, surprised, “Are you sure?” “Yeah, and besides, you probably have other things to do back at the library.” She didn’t look convinced, and with each step we got closer to the schoolhouse. “I mean it big sis,” I insisted “I can walk it alone, there’ll be plenty of time to have fun with you after school.” She thought about it before she sighed, “Alright, if you’re sure.” We hugged. “Have a nice day sweetie. Take care, okay? And remember, you can always go to Miss Cheerilee if anything is bothering you. Alright?” “I will big sis, and I’ll remember.” We ended the hug. We were both reluctant to do so, but if I stayed home, Monday would come and then I would just have to be this nervous again. I stood and looked at Twilight’s eyes, I could see that she wanted to stay with me. I smiled before I turned myself in the direction of the schoolhouse, and began walking.  A few steps away, I turned my head around. “Bye Twily, see you after school!” “Bye Star!” I turned my head back and walked towards the schoolhouse, wishing for the day to go by fast. After having walked for a bit more the schoolhouse was in sight, and some ponies were there already. The crusaders weren't there, and thankfully Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon weren't there as well. As I walked the last bit to the schoolhouse, I began to think that I shouldn’t even try to even approach the crusaders, I mean, what good would it do? I knew I should just give them space and leave them alone, but a part of me secretly hoped that they would talk to me, giving me the excuse I needed to apologize to them for how I’d acted. Now in front of the door to our classroom, I sighed heavily, and lay down on the grass, watching as more ponies arrived. “Are you waiting for somepony, Star?” I jumped up in surprise, and looked around to what I presumed to be Miss Cheerilee’s voice. Finally I saw her, as she stood in the doorframe to the class. “Ohh, hehe, no no miss Cheerliee, I'm just waiting for the class to start.” “Would you like to help me get ready for the first lesson?” Miss Cheerilee asked politely. “Sure.” Following Miss Cheerilee, I walked inside the classroom and over to her desk. “Would you please place one piece of paper one each desk, besides yours?” “I can do that.” I smiled. First I placed my saddlebag at my desk and then went back and wondered how I would take the papers, maybe with my mouth? “Oh Star,” Miss Cheerilee giggled, “You can just use the tray, it’s more convenient.”  I giggled nervously and saw the tray on wheels behind her desk. I placed the paper on the tray and began on little my assignment, as I placed the papers on the desks, I guessed that our first lesson was writing, it looked like they had to write another short story, but about a picture which looked to be all different kinds pictures, a sun, waterfall, sunset and so on but soon I was done. “I’m finished Miss Cheerilee, do you have something else?” “Well done Star, thank you so much.” She praised. I blushed. “It’s nothing, really.” “Star, any help you can get is always appreciated as a teacher. Just ask Twilight.” She said, giving me a wink. I giggled, “I will.” The school bell rang, and as fillies and colts slowly began to walk inside, I walked to my desk and sat down. Once everypony was settled down, Miss Cheerliee explained that the assignment for today was to write a two-page story about the picture they got, meaning I was right in my guess. As ponies began to write, Miss Cheerilee came down to my desk and gave me another paper so I could learn how to write with my mouth. As I tried to write, I made sure to keep my eyes away from Sweetie Belle, so I only focused on my paper and writing. Time flew by and after a few broken crayons I had at least made a nice looking capital letter of ‘I’ and the number ‘1’. As the bell to recess rang, ponies quickly ran outside to play. After the other ponies were outside, I slowly made my way outside as well. As I walked I wanted to find a nice quiet spot to be alone and practice my magic, just like Flurry said I should. I walked outside and as I looked around, I saw that the crusaders were spinning on a carousel, and I made sure that the spot I chose was away from them, just to give them space. “Hey Star?” Silver Spoon asked, destroying my search for a quiet place. “What do you want? To lie some more?” “No please, listen, we’re sorry and when we lost you yesterday we thought that you might never come back to school again.” Diamond Tiara said. I wanted to scream, they lied to me, they manipulated me, they blamed the crusaders, they deceived me, and I would never trust them again. “Listen, you two: leave me alone, and don’t talk to me.” I walked away before they could think of an answer. As I walked away I spotted a spot of a bit taller grass with a few flowers scattered around it. I walked over to it and lay down. The chatter and laughter of the young ponies who were near was close, but somehow it felt so far away, making me think back on the day the crusaders were calling me over to them at the swings, and- and I helped those two ponies give the crusaders a surprise. I lay down as a few tears fell. Flurry’s voice repeated in my head, “Just focus on your magic, you didn’t know any better.” I sniffed, before I wiped my face with my hoof, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I opened my eyes again and saw a flower, and as I narrowed my eyes and focused on the flower, my aura engulfed it. As a gust of wind came, my mane blew and as the flower moved, I felt it as well as seeing it. I wanted to replicate what the wind did, to try and move it, and as another gust of wind came I moved the flower alongside the wind, and it was much easier than ever before. As the gust of wind vanished, I tried to hold the flower, but inevitably it came back to its original position. As another gust of wind came I focused harder as I tried to make the flower follow the wind, and as the wind vanished again I pushed the flower forward and it worked for a second, but in the end it went back to its original position. Some time passed as the flower was moving slowly from left to right, it was easier as the momentum helped, and sometimes the wind as well. “Wow! That’s amazing!” A voice said in amazement, and I lost my concentration. “Oops. Sorry...” The voice sadly said. The voice sounded really familiar, and I hated that I couldn’t place it, so I looked around and saw Snails. “Snails? Sorry, hi.” “Hey Star, you’re really good with your magic.” “Hehe, thanks, and thank you. You know, for yesterday,“ I then whispered to myself, ”I can’t believe I was that stupid.” Snails looked concerned. “But I’m fine now, how are you?” I asked, wanting to get away from the subject of yesterday. “I’m fine, hehe, I just umm… I just want to ask you, about something.” He looked kinda nervous, and sounded like he might begin to laugh “Uh, sure, what is it?” “You’ll probably say no, but umm, will you go out with me?” My heart raced, as I screamed internally “WHAT!?” I was lost for words, “Did he just ask ME out! How? Why?” My mind drew a blank, and mercifully the bell rang. “Haha, how about that, ah, gotta go!” I galloped inside, pushing my way past other ponies doing the same. > Love & Geometry > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I ran past the last few ponies heading inside, and quickly sat down at my desk. My mind was going in a loop, ‘Why ME? Why?!’ Alongside other ponies, Diamond Tiara entered the classroom and walked over to me and asked in a concerned voice, “Hey Star, is something wrong?” I didn’t want to talk to her about this. She would lie, and try to manipulate me. “I’m fine!” I snapped at her, looking away. As everypony was seated, I shifted my sight on the blackboard and Miss Cheerilee, as she said, “Today we’re working with shapes, as many professions have the concept as their foundation.” Miss Cheerilee drew a square on the board and said, “I’ve got a square, and need to find out how big the area inside is, does anypony remember how to do that?” I, like everypony else, raised our hoof, but in the corner of my vision I saw Snails didn’t, his head just tilted towards his desk, as his eyes looked up, disinterested. “I know Miss Cheerilee,” Twist said. “It’s the length times the width.” I would have said that it was just the width squared, since it’s a square, but Miss Cheerilee was one beat ahead of me. “Well done Twist, but remember, the width and length are the same in a square. But how do we find the area in a rectangle? Snips, will you like to try?” Snips then answered unsure of his answer, “Umm, is it just the same?” “Well done Snips, you’re correct! In rectangles the length and width are different, but the way to work it out is the same” Miss. Cheerilee then drew a triangle, with a dotted line inside, properly as its height and asked, “Does anypony know how to find the area here?” That’s easy, I thought, but again Miss Cheerilee pointed towards a Pegasus colt who said “It’s the width times the height, but then divided by 2.” “Well done Featherweight!” Miss. Cheerilee praised before she wrote the formula underneath the shape, “Now today we’re going to learn a new shape,” she then drew a trapezoid and continued, “Can anypony tell me about this shape?” A few hooves went up alongside mine. “I know,” Sweetie Belle said, “Isn’t it that siege weapon, like from the history books?” “Well, it does sort of look like a trebuchet, Sweetie Belle, but can you tell me something else?” Sweetie Belle shook her head before Miss Cheerilee asked, “Can anypony else tell me anything about it?” As I looked around almost all hooves went down, all but mine. “What can you tell us about this shape, Star?” I thought for a second. “Well, it has exactly 1 pair of parallel sides- that’s how you can tell it apart from other quadrilaterals.” Cheerilee nodded, and seemed about to speak, but I wanted to beat her to it, and so I continued. “The parallel sides are used as the base, and once you know the bases, the area is given by the formula ‘h brackets a + b, all over 2’.” As I looked around class everypony looked really confused and Miss Cheerilee coughed, after having written my formula on the board, h(a+b)/2. “While that is correct, Star, that’s not quite how we will be learning it today.” She said, making me blush, as I maybe should have stopped.. Miss Cheerilee then began to write on the board ‘1’, ‘2’ and ‘3’ before she said, “Now today we’ll take it slow, but let’s start at step one, but before we start does anypony have any questions?” Silver Spoon raised her hoof, “Yes, Silver Spoon?” “What was it Star said about h brackets and a + b? Are we going to learn about what that means?” “Oh no, what Star explained was the formula to what we’re going to work on now, but she only told us the final formula, not what the formula means.” Miss Cheerilee said and as there were no more questions, she continued, “Step one, you’ll need to add the length of the base and top together. Step two, multiply this by the shape's height. Make sure to not use a slanted side, as that is not the height.” Ponies again wrote it down, but even if I wanted to write it down, I didn’t need to, and I would just break something. As the ponies finished, miss. Cheerilee continued, “Step three, divide the answer to that by 2, and then you have the area.” As the ponies were finished writing miss. Cheerilee said, “Alright class, if you could divide yourself into groups of two or three, then I’ll give you a worksheet to complete.” Diamond Tiara turned around at once and opened her mouth, but as I saw that I looked towards Twist, “Twist? You wanna work together!?” “Alright, I’ll be right over.” She smiled. “Sorry Twist,” Diamond Tiara said with a superior voice, “Star is going to work with Silver Spoon and I.” “Forget it Diamond Tiara.” I turned to Twist and smiled, “I’ll go to your desk Twist.” As I reached Twist’s desk I noticed that the crusaders had formed a group, but hopefully they saw that I’m still no longer friends with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Since Twist’s desk was in the front, we got the papers first and I looked at it briefly, and even though doing math in my head was something I hadn’t done in a few years, it looked obvious. Twist then began, “First we need to add the length of the base and top together, and then-” “It has an area of seventy square-centimeters.”  Twist looked a little surprised that I had worked it out so fast, but to her credit she wrote it down anyway.  “How did you know?” She asked, almost suspiciously. “That’s easy, I just did the multiplication in my head.” I replied, and when I noticed twist’s pencil hover over the next question, added: “That square there has an area of 64, by the way.” Twist scribbled this answer down too. “This is gonna be a piece of cake!” she said,  giving me a conspiratorial smile.  Miss Cheerilee was just walking back to her desk with her empty tray of worksheets when I raised my hoof and called for her.  She turned around and trotted over, smiling warmly. “What’s the matter Star, are you confused by anything?” “No, nothing’s wrong Miss, we’ve finished, see! Is there anything else we can do?” “There’s no working out on this sheet, Star. Did you let Twist help, or did you do this all yourself?” “Well yeah, was I not supposed to do that? But I did tell Twist what to write.” I said. Miss Cheerilee looked at Twist with a little disappointment in her eyes, but sighed after a second. Chatter started as Miss Cheerliee thought, but the room was silenced as she said, “Sit tight, everypony, I am going to the storeroom to find Star a more challenging question- Star, would you bring a chair to my desk? And Apple Bloom, could you take Twist in your group?” “Of course Miss Cheerilee.” Apple Bloom responded with joy in her voice, something that took me back to better times and I just lowered my head. “You can take my chair Star.” Twist offered. “Thanks Twist.” I gave her my best smile. This only took me back to my own school time, being alone again, but this was different, I knew that. For one I’m a girl, a colt had just asked me out; I only got asked on a date as a joke back then. After yesterday I felt I didn’t even have any friends here, Twist might be a nice pony to hang around with, but my thought just went back to the crusaders. I sighed internally, please, just let this day end already. I had gotten the chair over to miss Cheerliee’s desk and waited. As Miss Cheerilee came back, she walked over to her desk and laid the paper down, and it looked really complicated. As I looked for something to write with, Miss Cheerilee said, “So, this is saved for finals this year- but for another grade. Still, I want to see how you do on it.” “Alright, I’ll try,” I gave a weak smile, and she took a pencil. I got to work and said what she needed to do, the only break was when she was called down to a desk leaving me to figure out what to do next, I was lost so many more times than I cared to count. As Miss Cheerilee walked down and helped the others, I was still stuck on what to do next, so my mind turned to Snails, and how horribly I treated him. The least I could have done was to say no, or say anything really, but to just run and try and forget, he didn’t deserve that, anypony would. I began to remember when I went to school and the girls would just scream and run away. A few tears fell, and I wiped them away. I didn’t just cry because it was a human memory, or because my stomach hurt and I felt like throwing up. I felt awful because I was just as terrible to Snails as those girls were to me. Snails had done nothing against me, he had only helped me. I needed to talk to him at recess, to apologize. But also to make it clear to him that we can only be friends. The bell finally rang, signaling the end of another long hour, and I gave a long sigh of relief. Finally that math class was over. In the end, I hadn’t been able to get an answer to the problem I was on without Miss Cheerilee’s guiding hoof, leaving me exhausted and defeated. I pushed Twist’s chair back to her desk, then walked to my own and sat down. “Alright my little ponies, recess! Star, will you stay behind?” I nodded, “Of course Miss Cheerilee.” As ponies left the room, I walked over to Miss Cheerilee with my lunch bag in mouth “Sorry for holding you up Star, but I just wanted to know how you’re doing.” I understood that she asked me this shortly after I started, and this is technically still the first week, so it might make sense for her to ask me. But I wondered if she had been looking out for me, I mean, at first I was friends with five ponies, but now it was a completely different story. I should just tell her the truth, but without worrying her. “It’s going okay... Kinda? I guess?” “Oh my, can I do anything to help?” She asked calmly. “It’s okay, I’ve already talked to Twilight about it, and it’s better now.” “That’s a relief, to know that you’re not going through it alone. I also noticed that you liked to work with Twist. So would you be okay to work with her, on group assignments that is?” “I don’t mind, she seems nice.” “That settles it then, but remember that you can always come to me, okay? Now run along now my little pony, enjoy your recess.” “I’ll remember Miss Cheerilee.” I took my lunch and headed out, hoping to find Snails. As I stood in the doorway and looked out the crusaders played at the swings, while Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon hung out in the shade, and Snails played a ball game with Snips, Twist, and Featherweight, so I walked over to them. “Hey, Snails, can we talk?” He looked apprehensive, maybe not even wanting to talk to me. “I’m sorry for running away last recess, it wasn’t fair to do, I was just surprised, I just couldn’t imagine you had those kinds of feelings towards me.” “You look really pretty,” Snails said, and I couldn't help but blush, and blushed more as I didn’t want to blush, “You’re also really smart and talented, I knew you wouldn’t go out with me, but I just wanted to ask. It’s okay if you say no, I get it.” I was lost for words, he really seemed genuine and I stumbled as I said “Wow, I- I, um... Thank you, but I’m not interested in a relationship, sorry.” “It’s okay, but can we be friends?” Snails asked, a bit unsure. “Sure, but uh… I’ll go and have my lunch.” I said. “Do you wanna play with us Star?” Twist asked. “No thank you Twist, but thanks for the offer.” We gave each other a smile and I again took my lunch over to the bench and ate. As I ate the final bites of my lunch, Snails came over to me, and sat down on the grass. “Hey Snails, what’s up.” I greeted. “Hey Star, umm, I know what you said earlier, but would you like to get an ice cream someday? And maybe go to the comic book store with me? Not as a date, but friends.” “Sure, I could go for some ice cream, and maybe I’ll find a comic book to share with Spike. He really likes umm, some ponies with powers, I don’t know.” “The Power Ponies?” Snails asked. “I think that’s the one?” I answered, hesitantly. His face lit up immediately, and eagerness was clear in his tone. “I’ll show them to you, they’re really cool!”  “When should we go?” “Hmm… ” Snails paused for thought. He didn’t get to finish however, as Snips called over to him, “Snails! Recess is nearly over! Come on, let’s play!” “I gotta go back, but I can walk you home from school, then we can talk some more?” “Sure, we can walk home together.” As Snails went back to the others, I walked back over to the area with the flowers from the last recess, and believed I made the right choice, a friend could also help to get my mind away from the crusaders. I lay down by the flower and closed my eyes. I took a deep breath and exhaled, then opened my eyes, and looked at a flower, my aura engulfed it, and much faster than normal. I heard the wind in the trees, and I pulled the flower as hard as I could, while still remembering that I should be careful. I pulled and pulled until I heard a crack, by accident I pushed myself up in the air and fell on my back. As I opened my eyes I saw the flower, with the sky behind it. I still held it in my aura, and I focused on keeping it up in the air. The task grew too exhausting and I lost my aura, causing the flower to gracefully fall down towards my face, I blew it up in the air and then relaxed When the bell rang, I walked back to class and sat down, as did the rest of the ponies. “Welcome back my little ponies, now, as this is Star’s first time in homeroom, can anypony explain what we normally do?” Everypony raised a hoof, “Yes, Apple Bloom?” “Every other week we have an event like a treasure hunt that we’ve helped make parts of. We also sometimes go to Sugar Cube Corner and make cupcakes or other kinds of delicious foods. The other weeks we just have fun and relaxing!” “Well done Apple Bloom! And this Friday we will be enjoying each other’s company! Does anypony have any questions?” I shook my head as I noticed her looking towards me, “Then enjoy yourself my little ponies, and I’ll get you some snacks.” Ponies cheered all around the class as Miss Cheerilee went to the storage room. I looked around the room as the three crusaders went to the corner of the room and began to giggle. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon sat together with a magazine, with the front cover of a dress, so maybe it was a fashion magazine. “Do you wanna play with us Star?” Twist asked, as she must have snuck up in front of me, “Snips, Snails, Featherweight and I are going to play ‘go fish’.” “Sure, I would love to join.” I wondered if it would be that same as the one I know. I walked with Twist over to the others, and had to sit the closest to the crusaders, while being next to Snails and Twist. Twist got the cards out, “This is a brand new deck, so be careful, my mom bought it for me last weekend.” She then gave us cards. As I, very clumsy, took my cards up, I looked at them. They were the same kind of cards, with spades, hearts, clubs and diamonds. The ace and number two up until number ten were normal, but the last three were a pink Alicorn, Luna, and Princess Celestia. Who was this pink Alicorn? She looked pretty, and the two others were the princesses, was she related to them? I’ll just ask Twilight when I get home, it might be odd that I don’t know, especially if this is somepony important. As the game began, Snips asked first, “Do you any... Love cards, Twist?” “Aww that’s not fair.” Twist said and handed over two cards with the pink Alicorn on to Snips, “Your turn Star.” “Umm, Snips can I have your three love cards?” I got the cards and placed all four down. “Hah! beginners luck!” Snips commented in a jokingly manner. “Your turn Twist.” I said. As the game progressed my ears picked up that Moonday to Sunday the crusaders would have a sleepover at Rarity’s, so I guess that it would be a bad time to visit her. “Star, it's your turn.” Snails said. “Oh right, Fearthweight, do you have any threes?” “Go fish.” He said, a bit smug. I fished and the game proceeded as we got snacks, and I got second place in this game, so I got four points and Snips got five points as he had most pairs of four down. We started over and just enjoyed ourselves, laughed as Twist, and I, both lost our cards at some point. Many games later, the bell rang as I got my first and the last four cards down, meaning I lost that game, big time, so I got fourth place in total, but it was still really fun. “Alright my little ponies, could everypony please return to their desk, so you can begin your weekend.” Everypony with speed returned to their desk and sat down, and after I sat down as the last, Miss Cheerilee began, “Thank you all for a great week and remember the homework for next week. But that’s it and have a wonderful weekend!” Ponies sped out of class, wishing Miss Cheerilee and each other a good weekend. I got my saddlebag on, and with Snails, we walked out of the classroom, saying our goodbyes to Miss Cheerilee and walked into the sunshine. “Finally!” I expressed, glad to at last be done with the day. Honestly, it hadn’t been as bad as I had thought it would be. “Ugh! You can’t be serious, Star,” the familiar and annoying voice of Silver Spoon said, “come on Star, one last chance before you make the worst decision of your life, and dating Snails.” “You could do so much better, Star,” Diamond Tiara added, “And you can still come to my sleepover, if you lose the loser.” Before I could even respond Snips spoke, “We’re friends.” “I would rather eat dirt than being with you two bullies, and calling one of my friends a loser, you really think I’ll want to forgive you now?” Diamond mumbled something before she exploded, “So be it, blank flank! Have fun with your boyfriend.” Diamond Tiara then ran with Silver Spoon following. Silence fell upon us. “That was odd,” I responded, “I’m sorry about those two.” “Ahh, it’s okay, but can I still walk you home?”  “Sure, let’s go.” I responded as we went on our way. > Meeting ponies is snappy: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Snails and I left the schoolhouse I asked, “So when should we go and get that ice cream, and go to the comic book store?” “Mmmm,” Snails brushed his chin with his hoof, as he did I noticed that he was only walking with three legs instead of four. “I don’t know, when do you have time?” Snails asked. “I think I have time today.” I said as I couldn’t remember if Twily had any plans. “Sorry, I can’t today, my family is going to Manehattan to visit my cousin.” He answered. Manehattan, maybe he said it wrong, so I just glossed it over and said, “Alright, what about Monday?” “I promised to hang out with Snips that day, sorry.” He said, a hint of shame was in his voice. Now I realized that he had no idea of when he wanted to take me, so I might need to ask him instead. Even as my thoughts raced in my head, it didn’t break my smile, and with a newfound determination I said. “Well… When do you have time?” “Umm, Tuesday I can, only if you want to.” He said nervously. “Let’s say Tuesday, I have time that day.” Snails gave me a smile, and we continued our walk through Ponyville. It wasn’t long until we arrived at the library. “Well, I’m home now.” I said a bit awkwardly as I didn’t just want to walk inside and leave him confused, but I also didn’t want to hug him as that might give the wrong signal. “You really live here?” He asked, his head tilted as he looked at the library. ‘Did I not tell everypony in school? Maybe he just forgot,’ I thought. “Yep, with my little brother and big sister.” I said. “Wow, do you read a lot?” He asked, maybe only because I lived in a library. “I would say so,” I giggled, “Well, have a nice weekend in Manhattan.” I said as this was getting awkward. “I’m going to Manehattan.” He corrected me. “Oh, alright, well have fun, wherever you’re going!” I answered a bit nervously, was it truly Manehattan, and not Manhattan? Oh well. New world, new rules. “Thank you, I’ll see you Monday.” I said, ending the conversation. He walked away waving and I waved back before I walked inside. Once inside the library I sighed, as I thought back on it, it was still awkward. But hopefully Tuesday would be less awkward. I looked up and saw there were three ponies here, all looking for books, while Spike dusted off some shelves. I didn’t want to disturb and instead walked to the stairs and up towards my room with my saddlebag. As I came closer to the stairs and the ponies, I heard Twilight say, “I certainly hope you’ll enjoy your book, Ms. Mayor.” “Why thank you, Miss. Sparkle, with what you have told me about this ‘Flourish Prose’, I look forward to my free time.” Said the earth pony mare, with the cream-colored coat and silver mane and tail. On the stairs, I stumbled a bit and fell on the step. “Huh?” I heard from a pony. As I didn’t roll off the stairs, I stood up and noticed that both Twilight and the earth pony looked at me. “Be careful Star,” Twilight said in a giggle, “Remember to look where you’re going.” “Hehe, I’ll remember.”  I said. I then got a closer look at the earth pony mare, and she looked familiar. “Ah, where are my manners,” The earth pony said, “I’m Mayor Mare, I don’t believe we have met before young Star Sparkle.” The mayor of course! She gave that pep rally after the parasprites had eaten parts of the town, “Oh yes, hello, how did you know my name?” “I recognized you as I sorted your papers in the Ponyville archives.” “Oh okay, well, it’s nice to meet you, Ms. Mayor.” “Likewise, but are you enjoying our little town?” “Very much, Ms. Mayor. Much more than Canterlot.” She giggled, “I’m very pleased to hear that, we do strive to be a good influence for our little ponies.” I smiled, “It’s definitely a cozy little town.” The mayor smiled before she said, “I’ll best be on my way now. Thank you again so much Twilight.” “Of course Mayor, anytime.” As the mayor walked toward the exit with the rest of the ponies I waved, “Bye Ms. Mayor.” She gave a smile and a wave as they left the library, leaving Twilight, Spike, and I alone, and I guess the rest of the ponies kept her company or something like that. “So what now big sis, Spike? What will happen now?” Twilight looked to be thinking for a bit, “Well after the library closes in about three hours, then we could all go out and play a little bit.” “Maybe Sunday instead?“ I said, “I was hoping to practice my magic, it’s getting really annoying to not be able to write.” “As the mayor also came with a few books that we need to place back, do you then want to practice down here, or upstairs?” Twilight asked.. As much as I wanted to go to my room, I also wanted to practice with Twilight, “I’ll practice down here, please.” Twilight giggled, “Alright, what do you need, oh, and have you made any progress?” “I did.” I then remember my progress from recess and levitating the flower, “I did! I held a flower over my head!” I giggled in joy. “Awesome job Star!” Spike cheered. “Congratulations!” Twilight cheered. The smile on my face began to hurt, and I couldn’t stop smiling. “Can we see?” Spike asked. “Sure, I just need my quill.” I responded. “I’ll get it.” Spike said and as I walked down, he ran past me. “So, how was school?” Twilight asked cheerfully. “It was okay,” I answered as what happened with Snails wasn’t important, “Nothing happened between Diamond Tiara or Silver Spoon…” I paused and felt as my ears dropped, “Nor the crusaders.” “Hey, it’s okay, I think they’ll turn around soon.” Twily said. “Why do you think that?” I asked. “Because, if they’re anything like their big sisters, then they will see that you only did the best you could do.” “Maybe, but until then, I’ll manage.” I said and gave her a reassuring smile, one she returned. Soon I heard little steps on the stairs, so Spike was on his way and soon he placed the quill on the floor in front of me and waited. I took a deep breath as I pointed my horn at the quill. I exhaled as my magic engulfed the quill, and with air from my breath I felt as the quill rocked. I narrowed my eyes and clenched my jaw and with as much force I could, I held the quill and tried to lift it. “Come on, you stupid quill...” I snarled. “Relax…” Twilight said softly, “Allow the magic to lift the quill.” I tried to relax, but I still felt so tense, so much that standing was becoming difficult, my legs were sore, and begged to lie down. “Star you need to relax, or you’re going to get hurt.” Twilight’s voice was more serious. I released my magic and fell down, to the relief of my legs. “You need to relax Star, or else you’re going to get hurt. Did you really lift the flower at school focusing like that?” I lay on the floor, my muzzle lay between my hooves, “I don’t remember,” I whispered. I thought back on recess and remembered the feeling of the wind and the rustling of the leaves... “I remember being calm, and feeling everything around me.” “Use those feelings, it’ll work, you’ll see.” I nodded and tried to get comfortable where I lay. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and as I exhaled, I opened my eyes and I focused my magic on the quill. I felt its form, its weight. I took a sharp breath and quick exhaled, as I felt the wind on the quill I tried to lift, but only with my magic this time. As I tried to lift the quill, it rocked back and forth until it was heavier, something the flower wasn’t, or at least it didn’t feel like it, but it didn’t matter, the quill refused to let go of the ground.. I couldn’t do much anyway, it only felt heavier, I may have tried too hard earlier, so getting it higher would mean that I would stress myself and get hurt, instead I gently lay the quill down on the floor. “Awesome progress, Star!” Spike cheered. Twilight pranced as she cheered. Once back down she said, “Indeed, but remember, you need to let the magic do the work.” “Thanks Twily, and you too little bro, but this is too much, you don’t need to cheer every time.” I said, maybe only because my cheeks hurt from all my smiling, I was still proud of my attempt. “Hehe, Star you don’t get it,” Twilight said, “For the amount of time you’ve practiced, you’ve come really far. It could even put a new theory of magic practice in the works. As I guessed you were an adolescent human, that might have affected how fast you could learn magic, your maturity might be why you have advanced so far, so fast.” Twilight was clearly happy, as I saw little sparkles in her eyes. “Could it not also be because of the Elements of Harmony and the Princesses?” I suggested. “If that was the case, would you then not be an Alicorn already? Or much further ahead?” Twilight asked and as she scratched under her muzzle, “Actually, if I’m not mistaken, I think you’re ahead of most Unicorns your own age, and maybe some a bit older than you.” “Really? Like when you were my age?” I asked. “Well, not really,” Twilight gave me a wink, “not yet.” I giggled at that comment, but knocks came on the door, and as ponies walked inside, Spike and Twilight either sorted the books the mayor came with and other books that must have fallen out of the shelves while they helped other ponies that came to find a book. I began to read further in my fireworks book and look to how I could move my light away from my horn in a solid matter. I didn’t want to try, I was too exhausted anyway. But I just continued to read, I saw that I would be able to change its color, but it just required much more training according to the book. I could even learn to make other kinds of shapes, like hearts, squares, and so on. Before being able to move the firework, I should be able to shoot it in a straight line, and blow it up when I wanted it to, or on impact. I turned to the next page, and bold text said, Only practice with a professional. No ponies under the age of 15 are allowed to perform this spell without strict suppression. Guess I’m going to practice with Princess Celestia or Twil- A bang came on the door, I quickly turned my head, did somepony crash into our door? I looked to Twilight and Spike alike were staring at the door like I did, wondering who might have crashed into the door. The door opened and in the doorway stood a gray Pegasus mare, her head buried in her brown saddlebag, her mane and tail alike were yellow, and I suspected she wore a brown postal uniform with white tuches. She raised her head and my eyes were locked to her eyes, golden eyes, like Night Lights, but her one eye looked elsewhere. I couldn’t remember what the condition was called, but it reminded me of my sister. I stopped staring and instead ran over to her. “Sorry, are you okay?” I asked. Twilight and Spike came soon after. “Aww, it’s okay, but wait a minute, I haven’t seen you before.” The mare said a bit dizzy. “I’m Star Sparkle, Twilight’s little sister, it’s nice to meet you.” I said. “Ohhh, now I remember, Dinky told me about you and how smart you are at maths. It’s nice to meet you too.” The mare said. “Thanks,” Even though I didn’t remember a Dinky from class I said, “Say hello when you meet her.” “I will! Oh no- where are my manners, hehe, my name’s Ditzy Doo, but my friends call me either Muffins or Derpy.” She giggled “Nice to meet you Muffins,” This place makes me numb to hearing odd names. “Sorry, but I better get going again,” Muffins said as Twilight received the letters and a newspaper in her magic and went back to the ponies in the library, “Bye Sparkles.” “Bye Muffins!” After Muffins left I walked over to where Twilight had dropped the newspaper. “Huh, a newspaper, I wonder what is in it?” I said to myself. I unfolded the paper and looked at the article. A new pony has moved to Ponyville, a Unicorn called Lyra, there was some stuff about her, I tried to remember if I had ever seen a lime green pony mare, with a silver and lime green mane and tail, but I couldn't remember. Else I saw a section about the weather, lot of sun, and few clouds, though there were more clouds in the south of Ponyville and as far as I understood, we were near the top in the center, so few clouds for us. But very heavy rain should come on Monday for all of Ponyville, some light lighting, and mildly heavy wind could happen, but it wasn’t a guarantee. But school wouldn’t be closed. “Interesting, I just know that today is Friday and not Monday, so sunny skies for us.” I stated as I smiled. “Hey Star,” Spike asked, “What are you reading?” “Oh, just the weather, sunny news till Monday,” I answered. “Thank Celestia for that,” Spike laughed. “Why? Is she also responsible for the weather?” I asked, as I remember Rainbow was on the weather team. “No, no, not what I know off, but you say ‘thank Celestia’ when something good or lucky happens. It depends really.” Spike said. “Oh, that makes sense… I think.” Spike looked around, I did as well and saw nopony, so Spike whispered, “What would you normally say?” He gave me a wink. He must have referred to humans, but I guess it sounded like ‘thank god’ but I didn’t know if they even had religion here, and I would not want to be the pony to introduce that concept, so I had to find a dictionary to see if I could find the word. “Umm, not sure Spike,” I laughed nervously, “I let you know if I remember.” “Alright,” He said a bit disappointed, before he asked in his normal voice, “Have you seen the comic strip yet?” “Show me.” Time flew by as Spike showed me the comic strips and his collection of comic strips. > Friday Fun > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As time passed, the last pony left, and Twilight then came over to Spike and me. “Are you two having fun?” Twilight asked. “Yep,” I said, “Spike is showing me his comic collection.” “That’s awesome, but the library is closed now.” Twilight said, “We could head upstairs and read, organize books, read, practice magic, read, read comics, or read.” “So, I take it you wanna read?” I asked with a giggle. Twilight laughed nervously as she nodded, Spike and I agreed. As we walked upstairs, I wanted to write to Princess Celestia, just to tell her what happened since I wrote last time, maybe not mentioning the thing with the fillies, but what happened at the toy store, that might be important to tell her. I sighed as even if I wrote it, it wouldn’t change anything, the only one to control my brain was me, unfortunately. But hopefully, Sunday, when Twily and I go back to the toy store, I might be more prepared, either that or I’m going to make a mess, again. As I had my self-awareness so far away from everything around me I walked into my door. “OW!!” I yelled. “What are you doing Star?” Twilight asked, but as I didn’t hear any hooves clanking towards me, I knew she wasn’t running over. “I hit my head on the door.” I rubbed my hoof on my head, trying to ease the pain. “Are you okay?” Twilight asked with a bit more concern in her voice. “I’m fine,” I responded and looked at her, “it just hurt a bit, that’s all.” Twilight nodded and rested on her reading pillow, I opened my door and got inside, and looked for my book. Quickly I found it, I grabbed it with my teeth and walked back out to Twilight. “Twilight?” I asked. “Huh, do you want to practice writing on the book you write to the Princess? That’s a bad idea.” Twilight said. “No no, I wanted to write to her, to tell her about what happened at the toy store and that we’re going there on Sunday as you promised.” I said as I had been behaving all week. “Oh! I remember that, do you want me to write?” Twilight asked. “Yes please.” I pleaded. Twilight nodded and turned to a new page, ink bottle, and quill. She dipped the quill and said, “Now, what do you want to write?” I thought back on the toy store and how childish I acted. “Dear Princess Celestia. I wanted to tell you about what happened a few days ago. I was planning on telling you in person, but I wanted to write now as I got a bit concerned on my way home from school. Last Tuesday, Twilight and I went to a toy store and I lost control of myself and ran loose like a child. In the end Twilight had to get me. As I look back on the event, I don’t really know how to feel about it. Some parts of me enjoyed it, as concern about my ability to go home disappeared and I could just enjoy the moment. Another part of me fears it could erase my memories. I would love to hear what you think I should do as Twilight and I are going back on Sunday. Yours, Star Sparkle.” “...And your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight finished and closed the book. “Thanks big sis,” I said, “What now?” “Do you want to practice your magic with me?” Twilight asked. I nodded in excitement, “Yes please.” As I was about to run downstairs Twilight asked, “Looking for this?” I looked back at her and she levitated my quill, I nodded and she placed it on the floor. I walked over to the quill, laid down, and drew in a relaxing breath. I allowed the magic through me and my horn lit up. I looked at the quill and focused, I released a calm breath and my magic surrounded the quill. My aura flickered like a lightbulb not screwed in properly, another calm breath in, but I felt a little bit of frustration start to creep into me. Remembering Twilight’s words, relax, allowed me to release a much calmer breath and my aura took hold of the feather. It felt as heavy as the first time, but I tried to relax and let the magic do the work. My magic had engulfed the quill and after Twilight had said it could take some time, so much time passed, and even with the patience I had as an adult, this was testing me, I felt more and more irritated. I banged my hoof on the floor in frustration. “It’s been minutes! Why isn’t it working?! I already lifted it at school, so what gives!” Twilight walked over to me with a giggle, the feather floated up, in her magic.  “You managed to lift it, but not with the right method,” she explained. “While sometimes exertion lets you push yourself a little further, it’s wrong to always rely on it, Star.” “I know, I know!” I said, a little frustrated. “Hehe, in time, it also took me some getting used to, but as I learned to let the magic do the work, it became easier.” Twilight ended as my stomach began to grumble, “Well somepony is hungry.” I giggled just before I said, “A little bit, yeah.” I hadn’t even noticed I was getting hungry, maybe it’s the use of magic, or at least the practicing of magic that’s exhausting, like a normal workout. So I asked, “What's for dinner?” Twilight put a hoof to her chin in thought, but then asked, “Have I taken you out for hay burgers and hay fries?” “I loved the hay burgers Night Light made!” How could I forget those! They tasted like normal meat burgers, it was delicious. “Night Light-” Twilight said out loud to herself as she looked at me, did she forget her own dad’s name?, but she got back to reality as she continued, “Oh, yeah, those are really good. But I was thinking that we could go to a restaurant called Burger Queen. What do you say?” “I’m in if Spike is.” Twilight nodded and we looked at Spike who was pretty occupied with his comic. “Spike!” I yelled. He flinched away from the sudden noise, completely confused and totally disorientated, yelping out a “Huh?! Wait, what?” His reaction looked so much like Twilight’s I giggled as he asked, “Hey, what’s up Star?” As I still giggled I asked, “Wanna get hay burgers and fries for dinner?” “Oh yeah! But why are you laughing?” Spike asked in confusion. “When I called for you,” I giggled out, “Your reaction looks like Twilight’s.” I then broke out into laughter. As I composed myself, I saw Spike in front of me, who wore a sinister grin and asked, “You done?” I got confused, and Twilight next to me was also confused before Spike asked, “Do you happen to remember the first time you got the cookie?” “The good behavior cookie? Yes.” “Something that happened just before that reminded me of when Twilight was younger. On many occasions, she would lean up against our mom as she read, but as soon as mom stood up Twilight fell over.” He was about to burst and I knew what he was about to say, even before he said it, “And you did the same as Twilight.” Spike then laughed and I only began to blush, as Twilight also laughed. But soon both were done and I said, “Haha, very funny Spike, but can we go get food now.” Both nodded and after Twilight had gotten her saddlebag we left towards the Hay Burger’s restaurant. As we arrived I got the feeling this was like a fast food cafe, but it was actually called the Burger Queen. We walked inside and over to the front counter to order. A male earth pony stood behind the counter and said, “Hello and welcome to Burger Queen, what can I get for you today?” “Hello sir,” Twilight said, “is this able as a take out?” “Of course, Miss.” The stallion responded. Twilight then turned to me, “So, what do you want, Star?” I looked up at the menu and saw a few different selections, and guessed I should choose from the kids’ menu. At that selection, there was a menu that consisted of a medium hay burger with a small bag of hay fries. But since I hadn’t tried those, but I loved the hay burger, I now wanted to try the fries. “Can I have a number 3?” I asked. “Of course Star. What about you Spike?” Twilight asked. “Hmm… Do you have any gems?” Spike asked the stallion. “Umm,” he looked up at the menu on the wall, and after a few seconds he turned back to Spike, “I’m sorry sir, but as gems aren’t meant for ponies to eat, I’m afraid we don’t have them.” “That’s fine, most don’t,” Spike joked back, “I’ll take number 5 with extra fries.” The stallion shrugged, the very picture of apathy. “Very well, and you, Miss?” He turned his gaze towards Twilight. “I’ll take a number 5 as well, with those new horseshoe fries!” “We’ll get right on that, Miss. It won’t be more than 5 minutes.” Twilight thanked him and we went to a seat and waited. Some time passed as ponies walked in and out of the restaurant, a few foals were crying over one thing or another and young ponies I hadn’t really seen in school were complaining that they could only order from the kid's menu, others wanted extras. I mean. I must be the most well-behaved filly in Equestria, even though I’m cheating a bit. I giggled to myself. “What’s so funny Star?” Spike asked, “Another comparison?” “Nope, I just giggled, for no reason.” I responded with a smile. As if on cue the stallion called us up, Twilight put our dinner in her saddlebags and we went home. It was a quiet evening for Ponyville, according to Twilight. Somepony would usually be having a party or some other celebration, but tonight was very quiet. We barely met anypony, and amongst the few ponies we met were none I could recognize. The quiet ambient of the town hit me, I had never really been out at this time for a while, birds chirping in the air, the wind blowing in the trees, and the river that floated through the city. But as the ambient of the nighttime ended, we were home and were soon in the dining room. As Spike got the plates out, I helped Twilight to get the food and some soda on the table, and my bag was the smallest, but given Spike got extra fries and Twilight got those horseshoes things, then it made sense. The table was set, and as we ate Twilight asked, “So Star, I know you said earlier that nothing happened between you and the crusaders, but did anything fun happen in school today?” Spike giggled but didn’t comment. “Umm, oh yeah, we had a class where we were able to play or in some ways, I think it was called homeroom. It was really fun, I played ‘go fish’ with some other ponies from class.” I said, remembering the good time I had. “Sounds like a fun time, Spike and I might have played that game a few too many times.” Twilight said as she nervously giggled, but then asked, “So, nothing else happened?” As I wasn’t sure of what to say, I began to drink my soda. As I drank, Twilight asked, “You didn’t meet anypony special?” Then it hit me, was she talking about Snails. As he walked me home Twilight or at least Spike must have seen it. But as I knew Snails and I were just friends, did Spike and Twilight think… I spat the mouth full of soda all over the table in surprise, “What!? No. We’re just friends.” But as I looked on the table there were many little puddles of soda and I immediately grabbed for the towels. As I tried to clean I very hastily said, “S-s-sorry you two, I'll clean it up.” “Star, Star!” Twilight called, but I was still trying to clean, “It’s okay, it was an accident,” I looked at her, and as she rubbed her hoof behind her head, “and it was kinda my fault.” She giggled nervously while blushing. As I felt calmer and had replayed it all in my head, and she was the one who asked me as I was drinking, so I responded, “No, it was your fault.” and felt the need to pull my tongue at her. “I’m sorry Star, I should have waited until you were done.” Twilight said. I looked back on the table and noticed that most of my soda had also landed in Twily's food, so justice was served, “Apology accepted big sis, but how did you know? Weren’t you helping the mayor?” “Well yes, but Spike wasn’t.” Twilight responded. As Spike continued, “I was cleaning a window as I saw you walking home with Snails and then told Twilight.” “So, are you with Snails?” Twilight asked. Taking a few seconds to take it in, I responded, “No, I’m not in a relationship with Snails, he did ask me out, but I said I wasn’t interested in a relationship, he offered to be friends, and I agreed and this Tuesday we’re going to get ice cream, as friends.” I emphasize as I said ‘as friends’. Twilight was silent for a moment, maybe to collect her thoughts or something, “Well, I’m proud of how you handled the situation, and I don’t know if I need to say this, but I will, just in case. As you one day hope to return to your world, a relationship would then not be the best to form.” “Don’t worry Twi, I know, the only relationships I’m going to form is friends,” I said, but as I thought about it, would friendship not have the same outcome? As so I asked, “Just out of curiosity, what will happen after I leave, some ponies would notice that I’m not there anymore, what will you then say?” I asked. She brushed her chin, but as Spike came with a bucket of water and a piece of cloth she said, “Well, I’m not sure, the only thing Princess Celestia said was that she wanted you to learn magic, properly to see what you would be cable of, but she never mentioned what would happen after you left, only that you making friends wouldn’t hurt anypony.” Little time happened before Twilight said, “Don’t worry, I’m sure the princess know what to do, but for now, why don’t you go up to my nightstand, they’re in the bottom drawer. Then Spike and will clean and make ready for a game night, what do you say?” “Sure, that sounds fun, and as long as it’s getting away from the topic of relationship, then I’m all aboard.” I smiles and gave a small laugh. I walked up to her bed and went to the nightstand, the bottom right drawer, I opened it and saw the cards, still in the original packing, they looked very similar to Twist’s new cards. I closed the drawer, but as I did, a tear fell, as flashbacks to the nightmare I had the day I went to the spa with Rarity. I remember Twilight was heartless, and in this drawer, Spike took a scroll that told Princess Celestia to come and erase my memory. I felt myself shiver, just by the thought of it. But Twilight wouldn’t do that, would she, I mean, I knew she wouldn’t, so no harm could happen if I took a sneak peek. I opened the drawer and inside lay some kind of scroll, my heart began to beat faster, I felt a little sick, 'was this the scroll to Princess Celestia? The scroll that would tell her to, to erase my memory.' I thought. I wanted to know what was inside this scroll, but if Twilight saw that it had been moved then she would know that I did it, so I weighed my options. If I looked at the scroll now and risk being discovered by Twilight or wait for another day, when Twilight and Spike were gone, then I could examine the scroll more safely and carefully. If it's the scroll that would tell Princess Celestia's to come and wipe my memory, then I'll have time to escape if the two were gone. But if it wasn’t about me, then nothing would happen and only if she discovered that I had seen it. It would be seen an invasion of her privacy. Twilight then called out, “Star! What is taking you so long?” I jumped in surprise, “Not-nothing! I’m coming!” I carefully closed the drawer, took the cards carefully with my teeth, and walked back down to Twilight as I thought, ‘I have to keep calm and wait for the right moment.’ Back down in the living room, Twilight asked, “Did you have trouble finding them?” I giggled nervously as I lay the cards down, trying to hide what I knew, “A little bit, but I found them.” Twilight took them in her magic, opened the packing, and as she gave a loving smile, she said, “Take a seat, Spike will be here soon.” I nodded and sat down on a pillow as Twilight shuffled the cards. Spike soon came with a big bowl of candy and Twilight gave both Spike and I seven cards each, and seven cards for herself, then she mixed the rest on the floor. A few turns later, I sat with a pink alicorn card, but it was Twilight's turn, “Hmm… Spike, do you have and Cadence’s?” ‘What is a Cadinse?’ I thought. “Nope, go fish Twilight.” Spike responded. I looked at my cards and thought, ‘was the pink alicorn, Cadinse?’ “Hello? Anypony home.” Spike called out. “Huh, wait what?” I asked in confusion, much to Twilight's amusement. “It’s you turn Star.” Spike said. “Hmm… Twilight, do you have any of those Cadinse’s?” I asked, not sure if I got the name correct. Twilight groned, “Yes…” Then levitated me three cards. I placed the cards on the floor and asked, “So, Twilight? Who is this Cadiense?” “You mean Cadence?” Twilight asked. “Ohhh, yes, her, who is it?” I asked. “I haven’t told you?” Twilight asked, I shook my head in response, then Twilight continued and said, “Cadence was my foal sitter when I was little, she’s such a caring pony, kind, fun and is even able to spread love where ever she goes.” “She sounds like a nice pony,” I said, before I asked, “where is she?” “It’s been over a year since I last saw her as she’s not so much in Canterlot these days due to her studying all across Equestria, and probably in other lands as well…” Twilight trailed off. “I take it that you miss her.” I asked. “A bit, as she was always there for me… I mean, I know I have Spike and all my Ponyville friends now. But before I came here, and before Spike was hatched, I really only had Shining Armor as my BBBFF, mom and dad were busy with work and so Cadence was my first friend.” “Why not set up a day to meet her again? I’m pretty sure she would love to hear from you again.” I suggested. “I’m pretty sure she has other things to attend to. She is a princess after all.” Twilight said, but whether Twilight wanted to or not, she would meet Cadence again, that could even be the day that I would find out about that scroll, if not sooner. “There’s no harm in trying to make contact you know.” I said, but Twilight didn't respond, maybe she was thinking it over, so I said, “Spike, your turn.” “Right, umm, Star do you have any fives?” “How did you know?” I then handed him my two fives. As we were done with the game both Spike and I yawned, so Twilight suggested, “How about we call it for the night? It’s been a long day.” I yawned as I said, “Sure thing, do I have to take my bath tonight, or can it wait till tomorrow?” I just wanted to sleep. I looked over at Spike who had fallen asleep on his pillow, with his head in the bowl of candy. “Yeah, let’s just go to bed, but tomorrow morning it’s bathtime, deal?” “Deal.” I agreed. We went to the bathroom and made ourselves ready and after Twilight carried me to my bedroom, placed my night protection on me, then dressed me in my pajamas, lay me down in bed, handed me Flurry, I snuggled into Flurry’s soft fur, and said, “Ni ni big sis.” “Sweet dream Star.” Twilight whispered before she went to the door, shut the lights off, and closed the door. I slowly fell asleep and even though I still feared what the scroll would be about, that wouldn’t matter, and as I faded into dreamland, I smiled. > Day 23: Stare Master: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A nuzzle on my muzzle woke me up, and as I slowly opened my eyes, Twilight step aside. I yawned as I said, "Morning big sis," then wiped the sleep from my eyes. A smiling Twilight said, "Morning Star, how did you sleep?" “I slept great,” I said with a smile. Twilight smiled as she helped me to take my pajamas off and get the used protection off. “What’s for breakfast?” I asked. “We’re having eggs and toast.” Twilight responded. Smiling, I tucked Flurry back into bed, Twilight brushed my mane and tail as I wondered what an egg would taste like, as hay taste like steak. After getting ready we went out to Spike who had already set the table. I took my glass of apple juice and said, “This looks so juicy Spike.” “Thanks Star, and good morning.” “Morning Spike.” I responded with a smile and drank my juice. After my juice I took an egg and ate it, it was strange, as it tasted like a normal egg, not a bad egg, so I continued to eat. When we finished eating, Twilight suggested going for a walk in the park. I get excited to get out and play, it was truly a thing I missed to do with the crusaders, but I trusted Twilight when she said that I should give them time. After I got Twilight convinced that a bath should be after being outside and playing, she sighed and agreed, but once we got home, then there were no excuses, and I agreed. The dishes were done and Spike went to get a ball and Twilight, being Twilight took four books in her saddlebag. Twilight then turned to me and asked, “You wanna bring Flurry?” "Hmm... Not really, Flurry would just get messy," I replied, Twilight nodded in agreement. At this time Spike was already walking back towards us, holding a red ball in his hands. I didn’t know where we were going, but Spike and I were playing as we passed the ball to each other, meanwhile, Twilight just seemed to be walking next to us and making sure we didn't bump into anypony. We reached the park, and to both Spike’s and my surprise, Twilight called, "Hi Rainbow Dash!" "What’s up Sparkles!" Rainbow replied. “Hi Rainbow,” I said, then asked, “What are you doing?” “I just got off work,” Rainbow said as she landed on the ground. I threw the ball towards Rainbow and asked, “You wanna play?” Rainbow bounced the ball on her head as she said, “If Twilight won’t mind.” “Of course you can join Rainbow.” Twilight responded. “Let’s get going then!” Spike called out. We all nodded and got going towards the park. As we arrived at the park Rainbow was still bouncing the ball with her head  When we arrived in the park we passed the ball to each other, and when Rainbow flew high to catch my pitch, she kicked the ball to Spike, but it was too high, and Spike ran for it. Surprised at Rainbow’s speed and reflexes I cheered "Wow Rainbow! How did you manage to react so fast?" "I'm going to be competing, so I've been practicing a lot, hence this little stunt was no problem for me," bragged Rainbow lightly. "Really, what kind of competition is that?" I asked. Spike came as we arrived at the park and Twilight found a bench and took out a book. "The competition is called 'best young flyers competition'," Rainbow explained. “When is it?” Spike asked. “Next week on Moonday, but it’s in Cloudsdale, so no non-pegasus,” Rainbow said, I got a bit disappointed as I wanted to see it, “Cheer up kid,” Rainbow said, “Let’s play some ball instead.” I nodded with a smile and called, “Pass it to me Spike!” He threw it and I ran for it, jumped, and headbutted the ball back to Rainbow, she passed it to Spike, who passed it back to Rainbow who headbutted the ball towards me, I turned and got on my front hooves, then kicked the ball high in the air. As the ball came down it headed towards Twilight, and we all called out, “Twilight! Look out!!” Rainbow speeded over but was too late and as Twilight look up, the ball hit her straight in the face, then bounced off as nothing happened, Twilight only looked a bit confused. I felt guilty because I was the one who hit the ball. I wanted to apologize and had already run towards Twilight, but not in time as Twilight quickly came to her senses, smiled mischievously, then picked up the ball and threw it. "Rainbow! Catch it!" Twilight called. Twilight threw the ball with her magic and Rainbow zoomed after it, leaving a cloud that resembled her body, I had to look twice and as it looked like a cartoon, but as I looked again nothing was there and Rainbow was on her way down. We played for a good while before Twilight said, “Let’s do one last round.” We all nodded as Rainbow passed it to Spike, who kicked the ball in the direction I was before but slowly. I galloped back to where I was before and when the ball comes towards me, I got on my rear hooves and use my front hooves to bounce the ball from underneath so that it flies to the top and headed towards Twilight. As the ball flew towards her, Twilight grabbed the ball in her magic. When the ball ended up at Twilight's hooves, she coughed slightly to get attention, "Hey Rainbow, it's lunchtime for Star, Spike and I, Would you be interested in joining?" “No thanks Twi, I just ate before I spotted you three,” Rainbow replied. Spotting the fact that some food preparation would happen or setting the table I asked, "Sis, can I stay with Rainbow? I want to play some more.” "If it’s okay with Rainbow, then of course," Twilight said, "Is that okay Rainbow?" Cocky as ever Rainbow said, "No prob Twi, I’ll get her home soon," "Spike, do you want to stay with them?" asked Twilight. "I would, but I also want to help you, I'm your number one assistant after all, so I'll go with you," Spike replied. "Alright, 10 minutes more Star," said Twilight, then turned around and went home with Spike. As Twilight and Spike left, Rainbow and I continued our game, but this time when I passed Rainbow, she also did little different tricks with the ball and then passed it to me. After much fun Rainbow noticed the time and said, "Hey Star, we better get going or we’ll be late." "Oh okay," I said and got a little upset, it was really fun. As we left the park, I remembered Rainbow talking about a flying competition, and wanting to know more I asked, "Hey Rainbow, you mentioned some kind of competition, what was it?" "These competitions determine the best flier in Equestria," Rainbow announced. "How are you going to win? Are you going to make that huge tornado!?" I asked remembering the episode with the parasites. Rainbow thought for a moment and then said scratched the back of her head, "Well... I've got some music and I've thought of a finale." "Really, can I see?" I asked, feeling my tail wagging. "No can-do kid, it's- umm… It’s a secret," Rainbow replied to me, much less cocky than normal. "Oh okay," I replied, disappointed and a bit confused, but maybe it’s just a difficult or dangerous stunt. I wanted to give her ideas for what she could do, so I asked, "I've heard that pegasi control the weather, could you use that in your competition?" “Well most, if not all pegasi can control the weather, so not so impressive.” Rainbow replied. “Is spinning difficult?” I asked. “It’s not for weak stomachs, why?” “You could spin around two or more clouds making the spin very fast and maybe shape them into stuff like a strawberry. Or your cutie mark!” I suggested. Rainbow brushed her chin, “That’s not a bad idea, hmm…” Rainbow thought, “What about three clouds? Maybe some high speed maneuvering.” “That would be awesome and but would it not be difficult?” I asked, maybe it would be too much and it would be better to stay where you're comfortable. “Too difficult, I’m Rainbow 'danger' Dash,” Rainbow’s cocky voice said, giving me a wink, and threw me up on her back, “Hang tight kid.” I did, and we blasted into the air as one thought hit me, “Why is Rainbow calling me kid all the time?”, but the adrenalin hit me and I cheered. After a fun flight Rainbow announced "We're home!" and together we opened the door to the Golden Oak Library. “Thanks for the lift Rainbow.” I thanked. “No prob, see you around, I gonna catch some Z’s” Rainbow said with a yawn, she placed her hoof up. I bumped it and she ruffled my mane, she took to the skies. I walked back into the library and headed upstairs. Up in the dining room the table was set and as Twilight saw me, “Great timing Star, just in time.” “Hehe, yep.” Perfect timing Rainbow, I smiled and walked to a chair and sat. On my plate was a sandwich, “What’s in it?” “It’s a daisy sandwich, like the one you got brought to school.” Twilight said reminding me. Next, I took my focus to the center of the table and on a plate there were three muffins, “Can I have a muffin too?” “When your plate is empty, yes.” Twilight said as she began on her meal and Spike on his. I took my sandwich and began to eat and the daisy flower still tasted so delicious. As I had eaten the sandwich I looked at Twilight and smiled, she locked eyes with me, smiled and nodded. One of the muffins glowed in Twilight’s aura and floated towards me, placed itself on my plate and I ate it, “Mmm, blueberry muffin.” I smiled, as it was really good. “Hehe,” Twilight giggled, “I’m glad you like it, but remember our deal.” I tilted my head, “Our deal?” “Bath time silly filly.” Twilight teased, making me giggle. “Oh right, sure, now or…?” I questioned. “Mmmm…” Twilight pondered, “Spike, you okay with cleaning the table?” “No prob Twi, you can count on me.” Spike hoisted himself up. With that Twilight and I went for the bathroom and there was the same wooden barrel and soon with steam coming out of it. So all I had to do was get in the tub and wash myself, as I did Twilight prepared the towels, but since I still wasn’t strong enough to levitate the soap over, Twilight helped with that part. "Sis?" I asked. "Yes?" inquired Twilight. "Remember you said that when you look at me, you have trouble seeing me as anything other than a filly?" I queried Twilight "Yes, I remember, but why do you ask?" Twilight asked. "Could it be that the part of you that sees me as a filly is making others to do the same?" Twilight thought for a moment, composing her answer, “I have thought about it, did somepony find out?!” Twilight panicked. “No no, well yes, I mean Rainbow Dash, I’ve noticed she calls me ‘kid’ more than Star, or anything else really.” I said. A much calmer Twilight now took a sigh of relief and said, “That’s good, for it being Rainbow Dash, hmm… Has she treated you like a kid, like more than normal?” “Well, not more than you,” I teased, “But do you think she might treat me like a filly, but is more relaxed about it?” “It might be possible, we might have to ask the other girls as well, they might be affected as well.” I nodded in agreement, and as my bath was done, Twilight took me out and dried my fur, tangled my mane in a towel to get dry, then we went to a clean living room, Spike sure had done wonders and was now chilling on a pillow reading his comic. Twilight and I joined him and I got the book about fireworks out as I wanted to be better prepared, but still, moving objects at the same time and moving my light away from my horn, the book showed many ways I could, but none felt right, the only I really understood was the one that said it would feel like a magical burst, at least on the first try. A poking in my side took me out of the book. “You awake?” Twilight teased. “Huh wait what?” I answered a confused, “Yes?” Twilight giggled, “Hehe, sorry for interrupting your reading Star, but we better comb your mane or it’s gonna be a mess.” “Oh right,” I answered as I remembered how much it could hurt if t wasn’t combed. Twilight soon came back with a comb and got to work on my mane and tail, then my fur, and besides from a few tugs the went very smoothly. As we were done I said, “Thanks Twily,” then smiled. “No problem, now would you be interested in some fruit?” Twilight asked. “Hmm… Can I get some strawberries?” I asked. “Hmm, not sure we have any, but let me check.” Twilight responded, unsure. The tension was high for me as Twilight went to the kitchen and after a few minutes came back and said, “Sorry Star, we don’t have any. Would you like something else?” “No…” I trailed off and my ears dropped as well as my head, I just wanted some strawberries. “Cheer up Star, we’re also out of a tea I got from Zecora.” Twilight said, a bit too optimistic. “And why should that cheer me up?” I answered in a deadpan tone. “Because, if we went to Zecora hut, then on the way back we could get some strawberries.” Twilight gave me a wink. “But isn’t the Everfree Forest dangerous?” I asked, thinking back on when we first met Zecora. “It’s unlike any forest, yes, but if we hurry, then we should be back before dark, and being with friends, then you’re safer.” Twilight responded, “And besides we’ll use the path Zecora uses, according to her, she’s placed herbs that the creatures of the forest are disgusted by, so it’s very unlikely we’ll even hear any.” I thought about it for a bit, but the temptation of strawberries was too much and I said, “I guess three is better than one.” “Don’t worry, I’ll keep you safe. You and Spike,” Twilight smiled warmly. I nodded before Twilight gently called, “Spike?” His head peaked up, “We’re going to Zecora’s hut, you coming?” “What?! That’s that in the Everfree Forest?” Spike asked in disarray. “It’s okay Spike,” I said with a smile, “Twilight will take care of us.” Spike thought for a bit, but in the end he nodded and said, “I’ll go, you’ll need a strong dragon hero to protect you.” “Thanks Spike,” I said, with Twilight saying thanks too. Twilight took her saddlebag on and we left the library, now out of the library we walked towards the forest, walking between the houses and shops, and all the while we walked. The peaceful and quiet afternoon ambiance of the town disappeared as a few ponies rushed past us, followed by a familiar yellow pegasus who stopped by us. “Hello Fluttershy,” Twilight responded cheerfully, as I waved. “Oh! Hello to you three. Where are you off too?” Fluttershy asked. “We’re heading to the Everfree Forest to Zecora’s to get some of my favorite tea.” “And…” I said out loud. “And get Star some strawberries.” Twilight corrected herself. “Th-the Everfree Forest? Ah, you’ll be careful, won’t you.” Fluttershy’s voice was filled with fear and concern, making me unsure about going. Twilight took her hoof around me, probably sensing my unease “Of course! How about you? What are you doing with the girls?” “Girls,” I whispered under my breath, inaudible to others and look towards the ponies that rushed past us. My ears fell as I saw Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, I got a feeling to run over and play with them, but decided not to, they were probably still angry, and for a good reason, so instead I scooted closer to Twilight. In order to move on Fluttershy said, “Well, Rarity has a big order to fill tonight, so I-” “Rarity needs help!” Spike interrupted. “I don’t know about that,” Fluttershy said, “She just have her hooves full.” “Umm Twi-” Spike started, but was cut off. “Just go Spike, Star and I can go alone, it’s okay.” Twilight said. Spike beamed of joy and sprinted towards, what I can only guess was Rarity's boutique. “But anyway,” Fluttershy said, “I offered to take care of the girls tonight and have their sleepover at my cottage tonight.” “Sound like everypony has their hooves full today. Taking care of those three fillies by yourself? You sure you can handle it?” Twilight asked. “What? These sweet little angels?” Fluttershy asked as the crusaders looked be behave, “If I could easily take care of Star, then they’ll be no problem at all.” “Well take care Fluttershy,” Twilight said. “You too girls, take care of eachother.” Fluttershy responded, “Wait, where are the girls?!” The crusaders had taken off. “Bye Star, bye Twilight!” FLuttershy got out as she flew after the girls. Looking towards the direction Fluttershy went Twilight giggle, “Yep, she’s got her hooves full. Let’s go Star.” I nodded, but said nothing, maybe I should have said something, I mean Twilight and Fluttershy would be there, so maybe I could get my friends back. “You okay Star?” Twilight intrigued. “Huh? Yeah… I guess,” as good as I could be. “How about this, after we get the tea and strawberries, then we go to Fluttershy’s cottage and talk to the girls.” Twilight suggested. It’s what I wanted, then why is my stomach telling me no, telling me to never see the girls again, I had trouble talking, but finally blurted out, “Okay!” Realizing I had just yelled, “I mean, yes, that would be nice, just.” “I’ll be there for you,” Twilight reassured me, and as I looked up she greeted me with a warm smile. We walked for quite some time and the sun was not as high, compared to when we started this walk, it was on its way down, I walked closer to Twilight and the hair on my back began to rise as I began to hear a strange sound in the bushes, and the worst part was that Twilight heard it too. “Twil-” I whispered. Twilight hushed me, which only got my fear in overdrive, my adrenaline was going and Twilight stopped, “We're going back Star, now.” Her tone told me, this wasn't a request. I nodded and we headed back, a rusted here, a rustle there, right, left and it was coming closer. Out from a bush, a chicken with the body of a snake and bat wings jumped out and stared at us with its bright red eyes. “STAR!!” Twilight yelled in a panic as she turned me around. I caught a glimpse of her hooves, ‘stone,’ she was turning to stone and fear hit me harder and harder. “STAR! Run! Run back to Ponyville!! Get help,” Her neck was now turning to stone, ”Don’t look at its eyes!” but the final thing she did was shine a light, so bright it must have blinded the monster. I took the opportunity to run, I closed my eyes and ran, replaying over and over in my head how Twilight had turned to stone because of some strange creature that looked like a chicken. I involuntarily started crying, but still, I ran as fast as I could and hoped that I could get away from the monster as fast as possible, but by the will of fate and a random branch in my path, I fell into a hole and hit my head. > The Forest of Stare Master > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My ears are all ringing, "What happened?" I whisper to myself. Confused, I opened my eyes, a source of light from the top blinded me a little bit and soon the ringing ended. I stood up on my hooves and regained my orientation, I turned around several times, examining my surroundings, I was in some sort of hole, or cave in the ground, and thankfully no animals were there. I looked at the light and looked up at the moon. As I did recent memories of how some monster had turned Twilight into stone came rushing into my head. A tear that had formed fell from my eyes. More and more tears began to appear in my eyes. My ears and head drooped, but at some point, I heard eerie quiet noises. I had to get up and out of this hole and somehow get back to Ponyville, else Twilight could be in worse trouble. I looked towards the moon again and saw that it wasn’t that steep of a climb to get up, I just had to be careful, and listen for the cockatrice. After making sure I didn't hear anything suspicious, I got up from the pit and looked around once more, I now had to try and find my way out of the forest. I tried to walk quickly and bravely, but I started to hear strange noises, I began to fear another encounter with the monster, so I began to crawl, flinching at the slightest sound and I didn’t even dare to blink in fear of not seeing the monster. I wandered around indefinitely until I spotted a fallen tree, it didn't seem big, so I decided to climb it and look around, hoping I would find something to help me. After climbing the fallen tree, I looked around carefully, but everything looked the same and still very creepy, but I kept hearing things, maybe voices, but I was sure it wasn’t just in my head. I finally picked it up and it was voices, then after a good listen, ‘Apple Bloom!’ Joy was all over me, relief that help had arrived and I galloped towards her voice. Her voice became more and more clear, and finally, I knew they were on the other side of a bush, I jumped through it and on the other side, I jumped into a very surprised-looking Apple Bloom. The tumble must have left Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo stunned as they only helped Apple Bloom and me up. “Star? What in the whole wide world of Equestria are you doing here?” Asked Apple Bloom as she finally stood up. I was close to tears but managed to get out the words, “Gir-girls, there a monster out here, we- we gotta RUN!” “A monster!?” Sweetie Belle asked fear filled her voice. “Wha-what are you talking about Star?” Scootaloo asked, confused but nervous, “What kind of monster?” “A cockatrice!” I yelled, tears in my eyes, then quickly covered my mouth, “We gotta go. Now.” The girls didn’t say a word, probably shocked at how afraid I looked, “It- It has Twilight.” “WHAT!” All CMC yelled together. “But we still haven’t found Fluttershy’s chicken, it’s in danger as well then.” Apple Bloom said. “But Apple Bloom, if Twilight’s in danger, that mea…..” Her eyes went wide. A faint rustle came from behind me, I shivered, please say it’s not the cockatrice, but the shadow that swallowed the girls undoubtedly belonged to the monster, I was frozen in place, remembering not to look at its eyes. But the girls didn’t know, so in a split second, with no thought at all I jumped and hit Apple Bloom and Scootaloo and both screamed and ran. I looked back and Sweetie Belle still stood and stared into its eye, in a split second I thought my best tactic was to run, jump, and ram the cockatrice right in the stomach, as I did I yelled, “Sweetie Belle! Run!!” After I hit the cockatrice I saw in the corner of my eye that Sweetie Belle ran away and joined the others who screamed in terror. With the girls gone, I felt my hoof was taken by some scales, I tried to make sharp movements, but I was unsuccessful, I couldn’t move, one more look into its bright red eyes and I fell asleep. A bright light appeared and I fell, “What? What happened?” Then everything rushed back, my eyes went wide and I looked around and called, “Girls!! HALLO!” Then whispered, “Help me.” I tried to stand up but my legs were weak, many rustles in the bushes and very clear voices being from the CMC, Fluttershy, and Twilight, “Star! We’re coming!” Five ponies jumped out from the bushes and Twilight hugged me immediately, “I’m so sorry Star, please,” Twilight choked up, trying to speak, “I’m- I’m so so sorry- Are you okay, does anything hurt?!” “My legs hurt a little bit, what about all of you?” I asked, looking at everypony. “We’re fine, thanks to you Star,” The CMC said together. “And you came back for me,” Sweetie Belle added. “It’s what friends do,” I felt my ears lower, “I’m sorry girls, you were right about Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, they only used me to annoy you girls.” Much to my surprise, the CMC hugged me, but as I began to talk, “But you sai-” “We shouldn’t have forced you to choose between us or them, you should be able to be friends with all of us,” Scootaloo said, with her ears down. “And we should have been there when you found out that they had lied to you, and not ignored you,” Apple Bloom said, getting teary eyes. “We’re sorry Star, we wanted to tell you earlier, but we didn’t know what to say,” Sweetie Belle ended. “So what we're trying to say,” They said in unison, “We’re sorry.” My eyes were warm, and tears fell as they spoke, and as they ended I know my response, but as bad as my legs hurts I still did a few steps and hugged them all, “All is forgiven girls, can we start over?” I asked. “Of course Star!” The CMC cheered as they hugged me. “Cutie Mark Crusaders have to stick together.” Sweetie Belle said. “Deal,” I said with a smile. A cluck came and a chicken walked past and layover at Fluttershy’s leg, properly tired, like most of us, but it got me thinking. “What happened?” I asked. On the walk back to Fluttershy’s cottage, as I rested on Twilight’s back, Fluttershy and my fellow CMC told Twilight and me all about what happened to them, to end up in the forest. From playing monster hunters in the cottage, a minor accident with a table, all the way to bedtime where Sweetie Belle’s singing got the chickens to panic and one to run into the Everfree Forest. As we came to Fluttershy's familiar cottage Twilight said, “Thank you again Fluttershy, I must come back soon so I can write this down as a letter to the princess.” “That’s no problem Twilight,” Fluttershy said. “You can come tomorrow!” Scootaloo said. “For when ya pick up Star,” Apple Bloom said. I was probably looking very confused, and rightfully so, what were they talking about? “Remember the slumber party Star?” Sweetie Belle asked, “Didn’t we ask you on the way back?” I shook my head. “Oh,” The girls muttered together, “You wanna join?” Fears ran through my head, they would find out, they would find out I need protection, tears fell down I tried to pull my mane in front of my eyes to hide, “I- I can’t..” But I want to, “But I can’t.” “But why not?” Sweetie Belle asked, “Is something wrong?” Very quietly I muttered, “You’re gonna laugh at me.” “We won’t laugh, we promise,” Scootaloo said. “Can I tell them Star?” Twilight asked as she stroked my mane. I wanted to say no, but nodded, and froze in fear of what I did, I should do something, but before I reacted the words had left Twilight's mouth. I stared at the girls, waiting for them to laugh. “That's not a thing to make fun of, ever.” Sweetie Belle said, maybe seeing my fearful face she continued, “I’ll wear them too, if it helps.” Her face blushed very redly. “You, you will?” I sniffed, and she nodded a bit sheepish, I then looked up at Twilight, “Can I stay?” Twilight nodded, and with Fluttershy having some spare in storage, Twilight didn’t need to go for a midnight run back to the cottage, so after a careful look over at me she gave the nod of approval, as long as I was being careful, I promised and very soon Twilight headed back to the library after I got a kiss goodnight. While I was checked over the girls went upstairs, to prepare for bed, after I got my protection on, which had more foalish prints on, I went upstairs where it would then be Sweetie Belles's turn, but as I entered Fluttershy’s bedroom the light was off. Sweetie Belle then whispered, “I’ll be out in a second Fluttershy, but first some secret CMC meeting.” “Alright, two minutes,” Fluttershy said. The door closed and was then turned on as the girls brought a cape with a prancing pony on, and as it was tied around me Apple Bloom said, “As a fellow Cutie Mark Crusader, ya need to wear what we do, so we give you the CMC Cape of Justice-” “That’s not the name we agreed on,” Sweetie Belle said. “CMC Cape of Smiles was a bit off-brand,” Scootaloo said. “Well, then I decide that we should have a revote, only one vote each.” Sweetie Belle said. Apple Bloom then said, “Alright, all those in favor of Justice, raise your hoof.” Scootaloo and Apple Bloom raised their hoof, “And those in favor of Smiles raise your hoof.” Sweetie Belle raised her hoof. Smiling towards me before she notice I hadn’t raised my hoof, and asked “Wait, what are you voting for Star?” “Would it not be for the best if we all agree? So all are happy.”  I asked as I did have one in mind. All nodded, but no one had more ideas. “I might have an idea,” I said, all eyes were on me, “The CMC capes of Harmony.” From those elements of harmony that made me. A second of thinking turned into big smiles and cheering for all the girls. Apple Bloom cleared her throat, “Ahem, now where was I, right. We hereby give you the CMC cape of Harmony.” I pranced in joy and noticed the golden silk under the cape, “uhhh.” “Come now Sweetie Belle, it’s time for bed,” Fluttershy called. The rest of us went to the bed and Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were on the edges with Sweetie Belle and I would be in the middle. Soon Sweetie Belle was back and I had to take off my cape so I wouldn’t get hurt, and as Fluttershy began to sing I fell asleep after a very long day. > Day 24: MorningShy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The morning daylight heated my closed eyelids and I groaned, wanting to sleep more. Snuggling into the bed I felt my protection was wet, and as a hoof came on my face made me realize that Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were all around me. My heart raced, but slowly I remembered yesterday, and that all understood my situation, Sweetie Belle even took it further than I expected, just to make me comfortable. I opened my eyes and removed Apple Bloom’s hoof from my face and gently lay it next to her. As I lay in bed and relaxed I heard gentle steps coming up the stairs, then Flutterhsy’s head poked through and we stared at each other. I smiled and received one back as Fluttershy walked over, as she walked over I whispered, “Could you help me get clean, just quickly? About, you know what.” Fluttershy smiled and nodded, she flapped her wings and hovered over the bed, I reached out my hooves and was lifted up into her embrace and she flew me out into her bathroom to get me washed for the day. After I was clean I smiled and said, “Thanks Fluttershy.” ¨Anytime Star, I’m happy to clean you up.¨ Fluttershy said with a giggle, leaving me a bit embarrassed, “Oh, I’m sorry Star, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” “It’s okay Fluttershy, I know you mean well.” I smiled, most likely with a bit of blushy cheeks. Fluttershy smiled, nuzzled me, and sat me back on the ground. Not knowing what to do I asked, “What now?” “Well, I- We need to have the rest woken up, and plates sat on the table.” Fluttershy instructed. “I’ll take care of the girls.” I smiled, having a little plan brewing in my mind of a fun way to wake them up, Fluttershy nodded and I walked upstairs to the bedroom. As I walk into the bedroom I saw the three fillies were still sleeping, so I walked over and carefully lay Sweetie Belle’s tail on Apple Bloom’s muzzle, her tail on Scootaloo’s muzzle and her tail on Sweetie Belle muzzle. While they all reacted to the tails, none woke up, so I had to help, I smirked to myself. Slowly I ruffled the tails, tickling their noses, one after the other until…  All, like clockwork, woke up and began sneezing and itching their muzzles, only for Apple Bloom’s tail to still be on Scootaloo’s face. “Scootaloo! Don’t eat my tail!” Apple Bloom called out. By the sight alone I laughed and all looked at me. “I’m not Apple Bloom!” Scootaloo called out, pushing the tail away, “But I think I know what’s going on.” She said pointing at me. As I tried to compose myself Sweetie Belle giggle on the side, “Sorry girls,” I giggled, “I hope you can forgive me, it was only for fun.” I smiled. Scootaloo started with a smirk towards Apple Bloom , “We can forgive you, right Apple Bloom?” “AAa-yep,” Apple Bloom smirked back as both launched at me. For all my strength I tried to get away, but being too slow I was on the floor and was tickled, all while kicking all my hooves. A short time passed before Fluttershy came up and broke off the tickle fight to tell breakfast was ready, as that happened Sweetie Belle appeared, no protection in sight. On the way down I was reassured that they forgave me and it was indeed a fun way to wake up to. After the very delicious breakfast, we fillies decides to play hide and seek, and as I woke them all up the way I did, I had to find them first. So I counted to twenty and began to look. First, I found Apple Bloom under the kitchen counter, mainly because Fluttershy didn’t put her pan down in its place. Sweetie Belle was more difficult, as she hid in the bathroom, under some towels. But Scootaloo was nowhere to be found, so I had to have Apple Bloom and Sweetie help me, as they also didn’t knew where she hid, but I was told Scootaloo seemed very confident of her hiding spot, we walked for a good few minutes, even looking in the trash can and in the birdhouses, but nothing. Almost giving up, Fluttershy asked, “Girls, does the window really needs to be opened to play your game? There is quite the breeze and my animals really hope we could close it.” “Window?” We didn’t open a window, I said. Like a lightning strike it all hit us and we all ran outside, with the faint voice of Fluttershy asking in question “Girls?” Outside and relaxing in the tree Scootaloo smirked down and asked, “What took you guys so long? I’ve been waiting for hours!” She laughed the last part and all of us frowned, mostly thinking the same. “Scootaloo!” I called. Apple Bloom then called, “We never agreed on going outside!” “Yeah Scootaloo!” Sweetie Belle chipped in, “That’s cheating!” “Com’on guys! There were so few hiding places in the cottage,” Scootaloo jumped down, “and besides, if you just looked out of the window you would have seen me.” She ended. Even though she was right, she was still cheating, “Fine,” I said, but continued with a smile, “While we never said, never go outside, it was still implied that we would only be inside. So how about a deal?” “I’m listening,” Scootaloo said. So was Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. “We can agree that you won and thought outside the box and found the best hiding place, but you have to count this time, for bending the rules.” I said firmly and the two fillies nodded. “Deal,” Scootaloo said, “but now only outside in the fenced garden.” Scootaloo pulled her hoof forward and we joined her and agreed, only trouble now was that she said, “I’ll count to twenty, so go!” The rest of us ran in random directions, but as I wasn't sure where to hide I then spotted Angel waving me over, “You know where I can hide?” He nodded and jumped towards the chicken coop, I ran after as Scootaloo was at ten and I crawled through the broken fence as Angel held it up so and I tip-hoofed into the chicken coop. While the chickens were awake they didn’t seem to be bothered by me. Patiently and quietly I waited as Scootaloo walked around the coop, but as she was around the coop Fluttershy’s voice called, “No Scootaloo, let the chickens rest, they’ve had a busy and stressful night.”  “Yes Stare Master!” Scootaloo called back, leaving me to think that I‘m in trouble now, but it’s best to stay hidden for the time being. Slowly I heard Sweetie Belle grown as she was found but then Angel showed up through the door with a nasty smirk. What was he doing here, I wondered. But then it became clear as he rang a bell, making the chickens panic and scream in chicken, running around, feathers drooping all over and annoying my nose, I began sneezing. Trying to run out I tripped over something, and rolled out of the coop, chickens flying everywhere and Fluttershy hovering over the other side of the fence, not looking pleased with me, “I’m… I’m sorry Fluttershy, but it wasn’t my fault! Angel rang some sort of bell that made the chickens go crazy!” After I finished my speech I didn’t even want to get up, I felt ashamed. “First thing first Star,” Fluttershy said, “Please exit the chicken enclosement.” I did as I was told, and with Scootaloo holding the fence I crawled under and out. “Now, for the second thing, why were you in the chicken coop?” Fluttershy asked. “Angel showed me it was a good hiding spot.” I confessed. Fluttershy nodded, “And I guess this was before I told Scootaloo not to go in there?” I nodded before she continued, “Why did you not go out when I told Scootaloo?” I began, “I- I…” but my throat hurt and my eyes burned, but I managed to squeeze out, “It was a good hiding spot, and the chickens didn’t seem to mind, but-” I signed and took a deep breath, “I’m sorry I didn’t go out, your chickens are more important than our game.” “Thank you Star,” Fluttershy hugged me, as she padded my back, “I’m not angry, and I know Angel can be difficult sometimes, and he should know better as well, but I think you're a big filly for apologizing, even before I ask you too.” Fluttershy smiled. “Too bad Star,” Scootaloo said. I looked at her, very confused. “Ye’h Cutie Mark ain’t telling the truth.” Apple Bloom added. I shook my head in confusion, and my attention back to Fluttershy and asked, “Do you need any help? Maybe with the chickens or something, to make up for what I did.” “No worries Star, you fillies have fun playing.” Fluttershy said with a smile and guided me towards the others, I nodded and went over. As I arrived I booped Scootaloo's muzzle and called, “You’re it!” and galloped away with a faint, ‘Hey!’ in the background. For quite some time we played catch and ran around, I was so busy that I hadn’t even noticed Twilight had arrived or was writing what looked to be a long letter, as she and Fluttershy sat and had tea. In my excitement of catching Apple Bloom or Sweetie Belle, I ran past the newly arrived Rarity, who soon began to call out, but if Sweetie Belle doesn’t react, then the game is still on. Until Fluttershy’s gentle and memorable voice called, “Girls.” All of us galloped over to her and asked her if she needed anything to which she answered, “Go and get your things. Rarity is here to see you home.” We all nodded and headed for the bedroom. Up in the bedroom the CMC quickly cleaned up the room to be spotless, then packed their things, all before I could do anything, but as I was entering the room they rushed to me, and in the blink of an eye, I had the cape on, from yesterday. They hugged me as they said their goodbye, but as they walked downstairs I called, “Wait, girls?” They looked, “Promise me not to tell anypony else, not even your sisters.” In a fast motion, they group hugged me and said together, “We promise, Cutie Mark Crusaders forever, right?” They pulled their hooves out like so many times before. I joined my hoof in and yelled with them, “CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS FOREVER! YAY!” We hugged and all ran downstairs. At the entrance, the three fillies ran as they thanked Fluttershy,  the Stare Master. As the three fillies ran outside of Fluttershy’s garden I focused on Rarity as she looked a bit uncomfortable, and Fluttershy sat with a white cat hissing and swinging it’s claw at me, I jumped to Twilight as Fluttershy said “No, Opalescence, that’s not how we treat our friends.” But the cat was definitely not a fan of me, so I decided to just stay clear of it. “You ready to go now Star?” Twilight asked. I looked into her eyes and nodded, looking at Fluttershy I said, “Thank you for letting me stay Fluttershy. It was fun.” “It sure was, but next time let's have you come over before you get turned to stone.” Fluttershy said. I giggled and said, “Deal.” Rarity looked confused and wanted to say something, but looking behind her, Twilight said, “Don’t worry Rarity, I’ll send you the details before I sent the letter to the Princess, but you better catch those fillies.” Twilight giggled. Rarity nodded and ran after the fillies and called for them to slow down, however, Twily and I walked together, talking about what happened since she went home and the rules at the toy store. > Toy store > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Alright Star, did Princess Celestia give you any advice on what to do in the toy store?” Twilight asked as we gently walked through the town of Ponyville, heading to the toy store. “Umm… Advice? Nope, I wrote to her last night and forgot to check before we left for Zecora.” I said, blushing for being forgetful, “Sorry Twily.” “Hey, it’s okay Star, we'll head back to the library to check, but let’s get you those strawberries first, like I promised you yesterday.” Twilight chipped in, truly cheering me up as I smiled as much I could, in response Twilight only giggle before she said, “I bet one of the sales ponies might have some, let’s go.” I happily followed. Shortly after we arrived at a row of small stands, with Pinkie Pie jumping around she was easy to recognize and she was the only pony I know, that I knew, of what I could see. Pinkie spotted us and jumped over and asked, “Twilight, Star, what are my favorite Sparkles looking for?” “Strawberries!” I cheered as a jumped on my rear hooves and landed again. “Hmm…” Pinkie thought hard as she rubbed her chin with her hoof, but just a short few second later she jumped up, “Strawberries! Of course, how could I not-, come on!” She grabbed us and before I knew it, we stood in front of a shop with a yellow pegasus mare with a puffy red mane and tail and plenty of strawberries. Even as drool went down my chin, I didn’t care, I smelled them and they smelled delicious, “Hehe, looks like somepony like strawberries? Don’t you my little pony?” The mare asked. I looked up at the mare and nodded eagerly, mouth wide open. “Tell you what little filly, why don’t you have a little taste?” The mare asked with a smile and gave me a strawberry, “Now remember to eat slowly and enjoy the flavor.” I gently took it and as instructed I ate half the strawberry and fell on the ground, each chew was so delicious, better than my body could handle, so I took the rest in my mouth, chewed, and smiled up at the mare, “T’ank ú miss!” “Star, don’t talk with your mouth full.” Twilight reminded. I swallowed and repeated, “Thank you miss, it was very very very very good!! Best food ever.” I felt as if my tail was wiggling behind me. The mare blushed, and smiled as she said, “Aww thanks little filly, but where are my manners? Name is Strawberry Sunrise, what’s your name?” “It’s nice to meet you and your strawberries. I’m Star Sparkle, Twilight’s little sister.” I responded before then turning my attention towards Twilight, “Please, can we buy many?” I asked, sitting on the ground with my front hooves gently on her chest, giving her my best puppy eyes. “Aww…” Twilight and most likely Miss. Strawberry said. “Of course we can Star.” Twilight said, I hugged her as she padded my back, “Fillies,” she giggled before she spoke, “How long can they last, and what’s the best way to store them?” “Just like any other fruit, keep away from pests, no direct sunlight, a closed cupboard will do and on the third day they begin to go bad.” The best mare said. “I’ll have one pack of 15 strawberries, that should be enough.” Twilight said, and after a bit of chit chat of payment, I was standing next to Twilight and watched as Miss Strawberry packed 15 delicious, great looking, delicious strawberries, Twilight asked, “Anything you want to say Star?” I nodded and looked at Miss Strawberry and said with a huge smile “Thank you so much again and thank you for these very delicious strawberries.” “You’re most welcome, and tell you what, if my stand isn’t open just come by my house, it’s the house on the south side of Ponyville with a strawberry on the door, you can’t miss it.” Miss Strawberry said, “But only because you’re the first pony to fall heads over hooves, by my strawberries.” “Strawberry on the door, deal, thank you, Miss. Have a nice day.” I answered surprised, but with a smile as Twilight and I began to walk home. Strawberry Sunrise smiled and waved back, “You too Star.” On the way home I was told that apparently, Pinkie Pie had to leave while I stood in awe of the strawberries, so I definitely had to apologize to her the next time I see her if only I remember. But finally, we arrived back home I ran to my room, a strawberry in my mouth, to check my book, pulled it out, and turned to the final page that was written on, and there it was. ‘Dearest Star Sparkle Thank you for writing to me about these events, as the more I learn the better I can understand and help. For what happened, I am not sure why, but the best thing is that you are okay. Are you doing magic at these times? Are you fully there in your mind and able to control, even if you choose toys? Or do you just have memories of the event afterward? For this next visit try to have something to keep your focus on and only slowly take your focus on the toys. As our primary goal is to make sure you always have full control of your body and mind. I can’t say how long it will take, but I promise you, I will do all I can to get you home, to the time before you got sent here. Yours Princess Celestia’ As I was done reading Twilight came in and we locked eyes, “What did she say?” Twilight asked. “She can’t be sure why it happens, but to have something to focus on while we’re there and slowly learn to control my focus, if only for a little bit as it’s important to let me keep my mind, but we better go before they close.” I answered back, purposefully not mentioning the part of her promise, as it was Celestia’s promise to me and it wasn’t important for now. Twilight nodded and levitated Flurry over in a saddlebag, then paced the saddleback on herself, “Just in case, and don’t worry, I’ll take care of her.” Twilight smiled, I trusted her, then off we went again. Soon enough we stood in front of the toy store, my heart was racing, what if I forget everything today? Is a toy worth it, no, but yes, no, and a little bit, everything became blurry and I felt sick, like I was about to throw up. Feeling my hooves planted into the ground, a muffled noise came and I looked around. Right, left, right, left, right, left, and there she was, Flurry! I hugged her as hard as I could. With a new soft embrace around me, I felt more calm and slowly I looked to find myself staring into Twilight’s chest as she rubbed my back. I nuzzled into her fur and as I did Twilight asked, “You wanna go home again? We can do this another day.” No, I wanted this, maybe if I could just have something that we decide now, then that could be the focus. “Umm… I’m okay, but what if we said I could have a strawberry plushie, if I behave, for my focus part?” I asked. “Of course, but if they don’t have it, then I’ll go into the parent role to promise it another time, deal?” Twilight asked, I nodded in response and we walked out from where Twilight had hidden us. We walked to the entrance and the joy and excitement flooded me again, I giggled. As I giggled in joy a hoof came to my chest and I looked up at my big sis, “Remember Star, behave and walk next to me, and then you can have a strawberry plushie, alright?” I closed my eyes and to a deep breath, exhaled, and looked up at her, “I’m here,” but I still felt the excitement to look around, “I’ll stay with you Twily.” Twilight nodded and she walked inside, I followed. We walked randomly around the inside of the store for a good few minutes, only a few times stepping away from Twilight, but returned when she called. Even though I didn’t like to follow her like a little filly, it was easier to stay in complete control, but the joy of toys still rushed at me, but the thought of a strawberry plushie held me. Soon Twilight stopped and said “Star, try to go in this hallway,” She pointed her hoof through the hall of the dress I made a mess of last time, I looked at her, was she serious? “It’s okay Star, I’ll be right behind you, it’s also okay if you don’t want to walk in front.” Chills went down my spine, as an invisible and untouchable wind guided me down the hall, highlighting dresses that would match Flurry perfectly, I swallowed, looked at Twilight, and ran to her, held her, “No! Please, I wanna stay with you, I’m- I’m not ready.” I feared whatever this was and just held Twilight tight. She shushed me and rubbed my back, “It’s okay Star, let's get you, your plushie, and go home, okay?” While in her chest I nodded, and slowly but surely, I stood next to her as we walked to the plushies, there she sat and said “Just find one you like, okay?” I nodded and walked to the display, they had many fruits, desserts and even a potato plush was there, some with a face, others without. Soon I found a strawberry, but it was high up, I go on my rear legs and tried to grab it, but still too far. I looked back at Twilight, she looked at me curiously. I looked back up at the plushie, thinking to jump, but I took a deep breath and looked back at Twilight, “Twilight, can I have that strawberry plushie?” I asked, pointing my hoof at the plush, Twilight nodded and as her horn glowed I looked up and the same glow engulfed the plush and it was brought down to me. A smile of joy filled my face and I hugged the strawberry plushie, looking over at Twily, she smiled warmly at me, but soon a tear formed, so with the plush I walked over to her, “What’s wrong Twily.” Maybe not realizing I saw, she wiped her eyes and coughed, “No- nothing sweetie, I’ll tell you at home, let’s pay for your plushie first.” I nodded, but I wonder what made her cry. It wasn’t long till we arrived home, with a raincoat for me as tomorrow they promised rain. As we arrived inside I looked back out and towards the sky as the pegasi began to make the skies for rain, so I walked inside and closed the door. I went upstairs where Twilight was about to lie down, but I said, “I’ll take these two into my bedroom, so they can get to know each other, then you made a deal.” Twilight sighed but nodded. When I came back out Twilight sat on a cushion and waved me over, to the cushion next to her and she began, “I promised to tell you what happened to me at the toy store,” Twilight paused, “I know it seems weird, but at some point, the princess will have the spell ready, and you’ll be able to go home, but when I saw you in the toy store, I saw that-” she trailed off, “I saw that I would really miss you.” Her throat sounded like she could cry, and some tears fell. Not knowing what to do, as I didn’t have any water, I walked over to her and hugged her, “I will miss you too, but according to the princess, it might take a long time.” “But your friends, family, they, they-” Twilight stuttered through the sobs. I couldn’t tell her my lack of friends, that I now have more friends than I’ve ever had in my life combined, then a goodbye could only be harder for her then, knowing I didn’t really have friends at home, at least I still had my family left waiting for me. But then I realized, “It’s okay Twilight, Celestia will make it so I go back around two hours before I was transported here, my family or friends wouldn’t know the difference.” A few hard-to-sniffle noses, Twilight said, “I- That perfect, like you never left.” But while she said ‘perfect’ nothing in her voice sounded perfect, only sad. “But guess what?” I said, she looked at me, “Even though I will go someday, that could be in a month, six months, or maybe even a year, or more, I don’t mind, because I can be here with you, and Spike of course. And all my other friends. It will be sad to leave, but until then, it’s just about having fun. Right?” I looked up at her, no sniffles, only teary eyes. I smiled up at her wanting a nuzzle, she bent down and nuzzled me as she said, “Then let’s make it worthwhile, maybe from what you learn here you can take back with you.” Maybe I could, but that could wait, I’m finally a girl, I got a second go at childhood, everything is perfect, it's just not my world, and if I stay my family have truly lost me, but that is for another day. After a bit of relaxing, Spike had joined us as we wrote to Princess Celestia about what happened today. Dinner came and went, all while the night grew closer, and after another strawberry, rain slowly began to fall, and bedtime came. “Twilight? Can I sleep with you tonight?” I asked. “Of curse Star, are your two friends gonna join us?” Twilight asked with a small giggle, but I was way ahead of her and lay the two on her bed. Then after I hang the CMC cape in my bedroom and after the teeth brushing we all went to bed, hugging my plushies, and Twily hugging me, Spike snoring, I knew that was ready for a new week to come tomorrow, and back to school. > Day 25: A rainy day: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I grunted as I woke up, feeling the damp protection again, and with rain hitting the window it dawned on me, I didn’t remember getting one on yesterday. I looked around and saw Twilight still sleeping, but as a delicious smell of breakfast filled the air, Twilight yawned and stretched her hooves, “Morning big sis, Twily!” I said with a giggle. “Morning little sis, Star.” Twilight said, giggling to herself, “Another accident?” Feeling myself blush, I nodded, “Uhuh, when did I get one on?” “Yesterday, but you were so comfortable at the time, so I just took care of it before I went to bed, but let’s get you clean.” Twilight ended and with a nod of approval I was lifted on her back as she trotted to the bathroom. Once cleaned, we joined Spike who had gotten ahead and was eating, we joined but soon after breakfast it was time for school, I got my new raincoat on, luckily it was easy to get on, even with my saddlebag filled with books and my feather in. After I walked down to the front door, I heard Twilight call, “Star! Wait up!” I turned back and said, “It’s okay big sis, I know the way, and besides then you’ll get wet.” I smiled, as I truly didn’t mind, I might even find a few puddles on the way and have a little fun. Twilight looked unsure, looked out, and said, “If you are sure, okay. But, please take care.” She didn’t look happy with her own answer, but I knew what would cheer her up, I jumped over and hugged her, while standing on my rear hooves and leaned up her chest and hugged her. A clear, “aww” came from her, once I let her go, she too released me and helped me back down. I smiled looking up at her, “I’ll be fine, wait? Do I have my lunch?” I questioned as I thought it. Twilight giggled, but nodded as she added it while I ate, “Thanks big sis, see you later!” I called as I trotted to the door. Not much wind, but the rain was going, and I was still able to see enough to get to school. I looked back one last time and waved to both Twilight and Spike, then left. On the way, I looked around remembering the way, but to my luck, I saw a few puddles around, I smiled and galloped and jumped into one, then the next, splashing as I landed in each and every puddle, again and again, this was so fun I just began laughing, but trying to hold it back. I knew that if I was human, then my feet would have been wet, so having hooves was just better. I then spotted one long puddle, I stepped hard on the beginning and began to march on the puddle, and with water going everywhere I jumped and landed with all my hooves splashing everywhere. “Aaaahhhh!” I heard a high pitched voice call, I looked and saw Sweetie Belle, thankfully the water only reached her top front hooves. “Sweetie Belle, I’m so sorry, I wasn’t looking!” I tried to apologize. “It’s okay, as long as you didn’t get my raincoat dirty.” She responded after checking her coat. “Is it not a raincoat?” I asked confused. “Well, I might have borrowed one of Rarity’s old ones.” She responded with blushy cheeks. “Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.” I said as I gave her a playful wink. Soon enough we arrived at the school house and walked inside where Ms Cheerilee was writing something on the board while others were talking amongst themself. “Look there Diamond, now all the blank flanks are here,” I heard Silver Spoon whisper. I turned towards her, then called “Thanks, Silver Spoon!” She almost jumped in surprise. I then turned to Apple Bloom and Scootaloo who were pretty occupied with something, but I called, “Crusaders!” They looked towards Sweetie Belle and I smiled and galloped over. “Those weather ponies sure don’t know our schedule.” Scootaloo said as I took off my raincoat. “What do you mean? I think they know the school's schedule.” I responded, hanging my raincoat next to Sweetie Belle’s. “Our crusading, Star!” Apple Bloom responded, “No way we ever get to zipline in this here weather, now we have to find some other day.” Maybe that’s for the better I thought and, but I then remembered my trip over here playing jumping in the puddles, “We can do some-” But as I spoke Miss. Cheerilee clapped her hooves together and cheerfully announced, “Alright my little ponies, take your seats, we have to begin class.” “We’ll talk doing recess.” I whispered the others nodded and we went to our seats, ready to begin math. As we sat in our seats, Miss. Cheerliee called, “Star, will you stay up here with me for now?” I looked in confusion, looked at the questions, and wondered if she wanted me to teach, but I nodded and walked to her, “Now stand next to the board and wait for me.” I nodded again, not really sure what to do, “Alright my little ponies, I need you to solve these questions, you have all your resources available, but no talking. When I get back I will ask each of you how you found your answer.” “Yes Miss. Cheerilee!” The class in unison called. Miss Cheerliee then walked over to me as the class began to do the assignment, “Let’s head to the bathroom Star, alright?” “May I ask why, Miss Cheerilee?” I asked, finding no answers I could think of. “Star, you may have had a raincoat on,” she said, “But you’re drenched, did you fall on the way to school?” She asked. I looked down to see a quite big puddle underneath me, “Oh…” I expressed, I don’t think I would be seen as mature if I said I jumped in puddles, “Yes, but I’m fine.” I said, while trying to give a smile. She guided me to the bathroom and asked, “Can you clean yourself or do you need help?” The question took me by surprise, but worse was, I didn’t have an answer, “Umm… Yes, no, I mean-” I stuttered, she took her hoof to my muzzle to make me quiet, smiled and took a towel over, and got me cleaned. For the rest of math, I had to take some tests, but soon math was over, and the first recess began. But as it still rained outside, the only requirement to play outside was that you put on your raincoat. Us crusaders stayed indoors. “What did you have in mind for something else to do Star?” Sweetie Belle asked? “Well, what if we just played in the rain at Sweet Apple Acers?” I suggested. “In the rain?” Sweetie Belle asked, “I’m not sure, my raincoat can’t get too wet.” In response Apple Bloom and Scootaloo rolled their eyes, making me chuckle. Catching Sweetie Belle’s attention, but as she was about to speak Scootaloo said, “After school we’ll go home to me and you can borrow one of my spares. Are you then in?” Sweetie Belle nodded eagerly, but sooner than we would have liked the bell rang and everypony went back to their own spaces reading time began for the rest, so I took the book I got from Celestia about making fireworks out of the saddle bag, luckily it wasn’t wet, or even moist, so I began reading. After much reading, I looked at the clock and saw it was almost lunch, Miss. Cheerliee place her book down and said, “Alright my little ponies, place your books down, it’s almost time for lunch,” everypony did as she said, “I would like to thank all of you for such a nice reading time, and I hope you have all enjoyed it, but I won’t hold you until lunch, and same rules like last recess counts, and if anypony wishes, I’ll find some board games.” Some came up to her, but I got my lunch from my saddlebag and opened it to find a salad, with strawberries, causing me to giggle and lick my lips, then I dug in. After my lunch was gone, I licked myself around the lips, finished the rest of my food, and looked around, Apple Bloom was talking to Twist, Sweetie Belle was still eating and Scootaloo looked to be distracted by something outside, but I was sure since she was a pegasus then she might just in general not like to spend the entire day inside. But as my friends were now busy I remember the feather in my bag, I got down from my seat and dug my face into the saddlebag, and grabbed the feather, luckily it was easy to spot and grab. I returned back to my desk and narrowed my eyes on the feather in front of me, I took a breath and allowed the magic to flow, just like I was taught, slowly my pink aura engulfed the feather, and another breath with my thoughts feeling the weight of the feather. I felt the feather as if I was holding it with my hoof, but now just with the will, I lifted the feather slowly, so as to not damage the feather. Slowly as I could be, I lifted the feather until it was a few centimeters off the table, and even though I should properly lower it again, I wanted to spin it. I imagined it would spin around itself, from where the midpoint of the feather would be, I took another breath and gently blew at the feather, and with the wind I felt how my magic was moved and followed through on the motion. Slowly the feather spun at a slow speed, but it began to weigh a lot, I’d never even had it lifted for so long before and I was feeling it move, I had to use more strength just to hold it above the table. A sudden bump on my side and I lost the feather and scream in shock as I fell off my chair. The voice of Silver Spoon whispered, “Move over.” But I heard her giggling to herself as Diamond Tiare joined her, my anger filled my mind before my vision was filled with three concerned-looking Cutie Mark Crusaders. “Are you okay Star?” Sweetie Belle asked. I nodded as I didn’t really feel anything that hurt, so I smiled and thanked her, but reassured them that I was fine. Scootaloo then chipped in “We saw what happened Star, Silver Spoon did that on purpose!” It only confirmed my suspicion, “Of course she would.” I snarled under my breath as I got up. But before I could tell her off, I noticed that Miss. Cheerilee was gone and Apple Bloom called out, “You did that on purpose, Silver Spoon!” I joined Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo and we nodded and called in unison “Yeah!” Before I continued, “You could have avoided ramming into me!” Diamond Tiara just groaned, “Come on, don’t be so sensitive Blank Flank, it was an accident.” Silver Spoon only giggled. “Don’t call us blank flanks Diamond Tiara!” I yelled at her. Both of them just laughed, before Silver Spoon called, “Oh no, the little foal is having a temper tantrum!” They only laughed harder. But that comment hit, what if they know of my accidents, what if they had seen Twilight buying the protection, anger swelled in me, but as I opened my mouth to give those two fillies a piece of my mind and magic, Apple Bloom got in front of me and said, “They aint worth it Star.” Being forced to calm down, but still feeling spiteful I said, “Fine, but do you crusaders wanna hear something cool?” I had to think hard if I was allowed to say the deal I had with Princess Celestia, or at least I hoped she would forgive me. The three fillies were waiting for my news and I noticed that other ponies were also listening to our conversation. As I was about to speak Diamond Tiara interrupted, saying, “Properly some lame news, besides I’m-” I cut her off and called out, “I’m opening the Grand Galloping Galla with Princess Celestia!” The class went quiet. A deafening silence, only to be broken by Diamond Tiara, “Yeah right, don’t make me laugh, why would Princess Celestia of all the ponies in Equestria, choose you?” Feeling all eyes staring at me and the crusaders being speechless, I had no proof right now, but I had it at home, so I called, “You wanna see proof? Fine, I’ll show you tomorrow!” As on cue the bell rang while I stared with anger into Diamond Tiara’s eyes, only for her to stare the same way back at me. “Ahem!” Miss Cheerilee's voice called, I looked at her, with a smile, “What is going on here?” Both Diamond Tiara and I answered, “Nothing Miss. Cheerilee.” “And it better stay like that unless both of you want detention.” She said sternly, then turned to the crusaders and asked concerned “Girls, are you okay?” Then a high pitch scream filled the classroom, as they all asked at the same time, “No way!! That’s amazing Star! Way to go! Cutie Mark Crusaders to the top!” “Girls!” Miss Cheerilee yelled, it silenced the three fillies as all looked at Miss. Cheerilee continued, “Recess is over and we need to get going with your work for today, and unless all of you want extra homework for tomorrow, then I’ll suggest we don’t yell, scream or disrupt the class again.” The room was quiet as the crusaders listed back to their seats, once they sat Miss. Cheerliee was back at her desk and cleared her throat, “Now, I know you’re all excited to get out of school, and I know being indoors all day isn’t fun, but we have to work together in order to have a happy and healthy classroom, is that a deal.” As what she said made sense, as I felt I also needed some sunlight and fresh air, I joined the others as we responded, “Yes Miss. Cheerilee!” “Good,” Miss Cheerilee said, “Now, I have two things we could do today, one was the original plan, but I think the other option is better. I want all of you to write a little letter to the class, and for it to be something you would like to have done in order to better help your education or relationship with each other. Now, no personal attacks, and don’t go after anypony, these should be the rules we will all live by.” Miss Cheerliee ended, but I hoped she didn’t expect me to write as well. Just on cue, as everypony began to write, Miss. Cheerliee came down to my desk and whispered, “Now, I want you to still practice writing, either with magic or your mouth, but that is up to you, but I still want you to participate in the activity, deal.” I nodded and responded, “Deal.” Miss. Cheerliee then left my desk to help somepony else, I then took out a piece of paper and a red crayon, then began to the best of my ability to draw a strawberry. Soon the outer edge of the strawberry was done, and I took a green crayon and did the top, used a black crayon and dotted the seeds, then the red again and colored it in, this was where I really tried to take care and not go over the line. However as I didn’t want to go over the line, the edges were very lightly colored. In the end, I only went over the lines a few times, but nothing too bad and I didn’t break the crayon. “Alright my little ponies,” Miss. Cheerilee announced, “as we have thirty-five minutes left, let’s get somepony up here and share, and remember, all ponies must go up and the sooner everypony has been up to speak then you get to go home.” It sounded fair, but it made me realize that I hadn’t thought of anything to say, but as others raised their hoof I just listened and took mental notes, Twist said to not yell, Snails said to not talk over each other, all were pretty good, Apple Bloom’s was really good as she said, calling others blank flank should not be okay, a point Miss. Cheerliee agreed with it as well, I thought about how nice it could be if I had the space to practice magic, that could be my thing to say. I raised my hoof and she called on me to talk, “As much as I like to do magic, I need to put all my focus on it and I think it could be nice if others noticed and were careful, so even if, you apologize.” “Thank you Star.” Miss Cheerliee said before she asked the rest of the students, and all came with good answers, but after all, had given their input Miss. Cheerliee thanked us all for our contribution and ended the day twenty minutes earlier, much to everyone's enjoyment. After a very rainy walk, I was home at last and was going to get ready to leave for Sweet Apple Acers, like the deal I made with the crusaders, Sweetie Belle would pick up Scootaloo, then they will pick me up and together we would walk to Sweet Apple Acers. I walked into the library, and saw it empty, properly as nopony would want to go out into a rainstorm to borrow a book, as I then headed upstairs I saw Twilight and Spike relaxing on two pillows, clearly deep into their different books, so I cleared my throat and said, “Hi Twilight! Hi Spike!” “Huh, wait what?” Spike looked up in confusion, but as he looked eyes with me he settled down, “Oh, hey Star! Did you have a nice day?” I nodded with a smile, but as Twilight was still in her book, seeming to have taken no notice of our chat, I giggled and said, “Hey Spike, when Twilight gets back to the real world, would you tell her I’m going to be at Sweet Apple Acers? But I’ll be back before dinner.” “Sure thing Star, it will properly be a while before she gets back to us, but have fun, do you need me to walk you there?” Spike said. “No thank you, Spike, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo will pick me up soon.” I said with a smile, Spike nodded and settle deep down into the pillow, all while I walked to my room with my saddlebag. Taking out my feather, books, and drawing, just to make sure they were still dry, lucky they still were. I placed the feather next to the silver moon ball I got from Luna, then decided that once I get home and after dinner, then I would want to practice on the ball. A few knocks on the door and I knew it was time, I quickly put my raincoat back on and trotted back to the living room, waved bye to Spike, then trotted down and saw Scootaloo in her raincoat and Sweetie Belle in, properly one of Scootaloo’s raincoats, as there must have been holes for a pair of wings, but it had been sealed by some something, and look like a good job as well. “Hi Sweetie Belle. Hi Scootaloo, nice raincoat, Sweetie Belle, did you patch the wing holes just before you left?” I asked, not really believing that job could have been done so fast by her, after seeing the capes she made, all the love but little skill. “Well, I didn’t.” Sweetie Belle said. Scootaloo then continued “My aunt patched the holes for us, as she didn’t want Sweetie Belle to use it with the holes.” After our little chat, we headed to Sweet Apple Acers and meet up with Apple Bloom. “Hi Apple Bloom!” I called out as I saw her standing at the entrance for Sweet Apple Acers. “Heya girls! What took yer gals so long?” Apple Bloom answered back jokingly. Scootaloo then answered back, “My aunt fixed my spare raincoat for Sweetie Belle.” But Sweetie Belle ended, “But now it’s time to have fun, but umm… What are we going to do?” All then looked at me. I didn’t think about this, “Umm…? What about playing catch?” I suggested. Apple Bloom walked over to me and said “Well, only one problem there Star.” I wonder what that could be, and as she stood close she lay her hoof on me and said “Because you’re it Star!” She then galloped away fast, the other girls too ran, but in the same general direction, taking a second to realize I galloped after them, getting closer to Sweetie Belle, I jumped and was able to grab touch her flank, without hitting hard and called, “You’re it, Sweetie Belle!” So we continued for a good long time and I had no idea where we were on the farm, but we were getting higher and the rain made it much more difficult to see, and the wind had picked up as well, and now all of our raincoats where just blowing all around us. That’s when I heard Apple Bloom call time out, and I noticed Scootaloo and walked over to her, “What’s going on Scoots?” Scootaloo then answered, “Who knows it’s getting really hard to see in this rain, and I’m one seco-” Her raincoat blew up in her face before she could finish. She let out a loud groan and ripped her raincoat off, at least I didn’t hear it rip. We arrived over at Apple Bloom who said, ”Sorry for calling time-out gals, but these here raincoats are getting really annoying, so I’ma taking mine off.” I wasn’t really sure about it, as Twilight properly wouldn’t be happy if I did, wait a minute, I don’t have to listen to Twilight and she’s not here and, but before I finished my thought my raincoat blew up in my face, only as it moved away I took my raincoat off and placed it down to where Apple Bloom and Scootaloo put theirs, but as Sweetie Belle wasn’t yet annoyed by hers we continued to play. Time passed and I got a bit tired, and while I ran on a tilted hill Sweetie Belle came out of nowhere and reached out, I jumped to the side, but not feeling the ground when I thought I would land, I panicked. As I finally landed, I lost balance and tumbled down the hill, hearing my name being called I fell into a pond of water. Panicking, I reached out and tried to swim, but nothing, I tried to feel the bottom, but I couldn’t, I kicked, but all I did was go further down. Soon I felt the water go to my head and the water surrounded me completely, I tried to take a breath, but the water rushed in, I had no more air, I tried screaming, but nothing. I felt as if I was being pulled out of the water Sweetie Belle screaming for me to wake up, Apple Bloom pressing her hooves onto my stomach and I threw up some water and coughed up a bit, feeling a little bit dizzy I rolled onto my stomach and coughed even more, also now feeling cold and uncomfortable, I lay down. Sweetie Belle cried out in concern, “Star! I’m so so so so sorry, it was an accident,” she was almost crying, “I’m sorry! Please be okay.” I turned my head to her, being too tired to lift myself up, I smiled and said quietly, “It’s okay Sweetie Belle, I’m okay, and I forgive you, it was an accident after all.” Her, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo all hugged me, and while Sweetie Belle was wet, but not so much under her raincoat, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were drenched, did both jump in after me? “Thanks girls.” I said, “Apple Bloom? Did you and Scootaloo jump in after me?” However, Scootaloo answered, “Of course we did, once we realized that you couldn’t swim, but Apple Bloom got most of the water out of you.” “Thank you, both of you.” I responded, still tired, but feeling more cable of getting up. “No problem Star,” Apple Bloom responded, “that’s what friends are for.” She ended with a smile. Feeling worn out by the whole experience I said, “Should we call it a day and head home for dinner?” All agreed, put our raincoats on, and swore to not tell anypony that we took them off, then we followed Apple Bloom to her house, as we now knew the rest of the way, Sweetie Bell, Scootaloo and I walked towards Ponyville. Just as we arrived in Ponyville, I could see the Library and Rarity’s home, but guessing Sweetie Belle needs to return Scootaloo’s raincoat I guess they walk home together. We hug and they leave through a shortcut as we were close to the library. As I walked the final bit I felt the rain begin to ease off, so I guess before bedtime, it would be over. I arrived through the door to see Twilight with her raincoat on, “Where are you going Twily?” “Star!” Twilight called, “Where were you? It’s dinnertime now, you told Spike you would be back before then.” “Sorry Twily,” I said, “time ran away while we played, I’m sorry.” Twilight trotted over and grabbed a hold of me and pulled me into a hug, I hugged back as she got my raincoat off and walked back upstairs, “You need a bath, you’re so dirty.” Twilight said while she giggled, properly a good idea I don’t tell her I was about to drown, no need to say what doesn’t matter. “A bath would be nice, before or after dinner?” I asked. Twilight took a sniff, “Now.” She responded, “Spike, keep the food warm, Star needs a bath.” “Sure thing Twilight!” Spike called back from the kitchen. One bath later and it was time to eat a very delicious meal that was still warm, thanks to the number one assistant. Soon dinner was eaten and I went to my room and practiced a little magic on the silver ball, but it was much heavier, so I just made it roll around, but it got me thinking of how old this silver ball was, but on the thought of princesses, I wondered if I remembered to let Celestia know how it went at the toystore, so I opened my book and saw I hadn't. “Spike!” I called out Not long after he came into my room and asked “You called, do you need help?” I nodded, “I want to write to Princess Celestia. You wanna write for me?” He nodded and got a quill and got the book on a table, I cleared my throat and began, ‘’Dear Princess Celestia. Thank you so much for your reply. I followed your advice and it seemed to work, but as for your questions, I am not doing magic, but I am still in control in my mind, but it’s like, the only thing I want is toys, but I have difficulty controlling myself. On our visit I kept with Twilight as we just walked around the store and I stayed with her, and always close. It helped that we made a deal I could get a toy, but only if I kept close to her the entire time. But I was scared walking in front of Twilight, down one part of the store, so I choose not to for that day at least. Yours Star Sparkle.‘’ Spike ended his writing and said, “Done, was that all?” “Yep, thanks Spike, don’t worry, I’ll soon learn how to write myself.” I said with a  smile. “It’s really no problem, I love being helpful.” He said proudly. I smiled and nodded, still wanting to write myself, but at least Spike loves to help, so I’ll take it when I can. “Star! It’s time to comb your mane and tail, then it’s bedtime!” Twilight called. “Coming Twily!” I called back. Spike and I entered the lying room, as Spike went to his comic, I went to Twilight and lay down and we just chatted about what the crusaders and I did at Sweet Apple Acres, and I only avoided the whole drowning and taking raincoats off things, Twilight seemed happy, and soon my mane and tail was finished so it was bedtime. I was getting pretty tired at this point too, kinda like the room began to spin, being adorable as I am, I got Twilight to carry me to bed after brushing my teeth, she got me in some protection and tucked me in, I was so tired I hardly felt getting Flurry and my strawberry plush in my hooves and soon I was close to sleep, just one cough and sniff. > The Chaos Flu > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up, but unlike other times, I woke up by myself, sniffing my nose, and feeling drool on my pillow I took Flurry’s ear out of my mouth and looked, my pillow was soaked, and drool still lingered on my chin, bit more than normal, but maybe I just slept well, but why was my nose stuffed? I wondered. But still able to smell breakfast I jumped down, but my landing was off so I fell as I landed on the floor “Ouch!” I cried out. The door quickly opened and as I looked up Twilight had galloped over to me, “Are you okay Star?” She asked concerned. “I’m fine,” I said as I stood up while doing a quiet sniffle, “I don’t think I slept well, my pillow is also soaked from drool.” The lights turned on and Twilight said, “Not just your pillow, but your bedding as well, let me check.” but before I knew what she was checking, I felt her press on my protection, surprising me as I let out a little high squick before Twilight continued, “Nope, you didn’t leak, did you have a nightmare?” “No, I don’t think so at least.” I answered back and turned my protection away from her, “and warn me next time you do that!” I said sternly. “I’m sorry Star, I’ll ask next time. But I’ll write to Princess Celestia, maybe she can ask Princess Luna if she knows of your dream.” Twilight answered and I accepted her apology. As Twilight got me out of my protection and cleaned me up I sniffed again, but this time Twilight heard as she motherly said, “Don’t sniff it in, you’re going to get a headache, can you blow you own nose or do you need some help?” Reluctantly I accepted her help, as I didn’t really know how to hold the tissue with my hooves yet. I blew twice and Twilight was satisfied. At breakfast, Spike only really mentioned that I must have had a nightmare, from the state I was in, but my nose still dripped, so I reached for a tissue and tried to blow my own nose. “Star? Are you feeling sick?” Twilight asked. “No, why?” I asked. “This might be the first time you’ve used tissue, and you don’t look too good.” Twilight said as she got up and went to me, then took her hoof on my forehead, “Hmm, not really hot, if just a little bit warm, might be because of your nightmare, weird. Would you like to stay home today? Just to be safe?” “No thanks Twily, I kinda like going to school, and while being at home is fun too, it’s just the best to be the smartest in class for once.” I said with a smile, “and besides, you said I’m not sick, so no problem.” Twilight looked to be thinking, then felt my forehead again, sighed, but nodded, “Alright Star, just wanted to give you the offer.” But something told me she wasn’t sure about it. “I could always get a note with me telling Miss. Cheerilee that if I feel bad, then I’m allowed to go home.” I suggested, hoping that it could help her mood. Twilight nodded and fixed a note, I thanked Spike for breakfast and went to my bedroom, coughed a little bit, but it must just have been something I ate, got my saddlebag ready, but only then realized that I only had the book about fireworks I got, but that wouldn’t prove anything, but with no time, I placed my school items in the saddlebag, then strapped it to me. I had a little bit of trouble standing still after, but nothing serious, I then looked at Flurry and Strawberry, and wonder if they got moist from my sweaty nightmare. I went over and felt them, Flurry was a little bit moist, but nothing too bad, however, I still placed them on my desk, then went out into the living room. Spike came over with my lunch, I thanked him and Twilight got me the note and a box of tissues, then followed me downstairs and said, “Are you sure you’re feeling okay to go?” I nodded, hugged her, and left. My mind was now racing, how could I even prove that I’m opening the gala with Celestia, I mean, Diamond Tiara needs to be humbled, and the look on her face would be epic, the princess and ruler of Equestria choose a blank flank over somepony with a cutie mark, I coughed a little bit and my nose began itching, forcing me back to the real world, and making my turn, I wondered if I could be sick, but Twilight didn’t feel anything was off, but she was also unsure. Soon the schoolhouse was in view and as I stood on the edge of the property, my nose tickled some more, I tried ignoring it, but as I saw the Crusaders spotting me and ran over, but my nose won, I took a quick deep breath and sneezed, feeling magic all around me before I was forced into the floor. The world then began to spin, and as I looked up the top of the flag pole was smoking, like it was burned off. I looked towards the Crusaders and saw as they had stopped and hid their heads under their hooves. I tired to take a step but fell on the ground, but it was difficult as the world was upside down, and from below Rainbow Mane stood sideways muffling funny notices, but her breath ticked my nose and I took a deep breath, the rainbow chipped like a bird as I sneezed. Giggling as I was bouncing on cotton candy eating rainbow cookies and seeing the world go like a grandfather clock, but Princess Purple Strawberry bowed before me and I said “Your princess Strawberry need, need-” I took a deep breath and sneezes. When I looked back up a green pea had joined and looked like a sad pea, I then petted the pea hoping it would be a happy little strawberry, giggling all the way. Soon it made smoke, and I leaped away and hugged the marshmallow ground, and rolled around, but something happened as I began to fly as far as my strawberry wings could take me but all the water made me sneeze, but something popped. A loud ding came and a big white strawberry arrived, finally, “de purple strawberry is purple, and not pink, so be boo!” I just began laughing, as I floated in the river of milkshake, while hearing grass sing, but as I enjoyed myself, a dark cloud came closer, I tried to kick the cloud, but I suddenly couldn’t move and I cried, feeling a sting. When it ended I saw Strawberry Twilight, with a strawberry in her magic, I opened my mouth, reaching my tongue out after it, milkshake coming out of my mouth. But finally, I was munching on a strawberry and, but as it was gone and I chewed I saw another one, I opened my mouth again, as muffled noises flew around me, but I didn’t care, I wanted strawberries, and another one landed in my mouth, I giggled to myself, but I took a deep breath and sneezed, three pops and a zap. All the fun was tiring and soon I fell asleep. As I woke up a little but felt wet, then dry, and then warm again before I was carried back to bed, “Huh..?” I tried to look around, but everything still spun around. “Should she not have stopped sneezing magic out by now, Princess?” Twilight’s voice asked. “It’s better to be safe, the chaos flue is not a joke, but when Star will be sneezing normally again, then she just needs to rest.” Celestia’s voice said. But as I looked up at them they looked like strawberries, I giggled but coughed my dry throat, but before I knew it, something came to my lips and I sucked it out, nice cool water went down my throat, but I lost grip as I took a deep breath. “Get ready Twilight!” Celestia’s voice commanded. I sneezed, a few times, then coughed even more, I began to grow cold and snuggled into my bedding. “I think we’re over the worst part, my dearest student. Now she just needs to rest, will you be fine alone?” Celestia asked quietly. “Thank you Princess, I will be fine, I’ll just get her some nice soup.” Twilight’s voice said as she walked away. I felt a hoof on my forehead, but unable to move, but I was so soft and cold, “I’m sorry for not seeing this coming Star, I will check if you need anything else, so something like this will never happen again.” Celestia’s voice was calm but strong, and as long as she held her hoof on my forehead, then I didn’t care. “Take care Star.” Celestia whispered, before I felt a nuzzle on my muzzle, it was so relaxing I fell asleep. I rubbed my eyes and turning my head to the side I saw Twilight on a pillow in the middle of my room reading, but unexpectedly she looked up at me, “Hi Star, how are you feeling?” Twilight whispered. I coughed and held my head as it hurt, “My head is hurting. Make it stop!! Please!” I whined. “Here, drink some soup, I’ve kept it nice and warm for you, it will help, Rainbow Dash went to Zecora to get something that will help with the headache.” Twilight said, but I didn’t want to take my hooves away from my bedding, so I looked at Twilight in confusion. Twilight gave a soft smile, and levitated the spoon with soup, blew and floated it to my mouth, I drank and waited for the next spoonful. Soon the soup was gone and my nose was cleared again, but as I was close to sleeping Twilight carried me to be changed into a new protection, but before I was laid on the table, I fell asleep. > Day 27: Still sick > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up feeling the sun on my face, but it couldn't have been the morning sun as it felt too warm. I jolted up, ”I’m late for school!” only to cough violently, then sneezed a few times before I fell from my bed, and I cried out in pain. “Star!” Twilight said from the door, “What are you doing out of your bed?” I continued as she looked at me down on the floor, “School!” I said, “I’m late for school!” Twilight lifted me up and laid me back in my bed and said, “You’re still sick Star, not with the Chaos Flu anymore, but a normal cold, so you’ll need to be in bed for today and besides, I’ve been told by Miss. Cheerilee you are way ahead in school, so you don’t have to worry about falling behind. The only thing that troubles her is your lack of writing with your mouth, but we know why.” Twilight ended as she pulled the used protection away from me, only to take out a new one. “What’s that for? I don’t need it now, I’m awake.” I called out before I coughed. “And you don’t have to use it, but now you’re able to sleep if you want to, but if you feel you need to go, just let me know or you can pull it off yourself. It’s just for sleeping, alright?” Twilight said, and she had a point, “Besides Star, I changed you a few times yesterday.” I felt myself blushing and I wanted to crawl away, but at least I couldn’t remember it, but still confused I asked, “Was I that sick? And what happened yesterday?” I remember her saying ‘Chaos Flu’, so I asked, fearing the worst, “And what is the Chaos Flu?” “Easy there Star, I’ll tell you everything,” Twilight said, I coughed as she closed the protection. Once finished she lay the cover over me while I thought of what I wanted to know. “Okay, done. Now, what do you want to know?” Twilight asked. I thought about her question for a bit. I wondered how I got home, if I hurt anypony, though I don’t think I did, Twilight might have said something otherwise, and what was the Chaos Flu, so I said, “I want to know how I got home, I only remember sneezing, and the flagpole was smoking, then things got weird, but the details are all fuzzy. I- I didn’t hurt anypony, did I?” I asked, beginning to shake a little, fearing the worst again. Twilight hugged me and said, “You didn’t, Rainbow said you might have scared some birds and vaporized a dozen clouds, but nothing too bad.” I sighed in relief as Twilight lowered me down on my pillow, pulled the covers over me, and tucked me in again. I sneezed a few times and my head was hurting again, “Hang on Star, I’ll be back in a bit, but it’s okay if you fall asleep.” I nodded and cuddled under my bedding. The headache kept me awake as I twisted and turned in my bed, but just ended up staring into my room, waiting for Twilight to return. As my eyes wandered around, my gaze caught my saddlebag, and it reminded me that I wanted to show Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon proof that I was invited to the Grand Galloping Gala, and even invited to open it with Celestia. Maybe I could ask Twilight if she could write a letter to Celestia and ask if I could have a formal invitation. Just like that Twilight came back inside, quiet as could be, and asked, “How are you feeling Star? Still can’t sleep?” Twilight asked with pity in her voice. I coughed before I responded, “Nu-huh, my head hurts too much.” Twilight took her hoof on my forehead to check my temperature and gently nuzzled me, “Don’t worry Star, I still have more of the soup you got yesterday.” I smiled as she took a spoonful of soup and blew on it to cool it down before she proceeded to feed me. I opened my mouth to eat my soup, already feeling a little bit better. As Twilight slowly spoonfed me she said, “I promised to answer your questions, as for your first question.” Twilight adjusted herself in her seat, then continued to spoonfeed me, before she continued, “Rainbow Dash said that she looked down towards the schoolhouse and saw you arrive. She decided to fly down to check up on you when you began to sneeze and saw that you weren’t looking too good. After your next sneeze, Rainbow decided to bring you back home to me. I placed a magic blocker on your horn and wrote a letter to Princess Celestia about what Rainbow had told me. Before I could send the letter, you broke through the magic blocker and blasted your magic out. It was then I knew this wasn’t just a normal flu or fever, but something serious.” As I ate my soup and listened to Twilight, I couldn’t help but notice something she said and had to ask, “What’s a magic blocker? Is it a ring?” Twilight then began, in her lecture voice, “A magic blocker can be a spell that creates an enchanted ring, or it could be a real physical ring, that’s enchanted to block a unicorn's magic when it's placed around their horn, and it's up to the spell caster to determine how powerful the effect is. The caster can tweak the ring to allow minor spells, while it blocks out stronger spells if they feel so inclined. I'm not that great at casting the spell yet myself, as it's mainly the Royal Guard who are allowed to create magic blockers, like Shining Armor! He needs to be good at making them since he's a Commander of the Royal Guard. That said, if you had a normal flu, you wouldn't have been able to break through my magic blocker, as raw magic isn't everything, so when you did, I knew I had to call Princess Celestia.” “Is that why Shining Armor wasn’t in Canterlot when I went to visit Mom and Dad?” I asked, as his duties might have kept him busy. “It could be,” Twilight said, “In any case, Princess Celestia teleported here within the minute with three guards, told them to get Doctor Hoof, and mentioned the Chaos Flu, even I wasn’t sure what it was,” Twilight explained, blushing. I smiled, finally a thing she didn’t know, I then coughed before I asked, “What is the Chaos Flu?” Followed by a few sneezes. After Twilight had blown my nose, she laid me down and continued to feed me, then began, “It was in the year ninety-one that the spirit of Chaos and Disharmony, came to our peaceful world to wreak havoc, but thanks to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, they-” “Wait! What?!” I called out, my voice hurting like hell, I coughed violently and almost fell out of my bed, if Twilight hadn’t been there to hold me, it felt like I was coughing up blood, but nothing, it only hurt. I then asked in complete shock, as it couldn’t have been our Celestia and Luna, “Do you mean our Princess Celestia and Princess Luna?” Twilight nodded, “Yes of course, who else could they be?” I was speechless as I believed the year was now 1107. How old are they?! I screamed internally before it flew out, killing my head, “How old are they?!!” Then held my head as it hurt. “Easy Star, easy.” Twilight said as she laid me back down again and after my head calmed down a bit, she continued, “I only know that Princess Celestia is over a thousand years old, but there are no public records of how old she is. Some ponies believe her birthday is on the first day of the year, while Princess Luna’s would be on the last day of the year.” I was speechless, are they gods, are they immortal? Questions to get a headache by, “I- I-” Twilight took her hoof to my lips, but as it tickled, I sneezed, and only thanks to Twilight’s quick reflexes did she avoid my sneeze. “Don’t worry Star, it’s okay, but do you want to hear the rest?” Twilight asked, I nodded as I wondered what that had to do with the Chaos Flu. Twilight cleared her throat and got me more soup, “As I said, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna used the Elements of Harmony and defeated the chaos spirit,” Twilight said, making me wonder why they no longer had the elements and why Twilight and her friends have them, but Twilight continued, “But once victory arrived, a new flu arose, one that made unicorn magic go out of control, pegasi flight became uncontrollable and earth ponies strength wasn’t able to be controlled. But it had the backside of everypony hallucinating. After much trial and error, the princesses were able to use the Elements of Harmony to make a vaccine, and once everypony was cured, foals began to suffer on their first fever, so by then it was decided that everypony had to get the vaccine, no matter if you lived in Equestria or not. To this day a statue is located in the Canterlot Royal Garden that represents the defeat of the spirit of Chaos and Disharmony.” I just laid and took it all in, “So the reason I didn’t get the vaccine was because I was made with the Elements of Harmony?” Twilight nodded, “Yes, and because we didn’t think about it, and the doctor might not have noticed it as it wouldn’t have been in your papers, as ponies that live outside of Equestria don’t have papers, and nopony knows where you’re from. But I was told that Princess Celestia will look into it and see if you need anything else.” Twilight ended. I moved away from Twilight and got another spoonful of soup. I believed Celestia mentioned it yesterday, maybe thinking I was asleep, but only now am I sure she said it. Wait… did Celestia give me a nuzzle? I smiled at the thought, her muzzle was soft, I remembered. I would have to try it again next time I could get the chance, but I just realized that I wanted the invitation to the Gala, so I said, “Umm Twilight, could you write and ask Princess Celestia if I could get my ticket to attend and open the Gala? I wanna show it to Diamond Tiara tomorrow and put her in her place.” I giggle, only for it to turn into coughing. Twilight padded my back, but stayed silent, once I laid back down, she said, “I’ll ask, but why do you want to show it to Diamond Tiara? And what do you mean by putting her in her place? Did something happen?” I tried to recollect why, sneezed a few times, and then said, “This Monday, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were really mean and kept teasing the Crusaders and myself about being blank flanks. I didn't really care, but it annoyed the Crusaders to no end, and they knew it, so I said I was opening the Grand Galloping Gala with Princess Celestia to show that she would rather have me with her, but she wanted proof, so will you ask for me.” I finished the bowl of soup and Twilight looked away in deep thought as time passed. Twilight finally looked at me and said, “I understand that you want to teach Diamond Tiara a thing or two about being humble, but being the student of Princess Celestia is not a bragging right. I’ve been told of other students who believed that they were better than the rest. Their time with Princess Celestia made them arrogant and prideful. But it’s an honor to study under the Princess, just remember that.” Twilight then opened a scroll and wrote something on it, rolled it back together again after she was done, and opened my door to call for Spike, “Spike, would you send this to Princess Celestia?” “What did you learn this time? Or did I miss something?” Spike asked. “Nope,” Twilight giggled, “It’s a different kind of letter.” Spike’s green flame soon sent the letter, to where Twilight said, “Thank you, Spike, let me know once I get a reply, it’s Star’s ticket for the Gala.” “Will do Twilight, is Star feeling better?” Spike asked. “She will be, as long as she gets some rest.” Twilight said, giving me a wink, I quickly laid back down. Spike wished me to get better before Twilight closed the door, in hopes of not getting Spike sick, as he’s still young, Twilight’s immune system is better able to reject the fever, so she stayed. Twilight looked to be in deep thought again, but then came over and sat down next to me, "I think it would help to ask Princess Celestia for advice, she's a very wise pony, and has helped me more times than I can count." I'm pretty sure Celestia reassured me I could tell who I wanted, but after being sick for two days, I didn't really care about what Diamond Tiara thought anymore, so I said "I believe Princess Celestia said I could tell who I want, but I think you're right." I groaned, "I can't believe I allowed Diamond Tiara to get to me like that." I chuckled at it for a little bit but started to cough in the middle of it. After I was okay, I said, "I guess I played my part as a filly a little too well, getting caught up in Diamond Tiara's little drama. She can read about my relationship with Princess Celestia in the newspaper someday, I don't really care, but I wanna tell my friends." Twilight smiled, nuzzled my muzzle, and said, “I’m proud of you Star!” I nuzzled back and said, “Thanks Twily.” I was certain of my decision. “Get some sleep, okay?” Twilight said, as she tucked me in and gave me my Strawberry and Flurry. I nodded as I took Flurry’s ear in my mouth, and Twilight began to sing the song I’d heard so many times before. My eyelids got heavier and heavier until they just closed and I fell asleep. I woke up with an upset stomach, and I knew what it meant, my protection felt wet, but staying in bed would be a step too far for me. I wondered if I was getting better or if I had to call Twilight. I sniffed, and I still had a stuffed nose, but my head didn’t feel as heavy as earlier, but still not normal, so I guessed I was good to get down to the bathroom. I threw the duvet to my side and lay Strawberry on the inner side of the bed. Still with Flurry’s ear in my mouth, I jumped down from my bed and headed for the door. It was surprisingly easy to walk with Fluffy as I still had her ear in my mouth. As I reached the door I gently opened it and looked out, Twilight sat by her desk reading. “Umm… Wello?” I gently said. Spike’s head poked out from the kitchen, saw me, and said, “Hey Star, are you feeling better?” I nodded, took Flurry’s ear out of my mouth, and said, “A lot, but I have to go to the bathroom.” Spike laughed a little bit, “I’m sure you’re allowed to do that, Twilight is also in her zone at the moment, so it will take time to get her back to us again.” I giggled a bit, feeling that my throat was much better, “You’re right Spike.” I smiled, lay Flurry next to my door, and headed to the bathroom. After I threw the diaper out, I did my business like a grown filly, washed my hooves, and walked back to my room. I wasn’t sure what Spike was making, but it smelled delicious. I suspected it wasn’t dinner, it smelled much too sweet for that, almost like cake, or at least something like that. After I entered my room with Flurry, I closed the door and knew I needed a new diaper to sleep again, but I believed it was unnecessary as I wasn’t tired anymore. I looked around my room for something to do, then as I spotted the silver moon ball I got from Luna, and as I felt fine, I decided to practice my magic some more. I focused my magic and got a faint glow around the silver moon ball, but it wasn’t long until a pinch in my head began and I ended my magic lesson, while I was disappointed over the short time I could use magic, it made sense as I was still a little bit sick, at least my sense of smell was back, so I decided to take it easy and hugged Flurry and took a picture book out and looked it through. Gentle knocks tapped on my door and as I looked up Twilight opened my door, the smell of food hit me like a train and I got up asking, “Dinner??” Twilight nodded softy, “But first, let me take your temperature, we don’t want Spike to catch your fever.” I nodded, but asked, “Is Spike able to get the Chaos Flu?” She gently placed the thermometer in my mouth and answered, “He's not, for some unknown reason, only ponies of the three tribes were infected.” That was strange, but maybe it’s something to do with genes or stuff, I decided not to let it get to me and as the beep was heard Twilight said my temperature was down and it was most likely safe to be in the same room as Spike. As we ate we got the letter back from Celestia, alongside the ticket, mentioning I needed it to get to her at the time of the gala, and also when I should arrive, but a chariot would pick me up in the Ponyville square around early noon. After that was sorted and dinner was eaten I decided to go to bed so I would be ready for tomorrow, Twilight agreed and as Spike took care of the table, Twilight helped me get protection on and helped me into my hoofed pajamas as I was cold and it was cute and I looked cute in it. Soon Twilight and I lay in my bed and I snuggled into her soft fur and as she sang her hoof stroked my mane until I fell asleep.