> stranded. > by sunshim_13 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Trip > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anon’s POV Have you ever been lost before? Just lost out in the middle of nowhere with no one else but your friends by your side? You probably don’t even know the definition of being stranded out in the woods. Believe me it actually happened to me and my friends about a year ago, but if you wanna know the worst part... We weren’t alone. It was just a ordinary morning out in Canterlot City. I was sharing an apartment complex with Sunset Shimmer since I had problems keeping up with the expensive rent in my old home. And before you jump the gun and ask, yes she’s my girlfriend so no need for personal questions or imagining some cheesy romance flick. I just opened my eyes and woke up, looking at my surroundings only to see that Sunset was not right beside me. I got up from the bed and walked down the stairs that led up to it only to see Sunset sitting on her couch dressed in her normal clothing beside some fresh clothes picked out for me. “Good Morning Anon,” Sunset says as she smiles at me. “You didn’t even wake me up?” I chuckled as I then started to stretch. Sunset got up from the couch and handed me my clothes. “I was going to, but you looked so cute when you’re asleep,” she slightly stood on her tippy toes and gave me a peck on the cheek. “So are you ready for the trip this weekend?” “Sure thing. We have fun with this sort of thing every year Sunny,” I say as we both smile and we gave each other a kiss on the lips. I went to the bathroom to change out of my pajamas and into my regular clothing. After I came out, Sunset and I packed some of our things and then we just waited until about 10:30 for the trip to the Everfree Forest. We were simply just gonna be driving a RV rental and park somewhere that’s not too far down the forest. You would probably say that it’s a bad idea to go there, but we’ve been there 4 times each year and nothing bad happened... at least not until this year. After Sunset and I were completely ready to go we got in the RV we rented. I put the keys in the ignition and turned them and the vehicle turned on and I started to drive away from our apartment complex. Meanwhile we were going to pick up Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Twilight. "It's too bad Timber can't come along this year," Sunset says in disapointment. "Yeah... But I do hope he does have a blast on his trip to Europe though," I say as Sunset nodded at me and she pulled out her phone to call Rainbow Dash to let her know that we were going to her place to pick her up along with Fluttershy. Minutes after we arrived at Dashie's house and both her and Fluttershy just walked out of the house with their bookbags and suitcases. They put up their luggage by opening doors on the side of the RV so the vehicle itself can actually carry the bags on the way. Both of the girls got in the RV and we were on the way once again to pick up Twilight. “This is a nice RV you got here,” Rainbow Dash complimented the look of the RV as she walked up to Sunset and I. “Thanks, it’s a rental so we only get this for about three or four days,” I explained. “Well we still got nice ride, right Fluttershy?” Rainbow asks and grabs Fluttershy’s attention. “I’ll think it’s..... kinda nice,” Fluttershy says a little bit quietly but still audible for us to hear. “I just called Twilight” Sunset says as she just got off the phone. “She’s still waiting for us outside of her house” she informs us. “Well it shouldn’t take to long to get there, about 10 minutes or so,” I informed them as I just took a turn. It took a little while to get to Twilight’s house but we finally made it there and stopped in front of her home. Twilight had just put her bags up and then got inside then RV. After that we were on our way to the Everfree Forest. I drove away from Twilight’s house and then we began to head out for our trip to the Forest. “Well this gonna be a fun trip, sorry if Timber couldn’t make it though,” Twilight says in a neutral tone as she walks around the RV for a bit. “It’s ok Twi. I’m sure he’s having fun over in Europe,” Sunset replies. “So how long until we get there?” “Should be about 55 minutes to an hour tops,” Twilight informs us as I start to drive out of Twilight’s neighborhood. Rainbow Dash’s POV I was just playing on my Nintendo Switch to try and at least kill some time while we were going to the Everfree Forest. I was just playing another match of that Rocket League game and I was already done with it, and won it with a last second shot because I’m just that awesome. I turned off my game and put it in my book bag as I just started to chill. I just started to looked around wondering if any action could strike at any moment. As I looked around I see Fluttershy watching some videos on pandas or something on her phone. I had nothing else to do so I figured why not have a little fun with her. “Hey ShyShy,” I called her by the nickname I gave her as I put my hands on her shoulders. She started to blush and she was instantly flustered at my touch. “oh... Hey Dashie,” she manages to say in her soft voice. “So what’cha doing?” I asked her as she shows me a video of a panda. “I was just watching this cute little panda,” Fluttershy replies. “Cool. But do you know who else is cute,” I asked and she blushes knowing my answer already, but she’s asks anyways. “Who?” she asks in a soft tone. I put my hands under Fluttershy’s armpits and started to tickle her as she started to giggle in the process. “S.... hee-hee-hee.... stop it...” I refused to stop, she was so cute when she giggles like that. “Tell me who’s the cutest girl in the world and maybe I’ll stop,” I said as I chuckled a bit myself. Fluttershy giggles like a cute little child that gets ticklish. “I... I am,” she managed to say between giggles. “Who the cutest girl in the world?” I ask again as I stopped tickling her armpits. “You are Dashie,” Fluttershy says as she kisses me on my cheek. “I swear you two are are the sweetest power couple,” Anon cuts in as Fluttershy giggles and then blushes. “Thank you, Anon,” Fluttershy replied to his comment as I kissed her on the cheek as she did to me. Anon’s POV By the time it reached the afternoon we’ve arrived at the Everfree Forest. As I drive I kept the RV on the path so we don’t get lost to soon. Before we knew it we see the path leading up to a place where we see a couple of benches to sit on in a circle that’s big enough to park the RV on the side. “Alright guys, we’re here,” I said as I put the parking brakes on. All of us got out of the RV and we just looked around the spot. “This is Awesome, maybe Bigfoot could come around here and we could get a picture,” an excited Rainbow Dash says as she sits down on one of the benches. “Easy there hotshot, you’ll get a photo op ‘if’ he shows up,” I replied in a somewhat sarcastic tone. “Well I guess we should find some wood for a bonfire,” I suggested. “What’s that?” Sunset asked as she points to what looks like a piece of ripped paper under the leg of bench “Was that there before?” I asked. “I would’ve remembered if that was there last year... or the year before that,” Twilight adjusted her glasses. Rainbow and I lifted the bench so Twilight get the paper up from under there. Twilight examines the paper only to have a confused expression when she looks at the one side of it. “So what does it say,” Sunset asks. Twilight would then turn the paper over to where we can see that it said something..... written in completely dried blood it said ‘You Shouldn’t Be Here’. “That’s weird,” I commented. “and..... kinda scary.” Fluttershy says really quietly in a concerned tone as she hides behind Rainbow Dash. “Ok maybe it’s not bad,” Sunset says. “Someone’s probably bullshiting us or something,” “Exactly, there’s always a rational explanation for this, maybe someone just left it lying around to prank us,” Twilight agreed with Sunset’s statement. “Well we should probably make a bonfire Me and Sunset will find some wood,” I said as Sunset and I went out to get wood for the fire. “I honestly hope nothing bad happens to us,” Fluttershy says. In The Nighttime It has been hours since we arrived here in the Everfree Forest. It was about 9:00 pm according to my watch. Everyone was having a good time so far. Rainbow Dash, Twilight, and Fluttershy were just taking a couple pictures on Twilight’s phone. As for Sunset she was just coming out of the RV getting her phone. I was just sitting around eating a heated marshmallow still thinking about that weird note. “Hey Anon,” Sunset sits right beside me as she kisses me on the lips and then smiles. “Still thinking about that random note?” “Yeah, it’s just that I’m worried... I know someone might be BS’ing us with a stupid note, but what if it’s not? We if we might be in deep shit or something like that?” Sunset sets her phone down on the bench and puts her hands on my shoulders and massage them a little. “Then we’ll face it head on... Look, me and my friends dealt with this stuff before... well... including Me and Twilight becoming complete she-demons, facing against three sirens, battling one that found power from magical geodes just to protect a forest, finding a memory stone, and finally stoping a person who’s internet famous teleporting people into a white room with her phone,” Sunset says as I cocked an eyebrow when she listed the things that happened before. “Well... that’s a mouthful,” I joked. “Yeah, we basically did a lot... but no matter what we need to stick together... I’m sure we’ll figure it out,” “You’re right... Thanks Sunset, I really needed that,” I say as the both of as kissed each other’s lips. “Hey, you guys wanna get in the photo?” Rainbow asked us as we just nodded. We all got together to the group photo as Twilight takes the pictures on her phone. 1.5 Hours Later The five of us decided to call it a night and we all went back to the RV. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy took a shower together first to save water. Then Twilight went in while Sunset and I went in together last. We all got our suitcases so we can get in our PJs. We stayed up for a little longer and then we all got in our sleeping bags and went to sleep. And That’s where things start to get a little more..... mysterious. > Day 1: .....we’re lost > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset’s POV I have to say, me and my friends have faced a lot of stuff that dealt with magic before but this situation was just too random. But hey I guess random things just come and go I guess. Well I guess none of you will believe this but whatever, we were all there so you can call us out whenever you want, it doesn’t change the fact that you never experienced what we experienced. It was about 8:00 in the morning and all of us were still asleep at the time. I’m not that much of an early bird but these are one of the times I would get up at that time. As I got I stretched out a little bit and yawned as I went in the bathroom to wet my face a bit. I figured that I wasn’t even going to change yet so I thought that I should just chill outside for a while. I went to the door and opened it to exit the RV. As soon as I opened the door and went outside I screamed, waking everybody up in the process. I instantly went back inside of the RV and shut the door behind me as my heart was just pounding to the point where it was just gonna rip itself out and run away. “Sunset... what’s going on,” Anon asked as I took a second to just breathe. "Are you ok? what happened? ....and why are our paper plates and plastic forks on the floor?" Twilight said as I looked down and saw the plates and forks Twilight was talking about. "Yeah me and Sunset got plates and forks since the RV came with a stove... they must've fallen out of the cabinets some how,” Anon explained as I took a while to calm down and started to speak. "Ok... don't freak out... but you might want to look outside." "Why?" Rainbow Dash asks. "You'll see," I say as I opened the door to go outside and the others followed me and stepped out of the RV. "Whoa," everyone says in disbelief as they look around only to see lots of trees and maybe bushes surrounding us and the RV. All of us realized that there’s no trail for us to follow to get back to civilization, which meant that we are lost in the middle of the forest. “Uhh.... Where the heck are we?” Rainbow Dash asked me as she looks around the area. “We’re still in the Everfree Forest..... it’s just in the middle of..... well no where but the forest,” I answered. “So we’re..... lost?” I didn’t say anything to Fluttershy but I gave a slightly slow nod. “But how did we get here to begin with? we were still on that trail last night and the parking brakes were on,” Anon says as he was trying to think about how the RV ‘allegedly’ moved but couldn’t be able to explain. Even Twilight couldn’t be able to think of something which always surprises me since she’s usually the smart one. “Well maybe for starters we should check our supplies,” Twilight suggested as we all nodded to that idea. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Twilight went inside the RV to check to see if we still have our book bags and some food while Anon and I stayed outside to check the suitcases. “So...” Anon starts to speak. “So...?” I asked. “I guess we’re lost in the Everfree Forest?” “Yeah I found that pretty obvious,” I giggled a little nudged Anon in the arm a bit. “So what now?” Anon asked as I only took a little while to try and answer. But the more I try to come up with an answer, the more I come empty-handed. “I honestly don’t know... I never thought I would have to deal with something like this,” I said I pulled out one of the suitcases out. “I’d say that this might be horror movie but I don’t think it’s made yet,” Anon jokingly said as I cocked an eyebrow while I was still smiling at him. “Look, it’s like you said last night, we’ll get through this... we can just face any problem head on,” I giggled as he just quote the conversation we had last night. “You really like turning my own words against me huh?” I started to let out a laugh as I said that. “It doesn’t matter if it’s your words or mine. You know you like it,” Anon teases me as he wrapped his arms around my waist. “I guess I do,” I kissed Anon on the lips. Later on Anon and I would pull out all of our luggage as the others came out of the RV when they were finished checking the inside. “We still have some food in one of the two cabinets,” Twilight informs us. “Our book bags are still in there too,” Rainbow Dash says. “So... what now?” Fluttershy says nervously. “Maybe we could try starting up the RV?” Twilight suggested. “Where are the keys?” Anon and Twilight then goes into the RV to get the key. The rest of us just decided to wait for them to try out the RV. After waiting a minute Twilight and Anon comes out of the RV only to shake their heads, telling us that the RV doesn’t seem to be working. “Should we explore the forest?” I asked as the others just exchanged glares and then just nodded at the idea. “Let’s not split up though,” Rainbow Dash suggested us as we all looked at her in confusion. “Um... why is that?” Anon asks to which I wished he hadn’t. “One, because you’ll need all the help from the one and only. Two, no one is touching my Fluttershy. And Three, the first one to leave is more than likely to get killed off first. Don’t even ask about the second,” Rainbow explained her reasons and to my surprise I wanted to ask about the third reason. “First of all that’s appreciated, Secondly I’m not gonna ask, and Thirdly you’ve been watching too many horror movies,” Anon replies. “You’ll never know if watching too many horror movies is gonna save your life some day,” Rainbow Dash said as the five of us started walking. Twilight’s POV I have to say, I’ve come across lots of weird things in terms of magic or any other science mysteries that are yet to be solved. This was definitely one I couldn’t explain and I hate how that happens. Anon did in fact put the parking brakes on the RV so there’s no way it could’ve rolled away. All it’s almost physically impossible for even at least 4 people to push an RV all the way out in this distance. Me and my friends were only walking for approximately 15 minutes or so and we were mostly silent for the whole time. "Should we turn back?” I asked since we’ve only been walking for a while. “Probably... we wouldn’t want to go out to far,” Sunset said as we agreed and then we turned around to walk back to the RV. “Sunset?” I called her as she falls back to talk to me. “So how long till we get out this forest?” I asked in a quiet voice so the others won’t be able to hear us. “I would give ourselves 3 to 4 days tops,” Sunset guesses. We all kept walking back to the RV until Anon heard something. “Did you hear that?” Anon says as heard the sound of a small stick being stepped on. “Actually I did hear that,” Rainbow Dash said. “I don’t think I heard anything,” Fluttershy says in concern as she felt like she was being jumpscared. All of us started to look around to see if someone was following us. As I look around I caught a random figure in my peripheral vision. I started to look directly at the figure only to see a person in a far distance trying to sprint towards us. “RUN!!!” I shouted out as I started to sprint as fast as I could as the others quickly ran with me. “Twi, what did you see?” Sunset asks me while we’re still running like our lives depended on it. “Not what... WHO?” I corrected. “Run now, Talk later,” Rainbow Dash called out. Meanwhile all five of us one by one finally arrived to the same spot that we were stranded in with the RV. The five of us got tired of running all the way back here and we took a moment to catch our breaths. “Twilight who did you saw?” Anon asked me between taking breaths. “I saw a person..... I swear that he/she was running directly to us,” I say as my heart rate started to slow down to its normal state. “That was too scary,” Fluttershy said as she almost cried, trying to hold back her tears. Rainbow Dash tries to calm her down as some of us looked around to see if we lost that person that was chasing us. “Should we try the RV again?” Anon asked. “It didn’t work the first time but I guess we can try again,” we all nodded at Sunset’s comment as the five of us made sure we still had all of our stuff and we put all of our suitcases back inside the small doors of the RV so we won’t have to take them inside. As we all got inside the vehicle I closed the door behind us. “Hopefully this works,” Anon says as he tries to start up the RV. This time it actually worked. The five of us were taken by surprise and remained speechless. “Wha......but...... how?” I say as I couldn’t find the right words since my mind isn’t able to process this. “Drive Now, Questions Later!” Rainbow Dash called out as Anon starts to drive. There were many trees but it wasn’t that many for us to be stuck in one spot. After about 10 minutes of traveling we all seemed to have settled down, despite still being lost in the woods. That encounter with that mysterious person left me with so many questions in which I haven’t even came close to an answer. Who was that person? Why was he or she chasing us? What was that person doing here in the middle of the Everfree Forest? More importantly, How in absolute hell did the RV just randomly got back to working again after the first time we tried it? After a little while longer Anon just stopped driving and then shuts down the RV. “Ok....... what in the absolute shit was that?” Anon says as his hands covers his face. “I could’ve sworn that I saw a person who was running towards us,” I explained. “I looked back while we were running, she’s right,” Sunset agrees. “I know who it could be,” Rainbow Dash says as we all knew what she was gonna say. “I swear if it’s Bigfoot,” Anon says while irritated. “Well..... nevermind now,” Rainbow Dash says. “Do you know who that was?” Anon asked as I just shook my head. “All I know is that the person was wearing all black but I was unable to see the face. Even if I were to see the person’s face I would’ve seen him or her within a 15–20 feet radius,” I explained. “...and in English that means...” “It means I could only see a person in black but I couldn’t see a single detail of his face..... you never studied,” I explained to Rainbow Dash. “Hey I still passed,” She says as I face-palmed myself. “It was a 67 in Science class you barely passed with a D+” I argued. “Doesn’t matter, still passed,” Rainbow says as she just stood up and went to the bathroom. “So what do we do now?” Fluttershy asked as the four of us exchanged looks. “Well the next thing to do is to find a way out of this forest,” Sunset says. We all nodded. “Well it looks like we’re on our own for this one, especially since we have no service in here to call for help,” Anon explains as Rainbow Dash opens the door and comes out of the bathroom. “So..... should we go for a hike or something?” Rainbow Dash says as all nodded. “This time we should be more careful with our surroundings,” We all got out of the RV and then we started to put for a walk. I wish Timber was here. I thought to myself as the five of us started walking. I was gonna say the “thing” but I kept my mouth shut since it’s typical for someone jinx it once it’s said. I know I don’t really believe in jinxes..... but now I’m not even sure. > Flashback #1 [Interlude] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fall 1814 “Heh... I didn’t think you would want some sort assembly line factory out in the middle of nowhere,” a man in 19th century clothing says to his boss as he chuckled a bit. “Hey you must go through some risks if you want to have a successful business... Someday this here factory will Revolutionize the entire world... each and every country, city, colonies, just about everyone will see how this could change the way we work Misty,” the man says to his apprentice as he holds up a map that leads to the Everfree Forest and going to the direction they needed to go to. “Once the war is over we start on our little project of ours Sunfall?” Misty asked. “Yes, if we don’t make history here then we might as well be damned,” Sunfall says as they have just arrived at the spot. “This is it. This place had lots of cut down trees 20 years back, so it should be big enough to build the assembly line,” he explained as he rolls up the map and puts it in his coat. “Well I guess this is where we will build?” Misty asks. “Yes,” Skyfall answered. Hours later Meanwhile Skyfall and Misty went back to the town as the sun was starting set. “We start to build right after the war, but for now I need to work out some of my finances, I’ll it’s a good thing I have you,” Skyfall said only to look at his concerned partner, apprentice, and more importantly his friend. “Actually I’m not gonna be around here for a while,“ Misty explains. “Well... why not?” “I’ve been called to go fight in one of our battles... I’m afraid this might be the last time I’ll ever see you again,” he says as Skyfall frowns a bit in reaction. “Misty...” “Yes?” “I’ll wish you luck,” Skyfall says to him with a little bit of depression in his voice. “You may be just an apprentice for other people but you have always been a great and loyal friend to me for god knows how long,” he says as he puts his hand on Misty’s shoulder. “I promise if I survive... Then I’ll see you on the other side of the war,” he said. “I’ll see you on the other side of the war,” Skyfall says as he and Misty say their goodbyes to each other. > The Abandoned Factory (Pt. 1) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anon’s POV It was only an hour or about an hour and a half until the afternoon. We decided to go out for a hike again but only this time we have to be ready for just about anything that would try to attack us. We’ve been walking for about a while now, only 30 minutes this time around, but it mostly felt like 2 whole hours to an eternity of walking around in a forest. After that the five of us just turned back to go back to spot where the RV was sitting at. Since it only took us half an hour of walking it took us the same amount of time to get back to the RV. After we got back to the spot the RV was already parked in. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Sunset went inside the RV to try and see what food we still have left and chose at least something for each of us to eat for lunch or something, while Twilight and I decided to get everyone’s suitcases out from the the side of the RV. We decided that we might as well leave our suitcases in the vehicle since so we don’t have to go back and forth to put them back in or take them out. After that we just decided to eat for a little bit and then we decided that I’m gonna drive the RV again to see if we can get the hell out of this forest. Meanwhile I was driving the RV again around the forest, to which the vehicle still works when we tried the engine two times prior to being stranded out here. Rainbow and Fluttershy was asleep while Sunset and Twilight just sat at the table while looking at their phones to either see if they could get service or to play some free offline games or something. I’ve been driving us around for about an hour or so and the five of us mostly kept quiet the whole time. There was some conversation from time to time at least, but otherwise it wasn’t really that much talk between us. After a while I just continued to drive but I was only gonna keep going for a few more minutes. But right when I was about to come to a full stop, I saw a spot that was completely wide open. The spot was huge and lots of trees were cut down and then that’s where I saw some type of a two story building. “.....woah” I said as I felt like I was just taken by surprise and I was left speechless by the view of the place. “What?... What is it?“ Sunset said as I felt like I was in a state of shock. “You guys might wanna have a look at this,” Sunset and Twilight came up to the front to see for themselves. Apparently they became shocked by the view of this too. Soon Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash would wake up suddenly. “What are you guys ‘woahing’ about?” Rainbow Dash asked as she then stretches and starts to walk up to the front and would soon be shocked also when she sees the view. Fluttershy would come up to us sooner and would also be surprised by this setting. All five of us were left speechless to the point where we felt like someone took away our own breaths. “Is that some type of big store or assembly line or... well something?” I asked as I just tried guessing what’s inside the two-story building. “Wait a minute... I read this in the history books before,” Twilight says as she adjusted her glasses a bit. “egghead“ Rainbow Dash whispered to making front of Twilight’s intelligence and Twilight herself just ignored what she just whispered. “What do you mean?” Sunset asked. “Someone named Skyfall actually designed this and he ran a business of a single factory out here back in the 1800s,” Twilight explained to us, though I’m pretty sure that Dash wouldn’t want a history lesson. “You’re basically saying that someone in this entire world would want to build some sort of factory out in the middle of a forest?” Sunset asked just to summarize what’s Twilight was practically saying. “Yes, I believe it was during the War of 1812, Skyfall would build this factory here in 1816 and he marked his legacy to the Industrial Revolution, but this building had been abandoned after they run out of business and haven’t been used since 1929,” Twilight explains how this abandoned factory came to be. “Didn’t think we be in a situation and yet Twi would still manage to turn it into a history lesson,” Dash joked. “Never studied,” Twilight said. “Still passed,” Rainbow replies. I decided to park the RV right beside the building as I then shut it off when I took the keys out the ignition. “So what now?” I asked. “Check out a cool abandoned place that’s in the middle of nowhere,” Rainbow Dash says but then Fluttershy got her attention and she whisper in her girlfriend’s ear. “...as long as there’s somewhat lots of light involved,” Rainbow finishes. “Hang on Rainbow,” Sunset says. “We can’t just waltz In there without knowing what’s going on currently.” “Well... maybe this can be something that gets us back to Canterlot City,” Rainbow tries to persuade us though she was mostly improvising. “How will an abandoned two-story building help us with this mess?” Sunset said. “It won’t, I was trying to be optimistic,” she says as she basically admitting to being stumped at that point. “Well we have to be careful, we don’t know who or what could be in there,” Twilight suggests. “It could be... that mysterious person that chased us“ Fluttershy says nervously in a somewhat lower tone. “Well all we need are some flashlights and probably some of our lanterns,” I said. “And they should have plenty of battery power to last a long time so we should be good for now,” Sunset added. “Maybe we should wait a little while longer and then we’ll go inside to search the place,” After that we all agreed though Rainbow Dash was reluctant on the wait. Fluttershy’s POV I guess I’ll tell you my perspective of this whole thing... Only if you’re fine with it though. As Sunset said, we all agreed to wait later on and then we could search the abandoned factory. I was feeling a little queasy since I don’t like dark places. Sure you would say that it’s dark in my room at night when I go to sleep but that’s different since my room is not a really really huge place that feels like an eternal darkness. But I’m able to have a little boost in confidence because of Dashie. She has always been there for when I needed her the most, and I’ve always been there for her too. Before we left for this trip she swore to me that she would never let anything happen to me. All five of us, after a few hours, exit the RV and went over to the front of the building and then search inside from there. The entrance we came across didn't have any doors at all, or not anymore at least. When we entered the factory, we turn all of the flashlights on while Sunset and Twilight hold the lanturns we packed. We walked around to investigate the place but we all stayed together just in case. "I honestly wonder if we have to have a warrent to search a dead guy's business place, probably get sued," Anon joked as Sunset playfully nudged him in the arm. "Highly unlikely since the one who built this died in 1854," Twilight says. The building was huge as it was just about pitch black though some of the places that had windows around the factory sheds a little bit of light when it was still daytime. The factory was two floors and it seemed to look like the second floor only cover up half of the first one just about. “Should we get upstairs?” I asked. “Probably best to stay down here a little longer,” Twilight suggested as we walk around the building. We were only walking around for about 10 minutes or so, then we were about to head upstairs. But as we were about to take the first step on the stairs we heard a loud noise. “What was that?!!!” > The Abandoned Factory (Pt. 2) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy’s POV (cont.) “Should we get upstairs?” I asked. “Probably best to stay down here a little longer” Twilight suggested as we walk around the building. We were only walking around for about 10 minutes or so, then we were about to head upstairs. But as we were about to take the first step on the stairs we heard a loud noise. “What was that?!!!” I yelled out as I jumped into Rainbow Dash’s arms and she quickly caught me. “Came from behind us,” Anon said as we looked behind us. “It sounded like a door slamming,” he explained as I just held on to Dash for protection. “I’ll go check,” Sunset says as she walks over to where the sound was made. She stands over there for only half a second and then makes her way back to us. “Well you’re right, it was a door slamming, it leads to another room but I don’t think there’s anything important in there.” “Well should we still go upstairs?” Rainbow Dash said as I just hoped we wouldn’t go up there. "Sure but we need to be careful up there, thankfullythe rails on the edge of the second story are still there," after that was said we all started to go up the stairs and Rainbow politely carries me up there since I was still shaken up a bit from earlier. "Rarity would definitely hate to come to this place," Sunset joked. "I would honestly take Rarity's side, mostly because it's a little spooky," I say as I held on to Dashie a bit closer as she carries me. By the time all five of us got to the second floor I let go of Dashie as she puts me back on my feet. I still held her hold not wanting to let go as I held my flashlight in my other hand. We all walked around the second floor as we just looked around. "Say, where does that door lead to?" Anon questions as he points his flashlight towards another door. "My guess? it would most likely be an office," Twilight says. We all head towards the door that leads to another room as Anon puts his hand around the knob and turns it to open the door. As we look inside to see what was in there it turns out that it really an office. "Looks like you're right it is an office... or what's left of it anyways," Sunset says as the office room had nothing in it other than a desk and some old calendars they used in the 19th century along with a map of the country. "It looks like they haven't cleaned this office since the days of Al Capone," Anon says as we walked around the office. There were only two windows in the entire room and that's by the left and right sides of the desk, which only looks outside the office to watch a couple workers do their jobs or so... Honestly... it feels a bit intimidating. “Well... should we head out?” Sunset asks as we all nodded in response. “It’s not like there’s much in here anyways, let’s go back in the RV,” Anon says as we decided to go back downstairs and then exit out of the abandoned factory. Later on we just walked back to the RV until Rainbow Dash saw something in the distance when we got to the side of the building. Rainbow Dash’s POV I thought I saw something right ahead of us. It was some type of door covered up in vines, leaves, and branches and it was in the distance between other tall trees. “Is that a door... in the woods?” I said. “Rainbow there’s no way that there’s a...” I point towards the direction where the door is. Twilight was shocked to the point her jaw would’ve dropped to the ground like a cartoon character. “What’s that?” Sunset said. “I don’t know but I’m gonna check it out,” I would soon run over to the door I saw and I would slip out of Fluttershy’s hand. “Dash wait...” Twilight said as she followed me and then then the others started to follow. “Rainbow we can’t just go over there, we don’t even know what we’re dealing with,” Anon called out as I kept going. As I drew closer to the door I could see more of it until I could see what looked like some small storage house or whatever it is. The others tried to catch up to me after I stop in my tracks. By the time they caught up to me I opened the door and went inside. “Wait up RD we gotta stick together,” he said. I entered the small storage house only to see a staircase leading down somewhere. “Guys check this out, It’s some sort of staircase,” I tried to see where it would lead to so I used my flashlight and pointed it down the stairs. The others would’ve caught up by the to see what I’ve discovered. “Where does that lead too?” Sunset asked. “I don’t know but whatever it is I’m sure it’s worth exploring,” we all went down the stairs to see where it would lead to as Fluttershy hides right behind me. “This seems a little more like spelunking but with somewhat less dirt and minerals surrounding us”. “Spelunking Twilight?” I said. “It practically means to explore caves, though this doesn’t even qualify, not even close,” Twilight explained as we went farther down the stairs. Anon and Sunset turned the lanterns back on so it wouldn’t get too dark in here. A little while later the five of us would finally make it down the stairs into some type of big room that has a bunch of tables for some reason along with some type of special bar. “What the hell is this,” I asked as I was surprised about this sort of place. “Wait... I read about this, it’s some type of underground bunker probably,” Twilight explains. “This was built as an safe space after the construction of the factory, it’s supposed to be used at dire situations like a category five hurricane or to get through bad weather floods”. “Out of all the wonders of the world, this one takes the cake,” Sunset joked as we start to look around the place. Anon started to look at the counter of the bar. “I didn’t even think they would have a bar in an underground room... bunker thing,” Anon says as he jumps over the counter to look at some of the glasses or drinks. “It doesn’t look that bad... just a little dusty,” Twilight says as she sneezes from some of the hundred year old dust. The rest of us were just scattered around the room to see if there’s anything in here. So far we’ve found nothing. “Has anyone found anything cause so far there’s nothing I could find,” I asked. “Nope,” Twilight called back. “Nothing bizarre I could find,” Sunset replies. “Nothing too scary,” Fluttershy says nervously. “Well it doesn’t look like we’ll find much here, let’s get back to the RV,” Anon says as we all regrouped and head back upstairs. After we left the bunker we walked back to the RV. We checked all of our supplies only to see that we still have all of the stuff we have packed in our suitcases before we left for our..... well not so much of a trip. Soon it was nightfall and all of us are inside the RV in the same space we parked still. We all decided to stay here until the morning and then we can keep moving to see if we can make it back to Canterlot. Little did we know is that someone was watching us. I have a feeling that something or maybe someone is trying to keep us here.