Rarity's forgetful day

by Leafy

First published

A story filled with laffs. Your pretty much welcome!

Rarity keeps on forgetting everything, and it's outrageous!

Surn does not want in on this, but when it comes to friendship, It's his duty to, help I guess?

"I'm gonna regret this." :facehoof:

The first story of: The crazed adventures of Surn. Enjoy!

A really true forgetful day!

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It was another average day for Surn. Pretty much just the same. Walking down the sidewalk, doing nothing. obviously. You think that a person from another world would have something to do, right?


Surn had been hit in the head out of nowhere, casueing him to land on his bum.

"Owwwww..... That hurt. That's the fifth time this week!" He rubbed his hand over his forehead just for a little bit, then looked up, only to see the one person he wasn't hoping to see.


"Here we go again. What is it this time? Did you forget something again?" He said with a very and highly annoyed voice.

"Actually, yes I did. Would you be a-" She was cut short by Surn's voice.

"Darling an remind you of what did you forget? Sure! After all, it's gonna be a long list! For starters, your getting on my last nerves!"

Rarity was confused. She didn't knew how just asking what did she forgot annoying Surn? It just make's no sense!

"Surn, I was just asking what did I forgot. I wasn't trying to annoy you!"

"Right...... after asking the same thing every single day. Something is up. Your one of the most smartest people that can remember anything! This isn't you...." Surn's voice started to trail off as he was trying to process what to do.

"Hmm.... I have an idea, but your not gonna like it."

"Just tell me! I'll do anything!"


Surn had no choice, this was his only option. And he doesn't like only options.

"I spend the entire day with you, and see if that works."

"Oh goodies! I could always use an extra hand! Thank you Surn!"

Surn grumbled. "Whatev. Only doing this cause you keep forgetting your things!"

“So this is your place? I thought it would be much more....”


“The complete opposite! Your an organized person! Even your locker is organized!” Surn was in complete shock. Rarity was always reminding him to be clean, but this time it seems like he’s telling her to be clean!

“What? Never saw a girls room before?”

Now he was confused. He’s been to Fluttershy’s house before. She should know that! Unless....

“Now, I’m gonna give you a set of instructions, and your gonna follow what I say. Got it?”

“No darling, can you repeat that?”

Surn was at his limit. This was insane! Surn couldn’t keep up with Rarity’s nonsense, and thus, had blown up.

“That does it! I’m out! Come to me when you remember things! Goodbye!

Rarity was concerned about- well, Surn. Was she stressing him out? Or was she asking him too much? I mean, it’s just a reminder. What’s so bad about that? If only Surn told her what was bugging him...

The next day, Surn was ready to experience the exact same thing. Rarity was gonna come to his house, and ask him what did she forget. Or, that's what he thought....

Surn was walking towards his door, when he realized that something was off. Rarity was nocking on his door..... which means......

"FINALY! FREEDOM! YES!" He ran out his door happy and proud, and continued on with his normal day, which he was yearning for this day. Counting every single day-

That was cut short when he heard a really familiar voice....

Rarity's voice.

He was then woken up from a cold sweat, ending his dream. It was fun for him while it lasted. But there was one thing he wanted to know.

"How did you get into my house?! Rarity! You don't sneak into a man's house! That's.... just wrong! Downright wrong!"

Rarity wasn't paying attention to what Surn was saying. She was too busy trying to process what in the world Surn was saying. She didn't understand one word Surn was saying!

"Uh.... what are you talking about Surn? How did I get your house? I just walked into your house. Nothing more or less darling." Rarity said with understanding in her voice.

"That makes no sense. There is no way you walked into my house through the door! It was locked! That is impossible!"

"Yes, yes it does! I make perfect sense!"

"I told you, that makes no sense! How does it make sense? There is no way you got in here! The door was locked!"

After hours of arguing, Rarity and Surn got to a point where they agreed that this was getting out of hand. If they continued, where were they going to get? Nowhere!

"You know what, Let's just stop. This is getting us nowhere." Surn said, attempting to stop the madness going on.

Rarity nodded. "Your right darling. This is making no sense. If we continue, what will happen?"

"Your right. We should stop."

"If only you could remember the things you need to do...."

Rarity nodded. There had to be a way to end this once and for all.

"Hey Rarity, have you been sleeping at all? Do you even get tired?" Surn asked.

"No.... Last I slept was.... I believe last month."

Surn's jaw dropped. Since last month?! That was insane! There is no way one person can't sleep for over a month! Surn tried once before, and he failed. Hard. If he couldn't do it, how did Rarity do it?

"Well that's it! You need to sleep! Your brain is on shutdown, and you can't even think!"

Rarity had to agree, she hasn't slept since Sweetie Belle's birthday, and she was feeling a bit dead on the inside....

"Your right. I do need to sleep. I would love to..." She then falls on Surn's bed, falling into a nice, deep sleep....

A month later, Rarity was wide awake, awaking from her nice slumber. Surn had just returned from another normal day, only to come to Rarity awake.

"So, how do you feel?"

"I feel.... alive! I remember everything now! Even that one time when-" She was cut off short by Surn's voice.

"Okay! That's enough! No more of that!"

Surn was happy to see that Rarity was her self again. Another happy ending!

"So! Now what was I gonna do....."
