> A Dazzling Hope > by Northguard > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Stranger > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sound of a heated argument rang through the alleyway. These could be heard ever since the battle of the bands ended. The three sirens-turned-humans were constantly at each other's throats now, at least two of them, the third was usually crying during the arguments and would usually otherwise stay silent in an attempt to keep the tension as cool as possible. Although it didn't save her from being berated by insults from the others, it did keep her safe from physical wounds. Aria and Adagio were in the middle of a 'he said/she said' like argument as Sonata sat a few meters away, watching people pass by as she looked back at her sisters arguing with tears in her eyes. She wanted nothing more than to see them smile for once. Smile genuine smiles of happiness and laugh with her. Seeing them like they were now crushed her heart, even though they didn't realize it because they were too busy keeping their pride intact. Pride. What an awful word. Pride was what kept them out in the cold. Pride was the reason they suffered. Pride was the reason for their downfall. Everything was because of their stupid pride. Sonata had stopped caring about her pride so long ago, but the other two weren't like her. They wouldn't swallow their pride even if their very lives depended on it. If they had to choose between her and their pride, they would've chosen their pride and she knew it. Even though she had tried to tell them that their pride was the problem it would always lead to her sisters blaming her, and her alone, for their loss. Her tears ran freely down her cheeks as she buried her face in her hands. Just as she was about to cry, a smell filled her nostrils. Cutting her sobs short she sniffed the air and as if her stomach realized it before her brain did, a low rumble came from it a second before she recognized the smell. "Girls?" she said just loud enough to catch her arguing sisters' attention. "What do you want Sonata?!" Aria said angrily. "Do you smell that?" she asked, completely ignoring Aria's angry tone. "What are you talking about, you-" she stopped herself as the same smell crept into her nostrils as well. "Y-yeah, I do. Adagio? Do you smell that?" she said and looked towards her other sister. Adagio was also sniffing the air as she caught the scent too. "Yes. That smells like-" "Stew? Well, that's because that's exactly what it is." an unknown voice said at the opening of the alleyway. The three girls looked up to see a woman pulling a cart with a pot, bowls, spoons and spice in it. She walked towards them with slow steps until she came up to Sonata. There she sat down and took the pot out of the cart, followed by a bowl and spoon that she gave to Sonata. She then opened the pot as steam came up from it, the smell of freshly made stew came at the sisters tenfold as the woman took hold of the handle of a ladle that was already in the pot. She brought it out of the pot filled to the brim with stew. The woman brought the ladle over to Sonata's bowl and poured the contents into it. Sonata looked at the woman with an uncertain look to which the woman answered by taking off her hood and smiling warmly. "Go on. I didn't make that for nothing," she said. Sonata slowly dipped her spoon into the stew and scooped up a few pieces of potato, carrot and beef. She brought the spoon to her mouth; she blew on it before closing her mouth around it. The reaction was immediate. Sonata's eyes widened as numerous flavours exploded in her mouth. After a slow and suspenseful wait, Sonata swallowed the spoonful and a smile made itself known as she took another spoonful, and another, and another. "Aria! Dagi! You HAVE to try this! It's soooo good!" she said as she continued eating. The two looked at each other before they slowly walked over to them. The woman smiled at them and pulled out two more bowls and spoons which she put down and filled with stew. The two girls sat down, picked up their respective bowls and carefully scooped up some stew and took a bite. A few minutes later all three girls were eating portion after portion as the woman chuckled. "I've never seen anyone eat so much, that fast," she said with a small smile Sonata finished up her third portion and looked at the woman with a questioning look. "And I've never seen you before. Who are you?" she asked as the woman refilled her bowl. "I'm just a normal woman that wanted to help you. I saw you searching around the trash for food a few days ago. So, I decided to find out where you lived so that I could help and that was this alleyway. I saw you were in need of food, clothes, a bath, and most importantly, a place to live. So, I made some food for you, and it looks like I was right." she explained as she refilled Aria's and Adagio's bowls. "Thank you, but...you do know who we are, right?" Adagio said before putting a spoonful of stew into her mouth. "Oh yeah, you're the three girls that tried to take over Canterlot High School through some evil singing magic. It was all over the news the day after." the woman explained. "Then why? Why would you help us?" Adagio asked as she brought another spoonful of stew to her mouth. "Because, unlike many other people in this town, I believe in second chances." the woman said soothingly "Except if you tried to blow up the planet," she added with a small chuckle. They spent the next few minutes eating in silence and soon the pot was empty. "Well, it was nice meeting you three." the woman said as she put the pot, bowls, spoons and spice back into the cart. "Hope I'll see you again," she said as she began to leave the alley. "WAIT!!" Adagio uncharacteristically shouted after the woman. She stopped and looked back at them as Adagio walked up to her and fell onto her knees. "Let us come with you. Please, we have nowhere to go." Adagio pleaded with tears forming in her eyes. Aria and Sonata watched wide-eyed at the sight. None of them could believe their eyes as Sonata leaned closer to Aria and whispered. "Do you see what I see? Did Dagi just swallow her pride?" she asked. "Think so. Either that or we've both gone crazy." Aria answered. "Why of course you can." the woman said as Adagio got to her feet again. "Follow me. It's not far," she said with a wave of her hand. "Thank you," Adagio said as the two other girls walked up to her. "You two idiots better keep your mouths shut about this!" she said and pointed at them, to which they lifted their arms defensively with shock still visible on their faces. "Good, now come on," Adagio said and followed the woman. "You're not really planning on keeping that secret, are you?" Sonata asked Aria. "What do you think? Of course not!" Aria answered as they followed the two in front of them.