Two shy people from two different worlds!

by Leafy

First published

Ken Midori and Fluttershy- what can go wrong?

Ken: A shy person with two muppets he talks with!

Fluttershy: Also a shy person as well, but loves animals!

When both of them meet, they have trouble talking to each other, but they have one thing in common.....

Ken and Fluttershy.

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It was another day at Canterlot high, and Fluttershy was sitting at her usual spot at lunch. She was enjoying both the noises of the animals.... and her lunch. Just the usual: a fruit salad. Nothing else, and nothing else. She enjoyed being by her self, but she only wished for one thing:

To meet someone with the same personality as her.

3...2...1.... Let it rip!

It was another usual day at Beygoma academy, with the guys just doing their usual practice session. Like every session, Valt was screwing up his launches, especially his new launch.

"Come on Valt! You got to do it right!" Honcho said.

"Can't you see I'm trying?!" Valt replied back. "It's not as easy as it looks!"

Ken was just watching in silence, in his usual spot. Ken was never one to talk with his voice all the time, just by using his puppets. Shu looked over at Ken to see him standing in his spot.

"Hey Ken. You okay?" Shu asked.

"Yeah... I am." Ken said in his usual low voice.

I wish I can meet someone just like me.

"Valt! Straighten out your act!"

"I'm trying!"

As Fluttershy was walking towards her house, She saw something strange in the alleyway. She saw a green light coming from the alleyway. So she walked over to the alleyway, with cation.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" Fluttershy asked.

Suddenly, a person carring two puppets came out from the alleyway, making Fluttershy scream a little.

"It's okay! You don't need to scream! I'm not a monster!" Ken said, trying to calm down Fluttershy.

"Wh- who are you, and how did you came to this world?!" Fluttershy asked, doing her best to maintain calm.

Ken sighed. "Let me introduce me self. I'm Ken Midori, and your right. I'm not from this world." Ken said.

Fluttershy returned to her shy and calm state. "Go on...."

"I come from a world where we have a thing called Beyblade. It's very popular, and everyone attempts to be the best! I only got so far.... But enough about me, now it's your turn."

"Oh? Right. My name is Fluttershy, and I'm from this world, but you already know that. Um..... I like animals, and I have my own animal shelter....." Fluttershy said.

Ken was getting intrested, but there was one thing he wanted to know. "Hey Fluttershy, do you have a bey?" Ken asked.

Fluttershy looked at Ken as if he had been living under a rock. "A bey? What's a bey?" Fluttershy asked.

Ken sighed. "Maybe we should talk someplace else. It's weird for us to talk in an alleyway."

"My house isn't that far, we can walk to my house." Fluttershy replied.

"Sure! Let's do that."

Later, the two of them have been chatting the night away like there's no one there, and found out a few things about them self's. The two of them are shy and have a hard time adjusting to new places.

"So, you change schools all the time?" Fluttershy asked.

Ken nodded. "I do it because my family travels and puts on a puppet show for others to see! Everyone loves our shows, so we do it once a year."

"That's cool! And about that thing you said..... Beys? What is a bey?"

"A bey? This is a bey!" Ken said as he brought out his bey: King Kerbeus. Fluttershy was amazed at Ken's bey. She had never seen anything like it! Although this was her first time seeing a bey, but it looked very cool!

"Ooh! That looks very cool! What's it called?" Fluttershy asked.

"My bey is called King Kerbeus! It's a defense type bey, and I have won many battles with it! Except my battle with Lui....."

"Lui? Who is that? He sounds mean!" Fluttershy said.

Ken put his head down. "He was my battle in the semifinals. I lost to him, and he just walked away from me without even complimenting me for my good battle skills! He only just wants to prove that he's better than others, and it's just not right!"

Fluttershy gasped. "Really? That's not very nice!"

"Yeah, but that's in the past! I'm a better blader then before, and I have a lot of new tricks up my sleeve!" Ken said with loads of confidence in his voice.

"Do you have friends back at your world?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yeah! Valt, Honcho, Daigo, Shu, Wakiya. Just to name a few."

Fluttershy nodded. "I also have friends here as well, such as Sunset, Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie and Rainbow. They are really nice, and I'm sure they would love to meet you!"

Ken smiled. I guess this world isn't that bad after all. Ken said to himself.

Ken is a really nice person for someone not from this world! I wonder if I had found a person just like me.... Fluttershy said to herself.

"Hey Ken? I was wondering, are you gonna stay here?" Fluttershy asked Ken.

"Oh! About that....."

"Guys! Guys!" Valt said while running towards the gang.

"What is it this time Valt? It better be good!" Wakiya said, irritated like usual.

"Ken's missing!"


"No way!"


"Valt, when was the last time you saw Ken?" Shu asked.

"Uh.... I thought he was with you?"

"No, I thought he was with Honcho."

"No, I thought he was with Dagio."

"Enough! We need to look for Ken. He could be anywhere!"

"Wakiya's right." Valt said. "We need to look for Ken. He could be looking for us!"

"So your saying your friends are looking for you back in your world?" Fluttershy asked.

Ken nodded. "Yes. And if I don't go back soon, they could be looking for me for hours! I have to find a way back!"

"Well.... there is one...."

15 min later.....

"This is the portal I was talking about. It can lead to other worlds. Or... at least that's what Pinkie told me." Fluttershy said.

Ken looked over at Fluttershy. "Hey.... thanks for helping me today. I finally found someone just like me."

Fluttershy blushed. "Th- thanks. Come and visit some time?"

"Sure thing! Till then, see you soon!" Ken said as he walked through the portal.

Goodbye Ken. See you soon!

Beygoma academy.

"No sign of Ken anywhere." Shu said.

"At this rate, I'm about to give up." Wakiya said, very tired from searching for ken.

"That wouldn't be nice would it?"

Valt aoi was the first person to recognize that voice. "Ken!"

"Hey guys! What did I miss?" Ken asked.

"For starters, we have been looking for you for hours." Daigo said.

"Yeah! Where did you even go?" Honcho asked.

Ken put on a sly smile. "A place you wouldn't believe me for....."