Playing Around

by Pentu

First published

Sunburst wakes up. The sun is coming along nicely. This is going to be a good day. Then he smells some smoke, and Starlight appears unexpectedly.

Sunburst has been working on a potion to improve his hearing. He thought he didn't listen to people because of shyness, but it looked like it was otherwise. When he wakes up, he thinks this it's going to be a good day. Until he smells smoke coming from his laboratory. And after putting down the fire, Starlight comes along. Surely this is just an innocent visit from his girlfriend, right? She might have other plans as well...

Warning: Foalcon, M/F

My first fic! Hope you like it!

Playing Around

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Sunburst opened his eyes. The birds were chirping away and the sun was slowly rising up in the sky. Princess Celestia was surely doing a great job today.

He leaned to his bedside table and put his eyeglasses on. While he was still sleepy, he felt way better than yesterday. He spent the whole night designing a potion to improve his hearing. He thought it was just shyness until he went to eat hayburgers with Twilight and her friends, only to realize his name was called over like 20 times and he still didn't notice anything.

Sunburst yawned and stretched his body. While doing it, he was wondering if he should check the potion before or after breakfast. After some minutes, he decided that the potion could wait. He had fresh eggs and some milk in the fridge.

Suddenly, he caught the faintest smell of smoke.

He immediately froze. And then grabbed his robes and rushed down to his laboratory. What he saw there didn't help. Nearly half of his laboratory was already in flames, and what was worse, there was no sign of the cauldron or the potion. Did they just disappear like that? No, that wasn't possible. It just wasn't logical.

He didn't have to wait much for an answer. While he went to get the hose, a horrible burping sound emerged behind him, and he found himself covered in green goo in less than a second.

Thankfully, the goo, that had come from the cauldron, was foamy enough that covered his whole laboratory, but now the fire had disappeared completely. Sunburst looked at the cauldron, now visible. Nothing remained on it, just its charred remnants and a strong smell of burned hair.

“Oh, come on… this promised to be a good day” he complained.

It looked like it was going to be one of those days. After cleaning the laboratory and removing most of the damage with a quick spell, he went upstairs to get some breakfast done. A small breakfast should do, since he had lost most of its appetite after the whole mess.

While going upstairs, Sunburst wondered if he had already returned that Guide to Make New Potions: Third Edition to the Cyrstal Empire Library. Maybe he should return it today, and write a letter to Twilight with some questions afterwards. Potion-making wasn’t his strong point after all. Definitely books were easier.

Arriving to the kitchen, he finally settled on a simple breakfast consisting of bread, butter and some milk. There was so much to do today, and he wanted to revise his notes so he could see what had gone wrong.

He was already drinking the last of the milk when he heard a knock on the door.

“Who could be this early?” Sunburst wondered.

He didn’t really want to receive anyone today. There was so much to do.

“Sunburst, are you there?! It’s me, Starlight!” a voice shouted.

A smile appeared on Sunburst’s face. Of course he would receive Starlight, even if it was in this kind of situation. She was her girlfriend after all. He opened the door with a quick horn movement.

“Sunburst! Hey, good morning! How are you do-”. She stopped and smelled the air. “Did something go wrong?” she asked curiously.

Starlight was gorgeous today. She wearing a jacket, a blouse and boots. There were still some sunny days, but autumn was coming he couldn’t blame her for wearing more clothes these days. And he liked her more this way.

“No, no, nothing big, just an experiment gone wrong” he answered nervously. “But it’s almost fixed now.”

“Oh, that’s nice to hear!” she answered while walking towards him and leaving her things on the table. “But what did you try to do?”

“Just a hearing potion.” He snorted. “Apparently I can’t hear well lately and I was wondering if a quick potion could fix that.”

“I don’t think a potion could fix it that easily… but that’s my opinion” she answered with a serious gaze. “They should not be used that easily.”

“Come on, Starlight! What are potions for then?”

“Well… they mostly have short term effects. Why not go to Zecora?” she asked looking at him.

That thought had never occurred to him. Of course, it was so obvious! But he lived in the Crystal Empire, and going down to Ponyville wasn’t that easy.

“Okay, okay, I’ll admit I never thought about it.” He looked at her. “And why you’re here?” said smiling at her.

“Are you telling me I cannot visit my boyfriend once in a while?” she said with a playful smile. “I’ve just come from Ponyville, and things are going nicely there. Not much is happening, besides me running the School of Friendship with Twilight. Oh, and counseling students, of course.”


“Then I’d like to spend a day just with you.” She leaned in his ear. “And do kinky things.”

They both looked at each other eyes. A second later, they were heading to his bedroom.


Sunburst looked at Starlight’s naked body. She was already laying in his bed, barely covering her pussy with the sheets, looking like a Venus. The mere sight of it made him very hard.

“Hard already, big boy?”

“Oh yes.”

“Then come for it.”

She dropped the sheets and this time, she was lying completely naked.

Sunburst walked slowly to the bed, and lying to Starlight’s side, he started to slowly kiss her. She started to moan, what made him even harder. Bits of precum were already dripping from his penis. Why not give it to her, right now? But he enjoying teasing, playing with her. Done correctly, foreplay was more enjoyable than just doing like animals.

“Oh, Sunburst…” she whispered slowly.

He stretched out his hoof and rubbed her tits slowly. So big and hard now. He squeezed one of them, just to hear a little squeal filled of pain and pleasure.

“Sunburst…” said Starlight.

“Yes, love…?”

“Want to try something new?”

Starlight had already planned everything. Her horn glowing, she took a book out of her saddle. The cover read: Lewd Spells for Lewd Ponies.

Sunburst was impressed. He didn’t know Starlight was into those things. But again, a couple of years he hadn’t heard of her in many years and now she was his partner. He shrugged his thoughts.

“Okay, so now I want you to close your eyes and don’t worry if you feel something weird.”

“Okay” he answered and closed his eyes. When he opened them again, he found himself as a foal, and Starlight was a little filly again.

“Oh… so you are into this” Sunburst said slowly. “What?!”

“Come on, Sunburst…” she laughed nervously. “I wanted to try this, at least once. It’s not like you find people who are into this by just asking.”

“No, no, this is just wrong… what if someone sees us and thinks I’m just… I’m just… no!” He covered his head with the sheets.

“Please, Sunburst, do it for me.” She grabbed his head and looked at him with puppy eyes. “If you don’t like it then we won’t do it again. Just this once.” It sounded even funnier with her more high-pitched voice.

“Fine, fine. Just this once” he finally gave up.

With renewed energy, she started to stroke his dick slowly. He looked at it now. So big and thick before, but now it looked like a small cucumber. Was it really that small when he was a foal? Then Starlight put it on her mouth. Well, the pleasure was still the same.

“I haap u aik it” she said while blowing him.

“Oh, don’t worry sweetheart, I’m enjoying it a lot. You could say the pleasure is even mo-” She had touched him with her teeth. He just laughed at it. “I guess that’s what happens when you downsize everything.”

After several minutes, she finally gasped for some air and looked at him.

“Ready for the big prize?” Starlight asked eagerly.

“I’m not sure if I can pleasure you the same way, uh, Starlight.” He looked at his dick. “We’re smaller after all.”

“We may be smaller, but you still want this.” She put her hoof in her pussy and started to move it in circles, exposing it to him. “I know you still want it. Go for it.”

Looking at her sweet, innocent Starlight, opening herself like that, awoke something inside him. It was something so pure, so wholesome, it made him want to fill her right now. Grabbing her by her arms, he pushed himself inside her. A moan of pain and pleasure filled the room.

“Yes, Sunburst, yes!”, she started to groan.

Sunburst continued to push his dick in and out, noticing how his vagina was tighter than ever. He wanted to kiss her, hug her, give her all of his love.

This continued for several minutes until he noticed that he was close to cum inside her.

“Star-starlight!” he cried. “I’m going to cum!”

“Oh, just do it, darling!” “Jus- Oh!” She wanted to continue talking, but the pleasure didn’t let her.

He managed to hold himself a bit more, but he finally gave up, filling her girlfriend’s filly body almost immediately.

“Uh…” He moved a little, watching cum dripping out of Starlight’s pussy, creating a small pool of it in the bed. But what he liked more was the happy expression in her face.

“Well, you got what you wanted, Starlight.” He looked at her jokingly. “Happy now?”

“I’m much more than happy, Sunburst. Thanks.”

“No need to mention it. I’m just glad we could do something new together.”

“Even if it’s something like this?”

“Don’t worry, Starlight. Despite what I said earlier, I think I ended up enjoying it a lot.” He looked at her cum dripping body. “Maybe too much.”

“Oh, you!” She laughed.

“I just hope no one else saw us.”

“Yeah, me too.” Starlight’s stomach rumbled. “But before we talk more, why don’t we make ourselves lunch?”

“Might want to reverse the spell before that, Starlight.” Sunburst complained jokingly.

“Right!” She reversed it. “Now, about that lunch…”


Meanwhile, outside of Sunburst’s house, a purple scaled dragon was standing under the window. Did he just see Starlight and Sunburst do something unexpected? Yes, he did. And did he want to keep it to himself or tell someone? Well, he had something to do with Big Mac and Discord later. Ogres & Oubilettes wasn’t going to play itself. But it’s not like he could tell something like this.

“Hey!” a voice said.

He almost jumped into the tree near to him.

“Who goes there?!” he asked nervously.

“Relax, Spike. I’m not going to eat you or something” the voice replied.

It was Starlight, smiling to him from the window.

“H-hey Starlight!” The expression in her face didn’t change. “I swear I’m not going to tell anyone what I saw, I swear!”

The expression didn’t change.

‘What else I could say?’ he thought. But before he could think about anything else, he saw that Starlight was handing him a book.

“What is this?” he asked.

“Just a book to keep you entertained.” She looked at him with a weird smile on her face. “Enjoy it!”

“Starlight, wait!” But she had already disappeared into the house, and was hearing her laugh. Better not disturb her now. He looked at the book he was holding on his right claw. Lewd Spells for Lewd Ponies. Huh. But he wasn’t a unicorn. Still curious, he opened the book and started reading. It wasn’t much before he got so immersed he almost forgot he had to take the train back to Ponyville. Running through the wagons, he managed to secure one of the best spots for reading, the back of the last wagon. Opening the book again, he continued reading until the train stopped in Ponyville. No one was waiting for him here. Here he was just someone else. Spike grabbed what little luggage he had, and walked down the station. Even if he couldn’t do magic, Discord could. Boy’s Night today was going to be so fun.