Hold That Pose

by Zubric

First published

Rainbow Dash is offered her own line of action figures. However, things are not what they seem.

Story Inspired by this GIF. Check it out.

Rainbow Dash receives a letter telling her that she is being given her own action figure line. However, things are not quite what they seem to be.

Not sure if Teen is correct but better safe then sorry.

Rainbow Dash

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Dew dripped off Rainbow Dash’s mane as she exited the locker room at the Wonderbolt grounds. A towel hung around her neck and a smirk upon her face of a practice session well done. “Stretching out her wings, she looked back at the other team members. “Ha, the Manehattan show is in the bag at this rate.”.

Soarin nodded drying off his mane. “Oh, it will definitely be one of a kind that’s for sure.”

Being confident, Rainbow headed toward her locker sliding it open to look at her various objects. As she reached for her goggled Spitfire came strolling up having an envelope. “Hey Crash, you got mail,” she said, voice raspy as ever.

“Really? Is it more fanmail? Maybe some kid drew me another picture.” Rainbow jokes, taking hold of the envelope. The front had the standard address listing but also had a stamp with “Tinker Toys'' upon it. Slipping open the seal, she pulled out what appeared to be some sort of Official-looking document of sorts and once it was out fully she idly scanned the top. Spitfire watched as Rainbow skimmed the document being patient until Rainbow spoke again with wide eyes. “Wow, they are offering me my own action figures! Sweet.”

“Well Wonderbolt merchandise is pretty common but custom-made figures get you a share. Depends on the contract.” Spitfire remarked, watching Rainbow scan more of it. The pegasus wings fluttering with excitement.

“Yeah, says something about revenue from the first two thousand souls or something. At least, I think it does. I'm not one for legalese.” After some more browsing, she looked back up. “Oh even has an address where I can meet them to discuss terms.”

Spitfire’s smile grew subtly as she spoke. “Well, our practice is done for today, so you're dismissed “ She commanded.

“Yes ma’am,” Rainbow replied with a salute before heading out the main doors and room to the air.

Spitfire walked down the hall till she was out of sight and smirked. In a green flash, she vanished.

Rainbow eyes scanned around as she flew over the rail yard below her a few cars idly parked. There were a dozen warehouses scattered about yet she hasn’t seen a pony. A crane near the tracks loudly creaked as it swayed in the wind echoing around the many buildings. Her mind was too Cauchy up on the excitement to wonder where anypony was or why a toy deal was in such a remote location. Landing by Warehouse 8, she knocked on the door beaming.

It wasn’t long until the door opened revealing a soft white mare with a blue mane and green eyes. She wore a blue suit to match her mane and a pair of glasses adorned her snout. “Hello there, you must be Rainbow Dash correct?” The mare asked, stretching out her hoof.

Rainbow shook the hoof with vigour. “You bet Wonderbolt extraordinaire.”

The mare turned leading the pegasus inside passing by various large crates. “I bet you can’t wait to see the merchandise we have made of you?”

Rainbow fluffed out her chest. “Hay yeah, hope it meets my awesomeness.”

“Of course, we would just like to do a side by side comparison photoshoot first.” the mare stated heading into a side room.

Rainbow squints at the harsh photography lights that obscured most of the room. “So, where are the action figures?” She walked towards the center, her hoofsteps changing from concrete to soft metallic clacking. Her coat stood up some from an unseen static causing her to twitch her wings.

“Right here,” the mare chimed holding out the figure. The miniature was correct in every detail all standing on a white base. Rainbow felt a sudden jolt rush up to her spike as the mare grabbed one of the forelegs and continued. “It’s even fully poseable.”

“Gah, what was that,” Rainbow said as the static feeling built, feeling like a squeeze as she found her hoof being lifted just like the figure. She tried to move her hoof back down but some pressure pulled it back. It was then she saw a faint red glow below her. “W-what the! What are you doing!”

The mare smirked more as she chuckled, grabbing each wing and spreading them wide. “I’m posing you of course.”

“Hey cut it out!” Rainbow protested trying her hardest to move her limbs but each attempt felt like her whole body was held taut by rubber bands snapping her back with force behind her own. All her actions resulted in the platform glowing red till she was back in place. Any other protest was cut off as the mare posed the muzzle onto a smirking smile. “Nnng’” her vision was forced to look to her left as well making it impossible to look at the mare directly.

The mare watched as Rainbow tried her hardest never quite giving up. A soft laugh soon grew into an evil chuckle as her eyes glowed green. In a flash of fire, the Queen of the changelings stood floating over her victory. “Oh, I can’t believe that worked so well. How does it feel to be utterly helpless?”

Rainbow heart was racing as she muffled something unintelligible hooves barely leaving the plate before being pulled back. There had to be some way out of this. There was no way she’d been caught so easily Any attempt to glare was quickly reversed only leading to quite the show for the changeling. The only thing she could keep on her was a blush when a sudden smack was delivered to her helpless flank.

“I’m sure you’d love to hear the rest of my plan,” chrysalis started as she soon changed into a copy of Rainbow Dash. “But I have a princess to see. Well, you’ll see it soon enough. Tah Tah!” With that, she left the room still laughing.

As the laughter faded, Rainbow continued her attempts to struggle calling out grunts as best she could. “No gotta get out! Got to save Twilight,” she thought even as the platform kept glowing red below her like a pulsing heartbeat. However, given the location, it was doubtful anypony would hear her cries.

To Catch Your Prey

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The princess of Friendship was happily diving through her most favourite of forests, the forest of knowledge. Like usual, towers of books stood around her with tome upon tome stacked precariously on top of each other. Her eyes never stayed still for long as she busily scanned the three books around her like bees pollinating flowers. Coincidently, her current path had led her along to reading about the various aspects of Golumacy and its various aspects thereof. Flipping to a page with complex diagrams on it, Twilight tapped her chin. “Who knew that those old gley statues used to be labor golems. Those things were meant to last.” The princess idly wrote down some notes with glee.

With Spike currently out shopping , the princess didn’t hear the sound of the large front doors opening and the rapid wing beats as somepony approached the study. “Hey Twilight,” the raspy voice of her friend called out.

Twilight jumped slightly, turning her head to glance at her friend. “Oh, hello Rainbow, what brings you over? Thought you would still be with the Wonderbolts practicing for that big show you’ve been telling us about for weeks.”

“Oh that, we finished early. Pfft, besides I got this awesome toy deal,” Chrysalis lied flapping the blue wings.

Twilight tilted her head. “Really? Didn’t know Individual Wonderbolts could have their own toys.”

Rainbow rubbed her hoof to her chest with just the right level of smugness. “Yeah guess they saw how cool I am.”

Twilight looked around trying to spot something she didn’ see. “Is that what you wanted to show me? I don’t see it.”

“Oh, I didn’t bring it with me, but I did find this odd magical thing in a warehouse while i was flying back here.”

“What were you doing at a warehouse?” Twilight asked, taking a glance back at her books. The princess felt something was odd but wasn’t sure what just yet.

“Does it matter!” Rainbow asked with a twitch of her wings. “You love magical artifacts and stuff.”

“Well if it’s already in a warehouse then I’m sure it’s already taken care of by somepony,” Twilight replied, flipping the page of her book. “I’ve just found the most fascinating records of Golomancy.”

Rainbow facehoofed mumbling to herself. “Why must she be so difficult?” She moved closer. “No, it was left unattended under a sheet. Has all these weird runes. It could be important.”

Twilight’s eyebrow raised as she considered what Rainbow had just said. It was rather unusual for Rainbow to be into such things. Not unless it was Daring Do related that is. However, the more science slide of Twilight was almost giddy to see what exactly her friend had found. “I suppose I can come and see what is up. Maybe I should get Starlight too.”

“No!” Rainbow blurted before taking on a straight face again. “I mean, i’m sure she’s busy or hanging with Trixie.”

”I don’t think so, I saw her in the halls a few hours ago. I don’t think Trixie is even in town today.” Twilight said as she flipped a page of her book, although to be far her curiosity on knowing what is going on was building.

“We don’t need her, I only need you,” Rainbow said, the changeling struggling to keep a straight face.

“Alright, alright, I’ll come and check out whatever it is that is so important for me to see.” Twilight said, closing her book. Following her friend into the hall, she could see how excited the prospect seemed to make Rainbow. Perhaps, Rainbow was working with Pinkie to do some sort of surprise party? But her birthday was last week so that couldn’t be it.

As they neared the front doors, they just happened to come across Starlight as the mare came out from down the hall. “Oh hey Rainbow, is something up?”

Rainbow once more twitched and flew behind Twilight nudging her along toward the door “nope, I already got Twilight we’re good.” She insisted.

“Rainbow, wait up. Hey,” Twilight protested as she was pushed out the door missing the raised eyebrow Starlight gave them and quietly trailing them.

The trip across town was rather rushed as Rainbow didn’t seem to want to slow down much for Twilight going just fast enough where Twilight had to keep up a light trot to keep track of her. "What’s the rush? It’s not like that thing is going anywhere.” Twilight panted out.

The pegasus kept flying ahead staying low. “You never know, if I found it then somepony else could.” Of course, seeing two elements running through town did attract a few looks. However, given that nothing was blocking up and no monsters could be seen, they quickly went back to their own business.

The small railyard was relatively new to Ponyville only being about a year or two old with a few warehouses set along the tracks. Despite this, Twilight was rather unfamiliar with it since she never had to go to this part of town. There weren’t a lot of ponies around either which sent a chill down her spine for some reason.

“Almost there,” Rainbow said before she opened a metal door and headed inside the warehouse.

Twilight, still being a bit suspicious, scanned around the inside seeing the various stacks of large crates and a few larger objects covered by sheets. Rainbow seemed to look at one long black object stuck out from one of the sheets before moving Twilight along to a side room. Unlike what happened to Rainbow, the large black disk was in full view with the runes around the edges. Despite this, the princess didn’t recognize what it was as she tapped her hoof on it hearing the metallic clank. “Is this what you wanted to show me, Rainbow?” In the corner of her eye, she could see a blank figurine on a table nearby. “It doesn’t look like anything too special.” The room suddenly went quiet as Twilight looked up staring around for her friend. “Rainbow?”

“Boo!” Rainbow shouted from behind Twilight giving her a light push too which caused the princess to jump flapping her wings as she landed in the middle of the platform.

“What was that for!” Twilight asked, feeling a sudden rush of magic flow up her hooves. The sensation being similar to several needles poking her at once. The pins and needles continued washing up her spine faster than she could even react. Her movements slowed as if she was trying to swim in thick syrup every action feeling sluggish. “W-what’s going on?!”

Twilight shivered as Rainbow laughed coming into view with the figurine cackling. The stand of the figure glowed with a familiar green before changing into a replica of Twilight. “Well that was easier than I thought,” the pegasus’s voice went deeper as she continued to laugh.

“R-rainbow!? W-what going on! I can’t move!” Twilight said shocked. A moment before watching as Rainbow’s eyes closed and opened to reveal green slitted eyes.

“Surprise!” Chrysalis laughed as in a flash of green flame, she revealed herself in all her hole filled glory. She spread her insectoid wings buzzing them while she held up the figurine. She soaks in the shock upon Twilight’s face loving every moment that went by. Grabbing into the figurine she adjusts the pose sitting it down.

“Chrysalis!” Twilight's heart raced trying to fight the magic as the platform started to glow forcing her to sit down and her back held straight at attention. Her forelegs were moved in front of her matching a posture you’d see on any generic statue. “W-what hap-mmm!” In a flash, her mouth was clamped shut and was forced into a friendly smile. She could practically feel her heart trying to thump out of her chest as in a last desperate attempt she tried to light up her horn. However, to her shock, her magic fizzles seeming to flow down her body and into the plate below her.

Chrysalis smirked proudly, showing off her fangs taking in every twitch as Twilight failed to resist the magic. “What a regal pose for a princess,” she smirked before putting her hoof up to figurines eyes and shutting them plunging Twilight into the dark


Starlight ran along making sure to keep out of sight of Rainbow Dash as she followed the two along the streets. She couldn’t quite put her hoof on why, but something was differently up and she’d be foolish to ignore her gut. Given how much of a hurry Rainbow was in, she clearly didn’t want others to follow them. The further they got the main part of town the more worried Starlight seemed to get. She became even more alert when they reached the warehouses, an area Rainbow Dash would have no reason to go too. When they finally reached the warehouse, Starlight held back for a second watching two headed inside. “Well no sign of Pinkie Pie, so it clearly was not a surprise party.” She muttered before hurrying her way inside.

The large metal interior left sound to freely echo and in some cases muffled by the large wooden boxes lying about as Starlight kept her ears perked to pick up where the two had gone. Upon hearing Twilight’s yelp of fright, Starlight sped up her pace. When she heard the queen’s voice next, her heart raced with panic yet determined to stop whatever was going on. Skidding around the corner, she came face to face with the sight of Twilight's magically bound form being held in place by the glowing red plate. Getting into a defensive pose, she glared at Chrysalis. “Chrysalis? I knew something was fishy!”

“You should have left well enough alone!” Chrysalis declared before a blast toward Starlight.

Starlight's magic flared bounding her out of the way just in time before she put up a barrier to block the next shot. She hadn’t expected this but whatever the bug had done she had to save her friend and Rainbow. “So what is your plan this time? A statue garden?” She mocked hoping to get Chrysalis off her guard. Given how much hatred Chrysalis had for her, it shouldn’t be all that hard.

Chrysalis hissed firing off another blast of magic. The boxes next to Starlight exploded sending spare parts flying. “I knew i should have taken you out first!”

Starlight was quick to dart for cover as her magic charged. She had to think fast if she was to defeat Chrysalis. Using a spell, she threw her voice from the other side of the room. “Oh I'm flattered you care so much!” Her tone dripped with sarcasm. Staying still she watched as Chrysalis flew towards where she thought Starlight was. Once she had a clear shot she fired her spell towards the bug.

Chrysalis had just enough time to roll in the air to avoid most of the blast taking the hit to her right flank. “Gah, you’ll pay for that!” she cried out her right leg stunned dangling below her as she flew around scanning for Starlight. The crazed bug started to shoot bolts of magic around the warehouse to try and weed out the unicorn. One such blast blew away the tarp off that was covering the last black platform.

Starlight upon spotting it, came up with a plan but she would have to make her timing just right. With how trapped Twilight was capturing Chrysalis should be just as easy. Prepping up a shield spell just in case, she ran over to the plate in The open getting herself in position before she called up to the changeling. “Here I am, come and get me!”

Chrysalis narrowed her eyes as she took the bait diving down towards Starlight with utmost speed unleashing a loud hiss. Her descent didn’t last long, however, as upon nearing her target a blinding flash of light erupted from Starlight’s horn blinding the changeling causing her to crash to the ground roll landing on something cold.

Starlight had mere moments to react as she rushed to pick up the blank figurine and aimed it at Chrysalis, focusing her magic upon it. “Hope this works!”

Chrysalis felt the drain of magic almost immediately barely managing to fire off a weak blast towards Starlight’s voice before the force grasped around her. “No!” As the stars cleared from her eyes she saw the unicorn standing there with a smirk.

Starlight's panic posture soon lessened as she watched the ex-queen struggle against the platforms hold. “Ha, let’s see how you like it.” She declared as she spread the legs of the figurine posing teh bug into a combative pose knees bent in participation for a leap. Whatever Chrysalis was about to say was cut off as Starlight posed the mouth open pulling the tongue out into a hissing stance. The mare watched as Chrysalis twitched as the platform glowed each time she tried to move the only sounds coming from the bug being gargles from her unmoving mouth.

Rainbow’s ear managed to twitch as she heard the main metal door open soon followed by footsteps coming closer. Was it Chrysalis coming back to gloat some more? Or was it somehow somepony to rescue her from this nightmare? When she saw Twilight come into view her mind races. “Nnmmg!”

Twilight gasped and looked back out of the room. “ Starlight, I found her!” She called out before rushing up to the platform. “Just hold on Rainbow, we'll have you out in a second.” Hurrying over to the figurine, Twilight’s horn glowed as it changed back to a default white model. As soon as the spell faded, Rainbow flopped to the floor like a sack of potatoes. “Rainbow! Are you okay!”

Rainbow moaned laying where she fell. She closed her eyes, wincing. “Everything is sore. Ouch!” Her wings twitch now able to fold closer but still aching with cramps. “Thank Celestia, what happened to Chrysalis?”

Starlight strolled in confidently. “I followed her when she tried to take Twilight to her trap. Captured her with her own scheme.” She smirked, “And we were able to track the magic back to here to find you.”

Rainbow signed as she is helped up by her friends. “Ha, you showed her! What are you going to do with her?”“

Starlight's smile got wider as she rubbed her hooves together. “Oh I have one idea till we think of something better.”

Chrysalis struggled fruitlessly as the platform’s red glow reflected off the glass in front of her. Surrounding her was a mock-up of her old hive with green colour sprinkles about. Beyond the glass was a hallway of a museum with ponies walking about. Her muffles from her snarled fixed mouth went unheard as a tour group approached with one of the colourful changelings leading.

“And here we have a diagram of the old Changeling hive complete with a model of our old leader.” The blue and green changeling explained unable to make out the eye twitches through the glass. “On that great day that Thorax freed us from her tyranny showing us a better way.”

Chrysalis ignored the lines she heard many times by now seething with her anger as she bought her time. Given all she needed was love to survive, those fools had been feeding her love energy without considering how much was stored inside her instead of being syphoned off by her prison. All she had to do was struggle as little as possible and build up her reserves. Slowly but surely she’d gain enough power to break free and destroy the extra wards around her. Once free she’d show those ponies just what she was made of. Her first target, of course, would be Starlight. The thoughts of her screams filled her with eager anticipation.

Only a matter of time.