> Things You Can't Prepare For > by KingdaKa > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Things You Can't Prepare For > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Looking back, Twilight should have known being alone in such a place as the throne room was a bad idea. Intentionally separating herself from the others, trying to solve the last puzzle that would prevent eternal darkness from covering the land, becoming a perfect target for the manifestation of nightmares that had been assailing them from the very onset of their journey… Of course it had been a trap. What else would it have been? Not to say she didn’t promptly try to escape from her new cell of brick and mortar. The staircase may have been sealed shut, but she wasn’t the personal student of Princess Celestia for nothing; a snap of her fingers and Twilight teleported down to the courtyard where her companions were waiting for her and she- Zap! Or perhaps not. Her form that had been turned to ether and light had gone nowhere, instead finding an impenetrable barrier that held the stone walls surrounding her. Quick as the lightning she had tried to emulate, the young woman raced across the open hall towards the windows where she hoped she would shatter through into the open air. She prepared for the pain that would come when the aged glass tore at her skin but she would at least be free- Before she could even lay a finger on its fragile surface she ran into an immaterial bubble and was pushed back, stumbling and falling hard onto the cold stone floor. Trying to ignore the discomfort that cried out from her tailbone, she tried again- this time with a blast of energy that flew from her palm so as to break the barrier away. Instead, the bright purple of her magic began to ricochet across the entire hall wildly, not even scoring a single scorch mark no matter where her bolts flew. Lest she harm herself permanently in her attempts at escape, Twilight rescinded her spell and gave a sigh. Nothing was going to break through. Twilight was, whether she liked it or not, stuck. And this was fine, this was totally fine, she didn’t have anything to be worried about. After all, it wasn’t like the Mistress of Darkness who’d contrived this ensnarement wasn’t going to be keeping watch on this and definitely wouldn’t be extremely angry that the student of her greatest nemesis was the one who was trying to set things to rights. No, definitely not- “And what do we have here?” The voice was not made more pleasant to behold even when it was oozing its delights, the wicked happiness of its owner causing young Twilight’s spine to shiver. “A trespasser and a thief, coming into my ancestral home to steal what is rightfully mine. To commit regicide against her queen!” Twilight gulped- she was allowed that, wasn’t she? When she managed to find the courage to turn around, she wasn’t surprised in the slightest by whom she beheld. “Nightmare Moon,” she said. She felt her knees wanting to tremble and she forced herself to steel whatever nerves remained. Now was probably not a good time to lose her cool. “In the flesh,” Nightmare Moon replied, her palm beginning to glow with a sickly light as she ignited her powers, allowing no doubt as to her intentions. “Now, before I annihilate your miniscule form from the face of my earth, what would you think of you and I having a little chat? Wouldn’t it be nice to clear the air before you die?” Twilight didn’t particularly like any part of the bargain, but maybe she could stall this out and somehow survive it. After all, what villain didn’t like monologuing? Hearing this woman talk was definitely preferable to being dematerialized before she had a chance to think a way out of a disintegration. “I’ll take that chat,” Twilight said, her voice more wispy than she would’ve wanted but at least it wasn’t a squeak. And her knees weren’t trembling anymore. “Smart girl,” Nightmare Moon replied sweetly, the words feeling more like venom from a snake. “Now, I personally like to know the names of my victims, so why don’t you tell me yours? It helps me add some personal flavor.” Was that a harmful question to answer? Twilight didn’t think it would be. What harm was there in a name when you’re about to be atomized? “Twilight Sparkle,” she breathed. “Ooh, how sweet! The meeting place of night and day when old has gone and new awaits,” Nightmare Moon said, the flame in her hand turning from a darkened blue to a mixture of rust-orange and dusk-purple. “And let me guess… exceptional spellcaster, likely in the employ of the crown, perhaps directly to Princess Celestia herself. Am I perfectly right?” Damn. Maybe it hadn’t been the best idea to answer truthfully after all. For heaven’s sake, she had the names of five others just outside she could have blurted out instead, but no, like Santa’s prize dumbass she’d actually told the truth. “So, here we are,” Nightmare Moon continued, walking about the throne room with Twilight always remaining in firing range, waiting for one wrong move that would bathe the whole room in her cleansing fire. “The personification of all darkness and evil versus the sweet, naïve devotee of my dearly devoted enemy. No friends, no way out, and no hope of besting me in combat or- well, really any sort of contest at all. Did you place your hopes in me getting lost in a monologue?” Life simply wasn’t fair sometimes. Twilight was fairly certain Nightmare Moon wasn’t reading her mind right now, but a little extra caution probably would be helpful. No sudden movement would be of any use, nor would panic; Twilight stood there and watched Nightmare Moon play with her life in her hands. But maybe if she did a better assessment of her surroundings –and of her enemy- she might find some weakness to exploit, some maneuver that might grant her a solitary opportunity. Nightmare Moon: extremely powerful, violent, and capable of killing her easily. Fairly tall, dark blue hair with a good rack- wait, what? Twilight instantly wished she could unthink something. Now unable to fling the thought away, she found her mind, for whatever reason it possessed, suddenly focusing on all of Nightmare Moon’s pleasurable aspects: the aforementioned pleasant bust, a curved figure, a squeezable butt that was held tight in what looked like a black leather body-suit, full lips that were colored a dark blue, skin that looked as smooth as porcelain and brilliantly silken hair that was draped just right over her eyes. Eyeliner. Does she actually have eyeliner on? Where did she even get it? Of course Twilight soon tried to snap herself back into reality and actually concentrate on her enemy that wanted to blast her to bits, but struggled to overcome the sudden pink elephant that had entered the room via her own mental machinations. It wasn’t her fault, really, did Nightmare Moon need to be so easy on the eyes when she killed people? Personifications of darkness apparently wanted to be steaming hot for some reason but she could not think about that- “What are you doing?” Nightmare Moon’s voice did not carry that venomous sweetness, nor did it shoulder a burden of anger. Nothing more than legitimate confusion was apparent now as she stared at her young opponent with befuddlement. Twilight froze. Her legs were held tightly together and judging by the tension she was releasing from her muscles, she’d let herself become rather taut without realizing it. Uh-oh. “Oh hell, you’re not about to piss the floor, are you?” She sounded legitimately disgusted now. Twilight blushed, more out of anger than any sense of embarrassment. “What- no! That’s gross!” “Then for fuck’s sake, straighten up and die like a woman!” Nightmare Moon chided, waving for her opponent to take position. “I enjoy a good bout of pitiful mewling from arrogant warriors, but have dignity, please. It’s not becoming to look like you’re-” her eyes narrowed as some semblance of deductive thought entered into her wicked mind, perhaps guessing at just what was going through the young woman’s unwilling consciousness. Oh no. Twilight had made a horrible mistake and now couldn’t undo it, but was it her fault that such a skin-tight suit happened to also show off her wondrous breasts that made mega-milk look tame in comparison and especially when she didn’t need to be thinking about that in the first place- “Oh my,” Nightmare Moon mused aloud, all her confusion seemingly rectified as she deduced, to Twilight’s horror, the cause of such a change in her foe. “Tell me, Twilight Sparkle, and please answer honestly: does it seem over-emphasized? I mean, I know I have a great rack and all, but is it too much focus on my breasts? I do have a perfect ass, if that’s something you’d like to see.” Twilight could see both quite fine and didn’t need Nightmare Moon’s slow, sauntering walk that let both splendid assets be clearly displayed, either one assuredly deserving of ocular worship and probably a little more but maybe much, much later. “My eyes are up here, Twilight,” Nightmare Moon called, and Twilight’s creeping blush had some strength behind it now- she’d actually become distracted by this woman’s marvelous body and hadn’t been paying attention to anything other than that pinchable, squishable ass that clearly needed a good spanking more than those perfect breasts needed licked and teased and, and… Twilight grew listless as her overactive imagination began to run wild, free from the trap her physical form was now held in, her logical, rational mind long left behind in favor of more luscious objects of adoration. Wasn’t there something else she was supposed to be paying attention to? But here was this beautiful woman who seemed to be flaunting her body freely and all just for her, and after all this time of being around Princess Celestia with nothing to show for it, the mildest form of sensual pleasure from a real, breathing person was something of an excessive delight. “Ahem.” Nightmare Moon managed to snap Twilight out of whatever lustful fantasy she’d fallen into and nearly scared the life out of her when she did; they were both quite close now, Twilight rather enraptured by the close-up view of the woman’s excess cleavage. “Is there something about me you like, Twilight? The allure, the mystery- the power? It’s not the first time the crown has sucked people in.” Twilight gulped. She looked like she very much wanted to be looking away while also looking like she wanted to rip the suit off and start enjoying herself. “Is that why you tried to so hard to be Princess Celestia’s concubine, mm?” Nightmare Moon asked. “All of that ancient, mysterious royalty wrapped into one woman who you shared with the rest of the harem? But she liked you most, I’m guessing.” Twilight’s rapturous gaze flickered and she gave a small frown, pulling herself away from Nightmare Moon’s breasts with twitching hands. “I’m not- wait, her concubine?” “Consort. Courtesan. Does it really matter that much to you?” “But I’m- I’m her student, not her concubine!” Twilight cried, blushing a deeper shade of red than one would have thought humanly possible. That sort of suggestion dug into some rather private thoughts and reading material- The effect her words had on Nightmare Moon, however, were more than a little unexpected. Her villainous smile slid from her features in a heartbeat and she stared non-plussed at Twilight. “Oh hell, you’re not her girlfriend or something stupid, are you?” she asked. It was the most disappointing answer she’d ever given to anything in her life when Twilight found the strength to loosen the holds of her humiliation, knowing that this wasn’t going to help. “N-no, I’m not,” she answered, very much wishing the answer was a contradiction or at least had a ‘yet’ sitting there on the end. “OK, so- friend with benefits. Her mistress then,” Nightmare Moon continued, beginning to look incensed and all the more with each shake of Twilight’s still-crimson head. “Favorite prostitute, occasional fuck-toy, diplomatic marriage, something!” “Umm, can I leave this conversation or-” “Oh she’s at least sleeping with you, right?” Nightmare Moon cried. “Just- just tell me that Princess Celestia has sex with you!” “This is taking a weird turn…” Nightmare Moon seemed to ignore Twilight completely and screamed aloud, turning to a nearby pillar and bashing her head against it repeatedly as her incredible frustration seemingly took over. “Absolute-” Slam- “Fucking-” Slam- “PUSSY!” she screamed. “That stupid woman used to have standards when I was there but nooo, now royalty has to have dignity! She’s got- got something, right?” she pleaded of Twilight, the young woman at an absolute loss as to where the conversation was going. “Royal marriages, a consort of sorts, anything at all- Celestia doesn’t have any of that, does she?” The answer was going to be a death sentence. “I’m… her student?” Twilight said weakly. “Personal protégé?” Nightmare Moon looked about ready to burst open from the sheer force of anger before instantly deflating like a punctured balloon. “Typical,” she muttered loudly, returning to her pacing. “A girl goes away for a few centuries and everyone gets all mannerly and forgets to have fun. Celestia used to have some pride, a few pretty girls over for an orgy-” “For a what?!” “But now everyone’s a damned, no-good prude.” Nightmare Moon looked over at Twilight with a mixture of pity and disgust. “And of course you're still a virgin-” Twilight, though still thoroughly at a loss as to what was going on, took umbrage at Nightmare Moon digging into her very, very personal personal life. “Hey, I've had sex before!” she promptly fired back. Never had there been a silence so deafening, Nightmare Moon staring at Twilight with such an expression that wouldn’t even dignify the young woman’s claim with an attempt at humor. So that bluff clearly didn’t work. “OK, so I've nearly had sex,” Twilight tried. “Bullshit-” “Gone steady.” “Lies.” “Gone on a date.” “Uh-uh.” “Kissed a girl.” “No you haven't.” “Kissed a boy-“ “So help me-” “OK! Masturbated and cried over a picture of Celestia,” Twilight at last relented, wishing very much she could fall through the floor or at least have a place where she could privately curl up and die in. This would be a great time for the seal on the room to break so she could fall through the window and become a puddle on the ground below. “That I unfortunately believe,” Nightmare Moon replied drily. “Gods above, I’m going to have to fuck you, aren’t I?” “I mean I wouldn- I mean no!” Twilight roared, hoping that she would actually focus on trying to find a way to survive rather than tearing away at the skin-tight suit that held such a glorious body which would feel so good against her skin… “If I’m to believe you, then you need to stop undressing me with your eyes,” Nightmare Moon answered. “And your next words are going to be-” “Please, can we just fight already!” Twilight declared, trying to summon her magic in an art of warfare rather than declothing. She didn’t know what sort of destruction she wanted to unleash on Nightmare Moon more or which one she was less likely to succeed in. “Of course. But you see, I like a different sort of fighting,” Nightmare Moon answered smoothly. “‘If I make you orgasm, then I win. You join my cause and we destroy Equestria together.” “That doesn’t seem very fair.” “You’re a newbie virgin and I’ve been cooped up in the moon for a millennia. What makes you think I’m going to fight fair when we’re both starving? And you’re still staring at my tits.” “No I’m not!” Twilight said, her eyes flickering up to meet Nightmare Moon’s gaze for a solitary moment before being unable to resist their succulent call. “I just- oh this isn’t fair.” “Know what’s not fair? Leading a young girl on for years on end,” Nightmare Moon said, suddenly upon Twilight and taking the young woman in an unbreakable hold around the waist. “So since Celestia won’t fuck you- I will!” And without a moment’s hesitation she kissed her. Twilight’s immediate problem was that this was one hell of a first kiss to have, and would make every one she ever lived to share after feel rather dim in comparison. It was hardly a fair thing to endure, really. The next problem she had to confront was that she loved this kiss! Did they always feel like this? This amount of forcefulness wasn’t normal, right? But the sensation was still so soft even if it was such a fierce gesture, seemingly sucking the breath out of her lungs, and her… her mouth was getting forced open- wait, way too fast, way too fast-! There was a small part of her that still wished to get away, but the more she tried to extract herself from Nightmare Moon’s salivating clutches the deeper the darkened women crept into her senses, kissing so ferociously that the squeaks of mild protest her young captive was giving soon shortened and became a soft, muffled coo; eyes once held wide became half-lidded and she swooned as the feelings of ecstasy took the place of shock and allowed for a sense of enjoyment to truly settle in. When Nightmare Moon at last relented from her amorous assault, that long, thick tongue that had delved into Twilight’s mouth retreating like a serpent from the burrow of its prey, a thick band of glistening saliva was torn out from between them and leaving the young woman still dazed. “Whoa,” Twilight whispered, actually breathless. She knew she was supposed to be thinking of something else right now, but hot damn that was a great kiss. She really wouldn’t mind another- “Wait, what was that for?!” she cried, legs buckled together as she tried to possess some manner of self-control which paled in comparison to the ferocious desire that had finally been given some level of satisfaction. “You- you can’t just do that and- and just- that’s not fair!” “Hmph.” Nightmare Moon’s assessment of the young woman’s reaction was not a favorable one. “You’ve been deprived, for certain. Celestia’s been leading you along too long and you’ve got nothing to show for it… and they call me evil. I think I’ll rectify that.” Without another word she hoisted Twilight and slammed her into the wall- forcefully, just the right amount of pain to make it exciting, one hand plunging down into the young enchantress’ skirt to pluck away at- Twilight gasped, stunned that someone had actually touched her there. She’d been hoping for Celestia for so long and hadn’t really been given much of anything, but this-! Self-inflicted pleasure was nothing in comparison, the feeling of experienced fingers poking and plying and it felt so good! What was she supposed to say, or even think when this darkened beauty of a woman was so masterfully flicking away at her folds? Twilight had played with herself before, used toys and the best her imaginations would allow- but this was glorious! Before she could even really find a means to control herself she let a moan escape her lips and immediately felt guilty for it. Nightmare Moon was supposed to be her enemy and yet here she was enjoying being caressed in the most private of places thanks to the touch of her hand! Another moan, this one squelched by the immediate force of the dark queen’s lips against hers and Twilight simply surrendered to their presence; she’d never feel anything like this ever again, so potent and strong, yet so soft against her own mouth. A stifled moan echoed from her tongue and onto that of her foe, the two twirling muscles striking blow after blow against one another- only for a moment before Nightmare Moon’s dominating presence of sexuality overwhelmed the inexperienced woman, that serpentine tongue delving deep into Twilight’s mouth and savoring every succulent stroke it took, all of it sending rippling waves of shamefaced pleasure across young Twilight’s helpless form. She was deep in Nightmare Moon’s clutches, a hapless prisoner, and she exulted in it- A strong gasp, immediately weakened by more of Nightmare Moon’s overpowering kisses. She’d felt the first rocking waves of something ferociously strong from down below and it made her demure figure shudder; Nightmare Moon seemed to take notice and intensified her efforts both above and below; each kiss and stroke of slithering tongue was capable of stealing each breath before it could even form, her fingers now plucking and stroking away in an escalated ferocity that was the perfect union of mild pain and extreme pleasure. Oh, how Twilight wanted nothing more than to melt into it and be consumed by this voracious goddess of wicked sensuality, to be little more than her precious consort and live in the lap of luxury, so long as all her lovemaking came from- Just before she came to a climax, Nightmare Moon’s assault on her sexual senses came to an immediate halt; fingers that had played her like the strings of a violin pulled away and were lost, the strong, stroking tongue which had been so easily exploring Twilight’s eager mouth slunk back and retreated; Twilight fell to the ground in a mess of gasping breath and possible tears- so close, she had been so close! It was one of the most evil things she’d ever witnessed in all her young life. “Why’d you stop?” she cried. “Please, I can’t wait any longer, don’t do that to me!” “Aww…” Nightmare Moon knelt down and cupped Twilight’s cheek, those wickedly beautiful eyes holding some trace of genuine sympathy. “Sweet thing… Celestia’s been teasing you for too long. But don’t worry; give yourself to me, and I’ll satisfy you- forever. How does that sound?” “Yes!” Twilight didn’t hesitate for another microsecond and leapt into Nightmare Moon’s expectant grasp, the powerful woman almost taken aback by the sheer magnitude of incensed desire that Twilight exuded, nearly staggering as the young woman’s frenzied kisses attacked darkened lips with a seemingly endless hunger. Quick recovery was the next move, and the shadowed queen dug her hands into Twilight’s rear with some measure of force that elicited a squeak- one that made each kiss now all the more potent. “Suck on my tongue, pet,” Nightmare Moon whispered, and Twilight happily obeyed. That long, wondrous tongue was a thing of beauty and it was with ecstasy that she took it in her lips, sucking away at every inch of it she could manage, delighting in the feel of its soft slickness against her own. No tongue had ever felt so good, of that she was sure; eagerly did she kiss and suckle that tongue, giving it all the skill -well, lack of, really- she possessed in the hopes of satisfying this dark goddess that was just as willing to satisfy her. Twilight felt a thrill when Nightmare Moon gave a small moan of satisfaction; maybe she was actually pretty good at this! “My tits, next, enjoy them next,” Nightmare Moon sighed. “Wait, I- I can?” Twilight asked, eyes wide like a child in a candy store. Nightmare Moon smirked and pulled at her bodysuit to let the magnificent mounds that were her breasts fall out to Twilight’s awaiting gaze, and it was not long before Twilight took them in her mouth. She was acting on instinct rather than experience at this point, merely sucking away with a wild, aimless fervor. It did her some good when Nightmare Moon continued to issue instructions to her as she glorified those wonderful, beautiful tits. “Nibble them, pet- harder, my sweet! Now lick them, lick them clean!” “Oh my god this amazing,” Twilight moaned, surfacing from her latherings upon breastflesh to kiss those moistened, darkened lips yet again. “I love you…” “Of course you do,” Nightmare Moon crowed. “Now… undress yourself. Immediately.” Twilight didn’t bother to hesitate and swiftly tore at her own clothing at the order, stripping away shirt and skirt and everything else underneath until she was purely naked, pale skin exposed and seemingly poor in comparison to the shadowed majesty of Nightmare Moon. Her body was slim, slender, her breasts nowhere near as massive- “I’m going to eat you alive,” Nightmare Moon purred, a single press of a booted hell bringing Twilight to the ground. “Now, you will worship the body of your queen!” Without a moment’s hesitation, there was a snap of fingers and the perfect figure that had been hidden beneath that black bodysuit was at last revealed; Twilight could have wept, knowing the only nightmare she’d ever know would be to not see such a glorious woman ever again. All the curves were exactly where they needed to be! She gasped, albeit happily, as Nightmare Moon came atop her in force and began lathering kisses on her, whether it be upon lips or tongue, nipples or bare flesh. Any sensation of touch from this dark angel was perfect, and more perfect than the one before. She needed this, craved it, wanted all of it! “Please, please!” she moaned. “Of course,” Nightmare Moon whispered, suddenly dropping down to in between Twilight’s legs and beginning her work. That smooth, terrible tongue snaked out from her mouth and dived deep into the most slickened depths of Twilight’s folds and lathered away its sexual majesties with all the nightmarish strength the great and glorious queen had to offer. It was the most wonderful feeling Twilight had ever known and she hardly last more than a few seconds. Moans became screams of rapturous ecstasy and her body trembled as an overpowering orgasm coursed across her body and juices flowed out from her lower lips and directly onto Nightmare Moon’s face. At first, Twilight wondered if she had done something wrong; should she have tried to say something and not make such a mess? But when she felt the next tonguestroke, and then the slower more delicate one after, she realized that nothing was wrong. Nightmare Moon was still eating her, and now drinking her also. Though the shudders of orgasm had already come to an end, the sensation of continued pleasuring weren’t unwelcome and Twilight gave a luxurious sigh. “Was that better, my pet?” Nightmare Moon asked. “No more Celestia teasing and tormenting you, no more hopeless waiting. Was it as good as you’d hoped?” “Better!” “Mmm… good,” Nightmare Moon said, kissing Twilight with slickened lips that still held a viscous fluid upon them. “Open your mouth and taste yourself, Twilight. Enjoy what I’ve done for you.” Twilight didn’t mind at all as Nightmare Moon’s saliva mingled with her own, nor the taste of her own sexual fluids dripping down intermingled with them. She could drink of Nightmare Moon’s dribblings forever, a greater quenching of her thirst than she would have hoped for. “Now, my sweet… one good turn deserves another.” Nightmare Moon shuffled the inexperienced young woman about and set her to proper placement. When Twilight regained her bearings and at last saw where she was, she could hardly hold back her excitement: Nightmare Moon’s clit was just above her face, there for the claiming. “Let’s eat.” Twilight wished she had been better, the complete lack of experience a horrid thing for such a beautiful goddess to be given in return for such tender loving. But just as ferociously as Nightmare Moon devoured her own pussy yet again, so she tried to do the same. The taste was magnificent, better than candy or any decadent delicacy she could have ever hoped to find elsewhere, and it was with all her efforts that she dove into them so as to lick away. A struggle to achieve, as Nightmare Moon’s more experienced machinations in her own body was a harsh distraction; more than just tongue, but also fingerwork that had a strange delicacy for being something so intense! Was there pain intermingled with the pleasure? A slight hurt that made all the joyous feelings more potent? Twilight moaned and moaned with each effort that she both gave and felt, whether it be the sweet flavorings of sexual juices that flowed onto her tongue or the continued offerings of real affection Nightmare Moon continued to lavish upon her. She craved the taste of this darkened woman, a flavor so unique she couldn’t have words to describe it, as though the blackness of the night had been granted further means to be relished. She felt she was struggling but she wanted more, more! When Twilight felt the wicked goddess’ body begin to rock, it ignited herself yet again. She tried fiercely to hold back this time, to wait just a little longer and leave this terribly beautiful woman satisfied before it was too late! Nightmare Moon’s cry tore through the throne room just as Twilight could hold back no longer; the open mouth of the young woman caught the full outpouring that had been born of her own efforts, she not wanting to miss a single drop. She licked and drank as much as she could manage, unwilling to let even a single, delectable drop find a means of escape. It would never be enough, not even for a lifetime’s worth. Celestia who? “You’re inexperienced, you sweet thing,” Nightmare Moon remarked, pulling Twilight up to her awaiting lips and kissing her with lack of gentleness- not that the young woman minded. “And yet, your passion shines through.” “Thank you, so much,” Twilight breathed, she now little more than a weary mess of sweat and sensuous scent. “I loved it.” “I know you did- you enjoyed me,” was the reply. “But you belong to me, now, and I’ll see your naiveté disappears. You will be the leader of my new royal harem!” Twilight blushed. “Royal- harem? But I didn’t say I was on your side or, or-” “And you really want to be without my touch?” she challenged. “To go back to one who never cared to love your body like I have?” Was there an argument to be made? Probably. Did Twilight want to? Only a little. Did she want to get fucked by Nightmare Moon for the rest of her life? Absolutely, even if she had to share. The silence -and smile- was enough for Nightmare Moon to have an answer. “Come then, my concubine,” Nightmare Moon said, taking Twilight’s still-naked form in her arms and walking towards the re-opened staircase that led to the world below. “We shall go and enjoy your comrades and add them to my number. Our long night of fun has only just begun.”