The Griffon of Paradise: The Full Account

by Blitz the Dragon

First published

A complete rewrite and expansion of the one-shot smut fic "Griffon in Paradise," this erotic adventure details Gilda's survival of a shipwreck, and her new life upon a mysterious tropical island.

On a cold, stormy winter's night, a ship en route from Baltimare to Griffonstone sank with the loss of all aboard. Years later, the writings of a lone survivor emerged, detailing her survival and new life upon a tropical island. This is the story of Gilda, and her erotic transformation from a grumpy griffon to an alluring Amazon.

I didn't want to reuse the cover art from the previous version of this story, so I took this one from kevinsano's lovely piece, Derpibooru ID 1533768

As with the previous version of this story, relevant kinks include : Amazon TF, Breast/Hip/Ass Growth, Exhibitionism, Female Ejaculation, Lactation, Masturbation, Naturism, and Personality Change, and possibly a dash of bimbofication if you squint and tilt your head.

In addition, new kinks are being introduced, most of them courtesy of Gilda's sex fantasies. These include Footplay, Gangbang, Muscle Growth, Muscle Worship, Outercourse, and some mild Tentacle Play at the end.

There will also be two that don't appeal to as many folks as the others. These will be featured in separate, skippable "optional" chapters. These kinks are muskplay and armpit/pubic hair.

Prologue: Primary Sources

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“Disaster in the Celestial Sea: Search Underway for Survivors of North Star Sinking.” Canterlot Post. 4 January, 1135.

BALTIMARE - Pegasus search teams were deployed late last night in search of survivors from the SS North Star. The passenger steamer, which departed from Baltimare on December 30th with over one hundred passengers and sixty crew, was en route to Griffonstone when she encountered a freak winter storm. Shortly before 11:30 pm on December 2nd, the freighter Calliope reported to Manehattan Station that the North Star had disappeared from radar. Attempts to hail North Star by radio were unsuccessful.

Searchers believe that the ship broke apart and sank around the time Calliope reported her disappearance. The lack of a distress call suggests that the sinking was sudden and swift. Veteran Wonderbolt Fleetfoot has been coordinating the search effort. So far, she says, the pegasi have only found scattered debris.

“We’re getting ready to widen our search,” she told the Canterlot Post, “Time is of the essence here. We know approximately where the ship went down, but we have not found any survivors yet.”

Fleetfoot is cautiously optimistic that they will find survivors, but noted that the odds of doing so grew slimmer with each passing hour. “The hard truth is that anyone who survived the sinking is out on the open ocean in rough seas in the middle of winter,” she said, “If we don’t find someone by the end of today, it is unlikely we ever will.”

Despite this assessment, the search is expected to continue into next week. The cause of the sinking will likely remain unknown until the wreck can be located and examined. In the meantime, a vigil for the passengers and crew is planned for 7:00 pm on January 6th at the Our Lady of the Sun Chapel in Baltimare.

“Lost and Found at Sea? Alleged Writings of Shipwreck Survivor Found.” Manehattan Times. 12 August, 1142.

BALTIMARE - Today, the maritime community is reeling from the revelation of writings purported to be from a survivor of the sinking of the SS North Star. The text was presented to Baltimare officials yesterday by a flock of hippogriffs, who claimed to have recovered them while on a fishing expedition into the deep sea.

“We’d surfaced to take a break, when we spotted something floating in the water,” reported one of the hippogriffs, who spoke with us on the condition of anonymity, “It was a small pleather journal or diary wrapped in a plastic tarp and bound with hemp.”

The fishing team brought the journal onto dry land to read. They then brought it to Equestria at the advice of friends and family. In addition to the journal and the tarp it was bound in, the hippogriffs also presented a corked glass bottle containing a letter. They claim it had been found by an acquaintance several months after the North Star sank hundreds of miles north of where they found the journal.

“My friend held onto it all those years because she was sure that whoever had wrote it was dead, but she didn’t have the heart to throw it out,” explained our source, “When we brought the journal home, she realized that might not be the case.”

Both the letter in the bottle and the journal are alleged to have been written by one Gilda of Griffonstone. A review of the North Star’s passenger manifest confirmed that there was a passenger of that name on board at the time the ship departed Baltimare. The writings have been turned over to Canterlot authorities for investigation.

Even within 24 hours of the journal’s delivery, it is already embroiled in controversy. Many are understandably skeptical of its authenticity, including Captain Sea Salt. The retired mariner assisted with the extensive search for North Star survivors seven years ago.

“Setting aside the fact that these hippogriffs are unwilling to identify themselves for the public record,” he said, “Had anyone survived that shipwreck, we would’ve found ‘em. We had hundreds of pegasi in the air and dozens of boats on the water combing a thousand square miles of ocean, and all we found was bodies and debris.”

Princess Twilight Sparkle has already volunteered to oversee the case personally. She felt it appropriate to do so, as their alleged author was a close personal friend of one of her own friends. “If the journal is real, we have an old friend to find,” she said in a press release. The Princess of Friendship is expected to release a full official statement at the conclusion of the investigation.

“SHIPWRECK SMUT: North Star Diary GRAPHICALLY Describes Survivor’s SAVAGE SEX LIFE.” The Daily Tattler. 15 August, 1142.

Equestrian officials investigating the newly revealed “North Star Diaries,” written by a lost survivor of the SS North Star were startled by how overtly sexual its contents are, according to one trusted anonymous source with access to the writing.

Our source stated that the journal seems to document one Gilda of Griffonstone’s survival on a tropical island, and her subsequent descent into debauchery and deviance. He further revealed that in addition to mental changes, the griffon underwent physical changes that can only be described as “pornographic.”

“It’s almost like somebody’s fetish come to life,” said the official, “This journal details an otherwise normal woman devolving into a savage, sexual beast!”

The Equestrian government has not commented on the allegation at the time of publication. However, our source has additionally provided an excerpt from the journal turned over to Princess Twilight Sparkle. This excerpt was, of course, far too explicit to be published. A censored version will be made available in the following issue. It’s a Tattler-exclusive scoop; you won’t be able to read it anywhere but here!

A Letter From the Lost

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January 3rd, 1135

If you’re reading this and your name’s not Rainbow Dash, make sure this gets to her. If you don’t know who Rainbow Dash is, fuck off.


I don’t know how I’m gonna get this to you, but I’m okay for now. The boat back to Griffonstone sank in a storm (fucking dumbass Earth ponies can’t navigate for shit). The lifeboat got washed overboard with me in it, and I think I’m the only one alive.

Probably should start from the beginning. It was late at night, and we ran right into this big winter storm. The ship was being tossed back and forth, and the dweebs below deck with me were freaking out. Then the lights went out and all Tartarus broke loose.

I only had time to throw on a winter coat before the power went out. Then I got thrown against one wall after another as ponies and griffons were shoving past me in the dark while I tried to find my way up on deck. The ship had started to tilt to one side too, which probably wasn’t good.

A few solid right hooks got me through the crowds. A crew pony shouted to us that we needed to come up on deck, as we were abandoning ship. I was one of the first ones on deck. Someone handed me a life jacket, but it was too dark for me to see much. The ocean spray and freezing rain didn’t help, either.

I got recruited by a deckhand to help load one of the lifeboats in as orderly a fashion as possible. That wasn’t going to happen with the ship sinking so quickly while we’re getting tossed around by the waves.

Still, I did my best. I found it worked best if I just stood in the boat itself and snarled at any of the dipshits that tried to get in before the boat was ready. Things were going well until the main mast fell over.

The rigging came down hard on the deck, and I’m pretty sure a few ponies got squashed. I don’t know what else happened, since the ship rolled onto its side after that. I got knocked off my feet and hit my head on one of the bench seats. Things are hazy after that, but I remember a lot of rocking and rolling. I think the waves scooped the boat up and carried me off.

It was morning when I finally woke up. The storm let up, but there’s still a lot of cloud cover and it’s cold as Nightmare Moon’s left tit. I’ve got frost all over my feathers and my jacket, and a gash on my forehead.

At the very least I was able to grab some stuff from the wreckage floating around that might be useful, but I’m gonna be screwed if I’m stuck out here in this boat. There’s food and water on board, but I don’t know how long that’s gonna last me. That’s also where I found a pen and this blank journal. I used some of the gauze from the first aid kit to patch myself up.

Anyways, I was able to get a plastic tarp from the water, as well as some scrap wood. It’ll keep the sleet off if more storms come. For now I’m just gonna hunker down and hope that this letter reaches you before I freeze or starve or something.

In the meantime, I’ll try to write down as much as I can in the journal. A little black box for this fucking disaster if nothing else. If I don’t make it back home, at least whoever finds my body will have an idea of how it all went down.

Anyways, I hope to see you soon Dash. If I get a better idea of where I am, I’ll rip out another page and use another one of these bottles.


On an Endless Sea

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January 4th, 1135

Surprised I was able to get any sleep during the night. Guess you can sleep anywhere if you’re tired enough, even a small wooden lifeboat getting tossed about a wide open ocean with a whole lotta nothing as far as I can see. Believe me, I tried. Took off and flew a few laps around the boat to see if there was anything over the horizon. Just water, water, clouds, and more water. I’ll check again assuming the ice on my feathers doesn’t shatter them.

Not like the sleep I got was any good, though. I was wedged between the seats with no back support. Woke up sore as shit. Not like I could sleep on the bottom of the boat, as a whole bunch of water was sloshing around in it. Good thing I was able to bail it out, so tonight I can put some blankets down and be a little more comfortable than I was last night.

I’m paying big time for not going on deck with warmer clothes, and for getting wet on the way off. My hands and feet are killing me. There’s this weird numbness and pain at the same time in my fingers and toes. On the off chance I ever get out of this, I’ll probably lose a couple. As awesome as my high-top sneakers are, they’re definitely NOT ideal for cold. No gloves, either.

Whatever, I’ll worry about that later. Right now I gotta find someone or someplace soon. I still have food and water to spare, since this boat was meant to hold several people. It’s this fucking COLD that’s the problem. Well, that and I left my phone in my cabin when the ship sank. Not like I expect to get any reception in the middle of the fucking ocean, but at least I could listen to music or something while I waited to die. Sitting around looking for land and in pain is getting really boring.

Know what? This really pisses me off. I’m not afraid of dying, but I could’ve at LEAST died with dignity. I wanna go down fighting something big and ugly, like a manticore or some shit. Or I could get killed doing something cool like riding a bugbear through Ghastly Gorge or setting a new record for most ale chugged back at the pub. Fucking Gilbert thinks he’s so tough because he managed a keg and a half, I’d show him!

But here I am sitting on my ass and slowly freezing to death out on open water. Where’s the glory in this? Where’s the dignity? This fucking sucks!

Enough rambling. Sun’s going down and I don’t have any artificial light besides some flares, and I wanna save those for if somebody shows up. I mean, somebody must be looking for the ship, right? They must’ve gotten an SOS out.

Nah, this ain’t a fairy tale with a happily ever after. Real life is harsh, and help usually isn’t coming. It’s why Griffonstone has gone how many years without a king. We’re, what do those eggheads up in the universities call it? A failure state? Something like that. Bunch of smug pricks.

I’ll write some more later, if I’m still alive.


Reflections and Dwindling Hope

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January 7th, 1135

Fuck I hope this is legible. The pain in my fingers is getting worse, and I had to change how I hold the pen.

It’s been a few days and things aren’t going great. It’s still cloudy, the sea’s choppy, and it’s still cold as balls. Food and water in the lifeboat are starting to run low. I’m gonna try to ration it as much as I can. Should stretch it out a few more days. Still, I’m craving meat real bad, and whatever the dweebs who made these emergency biscuits put in them isn’t cutting it for me.

Today I thought I caught a break. There was a shark circling the boat. Didn’t have any buddies with it. I had a wood plank with a jagged edge I thought I could use as a spear. It didn’t work like I wanted it to, and my grip is already weak from this damn frostbite. Don’t think I even punctured that fucker’s hide before it swam away. The more I think about it, the more I wonder if there even was a shark.

Still no idea where I am. The clouds are keeping the stars hidden, so I don’t even know which way is north. Between the swells, it feels like the boat’s being carried in a current of some sort in one direction. Wherever this tub is taking me, it better be to land or seaponies. Would really like to have a compass right now.

Who am I kidding? I’m not cut out for this survival thing. Even if I was, I don’t have the stuff I need to get to safety. Every day I get weaker. This morning my beak cracked up one side as I bit into a staler than usual biscuit. In case you’re wondering, that fucking hurt.

Dash, if you’re reading this, I’m sorry that I left Ponyville the way I did, and I’m sorry for how I treated your friends. Shit, I’m sorry for everything.

When I left Baltimare, I was still pissed at you. Stewing about how lame you’d become around your pony friends. But I’ve been doing a lot of thinking out here alone in the cold. Heh, not much else you can do out in the middle of the ocean.

Truth is, I lost sight of what’s important between us. Got too focused on how “cool” we are. I mean don’t get me wrong, I’m still cool as fuck. You are too, Dash, and even if your friends aren’t as cool, that doesn’t change you.

But the important thing is I remembered back in Junior Speedsters flight camp. I don’t usually like to think about my fledgling days. I was so scared and insecure! You were the bright spot of my time there. I’d never met someone so confident, and you raised me up to your level.

That’s what I lost sight of. You saw someone anycreature else would have dismissed as lame and brought the coolness out in me. Then I repaid your loyalty to me by calling you lame in front of the whole town.

At some point over the years, I stopped seeing you as your own pony and more as an idol of coolness I was using to prop up my own self-esteem. And as a result I got possessive of you. So when I saw the ponies you usually hang out with, I got jealous. Like they were stealing my shit. And the more I think about that, the more fucked up it is.

Hey Dash, if you’re still reading, please tell that pink pony friend of yours and the quiet yellow one I’m sorry. I took my jealousy and paranoia out on them, and they did nothing to deserve it. Well, almost. That joy buzzer hurt like a bitch!

The yellow one, Butterfly was it? She’s a lot like how I was when I first met you, just with a bigger heart. But I know with a friend as awesome as you, she’s gonna be almost as cool as me one day.

Figures I was too proud to ever apologize, and now it’s too late to do in person. All I can do is pour my stupid heart out into this journal with no guarantees it ever reaches the pony I want it to.

Grandpa Gruff sometimes told stories from his navy days about what happened to griffons who drank seawater. Fuck it, if I run out of bottled water and there’s still no land in sight, I might just do it. It’d kill me faster than dehydration.


The Sun Comes Out

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Tired. Weak. Keep falling asleep. No idea where I am.

This fucking sucks.



So cold

January? 1135

Okay, I’m FINALLY awake enough to sit up and write a full sentence. I haven’t written anything over the past several days, and thanks to that I’ve lost track of times. The nights and days blurred together, and I don’t even know if it’s January anymore. Kept drifting in and out of consciousness from the cold. I’d check my watch, but the button to switch it to the date busted a year ago.

Dash, if you’re reading, I still have that goofy ass Wonderbolts watch you gave me for my 14th birthday. You know the one with the cheesy catchphrases from each of the team’s 1129 lineup? Hope you don’t mind that I didn’t wear it in Ponyville. I had an image to maintain (no offense).

But yeah, I’ve kept it with me. Even after our fight, I held onto it. There was a point where I was so mad, I considered dropping it overboard. I’m glad that I stopped myself. Else it would’ve been one more thing to be sorry for, and I’ve got too many of those already.

Speaking of considering stuff, just before my last stretch of memory fog, I remember scooping up some seawater in my hands. I almost drank it, Dash. I almost gave up. But then in the back of my head I thought about what you’d do in this situation. Then I thought about what you’d WANT me to do.

Sometimes I wonder if I’m still that scared little fledgling, looking for someone to raise her up like you did?

Anyways, thing is I was wrong back there in Ponyville. You’re not lame at all. Shit, you’re cooler than me by far. I just wish that I remembered that before I put you down in front of the others and stormed out.

Hey, if I ever get out of this, I’m gonna come back to Equestria, and we’re gonna have a day all for you. Whatever you wanna do, we’ll do it. Go to the bar? To a sports game? Hell, if you wanna bring Butterfly and that pink pony along, go for it!

But I gotta focus on the here and now. So there’s some good news and some bad news. The good news is that the clouds are gone. I woke up to a bright, sunny morning. Even better, it’s not even cold anymore. I pushed back the tarp to what felt like a mild summer day. I was even able to take my coat and sweatshirt off! Just how far did I drift these past few days?

Now for the bad news. I can’t feel anything in my hands and feet but this fucking ache. Holding this pen is still awkward, and my fingers have started to turn black in places. I can’t move two of the fingers on the left hand, and one on the right. Too scared to take my shoes off to see what my toes look like. I’m guessing gangrene has set in, in which case I might be screwed unless I find a way to cut them off without bleeding to death.

There are more, bigger cracks in my beak than before. They hurt like a bitch, but I can still chew. Most of them feel superficial, so now that I’m in warmer weather the smaller ones might heal. Gonna need surgery on this big one, though.

Holy shit, some more good news! I was just about to sign off from writing this when I looked up and saw land on the horizon. The current seems to be taking me straight toward it. And that’s good, because I only have one oar on this boat and some busted planks. Even if I did have oars, I’m too weak to row.

I’ve been watching it grow closer. Looks like some kind of tropical island. It’d explain the sudden change in the weather. I REALLY must’ve drifted far!

Anyways, I’m not gonna look a gift pony in the mouth (again, no offense). This is probably my best shot at staying alive long enough to get back home. Damn good thing that this island is here. I’m down to the last bottle of water and pack of biscuits. Hopefully there’s something better to eat there, and I’ll be able to patch myself up.

I’ll write more once I’m on land and gotten my bearings.



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January, February, whatever. We’re calling this Day 1

Fuck me, that was a lot of work! It felt good to be standing and moving around, though. Must’ve gotten an adrenaline rush from the anticipation of getting back on solid ground as the island got closer and closer.

I checked my watch. It took a couple hours to reach the shore. I used the one oar on the boat to paddle the last mile or so. I jumped out onto the sand and fell flat on my face. Practically had to remind myself how to stand up again. Sucks that I got sand all over my shirt. The Vultures are my fave metal band. I can’t soil their unholy sigil like that!

Whatever, I’ll figure out how to rinse it out later. I spent most of my energy hauling the boat up onto the beach. Least that way the tide doesn’t carry it off. Breaked for a late lunch on what little is left of the emergency biscuits.

Standing up and walking really helped me shake the lead out. I was sore from pulling in the boat, but I needed to make sure I could find more to eat, and some water. So I took the broken plank in case I ran into something unfriendly, and walked into the treeline a ways.

The underbrush and trees around here are pretty dense. Thankfully I was able to find some worn paths, probably from the local wildlife. That made it a bit easier to get around. As I got further away from the beach, the trees got thicker and crazier, and the forest got a bit darker from the canopy overhead.

The trees are pretty fucking gnarly too. No, literally. Haven’t seen branches and trunks that twist and bend like the ones overhead. Maybe once I’ve gotten a good night’s sleep I can climb one of them and see where it goes.

Think it was about an hour or so in that I heard running water. Jackpot! I followed the sound into a clearing and found this big pool of water at the base of the waterfall. Took some time to walk around it, and I dipped my hand in. Water’s only a little cool, and a taste test says this water is fresh. Actually, it could make for a pretty sweet pool if I’m stuck here for a while.

I climbed up the slope next to the waterfall to find the river feeding it. That’s where I refilled my water bottle. Course, I might’ve quickly emptied and refilled it a few times. I’d been going easy on what water I had left, and it’s easy to forget just how thirsty you can be until you start drinking. I’ll come back with the other empty bottles later.

Before I left, I looked through the gap in the trees and saw a big bald mountain taking up the far side of the island. Looks like much of the land sloped upward toward it. Almost reminds me of Griffonstone, but just a little.

I’d just come back to the beach when I heard a thud behind me. I whirled around, ready to kick some ass, but there was nocreature there. Took me a minute to notice the coconut laying on the ground under the tree it came from. Score!

Okay, maybe not a score. I peeled it and tried to break it open on a loose rock just now. Fucking thing wouldn’t break, I got pissed, and then I swung too hard and it split clean in half. All the water inside’s gone, and I’m left trying to peck out the white stuff with a busted beak. Good thing it's not the only one. I heard a couple more fall, so I’ll go find them later.

The sun was just starting to set as I finished putting proof I’m here down. Went out along some rock flats in the shallows of the surf and grabbed some rocks. That took a while and didn’t help with how sore I am already. Feels like I got the shit kicked outta me in a bar fight. Least it was worth it to get a nice big “HELP” written on the beach. Hopefully somecreature sees it eventually.

Last order of business was setting up a place to sleep. I pulled the tarp out onto the beach, propped it up with the planks, and put a shitload of discarded palm leaves down under it. I’ll worry about making it more sturdy later. With me on solid ground and something resembling a bed under me, I think I’ll get some good sleep for the first time in weeks.

I can’t write much longer. The sun’s almost below the horizon and it’s getting pretty dark. Only source of light I have is the display on my watch. Okay, I’ll admit it. The watch has kinda been my nightlight the past few nights on the boat. Reminds me of you, Rainbow Dash. It’s even colored like you.

That’s all for today. I’ll let you know how things went tomorrow. Gotta figure out what I’m gonna do about these fingers and toes before they go septic.


(P.S. Any chucklefucks reading this who start spreading around that I sleep with a nightlight are getting put through every wall between Manehattan and Vanhoofer as soon as I get off this island.)

First Steps

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Day 2

Well, guess some problems resolve themselves after all. I woke up this morning, and first thing I noticed after sitting up was my fingers. They didn’t hurt as much, and the black has faded from them. I can even move them all again! Weird, I was always told that they were pretty much a lost cause once they got like that. They still look fucked up and have a dark tinge, but they’re healing.

Took a dip in the pool or whatever that place with the waterfall is called. My toes don’t look as bad as they were feeling the day before. Guess those are healing too. Too bad about the bigass crack in my beak, though. That’s gonna need staples at best, and THAT I’m not looking forward to.

I decided today would be the day I figure out how to make fire. After drying myself off best I could and getting dressed (except for my shirt, which I rinsed out in the pool and hung up to dry for most of the day), I sat down in my makeshift shelter to try to remember back to flight camp.

Most of our time was spent in the clouds, but a couple times a month we’d go camping down on the ground, in the woods. Flyers needed to learn the basics of survival too, y’know. I vaguely remember there was this thing we did with a stick and some twine we’d use like a bow to spin another twig really fast. How did that go again?

It was right around then that I leaned back too far and nudged the side of my shelter, causing it to fall down and bury me under the tarp. Yeah no, this isn’t going to work in the long term. Gonna need to either find a more permanent shelter or build one, and I really don’t wanna bust my ass trying to build a house.

I took some time to get my tarp shelter set back up, and I tried to be a bit more careful about it than I was last night. Should be a little sturdier now. Once that was sorted and my shirt was dry enough to put back on, I went back out in the jungle to find someplace else to stay.

I covered more ground today. Also had enough of my strength back to take flight a couple times, just to peek out the canopy. This island’s fucking huge. Aside from the big rocky mountain in the distance, it’s like a sea of treetops. I landed on one of those twisted branches on my way back, to see if I could follow it back to the ground. Had to jump off about halfway down, else I was gonna get lost. These trees are knotted together to make a big maze!

Further in I was able to find a break in the trees to some tall grass. It’s about knee deep, and there were more animal paths worn into it.

Speaking of which, I haven’t seen any large animals still. I’ve seen and heard plenty of brightly colored birds, and there’s been a fair few insects buzzing around me. That’s getting annoying, and the last thing I need is to die of malaria after everything else that’s happened.

Whatever, something is making these trails, and I’m sure I’ll find it eventually. I followed them into the grass a ways, but I decided to go back to the beach and follow the shoreline some more. I can come back later while I’m looking for food. Saw some low-standing plants in the grass with fruit that might be edible. Will have to check that.

I finally found what I was looking for after walking the beach for a couple of hours. The ground sloped up ahead to form a sheer wall of rocky cliffs. There was enough beach in front of the cliffs for me to take a closer look. From there I saw a bunch of cave openings in the rock.

Those caves MIGHT be what I’m looking for. I’ll have to poke around in there a couple of times to make sure there’s nothing dangerous in there. That’ll take a few days at least. For now, though, I needed some lunch and to get a fire started.

Okay, my firemaking skills aren’t exactly great. I was able to get a couple coconuts open without spilling the water inside. But I’m gonna need some solid food in me soon, particularly meat. A girl needs her protein. That, and it gets chilly at night. Not as cold as it was on the boat, but still.

I put some sticks around a large branch, then I tried scraping a dent in the wood. Stuff from Junior Speedsters started coming back to me while I worked, and I figured if I could get enough friction I’d set stuff on fire.

After an hour of effort and some new cuts on my hands, I realized I should probably be using something lighter as tinder to get things started. That’s when I remembered my winter jacket was full of cotton stuffing. One split open sleeve later, and I had a bunch packed around the stick. I took strips of the fabric to tie to another stick, so I could do that bow thing.

No clue what I’m doing wrong. I must’ve been at it all day. At least one of the sticks was sturdy enough to get the meat out of the coconuts. Made for a pretty lame dinner if you ask me.

Oh well, I’ll hopefully figure this shit out soon. I almost got it, and I’m not about to back down from a challenge! There’s at least one pegasus I know who wouldn’t.

Least today didn’t completely suck, and hopefully it’ll suck even less tomorrow. Right now I’m just gonna watch the sun set, then get some sleep.


Scout's (Dis)honor

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Day 3

Okay, first of all I gotta call bullshit. I was down by the pool again, and I took a look at my beak in the reflection. The smaller cracks are gone entirely, and the big one looks a lot smaller and shallower than I remember it being yesterday. That doesn’t fucking happen. Something that deep is usually permanent. Lots of the tough guys back in Griffonstone have all kinds of chips and gouges on theirs that are years old. Now that I think about it, the frostbite in my fingers and toes is gone too. They look and feel like they did before the shipwreck.

Okay, so I’m not read up on medical stuff, but I’m healing way too fast, and there’s no lingering disability like there’s supposed to be. There some kind of magic on this island I should know about? Should I be worried? Either all the egghead doctors in Equestria AND Griffonstone were talking out their ass at me, or I’ve found some kind of Fountain of Youth.

Either way, I tried using the waterfall as a shower this morning. That didn’t go well. Not only was it cold, but I almost got squished against the rocks by the weight of it all. Fell over and got swept out into the pool like a dumbass.

Whatever, would be nice to sit under the falls to get clean rather than swimming around. Without any soap I’m gonna need to pressure wash. Guess I’ll try again later now that I know what to expect.

I spent the rest of the morning exploring the ground I covered yesterday. Found some juicy looking fruits and even a couple greens that look and smell good to eat. The ones I’ve taste tested so far don’t seem poisonous. At least I hope not. Coconuts taste okay and all, but I need variety in my diet. That point got driven home to me in the most disgusting possible way. Making a note here I’ll need to dig a proper latrine pit soon.

Oh that reminds me. Hey Dash, remember that weird kid from Junior Speedsters who shit his pants on the obstacle course? I actually looked him up a couple months backs. He’s on social media now, running this group of wackjobs with a REALLY disturbing obsession with Nightmare Moon. They wanna overthrow the Equestrian government and install a “New Lunar Republic,” whatever that means.

Oh well, I wish him luck. Don’t think Luna’s that supportive of the idea. There’s only like a couple hundred of them anyways.

But speaking of Junior Speedsters, I guess some of those lessons they taught during the camping trips stuck after all. Took me awhile to remember them. Was just sitting crosslegged in the sand staring at yesterday’s fire attempt. Then, just like that, the memories came back!

Still took a lot of time and effort, but I FINALLY got flames. I dumped as many sticks as I could on, then larger branches. Been keeping a large fire going for the past several hours now, and I’ve collected enough driftwood and loose palm fronds to keep it going well into the night.

Though I should figure out how to put together a hatchet. Then I can chop down one of these trees and get some big logs for the fire. THEN I won’t have to worry as much about the fire going out.

So far the only tool I’ve managed to make is a stone knife, well sorta. Found an outcropping of some brittle volcanic rocks while exploring the shoreline. Was able to get a nice sharp shard from one of them when I smashed it with a different type of rock. Dunno what the scientific term is for either of them. Hey Dash, you mentioned your pink friend had a sister in the rock business right? She’d probably know.

Still, the knife’s already come in handy. I didn’t mention it earlier, but it can get kinda hot on tropical islands. Humid too. I’ve had to go for a couple swims a day to get the sweat off. Wearing long pants doesn’t help when it’s so warm and sunny all the time.

That’s why I used this new knife to modify my jeans. Just spread them out on one of the big flat rocks that are lying around the beach and cut them into shorts. I’ll keep the spare denim in case I find a use for it later. Though I think maybe I might’ve cut them a bit too high. Almost go up to the top of my thighs. Meh, not like anycreature’s around to see me.

Then again, it’s kind of a shame no one but me can see how great my ass looks in these. Fuck, I must be tired. NO idea why I wrote that.

Anyways, the sun’s going down once again. Got some light and some warmth in front of my “bed” this time around, so I’ll probably sleep better. Once I got some logs on there and a firepit going, I’ll be able to keep it lit all night.

Alright, g’night Dash. And any other dipshits reading.


Dreams and Whispers

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Day 6

Been a couple days since I wrote. No biggie, I’ve been keeping track of the days. Found one of the softer rocks leaves marks, so I can write with it. I’m keeping the days marked off on one of the boulders near where the trees start. That way when help DOES arrive, I can point to it and bitch them out for taking so damn long.

Eh, that’s probably unfair to anycreature looking for me. That’s assuming anycreature’s looking to begin with. That ship went down pretty fast, so they might not have gotten an SOS out. There’s a happy thought. Not!

So, I think I figured out why I started writing pervy on the last page. It’s been awhile since I’ve hooked up, even before I got shipwrecked. The dry spell’s leaving me pent up.

Do girls get wet dreams? I think I might be, at least. Dunno what the dreams were about, but the past couple nights I woke up with my hand down my pants and a big wet stain in my undies. Might have to start sleeping bottomless if this keeps happening, else I’ll wreck what’s left of my pants.

Yeah yeah, I know that folks are likely reading this right now and the prudes are all up in arms, but I don’t give a shit. This griffon has nothing to hide, and never has. If I wanna talk about how wet my cunt was this morning, I’m fucking gonna. Deal with it.

Sexy dreams aside, though, I think all the time away from civilization (and my social media) is getting to me. Last night, I had another fire going, and was trying to get to sleep. The night before that I thought it was just the waves on the beach mixed with the sound of the fire crackling, but tonight I decided it’s definitely not that.

It sounds like a bunch of weird whispering. It’d kick in whenever I was about to go to sleep. You know that feeling when you’re just about to sleep then it feels like you’re falling and you’re wide awake and scared shitless? Yeah it was like that, but with whispering instead of falling.

After two nights of that in a row it’s starting to piss me off. No idea where it’s coming from either. Looked all around my shelter, and I even grabbed a lit stick from the fire and scanned the edge near the trees. If there’s somecreature else on this island and they’ve decided to start fucking me WITH me, I’m gonna find them and put my foot up their ass so far, they’ll taste sneakers for a week.

On the plus side, I’ve FINALLY got some protein in me. Took some more of that dark rock and made another knife. Then I used some strips from my jacket to secure it to one of the longer, sturdier sticks in my stockpile. After that I just had to look around the beach for some of those crabs I’ve seen skittering around. Speared one right through the gut, then a couple more.

This is great! I’ll try wading out into the water and seeing if I can find some fish later. For now, I had a dinner of crab legs just like fucking royalty. I only stuck with the legs and claws, because I vaguely remember something about stuff in the crab’s body being poisonous. I’ll try to figure that out eventually.

Not everything worked the way I wanted it, though. I tried to make a hatchet this afternoon, so I could cut down some trees. It was ugly as a motherfucker, and after just two swings against a nearby palm tree it came apart. Trial and error fucking sucks.

Still, it’s really cool how all my Junior Speedsters training has come back to me in the past couple of days. Even with the stuff that has been trial and error, I’m getting the hang of it pretty quick. The Speedsters didn’t trust foals with weapons, so we didn’t get to learn how to make sharp pointy stuff like my new spear. Wonder what else I’ll teach myself while I’m out here?

Anyways, I’m full of crab legs and a bunch of tropical fruits I have no name for, and I’m ready to sleep. Already kicked off my shorts and briefs (I will NOT call them “panties”), so if I cream myself in my sleep again, I don’t have an even bigger stain to try and rinse out. Kinda weird feeling my bare ass on these palm leaves, but I’ll manage.

Catch you later, whenever I feel like writing more stuff down.



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Day 11

So it turns out, as awesome as my high tops were, they were definitely not made for walking long distances all day, every day. I’ve completely worn down the soles, and they’ve split in several places.

My feet hurt from all the walking enough as it is, I’m not about to go barefoot on all this rock and dirt and stuff. Today I threw together some improv sandals. Took the shoes apart and put them back together using the laces. Got rid of the socks entirely because they’re worn right through. These should last me long enough for my paws to get used to it.

I just wish I could do something about the fucking whispering. It’s louder than when I first started hearing it, and it’s keeping me up at night. Then, when I do get to sleep, I end up waking up in the morning not only wet, but horny too. These past couple days now my pussy’s been bugging me to take care of it before I do anything else.

Like, I usually don’t have to rub one out more than once or twice a week. Now I’m doing it daily. Again, it’s probably because I haven’t had a good lay in the last how many months. Once I get out of this, I gotta find me a cute guy (or girl, I’m not picky) and take em for a ride. Hell, maybe if I like whoever comes to pick me up, they can get the honors?

Spent most of today exploring some more. Went deeper into the grassland and gathered some more fruit for lunch. I also went back to that cliff with the caves. Managed to poke around inside a ways. It looks like they’re all connected to hollow chambers. There’s just enough light coming in from outside to see in. I haven’t run into anything living in there just yet, and I don’t see any signs of life outside the occasional insect or lizard. I’ll keep coming back a few more times before I make a decision, but I just might move in here for sleeping and stuff.

Oh, something else: I’m not craving the social media feed or my phone anymore. Was jonesing hard without it for the first week on this island, and I think I mentioned it when I was still on the boat. I’m a lot more focused now on what’s around me. Honestly? That feels pretty good.

It’s allowed me to focus more on trying to make tools, if nothing else. Finally got myself a working hatchet and chopped down a couple palm trees. Spent the past few nights with a nice big fire that lasted plenty long enough to keep me warm. I worked on a new stone knife too, one with an actual grip. It’s making pulling the crabs’ shells off way easier. I even used some rocks to make a proper fire pit, and sticks to make a cooking spit.

Course, it would help if I were better at using the fucking things. I still miss when throwing my spear at fish in the shallows. I’ll get it eventually, and there’s plenty of fish around the island to taunt me into practicing.

I also managed to string together a basic bow and arrow. The strips of denim I’m using as a drawstring won’t last, so I should probably figure out how to make some proper twine. The arrows are easy enough to make. Just some flint, a stick, and one of my discarded feathers get it done. Now if I can just manage to hit something with it, I’ll be good.

Though that makes me think of one of the crazier things that’s happening. I don’t know how I’m doing it. I’ve never seen most of these plants and animals before. For some reason, while I’m looking at one of them, it just pops into my head that it’s safe or unsafe. Those red berries? Poisonous. The colorful birds flocking overhead? Good source of lean white meat, if a little gamey. The snake in the grass? Edible, but watch out for the fangs.

Honestly I’m amazed I haven’t killed myself with food poisoning yet. There’s no fucking way I can know what’s edible here, and yet I haven’t been wrong yet! It’s almost like I got a little guy in my head feeding the answers to me whenever I see something new. He’s keeping me full, at least!

Think I’ll do one more walk around the beach before I call it a night. Dunno when somebody will find me, but in the meantime I should be able to keep myself alive.


Moving In, Getting Off

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Day 15

After poking around in those caves for the past few days, I think it’s safe for me to set up in there. Just as well, too. My little shelter on the beach keeps falling over every time it rains, and I keep getting sand in places you definitely don’t wanna get sand whenever I sit or lay down.

I packed up everything I’d need into the tarp, and hauled it over my shoulder to take to the caves. Actually getting everything up to the entrance I decided will be the “front door” took multiple trips. Thank fuck I could fly everything up in my arms. I’d probably kill myself climbing up and down this cliff with a bunch of tools, sticks, rocks, and a bigass tarp.

The part of the cave I’m using has a dirt floor with some rock shelves here and there. I put more palm leaves down over one of those shelves until I had enough cushion to use as a bed. The hammer I made a couple days back came in handy for hanging the tarp over the cave entrance to keep the rain out (I’ve had at least two thunderstorms since I came to the island. Sucks when you’re out in the open). This cave’s pretty high off the ground too, so I won’t have to worry about flooding. If this island gets monsoons, I should be able to stay dry.

I rebuilt the firepit in the dirt floor, and I also transferred my count of the days onto one of the cave walls. Looks like I’ve been here for just over two weeks. I haven’t gotten bored yet, which is probably a good thing. Managed to haul up some of the logs from the beach too and break them down into proper firewood. Got a pile of it in one corner.

The other big news from today is that I finally found some of the larger ground animals outside the lizards and the snakes I’ve seen so far. I was out getting some fruit and digging up some tubers with the makeshift shovel I made when I spotted this little goat-looking thing.

It had a bunch of curly horns like a corkscrew, and for something so compact it looked like it had a fair bit of meat on it. We stared at each other for almost a full minute before it turned and ran off. A few others joined it over the hill.

Looks like I’m gonna have to get some more hunting practice in. My instincts - yeah that’s what I’m gonna call them - are telling me that goat will be a real tasty treat.

Aside from the goats, I’ve also found a bunch of holes in the grasslands. A furry head or two peeked out at me while I was looking. Might have to check those out as well. The trick will be how I catch them.

I’ve gotten better with the bow and arrow! One of those brightly colored birds went down today. Got it right through the heart. Was pretty pleased with myself, and it made for a sweet lunch. Went great with the greens I picked earlier this morning. Then in the afternoon, I managed to spear a bunch of fish!

Oh, and there’s one more thing from when I woke up this morning any of the pervs reading are gonna love. I’ll tell you about it later. Right now, I’ve gotta watch the fire. Having a nice big fish fry to celebrate getting good with a spear. Soon as I get back, though, I gotta share this because it was WHACK.


Alright, stomach is full, shorts are off for the night, got enough light to write by. Let’s do this.

I actually remember one of the wet dreams I had last night. Probably because it involved someone I know, and while I’ve been wanting a good fuck, I didn’t think I was THAT desperate. That smug asshole at the bar I usually go to, Gilbert. No idea why he was in it, but he was.

I dreamed I was at my usual seat, and he was a little further down. Nobody else was there that I remember, it was just the two of us. He slid up to me and asked me if I wanted to have some fun in his usual gross manner. Now, normally when some fuckboy like Gilbert comes up to me wanting some, I tell them to go eat a dick. But in my dream, I went along with it.

There wasn’t much in the way of foreplay. Just the usual beaking and necking, and of course he was grabbing at my ass and tits. Then he pushed up his shirt and opened his pants. And holy FUCK he was hot. Perfectly chiseled bod, and a cock that was nice and fat, but not ridiculously massive.

At some point I must have dropped my own pants and pushed up my own shirt, because when he pushed me back against the bar I could feel his talons and beak on my bare hide. I know it’s a dream and all. There’s no WAY he looks that good or is that skilled with his hands in real life. But he got me going good.

Then I turned around and hiked up my tail, soaking wet and ready to go. He grabbed my tail and pulled as he shoved his dick in. I was panting and cussing and growling back at him. My claws gouged the wood of the bar.

It all felt so real. The sounds, the smell of the bar and of the sex, the feeling of Dream-Gilbert’s dick stuffing me full, as well as both of us cumming. His jizz was hot, and filled me up even more. The whole time he never stopped pulling my tail with one hand and sinking his talons into my shoulder with the other.

I woke up shortly after that. Sleeping bottomless is paying off. The fur on my thighs was matted with girl cum. I was still horny, but I was also pissed.

Even if Gilbert was the last griffon in the entire world, I would NOT bone him. The guy’s a fucking sleaze, and here I am dreaming about getting pounded over the bar by him.

Dammit, once I get off this island I’m gonna have to find another pub. It’s gonna be too awkward to go back after that.

Oh for fuck sake, and I got myself turned on again just writing this down! Wait a sec. Writing it down. Heh, telling a bunch of complete strangers about my sex life is actually kinda hot. Got myself good and wet just putting it in writing. Running my fingers over my pussy right now, actually. Hopefully I’ll have something better for you pervs to get off to later. Like I said, I got nothing to hide.


(Optional Chapter) Aromatherapy

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Day 24

So, the folks who knew me back on the mainland will tell you I’ve never been big on flowery, frou-frou shit like perfumes or scented soaps. I just go with whatever gets me clean, and I don’t really care to smell like lilac or whatever. Girly stuff is lame, and they charge extra for the lameness.

So yeah, naturally there isn’t anything like that on the island here. At the same time, the bodywash I normally use isn’t here either. I mean, I suppose I could step up my hunting game so I can get one of those goats and use its fat to make soap, but I’d have to figure out how that works. Honestly? Feels like more trouble than it’s worth.

This whole time on the island it’s been warm - almost hot - and humid. That of course, means that I sweat. It’s just hot enough during the day to keep me sweating, and having a black t-shirt doesn’t help. You’d think the black coloring would hide the stains, but no. The dye or whatever they used is reacting to my sweat, now I have a bunch of orange spots under my arms and around the collar and sleeves. It’s spreading down over the Vultures sigil itself (Once again I beg mercy of the rocking dark lords of metal).

Don’t get me wrong, I do bathe regularly. I take a few minutes every morning and evening to stand under the waterfall for a hosedown. Figured out how to brace against all that water, so no more stupid falls into the pool. I usually go for a swim after that, then dry off and go back to camp for breakfast/dinner.

But at the end of the day, water is just water. I get most of the dirt and sweat off, but the B.O. sticks around. I first noticed around the second day here that I was starting to get pretty ripe. By the third day it was impossible for me to ignore.

Guys get the reputation for being the stinky ones, but us girls can stink a place up too if there’s no soap. The first few days I had to smell myself I was really grossed out. Tried to get rid of it the best I could with a bunch of extra trips to the waterfall, and a few extra hours of swimming. None of that really helped much. Least the swimming’s a good workout. I’ve already noticed less flab around the waist.

Getting back on topic though. As the weeks have gone on, I’ve gotten more used to it. Just last week I got a whiff under my arm and shuddered, but then I found myself going back to do it again. What is it about people’s own natural smells that make it gross, but at the same time wanting to smell more of it? Guess everycreature does like their own “brand.”

But, I think it’s not just that I’ve gotten used to my B.O. Call me crazy or a weirdo, but I’m actually enjoying it now. It’s really hard for me to explain, but there’s something hot about smelling more “natural,” like how animals in the wild have their own signature.

Maybe my not caring about scented soap was trying to tell me something? I’d have laughed at the idea that one day I’d be sniffing my own pits and enjoying it, but today that’s exactly what I was doing.

It was morning. I had girlwood as usual. Propped up one leg and started stroking along my snatch. Didn’t remember any dreams of note last night, so I was just imagining some hot guys and girls I’d like to fuck sometime. I’d put one arm behind my head to get more comfortable while I played with myself. Since I was still half-asleep and relaxed, I let my head drift to the side.

With my nostrils in close proximity to my armpit, I got a pretty good whiff of myself. That woke me up. But instead of being grossed out, it made my pussy THROB. I think my brain got my personal stank wired in my brain to the stank of sex. Either way, I was turned the fuck on.

I took another sniff, then another. Two of my talons slipped into my puss as I sniffed. My clit was rock hard, and I flicked over it with my thumb. Then I got an idea. I pulled my fingers out and dug them into each side of my crotch, all over my mound. Then I brought my fingers up and sniffed them.

Holy. Fuck. I never thought I’d get off to the smell of my own cunt. Said cunt was oozing, the smell was sending shivers up and down my whole body. I plunged my fingers back into my snatch, three of them this time. Every few seconds I’d smell my pit again and fingerfuck myself even faster.

Even after I came, I licked off my fingers, smelled them again, then kept going. My left leg was pressed straight up against the cave wall, and I kept my arm behind my head. All the better to smell myself.

I think I came like two other times before I finally got up for the day. I wiped my hands off on my thighs before I put my bottoms on. Was on my way to the waterfall anyways. After dinner I masturbated like that again before I went to take my evening shower.

Y’know, I think it might be the general “wrongness” of getting off to my B.O. that’s making it so hot. With nobody around to judge me, I’m starting to find out stuff about myself I would’ve never thought. Heh, for all I put on a tough front, I was too chickenshit to explore who I was in civilization.

Guess this island isn’t the only discovery I made, and it’s not going to be the last.


Ruins on the Mountain

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Day 33

Oh shit. Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit! There WAS somecreature on this island before me. I found proof of intelligent life!

Look at me creaming myself like some nutball in a tinfoil hat. Lemme back things up and start from the beginning.

I have a pretty basic routine down now: Wake up, jill off, shower in the waterfall, get dressed, eat breakfast, gather food for lunch, watch for ships on the horizon, eat lunch, explore some more of the island, go hunting, go fishing, eat whatever I catch for dinner, shower in the waterfall, write anything new and interesting in the journal, jill off again, go to sleep. Just writing down everything that happened every day would get boring, and this thing only has a limited number of pages. I’m gonna try to space them out a bit more for the real important shit.

A couple days ago I ditched the shitty makeshift sandals I made out of my high tops. They’ve served me well, but my paws have toughened up to the point I can walk barefoot comfortably. I’ll probably use the laces to make some more tools or something.

Point is I’m already better at climbing precarious and slippery terrain without them. Those rubber soles had no tread left, and didn’t allow my toes the flexibility to grasp onto whatever I’m standing on. With that out of the way, and my talons grown out more (hey, YOU try finding a filing board out here), I’m able to climb trees way easier. I mean, I suppose I could fly more, but where’s the fun in that? This just, I dunno, feels right.

Anyways, I was out exploring the parts of the island I haven’t gone to yet. Yeah yeah it’s been over a month, but this place is pretty damn big. I think it’s pretty impressive that I’ve managed to cover half of it.

But that leads me to today. I was getting close to the base of that mountain. I thought it was kinda weird how flat the rocks on the slope were, and how neatly they were stacked. It took me a while to realize that those weren’t natural, they were stairs!

Had to pinch myself a few times to make sure I wasn’t dreaming, and not in the fun way. But no, these stairs were the real deal! Since I didn’t feel like climbing them, I just took off and followed them up the side of the mountain from the sky.

The stairs wound around the face to the far side. There was this plateau hanging out from the crag, and that’s where I saw it. I landed on a bunch of overgrown ruins made from chiseled stone.

I spent most of the afternoon wandering around that place. The foundation was intact, but only a handful of walls were left standing. It looks like there are stairs down into the foundation, but I wasn’t about to go down there without my trusty spear. It looked like the building was carved straight out of the mountain itself.

From the sky, I’d say that the ruins look to be about the size of the town square in Griffonstone, but that’s where the similarities end. It’s too bad I wasn’t able to figure out what it was used for, or who built it. I didn’t see any obvious structures or wall pictures that might give me clues. When I check out the downstairs later there might be more.

Maybe they’re a temple of some kind, or a city? Wonder what the people who built it were like? Heh, maybe it was used to make sacrifices, or have orgies. Ooh now there’s an idea. Could use a nice big naked orgy under the full moon. FUCK I need to get laid.

I memorized the location (pretty easy since it’s on the side of the only mountain on the island) and made plans to come back with more stuff a little later. It’d be really cool if I figure out this place’s backstory. Dunno how much I’d be able to find without a fancy archaeologist degree though.

Had a nice fat iguana for dinner tonight. Roasted it on the spit and just ate right off of it. I also rubbed one out before writing. I imagined that a bunch of mares and stallions with huge dicks, tits, and asses were worshipping whatever deity they’d worship out here. They were dancing, and chanting, and fucking, and I was in the middle of all of it. Totally drenched my hand thinking about all those primitive ponies groping me and kissing me. Hmm, think I might have a thing for group sex. That, or I’m pent up enough to go crazy with sex stuff.

Either way, I came good and hard. Now that I’m all wet again from writing this down, I might have to go one more round before bed. Not that I’m complaining though.

I’ll let you know if I find out anything more about that city or whatever it is. Good night for now.


(Optional Chapter) A Dark Forest

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Day 41

Remember when I mentioned there’s no bodywash on this island? Yeah, the same goes for shaving kits. Dragons don’t have this problem, and I don’t know how it is for ponies and other furry creatures, but us griffons get coarse dark body hair in places. Namely under the arms and between the legs. On some of the guys it will go over the balls and up their belly to meet with the plumage on their chest.

Actually, that’s the weird thing, how our fur and feathers go together. I’ve got feathers on my head, but I can style them like a pony would style a mane. They’ve gotten longer since I got here, and I’ve had to start combing my hair different. Felt so weird having it go down the sides and back of my head instead of sticking out front, but it’s gotten too long to do that without having it hang down in front of my face.

But I’m getting sidetracked. Point is that girl griffons get hairy pits and pubes too, and I’m no exception. It’s really obvious too, because while my main fur coat is coffee colored, the extra fur I grow in is a lot darker, almost black.

Back before I came to the island, I wasn’t fancy about it. I just used some electric clippers to buzz it short. Less time-consuming than the “proper lady’s” way of doing that shit. Made it easier to keep clean too. Since my clippers went down with the ship, all I could do was “go natural.”

The first couple weeks it was like with my stank. I was grossed out watching the dark bushes of curly fur grow out under my arms and around my pussy. But as it’s gotten thicker, I’m starting to like it. How come guys are allowed to let themselves go but the gals aren’t?

I think another reason I’m liking it now is because of how much I’ve come to like my B.O. The extra hair is helping to trap the flavor in. It’s also hot how my pubes get matted down with my juices while I’m flicking one off.

This evening, I was going over to the waterfall for my second shower. I stopped by the pool to look at myself in the reflection. Funny how in addition to swimming in it, I’m using it like a big mirror.

I crouched down close to the shore, and put one foot out onto the rocks in the water to spread my legs and put my cunt in the reflection. It got all puffy and wet just from me looking at it in all its hairy glory.

For a few minutes I just stroked through the curls of my pubes, which were surrounding my cuntlips and gradually making their way up my mound. Was annoying that the reflection kept getting messed up every time a drip of my juices hit the water.

I’ve never let them go this long before without a trim, and I’m really curious to see how much longer and thicker they get. Probably won’t make a trail up my belly like a guy’s pubes would, but that’s hot to think about.

Eventually I was dripping too much to see my pussy’s reflection anymore. So I decided to focus on my armpit. With my left hand now stroking myself, I curled back my right arm to show off the short bush growing underneath.

I admired my pit for a bit like I did with my pubes, and again thought about how long and thick it’d get. Then I buried my beak in there and started sniffing. Already said before my stank turns me on, and I’d worked up a nice sweat today. The gnarled, matted pit fur kept it nice and strong for me.

Just smelling myself gives me goosebumps and makes me horny. Hell on some days I can even smell my cunt without bending over. That got me thinking about how others would react to the stinky, hairy griffon girl.

They'd probably be grossed out, wondering why the fuck I don't take a fucking bath. No, even better, they'd think I was a wild woman. A fucking barbarian. Straight out of motherfucking Daring Do or some shit.

Then I'd grab some dork gawking at me too long and shove his face into my pit. He'd struggle at first, but then relax, and he'd pitch a nice big tent in his pants. Then I'd grope his cock through his pants, maybe even make him jizz in them while he breathed my musk.

Just thinking about that was enough to push me over the edge and cum into the pool. It’s a good thing I decided to do this before showering instead of after, else I’d have had to shower again. My clit was still rock hard when I was done, so I stroked myself some more under the waterfall.

So yeah, that’s how I spent my evening. I didn’t get around to going back to the ruins yet, but I’ll be sure to check them out as soon as I can. If I find anything interesting, I’ll jot it down.


Hunter's Instinct

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Day 48

Welp, I went back to the ruins today with a spear and a makeshift torch and came up with a whole lotta nothing. Made my way down the stairs, spear at the ready and keeping an eye out for traps and there was nothing to write about.

There’s a few empty rooms and hallways down there, but no furniture. No writings or symbols like upstairs. It’s like there was nothing important down here. I mean, I’m probably missing something that the fancy archaeology eggheads would be fucking excited about, but I’m not seeing it and I’m not gonna see it. What a fucking ripoff.

Least I was still productive today. There were these holes under the arms in my shirt sleeves that started a couple days ago and are now totally blown out. Oh well, they were getting pretty crusty from the sea salt in the air, as well as from my sweat. I used my flint knife to shear them off around the broken seams. After some thought, I cut the collar out too. The shirt’s more comfortable now. Even the short sleeves were chafing, and I can get air flowing through it better now.

It kinda sucks that the Vultures sigil peeled away last week. Though it doesn’t suck as much as it would’ve awhile back. Probably because I can’t remember what their music sounds like. Again, forgive me Dark Lords. Okay, that’s starting to get old, even for me.

The more important thing I wanna share is how good I’m getting at hunting stuff. The slower creatures were the easy stuff, but I needed more than that. I’m bringing down birds mid-flight fairly consistently now, and I’ve even had some luck with some basic traps.

But that goat thing is the catch I’ve REALLY wanted for a long time now. It’s much bigger than all the other prey I’m getting, but also a lot faster. Pretty sure it’s smarter too.

I’ve been trying to take one down for the past couple of weeks. I didn’t write about those attempts because they were straight up embarrassing. Still, I learned what I had to do.

I tried again today, once I was done at the ruins. This was a big test for myself. I had to take everything I’d learned from hunting other animals to bring this goat down. It took me over an hour to find one, and another hour to stalk it.

The way these tree branches all intertwine was to my advantage. I was able to track it from above in a crouch along the canopy. Flying was too risky. My wings are too noisy for that.

The goat followed along the animal trails all afternoon. It was starting to get dark by the time I was ready to make my move. The goat stopped to munch on some leaves, and I crept to the branch directly overhead.

This was the moment of truth. My heart was fucking pounding to the point I could hear it in my ears, and I almost felt out of breath. I was also horny, but that’s become a constant background sensation for me.

I gripped my spear and angled it toward the goat’s back. These fuckers are too fast for thrown weapons to connect. I’d need to stay hidden until I was practically on top of it. With one last deep breath, I slipped off the branch and dropped a good twenty feet down to the jungle floor.

It’s a fucking miracle I didn’t hit any branches on the way down. At this point I was less worried about getting hurt than I was about making noise. Can’t let the goat know I’m coming in hot straight from above.

Just as I was about to land on the goat, the little shit look up and began to run. But this time, THIS TIME it was too late. I thrust my spear down just at the right moment, and impaled the fucker through the upper back.

I tumbled over and fell on my ass, but the goat was already too badly wounded to escape. Jumping to my feet, I ran over and grabbed the goat in my talons.

Holy shit, I was running on pure adrenaline in that moment. All I could hear was the pounding of my heart, and I could practically see red as I flipped that goat over and sank my beak into its neck to crush its windpipe and snap its neck. I tasted the warmth of its blood in my mouth, and I wanted more. Seconds later, it was over for the smug little prey that thought it could outsmart me.

And you know what? I fucking roared. I stood up over that carcass and I belted out a bigger, fiercer roar than the one I laid on that yellow pegasus back in Ponyville. Whole bunch of birds in the trees took off when I did that. And it felt fucking good.

As I hoisted the goat onto my shoulders to carry it back to my cave, I got to thinking. Us griffons are predators. We’re supposed to be hunting like this. I didn’t even plan to finish it off with my beak the way I did, it just came naturally. It was, what the fuck was that word? Oh yeah, exhilarating.

I should hang onto all this stuff I’m learning once I get off the island. It’ll come in handy in the woods down the slope from Griffonstone. Bunch of lazy fuckers, all of them. I’ll bet I could teach those guys a thing or two. And then after a hunt I could bend over and lift my tail so they can

REALLY wish I could keep my mind out of the fucking gutter while I’m writing. I mean, I really enjoy being "horny on main" with anycreature reading this, but it's seriously starting to get in the way. Anyways, I’m having goat steak for dinner tonight. Already thinking of things I could use the horn and the pelt for.

Hopefully this will be enough. I’ve noticed that my appetite’s been getting bigger since I came here. Good thing there’s a lot of tasty fruit, vegetables, fish, and wildlife to eat!


A Night in the Ruins

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Day 62

My bad for not writing the past couple weeks. Just a couple days ago something really big happened, and I’m still not sure what to think.

After a bunch of back and forth visits to the ruins, I still wasn’t getting anywhere in figuring out what their deal is. It was cutting into too much of my day going to and from the mountain. So finally I said fuck it, I’m gonna camp out there a couple nights.

That goat pelt I mentioned last time is pretty handy. I was able to tan it into some leather to make a bag out of it. I packed all my tools and some goat jerky (THAT was a whole several days of experimenting to get right) with a few water bottles. After I’d sketched out some directions to the ruins as best I could on the cave wall, just in case help arrived while I was at the ruins, and headed out. There were lots of leaves there I could build a bed out of, so I’d worry about that once it was closer to bedtime.

There’s this big open space down the stairs, like an atrium or something. It opens up to the sky above, which is cool. I’d been meaning to camp under the stars at some point. Once I had the fire pit and my bed set up, I lit up another torch and looked through the underground corridors some more.

So, I haven’t talked about it lately, but you know those fucking annoying whispers? Yeah, I still have to listen to them every night. I’m doing my best to tune them out. Mentioning it now because I swear I heard them while poking around in the hallways. I was barely able to hear it, and it could’ve been my imagination, but this’d be the first time I’ve heard them while I was awake and it was daytime.

I followed the rest of my routine and went to sleep that night. The whispers were louder than ever, and I didn’t think I’d ever get to sleep. A couple of times I got up to check the corridors. I could still hear them there, but softer. After I laid back down the third time it finally hit me. They’re coming from inside my head! Guess that explains a lot, actually.

The dreams started soon after I finally got to sleep. While the usual sex dreams were present as always, they were joined by something new. It’s hard to describe, but I’ll do my best. It was like I was experiencing a bunch of visions all at once, at the same time. Like I was watching multiple TV clips, but all at the same time on the same screen.

Some of the visions were familiar sights on the island. The waves crashing on the beach, the caves in the cliff I’m currently living in, the dense jungle where I do my hunting, they were all there.

But there was also stuff I didn’t recognize. I saw a vast expanse of grassland that seemed to go on forever. I also saw snowy mountain ranges and deep under the ocean. During all of this I couldn’t hear anything except for this low, rumbling sound. It was almost like an earthquake or one of those ASMR things.

Toward the end of the dream, I saw the mountain here on the island. Except I didn’t really. It was more like a triangular hole in reality hovering where the mountain should be. Clouds and light seemed to get sucked into it, and there was a shining staircase leading up into it.

As I watched, I saw something - or someone - in this triangular hole. I could see the figure clearly, yet not at all at the same time. Don’t ask me how the fuck that works, I don’t know.

The shadow person - I think it was a person - never spoke or moved or anything. But I knew that it wanted something from me. That rumbling sound got louder the more I looked at it. I tried to ask it what the fuck it wanted, but I couldn’t hear myself over all the noise. Suddenly, I heard a voice call “Gilda!”

Then, just like that, I woke up. It sounded like somecreature just a few feet from me had called my name, but I was completely alone.

I was soaked in sweat and my own juices. My pussy felt like it was on fire. I rolled out of bed onto all fours and reached back to start fingering myself. I hiked my tail up high and braced my legs wide. And I was just GUSHING. I know I’ve been getting increasingly horny the longer I’ve stayed on this island, but I can’t remember the last time I needed to get off this bad.

The whole time I was growling and moaning and panting. Who’s gonna hear me out on a deserted island anyways? I can be as loud as I want. And then I just absolutely shrieked as I came. I know supposedly some girls can squirt when they cum, and this is probably the closest I’ve gotten to that. My girlcum splattered loudly onto the stone beneath me. Course, I was nowhere near done.

I probably came a good three more times before I finally flopped back into bed exhausted. I fell back asleep pretty quick, and woke up this morning feeling refreshed and remembering everything from the night before.

Would love to get some insight into what that dream could’ve possibly meant. Was way different from the stuff I usually dream about. Was it trying to tell me something? Fucked if I know.

Weirdly enough, I found something at the ruins later today. It was on a wall that I’d passed a whole bunch of times before, but this is my first time seeing it. It looks like some kind of triangle, like the one that was in my dream. I checked to see if it was a fresh carving, but it looks and feels like it’s been here for centuries.

Could I have maybe looked at it without realizing and then dreamed about it later? Guess that’s one for the shrinks to figure out. I’ve been here for, shit, two months. Knowing my luck I’m probably going crazy from isolation and sexual frustration.

REALLY hoping someone finds me soon.


Hedonistic Desire

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Day 74

You pervs reading are gonna love reading this one. I had another dream last night, but it wasn’t weird like the one I had at the ruins that one night. Nah, this one was pretty straightforward.

I dreamed that I was out wading in the shallows looking for fish. Somebody called my name. I looked up and there was a seapony sitting on a rock further out to sea. And she was smoking hot. Had curves in all the right places, and her scales were this really nice turquoise color.

Thanks to dreamlogic, I dove forward and swam out to her without asking how she knew my name. Somehow I lost my clothes while swimming, so I was just as naked as her once I got up on her rock. We didn’t talk much, I didn’t even ask for her name. We just started making out.

Her fingers were really smooth and cold, but it felt good as she ran them up and down my body. I was busy nipping and pecking at her scales, and really digging the fishy smell she was giving off.

I straddled her broad fish tail and started grinding against it until I found her pussy. You know I’d call it scissoring, but she didn’t have legs, so I can’t really. It was fucking weird, and yet it was so fucking good.

My imagination must really be great, because it felt like the real thing. Then again, I’ve never fucked a seapony before, so how would I know what it feels like?

We stayed like that for what felt like hours, just making out, necking, running our hands over each other while our tits mashed together and our snatches ground back and forth. It was wet, slimy, and it felt amazing.

I woke up from that dream a bit pissed it wasn’t real. Still, I had plenty of material to get off to that morning. I spread my legs wide and got to it. While one hand took care of the girl downstairs, my other hand went up to start cupping at my tits.

That’s something I’ve gotten into the habit of lately. Usually I don’t fondle or play with my boobs while doing the do. Usually it’s the guys I hook up with who wanna touch them.

But in just the past week they’ve been getting really sensitive. My nipples are constantly hard, and I’m finding myself idly cupping them when I’m not doing anything else. It’s weird, but at the same time it feels really good. Now I squeeze and rub them whenever I’m getting off. Sometimes I’ll just lay there pinching and tugging at my nipples. It’s why I just decided I’d sleep nude from now on. Gives me easier access to my rack the next morning.

Oh that reminds me, I’m getting a lot wetter than I used to. Even when I’m not in the mood for some playtime, I can still feel the wetness on my snatch. It even trickles out a little when I’m crouching. Whenever I get my fingers up there, I go so hard and fast it makes a squelching sound. When I’m REALLY in the mood, I’ll drip down the inside of my leg. And when I cum? Yeah, I pretty much coat most of my hand now.

I don’t stop when I cum either, I just keep going. This morning I think I came a good four times in a row before I was ready to start the day.

Once I was done with my morning girlwood, I got up and went to shower. Didn’t bother putting any clothes on, since it’s not too far away. When I came back, I looked at my clothes for a good five minutes, then I put my shirt and shorts on. The bra and undies aren’t doing it for me anymore. They just feel, I dunno, restrictive. It’s just more to put on and take off, and I got things to do. Plus, going commando feels naughty, and that turns me the fuck on. I'll find a use for the fabric sometime soon.

The good news is that it makes my daily routine more efficient, and it’s also a bit more comfortable to have nothing underneath to worry about. The bad news is it defeated the purpose of me going bottomless while I slept in the first place. My pussy’s been drippy enough to leave a nice big stain in my shorts. Meh, I don’t really care anymore.

Plus, the way my shirt rubs against my nipples and the denim of my shorts brushes against my cunt keep me aroused. Turns out I'm more alert and energetic when I’m horny, and that’s useful for hunting.

Occasionally I’ll have to hurry back to my cave after bagging something on a hunting trip. The adrenaline and my own libido sometimes get to be too much, so I gotta get back inside and rub one off. I wanna say I’m taking a good three or four breaks like that a day. Not like I have better things to do in my free time. But no matter how many times I cum, I’m usually wound up and ready to go again right away.

It’s probably a good thing someone else hasn’t found the island yet. Else I’d bring them back to the cave and ride them until their pelvis was ground into bone flour. Heh, just writing that is getting me going. Got a couple fingers in me right now.

You know, while I’m stroking over my pussy and writing this, I keep prodding at my clit. It’s good and hard, naturally, but it feels really swollen. Like it’s bigger than it’s supposed to be. Not that I can complain, because it feels nice to flick over it. Hold on, lemme check something… Yep, the lips feel fatter too. Ooh, I can clamp down on my fingers. If only I could find some nice dick to do that on.

Dammit! I got my juices all over the page. Good thing the ink didn’t smear. Anyways, I just got myself off again. That’s probably over a dozen times in one day total. I did some other shit today, the usual survival stuff, hunting, fishing, repairing my tools. But I know you guys aren’t interested in that stuff. Plus, writing about my body is pretty fun, actually.

Hmm, there’s something I’m forgetting, but I can’t recall what. Oh! Dash, if you’re reading this, I hope you aren't too weirded out. Shit, I haven’t talked to you in a while. Just so you know I’m still down for spending the day with you once I get back to the mainland. That's a promise!


Finding Strength

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Day 87

Good news, I think I figured out why I’ve got such a big appetite now. Couple weeks ago I noticed I’m starting to get pretty buff. Suppose that all the hiking around the island, flying, climbing trees, and swimming every day for a few months will do that. It snuck up on me so slowly I didn’t even notice. Probably because I was more focused on getting off surviving.

I never really looked into lifting weights or any of that stuff back home, maybe with the exception of flying. Most exercise I’d get would be whatever Dash put me through whenever we’d hang out.

But feeling strong like this? Seeing the fat melt away to reveal the lean muscle underneath? This feels amazing. There’s something really satisfying about seeing myself get bigger and stronger. Something hot too.

Okay, I’ll admit it. I’ve been taking extra time to check myself out. But can you blame me? This morning I’d finished my daily swim, and I got up onto the edge. When I turned around, I had to look at myself in the reflection for a bit.

It kinda sucks that I can’t look far enough over my shoulder to me able to check out the muscles on my back. I can feel the power when I flap my wings, and I’ve run a hand back there a couple times to feel it. Feels totally ripped!

Oh well, looking at my front with no clothes on is nice as it is. Looking down at my reflection, I gave myself my best smirk and curled my biceps. They’re not anywhere near as big as a guy’s arms can get, but they’ve got a nice chiseled shape, and they bulge out when I flex. There’s a clear crease where they meet my deltoids. I can make those bunch up too.

Anyways, I tried doing a few poses I thought bodybuilders might do. Put one foot up on tiptoe to flex my calves. Pressed one fist into my other hand to work my pecs. Was even able to get my tits to jump a little doing that. Having some extra muscle behind them made them way perkier.

I’ve got a six pack too. Dash used to like showing hers off. Hey Dash, you still do, right? Well now I know why. Looks fucking fantastic on me. I put my arms behind my head to stretch back. Pushed my boobs out, but I was more interested in seeing my abs. They’re like a neat row of bricks on my belly. Not ridiculously defined, but easy to see.

Easy to feel too, for that matter. Might’ve gotten a bit carried away. I just let one hand slide down, and I ran my fingers over the creases they made. I flexed them while I was rubbing over them. They feel so fucking solid. I bet I could take a punch right to the gut and be able to take it now!

I was still wet, so I had little drops of water running through my damp fur. They hugged to the curves of my muscles and sparkled in the sun. I looked so fucking hot.

Wasn’t long before my other hand had come down to slide under one of my breasts. I squeezed and fondled it, and my talons teased over the stiff nipple. The hand rubbing my abs went down to run along my thighs. Those aren’t as hard and chiseled as the rest of me, though. I can still feel a fair bit of give in them. Probably because of how fat works in women’s bodies. I’ve still got some squish in my hips and ass too, though you can feel the muscle underneath.

Hmm, now that I think of it, my thighs and ass feel a bit softer than before. Guess I didn’t lose the fat altogether, it just moved. Not that I’m complaining.

But I didn’t really care in the moment. I was busy loving on my muscles. After playing with my tits for a bit, I curled my arm again so I could bring my biceps to my face. Then I dragged a long, slow lick over that solid slab of meat. I could feel the veins pulsing under my skin, and I could also feel the hot wetness of my juices running down my thighs the more I felt myself up.

The hand on my thigh naturally found its way to my cunt. My fingers spread the lips open, and my girlcum started running down my legs in earnest. I forgot all about my reflection and sat down at the edge, leaving my legs in the pool. One hand gripped the stone ledge while the other fingerfucked me with two, then three fingers.

I could feel my muscles tensing from the exertion and the excitement, which only turned me on even more. The water in my fur was joined by a fresh dusting of sweat, and my legs spread wider as I got myself closer to that OTHER edge.

I shrieked as I came. Like I said earlier, there’s no point in trying to be quiet when you’re the only one around which kinda sucks. My toes curled, my fat lower lips gripped and tugged on my fingers, and my cunt gushed onto my hand and over the stone ledge to drip into the water a few inches below.

Heart pounding, I laid on my back for a bit and idly played with my engorged clit. I could probably go again - and I did while I was under the waterfall. That way I wouldn’t have to clean my legs off again from multiple orgasms.

Once I was done taking care of myself, I went back to my cave to get dressed and eat some breakfast. The rest of the day was pretty much routine, though I still can’t help but run my hands over myself from time to time.

Alright, I should probably think about getting to sleep. I’m planning another campout at the ruins in a few days, and I wanna bring some extra supplies so I can stay longer. I’ll tell you guys about it once I’ve spent some time there.

See you then.


A Change of Plans

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Day 93

I’m back at the ruins. Decided I’d move my shelter out here for a bit. It’s got underground rooms that keep the rain out, and I wanted to keep poking around for a few more days. The bed and firepit I made were still here, so it was just a matter of packing up my stuff and moving back out here. Showering is a bit of a pain in the ass since the ruins are further away from the waterfall than my cave is, but it’s not that big a deal.

I set up a spit and cut up a goat. Then I roasted it over a nice bonfire. Ate the whole thing in an hour. Filled me up good. After some thought, I decided I’d camp out under the stars. I shucked off my shirt and shorts and went to bed, but not before rubbing one off first.

I had a similar dream again. Saw visions from around the island. Various scenes of nature all over the planet flashed before my eyes. I saw jungles spreading across an entire continent. Everything was so full of sound and life! And I wanted nothing more to throw myself right into the middle of it.

The dark triangle taking up the island appeared again. Instead of the deep rumble from my last dream, I could hear the chanting of what sounded like thousands of voices. Couldn’t make out the language, but I could make out a few sounds that were awful familiar to the whispers I’ve been hearing at night. Should probably mention those have only gotten louder with time.

The figure in the dark portal came down the stairs. It walked on two legs, at least I think it did. Everytime I thought I could make out its features, they’d shift into something indescribable. This is probably the part where I’m supposed to puke and go crazy from the revelation of an indescribable abomination, but I didn’t. I wasn’t afraid. Somehow, I knew that whatever this thing was didn’t want to hurt me. Somehow, I knew it was happy to see me. And I was happy to see it.

I slept through the night, and woke right at dawn. As usual, I stroked over my pussy and groped at my breasts and got myself off a few times before starting the day. Maybe it’s the way my pecs have pushed up my boobs, but they feel a bit bigger in my hands. Might just be my imagination. Though I can tell for sure my nipples have only gotten more sensitive. I actually pushed one tit up and tried to nibble at it with my beak, but I couldn’t quite reach. That was irritating because I was SO CLOSE to being able to suck on myself.

Once I’d gotten my fill of cumming, I got up to wander around the ruins some more. It was a little too early for breakfast, so I held off on relighting the fire just yet. The shadows of the few walls still standing looked eerily beautiful with the blood orange sky behind them.

As it got lighter, I returned to where I saw that triangle before. I swear to whatever god you guys believe in that there wasn’t anything else there last I looked. Now there’s a whole bunch of weird symbols. Like those hieroglyphs they make a big deal out of down in Saddle Arabia. I could see two-legged figures all around the triangles. I couldn’t tell if they were ponies or some other kind of creature, but they were raising their arms toward the portal. There was something in the center of the triangle I couldn’t make out, but I had a fair guess of what it represented.

Coming back from that wall I looked around. As overgrown as everything is, I could still make out loads of stone bricks scattered in piles and heaps. Probably looked over everything for a good hour.

I’ll do my best to describe it. It’s like a hunch or something. I could just SEE where stuff was supposed to go. Like a paint by numbers, only with stone instead of paint. I went back over to that wall with the symbols. Then I went over to the nearest stack of scattered bricks and dug through them. Whenever I found a block that felt right, I’d hoist it up and place it down where I felt it was supposed to go.

No fucking clue how long I was at it, but the sun was high in the sky the next time I looked up. I’d put together a whole new part of wall. Not only that, but it wasn’t toppling over either! All the gaps between the stone fit together perfectly like puzzle pieces.

Course, I sure felt the work I did. My arms, legs, and back were fucking killing me after all that heavy lifting. Those bricks aren’t light either. Some of those suckers had to be at LEAST a hundred pounds, but I shifted them and lifted them.

But as I stretched my arms and legs and worked the kink outta my neck, there was a real familiar heat in my gut and between my legs. The hot slickness of my juices was running freely down my legs. Guess I should put the burn of heavy exercise on the constantly growing list of things that turned me on.

After some lunch and another date with my right hand, I went to a different part of the ruins and started putting stones together there. Also started pulling up vines and clearing them away from the stone floor. The more I look at all this, the more sense it makes. I can see how it’s supposed to come together, this temple. Yeah, pretty sure it’s some kind of temple. At least one of the buildings is.

Fuck it. It’s been three months and still nocreature’s come looking for me. Not like I have anything better to do than eat, sleep, and fuck myself. Spent the rest of the day finding and hauling blocks back to their proper position. I only stopped to eat, rest a few minutes, go to the - whatever the natural equivalent of a bathroom is called.

After dinner, my whole body felt like I’d gotten run over by a bigass wagon. But it was the good kind of pain. I’d felt productive. Despite all the soreness, I was just as horny as ever, and I was gonna take care of that before I showered and went to sleep again. That’s what I’m doing right now actually.

I’m holding the book in one hand and I’m writing with the other. Got the tip of my tail tickling over my pussy as I write this. Thought I’d do something new for once.

You know, that feeling of being watched I had when I first came ashore never really went away. It’s like all the trees have eyes. Fff - That just sent a shiver down my spine, the idea that somecreature’s watching me tease at my snatch while I’m sitting here, naked in the open.

Had to put the book down to play with my nipples for a bit. They’re still so hard and sensitive. My boobs feel like they’ve got a stronger pulse too. I can feel it against the palms of my hands.

Okay, I’m back again. Just went all in tailfucking myself. Too skinny to get me to cum though. I had to put the book down again to finish myself off with my fingers.

I’m loving how big my clit feels. Was able to snag it between my fingers and pinch and tug on it. Made a nice big mess when I came, then came again.

Still kinda sucks I can’t show somecreature else a good time. It gets kinda repetitive doing this myself over and over again. Ah well, not like there’s anyone else on this island. Really wish that whoever built the temple was still here. Bet they knew some freaky stuff.

Whatever, that’s enough rambling. I gotta go to sleep. Gonna wake up bright and early to work more on the temple. Again, I don’t have anything better to do while I wait for rescue. Might as well do it to pass the time.

Wait, how am I figuring out the pieces all go together? Why aren’t there any missing? This doesn’t make any sense. Perhaps that doesn’t matter.

Anyways, I’ll write more later.


Freedom and a Taste of Friendship

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Day 98

This morning, I got up and went to the waterfall to shower. When I came back to the ruins, I picked up my shorts to put them on, but then I hesitated. Then I let them drop. I set the last of my clothes aside to find another use for them later. Wearing them makes no sense.

Til now I’ve been trying to wash my shirt and shorts best I can, but they’re all crusty and wearing out. Also pretty sure that my shirt shrunk at some point. That or my new muscles are making it tight around my chest. They served me well, but in this warm tropical weather, they’re not doing much for me.

Really, I’m amazed it took me over three months to figure that out. Guess casual nudity being taboo got so drilled into me back home that it took awhile to let go. Now that I’ve done it though? It’s like a weight off of me.

Sleeping naked and going to and from the waterfall without clothes helped me figure that out. The latter was becoming my favorite part of the day, what with the sense of freedom I felt while doing it. Sure, I gotta deal with insects buzzing around me and stuff, but it wasn’t like the rags I had on me were covering me up much anymore.

Bug bites aside, having all my hide exposed to the open air feels good. It was another sunny day today (typical on this island), and there was a gentle breeze. The way that it lightly caressed my body gave me goosebumps while I was out gathering food.

Course, I still hang on to the practical stuff. I have a quiver put together for my arrows, as well as that goat hide satchel. Those can carry way more than the pockets in my shorts ever could. Besides, it also enhances how buck ass naked the rest of me is, which turns me on.

Speaking of which, ditching clothes has made getting off way easier. Now instead of pushing up my shirt and dropping my shorts, I can play with my tits and stroke my pussy right while I’m in the middle of doing something. Did that several times today while I was shifting stone blocks back into places. I mean c’mon, the burn from that heavy lifting is making me EXTRA horny.

Oh, and that reminds me. Had a REALLY vivid daydream today. Wasn’t until after it was over that I realized that’s what it was. Like that seapony dream I had, I was pissed it wasn’t real.

Anyways, I was working on completing the wall with all the writing appearing on it, when I heard the sound of footsteps behind me. I froze, and it took me a moment to notice my tail had hiked up involuntarily. Okay that’s a little forward, even for me. I turned around to see a blue green pegasus pony with a rainbow silver mane and tail.

She was all decked out like a classic jungle explorer. Khaki shirt and cargo pants, wide-brimmed hat, a bigass backpack full of stuff, you name it. The mare set down her backpack near my bed, then noticed me. She froze, wide-eyed at the sight of me.

I smirked and made my way over, a sway in my hips. “See something you like?” I asked her.

That pony was so adorably flustered. Her cheeks were burning red and I loved it. Don’t really remember what she said, but I asked her for her name. She said it was Rainb New Horizon. The cutie kept trying to look away, but her eyes kept coming back to my smoking hot, naked bod.

I put my arms behind my head and flexed unsubtly, and that drove her nuts. Invited her to take a load off and directed her to my bed. She set all her stuff aside and sat down on it. I got into the bed with her and put my hand on her thigh. Asked her if she’d ever been with another mare before. She said she had.

And that was good, since I could use somecreature with experience. We started making out. I pulled her top open and stroked along her sides and comparably much smaller breasts through her undershirt. Her hands kept exploring my curves and my muscles. She was especially interested in my ass.

Then I decided to change gears. I scooted back and put my paws in her lap. I told her I’d been on my feet all day, and asked her to rub them before we went any further. She was down for it. Her fingers were firm but gentle on my calloused pads. I laid back, almost purring. Hadn’t realized until now just how much I needed this.

Then I felt her pull my right foot up to her face and kiss the sole. That surprised me, but I didn’t stop her. Instead, I bent my other leg and began to stroke myself as she popped one of my toes into her mouth and began to suck on it. I remember telling her “Oh, so you’re freaky like that, huh?” which made her giggle. The sound of THAT was enough to get my juices flowing.

I let her explore both my paws with her fingers and tongue. I put on a show squeezing at my tits and stroking along my sopping wet pussy for her while she did. She didn’t stop until I got myself over the edge and came.

I pulled my paws away and swung around to get on top of her. It wasn’t long before I’d gotten her out of her explorer clothes. She wasn’t anywhere near as built as me, but she was still nice and athletic. I licked along her belly, making her shiver and squeal in delight. I went lower to taste her muff. She was already good and wet.

I could’ve eaten her out, but since she was so taken with my paws, I decided to stick to that theme. Scooting back around again, I pressed my right foot into her mound and pressed my toes into the folds of her cunt. She moaned as I began fingering her with my toes. Her thighs squeezed around my ankles, which made it a bit tough to move my foot around. But I managed okay.

She was really loud when she came, and I could feel the warm wetness on my pawpad as she gushed on it. But we were only getting started. I had her lay back down and put one of her legs over my shoulder. I pressed my cunt into hers and started tribbing her. We moaned and growled and panted like a couple of rutting wild animals. Occasionally I’d stop to bend myself down and nip at her breasts, which made her squirm.

Can’t remember just how many times I came, but after screwing my eyes shut during what felt like my dozenth orgasm, I opened them to find myself alone in my bed, which was now soaked in my girlcum.

Alright, I’ll admit I was mad. Thought I’d finally found myself a hot piece of ass who’d join me on this island. Also I might’ve had a freakout and destroyed the bed in my process. It’d felt so real! I’m so fucking pent up!

Anyways, my bed’s rebuilt, I’m calmed down now. Actually kind of impressive I was able to daydream all that. Maybe I’m desperate enough to start imagining sexual encounters in full now? If I do, I’ll be sure to tell you freaks all about them.


A New Toy

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Day 103

I found a new toy while I was putting the ruins back together. Funny how stuff like that works out, isn’t it?

I had a couple dildos and even a wand or two back in … Griffonstone, yeah that’s the place. Blanked on the name for a moment, had to go back and look. Way more fun to get off with those than just my hand. Course, that’s what I was stuck with here. Until now, that is.

I’d just finished on that wall with the paintings. There’s more on the other side. Buncha symbols and glyphs that might be decoration or writing, I dunno. Anyways, I’d just lifted up another big stone when something fell out from under it.

Like everything else here, it’s made of stone. But it’s really smooth and polished, unlike the rough rocks making up these walls and floors. Heh, and it’s also long, curved, and round in all the right ways. Got all hot just turning it over in my hands, and just touching it left a prickling sensation on my skin. Probably from the excitement.

Okay, I’ll admit what I did next was pretty stupid. Can just hear Grandpa Gruff now lecturing me about not knowing where this cock-rock’s been. But I was too horny to care, and I took it back to my leafy bed.

I ever tell any of you freaks I don’t have much of a gag reflex? Well I don’t. Comes in handy for eating and drinking contests. Yeah, yeah, then there’s the obvious. I’ve sucked a couple of dicks before, and I’ve practiced on my toys back home. I’d only suck off guys I liked enough though. Not like many trust a girl with a beak to do that anyways.

None of that mattered as I crammed that phallic rock into my beak as far back as I could. It’s over a foot long, so I wasn’t able to fit it all, but my eyes were watering and my tongue was slipping and sliding over the cold, smooth hardness taking up all of my mouth.

Then I started to bob my head. I might not suck many dicks, but I like to think I’m good at it. I took that thing to the hilt before pulling it all the way back out, before diving back onto it again.

Naturally I stroked myself with my free hand while I was sucking the cock-rock. But I wasn’t going to use my hand any longer than I had to. It only took a few minutes for me to get that stone good and slick with spit. Warmed up a bit too, which let me imagine I was sucking the real deal more easily. My imagination kicked in, and I could almost smell the musk of a guy I was sucking off, hear his words of encouragement, feel his hand on my head.

I took my new toy out of my mouth and almost shoved it into my snatch first thing. Then I decided I’d rather have a bit more fun with it first. I looked down at my rack and began to tease one nipple, then the other with the tip of the rock. The whole time I was groaning and growling loud as I could. Almost wished someone could hear me while I rubbed this stone dick over my tits.

Then I got on my hands and knees and nestled it into my cleavage. Was a little surprised at how much of it vanished into my rack as I squeezed it together. Are my boobs bigger??? They sure feel like it. Nipples look thicker and longer too now that I look at them.

Lowering my shoulders to the bed, I bounced my cock-rock up and down while squishing and grinding it between my breasts. Ever so often the tip would pop out of my cleavage, and I would lick at it. Then I shifted so my wrists pressed my tits together while my fingers pinched and rolled my nipples. Again my imagination kicked in, and I could almost see a handsome griffon under me, his legs around my ribs as I rested my chest in his lap.

But this was all just teasing myself. I knew where I really wanted it. I gave my stone dick a parting kiss before removing it from my cleavage and moving it behind. My tail had been curled aside in anticipation for some time now. I traced the tip of the cock-rock around my drooling pussy lips, and prodded at my clit a few times. That made me ooze down my legs and onto the stone.

Finally, with a loud sigh, I pushed it home. Then, I began pumping it in and out as hard as I could. What can I say? I like it rough.

Even though I was holding it in one hand and couldn’t really be on all fours, I had no trouble imagining I was taking it from behind. I could imagine the sounds well enough. My pussy was making plenty of lewd squelching noises and gripping the stone dick inside it almost as tight as a fist. Wasn’t too much work to imagine the grunts of a horny male plowing me.

I honestly wasn’t counting how many times I came. Was just too damn tied up in my fantasy of getting straight-up BRED by a big sexy stud. I could feel his hands on my shoulders, his balls slapping against my clit, the heat of his pre - and later his cum - as he jizzed in me again and again.

Just like when I first killed that goat, I roared with each orgasm. My face was down in the leaves of my bed, and my ass was straight up in the air as I soaked that new dildo over and over again. By the time I’d gotten my fill and my fantasy had faded, the sun was lower in the sky, and I was sore all over.

So I guess it goes without saying I didn’t work much on the ruins today. Oh well, there’s always tomorrow. It’s just something to do until someone comes to fuck pick me up, right? Heh, wanna know a secret? I was on my knees bouncing on my cock-rock while I was writing this. Kept both my hands free. Think I’ll do this every time I write a chapter. That’d be fun!


Memory Holes

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Day 116

Been noticing that it’s getting harder to remember what stuff was like back home. Griffonstone, that’s what it’s called. I still have some hazy memories, but it’s like they’re all getting swallowed up in a fog or something.

I tried going back in my journal to see if I could refresh my memory, but it’s too vague to help much. I see I mentioned someone named Grandpa Gruff just a couple weeks ago, but I have no fucking clue who that’s supposed to be. Is he actually my Grandpa, or is that more of a title he had back home? Apparently he treated me like a granddaughter, so maybe the former. Must not have left much of an impact if I was able to forget him so easily.

Probably should’ve spent more time writing down memories than I have writing about all my sex fantasies. But c’mon, I’m really enjoying writing about all the sex. The boring day to day survival stuff got old really fast, and not much changes. It’s really nice, comfortable even. What else is there to say? Plus, sharing all my spank material is fun.

Back to Griffonstone. I can’t remember places and events that much. Apparently there was a bar, and there was some asshole named Gilbert. I don’t even remember what the fuck he looks like anymore. All I’ve got to go by is a big sexy stud version of him that I dreamed about when I first got here, and the journal already says that there’s no way he was hot. Oh well, probably better off not remembering that bar or that Gilbert.

All I’m getting out of what little I remember is that living in Griffonstone sucked. Even if I still remembered specific stuff about it, living away from it for so long really put it into perspective. What’s there that I could look forward to once I’m rescued? Why would I want to go back there if I didn’t like it?

Oh. Right. That fight I had with my best friend.

Dash, I don’t know if you’re still reading or not, but you’re still the coolest pony I’ve ever met. I still remember we hung out all the time, and I loved being around you. When I first got to Junior Speedsters as a fledgeling, you were the first one to give me a chance instead of calling me lame. I still recall that much, and it means a whole lot.

It sucks because I don’t remember much about going to Ponyville to visit you. I do remember thinking it was a lot nicer than Griffonstone, but nowhere near as cool as a griffon like me. I also know I met a couple of your friends who rubbed me the wrong way, and I figured out the rest from the apology I wrote back towards the beginning of this journal. You didn’t deserve that.

And I’m still serious about making it up to you. Once I’m off this island, I’m coming straight to Equestria. Like I said before, the day will be yours. We’ll do anything you want to me. We could hang out, I can tell you all about my time on the island. We could go flying again. I still keep flying, even if I don't write about it much. Not as many opportunities when you're living down in the jungle with a thick canopy covering most of this island.

Then I could kiss you, and run my hands all over your slim, athletic body. I would slip you out of that cute sports bra you always wear and rub my beak into your pert little breasts. Have I ever told you how great your ass looks?

FUCKING SHIT. What the FUCK is wrong with me??? Welp, I’ll have to be sure to tear out and burn this page sooner rather than later. Can’t end up dying and have THAT be the last thing I say to Dash.

Fuck it, I’ll write something just for her later, when I’m NOT sitting on a foot long stone makeshift dildo. That’s right, I still use it several times a day. I keep it with me in my satchel for whenever the mood strikes!

Hopefully I don’t forget more things I can talk about with her between now and then.


Imagining Dragons at an Exhibition

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Day 134

Ya know, I’d have ditched my clothes a lot sooner had I known how good it’d feel. I’m not just talking about the feeling of that warm humid air on my bare body either.

I’m talking about that feeling that somecreature’s watching me, the feeling I’ve had from day one. Whose eyes are gawking at me? I can feel it, there’s somecreature here even if they don’t wanna show themselves.

Am I grossing them out? Are they jerking it to the sight of my strong, naked body? Do they love how wild I’ve become over the past few months? I hope the answer to all those is yes. Disgust, pleasure, or both, the idea somecreature is seeing and reacting to me is turning me on more than anything else now.

Nowadays I feel kinda stupid for retreating to that cave or the ruins to rub one out. Wish I’d have known sooner how much hotter it’d be to do it where somecreature else might see. The past couple weeks I’ve been jilling off while I’m out in the jungle doing other stuff. I’d be on a treebranch or something, and just start playing with my snatch until I cum a couple times.

That got boring after awhile, so I tried other places. I laid down in the tall grass in that prairie or whatever it is, and I went nuts. That didn’t make me visible enough, so I tried further up the mountain. That was too high up for my liking, so I tried the cliffs. Closer, but now I knew where I had to go.

The beach is my favorite place to get off now. No tree cover or bushes to get in the way, and anycreature out at sea who happened to aim their telescope at my this island would get a show. Just a nice lewd one-woman act featuring me and that tarp. Yeah, as uninhibited as I am now, an assful of sand still isn’t fun. Gotta have something to put down while laying in the sand!

Today, I spread out my tarp right under that big “HELP” I put out on the beach. It’s nice and visible, and anycreature who spots it is going to spot me when they investigate closer.

I growled as I laid on the tarp and ran my hands over my sides, abs, and tits. Yeah, I need some fucking help alright. My cunt is THROBBING almost all day, every day, and I need somecreature to come fuck me. And that’s what I thought about as I took my cock-rock out of my satchel and began running it up and down my belly.

I hoped and wished somecreature would find me. Preferably someone hung, since I’ve been in the mood for dick lately. As I slid my toy over my belly, up to my chest and then down between my legs, my imagination kicked into overdrive.

I was surrounded by five dragons. A bunch of well-built males. They’d spotted me on the beach while on a long flight, and landed for a closer look. They knew what I wanted, and were all too happy to give it to me.

Their clothes had been discarded in a heap, and they stroked their hardening cocks in their hands. One got on his knees next to my head. I turned toward him and readily took him into my beak.

The others got to work right after that. I felt both my ankles grabbed to lift my legs apart. Two of them had grabbed both my legs, one for each. I couldn’t help the shiver of delight when I felt their hot dragon meat press into each of my paw pads. My toes curled over their cockheads to stroke along them as they humped my feet. The fifth of the bunch straddled my ribs and slipped his cock into my cleavage natural as could be. I used my hands to press my tits around him. Fuck, I can still remember the smirk on his face as he reached down to thumb over my nipples.

We didn’t stay in one position for two long. The five dragons would take turns, try various angles and parts of me. I remember gripping a dick in each hand as I sat on my knees, rubbing them over and around my nipples as they smeared pre all over my boobs. I also remember being on all fours, my tail over my back as one fucked my pussy from below, another fucked my ass from behind, and a third fucked my mouth from the front. All the while I was pretty my rack around the fourth’s dick, and the fifth was content to watch the rest of us.

I must’ve put on quite the show acting that out with just myself and one stone dildo. It was vivid enough for me, for sure! Things kinda got blurry as my fantasies with these five imaginary dragon dudes melted together, swapping out faster and faster. Their hot breath washed over my neck, my nipples, my pubes, everywhere sensitive. I felt their hands and dicks stroking all over me. I could smell their musk and later their jizz.

I’d already cum a few times in the leadup, but I finished this little daydream with the biggest one I ever had. I was back on my back, pounding my cock-rock into my cunt as hard and fast as I could. My imagination was filled with scenes of me getting covered in hot, thick dragon spunk. I was gripping my rock hard clit between my finger and my thumb, and I fell over the edge once again with one final buck into my dickstone.

I was just screaming. My entire body was convulsing from this latest orgasm. My cuntlips were clenching and sucking on my toy, and I felt my girlcum soaking my hand and thighs.

It was several minutes after that before I was able to catch my breath. My heart was fucking pounding out of my chest. When I finally sat up, I saw the puddle of my juices on the tarp. But then I noticed a trail of more wetness extending down the tarp and to the sand, where it formed a scatter of dark spots.

I’d managed to squirt! Is this what it feels like when a guy nuts? No idea, but I felt the heat gathering in my gut all the same at seeing how far I’d shot it.

And it wasn’t a one-off either. I got myself worked up and went to town two more times today, once on the cliffside again, and once from a tree. I was able to keep my eyes open, and I watched as my pussy slung my juices over a foot out from between my legs. I was up high both times too, so I was able to watch it fall a long ways. That was fucking cool.

Obviously, I’m beat after today. Been making messes all over the island and loving it. The ground will just soak it all up like it always does. Got to taste myself plenty too. Girlcum’s an acquired taste, and I’ve sure acquired one for my own.

Okay, that’s all for now. I’ll go one more round then hit the sack. I missed a whole day of working on the ruins to experiment like this. Probably shouldn’t feel bad about that, but for some reason I do. Whatever, I’ll just have to work twice as hard tomorrow.


A More Prosperous Shape

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Day 146

There’s no denying it. My tits have been slowly getting bigger this whole time. I noticed it a few weeks ago, and mentioned from time to time they’ve felt heavier, but it was obvious a couple days ago while I was admiring myself in the pool’s reflection. There’s a LOT of heft to my rack now, and I spent several minutes just hoisting up those massive mammaries and letting them drop. The tugging on my chest as they fell gave me goosebumps.

Today I dug out the remains of my bra. Most of it has gone into making tools and weapons, but I was able to find a piece with the label attached. I wore a 34C when I first came here. Not bad, I suppose. I found a stray cup and tried holding it over one breast, and it hardly covered even half of it. So my boobs are at least double what they started at, if not bigger.

I twisted around to show off my ass next. My hips and butt are much wider too. My hands squeezed at my cheeks while I inspected myself, and I couldn’t help but grin as my fingers sank into the fat piling up there. But I’m not worried about gaining weight, because I can feel the hard, dense muscle lying a couple inches underneath, and my belly’s stayed nice and ripped even as my backside and chest have filled out.

That’s another thing, the growth in my curves hasn’t been slowing me down any, because my muscles have been growing and hardening at an even pace. My tits are heavier now, sure, but all the extra muscle in my back and my pecs is supporting all the new heft just fine. Sometimes I love to put my arms behind my head and feel how the tension in my chest pushes my rack up and out.

And they’ve gotten way more sensitive, too! I’m practically sliding my hands over and around them all the time whenever I’m not doing something else. While rubbing over my nipples today, I noticed they’re darker in color now, and they’ve swollen up to the size of pencil erasers. I think those pebbly rings around them are wider too.

Back to today at the pool. While checking myself out, I bent forward a bit and spread my asscheeks while curling my tail to one side. Got a good look at my glistening wet snatch and my butthole. Probably the nicest view somecreature could have on this island, and it’s all mine.

I turned back around and crouched in front of the pool like I’ve done before. While I was hefting each of my tits in my hands, I decided to see if they stuck out far enough to reach my mouth. So I lifted my left breast up and back as far as I could to my face. Was stoked to find my nipple reached my beak!

Didn’t waste any time in closing my beak over my nipple and beginning to suck. My juices were running constantly down my legs to my ankles, and I could hear myself dripping on the rock ledge I was crouched on. I let go of my left breast and lifted the right to my mouth.

That’s how I stayed for a few minutes, just switching between squeezing and sucking on each of my tits in turn. At some point I fell back onto my ass. Could feel the extra cushion in my seat. I felt so fucking sexy in that moment, and I started thinking of everything I could do with these assets.

Titfucking’s the obvious one. I’ve fantasized at least a couple times a day for months about wrapping these bad girls around a guy’s dick and going to town on him. I’ve also imagined myself burying the heads of guys and girls alike in my cleavage.

But more and more I’m daydreaming about how to use this new big wide ass of mine. I’ve dreamed of being on all fours, but instead of sticking it in, the guy would squish my cheeks around his dick and grind it through my crack before blowing his load all over my back and wings. And just like with my boobs, I’ve fantasized about sitting on the faces of men and women and letting them tongue my holes.

I think my session at the pool this morning was one of the first times I’ve gotten off without touching my pussy. All I was doing was sucking on and squeezing my tits, and grinding my thick ass into the smooth stone beneath me. I squirted all over the edge and into the water beneath it.
I’d have gone a couple more rounds, since one orgasm is usually just enough to wake me up and get me ready for more. But I had things to do today, and I didn’t feel like putting them off to explore my body again.

Speaking of which, I felt like there was something missing with all these new curves on me. I found it while out foraging. There was this bush of brightly colored flowers in full bloom. I’d seen them before in passing, but hadn’t really stopped to get a good look at them.

I picked one and gave it a sniff. It smelled fresh and slightly fruity. Without a second thought I weaved it into the feathers at the side of my head. They’ve grown long enough to reach down to my shoulders, and when I got a look of my reflection later in the day, I found the flower compliments it nicely.

Heh, imagine trying to tell me when I first got to this island that I’d be wearing a flower in my headfeathers while prancing around naked. I’d have probably kicked your ass. But it’s amazing what you learn about yourself when you’re on your own and away from civilization. I know I’ve learned a lot, and rethought some things too.

I’ll tell you more later. For now, I wanna see if I can get myself to cum again just playing with my tits before I go to sleep.


The Apex Predator

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Day 160, I think?

I haven’t been going back to my cave to keep track of the days. I’d started a separate tally at the ruins, but I ended up skipping a couple of days. Gonna have to guesstimate going forward.

Today was the best hunt I’ve had since coming to the island. And I was SUPER wound up by it.

So, context. I think all this pushing stones around has sped up my gains. Probably how they’re able to keep pace with the size of my curves. But it’s not just my muscles, I noticed. My talons have gotten way longer and sharper. I mean yeah, griffons file their talons, but this is more than just letting them grow out. They’re a lot sturdier too, and I can feel the extra muscle behind them whenever I extend and retract them.

I decided that when I went to bag a goat today, I’d leave the spear and my other stuff behind. Got myself hot and bothered at the prospect of hunting something down with my bare claws. Just like it was for my ancestors. Back when we were just another bunch of primitive animals. Mmm.

Those goats are getting smart, I think. Starting to shy away from places with trees. I’d have to hunt from the ground, and the tall grass was the perfect spot to stalk my prey. Not like it’ll help them. I’ve bagged so many animals of all sizes, either taking them down directly, or by setting traps. I can spearfish like a champ too. Hell, now that I think about it, meat and fish has taken up most of my diet now. Still eat fruit and vegetables sometimes, but it’s the meat I need to feel full.

It was over an hour before one of those horned bastards finally came over the hill. I was down low on all fours. The thick muscles in my arms and legs were tense as steel wire as I crept through the grass as smooth and silent as could be. Must be the feline DNA in me, because I’ve gotten real fucking good at this over the past few months.

As always, I was dripping arousal down my legs, but I ignored it. Like I said in an earlier entry, the horniness keeps me alert and focused. Didn’t even have to do anything to keep that fire going. The weight of my tits pulling down on my chest in this position was all the stimulation I needed.

I got to just a few feet away from where the goat was grazing. Could see the top of its horns over the line of grass. Just as my prey started to turn and look my way, I pounced.

It was a little distracting the way my boobs bounced forward and back as I made the two great leaps out of the brush towards the goat thing, but I was locked on target and nothing was gonna stop me. I leapt up into the air and came straight down on the fucker’s back. My talons and beak sank into that supple flesh with ease, and I may have gotten a bit carried away tearing out its throat.

By the time I stood up, I was covered in blood and my kill was thoroughly dead. Might not get some good hide out of this one, but I was too hungry and turned on to care. It feels so fucking good to be savage. I’m in tune with primal instincts I don’t think any griffon has anymore. Except for me, of course.

I hauled the goat on my shoulders back to the ruins, where I hung the carcass up to skin and dress it. Once that was taken care of, I headed down to the waterfall to wash the blood off.

When I came back to the ruins, I was dripping wet in more way that one. After I got my dickstone out of my bag, I looked down at my arms and flexed them. Good fucking gravy I love how my veins pop through my fur whenever I do that.

It gave me an extra naughty idea for how I’d let off some steam. I placed the toy in the crook of my arm, clenched my fist, and curled. My biceps swelled to the size of a grapefruit and that stone cock was swallowed up between it and my forearm.

I growled and licked over the muscle while my other hand stroked down over my abs. They used to be a six pack, but they’re a freaking eight pack now, and I love running my hands over it.

My imagination kicked in, and I started putting together another daydream. I imagined that the dick I was flexing on belonged to one of those dragons I met on the beach. The look on his face while I squeezed his cock under my biceps was hilarious and hot at the same time. Then I imagined that the hand stroking along my abs belonged to one of the other dragons. It was soon replaced by his tongue, and then his cock and balls dragging along my belly and occasionally catching in my navel.

From time to time I moved my dildo around to rub along different parts of my body, all to keep up the fantasy of these dragon studs grinding their dicks along my muscles. One slipped his length into my cleavage, but it wasn’t my tits he was after. With just the right pump, I was able to slip it down further until I’d caught it between my pecs.

All the while, I had another caught between my powerful thighs, and I was squeezing down on him so hard you think I’d pinch it right off his body. But I knew the big guy could take it. Dragons are tough like that.

The dragons growled and hissed, and I growled right back at them. Not once did any of us touch my pussy, and we didn’t have to. It seemed like my cunt would throb and violently squirt every few minutes as I had one orgasm after another just from us exploring my body.

By the time I wore myself out and the fantasy faded, I’d made another mess of myself. Fuck it, I had a goat to cook for dinner, and I don’t mind being messy once in a while. Didn’t wash it off until my evening bath.

My body’s sore as usual whenever I get ready for bed. Working on these ruins a few hours a day will do that. But it’s the good kind of burn. Lets me know I’m alive and well, and my muscles are gonna keep getting bigger. Mmm, hope my tits and ass can keep up.

Hey Dash, I wish you could see me now. Pretty sure I’m stronger than you. Could totally take you in a wrestling match. Then we could Nope, I am stopping right there. Probably awkward enough for you reading about my sex life. Not that I mind.

Bottom line, Dashie. I miss you. You’re still my best bud. And you’re gonna be the first one I go see once I’m rescued.

Good night for now.


A Natural Bounty

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Day 170, give or take a few.

The temples’ been taking shape slowly but surely. Yeah, I figured out a while back it’s a temple. Been uncovering more and more glyphs and pictures as the walls come together. I think I have most of the walls of the first floor up. Can probably start laying the stones for the ceilings soon. Sometimes I get the feeling I’m supposed to be doing something else, but I can’t quite put a talon on it. Probably not important.

What is important is that as this temple takes shape, I take shape right along with it. My boobs have only been getting bigger, slowly but surely. I think they might almost be the size of my head now! My nipples have only gotten longer and thicker over time too. They’re much easier to pinch and suck on now.

That’s not all, though. Since my last entry, I’ve felt this sensation of something welling up just behind my nipples. It seemed to intensify whenever I played with my tits. Finally, a few off-white beads of milk emerged. Never thought I’d get myself to lactate, but at this point I probably shouldn’t be surprised.

For the first few days after those little beads emerged, I’d manage to coax a few drops or maybe a dribble out. But it’s only gotten more plentiful over time. Now whenever I’m having my funtime, I can count on my boobs to leak a steady stream down my underbust to my belly. Sometimes I like to just smear it into my fur while I’m jilling off, but only before trips to the waterfall. Being sticky all day isn’t as fun.

And since I know you’re all wondering, yes I do drink from myself. I’ve found my milk to be really rich and sweet. Not quite in milkshake territory, but definitely more flavor in it than anything you’d get from some cow. Makes for an excellent dessert after lunch and dinner.

Today my breasts felt extra heavy. Milk was dribbling off my nipples, which were swollen to the size of thimbles. There was no getting around it, this griffon needed a good hard milking.

At first I thought to just lay in bed and squeeze my rack, letting it flow down over me. As hot as that was, it felt wasteful. I didn’t have as big a lunch as usual, so I decided to heft one of my monster mammaries up and begin suckling.

That worked alright for a few minutes. I’d nurse myself from one boob, then from the other, just like the first time my tits got big enough to suck on. My free hand was stroking over my sopping wet pussy the whole time. Not to get myself off, but to keep my arousal nice and hot. Sometimes it feels good to stay on the edge for a bit, you know?

Unfortunately, my plan was derailed by the fact my milk wasn’t giving out. There was just more and more of it, and somehow my breasts felt even fuller than before! Seeing as my stomach was getting just as full, I knew I had to try something else.

Right at that moment I turned my head and saw the outer wall of the temple I’d just completed. It has a big entrance with a fancy arch. Kinda impressive how the ancient people who were here before me were able to design that. But it gave me an idea.

Getting up, I went over to a section of wall that didn’t have any art on it. Well, none that I could see at the moment. I panted hotly as I pinched my nipples and tugged. With each tug, I used my other three fingers to knead into each breast.

My milk let down easily, Thin white streams splattered against the wall at a steady pace. Wasn’t long before my milk was running in rivulets through the seams of the stone. Seeing just how much I was putting out only turned me on even more.

I started to imagine other creatures’ hands massaging the milk from my breasts. Hands gave way to mouths. It’d feel so amazing to share a bit of myself with somecreature else. Not just my own essence, but this island. Whoever comes to pick me up is DEFINITELY getting a taste of this.

The whole time, I could feel my snatch pulsing in need. The insides of my legs were soaked down to my ankles, and that was NOT from my milk. I could feel myself getting closer to another hands-free orgasm. Well, at least hands off my pussy.

I cried out as I fell over the edge, and squeezed both breasts hard. The dual jets of milk blasting the wall were joined by audible splats of my cum squirting onto the smooth stone floor. I sat down in it as I recovered. This griffon doesn’t go just one round anymore. I haven’t in a VERY long time.

I masturbated more conventionally for the next while. Got a few more good orgasms in. Still squeezed and tugged at one breast at a time while my other hand worked my cunt. By the time I was done, I was sitting in a pretty big pool of milk and girlcum.

As I took a moment to relax where I was, I watched as the raunchy mixture soaked into the cracks of the stone floor. Almost seemed to be seeping right through. I looked up to where my milk was still trickling down the wall. Even as I watched, I saw more art spreading into the stone. There’s definitely something going on with this place, and this is obviously some kinda magic. And yet, it just feels right, like I’m doing a really good thing that can only reward me.

Holy crap, I just looked back up at everything I wrote here. When the fuck did I get so descriptive? Course, that’s pretty cool. Just more details to share with you thirsty bastards.

Anyways, I jotted all this down after getting back from my evening shower. Will probably eat dinner and rub a few more out before I go to sleep. If my breasts are full again in the morning, I’ll try dousing another one of the walls to see what happens.


An Irresistible Desire

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Day 200, I guess

Every day, I’ve lost more memories like water dribbling out of a bucket full of holes. Probably doesn’t help that I don’t write it down before it’s gone. It’s not like I know which ones are gonna go away next. Besides, I’m just too busy putting this temple together.

Anyways, I see I came from a place called Griffonstone. That name doesn’t mean anything to me anymore. Same for Equestria. Only reason I recognize that name is because that’s where Rainbow Dash lives.

Now that’s a name I could never forget. Dash, you’re the one good thing to have happened to me in all my life. I might remember less and less about that life, but I still know it sucked. You’re the reason I want to get off this island. Screw what I said in earlier pages about going home. That hangout with you is all I care about now.

I mean, we don’t even have to stay in Ponyville (You’re from there, right? I mean, it’s where we met last time. That’s the one thing I wish I COULD forget. It was my most shameful moment. That pink friend of yours is pretty burned into my mind, though). It’d be really cool if I could bring you back here to show you where I’ve been living for almost...shit, more than half a year now.

I’m proud of everything I’ve accomplished, and I think you’ll be proud of me too. I turned that lifeboat into a cargo hoist. Lugged it all the way from the beach inland to the base of the mountain, and I used a shitload of hemp to make the rope I need. There’s some blocks that fell down the side of the mountain, and this is easier than carrying them up one by one. You’d think I’d be able to fly them up, but it’s getting tougher for me to get airborne. Turns out all this extra muscle and the junk in my trunk is making me heavier than my wings can support. Really hope you’re not disappointed that I might not be able to get up into the clouds to join you for a nap.

But there’s so much for me to show you here on the ground for that to matter! I can show you how to make all the tools I use, and how to make a comfy bed just using these big tropical leaves. I think you’ll really like the fruit that grows here too. You’ll especially like the taste of my milk.

Dammit, you know what? I’m done trying to hide it or deny it. Going back through these pages it’s painfully obvious, and there’s no point keeping it from you.

Dash...I want you. I NEED you. Been craving the touch of another being for months and months. As vivid as my perverted imagination’s gotten, and as mindblowing as every one of my orgasms is every day, it’s just not the same without another living, breathing creature. And I can think of nocreature better to accompany me than the coolest mare on the planet.

I want to feel your lips wrapped around one of my fat, milky teats. You’ll love the taste, I promise. I make so much of it now, you can have as much as you like.

Milk’s got lots of protein, so it’ll help you catch up with me in the strength department. Like I said early, pretty sure I could kick your ass now. We should try it when I get you here. We’ll get you out of those clothes and wrestle nude. Probably won’t be a contest until your muscles start growing. And they will if you stay here long enough, maybe help me put this temple together.

That’s gonna rock. Feeling your muscles as they grow bigger and harder every time we spar. I have dreams about doing that with you, Dash. Then our grappling turns into kissing and biting and licking over each other’s bodies. Mmmmmmf. I can imagine running my hands and beak over your breasts and flanks, starting petite like I remember them, but gradually getting larger. Maybe you’ll even start lactating like me?

I’m also excited for what a mare like you smells like without any of that soap or deodorant getting in the way. My own natural scent is fucking amazing, and I think you’ll agree the first time you stick your nose in my pit and inhale it in. I can't wait to do the same to you. Under your arms or between your legs, I'm gonna be there drinking it all in.

I wonder what color your body hair will look like when it grows in? Mine’s so dark it’s almost black. Will yours be rainbow colored like your mane and tail? Not gonna lie that’d look kinda silly. Oh well, if all else fails, I’m sure we can make some dyes out of some of these plants. Saw some bright red beetles crawling around too that might work. Regardless of what color it is, that’s gonna seal in your flavor real nice for me to bury my beak into.

Help’s gotta arrive for me soon. I need to see you, to bring you back here. The island is making me stronger, sexier, more confident. I want you to experience that first hand. It will make you stronger too. You’ll eat out and get eaten out more here than you ever have in the rest of your adult life combined.

I promise you, you’ll love it here. Bring your friends, even! By my honor, they’ll have a good time too.



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Day 250 or thereabout

Didn’t think it was possible for me to get any hornier, but here we are. I’m wet and ready to go pretty much all the time now, and whenever I’m not getting off, I’m running down my legs in anticipation of the next time.

I think I read somewhere once upon a time that it’s possible to get addicted to masturbating. But I don’t think this is psychological. Whatever it is has me engorged and ready to fuck. I’m jilling off at LEAST ten times a day. A few good orgasms can calm me down for a little bit, but not more than an hour later I’m ready to go again. Least I haven’t hurt or chafed myself yet, so my body can take what it’s asking for.

Says in the journal I used to watch the seas for a few hours every day for passing ships. I don’t do that anymore. It’s a waste of time, and I usually can be found touching myself on the beach next to the big sign. If a passing ship hasn’t seen me by now, they never will. Probably aren’t even looking for me anymore. Their loss!

These days my entire routine revolves around eating, sleeping, hunting, fishing, gathering, repairing my tools, and putting the temple back together. All time between that I’m spending tending to my insatiable sex drive.

Think I’ll share a few recurring fantasies here. Dash, if you’re still reading after everything I’ve said up to this point, including all the stuff we’re gonna do together on this island, I don’t think you’ll mind if I bring others in on the fun, hmm?

So, Rainbow Dash isn’t the only pony I still remember. That ill-fated visit to Ponyville still sticks out to me, since that’s when we had our falling out. Still remember the ponies who - at the time - I blamed for it.

The yellow one with the pink mane and tail. Butterfly, was it? No…wait…


That was her name. I remember her clearly now. Though I regret that I made her cry now. She did nothing wrong. Rather, I should have been grateful to be able to collide with that supple, massive ass of hers. Yes, that pegasus had curves in all the right places. I was so stupid to tell her off and roar at her. Should’ve worked on getting her number.

Dash, when you get around to visiting me, it’d be especially awesome if you brought Fluttershy with you. We got off on the wrong foot - hoof, whatever - and I think I can make it up to her.

Plus, as cute as she looked backing her gorgeous butt up the street toward me in that dress and turtleneck, I bet she’d look even cuter out of them. Maybe take some of these island flowers to decorate her and nothing else? I can just see how hard she’d be blushing with all those assets on full display for everycreature to see.

You think she squeaks when she cums? I’d love to find out. She doesn’t strike me as the kind to like it rough. No problem. I know how to be gentle. Bet I can find all the right places to touch her and make her melt.

Maybe once I’ve gotten her good and wet she’d like to pick up the pace. I’d especially love to see how my tits compare to hers now. I’ll just smoosh my rack right against hers to size them up. Hopefully she doesn’t mind getting milk all over her. Hmm, I wouldn’t be surprised if she already makes milk herself. Wouldn’t that be awesome? Then we could nurse from each other.

Don’t think I forgot about Dash’s other friend though. The pink one, what was her name. Huh, Pinkie? Can’t be, that’s way too obvious! Oh well, whatever.

“Pinkie” if that’s her name, pissed me off so bad while I was there. I feel like I could handle her now, though. Everything feels more mellow, and I’m not fighting with her over spending time with Dash. She probably meant well.

And she probably is a total maniac in bed too. There’s no fucking way that party pony doesn’t fuck. I’ll even bottom for her if she wants. If she doesn’t know how to scissor already, I’d be glad to teach her. For the past couple days I’ve been rubbing off to visions of her pushing one of my muscular legs back and taking my cunt for a ride with her own, bouncing and giggling and yammering about whatever shit she thinks of. Wouldn’t mind pressing boobs with her too like I would for Fluttershy. Though I think hers are smaller for sure. It’s more of a contest with the shy one.

I wonder how prolonged time on the island would affect “Pinkie?” (Still pretty sure that’s not her name, but it’s all that’s coming to mind, I’m sorry) When I was in Ponyville, she was a bit on the pudgey side. Suppose that goes with working in a bakery. Probably gets to sample the merchandise.

Would all of that melt away living here and on a diet similar to mine? Would she keep all those delicious curves while growing a bunch of new muscle?

I would love - LOVE - to find out. All day I’ve been working on this entry. Had a few false starts because I was stroking myself while writing, and I kept smearing the pages. Just can’t keep my hands off myself anymore during these entries. But I’m also really tempted to tear this page out and try to set it out to sea, just to see who it gets to.

Nah, I’ll keep it with the rest for now. I’ve got more important things to do, like work on the temple. It’d help to have a few extra pairs of hands, but I don’t have time to wait for more creatures to show up.

The ground floor’s complete. There’s this big beautiful atrium taking shape in the center of it all, and all the walls are covered in all sorts of symbols. I don’t know what all of them say yet, but I think it’s coming to me in bits and pieces in my dreams.

I can see the people who built this place in those dreams. They worshipped the thing in the dark pyramid in the sky. They served it, and it in turn provided for them. They lived so free and prosperous, and celebrated the perfect bodies they were given.

Where these beautiful people went, I don’t know. But I know more than ever I have to finish this temple. I was brought here to do it. To wake it back up. Become like them.

Wait, no, what the fuck am I saying?! I gotta get out of here, and go to Equestria and see Rainbow Dash, right? We’re gonna have that orgy with all her friends, and. No, where was I?

Right, keep working on the temple. Invite Dash and her friends over once it’s complete. They ditch those stupid pony clothes, get all buff and curvy like me, we all worship the

FUCK, feels like half my brain belongs to somecreature else right now. Everything’s so foggy, but I feel so good all the time. I keep thinking I have to go home, but I keep forgetting what home even looks like. I am home.

Okay, I think I’m mentally fried from all the sex talk and masturbating. I came like three times while trying to write the last few paragraphs, and I’m exhausted. Fucksake, it’s getting late anyways, so I might go to bed early.

Still gonna keep working on putting the temple together. I just feel like I’m in it for the long haul now, and I can’t stop even if I wanted to. It’s just...scary what’s happening to me. Also a bit scary not knowing what’ll happen when I finish the damn thing.

Maybe “scary” isn’t the word for it. I just don’t know. Alright, ONE more session with the cock-rock, then I’m going to bed.


(Optional Chapter) Beastly Behavior

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Day 300? Maybe? Could be closer to Day 325. Or 350. I can’t tell anymore.

Time really flies when you’re having fun, doesn’t it? Not like I know anything about flying anymore. I’m too damn bulky to get off the ground with these wings. Oh well. Still keeping them preened and pretty like the rest of me.

Mmm, speaking of the rest of me, I’m quite a sight to behold. It’s a shame somecreature else can’t check out just how fucking hairy I managed to get. Didn’t think it was possible for a lady, but I was wrong.

My pussy’s almost completely hidden under the darkest, thickest bush of pubic hair. Despite that, my great big clit is able to poke out far enough to see in my reflection when I’m extra horny. Same with the lips. They’re all swollen and hot, soaking wet too. My pubes get matted real easy from how much my snatch drools on itself.

Got literal forests of armpit hair too. If I lift my arms up those scraggly bushes stick out a few inches at least. I love how beads of sweat stick to them after exerting myself. Every so often I’ll just bury my beak in there and inhale. The musk trapped in my pits and my pubes is intoxicating, like the best fucking drug I ever smoked. Makes my head foggier than usual.

I think I’m in love with my scent. Whenever I’m getting off, guaranteed I sniff my pits a few times during. It all goes along nicely with the warm air caressing my body, and the sweet taste of my own milk.

Honestly, I’m amazed that the wildlife doesn’t smell me coming from further away. I’m just bathed in my own musk. Hasn’t seemed to diminish my capacity for killing more meat. Maybe they just can’t smell it? Well sucks for them if that’s the case.

My scent, this coarse fur growing in intimate places, these massive muscles and big lactating tits. It all makes me feel like a wild animal in heat. My mind has been opened to new possibilities, unlocked instincts I never knew I had before. I’m laser focused both while hunting and while rebuilding the temple. And it all feels so



I was on a tree branch this afternoon in the jungle canopy. All my senses were firing. I could practically see the insects crawling up and down the trunk dozens of feet below, and every minute movement in the underbrush. I could hear every rustle in the plants and every note of birdsong around me. The smell of my musk was like electricity down my spine, and I felt the goosebumps all over my hide. The cool beads of sweat running over my entire body only brought me more pleasure.

Just couldn’t help myself. I growled low in my throat as I ran my hand over my arms and legs. Touching my muscles never fails to turn me on. I squeezed and flicked over each of my swollen nipples, sending squirts of milk onto the branch and the forest floor below. My hand wandered lower, to my eight pack. A treasure trail starts right above my navel now.

My fingers followed that long tuft of hair down the crease between my abs until it broadened into the tangled muff of fur covering my mound. I growled louder as my talons combed through that deliciously damp, matted hair. I pulled my hand up to my face to sniff at my fingers, now coated in sweat and sex juice. My grip on the branch tightened, causing the wood to creak and the bark to crack.

All the while my cunt was dripping steadily onto the wood below. I could hear it pitter pattering between my legs. But I didn’t want to stop running my free hand over myself, and I needed my other hand to keep me steady. My satchel was sitting at the base of the tree, and I didn't want to waste time climbing down so that I could get my toy.

That’s when I looked down at the branch I’m on. I reached down to run my fingers along the bark. No idea what species of tree this is, but its bark was really smooth. Aside from the holes I put in the bark with my fingers and toes along the sides, I couldn’t find any splinters.

That’s when I got an especially wild idea. Gripping the branch tighter, I lowered myself until my cunt was pressed up against the smooth skin of this jungle tree. Then, with a hiss of pleasure, I dragged myself forward and back to drag my clit and lips all up and down it. The friction was quickly reduced by just how much arousal my snatch was smearing over it.

For the next few minutes I humped that branch with wild abandon. One hand and both feet had it in a death grip while I curled my other arm and nuzzled and licked at my biceps. Just a wild, savage predator giving into her wildest urges. That’s what I was, no, what I am. A big, sexy beast with a need to breed.

I roared as I came, and the branch was covered in my nectar as my cunt violently squirted into it. Then, as if nothing had happened, I kept going. Every time I came against that branch, I only felt stronger, more powerful, sexier.

My talons scraped deep gashes into the living wood as I clawed it possessively. Each time I humped it, I slid further back until my rump was planted firmly against the trunk. No longer in danger of falling off. I let go of the branch with my hands and went to my tits to frantically milk them. Jets of my rich cream joined my cum trickling down the branch.

I lost track of time and how many orgasms I’d had by the time I was finally spent. Getting down was a bit awkward, as my cum and milk had run down the length of the branch and the trunk, which made it more slippery than usual. Still, I managed.

Was a bit too sore to work on the temple today, but I think I can be forgiven for this one. It’s okay to really cut loose once in a while. Right? Right.

I know I’ll sleep well tonight. Ate almost an entire goat to recover from that wild session. If I ever get lucky enough to have a companion on this island, they’ll need to learn how to keep up with me. But for now, the occasional date with a branch will do.


The Offering

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Day...It doesn’t matter.

Yesterday was an extra special day. I went down to the beach, where I saw my sign made from stones. “HELP,” it read. Help for who? Help from what? I don’t remember anymore. I know from browsing my journal that I am the one who put it there, but why would I want rescue?

No, there is no place I need to go. I’m home now, and I’m safe here. Without another thought, I picked up those rocks one by one and carried them with me into the jungle. They will be useful for making more tools for building the temple.

The temple, it’s so beautiful now! I’ve finished some of the buildings around it. Was able to build a proper bedroom in one of them with all that stone. It was like that’s what this room was for to begin with. The main temple is almost complete. It’s a big, sloping pyramid with three sides vaguely resembling the mountain itself, and the one in my dreams. It was easy finding the stones for it, as they are darker than the rest.

A staircase leads to the main chamber halfway up it. This is where the rituals take place. I slotted the last piece of dark stone into place in the altar yesterday. The outer walls and the rest of the outbuildings could wait until later. What I needed to do next was far more important.

Every night I dreamed of the black pyramid in the sky, and the deity dwelling within it. The Spirit, that’s what It wants me to call It. It created this island, and It tended to the people who came here. They were the ones who first built this temple.

Since my first night on the beach beside that lifeboat, The Spirit called out to me. The call was so weak at first, I scarcely heard It. But as It gained strength from my presence, Its calls got louder until I could hear them as whispers. Then It found Its way into my dreams, where It was able to tell me more.

All this time It called to me, and it took me far too long to finally answer. But I understand now, I finally understand after It had the strength to tell me more. That is why I was rebuilding the temple. It was awake, but It needed my help.

And It rewarded me with this new body, and this new life. Now that the altar was ready, I was finally able to repay The Spirit. Last night, I gave myself over to The Spirit in full.

I waited until the sun had set before I ascended the stairs. The way was lit by the torches I’d placed along the staircase and the walls beforehand. Once I reached the altar, I got onto it on all fours. Then I arched my back and curled my tail out of the way. I cannot remember if I thought or spoke the words next, but either way, I told The Spirit that I was ready.

At first, nothing happened. The night air was still save for the flicker of the torches. Just before I gave up and dismounted the altar, I felt a pair of hands touch my sides. I jumped, but quickly melted into that sensual touch. Looking down, I couldn’t see anycreature touching me, but it felt even more real than any daydream I’ve had before.

Those two hands were only the beginning. I felt another pair settle on my breasts. I groaned as they were squeezed and kneaded, sending jets of my milk onto the stone beneath me. Before my eyes, I saw my milk soak straight into the altar, like it was drinking it in. A quick peek under me revealed the same was happening to my juices as they dribbled from my sex to the altar below.

More and more hands joined in. There were ghostly hands stroking through my long headfeathers, over my cheeks, along my abs, arms, and legs, squeezing my ass, and caressing my paws. The whole time I could only writhe and moan in ecstasy. Then I felt a set of fingers stroke along my lower lips, and I shrieked.

The steady dribble of my cum became a harsh stream as I squirted onto the altar. I came hard enough to leave a puddle before it could all soak in. Those ghostly unseen fingers slipped inside me, and I pushed back against them as best I could. I also tried to catch a few of the fingers on my face in my mouth to suck on them, but they wouldn’t let me.

I was about three orgasms into this full body massage when I noticed vines growing along the walls and up the altar. They were also hanging down from the ceiling. It occurred to me I had cleared out all the overgrowth, so where did these come from?

It didn’t take long for me to find out. The vines twisted and moved across the altar towards me. The ghost hands vanished as suddenly as they arrived as the rogue plants entwined around my arms and legs. I strained briefly against them, but they were stronger than me. But I was not afraid. This was The Spirit’s will, and The Spirit would not deliberately harm me.

Once I was still, more vines approached. They were thick and bulbous, and possibly hollow too. I knew what these were for, and I opened my beak and spread my legs as far as my restraints would allow to accept them.

One vine slipped into my mouth and down my throat. My lack of a gag reflex let it get pretty far in, though it would pull out to let me breathe. Two others, coated in some kind of slime, prodded under my tail. One slipped into my pussy, while the other pressed into my tailhole. Once I’d relaxed enough, both popped right in.

And that is how I continued to serve The Spirit for the rest of the night. All three of my holes were pounded hard and fast. I could feel the one in my sex undulating as it drank in my juices. Occasionally it would bulge from a sudden influx every time I came. My eyes were watering, and it became hard to see. But all I knew was bliss. Raw pleasure from this primal, alien fucking made it difficult to think. But it wasn’t my place to think during an offering, only surrender.

My haze was interrupted by the feeling of two more vines wrapping around my breasts. Both coiled tight and pulled. Hard jets of milk spurted from my nipples, adding yet another layer of pleasure.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp sting in each of my nipples. I looked down again to see thorns at the tips of the vines on my breasts. Before I could take my eyes away, I saw my nipples pulse. To my amazement, they began to grow longer and thicker, only stopping when they reached the size of my thumbs. The flow of milk from them grew larger in kind.

Once my nipples had finished expanding, the vines retracted their thorns and changed shape. Then, they pressed into my nipples. There was some resistance, but with a pop and a splatter of milk, they pushed their way in. Never in my life had I ever imagined I would get a titfucking like this. I could see those vines swelling as they drank in my milk straight from the source.

My eyes rolled back into my head as I came yet again. I’m not able to recall much after that. By the time I woke up, it was dawn. I was laying on the altar still, covered in milk and my nectar. I felt exhausted, but very, very satisfied. There were no vines to be seen. Had I imagined that part, like one of my other daydreams?

No, this was real. I was sporting new accessories I hadn’t had before. My wrists and ankles had carved wooden bangles around them. Around my neck were multiple necklaces made from volcanic rock and small pieces of bone. A line of hemp strung with seashells sat around my hips.

As I inspected myself, I noticed that my nipples were now pierced with a pair of golden rings. I experimentally tugged on one of them, and was delighted when the swollen nub spat a trickle of milk.

I only took these things off to go bathe at the waterfall, then put them back on as soon as I returned to the temple. Then I took a short nap before I started to write this down.

It’s official. I have been anointed by the Spirit, and am now Its humble servant. My life of aimless wandering and uncertainty is over. This is what I was always meant to be.

Rejoice! I’ve finally found my purpose.

-Gilda The Griffon of Paradise

The Final Entry

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How long has it been? Many months, for sure, if not a few years. It has been longer than I can remember since I wrote in this journal. I found it tucked away in my personal chamber, long forgotten. The Spirit urged me to write one final entry, as It is in Its plan for the island.

I read back over all that I have written. Rather, that a griffon who shared my name once wrote. It is surreal to think that this griffon was once me. She came to this island filled with anger, fear, despair, and wishing to go home. If only that silly girl knew she was already home the moment she set foot on the beach!

What was life like for her outside of my island, I wonder? I have no memory of most of it save one in particular, and her entries only provide hints. It is for the best, as Gilda was unhappy. She was lost, but not in the way she thought she was. Adrift in life, consumed by fear and insecurity, dependent on others to raise her up. When she found this island, she found herself. And she became the beautiful griffon I am today. I have never felt more empowered than in my time on this island, serving The Spirit.

Every day I commune with The Spirit, and every day It tells me stories of those who came before me. They were not an organized tribe, but a collection of lost strangers who found their way home, like me. They came to love The Spirit and the island, and dedicated their lives to serving It. Through carnal pleasures and bestial urges ponies, griffons, hippogriffs, and dragons alike paid tribute to The Spirit. And The Spirit, in turn, collected their essence through the males' seed, and the females' milk and nectar.

But the wanderers stopped finding their way to the island, and the people could not reproduce fast enough. Though The Spirit is powerful, It cannot grant Its worshippers eternal life. The Spirit’s power waned as the islanders died off and were not replaced. With the last of Its strength, It was able to take hold of my lifeboat, and guide it towards the island. From there, I was able to awaken It, and It gathered Its power once more.

As I wrote in the pages before this one, The Spirit rewarded me greatly for serving It. My old, unhappy memories and abrasive personality were washed away. My body was gifted powerful muscles and elegant curves. My breasts grew plentiful and productive. Each are now larger than my head, and never once has the flow of milk given out from them.

I was granted powerful orgasms, and a vivid imagination through which I could fantasize about every possible sexual encounter. When I climax, my nectar gushes forth several feet.

But in all this time, there has been something missing. I crave the affection of another creature that The Spirit can’t provide on Its own. Though The Spirit pleasures me directly twice monthly when I offer myself to It for sustenance, that simply isn’t the same as a lover’s touch.

I brought it up to The Spirit last night after presenting my offering. It readily agreed that I could use a partner, or several. Bringing others to the island would allow it to grow stronger. Now that the temple was rebuilt, and It could reach out from beyond the horizon once more, it is time to rebuild the tribe that sustained it.

When I have finished writing this entry, I shall bind the journal in the old tarp I brought to the island on the lifeboat. Once it is secure, I will take a raft as far out to sea as I can manage and cast it into the current. A risky proposition, I know, but The Spirit seemed confident that my journal would be found if I followed Its instructions.

To whoever is reading this, I urge you to find me.

Find the island.

Come to me.

Stay with me.

You will become like me, and know only unending pleasure here. Though you may not live eternal life, you will keep your youth and beauty. There are so many things we can do together, some which you may have never dreamed of before!

But I have one other favor to ask of you, reader. If you should know the pegasus named Rainbow Dash, bring her to me. She and her friends are the only ones I remember from the past life, and I long for us to be together again.

Rainbow Dash, if you are reading this yourself, please come to the island. Bring your friends. Bring anycreature willing to come with you.

I love you, Dashie, and I miss you. Come back to me!

Yours always,

The Griffon of Paradise, Priestess of the Island Spirit


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“Yeah Twi?” the adolescent dragon poked his head into Twilight’s office. The lavender alicorn rose from her desk holding a stack of sealed envelopes, addressed to the editors of Equestria’s major newspapers.

“Send these out to the marked addresses,” she said as she turned the envelopes over to him. “I’ve emailed you a digital copy to put up on our social media.”

“Sure thing!” said Spike. He turned to leave, then stopped. “Wait, how come you’re mailing paper copies when you could just email it to them?”

“Bureaucracy,” Twilight said with a sigh, “Just make sure they’re sent.”

“It’s about that diary, right? The one Gilda wrote?”

Allegedly wrote, Spike,” the alicorn corrected. “But that turned out to not be the case. I've studied it for a week now, and it is nothing more than a cruel, pornographic hoax. Gilda has been dead for seven years.”

Spike turned to go again, but Twilight rested a hand on his shoulder. It wasn’t every day that something so raunchy made headlines, and she could tell it was having an effect on the dragon, even if he wasn’t open about it.

“Look,” she said, “I know the tabloids have been saying some really wild stuff about it, and you’ve got a lot of questions. If there’s anything you want to talk about once we’ve got this mess cleaned up, I’m happy to listen.”

“Heh, thanks Twi,” he said with a soft smile, “I’ll think about it. But first, I gotta get these to the papers.” He sketched a two-finger salute, then took his leave to send the statement.

With that taken care of, Twilight straightened her sensible blazer, and left her office for the map room. Upon stepping into the spacious room containing the Friendship Map, she spotted an all too familiar pegasus in her usual seat.

Rainbow Dash had her chin rested on her arms as she stared intently at the map, gaze focused on the South Celestial Sea. She hadn’t taken off her bomber jacket despite Twilight’s offer to hang it up somewhere. Really, she had to be sweltering sitting indoors in that thing for two hours!

Next to the pegasus sat the journal and the rolled up parchment that the tabloids were screaming about. It was balanced precariously on the table’s edge.

Twilight took a few hesitant steps forward. Should she disturb Dash? Yes, yes she would. “Hey,” she said softly.

Rainbow Dash started a little, then quickly wiped her sleeve across her face. Twilight pretended not to notice she’d been crying. “Hey,” the pegasus replied, none of the usual bombast in her voice. Not a good sign.

The alicorn princess stepped up to the table, then took the seat next to Dash. She offered a warm half-smile of encouragement and rested a hand on the pegasus’s arm. “I’m sorry that took so long. Finding the right words was challenging.”

“Mmhmm, I’ll bet,” Dash mumbled. Her eyes drifted back to the South Celestial Sea on the map.

Twilight squeezed her arm to regain her attention. “How much of it did you read?”

The pegasus heaved a slow, shaky sigh. “All of it,” she said. Twilight’s smile faded into worry. She’d warned Rainbow Dash that it might be too upsetting, but Rainbow Dash had wanted to know - needed to know.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

Rainbow Dash looked over at the alicorn, then chuckled bitterly. “What’s there to talk about? Some rando decided to write porn about my dead friend - the one who died in a shipwreck after we had a fight - and decided to throw me, Fluttershy, AND Pinkie in there for shits and giggles. And on top of that, twist everything to make it look like my friend secretly wanted me! Golly fucking GOSH, Twilight, isn’t that swell?” She hung her head and sat back, arms hugged tight against herself. Her attempt at suppressing a sniffle was only moderately successful.

Twilight scooted in closer, her hand moving to rub along the pegasus’s shoulder. “I can’t imagine how hard it must have been for you to read it.”

Rainbow Dash tensed, but didn’t move away from the alicorn’s touch. “You were right, Twilight. I did NOT need to read that.” Her hands clenched at her pleather sleeves. "What is wrong with people?"

“I’m here for you, if you need me,” Twilight murmured.

Dash stood and took a deep breath. A pregnant silence lingered around her as she gathered her thoughts. “Nah,” she finally said. “I think I’ll be okay. Might take awhile to get it out of my system, but I can talk to AJ about it more if I have to.” Her hand came to rest on the journal. “This is the only copy, right?”

“That we know of,” said Twilight with a nod, “It’s not going to see the light of day. I’ll see to it.”

“Good,” Rainbow Dash grunted, “I hate to think about who might’ve written this shit. Whoever it was did their homework. It was either somecreature who knows me, or who knew Gilda. Probably that kid who crapped his pants on the obstacle course at flight camp. Little bastard seems like the kind to be vindictive enough to pull this for laughing at him.”

Twilight could only shrug. “Guess we won’t know unless the author comes forward.”

“Yeah, then I can put my foot up their ass,” Rainbow Dash snarled, then shrank back at the disapproving stare Twilight gave her. “Anyways, I gotta get going. AJ doesn’t like it when I’m late for dinner. I’ll call you if I need anything.”

“Sounds good,” said Twilight. As the two mares moved away from the map, the alicorn pulled the slightly shorter pegasus into a hug. “I’m really happy to hear that you forgive Gilda for what she did.”

“Mmhmm, it’s the least I can do. We’re thinking about having a quiet little memorial for her this weekend. So I can remember her as she was instead of as, you know…” Rainbow Dash trailed off and nodded toward the book still perched on the edge of the map.

Twilight smiled as she pulled back. “That sounds like an excellent idea.”

The pegasus shuffled her wings and stuffed her hands into her jacket pockets. “Aight, see you later Princess.” She smirked at the face that Twilight made. After all these years she still got flustered at being reminded of her title. With that, Rainbow Dash took her leave.

Alone again, Twilight returned to the map to gather up the journal and letter. “Almost taken care of,” she thought aloud as she returned to her office. Just one more job to do, then she could put this all behind her.

Twilight closed her office door and locked it. Spike should be another few minutes, but she didn't want to take any chances. With a quick spell from her horn, she ignited her office fireplace. Her grip tightened on the journal and the letter. This went against everything she held dear as a researcher and a librarian.

Steeling herself with a deep breath, she approached the flaming hearth. She swallowed hard, but was unable to get the lump out of her throat.

"Sorry Gilda," she whispered, "But there's nothing we can do to save you. We can't let anycreature else find that island. The 'old you' would understand."

The journal slipped from Twilight's hand into the fire, the letter fluttering in close behind. She watched in silence as the flames consumed the pages, and the testimony written upon them.

Meanwhile, back in the map room, the surface of the map shimmered. In the South Celestial Sea, a small island flickered into view, far away from the others. It continued to flicker in and out, as if it did not fit on the rest of the map. On that island, tucked against the side of a lone mountain, sat a black pyramid. Just as suddenly as it had appeared on the map, it winked out again, leaving nothing but an empty sea.