> Let It Go > by GRYFFINDOR123456 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: Lost memories > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LET IT GO. My Diary of Equestria Land by Sunset Shimmer By GRYFFINDOR123456 Prologue: Lost memories I ran into the parking lot, where I saw my 6 best friends leaning against Big Mac's truck. Flash Sentry's car had pulled up just as I was running across, calling out, "Wallflower? Wallflower, STOP!" The green-haired girl turned. "You remember my name?" she asked me, stunned. "I remember everything." I replied. "The memory stone. How I acted." I threw up my hands. "ALL OF IT!" I finished. "But HOW?!" yelled Wallflower. " I erased the whole afternoon!" The mane 6 gasped. True to her name, Wallflower Blushed. I tried to talk to her gently. "Listen. I used to be just like you." I grimaced at the memory. "Sure, I was popular, but I was lonely too." "But I'm not lonely!" bawled Wallflower. "Because I have... um... PLANTS!" she facepalmed herself. "That sounded less lonely in my head." "I'm sorry, Wallflower!" I begged. "No, you're not!" replied Wallflower. "You're just trying to look good in front of your friends. And it's working, GAH! How am I supposed to get at you IF NOTHING I DO MATTERS?! I HATE YOU!" I gasped. "I wanted to teach you a lesson by erasing your friends' good memories of you." She took the memory stone out of her green backpack But obviously that didn't work. But what if I erased all their memories of high school?" I gasped. "You can't!" I protested. "Then you'd be stealing memories of each other, of who they really are!" "They'll think of each other the way you think of me! Which is not at all!" cried Wallflower. A green light shot from the stone. I jumped in front of the stone. "NOOOO!" I cried. I was on the floor, looking at her with a determined look. "I ruined their friendship once before. I'd rather give up my own memories then let it happen again." Then it happened. "Fluttershy, No! Applejack, Argh! Rarity, AHH! Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie!" I looked at Twilight with tears brimming in my cyan eyes. "Twilight," I said, reaching out my hand. "Don't forget me!" Then I passed out briefly. When I woke up, I looked around me. I gasped. " This isn't Canterlot. Where am I? Princess Celestia? What's happened to me? Somepony, help me!” I looked bewilderly at them. “Who are you?" I was clearly distressed. I thought I was a pony. That was until she came towards me. "We're your friends," one of the girls said, the purple and pink one. "We may not remember ya," said the blonde. "But after seeing what you did," said the fuchisia curly one "The sacrifice you made for us," said the purple one. "We'd be proud to call you..." said the boy, who hopped out of the car. "OUR FRIEND!" they cried. I have no idea what happened next, except all I knew was that me and the girls were in mid air. The purple-pink haired girl proclaimed, "WALLFLOWER! You have magic you do not understand! But it is nothing compared to the magic of-" "Yeah, yeah," said the pink haired curly one. "We get it. Now, LIGHT IT UP, LADIES!" Magic kind of like spurted out of us, as it hit the memory stone. Memories piled into my head, as I remembered that they were my friends. When we had landed, the boy was turned towards me. "Flash- Sentry?" I asked disbelievingly. "Sunset Shimmer!" Flash cried, hugging me. When he had let me go, he sobered up. "Sunset, I am so sorry! It's not your fault." Twilight, my best friend, grinned. "Go on." she whispered. "You deserve it." Flash and I had been waiting for the moment. I leaned closer to him. But then, I pulled out. "I can't." I said. "I'm scared, Flash. What if I hurt you again?" I walked over to Wallflower, who was hunched over her bag, the tiny piece of the memory stone left in her hand. "I'm so ashamed," she stated. "When I first found the Memory Stone, I only erased little things – awkward hellos, saying the wrong thing, literally any public speaking..." "I've had plenty of awkward moments I wish I could erase too," said Twilight, grasping my hand. "But it's no excuse," replied Wallflower. "I was so used to erasing memories that I got completely carried away. I'm sorry for everything." I stepped forward. "It's okay." I said. "Look, I'm sorry too. I may have stopped being mean, but a Great and Powerful friend helped me realize I still wasn't very nice to you. Everyone matters, Wallflower. No matter how insignificant or invisible they feel." I hugged her. "Thank you." she said, looking at us. "All of you. Especially, you. Sunset Shimmer. Friends?" I shook her hand. "Friends forever." "WELCOME PARTY!" yelled Pinkie Pie. Everyone rolled their eyes. "Pinkie!" cried Rainbow Dash. > chapter 1: First steps of dealing with it > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- chapter 1: First steps of dealing with it. I was out shopping to get a gift for Wallflower Blush. It was her birthday soon and I wanted to get her a beautiful plant book with all the plants in it. I also knew it was Fluttershy's birthday soon, and I thought, what about a bag has different compartments for different animals? I had just bought these beautiful items. I was walking out of the shop, onto the road. What I didn't notice was a car creeping up behind me. I suddenly found myself in hospital, Flash grasping my left hand, Twilight holding my right. I had a brace around my neck. "How is she?" asked Rainbow Dash. "She'll be okay," said the Doctor. "Although she won't be able to walk for a long time." My friends gasped. "The good news," said the Doctor, "You won't have to wait long before she is released." "Sunset." said Flash. His eyes met mine. "Sunset, I brought your guitar with me. You wanna um, play something?" I grinned. "Sure, I'll try." I said, my eyes sparkling. I strummed the first few notes of a song I wrote with Flash, Love is Power. "Power comes in all shapes and forms," I sang. "I thought I could control it," "But you couldn't," replied Flash, smiling at me. "I realised Power wasn't what I seeked, it was friendship," I replied, smiling back. "And I think that's when I first realised who I was." "Love is Power!" we both sang together. "Oh, love is power, It's friendship what we needed, Power what we seeked But Love is the most powerful of all," "Friendship is what you needed, Sunset." sang Flash. "I didn't realise that before," I sang. "I was so gullible," "You were gullible," said Flash "But now, I think I know." I said. "But that was when we fell in love," we sang "Before all this bad stuff happened To us Ooh. And that was when we fell in love When we understood we were meant for each other But now," "I'm scared," I sang. "I've gotta let it go." "Love is Power!" we both sang together. "Oh, love is power(power, power), It's friendship what we needed(what we needed, needed, oh yeah), Power what we seeked But Love is the most powerful of all," "Oh love is the most powerful of all," he sang "Love, the most powerful..." I sang "Of all." we concluded. "That was brilliant, the pair of you!" cried Twilight. "I loved that. It made me cry." "Thanks," I said, blushing. "Flash and I wrote it just after the Memory Stone incident. Wallflower, happy birthday, by the way. There's a present in the bag with your name. And Fluttershy, it's yours tomorrow. Just find the one with your name on." "It's time for Sunset's nap," said the Doctor. "Why don't you head home?" I ran into the parking lot, where I saw my 6 best friends leaning against Big Mac's truck. Flash Sentry's car had pulled up just as I was running across, calling out, "Wallflower? Wallflower, STOP!" The green-haired girl turned. "You remember my name?" she asked me, stunned. "I remember everything." I replied. "The memory stone. How I acted." I threw up my hands. "ALL OF IT!" I finished. "But HOW?!" yelled Wallflower. " I erased the whole afternoon!" The mane 6 gasped. True to her name, Wallflower Blushed. I tried to talk to her gently. "Listen. I used to be just like you." I grimaced at the memory. "Sure, I was popular, but I was lonely too." "But I'm not lonely!" bawled Wallflower. "Because I have... um... PLANTS!" she facepalmed herself. "That sounded less lonely in my head." "I'm sorry, Wallflower!" I begged. "No, you're not!" replied Wallflower. "You're just trying to look good in front of your friends. And it's working, GAH! How am I supposed to get at you IF NOTHING I DO MATTERS?! I HATE YOU!" I gasped. "I wanted to teach you a lesson by erasing your friends' good memories of you." She took the memory stone out of her green backpack But obviously that didn't work. But what if I erased all their memories of high school?" I gasped. "You can't!" I protested. "Then you'd be stealing memories of each other, of who they really are!" "They'll think of each other the way you think of me! Which is not at all!" cried Wallflower. A green light shot from the stone. I jumped in front of the stone. "NOOOO!" I cried. I was on the floor, looking at her with a determined look. "I ruined their friendship once before. I'd rather give up my own memories then let it happen again." Then it happened. "Fluttershy, No! Applejack, Argh! Rarity, AHH! Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie!" I looked at Twilight with tears brimming in my cyan eyes. "Twilight," I said, reaching out my hand. "Don't forget me!" Then I passed out briefly. I woke up with a jolt. "No! No, please!" I whimpered. The Doctor came running into the room. "Are you okay, Sunset?" I shuddered, as I shook my head. "I had a nightmare," I said. "Oh, Doctor. It's got worse." "You mean you're suffering from PTSD?" "Yeah. I was diagonsed soon after the Fall Formal." I said. > chapter 2: Released from hospital > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- chapter 2: Released from hospital I was finally released from hospital. The doctor pushed my wheelchair out of the double doors of the hospital, my friends waiting for me. "Hey, Sunset." said Flash. "Thank you, Doctor. I'll take it from here." He turned to me. "How are you?" I giggled. "Flash, I only saw you 2 weeks ago!" "I know," said Flash. "But 2 weeks is a long time without my girlfriend." "We're not official yet," I said. Flash smiled. "How about we go to your house and get your stuff so you move in with Dash?" "That would be wonderful, Flash," I said. "I've got my guitar..." "We've got everything," said Applejack, waving. We arrived at Rainbow's house. "Hey, mom," said Rainbow Dash. "Sunset's gonna live with us. She's gonna need our help with her wheelchair." "Ah," said Windy Whistles. "Rainbow, could you please take Sunset's stuff to your room?" "Yeah," said Rainbow Dash. "I'm really looking forward to jamming with you and playing video games with you." I grinned. "Can Flash and I have a moment to ourselves, before he goes?" "Sure," said Windy Whistles. "Do you wanna take the music room?" Flash and I were playing our guitars, strumming the notes to our new song, Just wanna be with you. "Things are never gonna be perfect, Sunset. Nothing's ever will be fine But you know I just wanna, wanna Be with you." said Flash "I know that we weren't the best of friends, Nothing's ever will be fine You know I just wanna, wanna Be with you." I sang "Oh, I just wanna be with you!" we sang "We're together, forever, whoa-oh We're best of friends now! I just wanna be with you Just wanna have the fun To replace the bad times we had Oh yeah," "Things are tough for me," I sang "For both of us," replied Flash "But I wanna be with you(with you)." we both sang. Oh, I just wanna be with you! We're together, forever, whoa-oh We're best of friends now! I just wanna be with you Just wanna have the fun To replace the bad times we had Oh yeah, Oh, I just wanna be with you! We're together, forever, whoa-oh We're best of friends now! I just wanna be with you Just wanna have the fun To replace the bad times we had The bad times we had I just wanna be with you." > chapter 3: let it go > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- chapter 3: Let It Go I was to return to school today, with my friends for the first time in months. I knew that I would always be like this for the rest of my life but I knew that i would be happy. That changed at Lunch. When I returned, everyone still ignored me, still thought I was a she-demon. "Oh look." whispered one girl, as Soarin, Flash and us girls came into lunch. "The she-demon's back." "Why can't you go back where you belong?" shouted a boy. "Back in the pit where you were born!" I hung my head in shame. "It's okay," said Rainbow Dash, putting my arm around me. Then, I guess. It got worse. Students started to throw food at me. And that's when I decided I had enough. I wheeled out of the Cafeteria, my red-gold curtain of hair hiding the tears streaming down my face. Flash stood up. "I'm going to find Sunset." he said. Flash found me on the roof of the school, huddled against it. "Hey," he said gently. I turned. "Oh, hi, Flash." I said dully. "What's up?" he asked. "I- I couldn't face another one. It's like the fall formal again." "The Formal was in the past," said Flash. "Let it go. You're free." "I''m free!" I sang "Let it go, let it go..." "I'm one with the wind and sky," I whispered. "And they'll never see you cry," finished Flash. "Here I'll stand..." I sang "In the light of day!" finished Flash Flash embraced me in his arms. "Sunset. Have you ever seen the Greatest Showman?" "What?" I asked. "What's that?" "It's a film," replied Flash. "I love it." Flash leaned closer to me and kissed me on the lips. I didn't know what else to do, apart from kissing him back. "Sunset, what do ya say? We've been friends for a while. What about we become an official item?" "I'm scared," I said. "I don't want to hurt you." "You won't," said Flash. "Trust me. So, what about we go on a date to Equestria Land at some point?" "Okay," I said. "That's alright with me." > Equestria Land, here we come > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- chapter 4: Equestria Land, Here we come When I heard that Applejack and Rarity had got a job at Equestria Land, god, I was pleased. I was pleased as punch and we got to go on rides for free. Flash, Twilight and I went around together. Rainbow paired up with Fluttershy, and Pinkie and AJ went their seperate ways. Rarity went off with Vignette. We walked past the rimg toss. "Don't," warned Flash. "They're the ones who made AJ look like a laughing stock by making her play her bass in a banana costume." Instead, we went to a ride called Into Space. Twilight was pleased. Hell, she was more than pleased, estatic! I glanced at Flash. "You wanna go, Flash? I'll stay here." "No," said Flash. "I don't like heights. Hey, why don't we play our new song, Finding the right path?" I grinned. "Sure! Lucky we brought our guitars!" "I've gotta look for a place I never knew Well, things were hard enough for me, whoa-oh I know the path I followed was a tough and difficult one But I know I need to choose the right path," I sang "Cause the path we followed was with you," we sang together "It was rocky to begin with But now it's perfect I don't think I'd ever manage without you." "I needed a star," sang Flash "To guide me through my troubles I thought it was Twilight I realised it was you," "Things," I sang "Are getting tougher for us, Our story was rocky But now we're safe. This is our path," "Cause the path we followed was with you," we sang together "It was rocky to begin with But now it's perfect I don't think I'd ever manage without you. Oh, things are getting tougher Cause the path(The path) we followed was with you(With you) It was rocky to begin with Everything is getting harder But now it's perfect(perfect) I don't think I'd ever manage without you! YOU! YOU! This is the path we followed With you." We giggled. "Hey," said Flash. "We should record all these." "No." I said. "This is literally our love story. Our songs are soooo sappy." Twilight got off the ride. "Hey, guys." We met up with Pinkie Pie at the stage. Applejack ran up to us, arguing with Rarity. Things were getting rather heated. Before we knew it, Pinkie, Twilight, Flash and I disappeared. Applejack and Rarity reconciled and found us, and we ran to stop Vignette's antics. "STOP THE SHOW!" cried Rarity. "Tonight is cancelled. Vignette, hand over your phone!" Vignette looked down to see the rest of us looking, some of us glaring, right back at her. Rarity explained to Vignette that friends don't come from being popular, it comes from a variety of things. "Sunset." said Flash. I turned. "Sunset. I love you!" cried Flash. "I've been meaning to tell you for ages, since Everfree." Flash kneeled down to my height and kissed me on the lips. I did it once before, I returned the kiss. I blushed, as red as a tomato. Then we sang Photobooth, with the exception of Flash. The girls plugged their instruments in. "A blemish on the surface," sang Rarity "Of a perfect happy pic Just add a fancy filter And that's an easy fix But behind that perfect snapshot Are the people who you love Don't forget those happy moments Are because of," "Our memories together," replied Applejack "They can last forever," said Rarity "We won't let this break us," sang Applejack "We'll get through whatever!" replied the girls "Side by side on this adventure Our friendship will never, еver end Side by sidе, besties forever We know that it's more than just a trend!" "'Cause it's you," said Applejack "And me," smiled Rarity "This is how it should be," harmonised the girls "The whole world stands before you Full of things to see," sang Applejack "Pay attention or you'll miss it Life's best is always free Don't lose sight of what's important Give more than you can take There's so much to strive for So many friendships you can make." "All those likes can't measure," said Rarity "The fun we have together," replied Applejack "When we're in the moment," the 2 friends sang "Everything is better!" cried the Rainbooms "Side by side on this adventure Our friendship will never, ever end Side by side, besties forever We know that it's more than just a trend!" "This is how it should be..." finished Rarity and Applejack Everyone clapped. Flash clapped the hardest for his friends. "GO RAINBOOMS!" he hollered. I blushed. Not now, Flash, I thought. Flash and I were walking back to Rainbow's house. Well, more like wheeled me. "Sunset, we're official, right?" he asked. I nodded. "Yes."