Beauty and her Hort


First published

A My Little Pony/Beauty and the Beast/SGE crossover. Hort has just lost his true love, Sophie of Woods Beyond, and cannot love anyone else. Maybe a certain smart female can help him?

A My Little Pony/Beauty and the Beast/SGE crossover. Hort has just lost his true love, Sophie of Woods Beyond, and cannot love anyone else. Maybe a certain smart female can help him?

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Prologue:losing someone

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Prologue: Losing someone you love


My name is Hort of Bloodbrook, and I am 21. When I lost Sophie due to a great battle, I was horrified. I loved Sophie with all my heart, and she loved me. She was like a sister to me, and we were just about to get married.

But when an old woman came to the castle we lived in, I turned her away. I didn't want to see another woman, I couldn't love anyone but Sophie, my dear Sophie. So she turned me into my manwolf

Sunset Pov

My name is Sunset Shimmer and I am 17. I lost Flash in a car crash. We had just had a pair of twins and was driving home from hospital. A car overtook us and Flash was so shocked, he crashed.

My 2 babies and I survived. But I knew I couldn't find anyone as kind as Flashie. Oh boy, I was so wrong. Love can be found in anyone. And Flash saw that in me.

Chapter 1: Sunset Shimmer

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chapter 1: Sunset Shimmer

The red-gold sunrise rose over the sleepy town of Canterlot. The residents of it were sleeping, all but one girl. 17 year old Sunset Shimmer, otherwise known as the former she-demon and the bookworm of the town, since Twilight left for University. Sunset Shimmer was always the first one up, doing her chores, getting her next book. It just so happened she was doing just that. As the shops started to open, Sunset stopped by the Apple farm, where her best friend, Applejack, lived. "Morning, AJ!" she said cheerily. "How are you?"

"Howdy, Sunset!" shouted back Applejack. "Yeah, since we graduated, it's been weird. So, fritters as normal?"

Sunset nodded. "So, where ya off to?" asked Applejack.

"To return this book to Shining Armor," she said, holding up a fat red leather bound book. "It's about 2 lovers in fair Verona."

"Sounds boring," said Applejack, waving.

As Sunset Shimmer walked on to the library, she heard others whispering about her. When she finally got to the library, she sighed.

"Ah, if it isn't the only bookworm in town," greeted Shining Armor with a warm smile. "So, where did you run off to this week?"

Sunset smiled, as she remembered everything she read. "2 cities in northern Italy. I didn't want to come back. Have you got any new places to go?"

Dean Cadance, his wife popped her head round. "Afraid not," she said. "Flurry Heart ate the newest one we ordered. But you can read any of the old ones you liked!"

"Thanks," said Sunset gratefully. "Have you heard anything from Twilight?"

"No," said Cadance. "Nothing. She's working very hard. Why aren't you at uni?"

"I can't afford it," confessed Sunset. "Nor can AJ, RD, and Pinkie. But Wallflower, Shy, Rarity can, and Rarity's gone to finishing school in Switzerland and Fluttershy and Wallflower are at Canterlot Uni too."

"Bon voyage!" called Shining Armor. "And say hi to Sunburst!"

Sunset returned on her way home, bumping into the captain of the town, Prince Blueblood, with his friend, Grubber.

"Ah, Sunset." said Blueblood. "What a wonderful book you have there. Sleeping Beauty. Aunt Celestia used to read it to me when I was a kid. Would you care for one more at your table?"

"Um, no." said Sunset. "My brother and my 2 kids need me, they are relying on me, yes, me alone. They are only a few months old."

Sunset stalked away, towards her cottage.

Sunset quietly opened the door to see her 25 year old brother Sunburst working on a piece of art. "No, Sunny. Not that." He took a look. "Actually, that's perfect." He stood up, admiring his piece of work. "That looks amazing, bro," said Sunset.

"Merci," said Sunburst.

Sunset giggled. "Sunburst, how are they?"

"Well-behaved, but cheeky." said Sunburst.

"Bumped into the bastard Blueblood," whispered Sunset.

"Bad as usual?" asked Sunburst.

"Yeah," said Sunset. "Tried to come to dinner with us. Said no."

The next day, Sunburst was getting ready to leave. "What can I bring you?" he asked.

"A rose," said Sunset. "Like in the one in the picture of Flash and I, when we had our first kiss. I remember that."

"But you ask for that every year!"

"Because I love Flash! I want to remember him, Sunburst, please!"

Sunburst clambered onto the family horse, Phillipe, and rode away.




chapter 2: A hairy beast

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chapter 2: A hairy beast

As Sunburst left the horse in the stable, he walked up the stairs of the castle. The heavy wooden doors creaked open, as if it hadn't been opened in many years. "Hello?" asked Sunburst. No reply. "What a queer place," he muttered, walking into the hall. He looked into every room, all was silent. A roaring fire was lit in the next room, with a sumptious feast, fit for a king, or for a hungry traveller. As he dived into the food, his stomach started to warm up.

Sunburst stood up, to say thank you to his gracious host. As he exited the castle, he spotted a rose bush, the most beautiful, fragrant roses you could imagine, as red as cold cheeks.

Sunburst reached out to pluck a rose from the rose bush, but as he reached out, there was a growl. He turned, to see a fearsome manwolf behind him. The next thing he knew, he was dragged up into the castle.

Sunset pov

"Phillipe!" I cried, as the white Connemara stallion galloped towards me. "Where's my brother? Is he okay?"

I looked back at my 2 kids. I couldn't just leave them. I held my 2 kids on my knee, while steering with the reins, my brown satchel slung on my shoulder.

Phillipe led me to a castle. I slid off, helping my 2 kids off too.. Phillipe hurried into a stable, and started slurping water. I opened the wooden door, which creaked.

"Mommy," whined Dawn. "This is scary."

"Hush," I said softly. "We're going to find your uncle." I took the baby carrier Rarity gave me 2 years ago out of the bag. I lifted them, one by one, into the carrier.

Then I heard a cough, sounding a lot like my brother. I hurried up the stairs, to see my brother, caged. "Sunburst!" I cried, grasping his ice-cold hands. "You're ill, you need to go home."

"NO!" cried Sunburst. "There's a manwolf in this castle!"

I turned, indeed, he was correct. "Please," I begged. "Let him go. He needs a doctor. Take me and my kids instead. I asked for the rose, it's my fault."

The manwolf growled. "Fine." it said. "Your brother goes back. You, follow me."

I followed him, up. "Now," the manwolf said, "You cannot go in the west wing, but you may roam everywhere else."

"Why not?" I asked curiously.

"Storage," replied the manwolf. It bid me goodnight.

"Night." I said.

I carefully took the 2 girls out of the carrier and laid them in the crib. I laid on the bed, the silk as soft as Flash's face when I touched him on our first date. I fell asleep immediately.

"I've had to jump through so many hoops tonight," I cackled, "Just to get my hands on this crown, and it really should have been mine all along." I laughed. "Let's let bygones be bygones. I am your princess now, and you will be loyal to me!"

I ripped apart the school, my bat-like wings flapping. "Round them up and bring them to the portal." I commanded. I turned, to see Princess Twilight. "Spoiler alert! I was bluffing when I said I was going to destroy the portal. I don't want to rule this pathetic little high school, I want Equestria! And with my own little teenage army behind me, I am going to get it!"

The wind blew around Twilight's face. "No you're not!" she shouted.

I laughed. "Oh, really!" i scoffed. "And what can you do to stop me? I have magic, and you have nothing!"

"SHE HAS US!" yelled Rainbow Dash, as the mane 5 stood beside her.

"She!" I sneered. "Gee, the gang really is all back together again! Now, step aside, Twilight has interfered with my plans one too many times already. She needs to be dealt with!"

I sent forward a magical bolt of golden fiery light, as it hit Twilight Sparkle, sending them back.

"NO!" I cried, sitting up in bed.

A teapot and cup came in. "Hi, I'm Dot and this is Mona."

"Oh, hi." I said. "I'm Sunset Shimmer."

"I heard a scream," said the teapot. "Are you okay?"

"I just had a nightmare," I explained. "And that's Dawn Sunrise and Midnight Dusk," I said. "My twins."

Dot moved the tray closer. "Oh, what was it about? My friend Sophie used to have nightmares too."

"Um..." I said. "It was about something I did previously. That's all. I've had that nightmare since I was 16."

"Oh," said Dot. "I guess you must be used to it. So, when did you have your twins?"

"A few months ago with my boyfriend. He died in a car crash." I said pensively.

chapter 3: Be our guest

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Chapter 3: Be our guest

As i walked into the dining hall, the candelabra waved me over. "Over here, Sunset Shimmer!"

I was reminded of Pinkie Pie for a moment. "Take a seat, dear," said Dot. "This is Anadil and Hester."

"Yeah, if it wasn't for Agatha, maybe we'd be human!" shouted Hester.

Anadil rolled her eyes. "Look, Hest. Just calm down. I'm sure our guest won't want to here us arguing?"

"Don't worry," I said. "I'm used to it. When I was at high school, my friends sometimes used to argue quite a bit. But they always made up."

"Be our guest! Be our guest! Put our service to the test!"

I recognised that song. Be our Guest, Beauty and the Beast, which means... The Storian wrote me into this story? Why?

After we'd eaten, I put the 2 in, one at a time, but Midnight Dusk escaped. "Midnight! That's the west wing!" I shouted, running after her.

I sprinted into the west wing, scooping up the baby in my arms, halting at a glass jar. In it was an enchanted rose, the petals falling one by one. As I put my second daughter back into the carrier, a shadow overcame us. "What are you doing here!" cried the manwolf. "Get out!"

"It's not my fault!" I protested. "My daughter, she ran!"

"You heard me," the manwolf repeated. "Get out!"

I sighed. I then turned away. "Please, let me help you." I said, before exiting the room.

chapter 4: Something there

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Chapter 4: Something there

I looked at my phone to see I had a text from Twilight

Twilight Sparkle: Sunset, it's my Winter break soon and Fluttershy, Wallflower and I were wondering if you'd like to spend time with us. The others say yes.

Reply as soon as you can,


I sighed. Me: Hi, Twi,

Sorry. I'm stuck in a fairy tale and the only way to break it is to do what Belle did.

Tell the others I say hi and that my brother is not a crazy lunatic, whatever Blueblood says.

Your Best friend, Sunset.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh. Maybe we can meet up after you have freed yourself. ❤

Me: LOL.

I slipped my phone in my pocket of my leather jacket.

"You coming, Sunset?" asked the manwolf.

"Yeah." I said. "Thanks for saving me."

"No, Sunset. I should be thanking you. You made me realise maybe I do need help."

"What can I call you?" I asked.

"They called me Hort or Weaselboy. My girlfriend, Sophie, called me Hort. She died in a battle."

"Oh." I said. "I'm so sorry, Hort. I lost my boyfriend, Flash Sentry, due to a car crash. I live with these 2 and my brother."

"Anyway," said Hort, leading me into a room I'd never seen. "I have something for you. I want you to trust me."

As he lead me towards another room, I opened my eyes. "Wow!" I cried. "Twilight, my best friend. She'd love this! And all my favourite books too, books I've read, books I wanted to read... Thank you, Hort."

I went outside with Hort to introduce him to Phillipe, the family horse. As I left him to it, I stood at the bridge, and threw a snowball at him. Hort looked up, and retaliated. We fell back, laughing.

Then we went into the dining room to have hot tomato soup, and I watched Hort eat messily. I sighed, lifting my bowl to my mouth, like a lady.

Then we ran to the library, where we sat together, reading. My phone rang. It was Twilight.

"Hi, Sunset!" she cried from the other side.

"Hi, Twi," I said. "How are you?"

"Fine," she said. "Shy and Blush are with me, we're on the train on our way back to Canterlot. You?"

"I'm alright." I said. "I'm in this massive library, you'll love it. Maybe we can zoom or duo or google meet or something and I can give you the tour of the library." I laughed.

"I can't wait! Miss you! Shy?"

"Hi, Flutters!" I cried. "How's life?"

"Wallflower and I are engaged!" she cried.

"WHAT?!" I cried.

"Yeah. Engaged. She proposed like 2 weeks ago. Pinkie's going to set up some sort of party. Wish you could be there."

"Me too," I said. "I really miss you all."

"Aww," said Fluttershy. "I miss you too."

"I have to go. Dawn and Midnight's nappies need changing. See ya!"


I ended the call.

chapter 5: which side?

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Chapter 5: which side?

Applejack POV

"Applejack!" shouted Rainbow Dash. "It's Sunset!"

We hurried up to Sunset Shimmer. "Are ya back permanetely?" I asked?

Sunset shook her head, dismounting off her horse. "'Fraid not," she said. "I need to see my brother. He's in danger."

"We tried," said Wallflower. "To tell Blueblood. He didn't believe us. Shall we take your 2 kids from you, while you find him?"

"Yeah," said Sunset. "Thanks."

I helped Sunset take out the twins out of the carrier. She then took off her golden dress, and underneath was her usual clothes. She ran, ran towards her cottage. "Sunburst!" she cried. She opened her satchel to look for her medicine. "Here, take this." As she carefully spooned the medicine in his mouth, he sat up. "Sunburst, we need to go."

When they exited the house, Blueblood was waiting for them. "Your brother is crazy! He tells me there's a manwolf in a castle!"

"But I've just come from the castle!" cried Sunset, taking out the mirror. "Show me the beast!"

Sunset showed everyone the hideous beastly manwolf. "Believe me, he is the kindest, gentlest beast you could meet! And AJ, you know when I tell the truth!"

"She's tellin' the truth!" I shouted. "I've known Sunset since Freshman. We've been friends since she redeemed herself. She's telling the truth."

"Thanks." said Sunset.

"She's lying!" shouted Blueblood.

"Hey, are ya callin' me a liar?!" I shouted. "I'm the element of honesty!"

"And there's the evidence!" cried Rarity. "I know you are a lying, filthy scoundrel, Blueblood. I dated you, remember?"

"And the only person I know that can make AJ doubt herself is Sunset Shimmer herself," spat Rainbow Dash. "As a mean bitch."

"Language," said Rarity.

"Sorry," said Rainbow Dash.

"We'll kill the Beast!" cried Blueblood. "Who's with me?"

Of course, non of the EGs were, nor was Wallflower, Trixie and the CMC.

"We have to get to him before we do!" cried Sunset. "Rainbow, Twi, Shy? Do you think you can pony up and fly there? AJ, can you get a horse? I'll get my motorcycle. We need to hurry!"

chapter 6: friendship saves the day

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Chapter 6: Friendship saves the day

Sunset POV

Rarity passed over the 2 kids to me, as I gently put them in the pram. It was too late, Blueblood had already gone. I motioned to my friends to follow me, to the west wing, where Hort lived. I watched him get shot by Blueblood. "HORT!" I shouted. Hort turned to see me.

"SUNSET!" he shouted, clambering to reach me. I nodded to the rest of the mane 7. He managed to until Blueblood shot again.

"NO!" I cried, grasping Twilight's hand, who was grasping Rainbow's. The familiar friendship magic flowed inside us as a rainbow light, yes, the same rainbow light that hit me, hit Blueblood, sending him backwards, plumetting him to his death. I ran over to Hort. "Don't leave me," I said softly. "Please don't leave me." I sobbed, his last moments of life fading. I sniffed. "I love you!"

A cloaked woman heard me say that. The jar burst open, and golden light wrapped itself around Hort. I stood back, shielding my eyes. When the light faded, I saw a young man, with black, messy hair. "Hort. Is that you?" I asked, astonished.

"Yes," said Hort. "It's me."

Twilight pushed me forward. "To free yourself, and now us, you have to, you know did, what you and Flash did all the time!"

I hesitantly walked forward, but Hort brought me into a hug, and kissed me. I returned it, graciously, blushing a furious red.

Then I turned towards my friends. "What do you want to do? I realised I actually do love Hort, and I'd like to spend my life with him. I'm sure Hort won't mind, will you, if my friends live here?"

"Ah'd live in Canterlot," said Applejack. "So'd Rainbow and Pinkie."

"And my flight for France leaves in 2 days," said Rarity.

"And after uni," said Fluttershy, "Wallflower and I would love to."

"Twi?" I asked.

"I'm going to live with my parents after uni," she said, smiling at me. "Queen Sunset."

I returned the smile. "You'll always be in my heart, girls. I'm going to miss you all."

We shared one last hug, before heading our seperate ways.