> Reaching for the Stars > by Nailah > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Moon and Stars > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The pure white crystals of snow covered her window from top to bottom. Moondancer felt the fogging of her glasses as she tried to stare out into the open world outside. She backed up slightly, tripping over a present she had forgotten about amidst all her zoning out, and wondering to herself about the purity of snow, and how to apply it to her life. Perhaps, even her love life? She blushed at the thought, tilting her head to the side, almost as if she was being watched. Every move, she gulped, the anxiety and the nerves already bundling up in a bunch, and causing her to pant heavily. Moondancer was a total wreck.  “How can I possibly even begin to think I have a chance?” Moondancer asked herself. She felt such a rush of feelings flowing through her. Doubt, as her whole body shook. Fear, as she took a step backwards, trying to calm her racing heart. Nervousness, as she clutched the present to her lavender wool sweater. “I don’t want to be afraid anymore,” she told herself as she shook her head, and narrowed her gaze towards her wooden door. Slowly, step by step,she worked her way over to the exit to her house. All the books in the world couldn’t prepare her for what she was about to do. She took a deep breath.  “I am going to do this, and I’m going to do it right. Twilight… she’s always been the star of the night. I… can’t even compare to her,” Moondancer said to herself as she held one hoof on her doorknob. Her whole body shook, and she felt like somepony had glued her hooves to the floor. She felt frozen. She couldn't move an inch if she tried; the fear of rejection was too much for her to bear. What if… I’m not good enough for her? Shaking her head and fighting against herself, she turned the doorknob to the side and opened it. Standing there, her eyes flinched from the sudden harshness of the sunlight. She took a slight step back, covering her glasses with a foreleg. She shook her head and pressed forward. The light was bright, but it couldn’t even begin to compare to the twinkle of the very stars she wished to gaze upon and have them look back to her with approval. Moondancer wanted to go back inside and forget she ever had this idea in her head to give Princess Twilight a gift on Hearth’s warming eve.  “She’s probably busy...I would just be a burden,” Moondancer sighed, lowering her gaze towards the ground, noticing a star lily blooming despite it being the middle of winter. Moondancer looked at the little flower there before her. It wasn’t afraid to shine; even though it was cold and unforgiving, it presevered. She had to give this gift to Twilight. The worst that could happen was that she could say no, and she’d be rejected, so why was it so hard just to move… One step forward. One step back. The air felt dense, she felt like it was choking her, but she forced her eyes shut, clutching the wrapped box tightly to her chest. She lifted a foreleg up and took her first step towards the train station. It wasn’t like it was far, or that she minded the crowd of ponies. It was the overwhelming sensation of doubt. She felt the drips of sweat trailing down her cheeks as she took heavy breaths with every movement forward. No more doubts. Keep moving forward.  The streets of Canterlot all looked the same to her, ponies going about their daily lives and not paying even the slightest bit of attention to a pony like her. She wasn’t special, not a Canterlot elite, not a noble-born pony. Getting to go to Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns had been the best thing that ever happened to her, but it was also the most heartbreaking. Moondancer remembered Twilight. She allowed herself to recall how much fun the two of them had had together.So why… why was she so afraid to ask her out?  “I should probably just give her this gift and forget all about asking her to be my marefriend. She’s a Princess, and I’m just a mess,” Moondancer stated, a long sigh escaping her lips.  She heard the whistle of the train, and a call from the train attendant. She gulped, feeling the heavy weight of nerves bundling up, trying to consume her, and eat away at any success in putting herself out there. “No! I said I was doing this, and I am. I’m not going to be afraid anymore.” Moondancer scolded her insecurities, and trotted quickly to the train, she hoofed over her ticket and found her seat. Moondancer plopped her flank down by the window seat, as she dared to look out the window to see Canterlot one last time. She had a moment to compose herself. Finally, she could breathe. Deep breath in, slowly exhaling it, it was a trick Twilight had taught her. Moondancer’s heart partially skipped a beat, thinking of the very mare she wanted in this moment. What if the gift isn’t good enough? What if I’m not good enough?  She was on the train. That was a big step forward. She could do this. No…she would do this! Even if everything in her wanted to run back to her house and bury herself in books, she had to be bold.  After all, how else would the moon find its way to the stars?  Moondancer clutched her gift tightly, and looked to the empty seat beside her. A sigh of relief escaped her muzzle. It was hard enough getting on the train, she didn’t even want to think about how she’d deal with some random pony beside her. The train pony announced they’d be leaving for Ponyville in ten minutes, and this was the last call for any more passengers.  Ten minutes wasn’t a long amount of time, but it felt like forever to her. As much as she was afraid of Twilight’s reaction, she also just wanted it to be over with. Moondancer found it difficult not to grow antsy with anticipation.  She took a deep breath in, and then slowly exhaled. She gently moved the gift to the seat beside her for just a moment. It didn’t matter what she got Twilight, she was certain she’d like it no matter what, but as she stared at the well-wrapped package, she couldn’t help but wonder...Am I good enough? The whistle blew and suddenly the train came to life as its engine started up. The wheels began to turn and rumble against the tracks. The sounds of coal chugging smoke filled the air and it began moving forward. There was no going back now. She was on her way to Ponyville to give Twilight a gift for Hearth’s Warming, and maybe…if she was lucky…she might even gain something more. Something deeper than just a simple present. Moondancer wanted to reach out and grab for the star who shined the brightest of them all. There was no pony she wanted more than she did Twilight. She blushed, tilting her head towards the window, watching the scenery pass her by with a wistful smile. Moondancer was a total mess of a mare, but she had taken the first step forward. No more doubts, she kept telling herself over and over; trying to reinforce what little confidence she had...that Twilight might like her back. But…the nagging fear in the back of her mind was hard to ignore. What if… “What if I’m not good enough?” Moondancer asked herself out loud, but quickly shook her head. No...I can’t think like that. I have to believe in hope. The ride to Ponyville felt remarkably slow. She should have brought a book, or maybe even a pile of books to read while she waited to arrive. When the train finally skidded to a halt and it was announced they were at her destination, she lifted the gift with her magic and clutched it tightly to her chest once more. Staring down the long hallway inside the train, she felt like the carpet path got longer and longer with each step forward. Moondancer kept going forward. Even if it took more time for her, she was going to do this, and she was going to do it right. Twilight deserved the best of all things. That meant there was no more room for errors or doubts. She had to believe she’d say yes. With just a gulp, she exited the train, and could already see the Friendship Castle in the distance. She was that much closer to the mare of her dreams, but what if…what if it was simply her dream? What if Twilight didn’t want her? Moondancer shook her head, and trotted towards the castle. She was a little excited at the thought of just seeing Twilight again; the two of them really didn’t get to see each other as often as she might like.  Moondancer knocked softly on the door once she arrived, keeping the present tucked against her, and waited for a response. She felt every inch of her fur quivering, and she felt this strong urge to tuck her tail and run. She didn’t flinch or move. She wasn’t going to go anywhere. She waited until finally the large door was answered, but she was surprised to see it wasn’t Twilight that answered, but her faithful assistant and friend, Spike. Moondancer smiled gently, and tried to hide her disappointment. “Oh hey, Moondancer! It’s been a while; how have you been?” Spike asked politely, looking directly at the gift in her hooves. He noted the tag: “To Twilight Sparkle, From Moondancer. “Aw, nothing for me? Eh, it’s whatever. Come on, Twilight’s in the library. Because where else would she be.” Spike rolled his eyes and led the way, expecting her to follow. It was now or never. Just one step. One move. She could do this. That door, it was much bigger and wider than the door of her own home, and she felt like it could swallow her in a single gulp. The slightest bit of nerves flowed through her, but she boldly pressed forward, following Spike. She was going to show Twilight that the moon was as beautiful as the very stars that lit up the night sky. No matter how scared she was, there was no more going back. She was going to ask Twilight out and give her the gift, but maybe not exactly in that order.  Moondancer flushed as she saw Twilight with a long scroll, rapidly scribbling a bunch of notes and muttering to herself aloud. “Some things never change, do they, Princess?” Moondancer teased her, and gave her a light tap on her shoulder. Twilight Sparkle gasped and jumped a good ten meters up into the air, spreading out her alicorn wings and letting out a slight ‘eep’ of surprise. Twilight took a moment to compose herself, slowly taking a deep breath in, then slowly exhaling. Just as Cadance had taught her so long ago. She glanced directly at Moondancer, smiling. “ Oh! Moondancer! What brings you here?” Twilight asked, before taking note of the gift in Moondancer's forelegs. “I came here to give you your Hearth’s warming gift.” Moondancer smiled shyly, and stared at the castle floor. “Oh, why thank you. I can’t wait to see what it is!” Twilight replied, taking the gift from Moondancer and excitedly tearing into it. Inside the box was a hardcover book with fancy scribing on the title. It looked like a relic of time, yet it was in such good shape, she’d have swore it was brand new. “A study on Starswirl the bearded and his greatest achievements,” Twilight read out loud, before clutching the book to her chest and giving Moondancer a bright smile, her eyes lighting up like the stars.  Moondancer was happy to see that Twilight enjoyed her gift, but there was something else on her mind. She gulped and looked directly at the Princess of Friendship. Her best friend in all the world, and now she was about to ask her to be her girlfriend. Suddenly everything around her, felt like it was going to swallow her. Yet, she dared to step forward, to be bold, even as she shook visibly. “Twilight…” Moondancer began, already fidgeting and fumbling for the right words. She struggled, but she wasn’t going to not say anything. That’d really make her look like a fool.  “How has your hearth’s warming been? Do you like the book?” Moondancer asked, twitching. She wanted to just ask her, the real question. But she had to wait. It wasn’t right yet. It had to be perfect. “Oh yes, it’s a lovely addition to my library. Wherever did you find it?” Twilight asked, clutching the book to her chest floof, and hugging it. She then put the book onto the table, wrapping her front forelegs around Moondancer. “Um… I’m really glad to hear that.” Moondancer replied, blushing. She was terrified of rejection. Afraid of rejection, and her lips trembled, as she tried to form a coherent sentence. “Will…  you…” Moondancer began, as she felt the overwhelming sensation of the walls closing in on her, but she wasn’t going to stop. She had to ask her, there was no going back. It was now or never.  “Be my special somepony?” Twilight gasped, and took a step back. “Wait, what?” Twilight asked, eyes blinking. “Did I hear that right? You want to be my special somepony?” “Yeah…I do. I know that we’ve been friends for a long time, but I’ve always admired you, Twilight, and I can’t take it any longer. I have to know. Do you like me back?” Moondancer asked, fully prepared for whatever outcome might happen. No matter what, they would still be friends. She knew neither of them were conceited enough to let a rejection like this, dampen their bond of friendship. Twilight took a while to respond, and that made Moondancer fear the worst, but she also knew Twilight overanalyzed every little detail in her mind. She waited patiently. She had always waited for Twilight to come to her party. Now here she was again, waiting to see where their paths would go from here. Twilight smiled, and nodded her head towards her. She moved forward, so their snouts were practically touching. “I would like that very much, Moondancer. I have always liked you, too, it’s just with everything I did…” Twilight began. “I admit, I thought you hated me.” “Hate you?” Moondancer began, as she took a step forward. She put a hoof onto Twilight’s shoulder.  “No. I was disappointed, and sad that you never showed up, but I could never hate you. Never in a million moons, Twilight. You’ve always been the star that lights my path, and you helped me focus on putting myself back out there. Even if you never realized it back then, you helped me grow.” She explained, smiling brightly, and gazing into those lovely violet hues. Her eyes could lit up the entire night sky. And yet the very light of her was what made Moondancer squee in delight. “I’m glad to hear that, really. I’m so sorry for everything. And I know I’ll never make it up to you. But I’d like to think we were always meant to be with one another.” “Really?” Moondancer asked, thinking she’d wake up in her bed, and this would all be some fantasy she’d dreamt up in her sleep. She hadn’t seen hide nor hair of the Princess of the moon, though, so it eased her fears. Moondancer and Twilight just stared at each other. Neither of them really knowing what to do. The awkward silence was deafening. Moondancer’s eyes darted back and forth, pushing up the rim of her square glasses. Twilight looked back at Moondancer, and took the first step. She tilted her head, and pressed her lips against hers. Moondancer felt the Princess kissing her, and she leaned into the kiss, closing her eyes and embracing the stars. It was then in that moment she no longer feared rejection. She leaned into the kiss, tilting her head, and diving in.  The moon was surrounded by many stars in the sky, but as Moondancer kissed Twilight, she could think of no brighter star than the one right there before her. The star she was now dating and the love of her life. Her everything. Twilight pulled away first and took a deep breath. Spike was nowhere to be seen. She shouted his name to get his attention. “Spike! Take a message to Celestia.” “Yeah, yeah…” Spike groaned, getting a quill and preparing to jot down whatever Twilight said. “The magic of friendship is brighter than ever, and today I learned that you can do anything you set your mind to.Even if you never expected to ever reach for the stars, don’t give up on your dreams, and they just might come true.” Moondancer laughed, snorting slightly, and tackled Twilight to the ground. “You know, for a princess, you’re rather silly.” Moondancer beamed as she nuzzled her, snout to snout, booping her. Moondancer was on top, with Twilight underneath. Spike took one look at the two, and groaned. “Mares.” He muttered as he walked off. “Is he still mad that I didn’t bring him a gift?” Moondancer asked Twilight, looking down at her, and taking in how adorably cute she was lying there all splayed out under her. “Oh, he’ll get over it. Right now, you're the one I want to spend my Hearth’s Warming with. Now are you going to kiss me or not?” Twilight teased her, and once again she leaned into Moondancer and kissed her. Snout to snout, lips to lips. Two mares forever connected by the very stars that aligned the sky. And the very moon that shined the brightest throughout the entire night’s sky.  Moondancer knew in this moment as she kissed Twilight, this wasn’t the end for either of them. There was still much more to discover for the both of them. And she was eager to learn all of Twilight’s secrets, and find her own way to tease the Princess. After all, what kind of marefriend would she be, if she didn’t tease her back for the teasing she received? The moon and the stars. Moondancer pulled away from the kiss first, blushing deeply, finding herself lost in the simple wonder of the brightest star of them all.